#and the game randomizes their voice for just those 4 lines
swanno-arts · 6 months
im quoting from a critical theory final im writing but its really neat how return of the obra dinn is not a game about you.
there is no self in the game. you dont control anything, you were not part of the obra dinn's tragedy and nothing you do in-game can change their fates - or anything for that matter. they will remain dead, the obra dinn will disappear with the storm, you have no power to change the story or the game. your self do not matter, even if you are represented by the eyes of the inspector.
what mattered are the other, the memories, the stories of adventure and tragedy of those aboard the obra dinn, how they relate to other characters in their struggle or in their demise. this game is not about you, it is about them.
but its a cycle of remember and re-member. you feel a disconnect to these strangers' stories and experiences but you are thrown into their boots. you were not part of the obra dinn, but you feel pity, anger, sadness, disgust and fear for their fates, do you not?
and i think that's really neat. also im very drained </3
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angrytomatto · 8 months
Summary of random facts about Merman because I'm bore (probably will update with time)
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We talk about this in a discord server and I just want to leave it here in case I forget
(Every fact here is based of what has been said in game, fan theories aren't canonically facts in this list) Last update: December 2023
(This list probably contain spoilers)
Not only they learn how to walk with legs, but also how to swim in human form (Stitch Event)
It takes them time get used to breathe air properly, walking their first steps feel heavy and painful and some of them still feel uncomfortable in clothes (Floyd's Beans Camo story / Jade's School Uniform voice lines)
The black carriage that picks them up to go to NRC is an amphibious magic coach (Floyd's Ceremonial Robes voice line)
Merfolks and Humans are aware of each other but is extremely rare to encounter an actual merman on land (Magicam Monsters event)
They aren't afraid of each other anymore, since Ariel married Erik merfolks commonly come and go from land to sea(Some adults even own some stores on the shores) (Floyd's Beach Wear story)
The institution or land boot camp that train merfolks to became humans was founded canonically by Ariel. They need at least one month there to get used to their new body and how to eat our food correctly. Deep under water they only eat raw meat (Floyd's Beans Camo story / Jade's School Uniform story)
In there also teach them about the fauna on land by taking them to the zoo (Floyd Platinum Jacket story)
Merfolks also have passports once they live in human society (Floyd Platinum Jacket story)
They can turn into their true form willingly (Book 3 / Book 4 / Azul's Ceremonial Robes story / Vargas Camp event / Magicam Monsters event)
However they drink potions to keep their human form. Those are really expensive and if they forget to drink it in time they turn back into merman really slowly (Book 6 Riddle and Azul's tower)
The potion itself is paid by the school and currently they drink an experimental version that allows them to keep their human form for a week or two instead of a couple of days. And it taste awful (Book 6 Riddle and Azul's tower)
None of them have good eyesight: Azul mainly use only one par of glasses because it helps with the ''Business Style'' he's aiming for, and even if he can see pretty well without them the lenses are prescript just as his lab glasses (Trey's Halloween Dress story / Azul's Lab Coat voice lines) Jade roam around the school at night because he feel at ease in the dark (Ruggie's School Uniform story) Floyd is always amused of bright colored things because they looked really dark under the sea (Floyd's lab coat story)
Their skin in human form is really smooth. That's because they are cover by slime in their true form that keep their skin moist and soft (Azul's Ceremonial Robes story)
Octopuses are a pretty exotic race even between merfolks, they are way bigger that the common merman. They are slow, so they are usually targeted by predators but they also are brutally strong and are able to manipulate all their limbs freely (Book 3 / Book 4 / Book 6 / Happy Beans event / Vargas Camp / Azul's Beach Wear voice lines)
Halloween under water have very ominous and respectful traditions, way opposite that Halloween on land. There's haunted ships with ghost that lost their lives drowned, so they play music to calm their sorrows and loneliness. There's many pirate ghosts wandering on rotten ships that could actually harm young merfolks if they are not careful enough (Jade's Halloween Dress story / Floyd's Halloween Dress story)
The Coral Sea is a really small community and merfolks don't hesitate to eat each other in order to survive (Many hints said by the octatrio to mention here. And yes, Floyd WILL eat any student if he have to (Azul's Beach Wear voice lines))
They live under a Monarchy and the current prince is called Rielle. Is implied that the prince assist in the same elementary school that Azul, Jade and Floyd (Book 3) **( The 14 one doesn't mention all the times the tweels bully Azul by calling him slow because I will lost count) ______________ That's it for now, I will add more eventually but this ones are the ones I can remember now, feel free to tell me what did I miss~
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mysteryshoptls · 1 year
SSR Idia Shroud - Masquerade Voice Lines
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When Summoned: This City of Flowers doesn't suit me at all... Maybe if I wear a mask, I'll feel a little bit more at ease.
Summon Line: It's gotta be a huge mistake in the selection process for me to get chosen as one of the reps for this social gathering. Can we please draw lots again...
Groooovy!!: I feel like if I be a wall flower, I'll stand out even more like a sore thumb... Hey, you. Would you dance with me for one song?
Home: I sure hope I won't make a fool of myself.
Swap Looks: I feel like the BBEG in this mask.
Home Idle 1: When I'm checking out these wooden dolls they have here in the City of Flowers, I lose all track of time! This alone was worth coming all this way!
Home Idle 2: I hate stuff like this cultural exchange or whatever, but I'm happy I got to wear this outfit. It feels like I'm on a special mission in a game, it gets me fired up!
Home Idle 3: Silver-shi always looks picturesque no matter what he wears. Even know, he looks like a real high-class swordsman.
Home Idle - Login: First I gotta dress up, then sightsee around the city in a group, and finally there's the masquerade... Isn't this random event just a little too high level?
Home Idle - Groovy: A cultural exchange, huh... Well, I did the best I could. I wonder how Ortho'll react when I tell him what all I did... Fuheehee.
Home Tap 1: So, there's entranceways to the underground canals all over the city? That's so cool, it's just like one of those hidden dungeons in a video game...
Home Tap 2: Noble Bell College is so stuffy, tradition this and tradition that everywhere you look... In comparison, I guess our school is more progressive than I thought.
Home Tap 3: That Rollo-shi... I can't help but get a sense of asocial camradire from him, from how dark and melancholy he always seems! Not like I actually want to make friends with him, though.
Home Tap 4: The City of Flower's has too bright of an aura. It's so different from my own room that I can't handle it at all...
Home Tap 5: Aaah, no touchie the hat! I don't want some pleb to destroy the style I worked so hard to set. Leave it alone already...
Home Tap - Groovy: What, you're tired of the crowds, too? Uh-huh... If you're gonna rest here, I guess I can keep you company.
Duo: [IDIA]: E-Epel-shi, help me out here, if you can! [EPEL]: Of course, Idia-san!
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Requested by Anonymous.
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yourdeepestfathoms · 29 days
The Ringmaster's Guide
a character guide for my TADC Dungeons & Dragons AU! this was originally gonna be the characters in the same universe, just LARPing the game, with Caine making the terrains and magic and stuff, but then i actually started thinking of backstories for everyone. so now it's a real AU in the DnD universe! (there's no exact full, fleshed-out plot line, and the fics i'm gonna write with this are gonna be random events!)
this guide contains stuff like the gangs' races, classes, designs, abilities, and some fun backstory tidbits ;)
(also even though they're not playing the game, i still included the stats, skills, and some written game mechanics for the vibes!)
Race: Aasimar (Protector)
Class: Cleric (Order Domain)
Feats: Inspiring Leader, Great Weapon Master, Tough
Resistances: Radiant, Necrotic
Mother bear…
Oh, mother bear…
Where has thou cub gone?
HP: 135
AC: 20 (Mithral Plate)
SPEED: 30 ft. walking, 30 ft. flying
STR: 19 (+4) | DEX: 17 (+3) | CON: 18 (+4) | INT: 16 (+3) | WIS: 20 (+5) | CHA: 17 (+3)
Saving Throws
STR: +4
DEX: +3
CON: +4
INT: +3
WIS: +9
CHA: +7
Passive Perception: 19
Passive Investigation: 13
Passive Insight: 19
Acrobatics: +3
Animal Handling: +5
Arcana: +3
Athletics: +4
Deception: +3
History: +3
Insight: +9
Intimidation: +3
Investigation: +3
Medicine: +9
Nature: +3
Perception: +9
Performance: +3
Persuasion: +7
Religion: +7
Sleight of Hand: +3
Stealth: +3
Survival: +5
Wings like silver, slicing through the sky. Twisting, turning, as graceful as a starling. A dance between earth and sky, a ballet of feathers and air, where gravity’s pull was but a distant memory when up so high.
A tiny squeal of joy. Shining eyes casting downward. Shimmering eyes looking up. 
“Aww, look at you,” she coos to the infant bound to her chest by soft fabric. The baby’s little wings, still covered in fluffy down, are extended fully and flapping gleefully. 
The mother laughs. “Do you think you’re flying?”
“AH!” her infant shouts, wings flapping harder.
Another laugh. She brushes her fingers over her child’s cheek, then looks to the horizon. “One day, this will all belong to you.”
- Vicious Glaive
- Crossbow
- Cantrip: Guidance, Mending, Resistance, Sacred Flame, Spare The Dying
- 1st Level: Command, Guiding Bolt, Heroism, Inflict Wounds
- 2nd Level: Hold Person, Spiritual Weapon, Warding Bond, Zone of Truth
- 3rd Level: Mass Healing Word, Revivify, Slow
- 4th Level: Banishment, Compulsion, Locate Creature
- 5th Level: Dominate Person, Flame Strike, Greater Restoration, Hallow, Mass Cure Wounds
- 6th Level: Blade Barrier, Heal
The city in the sky is divine and shining. The sky is clear and a crisp blue, not a cloud in sight. Other Celestials dart to and fro, all of them radiant. She sits in the soft grass of one of the many parks, watching as her child toddles around. A guitarist is playing nearby.
It’s peaceful. 
Class Features
Voice of Authority- Ragatha is able to invoke the power of the law to strengthen an ally’s attack. 
Order’s Demand- By raising her holy symbol, Ragatha can charm an enemy through exerting her presence over them.
Destroy Undead- If the will of an undead enemy fails against Ragatha casting Turn Undead, they are destroyed.
Embodiment of the Law- If casting a spell of the Enchantment school, she can quicken the casting time. 
Divine Strike- Ragatha can deal an extra bout of Psychic damage upon hitting an enemy.
Divine Intervention- Ragatha can call upon her deity for aid.
Racial Abilities
Healing Hands- Ragatha’s very touch is nurturing and life-giving. She is able to draw from a wellspring of gentle energy to heal people for a certain amount. 
Darkvision- Ragatha can see in the dark.
Celestial Legacy- Ragatha can cast the Light and Daylight cantrip at will.
Celestial Revelation: Radiant Consumption- Ragatha is able to unleash her full Celestial might on those who dare to test her. A bright, seething light pours from her eyes and mouth, and her very body acts as a beacon, radiating this same searing light in a radius. Any enemy who gets too close is scorched by this holy glow. All weapon attacks do extra Radiant damage. 
Flight- Ragatha is able to fly with her angel wings. 
The whisper of the woods.
A hulking beast - clawing up her insides, biting at her ribs.
Background: Acolyte 
Languages: Common, Celestial, Primordial, Elvish
Alignment: Lawful Good
Money: 100 GP
- Alms Box
- Amulet (Holy Symbol)
- Baby Blanket
- Bag of Holding
- Blanket
- Box of Incense
- Candle
- Censer
- Crossbow Bolts
- Crossbow, light
- Photograph of her and a small child
- Prayer Book
- Rations
- Reliquary
- Shield
- Tinderbox
- Vestments
- Vicious Glaive
- Waterskin
Aasimar are well-known for their beauty, and Ragatha is no exception. She’s a well-built woman, bearing great muscles for someone of her appearance. Her skin has a lustrous sheen to it. Growing within her curly red hair are shimmering feathers of white-blue. An ethereal light glows in her black left eye, and the right probably would be the same if it weren’t for the fact that it’s been seemingly scratched out; a seething red scar extends down that side of her face, as though she had been struck by a bladed weapon. 
Large, feathered wings extend from her back. They’re a beautiful silver-white color, fading to gradients of blue at their tips.
Strangely, she has sharper teeth and nails than would usually be seen in an Aasimar.
A red blemish, some kind of burn scar, encircles her throat, never to truly heal. 
Blood in her eyes. Blood in her mouth. 
Stinging, burning. Vicious pain, and yet the hunger and rage dominate everything.
 So many eyes, watching. 
Circling - a trapped beast. 
Somewhere deep within, a voice screaming, “STOP IT! STOP!”  
- Lycanthrope (werebear)
Mama Bear,
Please come home soon.
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
Race: Tiefling-Harengon
Class: Rogue (Thief)
Feats: Shadow-Touched, Mobile, Gunner
Resistances: Fire
A fey bathed in infernal fire. Tainted, scorched. Searing flames burning inside and out. 
HP: 63
AC: 15 (Leather Armor)
SPEED: 40 ft. walking 
STR: 13 (+1) | DEX: 20 (+5) | CON: 10 (+0) | INT: 12 (+1) | WIS: 11 (+0) | CHA: 16 (+3)
Saving Throws
STR: +1
DEX: +9
CON: +0
INT: +5
WIS: +0
CHA: +3
Passive Perception: 10
Passive Investigation: 15
Passive Insight: 10
Acrobatics: +9
Animal Handling: +0
Arcana: +1
Athletics: +1
Deception: +11
History: +1
Insight: +0
Intimidation: +3
Investigation: +5
Medicine: +0
Nature: +1
Perception: +0
Performance: +3
Persuasion: +7
Religion: +1
Sleight of Hand: +12
Stealth: +12
Survival: +0
She tried so hard to raise him to be a good boy. But she always knew he would follow in his father’s footsteps. 
- Rapier
- Daggers
- Shortbow
- Revolver
- Cantrip: Thaumaturgy
- 1st Level: False Life
- 2nd Level: Darkness, Hellish Rebuke, Invisibility
The smell of fire and brimstone. Ash dusting purple fur to black. Licking embers off his lips. 
Class Features
Sneak Attack- Jax is able to deal extra damage on attacks he has Advantage for.
Thieves’ Cant- As a Rogue, Jax can speak a language only other Rogues know.
Cunning Action- Jax’s agility allows him to make certain actions sooner than his allies would be able to. 
Fast Hands- Jax can use an item as a Bonus Action instead of an Action.
Second-Story Work- Jax can climb faster than his allies. 
Uncanny Dodge- When Jax can see the attacker who has hit him, he can half the damage. 
Evasion- Jax is able to avoid taking damage from certain attacks if they require a Dexterity Saving Throw.
Supreme Sneak- As long as Jax doesn’t use half of his movement, he has Advantage on Stealth checks. 
Reliable Talent- Jax is able to make the dice fall a little more in his favor. 
Racial Abilities
Darkvision- Jax can see in the dark.
