#The children’s house Au
sweetcici-123 · 2 months
I’m gonna be sharing my Owl House Wips and Aus for a while now that it’s over and I’m definitely hyper fixating on them. (I’m bringing this back lol)
The Children’s House AU
Eda basically turned her house into a mini orphanage by accident after she adopted her first human. She takes in witches and humans alike and takes care of them with the occasional help of her parents. Gwendolyn is much more active and has an easier time coming over compared to Dell who sometimes stays back at their family home when he can’t make the trip. Basically Eda grows to love kids and can’t stand to see any child in any unfortunate situation. They’re all one big found family.
Luz is her newest child who is the first that wasn’t technically brought in by someone, she wandered through the portal and convinced Eda to let her stay because she “didn’t want to be sent away.” And the story goes from there.
(We are not discussing the moral implications of taking kids without going through any legal processes. I wanted a huge found family and this is how I’m making it. Legality can screw itself.)
Also Luz is 10.
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pixiatn · 1 year
I feel like there should be more Camila Noceda/Bruce Wayneification fics of Inko Midoriya, no reason I just really like when a character adopts a large amount of traumatized children, i also hate when shes portrayed as an abuser. Like imma need more fics where inko adopts the villain kids in their pre villain era, maybe a young hawks. I'm tired of Dadzawa and Dadmight getting all the attention. Mamadoriya for the win💪🏽
Mom for all memes:
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lasymit · 2 months
Toh Axe AU Masterpost
Short summury: Caleb is alive, he has become the emperor, and Philip is his right hand, the Black Guard. They have a terrible relationship, somewhere between slavery and domestic violence. But Philip has a son, Hunter, and almost adopted daughter - Luz, and they are going to save him.
Fanfic "Where the war axe is buried":
Original text
English translation
Early access to unpublished chapters and some sneak peeks on my Boosty
Lore posts: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Comics: 1 (1,5), 2
Arts: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13
Memes: 1
AUs (yes, AUs on AU, I know, we are productive): 1, 2
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pixlokita · 2 years
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Page 21, I actually divided it into two pages I think I’ll just start making them shorter to be able to get to them more easily ^^ hopefully I’m not …. Getting too violent with children in my comics ><“
Previous - next- first
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slobstation · 3 months
Hades (Ancient Greek: Ἁιδης), is the God of the Underworld, Funeral Rites, Necromancy, Ghosts, Curses, Dreams, Mining, Metals, and Earthly Fertility, reigns as the sovereign King of Haides, the realm of the Underworld that bears his name.
Namely the Curse of Erinyes, the Curse of the Erinyes is a curse of misery and misfortunes.
Haides was the god of the most potent curses, those which invoked the fury of the Erinyes. The god was sometimes described despatching an angry ghost from the underworld accompanied by an Erinys to avenge a crime, especially patricide or matricide.
The Erinyes had various other functions as well. They carried out curses, especially those of a parent, and also personified those curses; they were invoked as guarantors of oaths; they prevented humans from obtaining too much knowledge about the future; and they punished sinners in the Underworld. In fact, Heraclitus, an early Greek philosopher, wrote that the Erinyes had control over all cosmic justice.
SO LIKE… CHILD OF HADES WHO has some control or say over the Erinyes?!?! they have their own will so laos like the Erinyes favoring a child of Hades and casually harassing people for them?!?!
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joeytime · 4 months
Maxiel Hogwarts Au...
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If you asked Max what he thought of Hogwarts, he would likely make a joke about pigs and insult their quidditch teams.
He isn't sure it's smart to do that now, in the middle of the Hogwarts' grand hall, completely surrounded by Hogwarts' students and staff. He isn't sure he could escape even if he had his broom.
"Wow, you really hate Hogwarts." The dreaded hat says atop his hair.
Shut up! Max thinks furiously at it. Get out of my head!
Everyone stares intensely at Max, not daring to breathe while the fate of the member of the national quidditch team is being decided. Even the teachers are at the edge of their seats, other than Dumbledore, he seems to know where Max will inevitably end up.
"Little quidditch champion. Everyone is expecting" The hat says, as if it's life of forever moving from head to head to call one of four words is somehow a greater destiny than Max's.
It's not. Max knows he will go on to succeed in life, and win as many quidditch championships as he wants and then retire on an island in The Maldives with a butt load of cash while the hat is left in a dusty room, waiting for it's yearly use. Max wants to reach to rip it up but it would not be wise to do so in front of Dumbledore himself. His hands stay in his lap, frown etched on his face.
"Impatient. Immature." Max's fingers twitch slightly. There is only so much backtalk one can take from a hat.
