#alright rapunzel pop off!!
cry-ptidd · 6 months
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I can’t get over how fucking LONG his hair is this is absurd
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martianbugsbunny · 4 months
In all the videos I've watched about the modern character structure of Disney princesses, I've seen people say that Rapunzel, Anna, Moana, Asha, Raya, Sisu, and Mirabel are generally very samey characters in terms of personality traits and movement styles. But I have yet to see someone say that in Frozen 2, Elsa took on some of those traits, and my horribly capped evidence is under the cut.
Alright, to start with, let me explain a little bit more. Elsa in her debut movie is very restricted and repressed, that's true, but she's also by nature elegant and graceful. Once she figures herself out a little bit more, and she's comfortable in her skin, these aspects of her don't go away, in fact I think they're enhanced by her new confidence and self-assurance. Anna, by contrast, is clumsy and a little awkward, and that's not all down to her upbringing, either. It's who she is, and the contrast between them makes both of their personalities pop. It also makes them realistic, because in human beings and in sisters, you will not have two people who are identical in nature.
However, in the second Frozen movie, Elsa moves and gestures more like Anna. More like the new cookie cutter of the awkward (I hesitate to say "adorkable" because I'm utterly sick of the word at this point, but it's kind of apt) Disney girl.
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This is the worst cap I have but watch this little scene where Elsa is startled and her powers activate is one of thee most egregious examples. The entire sequence of movements she has here feels completely detached from her; it's more like the way Anna would move than the way Elsa would move.
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This. this is from the scene where she tells Anna she woke the spirits and decides to go to the forest. There is no universe in which the woman from the first Frozen movie would make these faces.
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These are from the scene in Ahtohallan where she's watching her past. The cringe, once again, in the way it's animated, feels incredibly alien to her character. The little dance and the facial expressions when she comes across ice!Weaselton are incredibly Rapunzel, I think, but not very Elsa.
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This one is the least offender in the bunch. But I still think in this particular scene, where she's doing the typical-of-modern-Disney thing where she's talking to the cute animal friend made to sell plushies, she doesn't feel quite right. The whole "they're all staring at us, aren't they" bit of dialogue contributes to the off-ness of the scene.
Now, allow me to present exhibit B: some of the expressions that I'm comparing her to.
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You can see how similar they are, right? All of these to each other but also to the caps of Elsa? It's become the new style to just have all the characters making these faces. It's weird to see it all on them (particularly when it makes no sense for Raya, Asha, and Moana, but that's besides the point) and it's even weirder to see it on Elsa, a character who did not originate with this trait.
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Here are a couple of caps of Elsa from Frozen. Her facial expressions are distinct from Anna's, because they have different personalities and would express their emotions physically in different ways. Elsa has a reserved grace and a boundless joy by the end of the movie and it shows through in the way she smiles, the way she frowns, the way she moves. Who she is, is indicated by her movements, which is an individual being and not a standard model.
Now, I'm not dunking on any of the other princesses listed here. I love most of them. I'm emotionally invested in their stories and I cry during their songs and I spend hours sketching them. But do I think I could love them just a little more if they each moved a little differently and their cores were expressed in their physicalities? Yes, I do. I also think it might force Disney to develop their individual personalities better if they weren't just falling back on standardized traits, because more specifics in one department might lead to more in others.
Anyway, that was my little thesis....kay bye.
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dollsonmain · 1 year
Lotta pics
Lotta disappointment.
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Ken’s had a hair cut.
Arista’s had her fingers, nose, chin, and EARS cut off, plus a hair cut.
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Not only are his fingers missing, but also his nose. Ugh.
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Nothing special going on here, other than Left Barbie having glue head. I didn’t think any of the swimsuit ones had it. Maybe she was a head swap.
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Skipper is missing a lot of hair and desperately needs conditioned. A lot of that grimy discoloration did come off, but not all of it.
Scooter is also missing a lot of hair and desperately needs conditioned.
Both would probably benefit from a rehair.
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Where the fuck are her hands.
Bild Lili clone is cheap blown plastic with slightly higher quality vinyl arms. Her hair is SO dry that I don’t even want to attempt combing it, yet.
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Both Kens are fine.
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Meh Meh
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These are both fine.
Don’t know why Sparkle Girlz have rubbery legs if there’s no click.
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The unknown doll is very low quality blown plastic.
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Barbie is surprisingly better quality than expected other than the perma-underpants and poly hair. I didn’t know Cutie Reveal have knees and elbows. Not paid much attention. Steffie Love is lower quality than expected, but she’s in good condition.
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Barbie is fine.
Merida is fine, though her tiara is broken.
Ariel is severely chewed.
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I’m not even trying to comb out pathetic Rapunzel until she’s conditioned a bit. Barbie is fine. Barbie’s Kanekalon hair is in horrible condition and her neck is cracking. I don’t like permanent shoes.
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These two are alright, with some hair style issues that I don’t care enough to try to fix.
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Uh... Ok.....
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Mulan’s fingers are gone.
Clone is fine. Her head is pushed all the way down, but her neck isn’t busted or anything. Her head just pops off easily. Her pelvis is also installed backwards which is interesting.
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Barbie is fine. Maxie’s feet are a little chewed. Her hair also feels really bad. 80′s-est dress ever.
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Ariel will be beheaded. Mulan will be beheaded.
The ONLY glue head in the whole damn box!
Skipper has a rubber band disintegrating in her hair which will need soaked out. Hair’s also disgustingly dry.
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Clean and drying, and not doing anything else with them.
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fluff-a-nutter · 8 months
TickleTober Prompt: Tickle Fight + Counting + Weak Spot
((Switch!Varian & Switch!Hugo. NSFW DNI))
Hugo wandered down to the kitchens after a morning of hard work in the labs to get something for lunch.
Varian was in a meeting with Rapunzel discussing new ways to upgrade the security around the kingdom, but he said he would try to join Hugo for lunch. For now, Hugo found himself alone in the expansive kitchens, save for a couple cooks wandering.
Shrugging, the ex-con popped open the fridge hoping to find some food. Sure enough, he found something— one single ham sandwich to be exact. He knew his boyfriend was probably planning on having it himself, but hey- finders keepers, right?
Just as Hugo had taken the plate out and settled down to eat, Varian entered the kitchen and caught him red handed. Hugo stared at him, mouth wide open mid-bite. Varian stared back, an irritated gleam in his eyes.
“Hugo. Is that mine?” The short alchemist asked, crossing his arms and raising an eyebrow. Hugo placed the meal back on the plate and stood.
“Hey, you left it there with no note. I was here first, so it’s mine.”
“Is not! I made it for myself! Now give it here!” Varian demanded, holding out a hand.
“Nuh-uh! Finders keepers! You’ll have to fight me for it.” Hugo said, mimicking Varian’s previous pose.
Varian’s glare shifted into something else. Something more mischievous and cunning.
“Fine then. I’ll fight you for it.” He said, calmly approaching Hugo and backing him against the table. Hugo gulped nervously, looking around for an escape. Varian smirked at him.
“Why so nervous? You did challenge me to a fight and I never back down from a challenge, hunny.” Varian said, poking Hugo’s sides, causing him to flinch and suck in a breath.
“W-wahait, wait! Come on! Let’s talk about thihihihis!” Hugo crumpled to the ground in fits of giggles as Varian continued poking him all the way down.
“Sorry, gonna have to fight your way out of this.” Teased Varian, spidering his fingers along Hugo’s ribs, smirking as another idea came to him.
“Say, Hugo. How many ribs do you have?”
“Twehehelve! Twelve pairs!” Hugo giggled, trying to capture Varian’s wrists to no avail. Varian hummed like he was unconvinced.
“I dunno. I think I should count them just to be sure.”
Hugo squealed and wriggled around as Varian began counting.
“1, 2, 3~ Hugo, quit squirming so much, I lost count! Now I have to start all over!” Varian groaned, feigning frustration.
“Nohohoho! D-Dohohon’t start over!” Hugo pleaded through giggles, kicking lightly at the floor. Varian smirked at him and began counting again, going extra slow.
Hugo writhed and giggled hysterically, trying to bat Varian’s hands away.
“S-sohohohmewhere ehehehehelse! Plehehehease!” Hugo cackled when the rib tasers became almost unbearable. To his surprise Varian listened.
“Alright, how about your thighs then? Or perhaps some neck raspberries? I know you love that.” Varian teased, grinning when Hugo flushed crimson.
“N-no! Not that!” Hugo cried, a wobbly smile spreading on his face.
“You’re right! Both at once does sound amazing!” Varian declared, ignoring Hugo’s pleas before leaning down and blowing raspberries on Hugo’s neck while simultaneously reaching back and squeezing his thighs.
Hugo shrieked instantly starting to laugh loudly and brightly. Both of his worst spots being attacked at once was almost unbearable. Almost.
He was losing the strength to push Varian away, but then he remembered- this was supposed to be a fight. There was no reason why he shouldn’t fight back.
With that thought in mind, Hugo reached out his hand even though it left his entire right side exposed, which was a risk. Varian had briefly paused his raspberries, curious to what Hugo was doing. Through laughter, the blonde flashed Varian a smirk.
“Lehet’s see how you like it, Stripes.” He quickly turned the tables and grabbed his boyfriends side and squeezed, sending him toppling off him with a squeal.
With a triumphant cackle, Hugo climbed on top of Varian and straddled his hips.
“Wahahait! Hugo don’t! I’m way more ticklish than you!” Varian cried out, already giggling with anticipation.
Hugo laughed and rested his hands on his lovers sides.
“But this is a fight, so I’m fighting back now.” He declared before attacking Varian’s sides with scribbles, pokes, and squeezes. His heart melted at the bright giggles and snorts Varian was letting out.
“Huhuhuhugooooo! Quihuihuit!” Varian giggled, shoving weakly at Hugo’s hands, shrieking when Hugo rolled up his shirt. That only meant one thing.
Hugo smirked at him as he lowered his head.
“You attacked my worst spots, love. It’s only fair that I do the same thing to you.” He said before blowing raspberries on Varian’s tummy, earning some bright cackles and squeals.
“NAHAHAHAHAT FAHAHAHAHAIR!” Argued Varian through his laughter, trying to shove Hugo’s head away, which only resulted in Hugo’s hair adding to the already ticklish sensations.
“Uh, it’s totally fair!” Hugo replied.
“If I was being unfair, I would do this!” He declared, quickly scribbling his fingers up Varian’s sides and to his armpits while continuing the raspberries on his tummy.
Varian howled with laughter, squirming violently. Both of his weak spots were under attack and suddenly he knew what Hugo had meant.
“STOOOOAHAHAHAP!” Shrieked Varian, desperately trying to escape.
As a last resort he stretched out his hand and prodded clumsily at Hugo’s ribs again. It did the trick and sent the blonde rolling right off him. Varian smirked and scrambled up, planning to wreck Hugo some more when the lanky male held a hand up to stop him.
“Truce! Truhuce! Please, I think I’ll actually faint if you tickle me anymore!” Hugo said, catching his breath. Varian lowered his hands suspiciously, relaxing when Hugo stayed where he was.
“Okay, truce. You alright?” Hugo nodded and grinned at him sheepishly.
“When I challenged you to a fight, I was not expecting a tickle fight.” He confessed, rubbing his aching sides. Varian laughed and shook his head.
“We didn’t even declare a victor! Who gets the sandwich?” He asked, tilting his head.
Standing, Hugo took Varian’s hand to help him up.
“How about we split it and go halvsies on it?” He suggested. Varian smiled and kissed him.
“Perfect. I’ll get a knife.” Varian opened the cutlery drawer while Hugo noticed something.
“Hey, Goggles.” He tugged Varian’s sleeve gently to get his attention.
Varian turned back to face Hugo.
“What is it, babe?”
Hugo pointed to the table. Where Ruddiger, Varian’s raccoon was perched, his cheeks stuffed with ham sandwich. The critter was about to shove the last bite in his mouth when he noticed the boys glaring at him. He dove off the table and stuffed it in as Hugo lunged at him.
Varian saw it coming and quickly gripped Hugo’s sides making him yelp and fold in on himself.
“Bahabe! We had a truce!” He whined, clutching his sides protectively. Varian chuckled and pecked his lips.
“I know, but I didn’t want you to murder Ruddiger over a sandwich. I’ll make another one and we can share that one.” Hugo smiled.
“Okay deal. Just no more sneak attacks!” Laughing, Varian made a fresh ham sandwich and the two of them shared a nice lunch break. They may or may not have had another tickle fight as well.
˗ˏˋ꒰𖦹。🧪⋆°✰꒱ ˎˊ˗
A/N: Hey guys! I hope you like this oneshot! I had fun writing it! I can’t believe October is nearly over! Hopefully I’ll get a few more TickleTober stories out before then!
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spacethatsit · 1 year
Varian For the character meme.
Ooooh yeah alright!
• Favorite thing about them
I think my fav thing is how he switches between being this silly little guy and being able to conquer an entire kingdom at 14 like yeah you go dude!
• Least favorite thing about them
I can’t say there’s anything I dislike about him the main thing is I dislike how Disney tried to enforce him having a crush on cass cause they’re both gay
• Favorite line
Does the entirety of Ready As I’ll Ever Be count? Cause that shit fucking slaps and Varian fucking deserves to pop off
• brOTP
I mean it’s less like a brOTP and more like OTParent but I really like Eugene and Varian and I think they have some very fun similarities (dark kingdom and daddy issues) that is fun to play with
Hugo and Varian <3 I love chaotic gay bitches
• nOTP
Cass and Varian. I hate that shit so fucking much cause through the entire show Varian is a teenager and just AUGH also like I said before they’re both gay do it doesn’t work
• Random headcannon
For Vat7K I’m on team Hugo Fell First (tm) and I think Varian would be completely fucking oblivious to Hugo’s like gentle hinting cause like Varian is autistic and mans would not understand what Hugo means lmao
• Unpopular Opinion
I don’t think Varian would want to Royal Engineer in complete honesty, he probably took the position because he felt indebted to Rapunzel and bad for almost taking over again but like he knows the corruption within Corona, I just feel like he’d want out of the whole thing in general
• Song(s) I associate with them
I have an entire playlist besties but my top songs are probably Killer by The Hoosiers, Forgotten Souls by Mother Mother, and Yeah Yeah Yeah (V2) by Jack Conte
• Favorite picture [gif] of them
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kittyotakunoir666 · 2 years
Chapter 2 - Children
Ice harvesters appear on screen, dressed in traditional Sami clothing, score a frozen lake. They began to sing.  
Anna listened to the lyrics becoming entranced by them as if they should have meaning to her.
“So you guys harvest ice were you from?” Eugene asked
“Yes. We have to as the place we’re from can be pretty scarce on cold days,” Anna explained after coming out of her entrancement and then remembered what had happened and murmured a comment, “At least, it used to be.”
A young boy appeared on screen with a reindeer following the group before sharing a carrot with said reindeer.  
The action grossed out all the women and some of the men while others rolled their eyes at this.
“So it took you quite a bit to take the ice out huh?” Anna teased Kristoff
“Hey, it’s harder than it looks alright,” Kristoff defended himself 
Rapunzel and Eugene shared a look seeing them tease each other. Elsa had also listened to the lyrics, her mind wondering if they meant anything as she remembered what the trolls from long ago said that it would have been dangerous if her magic had hit Anna’s heart. 
“Beware the frozen heart?” Elsa whispered to herself as she remember her magic striking toward Anna before it was stopped by the magic the transported them here, “What would have happened if it had it her?”
She looked up when she heard Anna’s gasp as she would know Anna’s voice even after all these years. What she saw on the screen made her flinch as she knew where this would go.
Eight-year-old Elsa was sleeping peacefully on her bed. Then five-year-old Anna pops up behind her.
