#and then he'll have another batch of movies out
clownery-and-fuckery · 23 hours
It's pride month so.... have my gay Bad Batch thoughts I suppose (based on vibes and vibes alone.)
Popular opinion that I agree with? Dude is FTM trans, and has the worst time with it bcus all his T-Shots were externally bought so the Empire cut his ass OFF. also. hes a little gay. A mini bisexual, if you would. prefers women by a long shot. (He/him all the way- he wont correct, but Wrecker will.)
gay. gay. dude is a MAN kisser. hes scared of women. never seen a boob in his life and he intends to stay that way. he's The Homo of the group. yes, they do make fun of him for being a boy kisser. yes, they also make fun of him for pulling NO BITCHES EVER. (He/him too and he CARES. he will correct you meanly.)
pansexual icon who will love anyone. He's also pulled more than Hunter, so, take THAT. He's a hopeless romantic who falls in love with at least ONE natborn per mission. He confesses this each and every time and has maybe kissed two people. He's always encouraged. (He/him mostly but he won't mind he/they, he'll just gently correct sometimes)
oh. He's a true bisexual. A real man and woman kisser. Perchance at once if he's drunk enough. Phee and him look at hot people and go "Oh, wow, woa". He's the bi-wife. However, his acknowledgement of attraction only works for him. He'll acknowledge you're attractive, but good look with convincing him YOU find him attractive. As far as he knows, no one looks twice at him. (Also, his gender isn't real. Sometimes he's a man, sometimes she's a woman. Sometimes they're neither. It's easier to just say that Tech is Tech. Because how come Tech gets boobs AND a dick? Unfair. They/he/her)
originally it was assumed that he was the token straight. Until they discovered actually there's no romantic attraction there at all so, Echo's our resident aro. He's dabbled in 18+ acts of course, but the attraction never went beyond that, so he vibes. He's down for platonic and brotherly affections, but don't you dare make a romantic gesture, gross. (He/him but... he did enjoy when people thought he a she when he was undercover once, so she?)
We found our token straight, lads. He's never seen a boob either, though. He'll get there, eventually. Very dense, very silly. He's too tired and busy for such things. (He/him only because he doesn't know of any other option)
Now. I know what you're gonna think. Gay. But might I throw out a suggestion? Dude is just a mean bisexual. Heavy preference for men, but he CAN pick up a woman or two. (He/him, regs are borning/j)
This guy. This guy gets uncomfortable when anyone who isn't his brothers holds his hand. THIS MAN is the true aroace of the GAR. he watches his brothers and he shudders. (though he Wonders. sometimes) he'll huff and puff his way through a romcom for the Wolfpack on movie night, I guess. (He/they only because he likes being an extension of the Wolfpack)
Pan-romantic asexual. Dude is down to date anyone, but the armour Stays On. He finds himself much more fulfilled with simple park dates and cooking at 2am, you know?? (ALSO they/he as per his identity crisis. He's a CLONE??? HUH???? wild)
Another "token straight" but he'll never escape the bisexual allegations 😔 (because its true and him and his wife have so had a third party member before) but he's also rather curious. So. Bi-curious. (He/him)
Oh lord. This man. Gay. He's gay but no one knows because he passes well. Also, ace. He's done his fair share of people, he doesn't understand the appeal. Down to make out messy in a closet though, he understands THAT. but nothing more. (He/him called "it" by the Senate and he doesn't care. But his brothers do.)
That's all you get. Happy gay month. If I missed someone you can ask and I'll give you their Vibes. ✨️
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fyeaheddiemunson · 25 days
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kapposuch · 1 year
Domestic!Bad Batch x reader (headcannons)
Warnings: Absolutely none! just utter fluff!
I love these kids, I've adored them since I laid eyes on them and god I want the best for these sweethearts. It's been a long time since I've done anything like this, so if you have constructive criticism for me, please lay it on me! I'd really appreciate it!
Here's the bad batch! hope you enjoy
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He's very much not used to a domestic setting, especially not one he's sharing with you
but god he wants to do right by you and make sure he doesn't mess things up
constantly cleaning up tiny messes he makes, even if it's not a mess. it's as if he doesn't want anyone to know he's even staying with you. it's not like that, he swears! just military habits
"What's with the state of the Marauder then?"
"You think Wrecker can keep things tidy for ten minutes?"
He's an early bird due to his military routine, so he's often up long before you. expect to be tucked in tight with a cup of caf or tea on its way to you when he hears you stir
but sometimes, he just likes to sit in the absolute bliss of freedom. even if it's for a short time before he has another mission with his brothers, he'll relish the contact and hold you close, cradling you like a babe.
moments like this make him feel alive. and it's all he ever wants.
on the rare occasion you wake up first, seeing him sprawled out on one side of the bed, barely covered by your sheets with unkempt hair and a missing bandana makes you melt. an absolute sight to behold, so you'll lay there and take it all in while you have the chance before those unflattering blacks are back on
no matter whats happening, where you are, or what you're doing around your apartment, he will make it his mission to be in your personal space. he wants to make sure nothing happens, and fears the loss if he steps away for just a moment
constant kisses. Hunter relishes in physical touch, and will always place a kiss on your temples, forehead, hands, cheeks, nose, lips, whatever he can reach the fastest. you'll never forget how devoted this man is to you.
even if he's wearing his whole gear and hasn't taken his head piece off yet, he'll delicately bump it to the top of your head if he's got a good enough angle.
he'll melt if you kiss his helmet. maybe he'd consider asking you to put on some lipstick and throw a big ole smooch onto the filter by his cheek so he can take your love with him to battle
"mark my helmet, would you mesh'la? I want to take you with me while I can"
oh no, your heart is missing, where in the galaxies could it have gone?
sweet angel
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Where do I even begin?
it won't be the tidiest arrangement by far, but he will always do his best to pick up after himself, even if it's not very often.
arrange a day where you both tidy, with music in the background, and he'll be so gung-ho about helping you clean up! with the occasional dance number during, of course
he'll give you a spin and a dip, and a big ole smooch! very very smily man, god take care of his heart
words of affirmation turn this sweet giant into a puddle of mush, please compliment him
you'll pick up on a few mandoan terms, and will throw them around here and there while you're busy
"Hand me a towel would you, cyar'ika"
"can you grab me that mug from the top shelf, ner cyare?"
his face will light up, eyes well with tears, and he'll scoop you up into a bone-crushing hug, waddle to the couch, and sit with his face buried in your neck, simply repeating the phrases you say in his head. he'd do anything for you to continue getting these sweet words
he's a little bit of an idiot, so sometimes you have to reassure him if you make a joke that he doesn't quite get. you find it endearing, but he worries you think he's not that smart
you can cup his cheek, stare into his eyes, and praise his wonderful mind
movie nights with mantell mix are a staple for this man's date nights. you'll never escape his embrace while watching movies, but you don't mind. he keeps you warm and safe
sleeping arrangements are as such: you're a little spoon. deal with it. he finds it most comfortable, though some nights he'll roll over and will wake up feeling your forehead on his back, and arms wrapping as far across his body as possible. he finds it utterly adorable, and loves it just as much as sleeping with you on his chest
as long as you're by his side, so that when you wake, you can share kisses and make a cup of caf together for the day ahead
"Don't know what I did t' deserve ya... But I ain't lettin' go. Don't even think 'bout it, cyare."
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clean. freak.
everything should be where it belongs after its used, and even you yourself have to get used to it if you're going to be accommodating his stay for a little while
of course, you accommodate willingly, to which he will always attempt to thank you for it, in his Tech ways
anything broken? not anymore
acts of service make his wizard brain hum with glee, so whenever you have an issue you'd like help with, he's already chomping at the bit and listing all the things he'll need to fix whatever ailes your mind
sleeping beside this man could not be more of a rollercoaster
sometimes he wants to cuddle up close, but other times he does indeed need his space. you've made a promise to always ask and find out what he's looking for, and this man practically melts like putty in your hands. god you're an angel in disguise for this troubled soul
with cuddle time, he'll place his hands where they're most comfortable. if they land somewhere spicy, it's simply because of his arm positioning. he's definitely a big spoon and absolutely relishes in the fact that he can make you feel safe. he doesn't mind if you're the only person in the galaxy that depends on him for safety, because he wouldn't have it any other way.
other nights when he needs his space, he'll lay beside you, fingers laced with yours, and wait for you to fall asleep comfortably. if you're talking for a little while, he pushes eye contact. it's his way of apologising for the lack of snuggles, which is equally taxing, but he wants to remind you that you are his world
absolutely a tea lover, and would just about pass away if you brought him a mug of leaf juice on a morning
always sneaking peeks at you, out of pure adoration. he thinks he hasn't been caught, but you caught him long ago, oogling at you fresh out of the shower wrapped in a towel
nice try Hun, maybe next time
hes leaving for a mission? he will break his internal rules and make a mess of your bed, filling it with blankets, pillows, and any soft items he can find. if he has a spare set of blacks, or even some clothes you bought for him as a casual wardrobe, he will make sure it smells like him so you've got extra comfort until he gets back
always telling you that he'll be back in -insert approximate date- but will forever promise to do his best to get back earlier
he won't call you call you petnames, but the way he says your name is so endearing. he says it with passion, and it melts your heart
"It won't take long. Around two weeks if all goes to plan, which is extremely unlikely due to the nature of the mission. But I do insist, I'll come back to you soon, y/n."
