#and the tension is delicious IM EATING THIS UP
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GRAY SHELTER (2024) I 1.04 "Because I don't wanna say goodbye."
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rivianaaa · 2 months
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(The internet in the province is so shitty and I just came home and god, it's like I failed my duty as a hardcore fan of Sakura on not greeting her 😭)
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MY GIRL IS SO LOOKING PRETTY!!! 😭😭😭😭😭😭 (Yes I've been eating up those videos on tiktok, what can I say? its my drug)
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(Credits to the owners of this fantastic artwork)
Okay, I've got goods. I wanna recommend on how badass she is and everyone should read it. Since you know I'm a whore of KakaSaku, be ready that I'll recommend fics with this pairing.
The Sixth Shadow Created by @thinknicht | ao3 ⇀ Holy fuck, this is my shit. My drug that keeps me alive. Sakura on this fic is so badass. Aside from the freaki-delicious KakaSaku moments, the most favorite thing I like the most on this fic are: ❀ the medical aspect ❀ the political settings in Konoha ❀ the fight scenes ❀ the unreliable narrator tag (please be aware on this tag) ❀ Sakura's compassion (this woman is a mother!!!!!!! someone should put a statue of her at the center of Konoha!) ❀ Sakura's emotional conflict towards Kakashi. (It's not pining. This is the most important point.) I have no words—this fic is so *slowly ascends* Silver Lining Created by @thinknicht | ao3 ⇀ This fic has made me think everything. Like I've daydreamed so much. I thought the Fourth Shinobi War, Kaguya, Naruto and Sasuke, that weirdass cocoon, and also Kakashi and Sakura. Thinkie is truly an enigma, fucking hell, her brain is so good.
The Healing Slugs Sage Created by @justabrazilianwriter | ao3 ⇀ Dimension travel. This is it. AHHHHH!! Do you know how happy I am like *punching in the air* and its' KAKASAKU???? Obito throws Sakura in a different dimension where medical knowledge is so stunted due to the absence of Tsunade's existence. I know Obito cares about Sakura, but I can't help to thank the man of being a matchmaker HAHAHA!
The Idol Created by sassafrassing | ao3 ⇀ Do you know how many times I read this???? Do you how many times I type this title in the search box whenever I open my chrome??? This fic is so glorious. Two broken souls were ready to end their lives, but fate strings them together that blooms for a second chance. Holy shit, I love the scene where Sakura caress Kakashi's hair as he laid down on her lap. AHHHHH!!! I whisper scream when Kakashi decide to go back at the field to save his team and like—AHHHHH!!!
A Four Week Class in Flirting, Seduction, and Bagel Making Created by @goldfishlover73 | ao3 ⇀ Talking about tension and baking, what a dangerous combination lmaooo! I smiled so stupidly when Kakashi watch Sakura as if there is no people in the room—and oh fucking god, the frencchhhhhh!!!
The Fall Created by BelleDayNight | ao3 ⇀ I would like to thank the discord server scarecrows and cherryblossoms for this theme. This fic is so chef's kiss. Fallen angel Kakashi??? And the Dark Kakashi tag???? Perfection 👌
This beautiful AU and Run with the Hares (Hunt with the Hounds) of @brighteuphony ⇀ Let's start with the former which it held my love (because Sakura's hair is so fluffyyyyyy!!!!!!! and she's so badass holy fuck) and Im so hyped on the latter tbh! It only has 1 chapter, but I held my sanity so tight on not to read it for now.
That's all for now. There are lots lots of KakaSaku fics, but these fics has grab me by the throat and read it.
Anyways, happy birthday Haruno Sakura! 💖💖💖🌸🌸🌸🌸
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eebie · 7 months
Good food makes u wish u could get prengnant eating it like im be gazing lustuflly at a delicious treat wirh some unholy and insanely passionate kind of tension …… i want a family of 5 with you baby How can i fuck this half eaten french fry so it knocks me up
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tuesday again 1/2/2024
it’s quite satisfying how the year started on a monday
first song of the year: how could it be anything other than Sabata. this is the theme from the titular Sabata, i meant to pick the theme from Return of Sabata but im not mad about it.
i read Tim Marchman’s Popping Tins newsletter (a newsletter about fish and seafood) less bc i enjoy locking Mack in the bathroom every time i want a tuna melt and more for the droll authorial voice. i have bought a tin of mackerel after reading some entries, and it was very good but much much richer than tuna.
What should I do with this can of krill meat?
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after consulting the importer’s website:
This is accompanied by a photograph of the can featuring easily-discerned black eyes, which are nothing to be concerned about, according to the company that produces this can. The first question on its FAQ page is “What are the little black speckles in my can?” “No need to be concerned here!” the answer reads. “Your meat is not dirty, and you did not get a defected can. Our Antarctic Krill meat contains the most nutritious parts of the krill, which happen to include their eyes.
The risks here are clear: I could vomit when I open the can and see the nutritious black eyes staring at me; I could destroy the peace in my home by making it smell like saut��ed and simmered krill; and/or I could ruin a perfectly delicious lunch by introducing nutritious eyes and hard bits of chitin.
i have no memory of how i found this newsletter.
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i keep forgetting i have ten hoopla credits a month through my old library and i want to read more comics this year bc reading comics is fun. in the past in practice this means ive binged all ten credits over a weekend. this weekend i had time for exactly one.
The Riddler: Year One is an extremely direct tie-in to the movie and i think it’s neat they let the riddler’s actor paul dano go wild with his backstory and then turn it into a comic. it’s fun when actors get to do weird tie-in shit.
(non-sequential pages)
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watching this forensic accountant’s brain crack and scramble like an egg as he struggles to really grasp the enormity of gotham corruption and why the city is such a dogshit miserable place to live in made me go “oh huh that was a pretty good writing decision in the movie”. not that the riddler was terribly stable to begin with but the despair and the unraveling were very effectively conveyed. this comic has a lot of fun with funky layouts (left) and an entire issue (right) is conspiracy board shit on top of accounting forms which is a neat artistic choice.
deeply depressing but an interesting new little window into the rpatz batman (god i hope we get more rpatz batman films) and fun to look at.
how i found this: trawling the popular comics page on hoopla
this is the seventh year of starting a new-to-me classic black and white movie around 1030/11 PM New Year’s Eve and i am annoyed i didn’t like the movie that started this year but, according to the data, it’s been fifty-fifty so far.
previous years have featured: sunset boulevard, yojimbo, the thin man, it happened one night, bringing up baby, the big sleep, and now roman holiday (1953, dir. Wyler).
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this is the platonic ideal of a classic movie. it’s not sterile but it’s so… unobjectionable. wholesome (derogatory) even. not particularly what i was looking for in a movie but, much like the gelato and champagne that pop up, it was kind of a sweet nothing. i don’t think anyone eats any real food this whole movie?
this is never a movie that feels rushed. it is two hours of watching beautiful people traipse around a beautiful city in beautiful edith head costumes. i would not say there is a lot of tension for the first hour and a half. however, imo, it does land its ending and for that i can forgive it a great deal. this is another beautiful movie that is simply not for me.
have you ever wanted an open world rpg where you play as a shark? congrats, this was apparently free on epic a while back
Maneater has a tremendously fun prologue where you play as the soon-to-be-dead mother shark who is absolutely going to town on a crowded beach and destroying multiple spear-gun-wielding divers and multiple boats full of citizens exercising their second amendment rights. this prologue is an excellent choice by the game bc it locks the fun part (eating people) behind several hours of really grindy shit. i am not entertained by the grind of eating progressively larger muskellunge, avoiding alligators, and collecting license plates. the grind is EXCEPTIONALLY grindy, i put about three hours into it and have only gotten to level 5 (teen) and have only two mutations i can sink loot into (four types of loot gained from eating other fish. this is too many types imo). i am not anywhere near a recommended level to start fucking humans up. im also not super impressed with the open world aspects of it— there are not a lot of things to do, discover, or interact with in the first two areas.
this seems like a really fun game that clotheslined itself with a cripplingly slow upgrade cycle. im sure the mid and late game are hysterically fun, especially on stream. however i am not willing to put in the hours to get to the fun part when i could immediately be having fun in some other game.
a lot of profoundly uninteresting cleaning. after not being able to figure out why my office (where Phil [no longer in heat. for now] lives) still reeks of piss even after stealing a blacklight from a friend and cleaning with a blacklight, it is of course bc she has been pissing in secret places i didn’t think she could get to. upside down smile emoji. both the girls got their monthly flea goop yesterday and were deeply unhappy about it.
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most of my plants died in the move and i am finally tackling the survivors. fan favorite giant snake plant (not pictured, tidied up and inside) did make it and pull through but is not happy about it. now that i have baby basil and baby dill sprouting in the kitchen i do need to do something with the balcony so they have somewhere to grow up study and strong.
also slammed that silly little blondeyes NFT thing up on the archive
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betasquads · 2 years
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Heretic!kai parker x femalewitch!reader
A/N: This is the first time I'm using tumblr, not the best writing, but it's readable.
▪︎ warning: smut
The Civil War in the United States began in 1861, after decades of simmering tensions between northern and southern states over slavery, states' rights......
I sighed, slamming my book shut while I was reading. I needed to free my mind a little bit. I knew I had a lot more to study but I needed to check it someone texted me. I go to my nightstand to see if my phone was fully charged, not expecting a text from Kai.
We both hated each other before, but we got closer in the prison world while still hating each other, and without realizing, he grew on me.
I finally found the restaurant that we couldn't find. Dress up, we're going to go eat because im starving.
Him and I were just best friends, nothing more. I knew him and the mystic galls gang, for quite a long time now. Everyone hated seeing me with him, but sometimes I couldn't careless. I had to admit that ive been in love with him for a few months now. Hes attractive, hot, and sometimes caring. He lived three blocks away from me, meaning I had to go get dressed up.
I go ahead and dress up as I sit in the living room, waiting for Kai.
I heard the knock on the door before opening it for him, smiling as he just gave me an awful stare.
"I meant my text, I'm starving which means this restaurant better be good and taste like how i remember it" He talks about the restaurant that we used to go just a few months ago.
"Alright, what does that have to do with me? I'm not the CEO of this restaurant." I yell defensively as he rolls his eyes.
"Come on, let's go." He says and ignores on what I just said. I grab my purse and head out as we walk to there.
Kai and I were sitting in the all known restaurant that had a bar right next door. I only came here for the famous crispy fries and their delicious smooth vanilla ice cream, making me drool each time I think about it. Which I would've not went if we didn't go to this place.
