#Maybe that's not the compliment I think it is given I also like George face because he gives me Frankenstein vibes
crepesuzette2023 · 2 months
I just read your reference of “ I only have eyes for you” theme and it’s just so interesting because I’ve recently seen John’s titled collage for Paul (and George, Ringo, and Elton) on the dash and have been thinking about it for a while now. I think it’s interesting how Paul’s is the only one to not have his photo in it, as if the collage is centered on the feeling Paul illicits from him. Which seems to be complex ‘dark’ feelings. The main colors are black and red; which to me evoke a sense of foreboding yet also viscerally sexual. The fact that women feature heavily in it—either a reference to Paul’s Casanova reputation or how women are used as a buffer between whatever was between them? The darkness of John’s collage adds a heaviness to his chosen title, “I only have eyes for you”, it’s not literal but it encapsulates their mutual obsession and possessiveness of their partnership. What do you think? George’s was rather telling as well.
First of all, I love the title John gave his collage for Paul. I Only Have Eyes for You. With Paul having these famously huge eyes, it's clearly (<- ha!) an allusion to his looks. A tease? A compliment? Remember, George drew a caricature exaggerating Paul's eyes and lashes; I wouldn't be surprised if this was a common theme amongst the Beatles (Paul's the prettiest, etc.) if not between Paul and John.
But it's also true the other way around: John's hypnotic gaze (due to his shortsightedness [and refusal to wear his hot pair of glasses]) was also noted. Mike McCartney mentioned it in detail, more than once: how he met only two people with a particular, distant-yet-piercing gaze that made them magnetic and dead cool: Sandie Shaw and John Lennon.
And John only had eyes for Paul. Aw.
The women in the collage are so interesting. Not smiling or seducing, but standing still, or sleeping, or sleepwalking? My attention goes to the face in the upper center. Is she wearing a nun's habit? Is she in agony or in ecstasy? And look at that glow below her, like lava.
The cut out eyes and the cut out fingernails. The eyes like buttons. Breasts as eyes.
It's certainly not a 'pretty girls for the Casanova'—collage!
Are they a buffer between him and Paul? Maybe.
They certainly embody John's love of the brooding and dangerous over the pretty and safe. That applies to women, but probably everyone, including Paul. If Paul had been a good boy with neat handwriting and musical diligence, and nothing more, I don't think John would have had eyes for him.
I love how thick and layered it is. Looking at it, I feel I could dig my hands into it. Speaking of: The visceral sexuality you mention—I see and feel it, too—but what say you, does t come from the bodies, or the hands that are everywhere? There's a lot of touching. The title is a distraction...
Also, a brief final thought: I wonder when John made this. Did he make it while he was still 'under the influence (mentorship)' of Stuart at art college? Maybe John tried to impress Paul. Or give him the message 'this is my language now.'
I don't know anything about the context of John making the collage. If it was a gift for Paul, he put a lot of time and effort in it. I think it's really good. Maybe he made it for class and gave it to Paul later, though.
I admit I have not given as much attention to the other collages yet, and I couldn't find a good, large file of them to look at properly. They look more similar to drawings and less like a painting, I think...? Perhaps a development of John's style? Just speculating, no deep thoughts.
Thanks for the ask, this was fun to think about (and look at...)
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fluffypotatey · 1 year
watching Leverage: ep 4
i actually meant to watch this episode last night but my sleepy brain said otherwise lol
Pre-game Thoughts:
also thank you everyone in the Leverage fandom who has given me such a warm welcome! y'all are so sweet and i feel like i'm being mothered by older cousins lol. i didn't expect this to gain a lot of ppl's attention, just a couple mutuals but hello!!! welcome to the show that y'all are vicariously watching through me or rewatching!
ok so turns out last episode we delved more into character backstory AND the overarching plot
Eliot was a farm-boy before getting becoming a bruiser, and i don't know why that is so funny to me (yes i do). my only question is when did he decide to go into that kind of business. was he an underground boxer or something? did he move to the city to "make a name for himself" but instead got into the mafia or something?
out of all the characters, this man is the one i want to know more about just because he never explains himself. oh, he recognized the fighting style of that mercenary? how sir??? oh you've been in this business for some time? how long sir????
this big insurance company is definitely the big bad. if they are the ones that our crew faces in the season's finale, i wouldn't be shocked. i would a little disappointed because these guys seem more like a s3 type of big bad that you build and build for some more seasons.
the actor who plays sterling is so familiar to me. i feel like i've seen him but he looked older than now. was he in spn? i think he was. i don't watch spn, but i've seen enough gifs to know the cast.
i've talked long enough, on with the show!
spoilers incoming lol
fluffy's reactions!
THE CLERGY???? oh wait no this is about city council corruption. a little disappointed, but this concept is still interesting
the children trying so hard to compliment sophie about her play. i think parker was genuine tho and she deserves a gold star
nathan trying his best to compliment the play lol "a beautiful rendition!" he keeps it vague enough to ensure there's nothing bad well done
"what are you doing?" asks the priest suspiciously. "just....uh, moving God's plan along...faster." nice save there nathan
awwww he didn't need to ask them this time to help out
when i say sophie and nathan are in love, i mean it because do you see how soft they are for each other????
alec already with the presentation board about which corporation they're hitting next before nathan needs to ask him my heart! he's already narrowed it down and even knew just what to say, my little prepared computer nerd
ok i know alec's the guy who has more of the comedic lines but don't think i haven't been noticing that his aversions to certain places or people are little holes into his backstory (or maybe not and i'm looking into this too hard but who would i be if i didn't)
"i don't do gangs" that is a short little line but has a a lot of untapped backstory in it i can FEEL IT
very sweet of eliot to just figuratively drag alec with him to get info on the gang who beat up the priest
his son was baptised there T^T ok ok we hitting at nathan's backstory today got it
sophie picking up nathan's distress immediately NOBODY TOUCH ME
well whata you know, i guess it can be that easy to find the gang you're looking for
"how's this for answer" *shows gun* i'm so sorry i chuckled. that's so corny i'm sorry. i would get shot by that man if he did that because i would not stop laughing
i forgot about the dislocated shoulder lmao
"do you mind?" OOP LITTLE DUDE'S IN DEEP SHIT WITH HIS GANG so the corp enlisted just a lackey from the gang and not the whole....interesting (also their mistake it seems)
ah this grant dude has a stick up his ass
ooooooh his publicist?
Tomas talking about his old neighborhood and then grant slamming on it NOOOOOO you hurt my boy
omfg he got yelled at by a nun they're ruthless i tell you
alec my boy "you're catholic and you want to fake a miracle?" i'm DEAD i'll have you know that good intentions are very important
eliot immediately on board with shooting the statue with a paintball gun after saying he thought the idea of the statue bleeding was dumb
AH sophie and nathan heart to heart T^T "you were the good guy...that's what made it fun" "i was...tempted" SEE THIS IS WHAT I MEANT BY DON'T TELL ME BUT ALSO TELL ME
she gonna wait for him T^T "but not for too long" LIES SOPHIE
i love fr. paul. he's so mad lmao
wow we really getting into it
tomas i love you, i'm so glad
"a reading of the Gospel according to Luke" me: "glory to you oh lord---SHIT"
see, this is why i keep my thoughts to myself with a priest because they will use in in their homilies.
ok but saint nick is santa claus tho
he is also the patron saint of prostitutes
general thoughts:
i really thought this episode would center on the clergy and all of that, but that's a too big topic to even cover for one episode. not to mention that that issue covers more than the US and i don't think the leverage crew will go international with their heisting yet.
and this did a great job covering how a lot of poorer communities get screwed over by bigger corporations seeking to expand their commercial empire. ALSO how most of their issues comes with underfunded infrastructure that local governments ignore, giving those corporations such a "great" reason to state their case on why those buildings/neighborhoods should be torn down.
AND it even touched on how quickly things that should be considered marvels are so easily commercialized in this day and age. grant was so ready to turn that church into the next disneyland which 1) is sacrilegious and 2) is such a shallow view on miracles. but hey, that's what US brands have done with Christmas soooooooo it wouldn't be surprising to see someone try to do that with a crying statue.
we even get the discussion of intention vs action because THAT is a hot topic in the Catholic community. do the ends justify the means? do the means justify the ends? and while they kind of leave that question in the air for the audience to decide for themselves, it kind of ends with the episode leaning more on the intention's side. Father Paul broke his vow and revealed what he knew when Nathan confessed because he felt that it was the right thing to do (intention: do right by his church and conscience; action: break the vow of silence a priest makes for confessionals). Our band of thieves framed Grant in order to keep the church's integrity and save the neighborhood. Both acts are considered bad, but both were done with the intention to do good.
so yeah, it was a fun episode, my ot3 trio are going strong. and i can't wait for more!
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bazzybelle · 7 months
I'm here for you nerding out about history, so: 4, 5, 9, 13, 29!
Oh boy, do I have a long post for you... One of these took up A LOT of time fact-checking and researching, I could do a power point presentation on it ;)
4) Favourite historical era?
The Italian Renaissance, hands down. Anyone who knows me, knows that I am such a fucking dweeb for the Renaissance. Specifically the 1400s in Florence, during the rise of The Medici. Say what you want about them, (yes they were corrupt and essentially a Renaissance version of a mafia family) but the good they did for Florence AND the preservation of ancient culture cannot be denied. 
To be able to live during that time, when art and literature and philosophy was thriving. Where new ideas about love and spirituality were making their ways into the intelligentsia, I would have LOVED to witness that. 
Thing is, I’d have to do it disguised as a man, because history is a bag of dicks, unfortunately. But just to be able to be a part of a symposium with Marsilio Ficino, Pico della Mirandola, and Lorenzo dei’ Medici and just listen to them discuss Plato and the ways of Platonic Love. To bear witness to Botticelli painting or Michelangelo sculpting. My sibling once told me I have a “Renaissance Face” (which was probably the best compliment they could have given me). If that could have gotten me an in, with these guys, even as a model, it would have been fine with me. Just to watch the masters at their craft. 
I dunno, maybe I could have joined them (disguised as a man, of course), and share my own thoughts about philosophy and love and sacred bonds between people. Maybe talk about new ideas involving gender… who knows?
Not to mention, Florence also had a thriving underground queer scene during this time… so… do with that what you will.
Renaissance Florence… Sometime between 1450 and 1490.
5) Favourite weapon?
You know, as much as I love history, I really don’t care for the military stuff. In fact, I had to look up Ancient Roman weapons, because if I were to have a favourite weapon, it would be from the Roman Empire. 
So, in my quick research of Roman weaponry, I remembered that the Eastern Roman Empire (or Byzantine Empire) had a fucking BADASS weapon that had everyone from the Crusaders to the Mongols quaking. They called it Greek Fire, and it was typically used during naval battles. What you would have, if a flame-thrower device attached to the front of your ship and Greek Fire would just come out from there. The precise recipe for Greek Fire has been lost to the ages, but you did not want to fuck with it. 
What made Greek Fire especially horrifying was that it would continue to burn while in contact with water. You could not douse it. You just had to let it burn until it ran out. Think of that creepy bright green fire from Game Of Thrones. The one that they used for the Battle of Blackwater and that epic church explosion. That would be the closest thing to Greek Fire that I can think of. It was terrifying, amazing, and allowed Constantinople to remain a military powerhouse in the Mediterranean, despite constantly being threatened by neighbouring empires.
9) Favourite historical film?
I already answered this question in another ask. It’s La Vita E Bella (Life is Beautiful). I highly encourage everyone to watch this movie, but only when feeling emotionally stable because it has a VERY sad ending. 
Here are some other historical movies I REALLY love: 
The King’s Speech - Can’t stand the Monarchy, but GOD I love Colin Firth and he is AMAZING as King George VI. 
The Young Victoria - Again… Do not like the Monarchy, but Emily Blunt is so charming, and this was such a sweet movie. 
The Imitation Game - Made me seeth in fury over the injustice served to Alan Turing, but fucking Bumblebee Cabbagepatch was SO GOOD. 
And again… SO many movies I need to watch… I mean Jesus.
13) Something random about some random historical person in a random era.
