jeeonkinks · 1 year
i normally don’t enjoy vampire aus but i really loved your vampire couple drabble😭 i hope to see them again it was cute
moments like these:
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pairing: vampire! jungkook x vampire! reader
genre: fluff || non-idol au || established relationship || vampire au ||
summary: domestic moments like these have always been jungkook's favourite.
word count: 1.1k
tags/ warnings: fluff, our cute vampire couple just being in love, consumption of blood
notes: inspiration from my own puzzle troubles :')
☆ this is part two to the 'happy valentine's day' drabble, however you could probably read this as a standalone though minor references have been made
drabble masterlist || my main masterlist
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
It had always been moments like these that Jungkook loved the most. Where the world belonged to the two of you, the moon your only witness of the love that continues to burn bright like the stars, pretty against the black canvas of the night sky. 
Because truly nothing in this world mattered as much as you did.
His love for you is eternal, where this kind of domesticity only seems to fuel his ever-lasting love for you. Because he knew you both had the rest of your lives to keep the burning flame of gentle love alive. 
“What’s with the pout, baby” Jungkook slips off the edge of the couch to sit beside you on the floor. 
You trace your bottom lip with your finger, “This puzzle is really hard” you murmur, head falling onto his shoulder. 
“Want some help?” he offers, flipping over a few astray puzzle pieces, knees knocking against your crossed ones. 
You nod, “Okay. This is what it’s supposed to look like” you tug the top of the box closer to the two of you. 
“Pretty” he smiles, picking out all the similar looking pieces into separate piles as you rummage through the stray ones left in the box.
“How many pieces?” 
“A thousand” you grumble, and Jungkook hums in thought. 
“Maybe if we finish the moon, then figure out the sky after?” he suggests, eyebrows creasing.  
It had always been moments like this that Jungkook loved most. Where neither of you had to wake up early the next morning, responsibilities forgotten for hours as you simply live in your own company for the night. With Jungkook’s phone connected to one of his many speakers, low hum carried by the soft breeze of the open window as he cooks in the kitchen. 
“Do you think we could frame this after?” you call out as Jungkook’s hips sway in time with the music. Making sure to cut the onions close to the open window, knowing your eyes were sure to sting, always whining like you had been the one to cut them. 
“Once you’re done we can measure it and buy one” he peeks into the living room, pushing his glasses a little further up the bridge of his nose with the back of his hand. “Dinners almost done, baby” 
You push yourself off the floor, arms stretched above your head, sighing as the tension eases out your bones. 
“Smells good” you sit down, Jungkook pulling your chair closer to his as he pushes your plate a little closer to you. 
“Eat up, darling” he presses a kiss to your cheek, “I might treat you after dinner, now that your cute little canines have grown back” 
“You know the doctor is gonna be mad if he finds out, I don't wanna be scolded again” the corner of your lips curl up. 
“What he doesn’t know won’t hurt him” your boyfriend coos, “Now eat up” 
With you in his arms, everything felt right. The world around the two of you quiet as your lips kiss his shoulder, teeth nipping at bare skin, limbs tangled under velvety sheets; room doused in warm orange light.
You’d always been a little clumsy when he liked to treat you, groan rumbling under the skin of his chest as your teeth into his neck, sharp pleasure sinking into his bones as your tongue runs flat over his skin. 
You bring your wrist up to his mouth, Jungkook kissing each finger, to your palm, to your pulse. Tongue slipping past plush lips, tasting your skin before he’s sinking his own teeth into you. 
Eager hands roam your body, your own free hand tangling into his hair, desperate tug pulling his face away from your wrist, redirecting his face to you; lips molding together in a slow kiss, his tongue licking at the seam of your lips, tasting himself as he pushes his tongue into your mouth. 
“I love you” your breath fans over his lips, noses nudging against one another. 
“I love you” his eyes flit between yours, bringing your wrist back up to kiss over the reddened skin, puncture already starting to heal. 
And maybe this is what love was, soft kisses with soft sheets, skin sweet smelling after hot showers and adoration laced in meals; a secret ingredient. Where time stops momentarily, though never long enough.
Because love with you felt like a warm glow in his chest, an unexplainable buzz of something that caresses his cheeks and kisses his lips in the same way you do. 
Maybe 'you' and 'love' were a synonym of one another, because maybe he isn’t sure what love is, if love isn’t you. 
“I have a gift for you” you skip up to Jungkook when he opens the front door, he leans down for a kiss, fingers tangling into your hair as he tilts his head. 
“Gift?” he presses another quick peck to your lips. 
Your fingers wrap around his wrist, and he stumbles behind you, shoes kicked off somewhere behind him as you tug him further into the apartment. 
“Sit” and he falls back onto the couch, jacket shucked off as you wander into the bedroom, “Close your eyes!” you call through the open door, your boyfriend humoring you as his hands cover his face. 
Your feet pad against the floor, stopping when you’re stood before Jungkook, “Okay, you can look now, Kook” 
He blinks up at you, eyes flitting down to what you’re holding, suspicion creeping up his spine as he eyes your gift. He had an idea of what it was, knowing you well enough that he could probably guess what your surprise gift was.
Flat, fairly large, looked a little weighty. 
“Open it” you urge, wrapping paper crinkling under his fingertips. 
He picks away at the tape, careful as he unwraps your gift, fond smile pulling at the corners of his lips as he lets the wrapping paper fall to the floor. 
“Thank you” he traces the glow of the moon with the tip of his finger, your puzzle framed perfectly. 
He’d been surprised when it had suddenly disappeared one afternoon, and you’d shuffled on your feet, telling him you’d put it back in the box; forgetting to take a photo to show him the finished product. And he hadn’t pushed you, even if it had been out of character. 
“Look at the back” you rock on your heels, fiddling with the hem of your shirt. 
Jungkook flips the frame, your handwriting neatly scrawled onto the back, surrounded by messy little hearts and flowers, stars scattered and the moon hung just like it would in the sky. 
‘I love you to the moon and back’ 
A giggle bubbles up Jungkook’s throat.
Love, adoration, something warm pulling him off the couch, framed puzzle gently balanced against the chair as his arm slips around your waist. Pulling you further into his body.
You lean into his touch as his hand cups your cheek, feathery kiss pressed over your nose, both your cheeks, finally to your lips. 
“I love you so much, my little love”
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🌟 thank you for reading!! feedback is always encouraged
permanent taglist: @m1sss1mp @supernoonanyc
339 notes · View notes
jeeonkinks · 2 years
for me to read later!!
No Harm List | Pt. 13
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Word count: 5k
Warnings: Violence, explicit language,
Summary: You live in a city where crime runs rampant. One day, you save a young boy’s life, not knowing that he is the most powerful crime lord's heir. And you have just been put on the no harm list.
Beta reader: @punkisnotdead2318
Banner: @bangtanloverboys
A/N: hello lovelies I am back! And posting this from my cellphone so sorry if this formatting is shit I’m doing my best. I’m a married and working woman now so writing is a bit harder in my new phase of life but I hope to continue bringing you this story 💕
✨Plz reread pt 12 for maximum drama✨
It was a quiet night in for Seokjin.
A luxury he planned to milk for all it’s worth as he settled into a recliner with the book he’s had for months, but never got around to reading.
Namjoon locked himself in his study tending to god knows what business, but with Yoongi hiding out for the next few days, he knew his lover could only keep himself busy for so long.
Maybe he could convince Namjoon to turn in early this evening, this was the first time in a long time they had the house to themselves.
Hoseok’s mission this morning was mostly a success, but the potential spotting by cops and their ability to trace the security camera’s signal disruption back to Yoongi had both men hiding in a safe house for the next few days. If he thought about it for too long, Jin was unnerved that Tate Hyde’s team bothered to trace Yoongi’s surveillance back to him and send out cops to hunt down Hoseok.
They had arranged for this event to happen after all, and while a wild goose chase made the event more believable, this goose chase wasn't wild at all, it was accurate. Suga and J-Hope planted strategic evidence to get the cops off their trail. But the investigators blew right past it and Jin’s sources confirmed both men were on the suspect list. They may have to actually find a shooter to use as a scapegoat if the cops don't end their digging.
Before Jin could even finish the book's first chapter, his phone rang. He sighed as he recognized the number from V’s burner phone and swiped to answer.
“Thank you for calling Domino’s” Jin greeted, partly as a joke, partly because answering the phone with “hello this is Kim Seokjin of BTS” would definitely blow V’s cover if he was caught.
“Pull in your men,” V ordered, breezing past any kind of pleasantries. He didn't even huff a laugh at Jin’s joke.
“Why?” Jin asked suddenly on alert.
V had been in deep cover in the Black Tips territory for the better part of two weeks now. And his involvement there had been vital for BTS to stay ahead and avoid any other major attacks while they were still recovering from the shooting at the Bulletproof.
“Fin sent out some of his top guys this evening, and they haven’t come back yet. And someone in his inner circle just bragged that they’re taking a hit on BTS tonight. Call in anyone on the street and warn Bulletproof to be on high alert.” V briefed.
“How long ago did his men leave?” Jin asked, already typing out a message to Jungkook and Jimin, both were out taking care of a big shipment of methamphetamines in the warehouse district this evening. If the deal went south, BTS would take a massive hit. But not as bad as if Jungkook or Jimin were hurt during it.
“Just over an hour ago. Tell Suga to have his eyes everywhere he can, but don’t have anyone on the street.” V continues.
Jin responded as he finished his text to Jungkook “Suga’s offline for the rest of the week.”
“What? Why?”
“He and J-Hope have to lay low, you don’t need any more details.” Jin explained as he reached for the tablet on the coffee table. There was no need for V to have any major updates on BTS’s plans while in deep cover like he was.
His cousin cursed under his breath, “Well, get Jungkook or someone on surveillance.”
“I’m on it right now, is that all you have to report?” Jin asked as he opened up the surveillance feed from the tablet, checking out the lobbies of the Bulletproof Casino first.
“Not at the moment. If they send a second group out to help clean up whatever damages they caused, I’ll try to get in on it and report back afterwards.” V responded, Jin could hear the tension in his voice.
“Don’t do anything too reckless, and don't worry, with this heads up I doubt there will be any messes,” Jin assured.
V grunted in agreement, not wanting to accept the pity praise his cousin offered him. He was about to give his goodbye and hang up when he heard Jin cuss.
“What is it?” V demanded.
Jin was silent for a moment as he took in what he saw on SugarDaddy’s security cameras. His heart sank at the sight of the wreckage.
“They’re in the bakery, it’s totally wrecked and it’s smoking like it might be on fire.” Jin explained as he moved to the cameras in the kitchen hoping they would still be in use. He was confused to see four men wandering around the kitchen, directionless, with no signs of wanting to leave.
“Shit.” V hiss, realizing he dismissed a very important asset. “Who closed?” V asked, already dreading the answer.
“Ella, but she must have gotten out because-” he cut himself off as he checked the final camera to the lab where he saw you pacing before taking a swig from a glass vial. “Taehyung, can you get out of there and to the bakery without getting caught?” Jin asked, his voice so serious it made V’s blood go cold.
“Yeah, I’m right on the edge of the sixth ward.”
“I’m heading there now,” Jin said, getting up and making his way to Namjoon’s office. “Jungkook and Jimin will be on their way. We’ll meet you there.”
And with that order, the line went dead.
The sound of the disoriented intruders rang clear through the bulletproof door to the lab.
