#absuive parents
You know? A lot of people harp on feanor not being a good dad, yet fail to realize that none of finwe’s sons were really good dads, what with nolofinwe’s “yeah i’m totally gonna drag my people and kids across the grinding ice to follow my half brother” and arafinwe’s “yeah I’m absolutely gonna abandon all my kids to the inevitable horror of the doom and what they’ll find in beriliand.”
There’s a difference between being a good person and being a good parent and ngl, i think nolo and ara kinda dropped the ball there.
I am absolutely not gonna talk about how this applies to all three’s wives bc it absolutely does (the only saving grace is the possibility that they didn’t know until to late (unlikely) bc we are not really informed as to where they were during the flight of the noldor)
I’m not saying that feanor was a good dad during those last few years with the silmarils and all, but he’s not the only one who put something else over his own kids.
(This is my opinion and you’re welcome to yours, of course. Just please keep it off this post if you disagree)
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I sincerely hope that in this life or next one or whatever the fuck happen, I will has a actual parent/parent figure.
I honestly can’t remember a single shit about “mom” beside her beating me and smoking alot.
“Dad” is a unstable and shit person, getting pissed off and screaming and then be happy and giggling in half a hour, while ignoring the fucking traumas he put me through. (there are whole other shits but yea)
They would never love me for who I am, they would scuff away my dreams like it some fad or shits, and would force me to do shits I don’t like.
I can’t really remember a single parent thing they did, “mom” is practically dead to me and “dad” feel more like some adult that I know and take care of me.
I just want a parent to be there for me, who would love me for who I am, who would actually teach me and guide me through some shits, who I wouldn’t has to lie to or be scared to be honest with, and someone I could love to hang out with.
I shouldn’t has to rely on good people on internet like Jackspeticeye, Markiplier, Jaiden animation, Philza, DanTDM and other as much as I did to help grow and and learn about myself.
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ziracona · 11 months
New Tryggr betting pool. Winners get a meme made if they want w proof they voted for the winner.
From where we are, one of 2 things must happen. 1: Either things will continue to go well or okay, and Tryggr will save Aymon, or get some kind of decent tearful closure. He will begin to heal, and remain singular. OR 2: Aymon will turn on him and try and kill him and/or it will be revealed Calix and Aymon lied about Hama and Agryan’s death for 15 years, either of which will cause him to go completely insane. He can’t kill them though, so Halla (Protector) will have to exists to do what he can’t.
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konbarts · 7 months
You know what I'm going to say it. Ray Terrill did not deserve to be dropped like a hot potato bc DC wanted to focus on Jon and Tim. Like NGL I thought they were gonna like put Ray and Tim together and I was like "Omg young justice crackship" and then they just??? Didn't it was really bizarre honestly. Anyway Justice for Ray Terrill get him away from Xenos
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pupgzut · 2 years
the reddit insane parents is great nd free therapy
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asura-zoro · 2 years
I'm so angry. My boyfriend had surgery today, and so his mom is taking care of him while he is recovering and she is just screaming and yelling at him.
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Part 2 of Everlark and their parents lets go Peeta your turn now.
Now this one is harder. We know very little explicit information about Peeta's family so a lot of this will be inference and my own personal interpretation of the family and their dynamic based on what we do see, what we don't see, and the way Peeta acts, so if you disagree with me that's all good lol.
So first, Peeta grew up in an absuive household. That's not a debate that's explicitly canon. Him mother not only hits him, implied to be with something, but also calls him a worthless creature when he burns the bread for Katniss. No matter that circumstance that is not how you treat your eleven year old child, that is not how you treat any child period, and this clearly isn't a one off or first time. Even though we personally see very little of the abuse on page, I at least think its impact of Peeta is very clear.
This boy has abysmal self esteem, when he discovers Katniss and Haymich have hidden things from him again he feels as if they view him as weak and stupid and too dumb to get it, that's the automatic assumption even though we know that's so far from the truth it's laughable. But for a child that grew up being consistently insulted and belittled it's not that far of a jump to make.
