#alpha Aizawa x omega male Reader
pinkykats-place · 2 years
SFW BNHA fanfics x male reader
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None of the stories linked below are mine.
Art not mine - artist KADEART
Note: If you read any of these stories and like them please like, comment and/or reblog their work!
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Wait...You're Married??
Aizawa x ProHero!Male!Reader {Fluff}
Summary: Class 1-A finds out that their favorite teacher is married...
Love Trigger
Shinso Hitoshi x Male!Reader
Angst to Fluff
Alpha Aizawa x male Omega Reader
Summary: Alpha Aizawa forgets something important at home so his darling mate brings it to him.
Bakusquad (platonic) w/ male reader
Summary: Reader gets some bad news and tries to cope alone.
Iida Tenya x Male!Reader
Kiri and the Ice Boy
Quick Story and Headcannons
Kirishima x Male Reader
Cold Stone Short Circuit
Kaminari x serious male reader
Clumsy Reader paired with Shoto & Shinso (separate)
Meant To Be
Todoroki Shoto x Male!Reader
Summary: Class 1a gets a new boy; he’s closeted gay. After a while he gets close to todoroki and one night he’s really worked up/emotional so he goes to him but accidentally admits he’s into guys.
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miniminiujb · 1 year
Faz o Aizawa sendo chamado pq o seu marido (alpha) teve um cio precoce?
Desculpa a demora! Eu fiz mais fofo, já que não escreve smut ainda.
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Aizawa franziu as sobrancelhas quando recebeu uma mensagem sua.
"Sho... Meu cio chegou mais cedo", Ele leu a mensagem nos pensamentos. Aizawa olhou para a turma nervosamente, o cio do seu Alpha sempre foi muito regulado e ele nunca teve que sair apressado da escola. Shota avisou os alunos que sairia e voltaria em alguns minutos, deixando Lida responsável pela a sala de aula. Aizawa caminhou apressadamente em direção a sala do diretor, abaixando o olhar para o celular quando você mandou outra mensagem, "meus supressores acabaram😓😭😡".
Shota suspirou com esse ocorrido, geralmente vocês compravam para sobrar nos próximos cios. Aizawa bateu na porta do diretor, que logo foi aberta por Nezu.
"Eraser Head, o que trás você aqui?", O diretor perguntou olhando para cima.
"B/n entrou na rotina adiantado", Shota falou desfiando um pouco do olhar, apoiando o peso para a outra. "Ele não tem os supressores".
"Tudo bem, fique com B/n. Vou ficar com seus alunos até outro professor substituto aparecer", Nezu falou compreensível.
"Obrigado", Shota falou e caminhou para buscar as coisas dele. Os alunos fizeram muitas perguntas, mas Nezu tomou conta da situação.
Aizawa saiu da escola em direção do carro dele, sentou no banco e tirou o celular do bolso, mandando uma mensagem para você. "Vou passar na farmácia, já estou indo para casa, enquanto isso fique no ninho".
Shota passou na farmácia antes de ir para o apartamento compartilhado de vocês. Quando ele chegou na porta já conseguiu sentir o seu cheiro. Aizawa abriu a porta deixou as coisas em cima do sofá e caminhou com os supressores em direção do quarto de vocês, ele abriu a porta lentamente.
"Alpha?", Aizawa chamou por você, você estava deitado no ninho com o rosto pressionado contra o travesseiro do Aizawa. Você ergueu a cabeça para olhar para o seu Ômega, um sorriso percorreu o seu rosto, você se virou de barriga para cima e ergueu a mão para chamar atenção dele.
O Ômega caminhou lentamente até o ninho, pegou um litro de água que tinha ao lado da cama e entregou para você, junto com o remédio que ajudaria com os sintomas. Quando você tomou o remédio, Aizawa retirou a roupa e colocou uma mais confortável, ele voltou até o ninho e deitou com a cabeça no seu peito. Você passou as mãos nos fios escuros do seu Ômega, você estava contendo os seus instintos, o cheiro do seu companheiro deixava você louco. Mas deixaria o Aizawa descansar, antes que tudo começaram
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okeutocalma · 10 months
Aizawa Shota [Male Reader].
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— Você estava esperando por mim? — Shota pergunta. Você está sentado na cama. Ele pisca algumas vezes, tentando lembrar se vocês dois tinham planos de ter um encontro.
— Ah, desculpe. — Ele estremece. — Eu deveria estar aqui. Desculpe.
Shota não quer se atrasar, mas o trabalho de herói não é fácil. Ele está exausto, os olhos mais secos e pesados do que o normal.
— Desculpe. — Ele repete, estendendo a mão para segurar seu rosto. — Vou comprar aqueles sapatos que você queria, ok? — A culpa se instala em seu estômago. Esta não é a primeira vez que ele se esquece dos planos.
— Não, tudo bem Aizawa. — As palavras saíram dos lábios de [Nome] em um tom cansado, passando a mão suavemente pelos cabelos. — Tome um banho, ok? Descanse, depois marcamos novamente.
— Tem certeza? — Shota pergunta com cautela, segurando seu rosto com cuidado. Ele olha profundamente em seus olhos, procurando algum tipo de indicação de como o marido se sente.
Sendo o desastre emocional que ele é, ele é um pouco cego para como [Nome] realmente se sente sobre ele e seu relacionamento.
— Não quero ser um fardo para você.— Ele estremece. Esse é um dos maiores medos dele, ser um aborrecimento para ele.
— Sem problemas Aizawa, tome banho e descanse. — O de fios [claros/escuros] falou em um tom baixo.
Ele pisca algumas vezes. Bem desse jeito? O outro nem grita com ele por estar atrasado ou por ter esquecido, igual as outras vezes.
— …Obrigado. — Shota fala, voz rouca e áspera de tão cansado que está, sorriso fraco, mas sincero.
Você acena, sabia que o marido estava cansado por causa do trabalho… Mas o próprio também já tinha desistido de ter um momento com o marido.
[Nome], estava exausto de tentar ter um momento apenas para si e para Shota, seu amado marido.
Desde que começaram a vida juntos, eles sempre foram uma equipe inseparável, uma dupla que enfrentava o mundo de mãos dadas. No entanto, recentemente, as demandas da vida cotidiana pareciam estar constantemente atrapalhando seus planos de desfrutarem de momentos de intimidade e tranquilidade juntos.
A rotina agitada e estressante do trabalho parecia se estender para suas vidas pessoais, deixando-os com pouca energia e tempo para passarem momentos a sós.
Cada momento de folga era preenchido com compromissos, responsabilidades e tarefas intermináveis. Parecia que o universo estava conspirando para mantê-los ocupados e distantes um do outro.
[Nome] sentia falta dos momentos de conexão profunda que costumavam ter. Sentia falta dos abraços prolongados, das conversas profundas, dos beijos apaixonados que costumavam compartilhar.
As pequenas formas de carinho que fortaleciam seu vínculo pareciam ter sido engolidas pela vida agitada de agora.
Cada tentativa de planejar um jantar tranquilo ou um passeio romântico era frustrada por compromissos surgindo de última hora ou por problemas que exigiam a atenção imediata… Ou simplesmente Aizawa esquecendo por causa do trabalho.
Era como se o tempo se desvanecesse rapidamente, levando consigo a preciosa oportunidade de se reconectar e renovar o amor que compartilhavam… Deixando a relação fria e sem vida.
— Obrigado. — Sussurra, inclinando-se para beijar a bochecha de [Nome] que se afastou,o impedindo de beijar.
— Vá tomar banho Aizawa... não quero que me toque.
Ele se afasta. Não é a resposta que ele esperava, mas ele obedece. Com a respiração dolorosa, ele entra no banheiro e abre o chuveiro, tentando tirar o cheiro de vilões, sangue e fumaça da pele.
Vai demorar muito mais do que um banho para lavar a culpa.
Shota demora um pouco no chuveiro - a água quente acalma suas costas doloridas e os ombros doloridos. Depois de enxaguar a sujeira, ele desliga a água e pega uma toalha. Com um suspiro, ele volta para o quarto, ainda úmido e nu.
Ele abre a porta do banheiro e espia dentro do quarto, estremecendo quando encontra você se escondendo na escuridão.
— [Nome]? — Ele pergunta baixinho, entrando no quarto. — Fiz algo de errado?
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reallyromealone · 5 months
Hello there, I was wondering if we can get a part 2 of the alpha Kirishima x alpha Bakugo adopting to mega pup reader and the reader is meet most of their aunts and uncles?
Title: adoption part 2
Fandom: my hero academia
Pairing kirishima x Bakugo x male reader
Type: platonic fluff
Warnings: omegaverse, child reader
Notes: none
(Name) was an absolute precious little guy, always following one of his dad's when he could and trying to help in the best way he could with such little hands as the two adults tried to include him in their day to day, currently on maternity leave to acclimate (name) better.
"Yaaay! Good job!" Kirishima congratulated (name) as the babe put his plastic bowl in the dishwasher, (name) beaming at this and hugged his dad's neck for comfort "were getting ready to meet some people, they're your aunt's and uncles and are very excited to meet you" when their friends learned if their tiny pup they practically exploded with excitement, mina taking everything within herself to not bust down that door to see the pup.
(Name) held the Dynamite toy close, either that or an old sweater of Kirishimas that the babe saught comfort from, a quick Google search showed Omegan pups saught comfort from their parents items it was early stages of a familial bond settling in.
Bakugo was the one to collect the little one after his nap, the aunts and uncles sitting in the livingroom to meet him "hey squirt, it's time to wake up" they changed the crib to a toddler bed when (name) tried climbing out, the little one starfished with a cute pair of pajamas on "nnh" the boy grunted as Katsuki huffed and gently lifted him "come on you" the boy nuzzling into his dad's shirt as he was brought out to the livingroom "(name), can you say hi?" Katsuki was surprisingly soft with the pup who looked confused and face had marks from the sheets "awww he's so little!" Mina gushed as she stood up and (name) clung to his dad nervously "slowly mina, he's shy" Eijiro said watching his sons movements.
The itty bitty pup looked nervous as Katsuki spoke to him "this is your aunt, she's a bit annoying but she's not gonna hurt you"
Carefully he set (name) down, the boy fidgeting before running to his other dad for protection, the redhead holding his stuffed doll "awww he has a dynamite toy!" Ochaco cooed and they watched (name).
Eventually everyone began chatting and (name) grew more comfortable and began wandering around as he normally did as he noticed the snacks on the table, things the others brought "oh look he's staring at the (treat)" denki snicked as the babe reached out and grabbed a handful, little hands getting messy in the process "well at least he likes it" Momo said as the dad's looked at each other and Katsuki cleaned him up and Eijiro got the boy a small serving "so how's being a parent?" Iida asked as he sipped his tea, glancing at the pup "he keeps trying to make nests everywhere, we don't think he knows what he's doing though" Eijiro chuckled as he let (name) get comfortable in his lap.
Later on came his former teachers + Eri and Shinsou, the two tagging along.
Katsuki saw the two as his own parents, his real parents and him had.. a hard relationship.
His mom and him never got along and when he showed up with Eiji... That went bad fast, he was seventeen at that point.
He hadnt even graduated yet.
His dad loved him but being an Omega, he couldn't really go against his alphas word but did send letters to him in secret.
After that Aizawa stepped up, using his custody over Bakugo and taking care of him and by proxy so did Yamada, the men treating him like a son.
"Hi little listener" Yamada was soft with the pup as Aizawa looked at the two fondly, Eri chatting with kirishima about her classes and her plans to join U.A under recommendations by not one but multiple heroes.
"Oh? Thanks..." Shinsou was awkward around children and when (name) handed him a Cheeto he wasn't expecting it to be so...soggy "you don't gotta eat that, just walk to the kitchen and toss it" kirishima whispered and the other man nodded and did so.
"Hello there" little (name) reached to the black haired man who had the forethought to have his hair put up "you can smell I'm an Omega" Aizawa smiled softly as (name) sniffed his face and bounced slightly "omegas feel calm with other omegas" he explained "safety in numbers sort of deal"
(Name) smushed his face, a silly baby attempt at scenting "I think he thinks I'm apart of his pack"
"Well you are" Eri said simply and everyone smiled at the interaction.
"Minas gonna be pissed that he's getting this and she's not"
When everyone left, (name) was tuckered out "he sure enjoyed those snacks"
"He's so sleepy" kirishima gently traced the boys face "let's get him to bed yeah?"
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iddybiddysquish · 1 year
I Regret Request: Aizawa x Yamada x Reader
Masterlist: Here
Fandom: My Hero Academia
Gender: AFAB
Warnings: Student x teacher! Oral (fem receiving), fingering, toys, anal penetration, marking, A/B/O quirk, arousal quirk, anal play, ass eating, oral sex, anal sex, creampie and sir kink - not good with terminology to let me know if I've missed anything!
Notes: Feedback is welcomed and I hope you have a good time reading! This is quite self indulgent and my first time writing smut so be gentle with me pls <3 Reader has the ability to copy and edit quirks! Not beta read, we die like men.
'I regret everything.' I whined as I laid in my bed, thighs heavy with slick as I came for the 12th time that morning. It has only been an hour or so since I'd awoken to an aching need in my cunt that was impossible to ignore and a fever so hot that I was starting to see stars. 
I was exhausted and yet nowhere near satisfied. I knew I was going to need to call in sick with how painful this arousal is. 
It took me a while to figure out what the cause was. At first I thought I'd been hit with an arousal quirk in my sleep, as impossible as that is. However the more I looked into the quirks I'd copied at random that took my interest, I discovered something that I didn't know when I copied the quirks. 
Quirk: A/B/O
This quirk gives the user characteristics of the A/B/O genre, including giving them a second gender. This gives them claws and fangs that can retract as well as basics such as enhanced senses and physiological changes such as scent glands and enhanced animalistic thinking. 
Quirk: Estrus
This quirk gives the user the ability to cast uncontrollable arousal in individuals who are touched or are within a 5 m distance. 
Apparently, this included heat and rut cycles as well as an estrus cycle, the latter of which is experienced because of the quirk with the same name - side effects of both quirks. It's not helped by the fact that I was weeping out of every hole - even my ass now had a uterus and there was a third uterus with a vaginal opening between my anus and normal vagina, both with slick pouring out of them, like male Omega’s get in the Omegaverse and it was killing me. Three vaginas was too much to contend with when all I had were handheld toys at my disposal.
'I don't have enough hands for this shit.'
What made things worse was that I was capable of experiencing a mating season as well as a heat or a rut despite not being an Alpha, which confused me. I was clearly an Omega - even having the male equivalent of uteruses.
To cum more readily I even activated a quirk that gave me both male and female genitalia but the friction, despite my slick, was starting to hurt my sensitive head and thick knot that had formed from my last orgasm, and I was nowhere near feeling satisfied. So I deactivated it and wiped my hands clean before searching for my phone with disdain.
I am irritable and whiny all whilst pining for an Alpha to be submissive towards. It's a weird concoction that I wasn't appreciating as I laid in what I now realised was a nest of blankets and pillows I'd created to house myself as I cried from over and under stimulation.
Everything was made worse by the fact that I had no clue how long this would last.
‘Is this monthly or annually?’ 
The more I looked into this quirk the worse I felt, especially as I discovered I would have an annual mating season, would go into heat monthly, would go into estrus biweekly and would go in a rut whenever someone else experienced either one of these phenomena - so I could experience all of these at once, as I was, on top of an estrus cycle that corresponds with my menstrual cycle. I would’ve breathed a sigh of relief if I didn’t remember that there are many other people who would go through heat, estrus and or mating season, meaning I would be triggered into a rut by these and could even be triggered just by using the Estrus quirk.
‘I blame Tokoyami’s mating season…!’ I groaned, ‘Then at least it would just be a heat, estrus and a mating season…’
I wanted to cry.
“I can’t take this any more.” I moaned, deciding quickly I needed to call the school and explain what was going on. I needed help with this; there must be someone with a similar quirk that they’ve known about. After all, I copied these things from someone else.
Much to my surprise, when I explained to the receptionist I needed to speak to Aizawa, I was passed to him relatively quickly.
“(L/N)-san.” he greeted, “Are you unwell?”
“Something like that.” I groaned, crossing my legs tightly, “I’m in a very… difficult situation and I need some guidance.”
“I can help you in class if you want?” he begged, “If you get here sooner we can discuss it before class.”
“I… I don’t know if I can come to class.” I basically whispered. Aizawa frowned at this on the other side of the line with concern.
“Should I be concerned, (L/N)-san?” I sighed.
“I don’t know.”
“Why don’t you tell me the problem first?” he begged, walking down the hallway to get away from people, realising quickly that this was a private conversation, “Then I can tailor my aid better.” I groaned.
