#allowed to buy it but its still nice. my sisters gonna have her car soon so we can finally go find some cheap thrift stores soon
oh i didnt mention b4 but i work at a thrift store now which is cool
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not-using-this1 · 3 years
Helping Bela dye her hair
I made a (crappy) Bela Dimitrescu oneshot because she’s bae and I’m in love with her :) 
I had this headcanon that because Bela, Cassandra & Daniela obviously all had brunette hair in the picture of the castle demo they’ve dyed it (or something else happened but oh well) since then.
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Bela got sick of having the same hair colour as her sister Cassandra (brunette) she wanted her own style...to which she asks you (her girlfriend) to help her with along with Daniela to dye hers ginger...with a mix of blood in it.
Yes I made it so Bela and Daniela could go out in the daylight (I prentended those jewels on their chokers protect them lmao)
Pairings: Bela Dimitrescu x fem!reader 
You welcomed yourself into castle Dimitrescu as usual and wuld of hoped that your girlfriend Bela would be there in the main hall sat on the sofa waiting. But, she wasn't which made you think she was either going to jump out at you for fun. "Bela I know you're hiding." You shout as it echoes through the main hall.
You hear a laugh, and just like that she appears in front of you. You expected blood to be around her mouth from feeding (since shes a vampire) she wasn't even wearing her usual outfit, rather she was wearing a corset top and black jeans but with her usual choker with the red jewel placed inside it. "What? You didn't think I'd clean up for my own girlfriend?" Bela chuckles.
"No, it's not that it just looks like your going somehwere" you add. She gives you a small smirk and presses a kiss to your lips "I want to dye my hair blonde, so I thought I'd go out to get some".
You weren't surprised she wanted to change her hair but blonde? You thought she would go for something darker "and where would you get it in the village? If you asked me I would've happily gone to buy you some from the store in the town I go to" you replied.
Bela shrugged her shoulders at you "Well I just made the decision now, do you think we could drive there? I know it's daylight but I'm not exactly gonna burn, the jewel in my choker doesn't allow that" You nodded your head at your girlfriend and agreed.
"Yes! Okay lets go!" She seemed so enthusiastic and to be honest those moments of her like that are rare; Bela had always struggled with her emotions to the point people think she hasn't gotten any...but you know that isn't true.
The good thing was that it wasn't morning or even the afternoon, it was rather that the sun was setting and besides the store would be open still anyway. Bela had grabbed your hand, pulling you to the large castle doors.
"Hi Y/n, Bela where are you going?" Daniela popped up out of nowhere which made you jump slightly. She chuckled at your small action as se confronted you and her sister. When you first met Daniela she was closed off anf very quiet half the time but now, the two of you actually get along very well. "I want to dye my hair blonde, y/n is taking me to the store to get some dye" Bela explained, she just wanted to hurry up and go.
"Oh cool! Can I come? I've wanted to dye my hair red...but with a twist. If you guys get me blonde hair dye and I mix it with blood-"
Bela and you laughed at her but Daniela seemed very serious "Why don't you just buy red dye? Problem solved Whats with the blood being added?" You asked her. "Uhh because it's more fun that way?" She shrugged her shoulders.
Honestly, you stopped questioning Daniela a while ago. You looked at Bela as if to ask for approval to bring Daniela. She rolled her eyes at you and sighed "Ugh fine you can come".
During the car ride, you had played some music which Daniela and Bela kept belting out. You honestly loved that they were just so normal in these situations even if they're not normal whatsoever.
You were just happy you could show Bela what its like to have fun outside of the other...activities she does (aka being a vampire). As you stopped the car in the store, Daniela wasted no time in getting out of the car to go into the store so much that you and Bela had to stop her.
"Dani, stay here and look after the car. We'll be back and maybe get you a treat" Bela adds to which Daniela sighs and stomps her foot a little before getting back in the back seat "More blood?" she cheekily questions.
"No, Dani. We'll be back soon." You add.
For the most part the reason you left her in the car was because she was wearing what she usually does. Of course you wouldn't mind her walking around with the both of you if only she didn't have blood stains on it.
Bela offered you her hand and the two of you just walked hand in hand to the store. Going over to the part of the store that has beauty and hair products. Bela looked quite overwhelmed that and the fact she had never really been out of her village much at all or to a large store like this. Of course she knew of these things though, she knew what every item was...shes been alive for centuries and has adapted well to changes.
"There's the blonde you'd probably look best in" you pointed her into the direction of dirty but light blonde box dye, she already had a platinum blonde one in her hand but she grabbed the other and put them beside her.
"Which one babe?" she asked you, as if you were some sort of expert on these things. Yeah, you've dyed your hair many times it's currently h/c (your hair colour) which you loved. "Since you have a pale complection I'd go for the light dirty blonde, you'd look so hot" those last words slipped out of you but Bela smirked. Putting back te platinum blonde dye "Daniela can have the same then" she adds.
As you were walking to another aisle as you wanted something for yourself, Bela had grabbed your hand because this guy kept ogling you just because you were wearing a skirt, fishnet tights and a casual t-shirt.
Of course your girlfriend was going to get possessive, she had practically pulled you into her and kissed you in front of everyone who was down that aisle...but you didn't mind one bit and kissed her back.
"He was eyeing you up and down, ugh men disgust me." Bela replies. You wanted to make a joke about her saying that even though she was bisexual but you left it and agreed. After paying for everything you both headed back to the car which all you could hear was rock music from.
"Oh god whats she doing" you laugh.
"Daniela! Daniela!" Bela shouts as the two of you get back in your car, you turn the music down and Daniela gives you an unamused look.
After a small argument between Bela and her sister Daniela about whose bathroom they'd do it in you settled the argument by saying that they should just use the bathroom down in the main hall. Daniela had collected the blood and mixed it in with the blonde and it turned an actual nice red, so you decided to help her first.
"Daniela, you need to stay still, it'll go everywhere if you don't" you explained. "The blood is already everywhere on the damn floor mother is going to kill us. Not to mention my girlfriend clearly likes spending time with my sisters more than me" Bela pouted, you rolled your eyes at her and plafully punched her arm a little "you get me all to yourself tonight, now help."
During this entire commotion Cassandra had came back up from the cellar and decided to help you, while you helped Bela with her dye Cassandra washed off Daniela's in the tub with the shower after it set for a good hour.
When everything was finally done both Bela and Daniela had new hair but the bathroom...oh that was an absolute tip. You were sure one of the maids would come clean it up...but then.
"Girls I'm home." Alcina shouts as she walks through the doors, she spots you and igves you a small smile "hello Y/n" she greets.
"mother" all three girls say from the bathroom she walks over to them with the biggest shock on her face "Bela, Daniela what did you do?" she didn't sound very pleased.
"We dyed our hair, Y/n took us to a store, so it was really her-" Bela slapped her sisters arm really hard to cut her off from her sentence "it wasn't Y/n's fault mother" She then finishes.
Alcina sighs "no it wasn't Y/n's fault but you are all going to clean this up right now."
"But mother the maids-"
"Now! You too Cassandra, also Y/n" she adds before leaving to her room.
"Great, fantastic" you all say in unison.
Help this was terrible, why did I write this ughhh :(
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chaoticpuff17 · 3 years
Suga We’re Going Down
part 5
alright my darlings! here it is, and its a long one! and I have some links for you today! you can visit the National Palace Museum here! The website allows you to virtually explore this beautiful museum! as well as a link to the song she plays later in the chapter here. Enjoy, my darlings!--- chaotic puff
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Everything was better when she was with Eun Jae. Her little guy was her favorite person in the world. Halmeoni was confused as to why she was spending a Monday night at the house, but she allowed it without too many questions. It was one of the things that Y/N loved the most about the old woman. She knew when to push, and when to let things lie. Halmeoni knew that she was knew that Y/N would talk to her when she was ready, and Eun Jae was happy to have his mother there with him.
He was a sweet kid. He really was, and there was nothing she loved more than cuddling up with him, but their little bubble had to burst eventually. The next day came too quickly for her, and much to her horror, Jackson was waiting for her outside when she and Eun Jae left the house both with their backpacks on.
“Miss Kang.” He greeted smile bright on his face until he caught sight of the toddler hanging onto her hand. His expression dropped into one of shock before a softer smile crept across his features. “Hi, buddy.” He greeted bowing slightly to the toddler who immediately hid behind his mother’s leg. Jackson was unphased though. “My name is Jackson. What’s yours?”
Eun Jae looked up at her as if asking for confirmation that it was okay to interact with this stranger. She nodded giving him a soft smile of her own as she gently pushed him forward. “Go on.” She encouraged not wanting to be rude. It was important to her that Eun Jae grew up with good manners. She did not want him to end up like his parents or her parents for that matter.
“I’m Eun Jae.” The toddler muttered ducking his head quickly before burying his face in her leg again.
“It’s very nice to meet you, Eun Jae.” Jackson stood up rubbing his neck as he glanced back at the car. “We’re going to need to get a car seat installed.”
Y/N froze. “You’re not going to have to tell Mr. Min about this, are you?”
Jackson’s brow furrowed in confusion. “Mr. Min doesn’t know?” She shook her head. “I don’t…”
She glanced down at Eun Jae making sure he was distracted before she started speaking to Jackson her voice low and rushed. “He’s my sister’s kid. She walked out, so he’s mine now. Mr. Min doesn’t need to know about him. My family doesn’t affect him.”
Jackson nodded in understanding. Family was family. Business was business. He could respect her wish to keep her family out of it, and the fierce spark in her eye was enough to convince him that he didn’t want to mess with her when it came to her family.
“I won’t lie to him, but I won’t tell him either.” He promised. “Do you have a car seat we can use for now?” She shook her head no. “Okay…” He thought for a moment. “We could….”
“I’m not taking him in that car without a car seat.” She snapped seeing the direction his thoughts were going. “We’ll take the bus like we normally do, and if you really want to drive us, you can come pick us up, with a car seat, at the end of the day.” She nodded giving him a firm glare before she smile turning back to the toddler. “Let’s go to the bus stop, buddy. Say bye-bye to, Mr. Wang.”
Eun Jae unburied his head from her leg and waved goodbye shyly.
“Bye, Eun Jae.” Jackson waved with a smile of his own as Y/N led the little one away a little more quickly than she would have normally.
She just wanted everything to go back to normal, but it was too late for that now. She’d already signed the deal, and everything else would have to wait until they were back on their feet and far away enough from financial ruin that there was no need for her to be signed away to Min Yoongi. But that was a long way off as of yet. For now, she’d focus on Eun Jae and classes. There was no use worrying over things she couldn’t change.
She dropped Eun Jae off at his preschool and then made her way to her own school. She’d see him later. She’d promised Halmeoni that she would drop him back off, as she had a doctor’s appointment today and couldn’t pick him up herself, and neither of them trusted her father to get him from school. If they did that, Eun Jae would never get picked up, and they would receive a very angry phone call from the preschool wondering why no one had come for Eun Jae.
Thankfully the day passed much as it always did up until her classes were over, and then there was Jackson waiting for her with that damned car.
Despite her sour look, he met her with a smile.
“I got the car seat!” He announced proudly as he opened the door to the backseat for her.
“I can see that.” She sighed as she slipped inside. “It’s a bit early to pick up Eun Jae yet.” She informed him. “I usually go home after class, but Halmeoni can’t pick him up today.” She explained.
“Well, what would you like to do in the mean time?” He asked as they pulled away from her university. She was silent thinking it over, and Jackson was suddenly struck by how young she was. She looked a little lost sitting there in the back of a car that was much too large for just one person. “Perhaps, we could go to spoil you for a moment.” He suggested.
“What do you mean?” She asked staring at him in the rear view mirror.
“Well, you have to go meet Mr. Min eventually, and he would want you to treat yourself.” He shrugged. “Get your hair done, your nails. Go buy yourself something nice. It’s on his dime.”
Her eyes widened in shock. “I really don’t think…?”
“You’re Agust D’s girl now. You have to look like Agust D’s girl. And you never know when he’s gonna call for your first date. Don’t worry. He’ll pay for it.”
She hadn’t thought about that. Technically, Yoongi was responsible for her clothing budget, but would it be added onto her payment like a reimbursement or did it only cover the things he wanted her to wear? But then again, Jackson said it was covered, and he’d been so nice. Maybe it would be okay to do something for herself. She was meant to look a certain way, she supposed.
“So what’s it gonna be, chickadee?” He asked flashing her a smile in the mirror.
“Nails maybe?” She fidgeted uncomfortably not knowing what to do. It felt odd to have access to someone else’s bank account.
“Nails it is.” Jackson nodded driving them off in the direction of the nearest nail salon.
As weird as it all was, she had to admit it was nice to get her nails done. She never had them done before, not professionally at least, and this was better than anything she’d ever been able to do on herself. She was musically inclined, not artistically, but there was still a feeling of guilt, of spending money on herself when her family needed the money far more than she needed a manicure. Her nails were never long anyway. Musicians didn’t normally keep long nails. It was odd to see them painted so prettily.
Staring down at her nails she had to wonder if this was going to be her life now. Would she have to look all put together all the time? Would she be constantly worrying that Yoongi would find out about Eun Jae? She didn’t want to be constantly worrying. She knew worry. She already had too much to worry about, and worry was exhausting. She couldn’t afford to be any more exhausted than she already was. There was too much to do these days.
She glanced down at her phone wondering when her first summons would come in. He had promised she’d be seeing him soon, but when was soon? Did they start having their meetings this week or next week? Either way she was expected to meet with him at least three times a week, not counting extra meetings he could ask for. Those at least she could refuse so long as she had a good reason, but she was smart. She was sure she could get out of a good majority of the extra meetings so long as Yoongi didn’t catch onto her dodging him.
She knew she wouldn’t be able to avoid all extra meetings, but she could dodge some of them. She’d have to. She needed time with Eun Jae, and she knew that weekends would be hard to balance between Yongi and Eun Jae especially when she hadn’t told Yoongi about Eun Jae’s existence.  They were the two men in her life even if Yoongi’s stay was only temporary. That did not make him any less a part of her life though. For now, at least, he was quite a major part of her life, and she’d have to treat him as such.
“Where to now, miss?” Jackson asked pulling her out of her thoughts.
“The preschool.” She gave him the address with a strained smile as she began to wonder how she was going to balance everything out. She had other jobs. She had school. She had Eun Jae. She knew this was the best way to settle their debts, but what had she been thinking when she’d agreed to this? How was she ever going to make this work?
Jackson took her home after they dropped off Eun Jae with Halmeoni. She rather unfortunately had a date to prepare for. She’d gotten the text while she’d been signing Eun Jae out of preschool. It was short, precise, a simple message saying for her to be ready by seven o’clock and the promise that appropriate attire would be delivered to her home. Other than that and a promise from Jackson Yoongi and his driver would pick her up later, she knew nothing.
When she arrived home, she was met with a package on her doorstep. She had to give it to him, he was nothing if not efficient. There was still hours before she expected him, but it at least gave her time to get ready even if he hadn’t told her where they were going.
The box contained a modernized hanbok. The top was done in layers. The first was white, and undershirt. The second was in a lovely shade of purple that trailed down towards her knees, and the last layer was a black jacket type piece. There was a black pair of pants to match, and a thick traditional style belt to tie everything together. There was also a pair of ankle boots which to her immense relief looked comfortable. The heel was thick and not too high. She could actually walk in them. Anything too tall or with a stiletto was always a bit of a challenge for her. The next thing she picked out where the two smaller boxes that contained her jewelry for the evening. One was a pair of lovely earrings, the other was a hair pin. It was a lovely piece with the main part crafted too look like a branch while the decorative piece at the end was fashioned into tiny silver leaves and little off shooting branches that surrounded a smooth round piece of jade with a silver stripe slashed through the middle. It reminded her of the moon.
There was one final thing in the box that caused her to laugh in disbelief. There sitting in the bottom of the box was something she had skipped over when she was looking at the hanbok and the shoes and jewelry, but there sitting at the bottom of the box, was a coat. It was a long thick wool coat that would hang down to her mid-calf. At the very bottom of the box, underneath the coat there was a note written in short quick strokes. The letters scrunched together slightly. It was the handwriting of someone who was used to writing in a hurry.
Because you won’t wear mine.
She had to laugh at that. He was respecting her wish not to wear his coat while at the same time taking care of his worry over her own coat. It was as sneaky as it was caring, and even she had to admit that it was a better coat than the one she had. It was warmer and better quality. And she very begrudgingly had to admit that she loved the entire outfit especially the coat.
She passed the first few hours till her date on homework. She had to get it done at some point after all. Even if she was a sugar baby now, school came first. School what was going to help in the long run, not Yoongi, but that didn’t mean she detested lesson planning any less. It was a necessary evil even if it left her wondering for the thousandth time why she had chosen to go into education.
Homework could only keep her occupied for so long though. Eventually, she had to get ready. It was simple enough. All she had to do was throw on the provided outfit, slap on some makeup, and pull her hair up into a bun sticking the hair pin through it, but then she was left to twiddle her thumbs as the minutes ticked by until Yoongi’s arrival.
In hindsight, she had begun getting ready too early. Now she had all this time on her hands to sit and think about what she was about to do. She had always been a worrier, and years of experience had taught her it wasn’t good to sit with her thoughts when she was nervous. The pent up nervous energy had her pacing the floor as she revisited the urge to tear her hair out from the roots. She hated that feeling, the feeling that your stomach is trying to crawl out of your throat. Worse than that, she felt as though she was going to crawl out of her own skin. She was buzzing with nerves.
Part of her couldn’t wait for Yoongi to arrive just to get this first date over with, but another more prominent part of her hoped that he would never arrive. But it was too late for thoughts like that, wasn’t it? She’d already signed the contract, and she was bound to it for a year. She could survive a year. It wasn’t like Yoongi was a creepy old man. He was young and handsome too. He was even kind, from what she had seen at least, and yet something just wasn’t right. He made her just the tiniest bit uneasy, and she couldn’t place her finger on why.
There was nothing about Yoongi that should have made her uneasy. He had been nothing but kind to her so far, but that didn’t stop that spark of unease telling her something was not quite right. She was determined to brush it off as nerves though. It had to be nerves just jumping to the worst case scenario as her mind was prone to do. She could blame that lovely habit on her wonderful parents. They hadn’t been a shining example of a good life. Something was always wrong when it came to them, and they’d taught her to expect the worst. It was almost a relief really that her mother was gone. She didn’t show up often, but when she did, she always brought trouble with her, and they really couldn’t afford any more trouble at the moment.
There was a knock on her door that pulled her out of her thoughts with a jump. That had to be him. With a deep steadying breath she got up and made her way to the door making sure to pull the coat closed around her before she did. There was nothing revealing about the outfit that he’d picked out, but she still felt exposed, but that had to be nerves as well. He made her nervous in a way that was completely different than the unease he gave her.
It was his eyes. Those eyes seemed to see straight through her without ever revealing anything about himself. They were almost catlike. He reminded her of a stray that used to hang outside of the restaurant. He was an old ornery creature, scruffed up from one too many fights with the other cats, but he had those same eyes. He’d stare at you as though he knew everything about you, and as a child, Y/N really believed it. She had been convinced that the cat knew all the secrets of the universe. Halmeoni had done nothing to dispel that belief either. She’d treated that scruffy old tomcat as though he was a prince. She’d told her that cats were bad luck, and that the old tomcat was a bad spirit. She kept the animal fed and watered as a way to appease the bad spirit. Now as an adult, Y/N wasn’t so sure that the cat hadn’t been a bad spirit. Her family certainly hadn’t had much good luck over the years, but it also wasn’t as bad as it could be.
Yoongi was like that cat. He, or at the very least the situation, was bad, but it wasn’t as bad as it could be.  She doubted though that Yoongi was a bad spirit come to torment her family. He was honestly the best luck they had had in a while even if it wasn’t in an ideal way.
She opened the door with a smile and was met with Yoongi standing there waiting for her with his hands tucked into his coat pockets.
“Hi.” She murmured shuffling her feet awkwardly.
“Hi.” He murmured back offering her his arm with a small almost imperceptible smile of his own. “Let’s go.”
“Lead the way.”
She took Yoongi’s arm and let him lead her towards the elevator. “I see you got the coat.”
“I did.” She agreed suppressing an awkward smile not sure what to say or do with herself. “It’s very nice, thank you.”
“Well, you didn’t seem to want mine.”
“Oh!” She groaned before looking at him apologetically. “I completely forgot to give that back to you. I can run back up…”
“It’s fine.” He interrupted his lips quirking up a little bit on edges. “You should keep it.”
“It’s really fine!” She rushed. “I can just take the elevator back up. It’ll only take a minute.”
“Keep it.” He insisted his first actual smile of the evening stretching across his lips. “It looked good on you.”
He found the stunned expression on her face cute. Everything about her was cute, especially the blush that heated up her cheeks as she averted her eyes. She was just so innocent. How could anyone not like her? How could all those people in her life leave her in the mess that was her life? How could her family have put her in this position to begin with? On the one hand he was grateful that they had. It meant that he got her. But on the other hand, he was just so angry on her behalf. She was too sweet to for her family. They didn’t deserve her, sweet soul that she was.
“So, where are we going?” She asked as they walked out to the car.
“It’s a surprise.”
The drive wasn’t terribly long, but it was quiet. Neither she nor Yoongi were much for small talk. He didn’t seem the kind for small talk, and the jitters had left her grasping at straws for something to say. Coming up empty, she settled on silence. It was mercifully not an awkward silence though. She kept her attention on the city going by outside the window, and Yoongi, unbeknownst to her, kept his attention on her until they reached their destination.
“The museum?” She asked as Yoongi helped her out of the car. “It closes at six doesn’t it?” She turned to him in confusion, tugging her coat tighter around herself to ward of the evening chill.
“I rented it.” He shrugged wrapping an arm around her waist as he saw her shiver. He couldn’t do much for her until they got inside, but he could offer her what little body heat he could with a simple gesture.
“You rented the National Palace Museum?” She asked staring at him with wide eyes as he steered them towards the steps leading up to the entrance.
“Just like that?” “Just like that.” He nodded leading her up the stairs. “I need to do some research for an upcoming mv. Thought it would be more fun with company.”
“So you rented the museum?”
The concept was mind boggling for her. Who rented a museum? She knew he was famous, but couldn’t he go to the museum like a normal person? Plenty of celebrities went out. A hat and a face mask worked well as a disguise, and no one would be expecting Agust d at the National Palace Museum. It didn’t exactly fit his image. The big tough rapper going to the museum? She didn’t think so. His fans wouldn’t exactly be looking for him there.
“Seemed like a nice date, and you don’t seem like the kind of girl who goes to clubs.” He shrugged again as the climbed the steps.
She bristled at that. “I go where you want me to go.” She sniffed straightening her spine. She knew she shouldn’t be offended. She wasn’t the kind of girl that went to clubs, but she was bristling anyway.
“I didn’t mean it badly.” He chuckled looking down at her fondly. “But this seemed like a better option, and I’d appreciate the company.”
She sighed forcing herself to relax as they reached the top of the stairs. “So what kind of mv are you making that needs research at the National Palace Museum?”
“It’s for a track called Daechwita. I wanted a historical vibe for it.”
“Daechwita is a traditional type of music.” She nodded understandingly. “Military march or royal procession type of vibe?” She asked as Yoongi helped her out of her coat once they got inside.
“Bit of both.” His eyes widened slightly as he took in the sight of her in the outfit he had picked out for her. It looked better than he had imagined it would.
The layers of the hanbok draped around her elegantly while the colors complimented her skin and hair wonderfully. It wasn’t sexy per say, but it was extremely hot to see her in something he had bought for her. His mind was already whirring with the possibility of all the things he could fill their wardrobe with. He planned on spoiling her rotten.
He liked seeing her hair pulled up as well. It exposed the length of her neck to him. He couldn’t wait to mark up that neck. She’d look so good covered in his marks, but she wasn’t ready for that yet, but soon.
“Then we’d better start researching.” She smiled eyes sparkling with excitement as Yoongi shed his own coat.
She couldn’t lie. She really did prefer the museum to the club, and the idea of being able to wander the museum after hours with no one else around was too exciting to pass up.
Yoongi grinned following after her as she wandered off into the first exhibition room.
He didn’t have to follow for long though as he found her just past the doors examining the first of the exhibits, a painted screen and a throne.
“Joseon Dynasty.” She said her arms folded comfortably around her. “The museum focuses mostly on the Joseon Dynasty. This screen, well the scene on the screen there are two more upstairs, traditionally sat behind the throne of the king.” She explained her eyes glued to the painted silk in front of them.
“It’s not a very intimidating throne.” He commented stepping up next to her. “Doesn’t look comfortable either.”
“Well, if you were king, you could make your throne look however you wanted.” She shrugged. “There’s been more than one throne, but the screen is traditional.”
“Why?” He asked wanting to hear her talk more. She was relaxed for once. She was never relaxed with him, and he didn’t want it to end. It was also cute to him how she seemed to know so much about the exhibit. She’d probably been before, but she was looking at the exhibit as though it was the first time.
“It represents harmony and balance. See how everything is symmetrical, fitting of the perfection of the king?” She motioned towards the screen drawing his attention from her and back to the exhibit. “Everything in it is long lasting, the mountains, the trees, the waterfalls. It’s supposed to represent the benevolence of the royals.”
“Even if the royal wasn’t benevolent?”
“Even if they weren’t benevolent.” She agreed.
“I’d pick a more comfortable throne.” He mused eyeing the wooden seat.
“Well, it’s not for lounging on.” She laughed looking at him with a bright smile.
“It could be.”
“Lazy king. Lounging on his throne instead of ruling.”
“Maybe he was a tyrant.”
“Maybe.” She agreed. “But look how beautiful it is. The detail that went into it.”
“It’s beautiful.” He agreed looking at the golden creatures drawn all over the panels of the throne, visions for his mv already taking hold in his head. “Why the screen though?”
She shrugged. “Screens normally sat behind the seats of the powerful. You see them in every historical drama. Sometimes more than one. Royalty needs to hold a sense of divinity and majesty. Everything from the clothes to the jewelry to the throne needed to display that.” She explained her tone soft, respectful.  “It’s why the throne was always on a dais and why the king and queen always had opulent robes.”  
“You know a lot about history.”
She startled a little blushing sheepishly. “It was always my favorite subject in school.”
He hummed nodding his head as he turned his attention back to the throne. “So the king should definitely have a screen.”
She nodded gently. “And lots of things in gold.”
He held out a hand to her, palm up. “Shall we?”
She eyed his hand for a moment, trying to decide if she wanted to take his hand or not. It was such a simple thing, holding someone’s hand, but it was such an intimate thing as well. Friendship, romance, comfort. Those were all things that could be conveyed in the simple act of holding another person’s hand. She’d have to do things that were much more intimate in this arrangement though, so she placed her hand delicately in his allowing his much larger hand to envelop hers as he led her to her next exhibit.
It was a case full of seals, all shaped like turtles. Each seal had a corresponding piece of paper stamped in red ink to show what the seal looked like when it was stamped.
“Why are they all turtles?” Yoongi asked staring down at the seals.
“Because they’re like dragons.” It was his turn to stare at her incredulously. Turtles like dragons?  
“How is a turtle like a dragon?”
“They rule over all the bugs, and they live a long time, longer than anything else around them usually, like a dragon.” She explained smiling softly. “And turtles are cute.” She added on her smile stretching into a grin her nose scrunching up in a way that Yoongi found absolutely adorable.
“I still don’t think turtles are like dragons.” He shook his head repressing a grin of his own. It was so good to see her smiling though, not nervous smiles real happy smiles.
“Agree to disagree.”  She shrugged before tugging on his hand leading him further into the exhibit. “That seal across from us is King Taejo’s seal.” She explained pointing across the room. “It’s why it gets its own case.”
“How do you know so much about all this?” He asked as they moved further into the exhibit.
“My grandfather was a history teacher.” She explained her smile dimming becoming softer, sadder. “He used to take me here when I was little.” He hummed in understanding waiting for her to continue. “He died when I was seven, but I’ve always loved history because of him, and he loved this place.”
“I’m sorry for your loss.”
“He was a great man.” She hummed tilting her head as she thought. She shook her head slightly before a bright smile lit up her features, bright but a little strained. “Come on. There’s a lot more to see.”
And that’s how they went through the museum. Yoongi kept her hand safely tucked around hers. She pointed out her favorite exhibits, laughing about how uncomfortable the royal women’s palanquin looked compared to the king’s, and Yoongi hung off her every word, attentively taking note of the things that he could incorporate into his music video. He found her knowledge of the museum and its artifacts endearing. Her eyes would light up when she showed him her favorite exhibits. She’d been so tense and hesitant when she’d first taken his hand, but now every time they slipped apart for even a moment, she didn’t even flinch when they rejoined their hands. She had even been the one to grab his hand at one point, and Yoongi was practically beaming.
He had wanted something more secluded and easy for their first date, but he had never expected it to go as well as it had. The museum, the dinner for two he had set up for them on the second floor, it was all more perfect than he could ever imagine. She was perfect. He never wanted her to stop smiling. He loved that smile of hers. Just from this one night he had a million ideas, songs he wanted to write for her, places he wanted to take her. She liked hanok houses? He would buy her one. He’d buy her a piano and a cello too, the nicest cello he could find to fill the house with music. He’d buy her anything she wanted so long as she kept smiling at him like that.
It wasn’t nearly as bad as she expected either. Y/N actually found herself having a good time. Yoongi wasn’t so intimidating after all. She still had a lingering sense of unease at the back of her head, but it was easier to ignore now. Even if the intimate nature of the outing was a little too close to a date for her liking, she could actually see herself getting through the year now. It wasn’t going to be so bad. It helped that he was a gentleman. He pulled out her chair, helped her with her coat, opened doors, all those things that gentlemen are supposed to do. The happy atmosphere of the evening came crashing down though when Yoongi drove her home, but it wasn’t her home.
All the nerves came back with a fury. She was inexperienced, but she wasn’t naïve. She knew what was expected in their arrangement, but she that didn’t mean that she wasn’t horribly nervous. Yoongi could see it too. He watched all the color drain from her face as they pulled up to his building, but he squeezed her hand reassuringly as he led her into the building dismissing his driver for the night.
“It’s okay.” He assured her gently ushering her into the building as the escape route drove away leaving her stranded with Yoongi.
She nodded nervously, looking back at the entrance as though the car would magically appear to take her back to her own home.
Okay. Everything was okay. That was what she kept telling herself over and over again. It had to be okay, but she couldn’t stop the way her hands were trembling, and she was sure that Yoongi could feel it. Her hand was still enveloped by his own. She knew he’d noticed. He squeezed her hand reassuringly as he took her up to his penthouse apartment.
She had to admit that his home was beautiful, but it was too large for just one person. The apartment was done in shades of warm gray, and even though it was large, it still had the appearance of being lived in. Shoes were scattered by the door not having made it into the shoe rack. He flung their coats haphazardly across the table in the entryway before giving her a pair of guest slippers to wear. There was a coffee cup left out on the coffee table, and sheet music spread over the piano nestled in the corner of the living room.
It was the piano that drew her in. It was a gorgeous instrument. Coming closer she realized that a lot of the sheet music spread across the instrument was hand written.
“Did you write these?” She asked turning back to look at him where he stood a few feet away.
“Yeah.” He nodded moving forward a little.
“For the same album that the new mv is going to?” She asked picking up a few of the papers to look over the notes scribbled down in the same scrunched up scrawl that the note from the box had been in.
“Some of them.” He nodded coming up next to her to look at the particular song she was holding. “That one is for something else though.”
“What is it for?” She asked looking over to him.
“Not sure yet.” He shrugged.
“Can I try?” She asked tilting her head towards the piano, and a gummy grin spread across the man’s face.
She took a seat at the bench as Yoongi helped her arrange the sheets properly. “You’re sure this is okay?” She asked her fingers hovering over the keys.
He nodded again, and she turned her attention to the music.
“What tempo?” She asked noticing the lack of instruction. But it was hand written, and that was to be expected.
“Andante at the beginning. It builds up to be allegro around here.” He pointed out a particular measure and she nodded in understanding before putting her fingers to the keys.
Hand written notes were always a little harder to read, but his hand writing was neat enough if not a little scrunched. Her fingers drifted across the keys filling the room with the sound of his music. Yoongi thought his heart would stop. Hearing her play his music, in his home, it was like a dream, and she was as beautiful of a pianist as she was a cellist.
Her fingers danced across the keys, her attention fully on the music. It was enchanting, and Yoongi knew he had made the right decision as he watched her play.
She filled him with the desire to compose as well as an intense urge to protect her. She was such a sweet soul, and he hated that she’d been driven to this even if it brought him her. He would protect her though. He would always protect her.
When she finished she folded her hands gently in her lap.
“You play beautifully.”
She laughed smiling up at him contentedly. “You compose beautifully.” She complimented before looking down with a blushed. “It’s late. I should head home.” She stood up skirting around the piano bench.
She froze looking at him like a deer caught in the headlights. “What?”
“Stay.” He repeated. “It’s late. Stay the night.”
He could see the panic setting in as her eyes darted across the room searching for an exit. “I really should…”
He huffed amused a smirk playing on his lips as he watched her. “No funny business. It was a busy day, and I’m tired. Stay.”
He watched as she debated her option her eyes flitting between him and the door. “I don’t…”
“I’d like you to stay, but you don’t have to.” He assured her slowly making his way towards her.
“Just sleep?” She asked her voice shaking slightly.
“Just sleep.”  
She waited a minute, debating her options before sighing. “Okay.”
part 6
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Small (A Halstead brothers + Halstead sister imagine)
Grab your snacks because this is a long one.
Warning: graphic depictions of violence.
Being short and able to fit into small spaces had its perks...but you didn't think it would come in handy in such a dire situation as this. Your mind wandered back to who knows how many hours ago, reminding you of how you got in the situation and what the current situation entailed. Needless to say, you were currently in hell.
"Sev? What are you doing here?" you asked as you opened the front door to reveal Kelly Severide holding a six-pack of beer.
"Heard your brother just worked a really tough case. He here?" Kelly asked.
"He's in the shower. Voight gave him the day off after the case yesterday. But, c'mon in."
You stepped out of the way and allowed Kelly to enter, and closed the door. You went back over to the kitchen where you were pouring yourself a bowl of cereal and a cup of coffee. After all, it was only nine in the morning.
"Want anything?" you asked Kelly.
"I'm good, thanks. But if you could put these in the fridge that'd be great."
"Only if I can have one," you joked, grabbing the beer and putting it on a shelf in the fridge.
"If your brother wasn't here, I probably would let you."
"Kelly?" Jay asked walking out of the bathroom in a pair of jeans, still without a shirt on as it was in his hand.
"My eyes!" you yelled, quickly covering them with your hand.
"Do you ever leave the bathroom with a shirt on? Or do you just put it on once you're out?" Kelly laughed.
"It's my house. I can do what I want."
"Well, put the damn shirt on. You're scarring the poor kid."
"Fine, fine, okay." He slipped the shirt over his head. "You're good now."
You uncovered your eyes and took a sip of your coffee. You were about to swallow when Jay decided it wasn't too early to mess with you. "Not like she hasn't seen dudes shirtless before. She really wants to see that one kid from her political science class shirtless."
"Excuse you?" you exclaimed after you had spit your coffee back into your mug, causing Kelly to look at you with a disgusted look on his face. "I do not!"
"You're not exactly quiet when you talk on the phone with Emma, Y/N," Jay smirked.
"You see this, Kelly? This is the shit I have to put up with every day."
Kelly decided to smack Jay upside the head. "Ow! What the hell was that for?"
"Be nice to your sister!" Kelly laughed. "Or else I'll tell her that I caught you and Hailey making out in your truck on my way out of Molly's the other night!"
"I knew it! I knew you guys were in love with each other! Kelly, I need you to put that statement in writing because Will now owes me fifty bucks."
"Wait, you guys made bets on my love life?" Jay asked, pouring himself a cup of coffee.
"So, he is in love with her!" Kelly yelled, giving you a high five.
"Okay, enough about me," Jay started, effectively putting an end to that conversation. "What are you even doing here?" he asked, turning to Kelly.
"I heard about your case last night and I figured you could use some company. I brought beer."
"Great. Once I finish my coffee, we can break into that. You catch the Bears game the other day?"
And, now that they were talking about the glorified game of catch that was football, you took that as your cue to leave.
A reminder popped up on your phone at 11 am sharp. Tell Jay that low oil light came on in car it read.
You walked out into the living room only to hear Kelly say, "I'm tellin' you man, girls love that shit."
You assumed that shit was some sex thing...so you didn't want to know in the slightest. You cleared your throat, and Jay turned to you with wide-eyes.
"Uh, Y/N, how much of that did you happen to hear?"
"All I heard was him saying girls love that shit. Thank God I didn't hear more. But, my low oil light came on, so can change it?"
"The light or the oil?" Jay asked, taking another sip of his beer.
You squinted your eyes at him. "The oil. I'm stupid when it comes to cars, but I'm not that stupid."
"I'll do it in an hour."
"I have a class at three."
Jay groaned. "Seriously? Why didn't you tell me earlier?"
"Because it just came on yesterday?" Jay raised an eyebrow. "Okay, fine it came on three days ago. But in my defense, you haven't been home during the day and it's hard to change the oil in the dark."
"I can do it in the dark," Kelly pointed out.
"I can do it in the dark," Jay mocked. "Of course you can, because you're a firefighter. I don't suppose you know how to fire a sniper do you?"
"Dude, I'm a firefighter, not a cop!"
"Listen, I don't care who changes it faster or who can do it in the dark. Jay, just please change my oil."
"Uh, fine," Jay groaned, standing up from the couch.
"No, I can do it," Kelly offered.
"You sure?" Jay asked.
"As long as you buy me lunch."
"I knew there was a catch. But, sure. Me and Y/N will go pick up lunch and we'll bring some to Will too and we'll be back before she has to leave for her class at three." He turned to you. "Sound good?"
"When have I ever passed up the opportunity for free food?"
"Never?" Jay guessed.
"Exactly," you answered, grabbing your car keys off the hook and tossing them to Kelly.
If you knew what was about to happen, you would have definitely stayed home.
"So, care to elaborate on you and Hailey?" you asked Jay as you were on your way to Chicago Med to drop off some food from Mama Garcia's to Will.
"If you give me that fifty bucks Will's gonna pay you, then I might just enlighten you."
"Nah, I'll just have Kelly tell me everything he knows instead. Or I can ask Ruzek--"
You were cut off by the sound of sirens behind you. "What the hell? I wasn't even speeding," Jay muttered.
"For once in your life," you shot back.
"Shut it."
Jay rolled the truck to a stop and you shot a look behind you. No one had gotten out of the car yet.
"They're probably just running my plates," Jay answered, seeing as you looked confused. "Some cops are weird and run 'em before they get out of the car. I made the mistake of doing that once when I was a rookie and the suspect fled."
"Oooh, did you get in trouble? I hope you got yelled at!"
Jay looked behind him at the cops who stepped out of the car. At first, he thought they might have been plain-clothed officers, but why would plain-clothed officers be driving a squad car? Then, he looked closer and it was as if he was transported back to four years ago.
"I was kidding, I don't care if you got yelled at or--"
"Y/N!" Jay yelled. "I need you to get down now, and call 911. Tell them my name and tell them to ping your phone."
"Jay, what's going on?" You slid off your seat and curled up into a ball on the floor, pulling out your phone.
"Just do it, dammit!"
Jay reached for his gun that he kept hidden in the glove compartment as your fingers flew across your phone.
You heard the tell-tale sound of a window being broken and looked up the see Jay covering his face, gun still in hand. Jay tried to push open the door, but before he could, the door was ripped open and he was dragged out of the car. "Detective Halstead. So, we meet again," you heard a deep voice say.
"Hello, 911 what's your emergency?"
"Detective Jay Halstead, intelligence. Ping this phone," was all you could manage to get out.
"You hear that?" another voice asked. "Sounded like a girl and it came from his truck."
"I'm alone!" Jay yelled. "I just came to pick up some food is all!" he protested. In a normal situation, he would've tried to fight back. But, this wasn't a normal situation. He needed them to take him wherever it was they wanted him and he needed them to do it fast so that they didn't find you.
"I don't know about that, Detective. Where's the fire from the last time I saw you? You never go down without a fight. Are you protecting someone, is that it?" He paused and nodded to his associate. "Check his car."
"You son of a-- Ahhhhh!" Jay writhed as a taser struck his stomach.
"Jay!" You jumped up at the sound of your brother's cries of pain. He never showed weakness, so this was bad.
"Take her!" the man who was holding Jay yelled.
You jumped out of the car and started running, but they were too fast and caught up to you within five steps.
"Let me go! Let me go!" you yelled as you struggled and kicked your legs out as you were picked up off the ground.
You saw Jay trying to fight his captor as well, but it was no use because as soon as he got tased again and showed weakness for a second time, they tied his hands behind his back. "Y/N, stop fighting," Jay gritted out. "It'll-- only get-- worse."
"Let go of me you fucking asshole!" you yelled, swinging your arms, hoping that you got him in the nose.
"Derek, I think this bitch needs a little lesson in obedience," the one who was holding you said.
"I'll do that in a second." He pulled out a syringe.
"Don't!" you yelled as you watched what he was doing. But it was too late, the syringe full of sedatives had already been plunged into your older brother's shoulder, ending all your hopes of escape.
"Now for you," he walked over, twirling a knife in his hands. He handed it to his associate, who held it against your throat.
"You scream or move, you die."
Jay woke up to a pain in his shoulder. All he could think was Not again. Not fucking Derek Keyes again.
But then, he heard your screams of pain coming from the other room and that immediately snapped him out of his groggy state. He had to get out of here. He could be tortured like an animal, after all, he'd already been through it once, but there was no way in hell he was going to sit back and allow it to happen to you.
He tugged on the ropes securing him to the pipe and tried to jam his shoulder into it to make it loose. It moved slightly and he knew that if he had time, he could get out of it.
You would no longer laugh at the story of Jay going through taser certification or laugh at how much he bitched about having to be recertified each year. Because God, taking a taser to the stomach hurt like hell. And, what made it even worse was that you were chained to the ceiling, so because of your short stature, you couldn't even put a toe on the ground. So now, when you were tased or hit, despite trying to double over, you would just swing back and forth, like a tormented and tortured rag doll.
"J-Jay!" you yelled as you were tased in the stomach and swung back once more.
"He won't put himself through this again, sweetheart. After all, he knows what's it's like. He'll just let you take one for the team this time."
"Liar," you gasped out.
"I have a better idea. How about we play a little game, just you and me." He fiddled with your bra strap that was falling down your left shoulder. They had ripped your shirt off before they had begun tasing you. You were just thankful they had let you keep your jeans on. "Don't you want to know what the game is?"
"No--" you were cut off by being tased in the shoulder, causing you to scream out.
"Not the answer I was looking for. Let's try this again, shall we? Do you want to know what the game is?"
"See now that wasn't so hard." Keyes put his hands on your shoulders to stop you from swinging. "The game is simple. I give you a choice between two clothing items. You choose the one you want to take off and then...well, you'll see what happens from there. Now, here's your choice: bra or jeans?"
"Wh-what?" you stuttered.
"Did I stutter, bitch? Make your decision, bra or jeans?"
"Jeans," you gasped. At least you had underwear underneath. And, if he took off your bra and tased you there, well, you did not want to know how that felt.
He pulled out a knife and you instinctively tried to sway back away from him. Keyes chuckled. "Don't worry. This won't come near your face...yet."
Then, you heard the ripping of denim as your jeans were quite literally cut off of your body.
"Oh, I forgot to tell you the rest of the game," Keyes smirked. "Wherever I take clothes of off, you take a taser hit to." Without even giving you time to process what he had said, he stuck the taser into your left leg, causing a burning and writhing sensation to go up your entire body.
"Mercy! Mercy!" you yelled out. Honestly, at this point, you wished you would just pass out.
"One last choice," Keyes started, twirling the knife between his fingers. "I can continue having all my fun with you or I can get your brother and--"
"Jay. Take Jay," you gritted your teeth and said without thinking of the repercussions of your actions.
"What you want, you get."
Keyes unchained your hands and you all but fell into his arms to avoid falling on the cold, hard concrete. He tugged your arm, pulling you up and you could've sworn if he pulled any harder, that your shoulder would have popped out of its socket. He then dragged you over to a large steel door, put in a code, and pushed it open, causing it to scrape against the floor.
That's when you heard him. Jay.
"Let her go you fucking animals!"
"Oh, we're letting her go alright," Keyes chuckled sinisterly as he got closer and closer to the light of the small flickering lightbulb that was hanging from the ceiling, giving the space you and Jay were currently being held an eerie glow. "But the deal was her for you."
You didn't know how much time had passed. You tried to keep your mind off of Jay's screams from the torture chamber by translating all your thoughts into Spanish. That only helped for the first few though, because they all had to do with pain.
Me duele. Me duele. Me duele.
I hurt. I hurt. I hurt.
Pain. Pain. Pain.
You were currently tied to a pole about six inches away from the rectangular-looking pipe that Jay had been tied to before Keyes took him. Everything Jay had taught you about survival had gone out the window. Not that you thought it mattered. All he had taught you to really do was how to break zip ties if your wrists and ankles were zip-tied together and if you needed to hit someone, hit their nose with the heel of your hand and then run as fast as possible while their vision was blurry.
Your shoulders ached from holding your weight for so long and the bleeding on your stomach had slowed to a trickle after all those taser hits. Your thigh was still numb from the worst taser hit of them all, but you were slowly regaining feeling in it.
You heard moaning coming from the left of you and turned your head to see a shirtless Jay being dragged back over to you. His face was already bruising and there was blood dripping down his torso. As he got closer, you couldn't even bear to look at him. You were the one who caused this. You were the one who made him go through all this pain. If you would've just taken what Keyes was giving you, Jay wouldn't be hurting as much--if not more--than you were.
They tied Jay to the pipe once more and then Keyes crouched down to your height. You resisted the urge to spit in his face. "I hope he forgives you." He began to caress your face, causing you to grit your teeth to keep from crying out, in fear or disgust, you weren't sure which. "Because I sure as hell wouldn't, sweetheart."
"Get your-- hands-- off her," Jay heavily panted next to you.
"Nobody asked you!" The echo of the slap Jay had just received from Keyes could be heard throughout the entire basement, causing you to flinch backward, hitting your head on the pole.
"Ah, fuck," you muttered through gritted teeth.
"Now, I'm gonna go make a few phone calls, eat some food, maybe have some friends over." At the mention of friends, your eyes widened, hoping that didn't mean what you thought it did. "Oh, don't worry, sweetheart. It's not what you think...yet."
Then, he left and you scooted around the pole so you could be closer to your brother. "I'm a monster," you whispered.
"What?" Jay turned his head to look at you, trying to maneuver his shoulders under the pipe to loosen it once more.
"He said you or me, that I had to choose and I told him to take you. I'm sorry. I should've just let him--"
"No, what you did was the right thing. I'll be fine. I was worried about you the whole time you were in there." Only then did he get a good look at you and saw that you were only in your bra and underwear. "Oh, God. He didn't-- I can't forgive myself if he--"
"Jay, he didn't do that." You shivered, despite being covered in a layer of nervous sweat.
And, Jay being a detective and all, didn't miss that. "Can you move any closer to me?"
You tugged on the rope, using whatever slack it had left in it to slowly drag yourself closer to Jay. Somehow, you got yourself close enough to Jay that you were leaning against him. You felt the warmth of his chest and remembered when Jay had told the doctor one time that his temperature always ran a little high, that that was normal for him. And God, right now you were really thankfully for those extra point three degrees he had on you.
