#This is only a tiny portion of all the books we read so i picked the ones i could remember first
strixton · 1 year
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purplesurveys · 10 months
Who is your most loved person?  I'd say my parents. I'm *really* bad at expressing it but I really think this is the case. They were the first people I thought of, too.
Have you ever been bullied?  Oh you have no idea how much you can be bullied over a name.
Who makes you the happiest?  I'd be lying if I didn't say BTS.
What is the most heroic thing you’ve ever done?  I like to think I saved a life once. I won't delve into it much but I had an orgmate who tweeted something in an extremely distressed yet decided tone and I caught it the second he posted, so I took it as a sign to reach out privately even though we weren't close outside of org work. Stayed with them for like half an hour until they calmed down. It doesn't matter to me whether they still remember that night or not, but I do like to go back to that moment when I need a little self-reminder that I can do nice things too.
What calms you down when you’re upset?  BTS bro.
Have you been betrayed in the past? How?  Yeah I have had a friend spill secrets of mine. Yes multiple ones, and yes it's the same person. I've had her blocked everywhere since 2009 and have no plans to ever talk to her again.
Who do you miss the most?  Nobody in real life.
What’s one sweet/candy you miss from your childhood?  Coffeebeat from Meiji. We used to have a local convenience store that would sell this bundle of Meiji candies - idk how to explain it but it was like a sampler bundle? So like tiny portions of different candies, and sold as one product - and I would only ever eat the Coffeebeats. All the other candies in that bundle, I gave to my sister.
Also, I FOUND WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE OMG. It's this one!!!
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Do you have a favourite celebrity chef?  Baek Jongwon :D I get so excited when BTS does stuff with him or when I see him on my favorite Korean variety shows.
Do you prefer diamonds or pearls?  Diamonds.
Is there anything coming out soon (books, albums, movies, video games) that you’re looking forward to?  Oppenheimer is already out but I have yet to watch it...maybe this Saturday! I've been meaning to take myself out on a weekend. As for music, just Taehyung's and Jungkook's albums.
How do you go about finding books/movies/music to read/watch/listen to?  Books: I never really read anymore but I'm bound to check a book out if it's related to my interests, like if I find out a favorite wrestler is coming up with a memoir.
Movies: I can pick up movie recos from anywhere. All I need is a plot that resonates with me or with my type of movie (read: drama).
Music: I listen to solely BTS these days but if any of the members share a song reco then I'm likely to check it out. So far my favorite music taste has been Joon's.
What’s a band/musician you were really into for a while but who you don’t care about or hardly listen to anymore?  Banks and alt-J.
What is something someone recommended to you that you disliked/hated?  It wasn't recommended to me per se but I was once invited to a birthday gathering where we were treated to watch Me Before You, and I remember not liking it all that much.
Do you find it difficult to keep up with online friendships?  Yes, which is why I quit that life many years ago. It's hard when you're on different timezones, and even harder when you drift apart. After losing my circle of friends from my wrestling fandom, and after experiencing Carley go on and off the radar 1 billion times, I've been too scared to make online friends again.
Has there ever been a person you regret ever being friends with?  Kind of.
Do you think you have a good understanding on love?  I don't know. What counts as 'good'? I don't think I'll ever understand love completely; all I know from it are my own experiences.
What do you want to do on your honeymoon?  I'm not sure, actually. Never really thought about it. First thing that came to mind is to go to South Korea but I feel like I'm just saying where I want to travel HAHAHA
What do you think of your parent(s)?  They are very hardworking and have always done the most and best they can for us.
I do wish my mom did not inflict/pass on so much of her mental anguish on us when we were kids, and I wish she didn't treat us and talk to us and get frustrated with us as if we were adults when we were like 5...but the older I get, the more I understand where she was coming from. I get it. But just because I'm able to empathize now doesn't mean I've forgiven all that happened in the past.
If your best friend confessed that they can see the future, you would…?  I would tell her to get real.
What’s your least favorite pizza topping?  Pepperoni, salami, beef, pork, pineapple.
What’s your dream pet?  I don't have a dream pet. For me, all I need are dogs.
Most unattractive male name, in your opinion?  Bob or Mark.
Is your pet dog male or female?  I've only ever had male dogs.
Have you or would you try shark meat?  I would.
Do you know anyone that’s pescatarian?  I'm pretty sure I do - I think Joanna may be? - but I just wouldn't be able to identify who off the top of my head.
Do you think the government has a cure for cancer, but is hiding it from public?  I highly doubt that.
Do people normally describe you as sexy? No.
Was your ex born in America?  No.
Has your best friend ever made you cry?  Um, only happy ones. She kept me alive when I couldn't do it for myself, and I tend to get emotional when I think about those days.
Do you still talk to the person you liked six months ago?  I haven't liked anyone in nearly three years.
Has anyone ever talked you into doing something you didn’t want to do?  Isn't that the experience of everyone with an Asian parent ever?
Are you smiling in your Facebook profile picture?  The biggest smile I've ever done, yes. I was in Bangkok, posing right in front of the arena where Yoongi was performing that evening.
Be honest, does the person you like actually deserve you?  I don't like anybody.
List 5 things that have been on your mind most recently.  Considering resigning before I get my next promotion; Our family vacation in December that I really don't want to happen; Work-related reimbursements that I need to request ASAP; Figuring out when to be firm and when to be loose as a manager; Taking my dogs to their next vet appointment.
Would you ever wear black lipstick? Do you know anyone who does?  I never wear black lipstick and no I don't know anyone who does.
If you wear eye shadow, do you put on a dark colour or a light?  I don't really wear eyeshadow.
Do you combine your socks and underwear in the same drawer?  Yes, I do.
Does the last person you kissed live within walking distance?  No.
Is there someone you could hang out with all the time, without ever getting bored of them?  Probably not. I love my friends, but at some point I'd also prefer my own company. I was overseas with my close friends for just 5 days, but after that I couldn't wait to be on my own hahahaha.
Do you know a girl named Beth? Tell me about her.  I used to. She was a semi-online friend from the wrestling community; like we weren't close by any means, but we were part of the same community 'clique' and would always be cool with each other whenever we'd interact. She's from the UK and had a CM Punk-related username. She's very pretty, too.
Do you think the last person you kissed has ever lied to you?  Yes.
Have you ever been hit on by somebody way too old for you?  No.
First kink tried?  Choking.
First time doing oral?  I was 18.
Do you send nudes? Do you like receiving them?  Well, not these days, but yes I used to. Yeah I like receiving them too, as long as I'm actually *with* the person; otherwise I imagine I would be grossed out.
How much teasing do you like?  It's not my favorite thing in the world but I can play along. I'd rather be teased than do the teasing, though.
Are you okay with name-calling in bed?  I don't think I've ever experienced it...but I'm open to exploring and figuring out if I'm actually into it.
How often do you do unprotected sex?  I used to be in a same-sex relationship so this wasn't really something I worried about.
Do you like wearing/seeing people in lingerie?  Honestly not into it.
Are stockings/thigh-highs a turn on?  Not for me.
How many other people know your bra size?  I doubt anyone else does.
Do you have any friends you’d sleep with?  Nope.
Does the person you like have any flaws?  I don't like anyone.
Has anyone ever given you a ring? Why?  Yeah, just for funsies.
Creation theory, evolution or the Big Bang theory?  Anything but creation.
What was your last serious conversation about?  I'm so sure and I'm too exhausted to try to remember.
Have you ever been into a real cave?  Yes.
Have you ever posted mean comments on YouTube?  I don't think so. I rarely comment on YouTube anyway.
Name the strangest game you’ve ever played (video game or real game):  I'm not a big gamer but something that comes to mind is that Flash bartending game lol. Strange, but very nostalgic and very very fun.
Who was the last person to play with your hair? Are they cute?  I can't remember...maybe Angela? She's the likeliest to do so anyway.
Who was the last person close to you that died? Did you cry?  Marisse's dad. I didn't cry, but there was a heaviness even though I haven't seen him since I was 7. He and my grandpa used to be close, and seeing him after all these years, but just at his wake, reminded me of those memories I have of them together.
Do you know anyone who uses medical marijuana?  No, that's not legal here.
Do you know anyone who’s died in childbirth?  I have a cousin who apparently passed on, but I'm not sure if what happened was a miscarriage or death in childbirth. We don't really tackle Sophia within the family, but I wish I could know more about her. I only learned about her to begin with from Facebook, although I wish I didn't have to learn about a dead cousin that way.
Do you agree with the “they’re just being kids” excuse?  Idk I feel like this is such a vague statement. There are some things that can be excused, but if a kid is like committing arson or beating up other kids or abusing animals then I'm not letting that slide.
Have you told your parents all of your secrets from when you were a teen?  Never.
What’s the worst name your mom has ever called you?  She has implied that I am worthless in a million and one expressions.
What’s your stance on spooning?  It's cute, until a certain point. I prefer cuddling so I can face the other person :)
Do you currently want a new computer?  It'd be cool but I'm not too pressured to get a new one. Like I've said in previous surveys, I only ever use my personal laptop for taking surveys now. Spending 100k for a new laptop is just such an expensive way to take more surveys LOL
How would your parents react if you got a tattoo?  I feel like they would be nonchalant. I'm 25 and they mostly leave me be at this point + they have their own tattoos so why complain about mine?
Who is your truest friend?  Angela.
Who is your oldest friend?  Angela.
How long have you known them?  18 years.
Where are they right now?  I'm guessing she's at home.
Have you ever dated a friend of one of your siblings?  Nope.
Have you ever dated someone who had a child?  I have not.
What has been your biggest failure in life?  Hmm, probably my first and last relationship.
Do you trust yourself?  For the most part.
Would you ever consider getting an abortion, under any circumstances?  Honestly, no. If it happens, it happens; I support abortion as a choice but it's personally not for me.
What was the last bug you killed?  An ant, I think.
Do you prefer profile pictures by yourself of with someone else?  By myself.
Has a boyfriend’s/girlfriend’s parents ever gotten mad at you? Why?  No idea.
What is the funniest thing a child has ever said to you.  Not to me but my aunt once told me a funny story about my then-10 year old cousin; apparently the two of them had been going grocery shopping and were stopped at the alcohol section. My aunt, bless her heart, was asking my cousin what flavor of soju to get, to which my cousin exasperatedly replied, "I don't know mom, I'm 10." one of my favorite stories ever looooooool.
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cosmic28dreams · 1 year
Building a routine around the weather
Living with my grandparents means that you wake up at Subuh and start your day. You have lunch around Zuhr, teatime after Asar, dinner before Maghrib, and watch TV together until it’s time for Isha then everyone goes on to do their own activities until bedtime. How simple that is. I think it’s quite fascinating. After I moved to the city, my life has not been quite like that. It consists of everyone always going about their own business. No specific time of getting together. Lunch, dinner, supper was all within our own schedule, despite being under the same roof.
As a teenager, I have always struggled to create a routine, especially after moving out of boarding school. There is no longer a routine tied to a community or family, rather just a life that depends solely on the decisions I make on the daily. And that was intimidating, and a bit lonely.
I discovered the concept of creating a routine based on your energy level about two years ago. Do low intensity activities when your energy level is a bit on the lower end, such as reading at 9pm, or meditating early in the morning. Do high intensity activities when your energy level is high, such as exercising in the evening, or maybe in the morning if that’s how your energy graph is like. It was an interesting concept, but it seems so personal, initially I thought it might take a whole lot of observation to determine what your energy level is like. Yet our energy levels vary greatly in our day to day, you might be doing different things every day that might affect your energy level, so keeping track of it might not always work. I liked the concept, tried to implement it but failed constantly.
I was sitting outside yesterday, observing the weather. It was sunny and windy, great for reading I thought. But it was 2pm, usually I would be super sleepy around this time and would not even bother to pick up a book. It was a bit shocking to see that the weather is making me want to read. This is also the thing about living in the city, the weather doesn’t really change anything. You’re inside all the time, everywhere you go you’re almost always blessed with AC. Your home, malls, cars, MRTS. The weather has just become somewhat.. a transitional condition before you continue on with your fast-paced life, rather than a guide to how you should spend your day. Like how prayer times for Muslims normally mark the beginning of each portion of the day, morning, midday, late afternoon, evening, and night, while it signifies time, it also signifies the weather to a certain extent. Or maybe the atmosphere to be precise. Nature's atmosphere, not the one we set. I think our own routine is nice to be built around the weather. As it feels like I’m moving with the day, rather than through it.
While energy levels help us build a routine by reconnecting with ourselves, the weather helps us do the same with nature. Inner and outer connection. And our energy levels are more often than not, determined by the weather, no? Living slow also means observing what the sky is like and what it makes you feel like doing. I can’t recall the last time I said, “Wow what a nice weather it is to take a walk.” I wonder if people only say that in movies? Or am I just chronically a homebody.
I haven't attempted to develop a routine that takes into account both my energy levels and the weather. It’s difficult. I might not be able to do this all the time even. But perhaps planting tiny routines in each day in correlation with the weather, will make me feel more at ease with nature, more like an inhabitant in this world.
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zucchinibread777books · 2 months
Will Grayson, Will Grayson Book Review
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Will Grayson, Will Grayson by John Green and David Levithan Book Review
Two boys, both named Will Grayson, lead entirely separate yet fairly similar lives. Despite not knowing each other and having different sexualities, the Will’s find themselves struggling with similar problems. Trouble connecting with others has made their lives miserable. When bad situations cause them to meet by chance, could it be the catalyst to personal growth?
The Good:
This novel was 100% targeted towards too-edgy-4-u 2010s teen boys. In that sense I am entirely not the target audience for this. I can see how this could maybe have a good influence on boys like that, in a similar sense to Catcher in the Rye. The novel starts with two boys who hate everyone and judge everything, but who also learn to grow and take chances with expressing feelings and finally appreciate the people in their lives. It had a very rough start, but by the end I did feel like the characters were changing for the better.
I really enjoy when I pick up a book without knowing the plot, and it turns out to be a queer story. As someone who loved John Green as a teen, this was one of the few books of his that I had not read, and I randomly came across it in a used bookstore. I really enjoyed the romance portion of it. Even these characters that are so hateful find fulfillment in those they love. Honestly it may have been the only reason I didn’t give up on this book.
I also appreciated Tiny’s character. While he wasn’t perfect, I thought the depth they gave him towards the end and the reason for his upbeat personality made him a very likeable character. Of course he wasn’t always the greatest friend, which I think we’ll learn nobody really is, but his hard work made him very endearing in my opinion.
The parents were also far more involved than usual in books like this, which was a nice change of pace. They step in, they’re there for the characters when they’re needed, and they do seem to try throughout the story. It’s not often we see good parents in books about such bad kids, because usually the authors think that’s the only reason the kids could be acting out, but this time it felt right.
The Bad:
I’m not sure where to begin to be honest. The fatphobia was rampant throughout this book. While it gets acknowledged a little, the casual fatphobic comments and jokes by the narrators that don’t stop by the end were just painful. It wasn’t used for any real character growth, it was just a reflection of how people thought when this book was written. I’m sure if the authors were to rewrite it today, they’d be horrified at just how many comments they made, but since they haven’t we can only see what they thought at the time. Even when Tiny (the nickname itself being bad enough) acknowledges his weight, it still feels as though the authors are blaming him for the way he is treated throughout the book. It’s sad and very disappointing.
Speaking of reflecting 2010 mindsets…..the text slang. It did not age well. I really wish authors would just stop trying to imitate it because it never feels right. David Levithan also purposefully wrote his Will Grayson’s chapters in the style of texts, which to him means no capitalizations at all. Not character names, not place names, not the beginning of sentences, not even the word “I”. I could appreciate that the only capitalization is used for his big gesture at the end of the novel, but there had to be a better way to separate the two narrators. Even different fonts would have been better. Also please, why mention jerking off so much? It wasn’t even necessary to the plot (I guess it adds to my claim for the target audience but….still).
There was also a lot of casual homophobia that does not translate well to modern day. While it isn’t really from the narrators, there are a lot of characters that say shit and just get away with it. The treatment of Tiny isn’t much better. He is written as an entirely gay stereotype. Flamboyant, loud, promiscuous (at least in terms of how easily he falls in love), and the most major theater kid ever. If it weren’t for how the authors treated everything else I might’ve assumed better intentions, but they did him wrong. In so many ways.
The female characters were also so one-dimensional. It’s a common complaint with John Green’s books to be honest. There were only two girls that the main characters regularly interacted with, and one of them was obsessed with Will and did a really shitty thing, and the other one just existed as a smart romantic interest who falls for the wrong guy first. They were very tropey. I did like Jane but the ex-boyfriend detail made me want to scream. It felt like the authors just needed to make the book longer so they added another unnecessary conflict.
Obligatory men don’t know shit about women quote: “you do realize, don’t you, that when a guy and girl get together, he puts his thing where she urinates and gets her period?” pg 175 (not the same hole buddy)
I’m…torn over how they deal with mental health here. One of the Will Graysons has depression, and Levithan purposefully made it so that it wasn’t just a beginner story, but showed how it is after years of having it. But it feels so hopeless. He takes the meds but doesn’t actually feel better and doesn’t seem to be doing any of the suggestions for dealing with mental health. It felt more like they were showing that meds are useless and you’re never going to feel better. Plus the comments about self harm just take away from the goal even further! The way he talks about his “friend” self-harming just because she needs material for her poetry, it’s disgusting. It’s like “oh goth women can’t be depressed, clearly they’re doing it for the attention while I, a sad white boy, have real issues.” He admits to being bad to her later but, just like the fatphobic comments, does not seem to actually reflect on how shitty he was.
I am glad I don’t tend to DNF books, because this one was possibly the worst beginning I’ve seen in a while but I did enjoy the end more. I even cried a bit at the last scene, just because I’m a sucker for unexpected big gestures. That being said, I wouldn’t recommend this for anyone except shitty teenage boys who probably think books are lame. I also probably won’t be rereading it. It handled serious topics very poorly and, while it was an easy read, it wasn’t particularly a good one. I’m not sure I would trust anyone who reads it this day and age and gives it five stars, but because I enjoyed it in the end I will give it
2 Stars
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moemoemammon · 3 years
Ok. I need to get this idea out to someone. Solomon and mc are messing with potions for class and he accidentally gives mc a “youth” potion that makes you look younger. It turns mc into like a 4 year old for like a couple of days. What do you think would be the demon brothers (any) reaction to babysitting their master? What would they do? Idk i think it would be a little funny.
You’ve Gotta Be KIDding me, MC!
(Feat. GN!MC and the Demon Bros)
✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦
He'll be exchanging words with that sorcerer bastard later. You can bet on that.
Lucifer doesn't take kindly to the idea of MC having run ins with magic in general, but at least this seems to be on the tamer side of the magical spectrum. And he had to admit, it's sort of amusing.