“This is going to be super awkward, so I’m sorry.” I warned, earning a grunt which sent a painful zap towards my clit, making me flush, “I copied a quirk.”
“Uh-huh…” he nodded when I didn’t say anything else for a few seconds.
“It’s given me a clusterfuck of hormones.” I explained slowly, “I’m essentially experiencing a mating season, a heat and a rut simultaneously as well as an estrus cycle - they are different. And I’m a bit scared.”
“... I wasn’t expecting that.” he admitted, rubbing the bridge of his nose, “I assume you’re in halls?” I nodded.
“Yeah.” I laughed humorlessly, “I know, right? I only discovered this would happen today because it’s happening now.
“I didn’t think to look at the weaknesses when I copied the quirk. It just seemed so interesting I couldn’t pass it up. Even if I edit the quirks I can't get rid of what I'm experiencing right now.”
“Stay in the halls.” he confirmed, “I’ll do some research and see what strings I can pull. You won’t be the first to experience either one of those things and I doubt you’ll be the last.
“For now, remain in your room. I’ll explain to the class that you’re having some… complications with your quirk and not to visit you.” he hummed, looking over at the watch on his wrist, “I’ll try to contact you by the end of the day and recommend you stockpile some food whilst the others are gone.” I nodded.
“Thanks sensei. I appreciate it.” he nodded.
“I’ll talk to you later. Stay safe.”
“You, too.”
And just like that I breathed a sigh of relief and laid back down, hand drifting down to my painfully empty holes and clit, only to come away with heavy slick dripping from my fingers. I groaned, pulling my head into a pillow and screaming for a few minutes before going back to playing with myself, unable to hold on for much longer without some kind of stimulation.
To say that Aizawa was concerned was an understatement. One of his prized students was suffering as he walked towards the classroom pondering the best course of action. The reality was that he knew she needed relief but he also knew that he was her teacher and shouldn't approach her. He'd be abusing the situation and his position. 
Didn't mean he wasn't still tempted to pay her a visit to see her for himself. 
Her quirk had always fascinated him. The ability to copy other quirks wasn't necessarily unusual nor was it unsurprisingly powerful. But it was how she used it to her advantage that impressed him. She thought outside the box and adapted to new quirks so effortlessly that he couldn't help but be in awe. 
In all honesty it all went right to his cock. 
'Not now…' he cursed, shuffling his pants around to hide the growing chub before entering the classroom with the same enthusiasm as he did every morning.
“Good morning, students.” Aizawa greeted, catching everyone off guard, Denki and Kirishima running to their seats as soon as he entered the room.
“You’re here early, sir?” Yaoyorozu spoke up, raising her arm. Aizawa nodded.
“I have an announcement.” he confirmed, “As you know, Tokoyami is still off. However (L/N)-san is having some complications with her quirk.
“As a result it would be wise for you all to leave her be in her room and don’t communicate with her until it resolves. It’s likely to last for at least a week.”
“So we won’t see her at all?” Ashido begged, earning the shake of a head.
“But what about food?” Hagakure begged, “(L/N)-san eats a lot.” Aizawa removed some of his hair from his face, thinking about the response, before answering.
“We might need to ask one of you to deliver the food to her door.” he concluded with distaste, “It’s not ideal but it’s imperative that all of you leave her alone. It might be best to have one of the girls to deliver the meals…” he sighed, fingers to the bridge of his nose, “Although that might not help.”
“Is she well?” Uraraka begged, concerned. Aizawa nodded.
“She’s not sick. It’s just something related to her quirk.”
“Why do they have to be female?” Iida begged, raising his arm. Aizawa groaned.
“It’s not necessary. But it would be best that all the men stay away from her door.”
“Why?” Kirishima begged, “What would require only the men to stay away?”
“Is it the same reason as Tokoyami?” Asui begged, raising her hand before Aizawa could respond. He sighed.
“Wait, why is Tokoyami away?” Midoriya begged her way.
“Mating season.” Asui noted casually with a shrug. 
"Oh hell yeah!" Mineta cheered, causing Sero to cringe. 
"You are banned from that floor, Mineta." Aizawa warned, his hair flying all over the place as he glared, earning a gulp from the boy. His words caused everyone to turn back to Aizawa, who was rubbing his temples.
“It’s a private matter. That’s all you need to know.” Bakugou raised a brow at this.
“So who’s gonna feed her?” he begged with a glare. Immediately everyone turned to Bakugou, causing his brow to twitch violently, “Why me?!”
“You love cooking.” Todoroki stated as though it were obvious. Shinsou snorted and Bakugou ‘tched’ and looked away sharply, glaring ahead of him as Aizawa looked at his watch again before divulging into the remaining announcements, none of which really kept Aizawa's attention. 
He concluded he needed to speak to his friend and coworker about this issue. (L/N)'s recklessness was beginning to worry him and he knew he would need to be careful when he mentioned this to Yamada. 
Aizawa wasn't the only person to be almost infatuated with the girl. She was arguably Yamada's favourite student. She was studious, curious and, to top it off, she was attractive. 
'Not now…' he cursed to himself as he left the classroom to wait for his friend to turn up for English class. In his mind this issue couldn't wait. He was tapping his thigh as he contemplated the position (L/N) was in, writhing in desire without him there to help. 
It was becoming a common thought and problem for his trousers to contain. 
"Yo!" Yamada grinned, throwing finger guns at Aizawa. For once Aizawa seemed to breathe a sigh of relief, even if it was to help distract from his ever growing erection. 
"We need to talk." Yamada blinked, smile faltering as he took in Aizawa's appearance. 
He looked as exhausted as usual, but this time there was worry. It was clear as day that he was contemplating something and it worried the blond. Aizawa was antsy as his eyes flickered around to make sure they were alone before his tone dropped. 
"It's about (L/N)." He warned, the topic regaining his attention. 
"Sure thing. What's up, man?" He begged, leaning against the wall casually. 
Yamada attempted to look casual, but deep down he was concerned. (L/N) was rarely in trouble and fairly low maintenance as a student. So it had to be serious for Aizawa to approach him like this and risk making him late for class. 
"She took on a random quirk." Aizawa sighed, rubbing the bridge of his nose in disdain, "A Quirk that gave her heat."
Yamada blinked. Once then twice. 
"You don't mean what I think you mean, surely?" Was all he could say, earning a dead eyed look from Aizawa that told him everything he needed to know. He sighed and shook his head, "Right. So she's not in class, right?" Aizawa nodded, "Damn that's a shame. 
"So what's up?"
"I am worried about her." Aizawa admitted, also leaning against the wall opposite the blond. Yamada raised a brow but thought carefully before he spoke. 
"She's alone, right?" Aizawa nodded. 
"Tokoyami is at home." Yamada nodded before rubbing his chin. 
"We should probably pay her a visit." Aizawa raised a brow, causing the blond to raise his hands, "To check on her. Make sure none of the boys get to her." The pair immediately thought of a certain grape-like fellow and simultaneously sighed. 
"Point taken." Aizawa nodded before pushing off the wall. With a grin Yamada did the same before slapping his hand on Aizawa's shoulder. 
"She's strong willed. She should be fine. Worst case scenario she has us to look after her." Aizawa smirked and nodded. 
With another nod Aizawa walked away and Yamada made his way to English class. And although they both felt better knowing they had each other's backs, they were still worried deep down. 
In truth both were attracted to the girl. And they knew it was irrational given tshe was their student, even if she was 18 and a legal adult - that was their only rationale they both held onto.  
Neither, however, felt threatened by the other. They had a mutual understanding that both cared for the girl and that if either had a chance, they could take it. But if they hurt her, they'd feel the consequences. 
I waited and waited until I knew the coast was clear. The only other person would’ve been Tokoyami two floors below, but he was staying at home, so for the first time I was on my own in the halls. Despite this, I was nervous to leave the safety of my nest to the point that I waited for far longer than I needed to. 
It just didn’t feel right.
Opening the door I went to walk forward, but found myself freezing in the spot at all the scents.
“Oh… my god.” I reeled, gulping.
It took me a good few minutes just standing there in order to get used to all the smells. Some were pleasant, some were repulsive. 
But others were tasty.
‘The strongest scent is…’ I realised quickly, mouth watering, ‘Bakugou’s…’ 
My scent-clouded mind wasn’t so surprised by this reveal. Bakugou smells like burnt caramel normally, so it’d make sense that I’d be attracted to it. It really was a no-brainer, even if I longed not to be attracted to the interesting scent, just glad that he wasn't here to witness this. It's not like I was actually interested in him beyond his tantalising smell.
The scent that I wasn't expecting to be drawn to, however, was that of Shinsou's. It was soft and tantalising. Like a comfortable cloud. It made me relax and feel like curling up and taking a nap despite my current circumstances.
What was more interesting was the minty freshness that was Todoroki’s scent I could detect from the elevator.
‘It’s almost spicy to the senses.’ I mused, feeling a wave of calmness wash over me.
Again, it didn’t surprise me that I felt myself drifting his way. Todoroki was very attractive and we had been getting closer as of late. It was almost predictable. 
However the scent that was most tantalising, surprisingly, was Aizawa's. It was the faintest since he was rarely here. But it was still there, teasing me and making my mouth water. 
'Does he know he smells that good?'
I had to slap myself to stop myself from following his scent and instead made a beeline for the kitchen and raided my pantry, grabbing every snack and unspoilable food I could before running back to my room. I was as quick as I could feasibly be. But as I went to close the door, I found myself peeking outside and down the hallway towards Aizawa's scent.
I shook my head.
‘I can’t go sneaking around like this.’ I scolded myself as my Omega whined at me, begging to investigate. I shook my head again as I felt my thighs clench and almost whined myself.
“No. I can’t.” But I didn’t move away from the door.
‘... Ugh why does he have to smell like that?!’ I cursed, looking back down the hall. Before I even realised what I was doing, I was sneaking towards the heavenly scent, as though I were about to be caught at any moment. I could feel Aizawa scolding me, but of course it never came since he was in class with everyone else. 
‘This would be so amoral of me…’ 
Despite knowing this, I found myself turning myself invisible as I stalked towards the teachers quarters.
However when I arrived I was smacked in the face with the scent of Yamada. And suddenly I felt my cunt clench as I took in the double scent of the pair that made my mouth water. 
'Lord save me…' I almost moaned as I thought about where I wanted to investigate first. 
'I came here for Aizawa…' I sighed, eyeing Yamada's door. But with only slight hesitation I made my way towards Aizawa's door with a small promise made by my Omega to visit Yamada's soon after. 
I cringed at the squeak as the door opened, checking there was no one else around, but I was quickly blindsided by the absolute raw stench of his scent and felt my Omega trill in happiness.
From there I had zero control of myself as I entered his room and closed the door behind me, sniffing deeply as I attempted to fill my entire lungs with his scent. 
Naturally, his bed smelt the strongest. And I couldn’t stop myself from lying on it and taking a deep breath of his pillow. With little effort I could fall asleep here and God did I want to.
However, I didn’t want to be caught by a cleaner or anything, so I regretfully removed myself from his bedding and skulked around his room with intrigue. 
It was fairly neat and tidy. Everything was neatly packed away - even his dirty clothes were in the hamper, none left in sight. There were a few personables, such as collectables and books. I was drawn to the books, noting that a lot of them were either fiction or textbooks for class, some of which were missing, before looking over the neatness that was his desk with little surprise.
I couldn’t help rummaging through his things as though I were searching for something. But I was careful enough to put everything back exactly as I found it before eyeing the exit with disappointment. 
However I trilled when I realised it wasn't over yet as I had Yamada's room to visit yet. 
‘I need to leave.’ I concluded, anxiously despite feeling safe immersed in his scent. Regardless, I needed to get back and the need to hide was strong.
I couldn’t force myself to leave quickly. I eyed the bed and whined before eyeing his dirty clothing hamper with a dangerous thought in my mind.
‘I can’t.’ I argued as I looked inside, moving things around a bit as I took in his scent further, ‘He’d so notice if I took something of his.’
As if that was the only reason not to steal his clothing like some kind of smell-pervert.
‘Man I’ve really stooped to a new low.’ I concluded as I pawed at a shirt of his that smelt the strongest. Instincts told me I needed it for my nest and no matter how much I tried to rationalise, I found myself stealing the shirt and running back to the hallway, only to freeze when I took in the delicious scent of Yamada. 
Shirt in hand I looked around carefully before skulking towards his room and quietly padding my way inside. I immediately jumped on his slightly messy bed and squealed to myself as I took in his warm scent. 
Both scents were different. Aizawa's was warm, like sandalwood and cedar. It was calming and inviting. Yamada's, on the other hand, was unusual. Partly because of his hair gel, but despite that he smelled sweet and juicy, like citrus. 
I enjoyed the polar scents greedily as I searched his floor for something he wouldn't miss if I took it. Finding a shirt with a hole in the armpit, I shrugged and took it before giving his room one last look over. 
His room was more messy than Aizawa's, though I didn't mind. There were posters and artwork around the room with photos and other personables. It was busy, but inviting. 
I knew I had little time left, so I spent it nosing through his things before leaving and using the invisibility quirk. I needed to leave despite my pouting and whining Omega and more importantly I needed to get back to my room to hide - from everyone and my shame.
I was grateful to Aizawa for warning off the rest of the class now that I’d committed a crime. But the way my Omega praised my decision left me feeling euphoric, especially as I snuggled the shirts and preened the den I’d created.
I spent most of my time preening, snuggling their shirts and masterbating. It was a simple routine as I stored my snacks carefully as though I was creating a proper den to live in. And I supposed I was, given I’d be stuck here for the next however long it would be before I could go back to normal.
When I started to hear the whirl of the elevator and the sounds of people talking that was my first clue that school was over. My next clue was the knock at my door.
"(L/N), it's Midoriya!" He whispered, making me blink and look over at the door. I immediately raised a brow but didn't say anything as I heard him shuffle on his feet, "Just wanted to let you know everyone is thinking of you. Try to hang in there. I'm sure Sensei will help you out!"
'I can think of a few ways he could help me…'
"Midoriya?" I blinked, tilting my head as I took in Todoroki's voice, "What are you doing?"
"J-Just checking something!" He squeaked before I heard his footsteps recede along with Todoroki's as their voices got further away.  
I felt myself swell with happiness even if I found myself growling at the intrusion. I couldn’t bring myself to say anything back though as the pair muttered to one another quietly before going to their individual rooms. I found myself on edge, listening intently to everyone returning to their dorms or going elsewhere as I hid in my nest.
I had no idea how anxiety-inducing it would be now that everyone was back. But now I knew: it’s very anxiety-inducing. 
I managed to fall asleep by burrowing myself with blankets and pillows. However I stirred when I sensed someone outside of my door, hearing them muttering something to themselves.
That’s when I realised it was Aizawa of all people.
I practically leaped out of my nest, thoroughly ruining it, and leaned across the door, taking in a deep breath of his scent. It was then I realised I smelt something else tasty and wondered if he’d made food for me.
My heart and Omega leapt at the thought.
"(L/N)-san." He spoke curtly, "Yamada and I will be delivering your food from now. Eat up."
'For me…?'
I had to claw at myself not to open the door and jump on him. Taking deep breaths I tried to focus on the smell of the food instead of the smell of Aizawa as I listened to his footsteps recede. And only when I was sure he’d retreated did I open the door and take the contents, eating quickly before leaving the bowl outside of the door as he had done.
This continued morning and evening for the next few days and sadly I wasn’t improving despite ordering new toys and other kinky tools to try and earn some relief. I was extremely grateful for Hagakure bringing them to me, oblivious to the contents, although I realised quickly she was hoping he’d get to see me when she knocked on the door. I heard her sit down outside of it as she began telling me about what I’d missed at school. 
It was sweet of her. 
"I had to run so fast for so looooong!" She whined, "How was I supposed to know her quirk? She kicked the crap outta me!" I giggled at this, though I felt immediately upset at the last thing she said, "But don't worry! Recovery Girl patched me right up!" 
I sighed with relief and relaxed again. 
I considered sitting by the door, but I was too desperate for a release, I worried I’d open it and ruin everything. And of all people, as wonderful as Hagakure is, my rational brain and Omega didn't want to have sex with her.
Only Aizawa or Yamada would work. They were my prime Alphas.
So I didn’t and waited for her to leave before taking the box and abusing its contents.
By the time I had finished it was dinner time, and I basically sat glued to the door with blankets on me as I listened for Aizawa or Yamada to arrive. 
The strength of the symptoms seemed to wax instead of wane as time went on and I realised I was starting to really struggle when I heard familiar footsteps coming towards the door. However much to my surprise I detected a second immediately and jumped out of my bed to take in the scent of who was approaching my room, greedily, once I realised who was approaching. 
