#also the way paul laughs into his hands is so dear to me
couldneverhurtusnow · 4 months
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aous quiz (x)(x)
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m1ssunderstanding · 5 months
Get Back Rewatch 55 Years On: Day Nine
Here’s the thing. Like, on one hand, Paul loves teaching. But on the other hand, I honestly think he’d be a terrible teacher. He’s genuinely trying to explain songwriting to this kid, and all I’m getting is that I should be able to just look at a piano and it’ll give me whatever I want. “So it’s really just . . .” *plays Martha My Dear* “. . . and from there, you know, like, um, there’s no – unless you stop yourself – there’s no stopping yourself.” Yes, thank you, Professor McCartney. Very informative. Good thing you’re a gorgeous genius because not a word of that lecture made any sense. 
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Seriously I am BEGging someone to write Paul and Ringo in the 20s as a cabaret duo! With Paul’s talents being songwriting, slutting it up, piano, and vocals and Ringo’s talents being tap-dancing, ventriloquist dummy impersonation, with the occasional piano, vocals, and sly winks. Maybe they meet George and John through organized crime, idk.
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“They don’t just sort of come in your head, kind of thing?” “Yeah, sure. Fact, I had one this morning.” You know. As one does.
See, even Ringo’s on board with my plan. “Let’s make a silent movie.” And Paul. “In a club. That’s it. We’re in a band. We’re in a band, but we sell drugs.” And now they're stringing Paul up just for kicks. Maybe they could join the circus!
Literally the minute John starts being silly, Paul gets this fond look on his face and you can see the wheels turning like “quick, think of a way to get close to him.” And John’s into it. But they keep doing this seesaw thing and I can’t help but think how reminiscent it is of their dynamic as a whole. 
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“I see you’ve given up smoking, Richie.” “Yes, I have.” Reminds me of that classic, “I don’t even smoke,” thing. Seems like five-hundred years ago.
PLEASE tell me Peter Sellers and Ringo had a torrid love affair during the filming of The Magic Christian. The way Peter touches Ringo’s hair and his face! Ringo being a gentleman and getting Peter a chair! And I mean there’s plenty of queer coding between them in the film.  
But also laughing my ass off at Peter’s reaction to their song-titles/lyrics/gibberish/other references code.
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Yoko, you’re stone-cold and hilarious. “Or what we haven’t.” I honestly have mad respect for her complete disregard/disdain for the Beatles and their art only because that’s how they treat hers for the most part. But girl. You’re married to one of them. He genuinely does love them and what he does with them and you’ve got to respect that or go find someone else, you know?
Also, Paul does Not appreciate the attitude. “Or we’ll just sort of sit here and allow ourselves to be embarrassed. ‘Number nine . . .”
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Aaand, just like that, Peter Sellers “must be off.” He lasted all of 1 minute 26 seconds. Weak. George and Ringo lasted fifteen years. 
MLH is literally that annoying person that asks you a serious question about yourself just so he can use you as a segue to talk about his problems.
John: just recovering from the day, you know. Yoko: from the night. John: embarrassed (you have no right, dude, you literally played your sex tape for everyone like two weeks ago) Paul: Did not want that image, thanks very much. 
It actually KILLS me though that we’ll never understand their code. Paul and Ringo will take it to their graves and no one else knows it and any footage like this we’ve got, and any code songs, will just be mostly uninterpretable for all time. 
Okay these few minutes here are soooo special to me. It’s John at his peak lovely, sweet, gentle, kind self. He makes a joke at which Paul can only nod darkly which makes John realize just how bad of a place Paul’s in. 
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Paul wants them to get to work “achieve something every day.” But John knows he’s not in a good headspace to work and it’ll be shit and then Paul will spiral even more. So, he turns up the humor until Paul is sufficiently cheered. 
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And then, he says. “Guitars? I thought that’s what they do.” And Paul’s stammering. “Oh, that is what they do, but–” John stands up, does a little head-tilt toward the instruments. “Come on, I’ll even show you about half a song I was writing. Come on.” That last in the tenderest, most coaxing voice. It’s just soooo. Like. We talk a lot about Paul ‘handling’ John, and he did. But John sure knows how to handle Paul.
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I SO wish they’d have done something with “Madman”. It’s so fun!! Every single song in this era I will go to bat for, no question. 
Ringo’s little hug for Paul!!!! I can’t.
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crepesuzette2023 · 9 months
Letter from a fan asking John Lennon what he was chewing on while trying to sing, why he looked terrified on stage, and what he said to Paul when he put his hands on Paul's shoulders.
Beatles Book Monthly, No 23, June 1965
Dear Boys,
Well done for being voted Britain's Top Group—vocal wise! You well deserve it. I’m talking about Television's fabulous show "Poll Winner's Concert,” presented by the New Musical Express. It was great, but it wouldn't have been the same without you boys, Only one thing was different from your “normal" shows, besides those fab jackets you all wore. You were all CHEWING! Don't know what it was you had in your mouth, John, but you were killing me. You were singing, “Ticket to Ride,” and trying to chew at the same time. Please, I beg of you, don't chew while you're singing, again. You're guaranteed to have one dead fan in front of the television set. Well done John, for being Runner up to the British Top Vocalist". I think you should have come first. Thanks Paul for singing "Long Tall Sally”, it was great. By the way John, when you came out to get your cup, you looked so terrified, was it the girls, or did your chewing gum or whatever it was get stuck in your throat. Also, John, what did you say to Paul when you put your hands on his shoulders. I thought you said "How-ver doing Love?" That made me laugh.
Yours, Virginia Pullen (one weak fan), Oakside, Chailey Road, Wivelsfield, Sussex.
PS. Give my love to John.
John answers: To my one weak (or is it week) fan: Ta very muchly—chewing is out except when l'm hungry.
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sanjuwrites · 9 months
Seven(ish) Sentence Sunday
thanks to @cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut, @birdclowns, @alrightbuckaroo, @inflarescent, @bonheur-cafe, and @chaotictarlos for the tag!
i'm so far from seven sentences on any of these, and i am so excited for all of these <3 enjoy!
illicit affairs - rwrb
Dear H, 
I never really understood why people say that being away from their partner felt like they were missing half of themselves, or that there was something empty in their lives until they reunited. 
I get it now. 
I feel like half my soul is on the other side of the ocean, and I don’t know how to stop feeling the ache of missing you. I wish I could bring you out here, show you the States through my eyes and not the bullshit royal agenda they craft every time you’re here. I think I’d take you to the Grand Canyon, and watch you as you watch the sun rise over the canyon. Your face lit with the warm golden light, sweetheart, I know there’s going to be nothing like it. 
I miss you so much, H, and I can’t wait to see you again. 
I love you.
– A 
Do let me know when you’re back in town, dear. I will make some time to see you. 
senator AU
“What?” TK tries to play it off as confusion, but he knows he isn’t fooling anyone, least of all Judd. 
“How long, TK? We ain’t playing this game today. How long have you been using again?”
TK sighs, picking at his hospital bracelet. “Since Carlos left.”
Judd swears under his breath. “Two months? You’ve been using two months, and I didn’t fucking notice. I knew something was wrong, but I thought you were just depressed after everything. I should have known better.” Judd looks so guilty, and TK can’t handle it. 
“No, you shouldn’t have. I made sure you shouldn’t have. I hid it really well, Judd. You couldn’t have known, Judd, because I made sure you didn’t. This isn’t your fault. This is mine.” TK rushes through it, making sure Judd actually hears him. He waits a minute before asking in a small voice, “Does Carlos know? Has he been by?”
Judd’s lips press into a straight line, and TK immediately knows the answer. “No one’s been able to reach him, TK. He went to the event alone, shut his phone off and went into a meeting. He hasn’t come out yet.”
Agent Reyes
Marjan smiles tiredly, sipping at the mug of coffee Nancy hands her. “Babe, I think coffee is the last thing I need right now, but thank you. I love you very much,” she says while pressing the mug into Carlos’s hands, “but Paul and Carlos are going to play now. We,” Marjan says, pulling Nancy close, “are going to go to bed now. ” Judd whistles from where he is in the kitchen, drawing a laugh out of everyone in the room. 
Nancy wraps her arms around Marjan in reply, “You heard her, gentlemen. I will be taking my girlfriend to bed now, and I expect no interruptions. My girlfriend needs her beauty sleep.”
TK sits in the chair Marjan left vacant, holding a legal pad and a pen in one hand and a plate of avocado toast in the other. “I figured you’d want to take notes, and you also didn’t eat dinner last night.” 
Carlos snorts before he can stop himself, “They were burnt, TK. I was not going to eat burnt grilled cheeses, no matter how hungry I was.”
“Hey,” TK says indignantly, although there’s a small smile playing on his face, “they were not burnt, they were just …well done.”
“Well done? It’s not a steak, TK. It’s a sandwich.” 
“Yeah, well it’s the way my dad used to make them…” TK’s eyes widen as he realizes what he said, a silence falling across the room. TK’s face cracks open as he realizes that he used past tense while referring to his father and Carlos takes a step forward, his motions aborted when he realizes he can’t send mixed signals like that.
Not when TK is so vulnerable.
i'm gonna tag @theghostofashton, @detective-giggles, @lightningboltreader, @lemonlyman-dotcom, @mikibwrites @freneticfloetry, and @hoko-onchi-writes!
(if any rwrb authors end up on this, please let me know! looking for some rwrb moots <3)
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Misty Boardwalks And Vampires, Oh My! Ch.3
Dwayne x Fem!Reader
Chapter Index
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“Well?” David asked with a smirk from his spot on a chair when Dwayne walked in.
The two exchanged looks before David let out a laugh while Marko and Paul glanced between the two in confusion.
Dwayne sighed and sat on the floor. “It went well.” He mumbled softly, refusing to look at David and admit he was right.
“But you changed your mind, right?” David leaned forward in his seat, intrigued by the not so sudden turn of events.
“Maybe… I just feel drawn to her.” Dwayne replied, looking at David sternly. He himself was quite concerned yet confused at the same time, his shoulders slumping as he let out a frustrated sigh.
“Luckily for us, I had another group picked out. Looks like blood’s back on the menu, boys.” David chuckled and sat back, shaking his head in disbelief at how quickly Dwayne had changed their plans on what to do with ______.
“I feel like we’re missing something here.” Marko spoke up, letting go of the pigeon he’d been playing with and exchanging glances between David and Dwayne.
“Well, you remember our dear friend, _____. Right?” David reminded them, waving his hand as he reminded the other two.
“Yeah, she was a total babe we picked for the kill, why?” Paul asked, glancing at Dwayne then back at David.
“Well boys,” He began, placing a hand on Dwayne’s shoulder and giving it a reassuring squeeze.. “It seems like our brother here has gotten a little… attached. So back off until we figure out what Dwayne’s got up his sleeve, got it?” David finished, giving Marko and Paul commanding looks to deter them from trying to mess with _____ further. He knew Dwayne was typically quiet, but he also knew he wasn’t a force to be messed with.
The duo looked at each other, nudging each other playfully and letting out a chuckle.
“Yeah yeah. We’ll go check out the boardwalk before Dwayne freaks out.” Marko half teased, shooting a smirk in said male’s direction.
Dwayne’s dark eyes followed Marko, glaring at him then rolling his eyes in annoyance and trying to ignore the other boy. After releasing a heavy sigh, he got up and walked to a more secluded place in the cave for some peace.
