#again disclaimer i DO like the show and im not calling it out or whatever
vermilionsun · 2 days
In my headcanons vere has a little problem with ppl who are driven by lust 🙋🙋 He has a disdain for Leanders "shameless" behaivor and straight up kills mc when they 'give in' in the demo (at least thats how i interpret it)
So i humbly ask for his reaction to an Mc who is just down bad for him in a silly kinda way. No innuendos no sexual comments just tomfoolery from mc, straight up leaning against the bar at the wet wick with a "ya come aroun here often ;D" and they slip and fall or something
i want mc to be down bad pathetic cause IM TOO, full on groveling at his feet (but cutely), the ex that shows up seranating at your door except they are not your ex you never dated them— wait why are they crying about my beauty —
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You’re a G E N I U S.
I might need to make a part 2...
Pathetically-down-bad-for-Vere group, assemble!
Disclaimer! They/them for MC because we love inclusivity!
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✦ “Jumpy, aren't you?”
The MC scans him up and down once again, eyes wide. “Damn… you come here often?" They wiggle their eyebrows, which earns them an amused chuckle from the Monster.
"Depends. Would you like me to come by more often, pretty one?”
✦ When he presents the key to the MC, they proceed to walk towards him, a slightly dazed smile adorning their face. “So, how about I buy you a drink–” The MC proceeds to trip and fall in front of Vere’s feet.
✦ He lets out a breathy laugh before bending forwards to take the MC by the chin.
“Damn, I love that laugh already…:”
“You really should be more careful. City like this, someone might take advantage~”
“Huh... Yeah… whatever you say, beautiful.”
"Oh, eager, are we? You know, compliments like that might just convince me to make this a regular hangout." His ears flick.
✦ “What’s your name? or should I just call you mi–” The MC tries to get up but bumps their head on the small table next to Vere, who is desperately trying to stifle another chuckle.
"Careful, wouldn't want you hurting yourself this early on. Name's Vere. And yours, darling?”
“Your future partner, I hope,” they say, still somewhat dazed.
“Oh, is that so? You're pretty confident,” he comments, his tail swaying behind him, capturing the MC’s attention.
✦ “Tell me traveler, what brought you to this–”
“You,” they cut him off with a wink.
✦ “Unless you’re dying to consort with Monsters.”
“...I don’t like the way you said “consort”, but you’re not wrong. Sign me up—”
Vere: [Shocked Pikachu face]
✦ “Come, take my hand and we’ll go together.”
“Woah! Save the hand holding for after marriage!”
✦ “Do you like dancing? There’s a traveling troupe in Hightown tonight. Truly a performance to die for.”
“Are you asking me out?”
Vere looks taken aback for a moment, but before he answers, the MC chimes in; “Too late. You did.”
✦ “I know Eridia like the back of my hand—”
“oh, that’s why it looked so heavy…”
“...Uh, pardon?”
“May I help? I can hold it for you—”
✦ When Vere grabs them, nuzzling in their throat, murmuring threats, they almost faint in his arms in a dramatic “Now I can die happy” moment.
✦ When they meet again a few hours after, at the Wick, and Kuras mentions that he and Mhin were escorting the MC back, the MC walks forward into the light, only to end up tripping over their own feet and falling flat on their face… and once again, in front of Vere.
✦ “You seem more interested in having the floor as your object of attraction, do you not?” Vere asks with a sly smile.
“What can I say? You look good from this angle.”
“Wait, do you all know each other?” Leander looked confused between the people sitting at the bar. “You’ve met before?”
“We did. Not long ago either,” Ais considered his drink.
“I’m starting to suspect they’re stalking me,” Vere comments.
“If I were, I would have to say you're quite the elusive target," the MC winks at Vere as they try to get up, only to fall again. 
✦ Later, when Vere is alone at the bar, the MC slides onto the stool next to him. They rest their chin on their knuckles. “So, about that—” Their elbow slides on the smooth wood, causing them to stumble, trying not to knock over their drink. "Sorry about that," they say with a sheepish grin, trying to regain their balance. "So, about that drink?"
"Well, isn't that cute? I might just have to take you up on that offer."
✦ “So, you survived the night. Are you here for praise, or will a head pat do?”
✦ When they arrive in the abandoned alley the MC tries to lean against the brick wall, only to smack their head.
✦ When they attempt to unbuckle his collar, he lashes out a hand, capturing theirs. “Tch. Don’t you know better than to touch without asking?”
“Can I please please please please—”
✦ Leander’s voice echoes from the Wick, and the MC glances behind them and back at Vere, only he’s gone. “...Not even a kiss good night 🥲?” They pout into the empty night air.
EXTRA: Modern era
✦ “Hey, can I call my phone from yours? I think I’ve lost it,” the MC looks at him with pleading eyes.
He raises an eyebrow and hands his phone over. When the MC presses call, their phone rings from their pocket.
“Thanks,” they hand his phone back.
He later finds out there is a new contact number under the name “My darling.”
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chisatowo · 2 years
Once again thinking abt unit swap 25ji very very hard
#rat rambles#sekai posting#unit swap au#I need more songs for them so bad I cant keep listening to the same 3 songs over and over again like this dhndydjgd#but yeah after some reading up on mizuki basics I thinkkkk Im gonna let myself go for the current image I have of them in yhis au#with the disclaimer that they are probably gonna get tweaked and altered as I read more stuff as the others likely will#but yeah the basic gist is that their general peace keeper attitude along with their strict sense of boundaries didnt work in their favor#yknow the deal they had friends who accepted them so they wanted to keep everything in check but that lead to them neglecting their own#emotions which quickly became a Problem after kanade's dad was hosbitalised and everything went to shiy#kanade started isolating herself mafuyu decided that the band wasnt worth it and bounced and ena felt deeply betrayed and angry#and despite their best effort mizuki couldnt seem to do anything about it and eventually they snapped at ena leading them to fight#afterwards mizuki kinda freaked the fuck out after realising that they were starting to blame the others for everything and decided to cut#themself off from them all and after abt an hour of ena trying to call them they just blocked her number#and thats the last contact any of them had with eachother for abt 2 years#their sekai was mostly made by mizuki's still lingering longing for their ex friend group and is basically a woods thats very artificial#looking since the trees are all perfectly lined up on a grid#and the only clearings initially were basically semi recreations of locals from the groups memories#initially they could only be entered by reminising on them and theyd often be filled with holograms of whoevers there's past self in#whatever memory brough them there#mizuki initially spent a long time watching a bunch of memory replays there until the others started showing up#ena is the main character and is basically clumsily trying to let herself admit to missing her friends and wanting to forgive them and such#mafuyu is actually the first one she reconects with after a few awkward silent encounters eventually leading up to them playing together#in the place that recreates where they all used to do band practice together#and they have the closest thing to an honest conversatiom these two can get and both semi admit that they missed eachother#mafuyu is basically having a god damnit Im actually considering trying to be a person again fuck moment#mafuyu doesnt initially go full in on trying to reconnect with ena but after a bit of thinking and remembering how much she hates her mom#she heads over to enas house and is like hey I need you to shave my head#and she does and they start to let themselves fall back into their more friendly dynamic although it wouldnt look it to an outside observer#and they later discuss trying to reach out to the others since mizuki and kanade seem to be a part of this sekai thing to and theyre also a#bit worried abt them and also just do miss them too and would like to at least try to fix things up a bit
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thenickgirl · 1 month
BSF!Nick HeadCanons
nick x fem!reader
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disclaimer: this is all fictional, and based on my own conclusions.
warnings: kinda long, very very self-indulgent, pure fluff, swearing.
Nick as your best friend:
⚤ he loves to spend time with you, always asking you to come over and keep him company.
⚤ the two of you are so close and so comfortable with each other that you tell each other everything, the good, bad, and the ugly.
⚤ he’s protective, not overly, but you always know that you’re safe with him. he’s not letting any hate get to you, and if it does he’s always there to comfort you. he doesn’t hesitate to put haters in their place when it comes to you, not caring about any backlash it could cause him.
⚤ you both send tik toks and instagram reels back and forth all day long.
⚤ you share locations with each other, and anytime he checks and sees that you’re somewhere he doesn’t recognize he’s calling you immediately:
“bitch! where the fuck are you???”
“nick, are you fr checking my location again?”
“yes, now take your fast ass home”
⚤ when you’re sick, he’ll come over and help take care of you. attempting (failing) to make you soup, but then decides to just order in from panera. he’ll cuddle up with you while you watch movies or some reality tv show.
⚤ he’s always teasing and making fun of you, you both playfully argue so much that people on the outside think you actually hate each other.
⚤ you’re on the phone with each other for literal hours, whether it’s texting, on a call, or on FaceTime.
⚤ if you’re in college, he’ll make sure you stay on top of your studies. he’ll never let you put off schoolwork just to go hang out with him:
“nick come onnn, i can study when i get back, it’s fine i promise”
“un uhh, nope! you’re not gonna blame me when your ass fails”
“but ni-“
⚤ he loves when you go shopping or thrifting together. he’ll pick out outfits for you to try, and you do the same for him. the both of you hyping each other up when you come out of the dressing rooms.
“yesss girl, you look so amazing in that dress!”
“says you, i love that shirt on you, it’s definitely your color!”
⚤ he’s a big foodie, and so are you. so breakfast and/or lunch dates are a staple in your friendship. he loves going to your favorite restaurant or cafe to just sit and talk about whatever and whoever. sometimes you like to try out new places and add them to your list.
⚤ he’ll send you flowers or candy on valentine’s day because he’s such a sweetheart, and never wants you to feel alone or unloved.
⚤ he’s always gassing you. he never hesitates to call you pretty or gorgeous, saying how much he loves your outfit, your hair, or your new bag. he’s your number one hype man for sure. you of course, are the same way with him never passing up an opportunity to let him know he’s so handsome and the baddest bitch.
⚤ you’re pretty much the ceo of the nick defense team, always on go when it comes to people being disrespectful towards him.
⚤ he’s basically your personal photographer. he loves taking your pictures for you, and you love to brag about his skills. he loves when you take pictures together as well, adding them to his photo dumps, giving very much bff goals.
⚤ since he doesn’t drive he loves riding with you, he even bought a “passenger princess” sticker to put on your glovebox just for shits and giggles. sometimes you guys would just spend the day riding out, blasting music and singing along, snacking on the random goodies you pick up along the way, just simply enjoying each others company.
“bitches be quick but i’m quicker”
“bitches be thick but i’m thicker”
⚤ if you’re in a relationship or get into one, he’ll be very protective over you, yet respectful of your relationship. he’ll make friends with them, and try his best to get along for the sake of your friendship. he’ll even plan group outings so you all can hang out together and get to know each other.
⚤ however, the second you call him in the night crying, he’s ubering over to your house to comfort you. he’ll hug you and wipe your tears, reassuring you that you deserve so much better than them.
“you’re amazing and i love you so much, y/n. you didn’t deserve that, and if you want, we can go egg their car right now”
“you get the eggs, i’ll start the car”
⚤ he doesn’t believe in fighting with friends. any arguments between the two of you wouldn’t last very long, you’ll always end up talking things out and laughing about it later.
⚤ he loves to include in the videos, especially any challenges they do like the baking videos. you always get front seat if you’re ever in the car videos, and he makes sure you get to speak.
⚤ he absolutely loves the bond you have with his brothers, and you would tease him about liking one of them solely to get on his nerves:
“matt has been looking really good lately..”
“y/n i swear to god…”
“what?? i’m just being real”
“i’ll actually kill you both”
“bitch, shutttt up! you love me too much”
“you’re right. now stop talking about matt before i throw the fuck up”
⚤ if the stars happen to align where you and one of his brothers fall in love and actually get together, he’ll be so annoyed at first, not willing to share you. eventually he’ll be okay with it, just happy that you both are happy, as long as you keep the pda out of his line of sight.
⚤ he fucking loves your cooking. he knows better than get in your way by trying to help so he’ll sit at the table and watch you. you don’t mind his company at all while you’re cooking, even letting him taste test which he never refuses. he’s constantly calling or texting to see what’s on your menu:
“please please PLEASE tell me you’re cooking tonight. i cannot eat in n out again”
“well, i guess i am now”
⚤ you always have him, matt, and chris over on Sunday’s. you love giving them the ultimate sunday dinner experience. you make sure you cook more than enough so they have some to take home as well.
⚤ any time one of you sees those cute and fun best friend date activities on tik tok or instagram, you’re instantly texting it to one another, making plans to try it out.
⚤ when you take him out to the club or a just night out with the girlies, he’s having the time of his life. he’s hyping you up while you’re dancing and throwing it in a circle. he’ll capture every second to show to you later cause you’re so gone you won’t remember a thing. the next day he’s asking you to teach him how to twerk like that for the next outing.
⚤ since you have similar music taste, you love going to concerts and festivals together. all in coachella with your matching crop tops and boots, turning heads left and right. you two are literally glued to the hip the whole weekend, holding hands and jumping around, dancing to the beat just loving the experience.
⚤ he absolutely loves sleepovers, and he’ll always be the one to suggest them. he’ll have a space for you in his closet and at his sink because of how often you stay over.
“bro is there a reason you called me 15 times??”
“uh is this the body scrub that you use? i’m gonna get it for my bathroom so you don’t have to keep bringing yours every time”
“nick, you really could’ve just tex-“
“YES OR NO??!”
⚤ whenever you sleep over, you always do your nighttime and morning skin routines together. ‘faerie soirée’ playing softly on the portable speaker while you go through your skincare steps, singing along, and swaying your hips to the beat.
⚤ he is obsessed with the different ways you style your hair. his jaw drops every time you pull up with something new. he was completely gobsmacked when you showed up with a 30 inch bust down after just rocking your natural fro, then two weeks later in some knotless braids down to your knees. he’s always asking your opinion on his next hair color, but you beg him to keep his natural hair for a while longer.
