#There’s not a lot of adults still alive which is Very Concerning
puppetmaster13u · 4 months
Prompt 156
Bruce is very much not happy. He’s stuck in an absolutely tiny body, with hands that can barely grip onto anything. Not to mention he’s somewhere completely unfamiliar with way too much sun and his body, what, maybe a year? He can barely even stand. 
Ugh. Next time he’s definitely not jumping between his teammates and an unknown energy beam-thing. 
Now if he could not wobble and trip over what was his outfit but now seems to be a way too big cloak or cape, that would be great. Actually it might be his gear just well, only his cape. First thing is first, finding out where- or even when- the heck he is. 
Danny is honestly blaming Clockwork for everything when he spots a baby that could pass as his baby brother. And he knows he doesn’t have any more clones, seeing as he cleaned out Vlad’s lab himself. So. There’s apparently a tiny very liminal-feeling baby crawling around in what is practically a war zone thanks to the GIW. 
So he could be forgiven for picking the tiny child up as he runs, because if the GIW does another attack or bombing… Yeah, he’d rather the literal infant be in one of the safe zones protected by altered ecto shields, even if there was no clue as to where they came from. 
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literaila · 2 years
lean in, lean out
tasm!peter x fem!reader 
summary: in which peter invites you to a wedding. as his girlfriend. which, evidently, you are not. 
warnings: hahahaha, fake dating trope, pure fluff, peter is an idiot, reader is an idiot, we’re all idiots. 
a/n: let me know how you like it! 
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"this is stupid." 
despite the tone of your voice, despite the absolute death grip you've got on his hand, and despite all other things—
peter looks down at you. smiles that same irritating smile. 
you know—the smile that makes your whole body feel... alive. the kind of smile that lights you on fire and doesn't apologize. no, you think. he's not sorry. 
and he's really not. 
"you're doing great," peter whispers, leaning a little bit closer to you. maybe just a little bit amused. 
or a lot. it's hard to tell with how much you hate him right now. his encouragement is not welcome.
his breath on your skin and every stupid ounce of affection and appreciation—it’s not welcome.
"why do i even have to be here?" you ask him, between gritted teeth. his hand is warm in yours. rough. "you could've said i got food poisoning, or the flu. or maybe i was ziplining and the wire broke." 
peter looks forward, but you see the little crinkle of his brows. 
"that's a terrible excuse," he tells you, "you can't just start ziplining. you have to, like, take a course." 
"because that's my biggest concern right now. the course i didn't take." 
peter snorts, but is quick to cover it up with a cough, smiling at the people who turn to stare at him. 
and at you with their evil eyes. 
with their very nice smiles and wonderful table manners. their curiosity towards the man who, at the moment, is tickling your hand with his fingertips.
you try to smile at them.
you're supposed to be keeping your mouth shut, listening to the speeches. 
you're actually supposed to be completely in love with peter. 
which, you think, in the deepest, darkest part of your mind, isn't really that big of a stretch.
"can't we just get kicked out?" you mutter to him, pretending that you're not both playing footsie under the table. that you’re a mature adult and peter is a child you’re just babysitting.
you're winning, obviously. 
"i don't think you can get kicked out of weddings..." but peter still looks around, like he's checking for a sign. 
"you can if you snuck in." 
peter looks at you again, sunken down in your seat and crossing your arms. 
which is what you'd be doing if that was a part of your elegant girlfriend role. 
instead, you're sitting up straight, pretending not to admire how the light catches his jaw--the little concave of his throat. pretending that you didn't stare at him the entire ceremony. nor that his suit has elicited an unfortunate reaction in your chest.
"luckily, we didn't sneak in." peter takes a sip of his water. he is deliberately avoiding your eyes. 
maybe it's the guilt. 
"yeah, yeah," you mutter, into your own glass—your only solace. "these people are your closest confidants. the people you'd want at your funeral, the ones who know you like no other—“
peter squeezes your hand. you can't tell if he's telling you to shut up, or thanking you. 
you honestly can't tell if it's hot in here or if you're just sweating. 
you contemplate chugging your water. 
"shh," peter whispers, but he leans in close again. just enough that you can smell his soap--some kind of spice, some kind of ridiculously addicting smell that you can never quite place. he kisses your head, smiles at someone who is looking at you. 
but you're staring at the floor. 
you're really trying to keep the dumb smile off of your face. 
there are spiders crawling into your brain and making you short-circuit.
"gotta have a wedding before a funeral. and," he says, teasing you, breaking the rules, "you're my closest confidant." 
"how romantic." 
peter moves back. it might be your tone of voice. he glances at you with a raised brow. "i thought this was stupid?" 
"it is," you're quick to answer. quick to throw yourself off of the nearest building. quick to run out of here and pretend that you got eaten alive by wolves. "i'm just saying—if you want to trick all of your family members, might as well do a good job." 
"i think we're a good couple," peter pouts like he's absolutely serious. 
the words want to send sparks down your heart. they want to hurl bowling balls down your stomach. 
but you refuse. 
"this is stupid," you repeat, but this time, your lip twitches. if only minimally. 
peter kicks your foot under the table. he opens his mouth to say something back. 
but then everyone is clapping, peter is looking over to you—you with wide eyes and far too temperamental emotions—and laughing. 
you must look shocked. 
the bride's father steps down from the stage, voice echoing as he tries to collect himself. 
peter pretends to wipe a tear away. 
when you turn away from him—thanking whatever gods there are that everyone is focused on the stage and away from your glowing eyes—you pretend that you can't feel him smirking back at you. 
"it's really not that big of a deal—“
you blink. you stare at him. you count to a million in your head, trying not to feel angry. or upset. 
it doesn't work. 
"you told your aunt that i was your girlfriend, and it's 'not that big of a deal?'" your poor imitation almost makes him laugh. almost. 
"she already thought we were dating anyway—“
you think about strangling him. or kicking the chair out from under his feet. "may thought that you were dating the stupid library girl?" 
"you're not stupid." 
"i was talking about the library." 
peter looks almost offended. "hey." 
you roll your eyes. drop your head into your hands. his eyes are warm on you, and you know that he's not going to look away until you say something else. 
until you agree to this stupid plan and pretend that the only reason he's okay with this is that he feels absolutely nothing for you—
it's not that big of a deal. really. 
peter places a hand on your shoulder. when you don't look up, he sighs. and then promptly pulls your hands away from your face. 
he is unbearably kind. smiling at you. 
"peter..." you say, almost relenting. almost letting him win. 
as if this was a game and you were a handy object he picked up along the way. just something to come in later. 
"hey," he says, softly, still staring at you. he's never been afraid of eye contact. "if you want me to call her back and tell her that i lied, i will. i don't want to make you uncomfortable." 
you'd like to mention that the only uncomfortable thing about any of this is how hard your heart bangs on your chest. 
your head lands back in your hands. 
peter pokes the bit of cheek he can still reach. you twitch. 
"or i can tell her we broke up. that you broke up with me. you'd get a kick out of that." he nudges your shoulder. 
you pretend that he didn't just slide his chair even closer to you.
you peek an eye at him. "i would enjoy breaking up with you."  
"ouch." but peter's smiling. "seriously," he says. "you don't have to go." 
you lean up, brows furrowed. "why don't you just find an actual date?" 
you try to say it seriously. like you're not bitter at the prospect. 
"having a first date at a wedding?" peter says, dryly. "no, thank you." 
"you could, i don't know, try actually dating someone. it doesn't have to be the first date." 
"i don't wanna date someone's," he's almost pouting. your lip twitches. 
this statement is a lie, of course, but it fills your heart with a little unnecessary glee. something a little bit like relief. you want to dig a hand into your ribcage and rip your heart out just so you can scold it a little. 
instead, you shake your head at peter. "then don't go with anyone. maybe you'll meet someone there. wedding romances are very popular this time of year.”
peter winces. "i know. it's just..." he blows a breath. runs a hand through his hair, only making it even messier. his sweater is bunched at his wrists. his glasses are hanging at the tip of his nose. 
you want to lean in close to him and push them up. 
you clench your fists. 
"it's just what?" 
"if i go alone then everyone will ask questions." 
you frown. "questions?" 
"yeah." peter sighs, avoids your eyes again. "and then they'll all give me those pitiful looks because 'poor peter he can't move on' and 'may said he was doing better.'" 
you observe his face carefully, tiny pricks of anger hitting directly at your chest. 
"it happens at every family event," peter laughs, looking back at you. "i… wanted them to see that i'm okay, for once. and you know i don't like answering questions." 
you laugh. you move a little bit closer to him, maybe subconsciously. "you don't have to go alone," you say. maybe to him. 
"i know," peter stares at you a second, smiles. "there's no one else i'd want to go with, though." 
unsure if he's poking fun at you or being serious, you choose the safe option. the smarter one. 
"i hate weddings," you declare to him, glaring. 
peter laughs, head thrown back, teeth showing. 
you feel a sense of pride. a tiny little branch growing in your chest—getting bigger. 
peter shakes his head, because he knows you're lying. he's nice enough not to say it. "plus, may already likes you. no awkward introduction." 
you raise a brow. "there wasn't any awkward introduction when i went home with you for thanksgiving."
"because she already liked you." 
"you giving me glowing reviews, parker?" 
he smiles. "no," tilts his head like he's hilarious. "may likes that you called me out on my bullshit." 
you push him, frowning. "i'm very nice to you." 
he rubs at his arm, still smiling at you. 
and then there's a moment where the two of you just stare. just look in each other's eyes like you wouldn't rather be doing anything else. 
you wouldn't. 
but you know peter is waiting. 
you take a deep breath in. 
it might be his stupid smile. or his dimples. 
it might be the way he's pleading with you--without his eyes, without even asking--like it's a secret that only you can keep. 
"okay," you tell him. "but i'm going to eat all of the cake." 
peter holds his hands out to you. 
it's late enough in the night that the lights are dim. that his eyes are bright, illuminated by the fluorescents above your head. his smile is soft, his hands are big. 
you frown. "what?" 
"let's dance." peter says this like it's obvious. like what else would you rather be doing right now?" 
you look down at the table, empty now. you look towards the dance floor, full. 
"yeah," you drawl. "maybe not." 
peter pouts. "you don't want to dance with me?" 
his hand is still out, still perfectly intimidating. 
"it has nothing to do with you, peter," you promise. "i don't want to dance with anyone." 
"but you're a great dancer." 
you point a finger at him. "there is no evidence of that." 
"fall semester, last year." 
"how very specific, peter." 
he smiles. he waves his hand like he's very impatient. "c'mon, it'll look weird if we don't dance." 