It was a pretty talked thing in town, a very affordable and a tasty restaurant that looked fancy. Kai was talking about how the ribeye was so good and that he would like to try it again but he would go if I would go and thats why he texted me. I skipped my studies to go with him, him and I getting seated.
"Can't we just order everything and burst right out the moment we finish eating? I'm starving that I would even eat something raw. But now that I smell fries I want fries. Actually I see that they serve meat. I don't like meat. " I inhale deeply at the scent of the fries.
"Hearing you rambling makes me wanna die." He tells me as I roll my eyes. You are one to talk. I thought.
Then I look up to see Kai staring at me with amusement and the all known tiny smirk. "My rambling makes you want to die? I should do it more often."
I blush when I thought about the fact that he put a spell on me to read my mine. I look at the menu once again to avoid looking at kai, disgust taking over.
Burger with a side of Crispy fries,
Calamari Steak,
Saffron Rice,
Cuban Style Roast Pork,
Mushroom and Onion with Rosemary.
The menu continues on as the waitress comes up to us, "My name is Rose, I will be your waitress. What can I get you started with?" She throws in the most fakest smile.
I look at the menu and I snort. "Mushroom and Onion with Roseeeemary. Get it? Cause your name is in Rosemary." I laugh at my own joke as I see Kai stiffen his laugh as I look up at the waitress who looked annoyed as she waited. I stop smiling when I look at her stare.
My nose scrunch when I shake my head, "Just joking I do not want that, ew, gross. And I definitely don't want the entire menu. Just theeeeeeeee..." I look at the menu once again.
"Burger with a side of Crispy fries. And Vanilla Custard. Also let's not forget the famous ice cream. Make sure it's vanilla cause the rest of the flavors are overrated or just suck. I'm suing you if you mix it up." I tell the waitress as I look over to Kai who was biting his lip seductively as he looks at me. His eyes were practically taking my clothes off, I felt like I was being burned by his gaze.
It was basically the first time he ever did this.
I blush and look away, more interested at the wooden floor instead. I could feel his gaze still on me.
"And what about your boyfriend?" She questions as she was writing on her notes, glancing at him.
I laugh awkwardly before shaking my head, about to respond before he's the one to speak.
"I'm not her boyfriend. And I would love a ribeye and the same exact desserts like hers." He looks at me, his eyes hungry as his eyes trails down to my lip. He says to her as his eyes never left my face.
I shift uncomfortably in the seat as I feel a wave of heat surge in between my thighs. I bite my lip as the waitress nods, telling us it will be ready within twenty minutes.
"I see what you did there with the Rosemary joke." I roll my eyes once again at him.
I began using the salt that sat on the table, placing it on my index finger. I began to make it fly for entertainment since we had to wait for food. I smile to myself before a voice cuts my thoughts off.
"Genuine question, has someone ever made you feel good?" If I was drinking something, I would've choked. But instead, I just stare with wide eyes at the floor as my eyebrows lifted. He has never asked me such thing. The salt falls on the table while I shakingly sigh heavily.
He bites his lip, as I see him shift from side to side as if something was irritating him.
"What is with this question? You never asked me about something like this."
He laughs as he shuts his eyes for a brief moment and then looks back at me. "Oh no, just curious. I want to know if my girl has been getting the pleasure she deserves." He says seductively.
I forgot what breathing was, a surge of a weird feeling hitting my underneath stomach. My girl? Since when was I his girl?
I open my mouth slightly at the name, trying to find the words but I just couldn't.
"Hmm? Are you going to answer me or not? If you won't just say you're nervous because of me." He hums, tilting his head to the side. His fingers slowly traveled to my hand that was resting on the table, drawing circles around.
"It's not any of your buisness." He raises his hands up in surrender with a grin.
"Alright, alright. I just could've been a way of help to changing that." He winks at me while I look away, looking at the people who was ordering across of me.
"Welcome to our restaurant! Today we will be playing a game, it is optional and you do not have to do it. We do different games every other Friday so today's game is..." A waitress says as Kai rolls his eyes.
"Tic tac toe? Sorry but I'm not very interested in a child's game. I'd rather kill the entire people sitting here right now." I laugh at his comment and lean on the table as I wait for what she's about to say.
"7 minutes in heaven. Get up and write your names down and pass it in this tiny little box over there if you do want to get in the game. If you are an odd one out and don't have a partner, then better luck next time!" We hear people going quiet as I blush, looking down.
I can feel Kai's gaze on me with a smirk on his face. "I don't mind if I do." He gets up and goes towards where the waitress was.
I get up aswell, I mean it was only a one time thing. Besides, there were so many people. I can't just randomly be paired up with Kai.
I go write my name down and go back to where I was sitting, Kai looking at me at each move I make.
We wait for our names to be revealed with our pairs, my legs crossed as I wait patiently.
"Y/N and..." She says cheerfully as the bottom of my stomach gives me butterflies.
"Kai, Kai parker." The moment his name left her mouth I felt like I was being choked, my eyes widening as I look over to Kai who was staring at my lips.
He gets up and holds his hands out with a his hooded eyes staring at me. I blush and place my hands on his larger hands, I silently gasp when I feel the cold rings against me. The comparison of how huge his hands made me go wet, sending shivers in my spine.
She points towards the door and we get inside, the darkness in the room and me being alone with kai while we play this game immediately made me feel even wetter.
The door shuts and I felt frozen up, as if I didn't know what to do. Especially that Kai was my friend, but i had to admit, I was in love with him. Him and I do everything together, he almost died for me, him and I would choose each other in a heartbeat even though we were once enemies.
"Are you going to overthink now? You just wasted a good 3 minutes." He says but I shake my head.
"This–This is wrong. This can't be. We aren't even supposed to be friends, what does this say about us?" My index finger points between him and I.
I don't know why but at this very moment, it felt like I was betraying my friends although it was choice and my life.
I can see him his eyes was filled with sadness on what I had just said, like he felt hurt.
And he did have everything and every right to think like that. I was basically suggesting as if he was a side person for me, or someone who was wrong for me. He did change, because I can sometimes see the way his eyes lights up when he sees me, or when he runs up to me when I show up at his apartment and the way he makes up his stupid jokes that always never fails to make me laugh.
"I–I didn't mean it like that. I'm sorry." For some reason, every instinct was telling me to go up and kiss him.
Do it.
I walk up to him, now the both of us are the closest we could ever be. He looks back and forth towards my right eye and my left eye, as if he was trying to figure out something.
Then I make him lower himself for me, my lips connecting his. I could feel an explosion right underneath my stomach when his hand goes up to my waist, and the other at the back of my head.
I was the first to disconnect it, and it was clear that he didn't want to cause his lips went forward the moment I left it.
I can hear him groan slightly as he stares at my body, his enlarged hands going to my hips, "It's only you and me in here. Just you and I to do whatever we want. And I want you." He purrs in my ears as I see him briefly shut his eyes and kissing my under earlobe.
My eyes widens at the action, I was surprised. "K-Kai" I gasp when he looks up at me, his baby blue eyes weren't so blue anymore. Instead, his pupils was taking over.
Although it was dark, I can slightly see him.
He gives me wet kisses on my neck and leaves his lips lingering for a quite a while which makes it even better.
"7 minutes of heaven, you heard her."
"Malachai." I accidentally say his full name while he hits my sensitive spot on my neck, gripping his hair.
He then freezes at what he said, leaning away to look at me. He bites his lip, "Say that again" His words are inaudible but I still heard him, my eyes widening at his neediness.
My hand travels to the nape of his neck as I make him get close to me, my lips almost touching his ear.
"Malachai" This time I said it in more of demanding tone, tilting my head by a bit and biting my lip.
Then we notice our 7 minutes was up.
That fast?
I can see that he was disappointed, the both of us letting go of each other. I didn't feel so warm without his coat hugging me, frowning that time went too fast.
"That worker should've gotten a kick in the ass. Who accidentally switches mint chocolate chip ice cream with vanilla? She should've known that mint is gross and no one would even get it." I tug in my shorts as I try to reach for my phone, but then I accidentally trip on on a piece of rock.
I groan as I look up to see Kai laughing at me as if he was watching a comedian show where someone makes a dirty joke, which is always unfunny.
"What are we, twelve? This isn't the puppet show, stop laughing idiot." I felt warm liquid running down my leg but Kai couldn't see since I was sat on both of my legs. He definitely smelled it though cause I see his jaw clenched.
And then he began laughing once again. I start laughing at his contagious laugh, as he turns around as if I'm about to get up and follow him. His maniac laughing fit his beautiful face that had a stubble, my lip biting at the sight. I then focus on myself.
He then begins to walk off, thinking it was a minor injury. I felt it burn in my leg and knew that it was major. "Where the hell are you going? If you want me to drive you to the kids show, you are always welcome Kai. Except I'm bleeding so you have to wait up."
"Do you want me to carry you in a bridal position? Come on it probably wasn't even that bad." He rolls his eyes. He stopped in his tracks, turning around to look at me. His eyes widens when he sees the gash on my knee, quickly running up to me. Blood was pouring out of it, and it was burning. It was bigger cut than he thought.
Veins began to show under his eyes as he stares at my blood. He clenches his jaw as he looks away. I hear him gulp as he looks at the left side of the road, not bothered to even look.
"Kai, look at me." I demand as he shakes his head, shutting his eyes. He stood up, trying to maintain calm from getting the urge to rip my head off.
I stand a little bit and lean on him, before he tries to get away from me. "I'll hurt you." My hand makes a way to his cheeks that were spiking me from his stubble, as I make eye contact with him.
His blue eyes were shimmering, the depths in them made me look so deep into his beautiful eyes, "You won't, I know you won't." He bites his lip at my courage, before he snaps out of it before he kneels infront of me as he thought of way, about to bite his wrist but I shake my head.
"I know you never want to be healed with vampire blood but it stings and I can't keep that for you–"
"It's alright Kai, maybe we can call someone to pick us up. Im a newbie witch and i can't heal myself. You siphoning from me will hurt, i mean kinda–" He shakes his head before he thought of a way.
He quickly snaps a piece from his shirt, "This is going to hurt bad, you know when you see someone get hurt and you just hold the place they're hurt at like you're going to also going to get hurt. In which you also feel the pain of the other person like in another way but I don't know how you just feel it by looking at them like you're scared that it would also happen to you so me placing a piece of cloth might sting cause I remember how they feel when Joshua used to trip me a lot and I would get injured so my leg kinda hurts even if it isn't possible–"
I chuckle, cutting him off. "Shut up idiot, you rambling makes me want to die. Just get over this." I groan as I shut my eyes, staring up at the sky as I sigh.
