xiaoluclair · 7 months
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bxnyi · 1 year
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indigodawns · 1 year
#my guys getting a ~new diagnosis at 25 is EXHAUSTING???#at least as a chronic overthinker ig bc whew#every day i swing from oohhh yep im definitely autistic to noooo i don't think i fit it enough esp sensory wise and blabla#i make eyecontact (but now im thinking about it and it's like being conscious of your breathing yk?? and then it's like. is that why#it doesn't feel that natural suddenly or??? and if im a little uncomfortable i stop making eyecontact but ig that's ~normal)#and then with noise and light i don't KNOW i don't know if it's all bc im paying attention now#like you see MAYBE im just pretending my depression symptoms/self-dislike are autism but what actually happens is just that#and i wonder like is my almost compulsively picking at my nails or scabs (i know) stimming or? and what stims would i like how do you KNOW#anyways. had autism group therapy last week and it was v chill and lowkey and also relatable at times though we didn't cover that much#but the overhead lights stayed off and that was great bc i hate u massive tl lights (but im prone to migraines so who knows!)#anyways. my mum did say it makes sense to her and my sister accepted it in a heartbeat JDMDMD and she studies psych and had to#deal with me growing up and bossing her around (our strongest soldier)#and on holidays it takes me a week to get settled usually but i THOUGHT that was depression bc i feel isolated and lonely for a while#so yknow??? sighhhh i am discussing this in therapy but i wanna KNOW i want facts so i can speed through the acceptance process cmon#(i know.......)#anyways. if you're still reading 1) mwah and 2) input is always welcome#insofar any of this made sense
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More brainrot thoughts, blame and thank @pucksandpower
Au where Charles is a gold digger and Max is the f1 driver Charles wants.
Okay okay okay so, can you really blame Charles, like can you really blame Charles?
His mom had been arm candy to his dad, that much was by no means a secret. It might have influenced his way of looking at life, more than anyone realised. But it's not like he wasn't influenced by anything else he grew up with.
The opulence that surrounded him, the over indulgences lurking in every corner, the wealth that absolutely did not whisper. Especially not during those few weeks the entire country breathes for Formula racing.
Charles was raised in luxurity, and it was everything he had ever known. The words your face is all you're worth, had been intrgrained into his mind and body since he was a child. He had showed no really skill in any of his subjects, neither any of the 100s of sports his Maman had rotated him through. He was hopeless at seemingly every single one of them, it did however make him a very interesting person, and if there was one thing Charles Leclerc could.
It was talk.
Charles was a great conversationalist, and an even bigger flirt. Cheeky in just the right way, and seemingly obliviously innocent in every other. Except he knew what he was doing, he knew he was a tease, especially when he ran his hand over someone's chest and practically purred into their ear. About how good he could be.
Then he would pull back, bat his eyelashes. Hook, line and sinker. Charles was have an amazing night, and then be showered in gifts and hush money. With an invitation of next time tucked away in his back pocket.
Pierre had called him a practically unsafe escort once, Charles had corrected him, he was in fact being very safe.
Then Pierre had brought along his Formula 1 colleagues, and can you really blame Charles?
Max had seemed so sweet, so forbidden in the crowd of Eden. Charles wanted to sink his teeth into Max, if not for the hush money, but for the way those eyes would look at him when he begged for more.
Then Max had rejected Charles, even after he had touched his chest, even after he had purred in his ear. Max had even resisted the way Charles battered his eyelashes at him.
What Max hadn't been strong enough to do, was look away. His eyes had been fixed on Charles's open shirt since Pierre had introduced Charles to the other. His gaze locked to the way that translucent shirt had a cut so deep, so when Charles bend over, Max could see his belly button. Not that he needed the gap, the shirt itself was seethrough enough on it's own.
Charles had guided Max's hand to his side, and Max had excused himself for a drink.
Abandoning a full drink on the table.
He had needed air.
Max didn't see Charles again for a month, and he should have known better, in fact he should have expected the beautiful man to show back up in his life. Because then there Charles was. Right at the Monaco GP, walking down the Paddock, his arm linked with someone else, dressed in all red, supporting Ferrari.
Max should have brushed it off and moved along, so why couldn't he?
Why was the only thing he could think about as he accepted the trophy and got doused in champagne, that a certain beautiful man clad in Red would look better in Blue?
Pierre - who Max didn't think he had talked to more than few times in the last year - had clasped his shoulder, warned him not to be stupid. Then that was it, and Max had seen him move away, hug Charles, and pepper a few kisses on his cheeks, before Charles had nuzzled his way back under the arm of some guy Max didn't know. Not that he cared.
But Charles had looked at Max, even as the Monégasque kissed the cheek of his lover? Keeping the eyecontact, as though he had forced Max to watch, a way to taunt this could be you. He needed to get his shit together, they had met once, and seen each other twice.
Then came the victory celebrations, and Max didn't know how Charles had ended up on his lap, there was plently of spaces left in the booth, but he had picked Max's lap as his preferred seat. Except, Charles hadn't looked at Max not even once. Even he had kissed Pierre hello, right there, on Max's lap.
His eyes had been glued to Charles.
Who did not even look at him once, and Max - fully sober - was feeling so fucking intoxicated. Over this guy, a stranger, a something. Something dangerous, something that reeked of scandals.
When Charles had gotten up, all eyes turned in his direction as he sauntered away. Max knew, for he had looked as well.
Monaco GP was over, and Max could relax, at least that's what he told himself. The world had other plans for him, how had Max never realised how small Monaco really was. That Damned beauty seemed to show up everywhere, at the coffee shop, when he was on a run, even at the paddle club.
Had Charles always been around?
Except, each time he saw the Monégasque a longing feeling spread through his chest, it was followed by the reminder, Charles was always looking at someone else. Max doesn't think he saw the same person twice with an arm around Charles.
Max wondered briefly, in a moment of weakness, and post nut clarity, would the price be worth the feeling of his hands on Charles waist. Then he had chased the thought away, with the unnessecary paperwork, and NDA's and besides. Pierre had said to not be stupid. Pierre - who probably cheered every time Max made a slight mistake - had warned him.
Charles knew his effect on others, he was fully aware of each set of eyes that followed him. Nothing thrilled him more than walking through the street, being someone's accessory, and everyone appreciating him. Charles had quickly found himself enjoying a specific pair of eyes, they belonged to a certain Dutchman. Someone Charles would never had imaged being able to get with a few years ago. But that had been when Charles was younger, and now, he had honed his skills well enough.
He knew that it was only about time before Max Verstappen would break.
Max will sometimes see Charles hanging around the paddock during the European stint of races. He had convinced himself that he had become immune to the magnetic pull of the charming Monegasque. But it was quite a shock when - after having made the long journey to Suzuka - he sees the familiar perfectly messy hair.
More somber than he had ever seen Charles before. The beauty had traded in his typical Ferrari red for AlphaTauri white and navy, and a guest pass declaring him “Guest of Pierre Gasly.” Then he had joined Pierre on a track walk.
Max had watched as Pierre and his trainer continued making their way around the Suzuka Circuit even as Charles wandered towards the run-off area on the outside of the Dunlop Curve. And then Max watched as the normally composed and aloof man fell to his knees.
Max looked around. No one else seemed surprised to see the Monegasque’s body shaking as he sobbed on the gravel. Max had spotted Daniel across the track with his own trainer and nudged his way over to the Australian.
“What’s up with him?”
"Charles Leclerc?" Daniel questioned, "You don't know? He's Jules- was Jules god son."
"Oh," Is all Max said, he didn't know what else he should have said.
And Max felt so stupid, how hadn't he made the connection before?
No wonder no one else had seemed surprised, that Charles was constantly hanging around the paddock, wearing Red when his friend was in white and blue.
No wonder that in addition to being especially close with Pierre, the older drivers seem to have a bit of a soft spot for him. He probably should have realised there was more going on after hearing someone mention Pierre and Charles grew up together.
They'd all seen that the sport can take and take and take - the sobbing man of front of him was proof enough of that.
Max had barely realised, he was standing in front Charles before the words. "It sucks." Had rushed out of his mouth, and god, the other man snorts. Too taken aback with what Max just said, to have realised he stopped crying.
He looked up at Max, and a brief thought barrels through his mind. Fuck Charles looks good on his knees. But then Max reminded himself that that was probably pretty fucking inapproiate. Instead he reached a hand out, a sort of apology, but definitely an attempt to help to other to forget what Max had just said.
"Thank you." Charles smiled at him, the tears were still fresh on his chins, but Max could breathe a bit lighter when his hand clasped with Charles. He rest his other hand on Charle's back, as he wobbled for a few moments. Before Max realised where they were, retracting his hand to his side, far too fast, far too uncomfortable.
"Thank you." Charles repeated, letting go of Max's other hand. Max made an attempt to not show the disappointment on his face, the way the Monegasque smiled at him, told him he had failed. And Max didn't mind loosing that much when Charles looked at him like that.
With a few weeks in the back mirror, and some alcohol in their bodies. Charles had found himself with Max in the driver's penthouse apartment.
Max's lips were moving against his own, but then Max spoke, and Charles just wanted him to shut up. That's why he kissed him to begin with.
"What's your price?"
Charles froze for a moment, before returning to running his fingers over Max's sides.
