#interlagos 23
xiaoluclair · 7 months
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↳ 🎥: Sky Sports F1 📍 Autódromo José Carlos Pace // 03.11.2023
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patowrd · 7 months
why’s bono so beefy im gonna bite him
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lewishamiltongifs · 7 months
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Lewis's first win in Brazil ❤
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chelemlem · 5 months
I'd love a director's commentary on need a dick and conversation, if you're comfortable sharing! No pressure haha but that's the fic that made me aware of Max f's existence
omg hello!! i'm honoured... mini commentary under the cut ↓
starting off by saying that this fic exists almost entirely due to max's tweet during the red flag in brazil :]
what i set out to accomplish characterisation-wise was conveying that max 1. is obsessed with/"misses" lando (general knowledge) and 2. reluctantly respects oscar (not necessarily mutual) while keeping in mind that under no circumstances can he admit either, even to himself
i was mildly concerned about wrangling maxf pov because i'd mostly only written lando so far and max just has this baseline bitchy self-deprecating twang that lando is inherently exempt from by virtue of Making It, so to speak. not proud of how much quadrant i watched to ~get in the zone~ in fact the first third of the fic is just op flexing(??) that they watched the world's smallest car video lol also the concept of a flavoured air sponsor is CRAZIE to me and i felt like max would've had a real "man... guess this is my life now..." moment about it, hence the inclusion!!
the references to renault sport training camps are based on canon events. in my ignorant outsider opinion they are exactly as questionably run as the team itself <3
ah what else... ok there is sooooo much i cut last minute because i felt it didn't serve the narrative lmao. like at any given moment i have 1 million things to say about the tasty fraught maxf/lando/oscar dynamic but not everything needs to be said HERE, you know? for this story in particular i had to axe way too many lines about max's f3 season because if u think about it there is um actually no need for this man to be reflecting so deeply on his professional failures while tugging oscar's dick! he can a little tho. as a treat
thank you for the ask! i'm so happy it made u consider maxf <3 justice for snarky depresso streamer wags
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sebnameyourcar · 7 months
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f1-stuff · 7 months
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F1 23 // Challenge Charles Leclerc at Interlagos
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russilton · 7 months
Interlagos 21: more overtakes than you can count, Lewis at his best
Interlagos 22: overtake after overtake, both boys driving at their limit, George with the drive of his life
Interlagos 23: what if, hear us out, we did all that, but in REVERSE
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ladysomething · 1 month
Data anon here. After the insanity that went down here in the last few hours, here is a list of things I regret:
Inviting people to add to the original list.
Asking for an elaboration of chole and chiss.
I sincerely apologise to everyone who is traumatised because of my lack of foresight. I highly underestimated the lengths of creativity (💀💀💀) that the chirlies can go to!! 🙃
Maybe I should've DNS-ed this on the formation lap (aka when this idea came in my mind) like Charles at Interlagos '23.
Because WHAT DO YOU MEAN that we have chirlies, chaist, chussy, chitties, choobs, chubes, cheat, chegnancy, chlips, chole, chop and chottom (I refuse to acknowledge the existence of chiss - thank you very much) in LESS THAN THREE DAYS?!
And then someone mentioned the possibility of the real Charles coming across any of this and I- 🫠🫠🫠
I want to DNF this task now 🥲 Should I? Or should I keep going at the risk of getting more unhinged information that we'd all rather live without? Forum members, vote!
P.S.: @ anon who thinks I'm fun, you are so sweet! 🥹♥️ I'll DM Mads and sure we can connect if you're up for it 🤗
P.P.S.: ❤️💀🧡 bestie - I LOVE the emojis shortcut you came up with! Hoping again that your thesis goes well!
hi again data anon!!!!!
look I think we can all take equal responsibility for this one. except for me obviously. (despite the fact that I did not filter any asks, I asked you to make a list, I asked what all those things meant, and then told you to add them to the list).
thats such an extensive list. I'm so proud.
and you can't give up now data anon. you've already done the hard yards, surely it can't get any worse?????? (tempting fate like that is yet another thing I will not be taking responsibility for).
I GUESS you can all vote, as long as you all vote that the list has to continue.
(yes, definitely DM if you guys want to chat!)
