0nelinerwordplay · 1 month
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corinneecrivaine · 2 months
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LE JOUR OU TU AS GUERI MON ÂME (Kit and Jade - Willow) - Chapitre 6 - Entre Passé et Présent (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1432412572-le-jour-ou-tu-as-gueri-mon-%C3%A2me-kit-and-jade-willow?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=CorinneEcrivain Cette histoire est une fanfiction, basée sur la queer romance entre Kit et Jade et se déroule dans notre monde actuel sur une île issue de mon imagination. J'ai tellement aimé Kit et Jade et leur histoire d'amour ainsi que les actrices Ruby Cruz et Erin Kellyman que j'ai voulu continuer leur belle histoire dans l'espoir un jour de les revoir toutes les deux reprendre leur rôle de Kit et de Jade ou donner vie à une nouvelle et belle histoire d'amour queer. Histoire donc centrée sur leur queer romance. Résumé. A 25 ans, Kit perd l'amour de sa vie, Emma Mills, suite à une longue maladie. Anéantie et perdue, elle décide de tout quitter et part à The Brightly Stars island, une île exotique située dans les Caraïbes. Elle décide de se consacrer entièrement à sa passion, l'écriture et rédiger enfin son roman dans le but d'oublier ce mal être, ses démons intérieurs qui l'ont déjà poussée à commettre un acte dramatique envers elle-même. Sa rencontre avec Jade va tout changer. Jade va l'aider à s'ouvrir aux autres, à s'aimer et reprendre confiance en elle. Une belle rencontre, une belle relation. A travers Jade, Kit va réapprendre à vivre et à aimer de nouveau.
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sarah-hawley · 1 year
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Look at this gorgeous UK cover for A WITCH’S GUIDE TO FAKE DATING A DEMON!!! I’m obsessed 😍
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kaijukiki · 1 year
White Ivy by Susie Yang
White Ivy by Susie Yang. This seemingly simple and romance is everything but! Giving parts of Gatsby class commentary and a Stepford wives imposter syndrome style twist. Partial immigrant song as the main character is a half American half Chinese woman who grows up on the wrong side of the tracks, but has her sights set on white picket fences and the greener grasses of country club lawns. I love a character who’s flawed and faulted, in Ivy we find a character who is not only that but also equal parts guile and guiltless
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goldenwolfen · 1 year
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Have you gotten your copy yet? Get the illustrated version of both books before they run out!
Get your copies here!
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annethewriterrr · 7 months
A moment of silence for the ones who thinks the burden is on them.
But there is no silence.
The mind speaks so loud and our tears fell.
How many years do we have to suffer? Unfortunately You can’t stop suffering you poor soul.
We crave peace, quietness, and stillness. But death can only bring that.
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kiernanshayemckay · 1 year
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Chanel Spring Ready-to-Wear 2023 Collection
Infatuation - A Michael McKendrick Billionaire Novel
Infatuation is a journey of three people trying to find love. Michael, Kasey, and Jeffery all hope to find love. The question is what are the ramifications of the journey to find love. Chanel is one of Kasey's favorite designers in the novel.
Visit me on www.kiernanshayemckay.com Book due to release on www.amazon.com in December 2023
Have a fantastic weekend!
Kiernan Shaye
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Overcoming Challenges to Embrace the Triumph
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Author Aleah Bass never thought she would see the day she would actually publish this senior writing project. After a two-semester class that included a lot of editing and help from her professor and classmates, she is finally proud to present her debut novel, The Extraordinary Comeback.
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sweetsavageflame · 1 year
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Yeah, this cover is cheesy as hell, and so is the book. Still, one of the great things about it is after banging like seven times, the stoic warrior hero takes a brush and combs the knots out of the heroine's long hair. I melted.