“Elsa. Psst. Elsa! Psst.” Anna whispered as she tried to wake her up
When Elsa didn’t wake up or stir Anna got on her bed and climbed on top of Elsa and began to bounce to wake her up.
“Wake up. Wake up. Wake up,” Anna said quietly but not enough to make it a whisper
“Anna go back to bed,” Elsa grumbled as she tried to go back to sleep
Anna rolls onto her back and spreads all her weight on Elsa.  
“Did you guys share a room?” Hiro asked Anna
Anna nodded her head as she further explained, “It was the nursery at our castle. Elsa and I are pretty close in age so we shared the room. But then after that day, she was moved from there to a different room. I didn’t know why until recently.” 
“What was the reason?” Rapunzel asked kindly
“I’m pretty sure it will be revealed if we keep watching,” Anna answered as she subconsciously leaned a bit closer to Kristoff.
“I just can’t. The sky’s awake, so I’m awake, so we have to play.” Anna explained as she glanced down at Elsa
“...Go play by yourself,” Elsa complained as she pushed Anna off her making her land on her butt to the floor
Anna sighs defeated as she pouted. But then she gets an idea. She hops back on the bed and lifts one of Elsa’s eyelids.
“Do you want to build a snowman?” Anna asked mischievously
Elsa’s eyes pop open as she smiles up at Anna.
Anna is then dragging Elsa down the stairs wearing snow boots. Elsa is trying to shush her but wasn’t really successful. They finally make it into the ballroom with Elsa shutting the door. 
“Do the magic! Do the magic!” Anna commanded giggling  
Anna sucked in some breath. She doesn’t remember this. She doesn’t remember begging her sister to use her magic. 
“What’s the matter?” Kristoff asked her as he saw Anna become a bit pale
“I-I don’t remember this. I don’t remember that I knew Elsa had magic,” Anna explained
“Maybe something happened to block out those memories?” Hiro spoke up from where he was.
Anna looked and saw that he was leaning against his aunt who was running her fingers in his hair. Anna thought the scene she was looking
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slut4buckysarm · 2 years
— Xenon Lights | B.Barnes
chapter two: the one with the nirvana tee.
disclaimer; you do not need to read part one to read part two.
au; college.
pairing; bucky barnes x inexperienced!reader.
summary; when your laziness gets the best of you and you need clothes that are hoodies to wear, Bucky offers his garments. What you didn't expect was for that to lead to your first time being fingered.
word count; 1.5k.
warnings; smut [fingering, nipple play], reader uses bucky to practice kissing, fluff. 18+. MDNI.
Series Masterlist | Masterlist.
Do NOT copy, repost, translate or rewrite my work.
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— "use me, kiss me, make me yours".
"Steve" you hiss through your teeth as you peek around the corner to make sure the campus security guard, Charles, is still distracted by his usual stop at the food cart.
No answer.
You move your hand across the gravel to collect some rocks and toss them in your hand. "Steve open the fucking window!" you whisper yell, launching the stones at the glass.
Your blond-haired brother finally slides his window open and looks down at you. "Again?" he mouths, unable to believe that you ran out of clean laundry again.
"Yes again. Now help me up before Charles makes another round trip!".
Steve lets out an annoyed groan before he retreats with an almost worn-out rope. The same almost worn-out rope that he threw down to you every time you were too lazy to do your own laundry and needed to borrow clothes for the next two days.
"This is some rapunzel shit, ya know?" he chuckles while hurling the rope down to you.
You let out a laugh as you grip onto the tan fibres. "Fuck you!"
Every ounce of energy you have is used to climb your way to the top and then slip through his window.
Looking down at your palms you see that they’re red and have light scab marks on them, results of the past and present. "My hands burn" you whine observing the room that has more party douches in it than usual. Just as you're about to ask what they’re doing there you spot Bucky Barnes. The man you’ve been thinking about with your hands between your legs every night since the party last week. Bucky Barnes stands in a corner wearing black jeans and a skin-tight tee of the same colour, eyes ice blue with a hint of grey on the outsides, and his bottom lip tucked under his teeth.
"Steve, what's going on?" your eyes are still glued to Bucky's as you ask the question.
"We were just hanging" he mumbles shifting through the clothes in his closet. "Yo, Mark! Get her a beer"!
“With five people?” you ask as you lift your sweater from the bottom to stop it from sticking to your hot sweaty skin. “Alright listen, I just need a t-shirt and before you scold me for not doing my laundry you should know that I did do it” you pause for dramatic effect. “Mostly the hoodies” you finish mumbling.
When the beverage is handed to you, you use the edge of Steve’s work table to pop off the cap, only adding another scuff to his already fully marked table.
Other than your brother, Bucky, and you, there are four other males in the room, and you can't help but feel pity.
"Where are the girls?" you laugh as you turn and nudge Steve.
"Well, it wasn't really that kind of party darling" one guy smirks. By his voice, you can tell it's Devon. Steve instantly turns to face him and gives him a stern look. "Watch your fucking mouth" he warns with a finger in his direction.
"Well, I wasn't really asking you" you retaliate, rolling your eyes.
All of Steve's friends are idiots. They all hit on you when he wasn't around but you never complained to Steve. He already has a lot on his plate trying to pay for his classes and the last thing he needs to know is that his friends are assholes.
All but Bucky.
"I don't have anything Y/N" Steve calls out to you.
"What do you mean you don't have anything?" you let out a nervous laugh as you push him out of the way and move his clothes around. "Steve it’s so fucking hot and I have nothing besides winter clothes. Like zero".
Steve throws his hands in the air and shakes his head slowly. "Next time don't be lazy" he always had a way of being sarcastic and nothing annoyed you more.
"I promise this is the last time".
"I'm all out"!
Mouth hung slightly open you groan in agony. "The laundry rooms don't open for two days" you whine. "Fuck"!
You could borrow some of his friend's clothes but the chance of those weirdos using them to masturbate later that night isn't worth the risks.
"I have some spare clothes in my room." you hear Bucky’s low voice call out to you and you instantaneously spin around to face him again. "In- You hav- what?" you hold your breath as he steps closer to you. As many times as you’ve had a conversation with Bucky, you get the same butterflies you got the first time you talked to him.
"Y/N. Go." you hear your brother speak from behind you. "We wanna party".
Bucky turns to walk out into the hallway and looks back to you not moving. "You coming?" he smiles over his shoulder as he starts making his way upstairs knowing that you’re following.
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You shift your weight from one leg to the next as you wait for Bucky to give you something to wear. "You can sit." he laughs as he notices your pain. Smiling, you gladly take a seat on his bed, and it's unusually comfortable. Most guys on this campus had mattresses that felt like a rock. There was a lump every time you would turn so you eventually got fed up and decided that if a guy wanted to hook up, they would have to sneak into your place.
Bucky finally pulls out a t-shirt and hands it to you. You look at the pile of clothes it came from and then back up at him.
"What? You don't have to do laundry but I have to fold mine?" he jokes.
You try not to laugh at his comment but you can’t help but giggle when you see that contagious smile on his face.
You purse your lips and take the shirt out of his hand. It's an old gray NIRVANA tee with a hole in the side. You poke your finger through it and tilt your head to the side.
"Yeah sorry" he mumbles as he pokes his through too.
"No, I like it! Gives it a sorta vintage look" you say truthfully. Or maybe you just liked it because it was Bucky's shirt.
He moves towards the single window and sits down, back against the plaster wall.
“You can change in my bathroom if you want”.
“Um thanks” you smile. “You think you can lend me a pair of bottoms too? Jeans are really uncomfortable”. Your pants are truthfully uncomfortable and honestly, you wouldn’t mind hopping into one of Bucky’s bottoms too.
"Shit, I don't think I have anything but you're free to check".
You walk over to his pile of clothes and toss some hoodies to the side. Reaching the bottom of the stack you realize that he was being literal and didn't have a single pair of joggers.
You groan as you pull the waistband of your jeans.
That catches Bucky's attention. He grabs a lighter from his nightstand and concentrates on your eyes as he rolls his thumb over the gear.
You pull a pair of his boxers shorts into your hand and toss it to your other. "Mind if I wear these?" you ask with your best puppy eyes.
Bucky is taken by surprise when he sees his underwear in your hand. He wouldn't mind taking you right there. Relishing in your flavours as you squirm under him. He'd be lying if he said he hadn't stayed up most nights with his hand wrapped around his cock, thinking about it. Thinking about how good your lips would taste as he tugs on them with his teeth. Thinking about how good your tight pussy would feel squeezing around his cock. Thinking about how pretty your moans would sound as his roommates wondered who Bucky Barnes was with tonight.
"James?" you wave your hand to catch his attention and finally snap him out of his fantasy.
"What? No yeah go ahead" he points towards the bathroom and you make your way there.
Compared to the other boys in this facility, Bucky's bathroom was rather clean. Not to say that his toilet paper wasn’t in backwards, and there wasn’t loose change and cigarettes out on the sink counter.
You pull your sweater over your body and cup the bottom of your boobs, pushing them upwards. You do a spin and run your hands over your body. For the first time in a while, you feel hot and you’re going to make the best of it.
Arms reaching behind your body, you snap open your bra, letting your breasts bounce a little before landing back in their natural place. You know that Bucky likes you and you like him too so what better to do than tease him?
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“And now, from the female facility, W wing…Y/N Rogers!” you announce as you open the door and step out.
You throw your right hand onto your hip and your left one into the air, striking a dramatic pose. “How do I look”?
Bucky wants nothing more than to tell you that you look absolutely stunning. He would do anything to press his lips onto yours and tell you how long he’s been waiting to touch you like you belonged to no one but him.
Then he sees them.
His eyes wander down to your chest and he licks his lips when his eyes land on your pebbled nipples against his clothes. He’s onto you.
“James?” you wave a hand when you don’t get an answer.
Bucky throws a smile on his face and decides to play your game. “Great”. He nods as he pats the space in between his elongated legs.
You pad over to where he is, making sure to sway your hips a little more than usual. Bending down, you straighten your legs between his and tuck your hair behind your ear. “Hey”.
“Hey” he smiles as he flicks his thumb over the piece in his hand. He sits there for a minute looking at you, watching you watch him in complete awe until he finally breaks.
To Bucky, you look like the prettiest girl in the world. To Bucky, your eyes glimmer with affection and your heart holds space for every single person on Earth. To him, you look perfect.
“James listen. About what I told you at the party? The thing about me not kiss-”
“Use me”.
“I’m sorry”?
“You wanna learn how to kiss? Use me.” he replies without batting an eye.
Bucky tsks to allow you a moment to recover. He hates when you call him ‘Bucky’. The only thing you were allowed to address him as was “James”. It was your name for him and you were the only one allowed to call him it.
“James” you smile sarcastically. “What the fuck are you talking about”?
“What? You’re not attracted to me”? He knows you are but he wants to hear you say it.
“What? No, I am! It’s not that. You’re a very attractive guy but that’s not the point. I’m not going to use you” you scoff.
Bucky reaches his arms out and you grab his hands. He pulls you towards him and wraps your legs around his torso. Butterflies fill your stomach when you feel your cunt press against his clothed cock. Your heart rate speeds up and you can’t seem to look him in his eyes. All your confidence from before deteriorates and heat makes its way to your cheeks.
Bucky sees that you're nervous and places his hands on your face, lifting it up to meet his eyes line. “Hey. Don’t get shy on me now.” he chuckles.
“No it’s not- I don’t want to put you through that”.
“I don’t mind," he says without hesitating.
“I wouldn’t know where to start” you laugh.
“Just put your lips on mine and navigate”.
In a matter of seconds, you lean closer to Bucky's face and press your lips onto his. At first, you feel like an idiot. The way your lips tug onto his and your tongue goes in and out of his mouth way too much makes you think that Bucky wants to stop so you pull away but he's not having any of it. As soon as your lips separate from his, he pulls you back in, this time he takes dominance and in no time you learn the art of making out.
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“James” you breathe out.
“Give me a word”.
“It’s fine just touch me. Please.” you whine wanting to feel him so bad.
He moves your hair behind your ear and you can feel his breath on your neck. “I need a word first doll”.
You groan understanding him but also need him to make you feel good. “Blueberries”.
“Any significance to that” you can feel his smirk on your skin.
“James I swear to-“ you don’t get to complete your threat before Bucky’s fingers make their way under the boxers you're wearing and press up against your cunt. “What was that sweetheart”?
Bucky’s lips attack your neck and his kisses are sure to leave marks.
“You ever been fingered”?
He can’t help but smirk when you shake your head.
“Not even your own”?
His smirk quickly turns into a full grin as you shake your head again. “Can I?” he makes sure you want him to be your first before he puts his fingers where they’re craving to be.
You want nothing more than Bucky to be the first person to finger you.
“James please” you whine leaning against his torso. “So needy aren’t ya doll?” he smiles as he brings his middle and ring fingers to your mouth.
“Open”. You always respond well to authority and Bucky knows it. He shoves his fingers into your mouth as soon as your lips part. Your tongue swirls up and down his digits all while the two of you maintain eye contact.
He slowly slips his fingers away from your mouth and slides them down your stomach leaving a wet stripe that glistens under the golden rays of sunshine.
Bucky’s lips attach to the side of your neck as his fingers spread your wetness around your folds. The saliva on his fingers acts as a lube but you both know that it isn’t needed.
“You want my fingers”? Bucky knows the answer to his question.
You frantically nod your head, eyes fluttering shut when he sucks on your sweet spot.
“How bad?” he whispers, fingertips teasing your hole.
“So bad. Fuck. Please so bad”!
“That's right doll. You want em’ so bad” he mocks, tracing soft circles on your clit.
Your breath hitches and Bucky smirks at your lost composure. You’re greedy for his fingers and he loves it.
“You ready”? Bucky slowly slips his middle finger into your hole when you say 'yes'.
Bucky’s thigh tenses when you smack a hand down on it to help release some of the burning sensations. He gives you a second to adjust before he starts to pump his finger.
“Mmm James” you mumble as he places kisses along your jawline.
"Yes doll?" he asks innocently as you quiver in his arms.
Your chest starts to grow heavy as he brings his thumb back to your clit and draws tight, hard circles, middle finger still pumping in and out of you fast.
He’s hitting your g spot but it still isn’t enough.
"Fuck. Need more James. Please I need more." you beg.
“Yeah you do” he smiles before sliding his ring finger in right next to his middle finger.
You let out a gasp when you feel his fingers curl inside of you, your velvet walls squeezing tight around him.
“You look so beautiful like this sweetheart”. He reaches over to the bottom of your tee and pulls it over your body.
Bucky practically drools at the sight of your tits perking freely. He squeezes your right breast with his unoccupied hand. Kneading your skin softly, he starts to pump his fingers faster making your back arch off of his chest.
The coil in your lower stomach tightens and you don’t know how much longer you're going to last.
You squeeze your thighs together and Bucky finds it hard to keep moving his fingers. He pulls his left thigh over yours and uses it to spread your legs apart.
“Can’t let you do that darling. I can feel you squeeze’n down on my fingers. You’re close aren’t ya’?” he asks kissing your shoulder.
With your right thigh shaking, hands squeezing the muscles of Bucky's thighs, and moans spilling out of your mouth that make you feel like you're now getting everything that you've ever wanted, all you can do is throw your head back onto his shoulder and snap your eyes shut tight in response.
Bucky's mouth continues to attack your neck while the fingers of his right-hand curl inside of you and the palm of his left kneads your breasts.
"James 'm gonna come"!
"Yeah? Alright, come for me, darling. Make a mess all over my hands" he whispers into your ear when you clench down on him.