(the emoji short cut was so funny)
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vro0m · 2 months
your prev anons make very good points that I thought I was the only one noticing😭 it’s a better car but we’re 2 years behind every other team + new issues that have come with this car eg. temp affecting performance somehow. I’ve seen people wishing for the w13 and seeing the performance of the w15 I’m also tempted to, but a car that’s good only when an elephant cries and the moonbeams is at 83° in Interlagos is not a good car. which is what the W14 was if you count Cota ‘23.
W15 is still not a good car, you want a car that can adapt to any change (temp/corners) but the drivability makes it better. There’s logic to everything but it doesn’t make it less sad if I’m being honest. The top speed is apparently still same as w14 so perhaps if they started with this in 2023, they’d have been on par with the others and only had to fix these new issues. but now they’re late to the party, makeup half done and have to fix their ripped dress in the bathroom.
I love the way you write, Anon!
Yeah I've been saying since the end of last season that people had to lower their expectations about this car because they basically have to catch up on 2 years of development compared to the others.
What they said was it's a better base to work on than the last two, I think they mentioned it feeling more stable as well. I think the most worrying issue remains the lack of correlation between sim and on track performance. It's no use having a good base to develop from if you can't make enough sense of it to actually develop. I'm just waiting to see how the upgrades impact it, it'll be interesting.
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oscar-fastri · 4 months
tagged by @lestappenforever (i'm also very late to this oops?)
1. Who or what got you into F1?
simple answer: ao3
long answer: football summer break in the summer of '23 left me bored and bereft of entertainment. i was browsing on ao3 for stuff to read and somehow landed in f1 rpf and that was the beginning of the end for me
2. Who was the very first F1 driver you supported? Do you support them now? Have your opinions on them differed or stayed the same since then?
lewis hamilton :3 i knew of his existence before i got into f1 because of a feature he did with time magazine so i think i always felt a bit of loyalty to him? also because he advocates for causes i'm passionate about. he's still one of my favorites and i have a lot more context and knowledge about him/his career now!
3. Who’s your current favourite F1 driver?
it's a four-way tie between max, charles, oscar, and lewis. i never said i could choose for shit 🤷
4. Is there a driver pairing or pairings you support? What made you attracted to that pairing in the first place?
*climbs onto a table* LESTAPPEN MY BELOVEDS <33
i came for the enemies to lovers and stayed for the lore, poeticism, and homoeroticism 😌
ok but like actual driver pairing-wise... i'd say charles and lewis or max and oscar. i think it would be interesting to see some of the biggest talents on the current grid (and my favorites) match up against each other!
5. Do your parents, siblings or relatives have a favourite driver?
no one i'm close irl with watches f1 :( i do have a baby brother that i'm slowly brainwashing into the sport though!! his current favorite would probably be max (i'm guessing cause he's a toddler and i have no clue what he's saying half the time) but he loves ferrari in general. (really proving seb right here oof)
6. Do you have any favourite races? Are there any that stand out to you the most?
UHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH tbh idk :( none of them from this year really stand out and since i'm a new fan i haven't watched any other year!! from 2023 though i really liked interlagos :3
7. Do you have a favourite circuit? Can be from the past or from the current calendar.
also have no clue because i haven't seen all of the circuits. will get back to you later.
8. Have you ever been to an F1 race in real life? Feel free to tell us your experience going to one if you like.
not yet :3 but hopefully i'll be able to go to one of the european races this year!!
9. Have you ever met an F1 driver in real life?
n o p e. though fun fact if i ever did i would be able to talk to 15/20 of the current drivers in their native language hehe
10. Do you have a favourite F1 car? If so, what is it?
rb19 or w11 ✨
11. Do you have a favourite one win wonder?
blerf idk. i would say oscar except i don't think (and i hope) he won't be a one hit wonder, but at this point in time he's only won one sprint, so i'll still say oscar on a technicality?
also i'm not well-versed in f1 history so i don't even know that many one win wonders lmao
12. Do you have any favourite quotes from the F1 world? This can either be inspirational or hilarious.
so. fucking. many.