"Your guilt will tell you tomorrow." He murmured back against Max's lips, so Max was aware of how Charles worked, and for some reason, it hurt.
Charles had never been paid directly, never a predetermined amount, it was all in hush money and gifts, places he had been taken and shown off, the clothes on his body, the drinks in his hands, the jewellery around his neck and fingers. Pierre had once called him a prisoner in golden chains, and Charles had told him he was full of shit.
But then Max cooked him breakfast.
This was not part of the deal, this was not part of anything. This was not how this was supposed to go. Max was supposed to tell him it was a mistake, and pay off Charles to keep quiet. Not cook him breakfast.
"Why- why are you-" His voice failed him, the Monégasque known for his smooth tongue, and tempting words, cannot speak. His greatest weapon had been lowered by a man in a silly apron.
"I don't regret anything."
Charles had been gifted jewels by princes and dukes and lords. He had been gifted Ferraris and Lamborghinis and Bugattis by billionaires. He had even been gifted a yacht by a sheikh once (long story). But this was the first time that he had been made to feel human after. That someone had gifted him the feeling of being wanted for more than his body. And now he feels like crying at the sight of slightly charred toast and scrambled eggs.
Max seemed to panic at the distress Charles was feeling. Unable to understand what was going on, not that Charles blamed him at all.
"I'm so sorry," Max had rushed out an apology at the first sight of potential tears, "are you vegan? Celiac? Fuck I should have asked, I have celery! Do you want celery?"
Charles had laughed at that, tears in his eyes at the sight of the formula 1 world champion reduced to panic because someone like Charles might not like his breakfast.
"I fucking hate celery," Charles had told Max, feeling a lot better, despite the Dutchman's confusion and seemingly oblivion to all the feelings that had been cruising through Charles.
Then one of Max's cats had jumped on the counter and tried to kidnap Charles's toast, and Max had set chase after the cat, and Charles had found himself thinking.
I could get used to this.
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zeldasnotes · 1 year
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When someone have their Mars in my 3rd house I almost always find their voice super hot.
One risk with 10th house synastry is that the fights seem to become very public. For example Amber Heards Sun being conjunct Johnny Depps Midheaven.
Moon conjunct Mars can create a dislike that neither person knows where it comes from. Just a sense of being easily irritated or triggered by the other person.
Positive aspects can turn out just as toxic as some of the negative aspects especially when it comes to Venus or Neptune. Venus conjunct Ascendant for example is such a beautiful placement but there is also a very dark side to it if the Venus person is not happy with themselves. Ive seen this one cause extreme envy in the Venus person. Infront of them stands the glamorous Ascendant who got everything they wish they had from looks to manners. Ive seen this aspect cause the Venus person to have this aggressive need to compete with the house person while the house person is not even aware of this competiton.
Also in synastry the Conjunction can be harder to get over than the Square even tho the Square is considered worse. For example Mars Square Neptune in synastry means you see the other with extreeeemely rose colored glasses and then something happens and boom you see ALLL those flaws you ignored earlier. With the conjuncion the energy is much harder to tap out of because the planets are superglued to eachother. So with conjunctions to Neptune the fog never wears off which leads to one person having way too much power over the other. And this can go on for a lifetime. A good example would be a man who everyone in the neighbourhood know is cheating on his partner but the partner refuses to see it because the partners Moon conjuncts the cheating mans Neptune.
Moon conjunct Neptune makes the Moon person easily gloss over anything the Neptune person does. The Neptune person can hurt the Moon person a lot but the Moon person will forgive them. This aspect is super common between parent and child because the child grow up seeing their parent as this super hero and and then slowly realize the painful truth.
Mars in the 8th house makes the connection so intense sometimes it can feel like you need to avoid eyecontact with eachother. Its like your bodies get extra sensitive when you are around eachother.
Ive noticed that people with their Moon in my 3rd house care a lot about what I have to say and are very sensitive to criticism from me. Like if I advice them to do something they would listen. They value my opinion.
I feel like there is always a power struggle involved with 8th house synastry. One of the people involved feels powerless around the other and wants to prove themselves to them. What the powerstruggle is about depends on which planet is. With Venus it can be a powerstruggle over whos the most popular,beautiful, best clothes etc.
Your Vertex conjunct someones personal planet in synastry is someone you are meant to meet and they will have a big impact on your life.
Mars conjunct Mars will either make you rivals or a team. You can either work with eachother or against eachother.
Ive noticed that I tend to almost always be physically attracted to people who got their planets in my 7th house. Especially if its their Venus.
Monica Lewinsky and Bill Clinton got a Moon 8th house double whammy and they were involved in a huge scandal for having an affair when she worked at the White House. I’m not surprised.💀
The eyecontact hits different when you have 8th house synastry.
Amber Heards Lilith being conjunct Johnny Depps Venus shows how toxic it can get when Lilith is involved(obviously the people involved got other issues other than synastry, but Lilith will definitely put some fire on it.) It also shows the huge age difference between them. Lilith is common in synastry between couple where there is a huge age gap. Johnny is 23 years older than Amber.
Ive noticed that when someone got their Juno(3) conjunct your personal planets they have a special kind of respect for you because they genuinely like who you are as a person + you usually have the same values which is why this asteroid is so good for marriage. Especially with Juno conjunct Ascendant. Just pure adoration.
Prey(6157) conjunct personal planets in synastry is unfortunately exactly what it sounds like. How they will prey on you or how you will prey on them depends on the planet involved. Moon is usually the most hurtful, pure emotional abuse.
I know a guy whos Sun conjuncts my Knight(29391) and thats exactly what he is for me. He is super protective of me.
Moon conjunct Chiron in synastry is just never ending pain. Its like you just cant stop hurting eachother but being with eachother feels so healing at the same time. From what Ive noticed the Chiron person is usually the one who gets hurt the most with this aspect, the Moon person attacks where it hurts the most. Its like the Moon person just instinctively know what to say or do to hurt the Chiron person.
Lilith 10th house synastry seems to be common between people who have a public beef or just two people that everyone knows dont like eachother.
Nessus(7066) conjunct Ascendant in synastry seems to create an intense sexual obsession and awake sexually devious fantasies in both people.
If anyone got their Nemesis(128), Dejanira(157) or Sado(118230) conjunct my North Node then BYE. No just kidding but seriously I would not trust the person.
Asteroid Bilk(4425) is prominent in the charts of people who take advantage of people for financial gain. A lot of con artists have this prominent. So before you do anything involving money look up this asteroid in the synastry chart.
Someones planet or a ”bad” asteroid conjunct your asteroid Child(4580) could be someone who had a bad influence on your childhood. I know someone who got his Nessus conjunct my Child and lets just say he traumatized me in ways I will never heal from.
©2023 Zeldas Notes
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romancefranaticstay · 3 months
˜”°•.˜”°• The Other Side •°”˜.•°”˜ Part 2
Catgory: a҉n҉g҉s҉t҉
【Warning】: ꜱᴡᴇᴀʀɪɴɢ
A/N: Hyunjin is your bestfriend. He recently got a new girlfriend. She seemed very nice towards others, but she shows her other side to you. You didn't care about her, untill she tried to destroy your friendship with Hyunjin...
Part 1 you can find here--->
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(°u°) Finally i am done writing it! Sorry that it took so long! Enjoy!
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Some songs for you to listen to while reading this <3 <3
For the first couple of days, you were pissed off. Why wouldn't he believe you, you were the smart one between them. Brittany ain't even that good of an actress. You could see through here. It was strange he dared to raise his voice at you. You were so angry, you never wanted to see him again, ever! Ofcourse not, but that madness covers your sadness.
You were all black and white to work. When you entered with clothe's you actually never wore, you felt all eyes on you. You didn't know if its a good thing or a bad thing. You went to your own office and started working. Suddenly someone knocked on the door.
'Come in!'
It was Changbin your boss.
'Goodmorning Y/N-.' he looked you up and down. It stayed silent for a moment.
'Boss? Everything alright sir?'
'Uhmm yeah, ofcourse. Here are the papers for today. I want it by 7 pm.'
'You got it sir!'
'You look nice today, by the way.'
Changbin being friendly towards you does not happen frequently.
'Thank you sir, you look very handsome today.'
'I prefer cute, but i know.'
and he left. His ego is rising everyday.
(References what you could have been wearing)
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After work, you were suddenly devasted. You thought about Hyunjin, this never happend between you and Hyunjin and deep inside you felt like someone punched you in your heart. It was quit a weird feeling.
Some days passed and Hyunjin felt the same feeling. It felt weird, you were his bestfriend. Your absence is hurting him, your little mails and your calls.
You decided to ignore it for a while, and you rather just smile. You tried to go shopping or go drinking slush but its harder than you thought.
You thought it was only you who felt weird things in your stomach, but Hyunjin also felt something. Something he doesn't feel with Brittany...
'Boo Boo Bear!' Brittany called Hyunjin.
'Boo Boo Bear!'
Hyunjin had a mini heart-attack for a second.
'I am sorry baby, what do you want?'
she rolled with her eyes
'Can we please, please get some starbucks.'
'Umm yeah sure i guess.'
Hyunjin was thinking about you the entire day and night. He couldn't focus anymore and Brittany was a lump of air for him at the moment. He just wants to see you and your beautifull face.