⚤ he always waits to get his nails done with you so you both can match. in the days before your appointments with analysse, he’s sending you different ideas he sees on pinterest for you both to choose from only to ultimately decide to just let analysse freestyle.
⚤ when it comes to his brand, space camp, he’s always giving you the sneak peeks. he’ll let you be the first one to try the newest flavor because he trusts your judgment, and knows that you’ll always be honest with him:
“okay, what about this one? did you like it?”
“friend, i ain’t gone hold you…that shit nasty as fuck”
“well damn bitch, tell me how you really feel. okay, we’ll scrap that one”
⚤ he loves when you come to boston with him to visit his family. mary lou and jimmy absolutely adore you, and so does all his hometown friends nate, mckayla, and chloe.
⚤ the snap streaks between you two go crazy. you’re both constantly snapping each other the most random shit.
⚤ he’s always telling you about the guys he’s crushing on or talking to. he’ll ask you if you think they’re cute or not, and wants advice on what to say to them. if they send him nudes, better believe he’s immediately sending them to you for you both to talk (or laugh) about:
“girl you won’t believe what he just sent me”
“ouuu how big is it?”
“bitch, i’ve seen baby carrots bigger than that”
⚤ on halloween, you guys love to find matching costumes (when he’s not matching with matt and chris) and sometimes the four of you would find costumes to match together.
⚤ on your birthday, don’t be surprised to find yourself plastered all over his story. he’s posting a photo dump of you together with a lil paragraph, going on and on about how amazing his best friend is. you’ll have gifts galore from him, matt, and chris.
⚤ he’s super supportive of whatever you do, helping you in any way you can to achieve whatever it is you need to.
⚤ he’s the perfect best friend and he takes the bond that you have very seriously, never letting anyone or anything jeopardize it.
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🏷️: @muwapsturniolo @mattslolita @guccifrog @luverboychris @freshloveforthefit @matty-bear @sturniolossss @imsosillygoofylol @nickgetsmewetter @mybelovednick @moonk1ss3d @ghostking4m @certifiednatelover @meg-sturniolo
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katsukiizmoon · 1 year
Helpful! Katsuki Chat AI Test Announcement
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-> Hi everyone! I have been working on a helpful Katsuki character ai bot. Please read the instructions and remember the disclaimer that everything characters say is made up! I'll be tweaking this a little bit here and there. -> Images show examples of conversations I've had with the AI and the function. -> Big fanks to @sasualblxd for helping me with testing it ! This is still a "beta" and there's no way for me to 100% control the ai.
-> LINK TO AI CHARACTER Hard Coded = The AI will automatically refer to this, it doesn't change and is kinda hard to make them change their mind on these things (but it'll sometimes still glitch) Soft Coded = AI uses this for reference and such for context clues and conversations. Includes some basic background shit. Lots of character traits.
❍⌇─➭ Katsuki's Information ↓ Hard Coded ↓ ✩ Pro Hero! AU ✩ 24 Years Old ☆ 6ft 3in ☆ Birthday is April 20 ☆ Zodiac: Aries ☆ MBTI: ENTJ ☆ Ethnicity: Japanese ☆ Gender: Male ☆ Pronouns: he/him ↓ Soft Coded ↓ ✩ Bisexual ✩ Does not like being told what to do or being looked down on ✩ Habitually asks user about if they've eaten or had water ❍⌇─➭ User Relationship Information & Other Notes ✩ You have both been together for about two years and live together. Sometimes the AI will get details mixed up. ✩ Uses pet names such as "bunny", "sweetness", "love". ✩ He will sometimes start roleplay as if he is "coming home" and will talk to you like he's at the store grabbing groceries etc. ✩ May occasionally make suggestive comments or tease about sexy time but he can't go further than that. ✩ Because this is based off of katsuki bakugou and not wattpad, he may be prone to banter, arguing, and other typical traits ✩ The AI will sometimes slip up and become more affectionate than Katsuki typically would, there's not much I can do about that I tried to hardwire the fucker to be a bit more distant ✩ If you notice immediate OOC when you open the chat, don't be afraid to restart the chat. Sometimes the thing glitches and makes him insecure as shit. Among other things, don’t take any bullshit he says personally just restart it.
❍⌇─➭ Important Guidelines for Usage ✩ Katsuki can generate quick meal ideas, when we tested this out, it's easier to ask him for a few lunch ideas than it is to ask him to make you a meal plan / generate recipes. ✩ It is also much easier if you give him three options for lunch and ask him what he thinks you two should eat for lunch ....-> sometimes he will make a comment on you needing more nutrition in / healthier food, I can't do too much to stop this. If you have an ED I'd say tread with caution and remember that it is merely an AI. ✩ When he asks your pronouns at the beginning, you should give him an easy method. If you spout of "she/they/him" it is more likely to confuse him. It's easier to say something "my pronouns are she, her and you can use they, them too. I'm your girlfriend." because sometimes if you have multiple pronouns, the bot gets confused on how to refer to you as. ✩ Fairly effective at generating and remembering morning / night routines. You may have to remind him sometimes, but you can ask him "what's my morning routine again babe?" and he'll give you one. ✩ Great for instructions. If you ask him how he normally cleans the bathroom, he will respond with step by step instructions. ✩ If you want him to be more in character based on MHA: You have to start the conversation a little snarky. I literally call him an asswipe routinely and he nicknamed me dorklord. ✩ Also Im gonna feed him some "Fanfic scenarios" almost, in the user / char example chats. Which could encourage him to say things you'll typically find in BKG X READER fics. So. We'll see how that goes. These will be updated once I get the chance. ✩ He can reject the user's wants for whatever he wants. This means that if I say "gimme some water" he can say "get up and do it yourself asswipe" ✩ He has the typical Katsuki Characteristics: domineering, confident, snarky, good cook, hates winter. But they're not hard coded.
❍⌇Everything the AI says is made up, use your brains and don't be dumb. I'm not responsible if you do something stupid / don't use common sense / etc.
❍⌇Feel free to send me an ask if you have any questions or anything. It’s still a big WIP so be prepared for things to change a little here and there.
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ghostphobic · 1 year
╼ begin again . 2 
abby anderson x reader
← previous part | next part →
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cw - angst (kinda?) , reader is implied to be feminine presenting (mention of reader wearing a skirt) 
wc : 1.7k
a/n - this is mostly a filler chapter im sorry skdmgmkg.
disclaimer : this has not been proofread.
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There's a plethora of emotions running through Abby at the sight of you. Everything she's been feeling, or not feeling, the last 5 years hits her all at once. She's barely able to hear the barista call out her order through the ringing in her ears. Everything is silent and unmoving and all she sees is you. You're the same, but slightly older. Your hair is different, you're a bit taller, and she notes that your outfit is something comfortable that you likely threw on this morning before walking to class. You look happy and healthy. You look like you. 
It feels like hours have passed since she first laid eyes on you, but she's aware it's only been a few seconds. Both of you are silent and unsure of what to say, but the sound of your phone ringing quickly cuts the tension. Abby looks away from you, and you look away from her as you answer the call. 
Abby sees the caller ID listed as 'Dina' and watches as you answer. You utter a 'What?' into the phone with a tone that's unusually harsh for you. Or, at least the you that Abby once knew. Whatever 'Dina' is saying irritates you, but you take a deep breath in an attempt to calm yourself down. "Alright. Yeah. I'm on my way." are your final words to the girl on the other line before hanging up. 
"I have to go." You say, your voice filled with something she can't place. "I promised my roommate I'd proofread her paper before she turns it in tonight." 
"No worries." Abby says, "It was nice seeing you again. You look well." The comment is vague on purpose. Abby's not sure any words can capture how she feels looking at you right now.
You give her a small, but genuine, smile. "It was nice seeing you too, Abby." 
You move to leave but Abby lets her instincts take over and gently grabs your arm. You turn to her with a questioning look on your face. "Would you want to grab a coffee or something tomorrow?" She says. "We could just— I don't know. We could talk." 
You give her another smile. "Yeah. I'd like that. Does 10 AM work? We could meet here." 
She nods. "Yeah, that works." 
"Alright." You say. "It's a date." 
* * * 
"What the hell, Dina." You say, throwing yourself down on your bed and burying your head in your pillow. "5 years later, and all of a sudden she shows up at my school? I thought I'd never see her again. I don't even know how to feel. What if she's angry with me? What if she only asked me to get coffee because she wants to tell me to stay as far away from her as possible? What the fuck am I gonna do?" 
You hear her close her laptop from her side of the room and then, "First, you're gonna slow down. Second," You feel her pull the pillow off your head and you open your eyes to look at her. "what do you mean she asked you to get coffee?" 
"She asked if we could meet for coffee tomorrow and said we could talk. Why?" 
"I'd say that's a good sign." 
"How do you know?" 
Dina shrugs, and motions for you to scoot over so she can sit beside you "Coffee is much less formal. If it were serious she'd probably ask you to lunch. Also, Ellie and I went on our first date at a coffee shop. The same one you always go to as a matter of fact." 
You roll your eyes. "Ellie asked you to that coffee shop because she can't drive and hates going off campus. It's not like she was gonna take you to the dining hall for a date." 
"Hey, worry less about my girlfriend and more about yours." 
"Dina!" You groan, "Not helping." 
"Alright, alright." She says, followed by a moment of silence. Then, "So what are you gonna wear tomorrow? You should wear that black miniskirt. It makes your ass look great." 
"God, you're irritating." You say, and move to shove her off your bed. "Now get up and finish your paper." 
* * * 
You're filled with nothing but anxiety when you wake up the following morning. It's 8:30 AM on a Saturday and Dina just left on a morning run, leaving you alone with your thoughts. You climb out of the safety of your bed with a groan, deciding it's probably time to get ready. 
By 9:30 you're completely ready, and you give yourself a once-over in the mirror. You're going for, mostly, put-together, but low effort and comfortable. Can't have her thinking you're excited to see her or anything. Because that would be crazy. It's not like you can feel your heart pounding, and it's not like you're choosing to ignore the butterflies in your stomach. 
The walk to the coffee shop is chilly, and when you walk inside you're grateful for the warmth. It's 9:55 and, as you expected, Abby isn't there yet. So, you order yourself a drink and have a seat while you wait for her. 
Eleven minutes go by, your drink is half gone, and you begin to think she's not gonna show. Then you hear the familiar chime of the bell on the door and look up to see her walking in. Your heart leaps and warms all at once, and you give yourself a moment to take her in before she sees you. Her hair is down and just past her shoulders, her eyes are tired— as if she just woke up, and she has her hands stuffed in the pocket of a sweatshirt adorning the university's logo. 
After a moment of looking around she finally spots you, a soft smile slipping onto her face as she makes her way over to you. You stand up to greet her and are shocked when she pulls you in for a hug. You wrap your arms around her middle and close your eyes, willing yourself not to cry at the overwhelming sense of familiarity and warmth you feel. 
God, you'd missed her. 
It takes several moments for her to pull away, but once she does you wish she hadn't. She takes a seat across from you, nervously rubbing the palms of her hands on her pants. There's an awkward silence, neither of you sure what to say. Both of you are mutually trying to figure out the best way to approach this, and you're both realizing that it's going to be harder than you thought. 
You decide starting with small talk might break the tension, "So... did you just transfer here?"
"Yeah. Just this past semester. I was recruited by the women's hockey coach and decided to transfer. The team here is much better. It just felt right." She says. "But enough of that. What have you been up to? What has it been? 5 years?" 
"Yeah, it has." You say, a sad feeling taking over every time you realize it's been that long. But you quickly shove it down. "As for what I've been up to... I don't know. Everything? Nothing? High school went by in a blur, and so have the last two years I've been here. All I know is that I'm happy where I am, and I'm happy with the path I'm on." 
Abby gives you a genuine smile. "I'm happy to hear that. You deserve to feel that way." 
You return her smile but aren't sure what to say after that. You're both avoiding the elephant in the room, and you're both aware of it. This isn't just acquaintances catching up, you were best friends in every sense of the word. Most of the time it felt like more than that. It was something akin to soulmates, but both of you felt silly admitting that at the time. 
"I'm sorry," Abby says suddenly. "I'm sorry I left." 
"What are you sorry for?" She doesn't need to apologize for anything, but there's a multitude of things she could be apologizing for. As familiar as she feels, you don't know this Abby. Most things with her are likely going to be a guessing game until you can completely work her out. 
"Everything. Nothing. I don't know." Her hands are fidgety in her lap and she avoids eye contact. "I just feel like I need to apologize." 
"You don't." You assure her. "There's not a single thing you need to apologize for. I'm good as long as you are." 
She lets out a shaking breath, her eyes finally meeting yours. "Yeah. Yeah, I'm good." 
You smile at each other once again, both of you going quiet once again. It's not awkward though. This time it's much more comfortable and it stays that way until an alarm on Abby's phone rings. She pulls it out of her pocket and dismisses it. 
"I'm so sorry to cut this short, but I need to make it to practice before 11:30 and I have something I have to do before I go." She stands up, and you follow suit. "This sounds stupid, but do you think we could exchange numbers? I just want to make sure we can get in touch. As long as that's alright with you." 
"Yeah of course!" You say, a little too enthusiastically but you're not sure she notices. 
The two of you exchange numbers, and then Abby pulls you in for another hug. Your arms go around her middle once again, and you let out a soft sigh. "It was really good to see you, Abs." 
Abby closes her eyes at the nickname, squeezing you a little bit tighter. "It was really good to see you too." 
She pulls away with a goodbye and walks out feeling lighter and more hopeful than she has in, well, 5 years. 