Hellish Resistance- Jax is resistant to Fire damage.
Infernal Legacy- Jax innately knows the Thaumaturgy cantrip and the Hellish Rebuke and Darkness spells.
Lucky Footwork- Just because he doesn’t have the rabbit legs of his Harengon mother doesn’t mean this fella isn’t dextrous. When he slips up or stumbles, Jax’s quick reaction time gives him a chance to steady himself. 
Hare-Trigger- Jax’s fast rabbit reflexes sometimes allow him to strike first in combat. 
Too fast for the guards. Too quick for the dogs to catch. Any lock can be broken, and no chains can hold him down for long.
Background: Criminal
Languages: Common, Thieves’ Cant, Infernal
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral 
Money: 250 GP, 300 SP, 50 CP
- Alchemist's Fire (5)
- Arrows
- Bag of Holding
- Ball Bearings (bag of 1000)
- Beads of Fireball (10)
- Beads of Force (5)
- Bell
- Candle
- Crowbar
- Dagger (2)
- Deck of Many Things
- Grenade, Magical (3)
- Grenade, Smoke (5)
- Hammer
- Icon of Greed
- Lantern, Hooded
- Oil (flask)
- Piton
- Playing Cards
- Poisoner’s Kit
- Potion of Haste (3)
- Potion of Greater Healing
- Pouch of Gemstones
- Rapier
- Rations
- Rope (50 feet)
- Shortbow
- String
- Thieves’ Tools
- Tinderbox
- Vial of Acid (5)
- Waterskin
Anyone who looks at this guy can tell that he’s a hybrid. He’s a tall, lithe young man with a regular humanoid build. His entire torso is covered in thick purple fur that extends to his elbows on his arms and to his thighs on his legs—below that, it’s darker purple skin. Instead of rabbit feet, he has hooves, and his fingernails are sharp claws. Tufts of fur sprout from the base of his long tail, which ends in an arrowhead, before it tapers off to regular skin. His head is completely furry, and he has both the iconic rabbit ears and black horns that curve back over his scalp.  
Every jail cell looks the same after a while. None are impressive. And they’re all so easy to get out of. 
- Son to the Demon of Greed
- Criminal of the state
- Wanted for several crimes
Chained to a wall. Slated for execution. Death by beheading. 
That’s cute.
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
Name: Zooble
Race: Simic Hybrid
Class: Barbarian (Path of the Totem Warrior)
Feats: Savage Attacker, Sentinel, Slasher
Resistances: N/A
They were someone, once. Normal skin. Normal hair. All their fingers and toes. All their teeth.
But that was a long time ago.
They can’t even remember their name.
HP: 137
AC: 19 (no armor)
SPEED: 40 ft. walking
STR: 20 (+5) | DEX: 16 (+3) | CON: 19 (+4) | INT: 10 (+0) | WIS: 13 (+1) | CHA: 9 (-1)
Saving Throws
STR: +9
DEX: +3
CON: +8
INT: +0
WIS: +1
CHA: -1
Passive Perception: 11
Passive Investigation: 10
Passive Insight: 11
Acrobatics: +3
Animal Handling: +1
Arcana: +0
Athletics: +9
Deception: -1
History: +0
Insight: +1
Intimidation: +3
Investigation: +0
Medicine: +1
Nature: +0
Perception: +1
Performance: +3
Persuasion: -1
Religion: +0
Sleight of Hand: +3
Stealth: +3
Survival: +1
For a long time, it seemed that they were going to waste away. Life was harsh, and their money was scarce. 
And then, they found their way to the great bronze city. 
Everything changed when they stepped through those giant gates. 
To this day, they still don’t know why they caught the eye of those aristocrats, but they were offered a job. It would give them housing and paid well. 
But there was a catch, of course. Two of them, to be precise. Everything came with strings attached. Nothing was ever that good.
Surprisingly, though, they found themself not minding these “conditions.” If anything, it sounded interesting.
And they did pride themself in their high pain tolerance. 
- Greataxe
- Handaxe (2)
- Javelin (4)
- 1st Level: Beast Bond, Speak With Animals
- 5th Level: Commune With Nature
Ow. Ow. OW.
It hurt worse than they were expecting, but the enhancements fit just right. They did well. 
They’ll be fine. 
They’re strong.
Class Features
Rage- Zooble is able to enter a Rage in battle that makes them resistant to Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing damage.
Unarmored Defense- Zooble’s AC is higher when not wearing armor.
Reckless Attack- Zooble can choose to attack heedlessly, giving them an Advantage on the hit, but also giving all enemies Advantage to hit them.
Spirit Seeker- Zooble has an attunement with the natural world. They are able to cast Beast Bond and Speak With Animals as ritual spells.
Totem Spirit: Bear- Zooble has picked the bear as their Totem Spirit. While in a Rage, they are resistant to all damage except Psychic.
Fast Movement- Zooble’s movement is boosted by ten feet when not wearing heavy armor.
Aspect of The Beast: Elk- Zooble has chosen the elk as their animal aspect. Party travel is faster than it usually would be.
Feral Instinct- Zooble’s might allow them to attack quicker in combat.
 Brutal Critical- Through sheer savagery, Zooble can increase the damage done to an enemy.
Spirit Walker- Zooble can cast Commune With Nature as a ritual spell.
Relentless Rage- Zooble’s fury urges them forward. When they otherwise would have fallen unconscious, if in a Rage, Zooble can cling on for just a little bit longer to keep fighting. 
Racial Abilities
Animal Enhancement- As a Simic Hybrid, Zooble has had new body parts added to them to make them more powerful.
Manta Glide- Zooble has ray-like fins on their back that allow them to glide and fall safely, though they can’t fly with them. 
Grappling Appendages- Zooble has an additional pair of appendages growing alongside their arms, which they are able to grapple and attack enemies with.
Darkvision- Zooble can see in the dark.
All around them, they’re being watched. So many people, so many more eyes.
The sun is high in the sky. The walls around them gleam. The sand of the coliseum floor is warm beneath their feet. 
In their hands, they heft their greataxe, then charge forward.
This will be easy. 
Background: Champion
Languages: Common, Elvish
Alignment: Neutral
Money: 10 GP
- Bedroll
- Greataxe
- Handaxe (2)
- Mess Kit
- Rations
- Rope (50 feet)
- Tinderbox
- Torch
- Waterskin
Zooble is a bit of an anomaly, as many Simic Hybrids are. Their body is a strange clash of bits and parts, like they’re a puzzle made of pieces from other puzzles.
Their torso and right arm are humanoid—and those are pretty much the only normal things about them. However, their torso is mottled in orange and yellow for an unknown reason. Their left arm is similar to that of a crustacean’s, red in color and ending in a large claw. Their left leg is hooved, while their right leg is that of a bear’s, both having come from their Totem Spirit rather than from being a Simic Hybrid. Two appendages, similar to the arms of a praying mantis, extend from their back. Also on their back are two fin-like membranes that are almost like wings, allowing them to glide. 
They constantly wear a helmet that they rarely ever take off. The helmet is grated in the front and has two horns curving out from the top. 
Fighting. Training. Growing stronger and stronger.
More battles. All victories. 
They’re called a champion. 
No one can make them fall.
They will never lose. 
- They were something great. Once. 
It’s their first time tasting blood, and it is a rank venom in their mouth. 
Their body aches all over. They can barely move their limbs—if they’re even still attached to their body. It’s difficult to tell.
All around them, the forest is buzzing with noise, and yet all they can hear is their own shallow breathing and the echoing roar of a crowd, slowly fading out…
They should have died that day. Their injuries were grievous. But fate had other plans. 
Something in the forest stirs. Like those aristocrats, it saw something inside of them. So, it approaches, tentative and slow, then accepts them in its embrace.
Infused with the vitality of the earth and its kin, they stand.
They will never lose again. 
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
Race: Plasmoid
Class: Druid (Circle of Stars)
Feats: Healer, Elemental Adept, Mage Slayer
Resistances: Poison
Bright light. 
A roll of thunder.
Pain pulsing through every inch of her body.
“Yes! YES!”
HP: 87
AC: 15 (Leather Armor)
SPEED: 30 ft. walking
STR: 10 (+0) | DEX: 14 (+2) | CON: 14 (+2) | INT: 16 (+3) | WIS: 17 (+3) | CHA: 12 (+1)
Saving Throws
STR: +0
DEX: +2
CON: +2
INT: +7
WIS: +7
CHA: +1
Passive Perception: 13
Passive Investigation: 13
Passive Insight: 17
Acrobatics: +2
Animal Handling: +3
Arcana: +7
Athletics: +0 (Advantage)
Deception: +1
History: +3
Insight: +7
Intimidation: +1
Investigation: +3
Medicine: +7
Nature: +3
Perception: +3
Performance: +1
Persuasion: +1
Religion: +3
Sleight of Hand: +6
Stealth: +6
Survival: +3
The tower is nice. The woods outside of it are even nicer. So many animals. So many flowers.
It’s a shame she can’t stray very far.
- Scimitar
- Cantrips: Druidcraft, Magic Stone, Mold Earth, Produce Flame
- 1st Level: Cure Wounds, Entangle
- 2nd Level: Flame Blade, Heat Metal, Moonbeam
- 3rd Level: Call Lightning, Conjure Animals
- 4th Level: Polymorph, Stoneskin
- 5th Level: Antilife Shell, Mass Cure Wounds
- 6th Level: Primordial Ward
Elf ears. Marigolds. Shriveled bat wings. Powered flame. A piece of a unicorn horn.
She enjoys watching the cauldron be mixed around and around. 
Class Features
Druidic- Gangle knows Druidic, the secret language of the Druids.
Wild Shape- Gangle can shapeshift into animals.
Star Map- Gangle has a special starry map that gives her several different benefits.
Starry Form- Instead of turning into an animal, Gangle can use her Wild Shape to take on a certain kind of Starry Form of her choosing, with each one giving a different benefit.
Cosmic Omen- Gangle can consult her star map for omens to predict how an action might pan out.
Twinkling Constellation- Even after she’s already selected a Starry Form, Gangle can change it to something else. 
Racial Abilities
Amorphous- Gangle can squeeze through spaces as narrow as 1 inch wide. 
Darkvision- Gangle can see in the dark.
Hold Breath- Gangle can hold her breath for up to an hour.
Natural Resilience- Gangle has resistance to Poison damage and to being poisoned.
Shape Self- Gangle can mold and shape her body however she pleases.
Her master’s power grows.
As does her worry. 
Background: Servant
Languages: Common, Druidic, Giant, Ooze
Alignment: Lawful Good
Money: 15 GP
- Bedroll
- Calligrapher’s Supplies
- Candle
- Holy Symbol
- Mess Kit
- Rations
- Rope (50 feet)
- Scimitar
- Wooden Shield
- Tinderbox
- Torch
- Totem
- Waterskin
- Weaver’s Tools
As a Plasmoid, Gangle appears much like a blob of slime molded into the vague shape of a humanoid. The pale red ooze making up her body is shaped in a way that makes it look like she’s swathed in ribbon. Within her body, a nervous system can be seen, glowing ever so slightly. Upon her head, she wears a white mask that acts as her face, as it is enchanted to emote and speak. 
Perhaps it is time to leave.
The forest calls. 
- She was once the servant to a Lich. 
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
Race: Warforged
Class: Ranger (Swarmkeeper)
Feats: Sharpshooter, Durable, Alert
Resistances: Poison, Disease 
His kingdom is flourishing. 
Within the city walls, life blooms in every crevice. Queenie loves flowers, so he’s covered every possible surface in plant life for her. It really brightens the streets. 
They’re happy. 
HP: 124
AC: 17 (Scale Mail)
SPEED: 30 ft. walking
STR: 12 (+1) | DEX: 14 (+2) | CON: 18 (+4) | INT: 8 (-1) | WIS: 13 (+1) | CHA: 14 (+2)
Saving Throws
STR: +5
DEX: +6
CON: +4
INT: -1
WIS: +1
CHA: +2
Passive Perception: 15
Passive Investigation: 9
Passive Insight: 11
Acrobatics: +2
Animal Handling: +5
Arcana: -1
Athletics: +1
Deception: +2
History: +3
Insight: +1
Intimidation: +2
Investigation: -1
Medicine: +1
Nature: +3
Perception: +5
Performance: +2
Persuasion: +6
Religion: -1
Sleight of Hand: +2
Stealth: +2
Survival: +5
He’s down at the stables one day when the marshal comes up to him, asking if they could take a stablehand under their wing to help with the workload. 
Weird. He could have sworn he hired a stablehand… But perhaps he’s just thinking wrong. Queenie always says he would lose his head if it wasn’t attached to his neck!
He agrees to the marshal’s request, and a new stablehand is hired. 
- Longbow
- Quarterstaff
- Spear
- 1st Level: Cure Wounds, Longstrider
- 2nd Level: Pass Without Trace
- 3rd Level: Conjure Animals, Plant Growth, Water Walk
Kinger goes to a bookstore to pick up the newest copy of Queenie’s favorite book series. 
“How’s your wife been?” he asks the clerk.
The clerk looks at him oddly. “I’ve never been married.”
Kinger is confused. He could have sworn a young, cute couple ran this store together. He remembered meeting them when they first arrived in his city.
No. He didn’t.
By the next day, he’d forgotten about the clerk’s wife.
Class Features
Favored Enemy- Kinger has expertise on tracking, hunting, studying, and interacting with two creature types of his choice (monstrosities and beasts).
Natural Explorer- Kinger is adept at traveling through certain types of terrain (forest, grassland, mountains).
Primeval Awareness- Kinger can focus on the immediate area around him and try to sense aberrations, celestials, dragons, elementals, fey, fiends, and undead within a 1 mile radius.
Gathered Swarm- Kinger has befriended a swarm of insects that act as his allies and will attack with him.
Extra Attack- Kinger can attack twice.
Writhing Tide- Kinger can focus his swarm around him, allowing the swarm to lift him up so he can hover around. 
Land’s Stride- Kinger can move through non-magical difficult terrain without wasting any excess movement.
Hide In Plain Sight- Kinger can camouflage himself.
Mighty Swarm- Kinger’s swarm grows stronger, allowing it to deal more damage. 
Racial Abilities
Constructed Resilience- Due to Kinger not having a body of flesh, he has great fortitude that grants him several benefits: resistance to Poison damage and being poisoned, immune to disease, doesn’t need to sleep, doesn’t need to eat, drink, or breathe.
Sentry’s Rest- Instead of sleeping, Kinger can stand or sit motionless doing nothing and gain the same benefits of a rest.
Integrated Protection- Kinger’s body gives him natural protection.
It seems like the city is getting smaller. 
He and Queenie held their usual Flower Festival the day before, where butterflies would fill the sky in their multitude of colors. But for some reason, it felt like not as many people showed up. He doesn’t know why. 