His ability to lie, also I think is relevant here. That kind of ability with words doesn't come from nowhere, that doesn't just happen that's something practiced. A theme with Katniss and Peeta's talents throughout the trilogy is that even the things they are good at and that help them were born from necessity. Katniss is so good with a bow and practical survival skills because she had to be, because even though she grew to love hunting, she and her family would have died without it. Peeta's skill with art comes from working at the bakery it comes from years worth or practise and labor he put in as a child, and I think his ability to lie, manipulate, mask his true feelings and talk his way though things stems from a similar place. His mother is called 'the witch' colloquially, we see she clearly has a temper and resorts to violence and insults quickly. A lot of children who grow up in abuse grow to be very charming, they learn how to lie and manipulate the situation to get themselves out of trouble and to keep themselves and potentially their siblings safe. At least to me Peeta's unmatched ability to impact and morph a situation with just his words could very easily be linked back to his childhood. We all love that Peeta is such a good manipulator but only ever uses it for good, and I think this is partially why, because he doesn't even want to be necessarily, it was a skill born for survival. His mothers cruelty is also shown very much to not be reserved purely for him, she chases starving children away from their empty bins, speaks awfully about the seam and the people from it.
His father is a complicated man. he clearly dose have love for Peeta and is shown many times to be a kind man at his core. But he is passive. He may bring Katniss cookies and make generous trades, he may have been the one to impart that inherent kindness we see in him onto Peeta, and may have been the only safe adult in the house, but he is passive. We don't know the extent of how much he steps in when his wife starts acting out, but from what we can see of her effect of Peeta clearly not enough. He also doesn't come to live with him after the games, none of them do. And while I understand practically that might not be the most reasonable situation, a newly disabled, traumatised sixteen year old boy was still left to live alone. His family may have visited often, they still talk we see him going to dinner with them, but I think their lack of mention speaks more than anything else here.
The relationship between his parents was also not exactly the best model to grow up observing. When he is five years old his dad tells Peeta is was in love with another woman, he points out her child to him, explains how he lost her. There is no addendum of how much he loves his mother now, how it was in the past. Peeta grew up with parents he was acutely aware did not love each other and from what we see and here, don't even pretend to act like it.
Now how dose this relate to Katniss. This first part is more my own speculation so ignore me if you disagree, but Katniss in the first games mentions Peeta doing certain things with her she remembers her parents doing, and wondering where he learnt it from, thinking surely not his own parents. And I think she's right, I think he learnt it from hers. Peeta is observant, I think after his father pointed out Katniss and her mother he payed attention, not just to Katniss but to her parents as well. I think he was a little fascinated by this family, these parents who clearly adore each other these children with skin clear of bruises who have never been made to feel like nothing from there parents who clearly think the world of them. There was six years from when Peeta noticed her to Mr Everdeens death, that's six years for him to observe this family and their love. Not obsessively, not even knowingly, but I think it happened. I think the Everdeens weren't just Katniss's reference for a relationship but Peeta's as well. I don't think she was the only one drawing comparisons, even if he didn't completely realise what he was doing.
(Additional evidence for this pointed out by @intellectual-punk in Mockingjay Haymitch tells Katniss the doctors showed Peeta the propo of her singing The Hanging Tree and he recognized the song and Katniss says she doesn’t know how he could as he never heard her sing it. Haymitch says he remembers her father singing it as their fathers traded. Peeta hasn't heard this song since he was 11, he’s 17 at the time of remembering it. So for him to remembering it after so long after last hearing it and clearly not hearing it around the house we can imagine that her father must have sang it near every time the two men traded and that Peeta was either specifically listening to his singing as he knows from his father that that is how Mr Everdeen won over Mrs Everdeen or he was just generally paying attention to the man either on his own or in relation to Katniss.)*Found in notes {Thank you so much for this}
I also think, going back to people seeking out the familiar, that Katniss reminded him in certain ways of his father. They're both quiet, both people associated with providing food in one way or another. I think he see's her in the way that while they both clearly love him, they both struggle to show him, leaving him to question it for a long time. But where his father fails to protect him, Katniss doesn't. Katniss doesn't have his fathers passivity, far from it, Katniss Everdeen is anything but passive. She actively works to protect him and others, she speaks out loudly when she finds something wrong, she still has that kindness, but it never gets in the way of what's necessary.
