mwagneto · 8 months
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i love you period accurate media
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min0uze · 1 year
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Xenk tries his best to answer Ed's question 😌🪱💕
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keyotosprompts · 2 months
snap a picture, bring it on
prompts for when you're utterly obsessed with someone
⇴ "who needs to look at the stars when i can look at you?"
⇴ there's tons of people crowding around person a, but they're solely focused on person b (who doesn't know person a)
⇴ "dude, what are you staring at? it's been five minutes" and person a, who turns around + is embarrassed, "um, what?"
⇴ when person a cannot take their hands off of their person b. it's like they're saying "mine mine mine" bc of how touchy they are
⇴ when person a looks EXTRA good, so person b teases them by on kissing them on the cheek, neck, jaw, and eventually lips.
⇴ ^^ "what's all of this for?" and person b hoarsely mumbles, "nothing," while pressing themselves closer into person a's neck + placing kisses all over
⇴ person a CHEERING when person b comes out in a formal outfit. like standing up and clapping in the middle of the dressing room.
⇴ "c'mere," person a says while opening their arms for person b. then person b proceeds to dive into person a.
⇴ staying up until 3am talking to each other. partially because they can't get enough of each other, and because both parties want the conversation to keep going (bonus points if they fall asleep mid convo)
⇴ "stay. i don't want you to go," person a says with a raspy, sleepy voice while grabbing onto person b's hand.
⇴ "it's scary how much i need you. sometimes, if you're not around, i genuinely believe i start losing it."
⇴ person a giving person b so much reassurance. telling b things like "you're amazing, you always have been," and "i know you're do great."
⇴ person a is rambling and drops the "am i talking too much?" and person b says "never."
⇴ literally having to resist the carnal urge to grab the other person and pull them into you
⇴ person a is unable to resist person b's teasing, so they grab their jaw and pull them into a lengthy kiss
⇴ person b looking at person a like they're one of the seven wonders, while person a is literally wearing shorts, a t-shirt, and a face mask
⇴ "what? do i look funny?" "i can't believe you just said that."
⇴ "kiss me again and again and again. i will never get tired of it–or you for that matter."
⇴ being grabby while making out. grabbing someone's ass, shoulders, jaw, waist, idc. (BONUS POINTS IF IT'S GRABBING ASS WHILE PICKING SOMEONE UP)
⇴ seeing their s/o and still having that physical reaction. like, heart racing at 124 bpm, gulping/swallowing, having to squirm around due to nervousness.
⇴ "can you come down here? i miss you."
⇴ being on someone's mind so much that they shove their face into their pillow and scream.
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pink-andwhite · 11 months
ethan landry mocking you >>>
"oh it's too big baby? that's so cute." then proceeds to fuck you harder, making sure to shove that extra inch in there each thrust.
"too much? oh you poor thing.." wraps his hand around your throat and fucks you faster, definitely rubs your clit too.
"you're all done sweetie? that's too bad, im just getting started." proceeds to fuck you through 4 more orgasms.
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vampireposter · 4 months
meeting wyll at the grove, as someone who the tieflings trust enough to train their children, says so much about him. it's so sad that he doesn't get explored in acts 2-3 as deeply as the other companions, when his problems are equally intense. the average player probably long rests once before coming across the grove, but even if not, in that time wyll has already proven to the tieflings that they can rely on the Blade of Frontiers.
this is the immediate first thing he chooses to do after being condemned to slow death via ceremorphosis. his priority list in the first conversations with tav is: 1) hunt down a dangerous devil, 2) help zevlor with the goblins, 3) once nothing threatens the tieflings he will gladly search for a tadpole cure. wyll is perpetually his own last priority, and i wonder if it has to do with the lore about souls.
if he believes mind flayers' souls have been destroyed, and fiend warlocks will all have their souls sent to the hells after death, then becoming a mind flayer isn't the worst possible way for him to die. he would never become a mindless monster to save his own soul, but he's not gripped by horror the way that some of the other origin characters are. lae'zel has been made revoltingly impure to her people, astarion is terrified of losing the scrap of bodily autonomy he just regained, gale is guilt-ridden over the orb detonation if he dies, shadowheart has to survive to prove herself to her cult leader, and karlach has also just regained bodily autonomy and is desparate to live.
this is just another quest for the Blade, whose persona guards wyll ravengard against the vice of self-concern when he ought to be concerned for those in need.
