intr0verted-weird0 · 4 months
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marshmallowprotection · 8 months
I'm replaying ray's after ending rn, and I'm not sure if anyone else feels this way, but I forgot how much it frustrated me. I just finished day 2 and from mc getting turned in through to the end.. I understand why the rfa couldn't communicate the plan through the messenger and all, but if I were in the situation irl, I would've reacted with a lot of anger. I would hate being lied to and left in the dark, and I'd be hurt about not getting to actually help until the last minute. I feel like locking mc in a closet until saeyoung was freed wouldn't change the plot significantly at all. As much as I want to live that happily ever after with saeran, this would put a bigger strain on the relationship than anything else that happened in his route. After making sure everyone was safe, I would really need some space, and it would take a long time to rebuild my trust in everyone. I'm curious about if anyone relates to this, and how you think saeran would react
For me personally, I wasn't upset. I understood why they had to do what they did to guard all the information. We're fighting the literal Prime Minster of their entire country, on top of a secret agency the likes of which none of us can begin to comprehend because as the players, we might see more than the MC does, but even we have it limited in terms of knowing what they're capable of.
One little, tiny whisper is all it could've taken for this operation to blow sky high in seconds.
Does that mean you're not allowed to be angry? Oh, no. You are very rightfully allowed to be angry and upset at them for doing what felt like the safest option in the heat of the moment. They lied to you and made you feel like everything was lost. You're trapped in a house with Rika, V, and an unconscious Saeyoung who you just watched beg like a dog to make them stop it. You are distressed and afraid. You haven't a clue what's happening. You are living in dread until they can tell you what's going on.
Now, you can call the RFA members as this is happening and if you do so, they will tell you there's more going on but they can't say a lot to you. They lied in the chatroom because that's not safe. Saeran is fighting for his life to make a secure phone channel to prevent that horrible outcome from happening when the agency tanks all of you with one false blow. I do not mince words when I say they weren't in the right to scare you, but they had to lie to save all of you.
Saeran is not the kind of person to condone lying.
He was angry that Vanderwood tricked you both. He was upset but he knew he couldn't do anything about it. He had to save you and do the best he could, and that's why we don't hear from him right away. He knew you would be safe as long as he kept working his ass off the rest of the night. They couldn't hurt you if they wanted him.
He had to have faith in that for your sake... for Saeyoung's sake.
I think we all understand that but it doesn't change how much it might hurt some of you, yourself included, Anon. They did that in the hopes it was the best they could do to protect you because it was all they could do in the moment. That was their option with the choices given to them. They didn't do this to hurt you intentionally, and that is the part that makes it easy for me to forgive them.
Does that mean it was okay to subject you to stress?
By all means, communicate how much it hurt you because they need to know that! They didn't meant to do that! They're your friends and they would want to make this right with you! It doesn't have to be a major problem because they want to make it right! They want to do right by you!
I, personally, can't be upset with Saeran because he didn't choose to separate from you. He didn't want to lie to you. He had no choice. He had no choice but to work through the night and pray the RFA had a way of trying to gentle reassure you it was a "lie" over the phone by a coded message of "it seems hopeless but we'll try." He trusted them while he grinded his fingers to dust with the help of the team Jumin scrambled to put together after being ousted from C&R.
He apologizes, over and over, because he knows what's happened to you, his brother, and everyone you two care about. He didn't want it to go this way. He didn't want to hurt you or put you in danger. All he ever wanted was to live peacefully with you. If you're upset with him because you were lied to about this, he'll understand. If you're upset because he tried to throw his life away to save you, he'll understand.
God, this is a character who understands and wants to do the right thing. He wants to learn and be better!
Communicate this with Saeran!
Express the pain with Saeran!
He won't be upset that you're upset!
He'd rather you be honest with him!
Don't lie to his face and say it's okay if it's not okay!
You can work with him on this, just like the RFA.
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ridingtorohan · 6 months
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Content: Spoilers for V's route. V has unrequited feelings for reader (he plays a semi-large part here). AU: The Day 9 branch goes differently. Cross-links: ao3 A/n: Written 2017. Unedited. The events are vaguely described.
It's hard to believe what they tell you about Rika. Especially when you want to love her. Escaping from Mint Eye is the only thing you can do but every part of you wishes to go back to her. ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎HAS NO ONE EVER LOVED ME? ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎‏‏‎ ‎‏ ‎‏‏‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ (I DID, I DID, MY DEAR) ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ───※ ·❆· ※───
Rika is the epitome of kindness, her words liquid gold and spill from her mouth like a fountain. The words she speaks are parts of a song - one of your favourites, perhaps, stuck on repeat. It is easy to see the good in her, to see how brightly she views the world, how gently she cups flowers and holds your hand. Your name is a sigh from her lips, something soft and kind. Like .. marshmallows or kittens. Rainbows and clouds and butterflies. It is hard to see the disaster that V promises her to be, to see her anger and her hatred.
But you can, and that is the saddest thing. She isn’t prone to anger, but her fingers can clutch too hard and snap a flower’s head clean off, and she is careless and brushes aside cups until they shatter across the ground, warm milk foaming across it. Her eyes are shimmery green, a fire uncontainable. She does not hit you or yell at you. She does not blame you nor imply anything is your fault. She is upset that she cannot help everyone.
You only want to help her.
And when she screams, it is with the anguish of a dying man. Hysteria foams at the edge of her voice, hands feral as she clutches at herself. Shoulders shaking and tears pooling from her eyes - giant whopping crocodile tears, but genuine in that she can’t stop and feels all the pain. Her cries echo along the basement and you feel the emotion deep in your chest.
”Did no one ever love me?”
The thing is, the more you think about it and about what you know - her birth parents gave her up, unwilling to keep her or unable to, and her adopted parents hate her for reasons unknown to you and the very love that she thought that she has finally been given... In that awful moment, you hate V for doing that to Rika. You hate him with as much as you can muster.
But then you look over and see him, sweat making his hair damp and curly, gaze shaky and unfocused, pupils dilated horribly. He’s sweating and he’s snorting and wheezing and he’s gross but Rika also allowed for him to become that. She ordered it. Perhaps you could forgive her for it, but you could not forget.
Then the other man steps in, tall and languid with tall strides and is quick to help you carry V out. His trademark glasses and high voice is enough to recognize him as Seven, the man you had spoken to before. What is not easy, however, is to not stare behind you at the weeping girl as you make your getaway. Because in that moment - that is all she is, a girl tormented and unloved by the world that she fought so bravely to save, even when her demons finally consume her.
The days after are slow and tense. V is delirious from the drugs and he touches and pats your hair with an equally unsteady gaze. He does not ask you to stay but you do anyways. You brush back his hair and fold a damp cloth against his forehead and wish him well. You pray as well, if you believe that it will help. Vanderwood is torn between looking at the pictures and helping V filter the drugs out, but his eyes are also on you.
To see V like this hurts your heart - he looks like a child, young and fragile in this bed, mouth gaping and cheeks flushed. There is no healthy glow to him, only a sickly pallor that makes your hands tremble. He sometimes grabs them and utters a name that isn’t yours and will never be yours. It does not hurt but you pity him all the same.
Rika is quiet in the chat rooms - not that she types few and far in between, but she isn’t as vibrant as she is in life. You miss her - the one that you knew. This Rika is broken, little fragments caught between who she is and who she wants to be. The RFA is catching themselves on her broken edges and her words feel like wounds. It is easy for Seven to be wary of her, to Jumin to not acknowledge her.