"Violent and uncaring, wherever will I put you?" Max doesn't agree with that description, he cares plenty, about winning that is.
"Foolish. Foolish boy." It doesn't hurt, Max has heard those words plenty of times.
Max sulks.
It's a beat of silence before the suspense reaches its climax. "Hufflepuff! " The hat hollers, not bothering to consult Max on it's decision. Which is very rude and impolite.
The entire room erupts into chaos, screams of "What! " and "No way! No way!" echo throughout the hall.
Max can't help but agree, he thought he might end up in Gryffindor or Slytherin, maybe Ravenclaw if he was super unlucky. But Hufflepuff? His father was going to disown him. The media are going to have a field day. Well they were going to already, regardless of which house Max was put in.
Dumbledore moves to pull the hat off of Max, the treacherous thing whispers one last time: "Things will make sense in time. Be patient. Do not mope."
Max doesn't mope. Verstappens can't mope, so he doesn't.
Dumbledore gently guides a slightly speechless Max to the Hufflepuff table, pushing him into the seat before winking and walking off.
Max wants to burn down this school.
Cheers erupt from the Hufflepuff table, hands coming to pat him on the back and fawn over him.
The other tables seem miserable at the prospect of losing out on a quidditch champion.
"Oh my god! Hi! Hi! Oh my god! It's you!" A boy excitedly chatters to his left, other students crowd around him and Max suddenly finds that he can't breathe. It's like he's small again, after being knocked off his broom by an overly excited big kid. He had fallen to the ground, too exhausted and overwhelmed to get back up.
His father had been mad, really mad. He hadn't slept well again after that.
"Guys! Guys! He doesn't look so good. " Whoever that is, is definitely right, Max can hardly breathe, he tries to use the breathing technique his father taught him after his first match, control his breathing. It doesn't work, it only causes the panic and urgency in his veins to surge. It did work, it's purpose was to put him on guard, not calm down.
He curls into himself, hands around his ears to protect from the deafening sound of crowds cheering. His bubble of personal space is of course pried and poked at. Fans never had any self awareness when it came to these matters and his father never did have sympathy for personal space.
Hands are pried away from him, he can hear outraged screeching at the action. His own quidditch team's screams when he was 6 years old and pulled away to join the older kids. They thought it wasn't fair that a small boy climbed the ranks faster than they did.
"Hey! Hey! Everyone back up right now!" The entire opposing team bombarding him in an attempt to stop him. The referee's reprimand that fell on deaf ears.
The people at his sides are replaced and gentle hands hold him back up, out of the ball he curled himself into.
Max doesn't dare look up, too afraid at the thought of seeing his father's judgemental look.
"Hey, are you okay? " Max turns his head, soft, gentle, warm eyes, concerned. Jos was never concerned, he was the uncaring one! Not Max!
"I'm fine. " A repeated response, practiced again and again every time he came home to his mother.
The teen with the soft eyes gestures for another boy to sit on Max's other side. The boy opposite Max looks on in concern.
"Hello. I'm Daniel Riccardo, I'm a prefect of Hufflepuff, it's nice to meet you." The gentle boy says, eyes still filled with concern.
"Max Verstappen. " Max manages to choke out.
"The boy on your left is Yuki Tsunoda and that's Lando Norris." Daniel gestures to the boy sitting opposite Max, who waves shyly.
The ruckus Max's sorting caused calms down and everyone settles down to listen to Dumbledore's welcome back speech which luckily does not mention Max.
Max feels strange between Riccardo and Tsunoda, like dread wrapped in false cotton. Norris also peers at him from time to time, creep.
They're sent back to their dorms. Max tells Riccardo that he can get there on his own but the older boy frowns and insists that he takes Max. Max thinks his father would be disappointed at his complacency but he doesn't have the strength to fight it.
Riccardo leads him to the kitchen, Max wants to snap some insult about him being a goody two shoes and how this is none of his business. He holds his tongue.
Riccardo gestures to a specific barrel, looking more worn out than the ones around it. He taps a certain beat, perhaps it's a secret code. That's childish, Max decides, they are not children playing in a fort.
The barrel swings open.
Max grimaces at the small tunnel.
"Here, you try tapping it." Riccardo puts Max's hand to the barrel.
Max repeats the rhythm perfectly. Memory exercises were part of his training.
Once Riccardo is satisfied, he points at the tunnel, almost as if he wants Max to crawl through it.
Max scrunches his nose, seriously? The older boy points more urgently and Max relents, shoving himself through the tunnel.
Well, not shoving, he's not really big, a fact his father loathed, putting him on diets with large sums of proteins and even attempting to use transfiguration spells before it was put to a stop by his mother.