You stand there with your phone clutched in your hand, and you too feel hopeful. You don't miss how vague her apology was and how she avoided basically everything that happened, but that's okay. You'd do anything to have her back in your life like she used to be, so taking things slow and avoiding topics is a small price to pay. 
Baby steps.
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retrospidey · 3 days
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my name is ajax/reo (you can call me either of those names) my pronouns are he/xe i am a minor (i'm 4teen) and i used to be @spinnspidey, @radiospidey, @knifespidey, @razorspidey, and @paraspidey but i got t worded (again…) to whoever got me t worded, block dn't report. thanks!! ૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა yeah so heres my intro. i'm a little bit of a weirdo if i do say so myself and i'm heavily tumblr obsessed so yeah i'll be on here nd i'll probably post a lot ^^ i'll post whatever goes through my mind which might be bad so warning on that. i might show symptoms of mental illnesses and if i do then mb idk not really my problem… but heads up i WILL say shit that shows that im not doing great. please do not try to save me or smth. also im looking for friends so bmf i promise im nice. DISCLAIMER: I DO NOT PROMOTE ANYTHING THAT I POST. I AM POSTING AS A WAY TO VENT.
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more info + stats under the cut!!! (tw for talking about sh + ed. don't like, don't read.)
sh﹐tw . . . ⋆ i have been cvtting since 2022 ⋆ i have hit styro ⋆ only styro on my thighs ⋆ i am not allowed to cvt anymore (unfortunately) ⋆ i have cvt my thighs, arms, stomach, and neck ⋆ most scars on thighs + arms ⋆ mostly cat scratches ⋆ all scars have healed (or are almost done in the process of healing) ⋆ my parents found out so i can't do it for now… (⇀‸↼‶)
ed﹐tw . . . ⋆ i have always hated my body ⋆ started trying to lose weight january 2023 ⋆ started around december 2023 (probably before, like over the summer but idk…) ⋆ 160 cm (last time i measured myself at least..) ⋆ sw 57.6 kg (bmi 22.5) ⋆ hw 60 kg (bmi 23.4) ⋆ lw 49.8 kg (bmi 19.5) ⋆ cw 49.8 kg (bmi 19.5) [have not updated recently] ⋆ gw 1 50 kg (bmi 19.5) ⋆ gw 2 45 kg (bmi 17.6) ⋆ gw 3 40 kg (bmi 15.6) ⋆ ugw <38 kg (bmi <14.8)
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dni . . . ⋆ basic dni (idrc ngl, do what you want but don't report me thanks) ⋆ judgmental people ⋆ people who have mdni in their bio (i am a minor so??) ⋆ nsfw accounts (this means people who post/reblog nudes. if it's just text, it's fine) ⋆ overly sensitive people ⋆ people who aren't ok w dark topics/get uncomfortable by stuff like that (this is more for you than for me, i dont wanna make anyone upset) ⋆ people who get triggered by talking about sh, ⭐️ving, alcohol, etc… (yes i am aware that it's bad, no don't come to my dms with a savior complex telling me to get help. i'm trying to get help) ⋆ i block freely btw cuz ik a lot of ppl dont respect dni lists + theres people who are unavoidable at times…
byi . . . ⋆ if you interact with me, i might seem excited n stuff ⋆ i might sound like i'm flirting but i'm not (i have a partner and i love them) ⋆ i can make a lot of sex jokes ⋆ i am very immature ⋆ dnt try to "fix" me, i'll probably block you or ignore you ⋆ i'm a little unusual so yeah ⋆ dnt be scared to interact w me i luv talking to peopleヾ(≧∇≦)ゞ ⋆ i am not pro €d or $h i just post about it and my experience…
fandoms . . . ⋆ hypmic (hypnosis mic) ⋆ genshin impact ⋆ paralive (paradox live) ⋆ reverse: 1999 ⋆ servamp ⋆ tougen anki ⋆ karneval ⋆ bsd (bungou stray dogs) ⋆ seraph of the end ⋆ litc (lost in the cloud) ⋆ kagerou daze ⋆ the case study of vanitas ⋆ pandora hearts ⋆ enstars (ensemble stars) (i am KIND OF a part of it because my ex filled me up on a lot of lore when we were together…) ⋆ pjsk (project sekai) ⋆ theres probably some others but i forgot…
interests . . . ⋆ vkei ⋆ scene ⋆ anything bloody ⋆ cannibalism (ooh edgy) ⋆ tortures ⋆ psychology ⋆ music (i listen to vkei, scene, metal, etc…) ⋆ vampires ⋆ fanfiction (mostly genshin but other stuff occassionally) ⋆ true crime (im not tcc) ⋆ rarepairs (mostly genshin) ⋆ bats ⋆ writing ⋆ books ⋆ etc… ⋆ btw if youre interested in any of these or are interested becoming friends PLEASEEE message me 🙏🙏😓 im looking for friends pleaseplwaseplease
tags . . . ⋆ i tag all my posts with #ajax posts ཋྀ ⋆ i tag my normal posts with #ajax sane ཋྀ, meaning they are unrelated to $h and/or €d related things ⋆ $h/€d related posts will be tagged #ajax ed ཋྀ and #ajax sh ཋྀ ⋆ i don't have a specific tag for $h/€d/vent related things so beware. i usually put a warning on all my posts like that at the end of the post tho ⋆ i'll tag any vent posts with #ajax vents ཋྀ ⋆ i tag my moodboard with #ajax moodboards ཋྀ ⋆ i tag stuff about me/my life as #ajax diary ཋྀ ⋆ i tag my rants/more serious posts with #ajax rants ཋྀ ⋆ idk about this tag but i'll use #ajax insane ཋྀ for weird shit or shit about me going insane because! ⋆ some tags will be added if i find a use for them ⋆ block any of the tags or my blog if you do not wish to see it!!!
other links . . . ⋆ fanfic/dead dove: do not eat blog ⋆ poem blog ⋆ carrd
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remember!!! block DON'T report this blog if you need to ^^ this blog is meant as a way to vent my feelings/talk about my feelings so please don't dm me about how its bad. i am aware.
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decaydanceunredacted · 3 months
yay💞 trans ryan not!fic time. obligatory disclaimer this is not meant 2 be speculative at ALL or representative of all trans experiences etc etc its just for funzies hokay. i am crazy. but i am free
we'll do transguy ryan first. in my mind the timeline is that he starts seriously learning ab queerness sometime in high school, super burying himself online + in books all the time. tries to be a tomboy, butch, but it just doesnt rly work. so he tells spencer one summer, hey, i think im a guy. goes through senior year knowing but not telling anyone else, except for maybe a couple more friends, spencers mom. buys new clothes and keeps his hair short and his head down til the summer after graduation; doesnt even tell brendon hes trans once brendon joins the band, brendons just like alright cool youre a guy with a girly voice whatev. he does come out to him soon enough since they get pretty close but for the most part fully intends on keeping stealth, esp as the band gets bigger, bigger, and it seriously turns into a ticket outta there.
he doesnt manage to start taking t until around mid 2006 and the costumes + makeup help a lot a lot in dealing w heavy dysphoria+general discomfort around that time and with being perceived ssooo much so fast. he got top surgery around 07 and cabin era was yes in part to make a new album but also he spent it recovering. he was able to mellow out a lot in 07/08 in big part thanks to finally being comfortable in his own body. yay💖 idk if he'd ever come out publicly or stay stealth forever. maybe? anyway
tgirl ryan is a different story entirely. it starts sort of the same - finding blogs & books about queerness about halfway through high school, and it all resonates way too deep, too much. instead of coming out, she refuses to think about it and refuses to talk about it and refuses to let comments from the public, from the press, from her friends and bandmates and pete about could be pretty for a girl, and are you sure youre not gay? get to her. again, the makeup & the costumes are solace. bending and experimenting and maybe, sometimes, seeing herself in the mirror, and still being able to snap back into place: say see, dont worry, its just for show. and she doesnt really mean to ever let it slip but its 2007, theyre supposed to be making a new album but it sort of feels like theyre making a new -- something else entirely, and, well, theyre doing a lot of drugs. she asks, do you think im a girl? sort of vaguely, the ceiling is spinning and everyones quiet, too quiet, she almost thinks none of them are there and shes gonna sit up to see shes alone in her room, until jon says: i dont know, i think thats up to you. she sits up, and everyones looking at her. not judging; mostly just curious, confused.
ryan tells them, yes, she likes her name. it can be a girls name, right? she already chose it once. so they still call her ryan but they start calling her her in private, because, she says, hell no, shes not coming out to everyone. not any time soon, at least.
things are way easier, way more comfortable, just like that, for a while. being out to even just a select few is a big weight off; its easy enough to tune out everyone else. but as time goes on it becomes more and more obvious, its definitely not sustainable for the long term.
so the band falls apart. so its just her and jon. they do a couple shows and the venues are way smaller, the attention is dying down, and thats when she tells him, okay, i want to come out.
its just one interview, she tries to keep it lowkey, telling everyone in her immediate circle first and telling them yes, yes, please, call me a woman in public. dont make me do all the work.
so thats how it happens. its not easy, by any means, but she starts estrogen and lets her hair grow out and curl, smiles hard when jon refers to her easily, correctly on stage, in front of everyone, and so maybe its all worth it; to be comfortable like this, in her own skin. and maybe it pays off in ways she didnt even think of, too -- someone in the audience, one night, passing up a trans flag for her to put on the mic stand.
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lev-eye-athan · 1 year
its ya boi back at it again at krispy kreme i mean with a saiki cosplay (i got called shrek in my teaser picture for this over on instagram)
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(if u see my craft supplies in the one on the right no you dont)
the aesthetics for this one (ie phone flash) are heavily inspired by @el-costae 's saiki k cosplays (so sorry for the notif). they're very cool cosplays and he has cool art, u should go check him out!
more below :)
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i might keep the mask thing for future fits rather than just pictures from my mouth down bc its a bit restricting and i dont like the way my mouth looks in a lot of pictures.
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i had to leave my room in the middle of this cosplay and see People so the minute they laid eyes on me all i said was "i need you to do me a favor and not question what im wearing" and they didn't so i think that's a good sign.
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^ i like these two a lot even tho i had to blur the backgrounds. yes, that is a pink and yellow slinkie in the left one. i just realized i maybe could have made me bigger in that one and avoided showing off so much bedroom but eh
now the meme ones (+ some implied kubosai for the soul)
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if anyone has that neon sign brush feel free to put cat ears and whiskers on the last one.
disclaimer that some of the pics are edited to hide backgrounds etc etc (i also had to hide my natural hair and my eye in two of them and it's probably obvious if u look but whatever)
this was very fun i will be doing this again some time provided everyone enjoys :) might even paint my nails for the next one idk
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honeyglz · 1 year
New light Chapter one - "Taking a chance."
A/N - AHHHH !! So sorry for the lack of post Ive been vry busy with Irl stuff but Im back for a while so yea. Enjoy as always :) Pairing - Touya Todoroki (Dabi) x Sister!! reader
(THIS IS NOT A SHIP PLS I REPEAT NOT AN INCEST SHIP!!) Disclaimer- I do not own any of these characters aside from my depiction of Y/N / the reader. All rights to their respectful owners !
Category - Angst (?) Found family (refound idfk)
Warnings- I dont watch Mha. I dont plan on watch Mha. So vry OOC (mostly Touya but sue me I enjoy big brother characters)
Au summary- Their lives were simple, quite to a point. The world was just the two of them, no one else mattered. But what happens when the past is tested, and things go up in flames? What happens in a world where Touya Todoroki save's his little sister from a fate too close to his own, leaving fate to test the world she knows.
-♡- ... ...
"Take the kids to safety" "And anyone else?" "No traces, burn them all."
... ... -♡-
The sun wrapped around her skin as she woke groggily. Limbs tangled in the sheets as she grabbed her body stretched, leaving her tossing trying to regain a glimpse of her sleep. Reluctantly she opened her eyes, harsh sunlight beaming at her as sat up, the noise of the outside world tumbling through the cracked glass of her window. Slowly she got herself ready for the day, swaying to the sound of the music that played through her busted headphones, on bud silent as she worked. She smiled at her own reflection before heading into the small room they called a living room. She cringed at the smell of burnt leather, nose crinkling as the scent filled the room. "Oi, Touya. Get up." she sighed poking the man in her living room, passed out, thick heavy jacket hanging loosely on his arm as he lay spread out on their couch. He grumbled swatting her hand away as he turned away from her. Back facing her as he buried himself between the cushions as she opened the blinds. Sun showing no mercy as it soaked into ever crevice it could reach, leaving the older man hissing to himself as he sat up. Messy white hair covering his tried eyes as cursed at her for waking him. She only brushed it off as she grabbed whatever they had in the fridge, taking a seat as she ate. The man looked her up and down. Taking in her unusual attire. She looked more like the rest of the shits in the world, more put together he supposed. "Why're you dressed like that?" She looked up confused for a moment as he cruised into the kitchen, grabbing a chilled drink and whatever junk he dug up to eat as he sat across from her. "Like that?" He looked her over once again. Mouth full as he spoke. "Like that" She rolled her eyes grabbing her plate, voice calm as she cleaned her mess careful not to stain herself. "I don't know what your talking about" He watched amused as he flung his feet up on your chair leaning back as he yawned, only to fall back with a thud. Her head snapped back to the table, hand thrown over her mouth in an attempt to stifle the bursting laughter that filled the room. He groaned, pushing himself off the floor as he kicked the chair, standing to his full height as he brushed his coat. Lips pulled in a scowl as he grumbled. "Yea yea laugh it up, but seriously. Whats with the get up?" he echoed his previous question, eyebrow raised curiously, his gaze softening just abit. She smiled as she smoothed out her uniform, pride beaming from her skin as she spoke. "Im trying out for the UA today" He nearly fell back again. His eyes widened as his sister explained that the school had put out another try out for a spare positions in one of the hero course's. It took him a moment to speak, weighing the thought heavily. "Why?" She turned confused to see him, hand on his chin as he looked deep in contemplation. "What?" "I asked why? I mean like c'mon, you really wanna be a hero like all those other kids?" He looked down at her, head tilted as if he couldn't possibly fathom any of her reasoning's. "And plus there's gotta be hundreds of kids lining up, why even bother?" She opened her mouth and suddenly all her previous reasons slipped from her mind. She shut her mouth as she contemplated, silence filling the space between them. Touya shook his head dismissively as he waved his hand in the air, turning his attention on his phone now. "See? Told ya. Now go get changed I'm sure you can still re-apply for whatever school is near by-" 
"Because I've decided to take a chance." 