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this absolute darling boy has been through the lot
Echo is a tough one, considering he isn't to big on making himself at home anywhere. he's pretty cut and run nowadays but for you? god he'll do his best
he keeps relatively tidy, making sure to help out with the dishes if you ask, or if you're looking pretty tired. he doesn't want you to push yourself when he could easily do it himself
he absolutely shoves a sponge on his scomp. do not @ me about this, imagine the glass cleaning efficiency of this man, god
he's a vivid enjoyer of quality time. while he can't exactly 100% convince himself that you find him comfortable enough to lay with or cuddle, he will always do his best to let you sit where you wish
he'll often ask that you sit on his right side, so he can hold you in his arm and rub gentle circles into your hip or waist as he gets comfy
he is a sleep avoider. you know he's got a lot in his head, and always wants to keep busy, which you're usually fine with, but when it's time to sleep, you'll always do your best to ramble him to sleep. god, this sweet man needs someone to consume his thoughts to ward off the nightmares
you're a big spoon most nights. not because Echo doesn't like spooning you, because he does, he absolutely adores it, but most often, Echo needs that sort of safety net. having familiar arms and weight around him will help him doze, and it'll chase away the bad thoughts clouding his sleep
when you're lil spoon, he will always nuzzle his face into your hair. the smell of your shampoo, and just you in general, is so comforting.
whenever he wakes up in a cold sweat, he feels bad for dampening the sheets, but as you've learned to wake with him in these situations, you always shush him and suggest he take a warm shower while you switch the sheets out for lovely warm ones
echo in a towel. you insist he makes you hot and bothered, and he does believe you every time you say it. he's starting to believe it, and by god you're helping his self esteem more and more each time he stays with you
before he deploys with the batch on a mission, he sits and stares at you, hand cupping your cheek, eyes flickering back and forth between your own
he likes to drink all of you in while he has the chance, and if ever he's thirsty, all he has to do is remember you
you're the last thing he wants to remember if ever he's faced with something anywhere close to Skako again.
"Ner mesh'la... I'll come back for your eyes alone. wait for me, please"
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Where to begin?
Nightmare. he can be like having a teen in your home sometimes. snarky comments and sarcasm up the wazoo, but each one of them threatens to get you riled up
he's not the cleanest, but he will keep things in order a majority of the time, helping out with moving things and taking the bins out whenever you need, just so he can keep tabs on you
sharp shooters have sharp eyes, and his are trained like a hawk on you
he isn't the most affectionate, mostly expressing his love to you through teasing and sarcasm.
he likes commenting on your height, or making remarks on your handiwork with whatever you might be doing, though he never intends to be rude about it
sometimes when he's had an iffy day, or he's out of sorts, he'll wander up behind you and snake his arms around your waist, before he nose dives into your neck
he never does much without your explicit consent, but does cast glances often
let's face it. he does not care about what he's wearing around you. including nothing
"Cross- can you please at least put your briefs on?"
"Can you please keep your eyes off me? Cyar'ika, I thought you knew better."
sleeping goes as follows; if you want to spoon, he'll spoon, and hug you close in his sleep
if you want to lay on your back, your chest becomes free real estate.
oh, those are some comfy looking pillows you have there. big, small, or nothing at all, it's a pillow, and it's his
head on chest, hand on waist, absolute KO. he is not waking up
Cross, on the odd occasion, can feel vulnerable around you. when he's away from his work, he'll talk to you about some of the things that happened, and he knows you'll listen to every word, which he can't express his appreciation for
while you're not allowed to touch his rifle, he'll let you sit by him while he cleans it. in fact, he'll appreciate the company. he always does
"I'm off, cyare. Behave while I'm gone, and we won't have problems."
What a tease
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jordosprout · 1 month
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What do you think the batch spends their time doing on Pabu? What occupies their time now that they are retired? I have only pieces of ideas but I have been tryna find some other folks thoughts. But to get er' rollin' I'll share my ideas.
• He's definitely a community man from what we saw so
- Maybe he babysits
-Maybe he helps fish like we saw in the past
- Or perhaps he carries heavy equipment for repairs/building
- Maybe he helps figure out the best fishing spot for every passing day
- Maybe he builds boats or surfboards? Definitely got old surfer vibes from him at the end of Bad Batch (I am so sorry but I could not get Barbie's dad(?) from that one surfer movie out of my head)
• Cross was the hardest to figure out for me due to how little of what he is skilled at outside of being a soldier. But once I thought about it I couldn't stop LMAO
- I think for a long time he struggles with figuring out what he wants to do now that he's free to be whoever he wants to be. He's used being told what to do, and now that he doesn't have someone controlling him he's having a difficult time adjusting. He probably asks Hunter to give him tasks frequently, and after a while he's given the task of taking care of himself. Learning what he wants.
- I definitely imagine him trying multiple things such as: fishing, farming, all the good stuff
- I see him landing on something creatively driven like tattoos and painting. But I do think it takes a lot of time and soul searching before he gets to that point.
- Probably really distant for awhile, he wants to be around the others but feels he doesn't deserve it
- Reluctant on getting a prosthetic, I can see him choosing not to have one
• Omega wasn't too difficult for me, seeing what she ends up going off to do at the end of the last episode.
- After using pieces of the Marauder to fix up her own ship with Phee (and Tech depending on your thoughts on it), I see her convincing Phee (again, and Tech depending on your opinion) to give her flight lessons.
- She practices the Tech Turn often, doing her best to perfect it. (If you think Tech should stay dead then let's say she does this late at night on her own and has gotten in trouble for it a plethora of times. She can never quite do it as he does. But if you're like me and he lives, then of course he'll help teach her.)
- Omega probably sneaks off a lot, wanting to explore her new home
- Then I think she eventually gets into contact with Herra, and that she's the one who convinces her to become a rebel pilot
• In my perfect Bad Batch, Tech is alive. He will always be here in my mind; even if I'll have to mourn him as a character in canon alive and well.
- Tech spends much of his time recording and noting down the things he learns about the new island he lives on. Likely going off with Omega.
- I think Tech and Phee try a relationship at one point or another, maybe they decide to break up, maybe they're together for the long run. His calm nature mixing with her unpredictable one perhaps. She helps him feel more comfortable with himself, and he reminds her she doesn't need to change her stories to make them enjoyable. I think he'd love hearing about the artifacts she brings to Pabu. But it's possible their personalities don't mix well. We didn't get to see as much of their relationship on screen as I would have liked. (Came to rewrite this a bit. Was worried with how I wrote it didn't come across as I wanted)
- Tech probably has his own repair shop, or maybe he creates his own inventions.
More Group Stuff
- Definitely live together at least for a long while
- I think Hunter would get into a relationship before anyone else, then Wrecker getting into one kinda on accident? He'd be super oblivious and go on dates without realizing that's what they are. I think Cross n Tech would be last if they were to get into relationships (personally I see them on the aromantic spectrum, specifically Tech being demi and Cross being recip-romantic or Grey-romantic)
- They do a lot of stuff together, swimming, getting tattoos from Cross, therapy, family dinner all the lovely stuff
And I Think That's All I Got
Thanks for letting me ramble in your feed :)
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elysianeclipxe · 1 year
the cookie incident | txt beomgyu
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warnings: judgement towards baking skills, cursing, talking about death in a light manner, and chaos
genre/au: fluff, boyfriend!beomgyu au
word count: 1.3k
summary: cookies are a new staple of movie nights, but beomgyu doesn't exactly think they look as appetizing as they taste
sidenote: just a little fic on my cookie thoughts. welcome the first of many txt fics, also the pure chaos in this seemed to fit beomgyu the best so yay for him. hopefully he doesn't seem super ooc, apologies if he does, trial and error y'all
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Friday nights are movie nights. That has been established between everyone in the friend group. This time, you and Beomgyu were the hosts, so that meant everything had to be prepared by the two of you. Snacks, drinks, blankets, pillows. Literally anything that was essential for a movie night is on both of your hands.
This time you were in charge of the food and drinks while your boyfriend took care of the comfort and everything else. Trust me, this is the best option you had. The last time you both hosted movie night Beomgyu confidently said that he'd take care of the food… yeah, Yeonjun ended up in the hospital for 3 days after eating what he made. To avoid another.. incident, you took it upon yourself to handle the food this time.
Now it was just time to decide what to cook and bake for everyone. Popcorn was definitely needed or else you'd hear it from the boys. Now for the rest, you should probably list it down. So that you did. Listing stuff from pizza to kimbap and cola to ice cream. You just had to make everything now, oh dear. Well good thing movie night starts late as it seems the next couple hours will keep you busy.
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"Gyu, I swear to all the deities above that if you touch another kimbap roll, I will personally shove that roll down your throat till you choke. Do Not Test Me!" You threaten the boy. It was like a sixth sense, knowing when your boyfriend is about to do some shit that he isn't supposed to do. And right as you turn around to glare at him, you catch him right in the act. Hand stretched out right about to grab another kimbap roll, eyes wide as he stares at you in horror. Busted.
"But babe! It's a compliment to eat a lot, it just goes to show how good your food is. Best chef and significant other in my heart." He grins and makes a heart with his hand. To add onto the lovey dovey effect he decides to blow kisses to you and slyly wink at you. Smooth, but mostly ineffective since you know him well. The blush on your cheeks beg to differ though.
You chuckle at his words and immediately give him an unimpressed look. "Nice try, but we have one hour left till everyone comes and you know I don't have enough time to make more. So step back and leave the kimbap alone."
He pouts and steps back from the kimbap you made, mumbling under his breath how he was just hungry. Hahhh, sometimes it's so hard to handle him. But despite that, it is nice to know that he likes your food so much to the point he'll eat so much of it… Most of the time anyway.
"AHHHHHH!! WHAT IS THIS?!" He screams, causing you to rush over to him in complete stress. If you were lucky then whatever he's screaming about wouldn't be anything majorly bad.
And you were right. Because when you went into the living room the only sight you could see was the look of fear on his face and his hand holding a plate of cookies away from him. "What are you doing with the cookies?" You ask him, staring at him weirdly.
"THESE ARE COOKIES?? ARE YOU SURE?" That hurts. Now that you look at it, the cookies didn’t look all that amazing but was it enough for him to not recognize the dessert? It was gonna be your first time serving the cookies to everyone and now it has you feeling scared that they won’t like it.