He suddenly gasped.
'What is it now?'
'Umm nothing, nothing...'
Your beautifull face... your beautifull face... your arms, your legs, everything you have... your smile... everything is now gone.
He drove with Brittany off to starbucks. You were also planning today on working there.
You were sitting in your favorite seat by the window. Your laptop open, your notebooks open and your pencils by hand.
You hear the door open and you look up.
Suddenly you floated out of your body... you saw Hyunjin...
˜”°•.˜”°• -------Starbucks-------•°”˜.•°”˜
You and Hyunjin made eyecontact but you broke it. You look on your laptop again and start writing something in your book.
'Hyunjin!' Brittany screamed 'I want mine coffee!'
You smirked and looked towards Hyunjin.
He melted because of your smile and he couldn't take it any longer. He missed you so much, and Brittany is getting on his nerves.
Your eyes shined and the sunlight gave your facial features a sunny glow.
Brittany grabbed him by his hand and led him towards a table.
'Babeee, give me attention.' her voice annoyed you. She hanged around him even before they started dating.
You had enough from these yells. You tried to focus before they came in.
'Miss, could you please be silent, people try her to sit in peace.'
she rolled her eyes.
You hate it to see them here together, she doesn't deserve him. You had enough looking at this skitch, you stood up and packed your things.
You left and went to your car which was parked nearby. Suddenly someone grabbed your wrist.
'LET GO OFF ME YOU STUPID B-... Oh its you.'
'Could you let go off me Hyunjin. Now.'
'I am sorry.'
'For what.'
'For everything i did.'
'Can we do this another time, where is your girlfriend? Uhmm yeah, whats her name? Oh yeah Brittany.'
'She went to the restroom.'
'Okay, interesting.'
'Are you still mad at me?'
'No, i am not mad. I am just disappointed.'
'Oh i see. I am just- I don't know how to-.'
'Its okay Hyunjin. Just check your resources before pointing your finger.'
He got silent.
'I am sorry Y/N. Please, forgive me.'
His eyes got a bit teary.
'Hyunjin, you know i still love you, you are mine bestfriend, but now i just need some time you know? To get over it.'
You turned around and drove off with your car.
˜”°•.˜”°• -------Rainy Day-------•°”˜.•°”˜
It was two days ago before your last interaction with Hyunjin. You missed him afwully.
It was evening and it was raining. You were sitting on your desk drawing in your sketch book. Some flowers and building.
You looked through your window and the sun was going down.
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You decided to draw the view.
Suddenly you heared music from outside your window. It was a romantic song.
You looked through your window and you saw Hyunjin standing there in the pouring rain. His hair all wet. He had a big boombox holding above his head.
you opened your window 'Hyunjin what are you doing?!
'Y/N please i cannot life without you.'
'You are going to catch a cold Hyunjin.'
'I don't care, please forgive me.'
you sigh
'Hyunjin you know i need some tim-'
'I cannot sleep because of you. I think of you night and day.'
'I love you Y/N.'
'I love you to, you are mine bestfriend since childhood.'
'You don't understand.'
'I would give anything to have you in mine arms.'
'Please Y/N.'
you stayed silent.
'Y/N please say something.'
you suddenly closed your window and you ran downstairs.
You opened your front door and ran towards Hyunjin. You jumped on him and hugged him tightly.
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'I love you to.'
Hyunjin then kissed you roughly but in the same way it was soft. He picked you up and carried you inside. He was pretty strong and you looked at his wet hair. He looked so... hot.
He carried you upstairs into your bedroom and layed you gently down.
He hovered you and kissed your lips gently. You giggled a bit because strands of his wet hair are tickling you.
'I -kiss- love -kiss- you -kiss- so -kiss- much -kiss-.'
He suddenly pinned you against your bed. You gasped because you didn't exspect this from him.
He still kissed you but then he got rid of his shirt. You looked at his abs and his muscels.
'You like what your seeing don't you?'
'Maybe i do and maybe i don't.' you smirked
He took one of your hands and placed it on his abs.
The way he looked straight in your eyes made you horny.
He started to undress you till your fully naked under him.
'Gosh you are so beautifull.'
He kissed your lips on more time and he pulls his pants down.
You saw his full lenght and he was big.
He spreaded your legs for him .
'Alreaddy so wet for me.'
He wraps his hand around his lenght and guides it towards your entrance. Gliding into you with a moan.
He pins you down again on the bed and looks into your eyes.
'Your eyes are so beautifull.'
He starts to pull out of you before snapping his hips forward again.
You bite your lip.
'I want to hear those pretty sounds of yours honey.'
You can't stop yourself from moaning.
Suddenly he starts to pick up a rhythm, deep and fast strokes.
It gots you rocking back and forth on your bed.
'Fuck you are so tight, baby.' he groans,
strong arms encircling your body once more.
He tries to kiss you, but he can’t, his mouth simply looming over yours.
You run your hands through his hair.
Hyunjin brings a hand to stroke your cheek gently
'You are an angel.'
a smile grows on his breathless lips.
He stops his pace for a moment to kiss your lips.
“I think I’m obsessed with you,” Hyunjin breathes into your mouth so desperately.
You laugh
'Hyunjin Hwang has an obsession with me.'
Suddenly he picks his pace up again but now faster.
'Oh- m-y Hyunjin.' you moan.
He loves to see you under his control, and you know that.
The feeling of his eyes on your body, turns you on.
'I a-am goin-g to, oh gosh.'
He laughs at you.
'My baby wants to cum?'
You cannot find any words, the feeling is just to overwhelming.
'Cum sweetheart.'
That moment you let everything go and so does he.
He wraps his strong arms around you.
His arms felt safe around you. You want to stay like this forever but you had to clean up.
You both cleaned up the bed, and you both also cleaned yourself. Hyunjin spread his arms wide open when you were done. You ran and jumped into his arms. You wore his over-sized shirt and hided yourself in the crook of his neck.
He looked down on you. You looked adorable, with your big eyes looking up to him.
'Cutie pie.'
You giggled and hugged him tightly.
'I am indeed a cutie pie.'
He ruffled your hair.
'Yes you are.'
'You know that i love you right?' you asked.
'You cannot hide anything from me.'
'You cannot to.'
'Prove, darling? No proof no truth.'
you giggle
'You love me.'
He kissed your nose.
'You know me to good.'
'I love you Y/N.'
'I love you to Hyunjin.'
˜”°•.˜”°• ---------The End---------•°”˜.•°”˜
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1. & 14. With Paul please
1. I saw someone at the window.
14. Are you alright?
Thank you so much for requesting! I hope you like this!
A soft sigh escaped me as I reached for the remote control. Somehow, even though I had it only a moment ago, it had moved just out of reach. The channel I was stuck at was playing a horror movie, although I wasn't sure whether it was Halloween 1 or 2. Still, it didn't really matter. It was almost the same movie anyway - whether Laurie Strode was being chased by Michael in Hatchetfield or in the hospital, in the end, she would survive. I paused the movie to get some drink for myself, wondering whether a final girl would know she was a final girl. At one point, maybe after finding all the bodies of dead friends while you're being chased, someone should realise that, right?
I poured myself some coke, putting the bottle back in the fridge and looking out the kitchen window. It would be a clear night. Still, it was to early for the boys to be out - the sun was still painting the sky a deep red - but I knew they would be on the boardwalk within the hour. I decided I'd finish the movie, and then head out.
I was about to turn back to the livingroom, when I could have sworn, I saw something. A figure. Someone outside, staring in. I froze. I looked.
I shook my head. I'd probably imagined it, being too caught up with the movie or something, right? I entered the living room, putting my glass down and closing the curtains. If there was someone outside-
I froze, staring out my window. Fifteen feet away was a figure. Staring at me, at the house, at the window - holding something.
I quickly closed the curtains, locking the windows and the doors. I searched for my phone, finding it on the couch. "Please be awake, please be awake!" I muttered as the phone rang several times on the other line.
"What's up?"
The voice on the other end sounded sleepy, and barely awake - but he was awake.
"Paul? Could you skip the boardwalk and come over, please?"
I heard some stumbling noises on the other end.
"Eh, sure. What's going on?"
"I don't know. There's - I saw someone at the window. And he's staring at me, and he's just moving around the house and I am kind of scared?"
"Shit, babe," I heard him sigh. "Have you locked everything?"
"Alright. Check upstairs too, make sure everything is locked tight, and don't go anywhere without a weapon."
"A weapon? I don't-"
"Get a knife from the kitchen, alright? I'll be there as soon as I can."
"Okay. Please hurry?"
"Sure thing, babe."
He hung up the phone, and I did as he had recommended. I ran to the kitchen, grabbing a large knife. I tried to keep a strong grip on it, but my palms were sweaty. I ran up the stairs, making sure everything was locked. I entered the bathroom, locking the window, when I heard a noise. It was coming from my bedroom.
And then I remembered how I used the balcony this morning, enjoying my morning cup of coffee there. And how I'd forgotten to lock the door.
"Shit, shit, shit!" I breathed panicky, moving to my bedroom as quietly as I could. I didn't dare to make a noise. On my tiptoes, I moved into the room, noting that it was empty and quickly closing the door and locking it.