I could feel his breath hitting my neck and his eyes never leaving me even though I had my eyes closed.
He shakily sighs, shaking his head as he began tying it around my gashed knee, as I let out a pained groan. "What's your favorite ummm, song?" He tries to distract me as I smile at the idiot who's right infront of me.
I hit his shoulder half jokingly and half not in an insulting manner. "Ow!" His right hand makes a grab for the place that I had hit him.
"If you're trying to distract me, you suck at it. So don't go on." I smile cheekily at him as I look down at my knee as if to tell him to continue.
He began wrapping it tightly, a few seconds silently going by. "I'm sorry" He mumbles very fast as my eyes widen.
I gasp dramatically,  "Oh. My. God? Malachai Parker apologizing? I should've recorded that for for Elena. Damn it! I sometimes hate the universe for being unfair." I said as I dramatically frown, actually surprised that he apologized.
I could tell that he got annoyed about my sentence because he let's out an annoyed huff, "You should take me seriously." He yelled me but I give him a look before he rolls his eyes.
I wait for him to understand why I was looking at him like this, then realization settles in his features. "Fine, I didn't take you seriously about.. About? Let me remember." He began to get into thought as I laugh, inhaling a huge amount of air.
"You didn't take me seriously when I told you I was hurt. It'll heal, but it will definitely leave a scar." I hear him inhale like it was his fault that I tripped.
"Come on it wasn't even that bad." I mock him in his tone as I began to burst into giggles when he gives me a serious look, but he bites his lip to hide his smile.
"Unfunny." He says, his lips slightly twitching into a smile.
"Then what is that smile on your face? Did it magically just appear? Weird." I smirk at him.
He ignores my comment, standing up as his arms snake around my waist and my under knees. I gasp when he actually picks me up in a bridal position.
As an instinct I grip his neck shakingly, not because I was scared that I would fall or he would trip and make a joke out of himself.
He was close to me, his eyes dark and shallow. His gaze burns right through me as my eyes widen slightly at the look he's giving me.
"Fuck it, I'm going to carry you home." His voice now deep and husky, my mouth slightly opened at the switched tone.
It was deep almost like he was trying to be seductive. It was hot, making me bite my lip as I shut my eyes.
We reach at my house, setting me down slowly. I reach for my keys before unlocking the door. I step inside, opening the door wide open to welcome Kai in.
"Come on in–"
He gets a little too close to me, my breath hitching at the closeness.
"You didn't answer my question. Has anyone ever made you feel good?" He said it in a whisper, biting his lip as he looks at mine.
"Not really, it was just okay, not wow or anything." I say unsure as I take my shoes off, walking inside the kitchen to avoid the question.
"Do you want water, juice or nothing so you could save them for me?" I question with a sigh as I open the fridge.
Suddenly the confusion settles when Kai doesn't respond. I feel a hot breathe on my neck, a pair of hands moving my hair to the side. I shiver at the contact as I let out a silent moan when I feel his lips on my neck. His teeth nibbles on my skin, my body going hot.
I shut the fridge when he grabs my waist and turns me around, pushing me aggressively against the fridge. I whimper and my hand grip his hair.
"Mmm, why don't you make those noises for me much more often? Fun fact i actually enjoy it a lot." He questions as he places wet kisses my collarbone.
I quickly place a hand over my hand to stop a moan, grabbing his neck as I hugged him into me so he could continue on kissing me.
"I'm so done with pretending like I don't want you." He groans as he leaves wet kisses all over.
He sees that i have my hand above my mouth. "Let all the noises come out by itself, you have no one at your house besides you and I." He says while attacking my entire neck with love bites.
"We could fill the house with our sinful noises, and no one will be able to hear us. What will your friends think of you? Their naughty girl fucking the evil parker?"
"Since we're all alone. It means, I could fuck you senseless." He dirty talks in my ear which makes me shiver.
"Punish you in any way you want me to. hmm, like pulling my hands away each time your so close. Slap your ass. " He whispers in my earlobe as he tucks a hairstrand behind me. He slaps my ass as I moan, enjoying the feeling.
"Dirty girl, enjoying me slapping you?" He tuts in disapproval when I moan in his ears, his cock twitching in his pants.
"God, or even you could punish me. It would be very hot." He hums at his dirty thoughts that I wish I could see and hear. He sucks underneath my ears which makes me grip his hair, pulling it slightly.
He moans into my ears at the sudden action that I've pulled, grabbing my top and ripping it apart eagerly. "Hey! That was expensiv-"
"We could do anything you want. Any dirty thoughts running through your mind, I will make it happen. I'll please you in every way possible no matter how sinful it is. I'll fuck you in every way possible. " He whispered to me as he ignores my remark. He teasingly rubbed my clit that was separated by a fabric. I whimper at the touch as he pulls the destroyed dress off of me.
He grabs my waist and sets me on the counter, kneeling down as he bit on my underwear. He slowly takes it off with his teeth, not breaking eye contact. I felt myself getting wet at the sight, rubbing my thighs together.
"Look at me while I pleasure you." His lips brushed my clit as I let out a moan, gripping his hair. I could feel his breath, my body going hot as he maintains an eye contact with me.
His lips suddenly attacked, sucking and biting as I grip his hair. I look up as I grind into him, hearing him groan at my action.
"Look at me while I hear you make these noises." He demanded as I listen, his dark brown eyes piercing right into me.
I do as he says, my stomach turning when his eyes are hooded in satisfaction, his mouth sucking. I feel a familiar bolt in my stomach before I grip his should, signaling that I was close.
I become disappointed when he stops, a smirk on his face. It was hot besides the fact that he didn't let me finish. "I'm going to let you finish when I'm inside of you."
He begins to attack my neck with kisses, my head falls back as I let out a silent moan. His lips attack mine hungrily and aggressively, grabbing my waist and carrying me. I gasp in the kiss when he starts going upstairs to my bedroom. I let go of him, as he slightly whimpers at the loss of body contact. He tries to connect our lips again, then I smirk.
"So needy. It's hot." I say while I tried to unlock the door but it didn't seem to be working.
He then pushes the door with his vampire strength and pushing me straight to my bed, kissing me eagerly. I've always dreamt of having Kai kissing me with one of his coats on, the image in my mind turning me on.
I then switch positions, now I'm above him. He looks at me with amusement when I mutter two words beside his ears, "magicae manus" I whisper seductively, while my lips are attached at his earlobe, kissing and nibbling.
Both of my hands were pinning his but since I was using a spell I haven't before, he gasps and I smirk against his warm skin. My magic hands were taking his pants off slowly.
"Are you enjoying this?" I whisper while tearing his shirt apart, my other magic hand touching him seductively in any way. He just whimpers, with his mouth open wide and his eyes shut.
For some reason, my hand suddenly chokes him, not harsh, but not gentle. His eyebrows lifted up in amusement, staring at me for a quiet minute.
"Yes ma'am." He says it very silently, his voice deep and hallow. I was satisfied with the response.
I take his coat off and his black shirt that was torn apart from me, he was only left with his boxers. I was only left with a sports bra and shorts, teasingly taking it off and taking my time.
He stares at me while his elbows support him, his eyes are hooded and watching every move of mine. After I was left with no fabric, I push myself to him, my hand going to the nape of his neck as I my lips attack his.
The body contact between us lights my skin on fire, my lips detaching from his while it slowly goes down to his collarbone, and then his chest.
While trying to kiss every part of his body, I make eye contact with him, the bottom of my stomach burning each millisecond our eye contact continues.
"You wanna take control? Take control." I whisper with pleading eyes.
He wastes no second and switches places with his vampire speed and began thrusting.
I groan at the sensation as it swallows me whole, half of it being painful and the other half was pleasurable. The whole time we're doing eye-contact, my mind yelling at me to break the connection.
He looks at me concerned, "Should I sto–"
He stops mid sentence, my eyes already telling all the answers. It was powerful, shocks of waves hitting me from the strong eye-contact and from the pleasure I was getting from him.
He then leans down to kiss me, the way his lips connecting mine felt passionate and slow, and not like the other kisses we shared. The kiss was long and sweet, something I've never expected from Kai.
I felt like I was close, and I knew Kai could see that, "Do it for me" He gives me courage and then I receive passionate kisses all over my collarbone.
I reach my climax before Kai does too, the both of us restless as he lazily gets off of me.
He quickly gives me clothes to dress up, and I can't help but feel even more love towards him.
The both of us dress up. I go towards the mirror to fix my hair and my appearance, but then I catch him staring at me from the mirror.
I felt sadness wash over me, scared that this was a one time thing. I turn around to face him and I can't help but stare at his light blue eyes staring at me with curiosity, the way his stubble makes him so attractive.
"You and I–" He paused to think for a minute before stepping even closer to me, the height differences makes it better.
"I want it to happen." He says it in a whisper.
I smile before feeling the warmth of his lips against me, him and I smiling in the kiss.
As it turns out, there's a connection between him and I.
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0fucsgiveon · 1 year
“Let me show you” loki x fem!reader
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𝙒𝘼𝙍𝙉𝙄𝙉𝙂𝙎-pure filthy smut, creampies, praise plus pain kink. Slight sir kink. Slapping, pet names, p in v, enemies to lovers, slight angst, cum eating Sigh
Today was a hard day, you had a mission that didn’t end up well because you and loki got in a fight on who’s plan was better which helped hydra sneak up on you two. So here you two were getting an stupid ass lecture from tony.
“Don’t you get how much trouble you two caused, you need to get your shit together and stop fucking bickering. When your on a team you work and come up with a plan TOGETHER!” Tony yelled the last part anger clearly shown on his face. 
You rolled your eyes and looked at Loki, his eyes caught yours and you furrowed your eyebrows while he gave you the most shitty smirk ever. “Ah, im very sorry we will fix this as soon as were at the tower, im sure y/n here would be obliged to fix it instead of acting like a blipping idiot” he stared at tony than at you.
“Im the fucking idiot! Yeah right you cant even let me finished a sentence without talking over me if any one is an idiot it’s you!” You scream and threw you hangs in there when he standed up. “Look here darling you got two things wrong one is that i am actually 1,070 years old and two your the idiot here you dont even use that human little brain you have-“
“Enough! Your both acting like kids i don’t want another word out of you or im kicking you out of the jet you understand?”
The ride to the tower was quiet and you kept fiddling with your finger avoiding eye contact with the “god” in front of you. When you did arrive tony told you guys to sort out your problem’s and stop causing havoc for the team with your nonsense bickering. The team was out on a team dinner, you and Loki weren’t invited for messing up the mission. So here you were cooking a meal for the two of you. Loki looked over you shoulder every once in a while. “When is it going to be done im bloody starving!” He rumbled at the counter leaning over. Rolling your eyes your turned around “its almost done ok why don’t you just shut up and wait” he scoffed and walked away.