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trishmilburn · 1 year
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Two wary souls. Two paths crossing. One unexpected love. Park Dae-Hyun has been dancing on stage for years as a member of popular K-pop group Sky High, but when he is cast as a contestant on a ballroom dancing show...that's entirely out of his comfort zone. He's always been anxious around women his age, but as he gets to know his dance partner, model Son Chae-Rin, that anxiety gives way to feelings he never expected. Son Chae-Rin is required to be perfect in all things. It's suffocating to be trapped by her own success, but she has no choice other than to do everything her mother demands. She doesn't even have friends...until she meets Park Dae-Hyun. He surprises her by how kind and protective he is of her. How could she not fall for him? But is risking her one friendship worth trying for more?
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winkykermit · 1 year
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0nelinerwordplay · 15 days
I waited for a soul mate who would always love me but I married my spouse instead.
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corinneecrivaine · 9 months
Part 2
First steps at The Brigthly Stars Island
Queer romance Fanfiction
Main characters : Kit and Jade
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Located in the heart of the crystal-clear waters of the Caribbean, The Brightly Stars Island was a hidden gem, protected by ancient mysteries. Surrounded by white Argentine sand beaches and lined with majestic coconut palms. This island paradise was a veritable sanctuary of natural beauty. The air was infused with enchantment. The sun's golden rays played with the foliage of the trees, projecting luminous flashes onto the ground, creating a bewitching dance of light. The bright, shimmering colors of the tropical flowers embellished every corner of the island, as if nature herself had decided to paint a living picture. The crystal-clear waters surrounding the island were home to dazzling marine life, with rainbow-colored fish, majestic turtles and playful dolphins that seemed to welcome visitors to their underwater kingdom.
At the heart of the island lay a lush forest where the trees seemed almost alive, whispering ancient secrets to one another.
Enchanted paths wound through the dense vegetation, leading to magical glades where fireflies danced in the night.
At dusk, the sky turned shades of gold and orange, offering a breathtaking spectacle. And when night fell, the sky's vault was adorned with thousands of twinkling stars, as if the galaxy itself had bent over this island, offering its cosmic magic.
The inhabitants of The Brightly Stars Island were renowned for their benevolence and human warmth. They were the guardians of the secrets and legends that permeated every corner of this island. Some claimed that invisible magical creatures roamed the woods, protecting the island from all evil.
Time seemed to slow down and every moment was an invitation to lose oneself in the splendor of nature and magic. The Brightly Stars Island was a place where burned hearts and souls could open up to the wonders of the world, bond with nature and heal from deep suffering.
These were the reasons Emma had always shared with Kit her wildest dream of coming to this place. Convinced that this magical island, full of mysteries and wonders, would have closed the gaping emptiness tearing at the heart and soul of her sweetheart.
Kit woke up slowly but gently, often grumpy in the mornings, "My little grumpy darling" as Emma used to call her.
Her first night on the island was lulled by the gentle murmur of the waves caressing the beach, the chirping of the crickets and the heady scent of exotic flowers, giving her a sense of well-being and serenity she hadn't felt for too long.
Kit got up 1 hour before sunrise, showered, changed into a light outfit and headed for the restaurant where Melissa was waiting to share breakfast.
When she arrived at the restaurant, Jade's mother greeted her warmly, her radiant smile reflecting her love and joy at finding her again.
Fresh, juicy, sweet fruit and local specialties such as baked salted fish fritters, cornmeal porridge and plain milk were all on offer, creating a tantalizing picture that whetted Kit's appetite.
The place was mythical. Their restaurant was a veritable haven of peace and charm, perfectly integrated into the island's paradisiacal environment. The delicately hand-woven wicker chairs seemed to blend harmoniously into the natural setting. Their comfortable shapes and soft cushions invited you to relax and contemplate the breathtaking landscape. Under the benevolent shade of the majestic palm trees, their slender trunks formed a kind of natural canvas, gently filtering the emerging light.
Mélissa had placed candles on each of the rustic wood-scented tables, adding a subdued glow to the first light of dawn.