"She hasn't said a word." Yamada uttered, stretching his arms up towards the air, "I'm worried!"
"She's doing what I told her to. We should be pleased." Aizawa shrugged as the pair got closer and stood outside the door, "Maybe she'll talk soon." Yamada sighed and nodded. 
"So as long as she hasn't spoken to any of the other students I can't complain." Yamada muttered, earning a low chuckle from Aizawa before he knocked on my door. 
"(L/N). Your food is here." 
I immediately began to purr and nuzzle the door, pretending it was them. 
"Alphas…" I muttered. 
However it wasn't the same. I wanted to be closer. I wanted them. 
"(L/N)?" Yamada begged hearing me. He leaned closer to the door and began to hear my purring. He frowned and eyed Aizawa, who raised a brow. 
"Are you okay?" Aizawa begged. I nodded. 
"Better now you're both here." I hummed, still nuzzling the door. 
Neither teacher knew what to make of that. But they both were happy to make her happy if nothing else. 
"How you doing, kid?" Yamada begged, crouching down to my level. Aizawa looked around before doing the same. 
I immediately whined. 
"Horribly." I almost cried as I felt along the door, "Need knot really bad…"
"Knot?" Yamada begged lowly earning a sigh from Aizawa. 
"You know we can't give you that, (L/N)." Aizawa explained, "You're our student."
"So?" I protested.
Yamada quickly realised what the pair were talking about and gulped. The thought hadn't just crossed his mind, but burrowed it's way deep into his brain. He could just imagine how her mouth would taste as he took her. 
He immediately shook his head, earning a raised brow from Aizawa, though he said nothing. 
"Please?" I begged, reaching for the doorknob. When the door clicked as I opened it, the pair sat back and looked in as I peaked my head out, giving my best puppy dog eyes I could muster, "Need you really bad, Sir."
Both men felt that go straight to their cocks, both twinging in their pants. 
The pair could see I was flushed. They didn't need to know the details to know that I'd been cumming all day - the smell of sex was evidence enough. It wasn't helping the predicament in their trousers, unfortunately. Aizawa had a stronger will than Yamada, however, who immediately reached out to cup my cheek. I pouted up at him. 
"You're burning up sweetness." He sighed, "We should get Recovery Girl to look you over." I shook my head. 
"I just need you."
Yamada's will was slowly being chipped away the longer he stared at his pretty girl, cheeks puffed up and body wanting. However Aizawa had more clarity as he stood up with a sigh. 
"I'll get you some paracetamol." He concluded, "Keep her in her room." 
Yamada immediately saluted him and turned back to me. I was pouting. 
"Don't leave me." I whined, opening the door slightly to peak out further as his body began to retreat.
"I won't be long." And with that he headed towards the elevator, leaving the pair of us together. 
With a sigh I sat back down and let the door open fully as I set my eyes on Yamada, who was desperately trying to look anywhere other than my hardened nippled through my shirt or the visible wet patch of my underwear. 
It wasn't an easy task. 
"How you holding up?" He begged as he looked around the room, noting all the blankets and pillows covering the bed and floor. He wasn't sure how she amassed that many but it looked cosy. 
"Desperate." I sighed, tightly holding my arms as I attempted to stop myself from jumping him, "Really need knot. Please, Sir." I begged, slowly unfolding myself and crawling towards him. 
Yamada jumped as I got closer and looked around panicked as though he were about to be caught. He knew this was inappropriate but he couldn't help the erection in his pants that jumped when he got a good look at my cleavage. 
I sashayed up to him, swaying my hips gently as I slowly crawled onto his lap even as he backed up and hit the wall. He gulped when as I put my hands either side of his face and tilted my head, a pleading look in my eyes. 
"I need you, Sir. I'll beg if you want me to."
"Uhh…" he stammered, "(L/N) we shouldn't be doing this-"
He didn't get to finish his sentence when I sat fully on his lap and pressed against his hardened cock, causing him to gasp and lean his head back. I smirked when I felt his hands grasp my hips. 
"We really shouldn't." He muttered with a groan. However when I rocked slowly I felt his hands move to my ass as he moaned. I mewelled as the tip of his cock pressed into my wet clit and couldn't help myself but to rock more readily against him, clawing at his chest and yanking on his shirt. He began to guide me, pulling at my hips and placing my hips in the best place to rock against his cock. 
It was then that the elevator doors opened, revealing an upset looking Aizawa when he caught sight of us. I smiled as he approached. 
"Join us, Alpha." I purred as I stood and pulled Yamada up and into my den. Aizawa blinked and followed, intent on trying to save his friend from my clutches. 
However when he entered and placed the pills on the table he saw that Yamada was already making out with me as I sat atop of him on the bed. 
Aizawa sighed. 
"You'll be in serious trouble if you do this." Aizawa concluded, calmer than he probably should be. Neither Yamada nor I knew which of us he was talking to. But I concluded it was likely both of us. 
I smirked.
"I'm a bad girl?" I begged, pulling away from Yamada as I sat up and moved towards Aizawa, like a predator stalking its prey. 
For once Aizawa felt uncertain as his resolve weakened. He took in my appearance with greedy eyes as Yamada grinned over at him and gave a thumbs up. I pulled Aizawa to me, placing my hands over his chest as I felt him up and leaned close to his lips. 
"Please, Sir? I promise to be good. I'll do whatever you tell me to." 
My words were thick like honey. He felt his cock jump to life again as her hands slowly glided closer and closer to his belt. 
With a sigh he made his choice and headed towards the door, severely disappointing me and confusing Yamada. However, to my relief, all he did was close the door before he grabbed me by the neck and forced his lips onto mine. 
I immediately mewled as Yamada came up from behind and pulled my hair to force my neck to be exposed to him so he could nip and suck at the delicate flesh. I moaned into the kiss as Aizawa felt along my stomach and slipped his fingers into my panties. 
It was no shock to Aizawa that I was practically flooding with slick - they'd seen it through my underwear after all. No, what surprised him was how readily my body was prepared for him as I sucked in his fingers tightly. He almost groaned into the kiss as he slipped in a second finger. 
Yamada's hands, too, began to glide down my body, resting to grope my ass. However he paused when he noticed there was slick coming from my asshole as well and curiously decided to investigate with his finger, still keeping a tight grip on my hair. I moaned as both began to finger me as I let my underwear fall to the floor and rocked against them. 
"Well we don't need any lube." Yamada snorted, earning one from Aizawa. I bit my lip at the prospect of both taking me, wanting to both speed things up and slow it down so I could get to the good parts but also to experience it for a longer period of time. 
When both sets of fingers retreated I whined. 
“No, Sir-”
“Shhh.” Aizawa muttered, shoving his fingers in my mouth. I moaned as I sucked, cleaning them as best as I could with drool escaping from my mouth. Aizawa smirked down at me as he slowly pulled his fingers from my mouth, Yamada grinning behind me.
“Such a good girl for us, huh, (F/N)?” he whispered in my ear. Immediately I nodded. However, when Yamada pulled away from me I whined again. That was, until he climbed on my bed and reached his hand out for me, “Come over here, kid.” he smirked. 
Nodding, I followed his orders as Aizawa started to unbuckle his belt. Yamada then commanded me to get on all fours, so I did as requested, raising my ass into the air and face into the bed. To my surprise, however, he didn’t touch his belt. Aizawa, now naked, came onto the bed in front of me and watched as Yamada began to rub my ass and play with my slick that was leaking onto my thighs. 
It wasn’t long before he dived into my folds, eating me out with vigour, making me squeal. Aizawa chuckled, grabbing my chin and forcing me to moan out loud for them as he stroked himself. Before I realised what was happening Yamada began to move up past my taint and towards my ass, tonguing it. Aizawa took advantage of my open mouth and slowly shoved his cock in, making me groan. As Yamada encouraged me to buck as I hollowed out my cheeks and took Aizawa's full size down my throat, making me choke. He lovingly stroked my hair as he forced himself down my throat again with the same result. 
"Such a good girl." He muttered. Hearing the praise, Yamada broke free from his feast and slapped my ass hard. 
"Does she deserve a little treat?" He begged, wiping his mouth where all the slick had built up. Aizawa grunted as I attempted to take his cock down my throat right to the base but ended up choking again. Still he stroked my throat as I did, watching as tears slid down my cheeks. 
"I'll take that as a yes." Yamada chuckled, going back to eating my ass. However, he introduced his fingers, slipping two effortlessly into my aching cunt and using his thumb to play with my clit. On top of that he began to penetrate my asshole with his tongue, which added a whole different level of pleasure. 
Aizawa immediately chuckled as I moaned through his cock. He couldn't lie, the dirty noises that I strangled to make because of what Yamada was doing was a huge turn on. He never thought about having a threesome with the man but he was having a good time. 
Yamada on the other hand had always been more open to these sorts of ideas. Especially with his friend. And even more so with his favourite student. This was the sort of thing he fantasised about, albeit maybe not with Aizawa but he was happy with it nonetheless. 
As Yamada ate me out I continued my ministrations on Aizawa, using my hand to massage and grope his balls gently, earning a pleased groan, which made Yamada chuckle. It was enough to get Aizawa to begin lazily bucking into my mouth. Eventually he started to slowly pick up the pace as his thrusts got more serious. Simultaneously Yamada slipped in a third finger as I started to get close, my hips stuttering against his face. 
I was close and they both knew it. Yamada sped up his ministrations and I sped up my own. Aizawa gritted his teeth as he picked up the pace, grabbing the hair he was once delicately stoking and yanking it as he used my throat as a personal cock sleeve. It wasn't long before I came on Yamada's fingers. 
Aizawa wasn't far behind. His hips were beginning to stutter as tears streamed down my face with each thrust. When he finally was about to finish, however, he pulled out and came down my front. 
I coughed and groaned, falling to my side as I recovered once Aizawa let go of his vice-like grip on my hair. Yamada chuckled. 
"Oh c'mon kid, we both know you aren't done yet." I grinned lazily up at him and nodded. 
"Of course, Sir." 
"Good girl." Aizawa affirmed, pulling me over his lap. I squeaked as Yamada slotted himself undere from the front before he smeared Aizawa's cum along my breasts. When he reached my nipples he tweaked them, making me whine. 
"You ready?" Yamada begged as he lined himself up with my pussy. Aizawa grunted as they both waited for my go. I nodded almost immediately. 
"Yes Sir!"
"Very good." Aizawa muttered as he lined himself up with my asshole. 
I wasn't given any warning as the pair entered me quickly, simultaneously. I let out a loud moan as they both paused inside of me, having sheathed themselves down to the hilt. 
"God…" Yamada moaned, "You feel so good, kid. So good for us."
Yamada's grip tightened to a bruising grip on my hips whilst Aizawa's hand was on the back of my neck, forcing me onto Yamada and down on their cocks as the pair pulled out almost entirely before thrusting back in quickly again. My ass and breasts jumped with each thrust as they both started at a slow but sharp pace. It was piercing in the best way possible, sending zaps of pleasure straight through me, which was only intensified when my clit caught on Yamada's pubic hair. 
I felt full. And I realised I really liked that sensation. 
"Yes Sir! Please, right there!" I begged as the pair picked up the pace, slamming perfectly into those spongy areas that felt eye wateringly good, so much so that, as the pace quickened, I began to feel my orgasm building. 
"I-I'm getting close, Sir…!"
"Don't cum yet." Aizawa snarled in my ear.
"You don't cum until we say so. Right, kid?" I whined. 
"P-please, Sir!" I pled. However the pair looked at one another before stopping. I almost cried, "No, please-!"
"You don't cum until we say so. Right?" Aizawa affirmed. I nodded feverently. 
"Yes Sir…"
"Good girl." Yamada praised before they both started to fuck me again. As I got closer I panicked and quickly told the pair again, which ended in the same motion. This happened a few more times before I was literally crying from overstimulation. 
"P-please, Sir! I need it so badly!"
"Aw c'mon. I think she deserves a treat." Yamada grinned, "Don't you think, Aizawa?" I nodded furiously in agreement. I heard Aizawa sigh before he gave in. 
"You have been good so far…" he agreed, making me trill in happiness. 
"Thank you!"
And just like that the pair didn't hold back. Their only goal was to make me cum and damn I was close. Each thrust led to a zap of pleasure as they bullied their way inside of me, making space for their huge cocks. 
It wasn't long before I came undone, screaming at the top of my lungs as I clamped around them and locked up. From there the pair continued to fuck me through my high. And they just kept going, not giving me a chance to recover and instead building me up for another orgasm. 
It was when that hit that the pair began to grow sloppy in their thrusts as their cocks twitched inside of me. It was obvious they were getting close but I knew they wanted me to beg for it. 
So I did. 
"Please Sir! Please cum in me!" I begged. 
"Such a dirty girl." Yamada teased through gritted teeth, nails digging into my hips, "Knows exactly what I wanna hear."
"Such a good girl." Aizawa agreed, pulling me back to meet their thrusts. As I bounced on their cocks I felt myself building again and warned the pair. 
"Good. Cum for us. Be a good girl for us." Yamada encouraged. I nodded furiously, biting my lip. 
"Yes, yes!" I squealed as I came on their cocks for the third time. And it wasn't long before they both came inside me, first Yamada and then Aizawa. 
I slumped, the only support being the two men sandwiching me as we all laid on the bed, never pulling out. I felt safe, satisfied and full. 
"I feel so full." I purred, earning two chuckles. 
"You rest now." Aizawa muttered, delicately brushing my hair. 
"You did good kid." Yamada added, rubbing my back. I smiled. 
'This is what I needed. Thank you, Sir.'
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trashytoastboi · 1 month
🍽Sanji Masterlist🍽
Tumblr media
🍽 Headcanons: Zoro, Sanji reacting to seeing their timid S/O angry for the first time.
🍽 Headcanons: Zoro, Sanji, Crocodile x S/O who is afraid of thunder and being comforted during a heavy storm
🍽 Scenario: Zoro, Sanji and the Master of Disguise
🍽 Headcanons: Sanji x F! S/O who is platonically affectionate with the rest of the Straw-Hats
🍽 Headcanons: Killer, Law, Sanji x Small! S/O
🍽 Headcanons: Usopp, Sanji, Sabo, Zoro x S/O who has a hypersensitive sense of smell
🍽 Headcanons: Luffy, Zoro, Sanji - Reacting to crying S/O who tries to keep everyone happy
🍽 NSFW Headcanons: Zoro, Sanji, Sabo x F! Dom! S/O
🍽 NSFW Scenario: Sub! Sanji x F! Dom! S/O
🍽 Headcanons: ABO AU! Omega! Zoro, Sanji, Luffy + F! Alpha
🍽 Headcanons – Ace, Sabo, Luffy, Sanji – Reacting to their accident prone S/O
🍽 Headcanons: Sanji, Doflamingo – Realizing they like a guy.
🍽 Headcanons: Sanji, X-Drake, Hawkins, Apoo - with F! Keyblade wielder
🍽 Headcanons: Sanji, Law, Kid, Killer - First kiss
🍽 Headcanons: Sanji, Zoro – With Male! S/O who possess a devil fruit giving him the abilities of a black cat.
🍽 Scenario: Sanji x Gardener! Reader
🍽 Headcanons: X-Drake, Sanji, Doflamingo – Reacting to a guy who is actually a cross-dressing woman
🍽 Headcanons: Law, Kid, Sanji – Reaction to their S/O getting compliments and being approached in public for their looks
🍽 Headcanons: Sanji, Law, Zoro - With S/O who is afraid of wind
🍽 Headcanons: Sanji, Zoro, Law, Sabo – Meeting F! Nobody (Kingdom Hearts)
🍽 Headcanons: North Blue Boys – Sanji, Law, Hawkins, Drake at a sleep over
🍽 Headcanons: Ace, Law, Sanji x F! Crush that says easily misunderstood things.
🍽 Headcanons: Law, Hawkins, Sanji, X-Drake at a Sora convention
🍽 Headcanons: Zoro, Sanji, Nami, Ace reacting to discovering their S/O is a Sea Dragon (Non-Devil Fruit user)
🍽 NSFW Headcanons: Law, Sanji, Zoro
🍽 Headcanons: Ace, Law, Zoro, Sanji x S/O – Hinting at some intimate time together with a S/O that misunderstands their meaning
🍽 Headcanons: Ace, Law, Zoro, Sanji x S/O – Who is very honest with their thoughts and feelings
🍽 Headcanons: Yandere! Zoro, Yandere! Ace, Yandere! Law, Yandere! Sanji x S/O
🍽 Short Scenarios: Sanji, Shanks, Whitebeard – Trying to get {Name’s} attention in the middle of a fight in a flirtatious way.
🍽 Headcanons: Modern AU! – North Blue Boys (Sanji, Law, X-Drake, Hawkins) sharing a house.