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kairukitsuneo · 4 months
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Talented Bravern can sings and dances while battling 🥰🥰🥰💖🤭🤭💕💕
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xielianlover2 · 12 days
What I love about TGCF is that Hua Cheng could do the strangest things or something that most people would be weirded out by, and Xie Lian just goes. Wow, he's such a kind gentleman. That pale vampire skin and wild looks. What long, elegant fingers that are so nice to touch. Totally not thinking anything dirty here... oh he's taking a bite into an 83-day-old bun now while maintaining eye contact with me. Forgive me for my sins. "FOR MEN TO IMPRESS, IN BLACK THEY MUST DRESS." Aw man, San Lang looks so good as he has his own private runway exhibition thing while my friend is in grave danger and scared out of his wits. Lips. So enchanting. AHHH HE'S NOT BREATHING?? *promptly forgets the guy's a dead ghost corpse* CPR SHOULD DO THE TRICK!!! *pecks him on the lips and gazes lovingly at his snow-white face* Hmm, maybe I should pound his chest a little? To like... get the water out? I totally do not desire him carnally.
His inner thoughts are just hilarious. How can he be so airheaded and silly yet so mature at the same time haha. My guy had his first gay awakening in 800 years, and he was panicking every second Hua Cheng was in his presence. He literally couldn't think straight ��
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parasitoidism · 4 months
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He really is so funny this gay little thing drinking a 100 yen mystery sludge drink at a shithole bar in the demon infested hell world that exists underneath his house and he’s like excuse me sir.. a napkin? May I please have a napkin for my little samurai face… unbelievable. You drink the pissy shitty special and just wipe your chin off with your sleeve like everyone else in Tokyo. There’s 100 devils outside. Get real
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jake sully + breeding/pregnancy kink hcs~
a bit of fluffy smut, enjoy lovelies <3
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song rec while reading: i see who you are - instrumental (björk)
• lying in each other's arms, sat not too far from the communal bonfire; you could see friends and family all around you from the secluded spot you were in
• most of the children were asleep at this late hour, but some gently sleeping babies and their mothers sat around the hearth, sharing stories with their sisters and brothers, mothers and fathers
• the dark of night contrasted with the warmth and yellowish hues from the burning embers, smiles and sleeping faces, alongside quiet laughs and chatter echoed off of the inner cave walls
• you'd felt especially restless all day, the only thought tiding you through the chores and work being this moment; sat with your head to jake's chest, nuzzled up into his neck; your face was turned ever so slightly to the side, taking in the sight before you
• usually the urge to fly, jump and run was enough to keep you distracted from this, but today the still of the little hours of the night with the steady beat of jake's heart was enough to remind you: this was home, and so was he
• the seed of hope in making it permanent had been developing as you immersed and integrated yourself more and more into the na'vi culture; your shared bond with jake only strengthening, and the yearning to share your love in new and more meaningful ways grew in your mind and heart
• looking out to the circle of na'vi huddled close together, sharing songs and stories, your eyes naturally inclined to those expecting; some mothers were yet to have their children of course, younger in stature and skin tone, their bellies swollen and full, usually their mates by their side; the sight made your heart flutter, and a small smile grace your features
• jake noticed this, of course; you'd been much quieter than usual, although the way your body relaxed into him intimated that this quiet was of no alarm - he'a merely been glancing down every so often to your form, curled up in his arms as he traced patterns on your hips and upper thighs
• your expression of an almost warm-hearted wistfulness caught him off-guard, though; usually you were asleep by now, breaths deeper and body heavier in his arms. this time your eyes were cast to the group sat about the fire nearby, your lips briefly pursing in thought only to grow back into a small smile
• using his index and middle fingers, jake ever so gently lifted your face up to his by your chin, taking in your softened sleepy features, whispering a quiet "...what's on your mind, babygirl?"
• sitting up a little further, you wrapped your arms around either side of his neck, lightly stroking the soft braid, brushing any stray hairs away from his face, behind his ears; jake's arms snaked their way around your waist, his eyes flicking up and down your form in curiosity
• you'd then proceeded to express what filled your thoughts; being human and working at the base in pandora, the probability of having any children was low. but your life was so different now; even your body was made of completely different components - all that was you was your mind, and whatever you wanted it to be was now up to you; unconstrained by human rules and physical limits
• at your words, jake made sure to listen closely; his earnest little tail flicks and swivelled ears making sure to pay attention, as you continued to express how you felt the increasing urge to have a family; and how the prospect of being pregnant was especially appealing to you
• the idea of being so claimed by someone, in such an intimate way; enough to change your whole body once more, not only for your baby, but for your mate. giving him a family, and the mutual respect and love that such a shared act represents, it made your heart swell
• jake's gently widened eyes and small open-mouthed smile only affirmed your words, giving you the confidence to continue, almost whispering your confession, "..i just...i want to have that with you, if you wanted it too...i don't have it in me to fight something so instinctual...i'd have your babies, i want them...with you."