Do they really look that bad? I thought I did pretty well this time, this is like the third batch that I tried to perfect.. I guess they do kind of look deformed
You huff out in annoyance and snatch the plate of cookies from his hand. You frown and put it back on the table, “if it looks so bad then don’t eat it! I’ll just give it to Yeonjun, he knows how to appreciate my food even if it looks weird. Whatever. I’m gonna get ready so just double check everything while they’re still not here.”
Beomgyu feels bad as he watches you walk into your bedroom and close the door with a slam. Maybe he judged your cookies too quickly. I mean, yeah, it REALLY didn’t look the best but a cookie was still a cookie. And if your baking skills were as good as your cooking skills then it would probably taste great. Even if it didn’t, he would likely just suck it up and smile, since that’s what a supportive partner does.. Before gently saying that they need to practise more, with love.
So like the loving boyfriend he is, he picks up a chocolate chip cookie and examines it before taking a bite. He lets the flavour linger and- “YAH THIS TASTE FUCKING DELICIOUS!” Definitely wrong to assume that it tasted bad. Never again will he say bad things about your baking skills. Clearly you knew what you were doing.
"I should say sorry to y/n later about this. It tastes really good. But do I need her ego getting bigger? She's your girlfriend, idiot! Ughh whatever. Anyway, should I be sharing these cookies with everyone? What if they eat all of it and then y/n starts making it for them specifically? I can't have that, I'm the boyfriend! They should be for me only!!" As he kept talking to himself, Beomgyu unconsciously kept taking cookie after cookie, slowly stuffing his mouth until he could no longer feel any more cookies on the plate. 'Oh fuck, y/n's gonna kill me' he thought as the door to the bedroom creaked open right on time.
"Okay! I'm pretty sure this is the best I can dress up for movie night, both comfort and style. Everything looks right about ready so now we just have to- WHAT HAPPENED TO THE COOKIES?!" You look over and see your boyfriend's back turned to you, not a word slipping from his lips. There is only one suspect, the one you left alone with the cookies. "Yah, Choi Beomgyu! Turn around."
This was it. This was the moment that Beomgyu would be choked to death. At least he got to taste your delicious chocolate chip cookies. That's all that matters as he slowly turns around to face you, and the sight of him is to behold. Your boyfriend, who previously said how diabolical your cookies looked, now had several of them shoved in his mouth by choice. Cookie crumbs and everything by his mouth, eyes filled with embarrassment.
OXNWGDUKFBTOAOBD WHY IS HE SO CUTE?!? DAMN IT BEOMGYU NOT FAIR! How am I supposed to stay mad at you? No, stay strong y/n
You approach the male and lean down, a smirk framing your face. "Care to explain or should I just assume that you're sorry for being judgemental about my baking skills?" He chews the last bits of the cookie and swallows it before nodding his head, a soft "sorry" being said after. "You are too cute, Gyu. Come on, get ready."
Before you could walk any further he grabs your wrist and tightens his grip on it. "Haha, so since there are no more, could you.. make some more cookies? For me?" He bites his lip and awkwardly smiles at you.
Oh send help he is so cute! How are you expected to say no to that? "Awwww Gyu… No." Like that apparently.
"BUT WHY?" He follows you and keeps on tugging at your arm trying to convince you to make more.
How do you expect him to have movie night without your cookies now? Sighhh. First he hates it, then he loves it. A little too much. He is driving you all over the place. Beomgyu's a little a lot annoying, but you wouldn't have it any other way.
"BABE PLEASE! JUST ONE MORE BATCH OF THOSE COOKIES!" Ah jeez, this is gonna be a long night.
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Kinda loved this one a lot, not sure why tho. Anyways, comments, likes, and reblogs are appreciated <33
© elysianeclipxe. all rights reserved. do not copy, repost, translate, or modify my content onto other platforms.
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cursedcola · 2 years
Prompt: What would they do to celebrate your birthday?
Part(s): Heartslabyul, Savanaclaw, Scarabia, Octavinelle, Pomefiore, Ignihyde, and Diasmonia You’re here: Savanaclaw!
A/N: Hey everyone. I know I have requests backed up to the nines but was my birthday and I need some comfort teehee (I am also SO mad that twst doesn’t have a thing for the MCs birthday >:( ). Some are longer than others because the inspiration train hit, but I really don't care. I love me my boys, what can I say? I hope you guys can read this for your birthdays and be happy :)
Leona Kingscholar
Another one who whisks you away to spend the day with him. However, doing this is not different from Leona's day-to-day. ever since you began dating your attendance in class has plummeted. Once he's got you in his grasp, there is no escape.
To many it appears as if he's forgotten. No one can even think to invite you for a celebration because he has you locked in his room. You are absolutely not allowed to leave unless he comes with, which isn't going to happen. He has his own bathroom, and Ruggie can bring any food you want to eat.
Leona is...much more clingy. Which is concerning since he already hands on you like a second skin. Almost like he's jealous?
Like Ace, Leona thinks that you should be spending the day at his side. If anyone else wants to do something troublesome like a party than it can be another day, but this one is all his. He's a bit gruff about it, but anything you want he gives so long as you stay with him.
Want to watch a movie? Alright, but he's napping. Video games? Cool, he'll watch. Read a book? Do it aloud so he can listen. Nap? He'll be your pillow just this once. Hungry? Name it and Ruggie will get it.
He will even let you use the Savanaclaw spa bath. Just go on in and he'll guard the door for a bit. Don't take too long though or he'll think you passed out from the steam (passes off this worry as not wanting to wait too long).
He has two gifts to give you. One is from Cheka, and it is a hand-drawn card with some candies. The next is from Leona himself, and is a beaded choker like the one that he wears.
"What? Did you think I forgot? Tsk. I'm not so stupid to forget my lover's birthday. Do not forget that you are mine, which makes today a day for me too...Happy Birthday,"
Ruggie Bucchi
Ruggie keeps things simple by nature. Intimate, even. He cooks for you what his grandmother does for him: donuts.
Regardless if you like them or not, Ruggie finds a way to cater them to your pallet. They are his favorite food, and what his grandmother has made for every single one of his birthdays. He even uses her recipe. The dish is special, and so are you.
It is not difficult for Ruggie to find out your birthday through the grapevine. A little gossip here and there travels fast, so if you were to forget yourself rest assured that he will remember. He gathers the ingredients and is quick to whip up a batch during the night when the communal kitchen is empty. He only makes enough for you both to share, not even Leona geta a taste. The lion in question also does not give Ruggie any tasks on the day of your birthday.
He teases you, acting as if he forgot before pulling out the tray of treats. He holds them just out of your reach while doing his cheeky hyena laugh. Telling you to be patient and go wait in the courtyard for him.
In truth, he's really nervous. Watching you take the first bite and painstakingly waiting for your reaction. Only when you let out a hum of approval does he relax, and begin to relish in his own serving.
When you finish he pulls out another surprise. A silk bandana, golden with brown tassel on the trim. It's decorated with red, purple, and brown beads as well. Very...expensive looking.
Ruggie is all about budgeting and maximizing outputs. Yet, for once he wanted to give you something meaningful. He took on multiple extra part-time jobs and cashed in many favors to afford it. Giving it to you feels surreal, yet it makes him extremely happy
"Shshshsh, weren't expectin' that were ya? You better take good care of that or we're going to have problems. I expect to see it on you every day or else all my hard work will have gone down the drain. Fore real though, Happy Birthday,"
Jack Howl
Such a ray of sunshine. He wants your special day to be perfect in every way and for you to live it to the fullest. How does he go about this, you ask? Well, it's simple.
He becomes the school's errand boy in your stead. It's too much for him to expect that the school will give you one day of relaxation, so Jack takes it upon himself to ward off any signs of trouble before it can arise
It somehow makes him respect you more? He already held you in high regard for dealing with your fair share of daily bullshit, but having to do it in your place really put things into perspective. The entire day feels like he is on babysitting duty compared to being a student.
Honestly? He's so done. There is only so much one person can take and you must be a saint for putting up with Grimm for longer than an hour.
Yet when Jack says that he'll do something, he does it. If he promised you a day off then you are getting one no matter how hard he has to work. Even if that means he won't see you for the whole day...
When all is said and done, he's exhausted. You'll catch him making a poor attempt at not dragging his feet and failing. He's so tired that he can't even make it back to his dorm, and you force him to spend the night at Ramshackle. On the couch, of course. He isn't delirious enough to agree to sharing a bed...the thought alone spikes his adrenaline.
He may not have been around for most of the celebrating, but Jack still wants that quality time with you. His present was acting as errand boy, but what truly makes the day special is sharing leftover cake together before bed. Jack is normally an early-sleeper, so since you have him up it's best to make the most of it. Cuddling in front of the fireplace and sharing a piece of cake sounds perfect, yeah?
"It's good that you had a chance to relax. I'm sorry for not being around much today, but certain people wouldn't stop making messes. How do you do this everyday?! Honestly...I wouldn't be able to handle it. I hope your birthday was fun. I just- I wanted to give you some kind of normalcy for once,"
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questforgalas · 11 months
Who are your favorite clones and your top headcanons about them?
Oh my god. Is there a character limit on this? This is the topic I could give a 2 hour presentation on with 5 minutes to prep
Ok so if I had to be really honest with myself, there is really only one TCW clone who is my favorite (others I like, but none have latched on the way he has) and that's Rex (if you know my blog, this is probably the least surprising thing I've ever written). Fives, Wolffe, and Gregor are honorable mentions, but Rex had me since second 1 of his screen time in the TCW movie.
Then came along the Bad Batch, but again, if I'm being honest with myself, I like the batch as a whole, and they're definitely my comfort squad, but only one has truly been my favorite since he walked off the Marauder in their intro arc in TCW, and it's Crosshair (I know, another shocker here)
Thanks for the ask!! Flood my inbox with asks if you so please 💖💖
I'm putting my HCs for them under the cut because I have no control with these two and this will be long lol
First things first, Rex is the definition of "work hard, play hard". Not that he's out partying all the time - I don't see him as a 79s frequenter at all actually - but that when he's off duty or the 501st actually have some time to relax, he's laughing and joking with his brothers and COs. He's not a stick in the mud at all, and he gets involved in pranks just as often as Fives, he's just better at avoiding the paperwork.
