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sappy-witch · 10 months
🗓️ Organizing Your Witchy Rituals 🌙✨
Hello darlings 🥰
It is easy to feel overwhelmed by all the witchy things you’d like to do, so creating a schedule for your witchy rituals can bring structure and balance to your practice. Here's a suggested weekly timetable to inspire you:
🌕 Monday: Moon Magic On Mondays, align your practice with the energy of the moon. Perform rituals for manifestation, divination, or connecting with your intuition. Charge and cleanse your crystals under the moonlight.
🌿 Tuesday: Herb and Plant Magic Dedicate Tuesdays to working with herbs and plants. This can involve creating herbal remedies, growing your magical herb garden, or connecting with the spirit of plants through meditation and nature walks.
🔥 Wednesday: Elemental Magic Explore the power of the elements on Wednesdays. Work with fire for transformation, air for communication and clarity, water for emotions and intuition, and earth for grounding and stability. Incorporate rituals that honor and connect with each element.
🔮 Thursday: Divination and Spellcasting On Thursdays, focus on divination and spellcasting. Use tarot cards, oracle decks, or other divination tools to gain insight and guidance. Perform spellwork to manifest your desires and bring positive change into your life.
✨ Friday: Self-Care and Enchantment Fridays are dedicated to self-care and enchantment. Take time to pamper yourself with magical baths, create sacred spaces, or explore beauty rituals that enhance your inner and outer radiance. Practice self-love and self-empowerment spells.
🌟 Saturday: Spirituality and Connection Saturdays are perfect for deepening your spiritual practice and connecting with the divine. Engage in meditation, explore different spiritual traditions, work on your energy healing techniques, or perform rituals to connect with your spirit guides or ancestors.
📚 Sunday: Study and Reflection Use Sundays for studying and reflecting on your magical path. Dive into books, online resources, or courses that expand your knowledge of witchcraft, spirituality, or esoteric subjects. Journal about your experiences, insights, and personal growth.
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A healthy and effective schedule will always be unique to you, but I hope this guideline will inspire you to take more control of your time as a practicing witch 🥰✨ 
🌞 If you enjoy my posts, please consider donating to my energies 🌞
✨🔮 Request a Tarot Reading Here 🔮✨
With love, from a Sappy Witch 🔮💕
Blessed be. 🕊✨
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im-madam-baby · 4 months
If there were an option to turn back time, I wouldn't rewind it. I like where I am now, and I appreciate all the struggles I've gone through to reach this point.
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mfaizs · 4 months
To Do List dan Kalender Digital.
Sejak bekerja di sebuah perusahaan Swasta di Jakarta dulu, salah seorang mentorku mengenalkanku dengan fitur kalender outlook. Ia terbiasa memasukkan semua jadwalnya dan to do list harian ke dalam outlooknya.
Dari situpun aku belajar bagaimana agar dalam sehari benar-benar produktif. Setiap bulan target2 itu akan di review sekaligus schedule bulan selanjutnya.
Bahkan, atasanku rata-rata memasukkan jadwal mereka ke dalam kalender yang kesemuanya telah terintegrasi, sehingga kami sebagai bawahan pun mengetahui jadwal beliau.
Aku pun masih ingat saat melanjutkan studi di Swedia dulu, termasuk saat training di Inggris, kalender professorku rata-rata dapat diakses, sehingga kita bisa tahu availabilitas beliau tanpa harus mengonfirmasi manual. Termasuk booking meeting dengan beliau pun semua sudah melalui kalender tsb, dan tersinkronisasi dengan semua device selama kita login akun tersebut. Saat kita ingin membooking study room pun juga sudah terconnect melalui platform digital, dan setiap orang memiliki batas maksimum waktu utk menggunakanya. Hal yang aku impikan semoga suatu saat digitalisasi ini benar benar menyeluruh di tempatku sekarang.
Hingga saat ini aku masih membiasakan diri mencatat segala to do list dan jadwal melalui outlook calendar dan microsoft to do list. Untuk mengurangi whatsapp mahasiswa keperluan konsultasi aku menggunakan microsoft booking form yang juga tersinkron di kalenderku. Sengaja kubuat link kalenderku visible ke para mahasiswa agar mereka dapat mengetahui availabilitasku. Rasanya begitu puas saat mengetahui to do list itu tercentang satu per satu.
Sayangnya barangkali tidak semua orang familiar dengan fitur fitur seperti ini. Undangan rapat bahkan mengirim file skripsi kadang masih lewat wa, yang membuat memori hp mudah sekali penuh (apa wktunya ganti hp wkwk). Kadang aku berpikir padahal untuk berlangganan fasilitas seperti ini, sudah pasti institusi membayar mahal, namun sayangnya belum terutilisasi secara maksimal. Akhirnya digitalisasi tak ubahnya seperti hal-hal manual yang dilakukan secara digital.