This is also where I see his mother come in, I think he dose see some similarities there. In their tempter, in the sharp way they can use their words, in the way she underestimates him in the beginning and even hurts him on occasion, shoving him into the vase (I think?) and cutting his hands after the first interview. But in so many ways Katniss is the opposite. Peeta may have developed a crush because of her voice, but he falls in love because of the way she helps people, because he knows her intrinsically and intrinsically Katniss is someone who cares. He always comments on her healing ability, even if she finds it lacking it's clearly something he loves about her, hands that heal instead of hurt. His mother was cruel to everyone especially those less fortunate, meanwhile Katniss would give everything on her to those who need it more. He see's the similarities yes, and unconsciously that familiarity might be a small drive towards her, but ultimately he loves Katniss for the ways in which she is different from his mother, the ways in which his mother failed, for the ways in which she stepped in where his father fell short. As well as for a lot of other reasons of course, but I think his parents impact is definitely something to consider.
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fatphobiabusters · 1 year
Hey sorry if this is a rough topic but have you been seeing the news about KayleaTitford? She was a disabled plus sized girl who died, and the news has only been focusing on her weight and not the fact that her parents were abusing and neglecting her, maggots were found in her body and she had tons of infections but the news was only ever super disrespectful to her.
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I wanted to learn more about the situation but the news seems to only be focusing on her weight and not the fact that her parents are/were actively absuive and neglectful and keep saying that her weight, not her parents neglect is what lead to her death?
Sorry if I phrased something insensitively or worded it wrong way but why isn’t the press doing it’s job correctly??? Sorry if this isn’t an okay ask to send I just didn’t know who else to send it to
additional cw: o word, medical fatphobia if you go reading the threads.
Side note before I get into this "thefatdoctoruk" looks to be a pretty good Twitter to follow? Just scrolling through and he calls out medical fatphobia from a science literacy and medically sound pov. So hey if you Twitter check them out.
Okay so I'm putting in a read more
https://twitter.com/thefatdoctoruk/status/1623375820575150081?s=20&t=wSaN5nQgWjgk28JepMf8Pg here's a thread about how obviously she was being neglected because of the state of her mattress.
the BBC has been on the decline they got into hot water due to that shit show of a transphobic article (https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLB8NXe_on1cUW1EYsFBHQlu0PVDyX_qM- here a youtuber sends in a complaint about that article and its shoddy journalism for people who missed it) and I saw people saying only their coverage of international news is worth anything anymore. Tories have their fingers in it. And because everyone thinks they can trust the BBC they follow when copying reports.
She had spina bifada and needed help with daily care and her shit parents let her rot. They decided that since she didn't have to go to school due to lockdown they would leave her there. She never re attended school. Likely because she would have told someone what happened and because it was easier to keep ignoring her. This is ableism. This is abuse, to be frank the framing of this should be indictive of the massive eugenics and antidisability culture instead its framed as self inflicted weight gain. If it was HONEST reporting it would read "child with spina bifada left to die by parents"
This is utterly disgusting and I'm so sorry this child was abandoned like this. Everyone has failed her.
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meownotgood · 7 months
I just imagine aki throughout the years always being a safe space and then the second you'd graduate he would start looking at apartments to get you out of the situation. then you both finally find the right place, sign it and once you both get accepted aki just picks you up and swings you around all happy and won't stop hugging you. like he'd be all "you made it!! :'D" and probably cry happily at some point in such pure relief that after so many years of dealing with your parents shit and struggling so much mentally that you're finally free and it's all been worth it. and then moving out with aki? looking at furniture with aki? painting with aki? god he can get on one knee while covered in paint at this rate and whip out a ring pop and I'd say yes.