Background: Noble
Languages: Common, Draconic, Quori, Undercommon
Alignment: Lawful Good
Money: 25 GP
- Arrows
- Bedroll
- Books
- Longbow
- Mess Kit
- Quarterstaff
- Rations
- Rope (50 feet)
- Scroll of Pedigree
- Signet Ring
- Spear
- Tinderbox
- Torch
- Waterskin
- Wedding Ring
Kinger almost looks like a regular man, except instead of skin, he looks to have been chiseled out of marble - a grand statue given life. He has no mouth, and upon his head is a crown carved to always be present. His hands seem like they were broken off somehow, replaced by swarms of insects forming the shape of hands. Butterflies follow him around and are usually perched on his shoulders and head. 
The sound of singing haunts his dreams. A gentle dire, a murmured beckon. He refuses to sleep, and for a while, Queenie is there to coax him to rest, but then…
Who is Queenie?
- He’s strayed far from his kingdom. 
He’s never been married. 
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
Race: Shifter (Swiftstride)
Class: Warlock (The Void)
Feats: Mounted Combatant, Fey-Touched, Actor
Resistances: N/A
Stuffed in a cage, the kitten quivers, pressed into the furthest corner to stay out of reach. She’s crying, hyperventilating. She’s so scared. She wants to go home. 
HP: 87
AC: 15 (Leather Armor)
SPEED: 40 ft. walking
STR: 5 (-3) | DEX: 18 (+4) | CON: 15 (+3) | INT: 12 (+1) | WIS: 12 (+1) | CHA: 20 (+5)
Saving Throws
STR: -3
DEX: +4
CON: +2
INT: +1
WIS: +5
CHA: +8
Passive Perception: 11
Passive Investigation: 11
Passive Insight: 11
Acrobatics: +8
Animal Handling: +1
Arcana: +5
Athletics: -3
Deception: +5
History: +5
Insight: +1
Intimidation: +5
Investigation: +1
Medicine: +1
Nature: +1
Perception: 1
Performance: +12
Persuasion: +5
Religion: +1
Sleight of Hand: +8
Stealth: +4
Survival: +1
Bright colors and flashing lights. A calliope is playing happily. Dozens of people fill the stands to watch the show, and she is the main act. 
Don’t mess up.
Don’t mess up. 
- Dagger (2)
- Sickle
- Sling
- Cantrips: Chill Touch, Eldritch Blast, Fire Bolt, True Strike, Mage Hand, Magic Stone, Prestidigitation  
- 1st Level: Bless, Hellish Rebuke, Inflict Wounds, Misty Step
- 2nd Level: Blindness/Deafness, Shatter
- 3rd Level: Bestow Curse, Counterspell, Vampiric Touch
- 4th Level: Blight, Dimension Door, Elemental Bane
- 5th Level: Hold Monster
- 6th Level: Investiture of Fire
The lick of a whip dragging its blood-wet tongue across her back. Chains around her wrists, holding her down. A bridle in her mouth, choking back the screams that so desperately want to be heard.
Class Features
Touched By The Void- Sometimes, Pomni’s body will flicker in and out of existence. When this happens, she gains Advantage on Dexterity Saving Throws, causing the attack to phase right through her. Additionally, she has Advantage on Death Saving Throws, but if she were to die, she would be dragged back into the Void and devoured. 
Eldritch Invocations- Pomni has a number of eldritch knowledge at her disposal, granting her a number of benefits.
Eldritch Spear- The range of Eldritch Blast is extended to 300 feet.
Agonizing Blast- More damage is added to Eldritch Blast.
One With Shadows- If in an area with dim light or darkness, Pomni can become invisible.
Relentless Hex- Pomni can create a temporary connection with a creature. When connected, she can teleport up to 30 feet towards the creature.
Maddening Hex- Pomni can deal extra Psychic damage by creating a psychic disturbance.
Repelling Blast- Eldritch Blast will move the target back by 10 feet.
Pact Boon: Pact of the Tome- Pomni has been given a Book of Shadows by her patron, granting her three extra cantrips.
Abyssal Field- Pomni creates a sort of field that rips at the veil of reality, opening up a space to the Void in the material plane. Within this field, weak objects crumble away and are destroyed, while everything and everyone aside from Pomni takes damage. 
Entropy Awaits- After reducing an enemy to 0, Pomni can thrust their soul into the Void, feeding it and allowing her to regain a number of hit points back. 
Mystic Arcanum- Pomni’s patron has bestowed upon her an arcanum, which allows her to gain a higher level spell earlier than she normally would. 
Racial Abilities
Darkvision- Pomni can see in the dark.
Shifting- Pomni can take on a more bestial appearance. As a Swiftstride Shifter, when she is shifted, she moves faster than she normally would. 
Something is wrong. Something happened. The train took too sharp of a turn, and suddenly, she’s falling. Falling. Falling.
She braces herself for impact, for the terrified release of death…but it never happens.
She opens her eyes.
There’s nothing.
Everything is just…empty. 
Background: Circus Freak
Languages: Common, Abyssal, Undercommon, Deep Speech, Sylvan, Goblin
Alignment: Neutral Good
Money: 10 SP
- Book of Shadows
- Component Pouch
- Dagger (2)
- Ink
- Ink Pen
- Little Bag of Sand
- Parchment
- Sickle
- Sling
- Small Knife
- Woodcarver’s Tools
Unlike others of her kind, Pomni isn’t exactly the most ferocious or intimidating—both in personality and appearance. She’s a small, stout young woman—so short that she constitutes as a Small creature. All Shifters resemble some kind of animal, and she resembles a tiger, which is rather hilarious due to the previous mention of her being tiny and pathetic. Weirdly, her fur is red and blue instead of black and orange…but given everything else that’s just been mentioned about her, that’s pretty on-par.
Round little tiger ears poke out of her scruffy black hair, and she has a tiger tail. Her fingers and toes are clawed, and her teeth are sharp. Blue stripes are scored along her upper arms, thighs, neck, and cheeks. The bottom of her feet are padded, making it more comfortable for her to walk around without shoes on, which she usually does. She also appears to be somewhat digitigrade, often walking on her toes (perhaps to look taller?). Her nose is pink like a tiger’s. Her fingers have been permanently stained to a black gradient. 
When she’s shifted, Pomni gains a slightly more intimidating edge. Fur sprouts up her limbs and along her back, and her face takes on a more bestial appearance. 
There are red blisters around her wrists and ankles.
However, there’s something…weird about Pomni. Something almost…uncanny. Sometimes her muscles will visibly spasm beneath her skin, like they’re alive and want to get free. Sometimes her flesh will ripple. Upon her back, she has a pair of strange, vestigial wings beneath the skin. Occasionally, little black tentacles will sprout from random parts of her body. Two horn buds rise from her crown. 
And her eyes…they’re just not right. 
She doesn’t know how long she’s been down here. Days? Weeks? Months? Years? It doesn’t matter anymore.
She’s alone. All alone. 
She’s tried screaming. She’s tried to claw her way out. She’s tried praying to every god in existence.
It’s like the entire world has shut her out. 
She always knew there were fates worse than death.
She thinks she may have found the worst. 
- She was once an act in a traveling magical circus that would go around via train on the borders between different planes. 
- Aberrant Horror
Light. Freedom.
She’s out. She’s free.
But she’s not alone. Not anymore.
Something whispers in her mind. And something writhes beneath her flesh. 
She’s scared. 
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splatooshy · 6 months
a peek into my notes app.
file: 🧛‍♀️😜
tvdu oneshots mixed with opinions. completely different from my ‘tvdu opinions’ file and my ‘bloody hell! silly oneshots’ files. this is only 1/4 of the file.
damon in guyliner
y’all the witches go on about how vampire evil vampire must be stopped and then they take away someone’s magic for stopping said vampire
Damon just licked his lips in anticipation. "Oh, you know how I like having things pushed inside me, don't you?"
“You can’t avoid me forever, Damon!” Elena warned. “Maybe so,” he admitted, “but I’m still gonna try.” He darted around her, blurring towards the staircase and sliding down the banister, mentally shouting ‘parkour’ in his head. Damn. He’d been spending too much time around the little Gilbert. And teenagers in general. “Parkour!” Jeremy cheered from the couch, cradling a bowl of cereal like it was a newborn. Yup. Too much time around teenagers, Damon thought as he rolled his eyes.
“I just don’t get it,” Matt grumbled confusedly as Caroline walked away. She wanted to talk to him. Now she was walking away? First Stefan yanked Elena from him and now Tyler had taken Caroline. He and Elena had been on the verge of getting back together until Stefan showed up and stole her away. And just when he was seriously reconsidering his breakup with Caroline, Tyler was suddenly swooping in and taking her from Matt. It wasn’t fair.
ok but the locker rooms at the batting cages in denver 🤭
“Pretty boy?” Stefan spluttered. “Well, you are kinda pretty.” Elena shrugged into the mirror as she applied eyeshadow. “She's not wrong, brother.” Damon piped up from the doorway. “You’re a little bit pretty.” He patted his brother on the cheek and went to join Elena at the mirror, snatching her eyeliner with a triumphant grin. “I'm not pretty!” Stefan denied with a small whine. “Not compared to me, no.” Damon smiled sweetly, turning to reveal those blue eyes, now rimmed with black kohl.
s1 damon / eternal teenager verse: “Why is it she’s always telling you to leave her alone when she’s the one seeking you out?”
damon: “My father used to say I had the devil in me, but really it was just my riding instructor.”
someone (jeremy) gets runic tattoos with elena’s doppelganger blood because they want to be the avatar.
“Oh my god, it’s a room full of Elijah’s.” “I had that exact same nightmare once.” OKAY but put that line in tvd and Damon then goes “Really? I had a sex dream about that.”
“you really are quite the little slut, aren’t you, Damon?” The velvety croon of Elijah’s cultured voice makes it sound all the more dirty, and Damon can’t help but let out a small moan as he nods. “Very good,” the Original murmurs, and oh fuck. Elijah can do whatever he wants with Damon as long as he keeps talking like that.
“That’s so hot.” - Damon, every day. Alternatively: “Anyone else a little turned on right now?” // any time he gets pinned to a wall, he whispers “traitor” to his dick.
sassy elijah vs sassy damon except they kiss.
“Now, what am I going to do with you?” “Something terribly naughty, I hope.” delijah.
dabekah are essentially cats. very sassy ones. like a slinky black cat and a fluffy white one
idk some wedding, kol gets confused with american accents and brings a bear trained to carry rings
compel the president to make random holidays
kol and rebekah watch the hunger games and decide to do a real life version, compelling the tributes
“Klaus and Stefan pulling another devious act,” Klaus gleefully mumbles, high on the wolfsvain(™️) joints Damon and Kol had invented. Stefan just stares at him for a minute, silence filling the room as they blink in tandem.
 elijah walks into the boarding house, kisses the girls on their hands. damon holds out his expectantly, and smiles deviously when elijah actually kisses it.
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twstgarden · 3 months
match-up bundle commission for @inkblot-mirror
— a purchase of two carnation petals has arrived from our dearest customer. your romantic matches have now been determined by the red carnation's petals.
➻ a romance match-up bundle commission for twisted wonderland and genshin impact. bundle includes the main romantic match, voice lines with the main match and 4 other randomly picked characters, a dormitory match for twisted wonderland, and a vision match for genshin impact. ➻ commissions are open, you may refer to this info post.
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℘ your romantic match is...
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━ 𝙡𝙞𝙡𝙞𝙖 𝙫𝙖𝙣𝙧𝙤𝙪𝙜𝙚 ━
➻ the carnation petals have revealed your matches. the first match appears to be the retired general of briar valley's armed forces. his extroverted and wise personality pairs very well with your intellectual introverted nature.
➻ your dedication towards your interests and tasks are a few of the other things that caught his eye. your work ethic and unconventional methods are ones he does not fail to notice as well. he truly thinks you are a unique individual.
➻ of course, he wouldn't appear clingy or overwhelming to you. he keeps his distance but occasionally teases you here and there, surprising you with his jumpscare attacks and whatnot. he holds great respect for your personal space and interests, so you can expect him not to get too close unless you want him to. he knows you do not like engaging much in idle conversation either, and that's perfectly fine! even sitting in silence with you is enough to satisfy his need for your attention.
➻ lilia is pleased to know that you can defend yourself. whether you prove those who have underestimated you wrong or throw a punch at those who threatened your safety, he's equally proud and impressed and will be there in case you need support or praise.
➻ with your interest in ancient history, your curiosity will always be fueled and fed by lilia. an old man like himself certainly has stories packed for you to listen to. he'd share stories about different civilizations or legends, and even tell you about the incredible and enchanting folktales of briar valley.
➻ he always invites you over to play with him in diasomnia, even if it means staying up late. he enjoys playing rpgs with you, and when he isn't playing, he finds it entertaining to watch you play some life simulator games.
➻ this man will tell you lots of random facts regarding flower language and often may subtly gift you with dark red carnations to express his fascination and sentiments of love for you or red roses to express his deep romantic affection for you, or even peonies to tell you how beautiful you are, and so much more. he just wants to express his love to his little beastie, after all.
➻ diasomnia and briar valley are known for their cold weather, and lilia knows you detest the cold, so he goes out of his way to make sure you are comfortable wherever you stay. if he invites you over to diasomnia, he'd adjust the temperature to make it a little warmer. if you are planning to visit briar valley, he'd make sure to pack extra clothes to keep you warm. he wants to make sure his dearest is comfortable.
➻ overall, you have a healthy and fulfilling relationship with lilia. his extroverted nature contrasts your reserved personality, and he expresses his love for you in a way that does not overwhelm you at all. if you need someone to intellectually stimulate you or someone to motivate and comfort you on your lowest days, lilia is your man.
━ possible matches: ➻ malleus draconia (another great match, similar interests and compatible personalities) ➻ leona kingscholar (respectful and supportive partner, but may find it hard to deal with emotional availability due to his internal issues) ➻ vil schoenheit (another picture-perfect partner on paper, can help with self-betterment and indulge in your interests, especially in the arts and literature)
℘ your soul resides in...
❝ ignihyde ❞
➻ the dark mirror has sorted you to ignihyde, the dormitory founded on the diligence of the lord of the underworld. students sorted to this dormitory are dedicated and creative, giving their best and getting their job done for them to have the time to do whatever they please.
➻ your creative nature paired with your objective lenses make you a great resident of ignihyde. an independent worker with a good work ethic like you would find peace and comfort in the introverted dormitory, but beware of its temperature as it is known to be quite cold there. you might need to invest in a heater to keep your room to your desired temperature.
℘ voice lines
【 lilia vanrouge 】
► card selected: ssr dormitory uniform 寮服
❚❚ || home idle 4
↪ "i wanted to invite rei to transfer to diasomnia. i already have the perfect room for her! i've adjusted the temperature to suit her tastes and even added a huge wardrobe for her cosplays. fufu, doesn't that sound great?"