This random fact is about the Emperor Justinian and his Consort, the Empress Theodora. He changed a marriage law in order to be able to marry her. 
Back in the Early days of the Eastern Roman Empire (or Byzantine Empire), around 525 CE, you weren’t allowed to marry beneath your class, and Theodora was not only a commoner, but she was an… an… actress! (cue shocked gasps and pearl clutching here). Mind you, she was also known as a prostitute, but that’s debatable. Anyway, Justinian created a law so that her status could be changed, and then changed another law, so that he could marry her. He was so in love with her, that he did not give any shits about what anyone had to say about their union. 
And honestly, he could not have picked a better Consort. Theodora was smart, funny, and an all-around badass. She challenged him, matched him, and took charge when she needed to. She was the reason the Nika Revolts failed and the Emperor kept his throne. She cared for Justinian while he was fighting the Plague (yes, that Plague, it was around during Justinian’s time too). 
God, I love them.
29) Great historical mystery you are interested in?
Oooo… This is another REALLY good question.
The first answer I came up with is a bit of a “cheat” amongst historians. A sorta of “of course you would pick that, everyone wants to know what happened there”, but I really don’t care. When I first heard about The Princes In The Tower, I was beyond fascinated by their story and the mystery surrounding them. 
Ok, a bit of a backstory. Picture it. England, 1483. For the last several decades, the country has been ravaged by a civil war known as The Wars of The Roses. I will NOT go into this, because Christ we do not have time for that. All you need to know for this story is that the current monarch is Edward IV. He has MANY children, among which are two young sons (an heir and a spare). If he can keep hold of his reign for long enough, he is set to establish a new dynasty. Unfortunately for him, he dies in April after an unexpected illness (do with this what you will, could have been poison, could have been the Middle Ages where a paper cut could kill you). 
Now, England did not really have a Law of Succession (that would come MUCH later, in 1701), a reigning monarch would have to hope that his vassals would follow who he deemed as heir and not stir any shit. For the most part, it worked out well, but there were a couple of instances where shenanigans took place (see: Empress Matilda and The Anarchy). ANYWAY, the heir to the British throne was Edward IV’s son, Edward V. Thing is, Edward’s 12. He’s a child, and not ready to take the throne. Before his death, Edward IV established that until the time of his son’s majority, the Kingdom would be ruled under a Regency, headed by his younger brother, Richard, Duke of Gloucester. Richard would henceforth be known as the Lord Protector (the most powerful guy in the Kingdom, basically). 
Makes sense, right? Well, get ready for some shenanigans. 
This is already getting WAY too long, so I’ll speed things up. Richard claims that the King isn’t safe with his current protectors (his maternal uncle, and his half-brother), so he has them arrested and executed and the King placed under his custody (for his protection). This causes the King’s mother, Elizabeth Woodville to go into sanctuary at Westminster Abbey. She takes her remaining children with her (including the spare, 9 year old Richard, Duke of York). 
Up until this point, everyone is certain that the young King will be coronated as soon as he and Uncle Richard arrive in London. However, that does not happen. The coronation is postponed again, and again, and again. The young King, meanwhile, is sent to live in the Tower of London (which at that time served as a place where one would wait to be coronated). Here’s where things get a little dicey, see Uncle Richard claims his dearly departed brother was previously married before Elizabeth Woodville, thereby making any and all his children illegitimate. Thus making him the true heir to the throne. Around this time, Richard requested that the 9-year old Duke of York be sent as well to be protected in the Tower. 
The last time anyone would see the two Princes would be in the summer of 1483. Richard is crowned King Richard III (of Shakespeare fame) and would go on to rule for a little while before dying at the Battle of Bosworth Field (where “A horse, a horse, my kingdom for a horse” comes from). Henry Tudor becomes King Henry VII and establishes the well-known Tudor dynasty. 
The fate of the boys remains, to this day, unknown. There are many theories as to what happened. The most popular one being that they were smothered with a pillow and buried under a staircase in the Tower. In fact, a couple of centuries later, some bones were found in the tower and were assumed to be those of the two Princes. However, examinations in the 30s showed them to contain animal bones, along with the bones of two small children. No further testing was done, and the bones were re-buried. There have been petitions for there to be DNA testing involved, but Queen Elizabeth II refused to do so. 
Who knows, maybe King Charlie III is just as curious as the rest of us, and will agree to exhume the bodies once more. 
There are other theories and many pretenders that have popped up throughout history, but this post is already STUPID long, so I’ll leave it here
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➳who cursed the bludger? ♡
in which the reader's dominant hand is injured badly after a rogue bludger slams into it and none other than fred weasley is behind it. who cursed the bludger?
fred weasley x fem!reader
word count: ± 2k
tw: serious injury, a little bit of swearing
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ft. penny clearwater
who cursed the bludger?
y/n was currently draped lazily over her broomstick, haven given up trying to teach penelope clearwater how to fly. said prefect was on the grass, smirking as y/n embarrassedly looked around.
"penny that's not ok to ask!"
"fine, fine," she pondered for a moment, "hey, what's up with you and fred weasley, huh?"
"nothing at all," y/n answered a little too quick for penny's liking.
"c'mon, y/n, you're younger than me, i should know all that happens. you two are very...flirty."
"yeah well, my dear pennysylvania, we have flirty personalities. duh."
"no, you don't."
"okay, i don't. he does."
"but he seems like he means it."
"of course he means it? he says it in a joking way? y'know, he means it as a joke."
"hmm, nope, i don't think so, y/n. he's looking your way right now."
"i'm probably blocking the space, let's move outta the way."
"you're not gonna play with them?"
"already play in matches, why now? let's chat."
fred was silently eavesdropping on their conversation as he heard his name.
"sooo you and perceeee??" y/n dragged out, grinning as she did loop-do-loops with her broomstick.
penny blushed, but looked disappointed, "he likes oliver."
"oh. well, f percy, what about marcus??"
"he's just marcus. we're best friends, y/n."
"my fav trope of romance is best friends to lovers," y/n wiggled her eyebrows suggestively and penny shook her head in amusement.
"my one is the opposites attract."
"hmm yeah, that's a good one too, it's really cute! say, aren't you and mar-"
"i was meaning you!"
"you and fred."
fred smirked as he listened, flicking back the bludger harshly at angelina.
"oh yes because we are totally meant for each other," y/n sarcastically replied.
"what's that supposed to mean?"
"you're doing this on purpose!"
"hmm? what?"
"oh my goodness, merlin you're stupid bro!" penny said exasperatedly.
"and you just realised. congrats, penny."
"anyway, what i'm saying is you and fred are rather like opposites. although he's extroverted and you're extroverted, you're a cute little nerd," y/n huffed at this 'i am n o t a nerd for the last time!' "and he's a class clown in the most charming way. you like reading and he likes pranking people and quidditch. you're a goody two shoes, an adorable one, but he's this foolish jock," penny looked proud with her argument so y/n laughed, "you're modest and he's very confident. and you're both hot."
y/n smiled, "i am not hot!" she giggled, "that's stupid."
"oi, ange!" penny called to angelina who looked over at her in amusement.
"is y/n hot?"
"oh, totally!" angelina casually threw the quaffle into the hoop, "10/10."
"guyyys you flatTer me," y/n stretched out as the three of them laughed, "i'm bLushIng."
"you actually are," angie quipped.
"it's a command thing. if she wants to blush, she'll blush," replied penny.
they burst into giggles again.
fred watched y/n. a rosy pink, sure enough, had spread across her cheeks. that was enough to get her blushing?
"oi, l/n!"
y/n's head snapped his way, her eyes narrowed as if expecting an insult being thrown her way.
"your lips are pretty!"
her form relaxed, "thanks! yours are too!!"
penny giggled as angie rolled around laughing.
"what?" y/n looked around.
"the way you return flirting is hilarious."
"a compliment for a compliment, isn't that what they say?"
angelina snorted, "no one says that."
"oh well i say it, so deal with it."
"hey, i have an idea!" penny brightened up.
"let's hear it!"
"let's teach y/n pick up lines, ange!"
"oh you're a genius, penny!"
"okay, so-"
a bludger came whizzing at y/n as she screamed, trying frantically to dodge it. it hit her hand and a crack was heard.
luckily she immediately hopped off calmly, taking out her wand shakily and stunning the bludger, before penny and angie helped her over to the hospital ward, fred lagging guiltily behind.
she was ordered to stay in bed rest and with drowsy eyes she drifted off.
fred watched her feeling so terrible as he saw her heavily bandaged hand, imagining how he was going to tell her that he was in fact the one that had charmed it.
the next day, she was out and about, gently cradling her hand which was broken.
"um, hey, y/n," he nervously approached her.
"oh, hello!"
"i might have jinxed the bludger to go wild," he confessed abruptly, "i'm really sorry i didn't mean to-"
"no, it's fine, really." she gave him a reassuring smile and walked off.
he noticed that she couldn't write in class. usually she was scribbling away, but she just sat awkwardly at her desk, trying frantically to get anything legible down with her non-dominant hand. the fact she was so courteous and forgiving about everything just made it worse.
by now, y/n was dying inside. she couldn't write notes, and even though she wanted to ask any willing person for a duplicate of their notes, she'd have to explain the whole broken hand thing.
"do you have history of magic notes?" y/n did puppy eyes.
"nope, you forgot i dropped out."
"do you want mine?" fred asked, smirking as he looked y/n up and down.
"you take notes?!!!" y/n was shook.
"only for you, 'cause i felt bad."
"you didn't need to!"
"i did. you want them?"
"yes please, thank you so much, you're a lifesaver!!"
"you're acting like you're not the one the bludger hit," angie quipped and y/n frowned, completely forgetting fred was still there, browsing the notes.
"c'mon, it was just an accident. and i've always wanted to be ambidextrous."
"lovely, you were struggling. i'll take all your notes. my handwriting isn't neat but i owe you."
y/n ducked to hide the light blush she could not control at all.
immediately she got a confused look from fred.
and instantly she thought of something that might make the blush go away. he didn't mean it, it slipped out, she thought and she felt her face cooling down, a slight frown appearing on her face.
"o-okay, thanks fred."
"no problems, darling," he flirted.
"that's good, darling," she flirted graciously back, bravely tilting her head up and looking him in the eye.
he took it well.
"where did you learn how to flirt so well, my little love??"
"why, freddie," she joked flirtatiously, "from you of course!"
he coughed and excused himself.
"he should really be careful with who he's flirting mindlessly with," y/n rolled her eyes.
angelina laughed, "flirting mindlessly? do you see the way he looks at you?"
"personality," y/n stated simply.
"or not."
true to his word, notes in fred's flurry of handwriting appeared neatly stacked every day. they were far too thorough and consisted of stupid flirty notes by the side. sometimes a little note, written in class, was jammed in there probably by accident:
hello freddie!
i have a crush on you 0-o, hogsmeade at 7pm on sunday?
-jamie <3, boy who sits in front of you in arithmancy
i already have my eye on someone :) not you, sorry, y/n cringed at the bluntness of his words
you are very nice, perhaps try trera rivera if you swing that way? or illinois ann if you swing all ways?
oh i'm so sorry, i didn't know that! i'll talk to both. was the gracious answer
and again! the lucky boy! this time from a girl.
i know we hate each other but give me a chance to explain myself? broom closet at 9 tomorrow ? it trailed off to something that y/n didn't even want to think about.
fuck off. i don't fucking like you, i like someone else, ffs.
was the reply as y/n laughed and made sure to give the note back to fred.
it wasn't everyday someone confessed to you, right?
she underlined all the words that simply weren't legible to ask fred about.
and aNOTHER ONE?? how did this boy have so many admirers? y/n had received 0 love letters from any boy, let alone people of the same gender. you knew you were good with the ladies (and the gentlemen) when everyone sent you these letters.
dearest frederick-
it droned quite sweetly on about him and loving him and the writing was really magnificent.
margaret perrer
hi marg
i'm really really sorry. you seem like such a nice person, and it's not you, it's me. i, however, have a friend who really adores you: kenneth. he'll be an amazing friend and maybe more.
i also already am interested in another girl, so it really isn't you. thank you for your beautiful letter, hopefully we can be friends!
oh he was very nice. feeling like she had overstepped the boundaries, she put them aside, discovering more and more but putting them all in a stack. she felt slightly insecure, especially when they all looked relatively neW?? the perfume on the flowers still smelled fresh?? who was this guy?
she sighed, finishing her read through and being thoroughly impressed with the sheer quality of the notes.
but there were around 100 words she had underlined. she skipped down into the great hall where she spotted two gingers. as soon as one (she couldn't see which one) saw her, he got up, whispered to the other something, and left.
when she approached the one that was left behind, she saw it was george.