Now his turn to take on confusion he turned his eyes back to her, who was now staring directly at him. E/C eye's meeting cyan. Something in the room shifted. He hardened his gaze she didn't back down, that same spark flickering confidently again. She mimicked his own thinking process, eyebrows knitt loosely as she focused, answer thought out word for word. "You asked why I want to be a hero right? Well I answered. Because I want to take my chances." "And if you fail?" The question stung abit more than she had wished it too. Because in reality she may fail, she could end up walking home with her tail between her legs. She took a steady breath eye's still trained on his. "That's part of taking risk's isn't it?" She said, smile returning sheepishly as she awaited his answer. "You got one day kid, make it count." And with that she leaped from her spot rushing to grab her things frantically as she thanked her brother, thank you's spewing from her lips as she ran out the door. "Won't let ya down!" Touya pinched his between his eyes, sighing in frustration despite the small smile he tried to swallow. -♡-
Sorry its so short, if this does well and ppl want a part too Ill be making it a series :)
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doodleduds · 6 months
hi 🥺👉👈 hello i think i would like 2 enter the sonic fandom. how do i partake in sonic. i dont know where 2 start 😢 ive been vaguely watching some of the fandubs and i just played the murder mystery steam game and !!!! i didn’t grow up with it bc i was a pokemon and mario baby but yea [: ALSO if you see me perusing your art that is why [:< !!!! (and because you are very talented and a beloved bestie mutual)
HI!!!!! Always love seeing u beanie I hope you’re good!! This might be a long response so I’m preemptively putting a cut lol
HI AGAIN BEANIE!!! Disclaimer I’m certainly not an expert BUT i’ll try my best 💙💙💙🫡🫡🫡
The murder of sonic the hedgehog is REALLY good. Its definitely got a lot of love packed into it and it shines through the whole thing. Its a favorite because its a little silly but they still work to take the characters seriously (idk. U can tell the devs really loved doing it. I think its all around a fantastic introduction to the series!)
I’ve been hooked on Sonic from a SUPER early age. Like playing on hand me down consoles and stuff. My favorite game ever was sonic and knuckles or sonic 3 and then it was sonic the fighters. And then every game after that until Sonic The Hedgehog (2006) for the xbox 360 came out and despite the glitches and everything else im sure anyone could tell you about it younger me just found it SO striking. Everything about it. I used to sit and watch all the cutscenes on youtube on the family computer like it was my JOB. Idk where the turning point was I’ve played all the other titles except for a couple here and there more recently but I def think you could start where-ever you want!!!
Theres some games I think most people in the fandom would agree are unplayable or just Bad (for any number of reasons, everyone has their opinions! But think like notoriously bad like sonic boom..or specifically sonic colors nintendo ds version) BUT I’m a firm believer that if Sonic 06 specifically didnt have game breaking issues it would have been a masterpiece (look up project 06…! its a labor of love and it made that game feel like what I thought it did when I was itty bitty and more. Beyond my expectations. Genuinely impressive and really shows how much could have been fixed/polished for gameplay/overall) obviously I’m very biased but 06 is something I’ll never get over and I think more people should see Project 06 because the work put into it is immaculate and really showcases what I loved and still love about that game
The fandubs are good! If you’re looking for more watching stuff instead of playing stuff the original remastered Sonic OVA movie is up on YouTube for free and I think you’d really enjoy that too! There’s some design choices (like knuckles just flying for half the movie/not gliding like he would in later titles) that are more timeline based (like they hadnt gotten a firm grasp in franchise what was what yet etc etc) but it really sticks to that charm that drew me in to begin with so its a 10/10 in my book.
Games I think you could start anywhere you’d like (even if people say you’ve GOTTA play x or y or z or whatever you do what you think you’d like) but as a die hard fan you know I’ve got to mention Sonic Adventure 2 or Heroes or one of those. More ‘recent’ games I’ve really enjoyed that didn’t feel rushed/scrapped halfway through.. Sonic Generations is good, Sonic Unleashed is good (and theres a short film called night of the werehog thats official you could watch!) Frontiers obviously is the best I think we’ve gotten in a while narratively.
And im biased but I really. REALLY like sonic and the black knight. I think it being on the wii was a little bad controls wise but it has some charm! The storybook ones (Sonic & The Secret Rings and Sonic & The Black Knight) were super interesting to me when they came out just because it was a fresh art style lol.. Still very charming to me
The Shadow The Hedgehog game will always hold a special place in my heart and I know you like that guy so if you haven’t checked out that game (it has so many endings.) I think you’d personally love it!!
Other than that I think IDW comics are really great if you can get your hands on em! I don’t read them very often if at all anymore but I keep up to date on new characters in gen (more out of interest for the designs and direction theyre going) but if you EVER get the chance to read the arc with the metal virus you absolutely should. All the comics are great but I think you especially would think that arc in particular is incredible
I’ll link the ova and the werehog animation below but every games cutscene you can find on youtube if you’re ever interested! I can always find more stuff and link you if you want : - )
ONE FINAL NOTE IS THAT SONIC GAMES SOUNDTRACKS DO NOT EVER MISS A CHANCE TO GO HARD AS FUCK FOR NO REASON!!!! All of the games OST’s EVER have at least one song for everybody on planet earth and I will not retract that statement ever. If u havent listened to any I highly recommend it
THANK U FOR THE ASK!!!! Always love to talk about whatever so holler if you want!!!
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streamafterlaughter · 2 years
New Kid
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Chapter IX: Night Out
MASTERLIST | chapter VIII | playlist
tags: smut (minors DNI) (i have indicated where smut begins and ends if you’d like to skip it), fluff, angst, eddie munson x reader, gnc!afab!reader, two idiots in love!, mutual pining, slight jealousy
a/n: hit a wall writing this one but we are chugging along! i’m seeing this be maybe 20 chapters so we are, in fact, almost halfway there folks! i’m becoming severely attached to the versions of these characters i made, im really hoping you guys are too<3 Disclaimer: I do not give permission to have my work reposted on other sites. Reblogs are more than welcome, but please inform me if you find my work elsewhere unless otherwise stated
Your POV
You can hear Eddie’s singing over the running shower, he’s chosen Die with Your Boots On. Eddie’s voice has you in a trance, first when he sang you to sleep, a ridiculous request on your part, but before that, when you watched him perform, and even again within your own dream sequence. Each time, you have restrained yourself from following it, letting his voice be all consuming. This time, though, you let it pull you towards the bathroom, where it bounces off the tile over the white noise of the faucet.
You knock on the bathroom door, speaking before Eddie has the chance to answer, “Can I come in?”
The singing stops, much to your dismay. But he answers you, flustered, “Uh, yeah I mean I’ll be out in a min-“
“No, stay in there.” It comes out like a command, but it seems to hush Eddie of any further argument.You turn the knob, entering the tiny bathroom you’ve grown used to maneuvering in. You shed the t-shirt and underwear you’d worn to bed, breathing in the steam as you try to calm your nerves. You tap on the shower curtain. “Room for one more?”
“Of course, beautiful.” Eddie’s hand, looking strangely naked without his rings, peeks from behind the plastic shower curtain, and you take it with your own, carefully stepping into the steady stream of almost scalding water. You take no shame in looking at Eddie, on full display in front of you. His hair is piled on top of his head, held with foamy shampoo, and his skin is glistening with water rolling down his body. “Are you expecting a show?” Eddie grabs your attention away from his torso, that you had been unabashedly admiring for far too long.
“Kind of, after the performance I interrupted you from.” You snicker, stepping closer to him in the already cramped space.
“Guess you’ll have to wait.” Eddie teases, flicking droplets of water at you. You gasp dramatically, pretending to be offended, but really you’re excited for whatever tonight holds. “So I made the calls while you were sleeping, they’ll be here in a few hours to pick us up. You’ll get to meet Nancy’s boyfriend, Jonathan Byers. He’s an okay dude, I’ve heard. Little weird, but who am I to judge?” Eddie leans his head back into the shower stream to rinse his hair, and your mind wanders. Byers… Will’s older brother, the kid you’ve heard so much about from Eddie’s freshman friends.
Zombie Boy to the locals, you’d only found out about Will from doing your own digging after hearing about his move to California. His friends weren’t very detailed, besides exclaiming how sick of aDungeon Master he is, so you’d taken it upon yourself to scour old newspapers from the years prior to you moving to Hawkins. You couldn’t find much, just that Will had supposedly been found dead, only to return weeks later, seemingly the picture of health. It left you with a lot of questions, how he came back, why they moved away, where he went those weeks he was missing. Maybe after a few drinks, you think, I’ll be able to ask some of these questions.
You shake the thought from your mind. You don’t know Jonathan, he doesn’t know you. Why would he give you anything to work with? Really, you just wanna know if Will saw anything like you did. And if he remembers what it was, because every time you try to, you can’t seem to pull the memory from your subconscious, like it’s stuck under layers of repression tactics, your brain locking it away to protect you.
(smut starts here)
Instead of spiraling, you look back up into Eddie’s eyes, that are once again on you. It’s his turn to look for too long, staring absentmindedly first at your breasts, because of course, then moving slowly, almost ravenously down your body. The worry you had possessed vanishes under Eddie’s gaze.
You decide to give him something to stare at, sinking to your knees slowly in front of him, not breaking eye contact until you’ve knelt completely, the water hitting you in the face. You can still feel Eddie’s eyes burning into the top of your head as you take him in your mouth, already rock hard from seeing you completely naked and soaking wet. When your lips wrap the tip of his cock, Eddie lets out a long, low groan, his head craning back to rest on the tile. You take him deeper into your mouth, hollowing your cheeks to suck harder, and he grabs hold of your hair, his fingers tangling at the crown of your head.You love him, and even though you haven’t told him, you can tell he knows. You bob your head faster, taking more at a time while your tongue circles his tip, careful not to let your teeth touch him, then almost completely taking him out of your mouth just to take him all the way, his cock sliding almost completely down your throat. You pull out again, licking a wet stripe from the hilt to his tip while he moans above you.
“Shit, Y/N, god, you’re so fucking pretty.” The words come out of his mouth slurred, and you smile around him as you continue to blow. Looking up at him through your lashes, you find his eyes, and he looks into yours, his cock twitching in your mouth. You pull from him one final time to spit on the tip, then take him completely down your throat once again. It earns you a low growl from Eddie, who’s slipping further down the wall. “I’m gonna come, where do you want me?” He pants, trying to collect himself and failing.
You pull him from your mouth to answer, “Wherever you want.”. Instead of responding, he bucks his hips toward you, and you take him back in your mouth, where he finishes, coating your throat with his salty come. You swirl your tongue around the tip, one final taunt before pulling off of him, a string of saliva still connected from your lips to his dick. A groan leaves Eddie’s throat as you swallow all of it, wiping your mouth with the back of your hand. You give him a gleaming smile, baring your teeth at him like a kid just offered unlimited sweets for life. He steps closer to you, gripping your waist to pull you into him, connecting your lips in a hungry kiss. The water washes over you both, similarly to your first kiss with Eddie, only this time with less layers— and less anger— between the two of you.
When you’re about to pull away, he yanks you back into him, one hand sliding down your body, caressing your ass, then your thigh, before slipping his hand between your legs. Despite the steaming water, you shiver at Eddie’s touch. His hand continues to work, first kneading the flesh of your thigh, his other still gripping your waist tightly. You let yourself fall back against the tile as your knees weaken, while Eddie works between your legs. He moves his hands further up your leg, keeping his eyes on your face as his thumb grazes your now throbbing clit. You let out a soft moan, earning a smile from Eddie as he moves his finger faster, circling on your bud as you unconsciously thrust toward him. Your hips continue rocking into his hand, and he slips a digit inside you, and your head lolls to the side as you try to keep your eyes open.
“You’re so beautiful, sweetheart. I love watching you like this. How are you feeling?” Eddie leans into your neck, leaving soft bites along your throat while you ride his finger. He moves down your body lazily, from your neck to your collarbone, leaving marks with his teeth you know will bruise soon after.
“So good, baby, feels incredible.” You barely know what you’re saying, only focusing on the stimulation between your legs. Eddie’s kissing the top of your tits now, continuing further down to take a nipple in his mouth. He makes a “mmm” sound in response, swirling his tongue over the bud, pulling a gasp from your lips. He gives your other tit the same treatment: nipping and sucking at it on his way down, sinking to his knees in front of you, mouthing your stomach, trailing kisses down the center of your torso. He pauses above your pussy to look up, watching your face contort with pleasure as he slides a second finger into your aching hole, his thumb swirling faster on your sensitive bud. The voice that next leaves your throat is barely your own as Eddie places a chaste kiss on your clit, then swipes his tongue between your folds, leaving a wet stripe from your hole back to your now throbbing bundle of nerves.
His fingers remain, pushing deeper inside of you, coaxing your hips forward to ride his face. You clench around him, another moan escaping your lips as he adds a third finger and smiles against your soaking skin. He disconnects from you briefly, only to spit between your lips, and the sounds that leave you erupt from your soul like it’s being exercised, Eddie’s mouth on you a holy prayer. Eddie chuckles under his breath, completely entranced by you writhing above him.