Max wished his mother had not stopped his father. Maybe he would have an excuse not to join this god forsaken house.
It's an agonizing 5 second crawl before he pops out the other end right in front of Lando Norris, the boy before.
Daniel appears behind him, putting a hand on Max's shoulder.
"So Max, this is the Hufflepuff house. You know Yuki and Lando. That's Oscar, Nico and Valtteri." Riccardo urges the boys to come forward.
"It's Verstappen. " Max declares, Riccardo quirks an eyebrow and the rest of the boys look equally confused.
"Hi! I'm Lando! I'm like a huge fan, do you mind signing this for me? " The boy's yellow robes are somehow orange.
Max's PR training kicks in and he smiles one of those sickly sweet smiles that his father loves to wipe off his face before ordering him to smile again. His posture straightens and he reaches a hand around the younger boy's shoulders, patting him on his back once, twice. Just like he rehearsed.
"Sure! " His tone is so obviously a faux sweet as he reaches to retrieve the black marker from his back pocket. The boy has stars in his eyes and Max feels guilty, he always does. He's a fraud.
He signs the hat from his national team, the one he left behind.
He wishes he didn't.
"Hey, are you okay Max? " Riccardo asks, looking weird again.
"I'm doing great, how are you? " His PR trainer said asking back these questions were endearing, cute. Max's father had mocked him for that act, his trainer had been fired after that.
"How about I bring you to your room? Would you like that?" Riccardo asks, Max smiles again, nodding.
"Sure." Norris waves enthusiastically as Riccardo leads him out of the common room and into his private room.
"Are you alright? Max?"
"Call me Verstappen."
"Verstappen. Are you alright?"
"You can go, Riccardo. "
"... Call if you need anything."
When the prefect leaves, Max wants nothing but to burst into tears. He flops onto the bed.
The next day he drags himself out of bed. Even if classes don't start till 9 and the sun hasn't risen yet.
Jos expected him to continue his strict training regime. He was almost tempted to skip it and lie to his father but he thought he better not after his humiliating sorting from yesterday.
Now, alone, Max can see the Hufflepuff room properly. It's... It's all gentle lighting, none of the bright fluorescent lights his room had. The chairs looked comfy and the many plants lazing around the common room tempts him to join them.
Perhaps that would be a better fate, turning into a plant to live the rest of his life in the common room. His hand lingers on his wand, mind on a spell his professor taught him when he was just 9. He didn't.
When he had crawled out of the Hufflepuff room, fully dressed, broom in hand, the sun was just peaking from the horizon.
The halls are empty, some portraits mutter as he walks by. His father's portraits never moved, other than those instructed to. For example, a painter that never stopped moving his brush or a surfer never to take a break from the sea.
Making his way to the Hogwarts field, he stretched, slow and patient. His bones crack from the exhausting day he had before.
The field is decent sized, not as big as the one he played in during national championships, bigger than the one his father made him run laps around till he fainted.
He glides through the air easily, flying comes easily to him. If he were to be given his own time and freedom he thinks he would likely still be a top player in the school leagues.
It's better that he was hurled up though. Better to have reached the top by sheer force of his father's training.
He thinks about his national team, he's a reserve, too young to play officially but the team has him in some practices and he attends smaller competitions for them. Max suspects it's more about having a claim on Max when he comes of age.
He's 15, he still has 3 years to choose which team he wants to go to. By then, he will make his own choice. He will not do whatever pleases his father anymore.
The golden snitch twinkles near the end of the field. Max pretends not to see it.
It is fun, sometimes, tricking the golden snitch, allowing it a false sense of security. Like a tiger cub playing with a cricket.
His father would get mad at him if he did it for too long, he was upset his son couldn't catch it at once. Which Max could, he just didn't see the fun of it.
The fluttering golden ball is in his hands before it can even think of escaping.
Max briefly wonders if the snitch can possibly think, he lets it flutter away, repeating his game once again.
In the golden light of the sun and shaded path of the clouds, the wind whizzes past his ears, he falls into the familiar rhythm of flying, sometimes he makes his own obstacle courses, weaving through imaginary hoops.
By the time the sun reveals itself fully to watch Max fly, he realizes that a crowd has gathered around under him, star-struck Hogwarts students watching, mouths open and everything.
He flushes slightly, he may have had many adoring fans due to his membership in the national team and young age but come on! These were his peers.
Max lowers down, checking his watch to see that it is indeed 8.30am and he has to run if he wants to get to class not drenched in sweat.
He waves slightly to the crowd, zipping to the house dorm even though he's probably breaking several school rules.
He knocks the tune and enters quickly, still high from the adrenaline of flying.