"hi georgie!" she greeted him and thrust the papers into his hand, "where's fred?"
george shrugs, "left, for a date or something."
"oh, okay, could you translate these for me, the underlined words?" if y/n was disappointed, she didn't show it.
"oh yeah, sure, his handwriting's rubbish, isn't it."
"yes it is, i can barely read half of it."
george finished scribbling words next to the underlined ones.
"oh! and give these back to him? i'm pretty sure he dropped them in, probably got mixed up." she gave him the pile of letters, now neatly bundled in rope she had found.
"oh, yeah sure," george smirked, "of course."
"nice, well that's it, thanks for the help!"
"anything else?"
"tell fred good luck."
"right, right, mhm."
once she'd left, george took out his walkie talkie.
"got that, freddie?"
"crystal clear."
"you're pining, pffft, hahahahah," george smirked as fred sighed.
"it didn't even work?"
"which plan?"
"the one to drop the letters in."
"i'm pretty sure she read like two, she didn't seem that disappointed?"
"you're an idiot. just tell her."
"but that's boringggg."
"well drop the hints then, merlin fred you're terrible at this."
"i haven't dated a billion girls like you!"
"then learn how to date my goodness."
"come fucking back."
"hickies or no?"
"eh go for it. i wanna see her reaction and then we can decide whether she likes you or not."
fred strided handsomely in, neck littered with little hickies and his top had two buttons open, freckles and pale broad shoulders showing.
george rolled his eyes, muttering, "drama queen," as he subtlely watched y/n. she managed not to look so surprised, her eyes widening then looking down quickly at her hands.
he would have thought she felt nothing for his twin if a light pink had not dusted over her face and if angie had not nudged her with a concerned look on her face.
y/n was wondering what the hell happened, disappointment rising slowly in her.
"okay, she's into you," george whispered as fred began removing the spell, leaving the unbuttoned shirt unbuttoned.
"cool beans."
"oh and she gives these back," george smirked.
"oh look at how she bundled it! so adorable georgie!"
"you're disgusting."
y/n hurried to the library at 6pm. she had heard the book she had waited for was finally available.
as she settled down with it, a paper aeroplane hit her.
"ahh!" she screamed as she caught it.
it read:
forbidden forest, 8pm.
huh? was this meant for her? it was in neat handwriting and on the smoothest parchment, with a single flower that smelt like fresh rain.
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dreamcatcherrs · 3 years
a high school prom au where the reader and Dream are like childhood best friends and the readers date shows up with someone else then when the reader feels all lonely, Dream is like “what if we danced🥺” ??? anyways love you and your fanfics you’re like my favorite writer on tumblr💖💘
+ this is such a cute concept! I’ve never written anything like this, but I hope it was what you wanted<3
++ also this is such an old request, I’m so sorry
prom night - dream
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𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: high school au! dream x reader
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: after being abandoned by your prom date, the person you expected the least to spend the night with asks you for a dance.
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐬: 1.501
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: angst, fluff, swearing, slight mention of alcohol use.
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song recommendation: love on the brain - rihanna
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you couldn’t believe your eyes.
there your date stood, arm wrapped around a person that you for sure knew wasn't you. the excitement disappeared from every corner and edge of your body, hands falling to your sides in complete disappointment.
proudly, your so-called date stepped forward in line with a smile on their face, waiting to be the next for the photo shoot the had been set up. your smile was gone. and so was your passion for continuing this prom.
looking down, you turned on your heels, walking away from the great asshole of a date, and finding an empty seat by one of the available tables.
you’d wondered why it took so long for your date to arrive - you should’ve known, really. but no - now you were just left sitting alone by an empty table. what was the point of even being there anymore when all you could feel was loneliness?
everyone else was having fun, partying and smiling about the night ahead of them - just like you should’ve been. but now, you were just left with feeling disappointed in yourself. how could you make yourself believe that someone actually wanted to bring a date like you to the prom? what were you thinking?
you sighed deeply as you rested your head in the palm of your hand, other hand busy with tracing the cutouts on the table.
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“just go over there, man!”
“yeah, they’re just sitting there all alone… this is your perfect chance!”
clay scratched the back of his head, staring down at the drink in his hand.
“I don't know… what if they say no?”
george and nick both rolled their eyes. the only one who really believed that was gonna happen would be clay. it was crystal clear to literally everyone else that the two of you had developed feelings for each other over the many years of knowing one another. clay would always brush it off with a “we’re just friends”, but really, he knew they were right.
he’d known you since he was 8 and you 7 - having been best friends since that day and until last year. you'd kinda… broken off since then. as you grew older, more important things had distracted you from keeping the connection, and eventually, you just slipped away.
he knew he liked you as more than a friend. but he was certain you didn't.
after all, you wanted to go with a complete dickhead, who ditched you anyway. and now look where you were.
“hey guys~ why are you wasting the night just standing here? let’s party!” karl slurred as he came crashing into george and nick, swinging both arms around their shoulder from behind.
as george was busy pushing karls’ arm off of him, and nick pulling him closer, clay’s eyes were only focused on you. you looked so… sad. no one should be sad on their prom night, and frankly, maybe his friends were right.
before he knew it, his feet dragged him across the dance floor, towards your place on the chair. george’s eyes widened, a big smile spreading across his face, showing off his braces.
“would you two stop flirting with each other and watch what is happening right now?”
nick and karl giggled.
“why, are you jealous gogy?” nick teased, causing a light shade of pink to brush across george’s cheeks.
“shut up-”
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the second you broke away from your melancholy stare at the table, your heart started racing and a wave of sweat danced across your skin. he hadn't talked to you since… you couldn’t even remember the last time.
lifting your head off your hand, you sat up straight, watching as clay scratched the back of his neck nervously.
“hi,” you responded, voice quiet and unsure.
why was he talking to you all of a sudden? after all these months with absolutely no contact with each other, now he wants to talk to you? on the other hand, it’s not like you'd been very communicative with him either…
clay hesitated slightly, shifting on his feet. “why are you sitting here all alone? I thought you had a date?”
you sighed, corner of your lips turning down slightly. “yeah… they ditched me.” you looked away from him, feeling somewhat embarrassed that you'd let yourself get into a situation like that.
clay felt bad. how could someone let go so easily of someone as perfect as you? on the other hand, this meant that no one else could have you - and that made him kind of relieved.
he hesitated a little before speaking up again; “what a dickhead.”
that made you laugh a little. “yeah.”
silence approached after that, and a tension started building up. the both of you could feel the unspoken words you'd been keeping from each other rise up - yet you remained quiet.
after all, there wasn’t really anyone you could blame your fading friendship on - apart from yourselves.
clay cleared his throat, as a new, slower song came on, hand reaching out in front of him, hovering right before you. your eyes trailed along his tux-clad arm and up to his eyes, noticing the withheld love in them.
“do you wanna dance with me?”
you blinked at him, thankful that the fluorescent lights made it hard for him to see the blush on your cheeks. your heart felt as if it was pounding out of your chest.
“I-,” you stuttered, recollecting yourself quickly before placing your hand into his, fitting perfectly right into his palm. you smiled up at him softly. “I’d love to.” he smiled back to you, gripping onto your hand and lead you through the large crowd of people onto the dance floor.
he turned to you, taking in how absolutely breathtaking you looked right then. it was hard for him not to blurt out compliments at you at any given chance.
his hands found their place on your waist, and you let your hand snake around his neck, resting right where his haircut ended. it tickled him in a way that made him realise just how much he had missed your touch - hell, even talking to you reminded him of how lonely he’d felt without you.
slowly, the two of you swayed from side to side along to the song, just staring into each others eyes. clay sneaked a glance down at your lips, quickly averting his eyes again once you parted them.
“I’m really sorry we haven’t talked for so long,” you spoke, twirling a finger around one of his locks. “I miss it a lot. I missed you, clay.”
you stared at him with a look of guilt, biting down on your bottom lips once you'd finished your sentence. you looked down again, feeling sorry that you hadn't reached out to him before.
clay moved a hand to your cheek, tilting your head upwards so you'd look at him again. your eyes widened at the touch of his fingers, and you melted into his hand once his thumb bushed across the soft skin of your cheek.
“I missed you too, y/n. don't be sorry about that - I could’ve reached out too, y’know? we’re both guilty on that note. but, now that I can finally talk to you again, I don't wanna worry about the past, okay? I just want you to have a good night.”
you smiled softly at his words, feeling a wave of forgiveness wash over you. it felt good to know that you had your friend back again.
“I don't think my night can be ruined at this point,” you smiled, moving your hands from his nape to his shoulders instead.
“well, can I still make it a little bit better?” you raised an eyebrow at him, cocking your head to the side slightly.
his eyes fell down to look at your lips again, this time not being able to hold back from the temptation.
your lips attached to his.
and everything around you just stopped.
your eyes fluttered closed, leaning into the kiss once you realised what was happening, only making him pull you closer to him. his lips moved so gently, slowly against yours, a withheld desire finally being released.
who cared about the things that’d gotten in the way of your friendship? all that mattered right now was this very moment - that’s all that ever mattered.
“yes clay!”
“finally he fucking did it.”
the yelling coming from karl and nick from a distance away made the two of you break away from each other, turning your heads to the direction of them. george elbowed nick in the stomach to stop him from jumping into the air, revealing their spying spot.
you chuckled lightly at them, slowly turning your head back to clay with a lick of your lips. clay sent them a nice “fuck off” with his middle fingers, before also returning to the current situation and smiling at you widely.
“better now?”
you smiled wider at that. if only he knew.
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cursestothemoon · 3 years
Dimly-Lit Corners and Dark Corridors
Requested: yesss
Harry Potter x Fem!reader (house not specified)
Warning: suggestive themes (nothing overtly sexual), kissing, awkward Harry, mentions of scarring (Umbridge) 
Word Count: 2773
alright this one is really cute and harry is so awkward and sweet and dorky and just 🥰 but yeah i really like this one
Harry was with Hermione as they returned books in the library. Really, Hermione was putting the books back whilst also complaining about Ron, and Harry… well Harry was just there for moral support.
“Was I under the impression that he and I would be attending Slughorn’s Christmas party together? Yes. Now, given the circumstances, I’ve had to make other arrangements.”
Harry was surprised to hear this, to him the solution was obvious really, “Have you?”
“Yes,” Her look was defensive. “Why?”
“Well I just thought, seeing as neither of us can go with who we’d really like to, we should go together as friends.”
Hermione groaned, “Why didn’t I think of that?”
“Who are you going with?” Harry was now extremely curious.
But as Hermione started talking, something about not being able to tell him just yet, Harry’s attention had been stolen. His eyes followed after the group of girls a year older than him and Hermione that had just walked into the library, conveniently sitting at the table closest to the aisle he and Hermione were in. It wasn’t the whole group that had a hold on his focus, no, just one girl that happened to be the center of the group. Harry felt his stomach erupt in the most ridiculous butterflies as he watched Y/n L/n throw her head back in laughter. Time seemed to slow as he watched her smile, hair cascading down her back and Harry couldn’t help but think of a hundred and one scenarios of him, her, and his hands running through her-
“Harry!” Hermione hit his shoulder with a book.
“Ow, Hermione.” Harry grumbled, hand going to rub the area on his shoulder that was sure to form a bruise.
His eyes shot over to Y/n, praying she didn’t see the embarrassing exchange before he turned back to Hermione, luckily she was still giggling at something her friend was saying to notice the assault.
“What was that for?”
Hermione laughed, “If you like her so much, just talk to her.”
“You say that like it’s easy, Hermione.” Harry sighed.