"you already look weird so i don't see the issue." 
his free hand goes to his chest, in mock offense. you smile at him, so adoring. 
"you dance around in my kitchen all the time." 
"not in heels." 
his face is blank. 
"not after i've just eaten a bunch of wedding cake." 
peter just stares at you. 
"peter," you whine, feeling intimidated. but mostly worried about being any clsoer to him than you have been all night. "please don't make me." 
"this is supposed to be fun." 
you cross your arms. your neck has begun to ache from looking up at him. 
"just one song," he makes a tiny little one with his finger as if that is going to convince you anymore. 
"it's never 'just' with you." 
peter crosses his heart. "scouts honor." 
"that was a cross, not a pledge. and you're not a boy scout." 
"i could've been," he sighs dreamily, looking up at the ceiling like he's got big goals. entire aspirations. 
and then he looks down at you and smiles again. 
and fine. 
maybe you dance with him. 
but it has nothing to do with his smile. you're merely trying to keep up appearances.
"when may calls you tomorrow and asks why your girlfriend hates you, just tell her—“ 
peter follows you as you stumble into the hotel room. 
he flicks the lights on and sets your bag down in the hallway. 
because he owes you, you just flop down on the bed. admiring how soft the sheets are. you lose track of your sentence. 
"do you want to shower?" 
"it is three in the morning, peter."
"yeah but you're all sticky." 
you sit up in bed and look at him--peter who has now removed his blazer. who is quickly undoing his tie and staring at you like he's never looked at you before. 
you look down at the sheets. rub your hands together because you're cold. 
"are you saying that you don't want to sleep next to me because i smell bad?" you ask him, scrunching your nose. 
peter slips his shoes off, laughing so quietly that you can barely hear it. he flops down next to you, looking up at the ceiling. 
"i don't remember implying that." 
you crawl closer to him, almost right above him. "it was written all over your face, parker." 
"well," he smiles at you, more amused. maybe delirious. "it's not like i haven't shared a bed with you before." 
you lay back, copying him. your hands rest at your sides, very close to his. 
you blink. the white of the ceiling looks particularly interesting. 
"it's too early to tell if that was an insult or not." 
peter snorts. his laughter shaking the entire bed. 
shaking your entire body from the inside out. 
and then he groans as he leans up, stretching. you close your eyes, refusing to look at him. 
refusing to notice how his shirt has ridden up his back and you can see an inch of soft warm skin. 
refusing to notice how the bed already smells like him. 
and the fact that you're supposed to sleep next to him, all night. 
and that maybe dancing with him left behind some spare anxiety, crawling up your skin and massaging your neck. 
you refuse anything. 
when you open your eyes again, peter is unbuttoning his shirt. 
"are you at least going to get in pajamas?" 
"peter, these are pajamas." 
he snorts. "really?" a shirt is thrown on the floor. a zipper can be heard from across the room. similar to your heart. "because i distinctly remember someone telling me that 'it was the most uncomfortable outfit ever' and 'not even satan would allow this.'" 
you sit up, moving to cross your legs. maybe you stare at him a little. "what?" you gasp. "who would say such a thing?" 
peter looks back at you and smiles. 
it's quite possibly—in the realm of possibilities and three in the morning thoughts—the prettiest thing he's ever seen. 
"here," he tosses you a shirt. a pair of sweatpants. 
how he found those in the vast depths of your suitcase, you are unsure. 
"i'm going to go brush my teeth, moisturize." 
"is that how you get that baby-smooth skin of yours?" 
peter raises an eyebrow at you. gestures down to the clothes in your lap. "change. get in bed. you look tired." 
you frown. "did my makeup smudge?" 
peter stares for a moment, surveying your face. his eyes are wide and his lips are just slightly parted. just enough for you to see a tiny bit of pink. a flash of white.
it’s a moment too long. peter clears his throat. "no," he says. "you--it, um. it looks good. you look beautiful." 
your eyes widen, if only a little bit. 
peter seems to realize this. he seems to run from you, if not literally, then figuratively. "okay. uh, you. change." he shakes his head. 
and then the bathroom door closes. 
you're tucked into bed when peter comes out ten minutes later. 
you don't bother to ask what took him so long. 
he smiles at you in the dark—you can see this, or, at least feel it. you're very familiar with it. 
and despite the fact that you have shared a bed with peter before, that you were miles closer to him only a couple of hours ago, you still feel a twitch of nerves as he climbs into bed next to you. 
the covers shift ever so slightly. 
and then peter turns towards you. he knows that you're still awake. 
you know that his eyes are soft. that there are circles under his eyes but he still looks just as beautiful. but he still looks like the person that you're undeniably in love with. 
"tired?" he whispers to you because it's dark. 
these are late-night secrets, see. 
"yes." you whisper back. "no." 
peter chuckles, so low and quiet. 
it's silent for a moment. cars passing by the room. lights shining in through the curtains. 
your heart bouncing across the walls and hoping to land in peter's hands. 
"did you have fun?" he asks, so soft. 
you almost freeze. almost completely forget yourself. "yeah. yes.  i—it wasn't as bad as i thought it would be." 
"i think the dancing really sold it." 
"oh, you mean, you stepping on my feet and me not yelling at you?" 
"that's the testament to a good relationship, for sure." 
peter is smiling. 
you know that. 
maybe because you're also smiling. 
"you should go to bed," you say. "you're tired." 
"i'm really not," peter says. 
you want to lean in closer. something about the dark. something about spending the whole day with him. something about his eyes and his lips and his smiles—which, even now—are terrifying. 
something about the dark. 
"may wants to have breakfast with us," peter whispers to you. 
"yeah. i can tell her that you're too tired if you want." 
you clear your throat. swallow. "no. it's okay. i like hanging out with her." 
peter is silent for a moment. he is so quiet that you're almost worried that he's disappeared into the dark. 
but he's there. 
your heart won't let you forget that. 
"peter?" you whisper. 
"thank you for bringing me." 
"thank you for being my girlfriend." 
the sentence weighs more than a pile of bricks on your chest. 
you think about the next ten minutes. about how this might be—this is—your last chance. this is it for peter being your boyfriend. even fake. 
it's worth something. 
but peter turns on his side, eyes shutting. 
and so you follow, pretending that you can't feel him, warm, so soft, next to you. 
you pretend that you can't hear his breathing. that all of this is meaningless. 
and you're getting used to it. pretending. 
still, you feel it, about seven minutes later. 
a couple of minutes after you're sure that peter's already fallen asleep. that he isn't plagued by these thoughts, these ideas like you are. 
it doesn't matter. 
it's seven minutes later, in the dark, so early in the morning. 
you feel peter's hand, right next to you. 
you feel him intertwine his fingers with you. 
and peter is warm and soft. rough and cold. 
he is asleep. but it means something. 
you pretend it doesn't. 
you fall asleep holding his hand. 
my masterlist here. 
tags:  @moonlarking-blog​ @v1ci0us​ @preciousbabypeter​ @alexxavicry​ @directioner5life​ @random_writer1021
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justanotherhh · 2 months
what does being aroace do for alastor's character?
thing about alastor being aroace is that there's so much juicy potential (cannibal joke) embedded in this concept that i don't know about going too far into, as it's still early days and who knows what the direction will be. but. some analysis. some predictions. some headcanons. mix and match with hedonistic abandon. and at the end a bunch of feelings
first and foremost and basically what all the subsequent points will be about in some way, is it's such a great flipping on its head of a tired idea that aspec-ness (in the vague way it's often discussed) is a way of depicting inhumanity -- characters who can't love are Other, characters who don't want sex are childlike, the way to become a Human Adult Person is to enter into these partnerships, to be fixed. in alastor, being aroace is very much the thing that brings him to humanity, grounds him in something beneath the constant mask he wears. to dig deeper...
just visually, i like how his mask literally slips when he's propositioned/involved in sexual comedy/when people discuss romance too much around him. he glitches, or becomes otherwise uncomfortable, or zones out. i like the crack hc that he avoids val at all costs, that val is actually vox' best weapon against alastor, just because his whole Essence is outside of alastor's ability or wish to process
2. the fact that he's caught off-guard by attachment. he's created an untouchable persona (emotionally and physically to an extent/with exceptions -- the distance of the radio to the listener is something i think about a lot), that with the aroace read comes off partly as protection, especially considering how hypersexual hell is, and how generally hyper-romantic earth would have been (hell is romantic with caveats... more in a sec), so when he realises he almost died to protect the hotel gang it sends him into a full-on meltdown
3. that being said, the way he interacts with women is full of charm and ease: mimzy and rosie first and foremost, then also charlie and niffty, and even to an extent vaggie and possibly carmilla, and maybe cherri in future. he's able to get closer to women, able to be respectful in a southern gentleman old-timey way. it reads as chivalry-with-a-demonic-twist. alastor may be unsettling and untrustworthy for other reasons, but not about crossing sexual or romantic boundaries, which makes him surprisingly safe to hang around. i wonder if this was the case whilst living (and if, ironically, it meant that women ended up crossing his boundaries)
4. i especially would be into this tying into his relationship with niffty, who feels like a woman scorned/wronged/hurt in some way in a 50s housewife-ish romantic way (i personally think her story will be incredibly messed up when it's finally shown), but is very happy hanging out with alastor. sidenote, i bet alastor is so proud of her for killing adam
5. the fact that "ace in the hole" is a comment directed at the idea of alastor-and-charlie is fun and spoken about in-depth, and i will wonder until we find out (if we do) how rosie figured it out, and what it says for their relationship that she hasn't told alastor. that they have limitations to their closeness, or that she knows he'll reject it, or that he needs time to get there. personally i think alastor is so detached from himself that he wouldn't know what to do with it at present, it'd be functionally useless until he's learnt to come into himself more -- aroaceness as the end of a journey of humanising a character, not the thing that needs to be gotten away from in order to be seen as human
6. romance! in hell! it's a little stickier there, with sex-with-no-strings seeming to be a more popular pastime, so i think that part was more of a concern whilst he was alive, but that being said, im interested in how this plays into the above relationships, how characters will react to this part once he starts being more openly on the side of/affectionate with the wider hotel gang, and in how this might come up in future, with regards to...