Apakah kamu merasakan hal yang sama?
#30haribercerita #30hbc2404
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introspectconnect · 6 months
Deja Vu Love: Why We Repeat Relationship Patterns and How to Change
Love, while enchanting, can often feel like running in circles. Have you ever found yourself drawn to the same kind of partner time and time again? With a sense of déjà vu as you repeatedly find yourself with eerily similar partners. Why is this?
Once upon a time, I can confess I had a "type." I was irresistibly drawn to people's pain. It wasn’t a drive to 'fix' them or some dark intrigue, but rather, seeing a mirror image of my own internal turmoil. I could see it in their eyes, it was evident in their smile, it peeked through in their laugh, and it was obvious we wore the same burdensome mask to hide our scars. I naively believed building a bond based on shared trauma would help us understood each-others better and that we would guide each other on a road to healing. Instead, our pain inflicted more wounds on each other, that reinforced our negative beliefs and justified our unhealthy behaviors.
At the time it made sense, though looking back the flaw in my logic seems clear: Like the blind leading the blind, how can those equally lost, lead one another to light? This personal revelation reflects a challenge many people face in relationships. Chasing after partners based on idealized fantasies rather than real-world truths. It's easy to say, "I have a type," confidently stating our preferences, but do we ever pause to ask why? Are we genuinely yearning for a compatible soul, or are we simply seeking the traits of a person who idealizes a fantasy?
We must find the courage to question our desires. Only then can we uncover whether we're pursuing shallow ideas, or true compatibility and genuine connection. Consider someone who's always wanted a stable, money-wise family because they didn't have that growing up. They might be drawn to a potential partner’s flashy lifestyle. But does a flashy exterior equate to genuine financial security? How can they spot traits of financial stability if they've never known what it looks like? This logic can be applied to many different scenarios.
The cure to break free from that same old love loop comes down to being brave enough to dig into our wants. Learn what the healthy version of our desires looks like, so we don’t get lured by cheap imitations of it. Failure to do this keeps us entangled in familiar, yet potentially toxic patterns. The path to healthy, sincere, and nurturing relationships begins when we discern the real needs beneath our desires.
If you’re stuck in a loop of similar romantic choices, remember acknowledging the pattern is the first step. Dive deep within, challenge your reasoning, and aim for authentic connections. Together, we can break the cycle of déjà vu love.
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atifadhilah · 1 year
Kadang mikir, udah lebih dari 25 tahun dikasih kesempatan hidup sama Allaah, apakah selama ini sudah sah sholatku? Udah sah wudhu wudhuku? Sudah sepenuhnya ikhlas hatiku? Sudah khusu' ibadahku? Dari serangkaian sholat saja pernahkah aku tidak memikirkan dunia sama sekali? Bahkan ide tulisan ini saja muncul kala sholat dan penyesalanku sekaligus.
Dari sekian dzikir, sudah sungguh-sungguhkah aku menyebut dan mengingat-Nya? Dari bacaan Al Quran, sudaahkah ku sebut dan baca dengan benar? Berapa persen aku memahaminya? Seberapa sering aku berinteraksi dan mentadabburinya? Dari banyak pintaku, sudah benar-benarkah aku meminta surga-Nya? Dari seluruh dosa-dosaku, benar-benar takutkah aku akan siksa dan neraka-Nya?
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Dari sekian banyak aktivitasku, apa kabar niat? Seberapa sering hatiku keruh? Seberapa sering sempit dadaku kala takdir yang tak sesuai mauku menyapa? Duhai Rabbi, hamba manusia biasa nan jauh dari kata sempurna. Optimalkan hamba agar dapat memperoleh sebaik-baik amal, memperoleh sebaik-baik balasan, meski banyak yang masih compang camping sana-sini dalam ibadahku, meski sering masih tertatih-tatih dalam sedikit amalanku dan masih sering menangis perih atas setiap penyesalan yang ku laku namun sering ku ulangi melulu.
Aku pada-Mu ya Rabb.
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coelhomagodesangue · 1 year
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soospiritualjourney · 24 days
What is a Solar Eclipse?
Solar eclipses used to be dreaded by rulers everywhere. They were seen as an omen of downfall, death, or the departure of a monarch. Kings and queens would nervously look up at the sky, fearing the eclipse as the sun was blocked out, plunging the day into darkness.
Today, solar eclipses are interpreted differently. We see and sometimes feel them as a burst of energy, a hidden quality of the sun being revealed as it's momentarily covered by the moon, like a ring of light around the moon.
The idea of a wild impulse becomes very powerful.
Eclipses and Self-Reflection
From a psychological perspective, eclipses are seen as a time for rectification – a chance to check in with yourself and see if you're on the right path. It's a time to ask yourself:
Am I following my life's purpose?