You took a deep breath to steady yourself before pulling the trigger on another gas canister, opening the door, and launching it into the kitchen. The bakery was hazy with the smoke now, but you could see the silhouettes of four men in the clouds.
They grew quieter as the effects of the gas began to set in.
You made your way for the one nearest to you, he was swaying- lost to the influence of the smoke. If slight exposure made someone as disoriented as you experienced first hand, you couldn’t imagine what prolonged exposure at this intensity could do to them.
He didn’t even seem aware of your approach as you snuck up on him and made quick work of jumping on his back and wrapping your arm around his throat; pressing down on the back of his head while squeezing the column of his neck.
He let out a strangled sound of surprise at the attack, reaching up and clawing at your forearm.
The other three men were startled at the sound, but instead of coming to their partner’s aid they abandoned them and made their way back out to the kitchen.
You gritted your teeth, squeezing tighter in an effort to keep your grip. The man under you bucked, trying to throw you off him, growing more frantic as the pressure into his head grew.
You felt a rush as he tipped onto his back crushing you under him. Your vision exploded into stars at the impact, but you forced yourself to keep your grip even as his weight knocked the wind out of you.
Finally, his thrashing ceased and he went limp in your arms.
You ignored the ache of your muscles as you released the tension in your arms and crawled out from under the gangster’s weight. The towel you wrapped around your face already hanging limply around your throat. You pulled it off quickly before it felt like a phantom arm wrapping around your own throat.
It seemed that whatever antidote Jimin had made in his lab was working so far. Other than slight discomfort caused by breathing the thick air you were left unaffected by the effects of the smoke. You made quick work of getting up and taking in your surroundings, adrenalin still pumping through your veins as you look for your next target in the hazy kitchen.
A loud shout rang out from the front of the store, and a looming figure made its way through the kitchen doors easily maneuvering around the bakers’ rack. He wasn’t built like any of the others you saw this evening.
Did they send for backup?
Spine straight despite the thick smoke curling around him. He made his way towards you, his gait so confident it filled you with unease.
Was it possible for a member of the BlackTips to be immune to Jimin’s smoke?
You moved into a fighting stance, centering your weight as the figure got closer, reaching an arm out for you. You didn’t hesitate before wrapping your hand around his wrist, pivoting in place, and launching his body over your shoulder. You flipped the man onto the ground.
He landed with a loud smack but kept his grip on your own arm taking you down with him. You lost your balance, toppling on top of him and landed nose to nose with Jeon Jungkook.
“Glad to see you remember what I taught you.” He greeted, with a smirk.
Jungkook and Jimin were already driving back to the den by the time Jin called. The deal had happened fast without any hiccups. And they decided to take the product back to the Den for safekeeping until they knew it was impossible for the warehouse to get breached despite the new security system.
They were just a few blocks from the downtown side of the seventh ward when Jin broke the news about Sugar Daddy.
Jungkook didn’t hear anything else once Jin mentioned you were still trapped inside. He pressed the pedal to the ground, tires screeching as he sped to the bakery.
For a moment, his mind was scarily quiet. Y/N was at the bakery, trapped in Jimin’s lab while some punks wrecked the area.
It seemed simple enough. Get there, take down the guys, and get to Ella.
Jimin’s lab was one of the most secure rooms Yoongi had designed. The door was bulletproof, as long as she was in there she was safe.
But a countless number of ‘what if’s’ began to creep into his thoughts.
Jimin stayed on the line with Jin, getting information on the men and the condition of the bakery before he ended the call and immediately reached to reload their guns.
“Did he say how many men were in there?” Jungkook asked as they pulled onto the road. Headlight shone behind him and he knew it was Jin and RM catching up.
“Four.” Jimin answered.
And that’s all he needed to know as he pulled up to the wrecked building.
The sound of screeching tires caught the attention of one of the thugs, the welcome bell chiming as he pushed the door open and tried to escape down the sidewalk.
Snatching the gun out of Jimin’s hand, Jungkook barely put the car in park before he was out and making a start to run after the deserter.
Suddenly, out of the shadows, V’s long form appeared, grabbing the man mid-run and pinning him against the wall in one hard motion.
“Marcus, you’re fucking dead.” V growled into the man's face.
“You got him?” Jimin called, making his way toward the two, gun pointed at the pinned culprit.
Considering that situation under control, Jungkook turned his focus back to the bakery, gun in hand as he made his way inside with Seokjin and RM.
Everyone knew Jin wasn’t one for violence. He avoided it when he could, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t capable of holding his own. He just had the most restraint out of the seven of them.
At the sight of wreckage, Jungkook watched a look of devastation flash across Jin's face as he took it all in before it morphed into a cold rage.
There was a large man behind the counter looking as if he was trying to break into the register.
The sweet smell in the air told Jungkook that Y/N laced it with some of Jimin’s gas. He grabbed the bandana that was around his neck and pulled it over his nose. This must be why the thugs were slow to react to their entrance.
“Stay alert,” Jungkook cautioned the others as he held his gun up at the man waiting for Jin and RMs orders on what to do next.
Jin stormed right past him, grabbing the man by his shirt and pulling him over the counter to his side of the coffee bar. The man flailed and his leg got caught, but with a feral grunt and a hard tug Jin slammed the man on the ground, before kneeling down and slugging the intruder in the jaw with all his might.
Jungkook and RM both winced at the sound.
The sound of Ella and a man's shout echoed from the kitchen and Jungkook was instantly in motion, he could barely open the kitchen door thanks to a bakers rack acting as a failed barricade.
The smoke in the room still hung thick in the air, but you were still visible as you pulled your body from under one of the fallen men who Jungkook realized was unconscious.
Jungkook sighed with relief and pride, both flooding his chest as he moved towards you; cautiously, not wanting to scare you any more than you already were.
He should have seen how that could have come off as intimidating, should have said something to reassure you that you were safe now.
So he was more frustrated with himself when you flipped him as hard as you did. He was honestly impressed with your technique and the fact that you were still awake with so much smoke in the air.
“What the hell are you doing here?” You snapped, pulling back in shock. Your hand was still curled into a fist, your breathing restricted to short pants.
“Saving your ass” he explained like it was obvious.
“Saving me? No, I needed saving 45 minutes ago. I'm handling the situation.”
He opened his mouth to argue when you heard another loud shout from the front of the shop.
“It’s Jin and RM. They’re outnumbered, but don’t worry.” Jungkook assured as you pushed yourself off him to get up. His body yearned for your warmth against him again.
He didn’t realize until this moment how scared he was.
But you were safe, and that's all he could think about.
You were safe. You were safe. You were safe. Not only were you safe, but you successfully protected yourself from four men.
He waited a moment, taking in your cautious expression as you hauled yourself up, eyes skimming over the destruction of the room. You stood to your full height and offered Jungkook a hand.
“Ella are you okay? How many were there?” He asked pushing up with you.
“Four, but I knew one of them.”
“Did they touch you?” He asked a fierce protectiveness in his eyes so unguarded it took her off guard.
“No I’m-“ you took a moment to glance at the unconscious man behind her, shocked to realize they hadn’t, not really. You won this fight. That reassurance steeled you and gave you the strength to look in his eyes. “No, nothing I couldn’t handle, apparently.” The concern didn’t leave Jungkook’s eyes and as he stepped towards you. You instantly pulled back, “I’m fine. I’ll be fine.” assured again, unable to handle any kind of comfort right now.
There was a low thud and a groan.
You and Jungkook both turned to see the fourth man who they didn’t even realize was still in the room leaning heavily against the countertop as he rose. He must have been hiding or the smoke knocked him near unconscious.
He was clearly disoriented, leaning heavily to his left like a drunk man walking with a tilt. But his face was determined as he reached for the gun strapped to his side.
It felt like time froze as you took in the situation. Instantly, Jungkook was reaching for his gun too, and fear spiked in your chest at the potential of either one of these men firing off a shot this close.
You slammed your shoulder into Jungkook, knocking him off balance as you reached for the broom against the wall. Jungkook yelled out in protest but in two quick movements, you secured the broom, stepped forward, and smacked the intruder’s arm that was supporting his weight on the countertop. He cursed as he lost his balance nearly collapsing. Another step forward and you kicked him onto the ground snatching the gun out of his belt before he had time to react.
“Stay down!” You ordered the man while pressing the end of the broom into his sternum, right between where his ribs met. You knew the pressure would be uncomfortable enough for him to not try to push up against it in his state.
The man lifted both his arms in surrender and laid flat on his back pliant.
Jungkook took in the scene with his mouth agape. He did not teach you that.
“Are you going to help?” You snapped at him.
He blinked rapidly before stepping forward aiming his gun at the man as he did.
“You’re in a room full of knives and you use a broom as your wepon?” he questioned teasingly.
“I thought you would be happy I kept my shoes on.” you teased back, “and put that thing away.” you ordered pointing at the gun, “You’re going to kill somebody if you shoot from this close a range.”
Jungkook held his tongue to keep himself from saying ‘That’s the point.’ and settled with “Can you go tell the guys to bring me some rope so I can tie this one up?”
You agreed before stepping out into the wrecked shop where Taehyung and RM were now tying up three unconscious men.
“Ella are you okay,” immediately you were wrapped into a hug from Jimin you stiffened before melting into his welcomed warmth and hugging him back. The weight of what tonight meant for your friend settling in your gut.
V stood up at your entrance, his expression unreadable, but after assessing that you were not physically hurt he pushed past you and into the kitchen to help Jungkook offering you a single nod as he passed.
“Jimin I don’t know what happened. I couldn’t stop them” you pulled away to turn to a sullen Seokjin “Jin I’m so sorry” your voice was thick but you refused to let tears well in your eyes.
The gang needed you to stay composed at this moment. You needed to keep it together for yourself. This was their safe space and it had been wrecked because you got too sassy with your interrogator.
“Y/N, stop,” Jin had his hands on both your cheeks as tears began welling in your eyes you began shaking your head no as if that could stop them. “Y/N. You’re safe and that’s all I could care about right now. Let’s get you home before you go into shock.”
“I’ll take her,” Jungkook said making his way out of the kitchen.
Jin hesitated.
“V is finishing up the guys in the kitchen, he said he was going to take them to the greenhouse with RM. You and Jimin should both work on damage control for this. Let me take Ella back to the Den so she can get a breather before you question her.” Jungkook negotiated.
Jin looked at you as if asking for permission and you nodded in silent agreement before following Jungkook out into his car.
“Adjust the temperature however you need,” Jungkook offered already reaching to turn on the heated seat. And you realized you were shaking.
You fiddled with the knobs silently adjusting the temperature the way you liked before settling back into the seat and looking out the window. You knew you should be scared and your thoughts should be racing a mile a minute. But your head was empty. Your adrenalin was crashing and you felt numb as if you were watching yourself outside your body. Not numb you felt defeated and powerless.
You had successfully protected yourself from four men, sure. But you felt helpless to the fact that a group of men could barge in at any moment to question you. You felt like it was out of your power to prevent something like that from ever happening again.
“Do you want to tell me what happened?” Jungkook finally asked breaking the silence.
“Not yet,” you muttered.
“Ella,” Jungkook sighed and you knew he didn’t want to push you, “I don’t want to pressure you. But you should be trying to remember everything you can before the effects of the gas really start to set in. You were exposed to a lot.”
“I took Jimin’s antidote and it worked. I don’t feel any different,” you replied but your voice sounded hollow even to yourself. You wanted to sound more alert, feel more alert after everything that's happened. A part of you wished that you could take an Adderall right now. That would wake you up and probably get you to be more responsive to what the gang needs. But your pills were in your purse which you left in the bakery. You left everything in the bakery: your purse, your phone, your keys.