7. vox! voooox! oh i want vox to become. so creepy. currently we've got underlying creepiness to vox' pathetic obsession with alastor that's coded as having been partially romantic and sexual in nature at one point (if not still romantic and sexual...). there's something about it that speaks to the way that alastor is not aroace because of trauma, but there is trauma involved in being aroace
8. that is, constantly having ones boundaries overstepped, whilst not having the words to say how or why or assert them properly, being projected onto by vox and maybe others while he was alive and post-death, potentially when-alive having that framed as a form of inhumanity in and of itself (and how that ties to him being a serial killer, which im so into)
9. the idea of having been made to feel alien in his own skin due to amatonormativity and not knowing why he feels this way, and compensating by creating boundaries that are extreme, but they work as coping mechanisms, up until... perhaps they won't (hinted at in the finale of s1)
10. (i soooo want vox' creepiness to eventually lead to him actually beating alastor in some way, temporarily, and alastor having to face the mortifying ordeal of being saved by the hotel gang, knowing he's weak and needs to be taken care of by them, knowing that they know that vox won in some way, knowing that vox will take it as vindication and become more powerful from it, know all his walls weren't strong enough in the end -- like a part two to the finale, which ultimately the others didn't see (although vox did) and was already such a big deal for him. gimme some alastor angst!!!)
11. smthinsmthin when we have an aroace character whose whole Deal is being untouchable (emotionally and physically, barring Certain People) being pushed into a space where he has to allow himself to be cared for and through that engage with his own boundaries and which ones have become poisonous to him vs the ones which are actually Who He Is
12. i like to think that he and angel could have an unlikely friendship with a lot of shenanigans, because they both have narratives focused on (re)establishing a relationship with their own bodies, after being made to feel unable to inhabit them as who they are -- angel due to abuse, alastor due to being aroace/repulsed (angel learning to respect alastor's boundaries and being protective of them as an extension of his own journey)
13. alastor filtering through what parts of him are him and what parts are the walls/coping mechanisms -- it's been a lot of years, even before he died, of building them after all. who is the man beneath it all?
14. big fan of how this interacts with his past as a murderer too -- the metaphor is made into something much deeper when the character's aroaceness is a humanising factor in a story about people who have done/do bad things. this not to say he'll necessarily be redeemed (but who knows, vaggie has killed a lot of people and probably will be, or, she'll probably stay in hell with charlie, but the narrative will go "she's chill now." in fact it already pretty much has), but that it adds to all the grey areas of his character. he's not a pure, sad little soul who's always suffering, he's dealt in suffering himself, he enjoys the suffering of others, and he's in control all the time
15. it must have been incredibly humiliating not only to die so stupidly/randomly/without say, but to become a deer demon after that. again, prey, weak, lack of control. his whole Thing is control of the narrative, and his death was totally out of that control, and that in and of itself plays into aroaceness as the idea of "if you can't verbalise yourself, if you can't adequately create boundaries, then overcorrect. become the most inscrutable, untouchable, unsettling, disturbing version of yourself. make people not want to get close to you in the first place"
16. and yet despite all that, he can't help liking people, he can't help being charming and funny and smart and in some ways there's a mask in that too -- sharp wit to cut people down, when you're not... literally cutting people down, a cool, shallow friendliness that deliberately keeps a tension at the forefront, the smartness helping to control and shape and keep power. funnily enough, when he's ready to be aroace, oh the real power he'll have (whether he'll use it for good or bad, or a mix of both... who knows, but he'll be fully himself at last, and that's a happy ending)
17. on the flipside to angel, i think it would take charlie a hot second to deal with it -- she'd be supportive in word, but also she's a known boundary-crosser/someone who has her fixed ideas of how things ought to be and it takes a strong "no" to make her realise when she's got it all wrong. all this to say, she might get the ace part, but she could struggle with the aro, trying to twist it into a version of love so that she could humanise him on her terms, using the word "love", until someone steps up for alastor in some way (in my head, angel, but that's my angel and alastor unlikely friends agenda)
18. husk already knows in some way. also not with words, but he's like, yeah this guy. none of that. are y'all surprised????
19. i wonder if when alive he briefly thought he might be a homosexual, or if he knew from the start that he wasn't, especially considering that men are more disgusting to him overall than women
20. i wonder if mimzy knows or suspects, and also if she was in love with him during their lifetime
21. i like to think in life he's utilised the tactics of the song "the gentleman doesn't believe" and just gone "i hate kissing i mean and uh. dancing. and jazz. and uh... smoking. and walking. and everyting else!!!! (but mostly kissing)" as a way of getting out of someone suggesting a date
22. alastor as hot and charming and unfuckable and unromanceable and repulsed by the idea of it all, and who has the supremely aroace fantasy powers of a. "am not being perceived" and b. "am so terrifying you wish you couldn't perceive me" and whose relationships are dictated by his aroaceness, not despite it!
23. ultimately, this point is the main one for me, regardless of how the story actually gets there: aroaceness as the end of a journey of humanising a character, not the thing that needs to be gotten away from in order to become human
24. pal of mine @creepysora said: "they didnt let anyone walk so now he waltzes ready for murder" and yeah. jumped straight to complex character with big, wonderful flaws in a strange little universe, bypassing all the dull explanatory 1-0-1 that just isn't my cup of tea and into a way of writing aroaceness that can be complex and nuanced and based in character, story, theme, rather than education -- he's not implied, he's not one-note, he's not there to explain, he's not defined solely by his role in the story as the token so-and-so, he's not there to be fixed, he's not there to be dubbed as Other, he is
this character genuinely doesn't exist elsewhere, outside of the stories and ideas i see shared and share within my community. this kind of focus, it's... kind of heady to be honest. like you only ever tasted something sweet in crumbs, and then someone gives you a boatload of it all at once
and tbh. he deserves a little murder. as a treat. because fuck, being aroace is hard
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tmntkiseki · 28 days
Actually, going back to yesterday's topic of TMNT 2003 and it's lack of romantic subplots with the turtles themselves, I think this is the part where I mention that TMNT 2003 actually came into my life at just the perfect time?
So a little over a year ago, I ended my first serious relationship as an adult. I don't like talking about my ex too much even now, but we were together for over five years and after the break up, the next several months were spent stewing in a boiling pot of rage, sadness, and regret. I wanna say all my negative feelings towards my ex and our relationship peaked during May - July 2023 and didn't simmer down until around autumn, which coincidentally was about when I started watching TMNT 2003. (I'm also convinced that a lot of the stress from the breakup led to some of the minor-yet-concerning health problems I've been dealing with over the last several months, but I have no way of proving that.)
One of the big problems is that, at the time I broke up with my ex, I tended to watch/play a lot of romance-focused media. Under normal circumstances, I'd still be able to regularly engage with a lot of the shows and video games I normally do without being becoming a bitter ball of anguish. Unfortunately, within a couple of months of breaking up with ex, games I used to love like Rune Factory 4 Special or shows like Snow White with the Red Hair became absolutely unbearable play/watch because of all the negative feelings I had towards my ex. If a love interest wasn't reminding me of my ex with certain...behaviors, I was looking at a relationship onscreen and thinking to myself "Why couldn't we be like that?" It was a nightmare.
Fast forward (lmao) to... god, when did I start watching TMNT 2003? I wanna say I started watching it either late August or early September? The pipeline of how I ended up watching TMNT 2003 is a weird one, but there were a couple of things that stuck out to me when I first started watching it. For starters, even though it was a Western cartoon, there were certain quirks about it that reminded me of the anime I usually watch (namely the fight choreography and being so heavily plot-focused rather than episodic in its storytelling) and I found myself gravitating towards it because of that alone. And I just love the characters. The turtles themselves are incredibly well-rounded with their own strengths and flaws, and the supporting cast and antagonists make the world feel very alive and lived-in. (I personally can't get over how half the time the turtles aren't even attempting to get into trouble; they usually just end up walking into the plot of the week purely by accident.)
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But besides that, as I mentioned in my other post, even though there are a couple of romantic subplots in the show, most notably the April/Casey one that spans pretty much the entire series, the turtles themselves never end up entering a serious relationship with anyone. The closest we ever get to romance with one of the turtles is Don's one-sided crush on April, which was never going to go anywhere on account of her being an adult and ending up with Casey, and I wanna say the crush is almost entirely dropped by midway through Season 3. Beyond that, the turtles are never shown becoming physically attracted to anyone and all their important relationships--Splinter, April, Casey, Klunk, Leatherhead, Honeycutt, Sydney, Angel, the Professor, the Justice Force, Traximus, the Daimyo, Usagi, Gen, Renet, the Ancient One, the Acolytes, Cody, Serling, and Starlee--are all strictly platonic. And you know what? That's okay by my book.
It is a fact that society regularly insists that the key to happiness is finding your One True Love and places more emphasis on romantic relationships than platonic ones. I personally don't want to die alone, but at this point in my life, I don't need a romantic relationship to be happy--in fact, I think being in a relationship would just complicate things when I'm still getting my shit together as is. When you look at Leo, Raph, Don, and Mikey within the context 2003, I cannot recall a single moment where one of them complains about how their status as a one-of-a-kind mutant turtle means they'll probably never land a partner and as far as I can tell, they seem perfectly happy as is. They have each other, they have Splinter, April and Casey are there too, Klunk, all their other friends--really, what would giving one of the boys a love interest do for them? The answer; not all that much, honestly. In fact, I feel like the risk of giving any of the 2003 turtles a love interest far outweighs the reward.
Now, mind you, I don't think it's impossible to give one of the 2003 turtles a serious love interest--in fact, I have a lot of thoughts about how it could be done right--and that it actually would be something worth exploring in a reboot/sequel series that'll likely never happen, but again, I don't think that TMNT 2003 suffers for the lack of turtle romances and is perfectly fine as is. 2003!Leo, Raph, Don, and Mikey are very lovable characters and are able to have fulfilling relationships without any of them being romantic in nature and I think that's a good message to send to people, whether you're a young kid or a grown adult. Romance is great, but so is a crushing bear hug from your three brothers, your rat dad, and the two humans you adopted.
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stephstars08 · 11 months
Still Alive ~ Chapter Four
Ethan Landry x Reader
Warnings: Murder, Violence, Weapons, Adult Language, Parent Issues, Nightmares, Trauma, Death Threats, Angst, A tiny bit of Fluff, Blood, Ghostface Attack, and Stabbing. (Sorry if I forgot any!)
Word Count: 2,540
Author’s Note: Hello Again Everyone! Happy to say that this chapter is finally when the action starts to begin!!! I wanted to tell you all now that I am currently writing another scream fanfic however this is in a universe where there is no ghostface! It takes place in high school. It’s based off the song called Teenage Dirtbag. It’s a Ethan x Reader story again. I will say it won’t be ready to post for a while since I’ve got a lot going on in my personally life so my writing process is slowed at the moment. I have a Jack Champion one shot in mind that includes some of the Avatar cast. I do want to write some Avatar stories as well which I know will be a challenge that I’m up for! Anyways, thank you to the ones who are reading this and the story! I hope you enjoy this chapter and next chapter will be posted Sunday!