David craned his neck to look at the remaining boys, watching them leave and debating if he should go to talk to his leather clad brother.
“What did you get yourself into?” He thought to himself and walked towards the entrance for a smoke.
Dwayne remained in a room deep within the decaying hotel, it being his safe space away from everyone else when he needed it. The room consisted of lots of dust and the smell of decaying wood and fabrics filled the air. Time certainly hadn’t been kind to this place, nor had it been kind to him. It took his mortality, and the life of his brother, and that was something he couldn’t bring himself to forgive and forget about quite yet.
He sat on the dusty floor, resting his head against the wall and listening to the sound of the ocean nearby to soothe his nerves.
Paul and Marko on the otherhand, well they were currently scoping the pier, grinning and arguing with a vendor about pricing.
“No way that leather cuff is actually worth $10! Look at it man, it’s got a scuff on it!” Paul argued, shaking his head and pointing at a small scuff that he made on it.
“Yeah, look at that! It’s not worth no $10!” Marko chimed in, smirking at the frustrated vendor.
The vendor scratched his head, trying to figure out how to respond as people drew near to see what was going on.
“This guy’s a rip off! He’s selling damaged goods for full price!” Marko exclaimed, making sure the people nearby could hear him clearly.
The crowd began pressing in, murmuring and watching the scene unfold before them.
“Fine! Fine, $5! That’s as low as I can go.” The vendor urged, practically sweating bullets at the unwanted attention.
“$5 sounds good to me, what about you Paul buddy?” Marko asked his blond friend, slapping his shoulder and smirking.
“Sounds good enough to me. Here ya go.” Paul smirked and paid the guy, grabbing the leather cuff and kissing it. “Pleasure doing business with ya!” He grinned and walked off towards Max’s store with Marko.
In the meantime, David was overlooking the cliff, kicking a stone around out of frustration and annoyance. As much as he hated to admit it, he had a sneaking suspicion as to why Dwayne had taken such a liking to ______. The thought frightened him, only because he knew he couldn’t control it and he had to just sit back and let things work out for themselves. Besides, it was only a hunch, and though usually he wasn’t wrong about these things, he wanted to hope he was wrong for fear of issues that would come if his hunch was in fact correct.
He ran a gloved hand through his hair, then rubbed his face as he let out an irritated groan. “I better be wrong, just this once.” He spoke to himself and lit his second cigarette of the night. “This is going to be a 3 pack problem.” He sighed and took a drag from the cigarette, puffing out the smoke in annoyance.
Shortly after, Dwayne approached David, giving a small smile and a playful nudge.
David smirked and shook his head. “Looks like you’re in for a big one, huh?” He half joked, offering his friend a cigarette.
Dwayne let out a chuckle and took one from the pack. “Thanks, and uh… I don’t know. The whole thing’s a little confusing. I really like her, it just feels weird this time. It’s not the usual sort of crush thing and I can’t pin point what I feel for her yet, however, we do got a date Saturday night.” He explained, speaking in a more serious tone now.
David’s eyes widened and he frowned. “Dwayne, I hate to bring this up, but we both know how this will end. I know you’re not reckless like the other two, but keep in mind, we’re vampires Dwayne. There’s only two ways this can end, and either way, it ends horribly for us all. There is no way this can possibly turn out okay for either of you… Look, I hope it ends well, you deserve to be happy, but right now… We need to lay low.” He spoke a tad harshly, though it could be understood considering how serious the situation is.
“David, I know. Believe me, my mind is jumping to every single thing that can go wrong, but I can’t just shake off how I feel for her out of fear. That’s not living, and I’m trying to figure this out as I go too. The minute things start going south, I promise, I’ll get rid of her myself. Until then, let me handle this. I’ve never asked you for anything before, but just give me a little room to grow and give me a bit of trust here. Okay?” Dwayne responded, his gaze softening as he looked at his friend, understanding their predicament and giving him a reassuring pat on the back. He finally lit his cigarette and watched the moon reach its high point.
David took a drag and let out a heavy sigh. “Alright… just keep me updated. I’m here for you, and I got your back.” He spoke, sounding more sure of himself now. He sincerely wanted Dwayne to be happy, and if it meant taking a risk, he’d make sure that risk had the odds in their favor. Even if it meant using his abilities to manipulate the situation and change the ending, should things start looking sour.
Though they both hoped that wouldn’t be the case, and if, and that’s a huge if, David was right, none of that would be necessary. This whole situation would be easy, and any problem that comes their way will stop before it even begins, but that would be too easy, wouldn’t it?
Afterall, this isn’t a fairytale with happily ever after’s while the heroic lovers ride off into the sunset, no, no this is the real world. In such a world, our protagonists are in fact the villains when you view them correctly. In fact, they’re quite monstrous, capable of bringing the world to its knees if they so felt like it. Now, the question is, in the real world, do villains ever even get their happy ending?
Tag list: @goodiesinthecloset21 @binightowl
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staygoldwriting · 2 years
Writing Prompt:
Some old "friends" of Steve come to the Family Video and make fun of him. The next day their cars are all in red paint and eggs also on the inside and Reader - a girl that often visits the shop and was at that time there - has suspiciously looking red stains on her shirt and jeans.
And I beg you include:
"What's on your jeans then?" Quickly, say something, anything!
"Uhhh.... Blood?" bad brain! bad brain! "You know cause I am a vampire, rawr" you are a disgrace to humankind.
I love you, have a nice day! 💜💜💜
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Hello again, my dear! I get so excited for your Steve requests! This one is a little different because the reader isn't as involved, but she's still there! I hope you enjoy it, I love you too, and I hope you're having a wonderful day!! (PS I ADORE Paul Rudd!)
Please show love and support, you guys! ❤️✨
Word count: ~1k
Warnings: mention of blood but it's just paint, name-calling, rude speech, destruction of property
For @maltinonka ❤️
😱 Vampire in Hawkins?
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“So, what did you think of it?” Steve asked as he took the video from you.
“It was pretty good, but scarier than I thought!” you replied.
“Really, Ghostbusters? Scary?”
“I don’t know what to say, Harrington, it just was,” you said, holding your hands up in defense.
You turned to leave as the door opened and Tommy and Carol walked in. Steve hadn’t talked to them for years, and Tommy’s smug expression reminded him why he switched friend groups.
“Look at little Steve Harrington,” Tommy cooed, his arm hanging around Carol, who was snickering. 
“Tommy, Carol, what can I do for you?” Steve said shortly.
“Oh, just wanted to stop by the big shot’s place and get a movie,” Tommy smirked. “You think you can handle that?”
“Sure, go ahead and pick one out,” Steve said, getting angry. “Let me know if you need help reading the titles.”
Tommy stopped in his tracks. Carol tried to pull him along, but Tommy walked back to Steve.
“You really think you’re something, don’t you? Sitting here at twenty-one years old with nothing better to do with your time than rent out movies? We all know why you’re here, Harrington. Too stupid to go to school, nothing to offer, peaked in high school, not-so-pretty boy, no-good waste of space.”
Steve very calmly got into Tommy’s face, leaning over the counter.
“At least I’ve made something of myself,” he said quietly and calmly, making it all the more frightening to hear. “I didn’t have my daddy buy my education,” he said, snapping Tommy’s Yale sweatshirt.
“Oh, shut up, Steve, Tommy’s doing fine,” Carol interjected, crossing her arms.
“And how’s your daddy paying for Brown?” Steve clicked his tongue, leaning back. 
“Don’t talk to her like that!” Tommy yelled, trying to push Steve but missing. “You’re a freak just like the rest of them.”
“Better a freak than a jerk. Get out of the store.” 
“You can’t make us.”
“Actually, I can,” Steve smirked. “I’m the manager, and let me help you with this sign,” he said, pulling the sign on the counter closer to Tommy. “We…” he said slowly, “reserve… the… right… to… refuse… service… to… anyone. Need help with any of those words?” he said with fake sweetness. 
“Let’s just get out of here, we’ll come back tomorrow,” Tommy spat, throwing his arm around Carol and trudging out. 
“What an idiot,” you half-laughed, then looked at Steve’s sad face. “Hey, don’t let them get to you. You’re a much better person without them. You’ve saved the world, Tommy probably doesn’t even know how to boil water.”
“Thanks, Y/N, I needed that,” he smiled. “Okay, the next movie suggestion!” he said, handing you a tape. 
“Really? Beverly Hills Cop?”
“Come on, it’s a classic!” 
“Whatever, Harrington, I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“Sooo?” Steve asked as you walked in.
“It wasn’t that bad, you admitted.
“Did you laugh?”
“Maybe a little bit.”
“I knew it!” Steve cheered as he clapped his hands. “I’ve got a great one for you, Robin, take care of this while I get Y/N my next choice.”
“Oh, no way, Harrington, you can’t keep recommending these cheesy movies! Hold on, Y/N, I’ll get you something worth watching that’ll make you think,” she scoffed, making you laugh.
“Thanks, Rob!” you smiled as Steve huffed. 
“HARRINGTON!” Tommy barged in, breathing heavily. “WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY CAR?!” he yelled.
“Tommy, I don’t have time for this, what are you complaining about?” Steve asked dismissively.
“You know, look at it!” Tommy yelled, pointing at his car that was completely trashed. Eggs and shells were all over the inside and outside, and a bunch of red marks and very rude words were drawn across the sides and the hood. 
“I did not do that, Tommy,” Steve chuckled. “I wish I did, believe me! But I didn’t.”
“I know you did! I come in here to get a movie and you slip outside and wreck my car? Who does that? You really are a freak.”
“Woah, woah, woah, Steve hasn’t left the counter today, so just calm yourself, alright?” Robin said impatiently, trying to make Tommy back away. 
“Okay, then who did it, huh?” Tommy demanded.
“I don’t know, it could be anyone,” Robin shrugged. “You look like you’ve got a lot of enemies,” she smiled. 
Tommy let out a screech-like sound then left, slamming the door. As you tried to contain your giggles, you caught Steve’s eye.
“Y/N,” he said very slowly.
“Yes?” you said, trying to look innocent.
“Did you do that?” he asked suspiciously.
“No, why would you think that?” you said, trying to be nonchalant.
“Because you’ve got red paint on you,” he said, looking down at your pants and the hem of your shirt.
“Psh, no I don’t,” you awkwardly giggled.
“What’s on your jeans then?” he asked, smirking. 
“Umm, I,” you thought. Gosh, say something, anything! Quick!
“I’m waiting,” Steve said in a sing-song voice.
“I’m a vampire!” you yelled, then suddenly wanted to crawl into a hole.
“A vampire?” Steve said, unimpressed. 
“Yeah, the red stuff, it’s blood!” you exclaimed, then made a hissing noise with your fingers pointing down like fangs. Oh my gosh, I am a disgrace to humankind. 
“Somehow, despite all of this very convincing evidence, I still don’t believe you,” Steve smirked. “I’m not mad, don’t get me wrong, I just want to be invited next time you--become a vampire,” he winked. “I’ve got some old lunch meat and Tommy’s address.”
“That sounds good to me, so long as you never mention this conversation again,” you chuckled. “I do, after all, watch all your cheesy movies, so you owe me.”
“First of all, my movie recommendations are gold. Second, I don’t think that’s gonna be possible, I’m never letting you live that one down,” Steve laughed, pulling you in for a hug.