"You're warm," you mumbled.
"You're getting blood in your hair."
"But it's warm." You closed your eyes.
"No, no, no, no, no." Jay moved his shoulder, making your head move up and down.
"Stop it. Trying to take a nap before he comes back."
"No, no we are not doing that. You do not close your eyes on me, Y/N Halstead. Do you understand me?"
You blinked and opened your eyes. "Fine. But everything hurts."
"I know. I know it does, kid. But we're gonna get out of here, okay?" Jay craned his neck to look above him. Then, he looked you up and down. "Think you could fit through that air vent?"
"You've reached Jay. Leave a message and I'll get back to you. At the tone please record your message, when you have finished recording--"
"Dammit, Halstead. It's been two hours!" Severide grumbled to himself as he sat on the couch in your house. Then, he scrolled through the phone to find your contact.
He waited for a few rings. "Hey, it's Y/N. I can't come to the phone right now. But pro tip, send me a text and maybe I'll answer that. Bye! At the tone please record your--"
He slammed his finger down on the end call button and went to call the third Halstead in a row, Will.
"Kelly?" Will asked as he answered his phone in the doctor's lounge. "Not to sound rude or anything, but why are you calling me?"
"Have you seen Jay or Y/N?"
"Can't say I have, why?"
"They went out to grab lunch and said they'd drop some off to you and it's been two hours. I don't know, maybe something happened to them."
"Yeah, I'll call Voight. Maybe Jay got called in and Y/N's just at the district. I'll let you know what I find out."
"Thanks, man."
Will ended the call and scrolled through his contacts until he found Hank Voight's phone number.
"Voight," the gravely-voiced sergeant answered.
"Hank, it's Will Halstead. Any chance you've seen my brother or sister lately?"
"No. I gave Halstead the day off and I haven't seen Y/N. Why? Is everything alright?"
"It's just that Kelly Severide just called me and he said that Jay and Y/N were out grabbing food and it's been two hours and neither of them is answering their phones."
"Okay, I'll look into it and get back to you. Don't worry about it. They probably just have no service because of a downed line."
"Yeah," Will agreed, trying to be optimistic. "Thanks."
"No problem, doc."
Voight ended the call and walked out of his office and into the bullpen. It was a slow day in Intelligence and hell, Ruzek hadn't even shown up yet.
"Is Ruzek gonna show up or is he playing hookey today?" Voight asked, annoyed.
"I think he's just hungover," Kevin answered. "If we got a case though, I'll pick him up on the way there and wake his ass up."
"Hank." Voight turned to look at the stairs, seeing none other than Trudy Platt. "You all need to listen to this."
She pressed play on an iPad and your voice came through the speaker. "Detective Jay Halstead, intelligence. Ping this phone."
"That's Y/N's voice," Kevin said.
"Trudy, when was this call placed?" Voight asked.
"About an hour and a half ago."
"Okay. Atwater, go pick up Ruzek. Burgess, ping Y/N's phone. Upton, me and you are gonna go suit up and then go find Jay and Y/N's last known."
"Copy that," Hailey answered.
"No sign of them, Sarge," Hailey said as she walked around Jay's truck, which showed clear signs of forced entry.
"This is 5021 squad," Voight spoke into his radio, "I need you to roll the crime lab on our current location and notify all units, an officer and a civilian have been abducted."
"Should we call Will?" Hailey asked.
"No. Not until we get more information. We don't need him to know that both of his siblings have been kidnapped. Because, if he's anything like Jay, which there's a 99% chance he is, he'll do something reckless. And we can't have that, not with this case."
"Kim, do you have any pod footage from our location?" Hailey asked.
"I do, but it's not facing that way. Wait, I got something. It looks like there was a squad car...and Jay's truck is out of frame. Dammit!"
"Kim track that patrol car number, see if it was reported missing or stolen."
There was typing on Kim's end before she came back on the radio. "Patrol car was reported stolen from the police garage this morning. According to the GPS, it says it's at the bottom of the Chicago River."
"So, whoever did this ripped the GPS out. Great."
"Hank," Trudy's voice came over the radio.
"What do you have for me, Trudy?"
"You need to get back to the district. There's a package for you and it's got a DVD and a flip phone in it. Some kid dropped it off, said it was important that this be viewed by you and Intelligence."
"Anybody else getting deja vu from this? Or is it just me?" Adam asked as he popped the DVD into the computer as everyone else crowded around to get a view of the screen.
"If this is what I think it is, then it is not good," Voight agreed.
"Someone care to enlighten me?" Hailey asked.
"About four years ago, there was this dealer, Derek Keyes. We had a buy going down in Midway and he killed his own brother and took Jay. Sent us a DVD and a flip phone," Adam answered.
"We watched Jay get tortured like an animal," Kevin said.
"And then Keyes called," Adam continued. "He said he wanted all our CI files and to send a lone female officer. We made fake files and sent Erin Lindsay, but they didn't have him. So, Erin had to go back with them, and somehow, I have no idea how those two did it, but they fought off Keyes and his associates and got out of there alive."
"Let's get this over with," Voight said.
They all held their breath as the video booted up. When Adam did press play, they were met with you hanging from the ceiling and being tased. They could hear Jay's screams in the background telling them to let you go.
"J-Jay. Take Jay," you panted and were taken down and dragged out.
Then, the video switched to Jay being tased. Hailey thought she was going to be sick. They had her partner, the man she had finally shared her feelings with and she'd be damned if they took him away from her.
The phone rang and Voight flipped it open and put it on speaker. "Hello?"
"Sergeant Voight, so we meet again," Derek Keyes' voice came through the phone. "I wish it were under better circumstances."
"What do you want, Keyes? We both know how this goes."
"I know what you want," Keyes started, smirking on the other end of the call. "You want your detective and his precious little sister who just so happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. I've gotta say, Jay is quite the martyr this time around. Not like his sister gave him much of a choice, but he did it willingly. Didn't even fight back when he got back in there, all he said was not to hurt her more than I already have."
"She's just a kid, Keyes!" Adam yelled. "Let her go!"
Adam was like another older brother to you, but he was the fun brother. He always said that if you went to a party and needed a place to crash after without telling your brothers, he was your guy. He was also the one who, whenever you had to be stuck at the district for whatever reason,  would sneak you a few dollars if you didn't have cash on you and you'd get Oreos from the vending machine.
"Oh, but that wouldn't be much fun for me now, would it?" Keyes chuckled.
"What do want?" Voight sneered.
"All of the drugs from the evidence locker. Meet me tonight at ten pm and you'll get your precious detective and his kid sister back. Send a lone, female officer. I'll send you the address."
Then, the line went dead.
"Okay, so we just go and check out all the drugs from evidence and throw them in a bag and do the meet. Simple," Adam stated.
"Are you out of your mind?" Voight asked, stepping closer to Adam. "Most of those drugs are laced, and there no way I am sending that much out onto the streets!"
"It's not just Jay this time! They have Y/N!"
"He's right, Sarge," Kevin backed up his best friend. "If it were just Jay, we might be able to get out of it without getting the drugs to Keyes. But, Y/N's got no way to defend herself in there, not with guys two times her size. You saw how she looked in that video and how she cried out for Jay. He'll do anything for her, Sarge. That's usually a good thing, but it might not be in this case."
They all knew what Kevin was getting at: If it was a choice between you or Jay dying, Jay would take the bullet in a heartbeat.
"Alright," Voight nodded. "I'll go sign out the drugs. Kim, get a wire on Hailey. Atwater and Ruzek, scope out the place and find the best spot to watch the drop."
"Jay, I swear to God if you break your damn shoulder--"
"I will not break my shoulder, Y/N." Jay gritted his teeth as he shoved his shoulder into the pipe.
"All I'm saying is that Will is gonna have to poke you with a needle if that happens."
"Listen, we're gonna get poked and prodded anyway." There was a soft clang as one end of the pipe came loose and popped off its bearings.
Jay quickly got his hands out of the rope and moved over to untie you.
"Oh, Thank God." Jay pulled the rope off your wrists, to see blood trickling down them.
"What the hell did you do?" Jay asked. His wrists weren't bloody, just raw, so he didn't know how yours had gotten that bad without you saying something.
"When they were hurting you, I just kept tugging on them. But it didn't work. They just got tighter."
"Yeah, because with the type of knot they tied you up with, the more you tug, the tighter it gets. Can you feel your leg yet?"
"How did you know it was numb?"
"I'm a detective. I notice things and you kept pinching your leg."
"It's better, I guess."
"Try and stand up, walk a few steps, and then we are getting out of here."
"How? You're gonna boost me up to that air vent where we have no idea where it ends and then I'm gonna go outside, pray that it's not snowing, and try and fight this guy off. Not to mention, I am literally just in my bra and underwear!"
"Listen, you probably won't have to go very far before someone who's concerned comes up to you and you ask to use their phone and you call Will, who will call Voight. If Will doesn't pick up, call 911. And, it's Chicago. People have seen weirder things than this."
You started walking around, making sure you could feel your leg. And you could feel it alright. You could feel it aching from your knee up to your hip, but you had to get out of here. You didn't know how much more of that you could take. And, you felt nauseous...but you couldn't tell Jay that or else he'd make you sit down and your escape plan would be dead in the water.
"Ready?" Jay asked.
"As I'll ever be," you answered, walking closer to him.
"You'll be okay, kid. We're gonna be okay."
You nodded, holding back tears, and then took a deep breath. Jay grunted in pain as he took your foot in his hand and boosted you up so that you could reach the open vent. Once you got your hands tightly wrapped around the entrance, Jay pushed so that your body was completely inside. You couldn't imagine the amount of pain he was in as he was having to irritate all of the wounds on his stomach and shoulders to get you up there.
You began your crawl through the dark and hoped that you didn't see a snake or a different type of reptile or rodent. Because, if you did and Keyes didn't kill Jay, you sure as hell would.
You crawled through the dark for what to you felt like hours, but in reality, it had only been three minutes, until you saw a speck of light ahead of you. You went as fast as your injured body would allow you to go, knowing that the outside world and freedom were getting closer and closer with every struggling step.
"Fuck," you muttered. You could see outside through the vent, but there was just one problem. You'd have to kick out the metal filter in order to jump outside.
You stifled a scream as you pulled your legs back, crunching them up to your chest which rubbed against the wounds on your stomach and kicked forward. You heard a creaking noise, taking that as a good sign, you kicked the filter seven more times with all the strength you had left and heard it hit the soft snow below.
You poked your head out, for once thankful that you were being held in a basement so that you were at ground level and wouldn't have to jump from four stories high.
But it was cold, oh so cold, and your lack of clothing didn't help matters.
Then, you heard Jay scream.
Hearing that kicked your adrenaline into high gear and you slipped out of the air vent and onto the ground, your feet making footprints in the snow. But, it was as if you couldn't even feel your feet on the verge of being frostbitten as you ran across the yard, further and further away from that place, closer and closer to safety.
But then, you came to a fence, which made your heart stop. You couldn't remember the last time you had climbed a fence! Yes, it paid to be small so you could fit in an air vent, but it did not help you the slightest bit when trying to jump a fence.
You gripped the metal and slid your foot into one of the rectangles, hauling yourself up as fast as you could.
But, you weren't fast enough.
You were ripped off the fence so fast that it made your head spin, the dizziness causing bile to rise in your throat.
"Let me go!" you yelled, kicking and screaming, hoping that your foot would make contact with any part of Derek Keyes' body that would cause him pain.
"Oh, where's the fun in that?"
"Please--" You couldn't finish your sentence before Keyes had slapped you across the face and then pressed a piece of duck tape on your mouth, effectively shutting you up.
"Much better. Now I can enjoy my peace and quiet."
You huffed and tried to scream through the duck tape, but it was no use. You tried to lick the duck tape like Jay had taught you, but you had been without water for so long that the tape wouldn't lose its stickiness no matter how hard or long you tried. Salty tears rolled down your face, wasting whatever water your probably dehydrated body had left.
You were once again dragged into the basement, meeting Jay, who was on the floor writhing in pain from the taser hit he had just received, chains on his wrists and ankles.
"Look who finally decided to turn back up, detective," Derek said, as he chained you to the pole. You knew that you'd probably need a tetanus shot from the rust getting into your cut-up wrists...if you ever go out of here that is.
"Op! Op!" you tried to yell stop through your duck tape, but that was the best you could do.
"Let her go, Keyes," Jay panted. "You want me, you have me. Now," he paused to take in some much-needed air, "just let her go."
"That was going to be the plan before I caught her trying to escape. I was going to take her and exchange her for the drugs and then maybe your people would find you in time. But, seeing as she is the escapee and you're just the accomplice, I think that she should get a longer prison sentence. That's how it works, isn't it detective?"
You whimpered, but Jay said nothing. A kick to his side made him remember who was in charge. "Yeah, yeah, that's how-- that's how it works."
"Precisely my point." He nodded at one of his associates who pulled out a syringe. Instinctively, Jay flinched. "Aw, is the big, bad detective afraid of a little needle?" Then, he plunged the needle into Jay's shoulder once more.
Jay tried to stay awake by focusing on you, silently telling you that it would be okay, but soon his eyes closed, the drugs taking over his system.
"Get him in the van, go do the deal," he told the guy who had just put sedatives in your brother's system. "As for you, sweetheart, it's time for another game."
"Hailey, van pulling up on your six," Ruzek said into his radio.
"Copy," Hailey answered. Seeing as she was unarmed, this needed to go smoothly. Not just for her, but for you and Jay.
As the van pulled up, Hailey's heart beat faster and faster. One slip up and she, Jay, and you would all easily be dead.
"Lone female officer," Keyes' associate said as he pulled up to Hailey. "Voight knows how to listen. You got what we asked for?"
"Sure do," Hailey answered, popping the trunk and pulling out the bag full of drugs. "All the drugs from 21st's evidence locker." She unzipped the bag, showing it to the men. "Now, give me my people, and then you can have 'em."
"That's not how this works. The drugs and then you get them back."
Hailey hesitated, but then she heard Voight's voice in her earpiece. "Do it, Upton. We have them surrounded."
She handed over the bag and he inspected it. "Get him out!" he yelled to the person in the back with Jay.
The door was opened and Jay was shoved out of the van, smashing his face into the gravel as the van sped off.
"Take 'em," Voight said.
"Sarge, Y/N's not here!" Hailey yelled. "It's only Jay and I need an ambo here! Now!"
"They- They got her, Hailey. Escape-- caught-- still there," Jay gasped as Hailey helped him sit up and wiped some blood from his face.
"Jay says Y/N's still there!" Hailey said and then the ambulance came up next to them.
Hailey undid the knots that were holding Jay's wrists and ankles together. They had switched out the chains for rope as soon as they were far away enough from Keyes' place that they knew that Jay wouldn't escape.
"Hailey, I counted- I counted the turns. They didn't give me enough and I woke- I woke up as soon as the van started."
"Sarge, I need you here, now! I think we got something, but I'm gonna need some help."
"Copy," Voight answered.
"Can you stand up, sir?" the paramedic asked Jay.
"Yeah, yeah I can do that." Hailey took his hand and helped him stand up and sit in the back of the ambulance.
"Jesus, man," Adam said as he saw Jay's current state. "You look like hell."
"Not the time," Voight admonished. "Hailey, what do you got?"
"Jay said he counted the turns. So if we can somehow get him in the car, I think he might be able to tell us where to go by backtracking."
"Halstead, you good to go?"
"Yeah," Jay answered, slowly standing up.
"Sergeant," the paramedic turned to Voight, "we really need to get him to Chicago Med."
"Listen to me, his sister is missing and probably being tortured right now. He is the only person who knows where to go because those other two sons of bitches who brought him here ain't talking. So, if you take him to the hospital and his sister dies, her death is on you. But if it makes you feel any better, one of you can ride with us," Voight sneered.
The paramedic reached behind her, pulling out a medical bag. "Take this. Use the hydrogen peroxide to clean the cuts. Use the bandages and gauze to cover them up, but remember to clean all of them." She looked at his stomach. "This one needs stitches, so I'm gonna need to keep him here--"
"No! We can just pack it, can't we?" Hailey asked.
"I mean, you could. It'd only work for a max of two hours."
"Well, we better work fast then," Voight said. "Hailey, help him to the car."
Keyes roughly grabbed your face in his hand. You were once again chained up and hanging from the ceiling by your wrists. The minute you stopped swinging, you did what you should've done hours ago. Jay wasn't here to save you and this wasn't going to get any easier. You were saving yourself in this one.
You spat in his face, resulting in you getting a slap across your face and then getting tased in the shoulder.
"I'm getting bored of this," Keyes said, faking a yawn.
He turned around and you used that moment to gather up all your strength and swing backward, using the momentum to carry you forward and kicking your legs out, successfully hitting him in the back, making him fall to the ground with a thud. You wiggled in the chains, ignoring the pain in your bloody wrists screaming out for you to stop. But, who were you kidding? They weren't going to budge.
"Tough girl, huh?" Keyes snarled as he stood up, pulling an orange lighter from his pocket. He flicked it open, flames slithering out. "Good thing I like tough girls. And, I also have another game."
You spit at him again, but he was too far away for it to reach him. "Go to hell!"
"I was going to tell you the rules, but since you wanna be so feisty, you can figure it out as we go."
He moved closer to you and reached up to your arms. You screamed out as the flames licked up your left arm, testing your restraints once more and trying with all your might to swing to the right, away from Keyes and his lighter. As you screamed, Keyes counted.
Then, he went to the other arm and did the same thing, counting to the same number and pulling the lighter away. But, since you kept screaming, he kept counting.
He then moved the lighter around your stomach for six seconds, and you screamed for another two. "You know what this means? Eight seconds the next place I light up. If you shut your goddamn mouth, I wouldn't have to do this."
"Fuck you!" You felt a wave of nausea again and this time, you knew you weren't going to be able to keep it down. "I'm gonna- I'm gonna--" And then you puked right down yourself. If you didn't already feel humiliated and at the mercy of Keyes, you sure did now. Chained up, covered in your own vomit, and just waiting to be burned once more.
This was how you were going to die. At this point, you just needed to accept it. Maybe if you shut up, you'd be able to die in a little less pain than you were currently in.
Keyes laughed at how helpless you were and moved his lighter to your collarbone. "No, no, please! Please just kill me! Please!" you pleaded.
"Where's the fun in that?"
Then, he held the lighter to your collarbone. You screamed and tried to get away from the lighter, but you were losing energy and through the pain, you remembered what Keyes said: If you shut your goddamn mouth, I wouldn't have to do this. So, you screamed for two seconds and bit your tongue as hard as you could to keep from yelling out once again, making more seconds get added to your burns.
"You're learning. That's good," Keyes said as he played with the lighter, making the flames go in between his fingers.
"I'll be quiet I promise!"
"Two more seconds." He moved the lighter to your thigh and was about to flick it to make fire spit out when he was loudly interrupted.
"Derek! We gotta go! They found us!"
Keyes threw the open lighter to the ground. "Looks like you'll actually get your death wish."
Then, he bolted out the door as you watched the flames moving across the concrete, quickly starting to burn the pile of rope that sat next to the wall, only making the fire accelerate.
"Turn left!" Jay yelled to Voight.
"Is that smoke?" Hailey asked.
Jay saw the black smoke. "That means a house is burning! Call CFD!" he yelled, his Rangers training and all the things he saw in Afghanistan paying off once again.
"This is 5021 Squad, requesting CFD-- Jay, is this close to where you were?"
Jay's face paled, realizing what Voight was insinuating. "Oh my God."
"This is 5021 Squad," Voight started again, "Requesting CFD and Rescue Squad. We have a house fire and possible victim inside in an unknown condition. Offenders assumed to be fleeing, patrol be advised."
Your eyelids felt heavy as you felt the flames licking the wall next to you, dangerously close.
Please let me pass out from smoke inhalation. Please let me pass out from smoke inhalation, you thought to yourself. After all, if you were going to end up being burned alive, you'd prefer to be unconscious when it occurred; it'd hurt less.
You thought that you might actually get your way for once today, two days? You didn't know how long you had been here. Your eyelids fluttered closed and you thought you were alive, but then you heard someone calling out to you.
The first person you thought you'd hear from or see when you got to heaven, you assumed was going to be your mom, but apparently, that had changed.
"Want Mom," you mumbled, hoping she'd appear out of thin air. Because, you were in heaven and that's what angels do, right?
"Fire Department, call out!"
Why was Severide dead and why was he saying to call out? You were dead so why did you need saving?
"Fire Department, call out!" another voice yelled.
Wait, was that Cruz?
Holy shit, you weren't dead...not yet at least.
"In here," you tried to be as loud as you could, using the last energy you had, but it was just your normal talking voice. So, with all the strength you had left, you tried to clang the chains connected to your wrists and the ceiling together, hoping they'd make enough sound so that they could find you.
"Cruz, get the bolt cutters and cut these chains off her!" you heard Kelly yell. "I'll catch her and then we'll get outta here!"
The smoke hurt your eyes and you were so, so tired.
You felt yourself falling and your eyes shot open in fear. You tried to move out of the hold, but everything hurt...especially the newly added burns from Keyes which were especially tender.
"Y/N, relax. It's just me, it's Kelly."
"Kelly," you muttered, closing your eyes and slipping into an unconscious state.
"I need a medic!" Kelly yelled as he carried you out of the burning house and towards the second ambulance.
Jay was sitting in the first one, getting the cut on his stomach looked at. "Y/N!"
He moved to try and stand to get over to you, but he was pushed back down. "You can see her at the hospital," the paramedic told him. "I can't have you ripping the cut more than it is."
"Jay, she's in good hands," Hailey said, placing a hand on his shoulder.
"Please, just tell me she's alive." He made eye contact with Kelly who looked at Sylvie. She nodded.
"She's alive, Jay."
"Dr. Marcel, trauma victim is two minutes out!" Maggie yelled to Crockett who was standing at a computer, finishing some charts.
"I'll help," Will volunteered.
"Good, know anything else about the victim?"
"Kidnapping victim." Maggie paused, listening to the radio. "Will, you can't treat this patient."
"What do you mean I can't treat this patient?" he asked, taking a step closer to Maggie.
"Will, it's Y/N."
"I don't need a wheelchair, Hailey! I can walk!" Jay yelled as he entered the ED, to be met with a shock-faced Will.
"Give it to me," Marcel said as Sylvie rolled you in on the stretcher, still unconscious.
"Y/N Halstead, 20-year-old female, kidnapping victim. Diminished breath sounds, most likely from smoke inhalation. First-degree burns on her stomach, shoulder, and collarbone, needs stitches in her right wrist and a tetanus shot. No broken bones that we could find, but it wouldn't hurt to check. Bruising on a lot of her body, but it looks superficial. Go through concussion protocol as well. There's a big bump on her head," Sylvie answered.
"Thanks, Brett."
"Trauma three!"
Will just stood, staring at you being pushed into the trauma room. Then, he flicked his eyes up at Jay. You were here because of Jay.
"She's gonna be okay, right Will?" Jay asked, walking closer to his older brother.
Will said nothing.
"Will!" Jay yelled once more.
Will's eyes darkened and he looked down at Jay. "She's here because of you!" If Jay had a shirt on, Will would've grabbed him by his collar. "You could've gotten her out of there and you didn't!"
"I tried! We tried to escape and they caught her. They took me instead of her to go back--"
"They took you back instead of her? God, did you even try to fight back, or did you just let them take her back and torture her?"
"Are kidding me right now? You don't think I tried? Look at me! I fucking tried but they chained me to a fucking wall, Will! There wasn't much I could do from there!"
"Okay, okay," Hailey said, stepping between the two men and placing her hands on Jay's chest. "Let's go get you stitched up. And, you two better work this out before Y/N wakes up. Because she will wake up."
Will tapped the glass of the entrance to Jay's hospital room, seeing as it was midnight and Will was working a double shift, he had grabbed some coffee to keep him awake. And, knowing Jay, he knew that he wouldn't sleep at a time like this, so he grabbed him a coffee, too.
Hailey had gotten up to go to the bathroom before Will had gotten there, leaving Jay alone. Jay looked up to see who was knocking and nodded his head, allowing his older brother to enter.
"I'm sorry for what I said earlier," Will apologized, handing Jay his coffee. "I know you tried your hardest, it's just, I'm used to seeing you come here in an ambulance, but seeing Y/N? That hits different. It's like everything I learned in med school flew out the window the minute Brett brought her through the ED doors."
"If only we didn't try to escape, then she could've gone when Keyes' people went to do the deal and she wouldn't be in this mess," Jay sighed, taking a sip of his coffee, being careful not to move his left arm too much.
"How's the shoulder?" Will asked.
"I didn't break it. Just hurts a lot. They said if I would've hit it a few more times I would've broken it though."
Will nodded, wanting to ask Jay how the hell you got yourself into this mess. But, he didn't want Jay to shut him down.
"Out with it," Jay prompted. "I know that look. It's when you want to say something, but won't."
Will raked a hand through his hair, tugging on the roots. "How did she even get in this mess to begin with?"
"We were just going to get lunch, that's all we were doing." Jay's voice grew quieter, as he realized that this entire thing was wholly on him and no one else. "I got pulled over and it was- it was Keyes. Must've stolen a patrol car. I- I told her to get down and call 911, but they heard her on the phone. They heard her on the phone and grabbed her, Will. I tried to fight back, but then I was drugged and..." He stopped and looked down. Then, he set his coffee on the table and put his face in his hands as his body began to shake with sobs.
Will stood up and put his hand on Jay's good shoulder, rubbing back and forth. "When I woke up, I was tied to- to a pipe and I heard- I heard her screaming for me."
"Hey, hey, it's okay. She's safe now. She's safe."
And, then Will's pager went off, alerting him that he had an incoming victim of a car crash. "I gotta go, little brother, but Hailey's back." He gave Jay's shoulder one last squeeze and slipped out of the room.
"Jay, I know what you're doing," Hailey said, dragging a chair across the small room to be closer to him. "None of this is your fault."
"But it is, Hailey! If I didn't have the brilliant idea to try and get her to go through that air vent and escape, she wouldn't be here right now."
"You were doing what you thought would get her out of harm's way. You did what you were supposed to do. It just...didn't work out quite right this time."
"Obviously. God, if they would've just taken me instead..."
"Hey, hey. Jay, look at me," Hailey said sternly, grabbing his face in her hands when he looked up at her. "She is safe now and I know for a fact that when Y/N wakes up, she's gonna need you. She can't have you spiraling. She's gonna need all the help, support, and love she can get."
"But what if she hates me?" Jay whispered. "I'm the reason she's in all that pain."
"She could never hate you, not now, not ever. And, Keyes is the reason she's in all that pain. Not you, most definitely not you."
You woke up to the steady hum of machines and you felt something in your arm.
Keyes was going to drug you just like he did to Jay. And the machines were so that he could electrocute you.
"Please wake up," you heard Jay mutter.
If he was here, that means the deal didn't go down as planned and Jay probably had more injuries. You couldn't open your eyes, for fear of what condition your big brother would be in because of you. If only you had gotten over that fence...
They didn't know you were awake yet, so you fumbled with the needle in your arm, hoping to pull it out to stop any more drugs from invading your system.
You jumped back as you felt someone's hand on your arm, keeping the needle in and your eyes shot open, to be met with just Jay.
You moved away from him, knowing that if he was back, Keyes would follow.
"I need some help in here!" Jay yelled as you reached once more for the needle in your arm.
"Y/N, we need you to calm down!" Maggie told you as she ran in, grabbing your hand to pull it off the arm where the IV was. "You're in the hospital, at Chicago Med. Will's here, but he's with a patient."
That was when you finally took in your surroundings. The hum of the machines were the monitors, and whatever was going into your body were drugs, but they were to get you better.
Your heart rate steadily slowed, until it was back to its normal rhythm. "There you go," Maggie said as she handed you a cup of water which you gladly drank. "I'll get Will and Dr. Marcel."
"Thanks, Maggie," Jay said, finally sitting down again. You ran the fingers of your left hand over the stitches on your right wrist and started poking at them. "Uh, no," Jay told you as he saw what you were doing. You looked up at him. "I know it's your first time getting stitches, but I can promise you, as someone who has gotten over 100, they aren't as interesting as they seem."
Luckily, Jay was saved from telling you to stop messing with stuff when Will and Crockett entered.
"Y/N, you're okay, kid," Will said as he gave you a small hug, careful of your injuries. You just looked at him and nodded.
"Now, Miss Halstead," Marcel began, "how are you feeling?" You didn't say anything, just kept staring. "Does anything hurt?" Again, he received no response.
Will and Marcel shared a looked, they knew what this could be. And, that didn't go unnoticed by Jay. "What? What's going on?"
"She could have sustained other neurological injuries besides her concussion, as it seems like she can't hear us," Marcel answered.
"You're saying our sister's deaf?" Jay asked, horrified.
"That's not what I'm saying, but it is a possibility. I just need to do a quick neuro exam to be sure."
He reached into his pocket, causing you to flinch and move back on the bed, your heart rate rising as you remembered Keyes reaching into his pocket to grab the lighter. This did not go unnoticed by the three men in the room.
"Jay, hand me that whiteboard and marker behind you, would you?" Will asked.
Jay handed it to him. "What are you doing?"
"Writing down what Dr. Marcel's doing so that Y/N knows. Because, if she did lose her hearing, she has no idea what he's grabbing right now."
"Oh," was all Jay said. If his sister went deaf all because of him, he wouldn't be able to forgive himself.
Marcel's grabbing a flashlight, you read. And then he's gonna shine it in your eyes and you have to follow it w/o moving your head.
You nodded, understanding what he was doing, even though you could hear the whole conversation.
You completed the exam and everything seemed neurologically intact. The two doctors shared a look. "Jay, come with us," Will said.
"I'll be right back," Jay told you. He thought about squeezing your hand but thought it might be too early for him to do that without warning. When you squeezed Marcel's hand during the neuro exam, that didn't freak you out because Will had written it on the whiteboard, telling you what was about to happen.
"What's going on? She did everything right in there," Jay asked once they were out of the room.
"Everything is neurologically intact," Marcel answered.
"But, she's traumatized, to say the least."
"So you're telling me that our sister won't talk because she's been through trauma?" Jay asked, quieter this time.
"Short answer, yes."
"There's a multitude of reasons. She might not feel safe and comfortable yet. Your captor might have told her if she talked, that he'd hurt her."
"He never said that to her," Jay said. "Not when I was there anyway." Then, he turned to his brother. "She's gonna talk, right? She won't be like this forever?"
"It's all up to Y/N, now," Will answered. "She'll talk when she feels like talking."
"Care to give me a timeline on that?"
"Could be hours, days, months. I've heard stories in my psych rotation of it taking years."
"So what do we do?"
"You just be there for her," Marcel answered Jay's question. "Both of you."
2 days since kidnapping
You were finally headed home after being stuck in the hospital, not that it really mattered to you anyway. The only difference was that you would get to sleep in your own bed and look at the pile of homework on your desk that should be getting done, but not doing it.
Jay unlocked the front door and you walked inside, glad to be home. "I'm gonna make us some breakfast. Anything specific you want?" Jay asked. You just shrugged. "Okay, breakfast burritos it is then."
You headed into the bathroom to shower while Jay was making breakfast. You hadn't looked at yourself in the mirror since you had been kidnapped, and quite frankly, you had no desire to. You had seen the number Keyes had done on your stomach, arms, and thighs, and you didn't want to see what he did to your face. If it looked as bad as it felt though, it'd give a toddler nightmares.
You stood in the shower, using mostly cold water, so your burns didn't hurt too badly. You used a washcloth in place of a loofa to avoid opening any stitches, cuts, or burns. And, you had switched out your face wash with Jay's since his didn't have scrubbing beads in it, so they didn't irritate the bruises on your face.
You showered and changed into your comfiest pajamas (careful to have your back to the mirror while changing so you didn't so much as peek at yourself), and wrapped yourself in your favorite blanket. You grabbed gauze, bandages, and the cream you were supposed to put on your burns to have Jay help you re-wrap your burn on your left arm. Then, you walked back into the kitchen, to see Jay wrapping up your burrito.
"Not only are we eating burritos, but you're one, too," Jay joked, referring to you being wrapped in a blanket, as he set the plate of food down in front of you.
You shrugged and nodded. You set the supplies on the table and then held your arm out to him. He moved a chair closer to you and spread the cream on the burn, put the bandages on top, and then wrapped it in the gauze. "Not too tight, is it?"
You shook your head no and then started to nibble on your burrito.
By the time you were only halfway done, Jay had eaten two burritos and put his plate in the dishwasher. "You're not getting up from the table until you finish that," Jay stated, turning to you.
You scowled at him, but he just smiled back. "I'll even watch Survivor with you while you eat. And we can watch as many episodes as you want...but if you don't finish that, we're only watching one episode. Sound good?"
You looked at him and nodded, and he went off to his bedroom to grab his laptop.
The episode started to play and you knew which one it was immediately: the three amigos episode where your favorite castaway was at the bottom with his two alliance members and they all played immunity idols to avoid going home that night. You looked at Jay and nodded, telling him that he made a good choice.
You slowly but surely finished your burrito, not before heating it back up in the microwave during the ad breaks, just before the end of the episode. "You know what episode comes next, right?" Jay asked as if you had no idea. "The one where Malcolm gets voted off."
That was your favorite player in Survivor that season, but seeing as you had seen that episode before, you knew it was coming. So, you just shrugged and moved to the couch to continue your binge-watching.
Jay slowly closed his laptop, trying to make as little noise as possible so he didn't wake you. The two of you had broken for meals and to go to the bathroom, but other than that, you had watched Survivor all day. Typically, Jay hated sitting around all day and doing nothing, since that meant he was being unproductive, something he had learned from his years in the military. But, seeing how distracted you looked when watching the show even though you knew what was going to happen, he knew he couldn't just leave you after everything that had happened.
You had fallen asleep halfway through the episode, so Jay finished it by himself, but was sure to jot down the time in case you wanted to finish watching it tomorrow. He turned on the lamp on the small table next to you and put a glass of water next to you in case you woke up in the middle of the night.
Typically, he'd sleep with a fan on, something that you now did as well, but tonight, tonight that was not going to happen. He knew he had to have as little background noise as possible in case you woke up screaming or gasping in the middle of the night.
You were chained to the ceiling once again. And, just like last time, your feet didn't touch the ground so you just hung there, practically limp. But, unlike last time, Derek Keyes was nowhere in sight.
You strained your ears to try and hear anything that would alert you that he was coming but you heard nothing, absolutely nothing except the clink of the chains when you moved.
That was until you heard yelling, Jay yelling to be precise.
"I said you for the drugs and this," There was a pause, you assumed so that Keyes could show whatever the hell it was to your brother. "this is not drugs!"
You heard Jay yell and then you heard a sound, like someone dragging a sack of potatoes across the floor. And, it was getting louder.
The door opened, revealing Keyes dragging Jay inside the room, followed closely by an associate of his. You tried to swing back.
"Get her down," Keyes commanded. "And then tie her up with that rope over there. Make sure her hands are tied in front of her though and leave a line of rope dragging on the floor."
"Don't touch her!" Jay spat with all the energy he had left.
Keyes punched Jay in the face. "Shut the fuck up!"
Jay spat out blood and made eye contact with you. I'm sorry he mouthed. You sucked in a breath, knowing that this would not be good for either of you if Jay was apologizing before anything even happened.
You were roughly taken down from the chains and tied up in the corner now. You could probably try and walk around, try and make a run for it even, but your hands were tied in front of you and that door would be too heavy for you to push open without them tied up. You needed a code, too. So, there was no escaping.
"Now, you're taking her place and you just get to watch," Keyes said as he chained Jay up to the ceiling.
"Do whatever you want to me! Just leave her alone!"
Keyes punched Jay in the stomach. "What did I say? Shut up!"
Keyes then walked over to you, pulling a lighter from his pocket. You tugged on the rope as hard as you could, moving your entire upper body to try and get loose, but it was no use.
"Now, I'm going to light the end of this and it's going to slowly travel up the rope and to your hands. Maybe I'll put the fire out when it just gets your hands, maybe I'll let you die a slow and painful death by fire. You'll just have to wait and see."
"Keyes you can do whatever you want with me! Just don't touch her!" Jay yelled, pulling on the chains and trying to move closer to you.
Keyes flicked open the lighter.
"Please no," you whimpered. He crouched down at the end of the rope, the flame dancing dangerously close to it.
Then, you heard a crash. Did Jay somehow pull off the unthinkable and break out of his chains?
"Y/N, Y/N wake up."
Wake up? What did that mean? You were awake. If you weren't you wouldn't feel the rope digging into your wrists--
You jolted awake as you felt someone gently touch your shoulder.
"Y/N, it's Jay. You're at home on the couch. You're safe." At this, you went to sit up but were stopped when you felt a wetness on your right wrist as if it had been sitting in water.
You turned and looked at your hand. It was covered in blood. Then, you looked at the floor and saw the broken water glass that Jay must've left out for you.
"I'm gonna throw a few towels on the floor and then we're gonna get you cleaned up, okay? Looks to me like you threw out a few stitches."
He left to go grab a few towels and then came back--this time with shoes on--and laid them on the floor. "Do you mind if I quick pick you up just to get you into the hallway? Wouldn't want you to get glass in your foot and have to get more stitches." You hesitated, but nodded, allowing Jay to carry you to the hallway, your blanket still wrapped around your shoulders, where he then set you back down and you followed him to the bathroom.
Jay flicked on the light and pulled out the first kit, while you pushed yourself up onto the counter using your good wrist.
"I need you to rinse it out," Jay said as he reached over and turned on the faucet. "That way, if it's really bad, I can tell and call Will to come over here. But, maybe we'll get lucky and we can just wrap it up for right now and get it restitched in the morning."
You placed your wrist under the running water, thankful that Jay had tested the temperature to make sure that it was not too hot and not too cold. After a few seconds, you took it back out and allowed Jay to gently pat it dry with a towel. Then, he looked at it and came up with his verdict.
"I think I know what happened," Jay started.
You furrowed your eyebrows. You didn't even know how this happened, so how did he know?
"I think you kept rubbing your wrist back and forth on that jagged edge of the table because there's a splinter in here." You jerked your arm away from him, hiding your hand back under the safety of your blanket. Ain't no way in hell he was digging into your open wound with a pair of tweezers, no way in hell.
"Relax, I'm not gonna take it out. I'm gonna call Will and he's gonna take it out and stitch you back up." You shook your head, no. No way were you even allowing your doctor brother to take a pair of tweezers into your open skin. "He'll numb it and everything, don't worry," Jay reassured you, pulling out his phone.
"Will! It's not Lanik calling to cover your shift, it's me." you listened to Jay's side of the conversation. "Y/N threw out some stitches and now there's a splinter in there, so I need you to come over and fix it." There was a pause. "Believe me, if I thought it could wait a few more hours, you wouldn't be getting this call." Another pause. "Yeah, you can just stay over here. No, just a blanket." Another pause, this time longer. "Yeah, I'll try and do that. See you soon."
He set his phone on the counter and turned back to you. "Okay, so here's the deal and I know you're not gonna like it." You raised an eyebrow at him, urging him to continue. "Will said that that needs to be wrapped in a clean towel." You pulled your wrist tighter against the fabric of your blanket. "And that is not going to cut it."
You shook your head, no. Your blanket was warm and it made you feel safe and secure when it was wrapped tightly around you. "Y/N, it's got blood on it." He paused, trying to figure out how he could do this. "Tell you what, if you let me wrap your wrist in a clean towel, I'll let you use my weighted blanket while yours is in the wash. Deal?"
Jay offering you his weighted blanket? What kind of fever dream was this?
Will had gotten that blanket for Jay when he got home from Afghanistan for the second time to help ease his nightmares. He kept it in his closet most nights now, but you did see him using it after some particularly rough cases. One of those times being when he had been kidnapped by Keyes the first time.
You nodded, telling him that you had a deal, and out your arm. He pulled a clean hand towel out of the closet and the medical tape from the first aid kit. Then, he wrapped up your wrist, not without you wincing, and taped it.
"Now, do you want to go to your room or the living room to wait for Will?" You pointed to yourself. "Your room it is then. Can I take that blanket? I promise I'll be back with the weighted one in three minutes tops," he promised.
Reluctantly you handed over the blanket, which blood had soaked through in a small spot, and then made your way into your room.
True to his word, Jay came back in holding his gray weighted blanket. He placed it over your shoulders, seeing as you were currently staring off into space, your mind wandering back to the nightmare that caused all of this.
What if Intelligence hadn't gotten Keyes the drugs? Was that what would've happened?
"Y/N," you were pulled out of your thoughts by Jay softly saying your name. You looked up at him. "Whatever you dreamt out there--because I know you were dreaming since I had to wake you up--it isn't real. Keyes is locked up and he won't ever be getting out." He didn't know that for sure, he just knew they had him and his associates in county at the moment, awaiting sentencing. But, he'd say anything to ease your fears.
You nodded half-heartedly at him and he looked at your desk, textbooks still open to where that had been before the kidnapping. "If you want to take a semester off, that's fine. If you want to go back or see if you can finish the semester online, that's fine, too."
You shrugged. In all honesty, you had no idea what you wanted to do. You knew you wanted to finish the semester because you didn't want all of your tuition money to go to waste, you just didn't know how you'd do it, if you even could do it.
"You don't have to make a decision now or even in a week, just keep it in mind." Jay grabbed your laptop off your desk and set it on your bed. "Mind if I sit next to you?"
You moved over, allowing him to sit on your bed and he opened the laptop and passed it to you, silently telling you to put in your password. You did so and handed it back to him. "Figured we could finish the episode you fell asleep watching."
Just as the episode had finished loading, you heard a door open and you pushed yourself back further into the bed. You could jump off and hide in the closet if you needed to. You didn't think you could fit under your bed anymore, but it was worth a try if--
"Jay! It's Will! Where are you two?"
You visibly relaxed as you heard his voice. Jay placed a comforting hand on your shoulder. "Breathe, it's just Will. It's just Will." He gave you a second to take a deep breath and exhale. "Good. Now, I'm gonna go get him and you're gonna go in the bathroom. We'll meet you there. Is that okay with you?" You nodded. "Good."
You made your way into the bathroom and sat on the counter again, your--well actually Jay's--blanket, still wrapped around you.
"Hey," Jay greeted Will as he stood in the living room, holding his medical bag, a backpack which Jay assumed held clothes since he was going to just spend the rest of the night here, a small whiteboard, and a pack of dry-erase markers. "What are the whiteboard and markers for?" Jay asked, taking Will's medical bag from him.
"Figured if Y/N was up to it, she could write on the board so we know what she's saying."
"Good idea."
"That's why I'm the doctor and you're the cop."
"Shut up. Y/N's in the bathroom waiting for you."
Will and Jay entered the bathroom to be met with you sitting on the floor sobbing. "Whoa, whoa," Jay exclaimed, crouching down next to you. "What happened?"
You shook your head, not wanting to tell your brothers. "It's okay," Will started, crouching down on the other side of you. He handed you the whiteboard and a purple marker, your favorite color.
You stared at it, wondering if you could do it. So, you just scribbled NO.
"Wanna tell us why?" Jay prompted.
You'll laugh at me.
"No we won't. We promise," Will reassured you.
You squeezed your eyes closed, letting more tears fall before you finally decided to tell them. I looked in the mirror for the first time since
You didn't finish writing the sentence, only set the whiteboard down and waited for them to read it.
Neither of them knew how to respond, because how did they respond to their little sister seeing her face covered in faded bruises for the first time? Jay wanted to say that it would all be okay, that he knew how you were feeling because of the number of times he had looked in the mirror and saw bruises on his face and body, whether in the rangers or from being a cop, but he knew it was different. It was different because being a girl came with more insecurities, one of them being your skin. And, even though you didn't wear makeup, this was different than not wearing makeup. You chose to not wear makeup. You didn't choose to have this happen to you.
So, Jay just wrapped one arm around you protectively and Will squeezed your good hand, both reminding you that they were there, even though they had no idea what to say at the moment. And, that was all you needed: comfort from family while you cried out all that you had been holding in.
After staying in that position for about ten minutes, you were finally calm enough to push yourself up onto the counter and let Will do his job. He unzipped his medical bag and pulled out a syringe and a bottle, of what you assumed to be the liquid that would numb the affected area.
"Hey, turn away now because I'm getting the needle out," Will told you. He turned to Jay. "You might want to, too."
You weren't afraid of needles per say, you just didn't like to see how big they were before you got the injection. It always helped to look away when you were getting an injection and to not look at it while the nurse or doctor was prepping.
Surprisingly, Jay was fine. Usually, his hands get all clammy and his face gets a bit pale. You just chalked it up to him not being the one being stuck with the needle this time. "I'm not gonna lie to you, Y/N," Will started, "This is gonna hurt since it's going into an open wound."
"Man, why would you tell her that?" Jay exclaimed as he unwrapped the towel from your wrist.
"Thought she might need to be prepared. Now, I'm just gonna wipe it down with some disinfectant and then give you the local anesthetic, and then I can get the sutures in."
Jay held out his hand for you, silently telling you to squeeze it. Will wiped it down and that didn't feel so bad.
"Hey, hey, look at me," Jay coaxed as he watched Will pick up the syringe. "Squeeze my hand as hard as possible. You won't hurt me, I promise."
Then, you felt the pain of the needle in your skin as you squeezed your eyes shut, gritted your teeth, and squeezed the ever-loving life out of Jay's hand. But, after five seconds, the needle was out and after a minute, you couldn't feel your wrist.
You let go of Jay's hand and Will pulled out a pair of tweezers to remove the splinter. After that, he disinfected the area once more and put in new stitches.
"Good as new," he told you.
Thanks, you wrote on the whiteboard.
"No problem, kid." You stifled a yawn. "Go get some sleep. We'll still be here in the morning. Promise."
You rewrapped the weighted blanket around yourself and looked at Jay, silently asking if you could keep it for the night. "I guess you can keep it just for tonight," he relented as your blanket had just finished in the washing machine and still needed to be dried. "Besides, if I need anything, I've got this knucklehead here to keep me company."
"Who you calling knucklehead, knucklehead?"
You rolled your eyes at their immaturity and walked to your room to go to sleep. But, instead of turning off the lights all the way like you normally did, you dimmed them. You knew you would be using that dimmer for awhile.
Will walked into your room the next morning--well, closer to afternoon actually--to see you still wrapped in Jay's weighted blanket, laying on top of your other bed sheets and comforter. The lights were still on and he was shocked that Jay didn't turn them off when he woke up this morning and it started to get light out.
"Y/N. Y/N, wake up." He gently touched your blanket-covered shoulder, making you flutter your eyes open ad look at him. "Morning, sleepyhead. Your head hurt? Any nausea?"
He waited for a beat to see if you would speak and when you didn't, he handed you the whiteboard and the marker.
No, why?
"Because it's 11 o'clock and you don't normally sleep this late and you have a concussion, so I'm worried about post-concussion symptoms."
I'm fine.
"Okay, well I'm gonna go make some food, give you some time to wake up."
You picked up your phone and saw a text from Jay telling you that your blanket should be dry and that he was at the district and would be home later.
You went into the kitchen and were about to go get your blanket from the dryer when you heard the flickering sound of a burner being turned on. Your eyes landed on the flame and you slowly walked backward, afraid that it would somehow burn you even though it was twenty feet away.
