rickmctumbleface · 2 years
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Love your God, Love your Country, but always remember that they are two separate things!
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tree-whisper · 5 months
So we have a delusional republican in charge of the House of Representatives.
What about when Cheeto was prez, we had a world wide plague? That didn’t cause any alarm to these folks?
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hezigler · 9 months
How The Religious Right Ruined Everything
This woman is an attorney who does a historical review and analysis of the Christian Right in the US. (Put up with her doing a coffee commercial first. We all have bills to pay.)
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reverietruecrime · 2 years
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"Reproductive freedom is critical to a whole range of issues. If we can’t take charge of this most personal aspect of our lives, we can’t take care of anything. It should not be seen as a privilege or as a benefit, but a fundamental human right." — Faye Wattleton
"Women are not an interest group. They are mothers and daughters, and sisters and wives. They are half of this country and they are perfectly capable of making their own choices about their health." — Barack Obama
"No woman can call herself free who does not control her own body." — Margaret Sanger
"As a Christian and a feminist, the most important message I can carry and fight for is the sacredness of each human life, and reproductive rights for all women are a crucial part of that. It is a moral necessity that we not be forced to bring children into the world for whom we cannot be responsible and adoring and present. We must not inflict life on children who will be resented; we must not inflict unwanted children on society." — Anne Lamott
"Defending women’s health means defending access to abortion — not just in theory, but in reality. We know that restricting access doesn’t make women less likely to end a pregnancy. It just makes abortion less safe. And that then threatens women’s lives." — Hillary Clinton
"It is unthinkable to allow complete strangers, whether individually or collectively as state legislators or others in government, to make such personal decisions for someone else." — Sarah Weddington
"I believe feminism is grounded in supporting the choices of women even if we wouldn’t make certain choices for ourselves." — Roxane Gay
“You’re not really mad that I’m not having children.
In fact, I would probably love to one day.
You’re mad that I’m expressing autonomy of choice.
You’re mad that I’m considering other options.
You’re mad that I don’t view that as my ultimate potential.
You’re mad that I dare be selfish enough to make choices based on my best interest, something women are not supposed to do.
You’re mad that I consider it a choice, and that I, a woman, am exercising choice.
You’re not mad that I’m not having babies.
You’re mad because I’m acting like a man.” — Alice Minium
“Worse than aborting is birthing in instability.” — Abhijit Naskar
“Is having a child actually fundamentally bettering the world as a whole in any way? There is no shortage of children. Wouldn’t it be better to let people who want children have them, and leave everyone else alone?” — Alice Minium
“Until the state or the church takes full responsibility for a newborn, no bill or bible is qualified to even offer suggestions on a woman's right to abortion.” — Abhijit Naskar
“Only two things matter in the reproductive health debate: the medical opinions of doctors, and the will of women. Also, feminism is intricately connected with all aspects of our society, including health, but also labor and the economy. A woman can't be an equal player in our society until she has total autonomy, and that includes determining the destiny of her own body.” — Allison Kilkenny
“If the Constitution doesn’t say anything about a woman’s right to abortion, I’m damn sure it doesn’t say anything about the rights of the unborn.” — Israel Morrow
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krissiefox · 1 year
Hey folks, I wanted to let you all know that I found there's a school in Arkansas - which does not label itself as a christian school - that has been pushing christianity onto its students. I recommend reaching out to the Freedom From Religion Foundation and the ACLU about this. I also think it could be beneficial for this to be another potential location for TST's After-School Satan if the school will not back down on putting religion into an educational  environment.
In addition to the link I shared here, here's another where they're having children read bibles in school. https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=pfbid02L9va1Tz7PkT2eM7dshYPpgofwrodqX7V1EZgvAuZDKKaiXUp42FVXJCjSY4ULHB6l&id=100063553270145
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cptsdceliac · 2 years
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ink-and-radio · 2 years
I don't usually post things of this caliber on this site, but this has to be said.
If you are not paying attention to what is happening in the USA right now, if you're a citizen, you need to wake up. Now. You needed to wake up in 2016, when we knew this would happen in the not-so-distant future.