"i don't want to mature, i'm happy where i am" - lando norris
"just leave me alone, i know what i'm doing" - kimi raikkonen
"i am stupid, i am stupid" - charles leclerc
"i have it printed out" - torger wolff
"i don't think anymore, i stopped thinking a long time ago" - charles leclerc
"yeah it's on purpose" - carlos sainz jr
okay yeah! that's it *fingerguns* tagging @solaireverie @rinador @scientistsinistral and anyone else who wants to do it!! i'm late af so. have fun lmao
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xiaoluclair · 7 months
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patowrd · 7 months
literally fell asleep during quali wdym lance made p3
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scuderlia · 5 months
f1 asks! 5, 12, 23?
from here
5 - what is the best race you've watched?
oh boy, uhm probably like the 2012 brazilian gp. i also watched max win his first ever race (spain 2016) live in my living room, and that was crazy for multiple reasons. but yeah, probably 2012 brazil... jenson winning (bbg), seb getting his third WDC title, the safety car situation, general madness all around... interlagos is like top 3 tracks for me as well. i know that's kind of a basic bitch answer but i'm sticking to it.
12 - which driver do you wish was on the grid this year?
liam lawson.
i could go on a rant about how red bull can't really call alpha tauri their junior team anymore because they've been treating it a bit like a rehab cent- [gets shot] but i don't want to be dragged on the internet. also i genuinely do like daniel, but that whole situation kind of pisses me off.
23 - which team do you think is going to surprise everyone this year?
inevitably it will be mclaren. if they do really well, people will be surprised. if they flop, people will also be surprised. i hope for their sake it's the former, because the build up of the second half of 2023 has set expectations pretty high (rightfully so).
if james vowels and williams continue to do whatever it is they've been doing maybe them as well? i would love to see alex get a podium in 2024, he definitely deserves it.
i hope ferrari surprises me by not having every gp weekend be a multi-day bloodletting ritual for charles. that would be so sick.
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zoeesblog · 7 months
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La Fórmula 1 es la cúspide del automovilismo y la categoría más alta de las carreras de monoplazas. La F1 compite con coches de ruedas abiertas (es decir, fuera del cuerpo principal del vehículo), tanto en circuitos permanentes como en circuitos urbanos. La F1 visita cada temporada lugares tradicionales de competición como el Reino Unido, Mónaco, Italia y Bélgica, y recientemente se ha aventurado en nuevos territorios como Arabia Saudita, Singapur, los Países Bajos y Azerbaiyán, por ejemplo.
La F1 tiene una estructura de competición en la que participan 10 equipos, con dos pilotos por equipo. Se trata de un formato de tabla de clasificación, en el que se acumulan puntos a lo largo de la temporada (más adelante se hablará de ello). 
El campeonato mundial se fundó en 1950 y está regulado por la FIA, que establece las normas y reglamentos. Este deporte es único, ya que los equipos construyen sus propios coches cada año, siguiendo las normas y reglamentos establecidos por la FIA. Con frecuencia crean monoplazas con una gran velocidad en las curvas. Por término medio, los coches de F1 alcanzan una velocidad máxima de más de 320 km/h en las rectas.
A lo largo de sus 70 años de historia, la Fórmula 1 ha tenido fama de ser un deporte peligroso, en el que los pilotos se juegan la vida en las carreras. En las últimas décadas, la seguridad ha mejorado drásticamente con modificaciones en los coches -como el halo sobre la cabina- para proteger a los pilotos.
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Diez equipos y 20 pilotos forman la parrilla de 2023. Luchan por los respectivos campeonatos de constructores y pilotos.
Tres campeones del mundo están en la parrilla este año, con Max Verstappen como el último en entrar en la lista. Se une a Lewis Hamilton, que intenta conseguir su octavo título mundial y Fernando Alonso. 
Mercedes: Lewis Hamilton, George Russell
Red Bull: Max Verstappen, Sergio Perez
Scuderia Ferrari: Charles Leclerc, Carlos Sainz
McLaren: Lando Norris, Oscar Piastri
Alpine: Esteban Ocon, Pierre Gasly
Alpha Tauri: Yuki Tsunoda, Nyck De Vries
Aston Martin: Fernando Alonso, Lance Stroll
Williams: Alexander Albon, Logan Sargeant
Alfa Romeo: Valtteri Bottas, Guanyu Zhou
Haas: Kevin Magnussen, Nico Hulkenberg
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Habrá un total de 23 Grandes Premios, el máximo de la historia de la Fórmula 1, y debutará el esperado evento en Las Vegas. Por otro lado se producirá el regreso de Qatar tras un tiempo fuera del calendario, mientras que China otro que iba a regresar, finalmente no se hará por cuestiones sanitarias. La F1 anunció el 17 de enero que no habrá reemplazo.  
