#and they were prisoner and person who imprisons ppl
itsleifnotleaf · 8 months
restarting season two of midnight burger during a five hour plane ride after getting halfway through it a few weeks ago and then having to take a break because of work and forgetting the plot of it and then seeing the notification for season three is restarting the saga of the ted empire and realizing the beautiful potential of ted and caspar
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butch-reidentified · 3 months
if someone is on death row, they deserve whatever method is used to kill them. some prisoner is traumatized? i'm sure the family and friends of whoever he killed or raped are far more traumatized. stop giving sympathy to these losers.
ok fascist 🤷 let the state do whatever they want, there's a brilliant idea
my post you're butthurt about - which you clearly didn't actually read before sending this lmfao - actually included multiple quotes from the victim's family (who's also the perpetrator's family since the prisoner was paid by the dad to kill the mom), so you're real stupid for this in context. especially since the son said he found witnessing the execution traumatic. if you care so much about the victim's family being traumatized, that should concern you.
you're also real stupid for tryna come at me with this point as a survivor of multiple violent crimes, including some where people I personally knew were murdered. maybe I have a better grasp on this than you 🤷
the perpetrator of the most violent crime I survived (Pulse Nightclub mass shooting in 2016) died at Pulse. His death did not prevent me or anyone else from suffering the consequences of the trauma. I am connectec with mass violence survivors all over North America. we have an annual gathering, during which we always end up discussing trauma healing and justice, and one thing we talk about both at in-person events and in the online group is the difference between the perpetrator being killed at the scene, being executed after the fact, or still being alive. while there are many nuanced issues with all of these scenarios, those of us whose perpetrator died on the scene feel a distinct lack of closure/justice. the only survivors I know who have issue with their perpetrator's imprisonment are the Thurston survivors, whose shooter, sentenced to 111 years w/ no possibility of parole, is constantly filing new appeals which obviously causes a lot of stress and anxiety for them.
But it's important to note the ocean of difference between a mass shooter and an impoverished man who accepted money to kill someone and regretted it forever, despite being forgiven by the victim's family. Plus, someone remorseful isn't constantly trying to evade any justice whatsoever.
you pro-state-managed-retaliatory-murder fascists love to act like anyone who objects is somehow anti-victim, but if you ever once listened to actual victims and victims' family/friends, they almost always despise ppl like you.
trusting the state to determine who should be violently murdered is literally a core tenet of fascism. every fascist government in history relied on state-managed executions to obtain and stay in power.
the USA "justice system" (what a joke) insists that it's about REHABILITATION, justice, keeping people safe. Which one of those was achieved with this execution? Let's take an honest look:
Rehabilitation had clearly been achieved beforehand, but executing a rehabilitated person and never letting them interact with society makes rehabilitation pretty meaningless.
Keeping people safe has a strong relationship with #1, rehabilitation. There are 2 ways to keep people safe from an individual: rehabilitate the individual (which, again, this person was) or remove them from society permanently. The 2nd is achieved with locking them up for life. Where is the necessity for execution? Especially in a situation where the person being executed never came up with the idea to kill or had any desire/urge to kill - it was only ever about money for him. This is still obviously inexcusable, but it's hard to see how he's as dangerous or twisted as someone who WANTS to kill or thinks of killing as a solution to a problem.
Justice is a synonym for "fairness," both of which are inherently subjective. When we talk about "justice" for victims/their loved ones, we often mean "revenge," but this is very rarely what those left behind want - and it's pure assumption to assume the victim would want this either. In a typical homicide case, this is assumed to mean the killer getting life in prison or put to death; kill-for-hire is and should be less black & white, and cases like this one where the hired party was not a "career assassin," but was convinced to commit an atrocity by someone else only to instantly regret it for the rest of their life, we must take a variety of factors into account. How have we as a society and our government failed someone so spectacularly that they've ended up so desperate to earn some money that they accept an offer to kill for it? Is someone in that position an inherently bad person? How much responsibility should the government take for allowing its people to live in extreme poverty? How much responsibility does the hired killer bear vs how much responsibility should be placed on the hirer who made the original decision to facilitate ending someone's life? What do the surviving loved ones think justice looks like? Do we even ask them before sentencing someone? Who gets to decide when justice has been served? Does achieving justice help the living people who have been affected by the crime in any measurable way?
EDIT: btw rape isn't a capital crime like p much anywhere. maybe nowhere, I'm not sure but I've never heard of a rapist being executed for it, only women who kill their rapists
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magnoliamyrrh · 1 year
When it comes to prison abolition I wish people would focus on specific crimes or types of crimes instead of this binary approach. There seems to be no space for nuance in western leftist thought these days, you have to go all the way in one go or it isn't worth doing.
Okay the current system isn't perfect but it's better than letting pedos, rapists and sex traffickers get away with continuing to abuse women and girls. Domestic violence too, there's just so many areas where justice already doesn't exist for victims. Until abolitionists can provide a good answer for those crimes they should admit that their theory doesn't yet work in every scenario.
Let's go back to focusing on drugs, theft and other crimes against corporations, the imprisonment of those suffering from severe mental illnesses and general anti social behaviour. Crimes where imprisonment does unjustly impact people's lives and we do already have noncustodial solutions we can implement.
"there seems to be no space for nuance in western leftits though" youre certainly right abt that and its annoying as all hell. there are prison reformers who hold more nuance on this generally, but many prison abolitionists act like they're almost traitors for not being fully on board
and it bothers me that the keep treating this part of the issue as some sort of annoyance, thing we can think abt afterwards, or minor issue. or on the other side they wanna treat rapists the same way theyd treat some poor person who stole food,,,,,,like no, all of these things are actually incredibly common, and sadism and predatory actions are not same at all as many crimes. as far as im concerned theyre much less explicable than even many cases of murder and i will 100% vouch for the reform of a murderer than a rapist, particularly a pedo. and my conclusion frankly is i dont think these ppl rly care abt the saftey of children, girls, or women much
like, as you said. ill admit any day the system is fucked too. and yes the system is the consequence in america of colonialism and slavery, and in many parts of the world the prison system implemented by imperialists has been a tool of opression. and yes the system puts at a disadvantage and targets certain kinds of people and for certain kinds of offenses it makes no damn sense. like i think were all on board with this part of things??? and clearly countries like the semi-socialist northern euro ones have shown that better, more humaine systems can be implemented. im all on board for reform when it comes to 98% types of offenses, and generally i think prison reformists make very good, grounded points which seem feasible. and they suggest changes which we may actually see in our lifetimes
but then prison abolitions want to take it to such...... levels that it stops making sense. to an extent i get it, like i definitely get wanting to abolish the system and implement something new, the issue is that that "something new" makes little sense when you hear them speak. because they define annny form of incarceration or being restricted in movement as prison essentially, and we must get rid of that. so, frankly, by their own logic i dont even know if they could force rapists and pedophiles into """"recovery programs""" for any period of time - maybe theyd just let them go immediately and theyd have to voluntarly show up our of their own good will 🥺 (im sure thats gonna happen) - because anything else would be taking away their bodily autonomy.. ...really, truly, even though these ppl call themselves leftists this is such a ??? western individualistic opinion to hold?? like putting individual bodily autonomy and "rights" in any damn case, no matter how dangerous, above the wellbeing of society at large strikes me v v much as western individulism taken to an extreme
.. they dont have answers. they just dont. its either deflection, minimizing the issue, acting like youre the crazy one for asking, or some completely unrealistic bullshit abt making these men see the light - as if they dont already understand they should rape or beat women and children - or reintegrating them into the same communities that they traumatized. prison abolitionists wont admit that they have no real damn solution because, like western leftits in general in most cases, they a)dont actually care abt feminism b)dont have a fully understanding of what theyre talking about and are just screaming slogans and saying what sounds good to be right and woke and make themselves feel good and enlightened c)are allergic to actual nuance and discussion or being challenged
it also pisses me off too because ive seen a lot of them pull that woke version of noble savage shit, in which they pretend like the nonwestern world or the world pre-colonialization was this lovely perfect place with no issues no violence and everyone sat in a field and braided flowers in each others hair and talked abt their feelings. or something. when in fact, the concept of punishment for certain things has Definitely existed pre colonialization??? for gods sake even chimps, apes, several other animals have a concept of "actions have consequences" and they punish, either physically or through social exile, members of their species who have crossed a line. Several native american tribes had quite physically harsh and borderline torturous forms of physical punishment for what they deemed to be crimes, or would exile ppl (which in certain cases, like in winter, may as well have been a death sentence for some). In phillipines before colonialization for certain communities the punishment for rape was death. For gods sake islam too,,,, like,,, have these ppl never read qur'an and seen that physical punishment is one of the forms of punishment prescribed for certain offenses which are seen as affecting community negativity? Theres obviously a million other examples out there. I dont know what these people are smoking to think that the concept of "actions have consequences" was invented by the white man or whatever
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I’m not really excited about my birthday this year…..
Come November 17, 2023, I’ll be 25 years old.
I should be excited. I should be making plans to celebrate. But I’m not. Not because I don’t want to, but because I can’t.
That day will just solidify the fact that Covid took away my entire early 20s. The time when I’m supposed to be going out into the world and “figuring myself out” “meeting new people” “making mistakes”and “growing as a person” according to most movies, tv, and people I’ve met. All of that stolen from me. Gone.
I have Asthma, therefore I am disabled. So I have a lot more at risk than most if I catch it. Since 2020 when the pandemic started, I stopped going out to places as often, I wore a mask at all times to protect myself, and others. I stopped going to anime conventions entirely. I didn’t even have a birthday party that year outside of the one my family had cuz I was that scared. And when the vaccines came out of course I got fully vaccinated as soon as I could, But I still exercised all those other cautions.
I like everyone else thought it would be over in a couple months or at least after the vaccines came out, But it wasn’t. due to the disturbingly widespread acceptance of abelism, eugenics, anti vax misinformation and right wing propaganda brought on by covid and those in power who simply cannot be bothered to care about anyone other than themselves & would gladly laugh & celebrate our deaths should we not survive, I like many other disabled people have been forced to become prisoners in our own houses for the last 4 years.
Nowadays I watch through my phone as people and friends alike go to anime conventions, Rennaisance fairs, and other fun life events with absolutely ZERO covid precaution to keep themselves & other safe even though the virus continues to kill ppl by the millions and act as if nothing is wrong.
I see them there and wish I could be there too having a good time and living my life. But I can’t.
(And don’t bother coming at me with the whole “you can’t expect us to mask forever, it’s restricting!” First of all of you don’t wanna end up like me or worse you kind of have to and second of all. It is a goddam peice of fabric over your face. I am asthmatic and I can breathe in not one but TWO masks perfectly fine. So can you ya goddam crybaby. Get it together. )
I know if I go if catch it and run the risk of becoming more disabled than I already am. All the conventions I wanted to go to, the Rennaisance fairs I could’ve attended. All the plans I had for my future were ripped away from me. But not a lot seem to care.
Because the universal truth about ppl in America is that not a lot of people give a fuck about disabled people. Most of them see us as less than human and actively want us to die. Even if it’s their own family members or friends. Anyone the claim to care about. No one is safe.
You have no idea how many horror stories I have of people saying “it’s only killing the elderly and the disabled, so who cares?!” Not only is that ungodly vile but also wholly untrue. It’s killing & disabling ppl my age and also children. But again. Not enough care.
I used to be so excited about seeing what the world had in store for me in the future. But now I don’t think I have one anymore. And how can I be excited to experience a world with so much ugliness that I’m pretty much risking my life every time I leave the house nowadays?