I turned around, screaming as I saw the figure I'd seen outside standing in the doorway.
"Who are you?!"
I got no answer, and I decided to do the one thing I could think of. With my free hand, I unlocked the balcony door. Slowly, without breaking eyecontact, I slided the door open.
I quickly turned, running out, climbing over the railing. The man ran after me, grabbing for my arm, my leg - I screamed as I hung upside down, held up by my own leg.
"Let go of me!"
He didn't say anything. He didn't have to. I saw the knife in his hand, I saw the glee in his eyes... I closed my eyes, terrified of the fall - and I kicked him. Hard. He let go, and I fell down. Down, ready to feel my face land in the cold hard gravel, ready to be taken to the hospital because either jumped out of a window, only to not land.
With a slight frown, I opened my eyes, realising he was here. He held me, holding me in his arms.
I hugged him tightly, breathing a sigh of relief. No matter who was inside my house, Paul could handle the guy and kill him if necessary.
"Are you alright?" He asked as he put me down, looking me over. I nodded. I might have some bruises come morning, but no lasting injuries. Scare wise, however, I was not alright.
"He's inside the house. He tried to grab me, and-" I took a deep breath. "I thought I'd die."
"I told you I'd be here as quick as I could."
I smiled weakly. "Do you think you could kill the one behind this?"
He grinned, a little to enthusiastically if you didn't know better. "Absolutely!"
He was about to move to the house, when he turned to me, kissing me softly.
"Stay here, alright. I'll take care of it. And when he's gone, I'm going to help you put new looks on your doors."
"Thank you." I took his hand, before letting go. "Please don't damage the house to much?"
"No promises, he tried to hurt you. Forigve me for being a little vengeful."
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geminibsworld · 6 months
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blue Jean baby
(find part 1 and 2 on my masterlist)
same tags and warnings as before! ;)
(sorry for not adding any real smut,but I got you)
her periwinkle hair laid out on Tom's bed. he sipped his warm tea, as the cloudy sky lit up her skin. his eyes admired her body, her small breasts peaked out from the thin sheet. tom watched as her breathing sped up, and thought about their last intimate night together.
'his large fingers fumbled with her jeans, pulling them off her ankles. she pulled him into a messy kiss, her nails scratched his back, hard, sure to leave marks. she wanted only them to see as she left marks on his tan skin, he moaned reaching into her panties playing with her clit. skye couldn't handle the intensity and threw her head back moaning, her breathing labored and her lips parted. he watched her, mouth a gape, pulling her forward again planting a hungry kiss in her mouth. she sucked on his tongue, as his hands roamed her body pulling her close.
' "fuck me," she breathed into the kiss, tom pulled her panties down, while she grabbed his waist band pulling it down. Tom's arms still wrapped around her, as he pulls away from the kiss. staring into her eyes, they both felt this. how could they not?
' "please," she whimpered, his fingers touching between her soaked folds, teasing her almost. her hold ached, she needed him. he slipped 2 fingers in, she gasped at the feeling. no warning.
her mouth agape, he did the same almost in a mocking way, before smirking at her and kissing her hard again. her hands tangled in his hair, tugging on the waves her nails scratch his scalp. he moaned into her, slipping in another finger. her juices covered his fingers as he plunged into her, she was soaked. he grinned to himself, before pulling his soaked fingers out. slipping them into her mouth, she greedily accepted them. tongue swirling around his fingers, he licked his lips watching her. his eyes darker, he pulled his underwear down. he slipped his fingers into his mouth sucking on them too, tasting her. she watched as he positioned himself into her. he spit on his cock, rubbing it, he knew she was wet enough but he just wanted to be sure. he didn't want to hurt her.
she gasped at his size, he looked up at her before putting in his tip. sliding it in, slowly not breaking eyecontact as she was adjusting to his size. she threw her head back in pleasure, he reached for her jaw.
' "look at me," his voice low, and gruff. their eyes met, he was pulled out then slipped right back in, their hips met.
' "fuck," she whimpered, putty in my hand he thought.
he started going at a fast pace, pulling her into a hungry kiss, their hands tangled in their hair tugging. tom got an idea, something he'd been dream about he pulled out, grabbing her prominent hips, she giggled as he pulled her down quick before placing her so her front side laid on the counter. cold against her hot skin, her feet barely touched the floor, she was on her very tip toes. tom stepped back to admire her, her puffy pink pussy soaked and swollen, to her fat ass. he closed their space before wrapping her long hair around his large tan hand. his chest to her back, she looked back at him eyes wide with her pink lips a gape. she whimpered, gulping. tom looked so different, his eyes so dark, he looked focused and determined. his face was hard, as he looked all over her. his other large hand lifted up her left leg onto the counter before sliding in.
she cried out as he hit her g spot. he kept hitting it as he fucked her. this was exactly how he pictured it, her ass jiggled against him. her pussy clenching and creaming. tom was in heaven, listening to skye moan and cry out. she was soaking, he was told how good she felt but this is insane. he didn't think he was going to last longer, he picked her up off the counter before turning her around without pulling out, laying her back on the counter so they were facing each other.
he leaned his forehead on her eyes, his eyes screwed shut along with skyes.
"fuck, feels too good princess," she nodded, whimpering pulling him into a kiss, a wet sloppy kiss.
"fuck tom," she breathed out, he lifted his head before taking in her body. raking over every nick and crany. every single mark on her body, her tattoos, her freckles and moles, scars, he threw his head back.
their hips meeting, as they kissed messily. their lips fought, his hand flew up to her hair tangling it again pulling her head to the side. his tongue and lips played with her ear lobe, to the sweet spot on her neck.
she clenched around him, juices spilling all over his cock. she almost felt embarrassed. she never gets this wet. for anyone, she liked she did for him though.
"f-fuck peach, you feel so good. m' gonna cum soon," tom moaned, fucking her harder hitting her g spot everytime. he knew how to use his dick, he wanted her to want more.
"fuckkk," he threw his head back, becoming more sloppy. he was gonna cum soon, he knew he would. he was going to fill her up.
"want me to fill you up, princess?" his breath trickled on her ear. she was a messy, a wet glistening mess. he loved how she looked all the time, even now.
"y-yes, please," she cried, as he went as hard as he could, his large hands gripped her flesh squeezing as hard as he could. her nails dug into his back, scraping them down his back biting her bottom lip.
"yes, what?" tom breathed out, moaning. their hips matching, his eye contact meeting hers. she was feeling weak. she couldn't help it.
"what's my name, dammit?" his voice echoed, as he plunged into her deep and harder as he could go.
"daddy?" she asked, tom threw his head back about to cum.
"yes, peach. I'm daddy, your daddy." her pussy was sore and raw now, she felt so stretched and drained and hearing him say that awakened something inside of her.
"fuck daddy, please don't stop," she cried out, he felt her clench again. he loved that, her juices drenched his cock. tom rode out his high, finishing into her, leaving some cum dripping out of her. he pulled out of her.
she tried to step down from the counter before her legs shook beneath her. she slightly fell, tom grabbed her arms steadying her. his eyes searching hers, he's asked if she was okay a few times now. her pupils small, before regaining focus. her eyes found his. his blue eyes met with worry, but amusement. as she leaned against thr counter, her legs shaking like crazy.
"you okay, princess?" he has a rag already ready, she smiled tightly at him.
"yes, daddy," she smirked. he was in love he thought. the perfect girl. his girl. '
tom snapped out of his thoughts, it's been 4 days since that night. she's been with him since, he even helped dye her hair. he liked the pink, but the periwinkle suited her eyes so well.
skyes eyes fluttered open, she looked around before yawning and sitting up. she noticed tom was staring at her, she sat up on her elbows. looking at him, smiling.
"morning, baby," he spoke first, she smiled biting her lip. she looked for her phone, checking the time.
"we got time, schools in forty minutes, well minus the drive that's about twenty so technically twenty minutes," he rambled, his hair was messy and he wore a black and white striped sweater, loose blue jeans and his converse. he looked beautiful, she thought. his hair was getting longer, she loved long hair. skye nodded to acknowledge him, before sitting up more on the side of the bed. her legs hung over, she heard tom behind her. the bed dipped, and she leaned against him.
"need my meds, tom," he knew that, he's already memorized everything about her he feels like. he hands her his tea, and her two pills. she took them before looking at him, he was already looking at her. he made her feel so beautiful.
"don't look at me like that, asshat," she mumbled looking away, reaching for her panties on the ground. she stood up, and slid them up her pale legs.
"can't help it, you're definitely the prettiest girl I've ever seen," he spoke, a playful smile on his pink lips his eyes bright.
"shut up," she grinned looking away from him, he made her feel special. nothing could ruin this, she thought.
she slammed her locker, turning to leave the school. before she heard a familiar voice, that girl.
"oh my god," she mumbled, picking up her pace.
"this bitch doesn't know boundaries," she laughed to her self, the brown hair girl and her two friends chased after her. skye ran out the doors, running to her car before she fell to the ground.
the three girl surrounded her, looking down at skye. skye scoffed, before standing up facing the brown eyed girl.