“How much did you take?” Jungkook asked surprised. The antidote was something Jimin has been working on nonstop since the night of your graduation party.
“All of it I think.”
Jungkook kept his face neutral. He didn’t know anything about chemistry or how the chemicals would affect you. But made a mental note to ask Jimin about any potential side effects or if it was possible to overdose on the antidote.
“Still can you please tell me what happened? Try to picture this from my point of view,” he begged.
You sighed, you knew you should comply despite the way his request annoyed you. Everything about him annoyed you at the moment. You didn’t want to look at anything from his point of view, you were still mad at him for the way he’s been acting for weeks.
Seeing him in the bakery made you feel so much relief. You had been fighting for your life and he was a life preserver cast out in the water for you. A sense of safety. And for a moment everything felt natural the way he joked with you in the midst of a fight You had forgotten about the kiss or the way he tormented you these past weeks. But now that you were alone with him in the safety of his car you felt yourself being thrown right back into the seas of confusion.
But you couldn't let such petty things distract you right now he did deserve answers.
So you gave him a quick and dirty version, “Some dude came into the bakery to ‘talk’ with me. He offered to free me from BTS, pay off my debt, and some other pretty bribes in exchange for spying on BTS. I told him no and he had his goons wreck the bakery. They got a little excited and tried to come after me so I hid in Jimin’s lab and well you know the rest.”
For one peaceful moment, Jungkook was silent as he processed everything you said and turned into the main entrance of the Den. But as they approached the garage all the questions flooded out.
Who was questioning you?
How did they know you were affiliated with BTS?
What did they look like?
Did they say what their motive was?
Did they threaten you?
And your answer was “I don't know” for each one except the last, which to your shock was no. The man had not threatened you directly he only tried to bribe information out of you.
“Jungkook, I’m done for now.” you sighed as you followed him into the kitchen.
“You told the guys I get a breather before they question me and I want it.”
Jungkook bit his tongue to halt himself. He wanted to push you and tell you this information was very important for your safety and everyone else's. But you were right him finding out now versus him finding out in a few minutes when everyone gets back won’t make a difference.
With a sigh, he nodded “You’re right. So what do you want to talk about?” he asked sitting down on the couch next to you. It was important he kept you talking. He was scared if he left you to your own thoughts you would retreat in that little shell inside yourself. You always got quiet when you were stressed, but Jungkook knows from experience if he can distract you or keep you talking you can push past that defense.
He didn’t expect you to have an answer. So already he was wracking his brain for conversation topics. Something stimulating and engaging but also not too silly. He was taken completely off guard when he heard your soft voice ask, “Why did you avoid me?”
He looked at you surprised and you held his gaze as if you could read the answer in his eyes. He glanced away guiltily.
“Why did you avoid me after we kissed?” you asked again your voice clear. You did not make yourself elaborate. You didn’t tell him how you’ve felt lost and helpless these weeks. And if you could take it back you would. But if you were honest with yourself no part of you really wanted to.
You just looked at him expectantly and watched him squirm in the silence.
“Because.. I’m a coward” he offered looking down at his hands.
Your silence was loud in the air between you pressuring him to keep talking, “I was scared because, well BTS has already put you in so much danger already. I mean we're not even dating, and you were basically held, hostage.”
“Don’t pin this on me.” you cut him off. It was a valid point and you knew that, but it wasn’t his only reason for not talking to you. “Whether or not I endanger myself to date you is a decision for us to make. Why did you avoid me?” you asked again.
“I was scared. I was scared it was an impulsive or pity kiss after being shot. I was scared you didn’t have feelings for me and so I was avoiding the rejection.”
You quirked a brow in disbelief. Oh, sure he was scared of you rejecting him.
“It’s true!” he insisted.
“And I don’t even know if I could date you,” he added and you felt a part of your chest ache at the confession.
“I don’t know if I'm capable of dating with my lifestyle. It's not only a safety hazard, but El I don't know if I’m capable of giving you and more of myself than I already have. I think about you all the time. And I love spending time with you. But our friendship, where we were before that kiss it’s all I know how to give people”
A silent tear rolled down your cheek and when Jungkook looked up at you it crushed him.
“Oh ella im so sorry,” he pleased leaning forward to wipe your cheek.
“Don’t be.” you whispered pulling away to wipe your own tears.
“Because I feel the same way,” you continued your voice pressing against the knot in your throat. You were shocked by the sense of relief Jungkook's confession brought you.
All that time you weren't just worried about Jungkook regretting kissing you. You were scared he didnt regret it. And he wanted a relationship with you.
“I’ve never really dated,” you explained, “And I don't think I know how to. And school is so stressful and the program is only going to get more complex. I’m not sure I have time to learn and figure it out.” you rambled too busy wiping your face to see the way Jungkooks fell.
“I like you Jungkook, I like what we have, and I liked kissing you. But I don’t think I can date you. I will not compromise my future like that. II just-” you took a sniffling breath, “I miss you so much and I want to go back to the way things were. You and Hobi are all I have, I don’t normally let myself get that close with people. Not after losing Dae. Please just keep being my friend.” you asked reaching for his hand.
Jungkook nodded before letting out a laugh. “What a fucking mess” he groaned to himself.
You scoffed. “Tell me about it. You think I wanted to catch feelings for the gangster I saved in an alleyway it's like some overdone rom-com trope.”
“What kind of rom coms are you watching” he demanded
“The best kind.”
Jungkook laughed again and you savoured the sound as he reached to hold your hand in his.
“So in conclusion” he started, “We like hanging out, we liking kissing, but were not dating because were too focused on our careers?”
You made a face at the thought of him calling whatever he does for BTS his career but sighed as you nodded, “I think so.”
“To be clear, this isn’t an invitation to kiss me at your whim.” you threatened with a glare.
“To be clear, this is an invitation to kiss me at any and all whims” Jungkook shot back
You snorted before moving to hit him with a throw pillow. There was a beat of blissful silence your chest feeling lighter as before the front door slammed open.
You leaned over the couch to see who was stomping into the entryway only to lock eyes with Hoseok. You could feel the anger radiating off of him as he entered the room.
“What happened?” He demand.
Please comment and reblog to support my content
I’m a Leo I need validation 🥲
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jeeonkinks · 2 years
for me
“Other Words for Said”
Shouted, bellowed, yelled, snapped, cautioned, rebuked.
Consoled, comforted, reassured, admired, soothed.
Shouted, yelled, babbled, gushed, exclaimed.
Whispered, stuttered, stammered, gasped, urged, hissed, babbled, blurted.
Declared, insisted, maintained, commanded.
Sighed, murmured, gushed, laughed.
Cried, mumbled, sobbed, sighed, lamented.
Jabbed, sneered, rebuked, hissed, scolded, demanded, threatened, insinuated, spat, glowered.
Making up:
Apologised, relented, agreed, reassured, placated, assented.
Teased, joked, laughed, chuckled, chortled, sniggered, tittered, guffawed, giggled, roared.
Related, recounted, continued, emphasized, remembered, recalled, resumed, concluded.
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jeeonkinks · 2 years
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jeeonkinks · 2 years
Something I've come across often in reading fanfiction is this... pervasive idea that people cannot love wholly twice, and that if they've chosen one person, it's because that love is greater than the other.
It's not expressly said that way. It's couched in gentler, loving phrases like "he's never felt this way before" and "it wasn't like this with anyone else." It's especially prevalent when there is a canon love interest to be denied, or a mutually exclusive ship to push back against, and it feels like trying to quietly dismiss a contrived love triangle instead of recognizing that different loves can share intensity and one might still not work out.
And I'm not saying it's bad, I'm not saying it's problematic or amoral or something that needs to stop, that people shouldn't be doing this. I'm not saying that one true love is a bad trope. I guess I'm just asking, what are we afraid of?
Why can't the character have felt that way before? Why can't they have loved someone with their whole heart before? It's the tragedy of love isn't it- that sometimes it doesn't work. Not that the love was missing or less, but that it was there, that it was whole and full and real, that it mattered... but that it didn't change anything, couldn't work out. The circumstances were wrong, the people were wrong despite their love, it was everything and that wasn't enough. Love doesn't have to be less or gone to recognize that maintaining a relationship for it is unsustainable. A character can leave behind a great love and find a new great love, and while love is never quite The Same between people, it can be As Much.
And I guess I'm wondering, you know, how it is better, to love wholly only once? "It was never like this with the other person" is surely meant to be a soft sentiment declaring how much greater this love is, but, all it does is make me wonder what is so weak about it that if there was an equal love, this love wouldn't survive it, wouldn't be chosen.
"I have loved like this before, and I'm choosing to fight for it this time" is surely not a lost cause to explore.
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jeeonkinks · 2 years
Fallen Arrangement || jjk
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-> As the daughter of a king, your destiny has always been to take over the throne when you become of age. You just didn't expect your father to give you the throne so soon. And you definitely didn't expect it to come with a husband.
-> Your devil of a father arranges your marriage with a prince from overseas while you're secretly carrying on an affair with a peasant boy.
Pairing: prince!jungkook x princess!reader, village boy!jimin x princess!reader
Genre/au: royal!au, angst, fluff, smut, drama, coming of age, forbidden romance, fake dating!au, strangers to lovers, arranged marriage!au, every over done Kdrama shit cliché you can think of but in fanfic form tbh
Warnings to be noted per part but here are the major tw: explicit sexual content, violence/torture in a dungeon, blood/injury, murder, minor character death, grief, emotional trauma casued by manipulation and dictatorship, physical assault
Wc: TBA (in total around 100K)
a/n: happy birth-month to our beloved Koo <3 in honor of our precious Koo, I'm dropping a revised version of the very first Jungkook fic I ever wrote. Surprise surprise there's some jimin x reader in here too lmao don't come at me please. anyways when I was eighteen, I was majoring in English Literature and I had so many papers to write it was ugly. soooo I wrote this fanfic instead. since it's Koo's bday month and I'm feeling nostalgic, let's all check it out, shall we? pls be gentle. bc it's so long I'm splitting it into parts.
Enjoy this series while I work on After Hours which is TBA in Oct-Nov 😍💞
Taglist: @staerryminimini @unicornbabylover @kookieswan @sugarflywme @dvalitaes @kookiecrumb @jeonsjiddies @taeshobipop @jktones @myooniverse @miscelunaaa @highly-functioning-mitochondria @azreeeeee @armys-dna @thesugatoyourtae @jmforevs @kimprosperi @jjkeverlast @joontied @pamzn @ssaboala @hobipost @shotalvr @jimilter @sleepilysworld @rjsmochii @familiarlikemymirror3 @gimmethatagustd @alluringfairies @minijagiya @roseyykris @jwnghyuns @alora162021 @kaitaesupremacy @squawkadoodledoo @jimin2014 @jminthinker @femmesstuff @valhallawhispers @bora-kat
If you are 18+ and would like to be added, feel free to comment, reblog, or send an ask or dm to be added to the taglist!! 💜
—☆ Part 1 (18.6K)
—☆ Part 2 (TBA)
—☆ Part 3 (TBA)
—☆ Part 4 (TBA)
—☆ Part 5 (TBA)
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jeeonkinks · 2 years
give yourself the gift of reading your own fic. it was literally written just for you.