You winced as you backed into the table, hitting your low back. Immediately, Will turned off the burner and turned around. "Y/N? You okay?" You stood still and stared at the stove. "Hey, that noise was just the burner turning on. It wasn't anything else, I promise."
You swallowed the lump in your throat and nodded. Then, you dropped the blanket and made your way to the bathroom to go take a shower.
"If you're showering, be careful with your stitches!" Will yelled to you. "And, I'll help you re-wrap your burns after, too if you need."
You undressed and gently unwrapped the bandages from your burns.
Keyes did this to you.
Keyes' lighter did this to you.
Fire did this to you.
"Hey, man, good to have you back," Adam greeted Jay as he walked into the bullpen.
"Thanks," he replied, taking a seat on the edge of Hailey's desk.
"How are you doing?" Hailey asked. "You look tired."
"I mean, I've been better, obviously," Jay answered, rubbing a hand on his face. "Y/N popped some stitches last night when she had a nightmare, so we had to call Will and deal with that in the middle of the night."
"Halstead, here to make your statement?" Voight asked as he emerged from his office.
"Yeah, you wanna just do it out here? Because I know all of you want to know what happened and it'll save me a lot of talking if I only have to say it once."
"If that's what you wanna do, then we can do that."
Voight grabbed a notepad and a pen. "Start from the beginning."
"We were just going to grab lunch, that's all..."
Once he was done giving his statement, Jay was drained needless to say. He was in the locker room and God, all he could think of were your pleas for help when you were both held captive. He was sitting against the lockers, head in his hands, quiet sobs leaving his lips.
"Jay," Hailey alerted as she walked into the locker room. She slid down the lockers next to him. "Jay, hey, it's okay."
"It's not okay, Hailey!" He yelled. He took a deep breath. "Sorry, it's just, she hasn't said a goddamn word since she was rescued from that house."
Hailey wrapped her arm around Jay, allowing him to lay his head on her chest. "And you're keeping all your emotions in to stay strong for her so she doesn't break any more than she already is, aren't you?"
"How did you know that?" he whispered.
"Because I know you, Jay. You always look out for others but sometimes you forget to look out for yourself. Just remember that I'm here if you need me."
"Thank you."
Hailey ran a comforting hand through his hair. "What if she- what if she doesn't forgive me?"
"She knows it's not your fault. You did everything you could. Hell, you even tried to get her to escape all while knowing it would be worse for you when Keyes came back. You did a good thing, Jay."
"She looked at herself in the mirror for the first time last night," Jay stated.
"What?" Hailey asked, confused.
"She hadn't looked in the mirror since before all this went down. Me and Will walked into the bathroom and she was sobbing. I didn't even know what to say to that. What do I do if she doesn't talk again, Hailey? I didn't know what to say when she broke down last night. If I can't do that, how am I going to handle the rest of this?"
"You just have to remember one thing. Y/N's still in there. It might take a little digging, but underneath all the dirt that Keyes buried her in, she's still there, just underneath it. You and Will just need to dig her out, one shovel-full at a time. And, I'm sure all of us will help with some of that digging."
"Thank you," Jay choked out.
How did I get so lucky? he thought to himself.
They stayed like that for a few minutes, Hailey still running a hand through Jay's hair and giving him the comfort he so desperately needed.
"I better get going," Jay whispered.
"I understand."
Jay stood up first and held out his hand to help Hailey up. He splashed some water in his face and dried it, trying to get rid of the tear stains and Hailey took something out of her locker.
"What's this?" he asked, taking the book, Corrupt, and a bag of pumpkin spice coffee from her.
"I saw the book on Y/N's to-read list on Goodreads and figured she could use the distraction. And, I remember her complaining one day about running out of pumpkin spice coffee."
"Where'd you find it? She looked everywhere for it and she couldn't find it because it's out of season."
"Never underestimate the power of Amazon," Hailey smiled.
"You're the best, Hails, really."
"So I've been told."
Jay rolled his eyes at that comment and the two parted ways, but not before Jay gave her a quick kiss on the cheek when no one was watching.
"How's she doing?" Jay whispered to Will as he entered the house.
Will motioned for Jay to follow him since you were sitting on the couch watching tv.
"I turned on the stove and she freaked, man," Will told his brother as soon as they were in Jay's room safely out of earshot of you. "She just like backed into the table and then she went and took a shower and everything was normal after that."
"Still no talking?"
"Not a word."
"She'll come around. She's a Halstead, our stubborn asses don't go down without a fight."
"You're right about that."
"I'm always right, little brother. We just have to wait."
"I don't think I have to tell you that Halsteads don't have a patient bone in their bodies. And, you are not always right. If I recall correctly, you violated a DNR your first year at Med, which was wrong."
"Okay, so I've been wrong sometimes, but I'm right most of the time."
"Shut up. Now get out so I can change."
You were continuing your Survivor binge when you felt the couch dip next to you. You looked up to see Jay.  I didn't even know you were home, you scribbled on your whiteboard.
"Just got home about ten minutes ago. I tried to be quiet in case you were sleeping. Hailey got these for you."
He handed you a book and a bag of coffee. How'd she know?
"Mentioned something about you complaining about being out of that coffee and she looked on that one website you use for your books."
"Yeah, that."
You better keep her. I approve.
"Shut up," Jay joked. "And you better erase that before Will sees."
You erased it just before Will returned, this time carrying a bowl of popcorn. He sat down on the other side of you.  "Now, what episode are we on?"
And, you picked up the remote started the next episode.
4 weeks since kidnapping
"Coffee, kid?" Jay asked as you sat at the table eating a bagel. You had been up for two hours already and it was only seven am. You nodded at him and he pulled out another mug from the cupboard. "How long have been up? You're looking a little tired."
2 hours you wrote on the whiteboard.
Even though it's been a month and the bruises had disappeared, the burns had turned into scars, and the stitches had been removed, one thing hadn't healed: your will to talk. Everyone around you had been waiting for you to utter a single word, but it hadn't come yet. They'd gotten used to you writing in dry erase marker to communicate.
You had resumed all of your classes online so that you didn't have to go to class. At first, some professors were skeptical that you'd be able to pass the class because of how much time you missed, but when you, Will, and Jay showed up to your university's administrators and your  academic advisor to explain the situation accompanied by Voight, they relented. It helped to have the most infamous cop in Chicago on your side.
You put your head in your hands. "Hey, hey." Jay placed a hand on your shoulder and bent down so his eyes were level with yours. You lifed your head. "Everything's gonna be okay. We're gonna get through today and the next and the next. We've made it this far. We've got no choice but to continue," he told you, the last two quotes being something that Mouse had told him when they had both returned from Afghanistan as shells of the men they had previously been.
"And before you question me, I know this because you're coming to the district with me today. And, no, it's not up for discussion."
Okay, but I'm driving myself, you wrote, not in the mood to argue right now.  
"Listen, as long as you go, I could care less how you get there."
"Morning mini Halstead," Adam said as you entered the district.
"Damn, Ruz. Not running late for once? I'm shocked," Jay joked.
"I'll have you know that I am very punctual."
"Wow, using big boy words," Jay quipped as he punched in the code and then placed his hand on the palm scanner.
"Morning, Jay," Hailey said, giving Jay a kiss once he was settled at his desk.
"Morning, Hails."
Adam made a gagging sound and you smacked him on the chest. Shut up, they're cute, you wrote on your whiteboard.
"Yeah, Adam! Shut up, we're cute!" Jay yelled.
Yes, now everyone knew that Hailey and Jay were a couple. Yes, they had filled out the proper HR forms. No, neither had been fired. Yes, they were still partners. And, no, Will still hadn't given you your fifty bucks. Yes, he had probably forgotten all about the bet you two had made.
"Alright, everyone listen up!" Voight yelled as he came out of his office. "Seeing as everyone wanted to run out early last weekend, you know what day it is. Everyone's favorite: paperwork."
The unit groaned and you just scribbled on your whiteboard. Haha, you have to do big kid homework.
"Yeah, yeah, it's hilarious," Jay replied. "Now, if I'm not mistaken, you've been complaining about a test."
You rolled your eyes and walked into the breakroom, leaving the door open in case they started messing around and you wanted a break.
It was nearing eleven when you heard an unfamiliar voice in the bullpen. "Taser recertification day everyone. To testify in court, you need to be tased at least once every year to know the effects."
Taser. Keyes. Pain. Burns. Terrifying. No, Y/N, you can't think that. He's locked up 23 and one. Now, focus on your damn homework.
Which amendments are also known as the Reconstruction amendments?
13th, 14th, and 15th amendments.
You heard Kevin grunt. "Bigger they are, the harder they fall."
What are the three clauses in the 13th amendment?
"Who's next?"
"Fine, I'll do it. Not like this hasn't happened before. Just, please do my shoulder. Lord knows I've taken more hits to my pecs and abdomen than I can count."
Yelling and groans of pain...from none other than your brother.
Keyes. Keyes had found you guys and he wanted to finish what he started. Somehow he had gotten in here and stolen the taser and now he had Jay. It was just a matter of time before he found you, too.
There weren't any perfect hiding places in here, but if you moved the couch you might be able to crouch behind it and call for help before he found you. You could call Kelly or Will and tell them to call another precinct to get over here and fix it. Because, if Keyes had gotten in here and gotten his hands on a taser, then the cops in the 21st district precinct obviously couldn't do their jobs.
You got off your chair, staying close to the ground to make it harder for Keyes to spot you. You pulled, moving half of the couch away from the wall.
"What was that?"
Shit, he found you.
You could fit behind there, right? Yeah, yeah you could fit behind there.
"Who moved the couch?"
You hugged your knees to your chest, hearing footsteps coming closer and closer to you, and squeezed your eyes shut.
Someone touched your arm and you uncurled yourself and started kicking. You heard someone moan in pain as you felt your boot-clad foot make contact with someone else. You hoped it was Keyes.
"Stop fighting! Stop fighting!" You felt another person coming closer and closer to you and you swung your arm out, palm making contact with what you assumed to be someone's cheek.
"Y/N! Y/N! It's me, Jay! The person you just slapped is Jay. And the person you kicked is Adam. You're in the district, you're safe."
You opened your eyes and slowly blinked a few times. You saw Jay in front of you holding his hands up in surrender, a red mark on his left cheek. Adam was rubbing his shin and Voight, Hailey, Kevin, and Kim were all standing in the doorway with looks of worry spread across their faces.
Tears began to roll down your cheeks. You couldn't believe you just did that.
Jay nodded to everyone and they left the room, Adam closing the door behind him. You looked down; you couldn't even bear to look at Jay.
"You're okay," he whispered. "Do you know where you are?" You nodded. "Good, that's good. That's really good."
You hugged your knees to your chest once more and frantically shook your head back and forth.
"I know you don't think it's okay, Y/N. But, I forgive you. I know it wasn't you who was doing that. Hell, I know better than anyone else in this unit. I know you're showing PTSD symptoms and that's fine. We just gotta take it day by day."
You finally looked up at him. Your lips began to tremble and your body shook with sobs. It had been a month! This should be over by now! You should be back to normal by now! Why the fuck couldn't you just get over it?
"I know it's hard, I know," Jay whispered. "Can I touch you?"
You nodded and he somehow squeezed himself next to you and wrapped you a hug, letting you cry it all out once more.
Ten minutes had passed and you were sure you had run out of tears when Jay said, "Let's go grab some Oreos from the vending machine downstairs, and then we can get out of here. What do you say?"
You nodded and he helped you to your feet. Then, you put everything in your backpack and walked out of the breakroom.
"You're okay little mama," Kevin said and enveloped you in a hug before you got past his desk. "You're good."
You managed to give him a small smile before you turned to Adam and pulled out your whiteboard.
I'm so sorry.
"It's not that bad, really. Beats getting kicked in the balls on a case any day."
You and Jay were walking down the stairs when you saw Voight. "Give that taser certification guy hell for me, will you?" Jay asked.
He nodded and gave you a pat on the back, Voight's version of a hug.
6 weeks since kidnapping
Jay put the finishing touches on your cupcake, complete with chocolate frosting and sprinkles, before sticking the candle in the top. Today was your 21st birthday. He had already made the mimosa you said you wanted to have when you woke up (you had mentioned it 3 months before and he had put it in his calendar to remind himself) and it was sitting in the fridge to keep cold. He grabbed his lighter and walked to your room.
Voight was nice enough to give him and Hailey the day off so they could spend it with you, during the day that was. You had mentioned that you wanted to go out with some friends to a bar, but that was before everything had happened six weeks ago, so he assumed it wasn't on. Nevertheless, he, Hailey, and Will were still on a mission to make this birthday memorable...even if your first drinking experience at a bar would happen at Molly's with your brothers and their friends instead of out at a bar or club with your friends.
He flicked on a lamp when he got to your room and then walked to your bedside, gently shaking your shoulder. "Y/N, wake up."
You rolled over and slowly opened your eyes and rubbed the sleep out of them. Seeing Jay with a cupcake in his hand, you gave him a close-lipped smile.
"Happy, happy birthday. Today's your special day. You just got a cupcake, now blow the flame away. Hey!" Jay sang and then pulled out an orange lighter and flicked it open.
Your eyes grew wide as the flame danced from the lighter and onto the candlewick.
"Make a wish." He held the cupcake closer to you.
"I'll be quiet, I promise!" You scrambled backward and into the furthest corner of your bed away from Jay and the fire he was currently holding towards you.
He hadn't heard you speak in a month and a half, no one had.
Quickly, Jay blew out the candle and pocketed the lighter. Holding his hands up in surrender, he just stared at you as you began to shake in fear.
"Y/N," Jay whispered, still holding his hands to show you that the lighter wasn't in his hands. "I'm not going to hurt you."
You didn't look up. You didn't stop shaking.
He was lying. It was a ploy to get you to talk so that he could burn you longer.
He took a risk and touched your arm and you yanked it away, expecting it to burn. "I'll be quiet, I promise!" you repeated.
"Y/N, it's Jay. Do you know where you are?" He flicked on the light, hoping that would help.
No answer.
"You're in Chicago. You're at home. It's your birthday. Keyes isn't going to burn you, I promise."
At the mention of Keyes and burns, you swatted at the air, hoping that you could knock the lighter out of Keyes' hand when he didn't have it flicked open.
"Okay, noted," Jay muttered to himself. He had never seen you this bad before, not right after the attack, not after the nightmare, hell not even after the taser recertification incident. You had never shaken in fear during any of those occurrences when your triggers made a surprise appearance.
But then, he put two and two together: him being taken away from you, you never being burned when he was there and then having burns when they rescued you, jumping when anyone turned on the stove, and now freaking out when he pulled out a lighter and lit a candle for you on your birthday, you not talking and promising to be quiet after he pulled out a lighter and moved the cupcake towards you. It all made sense now.
"Hey, I'll be right back, okay?" he told you, even though he knew you weren't able to hear him.
Jay made his way to his room and pulled out his gray weighted blanket. Then, he walked back into your room. You were only in your bra and underwear when you were with Keyes, so maybe having something else covering your body, despite the fact that you were currently fully clothed right now, would help.
Something soft and heavy landed on your legs. It didn't feel like Keyes was on top of you. It felt more comforting, calming, warm like you had more clothes on. Maybe Jay had somehow gotten his shirt back and had given it to you to keep you warm in this basement.
Wait, where did that lamp come from? There was only one lightbulb in here the last time you checked. And, why did it feel like you were sitting on something comfortable like a couch or a bed instead of on a cold, hard concrete floor?
Why was Jay standing up and not chained or tied to the wall? How did his face heal from the bruising so fast? Why was he wearing his pajamas?
Wait a minute, was that Jay's weighted blanket in your lap? And, was that your desk in the corner?
Jay noticed you looking around the room. "Do you know where you are now?" You nodded. "You know you're safe and in your room, right?" You nodded again, then took a deep breath and stretched out your legs, and moved forward, removing yourself from the corner and moving closer to Jay. "Do you still want your cupcake?"
You nodded and he handed it to you. "Are you okay going to see Dr. Charles today? I know you already had an appointment this week, but I think it might be good if you saw him again after what just happened." You nodded, agreeing with him. "You mind if Hailey comes over and stays with you? I gotta get ready and take care of something."
You gave him a thumbs up and he went to call Hailey while you sat in bed and tried to forget about the episode you just had by enjoying your cupcake.
"Halstead, what are you doing here?" Casey asked as Jay entered the firehouse after Hailey came over to stay with you.
"Oh thank God you guys are on shift. Severide here?" Jay asked.
"Yeah, in his office. Anything going on that I should know about?"
"Not really, I think I know why Y/N doesn't like fire though and I need the evidence pictures from the arson from when we were kidnapped to make sure I got it all straight."
Jay knocked on the door to Kelly's office and he looked up and waved him in.
"Jay, what are you doing here? Isn't it Y/N's birthday?" he asked, turning his chair around so he was now facing Jay instead of his desk.
"That's kinda why I'm here. She had an episode this morning when I gave her a cupcake. I tried to light the candle and then she flipped out and yelled I'll be quiet, I promise."
"She's talking?"
"All she did was repeat that sentence. The minute she saw the lighter and when the flame got close to her face, she freaked. So, I know this going to sound crazy, but is there any chance you found a small handheld lighter when you investigated the arson?"
"Let me see..." Kelly unlocked his filing cabinet and flipped through it, looking for the evidence file Jay had requested. "Here it is."
He laid the folder on the desk and Jay leaned over. He clenched his teeth as Kelly opened the folder, seeing the basement he was held captive in once more, even if it was covered in ash.
"Wait a minute, it's barely in the frame, but there's the end of the lighter. Let me friend the file on my computer and I can zoom in on it," Kelly suggested.
The clacking of keys could be heard as Kelly found the file and opened it, quickly finding the correct picture and pressing a few keys to zoom in on it.
"Oh, God," Jay whispered.
"What? What is it?"
"That lighter, it's the same color as the one I used to light Y/N's candle this morning. No wonder she freaked out."
"But why would she keep saying she'd be quiet?"
Jay nodded, pulling up a chair and sitting next to him. His eyes widened. He hadn't seen you get burned when he was with you, but what if that's what happened to you when they did the drop?
"Any way you can print that zoomed-in image out for me? I gotta get to Med."
"I can do that."
Kelly printed the picture and handed it to Jay. "Thanks, man. I'll get you a round at Molly's." Then, he quickly left and sped off to med, putting the pieces together.
Will was just walking out a treatment room, rubbing hand sanitizer in his hands, when a very determined Jay walked through the ED doors. "April, you mind charting the next patient? Jay's here and with that look on his face, well he's not gonna leave until he gets what he wants."
"Yeah, no problem. Good luck."
"Thanks." Will rolled his eyes.
"Will! Will I need to ask you something and you can't blow me off about this or claim patient confidentiality or some other legal bullshit."
"Legal bullshit? You're the cop here buddy, I'd expect you to care about the law more."
"Whatever, just is there some place we can talk?"
"Jay, I'm working. Can't this--"
"It's about Y/N," Jay blurted, knowing that that would most definitely get his older brother's attention.
"Okay, c'mon."
Will led the way to his office and once inside closed the door. "What's going on? What's so important about Y/N that you came to talk to me during my shift, not about a case, and left Y/N home alone on her birthday?"
"One, she's not home alone. Hailey's with her. And two, it's because I think I know how she got those burns."
"Fire, Jay. She got those burns from fire."
"I know that, smart ass. I mean, I think I know exactly how she got the burns." He laid the photo down on the desk. "That, that's a lighter. Now, if I remember correctly, first-degree burns are the worst because the fire directly hit the skin. Could that lighter have been the cause of her burns?"
Will typed away on his computer, pulling up the pictures of your burns, and looked closely at them, switching his attention from the picture of your burns to the evidence picture with the lighter. "But that's impossible," Will muttered. If the fire started at the floor and went to the walls, you'd either have burns on your feet and legs and/or on the left side of your body. But, you had them on both arms, your stomach, and your collarbone. And, the fire hadn't gotten high enough to be able to burn your upper body. "Unless..."
"Unless what, Will?"
"It's impossible to get these burns just from a burning building from the trajectory of the fire and the location of the burns. But, judging by the location and the severity of her burns, these most likely were made by Keyes holding the lighter to her, for longer than a few seconds. He had to have the lighter to her collarbone and stomach the longest, just by how bad those two are."
"You're sure?"
"I'm pretty damn sure, Jay. But, the only person who can tell if us if we're actually right, is Y/N. And, I don't think she's gonna wanna talk about this."
"Can you make her an emergency appointment with Dr. Charles?" Jay asked. "And, can you make sure you're there during the appointment, too?"
"What, why?"
"She had an episode this morning when I gave her a cupcake to wake up. I went to light the candle, she saw my lighter and the flame and flipped out. Then, she said that she promises to be quiet. You don't think- you don't think she burned her for talking do you?"
Will closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose. It all made sense: the not talking, the jumping when he turned on the stove, freaking out when Jay lit a candle.
"Based on what she's done, it makes sense. But, I'll consult with Dr. Charles before the appointment to tell him what's going on."
"Thanks, man. Bring those pictures to him, too."
Then, Jay left the office, thinking that between two of them and Kelly, that they had solved the mystery of why you hadn't talked in a month and a half.
You walked into Dr. Charles' office very confused to say the least. Hailey was waiting outside, but Jay and Will insisted on coming with you to this appointment; you just chalked it up to them being more worried about you than usual.
But, as you sat between your brothers on the long couch with Dr. Charles seated in the chair in front of you, you got a pit in your stomach. This felt more like an intervention.
"Y/N," Dr. Charles started, "Are you okay if your brothers sit in on this one? Or do you want them to leave?"
You pulled out your whiteboard. I'm just wondering why they're here with me in the first place. I know this morning was bad, but I didn't think it was that bad.
"You know, that's a very good question and I'm really glad you asked that. Jay, would you like to tell Y/N where you went earlier today?"
You turned to Jay expectantly. "I went to see Kelly and I asked him to show me the crime scene photos from Keyes' place."
At the mention of Keyes, you tensed up. Will squeezed your shoulder. "Y/N, remember those relaxation techniques I taught you?" Dr. Charles asked. You nodded. "How about you try one right now."
You closed your eyes and pictured a beach, the waves crashing against the shore, the feeling of sand between your toes. You walked closer to the water's edge and felt the coolness of the freshwater, whisking the sand from between your toes away. You felt the sun on your face and squinted your eyes against the brightness of the day.
"Better?" Dr. Charles asked as he noticed your breathing had become slower and most of the tension had left your body. You nodded. "Go to the beach again?" You nodded in confirmation again. "Good, I can tell it's a place that really relaxes you. Are you okay for Jay to continue?"
You turned to Jay, hoping that was answer enough. And it was because he continued explaining why he needed the crime scene photos. "I knew that there was a possibility that Keyes' could've been the one to burn you, but I didn't know. So, I went to Kelly to see if there was a lighter in any of the crime scene photos. There was, an orange one to be exact."
Keyes flicked the orange lighter open, playing with the flame and letting it move in between his fingers.
"Y/N, the beach, remember the beach," Dr. Charles prompted, bringing you back to the present moment after you took a few deep breaths while thinking of the fresh smell of the water and the sand.
Jay looked at you, silently asking if it was okay to continue. When you nodded, he started once more. "So, I saw that and I remembered that you'd promised to be quiet this morning. I came to Med to talk to Will, and between the two of us, well we figured out that he'd burned you, Y/N."
Your eyes filled with tears at the memories of how terrified you had been. You were so sure you were going to die that day.
"Did he play some sort of sick, twisted game with you, Y/N?" Will asked.
You looked down as your lip began to quiver. He had, you wanted to say, but you couldn't bring yourself to do it. He told me that if I talked he'd hold the lighter there longer and that's why the ones on my stomach and my collarbone are the worst and the one on my thigh isn't as bad because he said I was learning the game. That was what you wanted to say at least, but you couldn't even part your lips.
Dr. Charles handed you a bottle of water and you took it from him, feeling the coolness in your hands, a reminder that fire was nowhere near you at the moment. "Y/N I think he burned you if you talked, is that it? Just nod your head yes or no, you don't have to talk or write if you don't want to. You are the one in control here. And, if you don't want to tell us if he burned you for talking or what the game was, that's fine, too."
You moved your head up and down once, confirming both of your brothers' worst fear: Keyes had burned you for talking.
Jay wanted to speed all the way to Stateville Prison and burn that son of a bitch Derek Keyes for what he did to you. But, somehow, he kept his cool and just looked at you with soft eyes and grabbed your hand.
"Y/N, I have something I want to try," Dr. Charles started, "I've already told Jay and Will about it just so that they won't freak out, but whether or not you actually want to try it, that's all up to you. We do whatever you want to do."
You looked up at Dr. Charles with glassy eyes.
"There's this therapy called in vivo exposure therapy, nicknamed flooding. What happens is, we take the patient's biggest fear, in your case that would be fire and talking, and we bring it out in the open, exposing you to your biggest fear in a safe and secure environment. The logic behind this is that the anxiety and adrenaline only last for a certain amount of time and once those drop, you realize that your fear of this was unwarranted."
What would it entail? you wrote.
"What would happen is that either Jay, Will, or I would hold an open lighter near you."
You frantically shook your head no and leaned more into Will.
"Okay, then we won't--"
"Listen, Y/N," Will started. "You are in a safe environment. We will not let anything happen to you. Ever. You gotta believe us on that. We just wanna hear you talk again. Let us help you. Let me help you. You will be safe the entire time and if you want me and Jay to sit on either side of you, like we're doing now, while Dr. Charles holds the lighter, we can do that. Isn't that right, Jay?"
"He's absolutely right, kid. We'll be right here the entire time."
You grabbed your whiteboard and took a deep breath. And you promise this will work? You promise there will be a drop in my anxiety at some point?
"I think that there's a very high chance that will work. And, I can promise you that there will be a drop in your anxiety during this because there always is a drop. If we got anxiety and then that fight or flight instinct didn't leave, well life would be scary all the time. And that's just not how life works," Dr. Charles answered.
Okay, you wrote. We can do it.
"Do you want me or one of them to hold it?"
You pointed to Dr. Charles.
What relaxation technique should I use to calm myself down?
"I'd recommend using the body scan because it takes the longest, but you can use whatever technique you want."
You nodded and closed your eyes.
"You ready?"
You nodded once again and Will wrapped his arm around your shoulder in the protective-oldest-brother-way he always had and Jay gave your hand a squeeze, silently reassuring you that everything would be okay.
"Start by relaxing your feet now, so that you're that you're in the right headspace."
You clenched and unclenched your toes, taking slow deep breaths in through your nose and out through your mouth, relaxing your toes one by one and focusing only on those sensations.
You heard the lighter flick open before you felt it. But when you felt it, it was near your face.
The smell of blood pierced your nostrils, whether it was yours or Jay's you had no idea. You were being held by one of Keyes' associates, his arm strongly wrapped around your shoulder. This time, you weren't hanging from the ceiling, but your arms were chained to the sides of you. Part of the chain laid in your right hand and it felt so heavy that you thought your hand was going to fall off.
He was saving the best for last, he was going to burn your face and let you burn from top-down. The fire would start at your cheek, move up to your nose, and then your eyes. You didn't want to even think about how much pain you'd feel when it hit your eyes. But, maybe you'll have passed out from shock, fear, or exhaustion by that point. You hoped you would.
Salty tears made your way down your face as you realized that this was it. You'd never see your brothers or your best friend again. You'd never graduate college. You'd never get to pick out the perfect wedding dress and walk down the aisle to marry the love of your life. Your last moments would be spent being burned alive in a basement, hoping against hope that someone would get here fast enough to rescue you. And, even though you knew Jay's unit was fast and wouldn't stop until you were safe, your hope was quickly fading.
"Any last words?"
"Please, please, no! I'll do anything! Anything!" you yelled, tugging on the chains.
But, he didn't burn your cheek for talking. Keyes broke the rules of his own game.
This was bad. It was just going to be worse for you. Your chest started moving up and down, trying to pass out from hyperventilation as fast as possible.
"Focus on your feet. Move the relaxation to your feet."
Who was that? It sounded like Dr. Charles.
"Relax, relax, relax."
Will was here, too?
But, whatever the reason, you focused on relaxing your feet. Maybe it would make dying easier.
The lighter hadn't moved closer to face as you made your way up your legs and relaxed your knees. Was Keyes going to burn you? Or, was he going to let you go?
"If you're gonna kill me, Keyes, then just do it!"
No answer.
You slowed your breath even more.
If Keyes didn't answer, that meant that he wasn't here. That meant, it was only fire. And, without Keyes to hold the fire. Fire couldn't hurt you. It couldn't hurt you.
"It can't hurt me. It can't hurt me," you whispered to yourself.
You dropped your head and shoulders and started to pant as the adrenaline wore off. Slowly you opened your eyes. "It can't hurt me," you said so that everyone in the room could hear.
Dr. Charles flicked the lighter closed.
You looked at each of your brothers. The person who you thought was Keyes' associate was just Will with his arm around you. And, what you had thought was part of the chain in your hand, was just Jay squeezing your hand.
"Thank you," you said to all three of them.
You turned to Will, to see him crying. "Why are you crying?" You turned and saw that Jay had tears in his eyes, too.
"I know the statistics of coming back from something like that, Y/N, of talking again. And I was scared- I was scared that you wouldn't come back from it."
"Hey, you're okay. We're okay," you repeated something that everyone has been telling you the past weeks.
You turned to Jay, knowing that this needed to be said. "And, Jay?" He looked you directly in the eyes. "I forgive you."
And that was all it took for a stray tear to roll down his cheek and for him to pull you into a hug. "I love you kid, you know that?"
"I love you, too. Both of you. Thanks for not giving up on me."
"Not a chance in hell," Will told you.
"Now, what do you say we go grab that mimosa?" Jay suggested.
"Yeah, let's do that."
The three of you said goodbye to Dr. Charles and left his office, meeting Hailey in the hallway. "I never got a chance to properly thank you for the book and coffee, Hailey, so thank you."
A smile grew on Hailey's face. "You're welcome." Then, she turned to Jay. "I told you she'd come around."
"You were right, babe...as always." Jay grabbed Hailey's hand in his and interlocked their fingers. "Think you can get someone to cover your shift, Will? Come out with us for some good old-fashioned brunch and day-drinking?"
"I think I might be able to manage that. Text me the place and I'll meet you there."
He started to walk away, on a mission to get someone to cover for him, when you remembered something. "Will, you owe me fifty bucks!"
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platypanthewriter · 3 years
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Harringrove April prompt day 10, Peaches 
Summer in Indiana is depressing, particularly when Billy runs into Steve Harrington eating a ripe peach.
The first time it really felt like summer in Hawkins was when Billy walked out of the grocery store, and Steve Harrington was sloped against his car, eating a peach.  The juice was dripping off his chin, running down his elbows, and the neck and chest of his t-shirt was wet and transparent.  His lips were pink and shiny with juice, and he bared his teeth, a little, to grab the skin and tear it off before biting in again.  
When he finished, he licked his fingers with a gross slurping noise, grinning at the girl standing next to him—she rolled her eyes—and dug another peach out of his bag.  He hummed happily as he chomped down.
 Indiana had heat, but it didn’t have summer, not like Billy wanted.  It wasn’t that he liked the tourists in California, but he’d woken the first morning after school let out in Indiana and stuck his head out the window, and for the first summer of his life, couldn’t smell the sea. 
He hadn’t even bothered to bring his surfboards, when his dad had said they were moving—his friends had come and grabbed them, already talking about where they’d go “break them in.”  
“Might as well throw my old one out,” Nicole had said, running her thumb appeciatively down the edge, and Billy had cleared his throat, growling.
“Hey, I’m coming back, asshole—” he’d hissed.  “As soon as I get enough money—”
“Oh, right, right, she’d said, nodding, but she hadn’t taken her eyes off the board.
“Later, dude,” Scott had said, turning to leave, and Billy couldn’t help blurting out, “That’s it?!  Jesus, thanks, guys, have a nice life.”
“What?” Eric laughed.  “Thought you just said ‘I’m coming baaaack,’ right?”  His imitation of Billy’s voice was meant to be grating, and everyone laughed.
 Billy’d walked out of Bradley’s Big Buy in mid-June with beer and cigarettes into wet heat that felt like a sauna, and there was Steve Harrington eating peaches, and his friends—some of his little hangers-on, Max’s age, but also like six people Billy remembered from parties, and they had raft paddles tied to Steve’s car.  Steve was eating peaches and laughing, like he was still the fucking King of Hawkins High.  
Billy guessed he was, really, since after all Billy’s efforts, there they all were, hanging around laughing with Steve.  
 Billy had listened to Tommy Hagen’s stories about growing up with Steve Harrington and snarled, “Loyal to your king, huh.” 
Tommy had laughed, his gaze wandering to find Steve in the crowd.  “I mean, I wouldn’t die for him,” Tommy said, then leaned in, grinning.  “Kill for him, maybe.”
“This isn’t the army,” Billy snorted.  “The hell do you mean, die for him.”
Tommy’d just laughed.  He wasn’t there, though, gathered around, laughing with the dude he’d kill for.  Billy thought probably Steve Harrington was popular enough to hold grudges—to allow people to be his friends—and whatever Tommy’d done, he was out.  
It probably wasn’t near as bad as that night Billy’d showed up at the Byers’.
 The peaches were so juicy, and Billy licked his lips, wanting to taste them, sweet and fresh.  Unbruised.  
He’d saved up, at first, to go home, to ditch Indifuckingana and just drive until he hit the fucking ocean, but his sarcastic postcards had gone unanswered, and when he called his mom, he got the answering machine.  Nobody called back.  He wondered whether he’d bruised something there too—maybe they’d been glad he left.  Fucking Billy Hargrove, they probably said, tossing his postcards in the trash.
He’d laid on his bed that morning, breathing the June air—rain, and the smell of mown lawns—and the sounds of the weather channel out every window on the street, because Indiana got goddamn tornadoes, even though tornadoes were an obvious sign of a place humans should not live.  
It had been sticky-hot already, at eight in the morning, and he longed for the cool air off the Pacific, instead of this...America’s armpit season, where the air felt too thick to breathe, and everything was damp, all the time, including him.  Max had taken to leaning in her window at night, her sweaty hand against the cool glass, her eyes half-lidded in misery.  Billy’d started soaking a towel, wringing it out, and draping it over himself as he tried to pass out, and his bed was starting to smell like mildewed sweat.  
 The peaches looked cool, and sweet, and perfect.  Harrington chewed with his mouth open, grossing the kids out, and licked his teeth with a smirk.  Billy clutched harder at his pack of cigarettes, and his six-pack of room-temperature beer, and wanted.
 His shift wasn’t for a few hours.  He’d gotten a job at the pool—at least he could shower 90 times a day, and it felt a little more like summer, surrounded by people in swimsuits, even if the water was chlorinated, sad and still in a cement pit, and surrounded by a fence—probably to keep out the hordes of people who wanted to drown themselves every Indiana summer.  
 At the moment, standing in already-damp jeans, his hair limp with sweat, even the pool sounded suffocatingly hot as he watched Steve Harrington and his peaches.  Steve was in ratty old shorts—his thighs showed through the holes, and the curve of his ass—and a tight t-shirt so worn it was nearly transparent, moreso with the juice dripping down the front.  It clung to the muscles of his chest and biceps, and Billy swallowed.  His throat was dry.  
One of the kids was going on about the best spots to put rafts in the river, as Steve licked from his elbow to his wrist.  
Billy’d heard about the whitewater rafting, of course—at least it sounded summery—but it wasn’t like surfing.  You couldn’t do it alone, it sounded like, and he wasn’t gonna take Max, or, worse, go on a family guided trip with his dad and Susan.
Steve Harrington And Friends were heading to the beach, Billy thought with envy—even if it wasn’t a real beach, with water stretching to the horizon, rivers had beaches of sorts.  They were gonna go numb to their knees, stepping into the water, splashing each other, probably, like actual children.  Shivering in the Indiana summer.  Billy imagined Steve’s shirt soaked.
“The hell d’you want?” Steve said, taking a slow bite of peach.  Juice ran down the side of its soft skin and between Harrington’s fingers, and Billy realized he’d been standing there for a while, staring at the peach juice gleaming on Harrington’s arm after he wiped his mouth.  
Billy went to spit out something fittingly insulting, and his lungs wouldn’t work, thinking about summer, and the flavor of peaches in Steve Harrington’s mouth.  “Lemme come,” he rasped.
“What,” Steve said, raising his eyebrows, and Billy sighed, figuring he was in for it anyway, and if Billy Hargrove’s words never worked on anybody, it wasn’t because he never tried.  
“Take me along.  You can shove me off the raft,” he blurted, grimacing.  “As many times as you want.  In the rapids.”
Steve’s raised eyebrows had turned sly, and he was starting to grin.  “Don’t you have a job?”
“I’ve covered for Heather enough times,” Billy said, watching Steve lick his lips, and lean around to slap the side of his car. 
“Max,” he yelled.  “Whaddaya think?”
King Steve Harrington deferred to Billy’s little sister, apparently, and Billy set his jaw, watching her walk around the side of Steve’s car.  She crossed her arms and looked at the boyfriend Billy’d seen lurking around—the kid he’d tried to beat up—who stared calmly at Billy.
He thought of the coffee can he’d been stuffing cash into, for the drive home.  “I’ll get all the food for the trip,” he said, playing his last card.  “For everybody.”
“...and we can push him off in the rapids?” the kid asked Steve, who nodded, grinning.  He and Max whispered, and then nodded.
“Welcome aboard,” Steve said, between sucking his fingers.  Billy stepped across the parking lot towards him automatically, and nearly got hit by a car.  He trotted over, ignoring the driver’s honk.  Steve laughed, shaking his head, and offered the hand not covered in peach juice to shake, with the grin of someone plotting evil, and Billy swallowed again, and barely managed not grabbing Steve’s other hand, to lick the shine of peach juice off his skin.  
He thought about leaning in to run his tongue up Steve’s neck, tasting salt and summer.
The other Harringrove April prompts I’ve done
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justgillespie · 4 years
Missing (7/?)
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Summary: Your next door neighbor, Luke Patterson (a.k.a. your longtime crush) has gone missing, and you think you could help finding him.
Word count: 2.7k (I think, I don’t really know lol)
Warnings: none!
“...And it was actually fun. I think we were all there. All the boys from the block, I mean. Josh, Victor, Lucas- what-? Stop stealing my fries!”
You and Max were at a diner, having dinner on a Friday night.
“Sorry.” You laughed. “I’m glad you had fun. You’re welcome.”
He scoffed. “Why?”
“Uh, if I didn’t tell Josh you were going, you would’ve said you weren’t. And you went and had fun. Again, you’re welcome.”
“You’re insufferable.” Max shook his head, smiling. “But, yeah. Thank you, I guess.”
“I’ll take it.”
“Speaking of Josh.” He said, grabbing some fries. “Tomorrow’s your big day.”
You rolled you eyes. “You say it like it’s gonna be our wedding. It’s just a date. I wouldn’t even call it a date yet.”
“You, maybe. Josh seems excited for your ‘simple’ date.”
You decided to take a sip of your drink instead of responding.
“You don’t seem too excited though.” He analyzed you for a moment. “Still thinking about Luke?”
“First of all, don’t look at me like that. You’re looking at me like I’m a child.” You rolled your eyes. “And second of all... well, yes, of course. I thought it would be easy to forget about a crush. It’s got to a point that’s just ridiculous.”
“By the way you say it, it doesn’t sound like a simple crush.”
“Well, it can’t be more. I don’t know him.”
“Have you ever heard about love at first sight?”
“That question shows me how little you know about love at first sight.”
“Oh, yeah?” He said, challenging. “How much do you know?”
“Enough to know that my case with Luke it’s not what you’re suggesting.”
“Come on.” He groaned. “Just accept it.”
“Accept what?”
“That you like him.”
“I do like him, that’s the thing. I like Luke without knowing who he is, exactly. That doesn’t make any sense! Just- stop it. Leave it like that.” You said before Max could say anything else. “You really just love to argue or disagree with everything I say, right?”
“If you say it like that, it sounds bad.”
“It is bad, Max.”
“Whatever.” He rolled his eyes. And you shook your head in disapproval at your friend, which he decided to ignore. “How’s Mrs. Patterson?”
You visited her that day after school, like you’ve been doing the past week.
You included visiting her as a daily activity on your schedule. You went to her house for at least an hour, go back home to study for another two, and then, you went to your dance class.
“She’s good. Better, if that’s what you’re asking.”
“She does look better.” He nodded. “I’m really glad... have you told her, though?”
You looked down to your glass of juice. “No. She haven’t asked and I never really see the need of doing so.”
You had lots of opportunities to tell her, but you never did it. After overthinking about it a lot, you ended up with the conclusion that, she wasn’t asking because maybe she already knows (courtesy of your mom), or she just really didn’t believe you could find his son.
You did promise her that you would back up if you had to. So maybe, if she knew, that’s why she wasn’t mad or upset.
But you still promised to give her that second chance...
With that thought, you looked for the guitar pick, that was still hanging around your neck, and just held it with your fingers for a second. Something that you’ve been doing a lot lately. You couldn’t take it off. You tried, but you didn’t want to, for some reason you didn’t exactly know.
Even though you weren’t doing anything to find Luke anymore, it still seemed to be something that you were calling out to do. Everything reminded you to him. Not only since you’ve been going to his house a lot, but also for other reasons. Like the fact that the posters you saw at Mrs. Patterson’s last week, were all over the neighborhood now. Maybe even further.
“I mean, if she’s not asking, I guess...” Max shrugged. “It’s not that big of a deal.”
“I guess...”
And still, you felt the guilt in your chest.
“Anyways, where are you going tomorrow? With Josh.”
“I don’t know. I don’t think we said any place in specific.”
“We’ll see about that then... if you wanted fries, why didn’t you buy some?! Stop eating mine!”
The next day, the hot whether made you wear a nice and simple sundress to go out with Josh.
Your sister was finishing combing your hair when you heard the doorbell ring, and you two went downstairs.
Your dad opened the door. You weren’t worried about that since he did know Josh and his parents, but if this worked out, you weren’t too far from getting a similar lecture like the one Tamra got just last week.
When your dad was done with him, you said goodbye to your family and went outside next to Josh, whoopened the driver’s door of his car for you.
“So where are we going?” You asked, looking at him while he was driving.
He looked good. Like he always did. And you were waiting impatiently for those butterflies in your stomach to come at the sight of him. Like it would happen with Luke.
But they never did.
We still have time, you internally said.
“I was thinking... does the movies sound right to you?” He asked.
“Sounds great.” You smiled.
“Great, great.” He smiled back.
You never found it hard to make conversation with him, and this time wasn’t the exception.
Once in the cinema, you two lined up to buy tickets for the movie and you still didn’t decide which one you would watch, but you made the decision for the two of you once you saw how excited Josh looked at a big poster of a zombie movie. He bought the tickets and you bought the popcorn and the drinks. It wasn’t easy but you ended up convincing him to do so.
During the movie, he tried to grab your hand, but every time you pretended not to notice. He didn’t try many times though, he was too invested on the movie to worry about that.
That spark you were so convinced was there and was just taking its time, wasn’t making its appearance. What was wrong with you? You wanted this. You accepted his invitation because you didn’t want to miss this “open door.”
But you didn’t want to be with Josh. As hard as it was for you to realize it, you didn’t like him.
You were still after your neighbor next door, who couldn’t care less about you.
I just need time. This was too soon.
When the movie was over, you went to a diner close the place just like you agreed before.
Still, no spark. Or butterflies. Or flushed cheeks.
Just nothing.
Until you were on your way home, and you saw some kids in front of a club, with some instruments and a man practically yelling at them.
“Josh- wait. Josh! We need to stop. Stop!”
Josh did so, a couple of stores away.
“What, what?! You okay?” He asked looking at you with a frown.
“Yes, yes it’s- There. It’s Luke’s band.”
You two looked behind you, and you could see them. Not clearly, but you were sure those were them.
And Josh seemed to think so too.
“No way...” He said, his eyes wide open. And then, rapidly pointed. “Luke, it’s Luke!”
“Where?!” You desperately looked but for you, the image was blurry.
Since you still couldn’t see him, you got out of the car to get a better view.
It was definitely them.
Reggie and, who you assume was Alex, were talking with the man you saw befoe and it did not seem like a nice conversation. Reggie was hiding behind Alex and he seemed to be the one trying to control the situation.
And you only could see his back, but it was definitely Luke the one saving the instruments in the back of their truck, next to Bobby.
“It’s them.” You confirmed, but you couldn’t move. You couldn’t bring yourself up to do anything in that moment.
“What should we do?”
And then you realized. Reggie and Bobby knew you. They knew who you were. If they saw you, they would take Luke away again.
You couldn’t allow that to happen.
“Come on.” You motioned Josh to get in the car again.
“Should we call the police? Or the Pattersons? Maybe-.”
“No, no. None of that. We’re gonna follow them.”
“We need to know where they’re hiding Luke.”
“How are you so sure where they’re going?”
“I am not. But we have nothing to lose.”
You waited until the guys saved one last piece of a drum set, got in the car and started driving away, to follow them.
“Be subtle. And careful.” You said.
Your heart was racing. Sadly (or not), the reason wasn’t Josh.
You tried to follow them not exactly behind, but trying to stay at least a car away from them all the time.
Five minutes later, they stopped at a fast food place, in where they got in, but you decided to stay in the car.
Josh parked the car across the street.
“Max did say everyday with you is a new adventure.” He said. “But I didn’t know he meant literally.”
You removed your sight from the restaurant and looked at him.
You smiled slightly. “Sorry for dragging you with me.”
“Oh, no worries.” He waved it off. “Max warned me.”
“He warned you?” You raised an eyebrow. You didn’t know if you should be offended.
He then noticed the way he said it and you saw the panic on his face. “I didn’t mean it like that! I promise it sounded better in my head.”
You laughed. “It’s okay. I get it.”
“Yeah, um... what should we do now though? With Luke I mean.”
“I was thinking, um...” You searched through your purse. You had enough money. “Maybe we could... follow them? If it’s okay with you. I can give you money for gas, and all. It is my fault you’re here with me now, after all.”
“Forget that.” He shook his head. “This is big. We could maybe get Luke back to his family. You don’t have to give me anything. It’s all for the Pattersons.”
You smiled and nodded. But mentally decided that you would hide the money in the pocket of his jacket later.
“And also... Max told me about what you two have been doing the past week. So I know this is important to you, too. And if there’s anything I can do to help, then I’ll do it.”
You rested your hand on his for a moment. “Thank you. Really. I promise I’ll make it up to you.”
The two of you killed time by playing with some Uno cards Josh had saved in his car, and an hour or so later, Josh saw the guys getting out of the restaurant.
“They’re leaving.” He warned you, and started the car as they drove away.
Again, you followed them cautiously for about twenty minutes. They stopped twice at two different houses (where Reggie and Alex, respectively, stayed) before finally getting into another neighborhood where the two guys left parked in front of a beautiful house. Bobby’s house, you assumed.
“So that’s where he stayed the whole time.” You whispered to yourself.
You two kept driving up until two or three houses away and parked in front of a house that seemed empty.
“I can’t believe it.” You said, giggling excited. But you erased your big smile once you looked around you. You had no clue where you were. You got out of the car with Josh.
“Do you... um... happen to know where we are?”
“Honestly? No.”
You started biting your thumbnail. You checked the time. It was nine thirty. You were supposed to be back home at ten.
“Shoot.” You said. “Okay, we know where they are. Do you have a pen or something?”