If the plague doesn’t get me there’s the risk of a wacko that just so happens to have a gun deciding to shoot up a place because of their inhumane ideology or they were “having a bad day” or run the risk of a man literally doing one of the worst possible things you can do to another human and knowing that because of the state I live in, I will be penalized or even imprisoned for not wanting a rapists baby.
It makes me never want to leave the house again even though I desperately want to. And want to be part of the world again. But I can’t. Because even if I do nothing at all, I’ll be punished. But I don’t really know what I can do or if there’s anything I can do to fight back besides voting. I have no political power. I have almost no money no matter how hard I try to work for some, And no resources. I also recently moved to a very rural area. I have no friends that live near me nor do I know or know if I can trust anyone here, therefor Di have no community to rely on. Besides my family I’m basically completely isolated. And it feels like my granny and I are the only sane ones left in my family because my mom and stepdad refuse to wear masks. My mom got the vaccine but refuses to mask.
I can’t leave because 1 I’m broke, 2 I’m also autistic which actually bans me from gaining citizenship/a visa in certain countries, and 3, this fascist ideology is spreading and abelism and covid are still pretty much everywhere. There is no true escape.
I can’t even get any therapy for what I’ve been through due to the US Healthcare system being a sick joke and I can’t afford it and of course the risk of having an ableist therapist or one who has zero experience with autistic ppl or one that’s just there to collect a paycheck.
What am I supposed to do? Why do I even bother trying anymore? What’s the point of living if I’m just living in a constant state of fear, anxiety, anger and hopelessness and misery? I can’t get excited about Halloween, Christmas, or even my own birthday anymore because I’m so emotionally exhausted and I feel so hopeless. And don’t even get me started on climate change anxiety.
There’s not really a point to this. I just needed to vent and wanted to share my experience.
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amatres · 10 months
Can i have gwynnever lore 🥺
of course! ❤ i'm just gonna word vomit about their background and a lot of the surrounding world lore for context if that's okay
this has spoilers for in game stuff, so if by some chance ppl who play with me in the dnd game she's in sees this, this is a warning to uh, not read this lol
this is also turned out to be Very Long. That's not me being humble, it is genuinely very long. open the read more at your own risk lol
So, Gwynnever, to get to point, isn't actually Gwynnever, they're a changeling named Ainsel who was friends with the original Gwynnever. In the setting Ainsel is from, changelings aren't fey, they're aberrations, and to be more precise they're the children of a creature called a Faceless, think along the lines of a doppelganger in normal dnd lore, and a non aberration parent.
Changelings are raised by their faceless parent, usually the non aberration parent not knowing about the child, or in worse and probably Ainsel's case, are killed so they tell no one about the deception they would find out as soon as their kid comes out looking well
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like this 👆 more or less, instead of the race of their non aberration parent
so, faceless have changeling kids to help further the aberrations' goals, which is releasing the Goddess of Chaos Syndra, who thousands of years previously had flooded the world, leading to the mass extinction of races who couldn't survive underwater, all because her ultimate goal is to level the world and start it again from anew. To be fair however, she is much less an evil being, as she is a force of nature that acts as it's nature demands. Syndra was ultimately sealed away by the other gods, and the gate to her prison is guarded so that she is not released to create havoc again.
However, Syndra also has children of her own, two of note. One is called Aravae, the first aberrations and the mother of monsters, ie all the aberrations that came after the fact. Aravae, and in extension the aberrations that follow her, strive to release Syndra from her imprisonment. While not as important to the story for Ainsel, right now at least, was her other child the Leviathan, who, unlike Aravae, decided to help prevent Syndra's release.
Another context I should make for story's sake is that a changeling works a bit differently in this world, as instead of simply having to see someone before taking on their appearance, they have to consume part of their life essence to take on their appearance. The longer they feed, the longer they can keep the illusion, and if they consume all their victim's life essence, then they can take on a person's appearance without limit.
Now, back to the Faceless and changeling, Ainsel's parent, who we'll call Alynn for simplicity's sake, took them to the city of Azuri, the city first created by the survivors of the flood, led by the main god Adorellan who is now acceded, but is ruled by his chosen as the royal family. Every changeling is born with the intention of the faceless parent to be unfeeling soldiers, similar to how all aberrations should be, to work in freeing Syndra. In Azuri, Allyn did their best to push Ainsel into being this sort of person, including eventually to take on the identity of a triton boy named Cenres whose mother Allyn had been pretending to be friends with.
However, something went wrong as, as far as Ainsel can recall, there came a week where they started to act oddly, and then disappeared never to be seen again. Left on their own, Ainsel took to trying to survive without fully taking on someone else's appearance, until one day they were found out by a sea elf girl the same age as them named Gwynnever, who had seen Ainsel in disguise acting oddly and got curious enough to follow them.
Instead of giving them up to the authorities, who hunt and kill aberrations on sight, Gwynnever was fascinated and made a game over the next times they met of finding them in a crowd despite their disguise, and through sheer force of will ended up befriending Ainsel, becoming their first friend.
Now for context on Gwynnever as it is important, Gwynnever is the fourth child of a man named Manavas Calear, who is supposedly the brother of the king. I say supposedly as the King had no idea he had had a brother until he had shown up in his court, demanding an audience. After a conversation in private, the King acknowledged Manavas as his brother, but many surrounding him have their doubts.
In this society, magic is a huge deal, and even despite an attempted uprising by a mage named Belladona centuries prior that ended in an organization named The Twilight Hand to be created to keep them all categorized and under check, they hold a lot of power in the country (called a conclave). This is important as Manavas is adamant all his children be skilled at magic, and is unforgiving to the ones who seem lacking. (he's a piece of shit) He's very tough on his kids, but eventually gave up on Gwynnever in particular as she had no magic power to speak of, and instead arranged for her to get martial training and left her to her own devices.
Gwynnever, a lonely child in a shitty home and very curious by nature, took to visiting the Shadowcast, the dark underbelly of the city where Ainsel lived. This is all important to share bc not only is it just context for the identity Ainsel would eventually take, but because the fact she is (supposedly) related to the king would be the likely reason why a member of a terrorist group called the Dark Tide attacked her and left her for dead on one of her visits to the Shadowcast and her friend.
Ainsel found Gwynnever, but with their disguise not able to be held up long enough to get help, and no magic of their own to heal her, they could only keep her company as she died. Gwynnever, knowing she was dying and knowing Ainsel would be in danger the rest of their life without a full time disguise, asked them to take on her identity. Ainsel agreed to uphold her final request, and with the help of another denizen of the Shadowcast, a tiefling named Gnostic who is able to read mind and so found out their identity, but did not give them away, buried Gwynnever and then ran back to the Calear household.
While they tried to lay low for a while, they found adjusting to their new life hard and would take up the original Gwynnever's habit of sneaking off to the Shadowcast to visit Gnostic at his uh, club? for lack of better word? called the Resplendent Pearl. There, they finally met Cenres, the triton Allyn had wanted them to replace years ago. Curious about who he was, Ainsel approached him and quickly became his friend. As he would often run jobs for Gnostic, she would join him all sorts of missions, becoming sort of partners in crime.
However, Cenres had his own issues yeah? His mother was sickly and he had aspirations of becoming powerful enough to move out of the Shadowcast, and even practiced magic himself. Eventually, a friend and brother figure to him named Vimnis approached him and offered him a job with the group he was a part of, the Dark Tide. Cenres would take the offer and, not wanting to lose another friend to them but knowing from the memories of Gwynnever they now possessed, as well as their own years experiencing the abuse she had had to endure, that telling someone in a desperate situation not to do something would rarely work, followed him into doing jobs for the organization. Plus there is always the hope they could find the original Gwynnever's killer, even if it had been seven years since then by that point.
Ainsel never joined it themself, which definitely seemed to annoy Vimnis who would refer to her as 'your girlfriend' in a letter he would send to Cenres at one point and tell him not to distract himself with their 'little dates' for the mission that day lol. So she was left out of the loop for a lot of things, including when the Dark Tide decided to attack a ball meant to celebrate the soon accession of Princess Marnalyn.
Now we're actually getting into the in game stuff, all of that was just the backstory context lol, i'm so sorry. This won't be as long though, but basically the Dark Tide attacks the ball, though Cenres tries to warn Ainsel to get out of the castle before it is, and it's revealed that not only did they attack it, they had been working with aberrations to replace numerous people around the city to undermine security and make it happy.
The Dark Tide, using Vimnis as their face, demanded Princess Marnalyn be given over as a hostage, or else in 24 hours they rest of the city would be blown up, this time to disastrous results. Ainsel, alongside Gwynnever's elder sisters Onda and Morwen, and two PCs who were sunsetted soon after concluding the prologue bc of personal reasons, got Marnalyn to safe house and she asked them to find the people responsible to stop their plans.
Uh, long story short, they kinda failed. They got to the Dark Tide base, but it turned out to be hiding a trippy temple to Syndra that distorted time and also got so beat up that they had to take a long rest, taking up a lot of their remaining time. They made it with only an hour left, and found out they were too late as Vimnis was killed off by Slug, his higher up, and Cenres was pushed through a portal along with other Dark Tide members.
They were then attacked by some fucked up starfish thing, that took up the time they could have had following after in the portal, and while after the fight they did go through it, it was too late to have a good idea where they went other than knowing they went into the Maddening Caverns, a fucked up mirror cave system that people get lost in easily.
So now Ainsel is determined to find Cenres and ensure his safety bc, uh the Dark Tide can't have him too. So there's their story so far ✨
also since i noticed you sent this after the 'aha i did try to kill you post' i will give the context that Ainsel has major attack dog energy and will try to kill ppl who put their loved ones in danger without hesitation, but i could also see them kinda laughing about it after the fact if things turned out peacefully in the end, so thats the explanation for that lmao
theres the lore, im so sorry for this novel length answer lol
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here's an old doodle of gwynn and ainsel before things went bad
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nieloxychen · 2 months
vamp and wolfie worldbuilding
vamp is now named anastacio “butch” de rojas! in this anachronistic fantasy world hes a greaser. rival gangs used to call him “the butcher” bc of his job, ruthlessnes and bc his diet consists mostly of rare meats and blood. anastacio did not care for that at all and started to cut ppl off (in various ways) when they called him that so often that they now call him butch. his gang thinks its funny bc hes honestly not traditionally masculin at all. theres a butch lesbian in his gang who is playfully annoyed that they didnt get that nickname. he was conscripted into the army as a spy (bc vampires are much more common and accepted in the enemy kingdom, so people already expect them to be traitors,,) and sent to the enemy kingdom when they learned of an impending war between the two kingdoms. he quickly joined the enemy kingdoms army and rose through the ranks to the point that the queen openly favoured him. which was really helpful for his spying and also led to anastacio meeting shepard...
shepards (wolfie) full name is shepard connor and he is a farm boy and shepherd. he grew up in a small border village between the two kingdoms, which was officially part of the “enemy kingdom” and was kidnapped a few months before the war started. anastacio and shepard arrvied in the enemy kingdoms capital city around the same time but by very different means and reasons. shepard and a few others were used in experiments to create werewolves that were always in “wolf” form. the goal was to use them as bodyguards and an elite fighting team, loyal and vicious and easy to condition and control. the process was torturous and many victims were completly overwhelmed by their new instincts and lost themselves. shepard was lucky and didnt, but that allowed him to be aware of the fact that no one should know that. him and the other successful “mutts” (as they were unofficially called) of the first batch were given to the queens favoured as personal guards and servants, with shepard being assigned to anastacio...
anastacio feels understandably uncomfortable with the situation and does his best to treat shepard well, as well as not attract attention for not being a fan of the whole human experimentation thing. shepard notices this and after a few weeks the two start to figure eachother out. shepard discovers that anastacio is a spy and anastacio realizes that shepard has retained himself where most other mutts didnt. after some careful testing eachother out, they start to work together. shepard as a mutt, is not seen as someone who can retain information more complicated than simple orders. so he helps gather further information for anastacio, while anastacio gives him information on shepards family and gives him resources to relearn any skills he lost through the changes he was put through.
im not sure how or why exactly yet, but they get captured by soldiers from anastacios kingdom and anastacio is imprisoned in order to keep him being a spy secret. but im not sure what would make sense to happen to shepard... the kingdom prides itself on being like.. nice? but that doesnt mean they want to openly admit to knowing that shepard and others are not willing combatants or something. i know that the two are going to be seperated until after the end of the war though. after the war, anastacio is quietly released from prison and leaves the kingdom for a third one that wasnt involved in the war at all. shepard is able to leave as well and travels to try and find anastacio. he eventually does and they live together from then on!!
i think anastacios gang would want to get answers from him, considering he left a cryptic message for them (so they wouldnt be in danger), disappeared for years and is then very publicly jailed for being a ""traitor"". his family would have publicly denounced him the moment he was arrested, largely because people were already assuming them to be traitors. anastacio also doesnt have much of a relationship with his family and hasnt talked with them in about a decade. so they have no idea what his character is like apart from occasionally hearing of his gangs exploits. shepards family would not look for him... disappearances are semi-common and especially those without influence and power would prefer to believe that their loved ones were killed by the animals that are a danger anyways. rather than focus on them not ever really knowing what happened to them, if they suffered or not. maybe one or two family members or friends would try to find shepard, but the majority of the people that knew him before his transformation prefer to think he is dead.