Yoosung and V seem to be the only ones who recognize her for who she is beneath the shattering glass. But even their views are skewed - they do not love her as you do. You, too, wish to help her - to deny some truths about her. It is easy to love her, to look into the sun and be blinded by its brightness and its warmth. Love should never be easy, but with her it is.
You don’t confront her in the chats when she shows up, don’t belittle Mint Eye or what she is trying to do. You don’t actively defend her, either, though. You offer her comfort, pleas for her to listen to you. ”I want to help you, Rika.” To help Rika is to help Ray and the Mint Eye as a whole and while that is all well and good for a Samaritan to do, it is only her that you are truly concerned for.
When Rika texts you, she tells you how much she wants to brush your hair and your response is a shy “Next time” and it is promise. When she calls you, her voice is sunlight against your ear and you excuse yourself outside, voice quiet and fond as you breathe the evening air. ”I can wait for you to change your mind,” she promises you. On the night she compares you to the moon, you stare up and whisper, ”It is you.”
Where Rika is the sun, you are the moon, and together the eclipse is blinding.
Rika curses V, loud and violent but you soften her edges, take the broken glass remains and smooth them down. They do not fit together as neatly as if you left her broken but she cannot cut herself this way. She is whole this way. Her voice gets softer on the phone, a thrum in your blood and a promise to Ray and to her at the forefront of your mind. She gets softer in the chats, still promising them ever lasting peace and freedom but she never tries to convince you. You already know that she has you.
”I hope you change your mind tomorrow,” she tells you at one point and you whisper, too soft for her to hear,
“I had never wanted to go.”
Vanderwood is quick to notice you, to notice your flighty heart and fumbling phone. “I thought you liked him,” and while V is a good man with a good heart he is not the one for you. You love Rika and you tell him so. Stockholm Syndrome isn’t quickly ruled out but it eventually is - and they keep quiet about the shortcomings of your heart, of who you will choose if someone prompts you.
The sad thing is, you recognized the brokenness in Ray on that first day and it had led you to the place of new beginnings - twisted and mangled and horrid to look at. You cannot help but feel weak and powerless to help but there, inside the Mint Eye, you felt like you could make a difference. Rika let you feel as though you were someone, and you are - to her. You are afraid that you will tire of broken toys and irreparability, but each day that Rika calls you, you are firmly aware of the heat in your blood. A sunflower can never turn away from the sun. Rika has that childish fear of remaining unloved but you whisper the words so fondly you hope that she understands.
V gets better, his vision clear - clearer - and a fondness for you present in the way his mouth softens into a smile. You help him drink water, tuck the straw next to the corner of his mouth and pat his hair back. You do not scold him for his idealistic love for Rika and he makes no mention of how placid you are in the chat rooms about her. He does not confront you, but his eyes are kind and sad. You do not understand the sun in relevance to him - he soothes, never burns, and belongs to the sea. Gentle on the eyes, you are sure in the fact that he is the Earth - but the sun and moon will always be closer together, no matter how much things orbit.
V understands your love for Rika but does not admit that he wishes it was him. You can see it in his eyes and when you kiss him on the forehead then the lips it is nothing but goodbyes left unspoken. In another lifetime, you could love him... just not this one. He is beautiful but you can only ever see the moon because of the sun’s warm glow - you will need Rika more than you will ever need him.
When you both go for a walk, feet light and gentle breezes on your faces, you take it all in. He thanks you, a somber sound in the wind, a hoarseness to his voice. You do not cup his face and breathe into him apologies, but your hugs are fierce and your fingers thread together at his back. He is warm and so are you and together it feels wonderful.
The talk is quiet and peaceful and he is slow to remind you to head back to the cabin. You catch a glimpse of sunlight from the corner of your eyes and sigh. You refuse to go.
Rika steps out, hair like spun gold and eyes ribbons of green. In another lifetime, she will wield her tongue like a viper and her words like fangs. In that lifetime, it will be easy to be swallowed whole by the python of her insanity. In another, you might have left and her hands will stain red, knife loose in her grips. In another, she will not come at all and V’s love will be blinding and all consuming. In this one, her eyes are wet and she has to blink back unshed tears. In this one, her gaze flits from V to you and stays there. In this one, you tell her the words she desperately wants to hear.
But for now, you swoop forward and press your palms to her cheeks. The small of her hands fold along your back and her own arches, face draping into your shoulder and hair a golden waterfall. Her height does an impressive disservice but it is all her. You never have to ask her who she came for that night. Her words will echo the response to her question.
“You’ve made your choice?”
“It has always been you.”
You pull back long enough to press your lips against her forehead, then each eye, nose and finally her mouth. Her eyes will flutter closed and her breath will fan out across your face, a shudder that you can feel in her bones. “In the world where nobody loved you,” you echo her words from before and her breath hitches. “I always will.” And when you press your lips to her hair you add with as much love and affection as you can muster, something beautiful and bold beating in your lungs, you confess, “I will always go with you. It was never a choice for me.”
The road to redemption will never be easy, not for her or for you when you follow her down that path, but like the dawn - the sun will rise again.
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adoranoia · 11 months
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saeyoung is, as is mentioned in game a few times, religious, catholic in particular--a little habit of his, is praying to himself before missions, for him and vanderwood's safety, of course, but also: the target in question.
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asterjennifer · 2 years
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Mystictober 2022 | Day 19 - Folktale
Summary: Coming back from a new mission had the agent always exhausted to the bone.
Even more so after reading a certain folktale the day before.
The Defender of Justice had no space in the schedule to create his own Folktale. Or even a Fairytale, for that matter. The agent 707 saw himself in the mirror as he wiped his bloody nose dry; coming back from another mission minutes ago after Vanderwood basically threw him out of the car.
The redhead sighed into the towel slowly soaking up with red color; one that he'd seen on his own hands too many times, so many he couldn't even begin to count. Was it the Folktale of the ugly duckling? He asked himself as he found his worn out amber eyes staring back in the reflection.
That little duck that's considered clusmy and labeled as an outcast in everyone's eyes. He read on it not too long ago; somehow it got stuck with him ever since. Even the title for that unfortunate little child is mistreating. Ugly duckling? Only because it's not looking like all the others?
Because it acted differently? Doing what it had to after running away from its own family, all just to get by in life. It's just a little child in the heart; why was it considered wrong when it wasn't responsible for anything that had happened to it? Saeyoung frowned absent-minded once he rubbed his hands dry next.
He didn't enjoy the Folktale per se. It was sad considering at the end it's suddenly the star of the show that everyone wants to be around. But would that truly become a sense of achievement if it's caused by surface observation? He thought, hearing how his inner voice slowly shifted into something more angry.
They didn't know its story; how it almost got killed and had to hide so much in order to survive. All it dreamed of was a place to belong; something that's called home for the little outsider. It's nothing but a lost, ignorant child in its heart. So why was it being treated so poorly by the living blooming so bright around it?
Didn't seem fair; didn't seem right to the S-ranked agent. 707 placed both hands onto the edge of the sink, trying to take a deep breath after realizing how the thoughts consumed his mind for no reason whatsoever. Yet there's fire underneath his scared layer of skin. A whisper of madness calling out how life's not fair for the kindest people.
Seeing his face in the mirror's the only trace he got of the one thing keeping him alive at this point. Was he okay? Cared for correctly? Got all the things he could ever dream of? The agent prayed night after night for it to be the case. But lately his faith weakened as the leader of the RFA avoided the group, including him, more than usually. It felt odd.