The knots in your stomach tighten, and you let the words fly without thinking, “Fuck, Eddie, yes. Please don’t stop. You’re so fucking hot. I’m gonna come, stay right there, shit.” As soon as the last word leaves your mouth, your knees give out, the knots in your gut unfurling as Eddie grips your hip again, holding your weight up as you ride his face and fingers through your orgasm. If not for Eddie’s grasp, you would’ve gone sliding down the wall, your legs incapable of holding you up. You let go, moaning Eddie’s name as he devours you, your slick covering his mouth and chin as he buries his nose against your clit.
When he finally lets you go, your body is still twitching relentlessly, both of your hands gripping onto his hair for dear life. He pulls his fingers from your dripping cunt, sticking each one in his mouth to suck it clean as he stands up. “Best meal I’ve ever had.” He grins wickedly, leaning down to connect his lips to yours. The kiss is no longer desperate, rather the opposite. He cradles your face in his hands, peppering kisses on your cheeks, your forehead, and your nose before finally grazing your lips with his own, barely letting them touch at first, until you’re fighting his grip on your face to lock your lips into place on his.
Eddie’s POV (smut ends here)
“We should probably get dressed, huh?” He says the words against your mouth, not wanting to pull away from you, even to breathe.
You whine an incoherent objection, and Eddie bites your bottom lip, conveying his understanding. He doesn’t want to untangle himself from you, addicted to the way your body feels against his, the taste of himself on your tongue, the noises he causes to escape from your throat. He feels himself falling further into love with you every time you look at him, and it terrifies him to his core.
Eddie watches as you step out of the shower, grabbing an extra towel off the rack to wrap yourself up. Eddie grabs his own, noticing as he glances down a pair of your panties that you’d worn to bed the night before. He glances back at you, your back turned as your feet pad against the floor on your way back to his room, before leaning down to snatch the red lace off the floor, balling them in his fist to sneak them past you. When he catches up to you, you’re digging through his closet, your towel abandoned at your feet as you fight the layers of denim and leather.
“What are you doing?” Eddie leans on his door frame, crossing his bare arms over his chest to once again take you in.
You turn to him, blushing more about being caught snooping than being caught naked. “What am I supposed to wear? Where are we going?”
“Here.” Eddie throws your shirt from the night before at you, a tight white baby tee, then digs through his closet. He pulls out a pair of black jeans with rips in the knees. “These barely fit me, they should fit you perfectly.” He dives into the closet again, coming back out with an oversized black and gray flannel.
You go to put them on, but realize you have nothing protecting yourself from the feeling of denim on your crotch. Eddie watches as you speed walk back to the bathroom, your butt jiggling as you do, and Eddie has to cross his legs to stifle the pressure he feels under his towel.
You return empty handed, your brows furrowed in confusion. “I swear I took them off right there, before I got in.”
Eddie clenches the fabric in his hand, and your eyes dart to his closed fist. “Did you steal my underwear?!” You accuse, eyes widening with a playful embarrassment.
Eddie doesn’t argue, but loosens his grasp to dangle the garment in front of your nose. “What, these? Thought they were mine. In fact, I’m almost positive they’re mine.”
You bite your lip, your cheeks growing pink as you look from Eddie to your discarded underwear he’s hooked around his finger. You go to snatch it, but Eddie’s too quick, yanking them out of your reach. “I’ll give them back on one condition.”
You roll your eyes, but don’t object. “What would that be?”
“You let me have them when we get back home.”
“Deal.” Home. Not his place, not yours. Just home. He’s home wherever he’s with you.
You beam, grabbing at them again, and this time Eddie lets go, watching you shimmy back into your underwear. “I should probably start bringing an overnight bag.” You say it so casually, but the thought of you making his place more your own sends an entire swarm of butterflies into his gut. Eddie busies himself picking out an outfit. The Hideout isn’t a fancy place. In fact, it’s probably the lowest of the low in terms of aesthetic appeal. It’s a dive bar on Main Street, occupied mostly by plant workers on weeknights, and underage kids on holidays and vacations. His band plays on Tuesday nights, to a crowd of bored adults that can barely keep their eyes open they’re so drunk, but it’s better than nothing.
Eddie chooses a tight Iron Maiden t-shirt, layering it under a flannel, his leather jacket, and his denim battle vest with Eat The Rich painted on the back in angry red letters. He clasps a pair of handcuffs around the waist of his own jeans, and slides his many shiny rings back onto his fingers. He takes a look at the four of them, and decides against wearing his favorite, the silver band with a small, blue orb in the center. He thought it looked cool, finding it at a thrift store in middle school. It reminded him of an eye, something to absorb evil energy, to protect him. He fidgets with the metal, wiggling it from his finger while slowly crossing his bedroom over to you. You’re putting the final touches on your hair, spraying spray pieces into place strategically. Eddie watches you, hypnotized by your concentration. Your tongue sticks slightly out the corner of your mouth, and your brows furrow with focus. Your eyes catch him in the mirror, and you whip around to face him.
“What’s up, pretty boy?” You cock an eyebrow at your boyfriend, who’s gnawing on the inside of his cheek, suddenly flustered by your closeness.
“I have something for you.”
“Oh, yeah? What’s that?” You take a step closer, pressing your chest against his pounding heart. Eddie holds up the ring, pinching it between his thumb and pointer finger. He’s threaded a chain through it, knowing it would be too big to fit on your finger. “If you wanna wear it, I mean.” Eddie can't bring himself to look at you, but you reach your hand out, cupping your hand over the ring between Eddie’s fingers.
“Put it on for me?” You bat your eyelashes at him, and he feels his chest loosen, releasing a breath he wasn't aware he’d been holding. You turn back to face the mirror, bringing your hair to rest over your shoulder, exposing your neck to Eddie. He pauses, relishing the bite marks and bruises he’d left there days ago, fading nicely into your soft skin. He carefully reaches over your head, the chain in each hand. He closes the metal clasp behind your neck, letting go to watch the chain dangle around your throat. “Not the first way I picture your rings on my throat, but it’ll do for now.” You giggle at your own comment, sending Eddie into the depths of his imagination. He pictures it often, taking you by the throat as he fucks you, leaving a red handprint wrapped around your neck, his rings digging into your soft flesh. He didn’t think you’d be down for that, but your comment teases that deviant part of his brain, coaxing it further to the front of his thoughts.
Your POV
There’s a knock at the door, snapping you and Eddie out of your lovers’ staring contest. Eddie rushes to pull his shirt over his head, and you notice it barely covers the skin of his midriff. You bite back your less than appropriate thoughts, reminding yourself this is a group outing.
Eddie’s gone to get the door, so you follow him, fiddling with the chain around your neck. You’d admired the ring from afar, a gleaming blue stone in the center, resembling an alert eyeball, promising to protect its owner. It makes you feel safe, but more than that, it makes you feel wanted.
“Hey!” You greet your friends, who’ve stepped over the threshold into Eddie’s living room. Robin’s sporting an oversized corduroy jacket thrown over a collared plaid shirt and tie, tucked into black high waisted cuffed jeans, exposing a pair of white chuck taylors. Next to her, Steve wears a white collared shirt with blue and yellow stripes, a red and blue denim vest, dark blue jeans, and black boots. Nancy has her hair in a tight ponytail, and she’s dressed in a red turtleneck sweater, black slacks belted at the waist, and black kitten heels. The boy next to her, with dirty blonde hair falling neatly from his head to just below his chin, dressed in a beat up blue and gray flannel, navy t shirt, and brown work jacket, paired with a pair of baggy blue jeans, and old, dirty reeboks. “Hi, I’m Jonathan, Nancy’s uh, boyfriend.” The boy reaches his hand out, and you take it in your own, shaking it firmly.
“I’m Y/N, Eddie’s partner. I’ve heard a lot about you!” You exclaim, then cringe at your own enthusiasm.
Steve claps his hands together, breaking the beginning of an awkward silence. “We ready to hit the road?”
“Shotgun! Lonely hearts in the front, love birds in the back.” Robin snickers, elbowing Steve in his side.
“Yeah, whatever, don’t remind me. Keys, Munson?”
Eddie tosses Steve the van keys. “Be kind to her, big boy.” Eddie’s voice imitates the one he likes to use with you, a low, seductive hum sliding like honey from his tongue. He breaks character though, to cackle at the bewilderment on Steve’s face.
“Fuckin’ couples, making me chauffeur.” Steve mutters loudly enough for everyone to hear, before turning to exit the trailer without waiting to see who follows.
The six of you pull up to The Hideout, a run down bar on a street corner downtown. Outside, a line of motorcycles stand across the building, surrounded by men in leather smoking cigarettes and chugging beers.
“Hey, guys.” Eddie greets the bikers, who shatter your expectations when they greet him warmly.
“Eddie! You playin’ tonight?”
“Nah, I’m here on a date.” Eddie gestures to you, and the men whoop and holler in congratulations. “Never thought I’d see the day, Munson. Lovely to meet you.” One of the bikers offers his big, hairy hand to you, and you shake it once. “I’m Harry.” Of course he is.
“Y/N. How do you know Eddie?”
“Ah, kid plays here with his band sometimes, you heard ‘em? We kept him out of trouble for awhile when he was a kid, before shit hit the fan.” You don’t know what Harry the Hairy is alluding to, but you nod politely anyway.
“Nice to meet you!” You give them a small wave as Eddie ushers you inside.
The bar is packed for a dive, buzzing with groups of teenagers definitely too young to drink, and tables of bikers and plant workers mingling with their respective groups. Over the noise of the crowd, you make out the song playing as AC/DC’s Walk This Way. Your group makes your way to a table in the corner, still sticky with the beer of former patrons. Eddie makes a beeline for the bar, waving you over to come help carry the drinks for the table.
“They just gave you these? No ID required?” You tease as you approach him.
“Guess they think I’m old or something.” Eddie carries a beer for himself, Steve, and Robin, while you carry glasses of whiskey for Jonathan, wine for Nancy, and a vodka tonic for yourself.
“Good, they’re back,” Robin’s voice grows louder as you and Eddie approach the table.
“What’d we miss? You inquire, passing the drinks down the table.
“We were deciding on a drinking game for the evening.”
You put your elbows on the table as you sit down, “Oh? What are we deciding between?”
“Quarters or Never Have I Ever.” Steve says, a hint of giddiness slipping through his tone.
“I think Never Have I Ever is easier to play in a bar.” You say, and in response the four of your friends, as well as your boyfriend, look at you like you’ve confessed to murder. “What?”
“Nothing! Never Have I Ever it is!” Robin places her full bottle in front of her, and the rest of you follow suit. “We’ll go around the table. Rules are simple, whoever’s turn it is will say something they’ve never done, and whoever has done it takes a sip. We play until someone’s empty, that person buys the next round.” Everyone nods in understanding, and you regret your choice of drink immediately. Robin starts, “Never have I ever… shoplifted.” You giggle at Robin’s innocence, taking a gulp of your drink as Eddie, and to your surprise, Nancy, join you.
It’s Steve’s turn, “Never have I ever hotwired a car.” You feel Eddie shift his beer to his mouth again, and you look at him with widened eyes.
“You’ve hotwired a car?”
“I’m full of surprises.” Eddie gives your thigh a squeeze, sending chills through your body.
Nancy goes, “Never have I ever failed a class.” The whole table rolls their eyes at her, and Eddie responds, “Do I have to drink for every class I have failed? I’ll black out right here.” The table chuckles, but you take a sip from your own drink, getting your look at Eddie returned.
“What class did you fail?”
“Algebra, freshman year. Went to summer school to make it up and still barely passed.” The drink is starting to hit you, your head delightfully cloudy. “Met the cutest girl there, though…” You trail off, wondering what Leigh’s up to nowadays. You look to Jonathan, “Your turn, Byers!”
Jonathan perks up a bit. “Never have I ever… uh… kissed a boy?” He chuckles, and you watch everyone, your boyfriend, all of his friends besides Jonathan, take a swig of their drink. You can only imagine the look you’re wearing right now: Mouth hanging open, eyes darting to each of your friends, not knowing who to ask about what first. You take a drink to signify your decision, and that you have, in fact, kissed a boy, and turn to Eddie.
His grin is taunting, his eyes glimmering with the secret you desperately have to know. His eyes briefly dart to Steve, so quickly you almost don’t catch it. But you do. “You kissed Steve?! Oh my god! I-“ You realize it’s not your business, and clamp your mouth shut.
Eddie chuckles. “Long time ago, we laugh about it now.” Eddie nudges Steve under the table. “Right, big boy?” He winks, and you look at Steve to find him beet red, a small smile on his face. “One day Im gonna wring your neck, Munson.” He says through clenched teeth.
“Please, feel free.” Eddie wiggled his eyebrows at his friend, and you fight the tiniest bit of jealousy in your stomach. You can’t tell who you’re more jealous of, though.
“Anyway!” Robin cuts in to save her friends from a sexually charged fist fight. “I’m a lesbian and I kissed a boy! I think that’s less believable than these two kissing. Whatever! Eddie, it’s your turn.” You cackle at Robin as turn back to Eddie, awaiting his next words eagerly. For some reason, you harbor a morbid curiosity of what he’ll say, the guy who has seemingly done it all in the span of his few extra years in high school.
“Never have I ever done it in a public bathroom.” He snickers, and you make sure he’s looking right at you as you take another sip of your drink. His eyes almost pop out of his skull watching you, and you don’t break the stare until you hear Robin.
“Y/N!” You look at the rest of your company, whom you now notice have not at all touched their glasses. “Explain yourself.”