As we all know by now, Roe v. Wade was overturned by SCOTUS. Specifically by 6 justices who have no business deciding laws whatsoever for they hold extremists and dangerous views. But as many of us know and understand, Roe v. Wade was only the beginning of their plan for a white conservative Christofascist nation.
So what are they targeting next?
They are targeting Moore v. Harper, which is what allows a state's judicial system the keep federal voting fair. If this is overturned, that grants the state's the power to draw any electoral map they want, and the power to overrule votes if they do not like the outcome. Essentially, that means they can put into power anyone they wish, and that includes who they give the electoral votes to for the Presidency.
They are targeting Brown v. The Board of Education, which ruled that racial segregation was unconstitutional. If overruled, segregation in schools will once again be legal.
They are targeting Lawrence v. Texas, which ruled that same sex persons have a right to have sexual intimacy with another in the privacy of their own homes.
They are targeting Obergefell v. Hodges, which made same sex marriage legal.
They are targeting interracial marriage.
They are targeting the Indigenous Child Welfare Act, which rules that indigenous children cannot be removed from their families. Overturning this means that these children will be forced into white foster homes.
They are targeting the right to contraceptives.
They have already ruled that police forces do not have to read you your Miranda rights when you are arrested, and you cannot sue them if they do not. They have already ruled that any home within 100 miles of the border does not have to have a warrant granted to be invaded. They have already ruled that gun laws are not up to the states. They have already ruled that you have your taxes have to go to private, religious schools. They have already ruled that students can be forced into a christian prayer in schools.
And I'm sure that this isn't even close to everything that is being targeted.
They are attacking and endangering women, anyone with a uterus,' black folks, indigenous folks, brown folks, transgender folks, other LGBTQ+ folks, non-Christian folk, and anyone else who is not their ideal cisgender hetero Christian conservative white man.
If you're not outraged, you should be. If you're not paying attention, you need to be. And if you are doing nothing, you should be ashamed. When I say nothing, I don't mean in the "I am mentally burnt out and am trying to survive" way, I specifically mean in the "I do not care and they are not targeting me" way.
Because not only is that a shitty excuse for ignorance, they will, eventually, come for you, too. We are watching the fall of our democracy, after having a broken system for far too long. This system was never fully working, and was flawed from the beginning with who it helped and protected.
And before I hear any "the founding fathers were christian and this was founded as a Christian nation", the FF themselves had explicitly stated the importance of a separation between the church and the state. Most of them were also Deists, not Christians. No religion belongs in the law or the government.
And before I also hear "if you hate it do much here just move" from so called "patriots", that is the MOST unpatriotic thing you could say or believe. True patriotism is believing your country can be better, and fighting and advocating for that. And I will be damned if I don't do that for all people living here.
A persons humanity is not a debate. My existence as a transgender queer pagan, is not a debate on if I deserve rights and deserve to live. Black people's existence is not a debate. Brown people's existence is not a debate. Indigenous people's existence is not a debate. Women's existence is not a debate. Transgender,' Nonbinary and LGBTQ+ existences are not debates. Other religious folk besides Christian's are not a debate. Non cis, non white, not hetero, non Christian, non men, are not lesser than those who are.
And to all my other white people; we, collectively, need to STOP talking over others voices. We need to stop drowning out the voices of black, brown, and indigenous folks. If anything, we need to use our privilege to amplify their voices. And let me say, your queerness or religious status, does not overwrite the fact you are white. Before anyone knows who I am or what I believe, they will see first and foremost I am a white person. That is privilege. Your queerness doesn't excuse you from being shitty to other people.
Please, WAKE. UP. Freedom and Justice for no one until it is for everyone.
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newworldpuck · 2 years
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Christians: Your belief in the bible does not give you the right to impose your beliefs on others. From what I remember, from my twenty-five years in the belief, seeking temporal, or "worldy" power was not on the agenda as far as biblical teaching goes. Salvation cannot be imposed on anyone. It is something that has to be chosen by the individual of their own "free will" (coercing belief through threats of eternal damnation is NOT free will). Taking this into account it is obvious that the religious right's agenda for america is not to make it a better place but to make people do what they tell them to do. It's about power, not righteousness.