He shook his head, hair falling chaotically over his forehead when throwing the dirty towel behind him onto the pile of dirty laundry. The maid would take care of it tomorrow, he assumed. Too tired to do the task himself. His eyes wandered to the phone laying tidy on the table in the living room.
Should he check into the chatroom now? It's already late; most would be asleep by this time ticking on the clock. He walked over, hand hovering above the device when he suddenly stayed stuck in his motion. The ugly duckling didn't reach out to anyone either and made it through, didn't it?
Perhaps he should model after it more. For their safety and also his own; nobody would notice if he's not logging in for some longer time. 707 decided to leave the phone locked on the tabel as he went back into his bedroom. He needed sleep, his heavy bones demanded rest.
Tomorrow he would pick it up, he said to himself. But right now it didn't feel right talking with the bright side of life. He first should bury the new wave of shame deep down in his heart. Right?
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juminsmysticmc · 1 year
Minor Trio‘s kid getting hit by a car 
Don't ask me how but I thought I missed out this request. I wanted to put the link in my Masterlist and realized that I've already written the scenario. Now I have two versions. I am amazed by my stupidity.
⚠️RFA who’s child get’s hit by a car ( Happy End ) -> Minor Trio HERE
Mention of blood, hospitals, injury
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,,Little angel, little angel, fly!“ you sang with Saeran. 
Both of you were holding your oldest child in each hand, ready to pick him up so that he had the feeling that he was flying. 
Once he was over, the little girl you had was ready to fly just as high as her brother. 
,,Don’t run too far, okay?“ you asked your son. 
He agreed, but he didn’t understand that ,,too far“ meant also to not cross the street. 
You weren’t looking, neither was he. It was the second both of you looked at your daughter to pick her up. 
In that very second you could hear a car honking, people screaming, and an impact. 
The only word that you could use to describe the scenario. 
Your screams were the loudest. 
You picked up your daughter, perhaps a way of protecting her too, before you ran to the place of incident. 
You screamed, you begged, you prayed, you cried, shaking your head trying to stop the bleeding and talking to your son. 
And then everything happened quickly. 
Saeran pulled you away from the bloody body because you were a hindrance to the paramedics   
He held you and your daughter and sobbed silently so that he could be the strong one. 
The only thing you didn’t know, however, was that he was giving him the fault. 
The universe was making him pay. 
His payment luckily didn’t seem to come yet since your son woke up. 
A few scratches, but nothing severe. 
,,Maybe we weren’t punished. Maybe an angel was by our side. Look, every bad incident leads to something better…we are blessed,“ you whispered as soon as your children were sleeping safely by your side. 
Everyone would expect cars to stop at a red light. 
That’s why not everyone looked as soon as they were allowed to cross the street. 
Although, you were one of the people who still stopped and checked. 
And Jihyun - for the sake of peace in your household - did too and so was Lucy. 
However, she didn’t. 
Usually this would have led to a discussion. However, this time something even worse happened. 
Jihyun stood behind his daughter, you next to him. 
You were just calling Lucy, ready to scold her. You were even about to follow her. However, you saw the racing car that didn’t have time to stop. 
And before you could pull your child back, your eyes witnessed an incident. 
The screams of a mother are the worst, so they say. 
Jihyun knew what it meant because your screams were the worst. 
But unlike him, you acted. 
You ordered someone to call an ambulance, you screamed at the driver and told him that you were going to kill him, and you tried to help Lucy stay awake. 
And Jihyun could only observe the scenario. 
What did he do? 
Why did the people around him have to be in so much pain? 
Why did they have to fight for their happiness? 
As if he blinked, he found himself next to you in front of the operating room. 
You were in your bloody clothes and he noticed that he was crying. 
,,Everything will be alright,“ you whispered, more to yourself than to him. 
,,Everything will be alright,“ he followed you. 
But everything would be alright, you just had to find out…
,,Let them play,“ he tried to calm you down. 
You were scolding your children that they shouldn’t push each other, but somehow your scolding didn’t help at all. 
Instead, the youngest child pushed her big sister again. 
Unfortunately she fell - on the street. 
The screeching sounds of the car were still in your ear. 
You could still hear it. 
And the sight was imprinted in your brain. 
A young woman stepped out of the car, crying at the sight while you were rushing to your daughter. 
,,No no no no no,“ you groaned. 
,,Mommy,“ she called you, weakly. 
,, I’m here,“ you whispered, trembling hands trying to dial the number to call an ambulance. 
,,I‘m here, I‘m staying here,“ you said. 
Someone took your phone out of your hands and dialed the number before it was handed back to you. 
,,Tell them everything, I will give her first aid. We’ve learned it, it’s okay. Stay calm for her,“ Vanderwood told you. So you tried. 
He managed to keep her awake. 
Somehow he measured her pulse and managed to bandage her leg that apparently hurt. 
He did all this while you stayed on the phone with the ambulance, who later on took her. 
A concussion and a broken leg. 
Your other child didn’t get scolded, but was explained to why she did something really bad. 
In the end, everyone was alright and sorry.
04.03.2023 // 23:47 MEST
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messenger-memes · 4 years
Vanderwood, hoping for a good day: good morning.
707: Im going to try to become ambidextrous.
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misswritress · 2 years
I’ll kiss you if you sit on my lap
a/n: spoilers for 707‘s route
: audio extracted from 707 route call [ https://youtube.com/shorts/aaTACxVm6Ls?feature=share ]
“You called again, princess,” Saeyoung answered her for the fifth time that hour. MC had been strolling around the beach by herself. Saeyoung promised he would join her in 5 minutes, which had said about 45 minutes ago, after he finished some remaining work for the agency.
The couple had been driving nonstop, only stopping a few times last night, to try and track the whereabouts of Vanderwood and Saeran with little luck. There weren’t a lot of people on the beach, considering how sort of secluded it was. Saeyoung, who was very busy hacking the agency’s system, happily answered her frequent calls. It was the kind of voice that made MC’s heart swell with a mixture of love and adoration. “Are you gonna keep messing with me? Stop and come here. If you keep doing that, I’m really gonna go get you.”
MC’s heart was beating triple time. She momentarily closed her eyes, feeling a thousand butterflies begin to flutter in her stomach. A shining soft smile tugged on her lips.
“And if I get you, I’m going to mess with you as long as I want. Are you ready for that?” Saeyoung continued, “I can get kind of sadistic when I tease people. So come here when I’m still nice~." Happiness and love radiated from the phone call.
MC raised an eyebrow at the threat, a harmless one no doubt. But somehow at the same time she felt that Saeyoung meant every word, seeing how he had pranked every member of RFA, especially poor Yoosung.
“Oh my!” MC gasped rather dramatically. “I don’t know what that is. But I feel kind of embarrassed.”
“God. You can’t pretend to not know! So cute.” Saeyoung laughed. His laugh rang in her ears, her heart melting at the sound. “Now, come here. I’ll kiss you if you sit on my lap.”
“No more phone calls. Look into my eyes and tell me…that you love me.” With that, Saeyoung ended the call. MC could feel her cheeks burning, and silently squealed in delight as she walked faster towards her lover.
Saeyoung stared at his cellphone still in his hand, a blush dusting his cheeks at the words that he had just uttered. He pressed the phone onto his forehead and closed his eyes, praying to God above that He would help him keep his restraint, which was rapidly failing with MC’s influence.
MC, MC, MC, Saeyoung’s mind whispered her name, what have you done to me? That lovely strange woman.