【 cater diamond 】
► card selected: sr yasmina silk ヤーサミーナシルク
❚❚ || home tap 6
↪ "when we were walking around the bazaar, i saw something that rei might be interested in! i think it was a book about scalding sands' history... i took a pic, of course~ ☆"
【 rook hunt 】
► card selected: r school uniform 制服
❚❚ || home tap 6
↪ "i caught the beautiful mademoiselle taking photographs in the courtyard, and as her schoolmate, i naturally boosted her morale by complimenting her superb skills!"
【 idia shroud 】
► card selected: sr ceremonial robes 式典服
❚❚ || home tap 6
↪ "i think i just saw rei playing an otome game while waiting for her turn to be sorted... ah, i might just be hallucinating... anyway, can i go back now?"
【 silver 】
► card selected: r masquerade dress マスカレードドレス
❚❚ || home tap 6
↪ "rei and i bought some souvenirs for the rest of diasomnia in the souvenir shop of the city of flowers... with her help, i was able to find the perfect gift for them, too."
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℘ your romantic match is...
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━ 𝙙𝙞𝙡𝙪𝙘 𝙧𝙖𝙜𝙣𝙫𝙞𝙣𝙙𝙧 ━
➻ the carnation petal has revealed the master of the dawn winery to be your best match. the uncrowned king of mondstadt's refined personality matches greatly with your own.
➻ both dedicated individuals. you hold a passion and dedication for your interests, which makes you both a productive and fulfilling couple. if motivation starts to waver, you have each other's backs to give the support you need to continue holding on and moving forward.
➻ he is not one for idle chit-chat, and you are not too fond of conversations. you can thrive in a comfortable silence with him. as you enjoy yourself in your own space, he does the same as well. however, he loves listening to you talk when you are in a good mood.
➻ he admires you greatly. your impartial lenses, strong work ethic, and independent nature are some of the qualities he likes about you. he also likes how you defend yourself, especially when you have been wronged.
➻ when he requires an opinion, you will always be his first choice. your ability to stay objective and unbiased is greatly appreciated by him, and he knows he can count on you for constructive criticism.
➻ of course, he also knows of your creative hobbies and interests. he invites you over to his mansion to let you indulge in some ancient history books he had kept in his study just for you. other times, he'd sit down with you and have a meaningful and intellectually stimulating conversation regarding art and literature.
➻ are you looking to read? he'll let you stay in a quiet and comfortable room in the mansion to read your book or manga in peace. are you in the mood to start cosplaying? he'd make sure you have all you need — the right set of clothes, enough accessories, properly styled wigs, you name it. are you looking to ice skate? he'd bring you to the best ice skating rinks and carry enough clothes to keep you warm in the undesirable cold temperature.
➻ whenever you are staying over or visiting the dawn winery manor, diluc ensures that italian-style meals will be served for your pleasure, and when you actively show how much you appreciate his efforts, it pleases him greatly.
➻ he spoils you greatly, but not in a way that gets overbearing. both of you are introverted thinkers (intj, intp) by personality indicators, but that does not mean you are lacking emotional fulfilment in your relationship. he shows his love through acts of service, doing anything and everything for you and your happiness, and he protects you when needed, whether you are aware of it or not.
➻ overall, your relationship with diluc is both fulfilling and intellectually stimulating. with the right amount of love and attention, while not overwhelming yourselves with emotions, you find yourselves contented and committed to one another.
━ possible matches: ➻ neuvillette (tied with diluc as the perfect match, can keep you entertained with historical facts and mythological stories) ➻ alhaitham (an intellectually stimulating partner who possesses great knowledge in the study of semiotics, language, and ancient runes) ➻ dainsleif (has a passive personality and does not overwhelm or nag you around, a perfectly calm partner like diluc)
℘ you are bestowed with a...
❝ cryo vision ❞
— ❝ sorry... to also have you shoulder the grievances of the world. since you could endure my bitter cold, you must have the desire to burn? then, burn away the old world for me. ❞ —
➻ a vision that contradicts your disdain for the cold ironically fits your situation. you acknowledge your mastery over your craft but still yearn for something else. you wished you were in a better situation, in a better life. you wished you were good in something else, something else that you do not despise.
➻ several acquaintances but little friends. a reserved individual with low confidence, but you find no problems in your own company. you may have been underestimated by those you care about, but they know little of you. in a moment of injustice, there is no hesitation on your side to prove them wrong.
℘ voice lines
【 diluc ragnvindr 】
❚❚ || about rei: status
↪ "she is remarkable. i admire her work ethic and her creative nature. not to mention, that she's quite fond of the food we serve in the manor. it pleases me. hm? you'd like to know of my status with rei?"
【 zhongli / 鍾離 / 钟离 】
❚❚ || about rei
↪ "rei is an impressive individual. i often find myself losing track of time during our discussions. her interest and knowledge in literature and the arts make her an appealing companion. if given the chance, i'd like to have some tea with her again."
【 kaedehara kazuha / 楓原万葉 / かえではらかずは 】
❚❚ || about rei
↪ "rei is a wonderful artist. i've seen how she dedicates herself to her craft, but sometimes, she loses her motivation. i thought she needed some reassurance, so as her friend, i wanted to make sure she gets the support she needs."
【 tighnari / الطغنري 】
❚❚ || about rei
↪ "i stumbled upon rei once in the library. she seemed to be reading something related to mythology. if she were to join the akademiya, she'd be a great student under the haravatat darshan."
【 lyney 】
❚❚ || about rei
↪ "i have heard of rei's interest in theatre and cosplaying. perhaps i should ask her to take part in my shows! i'm joking, i'm joking. still, i have seen her abilities firsthand, and i believe she has great potential, don't you think so?"
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© twstgarden 2024 || please do not steal, translate without my permission, or use this to train a.i.
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horseshoegirl · 1 year
Damn Those Dog Tags: Part 6 - Three Little Birds
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📜 just a PSA for you all that I love each and everyone one of you, and I’m so grateful this group of people bring each other up online then bring them down (for context, I had a bad experience with a social media post this past week (never again am I sharing videos of me riding)... the equestrian community can be so ruthless🤦🏻‍♀️) So I’m happy I can come here and feel supported.
I apologize in advance for a sad Sadie in this one. We also have a little bit of a time jump in this one!
❗️18+, strong language, angst, godmother reader/original female character, deployments, and a Sad Sadie (She needs her own warning).
#5.9k Words
Part 5 | Masterlist | Part 7
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You wish you could say you weren’t expecting it to happen. That the routine of their 8 to 4 day didn’t lull you into a false sense of security. That the Saturday nights and dinners and time spent together would last forever. 
But that was the deal when your friends were in the Navy. Time was a luxury only a few could afford. 
And your time with them was past due. 
This Saturday night was designated game night. On game nights, Sadie would rummage through the few shelves on your bookcase you set aside for games, puzzles, books and other activities to find a selection of games she thought the others would like. 
You would make finger foods, and your kitchen island would be littered with big plates and trays so everyone could come and go as they pleased. Sadie would go looking for your Cards Against Humanity set, despite hiding it in a very unreachable place, and you’d race from the kitchen to snatch it out of her hands, always telling her she could play it when she was older. She’d wait for a second, then say, “Okay, I’m older.” 
You'd laugh at her, and she would laugh back. Only this time, your doorbell rang.
You froze. You always left your front door open when you knew to expect them. They knew they could walk right in and make themselves at home.
Walking to the front door, you became nervous, weakly clutching the handle as you twisted, pulling it back to reveal the entire team lined up side by side, standing together on your porch. All of them together, minus Mav? It took only one look for you to know. 
They had been called up. 
“When?” you gasped. 
“Tomorrow night,” Phoenix replied sadly. “For at least three months.”
Something sharp pierced the centre of your chest, your ears boxed, and your throat closed shut, taking you back to that Friday night at the Hard Deck with the phone call. You barely acknowledged the pain in your forearm, where you had reached up to grip it tight, fingernails biting into your skin. Your heart, thumping hard, now aching for your friends and the unbearable weight Sadie would have to carry.
If only you had had this talk with her sooner. Ridley never made it home to her that Friday night. And now she had to shoulder the knowledge her newfound family could be taken away at any moment, the difference being it was an expectation for a possible someday, not the outcome of a random accident. 
You couldn’t help but crumble into the door frame, your head falling to the wood as the first sob worked its way up your throat. Nat immediately took you into her arms, hugging you tight. You wrapped your arms around her, weight sagging into her, as you realized you’d now have to learn how to cope without your friends being there for you and Sadie. 
“Sadie,” you gasped into her shoulder. “How am I going to tell her?”
Nat pulled back, grabbing your cheeks. “We can do it together. She’s a lot stronger than we give her credit for.”
You huffed a laugh through your tears, Nat pressing her forehead to yours in an effort to give you the strength to ground yourself.  You hated when people saw you cry.
Tearing yourself away from her, you looked to Bob, who had moved beside you. “Sadie’s going to be okay. She has you.”
Jake opened his mouth to say something but paused, mouth agape, when a voice called out from behind you.
“Aunt Liz? What’s going on?” 
You stiffened, tearing yourself away from Jake’s gaze as you turned to face Sadie, wiping at your face. 
“What’s wrong?” she asked, coming to stand in the open door frame.
“Bug, we need to have a chat,” your voice wavering as you spoke. 
“What do you mean?” she looked from Nat, Bradley, and Jake to the rest of the team standing on your porch.
You reached out your hand, stepping forward to meet her with a sad smile. She stared up at you as she let you lead her back inside, leaving the front door open for the other to follow and taking her over into your family room. 
Bradley was right on your heels, sitting beside Sadie once she settled on the couch, taking her free hand into his. Nat also followed, resting her elbows on the back cushion behind Sadie while Jake leaned against the wall, arms crossed and glancing intently between the pair of you. The others decided to hang back, letting you have your space to tell her. 
“You know how the Daggers are in the Navy, right?” 
Her voice was small as she replied, “Yeah?” 
“Well, they need to go away for a little while. They need to go and help protect some people.” 
“Okay?” she said softly. 
“The thing is, Bug,” you paused, tucking a piece of her hair back behind her ear, “There’s a chance some of them might not make it back.” 
She reeled back, eyes so childlike and innocent.  “What do you mean?” 
Feeling a tear run down your cheek, you couldn’t begin to form the words to explain that this might be the last time she saw her aunt and uncles. Just like her mom, you didn’t want to explain that this particular Saturday night might be the last chance she could spend with them.
It took her a minute, but you could see the realization on her face, your silence and tears filling in for what you couldn’t say. Her mouth dropped slightly, and her eyes started to relax from concentration. What followed was the understanding, her brow furrowing, nose scrunching up. 
Then came the grief. 
“No,” She cried out, bottom lip starting to quiver. “No!” 
She turned to Nat, who smiled sadly at her as she started to sob. Rooster hooked his arm around her stomach, pulling her back into him. Sadie turned in his hold and buried her face in his chest. Bradley dropped his forehead to her shoulder as she cried. 
"I'm so sorry, Bug."
When it came to things like this, Ridley and you decided early on you’d never sugarcoat things with Sadie. Like when you moved out when you went to school, telling her at five years old you wouldn’t be living with them anymore, but you’d be a visit, a phone call, a drive away from her. She had been upset, but she had accepted it. 
Would it have been easier on her if you did sugar coat it? 
She didn’t want to let Rooster go, even as Nat reached down to rub her back. Sadie openly wept, and you couldn’t do anything but sit back and watch her crumble. Looking up, Jake was still up against the wall. Only his head was bowed, eyes closed, tensing his body every time Sadie’s escalating cries filled the room. 
It was intense, everyone trying to get through the game, eat dinner, and forget what would happen tomorrow. 
Sadie tried her best, but even as she sat beside Rooster, she didn’t want to let go of his arm, leaning right into his body as she played the game. Bradley humoured her. If he was uncomfortable, he didn’t let on.
Bob accidentally knocked over his deck of cards onto the floor, causing everyone to laugh harder than they should. You took the moment to excuse yourself, disappearing to collect dishes and retreat into the kitchen while everyone was distracted trying to find his cards. 
Plugging the drain, you turned on the tap, squirting soap into the sink, watching the dishes submerge under the rising water, gripping the edges of your counter hard until your nails hurt with the force. 
It was how you were feeling. Like the world wanted to drown you with things beyond your control, and you couldn’t stay afloat. Your friends were your saving grace, next to Sadie, and now, you found yourself wondering what you might do without one of them. 
“She’ll be okay, Liz.” 
"I feel guilty, crying like this when you guys are going off saving the world, risking your lives.” 
Jake came up behind you, placing a hand on your back. “Because you’re worried about her?” 
“It’s not just her I’m worried about Jake,” you sniffed, wiping at your eyes. “God, I feel selfish.”
“Oh, is someone concerned for little old me?”
“Yes,” you exhaled. “Especially you. I’m afraid you're going to do something stupid in the air.”
“Best of the best, Liz," he reminded you. "Or aren't you forgetting who we are?"
“That’s what I’m afraid of.”  You said, stepping forward to turn off the tap before turning back to face him, his green eyes wide.
“You have nothing to prove to no one, Jake. Please remember that when you are up there.” 
Jake stared at you for a minute before stepping forward, grabbing your arms below your elbows to pull you to stand in front of him. You let him, too numb to protest or to react.
“The both of you are going to be alright, Liz. You're going to wake up tomorrow and carry on your day like you always do. And the day after that and the day after that. You don’t need to worry about us.”
You sniffed. "I always worry about you guys."
“This isn’t anything we haven’t already done before. And I can’t say for the others, but when I get back, you, the bug, and I are going to celebrate.” 
“I didn’t scare you off?” you huffed with a smile. He scoffed, “As if.”
He watched as you shook your head, eyes downcast as you bit your lip.  “Come here,” he said, pulling you into his chest, the palms of your hands coming to rest behind his shoulders and your head resting sideways on his chest. You could hear Jake’s heartbeat steadily thumping away beneath his shirt.
It did more for you than any kind words or long hug could have.
“We’ll be back to annoying you on Saturday nights and back at the bar before you know it.” He said, his voice low and his hand flexing on your back.
Despite everything you were feeling, you believed him.
The night carried on, and Sadie didn’t want to go to bed before they left. You didn’t blame her, watching as she held her sides, fighting sleep while sitting on your front porch step, only lit by the two lights on either side of your front door.
Rooster kneeled down in front of her, a hand on her shoulder,  “We’ll be back before you know it, Bug.” 
Natasha followed, lowering herself down next to Bradley. “You need to make sure your Aunt doesn’t burn down the house.” 
Although she was sad, Sadie cracked a smile at Nat’s words. She glanced between the two of them before launching herself off the step, throwing herself between Nat and Bradley to hug them at the same time. 
“I love you guys,” she said, bowing her head. Nat and Rooster pulled her closer, wrapping their arms around her to grip each other's forearms.
“We love you too, Bug,” Nat replied.