Y/n L/n had appeared on Harry’s radar last year. She had come to DA meetings with her friends and was exceptionally good at most defensive and offensive spell work. She was friendly and funny and incredibly beautiful, the kind of beautiful that was beyond just her looks. Harry was sure if she had walked into a room full of strangers everyone would turn to look, it was late one night when Harry decided to call it her ‘aura’. Even so, Harry had been so stressed about DA meetings he didn’t really develop a crush on her until one day he had gone to help Fred and George with a defensive spell and they were standing with her mid conversation. It was quite clear that Fred had been putting all the moves on her, George going about it with more of a subtle approach, yet Harry noticed she was nothing but friendly. And when he walked up to them, Y/n had turned to him with the most dazzling smile and a gentle hand to his bicep. Harry definitely understood why Fred was so grumpy when he was rejected after the meeting, but Harry also had never been able to produce a patronus so easily the next meeting when he saw Y/n again, Fred free.
From then on Harry swore no one could hold a candle to her, he was sure veelas were created with Y/n L/n as inspiration. Ron definitely made fun of him for his more poetic bouts of professing his love to an imaginary Y/n that lived in his dorm. To say Harry was less than smooth when talking to Y/n was an understatement, so he’s resorted to avoiding most interactions with her.
“It is that easy. People are calling you ‘The Chosen One’ she’s probably just too shy to talk to you herself.” Hermione said, bringing him out of his thoughts again.
“That’s not true.”
“Think about it, Harry. It seems like all the girls this year are trying to go after you. Like…there, see that girl over there?” She asked, subtly motioning to a girl with curly hair on the opposite side of the room.
Harry nodded.
“That’s Romilda Vane, I overheard her and some other girls in the bathroom. They were planning how to slip you a love potion.”
“Really?” This was all news to Harry.
Hermione scoffed, “She’s only interested in you because she thinks you’re the chosen one.”
“But I am the chosen one.”
He received another hit to the shoulder, the same book and girl the cause of his pain.
“Right, sorry.”
“All I’m saying is, you could use it to your advantage.” Hermione suggested.
Harry grumbled again, “I doubt she cares, Hermione. She hasn’t tried to slip me anything, we barely talk.”
“You barely talk,” Hermione turned to put a book on a shelf. “Because you don’t try to talk to her. You can’t expect her to just fall to your feet, she seems like she knows her worth and isn’t going to beg you to date her.”
“It wouldn’t be...falling at my feet… it would be showing interest.” Harry said matter-of-factly.
Hermione shook her head, “Boys don’t understand anything.”
“Well, I wou-” Harry let out a grunt as his back hit something.
“Oh, I’m so sorry.”
Harry turned around so fast he almost tripped, his eyebrows shooting up to his hairline as he heard Y/n’s voice behind him. She was standing with both her hands out, one holding his bicep the other on his chest to steady him.
“Y/n, I didn- you- how are- what’s me? No, I mean, what’s up?”
He was certain Fred had been smoother and he got rejected, he had no chance. But he perked up at the sound of her giggle, her hand coming up to cover her mouth.
“I’m alright, Harry. I just wanted to come say hi, you know since we haven’t talked much after meetings last year.” Her face started to glow an ethereal pink as she talked and Harry felt his jaw start to hang open just slightly.
“Oh, yeah, yeah, how’s everything been, then….with you?” Harry stuttered.
Y/n smiled, hands now back at her sides, “I’ve been good, missed the D.A., ya know? What about you, Harry, have you been alright with everything?”
“Oh, yeah, great, fantastic. I am the chosen one. Wait! No, I didn’t mean like- I don’t know why I said that.”
Y/n nodded and let out a chuckle at the way Harry fumbled.
“I’ve heard. Good on you for finally getting the Prophet to listen. Anyway, I shou-”
“Go to Slug Club with me.”
Hermione couldn’t hold her laugh at the confused expression on Y/n’s face, or the completely mortified look Harry was sporting.
Harry calmed himself before clarifying, “Professor Slughorn has these...parties, and he told us to bring someone along for the Christmas party. I was wondering if you’d like to come with me… to the party?”
“You don’t have to, it’s alright, really. I’ll ju-”
He was cut off by Y/n putting a hand on his shoulder as she spoke, “I’d love to go with you.”
“Brilliant!” Harry smiled, day suddenly brighter and mood better.
She then turned to Hermione and asked if she’d be there too, to which Hermione responded with a grumbled ‘unfortunately’ before bringing a smile back to her face to tell Y/n she would be excited to see her.
Harry was beyond nervous, his palms were slick with sweat and his hair was far from as tame as he would’ve liked. The Christmas party was in an hour and he had to meet Y/n in half, his nerves were on fire at the thought of being with her all night. Of course, he’d have to talk to her and she’d walk in with him with her arm in his. Or was that too cliche? Would she think of this as a date? Was it a date? Harry knew he wanted it to be a date, Merlin, did he want it to be a date.
“You’re thinking about it too much, mate.” Ron piped up from his bed.
“But is it a date?” Harry asked, turning to Ron.
Ron shrugged, “Sure it is.”
“Yeah, sure. You’re a bloke, she’s a girl, you guys are going to a Christmas dinner. Yeah, I’d say it’s a date.”
This didn’t help Harry’s nerves, but an idea flashed through his mind as his eyes skimmed over his trunk.
“Maybe I should drink the liquid luck? Get lucky.”
Ron gave him a suggestive look that made his cheeks heat up, “That’s not what I mean. I ju-”
“If you got her to say yes without the stuff, I’d say the hard part is over. Bloody hell, I can't wait until Fred finds out you’re dating Y/n L/n. Can I be the one to tell him?”
Harry was quick to shake his head, “No. Her and I aren’t dating. It’s just one Christmas party.”
Just one Christmas party his arse, Harry thought as he watched Y/n make her way to him from her common room entry. Y/n’s dress was a dark blue, almost black, satin that hugged her body enviously close and fell all the way to the floor. Curves, dips, and assets on tasteful display, yet it was Y/n’s warm smile that made Harry’s hands sweat.
The dress had thin straps holding it up and a straight, slouchy neckline. Y/n had her arms, neck, and most of her chest exposed; she’d be lying if she said that she didn’t bring a cover up in hopes that Harry would offer his jacket.
“Ready to go?” Y/n asked bringing Harry out of scenario number sixty-seven.
Scenario number sixty seven was a personal favorite of Harry’s, just newly sprouted, it consisted of him and Y/n in a dark corridor getting rather familiar.
“Ye-Yeah. You look beautiful, Y/n.” Harry complimented.
It was Y/n’s turn to fumble as she muttered out a thank you, her bashful expression giving Harry enough of a confidence boost to put his arm around her waist to guide her to the party.
Slughorn's party had been in full swing by the time they had arrived, Harry had guided her through the long way in hopes of getting to keep his arm around her waist just that much longer. Y/n, of course, had caught on to Harry’s scenic route but kept it to herself, she had liked being alone with the raven haired boy.
A few of the party goers Y/n recognized, but made no move to go say hi as she was content standing with Harry who had started a conversation with Slughorn. The rest of the party went as such, Harry and Y/n joined at the hip, usually found in whispered conversations in dimly lit corners. Harry had gotten much more confident as the night progressed, conversation with Y/n seemed to flow exceptionally well. He had learned that she was not only insanely attractive but a huge fan of the Holyhead Harpies, loved potions class (regardless of who was teaching it), and she was incredibly witty and dorky. Harry learned that she was absolutely perfect.
“-after that I probably slipped down a good five or six steps and landed right at Umbridge’s feet. She didn’t like that very much.” Y/n laughed, right hand subconsciously going to touch the top of her left.
Harry gave her a look of disbelief catching the movement, “She didn’t set the quill on you for that did she?”
“Yeah, but it’s alright. I’m still here aren't I?” She smiled, hoping to calm the look of worry that had flashed across Harry’s face.
He didn’t respond to her attempt of calming him, instead going to grab her hand. He raised the back of her hand to the light and tried to read the words that were etched into her hand but let out a sound of confusion.
“I can’t read it…” He said more to himself but Y/n heard.
She came out of her haze, brought on by Harry holding her hand so gently and carefully.
“That’s because there’s two sentences overlapping. The first one says ‘I must behave like a lady when in public’ and the second one-”
Harry connected the dots, guilt starting to eat away at his insides as he cut her off, “The D.A.”
“Yeah…” She confirmed, eye avoiding his gaze.
Harry felt all the rage he had felt for Dolores Umbridge returning to his body again, and he swore if he were to ever see that woman again he wouldn’t hold back. Y/n could tell by the way Harry’s grip tightened around her hand, though not tight enough to hurt.
“Hey, it’s alright. If I had known what would happen then, I still would’ve joined.”
She shuddered as she felt Harry’s index finger gently trace over the undecipherable scribbles.
Harry seemed to realize how close they had gotten, and his cheeks burned as his heart rate picked up. There was a nagging voice in the back of his mind that sounded an awfully lot like Ron telling him to just make a move.
You’re a bloke
She’s a girl
“Harry, you think they’d miss you if we let for a moment?”
He was brought back to reality as he heard the words and he hoped to Merlin he was reading it the way she meant for it to be read. He could feel his cheeks burning as he tried to rack his mind of ways to respond.
“I- you mean like- like get out of here. With me?” His cheeks burned even hotter as he tried to find the right words.
He let an awkward cough slip as Y/n slowly intertwined their hands together, her move was confident but her face had an expression of shyness.
“Well, yeah I was hoping you’d be there.”
He let out a breathy laugh as he stumbled a bit, seemingly knocked back by the suggestion.
“Oh- Yeah, I- uh- brilliant!”
Y/n giggled as she found the awkward boy in front of her incredibly endearing, and she couldn’t help herself as she took a step closer to Harry, face inches from his. She could almost hear him gulp as she looked down at his lips before meeting his eyes. Luckily they had been tucked away in a corner, away from most of the prying eyes of the party.
Harry wasn’t going to reject the new positioning but he also didn’t seem to be able to move to further it along, fortunately he didn’t have to. Y/n brought her hands up to cup his face as she gently brought her lips to his. Harry was kicked into action, his hands sliding around her waist as brought her closer, deepening the kiss. They stayed like that, lips smacking and tongues getting familiar for a few more seconds before Y/n pulled away, chuckling as Harry’s lips trailed after hers for a moment.
“That was...nice. Not like a bad nice, a good nice. A really good ni-”
His jaw was once again grabbed by Y/n, making him swallow his words and look into her eyes as she smiled gently.
“You don’t have to be so nervous, Harry, it’s just me.” She said, face lining in to peck him one more time.
He puckered out his lips comically as she pecked him, face still in her hands, but he had no complaints.
“You’re a bit intimidating.” Harry admitted.
“Really? How so?” She humored him.
Harry couldn't help but answer honestly, “You’re beautiful and kinda really...cool.”
They were quick to leave after that, Harry guiding Y/n to a secluded corridor that really only those who had seen the Marauders Map would be aware of. Once far enough into the corridor, Harry pushed Y/n against a cool stone wall. No longer as nervous as before, seeing as it was clear she felt the same, he was the one to initiate the kiss.
It was with slow hands and friendly lips that Harry was finally able to live through scenario number sixty seven, and he couldn’t wait to tell Fred that the real thing was far better than anything you could fantasize about.
And Y/n L/n made her way to her dorm that night, well passed curfew, with Harry’s jacket to keep her warm.
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potter-imagines · 3 years
Pre-Game Rituals (Fred Weasley)
Request: Hiya!! I was wondering if you could do an imagine with Fred. Where Ginny kind of idolises her like at hogwarts she’s always goes up to the reader and asks if she can do her hair for quidditch practice or something...
Pairing: Fred Weasley x Reader
Warnings: None
Word Count: 4.3k
The common room was dead with activity for a Saturday, although that was in large part due to the anticipated match up between Gryffindor and Slytherin tonight. You loved attending Quidditch games, especially seeing as most of your friends were on the Gryffindor team and you got to cheer them on alongside Hermione. Getting to see your boyfriend knocking opponents around and acting as a human bowling ball was an obvious plus as well. Before most games, your boyfriend would coin you into a pre-game ritual, which happened to be a nap. He claimed these snooze sessions next to you gave him his energy to play but, you’d seen him take his O.W.L.s on two hours of sleep and a ‘stay-awake’ creation him and his twin brewed up. Cuddled up in bed sounded like a blissful dream to you on any given occasion but currently, you were in the middle of another event. Not only did you have a pre-game ritual with your boyfriend, you also had one with his little sister who was on the team as well. A few hours to the start of every Gryffindor match, Ginerva Weasley goes prancing around the castle with her hairbrush in hand, searching for you and today was no different.