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When Chad brought Sam into the apartment Y/N was sitting with Ethan on the chair while Quinn was sitting on the couch with Mindy and Anika. Tara was sitting on a different chair by herself. Everyone had a worried gaze on the TV. A guy who lives downstairs followed Sam which Quinn noticed right away. “Cute boy. Nice!” Quinn said to Sam with a nod of her head. “What’s going on?” Sam asked with worry in her tone. Chad just pointed at the television.
 “I’m standing in front of the apartment building where the mutilated bodies were found.” The reporter said. Everyone in the room had their eyes glued to the screen. “Their names have been released by the police. Jason Carvey, and Greg-.” The reporter said but before the group could listen to the last name of the other victim Mindy spoke.  “Holy shit, that’s that chod from our film studies class! The one obsessed with Orchento.” Mindy said to Tara in a surprised tone. “Also found at the scene were various Ghostface costumes, the character popularized by the ‘Stab’ movie franchise.” The reporter said.
 Y/N felt her whole-body tense up. She quickly thought back to the party. That guy who was dressed as Ghostface. Could that have been one of them? Did they go and kill those guys and head right to the party acting like it was nothing? She jumped a little when she felt an arm wrap around her shoulders but quickly relaxed when she realized it was just Ethan. He gave her a comforting smile which helped her relax. She returned the smile but also felt a strong glare on them. When she looked over, she noticed it was Quinn looking at them with a glare. When their eyes met Quinn looked away and back to the television. Y/N is close to everyone in this room but Quinn. She feels like Quinn has a huge problem with her and she has no idea why.
 “Pack a bag, we leave in ten.” Sam told Tara in a stern tone and walked out of the room. “Sam! Wait, Sam!” Tara called out as she quickly stood up. “We’re getting out of the city.” Sam called out from the kitchen. “What?” Cute boy said with a mixture of confusion and concern in his tone. “Thank you, very much suspicious new guy, but I think we can handle it from here. Have a good night, get home safe.” Chad said as he pushed the guy out of the apartment and shut the door.
 Tara called out to Sam again. Sam grabbed a knife and walked back into the living room. “Sam wh-what, hold on.” Tara said with panic in her tone because of her sister holding a huge kitchen knife. “Come on.” Sam said to her, acting all calm. “Hold on, wait, let’s talk about this for a second.” Tara started. “Cause’ this-this might not have anything to do with us.” Tara explained stumbling over her words again. “Are you serious?” Sam said she was starting to get annoyed with her sister again. “You knew him!” Sam hissed pointing at the TV. “Barely.” Tara hissed back.
 “Chad, Mindy, Y/N, back me up.” Sam called out to them trying to get some sense into Tara. “I mean it is a little bit- “Chad started to say shuffling his feet around. “Close to home.” Mindy said finishing Chad’s sentence. Everyone then looked at Y/N which made her sigh. Why does she have to be a part of this fucked up situation? “As being the daughter of a former Woodsboro cop who went through this shit like a hundred times. This can’t be just a coincidence.” Y/N explained to Tara with a serious look in her eyes. “See!” Sam told Tara.
 “Quinn, your dad’s a cop, right?” Tara asked looking over at Quinn. “Can you call him and find out what’s going on?” Tara added on. “Before you make the unilateral decision to abandon my college education and flee the fucking state!” Tara snapped looking back at Sam with a nasty glare in her eyes. “I’m calling him now.” Quinn said, putting her phone up to her ear. She stood up from the couch and walked into a different room.
 The room was all quiet till Sam’s phone started to ring, making the whole room tense up. Sam walked over to her phone that was on the dining table. “Who is it?” Y/N asked trying to not sound scared but didn’t do a very good job. “Your mom.” Sam said relieved seeing the name ‘Gale Weathers’ flashing on her phone. “Hit fucking decline!” Y/N hissed now angry and annoyed.
 Sam did exactly what she told her to do. Y/N knew her mom just called Sam to ask her for a comment about the latest murders. Y/N feels like her mom cares more about her stupid ass career than anything. Quinn came running back into the room. “Sam, my dad wants to talk to you.” Quinn said, handing her phone over to Sam. Sam let out a sigh as she took the phone.
 As Sam talked on the phone with Detective Bailey the whole room was silent which made Y/N slip deep into her thoughts. Of course, she was thinking about this new Ghostface, but she was also thinking about her careless mother. A normal mom would call her daughter up to ask if she and her friends are okay. Not to call up one of them to ask them questions about the fucking murder. Y/N really wished that her dad was here with her. If he was here, she knows she would feel a whole lot safer. Y/N broke out of her thoughts when Sam spoke.
 “Detective Bailey needs me to come down to the station.” Sam said giving the phone back to Quinn after she changed her shirt really quick. Sam grabbed her phone putting it into her back pocket. She also grabbed her jacket and keys and walked out of the apartment. Tara grabbed her jacket and quickly followed Sam.
 “I’ll be right back.” Y/N said as she stood up. “Where are you going?” Ethan asked her. “I need to go give my mom a special call.” Y/N said, taking her phone out of her pocket and walked into the kitchen. “Expect to hear some yelling.” Mindy warned everyone as she let out a sigh.
It was the next day and Y/N was completely exhausted due to the lack of sleep. Right when she and Mindy got back home to their apartment, they got a call from Tara saying her and Sam got attacked by Ghostface. She reassured them that she and Sam didn’t get hurt and were at the police station for questioning. That was one of the reasons why Y/N didn’t get enough sleep. It was like every time she closed her eyes, she had a nightmare, and they were worse than before.
 Since she knew that they would continue to the point where she wouldn’t be able to sleep at all she gave Sam a call when she got up this morning asking for the number of the therapist she’d been seeing. Sam gave her the number and then mentioned to her that they had a run in with her mom outside the police station which had her fuming. Why won’t her mom just fucking listen to her? After she ended the phone call with Sam, she gave the therapist a call and was able to get an appointment this afternoon since he had a cancellation.
 Y/N was sitting in the plaza on the school campus with the whole group. Y/N was sitting in between Ethan and Tara. Tara was sitting next to Chad while Sam, Anika, and Quinn sat on a bench together. Mindy was standing in front of everyone. “Already nerds, listen up!” Mindy said as she clapped her hands together.
 “As terrifying as this all is, I’m actually glad I get a chance to redeem myself for not calling the killers last time.” Mindy said with disappointment at the end of her sentence. Y/N rolled her eyes. She didn’t even want to be there, but Mindy made her. “It’s fine.” Mindy said quickly, changing her mood. “The way I see it, someone is out to make a sequel to the requel.” Mindy told everyone. Anika raised her hand. “Um, what’s a requel?” Anika asked in a curious and innocent tone. “You’re beautiful sweetie, let’s hold questions ‘till the end.” Mindy said to her girlfriend as Anika put her hand down. “Stab one took place in Woodsboro, Stab two took place in college.” Sam chimed in. “Do we think that the killer is trying to copy the movies?” Tara asked in a curious tone. “That is one possibility.” Mindy said, pointing at Tara.
 “Hero’s now in college, check. Suspicious new characters brought in to round the suspect list and/or body count, check, check, and check.” Mindy explained by pointing to Quinn, Anika, and then Ethan. “I don’t like this!” Ethan said with a mixture of fear and nervousness in his tone. Y/N could tell that his heart was racing so she took one of his hands into hers and gave it a light squeeze. “Hey, it’s okay. Relax.” Y/N told him in a calm tone as she gave him a smile. “Okay.” Ethan said with a nod as he looked into her eyes, which were helping him calm down. “Hey lovebirds.” Mindy called out getting their attention. “May I continue?” Mindy asked with a stern look in her eyes. “Yes, please continue.” Y/N said in annoyance as she shot a glare at Mindy. Mindy was really getting on her nerves today.
 “As I was saying, it can’t just be about Stab two.” Mindy said, getting back to her lecture. “Why not?” Tara asked her. “It would make sense if that were just a sequel, because nobody just makes sequels anymore!” Mindy said as excitement started to build up inside of her. “Don’t say, don’t say, don’t say it!” Y/N mumbled out. “We’re in a franchise!” Mindy said, throwing both of her arms up into the air. “There it is.” Y/N said with a groan. “And there are certain rules to a continuing franchise.” Mindy told them. “I had a feeling.” Sam said with a sigh.
 “Rule one, everything is bigger than last time! Bigger budge, bigger cast, bigger body count, longer chases, shoot outs, beheadings, gotta top what came before to keep people coming back.” Mindy said starting to list off the rules of horror movies. “Beheadings?” Chad asked looking up from the notebook he was writing in. “Beheadings.” Mindy told him with a point of the finger.
 “Rule two, whatever happened last time, expect the opposite. Franchises only survive by subverting expectations, and if the killers last time were whiny snowflake film nerds with letterboxed accounts instead of personalities, you can bet the opposite will be true here.” Mindy said explaining rule two. Mindy was starting to give Y/N a headache.
 “And rule three, no one is safe.” Mindy said in a stern tone. “Legacy character, cannon folder at this point. Usually brought back only to be killed off in some cheap bid for nostalgia.” Mindy said it in a much nicer tone than before. “It’s not looking good for Gale and Kirby.” Mindy said with sadness which made now made Y/N’s heart rate speed up. “Woah, hold on!” Y/N said before Mindy could continue.
 “You’re telling me that my mom is on the list to get butchered.” Y/N said in a worried tone. “Like I said, no one is safe.” Mindy told her which struck Y/N’s last nerve. “You know what, I’m done!” Y/N said standing up which made her let go of Ethan’s hand that she actually didn’t even realize she was still holding onto. “Y/N, I’m just- “Mindy started to say but Y/N immediately cut her off. “NO!” Y/N yelled making everyone in the group jump.
 “I lost two family members because of this Ghostface shit!” Y/N said with anger as she picked up her bag from the ground. “This isn’t a fucking movie, Mindy; this is real fucking life. I’m not going to fucking sit here and let you tell me I’m going to lose more people, especially my mom.” Y/N told her in a snappy tone and walked away from her friends. Yes, she may be super pissed at her mom and doesn’t want to talk to her but she’s still her mom and doesn’t want to see another family member killed. Ethan wanted to follow her, but he knew that she most likely wanted to be alone to cool off. Everyone was in complete shock because they had never seen Y/N like that before. She finally let her friends see all of the anger and frustration that had been building up inside of her.
Y/N went back to her apartment to cool down and take some medicine for headache. She relaxed a little bit till she had to go to her appointment. Y/N decided to just walk since it really wasn’t that far of a walk. When Y/N got to the address she saw the front door was wide open and a body was just lying there. As she walked closer and closer to the door her heartrate kept speeding up. When she got to the door she gasped in complete horror. The therapist was laying on the ground. His face was all bloody, it looked like he was stabbed through the face.