OH MY GOD THAT'S SO AMAZING DUDE I'M SO FUCKING HAPPY FOR YOU!!!!!!!! 💞💞💞💞 I'm so proud that's such a big achievement, I hope you are proud of yourself too <3 <3 <3
gossshhhhhh yes moving out with aki is everything, it makes me so soft... aki is your sense of comfort and you know he cares about you so much, when you tell him how you're feeling he'd almost immediately bring up the idea of moving in together. you can stay with him whenever you'd like, as long as it's comfortable for you. he'd never allow you to be alone and he always wants you to know you're safe with him... he'll make sure of that...
and then when you get your apartment together... having your own spaces but a shared space that reflects the two of you, there's just something so tender about it... when you come home and you see all the different decorations in your living room, yours and aki's shoes next to each other at the entrance, and aki in the kitchen making dinner for you and him, in that moment you truly feel at home.
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batfamfucker · 1 year
There are four main types of Batfam fans in regard to how people interpret Bruce Wayne as a dad (/Joking. This is mostly satire and should not be taken seriously):
Fans that think Bruce is emotionally constipated and isn't the best at being a parent but still tries (Differs per person). Don't necessarily think he's absuive but thinks he can be toxic or have unhealthy expectations for the Robins. Can smell the Oldest Daughter Syndrome coming from Dick and have Family Line (By Conan Gray) as their top song on their Dick inspired playlist and Daddy Issues (By The Neighbourhood) for Jason.
Fans that choose to believe Bruce goes to therapy in their own canon. Love B:WFA. Thinks the comic can be cheesy at times and so find a balance between B:WFA Bruce and Please Go To Therapy BruceTM as their middle ground. He struggles. They advocate that Bruce is not a bad parent, he just has bad writers that seem to forget Bruce wouldn't hurt kids, especially not his own. Love the humane moments and scenes he has in BTAS and the early JL cartoons. He may not be perfect but he's not literally abusive. Whores for Bruce being able to admit when he is wrong and for Jason and Bruce reconciling. I recommend Grow As We Go by Ben Platt for this one.
A mix between the first two. Was fine-ish when Dick was younger. Didn't help him in the healthiest way but eh. Still emotionally constipated but that happened more so after Dick left and Jason died. Started getting better when Tim came back but was still closed off. Should probably go to therapy with the kids so they can drag his ass about all the things he's done that have actually affected them negatively. Understands his mistakes and is also able to admit when he's wrong, eventually. It's not easy but he starts to do better and learns to be more emotionally available. Still has to get chewed out by Alfred sometimes but definitely better than he used to be and it shows. Reconciliation is slow and gradual but progress is made for everyone involved.
The one's I personally avoid for my own sanity and wellbeing:
Think Bruce is a complete bastard and abuser. Want him to choke. Hate any and all interpretations of him. Some of which will refuse to understand how anyone could have a different interpretation. Will point out comics where, in all fairness, he is a dick but forget that characterisation can significantly differ from one series to the next, as comic characters are constantly passed around to different writers and have been for decades. Not to mention movies, shows, etc.
#Bruce Wayne#Batman#Batfam#Batdad#I'm not tagging everyone in the Batfam I can't be assed#Sorry there's like 500#Bruce has a child for every mental disorder he has#Dick is his ADHD. Jason is his C-PTSD. Tim is his Anxiety. Cass is his OCD. Damian is his Autism.#Like bro the therapist is RIGHT there#You have the money just GO#I am a mix of 2 and 3 tbh but more so 2 because he is my comfort fictional father figure. I already have a shit dad irl#I'm not dealing with it in my favourite media too#Type 4 fans scare me I lowkey see so many people like that and I'm like. If the block button wasn't free. I'd be in debt by now#I get that you saw Tom Kings work. So did I. I hate that fuck. But I personally prefer the scene of him in JL with Ace on the swings#Or the one with him playing with shape block toys with a baby whilst Supes and WW handle the questioning#Or when he hugs literally any of his kids#Or the one of him and Jason watching a movie and eating popcorn when Jason's ill. And they have the picture of them posing#Or when he cried in Flashpoint over the letter his dad left him because the little boy in him needed that#Plus any time Bruce and Clark interact as Best Friends. The Golden Age comics where they were basically Dick's gay dads 💀#But yeah. I could make a poll from this tbh.#This is a generalisation on purpose genuinely do not take it seriously#If I see ANY disclosure. It's delete and block on sight#Bruh I'm still recovering from the notes of my Fallout 4 John Hancock in a Drag Race outfit crossover post#I know it sounds like I'm being paranoid but that's because I am. You have not seen the things I have seen in my notes#You do not know of the wars I have fought of over ghoul dicks and high heels#I have seen things I can never burn from my vision. Read things I will never have the mercy of forgetting#Over silly little shitposts. Lmao. Anyway. Here. Have some food.