He sighed happily, putting his phone away and continued his hacking. He had almost finished his hacking, he would have finished a while ago but MC had been a huge distraction, well, when was she not? Even when she was doing ordinary things like driving his baby, Saeyoung’s mind could never stop thinking about her, or when she had fallen asleep at his side when it was his turn to drive again, he couldn’t stop stealing glances at her sleeping figure. He knew that they could have gotten into an accident, but he couldn’t help it. He was drowning in his love for her, drowning in her love for him, and he would happily keep drowning for the rest of his life.
Saeyoung slapped his cheeks hard, bringing him out of his dilemma once more, coming back focused on the important task before him. He bent over his laptop, typing code after code until he had finally broken through the agency’s system. When he straightened in his seat, MC appeared, knitted pink sweater and leggings rolled to her knees, her shoulders bared to the sun, her feet sandy from walking barefoot, ankle boots in her hands; her smile slow and easy. “Hey."
"Hey, yourself. Back so soon?” he asked.
“I was called to come here.” MC scoffs with a laugh as she saunters towards him and peered at his laptop.
“I will never understand how you understand that.” MC looked away at a moment’s glance.
“It's all just commands in computer talk,” said Saeyoung. “I can always teach you the basics.”
“Nuh uh,” said MC, shaking her head, “I have learned and heard enough of codes in my robotics class, thank you very much.”
Saeyoung laughed. He gently reached for her hand, planting a sweet kiss on her palm. MC looked stunned and touched. He placed his laptop on a table, hacking forgotten already. He pulls MC closer to his side, kissing their intertwined hands. He feels his face flush red but he couldn’t bring himself to hide it from her at the moment. His golden eyes meet hers to see her ears bright red, how beautiful.
“You look beautiful.” The words rolled off his tongue even before his mind could register them. It was true. The way the sunlight showered her figure, making her extremely gorgeous than she already was. It was a fact, but that didn’t stop his cheeks from burning red.
MC stands still for a moment before she sets down her boots on the sand and plops down on Saeyoung’s lap. The blush on Saeyoung's cheeks deepens as he hears his heart hammering against his heart. He swallows, afraid that MC would hear it. MC hums as if she heard, dangling her other hand on his shoulder with a smirk on her face.
Saeyoung knows that MC’s teasing him by the mischievous glint in her eyes. He wasn’t gonna lose to his 606. He was God Seven, the ultimate prank god, he wouldn’t lose to anyone, not even to his beloved MC. Without skipping a beat, Saeyoung leaned in to kiss MC, catching her surprised gasp with his mouth. His free hand found her waist, pulling her even closer, closing all distance between their bodies. He had slipped his tongue inside, teasingly exploring her mouth before he pulled away.
The sight of MC's burning cheeks that rivals his red hair made his heart squeal with joy at the fact that he had that effect on her. Saeyoung could feel her heart stutter against her chest.
"I told you I'll kiss you if you sit on my lap." His cheeks are just as red as hers.
"I said—what." MC stumbled on her words.
Saeyoung laughed at her slight brain malfunction. "I've held my feelings for so long, I feel like bursting everytime I'm with you." He gave her a peck on the nose.
MC shrugged with her doe-like eyes. "T-That’s not my fault. 'Stay away from me. I'm dangerous. I don't have feelings for you. Oh no, no—"
Saeyoung silenced her with a kiss.
"Okay, okay I get it." He leaned his forehead, golden eyes staring into hers. They stayed like that, relishing in the moment.
"I love you, Saeyoung." said MC, after a while.
Saeyoung felt his heart swell with joy and love and adoration for the woman in his arms. Oh, how he loved this woman. His heart soared to the nth sky at the confession. He could never get tired of how his given name, the name that he was afraid of anyone knowing, the name that he was so scared of anyone knowing, the name that he secretly yearned to be called again like in his youth, beautifully rolled off of her tongue. Nor can he ever get tired of how she told him she loves him. It made him feel alive, whole and loved.
"I love you too, MC."
With that he leans in once more, expertly parting her lips to slip his tongue in. Her fingers slightly pulled on his red hair as his hands held her tighter and closer, kissing for a long time.
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huneyseven · 2 years
Vanderwood: Pray for me.
Vanderwood: Nothing's wrong. I just want more power.
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dark-mnjiro · 4 years
‘cause i want you [on your knees]
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Theme: wet dream, sexually explicit dream, sexual fantasy, 707 x f!mc/reader
Warnings: language, sexually explicit, voyeurism, f!masturbation
Author’s Note: I have no idea where this came from but here it is. I low key snorted at the ending though. I hope you all enjoy. It’s been a while since I wrote anything remotely “sexy” so I’m sorry that its terrible.
Fixed lines of green text filled the screen as Seven’s fingers typed vigorously, glancing up every so often at the long lines of code. He had been at this job for hours it seemed. A sigh fell from his lips as he leaned back in his chair, using his hand to brush back the loose strands of hair from his face. He felt as though his head was going to explode from this work… and he knew Vanderwood would be stopping by soon to make sure he was completing his duties to the agency. 
“Jesus Christ,” he mumbled, rubbing his temples. “I need a break…”
His gaze fell on the other screen on his desk, which flooded with smaller angles of closed-captioned security footage of Rika’s old apartment. His lips curled into a smile as he caught you walking by the hallway camera and glancing up and giving him a small wave and a smile. It was one of the few highlights of his day, seeing that wave and that smile.
He almost caught himself waving back to you.
“Damn,” he groaned, leaning back in his chair. “What the hell am I doing?”
Seven had played out numerous scenarios in his head of what if between the two of you. And while he knew nothing could come of it, it was still fun for him to fantasize about the strange relationship he had developed with the stranger who had stumbled onto Rika’s apartment one day. He found himself slipping further and further into his imagination every time he saw your smile light up the small screen.
Chewing on his lower lip, he sat up, grabbing the mouse and double-clicking on the camera in your bedroom. His honey-colored eyes observed as you danced around the room in an almost playful fashion. He could roughly guess that you were playing some upbeat music as the corner of his lip curled up in a lopsided grin. 
“She’s too cute,” he commented, resting his chin in his hand as a content sigh fell from his lips. “...too cute.”
Moments like this almost made him forget the danger you were both in… the hacker that had caused you to stumble upon the application that introduced both of you. The bomb that Rika had planted in the apartment…
“Oh shit,” Seven hissed as he tore his eyes away from the screen and back to his work. “I have to work on the hacker… who knows if he would just show up at the apartment and hurt her…”
But his gaze slowly caught you moving around the bedroom again. “Oh fuck…” he whispered when he noticed you were slowly undressing in front of the camera. He felt his embarrassment creeping up the back of his neck before blossoming over his cheeks. He watched as you slowly turned your back to the camera before slipping off your oversized sweater. 
His eyes widened as he leaned into the screen. “I shouldn’t do this…” he mumbled, chewing on his lower lip more. He couldn’t believe this was happening as he watched your hands move behind your body to unhook your bra. “She has to know—”
You turned to gaze over your shoulder before your eyes playfully narrowed at the camera. You took your bra and tossed it aside before giving Seven a wave through the camera. 
“...she does know…”
You slowly moved to push down the black leggings you were wearing, revealing the white pair of cotton panties underneath. Covering your breasts, you slowly turned back to face the camera before backing onto the bed. Laying back, you peeled your hands away from your breasts. 
Seven sat back on his computer chair. “God, forgive me,” he mumbled before taking the mouse and clicking a button to zoom in on you. His eyes narrowed as he spied you, reaching for your phone. “Oh, no. She isn’t—”
Your name lit up on the screen of his cellphone. He slowly grabbed it, sliding his finger over the screen. “What the hell do you think you’re doing?” Seven hissed into the phone. 