“I had a feeling,” you sighed, hugging him back.
Taglist: @tillkummer @mlle-ayka @fanficfanatic204 @klaine-92 @aurumbelis @onlyangel-444 @beep-beep-sherlock @morishitoshi @onceuponathreetwoone @toomanybandstocare @underthebatcape @zeldaknight @fieldofsecretss @prettyinpunk85 @igotbasicdrag @gothicfaires @thatonecurlygirl @luvthatlovestolove @loliakeoghan23 @dearelliewrites @mslunawinchester @efvyqrs @simonsbluee @inkedaztec @dumplinshee @pastel-abyss-x @frozenhuntress67 @hawkins-hs @witheringawayagain @theshinyrock @hollandcomics @pinkgothiccprincess @persephone13 @katsukis1wife @murnsondock @fictionlandslanddreams @srapalestina @munsongalblogs @madformunsonsstuff @harrys-tittie @middle--fingering @urmomgov @maybankstarkey @jbetches @stardustmunson @maltinonka
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httpiastri · 6 months
Lol I just saw that formula 2 post of Paul Aron and kinds scrolled past it- then my brain clicked and I scrolled up- that neck??? Those arms??? 🤤
I just wanted to send it to you, I open Tumblr and there it is, your last post hahaha
I mean I know Paul Aron exists and that he's pretty cute looking, but I never noticed that neck 🙈
pleaseee bestie i told myself to only simp for oscar’s arms/hands/neck, no one else's (except for liam’s too)(and clem’s…. i still have that clem hand dump that’s been in my drafts for so many months), but……..
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tell me, how am i supposed to not simp for this ??? bestie????????
like the thing about paul is. he's so so pretty and he's cute and i wanna pinch his cheeks (like especially when he smiles, and the way he laughs like a 3-year-old? oh dear), but he's also so hot and it doesn't make sense to me!!! how can he do it all?? and the neck is so good and he hasn't even driven f2 yet, imagine the f1 neck he would get 😭
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always-andromeda · 2 years
you're my fav paul blog anf writer 💖 do you have any headcanons for brian wilson? I just wanna squish his cheeks and protect him, also chubby paul is best paul 🥰
Author’s Note | thank you so much, my dear!! chubby Paul is the best Paul oh my gosh. such a lovely spherical man. <3 I'll be filing this one under the Fool for Love category since no prompt was specified!! hope this hits the spot for you, anon!!
A Disclaimer | As with any characters that I write who are based on real people, I would like to say that the Brian Wilson I am writing about here is not meant to reflect the real life Brian Wilson, merely the character Paul plays in Love and Mercy!
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Eyelids heavy and vision blurry, you can hardly stay awake. But it's worth it. It's worth having these little hours with him. You wish he'd get some sleep, but this is alright too. Your Brian, stationed at his piano, working out the little song that you're sure is playing in his head while you sit with him.
"Sweetheart?" he nudges your shoulder, "Did you hear that bit?"
You blink fast, eyes taking a second to adjust to the black and white keys in front of you. As much as you love the way he plays, you can't remember for the life of you what just came out of his magical fingertips. You hum and nod faintly, only to hear Brian chuckle.
"What're you laughing at?" you begin to whine.
But your tone only makes Brian's light teasing continue. He rubs slow circles on your lower back that only make your eyelids droop further. His arm curls around you, pressing you closer into his pudgy sides. He's so warm. So soft. God, he's just like a pillow. You whine once more, "Whaaaat?"
"Nothing...you're just very sweet when you're about to fall asleep, that's all." You catch his lips curl slightly; see his eyes crinkle at the corners. Resting your chin on his shoulder, you just want to get a better look at his soft features. 
You huff and barely manage the energy to scrunch up your nose at him. "I am not falling asleep." you conclude with a defiant cockiness.
"Oh yeah? Then what did I just play?"
Your mind goes blank. But Brian doesn't hold it against you. He just shakes his head and smiles again before resting his hands on the piano keys once more.
He coaxes the sweetest sounds from the instrument, exercising the only kind of control that he can with his pressure as his fingers dance over the keys. His ability to simply come up with something off the top of his head always sweeps you off of your feet. When he adds his voice into the quiet song, you swear that it's enough to send you off to dreamland.
Brian hums faintly, making up a melody where lyrics would be. And somehow, even without lyrics, his voice hits just as hard as if he'd delivered pure poetry. His voice is honey, slowly encasing you in a saccharine haze. Your eyelids droop even more.
Until you realize it's something new. Something you're sure you haven't heard him and the boys go over before.
"Are you writing your own stuff again, baby?" You ask faintly. The idea strikes you with just enough joy that you perk up just a little. You know how difficult it is for him to convince the guys to take a chance on his material. And you hate how often he has to stifle his ideas and make it more palatable for the label. More marketable.
Midway through a chord, he falters. His hands go to curl around the seat of the bench and he dips his head. And in the resounding silence, you hear him sigh. It's a sound filled with despair. An echo of whatever turbulence the simple question caused him.
"No...you know what the boys want me to work on." he sniffs bitterly, "Certainly not this stuff."
Your hand lays over one of his. Your fingers can't quite cover his own longer ones. In the dark you feel him let go of the wooden bench and instead squeeze your hand. As heartbreaking as his reply is, the little action convinces you that he's not spiraling. Not yet, at least. He's just upset; just in need of some direction.
Throat dry and voice quiet, you manage to croak out, "There's nothing wrong with this stuff. I think that it was the start of something really wonderful. Besides, you should be allowed to work on what you want."
Brian lets out a soft whine, "But I'm not, sweetheart." Panic seeps into his tone. "If I don't have something to give them...then I lose it. If I lose it--"
Suddenly alert and taking on a newfound sternness, you interrupt, "You aren't going to lose it, Bri." There's a pause where you search through your muddled mind. You struggle to grasp onto coherence when you continue, "I think you've forgotten that...that band doesn't own you. You made them what they are. Without you...there wouldn't be record deals and tours and albums a-a-and...and the music! That music wouldn't be the same if you hadn't helped make it."
Brian's eyes close softly. And for a minute, he doesn't respond. With each second, you wonder if he's having an episode; if he's hearing those sounds that he describes to you sometimes. But his hand squeezes yours tighter, showing you that he's still there.
You keep going, already feeling hot tears begin to well up, "You're only a man Brian. Not a band, not a song, or just a face on a record. You're a human being and you're allowed to have things that are just for you and no one else. What's the point in creating if you stop doing it for yourself?"
All you hear is him breathing. His back slowly rises and falls as he processes your words. And behind the messy hair that falls over his forehead, you see his eyes open. They stare at the ivory keys in front of him. Then he nods.
Looking back at you, he says, "I think it's time for both of us to go back to bed." He smiles with pursed lips. "We need it."
Searching his expression, you don't find anything repressed. No tightness. No strain on his features that hints him holding back how he really feels. Because you know good and well that he tends to do that. That he sees himself as a burden; much too big a load for you to handle. You return your own sweet little smile. 
Somehow, that's enough. It's enough to finally put you to sleep. And though he knows that the worries will come back--they always do--he won't be alone. He may just be a man but he also has you.
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canirove · 2 years
Meu Amor | Chapter 17
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"Rúben... Relax" I say, holding his hand.
"I am relaxed."
"No, you are not" I say, trying not to laugh. "You are so tense you may pull a muscle."
"She's right, sir" Paul says. While Rúben is in London, he keeps being the one who drives us around.
"Ok, fine. I'm tense. And nervous. But I'm about to meet your family, a family who happens to be Manchester United supporters. How do you want me to be?"
"I'm sorry" I say, moving to give him a kiss on the cheek. "Did that help?"
"A bit."
"What about doing some breathing exercises?"
"Like the ones women do during labor?" he asks, trying to hide a smile.
"Or when the only lose cobblestone in London attacks you and you twist your ankle. Lucky me, the strongest arms in Portugal caught me."
"What a night that was, uh?" Paul says.
"One I will never forget" Rúben says while kissing my hand, his body already starting to feel a bit more relaxed.
"Mum? Dad?" I ask when we walk into their house.
"Oh, there you are!" my mum says, coming out of the kitchen and giving me a hug. "And you must be Rúben? Did I pronounce it right?"
"You did, ma'am" he says with a shy smile I had never seen before. Where has my confident Portuguese boy gone?
"Call me Helen, please. It's so nice to finally meet you in person" she says, giving him a hug. "And dear God, you are even bigger than I thought."
"Where is dad?" I ask before she starts drooling over him.
"He had to go out to your uncle's, he had a problem with his car. But come, I'll show you around the house. You can leave your suitcases there" she says, grabbing Rúben by the arm. As they start walking, she turns to look at me, mouthing an "oh my god" and making me roll my eyes.
"I don't know how you two are gonna fit on your bed, honey" my mother says while we are at my old room.
"It's just one night, we'll manage." Tomorrow the four of us are flying to the south of France, where we will be meeting with my brother and his wife.
"I think your brother's bed is bigger. Let me go check" she says, leaving the room.
"She is... Touchy" Ruben chuckles.
"I told you she was obsessed with your arms."
"It must run in the family."
"Ha ha."
"His bed is as big as yours" my mother says, showing up less than a minute after she left. "So I guess you'll have to squeeze a bit. But I don't think that'll be a problem, uh?" she says with a wink. Who is this woman and where has my mother gone?
"Helen?" my father calls from downstairs.
"Coming!" she says, leaving my room smiling like an idiot. Another thing that must run in the family.
"Sorry about her. I've never seen her behave like that before."
"It's ok" Rúben says, sounding way too serious.
"Are you ok?" I ask, holding his hand.
"Rúben, I told you it'll be fine. They all like you, my dad included.” Is this how he feels when I say his dad doesn't like me?
"Yes, you are right. C'mon" he says kissing my hand and walking downstairs. Now this is my confident boyfriend, Manchester City's captain.
"So this is him" my dad says when we step into the living room. "Nice to meet you, boy" he says, offering him his hand.
"Sir" Rúben says, taking it.
"That is a good shake. Though with an arm like that..."
Now my dad is also complimenting Rúben's arms. Great.
"Take a sit, I'll bring something to drink. What do you prefer, water or juice? My daughter told me that you don't drink tea or coffee" my mother says.
"Water will be fine. Thank you, Helen."
"Oh, I love the way you say my name" my mother says, leaving the room all flushed.
We were worried about them not liking him, but we should had been worrying about them liking him way too much. Because that's what happened for the rest of the day. My parents were constantly complimenting him, either for his body, for the way he played football, for how well he spoke English ("way better than that Grealish boy", my dad said at one point), and even for his style. I, of course, agreed with all of it, but I am his girlfriend. That's my job, not theirs.
"I'm honestly worried they may try to steal you from me" I say to Rúben while putting on my pajamas.
"They can try" he laughs. "You know I only have eyes for you."
"For now" I say, getting in bed. When it is his turn to do the same, he barely has any space left.
"I think I should have gone in first."
"Ok" I say, trying not to laugh.
Once he is laying in the bed, the space left for me also is almost nonexistent.
"I'm afraid it's gonna be a spoon night. For both of us."
"What an awful way to sleep" he says, moving so I have a bit more of space.
"You can try and joke as much as you want, but I know you'll struggle. So please, try not to kick me out of the bed. I don't want to scare my parents."