He climbs out of the tunnel only to come face to face with Daniel Riccardo, his face stern and stony.
"Verstappen! You can't just sneak out like that!" Daniel's expression softens when he sees Max.
Max knows he feels pity even if Riccardo knows nothing about his life.
"I of course did not sneak out, I left my room and went to the field." Max doesn't think early hour training counts as sneaking out, going to parties in the dead of the night is sneaking out.
"Max, we were worried. I went into your room and you weren't there. Thought you'd been kidnapped by the other houses to play quidditch for them or something... "
Max considers this briefly, Riccardo knocking on his door gleefully, freezing when he doesn't get an answer. Did his blood pressure spike? Did he throw Max's door open in desperation only to find the room empty?
Max grimaces.
"I went to go training... Sorry..." Max stands awkwardly, hands by his side like a child being punished by a parent.
Riccardo sighs. Max wants to cry.
"Please forgive me, I'm of course sorry, I will do anything!" Max cringes inside, begging with someone other than his father is a foreign concept.
Riccardo has a cheeky smile on his face, Max is almost scared.
"I'll forgive you... Only if you call me Daniel!"
Max groans inwardly, well he's also partly relieved but Daniel doesn't need to know that.
"What will it be Max? Will you call me the d word? Or will you suffer in my never ending spite! "Daniel's grin grows.
" Fine. "
" Fine, who? "
"Fine. Daniel."
Max flushes, weird.
Daniel looks elated.
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a/n: this is just the story preface, not yet chapter one. for this fanfic i am keeping mostly the book timeline, but there will be a little bit of show timeline further ahead.
it is a AU which blends aspects of book and show canons but is also a lot of headcanons. i am a bit of a history nerd, so there is bits inspired by real life historical events, i also drawn a lot of inspiration from medieval/renaissence royal courts to write how i imagine life at the Red Keep would be, most numbers i will use in this story are also taken from history (noble households, courtiers, armies, ships and crews etc), as are titles for functions an jobs that are not shown on the show or books. There are a couple of Original Characters that are going to be introduced over time, and a few canon characters that are barely mentioned or not seen at all on the show. additional information: I chose to keep the show's 'ages' for some characters, so, for the sake of the story: Viserys was born in 70 AC, Daemon in 74 AC, Rhaenys in 67 AC, and Aemma and Rhea share the year 76 AC.
word count: 2802
warnings: none for this chapter
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“...Princess of Runestone, proved herself in her maiden voyage crossing of the Narrow Sea, six pirate ships gave chase as we crossed through the Stepstones, their inferior ships however were no match for our girl or to our brave crew. We had already sunk three carracks when they choose to surrender the remaining three after sighting Archonei descending upon them. We lock the surviving pirates in the holding cells, and seize their cargo, to my great surprise I was able to ascertain that the cargo on the ships once belonged to none other than the Sea Snake.”  Enya reads aloud the letter she received from Ser Orys, her half-brother, coming all the way from Lys, the first stop on his great voyage. “We intend to sell the cargo in Lys, Maester Aldus believes it will yield a great profit, at least 20-times Mother’s initial investment, it seems almost unbelievable that we are only on the first leg of the journey. Gods willing, my next letter home shall be sent from old Volantis. Tell Mother I miss her advice and our morning rides, as I miss your sweet face, and our daily flights. Send my love to everyone home and make sure that young Willam is dedicating himself to his training. Your loving brother, Ser Orys Stone…”  Her granddaughter finishes reading her the letter, folding it carefully and putting it inside the hard cover of the book she has next to her on the wheelhouse seat.
How the girl manages to read in the bouncing carriage is something that marvels her, she feels nauseous just watching it.
Elys would have much preferred to have made the journey by ship, but the early spring storms that plague the East Coast they didn't allow them to leave the safety of the harbour.
The lady wouldn't be making the trip if she could help it, she had just come out of mourning period for her dear husband, all she wanted was to be able to take the time to visit her daughters and spend time with her grandchildren before returning to Eyrie to resume supervising her niece's upbringing. But the beginning of spring means Visenya's relocation to the royal court in King's Landing, to spend the spring and summer with her father and paternal family.
Last time her granddaughter was at court was four years before the death of the Old King, whom she had served as cupbearer when he still had the mental faculties to attend the Council. She had been just a child then, the king's favourite great-granddaughter.
 Since then, she had blossomed into a stunning beauty, no longer a girl but not yet a woman, striking in that way that only those from the blood of the dragon are.
A beauty worthy of a crown.
A crown she had been promised as a child.