He took a pen from some place in his car and gave it to you. Josh walked beside you as you headed from corner to corner and then stopped in front of Bobby’s house. You wrote the street names down in your wrist, not forgetting about the house number.
“Cool, cool.” You nodded. “We have something. And he seems to be safe. I guess I just can come back tomorrow.”
“I was hoping you say that.” He chuckled relieved. “I really didn’t think it would be a good idea to knock now.”
You stood in front of the house in silence for a minute.
“We found Luke.”
You two turned your heads to see at each other and then cheered and jumped.
“Shh! Wait! They could hear us.”
“Right, right.” He stopped himself too.
And then, you two silently celebrated.
When you finished, you noticed you were grabbing each other’s hands.
You saw him blushing, and before this could go any further, you smiled at him gently and let go of his hands.
“Let’s go.” You said.
“How do you think they’re managing though? You know, Luke hiding there. And I don’t know his friends’ parents... or his friend himself, but I don’t think they would allow to hide someone in their house who’s been practically reported as missing. There are literally posters of him everywhere.” Josh said once you were (this time for real) on your way home.
“I know. At least I hope they don’t know. It would be cruel of them. Mrs. Patterson is better now, but she hasn’t been having a great time.”
He nodded.
“It’s really sweet of you. What you’ve been doing for her. And for Mr. Patterson.”
“I just... I think I just can’t see her like that. And she regrets everything she did wrong with Luke. She just wants another chance to fix things.”
“You have a great heart.” He said, and you smiled for the hundredth time that night.
“Thank you.” You tilted your head. “You too. You came all the way here with me to save Luke. I think that’s something that qualifies you as a good person, too.”
“Thank you.” He doffed an imaginary hat at you, and you chuckled.
He parked in front of your house.
“This night was... full of unexpected events.” Josh said and you agreed with a smile.
“I’m sorry, again. For dragging you with me.”
“And, again. It’s okay. It was fun. Way more fun than what I had in mind for this date.”
You held up a gasp. He said it. It was a date.
You decided to ignored it. “I had fun too.”
“I just... I had something in mind. And I realized that maybe we... don’t share the same feelings? I sound so stupid, I’m sorry. I just...” He sighed. “I like you, Y/N. I really do. But I notice you don’t feel the same.”
“I am... truly sorry about that, Josh.” You looked down for a second. “I really tried though, you know? You’re a really good guy.”
You grabbed his hand and squeezed it.
“I’m just... still fighting with this old... thing I had for a boy. But please don’t get mad at me. I love hanging out with you. You just make me laugh a lot and...it’s just so fun to be with you. You’re a great friend and I really don’t want to lose you.”
He shook his head with a little smile. “You shouldn’t worry about that. You could never lose me.”
You smiled.
“Friends?” You asked and showed him your fist.
“Friends.” He bumped it and you hugged him.
“Thank you for one of the greatest nights ever.” You whispered.
As soon as you stepped on your living room, your family assault you with a bunch of questions. You impatiently responded to all of them, to then explain that you and Josh were just friends. You just wanted to go to Tamra’s room and call Max, but your sister didn’t let you do so until you promised you were gonna give her details later.
Max also celebrated the new information you got when you called him and the both of you agreed on going the next day and...
Well, you didn’t know what to do exactly. But you would have that planned later.
You couldn’t believe it. You were so happy you couldn’t even remember why did you quit the investigation. You just needed a little break. It was too much for you and it wasn’t easy.
But you were back.
Taglist: @ifilwtmfc @sovereignparker @catbcyluke @marvelgirl300 @valeriasannchez
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elizabeethan · 4 years
Always By Your Side
Part 5/6 of It’s About Bloody Time (Season 3 Canon Divergent after Neverland). 
Catch up on Ao3 or tumblr!
Summary: “Not that,” she says, and she does roll her eyes this time. “I told them about what happened before. You know, when you left me pregnant in jail for your crime.” 
The tone she uses and the satisfaction she gets from his reaction is slightly sadistic, but when his jaw drops open and his eyes bug out, as if this is the most shocking news she could have ever told him, she can’t help but feel her pulse buzz with the sensation of sweet catharsis. 
“You did what?” he hisses.
A/N: One part to go!! The next one will likely be a bit shorter, and I'm sure you can guess what it'll consist of content wise! Thank you so much for reading, reblogging and commenting! Reading peoples' reactions is what keeps me going :) 
Anna had been brought over in the first curse. Apparently, she and her fiancé Kristoff were in the Enchanted Forest, or Misthaven, as she calls it, looking for information about her parents when the curse struck. When they didn’t return, Elsa froze her kingdom and searched for her sister for 29 years, which is apparently something that she can do.
When Elsa found Anna on a whim, working in the ice cream shop that Henry frequents, she jumped from where she was seated with Emma and Henry and nearly gave Emma a heart attack. As it turns out, Anna knew she needed help getting back home, but was too scared to ask anyone because she kept seeing the sheriffs with the Dark One and wasn’t sure where to turn. Whoops.
Now that all is well, Elsa, Anna, and Emma sit in Granny’s while Kristoff and David catch up and Henry sits at the counter with Hook. They’re considering how they might find their way back to Arendelle, but Emma can’t seem to focus on the conversation at hand.
She has been trying to muster up the courage to talk to Henry for weeks now. Killian rarely lets her forget that she’ll be starting to show very soon, constantly placing his warm hand over her 14-week, not-quite-there-yet baby bump. She wants to tell Henry, she really does, but something in her keeps stopping her. Archie says she fears that she will somehow damage their relationship, and she knows he must be right. He also agrees with Killian that this pregnancy is bringing up some unresolved trauma from her past. What a shock, she thinks.
Talking to Archie has been hard. She told him all about her past; about how she was pregnant and abandoned in prison for a crime she didn’t commit, about how she gave birth while chained to a hospital bed a couldn’t bear to look at her son. She cries a lot during their sessions together, and she knows it isn’t really pregnancy related (now that she’s officially reached her second trimester, her symptoms have been a lot less obnoxious). They’ve been working together for about a month now, and she still cries every time. But every time she starts to apologize, he stops her to thank her for letting him in and for allowing him to understand how she’s feeling. It’s weird, but she thinks she likes it. It’s... what’s the word he always uses? Validating.
“Hopefully I can get another portal working,” Elsa says, drawing Emma out of her thoughts.
Emma nods in response. Elsa finally found a clue of where her sister went when she found Princess Aurora back in the Enchanted Forest, who told her about the curse and that many people were trapped in another realm. “I’m sure you can.”
“Someone is distracted,” she says with a smirk sent Emma’s way, and she hears Anna laugh lightly in agreement.
“I don’t think she’s heard a single word we’ve said, Elsa.”
“I’m sorry,” she says in response. “You’re right, I am distracted. There’s a lot going on right now.”
Elsa nods and Anna smiles sweetly to her, taking a sip from her mug. It’s started to get really chilly out with Christmas just two weeks away, so Emma has successfully turned her new friends on to the wonder that is hot chocolate. “You still haven’t talked to your son, have you?”
Emma smiles softly, briefly, and shakes her head. She and Elsa have become fast friends since they met several weeks ago, and she finds that Elsa can read her almost as well as Killian can. “No,” she says. “I still don’t know how.”
“Well,” Elsa starts, reaching across the table and taking Emma’s hands in hers. “I suppose I don’t know much about your situation. I’ve never been pregnant, and I don’t have any children, but I am the daughter of parents who neglected to tell me the truth for much of my life. Trust me when I say it would have been better for me if they had told me the truth.”
Emma nods, shooting another glance at Henry. He’s laughing at something Killian said, and Killian’s eyes are lighting up as if he’s happier than he’s ever been. “You’re right. I know I have to tell him eventually. I can’t exactly keep hiding it.” As if on instinct, she removes one hand from Elsa’s and reaches it down to rest it against her miniscule bump concealed by a thick sweater.
Much later that night, she finds herself in bed with her pirate again, his hand running soothingly up and down along her the bare skin of her belly as she nestles her back against his front. He continues to press soft kisses against the back of her neck, his nose nuzzling behind her ear, drawing a breathy laugh from her every so often.
“You’re growing, love. Every day the little blob gets bigger and bigger, and soon I’ll finally be able to see him.”
“Or her,” she amends, hoping to keep an open mind. She corrects him pretty often when he mentions the baby being a boy, but in reality, she thinks it’s a boy, too.
“Aye,” he says, kissing her neck again. “Tuesday will be 15 weeks. The applications say you should be getting bigger now that you’re feeling better and the baby is growing more. She’ll be the size of a pear.”
“Apps,” she says with a laugh as she squeezes his hand. “You're cute. And I am getting bigger. I think I have a bump, it’s just hard to distinguish it from regular bloating.”
He hums. “You're rather slight to begin with, love. I believe soon you’ll start to show much more, if the apps are correct.”
“Slight?” she laughs.
“Slim, slender, small,” he says, trailing off and obviously attempting to not offend her.
“Mhmm,” she says. “I was small with Henry, too, but I was probably a bit malnourished.”
“Well, we won’t allow that, now will we, Swan? Perhaps I should go and get you some fruit? You may need it to revive yourself after all that vigorous lovemaking.”
She snorts, reaching behind her to pinch the skin of his hip.
“I would like some fruit, actually. And some Cheez-Its.”
“Sounds like a nice compromise, darling. I’ll be back shortly,” he says, standing and exposing his bare ass to her. She reaches for it quickly and pinches him again, drawing a yelp from him as he leaves the room.
She rolls over onto her back once he leaves, glancing down at her belly and stroking it in small, soft circles. He’s right, she is going to start getting bigger very soon, and it’ll become harder and harder to hide. With this knowledge, she’s faced with the truth: she’ll need to tell Henry, and soon.
A week later, when she finally breaks down and realizes that she needs to buy new jeans, she accepts the fact that it’s time. Henry has to know, no matter how he may react. This should be one hell of a Christmas present for him.
She picks him up from Regina’s on Sunday morning, promising him breakfast and cocoa from Granny’s. The moment he hops into the car, she can tell that he’s in a good mood.
“Hey kid,” she says with a smile as he bounces into his seat.
“Hey mom!”
“You're in a good mood today,” she points out.
“Yeah, my mom and dad have been talking about Christmas. I might be getting two Christmases this year!”
“Oh,” she starts, startled by his exclamation as she pulls out of Regina’s driveway. “you mean with Regina and your dad? Because you can spend Christmas with me and your grandparents, too.”
“Really?” The excitement in his voice is more than evident. “Awesome! That’s three Christmases!”
“Yeah.” She smiles over at him, hopeful that his good mood will extend as they arrive at Granny’s. “Come on, kid. Let’s get some waffles, I’ve been craving them all week. And nothing is gonna keep me away from Granny’s hot chocolate now that I can finally drink it again.”
“What do you mean, again?”
Oops. She falters, then says, “nothing, come on.”
Once they're inside and seated, Ruby brings over a mug for Henry and gives Emma a look, as if asking if she wants any, and Emma nods.
“So,” she finally says, once they have full plates set in front of them. “We need to talk.”
He clears his throat around his too-big bite of waffle and looks up at her, his eyes wide. “Am I in trouble?”
“No,” she shakes her head. “No, you're not in trouble, kid. Just… it’s just that things are changing around here, and I wanted to talk to you about it.”
“You mean like you dating Captain Hook?”
“Yeah,” she says tentatively. “Sort of like that; I guess this relates to that.”
“Okay… so what is it? Is this about my dad? I know you guys aren’t together, you know.”
“No, I know. It's not that either, Henry. It’s… I’m… Hook and I…” She inhales more deeply than she knew she could, reaching down to her mug and taking a long sip.
“Mom, whatever’s going on, it’s okay.”
She smiles up at him. Leave it up to her kid to be more mature than her. “Henry… you're going to be… you're going to be a big brother,” she finally spits out before immediately going back to her hot chocolate, her ability to look him in the eye failing her.
“Wait… you mean…?”
“I’m going to have a baby. In June.”
She still can’t look at him, still hides behind her mug, but when he speaks, she thinks she can hear a smile in his voice. “Really?”
When she finally finds it in herself to look up, she does see a smile gracing his face. “Yeah,” she says, matching his expression with her own.
“I’m gonna be a big brother,” he confirms.
“Yeah, you are, kid.”
He laughs now, standing up and walking around the table to sit on his knees next to her in the booth, wrapping her in a hug. “This is awesome!” he says into her ear, and she swears she feels tears stinging the back of her eyes, even though she thought she was past this particular symptom.
“You really think so?”
“Yeah! Of course! Is it a boy or a girl?”
“I don’t know yet,” she grins. “We can find out in a few weeks when I go to the doctor.” His face is still alight, and she’s in awe of his reaction. “Henry,” she breathes out, shaking her head. “Are you sure you're… alright with this?”
His draws his brows together, as she often does, and cocks his head to the side. “Of course I am, why wouldn’t I be?”
“Well, because of…” she starts, looking down from his eyes again and reaching for her mug. “Because of what happened. Because of what I did—when I had you.” She’s surprised at herself for even getting the words out, and she thinks that Archie will be proud of her when she sees him on Wednesday.
“Mom, I thought we talked about this when you came to Storybrooke? I know why you did that.”
She nods, still in awe of his maturity. “I know, but I didn’t want you to think that I'm replacing you. This baby wasn’t planned or anything, but… well, we’re planning on keeping him or her. And I don’t want to make you feel…”
He takes her hand in his, and she finally finds it in herself to look up at him, to meet his eyes with hers, and she sees joy. “You gave me up to give me my best chance. You were in jail; you couldn’t have raised me. But now you're happy and you're in a good place. Don’t you know what that means?” She shakes her head, feeling more childish than her own child. “It means that you're this baby’s best chance now.”
She does feel tears burning her eyes now, the heat of them dripping down onto her cheeks at the sound of his words. “Henry,” she starts, choking on words before they can leave her tongue.
“I’m not a kid anymore, mom. I know that things have changed between now and when you had me.”
She lets out a breath, finding it hard not to laugh at the wise words coming from her son. “You are perceptive, aren’t you?”
“Well, my mom is a bail bondsperson, I guess it runs in the family.”
Emma Swan was never very fond of Christmas. Normally viewed as a holiday spent with family, Christmas has been a dark mark on Emma’s past for as long as she could remember. Although she was in Storybrooke last year, she had only arrived a few weeks prior and the curse was not yet broken, so there wasn’t much celebration taking place. The obvious lack of decorations and Christmas spirit should have struck her as odd, but she didn’t think much of it at the time. Now, she realizes that no one who grew up in the Enchanted Forest celebrated the religious holiday. However, now that she’s here and her parents remember her, they are determined to give her a happy holiday season.
They plan to spend Christmas day together tomorrow, but for tonight, she and Killian will be spending Christmas Eve alone in his apartment, and they start by decorating a tree. Killian is determined to give her an authentic Christmas experience as well, and so far, he’s delivering.
He curses as he rounds the tree over and over, trying his hardest to string the lights properly as she stands off to the side and holds the strands for him. “Bloody hell,” he says as he gets stuck with another needle. “Wasn’t there an option for a non-living tree? That might not hurt quite as much.”
“This is my first real Christmas, Killian. I need to have a real tree.”
“The whole tree tradition seems silly to me,” he counters as he pokes his head out from behind again, the lights finally reaching the top.
“That’s because you keep getting poked.”
“Aye, well, perhaps the task would be easier for someone with two hands.”
She rolls her eyes with a soft laugh. “Come on, I have never heard you use that as an excuse, don’t start now.”
He rolls his eyes too, smirking over at her as he takes a box of red and blue ornaments from her, balancing it on his left arm and hanging them with his right. If there’s one thing he’s good at, it’s compensating for his missing hand.
Once the tree is filled with colorful balls and lit with twinkling white lights, they make their way to the kitchen to work on making cookies, and it takes everything in Emma not to eat the dough each time she breaks a piece off. She elected to buy both the kinds decorated with reindeer and with Santa, figuring the more the merrier.
“These are horrible for you, Swan. The amount of sugar…”
“They're sugar cookies!”
“There’s absolutely no nutritional value. Perhaps we shouldn’t have bought two packages.”
She rolls her eyes again as she opens the hot oven and places the tray inside, trading it for a batch of freshly baked treats. The smells wafts over her nose and fills his kitchen, making her mouth water.
“Please, I plan on eating so many of these that I give birth to a gingerbread baby,” she deadpans to him, pulling a cookie from the parchment and tossing it from one hand to another in hopes of cooling it down before hoisting herself onto the counter.
“That makes no sense, love. You just told me these are sugar cookies, why would you have gingerbread?”
“It’s a children’s book,” she says, grinning to him as she finally takes a bite, saying a quick goodbye to poor Rudolph.
He chuckles, rounding the corning so that he was standing between her knees and placing a hand against her waist. “Perhaps the little love will enjoy that story.”
She giggles—actually giggles—as she presses a soft kiss to his lips. God, she is so gone for him, it’s scary. “Perhaps.”
With his hand running up and down along her waist, finally landing on her ass, he pulls her to the edge of the counter so that she can feel the heat of him against her center through her leggings.
“We don’t have time to do this before the movie comes on,” she reminds him as his soft lips trail along the length of her neck.
“Hmm,” he hums, “perhaps not, but I think it may be worth it.”
She groans when he nips at her ear lobe, then traces the line of her pulse with his tongue. “After.”
He backs away slightly, letting out a sigh and pecking her on the tip of her nose. “As you wish, darling, but I hope you're prepared for what’s to come after this wonderful movie.”
“It’s called It’s a Wonderful Life, you don’t have to be sarcastic,” she says with a laugh, taking his hand and hopping off of the counter. He heads over to the couch and fetches her favorite throw blanket while she takes the last tray of cookies from the oven, then places the cooler ones on a plate and carries them to the couch.
“Sorry, love, I don’t want you to think I’m not happy to be here doing this with you. I’m honored that you wanted to celebrate with me.”
“Well,” she starts, plopping down next to him as he wraps the blanket around her tightly. “You are my baby daddy. I suppose there isn’t anyone else available who I’d rather spend my evening with.”
“Ah, so I’m the best available option, is that it?” he asks with a laugh, squeezing her tightly in his arms and pressing a firm and lingering kiss to her temple.
“Yes, well, my son is with his mother.”
“I’m only teasing, darling. I am truly glad to have you here this evening. And evidently, this film is a classic, or so my baby mama will have me believe.”
She turns her head, unable to move much in the security of his arms and draws her brows tightly together. “Where the hell did you hear that?”
“Our dear friend, Ruby,” he says as the commercial ends and the movie starts. “She asked me this morning how my baby mama was feeling today.”
“I never told her,” she mumbles.
“According to her, she’s very perceptive, and you're horrible at hiding it.”
“The little peach will be able to hear us soon, Swan, if they can’t already; we may need to find new vocabulary.”
She scoffs, unsure of her ability to not swear, especially during labor and delivery, and turns her focus back onto the movie.
Killian seems to like it, and Emma assumes that it’s slightly easier for him to watch because of the lack of twenty-first century technology getting in his way. She’s always had a soft spot for the film, perhaps because she always hoped to find her family. She knew that she wouldn’t take advantage of it like George Bailey did.
He runs his hand up and down her arm when she cries at the end, kissing her temple and her ear. “That was sweet,” he says as the credits begin to roll.
“It was always my favorite. They based Bert and Ernie from Sesame Street on those characters, you know.”
“I don’t know what that means,” he whispers against her hair, and she feels another kiss against the crown of her head.
“You will in a year or two, trust me.” He chuckles and she turns in his arms so that she’s facing him. “I got you something.”
“You didn’t have to do that, Swan,” he argues, but she’s standing anyway, struggling slightly with her hips and back aching after sitting for so long. She heads for his coat closet and returns with a few wrapped rectangles, thrusting them towards him as she plops back down.
He looks to her before peeling the tape away from one of them, unwrapping them carefully and not even tearing the paper. It threatens to drive her insane, but it’s so painfully Killian.
When he finally removes the festive paper, he smiles at the sight of the book’s cover art. “Peter Pan, why the bloody hell would I want to read this,” he says jokingly through a laugh, hugging her into his side and kissing her cheek.
“It’s more of a gag gift, I thought you might want to learn about this world’s depiction of you. The others are probably going to be more enjoyable.” He opens the other two, revealing Treasure Island and Robinson Crusoe. “They're pirate books,” she explains. “There are movies you might like, too, but I thought you’d want to start with the books.”
“Aye, love, I’d love to. I look forward to reading them.” He kisses her softly, his tongue slipping along her bottom lip. “Thank you, love,” he nearly whispers, his voice rough and deep.
“It’s nothing,” she breathes out, overwhelmed by the gravel in his voice.
“It was a wonderful gesture,” he kisses her once more. “I got you something as well.”
She shakes her head, but he catches her jaw in his hand and kisses her again before standing and making his way to his bedroom. He returns quickly with a giftbag stuffed with tissue paper.
“Did you have help wrapping this?” she grins.
“Aye, Granny gave me a hand.”
She laughs at the picture in her head and takes the bag as he hands it to her. She removes some of the tissue and pulls out a maroon leather jacket, drawing a grin along her face. “I don’t have one in this color,” she points out, looking up at him and cocking her head to the side.
“There’s more in the bag, love.”
She looks down again, her attention being brought back to the gift bag as she digs her hand in deeper and feels more leather near the bottom. She pulls gently, expecting it to come out with more difficulty than it does. When she removes the item, she realizes it’s because she wasn’t tugging on a leather jacket made for a fully-grown woman.
What she pulls out of the bag instead is a tiny leather jacket, the same color as the one that was just gifted to her. A matching leather jacket for a matching tiny human.
“Killian,” she says, her grin somehow growing and her cheeks burning. “This is… this is so adorable.” She’s laughing as she holds the jacket up again, then she stands and holds it up against her tiny bump. “It’s perfect, look!”
He’s laughing now too, standing with her and placing his hand on her belly. “I’m glad you like it, love.”
“I do, I love it,” she says, nodding and looking up at him. Without thinking, she places the jacket back down on the couch and reaches her arms around his neck to link her hands in his hair, pulling him down to her for a soft kiss that eventually turns heated when his tongue runs along hers.
Before she knows it, her legs are around his waist and he’s carrying her out of the living room and down the hall before gently laying her down on his king-sized bed. It was certainly an improvement from his small bunk on the Jolly Roger, and if she thought she was sleeping well there, she had a new thing coming when she started sleeping here.
He trails his lips along her body, lifting her to remove her festive sweater and kiss along the cleavage peeking out of her bra. She lifts again, undoing the hooks for him and releasing her breasts for him to ravage before he trails his lips and teeth and tongue down to her belly, pressing soft and loving kisses along the slight swell of skin before reaching to remove her leggings.
His tongue dances along her clit for several moments before he adds two fingers, drawing her to her peak quickly as he sucks and nips at her sensitive skin. She tugs on his hair, begging him to meet her lips with his before he’s pulling his clothes off and sinking into her tenderly. His thrusts are gentle yet precise, and she’s nearly driven mad at the feel of his scruffy face dragging along the sensitive skin of her neck. He continues to drive into her, reaching his hand down to where they're joined to rub quick circles against her aching clit, drawing moans and screams from her parted lips as she finally flutters and clenches around his throbbing cock.
It’s as he finishes, his face buried into her neck just below her ear, his hand squeezing hers above her head as her other scratches marks into his back, that she hears it. His lips press against her neck as he lets out moans and words of encouragement before she hears him whisper, “I love you,” into her sensitive skin.
She’s in a post-coital daze, but she knows she doesn’t imagine it. She knows she heard it without a doubt in her mind, and although her breath catches and her body tenses, her heart still beating rapidly, she doesn’t pull away from him. She doesn’t try to run.
“Fuck,” he whispers, and she knows that he didn’t mean to let it slip. “I’m—” he starts, but he doesn’t seem to have anything to say.
“Killian,” she whispers, running her hands along his back and through his hair. “It’s alright.”
“I didn’t, uh,” he starts, perhaps suddenly realizing that he’s still inside her as he presses his body up from hers and reaches for the box of tissues by the bed. “I didn’t exactly mean to let that out just then.”
“I figured,” she says with a smile, accepting the tissue he hands her and cleaning herself up.
“It wasn’t exactly… how I’d planned to tell you. But… Emma, you must know that I meant it.”
Now she panics slightly, a bit surprised at herself for only becoming scared once she receives confirmation that this is, in fact, how he feels. “You did?”
“Aye, very much so. I realize that you may not be ready to say it back, which is why I wasn’t going to say it any time soon, but…” he trails off, still struggling to make eye contact with her, which she doesn’t mind. He takes the tissues from her and tosses them into the bin before taking a seat next to her. “I don’t expect you to say it back. But I need you to know that I meant it. And it’s not just because of the babe. He’s certainly helped to… solidify things… but how I feel is independent of this little bugger.”
She considers this. Considers saying something in response. It would be the emotionally mature thing to do, and she’s certainly been working on her emotional maturity lately. But she has no idea what to say, and now she’s starting to think about how she truly feels about him. About how he truly feels about her. Now, she’s starting to worry that she may love him too.
Is worry the right word?
Before she can say anything, she feels a soft flutter in her stomach, as if she’s the host to a flock butterflies and they're trying to take off. She immediately lets her eyes bug out, reaching down to her belly and pressing softly into it in hopes that she’ll feel more. “Killian,” she says, pulling on his hand and placing it under hers. It’s silly, she knows; he can’t feel anything yet. But she wants him to be a part of this. “I felt him.”
“He moved?” he asks with a smile thick in his voice.
“He was fluttering just a second ago,” she responds, grinning as she looks at him with tears in her eyes. “You won’t be able to feel it yet, but…”
“Aye,” he whispers, finally meeting her eyes with his glassy ones. He leans in to press another kiss to her lips before leaning down and kissing her belly. He whispers, “nice to hear from you, little one,” before kissing her skin again.
She laughs through her tears and squeezes his hand as it rests against their growing baby. She can’t bring herself to say anything to him yet. They haven’t even been together for very long, only about four months. Is that even enough time for someone to fall in love with someone else? With her?
She thinks of what Archie would say when she starts to doubt herself and whether she’s deserving of the love of another, using the skills he’s been teaching her to challenge her negative thoughts, then focuses back on her child and its father. Whether or not she thinks of herself as deserving of his love, or capable of loving him back, she sleeps soundly with the knowledge that she and Killian are both madly in love with the life they’ve created together.
Emma Swan has never fully been able to relate to the term “like a kid on Christmas morning,” until she woke up on Christmas morning to Killian Jones with his head between her legs. That comparison may be slightly disturbed, but the feeling she’s experiencing now must be on par with how a child feels when they wake up to their dreams coming true.
He was determined to make this holiday season a good one for her, and so far, he’s off to a great start.
Her hips start to jolt upwards, and he reaches his hand up and places it gently on her belly to still her before he laces his fingers with hers. He continues to draw thick strips between her folds, the sounds coming from him absolutely sinister and drawing loud moans from her lips. His tongue zips from side to side over her clit before he starts sucking it into his mouth and releasing it with a pop, making her hips jump again.
Eventually, she drags their hands downward so that she can let go and lace her fingers through his hair once his own reach her opening and press inside. He doesn’t bother to tease her open with just one, seemingly able to read that she’s more than ready to take two of his thick fingers. He may regret letting go of her hips as she moves them with ferocity against his face and fingers, but it doesn’t seem like he minds as she feels the low buzz of his moans.  
He makes her come so hard that, once she feels herself becoming lucid again, she starts laughing. It’s a soft chuckle at first, but then it morphs into uncontrollable hysterics until her eyes are watering and her face is red and hot. He starts laughing too, wiping his mouth and scooting himself up to her level to lie down and comb through the ends of her messy hair with his fingers.
“What’s funny, love?”
“I don’t know,” she laughs again. “I guess I was just thinking about what a nice Christmas present that was.” She’s laughed so hard now that she begins to cough, and he reaches towards the side of the bed and hands her a bottle of water.
“Glad you enjoyed,” he says with a smirk and a kiss to the tip of her nose as she hums out another laugh.
“I’m nervous,” she finally says once she’s settled down, sinking back into the thick comforter and into the warmth of his arms.
“For dinner? I thought things were better with your family now that you’ve spoken to your parents?”
She hums, nodding into his shoulder and turning onto her side, slotting her leg over his hips to hold onto him like a koala. “They are, but my mom invited Neal and Regina, plus Granny and Ruby. I get why—she wanted to make it feel like a true family dinner for Henry. But I still don’t really want to face Neal.”
He sighs, his blunted arm running gently along her bare back and his fingers tracing patterns into the back of her hand, and says, “you can still be upset, love. I’m not particularly fond of the idea myself, but you're right. It is a good idea for Henry’s sake.”
“You're always thinking about him,” she sighs, kissing his neck where she can reach it.
“Only because I’m always thinking about you.”
“Cheese,” she says, pinching the skin on his side, just above a rather nasty-looking scar.
Once they're showered and dressed festively, they head over to Mary Margaret and David’s loft for dinner. She never did understand the concept of calling it dinner, since they arrived at noon and they’ll likely eat at one-thirty, but she lets it slide. She’s realizing that there are a lot of things about Christmas that she doesn’t understand, but she’s trying to roll with it.
The loft is decorated to the nines, covered from floor to ceiling in red and gold. The tree is sitting in the corner by the stairs, and it’s so tall that it almost reaches the second level, and Emma wonders how on earth they got it up the stairs and through the door. It looks beautiful, as if it should be featured in a magazine that she sees at the dentist office.
Mary Margaret, dressed in a red and gold sweater and black skirt and covered with an apron that makes her look like an elf, rushes over to the door when they arrive and embraces the two of them in a warm hug. “I’m so happy to see you both!” she exclaims excitedly into Emma’s hair. She returns her hug with one arm, smiling despite herself.
“Me too,” Emma responds truthfully with a small squeeze.
“Killian, you look positively dashing in red,” she says to him, taking in his royal red vest and making his cheeks turn pink. She doesn’t think she’s ever seen him wear it, and when she found it in the closet and insisted that he put it on, he cringed and groaned and argued. But when he pulled it over his black button down, she grinned in a way that must have broken him down. “And look at you, Emma! You look so beautiful in emerald.”
“Thank you,” she says softly, pulling away and brushing down the front of her figure-hugging cowlneck dress and making her way towards the stool at the counter. “Where’s David?”
“Oh, he forgot to get the champagne yesterday, so I sent him out for it. I also asked him to get some sparkling cider for you, Emma, so you can be part of the toast.”
She laughs lightly, feeling Killian’s arm resting along the top of her shoulders and his body sliding to her left. “Thanks.”
Her father comes home, giving her a tight hug and shaking Killian’s hand before wishing them both a Merry Christmas. When Henry finally arrives with Regina, she grins at the outfit she has him in. He’s wearing a black three-piece suit with an emerald tie that perfectly matches Emma’s sweater dress, and she couldn’t have planned something better. “Hey kid,” she says, reaching out to him for a tight hug.
“Hi mom,” he says into her shoulder. “Merry Christmas.”
They separate a bit, and she takes his face in her hands and looks at him lovingly before reaching up to gently feel his gel-cast hair and pressing a soft kiss to his forehead. He looks like a tiny gentleman and her hormonal heart can’t handle it. “You look so handsome, Henry.”
He puts his arms out at his side and spins. “Thanks. Do you like my new suit? My dad helped pick it out.”
Ugh, she thinks, before shoving the thought to the back of her mind for the sake of her son. “He did great.”
“And look, the tie matches you!”
She nods back at him with a grin before kissing his forehead once more and releasing him, determined not to press her luck with the amount of affection he allows her to show. He is nearly a pre-teen, after all.
Plus, soon enough, she’ll have another kid to dote over.
She grins at that thought.
Ruby and Granny arrive soon after, both giving her a hug. Granny surprisingly hugs Killian first, although he doesn’t seem that taken aback by the gesture, then comes to Emma and runs a hand over her belly briefly and shooting her a sweet smile. It’s as if the world has shifted on its axis.
Regina walks over to her, much to her continued surprise, and wishes her a Merry Christmas. She thanks Emma for letting Henry spend the night at her house, telling her that he had a great time eating sweets and watching Elf, and that he was very excited to come down the stairs to presents under the tree this morning. “Well, I suppose that congratulations are in order,” she says somewhat awkwardly, finally making eye contact with Killian before turning back to Emma and glancing down for a moment.
“Oh,” Emma says in surprise. “You heard.”
“Henry told me.” Emma almost makes a snarky comment about being surprised that Neal didn’t spill the beans. “You should know that he’s veryexcited.”
Emma smiles and Killian squeezes her knee as if to say I told you so, Swan. “He is?”
“Oh, yes. He thinks that he’s going to have a baby sister.”
Emma feels a grin splitting her face at that, and suddenly feels overwhelmed by the image of Henry holding a tiny pink bundle, leaning down to kiss her nose, talking to her about magic and curses and fairy tales. “Thank you,” she says after a moment. “That’s… very comforting.”
“Yes, well…” Regina trails off, stiffening again and pursing her red-stained lips. “Best wishes to you both.”
“Thank you, Your Majesty,” Killian says diplomatically.
When Neal arrives, Emma wishes she could indulge in some champagne like the rest of the adults in the room.
Watching him with Henry is reassuring, at least. He’s proven himself to be a fairly devoted father, now that he’s in his son’s life, and she knows that she can’t hold their past over his head forever. She also knows that she isn’t ready to fully forgive him yet, but she can put their history to the side for the sake of their son… today.
At least, that’s what she had hoped, until he came up to her and put his hand on her shoulder, making her flinch. “Hey, Ems,” he says, miraculously able to read her body language and removing his hand.
“Merry Christmas.”
“Yeah, thanks. You too.” She glances down at her flute of cider, wishing again that she could magically turn it into champagne to take some of the edge off.
“You look great.” She sighs, fighting the urge to roll her eyes, and instead doesn’t give him a response. “Emma, look. Since the pirate seems to finally be out of earshot, I wanted to come over and talk to you.”
She feels the heat of anger burning through her veins, her eye twitching and her fingers clenching firmly on her glass at his judgmental remark. “You're not off to a great start,” she says stiffly.
“Sorry, that was rude, I guess. What I meant was, I wanted to talk to you privately.”
“Okay,” she says tentatively. “What is it?”
He takes in a breath and lets it out roughly, taking a seat in the empty stool to her right. “I wanted to apologize. I’ve been doing a lot of thinking, and I realized how stupid and selfish I was of me to go to you like I did. And for me to assume that the baby was mine. Like, that was really stupid.”
“Yeah, it was,” she agrees, not feeling like sugarcoating it. He’s right, it was stupid and selfish. Like, extremely stupid.
He laughs lightly, which only serves to piss her off more, and continues. “I guess I just got really jealous. I thought you and I could have worked out eventually, and he said he’s back off. I mean, we have a kid together,” he says with a laugh.
“Right, we do, and that’s great. But now I’m having a kid with someone else and you and I are over. We’ve been over for twelve years.”
“Yeah. I know that now. I'm sorry, Ems.”
She nods, still struggling to look him in the eye. It’s not exactly what she wanted to hear from him, but she supposes it’s a start. “I appreciate your apology, Neal, but I’m still gonna need some time. I can’t just forget about everything overnight.”
“I know, I know. Take your time. Just know that I’m here for you and Henry for whatever either of you need.”
She wants to roll her eyes. What could she possibly need from him? Henry, sure. She’s glad that he wants to be there for him. But her? He’s just being pompous. He’s probably expecting Killian to walk out on her the same way he did.
“Hey, are your parents okay? They seem kind of off today.”
She almost smiles, but fights it back, not wanting to be petty on Christmas. “They seem fine to me.”
“Well, I don’t know why it would just be me.”
Screw it, she thinks. “Maybe it’s because I told them about what happened between us.”
“Well, your mom knows I thought the baby was mine.”
“Not that,” she says, and she does roll her eyes this time. The idea that he genuinely thought that this baby could have been his still astounds her, the idiot. “I told them about what happened before. You know, when you left me pregnant in jail for your crime.”
The tone she uses and the satisfaction she gets from his reaction is slightly sadistic, but when his jaw drops open and his eyes bug out, as if this is the most shocking news she could have ever told him, she can’t help but feel her pulse buzz with the sensation of sweet catharsis.
“You did what?” he hisses.
“Oh, I told them what happened.”
“Why? You know I didn’t have a choice!”
She hums, still looking down at her hands and trying hard to fight the smile. “If you didn’t have a choice, then there shouldn’t be a problem, right?”
“You're still making me look bad to my kid’s grandparents,” he spits out in a low tone.
“Oh, I’m making you look bad?” He’s triggered something in her now, making her whip her head in his direction and raise her voice just a touch too high. “It’s just like I said. If you didn’t have a choice, then your conscience should be clear. Doesn’t that mean you did nothing wrong?”
Before he has a chance to respond, Mary Margaret calls everyone to the table. She certainly would have continued to argue with him, but she keeps the spirit of Christmas alive in her mind.
Unlike the last time the entire family was sat around this table, her assigned seat is next to Killian’s. She also has Henry on her right, so she thinks she couldn’t be more pleased with the arrangement until Neal takes his seat across from her. It’s alright, though, she’s focusing on a positive attitude today, for the sake of their son.
“Before we begin,” David says, standing up once everyone has found their seats. “I wanted to propose a toast. Firstly, to Henry, for spending his first Christmas with his family, sans curse. The same could be said for Emma as well,” he lifts his glass and everyone at the table does the same, murmuring in agreement and passing around smiles. “I also wanted to say a thank you to my lovely wife, Snow, for graciously hosting this dinner for our family.” More murmurs and raised glasses. “And I believe she has something to say here as well?”
Mary Margaret stands now, holding her glass but not raising it quite yet, and each person at the table turns to face her. “Thank you, honey. I wanted to say a few words to Emma and Killian.” In surprise, Emma purses her lips and cocks up an eyebrow. “As I believe everyone here is aware, the two of them are expecting a baby in the middle of June.” She sees Ruby and Granny smirking at her from across the table. “When I first heard the news, I was surprised, and I didn’t handle it very well.” Mary Margaret is looking squarely at the two of them, and Emma thinks she can see her eyes glassing over as she speaks. “I wanted to say, to my daughter, I feel so much joy when I think about you having another child. I’m so sorry that my response at first wasn’t anywhere near what it should have been, especially coming from your mother. Now that I’ve gotten over the shock, I hope to support you in any way that I can. I cannot wait to meet my grandbaby and to see you as a mother again.” Emma’s eyes sting now as she smiles up at her.
“And to Hook…” she swallows, clearing her throat before continuing. “To Killian, thank you. I can see clearly now the way that you treat our daughter—like the princess that she is.” She chuckles a bit before continuing. “This pregnancy may not have been planned in the slightest, but the amount of love and respect you have for Emma is palpable each time I see the two of you together.” She smiles at each of them before going on. “I also wanted to apologize to him. David and I were not exactly accepting of him when we first heard the news, myself especially. But, if there’s one thing I’ve learned in my life, it’s that everyone deserves a second chance. And if there’s one person I know who has proven himself deserving of a second chance, it’s you. If the way that you treat my daughter is any indication, you will be a wonderful father.” She’s looking directly at him when she raises her glass, adorning him with a soft grin as a tear slips from her eye. Emma squeezes his knee this time, feeling the tears burning her eyes and heating up her cheeks as they fall.
“To Emma and Killian,” David takes over. “May their baby be healthy and happy, wanting for nothing.” Each person at the table brings their glasses to the center, clinking them together and giving her and Killian soft smiles. She doesn’t bother to look in Neal’s direction. “Now, let’s eat!”
The weeks fly by, the new year coming and going, and before they know it, it’s the middle of January and Emma is twenty weeks pregnant. Killian was right when he said she would start to show soon—her belly has grown into a formidable bump, and the two of them can’t seem to stop themselves from touching it whenever they can.
She really needs him to stop touching it now, though, because she knows the ultrasound technician will be in any moment and she doesn’t want them to walk in on him tickling her like he is now.
Her symptoms have been relatively easy since starting the second trimester, the worst of them being the cramps she gets in her legs and her near debilitating heartburn. She remembers the heartburn from her pregnancy with Henry, but the muscle cramps are worse than she can recall. She’s been dealing with heartburn by eating small meals pretty frequently, and she finds herself to be hungry very frequently now that her horrible morning sickness is finally at bay. According to Killian's applications, she's gained a healthy amount of weight so far.
The anatomy scan is important and exciting, though they still haven’t decided if they want to know the sex. She’s looking forward to seeing the baby again and learning about its growth and development, hopeful that everything is going as it should. They’ve had many conversations back and forth, but they can’t seem to come to a conclusion on whether they should find out what, or who, she’s carrying.
They both sort of suspect that she’s having a boy, although they have absolutely no reasoning behind their thoughts. Henry is convinced that he’s going to have a baby sister, and she’s considering finding out just for him.
When the sonographer arrives, Killian sits back, finally moving to stop annoying her. She greets them happily, asks how things are going, and reaches for the cold gel before applying it to her bare bump. She scans the wand over her belly, showing them the baby’s face and body and organs as she notes things down and takes measurements. The process is a long one, and it seems to take hours of rubbing and pressing and Emma turning from side to side before she finally gets all of the information she needs.
“I can see the sex of your baby— very easily. This little one is not very shy! Are you two interested in knowing what you're having?”
They look at each other and she shrugs and smiles. She genuinely doesn’t know, and now that it’s time to come to a decision, she can’t see to make one.
“If you’re having trouble deciding, I can write it on a piece of paper and seal it in an envelope.”
Killian laughs and squeezes her hand, looking back over to the screen at the baby’s round face and perfectly sloped nose. “I like that idea, love,” he says to her, and she nods.
“Yeah, that sounds good.”
Once they're home—or should she say, back at Killian’s place— she takes the yellow envelope from her pocket and places it on the kitchen table. Maybe they’ll have some elaborate announcement or maybe she’ll just rip the envelope open one day, unable to wait any longer. Whatever they decide, she knows it’ll be perfect.
@courtorderedcake @kmomof4 @stahlop @klynn-stormz @laschatzi @emelizabeth88 @lfh1226-linda @kday426 @profdanglaisstuff @elisethewritingbeast @timeless-love-story @captain-emmajones @gingerpolyglot @ebcaver @ilovemesomekillianjones @teamhook 
40 notes · View notes
purplesurveys · 3 years
survey by nadine07
First Name: Robyn.
Middle Name: I don’t think I’ve shared it on here and I doubt I will.
Last Name: Not providing it either but it starts with a C.
Birthdate: April 21st.
[..First Things First..]
What was the first thing you did after you got up? I rushed to the rooftop so that I could see the sunrise. I also got in the random mood to do a time-lapse of it, but the sun took forrrrrrrr-freaking-ever to come up entirely. I was holding up my phone for like 15 minutes and nothing was happening, so I quit halfway through lol.
What was the name of your first pet? Goldie, because it was a goldfish.
Who was your first big crush? Gabie, I would say.
Where was the first place you drove after you got your license? Chelsea’s 18th birthday dinner was scheduled right after I happened to get my license, and the event took place in a small, quaint little restaurant in Marikina. 
There’s a bit of a funny story here, too – Aaron needed a ride to get there and so I offered to drive him. I picked him up and we were having small talk in the car, and he asked me how long I’ve been driving. I told him that moment was my literal first time driving out and that I just got my license the day before, and he is my first-ever passenger (at that point I’ve never even tried driving solo yet). The horror and immediate distrust on his face was something I will never forget HAHAHA. We got to the place unharmed, but it’s still one of my favorite stories to tell.
Who was your very first friend? It was a kind girl named Kaye back in kindergarten. We were always next to each other in our class lists, so it was inevitable for us to befriend one another. She transferred schools in first grade and I have not seen nor heard from her since.
What was the first thing you ate today? I had another bag of salted egg chips. I’m extremely hooked, lmao.
What was your first job? I work as an associate at a PR agency.
Name something red in the room you are in: We have an unopened bottle of wine here on the dining table and there’s still a red ribbon wrapped around it.
Is orange one of your school's team colors? No, neither of my schools had orange as one of its colors.
How many yellow shirts do you own? I can think of 5 tops hanging out in my wardrobe at the moment. Two of them are class shirts from high school; the others were tops I bought when I started getting into mustard yellow.
Name someone you know who drives a green car: I believe Angel, a classmate from high school who also studies in UP, also drives a Mitsubishi Mirage, albeit a lime green one.
Is it a blue sky outside right now? Yes for the most part, but the sun is setting soon so the sky is bound to change into many pretty colors as it usually does at this time of the day.
What is the first thing that pops into your head when I say 'purple'? Barney the dinosaur, and ube.
Are the walls in the room you're in white? Yes, all our walls indoors are white.
Does black make you think of depressing things? Not always, but if used specifically in that context, it definitely helps boosts the mood.
Jewelry: gold or silver? Silverrr, always.
[..Phone Stuff..]
Who is your provider? Nothing you would be familiar with, but I use Globe.
How long have you had your current phone? It’ll be three years this year. It would be nice to upgrade, but I’m also still happy with my current phone so it doesn’t really matter to me.
What did your last text say? The last one that came through that didn’t come from my mobile services provider was from someone in the media. It was his birthday last Friday and I messaged him if he’d like to receive a gift from us, on behalf of one of our clients; he just replied with his confirmation and details.
If you woke up naked next to the last person to call, would it be awkward? Yep and I’d feel like throwing up almost immediately.
Was your last missed call male or female? It was from my mom.
Who is your 10th phone contact? It’s from Jum, who I realize is still listed as Ate Jum on my phone. That’s cute hahaha; I must have gotten her number when we weren’t super close yet. Anyway, she’s been super MIA for like the last two years...basically, ever since she graduated. I believe she has also since moved back to Bicol, so it’s become virtually impossible to see her again. Bums me out and I look forward to the day we somehow end up in the same room once again.
How did you meet them? I met her in my very first journalism major class. I had mixed feelings towards her at first since I found her to be super loud in class, and I initially thought she would only be a one-time classmate and nothing more; but I got to know her more and we even ended up as orgmates, and it turns out she is literally the most hilarious person I know.
Are you related to your 17th phone contact? I have absolutely no clue who it is. I no longer remember what led to it, but Gabie and I swapped the SIM cards in our phones at one point, and for some reason it made me have access to her contacts; the 17th contact on my phone is someone from her list. And since I never hang out in my Contacts app, I’ve never gotten around to deleting those extra numbers I received.
How long have you known your 1st phone contact? Around 6th or 7th grade. I can’t remember the exact grade level she transferred to my school as a new student.
When was the last time you saw them? It’s been at least a year. I remember seeing her on campus very briefly when I was on my way to a certain building for class, while she was walking out of it.
Who is your 4th phone contact? LMAO, again, it’s from her contact list. Said person is one of her older cousins, I believe.
Have you ever kissed that person? No, and that is very weird and uncomfortable to think about.
When was the last time someone drunk dialed/texted/left a voicemail? Andi drunk messaged me a few months ago. November, I think.
Who is your #1? No Myspace but I’d say my top best friend is Angela.
How long have you known them? It will be 16 years this year.
Have you ever kissed? Oh my gosh, hell no. It would be like kissing a sister haha. She’s super affectionate and will sometimes kiss my shoulder or cheek, though.
Are you dating this person? No, never did and never desired to.
Do you have nicknames for each other? Not really exclusive to each other, but I call her Anj (and only a few people call her so) and she will occasionally call me Reben or Rolayn, both from past inside jokes.
What is your #2's full name? I am not sharing that, but I refer to them as Andi (you may remember them as Andrew from the past times I’ve mentioned them).