Ahsoka is like a little sister to him, and those two are best friends. When she left, it was the first time the 501st ever saw Rex unable to speak after a debrief and have to walk away to find somewhere private to grieve. He took it just as hard as Anakin to watch his little sister walk away, but unlike Anakin, he understood her reasoning and as hurt as he was, he was proud of her for sticking to her honor and to herself
Cody is the commander he's closest to, but Wolffe is the one he looks up to the most. Wolffe's pack instinct and drive to rescue all in need resonates with Rex and how he leads the 501st.
He's one of the most socially awkward individuals to ever come off of Kamino. Put him in a strategy briefing or in the middle of battle, and he's as calm and collected as a Jedi. Elevator ride with a CO and needs to make small talk? Absolute disaster. Obi-Wan picks up on this and purposely seeks out to stick himself in small talk situations with Rex for pure entertainment
Rex's favorite missions are relief missions because he loves seeing his brothers get to interact with the locals. He's a huge softy for kids, especially ones in war torn areas, and as soon as he's done with his duties, he'll organize a pick up game of anything between the local kids and the 501st. It distracts the kids from their situation and lets his brothers let loose. He's easily goaded into joining, usually by Jesse or Echo (before the citadel)
In my opinion, he's the most misinterpreted clone in the Batch, possibly of all the clones, but I digress
His relationship with the batchers: Tech: I'm not fully onboard with the "Tech and Crosshair are tube twins HC", but I definitely see them as very close. Crosshair is able to give Tech something the others can't which is someone who can sit for an indefinite amount of time and just listen. I think especially when they were cadets, Tech was easily excitable about new discoveries or new tinkerings, and Crosshair - being literally trained to sit in a sniper's nest for lord knows how long - would happily plop down and listen so Tech could exert the energy. Sometimes he cleaned his rifle, sometimes he just sat and listened. This extended into later years, and even though Tech didn't need to talk so much, it became a comfort to have each other sitting next to the other Echo: They didn't have as much time to bond, but I think these two bonded very quickly after Echo joined up. Similar to how Crosshair and Tech bonded, since Echo hates being alone, Crosshair was able to ease that panic by just sitting with him. Not necessarily talking or anything, just sitting and being; however, the comfort of it often eased Echo into telling stories of his days from the 501st, especially of Fives, and when he did, Crosshair would put down whatever he was doing (let's be honest, probably cleaning his rifle) and listen intently. Crosshair was also the most observant and sympathetic to Echo during his recovery. It would be quiet actions, but he'd check in with Echo more frequently than the others and make sure his new bro was doing ok Wrecker: Ohhhhh baby do I love their dynamic. Crosshair is the emo kid who adores his family but never wants to show it while Wrecker doesn't know how to interact without showing emotion, and Crosshair's warning glares mean nothing to him. These two were Hunter's #1 headache cause as cadets because Crosshair would encourage Wrecker into whatever crazy idea he had Hunter: The closest. All of the OG batchers are very close, but Hunter and Crosshair are another level. 1. They bonded over their enhanced skills (enhanced senses and enhanced eye site require a special kind of understanding) 2. Crosshair challenged Hunter as a leader and strategist not to be snarky, but to make sure their family always got out. He'd grill Hunter on strategies and the holes in each of them until they were perfect 3. Their closeness was very evident to me during their TCW arc with how often Hunter and Crosshair silently communicated with each other. This bled over into TBB E1, but those interactions were obviously short lived. They seek out each other's gazes the most
He sleeps on his stomach. It's second nature to him as a sniper, and even if he falls asleep on his side, he will 100% of the time wake up on his stomach
He and Tech were the pranksters of the group. They were nightmares as cadets, and when Echo joined them, their pranking ways picked up again as he taught them a few new ones he and Fives deployed on the 501st a time or two
He will be the first to die for his family. Hunter would work to get everyone out, but Crosshair would be the first to sacrifice himself so Hunter's plan had more time. He would've jumped after Tech out of that cable car if he didn't already have him with his rifle attachment
His giving love language is acts of service, but his receiving love language is physical touch/words of affirmation. The guy just needs to be reassured ok??? Wrap him in every blanket imaginable, he'll purr like a cat
Thank you for the ask!!
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zoeykallus · 2 years
Could you do HCs of how Bad Batch members would spoil/give their partners gifts? Would it be a holiday or special occasion? What type of gifts would they give?
Oh that's cute!
The Bad Batch x Reader - Gifts And Tokens Of Appreciation
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Mostly Fluffy Stuff
His way of spoiling you or showing his love, is mostly spending time with you. He doesn't have that much time, but every free minute he spends with you.
He has a habit to carve figures from pieces of crude wood. He can make the prettiest and finest little figures and you already have a collection of those. When he is on a mission with a stakeout in the wilds, he tends to carve those figures. Animals mostly, he has a thing for loth wolfs. Since he knows you he gifted you every carved figure he made.
Aside from that he made you a pendant, a fine wooden cross with a shiny stone in the color of your eyes in the middle on a leather band that you wear almost day and night. He also made you a sweet bracelet with wooden pearls, ingraved with filigrane patterns.
Whenever he can he brings back some souvenir from his mission to you. The souvenirs can vary from specifiv fruits, over little art pieces to jewlery, depending on what is a very special feature in the respective region.
All in all, he loves to show you that he thinks about you, his thoughts stay with you when you're not there, that's mostly what these gifts represent. You are always on his mind.
On special days, he always knows what you need or want most and will get it for you. You never really know what you get though, but you are always super happy as soon as you get it.
His love language is mostly acts of services and favors. He found his love for cooking and he loves to cook for you whenever he gets the chance and he is actually really good at it. Sometimes he let's you help a little but mostly he wants you to sit down and let him service you. It's one of his ways to show he cares and loves you. And you can taste it in the food he makes for you and see it in the way he presents it to you. In another life, Echo could have been a chef in a fine restaurant.
He brings you sweets, your favourite snacks, especially at that time of the months when he knows you need some extra loving care. He likes to take you to places whenever you two find the time and the credits, visiting wine markets with tasting for example. There is an exquisit one on Naboo, very pretty, very neat. Sometimes you bring home a few bottles and he cooks a fine dinner for the two of you.
He also brings you special lotions and soaps from time to time, he knows your skin type and what you are most comfortable with. He actually gives it some thought and also knows which fragrances appeal to you more and pays attention to it.
On special days he'll spoil you with your favourite foods, selfmade of course, some fine wine and a special perfume.
He brings you flowers regularly, as often as he can. Pretty, fragrant flowers, because they remind him of you, pretty and fragrant. Sometimes it is only a single special flower but always with love and always with an adoring smile. You are special and he likes to show you that.
Whenever he sees something pretty that he can afford and that he thinks you might like, he takes it. He has brought you all kinds of things, from clothes, to jewelry, to fruit baskets, to exotic potted plants. If it's pretty and he can afford it, he brings it to you. He would never steal, that would not have the same value for him as something honestly acquired.
And he loves to massage you. He is so good at it, you melt under his hands, every time.
The last thing he brought you was a beautiful necklace. His beaming face when you put the necklace on the next morning is priceless.
On special days he gets you a huge bouquet of flowers your favourite sweets and a day out with him, the movies, funfair or a day at the beach.
You received a special gift from him that you practically always wear, a silver necklace with a crosshair, in the center of which is a glittering stone the color of your eyes. The only truly romantic gift he has given you so far.
"Now I'm everywhere you go".
Otherwise, he likes to give you silk scarves, but that's almost a selfish gesture, because he loves it when you're naked and wearing only those silk scarves, preferably tied around your wrists to the bed.
Every now and then when he discovers something special that he knows you like, he brings it. He finds that if he keeps showering you with gifts, eventually it's no longer special.
On special days he takes you out for dinner, sometimes even with flowers and is extra caring and selfless in bed that night.
His way of making gifts is mostly gadgets to make your life easier. he tinkers and builds things for you, repairs your stuff. Whenever something break, you can be sure Tech knows a way to fix it and he will right away, because you asked him to.
Aside from that, he likes giving acts of service in intimate nature, he loves to spoil you and give you pleasure, he is fully focused on you and let's you feel his adoration. He takes his time, he knows what you like and he is very attentive.
He teaches you things, that's something he thinks is very valuable and he loves to share his knowledge with you. There is nothing more important than knowledge, his mind is full of things he wants to share and he absolutely loves to share it with you.
On special days he likes to take you on expeditioning trips, seing pretty architecture and interesting cultures with a exotic dinner and a calm night in a nice bed with hours of intimate spoiling.
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@andyoufollowyourheart @clone-whore-99
@brynhildrmimi @kaliel2310
@misogirl828 @tech-deck
@nahoney22 @ladykatakuri
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noddytheornithopod · 1 month
some bad batch rambles from the finale cuz despite finding it underwhelming even if it was overall good
So uh why was only Hunter getting any real scenes with Omega at the end? Like, the flash forward is most egregious about this, they didn't even make models for older Crosshair or Wrecker. It's especially a shame because Crosshair probably had the most significant dynamic with Omega this season? But like, even in those final scenes on Pabu, I'm not even sure if they had lines? I actually felt the need to look closely to make sure Wrecker actually survived Tantiss. I guess it kind of feels like Wrecker and Crosshair were just glossed aside even if I feel like they had relevant things to reflect on. Especially Crosshair, like okay, he made the shot in the climax, but nothing on how he feels after that?
Speaking of Pabu... feels kind of weird that they settle there? The Empire knows it exists now, and even more specifically, that rogue clones were hanging out there. IDK, it's just kinda weird and rushed.