Sadie made her rounds, saying goodbye to everyone. When she made it to Jake, he kneeled down in front of her, opening his arms as she threw herself at him. He whispered something in her ear. Sadie nodded before burying her head into the crook of his neck.
You would have observed them longer had not Bob and Coyote approached you, hauling you into their embrace and reminding you to take care of yourself. As did Fanboy and Payback, who followed not long after.
Bradley had pressed a kiss to the side of your head, an arm wrapped around your shoulders, holding you close for probably what felt like minutes. Nat butted him out with her hip to tackle you into a hug, making you promise when she came home, you’d go out for drinks.
Then came Jake, standing in front of you with an apprehensive smile. 
You couldn’t stop yourself, hot tears streaming down your face as you reached up to wrap your arms around his neck, pressing your face into his shoulder. Jake froze for half a second before his arms wrapped tightly around your waist. 
The Daggers didn’t seem to mind the close goodbye. Maybe they were too occupied by Sadie. Or perhaps they recognized your need to say goodbye to everyone, even Jake, given your history.
“Be safe, Jake,” You whispered into his shirt. Jake squeezed you tight before pulling back, still in his arms, as he looked down at you. He stared at you for a few seconds before leaning forward and pressing his lips to your forehead, humming against your skin.
“See you soon, darlin’.”
Despite the long-lasting promise you and Sadie made when Ridley passed away to be there for each other, neither of you caved in the months after. However, with their absence, it went unsaid that promise would extend toward the Daggers.  
It had been three weeks since they left on deployment, and Sadie had caved. 
It was the same routine. She’d wake up, pick at her breakfast with red eyes, get dressed and stay silent on the way to school. When you could pick her up, she wouldn’t run to greet you at the end of the day. On weekends, she stayed quiet, barely saying a word. And the minute she finished her homework after dinner (math homework returning to being troublesome), she’d retreat to her room for the rest of the night.
She was back to the shell of the person she had been before Phoenix and Rooster inserted themselves into your lives. And even as you tried to help her, she never allowed you to see her cry. She was putting up a front and wouldn’t let you help her. 
You knocked on her bedroom door. “Bug, can you please come out?” 
“No,” came a muffled reply. 
“Sadie Bug, please. I miss them too.” 
“They won’t come back.” 
“You don’t know that.” 
Halloween was worse. It was probably one of the last few times she would have wanted to go out before she deemed it too childish. Instead, she curled up on the other side of the couch, watching Halloween movies as you answered the door, not even saying a word. 
“Can you please come into the family room? So we can be there for each other? Maybe we could put vinyl on?”
You were met with complete silence. 
“Okay,” you relented, hugging yourself. “I’ll be out here if you change your mind.”  
Stepping away from her door, you treated down the hallway to your kitchen, making yourself a cup of tea before curling up under a blanket on the couch. You pressed yourself into the back cushion, cradling the steaming cup to your chest as if it would fix the pang in your chest.
You looked around. The family room table was littered with Sadie’s math homework, you staying up late at night to try and figure it out for her.  If Jake were here, he’d be able to help her, you would think every time you got frustrated. 
In the few weeks he had been gone, you found yourself thinking about him at the most random of times. Making your coffee in the morning. Working at the Hard Deck, passing by the dartboard or the pool table. You had known him less than a month before he was called off, yet you felt his absence the strongest.
Sadie missed him too. And that had to count for something. 
You saw her, out of the corner of your eye, half hidden behind the wall. You gave her a soft smile, lifting the edge of your blanket as an invitation. She didn’t hesitate, quickly walking forward and diving under the blanket. She curled herself into your side, legs hooked over yours, head buried into your neck as you covered her, snuggling her in tight. 
Whether she was done putting up a front or the comfort was too much, Sadie started to cry in front of you for the first time since they left. 
Pressing a kiss to her forehead, you said, “Your aunt and uncles are the best. I know for a fact they will do anything to make sure they can come home.” 
“I want them to come home,” she whimpered into your chest. “I don’t want to lose them, like Mom.” 
“You know what she’d say if she were here?” 
Sadie sniffed. “She’d tell us we don’t need them.” 
You snorted. “Well, besides that.” 
She shook her head. Tugging her close, you replied, “She’d say we would have to keep moving forward, doing things because they can’t. I think Aunt Nat would want that for us too.” 
Sadie dropped her head to your shoulder. As you threaded your fingers through her hair, an idea popped into your head, a result of the conversation you had with Penny the week prior. 
“How about this?” you said, pulling back to look down at her face, wiping away a stray tear.  “Aunt Penny was going to send Uncle Mav a care package. How about we see if we can send something to the Daggers? A letter? Polaroids?” 
She bit her lip, contemplating what you said.  “I bet Uncle Bob would want to see some of the bugs you’ve seen,” you encouraged her.  
 Her next words were like a punch to your gut. 
“Can we send one to Uncle Jake too?” 
Uncle Jake. Not Hangman, Not Jake. Uncle Jake.
It was only natural Sadie would start calling him that. Oh, Rooster and Phoenix wouldn’t be happy about this. Yet, there was a part of you that was secretly pleased Sadie had, in her own way, officially accepted Jake into the group. 
He deserves a chance, right? To know people care about him? 
“Why wouldn’t we send one to Uncle Jake?” 
That’s how you found yourself sitting with Sadie at your kitchen table, sheets of lined paper and copious amounts of her polaroids in front of the two of you a few weeks later. She had separated a few into piles, each designated for a Dagger, with envelopes neatly labelled with call signs, all organized beside each other.
You wrote letters to each, filling them in about Sadie and placing them next to her letters on the table when you were done. Mav’s mostly included updates about Penny and Amelia, knowing he’d like to hear it from somebody else to confirm things were okay. 
But when it came to Jake’s, you drew a blank. You attempted to write ‘Jake’ on the first line of several pieces of paper, trying to form that first sentence, only to get frustrated and crumple the page in your hand. 
“Do you like him?” Sadie teased, grinning at your efforts. 
“What?” you stuttered, looking up at her. “No, I just don’t know what to write.” 
“You had no problems with the others,” she replied, spreading a group of photos in her hand like a deck of cards. 
“Cause I knew what to say.” 
“And you don’t know what to say to Uncle Jake?” 
While you were glad to see her mood was improving, you could do without the teasing. 
“It's different. He’s new to the group.” 
“Yeah, he’s different,” she giggled before returning to sort through the photos in her hand. Scanning through the polaroids, Sadie spied one she had forgotten she had taken. 
Something at that moment clicked in her head, her mom’s voice forming the idea from memories of overheard phone call conversations and teasing remarks while she glanced up to make sure you weren’t watching her - you attempting to start Uncle Jake’s letter once again. Picking the photo from the group, she slid it under the others in the pile before you could glance back up.
“What are you sending him?” 
“Just some photos of the hike.” 
“Oh, can I see them?” you asked, extending your hand to grab the photos she had put in his pile. 
Sadie was quicker, reaching out and snatching them right from under your hand. She threw her hand with the photos above her head while reaching for the smaller blue envelope with Jake’s call sign with her other. She quickly pulled everything into her lap so you couldn’t see her, placing the collection of polaroids inside and hurriedly bringing the waxed edges to her lips, sealing it tight. 
Her answer was final as she glared at you. 
You had no idea how Penny swung it, but with her being an Admiral’s daughter, you figured she still had some sway.
Were video chats a thing in the Navy? You had no idea, but she had come bursting through the Hard Deck doors one day while you were working, wanting your email address. When you asked her why, she replied, “Well, don’t want to talk with them?” 
When would you never say no? 
Sadie could not shut up about getting her own screen time with each of them, however, spread out they were. Almost bi-weekly, she was on a video chat with a Dagger. Of course, Rooster was first, followed by Natasha, Bob, Coyote, Fanboy and Payback. She even got some time with Maverick.  And Jake, who still helped her with her Math homework, from god knows where, probably on the other side of the Earth. 
You had to pick. While Sadie had special circumstances from Cyclone (She could hook anyone around her finger, even stone-cold Cyclone), you could only choose three. 
So here you were, sitting at your desk on a cold afternoon, fiddling with the knick-knacks on your desk or organizing your pens as you glanced up every so often to find the spinning ball of death running on an endless loop on your computer.
That was until you heard his voice. 
“Hey, darlin'” 
The first thing you noticed about Jake when you looked up at your screen, even with his trademark smirk, was how drained he looked. Jake had dark circles encasing his eyes, his shoulders slouched, and while you found yourself admiring the cocky smile, it was a tired one. 
“Oh, Jake, are you okay?” 
He shook his head. “They have us alternating on early morning runs.”
You grimaced. “Rooster and Phoenix said you guys are going up a lot. More so than usual.”  
“There’s a lot going on here.” You knew he couldn’t say much more on the subject, yet you still wanted to know how he was doing. 
“Have you had a chance to talk to your family?” His face tensed up at your words, his eyes casing downwards before he managed a reply of, “Just my sister and her husband.” 
You frowned. You knew he was speaking about Janet. When Jake told you he had an older brother and a younger sister, you thought maybe he had a somewhat supportive family. But now, it didn’t sit right with you they didn’t want to speak with him, let alone his own mother, while he was away on an active assignment. 
You’d expect nothing less from his father.
“When was the last time you spoke with her?” 
“Not since I went for a visit. She’s expecting her first kid in a few months.” 
You were genuinely happy for him. “Jake, that’s amazing. You’re going to be an uncle.” 
He didn’t look at you as he spoke, “Slightly worried about what this kid will be born into. If I’ll be good enough for them.”
You couldn't help but empathize with him. It was the same reaction you felt when Ridley asked you to be Sadie's godmother.
"If it's worth anything, you're great with Sadie. This child is so lucky to have you looking out for them."
While Jake gave you a soft smile, he didn’t reply, staring down at his lap for a few seconds before looking up and beyond the camera. You could tell he was getting lost in his own head, worrying about the future. The look on his face was one you caught yourself making in the mirror most mornings while thinking about Sadie. 
Suddenly, he sighed, looking back at the screen. “For once, I’m going to say enough about me.”
You giggled at him. “Hangman not wanting to talk about himself, what is the world coming to?!” 
He smiled at you. “How is the bug?” 
“She’s not happy you guys won’t be home for Christmas,” you told him. “But better.” 
“I got your letters. And her polaroids. What was she doing around an F-14?” 
You had taken Sadie to the nearby Warplane museum in an attempt to make up for her missing her aunt and uncles, hoping it might bring her closer to them. An out-of-commission F-14 had been on display, and Sadie just had to get her picture taken in front of it. She had put herself somewhat out of the frame of the camera, leaning into the shot while holding up a peace sign and sticking her tongue out with a cheeky grin. 
It was one of the first photos she had put into the pile, insistent it went to Jake. You managed to catch her writing on the back, ‘Come home soon.’ 
“She really wanted to send you that one,” you laughed. “We went to the warplane museum, thinking it might bring her closer to you guys.” 
“The both of you need to come with me next time. Get the full experience, history, you name it.” 
You couldn’t help the slow grin, your eyes widening as you exclaimed, “I knew it! Jake Seresin, you are a geek about planes!” 
You watched as he leaned closer to his camera, eyebrow raised. “And here I recall somebody saying everyone was passionate about something? Flying is practically my personality?”
“Yeah, but not the tall, good-looking Naval officer who was probably a frat boy in school geeking out over planes.” 
He didn’t hesitate. “So you think I’m good-looking?” 
“I said good-looking, not handsome,” you shot back. “Your ego couldn’t handle it.” 
“You called me handsome before.” 
“I was being rhetorical, you were trying to get into my pants, calling me the ‘most beautiful girl in the bar.’” you teased him. 
“I wasn’t lying.” 
It took you a few seconds to register what he said. His tone was serious, leaving no room for you to come up with a witty comeback, some smart retort without sounding down on yourself. You had called him a liar then. You certainly couldn’t call him one now. 
You didn’t think you were, maybe average and plain. A person who liked cozy sweaters and fuzzy socks. Who’d rather spend time curled up with a book than spend free nights out having a social life, going to a bar or partying with friends.
Everything you assumed was not Jake’s type. 
Ridley would know what to say in situations like this, you thought, what to make of him telling you something like this from the other side of the world through a computer. 
“What else did she send you?” you asked, changing the subject. “She didn’t let me see.” 
He shrugged. “Just a few she had taken from the hike. There’s one of her and I from the picnic. I have it in my locker.” 
“You mean when you stole her Sour Keys.” 
There was no shame in his grin. “So worth it.” 
You snickered, Jake joining you. The conversation had its natural pause, and the silence wasn’t awkward. Looking at Jake through a screen, you felt like you had permission to stare at him. Whether it was time apart, the distance, or longing. Or the fact you told Jake something so private about yourself, and he didn’t go running. 
It was easier to allow yourself this moment, to entertain the possibility that maybe there was something more than the friendship you were trying to build with him before the reality set in, and you reminded yourself just why Jake was so far out of your league. Why you were just imagining things that weren’t really there. 
But looking at his face, his eyes uneasy, you knew what he would ask next. 
“Any news with the review?” 
You shook your head, eyes fixing on your keyboard. “I called. They said maybe after the holidays.” 
“Liz, it's going to be fine.” 
“You don’t know that, Jake,” you said quietly, looking back up at the screen. “I still don’t know who put in the request. I haven’t been able to figure it out. Even if everything turns out fine, what’s not to say something else is going to happen?” 
He paused. “Would it make you feel better if you knew?” 
“Obviously, but the list is either short or non-existent.” 
“Then we will figure out who when we come home.” 
“Jake, you don’t...” 
He interrupted you, his tone firm. “It’s Sadie.” 
He was right. It was about Sadie. It was her future, knowing whether she’d be safe with you or without. You needed to know what, or who, you were dealing with. 
“Okay,” you finally said. “If you don’t mind.” 
He shook his head, then grinned. “Besides, the three of us have some celebrating to do when we get back.” 
You couldn’t help yourself, “Just the three of us?” 
His eyes lit up. “If that’s what you want.” 
There weren't many opportunities in your life for you to say 'Fuck it' every once in a while. Ridley told you to fuck it when she submitted your college applications and told you to move to San Diego. When the both of you decided enough was enough and move halfway across the country to escape your lives in the aftermath of your mother passing away.
But Sadie's words rang harder than any warning the Daggers, or Penny, could have given you. Jake did deserve people in his life who cared about him. He deserved a family that cared. And the fact Rooster, Nat, and even a small part of Coyote at Sadie's soccer game that day couldn't even recognize that... it filled you with anger.
Ridley's voice was in your head, screaming Jake needs you, Lizzie. Fuck what they think.
If some of his team couldn't do that for him, if his own family couldn't, you and Sadie would.
"I do." and then, "You might have a surprise from Sadie when you get back. We miss you."
There was a shout from somewhere in the background, Interrupting Jake, causing him to turn towards the noise before looking back down at the screen, “I gotta go, darlin.” 
It was true you, you did miss him. And yet, while you were grateful for the minutes you got to speak with him, you still were left feeling like it wasn’t enough. 