If the gods had been merciful, little Prince Aerion would have survived infancy and today he would be a boy of nearly three and ten, the heir to his father’s throne, betrothed to Visenya by the will of King Jaehaerys. But Aenar died in his cradle, followed by his little brother, Aelor, and two early miscarriages. And her granddaughter lost the her chance at the crown promised to her.
“Do you think Orys can one day surpass the feats of the Sea Snake?” Elys turns her head from the window to look at her granddaughter.
“He might,” Elys candidly admits, “Orys has advantages that Velaryon did not, Archonei being the greatest of them."
Elys had disagreed with her daughter's decision to raise the prince's natural son after the boy's mother died—Orys was, in Elys' opinion, the stain on her daughter's dignity, a bastard child her betrothed fathered on a Royce cousin of lesser consequence, during the feast celebrating the union between Houses Royce and Targaryen—as he grew, the boy proved her wrong in her reservations against him. He was as devoted to Rhea as he was to Visenya, respectfully calling her ‘Mother’ after asking permission to do so, loyal and honourable, dedicating himself to every life opportunity offered by his stepmother.
She would never forget his terror when Visenya's egg hatched in his hands, it was the day he won her over, he had tears in his eyes as he asked Rhea for forgiveness for hatching the dragon as it was not his intention, he went on to say that he had never coveted her sister's egg and that she could have the hatchling. Her daughter just laughed, kissing the boy's head and explaining that the dragon had chosen him.
Jaehaerys was not at all pleased with the accident when Rhea sent a letter informing him of what had happened. Daemon finally took an interest in the dark-haired boy Rowena birthed, flying to the Vale to see the dragon, taking it upon himself to have twenty dragonkeepers sent to Runestones.
“I hope he can accomplish it, for himself and for House Royce." Visenya says looking out the window, pulling back the curtains to get a better look, wrinkling her little nose at the stench that enters the carriage and allowing the curtain to fall closed again. “I had forgotten that the city smells so bad.”
“You better get used to it again." Elys passes a bag of scented salts to the young woman. “Tie it to your wrist, you can smell it when the stench gets too much.”
The slums around the city wall have grown considerably larger than Lady Elys remembered from her last visit so many years before.
People beg with outstretched hands on the road as they see the bronze wheelhouse pass by.
It's a sad sight.
The lady sighs before pulling the small dark wooden chest out from under the bench under Visenya's curious eyes. She takes out a heavy bag of coins and pushes the chest back with her foot, hiding it with her skirt. She signals with her hand for any of the knights escorting them to approach the window. Willam Royce, her nephew by marriage, Gunthor’s youngest boy, and Leofric Corbray squire, is the one to come to her.
She contains a smile as she sees the boy blush when he notices Visenya's curious gaze on him.
It's no secret that the boy is sweet on little Enya—just like half the boys of similar age in Runestone—in another life he would be a good match for the future Lady of Runestone, Willam is handsome, with dark curls and blue eyes, and will probably grow up to be a tall, handsome man, and appease everyone in the family that the next heir would retain the surname Royce without the need for major manoeuvres.
“Lady Aunt." He greets her with a nod, keeping his horse's gallop in sync with the carriage. “My princess.”
Visenya just smiles at him, looking at him from beneath her lashes, which only makes him blush more.
“Willam, my sweet, be a dear and hand out these coins to the people." She passes the heavy bag into his hand.
The squire just nods again, looking once more at the Targaryen princess before doing as his aunt asked of him.
Once he is away and the curtain is closed again, Elys lets out the laugh she forced herself to hold in, lightly slapping her granddaughter's knee in reprimand.
“Shameless flirt!” The Dowager Lady of Runestone pointed her finger at the girl.
“I have to train for court life, don't I?" Visenya says with a naughty tone. “I'm of marriageable age, I have to charm all the beautiful second sons, have them all at my feet asking for my hand, there is no better opportunity than during a season at court.”
A beauty of beauties in all the Seven Kingdoms, if not in all the Known World.
Visenya is slender, nymph-like of body, with very pale white skin dotted with golden freckles—the only inheritance from Rhea in her appearance—, plump lips and pretty pearly teeth, a neat nose, and large eyes of an unusual bluish-lilac shade. Her hair is a beautiful flaxen, a few shades lighter than Elys own, curled and long—she's not sure her granddaughter's hair was ever cut more than a little trim at the ends—now ribboned for practicality during the travel.
Elys remembers vividly the Good Queen Alysanne carrying the baby in her arms during her anointment commenting that little Visenya reminded her of Viserra, the most beautiful of her daughters, in appearance.
“Be careful child, you don't want a reputation, especially in the Red Keep."
“I can be discreet." The girl winks at her grandmother amid giggles.