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jeeonkinks · 2 years
god this one is so good mmh mmh mmh
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Jungkook is a rich loner who doesn’t realize he could have anyone he wants bc he’s stuck on you— a random cam girl who has no clue he exists.
PAIRING: Jungkook x f!reader
GENRE: camgirl au; smut;
WC: 2.4k
WARNINGS: m!masturbation, f!masturbation... duh, camming, use of dildos, camgirl!reader, fanboy!jungkook, yn and jungkook have matching users bc jk is a loser, sex toys, virgin kink, age gap-ish (Jungkook is 28, reader is 22), does this count as exhibitionism? reader’s ass described as fat once by Jungkook
A/N: I was listening to the weeknd and this was the result… pure FILTH. also shortened and cross-posted since i haven’t been active on here!!
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NEW TWEET FROM @.adoreme: going live in 5! I have some new treats ;)
The ping from Jungkook’s phone has his heart kicking up an irritating notch, reading over the notification until it disappears— his fork all but falling to the floor in his rush to stand, his chair screeching against his sparkling floor with it. He rushes across the expanse of his living room to take his plate to the sink and then runs back to grab the fork from the floor and throw it in as well, just to run back all over again to grab his phone.
He almost trips as he runs up the stairs of his— dare he say— very nice penthouse, and he passes large windows with privacy glass while sliding his hand along a clear, glass railing. His bedroom doesn’t come into view quick enough, and when he plops down on his bed he wastes no time peeling off his pants and pulling his shirt over his head. He needs to get ready for bed anyway, so after he’s done watching you he can shower and go to sleep. Perfect.
He doesn’t bother putting headphones on or turning his volume down low because he lives alone. Another ping alerts him that the live stream is starting, and with another adjustment to his pillow he clicks on the ‘SUGARTRAP’ icon pinned at the top of his laptop. Tonight’s stream invitation is bordered with black and white stars, bolden at the edges for a 3D effect. Under it, in pretty cursive letters, Jungkook’s favorite words blare across the screen.
@.adoreme is live!
Adoreme is live. And adore you he does, if his frantic energy and utter impatience is any indicator. His attention is glued to the screen like he’s still a teenager, eager for any chance to see some tits and ass. He’s past that phase, but if it’s you, well… maybe he’s not. Jungkook has been watching your streams for a whopping eight months, has become your highest tipper, and the most familiar face user in your streams. He tunes in at any time of day and whenever possible. He probably looks desperate, present from start to finish of every stream no matter how short and no matter how long.
Honestly, even if he tuned into your streams from his office, cock shamelessly fisted in his hand as he watched you push your panties to the side, struggling to fit a small, vibrating toy inside your tight little cunt? That was his right. Luckily, you usually only stream late at night on the weekends. Like today, a lonely Friday night, Jungkook watches with a hand pushed deftly into his pants already drooling before you’ve even done anything.
A giggle echoes through the room as if on cue, just as the thighs in front of him slide back on the bed, bringing in view of a pair of black panties stretched over the fattest ass Jungkook has ever seen in his life. The frilly edge of the waistband brushes against smooth skin, looking as plush and as soft as the delicious ass Jungkook is obsessed with.
Jungkook has never been a stranger to porn. He loves porn, but these live streams… they awaken something in him he never knew about. It’s something about watching in real time, being able to control what happens, that makes him really love it. The chance to chat with the sexiest girl he’s ever seen— digital or not— sign him up. He’ll never refuse, and you’re more than he could’ve ever asked for. Your “name” stylized as stargirl, hence the stars in the banner of your livestream, was like a prayer. He whispers it under his breath every time he climaxes like a wife who’s husband has been away at war for far too long and imagination is all that’s left.
“How have you guys been?”
God, even your voice is sexy. It makes heat rise to his cheeks and he sits up, checking into the chat to make his presence known.
starboy: lonely without you
starboy: how have you been? finish your thesis yet?
So, maybe Jungkook changed his user to match yours and, maybe he is also a loser who instead of saying something sexy asks you about school. Something he graduated from for the last time almost six years ago. The age difference makes him shiver, a shaky breath leaving his lips in response to his own thoughts.
He shifts a couple of more inches backwards against his pillow, and soft breasts enter his field of vision, just barely covered by your bralette. They jiggle and threaten to fall from their restraints with every movement you make, and in turn makes Jungkook’s breath leave him in a gasp. A manicured hand decorated with a small tattoo around one finger— a star— rakes up your torso – and Jungkook has never been as jealous of a hand as he is now. Your nails trail over your skin, making their way up your chest, moving off-screen with a muted sigh from you as you reach around to play with the clasp of your bra.
Ever a tease.
“I’ve been doing just fine, Starboy,” You giggle, your long eyelashes blinking owlishly at the screen. Fuck, you’re in a good mood today. Your innocent aura is what sucks people in, and Jungkook figures that's why you're so popular— you feed right into their desires to turn out girls like you, drawing them in like a kid in a candy store. He’s not ashamed to say he’s one of them— in so deep. Too deep.
"How has your week been..." You prattle on, leaning forward to check the viewer count and read the comments as they start to filter in more hurriedly. Jungkook’s attention is drawn to the swell of your breasts in your bralette. God, they’re practically falling out and right into his face— he wants to run his lips over the fabric so bad. "Let’s wait for some more to join before I start taking requests! You already know the drill."
sexmonster: come on, let’s start baby
kissqueen: hopefully that big tipper doesn’t log on
Jungkook can’t help the bark of a laugh that he lets out. He assumes he’s the big tipper since more often than not, he’s the one controlling the stream. Highest tipper gets the most leeway and the most control, and he, as someone who is not pressed for cash, has always gotten that title. Starboy and Stargirl— it sounds perfect to him, and if kissqueen can’t afford it then kissqueen will just have to deal with it. The one thing he can’t afford is to feel bad.
It’s with a bite to your lip that the stream officially starts, Jungkook watching as you reach behind you to grab a sparkly lavender dildo, long and girthy, and much too wide for your tight hole to take without proper preparation. Jungkook takes that as a sign to properly pull his boxers down and settle his laptop in a comfortable position on his stomach.
Close to the width of your forearm, his girthy cock stands tall, almost peeking out from behind the screen in front of him – his tip red and wet, smacking against the back of his laptop and leaving splotches of precum over his calves. Jungkook sighs, stroking himself lightly before turning his attention back to you.
From the screen he watches as your fingers skim over the clothed but wet lips of your pussy, middle finger inching downwards to rub over them. You gasp when you’re met with thick arousal that immediately wets the tip of your finger even past the lacy cloth of your lingerie. Jungkook watches slack jawed, one hand caressing his leaking cock and the other making its way to type praises in the chat.
sexmonster: oh yeah, baby
ordinary980: so fucking sexy
kissqueen: take those panties off, beautiful
lovetolay: you need a real cock to please you
starboy: so beautiful
Jungkook can’t help but cringe at some of the other comments and decides to stop reading them if he doesn’t want his hard-on to die off. Quick.
You gasp, breathy and airy, “Oh, thank you Starboy.”
starboy: pretty girls like you deserve to be praised
“What should I do? I’m so wet…”
You’re gonna be the death of him. Jungkook groans, stroking himself with more vigor, sliding the wetness of his precum over flushed skin.
starboy: [tipped 500 coins] let us see that pretty pussy
You hum, lifting up on your knees to pull your panties down and Jungkook’s eyebrows raise when your arousal clings to the fabric, pulling with every push of your lingerie down your thighs, and Jungkook is speechless at the obscenity of it. Eight months and he’s still so enraptured in you.
starboy: fuck
“You like what you see?”
There’s a chorus of yes’s in the chat, but Jungkook can’t bring himself to type anything else, too busy stroking his cock with a fragile intensity, watching as your lips quirk up into a smile.
“I think my starboy has gone speechless.”
Jungkook decides to ignore the fact that you’re making fun of him to instead zero in on the use of my in that sentence. Your Starboy. Oh god. Jungkook is gonna cum and it’s only been fifteen measly minutes. You haven’t even done anything yet. He guesses that’s just your charm.
Once you calm down, you reach behind you and pick up the purple dildo again, tapping the tip of it playfully against your lower lip. It has another rush of heat spreading down to the pit of Jungkook’s stomach. “This was a gift from one of my lovely subscribers. I thought I’d put it to good use today.”
“It’s really big, isn’t it?” You hum, your voice pitching a bit higher. “It’s long, and it’s thick.” You give the tip a little lick and smile, all wide and innocent. Jungkook swallows a groan.
You smile sweetly at the camera and spread your legs apart before circling a finger around your entrance, pressing lightly against it to coat your fingers in arousal. “Wish I had someone here to help me,” You whine, the ghost of a moan catching on your breathy voice. “Bet their fingers would feel so much better than my own. Mine just… aren’t enough.”
Jungkook curls his hand around his cock, fully hard and leaking uncontrollably. It’s almost embarrassing, how quickly you get him all worked up, but he can’t find it in himself to care, not when you look and sound so goddamn pretty, all but begging to be taken care of. Warmth courses through Jungkook in pulses now, most intense in his gut.
You position yourself upwards on your knees, prepared to ride the sad piece of plastic like no tomorrow and have given your viewers the best view.
The mewl you emit goes through Jungkook like a shockwave, shoving a growl past his gritted teeth. “Fuck,” he hisses and squeezes the base of his cock, staving off as much of his arousal as he can while watching you take in more and more of the toy, the purple silicone slowly disappearing inside your tight heat.
“O-oh my god,” You moan, high and breathy. “Oh god, it’s f-filling me so well, I—” Your voice catches on a gasp, “It’s so big,” You whimper, your arm trembling as you work the dildo in deeper and deeper. “‘S too big, I can’t, I—ah!”
“You can,” Jungkook sighs, stroking himself slowly while his free hand grips hard onto his sheets, before he remembers he can do something better.
starboy: [tipped 1000 coins] come on baby
And it’s a miracle you even saw it with the way your eyes glaze over in pleasure, but with a dopey grin you sigh, “I— oh, okay.” Before you pull the dildo out a little and then push it back in, lips falling open in a silent moan. You get it almost all the way in before doing it all over again, working the toy deeper with gentle thrusts. “Feels so go-good,” You mewl, bouncing up and down vigorously. “‘S so good, gonna c-come.”
Jungkook continued to pump himself, and he thought about how good you would feel, how wet you would be and the mess that you would make. He thought about fucking you into the floor, your body covered in his cum— thought about how tight you would feel around him, about the sounds you’d make.
“Fuck,” he whimpered, his body shaking and his breaths coming out shallow as he continued to watch you fuck yourself. Through shaky breaths and with a muffled sob; his eyes fluttering shut, Jungkook sighed as he came.
“Oh fuck, yes!”
You dropped down hard onto the jelly curved dildo one last time before you cried out in pleasure as your orgasm came crashing into you. Jungkook doesn’t last after that, stroking himself harshly one last time before his release spurts all over his toned stomach. He’d barely managed to move the laptop away in time, and with that, the stream ended shortly after. You sent your goodbyes and the tips came rolling in, and Jungkook said his goodbyes.
The warmth of the shower manages to calm him down before his phone pinged with the same ringtone as earlier that night and his heart rate increased exponentially. It was rare for you to say anything else after streaming, and it was already really late. If Jungkook rushed to check his phone, no one would know.
NEW TWEET FROM @.adoreme: I'm hosting a lovely event for a lucky subscriber to get the chance to meet me and make a video together! check the attached link for details. Goodnight and good luck starlights!