"I'll try" he says as he puts one of his big arms around me, pushing me closer to him.
"I love you" he says, kissing my neck.
"I love you too.”
"Do you ever think, God, how did I get so lucky?" my mum asks me while we watch my dad and Rúben help Paul get all the suitcases on the car.
"Every single day" I say, my eyes fixed on Rúben and the way his muscles move under his t-shirt.
"Your dad is ok too. I guess."
"Mum!" I say, trying not to laugh.
"You could have come help us instead of just staring" my dad says, walking towards us.
"We pack, you put it on the car. Team work. Isn't that right, Rúben?" my mother asks him.
"I..." he mumbles.
"Don't put the boy on that situation" my dad says. "C'mon, let's check if all the doors and windows are locked."
"Yes, my love" she says, grabbing his arm and giving him a kiss on the cheek.
"Do you think we will also be like that in 20 years?" Rúben says once they have disappeared.
"I hope I’m not thirsting about my children's partners.”
"Besides that" he laughs. "Do you think we will still be that in love?"
"And more" I say, throwing my arms around his neck and kissing him.
When we meet with my brother and his wife in France, their reaction to meeting Rúben is similar to my parents. They are starstruck, and can't stop complimenting his body.
"I'm sorry about my family's behavior" I say to him while we are alone that night.
"Their behavior?"
"Yeah. It's like they just see you as a body and can't stop talking about it. And you are so much more than that."
"I'm used to having that first impression, meu amor. I don't mind."
"Are you sure?"
"I am. You also started to see me as more than just two big strong arms once you got to meet me a bit more, didn't you?"
"I did" I say, blushing.
God, that feels like ages ago. The first dms we shared on Instagram. Our first meeting in London and that stupid cobblestone. Though I may have to end up thanking it for making me fall.
"By the end of this trip, the same would have happened to them. I'm gonna charm them not just with my body, but with my brain and amazing personality too."
"Wow, you are so modest" I chuckle.
"I know" he smiles.
"But you actually are modest. Especially keeping in mind that you are a football player" I say, getting closer to him and hugging him by the waist.
"Thank you?"
"You are modest, and intelligent, polite, sweet, caring..."
"I like what I'm hearing, keep going" he says, hugging me back.
"Saying that makes you a little less modest."
"Well, I'm a football player" he shrugs.
"You are. And you are one of the best out there. On and off the pitch, always supporting your teammates and having a moment for the fans. And you also happen to be extremely hot, super handsome, and a great lover."
"Just great?"
"That just made you lost another point on the modesty category."
"You are the one saying that you are having the best sex of your life, not me."
"Fine" I say, rolling my eyes. "You are the best lover I've ever had. Happy now?"
"Very. But you are missing the most important thing about me."
"Which is?"
"That I'm the luckiest man in the world because I get to love and being loved by you."
"Jesus, Rúben. That's so cheesy. Even for you" I say, laughing and blushing at the same time.
"Just stating the facts" he says before kissing me. And it is a kiss that feels like what he just said. That I'm the luckiest woman in the world because I get to love him and be loved by him.
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eternally-smitten · 1 year
Save for a Rainy Day
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summary: after being caught in a terrible thunderstorm, Natalie runs Paul's for a place to stay.
word count: ~ 1.2k
author's note: I've been having some writer's block but I've also been bouncing back and forth between fixating on Trevor and Paul. So I wrote this little number!
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If there was something Paul loved more than his occupation, it was thunderstorms. His favorite spot on the whole island was in his little house behind the church on his couch. The seat next to the window was his go to because it was closer to the rain. The soft pitter-patter of the rain was the loudest in that spot. With a new book cradled in his hands, he sighed contently as he shifted in a more comfortable sitting position. The only sounds in the room were the rain, his soft breathing, and the quiet turning of book pages. The night couldn’t get any better. Or so he thought.
“Hello?” A gentle voice behind the front door interrupted him mid sentence, “Are you there, Paul?”
He quickly made a mental note of where he left off before setting his book aside. The door opened with a soft creak, and revealed a soaking wet Natalie behind it, “Oh my, you’re drenched.”
“Yeah,” She awkwardly laughed, “Um, I somehow convinced myself the storm would be later. I was stuck at the library doing some late work and then it dawned on me that I forgot my umbrella at home.”
“How unfortunate. But, why come here? Wouldn’t you rather be home?” Paul hesitated, “Well, of course I’m always happy to see you.”
“Your place is closer to the library than mine and to be frank, I didn’t think about it. I just wanted to go somewhere dry.”
“Please,” He stepped aside, “Come in.”
Natalie rushed inside, her shoes squeaking with every step she took. There wasn’t an inch of her that was dry. Paul shut the door behind them, chuckling at the sight before him. Now that things were a little more private, he could be honest with his emotions without fear of prying eyes. He took her damp hand in his and gave it a quick squeeze, “Let me bring you a towel, my dear.”
“That would be lovely.” She sighed. Paul warmly smiled at her, trying to suppress the laughter that threatened to crawl out of his throat. He swiftly left Natalie alone in the living room, standing in a puddle of water that had dripped off of her. She stared at her reflection in embarrassment until Paul came back with a fresh towel. She winced at him, “I’m sorry.”
“Please,” He handed her the fluffy towel, “It’s just water. I need to mop anyway.”
“I appreciate your kindness.” She violently shook the towel on her hair, trying to soak up any moisture that was lingering. Paul finally let a small laugh escape, causing Natalie to stop and look up at him, “What’s so funny?” She asked, the towel loosely wrapped around her head. Her glasses were fogging up from the warmth of the room. She almost looked like a cartoon character.
“Nothing, angel, nothing.” He cupped her cheek, “You’re just cute.”
"I certainly don't feel it." Natalie confessed, looking down at her clothes. They were heavy from the water that was trapped in the once soft cloth and it clung to her body in the most uncomfortable way. She wrapped the towel around her shoulders in hopes that it would warm her up. Paul's laughter faded away once he noticed she was shivering. He rushed back into his room without a word. Natalie, not wanting to stand in her puddle anymore, slowly followed him. She stood in the doorway to his room, watching him search through his drawers, "What are you doing?"
Paul didn't respond until he found what he was looking for, "Grabbing you some warmer clothes. Poor thing, you're freezing."
"Oh no, I couldn't ask you to-"
"I insist." He smiled, "Besides, you're already here. Why don't you stay the night?"
"Are you sure?" She fidgeted, both from nervousness and the cold, "What if someone sees? What if-?"
He placed the pajamas on the bed and turned to her, "It was easier to come here than home from the library. You said it yourself, it's closer. This rain is going to last all night, I couldn't just leave someone in need out in the cold."
"Angel," He shushed her, his gaze never leaving her, "It's quite alright. Besides, it would be nice to not have such a lonely night."
Natalie bit the inside of her lip and nodded. If he's not worried, then she shouldn't be, right? She entered his room and looked at the clothes that were neatly folded on his bed. Paul left and shut the door so that she could have some privacy while she changed. He then tried his best to tidy up what little furniture he had. Finding some pillows and then fluffing them to place on his old, worn out loveseat, unburying a hidden blanket he forgot he had and draping it over the back of said loveseat, and then bringing out his worn out tea kettle to make some tea for the both of them. Natalie then slowly crept out of his room, holding her drenched clothes limply. Paul’s head perked up at the sound of her footsteps and greeted her with a warm smile. That smile of his always made her weak in the knees so she couldn’t help but smile back at him.
“I’ll take those.” He whispered, taking the pile of clothes from her hands. They were freezing and the feeling made Paul cringe a little. He couldn’t imagine wearing these for as long as she did, “How do the pajamas fit? Are they comfortable?”
“They’re really nice, thanks.” Natalie played with the hem of the shirt he gave her, rubbing the soft fabric between her thumb and forefinger. Her body was still covered in goosebumps but she was a bit more comfortable now.
Paul slid off his cardigan and draped it over her shoulders, “There. Let’s warm you up a bit more. I don’t want you to get sick.”
She pulled his cardigan closer to her. Its plush material kissed her skin as she pulled her arms through the sleeves. It was already warm from when Paul was wearing it, and it smelled like him too. A warm blush spread across her cheeks at the gesture, “You’re too sweet, Paul.”
He pulled her head closer to him and pressed his lips to her forehead, “No. I just love you.”
“I love you too.” She melted at his touch. Taking her by the hand, he led her to the loveseat and took a spot beside her. Natalie snuggled up to him, causing him to wrap his arm around her shoulders. She leaned on his chest, her still slightly damp hair staining his light gray shirt. Paul reached behind them and pulled the blanket he set out around them, but made sure that Natalie got the most of it.
“This is heaven on earth.” She whispered, listening intently to his heartbeat. 
He rubbed her back in slow, lazy circles and chuckled, “I have to agree, my dear.”
The rest of their night was spent like this. Cuddling under the heavy blanket, sipping tea, some quiet small talk, and eventually them crawling into bed together. They held each other through the night to keep warm with the gentle sound of the storm being their lullabye.
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Tag list: @frozenhi-chews @bobmckenzie @connor-roys @fallen-for-them @eclipseships @gideongrovel @timothymcgees @leonslovebug @fates-theysband @pinkdinkydoon @wisp-herr @nonesenseships lmk if you want to be added/removed! ♡
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sunnyie-eve · 1 year
Special Bond || 5. Peer Pressure
Paring: Paul Lost Boys x Original female character Emerson cousin!
Word Count: 1.7k
Warnings: none
Last: Would you? | Next: Made for Each Other
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During the day when the sun was up time seemed to fly by for Katherine since every day she looked forward to seeing the boys. Plus with Lucy working at the store with her and Maria makes things go faster and smoother with three people working. At the moment she was walking around the boardwalk with Michael. "You hoping to see my friend again? Who's beauty caught your eye." She laughs nudging him. "Is she going to be here?" He looks at her. "80% of the time she comes with the boys so Laddie can get out." She tells him, "So I'm gonna say you have a good chance of seeing her." Katherine smiles walking off from him. As she walks around she spots Star, "You looking for my cousin?" Katherine laughs as Star looks around. "Does it look like I'm doing that?" Star chuckles. "You find him good-looking, don't you? I don't blame you. He's grown A LOT since the last time I saw him." Katherine laughs then sees him in the distance. "He's over there." She points him out to her. "Yours is over there." Star smiles walking off while Kat goes over to the boys.
"Kitty." David gives her a smile. "I have a question for you and I want the truth." She walks right up to him. "Tell me the question." He eyes her smiling. "I know Star finds my cousin attractive but is she also playing bait for you?" Katherine crosses her arms. "We just want to make new friends and he looks about right. Not to mention he's your family. I wanna get to know him." David just smiles making her roll her eyes at him. Paul extends his arm out so Kat could take his hand to get on his bike. As she takes his hand into her he gets a big smile making Marko make fun of him. "Shut up." Paul leans over to shove him. "You never ride with anyone. It's always Paul." Marko tells her causing her to laugh, "David's given me a ride home so I've ridden with him."
As a few of them were chatting about things David sees Star with Katherine's cousin so he gets the boys' attention to ride up on them. "Where you going Star?" David asks her while Michael looks at him then sees Kat with Paul. "For a ride. This is Michael." Star introduces him. "Let's go." Michael grabs her hand but David says her name. They share a look then both look at Kat confusing her but she brushes it off as Star gets on David's bike. Paul chuckles at the situation making Kat hit his back. "You know where Hudson's Bluff is overlooking the point?" David looks at Michael. "I can't beat your bike." Michael tells him. "You don't have to beat me, Michael. You just have to try and keep up." David gets ready to go. "You know what that means Kitty Kat." Paul leans his head back on Katherine.