Your fingers brushed through the ginger locks as you separated the left half of Ginny’s hair into three parts. The silk like strands slipped through your parted fingers as you detangled the frizzed knots. Ginny’s hair was by far the most beautiful you had seen so you hardly turned down her request when she’d ask you to braid her hair. Her deep red hair mixed with auburn tones and long wisps was a unique find outside Hogwarts. Having the Weasley siblings around meant you saw a head of ginger around nearly every corner. In the Muggle world though, you had only passed a few with hair that resembled theirs.
However in those sightings, you never saw a single person whose hair was as fiery and bold as Ginny’s. There were times Ginny despised the color as it made her stick out like a sore thumb and put no mystery in identifying her. Everyone knew on sight that she was a Weasley. To you, she felt the flaming shade complimented Ginny, as well as her personality, to perfection. The youngest Weasley differed immensely from her siblings. Not only in terms of gender, personality as well. It could be argued she was the bravest of the bunch. Already faster on the Quidditch pitch than her older brother Ron, and possibly sneakier than her older twin brothers, Fred and George.
With a small pull, you began to braid from the top of Ginny’s head. You raked in a new strand of hair after every weave. Ginny’s hair was not only long but thick and heavy in weight. It always took a bit more force and harsh knotting to make sure the braids actually stuck, especially seeing as she’d be flying like the wind in a few hours, she needed them tight.
Ginny Weasley sat lazily in a criss-cross style shoulders hunched forward. It was unusual for her not to be talking your ear off in these moments. Ginny always had a story to share, a secret to tell, or an embarrassing memory of her brothers to spill. There was yet to come a day where she ran out of cringe worthy moments of your boyfriend, and her brother, Fred, to leak. In those countless hair sessions, a friendship outside your connection to Ginny through Fred formed. Within a month of hanging out with the youngest Weasley, you sincerely considered her to be a close friend. Between the endless laughter and feistiness of Ginny, a strong friendship grew. You could tell something was off but with Ginny, it was better to give her time to come around and at least open up a bit before you questioned her.
That moment seemed to be approaching as the bottom section of the braid fell from your grasp as Ginny moved her frame abruptly. Her head falling to face the floor caused your hold in her hair to grab her body back a bit. Resting your hand on her shoulder, you leaned her back so she was up snug against the bottom of the couch you sat on.
“You gotta stop fidgeting, Gin. Your braid is gonna be crooked if you keep squirming around!” You smiled softly down at Ginny but as her head turned to face you, you were shocked to find her face was dull, long like a horse. That one-of-a-kind glimmering light that typical lit her eyes was blown out. The residue left a worrisome display instead. She sent you an apologetic look then turned back to face the fire. Her body was as straight as a line and as stiff as Harry’s Great Aunt.
“Sorry… just a bit distracted.” The raspiness in her voice made you wonder if she felt ill. Usually before a match the young girl couldn’t sit still! Her knees would bounce in excitement and you’d have to pin her down to get the braids in but today, she was hardly moving an inch. Pausing your braid in the middle of her scalp, you arch your brows to Ginny.
“What’s on your mind Ginny?”
“A bit nervous about the match- that’s all.” She dismissed your worries with a sigh, clearly still crackling under stress. Although Ginny was your boyfriend's little sister, with time, she became your little sister. You stopped thinking of her as Fred’s sister and one of your best friends. Seeing her flooded with pressure caused concern in you as well but she looked up to you and it was partially your duty to make sure the self doubts you had as a young girl never disrupted Ginny.
Giving the girl a gentle smile, your hands began to rake through her hair again. The first braid was half way done so you resumed your work as you reassured her,
“Slytherin never plays fair but I believe in you guys. You’re gonna pull it off, don’t stress. Just fly clear of Malfoy and Flint and you should be fine.”
“Yeah you’re right…” She trailed off. Furrowing your fixation on her hair, you slowly pried further.
“What else is the matter-” But before you could seek out any further information, your body jerked forward as two arms snaked around your upper body. You shrieked in freight then quickly whipped your head around to see Fred Weasley grinning down at you. Should’ve guessed, you thought to yourself. He was bound to come searching for you sooner or later and drag you to his room for a nap.
“Ah, I was wondering where the two of you snuck off to. Good afternoon, angel.” Fred leaned his head towards you to kiss your cheek. After leaving one, he left another, and another, and another until you had to push him back. You managed to hold onto the already started braid as you held Fred back with your hand on his chest. His hand immediately went to cover yours and squeeze on your grip, then pulled away glancing between his sister sitting in front of you and yourself.
“Hello, lovie. Where is the other, less annoying half of you?” You smiled a sickly sweet grin to Fred as he gave you a warning glare. Reaching up, you used your free hand to pull Fred down by his collar and placed a sugared kiss to his lips. Always ready for your affection Fred returned the kiss softly, his hands cupping around your chin to leaned your head back. An awkward cough ruined the mood as Ginny fidgetted silently. Fred released his grip on your face at once and threw his leg over the couch. Inviting himself into the conversation, he threw either leg over the maroon couch and slipped in besides you. His face was bright and gleeful, the apples of his cheeks a tint red. The orange hair sprouting down to his shoulders was brighter, shinier than normal. You felt your heart race at the sight. Wrapping his arm around your shoulder, Fred glued himself snug to your side.
“Flirting with Alicia or Katie, can’t tell,” He tossed his head back to motion over to his twin talking up your friends in the corner. The three were laughing and talking hushly, all huddled close. You stopped your hands to glance over, then looked down as you felt Ginny moving beneath you.  Fred drummed his finger on the right unbraided, half of her head causing the girl to blindly swing her arm backwards trying to swat at him. You scolded him sternly, threatening him if he messed up the half you were working on. Chuckling at her flailing arms and your attempt at being stern, Fred leaned back into the couch and tossed his arm around your shoulder. “You ready for the big match, Gin?”
Although the only portion visible was the backside of her head, both Fred and yourself watched her shudder and wince at the inquiry. Fred was happier than ever which was a typical mood for him on any given day but especially the day of a match. Most felt the nervous butterflies and sickening feeling before an important game but Fred? You were almost 100% positive Fred had never experienced the feeling of anxiousness. His confidence seemed to flourish under pressure.
Ginny was never to the big stage, though. She didn’t bask in the glory and attention the same way her brothers did. There was that fear of not living up to everyones expectations that crept into her mind as she took the pitch each match. Ginny ducked her head as she scratched the side of her neck.
“Uh huh.” Ginny’s sigh earned a frown on Fred’s lips. You’d be lying if you said it wasn’t adorable. The concern read from his features as he sent you a short look. He had an idea based off the alarming gleam in your eyes, but as her brother, he wasn’t willing to back off. His long arms tightened around your shoulder as he tilted his head to Ginny in question.
“You don’t sound very confident at all- what’s the matter with you? It’s the biggest match of the season!” He cheered loudly, causing the young girl to jump in her spot. You tucked the three strands in a weaving pattern trying everything in your power to finish as quickly as you could so Ginny would be free to escape this conversation. Maybe it was a male thing but Fred was just not reading the room correctly. Between Ginny’s uncomfortable shifting and your stern stares, he still just wasn’t understanding her nerves. You snatched the hair tie off the couch cushion and wrapped it around the end of her braid. Tapping his side with your elbow, you looked to Fred sternly.
“I think she realizes that, Fred. Let’s not stress her out even more.” Your tone was pointed and you expected Fred to pick up but clearly, it went straight over his head. This earned a raspy chuckle of disbelief from Fred. Slipping his grip from your waist, Fred leaned forward. Placing his elbows on his knees, his chin rested in the palm of his hands. He had a teasing look as he scoffed,
“Stressed? Since when has a game ever stressed you out, Ginny? You’re the youngest starter on our team! There’s no need to be worried about anything.” Fred’s face was bright with excitement at thought at the upcoming match. His rosy cheeks were squished as he smiled gleefully. A loud groan emanated from Ginny as she threw her head back in frustration, though remained silent. Her once lively orbs reddening by the second as salty tears brimmed. The grin vanished from Fred’s face. He turned to you in confusion, his face resembling that of a wounded puppy.
At times, Fred had moments where he didn’t particularly like his little sister, but he always loved her. It was the brotherly instinct in him; the constant need to keep a watchful eye out for Ginny. He knew she could hold her own, but he couldn’t help that protective nature. Sending him a sharp look, you muttered quietly under your breath,
“Nice work…”
The common room was slowly beginning to scatter out as students made the most of their time before the big match. You caught a glimpse of George walking out the portrait with Lee by his side. You wondered what kind of mischief they were up to, it certainly couldn’t be anything good. Harry and Ron were trudging up the staircase to their room assumingly and Hermione was sitting on the opposite side of the room reading quietly. The atmosphere was relaxed like the calm before a storm. Win or lose, the common room would be buzzing with energy tonight. It was just a matter of happy celebration, or tense aftermath of defeat.
You reached out for the right half of Ginny’s hair and repeated your steps. You parted the bright strands and braided them tightly.
Fred on the other hand was lost to his sister’s emotions and eager for answers. Reaching forward, Fred squeezed Ginny’s shoulder in a comforting manner. His face was scrunched together in concern as he sweetly asked her,
“… what’s the matter, little one? I’m sure your big brother can help.”
You had to physically bite your tongue to keep from ‘aweing’ at him. The one thing you loved more than anything about Fred was how caring and comforting he could be. Your heart was dripping in adoration. There had been a handful of moments you heard Fred refer to Ginny as ‘Little One’. It was typically in mocking sense or playful, however in her fragile moments, it was said with such serenity and gentleness. He was always there to help his little sister and protect her. You couldn’t help but imagine how great of a dad Fred would be in the future. He was the only man you could ever see yourself with and knowing how great of a person he truly is just made you even more certain.
Standing from the couch, Fred shuffled around the two of you so he was sitting in front of Ginny. She sniffled quietly using the sleeve of her sweater to rub her eyes. Your eyes darted between the half finished braid and the pair. Fred was patient in giving Ginny her time and finally, she came around.
“What if I lose it for us? If we don’t win, everyone is gonna hate me! It’ll be my fault and Oliver will probably kick me off the team and I’ll have nothing! And you’ll all be mad at me and mum and dad will be disappointed-” Her frantic ramble was shut down when Fred started to talk over her. It was a crazy thought; one he could not allow to marinate in her mind.
“What’re you talking about? Do you even hear yourself, Ginny?” His voice was booming causing both Ginny and yourself to jump in surprise. Your eyes met for a brief second before he took a deep breath, “First off; Oliver Wood has lost a handful of matches for us and he’s still our captain. I mean, Harry has fallen off his bloody broomstick how many times and he’s still our top Seeker! You’re the best one on that pitch Ginny- well besides George and I, but you know what I mean.” Fred chuckled a bit as a small smile cracked on Ginny’s lips. Her eyes lifted from the ground to glance up at her brother. From your spot on the couch, you couldn’t read her features. You were also too invested in the braid to look away. But Fred bending down to wrap his arms around his sister and practically squish her was answer enough. Ginny squealed at Fred’s bone crushing grip, pleading with him to let go.
You rolled your eyes at the siblings, laughing to yourself as you finished securing the hair tie in the finished braid. Leaning back you smoothed your fingers over the weaved pattern. Her hair was somehow more ginger in this style and you adored it. Peaking your head over Ginny’s shoulder, you pointed out,
“And I don’t think it’s even possible for your parents to be disappointed in you. Fred, George and Ron destroyed the family car and your parents still love them and forgave them.”