The wheelhouse takes a while to cross the city from Dragon's Gate to the Red Keep, the guards escorting it thought it better to go around Fleabottom than through it. Especially with the four glitzy wheelhouses carrying the noblewomen and their ladies-in-waiting, and the wagons with their belongings coming right behind, with things that attract the attention of the wrong kind of people.
Their retinue arrives at the Red Keep midday.
There is quite a crowd waiting to receive them. The standard-bearers stop between the carriage and the people waiting, proudly carrying the banners of Houses Targaryen, Royce and Arryn, and the Princess of Runestone personal crest: a pearlescent white dragon with the halved shield with the crests of Royce and Arryn between its claws in a black field with bronze runes around the border.
“Princess Visenya of House Targaryen, heir of Runestone.” The Herald announces her granddaughter, as a guard opens the wheelhouse door for them. “Her Lady Grandmother, Lady Elys of House Arryn, Dowager Lady of Runestone.”
Elys arranges the balzo on top of Visenya's head and centres the small jewel on her forehead, pinching her cheek for a healthy blush before the girl pushes back the linen curtain and leaves with the assistance of a Kingsguard guard.
The lady fixes her own skirt before leaving the wheelhouse behind her granddaughter.
The first person she notices is the Queen, her younger sister, in the light blue silks of her paternal House.
A chill runs down her spine as she looks at her sister.
Despite her Targaryen blood through her mother, Princess Daella, in appearance Aemma is an Arryn, with pale sandy hair, an aquiline nose and light blue eyes. Aemma is only eight and twenty, a few months older than her Rhea, however, she looks like a woman nearly to Elys own age.
She looks emaciated, haggard…sick. The Stranger follows her closely. Her youngest sister would not survive a full-term pregnancy and childbirth, it surprised Elys even that she had lived until this moment, with so many failed pregnancies and increasingly long and painful periods of recovery.
Beside her, giving her his arm for support, is Viserys, the King of the Seven Kingdoms, dressed in silk damask of gold and Tyrosh-purple, his grandfather’s crown upon his brow, looking more youthful and healthier than his younger wife. His silver-gold hair is kept short, following southern fashion which has a great Andal influence, he also sports a silver-gold moustache, so thin and pale it almost disappears on his face.
He is a handsome man, but pales in comparison to his dashing younger brother, especially when the two are side by side.
“Your Graces.” Visenya makes a perfect curtsy to the King and Queen and stands as if the castle belongs to her.
The couple is smiling at the young woman with indulgence.
“You have grown beautiful Visenya.” The king says, his eyes fixed on his niece.
Elys recognizes the expression on his face.
Like any woman who was once young and desired, she recognizes the almost obscene expression when older men look at women young enough to be their daughters and imagine themselves as young as their sons.
 The look on a man's face when he lusts after a woman old enough to be his daughter, and who he knows he shouldn't desire.
“Thank you, Your Grace."
“Just stating the truth my dear." In a gallant gesture, the king kisses his niece's hand.
“Brother, stop holding up the line!” The prince’s impatient voice interrupts, causing the King to take his covetous eyes away from his young niece.
Prince Daemon is a tall man, only a few centimetres shorter than his older brother, he keeps his silvery hair long, following the fashion of Old Valyria.
Unlike Viserys's ostentatious clothes, Elys good son is dressed in all black leather, well cut and elegant, but infinitely more subtle than the rest of the court. He carries Dark Sister around his waist, and his only ornament is the livery collar that marks him. as a member of the Small Council and Master of Coin.
Visenya smiles and turns to her father making a new curtsy. “Lord Father.”
“Little dragoness.” There is a smile on the prince's face, he has his hands on his only daughter's shoulders, despite being considered a tall young woman, Visenya looks small next to her father. He puts his forehead to hers, saying something that only she hears, and then kisses her cheek.
“Sister." Elys takes her eyes off the reunion between father and daughter and approaches her sister with her hand outstretched.
“My queen." In a gesture of deference, Elys kisses her sister's pale hand and offers a profound curtsy. “Your Grace.” She bows her head to her good brother.
“Lady Elys, it is good to have you at court again." Viserys says amiable. “I am sure your sisters missed you dearly." He looks at Aemma with a smile and at Lady Amanda Redfort born Arryn, standing next to the queen. “Let's give them time to rest from the road, later we shall have a welcome feast.” The king announces to the court members present, taking the queen's hand in his and guiding her into the castle.
Prince Damon follows them, his arm around his daughter's shoulders, and head tilted toward her as they continue their private conversation. One by one the courtiers follow them, even her ladies and her granddaughter's, Elys nods for them to enter, until only Amanda and her remain in the courtyard.