Jungkook’s heart stopped, resumed, and then stopped again as he read the words over and over. He moved quickly and with intense determination, tapping his foot impatiently as he waited for the link to load. Your tweet’s only like at the moment was him— it hadn’t even been a minute since you tweeted— he had to be the first person to enter.
When the site loaded up, Jungkook was presented with a form, a long one. Clearly your safety was to be top priority and Jungkook was fine with that— content to list his age, phone number, and all socials as if they were conducting a real background check. Maybe he should’ve been more precautious; you could’ve been hacked for all he knows and he had just given away all his information. He included a picture of himself as the last step and submitted the form with a deep breath stuck in his chest.
It was harder than usual for Jungkook to fall asleep that night.
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a/n: this is the most vulgar thing i’ve ever written and i can’t take it seriously… 😭 pls lmk ur thoughts!!
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jeeonkinks · 2 years
tainted heart| (m)
Word: 6.4k
Pairing: Jungkook x Reader
Genre: angst, smut, slight fluff
Warnings: explicit sex scene, unprotected sex, oral sex, drug use, death, crying
a/n: its been a year i think…i wrote this hoping it will help me write more but I gave up at the end. hope you guys enjoy.
Jungkook knows he is attractive and can get any woman, so why is he hitting on ladies at the kids park instead of a club? Because mothers just hit differently. They are more desperate and wild in bed. Also he might have mommy issues but who doesn’t? Right now Jungkook is about to get a milfs phone number. “ Yeah, it’s hard being a single dad…but it’s worth every second to see my baby boy smile.” Jungkook shrugs while holding Jihoon on his lap, caressing his hair.
“ Here kiddo go get some ice cream for me and this pretty lady”, Jungkook hands Jihoon a twenty dollar bill. Jihoon’s eyes sparkle at the sound of ice cream, quickly grabbing the money and running to the ice cream cart.
“ Yeah, it gets lonely sometimes. After Jihoon’s mom died, I’ve been very reluctant to talk to the women. I just don’t want my heart to be broken again,” Jungkook gives the woman a sad glance, eyes teary but not too much. ‘Damn I should be an actor,’ Jungkook thinks to himself.
Jungkook feels her hand on his thigh, and he smirks to himself. “ I can help you feel less lonely,” the woman scoots closer to him. Everything is going according to plan until he feels something smack the back of his head.
“ What the hell!” Jungkook yelps in pain and the woman next to him gasps.
“ Who are you ?” the woman asked the offender.
“ I’m his dead wife,” you say loudly. Jungkook turns his head back quickly looking up at you. There’s an angry look and he can’t help chuckle not able to take you seriously. The woman quickly apologizes in embarrassment to you and gives Jungkook a furious look, before running off with her kid. “ Do you have no shame in using my child as a wingman?” Jihoon runs towards you with a happy smile oblivious to what had happened. Ice cream all over his shirt and you give Jungkook a piercing look.
“ Shame? What is that?” Jungkook shrugs, still rubbing his neck. “ Well now I have to go to a different park since everyone saw that. This was my favorite pick up spot,” Jungkook fakes a pout.
“ I asked you to take care of Jihoon and you weren’t even watching him,” you roll your eyes. Wiping the sticky mess that’s all over him. You kind of expected this from Jungkook though, so you can’t necessarily say this is all his fault.
“ I was watching him,” Jungkook looks at Jihoon covered in chocolate ice cream. He really was,but then he saw a pretty women and decided to hit on her. “ Where’s my ice cream, kid?” Jungkook notices that Jihoon doesn’t have more than one ice cream or his change.
“ I gave some to my friends,” Jihoon points at some kids who are enjoying their ice cream. You laugh when you see Jungkook give Jihoon a deadpan face. Jihoon smiles, showcasing his dimples to Jungkook, and runs off to his friends.
“Well what did you expect when your wingman is five year old?” You innocently shrug.
Keep reading
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jeeonkinks · 2 years
stuff like this breaks my heart fr
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This drabble is the infamous misunderstanding in Mixed Signals from Jimin's POV. Requested.
Warnings: Jimin cries and I did too writing this
Wc: ~1K
Jimin bounces in his seat, checking the time every few minutes as he waits for you to walk through the door.
Your first official date. He's a little nervous to be totally honest.
Should he have picked you up? Walked you from your dorm to the café? It would have the been the polite thing to do but you said you have something else to do before hand and would just meet him here. That's okay, whatever you want is fine.
This is amazing! You really like seeing Jimin, it's not just his imagination or overwhelming hope that someone as cool as you could want to be something more with a nerd like him. The two of you started really digging into your fantasies and fuck it's been amazing, but he can't wait to start really treating you like the queen you are. He'll never find someone like you again, not in a million years.
[y/n] cant make it
[y/n] meet at the fountain instead
The fountain. That's at West near your dorm buildings.
[Jimin] is everything okay?
[y/n] can we talk?
Deep breaths. Deeeeep breaths. This doesn't mean anything fundamentally bad. People talk about lots of things all the time. You probably just want to talk about something you don't necessarily want to discuss in public. And that's totally understandable.
Oh my god. This is having a girlfriend, isn't it?
You're openly relying on him. This is his first role as your now official boyfriend, to be there for you. You're clearly worried about something, something you need to talk to him about in private, and he needs to be there to support you as his girlfriend, as someone he cares about.
Jimin isn't sure what's going on but it seems pretty serious considering your plans to meet at the café at East had the green light until just now. He thanks the nice cashier girl for letting him chill without ordering before he heads out the door and to the bus stop.
The bus driver steps off the bus after it's parked, much to Jimin's surprise.
"Umm, excuse me? Sir? Is the bus going to East soon?"
"Bus is having maintenance over the next little while. It might run for a day or so in between, but I'm out for the next at least week," he tells Jimin with zero remorse for the poor chemistry student trying to reach his girlfriend.
It'll take a solid twenty minutes to run across campus. Shit, he's gonna be so late.
[Jimin] on my way! dont leave!
Thankfully, you're still there when he arrives, sweating from head to toe. His pinky toe is forming a sick blister because these shoes are not meant to run on hard concrete for twenty minutes at night.
But you're worth running on hard concrete for twenty minutes at night. You're worth running across borders and deserts and mountains even.
"Hey, ___!" he runs up to you, all smiles and an eager skip in his step as he holds down his sweater vest, despite his bleeding toe and sweating brow.
You slowly turn to face him, lip trapped between your teeth and eyes scanning him up and down. He knows sweater vests are an aquired taste but he loves that you're starting to appreciate them it seems. That's what girlfriends and boyfriends do after all, they support what the other person likes.
"I got your text. I was getting worried since you never showed up at the café, but I came as soon as I saw your message. Umm, is something wrong?"
"Maybe," you answer honestly and Jimin can tell you are really upset about something. "I didn't show up because I think there are some...mixed signals here."
"What do you mean?"
"I want to make sure neither of us are misunderstanding anything."
Jimin tries to catch his breath but your words have only sparked his adrenaline. A misunderstanding of some sort? What kind of misunderstanding could you have had in the span of your twenty-four hour relationship?
"Okay," he says slowly, because he's not sure where you're going with this, but it doesn't feel good so far.
"We have sex. And it's fun, right?"
Why would you ask such an obvious question? Is that what you're worried about? Does he not voice his affection for you enough? He can do it more often, but he figured you didn't want him to while being just friends with benefits. He was planning on being more vocal now that you're dating, but it hasn't really been long enough for him to yet.
"Yeah, I-I have fun being with you, of course," he says and he's about to elaborate on just how much fun he has being with you, but you speak again before he can.
"Me too. I really love it. You're amazing and sexy and we get along really well."
All reasons why you said yes to being his girlfriend, he had assumed.
"But that's all this is."
His mind doesn't fully process what you mean at first, but his heart must because he feels it drop into his stomach and start burning.
"Us. We're just friends, you know, friends with benefits. Fuck buddies. Hookups. You get what I mean?"
A fuck buddy? That's...that's all you see him as? But you said, while you were literally fucking him out his mind, connected with him in the most physically intimate way possible, while his heart was completely and utterly exposed...you said you wanted more. Did he hear wrong? Did you not mean it?
Or were you just too caught up in the moment to even register what you were saying?
You're looking at him but it's like you don't even see him. If you do see him, you would ask him why he's suddenly on the verge of tears.
"Yeah I--" he casually clears his throat when he feels a quiet cry threaten to come out, "--I know that. Obviously."
"Oh thank god," you sigh in relief, going so far as to press a hand to your heart. "I'm sorry, just earlier when you said the word date I kinda freaked out."
Oh...so you never intended to even go on the date with him either. He just ran all the way across campus to have his heart broken and you're relieved.
Weird, because when you bounced on his cock and screamed,"Shit! Yes, Jimin, you're mine! All mine, baby!" Jimin took that to mean you wanted him to be all yours.
He's not sure exactly what he supposed to do in this situation. It's not like he's ever had a girlfriend before, and now you're saying the label was a fuckup to begin with, that it wasn't ever supposed to happen. Does he call you out? Explain that he thought you wanted to be more than just friends who sleep together occasionally?
But he doesn't say any of that because, umm...it would probably hurt more than he already does. So he just says the words he knows he can push out of throat without the company of a sniffle or hiccup, the words he knows won't cause any more emotional breakage right now.
"Oh, when I said, pffttt yeah that was, umm nothing. Sorry, I don't know why I said date," he chuckles with a hand on the back of his head, "slip of the tongue or something. My bad."
"Okay phew! Man you have no idea how nervous I was," you awkwardly laugh. "Like I thought that you thought that we were dating or something, and my head just started screaming like ahhh!"
Maybe he should have known better than to think you really wanted him. Girls like you don't like guys like him. It just doesn't work that way. You like his dick and that's all.
"Totally, I mean, you dating me? That'd be really crazy."
What can he do except join in on the awkward laughing. He doesn't feel like he can do much else at this point. Except maybe cry. The first time he'll cry over a girl, like some chump. But he can't cry in front of you, not about this, not if all he is to you is a fat cock and a cute sweater vest.
"Well, now that that's all cleared up, did you wanna go get something to eat?"
He's gotta get out of here before you see through the evening lighting and notice the damp film in his eyes about to spill down his cheeks.
"Actually, I forgot about, umm, an assignment. For thermodynamics." Jimin rolls his eyes to make it look like he's annoyed at the prospect of homework, so maybe you won't find his sudden leave suspicious. "It's due tomorrow, so I should probably finish it."
"Oh yeah, of course! Go ace it, chem major," you have the audacity to cheer him on. "I'll see you tomorrow though?"
"Yeah, maybe."
No. He can't look you in the eyes as he starts to walk backwards towards the guy's dorm. No way he'll be able to look you in the eyes tomorrow.
"You better text me!"
Jimin doesn't promise a text or anything else for that matter. He doesn't know how long it'll take to feel okay again, but right now he thinks he may never get over the seemingly permanent ache you just dropped on his chest.
He just stuffs his hands into his pockets and hides his profile with his shoulder as he walks away.
Once he turns the corner and you're no longer in view, he uses his sleeve to wipe away a fallen tear, barely managing to make it into his dorm room and lock the door before it all comes crashing down. He slides his back down the door until he hits the ground, completely unhinged.
