#ed boy
niobium161 · 3 months
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TW: vent
Why can't i just stop?
Why do i eat so much?
Why can't i be that skinny boy?
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kcalphobia · 2 months
Não existe nada mais puro e belo do que resistir a vontade de comer
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drowning-rat37 · 2 months
☆ Mia/pvr9ing harm reduction and after care ☆
☆ps.- this is not tips on “how to do it better”, this is tips on how to not hurt your body too much while doing it. I am in no way suggesting anyone starts doing it, i am just saying if you are already doing it, try to stay safe❤️❤️❤️
☆anti-acids: if you’re planning to pvr9e, take a couple before you eat, it’ll reduce the acidity of your stomach acid, which in turn reduces the level of enamel loss and tooth decay as well as reducing the trauma on your oesophagus from the acid
☆short nails: if you use your fingers, keep your nails short to prevent scratching/cvtting your throat. Having short nails is also more hygienic as (even if you keep your nails clean) the underside of your nails can carry a lot of bacteria, (this is mainly found in children but has been known in adults) can carry types of worms under the nails. If you have long nails or false nails i recommend going on the utensil route
☆hand sanitizers or antibacterial soap: if you’re adamant that you don’t want to cut your nails short, clean under your nails thoroughly with hand sanitizer and wash ALL OF YOUR HANDS with antibacterial soap to avoid getting ill. Another thing to address about getting ill: you may think “if i get ill/sick then I won’t eat as much” or “i’ll be throwing up so no need for pvr9ing” in theory, great. In reality, it feels awful. I used to think that sort of way and then ever time i got ill i would feel like actual death, just stay clean and hygienic please🙏🙏🙏
☆water: after pvr9ing your body gets extremely dehydrated, make sure to drink enough water, also I recommend alkali water to reduce acid reflux. Take small sips every couple of minutes as to not make yourself feel more nauseous than you probably already are!!!
☆electrolytes: if possible, get yourself a drink with electrolytes or you can also get sachets that are sugar free and put that in water. In another post (i think i tagged it as an update post to a different post i have put a picture of some electrolyte water i bought, i really like that brand)
☆warnings: bl00d, feeling like you’re about to pass out, legs shaking, hands shaking. If you see any of those signs, take a break or stop all together, I’ll get into each signs in detail in a second.
☆utensils: if you’re not using your fingers, keep your utensils clean, weather its a toothbrush or cutlery or something different. Also please use something you know you can easily hold onto to prevent choking on it or letting go of it. If you’re using cutlery, find plastic cutlery, im not talking about the cheap flimsy ones, im talking about the thick type you can get from ikea or other places, make sure it’s rounded in the side you are putting in your mouth, again to not cause trauma to your throat. I can not stress this enough: use👏 something 👏 you👏 can👏 easily 👏 hold👏 on👏 to
☆tools: this is a follow up from the utensil. Please try not to use medication or other methods to induce vomiting, it is extremely dangerous. I have seen a lot of people (specifically on a certain clock app) talking about putting large amounts of salt in water and drinking it to induce vomiting, i can not stress this enough DO NOT DO THAT, it is so incredibly dangerous and by far the most unpleasant way to pvr9e. This is coming from someone who has tried almost ever way, including the salt method. It can cause long term health issues to consume that much salt even if you vomit it back up, there will still be a large amount left in your system which can lead to high blood pressure (which if you are pvr9ing often may already have) and generally if you are going to that extent to pvr9e, take a break from doing it, even if it is hard!!!!
☆food/chewing: make sure that what you’re eating before you pvr9e you chew really well, if you swallow large chunks, it will be hard to get up and you have a chance of choking and it will not be good and is very scary. Bread is especially hard to get up. Some foods should definitely be avoided, such as hard crunchy foods like tortilla chips/crisps, they are sharp once broken and in the time it takes for you to eat, then pvr9e, your body will not have broken it down enough and it WILL hurt coming back up. Try to stick to soft or quickly digest-able foods to avoid pain and trauma to the throat.