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ritualofthehabit · 4 months
Btw I feel like the Israeli propaganda has exposed some of the fallacies ppl believe generally speaking in regards to crime and punishment
prison abolitionists in America will call for an end to prisons and the judicial system and people will shout “what about the rapists and murders???” As if the judicial system that upholds American imperialism and the prison system that maintains working slavery will fairly asses who the rapists and murderers are. Israel and Hamas have been bargaining over mutual captives and Israel has at this point released ~ 200 Palestinian prisoners, mostly women and youth imprisoned while children. If you point out the disparity - that Hamas has a small number of captives from Israel while Israel has thousands of prisoners from Palestine - Israeli supporters will almost always say “but those people committed crimes” and therefore deserved life in prison. Meanwhile Palestinians have no say in what is considered A crime by israel, nor do they have fair judicial proceedings. Children are tried and imprisoned as adults and kept separate from their parents for years. To label them as criminals is to believe in a system where criminal prosecution is always just, and if we are honest that’s just not the case anywhere. Is it possible that this child released randomly stabbed an Israeli citizen? Sure, although if you read farther that citizen was a working IDF soldier which makes me more skeptical about the random unprovoked nature of that encounter. If I stabbed a cop in the USA it wouldn’t matter to the judicial system if the cop was causing harm to me first.
People act like “rape” is the most serious and punishable crime - until it happens, then it’s a “more complicated issue.” Personally my rapist (a serial rapist of queer women, at one point had at least two no contact restraining orders against him) works as a public school teacher. When Brock Turner, a 19 yr old white student athlete attending Stanford, was charged guilty on multiple sexual assault charges, he was given a 6 month sentence and served 3. The judge proceeding over the case was a white man and was later recalled from holding court in California - based on evidence that he gave white rapists unusually light sentences.
This idea that “rapists and murderers” are exceptions to the general idea of prison abolition just leads to false claims of rape - see Emmet Till, see the false claims by Israeli propaganda, read Ida B Wells “the red record” from the late 1800s where she documents claims of lynching victims being “rapists” likely because they were a black person who had found some economic success in a white town, read about the Central Park 5, etc. I’m sorry bc I know this is a touchy subject and many people are affected by sexual assault - but that’s what makes it so ripe for lies and speculation. The more emotions wrapped up the better. Idk
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creatiview · 1 year
[ad_1] WASHINGTON (AP) — Appearing before a federal judge after pleading guilty to a felony charge in the deadly Capitol riot, former West Virginia lawmaker Derrick Evans expressed remorse for letting down his family and his community, saying he made a “crucial mistake.”Less than a year later, Evans is portraying himself as a victim of a politically motivated prosecution as he runs to serve in the same building he stormed on Jan. 6, 2021. Evans is now calling the Justice Department’s Jan. 6 prosecutions a “miscarriage of justice” and describes himself on twitter as a “J6 Patriot.”“Some ppl have said I need to apologize and condemn #J6 if I want to win my election as the media will attack me,” he tweeted recently after announcing his bid for a U.S. House seat in 2024. “I will not compromise my values or beliefs. That’s what politicians do. We need Patriots not politicians.”Evans joins a series of Jan. 6 defendants who — when up against possible prison time in court — have expressed regret for joining the pro-Trump mob that rattled the foundations of American democracy only to strike a different tone or downplay the riot after receiving their punishment.The very first Jan. 6 defendant to be sentenced apologized in court and then went on Fox News Channel shortly after and seemed to minimize the riot. Another defendant who called Jan. 6 “horrifying and disgusting” later donned an orange jumpsuit to play the part of a distraught prisoner in a bizarre tribute to imprisoned Capitol rioters during a conservative conference.Some defendants have drawn ire from judges or the Justice Department for their inconsistent comments. But there’s not much the legal system can do for an adjudicated defendant. And because some conservatives hold up Jan. 6 defendants as martyrs, there’s a political and possibly financial incentive for them to change their tune.It could push judges to impose stronger punishments for rioters who haven’t yet made it to the end of their criminal cases. Even before Evans’ sentencing, the judge who heard his case began questioning the sincerity of rioters’ apologies after he felt duped by another defendant, saying he was “all too familiar with crocodile tears.”In some cases, judges have questioned whether they should undo defendants’ convictions or plea deals after they made statements in public that appeared to go against what they said in court. On Friday, U.S. District Judge Amit Mehta ordered an Illinois man convicted this week to explain why the judge shouldn’t vacate his conviction after he agreed in court that he participated in the riot and then told a newspaper he didn’t actually think he committed the crimes with which he was charged.Before being sentenced last June to three months behind bars for a civil disorder charge, Evans said he regrets his actions every day and told Senior Judge Royce Lamberth he is a “good person who unfortunately was caught up in a moment.”Shortly after, prosecutors wrote to the judge about several statements Evans made on a radio show and that were “inconsistent with the contrition” he showed at sentencing. When asked whether he regretted his actions, Evans said on the show that he regretted the “situation” he was in. But he said he was “never going to have regrets when it comes to standing up and doing what’s right.”Evans said in an emailed statement to The Associated Press that he still stands behind what he said in court.“That was my message to the judge. This is my message to the media. It’s time to tell the real story of what happened personally to me that day,” he said.Evans said he lost “almost everything” — including his job as a state delegate and time with his kids — because of his decision on Jan. 6. “How could I not regret that?” he asked. But he said he is “done being portrayed as a villain” when he is not, noting that he didn’t overrun any officers and was inside the Capitol for only 10 minutes.When determining an appropriate sentence, judges generally take into account
whether defendants have taken responsibility for their actions and appear genuinely sorry. In some Jan. 6 cases, judges have faulted defendants for not appearing to show true remorse even before their punishment has been handed down.A lawyer for Trennis Evans III, who took a swig of whiskey in a congressional conference room during the riot, told the judge in court papers that Evans was “sincerely remorseful, and duly contrite.” But after Evans suggested at his November sentencing that Jan. 6 defendants were being treated unfairly — even though he said he condemned what happened that day — the judge said she didn’t believe he showed “full and genuine remorse.”Months after he was ordered to serve 20 days in jail, the Texas man traveled to South Dakota to urge state lawmakers to support a resolution encouraging “the humane and fair treatment” of Jan. 6 defendants. The resolution failed by unanimous vote.The first Jan. 6 defendant to get her punishment, Anna Morgan-Lloyd, told Lamberth that she was ashamed of the “savage display of violence” at the Capitol before he sentenced her to probation. Shortly after, however, the Indiana woman told Fox News host Laura Ingraham that people were “very polite” during the riot and that she saw “relaxed” police officers chatting with rioters.Lamberth apparently hasn’t forgotten about it. The judge wrote in court papers that he hoped another defendant’s “change of heart” was sincere because his hopes were “dashed” in her case. In another case, he wrote that he “often finds it difficult to ascertain the sincerity” of Jan. 6 defendants’ remorse.“Many defendants appear sincere at sentencing, boasting of their purportedly deep shame, regret, and desire to change and be law-abiding citizens,” Lamberth wrote. “But this Court is all too familiar with crocodile tears.”Morgan-Lloyd’s attorney has said that she believes her client was genuinely remorseful, was “played” by Ingraham and sent the judge a letter after her TV interview. When contacted by The Associated Press, Morgan-Lloyd’s attorney said the woman would not comment.After he dodged prison time in his Jan. 6 case, right-wing activist Brandon Straka donned an orange jumpsuit and red MAGA cap, sat in a fake jail cell and performatively wept for a procession of attendees at the Conservative Political Action Conference in Dallas last August. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, a Georgia Republican, entered the cage and embraced Straka before they appeared to pray together.Months earlier, with a possible jail term hanging over his head, Straka referred to Jan. 6 as “nothing more than an incredibly shameful day that had absolutely no positive attributes whatsoever.”“I’m sorry that I was present in any way at an event that led people to feel afraid, that caused shame and embarrassment on our country, and that served absolutely no purpose other than to further tear away at the already heartbreaking divide in this country,” he wrote in a letter to U.S. District Judge Dabney Friedrich, who sentenced him to 36 months of probation.An email seeking comment was sent to Straka, from Nebraska. He has said that the CPAC performance was meant “to provoke a reaction about political division, human rights abuses & more” and accused critics of trying to “criminalize art.”Since his sentencing, the judge questioned whether he wanted to withdraw his guilty plea and said he could be opening himself up to prosecution for making false statements because of public comments she said seemed to contradict things he said in court.A written statement of offense that Straka agreed was correct under his plea deal says that he yelled “Take it! Take it!” while filming others trying to take a police officer’s shield. Straka later told Fox News host Tucker Carlson that he told his lawyer that he never made that comment. He suggested he admitted doing so because he was under pressure to take a deal.Richer reported from Boston. Associated Press reporter Colleen Long contributed from Washington.
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the-hot-zone · 4 years
Haru’s Bending Style: An Analysis (And Why Jet Would Lose His Shit)
Here’s the thing–Haru has an incredibly distinct style of earthbending, and it goes beyond, “he uses his hands a lot.” To understand this, we have to go to the root (heh) of firebending. Stay with me.
Firebending is based on Northern Shaolin Kung Fu. On Northern Shaolin Kung Fu:
“The northern styles of kung-fu generally emphasize long range techniques, quick advances and retreats, wide stances, kicking and leaping techniques, whirling circular blocks, quickness, agility, and aggressive attacks.”
The Northern Style is a dynamic style that places emphasis on legwork and force. It is aggressive, strong, and graceful. There are Ten Classical Forms in the Northern Style, but I’m only going to talk about two of them. 
First, look at this video of Haru clips from the show: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i32HK_RYuDo
[Video Description: several clips of Haru from the show Avatar: The Last Airbender. Most of the clips feature his bending. End ID.]