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jojotichakorn · 7 months
my favourite way people talk about abusive parents is the whole "they did [this and that] but they still genuinely love their child 🥺" shtick. like truly reinventing the wheel. leveraging the same warped ideas of love absuive parents themselves have but as an outsider. keeping the system going. incredible.
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sas-soulwriter · 7 months
Burning House -A story by me
Since I talk a lot about writing tipps,here is something I wrote !
TW: mentioning of death ,grief ,mental health and absuive childhood
"It's been four days now - four infinitely long days. Everything feels unreal, hardly graspable, and I still can't quite comprehend it. Sleep eludes me, eating has become a challenge. Every bite seems like an insurmountable hurdle. Marik is deeply worried about me. I know he's doing his best. In these moments, I feel like a teenager again. Tears keep flowing down my cheeks.
Yesterday, I cried because I couldn't handle the grocery shopping, The day before that too. My boss told me to take as much time as I need. My response was , 'I don't need time. My father and I were not close,' After her long, hesitant look, I apologized to her without really knowing why. Most people probably expect that you grieve the way they do, but that doesn't work for me. Of course, I feel tired and exhausted, but that doesn't mean I can't continue working. Marik advised me to wait a bit longer. 'I don't want you to rush into anything,' he said concerned, as if I were an impulsive person. To me, my father has been dead longer than four days , and with him, all the moments in which we could have talked about my childhood and all his mistakes have died.
When I learned of his death, I had just come home from work. I had placed my keys in a small, shell-shaped dish in the hallway that my mother had given me last Christmas, and then listened to the message on landline phone. I heard my mother's voice, who still uses the landline phone because she claims she can't handle smartphones. At first, I could hardly understand her words; she was sobbing and whimpering. It wasn't until I listened to the message a second time that I understood it: 'Father. The stairs. Fell. Died in the hospital.'
Since then, I've spoken with my mother a few times. My aunt Brigitte and uncle Steven have also reached out to offer their condolences. But I haven't managed to visit my mother. I moved out of home at eighteen, completed my high school in a different city, and went to university right after, where I met Marik. I haven't seen my parents since.
I still remember my father's last words vividly: 'If you just want to run away, then do it, but we won't take you back, you spoiled brat.' He never understood that I didn't feel comfortable with him.Not save, and that there were moments I wanted to talk about. This realization has set within me. He never tried to understand me, and now he never will.
The relationship between a child and their parents is hard to explain in simple words. I always tried to get understanding and acceptance from my father, knowing full well I would never receive it. I still hoped to prove myself wrong someday. There's a quote: 'If you were born in a burning house, you think the whole world is on fire, but it's not.' It never really burned for us. There were no broken noses and no thrown objects. My father never hit me, and my mother always wanted the best for me. Yet, it often felt so confined in the house that you could barely breathe. The fire simmered beneath the surface, invisible but palpable. Not a burning house, but a house full of smoke, where an explosion threatened every second and could sweep everything away. A house where T-shirts stuck to you due to the heat, and you had to hold your breath. A house where anger was swallowed to be able to smile and call it home. As a child, I always hoped that my father would set me free from this confinement, but by now, I've understood that he was the cause of it. Violence doesn't only start physically; it begins with small words.