The first girl he's ever kissed, the first girl he's ever liked, the first girl he's ever had the courage to ask out, and you're the first girl to throw it all away and break his heart into uncountable, tiny pieces.
taglist: @staerryminimini  @unicornbabylover  @kookieswan  @sugarflywme  @dvalitaes  @still-with-koo  @kookiecrumb  @jeonsjiddies  @taeshobipop  @jktones  @myooniverse  @miscelunaaa  @highly-functioning-mitochondria  @azreeeeee  @lvoekook  @thesugatoyourtae  @jmforevs  @kimprosperi  @jjkeverlast  @joontied  @pamzn  @ssaboala  @hobipost  @shotalvr  @jimilter  @sleepilysworld  @rjsmochii  @familiarlikemymirror3  @gimmethatagustd  @alluringfairies  @minijagiya  @roseyykris  @jwnghyuns   @kaitaesupremacy  @squawkadoodledoo  @jimin2014  @jminthinker  @femmesstuff  @writtenwhalienreads  @mawwnsterr   @synnfulqt  @bora-kat  @solissi25  @lovelytaes-blog   @valhallawhispers   @btssoul7 @jimcartop  @jnghs  @yopjm  @pasttelrose  
125 notes · View notes
jeeonkinks · 2 years
i have a confession.
i like my best friend. hell, more than like. i love her. she is far away from me now and the thing that scared me the most happened- we are growing apart. i feel, a lot of emotions, all of them mixed up with confusion. i love her. i only want the best for her. it finally seems like she is comfortable and confident with herself, which is something i have always rooted at her. she doesn't really show any affection but i know she loves me too, or loved me.
everything is piling up. i feel like the world is against me again. or it is just, ignoring me again.
why do people always throw hurtful words with out thinking others feelings? i dont want to be here anymore. i am tired of it. i am sick of it.
the funny thing is that, i will end up feeling all fine again and the next month, the same cycle reoccur. i will feel like a total wreck, holding all of the pain in my throat and my chest as my mom begins her talk on why i am an useless child.
if there is a next life, i hope i get a lot of things that i dont have a chance to savour in this lifetime.
i wish i have never been born before.
0 notes
jeeonkinks · 2 years
I know a lot of writers joke about wanting to have time to write, and then doing nothing when they actually do get free time, but you’ve gotta remember that you do other things with your time, and those things take energy.
When you do get a chance to breathe, you don’t necessarily want to push yourself to write or draw or do anything else that also requires energy.
So joke about it all you want, but when it gets down to the serious business of assessing your writing (and how much of it you’ve accomplished), be kind to yourself, too!
4K notes · View notes
jeeonkinks · 2 years
this masterlist will be updated as i go!
kiss me more
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With the sun, let there be day and with the moon, let there be hope. Fate tears them apart but in the moment his hand is what she needs the most, then let fate be his enemy. Protecting what he loves most might be a mistake, but as long as he is able to hold her hands for another day, it is all worth it.
It all starts with a wet dream of tender loving till it grew into never-ending neediness.
pairing : Jungkook × reader
rating/genre : 16+ / mature, wizard, jungkook reincarnated, timeless love
coming soon!
0 notes
jeeonkinks · 2 years
Pi Gasu Series Collection
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vampire!jungkook, donor!reader, explicit smut, angst, death, vampire au, fantasy au. 18+ content minors dni 🔞 new banner created by the magnificent @jkshandsomegirlfriend - thank u!
An introduction to Jungkook’s world
Divine Sinner
In which you encounter your first vampire, or five
Divine Sinner pt.2
Jungkook reconsiders your last conversation
Twin Roses Between Twin Thorns
You visit your family for the first time in a year
Memories That Last For Eternity
Jungkook needs you to donate, now
Damned If We Do, Dead If We Don’t
Donating blood for Jungkook is taking its toll on your body
2K notes · View notes
jeeonkinks · 2 years
Man i dont like fanfics about pregnancy, but this one is hella good, i like this one
Her | First Heartbreak
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(now)husband!jungkook, tattooartist!jungkook, BF2L, fluff, smut, angst
Word Count - 6.6k
You want to give Jungkook what he's always wanted. Warnings: swearing, lots and lots of fluff as always, mentions of sex, heavy angst, infertility issues & a spousal argument
You’re two years into a blissful marriage with your best friend, the one guy you ‘didn’t see like that’ until one day the only thing he became was exactly that. The love of your life, the sneaky bastard had been right under your nose your whole life and finally – finally, you’re his. And he’s yours.
Things with Jungkook are effortless, exceedingly so. Always have been, and you pray to every higher power that they always will be. You love him with your whole heart, every fibre of your being misses him when he’s not around. And judging by the constant buzzing from your phone, all the missed texts and calls, he feels the exact same way.
It's a Saturday morning and you’re teaching your favourite class at the dance school you own. Baby ballet. A dozen tiny toddlers drowning in tutus three times their size are your company for the next hour, and truthfully you wouldn’t have it any other way. It’s not that you’re broody, you just really like teaching this class. At least that’s what you try and convince yourself when a smile creeps onto your face, watching the young girls stomp about with purpose.
Divas in the making, you’re sure.
The class is for ages two to five years, parents drop off their daughters and trust you to take good care of them all while teaching them the very basics of ballet. At their age it’s mostly about balance and coordination, but even you have to admit a couple of them already show a promising future in dance. It makes you almost nostalgic, seeing their chubby little faces light up when you clap excitedly and praise their hard work.
That used to be you, in a room just like this one. Laminated flooring and mirrored walls leaving no room for mistakes. You used to wear the cute pastel coloured leotards and tutus too, whereas these days you teach in a simple black leotard and a sheer wrap skirt of the same colour. Swapping out your painful pointe shoes you used to tour with for simple soft-soles. Just like your teacher used to wear.
You’re watching the girls behind you in the mirror, noting their technique and wondering how you could help them improve when a full-circle moment comes crashing down on you.
Mina, one of the older toddlers of the group, takes a heavy tumble to the ground after losing balance. Her features immediately drop with disappointment and sadness, especially when one of the other girls laughs at her mistake.
“Mina? Are you okay sweetie?” You turn to face her, panicking when you watch tears cascade down those perfect rounded cheeks of hers. “Mina are you hurt?”
“N-no…” The five year old sniffles, begrudgingly picking herself up from the ground. “I’m fine Miss…”
They’re children. You can’t scream at children. You exhale, trying not to lose your patience when at least five of Mina’s ‘friends’ all begin to point and laugh at her. Once upon a time that was you, around the same age as her too. The memory plays clear as day in your mind, how the other girls snickered and made bitchy little remarks about your technique. Well, about as bitchy as toddlers can get.
But with that memory comes a flashback of what happened next. You recall the way you dragged your feet across the sports hall building, sobbing, until you were inside the Taekwondo practise room. Six year old Jungkook knew there was something wrong immediately, rushing over to you with those big, round, sparkly doe-eyes that look the same to this day. Whether he’s aware of it or not, what he said to you that day left an impact on your life and personality. It was the birth of the ‘fuck it’ attitude you’ve developed over the years.
‘Everybody falls over once in a while, it’s no big deal.’ His signature bunny smile was adorable even then.
“Mina, can you come here please?” Your voice is gentle and kind, mirroring the expression you wear when you reach a palm out to her.
Reluctantly, she makes her way across to you with pink cheeks. You don’t know much about Mina’s personal life giving that you’re only her ballet teacher. But you do know that for whatever reason she lacks a maternal figure, her father, Hoseok, is a single dad and raises her on his own.
Hoseok is what can only be described as the perfect father. He’s never late to pick Mina up from class, in fact, he arrives ten minutes before class is due to end and sits to watch her practise with a proud smile that lights up the room. Always bringing her snacks to enjoy in the car ride home. Never misses a show. Consistently supportive of his number one.
You hope that Jungkook will be that kind of father one day.
“Are you sure you’re okay honey?” You kneel in front of a very upset Mina, who’s messily wiping away her tears with the back of her teeny tiny hand. “Are you hurt?”
She shakes her head, swallowing, “I-I’m fine…” Her tone is less than convincing, especially when her eyes scan the room and register there are still girls laughing at her.
“Everybody falls over once in a while, it’s no big deal.” You can’t catch the smile that tugs your lips in time, reminiscing your own experience with your now husband, “As long as you’re not hurt.”
“I’m embarrassed.” She huffs between little sobs and your womb has never felt emptier.
“Don’t be honey, it happens. You can dance up front with me, okay?”
Another nod, “Okay Miss…”
“Okay everybody settle down!” You’re loud, eyes burning holes into the other girls that have upset your favourite student. Is it immoral to have a favourite student? You don’t care. Mina is your favourite regardless. “Can we all apologise to Mina for laughing please? That wasn’t very nice of you girls.”
Immediately there’s a chorus of baby voices behind you, their faces panicked and scared in the mirror, “Sorry…”
Yeah, thought so.
“Okay lets go over this one last—”
There’s a low wolf whistle paired with the sound of the wooden doors being barged open that cuts you off, “Helloooo Mrs Jeon!”  
In the mirror your stare finds the newcomer, rather newcomers instantly. Hoseok gives a small wave at his daughter in the mirror, her face immediately brightening upon seeing him. They resemble each other so much. From their glossy black hair to their identical heart-shaped lips, there’s no denying Mina is her father’s double. He’s carrying a little pink princess rucksack on his shoulder, holding an unopened juice-box in his other hand when he takes a seat at the back of the dance studio quietly.
The polar opposite to the man beside him, the one who just wolf-whistled at you in front of twelve toddlers. Of course it’s your loud, overbearing husband who’s joined him.
Jungkook reads the room pretty quickly, defensively raising his palms and mouthing ‘sorry’ at you with an awkward toothy grin. You’re 99% certain he had a full day appointment booked in for today. You vaguely remember him telling you all about some body builder who wanted his entire arm tattooing in one sitting, despite your husband advising him against it. Maybe you got the dates mixed up, because by some turn of events Jungkook is in your class waving at you and clearly not at his tattoo studio.
You offer Jungkook a polite smile before returning to work, prompting the girls to go through the simple routine you’ve showed them one final time. As to be expected Hoseok’s eyes are trained to his daughter, sparkling with pride and a love so deep even you almost get lost to it. He adores that girl so much, it’s enough to make any woman sigh contently with a small smile.
You really hope Jungkook will be that kind of father one day.
It’s no secret that your husband wants babies. Seven to be exact. It’s all he talks about, wondering when you’ll finally give into his insistent nagging. He’s wanted to be a dad for as long as you can remember, he even has names picked out and everything. Much to your amusement. It’s comforting that he’s not rushed you into making such a life-changing decision, despite knowing how badly he longs to have his own children. You’re grateful for that, you’re grateful for everything Jungkook has given you. His time, his patience, his unwavering love and affection.
And the way he's hyping up the baby ballerinas from the back of the studio does something funny to your tummy. Your empty tummy. He's talking to Hoseok, completely immersed in watching little Mina get lost to the craft she'll no doubt perfect when she's older. His features are stretched with astonishment, eagerly nodding along with whatever Hoseok is saying.
Maybe you are ready to make that man a father.
The music fades and you’re forced to come back down to earth, having being daydreaming about what kind of mischief a tiny version of you and Kook would get up to. You turn to your students with a wide grin, clapping excitedly.
“Well done everybody!” You beam, “You all did great today! Good job!” Your eyes land on Hoseok again, this time he’s making his way over to Mina with big, bouncy steps.
“Meen!!!! You did great!!!” He shouts, swooping her up in his arms.
“Hoseok…” You smile again as you approach the pair, lowering your voice, “Mina fell down today, she said she’s not hurt but of course I just wanted to let you know.”