🍽 NSFW Scenario: Dom! Sanji x Shy! Sub! F! S/O – A Taste of Something New
🍽 Headcanons: ABO AU! Alpha! Luffy, Alpha! Sanji, Alpha! Zoro x Omega S/O
🍽 SFW AND NSFW: ABO AU! Alpha! Luffy, Alpha! Sanji, Alpha! Zoro x Omega! S/O Who is in heat
🍽 Headcanons: Law, X-Drake, Sanji, Ace x Shy! S/O that loves affection
🍽 Headcanons: Law, Zoro, Sanji - Reaction to Seeing M! Reader and F! Reader throwing pick up lines at each other
🍽 Headcanons: Sanji, Sabo, Shanks reacting to Crush! Reader who is super wary about sleeping around other people, but is fine around them.
🍽 Headcanons: Modern AU! North Blue Boys – Sanji, Law, Hawkins, X-Drake - Running a coffee shop
🍽 Headcanons: Alpha! Aizawa (BNHA), Alpha! Nanami (Jujutsu Kaisen), Alpha! Sanji (One Piece) x Omega! S/O – #15. Pregnancy; Wife having cravings.
🍽 Headcanons: Wedding/Honey moon for Sanji and his F! Partner
🍽 NSFW Scenarios: Ace, Sabo, Sanji getting a blowjob from their S/O who is hiding under the desk during a meeting (Or something to that effect)
🍽 NSFW Headcanons: Kid, Crocodile, Sanji, Shanks x S/O using their safeword.
🍽 Headcanons: Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, Ace with Sleepy head S/O – They just love sleeping and taking naps
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queentheweeb · 11 months
MHA Masterlist
Started: 06/04/2023 or 04/06/2023
Edited: 06/19/2023 or 19/06/2023
Male Readers:
Izuku Midoriya X Quirkless Autistic Male Reader
Denki Kaminari X Shy Male Reader
Katsuki Bakugo X Shy Autistic Male Reader
Shota Aizawa X Male Reader X Hizashi Pt 1
Shota Aizawa X Male Reader X Hizashi Pt 2
Denki Kaminari X Male Reader
Ejiro Kirishima X Autistic Male Reader
Fumikage Tokoyami X Shy Male Reader
Tamaki Amajiki X Male Reader
Shota Aizawa X Quirkless Autistic Male Reader
Hanta Sero X Trans FtM Reader
Hitoshi Shinso x Autistic Neko Male Reader
Correctional Officer Izuku X Male Prisoner Reader
Hawks X Autistic Male Reader
Female Readers:
Shota Aizawa X Autistic Female Reader
Mirko X Female Reader
Bully Midoriya X Female Reader X Victim Bakugo
Hound Dog X Female Reader
Flirty Izuku X POC Mid-sized Female Reader
Hanta Sero X Shy American Female Reader
Izuku X POC Female Reader (Xmas Edition)
Midnight X Female Reader
Villain Izuku X Shy Female Reader
Tenya Iida X Shy Female Reader
Mashirao Ojiro X Tenya's Sister Reader
Bakugo X Skinny Dysphoric Fem Reader X Shoto
Mezo Shoji X Female Mutant Type Reader Pt. 1
Mezo Shoji X Female Mutant Type Reader Pt. 2
Ejiro Kirishima X Shy Female Reader
Yandere Overhaul X Female Reader
Overhaul X Female Reader X Chronostasis
Tomura Shigaraki X Villain Female Reader
Kirishima X Mute Female Reader X Bakugo
Shoto Todoroki X Autistic Female Reader
All Might X Quirkless Autistic Female Reader
Monoma X Blind, Deaf Female Reader X Shinso
Gang Orca X Fem Reader Pt. 1, Pt 2, Pt 3, Pt. 4, Pt. 5, Finale
GN Readers:
Yandere Edgeshot X GN Reader
Best Jeanist X GN Reader
Jiro X GN Reader X Momo
Mezo Shoji X GN Little Reader X Ojiro
Bakugo X Non-binary Reader X Izuku
Asui Tsuyu X Non-binary Reader
Tenya Iida X Non-binary Tourette's Reader
Mina X GN Reader X Ochako Uraraka
Shoto Todoroki X GN Reader
Shouta Aizawa x GN Pro Hero Reader
Character X Character
Alpha Izuku Midoriya X Omega Ejiro Kirishima
Alpha Denki Kaminari X Omega Mezo Shoji
Alpha Hitoshi Shinso X Omega Denki Kaminari
Alpha Denki Kaminari X Omega Koji Koda
Alpha Shoto Todoroki X Omega Hanta Sero
Alpha Ejiro Kirishima X Omega Hitoshi Shinso
Alpha Koji Koda X Omega Mezo Shoji
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mackjlee9 · 2 years
Boku no Hero Academia
Todoroki Shouto x God!Male!Reader
Midoriya Izuku x BigFour!Male!Reader
Whiny!Bakugou Katsuki x Male!Reader
Takami Keigo (Hawks) x Male!Reader
Omega!Bakugo Katsuki x Alpha!Male!Reader
Midoriya Izuku x Sick!Male!Reader
Bakugou Katsuki x Male!Reader
Amajiki Tamaki x Top!Male!Reader
Bakugou Katsuki x Werewolf!Male!Reader / pt.ii
Chisaki Kai (Overhaul) x Top!Male!Reader
Bunny!Midoriya Izuku x Dragon!Male!Reader
Heat!Bunny!Midoriya Izuku x Wolf!Male!Reader
Takami Keigo (Hawks) x Fanboy!Male!Reader
Pro-Hero!lida Tenya x Villain!Male!Reader
Omega!Aizawa Shota x Alpha!Male!Reader
Todoroki Shouto x Top!Male!Reader / pt.ii (a&f)
Aizawa Shouta x Student!Male!Reader
Monoma Neito x Top!Male!Reader
Shinso Hitoshi x Top!Male!Reader
Pro-Hero!Bakugou Katsuki x Top!Male!Reader
Takami Keigo (Hawks) x Top!Male!Reader
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adminbryantsaki · 2 years
Day 11 of Spicytober featuring Alpha! Naga! Shouta Aizawa x Beta! Reader.
(I do not own Shouta Aizawa/Eraserhead. Horikoshi Kohei does. If this isn’t your cup of tea, blend of spices, or brew of coffee, move on.)
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Wc: 1,652
Tw: Oviposition, monster fucking, Abo, aphrodisiacs.
You set down your bags inside the front hall of your vacation home and took in a deep breath. You had finally made it to your home away from home which was a lovely log cabin out in the middle of nowhere. You had all the necessities like electricity and running water. You were so happy when you were able to get wi-fi out in a place like this the last time you were here. You pulled your suitcase and toiletry bag into the master bedroom before you went about unpacking your food bags into the fridge and the cupboards. You also unpacked your suitcase before you settled down in the giant overstuffed chair with a drink in front of the fireplace that crackled quietly in the background. You closed your eyes and let yourself relax… that was until you heard something near your back porch. You got up to investigate what had made the noise but whatever had made the noise had disappeared. You went back to your drink and decided to turn on the tv to a movie to help you unwind and settle your nerves before going to bed.
A few days passed and you had settled into your temporary home with ease. You had noticed traces of some blood and some dark grey scales hidden near the bottom of the steps off your back porch and leading into the woods. You were curious enough that you went back inside your house and armed yourself with your baseball bat and a piece of raw meat before going out into the forest while the sun was still high in the sky. There had been rumors of a strange creature living in the caves of the mountain and leaving trails of strange scales off the back of porches that led into the woods, some had said that it was stealing away the female Omegas and Betas from the area to make them become its mate.  This made you laugh as you were a Beta yourself and didn’t think that some forest creature would even do that. Yes, some of the women had gone missing but they turned up after a few days. They probably didn’t meet the satisfaction of the creature and it spared them by sending them back to civilization. This was a common event that happened in the town. Along with the fact that some people wanted to catch it. This made you upset when the creature was just looking for a mate and it didn’t want to be hunted by a bunch of testosterone-driven Alpha males.
You walked cautiously into the woods and followed the small drips of blood until they stopped in front of a bush. You stopped and peeked into the bush where you saw a pair of dark eyes looking back at you. You gasped and scrambled backwards. The person peeked his head out of the bush to look at you.
“I didn’t mean to scare you. Is that meat? Why would you bring a raw piece of meat into the forest? Are you stupid? Of course, you’re a stupid human.” He spoke and slithered out of the bush with a massive and thick snake tail that was black as night. You also saw bits of barbed wire and metal traps stuck between the scales along the walls of his tail. He snatched up the piece of meat and wrapped it in a length of the gray scarf that the snake man had wrapped around his neck and shoulders. You saw the cresent-shaped scar that was under his eyes that stared down at you in disapproval.
“Were you trying to get yourself killed?” He asked before he helped you up.
“No. I was trying to find you, I guess.” You responded and stood up. You glanced down at his tail again.
“You’re injured. Let me help you.”
“Why would you want to do that? How can I trust you?” He asked.
“It was your kind that set these traps that injured me. How do I know that you’re not one of them?” He added on.
“I don’t know. All I can say is that I’m sorry and I want to help you.” You told him. You could watch the creature think for a long moment before pulling the rest of his tail out of the bush.
“Fine. But keep that giant wooden stick away.” He spoke. You saw the bat and hit it behind you.
“Alright. Follow me.” You spoke and led him out of the forest and into your cabin. You watched the snake man hesitate before entering your cabin.
“I’m not going to hurt you. Please come in and make yourself comfortable while I get some bandages.” You told him and went into your bathroom where you kept your first aid kit. You walked back into the living room where you had found the snake man in the middle of the floor having made a make-shift nest.
You smiled and sat down outside the net with the first aid kit. He peeked out of the nest and saw you then the kit sitting in your lap.
“What’s that?” He asked.
“It’s a first aid kit. It’s used to help someone that’s injured.” You explained to him. He nodded and shifted to make room for you in his nest. You stood up and cautiously entered the nest and sat down in his coils gently. You then opened your kit with watchful eyes coming from the snake man.
“Tell me about yourself.” You asked as you pulled out some tweezers and an alcohol wipe. You also grabbed some gauze and bandages to wrap up the wounds.
“I don’t know what to tell you.” He spoke as he watched you. You went to the first pieces of wire stuck in his scales and gently pulled it free with some hissing coming from the man.
“Well, how did you come to live in this forest? What brought you here?” You asked.
“I live in these woods. I have a cave in the mountains. I’m close to the human’s territory because there aren’t any other people like me here and I want a mate.” He spoke as he let you keep pulling out the wires and bits of metal in his tail with quiet hisses coming from him when you pulled them out.
“I see. Do you have a name?” You asked.
“I’m Shouta Aizawa. What is yours?” He asked.
“I’m Y/N.” You spoke as you wrapped some bandages around the thickness of his tail. You looked up at him and he was watching you. He looked a little surprised and leaned closer to you as you tied off the last bandage and leaned back against his coils gently.
“Thank you, Y/N. No one has ever done this for me. Not even the other people I thought could be my mate would have ever done this for me.” He spoke and gently rested his head in your lap. You looked down at him and ran your fingers through his long, dark, curls.
You looked down at him.
“Is there a name for what kind of creature you are?” You asked him.
“The people back home called my people “Nagas”. I don’t know why, but its way better than “monster” or “freak.”” He told you as he melted into your touch and hummed. After a while, he sat up and kissed you gently. You were a bit surprised and kissed him back before pulling away
“What was that for?” You asked him.
“I like you and you’re pretty. You also helped me with my injuries. You didn’t treat me like some scary monster. I appreciate that. I know this is a but sudden but I don’t think I can wait any longer. Will you be my mate?” He asked and looked up at you with his big, dark eyes.
The end.
You thought for a moment then nodded. He then kissed you firmly and slipped something that made your whole body feel warm and cozy. Your limbs growing heavy, making it hard for you to move.  You kissed him back as he fumbled at your clothes. He hisses and rips your shirt and pants off. You gasped and he smirked at his prize. He went to your neck and bit you, leaving a mark.  He groaned and pulled out his dual members that were already leaking cum and slid them into you. He let out a moan of relief when he was fully in and began to thrust slowly. He kept his pace up for a few seconds before he stopped with his full length into you and he began to drop his eggs into you, each egg falling into your womb and making it grow. You glanced down to see your stomach swelling. You didn’t panic much but you felt good all over. Once all the eggs were out of him and in you, he began to thrust a little longer before he groaned out in his release and kissed you again before he pulled out slowly and kissed over your new mark and laid next to you, cuddling you, and rubbing circles on your swollen stomach.
“Thank you, Y/n. I love you.” He spoke into your ear. Your mind being foggy from all the stimulus, you nodded before passing out. The snake man found a blanket and pulled itok over you. He then got settled next to you and dozed off as well.
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TWO Can Play
This is from my drafts-
A bit angsty. Just wanted to try an intense scene for once. Idk though
Lost track of the word count so...word count= long....That is all.
As usual I am a bit of a monsterfucker but this is just some ABO dynamics I wanted to play with.
Reader x Aizawa x Yamada
For the record, you were perfectly satisfied with your life before. Lots of people had weird lives and you were proud to say you had a pretty good one. You had your pretty, overly tired husband, Shouta, his twenty odd practically adopted students, and of course his best friend Hizashi. Hizashi was one of the few people in the world you might say loved and cared for Shouta as much as you did. Hell he might even love him more than you did.
And yet, you'd always gotten the odd feeling that Hizashi didn't exactly like you.
Don't misunderstand, he wasn't rude. He just never took active interest in talking to you outside of Shouta and things related to him. You couldn't blame him for being a little territorial. Hizashi was after all Shouta's Alpha. Well the only Alpha in his life any way.
You were a beta, a friend of Shouta's that had unwittingly fallen head over heals for him in your school days. You hadn't made a move then. Though you didn't think he would have been as receptive as he was three years after graduation. You'd run into him on your way home, he was on patrol abd offered to walk you home. You'd graciously accepted, exchanged numbers and You'd been attached at the hip ever since.
Years later, here you were married, much to the chagrin of most modern society. Very few people approved of your type of relationship. "Betas belong with betas." Well that was the rhetoric anyway. Female betas, of course couldn't impregnate male omegas such as Shouta was. And while Shouta could technically impregnate you, there was a harsh social climate when it came to non-beta/beta families without an alpha. While Omega/omega pairings were less chastised people still didn't like it. Why "waste" a perfectly good omega that could satisfy some alpha?
You and Shouta though, there had been some spark there. Something that he felt was missing. Maybe it was your happy, ready to take on the world attitude that directly conflicted with his. Or maybe he just liked how you were willing to take on the world for him. Either way, you'd both been surprised when he'd proposed to you. At the most inopportune moment, in the middle of a random hallway, in a hospital after he got an injury on the job. He hadn't gotten down on one knee, he hadn't planned it. He just wanted to marry you. And three days later, he did just that, in an intimate elopement ceremony.
Hizashi had been pissed to say the least. He hadn't even been invited! Or told until after the marriage had gone through. He spent two weeks barely talking to Shouta which of course depressed the both of them. They'd hardly gone two days without contact since high school, save for when Shouta went on long missions.
After a while Hizashi had given in, but he'd never quite seen you the same. You were no longer a cute fascination of Shouta's, you were his wife. And that fact irked him more than he could put into words. Not because you were a beta, no, because you had basically stolen his omega.
Hizashi had all but staked a claim on Shouta since that first day of class 1st year. He knew, he just knew that someday he'd make Aizawa Shouta his. What he hadn't counted on was for Shouta to randomly announce to him one night that he had a date. He thought it was a joke or some ploy to make him jealous, get him to stop dragging his feet. But no such luck. Soon you were Shouta's lover, he could smell it the day you'd first made love, then you were Shouta's girlfriend and now you were Shouta's wife. He'd lost out on the love of his life to some random Beta they'd went to school with. A support course student at that.
So yeah, you were pretty sure Hizashi didn't like you, you just didn't know why. You'd all been pretty friendly in high school. You'd assumed it was because you two hadn't invited him to the wedding but you hadn't invited anyone. It was the two of you, a justice of the peace and the first person you could find at city hall, which just so happened to be Toyomitsu Taishiro or fatgum.
But it had been two years since then and Hizashi seemed fine with Shouta. So why just you? The answer to that question came to you sooner than you thought and very unexpectedly.
You had come home early. A half day in honor of a successful first use of a new invention. You wanted to come home and tinker surrounded by the scent of you and your husband. What you hadn't expected was to hear voices coming from the back office that you and shouta had set up for him to grade, or you to tinker around. You took off your shoes and made your way back to what should have been an empty office. You didn't open it, just listened.
"Shouta, I know this is sudden but it isn't like this is the first time I've expressed my feelings to you! You can't be surprised." Yamada?