Have I strayed from my course?
Do I need to make changes?
These times may lead to strong emotions being expressed or difficulty with expressing your feelings. You might experience restlessness, sudden urges, or impulses without a clear explanation.
Stay Grounded
If you don't currently have a clear direction, and strong emotions arise during an eclipse, stay calm. Take some time to reflect on what these feelings might be telling you. Trust that these feelings hold importance.
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pelajarkehidupan · 8 months
A Journey to Complete This Deen
jadi hari ini gue ikut seminar pra-nikah yang kira-kira ke 2 kalinya. Ada 1 lagi tapi terkait rumah tangga, yang lebih luas lagi. Dan ini yang hari ini gue ikutin pembicaranya lumayan gue udah ikut dari lama, designer yang ramah dan keren kontennya namanya bang Thalhah atau bisa dipanggil Al. Singkat cerita, ada kata-kata yang sangat mengena di gue
"Jangan sampai keputusan hidup kita di-drive oleh rasa takut, kekhawatiran dan kecemasan. Hiduplah diatas keputusan yang diambil oleh niat dan keyakinan yang berkesadaran." -thalhahrobbani
Dari kutipan itu, gue sangat merasa relate bahwa menikah adalah pilihan dari buah keyakinan dan kesadaran yang sudah didasari oleh takwa kepada Sang Pencipta. Berat ya bos. Tapi emang ternyata menikah itu sebesar itu porsinya dalam islam. Separuh agama cuyy, separuhnya itu FULL. Sisa dari separuhnya adalah ibadah-ibadah lainnya. Maka dari itu, kayak wah gak bisa dibiarin begitu aja ckck.
Itu adalah shock pertama yang baru gue sadari saat mengikuti webinar itu. Shock keduanya adalah, alasan gue menikah masih didasari oleh rasa takut karena umur orang tua dan gue juga yang udah gak muda. Bang Thalhah bilang kalau kita hidup atas dasar ketakutan maka kita akan hidup dengan ketakutan lainnya. Ini agak mainbowling ya, karena memang pasti kita dihadapkan oleh ketakutan itu hanya bagaimana dari ketakutan itu membangun kesadaran kita dan membuat keputusan dengan sadar yang mana ada konsekuensinya juga. Makin berat ya bos.
Tapi iya juga, kalau dipikir pikir, yang akan menjalani pernikahan yang separuh agama itu adalah kita sendiri. Bukan orang tua. Tapi bukan berarti kita abai dengan kondisi orang tua. Dari sini, gue sadar, umur orang tua adalah pengingat, kalau kita sudah cukup matang dan harus mulai bersiap ke langkah berikutnya dengan meluruskan niat karena ibadah, karena Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala. Berat bukan? Iya, tapi Allah pasti kasih kemudahan kalau Allah ridho, Orang Tua ridho.
And, last but not least. Perkara ketakutan ini ternyata sudah ada dalam Al Qur'an, Allah bilang dalam surat Al Baqarah ayat 155, kalau kita akan diuji oleh rasa takut. Jadi gak cuma dalam hal menikah saja. Tapi semua aspek dalam hidup. Terus gue merasa realized lagi kalau suasana kantor gue ternyata penuh dengan keputusan yang didasari rasa takut alias fomo. Pun gue sendiri mungkin juga begitu, hanya rasa takut yang menguasai kurang disadari dengan keyakinan dan konsekuensinya.
Segitu aja, mungkin kalau besok ada lagi gue akan coba tulis lagi disini terkait insight yang gue dapet dan menohok. Semangat berjuang!
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ngocngadotnet · 22 days
For Vietnamese and Chinese versions, please check out: https://ngocnga.net/solitary/?utm_source=tumblr&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=quote 🤔🔇🌆 Wisdom is when the solitary one, amidst the bustling market, listens to their own whisperings. // 所谓智慧,就是孤独者,在人声鼎沸的市场上,对自己的窃窃私语。 Suǒwèi zhìhuì, jiùshì gūdú zhě, zài rén shēng dǐngfèi de shìchǎng shàng, duì zìjǐ de qièqiè sīyǔ.
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agisdigitalart · 30 days
Roses and Violets
Like the petals of a rose and the bloom of a violet, we are unique expressions of nature’s creativity, each possessing the power to love, inspire, and uplift.
The Roses and Violets portrays the beauty of nature and the complexities of our emotions.
Welcome that beauty, life’s complexity and interconnectedness as you journey towards discovery, appreciation, and love. Allow the poetry of life to guide you, and let the Roses and Violets inspire you.
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sappy-witch · 1 year
Journaling for Spiritual Growth 📝✨
Hello darlings 🥰
Writing down your thoughts and experiences is a powerful tool for spiritual growth! Keeping a journal can help you to track your progress, clarify your goals, and connect with your inner self. 