“Oh no, Meen are you okay?” He coos with a pout, his daughter simply nodding in response with a whispered ‘yep’. “Thanks for letting me know Y/N, oh you didn’t tell me your husband was a tattoo artist! He seems like a cool guy.”
At this you chuckle, gaze landing on Jungkook who’s already grinning at you, “Ahh… Yes, he is a tattoo artist.” You confirm, blood rushing to your cheeks when you notice some of the dance moms ogling him as they arrive for scheduled pickup. One woman even goes as far as introducing herself to him, but as always when Jungkook meets a new woman – he shakes her hand with his left one. A not-so-subtle way to flaunt his shiny wedding ring.
“Don’t call him cool though please, I’ll never hear the end of it.” You sigh, suppressing a fit of giggles at the pure panic settling onto your husband’s features when all the dance moms flock through the double doors. Gunning for him.
“Is that your husband Miss?” Mina’s looking at Jungkook as though she’s seen a ghost, features wide and round with shock. It’s so cute you think you could burst. “I didn’t know you had a husband.”
You offer her a warm smile, nodding, reminding yourself that having a favourite student is fine but maybe you should be less obvious about it in front of the other parents. “Yes Mina that’s my husband.”
“Really?” Her nose crinkles, curious.
“Mhm.” You hum with pride, eyes flickering to said husband who’s still beating off single moms, even the happily married moms, with a tattooed hand and his wedding ring.
“Okay well we’ve got a dentist appointment to get to Meen, so we’ll see you next week Y/N!” Hoseok’s smile is as bright as ever, replicated in the tiny mini-me he holds.
“See you both next week, well done you did really well today Mina!” You wave them off, saying a few polite hellos and goodbyes to the parents who come and go. Until you’re standing in the dance studio alone, well, almost.
“Not that I’m complaining but why are you here? I thought you had an all-day client today?” You hum with a grin while walking over to Jungkook who looks like an out-of-breath zebra having just escaped a pack of wild lions. Bless his soul.
At this he nods, standing until you’re being pulled into a warm hug, “Right. Well the guy pussied out as soon as I got to the elbow ditch, seized up like a teenage boner and wanted to reschedule.” He chuckles mostly to himself, kissing your forehead. “He was even leaking like a teenage boner. Tears though obviously, I wasn’t looking at his cock—”
“Do you have to be so vulgar?” You snort, snaking your arms round his taught body.
“Depends,” You can hear the smirk tugging his lips without needing to look up at him, “Are you excepting anybody else in here today? Cause if we have the place to ourselves…” His words get lost against your lips when he tips your chin to his, kissing you.
He tastes like home. He smells like home. He feels like home. Jungkook is your home.
“Nuh-uh,” You pull away from him with a child-like grin, “Not happening in here.”
“Come on…” He whispers, reattaching his lips to the skin of your neck in a series of dainty kisses, “Why let all these mirrors to waste?”
Your body begins to betray you as his mouth starts to feel really good against your flesh, you hum contently, eyes fluttering shut. That's when you clear your throat, “You know…”
Jungkook registers the change to your tone immediately, peeling his face away from your neck to watch you curiously. His eyes are sparkling with adoration and a genuine love that’s so pure it's indescribable, a single brow quirking in confusion.
“Why do I feel like you’re about to say something serious and kill the mood?” He laughs, wetting his lips with an anxious smile. “I’m kidding, are you okay?”
“Mhm…” You nod along. This isn’t exactly how you envisioned having this conversation but truthfully you can’t get Mina and her perfect chubby cheeks out your mind. You remember Jungkook as a child, he too had cheeks equally as puffy and adorable. The idea of creating a mini-him doesn’t absolutely terrify you anymore, and so you throw your arms over his shoulder and look him dead in the eye.
“Hoseok’s daughter Mina is super cute, isn’t she?” You hum, trying to gauge his reaction, “Do not repeat this but I think she’s my favourite.”
“Okay…?” It’s as though you can see the dusty cogs in your husband’s brain grinding against each other, a feeble attempt to figure out where you’re going with this. “She is really cute, I remember when you used to stomp around like that in tutus too.” He’s chuckling, gaze flickering over your features. “So what do you wanna do today? Since we’ve both finished work and apparently having sex in here isn’t an option.” He’s fully laughing now, playfully tutting at the fact you refuse to taint your work space like that.
“I have an idea…” You’re bursting at the seams with equal parts nerves and excitement, “Why don’t we make a Mina?” Biting your lip to suppress a giant smile you watch Jungkook’s mouth fall open, bewildered.
“Are you saying what I think you’re saying?” He cocks his head to the left, the hold he has on your waist suddenly tightening. “Because… You know that… Okay-, really? I-, wait what? I need you to be a little more specific, just so I know I’m hearing this right…” He’s tripping over his own tongue like a bumbling idiot, usual doe-eyes narrow and uncertain.
“Well-,” You dumb down your train of thought so that a neanderthal himself would understand, “What if we… Had our own baby?”
Jungkook’s white teeth are fully bared in a Cheshire cat like grin, spreading from ear to ear. It’s a second later when the sound of your yelping fills the air, him having just picked you up and thrown you over his shoulder like a measly ragdoll. You’re laughing loudly, hysterically. Slapping his denim-clad ass in sync with each step that carries you to a nearby storage room.
“Jungkook!” You’re breathless, giggly and excited, “Put me down! What are you doing?!”
But of course he doesn’t respond right away, shoving you into the props storage cupboard until your back is firmly pressed against a rail of items too miscellaneous to describe. It’s when the snap of the door locking registers with you that blood rushes to your cheeks. Peeling an inflatable pink flamingo from under your feet you launch it at Kook, til it bounces off that pretty little head of his and messes his long raven hair. Even that doesn’t deter him, the man’s still smiling as though he just won the lottery.
“What on earth are you doing?!” You snort, and Jungkook pretty much lunges at you with a new found determination. Still grinning. "Jungkook what are we doing in here?"
“Making a baby.”
“It’s negative.” Your husband’s voice sounds distant and absent, despite the fact he’s standing by the bathroom sink right in front of you.
Another negative pregnancy test. That makes it four in total, this being the first one to make you cry. It’s just so frustrating. You’ve read all the articles, all the books, you know all the old wives tales. Eat more yoghurt, that’ll get you pregnant. Drink less alcohol, that’ll get you pregnant. Keep track of your cycle to get pregnant. Put a pillow under your ass, abuse the doggy-style position, put your legs up against the wall after sex, take folic acid supplements –
Except you’ve tried all that, and here you are four months later. Surrounded by too many houseplants and white bathroom tiles that probably need cleaning again.
Still not pregnant.
It’s a Sunday morning and you’re sitting on the toilet in your bright ensuite bathroom, Kook having joined you out of sheer excitement that this time you might’ve got the results you were hoping for. But of course, that’s not the case. The weather outside is glorious, sunshine mocking the devastation coursing your veins. Four months you’ve been actively trying to conceive, what was once the beginning of an exciting new chapter has now diminished into nothing but a colossal disappointment. The only positive thing about the last four months has been the daily rampant sex.
“I’m sorry…” You sniffle, feeling guilty that you’ve been unable to get pregnant. Jungkook would be the most amazing father, you know that with every fibre in your being – you’re ashamed that you haven’t been able to give him that title yet.
At this Jungkook sighs, his features softening when he makes his way over and kneels in front of you. His eyes are sympathetic and tired, the polar opposite to the shiny child-like hope they were swimming with when you initially took the pregnancy test.
“Why are you apologising? You’ve done nothing wrong Y/N…” His voice is gentle and kind, quiet as it rolls off his tongue. His hands rest on your knees, pierced lips pursing when he catches sight of the first few tears to betray you. “Please don’t cry… It’ll happen when it happens.” He says reassuringly, squeezing your thigh.
Fearing the worst you can’t bring yourself to stop the sobs forming in your throat, “What if it doesn’t?” You sniffle again, not daring to look him in the eyes that will be no doubt disappointed, “What if I-, what if there’s something wrong with me?” You wail, smothering your face with shaky hands. “What if I can never get pregnant.”
“Hey, hey… Shhh…” Jungkook coos, tugging you onto the tiled floor with him until you’re sat in his lap, the two of you only wearing robes, “I’ll love you until the end of time no matter what happens, okay?”
“Baby or no baby you’re my person Y/N. My best friend. My wife. The love of my life and nothing, and I mean nothing is ever gonna stop me from being in love with you.” His words get lost into your hair when he plants a chaste kiss to your head, soothingly rubbing the spans of your back. “It takes time to get pregnant sometimes, and for all we know it could be me.” A nervous exhale leaves him, “I have taken a few critical hits to the Jeon jewels over the years…”
At this you can’t fight the tiny smile creeping onto your face, nuzzled into his neck, “Jeon jewels?” You chuckle lightly.
Jungkook returns your hushed chuckle, relishing in the fact that he’s managed to stop your tears with one of his dumb jokes. Be it intentional or otherwise, “My testicles.”
“I got that.” You sniffle, swallowing the aftermath of your emotional breakdown.
“Maybe we should go to the doctor? I’m sure everything will be fine, we have only been trying for four months… But if you’re worried we could make an appointment?”  
“You think that’s a good idea?” You pull back to look at him, heart sinking at the glimmer of frustration and desperation behind his eyes. “But what if-, what if there really is something wrong with me? Or you? What are we gonna do?”
He nods slowly, zoned out while he processes your words, “Then… Then we’ll cross that bridge if and when we get to it.”
It’s two weeks and two doctors’ appointments later when you’re prepping vegetables to be thrown into the slow cooker, following your mom's homemade casserole recipe by the book. Jungkook barges the kitchen door open with a giant grin. Judging by the black latex gloves dangling from his baggy jeans he’s come straight home from work. When his eyes focus on you chopping veggies he hums contently, coming up behind you and snaking his tattooed arms over the bend of your waist.
“Good evening beautiful. How was work?” He’s in a good mood, a really good mood. And you question what could’ve possibly caused him to be so bouncy and smiley.
It’s not the affection that’s surprising to you, he’s a very touchy-feely husband and his love language is definitely physical touch. Hand holding, cuddling, playing with your hair, even just resting his legs atop of your own - he loves all of it. It’s more so the spring in his step and added honey to his tone that has you frowning, settling the knife down to face him.
“Work was fine… You’re in a good mood…” You chuckle, draping your arms over his broad shoulders.
“Did the doctor call you today?” He blurts excitedly, smiling from ear-to-ear.
Your heart sinks, his words hitting like a bullet to the vital organ, “No… Why? Did they call you?”
At this your husband swallows, the Adam’s apple in his throat bobbing up and down anxiously. His hold on you loosens ever so slightly, his own features softening until there’s no trace of joy remaining. Not even in his eyes, his long choppy hair is brushed back for a change, revealing his thick brows and forehead. Leaving nowhere to hide his disappointment.
“Umm, yeah they did… I’m sure they’ll call you with your results tomorrow though, don’t worry.” He feigns a smile, lips closed and awkward-looking.
Nodding in response you fight the urge to panic, “So… You got your results back?”
“Um… Mhm.” He clears his throat, suddenly pulling you into a tight bear hug that catches your breath, “I’m sure they’ll call you with yours soon princess. I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have mentioned it. Forget I—”
“It’s fine.” You bite, resting your cheek to his strong shoulder, chin already beginning to quiver, presumably from the anxiety you feel toward the situation, “So… Everything on your end is… okay?”