“How bad is she?"
Amanda approaches until the two are face to face, she looks to the side for a moment, making sure there is no one else around.
Her younger sister, like herself, maintains a youthful appearance, even as they have both now seeing past their forty years of age. It comes with their Upcliff blood, their mother died young, not even thirty years old, yet she still had the appearance of a woman half her age.
Amanda inherited her colouring, beautiful red-gold hair, and blueish grey eyes like a stormy sea.  
“The Maestre has already recommended that she not try to get pregnant again after the last miscarriage, she had a difficult time recovering, almost a year," Amanda informs her, there is concern in her eyes “now she is once again with child, and it is taking a toll on her. I don’t believe she will live to see the child.”
“The child will not be born." Lady Elys declares it like a sentence. She can feel it.
 “There is more." Amanda says. “The Small Council has been hinting that he should set her aside, that he should marry a queen who can bear him heirs.” She lowers her tone, tilting her head toward her sister. “There are rumours that His Grace had a bastard boy with a courtesan, and he might be discreet, but I know for sure that there are mistresses.”
“Does Aemma knows?”
“I believe so.” She nods. “They are, however, ladies of little consequence, barely noble, daughters of second and third sons, some not even that, daughters of knights and rich merchants,” Amanda explains, “His Grace has a king’s an appetite and a queen constantly bedridden who clearly does not meet his needs.”
“Hm.” It's the only reaction Elys gives.
A tale old as time, men will be men, even the best of them.
Viserys may be gentle and amiable, but he was always a man of appetites, and pious Aemma was never an ardent lover.
Elys blames the Good Queen for her precocious marriage and sheltered upbring, Aemma was just a girl, still playing with dolls.
The marriage was not consummated before her four and tenth nameday, and until then Viserys would entertain himself with whores and courtesans usually in the company of his brother and half a dozen favourites.
“We shall have to stay alert to whom he takes to bed." Elys says, linking her arm with her sister's and directing her into the castle.
“What happens if she dies or is put aside?"
Then perhaps Visenya will have the crown she was promised. And we might yet have a king of our blood on the Iron Throne.
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a-hobit · 2 years
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“Luz you’re going to have to listen to me for once in your life — these guys aren’t like us. They’re dangerous and you need to keep quiet!”
“B-but Hunter—!”
“Luz if these guys find us we’re dead. I’m exhausted from trying to outrun them and I can’t carry you out of here. We’re going to hide until they get bored okay? Please just listen to me, okay?”
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pov: you’re adrian graye telling your boss an anxious 12 year old made you catatonic and you found the golden guard but failed to bring him home  
commission info in pinned post
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Twice his gaze darts toward that skull, too round, sans muzzle.
Help I don't get what this meant. Is the skeleton actually not a cat's?
There aren't many mammals with round skulls :) and no muzzles :) but there is one :)
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The AU in question.
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shootingsun · 9 months
AU where everything stays the same but Near comes to Wammy's House as a baby (like, 8/9 months old) and Roger hates kids so he decides the best thing to do is hand the baby off to A and B because "they're geniuses they'll know what to do with it"
Shenanigans ensue
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*The siblings are about to do something dangerous*
Kleoyia: Shouldn’t someone give a pep talk?
Legolas: Go ahead.
Kleoyia: Be careful.
Kleoyia: Don’t die.
Lasgen: *Holds back a laugh*
Lirion: Great. We’re all bloody inspired.
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literallyjusttoa · 11 months
how did the other siblings of apollo react to apollo going no contact (second song au)?
Ok txny I have to thank you because this question made me go big-brained mode last night and now I got paragraphs for you. I hope you like them lol
Ok, first of all, let me actually let y’all know what the incident that made Apollo leave was. So basically, for years Apollo had been held to an unrealistic standard that he could never achieve. Any failures led to harsh punishments, which worsened Apollo’s quality of life, which worsened his performance in all of the stuff Zeus cared about, and the cycle continues. This all came to a head when it came time to apply for college. Zeus wanted Apollo to follow in his footsteps and study law at his alma mater. Apollo really wanted to make music, but he knew that would never go over well. Instead, he applied to a med school, hoping that the job would be prestigious enough that it would impress his father, even if it wasn’t law. 
Sadly Apollo was mistaken, and Zeus became furious. He began constantly berating Apollo, basically telling him that he was basically going to disown him once he turned 18. Eventually Apollo snapped, and the two of them got into a huge fight one night in front of the whole family. Keep in mind that none of the other siblings knew the true extent of how Zeus treated Apollo. Things got physical, with Zeus pushing Apollo down a flight of stairs, giving him a nasty cut, a serious concussion, and getting him hospitalized. This is the last time anyone in the family saw Apollo. Once he woke up, Apollo refused any visitors, and basically went from home straight to college, refusing to talk with any of his family again. 