He intentionally watches you try to handle things on your own. Be it reaching for things too high up, stubbornly carrying things too heavy for your tiny arms, or making messes when you try to tidy up, Lucifer waits patiently until you ask for help (or until he can't take it anymore).
Treats you like he always does, despite your size. He doesn't talk to you like a child, or try to force toys and nap times onto you, but may or may not tease you when it's only the two of you. After all, you may look like a child, but that doesn't mean you are one. It's still funny to harass you a little, though.
"As independent as you may be, please refrain from trying to climb up onto the counter. If you need something, ask one of my brothers, or myself. If that isn't obvious enough, perhaps a 'time-out' is in order?"
When Mammon recovers from laughing for twenty minutes, (and also making threats on Solomon's life) he then decides to take a billion pictures of you. Now calls you 'munchkin' and variations of it.
And if you thought he was clingy before, just wait till you see how he is now. You're ACTUALLY helpless and vulnerable. I mean, you'd hardly make an appetizer for a random demon! So Mammon's gotta keep an eye on you. Maybe even a toddler leash-
Unintentionally treats you like an actual child. His older brother mode kicks in, and he finds himself taking care of you as naturally as breathing. Mammon? Being responsible?? It's more likely than you think.
He hands you a cup of juice before you can say 'I'm thirsty'. He'll slide over some sliced up fruits before your stomach has a chance to growl. You're tired? No kidding. That's why he's got a blanket and pillow on the sofa for you.
"Where do ya think you're goin', short stack? Nowhere without ME, that's where! I already told ya, if there's somethin' ya need, just tell me!" "Huh? I'm spoilin' ya too much? S-so what if I am?!"
Solomon came in with a child in tow that looked a hell of a lot like MC, and this man nearly had a heart attack. There's no way... did those two have a secret love child?! Th-that's just-!! Oh, it's only MC.
WAIT A MINUTE...TH-THIS IS....! ISNT THIS JUST LIKE 'DETECTIVE C*NAN'? Uwaaah... Just look at you! You're still just as smart as before, but you've become super small! Talk about the ultimate gap moe!!!
Levi isn't a big fan of the idea of tiny, sticky hands touching his things, so he's glad you've still got your normal brainpower. That being said, he finds himself talking to you normally. Maybe even easier than before!
It kinda throws him off that you guys can't do the things you'd normally do together. Your fingers don't have their usual dexterity so playing games is a challenge, and your attention span is a little shorter so these TSL marathons are killing you. But have no fear, Levi knows a ton of other things you could do together! He won't let something like this spoil his time with his dear Henry!
"If you can't use the controller, let's try something that doesn't need one! I've got a new Ruri Hana VR game with REAL motion and voice tracking! If you say the spells out loud, you'll cast them in game! Ah, and it auto-adjusts to the player's height, so there's nothing to worry about!"
Watching you struggle to enter the House of Lamentation in your oversized RAD uniform nearly sent him to the stratosphere. He inhaled tea when you almost tripped over your blazer and had to get a couple of slaps on the back from Asmo.
Does his best to find a cure for your 'little' problem, but the most that can be done is waiting it out. In the meantime, would you like him to read you a story? Large books are probably difficult on your tiny hands.
Constantly catches himself treating you like a tot. He's not trying to, but he can't help himself when he sees your round eyes staring up at him, or when he watches you try to climb up onto an armchair.
"Up we go- There. It must be hard for you, having to climb up into the chairs like that. I've got a stool if you'd like to use it? Though, I don't mind if you sit on my lap, too." "Hm? I'm embarrassing you? I-I didn't realize how overzealous I was being. Ehem...."
Oh that Solomon and his silly spells and potions, always making trouble! It's just one of his many charm points! And seeing as there are no permanent consequences from this harmless mishap, Asmo's enjoying it to the fullest.
Can you blame him? You're SOOOO cute~! So tiny and adorable! Why would've know that was possible?? Look this way, MC! He wants to take some pictures of you! Lowkey uses you as a photo op prop
He used to work part time at a daycare, you know? Asmo's great with kids! But that also means he's treating you like one. There's personalized snacks, cute little nicknames, and he's already gone and bought you a week's worth of clothes. Nobody tell him it'll only last a day-
He can be a little annoying with the baby talk and all the little activities he's planned for you, but you can tell he's enjoying himself.
"MC, look~! I've got plenty of ribbons to decorate your hair with! I'll let you choose your favorites, and then we can set out in town!" "Hm? Where are we going? To the playground, silly! You must be dying for a play date after being stuck in this dreary house all day, right?"
He was kinda teetering between whether or not he should throw Solomon across the yard like a football when he saw him carrying a teeny MC, but all was forgiven when he learned it was an accident.
Has now designated himself the permanent MC carrier. Your feet will never touch the ground so long as you're a child. And it's no problem for the likes of Beel, when you're as light as a feather! That makes him a little more conscious about being careful with you though-
Be it piggybacking or carrying you in his arms, he hasn't released you since he's spotted you. And don't think he's forgotten about feeding you. Beel's also taken your meal prep upon himself. You'll prefer things that've easy to eat, right? Though it kills gum to give you smaller portions than usual.... it feels cruel...
Somewhere between babying you and treating you as usual. He speaks normally to you as he always does, but prioritizes your needs over everything else. He wants to make sure you're well taken care of until this potion wears off.
"You're sure you've had enough to eat? I know I gave you a snack earlier, but... to think you really can't eat as much as before.. I'll talk to Solomon again. It must be torture to have such a tiny stomach, I'll do my best to get you back to normal."
There's obvious opportunity here, and Belphegor won't let it go to waste. (No not for murder)
He's getting a kick about your new mini mode. How's the weather down there? Do you need him to pick you up so you can reach the high shelves? Don't worry, he'll get you a sippy cup.
When the teasing has settled down, he pays attention to a more pressing matter: you're now the perfect side for cuddling. You're a living hot water bottle, not too big, not too small, tiny and soft and adorable. Er, he won't mention that last part though.
Anyway, Belphie thinks a little kid like you should go on and take a nap now. It's exhausting having such short legs and wandering around the house all day, right? He gets it. You look tired and he knows the solution.
"Ah, you're just as cozy as I thought you'd be... Though, it feels kind of weird holding you like this. It's like holding a stuffed animal, but you're not nearly as cute." "Pfft, what's that face for? Sorry, sorry, I was only teasing."
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finelinevogue · 3 years
I love your “little moments” series… I have a weak spot for dad!Harry💕 and I love the relationship between the family’s members 🤗 and I really hope u will continue to update it! And for this series I would like to request Harry doing the 73 questions interview for Vogue and his kids and wife make an appearance (u can choose if the kids are toddlers or teens) and they even answer some questions OR an Howard Stern interview where Harry is asked about his family,maybe the host makes like not so nice-low key shady comments on his wife and on Harry’s daughter coming out story. Ok I’ m done, so sorry ik it’s so long 😅 it’s just I love your series sooo muchhh 🥰🥰 ok I’m done love u have a good day 😘
i’d love to answer this one!! thank you so much for loving my little series💕this one’s for you and for the other request i got which i’m combing with this: “Harry is doing a interview on facetime when his kid crashes the interview.” so pls enjoy and yeah enjoy;
oli - 6, felix - 4, belle - 1
The day had finally arrived for Harry Styles to complete the 73 Questions with Vogue.
It had come to be the promo for ‘Don’t Worry Darling’ and his schedule was booked with interview after interview after interview, and it wasn’t ideal for this to all be happening months whilst also having to look after three meddling toddlers, one of whom had only recently turned 1 years old.
The house was chaos. Fun, but chaos. And it was also the setting of this interview.
“Alright you lot, this way.” You shoved your children along to your living room, giving Harry the space he needed with Joe Sabia - the interviewer.
“Thank you love, see you later.” He blew a kiss to you and returned his focus to Joe. This interview was the first of many and it was also a major marketing ploy. These types of interviews were so highly recommended for Harry to be involved in and Jeff had thought it was about time for him to do one.
Joe had arrived around 15 minutes ago, just to
run over the script and remind Harry of the pre-determined questions - which reminded him of the answers that you’d run through with him the night before. Now the cameras were set up, the mic people were all at stand-by and Joe was ready it was time to begin. The children had been so fascinated by all these new people, after not seeing anyone for months due to the coronavirus pandemic, which is why it took a lot of trouble to get them to shuffle away from their beloved dad.
A fake door knock arose.
“Harry Styles hello!”
“Hi!” Harry waved at the camera.
“I’m here to do the Vogue 73 Questions, shall we get to it?”
“Of course! Come in!” Harry welcomed Joe into the house and shut the door behind him, not trusting his little ones to not escape if they were running wild.
“Beautiful house! Is it your only one?”
“No, but it’s my only one in London.” Harry made a point of not exploiting how many houses he did have and where they were. In fact, you still didn’t know about the Island that he was currently investing in just for you. You were a huge conservation activist and so Harry thought you could spend your free time helping the fragile ecosystem on this island.
“Did you design it yourself?”
“Me and my wife built the plans, but we go the experts to finish it all off.”
“What’s your favourite room?”
“Um, probably the living room.”
“So many of my favourite memories have happened in there.”
“Could you give us some?”
Harry could give loads, but they were far too precious for him to just give away. The living room wasn’t even a massive room, it was quite quaint with a couple of sofas, a logwood fire and then rugs and paintings on the walls. It was a home within a home. It was where Felix had taken his first steps. It was where Oli had spoken his first words. It was where Belle had fallen over for the first time and given herself nasty carpet burn. It was where presents were opened at Christmas. It was where you and Harry had made love next to the fire. It was where Felix and Oli had had their first tiny argument. It was where you spent family nights. If your house was a map then that room marked X the spot.
It was treasure. Priceless.
“My favourite would probably be when my wife, Y/N, spilt red wine all over the new white carpet and then proceeded to throw white wine over the stain because she’d read somewhere that it helps to get rid of it.” Harry chuckled at the memory.
“Did it?”
“No, God no. The carpet’s grey now.”
Joe laughed, as did Harry.
“I have to say Harry, you’re looking very fashionable today who are you wearing?”
“Gucci.” He blushed, because he knew that everyone would’e known that without question. He was wearing a lilac silk shirt with his name embroidered on it - but really it was to symbolise your last name not his - with a white wife-beater shirt and white shorts. He looked rich.
“Shouldn’t have asked really? Is your wife as much a Gucci avid fan?”
“She hates anything expensive. I think she still wears the same jeans she was wearing at university!” He knew you’d hit him later for saying that.
“So she’s a hoarder?”
“God yeah. She keeps everything and anything.” Harry laughed in admiration.
“Has she always been?”
“Always. When we went on our first date, her bag was so full that she couldn’t find her purse and she was so embarrassed because she thought I would think she was taking advantage of who I was. Anyways I did end up paying that night, but she had actually, I don’t know how, sent me money for her portion of the bill. From that moment I knew it was going to be her.”
“Do you write songs about her?
“Every day.” He smiled at the thought of the one he’d written just this morning.
“Which one is your favourite about her?”
“I don’t know about favourite, but the one I hold closest to my heart is probably ‘Fine Line’.” Harry stopped there, not wanting to share the intimate details of why and Joe respected that.
“Do your children have a favourite song of yours?”
“They go crazy for Kiwi and Golden. Belle loves Treat People and Oli knows the dance to that one actually.”
“Did you choreograph the dance for TPWK?”
“Partially, but I had help from my friend Paul and Y/N helped too actually.”
Harry and Joe had now made it through the house, weaving in and out of rooms, until they had made it to the Garden. Unfortunately, you’d forgotten to shut the bifold doors to the living room and so as soon as Harry came into focus for your children they immediately ran for him. Oli and Felix could run quite well, but Belle was a lot slower. She was only learning how to walk and so she fell a lot, unless she was being supported by you or Harry. Oli reached his dad first and then Felix, to which Harry knelt down to embrace them in ‘super-dad’ hugs as he liked to call them.
“And who do we have here?” Joe asked.
“Trouble.” Harry replied in jest, but whispered something into his boys ears before backing away.
“Hello i’m Oli.” Oli waved proudly to the camera.
“Hi i’m Fix.” Feliz shied into his dads neck, embarrassed of himself. Harry kissed the back of his head and kept a hold oh him around his back for comfort.
“Fix?” Joe asked at the peculiar name.
“It’s Felix, but he can’t pronounce his own name for some reason so we just call him Fix now. Or Flix. Don’t we buddy?”
“Oh my! I’m so sorry about this!” You ran out in panic, knowing your one job was to keep the kids entertained and away from their dad. At least that was the original plan, but both Harry and Joe like this idea so much more. You were blushing red in embarrassment, picking up a fallen over Belle on your way over to everyone else. “So sorry.”
Belle became restless in your arms, reaching forward for her dad. She whined when she couldn’t quite reach and Harry immediately stood up to take his winging daughter from your arms. As he did, he leant into you and whispered in your ear whilst leaving it a warm kiss behind.
“You’re okay love. Don’t be sorry.”
“Hello Y/N!” Joe spoke.
“Hiya! How are you?”
“I’m great, and you?”
“Peachy.” You laughed, leaning down to collect Felix who was making grabby hands at you. Oli was quite happy standing next to both his parents, one of Harrys hands running through his tiny locks of hair.
“So now we have the family together, how do you feel to all be together?”
You looked to Harry smiled to find him smiling back already at you, knowing you both had a very similar answer. “It feels right. It feels like home.” You answered and Harry nodded in agreement, giving Belle a gentle rock in his arms.
“Are you okay with showing your children’s faces publicly?”
“No we’re not.”
“Looks like we have a hell of a lot of editing to do back at HQ.” Joe laughed, but completely understood the reasoning behind yours two decision. If needed, you could re-film scenes of this interview so that it didn’t include your children. Joe had done his best to keep the camera on you and Harry and luckily the children kept their faces buried in their parents necks anyways. “Is that going to be forever?”
“When they are old enough to decide whether they want to be in the spotlight then we’ll see.” Harry smiled, holding onto Belle tighter because all he wanted to do was keep her protected, and his, forever.
“You two seem like very good parents.” Joe spoke sincerely, and it made you swallow down a sob because it was always really lovely to hear such compliments - knowing you’d struggled with postnatal depression.
“Thank you Joe.” Harry nodded respectfully.
“Okay let’s carry on?”
The interview carried on until Harry had answered so many questions. He redid bits, due the children being too involved and he re-filmed answers to questions he found difficult to answer the first time around. He had such a great experience and was happy with the way that the day turned out.
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oreomonsterhunter · 3 years
“I’m not wearing my sexy underwear tonight”
Pairing: Johnny x reader (or OC)
Word Count: 3988
Genre: fluff, not smut but they both really wanna toe the line
Warnings: language, some sexy kisses (cover your eyes kids)
Summary: Johnny takes his best friend on their first date
A/N: this has absolutely morphed into a long term couple, because apparently Princess has taken the reins 😂 if you like this, check out the rest of their story so far on my masterlist!
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You were nervous.  Friends with Johnny since diapers, and somehow you were nervous to meet him in five minutes.  You glanced at the time—make that four minutes.
Pacing back and forth in front of the door, you smoothed down your dress again.  All Johnny had told you was to dress up.  He might be a fashion king, but he wasn’t exactly the best at sharing details.  You’d teetered between twenty different outfits before finally settling on a happy medium.  Couldn’t show up to a museum in an evening gown.  Well, you supposed you could, if you even owned one.  So the little black dress at the back of your closet was the final choice.  Safe enough for just about every venue, since Johnny hadn’t told you where your date would be.
You sucked in a breath, fighting against the nerves tight in your stomach.  Your first date, oh my gosh.  How were you supposed to date Johnny?  You’d done practically everything together already, what made this different from going to the movies together last week?  Aside from the obvious—last week, you didn’t know what Johnny’s lips felt like on yours.
Then you groaned at your sudden realization.  Jeez, you couldn’t do anything right in this relationship with Johnny.  You were about to have your first date but you’d already had a hot and heavy makeout session at an unmentionable hour of the morning.  So much for “will I kiss him afterwards?”  Dating for five seconds, and everything was already out of order.  You wanted to scream, but before your thoughts could really start spiraling, you heard a knock at the door.
You were sweating, oh gosh.  Did you need to reapply deodorant?  You froze, staring at nothing.  Until another knock sounded, this time accompanied by Johnny’s familiar voice, “Yo, are you ready to go?”
You sagged in relief.  Nothing else would have snapped you out of the nervous cycle better than Johnny being….well, Johnny.  And when you finally convinced yourself to open the door, the sight of his easy smile was enough for yours to appear, too.
“Well, uh, hi,” he stuttered, making you giggle.
You slipped on your shoes, grabbed a small purse, and locked the door behind you.  Then you linked arms with Johnny, “Alright, where to, mystery man?  You haven’t told me anything.”
“That’s mostly because I didn’t figure anything out until today.”
Biting your lip to hold back a giggle, you tugged him down the hallway.  “No wonder you didn’t share much detail.  I should’ve known.”
Johnny tightened his grip on you when you stepped out of the elevator, leading you to the car.  He didn’t say much, which was a bit out of character.  Frowning up at him, you tried to meet his gaze.  He finally looked down at you when he opened the passenger door for you to get in.  “You, uh, you look really nice tonight.”
A small smile bloomed, “Not looking so bad yourself, hot stuff.”
* * * * *
Apparently Johnny had picked out a restaurant for dinner.  A fancy restaurant.  You read through the list of entrees with a barely-concealed grimace.  “Do you know what any of these words mean?” you asked him.
Johnny beamed at you, “Nope, that’s half the fun.”
A waiter walked by with a tray destined for another table, and you both gaped at the miniscule portion sizes.  “Those look like appetizers,” Johnny said, goggling at the tiny salad. “Maybe I can order several steaks. I’d need about five of them.” He started eyeing the menu again.
“As long as you’re picking up the tab,” you joked.
“Oh, I thought you were,” he said, all wide eyed innocence.  You smacked his arm with your menu, fighting a grin at his usual antics.  The couple at the next table shot you a look, and you hunched back in your seat.
“Don’t worry, I’m paying.  Order whatever you’d like,” Johnny said, still puzzling over the ridiculous dinner options.
You frowned, reaching for your water.  But shoot, it probably cost five bucks for tap, you thought with no small amount of horror.  You set it back down before you drained more of Johnny’s wallet.
After a few more minutes of torturous silence, trying not to fidget too much, you leaned forward.  “Do we even have a waiter?”
Johnny jerked upright, looking over his shoulder at the man in question.  “I don’t know?”
“I’ve been trying to make eye contact with the staff for five minutes and they’re all ignoring me.”
Johnny blinked at you.  “Wait, are you ready to order?”
“No, I wanna ask if they charge for water.”
“No one charges for water,” he chortled.