As David heads off the rest follow hollering out loud. "Come on, Mikey!" Kat looks back smiling at her cousin. Going down the steps onto the beach, Katherine holds onto Paul. As they ride along the beach everyone was cheering having fun while Michael tried to keep up. "WOOO!" Katherine shouts leaning her head back and holding one arm up in the air while her other was still holding onto Paul. Paul laughs at her letting loose more having fun. Over the three months, she's gone from holding on for dear life because of the way he drives to now barely holding him. "Big bump!" Paul lets her know so she can hold on.
On the cliff Paul, Marko, and Dwayne fall back some while David and Michael keep heading for the drop-off. As they all pull up Kat sees Michael on the ground close to the edge because charging at David. The boys run over to them while Kat went over to Laddie holding him close to her. "How far are you willing to go Michael?" David smirks at him. Michael just stands there looking at him while everyone waits for an answer. "He could've just died, David. That wasn't fun or funny." Katherine speaks up so they look over at her. "It was just a game, Kitty."
Michael ends up agreeing so everyone heads to the cave. "Is he stupid enough to fall into his trap?" Star leans towards Katherine as David talks to Michael. "When we were young he gave into peer pressure easily." Katherine looks at her. "I know you don't or you would have drank that blood a long time ago." Star starts to walk away. While Marko goes to get food for everyone, the others try to have fun to pass time. "Dance with me." Paul pulls Kat over to him. "I don't wanna dance." She giggles as Too Shy starts to play so they move to the music.
Tongue tied or short of breath Don't even try Try a little harder Something's wrong You're not naive, you must be strong Ooh, baby try
"Hey girl, move a little closer." Paul says the lyric pulling her closer to him making her laugh harder holding onto him.
You're too shy shy, hush hush eye to eye Too, shy shy, hush hush, eye to eye Too shy shy, hush hush eye to eye Too, shy shy, hush hush
Katherinedancesaround the cave singing the lyrics not caring that some of them were just watching her. When the song changes she sings walking over to Star grabbing her hands making her dance with her.
We just heard of a brand new wave And we hope it's here to stay We'll have to wait and see If it's half of what they say
We heard he opened up a brand new door Well, you know that's what I'm looking for We'll have to wait and see If it makes you shout for more
Star laughs making Kat look over at Paul as they dance because of the lyrics coming up.
How do you like him so far? How do you like his show? How do you like the way he rocks and the way he rolls? How do you like his image? How do you like his style? How do you like the way he looks and the way he smiles?
The kid is hot tonite Whoa, so hot tonite But where will he be tomorrow? The kid is hot tonite Whoa, so hot tonite But where will he be tomorrow?
Laddie starts to dance with the girls so they each grab his hand, and soon Dwayne and Paul join in while David and Michael watch the five. After a couple more songs they all decide to relax a bit.
"Kat, when did you become friends with them?" Michael speaks up as she sat with Laddie. "Three months ago. They kept coming into my job bugging me." She says making the boys chuckle agreeing. "And Grandpa is okay with this?" Michael makes her laugh, "He deals with it. And he's technically met Paul so." She shrugs her shoulders.
"Feeding time. Come and get it, boys." Marko shows up with Chinese food. "Over here, bud." Paul motions for his so Marko tosses it to him. "Kitty." He hands Katherine hers. "You're finally having a meal with us." Dwayne jokes. While everyone eats David messes with Michael and the food. "Maggots, Michael. You're eating maggots. How do they taste?" David asks making the boys laugh while Kat shakes her head. Michael looks down at his box then spits out his food dropping it causing the boys to laugh more. "David..." Kat stares at him but he jokes that the noodles were worms. "That's enough." Kat tells him. "Chill out." Paul tells her so she huffs.
David whispers to Marko and Katherine knew what he was getting. Everyone watched David take a drink then hand it over to Michael. "Be one of us." David says so Katherine looks at Michael getting up and take it from David. The boys start to chant his name so Kat gets up going over to him, "Michael, you don't have to. You don't know what you're getting yourself into." She tells him. "Kat's right. It's blood." Star tells him. "Yeah, sure. Blood." He chuckles then drinks it causing the boys to cheer.
The girls and Laddie back away while everyone jumps around still chanting Michael's name. "Told you, gives into peer pressure easily." Katherine looks at Star with mixed emotions on her face. "What's wrong?" Katherine asks her. "I don't want him to be like them. He seems nice. But at time same time I want him to be one because maybe it will help you." Star looks at her. "Help me? With what?" Katherine asks confused. "Deciding to become one of us. You wouldn't be alone if you had a family too." Star explains to her. "You don't have to drag family into this. I said I wanted to but not yet." She explains. "But David wants you to do it soon. He's trying to rush you." Star says so Kat looks over at the boys.
"Sorry, I can't take you home. We won't do anything too bad for Michael." Paul kisses Katherine's cheek before leaving with the boys. "How am I getting home?" Katherine asks sitting alone with Star and Laddie. "I can swing by dropping you off." Star says as Laddie walks over to the bottle without the girls noticing. He was a little boy but he knew what some conversations were about. He picks up the bottle going over to Katherine holding it out to her. Katherine just stares at it and Star takes it from him. "What are you doing?" She asks. "I want Kat to be like us. It would be more fun to have her always around. If you were one of us I would be more happy being a vampire." He pouts.
"Laddie, it's not time yet. But I promise I will be just like you. Then we can spend time together all the time." She gives him a smile putting her pinky out so he takes it with his while Star smiles at them. "Go put this back so we can take Kat home." Star hands him the bottle back. "I never break my promises. Not to mention, I've seen it so." Kat laughs. "You saw a vision of yourself?" Star smiles so Kat nods her head. Star was excited that Katherine was ready going to become a vampire. Her dislike of being a half-vampire slowly disappeared over time getting close with Kat, but knowing her visions are never wrong... Star was now excited to become a full vampire just because of one friend. She wouldn't be alone anymore. "I'm ready to go." Laddie rushes back over to the girls.
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abbysanders2000 · 2 years
What's worse than a zombie? A vampire!! . (Poly lost boys x female reader. The walking dead crossover)
Soo this was a request for @genocide31 so sorry it took me this long. If anything is wrong I apologize in advance because I am not apart of the walking dead Fandom. It is also short because I do not want to butcher it. Enjoy lovely
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Y/n was breathing heavily as she watched Negan circle her with his bat. "How was I supposed to know he was your guy?! He came out of no where!" She yelled.
One of Negan's crew had stumbled upon Y/n in her camp. Thought he could have run of her stuff until he had an unfortunate run in with her mates that is. She of course thought it was done and over until one of Negan's other guys found her camp and dragged her all the way back to their base.
"Don't matter now princess. You cost me a good man. Now you don't look like you could do much around here so I'm afraid I'm just gonna have to kill ya. That's how business works." He said with a sadistic smirk.
Y/n sank down to the ground with hot tears running down her face. She called out each of the boys names begging for their forgiveness. She knew that death was coming for her quicker than any of them had expected. In the back of her mind she had wished she had David turn her.
But it was too little too late for any of that now. She knew somehow some way she'd see them in the afterlife. She felt the awful poking feeling of the wire on the wooden bat as Negan put it on the base of her skull.
"Don't know who David Marko Paul and Dwayne are doll but you'll never see them again." He raised up his bat about to deliver the first blow when suddenly all of the lights went off leaving them surrounded in darkness.
Loud hissing and growls could be heard. "The hell is going on?!" Negan yelled. His yells were followed by the screaming of several of his goons. The snapping of bones and tearing of flesh also followed. Y/n was still shaking as she laid down on the ground blinded by the darkness
She felt someone wrap their arms around her. She struggled for a minute before she realized who exactly had picked her up. "Shh Shh baby it's me." Dwayne said softly.
"Oh God Dwayne!" She cried into his neck as she held onto him for dear life. The vamp rubbed her back gently. "It's OK love its OK. We're here." He cooed softly as he pressed kisses on her face.
Suddenly the lights were flipped back on. The bodies of the fallen were scattered across the field soaked in blood and guts. Marko and Paul held each of Negan's arms behind his back. David stood in front of him with his bat in his hands.
"Quite the piece of equipment man. It'll do some damage on a human. Too bad none of us are humans. But you've already figured that out huh?" David asked as he began to laugh evily.
Negan looked him right into the eyes. "Look. Just take the girl and leave. I didn't kill her so you've got no issue with me. I'll make sure to stay clear of you guys from now on. You've got my word." He said with all the confidence that he would be off the hook.
All 4 boys chuckled darkly. "You think we are just gonna ignore the fact that you kidnapped our mate and were seconds away from beating her brains in?" Marko asked.
"We were always going to end you. But since our baby girl is safe and unharmed we'll make it quick. Or whatever the boss wants." Paul said as he looked over to David.
Negan just shook his head. "There's not much more you can do to me. You guys are monsters but you can't be any worse than the walkers." He said.
David inches ever so closely to him. He placed a hand onto the man's cheek. The same sadistic smile that was once on Negan's face was now plastered all across David's.
"See that's where your wrong." He said as he leans closer to his ear. "We are much worse." Two pearly whites dug into his soft flesh as the screams of the once terrifying Negan filled the night air.
Sorry it's so short love! I hope you enjoyed it anyway 🥰🥰
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primroseprime2019 · 7 months
Curse of the Divine- Chapter Two: The Devil Appears
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{Paige's POV}— I slowly opened my eyes and groaned as I sat up.
I looked around and groaned as I held my head. I suddenly became aware that I was on my bed and I certainly didn't remember getting in it.
Hades whimpered at me and I saw him and the others. They looked equally nervous as I was.
Then my heart skipped a beat when I heard a clatter in my kitchen. I grabbed my gun off the nightstand and slowly climbed out of my bed and started walking out of my room.
Silently taking a deep breath, I steadied myself before I jumped out and aimed my gun at... the same man who had been standing outside of my apartment.
He looked at me and smiled, "hello, my dear."
I narrowed my eyes, "who the hell are you? And why are you in my apartment?"
He set down a cup of whiskey on the counter, not at all bothered by the tone of my voice.
"I told you before," he said, leaning against the counter. I stared at him, bewildered and irritated.
"Yeah, I doubt that you're actually the Devil," I huffed, "you must be crazy. Or high at least."
He huffed, sounding more amused than annoyed, "I can assure you, I'm neither of those. My name is Lucifer. And I'm the Devil."
I stared at him like he grew a second head.
He didn't seem to be lying.
He chuckled again and walked around the counter. I stepped back, never lowering my gun.
"If you want proof so badly, my dear," he said as he stood in the center of the room. He opened his arms like he was about to silently ask for a hug.
Before I could say anything, I jumped when a pair of pure black wings unfolded from his back.
I stared at them, my lips moving but no words came out. There... there was no way. This couldn't have been real.
"No... those... those can't be real," I said with a nervous laugh. Lucifer chuckled softly, "you are looking at a Fallen Angel, my dear Paige." His wings disappeared into his back.
My heart stuttered and I stepped back, my hands shaking. I never told him my name.
