sarthhakkk · 1 day
My idea of loving you:
With every fibre of your being, from the depths of your soul to the intricate network of your veins and even to the very core of your thalamus, to ignite a spark in your soul with the same scintillate in my eyes and rage on my lips even after we turn 60.
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nighttime-thoughts · 1 month
Hey, long time no talk
I hope you're doing well and i just wanted to let you know
that I'm still here waiting for you and i miss you a lot.
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thatgirlchallenge · 1 month
going through such a crazy obsession of work lmaooo. Here is a little quote !
" It really does take one day to change the trajectory of your life. Just one day. Is your dream life not worth one day ?"
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doumekiss · 2 months
Usually I'm not a big fan of the trope pair the spares, but I think Rin/Shuro in a post canon scenario could be cute, they seem to have similar vibes and they could bond over having unrequited crushes on people who turned out to be really really gay
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angierockaomi · 5 months
Love, love, love.. What is it good for?
Absolutely nothing.
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lumina001 · 7 days
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Oh my... Metal asked to Amy to be with her forever !! She's have now a engagement ring !! Their own thoughs getting crazy.
Cobalt is so happy for them.
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la-novellista · 10 months
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Mi piace guardarti accadere.
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souvlakic · 14 days
Ughh I really hate 🦢🐰coquette girls🌺🩰 who make jokes about Sylvia Plath's suicide as if it's something funny or when they say I'm so crazy 😋 I hate that. My grandmother also committed suicide due to bipolar disorder. It didn't affect me since i was little, but it did to my dad(and that affected me lol). They don't know how horrible it is, it ruins your life when a family member does that. Is so disrespectful towards Sylvia's daughter, she even wrote a poem about how she is tired of her mother's depression being romanticized.
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echo-story · 8 months
Soooo…I’ve definitely seen some…unique opinions on MDL about episodes 8 & 9…
I’m genuinely unsure why everyone is so caught up on this perceived ‘cheating’. Both kissing scenes, especially Junmo’s, were expertly done. It’s super clear that these are two characters who are in impossible situations, and we can clearly see that Junmo is pressured into the situation. Honestly, it was a bit uncomfortable to watch.
I’m trying not to be frustrated by everyone who is either bashing on Junmo and his wife, or are completely missing any level of nuance this show is trying to offer…
Anyway, thought time over lol 😂
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After a 6 hours nap my face looks like it was ran over by a truck
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the-lazyyy-artist · 1 month
The best way to start the weekend was to cry
... but it was a good cry. You know why? You know damn WELL why.
Because Jay finally dropped The Underworld Sa-GAH!
I had the chance to finally listen to these three emotional and beautifully written songs yesterday, and boy oh boy, I did not expect to tear up immediately on the first song. Listened to it again at work with headphones on, and I cried like I lost my mother (she's alive and well). It hurts so much! Oh my god, Jay!!!
Jorge has such a wonderful and emotionally connected mind when it comes to his music because he knows how to tug the heartstrings of his listeners. The song The Underworld sounded like it was written, produced, recorded, and released with such care. I knew he wasn't joking when he said that this saga would be a pivotal moment in the whole musical, and yes, I really believe that the "Boss" of this saga was Odysseus himself.
As you are reading this right now, I'm sure you're having a better understanding that my favorite song of this saga is The Underworld lol. I love, love, LOVE how Polites and Anticlea's voices just melted into their own melodies. I love how they made their voices to just float above the main melody which was Odysseus'. I just love!!! Jay's mind!!
On to the other songs, I love Mason Olshavksy as Tiresias. His voice is really smooth, emotional, and wonderful. I love hearing him sing No Longer You, and he and Jay have the same tone of voice in the song. It's beautiful!! In the song Monster, I really enjoyed how Odysseus' mind began to spiral because of the prophecy they got. I love how he resolves to the idea that "if I need to be ruthless for all of us to get home, then so be it". I love how Jay wrote this song!!!
I'm assuming everyone in the Epic fandom has listened to the new saga, and everyone also went on this emotional rollercoaster with Ody.
Welp, Imma give this saga another listen before I sleep for the day.
Full Speed Ahead, my peep!
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incorrect-splatoon · 2 years
I know we all make joke about the fact everytime we put an inkling next to an octoling, they fall in love but it actually make alot of sense in a purely psychologic/scientific manner.
Most of species are made to try their best to dodge inbreed (lion are a good exemple for that, has when they are teen, they are exile from their familly unit so they wont breed the mother and sister).
For your case, your brain do his best for you to not be attracted by someone exactly like you, if you have a "type", (physical attraction or prefered nature) you will soon notice you prefer something you are not and you don't have. (I know a woman who prefer flat people has she is really "shape" I am not a sporty or geeky but I might have a type for Jock and nerds). Even if reproduction is not involve this instinct stay, Gay people are often attracted by polar opposite.
What if it was the same for Inkling and Octoling. They have really similar structure and are one the same breed, yet, they are quite different. Their brain must admit there is an advantage to look for a partner who is an inkling/octoling for that. So they are instinctivly attracted to the other species, even if inkling and octoling mostly participate in gay relationship (most of ships in splatoon are gay, has a majority of character are womens anyways, let's not lie)
There is no better exemple than pearl and marina, who are both polar opposite physically: Inkling, Small, white skin, clear white and pink ink x octoling, tall, black, dark ink brown and green.
And mentally: Dumb has fuck, energetic, confident, a bit of a brat, spoiled, yet supportive x intelligent, calm, low self estim, nice, rought past, a bit defeatist.
We now know why Inkling x Octoling is the natural ways.
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myself-feelings · 2 years
Quando eu não te perguntar mais; Quando eu não discutir mais tentando te fazer ver o meu lado da história enquanto vc só olha para o seu; Quando vc vê que as coisas não estão como estava a uns dias. Talvez vc se lembre e recorde de tomar alguma atitude.
Porque eu nunca gostei de alguém realmente que eu não tivesse lutado por ela, como ter insistido, não deixar ela totalmente sozinha, mandar mensagem, ligar e dizer 'Eu preciso falar com vc!', 'Eu não quero que nós fiquemos assim'. Isso sim é uma atitude e não ficar passivamente esperando a outra pessoa ou dizendo que tá respeitando o espaço dela. Algo está mal no relacionamento, resolve! Mas não deixa as coisas como estão.
Isso me deixa triste. As pessoas nunca vão fazer aquilo que vc faria por elas.
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shinandlux · 6 months
If you think about it, our job as actors is kinda to get so into our blorbo (The character we are playing) that we can rp them perfectly, but instead of typing it on a discord chat we do it with our whole bodies for a live audience
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lexa-el-amin · 1 year
that scene in paper girls where Erin gets her period for the first time and Mac steals her tampons and then they read the instructions on how to use them, it's just
"how do you get it out?" - "it says you loosen your muscles" - "which muscles?" - "it's gotta be vagina muscles" - "i don't think mine has those. what if it never comes out?" - "it stays inside you forever and slowly rots." - "i can't. i quit." - "i don't think you can quit your period."
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la-novellista · 9 months
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Bianco, freddo e con le bollicine.
Anche io ho i miei vizi Sir...
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