“I know you watch me all the time, Seven,” you teased back. “Maybe I want to give you a private show.”
“This isn’t-”
You merely giggled in response, the sound alone was enough to make his face flush bright red once again. “Don’t act like you haven’t watched me undressing before, Seven,” you whispered.
“I-I,” he stuttered as he felt a lump growing in his throat. “I don’t know what you’re talking about!”
“Seven,” you said gently. “It’s okay… you can watch me. Just look at the screen.”
His eyes slowly moved back to the image of you laying back on the bed with a coy smile plastered on your face. He could feel his heart beginning to race as your hands moved down your body, revealing your breasts on screen. This couldn’t be real, he thought as he nervously chewed on his lower lip while he watched you slip off the cotton panties before tossing the clothing haphazardly onto the floor. 
“Like what you see?” you asked as you spread open your legs for him as your hand slipped between your thighs. 
Seven swore under his breath as he could feel a bulge in his pants beginning to harden. “That’s not fair… any man would,” he mumbled into the phone before hearing a small moan from you. His eyes darted toward the screen as he watched your fingers move to tease your clit. A shudder moved down his spine as he heard another breathy moan escape your lips. This was becoming too much… and if you didn’t watch yourself - he would be unable to stop himself. 
“Please, Seven. I want to make you feel good,” you whined, your hips moving against your hand as two digits dipped into your core. 
Swallowing hard, Seven couldn’t find his own words to respond. God, how much he wanted to rush over to that apartment and take you as his own… your teasing was only fueling his desire… “Fuck,” he groaned as his hands slipped to the bulge, begging him for release in his jeans. “You have no idea how bad I want you,” he cried. 
“How soon can you be over here, Seven?” you whined again. 
He shifted in his computer chair, weighing the options in his mind. Was it worth it? Could he keep denying you much longer? “Te-ten minutes,” He said quickly as he jumped to his feet. “Ten minutes tops.”
“Hurry Seven~”
He moved to hang up the call before feeling a sharp pain in the back of his head before his forehead slammed into the desk. He shot up and stared at the security footage. “Oh-oh no…”
“What the hell were you doing sleeping at your desk!” Vanderwood shouted at him. “You’re supposed to be working!”
Seven felt his heart drop to his stomach. “Just a dream,” he mumbled as he watched you sleeping soundly on the footage in your room. “Jesus Christ…” He could feel red hot embarrassment blossoming over his face and prayed that Vanderwood didn’t notice the erection in his pants. How could his imagination get so out of control?
“707!” Vanderwood yelled again, trying to gain the red head’s attention. 
Shaking his head, he stood up before walking away from his desk. “I-I’ll be right back!”
“Where are you going?!”
“...I need to pray.”
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Oh, what's that? Another side story to A long road that no one asked for? You bet! xD
At this point I feel like those oneshots turned into a form of self-care for me and I'm not even mad at it.
As always, it's not really necessary to have read the main story for this. The most important thing to know is that Reader is not MC and they met at the agency.
"I thought I'd lost you."
Vanderwood x Reader
It was supposed to be an easy mission. Infiltrate, get the data, then get the hell out of there again and calling it a day. But the agency had apparently "forgotten" to give them all the needed information for that mission. For example; that the entire damn building was crawling with heavily armed security.
So it was bound to go wrong at some point. Vanderwood even stopped counting just how many bodies dropped dead. The most important thing was finishing their job and getting out in one piece.
"Make sure to keep it safe, or I'm coming for your kneecaps!", you'd told him, while tossing the USB stick over to him.
How you always managed to still joke around in situations like that was a mystery to him. Though it would've been a lie to say it wasn't somewhat soothing.
He was just about to reach out for your hand when doors flew open and you two had to scramble into different directions to take cover in order not to get pierced by bullets.
When there was a chance to peek at you, his eyes were filled with concern, yet you simply smiled at him.
"Go, I'll catch up with you soon!"
While he was well aware how good you were as an agent, he still hated whenever you two got separated. That made it impossible for him to guarantee your safety and left him feeling somewhat anxious.
Still he knew that trying to stay together in a situation like that could potentially worsen everything in a split second.
Reluctantly he began to make his way outside. Trying to avoid as many guards as possible, nevertheless he didn't get around getting even more blood on his hands. But that was how it usually went. Kill or be killed.
"Are you alright?", he asked, finger pressed to his earpiece, as soon as he found a good hiding spot.
"Yes, I'm fine. Meet me at the car. I will-"
For a second there was a static sound, before the line went completely dead. And since that wasn't bad enough, an explosion was going off in the building he'd last seen you in. Making his blood run cold and for a moment he could only stare at the flames in sheer horror.
"Y/N? Come on, say something! Y/N!"
No answer...
This can't be happening... Please. Not her!, was all he could think. Completely ignoring the people running from the building that were trying to get to safety, while he pushed past them.
Hoping, praying, to see you unharmed. See that you've made it out before the explosion went off.
But all he could see were debris, flames and smoke. No sign of any survivors close-by.
No matter how much he searched, he couldn't find you.
Getting inside the building was sheer impossible with how big the flames were. Causing the building to fall more and more apart with every passing second.
Vanderwood felt his heart sink. A feeling of emptiness washing over him as guilt began to consume him.
He hadn't been at your side... He should've insisted to stay with you. Find a way out together. But he hadn't. And now you were gone...
He really didn't want to leave, would've preferred to keep on searching until he found you. But the fire service and probably also the police could've shown up at any moment and getting spotted by them wouldn't be good at all. Aka there was no choice for him but to make his way back to the well hidden car.
It was like he headed there on autopilot. Not really registering anything around him.
Though once he reached the car, he stopped dead in his tracks, unable to believe what he saw.
There you were standing. Looking a little worse for wear and it was difficult to make out how badly you were injured with all the dirt and grime on your body, but you were alive.
"I'm sorry I couldn't contact you... My earpiece got fried", you looked so apologetic, even though it wasn't your fault at all.
Oh and how badly he wanted to just hold you close. To confirm that you were actually there and not just a figment of his imagination.
At the same time he couldn't risk anyone potentially seeing that. Finding out just how attached he was to you, that way. How much you meant to him.
So instead, he opted for opening the passenger door for you, waiting until you were properly seated and buckled up, before he closed the door and slipped into the car himself.
During the entire ride, neither of you said anything. Still the silence was comfortable. With you resting your head on his shoulder and his hand was resting on your thigh. For now, that was enough.
But as soon as you've made it into his apartment, with the door locked behind you, he didn't waste any time to pull you into his chest, arms wrapping tightly around your small frame. Face buried in your hair.
He could feel you trembling, as your fingers dug into the fabric of his jacket. The two of you just clinging to each other.
"I thought I'd lost you..." Vanderwood's voice was barely above a whisper and he didn't even think about getting some sort of distance between you.
Neither did you. The only thing you did do was pressing soothing kisses to his neck and jawline.
"Don't worry, you won't get rid of me so easily."
For a while longer you remained like that until he, a little unwilling, let go of you. Giving you a gentle nudge towards the bathroom.
"Take a shower. I'll bring you some clean clothes."
"What, you saying I'm filthy?"
Vanderwood only rolled his eyes at you. Still joking, even when you were clearly exhausted.
"Just go", he muttered and sent you off with a kiss to your forehead.