Stuff like the Zillo Beast was cool, as well as the new specialised CX troopers. Creepy horror movie intro too, almost like Hemlock was raising the dead or something.
Hemlock is dead I guess lol. It did feel a bit anticlimactic and predictable, especially ending up as yet ANOTHER overconfident Imperial who makes the exact same mistakes you'd expect. He really seemed more competent at first, but as Season 3 went on, he started looking more and more prone to typical Imperial shenanigans.
Emerie turning good is predictable but I did like that she decided to go off with Echo in the end.
We know where the rest of the Batch ends up but now everyone's going to be asking "what happened to Echo?" now that he is still with the Clone Underground, which is still functioning. Wasn't expecting all the answers regarding connective tissue to Rebels, but I do think Echo is a very explicit loose end that I'm sure someone will address eventually. Also, he continues to be the MVP. Like seriously, the Batch were behind but him actually getting stuck on the shuttle meant he was able to infiltrate Tantiss, find Emerie and then find Omega and the clone prisoners. Meanwhile, the Batch were still outside, and the moment they got in, the CX troopers took them down, RIP.
Tarkin swoops in and declares he will redirect Necromancer funding to Stardust aka the Death Star. I guess the main question I have here is... I'm not really sure I'm understanding Palpatine's motivations, since he's still the puppetmaster behind everything? Like okay, being disappointed that Tantiss is compromised of course makes sense, but would he REALLY want Tarkin to divert funding from what is almost certainly the project that will allow him to achieve immortality? IDK what ol Sheev has a hand in or not, like Imperials know Necromancer in The Mandalorian so it's not like Palpatine is making it super secret even from all Imperials and keeping it to his weird Sith followers.
Seeing the Imperial I Star Destroyer was cool NGL, like here it would literally be brand new.
RIP Scorch... though if Clone Commando armour is as good as it is, maybe he'll be okay. I do remember many wondering what the deal with the commandos was, if they ever follow up on the Clone Underground stuff with Echo and Emerie then maybe they can explore why the commandos are the last main group of Imperial clones and if there's any reason for that (ie extra conditioning). Also, maybe Scorch can meet back up with Delta Squad, lol.
Pour one out for the Tech truthers, CX-2 was another Marrok, but his death wasn't even funny, not just a mere puff of smoke in some armour. :(
Okay how much does Emerie actually know about Necromancer? Cuz obvviously she can't know enough that would implicate Palpatine being key to it but yeah.
Figured Necromancer would be fucked up by the assault on Tantiss. Wild that Rampart actually thought he could try and bargain with that research, only for Nala Se to sacrifice herself to keep her research from the Empire. Also Tarkin knows Hemlock was researching, but I doubt he knows WHAT exactly it is besides it involving clones lol.
Omega joins the Rebellion I guess. Also no Ventress teamup like many expected. At least that's a very easy way to tie her into the Mandoverse if they wanna bring her into that.
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beauleifu · 2 years
heyo!!! could I request mayhaps a continuation or a diff fluff-comedy shot of the yin/jin one? A sleepover is most definitely in order (/not forced obvi)
Yesss I have thought about this and have food for your hungry souls, enjoy!
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Yin/Jin x Reader Pt 2
Lego Monkie Kid
Context: Continuation of the Yin/Jin x Reader, where you are invited to a sleepover and your boys appreciate your company so much that they- Well, you'll find out, won't you? (Format is a little different, half bulleted events half oneshot, but I had the space to go crazy lol)
TW: Language (occasional)
- It's totally their idea, and they're so excited because they've honestly never had a proper sleepover with anyone. Sleepovers in general are a foreign concept. On the inside they're ecstatic, jumping all over the place and over the moon for you. On the outside, they're able to maintain like 50% of their composure.
- First off, Yin and Jin have a weakness for forts. What better to do than built a blanket fort? You'd use the living room, even having to bring some of your own blankets to accommodate for the actual blueprints these guys have created for the fort. Go big or go home, but they wouldn't let you go home so you're going big.
- Once the fort is built you all stuff it with blankets and your signature pillows. Yin and Jin fight over who gets to sleep next to you until you just vote to sleep in the middle.
- Honestly that's probably the fastest they've ever agreed to something.
- Yin is the cook for tonight, so he decides to make an original batch of noodles. Honestly, they're not that bad, and you help by adding a few spices and stirring the noodles. (he's a sucker for puns so I can imagine him making a bunch of food-related jokes)
"Whaddya say to the birthday kid who's favorite dish is noodle soup?"
"Yin, no, this is the fourth time-"
"Happy brothday!"
- Jin is the king of movies. He'll decide what movie you all can watch as everyone sits down to eat dinner. He's a considerate guy at the best of times, so he picked out a variety of movies to accommodate for the fact that he doesn't know your preference.
- So you both sit down for awhile, figuring out a good movie to watch. You're well aware of Jin's tendency towards action movies. It's actually adorable.
- After everything is set and the movie is playing, you all dig in to the soup. It's a rare occurrence, but Jin actually compliments the chef(s) for the spectacular cooking. (This may just be because you helped, but who cares? Not Yin, who definitely takes all the credit to boost his ego)
- The blanket fort is your next destination when the movie's finished.
- Everyone's got a full belly and is a bit tired, but the second you enter the fort, chaos ensues.
- It's impossible to pinpoint the instigator, but one thing is for sure. Some way or another a pillow is flying at your face, and you promptly vanish into the void of blankets and other pillows.
- Had the choice of weapons been something more deadly rather than simple pillows, you would've died.
- Seriously, your demon idiots can whip a pillow so hard it's simply a blur and you have 0 time to dodge. Sure, you've got your own pillows, but they're mainly to cushion the occasional onslaught from Yin and Jin. You honestly stand no chance against these guys.
- They'd go off about the other hitting you too hard (which in your opinion, all the hits were very hard), and proceed to attack the culprit.
- You'd just stand in the background, trying to seem as non-threatening as possible, as the demons fling pillow after pillow at each other. At some point, a few pillows explode, sending feathers and fluff everywhere. But they don't stop there.
- Eventually you have to put your foot down. It's like 11:30 p.m. and these boys are gonna destroy the fort if you don't do something.
"Okay, okay- MMPH-!"
A burst of feathers and white suddenly hit you.
"Ohshit." Jin quickly hides the now empty pillow behind his back. He'd accidentally shut you up with a pillow across your face, and luckily, the blankets behind you cocoon your fall. "Sorry, mate. Didn't see ya there."
You huff, grunting with effort as you sat yourself up. "Suuure. But that's another pillow you exploded."
"Eh, about that . . ."
While Yin grins wickedly at his brother being scolded, you wag a finger at them both. "Nah, no excuses. Let's just clean up this mess and go to bed, yeah? I have shit to do tomorrow and I'd rather do it with a clear mind."
A pause.
You stare with dawning horror as the two share a glance. An evil, ominous glance that you don't like at all. Slowly backing away, you watch as the two demons grab some fresh pillows an eye you with eyes that suddenly glow red. Oh. Oh shit.
"Y'know, Jin," Yin says, smirking. "I don't believe our (Y/N) got their fair share of feathers."
"I second that," Jin agrees, expression identical to his brothers. With a wicked chuckle, he raises his pillow. "Shall we?"
You throw your hands out to shield yourself. "Wait wait wait-!"
- Pillows.
- That's all you know for a good two minutes. Your idiots are ruthless, for once disregarding your pleas in order to show off their strength. Were they assuming you'd be like "Oh damn you guys are strong!"? Well, they were sadly mistaken. The only thing you can do is scream bloody murder, unable to see for the amount of feathers and pillows in your face.
- In the end, they finally listen to your begs and retreat. Do they regret it? Not from the shit-eating grins they're wearing. Jin slaps you good-heartedly on the back, apologizing for onslaught while Yin goes to clean up the mess.
- You just sit there, eyes wide and staring at the blanket above you. Honestly, your life had just flashed before your eyes.
"I hate you both."
"Heh." Jin smiles sheepishly. "Nah, you don't."
- He's right. And you hate that, too. But inwardly, as you help clean and redo your sleeping space, you really do enjoy their company. Sure, they're a handful, but it's worth it.
- When the lights are turned off, you find yourself drowning in darkness. But a gentle hand finds your arm and leads you to your bed, to where to collapse under the covers with a grudging thanks of gratitude. You hear Jin chuckle, and the couch cushions underneath you shift as the demons situate themselves.
- It's dark.
"Hey (Y/N), I have another joke-"
Yin shifts around, propping his elbow on his pillow to support his chin. His eyes are somewhat glowing as you look over to meet them. "Awe, c'mon. It's a good one."
You glare. The demon had just been assaulting you with pillows. "Go fuck yourself."
Jin snickers to the left of you. His brother frowns, clearly thinking hard for a way around your rejection. You attempt to hold your ground, going so far as to cross your arms across your chest. The blue demon eventually sighs, but it's regretful and entirely fake.
"Jeez, if ya wanted to hear it so bad all ya had to do was ask."
"Wha- No, I didn't-"
Eyes wide, you watch as a smirk blooms across Yin's face. Blinking warmly at you, he winks. "You and I Ramen to be."
You stare.
He stares right back.
To hide the growing smile, you raise your hands to cover your face, sufficiently drowning you in darkness. But now you're smiling like an idiot, only proving to Yin that the pun had gotten to you (more like a pick-up line). "That was terrible."
"It was not! It made you smile!" Yin says, poking your arm.
Jin's snickering returns. "Yin, they're just smilin' at how dumb it was."
"Like you could do better."
Uh, no. No no no no no. That just raises a bunch of red flags that makes you lower your hands to shush them. That smirk dawning on Jin's face at the challenge is doing things to you. You're not sure you could handle the both of them trying to flirt through jokes. "N-Not necessary! Just go to bed!"