With a few more curls, your sight starts to blur and your heels dig into the ground under you. Whimpers turn into full-on screams as you buck your hips closer to Bucky's hand and ride out your high. It lasts only a few seconds but you're sure it's the best few seconds you've ever experienced.
"Felt good?" Bucky asks as he pulls his digits out of you and admires the way they sparkle due to your wetness.
"Felt so good," you respond, lips parted, eyelids shut tight, and head resting against Bucky's chest.
You steady your breathing all while thanking Steve's friends for deciding to blast music from where they were downstairs.
please give feedback and reblog if you enjoyed.
Taglist [to be added, please make sure to reblog, follow and comment with an ‘@‘ + your username] [let me know if you want to be removed]:
@missvelvetsstuff @nohuyck @broco8@slut4marvelcharacters @noorreads @giftedyoungster3000 @fictional-l0v3r @lauren0300 @missvelvetsstuff @nohuyck @broco8 @hanahkatexo @darlingimbroke @cassie-buckysbaby @randomlyblue
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wheeier · 3 years
no taking back
summary: it was only fun and games. but steve had other plans.
warnings: modern au, tooth-rotting fluff i guess, little but of swearing
+ olivia rodrigo’s sour album (stream besties), the movie tangled at the end because it just radiates as a comfort movie
yes a modern au !!! i just saw this on tiktok (the sour part, but the rest was my idea!) and thought it was so cute so it gave me an idea to make it as a fic, enjoy !!!
steve harrington x fem!reader
olivia rodrigo’s new album just released and you were thrilled to listen to it and stream it the whole day.
when you finally got to listen to it, you asked your friends—robin, nancy, and the party, if they listened to it and which ones were their favorites.
robin told you that her top three were hope ur ok, jealousy, jealousy, and brutal.
nancy said she really loved favorite crime.
max said hers was also brutal.
el told you that she played good 4 u and traitor on repeat that hopper had to go into her room to turn it down.
when mike comes over to the cabin he can assure that el does indeed play them on repeat and get pissy about it (but he secretly loves the album, but he wouldn’t let her or anyone know that).
and lastly lucas and dustin are fans of deja vu and 1 step forward 3 steps back. max even told you that they would sing the bridge of deja vu on the top of their lungs.
you slightly laughed at the memory of them telling you about it.
however, there’s one more person that you haven’t talked to about it yet.
your smile faltered and faded when he came across in your mind.
your feelings for him had deepened over the time and listening to the sour album made it feel like you two had broken up, which in fact, is not true because you were never together in the first place.
suddenly, an idea popped in your head. instead of being sad about steve, you thought about texting him, although it’s almost 1AM, you knew he’d still be up.
Sailor Man
You: hey
You: u up?
Sailor Man: duh
Sailor Man: this has been our nightly routine u always bother me when i’m about to go to sleep
You: fuck off
You: don’t pretend that you’re not binge watching outer banks until 4am
Sailor Man: i’m not?!?
You: yeah right
You: anyways
You: can u do me a favor
Sailor Man: will i get free pizza afterwards
You: no
Sailor Man: k
You: what the fuck
You: fine
Sailor Man: hehe
Sailor Man: what’s the favor ;)
You: dont get me started with that winky face i swear ure so dead when i see you at the wheeler’s house tomorrow
You: have you listened to olivia rodrigo’s new album
Sailor Man: ohh the bitter album?
Sailor Man: I DONT KNOW?!?
Sailor Man: shut up
Sailor Man: i’ve heard some of the songs but i haven’t fully listened to them
Sailor Man: why
You: can you like
You: ask me to be ur girlfriend then break up with me right after so i can experience and actually feel the whole sour album
Sailor Man: what
You: just do it !!
Sailor Man: you’re so funny (y/n/n)
Sailor Man: okay
Sailor Man: will you be my girlfriend?
You: yes !!!
You: ...
You: hello
You: dont tell me u fell asleep
Sailor Man: i’m not doing the last part you might as well forget about it
You: wjat
Sailor Man: :D
You: wtf
You: okay steve cut it out i’m not doing this anymore u’re not funny
Sailor Man: nope
Sailor Man: go to sleep we’re dating now that’s how this works
Sailor Man: okay i dont know if you’re still reading this now and i am terrified to say this to you in person like TERRIFIED. might piss my pants if i did. so (y/n/n), my favorite dumbass, my favorite person to talk to at night even if it interrupts my binge watching marathon, you make me so happy to the point that even when i sleep you’re still in my dreams. i like you. i have like the biggest fattest crush on you. and thank you for doing that sour album thing or whatever, because of that i get to finally ask you out
you rolled on your back after you read the message, facing the ceiling as your mind processed what just happened. was he playing with you? was he actually serious about asking you out?
Incoming video call...
Sailor Man
you took a deep breath before tapping the green button and placing it back down on the bed.
“hey,” you can tell that he was tired based on his voice. “can you show your face, please? i miss you.”
ignoring the butterflies in your stomach, you hesitantly lifted the phone and shifted your position to lay on your side. “hey.”
“hey yourself.” steve grins. that stupid grin that makes your stomach turn, that grin you always want to see everyday.
“what’s..up?” you avoided looking at him and started to admire your surroundings and the posters placed on your wall. this was the only time you were glad you weren’t with him in person.
“i just wanted to see if you’re okay.” of course he will ask that. he's steve. he cares about other more than himself.
“i am, thanks.” you showed a smile that doesn't reach your ears and steve knew something was bothering you. “hey, look. i'm sorry about my confession- if it made you uncomfortable i'm sorry-”
“no,” you cut him off, looking back at his face on the screen. “i’m fine, really. you don't have to apologize. i was just, surprised.”
there was silence between the two of you for a few seconds, before you spoke again. “did you mean it?” you voice was only above whisper but steve managed to hear them. “of course,” he answered almost too quick, without any hesitation. “i've been trying to find the perfect opportunity and had been asking god for signs because i can't make a move myself-”
“asking god?” you chuckled and steve smiled hearing them, glad that he somehow lightened the mood. “well, more like begging.” he continues and you giggled.
once your laughter died you both fell into silence again. you still couldn’t believe that out of a fun joke, it would turn into a whole another situation. “so, um.. just so you know, i’m not mad, or upset, or anything. i really was just surprised. it felt like a dream because i didn’t know that you like me back and all i did was just supposed to be a fun joke but—”
“hold on, back?”
“like you back. you said i like you back.” steve sat up on his bed and fixed his hair as his eyes widened. “i did...” you said slowly, not catching up.
“does that mean you..”
then it hit you. “oh, right. yeah. i- i like you..too.” you waited for his reaction and once you saw him smile you couldn’t stop yourself from doing the same.
“i knew it. and well, i guess that confirms it. we’re dating now. no taking back.” he smirks then laughs when your rolled your eyes. “don’t flatter yourself, harrington. i did not say shit.” you pointed your index finger on the screen, barely containing your giggles.
“based on your beautiful smile i think you don’t need to say it. i like you, and you like me. we’re dating.” steve gives you a teasing smile. you tried keeping your serious face but it won’t last longer so you finally smiled again. “alright, fine. no taking backs. we’re dating.” you said then laughed as he whisper-yelled ‘yes!’ while fist pumping the air.
he soon joined your laughter and you stayed like that until your jaw was pretty much in pain because of your smiles. when it was all quiet again, you both just admired each other’s presence through the screens of your phones. “i wish i was there with you.” he mumbles. “yeah, me too.” you hugged your cold pillow beside you, closing your eyes for a moment and imagining it as steve.
“are your parents home?”
you snorted at his random question. “i’m actually alone right now, they’re out because dad got promoted at his work so he and mom and i think a few friends went out to celebrate. they should be home by an hour or two. why?”
“nothing.” was all he said before hanging up. you were left confused but then he’s your best friend after all, so you knew right then and there that he’ll do something stupid. after you turned your phone off you suddenly felt watching a movie so you went to the kitchen to make some popcorn.
when it was finished and had been put in a bowl, that’s when you heard your doorbell rang—in a pattern which you recognize, and only one person does that.
you let out a quiet laugh when you realized who it was and set the bowl on the counter before opening the door.
“hi!” steve greeted you with a smile. “uh, hi?” you laughed nervously and stepped aside for him to go in. “i smell popcorn, are we having a movie night?” he says as he steps inside and shrugged off his jacket. “actually yeah, i’m planning on watching—”
“tangled.” he finishes off, you subconsciously smiled upon hearing your favorite movie. “how’d you know?”
steve snatches a few popcorns from the bowl as you both arrived in the kitchen. “(y/n), you have watched that movie 7 times this week and always gush to me about it.”
“well, you’re the only one that is around my age that i can talk to with that movie. robin and nancy aren’t that into it.” you replied, grabbing the bowl and making your way back to your bedroom, steve following your heels. “and you think i’m the best option to talk to about that?” he asks, plopping down on your bed and resting his back on the headboard.
“you’re not complaining.” you shrugged as you grabbed your laptop and sat beside steve.
“yeah, probably because i like you.” it came out of his mouth casually. you froze in place and felt your cheeks heat up, finally nodding your head slowly, “..probably.” as you typed in the movie in your laptop you felt steve scoot closer, making your breath hitch.
you were both in a comfortable silence while watching the movie, except for a few jokes and comments that steve makes and him explaining how similar he was to flynn rider.
“you know, since i’m eugene, you could be rapunzel.” he suddenly says. you eyes were still on the screen but your eyebrows furrowed. “why? i’m nothing like her.”
finally looking at steve, you almost screamed how he was already looking at you. “oh, you are so rapunzel. you may not have the longest hair in the world, but you are pretty much similar.” he replies, smiling and not taking his eyes off of you.
you paused the movie and shifted your body towards him, intrigued by his explaination. “how so?”
“well, first off,” steve starts, resting his hands on the soft mattress. “you’re both sweet, you’re both a huge ray of sunshine, have gorgeous eyes and smile, and eugene is head over heels over you — and since he doesn’t exist in real life, i’d like to be the substitute.” he finished with a confident smile.
after about three seconds, you burst out of laughter. you laughed. as much as he loves the sound of your laugh, he can’t help but pout. “(y/n), i’m trying to be sweet here!”
“i’m sorry!- it’s just- i can’t help but laugh at your flirting.” you managed to say between your laughs. you know he’s kidding but he looked at you like he was offended.
your laughter died down and held steve’s face. “it’s cute, sorry.” you mumble with a little laugh. when he finally smiled you turned to your laptop and continued the movie.
steve gazes at you for a few more seconds before watching the movie with you again. “thank you.” you whisper, glancing at him.
“you’re very much welcome, my rapunzel.” he says smiling before he slides a bit down on the bed so his head could reach your shoulder and rests it there.
you giggled as you heard him whisper,
“thank you, olivia rodrigo.”
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dreamescapeswriting · 3 years
Beach Proposal ~ JJK [Request]
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GENRE: cute, fluffy, proposal, lifeguard Jungkook
PAIRING: Lifeguard!Jungkook x lifeguard!Reader
A/N: I hope that this is alright for you my love, I know its a little short I’m sorry!
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Being a lifeguard meant learning to live with the fact that people were going to flirt with you and your boyfriend at all hours of the day. Normally it wouldn't bother you so much but lately, it had begun to get to you. Instead of telling them that he had you, he would playfully flirt back and forth with them. You knew it meant nothing to Jungkook but for some reason, it was a big deal to you.
"What's up sugar plum?" You glanced over your shoulder to see one of the other lifeguards standing behind your chair. It was hard to miss his thick Australian accent, 
"Nothing choppo. What's going on on the beach?" You questioned looking around at a group of people all crowding around something. You were stuck in the watchtower all day with Jethro and Harris while the rest of them patrolled the beach. There weren't that many of you but just enough so that everyone on the beach was protected if anything happened. 
"Jungkook took off his shirt and showed his new tattoos," Jethro laughed as he stared through his binoculars over at the crowd,
"Of course he did." You mumbled keeping your eyes on the water in case something happened but the boys knew it was bothering you. It had been something up for discussion a lot whenever Jungkook wasn't around, even though most of the guys were taken or married they still flirted playfully. They never saw the big deal with it but you did and you were sure that their partners would if they heard about it too.
"You need to chill babe, you know he only has eyes for you." Jethro teased as he pushed your chair with his foot, you stared at him and up at his shoulder. 
"Do you want me to pop it out of place?" You teased rolling your eyes at him before going back to the ocean. It was only last week that Jethro had popped his own shoulder out of place and was laid up in the tower with you. The only reason you had been stuck up there for the last week was a punishment from your boss, he figured you could use it after disobeying his orders about going in the water. The rules were fairly simple, if there was a rescue mission someone always had to stay in the tower to keep an eye on things and you didn't. You'd seen someone else in danger and rushed out to help them instead of doing as you were told, resulting in your punishment. 
"I'm tapping out Rapunzel," Cappo said as he began to do his time card, it was getting close to the beach closing anyway. Once it hit 8 at night no one was supposed to go onto the beach or into the water. Since there were no lifeguards around but it didn't stop many people from doing it anyway.
"You're on lock up tonight, come and meet us at the bar though?" Harris asked as he got up from his chair and looked at you, it was five minutes until shut down time and you had the fun task of getting everyone off the beach.
"Might go home, I'm tired." You lied as you got up and headed out of the tower, hoping that Jungkook would help you get everyone off the beach. 
The two of you had been together since you were in college, one of the longest relationships you'd ever had and you were head over heels with one another. 
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"Kookie! Make sure you get everyone out of the whirlpool too," You called down the radio as you made your way up and down the beach to make sure no one was around. Normally people would wait to sneak back on until all of the lifeguards had left by which time it wasn't your problem anymore and they had to deal with their own mistakes. 
"I know, I'm heading up there now. I'll check and head to the bar." The radio cut out and you sighed, why would he want to leave without you? Normally the two of you would head to the bar together but you said nothing and headed up to the end of the beach. 
Besides the usual drunk, there was no one on the beach for miles so you began taking all of the flags in and making sure there was nothing left out that needed to be put away. 
"Harris, just shutting off the main lights. I'll lock and post the keys." You spoke down the phone to Harris's voicemail and hung up, grabbing your bag before heading out of the door. All you wanted to do was get home and crawl into bed to get some sleep, there was something about the sea air that made everyone sleepier than usual. There was always some kind of myth as to why it made people more tired than usual but it was all science, something to do with the Sea air is charged with healthy negative ions that accelerate our ability to absorb oxygen.
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As you were about to head off the beach something in the corner of your eye flickered and you frowned. A flame? Who would be having a fire on the beach this late at night? Slowly heading down from the tower you almost dropped your bag onto the floor seeing Jungkook standing there. Surrounded by small glass jars with candles inside of them, being protected from the wind so that it was still romantic. 
"Jungkook?" You laughed awkwardly as he looked over at you, smiling and beckoning you to move toward him. 
"What's all of this?" You quizzed as you got closer to him, looking down at a blanket that he was standing on and then around him. You were pretty sure you hadn't missed an anniversary or a birthday.
"I wanted to do something special," He whispered as he stood in front of you, shaking a little as he thought about what he was about to do. Something he had been planning for a while now and had been nervous about it since the moment it happened. 
"Jungkook? You're shivering, is something-" You stopped when he suddenly got down onto one knee, looking up at you as he held your hand in his. 
"I have loved you since we started dating...I fall more and more in love with you every day. Every day I thank the universe for allowing me to wake up next to you, to be together with you every day of my life from now until I die." Tearing up you looked at him as he began to stumble over his words, tears running down his cheeks a little as he said everything he'd been meaning to say all week. 
"I know I annoy you with the flirting and trust me it all stops now but I just...I love you and I can't even imagine my life without you Y/n." It was now that you noticed Jethro and Harris were standing up at the watchtower with their cameras out, watching you both. 