 Y/N stepped into the house to get a better view but that turned out to be a huge mistake because she was grabbed from behind. As Y/N struggled she noticed the familiar black sparkly gloves holding onto her tightly. “Get off me you motherfucker!” Y/N hissed as she used all of her strength to back Ghostface into the wall which made them let go of her.
 Y/N ran into what seemed like the living room to find some kind of weapon. Before she could grab anything, she felt something sharp going into her shoulder making her scream in pain. She fell to the hard wood floor after Ghostface took their knife out of her now bleeding shoulder. Ghostface kept trying to stab her legs, but she kept kicking them away as she held onto her shoulder wound.
 Ghostface finally had enough of her, so they grabbed her by the neck and pushed her up against the wall. Y/N struggled to breathe as they held tightly onto her throat. “Say hi to daddy for me!” Ghostface said into their voice changer as they raised their knife. Before Ghostface could stab her with the bloody knife a gunshot rang out. Ghostface dropped her and quickly fled the house. Y/N groaned in pain as her ass hit the hard wood floor.
 “Hey Y/N.” She heard a familiar voice say. When she looked up, she saw Kirby. “Kirby!” Y/N said in a relieved tone. “It’s okay, I got you.” Kirby said walking over to her helping her up from the floor. “Where did they get you?” Kirby asked with concern. “In the shoulder.” Y/N answered in pain as she let Kirby help her out of the house.
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@sweetirilly @aqellano @igotmajordaddyissues @athenalive @hotweeb @ghostlyboiii @marshallowy
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On the possibility of Cobb Vanth's return:
Obviously, most of us who are invested in the character do not simply accept that they showed Cobb being alive in the bacta tank (and awaiting "augmentation") at the end of BOBF for no reason. We have to assume that he is coming back in some capacity, and that leads to the question of where and when.
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There are a few Star Wars shows upcoming, and clearly he could show up in one of them; but the question is which one?
Ahsoka is, of course, the next series that will be airing, but I doubt he will show up in that because, #1 - Timothy Olyphant already had several projects going on when it was being produced; and #2 - there's already a LOT going on in that story... a lot to unpack and follow, and having Cobb show up for a cameo would kind of have to be shoehorned in and serve not much of a purpose.
And since The Acolyte apparently takes place before A New Hope, it is out of the running.
There is always, of course, the chance of Cobb showing up in future seasons of The Mandalorian or The Book Of Boba Fett, but I want to talk to you about Skeleton Crew, which I believe is the most likely candidate.
It apparently features (Jedi?) Jude Law escorting a group of kids home, all while protecting them from a group of pirates. Now the reason I believe this is where we will see Cobb is several-fold:
It takes place in the Mandalorian / Ahsoka / Book Of Boba Fett era (several years after the Return Of The Jedi), and apparently features Vane, the pirate that escaped at the end of the battle with Gorian Shard, so having Cobb show up is not out of the question.
This is to be a "road trip" storyline, which means the Jedi will be taking the kids from planet to planet; and of course, everyone on a Star Wars road trip eventually ends up on Tatooine. Additionally, Jude Law mentioned on The Tonight Show seeing Jawas on set. Now, of course Jawas live on more planets than just Tatooine, but it is where they are native to.
Jude's character may have a history with Cobb to begin with. It is questionable whether he is actually a Jedi, since the timeline might suggest that he was still padawan age (young adult, not child) when Order 66 took place. He might, in that case have either somehow escaped Order 66 by being away and then found himself alone and without direction, or else he was never a Jedi (in training or otherwise) to begin with, but was simply force-sensitive and tried to emulate the Jedi with poor results. In either case, his age meshes with Cobb's (who himself has shown a touch of Force sensitivity in the past), in that Jude is currently 50 years old, while Timothy is 55, making them both contemporary with Anakin, to the point where they might have known the future Darth when they were all slaves on Tatooine.
The central group of characters are children, and we already know that Cobb has a soft spot for kids. In particular: questioning whether or not it was a good idea to fight in front of Grogu (and assuming he misread Din's intentions when he saw he had a kid with him), expressing concern for the school, not questioning it for a moment when Din told him to take care of Grogu, and asking where the "Little Guy" was when Din showed up in TBOBF. He might, in fact, turn out to be better than Jude's character is with the kids, and teach the Jedi a thing or two about how to deal with them.
One of the children will apparently have an augmentation; so if Cobb is having trouble coming to terms with his own, then she might very well help him to accept and even embrace it:
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For anyone wondering about what I was talking about when I said Cobb might be force-sensitive, I mentioned it here, in response to the lovely post @martamatta95 made about it being possible Obi-Wan and Cobb were brothers.
Or, to reiterate, there was the moment when Cobb hears the wind chimes, then he seems to sense something coming:
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And how he knew that Cad was a threat even from a distance, but was willing to give Din the benefit of the doubt right after meeting him -- almost as if he could sense their intentions.
It would also explain how Cobb is so fast on the draw, (despite being a former slave who would most likely not have been trusted with a blaster) since he may have some sort of precognition going on. Only an instant into the future, perhaps, but still enough to get the drop on other gunslingers. And so the only reason Cad managed to get the first shot off was because the deputy distracted Cobb. It is completely possible that with more understanding of the force, Cobb would have managed to take Cad down first.
So anyway, I am holding out hope that Cobb appears in Skeleton Crew. Any thoughts?
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sotwk · 1 year
Hai. What should I call you?
Btw I love your story and headcanons, but I am to afraid to ask at the first. But here I am...
I want to know about your headcanons. How Thranduil would react if someone kidnap Legolas, cause I need it for my story.
Thank you 💙
Hello my friend, the Elvenqueen! :)
My Tumblr "kids" call me Nana, but that's probably weird for everyone else, so you can just call me Sotwk. Just pretend there's an "i" between W and K-- Sotwik. My name is just the acronym for "Sons of the Woodland King", which is the main point of my blog and Tumblr existence. <3
I am so honored that you enjoy my writings, because I think very highly of your blog as well! Your "incorrect quotes" and funny convos between Thranduil and the other elf lords are hilarious. It's like a Middle-earth sitcom, and I agree with how you characterize everybody! I too believe that Oropher and Gil-galad had a pretty intense rivalry going on, and that Thranduil and Elrond were always great friends, with Thranduil being the snarky one and Elrond the long-suffering one. :)
Now, regarding your question: "How would Thranduil react if someone kidnapped Legolas?". The situation would depend on whether it's Legolas as a child/baby, or Legolas as an adult. How old would Legolas be in your story? Is the Elvenqueen still alive then?
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Those details aside, here are a few headcanons I have about Thranduil and his protective nature, especially when it concerns his family:
Thranduil was a bit of a hot-head in his youth, and as he grew into a warrior, he developed a violent streak. He fought in the extremely bloody War of Wrath, so he became accustomed to a "kill to survive" or "kill the evil" outlook. Killing has never really bothered him as long as he believes it is for just reasons. (Like in Desolation of Smaug, where he just hacked that orc's head off without blinking.)
A lot of this was tempered by the love of his life, the Elvenqueen, who is very kind and sweet and definitely more of a pacifist. She, more than anyone in Middle-earth, is able to reason with Thranduil and calm him down through his rages.
There is literally only one thing that has ever scared Thranduil, and that is losing his wife. Obviously he is scared of his sons being harmed too, (or just Legolas, if you believe he was an only child) but his love for his Queen is beyond measure. Not to sound cliché, but she is definitely Thranduil's greatest weakness.
Once he became a King and a husband and father, Thranduil's nature softened to someone calmer, wiser, and more peaceful. He learned to be more lenient with violators of his kingdom's laws, giving them fair trials and opportunities to redeem themselves.
However, offenses against the royal family were met with harsh judgement, and anyone who so much as threatened the safety of the Queen or Prince(s) were shown no mercy. Orcs, men, or dwarves were simply executed. Elves were given a chance to choose banishment, depending on the violations.
What if Legolas were kidnapped? I actually think this would be nearly impossible to do, especially in my SotWK universe where Legolas has four older brothers looking out for him. But if it were somehow to happen, Thranduil himself would ride out to hunt down and deal with the kidnappers, and would not stop or rest until they are found. Most of Mirkwood's armed forces as well as their hunters would be deployed to join the search.
The only way a kidnapper would succeed in taking Legolas out of Mirkwood is if they are able to exit the kingdom's forest borders before Thranduil realizes what has happened. Thranduil has a special connection to the forest itself, and would be able to use certain powers to locate any movement within his realm. (This power diminished somewhat late in the Third Age as the darkness of Dol Goldur spread, but he never lost it.)
Once the kidnappers are caught, there will be no trial or recourse for them. They would be executed on the spot by Thranduil himself.
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I hope these headcanons can help you write your story or inspire other ideas! Thank you for the ask and for everything you bring to our Elvenking's fandom!
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hyperfixingfr · 3 months
Okay I was originally only gonna show Hoagie's design and then a piece from the zombie stages HOWEVER I want to show off my design for Abby
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Just like Hoagie, she kinda abandoned the earrings lol. In an apocalypse where your friends have died before your very eyes you really don't need to be concerned about EARRINGS so any person in Sector V who wore earrings (so... Everyone but Nigel) ended up ditching them. To replace the earring colors to still keep that yellow integrated into the design, I gave her a yellow hair tie. Yes, that's the best I could come up with. I want the amount of yellow to be there but not very prominent just like in canon
If anyone guesses the death toll/missing toll within Sector V for the middle of the time period of the AU before I release the references I'll give you a virtual thumbs up or something lmfao. I want to make a fanfiction on this (as I've already planned entire lore and an ending to this AU) however the references will be captured within the middle of the story instead of the beginning, when there's already missing/dead key characters. Every main or key side character within the KND escapes the *start* of the apocalypse alive (ex: Sector V, Numbuh 362, Numbuh 86, Numbuh 10, and so on). But a lot end up dying and a few faces end up disappearing without a trace around the middle of the plot at various times, for reasons mostly to do with... The damn apocalypse out their window?? What else?
By the AU's end, there will be no character without severe injuries related to the apocalypse. And a LOT dead. Your favorite operative is more likely to have died the painful death that being infected causes rather than to have survived. As said previously: brace yourselves...