Two moments in particular stand out to me. The first is this:
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[ID: a series of five screenshots that show Haru bending. They follow a sequence of movements as Haru bends a large boulder into the wall of a gorge. In all photos, he is in a deep gorge with walls higher than his head. The rocks and gorge walls are rough and textured, and they are the color of sand: tan, yellow, and shades of brown. In the first photo, Haru begins to lift a large boulder from the ground. In the second photo, he swings the boulder around with two arms. In the third photo, he breaks root, leaping a short distance into the air. In the fourth photo, he finds his root again. One hand is extended towards the boulder; the other is closer to his body, palm outward. In the fifth and final photo, Haru has bended the boulder into the wall of the gorge. A cloud of dust and rock fragments explodes from the wall, displaying Haru’s force. One of his arms is extended towards the wall. End ID.]
and this moment:
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[ID: a screenshot of Haru bending. Relative to the viewer, he is leaping away. His arms are extended on either side of him, causing a small avalanche of boulders to tumble into the gorge. End ID.]
These two moments offer us, the viewers, a wealth of information about Haru’s style. It tells us that Haru has adapted firebending techniques to earthbend. Let me explain.
Long-range techniques
This is the most obvious display of Haru’s style; he easily bends earth that’s not immediate to him. We see this above, and we saw that when he rescued that old man from the mine--Haru moved a significant amount of earth from a significant distance away, even going so far as to stop fragments of rock mid-air. Once again, in the above images, Haru is moving a lot of rock that’s not close to him, and he’s doing it with his hands. This brings me to my next point--the two forms Haru’s style reminds me of.
Hand movements
The first is Duanda: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6y28P5cWHPI
[Video Description: a person performs Dun Da and its application. In the application, an additional person fights the first. End ID.]
Duanda (or Dun Da), focuses on close-encounter movements. The above video also displays the Northern Style’s other characteristics: deep forms, legwork, and power. Here’s a moment that stands out:
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[ID: two screenshots from the above video: NORTHERN SHAOLIN 第六路短打少林拳 (FORM + APPLICATION). The first photo shows the person in a deep stance, one leg out in a lunge, the other extended behind them. One hand is extended while the other is close to the body. In the second photo, the positions of the hands have switched. End ID.]
Movement for movement, this is almost exactly what Haru does in the first moment from above: his stance and hand movements are incredibly similar. But I’m not done talking about hand movements. Haru’s bending also reminds me of Chuān Xīn, or Chum Sam (heart-piercing strikes). 
Video: https://baksillum.wordpress.com/bak-sil-lum-4-chum-sam/
[Video Description: a person performs Chum Sam. End ID.]
This is due to Haru’s hand movements while bending. The steps of this kata involve the circular movements of the arms. In the latter moment I mentioned above, from the Haru bending video, he throws out his arms and moves them down to bend the rocks behind him. This isn’t circular, sure, but it’s more related to the movements of firebending than earthbending. Additionally, look at this moment from the Haru bending video:
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[Imade ID: a screenshot of Haru from the waist up. He is dressed in a brown prison uniform, and he glares at the viewer with narrowed eyes. In his hand he bends three pieces of coal; they hover mid-air. End ID.]
All hands, baby! There is also a moment later on in the Haru bending video where Haru uses his hands in a swinging motion (with his dad), to bend coal. What’s important here is that his hand/arm movements aren’t always forceful and straightly-applied; occasionally, they’re sweeping and graceful--like the Northern Style. In general, Haru tends to use his hands a lot, which is unusual for an earthbender. I don’t think this is because of inexperience–I think it’s because he wanted to bend, was short on katas, and adapted firebending moves. 
Finally, let’s talk about leaps, or, as I like to call it in terms of earthbending, breaking root. This is seen in both of the Haru bending movements I mentioned above. In the first moment, Haru breaks root before he smashes the boulder into the gorge wall. And, if you look at the last photo, Haru is in the air when he moves those boulders. Let me repeat that: to bend, Haru is in the air. He breaks root! This is highly unusual for an earthbender--but not for a firebender. 
In summary, Haru’s style is a blend of firebending and earthbending--he’s utilizing aspects of firebending to accomplish earthbending. His style is a combination of occasionally breaking his root to apply a powerful force to his attacks; long-range techniques; arm-movements, and traditional earthbending. He’s applying what’s he’s learned from watching Fire Nation soldiers, and it’s fascinating. 
Now. What does Jet think of this?
Ultimately, I think Jet would be impressed by Haru’s bending. Or, more specifically, Haru’s adaptability. One of Jet’s most distinct skills is his adaptability, and Haru’s bending style is exactly that. Haru’s courage and determination to connect with his native element are so admirable. His own father was imprisoned by the Fire Nation, and he most likely faced scrutiny from his fellow villagers (as seen by that one old guy) for even being an earthbender. He had nowhere to go–literally living in a Fire Nation-occupied town. Yet Haru tried his best to learn how to bend; he refused to be separated from his culture. This is seen in his style, which is a bend of earth and fire.
First, though, there’s going to be a moment of incredulity, and anger. Haru was forced to adapt the enemy’s techniques in order to bend his native element. But I think he’d also admire Haru’s determination, and his stubborness to learn. 
The Jet/Haru sparring scene... there would be so much to talk about. Jet recognizing firebending moves coming from an earthbender--that moment alone would be intense. A sparring scene between those two would be legendary, especially if Haru had learned metalbending by then. Haru’s agility and willingness to break root would catch Jet by surprise, I think, but remember: Jet, too, is adaptable. He would have a field day, and it would end with mutual respect and admiration. 
Ugh. I just. Idk man. Jet’s also done a lot of recon on firebenders/Fire Nation soldiers, and so has Haru. But Haru’s willingness to adopt firebending techniques into his fighting style is a decision only Haru would make. They both embody the concept “never give up without a fight” in different ways while demonstrating similar qualities of determination, stubbornness, and adaptability. They have a lot to learn from each other. 
Conclusion? Jetru rights. 
Tagging the ppl who were standing by: @bluberry-spicehead @spooky--suki @spoopykyoshi and @listless-brainrot​ and @nonbinary-crafter-aang​ cause I know you two also ship Jetru.
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Do you have a favorite level within each game or even one out of all games / is there a specific level that stuck in your mind since you first played it?
Mine would be the second to last I think in DH1. The one, where you walk over a bridge and it's all orange light on one side and deep shadows on the other. In daud's dlcs it would be the boyle mansion, because I love the flooded building. I've loved the edge of the world in DH2 because Karnaca's atmosphere is such a breath of fresh air and the trail of whale blood through the bright and sunny district reveals very much about the game's world. For DOTO it would either be the bank job or the royal conservatory. It may sound pretty weird but the atmosphere within the bank job gives me vacation vibes lol. Also the moment you take the twin bladed knife feels amazing every time. I also really like the hidden features in the royal conservatory.
Thank you for running this blog, it really means a lot to me. Happy Pride! 🏳️‍🌈
Honestly all the levels in the DH series has a lot of personality in them, and so much visual storytelling. Each one has a different feeling to it while all matching up to eachother perfectly. Never do I feel like one doesn't belong with the others, they all feel part of the same world, and they feel so lived in too.
Everyone has their favorites, and you picked some good ones. I think youre refering to Kaldwin's Bridge which is a very well done level and is certainly pretty to look at, but its rather big with a lot of loading points, and it's a bit choppy and tedious for me. I do like the area around Sokolov's house though. The test subjects imprisoned in the streets and the crumbling buildings around his perfect apartment is great environmental storytelling. Personally my favorite in Dh1 is The Flooded District. The reflection it paints for Corvo, that after everything, things can still get worse and there's still a light at the end and he can't give up. That even after hating Hiram Burrows and wishing death on him, Daud hides there, in the mass grave Burrows made, protected by the rats, flood waters, rivercrusts, and weepers. It's just *chef's kiss*.
I think the one in Daud's dlc's is actually Brigmore Manor, which is one hell of a level. We learn that Daud and Delilah have a lot in common just by the way they work. They both have large followings they share their power with, hidden under everyone's nose. Dispite this, the difference in atmosphere tells the player that Daud is trespassing here. He's met someone who can match him, maybe even best him, and he has to be careful not to lose what little he has left. Brigmore is probably my fave too, but The Surge comes very close. Being in Daud's base, cutting up Overseers, and freeing his Whaler kids is very satisfying.
Edge of the World is a great intro to Karnaca. You get a feel for the atmosphere, learn about smaller power struggles (Howlers vs Overseers), and get a feel for just how bad things are there. I love taking my time in this level, finding the runes and talking to Mindy Blanchard just because it is a very pretty level that's fun to explore. I also like how it ironically leads you to Addemire, which is dark and claustrophobic. My fave in DH2 though is Crack in the Slab. Going between timelines wasn't something I'd done in a videogame before, and it made learning about Aramis Stilton and the rest of Delilah's allies extremely interesting. I love the little details you can mess with in the past to convenience you in the present too. There's a lot to go though twice over in that level, and I always find something new each playthrough. Also, in the ambience music in the present, you can hear a rhythmic banging, and I theorize you can hear the miners being overworked from Aramis' home.
And then there's DOTO... DOTO, my beloved. This game really brought Billie Lurk's character to life and I enjoy every second of it. My fave here would be Follow the Ink, for reasons similar as to why I like Edge of the World. It's nice to explore and there's so much to do story-wise, and even more to just find or interact with. I do wish the story flowed from one point on the map to the other, like how Edge of the World slowly lead you to the black market, wall of light, overseer outpost, then to Addemire Station. I find I'm going back and forth a lot in Follow the Ink, but that's nit-picking. If anything, it gives me time to stumble across things more. I will say though, The Bank Job is probably the strongest level in the game, and the writing is the best there. Billie getting a hold of the knife, pointing a finger in The Outsider's face and telling him she's coiming, no matter what it takes, only for The Outsider to look her in the eyes and tell her that Daud, the closest Billie had ever come to family, is dead?... Heartbreaking. I'm racing back to the ship. I know he's lying, and he has to be, right? But nope, he wasn't. Billie burning her ship called Dreadful Wale, an anagram for Farewell Daud, as his pyre hurts so much. I love the very ending too and how Daud is low chaos option, and to be honest, I shouldn't have been surprised by that. Ironically, mercy and forgiveness were themes in the background of Daud's dlcs.
Some honorable mentions would be:
-Bottle Street/Holger Square: Learning about Overssers, Slackjaw, Granny Rags and you get to see my man Geoff Curnow! Please switch the poison btw.
-Lady Boyle's Last Party: You fuck around with guards and rich ppl bc they think you're one of them and that's quite the critique on the upperclass huh. Don't forget to sign the guestbook as The Empress' alleged assassin!
Return to The Tower: Hiram Burrows is finally his own undoing, and his worst nightmares have come true! What a satisfying downfall. How poetic. Bitch deserved everything he got.
-Light at the End: In high chaos, Martin shoots Pendleton after calling him inbred and that's hilarious to me. Also in low chaos. Emily will scold Havelock and tell him to "sit in the corner and think about what [he's] done!" In honesty, it's a good climax.
-Eminent Domain: Timpsh's downfall in low chaos is one of the most poetic and well written eliminations in the games. Seeing him faint in front of a General of the City Watch always makes me laugh.
-Coldridge Prison: Revisiting the place as Daud and seeing how it's changed since Corvo's escape was very interesting. There's a lot of details to interact with like other prisoners, executions, and doomed escape attempts.
-Addemire Institute: The Crown Killer was an interesting antagonist, and there's a lot of notes and clues to what Addemire was like before The Duke ruined it. The entire situation is very tragic, but not all is lost!
-The Dust District: It's just really fun to explore Karnaca ok? Also Corvo's old house is there.