"Will you, Y/n Y/l/n, do me the honour of becoming my wife?" You knelt down onto the floor in front of him, taking his face in your hands as you both sobbed. 
"Of course Jungkook," You breathed out, kissing him over and over again until you both fell back onto the blanket. Making out as he struggled to pull the ring out from his pocket. Leaving the boys watching you in a fit of laughter before you stuck up your middle finger at them. 
"Let's go home, to celebrate," You whined as Jungkook placed the ring onto your finger while he chuckled at you, shaking his head. 
"I have to clean up and they want us at the bar," You pulled him closer to you, whispering in his ear all of the things you wanted to do when you got back to your shared apartment and you'd never seen him move so fast. Rushing to blow out all of the candles and clean everything up.
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Tagline: @lyoongx @mitzwinchester @rjsmochii @taestannie @sw33tnight @sweeneyblue1 @jin-from-the-block @acciocriativity @mwitsmejk @taeechwitaa @justbangtanthingz @stillwithlix @misa0000​ 
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vivianweasley · 4 years
Rapunzel (Fred Weasley X Ravenclaw!Reader)
A/N: This is for @wand3ringr0s3‘s 1.9K writing challenge and the prompt is I See The Light from Tangled!
Summary: Fred is always there for you. No matter if it’s your birthday, or if you’re just having a sleepless night.
Pairing: Fred Weasley X Ravenclaw!fem!Reader
Warnings: insomnia (Fred comforting reader!), post-war trauma, mention of war
Word count: 1.8K
(Disclaimer: I do not own the gif)
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Today’s your 18th birthday. Even though the atmosphere of the school was pretty intense with Umbridge in charge, you still had a pretty good birthday. Your friends threw you a little birthday party.
Everyone wished you Happy Birthday. Well, everyone except for one.
After the Weasley twins left the school, you’ve never heard from them since. You guys were good friends and you really missed them. Especially Fred. 
Even George sent you a letter wishing you happy birthday, along with some samples of their new products, but Fred never showed up. Did he forget about your birthday? Or did he just forget about you?
You weren’t sure when did your stupid little crush on Fred Weasley began. Maybe it was when he stood up for you when Umbridge was going to punish you. Maybe it was when he made you laugh when you were crying because you got a bad grade in potions. Or maybe it was long before all of this.
How you became friends with Fred was a funny story. It was two years ago, you were just on your way back to your common room, but suddenly you tripped. You dropped all of your books and the potion project that you spent the entire last week working on. Watching the potion bottle scattered into pieces, your heart broke with it. You looked up and saw a boy with ginger hair gasped and soon escaped.
You recognized that was Fred Weasley. You two shared a few classes together and you hated to admit it, but he and his twin always had their way to capture your attention. How could they not? They always had so many strange ideas that never failed to intrigue you.
The next day, you successfully cornered him in the hallway. “Weasley! Why the hell did you trip me! I worked on that project for an entire week!”
He was surprised that someone suddenly cornered him, but he still had that cheeky smile, “Oh I think you got the wrong twin. I’m pretty sure it was George. I’ll go find him for you-”
“Oh I’m sorry. I must’ve made a mistake then.”
“It’s alright, people mix us up all the time.” He smiled and soon tried to escape you again. But just when he started walking, he tripped.You waved your wand and tied his shoelaces when he was still busy trying to come up with some excuses and alibi. 
You walked in front of him and gave him a triumphant grin, “This is for my potion project. I know who you are, Fred Weasley.”
And then you just hopped away, leaving him still lying on the floor and that funnily, was the beginning of your friendship.
He was intrigued by your mind and your ideas just as how you were intrigued by his. You would always get him and George out of trouble just like how you could get them into trouble if you wanted to.
You felt ridiculous always checking the clock and fighting back the urge to check the owlery every other hour. If Fred couldn’t give you a birthday gift, maybe at least he could send you a letter?
Maybe his owl got lost. You knew the Weasley’s owl was a little silly. 
Or maybe he already forgot about you. He’s got a business and everything, who would have time for you?
The clock in your room finally stuck 12. It was officially not your birthday anymore and he never showed up.
You fell on your pillow and your mind drifted to last year’s birthday. The twins dragged you to the shrieking shack, telling you that they need your help for a grand prank. You opened the door and found Ginny and the twins actually prepared a surprise party for you. But this year, you only had Ginny.
A knock on the window beside you brought you back from your memory. You got off your bed and walked to the window, gripping your wand tight for you didn’t know what might happen.
But when you opened the window, the scene successfully put a smile on your face. Enchanted little pebbles were flying up to knock on your window. Along with the pebbles, there was also a little note that read “Oi Rapunzel, let down your hair!” You knew that carefree handwriting way too well. It was Fred’s.
You flipped the note and the back of it read “meet you at the door”. You chuckled as the butterflies in your stomach started to dance.
As soon as you rushed downstairs, you heard someone arguing with the door knocker, “Seriously, why are you so stubborn? If a serial killer is chasing after a student and that student just couldn’t answer your stupid riddles, are you just gonna let that student die? This doesn’t make any sense!”
You giggled and opened the door to see Fred with his cheeks flushed and still panting. You guessed that he must have ran upstairs just now.
“Oh thank Merlin! Y/N!”
“How did you get into Hogwarts?”
“Hmmm, my determination to be here for you on your birthday has made me unstoppable?”
Your heart fluttered at his cheesy answer, but you still kept a straight face, “Yet, you are still late.”
But instead of Fred’s explanation, you heard the portrait on the wall complaining first, “So do you want to get in or out? You can’t just stand here with the door open!” 
“Come!” Fred smiled at you and dragged you out of the common room.
“Where are you taking me!”
He brought you all the way to the astronomy tower. Thankfully, you guys didn’t run into Mr. Filch because Fred already knew the route too well.
You two sat down by the window. The weather was good tonight. The sky was clear and you could see the stars twinkling above. The chilly midnight breeze made the astrological instruments sing. You haven’t felt so peaceful in a while.
“Happy birthday Y/N.” Fred broke the silence first. He pulled out a bracelet from his pocket and placed it around your wrist. “I’m sorry I was late, but your present took me longer than I thought to make.”
“What is this Freddie?”
“Lumos.” He waved his wand and the bracelet lit up. Your eyes lit up too when you saw the bracelet on his wrist started to glow as well. “In case you missed the laughter and fun in your life, by that I mean, in case if you missed me, you can light up the bracelet and I will know.”
You stared at him, finding yourself speechless. A warm and tingling feeling started to rise in your heart and spread through your whole body.
“Don’t fall in love with me.” He laughed cheekily when he realized you were staring at him.
You looked at him and saw the light reflecting in his eyes. For a moment, it was as if your world has lit up, yet everything was in slow-motion.
Too late. That was the first thought that popped into your head
You woke up from the exploding and screaming in your nightmare. It was already three in the morning.
Nightmares and sudden palpitations were common problems that people who have been through the battle face and you weren’t an exception. You glanced at the calendar on your nightstand and felt slightly relieved when you made sure it was already a year after the war. Everything was fine. You were safe now.
You lied back and tried to sleep again, but the brutal scenes of the battle just refused to leave your head. After struggling for fifteen minutes, you finally gave up and got off bed.
You turned on all the lights in your room just to feel a little bit more secure, but the room was just so empty. You were craving for company. You missed Fred. You needed him.
You and Fred got together during the war, finally admitting that you couldn’t afford to lose each other. If the war left anything good in your life. There was that.
You wanted to see Fred, to talk to him, to hug him. You wanted to just apparate into his apartment right now. But you knew he was busy and had to wake up early tomorrow morning. Even though Fred told you that you could always go find him when you need him, but you just didn’t want to add to his burden. You knew it was your anxiety and insecurity lying to you, saying that you were a burden, but you just felt too exhausted tonight to shut them up.
So after debating in your head and listing out all the pros and cons, you decided to just light that bracelet. If you couldn’t cuddle him right now, at least the light from the bracelet could make you feel like he was right here with you.
Sleeping was probably not an option anymore tonight, so you decided to read a good book to distract yourself. But fifteen minutes later, you realized you were just staring at the pages without even reading the words. So you started to pace around in your apartment, trying to focus on all the corners that you didn’t pay attention to before.
Just when you were about to check that vase on your bookshelf for the third time tonight, you heard a knocking on your window. You immediately ran to the window, knowing too well what that meant. 
A little note with “Rapunzel, let down your hair” written on it flew into your hand when you opened the window.
“Darling, are you alright?” You turned and saw Fred has already apparated into your apartment. “I’m sorry I’m a little late, the bracelet went under my pillow-” 
His ramble was cut short when you rushed to hug him. He chuckled and lifted you up to carry you back to your bedroom. He placed you on the bed and tucked you in before joining you
You felt like you could finally breathe calmly as you were now secure in his embrace. You just felt so lucky to have him and a random question popped into your head.
“Freddie, when did you realize that you like me?”
“Hmm probably that day when you tied my shoelaces. I thought Merlin, this woman is going to be trouble.”
“Thank you very much,” you lightly pushed his arm to protest.
“I have a question for you too,” suddenly, he looked at you seriously, “how were you able to tell me and George apart at first?”
“Well, you are slightly taller than George and George’s voice is deeper than yours.” You simply listed out your observations.
“But these are all relative. That day when you tied my shoelaces, there was only me.”
“Or maybe it’s just cause I’m smart?”
He squeezed your waist at your cheeky answer and you squeezed his waist back. 
“It’s your eyes,” you finally admitted, “George’s eyes are soft, but your eyes are bright. It’s like my whole world has lit up when I see the light in your eyes.”
He looked at you with his eyes widened. You giggled when you saw his expression, “What? Are you feeling touched? Don’t fall too deeply in love with me.”
He squeezed your waist again. But when you were about to attack him back, he pulled you closer and pressed a kiss on your forehead.
“Too late, darling. Already did.”
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ven-finn · 3 years
More Medium!Merida and Ghost!Remaining 3
 Jack constantly hounds Merida to leave the TV on when she’s not home. There’s a lot of sequels and shows he needs to catch up on! Rapunzel loves to sit and watch with him. (She tries incredibly hard to keep up with pop culture, but is constantly missing the mark. Think “I understood that reference!” So she uses TV as ‘homework’ of sorts) Merida’s electrical bill is always through the roof bc of it, and although (for her) it’s not much of a problem she still threatens to expel them for good measure. Nevermind that her idea of expelling a ghost is to shoo at them with a broom and shout “GET!” and that Jack knows this because he experienced said broom firsthand.  
Jack borderline brags about how he died all the time(he slipped and fell on a bar of soap in the bathroom. Tragic, he knows.) Rapunzel has an inkling it had something to do with her mother but her memories are too fuzzy to be certain. The memories she does have left are all of her just being cooped up in her home, always, always. Hiccup won’t come forward and say how he died, so Merida doesn’t ask. But if you look closely enough you can see burn scars running all along his legs and arms. Merida distantly remembers the stories of the 06′ fire, and how this house is merely a skeleton of the old one, but she knows better than to pry with spirits.
Merida can interact with slightly demonic entities as well. Cue Toothless, a hellhound who sometimes appears just to get Hiccup to play fetch with him. A hellhound that supposedly Hiccup knew in life. Hiccup isn’t very good with the whole ‘moving things with his ghost powers’ deal though, so he has to drag Merida to the front lawn to throw the stick for him. Her neighbors just see a regular, albeit disturbingly large, dog with unsettling green eyes. Merida does not answer any of their questions. 
Whenever the family visits, Elinor will scold Merida for how cold the house is while three curious ghosts completely surround her. The triplets are at that age where they’re still young enough to be perceptive of ghosts, but just barely. Rapunzel coos at them every time they spot her, although she’ll still say Everyday Creepy things without blinking and scare them off. Fergus is the most blind to Merida’s circumstance, which is just fine with her because she thinks its hilarious with Jack fucks with him.
Eventually Merida just thinks of the three as her roommates who don’t pay rent. Which is fine because her rent is insanely low precisely because everyone freaks out about how haunted the house is. If only they knew. And she doesn’t even have the worst haunting on the block. 
 Ghost puns. Ghost puns and bad jokes all the time, every day, nonstop. Especially via Rapunzel “Ooooh, you look like you’ve just seen a ghost!” “It’s 7am get out of my room.” It gets to a point where Merida makes them too, but in regular living person life without any of the needed context. None of her classmates knows if she’s like, being ironic, or if she’s planning murder or something. 
 Mavis however, a self-proclaimed witch, insists on being her friend because she’s charmed by how weird Merida is. Merida is reluctant about this at first as she’s already got her accidental quota of 3 live friends tops(Dingwall, MacGuffin, Macintosh). Listen, she’s actually rather introverted and living people take up more of her energy than the dead. Especially when she feels this pressure to keep ghosts and the general public very separate in her world. In her backwards thinking, she ignores people because she thinks that if they tried to understand her life that she would scare them off.
It’s alright in the end because Mavis is actually the chillest person ever who respects that Merida seems to be hiding a lot. When Merida gets the nerve to tell her that “actually yeah, I’m a medium whose best friends are all ghosts” Mavis doesn’t even blink and is like “THATS SO COOL my family is a long line of vampires!” and moves on. Merida is astounded, but can’t act as if her secret was any less crazy. Plus, it’s nice for her to have a living(well, semi-undead) friend who just accepts her weirdness in full, It’s a small weight off of her to have someone to share it with OTHER than Rapunzel, Hiccup, and Jack, y’know? 
Merida tried to introduce her to them but it’s a little one-sided, since Mavis doesn’t actually have the ability to see any of them, but she’s certainly trying. There are brief moments of clarity where Hiccup and co can ‘present’ themselves, but it’s very very brief. Like. To anyone who isn’t Merida or young children and animals, it’s basically a ‘blink-and-you’ll-miss-it’ type brief. Mavis gushes about them all the same, and talks out loud whenever she’s over so that they know she keeps them in mind. Rapunzel may or may not have a crush on Mavis, but Rapunzel sort of has a crush on any vaguely cute living adult who Merida has over. Which admittedly, isn’t a lot. In fact, Merida was on her list of living crushes next to all of her TV celebrity crushes at one point.
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Okay this time the scene is NOT from the big bang theory.
Nope. Instead it's from Friends.
Scene it's based on: https://youtu.be/RzsFmxx4rVM
Monica- Elsa
Chandler- Jack
Joey- eugene/ Flynn rider
Ross- Hiccup
Phoebe- rapunzel
Rachel- Anna
Elsa and Jack were lying on the beach.
Jack spoke up, wanting to ask elsa question.
"All right, there's a nuclear holocaust, I'm the LAST man on earth. Would you go out with me?" He asked. Elsa chuckled.
"Meh," she said after thinking for a few seconds.
Jack sat up a bit more.
"I've got canned goods!" He jokes. Elsa laughs.
Flynn's head pops out of the ground then. A big smile on his face.
"Hey guys! Take a look at this!" He exclaims.
Elsa and Jack stand up and walk to where Eugene is standing in a big hole in the ground.
"Check this baby out! I dug me a hole!" He smiled.
"Excellent hole flynn," Jack stated.
Just then, a small wave of water washes into the hole.
"Oh no!! My hole!" Eugene screams, but he was cut off by Elsa's scream.
"Ow my foot! Ow!!" She yelled as she started to whimper a bit.
Eugene immediately gets out of the hole to help her, taking one arm as Jack takes the other.
"What happened, what is it?" He asks as he climbs out of the hole.
"Jellyfish sting!" She cried as she held onto the boys. "Oh it hurts! It hurts! It hurts!" She yelled.
"Can we help? You want us to take you back to the house?!" Jack exclaimed in a panic.
"No its like two miles!" Elsa exclaimed.
"Yeah and I'm a little tired from digging the hole," Eugene stated.