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Here are some tips to get started:
🔮 Set aside some dedicated time each day to journal. Find a quiet, comfortable space where you can focus without distractions.
🔮 Start by writing down your goals and intentions for your spiritual practice. What do you hope to achieve? What areas do you want to focus on?
🔮 Reflect on your experiences and emotions. Write down any insights or realisations that come up. Don't worry about being perfect or having all the answers - the point is to explore and grow.
🔮 Use prompts to inspire your writing. Some examples include: "What am I grateful for today?", "What is causing me stress and how can I address it?", or "What lesson did I learn from a recent challenge?".
🔮 Experiment with different styles of journaling. You can try writing in a free-flowing, stream-of-consciousness style, or use structured prompts and exercises.
🔮 Consider incorporating other tools into your journaling practice, such as tarot or oracle cards, affirmations, or visualisations.
Remember, there is no right or wrong way to journal. The most important thing is to show up for yourself and be open to the process. Happy writing! 🥰✍🏽
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🌞 If you enjoy my posts, please consider donating to my energies 🌞
✨🔮 Request a Tarot Reading Here 🔮✨
With love, from a Sappy Witch 🔮����
Blessed be. 🕊✨
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pinkpetalbee · 1 month
📝🌿✨ Week-Long Journaling Challenge ✨🌿📝
Day 1: Reflection 🌸 Take a moment to reflect on your beliefs and values. What principles guide your life?
Day 2: Gratitude 🙏 Write about things you're grateful for in your life, no matter how small.
Day 3: Connection 💖 Reflect on your connections with others. How do these relationships enrich your life?
Day 4: Nature 🌳 Explore your relationship with nature. How do you connect with the world around you?
Day 5: Social Justice 🌍 Consider how you can contribute to a more just and compassionate world.
Day 6: Self-Care 🌺 Focus on self-care. What activities nourish your mind, body, and spirit?
Day 7: Community 🤝 Reflect on your place in your community and how you can contribute to its well-being.
🌟 Disclaimer: You do not have to share your journal entries with me (I will not be posting mine publically). However, if you would like to share any insights or reflections, my askbox is always open! Your thoughts are valuable, and I'm here to listen. 💖
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mfaizs · 4 months
Menata Niat
Di zaman yang serba digital ini betapa tidak mudah menata niat. Betapa mudah mungkin amal-amal kita kebaikannya hangus begitu saja ketika ada sedikit saja niat yang salah.
Aku masih ingat beberapa kali dalam pesantren subuh, kajian selasa malam, juga halaqah bainal isyaain, guru kami Ustadz Afri sering mengingatkan kami terkait hal ini.
Sebuah nasihat yang pernah disampaikan Imam Abdullah bin Alawy Al Haddad sebagaimana dikutip oleh salah satu murid beliau, Syaikh Ahmas bin Abdul Karim Assyajjar bahwa kadar pahala kita sesuai kadar niay dan tujuan kita dalam beramal, bukan berdasarkan kadar amal kita.
Seandainya amal kita ditentukan oleh kadar amal, sudah tentu kita tidak apa-apanya dengan para malaikat Allah yang sejak awal diciptakan tanpa henti bersujud bertasbih memuji asmaNya hingga hari akhir nanti.
Dikisahkan dalam Kitab Ad-Dawah An Nahdliyah, bahwa dahulu, seekor katak tertatih tatih membawa air untuk memadamkan api yang berkobar yang membakar Sang Kholilullah Nabi Ibrahim, yang tentu saja akhirnya sia-sia. Tapi Allah mencatat niat baik tersebut hingga syariat melarang membunuh katak hingga saat ini. Pun demikian sebaliknya cicak yang justru meniup api kobaran Nabi Ibrahim dengan harapan api membesar, yang juga tentu saja sia-sia. Tapi niat buruknya tercatat di sisiNya hingga menjadi syariat anjuran untuk membunuh cicak, bahkan 100 kebaikan bagi yang membunuhnya dalam sekali pukulan.
Lebih jauh lagi jika kita mengambil hikmah, karena satu niat dari nenek moyang cicak dan katak, maka itu berpengaruh kepada anak cucunya. Demikian pun barangkali dengan kita, betapa kita tidak tahu jika niat kebaikan atau keburukan yang kita lakukan dampaknya bisa jauh hingga ke anak dan keturunan kita kelak.
Semoga kita selalu diberikan kekuatan dan keteguhan untuk senantiasa menjaga niat. Niat melakukan segala sesuatu karenaNya, agar segala sesuatu akan senantiasa bernilai ibadah di sisiNya.
#30haribercerita #30hbc2402
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eric-sadahire · 1 month
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Why do vampires make the same mistakes over and over again?
Because they lack reflection.
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