Dinner was finally done, the smell filled your nose making you smile. It was one of your favorite dishes and you knew it tasted delicious. In fact you would have been a chef if you had no powers and were “normal”. “Loki get your ass down here dinner is done!”
As you set the table Loki came down, looking over at him you swore you never saw him better. He was wearing grey sweats with a tight white shirt his hair damp while he was drying it off his arm’s flexing. “Are you gonna stare all day darling” he chuckled and you rolled your eyes. 
“This is delicious, gosh you should have told me sooner you knew how to cook!” He scarfed down his food. Scoffing you looked up at him smiling “well you never asked just assumed i was bad at everything..” you softly spoke.
He looked back up at you “i never said you were bad at everything y/n.” He grabbed your hand.
“Look i know i can be a ass sometimes, but your a good person and im sorry i treat you like shit.” He rubbed your palm with his thumb.
You pulled your hand away and bite your cheek. You would never admit but you liked him a lot, to the point you had so much pent up tension causing you two to fight. “Yeah.. right” you looked down at the floor. He smirked “ why don’t i show you how good of a person like you should be treated”he bite his lower lip. You look up at him immediately “And how do you supposed you would do that?” You whisper in her ear leaning over the table. He groaned “just let me show you, yeah?” You softly nodded and in a mater of seconds you were on  his shoulder being dragged to his room. He threw you on the bed and crawled on top of you kissing and sucking whatever skin he could making you softly moan and feel yourself get even more wet. “Fuck, do you know how long I’ve dreamed of this? How many times i came to the thought of you princess” he groaned in your ear. “You make me feel so fucking hard and filthy. You moan a d his confession and rubbed your core against his knee desperate for any type of friction. He grab ed your him stopping your movements. “Tsk none of that princess gotta tell me what you want ok?” He looked down at you which you simply nodded. He softly slapped you “words darling”
“Yes sir” he groaned at your response and slowly undressed you. “What do you want princess?” His hand dipped lower softly rubbing around  your abdomen teasing you. “Fuck, please touch me needa feel you” he kept his movements im the same place. “I am touching you” he smirked. He wanted you to beg and you knee that you would as long as you got to cum you would do anything for him. “Fuck please just fuck me make me cum all over you please me like you said you would or are you just a liar!” He slapped your clit causing you to jump. “Fuck there she is my feisty little pet, ill make you fucking cum so hard you wont be able to do it yourself” he lowered  starting fingering you hitting the spot you needed him. Breathless moans came out your mouth. “Mmm just like that, let me hear you” he groaned and lowered down to suck on your clit. Already on the edge you knew you were close almost embarrassed how fast he is going to make you cum. “Loki! Fuck gonna cum” you scream he only licked faster. “Go ahead darling cum all over my fingers let me taste you.”  When your high washed over you he licked up every last drop. Slowly he sat up using his magic to dispose of his clothes. 
“Ima fuck you now ok? Get on your hands and knees” he moaned while fisting himself. When you caught a glance of his member you felt scared and worried it wouldn’t fit. He was long and thick, yes he wasn’t human but you knew it would hurt. “Don’t worry ill go slow at first ok?” You nodded and flipped over on your hands and knees. He rubbed his cock over your hole covering it in your juices before slowly pushing in. It felt like hours before he was all in and you swore you felt him in your belly. After a min you finally adjust and thrusted back into him. “Fuck you feel jus’t like heave’n” he moaned i to your ear before slowly thrusting into you making sure to hit your spot every time making you moan his name.
“So’ goo’d! Harder please fuck!” He complied and fucked into you at a rough pace skin slapping surrounding the room.
He slapped your ass so many time sit stung. “Fuck gonna cum soon can you hold in for me” he could feel the way your pussy was clenching him and knew you were close. You mumbled yes and he rubbed your clit. “Fuck gonna cum inside you on the pill!” He moaned loudly! You moaned yes in response and you both came in pure bliss.
After awhile he slowly pulled out and spread your lips apart to watch both your guys cum spill out. He cleaned you both up and you guys cuddled. “Y/n i met what i said earlier.. your a really good person and i made so many mistakes in my life but. I like you a lot” he was almost crying. You pulled him in a kiss “ i like you to Loki”
“We’ll finally they fucked each-other” Thor howled while the rest of the team laugh.
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oscpaistry · 1 year
|| Mommy and Daddy are having a fight. ||
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!! Warning: cursing, other languages with translation, tension under cut !!
Virgil and you have been married for 13 years now. But one day you saw something that wasnt yours, his or your guys's children.
"Good morning lieverd!" He says with his deep morning voice. "Goede morgen schat" you say has you turn yourself around, kissing his bare shoulder. (Good morning babe)
You get off bed and put on a sweater and shorts. You go downstairs and hear the tv running in the background. You go to living room and see your both beautiful children.
"Mama! Mogen we alsjeblieft iets eten?" Nila says while running up to you and hug you. You pick her up and kiss her. (Mom! Could we please get something to eat?)
"Tuurlijk schatjes. Wat willen jullie?" You asked them while putting Nila down. (Of course sweethearts. What do you two want?)
"Pannekoeken!" Jadi answered from the living room. "Okay!" You said back. (Pancakes!)
You went to the kitchen to prepare the pancakes. You heard Virgil coming down. You heard the kids running as well.
"Papa!" You heard the two yell while hugging Virgil's leg. (Daddy!)
"Hey lieverds! Wat doen jullie hier al beneden?" Virgil picks the two off them up and came to the kitchen. (Hey darlings! What are you two doing here already?)
"Mama gaat pannekoeken maken voor ons! Wil je ook pannekoeken papa?" Nadi asked Virgil. So sweet. She always had manners, she got it from her mommy! (Mommy is gonna make some pancakes for us! Do you want some panecakes too daddy?)
"Mama haar pannekoeken zijn altijd wel lekker! Ja hoor ik wil er ook wel een paar." Virgil answers Nali while putting them down to kiss you. (Mommy her pancakes are always delicious! And yes ill take some panecakes."
"Babe, put on a shirt. Its so cold. I dont want you to get sick." You said while cleaning the kitchen counter and putting the pancakes, sugar, siroop and plates on the table.
You go and clean your room. While picking up clothes you see a bra under the pile of Virgil's clothes. It was a blue laced bra. You dont wear blue bra's. Your shocked, tears filling up your eyes. You pick it up and put it somewhere. You go back to cleaning and putting the clothes in your washing machine.
There he was. The skumbag. You ignored him. Not even looking at him.
"Hey baby. Its sunday. Come downstairs and relax." He says while laying on the bed. "Jadi and Nali really want to see you and watch a movie with them!" He said and your heart skips a beat. You were so angry. All you wanted to do is ignore Virgil and be left alone. But you couldnt say no to your own children. You throw everything aside. Trying to hint at him that your angry. But he didnt notice. You go downstairs and see that they are already watching the movie. 'Pim & Pom: Het Grote Avontuur' the movie.
It was a cute movie but you've already seen it 100x because your two girls love it so much. You go and sit next to them and cuddle them. You heard Virgil coming. And your heart starts to beat faster. Virgil come and sit next to you and puts his arm around you and the girls. You try to nudge him away. But didnt really work.
After the movie you leave and go back upstairs. You lay in bed and your still thinking about that bra you found. You feel a few tears roll down your face. You wipe them away and scroll on your phone.
You hear the bedroom door open and hear virgil talking about something. You wont listen.
"Y/n, wat is er? Je luistert niet eens naar me." He says while tapping on your shoulders. (Y/n, whats wrong? Your not even listening to me.)
You finally snap and say "Virgil alsjeblieft speel niet so dom godverdomme!" You sit straight up facing him. His smile fades away. (Virgil please dont play stupid god damnit.)
"What are you talking about?" He asked when you get out off bed.
You are searching for that blue laced bra you've found. There it was. You throw it to him.
"This is what im fucking talking about!" You say while your voice breaks and your eyes are filled up with tears. Still standing there as if you didnt care.
His pupils shrink while he looks at the bra. His eyes widened, lips pressed against each other and his forehead covered in sweat.
"Am i that boring? Really Virgil? You needed to fuck another bitch?" You try to say. But your voice is almost gone.
"No i-" he stuttered.
"After 13 fucking years being married to each other. We have 2 beautiful girls. Do you even care about them? And still you pull this stunt off." Almost incoherent. Then you bawl your eyes out.
He just looks at you and sighs. Knowing fucking well he fucked everything up. No fixing up.
"A sigh? Is that your response to all of this? I felt safe with you. You were my home. You were my happy place. You were the person i trusted. Virgil you were my number one in everything. I thought you understood me. I... I dont even know what to say anymore. Just fuck you Virgil." You say while pointing at him and crying. Your heart is torn apart.
"Im sorry Y/n. I dont know why i did it." He says while tears are streaming down his face.
"I need to go. I cant be around you anymore. Im gonna stay at a hotel or something. I just cant stand looking at you anymore. I just cant stand you at all anymore." You say while getting a bag and shoving everything you could fit in it.
You go downstairs and put on your shoes and jacket. You heard Virgil running behind you. Tears streaming down both off your guys's faces.
Nali came and asked both of you. "Mama, papa! Waarom huilen jullie? Mama waarom doe je je schoenen aan? En je jas? Wat ga je doen? Mag ik mee?" While hugging my leg. (Mommy, daddy! Why are you crying? Mommy, why are you putting on your shoes? And your coat? What are you going to do? Can I come with you?)
You bend down to Nali. "Nee schat sorry je mag niet mee. Mama een papa hebben een ruzie. Mama gaat effe weg. Papa, Jadi een jij blijven hier. Ik hou van jou en Jadi! Echt waar! Mama komt in een paar dagen weer terug! Ik zal papa bellen een vragen ofdat ik met jullie kan praten! Ik hou zo veel van jullie!" You say while giving Nali a forehead kiss. (No, honey, sorry you can't come. Mommy and daddy are having a fight. Mommy is going away. Daddy, Jadi and you stay here. I love you and Jadi! truly! Mommy will be back in a few days! I'll call daddy and ask if I can talk to both of you! I love you so much!)
You look at Virgil, his eyes already red from crying. You go and take you car keys and go up to Jadi. You kiss her goodbye. You walk out and go in your car. You sob in your car. You search for the closest hotel near your house and drive off.