-Hole in the World: I love how it hints that there's a low chaos option, but you don't realize it until you talk with Daud’s spirit and all the hints come together. I like wandering around the place too since we don't get to see The Void this much anywhere else.
Sorry this was so long, but I really love how well thought out these game are, and I really rambled! Happy pride to you too!
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shoezuki · 3 years
Tommy's prison/revival arc isnt well written actually
Anyways ive been wanting to talk on it a while for a bit here but havent had the Time or like. The thought to. But im gonna go off now.
First off im gonna say im ASSUMING this stream and plot of tommy being in the prison with dream is written entirely by tommy and dream. Wilbur May be involved in the latest stream but im not sure.
Bringing tommy back to life after only three days of him being dead did practically nothing to progress plot, the characters, or audience's understanding. In fact i feel that it damaged Other characters' potential and plot and already established plotlines.
The 'development' aspect
A really, really easy way to see if anything has changed or developed through an arc or plotline is to straightup just compare the 'beginning' to the 'end' in terms of the barebones situation. So;
Beginning: tommy is trapped in an isolated prison cell with dream, his own abuser who has hurt him in the past, for an unknown amount of time. He's terrified of dream and being stuck there with him.
End: tommy is trapped in an isolated prison cell with dream after being killed then revived by him, his own abuser whos hurt him in the past, for an unknown amount of time. Hes terrified of dream and being stuck there with him.
Okay. This is simplified obvious. But the point stands. ALTHOUGH the troupe of 'going back to the beginning' is common in the heroes journey its. It doesnt work here. Has tommy learned anything? Has he changed as a character? Is the severity of their situation any different? Have we, as the audience, learned anything new?
Im going to expand on that last point because i think it has the strongest potential argument. Technically for progression in literature and development of plot/characters, things can Change without them being Aware as characters. It can change just by the audience's perception changing or being challenge.
Slight example: i've been reading a webcomic called Your Throne. Its a fantasy/political drama about a noble lady who entered a competition with another noble lady to become the empress. The main lady lost despite her being a better fit, and the comic starts with the main lady trying to assassinate the empress. Its assumed and stated by the main lady that she 'ruined her life' and so thats all the readers know. However, later in the novel we see flashbacks to the competition itself and find that the two ladies were extremely close friends, neither wanting anything bad for the other, but it was the emperor himself who manipulated both of them for his own agenda. Those flashbacks gave us an entirely different idea of who the real antagonist is and completely changed the two main ladies' relationship. THAT is how the audience's understanding of the plot and novel can be used to change the entire story. We dont get such here though
Some things that were brought to light during tommy being dead/revived:
Dream is capable of reviving people infinitely
This was already implicated and assumed. The book dream has being a means of reviving people has been around Technically since schlatt's death. This just 'confirmed' what was known
Time works differently/feels longer in the afterlife
This doesnt really impact much beyond emotions and implications. If we had more insight into what the 'afterlife' is like beyond nothingness perhaps so. But really it just makes it so wilbur being dead for what feels like 9 years and tommy having been dead for 2 months appeal to emotions.
Wilbur is evil
This one fuckin sucks i cant lie HSKSHSISSGEGDV. Like i was gon go on bout it and i will but it jus sucks. We have nothing to go on besides tommy's word, no examlles of what Horrible things wilbur said could make tommy assume this, etcetc. Ill most likely make a seperate post on how this feels like we're just going to get 'wilbur is a horrible villain' type with him. But still. I feel wilbur Not Being Good isnt a new development.
Dream is going to revive wilbur
This doesnt feel new either, part because phil had wanted to revive wilbur before (ill get to that more later) and that tommy had kept dream alive/initially imprisoned him with the idea of him reviving wilbur.
Dream believes wilbur will break him out of prison
Okau this makes no sense to me actually. I cwnt understand How exactly wilbur would be able to do this? Or why dream believes he even Could? Mans been dead for like 9 years and all we Know of the afterlife is that its black... nothingness. How would 9 years of that make wilbur capable of busting the prison open?
So. Yeah. All in all this plotline hasnt done anything new, developed things, or altered people's perceptions. We just ended up back at square one. Back to tommy being traumatized, dream being 'evil' and horrible and doing villain monologues, and them being stuck together.
Other characters and plotlines
Im pretty damn sure tommy's revival fucked up a LOT of other characters' plotlines and potential development. Honestly i feel this has a lot to do with the writers not communicating with other ccs well enough. But Ill talk about specific characters from least to most fucked over in my opinion:
He's the best off. He hqd been there during tommy's death, had been close to tommy, had majorly blamed himself and his own mistakes for tommy's death. His grief and self hatred was actually really heartbreaking and well done. The attached character of Sam Nook being unaware of tommy's death and simply waiting for tommy to return was a really good parallel to sam's own grief and anger. like it really snapped sam the guy who cares for tommy and wants to do Right by him back together with him as the Warden of the prison. Mixed personal life with 'just business'.
I feel it wouldve been nice to have him like. Have more time to grieve properly and come to terms eith tommy's death and his own involvement/influence over the events. Him finding tommy alive again Could be a means of him like. Facing his own grief head on if done well.
Mostly in the context of him and sam's argument do i feel it got screwed over. The weight of them yelling at each other and trying to find who to blame and the implications that Maybe ranboo was the one who caused the security breach that closed down the prison on tommy just.... doesnt hit so hard anymore. Because how can there be blame and arguments and a 'who done it' mystery when tommy popped up all fine again?
I dony know much of her involvement or how she found out tommy died (besides metagaming shhhhh) but i saw her monologuing of how they 'failed' tommy and like. Her whole 'he was so young we the Adults failed him' spiel is like........... inconsequential? Now??? Like no dont worry he died but hes alright now.
BET YOU DIDNY EXPECT TO SEE THIS FUCKER!!!!!! But actually though i want to talk bout how this ties into phil. A LOT. for Zalbr ❤. But also because i see ppl tying phil to tommy's death n like nah shutup u doin it wrong. Ill go off more in a Wilbur Post. But essentially: i dont like that dream is now going to revive wilbur. I feel they arent going to tie philza into this Despite phil having originally been trying to revive his son and studying on it and Attempting and Failing. But now suddenly dream can just. Say some magic words and Poof wilbur lives? So we're just going to Kill philza's revival attempts plotline and leave that hanging? This made his efforts seem pointless and Wack like oh why didnt you just Say The Magic Words phil????
I feel really bad for niki. She hasnt been able to do a lore stream during tommy's 'death' (she tweeted she wanted to but her computer wasnt working) and considering her entire character.... that shit is important. We seen it with Jack Manifold how tommy's death impacted Him considering he literally wanted tommy dead. And since niki is in a similar boat to jack of trying to kill tommy and it being her Only goal...... thats extremely important.
BUT. i feel there wasnt any communication. Did she or anyone even know tommy would be revived? Did no one consider they could At Least let her do a single stream on it? Like jack manifold????
We couldve gotten a Really good niki lore stream. I genuinely was so excited for it and i dont regularly watch her. But we seen it with jack manifold which is why i dont feel he got screwed because mans genuinely did So Good he could pop off with anything n i think it works in His favour. But now........ for niki. Canonically she never even knew tommy was Dead. So its like nothing even happened for her. Is she just supposed to continue on trying to kill tommy with no progression?
What i think would work
This is more me being like 'hey @ the dsmp writers let me in' type speculation sbosegussgs. But i was thinkin on a Really easy way to 'fix' this without rewriting lore and the streams.
Dream should kill tommy again now that he's been revived and Leave Him Dead.
More development for the characters who are affected by his death Especially niki. More time for grief and self reflection and development
A chance for the audience to figure out what the 'afterlife' really is.
Dream is supposed to be smart and a master manipulator or something right? Why doesnt he use being able to revive tommy as a bargaining chip with sam for his own freedom?
The audience would now Know dream's intentions with tommy better, that this death isnt 'final', but we could still see other characters' grief and reactions and coping without it feeling cheap. Ive seen some 'but people dont know tommy is alive so hes still dead in their mind' but that sucks imo.
We'd know more on dream's ability to revive people and that he can just Do It on a whim (which i think sucks but hey im trying) but no one else would know this canonically
Okay. Im done. If you read this. Thankyou. I love you. Hmu.
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dirtyrottenraskel · 3 years
my take on yueki's personalities
notes / personality
cocky (but also like understated confidence - r e g a l af) 
kind of a nerd
maybe a little entitled, and a little bratty and suki loves to indulge her or to rile her up depending on her mood
seems soft but made of steel
strong sense of duty
socially intelligent - can be manipulative and suki (the dork) thinks it is so hot 
aloof queen bee typa beat
supportive, both in ur day to day and in going after your big moral life goals 
deep water - steady and powerful, often underestimated
untold depths, private yet surprisingly nurturing - master of deflecting away from herself
political nerd - well read, and when she has someone she trusts not to take advantage of her, she goes OFF 
distrusting of most people, has been used and ignored and underestimated her whole life
patient - homegirl knows how to play the long game
excellent at pai sho / chess 
she and suki have epic battles of wits - dif types of strategy but both are really into it and get a little too competitive (multiple board games have had to be replaced over the years)
loves travel bc wasn’t allowed to much, esp when she was sick 
was super repressed growing up - never let her be herself or really have any sort of independence
used to sneak out and wander around in rebellion and casually sabotage plans and decisions she didn’t agree with 
introverted, many opinions but keeps them to herself, discreet but well spoken
weaponizes secrets and information - doesn’t often use it but...she could
definitlyyyyy worries and overthinks and re-evaluates - worries ab social politics a lot
obsessive about picking things - wants it to be perfect
shes growing into her confidence as a leader
prefers quite intimate places
incredibly romantic
classic lit
planner for the future - visionary
kind / sweet / gentle - yes, but that’s also her “front” to a degree (seriously, i feel like she gets painted as so sweet and submissive and one dimensional by the fandom a lot of times and it freakin kills me)
INFJ-T (The Advocate) ((yes this is from 16p which i know is not super accurate but u can still catch her overall vibes from it ya know)
sensitive/reluctant to open up/perfectionist/prone to burnout/not a fan of the ordinary
friendships / relationships
(<> indicates that they’re one of her best friends)
sokka - puppy love crushes, laugh ab it now, get into deep late night talks about responsibilities and leading, water tribe culture, prank wars (no one believes sokka when he says yue is a mean prank master (expect suki comes to see it in action lol))
katara - <> badass women friendship, totally would go to matches and protests together, tough girl shit, waterbending practice/duels - start of cautious, but then get rough in a good way bc they trust each other, they do water tribe food adventures together
toph - indulges her chaos, bonding over stupid royal upbringings, odd yet weirdly endearing pair
zuko - both sort of standoffish gay royals, but once they come to see that they are friends - take up similar spaces though, so only hang out in a group or rarely by themselves, they do hang out at like political parties and stuff when they get more comfortable together
aang - <> he has an impressive world view, yue is super studied and well read, so she and aang nerd out over past cultures together, and also their peace keeping nature, they have tea together often - usually after she and katara wipe the floor w/ each other
clothing / aesthetic:
blues and pale colors
classy and understated wealth
like those cute feminine button down shirts
like cold weather classy
complicated braids
sort of soft girl aesthetic?
pleated skirts !!!
i feel like she would wear ethically sourced fur (i don’t wear fur but idk how to get it in an ethical way - maybe it’s just fake??)
knit sweaters and skinny jeans and heeled ankle boots
light academia !!!