“I bet it’s five bucks a glass,” you said, crossing your arms.
Now Johnny was really laughing, and half the restaurant was staring at your table.  “Only if it’s imported from the crystal springs of Iceland,” he said, grinning.
“Wait, really?”
“Hell if I know,” Johnny said, making you snort some of your water.  You shrunk down in your chair, hiding your red face while he kept laughing.
“I don’t know this man,” you said to the people at the next table. They stared at you, whispering among themselves.  Pouting, you turned back to Johnny.  ��I can’t believe you booked a table here,” you cocked an eyebrow at him.  “I thought we were burger joint people, not escargot snobs.”
“Do you really not wanna eat here?” he asked, propping his elbows on the table.
You opened your mouth to respond, but your waiter finally showed up to take your order.  “Good evening, can I interest you in anything else to drink?”
“Any Icelandic sparkling water?”  Now Johnny was the one snorting inelegantly.
The waiter laughed, despite not knowing the joke.  “Can I interest you in a bottle of red?  You seem like a red wine woman.”
You smiled politely, reaching for the wine list when he offered it to you.  “Sure, I’ll take a look.”
The waiter smirked, eyes landing on you.  “I’ll have to card you, miss.”
Your brows raised, but you complied, digging out your wallet.  Across the table, Johnny cleared his throat, “Do I look like a red wine guy?”  But the waiter barely glanced at him before his eyes were back on you.
“Your photo doesn’t do you justice,” the waiter commented, handing your ID back.
“No one looks good in those pictures,” you chuckled.
“I beg to differ,” he said, then nodded at the wine list.  “What can I get you?”
You glanced over at Johnny, who was fidgeting enough to shake the table.  Curious.  “What do you recommend?” you asked, twirling a strand of hair around one finger.
“You might be interested in one of our finer vintages,” he began, leaning over your shoulder to point out a few wines on the list.  You heard a subtle sound, and out of the corner of your eye, saw Johnny’s fingers rapping the table at a rapidly increasing pace.  You bit your lip, focusing on the wines again, but not before adding a little more fuel to the fire.  Time to test your theory.  You crossed your legs, brushing one foot up Johnny’s calf in the process.  The man jumped as if electrocuted, his knees banging into the underside of the table.
“How about this one?” you asked innocently, looking up at the waiter again.
“A lovely choice, though it is on the higher range, so I’m not sure—”
“We’ll take it,” Johnny announced, plucking the wine list from your fingers and shoving it at the waiter.
You raised an eyebrow, but the waiter simply smiled at you, apparently unbothered by growly Johnny.  “I’ll bring that right out for you,” he said, taking the wine menu and leaving you to suffer over dinner options.
Johnny cleared his throat, leaning towards you again.  “That waiter’s a bit weird, huh?” he asked, watching the man walk away.  “He didn’t even ask what I wanted.”
You donned your best sparkly-eyed expression, “But he’s being so friendly!  He really deserves a nice tip, he had some helpful suggestions.”
Johnny frowned, “He’s obviously flirting with you.”
“No way,” you laughed, waving him off.
Johnny rolled his eyes, “Trust me.  He’s flirting with you more than I am, and I’m the one taking you on a date.”
You leaned forward, resting your elbows on the table.  “Maybe you should start flirting with me some more, then.”
Johnny sent you an indecipherable look.  You wondered if your teasing had worked.  But Johnny seemed to have calmed down some, now that the helpful waiter was out of sight.  
You shrugged, sitting back in your chair.  You changed the subject, giving the man a break.  “Seriously, we don’t need to spend this much on dinner.  I feel bad.”
“I thought you’d like this place,” Johnny said, brows furrowing.
“I will literally go anywhere with you, it doesn’t matter, I just….I dunno, I feel like I don’t fit in here.”  You weren’t quite sure how to express your fear that people would call you a gold-digger or something, only dating Johnny now that he’d achieved success.  Even if the two of you knew better, it still made your stomach twist.  And not in the nice way it did while watching Johnny’s hands playing with his water glass.  Shoot, shoot, shoot, now his fingers were wet from the condensation.  You really didn’t need to know what that looked like.  Had his hands always been that large?  You shifted in your seat.
Johnny’s mouth twisted in a wry smile, “I don’t know if either of us really fit in with the rich old person vibe, but I heard the food is good.”
I’d rather have a bite of you, you thought to yourself, twisting the napkin in your lap.  You’d never seen him in a suit before.  Or at least, not in person.
Johnny coughed suddenly, staring at you with wide eyes.  “What?”
Oh shit, did you say that out loud?  Your cheeks burned.  “Um, I’d be, uh,” you stuttered, trying to cover your mistake, all confidence extinguished.  “We could get burgers, or something.”
Johnny sat back in his chair, eyes on yours.  He smirked, and you wanted to disappear into a hole in the ground.  Oh no, he definitely heard you.
“As long as I get to keep watching you,” Johnny said, voice low.  “You really are beautiful, not just tonight.  Every night.”
You opened your mouth, not sure what to say, but knowing that you wanted Johnny to keep looking at you like that.  Like you were the main course.  “Johnny, I—”
“Your wine, miss,” the waiter had returned.  You bit back a frown, knowing he was just doing his job.  But he seriously couldn’t have waited another minute?
“Thank you,” you murmured, sampling the first sip before allowing the waiter to pour both glasses.
“Can I interest you in any appetizers?” he asked, pouring Johnny’s wine.
You blinked, having forgotten the menu entirely.  Across the table, Johnny pulled out the menu, but before he could point anything out, the waiter was hovering over your shoulder.  “Might I recommend the cheese board?  It will pair beautifully with this bottle.”
“Might I tell you my order?” Johnny said.  His smile was sharper than before.  You might have teased him some more, but you got a bit distracted by Johnny’s jawline as he turned to speak to the waiter.  Honestly, you were having trouble tearing your eyes away from him all night.  It felt like seeing him for the first time, and in a way, you supposed you were.  You’d always known Johnny was attractive, since the time all boys started to look cute.  You’d just never let yourself think about it too much.  Best friend mental boundaries and all that.
Maybe if Johnny hadn’t said anything on that night, you wouldn’t have ever seen him like this.  You wouldn’t have allowed yourself to admire the column of his neck, or his long fingers as they unbuttoned the top of his shirt.  It would’ve been you and your stupid butterflies trapped in the friend zone forever.
Thoroughly distracted now, you bit your lip as you wondered what Johnny’s neck would look like with some new decorations.
“You realize they sell food here, right?  You don’t have to look at me like I’m an appetizer,” Johnny whispered across the table dramatically.  You startled, looking around, but the waiter had left at some point during your daydream.  Oh gosh, did you drool?  You pressed the back of your hand to your face discreetly, relieved to find nothing of the sort.
Then your brain caught up to Johnny, and you looked up at him with a smirk, “You’re too big to be an appetizer.”
Johnny choked on a laugh, covering his mouth to hide his smile when the other diners looked your way.  When he appeared to have himself under control again, he eyed you from head to toe—or at least what he could see from across the table.  He shot you a grin, “You’ll find out soon enough, won’t you?”
You watched him through your lashes, not quite sure what to make of him anymore.  You’d had your fair share of fun with other guys, but never in a million years had you imagined flirting with Johnny so blatantly.  Let alone in a fancy five star restaurant like this.
A sudden presence at your side startled you, and you jumped a little when the waiter reached over your shoulder to set a dish down.  “Sorry for startling you,” he murmured, moving away slightly, but not before brushing your shoulder in apology.  “Should I leave you with this for now, or are you ready to order?”
Johnny’s eyes flashed, and you bit back a curse at the waiter’s truly stellar ability to interrupt.  “We’re fine, thank you,” you said, unable to stop watching Johnny.  Or his hand, slowly tightening into a fist on top of the table.
“Would you like to hear the specials tonight?”
You donned a polite smile, nodding at the waiter to continue.  While he read down the list of fancy-sounding entrées, you turned your smile on Johnny, who was vibrating in his seat again.  You could’ve sworn your water glasses were shaking, and you held back a giggle.  You uncrossed and recrossed your legs, extra slowly to make sure he got the message when you “accidentally” brushed his knee this time.  The vibrations stopped, and his eyes burned into you.
“Thank you, we’ll keep looking over the menu,” Johnny interrupted the waiter, his voice deeper than before.  Your smile only grew.
Once the waiter was out of earshot, you leaned in.  “Can we leave?  I can’t even kiss you here.”
“Yep, yes, absolutely,” Johnny said, standing up the second the words were out of your mouth.  He nearly upended the table, making you snort.  “Right now,” he nodded, striding for the exit.
You scrambled out of your chair, rushing after him.  “Johnny,” you hissed, grabbing his sleeve.  “We didn’t pay yet.”
He came to a halt in the hallway, and you nearly ran into his back.  Then Johnny turned around, and you became very aware of the semi-secluded location as he moved closer.  You squeaked out a panicked, “Not here!”  You backed away until he finally reached out, one hand circling your waist to reel you in.
Johnny’s eyes moved over your shoulder, then back to yours.  He smirked, leaning in close enough for you to feel his lips brushing your cheek as he murmured, “Tell the valet to get the car.  I’ll grab the wine.”
You could’ve sworn you felt his hand brush down your back, lower.  Your cheeks burned hotter.  But when you turned, Johnny’s broad shoulders were disappearing around the corner, and the waiter was hurrying in the opposite direction.
* * * * *
You ended up ditching the car and walking around the neighborhood.  You only looked slightly out of place with your high heels and makeup when you ended up at a tteokbokki joint.  You’d played rock paper scissors between that and burgers, and Johnny won, as usual.
After dinner, you were reasonably close to your apartment, so Johnny offered to walk you home. It felt like another one of your late-night adventures, except you were usually in sneakers. When your feet got tired, you stopped in the middle of the block to take off the killer heels, sighing in relief.  You slung the straps over your wrist, prepared to keep trudging along, when Johnny swooped in.  One second, you were on the ground, the next, you were admiring the top view of Johnny’s ass from where you were dangling over his shoulder.
“Johnny, what the fuck,” you asked breathlessly, dying of laughter.  And from his shoulder digging into your diaphragm.
“Are you crazy?  You could cut your feet open,” he scolded you.
“At least there’s a nice view,” you sighed, reaching down to pat his butt.
Johnny put a little bounce in his next step, and you grunted at the impact.  You could practically feel his smug little grin.  “Hands off the merchandise.”
“How is that fair?  You totally copped a feel back at the restaurant.”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
“Bull,” you said.  “You went all ‘alpha male’ with that nice waiter.”
Johnny huffed, “I wasn’t jealous.”
You grinned in victory.  “I never said you were, mister offering-up-information.  Now put me down, you caveman.”
Johnny’s grip on your thighs loosened, and his hands slid up to your waist, holding you tightly as he helped you back down.  You froze for a second when your feet hit the ground, not expecting to be face-to-face with him so suddenly.  “Wait right there,” Johnny said firmly, finally releasing your waist.
You blinked at him in confusion, watching as he slid his suit jacket off.  Your eyes widened when he reached for you, but it was only to wrap the jacket around your waist, tying the sleeves into a knot to hold it in place.
“There,” Johnny said, nodding at his handiwork.  Then he turned, crouching down slightly.  “Alright, princess, hop on.”
You beamed at him, not that he could see it.  It wouldn’t be a walk with Johnny if he didn’t end up carrying you at the end of the night, you chuckled to yourself.  You were fiercely grateful to Johnny for thinking of his jacket—you weren’t quite sure how long your skirt was, now that you were wrapped around him like a koala.
“Thanks, Johnny,” you mumbled, burying your face in his neck.  “You’re the bestest.”  You left a smacking kiss on his cheek, and he laughed, tightening his hold on your legs.
Finally, you arrived at your apartment building.  You slid your heels back on, balancing with one hand on Johnny’s arm.  “I’ll walk you up,” he said once you straightened.
But when you got to your door, you hesitated, unsure what to say.  Was this the part where you kissed him goodnight?  You were torn, so at odds with the way the night resembled your old friend dates, only now things were different.  What were you supposed to do?
“So,” Johnny drawled, leaning against the wall.  “Where’s my tip?”
You stared at him, incredulous.  “Your tip?” you repeated.
“Johnny’s chauffeur service isn’t free,” he said.  “And if I remember correctly, you still owe me for last time.”
You cocked a hip, smirking slightly.  “Any preferred payment methods?”
Johnny blew you an air kiss, and you made a show of catching it.  “I take cash or card,” he informed you.
“What a shame,” you murmured, dropping your purse in front of the door.  “I seem to have lost my wallet.”
He watched you carefully, barely blinking as you approached him, one slow step at a time.  “Apps?”
You stopped mere inches away, “Not a single one.”
He swallowed, and your eyes tracked the movement.  Your daydream from before came back with a vengeance—you bit your lip at the thought of marking him up.  Then you leaned in, resting one hand on his chest.  His heart pounded through the thin dress shirt.
“Will this do?” you asked, lips just barely brushing his.  Nothing else touched, aside from your fingertips on his sternum, but you could’ve sworn you felt him shiver.
Oh so slowly, Johnny reached out, hands ghosting over your hips.  You smiled against him, then melded your lips to his, bypassing whatever hesitations were holding you back.  What was the worst that could happen?
You felt Johnny teasing at the seam of your lips and gratefully opened for him.  He inhaled sharply when you inched forward, your chest brushing his.  You couldn’t hear anything but your heart racing.  And when his fingers dug into your hips, you fell into the kiss.  He pulled you in like a magnet until every part of you aligned with him.  Your limbs felt molten, burning at the contact.
Johnny pulled away, but not for long.  You gasped for air as his lips traced over your jawline, making their way to the delicate skin beneath your ear.  He pressed hot kisses there until your neck arched back obediently.  And when he nipped at your throat, you whimpered.  Thoughtlessly, your hips rocked forward.  Johnny gave voice to a deep groan, so you did it again.
Growling lightly, Johnny curled an arm around your waist to pull you harder against him.  All of the breath left your body at the feel of his growing hardness against your belly.  You fisted your hands in his collar, tugging him away from your neck.  You caught a glimpse of his kiss-swollen lips and blown out pupils, then dove back in for more.
While your mouth danced with his, your hands dragged southward.  Your fingernails caught on a button or two as you traced the muscle beneath.  Now Johnny’s hips were bucking into yours.  You grinned savagely into the kiss.  You’d just reached his belt when Johnny ripped his mouth away from yours.  “Woah, woah,” he gasped.  “Slow down, there.”
You panted for air, “What’s wrong?”
Both of you were breathing hard, and you were having a hard time ignoring the elephant in the room.  Er, hallway.  “You’re not trying to take advantage of me on the first date, are you?” Johnny asked with a breathy chuckle.
You laughed softly, tilting your chin back to get a good look at him.  “Is it really taking advantage if you want it, too?”  You smirked at him, rolling your hips forward to emphasize your point.
He watched you through half-lidded eyes, and you could’ve sworn you felt him throb.  But Johnny, ever the gentleman, smoothed his hand down your back, resting his head back against the wall rather than picking up where you left off.  “Cut me some slack, I’m not wearing my sexy underwear tonight,” he said with a crooked smile.
Oh no, now you had heart eyes for the man.  You pecked his chin to hide your cheesy grin.  “You let me know when you are, hmm?” you hummed, placing another kiss to the base of his throat.
“Princess, I don’t know if I’ll ever be ready for you.”
You giggled, leaning back in his arms.  “Am I so scary?”
Johnny sobered, meeting your gaze.  “I just don’t want to mess anything up.  Not with you.”
“I don’t think that’s possible,” you smiled at him.  “I trust you too much.”
“Oh yeah?  You still haven’t told me what you wished for on your fourteenth birthday,” Johnny taunted.
You tilted your head, thinking back.  “I didn’t tell you because I was hopelessly in love with you at the time,” you confessed.  “Now that’s out in the open, I guess you can know.”
Johnny blinked, taken aback.  “Even then?”
“Johnny, I think I’ve loved you forever,” you said, staring up at him.  “So of course I wished for the same thing every year.”
“What was it?”
Your smile widened, “Well, it already came true.  You said it, too.”
* * * * *
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cloudytamaki · 3 years
bnha & “it’s too small.”
warnings: dirty jokes for dirty minded people, suggestive 🙈 viv’s notes: inspired by this tiktok !! (characters are all 18+)
bakugo • you’re sitting on the bed, phone pressed to your ear and you’re just nodding when he walks in. “describe it? um, it was super small when i got it. kind of a let down actually. super thick and not enjoyable.” katsuki furrows his brows and crosses his arms, looking at you expectantly. “it used to satisfy me but at this point it’s not enough. it doesn’t fill me up like it used to. all in all, it doesn’t leave me with that sparkly happiness you get after taking it.” his mouth drops open. “what the hell? are you saying i’m not good?” “here hold on a sec.” you shake your head at him and mouth not now, kat. “no, right now. tell me what the hell’s your problem. you were begging for me yester—” you sigh, mumbling a sorry, i have to do something real quick to the fake caller. “what’re you on about?” he doesn’t hesitate to answer with “what the hell do you mean it’s ‘small’? that’s not what you were saying yesterday night.” “calm your tits, kat. i was talking about the boba i got during my lunch break.” he’s so pissed off he just aggressively kisses you.
todoroki • you’re sitting on the couch, chatting with your non-existent friend when he walks in with a blue hardcover novel, taking a seat beside you. he opens his book, crossing his legs as he starts to read quietly, knowing you’re on the phone and probably don’t want to be bothered. “but there’s this one thing that’s always bothering me. why is it so small? it’s insufficient at this point. mhm. yeah.” beside you, shoto’s brows furrow and he looks up at you in slight confusion before looking back down to his book, deciding you’re talking about something else. “it wasn’t like this before. ... no, i haven’t changed, i’m just seeing how small it is now. i’m surprised i was blind for an entire five months.” he looks up with a ‘not funny’ look on his face, lips pressed into a thin line. “y/n.” he sounds super icy, no pun intended. “give me a sec.” you look towards shoto, only to be met with a confused and irritated expression. “i’m not— what’s going on with you?” “nothing..?” now it’s your turn to act confused. “you’re talking about me?” “i’m not. everything okay, sho?” he narrows his eyes, “i should be asking you that. what’re you talking about? am i not enough?” you mute the phone, crossing your hands as you look at him. “you are, baby. i’m telling my friend about the salad place she introduced me to a while ago. i used to think the portions were huge but they’re actually microscopic. i ordered one for lunch yesterday and i was still hungry after.” “okay. we can go find another place, if you’d like.”
denki • you’re laying on the bed, phone in your hand when denki comes out from the bathroom, all clean from his shower. he gets onto the bed and snuggles into you, wrapping his arms around you while taking in the soft scent of your body wash. he closes his eyes just as you start speaking. “tiny as hell. i had expectations i guess? ... yeah it doesn’t fill me up anymore. it’s like 5 or 6 inches?” his head snaps up and right into yours. for some odd reason, you start laughing. he’s protesting and asking questions with a whiny edge to his voice. “what d’you mean? i’m bigger than that, i always fill you up!” ew. cringe. you turn off your phone, giving a quick explanation. “denki.. i was talking about the starbucks drink i always get.” he’s not ashamed when he takes off his shirt with a wideass grin. “well do you wanna see my 7 inches?” 
kirishima • you sit at the dining table, talking on the phone while eijirou cooks in the kitchen. “it’s not getting any bigger. i’ve said something about it a few times, but the man just lets it go. honestly, it’s fucking depressing and not worth it at all.” the redhead looks out from the kitchen, surprised and hurt at the same time. he’s not even thinking about his dick – he’s thinking that you’re definitely talking about him, but he can’t place what. he shuts off the stove, walking over to the dining table and sitting down with a saddened look on his face while you continue your rant. “baby? are you talking about me?” guilt seeps into your bones as you turn off your phone. “no, of course not, eiji. i’m talking about that rose drink at the boba place. i’ve ordered large like 3 times to only get a small little cup for eight dollars, it’s a ripoff. i’ve told the worker i always see there and he doesn’t do anything about it.” “oh. okay.” he adjusts his bandanna as he gets up, still somewhat deflated. you stand up too, hugging him and pressing kisses to his forehead.
amajiki • first of all why would you try this evil prank on him? you got back from the library a few hours ago with two armfuls of books, and now you’re sitting in the living room recliner, phone pressed to your ear as if you’re on an actual call. you pretend to be shaking your head the second tamaki walks in with a book closed on his finger to save the page. “no, i thought i scored well, but when i got it, it was dirty and thin. i expected it to be thick, since i did some research on it beforehand.” tamaki sits down on the bed, somewhat listening, but the words don’t really register. “it made me feel good at first, but when i was done, i realized how bad it actually was. mhm. ... it took me an hour to finish.” he looks towards you with surprise, because shit, was he really that bad? “yeah. call you later.” you end the fake call with an exhale, noticing him glancing towards you. “what were you.. talking about?” “the library book i put on hold and picked up today. google said it was 397 pages, but it only felt like a hundred. not to mention how small the text was, and how thin all the pages were. it was an easy read, anticlimactic.” “oh, okay. um, i’m reading this book—” he stops to show you, “i’m almost done, and it’s really good. you can have it after, if you’d like.”