Bro i even got emotional at a point i could even write for 10 minutes 🥹. Tiktok is @virgilcentral
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josephtrohman · 11 months
i’m back :D top ten fanfic tropes hehe
welcome back <3 hehe tysm. idk if all of these are considered capital-t Tropes, but things i love to read/write!! not really in any real order, under the read-more cuz i kinda popped off dijbfjkd
FRIENDS TO LOVERS this all day every day i do not care it'll forever be the king of all tropes. FOREVERRRRRR
vampires/supernatural creatures. ive talked to u about this heehee so maybe no surprise!! im always trying to chip away at my vamp joe 16 candles fic but who knows if it'll ever see the light of day. truly FDSFJKDSFN
often you see this in friends to lovers but I EAT UP "skinny love" idc. idk if people still even use that term but when both people are head over heels but neither say anything YEP YEP GOOD SHIT DELICIOUS
this is kind of a sect of the above, but you asked for TEN so why not. but i love oblivious, unreliable "narrator" (not in a first-person sense tho) protagonist. where there are the obvious sidelong glances, pointed conversations, but the lead doesnt GET IT tho it's sooo obvious to the reader. all the while the lead is like in love with them but cant see WHATS RIGHT IN FRONT OF THEM!!!!!!!
i do enjoy a slightly intoxicated kiss/hookup WHATEVER where the inhibitions are a little lowered so they're a little bit bolder and it's like omg what did we DO idk
IM A SUCKER FOR PROPOSAL/MARRIAGE FICS IDC im very much a woman who likes weddings and rings and getting down on one knee to propose, hands trembling, so nervous, will they say yes omg omg omg, UGHHHH DELICIOUS!!!!!
bed sharing. OBVIOUSLYYYYYY like who doesnt like that. sorry ur boring if you dont. THE TENSION
okay. sorry. im gross. i love a getting walked in on doing Things leading to joining in i think that's always the best ever and luckily about 80% of jeterick fics are like that so!!!
fake dating. duh. it's a classic for a reason.
lastly, who doesnt love a good hurt/comfort. i kinda like an angst with a happy ending in any form but hurt/comfort fs HITS
again sorry if these are considered Tropes, but they sure are the vibe is all i know <3 i feel like im inevitably forgetting something but i am forgetful so. probably!!!
ask me my top 5/10 anything ;)
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taken-4-granite · 1 year
Snake, Otacon, and Liquid go to Olive Garden
“Brother, you’ve hardly touched your house salad,” Liquid droned. “Don’t you want to stay fit and healthy? Oh, well, I suppose not as you’ve ordered the Tour of Italy.”
“Shut it, Liquid,” Snake growled. “I like to order that because it lets me sample different dishes instead of committing to a single one. You don’t have to nit-pick every little thing I do.”
Liquid pursed his lips in a catty smile. “Of course. You hate commitment. How could I expect you to commit to just one entree? Just like you couldn’t commit to community college. Goodness, little brother, you’re just free as a bird these days, aren’t you?”
Snake grumbled and stabbed a fork into a banana pepper. He chewed on it loudly, locking his angry eyes on Liquid the entire time.
“Snake’s been eating healthier lately anyway,” Otacon chimed in, breaking the awkward tension. “Yesterday he made these delicious turkey wraps with some lettuce and salsa. It was actually pretty impressive.”
Liquid narrowed his eyes at Otacon.
“Yes, you would like that, wouldn’t you, you disgusting bloodmouths. Meat is so... horrifying. I can’t believe anyone would stoop low enough to butcher a poor animal just for a quick lunch.”
Otacon sat silently, his eyes cast down at his half filled bowl of pasta e fagioli soup.
“Y-y’know, Snake,” he said, trying to force some confidence into his voice, “I read that the pasta e fagioli soup is actually just Italian for-”
“Pasta and beans,” Liquid said, cutting him off. “Of course. Is there anyone who doesn’t know that these days?”
“I didn’t.” Snake grunted the words gruffly as he crossed his arms.
“Why am I not surprised,” Liquid said, dismissively.
Otacon surreptitiously slid his phone out of his pocket and began typing. Seconds later, Snake felt his phone buzz with an incoming text message. He flipped open his old Motorola Razor and checked it.
Otacon. Of course.
"Your brother kind of sucks”
“i warned u”
“I know, but I thought you were being hyperbolic”
“u kno im always srs”
“You sure are, Dave.”
“Anyway,” Liquid piped up, “have you seen my latest NFT collection?”
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jordyn-degas · 2 years
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abigail-nicole · 2 years
tgcf liveread 2
archiving the twitter thread I made when I first read Heaven Official's Blessing, Tian Guan Ci Fu, one of the most delightful reading experiences of my life, in March of 2020 (this post from 3/26/20):
Chapter 30 starting with some STRAIGHT HUALIAN ROMANCE
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"the two were just staring at each other, grinning"
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Yall Ghost City is so cool & creepy & gruesome???? I can’t wait to see what the donghua does with this???? The animation will be INCREDIBLE
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I’m sitting on my roof reading & when Shi Qingxuan said “Ghost City is Hua Cheng’s territory” I cackled so loudly someone down on the street looked up at me
“There’s a path for you in Heaven, but you refuse to take it, and instead, chose to barge into Hell. What shall we do with you?”
Hua Cheng slouching behind the curtain is like ALL THE LIFE GOALS OF SEXY
Hua Cheng watching Xie Lian roll into his casino like “honey did you think I wouldn’t notice you”
Hua Cheng, to all the bouncers: if you see the Crown Prince of Xian Le THAT IS MY BOYFRIEND AND BE NICE TO HIM. also BRING HIM TO ME BY WHATEVER FLIMSY EXCUSE NECESSARY
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cat & I enjoying the sunset While I Yell ABOUT THE CASINO LORD HUA CHENG
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gentlemen I know you’re in love but EVERYONE IS STARING AT YOU
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Oh good people in-scene are literally fainting because the sexual tension is too strong
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Xie Lian: oh no all I can bet is my lunch leftovers which is this half eaten bun Hua Cheng: thank god my boyfriend hasn’t changed & always carries trash around in his pockets
this Dramatic Bitch I Love Him
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Did I say Xie Lian was a himbo? I was wrong. Lang Qianqiu is the REAL himbo around here
The Two Himbos Win Out: we can’t lie to a friend that breaks bro code
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Okay let’s stop & talk about this personally & narratively
As an obligate extrovert who needs to be around 2-6 (but no more) people at all times to be happy: SAME, HUA CHENG, SAME
Narratively: if Hua Cheng our a flashing neon sign around his neck that said SINGLE it could not be more obvious than this comment (which was immediately preceded with “I never go to brothels”)
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and thank god the reaction from Xie Lian is “omg please move in with me immediately, we’ll share a pillowless bamboo mat and eat trash” and Hua Cheng is so happy
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why is Hua Cheng so sexy ughhhhhh
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this is a hell of an image
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Noooooo don’t keep secrets from each other nooooooooooooooo
Jun Wu: don’t touch the scimitar no matter what
Xie Lian:
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Jun Wu: don’t touch the scimitar no matter what
Xie Lian:
Xie Lian: is the scimitar his penis
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Xie Lian:
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Nooooo why are they keeping secrets from each other is so stressful
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I had to read Hua Cheng’s lines here out loud in the sexiest voice I could think of bc threatening someone for your significant other is Sexy
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Omg I Love E-Ming as much as Ruoye im sorry i was ever scared of this cute little pup if a sword
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oh!!!! Soft!!!!! he is a Soft!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Oh i should’ve quit after.... so many parts ago I have to work tomorrow BUT i couldn’t leave if Hualian were Upset At Each Other now that theyre holding hands i can finally sleep
Okay I’ll resume tmrw with ch 49 in #tgcf, #heavensofficialblessing, this delightful delightful charming delicious piece of fiction please tune in anytime you like for a read along at https://sakhyulations.com/novel/heaven-officials-blessing/
(Full resources for mxtx translations at https://google.com/amp/s/thelostintern.tumblr.com/post/181315156804/mxtx-translations-masterpost/amp…)
archive note 2022: please buy official licensed publications of Heaven Official's Blessing, published by Seven Seas publishing, available where all major novels are sold!!!!!
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nctsplug02 · 2 years
hiii can i request smut picnic date with bf johnny and gets turned on to his gf wearing a skirt either they do it outside or in the car ^. ^
genre: smut and fluff
warnings: unprotected sex, riding, public sex, swearing, cockwarming, slight daddy kink, picnic date!!
johnny hands you a heart shaped nutella sandwich. “mm, eat.” johnny says with a mouthful of food from his bacon sandwich. “wait, i want a bacon sandwich too?” you whine and johnny laughs.
“ask nicely.” his head nods towards you.
“may i please have a bacon sandwich as well?” johnny places the heart shaped nutella sandwich in its container that held several other ones, and grabbed a bacon sandwich for you.
johnny hands you the sandwich and you hum. “thank you.” you take a bite without hesitation.
immediately moaning in satisfaction as the bacon hits your taste buds. “mmm.. this is so good.” your eyes roll back at the delicious taste.
johnny clears his throat while eyeing you. “mmm..” you moan again after taking another bite, getting the greasy bacon this time.
johnny clears his throat again. “johnny?” you pat his back with your clean hand. “do you need some water? i’m sure i packed some?” johnny shakes his head. “i’m fine, thank you though, baby.” he gives a quick grin.
you nod and continue eating be bacon sandwich. the sauce dripping down the corner of your lip when taking another bite. “mm, i did a good job on this.” you praise yourself.
johnny nods and chuckles. “you did, im so proud of you, baby. all this good food you made, good job, baby.” you grin and trot side to side in excitement from his praises and compliments.
“i was,” you swallow the chunk, “i was gonna make some ice cream mochi but i left it at home because i forgot that we were going out on a picnic.”
you just shrug and continue eating. “mm! i forgot i put  jalapeños in this! just a little kick.” you wink at johnny who laughs.
“really? i cant taste the spiciness?” johnny hums, taking the top bun off and seeing a half eaten jalapeño on the top. “oh.” he laughs when realizing that he had already eaten it.
“mm,” you moan, “so spicy!”
“y/n,” johnny stiffens up. “stop.” you look at him confused. “hm? stop, what?” your mouth full and muffling you.
he wipes his mouth with a napkin. “stop.. moaning. you keep moaning and it’s.. turning me on.” johnny shyly admits while covering his tent that was visibly seen.
“turned on? should i.. fix it?” johnny shakes his head. “no, we’re eating. don’t want you to give me a blowjob in the middle of eating.” he laughs softly.
