#after the second war
holoemitters · 10 days
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everyone seems to forget that it's his loss too
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lunian · 2 months
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man cant stop being foreshadowing and bitter about his past mortal life, cant say i blame him
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zutarawasrobbed · 3 months
Roku insinuating that Kyoshi bullies the previous incarnations in the spirit world had no business being that funny.
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demigods-posts · 3 months
call me crazy if you want. but i would love to see percy and sally go to therapy together. because these two have so much to unpack. the trauma. the codependency. the separation anxiety. the unspoken, pre-determined grief sally refuses to talk about. the unspoken, blood-coiling anger percy refuses to address. the potential is there. and i need it so badly.
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red-raven-reading · 2 months
Re-watching Rebels and have fallen in love with Kanan Jarrus (Caleb Dume) all over again.
He may not always be right, but he's always trying. Like when he first tries to train Ezra.
He may not always be the perfect level-headed jedi, but he listens and deals with his emotions in a healthy way. Like how he initially feels about joining the rebellion and seeing clones again.
He may not be the most powerful, but he hasn't properly used the Force in a decade and then he trains to get better, not only for himself, but so that he can be the best teacher for Ezra. The Inquisitor says it outright and we can also see how much he improves through the show.
Also, his relationship with Hera is just so functional. Love him, love Kanera, love the whole Space Family.
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varpusvaras · 5 months
The Alderaanian Royal Guard gets really protective of the Coruscant Guard. Like. Really protective. At some point the people start treating the Corries better if only because they know that there is always an Alderaanian somewhere in the vicinity. Sometimes it's the Senator himself. Once or twice it was the Queen. But there is always at least one member of the Royal Guard there. Somewhere. For people who say they are pacifists, they seem really bloodthirsty.
After a while, people are starting to figure out that they might've been just supressing any murderous intents up until now, and it's better if you don't tempt them too much.
(The word got out at some point that Fox was dating the Queen and the Senator and that it was serious. The Royal Guard immediately turned on the Prince treatment. Fox bluescreened the first time one of them opened a door for him.)
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morethansky · 1 month
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@swsource Star Wars Week: Day 1: The Chosen One – Favorite character ↳ Captain Rex
"I used to believe that being a good soldier meant doing everything they told you. That's how they engineered us. But we're not droids. We're not programmed. You have to learn to make your own decisions."
Bonus (flashing gif warning):
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ghost-bxrd · 6 months
The fight at Titans Tower goes a little bit different.
Jason actively fakes Tim’s death (all hail clone science) after knocking him unconscious and turns the entire place into a veritable scene of crime.
Then he takes Tim and.. honestly, he hasn’t planned that far. But the kid looks like he could use some hugs.
And Tim, upon waking up, promptly goes starry eyed over Jason’s apparent resurrection. And, yeah, fine, he’s not entirely ok with the whole “I faked your death” thing, but his end goal is now to return Jason to the family fold, so it’s fine. Bruce and Dick don’t like him that much anyway, right?
Meanwhile, Bruce and Dick discover the gruesome scene at Titans Tower and their world crashes and burns for the second time.
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chocomars · 10 months
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During the rebellion era, I’d like to think she’d have off days because what do you do when you’re not being chased by the Empire?
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dailyloopdeloop · 2 months
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DAY 7: i miss my wife bonbon
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unspuncreature · 4 months
obi-wan should’ve been at the club!!!!!
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bigsnaff · 3 days
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my first visit to art party yielded a fiery Malva the Furnace for @nyoka-gorefell! thank you! it was fun making edits of another person's character for a change C:
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astralarias · 4 months
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"Their long ears and wiggly noses are charming, but the springer's greatest strength is their ability to make jaw-dropping vertical leaps. Traveling merchants and couriers use them to cross sheer cliffs in the Crystal Highlands, shaving weeks off their journeys."
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bellaaldamas · 5 months
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Hurt/Comfort parallels
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inspired by a conversation with @stupidrant
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ryoceann · 11 months
j2 have truly forgotten how the barn scene actually went because they do not do it right at all they are literally just using the barn scene ops as an excuse to hold each other and touch foreheads
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immagods · 1 month
No, because the way this made my delusional ass think it was Tech for a second.
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