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mrsgiovanna · 3 years
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The Escape Route (Yan! Don Giorno x Fem!Reader)
A request from a lovely nonnie mouse asking how the Don would handle his darling attempting to escape from his home. A bit of a drawn out scenario... I really hope you enjoy the read.
TW: Manipulative relationship dynamics, possessive behaviour, yandere behaviour
Word Count: 2.7k
Your brisk walk was slowly turning into a run as you worked your way through the busy streets of Naples. With your breathing ragged and eyes darting around to make sure nobody was on your tail, you tried to think about how best to put your escape plan back on track.
You knew that Giorno’s influence extended further than most, but you hadn’t expected him to have the power to derail every single option you had thought of to escape from his overpowering grip. You had been running around for hours now, from station to station, none would book you a ticket to anywhere, every cab ride was hastily halted after a dubious phone call… resulting in you being unwillingly ejected from the vehicle each time. So there you were, running into the more dangerous parts of Naples, frantically looking for some kind of shelter to house you while you thought of what you would do next.
Thankfully, you found a tiny inn, sparse amenities, small and far removed enough you thought, to not be on Giorno’s radar. The kindly old lady didn’t ask many questions, and you paid with the cash you had been slowly hiding away for such an event.
You couldn’t pinpoint when your relationship with Giorno had descended to this but you knew that if you stayed any longer his charming brand of captivity would best your common sense and you would be trapped forever. With Giorno, you had access to anything, no request was too demanding… in exchange though he required you to be within his confines at all times, listen to and obey his honeyed instructions with minimal fuss, and to not run off in the occasions when he did take you out of the mansion. I’m just keeping you safe he said… little did you know that the most dangerous one of all was the Don himself with his hypnotic gaze.
To give him the benefit of the doubt, it could have been much worse, he never harmed you physically, never pushed the intimacy boundaries further than you allowed… in your moments of weakness, it was you who had sought out his embrace. The absurdity of it all- vacillating between love and hate for this man, and so to protect the fraying thread that held your sanity together, you decided to make a run for it. It was not an impulsive idea, you had spent the better part of the year planning your grand escape, trying to imagine every way in which your plan could go awry and possible solutions to the problems. Ironically, this was a habit that you had picked up from Giorno himself, and should your plan actually work, it would be quiet poetic- escaping using the traits of your captor against him. You had gathered small amounts of cash here and there, not enough to rouse anyone’s suspicion, and made sure that any and all evidence of you memorizing the layout of the surrounding areas was completely erased. Perhaps the most difficult task of them all, was to lure Giorno into false sense of security regarding your disposition towards your situation. In the weeks leading up to your escape, you had flawlessly played the part of the dutiful ‘wife’, listening attentively, spoiling him with gentle touches and loving gazes, making sure to build up your affections gradually, as if they had been blooming naturally so as not to trigger any suspicion.
Finally, you saw your opportunity to make your move that morning. Giorno had to leave early to meet with a few associates from Japan, so you rose with him, and watched as he got ready, helping him with his hair and doing up his tie. Looking up to meet his crystalline eyes, you noticed he considered you with an expression you haven’t seen on him before.
“What is it tesoro? Why are you looking at me like that?” you asked in a gentle tone.
“You’re… just so beautiful… would you like to come with me today? I’m sure they would love to meet you… I call them associates but in actual fact one of them is a relative of mine. You’ll only be bored for a little while; after that we can do whatever you would like to,” he asked with a gentle smile. You thought about how you were going to answer, ultimately you knew you didn’t want to go, favoring your grand escape instead, but denying him that quickly would definitely set off alarm bells in his mind.
“Ah! Perhaps next time my love, I’m not going to be good company today, I woke up with a bit of a headache… I’ll probably go back to bed and sleep it off after you leave,”
“Are you sure there’s nothing I can do to make you feel any better bella, I hate the fact that you’re hurting,” Giorno cupped your face in his hands and gently stroked your cheeks with his thumbs, “get some rest bella mio, I’ll be back to check on you as soon as I can,” kissing you on the forehead he left without another word. Waiting for him to be completely out of the villa, you watched as his car exited the driveway before quietly packing what you could, mentally going over your checklist more times than you cared to count. Since your change in attitude, the staff at the villa were more accepting of your whims, partly to do with the fact that Giorno had instructed them to do so - within reason, but also, because you had won over their trust and if you had to be honest with yourself, there was nothing you could fault them for. The dynamic Giorno had with them was not ruled by fear, but rather by admiration… all of them being drawn in by his charisma. Managing to maneuver your way through the mansion and out an exit that saw you climbing over a hidden portion of the eastern wall surrounding the villa, you had finally been outside the confines of the villa on your own for the first time in well over a year.
In the car on the way to meet with his guests Giorno was preoccupied. He had noticed the gradual change in your behavior and as much as he would have loved to give you the benefit of the doubt, a nagging inclination that you might be lying always clouded his thoughts. He loved you- entirely- even though there were days in which you rejected his affections, he was patient with you… eventually you’d understand, the dangers that lurked in every corner made your captivity, as you so unceremoniously called it, a necessity. He had grown so accustomed to making decisions with little to no advice, he had adopted that stance in his personal life as well. He rationalized that once you had accepted the fact that his actions were all borne from his desire to protect you, your lives would be peaceful, until then, he would be patient, enduring your tantrums and snide remarks with the grace of an aristocrat… which only upset you further. To Giorno, you were to be looked after, protected- treasured, and so no matter how much you had tested his patience in the beginning, not once were you ever hurt or taken advantage of. Violence and shackles were much too unrefined for a gem like you, so to correct your behavior, the young don resorted to other, less threatening means of discipline.
“Don Giovanna? We have arrived,” shaken out of his musings by his consigliere, his attention was drawn to the fact that they had arrived at their destination ready to discuss the matters at hand.
“Thank you Lorenzo, would you check if the staff has everything ready while I greet our guests?”
“Of course, excuse me,” with that, Lorenzo had left, hastily attending to a call as he walked.
“Ah, welcome to Italy, I take it you and your associates have settled in well?” said Giorno with a polite bow, being mindful of the cultural conventions of his esteemed guests. Drinks were ordered and everyone present had settled down in the private lounge, except for Lorenzo who had been animatedly conversing on the phone for enough time to make his absence felt. Frustrated by what he was tasked to do, he abruptly ended his conversation and sought out Giorno to give him the news, finally, the staff at villa Giovanna had realized you were gone.
“The expression on your face can only mean one thing… when did they notice?”
“A few minutes ago, she couldn’t have gotten too gar given the timeframe… what would you like me to do?”
“You stay here and keep our guests company, I’ll handle this…” not even bothering to alert the driver, Giorno collected the keys from the valet and zoomed off. Making a short drive even shorter, he arrived home in foul mood, although he did assign some of the blame to himself, recognizing his fatal error when he ignored his gut feeling, he was disappointed at how easily you had managed to slip from his grasp and wondered if his staff had been plotting with you all along. He would have to address that later on though, his primary concern now was to locate you and bring you back home.
“Mista, I have a special request to make, please come to the villa, bring Fugo with you,” said Giorno in a quick call, there were few who he trusted more than his underbosses, and this task was something that required only the most competent people. After a short explanation of the situation at hand, both men had already started making calls to the relevant people in an attempt to thwart your plans.
You would think the most frightening thing about Giorno would be his god-like requiem ability. But over and above the raw power he possessed was his reach, the world seemed so small, as if it had rested comfortably in his elegant hands- and you had been getting reminders of this inescapable fate over and over again. By the time you had given up on the idea of escaping through any traditional means of transportation, you must have tried fifty different avenues, each attempt failing more spectacularly than the last. Having had enough, you resigned yourself to the fact that you would not be leaving Naples immediately, and found refuge in the outskirts of the city. You climbed the rickety staircase behind the lady as she prattled on about her day.
“Shall I get you something to eat dolcezza? You look like you could use something warm and comforting in your system. In fact, let me do just that, you get settled in so long,” said the innkeeper before you had a chance to interject. Deciding to take a shower to wash off the day, you took comfort in the fact that this place was so remote, you were almost certain you were safe for the meantime. The tiny bathroom was a far cry from the palatial one you had grown accustomed to while being in Giorno’s villa, but it served the same purpose, only this time, you had your freedom. The place was peaceful though aside from the sound of what must have been a car backfiring and the small creaks from the natural expansion and contraction of the dwelling, it was quiet enough for you to calm down and organize your thoughts. Now that you were comparatively more at ease than before, you felt the strain of the day in your body, aching muscles, sore feet and cuts and scrapes that began to smart affixed a slight grimace to your face as you rummaged through your belongings to find some sort of pain relief.
A sharp knock on the door disrupted your search. You stayed silent for a moment, contemplating if you should ignore it or answer.
“Dolcezza, I’ve brought you a small snack, you’re going to enjoy it,” you just wanted to crawl into bed and forget the day you had, but you also didn’t want to snub her kindness, you reached out to unlock and open the door.
“Buongiorno tesoro… enjoying your little excursion? Marina here was kind enough to show me to your room so I could surprise you… seems like it worked, look at this charming expression,” turning to the smiling woman, Giorno nodded for her to leave. Your heartbeat thundered in your ears, you wanted to cry, to run, to jump right out through the hazy window but your feet were rooted to the ground.
“Well (y/n) … you’ve been running around Naples for the entire day, have you found what you’re looking for?” his usual honeyed tone was laced with derision as he critically eyed your surroundings. “is this what you were so desperate to escape to? Look at this place… look at the condition you’re in… how is any of this better than everything I’ve given you?”
“I have my freedom here…” was all you could muster as your mind raced thinking of how he had still managed to find you despite all the precautions you had taken. “Giorno, how…”
“How did I find you? I always have my ways…” he said, sauntering over to the window, opening it just enough to make eye contact with whoever was outside, dismissing them with a nonchalant wave of his gloved hand. Pulling out his cellphone, he showed you the opened application, explaining that he had been using it to track your location, following the signal from the diamond earrings he gifted you on your birthday, carelessly left on when you had made your hasty escape. In all fairness, you hadn’t considered that the dainty gems were anything more than that. Feeling your legs starting to give out under you at the revelation that you were the cause of your own undoing, you sat on the bed hanging your head in defeat.
“Freedom, you say? Tell me how has that worked for you?”
“That’s not fair! You’ve basically controlled every single encounter I’ve had, and even when I thought I had escaped you by coming here, you still somehow managed to manipulate the situation…” you shouted, tears of frustration running feely down your face.
“Stop being dramatic, the world is full of horrible people, everyone is looking out for themselves, I wish you would realize that… tell me tesoro, how many people turned you away? Threw you out of their cars, made up excuses to deny your requests? Not one of those people looked into those pleading eyes and thought you were worth helping. Why? Because people are selfish…”
“You… you threatened them all, you…”
“You give me too much credit, it’s not like I was going to kill them, I hate violence, despite your disappointingly low opinion of me, even you have to admit that I’ve never done anything to physically harm you… all I want is to protect you, you don’t understand how things work out there,”
“It’s not like you’ve ever given me the opportunity to find out how things are… I”
“Some people are just meant to be loved and protected tesoro, isn’t that enough? Why would you want to risk being hurt to get a taste of something that’s actually not even worth it… you’re not cut out for this life… I’ve been here so I know this isn’t what you deserve. You’re coming back home with me,”
“But, I- “ you attempted to interject but his intense glare halted you.
“(y/n), I’m very patient under most circumstances, but please don’t test me now, I won’t say it twice…” said Giorno with a slight bite to his voice, it was clear he was growing tired of this conversation, and you were losing your will to fight back. With a quivering lip and misty eyes, you moved to gather your belongings but was stopped by the young don, arguing that he can replace whatever is there, wanting no other reminders of this transgression to follow you both back. Resigning yourself to this fate, realizing there was nowhere beyond his reach, you grasped his outstretched arm and followed him to the car to return to your life of opulent captivity. Months and months of planning all resulting in nothing, it became glaringly obvious to you that escaping was futile…
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lilliagradiewrites · 3 years
go get her, kid. (peter parker)
Summary: Peter Parker is hopelessly in love with Tony Starks’ teenage daughter, and Stark encourages him to shoot his shot.
WC: 7.4k (holy shit)
Warnings: Bad language, , really nothing else. A lot of cute peter and a painful amount fluff. A tiny bit of angst too.
A/N: I found myself watching Tom Holland interview clips today and I just couldn’t help myself. Here we are: my first peter parker/ spiderman one shot! I have some Harry and Jj pieces in the works, so keep eyes out for that!
Peter  found himself in this position far too often. Staring at you shamelessly while you worked away at whatever was on your desk, usually a school assignment or some tech project. His crush had been going on for quite some time, but it was getting more and more difficult to hide.
You and Peter had been best friends ever since your dad first recruited him. Something clicked between the two of you, causing an instant friendship. As time went on, you grew closer and closer to the superhero, and he quickly became your best friend. You began surrounding yourself with his friends without even realizing it, becoming close with Ned and MJ almost instantly. They were great people, and you loved being around them, but something about Peter was just different. Your energies matched perfectly for some reason. He got your humour, liked the same things as you, plus he was a great conversationalist and an even better listener. Some of your favorite memories were made with Peter.
Despite knowing practically everything about the boy, you were completely oblivious about his huge crush on you. Ned was the only person who truly knew, though many other people had their suspicions. The Avengers had an idea about it, considering you were what he talked about 90 percent of the time. MJ could tell because of the way he looked at you. When he looked your way, his pupils enlarged, his cheeks went pink, and the look on his face was entirely lovey-dovey. It was so obvious just in the way he gazed at you when you spoke.
He was looking at you in that way now, though you weren’t aware. He was meant to be studying (it was the whole reason he came over to your house, or at least that’s the reason he told you), but he couldn’t bring himself to care about chemistry homework when you looked so damn beautiful. Your hair was pulled back into a low ponytail keeping it away from your face as you worked. Your hands flew across the keyboard on your laptop, typing out something Peter probably wouldn’t understand. He was smart, sure, but you were intelligent in a different way. You were insightful and observant, you got things other people couldn’t begin to process. Your brain understood things in a different capacity than most. Peter assumes you got this trait from your father, who was the exact same way.
“What’re you typing? Something for school?”
You nodded, your attention not wavering from the laptop screen. “Yeah, an assignment for AP Lit.”
“Oh, that one project you told me about? With the essay and the powerpoint?”
You nodded again. “Mhm.”
Peter furrowed his brows, moving off your bed to come stand near you at your desk in an attempt to get a better look at what you were working so eagerly on. “I thought that project wasn’t due for another month.
“It’s not. I had an idea for the essay, and I figured if I get started early, I have more time to edit and perfect it.”
“You’re such a perfectionist.” Peter says with a light chuckle, looking at the state of your desk. It was both chaotic and organized at the same time. Pens, highlighters, pieces of paper, a book with annotations scribbled in the margins, notebooks with neat class notes printed inside of them in your pretty handwriting. They were all scattered about the surface, but Peter knew you well enough to know that there was always a method to your madness. As you observed longer, he realized that all of the items were in different sections on your desk, based on categories and subjects. He smiled lightly, realizing that this messy but technically neat surface was probably a very accurate representation of what goes on in your mind.
You finished the paragraph you were typing with a flourish, a satisfied smile resting on your lips. “There. I have a basic outline done for the essay portion. Obviously, I’ll have to go back and add a little more and elaborate on the points, but the basics are there.”
Peter glanced up at your laptop screen. His eyes were met with a never ending sea of typed out words. He smiled; this was so you. Your ‘outline’ is another student's essay doubled.
“You’re gonna write more than that?”
You looked back at him, and he saw your face for the first time during the encounter. His cheeks went slightly pink at the sight of you, and he prayed that you didn’t notice.
You didn’t, or perhaps you just didn’t say anything. You continued on with the conversation without skipping a beat, and relief washed over Peter because of this.
“Of course I am.” You stated with furrowed brows, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. “This is so boring and basic, and has no detail whatsoever. Anybody who reads the summary of the book online could write this. I want my teacher to know that I thoroughly read and understood the novel, you know? I don’t want to submit some surface-level shit, I want to really pick apart the undertones of and the meaning behind the story.”
Peter nods, pretending to understand what you meant. He’d barely been paying attention to the words you were saying, too encapsulated with your beautiful eyes to do so. You turned back around towards your work, causing your best friend to snap out of his trance-like state.