1.- 5 de marzo Bahrein Circuito Internacional de Baréin
2.- 19 de marzo Arabia Saudita Circuito de Jeddah
3.- 2 de abril Australia Circuito de Albert Park
4.- 30 de abril Azerbaiyán Circuito urbano de Bakú
5.- 7 de mayo Miami Circuito urbano de Miami
6.- 21 de mayo Emilia Romagna Autódromo Enzo y Dino Ferrari - Imola
7.- 28 de mayo Mónaco Circuito urbano de Mónaco
8.-4 de junio España Circuito de Barcelona-Catalunya
9.- 18 de junio Canadá Circuito Gilles Villeneuve
10.- 2 de julio Austria Red Bull Ring
11.- 9 de julio Gran Bretaña Circuito de Silverstone
12.- 23 de julio Hungría Circuito de Hungaroring
13.- 30 de julio Bélgica Circuito de Spa-Francorchamps
14.- 27 de agosto Países Bajos Circuito de Zandvoort
15.- 3 de septiembre Italia Autódromo de Monza
16.- 17 de septiembre Singapur Circuito de Marina Bay
17.- 24 de septiembre Japón Circuito de Suzuka
18.- 8 de octubre Qatar Circuito de Losail
19.- 22 de octubre Estados Unidos Circuito de las Américas
20.- 29 de octubre México Autódromo Hermanos Rodríguez
21.- 5 de noviembre Brasil Circuito Jose Carlos Pace - Interlagos
22.- 18 de noviembre Las Vegas Circuito urbano de Las Vegas
23.- 26 de noviembre Abu Dhabi Circuito de Yas Marina
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¿Qué ocurre durante un fin de semana de carrera en la Fórmula 1?
Un fin de semana de carreras tiene lugar de viernes a domingo. El fin de semana consta de tres sesiones de entrenamientos libres de una hora de duración; dos son el viernes (FP1 y FP2), y la otra es el sábado por la mañana (FP3). El sábado por la tarde se disputa la clasificación dividida en tres sesiones. Así se forma la parrilla de salida para la carrera del domingo, con el formato que se detalla a continuación. 
La carrera es el evento principal del fin de semana, y es el momento en el que se entregan los puntos a los equipos y pilotos. Los pilotos compiten entre sí alrededor del circuito durante 190 millas (305 km.), normalmente a lo largo de dos horas, pero la carrera puede durar hasta cuatro horas en función de las banderas rojas (es decir, la necesidad de suspender la carrera debido a un accidente).
La carrera presenta elementos de estrategia, con paradas en boxes y gestión del combustible a tener en cuenta. Los incidentes también tienen un gran impacto, ya que provocan la aparición de coches de seguridad que ingresan a la pista y coches de seguridad virtuales (sin vehículo físico, pero no se puede adelantar y la velocidad está limitada).
Los fines de semana con carrera sprint sufren algunas modificaciones, explicadas a continuación. 
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¿Cómo funciona la clasificación de la F1?
La clasificación se utiliza para determinar las posiciones de la parrilla de salida para la carrera del domingo y tradicionalmente tiene lugar un sábado, o un viernes por la tarde durante los fines de semana sprint (que se detallan a continuación en esta guía).
La sesión se divide en tres partes. En la Q1 todos los pilotos salen a la pista para marcar el tiempo de vuelta más rápido posible en 18 minutos. Los cinco pilotos más lentos son eliminados de la sesión y comenzarán la carrera desde su posición final. En la Q2 se repite el proceso, pero con 15 pilotos y en 15 minutos.
Los 10 primeros de la Q2 pasan a la Q3, en la que luchan por la pole position en una sesión de 12 minutos. El tiempo más rápido obtiene la pole y comenzará la carrera del domingo en primer lugar. Los puestos segundo a décimo se determinan por las siguientes vueltas más rápidas.  
Desde la temporada 2022, los pilotos pueden elegir libremente los neumáticos que utilizarán en la carrera. Ya no tendrán que quedarse con el compuesto que utilicen en la Q3. 