They sat down at a table on the beach, with a breathtaking view of the sparkling ocean and their feet in the fine sand. It was pleasant. The beach was deserted, silent except for the waves, which provided a soothing symphony. The white sand formed the restaurant's natural floor. Bare feet sank deliciously into this natural carpet, offering a unique warmth and softness.
Melissa began the discussion.
- Sorry I made you get up so early. How was your first night here? I hope the accommodation suits you.
- It didn't bother me at all. It was simply magical. The sound of the waves and the soft air gave me a serenity I haven't felt since... The apartment is perfect. Thank you so much.
Kit's heart was torn between the wonder of that first magical night on the island and the deep sorrow of not being able to share it with Emma. She remembered the tenderness of their embrace. The pain of no longer being able to experience those moments together was heartbreaking, for Emma was the person who had made every moment special and prodigious. She wished she could have been in her arms that magical night. She would have whispered in her ear the words of love she treasured in her heart. That first night brought her face to face with the reality of losing her sweetheart. For the first time since Emma's death, she allowed herself to feel the pain of this absence, while letting the magic of the island bring her a little comfort.
- I'm so glad you're feeling well. You'll see, this island has a calming power. It's a special place where nature offers comfort.
- I feel this island is a refuge for the soul. I came here to…
Whenever their eyes met, Melissa could see a fleeting glimmer of sadness in Kit's eyes. As if the memory of Emma made her vacillate between the joy and pain of the past. Melissa was a person with a loving and caring heart. She was deeply touched by Kit's suffering. As a mother, she wanted to offer her support and listen, but she also understood the importance of giving Kit the space and time he needed. She felt she needed time to open up and share her pain. When she was ready, she would be there for her.
- I'm sure you'll have a wonderful time. Enjoy your stay here. Know that you're welcome in our family. We'll be with you every step of the way.
- Thank you so much for your welcome and kindness.
They exchanged a knowing smile, marking the start of a new adventure under the sign of the love of this family and the magic of the island.
- Oh, look, the show's starting.
The sunrise was a breathtaking spectacle, a veritable symphony of colors and sensations. As the darkness of night began to dissipate, the horizon blazed with a palette of warm, shimmering hues ranging from orange and gold to shades of pink and purple. The first rays of sunlight danced over the glistening ocean, melting into the horizon with infinite softness. The blue and turquoise hues of the water blended with those of the sky, creating an enchanting atmosphere.
The majestic palm trees that lined the beach seemed to be adorned in gold, their leaves shining like jewels under the rays of the rising sun. A gentle sea breeze brought with it the intoxicating scent of the ocean, filling the air with a salty, invigorating perfume. The sky was painted in increasingly intense hues, like a constantly evolving painting. The clouds, which seemed like soft touches of paint on the celestial canvas, were transformed into a gradation of striking colors, adding even more magic to this marvelous spectacle.
The seabirds awoke, launching their joyful songs into the morning air. Their silhouettes stood out against the sky, adding a touch of life and movement to this enchanting backdrop.
As the sun continued its slow ascent, the whole island seemed to light up with a golden glow. Nature gradually awoke, offering a harmonious concert of sounds and colors.
Time seemed suspended, where the soul felt connected to the pure, eternal beauty of nature. This spectacle was a reminder of the beauty and magic that permeated the island, bringing hope to every wondering heart.
The golden rays caressed Kit's skin. She longed to realize this dream with Emma. Yet, in this timeless moment, she could feel her presence. Their love could transcend time and space. She knew Emma's dreams would live on in her. She imagined her beside her, contemplating this wonderful moment.
Suddenly Kit saw a small fishing boat sailing in the distance. She remembered one of the legends Emma had told her. That of a magical lighthouse that lit up the darkest nights of sailors lost at sea. She used to say that this lighthouse was the brightest star on the island, guiding dreamers to their deepest wishes.