"dude, I don't even know who you are. what do you want??" skye erupted, "like Jesus, obsessed much?"
tom watched from the doors, he knew she could handle herself but he wanted her to see he gave a fuck. he walked over, before watching Maddie grab skye by the hair, before sky reached up and did the same throwing her into the car next to skyes. tom was now running over to skye, she could black out.
skye threw Maddie to the ground after slamming her into the passenger door, Maddie screamed out as the two other girls tried to pull skye off. skye was throwing punches and smacks at Maddie, as hard as she could. Maddie still had a tight grip on her hair. the two other girls trying to pull skye off as she quite literally started choking Maddie.
two strong arms pulled her off, as Maddie fell to the ground coughing, her friends crouched by her side.
"hey, hey, I'm here. it's okay," tom whispered, skyes skin was red at the neck and up, her breathing labored, her eyes had something in them. he sat skye down on the ground, pulling her away from the attention she caused.
"what," she finally breathed out, looking around. there was a crowd around where the girls were. she could hear voices, and murmurs.
"tom," her eyes wide, he couldn't help but feel bad for her. she can't help it, he thought, he wanted to help her.
"come on, my blue Jean baby,"
they sat at Tom's apartment in silence. for the first time ever, tom was silent. she felt scared, disappointed, she didn't want him to judge her or feel scared of her.
"so," they both started, causing them to look at each other.
"you start," skye mumbled, not making eye contact. Tom's heart hurt for her, she's not like this usually. I hope she doesn't feel like she's disappointed him.
"are you alright?" he asked her, his blue meeting her green eyes. she gulped, his eye contact is intense. she looked away from him, staring straight ahead.
"I'm fine, but that girl-" she began, he placed his large warm hand on hers. she stopped, closing her mouth.
"I asked if you were okay?" he asked, his brows furrowed, "not her," she nodded.
"m'okay tom, but her? I hurt her badly tom," she sighed looking down at her feet. his heart ached, he sighed to himself.
"she'll be fine," he asked, "she won't be pressing charges either," a small smile played on his lips, trying to joke with her.
"tom, this is serious. I was choking her." she glared at him, "I could've seriously hurt her,"
"but you didn't, she attacked you. it's okay," he rubbed her thigh comforting her in a way. she sighed and leaned back, placing her head on his shoulder.
"how can I help?" he asked, his eyes searching hers.
she bounced on his cock, his eyes screwed shut. his hands rubbing her body, wrapping her totally in his arms. he hit that spot, over and over. she threw her head back moaning, wet kisses placed on her skin, down her neck to her small but beautiful tits. he placed her nipple in his mouth, his tongue swirling as she coated his cock in her juices. his hands held her hips before taking over, his hips slamming up into her. she couldn't help, but she creamed all over his cock.
he moaned into her neck, wrapping her up with his arms, before flipping her over so she was on her back and tom was on top. his hand slowly tracing up her stomach, to her chest, chills appeared, he looked at her with a slight smirk as her eyes were closed with her mouth open. his hand reached her throat, her eyes opened wide catching his eyes. her breath hitched in her throat, his hand applied a pressure right under her jaw. she gasped, he stared into her eyes. his cock hitting her g spot, his other hand flipped her legs above her head, slamming into her over and over.
"what's my name?" he asked, his eyes searching and dark.
"daddy," she choked out, him plunging into her deep and hard everytime. she was seeing white, as his cock stretched her out and filled her from the inside. he pulled out, cum dripping out of her like a desert. like she was a pastry.
she lay there as tom heads to get a towel for her. she closed her eyes, sighing before opening them to see tom has returned. his skin glistening, and tan. his hair a mess, his lips red and plump. he smiled at her, before cleaning her then himself.
"thank God you're on birth control, I couldn't fill you like you're a desert," he laughed, skye laughed out loud. a real belly laugh.
she stayed in a fit of giggles, oh he made her feel good huh?
"yeah? whats so funny?" he laughed, climbing on top of her, her arms wrapped around his neck. she closed her eyes, the laughter dying slightly. the two still smiling.
"nothing, tommy," she mumbled, smiling, "nothing at all," he grinned, pulling her into a wet kiss. she could feel him smile into the kiss, she felt so happy and free. whenever he kissed her, the world stopped, fireworks erupted, whatever you could think of happened when he kissed her. he could only think she felt the same. they weren't together of course, just friends with benefits, her voice echoed in his thoughts.
"what're you thinking about?" her voice erupted him from his thoughts. skyes eyes wondered on his face, he almost looked sad. their eyes met, and he sat up. she followed along with him, her brows laced with concern.
"nothing," she felt him close himself off, he handed her his sweater and her panties. she nodded, sliding her panties up her legs. tom stood up, sliding his sweat pants over himself.
he got up, and walked to the kitchen. she watched his back, flex as he opened the fridge. she followed behind, her feet pitter pattered. Tom's focus was on the fridge. she leaned against the wall behind him, watching him. he knew she was watching, he turned around. her thighs exposed, the sweater covering her ass but thats it. her hair in a messy pony tail, her bangs covering her forehead and around her face, her lips pursed staring at tom. their eyes met, she pushed herself off the wall engulfing him into a hug. he was surprised, before wrapping skye into his arms. his heartrate falling, he pulled her up into his arms. her legs wrapping around his small waist. his hands played with her skin, rubbing on her butt.
"you okay?" she mumbled into his neck, he sighed before pulling away and looking at her. her eyes wondered around his face, searching for something.
"yeah," he mumbled, placing a small kiss to her forehead.
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blueclownsworld · 3 months
🍒 = gender neutral reader
🎀 = fem reader
🌹 = non-binary reader
💌 = contains spoilers
🍒"I do care." Levi x reader (part 1)
🍒"I do care." Levi x reader (part 2)
🍒"I do care." Levi x reader (part 3)
🍒Levi x autistic reader who avoids eyecontact
🍒"Are you alright?" Levi x autistic reader who gets sensory overload
🍒Cuddles with Shirou
🍒Dazai x reader fluff
🍒"Your saving angel." Dazai x reader (contains heavy topics)
💌Fyolai angst (contains heavy topics)
🌹S/o Sigma helping autistic reader on a bad sensory day
🍒"They're mine." Diluc x reader
🎀"I want you to know that I love you." Choso x reader
🍒Drawing your boyfriend Gojo Satoru
🍒"You really did well, my love." Nanami x reader
🍒Mornings with husband Nanami
🍒Teen Nanami catches you shoplifting
🎀"My precious doll." Nanami x reader
🎀 Aizawa has a fight with his daughter, and she accidentally reveals that she has a girlfriend
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belle--ofthebrawl · 11 months
I love how you write Swiss & Dew & the waythey like to play pretty rough and mean but i am sooo convinced they have another side to them. Like, ok. Hear me out?
Dew feels worn out one hotel night & asks Swiss to treat him gently? Swiss can /totally/ manage that. Except, whenever that happens the pair of idiots (affectionate) end up "making love" in the most classical & then being shy about it the next day. Like, Swiss will destroy Dew emotionally & physically then in the morning it's as if nothing happend but one (1) night of eyecontact, missionarry, & pillow talk they turn into a pair of blushing maidens when their hands meet as they reach for the orange juice at the same time during breakfast.
Am i waaaay off base here? Does Swiss only specialise in the rough stuff?? Idk. i love them either way your honour.
Thank you so much! I'm hardly the first or only person to be writing them like this but I will admit it's so fun to write Swiss being an absolute bastard (positive) and Dew being angry about how much he enjoys it when that happens.
I am also one hundred percent a soft Swiss truther. I fully believe he wields different personas depending on the mood he's in. Why deny anything that gets him off, gets his packmates off? I adore your idea, so I'll share one of my own in return.
Order in the court!
Something gets mixed up, maybe a room is out of order for maintenance but the hotel is packed and no one's exactly willing to sleep on the floor. Dew and Swiss are put into the only room left: the hotel's honeymoon suite and Swiss gets a look in his eye that makes the hair on the back of Dew's neck stand up.
"Gimme the suitcases, honey." He drawls. "I don't want you tiring yourself out before I get my hands on you." He winks at the clerk. "Signed the papers right before we left but, y'know. No privacy on a bus. This works out great."
"Congratulations!" She beams. "Please let me know if you need anything!"
"Got everything I need right here," Swiss murmurs, staring dreamily at Dew, who is staring resolutely at the wall, face aflame.
The room isn't as bad as Dew thinks it is. Sure, the bed and the hot tub are heart shaped and there's a mirror on the ceiling but it comes with wine and chocolates that Swiss insists on getting into. A bath is run, Swiss dotes on Dew. But Dew can't shake the weird, squirmy feeling in his gut the whole ordeal gives him. Does he like being treated so soft, so gentle? He doesn't really know how to react to it, especially from Swiss.
They towel off and hit the sheets. Dew probably makes the first move just to distract himself from what's going on in his head and Swiss lets him. Keeps his hands on Dew's hips as they kiss and rock their hips together until Dew's a shivery, whining mess. At which point Swiss rolls them over, gets his hand around Dew's dick and whispers into his ear how he's gonna make him knot, get the little bulge of it all reddened and raw before Swiss will fuck him, watch his cock spurt out cum with every slow, gentle thrust deep into his little body. He's going to make Dew feel so good.
"Will you let me do it?" He murmurs. "Pretend it's your first time? Will you let me pop that sweet little cherry of yours?"