La clasificación durante un fin de semana sprint altera la estructura. La sesión tiene lugar el viernes por la tarde, sustituyendo a la FP2. Esos resultados determinan, desde 2023, la parrilla para el domingo. Durante 2021 y 2022, el orden de la grilla dominical se definía en la carrera sprint.
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¿Qué es el sprint en la Fórmula 1?
En un intento de mejorar el valor de entretenimiento de un fin de semana de carreras, la F1 propuso y probó un formato de sprint en 2021 en tres fines de semana de carreras. El formato continuó en 2022 y sigue en 2023. Los sprints están diseñados para crear más acción en las carreras con una carrera extra y acortada el sábado.
La clasificación tradicional, que normalmente se celebra el sábado, tendrá lugar el viernes y formará la parrilla para el domingo (cambio que se implementó en 2023). Antes, esta clasificación determinaba la parrilla para el sprint y el resultado de la carrera sprint organizaba a los monoplazas para el domingo. Para el 2023, la F1 agregó una qualy propia para el sprint, que se realiza más temprano el sábado, llamada shootout sprint.
Los pilotos competirán a un tercio de la distancia de la carrera; los ocho primeros clasificados obtendrán puntos para su posición en el campeonato. Los sprints en 2023 serán seis, el doble que la campaña pasada. El miércoles 7 de diciembre, la Máxima comunicó que los eventos se llevarán a cabo en Azerbaiyán (29 de abril), Austria (1º de julio), Bélgica (29 de julio), Qatar (7 de octubre), Estados Unidos (21 de octubre) y Brasil (4 de noviembre). 
Todos los pilotos que terminen entre los ocho primeros lograrán puntuar a través del siguiente sistema:
1º - 8 puntos
2º - 7 puntos
3º - 6 puntos
4º - 5 puntos
5º - 4 puntos
6º - 3 puntos
7º - 2 puntos
8º - 1 puntos
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¿Cuáles son las reglas de los neumáticos y de las paradas en boxes en la F1? 
Pirelli suministra los neumáticos y produce tres compuestos para que los equipos los utilicen durante el fin de semana: blandos, medios y duros.
Los blandos son los neumáticos más rápidos, pero también se desgastan rápidamente, mientras que los duros son los más lentos pero tienen una mayor durabilidad. Los equipos utilizan las sesiones de entrenamientos para formar su estrategia y conocer los neumáticos para la carrera. En la clasificación, los equipos utilizan los neumáticos blandos para conseguir los tiempos más rápidos.
Los blandos, medios y duros son los neumáticos secos y lisos, mientras que los intermedios y los "mojados" se utilizan en condiciones de lluvia. Durante una carrera en seco, todos deben utilizar al menos dos compuestos diferentes de los neumáticos lisos. Si llueve, pueden utilizar cualquier compuesto.  
Durante la carrera, los equipos deben hacer al menos una parada en boxes para cambiar los neumáticos, en la que 23 mecánicos trabajan en el coche, cambian los neumáticos y realizan cualquier otra modificación, generalmente con el objetivo de hacerlo en menos de 3 segundos. La parada en boxes más rápida registrada en la F1 fue la de Red Bull Racing, que logró ejecutar una detención de 1,82 segundos en el Gran Premio de Brasil de 2019.
El número de paradas en boxes que los equipos de F1 deciden hacer depende de ellos, pero utilizan las sesiones de entrenamientos libres para conocer los neumáticos y entender el nivel de degradación de los mismos en su coche. Los equipos realizarán simulaciones de carrera durante las tres sesiones antes de finalizar una estrategia para la carrera: si quieren hacer una parada, dos paradas o incluso tres paradas. La estrategia de un equipo puede cambiar en el transcurso de la carrera, ya que los incidentes, los coches de seguridad y las banderas rojas juegan un papel importante. 
En el caso de un incidente en el que el piloto pueda sufrir daños en los neumáticos, los mecánicos pueden sustituirlos por un nuevo juego de neumáticos. Si se rompe el alerón delantero, pueden cambiarlo en menos de ocho segundos. Los daños en el alerón trasero, la suspensión y el motor, entre otros, requieren más trabajo, y los equipos de F1 suelen retirar el coche en estos casos.