"I'm not surprised. I won't pretend I am. What I am, is a married man. I took vows Hizashi, ones that I take very seriously. And to be honest, y/n would be very hurt to hear you even suggest what you're suggesting. " Shouta replied.
"I know you don't want to hurt her, Shouta. I know but wouldn't it hurt her worse if she found out after we've already given in to this? There's no way you'd be able to hide it. If not from your need to be honest when it matters than from your scent!" Hizashi argued.
" She won't have to find out about anything, because I don't intend to give in," Shouta said. "No matter how I'm feeling nothing is worth hurting her like that. "
" Which is why you should tell her now. It'll hurt, but It'll hurt way less than if you tell her we mated while you two were married..." A gasp left your lips before you could hold it in and the bag you hadn't put down since entering dropped to the floor. The voices stopped, you could hear the foot steps coming closer to the door, but you didn't bother to move. This was your home too dammit, you had every right to be here. They were the ones betraying you not the other way around.
Shouta opened the door and as you assumed Hizashi was standing in the middle of your office room, unashamed and unhappy with your presence. Like youd just intruded somewhere you shouldn't. Shouta looked completely embarrassed. He wore his usual mussed look, but with distinctly well kissed lips.
You didn't know what you wanted to do. You wanted to slap him. You wanted to scream. You wanted to ask how long they'd been betraying you. You wanted to cry. You wanted to beg him not to leave you. You wanted to know why.
You stopped looking at Shouta. What more was there to say to him? Your eyes drifted to Hizashi and you found yourself asking the question you least wanted to know the answer to. "Have you been fucking my husband?"
"Y/n!" Shouta tried to interrupt. You silenced him with a look.
"Yamada Hizashi, have you been fucking my husband?"
Hizashi was quiet for a moment and then replied, "Would you let us be happy together if I had?"
"Hizashi!" Shouta snapped angrily looking at his best friend.
"No, alright?" Hizashi answered honestly, " The most we've done is kiss. We've kissed a few times. It's never gone beyond that. But I know he wants it to."
"Hizashi! You aren't helping!"
"Why would I want to? Why would I want the man that I love to run off with someone else when I have the chance to fight for you? I tried. I tried just being happy fro you when you two got married but I can't do it any more. I love you, Shouta! That won't change because you deny it!" Hizashi exclaimed.
You could feel the tears threatening your water line. "Shouta, do you love him?" You asked.
He turned back to you, "How I feel about him doesn't change how I feel about you." He said.
"That isn't what I asked."
"It's the truth. I swear, I love you please, please just let me explain. You can go to the room and cool off if you need to, but please don't leave-"
"Save your breath," You instructed turning and picking up your bag. You were pragmatic. Leaving made no sense and it wouldn't fix anything. You went down the hall to the room you shared and slammed the door.
There was yelling outside the door. Most of it undistinguishable. And then a door closed, the front door. Shouta appeared in your bedroom door moments later to find you packing a small bag. You didn't plan to sleep here. But you would talk to Shouta before you left.
"Y/n, I know it was wrong to kiss Hizashi. But please understand, it's happened 3 times the entire time we've known each other. I swear. And this was the first time since you and I have been together." Shouta explained.
"You don't have to explain. You're in love with him, you always have been. I was stupid enough to believe that that changed at some point." You shrugged taking a moment to sit and look at Shouta.
He looked ashamed, " I...do love him. I won't deny that. I won't lie to you. But I won't touch him. I swear, I can control myself. "
"He's an alpha, Shouta! Even if your mind doesn't want to betray me, your body will want to. What happens when you go into heat around him? You'll want him. You'll want him because you want him now and your body will know! "
"I've gone into heat before without touching him without even asking for him!" He argued.
"Yeah, when I was around. You went for me first, should I be happy?" You swiped at your face. "I should have figured it out sooner. You know there was a time when I thought that this may be the case. When we first started dating, we all went out and you talked to Hizashi all night and I felt so left out but then you did something so out of character, you kissed me. Right in front of him. And I felt so special. But it all feels like a lie now!" You cried.
"Y/n, I swear outside of that kiss I have never cheated on you. And I won't. Please, I promise, we are okay!"
"You're in love with another person, Shouta. How in the hell are we okay?"
"I told you my feelings for you haven't changed. I love you! I adore you. I basically worship the ground you walk on; what more do you want from me?"
"I wanted you to be honest with me! I wanted to not walk in on you alone with the other person you're in love with discussing whether or not you're going to leave me. God we have had to fight every day just to be together. Just so people don't look at us and wonder what you and I are doing together. And I thought that it didn't matter. It didn't matter as long as we were fighting together. You were enough for me to fight for. And I find out that, I'm not enough for you and it sucks!" You ranted for a while. Explaining your feelings. How you had always thought Hizashi didn't quite like you. How left out you felt when they would go on rants about hero course things even back in the day. How you'd always felt like he had more in common with Hizashi but never said anything for fear of losing him. And most importantly how you'd swallowed down that feeling in favor of keeping your beloved happy.
By the end of the conversation, you were both in tears. You didn't leave that night. Instead opting for the easy route. You stayed, bag discarded to the floor, and laid in Shouta's arms that night; you were too worn out to leave.
In the morning, you woke up alone. Saturday, no need to rush. And even if it weren't the joys of being your own boss was that you got to set your schedule. You stepped into the bathroom, brushed your teeth, washed your face and stepped into the living room. Surprisingly, three sets of eyes met yours. Nemuri, Shouta, and Hizashi.
You thought of how to handle the presence of the man who had just tried to steal your husband, in your own home. You wanted to rip every strand of gorgeous hair from his stupid blond head. Or scream at him. But instead you raised an eyebrow took a deep breath and said, "Get out, before I do something rude."
"Get him out of my house, Shouta."
"I told you this was a waste of time, let's go Nemuri," Hizashi implored.
"Sit your blond ass down, Yamada Hizashi," Nemuri demanded. The type of person Nemuri was commanded respect. You'd never understood it, maybe because you were a beta and didn't play these dominance games. But an angry Nemuri seemd to scare even Yamada. Which was funny because to your knowledge Nemuri wasn't an alpha. But she didn't openly disclose her second gender and the scent of her quirk masked her pheromones. You'd never bothered to ask.
"You owe Y/n the biggest apology in the world," Nemuri started "You came into her home and disrespected the entire sanctity of her marriage. You came on to her husband. Kissed him and basically insulted her nonstop. Do you know what it's like to get a 3AM phone call from Shouta. To hear him crying because he thinks he ruined his marriage? Do you understand how terrifying that is?"
" Nemuri-"
" Not a word to me. I am not the one you need to talk to. You did something wrong. I understand having hard feelings but for Pete sake. Shouta was happy. He was happy. Why couldn't you accept that?"
"Because I did. For years. First with Shirakumo, then with her. I have sucked it up for years, so he could be happy. I figured if he doesn't love me, then I'm fine with him being with whoever makes him happy. But when I found out he had feelings for me too I couldn't anymore," Hizashi confessed.
"I told you so that I wouldn't have to hold it in anymore, not so you would kiss me! It wasn't something romantic or a confession of love with intention to be with you, Hizashi! I could never do that to my wife! She doesn't deserve that," Shouta defended. "I just wanted to be honest with you."
"What I didn't deserve was all the lies, Shouta," You snapped.
He quietly lowered his head.
"Don't yell at him! He can't help his feelings!" Hizashi defended.
"Don't yell at me, when you broke the laws of hospitality. You tried to steal MY husband!" You argued.
"I tried to back off for his sake, but he came to me! How was I supposed to respond?"
"How about a conversation? How about coming and talking to me about what you were both feeling? Had it ever occured to you that I might be understanding?!" You screamed flopping down on the couch. The room went quiet. Nemuri stepped between the three of you.
"Okay, talking is a good idea. Y/n tell us how you feel about the situation."
"I feel betrayed. Shouta, until yesterday, I trusted you without question. I let myself ignore that feeling in my heart that said that I wasn't enough for you. That you would need someone else because you said all that stuff about being everything you dreamed and more-"
"You are!"
"Then why did you treat me like you couldn't trust me? Why did you keep me in the dark?"
"Because! You...I...We were good. We were amazing and I was scared that if I told you I'd been having feelings for Hizashi, you would leave me. You would pack up like you started to yesterday and I'd never see you again! I love you so much. I didn't want to risk that," Shouta defended.
"Did you not think I'd be angrier if you lied to me? Shouta," You stood and placed yourself beside your very emotional husband. You'd hardly ever seen him so..scared..so visibly scared. Not since your U.A. days. He reached out and grabbed your hand, holding it tight in his shaking fingers.
"Don't leave me. Please, I need you. I need you. You make me feel....human," he whispered burrowing his face into your neck.
"Shouta...listen to me. You have feelings for Yamada. I understand. Do you love him?"
"I love you," he deflected.
"That isn't what I asked," You refused to let him deflect. Not this time. He sounded so defeated when he answered you.
"Yes," he admitted. 'I'm sorry, I love him. I love him and it hurts because I don't know what to do about it. I love him to the point where his presence sets my world on fire even when he annoys me, which is a lot. I love him so much that my world feels incomplete without him. So I knew I couldn't avoid him to make the situation better. I need him too. I need him like I need you but..different." Tears brimmed his eyes like a water glass filled to the very lip, ready to spill over.
"Shouta," You said sympathetically.
"So what does that mean for us?" Yamada asked.
"I don't know," Shouta admitted. You glanced up to see that Nemuri had excused herself at some point.
"I..." You began, "I don't mind that you need him, Shouta."
"You..don't mind..."
"No...I mean..yes, it bothers me a little. But a part of me always feared you would leave me for an alpha when we first started dating. And at some point I decided to just to trust you. To trust that you loved me enough not to leave me."
"Does that mean you won't leave me either?" He asked. You nodded.
"Even though I have feelings for Hizashi?"
Another nod.
"Even though I don't think these feelings will ever go away?"
"Because I need you too. Trying to pack that bag broke my heart. The thought of leaving you, that you might want me to leave, broke even my soul in two. So here is my proposal. I am willing to share." You stated.
"Share?" Yamada asked.
"It's not uncommon among beta culture for one to share their spouse. It's not something I ever saw for myself but..for Shouta I will," You explained
"You would share him with me?" Yamada asked.
"It's not ideal for me!" You defended. "But Shouta and I fought hard to be together. And I'll be damned if I give up so quickly. I will fight for it again. If that means I share my husband with you, then that's what I'll do. I'm not an alpha. I don't get that territorial. So if you can curb your territorial tendencies, we can try to share Shouta. This way he gets what he needs. We put rules in place so that neither of us gets hurt."
"Alright. What kind of rules?" Yamada asked.
"Well for one, we need to find suitable time for him to spend with each of us. We want him comfortable without stepping on each other's toes," you suggested.
"Agreed," Yamada nodded.
"Two, no interrupting each other's time with him."
"Three, no breeding without proper discussion. "
"What?!" Yamada said, clearly irritated.
"It's unfair to the other partner. I can't get Shouta pregnant. But Shouta can get me pregnant. And opposite around for you two. A child between either of us would cause a massive change. Could you imagine if I got pregnant with no discussion. And suddenly Shouta is a father and your world changes or even the other way. if Shouta got pregnant and suddenly Shouta is a mother and my world changes. It's unfair."
"Alright then we'll have the conversation now! I want to breed my omega! I've waited almost 14 years to be able to be with him. You've had years of opportunity to get pregnant."
"That doesn't matter when we're just starting this out!" You defended.
"If it were me who'd married him first, we'd already have a pup or two!"
"Well, you weren't!"
Shouta who'd been quiet up to this point irritated grumbled, "Enough! This isn't what I wanted. And you two are acting like children! Hizashi, it's too soon for us to have kids. This is new even if we've been friends for a long time. We can't just jump up and breed. Y/n and I have just barely started discussing the possibility of kids. Though I'm pretty sure that idea is shelved now." He sounded so disappointed and looked to you for confirmation.
"It probably should be for now..I'm sorry, Shouta. Just until we settle into this arrangement?" You confirmed
"And Y/n is right a child is a big change. And we should try to avoid any pregnancies until we've decided this can work the way we want it to, okay?"
"Okay," You agreed.
"Okay," Yamada confirmed.
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pinkykats-place · 4 months
Aizawa Shouta x Reader
Tumblr Recommendations
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None of the stories below are mine
Some contain mature content
Readers are female, male & gn
Gif not mine
Note: If you read any of these stories and like them please let the author by liking, commenting & reblogging the original fic!
What do you mean there’s only one bed?!
Pairing: Aizawa x AFAB!Reader
Smutty Fic
Warnings: PIV, sweet Aizawa, smut, respectful Aizawa, accidental boner
Late night surprise
Aizawa x fem!Reader
Warnings and Genre : NSFW/ 18+/ Somnophilia (consensual)/ Oral (fem receiving)/ Pussy drunk!Aizawa/ Fingering/ Breast play
𝐈 𝐂𝐎𝐔𝐋𝐃 𝐁𝐄 𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐑 (𝐂𝐀𝐓)𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋! | 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐮-𝐧𝐲𝐚.
Aizawa x fem!Reader
Play Date
Aizawa x male!reader
daddy kink, praise, age gap (21 yr old reader, 41 yr old aizawa), porn with plot, size difference/kink, spit/drool, degradation, rimming, hand holding, full nelson, creampie, breeding kink, light feminization
Drowning (nsfw)
bodyguard!aizawa x prince(male)!reader
warnings: ooc aizawa, flirting, sexual tension, lots of worldbuilding, tipsy flirting, sparring/fighting, gay panic, and handjobs
aizawa gets demanding (nsfw)
aizawa shouta x fem!reader
summary: bf!aizawa loves how much you want his dick and it shows
Daddy!Shouta w/ fem!Reader
Aizawa and his kitty
Aizawa x Male!Hybrid!Reader
Long Day
Aizawa x male!Reader
NSFW fic ft. Power Bottom Reader
Sweet Tooth
Shouta Aizawa x male!Reader
Smutty Fic
Do it again
Aizawa x male!himbo!Reader
Kinktober- excessive amounts of cum
Omega!Aizawa x Alpha!Dom!GN!Reader
Summary: How were you supposed to know that the woman you saved would panic and accidentally use her sex quirk on you? IT was probably for the best that you just went home and slept the quirk off, but Aizawa wants to check for hidden dangers first. 
Aizawa calling you clingy
Aizawa x gn!Reader
Aizawa x reader
Fluff Fic
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animeomegas · 3 years
Multi-fandom N-sfw writing practice for a couple of my favourite omega boys. 
I used a random kink generator to pull the prompts for each boy. 
Hopefully this can tide everyone over until my exams conclude ;)
(N-sfw under the cut~)
1.     Kusuo Saiki – Rimming – Kusuo grips the sheets so hard that they tear, but he’s too caught up in the feeling of you tongue inside of him to care. He can feel his slick running down his thighs and distantly, he feels embarrassment curling around the edges of his subconscious, but any thoughts are immediately kicked from his head as you continue your relentless assault. With the geranium ring kicking out the thoughts of other people, his head is blissfully silent for once. Thank goodness you are keeping such a firm grip on his hips, because he would not trust his quivering legs to support his weight at the current moment.
2.     Shino Aburame – Out of character clothing – Shino squirms at the feel of your predatory gaze flitting all over his skin. He licks his lips nervously, fighting the urge to cover himself with his hands. He’s wearing a pair of black lace underwear that have a second piece of lace attached that runs up his stomach and in between his pecs before ending at a thin collar that is lying at the base of his throat. Shino feels extremely exposed in what he’s wearing, or perhaps more accurately, what he’s not wearing. He can feel his kikaichu buzzing under his skin, unsettled by his nerves. He’s not used to this, but, as he catches a glimpse of the hungry look in your eyes, he thinks that it’s not so bad to have someone think he’s sexy for once.
3.     Shouta Aizawa – hair pulling – The dull and vaguely painful ache on his scalp sends shivers down his spine. It just elevates the pleasure in the best way. He loves rough sex. The faster and harder the better, and hair pulling is by far his favourite part. He can feel one of your hands leave his hips and instead bury itself in his messy hair, yanking it back and forcing him to bare his neck for you. The pleasure shoots down from his scalp and a moan forces its way out of his mouth as he clenches around you. There’s no better way to distress, not for him.
4.     Light Yagami – Thigh fucking – You were making him regret asking for your help with his heat. All he wants is for you to just knot him so he can get back to work. He can’t stand his heats, he wants to get them over with as soon as possible, but clearly you had other plans. His arms are tied together behind his back with rope that he didn’t know you owned, feet tied together in a similar way. You were holding him against you, fucking his thighs from behind. He can feel you slipping in between his thighs, seeking your own pleasure, using him like a toy. He feels angry. Angry at you for using him like this in his heat, but also anger at himself for getting off on it. He growls at you to hurry up but all he gets in return is a laugh and a reprimand about patience. He knows you would stop and knot him if he seriously asked you to, so why was he letting himself be teased like this. He studiously ignores the throbbing heat in between his legs.  No reason. No reason at all.