He squeezes around the base of Dew's cock so Dew can fully grasp what he means by that.
And Dew?
Dew makes the mistake of saying yes.
(It's the best and most confusing orgasm of his entire existence.)
(Everyone jeers at them when they're all on the bus the next morning. Someone twists aluminum foil into wedding rings but then everybody wants one and the next superstore they pass they demand a stupid sheet cake to celebrate "their" wedding.)
(There is absolutely a frosting fight.)
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yumethefrostypanda · 9 months
Hi yume! I have three questions I would like to ask you...
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What do you think about these two photos? do you think Simon is really like that under the mask? (in my opinion it might look more like the first photo, but I don't know. Many say it's the second because it looks more like Samuel, but honestly, the haircut of the first is very similar to the scene where he takes off the mask.)
In your opinion, how would Simon behave in a social context? (for example going out alone, taking a bus or any other public transport.) do you think he would still keep the mask on, or would he cover himself with something else?
How would Simon behave with children (you know, in the comic he had a nephew who was very important to him.) What do you think he would do if maybe a small child, in the park with his/her mother, approached him curiously and touched him? or are there kids throwing the ball in his direction by accident? would he kicks the ball back to them?
Thanks in advance, you are the best!🫶🏻❤️
I love your answers and everything you post! (I'll never stop saying this, sorry...🥲)
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Hey Sofia :D Thank you for your ask and sweet words 🥺 It's truly nice to hear you like my answers :D Appreciate your support 🫶 First things first ;p the art on the right is from Wombywoo, if i'm not mistaken. Alright, let's do this *cracks knuckles and neck, cause i always spend wayy too much time on answering my asks >.<*
1. You know.. headcanon-ing Simon's face is kinda fun cause his face is hidden :D Everyone can put their own thoughts in the mix. I thiink when MWIII is out, imma do a part 2 on Simon's face. Anyway, I remember that first photo (left) was on reddit, extracted from MWII files somewhere last year. It was already said that the hair was from Graves(?) and put on his head. I also think it's either a placeholder or not finished since they've only used his 3D head for mask placement and the scene where he takes of the mask and we (only) see his fluffy short hair. It really wouldn't be a surprise if Simon's (face) features are alot of that from his VA, Samuel Roukin. I've seen every frame multiple times by now *edit life* and to me, it really looks like Simon has Roukin's eye shape and nose(for the most part). I loove the fact the devs stayed true to Simon's brown eyes *-* So what else did they stay true to? Or is it completely Roukin's face? We might never know :P But personally for me it's still 50/50. Half Roukin's face/ half comic Simon's face. Ok ok, maybe now more like 70/30. idc, just show me. No, don't! Yes!
2. Ooff, good question. I wonder if he uses public transport since he also can drive. (i'd rather take the car thn the bus ngl :P). At the end of the campaign with 141 and Laswell sitting in a bar, Simon still has his eye paint and mask on. Though be it another mask thn that he was wearing during the Chicago mission. So that makes me believe he conceals his face in his free time (outside), i'm not exactly sure how tho cause wearing a skull mask like that in public might alarm ppl? idk. I kinda lean more to the idea he isn't that among people much (being outside). If he already prefers to work alone than in a team (141 is a no brainer for him tho, imo) i don't really see him being out and about and social in his off time Q_Q And with all this online ordering, he gucci. But okok, i do see him do groceries and stuff. You know, basic stuff. He will have alot of hooded clothes, caps and what not. Corona must've been a 'delight' for him. (ok ill stop. sorry) I think he barely makes eyecontact, or just shortly cause he's friendly. He a good lad. Srsly don't waste your time on this next hc; You know.. what if he just lives in a very small village somewhere quiet in England where everyone knows eachother and he don't have to worry about all that outside shii cause everyone in that small village knows how he is. Easy peasy, live and let live. Often people in small villages are old cause many young move to the city. So them golden oldies in his town are just happy they have a soldier in their midst and respect his privacy. Buut.. thn again, the bigger the city.. the easier it is to blend. Oh well. Whatever XD 3. I THINK HE'S REALLY GOOD WITH KIDS! But doesn't show, is scared to show, etc etc all that. I even think if a kid is being bullied in his presence he would intervine. I'm sure of it. But i think he would avoid being around kids. If one's come up to him i think he will be friendly but not interested in a conversation or play ball. I'll let myself out
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Challenging fate (Tom Riddle x reader)
Chapter 4
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Parts: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Epilogue
Description: There were a lot of unexpected things happening the day of the Battle of Hogwarts. Being send back into the past to change the course of history was definitely one of them.
Warnings: making out, violence
2778 words
It’s already been over two months that you spent in the 40s and you were rapidly approaching Christmas. You and Tom spent the autumn holidays together in the castle catching up on homework (which was quite a lot because your OWLs were next spring), walking around the grounds and hiding in desolated corners of the castle to make out. Not that Tom would ever call it something like that.
It felt like he was opening up to you more and more and you could feel the soulmate bound getting stronger with every moment you spent together, giving you hope that you could succeed. Not only for the sake of the world but also for your own, because you were getting more and more sure that you couldn’t ever go back and live without him.
Slughorn was having one of his eloquent parties for the first time this year, making his club members bring a date and of course you were going with Tom. Not that you wanted to, Slughorns parties were probably just as much of a wreck as they were in the future when Cormac convinced you to accompany him.
Giving your makeup its finishing touches you took one last look in the mirror, and then made your way down the stairs, satisfied with your look. Elsie was already waiting in the commonroom for you, having been invited by Abraxas (probably because she was an Abott, but she was excited so you were happy for her) and so you two left through the exit.
Tom and Abraxas were already waiting for you in the corridor and as soon as you were in reach, your soulmate pulled you into his arms. „You look ravishing“, he complimented you with a genuine smile, taking your hand and kissing it softly while maintaining eyecontact, making you flustered. He knew exactly how to push your buttons, damn. „You don’t look to bad yourself“, you smiled shyly looking at his elegant dressrobes and he kissed your cheek before leading you to Abraxas and Elsie with and arm around your waist.
When you arrived at the party Slughorn immediately came over as soon as he spotted you standing at a table in the corner and greeted his favorite student. „Ah Tom, I see you brought company! It’s nice to have you here Miss Granger“, Slughorn greeted you and eyed both of you with curiosity. You knew that he knew you were Toms girlfriend, but knowing Slughorn he hoped to get more information out of you two. He probably also thought Tom could do a lot better based on your performance in his class.
„Yes of course Professor, I trust you know Miss Granger. She is my girlfriend“, he smiled politely and Slughorn nodded along. „Yes of course, always a pleasure to have you in my class Miss Granger“, he said with a quick glance to you. Liar. But you could tell he wasn’t satisfied. „But tell me, are the rumors true my boy? Are you two really…?“, he let his unfinished question hang in the air and gestures between you two. „Yes sir, (Y/N) is my soulmate“, Tom confirmed and you suppressed the urge to roll your eyes at Slughorns curiosity.
„Ah how splendid indeed! You two really make a marvelous pair“, he seemed satisfied at last. „Oh Tom, let me introduce you to Mister Griffiths, he’s the Junior Assistent to the Minister“, Slughorn took of and expected Tom to follow him, but he looked back to you. „I’m going to be alright Tom, go“, you giggled and he nodded before kissing you on the cheek and following Slughorn.
Abraxas and Elsie had joined you after a minute or so and you were talking about the weird looking fella in the dark corner who looked ready to implode, when someone wrapped his arm around you from behind. „I’m sorry it took so long, Slughorn introduced me to more than one person after all“, Tom said close to your ear, making you shiver. You turned to him and gave him a reassuring smile.
„Cut him some slack, I mean he had to flaunt his star student to all these successful people“, you smiled and he couldn’t help but smile back. Right at that moment a camera flashed and you looked around to see the second year that was taking pictures tonight going on his merry way.
„Do you think we could get a copy of that?“, you wondered and finally looked back up at Tom who was already watching you. „I’ll make sure you get one“, he said with a smile, tugging a lose strand of hair behind your ear.
You were one of the last to leave the party, Slughorn not letting Tom escape so easily. Abraxas and Elsie had already left an hour ago, but finally Tom was able to bid his goodbye to his teacher, saying he had to escort me back to my commonroom. „Don’t forget to be a gentleman and protect her honor Tom!“, were Slughorns last words and you gagged internally because of that sexist bullshit.
Tom just nodded along politely and finally you stepped out of the room and made your way down the corridor. „God I’m so glad to be out of there“, you groaned and leaned your head against Toms upper arm. „What you didn’t enjoy it?“, Tom chuckled caressing the back of your hand. „I always enjoy spending time with you, Slughorn just can be really overwhelming sometimes“, you yawned and noticed that you were going the wrong way.
„This isn’t the way to the Hufflepuff commonroom“, you said confused and looked up. „I thought we could take a small detour to the Astronomy tower, there’s supposed to be a meteor shower tonight“, he explained as you reached the stairs to the tower. „But it’s already after curfew and we’re only allowed to make our way back to our commomrooms after the party“, you said a little unsure and really not wanting to get detention.