“Be safe, Jake. Come home.” 
You caught Coyote’s voice just before the video cut off, not thinking much of it.  
“Yo, did you tell her about the photo in your cockpit?!”
It was a few weeks after your call with Jake you found the courage to start looking through some of Ridley’s things. You had no idea where it came from. The storage locker hadn’t been touched since you brought Sadie home - Rooster, Phoenix, and yourself having played a game of Tetris to shove everything in. 
You always had some excuse for not going through it. You were too tired. Other things took priority. You’d do it tomorrow. There wasn’t enough time. 
Really you should have called it for what it was. 
You simply weren’t ready. 
But with Sadie’s first Christmas without Ridley only a few weeks away, you needed to buck up and open that door. If not for you, for Sadie’s sake. 
You asked Alyssa to join you one day while Sadie and Will were at school. She was more than happy to provide the support, knowing how hard it was for you. Even as she followed you down the rows of lockers, the layout making you feel like you were in a prison cell, awaiting your sentence at the end of the hall, she was a welcome reminder you could do this. 
But you hesitated when you reached that yellow door, big bright numbers taunting you from their perch above. 
“You don’t have to do this,” Alyssa placed a hand on your shoulder. 
You shook your head. “Yes, I do. It’s time, even if it's something small.” 
Oh, you wished you could take those words back the moment you saw everything. It was overwhelming to reach the bottom of the roll-up door and pull it up, revealing the numerous boxes and garbage bags of your sister and Sadie’s things. It even smelled like her in there, the small traces of her floral perfume hitting your nose, making your stomach turn.
There in the back corner, you spied a box labelled ‘Sadie X-mas”. You zoned in on it like it was a lighthouse in a storm. Just the Christmas decorations, you thought, then you could get out of here and go home. 
But another box was stacked on top of it, way higher than it should have been, with various folders hanging precariously out of it. It wouldn’t be easy to get it out.
 You stepped between two boxes, weaving your way to the back of the locker. Something sharp caught on the laces of your shoe, yelping as you twisted backwards onto a garbage bag of clothing, arm flinging sideways, knocking the tower of boxes over. 
Alyssa shouted your name, charging forward to get to you in a last-ditch effort. Bracing yourself, you covered your head with your arms as boxes toppled into you.  It hurt, sharp corners and heavy objects hitting your stomach and arms in such a way you knew you’d bruise. 
Pushing boxes away, you could see her standing over you, pulling at loose objects that were pinning down your hips. The tension in her shoulders relaxed when she realized you were okay. 
“God, you weren’t kidding when you said you were a klutz,” she huffed. 
You rolled your eyes, holding out your hand.  “A little bit of help, please?” 
Alyssa pulled you up somewhat dangerously, your foot slipping on a piece of paper as you regained your balance. 
The contents of the boxes were scattered across the storage locker, mostly papers and random notes. You’d sooner leave than start the process of cleaning them up while having to rifle through the spaces between the boxes. But Alyssa was already making the effort, gathering whatever was closest to her and placing them in the overturned box nearby. 
Groaning, you forced yourself to collect what you could, only searching for specs of white in your peripheral vision, not the words on said boxes or stopping to consider what might be in them. You were almost done, spying two more pieces of paper lying on top of another garbage bag shoved into the corner. 
Then Alyssa gasped. 
You looked up to see her holding a piece of paper from a notebook in both of her hands. The page looked like it had been folded over in such a way it appeared to be a letter.
“Lyssa? What’s wrong?” 
Wide-eyed, she looked up, holding it out to you.  “You need to read this. Seriously.” 
You reached out timidly, taking the paper from her as your eyes skimmed the page. You recognized the handwriting, though you couldn’t place where. The date in the upper corner was marked a few weeks before Ridley died, and you thought you saw Sadie’s name mentioned a few times, though it was difficult to make out. 
But as soon as you reached the bottom of the page, you shrieked, jolting and throwing the paper out of your hands. 
There, signed clear as day… 
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Wickett ;)
Part 7 - Oh What a Night Coming Soon
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cheerleaderman · 5 months
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Yuya Florence
A magicless human from other world seemingly with no memories or perhaps locked memories.With only a driver license and  journal that gives them some identity .Now in this new place Yuya is just trying to survive what NRC throws at them hoping to recover what they lost.
Twst- The shooting star over the castle in the beginning of movies
Kinda complicated to explain but Yuya honestly doesn’t have a consistent personality in the main story because they change to how to protect themselves or what the situation needs/happening around them it’s in the way of her trying to survive and does it subconsciously . Out of main story when there isn’t a crisis and can somewhat relax Yuya is kinda childish, sassy at times, blunt , more on the quiet side,Petty,chaotic asking the most random questions,  intrusive thoughts are likely to win but is deeply hurting on the inside.
Basic info
-Age : 18
He/her/ They
Voice claim: Eng-Veronica-Heathers the musical (OG) Jp-Ibuki mioda-Danganronpa
-height : 172 cm
-Birthday : August 8
-dominant hand : Left
-Nicknames : Srimpy(Floyd) Yu-Yu (Cater, Lilia, Kalim) Trickster (Rook) Herivore or Omnivore if ignored (Leona) Child of man( Malleus) Human/Human perfect (Sebek) Yu(everyone else) Perfect (basically everyone but main after Book 3)
-favorite food: Chili oil noodles, candied lemon, strawberry lemonade
-hobbies/likes : Rhythm games,horror movies, collecting cute bags, scrapbooking/journaling , Photography, crocheting and knitting
-Dislikes: Bland food, Green tea, Fuzzy socks, Ants ,smell of alcohol, feeling sweaty, strong smells
-Pet peeve : Forgetting things
-Favorite subject: Alchemy
-club : hopes between clubs mostly at board game club
-Talent: lock picking, Cooking, Dodging
More info
- Has a bit of an obsession photography because they represent memories and Yuya doesn’t want to and scared to forget again
-Got called a beast tamer and ran with it, can make friends or form some kind of bond with all kinds of creatures, Ghosts etc.
-Yuya sleep walks and it gets worse over time
- trying to keep it together
- Will fight like her life depends on it even outside the overblots
-Yuya was really in denial of being in other world up until the end of book 2. Getting a scar from Leona’s OB was how it really settled in for Yuya that Twisted wonderland was not a dream. Before that his thinking was “I don’t belong here so surely someday I wake up and I’ll be back where I belong “ was how they were trying to rationalize being in an another world.(Didn’t get any scars from Riddle tho)
-Yuya is insecure about the scars they get not even like to look in the mirror
- After OB will get a dream of the full movie. Will have dreams about people outside of the OB like the staff members and will get full context after 3 dreams.
- Yuya doesn’t really good out of his way to talk to people most times it was others who introduce/ be introduced but if Yuya ran into someone they’ll still introduce themselves to be respectful.
- Took a bit for Yuya to warm up going out to talk to others (Ace, Deuce and Grim are bit of the exception given how they’re always around each other tho Yuya was mostly quiet in the beginning)
-Gave up on hope of ever being able to get home after book 4 and  focus on trying to get their memories back
- Doesn’t ask for help for themselves but to help others or if Grim asks them to like in book 4
- got a staff weapon after book 2
-Starts to tired being the Perfect and having to help others is all they’re worth and scared to know what happens if they stop helping others,” will I be forced to leave Ramshackle is the only home I know”
- Skips a lot of orientation/assembly stuff. Some tried to scold Yuya “ Your the ramshackle perfect you need to set an example” along those lines but Yuya would just ignore it or respond  “ Since when has anyone respected me as a Dorm leader”(Yuya doesn’t like the memory of orientation )
-Human arm rests taller or shorter doesn’t matter (Floyd,Leona,Cater,Ace are the main perpetrators)
-“Where did you get that!?!?” “…don’t worry about it”
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Yuya after their mother passed got sent to live with her Aunt family. It was basically to make them look good and all must make it look like they were the perfect family.
Yuya didn’t really get to be their own person but the mold his aunt and uncle wanted which ties into why he doesn’t have a consistent personality
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roseofcards90 · 3 months
6, 43, 44, 50, and 61!
6: Pastel, boho, tomboy, preppy, goth, grunge, formal, or sportswear?
Tomboy!!! :3 idk if I’d be able to pull it off but maybe if I had clothes for the style I could 😭
43: Hoodie, leather jacket, cardigan, jean jacket, or bomber jacket?
Hoodie all the way!!! They’re literally the only things I wear in the winter LMAO
44: Favorite scent for soap?
I like any kind of lavender or fruit scent! :D
50: What made you laugh the hardest you ever have?
Omg, tbh I laugh at like everything LMAO but there was this one moment recently during last Christmas, I was with my old childhood friends and we were being silly and dumb fr. We all just like, had our usual silly banter and then we started passing around someone’s random massage remote and idk it was dumb and stupid, but it reminded me of back then and how much I had fun with my childhood friends during those times
61: Favorite line you heard from a book/movie/tb show/etc.?
Ahhh, there’s probably so many examples I want to use, but I think this one is one of my top faves! This is from Persona 4 the Musical, which was a fan project done by fans of the game before Atlus had shut it down. Persona 4 is already a game near and dear to my heart, so when I found out about this fan project, I got so excited because I also love musicals so it was like my two favorite things fdjfjfk
It's amateurish I'm not gonna lie, the musical is rough and ready, but the passion is there. You can really feel the spirit of the original game and its story here, especially in the last song "Maybe That's The Point". It would take me too long to explain why it means so much to me, so I'll just show the quote here:
"We've always been here for you, and she can hear our voices too, and see the links that we have tied, we're by your side." <3
Here are some other ones that are my top faves:
"If rescuing you is a sin, I'll gladly become a sinner. This is a story about love, and it will end with love." - Honkai Impact 3rd
"At the end of everything, hold onto anything. / I want to hope again, and I want it to hurt. Because that means it meant something...It means I am something at least." - Night in the Woods
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rehnwriter · 10 months
Tag Game Here We Go!
My good friend @girlfromthecrypt mentioned me in her recent writeblr tag game and I decided to join in the fun!
1) What motivates you to write?
To be honest? Anything. I've written ever since I was little, and have enjoyed it ever since. I'm a very creative person, and I'm constantly thinking about stories, ideas, and what not, and putting them to paper always feels great. I'm also a very driven person, and like to work on projects / keep myself busy, and writing definitely ticks that box.
2) A line/short snippet of your writing that you are most proud/happy of. If not maybe share a line of someone else's work you love (just please credit them)
I'm currently working on the final edits of my novel 'New Haven,' based on my series 'A guest at my motel asked me to post his story. He looked like he went through hell…' It's been quite a ride, but I'm finally on the final stretch and the end is in sight. Here's just a random little snippet from a dream sequence that I quite enjoyed:
At that moment, Mom got to her feet. She was impossibly tall and towered high over every other member of the congregation. Her face was stern and her appearance was that of a stoic believer. Around her head, a halo of dark, hellish flames had formed. In a bellowing voice, she answered that there was indeed yet another sinner.
3) Which OC makes you smile every time you think/talk about them and what are they like?
It's got to be Ethan from my 'New Haven' novel. He's your typical loner, rebel-type (and loosely based on James from Twin Peaks). He's quite the interesting character, one who might seem half mad and angry all the time, but he's got quite the depths to it. I just really enjoy writing him and his dialogue.
4) What process of writing do you enjoy the most?
The first draft hands down. While I usually outline a story beforehand, the first draft is the most creative part of writing. The best thing is that after a good ten to fifteen minutes, I get fully immersed in the story and things just come to me. It's almost as if the process of sitting down and forcing myself through those first minutes hands me the muse's kiss (as weird as that sounds).
5) What part of writing do you think you are the best at? (Yes stroke your own ego it's okay)
This is really a tough one since I'm very bad at judging myself. I think I've gotten quite a bit better when it comes to writing dialogue and I enjoy it a lot. On the other hand, I think I've got a hand for otherworldly, and weird imagery/descriptions.
6) What is something in the writeblr community is most enjoyable?
Gotta be honest, I'm not really a part of the community. I guess even when I'm on social-media, I'm a rather anti-social person who keeps to himself and just shares/rebolgs his own stories. I'm, however, always happy to see other people interacting with one another, and motivating each other to keep on writing and pushing forward. You guys are all the best!
7) A writing tool/device you use that helps you with writing? (It could be speech to text, a writing program etc)
I really, really love WriteMonkey. It's a distraction-free writing software that essentially gives you nothing but a black screen on which you type. I've got serious focus problems and pretty much anything can distract me, even if it's just a menu with formatting options.
Another piece of software I've recently started working with is Scrivener. It doubles as a writing and organizing tool, but the best thing is that it comes with an export and formatting function. It means you basically just type out your story/chapters and the program puts it into a publishable ebook or submittable manuscript. This honestly saves an incredible amount of time and headache, since there are so many things you've got to look out for and keep in mind otherwise.
8) A piece of worldbuilding that you like in your own story? (It could be the magic system, a particular place in the story, a law etc)
I really like the backstory of New Haven. It's essentially a small, unimportant religious town in the middle of nowhere, but as the novel continues my main characters discover that it's got quite a history. This includes Lutheran Christians, a German nobleman from the city of Gotha, and quite a few other things. I really love adding these tiny bits and pieces to make the settings seem more alive.
9) What piece of advice would you say to encourage others to write if they are having a rough patch?
This might sound a bit harsh, but the best advice I can give people is to just sit down and write. Anything, really. If you're stuck on your current WIP, write something else for a bit, or maybe put out an entirely different story. I've been stuck before, and it's a terrible place to be in, and sometimes things just might become a bit too much, or you might grow to hate your current WIP. It's happened to me before. So just taking some time off, and writing something just for fun, is a great way to rekindle your creativity.
Another thing is, to allow yourself to take breaks! Sometimes, you've just got to recharge. Over the years, I've been extremely disciplined and forced myself to write every single day, even if I got home late, I'd force myself to put in at least half an hour. While I got a lot of work done, it honestly wasn't healthy, and I had to learn that taking some time off isn't a bad thing, and sometimes, it's truly necessary.
Just last month, I didn't feel things. All the stories I was working on were tough, a new novella I'd started didn't feel right, and I was in no mind to work on editing New Haven. And so, I took a few weeks off, until the spark was there again and I just help getting back into things.
10) Tag some people whose works you love/have been your biggest supporters
Oh man, this is so tough. @girlfromthecrypt was the one who originally tagged me, so I've got to give thanks for this little break. Other than that, I'd tag @octoberconstellation who's been sneaking me little sets of questions that are quite fun to answer.
Well, that's about it! Hope you guys enjoyed this little look into my head. And I'm sorry, some of my answers might have gotten a bit out of hand.
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floralegia · 1 month
4, 19, 27, 29 for the writing ask game! 💜💖
EEEEE thank you!!