Kit's gaze fell on the horizon, where the sun was just rising. She knew that Emma was now that star shining in the night of her heart, bringing her courage and hope. Her heart filled with love and memories, Kit murmured softly to herself, "You're right, my sweet, this island really is a magical place. I know you would have loved these colors, this light. I know you're here, somewhere in this immensity. I feel your presence in every breeze that caresses my face, in every ray of sunshine that warms my heart. You'll always be by my side, in every step I take on this enchanted earth and in my whole life."
Kit let herself be carried away by emotion, tears glistening in her eyes. She felt a deep connection with Emma, as if their souls were bound for eternity. She continued to contemplate the sunrise. She felt an inner strength growing within her, drawn from the love she had shared with her Beloved. Her memory would shine in her heart forever.
- I'm so sorry. It's the emotion. It's... so beautiful.
She apologized to Melissa for her tears.
- My young child, don't be. You're allowed to cry. Let yourself be carried away by the magic of the island, let it guide you to the path of your healing.
Kit smiled.
Jade appeared in the distance, accompanied by her sister Scorpia. Kit discreetly wiped away her tears. The words exchanged would remain between them. A silent act of respect and trust from Melissa for the girl's privacy.
They sat down.
- This is my sister, Scorpia. She works in the kitchen and will be the future manager.
- Hello.
- Hi.
Scorpia, tall and slender, carried an obvious assurance, a sharp, empathetic gaze. Her husky voice sounded like a melody both mysterious and fascinating. Her red hair, pulled back in a neat braid, added to her straight, confident look. Yet what lay behind this outward appearance was a caring, compassionate soul.
Both sisters discerned Kit's delicate gesture, the fleeting sweep of her tears. Like their mother, they remained silent about what they had observed, but looked at each other briefly.
While breakfast was going on in a warm atmosphere, Scorpia fixed Kit with her piercing gaze. She spoke in an authoritative voice, revealing the self-confidence she had inherited from her father.
- So, you're joining our family team.
Kit sensed the intensity of the question in the young woman's eyes and voice. She understood that this opportunity was not just a job, but an invitation to join the family legacy. The elder of the two sisters wanted to see if Kit was ready to get involved.
- I'm honored to be part of your team.
Scorpia watched Kit attentively, analyzing every word, every expression. After a brief moment of silence, her face softened slightly.
- Welcome. Working with us means being part of a family where everyone gives their best.
Scorpia's determined character was evident in every word she spoke. She was uncompromising when it came to the family business.
Jade, sensing the intensity of the conversation, decided to bring a note of gentleness to it. She turned her attention to Kit, a benevolent smile lighting up her face.
- What my sister means is that for us, it's more than just a job. It's our way of sharing our passion for cooking and creating special moments for all the people who come here.
Her voice was soft and soothing, contrasting with her sister's commanding assurance. Jade had always had this natural ability to bring comfort and empathy to those around her. She continued, enthusiastically.
- Every dish we serve has a history, a tradition, and we truly believe in the importance of transmitting these values through our meals and, of course, the cocktails you'll be serving.
Kit felt her heart warm at Jade's words. She appreciated the way she managed to strike a balance between her sister's assurance and her own gentleness.
She imagined Emma sitting at that table, sharing that breakfast with them, laughing and chatting with the same sweetness and authenticity they displayed. It was a painfully beautiful vision, an alternate reality Kit would have loved to experience. She would have loved to hear Emma's sweet voice mingle with that of Jade, Scorpia and their mother. She wished this family could have known her. She could almost feel her presence, imagining shared smiles, tender gestures. She knew that if Emma had had the chance to meet this family, she would have been immediately welcomed with affection for her gentle, loving nature.
Despite this deep desire, reality could not be altered. Emma was gone, but her impact on her life and her heart remained, the imprint that guided her and urged her to honor her memory.