The sound of the running shower reached the bedroom faintly. Where the brunette was rummaging through a drawer to grab one of his shirts for you. It was a bit on the wider side, old. You insisted that it was your favorite to wear. Admittedly, you also looked very adorable in it.
Shirt and fresh towels in hand, he slipped quietly into the bathroom, setting the things in his hands aside.
Shortly he hesitated, before he decided to simply slip out of his own dirty clothes, throwing them carelessly into the hamper. Not even sure if there was a point in washing them or if it wouldn't be easier to just get rid of them.
He joined you in the shower, calloused fingers skipping and brushing over your wet skin, while his lips pressed to your shoulder.
"Vandy, I know what you're doing...", you murmured, at the same time leaning back into him. "I'm fine. Might be a bit sore and bruised in the morning, but nothing big. I got really lucky."
"I still want to check... Please?", he muttered, followed by a kiss right below your ear.
You didn't protest. Probably because you also always insisted on checking him for any injuries that needed to be treated. To see for yourself that it was nothing life threatening.
His fingers continued their path over your skin and every time he felt you flinch, when he touched an especially sore spot, he made sure to apologize in form of more kisses.
Once he was satisfied, and also relieved to find that you were indeed relatively unharmed, his arms wrapped once again around your middle.
"Happy with what you found?", you asked as you turned around to face him.
"Hmm, I am", he agreed, reaching out to brush a strand of hair out of your face.
Even after getting out of the shower, neither of you seemed to even think about getting any kind of distance. With Vanderwood rubbing your hair dry, afterwards helping you into the shirt. Something that, for some reason, drew a small laugh from you.
"Nothing. You're just being extremely cute."
"Shut up", he huffed, only making you laugh more. The sound spreading warmth through his body.
Slowly, with every second, every touch, it became more obvious, real, that you were indeed there with him. Home, breathing and that you wouldn't be going anywhere any time soon.
For once, he easily agreed to just order food. Even though he normally preferred to cook himself.
But that day he didn't want to waste a single opportunity to have you in his arms. You didn't seem to mind either. Both needing the confirmation that for now, everything was okay.
He didn't lose the one person that meant the world to him.
There was still a good chance that he wouldn't let go of you for the rest of the day, until absolutely necessary.
If you'd like to get added to the tag list, please let me know 💕
@ayamewhump @the-purpleblushh @ultrasupernini @just-a-key @bootiful-face @otomaticallyobsessed @delfffi-lc
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intr0verted-weird0 · 2 years
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cheritz please consider a vanderwood route, im begging
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marshmallowprotection · 11 months
God RAE definitely has some of the cutest spaceship quotes and some of the most painful. you get stuff like saeran saying he already got MC a gift for their 100 day anniversary, or that he was thinking about something and forgot bc he thought about MC's laugh. and then it smacks you upside the head with stuff like the one you posted or both the twins having a half dozen variations of "it's okay if something happens to me as long as everyone else is safe"
gonna let my saeyoung mc show for a sec bc on the first day he has two that are like "no need to be sorry vanderwood. live as long as you can buddy" and "be grateful that saeran is safe--that's all you could ever ask for, saeyoung choi" and im 😭. his life has fallen apart, everything he knew was a lie, he's been imprisoned by the monster from his nightmares, and he's STILL thinking of everyone else 😭
I had a full-blown breakdown when I got to speak to Saeyoung properly on the last day of the After End. It's his thoughts that get to me sometimes since he is the one person who knows the same suffering as the player.
Saeran is the most important person to Saeyoung and Saeran's MC... and you know, when you speak to Saeyoung in that chatroom and what matters to him the most is... not to ask you about his brother and gain insight from the situation to garner some control back.
No... His choice is to comfort you first. The one he knows deserves empathy because that's what his brother would've wanted for you. Saeyoung never thinks about himself and Saeran's After Ending is one of the places where that shines the brightest. Saeyoung, I know you're saying it'll be okay since you feel obligated to comfort what you fear is the widow/er to your twin... but, I always pray that he says that to comfort himself, too.
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mmheadcanons · 3 years
im praying cheritz give vanderwood a route he’s so fucking cute
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rfaromance · 3 years
Hello 👀
Can I request a Saeyoung x MC where the MC tells Saeyoung to go to bed since it's late at night? Thanks!
I kind of... had a little bit of liberty with this prompt, but I hope you still enjoy!
The slam of a closing notebook.
The squeaking of a sliding chair.
The sigh of an exhausted woman.
“Goodnight, Robokitty.”
“Good nyaight! Good nyaight!”
MC giggled softly as she leaned down to stroke the mechanical cat’s head. Even though it lacked any fur, Saeyoung had designed the creature to have a particularly warm surface, so she still derived joy from petting it. Plus, he installed a feature where scratching it between the ears would prompt it to purr. Rather than a mechanical grating sound, the purr that Robokitty emitted was rather natural-sounding. In fact, she almost sounded identical to Elizabeth the 3rd.
MC didn’t want to think about how her boyfriend managed to program that specific sound into their pet.
Her gaze traveled over to the other side of the room, where the mischievous mastermind in question sat hunched over a keyboard, his eyes somehow locked simultaneously onto all three screens and the numbers and letters rushing across them, but also onto the can of Dr. Pepper by his right hand. Somehow he managed to pick it up perfectly, without ever bumping into it or tipping it over.
“Goodnight, Robokitty,” MC repeated, adding a little emphasis on the “night” aspect. However, her attention wasn’t even on the confused little pet, who meowed another cheerful, “Good nyaight!”
Her eyes were locked onto that familiar fire-red fluffball on the other end of the room. “Won’t you wish Saeyoung a good night, too?” she asked.
The cat just tilted its head to the side before scurrying off to its bed in the corner.
“I guess it’s up to me, then,” MC whispered, and with a grunt she heaved herself up and out of her chair. Carefully she tiptoed over to his side of the room, not wanting to disturb him. As she crept over, she kept flickering her gaze from her boyfriend to his clock. Her lower lip jutted out slightly as she caught sight of the time; how much longer was he going to stay up?
More importantly, how much longer did he intend for her to stay up waiting for him?
Finally she was standing directly behind his chair—a far nicer one than hers, she might add, like the type that elite gamers used—and he still hadn’t acknowledged her presence. A mild twinge of irritation prickled inside her chest; she couldn’t understand any of the information flashing across his screen, but apparently it was far more enthralling than she was.
‘He told me he quit hacking,’ she thought, and a dark thought began to whisper from the back recesses of her mind. ‘What if he started working for another agency?’
He would never put the two of them at risk like that… right?
“Saeyoung,” she purred, and in one fluid motion she leaned over the back of his chair and cupped her hands over his eyes. “Guess who.”
His vision obstructed, Saeyoung had no choice but to stop his fervent typing and clicking. “Hmm,” he mused, and he reached up to tap his chin as though he were deep in thought. “Maid Vanderwood, are you here to take away my empty cans and bags of chips?”
Laughter poured forth from MC’s lips, and she shook her head. “I know Vanderwood isn’t your maid,” she pointed out. “Try again.”
“Hmmm,” Saeyoung dragged out his thoughtful hum, keeping her in suspense. He was clearly enjoying this as much as she was, if not more so. “Yoosung, who finally figured out I hacked into his LOLOL account to transfer his Scale of Rainbow Wyvern into my inventory?”
So that’s what he was doing. Some of the tension that had been holding her chest in a vice grip finally loosened up. “I’m cuter than Yoosung,” she protested.
“Prove it,” Saeyoung teased. “He’s pretty cute, you know.”