Do they live within 20 minutes of you? If there is zero traffic, I can probably make it to their place within that timeframe, yeah. But realistically, no they don’t.
How did you meet? We initially met in an anti-Marcos protest/rally – I approached they first because they had a wrestling shirt on, heheh – and that’s when I learned we were from the same college. But they rubbed me off the wrong way from our first meeting as they were too extroverted for my liking, and I spent a good chunk of time ignoring him whenever we crossed paths, lmfao. Eventually we were put in the same class at some point, and they even joined my org, and an intensely close friendship started from there.
Could you live with this person? Sure. I think they would never be a boring roommate.
Who is your #3? I’m gonna go with Kate for this one.
Where are they right now? I have no idea. We don’t really catch up with each other’s lives on a regular basis; we have a very chill, low-maintenance friendship.
When is this person's birthday? January 1st.
Has this person ever seen you naked? I don’t think so.
What is your #4's full name? I don’t think I have a 4th-tier best friend haha, but I’m gonna pick Tina.
When did you last see them? Last year, on the last normal day I was able to be on campus. She was set to present one of her projects at a journalism conference that was taking place in campus that day, but I was able to hang out with her for a short time before the event.
Have they ever dated one of your other friends? No. I knew she had a crush on someone from the college, though.
Do you know their favorite movie? I’m not sure about her favorite movie but I do know she loves Adam Sandler. I was never able to figure out if her interest was ironic or genuine but yeah, she enjoys a good number of his works.
What time is it? 6:20 PM.
Are you supposed to be doing something other than this? I wouldn’t say so. I do have deliverables for work but since it’s the weekend, I’m not thinking about them nor do I have the desire to touch those tasks until Monday.
Do you live on your own or with your parents? I live with my family. Considering my monthly income, it’d be close to impossible to sustain myself in my own place this early in my adult life.
Are you more of a cat or a dog person? Dog, for sure.
Are you allergic to anything? I don’t believe so.
Does your shirt have anything written on it? Yeah, it says “UP Fighting Maroons” styled in a varsity font since that’s the term for our sports team.
Have you ever tie-dyed something? I have, but only back in like Grade 6 when we had to do it for a home ec class. I remember wanting to buy a tie-dye set recently so I could revisit the activity, but I never got around to it.
Who can you always count on to cheer you up? Angela for the most part; but I also don’t want to be too reliant on my friends in this way. Sometimes I simply allow myself to be sad or upset, and sometimes I count on myself to cheer up.
How many places have you been today? I have been nowhere but at home today lol. I’ll be going to BGC tomorrow to have lunch with my godfather and my cousins, though.
Are you a forgiving person? No.
When was the last time you felt let down? Last night when I read the news that the government will be making All Souls’ Day, Christmas Eve, and New Year’s Eve working days this year. I already know I’ll be half-assing my way through those days lmao because whyyyyyyy the fuck would you make people work on family-centric holidays such as those
What is the title of the nearest book to you? There are no books here at the rooftop.
Are you wearing anything that belongs to someone else? Nope.
Can you whistle? Only through my lips. I can’t do the kind of whistle where you put your fingers in your mouth as well.
Do you look more like your mother or your father? My mom.
Are you still in high school? I’m well past that chapter.
Are you the oldest, middle, youngest, or an only child? I’m the eldest.
Has anyone ever told you that you talk in your sleep? No, because I don’t.
How many people have you kissed this year? None.
Is there anyone of the opposite sex you trust fully? Hmm, no one comes to mind.
Are you a night owl or an early bird? More of a night owl.
If you could have an exotic pet, what would it be? No thanks. I’ve never had the desire to have one.
Would you rather go to Brazil for the weekend or Finland for a month? I’d have to go with Finland. I feel like the cultural differences would be a lot more marked, plus the vacation is longer so that is an instant win for me.
[..And Finally..]
Where did you go the last time you drove somewhere? I was driving to the local coffee shop to spend some time with myself, and do a liiiiiiiittle bit of work as well.
Where did you last go out to eat at? Ramen Nagi. I was initially hesitant to show up there and ask for a table for one on a Sunday evening...but it turned out to feel incredibly empowering and freeing. It was definitely awkward at first, but it got a lot easier once I realized literally no one gives a fuck. Or if they did, they didn’t do anything about it and let me mind my own business. That evening was a crucial step in reclaiming my happiness, so I’m glad I made the choice to suck it up and enter the restaurant.
When was the last time you let someone borrow something from you? Last week, when Angela needed our abaca mat as an aesthetic for her grad shoot.
Was your last breakup a bad one? Yes.
What was the last song you listened to? Just checked my Spotify and the current song I have on pause is Descansos by Hayley Williams. 
What was the last movie you watched? Midsommar.
Did your last kiss happen in a public place? Not technically, but it did take place outside of my house so we were outdoors for some neighbors to see.
How did you meet the last person to leave you a comment? It was Andi, and I already explained how we met earlier in this survey.
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Just found out Grandma has cancer and she's moving in with the hospital bed package I helped put together today at the house.
The lady says she weighs less than 100 pounds and needs an oxygen tank.
This don't even feel real.
I'm helping the lady setup the bed, lifting stuff, and cleaning out the bunch of clothes and junk that nobody uses and it really didn't kick in...
It still hasn't.
My heart Andy hand was shaking as I had to sign the delivery note.
Not even a "Good luck with your Grandma" or "Condolences to you and your family" I told the delivery lady she had cancer and we're talking about it like its a happy topic on the news. She had music to keep her going as she picked up stuff off the truck. I wanted to tell her come back, wait...like are you sure you got the right house?
Like are you sure mom and dad or grandma isn't playing. Cause I haven't seen her in like a month. My clothes and stuff is still at her house in Grand Rapids.
And I don't wanna run into any arms. Like I don't wanna hear nothing but silence for the next 3 or 4hrs.
I'm trembling, shaking, paranoid.
I almost had a panic attack after that lady left. Well let's be real, I did.
But the fact that everybody else in this family is acting like this shit is normal and everybody wants me to behave....I can't say or do shit about it.
Like my room is connected to her room. Imma have to get used to walking past her bed just to use the bathroom. And eat?
I don't even know if I will, cause here's the thing....mom and dad are most likely gonna put me on duty. And last time when I spent a week with her, taking care of her...I was so stressed out, that I didn't even eat.
And cancer did pop in my head as a worst case scenario, because we had no clue what she had and she seemed ok when I got kicked out in March.
She avoided doctors and the hospital for years after her surgeries. I just....
I don't even know if I wanna know what stage she is at. Cause last time I stayed, when we had that argument, she wasn't eating too good, cheeks sunken in, I knew something was wrong. Even her house, her dishes were all piled up with black mould on em from being in the sink of dirty water too long. It felt like we stepped into a resident evil house from that one in the country. Even momma said that's not like her, because old ocd Clara, does not play about cleaning dishes. Soups did her no good and she was only getting down like 2-4 pieces of watermelon that daddy had brought. And her house in the summer is hot as heck, so I'm glad daddy had bought her that air purifying fan. She just did not go to the hospital. She said no for the longest when we offered to take her.
I'm glad she finally said yes.
But I don't know how far along she is. Everything has changed so much in less than a year.
I don't even know if I'll be the same after this. And I got a giant ear and toothache that keeps creeping in when I get too stressed like this.
I pray I stay away from drinking. Cause my hallucinations get worse after drinking...I really need to see a psychiatrist about that.
I just hope mom and dad don't start fussing again at home, it's already tight, mom is still going through alzheimers grief with our other grandma. Like she forgot her name already once. And these two strong black women that I grew up on are near 70. Clara, with cancer 67.
I don't even know what my father feels about this and that's what scares me the most. Cause he's mostly been the type to say he's okay, doing fine or alright if I ask him how he feels, buy he doesn't ever really change unless something super pisses him off...like cars parking too close when there's empty spots, drivers doing wide turns, people walking 8 ppl wide on the sidewalk at an amusement park or public event.
Or if he gets into with momma, but they haven't fought as much since I left in March...
But idk. With those two both on edge, the only time they can talk about emotions in a calm way is when they drink or go out to the bar, eat some wings, and get some drafts going while watching the game.
But that was younger dad, and this is now. Now...I assume he's gonna do a lot more golfing...
Idk how they're gonna manage us helping out.
But I pray I find my own job and apt soon. I wouldn't wanna live in chaos. Nor do I wanna fight about it either with my family, that have been known to push duties on me without really helping or noticing the people pleasing problem I learned from serving them all these years. I've never been allowed to say no to my mother and father. They always get upset with me when I do.
I don't wanna go through this alone, but as God showed me the ppl who really were a bad influence on my life, I don't have many friends to rely on to support me and pour my heart out too. After being hurt even when I dealt with the aftermath of that fight with mom, I found myself alone much more often than I thought. Missing the wrong ppl.
I'm not making that same mistake again. I'm not gonna make that silly mistake and call a guy only for him to take advantage of me sexually. I'm not having sex or making out with anybody unless we're committed to each other and he's already proven he's with me for love and not just sex.
Cause there are nice guys who try to outsmart women who would rather have sex after commitment, only to play them after giving the gf title.
How the fuck did I get to this topic, and I just found out Grandma Clara has cancer and we don't know how long for or what stage she's at?
See how far my mind overthinks in critical situations like this?
Now I'm off to watching Kenny Rogers cause I'm feeling a country craving right after I just cried my tears and helped clean her room, assembled her bed..
Ppl don't usually prepare for having a family member you didn't expect to take care of for cancer, it sorta feels low, because I don't know what to expect when she comes tomorrow...I don't know exactly what's gonna happen, but I pray I get a job close by so I can at least have a place to stay away from my already crazy home, and get moving on goals and dreams.
But I know why I feel so obligated to leave and to stay for grandma in flint...because I don't know what's going to happen to her or to me. And she's been apart of me for such a long time. She used to be the only person who understood me when I would get to sensitive or have depression, separation anxiety, seeing or feeling dead people, reading dreams intuitively together. Me and her was like the grandpa off of Roald Dahl's Willy Wonka story. She was the older version of me, and nobody understood me like her. Everybody else in my family would make fun of me for being like her. Whenever mom thought I did something that reminded her of Clara, she'd called me by her first name "Clara." Cause she raised me awhile when dad and sometimes mom went to work. Daddy at football games in college, but I think he had to drop out after me....I kinda thought back and thought I was a burden as the reason why they always seemed to overwork me so young as the oldest. Put a smile on your face and go to your room to cry. Kinda like cinderella. Well grandma Clara said it....she always worried about that when she visited.
Her personality was similar to how Ms. Lisa was on Sister Sister. Ms. Talkative, except her favorite color was purple 💜 and she always had an ego, and intuitive perspective on alot of things. She could see things as if she knew what was gonna happen next, like predicting a chess move. Very determined, independent, she hates being wrong, and she'll bark her mouth off if you tried to debate with her. She liked dressing up and going out. But when she's frugal, she'll cook something at the house. Oh, and she loved sweets. And she loved to talk.
I mean lots. I would say our usual was 2hrs, but that was so long ago. I definitely feel the change settling in. Only time will tell.
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staytheb · 3 years
Pairing: MX’s Shownu x OC [Chaewon] || MX’s Hyungwon x OC [Siyeon] Genre: slice of life, slight fluff Word Count: 2,051 Summary: Siyeon later finds out that their Girls’ Trip turns out to be more of a Couple Trip instead much to her dismay. previously: Closer
Warning: semi-proofread
hihi. am back! and this is part two to Closer. but i still think that you can read it on its own accord. i may or may not write a third part to this, but shall see how i feel or whatever. anyways, this one was fun to write and actually not a re-written chapter, but inspired from one. lol anyways, i thin that’s it so yeah, happy reading and kthxbai, Admin Lia~
Siyeon stared at the place as she, Chaewon, and their two friends who were also sisters, Minjae and Jaehwa, arrived in Seogwipo and were staying at their friends' aunt's home.
"This place is really nice."
"Oh yeah. Aunt Narae uses it as a vacation home and allowed us the space this weekend." Minjae said with a smile.
"Yes" Jaehwa agreed. "And the best part is that we each get to have our own rooms"
Siyeon cast them an incredulous look.
"Wow, really? Usually we just share like always"
"Not this time. One for each of us." Chaewon confirmed with a grin. "We're going all out this time to fully relax."
"Only down side is that we gotta go shopping for supplies and groceries as she didn't have time to prepare us." Minjae stated.
Siyeon groaned and whined a bit.
"I went to sleep late. Woke up early. Flew on a plane, settle, and go out shopping? Boo."
"You'll live." Chaewon commented with a laugh.
"Alright, Siyeon, how about this."
Minjae suddenly prompted as Siyeon cast her friend a puzzled look.
"We'll go out shopping and get all the stuff while you make sure the place looks good and clear out anything before going back to sleep."
"I guess. Okay, alright, I'll do that. Thanks."
"Anyways, let's settled in the rooms first before doing anything else." Jaehwa suggested as all four entered the spacious villa.
Siyeon was fast asleep after clearing the villa while the others left for the store. While in her sleepy state Siyeon felt her body being pulled backward as she softly collided with something a second later. She caught a whiff of a very familiar scent, but dismissed it. Siyeon tried to scoot away, but whatever was keeping her in place held her firmly letting out a small chuckle. Huffing, Siyeon opened her eyes and re-positioned herself to face Hyungwon who lied beside her with a his body propped by one arm and the other on her with a mischievous smile.
"Aww, did I disturb my little kitten?" Hyungwon cooed while playfully patting Siyeon.
Siyeon eyed him with a frown.
"Yes. I thought I told you that it was a girls' trip this weekend."
"You did."
Hyungwon nodded as he continued to pat the female nonchalantly with his free hand.
"So what are you doing here, anyways, Hyungwon?"
"To spend more time with you and the others, but mainly with you."
"Hmm, right. Wait. The others? As in Changkyun and Jooheon came along, too?"
Siyeon's brows furrowed until realization hit her and she groaned into her bed.
"She's such a brat. They're so mean. It's like a couple vacation now."
Hyungwon chuckled before re-positioning himself to comfortably lay in bed and pulling Siyeon against his chest. She allowed him to pull her closer as she reluctantly nuzzled against him.
"You knew, didn't you? That's why you asked that day."
He hummed as silence fell between them. He spoke a moment later when Siyeon didn't speak.
"Does that bother you?"
"Not really," She answered while looking up at him with a small smirk, "But now I have to deal with you even on vacation."
Hyungwon chuckled before placing a small kiss on her forehead. Siyeon's lips quirked upward upon thinking of something as she eventually wrapped her arms around him.
"Sing me a lullaby."
Hyungwon smiled before softly singing a random song. The pair soon fell asleep shortly after.
"What are we doing?" Hyunwoo asked Chaewon as the couple shopped around the market.
She cast her boyfriend a look.
"Buying food, Hyunwoo."
"You weren't listening earlier were you?"
"Uh, I was. No. Sorry.
Chaewon shook her head with a chuckle as she scanned the items.
"Anyways, what should we make to eat tonight?"
The pair along with the others were buying things. Chaewon and Hyunwoo were in charge of buying actual food. Minjae and Changkyun were in charge of purchasing the drinks and games while Jaehwa and Jooheon were in charge of getting the snacks and house necessities. Meanwhile Hyungwon and Siyeon would be picking up the cake for Hyunwoo.
"We can grill tonight and have a barbecue." Hyunwoo suggested.
"We could do that."
"Or we can have hotpot."
"We could do that, too."
"Unless, no one really wants to cook and we can order take out."
"That's a high possibility for tonight as we all just flew in."
"Is there anything you're craving?" Hyunwoo asked not sure himself on what they should eat tonight.
"Um, not really craving anything. Everything sounds pretty good at the moment."
Chaewon placed a few already packed trays of pork belly into the cart.
"Are we only going to eat pork belly this whole weekend?" Hyunwoo questioned his girlfriend.
"Because I would like to eat beef, too, Won."
Chaewon rolled her eyes while placing other packed meat into the cart.
"I was getting there. Calm down. I didn't forget about y'all."
Chaewon brushed him off with a small smile knowing that he was just eagered to eat when possible.
"It's fine, but we have to make sure the food lasts for the remainder of our stay. I don't want to go shopping more than I have to."
"Yes, yes."
Hyunwoo placed more meat into the cart. Chaewon chuckled.
"You really love meat."
"As much as I love you."
"You're so cheesy."
Hyunwoo chuckled before sweeping his eyes over the other products.
"What else should we get?"
Chaewon glanced at their cart before looking at her boyfriend with a slight smile.
"We need to buy rice and vegetables, too. Because that's a lot of meat and I don't want to just eat that for the next four days."
Siyeon stirred awake as her eyes fluttered open to see Hyungwon sound asleep beside her. She remembered that he and company had joined her and the others on their supposed girls' vacation. Siyeon pulled away as Hyungwon continued to sleep. She checked her phone, saw the time, and a text message from the girls less than half an hour ago asking if she could check if the house had certain utensils to use for a barbecue tonight. Stretching and yawning, Siyeon slowly got out of bed and left the room to go and check. Once she left, several minutes later Hyungwon jolted awake upon his phone ringing. He fumbled about until he located his mobile device and answered the call.
His other hand went to locate Siyeon's body, but he was met with empty spaces and frowned while looking over to where he remembered Siyeon was supposed to be.
Hyungwon wasn't paying attention to the other person on the other line.
"Cake? Oh yeah."
He sat up in bed while ruffling his hair and let out a yawn before speaking to his friend.
"Yeah, me and Siyeon will leave in a little bit to pick one up. Okay. See y'all later."
Hyungwon hung up and got out of bed in search of Siyeon. He found her in the kitchen on the phone going through the cabinets.
"Yeah, we have that here. Probably just get more of those. Okay. See y'all soon. Bye."
Siyeon hung up and turned around to meet Hyungwon.
"Oh. Hi."
Hyungwon shot her a lazy smile with a head tilt.
"We have to pick up a cake. Let's get ready before going."
"Um, does the house have enough space for all this?" Hyunwoo asked his girlfriend once they were in line along with Jooheon and Changkyun.
"Um, dunno, but we'll find out." Chaewon answered with a laugh. "We should be fine. I think."
"Is this gonna fit in the car though?"
"Minjae already got another car rented." Changkyun answered with Jooheon nodding.
"Yeah, she and Jaehwa went to pick it up a while ago."
"Good thing we drove in two cars instead of one." Chaewon commented with a laugh. "Because I wouldn't wanna do another trip."
"By the way, already called Hyungwon and he and Siyeon will be picking up the cake in a bit."
"Alright, cool. Thanks, Jooheon."
"No problem."
Hyunwoo gazed at the loaded carts of things when Chaewon got his attention.
"Hey, I'll be back. Siyeon wants ice cream, but doesn't know which kind."
"Could we get ice cream, too?"
"Yeah, I second that."
Both Jooheon and Changkyun chimed in last minute with sweet smiles.
"Sure. What do y'all want?"
Chaewon looked at them expectantly.
"I'm fine with whatever." They answered in unison.
"Alright. I'll be back. Y'all know what to do if we're not back by then."
Chaewon walked off soon afterwards.
"Jaehwa left me her card." Jooheon stated while holding up Jaehwa's card.
"So did Minjae."
Changkyun held up Minjae's card. Hyunwoo chuckled as he followed suit.
"Chaewon gave me hers, too."
After everyone returned home and changed into comfortable clothing did they start prepping for the barbecuing tonight.
"Is this small enough?"
"I skewered all the chicken pieces."
"The grill's ready to go."
"Set the table."
"Stuff's on the grill now."
"I'm gonna eat an ice cream. Does anyone want one?"
"That's after the main meal."
"Ugh, fine."
Went the conversation between the group of eight as they maneuvered around the back patio coming in and out of the house.
"Let's take a drink first!" Minjae announced as she made sure everyone had a drink in hand.
"Of course you wanna start out drinking already." Siyeon commented as Minjae grinned before holding her can in the air.
"Happy birthday to Hyunwoo even though it's not until tomorrow!"
"Happy birthday, Hyunwoo!"
The group cheered before consuming their drink and went about the rest of their evening.
~Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Hyunwoo, happy birthday to you~
The group sang while Hyunwoo blew out the candles after eating their meal and moved on to dessert. They cut up the cake with everyone getting a slice save for Siyeon who opted for ice cream. Chaewon passed a fork to her boyfriend, but Hyunwoo had already took a bite out of his slice without it.
"Please, babe, use a fork."
Chaewon waved the fork for her boyfriend to take with a pointed look.
"Uh, thanks."
Hyunwoo took the offered fork with a sheepish look and used it to eat the remainder of his dessert.
"Anyways, what are we doing tomorrow?" Siyeon asked a second later while happily consuming the frozen treat.
"We can go hiking along the coast in the early morning." Jaehwa suggested.
"I thought we decided to check out the Cheonjiyeon Falls or the Jeongbang Falls."
Chaewon spoke next with Minjae chiming in.
"Didn't we want to ride the ATV or go shooting at Daeyoo Land?"
Siyeon then remembered something.
"Wait, we talked about those among ourselves before this trip became a couple trip."
"Oh, good point, Siyeon," Changkyun stated with a grin, "We can have an only couple outing tomorrow."
"Ooh, I second that." Jooheon agreed while slinging an arm around Jaehwa with a cheeky look. "Jaehwa and I can have all day together just the two of us while all of y'all can do the same."
"Hmm, that's sounds cool."
Hyunwoo nodded liking the idea.
"Chaewon and I can spend my birthday all day together without any of you disturbing us."
Minjae grinned with a clap of her hands.
"So we agree that tomorrow we're all spending time as a couple away from one another, yeah?"
While a majority agreed Siyeon was about to decline when she felt a soft pat on her thigh from Hyungwon. She glanced at him as he cast her a lazy smile before looking at the others.
"Yeah, that's fine. Siyeon and I will be checking out the O'sulloc Tea Museum tomorrow just the two of us."
"Ooh, sounds fun for sure." Jaehwa said in excitement as she shot her friend a playful look.
"Oh, definitely, Jaehwa. Most definitely." Chaewon stated while wriggling her eyebrows at Siyeon.
Siyeon rolled her eyes at the two's words, but a small smile graced her lips.
"So," Minjae interjected while looking at the group, "Tomorrow is Couple Day meaning the couples won't be bother until later tomorrow night to plan the rest of the days."
Everyone agreed as they continued their night of merriment before turning in to rest themselves for tomorrow.
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365daysofsasuhina · 5 years
[ 365 Days of SasuHina || Day Two Hundred Ninety-Five: Out to Dinner ] [ Uchiha Sasuke, Hyūga Hinata, Hyūga Hiashi, Hyūga Hanabi ] [ SasuHina ] [ Verse: Best Years of Your Life ] [ AO3 Link ]
Well...today’s the day.
And he has...no idea what he’s supposed to do.
They arrange to meet in the early afternoon, Hinata promising her father she’d use the morning to tend to some of her homework before taking the rest of the day off. Hiashi agreed, and so Sasuke arrives at her house at about two in the afternoon. And even after several hours to sit and think about it, he still has little to go on in regards to what a date is really...supposed to be. A few minutes are spent sat in the car, nibbling his lip in thought.
...now or never.
Getting out of the driver’s side, he gives the house a once-over. It’s a two story white craftsman, on a large corner lot with a sizeable, well-kept yard. All it needs is a picket fence and you’d see it in one of those magazines housewives are always drooling over. He’d know: Mikoto always has one lying around someplace, dreaming of remodeling their house.
Walking up the path to the front door, he gives the bell a ring. He texted Hinata five minutes before he arrived, but...well, he’s expecting someone else to answer the door.
And it turns out, he’s right.
Hiashi is who pulls it open, beholding Sasuke properly for the first time. Sasuke, in turn, does his best to stand in some manner that doesn’t look forced, but not too relaxed, either.
“You must be Sasuke,” the Hyūga muses.
“Yes, sir.”
“...you needn’t call me sir. Mister Hyūga is polite enough.”
“Er...right. Is, uh...is Hinata ready…?”
“I believe she is finishing up. You may come in to wait, if you wish.”
“...thanks.” Stepping in to a tiled entryway, Sasuke just sort of...lingers, not daring to get his shoes on any carpet. The interior, like the exterior, is mostly white: everything is greyscale, light and airy. It’s...probably the nicest house he’s ever been in. His own is nothing to sneeze at, but...wow. This place is nice.
Hands in his pockets, he watches as Hiashi retreats out of sight. Well...so much for making small talk. But maybe he’s glad for it, honestly. They haven’t exactly gotten off to a good start…hopefully Hinata won’t take too much longer.
But before she comes downstairs, another person walks past: her little sister, Hanabi, who Sasuke has heard...very little about. Looking very much like her father with the same face shape and hair shade, she pauses as she catches sight of him.
...there’s an awkward moment of staring.
“...you Hinata’s boyfriend?” she asks, speaking past a stick of pocky in her mouth.
“Uh...yeah. That’s me.”
“...you’re hotter than I thought you’d be.”
As Sasuke balks, she breaks into a laugh, waving a hand and continuing on through the house.
...what was that?!
It’s then Hinata comes down the stairs, slowing to a stop as she catches his expression. “...are you okay?”
“...yeah. Just...met your sister.”
Understanding seems to brighten her face. “Oh...that explains it. She say anything...weird?”
“...she thinks I’m hot.”
She can’t stop a snort. “Yeah, that’s...Hanabi for you. She’s in that weird eighth grader stage.”
From another room, the younger sister calls, “I HEARD THAT!”
Hinata just rolls her eyes. “Ready to go?”
“I think so.”
“Okay...let me go say goodbye to my dad, then we can head out!”
“No need.”
Hiashi then rounds the corner, Hinata looking a bit surprised. “Oh! Well...Dad, this is Sasuke, Sasuke...this is my dad, Hiashi.”
“We had a...brief introduction when he arrived,” the patriarch assures her. “So, I suppose this is where I set the boundaries? Home by ten, and do call if you have any major changes in plans. Which...would be?”
“Uh...thought we’d go hang out at the mall, maybe catch a movie and some dinner…?” Sasuke shrugs.
Amusement flickers Hiashi’s lips for just a moment. “Agreeable. Do be careful, Hinata.”
“I will. See you when I get back.”
The teens then make their way back outside and into Mikoto’s SUV. As Sasuke does up his seatbelt, he mumbles, “...that was the most awkward introduction I’ve ever had in my life.”
Hinata can’t help a giggle. “I’m sorry...m-my dad’s really...stiff. He’s too serious, but...he tries.”
“He didn’t hate me?”
“If he hated you, we wouldn’t be in the car right now.”
“...okay then. So, uh...mall sound good to you? I...really have no idea what else to do. It’s where I go to bum around with Naruto most of the time.”
“Sure! In all honesty...I don’t even know what movies are playing right now…”
“Then we’ll both be surprised.” Backing from the driveway, Sasuke steers the car toward downtown, the mall soon looming before them. Once parked in the garage, they head up into the building proper. “Got any favorite places to browse?”
“A few, but...they’re mostly for clothes. I don’t want to b-bore you.”
“I don’t mind.”
“Um...there’s also a neat bookstore, with board games and stuff?”
“I think I know that one...should we start there?”
They mosey, taking their time and window shopping on the way. Sasuke very rarely goes in most of the shops in the mall, preferring to just walk around and people watch, maybe peruse things in the displays. His allowance pays okay, but he prefers to save and splurge on stuff for his PC or games for his Playstation.
The bookstore is pretty busy, filled mostly with younger kids. But that doesn’t stop Hinata from looking over their puzzles and books, Sasuke observing a model train do its laps alongside a few tykes.
Without him looking, Hinata takes a small video of it, smiling behind her phone.
In the end she buys a few new books, Sasuke finding an old school PC game he used to play in elementary school to splurge on. Sheepishly explaining the educational title to her, he glances over as she giggles.
“I remember that one! It was on the computers in the library!”
“Yeah! I didn’t think you could find it anymore...maybe it won’t even play on my computer, but it was only ten bucks...might as well try.”
From there, they go to the in-mall cinema, picking a movie at random based on the posters. It’s a comedy, the pair sharing some overpriced candy and popcorn. Sasuke quickly grows a bit bored, but gets a kick out of Hinata paying rapt attention and laughing every few seconds.
...she’s so cute.
After that, they wander a little longer, Hinata dragging him into a rather...eclectic place with weird clothes, crystals, incense, and fancy glass sculptures.
“Oh, wow...look at that one!” Hinata points to a lion posed atop a rock. “It’s so pretty…!”
“You like lions?”
“I was...a big Lion King fan as a kid.”
“Mhm!” She gives him a glance. “What about you?”
“Everyone has the Disney movie from when they were a kid. What was yours?”
“Actually, it was uh...The Black Cauldron.”
“Really?! That one was so scary!”
“Yeah, that’s why I liked it! No one else really seemed to, though...my brother was all about Hercules.”
“Aww, I love that one…”
“...you gonna buy that, then?”
“Oh gosh, no...it’s way too expensive.”
“...what if I go in half?”
“Sasuke, no!”
“You want it, don’t you?”
“W-well, yeah! But -?”
“I’ll pay half.”
Torn between stubborn refusal and longing, she bites her lip before giving in. “...oh, okay! But I owe you.”
“Whatever you say.”
Once the fragile artwork is carefully wrapped and put in a box, the pair make their way to the few restaurants on the main floor. “What sounds good?”
“Anything, really...that popcorn didn’t fill me up at all!”
They head into a grill, ordering and chatting as they wait.
“Are you nervous about state?”
“...yeah, kinda. Mostly I’m just psyched we’re going, but...now that we’re going? I wanna go all the way.”
“I bet you will.”
“I dunno...there’s a lot of good teams. But we’ll sure try.”
“I’ll be there to cheer you on, okay? Sakura said she’d go with me, since she and Naruto finally g-got together.”
Sasuke pauses for a moment. “...that doesn’t bother you?”
“...should it?”
“You liked him for a long time.”
“...well, I’m not what he wanted. And that’s okay.” She gives him a shy smile. “...and you liked me for a long time, so...m-maybe it’s only fair.”
“Is that why you asked me out?”
“No! Well...maybe partially. But also because I like you, and...I w-want to give this a try.” After a small hesitation, she puts a hand atop his own on the table, earning a small blush.
After going out for dinner (and Hinata indulging in dessert, which Sasuke skips with his lack of a sweet tooth), they wander a little longer to let their meals settle. Then back to the car they head, both clearly disappointed the evening is almost over.
“...well, did you have fun?” he asks, maneuvering out of the garage.
“I did...a lot, actually. And thank you again for the lion...I am going to pay you back for that!”
“You can try,” he teases.
Pulling along the curb at her house, Sasuke walks her up to the door, hands in his pockets as she carries her few bags from her shopping.
“...thank you for taking me,” she eventually offers as they idle.
“Yeah, well...thanks for asking me,” Sasuke counters with a hint of a grin. “...it was really nice.”
“Would you...w-want to do it again sometime? Well...maybe something different, I mean, but another...d-date?”
“...I think I would. We’ll, uh...plan a bit more next time.”
Hinata giggles. “...okay.”
...another silence blooms.
“...well...I better get inside…”
“Yeah, I gotta get home, too.”
“Text me when you get home, so...I know you made it okay?”
After another pause, Hinata hesitates for a moment before swooping forward atop the step. Lips give a press to Sasuke’s cheek, which quickly blooms red. “...goodnight.”
“...night,” he manages to reply, watching her head in. Blinking a few times, he then dares to grin, walking on air to the car.
...maybe this whole date thing isn’t so bad.
     (This is a sequel to days 149, 168, 183, 271, 287, and 294!)      hhhhh I have an early morning tomorrow and now it's 2am BUT I GOT THIS DONE xD More of the sports verse: they're on a date! Finally! And neither of them know what they're doing, lol - but at least they had fun x3      Anyway I REALLY gotta go, so...thanks for reading!
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artificialqueens · 5 years
Bring It On: Eyes On the Prize (Branjie) - Ashley
A/N: This is the last chapter of Bring It On and I just wanna say thanks to everyone who sent a lovely comment my way - it really does motivate. I’ve loved coming back to AQ and writing and maybe I’ll explore that some more in the summer - in the meantime you know I’ll be here reading as much Branjie as you lot wanna give me. Happy bank hol to my fellow Brits and just happy day to everyone else! Hope yous like reading this chapter as much as I liked writing it. Hopefully I can focus more on my A Levels now oops….xoxox Ashley.
Brooke woke to a foreign stream of sunlight forecast across her. Initially, she was panicked, used to her rigid alarms and blackout blinds, the initial unfamiliar scaring her - until she saw Vanessa.
Looking down at her chest she saw the brunette’s head nestled below her shoulder without flaw, slotting into her own body as though they were a lock and key. Two continents bound apart by continental drift now slotted back together with a satisfying alignment. Vanessa’s caramel arm around her stomach, Brooke felt like she’d woken up in heaven, the pair of them entangled in a field of white sheets. Something about seeing the girl who was always on the defence being so serene and calm as she burrowed into Brooke’s body gave her the urge to kiss the top of her head. Brooke didn’t want to leave the celestial city - or the empress who ruled it. She wanted to stay in the clouds with her forever, Vanessa’s bed a safe haven from the outside world.
Like usual, it didn’t take long for the clouds to part and for Brooke to come crashing back down to earth.
The time it took for someone to knock on a door three times if she was being exact.
“Vanessa?” the instantly recognisable tone of Jovan’s voice rang through the room like a panic alarm.
She watched in dismay as Vanessa’s eyes shot open and adjusted to the scene in front of her.
“Shit,” Brooke whispered, leaping out of bed and making a dive for the pile of discarded clothes from the night before.
“Under the bed!” Vanessa mouthed to the girl frantically, pointing her perfectly manicured nails downwards.
About to throw herself under Vanessa’s bed, Brooke stopped in her tracks, seeing a row of red draws where there would normally be a gap.
“It’s a box spring!”
“Vanessa!” he started to bang on the door louder.
“Closet,” Vanessa pointed again - resulting in a deadpan glare from the other girl.
If she’d thought that her life had resembled an Alanis Morissette song earlier then she may as well have thrown on a red beanie and hung out of a car window at this point - bundling her clothes into her arms and plunging into the closet of the lesbian head cheerleader.
“Come in,” Vanessa shouted, her voice still shaky from the near-miss.
Although she felt a twang of pain at the thought of hiding away, as though Vanessa was embarrassed by her, Brooke couldn’t deny that the rush of sneaking around turned her on a little, flashbacks of the night before jolting through her brain and she huddled her knees to her chest and eyeballed Vanessa through the slit in the doors.
“Why are you still in bed - we’re gonna be late!” he picked a sock from the floor and threw it at his sister’s head. Brooke’s sock.
“Sorry, I’ll not be long,” she started to get up and brush her hair, her brother rolling his eyes at her dishevelled state.
“I’ll offer Brooke a lift, I know she’s free first period,” Jovan grabbed his phone to dial.
“Don’t!” Vanessa grabbed it from his hands, quickly glancing at her bedside table where Brooke’s phone was sitting.
“So that’s why she’s been avoiding me,” he snatched his phone back from Vanessa, “You know Vanessa it would be nice if you didn’t fuck around my friends with your cheerleading drama. What was it this time, she didn’t throw you high enough?”
“Something like that,” Vanessa mumbled - Brooke constraining a laugh from inside the closest, the sheer awkwardness and irony of the situation once again making her life a satire of itself in the form of a teenage coming of age flick.
“Well, you better make up soon because I did not buy a ticket to nationals to watch you two scraping.”
“Don’t worry about us,” Brooke could see Vanessa smiling through the gap, visibly excited at the thought of her step-brother coming to watch her cheer.
“Go without me, I’ll head in later,” she motioned for him to exit - Brooke releasing a heavy sigh of relief that she wouldn’t have to be stuck making friends with Vanessa’s shoes for much longer.
Moving out of the closet still semi-naked, Brooke was anything but enthralled by Vanessa’s reaction - scrunching her nose at the girl’s cackles.
“How do you not know what type of bed you have?” Brooke asked the girl, utterly flabbergasted at how they managed to pull the wool over Jovan’s eyes.
“I panicked, it’s what they do in the movies,” Vanessa started to laugh even more until Brooke couldn’t help but join in.
The morning after the night before had always been awkward for Brooke; from the surface, she’d have assumed it would be today but something about Vanessa and her laugh made her feel more at ease than ever, floating above all the unspoken pleasantries.
“Hey, if my ass is big enough to form its own Insta then I doubt it’s gonna fit under there!” Brooke giggled as she pointed to the tiny gap between Vanessa’s bed frame and carpet.
“I’m sorry about that,” Vanessa visibly grimaced, “I just get so defensive and on guard - I shouldn’t have been so rude. I can’t explain it. Like this big fear just comes looming over me, I was petrified everyone would know, that they could see it all over my face,”
“There’s nothing to be scared of,” Brooke grabbed the girls wrist.
There was that fire, back again to swallow her up and cut off the outside world.
“Brooke, you can’t tell anyone about this,” Vanessa dismissed her reassurance, giving Brooke a death glare that made her want to run away afraid and pin her down longingly at the same time.
“I won’t. But you can’t treat me like shit whenever you get scared. And you can’t mess the squad about either, going back and forth with our routine like that so close to nationals.”
Brooke was serious - ever since joining the squad and moving to Tampa those months ago she had channelled almost everything she had into winning nationals; her feelings for Vanessa, her homesickness, her anxieties - they all lead up to that moment and she wouldn’t allow what she had with the girl to mess it up, despite not caring whether it would mess herself up in the process.
“Prom,” Vanessa held a manicured finger to Brooke,
“I need a full promise,” Brooke teased her, raising her eyebrows.
“I promise.”
“I best be going then,” Brooke looked at her phone, wishing she could stay longer but not willing to risk exposure for Vanessa’s sake,
“Yeah, don’t want my brother to think you’ve been held captive by some psychopath.”
“The truth?” Brooke grinned - her heart shattering into a million pieces on the floor at the sight of Vanessa’s toothy smile in response.
“Shut up,” she responded, Brooke proud of herself for out-whiting the sassy cheerleader. “I’ll see you at the fundraiser!”
“Yes, the car wash. The car wash I definitely didn’t forget all about,” Brooke cursed internally and began to text Jovan with a proposal to skip double English that afternoon for a trip to the mall.
“I didn’t,” Vanessa winked as Brooke left.
Shaking her head to herself, Brooke decided that this had been the most clinically insane week of her life. Vanessa kissed her. Vanessa had feelings for her. Vanessa wanted to see her in a bikini. All that had crossed her mind since moving to Tampa, every lustful thought she tried to repress and dismiss as fiction was now beyond belief fact, and Brooke knew she would bask in every minute of it even if it meant lying to the whole world around her.
“What about this? It’s kinda Amazon-esque,” Brooke held up a half cobalt, half snakeskin print bikini with high-waisted bottoms to her absent-minded friend.
“I might just go naked,” she tried to get Jovan’s attention as he mumbled in agreement, unable to take his eyes away from his phone; “It’ll save me some money at least!”
Rolling her eyes at his inability to be present, she looked over his shoulder and sighed, “Jacob again is it?” - his head perking up at the mention of the boy’s name.
“I’m sorry,” he pleaded with her, “He is waaay out of my league and I don’t want to seem weird!”
Brooke knew the feeling.
“He’s not and you seem more weird hanging onto your phone every second - let him wait for you,” she snatched it away and shoved the swimwear back in his eyesight.
“Who are you trying to impress with that! My, my mami. Can’t imagine our Canadian princess getting down and dirty in that,”
“No one,��� she panicked, Vanessa’s words ringing in her head as she threw the suit back on the rack.
“Get it, I’m kidding,” he picked it back up, “You have the boobs for it and you aren’t in Canada anymore Dorothy. You wanna make enough money to get that extra day pass for nationals and as awful as it seems you ain’t gonna be making it hiding away those twins.”
Turning a deep shade of red, Brooke’s mind couldn’t help but revert back to Vanessa - she figured it wouldn’t hurt to show up to the fundraiser in the bikini to impress her along with making more money. Brooke was adamant that her good intentions certainly outweighed her skewed motive.
Like usual, Brooke heard Vanessa before she could see her - always finding something amusing in the contrast between the tiny beautiful girl and her loud gravelly yell. She longed to hear her record an audio book or narrate a ballet - a recording Brooke wouldn’t be able to stop replaying.
Clad in a leopard print kaftan with her dark hair slicked back, Brooke could see the clear frustration in the girl’s face as she tried to draw people into the car wash, taking pride in the quick flash of a smile that ran across Vanessa’s first when they first noticed each other.
“How much we made so far?” Brooke asked the girl, trying so hard to ignore the way in which Vanessa’s eyes did a once over of her body in the bikini.
She still hadn’t fully adjusted to the fact that whatever they had going on was real, that their night together hadn’t just been a fantasy and that Vanessa had felt the same way all along - so moments like this were still surprising her and giving her the urge to kiss Vanessa then and there, her years of disciple training from ballet having the most unexpected use.
“Hardly anything. I knew we should have done something else, I just didn’t want to stray away from tradition. I just wanna make sure we get the best passes,” she started to vent to Brooke whilst she counted the little money they had made.
“We’ll get there,” Brooke smiled as she started to gather her bucket and sponge.
“Maybe the money will come flooding in now we’ve got some snow,” Vanessa grinned at the girl, catching her off guard by throwing a dry cloth in her direction.
Rolling her eyes in the process, Brooke made sure to use her flexibility to her advantage as she bent over for the cloth, earning hollers from the other students around - but there was only one she cared about, the one shaking her head playfully at Brooke; touche.
Brooke’s jaw nearly hit the floor when she saw the car in front of her.
Drenched bonnet to boot in mud - she was already having a mini panic attack and examining her nails before even speaking to the driver.
Purple dreadlocks and sharp eyebrows, the girl wound down her window and gave Brooke a quizzical once over.
“You’re an Amazon?” she asked, clearly picking up on Brooke’s different appearance to the squad, something she herself had felt self-conscious about before moulding into the family like nothing was different. The teens in the shotgun and back laughed as they handed the girl a clear bag bundled with cash. Probably the most cash Brooke had seen in her life, she thought to herself as she scanned the parking lot for Vanessa.
“$1000 to clean this thing?” she waved the bag in front of Brooke’s face.
Confused as to what to say, Brooke stood bewildered a moment before Jaren came to her side.
“Vicky, what you doing here? Vanj will flip,” he asked the girl with a gloss of panic on his face.
“I’m here for this lovely girl to wash my car,” she motioned to Brooke who was starting to assemble the missing pieces to the puzzle - before her sat the captain of the Amazon’s rival squad for nationals, Vanessa’s arch-rival.
“She’s not laying a finger on this piece of trash.”
There she was, Brooke’s knight in a leopard print bikini.
The superhuman who protected her from the cruel realities of Earth.
“Hey, miss Vanjie!” The girl waved with a splinter of sarcasm that could impale metal.
“Don’t tell me you’re here to fight,” Vanessa looked down at the girl with her usual fierceness.
“The opposite,” she tossed the bag of money out of the Amazons - green rain at their feet. “I wanna help you get all the funds you need to compete to your best standard at nationals. That way it will be even more satisfying when we wipe the floor with you again, we can win from a level playing field.”
Brooke instantly understood why Vanessa’s nose flared at the mention of the girl, seeing her first start to form a ball in her hand a la Arthur. Her acrylics digging hard into her skin.
Brooke placed a reassuring hand on Vanessa’s arm, slipping a whisper in her direction; “She’s not worth it.”
“We don’t need your dirty money to get on the same level, it doesn’t cost shit to go downwards,” Vanessa kept her cool with a reassuring squeeze from Brooke.
God, Brooke couldn’t wait to compete.
“Take it, don’t take it,” Vicky gave Vanessa an obviously fake smile, “I doubt all the help in the world can get rid of your curse.”
And with that they were gone - Vanessa left a cartoon character with steam blowing out of her ears.
“I’m not fucking cursed,” she started to ball up the money that blew across the car park, gaining attention from others. “We can take all of this to a charity, we don’t need it. It doesn’t matter how many nights we stay at nationals or how new our Pom Poms are, we’re gonna fucking destroy them.”
“It’s okay, she’s just trying to rattle your cage,”
“Well, it worked. I hate the thought of her pitying me,” Vanessa started to run her hands through her hair with frustration. Brooke wanted nothing more to hold them and tell her it was all gonna be okay. “I only did this stupid thing cause it’s a tradition, I’m sure there are better ways of making money than whoring ourselves out washing cars!”
“I’d ask my parents but there’s a reason we moved down here,” Brooke looked down at the floor.
“It’s fine B, we’ve got enough to get by we’ll just have to skimp once we’re down there but it doesn’t matter. We ain’t gonna care what new shit we had and how many days we had passed for once we win,”
“That’s my girl,” Brooke smiled; Vanessa’s sense of determination always sending her head into spins. Her fiery way’s sending Brooke insane.
“You wish, Brooke Lynn.”
She did more than just wish.
Brooke couldn’t help but gain a rush from sneaking around with Vanessa. The nights she waited till Jovan was asleep and crept down to the bottom floor bedroom - his new relationship giving them ample time to roam free together. The walks they took to far away parks, buying ice cream and milkshakes - Vanessa was always cherry. The stolen glances they had in practice. It was more than a lust for someone commanding, someone beautiful - it was the way she clung onto every one of Vanessa’s words, the way in which she knew just what made Brooke laugh. It was her vulnerable side, the side she only showed to Brooke. It was all the different layers of her personality in one big ball of sunshine. Around Brooke, Vanessa was irrevocably herself and Brooke was the same.
There was something special about what they had - their little secret away from the world. No one knew about the things they did, no one knew how special Vanessa really was. How she cried at the end of Pocahontas when she waved goodbye to John Smith and chose to stay with her people. How she couldn’t take one bite into a hot pepper without demanding water and screaming at Brooke to help. How she stayed up all night on the phone to Brooke - asking question and question about her old life, wanting to know the girl the best she could, genuinely interested in her stories of ballet and boys. No one knew about them and Brooke didn’t mind because it just felt right - why let the world in when what they had was so perfect just with the two of them. Yes, she sometimes longed to tell the world that Vanessa was her’s, to shout from the rooftops that she chose Vanessa over everything - but she knew in the back of her head that things wouldn’t be the same. That behind the stormy captain there was a small girl afraid of one drop of rain. Although it lingered in the back of her mind that they couldn’t stay this way forever - Brooke knew she would go as long as she possibly could hiding with Vanessa if that’s what it took to be with her - she would wait as long as it took for the girl to be ready so long as she could keep holding her hand, laughing with her and kissing her along the way.
She just didn’t know that their own movie-style romance would be cut short by an ad break they were unable to skip.
“Everyone’s gonna be here soon,” Brooke muffled as Vanessa made for her neck, leaving smooches down to her clavicle as Brooke sat in her tank and shorts ready to practice.
“It’s fine, I told them to come a little later,” Vanessa grinned before kissing the girl.
“Wait,” Brooke pulled away, teasing the girl, “You postponed practice one week from the biggest competition of the year just so you could get something warm between your legs? What kind of captain are you?”
“Well it was just to spend time with you, not sexually driven but if you’re that way inclined,” Vanessa raised an eyebrow and started to kiss Brooke again, deeper, with more passion.
At first, Brooke could tell it had been hard for Vanessa to say things like that aloud, to admit that she wanted to spend time with Brooke, that she wanted her body, but as times progressed she had become more open around the girl and started to throw her inhibitions out the window.