As the conversation continued, the waves gently caressing the shore and the sun illuminating their little corner of paradise, Melissa, in her gentle voice, interrupted the moment. She stood up with Scorpia.
- My darlings, it's time for both of us to welcome my husband back from his morning fishing trip.
Her tone expressed a combination of respect for family tradition and pride in her husband's work.
Jade, who had remained seated, turned her gaze to Kit.
- My father has always been very attached to the sea and fishing. He likes to share what he brings in with us and the restaurant's customers. It's a tradition that goes back generations.
Jade's admiration and respect for her father was evident in her voice.
While Scorpia, her mother and Kael gathered near the shore, Kit watched the horizon. Alone with Jade, she felt her gaze imbued with a touching benevolence. Yet this attention made her uneasy. In the depths of her soul, she knew she wasn't ready to open her heart again, to let a new person into her life.
All those intense moments shared with Emma were still far too present, every laugh, every caress, every word. She didn't want to replace her. She neither wanted nor could erase this history with a new romance. Her complex emotions showed in her eyes as she met Jade's gaze. She offered him a shy smile that couldn't hide her bruised heart.
Jade understood, her gaze soft and compassionate. She wouldn't press Kit, wouldn't try to break down the barriers she'd erected. She would let time do its work, trusting that hearts would heal at their own pace, aided by the magic of the island.
The scene seemed suspended in a delicate balance between past and future, between pain and healing.
As Jade watched Kit intently, she intuitively sensed the pain that lay within her. However, she didn't insist, respecting Kit's need to keep certain emotions private. She chose to share a magical moment linked to the island.
- This island has a unique way of touching our hearts. It offers a refuge for our emotions. I think everyone finds a haven for their soul here.
Kit noticed the similarity between Jade's words and Emma's, as if the two women shared the same vision of The Brightly Stars Island and its healing power.
The young girl smiled softly, touched by Jade's wisdom. Their eyes met in a silent communion of shared emotions.
As the sun bathed the island in its golden light and the waves continued their dance, Kit knew she wasn't ready to love, but perhaps she could begin to heal.
Jade rose gracefully to her feet, her smile as warm as ever and her presence soothing. She'd promised Kit she'd go shopping with her. An offer that showed her willingness to be there for her without rushing her.
- If you're ready, Let’s go shopping. On the way, I could show you a few places. This will give you a chance to familiarize yourself with the island. I could also help you get settled.
Her soft voice reflected genuine sincerity. She wanted Kit to feel at ease as she acclimatized to this new environment.
The young girl was touched by Jade's kindness. She took the gesture as an invitation to share a moment together.
Kit stood up, guided by her budding friendship with Jade. Together, the two women made their way to the famous colored ladybug, ready to explore the island and share this moment that heralded a new beginning.
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These sweets speak to my soul! How about you?
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joyffree · 1 year
Dr. Perfect The Doctors Series Book 2 Standalone, grumpy sunshine romance by Louise Bay
A boss, his assistant, a snowstorm and just one bed. What could go wrong? They call him Dr. Perfect. I call him Dr. Aloof, Dr. Arrogant, Dr. If-you're-going-to-fire-me-just-get-it-over-with. If I had other options, I'd quit, but I need this job. Badly. So I jump at the chance to impress him by hand-delivering some important documents. Yes, he's staying on a remote Scottish Island, but I've got it covered… Until the ferry back is cancelled, there are no hotels on the island and there's a storm headed our way. So I'm snowed in with my impossibly handsome boss, who barely knows my name, in a tiny one-bedroom cottage in the middle of nowhere. But unlike the snow outside, his icy stare is beginning to melt and we don't need a generator to keep it warm inside.
DrPerfect #standalone #grumpysunshine #contemporaryromance #kindleunlimited #louisebay
#newbookalert #lovereading #bookcommunity #reading #bookish #romancenovels #booknerds #bookishlove #mustread #ebooks #wildfiremarketingsolutions
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pinkalacarte · 1 year
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