• as you subtly began to gyrate your hips into his now slowly hardening length, jake's expression only deepened as he nodded along to you; your words almost washing over him and sending him into a trance. you wanted children, and to mother, and best of all..with him. you wanted his children
• paired with your now growing arousal, and lightly rocking your form against his, he could tell that this captivated you in more ways than one. his mind shifting from a place of pride and sentimentality, to that of lust and an intimate kind of eroticism at your proposed prospect
• he'd have no quarrel with fucking you deep, watching as you swell full with his child; jake sighed out at the thought, "ah, i see..must mean you want a daddy too, huh. a daddy and his babygirl, mmhm?", your now more desperate grinds only increased the heat between you, the proximity beginning to rile the both of you up
• "..yes..but really..w'na be a mama.." you'd let out, eyes flickering back and forth between his emerald orbs and the ground; your flustered form couldn't be masked even by the enthusiasm you showed at the idea of starting a family
• letting out a feigned-innocent hum of approval, jake nuzzled his face closer to yours, understanding what you really meant - maybe the family was in the future, but your current state: pussy wet, pupils dilated, hips circling hard into his cock, was more interested in the prospect of making the babies, rather than rearing them
• "..ahh, ok..so my babygirl wants to be a mommy, and wants mommy and daddy to make babies, am i right?..protect their family..take care of each other?..well shit, sweetheart", he'd keen, already knowing the answer through your eager nods, the little high-pitched whine that escaped your lips, and your eyebrows contorting in weakly hidden arousal
• jake was fully on board with this idea of course, but took great satisfaction in watching your squirms of pleasure at the fantasy; sliding a hand down to your cloth-covered entrance, he moved the material to the side, sliding in his swollen cock; there'd usually be more foreplay, but feeling how much of your juices were already dripping from you, he took little more time in riling you up
• making sure to be out of direct sight from those at the fire, he gently scooted both of you deeper into the shadowed corner of the cave; once fully-sheathed inside your clenching, wet pussy, jake began to gently pump in and out of you;
• hips bucking rhythmically into you, your hips matching his speed as you rode him in equal fervor; in between desperate chesty groans, jake continued to gasp out, "..ffuck..you w-want a baby, sweetheart? i'll give it to you, i'll give it...ah-ah, fffuck..",
• "so t-tight for me..must've really wanted this, hm?..mommy wants daddy's seed, deep inside, right? m'gonna fuck it nice and deep for you babygirl, don't worry..sh-shit..", as his hips pushed deeper into you, his head leaned back on the cold stone wall, eyes clasped shut from the way your pussy constricted around his pulsing length
• all the while your hushed moans echoed in his ears, as you wantonly nodded to his lustful words; knowing just how much you wanted his babies, he was going to make damn sure you got them.
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datura-tea · 1 year
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moz likes to watch ulysses watch her
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Supernatural + Why didn't he say it back? He's been saying it back for years. 6.20 The Man Who Knew Too Much, 8.17 Goodbye Stranger, 11.18 Hell's Angel, 15.09 The Trap, 15.18 Despair (companion piece)
Doubles as a present for @thegeekyturtlegirl who wondered about a Dean version.
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bucksdaffy · 4 days
do you ever just stop and think about tommy telling buck he's renowned for his fake mouth static, only for buck to claim that their first kiss was actually better than that, lowkey implying that kissing buck should be what tommy is truly renowned for? because i do daily and i'm honestly not okay 😭
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corvase · 2 years
enemies to lovers ‘later in their life’ prompts
later in their life; post-book things like getting married, living together. feel free to use :)
“can you pass me the s—“ “no.” “………. at what point do you become mature?”
“i’m tireddd.” *in a whiny voice* “i’m tired.” *mocking them*
“hug?” “clingy, much?……” but hugs them anyway
random races. waking up and brushing? i’ll do it five hours before you even begin dreaming. walking to the kitchen to make breakfast? i can flip fifteen pancakes before you can blink.