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reallyromealone · 2 years
Can I request Aizawa A/B/O with his male omega mate? Like maybe Alpha Aizawa forgets something important at home so his darling mate brings it to him and UA goes crazy not knowing he had a mate? (If not I completely understand. Also if knowing my age is important for request I'm 20 turning 21 in a few months)
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Aizawa x Omega male reader
Fluff, omegaverse, male reader
A/N:Age isn't important unless it's nsfw content then I would recommend looking at my rules for that lol
And you sure can my dude
Also I am very anti all might and no I don't accept criticism on my feelings
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(Name) was a bit confused as he was directed to 1-A, the halls empty as students were in classes and such as he made his way to the classroom only to see a sign that said "at gym Gamma" on it in his mates messy handwriting causing (name) to sigh and continue his journey to find his mate and not get lost in the maze of a school.
When he made it to the gym he was hesitant to open the door but eventually cracked it open "I'm..I'm sorry to interrupt but is this 1-A?" (Name) asked hesitantly to the students who stood around all might who looked confused behind the large grin "yes can we help you?" All might boomed out, something that would startle (name) if he wasn't already used to his mates close friends "I'm looking for Aizawa... Is he here?"
All the young alpha and betas looked confused, this didn't look like a hero at all if anything he looked like a house husband not to mention the Omegan collar he wore as omegas weren't really in the hero industry and if they were they masqueraded as betas.
"And why would you need him?" All might asked the omega with a slightly raised eyebrow "oh! Well you see he forgot some papers and lunch... So I brought them for him! Do you know where he is?"
"Well whatever you have you can leave and can be given to him when he returns, you may leave"
"I'm sorry but I can't do that" all might wasn't expecting the Omega to just outwardly reject his words, holding the papers close "he told me anything should be given directly to him"
"Well I'm sure he would prefer these papers to be with a pro hero instead of some Omega"
And the room halted at that, the dismissive tone and blase attitude that made (name) stare down at him "if that's the attitude you will have I will go and find him"
"You can leave the papers"
"Absolutely not, he said they have to be given to him directly if he forgets anything"
"I understand but if those papers are so important they should be with a pro hero"
"Pro hero or not these aren't going with you and I'm sorry"
"Who even are you? How did you get into the school"
"He's my mate"
The room halted as Aizawa walked in annoyed but proud of his mate for standing his ground and knowing if things escalated his students would step in "mate?"
"Sho!" (Name) perked up and trotted to his alpha happily "you forgot those papers and your lunch" (name) said happily as he handed the items to his alpha as instructed "I knew I was forgetting something..." Aizawa said as he took the contents "did you have any troubles?"
"Not many, I did get a bit lost after getting Nedzus directions to your class but it wasn't too hard"
"That's good"
"Can someone explain what's going on?"
Aizawa sighed at the blond before looking at his class "this is my mate (name) yes he is an Omega and yes when the dorms are built he will be coming with me"
"Aizawa it's highly unprofessional to have your Omega walking around here! This is no place for them!"
Aizawa glared down the number one hero before spitting out venomously "refer to him as if he's second class and I swear to god"
All might for once knew to keep his mouth shut as the class swarmed he mates "what's your name?" "What's your quirk?!" "Are you really mates with our teacher?!" "Are you also a pro?!"
(Name) looked a little overwhelmed at the students swarming him but put on a smile none the less, he just challenged the 1 one hero, answering a few questions from pups is nothing!
"One at a time problem children" Aizawa said loudly to the students who quieted down, the teacher already knowing he's not gonna get out of this without them learning something about him.
"Well to answer your questions, my name is (name), my quirk is (quirk) and he's my mate yes and no I'm not a pro"
All might looked annoyed at the omegas presence but chose not to say anything as the students looked at the new person with awe "how did you two meet?" Mina asked starry eyed and before (name) could answer Aizawa shut it down "alright back to class!" He grumbled and led his mate out by the small of his back "they're so lovely" (name) said softly and Aizawa rolled his eyes "get home safe ok?" "I will sho" (name) said softly as they kissed gently, Aizawa watching his mate leave with a warm heart.
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iddybiddysquish · 1 year
I Regret Request: Aizawa x Reader
Masterlist: Here
Fandom: My Hero Academia
Gender: AFAB
Warnings: Student x teacher! Vaginal fingering, marking, A/B/O quirk, arousal quirk, crampie, riding, biting, marking, unsafe sex, mild bondage, 69, oral sex giving and receiving, spanking, slight brat taming - not good with terminology to let me know if I've missed anything!
Notes: Feedback is welcomed and I hope you have a good time reading! Never written for Aizawa before so pls be kind! <3 Reader has the ability to copy and edit quirks! Not beta read, we die like men.
'I regret everything.' I whined as I laid in my bed, thighs heavy with slick as I came for the 12th time that morning. It has only been an hour or so since I'd awoken to an aching need in my cunt that was impossible to ignore and a fever so hot that I was starting to see stars. 
I was exhausted and yet nowhere near satisfied. I knew I was going to need to call in sick with how painful this arousal is. 
It took me a while to figure out what the cause was. At first I thought I'd been hit with an arousal quirk in my sleep, as impossible as that is. However the more I looked into the quirks I'd copied at random that took my interest, I discovered something that I didn't know when I copied the quirks. 
Quirk: A/B/O
This quirk gives the user characteristics of the A/B/O genre, including giving them a second gender. This gives them claws and fangs that can retract as well as basics such as enhanced senses and physiological changes such as scent glands and enhanced animalistic thinking. 
Quirk: Estrus
This quirk gives the user the ability to cast uncontrollable arousal in individuals who are touched or are within a 5 m distance. 
Apparently, this included heat and rut cycles as well as an estrus cycle, the latter of which is experienced because of the quirk with the same name - side effects of both quirks. It's not helped by the fact that I was weeping out of every hole - even my ass now had a uterus and there was a third uterus with a vaginal opening between my anus and normal vagina, both with slick pouring out of them, like male Omega’s get in the Omegaverse and it was killing me. Three vaginas was too much to contend with when all I had were handheld toys at my disposal.
'I don't have enough hands for this shit.'
What made things worse was that I was capable of experiencing a mating season as well as a heat or a rut despite not being an Alpha, which confused me. I was clearly an Omega - even having the male equivalent of uteruses.
To cum more readily I even activated a quirk that gave me both male and female genitalia but the friction, despite my slick, was starting to hurt my sensitive head and thick knot that had formed from my last orgasm, and I was nowhere near feeling satisfied. So I deactivated it and wiped my hands clean before searching for my phone with disdain.
I am irritable and whiny all whilst pining for an Alpha to be submissive towards. It's a weird concoction that I wasn't appreciating as I laid in what I now realised was a nest of blankets and pillows I'd created to house myself as I cried from over and under stimulation.
Everything was made worse by the fact that I had no clue how long this would last.
‘Is this monthly or annually?’ 
The more I looked into this quirk the worse I felt, especially as I discovered I would have an annual mating season, would go into heat monthly, would go into estrus biweekly and would go in a rut whenever someone else experienced either one of these phenomena - so I could experience all of these at once, as I was, on top of an estrus cycle that corresponds with my menstrual cycle. I would’ve breathed a sigh of relief if I didn’t remember that there are many other people who would go through heat, estrus and or mating season, meaning I would be triggered into a rut by these and could even be triggered just by using the Estrus quirk.
‘I blame Tokoyami’s mating season…!’ I groaned, ‘Then at least it would just be a heat, estrus and a mating season…’
I wanted to cry.
“I can’t take this any more.” I moaned, deciding quickly I needed to call the school and explain what was going on. I needed help with this; there must be someone with a similar quirk that they’ve known about. After all, I copied these things from someone else.
Much to my surprise, when I explained to the receptionist I needed to speak to Aizawa, I was passed to him relatively quickly.
“(L/N)-san.” he greeted, “Are you unwell?”
“Something like that.” I groaned, crossing my legs tightly, “I’m in a very… difficult situation and I need some guidance.”
“I can help you in class if you want?” he begged, “If you get here sooner we can discuss it before class.”
“I… I don’t know if I can come to class.” I basically whispered. Aizawa frowned at this on the other side of the line with concern.
“Should I be concerned, (L/N)-san?” I sighed.
“I don’t know.”
“Why don’t you tell me the problem first?” he begged, walking down the hallway to get away from people, realising quickly that this was a private conversation, “Then I can tailor my aid better.” I groaned.
“This is going to be super awkward, so I’m sorry.” I warned, earning a grunt which sent a painful zap towards my clit, making me flush, “I copied a quirk.”
“Uh-huh…” he nodded when I didn’t say anything else for a few seconds.
“It’s given me a clusterfuck of hormones.” I explained slowly, “I’m essentially experiencing a mating season, a heat and a rut simultaneously as well as an estrus cycle - they are different. And I’m a bit scared.”
“... I wasn’t expecting that.” he admitted, rubbing the bridge of his nose, “I assume you’re in halls?” I nodded.
“Yeah.” I laughed humorlessly, “I know, right? I only discovered this would happen today because it’s happening now.
“I didn’t think to look at the weaknesses when I copied the quirk. It just seemed so interesting I couldn’t pass it up. Even if I edit the quirks I can't get rid of what I'm experiencing right now.”
“Stay in the halls.” he confirmed, “I’ll do some research and see what strings I can pull. You won’t be the first to experience either one of those things and I doubt you’ll be the last.
“For now, remain in your room. I’ll explain to the class that you’re having some… complications with your quirk and not to visit you.” he hummed, looking over at the watch on his wrist, “I’ll try to contact you by the end of the day and recommend you stockpile some food whilst the others are gone.” I nodded.
“Thanks sensei. I appreciate it.” he nodded.
“I’ll talk to you later. Stay safe.”
“You, too.”
And just like that I breathed a sigh of relief and laid back down, hand drifting down to my painfully empty holes and clit, only to come away with heavy slick dripping from my fingers. I groaned, pulling my head into a pillow and screaming for a few minutes before going back to playing with myself, unable to hold on for much longer without some kind of stimulation.
To say that Aizawa was concerned was an understatement. One of his prized students was suffering as he walked towards the classroom pondering the best course of action. The reality was that he knew she needed relief but he also knew that he was her teacher and shouldn't approach her. He'd be abusing the situation and his position. 
Didn't mean he wasn't still tempted to pay her a visit to see her for himself. 
Her quirk had always fascinated him. The ability to copy other quirks wasn't necessarily unusual nor was it unsurprisingly powerful. But it was how she used it to her advantage that impressed him. She thought outside the box and adapted to new quirks so effortlessly that he couldn't help but be in awe. 
In all honesty it all went right to his cock. 
'Not now…' he cursed, shuffling his pants around to hide the growing chub before entering the classroom with the same enthusiasm as he did every morning.
“Good morning, students.” Aizawa greeted, catching everyone off guard, Denki and Kirishima running to their seats as soon as he entered the room.
“You’re here early, sir?” Yaoyorozu spoke up, raising her arm. Aizawa nodded.
“I have an announcement.” he confirmed, “As you know, Tokoyami is still off. However (L/N)-san is having some complications with her quirk.
“As a result it would be wise for you all to leave her be in her room and don’t communicate with her until it resolves. It’s likely to last for at least a week.”
“So we won’t see her at all?” Ashido begged, earning the shake of a head.
“But what about food?” Hagakure begged, “(L/N)-san eats a lot.” Aizawa removed some of his hair from his face, thinking about the response, before answering.
“We might need to ask one of you to deliver the food to her door.” he concluded with distaste, “It’s not ideal but it’s imperative that all of you leave her alone. It might be best to have one of the girls to deliver the meals…” he sighed, fingers to the bridge of his nose, “Although that might not help.”
“Is she well?” Uraraka begged, concerned. Aizawa nodded.
“She’s not sick. It’s just something related to her quirk.”
“Why do they have to be female?” Iida begged, raising his arm. Aizawa groaned.
“It’s not necessary. But it would be best that all the men stay away from her door.”
“Why?” Kirishima begged, “What would require only the men to stay away?”
“Is it the same reason as Tokoyami?” Asui begged, raising her hand before Aizawa could respond. He sighed.
“Wait, why is Tokoyami away?” Midoriya begged her way.
“Mating season.” Asui noted casually with a shrug. 
"Oh hell yeah!" Mineta cheered, causing Sero to cringe. 
"You are banned from that floor, Mineta." Aizawa warned, his hair flying all over the place as he glared, earning a gulp from the boy. His words caused everyone to turn back to Aizawa, who was rubbing his temples.
“It’s a private matter. That’s all you need to know.” Bakugou raised a brow at this.
“So who’s gonna feed her?” he begged with a glare. Immediately everyone turned to Bakugou, causing his brow to twitch violently, “Why me?!”
“You love cooking.” Todoroki stated as though it were obvious. Shinsou snorted and Bakugou ‘tched’ and looked away sharply, glaring ahead of him as Aizawa looked at his watch again before divulging into the remaining announcements, none of which really kept Aizawa's attention. 
Aizawa attempts not to get too attached to his students. The bonds are unbreakable of course, but he knows they only have three years to put each student through the ringer in order to make them become top heroes. That requires a lot of tough love and heartache as a teacher and guide. 
This was a lot harder with (L/N) than he had originally anticipated. He'd be lying to say it wasn't the first time he'd gotten attached to a student, but even he couldn't deny that this was different. (L/N) was particularly unusual as a student. She was kind hearted and wore her heart on her sleeve despite having a strong offensive quirk that normally would create a lot of narcissism in an individual. It didn't match her attitude to herself and those around her. 
Not that this was a bad thing in his eyes. It was just unusual. A diamond in the rough so to speak. 
However she was reckless. Copying quirks willy nilly was dangerous and now he was having to pick up the pieces because of it. He could think of ways to make her pay, but none of them were PG. 
'No.' he cursed mentally, 'I shouldn't think like that. She's my student.'
Still the dirty thoughts lingered. And they were with him the rest of the day as he contemplated how to fix the situation - (L/N)'s and his own that seemed to grow in his pants the more he contemplated the former. 
I waited and waited until I knew the coast was clear. The only other person would’ve been Tokoyami two floors below, but he was staying at home, so for the first time I was on my own in the halls. Despite this, I was nervous to leave the safety of my nest to the point that I waited for far longer than I needed to. 
It just didn’t feel right.
Opening the door I went to walk forward, but found myself freezing in the spot at all the scents.
“Oh… my god.” I reeled, gulping.
It took me a good few minutes just standing there in order to get used to all the smells. Some were pleasant, some were repulsive. 
But others were tasty.
‘The strongest scent is…’ I realised quickly, mouth watering, ‘Bakugou’s…’ 
My scent-clouded mind wasn’t so surprised by this reveal. Bakugou smells like burnt caramel normally, so it’d make sense that I’d be attracted to it. It really was a no-brainer, even if I longed not to be attracted to the interesting scent, just glad that he wasn't here to witness this. It's not like I was actually interested in him beyond his tantalising smell.
The scent that I wasn't expecting to be drawn to, however, was that of Shinsou's. It was soft and tantalising. Like a comfortable cloud. It made me relax and feel like curling up and taking a nap despite my current circumstances.
What was more interesting was the minty freshness that was Todoroki’s scent I could detect from the elevator.
‘It’s almost spicy to the senses.’ I mused, feeling a wave of calmness wash over me.
Again, it didn’t surprise me that I felt myself drifting his way. Todoroki was very attractive and we had been getting closer as of late. It was almost predictable. 
However the scent that was most tantalising, surprisingly, was Aizawa's. It was the faintest since he was rarely here. But it was still there, teasing me and making my mouth water. 
'Does he know he smells that good?'
I had to slap myself to stop myself from following his scent and instead made a beeline for the kitchen and raided my pantry, grabbing every snack and unspoilable food I could before running back to my room. I was as quick as I could feasibly be. But as I went to close the door, I found myself peeking outside and down the hallway towards Aizawa's scent.
I shook my head.
‘I can’t go sneaking around like this.’ I scolded myself as my Omega whined at me, begging to investigate. I shook my head again as I felt my thighs clench and almost whined myself.
“No. I can’t.” But I didn’t move away from the door.
‘... Ugh why does he have to smell like that?!’ I cursed, looking back down the hall. Before I even realised what I was doing, I was sneaking towards the heavenly scent, as though I were about to be caught at any moment. I could feel Aizawa scolding me, but of course it never came since he was in class with everyone else. 