☆follow on to the warning signs ☆
☆Bl00d: if you pvr9e bl00d, genuinely stop, i know you might not want to but to avoid damage, stop. If it is anything above a few drops, I greatly suggest seeking medical attention asap. Give yourself a week or two to recover from that, it will be hard but it’s whats best for harm reduction!!!!(this is a very scary thing to experience, the first time it happened i was terrified however as you can see, i am alive, i didnt die although that still doesn’t mean you should just ignore it)
☆feeling like you’re about to pass out/ hands and legs shaking: believe me, you do not want to be found on the floor after pvr9ing. If you’re shaking, take a break, weather its 10 minutes or a couple days, take a break. If you feel shaky, that is a sign you are going to pass out, again, take a break. Sit down in a place you know you won’t hurt yourself if you do pass out, have a drink and rest for a moment!!! I know you don’t want to hear the “listen to your body bull shit” but in cases like this it is vital if you are genuinely trying to avoid permanent damage or injuries of any kind!
☆Thank you for reading, stay safe. My dm’s are open if you need help or advice. If you need to reach out to your local helpline don’t hesitate, you’re weak for reaching out for help!!! ☆
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hivermince · 5 months
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restringir é amor próprio ♡
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This is so annoying bc the ones I find are always so funny
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autistic-dishes · 9 months
Są we mnie dwa wilki.
Jeden twierdzi, że an0reksja to umysł.
Drugi, że jestem za gruba na anoreksję.
Ale oba wilki kochają cycki.
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itwillhurt000 · 1 year
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Since novembers almost over :)
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mikeproana · 3 months
Dieta -10kg em um mês.
A meta é chegar aos 60, perdi 5 kg em duas semanas segundo essa dieta e fazendo exercícios então achoq em um mês da pra perder 10kg
A dieta consiste em três fazes que fazem o metabolismo acelerar.
• fase 1:
Essa fase é realizada só na segunda e terça o objetivo é diminuir a produção de cortisol.
Cafe: melão com aveia.
Almoço: salada de alface, tomate, cebola, rúcula e cenoura. De proteína 2 claras cozidas.
Jantar: berinjela ou abobrinha assadas, duas claras cozida e alface.
Deve ter até 500 cal em tudo.
• fase 2:
Esse fase é feita na quarta e quinta e foca na queima de gordura e ganho de músculos o consumo de proteínas deve ser maior.
Café: omelete de claras e brócolis ou espinafre. Temperado com sal e orégano.
Almoço: salada de rúcula, alface, pimentão e cebola + peito de frango feito sem gordura.
Jantar: sopa batida de frango desfiado com batata doce e abóbora.
Máximo 600 cal
• fase 3:
Última fase realizada na sexta sábado e domingo. Foca em queima de gordura e acelerar o metabolismo.
Café: 1 ovo mexido e um copo de 100 ml de batida de banana
Almoço: salada de alface, tomate, rúcula e pepino temperado com uma colher de azeite + Um filé de peixe ou frango.
Jantar: frango cozido com tomate + uma fatia de pão.
Sinceramente espero q de certo eu preciso emagrecer antes das aulas voltaram. depois da internação eu engordei tudo q tinha emagrecido. Venho trazer os resultados durante as semanas
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opheliagorda · 4 months
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drowning-rat37 · 1 month
☆Different type of food haul~drawer edition ☆
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(Ignore how messy my desk/floor is🙏)
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hivermince · 5 months
"amanhã eu começo", "amanhã vai ser diferente", "amanhã eu foco"
comece hoje e continue que chegará um amanhã que você vai estar onde deseja, não enrole para plantar e regue todos os dias se quer mesmo colher.
cada passo em direção do seu objetivo é progresso, ao adiar seu progresso também estará adiando seus resultados.
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urplushie · 10 days
A fome de hoje é o sorriso de amanhã, não desista!
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autistic-dishes · 9 months
Zarywanie nocki, żeby spać w dzień i nie musieć jeść >>>
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