“Do you wanna watch a movie or something? I’m bored.”
You had now picked up a pencil and a highlighter, working on the chemistry notes he was supposed to be taking. “Don’t you have work to do, Pete?”
You paused your writing to gaze at him skeptically.
“So you did your book report for english?”
“Your worksheets for pre-calc?”
“You read the assigned chapters for Pschycology and finished the quiz you had to take on them?”
A nod was your only answer.
“What about chem? We have notes, essay questions, assigned reading, and a formulas worksheet due next tuesday. Have you done all of that?”
Peter hesitated for a moment. “Yes, I have.” It was a clear lie. “Can we watch a movie now?”
“There’s no way you did all of that. Go finish your work, and then we can watch a movie.”
A groan escapes Peters lips as he turns, resting against your desk. “But that’ll take forever. Your dad kicks me out at 11:00. We’ll never have time to watch one.” He whines.
You smile slightly, unable to fight it. Not replying to your friend, you spin around in your chair, raising your voice slightly, “FRIDAY, connect to dad please.”, the command directed to nowhere in particular.
“Connecting to Mr. Stark.” The familiar robotic voice echoes throughout your room.
“What’s up, Y/N/N?”
“Hey, Dad? Can Peter stay a bit later tonight?”
“Why?”  Your dad’s voice replies through a hidden speaker, his tone almost accusatory.
“Because he wants to watch a movie but I won’t let him until we’re done with homework. We won’t have enough time to finish the movie if he leaves at normal curfew? Pleeeaseee, Dad?”
You can hear your father sigh. “Fine, but only because it’s not a school night and I’m feeling generous. He’s gotta be gone by one though, no exceptions.”
Both of you smiled widely, and you erupted in cheers. “Thanks, Dad!”
“Kid, be ready for training at eight. A later curfew doesn’t mean an exception from your early morning saturday sessions.” The statement was directed at Peter, who nodded, despite your father not being able to see him.
“Got it, Mr. Stark.”
“FRIDAY, disconnect.” You heard Tony’s voice from the other side.
“Disconnected.” The sound of the AI confirming the command filled your room, and the space fell into a brief silence once again.
You spun in your chair, turning to face Peter with a smug smile on your face. “There, now we can get our work done, and watch a movie. Satisfied?”
Peter nodded, giving a roll of his eyes and heading back over to his workspace on your bed, plopping down and continuing his assignments.
An hour and half later, Peter gave a heavy sigh, finally closing his textbook with a smile. “All done!” he announced proudly.
“With everything?”
“Yes, everything.”
You closed your notebook you’d been working in, standing up. “Great. I’ve been done for half an hour, I’ve been working on future assignments while I waited for you to finish up. Ready to watch that movie?”
Peter nodded excitedly. He loved watching movies with you, because you always cuddled up close to him on your bed while you watched. Peter loved being in close proximity to you, even though it made him a little nervous.
“What do you wanna watch?” He asked, beginning to clear his things off your bed.
“I don’t know. We can discuss while we go make popcorn.”
Peter’s eyes lit up; he loved popcorn.
“Okay!” He tossed the rest of his things in his school bag, zipping it up quickly and dropping it in the corner of your room. “Lets go!”
You chuckled at his childlike behavior, following him out of your bedroom door towards your kitchen. The entire journey down the stairs, down the hall, and to the kitchen was filled with Peter going on and on about movies he wanted to see.
You grabbed the microwave popcorn from the pantry, unwrapping it and tossing it in, starting up the machine.
You continued to listen to Peter as soft popping sounds filled your kitchen.
“Oh, you guys have Disney plus, right? What if we watched that new star wars show thingy? The mandalorian?”
You smiled at this statement. Though you didn’t see the boy in any way but a friend (at least that’s what you told yourself), you found Peter’s Star Wars obsession very cute.
“I mean, I would watch that, but I don’t think I’d understand it.”
Peter’s brows furrowed. “Why not?”
“Because I’ve never seen the movies.”
You watched in amusement as Peter’s jaw dropped, his eyes widening in shock. “You’ve NEVER seen the Star Wars movies? Are you kidding me, Y/N?”  
You laughed at his reaction, moving to fetch the fully popped popcorn from the microwave and transfer it into a bowl. “No, I’m not kidding. I’ve been meaning to watch them forever, but I guess I never got around to it.”
“I can’t believe this!” Peter exclaims in disbelief. “We’ve been friends for a year and a half now, and you’ve never seen the Star Wars movies? This is insane! I talk about them so much… did you just never understand what I was talking about?”
You shook your head, chuckling. “Nope, I never have. I kinda just let you talk about it, because I planned on watching the movies. I figured I’d understand what you meant when I watched them.”
“Holy shit… we’re watching the first one tonight, Y/N. No arguments, we’re doing it.”
You grabbed the now prepared bowl of popcorn, smiling at your friend. “Alright, let’s do it.”
You headed back up the stairs, the sound of your footsteps accompanied with the sound of Peter murmuring in disbelief as you made your way to your room.
Once the two of you arrived at your destination, you closed the door, placing the bowl of popcorn on your still cluttered desk.
Peter climbed into your bed, while you rummaged through your drawers in search of comfy clothes. “I’m gonna change into pj’s before we start, i want to be comfy.”
Peter nodded. “FRIDAY, put Star Wars: The Phantom Menace on Y/N’s TV.” He spoke out in a slightly raised voice. The movie appeared on your screen, waiting to be started as you changed.
A few moments later, you emerged from your bathroom, now wearing a pair of Nike shorts and a slightly oversized t-shirt.
“Y/N, this is about to change your li-” Peter’s voice trailed off as he looked at you. The oversized shirt you were wearing… was his.
He choked on the piece of popcorn he’d been eating. “I-is that my shirt?”
You looked down on what you were wearing, realizing that it was, in fact, Peter's. “Oh shit. Yeah, sorry. You left it at the lab once, dad gave it to me to give to you, and I guess it just got mixed in with my clothes. I’ll wash it and give it back.
Peter shook his head, coughing again. “No, it’s okay. You can keep it. It looks better on you anyway.” his cheeks went pink as he realized what had just left his mouth. He hadn’t meant to say the last part.
Your cheeks went even pinker at the compliment, which you couldn’t deny made your stomach flutter a little bit. “Okay, thanks.” You smiled at your friend, climbing into the bed beside him. You cuddled in close to him, probably closer than need be, but Peter didn’t seem to mind.
“FRIDAY, start the movie.”
A few hours later, the credits were rolling, and Peter was red in the face. You had fallen asleep halfway through the movie, and had moved even closer to him in your slumber. You were now full-on cuddling the boy, and he had no idea what to do. Your leg was moved over his, your head lay on his chest. One arm thrown around his waist. He liked having you this close, but his stomach was in a constant state of butterflies, and he was worried that the sound of his heart beating loudly in his chest would wake you.
He didn’t know what time it was, but it must’ve been close to one, because a knock sounded from the other side of your bedroom door.
Without waiting for an answer, Tony entered the room. “Alright, kids, it’s almost curfew, time to wrap it up…”
His eyes landed on you and Peter, cuddled up in your bed.
“Kid, what the hell is going on here?”
“Mr. Stark! Um, Y/N fell asleep while we were watching the movie and she kinda… I don’t know.. Ended up like this? Nothing’s going on, I swear, it’s just… I didn’t want to wake her up…”
Peter’s face was the color of a tomato at this point. Stark still had his suspicions about the boy’s intentions, but had a feeling that Peter was telling the truth. “Alright, then. You’d better get your ass home and get some sleep. Like I said, you don’t get a free pass from training because you were cuddling with my daughter till one am.”
Peter’s eyes went wide. “No, Mr. Stark, I- We weren’t… I Wasn’t…”
Stark chuckled at the boy’s flustered state. “I’m screwing with you, Kid. Now get the hell out of my house. I’ll see you at 8 AM sharp at the compound”
Peter nodded frantically. “Yes, sir. 8 AM. Got it.”
Tony turned and left without another word, leaving Peter slightly panicked. Did Mr. Stark think that something was going on between him and Y/N? Would he be mad if there was? Peter didn’t know what to think, but he knew that he should probably leave before Tony decided to come back.
Peter climbed carefully out from underneath Y/N, setting her head gently on her pillow. He tried his very best not to wake her as he moved out of the bed.
“Goodnight, Y/N. I’ll see you tomorrow, okay? Love you lots.” Peter whispered to his ‘best friend’, planting a sweet kiss on her forehead. With that, he slid your window open, climbing out of it and swinging his way home.
Peter was completely oblivious to the fact that Tony had been standing quietly outside your door when Peter said his goodbyes, and Tony saw the entire encounter. The ‘goodnight’, the ‘i love you’, the sweet forehead kiss.
Tony had his suspicions, but that night it was confirmed: his newest recruit had it bad for his daughter.
Strangely, Tony didn’t find himself terribly angry over it.
The next morning, you awoke to the sound of your alarm blaring frustratingly loud. You groaned at the noise, picking up your phone to turn it off. The time on your phone screen read 7:00 AM. Groaning again, you pulled yourself reluctantly out of bed. As much as you hated getting up out of bed, you knew you had to if you ever wanted to complete your training. Your father had promised you that you’d get a spot on his team if you trained hard enough, and you were extremely determined. It had been your dream for years to become an Avenger, so you had been training your ass off for months to earn your spot.
This is how all of your Saturdays had begun for many weeks. An alarm going off at seven in the morning, waking you up to get ready for training at eight. It was a normal routine for you at this point, but for some reason the early wake up never got easier.
You moved about your regular morning routine, heading straight for your bathroom to brush your teeth and wash your face. Once your basic hygiene was done, you brushed through your hair, changed into some clothes (your training uniform was at the compound), grabbed your phone, and headed downstairs.
You made a beeline for the kitchen, where your father was already making his morning coffee. When he noticed your presence, he gave you a tired smile.
“Morning, Y/N/N. Sleep well?”
Still half asleep, you gave an exhausted nod. “I shouldn’t have stayed up that late last night. I’ll yell at Peter when I see him. He always manages to convince me to let him stay late.”
For some reason, your father gave a light chuckle at your words. “I bet he does, sweetheart.”
Your brows furrowed at his statement. Something about his tone of voice didn’t sit right with you. “What’s that supposed to mean?” You ask, making your way over to fix yourself a cup of coffee.
Your father smiled smugly at you, passing over the coffee pot and a mug. “Nothing, honey. Be ready in fifteen.”
Still suspicious, your eyes followed him as he placed his coffee mug in the sink and moved from the room. Why was he acting like this? Did Peter do something last night? You remembered falling asleep halfway through the movie, not being able to make it through the whole thing. Had something happened while you were sleeping?
Deciding not to let it bother you, you pushed the interaction from your mind, focusing solely on fixing your coffee. You were barely functional without it, and you knew you needed to be fully aware for training. You had to prove to your father that you could keep up with the Avengers, and that you’d be a useful asset to their team.
You downed the coffee quickly, knowing you had only a few minutes left to get ready. When your father gave you a time warning, he always meant it. And, you knew all too well, he would leave you behind if you were going to make him late.
He’d done it twice before.
Once you had finished chugging the remnants of your coffee, you placed the mug neatly in the sink, right beside where your father had left his. The drink had been an instant pick-me-up, and you automatically felt more awake. You found yourself getting more and more excited for the day ahead of you. Though waking up early on saturday mornings was a pain in the ass, you did enjoy training. You got to exercise, learn about cool technology, and screw around with your best friend. What wasn’t there to like?
Now that your best friend had crossed your mind, you pulled out your phone to text him. You sent him a message every morning, or he sent one to you. It was just a thing the two of you did. Over the past year the two of you had been close, it became some sort of routine.
Y/N/N: morning spidey. u awake?
Within moments, he was typing out a reply. He always answered your messages quickly.
Spidey: yes i am :) ready for training? I’m gonna kick ur ass in sprints today
You chuckled lightly at his response. You and Peter had always been insanely competitive towards each other, and it really jumped out during training. Unfortunately for you, Peter usually won the challenges. You always blamed it on the fact that he had more experience and super strength; he blamed it on the fact that ‘you suck’ and ‘he’s just that awesome’.
Y/N/N: u can try, but idk how that will work out. I’ve beaten u in all of the other sprints for weeks.
Spidey: doesn’t matter. I’m showing out today
Spidey: bring ur a-game, irongirl.
You smiled at the message.
Y/N/N: always do, spiderboy
He started typing back immediately, and you knew exactly why. He called you irongirl to screw with you, so you had begun calling him spiderboy to get on his nerves. It worked every time.
Spidey: Y/N!!! It’s spiderman!!!
Y/N/N: spiderboy!!! It’s nova!!!
Spidey: ugh. Ur impossible.
You grinned widely. Your playful banter with Peter has always been one of your favorite parts of the friendship.
Y/N/N: but u love me anyways :)))) see u soon
Spidey: u better be glad i do. see u soon
You reread the texts, unable to fight the smile on your face. Everytime you interact with Peter, you remember how much you truly love him. Being an avenger, and the daughter of one of the smartest and most famous men on the planet, wasn’t easy. Peter was the only one who had a taste of the madness that was your life. Having him around was having a sense of normalcy, and so were incredibly grateful for him.
Your thoughts were interrupted by the sound of your voice being called from the front door of your house.
“Y/N! Time to leave!” Without hesitation, you locked your phone, slipping it into the pocket of your sweatpants.
You hurried towards the front door, not wanting to be left behind again. When you arrived, your father was already standing there, holding the door open. You gave him a smile and a quick thank you for holding the door, then made your way out. The driver was already waiting patiently in front of your house. This was one of your dad’s six drivers.
“Morning, Bernard.” You say kindly to the driver, climbing into the back seat of the range rover. “How are you today?”
“I’m doing wonderful, Y/N. How are you?” The older man replied. You really liked Bernard, he was one of your favorite drivers. He was an older man, in his mid seventies, and you found him to be the sweetest person in the universe. Sometimes, he’d bring you your favorite candy when he used to pick you up from school, and he was always so considerate and kind.
“I’m good. Tired, but good.”
The man smiled at your reply. By this point, your dad had finished locking up the front door of the house, and he climbed in the backseat beside you.
“Good morning, Mr. Stark.” Bernard said professionally to his new passenger, and your dad nodded as a reply.
“Morning, bernard.”
The conversation ended there between the two men. Your father wasn’t a very social person with people he didn’t know, and Bernard was aware of this fact. He mostly talked to you when you were in the car, and Tony went on his phone and did Lord knows what.
“How is Dorothy doing? Is she feeling better?” You asked the man as he began pulling out of your driveway. Dorothy was Bernard’s wife, and she’d gotten sick the week prior. Given her age, Bernard was very worried about her.
Bernard smiled at your question. “Much, much better. They released her from the hospital yesterday, she’s back home and doing great. Thanks for asking.”
“Of course!” You grinned back. “Did you ever find out what she had?”
“Pneumonia, just a very bad case of it.”
You nodded in understanding. “Well, I’m glad she’s better! I was worried when you first told me.”
The conversation continued, talking about anything and everything as you drove to the compound. He told you about his wife, his four kids and what they’re doing. His granddaughter had a baby a few days before, and he was extremely excited about it.
After a 20 minute drive, you pulled up to the building you knew so well. Bernard went to the normal procedure of getting through the front gates, and then pulled up to the front of the compound.
“Well, here we are.” Bernard announced, parking the vehicle. You and your father began climbing out of the backseat.
“Thank you, bernard. Tell your granddaughter I said congratulations!”
He wished you a kind goodbye, and then you were gone, leaving the car and heading towards the compound.
When you walked into the main section of the building, you spotted your best friend in the kitchen. You had to admit, he looked incredible, standing near an open window in the early morning light. He was already dressed in his sleek, black training uniform. It was tight against his body, showing off his muscled body. Sometimes, you forget how beautiful Peter is.
“You’re staring…” A singsong voice came in your ear. You whipped your head towards the voice to see your father walking away from you, smirking. You stood there, feeling slightly confused. Had you really been staring at Peter?
At times, you forget that Peter is only your best friend. The two of you act like an old married sometimes. You spend all of your time together, and you know each other so well.
Strange feelings you couldn’t understand had crept up on you before, especially recently. You couldn’t deny Peter was attractive, and he was a great person, too. How could you not love him? The issue is, you found yourself loving him in a different way than before…
You shook your head, clearing your thoughts. You couldn’t be thinking about this right now, it’s not the place or time. Peter was standing right in front of you, and you needed to be focused for training.
You could process your feelings and emotions at a later time.
You began walking up to Peter, who was leaning up against the counter holding a cup of coffee.
“Morning, loser.” You said teasingly, greeting your friend. His head snapped in your direction, and he smiled when his eyes found you. (You thought you could see his cheeks go pink, too, but you forced yourself to ignore it.)
“Hey! How’d you sleep?”
“Pretty good.” You replied, leaning against the counter beside him. “I didn’t even notice that you left last night, I was really out. Did my Dad come in and tell you to leave?”
The pink in Peter’s cheeks darkened at your statement. Of course, this was the perfect time for your father to reenter the room. “Yeah, I did. He seemed very comfortable, but I kicked him out at one.”
Peter and your father were making direct eye contact. Your dad had that stupid smirk on his face, and peter was bright red.
You looked between the two of them, not knowing what to think. Before, you were just suspicious, but now it was confirmed: something happened last night between the two of them, and you were determined to find out what.
Hours later, you’re completely exhausted from training. You worked your ass off, and had successfully beat Peter in sprints.
“That’s right! You lost! How amazing is spiderboy now?”
Peter rolled his eyes in mock annoyance. “Whatever, Y/N. I let you win.”
Your jaw dropped. “You did not! I won because I’m better!”
Peter just smiled at you. You took a swig of the water bottle in your hands, turning around to look at your friend as you did.
The sight you were met with was very sweet. Peter stood there, smiling at you with a look you could only describe as adoration. You looked back at him, a small grin resting on your face.
“Why are you looking at me like that?” The brunette boy says cheekily.
“Why are YOU looking at ME like that, Parker?”
You took a step closer to him, his eyes widening slightly at your movement. He said nothing in response to your question (though it felt more like an accusation), and you smiled again.”Got nothing to say?” Your voice was barely a whisper.
“Parker!” You jumped what felt like 20 feet in the air at the sound of Natasha’s voice, breaking up the little moment between you and Peter.
You stepped back away from him, and you couldn’t help but notice the sadness flash across his face before he turned to the other woman in the room.
“Yeah, Nat?”
“Tony needs your help in the lab. I believe his exact words were ‘he needs to be here in five or I’ll kill him.’ A few minutes have already passed, I’d start running if I were you.”