Right now, I'm alone in the car. Marik is at work. He offered to take time off and accompany me, but I declined. 'My boss will understand. I'd like to support you,' he said concerned. 'I don't need it. I'll hurry and then be back quickly.' Marik wants to be there for me and protect me. He told me that after just a few dates. He even offered to set up an appointment with Dr. Marsch, his therapist, because he believes that sometimes you need someone specialized to talk to. I appreciate that a lot. I need his support, but ultimately, I promised him: 'I'll go in the morning and be back in the evening. It would be nice if you could cook something in the meantime.' My parents' house is only three hours away, and they never visited me during that time. My mother occasionally sent me messages, showing me what she can afford now that she no longer has to provide for me. 'Since we no longer have to support you, so many things are possible,' she said once, as if I had taken every dollar away from her. I've come to terms with it now and try to focus on the road and not the past.
Today is the funeral. The opportunity to ever talk to my father again is gone, and that's just the way it is. I'm trying to tell myself that everything will be okay if I just believe strongly enough.
I arrive at the cemetery. Most of the guests are already there, standing in front of the large church in solemn black attire, bidding farewell. I'm wearing a black jacket and a hoodie. As I step into the cemetery, a woman rushes toward me. She's elderly, with red hair, and as she hugs me, she begins to cry. 'Oh, Vanessa, it's you. I'm so sorry, poor child.' 'Hello, Nora,' I greet her. Nora was our neighbor. She had a little dog and used to inform my mother about every little mistake I made. She missed nothing except my father's angry words. She lets go of me. 'Your father was such a good man. Truly good,' she sobs. I nod, although he wasn't. 'I know he was. You're right, Nora.' She sniffs again. They didn't really know each other that well. 'He was always so great. Such a hardworking man.' I nod again. 'Have you seen my mother?'
Nora points in the direction of the church entrance. 'She's talking to a colleague of your father's. She's quite distraught.' I pass by her. On my way to my mother, seven people tell me how sorry they are. Four of them say how nice it is to see me, even though it's under these sad circumstances, even though they haven't made the effort to visit me in recent years. Five more people stop me, hug me, and swear it's such a tragedy because my father was such a good man. 'God always picks his favorite flowers from the field of people,' says a man who used to play golf with my father.
It sounds like something a thirteen-year-old teenager would post in their story. I don't believe in God, but I still reply to the man, 'Now he's in heaven. He has a better life there.' When I reach my mother, I'm so exhausted that I wish I could immediately get back in the car and return to Marik. My mother looks at me silently.
She's pale, with dark circles under her eyes, and I know she misses my father more than anything else. They were made for each other, just not really to be parents. Sometimes that happens. Some parents aren't good at being parents; they never learn . Some children aren't good at being children; they can't enjoy their childhood, or even have the opportunity to do so.
My mother gives me a brief hug. It feels formal. 'It's good that you came,' she says. 'Good to see you,' I reply. She doesn't ask me how I'm doing. She asks if my speech is prepared. 'I specifically asked you for it,' I nod, like a sheep. Always saying yes and amen. I've written a few words on index cards, which are in my pocket. Actually, I didn't write them myself. After my mother asked me to give a short speech, I had an AI write a brief eulogy for my father last night. The generated speech also describes what a good man my father was, a good father. I just want to get it over with.
The service goes by quickly. I hardly know how to behave. How do you feel at your father's funeral? It's my first time, and I can barely make out a word. As we stand outside by the grave, my mother weeps. The golfing man holds her tightly. Nora is crying too, endlessly. 'You can let it out,' a friend standing on the other side says. I say nothing. In my head, I repeat the words of the speech. Before my trip, I read them a few times. When the casket is lowered into the grave, there is even more crying. In the church, everyone had the opportunity to say their goodbyes at the open grave. I just stayed seated, didn't want to see him, didn't want to say goodbye.
I wish I could follow my friend's advice; I wish I could cry, maybe as much as I have in the last few days, but I can't let go here. I feel all the eyes on me, and it feels foreign. My mother says something. She talks about her great love, how they met when she was twelve, and he teased her in school. He pulled her hair, but she already knew back then in school that beneath the teasing was affection. Now, I want to cry even more. What an absolute lie. 'Life with him was the most beautiful thing in the world. Together, we had a daughter and a few damn happy decades. Whoever finds love has completed half the journey in life, and I thank Tom for walking this path with me. You were a good man. A good father, a good husband.' People nod and clap. Now it's my turn.