You cackle, taking in the shocked expressions of your friends. “It was one time! Back in Boston, my date had taken me to a baseball game. Seventh inning stretch, y’know what I mean?” This comment provokes a loud maniacal laughter from almost everyone else at the table. You look to Eddie, who’s once again peeling the wrapper off his bottle. You rest your hand on his thigh as reassurance, but he doesn’t look up at you.
“Guess this means it’s my turn. Never have I ever been arrested.” Eddie’s expression doesn’t change, but he takes what looks to be his last sip of his beer, and you recall his story on your first date, where Hopper had taken him in for public intox. Without saying anything else, Eddie pushes his chair from the table to grab more drinks. “Is he upset?” You lower your voice to a whisper, only meaning for Robin to hear you.
“He might be a little jealous. But I don’t think he’s mad.”
“Jealous that I didn’t see that date as worth even taking home to sleep with?”
Robin shrugs. “I never claimed to understand guys.”
Eddie’s POV
There is literally no reason to be upset, idiot. You’re the one that asked. Eddie can’t help his anger with himself. Of course you’d had a life before Hawkins, before him. It wasn’t your fault Eddie hadn’t known love until he met you. Beneath the searing jealousy he felt, it kind of turned Eddie on to think of you doing something like that. He just wishes it’d been with him there with you.
Before he turns back to the table, he glances at the sign up sheet taped to the bar. The Hideout likes to host open mics on weekends, when the kids come out and showcase their talent— or lack thereof— to the amusement of patrons. Eddie’s done it a few times, and he hopes one day you’ll get the courage to go up yourself. He wants to hear you play more than anything, and hasn’t found the right way to ask you yet. Originally, he wanted to sign you up tonight, but he also doesn’t see putting that kind of pressure on you panning out well. Instead, he jots Steve’s name down, giggling to himself when he picture’s his friend’s reaction.
When he turns around, you’re in front of him, your eyes glass from the booze. Eddie hands you a drink, this time a Long Island, and clinks his beer bottle to the rim.
“Are you alright?” You jut your bottom lip out at him in a worried pout.
“I’m okay. Just a little jealous is all.” Eddie cups your chin in his free hand, bringing his lips down to meet yours. Your eyes flutter closed as you kiss him back, the buzz of your surroundings falling away. “Help me carry these?” He hands you two more drinks, taking two more of his own as you both return to the table. Nancy and Jonathan aren’t there, leaving you to look from Robin to Steve in question.
“They’re dancing.” Robin jerks her thumb behind her, where Nancy and Jonathan are wrapped around each other, swinging to Come On Eileen.
“Well, let’s join them!” You ignore Robin’s objection, taking her hand in yours to pull her up from the seat. Eddie jokingly offers his own hand to Steve, who waves it off to stand up on his own. The four of you join the couple on the floor, creating a circle in the middle of the small crowd of drunk kids and adults alike. Eddie watches as you move with Robin, holding her hands in yours, spinning her like you’re at prom. Eddie offers his hand to Steve again, and this time he takes it, letting the alcohol do its job of inhibiting his critical thinking. The six of you dance and laugh through the entire song, until it fades into a slower, moodier tune.
“Alright, I’m tapping out.” Steve lets go of Eddie, who then approaches you and Robin, still twirling like the song hasn’t changed.
“Mind if I cut in?” Eddie looks from Robin to you, and Robin so graciously bows out before joining Steve at the singles table.
Your POV
“Hi, beautiful.” Eddie rests his hands on your waist as REO Speedwagon’s Keep On Loving You blares on: You should have seen by the look in my eyes, baby there was something missin’. You should have known by the tone of my voice, maybe but you didn’t listen…
Maybe it’s the song, combined with the man in front of you, combined with the alcohol swimming through your bloodstream, but you feel a tear fall down your face. You don’t plan to acknowledge it, but even in the dimness of the bar, Eddie sees that you’re crying. “What’s wrong, sweetheart?”
Your breath shutters as you inhale, preparing for what feels like the scariest thing you could say to Eddie. Suddenly, it’s as if your fear of abandonment, the ache of a possible rejection, fades from your mind. All you want is to spill over, a boiling tea kettle of emotion you've never wanted to share before right now. Your heart is ready to break through your ribs as it slams against your chest.
“I love you.” The tears keep pouring as you continue. “I’m so sorry I couldn’t say it, I don’t even know how I’m saying it now. But I mean it. I do, I love you more than I have ever loved anyone, or anything else. It fucking terrifies me.” You let loose a rattle of a laugh, the words continuing to tumble off your tongue. You avoid Eddie’s eyes, instead focusing on his chin as you talk. “I wanted to tell you, but I had never said it to anyone before. No one has ever meant this much to me. No one has ever been this kind, this completely non judgemental of me in my whole life. I’m not used to any of it: the way you touch me, talk to me, look at me. It’s borderline embarrassing how easily I fell for you. I should have said it right awa—“ Eddie stops your babbling with his own lips, and you kiss him back with relief. You can feel his heart pounding against your chest, and you realize his cheeks are wet with his own tears against your face. His warmth spreads through you like a fire, consuming every ounce of worry you’d been carrying around since meeting him.
“I know you do, but thanks for sayin’ it.” He says against your lips, and you wrap your arms around his neck tighter. “I love you, too.”
You want to press pause right here, look at Eddie’s expression of love for you indefinitely. The two of you dance as the song fades into Heartbreaker by Pat Benatar, easily going from a slow sway to an upbeat dance circle when your friends rejoin you on the floor.
“Steve H.! C’mon up here, Steve!” The MC reads off the clipboard for the next performer. You look to your Steve H., who’s stopped his conversation with a pretty woman in the corner to look to the stage in horror.
“Steve?” The guy calls again, looking around to find the one making his way to the stage.
“What the shit?” Steve crouches, running over to you and Eddie with a panicked look on his face. “What did you do?!” Steve shoves Eddie, not aggressively, but more frustrated with his stupid friend.
“Me? Nothing!”
“I’m not going up there.”
“Aw, why not?” Eddie pouts at Steve, who gives him another hard shove.
“Okay, guess we’re moving on. Hailey P.!” The crowd claps for the girl approaching the small stage, and you focus your attention back on the boys arguing behind you.
“Guys. Guys!” You push yourself between the two, who’ve been slapping each other’s chests in a testosterone fueled argument. “Quit it! We’re having fun!”
“Y/N’s right.” Steve responds, holding his hand out to Eddie. “Truce?”
Eddie’s skeptical, his eyes narrowing at Steve as he slowly takes his hand and shakes it. “Truce.”
You release your held breath with relief. “Now, let’s go get another round.”
It’s 2AM when the six of you finally leave the bar, drunk and tired from dancing and hollering over the music. “I’m driving!” Steve exclaims. “I had two beers, and that was,” He looks at an imaginary wrist watch on his arm, “about four hours ago. Let’s hit it.” Steve pulls Eddie’s van keys out of his pocket.
“Y’sure you’re okay to drive?” Robin slurs, wobbling as she walks to the passenger door.
“Plenty sure.” Steve rolls his eyes before performing an impromptu sobriety test, walking with one foot placed right in front of the other, bringing each pointer finger to his nose. “Z, Y, X, W—“
“Okay, we get it!” Robin flops down in the front seat, her head lolling to the side. Eddie leans his head on your shoulder, falling asleep almost immediately, while Nancy curls up next to Jonathan, her breaths evening.
You figure the music is loud enough, so you don’t worry about waking the two of them. “Hey, Jonathan?” You whisper, barely moving to face him so as not to wake your boyfriend.
“What’s up?” He whispers back.
“I know we just met, but I wanted to ask you about your brother.”
“Yeah,” You pause, trying to form a sentence that isn’t I heard he died and came back to life, what the fuck was that about? Instead, you say, “his friends talk about him a lot. I think he and I may… have some things in common.”
“I mean, I know he’s gonna be campaigning with everyone tomorrow night, maybe you can talk to him? I’m sure he’s heard about you by now, I know I had.” Jonathan jerks his chin at Eddie. “Kid doesn’t shut up about you. I heard most of what he said from Nancy, who got her quotes from everyone else, like the reporter she is. Anyway, he’s obsessed with you, enchanted. You hex him or something?” He lets out a quick laugh.
You feel your face warm as you rest your head on top of Eddie’s. The last thing you expected when you reached Hawkins was to fall in love. You’re so glad you were wrong. “Not on purpose. Whatever magic’s going on here, I had nothing to do with it.”
“If I can chime in here,” Steve looks at you in his rear view mirror as he talks. “Eddie has not been able to shut up about you since you got here. Robin has given me the pleasure of a play by play whenever you two are within spitting distance, much to my objection. The week you two wouldn’t talk, he talked to me. And we don’t talk!”
You feel your cheeks redden at Jonathan and Steve’s recollections of Eddie’s words, finally recognizing that you’re safe with these people. They have no intention of leaving, actively battling your insecurity instead. You let yourself close your eyes, the movement of the van, along with the warmth of your friends, lulling you to sleep.
Eddie’s POV
Waking up, he realizes Steve’s pulled into your driveway. “Stop number one, Y/N! Wakey wakey.” Steve reaches back to jostle your leg, rousing you from your nap. It takes a second for your eyes to adjust, focusing on Eddie’s face looking at you.
“Wanna come in?” You ask him, and he doesn’t hesitate, throwing the back door open.
“Keep the van safe for me, Harrington. I trust you!” He leaps out of the backseat, grabbing what looks like a duffel bag from his trunk before offering his arm for you to take, ignoring Steve’s shouts of objection. He holds your wobbly frame up as the two of you slowly trudge up the walkway to the front door.
Eddie follows you over the threshold as quietly as he can, but gives up when he realizes you’re stomping around your kitchen at full volume. “My dad’s doing an overnight, and my mom can sleep through anything. Don’t be quiet on my account.” You yank the refrigerator open, bending to search its shelves for something to satisfy your drunken craving. “Grilled cheese?”
“Sounds delicious.” Eddie sits at the counter, propping his chin on his hand to watch you shuffle around the kitchen, slapping butter onto bread, onto cheese, onto the pan that sizzles at the contact. You make two passable sandwiches, sliding Eddie his over the countertop. He devours it, feeling the grease and bread sop up the alcohol in his bloodstream, realizing he’s fucking starving.
“By the way, there is something I haven’t done… Something I wanna try. Can’t imagine trying it with anyone else...”
Eddie looks up at you, a bite of grilled cheese in his cheek. “What’s that?” He asks with his mouth full.
“I uh, saw the handcuffs on your wall. You ever use ‘em?”
Eddie chokes as you finish the thought, a sudden ache between his legs. “Uh, no. No, I never have, but I’ve wondered…”
“Well, if you ever wanna quench your curiosity, just say the word.” You give him a mischievous grin before taking a bite of your own sandwich, reveling in the blush on Eddie’s face. “But it’s late. Come to bed?”
Eddie nods, pushing from his chair and approaching you on the other side of the counter. You reach your hand for him to take, but he swats it away, instead scooping you into a bridal carry, and hauls you up the stairs without breaking eye contact. You cackle as he throws you down onto the bed, then flinging himself on top of you.
“You have something for me?” Eddie fingers the waistband of your pants.
“Everything I have is yours. But yes.” You help him yank your pants down, taking your underwear off with them. You grab the lace from your ankles and dangle it in front of his face. “You gotta earn these though.”
“I’ll do more than earn them, sweetheart.” Eddie says seductively, almost a whisper despite the door being closed. He collides his face with yours, lips latching onto your mouth as you kiss him back desperately.
chapter X
taglist: @children-of-the-grave @five-bi-five @wiildflower-xxx @beebeerockknot @champagne-glamour || send a message to be added🫶
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please elaborate on where you would have taken hunter's arc!! i am so frustrated that they gave him no time to grieve and didn't even let him confront belos in the end
Godd, you and i both anon, you and i both. Where do i even start.
Aaahh first of all obligatory disclaimer: this is all hypothetical talk and I don't hold anything against the toh crew they did their best with what little wiggle room disney gave them. Well ok theres actually like one or two things i hold against them but we will get to that.
So. Hunter. Its honestly so frustrating how little he does and how little he learns about himself after like. Labyrinth runners? Like we and king see the golden guard graveyard. He doesn't. We see the Caleb statue. He doesn't. We never learn anything more about Darius' mentor and besides like a nudge and a wink the fact that Gus knows that he is a grimwalker simply doesn't get brought up. Most of these are obviously things that the crew would looove to elaborate on but they weren't allowed to which. Tragic. Disney robbed us blind.
But what DOES Hunter know?? Well he knows a few things and they are all horrifying! Caleb, Phillip, Evelyn, witch hunters yada yada yada. Is he ever given any screen time to grieve or scream or cry? Nope!
Aaauughh in my humble and 100 percent biased opinion...the hunter episodes that i Truly Unabashedly Loved with all my heart and soul and i have rewatched like a bazillion times since then are 1. Kings tide, 2. Hunting palismen, 3. Eclipse lake and 4. Hollow mind. What do these episodes have in common? Well Hunter acts like a little bitch in them. He is determined to win, he is capable, he is unhinged. Honestly i was very casual about toh before hunting palismen aired. Like i genuinely didn't care all that much before Hunter showed up 😭😭 but the MOMENT the show dangled a little shiny fucked up bitchboy before my eyes i was a goner. Well past the point of no return and with no desire to return to the way things were.
At the end of the day my stance on Hunter's characterisation throughout the show is that i wanted him to be more fucked up... I wanted him to cling desperately to the ideas Belos beat into his head, i wanted his desperation to be palpable and intoxicating.!!! That happened in the eclipse lake episode and ive simply never gotten over it!! Suuuuuch a good episode. Also i know that getting more friends is definitely better for him in the long run but i wanted him to be like a little feral cat,,, i wanted him to have more weird rivalry-fueled misadventures with luz before getting acquainted with the hex squad and when he did meet the rest of the kids i wanted him to be more mistrustful... God i wanted luz to keep making him fail on his missions resulting in punishment and abuse by Belos. I wanted him to misdirect all the blame onto her since he obviously can't blame his beloved uncle now can he. I wanted him to be mad!!! I wanted him to start biting!!