“Well I wouldn’t say forgave-” Fred winced as he recalled the event. It had been years and Molly still brought it up when she was angry with the boys. They all knew it was something they’d never fully live down in Molly’s eyes. Even on her deathbed Fred was certain she’d find a way to bring it up. Flicking the material of his sweatshirt, you glared playful at Fred for his interruption. You wrapped Ginny in a hug from behind, your arms captured around her shoulders. She melted in your grip, embracing your comforting hold. Fred folded his legs together and just sort of watched.
There was a sudden jolt of awe, that moment where everything just clicked. It came out of nowhere like a car speeding through a red light. His back pressed into the coffee table for support while he just stared. There was no one more important in this world to Fred Weasley than his family. Seeing his little sister hurt and finding solace in you, it was difficult for Fred to string together the proper words on how it made him feel. The emotions brewing inside him were entirely new- like the feeling of opening presents on Christmas morning and finding you got everything that you asked for. This sheer hypnotic haze that covered Fred went unbeknownst to you as your attention stayed locked on Ginny.
“What I’m trying to say is, it really is just a game. No one's gonna disown you if you make a mistake; Freddie here makes twenty mistakes before breakfast every morning. And even if they are bigger and play dirty, you’re faster and smarter than their entire lineup combined. We all believe in you, Ginny. I’ve seen you do it a million different times and I’ll be right there cheering you on.” Letting go of her, your head lifted to greet the eyes of Fred Weasley. Immediately you took notice of the change in his gaze. Still mesmerizing as ever to be under, yet heavier than before. Instead of throwing a childish jab back, he just held your stare, speechless for once.
Your head tilted in confusion at his odd behavior as Ginny placed her hands on either side of her body to push herself up. This seemed to pull Fred from his trance as he mimicked her actions and stood from the floor. Brushing off her pants and sweater, she gave you both a look of gratitude and said,
“Thank you, Y/n. It really means a lot- thank you too, Freddie.”
“ ‘course, we’ll always be here for you- even if we do lose, you’ll still be my favorite sister.” Fred said with a cheek smirk. Ginny rolled her eyes in slight annoyance. Just when he was sweet, he was sour once again.
“I’m your only sister Fred but thanks. I should probably go get some homework finished so I’ll see you down at the pitch later. Thanks for doing my hair, Y/n. You’re the best- I wish you really were my sister.”
“So you’re telling me, after all this time, I’m not your sister?” You asked teasingly. Ginny laughed happily, clearly pleased with your response. Fred knew how much Ginny looked up to you, how badly she wants to follow in your footsteps, and it makes him thrilled. Not only does he loves how much his sister adores you, but how great of a role model you are to her. He understood how easy it could be to shove her away or dismiss her, and Fred wouldn’t blame you if you did. However you never once turned Ginny away and it played a role in his feelings evolving so intensely. Her cheeks tinted red as she gave you one last wave and skipped up the steps to her dorm. As she disappeared from view, you looked over to Fred only to see his eyes already planted on you. The weight of his stare was suffocating and made you fidget. The second you met his gaze, Fred’s mouth dropped open as he confessed,
“I’m in love with you.” The word vomit rolled effortlessly from his lips. The contagious smile Fred seemed to constantly cause rose to your face. Having been together for some years, Fred was no stranger to broadcasting his feelings for you. Something about this felt more serious than the other times. Sinking into the cushion, you nodded over to the boy in agreeance.
“I’m in love with you, too.” Shaking his head, Fred lunged forward so he was kneeling in front of you. His hands slipped inside your own as he set your intertwined hands in your lap. That playfulness has been swept away as his eyes read full honesty. Fred’s soft features were rough, sharp on the edges as his jaw clenched with tension. Giving your hand a loving squeeze, Fred locked his eyes on yours.
“No, Y/n, I’m like, Alice fell down the rabbit hole, deeply in love with you- I’ve never felt this way about anyone before. Just… promise me you’ll stick around, okay?” His voice was filled with worry and fear. You jumped forward to crunch him in a tight embrace. Fred chuckled at your abruptness but exchanged the hug nonetheless. His fingers trailed up and down the bones of your spine drawing circles and shapes as he rubbed your back. You could feel his nose pressing into your hair and soon enough, a sloppy kiss was planted on your head. Grinning like a fool, you glanced up to him with a cheesy smile.
“Hate to break it to you, Fred, but I’m not going anywhere, sorry.” You remarked, reaching up on your tippy toes to kiss his lips. Fred leaned into your lips, his hands wrapping around your waist for support. As he pulled away, you noticed that one of a kind glint reached his eyes. Before you could hypothesize his next move, Fred’s arm swooped around your lower back to scoop you up from your legs. He lifted you up and repositioned so he was carrying you in his arms. You hollered in surprise as Fred just chuckled.
“Good, don’t think I’d let you anyhow, angel. Now c’mon, someone owes me a nap.” He stated, sending you a cheeky wink. Fred began to walk towards the stairwell heading towards the boys dormitory. Clinging to his arm, you glared deathly to Fred.
“If you drop me I am writing to Molly the second I can reach a quill and parchment.” You threatened. Fred walked through the opening to the staircase then started to skip up the steps, still holding your body. You shook with every step, trying your best to mask your giggles with angry looks and sneers. Tightening his face, Fred thought on it for a moment then scowled at the idea.
“Relax, Y/n. Don’t have to take it that far- I just said I’m in love with you and that’s how you’re gonna treat me.” He teased you. His room was on the second to top floor and you could tell you were approaching by the way he slowed down. Fred’s fingers tickled at your side as he made his way towards his door. Instead of setting you down, Fred swung the door open still grasping on to you. He wasted no time slamming the door shut and practically flinging you onto his bed. Your melodic laughter filled every inch of his room making Fred glow red in pleasure. He tugged off his robes and tie, then crawled into his bed next to you. You reached over the side of the mattress for a comfy shirt of his and some pajama pants he kept lying around. He couldn’t tear his gaze, nor did he want to. Winking over to Fred, you threw his comforter over your body and cuddled up next to him.
“If it’s any constellation, I’m like, furthest rock down in the ocean, deeply in love with you.” You admitted softly. Fred’s head snapped down in your direction as he grinned to himself,
“I reckon that’s gotta count for something, love. But could we switch so I’m the little spoon? You know we’ll lose the match if I’m not and then it’ll be your fault, not Ginny’s.”
You let out a dramatic groan as you flipped around to throw your arm over Fred. His face was lit in joy as he snuggled into your hold. You smiled to yourself as you felt his lips brush against your hand and leave a small trail of kisses on each finger. Fred and his rituals, you laughed to yourself as the feeling of sleep entered your body and your eyes fell shut. The soothing sound of Fred humming was a perfect lullaby for any person to find sleep in but it had become your favorite sound. Soon, Fred would have to get ready and go face Slytherin but for now, your arms seemed to be the only place he wanted to be.
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hxlyhead-harpies · 3 years
Brilliant (F.W.)
Pairing: Fred Weasley x Ravenclaw!Reader
Summary: Fred needs some help with school work
Word Count: 2.2k
Warning: None
AN:  Hi everyone! Please just pretend that Fred didn’t get banned from quidditch in his seventh year please and thank you.
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It was no secret that school was not one of Fred Weasley’s strong suits. He’d much rather spend his time goofing off with his brother, playing quidditch, or planning for the shop than spending countless hours completing assignments and studying for exams. He simply had better things to do. And while he knew that his future laid outside the realm of academic achievements, not everyone quite believed him. Or more accurately, believed in him.
So that was how he ended up in Snape’s office after class, the potions professor staring at him with his arms crossed and McGonagall looking down at him.
“Mr. Weasley do you know why we have called you here?” McGonagall asked sternly. Fred squirmed slightly in his seat.
“I’m not sure Minnie,” he said with a cocky smirk, “I may need you to enlighten me.” Snape scoffed from the other side of the desk.
“Well, first of all, I must remind you that my name is Professor McGonagall and you shall not call me by anything else,” she said seriously. Fred’s grin never faltered. “But it has come to attention that you are failing potions,” McGonagall said. Fred was surprised for a moment. He knew that he wasn’t doing particularly well, but he never imagined that he was failing. He turned and saw Snape smirking at him.
“If you have any interest in passing my class and graduating, I expect you to get a tutor,” Snape said eventually, a hint of smugness entering his tone. Fred frowned. The thing was, he didn’t intend to graduate. He and George were planning to leave in a few months anyway, was it really worth the hassle?
“I think I’ll pass on the tutor,” Fred said, making a move to leave the office. A hand grabbed his shoulder.
“Not so fast Mr. Weasley,” McGonagall warned. Fred turned to face her.
“Yes Minnie?” he asked with an annoyed smile.
“If you want to continue to play quidditch this year, I suggest that you take Professor Snape up on that offer and get a tutor,” McGonagall said with a frown. Fred froze.
“What?” he asked, slightly panicked.
“If your grade in potions does not improve to at least an acceptable, I can not let you participate in the quidditch season,” McGonagall explained. Fred let out a long sigh.
“Fine,” he grumbled, “Just give me the place and time.”
Fred was dreading having to go to the library to meet his tutor. It was early on a Saturday morning and he’d much rather be out with George and Lee than meeting some stuffy tutor in the library. Snape had told him who would be assigned to help him and Fred couldn’t help but grumble at the name. (Y/n) (L/n). (Y/n) was top of their year and the current Ravenclaw headgirl. She had taken an unspeakable amount of points away from Fred and his brother and she was always the first to raise her hand in class. She was the kind of person who was so smart that it was almost obnoxious.
Truly, he was in no position to judge the girl. He really did not know her and most likely had never even spoken to her outside of class before. But he was mad that he had to trudge across the castle at eight in the morning and that he actually had to open his books for once and the easiest way to cope was to blame it on her.
When Fred arrived at the library he saw her sitting in a corner. He was surprised to see that she looked just as tired as he was- her hair was messy and she was rubbing her eyes with the heel of her hand. She yawned as she spotted him and waved him over quickly. As he made his way over to her, Fred couldn’t help but chuckle. She was wearing a completely oversized jumper that covered her hands with the sleeves. Her cheeks were flushed and her hair looked as if she had run her hands through it countless times already. If anything, she looked more miserable than him.
“There you are,” she said as Fred slipped in a chair across from her.
“Sorry if I’m late,” he grumbled, plopping his books on the table.
“It’s fine,” she responded, “Snape had no business scheduling this session this early in the morning.” Fred laughed.
“Not a morning person then?” he asked. She groaned and shook her head.
“Not at all,” she said, scrunching up her nose. Fred’s bad mood slowly started to disappear. (Y/n) pulled out a roll of parchment and her quills, motioning for Fred to do the same.
“I figured that we could start the essay that’s due in two weeks, that way I can get a feeling of where you are,” you stated. Fred pulled out his materials. If he was being honest, he didn’t even know that there was an essay due in two weeks.
“Okay,” she started, opening up the textbook. “We have to write an essay detailing the process of how to make a befuddlement drought,” (Y/n) stated. Fred furrowed his eyebrows. He thought back to the previous class when he and George had royally screwed up that exact potion.
“Can you tell me what goes into a befuddlement drought?” she asked, peering up at him expectantly. Fred just stared at his parchment, completely and utterly clueless.
“I have no idea,” he said, turning to take a peek at her textbook. (Y/n) jumped to cover the recipe with her hands. He looked up at her, confusion etched into his face.
“Come on Fred,” she said, “I know you know this.” Fred scoffed.
“You’re giving me too much credit (L/n),” he said, crossing his arms over his chest. (Y/n) just rolled her eyes and shook her head.
“Oh come on. You’re incredibly smart I’m sure you know this,” she said, raising her eyebrows at him. Fred audibly laughed at this, causing Madame Pince to shush him.
“I may be many things,” Fred said, “but smart is not necessarily one of them.” (Y/n) narrowed her eyes at him.
“Oh come off it Fred,” she said, “I’ve seen your products, you’d have to be incredibly smart to make them.” Fred furrowed his eyebrows.
“That’s different though. I’m not good at the things we have to do in class,” Fred stated.
“Just because you have trouble with classwork doesn’t mean you’re not smart. I couldn’t do half the things that you and your brother do,” (Y/n) replied. Fred scoffed.