Peter’s eyes widened for the second time. “Oh, shit, okay. Thanks, Nat.” He turned his head quickly in your direction. “I’ll meet you in your room when I’m done, okay?”
You nodded with a smile. Peter planted a quick kiss on your forehead before jetting off in the direction of the lounge.
Grinning to yourself, you turned towards the sink, your back facing Natasha. You begin cleaning out your now empty water bottle, thinking over the previous interaction with Peter. You loved when he kissed your forehead.
“So, how long have you liked him?” You were so deep in thought, Natasha’s voice made you jump once again. When you’d fully processed her words, your cheeks went pink.
“I’m sorry, what?”
“Oh, don’t give me that. I know you like him.”
“Like who?” Play dumb. That’ll throw her off your trail… right?
“Peter! Come on, you’re caught. Just admit it, Y/n, you’re making things harder on yourself.”
Finally, you sighed. Drying your hands on a towel, you turned reluctantly back towards Nathasha. “Is it really that obvious?”
The woman broke out into a grin at your words. “Of course it is! You two are hopelessly in love with each other. It’s almost hard to watch.”
Your cheeks went pink at her statement. “With each other? Oh, no. You mean I’m hopelessly in love with him. It’s not mutual. I’m just his best friend.”
Nat rolled her eyes dramatically. “Oh, come on! ‘Just his best friend’ my ass. He loves you, Y/N. He’s even more obvious than you are.”
You shook your head quickly. “No, I promise you’re wrong.”
She looked at you pointedly. “I was right about you, wasn’t I?”
“Yes, but…” Your voice trailed off. You couldn’t argue with that. Nat grinned smugly at your reaction.
“That’s what I thought. Please confess to him when he meets you in your room later. It’s painful to watch, I can’t do it any longer.” And with that, Natasha was gone, leaving you alone with your thoughts.
Was it really thought obvious? Could everyone tell how you felt about peter? You could hardly even tell how you felt about him; the line between best friend and crush had been blurred for so long. If everyone could tell that you were hopelessly in love with your best friend, you would be incredibly embarrassed.
Even worse… what if Peter could tell that your in love with him?
You shook your head, as if clearing your thoughts. No. You couldn’t think like that. Of course he didn’t know; he would’ve said something.
Sighing, you walked off towards your room to take a shower, pretending you weren’t going to think of him while you were in there.
While Natasha was exposing your feelings, you were completely oblivious to the fact that Tony was doing the same thing to Peter in the lab.
When the boy walked in, Peter fully expected that he was being called for one of three reasons.
One: Tony had a new mission for Peter.
Two: Tony needed help with an experiment.
Or, three (the scariest option): Tony wanted to scold him for (albeit unintentionally) cuddling with his daughter the night before.
Peter could only be described as apprehensive as he walked carefully into the lab, where Tony was hunched over a table, working on something that Peter couldn’t see.
“Mr. Stark?” Peter spoke nervously, a timid way of letting Tony know of his presence. “Nat said you needed me. Is that true, or was she just trying to get rid of me?”
“No, no, I called for you.” Tony replied. He made a few last touches on whatever he was working on, then turned around towards peter. “I wanted to talk to you.”
Okay, option two is eliminated. Now, the question at hand is: will it be option one or three?
“Oh, okay. What about?” Peter said casually (or at least, that's how he hoped it came across.)
Tony gave a pointed look to the boy before speaking again. “My daughter.”
Peter’s eyes widened slightly.
Shit, shit, shit.
Option three it is.
“Is this about last night sir? I swear I can explain-” Peter was quickly speaking.
But, before he could finish, Tony was cutting him off.
“This isn’t about last night, kid. I mean, it kind of is, but not really.”
Peter’s brow furrowed.
Unknown option number four?
“What do you mean, sir?”
“I saw what happened before you left last night. The forehead kiss, the ‘I love you,’ all of it.”
Peter was bright red in seconds. “Oh…”
“Do you love my daughter, Peter?”
The boy’s cheeks somehow managed to go a darker shade of pink.
“I-I uh.. O-of course I do, she’s, uh, she’s my best friend.” Peter stammered out.
Tony narrowed his eyes. “That’s not what I mean, Peter.” The man says, his tone borderline accusatory. “Do you love her, love her?”
Silence. Peter didn’t know what to say, so he opted for nothing at all.
“I already know the answer, Peter, so you might as well just come out and say it.”
Peter pondered his next move. If he played his cards wrong, this conversation could end in him losing his life. Tony Stark was not one to be messed with, especially when it comes to Y/N.
On the other hand, Tony Stark was not one to be lied to, either.
Peter sighed, accepting his fate. “How did you know?”
Much to Peter’s surprise, Tony gave a small smile. “I see the way you look at her, kid. I’ve looked at many girls like that in my day. That enamoured look. You're in love with my daughter, and I have some questions.”
“Yes, questions, kid. Keep up.”
Peter nodded. “Alright.”
“How long?” Tony asked.
“How long…?” Peter didn’t understand what Tony was aking.
“How long have you been in love with Y/N! How long have you known?”
Peter looked away, breaking eye contact momentarily out of nerves.
When did he begin loving you? Now that he’s truly thinking about it, he can’t really remember.
Maybe it was the first mission that the two of you did together, back when you still known as irongirl. It was a bank robbery, an easy task that Tony had given for your very first mission.
Maybe it was that one time when you dragged him out of bed at 6 AM so that you could show him your favorite coffee shop.
Perhaps it was when you took that faithful mission to Asgard, when you gained your powers accidentally, earning your new title as Nova.
Or, it could be the time that you and him stayed up late binge watching a show he couldn’t remember. He couldn’t take his eyes off of you that night. You looked so beautiful that night, getting excited as something cool happened in the show. Your hair was tied back, wearing an oversized shirt, your face makeup free. He couldn’t help but smile as you laughed, and didn’t think he’d ever heard a more beautiful sound in the world.
Yeah, he thinks it was that night.
“Um… about ten months ago, I think? That’s when I realized, but I think I’ve loved her for longer. I just forced myself not to acknowledge it, I guess.”
Tony nodded in understanding. “I get that. What is it about her?”
Another question the boy had to think about.
“There’s a lot of things, I think. Like how excited she gets when she talks about things she’s passionate about. Oh, and the way she laughs when something’s funny in a movie or a show or something. And the way she sends me memes or videos that she thinks are funny. They’re usually not very funny, but of course I think it’s hilarious just because she sent it to me. And she always listens to me when I talk, even if I’m talking about something stupid and boring like science stuff I think is interesting. She talks back to me like she cares what I’m saying, and I know she probably doesn’t, but she acts like she does, and that’s enough. She always drags me out to go on adventures, or, at least, that’s what she calls them. Usually it’s just going to get coffee or try out some new restaurant she heard about but it’s still fun. She’s just so amazing, and I think she makes me the best version of myself.”
The rant ended, and for a moment, Peter forgot that Tony was even in the room.
“Damn. I wasn’t expecting that. I’m impressed, kid. To be honest, I expected some shallow answer like ‘she looks hot in her suit’ or something like that.”
“No, sir. Of course, she’s beautiful, but Y/N is just so much more than that.”
Tony gave another sweet smile to the boy in front of him.
“She likes you, too, you know.”
Peter’s head snapped toward Tony again.
What the hell did he just say?
“Y/N. She likes you.”
“No way. She just sees me as her best friend. I’m probably like a brother to her. She doesn’t like me like that.”
“But she does, kid. I know my daughter better than I know myself. She is head over heels for you, spidey. Which is why you should tell her how you feel.”
“Tell her how I feel? Why would I do that?”
“Because she likes you, too, and then you two will be stupid kids in love.”
“Are you serious?”
“Aren’t I always?”
Peter paused for a moment. “I thought you’d kill me when you found out I liked your daughter, not convince me to go talk to her about it.”
“I’m gonna be honest with you, kid. I brought you in here with the intention of killing you, or just telling you to stay away from my daughter. But after you went on that little rant about why you loved her, I just couldn’t tell you to keep away from her. You really love her, kid, I can tell. So go talk to her.”
“You’re sure you won’t be mad if I ask her out?”
Tony shook his head and smiled.
“Go get her, kid.”
Freshly clean and feeling a significant amount better, you sat on your bed scrolling on your phone. Thoughts of Peter had begun to fade (mainly because you forced them out of your mind) and that helped to keep you from stressing about what’s to come.
You had decided to confess how you feel to Peter.
True, this plan could ruin everything. Today could be the day you lost your best friend, and that thought made you want to cry.
But today could also be the day you finally get to kiss the boy you’ve loved forever, and that thought also made you want to cry.
You didn't have much time to think about it further, however, because Peter was knocking on your bedroom door.
“Y/N? It’s me. Can I come in?”
You paused immediately, your heart rating speeding up.
Oh, shit. This is it. This could be the beginning or the end of you and Peter Parker.
You took a deep breath, steadying yourself. It was now or never.
“Yeah, Petey, come on in.”
The door opened, and the boy you loved so much walked in. His cheeks were pink, you noticed. His cheeks only went pink when he’s nervous. Why was he nervous?
You could tell by his damp hair that he had also showered before coming to your room.
“I need to talk to you about something.” He rushes out.
“Same.” is your reply. What else are you meant to say?
“Oh, really? Well, uh, you can go first. I’ll wait.”
You shook your head frantically. “No, you first. You said it first, so it’s only right that you go.”
Peter’s hand went to the back of his neck, rubbing it. Another nervous habit of his.
“Can I sit down?”
You nodded. Why was he even asking? Usually he’d just plop down whenever he pleased, no questions asked. This behavior was very out of character for the boy you knew so well.
The boy sat down on the edge of your bed, and then took a deep breath. “Okay. I don’t know how to tell you this, but I just have to. I don’t want you to hate me, and I really hope this doesn’t affect our friendship, but…”
Peter paused for a moment, and looked into your eyes. They were brimming with concern, and he just couldn’t hold it back anymore. He broke the eye contact you’d been maintaining, mustered up all the courage he could, and then blurted it out.
“I’m in love with you. I have been for I don’t know how long. I wasn’t planning on telling you, because I didn’t want to ruin our friendship, but it was starting to get physically painful and I just- I can’t hide it anymore. I love you and I’m sorry.”
Peter clenched his eyes shut, unable to look at your face. He waited (very anxiously) for a reaction, but it never came. Eventually, he opened his eyes, gaining the burst of bravery it took to look at you.
Your jaw was dropped, the expression on your face unreadable.
Oh, no. No no no no no. He’d fucked up. He fucked everything up and now you were never going to speak to him again. He’d lost you. Damn you, Tony Stark.
“Y/N…” He began his apology solemnly. “I’m-”
But he never got to finish his sentence.
Because you were pouncing on him before he had the chance to.
You were on him within seconds, kissing him with so much intensity that he fell back on the bed. He was taken aback for a moment, but quickly kissed you back.
For a moment, the two of you just lay there, wrapped in one another, kissing like there was no tomorrow.
A kiss that made up for all the ones both of you had longed to have in the months before.
You pulled away gently, looking into Peter’s eyes.
“I have loved you for so fucking long, Peter. I was going to tell you that I loved you today.”
“Are you serious?”
You laughed lightly. “Of course I’m serious, you dumbass.”
“Hey!” Peter feigned offense.
You pecked his lips. “You’re a cute dumbass, though.” And then you were kissing him again, and it’s all you could’ve asked for.
After a while, the two of you had finally tired each other out, and now you sat cuddled against each other on your bed. No movie or show was playing; it was just you and Peter, listening to each other’s breathing and the sound of your heartbeats.
You looked up at the beautiful boy you were cuddling with, only to find he was already looking down at you.
“Aren’t you going to ask me out, Parker?”
Peter’s eyes widened, and his cheeks went red (for the millionth time that day.)
“Oh, yeah, I- I just thought- nevermind, uh- Y/N, will-”
“Yes, of course I’ll be your girlfriend, Petey.” You cut him off, saving him a few extra minutes of nervous stammering.
He smiled sheepishly at you, then leaned down to bring you into a kiss.
You cuddled back down into his chest, smiling warmly.
You can confidently say that right now, in this moment, you are the happiest you’ve ever been.
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mugimugitmnt · 3 years
No worries. :) And thank you so much! :D Would it be alright if I asked for the Bayverse boys sharing their very first kiss with a female S/O, please? Headcanon or one-shots style, completely your choice. Bonus if they're super awkward and funny cause of their inexperience but if that's not your cup of tea, can be however. ;) Thanks so very much. :D
Very first kiss! (BayVerse)
I really tried to make some of these funny but I couldn’t hold back the cute moments lol hope you like!!
Fem & g/n reader
Leo made his way into the living room portion of the lair, straighten up when he saw your sitting on the couch, your back to him.
“Hey, what’re you up to,” you felt Leo’s broad presence behind you, “what book is that?”
“Just some book I picked up at a yard sale. Look. The owner wrote notes.” Your fingers traced over the tiny letters written in pencil. Leo leaned over the couch you sat on, smiling knowingly to himself. He too is a fan of the practice of marginalia.
But Leo eyes quickly drifted to the tips of your fingers, the soft pink skin and neatly filed nails. He eyed the bracelet around your wrist, taking advantage of this calm moment you were distracted reading to take in the finer details he never got close enough to see.
You turned the page, the crinkle of the paper making Leo turn back to the book, leaning closer, his head over your shoulder. You felt the rising warmth in your face, he was so /close/. You could feel his gentle breathing on the hairs around your ear.
“Look at that one,” Leo pointed to a small note at the bottom of the new page. It was a heart with a little arrow going through it, two initials with a plus sign in the middle, with the date under it- 06.18.1988
The both of you smiled, and you couldn’t help but wonder if this was the marking of a now older couple.
You turned to look at Leo, only to go wide eyed when you realized his head was already turned towards you.
Faces inches apart, Leo sucked in his breath before pressing his lips onto yours. Frozen for a few moments, your hand slowly came up to cradle his cheek, smiling softly as you felt him melt onto your palm.
You were still, non moving, eyes lightly shut as Leo pulled away, a soft pop sounding from where his lips felt yours.
“Sorry,” Leo mumbled.
“No no... I liked it,” Your hand fell back onto the couch, patting the spot next to you, “sit with me?”
“Yeah, just...just gimme a minute.” Leo nodded, releasing a shaky breath, he didn’t want you to see how weak and shaky you had left his knees.
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“Raaaph,” you dragged out your words in annoyance, “ I’m so bored!”
You lay flat on the floor next to weight bench, pulling on the hanging red bandana tails that swayed with every bench press Raph did.
Raph grunted, pushing the heavy bar upwards, “then do sumthing.”
“Oh geez yeah that helped,” you rolled your eyes, knowing Raph couldn’t see your face. You watched him do his bench sets, the sweat rolling down in beads around his forehead and forearms. He was steady with it, a smooth up and down motion, his rough breathing and the slight brushing of the manholes as weights brushing against each other sounded through the room.
You sat up, running your fingers through your hair, a stupid, stupid idea making it’s turn through your mind. Maybe not so stupid, but dumb nonetheless.
You crawled over to where Raph continued to lift his weights. Popping up behind him, you leaned over him, hands on either side of his face, in a sideways Spider-Man kiss, daring to swipe your tongue across the underside of his top lip.
You continued to nimbly lick and tease his lips in kisses, until you heard the manhole weight covers jiggling profusely. You jerked your head back as Raphs arms began to shake like a newborn deer.
“Oh fuck... help,” Raph hissed, he could already hear Leo scolding him for not having a spotter. But how was he supposed to stay collected after /that!/
His hands were sweaty and his dirty little brain was firing signals to the wrong head.
You grabbed the bar with both hands, as if that would do anything. Only in your wildest dreams would you have the strength to help Raph lift literally 50 manhole covers.
“Leo! Donnie! HELP!”
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“Cereal is a soup,” you said, twirling in the desk chair next to Donnie. He momentarily stopped the tiny welding job infront of him, pulling his goggles to the top of his head.
“No,” he scoffed, “I dare say it’s not.”
You pursed your lips as to not laugh, “yeah you’re right. It’s actually a salad. Milk is the dressing.”
“I’m going to throw this battery at you if you don’t sto-“
“Pop tarts are ravioli.” You smiled smugly, watching his face go through the five stages is grief.
“Now that’s just disrespectful!” Donnie stood from his chair, and you kicked back bursting into a laugh as he made his way towards you.
“Corn dogs are just meat twinkies!” You shouted, knowing full well your plan to distract him from his tedious work had been successful.
He grabbed your flailing foot, pulling you and your chair closer to him.
“Coconuts are eggs!”
“Oh my god please no” Donnie and you began to mock fight each other, landing childish hits on each other’s arms, and before either of you could notice, your faces were inches apart.
You smiled upon seeing how close you were, and he gave back that a lopsided grin.
He leaned forward, capturing your bottom lip between his.
He pulled back, your face a bright pink, and you could swear Donnie was red in the face too.
“That pop tart one was messed up,” Donnie stated, the both of you giggling.
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You strolled happily into the lair, a box of cupcakes in hand as you head towards Mikeys room. No way you were sharing with the others, sorry guys.
You didn’t bother knocking as you pushed Mikeys door open, kicking it closed behind you.
“Hey Mikey!” You plopped yourself next to him on his bed. He didn’t budge from his spot under the blankets. You nudged him, taking out a cupcake and peeling the paper off the sides.
You pulled back the covers off Mikeys head, /he’s such a heavy sleeper/ you thought.
You pushed the cupcake up against his snout, “I brought cupcaaaakes,” you whispered, grinning widely as Mikey began to stir, his eyes lazily trying to pry themselves open.
“Mmmm... that’s awesome dudette,” Mikey reached up to grab the cupcake, but you quickly pulled it away.
He flipped over, sitting up to match you now, watching in fake horror as you bit into the cupcake, “what? I didn’t say it was for you,” you stifled a laugh as Mikey threw himself back on the bed.
“My trust. Gone. All in that one bite of cupcake!” Mikey threw a fake tantrum on the bed, taking a second to peek at you to see if you were laughing.
You shook your head chuckling, grabbing Mikey his own cupcake. He gasped, sitting next to you accepting the cupcake.
“Cheers,” you click your cupcakes together.
Between the two of you, you managed to finish the box of a dozen cupcakes.
“I think I’m gonna go into a sugar coma,” you burped, which Mikey took as a challenge and burped back louder.
You and Mikey broke into fits of giggles, the butterfly’s in your stomach and the sugar in your system making you feel lighter with warmth.
Mikey eyed you, enjoying how you snorted sometimes when you laughed, wiping extra frosting from your chin.
“Hey, can I kiss you?” Mikey said simply.
Your laughed softly faded as you beamed at Mikey, nodding in agreement.
Mikey scooted closer to you, taking your face into both big hands. His baby blue eyes scanning through your face, you couldn’t hold in the excited giggles from the nerves and neither could he.