„Come on love, I’m a prefect“, Tom rolled his eyes and helped you up the last few steps of the tower that were a little broken and not easy to navigate with your heels. „You’re not supposed to abuse your power you know“, you giggled and you two stood at the railing, looking up at the starry nightsky.
Tom stepped behind you and wrapped his arms around you, holding you to his chest and making you smile contentedly. „You‘re worth abusing my power for“, he chuckled and you turned your head slightly to look in his face. Before you could answer he had already captured your lips with his, turning you around in the process.
He moved his mouth against yours softly, holding your cheek with one hand while gripping your waist firmly with the other. You loved the way he always held you so close, making you feel protected and safe, while kissing you senseless. Your own hands were gripping the front of his dressrobes, not caring if you wrinkled them and just needing something to hold onto when his tongue gently traced your lips and you slightly opened your mouth to meet it with yours.
You were always suprised when Tom was the one to deepen your kisses, as he was very persistent to not compromise your honor and always stopped before any serious fooling around could happen. You had to admit it was kind off sweet that he didn’t pressure you into anything, but you wouldn’t complain if you two did at least a little more.
Pulling away panting, you still had your eyes closed and before you could say anything you felt his lips on your neck. Suprised your eyes shut open, but closed again immediately when you felt him littering kisses all over your neck and down to your collarbone. “Tom”, you sighed, running your fingers through his neatly styled hair.
When he found the spot right under your collarbone that made you grip his hair tighter - the spot that was dangerously but excitingly close to the swell of your breasts - he started to suck on it gently, softly kissing it every few seconds and you let out a quiet moan. You couldn’t believe Tom Riddle was giving you a hickey. Your moan seemed to pull him back into reality and he detached his lips from you hesitantly.
You were still a little out of breath and blushed heavily when he stood up to his full height again, looking at you with a smirk. “You look so pretty right now”, he whispered and you averted your gaze shyly. His lips found your cheek and then he pulled you flush against his chest and whispered into your ear: “All mine.”
The castle could be kinda scary, especially when it started to get dark early and curfew neared. Normally you avoided walking around alone (at the moment anyway), the Slytherin girls liked to corner you when they got the chance - which they didn’t get too often thankfully. But that evening you forgot your Herbology book in the library and you needed to finish that essay today, otherwise you’d get a T on it so you had no choice.
Rounding a corner, nearly being there, you skidded to a halt - coming face to face with Olive Hornby and her posse. “Look who we have here girls”, she laughed and her little friends joined in. This wasn’t going to end well, was it. “If it isn’t the little mudblood who thinks she’s Toms soulmate”, she continued taunting you and pulled out her wand. You were reaching for yours too, but she raised hers threateningly making you freeze in your motion.
“Don’t even think about it you filthy whore”, she spat and the girls behind her took out their wands too, making you take a step back. “I told you this before, leave Tom alone and stop lying about being his soulmate. We all know you did something to make him act like that. But you don’t seem to be listening so I think we need to teach you a little lesson, making sure that it sticks this time”, she grinned horribly and before you could defend yourself she pulled out a knife and the other girls stepped up to you and grinned, grabbing you and holding you in place.
Full on panicking now you tried to reason with her, eventhough you knew it was in vain. “Please Olive, I didn’t do anything!”, you cried out when she pulled up your skirt to expose your thigh. “I’m not lying!”, you shouted as she got close to your skin, but she was relentless. “Shut her up”, she spoke coldly and the brown haired girl to your right clamped your mouth shut.
And then you felt her dig into your flesh with the sharp knife, your screams being muffled by the hand on your mouth. But she wasn’t done after one cut, and the tears were streaming down your cheeks, your throat starting to hurt from your screaming and you were just mentally begging for Tom to feel something was wrong and rescue you. To hell with that, you were begging for just anybody to notice the situation and help you.
No energy left to scream anymore you were just sobbing into the girls hand, when Olive finally seemed to be done and the girls let you go, your body immediately crumbling on the floor. “Let that be a reminder”, Olive whispered in your tearstained face and the group left you there, their laughter fading in the hallway.
You stayed there, leaning against the wall with blood running down your thigh. Your eyes focusing on your wound, you realized she carved the word liar into your thigh and you choked up, just hoping that it could be healed without leaving a scar. Calling you mean names and shit, okay you could handle that. But this? Merlin, this was something else, you thought pulling down your skirt in shame.
You were trying to get yourself to stand up, but with the pain in your leg you weren’t sure you could even move. Turns out you didn’t have to, because Tom came striding down the hallway, seeing you sit there in your own blood, with tears still falling. His face became almost unrecognizable with the anger that took over, and for the first time you did get why people were scared of him.
“I knew something was wrong, what happened?”, his voice was sharp and on edge and he knelt down next to you. Not yet finding your voice, you lifted a shaking hand and pulled up your skirt, showing him the letters on your skin. He immediately scowled at your leg, pulling out his wand and muttering an incarnation under his breath, the word slowly healing and the pain fading away until there was only a dull ache left.
With another flick of his wand, he cleaned up the blood and instead of trying to get more information out of you, he helped you up onto your shaky legs. Eventhough the pain and wound were gone, you were still shaken to the core. But before you could try and take a step Tom gently picked you up and started walking down the corridor. “You don’t have to-“, you started to whisper but he interrupted you, his hard gaze still fixed infront of you: “I do.”
Turning another corner, he pushed open the door to a seemingly abandoned classroom. The chairs were stacked onto the few desk that were placed messily around the room, cobwebs were hanging onto every surface and the dust was at least a finger thick on the windowsills, laying there untouched. Tom spotted a bay window in the corner, which was lined with a few pillows that he cleaned with a flick of his head, and you were astonished. You really understood for the first time that he wasn’t only smart, but how powerful he really was, performing wandless nonverbal spells at that age (or ever).
Carefully he set you down and lit the candles that were sitting on various surfaces around you- again with a tiny head movement. Then he turned his attention back to you, his eyes deadly, looking as if he was ready to murder someone. “Who did this?”, he asked quietly, radiatiating so much dominance without even raising his voice.
“It-“, your voice broke, sore from your screaming and you cleared your throat. “It was uhm Hornby”, you answered him with a strained voice, your throat hurting and you pulled your feet up on the cushion, hugging yourself. “I am going to kill her”, he seethed suddenly losing the cool demeanor he put on before, and you winced.
He was about to turn around, but you pushed through the pain: “Tom!” At the sound of your desperate voice he stopped in his track, seemingly debating if he should go after whoever hurt his soulmate or comfort his soulmate because she was hurt. “Please”, you whispered - because no matter how much you hated Olive, you didn’t want anything (life threatening) to happen to her - and he raised his eyes, meeting yours.
You just raised your arms and that was the last push he needed to come back, gently pulling you into his arms and sitting next to you, holding you firmly. You buried your face in his chest and now that you were finally in the safety of your soulmates arms, the adrenaline wore off and the tears that you held back were silently falling.
“What did she say?”, he asked and you contemplated not telling him, but then again you wanted to get it out, feeling like it would help you. “She…she said I should leave you alone”, your hoarse voice being the only sound in the room, “and to stop lying about being your soulmate.” You could feel his heart speed up and his body slightly tensing up with rage, but he stayed silent and continued holding you.
“Please love, don’t let them get to you, you are my soulmate no matter what they say”, he told you with a soft voice, “Hornby is just bitter that no one is interested in her so she seems to be hallucinating her own reality.” That did in fact get a small giggle out of you and Tom kissed your forehead and continued holding you late into the night.
You couldn’t hold him off of Hornby forever though, and so when you saw Hornsby stepping into the Hall for breakfast the next morning she (and her posse) looked shaken to the core, constantly flinching at every little thing, eventhough there weren’t any physical marks and you worried what Tom and his gang did to them.
If you wanna be tagged lmk <3
@salleun @darkenwolfie
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gothamslostboy · 1 year
Jerome Valeska - Silent Treatment
A/N: this was originally made on my old account zsaszercise, but I am deleting that account and reposting my stuff here
WORDS: 478
originally posted December 27, 2022, 12:39pm
gender neutral reader
1 hour, 27 minutes. 34 seconds.
That’s how long it had been since I woke up tied to this chair. At first I called out, demanding to be let go and that this must be a dream or something. Honestly, who would be sadistic enough to tie someone to a chair, hanging over a pool of piranhas? It’s like a stupid action movie or something.
When I realized this was infact, actually happening, I stopped yelling because, well, why the hell would I give this psychopath the satisfaction of seeing me freak out? After a while, the situation almost became peaceful: I wasn’t moving closer to the pool, I didn’t have to go to work, and the soft music in the background was a nice change of pace from how these situations usually go. Being the younger sibling of Jim Gordon tends to make nut jobs kidnap me pretty often.
I stay sitting up here, counting another 2 minutes and 26 seconds until a large door slams, a man rushing down some stairs to stand next to the piranha pool. I recognize him quickly, it’s kind of hard not to know the face of someone who’s all over the news. Jerome Valeska stands there, tapping his foot and looking up at me his usual sinister smile twisted into a very obviously fake one.
Why ya so quiet? He waves his hand towards me, fist clenching when all he gets in response is an eye roll. Jerome rushes back into the room he appeared from and eventually my chair jolts down, stopping just 5 feet from the surface.