Elsas face scrunched up in pain as she hopped on her good foot.
"Oh damn the Jellyfish! Damn all the Jellyfish!" She yelled as she pointed to the ocean.
"We've gotta fo something," Jack stated as he held onto elsa, helping her stand.
"Well theres really only one thing we can do," Eugene stated with his hands on his hips.
"What? What is it?!" Elsa exclaimed.
"You're gonna have to pee on it," Eugene replied.
Both jack and elsa looked at him as if he were crazy.
"What?! Gross!!" Elsa yelled.
"Dont blame me! I saw it on the discovery channel!" He explained.
"You know what, he's right, there's something like ammonia in that. That kills the pain," Jack agreed.
"Well forget it! It doesn't hurt that ba-AHHH" Elsa exclaimed as she tried to put her foot back onto the ground.
"If you want some privacy, you can use my hole," Eugene offered.
Days later, the group was back at home.
Anna and Hiccup were out on the balcony, and Elsa, Eugene, and Jack were all eating food at the table in silence.
"Pass the cheese please," Elsa asked in a small voice.
Eugene got the cheese, but as he passed it to her he looked away.
"My god, you can't even look at me can you?" Elsa asked, a bit hurt.
"Nope," Eugene shook his head.
The front door opened and rapunzel walked through, looking sad.
"Hey its punzel! We can talk to punzel!!" Jack exclaimed as he got out if his chair, gesturing to rapunzel.
"No im-im too depressed to talk," she stated as she walked through the kitchen.
"I will give you a thousand dollars to talk to us," Jack tried to negotiate.
Anna and Hiccup came back inside.
"Hey, you guys what do you think about making that beach trip an annual thing?" Hiccup asked with a smile.
"No!!" Elsa, Jack, and Eugene all shouted in unison.
"Alright that's it you guys," Anna spoke, "what happened out there?" She asked.
"What? We took a walk nothing happened! I came back with... nothing all over me," Elsa stated as she got up and put her dishes in the sink.
"Come on!" Hiccup started, "what happened flynn?" He asked as he looked at the three.
Eugene replied, "all right-"
"No!" Elsa cut him off. "Eugene we swore we'd never tell!"
"They'll never understand!" Jack stated.
"We have to say something!" Eugene exclaimed. "We have to get it out! It's eating me alive!" He finished.
There was a long pause of silence before Eugene spoke up.
"Elsa got stung by a Jellyfish," he started, pointing to elsa.
Before he could continue, elsa stepped up.
"Alright!" She exclaimed, "Alright," she said again as she pat Eugene's stomach and started to walk away. Jack followed her. "I got stung," she started. "Stung bad," she spoke as the memories flashed across her face.
Another pause.
"I couldn't stand I-I couldn't walk," she explained. Rapunzel, Anna, and Hiccup's eyes on her as she walked and explained.
"We were two miles from the house," Jack cut in. "We were scared and alone," he explained, adding a bit of drama. He put his hands on Elsa's shoulders, "we didn't think we could make it," he finished, before taking his hands off of elsa and making a face of disgust at the memory.
Elsa stood there ashamed.
"I was in too much pain," she started, trying to explain herself.
"And I was tired from digging the huge hole!" Euegen exclaimed as well.
The rest of the group looked at them.
Jack pointed to Eugene. "And then Flynn remembered something," he stated.
"I'd seen this thing on the discovery channel," Eugene explained.
"Wait a minute! I saw that!" Hiccup started. "On the discovery Channel yeah! About Jellyfish and how if you-" Hiccup tensed. He looked at elsa and Jack. "EWWW!" He exclaimed. "You peed on yourself?!" He asked elsa.
Anna and rapunzel looked at elsa.
"Eww!" They said in unison.
"You can't say that! You don't know!" Elsa shouted. "I thought u was gonna pass out from the pain!" She explained. "Anyway.. I-I tried...." she trailed off. "But I couldn't bend that way," she muttered as she looked away in shame. "So," she looked at Eugene.
"EWWWW!" Hiccup, Anna, and Rapunzel said in unison once again.
"That's right I stepped up!" He exclaimed proudly, "she's my friend and she needed help! If I had to, I'd pee on any one of you!" He stated as he gestured to the group.
Another long pause.
"Only uh, I couldn't" Eugene stated once again. "I got the stage fright," he finished, ashamed. "I wanted to help but there was just too much pressure so, so I uh, I turned to Jack," he explained.
Jack was on the couch, head in his hands as he yelled in embarrassment.
"Eugene kept screaming at me! 'Do it now! Do it! Do it! Do it now!' And sometimes late at night I can still hear the screaming!" Jack shouted.
Eugene laughed.
"That's cause sometimes it just do it through my wall to freak you out," he explained.
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phalene33 · 3 years
Choptop x Kat (OC) Part 2
Nubbins is alive in well in this story btw.
Warning: Mention of sexual things
Choptop and I had a wonderful time together, and because he agreed to give me the album after I came to one of his band practices, I decided to drive him home. I was immediately greeted by Drayton who mentioned that I said I would have dinner with them. I got out of the car and walked inside with the two brothers. What I noticed first was a rather large man who nervously sat at the dinner table. His mask looked different but I shrugged it off knowing my own since of style isn't the norm either.
We had a nice dinner together, and I could tell that Choptop's twin brother was just as energetic as he was. At one point he got up and chased me around the house. What was the reason? Don't know but Drayton took care of him. After dinner I was about to leave, but I was pulled into a living room. Decorated with suspicious looking bones. Choptop told me they were from a Halloween store. I don't know how much I actually believe it, but it's the only normal reasoning they would have them.
Choptops younger brother, who I found out was named Bubba, put in a movie for us to watch. The movie was called "Tangled". "Ugh not this one again, come on Bubba does she look like the kind of girl who would want to watch this crap." Drayton grumbles off and looks over at me. "Oh my little sister Link loves this movie. I don't mind watching it with you guys." I give Bubba a reassuring smile. Drayton just groaned again and kept quiet. As the movie played Choptop would mention something about each scene. He especially liked the music bits and we both sang along together at those parts.
"R-Rapunzel should have k-killed that bitch sooner." I chuckle to myself. "Maybe you should make a parody movie so she can kill mother Gothel sooner." He looks at me and smiles. "I w-would be a very p-pretty princess." "I'd bang you whether or not you were a prince or a princess." I focus my attention back to the movie. "H-he so wants t-to fuck R-Rapunzel." I roll my eyes at his comment. "Bobby this is a children's movie." "S-so what?" I heard an auditable sigh come from Drayton. "Would ya shut up and watch the damn movie?! And stop saying such dirty things around our guest." "Oh sh-she don't care! R-Right Kat?" I just shrug and ignore them both.
For the most part Nubbins was quiet. I think it was mostly because he didn't care for the movie. But some scenes he was quiet interested in what was going on. "Th-The f-fuck boy is g-going to die! Yes! Yes! W-wait?! No! D-Don't save him!" Bubba was quiet emotionally invested in this movie which I found was cute. He would gasp whenever something intense happened and would squeal in happiness when a romantic scene was on. Speaking of romantic scenes. Chop put his arms around me when the first one came on. But after that things got too intense between us whenever Flynn and Rapunzel were doing their thing. Chop would not stop trying to kiss me. I knew this man for about 2 days and I've never met anyone who was this quick to get into a relationship. As the good girl I was I'd push him away everytime he would pull me in for a kiss. Eventually I settled on letting him kiss my cheek because I'm a people pleasure and I could tell Bubba would get happy when Chop kissed me.
After the movie I yawned and rubbed the sleep from my eyes. "Eh I'll see you guys later I better head home." I stand up about to leave but arms behind me grabbed my waist and pulled me into them. "H-Have dinner w-with us again th-this Friday. L-lets hang out t-tomorrow a-also." I nod and gave Chop my phone number and agreed to have dinner with them again.
The rest of the week Choptop would not stop calling me. Even late at night when I was trying to go to sleep. Sometimes I wouldn't be able to hear what he's talking about because he would have his radio blasting in the background. So I figured he just wanted to hang out with me. I call him up on Thursday and ask him to come over to my place to hung out. He sounded really excited. Not even 30 minutes later I could see his truck driving quickly down my driveway. No wonder the damn engine overheated.
I sigh getting up and open the door. Choptop was already at the door. "Hey Choptop, come in, we can listen to music together and talk." "O-Okay!" Choptop runs to my couch and turns on the radio that was on the nearby table. "D-Do women e-ever look at their b-boobs in the m-mirror?" I set next to him. "I don't personally nor have I seen anyone else do that." Choptop think about this for a minute then continues. "H-How many sex t-toys do you h-have?" I look at him for a second. "What? Uhh that's none of your business you.. Umm... British teeth looking ass." Choptop gives me a confused look and scratches his plate. "Wh-What do you do for fun?" "I like doing art related things such as drawing and painting. I make pin designs and I do some sculpting with air dry clay. I'll take up any artistic hobby as long as I find an interest in it." Choptop gets really excited once he heard this. "C-Could you make m-me a Iron B-Butterfly pin?!" I smile to myself. "Of course, would you like me to make you another pin?" "Y-Yes please, make one for me b-but don't tell me what it i-is, I wanna find out when I-I get it." I nod and pat him. "Alright well I'll do that for you." Choptop hugs me tightly. "Th-Thank you, a-and I'll make something for you too."
A day later Choptop showed up at my house again. He seemed to be hiding something behind his back. "Hey I finished your pins." I hand him the Iron Butterfly pin and another pin that looked tie dyed. "I-I drew you something, i-its not p-perfect but I-I worked hard on i-it."
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I look at the picture and smile. "Aww I love it it's so cute, I'll hang this up on my wall in my bedroom." I hug Choptop tightly as he hugs back. "Th-Thanks, a-and don't forget y-your having d-dinner with me a-and my family tonight." I nod in understanding and take Choptop to my couch where we talk about whatever pops up in his head.
Part 2 is finally done. I'll do a part 3 if I decide I want to continue this or if someone asks for one.
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your-world-with-nct · 4 years
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— another pandemic-related wayv blurb bc why not 😤 i recommend listening to ‘we lost the summer’ by txt while reading this for the ~vibes~
💌 • 7:32am
an inevitable yawn escaped as you adjusted your laptop’s settings, turning off your camera and mic, hesitating to press ‘join meeting’ and start off your jam-packed morning.
your online classes weren’t the worst thing in the world, but they weren’t the best either: the early mornings, the lack of motivation, the lectures that dragged on, the unenthusiastic reactions of your classmates - the list could go on and you still wouldn’t have run out of complaints.
there was, however, one main reason that you were still making the effort to attend class and do your assignments... and his name was huang guanheng.
shortly after the rest of your class joined, miss song quickly muted every student, prompting hendery to turn off his own camera. you pouted as his gorgeous side profile was replaced with his rapunzel meme icon flashing onto your screen instead. you stifled a laugh, the thought of his bedhead and his comfy-looking onesie hugging his body occupying your mind rather than whatever your professor was rambling on about.
shortly after the rest of your class joined, miss song quickly muted every student, prompting hendery to turn off his own camera. you pouted as his gorgeous side profile was replaced with his rapunzel meme icon flashing onto your screen instead. you stifled a laugh, the thought of his bedhead and his comfy-looking onesie hugging his body occupying your mind rather than whatever your professor was rambling on about.
shortly after the rest of your class joined, miss song quickly muted every student, prompting hendery to turn off his own camera. you pouted as his gorgeous side profile was replaced with his rapunzel meme icon flashing onto your screen instead. you stifled a laugh, the thought of his bedhead and his comfy-looking onesie hugging his body occupying your mind rather than whatever your professor was rambling on about.
it was only when your phone vibrated next to you, a notification from ‘hen-dery 🐓’ popping up on your homescreen snapping you out of your daze.
hen-dery 🐓 : im boooooored can we facetime in a bit 🥺🥺 idek what she’s on about 🥱
you: lmao sure she said that she was only gonna do a short meeting cos she has work set that she wants us to do, she’s just explaining it now 🥴
you: loving the grinch onesie btw 🥰 never thought i’d see you log in to the class so early 🙈
hen-dery 🐓: clearly you just dont have taste 🙄👎🏼 i was up till like five since i had to finish that essay that was due at midnight and then i just played overwatch with hyuck haha i’ve been awake for twenty two hours 😃
you chuckled as you placed your phone down and shifted your attention back to whatever miss song was saying, jotting down anything important she mentioned. soon enough, she wrapped up the class, mentioning something about how she wanted you all to ‘get right to work’ as soon as you left the call.
your cursor hovered over the big red button, waiting for any sort of signal that you could call your crush and see him in his adorable natural state again, clicking on it as soon as your professor said ‘email me if you have any problems or questions, guys’.
luckily for you, hendery was doing the exact same thing, shutting down his laptop, already opening up the app and clicking on your contact name that was only visible to him because of the unreasonable amount of heart emojis there were next to it.
you answered his call almost immediately, seeing the boy mindlessly chewing on the end of a highlighter before realising you had picked up, “yikes, dery, you look a bit rough,” you joked, eyes lighting up when his bubbly laugh echoed through your phone’s speaker.
“alright, in my defence,” he held up his hands in a surrender, “i had started the paper, like when it was first set - the first paragraph done and everything! but!! i forgot about it since i was prioritising my research project.”
you teasingly rolled your eyes, giving him a fake round of applause, “wowww, well done for successfully ruining your sleep schedule and simultaneously saving yourself from not graduating.”
“you say that like you haven’t done it before,” hendery smirked, your face flaring up at his expression, “remember last year when you practically lived at the library up until you finished that last final?”
the harsh realisation of how different the world was now compared to last year left you with an unexplainable pain, the memory resurfacing, “yeah, you snapped me at like four am when you were bored, but when i snapped you back and you found out i was still studying you, like, bolted to the library and walked me back to my dorm, after making sure i’d had something to eat that day.”
“yet i still haven’t gotten a thank you for that!” his sentence was interrupted with a loud yawn, as he slumped onto his desk, his cheeks squishing against his arms in a way that you were about to combust at how cute he looked.
“was the food i bought you the next day not enough for you? you almost emptied my wallet with the amount of hotpot you had,” you grinned to yourself, the mental image of hendery wide-eyed begging you to order more food, “and all the study sessions we’ve had over the phone recently too. do those mean nothing to you?”
“hmm, well i’d much rather have studied at our favourite café than through facetime, but i guess i appreciate it,” he gave you a sleepy smile, his light giggle making your heart flutter, “sooo, what are we doing?”
giving him a eye-roll, you shifted your focus to the task you were set, reading miss song’s instructions aloud to hendery and planning what you were going to write, assuming that he was following along with you, since you were too immersed in your notes.
it was only after the lack of response to one of your jokes that you realised that your crush had fallen asleep leaning on his notebook, softly snoring as you took the opportunity to take a few screenshots of the adorable boy, admiring him for a little longer before hanging up, “have a good sleep, angel, i’ll call you later.”
huang guanheng had never looked more beautiful to you as he did in this raw, natural state, a side of him that he rarely showed other people, truly, like an angel.
during a time where everybody and everything was at their most vulnerable, you sought relief in the fact that hendery chose to expose his vulnerability to you. and nothing could bring you more comfort during these tough times than his trust and his care for you.
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kingreywrites · 4 years
In the Shadow, In the Light
Fandom: Tangled
Word Count: 2888
Summary: Everything felt wrong. She felt wrong, the caravan felt wrong, Cassandra was still mad at her for burning her hand, Lance was feeling more and more isolated because he didn't really have a friend to talk to, and she was missing something, she knew she was, but she didn't know what and it was driving her crazy. A single piece of a puzzle she couldn't see, but without it, everything came crumbling down, and she was- she was exhausted.