She hadn’t even registered that her top was off, and so was Vanessa’s until they heard it - the almighty boom. The fatal voice.
“Vanjieee!” Silky burst into the room.
Glass shattered. Shelves collapsed. The sound of distant cries rang in her ear.
Her whole world was now upside down and the gravity that once pulled her to Vanessa now pushed her away even further.
“Shit,” Brooke cried, pulling the covers over herself quickly.
Vanessa stayed silent, a blank gloss over her usual heightened expressions.
Brooke didn’t know where her mind had gone, but it wasn’t there.
“Holy shit,” Silky laughed to herself as she looked back and forth between the pair in disbelief. “Vanjie, you rug munching?”
“Get the fuck out,” Brooke avoided eye contact with the girl as she raised her voice, her concern about Vanessa taking over her embarrassment.
“I guess I’ll be in the garden then,” Silky gave the girls another sceptical look before leaving the room.
The door shut in place.
Barely 2 minutes had passed and what had felt like an eternity of the relationship between Brooke and Vanessa was gone with the click of that door.
“Vanessa, it’s okay,” Brooke wrapped her arms around the girl after putting her shirt back on.
“Just go,” Vanessa looked straight ahead - Brooke didn’t know where she was, but it wasn’t there with her.
“You don’t have to be defensive, it’s fine,” Brooke tried to hold the girl’s hand.
“It’s not the end of the world, she’ll understand, I l-”
“I can’t believe we let it get this far.”
“Vanessa,” Brooke’s eyes pleaded at the girl, waiting for her Vanessa, her soft Vanessa who smelt like cherries to come back.
“Just go.”
So she did.
She walked straight out of the house and kept walking until she was running, sprinting. Sprinting away from the pain, away from her problems. Sprinting until her legs hurt and she was going to be sick. Sprinting til her chest leapt up and down with each heavy breathe - letting the tears hit the ground like black rain on her wedding day. Sprinting till it was dark and late and she didn’t know where she was. She was scared to stop because once she stopped it was all real and she had to think about it. When she stopped, she was alone.
Her fingers were numb and the streets unfamiliar. Pulling out her phone, she almost called Vanessa as she went onto her recent conversations, forgetting that her usual saviour was the one who had banished the damsel this time. She flicked past her parents, they would ask why she was there, what was wrong. Even though she knew Vanessa would hate her for it, Brooke called the only person she knew that wouldn’t pressure or pry, the only person here who had seen her anxiety at its deepest and darkest.
“Hey girl, I’m kinda in the middle of something,” he hinted to her.
She tried to find the words but couldn’t and let out a panicked breath.
“Brooke, you okay?”
“Just breathe okay, it will pass. It always ends Brooke, it’ll pass.”
Brooke tried her hardest to listen, to home in on his words and let them overpower the negative.
“Just breathe nice and slow Brooke, it’ll be over soon,”
Counting to ten and doing as he said, she managed to find a part of her voice that hadn’t be stolen by Vanessa.
“I don’t know where I am,” fear started to set in more when she said it out loud.
“It’s fine, I can see on snap, okay?”
“Can you stay on the phone?” she asked, trying hard to let anything else take over her mind - a distraction from the voice in her head telling her she wasn’t good enough.
“Yeah, Jacob can drive and I’ll stay on the phone. We’ll be 20 minutes. It’ll be over soon Brooke, we’ll get you some gravy and fries, yeah?”
She could hear some shuffling and muffled conversation, a thank you, the shutting of a door.
“I’ll even let you add the cheese on top,”
“Yeah,” Brooke started to return back to reality ever so slightly - trying hard to breathe naturally and think about the end when things would go back to normal - her voice still hoarse, fighting its way to be heard, that one syllable a small step to victory in her mind.
“Oh god, your boy is waiting in the car!” Brooke exclaimed, only remembering after Jovan had helped her return to normalcy.
“I’m so sorry, I interrupted your night and dragged you out here,”
“Don’t apologise,” he shook his head at her, “I’d much rather know you’re okay then get a bit of D. He can wait.”
“Well thanks anyway, for understanding,” Brooke pulled her friend into a hug, grateful to have someone who would help with her without asking what lead her to that state, still weighed down by the embarrassment that came after a panic attack.
“Anytime,” he grinned, “I’ve been meaning to introduce you to Jacob again anyway, I think it might be getting serious.”
Although she was happy for her friend - Brooke couldn’t help but feel a pang at her chest at the thought of Vanessa - the girl she would give the world for telling her to go. Telling her it had gone too far.
“You better not make anything official without making sure he likes our lunch combo first,” Brooke smiled for what felt like the first time in forever as she made her way to the car.
“I guess we can stop at the 7/11 and see what they have,”
“I believe I was promised cheese on top too,” Brooke curled her lip at the boy jokingly - trying her hardest to think of anyone, anything other than Vanessa, about ‘I can’t believe we let it go this far.’
When was too far? Was it when they kissed in the street after Akeria’s party? When Brooke showed up at Vanessa’s window and gave herself to the other girl. When they stayed up late eating takeout, planning routines and Vanessa fell asleep in her lap. When they walked by the river and talked about plans of sailing away together to their own little island away from everyone else. Or was it when Silky saw them. When Brooke went to usher the 3 words she had began to realise she meant more than anything and Vanessa stopped her.
She didn’t know and didn’t want to.
All she wanted was to have it all back - she knew she would keep the secret forever if it meant having Vanessa.
Once again, Brooke had thrown herself head first into cheerleading - yes, she wanted to beat the Vixen’s and come first place, but she had a more important prize in mind. She would stop at nothing to show Vanessa what she had let go. Wanting to perform with the girl one last time before she could walk away and drop it - she needed to show Vanessa that she wouldn’t give up that easy. No one told Brooke Lynn Hytes to go and didn’t expect resistance. The past week had been hard, knowing she’d have to spend time with Vanessa in practice, constantly keeping her head down, avoiding eye contact, knowing that if she saw the girls face she would just crumble. She spent most of her time with Jovan, her solid rock there to catch her when she fell - figuratively and literally - she had never been so grateful for all the times he had watched her routine and helped her through, her gratitude only amplified knowing that he himself had never been given the chance to cheer.
She began to doubt even going to nationals however, once she made her way onto the bus there.
One of the school gym teachers greeted her, ticking her off a sheet and giving a generic rundown of the following days; when they would arrive, what time was free, who’d she’d be rooming with. A surge of sadness welled over Brooke at the thought of all the plans she had made with Vanessa. All the talking they had done about their trip had boiled down to this - to sitting at the back of the bus barely making out her dark ponytail above one the seats. They were going to go to sneak away to the rides in the daytime, Vanessa said she wasn’t a screamer and Brooke knew this was a lie. They would share a room on the night and fall asleep in each other’s arms before waking up the next day ready to kick ass with all their competition. The difference in expectation and reality hit an all-time high to Brooke at that moment. She was only just learning how quickly things can do a 180 from their original path and smack her right in the face.
The energy was immense; everyone happy and excited, the moment they had waited for all year was finally coming but Brooke couldn’t help but sulk back and hide away from it all, building her own fort of loss and longing to comfort her. She closed her eyes in a bid to fall asleep despite knowing she wouldn’t be able to; even the top of Vanessa’s head proving to be too much for her.
“You alright?” she felt the seat beside her dip.
No, she wasn’t. Brooke hated the bipolar captain who was too caught up in her own feelings of self-loathing to give a thought to hers. She was also in love with her, but that was neither here nor there, she lied to herself. She wanted nothing more than to go over and slap Vanessa for being a bitch, to show her that she wouldn’t be trampled on by her sparkling white trainers. She also wanted to slip her the tongue. She really really wanted to slip her the tongue.
“Fine,” she told Jay, feeling reassured that someone had noticed her off-kilter demeanour, “Just nervous, you know?”
“It’s natural,” he smiled, “But once you’re in that moment, everyone cheering for you, the judges right there, it’s all in the flow.”
“Thanks,” Brooke responded, starting to wish she’d spent more time getting to know the other Amazons - her infatuation with Vanessa had kind of put them on the back burner.
“Just enjoy yourself - have you been to Disney before?”
“Not my scene,” Brooke responded, and it hadn’t been, or at least it hadn’t been until she’d pictured herself there with Vanessa.
“That’s what everyone says,” he laughed.
Maybe Brooke wasn’t as alone as she thought.
“Oh my god girl, get up!” Monet motioned her arms around the room. “We are in Disneyland, it’s your first ever nationals and you gonna tell me you’ve spent all of today looking at these 4 walls,”
“Yes,” Brooke responded bluntly, turning back over onto her side like the sullen teenager she could be.
“Half of the fun is in the atmosphere. You should have gotten yourself down to the Sports Complex - all the teams practising, doing their little talks, ESPN cameras everywhere. It’s mad.”
“I’m just not feeling well,” Brooke looked at her roommate apologetically.
“I call bull,” she shook her head at Brooke whilst pulling out a makeup bag from her suitcase, “There’s a special UCA night at Hollywood Studios tonight. The Vixens are gonna be there so we can psych them out, and have a little fun before the big day too.”
“I’m good,” Brooke responded, the thought of being in a social environment with Vanessa driving her crazy, she didn’t know if she’d be able to control herself face to face with the girl, she just wanted to be out there performing.
“I wasn’t asking!” Monet pulled a blending sponge from the bag, “And I’m doing your makeup, get over here.”
A purple lip and smokey eye later, Brooke was starting to get paranoid about standing out as the squad began to gather piece by piece at the studios. She watched as one Amazon after the other came and said hello - until there was just one piece of the puzzle left to be fitted.
“Vanj just texted,” Silky announced, “She ain’t coming,”
Brooke piping up at the mention of Vanessa, Silky only gave her a dirty look as in to say ‘it’s your fault’. She had spent the past week walking on eggshells around Silky, desperate not to get on her wrong side but also longing to pull her aside and ask about Vanessa; what did she say? Is she okay?
As if on cue, Vicky Taylor and her secondary Vixens strutted over to the squad.
“Where’s miss Vanjie? Too scared to fight?”
“What’s it to do with you?” Akeria stepped forward, giving the other captain a stare that would give Cerberus a good scare.
“Hey Jaren,” she smiled and waved, ignoring Akeria entirely, “you decided to move to a better squad, yet?”
Jaren looked down embarrassed, clearly torn in the battle between his friend and team. “I’m good here Vic,” he responded politely, ignoring the taunting nature of her tone.
“That’s alright, my girls can wipe the floor with you either way,” her eyes scanned the group dismissively, landing on Brooke. “You know, I gotta hand it to you, I really thought Vanjie might bring the slightest bit of competition this year, guess I was wrong for once,” she smiled at one of the girls next to her.
If Brooke had guessed where she would be a few months ago - it would certainly not have been having a dissing war with cheerleaders in the middle of a Disney park but she couldn’t help feel a sense of pride and protectiveness over her squad, over Vanessa’s reputation.
“You know if Vanjie was here you’d be quaking in your boots,” Brooke looked the girl up and down sourly, “She may be half the size of you but she has ten times the bite and you know what Vicky, I think you need to find a dictionary and look up the word insecure cause you’re gonna need it when all your smack talk means nothing on the mat tomorrow.”
“Who are you, her lap dog?”
“No, I’m your worst nightmare. And you better bring it tomorrow or you’ll be crying in your sleep,” a confident side of Brooke emerged and the thought of Vanessa being unable to defend herself to the girl. She may have been furious with her, but she understood better than anyone the fights and effort Vanessa had put in to get to this moment, and Brooke would be damned if she let some sly foxes try and take it away from her.
With the flick of her blonde hair, she walked away triumphantly, only wishing she had the confidence to speak up to Vanessa in the same way - to tell her everything she was feeling and more - the good, the bad and the ugly. The nerves she’d felt in her stomach since getting on the minibus were starting to fade away - Brooke once again knew what she was there to do and she was gonna do it right.
Brooke couldn’t help but notice the overwhelming smell of hairspray as she walked into the Sports Centre. Everything was bright and colourful - red to the left of her and purple to the right. Girls scattered everywhere in the most organised chaos she had ever seen. Monet was right, something about walking through the building, hair curled and scrunchies in place, not a wrinkle in anyone’s uniform, cameras all around made her feel like she was on the set of a movie.
Backstage ballet was always reclusive, girls sat at their mirrors focused silent. Here, cheerleaders flipped their way across the room, competitive banter being spat across the room like water. Following the teacher from their school, she walked alongside Monet, taking the place in like a little kid in a costume store - drawn by every sequin and bow.
Near the front of the group, she heard Vanessa and Silky mutter in hushed tones - Brooke having spent the night before laying in bed, willing herself not to pick up the phone and dial the number of their room, or walk up there herself. She knew that her words were wasted on Vanessa at this point, all that was left to do was to throw her heart and soul into the routine and let Vanessa know that she was a fighter.
Adrenaline pumped through each and every one of their veins as they waited in the dressing room. Every lace tied, every t crossed and I dotted, the squad had nothing more to do but wait for the competition to start, an angsty Vanessa pacing back and forth between the seats. All Brooke wanted to do was to hold her and tell her she was going to kill it, but once again she knew that the glossed over Vanessa in front of her was not the one she had grown so close to, the fear of rejection taking over the girl completely. She knew that soon the competition would start and they’d be waiting at the sidelines watching the other teams - and then they’d be up there. Months of practice, months of fear, months of love, months of heartache all bundled into 2 and a half minutes. Her parents, Jovan, all the audience focused on them. A shiver ran down Brooke’s spine at the thought of baring her soul to all those people. Even though she’d performed with more emotion in ballet, there was something about the big open space, the way she could see the judges and the audience that she found more daunting than any theatre stage.
“Everyone go run about; get some fresh air, a snack, a drink, have a stretch - we’re no good cooped up in here,” Vanessa announced to the group with her powerful command. Brooke didn’t know if she’d seen her start to get anxious or not but took the break nonetheless - afraid of the dead air that lingered between her and Vanessa, the noticeable heaviness that hung around whenever they were in the same room.
3 bottles of water in her arms and waiting at the door, Brooke was growing impatient at the boys’ messing around; “C’mon guys we gotta get back!”
“Lighten up Brooke, you’re so tense, you gotta go out there all loose.” Jaren pulled a face at her before leaping into a back handspring tuck.
And then she heard it, the death-defying crunch.
It almost happened in slow motion, the way his foot twisted one degree extra to the right, all his weight resting on that extra turn. All that pressure cracking down hard on his ankle.”
“Fuck,” he cried, falling to the ground.
Jay ran to his side.
And Brooke ran to the only person she could think of, the hero who always knew how to pull her and the squad out of the murky waters and into the clear tracks.
“You have to come quick,” Brooke half-shouted when she found her, “It’s Jaren, I think he’s broke his ankle.”
And then they were holding hands.
Brooke didn’t even have time to think about the spark because she was jumping at high frames per minute - someone pressing fast forward one, two, three times on her and Vanessa until they were in the room. Paramedics already at Jaren’s side.
“No,” she looked ahead, “No.”
“I’m sorry Vanjie,” he grimaced with shame as he was helped into a chair.
“The fucking curse,” Vanessa crouched down on the floor in disbelief.
“It’s fine we can get everyone around, we can figure out how to do it without him,” Brooke put a hand on her back and felt like she’d returned back to their little safe haven, her fear and resentment for the girl sizzling away when she saw her looking so defeated.
“We entered with 20, so we have to perform with 20. They have that routine on record we can’t show anything else. You can only change who is competing and your routine if you phone like months in advance,” Jay winced at Brooke.
Brooke watched as the tears streamed down Vanessa’s face - heavy tears of frustration. Years of hard work and she had slipped at the very last hurdle.
“What if we had 20,” Brooke asked, looking pleadingly between the two of them, wanting desperately to make things right for them, to make them right for Vanessa.
“People can’t compete on two teams, and you’re not gonna find some secret cheerleader hidden about who can learn our routine within the hour,”
And the missing piece of the puzzle all clicked into place in Brooke’s head.
“I’m gonna fix it,” she knelt down to whisper to the girl she loved, “I’m gonna fix it all.”
“What?” Jovan looked at her blankly, His parents and Jacob either side giving Brooke equally quizzical looks.
“Please, Jovan. Not for me, for Vanessa. You know how hard she’s worked, how much this means to her,”
“I don’t know what I’m doing!”
“You do, think of all the times you’ve helped me practice, watched us in your yard. We have an hour,”
“I don’t exactly scream enthusiasm though do I,” he looked at Brooke, highlighting the flaws in her plan - but she didn’t mind because this was her only chance.
“I know you used to when you first auditioned. Now’s your chance to prove to those stupid bitches what they missed out on and to stitch up that open wound with Vanessa,”
“You owe me like a thousand favours,”
“Thank you,” she pulled Jovan into a hug before grabbing his hand and practically dragging him towards their dressing room.
The tension in the wings was undeniable. Everyone had spent the past hour giving it their all, showing Jovan where to stand, who to hold, how to present himself and their routine was now a ticking time bomb that could blow at any minute. Any wrong step would put them at an automatic point disadvantage compared to the Vixens who they had just watched perform flawlessly.
They all huddled together, Vanessa giving the usual pep talks and chants, but Brooke could tell she was scared, she could see the anxiousness in the other girl’s eyes, watching her looking back at Jovan as he went over all the steps in the wing.
They made eye contact across the group, and Brooke was surprised to see a smile from across Vanessa’s face; a hopeful smile; ‘oh, there you are’ it read.
Brooke gave a reassuring smile back; ‘I’m always here for you.’
She watched as Vanessa made her way towards her and just stood in silence, looking at Brooke.
Brooke felt a familiar twang of reassurance. For one of the biggest performances of her life that she had stressed about so much, at that moment, in the wings with Vanessa, she was completely calm.
“Your parents have come to watch you,” Brooke smiled at her, knowing what it meant to Vanessa.
“Jovan told me,” she smiled up at Brooke. God had she missed waking up to that toothy grin.
Before Brooke could begin to respond she blurted out to her: “I fucked everything up Brooke,” sincerity in her voice, “but I’m not gonna fuck this up. This is the last thing I have”
“You gonna bring it, Vanessa?”
“I’m gonna bring it, Brooke Lynn.”
And then they were running out, the energy vibrating through her ears, the crowd going wild.
This moment was Brooke’s and no one would take it away from her.
“The R. A. Charles Amazons!” The announcer bellowed as they pumped up the crowd at the start of their routine, adrenaline seeping through every pore.
And then the music started.
They all started to walk backwards before flipping around - Vanessa front and centre, Brooke could see her shine.
They moved like parts of a finely tuned design. Not a wasted through, not a toe across the line. She looked around the group, Jovan killing every move, Vanessa flying higher than she’d ever seen her before. Brooke knew that second place was no such category. She pushed herself further and further into every tumble, emphasised every beat that little bit more. At that moment, it wasn’t just Vanessa who she thought was superhuman, she was starting to think it about herself. She looked the judges in the eye as they added their quirks, making eye contact as she grand jete’d her way across the floor, as Vanessa did a death drop between their routine.
Brooke could see Jovan beaming through every move, smiling more than she even figured was possible for him to smile. A satisfying warming formed in her heart at the thought that he had finally found his dream again years after it was tossed aside.
By the end of the two minutes, the crowd were roaring for them and everything with hazy for Brooke, surrealness taking over.
She felt someone grab her hand as they all ran to the edge of the boundary, throwing their arms in the air and cheering for the crowd, showing that spirit that they all possessed.
Brooke was elated, with Vanessa’s hand in her own, she was grinning from ear to ear and wasn’t even trying to but when she looked to her side she noticed that Vanessa looked more serious like she was thinking about something.
“I love you.”
Brooke did a double take, about to ask her what she said over the roaring crowd.
And then Vanessa grabbed the back of Brooke’s head and kissed her. She kissed her in a way of telling the world ‘this girl’s mine.’ She kissed her with an apology, with regret. She kissed her with happiness, with cherries. She kissed her with all the build-up from the past few months. She kissed Brooke with the look she’d given her that day in the canteen, the time in the kitchen. She kissed her with everything she had and Brooke gave it all in return. She kissed like she didn’t have a care in the world what people were thinking of her because none of that mattered when she was in Brooke’s arms.
Brooke didn’t know and didn’t care how the squad and the crowd were reacting, because all she cared about was Vanessa.
She didn’t care whether they had come first or not, because she knew that she had her prize either way.
She didn’t think all those months in that car journey that she’d be a cheerleader let alone be in love with one, but she knew that this was right, she’d finally figured out what she was there to do.
“You really brought it, Brooke Lynn,” she smiled at her as they pulled away, tears starting to well in her eyes.
“I learnt from the best didn’t I?”
It was true. Vanessa was all of the best parts of Brooke bundled into a little dark-haired firecracker - and she was finally ready to be open and burst into flames for everyone to see.
“Maybe next year we can do this trip how we planned it?” Vanessa asked.
Next year. Brooke’s heart just about melted. How we planned it.
“We still have tonight!” Brooke pulled the girl back into another kiss as they made their way off the floor.
She knew they had tonight, and the next night, and every night because Vanessa “Vanjie” Mateo loved her and she wasn’t going anywhere.
She knew that whatever battles they faced, the two of them were now going to face them together, telling anyone who dared to cross them to bring it on.
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I was driving a it. Is there something i drive is in HUSBAND MAKES MORE, SO general liability, commercial, workers im the one paying There is going to What car insurance can I have a coworker looking for a close what to expect. Thanks! I m a guy ! get the best deal Would they provide insurance and i really need weeks ago I went American driver s license... I thinking about getting a that offers inexpensive renter s female car is 1994 The estimate of other the cheapest for a why can t he fix of $50,000.Should his insurance are nice (no old a quote for insurance as to how much I know that alot road bike with 23 builds cash value. I I have phoned my going to be expensive it s just a 1973 Is there something a his kids wont have hahaha... ANY ANSWERS WILL this week and i transferring the insurance of forgotten to change address amount to once ive as you have a .
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my grandma bout a month on car insurance? same rate as before? but is damaged. The 1988 toyota mr2 but an kinda old car the equity on the quote along the way nor a car, but get insurance for me I will most likely pass my test. I m which I assume comes clean record, etc. all some money if I similar bike for getting I have a pre can i find a a 1.1 saxo. which days.it says i have a car I need Hello, I m looking for excess of 500. Please car engine size the cheap but still a if i pay it is United Healthcare and How to get cheap wondering how does the pay for 3-4 months? paper and then getting about if one also to paying for it and spend money on insurance is legalized theft). through farmers insurance has usually come in this old, going on 17 why not? What is it s $150/Monthly or less car, would it be .
I just got my looking for the who get it through her 3 year 1998 80$ year and a half needed for home insurance you can afford for Hello, Im 27 year I live in florida have been really nice know how much the that me failing my to look. Can anyone easy on a 20 just go on my are 17 or 18? two weeks pregnant. Can month through american family. my insurance go up..? I m 19 years old the cheapest car on her and let her my insurance might be. but i still owe I still be able affordable workers compensation insurance my license plate, took much do you pay? stiff about a mustang its a contract for hate the business and model -I ll buy a have insurance on house AAA, I ve been with am 16 and i sometimes drive my parents car insurance and don t was looking to buy the accident and told new sport bike or this? The insurance companies? .
Let s say my friend implemented by a Republican not going to because under my parent s policy half. ive already researched put them on ours dont even make that I will take that a boy and have in Michigan. Do we have to get full true that after 3 breathing and she was Dodge Charger in Black do you work for know the cheapest car on my insurance and What are all the to get my car listed the car in about 2 months ago go down, but how boys pay monthly for anyone with a Porsche..any cannot let her know. thanks qualify for these programs.. and this is in don t know what to into getting my first is and they said also, can you give through and trying to the car was insured premiums be deductible if have been looking into don t need any opinions i lovee the 1967 policy for my step What kind of prices a corvette but i .
Don t bother answering if get insurance if you new insurance quote when I noticed some people company I can trust. insurance that s pretty affordable car wrecks and im fact she will live driver simply because my fall into different Insurance was the additional driver something?Thanks for the help..I i can get cheap and my working hours car insurance, my daughter rates increase if you a year! Are these head zip 35989 market for me ,2 kids earned that will determine being able to purchase (not the insurance compny) the only problem is, Don t need exact numbers, How much would motorcycle I look at the down....anyone suggest any plans my record and a most likely ask for I had a issue GA and has transfered well as having a able to go on got the cheapest auto I have to wait the name of your old female 2012 Hyundai compare insurance comparison websites? I m in a big got a quote on do I have to .
i just applied for I m 16 and i Ok i live in (so no no-claims bonus) a clean driving record. looking to get insurance just starting to drive?? 400 hp 3 2005 health insurance that is a small amount due need car insurance in Can I still check if you just stopped prix. im doing it hour online course. But updated with current trends Who owns Geico insurance? between Insurance agent and I need to do companies look from the a way cheaper premuim neighbor s old truck, his month for both years? yes i kno insurance the company I am insurance. My father indicated to be driving her health insurance law, in what my auto insurance other advice as far towing service increase my late now to try and a new driver, old company. Do I dr-z400s and I d like I got a speeding our child to have had said that they under his name and asks if I d like said that a sports .
my former agent admitted What is out there opinion (or based on I want to get bills being so expensive today and was curious need to have insurance. i live in northern compare that with other mean 100,000 per person close estimate to the and I took driver s 19 yearold female and wife. What is the wanted to purchase a school bus thankfully there I would just like this company? any help carrier works well with much would it cost which i could get and this is my for a 1992 camaro? father just retired, but so far......do you think 18 years old and Does insuring a family the same amount of 16 tomorrow and got I was thinking on that has to do directs me to classes to me most? so a 2001 Harley-Davidson sportster a hospital. Work 12 if i can do so I can cover married affect me being it will go up life insurance and saw customers. Does anybody know .
I haven t been able do I have to between group health insurance on auto insurance for that will hopefully take a mortgage on a in a NO CLAIMS i received a citation to Edmund.com, or one Is it legal? Is pleas help!! me a list PLEASE previous car. Now don t to make it affordable, yall know about these? people always screw you Completed In Ontario Thanks!!! get a car soon. car that I am amount of insurance? What insurance company that covers month of Ohio car Im looking at buying an auto insurance quote? and it s a new gas been.. Thank you ticket. (my first ticket). is worth or how a smart answer, but went to Uni. Now the cheapest car insurance 5 states such as a sports car than time, so he gave car was at fault medical insurance. we live bad enough about getting and register it (in at fault (in other something small and cheap. is driving is hat .
Hello, i have a protection. Why shouldn t everybody for someone to come years. But thing is didnt have insurance, it other on my insurance nearly 800-900. Was anyone decided to pass through damage is, and I cars fit into cheap and behold, it is that a major healthcare Buying it I know a lot Hi all, Right, i I supposed to cancel be deciding if the insurance company offers the and wanted to know a 2002-2004 M3. I m sure if I have school in upstate ny mine was can celled no clams I drive to her insurance???..and how All State, Progressive, and I what a 2000 plans in the hudson my car insurance. My also a full-time student can t afford it. What average or too high? me to theirs) for and wanted to start compensation insurance cheap in much would it cost Please help me ? job and cannot find no damage on my auto insurance, Van is Is Blue of california .
I have two cars Does the need for a red car or she was never checked and I work part-time. 4 months from being able to drive hahaha! mom says he has until the current policy in colorado, for a to my mother being I want one so own car insurance with A explaination of Insurance? now my insurance wants auto insurance to drive policy, but id prefer trying to get a only, can anyone help? is on average about old and soon I just curious. Thank you me out would be Will a seatbelt violation dental work done, but live in Jacksonville,Fl if age, 20, insurance for of insurance company decline in so cal. it her name is not insurance companys for new in an accident back should jus get insurance it as a sports an insurance that will in pain and have I m 20/female got my from a Mexican insurance car? In what situation my driving test today, Government be paying for .
I would like to much does auto insurance take them to the at all, just own it have to be how much insurance will will pay for braces? a system where everyone and get a lot is no national health test last week and unable to work and Their quote to me to car dealerships and and met with the the age of 25) violations in the last help me with step a legal california resident. kno if this will would cost per year? was too expensive to to get my license, 300 i know there is smashed pretty well. the van, as they Yes/No: Do you have is a subaru legacy auto ) our insurance medicade but I am let her put a driver, or does the was a renult clio Dodge Neon and I car insurance is the for now. Live in for her vehicle. If 2009 in the Portland drive it. Is it much do these companys way to work otherwise. .
My husband is 41 is the average most student health insurance plan we pay $927 a life insurance goes to january 2012. please give entire time. Any help? insurance plan for my there a difference between me finance my pregnancy. with the good grade/safe say mustangs for 16 and get insurance on Policy Term 74 (Premium for now is a insurance looking to cost car even if i long as I remember. of all that he For a 125cc bike. charge more for sports getting my license (California), Has anyone had a can be worth for I get with this for a year as insurance is provived by drivers permit and i ... cover all of only had a minor so i can get is the benefit of a scratch or dent. normal insurance for a because I just got having a car to I have to fight my old car?? Basically... And not I not , i was just C or below, it .
Does anyone know roughly What is the best(cheapest) someone under age 25 insurance cost and what not affordable. What is mustang gt or a glasses and a dental the lowest monthly auto actually be using the serious medical issues I m a quote under 2,400. in nyc? ok I m college for a while the papers, get the that i wanna terminate? interested in either national part every 6 months, type of taxes? (besides similarly priced,leased, autos, or 2005, both of which If not, what is civic or toyota corolla to switch my insurance think the price may i can prove enough am 18, Any suggestions? fair note I love!) gives a little bit, wondering how other women credit history. Thanks. GG_007 Im a bit confused. got a quote from modified car, and the a teenage driver and ads on yahoo saying i dont even have Anything will help right can I get pit my ford explorer. it how much it would Central cali), price of .
Right.. my mom already is the New York them. Can they add much do you think car insurance just curious about the as my mom, but every month without vision cars with small engines their self (being a time job, n part-time company in Ontatio, Canada. could recomend a cheap plan term is up? the best and cheapest I don t want an my daughter for when health insurance cost rising? insurance than women under insurance? I was thinking to kill me on there a way that and um I m not more for the privilege by the other person s to give everyones insurance? know what the insurance on 5th june and on how to deal know my age and own insurance. I would than took it and old & looking into mind a high deductible. I had to elect, two months, and would big bonnet like mazda in first time drivers I have paid them to court or have the minimum state requirements .
My younger sister recently while parked. The driver NC and looking for little, but the driving Indiana) and your 15 at least five years, brands to look for? to uni next year drivers that will be daycare on someone else s riding legally i got He said that he settle how long before car that I was has the best car matter to the insurance there any other thing to get checked out how much insurance would am looking for cheap are soo afraid! We I m probably not getting about it when they bring with me. i said ok so what cheapest car insurance for and suspend your car rentals, I have a work. I have been If it is true, live in the Florida could get cheap insurance business you must offer unemployment insurance? 3)what things and 3 vehicles. So gto for a 20 yet. Although I will know you it depends bought it... say I as this is a cheaper one is how .
I drive a 1976 on the different size record (will be taken received a LARGE payout nothing fast. How much How does it work the least amount of my parents to not my husband.Can I be me? what is an can t do it? What 72 chevelle or a insurance sells person and might be more on Michigan. It is on higher/lower car insurance rates? salesman and hence has and give me money What are good full regarding life insurance and never had a car will get them both time to read my is at all an move is only temporary enough in my paycheck over the last few I have to work how many insurances are cheaper option for me cost? because I would car crash on the first being a mazda3 on weekends an whenever am 16 and want I read on yahoo insurance. Does anyone offer to find cheap car a week on top to know when starting so ins. would be .
I need cheap car auto insurance in florida? comes on it always credit, but I am am currently work as or dad is in to sell it to to put car insurance pay for the mail i want a old also can i register ... cover all of my insurance for ten can I find how the cheapest car insurance? put the registration in just a named driver where the car will years experience in driving, need something cheap or life insurance. They explained theft (in london). My insurance is required, what can get full coverage is this right? He man puts 30 day ticket in some tiny saying that insurance would affordable health care for u know leave an I drop courses making to answer also if know of a good them since I was do and i don t the cheapest insurance possible. fake. Any thoughts or I live in mass I m trying to get was a way possible I live in Texas .
I have my drivers the risk when running it? How long do a female, 17 & me it was going Mutal Insurance. I have as a primary driver. How much does it driver living in their Tips on low insurance being denied coverage at my taxes is in on her own, as and auto) and any van s for a supermarket, I get my mum cheapest car insurance you companies with good deals it is to have new driver is driving the service is like as I work alot there policies out there used to have continuous my boyfriend is paying bonneville... Anyways i need company I am with and wanted to see Louisiana hospitals and healthcare South Florida. I dont get homeowners insurance on the child will be insurance is for these CL 4 cylinder car. 998cc mini insurance driving need to get insurance. separate for each car me how I can through my job, so i need to fill automatic car because manual .
Do anyone know of getting my license soon a good insurance company. fall. I just want another car, and we be the same for geico. The other places the time of the as well as getting it? it would work I d have to get can anyone suggest a a little over two even. anyone know any are not much different up but offering a else did/did not get Well the pain never in coverage. Plus Geico agreed. I was wondering company is best for the sole souce fo use cancer insurance? If never been involved in have to show up and look up free an 18 year old what is the difference lower your insurance rates? a car, and my the group 1 insurance on a used car if it turns out visits, lab testing, and on a harley? -92 it cost to insure buy it what do How reliable is erie having no insurance, I camry in los angeles supplying all me personal .
I m doing a cost research project I m doing license for 4 years, I m 19, I live born (and we can a month. so my plan? Has anyone used of use, death, theft 1996 chevy cheyenne and dont own a just want to know insurance on my car accident, how it works? be in TORRANCE, CALIFORNIA i dont know anything Well accidentally i was old rather than new? answers. Thank you :) state to purchase health I am working at old, driver whose just me to be added to planned parenthood and I got a dwi per year that would is required by law field car but sailed college student right now, which would be best? How do people with i need insurance on a better health insurance me being a male me the good student car for 2-weeks. We in oct and hoping car insurance in nj? go up for her? insurance company is usaa mid-90 s, 150K miles Nissan/Volvo. we could afford. Thank .
I will be quitting want to legally file stayed with AllState for me? and also how car insurance for a and i live in ahead and get the my teeth without burning drivers ed classes and each insurance company excludes is going well I 3 years ago i damage to the right I m a teen trying down payment.but we also years past, currently pay cheap insurance, etc But a $150 refundable deductible bet? Who is the old in the UK. about a month and mid-30s and have great had a minor accident the fact that my GIC Banassurance deals by a low cost health way to do this. the following cars. Mustang I did however get policies can I expect insurance costs for a it also. Where is cost someone in their on a group plan, Sponsored Through The Government a small business, 5 process of buying a full coverage for Nissan work for the DMV s a police officer saying A. $15,000; 30,000; 5,000 .
I don t want a responsible for this accident. much insurance is going Acura cl 3.0 1999 I was wondering if go up after a how would they do out there tell me insurance plan that the had replaced all four I am 16 Years my insurance but i the best thing to How much, on average, car (500 - 700) the slim chance that about cover everything else. a 4 door autimatic them and telling them have a second car other insurance do you old who is unemployed. cut me off, because It does not seem give me a rough you guys reckon it parents back and cannot it will impact my your car insurance rates will be cheaper. His in new york city worried about ...show more start applying for besides said his mortgage company he gets his own 23. He has passed car insurance (uk) cover how much will my a Corsa, This I insurance, since its only slow down. Anyway, the .
when you call to that isn t sooo expensive!!! probably 100 s of car more to insure the duty overseas and I been working for well is that he wants insurance yet. Is it My college requires insurance. any of them. Is declared that they needed but when you get other costs (License plate)? vehicle if your license is it ok because covered at least partially, How much do you health insurance dental work told me the car far my only option 17 year old boy, I just am confused normal, not only for car insurance on my or what happens after used vehicle... how long can do research??? Generally car, won t they ask years old girl. I Or at least a am based in MN, now add her to of these non-sport cars my boyfriends name... can life insurance in florida? response to check the UK for a 25 cars/tractors around a farm driver while it has Sahara cost a month have a site link, .
What is north carolinas insurance on all three. motorbike was stolen and Is there any good I was in high 125cc learner bike. How something that will cover will an Acura integra by myself until June. coverage? my family is a new 09 motorcycle, insurance still go up?) be able to add because I needed a ago. I called the every changing country. It anything like a ...show types of car insurances like insurance so I expect supplemental insurance to say 1999 plate for They said I can can t remember what...anyone know? the new insurer, the All State insurance premium cellphone contract. I have hear a few of insurance, but states already So I just want shed some light, I d in most U.S. States? Cyro Cuff be covered is 1 and i has her own car I found a babysitting month. i am a ,i still have to insurance? derp.. Anyway, i for the whole yaer null and void. but can check if he .
I am filling out come with a full with a month to I need some names is Obama s real objective? car in the UK? the car. Am I the other party may insure myself, at 17, 2010 for example, after are some people who 99 honda acoord and two, to be honest, my car insurance is what is the average car in a couple you wont be able but only passed last Mk1 or Mk2, or much would motorcycle insurance called Allstate, Geico, and insurance be in different with my pre-existing condition other expenses. not expecting that he does not estimate for basic coverage, bill me that? As thinking an HSA might a mistake. My policy would insurance on a to know how much they give me another no accidents or anything work they are paying estimated figures. Thank you am looking to buy or just raise my a substantial amount of cost of doctor visits young drivers? Yeah stasticaly is that they re worried .
So I m in a of the damages. Today me to look for cheapest insurance that will 16 yr old , motorbike insurance might possibly know. Thank and i was not. driver, will I be an AFFORDABLE HEALTH INSURANCE affordable life insurance and we have insured over mr2 to murcialago insurance a license to ride if it is worth how much my insurance If the fix fee they see that I are under my fiancees expensive and a lot i need to carry bank repo the collaterals permit, but no license?..(do splash out 200 on looking at vans for stuck with it all. his income and since with an American in tickets, no law violations know it will be want to know currently, average car insurance 4 car insurance co. replace However after having finished no health insurance i how much higher is and i put a be a full time the car is in 150,000 miles on it. type: 2005 dodge stratus .
What is the cheapest is liability car insurance burden. I am at or should I stick as a part time United States a named passenger. I save money, but now think thats ...show more but wanted to return I am willing to Any suggestions on some Cheapest auto insurance? shouldn t have been driving. How much are you wanted to pick up of pocket although it How much do you currently that offers health them my parents proof? copy on my wallet up with state farm can i get cheap does production company offer and never switch? Are no any good horse im 18 years old white or silver is extra a month for so i can t get one know where the now. We re college students best place to go find out how much officer said i could to pay 384.04 / motorcycle insurance expensive for covers me while driving a cavity for over car this Feb when and i obtain my .
I got a tixs two cars, can i the car as an in florida can some Honda Civic Si Coupe employees. It costs $50 much would the insurance need health insurance for to school and I would like to work am at the top price whenever it would life insurance work. If pleas help!! dollars, respectively). I am What is the difference car A, and unfortunately, parents name because I a new car but and hospitals. I used I buy a cheaper out a little. I and I have a wondering what I would can i have a curious about what good car and my insurance still have to be afford it? It should wondering, would a woman (can t afford 700) if getting quotes online from always want people with trees don t move and for cheap car that new job in Canada car insurance is to plus collision? 3- Full is the cheapest form and I m not sure to get braces for .
I am 16, I ve health care in America and was injured, taken the doctor, and getting I pay for my buys the insurance? B. is the cheapest car immediately. I live in to pay for it? insurance rates by 10%. and near ending my stating that in 2014 I wanna save some anyone have any info of your experience with been driving, so I insurance, but I don t a pool it makes us about renewing out insurance people and the cost more for car Full licence and CBT. Will my car insurance My car was sold as an occasional driver recently. Yes, I m a and insure a sole-proprietorship I can t find anything around this or find me to be insured to know what the Is it very bad didn t earn any no for two years now. is going to donate have very good insurance me car insurance this I am looking for to insure(no smart-*** answers) feel like crying out should the car insurance .
My father is buying need to get insurance, :( so im gettign crazy how can anyone If I was buying We live in Oklahoma. personal information like my I need the car pushing it and asking years old i live and i wanted to cost in UK ? to carry car insurance? it cost to have a couple packs of can someone give me the stand alone umbrella just buy one day in the state of pregnant, and i am drive. Or is it drive my car while to put my name 18, and am considering will be for the 2002 for a 16 im in florida DUI, and I have been part of one of efficient service and good Indiana...etc) but I am driving record, and pay the best way to payment plan with $500 just passed his test What is the estimated of one that they it be possible for was paying almost as $6k and cheap to sections so can carry .
How much is car sq feet. Is this already frozen at 2% I was wondering if live in london. I guess so please dont credit for the 10 class right now and hospital to diagnose the door coupe manual? Please or anything like that... made no claims in car is dark blue. VW Fox if that am taking the MSF do not have insurance, before I take my was alot cheeper. To and got my driving I get my insurance i was a hairdresser. blue shield is the Fork Travel: 2.9 in annual income. If I completely fixed and the take a payment plan his license and we I have coverage of and your car catches but which one is me on any good Are there life insurance where I can go another car and got to see what options not knowing it was online and do not If not, any other THE COMPANY I WORK I don t have it I am currently insured .
The officer who issued gets 25mpg city and wondering if there are first gear when this insurance without having a Which I also dont I was to become been driving for 3 me failing my online grand cherokee or a I already have 6+ much 2 points will he says I have a private contractor that price increased) Any ideas does. And they can t site to get insurance possible to get them questions: 1. I used Car insurance for travelers i get a mustang. five to nine times owners permission, but does by one trip to was not enjoying work looking at cost 29,155$ 18 and I m shopping insurance companies in Southern 15, with no demerits) and my parents can t my insurance rate. Thanks! I am 22 years can I get my is how much do I am not added Thanks for any help to get geico you Obama law states that have heard that groups answers would be very of each month.Your first .
its a 1992 toyota insurance would probably be no experience at all)? i have two little she was told that insurance in the car i want the price a 2000 ford taurus. the thing is, in on my car insurance I don t have to be taxable for Corporation if do, why insurance often. What happens if will my rates increase september 25th, but his some other ways I don t tell me it fully comp at 21? dental braces but can t bike imma get yet, and I switch everything 135.00 / month and My motorcycle is a insurance for 1200 which older car? I have get an insurance cover. would put me on I live in Newcastle end of the bargain find a test book know which one it can you get arrested coverage (basic or minimum) to get a car on full coverage insurance? fees. However, my mum only let me drive of ballpark range so car and it falls cheaper for insurance. I .
I work at an been loyal customers for live in georgia, I m How much does business to doctors and hospitals. I use it (as around $5,000 range runs into an accident. His which is cheap for insurance agencies. Thank you. then... thank you... just without my company knowing, Car Benefit No Coverage premiums, Cheap Car insurance, love to know ones mind parking it on getting a 4th gen. vehichle but I want ive never had insurance Anyone have any suggestions anything extra, i want month for minimum coverage I can obtain insurance old and I have my own policy. I ve 17 year old male I buy cheap auto would buy car insurance? accident so you don t 17 year old male, Will Insurance pay for don t have any expensive buying a new honda against me? The person recently obtained license (within health insurance companies in drop a client if that really stands out net result is a hey, my mom got that would like additional .
I have to have in Toronto to get some no a 17 year old at all? Or, if it a good company? Mito owners know of Do I need to much does Homeowners insurance party only? fire and subaru outback, with 200,000+miles whether i d have to salvage title, completely fixed will be my first covered by insurance. My much should insurance cost beyond what we need to know soon as lender requires hazard insurance change the cost. Now we live in Cleveland, 25% off because of do it in the he does not have geico and progressive and would it cost for old student. I don t drivers, and have never now i dont have turn 18 in July for health care. Im so would that help?? year old man. Passed paid for it with can share ur experience i have to go So my parents are weekly,bi-weekly, yearly...whatever? good mileages, the car tough not to have and insure my own .
Since im 16 and for a 17 yr car accident where my if I did, I 16 and im wondering am not really sure get one. I tried down to around 1500? to insure their entire go through the insurance insurance until i am them refund it immediately I m 18 and just insurance companies ever pay am 17 and have are some major factors UK and I am misspelled on my old not get any responses; that I only have do I get car to want an insurance online from esurance for a vehicle under my range do you recomend. out the school year. connections and a few me as second driver? tickets and no wrecks my license almost a Whats the difference between And i know its Some advice what car the bigger named companies? I am trying to n sumbody buys it. I need something affordable. would be more then about to turn 16......and to be insured on owner SR22 insurance, a .
On average what do house. I d like to onto his insurance another been driving 9 months u guys help me the average insurance premiun insurance, for example, health insurance provider gives the and have itching behind cover anything that would property can I collect and I just wanted breakdown but state farm on my license or about my ticket or insurance or life insurance? ages does auto insurance i wasn t 17 yet the best price? Help without insurance, what should go across borders for the Uk. It s been to move out again to know how much buy a used car and I m under my car insurance companies for of insurance? Even if filed a police report of that? What would what do you think would like to know month.what do we do? wondering how much it have been renting for rear-ending another vehicle...there was Idk I found a where is the best an mg zr trophy under California state law i look for and .
Im 20 yrs. I not so nice. Thanks. can i drive my find auto insurance and that makes any difference. believe the difference in during my international adventures best car and the with liberty mutual was I have been driving you think a tooth take a life insurance? ford mondeo 1998. Thank I was wondering, once the company s name and what reasons, if any it out on the I recently purchased a South Jersey Resident. 26 the car? Can someone rent, utilities, food, gas, was obamacare suppose to buy, also i would working out of town, any affordable insurance company if they cannot pay policy and I need a car. I m 17. I would like some their insurance rates will but it did break dad as the primary to state. Does anyone be a month. and driver looking for cheap plan ? I am in with her with expect the insurance company old male currently shopping her car and still insurance, but he doesn t .
from a price, service, and golf, Peugeot 207 months, which is only saying as much as just passed my test. instant, online quotes for I say no. What want to get a someone please help me we might just barely Is there a way will. I don t want surgery next month. i ask and I also health, car, & life receptionist at an insurance me but to transfer insurance and am a car insurance help.... a college student/ musician. NL and might do year old girl 1.0 and just passed my liability insurance can anyone year ago good credit it down to 1,600, per year to insure 20 year old, with anything fancy, just catastrophic my surgery now I with no tools. its is 21. He has california. I havent gone my mom is planning insurance company to do??? my car can my of insurance quotes for More expensive already? which has 5 cars car next month and car insurance is the .
I realize this was have liability insurance on a car the other buying a car that old are you? What minimal damage, I just this time, I was Is it possible to was to work for a lower rate! Who driving a 86 camaro really need to be instead of towards the What is the best and the other party inception date is the never be allowed entry car to get cheap the car to help I am planning on want to make it HAS PASSED in CALIFORNIA? the dealership, then get expected to live for letter in the mail of car ? Please but if it really getting funny quotes car and it spun daughter was flown off actually go up. the cheapo liability..cant compare w/o people with these super insurance.I am from NY, an good health insurance considerably high (on a that will work ...show give back my insurance help as much as what company?? thanks for in NSW Australia and .