Knowing that all he wants is a reaction, I bite my tongue and force my silence, my racing heart blocking out sounds of splashing fish. The door slams again as Valeska again moves to the pool, this time using the platform at the edge. He grabs some kind of pool net thing to pull my chair towards him, making us face to face in a silent staring contest.
He finally loses, breaking eyecontact to hold a gun to my chest, eagerly awaiting the terror to fill my eyes. Instead Jerome is greeted with a mask of indifference, causing him to drop a small string of swears before he pulls the gun away. His lips quirk up for a second as he launches himself toward my face and captures my lips, breaking away when the bright lights of police cars fill the windows of the room.
Well doll. Yell, scream, say anything at all. He waits until the sounds of the GCPD forcing the door reach us, sighing and walking down the platform stairs. Halfway down I clear my throat, you’re surprisingly not an awful kisser his head spins around, a grin covers his face as he does a bow, rushing off as the officers, led by my brother, enter the room.
——— TAGS ———
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cats-and-fiction · 1 year
Demise and Ascension
Human Quaritch x Human Reader
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4 (You are here)
Author note: To be honest it was never meant to be a multi part one shot but I had a few more ideas and I couldn‘t just finish it with part 2. there will be one more part coming and thats the final for this one. Maybe I do more multi part stories for human Quaritch, as I do enjoy him and I feel like there is so little for him.
To your surprise things did change. Whatever Quaritch had done or said after your little talk that morning the work in the mines got better. Also they seemed to have stopped making it bigger and thus destroying more nature. The attacks and defending of the Na‘vi quite done too and was just like before.
You sat in the cafeteria at a table that was in the far corner, alone, not that anybody would want besides you anyway. For them you ruined their fun and money making with caring for the Na‘vi. A deep sigh fled fron your lips as you poked your fork into the mashed potatos. Propping your head on your other hand you debated wheter to eat this or better throw away and not risk loosing a tooth to this hard stuff that called itself food.
„You need a extra pair of hands to carry your head, L/N?“, your shoulders jolted and surprised you looked up. Quaritch sat down right in front of you with only a mug of coffee. Not even he ate the cafeteria food. Probably had even better than you and the other RDA people who hadn‘t some high rank. „I rather loose it if it‘s you who offered to carry it“, you scoffed but not resisting to put a little smile on. Goddammit, why must you feel so weird everytime he is near you? Was it his strong arms? His charming smile if he wanted? Or the light touches he started to give you a few days ago? They were not noticeable and quickly gone as they came. His hand brushing up against you, or him squeezing your shoulder a seclnd too long. Sometimes he stood close to you. Too close.
„You should be happy, we do what you say. Humane work and humane to the wilde people.“, he took a sip of coffe while mainting eyecontact with you the whole time. It got unbearable and you looked down on the table. „I am and they aren‘t wild people, they are Na‘vi. You should respect them“, you mumured. Your could feel your heart pulse right up in your throat. Your stomache felt weird. You felt hungry yet you aren‘t and the air felt thick and every gasp felt like your last.
You had your feet crossed under the table, stretched them out before he arrived. As soon as Quaritch had sat down you had pulled your feet away though you could feel it. Feel the tip of his boots touch yours. Not out of accident but because he wanted it. „Yet you look sad. What is on your mind?“, he sounded genuinely but you felt like he didn‘t mean that. Just something your supposed to ask someone.
„I can promise you that soon, it all will end and the Na‘vi won‘t be harmed.“, he leaned forward, with a smile, his hand reach towards yours that laid still on the table when you had removed it from your head. He squeezed it. His smile did reach his eyes but you got a unnerving feeling from it. Somethings was off. „Quaritch, what do you mean? Are closing down this whole operation?“, you looked at him and your eyes followed every movement as he stood up but there was no answer. Not a clear one. Your main argument had been that this wasn‘t worth it, not the money and not the machinery and men that were lost. Instead of trying to harvest the planet you had said that we should see it as a second chance and just abandond earth. There was no saving it. Better try to make peace with the Na‘vi and hope humanity could live here. Of course this was just a dream, humans rather destroyed a planet just to fuel their own more and getting it closer to death.
Quaritch stood in fron of you a second and your hand felt cold when his warm touch was gone. „Wait and see, L/N“, he gave you one more smile before turning around and leaving.
Part 5
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autistic-sidestep · 11 months
assorted autistic sidestep moments (1/?)
paging @grey-gravy! couple general things under the cut to save your dashboards
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dislike of eyecontact
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touch aversion/hugs and consent
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planning out/rehearsing conversations
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self-medicating with alcohol/cigarettes to take the edge off or comfort eating
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familiarity with spoon theory
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people-pleasing, clear cut answers and positive reinforcement
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stevie-petey · 5 months
hiiiiiii m! read s2 ep2 and i LOVE IT SO MUCH!!!!!! <3 i actually am so relieved that steve reader friend divorce era is over......idk why but friendship breakups make me sadder than actual romantic breakups, partly because friendships themselves are so selfless and sort of by design the least selfish, or self interested you can be, with the benefit just being "we get to hang out!". i'm fascinated that steve forgave her so quickly as well, maybe because he's in a vulnerable spot right now (???), but i really did enjoy that reader was willing to make amends instead of sort of just digging an emotional hole for herself and exaccerbating the problem. i'm excited to see if she'll be as proactive down the line when things get more serious between them.
the way you handle nancy is interesting. i'm glad you don't shy away from reader being jealous of nancy and the attention of johnathan and steve and being pretty and rich, which omg, can drive full grown adults crazy, so why wouldn't a teen girl feel it, but also see nancy as like a full person? i also really appreciate your/reader's willingness to see both sides of the conflict, at least so far. a lot of people, from what i've seen, seem to view that night as a very traumatic night for steve where he got his heart broken, and that's true! it is! but it's also a night where nancy got blackout drunk from survivor's guilt that everyone around her told her to ignore in favour of just forgetting everything she experienced. that would make anyone upset! she probably does feel like her relationship is bs if it's main priority is not allowing her best friend's parents to find peace and move on! anyways, what i'm saying is that it's nice to have a realistic yet emotionally mature main character, and one who is so because they themselves are emotional and very in tune and self aware of them and others, instead of for just like, the plot vaguely, or because of modern sensibilities, no it's just an established and consistent part of her character, which is hard to do and it's so cool that you do it so well near constantly!
but i really was cheesing a lot like it just felt like a classic early 2000s CW show which is the high i'm constantly chasing. one tree hill season 1 episode i think 13 college party was very much the vibe i was getting. i should have been wearing cheetah print and leather and listening to the strokes as my friends convinced me that local basketball player was really the only guy who ~gets~ me. "i'll be" by edwin mccain plays in the background as we make eyecontact from across the room. you set the vibe, is what i'm trying to say.
billy was weirdo and creep and i'm happy he was acknowledged as such!!! not kidding when he came up to the reader i was also uncomfortable and it just had that very deeply horrible frat guy energy that makes every person subjected to it feel very objectified, and i think it's even more interesting that this is, from what i remember, one of the first time someone's shown outright interest in her, so i can imagine that that makes it even worse. i also sort of like the set up of johnathan defending her and steve holding him back, feels very much a great physical example of their position so far, with both johnathan playing a larger role in her life, as well as maybe signalling that johnathan's role as her protector, friend, confidant, all that is now passing onto steve's "hands", as steve's quite literally holding him. idk if that's too much i just had fun! and steve's final thoughts. my god. what an oblivious young man. the immediate jealousy and awe he feels.....his willingness to forgive....her promise to him as he confesses........both very moving and also amazed he hasn't realised his own feelings yet and excited that it will take him longer to do so. them making the promise together especially was so good, and such a good parallel to the one she and johnathan made in s1, and i'm excited to see if steve and r are able to uphold it better than johnathan was and how it'll serve to highlight the differences in their relationship.
very lengthy so my apologies, have a nice day and looking forward to ur next chapter!
hi angel !!
u touched on something SO BIG and i loooove discussing it: steve forgave reader so easily. and YES it was a bit ??? but later itll make sense. overall weve seen that steve just so genuinely trusts readers intentions with him, he never doubts her honesty and hes been pulled towards her since day 1, so of course he immediately was like “oh yeah we can be bffs again <3”. HOWEVER ,,,, this will play a huuuge role later (next chapter i believe). we’ll get more insight and steves vulnerability that night also def helped
and nancy !!! yes !!! i had to rewatch her scene with steve in the library a million times and i just felt horrible for them both. they want to help each other, and as ive said before about jonathan and reader, steve and nancy take care of people in opposite ways and it makes them clash. nancy wants to be proactive, steve wants to be more on the down low and tend to those he has already. hes accepted and moved on, nancy has moved on but hasnt accepted.
and as for the jonathan n steve scene i originally had jonathan holding steve back, but honestly it didnt feel right. jonathan, as much as he sucks sometimes, will ALWAYS be the first to defend y/n. every time he will. steve will too, but jonathan has that spot rn and hed rather die than let her get hurt </3
as for billy ,,,, so incredibly excited to flesh out his dynamic with reader. it wont be romantic in the slightest, but reader will have some insight into billys homelife due to max, and u bet she’ll use it against billy.
and im SO HAPPY the party scene felt real <333 thank u for the lovely asks i adore dissecting my chapters with yall its my <3333
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