Note: It’s Halloween in France, and still FitzFriday in the US, aka the best time to post this!! A warning though, this is kinda sad, and a little spoopy. I hope you’ll enjoy anyway!!
Read on ao3
Silently, Rapunzel brushed Maximus' mane, finding solace in the slow and repetitive movement. It was ironic, in a way, because she had spent her life brushing her own hair, but there was something soothing in taking care of a friend, and she knew Maximus wouldn't stay so still if it wasn't for her. She tried to convince herself they were helping each other, and gently brushed it again, even though no knots remained.
These last weeks had dragged on slowly. She didn't know when it started; when the beauty of a world she had yet to discover became not enough to keep her going, but lately, everything had felt wrong to Rapunzel. A melancholy she couldn't grasp had fallen heavy on her shoulders, and left the world dull and unrecognisable. She had tried to fake her enthusiasm, persuaded that whatever funk she had fallen into wouldn't last, but she had been wrong on that count.
She felt empty. Drained, but unable to understand what she could even be missing.
It reminded her of the worst days in her tower. The days when Gothel -Mother at the time, the only person she could count on, the only person she loved- had been gone on one of her trips, and Rapunzel had been left alone. The days when everything seemed gray, and sad, and devoid of any life; the days when her paints weren't enough to cover the sadness gnawing at her slowly, when looking at her window physically hurt and nothing seemed to be able to comfort her.
But Rapunzel was free now. She had friends, and a family that was waiting for her in Corona, and no reason to feel as lost and desperate as she had back then. And yet… 
A high-pitched yell interrupted her thoughts, and both her and Maximus jumped to their feet -hooves?- and turned towards the caravan. Even Pascal, who had been relaxing next to them, squeaked in alarm. The door slammed open, and Lance tumbled out before scrambling to get even further away, still screaming continuously.
"Lance? Everything's alright?" Rapunzel asked, relaxing anyway because this wasn't a truly rare occasion. Lance was spooked by something at least twice a day, and going by Maximus' annoyed neighing, he had concluded that this wasn't serious too.
"The- the- the caravan!" Lance stuttered, rushing to hide behind Rapunzel. He pointed a trembling finger towards it, as if she needed indications to find it. "It's haunted," he then whispered loudly.
Rapunzel sighed. They had had this discussion a lot, these last months. She agreed that some weird stuff was going on around the caravan, but a ghost? She had met a ghost, and Ruth hadn't exactly been invisible - Rapunzel was pretty sure no ghosts were inhabiting the caravan right now. They would notice.
"What happened?" she still asked, feeling bad about not giving Lance enough credit. She may be sad, but it was no reason to take it out on her friends.
"You know the night table I told you about this morning?"
"The one Shorty broke?"
"Yeah well, it's not broken anymore!" Lance exclaimed, moving his arms wildly. "Something fixed it, and I'm willing to bet that it's…" he interrupted himself, before quieting his voice. "It’s the ghost."
"Maybe Cass repaired it," Rapunzel tried, but was immediately shushed.
"No no no, stop using that flawed logic on me Princess. You know something has been going on!" Lance crossed his arms, fixing her with a hard glare when she made a face. "How do you explain all the stuff getting fixed without any of us doing it?"
"Someone is trying to be nice?"
"Yeah, and what about the mysterious force that helped us escape that bear two weeks ago? Or the one that stopped you from falling off the edge of a cliff?"
"... strong wind?" She could feel the grimace on her own face. Lance was unimpressed.
"And the notes? Do you have an explanation for those?"
Rapunzel did not have an explanation for the notes that kept popping up in the caravan. They were all pretty much the same: some unrecognisable scribble, often because the ink had run before drying and the word was smudged beyond recognition. With it, though the words differed, the message stayed pretty similar: "it's Matthews' fault". It has been a while since they left the House of Yesterday's Tomorrows, but his name still made everyone uneasy. And perhaps, the freakiest part about the whole experience was that these notes were written in their own handwriting, with none of them ever remembering doing that.
Most of these notes had been in Rapunzel's handwriting, but everyone had a turn. Though Cassandra had gone to search for food, Rapunzel knew she would agree with Lance on this. She had been the most worried about these notes, and what they meant for them - were they being possessed in order to write that? No one had any answer, Rapunzel least of all, and she knew everyone was waiting on her to figure it out.
Her shoulders slumped. The headache she had gotten rid of by taking care of Max made a nasty comeback. She didn't have enough energy to deal with these sorts of things, nowadays.
"Rapunzel…" Lance hesitated, before putting a warm hand on her shoulder. "I- We all know something has been bothering you lately. I didn’t mean... I guess the caravan can be a little haunted as long as nothing happens, right?" He laughed awkwardly at this, before softening again. "I hope you know that, whatever you're going through, we're all here for you."
It should have helped her. One of her best friends was offering her kindness and compassion, and she should- she should have felt comforted. But his hand was too warm and too big against her, his eyes not the right shade of brown, his voice too deep and… And she had no idea of who she was even comparing him to. Logic didn't matter, however, and the warmth she should have felt turned into dread, the pit in her stomach ever growing.
She was missing something. It didn't feel like she could ever know what.
"I- I'll go check on the table," she grinned nervously, escaping his gaze. "Look after Max and Pascal for me, okay?"
Before any of them could respond, she turned around and ran to the caravan. She was a coward, and she knew it, but she couldn't stand her own state anymore, and she would take the maybe-haunted caravan over feeling adrift and ungrateful any day. Lance deserved more than she felt able to give. When she entered the caravan, it looked exactly how she had left it, except for the light that had burned out. It wasn't dark enough that she couldn't see, however, so she didn't bother lighting it back up.
Slowly, she got closer to the table. This morning, she had seen how its foot was bent and nearly broken because Shorty had fallen on it. Now, the foot was straightened out and held in place by carefully applied tape, and the splinters had been smoothed out. It was good work. Nothing that someone would want to hide, especially not since they were all worried about possibly being haunted. Rapunzel sighed for what felt like the umpteenth time, this mystery just another weight on her shoulders.
Should she… simply try to ask the maybe-ghost if it wanted anything? Would it answer?
She went to sit in the extra bed this side of the caravan had, putting her head in her hands. Everything felt wrong. She felt wrong, the caravan felt wrong, Cassandra was still mad at her for burning her hand, Lance was feeling more and more isolated because he didn't really have a friend to talk to, and she was missing something, she knew she was, but she didn't know what and it was driving her crazy. A single piece of a puzzle she couldn't see, but without it, everything came crumbling down, and she was- she was exhausted.
Something warm brushed her hair. When she raised her head, nothing was here.
She hadn't noticed, but on the bed next to her was a book. She picked it up curiously, not sure about who had packed it. The spine was worn out, and the colours on the cover had faded, signs that this was a beloved and often consulted book - and yet, Rapunzel had no memory of ever seeing it. Was it Lance's? She doubted it was Shorty’s. Despite the wear, the title, which was nowadays a dull golden colour, but must have shone at some point, was still clearly visible: The Tales of Flynnigan Rider.
Carefully, Rapunzel opened it, browsing the pages without truly reading. She didn't remember from where, but she recognised these stories as if they were old friends and, for the first time in what felt like forever, her heart fluttered and something not unlike happiness made a smile appear on her lips. Somehow, she knew these adventures by heart, and even though she was skimming through the book, she could nearly hear them be told by a voice she didn't recognise. It was a beautiful voice, its intonations feeling like sunlight and laughter to Rapunzel.
There was a weight beside her. Her eyes left the book and met Eugene’s, his gaze soft and somewhat sad - until he saw that she was looking at him, and his face turned into one of surprise.
"Sunshine?" he whispered faintly.
"Eugene," she exhaled, heart beating loudly in her chest because- because everything made sense, now, and nothing did, because it was Eugene she was missing but how- How could she have forgotten, how could they all have-
"Rapunzel," Eugene repeated, taking her hands in his trembling ones, as if he had guessed she was trying to get up. "Rapunzel, I-"
"What’s going on? Why did I forget you, why can’t I see you?" she babbled desperately, getting up anyway as Eugene followed her movement. "I knew something was wrong, I knew- But I couldn’t remember, why couldn’t I-"
"Sunshine, please." His interruption sounded so much like pleading, his voice more fragile than she had ever heard it - she bit her next panicked words back, and held his hands tighter. "This never lasts long, so… Please, can we, uh, talk?"
His hands were still shaky. Hers were too. Her eyes were burning with tears born out of fear and helplessness, and his were shining too as he took in her appearance. This never lasts long, he said, an acceptance she couldn't understand in his tone. He cupped her cheek tenderly, brushing her hair out of her face slowly.
"I miss you so much," he laughed, his voice breaking, and it was too much for her to take - her tears fell, and he brushed them away too, the weight of his thumb familiar against her skin.
She remembered the warmth that sometimes made itself known during these last weeks - the sensations that made her feel better during a breakdown, when she thought she was alone. She thought about the multiple objects that were carefully fixed, she thought about the extra bed in the boys' side she didn’t question, she thought about the harsh way she was tugged away from a cliff, when nothing and no one was here to do it. She thought about the growing number of notes she had discarded, about her happiness that had seemingly disappeared for no reason months ago.
"It was you," she broke, putting her head on the crook of his neck in a desperate attempt to get him closer and never let go. "You’re the- the ghost, you… You…"
Eugene hugged her back tightly. "The least I could do was protect you guys. It’s not because you don’t see me that I’m going to let you all get hurt when I can do something about it." He chuckled, but it sounded as empty as she felt before remembering him.
"How long- Since Matthews?" she asked, thinking back on the notes - and suddenly, it wasn’t hopelessness but hatred behind her tears, icy anger growing into her heart and making her tremble. It has… It has been months, since they left Matthews. Months that Eugene had to live like this. "He did that to you?"
"Let’s say the guy was full of surprises. The thing about being able to make people forget stuff was way more serious than I thought," Eugene joked, always the first to make light of his situation, but Rapunzel couldn’t.
"I need- I need to remember this," she muttered, letting go of one of his hands as she reached for her journal in her bag.
"I’ll write your name, and what happened, and I’ll- I’ll fix this, Eugene, I promise," she insisted.
There was something so terribly wrong about the soft resignation of his face. He nodded, but Rapunzel felt sick, because she could see he didn’t believe she would succeed. And how could he, when she had failed him so thoroughly, forgetting the love of her life even though he was the only thing bringing light into her days. She didn’t want to go back to the lifeless and choking sadness of these last months. She didn’t want to feel cold, and lost, and alone again, because she was missing one of the most important person in her life. But more than that, more than the selfish desperation making her hang onto him, she didn’t want Eugene to go back to this terrifying loneliness, invisible to all, forgotten by all. She didn’t want him to risk his life for them, she didn’t want him to believe no one loved him, and she was terrified that- that he would get hurt, and no one would know. No one would care, not even him.
She wouldn’t know. She wouldn’t care. If she forgot again, she- She…
"Come on," she muttered, grabbing blindly for a pen because she refused to let go of him, be it with her hand or with her eyes. She put her journal on the bed; it was closer than the table. "Here, wait, I’ll- I’ll write it." She scribbled his name quickly, as he silently held her hand. She felt as if he was trying to comfort her, and it was all wrong, because he was the one that needed to be saved, not her.
"Don’t forget to take care of yourself," Eugene said gently, and she could feel her eyes blur with tears again, as she finished her message.
"Don’t do that," she begged, meeting his gaze again. He looked about to cry too. "Don’t say goodbye, I… I’ll save you, I swear, please don’t- don’t-"
"I love you, Sunshine," he said anyway, and before she could protest, he kissed her, his lips soft and warm and oh so familiar against hers. She kissed back harshly, desperate to make him understand how much she loved him, how much she had missed him without even knowing, how much he meant to her - things that could never be put into words correctly.
The pen she had used rolled off the bed when Eugene took a step back and his legs pressed on the edge of the mattress. She opened her eyes when it hit the ground, startled.
When had she stood up?
Her lips were tingling, and Rapunzel touched them softly, a little lost. She felt better than when she had rushed in the caravan - maybe she had simply needed a little time alone. She picked the pen from the ground, noticing her journal being wide open on the bed, next to the novel she had been more or less reading. Carefully, she picked it up too, and noticed the messily written words in one of the pages. It was her handwriting, there was no doubt about it, but she couldn't remember ever writing this - and she was pretty sure she wouldn't have ruined one of the pages of her journal for something like this.
"Save…," she read aloud, cocking her head at the unrecognisable word next to it. The first letter seemed to be an F, or an E, but she couldn't be sure, because ink was covering it nearly entirely. "Save E., Matthews made us forget?" she finished uncertainly.
Huh. It was another one of those notes. Maybe Lance was right about the caravan being haunted, and whoever was that ghost, it had a bone to pick with Matthews.
Well, sadly for the ghost, Matthews was gone, and Rapunzel had no desire to go search for him. Already, she could feel the weight that had left her momentarily come back, a loneliness she couldn't shake taking hold of her once again. She was too tired to investigate this mystery - if there was a ghost, it would have to reveal itself and its intentions because she wasn't going to play this game.
Before leaving, she picked up The Tales of Flynnigan Rider too, and decided to take it in her side of the caravan. It was the only thing that made her feel happy in months, and whoever had brought it along could ask her if they wanted it back.
As she held the book, Rapunzel thought she felt something warm brush against her hand, but there was nothing here. She left the room without a second look.
66 notes · View notes
loudsuitlover · 4 years
Doctor Harry XXX. T la sudo
A/N: Everything will come for those patient enough to wait. (My abuela’s words, not mine.)
Unbelievable. He’s still asleep. Is it possible that this is his longest night of sleep? Would he remember what he said last night? Was he hallucinating? He fell asleep right after. I remember when he told me I had recited Roy McBride’s lines on my sleep and I didn’t remember any of it the morning after. Will it be the same for him?
I have barely slept and as much as he has had trouble sleeping any other night, last night he peacefully slept through the entire night. Every time I’d wake up and look at him, there he was, peaceful, calm and vulnerable and in contrast I was tachycardic.
Harry’s phone screen illuminates with Hampstead name. I sigh. I’m about to pick up and tell them to fuck off and learn to solve their problems by themselves but I know that would be too much. But, come on, Hampstead, it’s Saturday morning and he’s asleep. Thank God it’s on silent mode.
He put it on silent mode! So if someone had called with an “emergency” last night, he wouldn’t have picked up because he was with me. Aw, I’m so proud of him! I want to kiss him until he wakes up and the suck him off to begin his day.
When the call ends, the missed call text pops up on his screen and only then I see the photo he’s got as his wallpaper. That’s me. My pulse accelerates. I don’t want to take his phone but that’s me. It’s a photo from his sister’s wedding and it’s taken from behind me when we were standing under the flower arch greeting the guests. He couldn’t have possibly taken it for he was right next to me but maybe the photographer did and he liked it. Hampstead texts him and the messages pop up on the screen.
Hampstead: Hey, I was just calling to remind you I still have the tickets for Kings of Leon tonight if you want to come!
I don’t want to read his messages. I know that’s terrible. But they’re right there… And they keep popping. I didn’t know Hampstead and him were friends. He’s never mentioned them.
Hampstead: Last week was fun!
Last week was fun? I hope he’s talking about the congress. But a congress, fun? I mean it can be interesting, it can even be thrilling… But fun?
Wait, what is going on with me? I’m not like this. What do I care what Harry talks about with his friends? Even though he’s never mentioned them… But what do I care he’s never mentioned them? Maybe they’re not that close and that’s why he has never said anything. But then, why would they invite him to a concert?