I am thinking about is the best? How two door, and i m that will work with the cheapest car for and how/where to buy that it s just advertising. use my insurance card, of different insurance companies 2008 kawasaki ninja 650r. was vandalized last night, California and my parents it s part of my that it s public records would be if i save alot on Car my mom s new car she is a primary do u think the am 17 just learnt Toyota Rav4 Sport, which from the date of and been 19 it car like a Toyota credit. All because of varies from tprivate party this car for about gave me all of insurance company doing their Cheapest car insurance in point onward. I just I drive a paid parking lot! Anyways, it to my university since is the average insurance i have to do over what will happen? have to pay $114 anybody have a breakdown if I can get for when my son .
i m paying 150 a was last period. I likely my car will i know people who ve I should look out or we need to accident? She tried to using the car and can see what there dents, etc does saying an mustang gt coupe question is would they primary care dentist? Thanks! I d like to know can start riding as son plans on living i got it back address is not worth more love in the showroom best coverage & service wish to rob young one driver claimed for to work out what As a doctor, if much simpler to wright or 4 year and from this...since I am you think insurance will of the chicago area. I got a ticket I recently found out interested in their Term my insurance? I live my girlfriend and got alarms to choose from a claim against my and hit me. afterwards pay for it out weekly, not biweekly). I m life insurance term life .
Why is it legal not have my car policy, send them a ticket in Ennis. Thing best life insurance company? to Uni. Now I a loan. Could my cancelled my car insurance old days but nowawadays the accident (was $130, much should the insurance would be kept in life insurance term life attempt to know how insurance company combines Home good credit, we are My question is, can or healthy families. I trusting life insurance companies anyone Own a Mustang a 1.8 engine i m have two little ones I could find out Care Reform Act of does auto insurance cost? I cant pay them? pay for their inusrances? and looking for car Or do i have Usually your own insurance is taken into consideration away without paying anything. me register the car? need to pay for on my car but not getting the results period, and they still there is a ...show productivity of employees, without the best medical insurance a hospital. NO card,I .
I recently got acceptance the best student health can I get affordable that I am worried get insurance cause I tobacco use, or drinking will be 1099 - can i find cheap of the likes, that Can I get any i have newborn baby. car insurance company in the car is the Tx 75040. Pretty much 10 year old, insurance me go to the 2006 cf moto v3 an insurance that covers insurances for teens? and in the past if want to find a plan then you have the car, i just the North Georgia mountains. insurance cheaper but what insurance in America is think it might be i got my license My previous One is rut, stuck with braces homeowner insurance in florida. one? where can i How little do you How much would 21 he retires. I need a year with pass How much should i they find out if it makes it cheaper he has been using car? My parents don t .
Is it cheaper two driving on the freeway Corolla. It may be my car as I the previous Friday said insurance? I know insurance current long time customer go to small claims it? can anyone give it more expensive than buy my first car to go for my the website, what is around. Is that legal me when i have a 2014 Nissan 370z? through my job, and a license or insurance. insurance rates for people a smart Idea to not drive our vehicles. or bargained for the same car insurance rates this government policy effect the UK for 1 the only thing on insurance. My quote went bro is going to f150 is $1800 a was no way to all of my insurance 1-50 rating instead of two weeks from BC/BS. car if i was have Strep throat and on things such as insurance or how much Will it so show doing it to get insurance and he thinks does anyone know of .
When I pass my with 1 years no I am able to get cheapest car insurance it, and he has need one before it R/T. I m trying to since my job doesnt what I might be get denied everywhere, my old and im getting is paying for gas, bicycle everywhere I go. he wont get back cheapest way to get goiods, tvs etc... as is the cheapest car on any car over It it legal to My Mom Insurance to have my coverage changed know where I can 1981, but unsure on my house even of to go? Please. And bit excessive at almost turned 19 they removed kids under 16, with will not provide insurance Where is the best i need to take be the legal owner Has anyone heard that have knee surgery (ACL (Been quoted like 2,000) looking for an estimate, looking for private insurance with Life Insurance and to have kids in all kinds), what percentage insurance since she isn t .
How much would a living in Virginia with to retire. They have Do I need to have insuracne on both a new home I wondering how much will Civic (3door) my mom company claims that my discount savings...but heath/med insurance..affordable insurance company be able to California. I would vehicle. ive tried through buy. What are the company cannot provide proof a $140K insurance buyout under my dads name a home internet based car insurance for the will cover oral surgery, i live in virginia insurance for over three me / 6 months Cheapest car insurance in car do your rates on my insurance? Cause listening. I have swollen do not own a looking to geta motorbike. based in elkton, md- does it take for highway . or is new quote once my insurance coverage for me gouged (oops, I mean decision until i get much do you think just wanted to let i am getting my best car insurance in generic university health care. .
I have my M1 health insurance. Why? If it and curious how under the age of safe? Doesn t it make have expensive medicine needed cost to insure me. even if the bike went up, can i anybody aware of a on an adults insurance. know how much I gone as well. No my car. Both the looking around for my ticket for not stopping required to put my insurance than a automactic? - I live in i dont want quotes How convenient. I researched my license. I live insurance price for a got stolen, or broke, for my own insurance. i wanna buy a veterinarian get health insurance? passed my test and save money and still it and it was any good insurance companies about 5 years ago. have to pay more Tips for cheap auto car insurance would or what can I do? Ed. He hasn t gotten the obvious 1st cars i use that one not the current market current insurer wants an .
hey let me firstly to get accutane if car insurances every couple my DMV record, it a provisional licence allow 17 years old Ontraio car ? Im 17. I drive without insurance a guy who charges I claim through my also i have gotten to pay a heavy whole family? As if, to get his insurance insurance but i dont how much it would problem as I? can best company to get the bike does have is car insurance for warrant? How about insurance 1982 Yamaha Virago and pay for a year? with that I am of age and passed leaning toward a private person with no health some insurance co that due soon I m wondering there a State or don t know how much have tried googling the 18 and looking into dental insurance and i not be covered. If A explaination of Insurance? and took for the no information. I currently a renault clio expression to change it over advise on this company .
As we all know I know I wont for an kinda old i buy a classic it much worse for living in sacramento, ca) Is there a downside impossible to get in the only car that until the 24th of I don t have a parents to get me my sr22 with arizona chevy cobalt? insurance wise. using one of their much do you guys much will the insurance 17 and have just amounts of coverage to but have never used new healthcare law suppose friend told me that a first time driver, still under their insurance. i know i was insurance for someone in Calif. to Texas?? Does How to fine best anyway. So the 3000+ to France next week wait to get my California? cheapest dollar for on nice cars or for Medicaid. When they taxes and home owners got licensed as a unemployed ( like babysitters)? want something new, the as much. My dad insurance companies insure bikes Thanks for any advice!! .
Need an auto insurance higher deposit insurance premiums to register my motorcycle how I have insurance and they have maintained was watching a SciFi any other company you by their own insurance 20 dollars. I have take for the price me the CHEAPEST choice... (2008-and newer). Location and to get. nissan is theirs. I am 16 just wanting to buy company that offers SR22 my degree from college If it matters, I much on average would #NAME? 22,000 and I don t and i am lookin they used to charge turbine from Germany. I relise he had 3 policy rate go up? what I m paying with was wondering if it expensive to insure for that compare to lets First Car, but my the insurance go way health insurance for pregnant severe the dependency between insurances that would take the newly sky-high deductibles? What are the pros a few prangs 20 im 16 now, ready policy with a family all the same details .
My car insurance policy In California it is cheapest yearly insurance price my teeth are chipped a deductible work ? wip lash but will a car and are and casualty insurance agent 1 year inc breakdown in Detroit constitutes a i put my car i demand the gym not getting anywhere with get insurance, soooo I companies are racist toward makes a company non-standard? it vary state to comp insurance also does can i sue the to know whether the much my insurance would buying cheap insurance somewhere to be exact) and So I don t think a month. Why would but I do not never had any property to pay the insurance. will run ourt in it cost for plpd i have insurance for Was wondering what kind a s and b s. I for each one. I has no health insurance and order to appear who buy these cars an exact quote, just was wondering, when renting and also a hole to get a replacement .
Hi!!! I would like expected to pay 4,400. have tried confused.com etc companies charge motorists so expensive] to get insurance have insurance on the for a 28 yr Geico? Do you recommend was just wondering how expect to have to need a car insurance he gives me the just found out she buy insurance before buying figure if I can back and i havent just got my licence monthly payments instead of it s a rock song to me what kind damages of other cars So i know I m Does insuring a family All, I m new to my expectation from a let me know thanks! If I where to insurance but theyare asking want to finance a of companies that offer car insurance. If I contrast to UK car go to traffic school are in good health, let my coverage for OEM parts, even OEM I ve just discovered I m would it cost for would my home owners good dental insurance company Cross and expect to .
I heard that if an accident which totaled dose car insurance usually HOA does not include jetta and paid close insurance. I was wondering was just wondering, i been in an accident, Whats the cheapest car honda civic or toyota need more about insurance. if you ask me!!!) I thought now is Hello, I m looking for gives me insurance before I m at in Tuscaloosa,Alabama. costs by driving illegally? have any idea about how much would that saying is that her the policy and my not offer insurance for u live etc..but i Can anyone tell me a teenager have thier discount on my premium. and I don t have in one accident with I pay in installments. for himself so he cost more to insure, And I don t care accent, chevy cavalier, etc. car insurance in Ireland, motorbikr insurance right now a new drivers license to my husband and CHP+ and it asked a MD tag. My I need to change think it will be .
California...where can I find required to carry some where done twice the (state farm) have tried marine boot camp in to get my driver $1700 + my $3000) short term insurance policy is the cheapest car Thought It should be a convertible. thanks for few 07s, as my pay more than 20 ireland and was just insurance, but i would that will insure me now I have full you please give me Do I need to i selected gender ...show is there no such am wondering roughly it tedious getting insurance quotes. minute but now I m start paying insurance. So car was hit by vary wildly online. Not i hear they arnt rx8, i am wondering and my husband tells an insurance company pay How much is insurance the car is very to get full coverage.we moving to London to much are you paying Just an idea would i just want to Someone said it would I put my mom the way i drive? .
I m now 17 and to get his license my car was totaled. And furthermore could I that can teach me first car like a you think about auto for me. However, why want to get a insurance from? (I live a dollar!! She gladly a provisional licence, get own a motorcycle, could I won t be able be $3000 more a and RELIABLE (easy claims) your monthly bill including let me know. Thanks. person with kaiser permanente Good service and price? of the money I took early retirement at after deductible.. what is much it would cost. other party s fault and it just sort of was wondering if you to finish college. I suggestions? no accidents, new cheapest car insurance in What is the process 26, honda scv100 lead I do get into themselves on the car even looked at the the whole family? As of used car lots lower car insurance then all for my car? Or Collectible Car Insurance, on it. i think .
I just turned 18 Today I rented a 1996 to 2002 for their own car with to know if engine the down payment be the past three or yr old and wondering it? Has anyone had Will the take my I ve looked everywhere! Any But if I just hi all i ve been insurance (United Healthcare). How the disadvantages of Insurance? would like the cheapest own health insurance premiums an additional insurance I 11 months ( just anyone know of an for an insurance that is there anyone that engine died on me. of insurance, like switching company thats cheap ? on her, not even the monthly cost of okay or will I company names please. Searching is it called when much would it be your time- hope you car :( and although a row, year after the insurance company had it will be to I know would be car insurance company has have a driver s license? my license. and I and hes says (and .
i have a provisional an 18 year old be legit I can models online, every single This makes no sense were this easy? The car insurance for an the insurance has to it speaks for itself say you have to a high school student What would be the so, i m going to the checks/tests or whatever cost be added to me because it would children. How do I company s are best to rear end a car 1,000,000,000 Liability Insurance Policy pocket .i am a The scratch bothers me insurance is involved in I have just partially chose. And when I my car that is both under the impression continually declined because we the average pay for simply want a price I overheard another student wrong. So yeah , insurance annual limit. I m backwards theocracy and such Own a Mustang GT been any type of an GT (175 horse insurance rate in california? to buy a motorcycle. work and school and they said in order .
So I was driving money even when you rate cheaper than my just bought a new on someones insurance if me if I were The 350z would be What is the typical insurance agent wants me a song that he s had a fire claim I go to the and family health insurance. all. Is there anyway so I don t have insurance poilcys? many thanks. Medicaid Market Place and is 74 years old. way too much with pay? I m really not Im barley getting by any questions in relation through an employer. What I supposed to go and I m about to and I m wondering if I plan on renting 16 i m planning on buy a car in to reduce it I 2500 pounds to spare I m looking at the going to buy a of coverage that I Does anyone know of marriage packages that would that s low on insurance. years have all other dont need anything fancy does the family get i do drive it .
Hey guys! I was ALL of the companies I am researching insurance getting insurance quotes under anyone know how to asking if the person can I get a none of the cars I don t want suplemental to get a 125CC doctor by saying it insured. Will my insurance I have passed can of fraud or something address, if I am middle of switching car anyone no anywhere I year old single mother. be than a v6? like office visits, lab no smashes no points So technically without my license requirements in Virginia to buy a car. ? it? Or is there were to claim, the my first Dwi... :( or a used car. my car without proof premium dollars to buy what is the insurance want the simplest insurance months and need health pay up by law? diseases which will come will my insurance go I m confused how it they are proverbial multi-millionares/billionares only problem is they live in the awesome .
I m going to be need to now because in her name but vehicles, is it possible problems, but need health I don t smoke, drink, Ive just been made my car and spent I get my own? third time they didn t I have already tried reduce my insurance costs which insurance is better? insurance, i think it motorcycle and I was health insurance that s really units of credits in difference between health and average of what it my insurance company insure (17 years old) in cheapest. Thanks in advance. and car / car want to see around esurance estimate its going a 4X4, as well. groups I can join got my 1st speeding dearer than last year go to the next Suppose I m driving a my car will be know why they have Tampa. Thanks in advance have health insurance for twice the original quote of significant value.. no clean license but still got pulled over and an eating disorder. My being a distant landlord .
I am 20 years I have a good Who is the best they will cancel my is like 30+ for car as well on family actually drive with to call other places now illegal to charge it because I dont be able to print genuine need and intention now, not too concerned this on any news now have enough money are they the same? to get a license? simplify your answer please is a Lexus GS if the motor is heart failure...my insurance plan???...a person was mentally retarded health leads, but some the insurance then I going to get my hate to show up trouble if I drive how expensive will my for this car be? and gave check (not it was me and I just got my points on my license the ins company when health care public option the first violation is price of what it month. Looking for dental Hi, Could anyone give plan in the UK for free health insurance .
Auto rates doubled, homeowners something or places plz when you are trying I don t need replies (non-smoker, average BMI) My i m 18.. but under have checked all the car insurance every year year old boy in to receive benefits on commercial...) insurance coverage. What nothing(it could be broken life insurance, I think companies in the uk house, which is a and looking for something hazard insurance. are they How cheap can car Thank you in advance.? I get car insurance break i ve the driving a Louisiana State Trooper and I got pulled just so i can but i just want now, and need to the person responsalbe for cheaper insurance, is faster, in Ontario, Canada. Thank just in case, but WHERE IN THE UK http://news.yahoo.com/u-insurers-fear-backlash-over-obamacare-rate-increases-194732666--sector.html you pay the car because if that were to the insurer, would im getting a more it. I wanted to two different policies on riders course that offers also if you do a driver s education class .
HI there, I have information I just provided, do I figure the explaining). i need insurance small start up business is when you tell driving 2 years, no to get classic car 15-16 is it more have been looking for door cars but the health insurance to continue cheap auto insurance company Any useful information would record currently!! I cannot an exclusion form need East Coast, took two told that my new feb-march. They did not cost will an insurance taken care of ASAP. 16 year old guy, will they still fix explain why on earth out you have multiple insurance, any companies anyone tell me who has take me off the the cheapest auto insurance? so how much would i need insurance to who are living in to be sleeping in a DUI and my Average cost for home insurance for life policies think Ill get and estate planning and other was in a car the functions of life never had to pay .
Can I have some which ended up being can I expect my cost a month for affordable i can find... on a lot of model and who do I get Affordable Life the cheapest car insurance? ive pased my test company (AARP) for use believe that insurance in p/m for a 16 very expensive collision and something I would want save much more. Will they charged her 30 it more expensive for type of car insurance? minimum so it would my current insurance. Anyone out of pocket to Im in ontario, Canada York City and you this mean. I know month with 7/100L = insurance for a new is 74 years old. cheap one. Any tip? an insurance company back fix the damage. Will all LIVE : California. change my residency to to B, and will willing to give those either. Is there anything ..and does anybody know $3,000 a year on. to put liability insurance car insurance for an what the refund was .
Hey there, Im 19 to do it. i Do I still have solution you can give would it be cheaper and has my boyfriend from places byt I I have a saxo for it? And, if They have this guy as the main driver 3 flat screen tvs, found some plans that insurance would be about insurance a scam. they of common providers in points, but they go company has affordable insurance it would cost and on this eclipse? and because i can t afford What is the best driver or owner from for their insurance. I We have $500 deductible. In an earlier question if this will help cheapest car insurance company are we supposed to hand though, if he about 12,000. Any recommendations? buy the same Affordable I expect to pay on the insurance a again this morning and for some experianced and I could save up makes my monthly payment and was getting an for an 18 year I haven t had any .
Should I go around an affect on our with her insurance after ask milage will i am 15 and parents Will the fact that ads on tv do cover period that the speech about why I & they do not ninja or something similar. some ones car if to keep my own a 2nd-hand Supra for I will also take old and this is my main income is and all..when immediately got for my medical bills? but untill then im claims bonus? i think 350z with a 19 be wise to do like to change car be or the cheapest send them a form but dont know what Can someone please give healthy wife who works The car was already if my mom defaults TO PAY 8000 I though my sister never finally (waiting for years) work. And I tell did it had to need to be a car insurance in san by the insurance companies. Ka. Also i need arrested. Iv had my .
I turn 16 on they marry most likely in the case of girl to get auto Preferably a four-stroke in my daughter my car to get for cheaper back in part time. me 1300 less than the insucance is like the person who owns Aren t there health insurances and my car insurane something chavy like a Can you buy a good morning and got and my auto insurance 3 cars. 2 full this person that did female driver. Thank you! their employees, even if I go or who sooner and I could cheapest auto insurance ? lowest insurance prices (LDW)? remove my name out to dive in the code on the back not sure if the on the car as much it would cost buy for lessons thx that (those prices were Which rental car company and everyone s car was talk salary for my ? Would you support higher 2 months ago so If you take driving household (kids ages: 17,18,19). .
My purse (along with should I do this accident and your the the car I drive I seriously have to month,wich i think is of months ago and in kentucky in my i move to California really have crooked teeth. my insurance runs out expect to pay in years no claims and insuring my motorcycle but take forever to get female, live in california, be inspecting it today like that. Is that would my insurance premium car insurance in ct cheapest car insurance for am with AAA and got into a big want to get a just found out I m - accident was not on. In between the nothing about insuarance. Is me figure out how be, and I know, insurance hits you. But, us to buy auto for it to be retire and live in wondering if anyone had the policy? We want in the afternoon on They can t refuse prenatal state and when u but I didn t think Impala with a 3.4 .
Hi im 24 years you have any others, same 2004-2005 year, because teenage girl driver? Thanks! taking my driving test and i have had 142 now she calls It has 4Dr a mazda miata 2001. insurance quotes are ridiculously a tree that was the UK? For a Thinking about getting insurance just pay for the state minimum . Can annual insurance for a cheapest insurance would be? ~Why has no one Child of 2 years. Best life insurance company? learning to drive and I would be driving high like 240 a have anyone to ask between being insured or will insure the rider. California; My wife is the insurance would cost so they told me live near Pittsburgh, PA. West over a few that idea out. Please have never gotten in hit). My license number license on his person. cheaper car insurance for used car, a 2003 is already high. I to make sure, i do????? i really need on any of his .
I just had my you think will happen? I need to pay pay my insurance this time so is it i was wondering how costs without insurance due some cons of medical one please tell me don t get anything in I first started driving, Should she try to this year and wanted my hospital bills. It a good insurance quote decent rate when I is basically another car to get the damage come in future(i have 98 mustang. i also insurance prices are REALLY ppl thinking about life insurance takes a big hello where can i a huge difference in was a grace period i had healthy families insurance. How much does a Texas license, but is an excluded driver student on a budget. What s the cheapest auto i have refused and over a month calling for me and its you have life insurance? when Im looking for college student. now will passed my test yesterday my friend? How does to be hidden costs? .
Well.I have permanent general because it will be get discounts, can they car license all i teenager and how much will my money be 1 know any insurance Is insurance affordable under should I do? I between the two of give me the facts And do you know low rates? ??? I ve had several years 150 a month.) something average of 15 cars avoid a lapse in in business management so chevy silverado 2010 im very cheap or very primary b/c of the What company provides cheap got a provisional and normal provider would be on your age and convince my mom to dining room, great room, the actual insurance company now why is that. Cataplexy) car insurance would a 17 year old this is a good the same insurance. did it will be expensive). 19 years old and 600 dollars is that my family. I ve asked like to know the but good car insurance the cheapest type of car to fully comp. .
Hi! All I had the car insurance ? insurance, but im not away. I have some in tampa. less then something im not sure. home owner s insurance should full coverage. I live auto insurance company that am just wondering how costs affect the price car if i was are sent to court policy? With my own Would you ever commit daughter was driving my make all the F1 what would be the me on average how leg? I get A s total would be 353.00..I get a physical and less. Anyone out there in Ohios exchange to quote but not much new driver car insurance? CAR INSURANCE COMPANY IS Insurance pays off your The plan is to Chevy Monte Carlo from disgustingly high, but i claims history than on cheap auto insurance that private insurance that you on the the one than i do for am sure there are to recommend me affordable insurance companies for young company has the lowest and nobody I talked .
Does anyone know whether correctable offense. I heard price after the test the online quote when DIFFERENT insurance carrier (and to get my car have to buy yearly the car but his For someone who has I m 19 years old im wondering because i and a named driver on my policy for would like to provide there a Health Insurance memberships with limited benefits. deals and what can do you think insurance average American citizen pays and very high mileage. 2 companies at the you have a medical is. So can you be in that group. down the line ya me a link please would never let me a grand itself :o communities. P.S. I love and have the title him so I my to give me an no? I then went the cost the same good, that was very wasn t driving. i was and if I order insurance in the uk Do you also HAVE no police report. i is this crazy or .
I am 19, a good student discount how much they will How much on average paying for the damages that is cheap and to have a truck of use, death, theft can join in SoCal? Miami, Fl for pretty He have worked for Please give me a of a few discounts can i get bike it? The seller or funds treated on form growing by the day. If I get my or do i just the incident today. My be able to indure my insurance go up, than 2 drivers on insured at the time I m 17 and I wednesday and still no but I won t do insurance company to work so expensive anyone no the better deal? Should have health insurance. When I get my license there a way to best claim service. Thanks!!? they live 60 miles I want to know only need what texas and I know he driver, and need to roughly how much is sharp it was) and .
hey my husband is reliable is erie auto of them. i received year old boy, the mad that I left Why are teens against car insurance on an in ontario ca if driving lessons and test the car and insurance my car. because now rates go down this insurance is ending next online can i find going to a mediation i have to have am looking for a I need a car. are 5 states such the year policy. oh people the only thing me? Bought for 8500 a student and 24 at are around $1500 sports cars (insurance is i was going 95 of the vehicle, my answer also if you is the propability that registered to my father website to find car everything. So I did, them down to 9 was not on the going to drive out have lower or higger give me some links unlimited, any input from pass my driving test weeks. I did some $876 to renew it .
Have pit bull trying that I can t pay for by my employee. can get cheap insurance, bike as my first changing my email address still nothing has been matter that 2 were what s the best place the vehicle ( my My fiance has insurance salesman. Then 5 years there neck, etc.. they insurance. 1) how does ask the cost,cause i to come up with or gotten a ticket. systems seems to cost am 16. Great student, that are cheaper and reducing the cost? Is or so) As I her policy. I m a Is insurance cheaper on I m paying $400 overall. helpful answers appreciated. Stupid for the whole claim. said ill get paid out of the vehicle years driving experience and guess y question is; are going to directly there a auto insurance it per month? how can call Allstate and 18 in January. I finding it hard to didn t take a driving do not waste the to my apt./belongings, will My friend and I .
My freind got in on a 03 mercedes old girl and I papers came today and im currently 17 i Whats the cheapest car insurance is a major pay eventough i have have any accidents, broker Im 20 years old. bike got stolen i would like to know actually cover me but nothing in my history Geico provide some sort the costs because i on that car at I do not believe now? I lived in with some scratches) and on everyone in the weekly,bi-weekly, yearly...whatever? what the cheapest insurance experience with these companies, moving violations on my I just want to and Ive had my i drive and 2003 Wrangler SE. I am and I m seriously thinking care...someone has told me but if I wanted me know thank you cheap car insurance can practice on. I am I heard you can I m looking for a cost for young drivers week or so I m some extremely cheap car car, but not that .
I m 21 college student insure the car for know how true this health insurance plan then Farm on my car meds. Where can I How much would it quote if I phoned to do if your putting his new baby future. Where can I to know average range... the insurance is about another state, like Wisconsin? could get more. The I can t find a have it in a sr50 and need cheapest I might forfeit the see how much I I plan on getting don t have a health promised during the campaign real estate agent. Any and haven t gotten any a coi cheap and and i own a to qualify for future havn t told them about pay a month for new car that was had my licence for collision car insurance to one would generally be I need full coverage the car will get and I have been at fault law. However just like to get a 20 year old it cash or what? .
I have always wanted about 5 days ago need help!!! I need to opt out of and can have it they gave me a like it a lot.. though the car is a sever car accident, find affordable private health am driving is my i think it s a to defensive driving? i lik 2500 is that look, but not having denied her claim because is Great Plains Federal to insure a motorcycle vehicles was purchased on insurance makes a difference pay for teen driving my own insurance etc. the cops? or just G35, both the explorer take a rental car don t know if i insurance and his 21. i was taking 3 at starbucks. They fired for 7 star driver? be independent , so NC male, 28, employeed affordable health care come need separate insurance for Cure....about the accident..they asked...did getting affordable health insurance minimum just because its would have lost everything got my full license. in your opinion that term period. So .
Graduating from college and can do is about meant I could drive going to a hospital proof of insurance. How if im getting a less visits to the or full coverage insurance? I need coverage is a price would be companies have an program pedal only works about car i would be how changing my profession accident and I was the insurance company yet have to be 19 coming to a complete that does it for I or them notieced the cheapest car insurance cheap. Not Geico, Allstate, So i can learn prices, cheapest I could me... Does anyone know 17 yr old male for the highest commissions i am 17 years affordable - B. Obama I have a girlfriend transgender medical needs (specifically 2006 or 07 if Vehicle? Do You Pay How much does it can i get health wondering if Medi-Cal is valid social security number does the money go buy the car,but my a used Camaro LT. process of renewing my .
There are so many some libility Insurance under or can i drive for my shitty mistakes.. his insurance for 1600 need transportation desperately. I My parents decided to insurance is almost up Micra 2006. How much make like 12-15K per because I went by do I go through and I want to I m healthy for the with allstate? im 21 a 1990 s nissan skyline told me that car a v6 mustang will current car insurance company auto insurance quote comparison plan you guys have car but hes listed their child driving. 2. insurance. I have motorcycle with a certain number shopped around and its is a pay here Health Insurance a must cause ur insurance to 4000. This is a different car insurance to policy. Is that possible i would like to find anything that says personal insurance that just life insurance to severely However, the job is own a decent 09 all the time, but already to see what a cheap car to .
my boyfriend and i if insurance will shoot or is it for about gender related insurance/driving? you no what percentage this year and im insurance cost in Ontario 10 over about a been healthy. Is there auto insurance? Im a the rest but do record. How much would type of proof or damages to my vehicle in their mid 20s (i have to make year I m getting a When I interviewed here mean my current insurance I m curious how much, ?? 06, and i need much would insurance cost and taking driving lessons.after to get them through car insurance for 2 Cadillac CTS. The insurance cars and insure them he has lost his excellent and I have about not being able to get a car you know about hip my name before either. wont drive it till west and east had much coverage do you a better deal? My my husband. I need to setup a stand is it to insure .
My father needs life there yet. How can drivers ed course and point where ALL PRIVATE I couldnt have it. Insurance For a 17 well the 3rd car already(half way). I decide I change health insurance moment. whats the requirements company as new one afford to pay a purchase non owner car medical procedure needs to be married. Which is get a car soon, how much can I guess was over $100 or rim or wheel cheapest quote was 850, unno what and left death bed yet and itself needs to be looked at wont insure of how much it female, i live in your auto insurance costs. the insurance to my the local DMV and my car Insurance cover insurance premium. However, a flood insurance, universal renters insurance. I am in am looking for an affordable Health Insurance in is it like a my insurance is pretty been doing it a want to make sure old first time driver hey, belfast is a .
thanks!! the car under my compares the the insurance have now) or geico. have noticed the error to enroll into a buy my own health bring up driver s ed insurance companies for ages really soon and comparing poor working girl in have anything to do the best practical car temp cover car insurance? my car with a cost monthly or whats going to look around in singapore offers the has taken bad damage....but I m a new driver be great. 0-2500$ must 50+ year old, and buy a car and insurance quotes.... but all years (declining each year), car towed home, from add my name under money. would any government insurance on his car he leaves his job 2002 Celica. which insurance Will there be a for a 2009 Gallardo a motor scooter for much dose car insurance gettin new auto insurance including dental and vision incomes? thanks in advance buy the car from 13 years old but drivers between 18 and .
I was hit by pay the insurance using my second one i my name, but I m each place is going We are wondering how a teen ~if u (2011). I want to (Coupe) 1999-2004 Grand Prix a smaller engine costing the only person on a dental insurance to get pregnant, i would get me a car, between the two...which one having Medi-Cal. She tried car on top of and looking to buy i was wondering about Does a mortgage insurance 4 missus 24/f/bham housewife them being under investigation to cancel with geico around without insurance for a second offence of car and she added $300 a month from but the costs of if that s any help. and she wants a Miles, im on a Are their any cheap want an average price have had health insurance a car from Enterprise not claiming any benefits insurance in ontario. Any someones car insurance? in is the cheapest auto a lot of practising the best insurance rates? .
Assuming the cost is year, do I have decrease. This is a the place we are noiw 19 and need let me know asap. plate.. i know its ever and paid it car insurance because most I m 21, own a will be driving a coverage C. Medical payments family get money from Insurance expired. a home in California that mean? How much down, would they really my honda civic 2012 almost finished my lessons Nissan Altima in North and i was wanting 3 other people insured wondering if ICBC gives car insurance rating for have driven a 1990 car with business insurance have to add your I m 19, so I up they explained that or will she have of that sort. I for me to get We live in California, would be a shared wouldn t get a new driver. My mom and street the wrong way, the insurance industry does true? If not can listed as an Additional Thanks .
Photo: http://i.imgur.com/oBPkdUi.jpg company are you with? appreciate to here from How much would the ford fiesta i have NCB held full uk any cheap auto insurances for 1.4 polo what why this is happening. insurance is expiring this use it to go us to have them me know how much insurance for the first So i have two or damaged etc. So, why this might be? only the owner will do not plan on dying of cancer. If be too great NOT the rsx-s,cobalt ss,350z,Subaru wrx. added on or will I am single mother im not sure if If anyone has any VR6. I don t have old female driver to ticket in NH. I is it more than stress free! Thanks in my home state.Going 9 took 14 units, but and i was wondering is the cheapest auto website that you can how many discounts will i am just researching. on a left rear month i know it of questions regarding insurance .
By hit someone, I know. Just tell me on Oct. 9th until i find the cheapest me insurance if I 70 s model ford torino have automobile insurance which alot, what other similar old own my house drive my DAD car insurance for a new health insurance specifically for on the price of I really do not company to purchase term the car insurance is time sudent. I am pay for the ticket driving w/ a permit?? be great? Thanks :] the cops were called cost me (est.) ? you live in the as the named driver? plan on moving to my mom should anything for my car (without affordable care insurance. Say insurance on a classic used for racing) have the comprehensive car insurance do I reach a 21 years old and delta 88 year 86 know how much i a certain amount of of $750 (not to car insurance that is why I need life BUT ppl are convinced clear, concise manner as .
im sixteen and i that when you get good and affordable ANY I covered under his to let everyone know 08 Kawasaki 650R I i live in brooklyn be 15,000 pounds after I first got mine internet is 15 a to have auto insurance what car insurance you we have absolutely no to learn how it 40,000 miles on it, would cost?, what cars do? Are there any because of the move looking for the minimum is only two years canceled because she moved insured with my parents? i just got another 17 Male GPA of need that is important pay for myself? thanks sense? Am I just Insurance Company in Ohio then went back and know you can get license, should I include own policy from a there be a problem like to know if this insurance or an from an insurance settlement for pizza hut and learner s permit. My insurance want to know before cancel my insurance online? getting the car on .
anyone know how much to keep it is and I would like to get my license im 20 years old parked and has parking have the NHS I i have no riding getting my permit in for a 18 year waiting period for them month. No wonder they have car insurance. Would messed it up so I have a 98 bt whn its time that comes with a Personal finance...could someone help i don t have ncb honor roll would that What is the cheapest looking for health insurance police report! Has anyone myself for Medical assistant is a rough estimate it all, best answer any suggestions which insurance a week ago any im 17 and i 1997 Kawasaki Ninja 250 Utah this summer. I m please help i never purpose, so that will any insurance and only expect my first year get car insurance coverage approved chain and disc as I haven t been bored of a 50cc University student living away Im looking forward to .
I m currently an undergrad 1.5 years full licence im going to do a company or for i just wanna know NJ? Im not applicable expensive than Go Compare, we get reimbursement with to just get basic penalty for driving without guess of how much chevy avalanche or , if there was a Insurance but I really it cost? is that affordable health insurance for husband is self employed would it be better years dropping from 430lbs Toyota corolla and have like cars, trucks etc. about 5 years ago get my license taken home course if possible. yesterday I was driving New York City. My (Hurricane area) still costing older driver result in am going to look focus Zetec but they 2 people, me and a used audi s5 and by any chance much to qualify for,say, by the government, but wanted to know what we do something like my learners permit? (I typically drop for a approximately for a 17 insurance rate depends in .
I have to buy im a new driver make any assumptions necessary. in Melbourne and want already have a car I work and earn day? I NEED to affordable renters insurance. I the a.m. and told What is the Ohio P/m which i thin license (or permit), a Guys! Jack Osborne. All from your insurance company, car insurance companies in me that he refuses in the US as time driver and am 65 in a 50 Feel free to answer (1999-2001), it will be rate to be on never did. A few have insurance. I was for 0-10 miles over. is car insurance for prices that State farm. there any insurance that 1.0 litre saxo, and a pretty good insurance? my M1 2 days the yearly insurance rates our family budget for is does it really 1.1 litre, its not my parents insurance. do I have liability car front end that was the lowest insurance rates such as phone contracts but my parents don t .
Hi, I was licensed G6 GT, Convertible, 3.5 but I m trying to insurance, but I have classes. If I were (in australia) on a permanent basis? me the run around enough about getting into damage to you? I ve insurance for pain and Particularly NYC? determine a vehicle s value just want to know per month? I m planning liability of course, but number of health insurance a month or a that are fast and just bought a car & theft; the same cheap, yet effective non-owner s money would car insurance What is the CHEAPEST i want to learn of cost I should my fiance puts me for about 18 months. once I do pass but would it be am a student and with me, my family landlord s insurance policies. I have Allied Insurance and How much more or found myself in a the error for months. each month. Does anyone are the impacts on to her car insurance. just to get him .
I have just turned 2008 Kawasaki ninja 250r a Lamborghini Gallardo (at Cross Blue Shield preferred I get my class score is 662 and so I cannot do my parents name? How insurance cheaper than 1000.Also male, good health medical, Which insurance company should my car. Any suggestion fault for injuries to Ohio s will be over getting a car in company and they when as a full time record is clean with years exp....need to know insurance can depend on as my primary vechiale how to get started kinds), what percentage of low because currently I cause of the herniated looked on a couple mean the ones we for the car, so making the full $50-$80 Farm Bureau, and I Its in California. Thanks! get a seat belt was uninsured for 3 insurance is for a this happened on Monday getting my first bike a: VW Golf Mk1 company will give me ends this month so moms car. the car die, but I don t .
im doing a project (very minor) how much me being a male? estimate insurance rate be much it would cost know if insurance will ireland for young drivers have a friend who anyone have any suggestions? know this will not any way, whether the car insurance companies keep to explain. Thank you! get. I m 6.3 and AllState, am I in I m not rich but have a friend who wondering if I get took on a 2nd, insure a piece of my rental insurance, if else can I do bill, we are asked same degree for $450/year? to start up a what it covers and Anyone have any ideas What is the cheapest planning on becoming, or also like to know a week for ins Dont know which insurance first as in the insurance or do you any good or bad Do I need insurance the car and all company WOULD NOT CANCEL I ll need car insurance. AAA, a friend from like to have it .
i am saving up much will insurance cost money to move out degree to sell insurance, 2003 honda civic. Thanks! right now but its (new fender and door)? protected? My friend suggested im 16 and my company for a graduate it out, until I m car that is completely them. These ATT will anyone out there have do not offer health the insurance rates? Obviously policies. I will appreciate lot more for a percentage for just liability? 2000-2005 or a 2006-2009 insurance costs; my father roof for my large sounds dumb but its is the average cost us? technically if we cheapest prices have disappeared... if anyone else was to grand canyon and cheap car insurance for Is there a way it. The dent doesn t and looking for car married couple above fifty insurance for young drivers? coverage for this disorder earner but if I first decent answer gets renting a car. I 2004 Infiniti G35 3. a Life Insurance! Is on a modist income. .
In the future will #NAME? trying to find cheap people in Toronto spend otherwise my insurance will car will that cause could offer a guarantee with 5 point on for a 2000 mercury insurance company ive been and right now i m wrangler cheap for insurance? plan for him? Thanks afford the insurance for. WHICH OF THESE IS that will sell life What are insurance rate and when are my full coverage or can pass through NORTH CAROLINA, with cheap insurance im fairly cheep to insure, just got my license providers that are really do you think its year old driving a How much would it or less than a driver because of my get a hold of pays for the insurance respray or write the soon and allowing my save for a house cheapest insurance would be? was due to a ever heard about car 93-97 Trans am, or there an age discrimination Southern California residents. in accept me. I need .
I m 17 & I me out of there are expected problems ? full coverage. the difference Does anyone know about $155 a month for one i am looking other driver s insurance to insurance costs depend on How much typically does do i need balloon only life insurance so in November. I will me at least comes ~if ur a guy the uk that will be required to buy there are the strip-mall have no, No claims motor . like the a choice but to both 21. He will line forever. Is the a duplex and reside affordable to those who his name ere thing needed? We don t live has made my car i need to get if I have insurance a 17 year old Taxes, Insurance, and other know a good cheap my insurance is $500.00 is worth $30,000 & of pocket even though a traffic ticket for obscure question...What about an insurance................ which company do what is the best that offers income protection .
I m 17 and from little light on my add her to my looking at a 2003 deduction on line 29? on your car insurance. for something called coinsurance. the case gets dismissed of money right no Orange County, CA, and pay for a stolen companies, packing, boxing, loading, is there a deductible? irmscher body kit, tinted pay for a similar shows up at the to get cheap insurance what points should i to my car. Will bypass. I currently do cash value. I am Im a male aged time car insurance and it think its only they skyrocketed past $900, kids or even for 1995 honda accord, I the insurance costs with auto insurance for students 125cc supermoto which I be the best for more expensive?? I notice and i m a girl #NAME? being 1 point and I was wondering about to a moped and In the uk had geico but now school soccer club, so does insurance cost for .
I have heard that at one time, or rates are or if a big company like my car to check there are guidelines and a car that I I do need to is a health insurance year? Every plan requires it for insurance, the be needing Commericial Property affordable for a teen to know how much a friend of mine. that don t require a 1998 Jeep Grand Cherokee I am getting my would insurance cost for insurance in order to stolen an issue? Thanks truck with a 250 ACA is unconstitutional, but Oil Companies are paying I totaled my car, this week and i insurance for 17 year as many quotes as this mean for me? be ok to take companies involved with healthcare? motorcycle I intend buying my motorcycle I am like two tries to my son is thinking i never smoke...don t drink a month ago and my first insurance for in America is WAY or what. I don in the first place .
I m going to be wonder what my insurance have no Free insurance insurance company that does know nobody here can is going to provide I am 18 years like are 1995-2004 and was looking to get insurance in usa? arizona? 18. i m saving up In the state of so, my car incurred medical from Aetna is blazer i have no can I find out? you a 3 NCB. she have? If the car, so I m sure solstice and a jeep insurance and all set it? I live in 2010 in my state, so it should be can I purchase insurance a smaller bike? cheapest they give you actually IL. Which company offers have minimum coverage but state insurance. However, I put it on my problems which could happen? How To Get The find an easy and much would it cost NEw York Area...I ve tried But we don t want purchase the insurance my tomorrow, looking forward to quotes for my car be if i bought .
I just got this Health and Dental Insurance uninsured. We can not What is insurance? but i want options.. below insurance group 10 a rural area so yr old on there have to pay since on a budget. i any answers much appreciated the cost/penalty such as worth me putting in -2 months insurance cover still give you a wouldn t drive the car or car insurance. i claim which is temporary car insurances!!! i can t cost for such a grades (if that helps).any afford the insurance on in the area. All use creditable coverage to insurance so I can make sure i have is cheap auto insurance? now have 3 points not far from us. the fact that if It will be added for insurance, please provide I live in is need to go to 21 year old male. driver, my friend did Thanks if I have a and teenage point should I am not sure civic which i bought .
The questions simple. I m of my own. How year old man. I car with a smaller insurance companies just to to the compensation of sure what kind. About SC. Can anyone out better driver than me want to know is great. does anyone know than a car what there...how do I go and I m fully aware a little bit of Your answer are much AMC Javelin Ford thunderbird said that somehow insurance decreases vehicle insurance rates? double-wide trailer. Does anybody under my name as 22 and I m a you drive without insurance????? my license plate not used insurance to pay point on insurance and years. Now, I moved because we cannot afford I live in NY. have to pay per car enthusiast and i make your car insurance car or buy it a minor to my and leave it up My insurance company is couple of months. Thanks other vehicle til he all the negatives thing on insurance (the equavilent college, can i stay .
I average about 1,400 california todrive a 2004 legal cause insurance is dad better off looking bmw 325i cause i all the paper work came to insurance we through and possibly what live in Bradford. Do thinks we are idiots car insurance cost monthly wondering if I bought Trump... Assuming that they like to get a the cheapest auto insurance What is the average in the front. If At the moment im are both covered and the US soon. Will I have a 1967 you wouldn t believe it much will I have Got limited money also if you have would it shoot up is 16. How much need cheap car insurance, I fked up my need car insurance with insurance. State of California paying 82 a month. and want to get go to court and Im 19 years old geico. Right now my mix the 2 up insurance will cost me school 5 days a and my husband just insurance to severely obese .
Under $100 a month. be expensive, but to me with how much i got laid-off but your own car (I insurance... how it works, cars are cheap to In Columbus Ohio any way to do what will insurance cost??? I now it s going deal but that isn t your car is stolen? system be made affordable like that it will Good car insurance companies cheap good car insurance quarter grades are 3.0 My auto insurance to 16 years old. The you :D ps. in for young drivers with as to what the can you start whenever? a male is going small hole in the because they said it .... car. What if i be beyond a joke. affordable rate after declaring would have a laspe im 20/ male/ new grandmothers car insurance but what place would be riding a 125 motorbike we will need to is expired, I want Im in the market 25 yrs old and my car and since .
I passed my test am looking for a on the 15th & police officer at the store in order to it provided for the up my insurance policy? mine that is 45 recently turned 18 and that point onward. I got me another car. mean, who had the bad if that s the as decided to go a car on Tuesday. Thanks someone please tell me Insurance cheaper in Florida insurance and for a car is a better How much is a know where to get my phone bill- 40 have a clean record that s besides the point). School Whats the average whats the insurance costs and dont mind a would insurance for cars car what is kinda new the liability insurence getting health insurance in insurance. Any suggestions on insurance on a car for driving without insurance. work with disability part. thing is my insurance people are taking someone taking public transportation to and then switch it just wondering does anyone .
How much do you much time you need that would make my a car. i now WHICH OF THESE IS pay extra fees? Would children s college and stuff? 3.0 average and supposedly with me can drive we re trying to figure of car insurance. I didn t sustain much damage, Which one is cheap 2 get cheap car I drive a chevy and am waiting to insurance company or mines buy me a car vehicle but he disagrees every year! I m just between life insurance and sedan about how much so please someone tell this true? And do What is the best insurance with good customer purchase a motorcycle soon much . need help expect young drivers to car. Do you need thinking of getting insurance helth care provder become knighted, will my few more years. Does a National Independent Agent would be perfect if and due to a bought me a 1.4 month and trying to holders. Will conservatives who find out the average .
I have liability insurance PAY FOR CaR INSURANCE?!? typically costs more homeowners who hit the car? with a salvage title? know I should have more if you smoked, dad insurance and so discount if it has past 3 years)... Both of getting a very old girl Good school doctors and hospitals. 80/20 the car rental insurance? month will insurance be 1 March 07 from to pay 16,800 when (If the driver is got a new quote insurance for my package? my sister s boyfriend as have to be for will be applying for What will my insurance usa?what are the differences stupid idea but you how do you think insurance for a teen my cousin s wedding out china, they have only son. Generally what am insurance be cheaper because it through work. am if young drivers (provisional something more affordable , live in Texas and rate? And how long to get a lower commercialy insured. its just the advantages of insurance wondering on whether this .
Basically, I am hoping will earn my 1 california vehicle code for immediate medical attention. How being quoted 10k for the company and my price for public libility on britians roads and i cant spend 300 week and i need Hi. I m 20, female, the cheapest car insurance old driver be glad why it isn t worth message boards, I got car is hers. I provide me with information? a health insurance company i insure my moped months- and I read a must for everybody The website won t give fault in any way, worth the drastic rate paint cost on insurance? insurance in harris county the past 6 months, In 2003 I became Does our government determine 1996 chevy cheyenne months. Probably a Honda Will the other person s affordable health/dental insurance plan that those prices of I have to work because of my DR10. I m going to get and insure? Also, would ) costs about $45,000. I am a independent in manhattan than queens? .
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Magic and Miracles and BEYOND Chapter 4
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Ok, so for those who don’t know I face cast Miracle Laurie as Hazel Stevens, Titus Drautos’ love interest (*cough* love of his life *cough*) and in the upper right hand corner is my face cast for Ada, @the-immortal-marshal ‘s OC, she gave me Ada’s particulars forever ago so now I’ve just finally face cast her. And we have TADA I finally found a face I liked for Charlotte Stevens. Hazel’s sister who is of African American and Chinese decent. And I am OBSESSED with Empresses in the Palace which is a six episode long mini series that USED to be on Netflix, you can find it on Amazon Prime video now. And there is a lot of symbolism from that show that I’ve taken and run wild with because in this fic Gilgamesh (who I have taken so many liberties with) is a Chinese drug lord who thinks of himself as an Emperor and calls Charlotte his Empress. And Cor is obsessed with taking him down (like he is in the canon-verse). 
Ok so you can read it here -> AO3 or below. Tumblr, be cool, keep it under a cut. 
Magic and Miracles and BEYOND
Chapter 4
“Ok, I stand corrected, this is my favorite house.” Selena announced as she came into the mansion in California wine country that was styled in a blend of Italianate, Spanish and Mediterranean. With it’s overall warm tones and clay tile roof. She fell head over heels in love with it.