As for how everyone felt about it?
Ares: 29 years old, currently an active military member stationed in Texas (for reference, the rest of the family is in California). Ares had already left the state when Apollo went no-contact, and the two of them weren’t particularly close. Ares basically didn’t really care, as he’s already pretty distant from the rest of the family as it is. He visits during holidays and makes nice with his younger siblings, but to Ares it’s all just doing what’s expected of him. If Apollo wanted to leave that behind, more power to him.
Hephaestus: 26 years old, currently works as a mechanic in northern California. Hephaestus is the only other family member that has little to no contact with the rest of the family. It’s just that unlike Apollo, there was no fanfare when Hephaestus left. Living with a physical disability in a house where your mother despises you and the man who was meant to be your father was horrifically neglectful kind of sucks, actually. Hephaestus left the family behind at 18, and has been doing pretty well for himself since. Because of this, he actually doesn’t know that Apollo followed in his footsteps two years later. Who knows, maybe the two of them will run into each other in the future. 
Athena: 30 years old, currently working as a historian in her hometown. Athena is actually older than Ares, as Zeus was with Metis before Hera, and just didn’t tell Hera about it. She lived with her mother for 4 years until her untimely death. After that, she had to move in with Zeus and Hera, which was the first time Hera ever heard of her existence. This is also when Hera was pregnant with Hephaestus. Whoops. After all this, Athena has become a bit of a father’s girl, mainly because Zeus would defend her against her stepmother’s hatred. She doesn’t know all of the details of Apollo’s relationship with Zeus, but her love of her father blinds her to any fault he may have had. The two of them don’t talk anymore for a reason. 
Hermes: 22 years old, currently going through undergrad for a degree in communications. Hermes was really hurt by Apollo’s departure, almost as much as Artemis was. He looked up to Apollo a lot, and kind of thought he was infallible. To Hermes, the whole incident came completely out of nowhere, and he still doesn’t know who to stand with. Torn between his brother and his father, he hasn’t tried to contact Apollo since it all happened. 
Dionysus: 20 years old, currently going through undergrad for a degree in theatre. Dionysus is the opposite of Hermes, and desperately wants to get back into contact with Apollo, mainly to soothe his own curiosity. Dionysus was born after the majority of the family drama, and was only 14 when Apollo left. He’s kind of dropped out of the family emotionally, but he still wants to know how everything went down. Sadly, Apollo did change all of his contact information after leaving the house, so Dionysus is left with a bit of a wild goose chase to do on top of all his college work. 
Thalia: 18 years old, currently a senior in high school, looking to pursue professional archery. Thalia and Jason didn’t move into Zeus’ home until they were pretty old, Thalia being 11 and Jason being 9. This means that Thalia only spent a year in the house with Apollo before he left, and didn’t really know him that well. She mostly just feels bad for Artemis.
Jason: 16 years old, currently a sophomore in high school. Apollo left when Jason was only 10, so he really doesn’t remember that much about him. All he remembers is that Apollo used to drive him to school when Hera was too busy (or just wouldn’t bother) and watch over him while Zeus was at work. If you were to ask Jason what he thought of Apollo before they reunited, he would have said that his brother seemed like a kind person.
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franki-lew-yo · 1 month
You can't do that with AI!
In my dreams, I imagine near perfect pictures and sounds that can never and will never be matched unless you were somehow just rich and powerful enough to order them be made into existence. It's for that reason that I fully understand the tinker-tinks behind AI technology fiddling with vocals to make something new, as we all do with video and audio mixing, but a) that doesn't make it ethical, and b) it still doesn't compare to perfect visions and whispers of ideas that exist only in our head if you're given a prompt---
for example, in my dream I was watching Katy Towell's The Little Girl who was Forgotten by Absolutely Everyone short
but instead of Tim Jones narrating it was being voice acted by Mathew Rhys, the voice of Emperor Belos from The Owl House.
No offense to Tim, he's still great, but holy moly Emperor Belos narrating Children r Skary was a matchmade in spooky heaven and one of the few good things I've ever dreamed about.
OF COURSE, only in MY DREAMS was one of the better things I've dreamed about also about horror but you can't do that now can you AI now can you??
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pinksilvace · 11 months
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Happy late pride to the confused bigender peepaw babygirl of all time
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morgancrystal · 7 months
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"she alone stands between you and your doom"
finduilas 11x14 Stonehenge graphite and charcoal
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