He took in a deep breath before pressing his face against yours, you didn’t have a chance to kiss back before he blew all the air in his lungs into your mouth.
You reared your head back, feeling your nose burn from the air pushing through it. You fell into a coughing fit, Mikey holding onto your shoulders, “y/n! Oh dude I’m sorry I-“
You held your hand up, wiping a tiny tear from your eye. You tried giving him a reassuring smile, “no it’s fine,” you finally composed yourself, “how about we try again?”
Mikey gave you that goofy kid smile, before the both of you leaned into each other for a soft, sugary kiss.
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Word count: 1251
Genre: Fluff Pairing: Natasha x gn!reader
Warnings: Mentions of sex but nothing sexual (let me know if I need to add more)
Request: Hii! I'm loving all your fics about Nat, and I wanted to request something. Nat x fem reader and she's touch starved since she never really had any kind of affection in her life, and when she starts dating reader she realises she really needs physical affection! I just need some fluff with Nat
Summary: Reader and Natasha watch a movie and Natasha realizes how much she likes affection.
A/n: This request was for @stephanieromanoff, so I hope you like it because I had a lot of fun writing this one. So I feel kinda bad because I have a ton of requests to get to and I only got this request today (I did warn you guys I was’t going to do them in exact order) but I figured writing this was better than writing nothing. This request really inspired me because I love writing soft Nat fics and it got me back into a writing mood after hitting writers block on my series. Because of that I may not get part two of Feel out tomorrow like I hoped but I am trying to catch up on requests and will get part two out soon. Anyways I hope everyone enjoys and as always my requests are open, especially since I’m in a writing mood and I want to put something out every single day. 
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You flick through the titles, not particularly wanting to see any of them. It’s interesting that before when you had to pay for movies you seemed to want to see so many but now that you lived in the tower and you had pretty much every streaming service for free (thanks to Tony), every movie and show looked a little more boring.
“Tasha do you have any suggestions?” You ask, looking over at your girlfriend. You still were in shock you could even consider Natasha your girlfriend and although it had only been a week since your first date you would do anything not to mess this relationship up. 
“I haven’t been paying attention to the choices.” She admits and you laugh a little.
“Why don’t you look through some of the options while I get some popcorn and drinks ready?” You suggest.
She nods. “Sounds good, can you please pass over the remote?” You smile and stand making your way over to her with the remote in your hand. Handing it to her you lean over and kiss her forehead and nose lightly while touching the sides of her face before you pull back and walk to the kitchen, satisfied with the blush that spread all over her face at your actions.
The popcorn doesn’t take too long to make and you pour some ice water with lemon slices while it pops so you make it back to the living room in under five minutes. The sight that you are greeted with might just be the cutest thing ever in your opinion. Natasha has the top of the blanket over her head and it wrapped around her entire body except for her eyes and she looks tiny while buried in the blankets because she has her knees pulled up to her chest. 
“Did you pick a movie?” You ask her. 
She jumps a barely noticeable amount in surprise, having not heard you coming. “Yeah, I thought we could watch Little Women.”
“That sounds good,” you tell her, “and by the way you look absolutely adorable wrapped in the blanket like that.” 
She blushes. “I was going to take it off before you got back but it’s too comfy.”
“Well I’m very glad that you didn’t.” You tell her honestly, openly admiring her. She blushes again and starts the movie instead of answering. Even before it truly starts you know you’ll spend a good portion of the movie watching her because it was hard to take your eyes off of her and you had read the book so you knew the plot anyways. 
As you originally suspected you spent almost the entire time watching her watch the movie. You love the way the emotions flit freely over her face, her giggling along with the happy parts and biting her lip when things get sad. You were just watching the scene where you (and probably everyone else) cried while reading the book when she pauses the movie. 
“What was that for?” You ask, turning to her. She faces you, her eyes teary but none of them falling. 
“I just need a minute to gather my bearings,” She says and you know the movie must truly be affecting her because usually she doesn’t like to reveal her emotions. “I chose this movie because you said you really liked the book, I didn’t realize it was sad!” 
“You do know it’s okay to cry while watching this, pretty much everyone does.” You tell her.
Your permission seems to be the thing she needs and she breaks down into sobs. “I just can’t believe that happens, it’s so sad, none of them deserved that.”
You move over to her end of the couch, hesitantly putting your arms around her, ready to remove them when she seems to stiffen but then tightening her grip when she seems to relax into your arms. You pick up the remote and press play again, putting your arm back around her. Almost the entire rest of the movie you can feel her silently shake because she is crying and even though you already knew exactly what was going to happen you can’t help but let a few tears spill out. By the time it ends she is even further curled into you and manages to let out a small watery smile at the happy ending. You move to release her and stand up but she pulls you back down.
“No what, Tasha?” You ask, amusement lining your voice. “No getting up.”
“No getting up.” She repeats before resting her head on your shoulder, her breath tickling your neck. You are happy to oblige her, keeping your arms around her and absentmindedly running your hand up and down your back. She hums in contentment and you can feel the vibrations in your shoulder. 
“You know if someone had told me two weeks ago that I’d be dating you, I’d say they were optimistic, but if they told me you liked cuddles I’d get them tested in a mental institution!” You tease her.
She takes her head off her shoulder and looks up at you. “I didn’t even know I liked this until now, nobody has ever done this for me before.” 
You feel your heart simultaneously break and fill with affection for her. “I’m sorry about that, but I’m honored to be your first.”
She giggles. “You make it sound like you mean it in the first to have sex with me.” Her expression turns to a frown. “You will be far from first with that.”
“I know and I don’t care about that.” You look into her eyes so she knows you’re telling the truth. “This is more important to me. Sex doesn’t always mean love, this, this means love.” 
“Did you just say you love me?” She asks incredulously, her eyes wide.
You think about denying it, worried that it’s too soon because your relationship is so new but you’ve been in love with her for years and you can’t keep hiding it. “Yes, I did.” She continues looking up at you and as much as you try to, you can’t begin to read what she’s thinking. 
“I think I love you too.” She whispers after what feels like an eternity and you let out a breath you didn’t even realize you were holding. 
“Thank god, it would have been pretty awkward otherwise.” Placing a small peck on her mouth and then going back for a peck on her forehead. “However as much as I’d love to stay here, it’s getting late and we should probably get ready for bed. She pouts but untangles herself from you and brings your empty dishes to the kitchen while you exit out of the movie. 
“Will you sleep with me tonight?” She blurts out when she returns to the living room and you start to splutter. “No, no, no, I didn’t mean for that to come out like that. I meant will you sleep with me literally, like more cuddles.”
She hides her face in her hands embarrassed and you laugh loudly at her mistake. “Of course Tasha, I’d love to.”
She practically beams. “Thank you!”
“You really enjoy being held, huh?” You teasingly ask her, enjoying her flustered expression. “But seriously,” you add on, taking pity on her, “I love to hold you as well, so ask anytime.” She smiles again and takes the hand you hold out for her as you lead her through the halls to her room. 
Taglist: @fayhar @stephanieromanoff @acertainredhead @stop-drop-and-drumroll​ (if you want to be added, comment, send an ask or message me)
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solomonish · 3 years
How To Keep Your Demon Entertained At A Walmart
Congratulations! You've earned yourself a few demon date days up in the human world! But what's this? You have errands to run? Well, we all know these demons can't function without you for more than five minutes....but an entity that's thousands of years old gets a little bored and restless in the hyper-market wasteland of a Walmart...
Nowdateables: coming soon!
if you don't want him getting passive-aggressive about how you should've done this before he got here (yeesh Lucifer some of us have jobs or responsibilities that we can't shove onto our siblings for a day to see our precious mc) then you better be ready to make conversation
definitely not the type to allow you to even think about sending him off so you can get stuff done. he's not even that bothersome, so he'll get offended if you even think about it, but also wouldn't you rather keep him around to reach the top shelves?
basically if you don’t want to keep Lucifer entertained, you have to be the one he needs to keep entertained
do that thing where you roll around on the cart like a skateboard and he’ll be trying to put a stop to it immediately
put random things in your cart that he knows you don’t need and let him take it out and put it back where it belongs
stare him in the eyes as you put that party size brownie mix in your cart then speed walk away. he will come up from an aisle in front of you and silently pluck the box out and take it back. he will come back to see seven boxes of corn dogs and momentarily considers breaking up with you
does not need a treat as a bribe, but will definitely forgive your antics if you bought something from the bakery to snack on as you go home (especially if you did it without him noticing, considering the eagle eye he’s had to have on your cart the whole time)
just don’t have the nerve to complain about the crumbs in your car after that
I would say to ask him to scan the area looking for dropped coins on the floor but he'd probably knock down shelves trying to look beneath them so....maybe don't?
also please keep an eye on him or he WILL be shoplifting. human jail is (probably?) a step up from demon jail but like. let's aim for no jail, ok mammon?
instead, give him a pre-portioned off list and tell him it's like a scavenger hunt. he'll scamper off to explore the walmart and his duty to keeping you happy has like a 70% chance of preventing him from stealing anything too important
make sure the stuff you put on the list is kind of hard to find but not too hard. you wanna keep him occupied without risking him freaking out because he can't find this super specific spice you want
either that or only make a really vague list like. tell him you need bread and he'll stand in the bread aisle trying to remember if you like white bread or whole wheat bread until you come to retrieve him
bring money for a treat. if it's near st patrick's day go in the seasonal aisle and hope they have chocolate gold coins
he's not too hard to deal with, but figuring out what's sneaky enough to put on the list is a chore of its own so going by yourself is less work anyway
taking him to walmart was your final fatal mistake
seriously? he has to go in? you could have just left him in the car!!
you take him intending to have him pick out some normie snacks (since you don't have any limited edition whatever-the-fucks in your house right now) but he looks so uncomfortable you make a detour towards the games
just leave him to play on the trial device and go pick out a few things for him to choose from when you circle back to him
arguable the least stressful trip for you until you have to wade through the pool of kids surrounding him and watching him play when it's time to pay and leave
you won't have to buy him anything but you will have to wait for him to finish the level he's on before he lets you drag him away. and he'll probably complain a little bit in the car about how terrible it was to go in in the first place, which a treat would help minimize.
so i guess just pick your battles with this one?
satan is a refined individual with startling amounts of self control. he does not need pointed in the direction of the books. he can entertain himself on a grocery run.
point him in the direction of the books anyway
their selection is always small (because it’s a walmart not a bookstore) and half of it is children’s anyway so he’ll probably wander off real quick
satan doesn’t need to be entertained, no, he’s past that. he needs to be kept on a leash
you have no way of knowing where he’ll end up. sometimes he’ll be somewhere that makes sense like in the stationary but sometimes you’ll find him staring at the paint samples like it’s a masterpiece in a museum or over by the fishing hooks reading up about local fish populations and how to get a fishing license and you’re just like “???? i’ve been looking for you for twenty minutes???? don’t give me facts about salmon???”
will ask you why you need to buy tires in the same place you get your food. isn’t that suspicious? what do they specialize in?
answer him only with the word “bargains” and he’ll stop asking once he understands or gets annoyed
you don’t need to buy him a treat unless he finds a book he wants. then come on mc, you dragged him out here and you’re NOT gonna let him get this one thing??
he's fine with making an errand run with you actually!
he's up on the human world for you baby, just make sure to hold his hand so he feels appreciated
asmo is far too entertained with the concept of a walmart for his own good. don't go with him if you want it to be a quick trip because he'll want to go around the whole store
thinks at first that it's kind of nifty that humans just dump all the things they need in one store but is quickly turned off from the novelty when he realizes how short the distance is between the clothes and the nearest package of raw chicken
even if the selection is small, he will want to spend time in the makeup department. probably goes on rants about how he can’t imagine this quality of product is good for your skin
will still buy nail polish though if you let him
overall? not terrible to have around, but make sure you don’t have anywhere to be in the next hour when you take him
pack a gallon bag of cheerios like he's a toddler and get ready to fucking book it in and out of there
you know how you should never go grocery shopping when you’re hungry? what were you thinking bringing Beel around??
another brother who’s good for reaching tall shelves if you need it
Beel also has this talent where he can just list off the ingredients you need if you happen to forget your list
if you want, you can distract him momentarily by just throwing out random dishes and he’ll get the ingredients right every time (even though they’re human dishes!!) but you’ll end up giving him like five different cravings by the time you leave
only take him if you want to speedrun grocery shopping, because he will start eating food you haven’t paid for if you take too long
bring extra money for that too, just in case he gets caught :(
bringing belphie to walmart isn't a matter of keeping him entertained moreso than keeping him awake
which you will inevitably fail to do
so even if you only need like three things, get him a cart and let him fall into the basket
he’ll try to stay awake (and he’ll give very self-satisfied grins to the people who stare at him ((and especially the ones who say “wow i wanna do that”))) but he can only fight off his sin for so long
stop by the blankets so he can stuff a few soft things in (bc he’s gotta be uncomfortable cramped in the little basket) and he’ll make himself a tiny nest
the good news is you can put anything on top of him and he won’t complain. just don’t drop any gallons of milk on him or anything that’ll wake him up
go to a self check-out so the employees don’t yell at you
after you put your groceries in your car, just dump his ass on the pavement. he’ll forgive you if you bought him the blankets.
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shihalyfie · 3 years
Daisuke’s English skills
Adventure and 02 have a lot of really tiny details that tend to fly under the radar but, under closer inspection, are hard to read any other way, which is especially enhanced by the fact that some of these details are reinforced by other small things that appear throughout the series and are consistent with them. And then sometimes multiple fans pick up on these, completely independently from each other and often even from different countries, and it’s probably easy to think “how do all of these fans come up with such specific headcanons?” -- but no, it’s all based off stuff from the actual series, one that actually did tend to have a lot of background info about everything but loved to drop details in maddeningly subtle ways.
One of them is that Daisuke apparently has English proficiency, which is a surprising trait to come from someone who’s generally been portrayed as not very book smart. But it is true that there’s such a thing as being “good at languages” even if you’re not necessarily good at other kinds of studying, so perhaps Daisuke happens to be one of those with a natural feel for it?
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Our first piece of evidence comes from Hurricane Touchdown, when the kids hitchhike via the car of a strange guy who spouts a lot of English at them. Daisuke actually interprets what the man says -- it’s clear that Iori’s relying on what he’s saying, and it’s hard to come up with any other interpretation of what’s going on here.
But that’s not all!
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The “world tour” arc of 02 (episodes 40-42) is a bit ambiguous in terms of how much we should be interpreting everyone as speaking the literal language they’re speaking and how much of it is “translation convention”. However, even though Daisuke technically has people who could translate for him (Mimi, who presumably has gained a bit of proficiency in English after living in the US, and Michael, who seems to speak Japanese), it’s actually quite notable that Daisuke’s portion is the only one to never even remotely address the concept of a language barrier:
Hikari and Koushirou run into issues in Hong Kong until Jackie comes to intervene, since Koushirou’s English is terrible;
Jou is implied to translate Dingo’s English for Iori in Australia (similar to the Hurricane Touchdown example), and it naturally makes sense that Jou would be good at English, given its general usefulness for his academic studies and his future career as a doctor;
Catherine (conveniently) speaks Japanese;
Ken (conveniently) speaks Spanish;
Miyako and Sora can’t speak Russian at all and have to improvise.
Of course, some of them are ultimately given handwaves, but even so -- the fact that absolutely zero indications are given of anyone translating on Daisuke’s behalf definitely sticks out, and especially because Daisuke ends his segment of episode 40 with this:
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Daisuke says this line in English (including the “Mr.”). He knows very well that Mimi’s father should be able to speak Japanese, so while this line is of course silly (Daisuke’s playing dumb here), it’s still an interesting dialogue choice to make in light of all of the other aspects.
Our final clue comes from The Door to Summer, when Daisuke meets Mimi and Wallace in America again, and since Wallace canonically speaks Japanese, you could think that they’re speaking Japanese the whole way...up until Nat-chan gets introduced. The group holds a conversation normally all the way up until Mimi gives Nat-chan her name, leading Daisuke and Chibimon to balk at Mimi for giving her a Japanese name. In other words, nobody in the group had any reason to believe that Nat-chan was Japanese, meaning that they were most likely not holding their conversation in Japanese either. Presumably, they thought that Nat-chan was native to the area -- meaning that they, including Daisuke, had most likely been speaking to her in English.
So in the end -- like I said earlier, this “random” character trait of Daisuke’s seems oddly incidental, since he’s otherwise not portrayed as particularly studious. Except maybe not, because...
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Daisuke’s epilogue career ties into it. In fact, the specific Japanese wording of the narration in the epilogue also indicates that his ramen business started in America, and Kizuna confirms that Daisuke indeed had the idea of starting his business there even in early adulthood. If Daisuke happened to have pretty decent English even as a kid, that would certainly explain why he’d be open to that idea so early, wouldn’t it?