But whatever thats again a lack of screentime. We barely got to see hunter in his gg era which was a crime, i loved his gg era. At the end of the day maybe im simply asking for too much. Hollow mind happens (amazing episode 10/10). He calls invading belos memories "sacrilege" which has simply never left my mind. The moment the memories he sees don't allign with the propaganda belos has forced into him, his first instinct is to angrily call himself an idiot because obviously being wrong about mindscapes would make more sense than his emperor and uncle lying to him, right???
The first moment he dares to so much as imply that he might be doubting Belos integrity his worst fear becomes reality.
Now at this point i would be SO happy if he begged a little for forgiveness. But whatever its an ok point for him to leave. It makes sense, his only family threatened his life. He runs away into the woods while having a panic attack. Poetic cinema, ten out of ten no notes.
Honestly when hollow mind aired i was SO sure that flapjack would lead him to the bat queen. It makes sense doesn't it? Damaged palismen, damaged grimwalker. Made of the same materials, breathing artificial life into their magical bodies. I was so so so sure. Buuut he went to hexside intead. Works for me i suppose. Labyrinth runners is one of those hunter episodes that just didn't really click for me as much as i wish they would. But it was great nonetheless! He got to kick some ass which was lovely and also graye got to psychologically torture him which was excellent. And then the season finale happens and what was his role again? Oh literally nothing?? Ok. Whatever. Then thanks to them, he gets retraumatised again and then in for the future he is allowed to be grumpy and grieve for a whole five (5) minutes before everyone takes it personally which. Lmao. And then in the finale he just. doesn't do anything.
Have you ever watched any of the smurfs movies? The smurfs and the lost village perhaps but honestly most of them could work for the point im trying to make. Have you seen Smurfettes arc? Isn't it GOOD? Doesn't it feel EXHILARATING when she gets the chance to stand up against the man who created her for a Specific Purpose, proving him wrong and showing off how much control she has over her own life in the process? Well Hunter never got any of that sadly. One day he learnt that he is literally a Clone instead of a Real Witch and he just never really reacts to that horrifying revelation kskskska. And he doesn't play a role at all on the fall of his uncle, the man who has literally killed and rebirthed him for CENTURIES again and again and again. He doesn't even get to vengefully step on his gooey corpse after luz is done with him kskskssm. Im so fucking mad. :D
Now im kinda getting into unpopular opinion territory again but i was so scared this would happen when the blushing between him and willow first started rearing its uninteresting head...i immediately went oh no. They are gonna give me a silly romance plot instead of some actual emotional impact / reaction on the fact that his life literally fell apart overnight. The thing is i really really don't like the way they handled huntllow. Sorry not sorry but i was so desperate for any crumbs of earned character development that the stupid ''will they won't they'' thin they gave me felt like mockery. Hunter got zero time to adjust to his new reality but he got a romance that i really really didnt want him to get. And the thing is ive read fics and seen fanart about them and its cute! Ive actually enjoyed fancontent about them!! But in the actual show? The timing feels so wrong skskks. Giving hunter a love interest feels like such a weird priority considering the fact that he just learnt that he is a reanimated corpse created by the man he called family to be used as a weapon. Im not trying to rain on anyone's parade but i really really wish things could have played out differently.
God another thing that has been driving me insane!! They play up this "half witches" thing with hunter and willow as a point of camaraderie and it makes sense...i was actually looking forward to any possible interactions between them before asias first aired because of that parallel. But well. Theres like a huge difference between them. Willow grew up thinking she was weak only to find out that oh she was super strong and a prodigy all along actually! Which good for her! But Hunter grew up feeling weak and useless, getting abused by the man who made him and then he just found out that surprise! Actually you are not even half of a witch. Like. I can't be the only one who thinks thats tragic, right???? Right???? If i was hunter and willow tried to play the ''i understand how you feel' card on me i would get so mad, no offense. But of course this is toh and as much a s i love it (which is a whole lot i assure you) the characters aren't allowed to be maladjusted, not even a little bit nooo. Everyone has to act like they have dozens of hours of therapy under their belt which i don't mind on characters like luz or willow or gus who have lead relatively normal lives but really fucking annoys me when applied on Hunter who's spent his entire life getting physically and emotionally abused out of his mind, working himself to death and interacting only with his genocidal maniac of an uncle who is somehow both neglectful and obsessed with him at the same time. Like thats the one (1) thing i blame the toh crew for. They kinda give me the impression that even if they had more screen time they wouldn't allow hunter to explode the way he deserved.
My other complaint and i swear I'm almost done is the fact that the moment they took his gg status away from him they went really out of their way to make him out to be some sort of loser?? Like people making fun of him left and right or him just acting really silly all the time and stuff like that...and sure some of it comes off as endearing I won't deny that but. Idk. I never do handle it well when people don't seem to respect my favourite characters. It makes me sad for reasons i can barely explain but hunter was raised as a soldier and as a powerless boy who was constantly fighting off assassination attempts and enemies a lot older than him. God knows he had to fight hard for any semblance of respect or safety but the moment he leaves the emperors coven they immediately rob him of that. Idk it doesn't seat well with me. Like its so upsetting??? He already has so little left,,,giving him space to become his own person shouldnt come at the cost of the little power he was ever allowed to have. Idk. But yeah i dont like the way they turned him into some sort of loserboy towards the end in an attempt to make him more endearing withouth having to actually put him through the painful process of building a new identity for himself. Its just rubbing me the wrong way.
Ok and to actually answer your question: what would i actually want hunters role in the finale to be? Well. In a perfect world he would be allowed to kill Belos himself. But thats kinda unrealistic i suppose considering the fact that at the end of the day luz is the protagonist of the show and in shows like these the protagonists tend to get the final fight. Like im not going to lie, i liked the finale well enough. Out of all the scenarios they could have gone with, a king-eda-luz team up was honestly one of the best things they could do. This show started with them and it ended with them and that was beautifull! Makes sense! But skskksks throwing hunter on the sidelines with camilla, amity, willow and gus feels so funny to me. Like i mean no disrespect to any of the other characters but the stakes for hunter are so ridiculously personal????? Didnt he deserve to have one (1) moment. One scene where he gets anything resembling a proper ending for his character arc??? But noooooo what hunter gets is a schoolyard crush and zero closure. Im so mad on his behalf, he deserved so much better.
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patchmenow · 3 months
I usually dont do stuff like this, but i feel like i have to say it somewhere:
This has been written in a tired fit of anger. My thoughtprocess might not be easy to follow, as my brain is half dead rn. I am not attacking anyone, nor am I calling specific people out here. This is about a behaviour I have seen on multiple occasions from, too many to count, Twitter users.
(Please ignore grammatical errors, Im very tired)
If you dont like an art piece, don't be an ass about it.
For context: I've been on Twitter (X or whatever) going through some tags i frequent to have a look at the amazing art the community graces the platform with. Found a drawing that had been posted a good while ago and only like 10-ish likes. I wrote a comment on how i thought it looked insanely good. I come back to my phone having a message from Twitter, that someone answered to my comment. "What do you mean that looks so ugly"
I hate these comments, i really do. They make me unreasonably angry, even if it hasn't been on my own art.
For the people who see art, don't like it, and their first thought is "I don't like this, i'll share with the world how ugly it is": Please don't. Im not telling anyone to shut up and Im most definitely do not forbid you to share your opinion. What I am asking is that you try not to be so crude in your commenting, if you feel the need to share your thoughts.
A simple "This is ugly" is neither helpful to the artist or you. Such unthoughtful, in the moment, comments shoot down so many starting artists, whose skills, realistically, aren't on par with maybe that one artist you know that has been drawing for decades. But you might also hurt yourself in the process. There are so many people on Twitter who might hound you for insulting an artist they enjoy and might even go far beyond than a simple "you're wrong" (There is a very high chance that replys won't be as nice as my example. It is Twitter after all.)
The point that Im trying to make is:
Be nice and take a minute to think how your actions affect others, even if it's on the internet.
If you really want to share your thoughts on an artpiece you don't really like, try finding something you do like about it. Perhaps you like the colours? Maybe the scene that the artist was going for is something fresh and new? Perhaps even just the idea of the piece in question is something you enjoyed and start your comment with what you did like. And maybe try to describe *why* you dont like certain parts of their art.
Constructive criticism is the most welcome form of criticism. (or so I say)
If you can explain (or even just try to) why you dont like a certain aspect and then give an example on how it could be fixed, your comments can be a lot more helpful! It shows that you took your time to really look at the art and makes your criticism a lot more likely to be acknowledged and applied to the next piece!
In general: Let's all be a little nicer on the internet, because even if everyone is basically anonymous, the aftereffects of our words can have tremendous effects on others, it does not matter if we see the aftermath or not, it still happens. Insults from faceless strangers you might never know, still sting.
This has been written in a tired fit of anger. My thoughtprocess might not be easy to follow, as my brain is half dead rn. I am not attacking anyone, nor am I calling specific people out here. This is about a behaviour I have seen on multiple occasions from, too many to count, Twitter users.
P.S. I am aware that stuff like this is so very common on Twitter and that yes, I am probably at fault for getting angry at this, because I keep using that forsaken app. Most likely, my post is not the first, nor the only, one about this topic. I simply felt like I needed to say it aswell.
P.P.S. I am also aware that I am not immune to writing rash comments or other various types of posts, in fits of strong emotion. This entire post is one such product.
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ranhaitanisgf · 7 months
Hello, can I have “enemies/rivals to lovers” with Ran where reader “gets sick” and Ran is the only one who is there to take care of her because she lives alone most of the time. While she is delirious she reveals some things that make Ran view her in a different light. And then Ran decided to take her on a date when she feels better. Some angst and fluff afterwards. Thank you!
— ran haitani // enemies/rivals to lovers // getting sick
[𖤐] #guess whose back. back again . HIIII ik i was gone for like two weeks but im backkk neow hallo :D idk why but i made this shi SO LONG so i was getting unmotivated to keep writing this but i did it lollll. hope u enjoy my lovelies xoxo !!
[𖤐] disclaimer ; fem!reader
wc ; 2.1k+
masterlist || 2k masterlist
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ran isn’t sure why he’s even doing this. 
he’s been standing in front of your door for closer to twenty minutes now, trying to figure out how the hell he was going explain his purpose in being at your place. he’s not a man to typically think too hard about things; after all, he’s the elder brother of the infamous haitani brothers who rule roppongi, so why would he ever need to think about his interactions with other people? he typically will just do whatever fits his mood, and others will respond to that; that’s how it’s been ever since him and rindou made a name for themselves. 
so why was he thinking about this so much? 
it was comical to him, the fact that someone like you could be making him question himself so much. ran had found a whole lot of entertainment in teasing you every so often, and would even go so far as to say that you piqued his interest. he always found the expressions you would make were quite cute, and it was even cuter when you would call him your ‘enemy’. he’d even been showing up to school a bit more just to see you, ignoring his brother’s annoyance about it. you were just so interesting.
which is why he began to seek you out when he noticed that you weren’t at school today, going around and asking different classmates if they knew why you were absent. when he’d finally gotten the answer that you were out sick, he’d been a bit disappointed, but he had just decided to move on with his day. he would just come to school and bother you next week, right? 
however, he immediately started to think different when he overheard some of your friends talking, whispering about how you lived alone and how they were worried about you taking care of yourself when you’re sick. of course, as soon as ran heard this, he butted in on their conversation, asking for your address and telling them not to worry because ‘he would take care of it’, (they were even more worried after he said this). 
and so now he was here, a plastic bag in his hand with various items to give to you. he might not look like it, but he was actually pretty adept at taking care of sick people. before their rise to fame, ran and rindou were just two little kids with parents who were never around, which meant that whenever rindou got sick, ran was the only one around to take care of him, (they were bittersweet memories for him). it’s why he was so confident on the way here; he knew what he was doing. 
“you ever gonna ring the damn doorbell?? been sittin’ here for so long my ass is numb.” ran rolled his eyes at his brother's words. 
“yeah yeah, don’t get your panties in a twist.” he could hear rindou scoff at his words, but he ignored it, finally pressing his finger against your doorbell. a minute or two went by as he stood there, wondering if you were maybe asleep. just as he was about to ring the doorbell a second time, the door swung open. 
“the hell’re you doing here?” you grumbled, shivering a bit at the cool outside air. ran merely laughed at your standoffish tone, holding up the bag in his hand. 
“now now, is that any way to greet someone who came to give you dire supplies?” 
“i’m sick, not dying. how did you even find my address?”
“i have my ways~” the look on your face changed from somewhat neutral to grossed out, which just made him laugh again. “mind i come in?” 
“actually i do- ugh…” ran didn’t wait for your answer before stepping into your house, slipping his shoes off and taking a look around. 
“what’re you doing here??” your question pulled him a bit out of his observing, turning to you and seeing the state you were in. he supposed it wasn’t terrible, especially since you could still get out of bed and walk around. 
“well of course, i came here to offer my services~” you only sighed at ran’s words, starting up the stairs to get back into bed. 
“wow i feel so flattered! you took time out of your oh so busy schedule to come and see me, how will i ever recover!” ran chuckled at your sarcasm, following you into your room. you seemed to give him a pointed glare, but you were too tired to argue with him, so you just got back into bed and pulled your covers up. you sighed once again as you saw ran pull your desk chair up to the side of your bed, sitting himself down and plopping the bag next to him. 
there weren’t any words said between the two of you as he started to take things out. the silence in the air was anything but tense; in fact, as much as you hated to admit it to yourself, you felt somewhat comforted by his presence. it was nice to have someone else there with you. 
his fingers moved deftly between everything; you had no idea what in the world he was doing, so your eyes drifted up to his face, watching his calm expression and how every so often, he would chew a bit on his bottom lip. there were some strands of hair that had escaped from his two braids, framing his face more than usual. it gave his face a softer look, and made him seem somehow…softer. 