“Saeyouuuung,” MC groaned, and she lowered her head to rest her chin atop his messy locks. “Good nyaight, good nyaight,” she meowed, trying to imitate Robokitty.
“No no, I programmed Robokitty to sleep at this hour, so… Oh! I know who this is!” the hacker exclaimed at last. He reached up and clamped his hands around MC’s, catching her by surprise. She let out a soft yelp as he tilted his head back, causing her to nearly fall flat on top of him.
That… seemed to be exactly what he wanted.
While she was struggling to catch her balance, he pushed his lips forward and gave her a quick peck on the nose. “You’re an angel!” Saeyoung announced. “To thank me for my devotion to my goddess!”
“Your goddess?” MC tried to wriggle free from Saeyoung’s grip, but he just held onto her hands even tighter than he did before. “I thought you were Catholic, Mr. Luciel Choi.”
Saeyoung narrowed his eyes at her and then clasped his hands (and thus hers) together. “Luciel Choi was a Catholic, but Saeyoung is a devout follower of a unique goddess,” he clarified. “The goddess who takes him up to cloud nine, beyond the moon and all the way up to the space station! The one, the only, the mighty…” His voice grew louder and louder until he inhaled deeply, as if preparing to shout the name of the goddess he revered.
“That’s not a goddess!” MC whined, and she took advantage of Saeyoung’s momentary fit of laughter to pull herself away. “Fine, then. You stay up praying to Microsoft, while Aphrodite goes to bed alone.”
That caught his attention. “The goddess of love and beauty, heading to bed alone?” He slowly spun around in his chair, and his golden eyes carried a glimmer of playfulness in their depths. “Now that won’t do.”
“Good nyaight,” MC mewed simply, flicking her hair behind her shoulder as she strode off.
Before she reached the bed on her own, though, a large weight dropped on her, tackling her onto the mattress and laughing gleefully as she yelped in surprise. “I guess I can turn in a little early. Yoosung will thank me.”
Yoosung wasn’t the only one who was going to be thanking him that night.
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asterjennifer · 2 years
hello Jenni! first of all i wanted to thank you for your amazing work, i love your writings and without a doubt you are my favorite writer at the moment, i wish you all the best. 💕 When you have time could you write about a codependent mc on saeran and how would they deal with it? (GE saeran or SE saeran, whichever you prefer!)
🎀 I am your favorite rn..? Woah... That just made me so happy I almost teared up- These couple of words made me so happy! And you know what that reminds me of? His 1 bad ending in the AE! 🎀
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Happy Face
Fandom: Mystic Messenger
Pairing: GE Saeran x Reader
Category: Angst
Warnings: Codependency, Spoilers
Word count: 2641
Author's Note: I think codependency's a dangerous concept. It's better to rely on yourself before doing it on another. But what do I know-
Summary: After his party you both take a moment to calm down in the changing room without Rika's supervision.
Neither of you know better. It's for the best that way.
With your hands clasped on the edge of the chair, you're letting your irritated eyes wander. As soon as even a small indicator of stress' found in your own facial features, your pulse had long since worsened. Constant anxiety about the only person in your life with deep meanings on the edge of the metaphorical cliff for all eternity. Were the people at the party to be trusted? Did Saeran have the perfect poker face to not let mistakes slip through? Perhaps trained hit men visited the party, hired by his father to end his life once and for all without anyone noticing.
This sick worry plagued you from the second he left your field of vision. Whenever he's required to attend these parties, on one hand you prayed he's at least having somewhat of a good evening. On the other, however, you're counting the milliseconds until he returned safely. For the first time in your life, you could understand Rika's penetrating espionage methods. Not knowing where he was or how he's doing's messing with your sanity. You didn't mean harm when manipulating the plan he and Vanderwood worked on for days, it's the intense fear of losing the love of your life that pushed the buttons in your place.
Once their doing was disabled, leaving Saeyoung to run free, you became aware that it's not going to happen for the younger one carrying bleached hair. The best immunity for his well-being had been teaming up with the enemy. To this day, you're uncertain what else could've been the right choice. Of course, you're not dense to the fact you've taken away the freedom Saeran learned about shortly after fleeing from Mint Eye. He claimed he still loved you, yet there's a hint of pain every time his eyes met yours, it strung heavily in your heart. Naturally, the paranoia only grew further.
Not towards Saeran, he's the last to ruin things behind your back. You're much more concerned over Rika and her lover, both not the most stable people in the world. Whenever one's losing calm, you shielded Saeran however it's necessary. It wasn't a one-off thing when Rika personally attacked you for it, but what else could you do for Saeran? He's all you're having left. And you're no different for him, either. Sometimes, in the depths of your mind, you begged Saeran would start rebelling against everyone and get away as far as he could, for his peace's sake. Nonetheless, he behaved politely with Rika around and never put blame on V.
Once you're alone, that's when emotions, so desperate they're paining, reached the surface. He's doing everything you ask of him, which put the label of the monster on your account. It's not Rika controlling him with drugs, nor V with his thin white lies. He could run from his father's grip easily if only desired. »I do this for you. That's all.« Was what he stated after a particular draining festival amongst the crowd. It came from the bottom of his heart; he meant these words. That's what hurt like hell. You're not happy playing the role of the villain, leave alone pull Saeran's strings unscrupulously.
Yet he's offering them to you like a leash. As if that's the one thing he certaintly wanted. Nothing seemed to matter otherwise, as long as you're beside him and watch, he'll bear every torture. You knew so well, because the feeling's mutual. Perhaps Rika had been right from the start, maybe Saeran's incapable of living for himself. Then again, from a moral point of view you're no better, on the contrary. Those days you had taken on the role of Ray. Although the flower boy's reborn as someone else, Ray's the one owning insecurities and flaws that dragged him into a circle of despair.
As you saw your pale facial expression in the mirror of the changing room, it's almost like you're gazing back at the first impression you've had of him. A dear scared to death. Scared to lose the thing keeping him alive at all, it's understandable why he'd taken such extreme measures when it came to your protection in the past. Today, you're doing the exact same for Saeran. And since that's pushing you into the role of the bad guy, you'd at least liked to take care of his wishes whenever it's possible. Problem about that; he never made a wish for himself. It's all for you, truly nowhere fair to his newfound purpose, but you're powerless.
This was the best way to make sure he's safe and sound, regardless the limitations forced upon you both nonstop. »Since you chose to be trapped here with me.. I'll do what I can.« The rather monotone words echoed through your mind like mantra, words you've heard too often. Way too many times in a row. Making you sick to the stomach whenever you're remembering his frozen eye color shining detached. It wasn't right in any way, you could neither defend your decision nor the uncertain future, but at least you're gifted with the opportunity to protect the former hacker in the here and now.
Are you out of your mind for changing him this way? Was he out of his head for allowing it without any resistance? You're unsure, God knows if you're ever finding a path healthier for your lover. A sigh fell over your lips, pressing the tip of your index finger underneath your left eye. The bags there spoke walls for the sleepless nights spend awake, breaking one possibility after another. What's there to change? He's already so deeply integrated into this false system, as if you're suddenly coming up with this amazing, flawless plan for rescue. No, his life's on the line. Depending on the outcome, it could kill him. And you'll never survive if he's gone.
Grateful to be lonely, you stood up when both hands pressed to the surface of the ridiculously long dressing table. The rush of adrenaline kept your eyes wide open, facing yourself in the mirror until it's impossible to stare into your own eyes. Knowing you're unable to see yourself anymore showed how insufferable you'd become. He's worth the world, worth more freedom than any other human being on the planet. He deserved nothing other than a bright, happy life filled with good memories. But he's stubborn. So, so insistent on loving you forever, it'd frighten every normal person out there.