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¿Cuál es el sistema de puntuación en la F1?
Los puntos se otorgan a los 10 primeros clasificados de un Gran Premio. El ganador recibe 25 puntos, el segundo clasificado obtiene 18 puntos y el tercero gana 15 puntos. 
1° 25 Puntos
2° 18 Puntos
3° 15 Puntos
4° 12 Puntos
5° 10 Puntos
6° 8 Puntos
7° 6 Puntos
8° 4 Puntos
9° 2 Puntos
10° 1 Puntos
11°-20° 0 Puntos
Se otorga un punto adicional al piloto con la vuelta más rápida, pero el piloto tiene que terminar entre los 10 primeros para recoger esa unidad.
En el sprint se ofrecerán puntos adicionales para los ocho primeros pilotos, y el ganador ganará ocho puntos. De P2 a P8 ganarán siete, seis, cinco, cuatro, tres, dos y un punto, respectivamente.
Los puntos se suman a lo largo de la temporada y sirven para el campeonato de pilotos y constructores. El piloto y el equipo con más puntos al final de la temporada son coronados campeones. 
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graveltrip · 1 year
2023 predictions
started writing this a few weeks ago, wanted to put together a list of predictions for the season for fun, then put it aside and ignored it. testing rolled around, i was far from finishing it and i didn't really care, but reading it back now, some of the calls i made were pretty solid predictions, so i decided to finish it, here is 23 predictions for 2023:
max wdc
rb will start pushing checo towards retirement (if he acts up)
ferrari off track politics extravaganza
merc rivalry heating up, extra points if shit goes down in silverstone or interlagos
a new winner (probably lance)
the ocon vs gasly beef will go in an unexpected direction and it's gonna be way more under the wrap than people expect it
andretti's calvary to get into the sport continues + the fia vs liberty media vs the teams/drivers thing will come back again
audi stirring up things in silly season
the lando should/needs to leave mclaren talk will get even louder
haas comfortably in the mid midfield
at least one of the at boys will lose his seat at the end of the season
big aston martin controversy by/around the summer break
certain reserve drivers will get more media attention than some of the actual drivers and it's gonna be annoying asf
lewis comfortably beats george
lance is gonna be closer to fernando than a lot of people expect, he will still lose the teammate battle tho
alpha tauri vs williams flop off at the back
oscar will be the highest placed rookie, but his season will be just okay
kevin vs hülk 1st lap incident with some spicy radio
another not that bad, but undewhelming year from ferrari, questions around charles staying with the team start bubbling up again
nyck will bring some of his fe antics to f1 and people won't be happy about it, he will continue where pierre left off when it comes collecting penalty points
someone will miss a race, so there will be more than 20 drivers in the standings at the end of the year
alpine is not gonna the smoothest ride this year, but they will develop a good car by the end of the season
the las vegas gp is gonna have a ton of hype to the point of being cringey, but the race is just gonna be meh
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iguessricciardo · 1 year
I honest to God can't understand what is going on in those people's heads.
After all the online abuse, the trash talking, the insults under his posts and under any video he is in and demanding he leaves the sport, tell me why are these people so angry that Daniel is MIA?
It's always something new, they post about him more than they support their favourite driver.
Daniel could tattoo that he doesn't want to deal with F1 next year on his forehead and across his ass and people would still complain, about what I don't know.
Even if Christian's ultimate plane is to replace Checo with Daniel why would he make it public during the off-season, before the 23 season even started? especially after the accident in Interlagos. If they wanted to sack Check for Daniel they would've done it already like they did with Pierre, Daniil and all the Red Bull drivers, but Daniel does not want to race next year.
Also if Daniel wanted to be more involved with F1 next year he had the chance to sign with Mercedes but he didn't. What is so hard to understand?
thank you!!!!! i couldn’t agree more with what you said. it just kinda shocked me how many people immediately lost it after one article although he already have said this, it’s not news. i want daniel to be back more than anyone but i also want to see him get his fun energetic self back, which is why he chose to get away this year. and after the shit he’s been through the last two seasons, i honestly cannot blame him for not wanting to be anywhere near this sport. whatever happens will happen based on his accord and he’ll chose to what makes him happy which is what matters the most to me.
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