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calvincatalyst · 2 years
The foundation of this day is one of independence. Of freedom. This day is remembered because some people believed everyone is equal and should have equal opportunity. Despite this, in their own time, the founding fathers owned slaves, restricted the rights of women, and tore indigenous peoples from their lands. Countless murders and opressions, all in the name of THEIR freedom.
Our country has been bastardized and perverted into an oligarchic police state reminiscent of the very thing the 4th comemorates destroying. The founding fathers, they had the right idea, but it's natural evolution has been impeded by the robber barrons of today and of the last century. Now we are at the will of the rich and political, listening to them for some goddamn reason, and just believing that there's no other option besides right and left. No other option besides division. What a buncha bullshit! A hundred years of corruption will do that to ya.
I pray in the future this day will be celebrated for OUR freedom. That we will no longer have to live in fear of persecution. I pray that We The People will recognize our collective power, our collective energy. Our right, our will, our freedom. And that we will come together in synchronicity, in serendipity, in sublime unity, to claim our better days. God and Gods bless us, each and everyone.
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danu2203 · 2 years
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lucifinaspissed · 2 years
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wisdomfish · 2 years
Origins of “Separation of Church and State”
The phrase “separation of Church and State” originates in a letter that our third president, Thomas Jefferson, wrote to the Danbury Baptist Association of Connecticut in 1802. Understanding the background of this letter is key to understanding the meaning of this infamous phrase.
Despite fleeing to the New World to escape religious persecution in Europe and seek religious liberty, many of the settlers of the early colonies did not extend religious freedom to minority religions. During the 17th and 18th centuries, it wasn’t uncommon for local governments to levy taxes on citizens to support local clergy. In a society where there were many people of various religious persuasions (mostly Protestant denominations), the question then became, “Whose clergy will be funded through taxation?” In the Congregationalist-dominated Northeast, it was usually a Congregationalist minister. In other parts of the country, the Church of England held sway. Thus, minority denominations such as Baptists and Quakers were left being forced to pay taxes to support religious beliefs that they disagreed with. Many who refused had their property confiscated or were beaten, hanged, or jailed.
Fast-forward to 1801, after the formation of the United States government and the ratification of our Constitution and the First Amendment. Thomas Jefferson had won the election of 1800. The Danbury Baptist Association was worried that the Constitution did not go far enough in protecting religious minorities from the overreaches of government. They wrote a letter to Jefferson, urging that the same mistakes of the past not be made, that “no man ought to suffer in Name, person or effects on account of his religious Opinions—That the legitimate Power of civil Government extends no further than to punish the man who works ill to his neighbor.”
Jefferson wrote in response,
“Believing with you that religion is a matter which lies solely between Man & his God, that he owes account to none other for his faith or his worship, that the legitimate powers of government reach actions only, & not opinions, I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should "make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof," thus building a wall of separation between Church & State.”
Jefferson, quoting the First Amendment to the Constitution, sought to reassure the Danbury Baptists that what was written was sufficient to protect their rights and that he was a friend to their cause.
Thus, it’s fair to say that Founders like Jefferson meant for some kind of separation between church and state to be present. The government could not establish a state-sponsored religion, but neither could it prohibit others from freely practicing their religion. However, it’s also fair to say that opponents of religion in the 20th and 21st centuries have misused this phrase to try and separate religion from the public sphere far beyond what was originally intended.
~ Neal Hardin
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burnt-scone · 2 years
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jaceenovacaine · 2 years
Religious organizations such as Churches involve themselves in politics in order to push an agenda on ALL PEOPLE. Not just their own followers.
If Churches want to enter secular politics, they ought to Pay to Play
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chiefmcclane · 2 years
So to save you a click, the story is that they can have "In God We Trust" decals but they must also be able to have decals from other beliefs, which resulted in the Satanic Temple sending them some designs.
These are my favorites (more in the article)
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