‘This would be so amoral of me…’ 
Despite knowing this, I found myself turning myself invisible as I stalked towards the teachers quarters. It wasn't long before I arrived with only slight hesitation as I grasped the doorknob. I cringed at the squeak as the door opened, checking there was no one else around, but I was quickly blindsided by the absolute raw stench of his scent and felt my Omega trill in happiness.
From there I had zero control of myself as I entered his room and closed the door behind me, sniffing deeply as I attempted to fill my entire lungs with his scent. 
Naturally, his bed smelt the strongest. And I couldn’t stop myself from lying on it and taking a deep breath of his pillow. With little effort I could fall asleep here and God did I want to.
However, I didn’t want to be caught by a cleaner or anything, so I regretfully removed myself from his bedding and skulked around his room with intrigue. 
It was fairly neat and tidy. Everything was neatly packed away - even his dirty clothes were in the hamper, none left in sight. There were a few personables, such as collectables and books. I was drawn to the books, noting that a lot of them were either fiction or textbooks for class, some of which were missing, before looking over the neatness that was his desk with little surprise.
I couldn’t help rummaging through his things as though I were searching for something. But I was careful enough to put everything back exactly as I found it before eyeing the exit with disappointment. 
‘I need to leave.’ I concluded, anxiously, ‘I need to get back to my room.’ despite feeling safe immersed in his scent. Regardless, I needed to get back and the need to hide was strong.
I couldn’t force myself to leave quickly. I eyed the bed and whined before eyeing his dirty clothing hamper with a dangerous thought in my mind.
‘I can’t.’ I argued as I looked inside, moving things around a bit as I took in his scent further, ‘He’d so notice if I took something of his.’
As if that was the only reason not to steal his clothing like some kind of smell-pervert.
‘Man I’ve really stooped to a new low.’ I concluded as I pawed at a shirt of his that smelt the strongest. Instincts told me I needed it for my nest and no matter how much I tried to rationalise, I found myself stealing the shirt and running back to my room to hide - from everyone and my shame.
I was grateful to Aizawa for warning off the rest of the class now that I’d committed a crime. But the way my Omega praised my decision left me feeling euphoric, especially as I snuggled the shirt and preened the den I’d created.
I spent most of my time preening, snuggling Aizawa's shirt and masterbating. It was a simple routine as I stored my snacks carefully as though I was creating a proper den to live in. And I supposed I was, given I’d be stuck here for the next however long it would be before I could go back to normal.
When I started to hear the whirl of the elevator and the sounds of people talking that was my first clue that school was over. My next clue was the knock at my door.
"Uraraka-san!" Iida commanded loudly, gaining my attention quickly, "Sensei said not to engage with (L/N)!"
"I know but I just want her to know we support her." She muttered back before turning back to the door, "We're here for you, (L/N)! Stay safe!"
I felt myself swell with happiness even if I found myself growling at the intrusion. I couldn’t bring myself to say anything back though as the pair muttered to one another quietly before going to their individual rooms. I found myself on edge, listening intently to everyone returning to their dorms or going elsewhere as I hid in my nest.
I had no idea how anxiety-inducing it would be now that everyone was back. But now I knew: it’s very anxiety-inducing. 
I managed to fall asleep by burrowing myself with blankets and pillows. However I stirred when I sensed someone outside of my door, hearing them muttering something to themselves.
That’s when I realised it was Aizawa of all people.
I practically leaped out of my nest, thoroughly ruining it, and leaned across the door, taking in a deep breath of his scent. It was then I realised I smelt something else tasty and wondered if he’d made food for me.
My heart and Omega leapt at the thought.
"(L/N)-san." He spoke curtly, "I'll be delivering your food from now. Eat up."
'For me…?'
I had to claw at myself not to open the door and jump on him. Taking deep breaths I tried to focus on the smell of the food instead of the smell of Aizawa as I listened to his footsteps recede. And only when I was sure he’d retreated did I open the door and take the contents, eating quickly before leaving the bowl outside of the door as he had done.
This continued morning and evening for the next few days and sadly I wasn’t improving despite ordering new toys and other kinky tools to try and earn some relief. I was extremely grateful for Kaminari bringing them to me, oblivious to the contents, although I realised quickly he was hoping he’d get to see me when he knocked on the door. I heard him sit down outside of it as he began telling me about what I’d missed at school. 
It was sweet of him. 
“Bakugou kicked the crap out of him of course! The guy had a bloody nose for the rest of the day he hit him so hard!” he laughed, “I suppose that's what you get for messing with him.” I laughed, something he didn’t hear as I was hidden under the covers of my den.
I considered sitting by the door, but I was too desperate for a release, I worried I’d open it and ruin everything. And of all people, as wonderful as Kaminari is, my rational brain and Omega didn't want to have sex with him.
Only Aizawa would work. He was my prime Alpha.
So I didn’t and waited for him to leave before taking the box and abusing its contents.
By the time I had finished it was dinner time, and I basically sat glued to the door with blankets on me as I listened for Aizawa to arrive. 
The strength of the symptoms seemed to wax instead of wane as time went on and I realised I was starting to really struggle when I heard his familiar footsteps coming towards the door. I breathed in greedily when I was greeted with his scent and moaned at the delicious smell, feeling myself until he paused at the door and knocked. 
"Food, (L/N)."
I felt my mouth water - and it wasn't from the food. For once Aizawa didn't smell as much of his cologne and more of his natural, earthy scent and it was driving me wild. 
"Thank you, Alpha." I spoke up, not thinking as I reached for the door and creaked it open slowly. Aizawa looked surprised given I hadn't done this before. But as soon as I did he made his face remain impassive. 
It was difficult, however, because he could practically smell my aching cunt and desperation. Another thing that went straight to his cock. 
"How are you doing?" He begged reaching out to feel my forehead, wincing slightly at my temperature with a deep sigh, "You're burning up."
"Need knot." I whined as I leaned into his cool touch. Aizawa looked at me for a moment before sighing again. 
"You know I can't do that, (L/N)." He muttered as I pouted up at him. Opening the door fully I sat with my legs wide as I posed for him and gripped my thighs. 
"Please, Alpha." Aizawa blinked, realising I was soaked through my underwear. It was then he noticed the sheen of sweat glistening against my skin. 
I was a hot mess and it was driving Aizawa wild despite his cool and calm demeanour. It was starting to shatter his ability to hold back as I purred up at him and began to touch myself. 
"Pretty please?" I begged as I batted my eyelashes at him. 
Aizawa paused for a moment before breathing out haggardly. It felt like he'd run a hundred miles as he stared into my eyes. 
As if the wall collapsed, all his self control flew out the window as he crouched and crawled over me, shutting the door with his foot and immediately going for my lips. 
I moaned as his tongue glided across my lips, demanding entry. I gave in with little restraint and he forced his way into my mouth before sucking my lip and nibbling at it, eliciting more moans. 
I was putty in his hands as he pulled me into him, gliding his nails across my back and under my shirt, causing me to arch into him. I felt him smirk into the kiss as I returned the favour, nipping his lip and forcing my own tongue into his mouth as I tugged on his ragged locks. 
Hearing him moan was delicious and rare, I could tell. So when he did I felt my Omega trill with pride. 
My hands dived down to his pants slowly as I played with the buckle and tugged at it, whining when he did nothing to free the thick erection I could feel pressing into my pubis. Aizawa gave me a mocking smirk as I fumbled with the belt, having to bring my other hand from his hair down to help. 
"Eager, aren't you, (F/N)?" He chuckled. I pouted at his mockery, but grinned triumphantly when I managed to get the belt free and quickly put my hand down his trousers and pumped his cock once, then twice causing him to hiss. 
I started to pump at a steady pace, watching as he gave the occasional groan into my body. From there he pushed my shirt up and dived into my breasts, giving them small kisses and sucks before latching onto my nipples. Occasionally I could feel the reverberations of his moans through them, eliciting small sparks through my body. 
I had dreamed of this with Aizawa. For longer than I'd like to admit. He was a beautiful man with a drive I was in awe of. So I was a bit euphoric and dazed now that it was really happening. It means I also couldn't help but stare at him, which is when I realised he had been staring at me the whole time. 
It was incredibly intimate. Being able to watch his expression shift as he experienced the pleasure I was giving him was a huge turn on, not to mention a beautiful sight. 
'I'm the cause of that.'
However it wasn't long before he took control, taking my hands from his pants and pinning them above my head as he smirked down at me. 
"Keep them there." He warned, "Be a good girl for Daddy."
Wordlessly I nodded, leaving my arms exactly where he pinned them. Only then did he slowly move his hands across my body before lowering himself towards my crotch and took a deep breath. 
"Beautiful…" he muttered as he tugged on my underwear. However I made the error of trying to help with my hands, earning a glare. I froze. 
"What did I say?"
"S-sorry Daddy." I muttered as I put my hands back where they were. He sighed and shook his head. 
"Are you being a bad girl?" He begged lowly. I felt my cunt clench as he pulled me up and manhandled me into position on his lap so my ass was up in the air. I whined as I felt the cold air his my ass and vagina as he yanked my panties off, only to yelp when his hand came down on my left ass cheek roughly. 
"Are you not answering me now?"
"I-I'm not being bad, I swear-" I yelped again as his hand came down for a second time, then a third and a fourth on the other cheek. 
"I can't hear you." He muttered as he kneaded my abused ass cheeks gently. I felt tears prickle my vision at the sting but my slick only pooled out more as my cunt clenched with each wack. 
"I'm not being a bad girl! I promise!" Aizawa raised a brow at me. 
"You want to be a good girl again?" I nodded feverently. 
"I'm your good girl, Daddy." I promised, earning a satisfied chuckle from the man.
"Alright. Come here." 
Confused, I sat up and back onto my legs only for him to pull my legs towards him. It wasn't long before I realised he wanted to eat me out. However my mouth positioned so perfectly over his unexposed cock that I felt my mouth water. 
As soon as my hands dived down to expose his throbbing cock he chuckled, breath tickling my clit. 
"So eager." He mocked before pulling me down so he could sheath his face into my cunt. Immediately I gasped out and clenched around him, clawing at his clothes thighs as I bit back a lot of loud moans. 
His tongue was experienced and effortlessly glided around my vagina to take in the delicious slick I was producing before his tongue dived into my pussy for more. Aizawa knew I'd taste great but he want expecting something so sweet and divine. It was addictive. 
It wasn't long before his tongue finished it's pursuit and went straight for my clit as he encouraged me to rock on his face. 
I jumped and squeaked at the sudden stimulation before practically melting on his face. Only when I'd adjusted however did I pull his cock free and hollowed out my cheeks. Taking in the tip I felt him moan into my pussy, making me smirk. I bobbed slowly, teasing his head slightly before taking the entirety of him in. He was thick and long so it was hard, but I relaxed my throat and took him in as deep as I could. 
I felt his nails dig into my thighs as his ministrations picked up. After some trial and error I managed to match his pace as my head bobbed and my mouth drooled at the taste of his precum. 
I wasn't sure how long I'd been sucking on him for. But I felt Aizawa buck into my mouth as his pace picked up on my clit. I could tell he was getting close from the way his hips jumped and stuttered and quite frankly I was exactly the same despite his continued encouragement with his hands to keep me moving on his face. 
On a mission, I picked up the pace as I got closer and closer to my release. With time, however, I was soon unravelling on his tongue, moans and words of praise choked by his cock. Once I recovered I started sucking with the same pace and vigour as before, taking him deep down my throat as he began to deep throat me, hands pulling me down by the waist. It was a bruising grip but I didn't mind. It kept me grounded as he continued to suck me through and after my orgasm. 
Soon his own release followed as he forced his cock down my throat. I choked, tears welling up and falling as I swallowed and attempted to keep sucking as I guzzled his cum greedily. 
"Such a good girl." I heard him moan into my cunt before a slap to my ass sounded in the room, making me jump off of him. I was slightly dazed and my throat sore from the stretch, but I was still hungry for more. 
And Aizawa could sense this as I sat before him. He smirked down at me as he brushed my hair out of my face and pulled me in for a rough kiss. 
"Tell me what you want." I blinked. 
"You." He tsked. 
"What about me? Be more specific, (F/N)." I pouted, my cheeks reddening as I thought of all the lewd things I wanted him to do to me. Eventually I plucked up the courage and looked him in the eye as I climbed onto his lap.  
"I want to feel you inside me." I whined, "Please, Daddy? I need to fuck you." Aizawa chuckled before pulling me up and standing, taking me to the bed.
"See that wasn't so hard now, was it?" 
Aizawa immediately began to nip and suck at my neck, finding the most tempting of places that made me moan the loudest with little effort. Simultaneously he kneaded my breast with one hand whilst caressing my thigh with the other, hand gliding dangerously towards my clenching cunt. I began to get impatient with his teasing and growled at him, pulling his hand to my cunt demanding that he finger me. 
Aizawa didn't like that. 
Snatching his hand away, Aizawa glowered down at me dangerously before pinning my hands above the bed. When I wriggled in his grasp he grabbed his belt and quickly tied my arms to the bed. 
"If you're going to be a brat." He muttered, slapping my tit when I fussed, making me yelp, "I'll treat you like one."
As if to solidify his point he began to tease my entrance with his fingers, gently scratching at my thighs and ass, gripping and slapping them every now and then to keep me on my toes as I writhed below him. 
I wanted to protest. But with how he was sucking at my nipple, giving just enough pressure to stimulate me but not enough to get me going as he purposefully ignored my clit, I was second guessing my behaviour. Especially when he slapped my tit again from zoning out. 
"Eyes on me, brat." He glared. I gulped and nodded, realising that pouting like a child was ineffective on this man. So I went lax and let him use me at his own pace, even if it had me tearing up. It was a sad sight that led to Aizawa chuckling as he slowly fingered me, edging me close to my release before stopping, over and over again. By the time I'd almost climaxed five times, my body was beginning to shake from the strain and I was panting like crazy. 
"You're doing so well." Aizawa remarked as he pulled out his fingers at the last minute, for the sixth time, "I'll let you pick how we do this since you seem to have learnt your lesson." I blinked up at him. 
'I didn't expect that…' I blanked, but my heart soared at the thought of him finally knotting me. 
However I wanted to give him a taste of his own medicine. So with a small grin I pushed him onto the bed and climbed on top of him. Aizawa looked up at me with a surprised chuckle, but he allowed it, hands slotting into place along my hips as I slowly grinded myself against his rock hard head, earning a low hiss. 
Slowly I continued to grind, earning gritted teeth and nails dug into my hips. It wasn't exactly the reaction I wanted but it was effective. Deciding I needed more, I angled myself to meet him before slowly sliding his head into me, earning a small gasp. 
I grinned at this, thighs shaking as I slowly sheathed him in me partially, only to remove him entirely. I then would repeat a few times, earning a slap on the ass. 
"Are you trying to tease me?" He snarled as I slowly took him inside me again, the tightness of my walls slowly getting to him. I giggled, my only answer, "I can take back my gift to you and fuck you like the brat you are if you want?" He warned. 
I paused my teasing at that. I knew he wouldn't let me cum if I did that. But the idea of being railed sounded all too tempting. 
However I wanted to have some of my own fun, first. So my answer was to sit on him fully and roughly, causing a loud groan from both of us as I felt him smack my cervix. 
The stretch wasn't painful exactly. It stung a little but it felt good to have him inside me fully. It was like he was meant to stretch me out, make me his. 
So when I rocked I felt myself claw at his chest and grit my teeth with each thrust. 
"Daddy you feel so good." I purred, throwing my head back as I picked up the pace. Aizawa grunted below me, guiding my hips as he let me ride him. 
I whined when he hit that spongy spot deep inside me, which encouraged him to start fucking up into me as I rocked, hitting that area over and over again. It was enough to cause me to see stars and I was quickly approaching my orgasm. 
"Fuck…" he groaned before flipping me over, causing me to yelp. However when he sheathed himself deep inside me, I moaned. 
"Ugh Shota…!" I squealed when he pulled my legs up and over his shoulders, fucking me deeper and putting me in a mating press. 
It seemed to give him a better depth to hit my g spot because he was nailing that sucker with each thrust and I was a panting, squealing mess as I felt that tight ball in my stomach release. And with it so did my fluids, soaking his pelvis in cum as I came hard on his cock. 
"So messy, squirting for me like that." He commented as he continued to fuck my through my high, "It can't be helped." 
Aizawa wasn't even close, the slaps of wet skin on skin sounded throughout the room as he picked up the pace. I couldn't help but scream his name as I approached my second orgasm. I began to scratch at his back hoping to ground myself, however when I came Aizawa shoved his tongue in my mouth to silence me, but never slowed his pace even for a second. If anything he sped up, determined to fuck through the high again as he reached his own climax. And when he did, his brutal pace continued as he fucked his cum into me. 