“Oh come on! You’re basically the smartest witch in our year. You always get top marks in potions,” Fred said, making another reach for the textbook. She swatted his hand away playfully, an endearing gesture that made him smile.
“That’s because I’m good at following directions. I always do what people tell me to do,” she said, staring at him intently.
“Isn’t that the whole point?” Fred asked, leaning against his hands. (Y/n) shook her head and laughed.
“Of course not, Fred! If I was told to make a potion but I wasn’t given a recipe, I’d fail. I’m good at memorization but I don’t genuinely have a good understanding of the subject,” she said. Fred frowned, not quite understanding. “I know that you’re better at potions than me because you know what ingredients to put together to make a specific kind of reaction, I could never do that,” she explained further.
“Fine. I guess I have a general understanding of the subject. But I still don’t know the recipe for the befuddlement drought and I need to pass this essay if I want to play in the match next weekend. So if you could kindly hand this over,” he said, reaching once again for her book. She snapped it shut and laid her arms across it.
“Okay let’s think of this differently,” she said, “If you and your brother wanted to make a potion for your business that was supposed to make whoever ingested it extremely confused and disoriented, what would you put in it?” Fred leaned back in his chair, mulling over the answer.
“I guess some scurvy grass? Maybe some sneezwort?” he said after a moment. When he looked back up at (Y/n), she was smiling widely at him.
“Exactly!” she proclaimed. Fred’s jaw dropped slightly.
“Wait really?” he asked, leaning towards her. (Y/n) opened up the textbook and flipped it towards him. She dragged her finger to the top and traced the words on the page.
“You just named the two key ingredients,” she said proudly. Fred smiled at her, feeling his pride swell slightly.
“See,” she said, “I told you that you were smart.” Fred let out a chuckled.
“Eh, still not sure about that. I am devilishly handsome though,” he replied. She scoffed at his response before turning back to the book. And then, quietly, she murmured, “Well I think you’re brilliant.” Fred froze at her words and flushed deeply. They were spoken so softly that he wasn’t sure that he was even intended to hear them. The ardent way in which she mumbled those words and the soft determination behind them made it sound as if she was stating a fact, a rule of the universe. It sounded as if she was sure that sun rose in the east, that the sun set in the west, and that Fred Weasley was brilliant. The compliment was unlike one he had ever gotten before. So earnest and so simple. Fred wasn’t sure if he had ever even been called smart, let alone brilliant, before this morning, and he was certain he had never heard it so impassioned. The way that (Y/n) muttered the simple phrase almost made him believe it.
Fred began to look forward to his early morning tutoring sessions with (Y/n). Sure, he felt like he was learning and improving at the subject, but mostly he just enjoyed her company. She was funny in a softspoken way, her small quips sneaking up on him and making his face hurt from smiling. She was sweet, always reassuring him that he was capable of learning the material. She was also very cute, with her large sweaters and sleepy eyes, blushing whenever he flirted with her. He was almost sad to think that if his grades improved he would have to stop seeing her. Never in his life did Fred think he would enjoy studying this much.
The day that Fred turned in his potions essay, (Y/n) gave him an encouraging smile from across the room. He had written the whole thing by himself, recalling the information that he and (Y/n) went over in their sessions. He had never been so confident in an assignment and had never been so excited to turn one in. He wanted nothing more than for (Y/n) to be proud of him.
A few days later he got the essay back, Snape dropping it upsidedown on his desk. Fred snapped his eyes up to meet his professor’s, who only grimaced in response. He suddenly felt exceedingly nervous. What if his work hadn’t paid off? He didn’t want to face you if he had done poorly.
As he flipped over the parchment he could barely contain his smile. A large E sat across the top of the page. Exceeds expectations.
As the entire class filed out of the classroom, Fred waited for (Y/n) by the door. He leaned against the wall of the dungeons, waiting for her to pass the threshold and escape the classroom. When (Y/n) finally walked out, Fred scooped her up in a hug before she could even register that he was there.
“Fred!” she squealed as he picked her up and spun her around. When he placed her back onto the floor, his hands still on her waist, he couldn’t hold back the happiness that he felt.
“I’ll take it that you did well?” (Y/n) laughed, her cheeks flushed and eyes bright.
“It seems that I have exceeded expectations,” Fred stated, puffing out his chest. She chuckled, her hands still clutching the fabric of his cloak.
“I’m so proud of you!” she said, staring into his eyes with the ghost of a giggle still gracing her lips. Fred threw his head back.
“I’m so excited I could kiss you!” Fred shouted with a laugh. If it was possible, she flushed darker.
“Fred!” she exclaimed, swatting him lightly in the chest. Fred captured her hand before leaning closer.
“I’m sorry darling but I’m not sure if I can help myself,” he said softly, a smirk playing at his lips. (Y/n) rolled her eyes at him.
“You get a guy one good mark and suddenly he’s falling at your feet,” she grumbled, sending him a playful look. Fred laughed heartily at her joke.
“Very funny smarty-pants,” he replied. She looked up at him, smiling widely. She took one look around the deserted hallway before she took Fred by surprise and kissed him herself. She pulled him closer by his robes and stood on her toes to reach his tall frame. Fred gripped her waist tighter and melted into her, smiling slightly. After a moment they broke apart, blushing and smiling widely.
“Eh not bad Weasley,” she said, patting him on the shoulder.
“Not bad?” Fred sputtered, caught off guard by her response.
“But don’t worry. I’ve already proven that I’m a magnificent tutor, I think I can help you out with this too.”
Taglist: @durmstrange​ @theweasleysredhair​ @bellaacunaa​
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imaginedxlan · 3 years
loverboy (neville longbottom)
a/n: i’ve said it once and i’ll say it again, i am a SIMP for neville longbottom. also yall...  one away from 1k, how’d that happen? you guys rock my socks and i love you the absolutely most! sorry this one is kind of short i just liked the concept.
you’ve been friends with neville longbottom since first year. becoming comfortable with the shy boy and his frog over the years, you began calling him a nickname that makes him wish you would see him as anything other than your best friend.
warnings: zero baby just pure fluff
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neville doesn’t open up to just anyone. after years of being shut down in every conversation, left out of nearly every house activity, he’s built a wall to protect himself from the people of hogwarts who constantly make him feel less than. you’re one of the lucky ones. you’ve seen beyond his high walls, he’s opened up to you about his parents, his insecurities and eventually pulled him out of his shell to talk about girls with you.
the nickname started when he told you about his small crush on luna lovegood. he seemed so entranced by her, he kissed the ground he walked on. once you caught on to his pining, you’ve called him loverboy ever since. it’s not to be mean or tease him, you actually admired how much he devoted his time to thinking about her.
what you didn’t know, however, is that it was never luna lovegood he was talking about. when he would describe his feelings for luna her name was only a placeholder for yours. he’d loved you since the moment he laid eyes on you, thinking even your crooked teeth, frizzy haired eleven year old self was the most beautiful creature he’d ever see.
“good morning loverboy,” you call sweetly as you sit next to the dark haired boy in potions class. you never found this class particularly interesting, but being able to sit next to neville made it at least slightly more fun. his heart aches at the nickname, trying to conceal the blush that is creeping on his cheeks. “sleep well?”
“hardly,” he replies, still keeping up his façade. “harry talks in his sleep all through the night. keeps me and trevor awake for hours.”
you smile at the mention of his beloved frog. “oh my dear trevor! how is my favorite amphibian?”
neville can’t contain his smile or his heart that hammering in his chest. you’re the only person who’s ever shown interest in the things he likes, the things he goes on and on about for hours. you’ve never once stopped him from going off on a tangent about his mimbulus mimbletonia or how he’s lost trevor for the tenth time that week. you’ve never rolled your eyes when he comes to sit with you in the library. you’ve never shied away from sitting next to him in herbology though many students find his chiming in rather annoying.
“he’s good,” he replies, trying to stop himself from gazing at you for too long. “i think he misses you.”
you laugh at his response, you really do love that frog. “you better make sure i’m not replaced as trevor’s favorite girl when you finally make a move on luna,” you tease but his heart drops. he knows it’s only a joke but he can’t imagine loving anyone other than you. “if i’m losing one of my loverboys i don’t think my heart could take losing the other as well.”
except you could never lose him. he can’t think of a time when his heart would belong to anyone else. he couldn’t say the same for you. as much as he wants to be around you and knows the nickname isn’t meant to make him sad, it only reminds him of the fact that he’ll never truly be your loverboy. the time will come when you go for a weasley or maybe even that ravenclaw boy you’ve talked about in defends against the dark arts with you and neville isn’t quite sure his heart will survive it.
as professor snape opened his book at the front of the class, the class quieted down. veritaserum. you had heard about the potion, mostly from the weasley twins slipping it in their younger brother’s drink once or twice, but you’d never used it. neville begins to fidget nervously beside you, and you think you know why. privacy has always been very important to the boy and something forcing him to talk about his deepest darkest fears or worse, his parents, is probably eating away at him.
you’re wrong. he’s so nervous because he’s afraid he’ll slip up if he takes it and someone will accidentally ask him about you. he won’t be able to keep his secret anymore.
“s’alright nev,” you whisper to him, taking his hand in yours and squeezing it slightly. an act of intended comfort made him nauseous. “i won’t let anyone pull any secrets from my loverboy, promise.”
you give him a sweet smile which only makes his heart race more. you’re so beautiful, even without the potion he could’ve let that thought slip to you if he wasn’t too careful. as class goes on, he thanks his lucky stars he isn’t chosen for the demonstration. watching you brew the potion to perfection surely would have made it difficult for him to keep back all the feelings he has for you.
later in the evening, however, he did not get so lucky. the twins somehow convinced seamus and dean to slip a few drops of the potion they’d learned to make that morning into neville’s pumpkin juice at dinner. you didn’t notice or surely you would have taken it from them and scolded them for picking on the boy, but you were to engrossed in a conversation with hermione to catch it. neville almost immediately realizes what’s happened when seamus begins asking him questions.
“how your feeling, longbottom?”
“tired, honestly kind of sweaty, really think i need a shower after dinner,” he says before he can stop himself, he smacks his hand to him mouth and his cheeks go red. dean and seamus burst out laughing making all of you turn to the three of them.
“sweaty? why would you possibly be sweaty neville?” dean continues the interrogation.
“been nervous all day, especially in potions. couldn’t get my mind off the stupid veritaserum and if anyone would ask me about y/n,” neville replies with his cheeks turning more red by the minute. you now had your full attention in the boy and he couldn’t stop the word vomit spilling from his lips. “you should have seen her, she brewed the potion perfectly. she’s so smart. godric and beautiful, i-”
you immediately stop him by smacking your own hand to his mouth. “merlin’s sake what did the two of you do?”
dean and seamus have a cheeky grin spread across their lips. “fred and george gave us veritaserum to put in his juice, didn’t think this would happen.”
without a second thought you pull your best friend from the table and out of the great hall to spare him of any more embarrassment he would have to endure. neville follows you blindly, grateful that you didn’t sit there and start laughing at him. when you get to the common room it’s empty, everyone being at dinner. you pull him to sit on the couch in front of the fireplace, he couldn’t help but admire how beautiful you look in the glowing flame.
“are you okay?” you ask, pulling your hand from his to look into his eyes. “i’m sorry they did that nev, you didn’t deserve that.”
“i’m more than okay,” he replies with a lazy grin on his face before switching back to his stone cold face full of nerves. “i like it when we’re by ourselves, wish it happened more often.”
“what do you mean, loverboy?”
“i wish you wouldn’t call me that,” he snaps but immediately regrets his tone. “not if you don’t mean it.”
“what are you on about? i mean it.”
“not in the way i want you to mean it...”
you’re trying to wrap you’re mind around what’s happening. sure you and neville have always been close and you compliment eachother here and there but this is different. you don’t want to take advantage of him, not when he’ll tell you everything you want to know while you can sit back and enjoy the show. you swiftly get up and tell him you’ll be right back. he sits on the couch confused as he watches you run out of the room. you make it to the great hall and everyone is looking at you as if you’ve gotten answers out of him that they’d want to know but you ignore him. you lift the tainted cup that neville had drank out of just minutes ago and take a swig.
“y/n!” hermione shrieks and you swallow the liquid. “what do you think you’re doing!”