4. How many WIPs do you have right now?
Well, I counted 29 for this post, but as I noted there that doesn't include the plot bunnies chilling in my ideas doc (aka The List™) or either of the two bingo cards I currently have out, which between them have I want to say 32 prompts? So, you know. :'''')
19. Give us a small teaser from one of your WIPs.
There's important stuff being said, probably, but the only thought Pete's brain is capable of processing right now is this one: Oh my God, he's such a fucking DILF.
Well, okay, that's not exactly true, because as soon as that thought slides through his psyche, it butts right up against the answering one that shouts Patrick! That fucking DILF is fucking PATRICK!, and then he gets sort of stuck in that loop for a little while, until at last the DILF thing overpowers the shrieking confusion of the fact that up until a couple of minutes ago, he'd only known Patrick Stump as a sort of sweaty, scowl-y, angel-voiced teenager, and the whole thing starts over again with the urge to drool dramatically over the glasses and the beard and the fucking build of him, Jesus fucking Christ.
Suffice to say, it's been a challenging few minutes.
27. Is there a fic you were nervous to post/share? Why?
There have been a couple of notable ones in recent memory, one that I won't name because I ended up posting it on a sock account and then this one. In both cases, I was essentially scared of being harassed over the content of the fics; the unnamed fic contains a couple of noncon scenes, and obviously the linked fic is Waycest, lol. Both have been received pretty well so far (touch wood), so, I mean, I'm definitely building up confidence, I think? I very strongly believe in the idea of writing whatever and who cares what people think, but also I am very small and very frightened lol. It's a whole thing.
29. Share a bit from a fic you’ll never post OR from a scene that was cut from an already posted fic. (If you don’t have either, just share a random fic idea you have that you don’t plan on getting to.)
Random fic idea, under the cut because it's a bit long: P2 RHPS AU feat. Bandom At Large!
Due to watching the video of Patrick's performance of "I Can Make You A Man" for the 2020 RHPS charity livestream--which, oh my God, by the way--I was struck by the idea of a Rocky Horror AU. To be clear, I don't mean an AU based on the movie the Rocky Horror Picture Show, I mean an AU about the boys putting on the Rocky Horror Picture show. So really, I suppose, it's a college community theater AU of some kind, but it's focused around RHPS. Not that I've been involved in a production myself, other than at CTY, I suppose, but having done community theater generally and attended RHPS productions, I think I can make a fair attempt.
So, anyway. Pete is running the thing--whole thing is his idea, he's the director, etc. I feel like this is likely not the first year, and in fact Pete likely inherited the production from an upperclassman. But they had a lot of people graduate last year, and they're having trouble backfilling those roles, so in addition to directing he's reprising his role as Rocky. They're advertising hard for musicians, too, because Pete--being a go big or go home kind of guy--ALSO wants to perform with a live band this year and do a proper Rocky Horror Show production, rather than perform in front of the film as they've typically done. That's how Patrick gets involved: he shows up to inquire about playing in the pit, because he's always trying to pick up odd musical jobs here and there to pay for school, and in true Fall Out Boy fashion he ends up singing a little bit and Pete's like, wait, no, holy fuck, sing this, throws the book at him, Patrick sings a bit of one of Frank's lines, and that's all she wrote. They've been having a particular amount of trouble casting Frank, and Pete decides Patrick is perfect for the role, which kind of baffles everyone else, especially Patrick, but Pete's like... distractingly pretty, so against his own better judgement Patrick agrees.
Beyond that, I'm not sure what the actual, like, plot would be. I think Patrick has a passing familiarity with RHPS but definitely not intimate knowledge, so partially he has to get up to speed. Partially, too, he has to overcome his stage fright and particularly his aversion to appearing on stage in front of a bunch of strangers while wearing sexy outfits and doing a lot of slutty slutty things, so there's that, but idk if that's a "plot" per se. There's also the implication/background of the production being sort of scrappy, but I don't know that that's a "plot" either, really. Hmmm.
Well, in the meantime, other notes that I had in my head include Gabe Saporta as Brad because I think that's really funny given his everything; Joe and Andy are definitely involved, I think with Joe playing Meatloaf and Andy drumming, or maybe Andy's Meatloaf and Joe is Riff Raff???? General DCD2/bandom cast... Uhhh, Ray should definitely be in the band/pit, Hayley Williams and Gerard are Magenta and Columbia (not sure which is which--I like Gerard as a sexy maid, so maybe he's Magenta???), and then that leaves, what, the criminologist??? Oh, and Janet, obviously. Maybe Greta from the Hush Sound is Janet? Or Vicky-T, that would make a lot of sense. Frank is either in the pit or he's the stage manager or something. Or crew. He kind of has insane stage crew energy. Mikey is... there. Possibly pit as well. Possibly just hanging around and the joke is everyone's always like, Mikey what the fuck are you doing here???? and he just shrugs and the answer is that he tends to get dragged into things Gerard's involved in and this is no different, but really he's just hanging around.
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threewaywithdelusion · 11 months
Keeley and Jamie Meet
I've been writing so much Ted Lasso fan fiction, but seem to be totally incapable of focusing on one project at a time. So here's a JamieKeeley pre-canon fic I was working on today (feel free to brit-pick or critique, it's a rough draft)
The first time Keeley saw Jamie Tartt, she’d just come off a shoot with Shandy and Ellie and they’d gone to get drinks at a nice club to celebrate the end of the long workday. She was in her own club clothes — a single-strapped bodysuit paired with a pink miniskirt and strappy, tall hells — but her hair and makeup was all from the shoot, which had been eighties themed, and made her whole outfit look a bit odd. 
Shandy and Ellie were out on the dance floor but Keeley’s feet hurt from her shoes and she decided to sit at the bar, sip overpriced drinks, and people-watch. 
That was when she noticed Jamie. He was impossible to miss, in a loudly-patterned graffiti shirt unbuttoned far enough that Keeley could confirm he had a six-pack. He was at a table with a group of men, but he didn’t seem to be talking to any of them. He was scowling moodily and that should have been a red flag, but frankly it made his cheekbones look fucking fantastic. 
It took Keeley only a moment to realize the group of men was a football team and then she had to roll her eyes at herself. She didn’t even care about football, but somehow football players were always exactly her type. Maybe some evil witch had put a curse on Keeley where she could only date sexy, sexy football players for all eternity. It was probably one of those curses that looked like a nice spell at first. 
Keeley’s last boyfriend, Harry, had been a player for Brighton. They’d been together for six lovely months before Keeley had walked in on him fucking another girl and ended it on the spot. He’d blamed their long-distance relationship, never mind that Brighton was only an hour and a half away from London and he’d been in town almost every other weekend playing some London team.
After that, Keeley had decided she was done with football players. Maybe it was time to go back to girls. 
Keeley finished her drink, the straw making a sucking sound against the bottom of the glass. A quick look around showed Shandy and Ellie were still dancing and didn’t seem put off by the men dancing on them, so Keeley began scanning the menu. 
“Can I buy you a drink?” asked a man’s voice with a thick Mancunian accent. Keeley turned and saw it was the man from before, with the abs and the cheekbones, grinning cheekily at her. 
Up close and with the helpful hint from his accent, Keeley realized she recognized him. This was Jamie Tartt, the kid from Man City who Harry had complained about for a whole week last season. Keeley had watched the Brighton- Man City game like a dutiful girlfriend, so she had seen when Man City had put Jamie Tartt on the field with ten minutes left on the game. The pundits had called it mad because though Man City had been leading 4-1, the cup hadn’t been secure in their hands, with the fate of the Premier League trophy depending not only on the Man City-Brighton game, but the Liverpool-Wolverhampton game as well. It was madness to put substitute a starting line player for a young benchwarmer like Jamie Tartt. 
But Jamie had gotten the ball and run past Brighton’s defense — meaning Harry — and taken a shot on goal. The goalie had caught it, thank God, but Harry had been criticized in the papers after for letting a second team player like Jamie Tartt slip past him. 
Keeley had quickly gotten tired of hearing Harry complain about Jamie Tartt. Then Harry had gotten into bed with some random girl and his complaining hadn’t been her problem anymore. 
“You’re Jamie Tartt,” Keeley said. 
Jamie grinned smugly, tongue between his teeth. “I am. I saw you looking at me. Thought I’d come over and say hi.”
Keeley scoffed and shook her head. “What? So you hit on any girl who looks your way?”
“Only the fit ones,” Jamie said. “And there’s no one fitter than Keeley fucking Jones.”
Keeley’s eyebrows went up. She wasn’t sure Jamie’s exact age, but it was getting more and more rare for young footballers to recognize her. Harry had been 26, almost her own age, and had no bloody clue who she was when they’d first met. 
Right, Harry. Keeley was done with footballers, no matter how fit or flattering they may be. 
“You can buy me a drink,” she said. “But I’m not going home with you.”
Jamie pouted, his bottom lip actually sticking out. It was ridiculous. It was endearing. “Why not?”
“Because I don’t owe you anything for a drink,” Keeley said. She’d been in this position before, with far too many men who thought spending a few pounds on drinks meant they’d bought the right to take her home. 
“What about a dance?” Jamie asked. 
“A chat, then?”
“Come on,” he pleaded, pressing into her space with a smile. “You might like me.”
“Jamie,” Keeley said tightly, holding up a hand to stop him. “I said no.” She’d been right to establish boundaries right away, because it was clear he didn’t know how to respect them. 
Only Jamie surprised her. He stepped out of her space and flagged the bartender down. “One shot of vanilla vodka. And whatever the lady wants, yeah?”
“I’m not having sex with you,” Keeley reminded him. 
The bartender, a pretty blonde woman, gave Keeley a supportive thumbs-up. 
“It’s not a sex drink,” Jamie said. “It’s a sorry-for-being-a-dick drink, yeah? I didn’t mean to push. I thought we were playing, like.”
He seemed sincere, hands twisting in the bottom of his shirt, eyes wide on her like he was trying to read her expression. Maybe it was stupid of her, but Keeley believed him that he hadn’t meant to push her after she’d said no. 
She turned to the bartender. “What’s your most expensive drink?”
The bartender gave Keeley a wicked smile. “If you want a cocktail, it’s the Elderflower-Plum Highball. If you mean overall, we have some bottles of champagne that cost near 200 pounds.”
Keeley raised her eyebrows at Jamie. 
“Champagne, please,” he told the bartender. 
The bartender smiled and winked at Keeley. She really was pretty. Maybe Keeley should take her home instead. 
It only took a moment for the bartender to return with a bottle of champagne. She presented it to Keeley so she could read the label, then popped it carefully so the cork didn’t fly, the way they did at all the fancy places. Keeley had waitressed for a bit as a teenager, before her modeling career took off, and she knew that was harder than it looked. 
The bartender pulled out a champagne glass and filled it, setting it in front of Keeley.
Keeley sipped the champagne. It was cold and bubbly and sweet. Keeley probably wouldn’t have spent £200 on it, but it was very good. 
Beside her, Jamie did his shot of vanilla vodka with his eyes on her, looking pleased that she’d liked the champagne. 
“I’m going back to my mates,” he said. “It was nice to meet you, Keeley Jones.”
Keeley didn’t know whether or not it had been nice to meet Jamie, so she didn’t say anything at all. He nodded his head and walked away, back to the football team that hadn’t even seemed to notice his absence. 
The bartender leaned over the bar, smiling. “That was well clever of you.”
Keeley shrugged. “He was a dick. He deserved it.”
The bartender rolled her eyes, gesturing at the group of footballers. “They’re all dicks.”
“Yeah,” Keeley agreed. “Thanks for being my partner in crime.”
The woman’s eyes sparkled. “My pleasure.”
“I’m Keeley,” Keeley said. Introducing herself was a bit out of place in a casual conversation with a bartender, but Keeley had a feeling this wasn’t going to end here.
The bartender smiled. “Alice. You dead set on going home alone tonight?”
Ooh, yes, Keeley had been right. She leaned into the bar. “Not if a better option presents itself. Why, you got someone in mind?”
By the time Alice’s shift finished and she and Keeley fell into bed in Alice’s flat together, Jamie Tartt was the last thing on Keeley’s mind. 
Keeley didn’t want to admit it, but she was getting old. Not old for a real person of course, but old for a model. The shelf-life for a beautiful woman didn’t go much past 30 and Keeley felt that birthday looming closer every day. She’d turned 29 last month and had to force a smile while she pretended to eat cake that wasn’t on her diet plan. 
She wasn’t too old just yet — she still got gigs, including the modeling gig she’d just done earlier that day. But the offers had slowed down, companies turning to prettier, younger models to try to sell their merchandise with the promise of sex. 
It meant Keeley had let her manager go, and was now scheduling her own gigs. She actually quite liked that part — maybe in a few years when she was too old for all of this, she could help the pretty young thing who’d taken her place to fill her calendar with modeling gigs, club appearances, and commercials. But all that meant that Keeley was standing morosely at the bar, feeling just a little too old and a little too drunk, when the man from last week came up to her again. 
“Jamie Tartt,” she said. 
“Keeley Jones,” he said, in that cute Mancunian accent of his. 
“Are you stalking me?”
“No, I swear,” Jamie said, putting his hands up like he was protesting his innocence. “You’ve just got good taste in clubs, I guess.”
Keeley hummed. “Buy me a drink?”
She was pushing it, but he laughed and flagged down the bartender. He ordered a double shot of vanilla vodka and she ordered a jaegerbomb on his tab. 
“Is this still an apology?” she asked. 
Jamie’s eyes went wide. “Shit Keeley, are you trying to drink me out of house and home? How expensive is an apology?”
Keeley laughed. “It’s not like you can’t afford it, playing for the winners of the Premier Cup.”
The smile faded from Jamie’s face. “I’m not at City right now, actually. I’m on loan to fucking Richmond.”
He looked genuinely annoyed about it. 
“Sorry,” Keeley said. “Even my ex said Richmond aren’t great, and he plays for Brighton.”
Jamie brightened. “You know football.”
“A bit,” Keeley admitted. “I’ve dated a lot of footballers.”
Jamie frowned. “So it’s just me you’ve got a problem with?”
“No,” Keeley said. “I don’t have a problem with you. Buy me another drink?”
Jamie frowned, his head tipping to the side. “Aren’t you going to tell me you’re not going home with me?”
Keeley shrugged. “It’s a new week. I might.”
Jamie’s eyes went wide. He really was fit, with a narrow waist, abs she could see through his shirt (open down to his navel again), and a jawline that could cut glass. He wore his hair gelled up like a dick and Keeley had sworn off footballers after Harry, but he was young and talented and fit and he didn’t seem to care that they’d had to photoshop Keeley’s smile lines at the shoot today. 
He didn’t care that she was old. 
Jamie bought her another drink and Keeley gave him a smile and went off to dance with her friends. The music was loud and the lights were bright and on the dance floor, Keeley still felt young. She danced with a few men, dodged a few kisses and groping hands, then made her way to the loo. When she came out, she walked past a table of footballers. 
Jamie, with two others she didn’t recognize. She went up to Jamie again. “Buy me a drink?”