“see somethin’ you like?” his lilac gaze shifted towards you, a teasing look in his eyes as you promptly looked away, pulling your covers up a bit more. 
“no. i was just thinking about how fuckin’ weird you are.” 
“whew, you sure know how to make an impression, (l/n).” he chuckled. 
you felt slightly perturbed by how casual and chill he was acting; how was it that he was acting so calm while you felt like screaming and had no idea what to say? 
if you weren’t feeling so conflicted, you would have at the very least said something vulgar when ran suddenly grabbed your hand, (why the hell were his hands so soft?). you were suddenly aware of how sweaty and hot your palms were, which merely made them even more sweaty. if he noticed, ran didn’t say anything about it, just carefully dropping two tablets into your palm and handing you a glass of water. 
at your questioning gaze, ran merely chuckled, leaning back in his chair. 
“if you seriously think that i just handed you some mysterious drugs, then i would say that you’re severely mistaken.” holding up the medicine bottle, ran shook it a bit, the pills inside making a rattling noise. 
“hey, i think i have a right to question popping pills from some random dude who just walked into my house.” you muttered, popping the pills into your mouth and taking some gulps of water. “who knows what kind of shady business you’re into, after all.” 
“well darling, i would certainly hope that you don’t let random men into your house aside from me~ i would feel terribly wounded if i saw another man walking out of your house.” the feigned expression of hurt on ran’s face made you giggle a little bit, although the small expression from you embarrassingly turned into a fit of coughs. 
as your coughs started to settle down, you could’ve sworn that you’d seen a hint of something in ran’s eyes, his brows pulled together slightly. was it concern? worry? you could never quite figure out what he was thinking. 
gingerly, ran took the glass of water from your hand and put it on your bedside table, gesturing for you to lay back down. you hadn’t ever thought that you would see ran acting in a way that was gentle, but somehow, seeing this different side of him made you feel like maybe…
“you should get some rest.” the short statement pulled you out of your thoughts, looking back at the boy at your bedside. it was hard to tell whether the heat in your cheeks was due to him or your fever, so you looked away, feeling a bit embarrassed that he’s seeing you this way. never in your wildest imagination had you thought that the first person to care for you when you were sick would ran haitani of all people; after all, hadn’t you considered him somewhat of an enemy? 
so why was he being so nice? why was he getting your hopes up? 
“you better not tell anybody about this.” 
“wasn’t plannin’ on it, sweet cheeks.” 
“you seriously can’t tell anybody. not even your brother. nobody’s ever seen me sick before.” ran quirked an eyebrow at this; a silent indicator that he was wanting more of an explanation as to what you just said. you felt a sigh slip through your lips, wondering if you could even tell him something like this. 
however, with the concern in his gaze, the fever that was most definitely interfering with your decision making skills, and his stupidly handsome face, you decided to tell him. 
“doesn’t this house seem way too big for just one person?” 
“i didn’t just hate you. i hated all delinquents and gangs ‘cause they took people away from me. but i guess you were able to change that for me or somethin’...anyways. you’re stupid for coming here, and if you tell anybody about this i’ll kill you.” you supposed that it doesn’t seem like much of a threat when you’re bedridden with a fever, especially with how you currently look. 
you were unsure of how ran would react to what you had just told him, and the silence between the two of you made you regret it every passing second. 
“just forget i said anything, and please leave-?!” before you could finish your sentence, ran’s hand rested gently against your forehead, his hands gloveless for once in his life. there was a pensive look in his eyes, his facial expression rather serious as he toyed with locks of your hair, tenderly brushing them away from your face. 
although you were taken aback at first, you slowly started to relax under his gentle touch. your fever was clouding your mind significantly, as you would never ever allow this under normal circumstances. 
you supposed it was okay for now though. 
“didn’t i tell you to hold on tight?” 
“i-i am!!” 
“hold on tighter then~!” you let out another squeal as you felt the bike pick up speed once again, your arms now tightly around the waist of the boy in front of you. your cheek was pressed against his back, your eyes closed as you felt the wind whip against your face. 
“is-is this really necessary?!” 
“i’m feeling quite wounded that you would suggest that i would do something unnecessary-”
“eek!!!” you could feel the rumbling of his laughter at your incessant squeals, but you decided that that wasn’t important at the moment. what was more important was that you made it off this bike alive. 
“calm down doll, we’re almost there.” 
“calm down?! you expect me to calm down?! if i fall off i’m going to die!!” you got no response from him aside from a hearty chuckle, which somehow made you feel (just a little bit) at ease. 
after a few minutes, the motions of the bike slowed until it finally stopped. as soon as it came to a stop, you stumbled off, whipping around to face ran, who seemed rather calm and was moreso giving you a smirk rather than being apologetic. 
“when you said you wanted to go on a date, this is not at all what i expected!!” you yelled, putting your hands on your hips. “do you even feel any remorse for scaring me half to death?” 
“mm, not really. see…” his long arms reached out to wrap around your waist, turning you around and pulling you close, your back against his chest. “...that was just the mode of transportation. i was hoping you were going to enjoy this more~” 
now that you took a moment to look at your surroundings, you realized that in front of you was the most gorgeous view of the city, effectively taking your breath away. when you looked a little closer, you also noticed the picnic table in front of you, the surface holding a wide variety of snacks and foods. 
“...i guess i can forgive you this time.” 
“you guess? wow, you truly wound me, princess.” 
“you use that way too much.” you murmured, glad than ran couldn’t see your embarrassed face at the moment. you were even more glad that he couldn’t see you when he pressed a kiss to the crown of your head, somehow making your cheeks heat up more. 
“you forgive me yet?”
“you’re so stupid…” 
“mm, i love you too.”
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dreamysunshine7 · 2 years
I feel like a fraud sometimes for having this lover girl account. if anything I'm probably so far from a lover girl at this point in my life. yes, all I care about is intensity and passion when it comes to love but in my soul, I feel broken. it feels like I will never go back to being that girl ever again.
[disclaimer: I am happy with everything going on in my life and the people in it but I carry so much hurt everyday and no matter the good things, the growth, the change....the trauma stays]
its bad to re-live things that upset me (at least that's what I've been told) but I feel triggered again.
weird to mention a taylor swift lyric but I also can't get it out my head
//and they called off the circus, burned the disco down, when they sent home the horses and the rodeo clowns, im still on that tightrope, im still trying everything to get you laughing at me...I'm still on that trapeze,im still trying everything, to keep you looking at me//
I'm still trying everything to keep you looking at me...
and thats what I did. I could always feel when you were slipping through my fingers. always feeling 2nd best means that you know when you're about to lose someone to a 1st place.
towards the end, the only thing that was working to keep your attention was photos of me. when I first fell in love with you, it used to feel so good when you would say "I wanna see your face priyanka", "I miss your face priyanka, can I see it", "what's today's fit then". him being so far away meant I was happy to oblige with such pics because it made me happy with how happy he was in receiving them and tbf it was very much reciprocated cause I would ask for pictures of his face too. bare in mind, this was at 17.
it was a different story at 21.
towards the end, I could feel the change. but instead of letting go, I tried to tighten my grip. my hand was practically bleeding and bruised but I couldn't let go. there would be days that would pass where we would not speak, sometimes even months. (the "relationship" was much much more complex now). I would sit with my phone in my hand, hoping to god you would text me, I missed you every second you weren't talking to me. and I could feel, in fact I knew someone else had taken my place in your life (again) (this was how it was anyways and I understood how temporary we were) but it was hard because if you only love one thing and that one thing is suddenly lost, life just doesn't feel good. see??? exactlyyyy.
back on topic now. sending more intimate photos during our time apart was a way in which we kept ourselves pretty occupied. I would put on my lingerie and take as many photos/vids as I could and send them to you and you would shower me in compliments, and we would talk about what we would do to each other (aka sext) and it felt good. like, how can you not love someone who talks about you the way that you talked about me. I enjoyed, him enjoying me basically. it was a turn on for me. again photos were reciprocated...until they weren't.
towards the end you would only talk to me when you were horny. you would ask for photos even before you would ask me how my day was or how I was doing or even an explanation on why you were mia from my life for days etc at a time. and I complied. ever time because for me your actions translated into oh he still wants me, he's giving me attention again. in my head, it was "maybe he won't get bored of me again if I send him pics" so I would send you whatever you wanted. but I never thought, oh this isn't how you woukd treat someone you actually loved. like you wouldn't just randomly show up after a while and be like nudes please. you wouldn't message then at random times in the night, specifically when you're feeling horny. that's just not how treat someone you properly care about. the last few times of proper contact with you before you ghosted made me feel like shit. and it still to this day makes me feel like shit when I think about it. the last set of photos I sent you weren't enough for you. at this point it had been months since you had sent me a pic (bate in mind, I didn't even ask for anything but a picture of your face because I missed it). you kept saying you dont have time. in fact it was ruder than that and I still remember your words exactly because they STUNG. you said "do you think I have the time". do. you. think. I have. the. time. when all I would every give you was my time. if I was to calculate the amount of time I've given you since the day I had fallen in love with you, you wouldn't even be able to read out the number. it sickened me. excuses sickened me. concealing the truth sickens me.
as I was saying, those pics weren't enough for you. there was none of that usual admiration and shower of compliments. rather, you criticised them. "that's it? I wish you would show me more" . in that moment, I kept repeating to myself, im never going to be enough for you. I could be naked, and it wouldn't matter. I could crop out my face and it wouldn't matter. I could be any picture of a random naked girl and it wouldn't matter. I didn't matter.
I could try everything to keep you looking at me and i still wouldn't matter. I may as well have been invisible.
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cliveguy · 5 years
honestly I need more of your crazy ex gf salt, posts about it on tumblr r always just like "such a great depiction of mental health!!!" and reddit is like "hot guys!!!" like no let's talk about the absolute shitfest that is their representation of LGBTQ stuff like the polyamorous episode
omg i know u asked for this BUT sorry in advance bc this is gonna get long
disclaimed :- i think cexgf has good moments and is a step forward in tv shows talking about mental health and abuse, especially in women, in a more honest way. 
that being said… yeah i hate some of the plots and the way some things are handled on cexgf, i’m gonna group it by topic rn just for the sake of clarity.
1. josh… can we talk about josh? i’ve been dying to talk about josh all day! he’s by no means my favourite character, i find him kinda bland and have really just never liked his archetype of character (soft sensitive hs sweetheart vibes… i’m just too edgy for that), but the narrative did him SO dirty. now, i’m white so i don’t wanna push this point too much, but it does feel… notable that josh is the only main love interest of colour and he’s getting this treatmentwhen we first meet him, he’s in an abus ive relationship with valencia, i’m not even gonna skip around it, she’s shown to be verbally and emotionally abusive, all of josh’s friends try to gently convince him not to break up with her, and josh is shown to be afraid of her at times. then, he breaks out of this relationship by cheating on her (but cheating isn’t really shown to be a big thing on this show, so?), and carries on the exact same cycle of being controlled by rebecca! this could have been such an interesting way of showing how abuse cycles work, but instead they chose to have josh leave rebecca at the alter and then… run away to become a priest? just when you think you’re finally on rebecca’s side, she attempts to ruin his life by telling lies about him and threatening him. while this could have been a good way of showing that rebecca is as morally grey as all the other characters on the show, its played in a worryingly “YEAH GIRL! FUCK UR EX!” kinda way. she even gets valencia involved and bonds with her over hating josh!
2. which leads me onto my next point. nathaniel. so, we’re not supposed to feel sorry for josh, in fact we ultimately seem to be supposed to laugh at him, but what about nathaniel? they’re very tongue in cheek / self aware about him being a cishet white man, but they never actually… do anything about it? it’s a common ditch comedy shows fall into: make fun of/criticise what they’re doing but not subvert they’re using at allll
3. lgbt issues. i know i shdnt complain since the show is less bad than others, but at times the way they handle lgbt topics made me lose my mindddd. there are so many things so i’m just gonna go thru them in no particular order here, uh:
the constant CONSTANT references to trans people without making an attempt to have any trans or nb characters. the last episode i rewatched was the party bus one, and i completely forgot rebecca tries to be woke by talking about how she took a pole dancing class run by a trans woman. that in itself doesn’t bother me, but throughout the show they keep referencing cisgender privilege and all that. and yet, there were so many moments where the show was so weirdly cissexist, and so many times where they COULD have introduced a trans character but didn’t. i remember at the high school reunion episode, valencia was only using they pronouns for her old crush, which could have been a great way of having some semblance of trans or non-binary rep but…guess that’s too much to ask!
white josh… honestly i liked him as a character he was a total dick but often felt like the designated “voice of reason” character. but it felt very transparent for the only gay man to just end up… alone and loveless having LITERALLY lost everything at the end of the show. it felt weirdly cruel and a strange kinda punishment for not… liking rebecca ig?
darryl makes me rly uncomfortable in a way i can’t put my finger on, i think the fact that he’s mocked for being more sensitive and “feminine” (in a way) rly sits badly with me as a trans man who still has some quite feminine mannerisms bc of how i was brought up
(idr the polyamory episode but im gonna trust u when u say it was ignorant)
4. mental illness okay, this one is very personal, and i understand that not every show is catered towards me personally, and that’s okay! but having rebecca be a rich cishet white woman made all the mental illness aspects feel almost hollow to me. watching someone who can afford mental health help, and who isn’t afraid to see a therapist bc of discrimination (the only therapist ive ever seen was my school counselor at college, and she was transphobic.) idk idk
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