hella funky earrings - to mark her native pride and also cuz gay
from my readings, tattoos have a lot of cultural significance for Inuit women, and so i feel like yue would totally have some (when she comes of age ofc) 
notes / personality 
also very strategic 
more spontaneous tho - will totally calculate the odds in a spilt second in her head and then just go for it
like still a careful planner, but willing to say fuck it, yolo if it seems right 
reflects on her mistakes, but more in like a healthy way - unless it was a leadership mistake, then it eats her up inside - worries more ab keeping her girls safe and making the right call
likes lively places
total bashful romantic
manages the present and the short term - realist
loves to do lists 
a little punch happy - loves to make violent threats, but also does it out of excitement and she’s just a really physical person tbh
steady, can come off as stubborn and abrasive but she really just wants what’s best for everyone she loves
harsh on herself and worries about her girls a lot 
always ends up in the oddest situations 
totally would kick someone’s ass for being racist/sexist/homophobic/etc 
dedicated to her training and her regime 
not a great cook, but she can manage 
would drink monsters 
has a weird relationship with femininity - took her awhile to reconcile strength and toughness and being assertive and aggressive with also wanting to feel pretty and feminine and embracing being a girl and how those things can coincide and amplify each other
abandonment issues - parents absent/dead 
was imprisoned - obvi she had several almost successful escape attempts, but she got really close to breaking 
was incredibly independent really early, grew up really fast and tries to make up for that now by sometimes being reckless 
tough/assertive/woman of action 
dry sense of humor/sarcastic - not good at nickname/pun humor tho
stubborn/judgmental/difficult to relax/difficulty expressing emotions/too selfless 
friendships / relationships
(<> indicates that they’re one of her best friends)
sokka - <>  man they’re like platonic soulmates - she beat him up, and now they spar all the time, totally funny and crack jokes all the time, go skating together, they do shitty art together, and then show their lovers after zuko and yue come back from their high society mixers, broke her out of prison, m/f friendship !!! 
katara - also sparring buddies (suki will throw down at any literally moment (and tbh so will katara)), not close but will hang in a group - go to each other for advice 
toph - <> listen these two wreak havoc together, they help each other out a lot, i feel like they’re shopping buddies (similar enough style to frequent the same shops) toph knows suki won’t judge her for wanting to feel pretty and suki knows toph will be honest, they are both blunt sarcastic assholes and get along like a house on fire 
zuko - <> shows zuko how to like,,,enjoy things (and how to let go of some of that pressure to be always right and the adult and in charge bc they were raised with so much responsibility on their shoulders even tho they were just kids)? she is also super protective of him (once she trusts him), one of the only ppl who can match suki fully in hand to hand combat, both do the Disappointed Parent Look when the group falls into chaos, but by themselves, the two of them end up in hijinks
aang- suki enjoys his optimism and they’re just chill bros, they love exploring abandoned placed together 
clothing / aesthetic
sporty and skater mixed 
ripped jeans, crewnecks, vans 
green and yellow and dark red 
gym clothes/athleisure - lifting style gym clothes - cut off t-shirts and bike shorts
skirts too, likes to play into femininity
she’s a gold jewelry kinda girl - but stuff that won’t hinder her movements 
necklaces that end in the hollow of her throat & occasionally rings
definitely cuffs all of her jeans (it’s just bisexual culture ya know)
so many crop tops - some came like that, some were more of a diy project
yueki’s relationship!!!
nerd/jock solidarity 
feel the burden of responsibility and the weight on their shoulders 
they create a safe space between them, full of trust and warmth and vulnerability 
yue will read suki sappy passages from poetry books while suki polishes her fans 
they slow dance in the kitchen a lot 
they get good at ordering takeout - and they have some weird decision making process that only they understand - bc neither of them are great cooks 
yue would feel jealous of suki and sokka, if it weren’t for how stupid in love sokka was with zuko and yue can see that suki really only has eyes for her 
yue is taller than suki and it amuses her to no end to pick suki up and carry her away from a fight (we all know suki could get away if she wanted to, but when ur hot tall sexy gf throws u over her shoulder,,,,,,u don’t complain)
joke they’ve adopted kataang and zukka, bc they’re all dummies, but in reality every last one of them is stupid LMAO 
they love to do each other’s hair and it’s like super intimate and really cute 
sometimes it’s these epic elaborate hairstyles and then at other times, they try to see how many ponytails they can fit on suki’s head and how many little braid yue can do 
they travel EVERYWHERE 
since yue is royalty and suki is her body guard,,,, well i mean, they totally have to see these kingdoms they are doing trade deals with in person 
it helps that they're friends with a lot of them 
they stay over in everything from camping so they can stargaze to ritzy hotels with hot tubs in the bathroom 
yue gives suki rocks she finds on all their travels and suki lines them up on their mantle around the pictures of them in increasingly weird locations 
suki loves guarding yue’s meetings bc she gets to watch her absolutely rip a new one into misogynistic old men and it never fails to bring her joy 
While yue doesn’t love getting attacked, the ruthless efficiency suki defends her with is like,,,,,stupid attractive 
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So I guess when Moody said he was taking the wizard assassin to Azkaban he actually did? Guess he wasn't lying about that after all. I know some ppl were suspecting him to let him go free after that interaction but I guess not
Oh yeah, there's a significant overlap from what I've seen among fans like myself who distrust Moody, and fans who believe that the White-Robed Wizard is a double agent (MissNightOwl has done some excellent analysis of this idea) and those ideas would both lend themselves to the idea that our mysterious friend wasn't actually going to Azkaban. On a meta level, I also doubted that he would truly be imprisoned because, by law of canon, he cannot break out. Which would essentially bar him from participating in the story after he was imprisoned and there's still a lot of story that could be told with him. What's more, they've shown us now that they're willing to actually visit Azkaban, to let us go there. Which, if Hogsmeade and Knockturn Alley are anything to go by, means that it will be added to the roster of locations that MC can just visit whenever they want if the plot has need of them. Alternatively, while Sirius was the first person to (publicly) escape Azkaban, there's no rule that says prisoners cannot be released. Whether or not R is Rotfang, we now know that they've infiltrated the Ministry. Meaning that if they really want to get the White-Robed Wizard back on their payroll, they could do so. The same goes for Rakepick, for players who turned her into the authorities.
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unironicduncanstan · 3 years
the “Tangodeltaindia” blog explained,
aka my brain has cringe spots on it and needs to be inspected by the FDA
hi my names randi/uni and i created a total drama island themed ARG two months ago on a whim that almost no one interacted with bc i started off way too niche and difficult, so i kinda just went increasingly off the rails because i knew most likely no one was monitoring my posts and i could just make a real cursed hidden tomb that could one day be discovered by someone in a goonies esque unveiling. but then i got lice and now im sad and uncomfortable so i’m just gonna explain the entire damn thing in one shot. its absolutely batshit and theres a reason no one uncovered it ok here we go;;;
first of all the name. its so stupid but. ‘tango delta india’ = ‘tdi’ in the NATO phonetic alphabet. it just felt like a funny place to start that implies its gonna be a puzzle blog idk,
moving on to the actual content tho; some of the earlier posts mean p much nothing and were just an attempt to draw people in, such as the mr coconut ‘like if you agree’ or the ‘let him inside hes cold’ posts. 
then theres the cipher (x). it was posted shortly after the height of the ‘using total drama reference pictures to make an alphabet’ meme. in case anybody didnt see that; for a while it was a joke in the fandom to take the transparent references of total drama characters, and line them up, using them like hieroglyphics to make translatable pictures. its supposed to correspond to the alphabet, based on the first letter of their first name. an example could be, alejandro = a, bridgette = b, and so on. there was no solidly set alphabet amongst the fandom though, it was self explanatory most of the time so i made my own solid personal cipher key for that blog to make the whole thing easier.
NOW ONTO THE FIRST PUZZLE POST,,,, (x). theres a scene, a string of text, the cipher key, and a link to a decoder. the way to decode it all is to plug the characters on screen into the tangodeltaindia cipher key, and then plug That translation into the decoder website, and then finally paste in the text under the photo. 
the website linked is to a Caesar cipher decoder. the Caesar cipher is just a code where the alphabet is assigned to numbers (a=1, z=26), and to encode something with it you can move this pattern however you want as long as you keep the regular sequence of alphabet and numbers. so you could scootch over One letter, and “abc” would now say “bcd”. so on and so forth.
looking at the scene + my own total drama reference cipher, alejandro = A, and the beaver = 1, which gives A1. so you could now follow the link to the website, press ‘decode’, and paste in the text under the picture. the ‘shift’ in the middle is automatically set to ‘7′, or as it shows, a -> h, meaning ‘a’ has been moved over by 7 letters. so if you set the shift to just 1 over, or A1, now you can translate the text. it reads;
“lets start simple. after all, a trail of breadcrumbs begins with a loaf. whats the harm in another long winded fandom meme. another inside joke. and arent you curious whats truly lurking inside?”
edgy! simple! kinda just a test to see if people would do it or not. which they didnt so of course i tried to make it weirder-
puzzle 2; (x) using the exact same translation rules as above. we have alejandro and the snake, which with the tangodeltaindia cipher key means A6. going to the website, putting it in ‘decode’ mode, pasting in your text, and setting the shift to ‘6′ gives you this translation.
“in his eyes are an island. nothing but a dream, born out of going to bed angry. sink or swim.”
this was just hinting around at where the story was gonna go so it’ll make more sense later. something else to note; if you zoom all the way in and look into alejandros eye (’in his eyes’), you’ll see the word ‘Thera’. ~thats a surprise tool that will help us later~
so after this one, there are two non-puzzle posts that are also just hints (i was just tryna see if i could get people hyped), the first is a close up picture of chris with red eyes that simply says “those arent his eyes”, and then a post that says “his real names not chris :)”, they’re again referencing his eyes, and this time further implying theres something fake or wrong about them, or with chris as a person. again, it’ll be explained better later on.
moving on to puzzle 3 (x), another test to see if anyones keeping up (which also failed josdfjsdfkjs), using the same translation rules, dj = a dash or minus, and the snail = 5, “-5″, shift the letter ‘A’ BACK five instead of forward, and you get the simple translation of; “getting harder now.”
puzzle 4 and 5; at this point, there are two images posted within hours of each other that i’ll explain together as they line up. (x) (x)
These are some of the only ones that can be translated from just the tangodeltaindia key directly. They end up a string of numbers, which are latitude and longitude coordinates. The first post, labelled “the lie”, translates into “45.57394802102744, -81.46817207492494″. googling that will take you to maps and show you to a place called Lonely Island in Canada.
The second one, “the truth”, translates into “36.404663113177534, 25.39605673375295″, taking you to Santorini, Greece.
This is where the hints got really out there bc i realized nobody was following along but i still wanted to paint a picture. so this is the set up;;; the idea that the ‘island’ (camp wawanakwa) existing somewhere in canada, is a lie. the ‘true’ location being santorini isnt meant to be taken at face value though. the mythology behind santorini is that a man impregnated a goddess and to escape the wrath of her father (triton), she formed the island (santorini) by having her lover throw clay into the sea, and then she gave birth to her son, Theras, on this island, giving the island it’s Other nickname, Thera.
this is again just a vague implication that the island might not be real at all, or that it was formed through cosmic means.
the next two posts are more non-puzzle hints, the first showing the definition of the word ‘fresh’ (new), and the second being images of total drama backgrounds with no characters and the text reading “they were always empty.” more, admittedly very outlandish implications that the island is some kind of illusion, but again mostly just another try to drag people into the blog.
puzzle 6. (x) this one introduces a new concept to the regular translation rules, some of the characters are laying down. its kinda supposed to imply they’re “dead” and that you need to take their corresponding letters out of the alphabet given on the Caesar cipher page, below the shift. The upright characters translate to “-9″, so you shift ‘A’ back 9 letters. Then remove the letters; “TH-E-R-A-S”, and with those letters taken out, you can finally translate the text.