I stepped back until my back met the counter and I set my gun down.
"You... you are the Devil," I said, remembering what he had told me when he broke into my apartment. I blinked a few times before I glared up at him.
"You broke into my apartment!" I exclaimed angrily. He laughed softly, "well how else was I supposed to see you?"
"Me?" I demanded, "why the Hell would you wanna see me?! I'm a nobody!"
"On the contrary, my dear, you're the only one who can... help me with something," he said.
I frown, crossing my arms. "What could you possibly need my help with? You're the Devil. Why would I help you?"
He gave me a blank look.
"You don't believe in my Father," he stated as if that was the most accurate thing in the world. I frowned, crossing my arms.
"Almost anyone wouldn't believe in your Father," I huffed. Lucifer almost rolled his eyes, "but He's been watching you in particular."
I step back as I was caught off guard by that. God had been watching... me?
"What are you talking about?" I asked. Lucifer watched me, his eyes skimming over me.
"You're the daughter of Latosha McHenry and Marcus Kendrick, aren't you?" He asked. I held back a flinch as I stared at him for a moment. I nodded slightly.
"Well... God has been watching you for... particular reasons," he said, walking over to me but I didn't flinch or move out of his way.
"But there's also been another problem," he said, "Demons are running amok in the middle Plane. And Angels are hunting them."
I frowned. I didn't want to believe that. I look away. Lucifer tilted his head a bit as he watched me.
I looked up at him. "Do you honestly expect me to believe-" My phone buzzed and I pulled it out of my pocket.
George was calling me. I frowned and I answered it, "what is it, George?"
"Have you seen the news?" He asked so urgently that it surprised me. I turned on the news and my eyes widened.
"In the middle of the stormy morning, a murder has occurred right outside of Los Angeles' St. Vincent de Paul Roman Catholic church. One of the young pastors, Ben Greenberg, was stabbed twelve times by a masked figure. Police are searching relentlessly."
I stared at the tv in shock.
"Paige?" George said and I blinked before I looked at the phone. I pressed it against my ear, "I'll be right there."
With that, I hung up and stared at the news. I tensed up when Lucifer placed his hands on my shoulders and leaned down to me, his lips brushing against my earlobe.
I moved my head away, hissing a little.
"Believe me now?" He asked. I glared at him before I pushed him away.
"That doesn't answer my questions," I huffed. "Whatever questions you have, I will happily answer," he chirped nonchalantly.
Frowning, I put my gun in it's holster and grabbed my jacket as I walked to the door. I paused and glared at Lucifer, "you are not going to follow me to a crime scene. Stay here."
He raised an eyebrow but didn't say anything. I walked out of my apartment, closing the door behind me and locking it.
Hopefully he would actually listen to me. I almost laughed at the thought. The Devil listening to a mere human.
I climbed into my car and started it. Once I backed out of the parking lot, I started driving away from the apartment complex.
{Lucifer's POV}— I watched as she drove away. I chuckled, a smirk appearing on my lips.
It was adorable how she thought I would listen to her.
I was the Devil. Prince of Hell and stronger than the other Demons. I glanced at the picture on the wall.
It was of her and her parents.
I hummed deeply as I stared at it with morbid curiosity. I chuckled softly but my smile fell when there was a fwoosh.
I growled softly, "hello to you too... Michael."
Michael narrowed his eyes at me, "what are you planning here?"
I turned to him, my eyes narrowing. Typical Angels; always wanting to ask questions first then fight later. Usually, it was the other way around.
"I don't know what you mean," I said calmly. Michael crossed his arms, "don't play dumb with me, Lucifer. You are playing with fire here. You weren't supposed to meet her."
I couldn't help but chuckle darkly. "Don't you remember, brother?"
I stepped closer and placed my hand on Michael's shoulder. "Our Father always has plans."
I walked past him and over to the door. "Now... if you'll excuse me... I have a little policewoman to watch over."
With that said, I walked out of the apartment, closing the door behind me.
I stood outside the door, glaring at the ground. My fists clenched tightly.
I didn't care about God's plans. As far as I was concerned, He could take those plans and shove them where the sun didn't shine.
I huffed but smirked.
I had my own plans to make.
And it involved a certain policewoman.
{Paige's POV}— I drove into an empty spot next to George's car and I saw a crowd of people. There was even a news reporter and a cameraman. George and two other Policewomen were keeping them at bay.
I stepped out of the car and walked over to Gregory Parker and Charlotte Valentine.
"How special was this guy anyway?" Charlotte huffed.
Gregory gave her a look, "he was a pastor. Remember when George brought him in last week?"
"Yeah," I said as I squatted down next to the blanket that was covering Ben's body.
"He was on drugs," Gregory explained, "but chose to change his life. Lost his wife and unborn child in a car crash a few months back."
I frowned and lifted the blanket. Ben's empty and lifeless eyes met mine and I almost flinched back, quickly lowering the blanket.
Charlotte gave me a concerned glance. I took a deep breath as I stood up. I looked at her and Gregory, "any clues?"
"Shiloh and Thomas found a stack of papers that had drawings of Satanic stuff," Charlotte said. I nodded and walked over to Shiloh Cross and Thomas Runner. They were in the forensics department.
"Hey, boys," I greeted. "Hey Paigey," Shiloh said as he inspected the bloodied footprints on the ground.
"What do we got?" I asked. "Murder victim was apparently stabbed once in the abdomen," Thomas explained and he pointed to a couple of blood splatters, "then the murderer flung the weapon around and stabbed his victim in the leg."
I blinked in surprise. It was no surprise I didn't see that but when you learn to meet the Forensics Scientists in the LAPD, you gotta know when they beat you to it.
"Who's that?" Thomas asked and I looked over my shoulder and I felt my right eye twitch.
Lucifer was standing by George's car.
I look at the boys, forcing a nervous smile, "excuse me."
I slowly moved away before I ran over to Lucifer.
I grabbed his arm, surprising him. "What the fuck did I tell you?" I hissed.
He chuckled, "do you honestly think that I would listen to you, my dear?"
I growled softly, my grip tightening slightly. Lucifer's smirk widened. I let go of his arm.
"If you're going to be a distraction, do it at home," I huffed. Lucifer chuckled slightly before he looked over at the body.
I followed his gaze before I looked back at him with a frown, "what is it?"
"Believe it or not," he said with a tilt of his head, "I may know what killed that poor pastor."
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biromanticbookbabe · 2 years
NaNoWriMo 2022: Day 29
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Here have a Sketch of Miss Matilda Murray-Knight (blonde) and Lady Gerry Starling (brunette) when they’re in their 30s. I drew this one earlier in the evening. Matilda’s gender expression changes a few times over the book but she’s usually more masculine and Gerry is butch the whole time. 
The excerpt is from earlier in the month even though I did write a little today. Today’s piece was from Matilda’s mother’s perspective. Instead I wanted to share the part when Matilda goes to live with Gerry, Paul, and Mort. 
Gerry and Paul’s marriage was a business arrangement. Basically so Paul could inherit his family home he had to marry a woman from his class. Paul Starling is a gay man and he didn’t want to marry a straight woman. So he chose to marry Gerry, who is a lesbian. I imagine this probably happened often a long time ago. They are legitimately friends but not romantically/sexually interested in each other. 
They’re supposed to represent one way gay people may have worked around/within a system that was not built for them. There are other relationships in the novel like female husbands marrying female wives and The Boston Marriage as well. Matilda participates in both of these relationships over the course of her life. She’s also Gerry’s primary girlfriend for part of the novel too. This novel covers most of Matilda’s life since she’s the titular character. 
Day 29 Word Count: 574 Words
Word Count Total So Far: 82,438 Words
Rosie was surprised that I had left with the Starlings and Sir Highwater. Lord Young went with Ashby back to London as we were headed for The Starlings’ country manor, Radclyffe Heights. Lord Starling chatted pleasantly and leaned all over a stoic Sir Highwater. He smiled ever so slightly under his mustache. It was clear to me that the hummingbird-like Lord Starling was the center of Sir Highwater’s world. He patiently shook his head and never uttered more than a word or two in response to Lord Starling’s babbling brook. Mostly the husband and wife talked back to each other.
Gerry smacked her husband lightly on the knee when she laughed at something he said, “My God, Paul, poor Tilly here shall think us perverse!”
“She still wanted to come with us. Ashby was sure she was one of us. I’d bet my most beautiful dress she is.” He returned and then offered me a smile. “Now tell us, dear, you’re among family- I’m almost certain. Do you like women or men? Both is also an acceptable answer.”
“Aww, Paulie, You’re going to scare the girl by being so direct.” Gerry defended me, she even took my hand and I let her. I liked the weight of her hand in mine; it was reassuring. “You don’t have to answer him, if you don’t want to, Matilda. Keep him guessing; it’s more fun that way.” She winked to me.
“Women; Lord Starling, when I am dreaming it’s always about women.” I finally said it aloud and Gerry slapped me on the back.
“Hell yeah, Tilly, is there any other way to live?” She seemed extremely pleased to hear me so to the boys.
“Forgive me, darling, but I’m hardly surprised. I thought you reminded me a little too much of my handsome wife for you to think otherwise. But, really, sweetheart, I’m glad that your sister let us take you with us.”
“I’m nineteen. I’m not a child anymore.”
“Escaping a bad marriage proposal?” He asked in sympathy.
“No, I never debuted. Mama was afraid I’d embarrass her and Papa because I only got worse as I got older. The boyish nature I had wasn’t just a rebellious girlhood fancy for me; it was who I actually am.”
“Worse? Tilly, Tilly, no, honey; you got better with age. Don’t let their narrow minded thinking force you into being someone that you’re not. You’ll waste your precious life languishing in pain and misery for the rest of your days. Life is not all suffering. Not even for people like us. Don’t let anyone try to convince you otherwise.” Gerry replied, her lip curling into a smile. Sir Highwater also smiled under his mustache.
“Don’t you worry a thing, dear. You’re safe with us; we’re your friends.” He winked at me. I was surprised. That was the most I had heard him speak at one time.
“We’ll fight anyone who tries to hurt you, Tilly. Welcome home, darling!” Lord Starling cried sweeping his hand out the window, to present the magnificent Radclyffe Heights; the ancestral seat of the eccentric Starling family. It was a true castle and befitting the grand old families who carried out their lives there for the last few centuries.
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damonjuicyscock · 2 years
I love your smuts😩😩 could you do a Liam smut that starts with angst and then turns to smut🙏🙏
You requested it lovely, here it is, I hope you’ll like it. It’s based on real events because while watching the Supersonic documentary, there’s a part where Liam and Noel’s father really came and wanted to see them and Liam almost kicked his ass (he wanted to break his legs), well it’s a difficult time. For those who didn’t watch it yet, I advise it to you, we learn so many things and you can see that even if our dear Gallagher brothers acted like cool dicks, they in fact are very sensitive and passionate, they’re really moving people.
Fucked up (90’s Liam Gallagher X Reader)
Pairing: 90’s Liam Gallagher X Reader
Warnings: Angst (It’s kinda painful guys, so hold on, prepare your tissues, or don’t read if it triggers you), fluff, smut (P in V sex, unprotected sex)
Words: 1895
Summary: You’re Liam’s best friend. Liam’s father came in the bar he was in with Noel and almost fought him. He’s enraged. Noel calls you to pick him up because he’s drunk and violent. You try to speak with him, and when you tell him to talk to you, he ends up crying…
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It was a peaceful night for you. You were in your Manchester apartment watching TV while eating some popcorn… Well at least after Oasis live. You saw your best friend Liam singing this night, but you left after, because afterparties aren’t your thing. You didn’t see the point in getting high or getting drunk.