- Eventually they calm down, and a silence washes over the blanket fort. Heartbeats slow, and you eventually close your eyes with a sigh. Yin tries to make a joke but both you and Jin shut up up fast. Somewhere during the night, you feel the weight shift on the cushions.
- Too bad you fall asleep to know what happens.
- In the morning, you find yourself facing Yin's side, somewhat curled in on yourself to take up the available space. The blanket fort provides plenty of cover from the sun so it doesn't blind you. It's a warm feeling, what with the blankets and Jin spooning you from behind-
You stiffen just a hint.
Shifting around, you suddenly realize the situation you've woken up to.
Jin is pressed up against your back, forehead between your shoulder blades and arms circled around your waist. You hear him breathing softly, his warm exhales making goosebumps rise on your arms and legs.
Yin is on your side, facing you. His expression is so peaceful, a sharp contrast to the one he wore during the pillow fight the night before. One of his arms is stuffed underneath the pillow he's using while the other loops lazily over your midriff, partly under your top. You're trapped, only allowed so much movement until you might wake your idiots up.
So you just lay there.
It's nice.
Honestly, it's a really, really nice feeling. You honestly don't think much about it from how tired and fuzzy you feel. When your heartbeat slows down again, you allow yourself a sigh of content.
It won't hurt to stay here for a bit longer, right?
With a smile, you get comfortable again and study Yin's features to occupy yourself.
He's staring right back.
Ohshit- Your eyes fly wide open; you're about to speak when Yin shakes his head with the slightest movements.
"Sorry!" You mouth, but the blue demon simply smiles. It's soft and sleepy, meaning that he'd just woken up. The demon, obviously too tired to think about preparing for the day, simply allows his eye lids to droop, and his smile to fade.
He's going back to sleep.
Your heart is still beating pretty fast, and all you can do is stare. What do you do??
Yin suddenly snorts, amused at who knows what. Cracking an eye open, he locks eyes with you. "Go to sleep," he mouths, smile returning.
Cheeks burning, you try to do so. But when Yin's fingers experimentally brush against the skin along your waist, you jerk slightly and glare at him. "You're mean," you whisper furiously.
"And you need to calm the hell down."
That was Jin's voice. As Yin's grin becomes shit-eating, you attempt to compose yourself. "Oh. Uh. Sorry-"
"Just go to bed," Jin murmurs, sighing against your back. He must be still half-asleep. His suggestion goes in one ear and straight out the other when he readjusts his grip around your waist. You glare at everything, trying to suppress the warmth spreading across your face.
Yin watches you with a calm, amused expression. "Heh."
"Shut up."
"Close your eyes, mate."
"I can't, it's morning now and we should probably just get up-"
"No," both demons say simultaneously, voices quiet and low with sleep. Yin closes his eyes, albeit still smiling faintly, and you're left with no other way to object.
Maybe a few more minutes. Besides, you're still tired and it's 6:30 a.m. So with a final sigh of acceptance, you relax and let the darkness consume you. Too bad you miss when Yin cracks an eye open to make sure you're asleep before smiling and closing his eyes again.
Too bad they're both too fucking adorable to refuse.
Or is it?
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kon-konk · 11 months
Any headcanons for how Servamp characters are when drunk?
I'm going to start with the detail that I thought Mikuni had to have been at least slightly tipsy when we meet him and was surprised to learn that's just what he's like. So when he's drunk I think he's just like that, but louder and brattier.
Jeje, on the other hand... If he drinks, he never shows it. And he somehow gets even more silent unless you ask him to do something and he just says "Can't. Drunk." Probably sits in a corner watching everyone else.
I think Lawless would be the crying drunk. He probably likes to watch movie versions of plays/musicals. He really likes watching Hamlet and cries so fucking hard over every single death in it.
Licht just plays piano the whole time. To be fair, it does kinda drown out the sound of Lawless crying in the other room over a movie he's seen at least once a week since it was released.
The Melancholies all drink together (and so they're all getting put together, too). I hc Tsubaki and Berukia are both giggly/happy drunks and very much feed off each other until they're plotting absolute chaos. I think Higan would be a storyteller. Otogiri just wants to have a nice, calm time but is also the one cooking a huge batch of soba for everyone (they're her taste-testers for new recipes) and every single time they drunkenly tell her that's the best soba they've ever had (it's not a lie, she does always make the best soba). My man Sham seems like the type to not really know what to do with himself when he's drunk, so he just goes with the flow unless there's a danger to Tsubaki (he's the voice of reason when Tsubaki and Berukia's ideas get a little too out of hand). He's also so, so blushy. Meanwhile, Sakuya has yet to make it through a night of drinking with them where he doesn't wake up to an almost-sent drunk confession to Mahiru.
Ildio seems like he'd basically pull a "sex, drugs, and rock 'n' roll" but it's more "food" instead of "drugs". He just wants to have some fun in some way or another.
I think a drunk Nicco is a much more confident Nicco. Like that booze gave him all the confidence his looks and position should be giving him (look, he's beautiful, and I will stand by that forever) without 85% of the anxiety he usually has. Charisma stats go through the roof, but so does the recklessness.
Everyone assumes Freya's an angry drunk, but she's actually pretty calm and happy. Also gets a bit more talkative.
Oh my gods if you think they have trouble keeping Lily in his clothes sober, just wait until he's had a few. Now instead of stripping to take control of a situation, he's trying to cool off. Gets very hot and very flushed very quickly.
I feel like Kuro is a sleepy drunk. He'll wake up, sip on his drink, snack on something, and go back to sleep. And I think Mahiru would try alcohol once and not really like it, so he just keeps an eye on Kuro.
I think both Tsurugi and Yumi would both be clingy, touchy drunks, from what we've seen of them. Which is a menace for Jun, who ends up being the most sober-acting out of them and therefore the subject of their clinging most of the time. They're also loud.
Touma seems like the type to hold his liquor really, really well. The only outward signs of him being drunk would be him progressively loosening his tie over the course of the night (or whenever he's drinking) until he just takes it off, and gets a lot more flirtatious with his words.
Shuhei drinks socially. He drinks just enough for a nice buzz, but otherwise doesn't like drinking because he feels he can't make sure he's got a plan for every possible event if he's drunk.
Last but not least, we have a special "good luck" for Youtarou, because I think Gear would be an absolute menace of a gremlin when he's drunk. He's hard to handle, he just wants to "have fun" but doesn't elaborate on what exactly that means but he's trying to get away from any supervision to do it, and if he's drunk enough, he's trying to fight inanimate objects.
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manikas-whims · 2 years
A Painful Present [Read on AO3]
Chat Noir finds Marinette's creative presents for Buttercup very endearing but sometimes she has the worst ideas and he has to keep her from hurting herself..
For MariChat May 2022
Day 2: Roses
another mini fic for this lovely ship ♥
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Despite being banished off to the chaise longue with a savoury batch of croissants, Chat Noir's enhanced ears easily picked up the feeble sound. Immediately he was up and at Marinette's desk, peering over her shoulder to find she had accidentally (and unsurprisingly) pricked another one of her fingers with a rose thorn.
He frowned disapprovingly at several other pricks and cuts marring her skin. “You need to stop.”
She sucked the dot of blood from her ring finger, the action not going unnoticed by the feline hero. “Why it's just a little nick.”
“No, it's not. You're abandoning this insane project right now.” He declared, an accusatory, clawed finger pointed at the stash of freshly procured rose bushes scattered around her desk. If only she'd gone to a florist, they would've given her a proper bouquet of any variety of flowers she'd requested. A bouquet without anything that could lead to her possibly injuring her hands. But no! Creative as she was, Marinette had to have those thorny flowers for the incredibly authentic gift she wanted to craft for her beloved “Buttercup”.
She scoffed. “As if you can just tell me what to do.”
That's it. To hell with her dearest Buttercup and the incredulous amounts of gifts she regularly made for him. It was entertaining for a while, endearing even to see someone else trying so hard to impress the person they liked. She was a reflection of his own feelings and efforts. But he didn't want her to persevere any longer. And not simply because he didn't want to see her getting hurt but also because this particular gift idea was absolutely ridiculous.
“It's stupid! Whatever are you making with those!?” He asked in frustration.
“It's not stupid!” She was offended. “You'll know when it's done.”
“All this disregard for personal safety over a boy?”
“You're one to talk when you jump in to shield Ladybug at the expense of your own life.”
“I'm a superhero with magical armor to protect me from any harm.”
Marinette cocked her head and pouted.
“Listen, Princess,” he took hold of her hands in his own, leather claws gently stroking the little cuts on her knuckles.
His earnest gaze leveled with hers. “If your Buttercup is anything like me,” he leaned down to kiss her knuckles, smoothly slipping the rose out of her grasp, “then he wouldn't want you getting hurt over him.”
Marinette stared at him, soft lips slightly parted, bluebell eyes swirling with an unknown emotion as Chat pulled her to her feet and guided her away from her desk.
“It's unfair Chaton.” She grumbled as she settled comfily beside him on the chaise. “For you to sweet talk me out of this.”
“Only because I care, Purrincess.” He winked cheekily.
Unbeknownst to her, he had stealthily cataclysm-ed the nasty bush of roses whilst helping her towards the chaise. Tomorrow when she finds out, she'll be furious about it but forgive him nonetheless because Marinette was kind like that.
But that was something he'll have to deal with later on. For now, he offered his plate of croissants to her and suggested. “Movie?”
She took a bite of one and smiled. “Movie it is.”
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heliavaz · 1 year
Having basked in the beauty of gift-giving her whole life, and practicing it daily still with the spirits, Helia loved giving out small things between the 24th of December and the 1st of January, having made her own tradition of the gift-giving tradition. She adores finding small things for those close and far from her, the ones she thinks need her attention.
FOR REZA this year she has found a pair of cool looking motor cycle pants that look like they've come right out of some kind of futuristic movie.