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crosby43kemp · 2 years
Wish for Homeowners - Mortgage loan modification Stories of Creativity - Part one - Meet Conrad
Conrad has owned his / her home for more than 15 years, this individual raised his children here and is usually well established in the community. Conrad refinanced his mortgage many years ago during the housing boom plus his house has been appraised at 100k higher than it is now. He took out and about some money to be able to add on his / her home to house their two sons along with his grandchildren. Unfortunately with this particular crisis came a hardship, the truth of a large earnings drop as Conrad is actually a Realtor in addition to the Property sector was hit very difficult. Conrad also worried and stressed thus much about this specific situation that this individual became ill plus developed cancer. These are the tough realities of experiencing foreclosure. Stress and fear can express itself in the human body while illness. This is the reason I actually stress taking care of on your own mentally and actually as your #1 priority during your current loan modification journey. A person see Conrad seemed to be denied by their lender many times before finally getting permitted and his previous denial came throughout are a refusal letter which showed up on Christmas Eve 2008. Could an individual imagine opening that will letter before you decide to have to sit straight down to Christmas supper together with your family and having to tell them you are planning to lose your home. This fear has been consuming Conrad which fear almost stopped Conrad into not really taking further activity. But you know what, Conrad somehow found the strength to be able to fight even if portion of him experienced helpless and on your own. The trustee sale was only days away. Conrad was an emotional ruin, with good lead to but this was not likely to find him the success he was searching for in saving the home. You must pick yourself upwards from the depths associated with despair that you are thrown into while going by means of this procedure, find that will tiny glimmer involving hope which is in you and discover a way to expand after that and locate a new point of view of determination and even positive energy. Dip yourself with motivation, and motivation. Friendly it and breathe it. Walk in more info , listen to motivational music, read educational books, surround on your own with positive people. This is just what you should do to break free the perils of enabling yourself to be a victim. With commitment you can defeat any adversity. This is when We met Conrad and almost did not necessarily believe anything can be done. We sat down and reviewed his documents from in those days Robert downey Savings together with his denial. You see Conrad had done anything his lender requested him to carry out, they wanted most of his income documented he would that, they wanted to see cancelled inspections from his son's he did that will, however they came and said he has been denied as they got released all his / her debts through the cleared Chapter 7 personal bankruptcy case and so they said he not anymore experienced for the after that FDIC program as they had a bankruptcy on his record. This particular was outrageous and even no where inside the guidelines for that program did that say that a new discharged bankruptcy will be a reason for denial, if anything that should help that will he no much longer had other financial debt to add to his household costs. So we began typically the fight starting with research televised on the series recommendations, next contacting everybody and anyone that would certainly listen, government agencies in addition to supervisors on the loan company with our in depth hardship letter alongside including details regarding the injustices regarding running Conrad via the mill and making him bounce through hoop right after hoop, straight and to the level and it also included of which their denial had been wrong and right now there was no many of these guideline disqualifying Conrad. You see I was determined to retain Conrad and the family within their home. I fought intended for him using the pretty essence of my being and that is precisely what you need in order to do too. Many of us sent numerous characters and emails to everyone we could get and we initially postponed his trustee sale, with perseverance you can attain this task. We would not quit calling and escalating this request into a manager until typically the trustee sale was postponed and verified. There have been several days that I had to be able to talk Conrad off of the ledge mainly because doubt and worry would begin to placed in his thoughts, but also in my brain Conrad would be victorious but I also desired Conrad to think that he would succeed this battle in any other case there are two conflicting forces regarding energy working towards each other. This is a fight that an individual must battle with faith, patience, a constant determination and previously mentioned all else some sort of positive belief that will you are going to make this specific happen. No matter how many rejects you will consider again and an individual will keep fighting for a way to not necessarily only make this work but in order to also emerge from this kind of a stronger individual in many parts of your life which includes success at keeping your home including least the information that you just gave it your all, there is a lesson within this for everyone. About March 10th My partner and i got verbal notification that the loan modification had been approved, I used to be not provided the main points over typically the phone unfortunately he informed the agreement had been being worked in and we should end up being receiving it soon, when I named Conrad to give him the good news instead involving being happy that will he was approved he was filled with worry and fear again that might be the payment would definitely be too high and would not be able to afford it. Once again, I told Conrad that we needed the positive thoughts in order to make this do the job for him. I actually told him to visualize the payment they needed Conrad explained he could help to make a $1500 for each month payment. We told him to find the letter congratulate your pet on his endorsement get back $1500 for each month number as if he organised the letter in his hand. I also told him not to bother about future as tomorrow provides enough worries involving its own and lots of times we make ourselves sick with worry over issues that NEVER come to be able to be. On Walk 13, 2009 many of us received the loan modification approval along with his settlement reduced from $1435. 62 from $3500 per month along with a few other fascinating term changes. Conrad was ecstatic any time he saw typically the achievement in the amazing outcome of his / her loan modification right after he had almost given up hope. This particular approval arrived at people after we had together received another denial. Prior to getting this awesome approval we seated down and examined the causes saw of which there were once more some errors by the lender on this occasion to the computations of income and even expenses and we all had resubmitted that this time with line by range explanations of each item and a completely organized deal that also gone to the identical people and we all were extremely victorious. It is simple to become disillusioned with the procedure and the technique nevertheless the key in order to winning is perseverance and an expected belief with the prosperous outcome. Good stuff arrive to those who else wait. Maybe Conrad has not been ready in order to resume his payments during all the occasions he was rejected, maybe better programs were being released that Conrad would certainly have available to be able to him. We no longer always know the reason why but everything surely does happen for a reason and inside the finish Conrad and his family obtained to save your family home. Like Conrad, many homeowners lose hope during the bank loan modification process often times because errors or even clarifications that many of us sometimes are certainly not made clearly informed of. One associated with the keys is to become the reasons plus get towards the right people that may help you accomplish your goal involving saving your home along with your sanity. Just about every lender has diverse ways of heading about loan alterations, what they acknowledge to do previously mentioned and beyond typically the government programs will be their own prerogative and varies through lender to loan provider, an incident to situation. Your loan may possibly be owned by a different entrepreneur than your neighbours loan even in case it is paid out to the same servicer so results can easily still be totally different. There exists trust. There are wonders. Take action. Happen to be you truly Dedicated, what is your own degree of commitment? The worst thing you can do will be nothing. I feel dedicated to advocate with regard to the victims associated with foreclosure please be part of the solution please write in order to me about what a person have gone via in this particular process with all the specifics, together we can make positive transformation a real possibility. If we all do nothing, you will get nothing. Offers this article already been useful to you? Please pay it forwards to someone throughout need and keep your comments. Anna Cuevas [http://www.askaloanmodguru.com] Customer Advocate/ Expert Fitness instructor for Mindset as well as Empowerment to Effectively Modify Mortgages as well as SAVE Homes/Loan Mod Guru. Totally free Loan Modification Assistance make sure you go to [http://www.askaloanmodguru.com] and even join today to be able to get your no cost special report "Dirty Little Loan Changes Secrets, You Need Know" Proven Record of Achievement: Modified over 120+ funding including Sale Reversals. Real Expert tips from someone who has actually in person modified loans along with just about each lender. Insider suggestions and knowledge. My personal expertise can enable others in the casing crisis w/insider suggestions, process, & understanding. Extremely Resourceful. Trustworthy. Excels in conference objectives using independent action, prioritization & leadership. Confident & poised interactions w/individuals at all levels. Self-motivated. Dedicated, Skilled Reputation of Heading Above & Over and above whats required. Large standards. Achieves effects in countless living organisms problems. "I would rather surrender my life in the pursuit of rights, than save this and live underneath a tyranny involving greed" MISSION: In order to empower people w/knowledge & make them end up being their best possible. My personal 23+ yrs. regarding Real Estate mortgage loan experience which consists of vast insider information and expertise allows me to enable people & reduce frustration during talks & loan modification process using their financial institution. INTENTION: To often give my very best to other folks within the service regarding God & humankind. I think it is definitely my duty to be able to stand up for what I think will be right.
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wexhappyxfew · 3 years
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The Sun Will Always Rise || Ronald Speirs
inspired by a quote from Ruta Sepetys’ book, Between Shades of Grey ~ ❛you stand for what is right, without the expectation of gratitude or reward. ❜
Happy HBO War Secret Santa 2020! I can’t believe the time has officially arrived and to say I am beyond excited for this lil Ronald Speirs imagine I cooked up, is an understatement. This is for @incorrectbandofbrothersquotes​ , for Kelsey!! It’s not as much of a Christmas theme, more of a snowy, wintry theme, which I love!!
I was beyond excited to take up a request for Secret Santa and laying out my options, going off your list, I chose Ronald Speirs to write for you - I am so happy with how this turned out, and I hope, more than anything, you enjoy it and it brings some holiday cheer to this time of year, especially after a year where it seems like every thing that happened just got worse and worse.
Take time to yourself this holiday season, Kelsey, and you enjoy some time for yourself as well - you are such a wonderful human being, who I believe if I’m correct, I have followed since Day 1 in this fandom, nearly 2 years ago - if that even sounds right LOL! It’s been a long while though! Happy reading and happy holidays for whatever holiday you celebrate, or if you don’t celebrate any at all! Thank you and enjoy! And thank you @hellitwasyoufirstsergeant for doing this!!! <3
ronald speirs imagine x reader - 2.5k word count <3 
Captain Speirs had been rather adamant on letting you go early from the tiny meeting Captain Winters had organized - between the runny nose, your numb fingertips, and your pale cheeks which seemed to stand out especially in the bleak wilderness around you, you figured it was for the best. 
Haguenea, France was far from the paradise that Mourmelon-le-Grande had offered back in the convent in Rachamps when it was the only thought inside your mind, the warmth reaching your hands for the first time in what felt like months. 
Now, your toes were numb just like your mind. Your helmet was cast down over your tired eyes, the dark rims that had accompanied you through Bastogne, along with the terrors of the Bois Jaque, you were surprised that you could no longer get a proper night of sleep at this point. 
OP 2 stood with its bullet speckled fortifications, shattered glass window panes, and mud covered path way but more than anything you felt a tiny smile poke up at the corner of your mouth, more than anything in that moment. 
Crossing your arms across your chest, you tucked your little hands towards the coat portion near your armpits, relishing the bit of warmth your body still managed to produce. 
Moving up the few steps you had taken that morning, up to the depths of OP 2, you stomped the bits of mud out from the portions of your new winter-boots pack and pushed inside the bit of warmth that drifted from the outpost. 
You could hear a few of the men moving around downstairs, most likely eating their fill before the patrol slated for 0100 tonight. It was quiet on the main level though, beds left unmade from where men had taken much-needed naps from the bitter cold which brought on layers of tiredness and loss of calories more than the normal days of what war brought. 
Pulling the Thompson from your shoulder, you let it drop into your cold hands before lying it beside the bunk you, yourself had taken a nap in before you had woken up for the meeting. 
Yawning, you glanced towards the open French doors that let in the cold draft of air in the late, dreary afternoon. The quiet river that trailed outside let it’s soft presence be known as the sun did its best to warm the land underneath which lay tattered in ruins and soaking snow and mud pits, decorating it with war. 
Moving outside again, you let your pistol bump at your hip - no one wanted to start another battle when the war had already taken enough, no one wished to throng bullet after bullet towards one another when there was already so much bloodshed - for a moment there was simply just peace as you moved outside towards the river. 
Turning the corner, where you had found a little secluded spot to just sit and let the tiny bit of peace you felt overtake you, you noticed a figure standing stiffly, his dark eyes looking out across the river, with a scarf pulled up around his stubble cheeks, eyes evidently alert and awake. 
You had found the area just that day, frosted hedges and a leafless tree hanging overhead with the dreary sky as a saddening backdrop. 
Clearing your throat, you took a tentative step forward, watching the man with gentle eyes. He didn’t seem to notice your presence, he didn’t make a show of it, but you knew he did, by the subtle shift in the way his shoulders dropped the slightest inch, and even his eyes seemed to soften, the hard glow from your side view of him fading. 
Captain Speirs seemed no stranger to your presence in the simple way, he suddenly turned his own head towards your eyes, his lips pulled into the thin line you had seen previously at the small gathering with Captain Winters. 
“ I thought I told you to get some rest, Lieutenant.” he said, his eyes softly moving up and down your small stature, stopping briefly on your hands which looked nearly as pale as the sky by that point - you looked so fragile and small in his eyes for a moment. 
“ Sleeping and I aren’t exactly compatible.” you said as you approached him, your feet in the mud covered boots slowing to a pause in front of him as he watched you earnestly.
“ What are you doing out here, Lieutenant?” 
“ I could ask the same of you, sir.” you answered quietly back, watching as he studied your eyes, noticing the build of stress lines that stretched like the horizon underneath your stressed eyes, the sunken in cheeks showing the wounds of war in someone who had fought so strongly against it and the pain of a million souls rupturing your heart. A slight hint of a smile poked up at the corner of his lips, as he finally rested his eyes on your own again, before looking back out towards the river and the enemy’s side.
“ It’s peaceful out here.” he said and you watched as he let his eyes move along the bank of water, softly picking on each and every little part of the river from its banks to the white caps. 
“ I’m glad I’m not the only one who found it peaceful then.” you said quietly, your own eyes caring out towards the, admittedly, cold water. Slowly, willing yourself with the might you had, you walked forward and slowly positioned yourself beside the man, barely reaching his shoulder if you could admit it and let your eyes remain out on the river. 
Captain Ronald Speirs had come into your life only recently, but even years before you had bumped into him on occasion - it was always a mutual greeting, signs of respect being passed between the two of you, both Lieutenants in your own realms. He had even complimented the dress you’d been wearing out on the town one night with a group of the guys in Aldbourne after the Normandy Campaign. He had liked the color - it had been a soft baby blue, like robin’s eggs - and he had liked it. 
Of course at the time, you hadn’t thought much of it, the sun rising and setting, the moon coming out to expose the raw pain and truth of war, the bloodshed and endless battles and the grief that consumed merely just one person after the next - you’d forgotten about it almost instantly. You still remembered the softness of his eyes - that hadn’t changed. 
Now, he was your CO and you remained a close Second to him; he turned to you when he wanted to run something over, and on occasion, you two shared a cigarette under the moonlight when all the men were tucked away and finally getting the restful sleep they deserved. 
“ What do you think’s gonna happen on that patrol tonight, Lieutenant?” he asked you, voice soft, in a way gentle, but the soft rasp of a cough in his throat was far from evident. He always seemed to confide in you when these circumstances arose - especially after Rachamps. 
“ I think the men will be okay, they’ve fought for a while in this war, just as the enemy has. They’ll do their best.” They were tired is what she wanted to say, all the men were - she gave a prayer to Sergeant Martin for the heed he took when assigned to lead the patrol over the exhausted Sergeant Malarkey. 
“ They’ve all fought long enough.” the Captain said quietly and you peaked a hesitant glance up towards him. Your heart didn’t fail to speed up the slightest bit at the gentle nature that encased his face and the way he seemed to undoubtedly care for each of the men like a father would. 
Turning from the river, he slowly met your eyes which didn’t falter in looking away from his own - you were rather mesmerized by his beautiful irises, the way they glowed even in darkness or in the bleak snow, even when the sun would rise, they glowed so purely. 
“ Sir….I….” He watched you speak, head inclined towards you, waiting for the words from your lips, but you were caught up with the caring nature he seemed to inhibit within himself in that moment of time where there was no war, no peace, just him and his eyes, and just...him. 
“ I know you care for these men, Y/N.” Captain Speirs whispered softly, as he watched your eyes change from the stressed expression they seemed to constantly encompass to a gentleness, a warmth, merely at the direct comment of her name and not just the soft rasp of Lieutenant - no he had said your name. So softly and tenderly, each letter off the tongue like a song. 
“ I’ve been with them since Toccoa, sir….I…” your shoulders managed to slump as you found yourself unable to finish your sentence under the Captain’s gaze, unable to process mere words. 
“ These men don’t deserve this Y/N, I know that and so does Captain Winters - I think we all do.” 
“ Battalion’s orders.” you managed out weakly, with an attempt at a frosted smile as he nodded, watching the sadness flood your eyes again - he found out he didn’t like seeing your beautiful eyes sad like that, even if they still looked just as beautiful, your eyes didn’t deserve to see and feel such pain, for their mere beauty was worth much more. 
“ You don’t deserve this either, Y/N.” Shutting your eyes for a moment, you felt your heart squeeze at his words - you always thought in some way you had - for the lives you took, for the ones you couldn’t prevent being taken, from everything. In some ways, it was alright - to pay your dues as such. 
“ You deserve to be happy, warm...in a little cottage by the sea that you’ve always liked…” 
He had LISTENED to that story? He had HEARD that story? 
You swore it must’ve been the fever or maybe that the recollection you had was just you mumbling to yourself, you swore it had been.
“ You heard all that?” you asked softly, your eyes opening as you met his own again. A chuckle left his lips and you found it enough to boost your own into a shy smile at it, his eyes downcast before glancing up to your own. He had a nice laugh.
“ Yeah, yeah I did,” he said biting back his lips as a smile crossed his lips, twinkling eyes shining on you,” must’ve been the fever but you were going on and on about it and I wasn’t going to stop you either.” You let out a soft laugh, shaking your head at your clumsy way of speech - through a fever and the cold and you had blabbered to Captain Speirs about the cottage by the sea you wished for. 
Both your smiles seemed to fall once the moment past and almost like a little angel on your shoulder, your heart pleaded to see that dash of a boyish grin on his lips again. Your heart nearly yearned for it when it’s only human contact was the Captain in front of her - maybe she wanted it too. 
And from the proximity of your bodies, you were nearly in reach of him. 
“ Your eyes..-” Softly looking towards you as you spoke, your lip hanging open a bit as you met them again,”...I mean, sir, I..I don’t know if you’ve been told, but you’re eyes…” He watched you softly.
“ They’re beautiful, sir, and I just thought you should know.” Because in war, this war, I may never see you after tonight, you wished to say, but your head was saying no as your heart was saying yes. 
The smile that had gone underground on the Captains’ face suddenly grew, spreading across his face and you couldn’t help but let your breath get caught in your throat. 
An ethereal being was your first thought. 
It seemed like he too was caught at a similar crossroads, his eyes betraying him and his heart - you were within reach, you were standing right there, despite everything. 
You were standing there with a wounded heart. 
“ I could say the same to you,” he said quietly,” Lieutenant.” Your heart squeezed the slightest bit tighter as he said it.
“ Baby blue,” he said quietly,” like robin’s eggs.” Your eyes carried up to his again and you met them within seconds, suddenly aware of the heat on your cheeks, the pounding of your heart - none of it.
“ I didn’t just notice that dress you wore that day, Lieutenant,” he said quietly,” I noticed those eyes too.” He swore they could make the sun want to rise on its worst days. You swore it was just the cold, but you had no words left to say, you had nothing to say at all - because his eyes which glowed like the sun, said it all. 
“ Sir….” you whispered, but he suddenly turned and gently pressed his hands which had been crossed over his chest, flush against your red cheeks and watched you tenderly, his thumbs brushing against the sensitive skin of your sunken in cheeks, as he watched your eyes. He watched you so selflessly, like you were his sun, his world. 
Could a person ever mean that much to another - maybe Ronald Speirs thought that way. 
Maybe he always had. 
It seemed for a moment the stoic Captain did everything to break down the walls which encapsulated him just so he could touch the human in front of him - you. The bit of warmth he still felt under his fingertips coming from you. 
Softly, ever so lovingly, he shut his eyes as you watched his long lashes cover his irises. 
And in that moment, you shut your own as he held your there, inches from his face, faintly hearing his heartbeat which raced for the first time since Foy. 
“ You stand for what is right, Y/N, without the expectation of gratitude or reward.” he whispered softly as your heart rushed and hurriedly skipped over a beat without hesitation,” And through this war, even after, it’s all you deserve.” 
And within a moment, a softness pressed against your cold cheek, the touch of his lips on your skin, a gentle kiss from the servant of the sun - and just as fast as it had happened it disappeared. 
Your own hands slowly moved upward towards your flushed cheeks - you could still feel the brush of his lips against the skin of your cheek. 
Opening your eyes, you found yourself alone, all alone by the rushing water of the river, your heart pounding. Slowly, you glanced over your shoulder and found the figure of the Captain moving away from you, his commanding presence which had fallen to his queen for a mere moment of time, back up. 
Yet you had seen it fall, and you had seen his heart, his beautiful heart - for not only were his eyes as beautiful as they had been, but so was his heart - it had always been, but this time, so was everything else about him. 
The sun smiled, it would always rise. 
The sun would always rise. 
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