“he creates life solely to destroy it. to crush it in his hands. he births chaos so that he may have something to control. the power has given him madness. the isolation, arrogance. don't try to stop him, he's already chosen to be unstoppable. his mind is a perfectly crafted prison, one we will all soon be living in.”
this is where the story gets more on the nose. it’s talking about chris, and about him being an unstoppable cosmic force, a diety who can create worlds within his own mind, and he does so maliciously just for power. hes created the campers through mental energy just to torment them. it also hints that his plan is to expand the world of total drama island and engulf the whole universe.
puzzle 7. (x) same as the last puzzle. beaver and moose translate to ‘1-0′ or ten. the characters lying down to remove from the caesar cipher alphabet are “T-U-L-P-A”. this doesnt have anything to do with the modern way some ppl interact with tulpas but just the actual idea of creating thoughtforms, or willing your thoughts into real life creations, referencing how chris has created the entire island and everyone on it solely through his mind. with those letters removed and the shift set forward 10, you get this:
“his psychic power is unfathomable. the reality he bore was just a passing thought. an idea that became so dangerous. he predates the idea of a mind, the minds own ability to recognize itself, his synapses are paradoxically ancient. the island exists only within himself, to torment the souls hes created, and damned from the start. will they ever be free?”
it states that chris is more than a man or even just a diety, hes an all powerful god already, yet he craves more power. the final line, “will they ever be free” is in reference to the campers, which segways into the next arc;;; freeing the campers from chris’ psychic island imprisonment.
puzzle 8. (x) to solve this one you have to translate the top image with the tangodeltaindia cipher key, and add it to the text given, which creates a link. this leads to a PDF, a page from a book written by terence mckenna. he’s a famous ethnobotanist known best for his studies on DMT, the strongest hallucinogenic drug in the world, its also known as the spirit molecule. many people on this drug (without any prior knowledge of this phenomenon) will recount meeting strange fractal beings that can create things in the universe just by speaking them into existence, theyve come to be known as ‘machine elves’, a term coined by mckenna. ill show the most important excerpt from the page;
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this is less about the psychedelic drug part and more about the words and ideas, like “punching a hole through a dimension so it pours through” and “if god didnt exist man would invent him”. its more worldbuilding towards chris’ power and cosmic abilities
then come 2 more clues. a picture of chris holding his own body captioned ‘ego death’, and the meaning behind the name ‘chris mcclean’. the latter is another “please look over here” post, but the first is another minor reference to the previous puzzles answer involving DMT and terence mckenna. ‘ego death’ is a term again used with strong psychedelic drugs, its the sensation that your spirit as you know it is literally Dying, and you are instead connected to and a part of everything around you. another reference to chris’ power and how he may look like a man but his body and spirit are connected to the world hes built in unfathomable ways. at this point im cementing the idea that chris mclean is not a mortal man and cannot be fought with mortal weapons
puzzle 9. (x) this one was an attempt to make easier to solve puzzles, and comes with a visual of chris looming over the island. the text is in wingdings, which can be translated through multiple websites found through google. it says;
“s︎o︎o︎n︎ h︎e︎ w︎i︎l︎l︎ s︎l︎e︎e︎p.︎ h︎e︎ w︎i︎l︎l︎ d︎r︎e︎a︎m︎ a︎ n︎e︎w︎ h︎e︎l︎l︎,︎ a︎n︎d︎ t︎h︎a︎t︎ w︎i︎l︎l︎ b︎e︎ o︎u︎r︎ o︎n︎l︎y︎ c︎h︎a︎n︎c︎e︎,︎ t︎o︎ s︎a︎v︎e︎ h︎i︎s︎ c︎r︎e︎a︎t︎i︎o︎n︎s︎,︎ a︎n︎d︎ f︎r︎e︎e︎ t︎h︎o︎s︎e︎ w︎h︎o︎ w︎e︎r︎e︎ n︎e︎v︎e︎r︎ d︎e︎s︎i︎g︎n︎e︎d︎ t︎o︎ b︎e︎ f︎r︎e︎e︎.︎ t︎h︎i︎s︎ m︎a︎y︎ c︎o︎m︎e︎ a︎t︎ a︎ c︎o︎s︎t︎.︎ t︎h︎e︎ n︎i︎g︎h︎t︎m︎a︎r︎e︎ m︎u︎s︎t︎ e︎n︎d︎,︎ t︎h︎e︎ o︎u︎r︎o︎b︎o︎r︎o︎s︎ o︎f︎ h︎i︎s︎ s︎y︎n︎c︎o︎pe︎ m︎u︎s︎t︎ c︎l︎o︎s︎e︎,︎ b︎u︎t︎ i︎t︎ m︎a︎y︎ t︎u︎r︎n︎ o︎u︎r︎ e︎f︎f︎o︎r︎t︎s︎ o︎f︎ s︎a︎l︎v︎a︎t︎i︎o︎n︎ t︎o︎ d︎u︎s︎t︎.︎ o︎u︎r︎ f︎i︎g︎h︎t︎ m︎i︎g︎h︎t︎ e︎n︎d︎ i︎n︎ s︎a︎c︎r︎i︎f︎i︎c︎e︎,︎ r︎e︎n︎d︎e︎r︎i︎n︎g︎ h︎i︎s︎ l︎a︎s︎t︎ i︎n︎v︎e︎n︎t︎i︎o︎n︎ b︎u︎t︎ a︎ c︎e︎a︎s︎e︎l︎e︎s︎s︎ v︎o︎i︎d︎.︎ w︎e︎ m︎a︎y︎ s︎e︎e︎ h︎o︎r︎r︎o︎r︎s︎ t︎h︎a︎t︎ c︎a︎u︎s︎e︎ t︎h︎e︎ s︎t︎a︎r︎s︎ t︎o︎ s︎h︎u︎d︎d︎e︎r︎,︎ b︎u︎t︎ w︎e︎ m︎u︎s︎t︎ t︎a︎ke︎ t︎h︎i︎s︎ c︎h︎a︎n︎c︎e︎.︎ w︎e︎ h︎a︎v︎e︎ n︎o︎t︎h︎i︎n︎g︎ t︎o︎ l︎o︎s︎e︎,︎ a︎n︎d︎ a︎ w︎o︎r︎l︎d︎ o︎f︎ n︎o︎t︎h︎i︎n︎g︎n︎e︎s︎s︎ t︎o︎ e︎n︎d︎.︎ m︎a︎y︎ t︎h︎e︎ s︎e︎a︎ s︎w︎a︎l︎l︎o︎w︎ u︎p h︎i︎s︎ i︎s︎l︎a︎n︎d︎ o︎f︎ l︎i︎e︎s︎.︎ g︎o︎d︎ pr︎o︎t︎e︎c︎t︎ y︎o︎u︎.︎”
this is essentially saying that the island, the campers, werent all just created from his mind, but from his dreams. this confirms that he Sleeps, and claims hes going to sleep again soon, and during that time period theres a chance to kill him before he can dream up another world (or season) to control and torment. its also saying that theres a chance killing him will destroy the island and campers, but that its the only choice we would have to end the cycle. hey guys i am so bored and over the years i have been on every stimulant and anti depressant doctors are legally allowed to prescribe and its still just not quite there yet huh
puzzle 10. (x) the video, the title translates to “the island of his eye”. its just meant to encapsulate everything ive already been hinting around at but with real footage and some audios taken from the show, and again, it was me tryna make some lore that was easy to digest and also terrifying to an audience with no other context. the final images are the only new clues, if you pause fast enough you can barely make out the characters that (paired with the tangodeltaindia cipher key) would say “set them free”, and you can also see an aerial view of what is actually called “the eye of argentina”. it is a real island that rotates atop a swamp, it is geometrically perfect and no one really knows for sure why it rotates the way it does or how it was formed. this clue is simply related back to the idea that the island of wawanakwa’s location is not in canada, and that it does not function like a normal island.
puzzle 11. (x) what td blog is complete without a uquiz? anyways, it doesnt matter how you answer the quiz, theres only one possible result. the title is a link to a mega file, which is protected with a decryption key. the image attached to the result, when deciphered, is the randomly generated key to the unlock the file. the image you see from the file is this; (TW for mentions of self harm and eye trauma)
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in case this is too hard to read ill transcribe what it says;
“How to escape the dream - accept that there is no dream to escape, and no you to escape it. - believe in it anyways. - sleep on your back. - cover your eyes. - hide a nail under the pillow. - wait for the ringing. - when you first see him, dont call his name. dont speak. - keep your eyes shut. - on the second night, ask where the camp is. he wont respond verbally. - on the third night, you’ll see his eyes. - on the fourth night, you’ll enter them. - you can’t turn back after the fifth night. - don’t try to hide your fears. he knows them before you arrive. - don’t shut your eyes for too long when it becomes too much. you risk losing them. - find chris mclean. - don’t stop till the nail is through the socket. - repeat on the other side. - repeat on yourself. - congratulations. they are free”
this is, believe it or not, an idea that comes from my very own sleep paralysis experiences. ive dealt with it a lot, so why not make a weird ritual thing for an arg based off it ig. so whenever i’d fall asleep on my back, i’d eventually hear this ringing in my ears (or it’d happen upon waking up), and then the sleep paralysis would begin. i only ‘saw’ stuff a couple times but the fear for me was really more about the overwhelming sensation of pure dread that always came along with it even when i was aware what was happening, and i Always got this feeling too that if i opened my eyes in that moment, something was gonna stab them.
so moving on to how that applies to the arg, the first few lines are about how, obviously, the island is not real, even in the lore being given its a figment of chris’ imagination, but you have to enter it anyways, and the only way to do that is to believe its real. then it tells you how to ‘enter’ that world, (btw i didn’t expect anyone to actually follow these instructions if found, but even if they did, the whole ‘sleep paralysis being caused by sleeping on your back’ thing usually only happens if you’re predisposed to having it and only happens to Some people who have it, so the intent was like. never to bring that upon anybody. but if you are prone to sleep paralysis plz do not attempt even as a joke or anything thx)
the parts about hallucinating chris then are as follows, “ask about the camp / he wont respond verbally” , meaning he will show you through a dream instead, one that might look a lot like the video from before. “on the third night you will see his eyes”, meaning you will see the island but not be able to interact with it, or basically, how we see total drama on tv right now. “on the fourth night you’ll enter (his eyes)” references the island existing ‘within his eyes’, meaning you will enter the actual island. the next night chris will sleep and you will be able to enter the island again and find him. the idea with the nail is that, if you destroy his eyes you destroy the ‘island’ within them. wrapping back around to sleep paralysis, the idea of stabbing yourself with the nail afterwards is because sometimes, the only thing you can move during sleep paralysis is your fingertips and toes, and wiggling those can help bring you out of the paralysis. so at first how i used to wake myself up, but it didnt usually work fast enough so oftentimes id just pinch the shit out of my fingers and use pain to make my muscles start up faster.
the next post is a link to a countdown. again, i knew nobody was rly following at this point, but i wanted a little more build up before just dropping the ending. it was set up to end 5 days after the last post, aka the one that mentioned a 5 night dream ritual.
puzzle 12. (x) going all the way back to the normal multi step translation puzzles. the coloring of the cipher is a bit different, and its missing chris, but its meant to be used the same as it was before, these changes are only for dramatic effect. and chris is gone because well. we mentally offed him in the inception dream land last time. so anyways the snake = 6, shift A to 6, take out the letters “R-I-C-K” of the characters laying in their graves, and you get this translation;
“its almost time. we must now crack open our minds like a crowbar to a sealed chest. like an egg to a pan. to find our way into camp wawanakwa our ego cannot remain intact, and to traverse it we must stay strong. to escape it, we must glue the pieces back together. now we sleep. dream. end the nightmare.”
this is a final message before ‘entering the island’ to kill chris and free the campers from the island. it acts like a pep talk.
the next post is just the countdown ending.
puzzle 13 (the finale). (x)
this post sends you to a new blog entirely, called @awakenfromthenightmare​. there is only one post on it. the post has another link to a mega file, and the link is attached onto a string of text. follow the link by clicking, then copy the text and paste it in as the decryption key. now you have another image to translate with the tangodeltaindia cipher;
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when translated, the text is another link to a youtube video. 
so there you have it, that video is the ending to the entire arg. it didnt really end the way i wanted at first, i got burnt out from no engagement about halfway through which isnt anybody elses fault, but i still felt this was a well crafted and fitting finale. thank you all for reading.