The two other boys whistled and Jamie got a cocky smile on his face but still shushed his friends. He bought Keeley another drink and she waved and him and went back to the dance floor. 
She danced for another hour before her feet started to hurt and the dance floor began to feel too hot. A quick glance showed Jamie was still sitting at a table with his friends, so Keeley went to the bar, ordered a drink, then made her way over. 
“Vanilla vodka for you,” she said, pressing the shot into Jamie’s hand and sliding into his lap at the same time. He sloshed the drink a little as he moved to catch her, one hand stiffly at her shoulder like he wasn’t sure she wanted to be touched but was even less sure she wanted to be dumped on the floor. 
Keeley leaned in to whisper in Jamie’s ear. “Take me home.”
Jamie pulled back, genuine surprise in his eyes. “Yeah?”
It made something warm in Keeley — something besides all the alcohol. He’d actually listened to her — he really hadn’t been buying her drinks just to get into her pants. Maybe that was a low bar, but fuck it, Keeley was drunk and she wanted to feel young and stupid for one more night. 
“Yeah,” Keeley said, biting her bottom lip and nodding. 
Jamie knocked the shot back and stood in a hurry, lifting Keeley to her feet with those fancy footballer muscles. 
“G’night lads,” he told the other two boys. Then he led Keeley out of the club. 
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thewistlingbadger · 5 months
With the most recent installments to the fnaf franchise, the discussion of Cassie's father has become a main topic. The common theory is that Cassie's father is "the Bonnie bro". I'm personally against this theory and here's why
(Note: please take everything I say with a grain of salt I don't know the lore like the back of my hand and this is all just my opinion)
1. Satisfaction
The main reason I'm against the theory is because it's not narratively satisfying. This franchise is defined by its exclusively when it comes to characters. They always want to recycle the same characters we've always had. "I always come back" is literally one of the most iconic lines from the series. So to me, to have some random, no name, only mentioned once, less than a minute of screen time, ass dude become an important figure? Hell no.
2. Background info
In order to identify Cassie's father, we must use the information that is given by Cassie. Cassie is a racially ambiguous girl with some dark features who is at least a decade old. She says during Ruin that her dad works for fazbear, has had a deep love for the company, and it's also implied that she hasn't seen him in awhile. In help wanted 2, the player is an older ("hey, you look like you got kids") and masculine (listen to the burp sounds when eating food) worker for fazbear. All three of those fit the bill for Cassie's father. So if I don't think it's Bonnie bro, who do I think it is?
3. It's Micheal
In help wanted 2, there's three (maybe even 4) different time periods we play through. We play through sister location, security breach, and ruin (the additional 4th being fnaf 6). Clearly even though help wanted 2 is supposed to a fazbear employee training sim, it's so much more since the games seem to transcend time by going back and forth between past and future. So that means the player has lived through all of those times. We know for a FACT that Micheal is the main character for sister location. In fact, there ARE no other human characters in sister location besides the dead technicians (supporters of the Bonnie bro theory suggest that Cassie's dad still worked at sister location despite this). There are also multiple voice lines in the game that are extremely important! There's the stuff mystic hippo says, there's baby's lines, and "why are you so special".
Baby says "I feel bad for you" , "I like it here. It's safe, safe forever.", "i recognize you", and "you should have known I'd find you". These lines are PERSONAL. This is NOT stuff she's saying to someone she saw years ago at birthday party or to a random worker that was at sister location. This is her BROTHER, whom she has a hard history with. Why is the player so special? Because it's Michael, and he's always been important.
Michael, the first born, the one responsible for the death of CC. Michael, the one who went location to location, trying to undo the sins of his father. It's Michael that's always been the main character.
Michael also fits the bill for Cassie's dad. He's an older, masculine guy who has a history with working for fazbear, and if we're looking at how Michael looks in the bite of 1983, he and Cassie look similar. (Meaning Michael has dark features like tan skin, brown hair, dark eyes. Of course tho, it doesn't really matter what Michael looks like since Cassie could just look a lot like her other parent. Michael is also canonically white so-)
In the pizza Plex, there's a recreation of Michael's room from sister location. It's not the real room, since there's no evidence that Michael's house was built near sister location, or that sister location and fnaf 6 were one in the same. Micheal's room isn't found underneath the pizza Plex where fnaf 6 was, but in the main levels of the building. His room is also altered. The door is smaller, the show on the screen is different, and there's a message on the wall. If Michael isn't an active player at this point, why is his room here. No one else besides him would recognize that room. This also proves that Micheal was somewhat around during security breach, since that is the only time we see this room.
With that being said, let's move on.
4. Counterpoints
It is heavily stressed that Cassie's dad likes Bonnie. Michael is often associated with foxy, since he would attack CC with a foxy mask on. However, he's only associated with foxy in fnaf 4, and that's it. I don't think he would continue to associate with it decades after. Bonnie was always William's favorite and the rabbit is always associated with his evilness and empire. It's unlikely that Micheal would associate with something so connected to his father. There's two things I say to this. 1: it could be that Micheal doesn't like Bonnie/is impartial but says he does to Cassie since she's a kid and he's her dad. If little Cassie asks her dad, who's your favorite animatronic, he's gonna pick one. By choosing to stay so close to fazbear, he has to somewhat open his heart to the company a bit post the defeat of Afton. 2: when you look at the Bonnie mask in the hidden chest of PQ4 and the AR Bonnie mask in Ruin, the masks are red underneath the purple. The foxy mask is red.
At this point in the story, Micheal is "dead". He died in the fnaf 6 fire. However, given that baby, William, and others have clearly come back after the fire, who's to say Micheal can't come back as well?
So is Michael Cassie's dad? Idk, but I think there's some real compelling stuff.
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mycomicbox · 1 month
Random Thoughts on Persona 5 Royal - Part 3
[Progress: October 13th, 5th Palace conquered]
<<< Part 2
I've been thinking a lot about what it'd be like if I were a Phantom Thief. Perhaps I'll draw that sometime.
God damn, this game is long. I consider myself someone with pretty good JRPG stamina, but I'm about 103 hours into this game and I'm nowhere near the finish line. For reference, my Persona 4 Golden playthrough maxed out at 100 hours.
It took me far too long to notice that the letters on Caroline and Justine's hats spell out "oxymoron".
The Doraemon reference in the movie theater got a chuckle out of me.
I like the little quips from your party members while exploring Mementos. One of my favorites is Morgana complaining about the tiny school desks in the suggestion box.
Ryuji and Yusuke's Showtime attack is the funniest shit I've ever seen.
The fact that Futaba's All-Out Attack splash screen says "Git Gud" is pretty indicative of when this game initially released. If the game came out now, it'd probably say "Skill Issue" or something.
Haru's Phantom Thief costume is probably my favorite. Hats with feathers in them are guaranteed to look cool.
Add Futaba to the list of characters who desperately need a hug. I like the idea of someone willingly asking for their heart to be stolen. After all, the Phantom Thieves don't just beat the shit out of scumbags: they help those who can't help themselves.
I also like how Futaba's awakening is somewhat of a callback to Persona 4, as she awakens to her Persona by facing her Shadow directly (no face-bleeding required).
How is she so goddamn short (then again, I guess being a shut-in could've stunted her physical growth)
You can tell that I have some stuff to say about Futaba. Yusuke has some competition for favorite Phantom Thief.
Another Persona game, another awkward beach scene... (except for Yusuke's lobster gag, that amused me).
Why did Ryuji think that Los Angeles was the United States capital? Is he stupid?
Shadow Okumura needs to speak up, man. It's like they lowered his volume compared to the other characters (which kind of makes sense with the space helmet he's got on, but still).
Unfortunately, I have been spoiled as to the Black Mask's true identity. I don't care how old this game is, tag your damn spoilers!
When I was in middle school, I went to a water park on a school field trip, and the county schools rented it out for the students. I thought that alone was magical. Imagine getting a whole Disney park rented out just for you and your homies.
With the death of President Okumura, and the tanking of public approval, the Phantom Thieves' resolve is starting to waver...
The sixth calling card is addressed to Sae Niijima. I can't wait to see how this story will unfold.
⚡️Confidant Lightning Round
Beep boop.
My man Sojiro going through it...
With the way that Futaba peppers her speech with video game references, I see a bit of my 15-year-old self in her. I've noticed references to Pokémon, D&D, and RPG terms in general (EXP, trash mobs, etc.).
Imagine meeting a cute nerdy girl and the first thing she does is ask if you're a NPC 💀 poor Mishima, I would've never recovered from that
I like Iwai's little quips about gun terminology.
Takemi please step on me
You're telling me that the Get Smoked hat was from this game!?
I would do anything for a politician like Yoshida.
As I have discovered, there are some unused voice lines implying that Sae was planned to be a romance option at some point. That would've been one hell of an enemies-to-lovers (even if it wouldn't make sense narratively).
Well, I've gotten the Faith and Councillor Confidants to their proper ranks before their deadlines. I guess I'll wait and see what happens next.
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superbellsubways · 7 months
ok thanks so you ever heard of jackbox games. they make incredibly silly party games you can play with your phone. one of my faves is the fibbage series, specifically the most recent one fibbage 4
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in fibbage you get a weird fact with an important word(s) blanked out. and every player has to write something to fill in that blank (that’s called a lie). then everyone picks what they think is the real answer (the truth). you get some points if someone falls for your lie, but more points if you find the truth
the main reason i like jackbox’s games so much is because of the voices in each game that narrate stuff like tutorials, prompts, etc. the fandom usually just refers to these guys as the Hosts of the games. some of them have official designs that appear sometimes throughout a game (m bubz in job job, rue meringue in roomerang, etc.)
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others don’t have appearances Or official names (like the hosts of talking points, quixort & fixytext) and some More others, while not ever being seen, they do have names that they refer to themselves as. there’s schmitty from quiplash and lord tippet from weapons drawn
ok back to fibbage now the host of fibbage is part of the last category i listed, his full name is Cookie Masterson. he’s such a wild guy let me talk abt him for a moment. he has a niece named Lexical Semantics, his house is infested with bats, he once tried to drive down local real estate prices by dressing up as a ghost & the fandom has collectively agreed that he’s bisexual. those first three facts are from various voice lines that he has in fibbage 4. go try to look for them i dare you
fibbage 4 also has 5 special episodes with pre-decided questions (oh did i mention that the players take turns choosing the questions using random words relating to the questions? well in the special episodes they can still kinda “choose” the questions but every choice in one round leads to the same question. does this even make sense anymore i’m sorry) that relate to an over-arching storyline that each episode has, like there’s one where cookie’s on a date and hosting the game both at the same time, one relating to the bats infesting his house that i mentioned earlier, one where an ai clone of himself traps him in a closet and takes over the game for a bit. sorry for going on for too long i just really like sharing crazy shit i enjoy. anyways here’s a link to all 5 special episodes i have no idea if the embed will show or not
also idk if i made it clear or not but cookie does Not have a canon design, meaning we in the fandom draw him however we like. do with that information what you will
OK THIS IS ALOT MORE THAN I WAS EXPECTING but its OK!! I don't mind this at all prommy
I am aware of Jackbox and a couple characters in it :) (I have actually made a design for the host of Trivia Murder Party once before but never finished or shared it!) Though I haven't been able to play many of the games myself 💔
This Cookie guy does seem very interesting tho and I'm sure I'd love him just from the stuff ur telling me fhjsdjd I'll probably check out the eps later and look more into this along with the other characters and hosts 😁 I love disembodied voice characters!!! (and by ur name i could tell you do as well LOL)
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antimonyandthyme · 8 months
Tagged by the lovely @badboy-george and @rosyjuly for the 20 questions for fic writers game, thank you! <33
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Currently it's only F1, but I've written for a bunch of anime fandoms like Haikyuu! and Daiya no Ace (even in anime I can't escape sports) and Naruto of course. And some movie ones like Tenet. And some random others. Like the Epic 7 and Fire Emblem game.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
The Cloud That Settles (sewis), then If You Don't Play, You'll Never Win (lestappen), then Treading Softly in My Head (martian), then All the Miles We Have to Shed (martian), then Shutter Speed (martian). Special mention to the sixth in line But I Exist to Serve the Master, which I think was the first fic up on ao3 for The Gentlemen (2019) fandom kekekeke.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes, absolutely. I have a backlog at the moment which I feel a little guilty about because I want anyone who's commented to know their words and thoughts are so beloved to me, and sometimes when someone leaves a wonderfully thoughtful comment it takes me ages to respond because I want to respond in kind.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Spring Cleaning (maxiel) or this prosenna tumblr ficlet
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Hmm. Looking through my fics I realize they often end on a very happy, resolved, or hopeful note. It'd be tough for me to choose the happiest. Maybe Down in the Depths We Make Our Home (sebchal pacific rim au), just for how complete it felt at the end.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not in the traditional sense, like I hate your writing! kind of thing. I've had some odd comments that I genuinely think weren't meant to be mean but have made me question some aspects of my writing, and I've learned to take those in stride. I'm also very very lucky to be surrounded by beloved people who have everlasting patience for my huehuehues.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Kekekeke. Y E S. I love doing so. I'm not sure I can describe what kind, I'm into so many flavours. The really, really horny kind? *me scrolling through my ao3* Oh wow yes the really, really, really horny kind.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I have not! Only AUs at the moment. The craziest AU I've ever thought of was probably an F1 Chainsaw Man AU.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I don't believe so!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes! I've had If You Don't Play, You'll Never Win and Melt Your Aches and Call This Home (a baseball anime fic) translated into Chinese. Reading them has been a delight and a lesson all in one!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No, but I am in talks with... some beloved people...
14. What’s your all time favourite ship?
All time! Hmm. Hmm! Naruto/Sasuke my og pairing probably. But Martian and Sebmick are right up there too.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Huehuehue. I have a bunch languishing in my drafts at the moment. Rosquez, seb4seb, sebastidan wips are most in danger because my interest in them crests super hard one day and wanes the next. *sees a gif* *is inspired* *sees a gif of something else* *forgets*
16. What are your writing strengths?
Narrative voicing I think? A very clear, defining character arc. I've been told the porn's pretty good too, while being very emotional.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Long fic. Ah, geez. There are so many stories in my head that could only be done justice if I had the patience to take my time with it, put in the hours, put in the words, put in the work. But I'm very easily distracted by shiny things unfortunately. I also worry I write the characters the same across fics. Like my Sebs, I worry that he's getting a little too consistent and predictable even in vastly different works.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I probably wouldn't, I would worry too much about whether I got the nuances and grammar and structure and voicing right.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Probably Naruto?
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
This changes depends on the day you ask. At the moment it's actually my prosenna tumblr fics, which upon every reread I find myself liking more. (The real fave fave fic is something I chatficced with @rosyjuly that I hope will one day see the light of day)
No pressure tagging if you'd like to play! @sebrrari @effervescentdragon @ayceeofspades @loveisworry @wewentcarracing
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