“you said you loved me first, remember?” “…. did i?”
everything is still a competition. i don’t care if both our families are watching i can and will scarf this all down and beat you
“cant believe we fell in love. i swore i would never become this trope.” “who doesn’t love a good cliche?”
“kiss?” and an immediate joking “no” but they’re already leaning in with a small smile
both being very stubborn and like carbon copies of the other so small domestic things trip them up
^ like they’re both lying down on the couch like “who’s turn is it to do the dishes?” “… i think it’s yours.” “but i did them yesterday.” “no you most definitely did not—“
“i missed you.” and with a small smile, “really?” and an annoyed “no i’m lyin— WHAT DO YOU THINK???”
“must you argue with me about everything?” genuinely annoyed because they just want to choose what to eat for breakfast and the other one just wants to argue
BUT ALSO “must you argue with me about everything?” and it’s with the fondest smile ever as they run a hand through the other’s hair
“where are the onions?” “…. you called me at 2:00pm on a work day to ask me where the onions are??? WHEN YOU BOUGHT THEM LAST?????????” “… if you didn’t know where they were you could’ve just said that but whatever.”
“do you fancy getting married?” “do i f— DO I FANCY????? WE’RE NINETEEN.” “yeah but i love you.”
“did you do the laundry?” “did YOU do the laundry?” “oh splendid i’m married to a seven year old.”
a petty argument and the make-up being all reluctant
^ like “and by the way, i hate your new haircut.” and the other responding with a smile and a “yeah?” because they know with a glance that it’s not true at all
“i love you.” “… yeah. you too, i guess.” “….? say you love me.” “…” “i’m going to call your mom.” “… that is so low.”
it’s also important to have moments where they acknowledge that the enemies part is in the past and as much as they joke they both love each other very much
^“can we be serious for a second?” and an immediate sobering up
“i love you like, a crazy amount, you know.” “i love you even more.” “okay…. just let me have this one maybe.”
them learning each other’s hobbies & things they enjoy doing, going out of their way to learn and enjoy it too
“let’s go stargaze.” “i’d honestly rather do anything else.” but they go and just stare at the other one the whole time (and the other is aware)
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easyaesthetics · 11 months
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Persona 5 + The Onion Headlines (1/?)
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wikiangela · 28 days
seven sentence sunday
I wasn't gonna post anything from this one bc it's so close to being done I might just post it within a day or two (no promises tho lol) but I'm loving it so much and I can't resist posting a snippet haha
so here's a bit of my 7x06 tommy's pov fic!
(...) “my sister finally married the love of her life,” a kiss to Tommy’s chin, then another, and one more, and Tommy laughs again. “And I,” Evan grins against Tommy’s lips as he kisses him again, “I have a really hot date to her wedding.”
“Yeah, straight out of a fire.” Tommy smirks and bumps their noses together, and Evan laughs, Tommy drinking in the adorable sound. It all feels- it feels intimate, familiar, more than it should be at this stage.
“Mhm, even hotter now.” he leaves one more kiss on Tommy’s lips. “And I’m just- I’m really happy you’re here, Tommy.” Evan pulls away, this time enough to look into Tommy’s eyes, his own shining excitedly, face softening, as he whispers, with something like awe in his voice, “You made it.”
“Of course.” Tommy answers earnestly, feeling a fond smile pull at his own lips, his chest swelling at the look Evan gives him, something so affectionate and wonderstruck – he doesn’t think anyone has ever looked at him like this. It could be overwhelming, if he didn’t feel the exact same way. “We had a date.”
no pressure tags: @elvensorceress @thebravebitch @shortsighted-owl @eddiebabygirldiaz @watchyourbuck @eowon @loserdiaz @evanbegins @ladydorian05 @wildlife4life @diazpatcher @lover-of-mine @monsterrae1 @weewootruck @loveyouanyway @spagheddiediaz @rainbow-nerdss @epicbuddieficrecs @pirrusstuff @alliaskisthepossibilityoflove @nmcggg @rogerzsteven @hippolotamus @bidisasterevankinard @giddyupbuck @sunshinediaz @honestlydarkprincess @911-on-abc @jesuisici33 @steadfastsaturnsrings @buddieswhvre @fortheloveofbuddie @your-catfish-friend @daffi-990 @hoodie-buck @aroeddiediaz @thewolvesof1998 @theotherbuckley @tizniz @diazsdimples @dangerpronebuddie @spotsandsocks @exhuastedpigeon @underwaterninja13
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asteraws · 1 year
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i wish crick was a permanent party member
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