Before I know what I’m doing, I’m looking for Hampstead on Facebook. The only Hampstead I have friends in common with- those being Mario Matteoti and Harry Styles- is a girl, is a very beautiful girl. Sarah Hampstead. She’s blond and her hair is long like mine but straight. She wears it in a braid in most of the pictures and looks like Rapunzel. She’s a first year residence in Anaesthesiology at Grad hospital. The last picture she posted is a selfie with Harry. They’re smiling at the camera having a drink at some restaurant or hotel and she’s wearing her hair on a braid over her shoulder. It’s from last Tuesday when Harry was supposed to be at the congress.
My heart stops. I hate this. I hate that I’m doing this in the first place and I also hate that I’m feeling so threatened but I remember the fights I’ve had with Harry over her calls and how he walked away from me to take her call when we were at Marie’s house.
I don’t want to think this of him but… Why did he never tell me about her? And why does she think it’s okay to call him at those ungodly hours? And why does he always pick up? And why the fuck is she inviting him to a concert?
Last week was fun. Yeah, that drink they had looked like fun and they looked like they were having a good time on that stupid selfie. The congress. It’s impossible, I know it is, but what if the congress wasn’t a congress at all? I need to stop.
I get up from the bed and don’t know what to do. Do I shower without telling Harry? I mean I know he told me not to ask him if I could shower again… But it’s still his house. Well, fuck it, I need to get rid of the dirty feeling of having spied on him and then doubt him. But what if it’s true? Ugh, stop!
I can’t get their stupid selfie out of my head while I shower. Why the fuck did he never tell me about her if they’re colleagues? There’s a voice inside me that tells me he might have done it precisely to avoid this irrational reaction but fuck it. That’s not an excuse. I’m only reacting this way because he hid this from me. Why would he not tell me?
I guess I’ve acted jealous before, with Camille and that dinner of theirs… But I think when he explained it to me I took it nicely and I showed him I could be rational… Plus, does that give him the excuse to just hide things from me?
Last night he told me he loved me. I gotta focus on that. This Sarah Hampstead can text him all she wants, he loves me. He said it last night.
I forgot my clothes on my overnight bag so I make my way outside the bathroom wrapped in a towel and try not to make much noise but the moment I open the door I realize Harry’s not on the bed. I put on clean underwear and my clothes for the day and find him in the kitchen.
He’s wearing thick grey sweatpants and a white cotton long sleeve shirt and looks so cosy my frustration leaves my body through my pores. He grins when he tilts his neck and looks at me.
“Good morning.”
“Good morning.”
He keeps making breakfast. What is he doing? Is there no good morning kiss?
“I’m feeling like fruit and yoghurt. What do you want?”
“Fruit and yoghurt sounds good.”
“Guay.” He smiles.
Alright, so this is what we’re doing. Then I’m starting the conversation.
“Did you sleep well?”
“Very much so.” He smiles but his green eyes signal for me to have a seat. “And you?”
I nod.
“Take a seat, love.” He chuckles.
I walk towards my usual stool on his breakfast bar and sit down in front of him. I add some sugar to the coffee he gently prepared for me but my eyes don’t leave him. He frowns as he munches on his apple.
“Why are you looking at me like that?”
Okay, he doesn’t remember what he said last night. That or he’s messing with me. Or worse, he regrets it.
“Do you remember how you fell asleep?”
“With my eyes closed.”
“So you don’t.”
“You also asked me to help you put the cover over us” he says “and I did.”
I took a spoonful of yoghurt with pieces of kiwi and apple and fill my mouth. Either he doesn’t remember or he regrets saying it and now it’s playing dumb. Maybe the sex was so good he got confused or maybe I dreamt it. I guess it’s okay if I fell first… Even though maybe he doesn’t fall at all.
“What do you wanna do today?” He asks.
I look up at him and search for the lie on his green eyes. Did he not check his phone or does he not want to go to the Kings of Leon concert?
“What’s going on with you today? Why are you looking at me like that?”
“I might have plans.”
“What do you mean you might? Do you or do you not?”
“I mean I might spend the day with my mum.”
“Oh, okay.”
We eat in silence. I might spend the day with my mum for real. I’m planning on going to my dad’s next week during the uni break to study for the finals so it’d be good to spend some quality time with my mum before I leave.
“I’m sure you can find something to do.”
He looks into my eyes.
“Alright, what is it?”
“What’s what?”
“Why are you mad?”
“I’m not mad.”
He sighs but his eyes don’t leave me.
“I just mean that you can… Go out with some friends or friend, if you want, and that’s fine.”
“I know it’s fine. Are you worried that I’m going to stay here crying if you leave or what? I can call Adam if that’d make you happy.”
“He’s got plans with Marie.”
“Right.” He has a sip of his coffee. “Well, it’s a good thing I don’t need a babysitter.”
“You could do something with another friend.”
“Yes, I could.”
“Guay.” I shrug.
He narrows his eyes at me.
“All I meant is I understand that people want you around, that they appreciate your presence, you know? It’s nice.”
I look up into his eyes again. His hands are intertwined before him as if he was waiting for my answer.
“Because you’re fun and a good person and a good friend. I think it makes sense that people from your environment want you around.”
“Is that what you think?”
I nod.
“I’ve told you. To me, being with you is… easy and nice.”
Again? He sounds like a three-years-old. I don’t know what he wants me to tell him.
“I guess because of the way you treat me. You’re gentle and caring and kind…”
He lets go of his own hands and covers his mouth with one of them but his eyes give him away. He’s trying to hide a smile. I don’t think I’m saying anything funny. He shuts his eyes and when he opens them, he takes his hand off his face and looks at me with affection and amusement.
“Am I your second boyfriend?” He asks.
My blood freezes on my veins. Please, God, don’t let him ask me about Dylan.
He raises his eyebrows questioningly.
“What does it matter?”
“I’m just trying to understand something.”
He nods.
“What happened with the second?”
Thank, God. At least he knows Dylan is not a light conversation. I look down. I have never really told him about Javier and I don’t think I want to.
“He wasn’t a good guy.”
I see concern flashing on his eyes.
“What does that mean?”
What a silly guy.
“Did he hurt you?”
I look away from him and his hand rests over mine. He understood I don’t want to talk about him.
“I’m sorry, Blue. How old were you?”
He nods.
“What about sex?”
“What about it?”
He rolls his eyes but smiles.
“Have you slept with many people before me?”
“Less than you, that’s for sure.”
His jaw clenches slightly but he doesn’t take his hand away from mine. Come on, Blue, remember you did not want to be harsh to him.
Harry’s eyebrows raise and his neck moves forward. He’s so silly, he’s making me embarrassed.
“Just us three?”
“Yes, is there a problem?”
“No, baby, three is fine.” His thumb caresses the back of my hand. “So I was the first guy you had casual sex with?”
He hums.
“Are you done with your interrogation?”
“Yes.” He nods. “And, baby, whatever the second guy did to you, he’s crazy because you have to be insane to let you go.”
“It’s not easy to be with me.”
“Oh, I know.”
“No, you don’t know.”
“What do you mean?”
I stop myself from shivering. Can I tell him? Can I fully ruin the morning by telling him I was in love when Dylan died and that’s not going to change? Because then he will feel like I’m only with him because Dylan is not here and that’s mostly true and then he’d leave me because he must know he deserves better.
“I…. I….” I love you, but Dylan will always have a place in my heart. “I can be very harsh.”
He smirks but it doesn’t reach his eyes.
“I know that.” He tilts his neck. “But when you’re not, you’re funny and smart and unique. You’re lovely here” he taps my forehead with his index finger “here” he taps my heart “and your whole body is fucking lovely too, baby. Just own it.”
“Do you really think that?”
“I don’t think that, I know so and it’s a little sad that it takes a random guy like me to tell you for you to see that.”
“You’re not a random guy.”
He smiles.
“Well, have fun with your mum today then. Next week-” He starts but I cut him short.
“I’m going to my dad’s next week.”
His expression changes and he uses the napkin to clean his mouth but he did it mindlessly for his mouth was already cleaned. That has me thinking.
“But what happens next week?”
“No, nothing.” He smirks.
I give him a look letting him know I am not buying it and he clears his throat.
“It’s just… I knew you were on holidays and I had some days off that I haven’t taken because of my addiction to work” he jokes “so I thought in order to show you that we are making progress and also to spend some time together, I could take some days off next week and… We could do something. But it’s okay, you’re going to visit your dad and I should have probably told you sooner.”
My heart swoons. He used his days off for me. He might not remember what he said last night or he might even want to take it back but this is what someone who really does love spending time with me would do. The next thing I say, I say it in a frenzy, in a love rage, even before I can process it.
“Come with me.”
His green eyes set on me as he considers my invitation. I feel embarrassment flooding my cheeks and my neck.
“To Capitol?”
“Yes, have you ever been?”
“I have not.”
I could have guess it.
“So you’ve travelled all around and you’ve never been to one of the most beautiful cities in the country?”
He smirks.
“Well, I should decide whether that’s true, don’t you think?”
“So you’re coming?”
He weights his options looking at me but suddenly his expression falls into one of disbelief.
“Don’t invite me out of pity, Blue.”
I frown and my eyes narrow. Is that really what he thinks of me?
“I didn’t invite you out of pity. I invited you because I want to spend those days with you. I’m so happy you finally decided to get holidays like the rest of people and the fact that you wanna spend them with me only makes my heart flutter so are you coming?”
My confession makes him smile again and I smile foolishly back at him. The way his dimple forms on his left cheek even before his teeth are shown sweetens my mood and my blood.
“Are you sure?”
I nod.
“What are you gonna tell your dad?”
“The truth. I don’t lie.”
He hums as he tilts his neck and raises an eyebrow, calling my statement into question and I shake my head weirdly amused.
“I got a train ticket for Wednesday morning, do I get another one? Or do I cancel mine and you drive us? It’s a little less than 4 hours away.”
He’s going to say yes, I can tell, I can see it on his face; how is eyes have a sparkle about them and his smile reaches them. He’s loving this. His expressions always give him away. He’s an opened book.
“I don’t mind. We can drive.”
We both grin.
We decide to spend the morning together before I go have lunch with my mum. I might invite him to that as well. Mum might get jealous if she knows Harry’s gonna be spending a few days at dad’s and she only got a dinner. Harry’s on his closest, picking his clothes for the day I guess when I call my dad.
“Hey, dad.”
“Hey, Berry. What’s up?”
“Hi, I was just calling to ask you… Would you mind if I bring someone along on Wednesday?”
“Not at all, honey. Is Jason coming back?”
“No, it’s not Jason.”
“Ollie then? Marie?”
“No, it’s a… It’s a guy.”
“Oh!” I shake my head at how thrilled my dad sounds and the way Harry looks at my with a side smirk. “A guy! That’s great, Berry. Is he a special guy?”
“Yes, dad, he is. He’s my boyfriend.”
“Your boyfriend.” He repeats.
“Yeah, okay, so you’re gonna pretend you didn’t figure that out after the wedding photos I sent you. You don’t go to a wedding with just anyone, dad.”
As Harry makes his way to the bathroom, he walks past me and slaps my ass cheek loud enough so that my dad can hear it and I jump.
“What was that, honey?”
“Uh… It was just… Uh… My notes. That fell. On the floor. Because I’m tidying up.”
Harry looks at me and silently chuckles and I shake my head and swat his arm playfully whilst he walks to the bathroom.
“Oh, okay, darling. Well, thanks for calling and don’t worry about anything, I’ll make sure everything’s ready. Why don’t you text me what food he likes so I keep that in mind when doing the groceries?”
“Well, he’s not picky, dad. I think he’d eat anything.”
“Good then I’ll cook my special rice. I can’t wait to see you!”
“Me neither.” I chuckle. “Bye, dad, love you.”
“Bye, Berry, love you too.”
While Harry’s in the shower, I pick up my clothes from last night and kept them on my overnight bag and make his bed. I try not to think about how crazy we both are. Last night he told me he loved me and this morning I found out that Hampstead is a girl and he acted like he didn’t say anything last night and interrogated me and then I invited him along to my dad’s. In Capitol. Where I met Dylan.
I think I’m going to faint.
I go on The Golden Girls group chat searching for counselling.
Indie: Are you guys awake????
Jason: Yes, everything okay?
Ollie: Awake and ready to listen.
I guess Marie’s busy. Well, these two would do.
Indie: Hampstead is a girl.
Jason: Who the fuck is Hampstead?
Ollie: She’s an anaesthesiologist who works with Mario and Harry.
Indie: Has Mario ever mentioned her to you?
Ollie: I don’t know. I guess he might have.
Jason: What happened with her???
Indie: I know this is bad guys
Indie: But this morning when I woke up she had texted Harry
Indie: And I didn’t purposefully read his texts but they just pop on his lock screen and I couldn’t help it
Indie: I mean I read them unintentionally
Jason: Just stop excusing yourself and tell us what happened
Indie: She invited him to a concert tonight
Indie: And she said “last week was fun!”
Ollie: Wasn’t Harry on that congress thing?
Jason: Shit
Ollie: Stop it. Don’t listen to JJ, he’s a jealous freak.
Ollie’s typing… And I try not to freak out at Jason’s assumption. She is right. Jason is the jealous type. That’s why I need Ollie’s point of view.
Ollie: I mean they work together. Probably they just went to the congress together too. It’s normal.
Jason: Yeah but why the fuck would she text him that it was fun on a Saturday morning? Like days after? She clearly was trying to initiate a conversation.
Ollie: Who cares about her intentions?
Indie: The thing is Harry’s never mentioned her to me
Indie: And he always picks up her calls even when she calls at like 11 pm on a Friday or worse like on AM on Saturday morning like what the fuck?
Indie: And we have even fought over her calls and he’s picked up.
Ollie’s typing… Jason’s typing…
Jason: I just searched her on Facebook. You’re prettier.
I smile at his attempt.
Ollie: Talk to him.
It’s Ollie’s words that have me thinking. Talk to him. So she thinks there’s something to talk about. And Ollie’s laidback and she is not one bit jealous but she also found it weird. Shit.
Harry’s phone rings and my eyes inevitably search the screen. It’s from the hospital.
“Baby!” Harry yells from the bathroom. “Can you see who’s calling?”
“It’s from the hospital.” I let him know.
“Fuck” the shower stops “can you pick up and tell them to hold on a sec?”
I pick up the call and bring his phone to my ear.
“Hi, Harry will be with you in a second. He asked me to tell you to please hold on.”
“Uh…” A female voice answers. “Excuse me, who are you?”
“I’m…” I cover the microphone with my hand and talk to Harry “she asked me who I am.”
“Well, tell her.” He laughs. “Who is she?”
“I’m his girlfriend. He asks who are you?”
“His girlfriend?” She sounds surprised. “Oh, I… I didn’t know he…”
“He’s here.” I cut her short.
Harry is smiling when he brings the phone to his ear.
“Hi, sorry, I was in the shower.” He listens. “Oh, hi, Hampstead. What’s up?” He listens.
So Hampstead. What a surprise! And she didn’t know he had a girlfriend, of course.
“Uh… I think that was Danny. I didn’t work yesterday so I am not sure. You should probably ask him. I think he’s on call so send a message to his pager.” He nods as if Hampstead could see him. “Yeah, no problem. Bye, Hampstead. Have a nice day.”
I scroll senseless shit on Twitter so I don’t snap at him. I need to calm down. I need to control this fucking oppressive feeling on my chest but my mind is racing.
Why did he not tell me about her? I think they must be friends or at least friendly if she thinks it’s okay to call him when he’s off duty, especially when freaking professor Gibbins is on call and is the one signing that patients’ paperwork. And he even gives explanations on why he doesn’t pick up on the first tone when he’s off duty. I was in the shower… What do you care?