“who said i was gonna give you head? not me.” you place your sandwich on the plastic plate and lick your fingers.
“there’s a thing called cockwarming for a reason.” you say while removing your pastel yellow thongs.
you hang it on your finger and swing it around. “your favorite.” you wink and toss it to johnny who catches it.
you lean forward with heavy eyes and a slight pout, hand rubbing his bulge. “take it out for me, daddy.” you tilt your head and blink repeatedly with a soft grin.
johnny licks his lip and sets his sandwich next to yours. he then takes his belt and undoes it, sliding the leather material through the loops of his khaki jeans. the intense tension between you and johnny as he stares you down while undoing his jeans.
“yes,” you whisper, eyes glancing down at his print for a spilt second. “wanna see it.” you glance back up at johnny who pulls his hardened cock out.
your mouth waters almost making you drool when seeing his pretty pink cock with a touch of precum oozing from his slit.
johnny strokes himself and groans, chewing his bottom lip. “can i?” johnny nods, his tongue licking his bottom lip, releasing his cock when your hand touches his dick.
“so pretty..” you moan, fisting his cock in a fast pace. “wanna sit on it, please?” johnny nods, grabbing your hips and sinking you on his dick.
his hands pinching your hips when feeling you squeeze around him. “relax, baby. relax, i’ll take care of you.” johnny says, pushing your hair behind your ear. “yes.. take care of me..” you moan when being bottomed out.
johnny holds your hips still when you try to roll your hips. “not yet, baby. let’s eat some of the food you made first and then we can do whatever you want.” you pout but nod, agreeing with his suggestion. “now, finish your sandwich, baby.” johnny says bringing the plate of half eaten sandwiches.
your shaky hands reaching for your sandwich. “go on, eat up, baby.” you nod and take a bite out of the sandwich. “lovely.” johnny grabs a napkin and wipes the grease and sauce from the corner of your lips.
“don’t wanna eat.” you whimper, putting your piece onto the plate. “not even the strawberry cake?” he reaches forward and grabs the container filled with the cake you made. “mm..” you jut your lips forward. “just a bite— a small one, please.” you say holding up pinching fingers.
johnny opens the container and uses a fork to cut a piece of the cake. “ah.” he holds the fork in front of your mouth. you open and slip the cake into your mouth. the spongy texture melting onto your tongue. “mm.. i want the strawberry piece too, please.” you ask adjusting your dress to cover you.
he nods and uses the fork to cut a piece of the cake mixed with the strawberry in it. “ah.” he says again making you take the piece into your mouth.
your shoulders shrug up when the strawberry and vanilla taste hit your tastebuds. “mm, so yummy!” you smack your lips together. “now, can we.. do what i wanna do?” johnny nods, putting the top back on and the container away.
“lift your hips— yep, just like that.” your hips bouncing on his cock. your knees lifting you up and tossing you back down onto his dick that was covered in your wetness.
his cock hitting your g-spot so easily, gliding past it and making you cum twice within five minutes. your pussy squeezing around johnny making him cum. his cum spurting into you without any problems.
“aw, such a mess we’ve made.” he coos.
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dr4cking · 3 years
draco malfoy x reader | smut | fluff
"miss y/n, this is getting horrible, you have been failed at my class so many times, your grades isnt doing better, now all i can do is to suggest you by getting a tutor" professor slughorn sighed handing y/n her last test disappointedly.
"im sorry professor, i promise i will try harder and get better" y/n took her paper and going back to her seat.
"im sure you're a great student, you just need some help. uhm- mr. malfoy? do you mind tutoring your classmate here, miss y/n? its only you who is the bestest in my class" the professor asked to one of the best students, the famous draco malfoy, y/n gulped and waiting nervously for his answer. she had this little crush on him since they always had classes together and she's in the same house as him, but they were not exactly 'close'.
"oh i dont mind, professor. its my pleasure" draco answers politely, taking a look at y/n making the girl look down and blush, a smile appeared to his face. little did she know, he has a big crush on the lovely girl who seemed clueless about all the hints he gave her almost everyday.
professor slughorn just nodded and dismissed the class, everyone packed their things and left, y/n look at draco who's already staring at her with a genuine smile plastered in his face, motioning her to follow him. she feels like her heart jumped out of the place, she follows him behind as draco walking them to his room.
as they arrived in draco's room, y/n admires the design, it was elegant and neat. typical rich slytherins room.
"it looks nice" y/n said opening the conversation.
"thanks, put my hardest work to make it look the best. here, take a seat beside me" draco patting the side of his couch, there's a small table in front of the couch.
y/n took a seat beside him, and placing her books to the table, the tension was so awkward that she wished she was a talkative person.
draco started the lesson, y/n learned faster from the way draco explained it than in the class, but she would be lying if she said she hasnt lost her focuses a few times to studying draco's face, he's just so beautiful. she thinks he didnt noticed, but he did, he just keep it to himself.
after hours studying, y/n feels like her head will going to explode in a minute, she decided to take a break.
"god can we take a break, draco? this is so stressing, why cant i just be smart like you, dont get me wrong you're a great tutor but im just too dumb" y/n protested, massaging her head and rubbing her face in frustration.
"oh y/n dont say that! we can take a break of course, but to make you feel better, i promise you, you're doing so great now, you've improved a lot, im so proud of you" draco said cheering her up, his hand goes to tucked her hair behind her ear reassuring her.
y/n look up to draco, giving him a sweet shy smile and her cheeks turns red as draco keeps complimented her, before they know it they were leaning into each other and their lips met, the kisses were soft and lovely, draco cupped her cheeks caressing it gently while y/n wrapped her arms around the back of his neck pulling him closer tugging at his hair deepening the kisses making both of them let out a small moans.
as the kisses turn into a full makeout and got heated, draco lays her down gently on the couch placing soft wet kisses on her neck, sucking on it, marking her causing her to let out a soft moan, he placed one of his hand on her thigh rubbing small circles until his hand got higher, he pulled away.
"do you wanna take this further, love? we can stop now if you dont want to" draco asked and y/n shakes her head no and put his hand back to her inner thigh.
"no draco please keep going i want you, i need this" draco groans and he continues rubbing her clit from her panties feeling the wetness that already make a spot on her panties, soft whines escaped her lips as draco keep teasing her clit, he pushes her panties aside and insert one finger inside her making y/n let out a constant squeal and she covered her mouth quickly, her eyes rolled back at the pleasure.
y/n's moans were muffled by her hand, draco cant help but getting harder by looking at her expression, he still cant believe he finally got the girl he always adored like this, he added another fingers into her cunt, curling them inside her making the girl squirmed under his touch.
"dont cover your mouth, let me hear your beautiful voice, show me how good i make you feel, love" draco said as he takes her hand off of her mouth and intertwining their hands instead with his free hand while his fingers still working their way in and out of her tight hole getting faster each time, he stares at her in awe, how gorgeous she looks right now, mouth hung open, eyes rolled back in pleasure and all because of him, he feels butterflies filling his stomach.
"yes- yes draco, oh god.. you make me feel so good" draco go down to her pussy, pulling off her panties, putting her thighs on his shoulder and positioning his face in front of her glistening cunt and started to eat her out making y/n a moaning mess, he let out a moan too at the taste of her, getting addicted to it, he can even eat her out for all day if she let him.
"do you like the way my tongue plays with your pretty pussy, love? mhmm you taste so fucking delicious baby" draco keeps sucking on her clit, its like he was making out with it, his tongue going in and out of her hole his fingers going with the same pace as his tongue.
"ah- yes draco i love it, oh- please im so close" y/n keep moaning uncontrollably while her hand grasping tightly onto his hair.
"yes baby, let it out, cum on my tongue, let me taste you, darling" draco wants nothing more than to pleasure her right now, making this moment unforgettable for both of them, and within seconds y/n screams his name and cumming hard on his mouth, laying breathlessly still steadying her breath after her intense orgasm.
draco pulled away and y/n blushing madly looking at his face, his mouth covered in her juices, he smiles proudly at her, sucking his fingers clean, and hovered over her, reconnecting their lips, y/n hummed at the taste of herself on his tongue. draco started to unbuttoned her shirt, taking her bra off too and throw them to somewhere, he hungrily kissing her breasts, playing with her nipples causing y/n to get wetter while her hands working on his belt and taking his pants off, his erected dick slapped up to his lower stomach, she took it in her tiny hand and stroking it massaging the tip, making him groans.
"god.. you're so beautiful y/n.." y/n mumbles a quick 'thankyou' at the compliment getting impatient, wanting nothing more than to be taken by the blonde guy.
"draco, please, i need you so bad" she cant take it anymore, she wanted to feel him, wrapping him inside her tightly, she whimpers at the feel of his hard dick rested on her thigh.
"your wish is my command, princess" draco lining up his dick on her cunt, rubbing his tip up and down on her clit lubricate it before slowly pushing in, they both moaning each other names out loud at the sensation, both of their heads thrown back and eyes screwed shut in pleasure, y/n wrapped her legs on his waist pulling him deeper, draco paused a moment as he was fully inside her, letting her adjust to his size.
"you can move draco, god you're so big" y/n dug her nails onto his back as he slowly made a move, pulling out until its just his tip inside and slamming it back again, making y/n bites her bottom lip.
draco started to pick up his pace, pushing her legs to her chest making more access as he continues to thrust in and out deeper and faster inside her, he put his hands next to the side of her face to support his weight, y/n runs her hands on his chest, scratching it, her breasts bouncing up and down under him.
"merlin, you're so tight baby feels so good, fuck- how can someone feels this good-" draco said as he kissed her lips, his lips trembling against hers, he bites softly on her bottom lip to hold his scream as he feels her walls clenching around him, squeezing him tighter.
"oh my god- draco, right there, holy-" y/n cant even finishes her words as she screams louder when draco keeps hitting her spot, going deeper and faster each time, bringing her to her high.
"baby, are you close?" y/n nodded at his question, cant even answer him as she was too focused as the coil started to tighten in her stomach.
"good baby, cause i cant hold it much longer, now cum love, cum for me" draco rubbed a circle on her clit, his thrusts getting sloppier, y/n screamed his name out loud seeing the stars as she finally hit her orgasm, harder than the first one and draco cant help at the feeling of her walls clenching really hard around him after her high, he spilled his thick cum inside her, painting her walls white non stop, making both of them groans, his vision going blurry, he collapsed on top of y/n, burying his face on her hair, running out of breath, their bodies started to shake.
"fuck y/n that was amazing, you are too good for me, love" draco kiss her lips again as he finished, he pulls out gently, but before he can stand up he falls to her side, both of them laughs.