»I'm back.« The door opened the same moment his voice tore you from the small panic attack suffocating your lungs. Saeran's hair's a bit messy due to the gel. The white-pink suit the cutest sight you've ever witnessed. The straight gaze with which he greeted the guests melted only a little when looking to you instead. Your heart contracted, it forced hot tears to bubble to the corners of your eyes. »Hello, love..« No mentioning of your lost voice, Saeran shrugged the jacket off his shoulder after closing the door. »Did I make you wait?« He watched you shake your head a tad too quickly.
For a second no sound left your mouth, therefore you breathed through first. »No, no! Of course not. Did you have a bit fun?« You took the jacket, smelling the familiar scent of fragrance mixed up with an indescribable sweet smell he'd carried around since day one. Saeran pulled the black rose from his collar, eyes avoiding yours. »No need to worry, things went well.« The worst kind of answer, he always sneaked around giving you enlightenment over his mood. You swallowed the bitter taste slowly numbing your tongue. »Oh... I wasn't worried about your performance; I know you do well.«
No other exchange needed, Saeran pulled the gloves off his hands. Placing them back down at the dressing table and you couldn't help but watch from across the room. Your heart longed for his closure, despite the hurt you put him through. »Hey Saeran...?« His glowing eyes remained steady, regardless how bad the world around burned down, it's almost impressive. »Yes?« You sighed again. »Do.. You still love me, right..?« He's too far away, unreachable even. He immediately turned his head towards you, a frown crawling over his face. »I love you forever.« He promised. Was it a promise?  
Your mind started to spin from the doubt consuming your soul. Unconsciously you began to fumble with your fingers, which Saeran certainly noticed. »I– Are you sure? I can't help thinking it might be better if.. if you..« Such heavy feelings stayed stuck in the back of your throat countless times, which led to your frustration growing higher. To imagine him leaving you behind's a nightmare, however, there's no denying it'd be better for him. You walked with wobbly steps, stopping near him at the mirror. »Don't you know it'll be.. much less draining if you just run away..? Why are you staying..«
»You wanted to make sure I'm safe. I return that favor by obliging.« The response coming right away had another wave of guilt crush down carelessly. You shook your head, hair falling over your face. »But.. You're not happy.« You said it, it's the first time you openly admitted what the situation really looked like. Saeran scanned your every inch, a cool hand coming up and cupping your cheek in his usual, sensual manner. »I'm not sure what real happiness is, but I love you. And I'll never stop loving you. And I'll be here.« It burned, you're weak enough to let the sob slip out. Saeran's thumb rubbed calming circles over your wet cheek.
You lifted both hands, hiding away the shame running through your veins. The weight of realizing you've ripped everything away that Saeran was seeking his entire life. Just because you're not able to handle the thought of him leaving your side. »(N). Don't cry.« He turned his body, pulling you closer. It let you feel safe, despite you not deserving to have him in the first place. »I won't leave your side; I make sure to honor your decisions.« His other hand joined on your cheeks, bringing you to his lips until they're an inch away. The rough tone of his voice humming, whispering for only you to receive the meaning.  
»I'd do everything for you, no matter what it is.« Your hiccups cut the otherwise silent air, a whimper following once Saeran tried to hush you. »I am all yours, okay? I don't care what I have to go through. I only want to be with you.« He used more strength as you wanted to take distance, yet his touch's having you melt against him completely. His curves fit oddly well in yours. »That's wrong..! All of this, it's wrong for you! I'm just–« Tears caused the shapes standing inside the room to blur into another. Saeran placed a hand to the back of your head, burying your crying in his shoulder. »I just can't stand the horror of losing you..!«
He nodded, running his fingers through the strands of your hair. »So do I.« Every new statement leaving his mouth, you're getting madder at yourself. It wasn't your intention to hiss, yet you're too emotional to care. Fears, pain and doubts from the past three months spilled over at once. »I'm fucking selfish! And the worse about it; you let me be!« There's no winning, your weight collapsed inside his arms which held you tight. Saeran peeked a kiss on top of your head, hearing you sniff in return. »I want nothing more than to love you, I don't care if it's selfish.«
For a moment you hallucinated, thinking he's smiling through his teeth. »You decided this is the best way, so I'll cherish your actions.« The disgusting air hitched in your throat, rubbing your already ruined face into his chest. Fingers coming around the expensive fabric of his suit, clinging into it like he's your life preserver. And maybe, to some degree, he was. Whether he smiled or kept his lips in a straight line. »B-But my actions.. I don't know if they're the right ones. It feels like I deceived you..!« Saeran titled your head, next kiss placed to your temple. His chapped lips let the goosebumps on your arms stand up. »If you deceived me, I don't mind.«
»How can you say such a horrible thing..« Again, your attempt to get space between your bodies ended in vain, his grip on you's too strong. Saeran kissed your wet cheek, getting rid of the remaining tears in one go. »All I know is that I love you, the rest's second rate to me.« The crying died down as he continued to leave kisses on your neck, finding the spots that let you jump into his embrace. »We're never going to get things right like this.. I want to, but.. I'm too scared. I'm so fucking scared you end up in an even more horrible position than right now.« Saeran only hummed softly, leaving an open mouth kiss underneath your ear.
His arms brought you closer, chests touching. »I can't change this, I'm sorry.« His caressing came to a hold by that painful honest touch corrupting your voice. The bleached hair's slightly rough between your fingertips, but the best feeling in your tiny world. »I love you too much. I can't do anything anymore..« You bit down the fresh sob, letting Saeran lean back up. Your stare tore away, it's too difficult to handle if you'd see the emotions swimming in his eyes. »You don't have to.. It's okay.« It sounded like he's smiling again. The kiss to your lips' unexpected, a high gasp first left you before it's drowned in his mouth.
Saeran tasted of the drink they served at the party, a hint of blueberry to find while he ran his tongue over yours. The blush reached, much against your liking, the tips of your ears by the surprising intimacy. Whenever he let you feel instead of hearing that he loved you, it's the endless reminder that he indeed cared about you the most. His own life didn't have any purpose if it's not for you, it's a terrifying perspective to consider. But you couldn't talk, you felt the same way. As messed up as it was, that's how things ended up. Saeran pulled away, giving you the opportunity to breathe in the now thinner air.
»I don't need a happily ever after. Or some good ending.« He stared right through your soul, into the nastiest corners of your mind. Nothing in particular to read, although you've just kissed a second ago. Leaving his cheeks in a flustered shade or red, a sweet look for him. »As long as you stay with me..« His gaze dropped to your lips again, you imitated the gesture, feeling embarrassed for multiple, maybe rightful reasons. »I bear anything for you, I do whatever you ask of me. If I can make you feel safe when watching me, then so be it. I'm fine with this.« Not convinced, you bit down your lower lip. »Are you sure?«
Saeran huffed, playing with the short hair strands at your hairline. Now there's truly a smile running over his face. Not big, nor reaching his eyes. Yet it's the first one in ages, an undeserved feeling of relief replaced the doubt. »If there's one thing I can be sure of, it's that you are everything to me. So don't cry.« You nodded, using your palm to get rid of the tears that cooled your flaming temperature. No winning, you figured. »Okay.. Okay I won't. Saeran, I really love you. Don't ever forget that, okay? Never ever.« His smile grew, a grin coming to life. You couldn't help but do the same. »How could I ever? You're here with me. We're in this together... I won't ever forget.«
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