You knew your best friend when you were 11. You weren’t born a Mancunian, but it didn’t prevent you to become friends with this dickhead. But this dickhead, you loved him a lot. He had always been here for you, and so were you. He was funny, making you laugh when you were sad, always cheering you up, telling you life was too short to be sad.
Soon during your teenage years, you fell in love with him, but you never told him. He wasn’t the type of man to only have one girl.
It was a peaceful night for you until you received a call that would change everything forever.
At first you didn’t answer. But the person calling you was insisting, so you answered, bored.
-Y/N speaking… -Y/N, this is Noel -Oh hey, missed you since earlier. -I would have loved to joke with you cock, but this isn’t the right moment to do this. We have a big problem, and you’re the only one who can solve it.
You sat on the edge of your couch, worried.
-What is it? -It’s our kid, he really needs you right now. -Why? -Something bad happened Y/N, I’ll tell you when you’ll be here, but you really have to come quickly. -I’m on my way.
You put socks, shoes, and jacket on and left your apartment, joining the band in the pub they were in.
When you arrived, Bonehead was outside smoking a cigarette, waiting for you.
-Y/N, he’s inside. -What happened? -It’s their old man, he showed up here, Liam has lost his fucking mind. Oh fuck.
You ran inside the pub. You knew Liam hated his father more than anything. But you were also worried about Noel. Noel and Paul had been victims of their father. Let’s say, you didn’t know what you were going to find in here.
When you saw Noel, you went towards him.
-Noely, I’m here. -It’s… -I know, Bonehead told me. Let me take care of this. Are you okay? -I will be when me brother will be. -I’ll do everything in my power. -You’re the only one who can soothe him Y/N. -I also know that… you answered, sighing
Liam was there, fist clenching, a look of death in his eyes. He had a bottle of whiskey in front of him, and he threatened that if anyone was taking it away from him, he would break it on their heads.
You sat next to him, laying your hand on his.
-Li’… It’s me, it’s Y/N, everything is fine now, I’m here. -He showed up here. -I know. -I could have killed him. I wanted to. -No you didn’t, do you know why? -Why? He rasped at you -Because you know he's no match for you, you're better than him, he's nothing. A man who beats his wife and children is nothing more than a fucker, but he isn’t a man.
Liam looked at you, eyes full of hope.
-You’re right… -Let’s go to mine’s. You need to get out of here, the environment won’t help you. -Ca… -Yes I don’t mind, take the bottle with you, as long as you don’t puke on my carpet.
You both got up, and he followed you. You saw blood on his hands. He had been clenching his fists so hard that his nails digged in his hands and it made him bleed.
You crossed Noel’s gaze and he mouthed a “Thank you”.
Once you were at your place, Liam sat on your couch, still stunned by the events.
He was drinking his whiskey automatically, as if his body was here, but his mind wasn’t.
-Li’ ?
He didn’t answer.
You sat next to him and took his hand in yours.
-Li’, talk to me, please…
He looked up at you and broke into tears.
You never saw Liam like this before, and it was heart-breaking. Tears also invaded your eyes, and you took him in your arms. His wrapped around your waist, as he was painfully crying and sobbing uncontrollably against your chest.
-Everything was fucking fine before he showed up. -Shhh, I know Li’, I know… -why does he have to fuck it up every time? He fucked us up, Noel is… He…He was terrified and… fuck!
Liam got up and threw the whisky bottle across the room, which went to break on the ground.
He threw other things, it was just furniture, but still.
His rage was coming out in sobs and screams.
Seeing Liam like this was unbearable for you. Tears started running down your face as well.
You came towards him, you knew he could possibly slap you accidentally in the process, but you didn’t care, you couldn’t leave him like this.
You managed to catch his wrists in your hands, and he looked at you, his face red, tears on his face and in his eyes.
You felt him soften at your touch, his arms wrapping around you, and his head falling on your shoulder.
-I’m Soz… I’m so soz Y/N… -It’s okay Li’.
You took his face between your hands; his eyes were closed.
He sniffed, and you wiped his tears away with your thumbs.
His eyes reopened, and he put his hands on yours, looking at you deep in the eye.
You stood like this for a few seconds, both your breaths shaking before latching his lips on yours, kissing you passionately.
You responded to his kiss, something you dreamt of before. But was it really the good moment for this?
You had no power over this and let him kiss you. His tongue asked for entrance, and you let him in, your tongues melting together.
After a few seconds, he stopped kissing you, out of breath.
-I love you Y/N. There, I said it. -Li’… -You’re not forced to answer, I just wanted you to know. You’re the only one who can soothe me pain. -Maybe, but am I the only girl? -Yea, yea you are, me only bird.
You kissed again and he took your pyjama tee off. From here, you were gone into something else.
Liam lifted you up and sat you on your dining table, his lips sliding to your neck, peppering it with kisses.
You knew he was desperate, but if you could relieve him of his pain by letting him do this, you would.
You weren’t even sure he really loved you. He was drunk, maybe these were just drunk words.
Your hands went to his jeans, unbuckling his belt and unzipping them.
When you did this, Liam decided to put his hands inside your pj trousers and inside your knickers, his fingers rubbing your clit, making you whimper at the feeling.
It was only passion now. Nothing else but you two existed in this apartment which was previously cold and filled with sorrow.
He slid your trousers and knickers off you, before sliding his and his boxers right after he did to you.
You laid on the table, and Liam aligned his tip with your entrance, and entered you without warning, making you both moan in unison.
He let you adjust to his size and kissed you again, passionately.
You nodded and he started moving, his length sliding in and out of you.
-Fuck Y/N…
You responded with a moan.
All that mattered was this right moment, you’d been waiting for it for a long time now.
You didn’t know if he really meant what he previously said, but it’s like he was proving it to you, and proving it to himself.
Was he treating you like all the other girls? Was he doing it with them like he was doing it with you? Was it different?
So many questions were running through your mind, but they were disappearing during the act.
Your legs wrapped around his pelvis, making him go deeper inside you.
Liam was moaning and grunting. You loved to hear him sing, but these noises were the most beautiful thing you’ve ever heard in your whole life.
His right arm wrapped around your chest, bringing you to him, and kissed your lips.
His left hand held yours, still moving his hips against yours, bringing you to oblivion.
He started hitting your G-spot, making you scream in pleasure and your walls contract around him.
-Fuck Y/N… This is so good…
His pace became erratic, a fine line of sweat sliding from his forehead.
You never felt this before. Was it because you had sex with only men you didn’t love? Was love bringing something more to this?
-Y/N… look at me.
You did as told, looking at him deep in the eye. You were about to cum, and you could tell he was close as well by the way his thrusts were becoming sloppier.
He kissed you again, with a passion you weren’t used to.
-I want to see you… I-I-I want to see you when you’ll cum. -You will -Nah…I mean…I want to see y-your eyes. Keep your eyes open…please… -I’ll…Try…
Your walls convulsed more and more around him and your heard him moan loudly. His thumb went to rub your clit and you were lost.
You were only moans and gasps now, trying not to close your eyes.
You were making faces, your orgasm being really close now.
-Li’… -Me too me girl, me too, let go.
You let yourself go, coming around his shaft, your legs shaking around Liam’s pelvis and your body trembling.
Liam was holding you tight and this threw him over the edge.
He came inside you, painting your insides with his hot seed, grunting your name and watching you.
His head fell in the crook of your neck.
You took a few minutes to catch your breath. Liam kissed you again once he caught his.
-Li’… I wanted to tell you… You know, I love you too. I’m just…I’m just scared Liam. -What are you scared of? -You love women and women love you. I’m afraid of not being the only one. I just hope I wasn’t some… -Shut yer’ cake hole, this is bullshit. When I say I love you I mean it, right? I don’t know, I’m still inside you and you’re already talking bobbins. Do I have to ask you? -Ask me what? -If you want to be me only bird? Be me only bird and I’ll be your one and only. -If you ask so kindly, yes Liam. And I promise as your only bird, to protect you from him and to soothe you when needed, to love you… -Hey, you’re me bird but we’re not married yet. But thank you for this, it goes straight to my heart.
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spidernerdsblog · 3 years
Hey dear💟 how are you? Can I ask for some mob!tom smut?? Like he's smoking a cigar at a boring wedding when he meets a mob!reader and after talking a bit things just happen and he takes her home for fucking all night?
Oh and ends in fluff??
Hi nonnie! I'm fine hope you are well too. Here's your request hope you like this.
Pairing : Mob! Tom Holland x Mob! Reader
Warnings : 18+, SMUT, mature content, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it)
His Queen, Her King
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Being the mob boss Tom had to be a part of various social gatherings, galas, parties etc but the most he dreaded were weddings. Especially when you're an eligible bachelor, people around you are constantly nagging you with the most evident question ‘when is your turn?’ There were several occasions where the leaders of other mobs had tried to set him up with their daughters to forge an alliance but he would turn them down every time because he never found them to be his match. He likes to be in control but that doesn’t mean he would settle for a mere puppet who would dress up pretty and do as told, he wanted someone powerful, fierce who would challenge his authority, a real queen to his vast empire.  
It was one of his childhood friends' wedding day so he couldn't say no. The hall was buzzing with people as he was seated with a couple of his friends at a table drinking and laughing loudly talking about their busy lives and their businesses. One hour to the wedding reception and Tom was already bored he lit up a cigar and took a long puff from it watching everyone silently. 
Just then you walk in through the doors in a long red silk dress hugging your body like a second skin with a thigh high slit paired with pointed stilettos making heads turn. Your hair styled into loose curls cascading down your shoulders complimenting your dewy makeup. Your wrists and ears sparkling with the most priceless authentic diamonds.  Apart from being the maid of honor you are the only woman in the mob business who owns the biggest diamond business in the country. 
People were obviously envious of your power though they never dare to say anything to your face but you have heard how people think you just got lucky with the business as the only daughter of your father, women have no place in the mob even to the extent of being slut shamed and being accused of sleeping with your rivals to run the business. You had simply shrugged it off and showed those people with a flourishing business and earning double profits than your father used to earn when he used to run the mob. You walk over to your best friend.
“Congratulations Jane, finally you’re a married woman now!” you give her a hug.
“Thanks Y/N it feels like a dream honestly” she chirps “but when are you…”
“Please you also don’t start” you both chuckled and continued gossiping.
“Man why are these receptions so dull and boring” Matt groaned “couldn’t they do it at a bar or strip club?”
“Yeah it would have been fun to watch your wife beat the shit out of you after you flirted with one of the strippers” Carl mocked to which everyone laughed out loud including Tom.
“Hey!!” Matt revolted in protest as all of them laughed again.
Your conversation was constantly getting disturbed with their constant brawls and loud laughter. Even the other guests had a frown on their face with the noise they were making.
“I apologize on behalf of my friends, they can sometimes be a little loud” Paul the groom said apologetically.
"It’s ok I know how to deal with guys like them. Let me handle it” You offer and stride your way to their table. 