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hamliet · 5 years
AOT is my fav manga so far, but I just had a conflicted feeling so I thought I'd get some help. I hate all this Nazi talk surrounding AOT and I don't accept a single one. On the other hand, I feel like what Eren and Zeke are doing doesn't differ that much from mass genocide which is wrong. I know we don't have a single clue about whatever Eren's intentions are, but as the protagonist, he's been killing ppl left & right which goes totally against one's morality and it seem it's being ignored.
(Same anon) This show literally tampers with everybody's decisions whether they're good or bad ones all the time so I don't mean that it's following Nazi policy, but if we were to consider *only* Eren's horrible deeds as sth similar to Nazis massacre, does this make his friends constantly following him around and trying to help him the culprits in the same crime too? Sorry if this turned out to be long. I was so conflicted.
Don’t be sorry, you’re very polite! 
So, to quote what I said earlier about a different topic: portraying something is not akin to endorsing it. Framing matters. Like, a mystery with murder isn’t endorsing murder. And Eren, imo, is framed as wrong thus far. 
Like you, I don’t think Eren’s plans are in line with Zeke’s, but neither do I think the story is endorsing Eren’s actions. In fact, it’s outright condemning them as far as I can tell.
Every single action of Eren’s since the timeskip has led to extreme consequences that have devastated those he loves most and gone against what he previously stood for. Mikasa. Armin. Sasha is dead. Historia is still pregnant and miserable. Levi is maimed. Hange was imprisoned, Falco a titan. I therefore don’t quite agree that it’s being ignored, since everything in the story is actually addressing it via showing us how wrong it is. If the story were to suddenly switch and endorse him murdering Liberio, etc, I would personally criticize it heavily on that, but as things stand right now I don’t think that’s where it’s going. 
Eren’s friends love him. As someone who has lost relatives to a cloud of religious fundamentalism, while not the exact same, it is really, really painful. You will probably always love them, even if you despise their actions. And I think it’s clear that Connie, Jean, Armin, and Mikasa despise Eren’s actions. Mikasa told him he was irredeemable in Liberio. Connie told him Sasha was his fault. Levi kicked him and referred to him as a murderer. Armin told him he wasn’t free and he had hurt them, and even while Armin is trying to believe the best in him, he’s having flashbacks in which he realizes Eren isn’t living up to a good standard. Mikasa abandoned her scarf. It’s just not easy to say “I no longer care about you” after years of loving someone. I don’t even know if I’d say it’s right, or wrong. It’s a painful road to walk and I think each must walk their own path, often alone. 
It’s also worth noting that Eren’s friends not confronting him right away has led to major issues, so the story is kind of calling them out on not taking action before things escalated. Armin and Mikasa especially, as they wound up being verbally eviscerated and then locked up in prison. I do think the story is giving them consequences for that. That said, Eren could have confided in them, but has chosen not to. 
So, one other thing I think people are messing up in interpreting SnK is that they think showing how someone (Eren) falls into a very toxic extremist nationalist mindset is endorsing it because it also shows us the horror of having it happen to someone we, the audience, care about. It challenges the belief that these people are not human. But I hate to tell Tumblr this, but extremists absolutely were/are. That was what is so abominably chilling about them. We’d like to think of people who commit genocide as monsters from the moment of conception, as never ever having a moment where they are anything like us--but that is not the case at all. They are still people--that doesn’t mean the victimized have to like them or even care about them, but it does mean that humanity is capable of some true good and some true evil at the same time. SnK’s theme has always been that monsters are not the titans; monsters are every single human, and no human at the same time. Be careful where you tread. 
So yeah. It is tricky framing, but so far I think Isayama is doing a good job (albeit with that awful pacing keeping us out of Eren’s mind). I hope the ending keeps it up. I think Eren’s friends wanting to believe the best of him isn’t endorsing him, but is portraying humanity and relationships in an honest way. I think Armin and most of the 104th will abandon Eren at a certain point as well. 
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userseokkie · 5 years
Daenerys only killed people who deserved it. Xaros stole her dragons and she was going to be held hostage for all eternity. She only crucified ppl who did the same to children to prove a point to the other slaves. And the Dothraki were going to take turns raping her and the Tarlys betrayed their leige.
Listen. i’m not gonna pretend that Daenerys killing people, be it her enemies or not, is the vilest thing that could ever happen because I’m not kidding myself. This is war, and death is a part of war. Everyone in the show has done heinous things at one point or another and I don’t hold them to a different standard than her. War means doing stuff that you’re less than comfortable with, and killing is part of that. 
But your argument seems to very conveniently forget other examples of Daenerys killing people, and if you’re going to ignore canon, then I won’t. Canon can’t be something you choose and pick from in order to sustain your analysis because lmao as one wise woman said recently, the bravest thing we can do is look TRUTH in the face
Daenerys has ALWAYS been comfortable with murder. Since season 1, i believe she’s reacted distinctly to the death of other people, including but not exclusive to her enemies. And that has set a precedent. She gradually becomes comfortable with death as the means to an end. She didn’t burn alive A MILLION CIVILIANS in Kings lading last episode as an act out of the blue. This has been in the making for a long time, and you seem to list these killings because they’re the ones that make more sense in a war setting, but you KNOW damn well she’s killed more than that:
She burned Mirri maz duur alive in order to light the pyre that gave her the dragons. did the witch cross her? absolutely. still, she was murdered with needless cruelty in order to fulfill one of Daenerys’ goals after having been repeatedly raped and beaten by Daenerys’ husband
She locked up her servant Doreah in a vault and left her to die, much as Cersei left the Sand snakes and Ellaria to starve and rot chained in a dungeon. I’m not saying you give a pat on the back to the people who conspire against you, but she was the one who always talked about mercy for someone who is her personal slave. you don’t lock them up to have them eat each other and then rot to death
She crucifies the slave masters in Meereen as retaliation for the child slaves, but she literally doesn’t give a fuck who is responsible for that and why, which is evidenced when Hizdahr zo Loraq tells her his father opposed the slaves being brutalized like that, and asks to bury his father properly. I would argue this isn’t so much an act of cruelty from her part as much as it’s a demonstration of how performative her brand of justice is. Doesn’t matter who pays for injustice, so long as it is paid. She doesn’t have mercy for the innocent and the ones who could repent, she just wants to send a message of “don’t fuck with me”
She cuts the head off Mossador, a slave she freed and became part of the Meereen small council, when a Son of the Harpy is brought to them to stand trial. Mossador, rightly believing Dany is only pretending to have a trial, kills the accused because fuck me Daenerys had NOT once given a “fair trial” to any of the enemies who wronged her before. She litcherally murdered every single person in Meereen who had something to do with slave trade, the same as she did in Yunkai, the same as she did in Qarth. So Mossador kills the traitor, and what the fuck does she do? She CHAINS HIM, A FORMER SLAVE SHE HAD SAVED. the “breaker of chains” brings him in front of the public in chains and CUTS HIS FUCKING HEAD OFF. even after he begs for mercy. he killed a SON OF THE HARPY who was plotting to murder daenerys. he didn’t rape a child. he didn’t murder an innocent peasant. but fuck that right?
She burnt one of the noble leaders of the Meereen council alive after she couldn’t fucking control her dragons. This council that SHE set up was to have the Meereenese have a SAY on what’s going on in the city, because she came here to free the slaves and then stayed as queen, but as a foreginer she didn’t know the costumes, the culture or the identity of Meereen. She brings them down to the catacombs where Viserion and Rhaegal are locked up, and forces them forward until one of them is BURNED ALIVE and then brutally torn apart. That’s so fucked up considering afterwards she admits her mistake of refusing to open the fighting pits again despite advise from the council.
She burns down the fucking temple of Dosh Kaleen, with all the dothraki inside of it, INCLUDING women and children. How hypocritical to ally herself and care for the dothraki when they could serve her for her army, but when she’s captured by a Khal who promises no harm will come to her for being the widow of Khal Drogo, she demands to be taken back to Meereen. That doesn’t happen obviously, because that’s dothraki law, but when they take her to their temple, THE ONLY PERMANENT STRUCTURE the dothraki culture has, instead of using dialogue to convince them to join her, or even killing the Khals who oppose her but freeing the rest of the people the same way she used to do w slaves, she just fucking burns them all down. They NEVER did anything to her. She could’ve just fled out of there, but noooo she had to make sure all was fucking destroyed because they wouldn’t SERVE HER. 
During the battle of the Goldroad, she takes prisoners of war, after the extermination of the Lannister and Tarly armies at hands of Drogon. And she tortures these prisoners of war to death. She gives them a choice to bend the knee to her or die. Remember, as much as you don’t like it these are the facts: The Lannisters have never been sworn to the Targaryens in something other than name, the targ dynasty was effectively ENDED by a Lannister. The Tarlys were sworn to the Tyrells, NOT the Targs. if the tyrells suddenly decide to switch allegiance bc it’s convenient for them, then that’s on them. They were always fucking weak, Olenna knew that. Randyll Tarly rightly refuses to trade his honor for his life, claiming he owes no loyalty to a Targaryen. FACT. Tyrion suggests she sends them to the Wall then, but the law states that she cannot bc she is not his queen. FACT. The battle was won by Dany, she had hold of Highgarden and did not need to kill the men because the territory was already hers. FACT. What does she do? instead of imprisoning them or even giving them a quick execution, SHE FUCKING BURNS THEM ALIVE. PRISONERS OF WAR. i don’t care what your fictional tastes are, i don’t give a FUCK who you stan in this show. Prisoners of war are ALWAYS held captive and given HUMANE treatment, OR they are executed in a QUICK manner. they ARE NOT BURNT ALIVE WITH DRAGON FIRE. that only happens during a battle, not afterwards. it’s like rounding up the survivors after an armed conflict and THEN nuking them. it does not deserve an explanation, it doesn’t get better with “context”. it just doesn’t go. she’s the “queen” SHE HAS THE CHOICE. and she chose fire and blood. 
So yeah anon, “she only kills people who deserve it” is a factual lie. i call bullshit. i think you blindly justify whatever you don’t agree with about her because the thrill of having your fave riding dragons and being the only one with that much unchecked power gives you a rush. I think when you say she only kills people who deserve it, you’re trying to convince yourself a leader who has made themselves in this manner CAN be anything other than authoritarian, and that she won’t go crazy or that once she sits on the iron throne, she will rule with mercy as her highest principle. SHE WON’T. You can stan her all you want, but recognize the fact that she is not the kind hero she’s been telling you and herself that she is. A kingdom built on the fire of the dragon and the blood of her enemies is corrupt to the marrow, because unchecked power always leads to unchecked violence.  
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