I go over to my mother. She hands me the microphone. A cold wind swirls around me, and I wish my jacket were thicker. I think of my warm office, or my bed, preferably the time from four days ago. I take out the index cards.
'Hello, I'm Vanessa, and my father is dead. That's why we're all here.' The words sound wrong, strange, peculiar. I read the next line with my eyes, but I don't say it out loud. I look at all the people who are waiting so hopefully, all with the same opinion: my father was a good man and a good father, they all say. They all claim. Suddenly, I become very angry. I look at my mother. I make my decision. 'I was asked to say a few kind words about my father, but the truth is, I can't think of many. I'll never be able to talk to him again, never be able to hope that he damn well apologizes for everything he accused me of, for never being good enough. But honestly, he would never have done that anyway.
All these years, he had the opportunity to reach out to me, and he didn't.' I hold my breath. The silence is almost unbearable. 'You're all right, my father was a good colleague, a good friend, a good neighbor, a good husband, but he was not a good father.' I hand the microphone back to my mother. Her eyes are wide open. She says nothing. No one says anything. People make way for me. I leave.
On the way to the parking lot, I feel like the whole world is watching me, and I imagine my father rolling his eyes one last time because of my words. On the drive back, I think of Marik and then of the burning house. The further I am from the cemetery, the more relieved I feel. Maybe I can eat something now, and maybe I should give Dr. Marsch a chance. The burning house and the world that's not on fire, that's really true. The world is not on fire. I have Marik and a safe home. I've built it myself."
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weirdbookweeb · 7 months
To the nobody who follows me, allow me to tell yo about Carmen.
Carmen is a character i made who is literally Mother(tm).
She freaking loves gardening, can't cook for the life of her and is dedicated to making sure her kids don't grow up the way she did.
She escaped Italy after divorcing her absuive husband from an arranged marriage, forced to leave her two kids behind because her ex was a dick who wanted to kill her.
Moves to america, befriends this old italian immigrant and his wife who own a dry cleaners and lives with them while waiting for her trust fund to kick in and ends up caring for them until they both pass and she's left the dry cleaners and a broken pocketwatch by the two of them and treasures both of them.
Had to work as a stripper for a couple months to make ends meet and worked a million odd jobs because goddamn middle wage in the 90's sucked.
Took her about 6 years to gain custody of her kids and made a friend called Don Luis, who i love and is traumatized and made horrible decisions and is trying to make it up to his kid but sucks at it.
She can't cook anything except for lasagna in specific and sandwiches, always bring her kids to volunteer on Wednesdays, goes for picnics at the beach on Saturdays, forgets how much a rug costs and refuses to let anyone pay for anything, dresses like a 1950s mafia wife, refuses to wear anything backless because of scars, and loses her absolute shit whenever she even hears about anyone being hurt by their partners or parents.
She barely has a high school diploma, automatically goes back to Italian for every single inconvenience, refuses to swear, and doesn't believe in god but swears to a god every single time she wants to fight someone
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ao3feed-izuku-midoriya · 11 months
On My 5th Birthday, I was Alone
On my 5th Birthday, I Was Alone by M1KU1ST4K1NG0V3RMYL1F3
Izuku was a happy-go-lucky boy, until his life changed. On his 5th birthday. Now he's different, strange. Now his own family has abandoned him, his parents have become like strangers. What can he do?
Idk how to like make a summary but ykwim this is my first fic I hope yall like it 😍 I have a vision!