As for the reason to the apocalypse? Father. Pretty explanatory. He got tired of chasing kids, so he snuck into a KND event and infected himself (yes, he's patient zero...). Yes, this means he inevitably died early on due to the fact that the infected last for a mere 5 minutes to, at maximum, 1 day after being infected due to the symptoms. But not before infecting multiple other operatives of course... Similar to one of the episodes, this has to do with his DNA being in the system. It only severely infects/kills KND operatives. Thus, takes place before that episode. It does infect adults, though. Father got so fed up that he not only decided to kill off the entire KND, but also make adults incapable of reproduction. They are considered infected, and it can be spread by touching other adults or even kids (which will lead to death of the kid) however they don't experience any symptoms aside from complete infertility. KND operatives from all the way across the world were immediately informed when the discovery of adult infection was made and swiftly took in hundreds of captive unaffected adults and supplies for them and basically locked them away. So no, the existence and creation of kids wouldn't come to an end - but they're sure as hell gonna need to find out how to cure infertility cuz a few hundred adults only being able to reproduce isn't gonna end well LMFAO
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alicentes · 2 years
it’s interesting how the only person to show remorse after the altercation is alicent. don’t get me wrong i like rhaenyra, but we don’t hear about her feeling bad for implying she wants aemond tortured nor does viserys seem to regret insinuating that he would cut out his own children’s tongues meanwhile alicent very clearly felt guilty for the way she behaved and that she harmed rhaenyra. if the show wants me to root for team black they are doing a poor job because ever other character is more sympathetic than they are in my opinion.
I never thought of it like that but you’re right. Alicent was in the wrong trying to cut out a little boys eye and accidentally injuring Rhaenyra in her rage but she obviously felt genuine remorse even though her father praised her for it and framed it as some great thing she did (and we know she craves her fathers love and approval).
Viserys made me sick when he said he would cut out the tongues of anyone who doubted the legitimacy of his grandchildren. I get wanting to defend his family but he said it in response to his YOUNG CHILDREN calling them bastards in a typical child argument way and it should of been clear to him that they heard rumours growing up and wouldn’t understand that calling another child a bastard would be treason. He only cares about Rhaenyra and her children not the kids he made Alicent birth for him and it shows. He didn’t show any concern over what happened to aegon, he only got angry. Those poor kids never experienced love from their own father.
Rhaenyra has been one of my favourites in this show and I know she is supposed to get more harsh and ruthless but insisting that a child, let alone her own brother, should be tortured to find out where he overheard a true rumour about her children’s parentage is still gross. Like you said, she doesn’t feel remorseful about this from what we see. She also doesn’t seem to feel bad that her son has permanently mutilated and blinded another child in one eye. Even if it is in self defense it is not good that the fight escalated to that point. You’d think she would have spoken to Luke about it, Luke seems like a good boy and could be traumatised by the fact that he caused an injury that severe. Given how we’ve seen Rhaenyra be a good mother you’d think she would also talk to her boys, who by the way are still grieving Harwin, not to let violence escalate that far or talk to them about maybe practicing self defence that won’t cause severe injury.
Anyways this is going off topic but although I thought the knife scene was well written and showed us spilled truth tea on who the adult caharacters really are. I was ultimately disappointed in the way Nyra was written in this episode overall. I felt like a lot of her character revolves around her relationship with demon here. From talking about how he left her alone and she needed him with her (she had other people who loved her and was strong and capable in her own right) and I mean you could argue that this is to show how the relationship isn’t healthy and young Rhaenyra has been groomed into an unhealthy attachment but the scene was written as romantic and followed with a sex scene (which went on the same time their kids were sneaking out and getting into a pretty dangerous fight) and then after the events of that night her next priority is figuring out a way to marry demon and create some true targaryen legitimate heirs. She is okay with faking Laenors death and marrying daemon right after without considering how it will impact all four kids and how faking laenors death means the boys will lose another father a couple of weeks after they lost Harwin and be re-traumatised. Even if they’ve been told he is alive they’d be feeling so betrayed by both parents for doing such a thing. Demon is gonna be her downfall, he has a hold on her and brings out her worse and I hope the show doesn’t try to #powercouple them.
I agree about team black and I’m hoping that the reason we don’t find them rootable is because we aren’t supposed to. I like and hate certain members of both teams but I think they’re both bad and I am hoping the show makes both teams morally grey instead of going with the whole good guys vs bad guys because this is an asoiaf story not a marvel movie.
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thestrangestthing89 · 11 months
Prediction time - I feel like the kids friend group might drift apart a bit post time jump. The boys fight a lot when things get stressful and I'd be surprised if we didn't see them butting heads trying to figure out how to save Max.
S1 - Mike and Lucas fight about the best way to find Will. Mike believes the crazy theory he's still alive and that El is their best way of finding him. Lucas believes a more logical approach and doesn't want El involved because he doesn't trust her. He goes to the lab by himself and finds out valuable information the group needs even though Mike was technically right. Lucas and Mike both have leadership skills but they go about using those skills in different ways which is why we see them fighting here. Dustin is in the middle of this fight and tries to get Mike and Lucas to apologize to each other. They eventually do and everything is resolved. S2 - Lucas and Dustin fight about D'art and Max. Lucas told Max everything that was going on with Will even though he wasn't supposed to. Dustin kept D'art even after he learned he was dangerous. They both did something wrong here and fight about it but it's quickly resolved. This season, Mike and Will spend very little time with Lucas and Dustin. Mike is worried about Will and is with him through most of the season. Lucas and Dustin don't seem to be bothered by this or find it weird that Mike and Will are off together. Neither of them attempts to go to Will's house to check on him. So from this it seems like Mike and Will go off together alone sometimes. It wasn't out of the ordinary for them to be together without Lucas and Dustin and they don't try to intervene. S3 - Lucas and Mike are pretending to be adults and think they are grown up because they have girlfriends. This leads to a fight between them and Will - especially with Mike and Will. Both of them apologize to Will later and realize they took things too far. Mike had a worse fight with Will over this and it's clear he spends time thinking about this. Will calls him out for not knowing what Dustin is up to and Mike attempts to help Dustin and reconnect with him at the end of the season. We also see Mike and Dustin together in S4. Not to mention that when Mike is apologizing to Will in Lenora, he references the fight here. He acknowledges he spent too much time with El and he regrets what it did to his friendship with Will. Will was right to call him out here and Mike pretty much says this. Dustin during this time is with Steve, Robin, and Erica. He's upset that his friends aren't hanging out with him at first and expresses this to Steve. But they are quickly distracted by finding the Russians and he seems less bothered by this once that happens. S4 - Mike and Dustin are playing D&D again but Lucas is still not interested. He has basketball now and it's unclear if he was only playing because he didn't want to be bullied or if he actually liked playing. It could be both and he is shown to be good at this. He drifted away from the group a bit but he's shown to be regretful of this and seems to genuinely miss his friends. Mike is less concerned about being nerdy than he was in S3 but there are few things that stick out here. Mike's room and basement are a mess and this is out of character. Along with the fact that Dustin seems closer to Eddie than Mike is. This makes it seem like Mike isn't really socializing much. There have been many hints of him having depression in the past so it would make sense to me if he was just going to school and D&D and not doing much else. Which would lead Dustin to be on his own and hanging out with Eddie more. Karen also makes a comment to Dustin about how he's welcome at their house anytime and this line sticks out. If Dustin had been hanging out there like he always has, why would she feel the need to say this? She also makes a comment about how she likes seeing them all together and it seems like this hasn't happened in a while.
Mike and Will reconnect their friendship in Lenora but they still have some things to talk about. They get into a fight at the skating rink and this fight is about how much they missed each other. They are both upset the other person didn't reach out more. They spoke on the phone a few times but didn't write each other letters. They resolve this fight but are still holding back with each other. It isn't confirmed if Lucas and Dustin were writing Will letters after he moved but I would assume they did at least occasionally. The boys don't exactly have a fight in this season but it's clear they aren't really on the same page and they are each dealing with their own things. They seem to be drifting apart more than fighting. The past couple of years are starting to catch up to them.
Which leads me to where they could end up in S5. Things are tense and stressful with regard to Max, the situation in Hawkins, and Eddie dying. Tense situations in the past have led to the boys fighting. I think Eddie's death will impact Dustin more than Mike. Not that Mike won't be upset but like I said above, I don't think Mike was very close to him. This could lead Dustin to break off with the group a bit. I can see him post time jump either not wanting to play D&D at all or taking up Hellfire in honor of Eddie. Lucas will be focused on Max and of course everyone will be trying to help. But like we've seen before, they tend to have different approaches to handling problems. I can see him bonding with El over this more. Will is connected to this problem somehow. He is seeing a vision of what Hawkins will be like in the future. I really like the theory that it's both Mike and Will having this vision. Either way though, if Will feels like he knows a different way to save Max I don't see Mike going against this. He will support him. Which would end up leading to another situation where Mike and Will are off doing their own thing and Lucas and Dustin on the other side and the groups eventually meeting in the middle. I do think they will be able to work together to save Max, but I also think they've been drifting apart for a while now. It's possible that they can work together but don't exactly end up completely reuniting like we've seen. If Mike has been separating himself from the group for months, I can see this causing some tension with Dustin and Lucas. It's been shown (both in S2 and I think there was a book that also stated this) that Mike has an attitude when he's depressed. He's similar to Max in this way where they both isolate themselves and lash out at the people around them. So I can see Lucas and Dustin pulling away a bit from him in the same way they did with Max (they thought she needed space). Only Lucas is now more focused on helping Max and it's possible him and Dustin just don't make the connection between something being wrong with Mike too. Lucas didn't understand what was going on with Max right away. We are seeing Will start to notice Mike isn't okay though - he is worried about the messy room comment and I think he will start to put together some things about El and Mike's relationship. I can see Will being upset that no one was taking care of Mike. Will is really the only one who sees him. This combined with the painting reveal that would have to happen early, would end up leading to Byler happening before the time jump. But it's possible that Lucas and Dustin don't find out about them until after. After the time jump, it's possible that Mike and Will would be hanging out with Robin and Vicky more but I can also see them hanging out with El and Max. Max and Mike in particular could help each other a lot and El and Will could start to form more of a sibling bond. I think if this is the case the girls might end up in the middle of the drift apart between the boys. I think Mike and Will would also end up closer to Nancy, Jonathan, and Argyle once this happens too. Depending on the situation with them and college, I find it plausible that Mike and Will would visit them and get a better sense of what life could be like for them outside of Hawkins. That being said, I think the boys will come back together and work things out by the end of the season. It would be nice to see the 4 of them playing D&D again. But we haven't seen that since season 1 so I'm not positive it will fit in here. We really haven't seen this being a thing they've bonded over. I think Mike and Will would continue to play but with just the two of them. I always thought D&D was meant to represent their relationship more than it was the boys friendship. But I do think they will end the series with them all being friends again even if it is likely they end up going their separate ways outside of Hawkins.