FOR CASEY, a new Witch within her city, she has bought a book on potions, it is one sold everywhere, but that's the beauty of it, because Helia knows the potions work.
FOR EVANORA, another new Witch in town, Helia has gotten two tickets to the local spa, because she figures this young witch can use a day where she is pampered and nobody is expecting anything of her.
FOR ROXY Helia has gotten a collection of face masks and hair masks from one of her favourite brands that have cute dance pictures on them.
FOR CHAE this year Helia has gotten a fresh batch of new silk expensive face masks and some new product she's found that should help against allergies.
FOR ALDEMAR this year she has collected a package of medicinal herbs that one can put around their house and are said to drive away evil spirits and at times even give a person a glimmer of recognition.
FOR JOEL she has bought a package of special beers from Belgium this year because she didn't know what else to buy.
FOR ZACH, who was clearly taken in by her collection of magazines, she has gotten a subscription to five magazines of his choice, all he needs to do is fill in a list on the internet and he'll be delivered a monthly collection at home.
FOR AXEL, a new Witch in town who she has rarely spoken to but knows exists, she has bought a small gift box for the creative mind, with pencils, notebooks, paint, brushes, and much much more.
FOR SALIM, a new Werewolf in town, Helia has gotten a small booklet with tickets, discounts, and so forth to get him acquainted with the city.
@caseyconner @adimuses @joelrojas @oh-chung-ae @mischicvous @evanoraray @xsalimxosullivan
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"Happy holidays!"
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marc-spectorr · 2 years
Hello Callie!
Congratulations on the 2k, so well deserved! Here's to another 2k <3 If it's alright with you I would like to request a ship, please. Thank you so much in advance and congratulations again.
Ok, well... I'm 21 years old (she/her), cis, and bisexual. I'm white with brown eyes and reddish brown hair. I'm also on the heavier side and might be considered plus sized. I'm an only child and quite close with my mum, other than that it's hard for to me find friends and I spend more time alone than with other people. I like reading, watching TV, baking, and photography. I'm interested in history and mythology and a huge Marvel and Star Wars fan. My favourite colours are green and pink and I love the smell of lavender and fresh laundry. I'm kind of a hopeless romantic, but I've never had a real crush or a relationship. I like big cities and crowds, because they allow me to become invisible and I'm the worst at small talk. Oh, and I'm vegetarian but I won't hesitate to kill a spider, which my friends think is contradictory but insects of all sorts (other than butterflies) creep me out.
Have a lovely day (and congrats once again)!
hi sweetheart, tysm for sharing about yourself and for your kind words :)
i ship you with... steven grant!
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i imagine you and steven meeting at the museum one day. he finds you admiring an old artifact and decides to strike up a conversation with you by sharing all of the interesting tidbits he knows about the item you're looking at.
instantly, you bond over your shared interests in history and mythology, and i'm sure steven's a huuuge fan of marvel and star wars. you spend time together visiting all of the museums in your city and bingeing on movies from both franchises.
also, steven is obsessed with the treats you bake for him! you always prep an extra batch of goodies for him to take home or for him to snack on when he's at work. after hearing about your photography hobby, he asks you if you can teach him one or two tricks with the camera. pretty soon, he's snapping lots of pictures and showing them all to you, hoping they would make you smile the way they made him.
overall, you and steven are very compatible, falling in love so quickly that it feels like a fairytale. although, when it comes to spiders or any insect that unfortunately crosses paths with you, he'd kindly ask you to refrain from killing them. but don't you worry; he'll take care of it by trapping it humanely and setting it free.
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karasunology · 4 years
╰─ ─ ゚headcanons of the best twins & ace of my heart being your older brothers.
-ˏˋ ➶ character(s) ━ bokuto koutaro, miya atsumu & miya osamu <3
[ trigger warnings ━ slight manga spoilers !! ]
⇣ please read the RULES before requesting.
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➜ oh my goodness, i pray so hard and dearly for your parents because y'all are WILD WILD
➜ when you guys were young, you know those videos of twins confusing their baby on who's their parent??
➜ it was probably atsumu's dumb idea
➜ he watched it a few days ago in youtube
➜ so he suggested it to osamu which begrudgingly accepted, curious on how you would react
“ c'mon, come to big brother 'samu ”
➜ atsumu says as he stretches his arms out to you while you're oblivious poor innocent ass was doing the grabby hands to him
➜ ngl you looked so cute he felt a little guilty for what's to come
➜ while osamu sits next to him with a monotonous expression
“ no, i'm big brother 'samu ”
➜ your head spun to his direction
➜ and you're just like 👁👄👁
➜ while switching left and right in confusion as you dropped your arms down so fucking fast LMAO
➜ while atsumu was trying so hard, really he promised he won't laugh so soon, that osamu keeps pestering him to shut his bitch as up
➜ until the faintest of sobs were heard, forcing their mini argument to a halt
“ will you stay quiet ─ ”
“ ─ oh no no no, please don't cry ”
➜ osamu is in distraught because he actually doesn't know how to take care of a child crying
➜ while astumu is trying to carry you
“ hngg i ─ hic ─ want big brother 'samu ─ hic ! ”
➜ bitch almost wanted to drop you right then and there honestly
➜ and when osamu heard you calling out to him, something in him snapped
“ i knew this was a bad idea ─ ”
➜ as he shoved atsumu off of you, hugging you as he tries to coo you, whispering “ shh . . don't ya worry, yer big brother 'samu is here ”
➜ your cries seemed to have ceased as atsumu is standing there like ??
➜ i'm thEIR BROTHER TOO !!
➜ bb boy held a grudge on you for a few weeks ngl
➜ but then you grew up and now you know that you actually have two (2) big bro 'samu
➜ but more annoying & bitchy
➜ you're their favourite victim to bully
➜ well, atsumu
➜ but they won't let their teasing lead to you crying because they actually can't stand the sight of their younger sibling crying
➜ contrary to popular belief, when you realized there was another big bro 'samu, you were now attached to atsumu while he's similing smugly and triumphly at osamu
➜ atsumu would 100% be very competitive for your attention though he makes you hate him whenever he bullies you
➜ but we all know osamu hates losing
➜ so there was definitely a time of your life that their fighting over who was the best big brother
➜ ugh y'all cute cute
➜ while you're helping osamu around the kitchen, atsumu would just watch from the side lines because the kitchen is kinda yours and osamu's thing
➜ though while in his earlier years, he'd get upset because he wants you to hang out with him too :(
➜ while you have the cooking thing with osamu, you have the baking thing with atsumu
➜ shh hear me out
➜ osamu is actually not good at baking shit
➜ the first time he attempted baking was when you joined a baking club & now you're obsessed with making cupcakes and all that good good
➜ and he wanted to also try and back
➜ and how and what did he do to make your cupcakes look like dog shit was beyond you
➜ and while smelling something burning, atsumu ran to the kitchen and after realizing what osamu did
➜ he'd try and make your next batch of cupcakes presentable
➜ because he's?? actually?? good at it??
➜ and now you guys have your baking sessions and brother 'tsumu bonding time
➜ but even though you guys have other things with the other person, you guys LOVED doing chores together
➜ like, your guys' mom would make the boys clean the bathroom and before you knew it, LIKE YOU WENT THERE JUST TO TALK TO THEM WHILE THEY CLEAN, you find yourself cleaning the toilet necause atsumu ain't doing that shit
➜ washing dishes?? that as well
➜ you and atsumu would be the ones washing while osmu would do the drying
➜ 11/10 of the time would leave you guys a damped mess
➜ while cleaning the kitchen, i absoloutely headcanon, like STRONGLY
➜ that you guys would just talk either about random shit, talk shit about someone honestly, or quote reality tv shows
➜ like one thing you would be sweeping the kitchen floor,  and while sweeping, you accidentally hit the trash bin hard that the contents flew out of it as it fell down the floor
➜ and atsumu's like : “ pooja what is this behaviour?? ”
➜ then something clicked in you that made you remember that one show bigg boss something
➜ and you'd be like : “ i'm sorry i kicked it ny mistake ”
➜ osamu would roll his eyes before joining you two :  “ you can't kick it by mistake ”
➜ “ then pick it up if it bothers you ”
➜ ugh y'all aRE ICONS
➜ y'all would be at the pool and atsumu would shout “ oh no my diamond earing is gone ”
➜ and osamu would reply “ kim, there's people that are dying. ”
➜ you'll be their biggest fan in the court
➜ whenever they play with you on the sidelines something in them just snapped and they'll be scoring points by points in a row
➜ they lowkey love to show off
➜ if you're a girl, every fangirl of they have would be wary of you at first, but then realized that you were just their little sister
➜ and to their bisexual fans, they would ngl have a huge ass crush on you too
➜ and if you're a boy as well, oH MY GOD WOULD THEY HAVE FALLEN AMD CAN'T GET UP
➜ you bet they'd be throwing hands if someone decided to break your heart
➜ though, osamu would be the more rational one
➜ if they ever meet your s/o, atsumu would want to rile them up while osamu is just being calm but the scarier one of the two?? but he knows you don't need any protecting because you know how to do it yourself & you don't have any need for that
➜ 12/10 would recommend as brothers
➜ in conclusion, you guys may not always get along, but you know damn well they care about you and would apologize right away if they did something too far. and you guys are such good sibling goals😤
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➜ definitely know how to deal with his emo mode
➜ since you guys grew up together
➜ and sadly, you didn't have an akaashi to help you out with it while you were young
➜ like he'd be the older brother but you would probably be the more mature one
➜ but while you guys were young, he was your knight & shinning armor
➜ like when you scraped your knee while trying to catch him, he'll do a 180° and bitch has never ran faster to you than that time
➜ & if you were crying because of it, he'll make stupid jokes but it'll always make you forget about the pain in your knee
➜ and it's one of those times that you could really see that he was actually older than you
➜ then he'll piggyback you back to your house
➜ homeboy be reliable even while he was young wow
➜ and even 'till now
➜ if you ever got sick or injured
➜ or god forbid, HEARBROKEN by someone
➜ a bitch will throw hands
➜ but before that he'll make you laugh & do his best to take your mind off whatever is causing you to hurt
➜ ngl you would always look up to him, even if he may seem childish
➜ he'll hang out with you the rest of the day, he doesn't care if it's a school day, he'll drag akaashi with him
➜ though he may reword them differently, but his advices never seemed to fail you
➜ fights don't usually happen, and if they do they're probably serious
➜ he's the type of brother that lets you sneak out the house
➜ he'll usually back you up in everything
➜ and this bitch would take the fall for your faults
➜ ugh WE STAN
➜ but also if you sneak out the house to your significant other, bb boy has to know their number, address, occupation etc.