Words: 2754, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Gen
Characters: Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Inko, Midoriya Hisashi, Shinsou Hitoshi, Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Bakugou Katsuki, Ill add the characters as I go along
Relationships: Midoriya Izuku & Shinsou Hitoshi, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead & Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Inko & Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Hisashi & Midoriya Izuku, Bakugou Katsuki & Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Izuku & Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Midoriya Izuku & Yagi Toshinori | All Might
Additional Tags: Absuive Midoriya Inko, Abusive Midoriya Hisashi, Quirkless Descrimination, Bullying, Swearing 😱, It Gets Worse Before It Gets Better, Sometimes u gotta add some trauma for character development, Izuku and Shinsou will be emo besties, Angst with a Happy Ending, Lots of Angst, Parental Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead | Dadzawa, Midoriya Izuku Needs Help, Help my homeboy !, first fic bro be nice 😞, Vigilante Midoriya Izuku, Vigilante Shinsou Hitoshi
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/48538645
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noddytheornithopod · 2 years
Random midnight Kokoro Mistume thoughts cuz I just watched stream recordings of SDRA2 and she’s on my mind again.
I saw someone claim that apparently LINUJ said if Kokoro had a friend when she was younger, she wouldn’t have gone down the path she did? I can’t find a verifiable source... but it actually kind of affirms my view on the character. Specifically, that she on some level felt like she was broken and a reject from society, something wrong that needed to be fixed. If someone came to accept her for who she was, then maybe her curiosity over emotions wouldn’t become the destructive obsession it did.
I also saw a suggestion that maybe the Tragedy was what changed her, but... nope, timeline doesn’t match up. She would’ve had Mikako nearly two decades before the tragedy, meaning any concerns she had about ethics were long gone by the time of SDRA2. I still wonder what made her give up said concerns though. I do think there’s some merit to the idea that if she lived and her peers were her “classmates” something akin to the childhood friend idea may have happened, because she admitted her ambitions to Sora in her free time events but showed those hesitations. Being around people who could be a positive influence but still accept her for how she was could have helped her.
Somehow didn’t discuss the relationship with Emma even though it’s a big thing with her. That might be because even with anything, the way Emma interacted with Kokoro kinda made me uncomfortable, like as an Autistic person I’ve known instances of people who were like Emma who were all “aww you just need to smile and hang out with us uwu” to me. It’s very annoying, and I mean, Kokoro is visibly annoyed by it too (I think at the party before Yuri died she’s outright like “stop treating me like a fucking child” lol, oh hey infantilisation, another common Autistic experience :v), only actually choosing to open up to Emma when she sees her TRUE feelings and isn’t acting painfully neurotypical UH I MEAN putting on the overly cheery fake personality to spy on her. We see Kokoro actually open to the true Emma and not the fake persona she puts up. In Kokoro’s dislikes she actually has people who mask/conceal their emotions listed, so Emma acting how she did probably got on her nerves even more due to this. Basically, she wanted Emma to stop fucking around and be honest with her if she really was interested in her. And like, despite Emma primarily trying to spy on Kokoro, it is hinted that she did genuinely like her.
Also, there’s the whole thing where Emma’s dad was abusive, and Kokoro was an awful absuive mother herself. I don’t think Emma knew that since I think the Voids only knew the bare minumum/what was absolutely necessary for the game, but there is a weirdly poetic subtext you could gleam from that. Kokoro wasn’t just killed by her own “child”, but another child of an abusive parent. I guess I feel like if Emma properly knew this, her disdain for Kokoro would be way more obvious after the second trial (and okay you could argue there’s an issue of not spoiling things for the amnesiacs because plot, but still). Still, the fact she got pissed off at her and killed her is kinda interesting as said. Do I think they could’ve been friends? Maybe, but probably not in the way I see a lot of people imagining them in fandom (and shipping them), Emma I think needs to accept that if she wants Kokoro to like her then she needs to meet her on her level, even if that includes emotional vulnerability. Kokoro on the other hand would probably need to be more sensitive and respect Emma’s boundaries. But eh, I hate being a cop in fandom, we have too much of that shit, so I’m not gonna complain to people for not following my specific read on characters.
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somekidufoundonline · 2 years
that rmeinds me of how my first rlelaitonship was basiclaly forcfed because me and this girl were close firneds and were alos frineds with this lesbian couple and the lebsian couple (whcih i was pretty sure was absuive somehow) decided to keep claling us fruity until we flet like “oh since we’re being claled that i guess we are”  it didnt las tlong though and flet kinda weird because the girl i was now “dating” was cuaght by hjer homophobic parents.........i may have been her gay awakening
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