"look at what you did to me, y/n" draco laughed as he slowly standing up to get the towel and clean her up.
"if this is how the tutoring ends, i wouldnt mind doing it again" y/n said, smirking to him confidently as draco helped her up to his bed, giving her a cheeky grin.
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sirthisisa-wendys · 3 years
Dear wendy, im sorry for being a whore but 👁👄👁 … I kinda want a smut where reader is a milf a mom of geto’s friend… a lot sexual tension would be great 😳
YES AND — my mind instantly said “hey this is how that will play out” and LOW KEY I’ve been waiting for this moment because I, too, am I whore.
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Milk and Cookies: Geto Suguru x Fem!Reader
WC: 1.9k
Tw: NSFW (Lactation kink, unprotected sex)
The chimes and tinkles of the doorbell make you look up from the dirty dishes in the sink, and you pad over to the wooden door, peeking through the peephole.
Your son's friend, Geto Suguru, stands in the entryway, holding a bag as he pushes his hair back over his shoulder, and you instantly open the door for him. God, if he was as old as you, you'd have him snatched up and pinned to a bed. "Hello, Suguru! Just so you know, Kai won't be back for another hour or so. He and his grandfather were caught in traffic on the way back from fishing," you tell the man, and he smiles at you brightly. Your legs want to go weak, but you keep your composure and smile back at the twenty-two-year-old.
"No worries, Mrs. L/n. I'll just wait here until they get back. Do you mind?"
"Not at all," you reassure him and walk past the door to let him in. "The baby is with his grandma, so make yourself comfortable in the living room. Let me know if you want anything to eat." Geto nods at you, then opens the bag he brought.
"I brought some cookies that my mother made for you. She said after having a baby, these really help with your... uh... hormones, I think." You examine the offering when he passes it to you, and take one out of the little box. The oats and dark chocolate pieces melt in your mouth, and you hum in delight.
"These are delicious, Suguru. Tell your mother I said thank you. Did you help her make these?" The grown man shuffles about for a second, then admits his involvement. "You're incredibly sweet," you mention, and a blush creeps up his neck. "You both did a very good job." He looks up at you, dumbfounded, then smirks.
"Wasn't too hard to follow directions. Plus, I love baking. Would love to help you bake sometimes if you'll let me."
"Just let me know when and what you want to bake," you reassure him and he nods, taking a seat on the couch.
When you finish the cookie, you turn back to the dishes and begin to wash them as the TV flicks on in the living room. You're lost in thought about the kindness of Suguru and his mother when you feel the sharp stabbing sensation of a knife poke you in your hand.
"Ah!" When you bring your hand out of the water, you see that the knife sliced the palm of your hand a little, red blood forming along the cut.
"Mrs. L/n, I'll help." Suguru appears out of nowhere and reaches above the microwave to grab the first aid kit from a cabinet. While he does that, you run the palm under water, hissing as it stings but then drying it on a paper towel. Suguru takes a bandaid and places it over your cut hand, then wraps gauze over it. "You should be more careful," he chastises, and you hum in response. "Would hate to see a pretty hand like yours get infected. I'll finish the dishes for you; just sit on the couch and relax." You begin to protest, but Suguru silences you with a five to your lips, pulls you toward the living room, and sits you on a recliner before he leaves to go finish the dishes.
The TV is tuned to HGTV, and you watch Chip and Joanna renovate homes while the man finishes, glancing over at him every so often to see if he's having any trouble. But he looks as studious as ever, hair dangling over his shoulder as he finishes his task. Well, your task, actually.
When Suguru's done, he joins you in the living room, sitting in the closest seat to your recliner. "Tell me about your weekend," he begins, his black eyes staring at your face. You eye your velour tracksuit with disdain, noting that you hadn't even had a chance to get out since the baby was born a month ago and the father had been absent for much longer than that.
"Oh, just cleaning and making the house neat. You?"
"That's all you've done? What about getting a babysitter to watch Kaneda while you go out and have some fun?"
"Um..." How could you explain to the man that you don't have any friends to go out with? "Well, that would be nice."
"I'll ask my friend Shoko if she'll come by. She loves kids." He pulls out his phone and begins to type out a message, then focuses back on you when he's done. "Any news from Mr. L/n?"
"No," you answer quickly. "He's sent his monthly allowance for me and Kai, but that's it."
"Has he seen Kaneda at all?"
"No." Geto lapses into silence, eyes looking down at the carpet.
"I normally don't speak on matters that don't concern me, but fuck him," he mutters, and you look up in shock. "If I had a wife like you, I'd take you out, show you off, make you happy, and keep you satisfied. I'd never--" Suguru clenches his jaw when you touch his hand, a small smile on your face.
"You're too kind. Things between Mr. L/n and I have been rough, but I'm sure he'll come around soon."
Suguru shakes his head, then shifts out of your grip. "I would treat you better," he murmurs, then looks over at you. You swear the flutter in your chest isn't from any feelings and just because of his pity. But when he gets up and cradles your face like a lover would, you break. Tears fall from your eyes rapidly, and he brushes them away with the pads of his thumbs, cooing at you like you're a child.
"You deserve better. Say it."
"I..." But do you? You heard rumors about Kai's mom and how she was abandoned in the same way. Was this your fate, too?
"Say it. Maybe then you'll believe it."
"I deserve... better."
"Good girl." The fluttering feeling returns and your lips part as you inhale sharply. "Now, will you let me give you something better?" You nod immediately, feeling something pool between your legs. When you realize it's heat, you're shocked, but Suguru leans in to kiss you, smoothing the shock away.
"Suguru," you murmur. "We shouldn't--"
"How long has it been since your husband touched you?" You fumble for the time, knowing it hadn't been for over eight months.
"Um... that's--"
"A long time, hmm?" Suguru's eyes roam over your figure. "Then let me satisfy you, just once. If you don't like it, we can stop and I'll never touch you again, I promise."
"Suguru, I--"
"What harm will it do? If you like it, I'll make sure I come by often enough to have you seeing stars once a week. We'll never speak of it again if you don't want to do it anymore."
The deal is a good one, you think. "Well, maybe just this once."
"That's all I need." He unzips your jacket and frees your swollen breasts, rubbing them tenderly and kissing each one with a peck. "First things first, you need some relief from all of this build-up." When he latches his mouth onto your right nipple, you moan loud enough to overshadow the sound of the TV, and you feel milk flowing from your breasts rapidly. Suguru hums, drinking from you greedily, a small river of milk flowing from the corner of his mouth. You feel a tingling sensation, then exhale deeply, closing your eyes as he massages the other breast slowly.
"Oh, that feels good," you whisper and he unlatches from your right breast to your left one, fitting himself onto the nipple perfectly. You hiss in pain for a few seconds until his tongue swirls over the nipple easily. A sudden realization that this is wrong washes over you, but Suguru is tightly latched onto the bud, suckling eagerly. "Suguru..." you whisper, and he opens his eyes, but doesn't stop. "Suguru, this is wrong. You're my stepson's best friend and I--"
"This isn't about him. This is about you," he mutters, swallowing the last bit of milk before he removes his shirt. "Besides, you taste so delicious. I'm sure the rest of you tastes even better." As he removes your track pants, you bite your lip, wanting this so desperately. He spreads your legs and dips a finger into you, stroking your insides gently. "Oh, you're ready."
"Please fuck me," you whisper. "Just do it." Suguru removes his pants and palms himself, his cock rock-hard and standing at attention. The red tip is already dripping with pre-cum, ready for you to take in. He pants a little, lifting you off the recliner and moving you to the couch, where he lays you on the comfortable fabric before parting your legs again.
He runs the tip up and down your slit before sliding into you, his tip caressing long-neglected parts of you. "Su," you whine, and he kisses your cheek.
"Tell me if it hurts, baby." You clutch onto him as he pushes into you again, digging your nails into his back and moaning. "You're so damn tight."
"Feels so good..." You feel the sensation of being stretched to the brim, and wonder where in the hell Sugurus been all of your life. When he picks up his speed, he clutches onto your asscheeks and shifts you up so your knees are touching your chest. As he holds them against your breasts, they begin to leak and stain the fabric beneath them. You gasp and pant wantonly, hoping the sounds out spur him to go faster, go deeper; maybe if you allowed him to--
"Turn over for me." You obey, and he slides two fingers between your pussy lips, bending down to whisper in your ear. "Gonna make you cum in a minute. God, I've waited for this pussy for so long," he moans. "Such a good girl; waiting for months to get fucked. So patient." You whimper, and he removed his fingers, replacing them with his cock head. He slides into you again, and you exclaim, bucking your hips up to meet his. "Such a beautiful pussy, too," he grunts, smacking your ass with a heavy hand.
Then Suguru begins pounding into you wildly, rocking you back and forth on the couch without restraint. You hiss before you feel the familiar build-up of an orgasm, and call Geto's name out before you begin to shake, losing all sense of time and place.
"That's it, baby. Cum for me," Suguru breathes. "You're doing amazing."
"Oh my god," you gasp, cunt clenching around his dick. "I can't--" Another orgasm builds on top of the one you already experienced, and you grip onto the fabric tightly, shaking as you cum again. "S-Suguru, I--"
"Fuck," he whispers in your ear. "Gonna cum too. Where do you want it?"
"Wherever," you pant, and he instantly lets himself go inside of you, groaning loudly.
"God, Mrs. L/n, that was amazing," he whispers, chest heaving up and down. "What'd you think?" When he realizes that he has to remove your hands from the fabric, he chuckles. "You liked it." You nod, feeling his cum leaking out of you. "Let me clean you up, sweetheart." You expect him to go to the bathroom and search for a washcloth, but he pulls your hips up and back, so your knees are on the carpet.
It's only then that he begins to lick you clean, slurping up his cum and your juices. When he's done licking you clean, he pats your ass and you turn over, eyeing the man cautiously.
"I'll come over next week if you want me to. I'll make sure you're satisfied for the rest of your life."