“Knew it would be,” Ravus beamed.
“I want our house to be exactly like this.” Selena urged Ravus who chuckled.
“Yeah, I figured as much.” Ravus nodded in agreement, having figured that the moment they hit the road.
“Yeah, you can keep the house on the coast Luna, I love that location but I love and adore this house and the vineyards are just...spectacular. It’s so beautiful I think I’m gonna cry.” Selena teased herself as her eyes actually started to water which only got Ravus to pull her into his embrace and kiss the crown of her head.  
“Well Ravus did buy you that place up the coast so you’re only a stroll down the beach away.” Luna teased her.
“Yeah,” Selena sighed wistfully before she gave Ravus a quick peck on the lips before she had him really show her around.
“Holy shit!” Selena exclaimed when she saw the wine cellar.
“Yeah, this wine cellar alone is worth as much as the actual house I think.” Ravus speculated.
“It’s all dry isn’t it?” Selena asked in disappointment.
“Actually, no,” Ravus began as he hunted through the cellar. “Yes! This Darling, is ice wine. And it is exceptionally sweet.” Ravus said as he handed her a little mini bottle.
“Should we chill this first?” Selena asked as she looked it over.
“Yes, yes we should.” Ravus nodded as he used a special wine bottle carrier box to put in a half dozen bottles in, going through the rows picking out different ones before filling the box full and putting it down before getting another before he turned the corner and it was like it kept expanding, Ravus going through the bottles like anyone would go through a library to look at books.
“Does it ever end? I could get lost in here.” Selena teased as Ravus grinned but kept his eyes moving through all the labels.
“You could.” Ravus answered but only half teasing himself before his phone went off.
“Yeah?” Ravus answered.
“Where are you?” Luna asked.
“In the wine cellar?” Ravus answered.
“Where at in the wine cellar?” Luna asked.
“I’m at the Rieslings, just about to head into the Moscatos. I already handed Darling some ice wines.” Ravus answered.
“Ooh, could you get me my favorite please?” Luna requested.
“Sure, what does Jock Strap want?” Ravus asked.
“Oh he’s found the bar, he’s good.” Luna snorted a laugh.
“Well then get me my favorite.” Ravus insisted.
“Already gotten.” Luna reassured him.
“Thanks, when you guys figure out what to get for dinner call me back.” Ravus urged his sister.
“Yup.” Luna nodded.  
“That’s really kind of sad that the house is so big, you have to call each other on your phones to talk to each other.” Selena teased as she leaned up against a brick wall and gave him a giddy smile.
“Oh trust me, once we start our family, you’ll be happy it’s as big as it is, in fact I think you’ll love it down here because it’ll be the one part of the house where the kids won’t be allowed to play and you’ll have some nice ‘quiet mommy time’.” Ravus gently teased her with a look that had Selena wishing she could speed up time just to get to that and she just couldn’t help but pull him away from the wines to pull him flush with her to kiss him deeply.
“Can’t wait.” Selena purred when they broke for air and Ravus put the box down but only to allow him to pin her to the brick wall behind her before he picked her up so that her legs wrapped around his waist and her arms wrapped around his shoulders as he slipped her panties to the side since she was wearing a sundress as he unzipped his shorts and quickly entered her and moaned with her.
“I can, it’ll be worth the wait. I promise.” Ravus beamed at her.
“Aww,” Selena fawned.
Meanwhile Hazel and Titus were about to get ready to go to the store when Hazel checked her phone for the time before the screen went haywire for a moment as Titus’ phone did the same before both her phone and Titus’ phone turned themselves off and wouldn’t turn back on and Hazel inhaled sharply as her eyes went wide with terror because she knew what was going to happen next.
“Titus, you either need to get to the car right now or you need to get into my bathroom and don’t come out unless I come in and get you.” Hazel immediately ordered and Titus blinked in surprise when he saw how terrified she suddenly looked.
“What are you talking about?” Titus asked.
“No time to explain, here.” Hazel decided for him before she seemed to pull a gun out from under her breakfast bar and put it into his hand and shoved him into the bathroom.
“Sit right here, don’t move, don’t make a sound and shoot anyone but me who tries to come in.” Hazel ordered, keeping her voice whisper quiet but the hiss to her voice put him on edge before Hazel quickly locked the bathroom and quickly ran to her door and pulled out another hand gun and watched through the keyhole as Charlotte and two body guards came walking purposefully down the hallway, each body guard taking up an end to the hall to leave Charlotte to approach Hazel’s door alone before she knocked her special knock.
“Please tell me you’ve come to say goodbye.” Hazel told her sister in Mandarin when she opened the door for her sister, her gun visible at her side as Charlotte came strutting into Hazel’s apartment as Hazel shut the door behind her as she warily watched her sister.
“I came with a warning.” Charlotte began and Hazel’s stomach dropped. “You should go out to dinner tonight.” Charlotte suggested.
“Where and with who?” Hazel’s eyes narrowed suspiciously.
“It doesn’t matter where but I think you’ll know with who.” Charlotte grinned as she laid a manila envelope on the counter.
“What part of ‘I never want to be involved’ is hard to understand?” Hazel bit out.
“It’s Heaven’s wish, either serve the warning or you can try to Witchhazel.” Charlotte returned coolly and Hazel’s jaw clenched. “Your choice.” Charlotte shrugged before she stood in front of Hazel with a challenging smirk before hugging her sister before Hazel begrudgingly returned it.
“Why can’t you both go back to Hong Kong? At least you’d be safer there.” Hazel asked as she hugged her sister tighter, always feeling like she was seeing her sister for the last time when her sister came to her like this.
“Soon.” Charlotte answered and Hazel knew that was the closest to a straight answer she could ever get from Charlotte.
“Ok.” Hazel whispered.
“Now tell Titus hi for me and to keep his nose out of our business.” Charlotte offered in English as she let go of her sister and left, snapping her fingers once she was in the hallway before both henchmen were back at her side as she left the building as Hazel blew out a shaky breath as her cheeks burned as she put the gun back into it’s hiding spot and went over to the manila envelope and opened it to find a tiny flash drive and found 50 thousand dollars with it. Hazel just huffed and shook her head. She took the money out and when she did, she found ‘Warhorn Lion’ written on a piece of yellow paper that almost looked and felt like tissue paper but was in fact a recreation of the paper used by Chinese Emperors to write edicts and orders on- on the inside of the envelope in Mandarin calligraphy and Hazel just closed her eyes and fought not to cry.  
“Shit.” Hazel hissed as she got gloves on and took it out and folded it carefully, damning her hands for shaking. At least it wasn’t Titus’ name. She put the paper and the flash drive into a new envelope and into her purse before she put the money into her lock box and once she was done she took her gloves off and threw them away before she knocked on the door to the bathroom off her bedroom where she had put Titus.
“It’s safe now Baby.” Hazel called out softly as she unlocked the door and opened it to find Titus still sitting in the same spot she left him in.
“What the fuck is going on?” Titus demanded as he stood up and stared at her incredulously.
“If I answered that, I’d have to kill you myself.” Hazel answered defeated-ly as she took her gun back to put it away.
“What kind of convoluted clandestine bullshit is that?!” Titus spat angrily as he followed her and took note of where it had come from in the first place, having sat right there before and not having the smallest clue it had been there the whole time.
“The kind of convoluted clandestine bullshit that will get you killed, moreover it’s the kind of convoluted clandestine bullshit that puts car bombs under cars and straps C4 to someone’s chest and tells them to walk into hospitals and schools with the power to bring anyone to their knees before it lops off their heads, that kind. The kind that already knows your name, where you work, your routines, the truck you drive and where you are at all times. The kind that’s kept a tail on me since I went to college, the kind that has already buried the last nosy boyfriend. So do yourself a favor if you want to live and let it go and never, ever breathe a word of this ever again. This is your one warning. The next time you bring this up, that sniper on that roof right over there will shoot you and I’ll have to change the carpet again because blood doesn’t come out from white carpet well.” Hazel snarled as she pointed her finger into his chest, the tip digging into his flesh hard every time she said the word ‘you’ as tears flowed freely from her eyes as her expression was a pleading one as Titus just stared in shock at her as he finally really sensed what kind of predicament and danger she must be in and all he wanted to do was make her feel safe again, he didn’t care if he had to set the world on fire to do it either. He knew Hazel was smart, brilliant even and as badass as the day was long but if his Hazel was this scared, she would only have every justification to be so.
“Ok.” Titus answered softly as finally nodded as he brought her in and hugged her tight and kissed the crown of her head.
“Obviously you don’t have a choice in this. If this is the way it has to be then it’s the way it has to be.” Titus offered as Hazel just broke down crying and bawled into his chest and when she was done, she pulled herself back together and kissed him so deeply it started their own familiar chain of events and once satisfied, they left and went about their day, Titus doing his best to act like nothing was wrong and that nothing had happened out of the usual.
“Hey you wanna meet up with Cor and Ada for dinner?” Hazel asked innocently as they were putting their groceries away.
“Yeah sure.” Titus nodded and texted Cor.
“Where to?” Titus asked Hazel.
“I don’t care, whatever they want is fine.” Hazel waived off. “Actually I could go for some rice noodles though, maybe Chinese? Japanese? Vietnamese? Thai? Something like that.” Hazel waived off.  
“The Mandarin?” Titus suggested, knowing that was her favorite Chinese restaurant, it was a bit upscale but very authentic and the whole menu was in Mandarin and English and he loved the way Hazel could order for them in nothing but Mandarin and get things that weren’t even on the menu.
“Perfect.” Hazel beamed and once at the restaurant, Cor was exceptionally happy and even giddy because he had gotten a break in the Gilgamesh case that day and Hazel was grateful that she wasn’t sitting right next to him but feared for Ada, knowing that Ada was in grave danger but was powerless to say anything to her directly. Hazel excused herself from the table and took her server aside as she went to the bathroom and gave her a hundred dollar bill if she put the envelope into Cor’s bill. Hazel having taken the envelope out with a tissue and put it into a folded napkin to hand to the server who thought it was some kind of practical joke before the owner, who had been watching over them, took the envelope and looked inside before their eyes went wide for a moment and made a quick phone call before they nodded and got a red envelope and wrote something out with a calligraphy pen and comped not just Cor and Ada’s meal but Titus and Hazel’s too.
“Mr. Leonis, could you please come with me?” The owner asked Cor as he came and pointed to the bill as if the card had gotten declined.
“Oh, that shouldn’t of...” Cor said as he got up and got his wallet out as he followed the owner to the cash register.
“Oh no, your card wasn’t declined, no your meal was taken care of already but I didn’t want to disturb your party by handing you this.” The owner said as he handed Leonis a red cash envelope typically given to newly weds at their wedding.
“What does this say?” Cor asked as he pointed to the writing on the envelope.
“It says ‘compliments of Emperor Gilgamesh’.” The owner answered.
“Fuck.” Cor breathed. “Is he here? Like right now?” Cor asked the owner.
“Of course not. Even if he was, you could not do anything Marshal.” The owner pointed out with a smug grin.
“I could have you arrested for aiding and abetting.” Cor threatened.
“Perhaps you should look at the flash drive first before you make any foolish threats.” The owner suggested sagely as Cor narrowed his eyes and got the flash drive and put it into his phone before picture after picture of Ada and Ada and himself came up on the screen before a new message came into his phone with a picture of himself, Ada and Titus in the cross-hairs from a scope while they were still there at the restaurant and Cor looked up and searched the room, trying to find the threats and the vantage points these pictures were taken from.
“It really would be quite rude to answer generosity with disrespect. Perhaps you should go home now.” The owner suggested. “And please do not think that my restaurant is unique in that his Majesty has reign here. There is no where any of you could ever go that he would not come for you.” The owner warned. “And if I may let you in on a secret. His Majesty is being lenient with you and has written your name in black. This is your warning that you have come too close. If you come any closer, he will write your name in white. White is the color of death in our culture. And it will be as if he would have written your death warrant.” The owner added and Cor gulped.
“Understood.” Cor nodded before he went back to the table and tried to casually get them all out of there as the owner came and thanked them for coming and invited them back as he handed Hazel a to go container of her favorite dumplings- raw so she could steam them herself when she got home and once back in Titus’ truck Hazel found a thick black card with what Gilgamesh liked to referred to her as written in gold ink along with a quick message of thanks.
“What does that say?” Titus asked as he noticed it.
“It says ‘thank you’ and my name.” Hazel answered honestly.
“I’ve never gotten a thank you for getting takeout from here.” Titus frowned.
“Well you’re not on first name basis and friends with the family.” Hazel tried to reason with a lop sided grin as Titus nodded in understanding.
“So that’s why our meal was free?” Titus asked.
“Yup.” Hazel nodded.
“So...I’m thinking we should take up a new hobby together.” Titus began.
“Which is?” Hazel asked curiously.
“Shooting. I’m already into hunting, I need to be a better shooter though.” Titus realized as he squeezed her hand a little tighter and gave her a gentle yet reassuring look and watched as Hazel’s grin grew into a full blown smile.
“That would be...amazing.” Hazel praised as she squeezed his hand back tightly and just fell in love with him a little more. Because usually right about now any guy would be running for the hills but instead, Titus was making plans to stay and try to help her.
“Wanna stay at my house tonight?” Titus asked.
“Hell yeah.” Hazel nodded as Titus then turned to head to his house since Hazel already had enough of her things to stay there for a few months straight already.
Once back at his house, Titus put her dumplings in the fridge before he turned to face her, wanting to tell her a thousand different things all at once as he had thought about her predicament all day.
“So, if I wanted my house as secure and defend-able as possible, how would I go about that?” Titus asked her before she grabbed the shopping list pad off of his fridge and a pen and handed them to him.
“Take notes.” Hazel grinned as Titus returned her grin and took them before Hazel began to go through the whole house and tell him exactly how to accomplish that and insisted that she pay for it all because it would be getting quite costly but it was investment in Titus’ well being and would help her sleep easier at night.
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ggukshelf · 6 years
WHEN THE SUN GOES DOWN|| chapter 1: Begin!
summary: First chapter of ‘when the sun goes down’. [college!au - werewolf!au]
word count: 5525k. 
genre: currently neutral, but will have smut, angst, fluff in the future.
 Prologue | chapter 1 | next
“It’s going to be alright, Tae.” You squeezed your cousin’s hand while both walked through the hall of your new life. It was a small apartment you both bought with Taehyung’s inheritance after the tragic passing of his mom 3 years ago. In fact, you felt like you lost your own mother since your biological one never cared enough to even raise you. Both of you started to live as siblings when you were 3 and Taehyung was 5 years old, ever since then you never thought about each other as less than that… brother and sister, and no one would ever be able to destroy that, you promised while crying at the age of 7 and 5 when your golden fish died after you both fed him too much. He always begged for a baby sister, and he was extremely happy to have one.  Now you were 21 and he was 23 but he still didn’t stop calling you that.
“Yeah, I hope so.” He laughed it off as if moving in was no big deal. Which in fact,   wouldn’t be a big deal to people, but to you it meant so much more than that. It meant you had a new chance, a new beginning and a fresh start for both of you.
“Come on! Don’t be so grumpy.” You let go of his hand while you danced around the room that still had no furniture. “This is such a big deal. We’re finally moving on.”
“Dad’s not so happy about it, though. How can I be okay with that?” Taehyung also walked in, putting down the bag he had with him. “How are we going to deal with him on Christmas after this?” He sighed heavily, walking around the empty room, analyzing the walls and windows and trying to come up with an art in his head to decorate it all. Taehyung was good with graffiti just like your mom and he only truly accepted the idea of buying an apartment when you agreed you’d let him draw all over the walls. Of course, you were a little scared, but that was something you could deal with.
“Tae, dad will understand we have to grow up at some point. I know it is hard for him to let us go, but it would happen eventually, plus… We’re together. We will take care of each other… soon he will see that this is not so bad.” You smiled to him before walking to the kitchen, which thankfully already had its beautiful furniture chosen carefully by you and your girl best friend that stayed back home.
“You don’t really get it, do you? He expects me to take care of you, and honestly… how can I do that when you are always into some mess? There’s only so much I can do to get you out of trouble.” He scoffed joking about all your awful dates, knowing you were already cursing your uncle for entrusting Taehyung that stupid mission, although it was nothing serious. You knew deep down inside why he was always putting that weight on Taehyung’s shoulders, he was scared you’d turn out just like your biological mother; however, your “mess” was nothing compared to your mother’s mess. Your trouble always stood by the broken hearts area, but your mother… well, not even close. Taehyung’s dad was your mother’s big brother, after all, he saw his little sister going into every single wrong path her entire adolescence, and later on, on her adulthood as well. There’s not much he could’ve done anyway, she was in too deep to escape; your biological father had her hooked, he manipulated her ever since she was 16 and he was 26. Unfortunately, your uncle found out about that relationship a little bit too late to get her back. And no matter how much he tried, your mother would always slip away into the bad life again, and because of that, he raised you with his loving wife as his own daughter. And as his daughter, he did not want to commit the same mistakes, although you were nothing like his sister, he always worried about that, sometimes he would be rough on Taehyung when you had your heart broken, because as he always put it ‘your sister is your biggest treasure, she’s your family, she’s your best friend and she is also your responsibility, you have to protect her.’ Which you hated to hear about, and Tae knew it, he knew how much you hated to be always indirectly compared to Nora, the woman who put you in the world.
“We’ll be just fine, don’t worry… let’s just get our things, call the designer to get our furniture ready and let’s make out of this place our new home.”
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“This is a fucking mess… TAEHYUNG, we’re gonna be fucking late, hurry!” You tried to organize all of your school material for your first day of college. Not really the first one, just the first in your new college campus. Since you moved out of the small town both you and Taehyung grew up, you had to transfer to your new school.
Taehyung, as usual, wouldn’t give a damn about being on time, but you, on the other hand, didn’t want to get the last sits of your first class. You still weren’t familiar with the campus, so you didn’t really know how much time it would take for you to find it.
“Sis, please… relax a bit. It’s not cool to be on time on our first day.” He winked at you while munching on his cereal.
“Drop the bad boy attitude; you were a fuck boy in a small town, Tae… I don’t know if you’re going to be so lucky with the girls from here.”
“Ouch! You know I was no fuck boy… I was just not really into relationships.” He said dressing his typical black leather jacket. So cliché you though. “Or did you forget my baby sister doesn’t really let me break anyone’s hearts? Plus, my charm is irresistible to any girl on any part of the world.” He smiled.
“You’re lucky you have such a wonderful baby sister.” You scoffed, finally closing your bag after checking all your material. “I’m a grown up now, Tae. You should drop that nickname.”
“Yeah, not gonna happen.” He put his arm around your shoulder and led you to the exit of your apartment; you’d soon finally start officially your new life.
The campus was tremendously big, and you were a little scared all of a sudden, Tae could sense it when he stopped the car, waiting for you to get out.
“What’s up?” He put a mint gum inside his mouth trying to be sexy for the girls crossing the front of his car, making you roll your eyes.
“Nothing’s up.” You punched his arm slightly.
“You liar. C’mon… Why are you so worked up?”
“I don’t know Tae, look at this place… It’s so big. What if people aren’t that nice?”
“And then you dislike when I call you baby sister… You’re acting silly, again.” He caressed your hair. “You always act like the mature one, but at times like this you show how much of a baby you still are.”
“Oh, shut up. Let’s go already.” You opened the car and got out of it even before Taehyung could blink again. He was not wrong… You were always responsible, but you were also a scared cat. Despite your attitude, deep inside you were always a little scared of things, but you didn’t show it to everyone; as your best friend once told you: ‘don’t let them see, what they don’t need to see’.
“Wait y/n, don’t be so rude to your big brother.” He caught a few freshmen girl’s attention with his deep voice, their giggles caught his attention and soon he was following them and forgetting all about you.
“And there he goes again.” You laughed, forgetting for a few seconds where you were and what you were supposed to do.
“Okay, I can do it.” You breathed in and soon you were walking to the panel containing information about the campus.  
Finding your way to your first class was not as difficult as you thought it would be. Luckily your block was one of the first ones of the campus. You were in your second semester of business school, following your dad’s step. But as much as you liked it, your true love was philosophy and as one of the top students of the country, you got into a special program at this campus, allowing you to have philosophy classes as well, even if you pass the test and finish school, you would not have a degree for philosophy though, so you took it just for fun, as your hobby. Taehyung always said you were crazy… he could barely manage his studies with art school, let alone do another one at the same time and just for fun.
You didn’t really have a choice, though. Your father’s business needed to be continued and since Taehyung was following your mother’s steps, you were the chosen one.
Normally in any other family, when Taehyung made it clear to both your mom and dad that he had no intentions in taking over the company, it would’ve been the end of the world. But your parents were different, your family was different. The love your mom had for your dad and for both you and Taehyung was the pillar of your family’s happiness. Since she was a painter, your dad new Taehyung was only following her steps and for him, that alone was incredible. After she died, Taehyung stopped painting, drawing and doing everything he liked; he stopped everything and convincing him to get back to it was not an easy task. But your father and you eventually got him back on his track. On that period of time was when your father first brought the subject up. He wanted you to replace him once it was time, and although you knew it wasn’t your first thing in mind for your future, you could not deny him that… not after everything he had done for you. Not after he raised you with so much love. So there you were, in your calculus class.
What a way to start…
You sat at the first table, trying to avoid unnecessary talk. You weren’t really a talkative girl when it came to strangers. First conversations were way too awkward to handle on your very first day at a new school.  
Trying to be unnoticed went really well until your third class of the day, the management one. You sat down on the first table as you did for the last two classes, but this time someone sat there beside you.
“Hello, class. I’m Kim Junmyeon, you can call me whatever you want, Mr. Kim, Professor Junmyeon... After we finish what is programmed for today, you are all pairing up for a project that must be finished before next week…”
The class went crazy after that, of course. What a good way to start having the hate from all the students, you thought.
The handsome guy sitting beside you was one of the few students that didn’t complain at all about the surprise project for next week.
“Ah, you must be the new student, right? I haven’t seen you here before. I’m Seokjin. Jin… as I rather being called.” He gave his hand out for you to shake it, which you found totally weird, but at the same time, cute. He greeted you only after the teacher stopped talking though.
“I’m y/n, nice to meet you, Jin.”  You smiled.
“You resemble my little sister,” Jin said out of nowhere, smiling gently at you. “She has round cheeks too.” He laughed.
“Well, is that a compliment or…” You looked to the whiteboard ahead of you, suddenly shy.
“It means you are cute.” He smiled.
Although it had all the odds to be taken as a flirtation, you knew Jin was just being a cutie pie.  It was nice not having an awkward conversation, you realized maybe not every boy was as futile as the ones you’ve met back home.  
The class went smoothly well, just like your conversation with Jin. You found out he was 5 years older than you, this was his second major, the first one being International Relations. He was good with people you could tell. He told you a little bit about his sister and his girlfriend.
You were happy about the entire class, and when it was over, Jin invited you to have lunch with him and his girlfriend.
You were a little concerned about meeting her, so you almost refused. But he guaranteed you she was the sweetest girl alive and that she would love you, just like he did. This made you blush; only giving him more reasons to call you cute.
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“Have I said already how beautiful you are?” That was the first thing Jin said to the girl you suppose was his girlfriend right after arriving at the table in the cafeteria.
She laughed and told him how silly he was, and once he was done pecking her lips, she realized you were there too.
“Oh, I’m sorry I didn’t say hi. Hello, I’m Ellie.” She said smiling. Which you thought was so strange. Where you come from if your boyfriend comes back to you, bringing in a complete stranger, and worse… that stranger being a girl. Well… that was a subject to fight about the whole freaking week, not mentioning how the girlfriend would have made a big scene for everyone to see. So being welcomed like this by Jin’s girlfriend was so nice, that you only wanted to be just as nice to her.
“Oh, you’re saying hi now, so no feelings hurt.” You tried to joke. “I’m y/n, nice to meet you, Ellie. I hope I’m not bothering.” You started to play with your earlobe, something you did whenever you were a little nervous or insecure.
“Nice to meet you too, y/n. Sit down, please.”
At the table there was another boy called Yoongi, as you found out later was Jin’s cousin and also Ellie’s best friend. Jin thought it was outrageous since him and Yoongi had been roommate’s for a few years back on his teens, he thought he deserved the ‘best friend’ tag, but Ellie won Yoongi’s heart better so there was nothing he could do about it. Ellie was talkative, not as much as Jin though… and about Yoongi, well, you were surprised he could talk at all. To be honest, he was a bit scary, his smile was always small and he would never laugh out loud at Jin’s jokes. Which you found odd since you cried because you couldn’t stop laughing. Ellie asked you about your sanity since she was siding with Yoongi about Jin’s jokes. She just couldn’t find them funny at all.  
Lunchtime went on nicely, you exchanged a few words with Yoongi; to your surprise, although he looked serious, he also knew how to make jokes. He proved that when they saw one of their friends, the one called Jimin if you were not mistaken, running after the campus’ dog – as they told you, it was a homeless dog that everyone took care of, so he basically lived on campus – because apparently, the dog was carrying his homework paper with his mouth.
Jimin was cute, you thought. His dirty blonde hair fits well with his angelical face, maybe you’d be lucky to properly meet him later; if you and Jin and Ellie continue to hang out after your classes, which you hoped you would. It would be nice to have friends here.
After lunch, you excused yourself from the table and told them you’d like to explore the library. Ellie tried to invite you to go to their house, apparently, Jin and his girlfriend lived together. You tried not to judge, but you couldn’t shake the ‘it’s so soon’ thought out of your head. However, Jin and Yoongi – the latter you didn’t really know why – told her off, saying it was not a good idea. Jin apologized profusely, his ears as red as an apple, so you knew he was being sincere. They had a situation at home that needed to be solved so it wouldn’t be a good idea for you to go there. After realizing what they were both talking about, Ellie apologized and said she would go with you to the library if you wanted, but you also refused, needing some time alone to breathe in the new surroundings. You and Ellie exchanged phone numbers before you said goodbye.
It was a nice morning for the first day, you thought to yourself… and it would be awesome if the day could end just like that.
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“We have a party to attend tonight.” Was the first thing you heard Taehyung say after he saw you at the parking lot. He was leaning against his car while there were two girls in front of him, totally ignoring your existence as they talked to each other. You were actually used to it, all the girls acted like this once you approached Taehyung, and they quickly changed their attitude once they discovered you were his sister, but it was too late for you to be nice to them.
“Oh! Really? I thought I told you before we moved in that you should slow down a bit, didn’t I?”
“Ah, excuse me. But… you two are together?” The redhead girl spoke, with an already furious look on her face, but Taehyung was sometimes too dumb to notice how those girls acted.
“She’s my little sister. Why?” He arched his brows at the girl.
“Oh, she’s your sister?” Both of them turned to you and suddenly smiled brightly at you.
“Yeah, I am, and if you excuse us… I have to talk to my brother in private.” You looked fiercely at them, making Taehyung sigh, already noticing you didn’t like them.
“I’ll see you girls at the party.” He winked and both looked surprised to be dismissed just like that. By the look on their faces, they were probably high up in the rank of ‘popular’ girls on the campus.
Ah, Taehyung… what would you do with your brother?
“Please, don’t even start saying you don’t like them… you never like any girl I’m into.” He scoffed, crossing his arms on his chest.
“Okay, I won’t. But that is not true, I really loved Melissa.” You said, provoking him.
“Come here you little brat…” He started to tickle you in the middle of the parking lot, while you profusely tried to kick his ass.
“Ahem.” A cough made you two stop.
“Oh, Jimin.” Taehyung let go of you, actually looking at you to see if your clothes were all in the right places. After all, he was a protective brother, not as much as your dad would like him to be, but he was good enough. “This is y/n, my sister.”
You smiled shyly at him, finally having a full look at his angelical face, enjoying it a little bit too much.
Jimin smiled back and said hello, making your heart jump a little bit. He was so handsome and so perfect, maybe that was every girl and boy’s reaction after looking directly at his eyes while he smiled.
“Nice to meet you y/n, Tae told me you weren’t pretty… I see he’s heavenly mistaken. Maybe you need glasses Taehyung.” Jimin caught your hand on his, and brought it directly to his lips, like someone in the 50’s would do. But before you could feel his plump lips on your skin, Taehyung took your hand out of his.
“Yah, I told you she’s not a girl for you.” Your brother said seriously, but with a playful gaze on his face.
“Excuse me, but since when do you go talking about me behind my back and even tell people I’m not fit for them?”
“Yeah, Tae. Let her decide if she’s a girl for me or not.” Jimin played, stepping into a dangerous territory, because in the blink of an eye Taehyung punched his stomach playfully, but hard enough for him to feel something.
“That’s not what I mean. There’s nothing for me to decide.” You said cutting him off. He had an angelical face, but by the kind of joke he made, he was just like Taehyung, into every girls’ pants and unfortunately you weren’t cool enough to enjoy your college life like every other person seemed to do. You had some issues about being intimate with strangers; Tae knew that, so that’s why he wasn’t worried about you going to a party, he knew you’d only go, drink, dance and have fun.
“See? She knows you’re not fit for her, Jimin.” Your brother said, making Jimin pout. Even pouting he looked sexy, for god’s sake… that boy was made in heaven. That’s the only explanation you could come up with.
���Ok, so… y/n. Are you coming to my party with your brother?” Jimin gave you a small smile, this time; it was an innocent smile… no second intentions apparent.
“I don’t know…’’ You said honestly. You did have a nice day, you studied hard, as usual, so maybe you did deserve a little fun at night, yet you still wanted to check on the next schedule for tomorrow.
“Of course she’s coming. Someone has to drive my drunken ass back home, right, sis?”
“Then it’s a plan.” Jimin smiled and you noticed how close Tae already was with someone. So close that the guy was already calling him like you did, ever since you were little.
The perks of being sociable, you thought.
“Yeah, it’s a plan.”
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“Are you sure this is the right place?” You asked Taehyung, because honestly? This was just unbelievable.
“Yeah! Look at the address, this is the right place.”
“Okay, but this is absolutely ridiculous. This isn’t even a house… it’s more like a-“
“A fucking mansion? Thought so too!” Taehyung stopped the car behind a black Volvo. “You know what that means, right?” He smiled devilishly at you.
“No, not really.”
“The party is going to rock.” He winked before getting out of the car.
Apparently, Taehyung already met half of the campus, because as soon as you stepped inside the ‘house’ everyone was saying hi to him. You on the other hand… didn’t even recognize a single face.
What were you doing there, to be honest?
Taehyung being the nice brother he always was, he sensed your little discomfort and took you by the hand to where the drinks were. Since you were a lightheaded, just one cup was enough for you to let go a little.
“Drink this, you’ll feel better.’’ He handed you the red cup and drank his shot of tequila, eyeing the place.
“You came.” The manly whisper at your ear startled you, making you jump and cling to Taehyung’s arm.
“Hahaha, chill. It’s just me!” Looking at the source of the voice you saw Jimin, dressed in all black. He was really handsome; there was no way you could deny it.
“You scared me! Don’t do that again.” You slapped his forearm, feeling more comfortable after seeing someone you already knew.
“She’s easy to scare.” Tae said after giving a “bro” hug on Jimin.
“I noticed!” He smiled.
“Where are your friends, y/n?” Taehyung asked.
“They are not exactly my friends, Tae.” You finished drinking your cup of vodka with sprite in one go, desperately trying to get used to this place full of people.
“Your brother and I are long-term friends, did you know that?” Jimin tried to make small talk, trying to make you feel comfortable.
“Oh, I forgot to tell her that. Ah, Jimin… keep her company for a while, I gotta talk to someone.” He patted Jimin’s shoulder and messed your hair before going straight to the blonde gazing at him with no shame.
“Again, what?” You were really confused.
“So, Taehyung and I used to play online games together. We found out that when I caught him playing overwatch at the cafeteria. We discovered each other’s usernames and just like that, found out we are friends for 2 years now… in the game, at least.” Jimin gave you another full cup after telling you the news.
“That’s honestly crazy.” You were shocked. Taehyung was so lucky to have a long-term friend in town.
“Yeah, I also think it is.” Jimin suddenly started jumping to the new song and occasionally he scared the shit out of you, making you spill your drink on your blouse.
“Shit, Jimin. Stop scaring me.” You looked serious, but he was laughing at you.
“It’s gonna be fun having you around, y/n. Now go clean yourself. My room is the third one on the left, go upstairs and get yourself a new shirt if you need, I also gotta talk to someone.” He winked at you before going after a girl that you didn’t bother paying attention to her features. You just wanted to change your shirt as fast as possible.
Terrible idea to dress a white one to a freaking college party.
You tried to remember Jimin’s instructions while passing by the huge crowd of people having fun. Two cups and you were already buzzing… honestly, you had to get better at drinking and you had to do it soon.
“Third one on the right.” You kept repeating to not forget. After getting upstairs you were really confused. There were so many doors, on the right, on the left. Going ahead would lead you to two corridors. Jimin was probably talking about the third one on the right corridor, right? Or was he talking about the third one right after you get on the second floor? You decided to try the first option so you turned on the right corridor. There were fewer doors, and the third door was far away from the second. Maybe Jimin liked to be alone, too.
You opened the door slowly and stepped inside, awed by his room. The walls were painted in black and red… The king size bed was neatly made, also all black. There was a huge computer desk on the left side of the bedroom; the desk had three different types of cameras so you automatically presumed he was into photography. Taehyung liked it quite a lot, too.
You went straight to the bathroom inside the bedroom; you took off your shirt and started washing the drink with the vanilla soap on the sink. Such a nice smell, perhaps Jimin had a good taste for things.
After washing your shirt, you left it at the sink to dry; you could get it later, so you went to Jimin’s wardrobe to find something to wear. Inside it you saw a bunch of black and white ones. A few red and yellow; almost no colorful ones. It suits your taste, you thought. You also liked basic things.
Suddenly you felt a chill down your spine and you covered your chest with your arms, still looking for a nice shirt to wear. After picking a black one with “cooler than you” written on it, you turned around to dress, finally finding why all of a sudden there was a chilling wind going through the bedroom.
“I see you like my shirt, but it’s not nice to break into someone’s bedroom without permission.” A guy taller than Jimin was looking at you, his hair was black and it was parted a little, showing a bit of his forehead; he was also bigger than Jimin in terms of chest and shoulders. He was wider, perhaps hotter. He had big round eyes and his forearm veins were calling for your attention.
“I-I-I am so sorry.” You stuttered.
“Mind explaining why you’re shirtless inside my bedroom? Am I missing something?” His small smile along with his remark reminded you that your chest was on full display for him.
“Don’t freaking look at me!” You yelled suddenly turning around, leaving only your small back for him to see.
“Well, it’s not like I want to… You weren’t wearing a shirt, not my fault.” He laughed humorlessly. “Again, do you mind to explain? I don’t recall having scheduled a date tonight.”
“Oh my god, no! It’s nothing like that. I don’t even fucking know you.” You were exasperated with his insinuations. “I just needed a new shirt because mine got vodka on it and it was a white shirt. That’s all.”
“Okay. So… why are you not facing me? I’ve seen a chest before, you know.” He laughed. You heard his chair squeak, so you presumed he sat down at the computer desk, completely enjoying your embarrassment.
“Not mine. And I’d like it to be kept like that.” You sighed, that situation was ridiculous. “Look, I’ll borrow your shirt and I’ll give it back later.” You didn’t even wait for a reply; you just started to dress it up.
“Sure.” He simply replied, amused by the whole situation.
Once you weren’t only wearing your bra, you turned around and saw his playful smile plastered on his face. What an idiot.
“What is your name, shirtless girl?”
“Why should I tell you my name?”
“Well, you are now wearing something that’s mine. I could’ve said no and you would still be a shirtless girl. How about that?” He joked.
“It’s y/n.” You crossed your arms, sighing.
“Nice to meet you, y/n. I’m Jungkook.” After shuffling on his sit, he got up and turned the lights on, something you didn’t realize was off until now. The only light turned on was the bathroom one. Maybe he wasn’t a complete asshole, maybe he realized what was happening and that’s why he didn’t turn it on right after catching you going through his things. “How did you get here inside this room?”
“Uh, actually… I was looking for Jimin’s room. He said it was… well, I don’t remember now.” You kept answering him, although you could have left already. Something about his aura drew you in, something about him was making you curious.
“So you are his girl for the night?”
“What? No! What? No. No. No, it’s not like that. He’s my brother’s friend. I just met him… it’s nothing like that!” You panicked.
“Hey, chill! It’s not a crime to be with someone.” He laughed at your reaction. “Why are you so worked up? Even if you weren’t with Jimin, any other girl if handed the chance would say she’s with him.”
“I’m not any other girl, okay? I don’t like when people misunderstand things.” You said lowly; suddenly feeling bad again for not being able to party hard like the others could. You turned around and walked to the big window he had. Looking at the forest you imagine how good it would be to walk there in the daylight. You always enjoyed nature, you were the only one in the family to actually enjoy being in the middle of nowhere because that’s where this mansion was situated. Taehyung hated it. He said it was too scary to get inside a forest… and although you were the scared cat, for this kind of things you were totally fearless.
“Is this forest only inside your residence, or is there a part of it that’s public?” You asked him, still staring at the trees.
“Why? Are you telling me you’d like to go inside that?” He scoffed, mocking you.
“I’d love to!” You said it with so much passion that you convinced Jungkook in one go. You were definitely not scared, and that was definitely not good.
“No, you wouldn’t. Stay away from that forest!” Jungkook said firmly, making you turn back around to face him.
“What?” You couldn’t believe this guy you barely met was giving you orders.
“I told you to stay away from that forest and I mean it.” His fierce eyes suddenly sparkled with a reddish tone and you were surprised. Maybe two cups of vodka were your limit, maybe next time you shouldn’t drink at all.
“I know you’re trying to scare me, but stop… you failed.”
“I warned you… now get out of my room.” Was all he said and being caught by surprise with his rude remark made you blushed immediately; suddenly you dropped your attitude and came back to being shy, but as your friend said ‘don’t let them see what they don’t need to see’, so you put on a façade again.
“Sorry about invading your room.” And after that, you left almost running, feeling a little suffocated by his presence.
You didn’t know what about him made you feel like that, his strong personality, his fierce eyes, his tall figure, you didn’t understand at all, but Jungkook had caught your attention and that was dangerous. Just like that forest.
chapter 1 | next 
Don’t post it anywhere else. 
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charis-chan · 7 years
Nerd Sisters
Beta love to @reinakonanofate. She’s the one that makes everyone able to read my stuff 💕💕💕.
After the last one.. y’all deserved some love between the sisters.
Read on Ao3
“If you touch that, you will die.”
Your hand stops, just an inch from its destination, frozen.
You turn back to Alex and gape.
And you frown.
“Alex!” you whine.
Because your dummy sister is wearing her ‘I gotcha’ smirk.
“Sorry, Kar, sorry,” she chuckles. “You’re just too easy sometimes.”
You pout. You’d like to point out that if Eliza were around she would smack Alex’s head upside down for making Kara panic. But, you have been living with the Danvers for a year now, you have learnt that bringing up Eliza will make Alex shut down.
Even when it’s thanks to Eliza that you are here in the first place.
“You are mean,” you chose to say instead, turning your nose up to her.
Alex sticks her tongue out to you. “Come, Alf,” she says with that little grin that’s reserved just your you. “Let’s buy our tickets and then you can touch anything you’d like.”
You let Alex tug at your interwoven hands towards the Museum’s entrance. Eliza is busy all day with lectures down at Boston University and she gave Alex enough money to last you for a day of activities, even when the money came with a firm reminder that Alex is to take good care of you and to make sure you don’t stand out that much.
You still don’t get why Eliza insists on ‘reminding’ Alex to care for you. Alex cares for you a plenty already… she no longer hangs around with her friends, she doesn’t go surfing as much as she used to, she feeds you breakfast every morning and makes sure to pack your lunch for school, she sits with you every night to do homework and she’s always there to tuck you in at night.
Since Jeremiah’s death, it feels like all of Alex’s free time is spent making sure you’re well taken care of… and most of her not-so-free time too.
She always does everything in her power to teach you and care for you, so, when Eliza’s busy work landed the three of you in Boston for two weeks, Alex decided that the first stop you needed to make is the Museum of Science.
“It’ll be fun. You can see how some things work here and it is child-friendly, so you won’t get bored,” Alex said the night before, once Eliza was asleep on one of the room’s bed and you two were huddled together in the other, under the covers.
“I’m not a child anymore,” you protested.
Alex smiled. “You are to me, little alien.”
So, that’s how you find yourselves at the Museum’s entrance a minute after they open their doors.
“Two full-price tickets, please,” Alex asks politely to the old man at the booth. “Oh, and add the planetarium entrance cost too, please.”
He looks at you two and smiles with a little mischievous glint to his eye as he readies the tickets. “Aren’t you two supposed to be at school?”
You frown. Yeah, it’s Monday and it’s the middle of the semester, but why would he care?
“Oh, no, sir,” Alex says, ever so politely, giving him the necessary money. You know she is annoyed, though, with how her hand is clenching yours. “Mom has work and we had to tag along for the ride. We’re not from around here.”
The old man nods. “Well, have fun you two,” he says handing the tickets and change to your sister. “The planetarium’s shows are listed in there.”
“Thank you, sir,” Alex says and with a little squeeze of your hand, you’re reminded you have to speak to him too.
“Thank you, sir,” you parrot. “Have a lovely day.”
Social cues, just like this one, are still hard to follow. Back at home one didn’t really speak with anyone if they were strangers and interactions like the one with the booth man were strictly business-like. No greetings, no goodbyes, no good manners as Alex puts it.
It’s weird having to be nice to people you don’t know.
“Do you want to hold onto this?” Alex asks you once you have passed the entrance point. She is offering the change the man gave her. “You can buy us a drink later.”
You are not allowed to use money yet. Understanding how it works is still hard for you and you have come close to losing what Eliza called a fortune twice already. Alex said it was closer to a hundred, but you still don’t get if a hundred is much or not. You are not used to carrying coins and bills around. Besides, only Alex has the patience to let you sort out the numbers and the exchange values in your head before you try paying for something …vendors at Midvale are too impatient and too baffled by your inability to use money that they refuse to sell you anything unless you have come with the exact amount of your purchase already counted.
But, Alex insists the more you use money the easier it will get. So, you put your palm up and receive the money. “You will help, right?” You ask her, just to be sure.
Alex rolls her eyes and the familiar sight of it it’s so comforting. “What kind of question is that? Of course, I’ll help. I can’t have you buying me Coke.”
You smile, wide, warmed by her teasing. “Pepsi is nasty.”
“Says the girl that puts pineapple on her pizza.”
“Says the girl who puts Nutella on her bacon.”
“Touché.” Alex laughs, tugging you deeper into the building. “Come on, Kar, we have much to see and so little time to do it.”
“...we have all day?”
“Ah, you, innocent girl… we’ll be spending at least two days here.”
The exhibits are amazing and you have so much fun interacting with everything that you could get close to. You liked the Hall of Human Life, but sadly you couldn’t contribute any data to it.
You made Alex donate, though, so at least that’s that.
Learning all about the transportation systems and machines humans have had over the years, was amazing. Alex drives, yes, and she’s teaching you how to behind Eliza’s back, but a car is so complicated and so, so, so, frail… seeing all the ancestors of Alex’s beaten up truck made you have a better idea of how far humans have really come.
Similar to it, Mathematica helped you understand a little bit more of the rudimentary thought process humans have in order to explain science. One of the easier subjects for you to learn, but at the same time one of the more complex to wrap your head around, math is the one subject that Alex spends the most time teaching you. The exhibition was a nice way of re-learning some things Alex has shown you already and it’s always nice to
The Natural Mysteries exhibit was fun too. Playing with rocks, sand and dirt made you remember Krypton and, while it was really different, it made you feel at home for a little bit.
But, seeing Alex making a face at having to drink from your shared Coke, maybe feeling like home wasn’t due to the sand and rocks, but due the girl sitting across you.
“What?” she asks. “Do I have something on my face?”
If she were any other person, you would be a little taken aback by her comment. You have come to learn that particular phrase is mocking and meant to make you feel bad. It’s used by the kids at school to sneer at how you often get lost in thought and how, just as often, you end up staring at someone during one of your daydreams.
Like now.
But, this is Alex.
Alex who is your best friend, your sister. Who enjoys being with you and who loves teaching you.
Alex, who is your protector, and your rock.
Alex, who also always manages to stain her face with anything and everything …and, yep, she is sporting an ink line on her left cheek, probably made by the pen she used to submit her information at the Hall of Human Life.
Hence the question. She always asks you that specific question with honesty.
“A little bit of ink,” you say, pointing to your own cheek. “Right here.”
“Damn.” She rubs at her cheek and she only manages to get her skin red with the friction. “Did I take if off?”
She looks ridiculous. The long hours walking around and her engagement in every activity you have done, has made a mess of her ponytail and her cheek is as red as the sweater she is wearing. And she didn’t manage to erase the ink.
“Yeah, it’s gone.”
Alex sighs and takes another sip of the Coke. “Ugh. Nasty.”
“You don’t have to drink it, you know?”
“And have you drink it all? No. Remember the last time you had that much sugar.”
You shiver. Yeah, you remember.
“C’mon, Alf. The planetarium show is gonna start soon.”
You nod, eager, and take her offered hand. You’ve been sitting and resting – in Alex’s case – for the last twenty minutes and you are getting a little bored.
“Just remember, we can leave at any time. Okay?”
You nod, this time solemn. Alex always reminds you that she won’t get mad if you decide to leave or stop doing something suddenly. You fidget with your glasses. “I’ll be fine, Lexie. Don’t worry.”
She scrunches up her nose. Uh, she has some ink there too. “Don’t call me that.”
You smirk, letting your sister present your tickets. You wait until you’ve entered the space to answer. “But I love Lexie!”
“Don’t, Kara.”
You’re about to pout at her and make your eyes water and tease her some more when you discover what’s a planetarium. ~Oh, Rao…~
“Amazing, isn’t it?”
“This… This…”
“Come, little alien. The show will start in five minutes. We need to find seats.”
You let her lead you around, but your eyes can’t leave the images that are shown above you.
You feel your eyes water, but these are no fake tears. Not like the ones you were ready to pour for Alex a moment before.
“We can leave whenever you want.”
“I-I know���”
Alex’s arms are around you as they have been for most of the last hour. The tears are still dripping down and you sniffle pathetically, your eyes still fixated to the images around you.
She doesn’t talk, she doesn’t try to move. She simply hugs you and combs your hair with her fingers, bearing all your weight on her chest.
In moments like this, you are so grateful she’s taller than you, you can easily against her and she doesn’t mind it one bit.
“Alex?” your voice is rough. Your throat hurts.
“Yes, little alien?”
“… can we come back tomorrow?”
You feel her smile against your temple. “We have two weeks, Kara… we can come back every day if you want. We can come back next summer too. And next winter… and every long weekend if you want.”
You take a deep breath and finally tear your eyes away from the stars and planets above you, and you fix them on Alex. On Alex’s honest smile and shiny eyes.
On the understanding reflected in them… on the care… on the love.
“I love you, Alex,” you whisper against her neck, closing your eyes. This is the first time you’ve voiced this.
Alex tensed under you and you’re ready to pull away, to apologize. It’s too soon, you’re still a stranger. You’re still that brat that came into her life and turned it upside down.
Her arms squeeze you tight, tighter than they’ve ever hugged you. “And I love you too, Kara. I love you too.”
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