The only indication that he'd came was him biting into my nape harshly, a deep, guttural almost growl sounding from his throat and the slight stutter of his hips as he slowed his pace gently.
I was still panting by the time his hips came to a halt. My body was on fire as every touch elicited a spark. So when Aizawa pulled me onto him, cock still thoroughly embedded inside me, I practically melted as I snuggled into his chest. 
"Are you alright?" He begged softly, moving hair out of my face as he checked me over. I felt myself nod and yawn as I burrowed my head into his neck. 
"Perfect, Alpha."
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luminnara · 2 years
BNHA Masterlist
** = NSFW
Nesting - Kiribaku x Reader ABO
Omega!Kiribaku x Alpha!male!reader HCs
Katsuki Bakugou:
Breeding** - Alpha!Bakugou x Omega!reader
Incubus!Bakugo x Male Reader **
She Loves Me, She Loves My Knot ** - Pro Hero Bakugou x Reader ABO
The Silent Treatment - Omega!Bakugou x Alpha!reader ABO
Pro Hero Bakugou x Sex Worker! reader
House Party ** - Dabi x Reader
Omega!Dabi x Alpha!reader
Tenya Iida:
Alpha!Pro Hero Iida x Omega!reader and Alpha!All Might x Omega!reader headcanons**
Alpha!Erasermic x Pregnant!reader -a heavily pregnant reader notices that Present Mic and Aizawa forget their lunches at home, and goes to UA to bring them to her mates.
Shouto Todoroki:
Omega!Todoroki x alpha!reader HCs
Alpha!Deku x Omega!reader HCs**
Spring Rutting **
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trashytoastboi · 2 years
May I please request, for the 1000th follower event, a nsfw scenario with an alpha male reader going through a rut with his mate, omega aizawa? Thank you very much, have a lovely day! I see a lot of omegas in heat but no alphas in rut so I thought this may be interesting heh!
Heyya! 🍞 sure thing! So sorry this took me so long to get to, hope you enjoy~
(Male Pronouns)
1000 Followers Event!
NSFW Scenario: ABO AU! Alpha! Male x Omega! Aizawa - #7. Rut
NSFW Warning: (ABO Dynamics, Biting, Rough, Oral, Missionary, Mating Press, Riding, Bondage/Restraining)
Word count: 2, 936 words
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☕Aizawa Shota☕
Aizawa entered his shared home, paying attention to the clock and to the calendar. The date indicated by colourful circles was set for three days later. It was certainly an event to be conscious of and well prepared for. Even if it only did occur once or twice a year, sometimes even three times a year on rare occurrence. Never the less, it was always good to be aware and prepared before hand. And the event that needs so much preparation and indication was none other than the anticipated rut of his alpha. Rut came much less frequently than an omega's heat but was often far more intense for both parties and required a different set of preparation. {Name} had already called into work and had taken the expected week off, and Aizawa did the same. Thankfully it was Friday, leave started on Monday and today was the last day they had to go to work until the week after. Seeing that he had arrived a little earlier than anticipated, Aizawa got dressed into something much more comfortable and lounged around on the couch to have a quick rest before {Name} came home. The TV dulled into background noise and he fell into a deeper sleep than expected.
The lock clicked, the door creaked open and {Name} stepped in. A little unsteadily so, but not to the point of falling over or being unable to stand on his own two feet. He noticed Aizawa splayed on the couch, languidly laying so comfortably and breathing lightly and rhythmically. {Name} smiled softly at seeing his mate, and let out a small sigh from exhaustion. It was hard to get through the day since {Name} had been feeling feverish since morning, it wasn't the typical flu kind of fever, a little different. Not as painful, but definitely a bit discomforting. {Name} smiled at his mate, the slight grumble Aizawa let out now and then. {Name} gingerly placed a kiss on Aizawa's forehead. Aizawa stirred, waking from the deep sleep, enough to feel the soft kiss and gentle hand that caressed his hair before the warmth faded and {Name} headed off.
Aizawa finally woke up, only what felt like a short while to him. The afternoon when he had fallen asleep had turned into night, he saw a light blanket strewn over him, and the telltale signs that it was not a dream about his alpha, but rather that {Name} was really home. Aizawa stood from the couch, tossing the blanket out the way and stretching his body, his muscles felt a little tight from sleeping on the couch but nothing a good old post nap stretch could not easily fix. In fact, if anything he felt quite refreshed, Aizawa noticed the bedroom door was shut, the light that peaked from under the door gave the sign that {Name} was probably awake, if not then he might have fallen asleep with the lights on. It did not happen often but sometimes exhaustion caught up to {Name} especially on a Friday.
Of course the situation was not simple and Aizawa became very aware of that the moment he opened the door. The air inside felt dense, and thick with the scent of {Name's} pheromones. Alpha's pheromones were known to always release, and an alpha with good control could usually keep it to a minimum. The only exception to the rule where control was not a factor is when rut occurred. That was when an alpha's pheromones could go haywire and become overkill with the intensity. Aizawa could feel his body reacting, more than he had intended. He felt that ache between his legs, a creeping urge for his alpha. Aizawa tried to keep himself from falling into the seductive haze the pheromones threatened to throw him into. Walking over, he placed his hand on {Name's} forehead, it appeared almost as if he was sleeping, his forehead felt feverish and his breaths were heavy. It was definitely the early onset of {Name's} rut. Aizawa shifted his focus to the bedside drawers, searching for {Name's} suppressants, of course they were just about close to useless when {Name} was already in rut. However, it did help just to take the edge off a little, and unfortunately for Aizawa there was no sign of them. {Name} tossed and turned a little in his sleep, mumbling about incoherent nonsense before finally opening his eyes and seeing Aizawa at the bedside, his hand reached out and gently grabbed hold of Aizawa's wrist before pulling him to the bed.
Losing balance, he toppled onto {Name}, and feeling the ministrations of {Name} nuzzling into his neck, placing light kisses. “Hey little one” {Name} murmured, his voice still laced with that sleepy coarseness. {Name's} hand gently seized Aizawa's jaw, giving him a hot and heavy kiss. His free hand wandered, before sliding up Aizawa's body, taking note of how his muscles tense under his touch. “This is quite a dangerous game” {Name} chuckled, and that statement served as a fair warning, {Name} thankfully could still hold himself in some semblance of rationality and conscious thought without being overthrown by his instincts. But even after saying that, he was aware of how it was quickly spiraling out of his control. Aizawa near instantly settled into {Name}, a strange sensation of his desire being both soothed and fanned by his alpha's presence. “I can't find your suppressants.” Aizawa stated, clearing his throat to try disguise the slight tremble in his voice. “I took them earlier, though, we both know it's not going to help that much” {Name} mumbled, his voice sounded a little lower and strained than usual. His hips slowly began to grind against Aizawa, his breath hitched at the touch and the friction, Aizawa's soft melodic hums and sighs spurred {Name} on to grow a bit more bold in his ventures. {Name} slides his hand's further up Aizawa's shirt, feeling the warm skin under his fingers, {Name} nibbles at Aizawa's ears, causing him to stifle a pleasurable sigh that rises from his throat. {Name} knew exactly all the right buttons to push and pull all these cute reactions from his omega. The soft little kisses turn into bites that sink into the sensitive flesh of Aizawa's neck. {Name} can feel his body getting a little hotter, getting a little more desperate, he utters curse words under his breath. “Shota, I really can't wait anymore” {Name} growls. Without awaiting a response, he pulls Aizawa into a demanding kiss that leaves him breathless.
{Name} grinds his hips a little harsher into his lover, causing Aizawa to groan with the friction. Aizawa snaps back to reality the moment he feels {Name} slipping his hand into his pants “Just...give me a second” Aizawa huffs out, his face red and flustered. {Name} reluctantly pulls himself away, giving his partner some breathing room, a discontent look on his face and the restlessness that comes with being left uncomfortable and desperate for any touch or affection to help him settle down. “Are you going to make me wait while I'm like this?” {Name} practically whined, sneaking in another kiss alongside the impatience that laced his voice, the already dense scent only got heavier. Affecting Aizawa, it was not entirely rare for {Name's} rut to offset Aizawa's heat with the intensity of his pheromones, Aizawa felt his head spinning, the drunk feeling arising when clear and conscious thought was threatening to dwindle in it's entirety. He had to ground himself, Aizawa did so with the simple action of placing his hand on {Name's} chest.
{Name} knew the reason Aizawa had stopped himself, and considering the alternative it was probably better. Seeing that he was a millisecond from pinning Aizawa down and stripping him of any and all clothing. “I’ll take care of it” Aizawa murmured, seeing his alpha smile and settle back against the headboard was all the confirmation he needed. Aizawa stood up from the bed, once again going to sift through the drawers to pull out some “necessities.” He pulled out a set of fabric restraints, condoms and lube. His face was beet red at this point but there was no helping it, in fact {Name} sat with a bemused smirk at seeing how flustered Aizawa was getting all on his own. Even he knew, that usually at this point {Name} had his head swimming with lust so much so that nothing could affect him to this extent. {Name} smiled at seeing the restraints, quirking an eyebrow in a comedic fashion “Oooh, getting kinky tonight are we?” {Name} jested, he chuckled at his own joke while Aizawa just internally cringed and rolled his eyes. His little smile betrayed any faux annoyance he may have had. {Name} willingly offered up his hands, Aizawa carefully bound them and loosely restrained his alpha to the headboard; this was supposed to act as a little bit of a deterrent. For when {Name} got carried away in his rut and would accidentally get too rough with his omega. This helped him to keep a little bit of his awareness. His self control was usually good, but nothing was ever certain with his rut, everything became unpredictable at best. {Name} grumbled, wanting to just jump straight into the fray and ravage his omega, though as a testament of keeping his rationality he waited till Aizawa was the one prepared. “How about a kiss handsome?~” {Name} purred, Aizawa's face flushed at hearing {Name} calling him, even so Aizawa leaned in pressing a light kiss to {Name's} lips. {Name} was quick to turn the light peck into something more, enticing Aizawa with a long kiss that earned a light moan when Aizawa pulled away. {Name} chuckled, a knowing smirk graced his lips. Unintentionally {Name} tugged at his restraints, fighting between his thoughts of ravaging his omega or maintaining his obedience in the face of his instinct. {Name} and Aizawa were well aware of the fact, that if {Name} has his way, Aizawa would have already been pinned beneath him. The sole reason why {Name} could hold himself back was for Aizawa's sake, and the much needed preparation that had to be attended to. Aizawa noticed the way {Name} was shuffling around uncomfortably, without even realizing he had let out a low growl that made Aizawa tremble, he bit his lip, his body reacted in such a way knowing what to expect. Aizawa could see how constrained his alpha was feeling with the clothes, and hooked his fingers in the waistline of {Name's} pants before sliding them down. Thankfully it was the only piece of clothing that needed removing. Aizawa could practically hear the sigh of relief {Name} let out.
Aizawa was easily flustered when {Name} caught him staring, the way he cocked his head seemed to silently ask if Aizawa was enjoying the view. “Don’t you want to comfort me baby?” {Name} cooed, wanting to beckon Aizawa to come closer. Aizawa was a little flustered and decided to keep a stoic expression, he pulled his pants off. Leaving his sweater on to help with not feeling so exposed to {Name}. Aizawa moved and settled between {Name's} legs, he grabbed the bottle of lube and poured some of his hands, specifically focusing on his fingers, {Name} grinned at being a witness to such an alluring sight. Aizawa shifted trying to find an accommodating position for himself and for {Name}, making sure he was relatively comfortable before pushing a finger in, Aizawa bit back a moan. It was a bit nerve wracking to do this under {Name’s} intent gaze but it was either he did this himself or go in with no preparation which was not the ideal solution. Aizawa rested his free hand on {Name's} hip, he could hear his labored breathing. Aizawa littered his thighs and hips with soft suckling and kisses, he edged closer to {Name's} cock. “You must be feeling very brave to tease me right now baby" {Name} huffed out, his head titled back, eyes closed and hands clenched into fists while keeping himself in check. Aizawa's hand firmly gripped {Name's} cock, giving a few strokes before taking his cock into his mouth, {Name} hissed as he felt Aizawa’s warm mouth envelope him. “Ah, baby… just like that…” {Name} moaned between his words enjoying the feeling of Aizawa's tongue dragging along his length before taking as much as he could into his mouth. The impatience he felt before was melting away with every movement of Aizawa's hand and mouth in perfect tandem. {Name} looked down at the sight of his omega, hand between his legs while trying to ready himself, just seeing Aizawa looking up at him with such an expression riled {Name} up more than he would want to admit. Aizawa carefully inched another slicked finger into himself, working a slightly faster rhythm and moaning a bit.
The vibrations from his grunts and moans were stimulating {Name}. Aizawa eagerly watched every expression and reaction {Name} gave him. If anything, Aizawa felt a stroke of pride knowing he just reduced his alpha into a moaning mess with no more than his mouth. Aizawa concealed that proud little smirk, setting his hand on {Name's} hip and sucked harder, taking more into his mouth. Greedily aching for more, {Name} began thrusting up into Aizawa's mouth just wanting more. Aizawa tightened his grip on his alphas hip trying to calm him from the rough and demanding thrusts.
{Name} was usually very attentive to getting Aizawa prepared, although this was not the case during his rut. It would be left to Aizawa because his alpha did not have the patience nor the self control to be that close to his omega; eliciting all those adorable and beautiful reactions would be far too much for {Name}. Especially when his brain was corroded by lust and rut. Aizawa sat up, pulling a bit away from {Name}, his hands shakily opened the condom and slipped it onto his alpha. {Name} had mumbled his discontent of having to wear a condom when all he wanted to do was breed his precious omega. Aizawa carefully straddled {Name}, one hand on his chest to help keep balance while the other assisted him in holding {Name's} cock, lining it up and slowly sinking down. Aizawa's breath hitched as he felt it inching in further, deeper in this position that he had intended and tried to distract himself by fixating on the pleasurable expression {Name} had. Aizawa hadn’t even realized that he was holding his breath while trying to adjust to the stretching and full feeling in him. “You have to breathe…” {Name} sighed out, waiting for the moment he heard Aizawa exhale that held breath in the form of a contained moan. Taking the opportunity he leaned in and placed a kiss to Aizawa's lips, a kiss that demanded more. Aizawa slowly moved his hips, trying to get used to the feeling and establish a rhythm. His head fell forward and rested on {Name's} chest, every rush of pleasure coursed through his body and made him feel as if he was losing strength. Aizawa's moan fell, getting louder despite his futile attempts to keep his voice down. “Shota…baby… please you have to move faster” {Name} growled out, a certain degree of commanding was present but ultimately betrayed by the desperation that laced his voice.
{Name’s} patience finally reached its breaking point, he thrust up into Aizawa. “W-wait!” Aizawa exclaimed, trying to slow {Name} down, his pleas fell onto deaf ears as {Name} continued to thrust at his own pace. Hitting a particular sensitive spot in Aizawa that made his tremble and his mind go blank with every thrust that sent that pleasure skyrocketing through him. The vague and familiar warmth that circulated and coiled in Aizawa's stomach was fast approaching, he tensed, his hands finding their way to {Name's} shoulders. His vision turned white as the pleasure resounded through his body as he came. {Name's} pace did not relent, his hips moved harder, Aizawa tried to protest but could not muster any words beyond his moans and whines as he was steadily being driven into overstimulation.
{Name} tugged and pulled against his restraints, finally slipping free before pinning Aizawa beneath him. {Name} hastily kissed Aizawa in a flurried and starving manner, his kisses lined Aizawa's jaw, down to his neck before sinking his teeth into his neck. {Name} soothed the bites with soft kisses, he left Aizawa littered with his marks. Hooking his hands under Aizawa's thighs, {Name} forced his omega into a mating press and thrust at his own hard pace. His mind was completely focused on wanting to breed his omega, omitting the fact that he had been wearing a condom. However, {Name's} brain was caught in a singular line of thought right now, he growled and pressed deeper, watching Aizawa tense and whine underneath him was such a pleasing sight. {Name} chuckled, feeling the delectable way Aizawa tightened around him “You gonna cum for me again?” {Name} huffed out, kissing Aizawa gently in contrast to his rough pace. {Name} uttered a mix of praise and profanity unable to make sense of his own words, his pace slowed, the thrusts were hard and deep. {Name} stilled, his body forced to freeze with the pleasure of his climax before settling into Aizawa to try catch his breath. “So good for me baby…” {Name} purred softly, pressing a soft kiss to Aizawa's forehead. {Name} pulled his cock out, moving Aizawa into a different position before nipping at his ear. “I hope you’re still good to go baby, I haven’t settled just yet.”
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