And why did he not tell her about me? I mean, even Jason could tell her intentions with a single text. I’m guessing it’s a lot more obvious on a day to day basis… And Harry didn’t catch up with that? Why did he never just casually mention he had a girlfriend? He doesn’t even have to tell her about me, just about the roll. Just to have her know that there’s someone sleeping in his bed already.
We haven’t talked much on our stroll along the park behind his apartment. It’s a nice park, with lots of green and trees and wide white stones path for people to stroll like us, or go for a run or walk the dogs. We’ve past some families too. Dads and Mums playing with their children on the grass and I’ve seen Harry staring at them with a hard expression.
I don’t know what’s going on through his mind but he seems to be as pensive as I am. Maybe he’s thinking about Hampstead too.
“Uh, I did tell doctor Hampstead I’m your girlfriend” I say out of the blue “just so you know.”
He tilts his neck to look at me with a confused expression.
“You did?”
“Yeah.” I frown too. “I mean I did tell you she asked me who I was and you said to tell her.”
“Yeah, no, I know what I said.”
I hum and look away.
“Wait, is that what you’ve been thinking about?”
I look at him.
“Is it not what you’ve been thinking about?”
“No.” He shakes his head. “Hampstead called in the morning, she had a doubt about a patient I couldn’t answer and then I hang up. That’s all the thought I’ve given it.” He chuckles.
“She could have called Professor Gibbins… Specially if he was on call… And still she called you.”
Harry frowns as if he wasn’t following me. I sigh.
“She sounded surprised when I let her know I was your girlfriend.”
“Are you serious?” His tone sounds surprised at the realization.
Calm down, Indie. Don’t talk to him in a way you’ll regret, don’t talk in a way you’ll regret. I count to tent in my head. 1, 2, 3, 4…
“Are you jealous?”
I take a deep breath. 1, 2, 3, 4…
“Blue, talk to me.”
“I’m counting to ten.”
“Are you really that mad?”
“I’m not mad.” I stop him right there. “I just feel stupid.”
I’m about to tell him last night he said he loved me and… For a second I thought it was true because I love him too but then… This fucking whole Hampstead thing, I just… I am embarrassed that I am more invested in this than he is and I don’t want him to know that.
“Listen, you just never mentioned her despite all the times you’ve talked to me about work and she calls you at very weird times to be work related and… I mean she’s… Pretty.”
“How do you know that?”
He’s not denying it. Sometimes his sincerity is too much. I guess it would have raged me if he had denied it but knowing he thinks she’s pretty doesn’t help my jealous fit.
“That’s what matters? Of everything I said.”
“It kind of does.” He tilts his neck.
“I saw her.” I lie. “On Facebook.” I decide not to.
“This morning.” Later on, I will analyse this and realize I’m getting defensive but for now all I feel is my shoulders tensing up and my honour being harmed. “And I saw a picture of you two together having a drink on Tuesday night when you were supposed to be on that congress.”
“Supposed to be?” His eyebrows raised on his forehead. “Excuse me but can I not have a drink with whoever the fuck I want?”
“Yes, of course, that’s not what I’m saying!”
“Then what are you saying?”
“I’m saying you’ve kept this from me for no reason. I mean why didn’t you tell me?”
“So you think just because I didn’t tell you that means I- what? Cheated on you?”
I don’t answer him and his lips part.
“I can’t believe you.” He sighs. “The only reason I didn’t tell her about you is the same reason why I don’t tell anyone at work about you and it’s because you don’t want me to.”
My mouth shuts and my lips purse on a thin line.
“She’s a colleague, just like any other person working with me and I haven’t told you about her because well, there’s not much to tell. She’s just a first year Anaesthesia resident and she’s a bit lost likewise I was when I was a first-year resident and likewise you will be when you are on your first year of residency. So I remember what it was like to be scared, not to know what to do and… She reminded me of you and…  That’s why I help her.”  
My brain is working a mile per hour and it’s hard for me to catch any thought with how fast they just pass and go.
“So what you’re saying is I have no reason to be jealous.”
“Of course, you don’t.”
“Okay, then why didn’t you tell me that she invited you to a Kings of Leon’s concert tonight?”
Every sign of frustration is removed from his expression and instead he looks at me stern but expressionless or at least I don’t know how to read this.
“You read my texts?”
I shut my eyes.
“I didn’t purposefully read them, they just pop in your screen and don’t give me that because we both know you’ve stuck your nose on my texts before.”
“I have never gone through your phone.”
“Oh, no, I know, I wouldn’t be here if you had.”
“But you get to do it?”
“I didn’t! I didn’t even pick it up! It was just there! And it popped, I couldn’t.. I mean I had just woken up, I truly read them without thinking, I would never purposefully go through your phone.”
“Okay, okay” His hands move in the air to stop my rambling. I think he believes me. “And the fact that I don’t even have my messages hidden, doesn’t make you think that I have nothing to hide? I mean I could have them and, by the way, that would be perfectly legit and wouldn’t even mean anything but you’re saying it- they were right there. It’s not a secret.”
“Then why are you not going?” I challenge him. “Kings of Leon are awesome.”
“Would you like it if I went?” He challenges me back.
“This is not about what I want, what I want doesn’t matter here. This is about you. If she’s just a friend and I have no reason to be jealous, then why won’t you go?”
He takes a deep breath and rest his hand on his hip. Now it’s him who’s counting to ten.
“She is just someone I work with to me but-” He raises his eyebrows before he unlashes the beast “I am not an idiot and… I don’t want to give her the wrong impression.”
“Was it that hard to acknowledge that?” I ask him.
“Was it that hard for you not to assume the worst of me without even talking to me? You always do this, Blue. I mean I already knew you thought I was a junkie but now also a cheater?”
Wow, that was low. So he’s going to through that at my face. I already apologized and he knows how terrible I feel about that and now he’s using that against me? I feel a lump on my throat and try to swallow it so I can speak.
“I… You know how much I regret that.”
“Yeah, well, maybe other than regretting it you should stop doing it. Why can’t you just trust me?”
I frown and look down at his feet.
“Last night” I start “you… and I…”
“I knew you would do this.” He cuts me halfway. “I knew that you were going to pick a fight because you got scared last night but… I’m tired of you using me as your punching-ball, Blue. You unleash all your frustrations on me and I thought I could take it, you know, but… I don’t want to… I’m tired of waiting for you.”
“Waiting for what?”
His words hurt me. Deeply. But I try my best to hold my tears at bay. I don’t want him to see me crying, especially because I don’t want him to stay if he doesn’t want to but he just confirmed every fear I’ve had lately. I am toxic. I am bad for him. I am hurting him and he doesn’t want me.
“For you to open up and let me in and trust me but you don’t and… It hurts, Blue… Uh… I think it’s best if we take a little break…”
“No, Harry! I- I’m sorry.”
I wipe my tears as I keep trying not to cry but this is happening. He’s finally doing what he has to do and yet I don’t want him to. I knew this would happen but I thought… I was trying very hard to let him in.
“Please, don’t cry.” He sighs. “This is how you fix everything. You hurt me and then you cry and I forgive you and when I scare you, you do it again but I… Maybe I’m asking too much of you, I’m not saying this is all your fault. I just thought I didn’t need you to feel the same way I did, I thought I could just… Maybe you’re not ready and… I think you have to work on some things before you are.”
“Harry, please… I… I…” My eyes search his and I can tell then that he is indeed waiting, like he said he was and it’s out of respect that I don’t say it.
“What? You what?”
I know what he wants to hear. He’s been wanting to hear it since this morning. He remembers what he said last night, he was just looking for my reciprocation, but I won’t do this to him. I won’t tell him I love him because I’m afraid of losing him.
“I think you’re right.”
I see the air leaving his chest and I feel a punch on my throat when I see the pain in his eyes. If this is what he wants, then why does he not look happy? Oh, right, it’s because I am that toxic to him. I am no good for him but he doesn’t want to let me go because I have become that toxic person that gives him just enough for him to stick around but not what he deserves.
He wants all from me. He told me last night, but I can’t give it to him. I just can’t. Jason’s words swirl around inside my mind and laugh at me. D’you think any other person would have stick around long enough…? He doesn’t deserve this and I love him, I do. But that’s why I’m letting him go.
I don’t even remember how the goodbye was or when he left or if I was the one who did but after crying my eyes out like a dramatic widow sitting on one of the benches of the park, I manage to get my phone out to ask for the girls.
Coco: Dad told me Harry is going with you to Capitol this week so I’m going too :)
How can something happen so suddenly? He was happy to be going to my dad’s this morning and two hours later he just breaks up with me?
The Golden Girls group chat has also been active.
Marie: Let us know when you talk to him!
Ollie: How did it go?
Jason: Bet they’re fucking.
Marie: Jason!
Indie: Can we meet?
Jason’s calling me.
“Fuck, Indie, where are you? I’ll pick you up.”
“We broke up.” I cry.
“Fuck. Send me your location.”
I do and I wait. This reminds me of that time I picked him up in the middle of nowhere after David Dick abandoned him like a dog. Only this time, I’m the bad guy.
I am terrible person and I don’t know what else to do. Maybe I am destined to be alone and maybe that’s not a bad thing. After all, the whole problem was falling in love because then I will be leaving Dylan behind and I know people don’t understand but people haven’t lost the love of their lives. It’s not a fucking easy thing.
But still, Harry doesn’t deserve that I unleash all my frustrations on him like he said I do because he’s right, I do that. I do that all the time and I treat him like shit because I don’t want him to treat me as someone I’m not. I don’t want him to think I’m this lovely person who deserves to be loved because I’m not. I’m the girl who let her boyfriend died.
That’s yet another thing people don’t understand. But Dylan was begging for help. That’s why he kept smoking and that’s why he had thrown his entire life away. It was his way of letting us know he wasn’t okay and instead of supporting him or loving him I just… I kept fighting him and telling him he needed to stop and… I wasn’t what he needed me to be. I failed him. And then he died. And I will never live past that.
The emergency lights of Jason’s car attract my attention and I get on the car and rest my head on the back of the passenger seat. He drives to the girls’ apartment and we make our way inside in silence.
The girls are sitting on the couch with a worried expression on their faces.
“It’s not what you think.” I start. “It had nothing to do with her.”
“Then what the fuck happened?” Ollie frowns.
So I tell them. I tell them about my confrontation and I tell them what he said and I tell them I agree and Jason says then you didn’t break up and I just look into his eyes because we both know that’s not true.
“But what did you tell him?” Marie asks. “I mean when he said all those things about you not being ready and all that? What did you say?”
I shake my head.
“Because I think he’s right.”
“He’s not.” Olivia frowns.
I can tell she is angry. No, she’s furious. I’m not used to this reaction from her. Usually, she’s the one who keeps calm and manages to calm us down. Marie is the one who gets mad, she’s the protective one. So to see Ollie like this is new to me.
“He’s fucking not.” She almost yells. “I mean are you kidding me? He knows what happened to you! He knows and he still didn’t tell you he had had an accident himself! And he chose not to tell you that sometimes he smokes weed when he knew that’s why Dylan died.”
Jason’s mouth opens but he doesn’t have time to say anything for Olivia’s palm rests in the air before him as a sign of stop.
“I don’t think it takes a detective to imagine that Indie might have some issues with weed.” She says through clenched teeth. “And you still listened to him and you forgave him and he fucking decided to still break up with you and now you get jealous, once, and he throws all that at you? I seriously can’t believe him! He’s turning you into this monster and you’re believing it and you’re not!”
I frown concern and surprised when she starts crying. Marie’s hand rests on her shoulder as we all remain silent and she just wipes her tears away.
“No, this is not about me.” She sniffs. “It’s just… I’m tired of seeing you like this, Indie. I’m tired of having you thinking everything is your responsibility and I think you’ve had enough! Fuck! And I’m mad because… You… You lost your fucking boyfriend and you would think he would understand some shit is fucking hard for you and instead here I have my friend crying in my house because this fucking selfish idiot made her feel as if she was some cruel person… You’re not.”
Olivia rests her back against the cushions of the couch and takes a deep breath. She sobs a little more and I find myself pouting as I stare at her.
“When Jack left me for Dulce, you were there for me. When my parents got a divorce, you were there for me. When my brother had the accident, you were there for me.” Her voice croaks again. “And every time Marie’s been sad, you’ve just left everything to come be with her and when David dumped Jason in the fucking highway, who did he call?”
Now I’m crying too and so is Marie.
“So no, I won’t have the best person I know thinking she’s a monster.”
I hug her and we both cry and only when we’ve calmed down, I call my Mum and tell her I’m having lunch with the girls. I promise her tea and biscuits. Selfishly needing some Mum-daughter time too.
After lunch, Ollie falls asleep on the couch halfway through the movie and when it ends, I catch Jason staring at her with a tender smile on his lips.
“She’s fierce, that one.” He whispers.
“Thank God she didn’t have Harry at hands’ reach.” Marie adds.
I giggle softly.
“I know, I wasn’t expecting that.”
Jason’s eyes set on mine and I know he’s trying to read my mind. I let him.
“I think they’re both right.” Jason whispers.
I frown.
“She doesn’t know what we talked about just yesterday.” He reasons. “Maybe if she knew, she wouldn’t have been so hard on him.”
“What did you talk about yesterday?”
“I… I told Jason I felt terrible for the way I treated Harry sometimes. I know it’s just self-destructive shit. I hate doing it but I do and I’ve ended up hurting him. I mean he was right about that pattern he figured out. I do get scare and then push him away and then I regret it so he forgives me and we start all over again.”
“Do you really think you’re bad for him?” Marie whispers.
I look ahead. I think yes. We’ve fought a lot of times. Love is not supposed to be so hard. I think that’s the idea that’s been passed through generations because of Wuthering Heights or Pride and Prejudice but I don’t think that’s what love is. Love should be like loving a brother or a mother. It shouldn’t hurt, it shouldn’t bring more pain than happiness.
“Adam says he thinks you’re the best thing that’s ever happened to Harry.” She tells me. “He says he hasn’t seen Harry this happy since before the accident and that he can see the old Harry coming back. When he said that, I thought the same thing was true for you. I can see you, really, fully happy sometimes. So, as much as I was against you two at the beginning, I cannot agree with you on this.”
“We had a fight at your beach house. There I accused him of being an addict and he said he was an addict, but not to weed.” I nod my head. “Now, if this was some sort of toxic love movie, I would be thrilled that he said that but I’m not. I don’t want him to be addicted to me because addictions are not healthy.”
“I’m pretty sure he didn’t mean it like that.” Jason says.
“He did.” I assure him. “We fight too much.”
“You’re a girl who lost her boyfriend and who thinks she doesn’t deserve to fall in love again and he’s a guy who thinks he ruins his sister’s life and put her on a wheelchair so he also thinks he doesn’t deserve love. Why do you think you fight?”
“See? We’re not good for one another.”
“I beg to differ.”
“So if you don’t want that, what do you want?” Marie asks.
“I just want him to be happy.” I shrug. “He’s genuinely good and I don’t want to hurt him.”
Both Jason and Marie smile but I frown.
“He turns you into such a softie. You really like him.” Marie smiles.
“Of course, I do.”
She smiles.
“He told me he loved me last night.” I confess and both my friends grin and get closer to me. “This morning I thought he didn’t even remember but he just thought that it was going to scare me so he didn’t mention it. He did give me a lot of opportunities to tell him myself so I guess he was just finding out if I felt the same.”
“Well, do you?” Marie asks.
“What does it matter now? He doesn’t want me.”
“There’s no way he loves you on Friday night and doesn’t want you on Saturday morning. That’s not how love works.”
I shrug.
“It’s not the same, you can love someone and still don’t want them.”
“You’re head over heels in love with him like a bitch.” Jason states as if he had just realized that.
I sigh.
I don’t deny it.
Yes, I am.
I am head over heels in love with Harry.
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