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jeeonkinks · 3 years
69 | jungkook × reader
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pairing: jungkook × reader
genre: smut but fluff
synopsis: friday night, the time when jungkook and his lovely wife could show how much they love each other.
rating: 18+
warnings: sexual tension, nudity, oral sex, praising
word count: 970
disclaimer: this is purely a fragment of imagination. lowercase intended for aesthetic purpose.
recommended song: (free) RnB Trap Beat × Trap Soul // Ralph Tiller Beats
friday night. finally, the time to relax and let go of all of the stressing and troubling work comes, giving me a space to breathe.
tonight, my lovely wife and i have decided to do something that we haven't done in quite some time, 69.
eating her out is one of my favorite things to do, receiving responses from her in forms of shaking legs, whimpers, lustful moans and begs in her soft sultry voice.
the time comes as i lay on our bouncy bed, not having a string on my body as i wait for my angelic wife to come in and join me.
not minutes after, she came into our bedroom, eyes immediately diverting towards me with a sense of surprise and excitement that twinkled in her eyes.
her gaze slithers down to my body, examining my muscular figure, examining her territory, all hers, just being displayed without much effort.
her eyes meet mine as she stands right in front of me, clothing covering her beautiful body that i marked mine 3 years ago.
"come and join me," are the only words that i need to say to receive her captivating smile that reveals the dimples that have been hiding under her cheeks.
her hand tucks the hem of her shirt as she slides it off her top to letting her shorts fall on the tiled floor, exhibiting her suckable bouncy breast to her bare pretty little pussy.
just by looking at the heavenly view in front of me, my cock sprung up, erection taking in as veins pop up.
a shy grin forms on her face as she licks her lips silently. 
smirking while i look at her expression, i place my palms under my head, all comfortable and relaxed as my cock proudly displays, hard and big, just for her.
her pretty eyes twinkle as she bends herself onto the bed, palms supporting her as she crawls on my figure, from my muscular thighs up my defined abs until her pretty face meets mine.
with a playful smile plastered on both of our lips, we both lean in for a kiss as i lay under her.
a slow sensual kiss with her luscious lips sliding against mine, tasting and appreciating. tongues begin to get involved between our lips as she leans in deeper, sinking my head into the pillow.
my left hand touches her cheek while my thumb is placed at her chin with my right hand as we passionately make out. 
each second goes by as the both of us pull away from each other, panting for oxygen in the hot atmosphere between us. not breaking my contact with her window of soul, a foolish smile forms on my face, making her chuckle from it.
“turn around,” i whisper as my baby girl obediently follows my words.
she turns around as i place my hands on her hips, sitting her down on my face.  i immediately throw loving kisses on her pussy that is already drench with her own juice, making me smile to myself.
i begin pampering her pussy, giving her soft kisses, giving her the love and care she deserves.
as im focus on eating my girl myself, i feel her slender fingers on my cock, taking it all in her hand. pumping my cock up and down, i start to take things seriously as i slide my tongue out, running it against her wet slit, nice and slow, earning a hiss in response.
smirking to myself, i know i am doing it right.
i slide my tongue on her pussy cheeks, creating sensitivity in her core, not getting touch at where she wants it the most.
not even trying, her pussy begins to get wetter.
the heat can be felt.
however, my baby girl is good at dividing her attention, pleasuring me by pumping my hard fleshy cock while having her pussy being right in front of my hot mouth.
she takes my c*ck like a good girl she is, all down to the base, having me all up in her throat making me helplessly moan.
"such a good girl" i compliment my girl as i caress her ass.
heat and tension rises with the sexual build up we made.
i begin taking all of her in my mouth, engulfing her wetness, receiving a deep moan from her as she has me in her mouth. my tongue work its way to her core, inserting itself to her hot p*ssy, tasting her sweet juices that used to be my morning desert.
milking juices out of her luscious pussy, i moved onto her clit, playing with it in between my cherry lips.
i suck, kiss, lick and put her clit in my mouth, creating a vibration using my mouth, as her core produces more of her delicious juice. stimulating her clit, i can feel my cock twitch as she pumps my cock in her hand, showing her love using her mouth. 
feeling the sensation that i am about to cum, i elevate the vibration more and more, reaching her high.
seconds later, luscious white liquid drips down out of her pussy as i waste no time devouring it in my mouth.i come seconds later, releasing myself inside of her mouth as she licks my cum that drips down my cock.
the anal session ends great as i caress my girl's ass while she is kitty licking my d*ck.
"such a good girl," i praise her as she deserves, veins that are like jewelry all over my hands caressing her plump ass, throwing a teasing spank as she kisses my cock with affection. 
smirking to myself, i give my good girl a last kiss on her clit.
"we should do this more often"
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aliwritesfic · 3 years
The Night Shift part 10 (F!Reader x Frankie Morales)
Summary: back to work :( frankie and the boys are sweeties tho
W/C: 1.3k
Warnings: none I think but its late and i'm probably wrong so pls let me know if i need to add some
AN: this is just a quick lil filler chapter before a biiiiig one on either friday or monday, depending on when I finish it, but I wanted to get this one out because part 11 might be late because im very in my Feels about it (and i think you will be too)
Part 1 Part 11
Frankie noticed every time your head snapped up, shadowy eyes darting towards the diner door. He noticed how your shoulders would lose some of their tension in relief whenever it was just a group of kids, or an elderly couple, or one of the people he’d come to realise were regulars to the diner.
You wore long sleeves tonight, telling him before leaving that it was to cover the ‘ugly ass’ bruise on your wrist. The less questions the better, you said with a smile that hadn’t reached your eyes.
Frankie carefully organised a stack of choc-chip pancakes on a gleaming white plate and set them on the window. You shot him a confused look – there weren’t any orders.
“You look hungry,” he told. Your face softened as you took the plate and grabbed a set of cutlery. It was nearing 1, and you were always hungry at 1.
“Do you know of any decent not-a-total-rip-off moving companies?” you asked after swallowing a mouthful. Frankie nodded.
“Yeah, me and the boys.”
You narrowed your eyes at him. “No. You’ve already done so much I can’t ask you or any of your friends to give up one of their days just to get my shit back.”
“Well, yes you actually can,” Frankie countered, “and if the boys know something is important to me then they’ll help.”
“This is important to you?” Frankie fixed you with a stare and a raise of a brow. The look was one of pure are you serious right now? You threw up your hands and shrugged. “Okay, okay, I get your point. I’ll pay you guys, obviously.”
“Just a case of beer,” Frankie said. Tom might want money, but then against it was unlikely Tom would show up: he was leaving on Thursday. “Listen, just tell me the day you wanna do this and we will be there. I promise you that.”
You finished the pancakes and handed the plate back. “I was gonna let Lou know I wouldn’t be available on Friday night and get it done then.”
“Perfect, three-day weekend,” Frankie grinned. You smiled back, the first true smile he’d seen all night, and turned to greet a trucker who had just arrived.
Frankie grabbed his phone out of his pocket and opened the group text chat.
Catfish: Who’s free Friday for a favour?
Given the time, he wasn’t expecting an answer from any of them, so he was shocked when Benny texted back straight away.
Benny: Whatever it is, William and I are in. Even murder.
Catfish: It’s (probably) not going to come to murder. Just need help moving the girl I work with into her new place.
Pope: oh the 1 youre in love with? yeah ill help and ill bring that photo too
Frankie narrowed his eyes at the screen. He wouldn’t go so far as to say in love, so he decided to ignore that.
Catfish: It’s too expensive to hire moving ppl, so I said I’d help her, plus her ex is a cunt and I don’t know if he’ll try shit if it’s just her there
Pope: is she still there?
Catfish: No she’s staying at mine until she gets her stuff into her new place
Ironhead: Is this the guy you KO’d?
Catfish: Ok 1 why are you all awake? And 2 where did you hear that??? I didn’t KO him btw, but I could have if I felt like it.
Ironhead: I didn’t put my phone on silent
Ironhead: And I heard it from Benjamin. You know he loves gossip.
Benny: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Catfish: ????????? how did you do that?
Benny: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Frankie rolled his eyes and put his phone back in his pocket. They were impossible to talk to at this time of night, and he could already see that the conversation would just go in circles. He would find out how Benny made that weird little face though.
“Hey,” Frankie waved to get your attention, “the boys said they’d be happy to help, and they’ve all got pick-ups so no need to hire a moving truck.”
You looked confused, your eyes darting to the clock. “You spoke to them already?”
“Yeah, they’re light sleepers,” Frankie said. “Old army thing, I guess.”
You cleared your throat and blinked rapidly, “well, uh, let them know I’ll buy them all dinner as well as a case of beer each and money for gas. Whatever they need.” Frankie knew the boys wouldn’t accept your money, but he also knew you wouldn’t take no for an answer. This was something you could sort out Friday, he decided. If he was being honest, he was interested to see how would win that battle of wills. His money was on you. His money would always be on you.
“Can we go to the store quickly?” You asked, climbing into the truck next to Frankie once your shift was over. You were beginning to think of it as Your Spot now. Your spot, next to him, so close that if you wanted to you could reach out and hold his hand, lean over and kiss him.
“Yeah, what’d you need?” Frankie pulled out of the tiny diner parking lot and onto the road. Your cheeks heated slightly.
“A rotisserie chicken,” you mumbled, staring at one particular spot on the dash. “Sometimes when I’m . . . going through emotional turmoil I just need to eat. And I want a rotisserie chicken more than anything else right now.”
Frankie grinned his white toothed smile and you felt a little better about your habit. “That sounds like a fantastic idea, we should get two, one each.”
You smiled back, buoyed by the idea. The one and only time you had brought this up to Kurt, he had shot the idea down, grabbed your sides and commented on your weight. You knew there was nothing wrong with your weight, that there wasn’t no matter what size you were, but the comment hurt nonetheless.
But now you sat here in Frankie’s truck, and he seemed delighted with the idea of eating a whole rotisserie chicken in one sitting at 8AM. He drove to the grocery store, singing along to Stevie Nick’s Edge of Seventeen.
“I’ll go in, you wait here,” Frankie flashed you with a grin and raced into the store. You sat back, relaxed, and closed your eyes. You had been happier in the past twenty-four hours with Frankie than you had been almost the entirety of Kurt. You found yourself imagining a life with him; dinner at his cosy table, a new record playing every night, talking about your day at whatever jobs you had. Life with him would be comfort, it would be home. Your heart quickened at the thought of laying beside him each night in bed, bodies pressed against each other, skin against skin, delicious warmth -
His return snapped you out of your thoughts, the sight of him sent a rush of heat through you. He held a plastic bag in one hand, and keys in the other. “Should we eat these here or at home?”
The word sent a shiver of hope up your spine. Like he was saying it could be your home too. You moved an inch closer to him, so your thighs barely touched. It was electric though, the kind of touch that felt dangerous and familiar at the same time.
Your eyes met his and you wondered if he was feeling the same thing.
Taglist: @hnt-escape @sharkbait77 @1800-fight-me @annathewitch @darnitdraco @frankiecatfish @punkerthanpascal @nakhudanyx @gracie7209 @quica-quica-quica @pintsizemama @phoenix-of-loki
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