➜ because he ain't having a broken hearted sibling
➜ and he just wants the best for you
➜ and in the future, though he may be busy with being a professional volleyball player;
➜ he'll always have time for you
➜ you're that urgent to him
➜ your his first best friend before volleyball
➜ speaking of volleyball, if you aren't found in the stands in his matches ─ he'll go TO EMO MODE Y'ALL
➜ because you're usually always there in his games and it makes him give all his 120%
➜ since he's usually busy, he'll ALWAYS have those covey sisters movie nights
➜ if ykyk
➜ he's a sucker for family bonding time ogey
➜ the type to binge watch all the hsm movies & know all the lyrics to all the songs
➜ the type to defend sharpay with all his might
➜ and you guessed it right
➜ sharpay is his favourite character
➜ no one tell me otherwise
➜ hates horror movies
➜ so if you ever watch it with him, he won't leave your side for the rest of the night & will have a sleepover on the living room
➜ f o r t s
➜ loves doing ridiculous challanges
➜ your phone would be BOMBARDED with crackhead videos of him
➜ probably broke a bone or two ngl
➜ 100/10 would recommend as a brother
➜ in conclusion, he may not always be there, and would be a bit childish & needy at times; but you know that he would step up as a big brother for you ANYDAY, ANYNIGHT, ANYTIME. because how could he want the best for you when he's not being his best on his part?
-ˏˋ playing soleil's tape ˊˎ-
[ 📼 ] . . . tumblr won't let this post show on the tags now i have to repost them all over again phew chile. watch me throw hands😤
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buckyjamess-archive · 3 years
chocolate chips & babies
a/n: hello @onceuponadetectivedemigod I'm your secret Santa for the Get down give joy event! This is my first time participating in such thing. I absolutely loved the things you requested & this is where I ended up, I hope you enjoy it! also, sorry for not sending so much anons; I didn't know what to ask :')
pairings: ben hardy x reader
warnings: fluff town baby, call your dentist in advance. Dad!ben needs a warning on its own.
wordcount: 1.4k+
summery; Christmas with the Jones' is never the same.
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"Daddy, this one has Santa in it." 
Ben looks down at his daughter, Emily, shaking another snow globe in her purple gloved hands. Blonde hair flowing from underneath her purple hat. Rosy cheeks and the tip of her nose red. 
"No, you're joking?" 
Kneeling down to his daughter's height, he catches the globe from her tiny hands and examines it closely. How the snow floats around Santa, the Christmas tree and the tiny snowman. 
"It sure is Santa," Ben smiles at his daughter "we need to find mum and your brother, okay?" 
Emily nods her head and watches how her dad sets the snowglobe back on the shelf, amongst all others she enjoyed. Ben gets back on his feet and reaches for her hands, which wraps around his finger. 
Making their way out of the little corner store and out on the cold streets of London, Ben finds himself and his daughter in a mob of people.  
People desperately trying to find that one last, perfect gift for under the tree. People trying to get the last turkey from the store a few blocks down. People arguing. People yelling-- 
Oh the joys of Christmas. 
"C'mon, sweetheart." 
In a swift move, Ben raises Emily off the ground and holds her tight against his side. Her arms wrapping around his neck. 
"Where's mummy?"
"I don't know," ben mumbles, subtly pushing past the group of arguing women "but we'll find her." 
"We have too," Emily states as a matter of fact "we were going to bake cookies." 
"Yeah, did mum promise you that?" Ben asked curiously. 
Emily nods her head "with hot chocolate." 
It can't be hard to find you, right? A woman he came to love so dearly, walking around with his son, his carbon copy, sporting a seven month baby bump under a layer of clothes..not that difficult, if the streets weren't packed as if every store decides to give things away for free. 
Christmas with the jones..never the same. 
"Maybe Santa can give me the snow globe." 
"Maybe he will sweetheart." 
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You push the stroller back and forth in the hopes to make your over emotional toddler sleepy and though he's dozed off minutes ago, you can't be too sure and stop it. 
Noah his rosy, chubby cheeks are squished as his head rests against the metal of the stroller. Quiffs of blonde peeking from under his red and blue, fireman Sam hat. Clutching onto a stuffed rabbit he'd gotten from his big sister. 
You rub over your still and seemingly never growing bump when little miss Jones causes a ruckus. Honestly, you're still surprised she hasn't broken any of your ribs or caused any internal bleeding, 
something you'd not had experienced yet, Emily and Noah were the easiest babies you'd seen among your friends, just like their dad, not only in looks but in manners but something tells you this little babe is going to be your carbon copy. 
Sitting down on the stone bench, your feet ache. A sigh leaving your lips when your son starts to shift in his stroller the second you stop moving it. 
Home, that's all you want at this moment. Gather your little family, walk home and heat up with some hot chocolate underneath the Christmas tree while watching a movie. Underneath a thick fluffy blanket preferably. 
Only if you didn't lose your husband in the madness called the great Christmas depression. Maybe it was a bad idea to do some Christmas shopping last minute after all. 
The cold England weather sends a shiver down your spine and you tuck the blanket further up Noah's body, carefully to not wake him up. 
The familiar sound of the voices belonging to those of your husband and daughter catches your attention. You stand up, looking around the bush streets and it takes a while before you spot the two blondies.
You wave in the hopes they see you and they do as Emily points into your direction. 
"It's a madhouse." Ben grumbles when he reaches you "lets head back home." 
"Gladly." You mumble back. 
The walk home isn't long. You've rarely left the block. You've walked this route a hundred times, ten minutes at last but with the ache in your feet and back, it made it look like hours but with Emily pushing the stroller, it gave Ben the opportunity to snake his arm around your back, helping you to find some sort of relief.
"This is the last kid, Jones." You complain "unless you're planning to carry them." 
"Don't think I'm able to be such an amazing human being," ben chuckles "I'm just a man." 
"This one better look like me." 
You watch Emily, carefully pushing the stroller with her little brother around. Nearly reaching the handles, even on her tiny toes but peeking around it to make sure to go straight. 
Both carbon copies of their daughter. 
"I'm sorry love, can't help it. My genes are stronger." 
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"Mate, calm down." Ben laughs when he pulls his son hand away from the batch of cookie batter "when's the last time we fed you." 
You're seated at the breakfast bar, nursing a hot chocolate, like you imagined minutes ago.
Emily stands tall on her step, flour covering nearly every inch of her body, rolling batter into small balls, licking her fingers clean once in a while.
Noah on his knees on the kitchen counter, anything edible disappearing into his mouth whenever he can get his hands on it. 
Ben stands behind him, able to pull his son back whenever it's needed. Hand gripping the back of Noah's shirt. 
"Grandma says you get sick from eating it." Emily says, looking back from Ben to you and back "chickens will grow in your stomach because the eggs are raw." 
"Did she?" Ben raises his brow as he looks at his daughter, mouthing a 'What the hell?' In your direction 
"Is it true?" 
"No honey, grandma is crazy." You say "You can get sick from it, so don't eat too much." 
"Do you want some?" 
She holds out a ball of dough in your direction. A smile reaching her ears, showing off her pearly whites 
"No, the baby doesn't like it." You refuse but give her the same warm smile she's giving you. 
She turns back to her dad, holding out the same piece but when Ben refuses it too, she sets it in the tray in front of her, pushing it down with her hands. 
"I will make cookies for all of you!" Emily cheers "even for Santa!" 
"That's a good idea love," Ben smiles, "Maybe he'll get you that snow globe." 
The two of you share a smile but it falters fast when Noah gets a hold of the bag of chocolate chips, nearly stuffing his mouth with a hand full. 
"Mate, you need to calm down." Ben states "he's got that from you." 
"As if you didn't eat my last candy bar, Jones." 
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"Go easy on your mum or you'll be the last one." 
You roll your eyes at Ben, his face close to your bump. The lights of the Christmas tree and the fairy lights illuminating the features on his face. 
With the two rascals all tucked in and sound asleep, it's just you, Ben and the little bean. A moment you'll forever cherish, a moment that rarely happened. 
"So, if you want a brother or sister-" 
"Ben, please," you chuckle "I don't want to think about another kid right now. She's not even born yet." 
Ben sits back up right and rests his feet on the coffee table, laying his arm on the couch behind you "What about a football team?" 
"I'll personally give you a vasectomy." 
"I'm joking." Ben throws his head back, nearly causing a whiplash as he lets out a laugh 
"I'm not tough." You smirk at him "I love you but I'm not going to care a football team, find yourself another wife if you have too." 
"I would never." 
Ben kisses your temple and places his hand back on your stomach and if on queue, the little bean kicks up against his hand. 
"Already a daddys princess." Ben jokes "three girls to fight for my attention." 
You raise your brows and fake a smile "Oh, I'll always fight for your attention." 
"These mood swings really getting to you this time, huh?" Ben chuckles "Where's the Christmas spirit?" 
You huff and lean back on the couch, throwing your legs in Ben's lap. Without thinking, Ben reaches for them, massaging away the ache in them. 
"We've to make sure we feed these kids," Ben says "look at our poor son." 
Tough it's a little hectic and a bit chaotic and, ben wouldn't want his family to be any different.
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