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glitch-pep · 9 months
Would y'all believe me if I told you that I've been absolutely OBSESSED with this AU for 2 months now and I've been holding back the urge to post about it because I didn't make anything for it yet?
I am very happy to present you,
The Chaotic Crossover AU!
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AU explanation and facts under the cut.
The Chaotic Crossover AU is an au where characters of mine can travel across each other's universes, which allows them to be together. This AU's main focus are the interactions between my oc's, so my oc's are only really interacting with each other and no one else. Also, other random universes might open up for them to explore. Maybe it's just a parking lot, maybe it's an entire jungle... they'll never know until they enter. They enter them through a bunch of labeled white doors that are in a completely white void.
How all of this works, you may ask?
Doesn't matter! This is all purely for the fun of it and no one really questions anything.
So, basically, my homemade idiots (affectionate) hangout and chaos ensues.
Now, some facts about the gang:
Milo in this group is basically a weird mixture of a mom friend and a wine aunt.
Everyone is a member of the Molly protection squad.
Milo occasionally holds her hand in a motherly type of way, because they kept losing her during their hangouts.
Mina holds a lot of the braincells, but doesn't feel like sharing them. Milo is salty at Mina for not sharing said braincells.
Mina in general is still debating which option she finds worse, being with these 3 or with the kids in the culdesac.
They don't know what's worse, when Charlie is being all crazy and loud or when she's awfully quiet.
You should never leave Molly and Charlie in a room together for too long. Molly is very naive and believes virtually anything Charlie tells her.
Like, Molly didn't know what stealing is. And to be fair, she still doesn't, because Charlie told her that it's just 'saving things that don't actually belong to those people, so that they can finally be happy'.
And even though Milo tried to tell Molly the truth, she was so in awe with the idea of it that he didn't wanna break it to her.
Charlie basically acts as a weird sorta mentor that teaches Molly about the most random stuff. Milo usually stops her before she teaches Molly about something she shouldn't know about. (weapons, death etc.) Also, since Molly is the tallest Charlie often climbs on top of her for a piggyback ride.
Milo sees Mina as the grumpy teenager that the parents always drag along on a road trip even though she doesn't wanna go.
No one is really sure what's up with Molly's knowledge of things and her overall mentality, and no one is actually aware that she's an adult.
Charlie always comes up with crazy plans and tries to drag the others along with it.
Milo is the one that calls her out about the problems of said plan.
The Mina and Molly dynamic is basically:
Someone who doesn't care about anything at all, and someone who tends to care about things too much. Which leads to Molly often awkwardly asking Mina if she should worry about things. And Mina often says no for situations that do need a certain level of concern, to which Molly just tries her best to stay positive.
Charlie thinks she's the leader of the group. (It's actually Milo at this point cuz he's the one keeping everyone alive-)
And that's it for now! Except a lot of posts with these dummies. :'] ❤️
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aveline-amelia · 4 months
Tw: mentions of non-canonical character death (as in, discussion of theories about a potential death of Mycroft Holmes and theories mostly before series 4 aired) also spoilers for a character death in CW's The 100.
I don't usually do callout posts. But this I am willing to make an exception for. I do not hate Johnlockers or TJLCrs. This is not even strictly a thing only they did - but it was mostly them. And that was constant speculation about Mycroft's death. That a lot of people started to believe and get worried and upset over.
A lot of people believed he would die. To be clear, I am not saying they all wanted him to die. Plenty of people feared he would die and were looking for any signs of reassurance. These people got a lot of fandom concerned over something that wasn't nearly as certain as they all claimed it was.
As far as I know, it was the scene in TAB when Sherlock tells TAB!Mycroft when he is going to die and the "I will always be there for you" comment, which they saw as foreshadowing his death. Curiously, though, Sherlock makes a similar vow at the wedding to John, Mary and Rosie yet no one claimed this foreshadowed his death. -_- and I obviously don't want Sherlock to die. But it is hypocrisy.
Critics will say Sherlock could have shot John, but use the word kill with Mycroft. They view him as expendable. Not as important. Holmes' brother Mycroft, as though he is the lesser Holmes. As though he is not also a Holmes, or doesn't deserve the privilege of the name despite having it before Sherlock did.
A sizable amount of people proclaimed they will stop watching if Mycroft is killed off.
There is a difference between "this character's death will be very sad, I will cry a lot and get emotional and then move on, it will be so awful..." vs "this will give me a mental health crisis, push me into a deep depression and possibly make me suicidal". And let me tell you, do not wish for it and hope for it if you have only experienced the former while others will experience the latter.
Maybe this person was being hyperbolic. But I will tell you when you have that level of dedication to a character, saying they should die is like saying you should die too. That you might as well. That you deserve to.
There is a reason that people sent each other suicide hotlines when Lexa died. People related to this badass lesbian and when she was killed off, right after she was finally happy, the rug was pulled from under them. It felt cruel. They felt hopeless.
And yes, some people saw and still see Mycroft as representative of various identities, either sexualities (or a lack of being sexual) or neurodivergence. Or they just relate to him for other reasons! He matters to them, but be honest, he doesn't matter to a lot of you. Not really.
Some TJLCrs see Sherlock and John as People, but everyone else is just a Plot Device. A Metaphor. Some straight up admitted that to them only Johnlock is real. They don't care about anything else.
One person seriously argued over that childhood clip of a young Sherlock hugging a young Mycroft saying "they don't see any resentment there". Because seven year old Sherlock and almost forty year old Sherlock are obviously The Same... and that one honestly makes me really sad? Like, how do you see something that pure and that is your only thought?
They love to project all the traits they dislike about Sherlock onto Mycroft. In their mind, Mycroft was born already a fully formed adult human, in a three piece suit and an umbrella in his hands and his first words were "Caring is not an advantage". I mean, it's not like in canon he only says that to Sherlock to make him feel better or something?
It's fine. If you only like John and Sherlock, only those two characters and only relate to them, fine. Write fic about them. Make fanart about them.
But be aware there are people out there who do not share that sentiment.
And yesterday I saw someone basically hoping for a scene in season 5 where they get their wish fulfillment dramatic Mycroft death scene. As if they were owed that.
And God did that make me mad. I hate using this word but that is such entitlement. If you want that scene, write it yourself. Share it amongst friends and mutuals. Write fanfic! Tag it accordingly so that people don't have to see it.
I saw that art of Sherlock crying over his brother's dead body twice already, which is two times more than I ever wanted to see it. I still sometimes see it when I close my eyes.
It's one thing to want your ships to be canon. It's another thing to want a character to die solely to fulfill your fantasy when that will hurt real life people who it matters to that he stays alive.
We deserve a happy ending too.
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msnihilist · 3 days
Your writing is good! You really push the emotional boundaries where no writer dares to go. But are they all revolved around children? How about the troubles of adults? I feel you’re really limiting yourself as a writer
Are they all revolved around children? No, of course not. I assume that you must be looking at the wrong fandoms — I have plenty of adult characters that I adore and write about.
I do watch a lot of cartoons, which are mostly aimed at children, so will naturally have child/teenage protagonists. But I'm not going to stop doing that anytime soon.
Here are some of my favorite fics of mine that are adult-centered:
What Happened To Your Soul? — a Miraculous Ladybug fic about Gabriel/Harry in their youth, deals with domestic violence.
From a Fist to an Open Palm — a post-canon ficlet about the horror movie 'Lights Out,' because I found the main lead to be a very compelling character.
Easy — just some good, old-fashioned Futurama yuri
The Ghost You Made of Me — a Camp Camp fic that focuses on David and Jasper's relationship if Jasper were still alive (I think I nailed the emotions in this one)
all before us lie deserts of vast eternity. — a long oneshot about Ben's transition from Ben 10 to Ben 10,000, and the melancholy sort of bittersweet misery that comes with aging.
Permission to Speak Freely — an Astro Boy fanfic for a rare (I.E. nonexistent) pairing
cradled between clumsy, earnest fingers. — a TSS fanfic about the sibling relationship between Doyle and Drew post-S1
Irrational Attachments — a R&M fic that is mostly Rickorty, I admit, but I love the way that I wrote Beth in this. She's not a POV character and yet her daddy issues just ooze through the screen.
All of my Promare fics feature adults, because every character in the movie is an adult. A Love Like Flames Would Melt You is unfinished, but it is my favorite one. I loved writing the strained relationship between Aina and Heris, as well as Lio's struggle between letting himself be happy and being the leader he needs to be.
I have so many fics that feature adults and their struggles. I counted — it's roughly 40, which is about 17% of my fics. Granted, that's not the majority of what I write by any means, but it's not like I never write about adults.
As for "limiting myself as a writer," I appreciate the concern but I'm doing fine, thanks.
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coffeecat22 · 2 years
While Farah was always my favorite character by far, I was also very interested in the golden trio, Rosalind and Andreas as well. Their past, their personalities, the relationships between all of them (and between Sky and his 2 dads) were fascinating to me.
Season 2 didn't really deliver on those fronts; I never let myself forget that the adults were not the focus of the show but I'd say they still had a fair amount of screentime in s1, and what we got of them was very good. S2 was focused on the teens a lot more than s1 imo and it's a pity because the older characters had a lot of potential. Maybe they didn't have enough time to explore them while trying to tell the story, after all 7 episodes isn't much, but I'm still sad about it.
Random thoughts and takeaways after just finishing the season:
Ben: I expected him to do Rosalind's bidding for the sake of his kids but something about the way he alerted her of Saul being at the school felt weird to me. IIRC Roz didn't know that Saul was there at all, could he have gotten in and out without her knowing if it wasn't for Ben? Did Ben help Saul get inside the school just to turn him over to Roz? It felt more like a betrayal than a situation where Ben had no choice but it also seemed like Saul understood 🤷🏻‍♀️ and then Ben left, even though it meant leaving Terra behind with a headmistress he'd been trying to protect her from.
Andreas: he was as much of an asshole as I thought he'd be lol. Dissapointed we didn't see a confrontation between him and Saul. I saw people theorizing Sky would kill his dad in s2, maybe in a fit of rage, maybe to protect Silva, maybe because mind control was involved... they were right for the most part 😂 I didn't feel like much happened between Andreas and Sky before they killed Andreas off. Sky said a couple of times that he was getting somewhere with his dad but all I saw was a proud look ONCE and that was it. Andreas definitely cared for Beatrix, but he seemed to have no interest in Sky. I think he knew the people of Aster Dell were BW but maybe he thought it wouldn't make a difference if he told Saul because he'd still try to stop Roz. Was Bea really from AD? Or did Andreas lie to her about it?