“Sorry to crash the fun boys but some of us are actually here to attend the reception not to hear your meaningless chatter” you jibe forcing a smile as the men turn their attention towards you. Tom puts down his cigar blowing out the smoke as he takes a quick glance of you.
“I'm sorry love, are we offending you?” he remarks with a smolder and the men around him hollered. The corner of your lips quirk into a sly smirk as you step closer to him drawing a finger along his jawline.
“It will take a lot more than this baby face to offend me” you taunt him back with a grin amusing everyone including Tom at your comeback.
“Oooh damn!” the men hollered again while you turned your back and strutted off to join your friends again. Tom just sat there completely blown away by your boldness. He had heard about you but now that he saw you he understood that you weren’t just a beautiful face after all who just got lucky in the mob business you were a complete badass. The very image of you radiates power and triumph. 
His eyes seeked yours the whole time and then he found you finally all by yourself near the open bar drinking a glass of whisky. He approaches you as he clears his throat.
“Ahem, hey” you lift your eyes from the glass and then put it down on the counter smacking your lips.
“Here to apologise for being a jerk?” you quip.
“I thought we were even already” he remarks with a smug grin.
“Yeah maybe” you half shrug
“Tom Holland by the way” he reaches his hand out and you dismiss it by picking your glass again and taking a sip. 
“I know who you are, the boss of the most powerful mob in London” you say nonchalantly
“Keeping tabs I see” he smirks as he signals the bartender to hand him a drink as well.
“It’s a risky business Holland you gotta keep records about your potential rivals” you state blandly.
“Absolutely, couldn’t agree more” he takes a sip wincing at the strong taste of the drink. 
“So all alone? Bossman didn’t get any arm candy for the night?” you snicker.
“Only a queen fits beside a king like me darling and I haven’t found one yet , what about you?”
“Well I haven’t found my king either” you clink your glass to his as you both gulp down your drinks.
“You look ravishing in that dress I must say” he compliments with a suave in his voice.
“Thank you. You don’t look bad either” you flirt back as you bite the corner of your lip checking him dressed in an Armani suit the Rolex on his wrist glinting in the golden light of the chandeliers.  
“I really admire you. Honestly it’s really hard and dangerous to run a business when you’re a woman” there was a different kind of sparkle in his eyes which you recognize very well.
“What can I say I just love playing with danger” you shrug with sass in your voice. 
“You wanna get out of here? I’m sure nobody will miss us” he licks his lips eyes darkening with pure desire. 
“Well what are we waiting for?” you smirk with a mischievous glint in your eyes both of you coming to a silent agreement.
The whole ride to his mansion was a blur as soon as you were inside he had you pinned up against the door as his lips met yours hungrily. His lips tasted of burnt cigar and whisky.  He started leaving trails of kisses on your jaw and neck while his hand snaked down to your thighs through the slit of your dress unclasping the thigh holster from your leg as it dropped on the ground with a loud clatter. His hand moved further to your flimsy lace thong to feel your sex. 
“So wet already, love? I haven't even touched you properly” you can hear the smirk in his voice. His hand goes to unzip your dress as he leans in for a kiss but you stop him placing two fingers on his lips slowly tracing them. 
“Bedroom?” you ask breathing heavily.
“Upstairs left” he informs between shallow breaths.
You gave him a peck on his cheek and made your way up the stairs. Tom’s eyes never left you as he watched you slide the thin straps of your dress off your shoulders and dropping it off on the floor striding away in just your strapless bra and thong your heels clacking against the marble floor. Tom scoffed in amusement a toothy grin forming on his face . You were really something who was just driving him crazy.
The moment he walked in the bedroom he felt himself twitch inside his pants. There you were sitting in the middle at the edge of the bed slightly leaning on your palms with your legs crossed one above the other. You looked like a viscous siren slowly entrapping him with your charm and beauty. 
“Nice bedroom” You gently smoothed the silk sheets with your hand.
“Glad you liked it” he said smiling.
“Are you just gonna stand over there?” You unclipped your bra and lazily dropped it on the floor putting on a show for him as you lifted a hand pointing a finger motioning him to come closer. A low groan escaped from his mouth at the sight of your exposed breasts as he strolled towards you unbuttoning his shirt and shrugging it off his body drinking in your almost naked form with lustful eyes. You subconsciously licked your lips marveling his taut muscles. He tilted your chin up as you gazed in his brown eyes with parted lips.
“God you’re gonna be the death of me” he mumbles in a husky voice.
“That was the plan all the time, I can then take over your mob” you giggle playfully.
“You minx” he knelt down to capture your red tinted lips passionately tongues clashing against each other as you ran your fingers across his abdomen, nails scraping his skin. He gently pushes you down on the mattress as you shift back in the middle of the bed. He spreads your legs to accommodate himself as he crawls up to be at level to your face pressing a soft kiss to your swollen lips. Goosebumps covered your skin as you felt his bulge brushing on your thighs. You tilted your head to the side as he took the opportunity to suck marks on the nape of your neck. One hand squeezing your ass the other palming your breast as he placed butterfly kisses all over your skin.
“So pretty” he mumbles, pressing kisses between the valley of your breasts,you shuddered when he flicked his tongue over your sensitive bud.
“Oh” you gasped when he wrapped his mouth around your breast sucking the nipple between his teeth, kneading the other fingers pinching and tugging on it. After paying equal attention to the other one too before continuing his journey south. Your stomach flutters as his lips trail down your rib cage, navel the cold gold chain dangling down his neck feeling ticklish against your hot skin. He placed a soft kiss over your soaked panties and you felt that your body was set to fire as you gasped lightly chest heaving up and down. A smirk forms on his face as he moves to kiss your inner thighs ignoring the place where you needed him the most.
“Please” you let out a quiet whimper
“Please what darling?” he whispers with a husky voice. 
“Touch me” 
“I’m touching you love” he lightly chuckles, you whined in protest. “You gotta be more specific with your demands, love, what do you need?” he coos.
“I-I need you, your mouth” you breathed out. 
“See that wasn’t so hard” he practically rips off your thong and throws the shredded fabric away letting out a low growl at the sight of your glistening cunt. He hooked his arms to your thighs, the rings on his fingers felt cold against your skin. He licks a long stripe up your folds sending jolts of pleasure up your body making you squirm in his hold.
“So sweet” he mumbles against your heat. You let out a soft gasp, your hands threading into his soft brown curls as he swirled his tongue through your folds.
You cry out when his tongue flicks your swollen clit giving his hair a harsh tug he groans into your heat. He continued to suck on your clit between his lips pushing a thick digit inside you. Your body arched bucking your hips into his mouth he had to place a hand on your lower stomach to keep you in place. He then adds another finger pumping it in and out of you his teeth grazing your sensitive bud soothing it after with his tongue immediately. 
“Fuck!” You moaned feeling euphoric eyes fluttering shut as he devoured you. Your body tensed up when he added another finger to your heat, your one hand was pulling his hair painfully and the other squeezing your breast rolling your nipple between your fingers. He curled his fingers hitting your spot sending you over the edge.
“C’mon love, let it go want you to cum all over my fingers” he moaned into your heat the vibrations leading you to tumble down the edge as you came undone around his fingers. He helped you ride your high still sucking on your clit, your legs trembled as he lapped up all your juices. He pulled away after sometime his chin glistening with your arousal. 
He got rid of his dress pants along with his boxers and then crawled over to you. You gazed into his warm brown eyes still in your post orgasmic haze as you pulled him down to capture his lips with an urgent need. You tasted yourself on his lips as he deepened the kiss grinding his hips into yours. 
A soft gasp escaped your lips when you felt the tip of his member brushed against your entrance. He gripped his member giving it a few pumps before lining up against your core. You placed a hand flat on his stomach signalling him to stop. He knitted his brow in confusion when you flipped him over to be on top him sitting on the back of your knee straddling his waist. 
“I wanna ride you” you whisper in a sultry voice and his lips curl up to a smirk.
“Then go ahead, darling” he shuffles back a little resting himself comfortably against the headboard. You brought your hand to your mouth and gave it lick before grabbing his member using it for lubrication, slowly pumping his length and lining it up to your weeping core. Your breath hitched when you felt his tip slide through your entrance stretching your walls in a nice way. You slowly sank down on his length feeling so full of him. You stayed like that, your walls warm and snug squeezing him like a vice. Tom groaned when you clenched around him. 
“Oh god Y/N please move or I'm not gonna last for another minute” you leaned down to kiss him starting to move your hips slowly adjusting to his thick shaft.
“Shit” He hissed as you lifted yourself hand gripping on his thighs for leverage to go a little faster, the soft sound of your skin slapping against each other filled the room. Your stomach clenched as you paced up and down his cock, each time filling you up to the hilt. His hands held your hips, fingers digging in your skin groans rumbled in Tom’s throat as he clenched his jaw. He gazed at you with hooded eyes smitten by the way your back arches towards him and your tits bounce with every thrust.
You started to feel a little exhausted, a thin sheen of sweat lining your bodies as you slowed down your pace. Tom’s hands slid down to your ass, spreading your cheeks as he took control, thrusting up into you. You jolted forward moaning out loud, grasping on to his shoulders tightly for support. 
“Just because you're on the top don't think you're in control darling” he says cheekily you let out a light chuckle at his comment before whimpering when his cock hit your sweet spot.
He lifted his knees, planting the heels of his feet into the mattress for leverage as he began to fuck you roughly. He grunted, feeling your walls clench around his cock with every thrust of his hips. You leaned down to kiss him sloppily he reciprocates by slipping his tongue into your mouth swirling it inside your mouth. You moaned into the kiss as you felt a tight knot build inside your stomach.
“Tom” you moan breathlessly, eyes squeezing shut as your hands slide down his shoulder to his chest nails scratching his skin.
“Gonna cum again for me love?” Tom murmured against your lips as he spanked your ass lightly. You nodded your head vigorously starting to roll your hips desperately. He brought his thumb to your swollen clit and rubbed circles as the coil inside you snapped and you screamed out your orgasm hitting you like a ton of bricks. Tom wasn’t too far either as he continued rutting his hips and soon he was spilling inside you.
“Fuck.” He moaned as his face screwed up in pleasure, his eyebrows furrowing as he emptied his seed into your tight pussy, not letting go of his grip on your body. You collapsed onto his chest panting both of you catching your breath, your walls still pulsating around his cock, deeply buried inside you. He caressed your back gently, your chest pressed to his, head resting over his heart as you listened to his steady heartbeat while your fingers fiddled with the chain around his neck. He took your hand and kissed on your knuckles gently brushing his thumb over them lovingly.
“I really like you” he finally spoke out
“What?” you frowned, still a bit dizzy.
“I think I have fallen in love with you Y/N” he confesses softly as you straighten yourself to look him in the eyes.
“Are you asking me out when you are literally balls deep inside me?” you snicker raising your eyebrows.
“I’m serious Y/N” he cradles your face with both of his hands “the moment I saw you I knew you are the one I have been waiting for all my life. A strong, independent and fearless woman who doesn’t need anyone, you are a hell of a queen, Y/N. I want this queen to be only mine, together we can rule the world love. I don’t want this to be a one night thing I want to make love to you every night, kiss every inch of your body and appreciate you, adore you” he rants
“The last part sounded a little creepy though” you chuckled “Well I do like you too my king let’s just take things slow and see where it goes maybe?”
“Sure my queen” he smiles as you kiss him softly.
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