He plants a shy kiss to your temple, “Yeah… The swimmers are swimming as they should be.” He whispers, cradling you in his arms. “I’m sure everything is fine Y/N, please don’t be upset. I’m such an asshole I’m so sorry I shouldn’t have said anything.” Another kiss, this one burning a hole in your skin and sending a sucker punch straight to your empty womb.
“It’s okay…” You sniffle, a strange pain budding in your gut. It's that same gnawing sensation that prompts you to call the doctor the next day, but that's when you discover they want to run more tests.
This isn’t happening.
Jungkook’s fingers are entwined with your own, squeezing you tightly. You feel numb. Your husband sits beside you in the doctor’s office with pinched brows, hanging on to every single word spoken by Dr Min, but you zoned out around the time Dr Min uttered the words;
‘Asymptomatic endometriosis is particularly hard to diagnose because of the lack of symptoms, it’s a miracle we were even able to spot the abnormalities during your first pelvic exam. I’m really sorry to be the one to say this Y/N… But your chances of conceiving naturally are... minimal to none. I’m afraid you’re already at stage four. There are surgeries that can—’
It’s like an outer body experience. You can see your own body deflating beside your husband, your fingers cramping from the grip he has on them. You can make out Dr Min’s long black hair gathering at the nape of his neck, contrasting against his white lab coat. You know there’s a conversation happening, you can hear their voices, but you don’t have the strength to partake.
Where your legs were bouncing anxiously upon entering the small office, now they’re completely still. It feels as though blood has stopped pumping your veins, like a part of you just died and your body is in shock, mourning the loss of what will never be.
“What about IVF?” You hear Jungkook say, every word stained with hope and desperation.
Dr Min’s lips purse, “This stage of endometriosis means a worse prognosis for IVF treatments, in comparison to the milder stages. It’s not impossible though, it does happen…” He opens the first draw in his wooden desk, the clunking sound snapping you back to reality, “Would you like me to refer you to a specialist?”
“No.” You cut Jungkook’s words short, not daring to look at either man in the room. Swallowing the lump gathered at the back of your throat. “No thank you.”
“O-okay.” The doctor nods once, soft milky features washed with silent understanding, “There are a lot of groups and online forums for women in your—”
“No.” You sigh, battling the urge to break, “Thank you for your time but I think we’re done here.”
Without giving either man another millisecond of acknowledgement you tear your hand away from Jungkook’s, pushing yourself to your feet that carry you to his black Mercedes parked out front. It’s raining, a fitting bleakness in the air that you can genuinely relate to in this moment.
You’ll never be able to give Jungkook what he’s always wanted.
“Y/N!” The man himself calls out after you, jogging until he’s standing beside the car. “Everything’s gonna be okay, I promise… There are tonnes of options and—”
“Unlock the car Jungkook.” Your voice is flat, eyes never meeting his.
He shuffles closer, tugging you into his broad chest with a pained sigh, “Come here, I know this is a lot to process but—”
“Unlock the car.” You say louder, not returning the hug currently threatening to crush your bones. “Please… Just unlock the car Kook.” You soften, realising your anger is misplaced. You’re not mad at him – you can’t be mad at him.
You’re mad at you.
The journey home is spent in uncomfortable silence. In your peripheral vision you can make out Jungkook gnawing his lower lip, a nervous habit of his, but his eyes never break from the road ahead. Not until you’re parked on the gravel of your driveway, but by the time he looks to you with those big brown doe-eyes you fell in love with, you’re already sliding out the car.
His presence is strong and right behind you when you unlock the door, but you don’t turn to face him, you can’t. All he’s ever wanted is to be a father, to have his own children to love and dote on. A tribe of Jeon’s to play sports with, share secrets with, to laugh and to cry with. To carry his family name.
You’ll never be able to give him any of that.
All you’ve wanted for the last four months is to give him what he deserves, a child of his own to raise. Truthfully you’ve been more in love with idea of Jungkook as a father than the thought of you being a mother. You just wanted to make him happy, you’re married, not getting any younger and well society has drilled into you that a baby is the next normal stage of life. Something you won’t ever be able to give your husband.
A normal life.
“Can we at least talk about this please?” His voice is oozing with sadness, pulling your heart strings when he locks the front door behind him. The grey hoodie he wears is darkened from the rain, as are his blue jeans. His long hair damp when he brushes it away from his chiselled face. Revealing just how upset he is, and the punches just keep coming.
Standing in the hallway you nod, emotions bubbling, boiling, crawling up to the surface and you know full-well you’re about to erupt at any given moment. The irrational side of your brain is merging with the half that knows better than this. But still, you can’t keep it together anymore. You’re looking straight at your husband’s face with a serious expression, trying to mask the fear inside you.
He deserves someone who can give him what he wants.
“Okay.” You feign a smile, internally crumbling, “What do you want to talk about?”
Jungkook calmly walks over to you, until his inked hands find your shoulders, lowering his head to get a better look at you, “Are you okay?”
“M’fine.” You huff, pulling away from his comforting hold.
“Don’t do that.” He follows you with a sigh when you attempt to walk away, heading upstairs into your shared bedroom. “Don’t push me away Y/N. Talk to me… Please.”
“About what?” With a hammering heart it’s taking every ounce of self-restraint you have not to lash out and project your feelings onto him. Your breaths turn shallow, erratic, eyes frantically looking everywhere in the master bedroom save for Jungkook’s features currently crumpled with despair.
“Y/N…” Another exhale leaves his lips, but it’s when he’s suddenly in front of you gripping your wrists that you finally snap.
“What?! What do you want me to say Jungkook?!” You yell at him, wincing at the fact he remains unphased by your outburst.
“I’m sorry that I can never give you what you always wanted! I’m sorry! Okay, is that what you want?! I’m sorry that I can’t do the one thing women are biologically designed and programmed to do! I’m sorry that you’ve wasted all these years pining after me for it to turn out to be a disaster, a fucking failure! Is that what you want to hear?! Is that what you wanna talk about?!”
Jungkook’s eyes are swimming in worry, shiny with equal parts sorrow and empathy when he finally speaks after a brief silence, “What I always wanted Y/N… is you.” He whispers, brows furrowed, “I told you, baby or no baby there is nothing that will stop me from loving—”
“That was before you knew I can never give you a child... Before-, before I was diagnosed with a disease I don't even have symptoms for!” You sniffle, tears betraying you as they start to build up behind your eyelids. “I’m so sorry Jungkook...” The weight of your body makes your knees buckle, until you’re crashing to the ground with a thud in a sea of tears, sobbing, wailing, crying into your hands on the bedroom floor.
“I’m so fucking sorry... I can-, I can't-, I'm sorry!” You wail, barely able to catch your breath.
Without a moment of hesitation your husband calmly settles on the floor in front of you, crossing his legs before tugging you into his lap. Time simultaneously speeds and slows while you cry it out into the crook of his neck, fists balling the material of the hood gathered behind him.
“I’m sorry…” You manage to choke out again between ragged breaths.
Jungkook squeezes you tighter, resting his angular chin atop your shoulder, “Stop apologising. This is nobody’s fault, okay? But…” He hesitates, his tone weary and uncertain, “Why did you say no to IVF?”
“I-, I…” You swallow, attempting to calm yourself down, “I don’t want to have to go through all that Kook… I-, I’m… No. I just-,” You struggle to find the words to express your emotions, truthfully you don’t want to put your body through the stress of IVF, you know it’s not always guaranteed and the second you discovered you can’t make a baby was the second you decided – you don’t want a baby. Not if it has to be like this.
“I’m sorry… I-, if we can’t… I don’t want-, I… Jungkook I don’t want—”
“Shhh…” He coos, kissing your temple, “It’s okay… There’s other routes we can take. We have the savings to fund them. Be it surrogacy, adoption—”
“No, you don’t get it...” You peel away from him, shaking your head with mascara staining your cheeks, “I… I don’t want to do this if we can’t do it naturally. I don’t want a baby if I’ll never know the weight of it growing in my womb…” Your breath hitches, “I’m so sorry Jungkook… But—”
“Stop apologising.” His smile is small, pained yet genuine when he thumbs away your tears, “I understand. We don’t need a baby to be complete. We have each other for that.” His doe-eyes are staring at you intensely, sparkling with adoration and sincerity as they usually are.
“But you deserve to be with someone who can give you—”
“Don’t say that.” He snaps angrily, jaw so tight it threatens to shatter, “Don’t you ever fucking say that to me Y/N. You are my world. You. Nothing and nobody else. I didn’t spend my entire life madly in love with you for you to tell me I deserve something different. Nobody has the right to tell me what I should have or what I should want, nobody. Not even you.”
You’re stunned, visibly taken aback by that, and so your voice is barely audible when it crawls off your tongue, “But you’ve always wanted to be a dad…”
“No,” He shakes his head before pressing his forehead to yours, “I’ve always wanted you. A life with you. To spend my entire life loving you, whatever that looked like. I’m not going to leave you because of this, you can try and push me away as much as you want but I meant what I said in my vows,” He wets his lips, “I’ve chosen you every day for my entire life and I promise to keep choosing you, to honour that choice.”
“Y/N I love you. Okay? More than anything. And if you don’t want to look at the other options I respect the fuck outa that.” He’s still wiping away your tears with one hand, the other settled on your lower back, “We don’t need a baby to complete us. I don’t need a baby to complete me. By some miracle I finally have you, and that’s more than I could’ve ever dreamed of.”
"But... What's the next step if we don't have a family?" You kiss the tip of his nose, eyes squeezed shut.
"Next step? What do you mean next step?" He frowns, chuckling lightly, "The step we're standing on is pretty fucking great. We have a beautiful home, money in the bank, the freedom to do whatever we want whenever we want... We have a good life Y/N. A strong marriage. Do you know how rare that is? Waking up next to someone every day and loving them ten times more than you did the night before." He offers you a genuine smile, "This doesn't change anything. I'll love you until the very end, no matter what."
"Til' the very end?” You repeat with a tiny smile, beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel. It's heart-breaking that the choice of starting a family the conventional way has been stolen from you, by an illness you've shown no symptoms for, but Jungkook is right. It's a choice to start a family, it’s a choice to look at other options. It’s your choice, just as he’s always chosen you.
"No matter what." He confirms, stealing a soft kiss.
And you choose him.
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jeeonkinks · 2 years
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jeeonkinks · 2 years
|Greedy|↠ jinminkookxreader
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Summary ↠ They can’t get enough of you, so why not share? Genre ↠ Smut||Fluff if you blink▸REPOST Pairing ↠ Jungkook x reader, jimin x reader, seokjin x reader TW ↠ Dom!jungkook, dom!jimin, dom!seokjin, sub!reader, established relationship, begging, consensual non-consent, degradation, fingering, punishment, nipple play, foursome, unprotected sex, protected sex, oral sex, vaginal sex, anal sex, lots of cum, deep throat, sloppy seconds (thirds?), triple penetration, tea-bagging, double-vaginal penetration, face slapping, butt slapping, impreg/breeding kink, name-calling, spitting, aftercare kinda Word count ↠  5.5k   
 please don’t copy, steal, plagiarize, re-post, or otherwise use without permission
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As you stepped into your apartment at the end of a long day at work, you had nothing on your mind except to order some takeout, take a nice long bubble bath, and crawl into bed. Your boyfriend, Seokjin told you he’d be working late tonight, so you weren’t going to be able to enjoy his delicious cooking, unfortunately.
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