Rosalind: so she was a total zealot trying to start a war with the BW by stealing the Dragon Flame and destroying AD. I liked this Rosalind more than s1 Roz, idk if it was the writing or the actress but it worked better for me. The scene in front of Andreas' grave was interesting and at first I thought she really cared for him but by the end of the scene I had the impression she cared in the way she would for a possesion, something that was of use to her. And was obviously sorry when she lost it before she was done with it, which is how she feels about Bloom. It was a shock to see her die so soon, but I loved that Luna used her death to justify going to war and getting people to agree with it. There's probably more to say about her but after 7 hours of staring at a screen, is all I can remember now
Saul: funnily enough this is how the show disappointed me the most I think? He just didn't feel like an actual character to me. He's the only one of the adults who is still alive and around at the end but he feels almost 2dimensional. He wasn't allowed to react to anything or it felt a bit superficial. I was laughing by the end of the season: 1) no resolution with Andreas, 2) loved the conflict with Sky but it was kind of forgotten after Andreas' death (it would've been nice to see the immediate aftermath of that for Saul and Sky) and the one scene where they discuss it Saul says some things that sounded weird, but I can't explain why, 3) Saul and Farah seemed close in s1 and yet if you told me that s2 Saul didn't know her I'd have believed it. It was hilarious to see that Saul never asked about her, probably thought she was actually on the run, didn't seem slightly concerned that Sebastian might be telling the truth about her death, etc. I love silrah no matter the nature of their relationship so maybe I'm biased? it seems Bloom told him she saw Farah again, yet it didn't seem to affect him at all. He seems unaffected after losing both Andreas and Farah. I guess it was weird to see him like that all season, almost like he was going through the motions.
Farah: I was fully prepared for anything the writers decided to do with her, so I'm not surprised. I thought I might feel sad but it actually felt like a hole opened up in my chest and sucked in all emotions. So I guess it's a good thing in a way but it also feels empty. The way she died just leaves a bitter taste in my mouth, it was really stupid. While I agree that the rules of life and death can't be broken at all or at least not without consequences, this show is not known for making sensible choices in terms of storytelling, but they had to pick this hill to die on 🙄 I'd have happily waited until s3 to bring her back if it meant she could stay but whatever. There's also the possibility that Eve couldn't or didn't want to come back.
I'm kind of mad that they gave us these characters and then took them away like this but I've always enjoyed fanfic and fan theories more than the show itself anyway. This is what I get for getting attached to the adult (side) characters on a show about teenagers 🤦🏻‍♀️
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whoslaurapalmer · 2 years
just, spitballing something
violet doesn’t learn how to drive for a really long time (when would she have had the time?? when was it necessary??) but eventually she learns how to drive in her late twenties, and she needs An Adult Who Is More Adult Than Her to be in the car while she’s driving and it’s lemony. lemony is very touched to be asked to supervise her driving, even though no one can concretely confirm whether or not lemony himself can drive. but he knows what he’s talking about and is very patient with her even when she accidentally runs a red light one (1) time
and the thing about violet hanging out with lemony is that like, he doesn’t make her uncomfortable, but, he makes her uncomfortable. violet has been the oldest adult in the room for so long that when there is an actual adult around who’s the age her parents would’ve been if they were still alive, she does not know what to do with him. he never acts like a parent or An Older Adult, but violet has been protecting everybody for so long that she doesn’t know what to do when presented with somebody who could potentially protect her, and maybe actually do it, like they’re supposed to. and she doesn’t need somebody to protect her, she’s in her late twenties and she knows how the world works and what to do, how to live and how to hope and how to be. and she doesn’t need lemony, not like that, not at all. sure she likes him just fine, he helps around the house and he has good taste in books and beatrice likes him, and he took care of her, but you’re supposed to take care of a child. violet isn’t a child anymore. and she doesn’t want to be.
anyway. she runs the red light one (1) time and has to pull over because she can’t breathe. and when she starts crying and lemony lets her cry she’s almost angry that he doesn’t do anything else. but she doesn’t know what she wants him to do. and then he hands her a handkerchief. and lemony has never asked anything of her, she thinks, except that she just be violet baudelaire. and, being violet baudelaire means a lot of things. inventor, orphan, sister, parent, adult. she was a child. then she was an adult. she’s an adult now. and there was no period in between, and klaus knows how that feels, but klaus is her brother, her younger brother, and violet wants nothing more, all at once, but to look up and see somebody else who’s supposed to know what to do. somebody else to make a decision, somebody else to do something terrible and hurt someone else, somebody else to make a mistake, somebody else to raise her siblings and beatrice, not that she doesn’t want to but she’s been going for so long without stopping until here, now, on the side of the road in a car she built herself, learning how to drive much too late, which just tops the list of things that in a decent world violet baudelaire should never have really had to do, and violet feels like she’s unraveling. being violet baudelaire means, she’s never allowed herself to be this tired, and she can’t do it.
and lemony snicket is handing her a handkerchief. and he smiles at her, and tells her she can try again. driving scares him, too. that’s why he doesn’t typically drive, even though, yes, he does have a license. he shows it to her. he tells her about how her parents were very proud of him, when he got it. he tells her they made fun of his picture, this very picture because he has since renewed it a number of times (sometimes many years late but always renewed) but always under circumstances where he could not change the picture, but he assures her no one gets a good picture at the department of motor vehicle anyway, and it’s nothing to worry about. he tells her she’s okay.
violet takes his handkerchief. she holds it tight in her hands and can’t find it in her to wipe her eyes or stop crying, and she can’t say anything at all. lemony looks concerned now, and he almost always looks some degree of concerned, about one thing or another, but he looks concerned at her and he puts his hand on her shoulder and says it again, very earnestly. she’s okay. and she really isn’t. she doesn’t feel okay at all. she leans over and sobs into his suit jacket, because she’s not okay. and he doesn’t say anything else. he holds her very gently and doesn’t say anything. not even when she crumples up the lapels of his jacket in her hands as she grips them alongside the handkerchief. like a child, she thinks. it’s terrible.
it’s not all that terrible. the world is stopping, but it still moves on. another car drives by. neither violet or lemony let go for as long as it takes.
eventually, violet stops crying, and she leans back in the seat and dries her eyes, and folds lemony’s handkerchief into a neat square, and hesitates. then she tucks it into the pocket of her shirt.
“for safekeeping,” she explains. anything can happen in a car. in case i need it, she does not say, because she’s still not entirely okay.
lemony nods, very seriously. not patronizingly, but seriously. like he’d do the same thing, like he understands completely, and she doesn’t have to say anything more.
violet drives back home with lemony snicket.
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the dilf poll: voter voices
the votes are in, and hakoda has emerged victorious! but i've been paying attention to a far more important measure of public opinion: the tags!
Hakoda has 19 mentions in tags, winning in this category as well. lots of #hakodasweep, which is funny bc i specifically engineered this poll to prevent sweeps. inigo montoya you keep using that word etc. but i love the energy.
#I’m sorry but Hakoda is THE dilf of the avatar world#in the whole franchise#fuck it you could include every adult man on this list and they will not beat Hakoda (@louisloulouie) #hakoda is the biggest dilf of all time#he is the sexiest man alive in the atla universe#PERIOD#I literally made a PowerPoint about this#I have CITATIONS (@themoons-ex) (i would like to see that powerpoint) #hakoda dilf supremacy (@truthsinwhispers) #mister watertribe chief himself (@sunset-diamond)
In a shocking/delightful upset, Piandao comes in a close second at 18 mentions. I'm going to give credit here to @bisexuallsokka - most of the piandao tags came from people who reblogged from her, and he went from 13% to 14% on the last day, coincidentally right after she reblogged the poll for a second time. he was my pick, so i very much appreciate your efforts and enthusiasm.
#where are all the people who botted the twitter poll we need you now 😩😩😩#piandao stay with me stay with me (@bisexuallsokka) #come on guys piandao could get it (@fearthevest) #you fucks need to go all in on Piandao right the fuck now#sorry… got a little heated there#but Piandao… my beloved (@stalksships) #piandao is so fucking hot (@kieran-rules-zara-drools)
Iroh has 6 mentions, and since he was in second - and very close at points - there were some #irohsweep tags. again i refer to inigo montoya.
#iroh could get it (@capitola) #okie i know its been yearrrs since i watched atla but who this other guy and why is he beating Iroh#oh.... i still vote Iroh but akxhsj;; apologies sir (@cozy-fish-crow) (these made me laugh thank you for sharing)
Bato has 4 mentions, 2 of which are about how hard it is to choose between him, Hakoda, and Piandao. fitting, considering that they're all Sokka's dads. also, he and Hakoda combined got exactly 50% of the vote. bakoda rights!
#BATO IS BEING SLEPT ON!!!!!!! (@matthew-mcjohncenahey) #bato my beloved (@unliikelylovers)
Ozai has 3 mentions, 2 of which are about how he shouldn't get votes. he is the only contestant to receive negative feedback, as he deserves.
#not ozai getting votes while arnook and tyro flounder in obscurity (@minimum-anenome) #who the fuck is voting ozai#i'm concerned about you (@forestberryteaplease)
(two more mentions have come in since the poll closed, but they don't count. you had your chance!)
Arnook and Tyro each have 2 mentions, all relating to them not getting votes.
#arnook having zero votes is crazy im sorry baby (@bisexuallsokka) #lmao RIP tyro tho (@lizardlicks)
The Mechanist managed to get 1% on the poll itself, but has no mentions in the tags. I suspect it's because he wasn't losing hard enough to merit comment (like Arnook and Tyro), but wasn't popular enough to have dedicated fans cheering for victory.
#d..does jee not appear more than once#I thought.. he did#nauuurrrrr jeeeeeee 😭 u were in my heart first but alas ill pick..#piandao why not (@gloomybirdie)
Jee is on the borderline, in the sense that I think people often write him as a father figure for Zuko in fics. It's a pretty logical extrapolation from him learning Zuko's backstory in canon, but it's not actually canon so I don't think he'd qualify. I'm also not sure he meets the two-episode criteria - he was probably in the background but I only really remember him in "The Storm".
I also definitely remember someone mentioning Chit Sang but they seem to have deleted their tag. Was it because I posted about how not all older men count? I meant it to be kind of jokingly serious, Committing To The Bit, but that's hard to convey online. I'm not actually offended, and lord knows I have no room to judge when it comes to liking minor characters. Plus Chit Sang probably DID co-parent teo & haru & the duke when he and hakoda escaped so it's also a borderline case.
thank you all for voting and sharing your opinions! this has been fun :)
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