“getting answers.” you say simply before running out of the room. you don’t feel any different, maybe it hadn’t worked. once you reach the common room again neville is exactly where you left him. “back.”
“what’d you do?”
“i drank the veritserum too,” you tell him and his eyes go wide. “this is going to be a fair conversation.”
neville swallows the lump in his throat at the thought of the two of you being completely honest with each other. he’s partly afraid the truth he’s about to hear is that you only want to be his friend, or that him confessing his feeling for you will only push you away. but there’s another part of him that’s hopeful, you took the veritaserum so this would be “fair,” that has to mean something.
“what were you doing to say when i stopped you earlier?” you ask him. “you said ‘i’ but i stopped you.”
he tries his best to push down the answer but it keeps making its way up his throat. “i was going to say i couldn’t keep my eyes off you all class.”
blush creeps onto your cheeks but you’re not certain why. you noticed him looking at you in potions but you assumed he was trying to understand how to make the potion.
“you’re turn.”
he thinks for a while, unsure of what he should ask you. “do you like matthew, the boy you talk about in ravenclaw, like like him?”
“i like him as a friend, nothing else,” you say back, your heart beginning to race. “do you like luna?”
“i never did, i like someone else.” he answers. you wish it was your turn again, you want to ask him who, part of you knows he’s going to say you given what you’ve learned this evening. you reach out to hold his hand and his touch makes your skin burn. “have you ever thought of us as more than friends?”
you want to say yes, you know it the answer he wants to hear, but it’s not the truth. you can’t lie to him even if you wanted to. before this moment, you only thought of him as a friend. not because you dislike him or think he’s unattractive, it’s just all he’s ever been to you. you take a deep breath and turn your eyes down to the floor.
“honestly, no,” you say back, neville swears he can hear his heart break within him rib cage. his heart burns at your response. he’s gotten his answer. “when did you start to think of me as more than a friend.”
he never came out and said he had feelings for you, but you’ve connected the dots. everything he’s answered, all the questions he’s asked points to him looking at you as more than just his friend. you’re not sure how to feel about it.
“first year, the minute you spoke to me i couldn’t help but think you were the most beautiful girl i’d ever seen, i still do, ” his words make your heart burst. you turn your head to meet his eyes again. they’re burning into you’re gaze. “what is it about me that’s made you only think of me as a friend, do you think i’m ugly?”
“godric no!” you say a bit too quickly for your own liking. “i never thought of you that way because that’s all we ever were neville, friends. i noticed how handsome you were last year, the long hair suited you, but i think you look nice any way you are. i had a dream about you at the christmas last year, i think that’s when i noticed how handsome you were. i guess i just never entertained the thought because you never gave me the impression you wanted anything more than this.”
he feels less shattered, less like you just ripped his heart out with your bare hands. hearing that you think he’s handsome sent butterflies to stomach. he’s quiet and so are you.
“do you want to stop?”
“no, i have another question,” he replies, pulling his hands from yours and backing away from you. you miss his touch already. maybe you did like him a little more than you thought. he braces himself for what’s about to come out of his mouth, for your reaction to what’s about to come out of his mouth. “if i asked to kiss you would you say no?”
“no.” you tell him quietly, if you thought your heart couldn’t pound any faster, it did. it feels like it’s about to jump from your chest. “do you want to kiss me?”
“merlin yes,” he almost whispers. he doesn’t move from his spot, eyes avoiding yours at all costs. always being the braver of the two of you, you take matters into your own hands. you pull yourself closer to him and rest your hand upon his cheek, forcing him to make eye contact with you again. you suck in a breath, the closest the two of you had ever been. “i’ve never kissed anyone before.”
“i know.”
you lean forward only a few centimeters until your lips are barely touching. you hesitate only because you know after this moment you can’t go back to being just friends again, this is going to change everything. even so, there’s like a magnetic pull between you too, you’re craving the feeling of his lips against yours.
while still deep in your thought and hesitations, your eyes drilled shut as you try and decide what to do, you feel his lips press against yours and you melt. it’s better than either of you could have imagined. while neville had be dreaming of this moment for six years, you had only just begun thinking about him in this way minutes ago. you place your free hand on the side of his neck and he places his on the small of your back, pulling you closer into him. You move yourself so that your sat on top of his thighs, attempting to expel any space between the two of you. his hands rest on your hips just before you pull away from him to catch your breath. his eyes flicker between yours, looking for an answer to what you’re feeling.
“i’m sorry,” he says sheepishly, thinking the worst. “do you want to stop? we can pretend this never happened.”
“i never want to stop.”
you connect your lips with his again, slinging your arms around his neck to feel the closeness again. you know he’s never done anything like this before, he’s probably nervous out of his mind, so you attempt to ease his worries by guiding his actions. in just the few minutes you’ve spent with your lips on his, you’ve because obsessed with the feeling. you can hear how heavily he’s breathing as his hand moves from your side to be entangled in your hair. you can’t help but smile, this moment is pure bliss.
you eventually pull away from each other, you decide it’s best to keep this night to just his first kiss. you lean forward and plant a soft kiss to the side of his neck before burying your face in the soft skin. eventually his breath evens out, and he moves his arms to wrap around you.
“what happens now?” he asks, hoping the veritaserum can give him some sort of clear view into your brain.
“i don’t know,” you reply, it’s honest, you have no idea what happens from here on out. “what do you want to happen?”
“i want to kiss you like that a million more times,” he breathes out which makes you laugh into his neck. looks like ther veritaserum hasn’t worn off just yet. “can we just sit here for a minute so we don’t have to think about what’s gonna come?”
“you read my mind, loverboy.”
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penguinlovestowrite · 3 years
I was wondering if you can do a Fred Weasley x my oc (Hannah) request, you can use y/n that ok! I’ll just use Hannah for explaining. So for backstory, Hannah is a half blood witch with her father being a Muggle and her mother a witch. She grew up most being raised like Muggles so she’s very into Muggle pop culture. She is also Canadian but goes to hogwarts due to a deal her mother has with Dumbledore. She was born In October meaning she’s a year below Fred and George, but she’s been close friends with them ever since first year. She’s also a slytherin. For my request I was thinking you could do something that takes place just after the battle of hogwarts (because it’s may 2nd) and maybe Fred survived and uh can do something with them celebrating their win and the war ending.
Thank you for requesting <3 This is quite a specific request. Also I will use (y/n) in this. I'm sorry that it takes quite some times but I have to say that I am really enjoying writing this. Also it was a bit long... I hope you love it!❤️
Fred weasley x Fem!reader
Genre : Fluff and a bit of angst
Words : 2.3k
Summary : When (Y/n) save Fred from his death, (Y/n) was grateful that everything turns out well as she remember everything that had happened for the past few years.
Warning(s) : Mentioned of death, war, kissing.
Growing up as a half blood is not a bad thing as anyone else would have thought. (Y/n) being the half blood witch herself has always grown up in the more muggle way due to her father being a muggle and her mom being a witch. That was until she was 11 that she discovered the joy of being a half blood.
Due to her mother being a witch and a former students in Hogwarts. her mother had made a special arrangement with Dumbledore just for (Y/n) to attend Hogwarts. Being the only student who came from Canada and away from home, Hogwarts had always felt like home to her.
It was right after the battle and (Y/n) couldn't help but feel grateful for everything with Voldemort being gone for good this time and celebrating the win with the rest of her friends and people that she had called family.
walking into the great hall (y/n) were met with familiar faces. Especially the love of her life, Fred Weasley. She can't described how much grateful she was to see him smiling with his family while sharing laughs with his twin brother. Feeling nostalgic by the sight in front of her, it reminds her to their first meet.
Arriving at the king cross station on the first of September was something that was truly magical. From the moment (Y/n) stepped into the barrier to the moment she made her way to find an empty compartment.
Walking mindlessly to find an available compartment. (Y/n) walked into an available compartment only to find two identical redhead sitting facing each other while snickering along with another boy.
"Excuse me? Can I sit here? Everywhere else is full" she asked suddenly become aware of their attention towards her.
"I don't know...Can she, Georgie?" One of them asked who she assumed 'Georgie' while acting as if he was thinking.
"I'm not sure, Freddie" said 'Georgie' while smirking both of them held a glint of mischief in their eyes.
"I can go if I'm interrupting-" she started to feel embarrassed and tried to excuse herself when one of them cut her off.
"They were just joking, of course you can sit with us" said another boy but this time she can feel the sincerity in his voice while the twins just nodded as she sat besides one of the twins, each of them started to introduce themselves.
(Y/n) had learnt that all of them are in second year and the twin's name are Fred and George Weasley. Fred beside her and George in front of her meanwhile the other boy who sat besides George are Lee Jordan.
"So what's your name?" Fred asked her. She noticed his warm brown eyes and freckles littering on his face making her face feels hot.
"I'm (Y/N) (L/N). I'm from Canada" Their eyes turned wide at the mention of her origin.
"Canada? You must be the only student who came from Canada" Lee said with amazement laced in his voice.
(Y/n) just nodded and bring out one of her favourite muggle book to read. Fred noticed her book.
"What book is that?" He asked.
"Oh it's just a classic story that I love... It's called Pride and prejudice, it's really good."
She explained to him about the story as George and Lee talked to each other. After reading for a while, she decided to join their conversation until they arrived at Hogwarts.
Ever since then Fred, George, Lee and (Y/n) had become inseparable. Even though She was sorted into Slytherin, all of them still finds way to cause mischief together.
Along the way, (Y/n) could feel herself falling for the slightly older twin. Even though she and Fred had become best friend, it was not a secret to everyone that the two of them actually fancy each other. Well, not a secret to everyone but them.
Until one day on her fifth year, everything changed. It was a month before the Yule ball and there was a slight problem. She doesn't have a date. In fact, she thinks no one is even going to ask her to be their date. Considering she's a slytherin and a half blood it was quite hard. Although she was hoping for a certain red head to ask but she tried to not get her hopes up.
(Y/n) was walking to the great hall when a pair of arms wrapped around her, startling her when she realised the arms belongs to her most favourite Weasley.
"FRED! DON'T SCARE ME LIKE THAT!" she whisper yelled at him while glaring at him as he laughed at her flustered face.
"Actually...I wanted to ask you something" He told her as she stared into his warm brown eyes.
"What is it?"
"Actually..." He shifted his eyes nervously when suddenly he brought out a bouquet of flowers from behind him.
"I was wondering if you want to go to the ball with me? As a date? Or as a friend maybe?" A nervous smile on his lips. Fred rarely got nervous even when he was caught when doing pranks and was given a detention.
Slowly she took the bouquet with a smile adorning her face feeling a blush crept up her cheeks. she gave a kiss on his cheek.
"I hope that answers your question." (Y/n) winked, turning around to continue her journey to the great hall, leaving a speechless Fred alone on his own.
The night of the yule ball was the most amazing night (Y/n) ever experienced. The great hall was decorated nicely with snowflakes falling down but it didn't reach the floor.
As she walked down the stairs to meet her date. she saw how Fred gaped and she could feel he stares at her with so much care and adoration.
"You look gorgeous, love" He smiled. She could feel herself blushing at his compliments.
"You don't look bad yourself, Handsome" (Y/n) said smirking when he rolled his eyes.
" I did try my best."
That evening was filled laughter and chatter. Both of them dancing for the whole night, her arms around his neck and his arms around her waist. It was perfect. Staring into each others eyes, Fred starts to leaned his head forward, his eyes flickers to her lips for a second as she found herself slowly leaning in and without any second thoughts he crashed his lips to hers, lips moving in synchronization. The kiss felt natural, like it was meant to be.
Even though (Y/n) know people would be talking about her and Fred newfound relationship but (Y/n) couldn't care less about it, not when she finally got him. The kiss was filled with smiles and giggles, eventually breaking apart and starts laughing.
"I've been waiting to do that for a long time" Fred said with his eyes full with nothing but love.
From that night, marks the day where (Y/n) swore she will spend the rest of her life with him.
Four years have passed since that night. The wizarding world is no longer safe and things were getting worse day by day. (Y/n) are now staying with Molly and Ginny at the Burrow waiting for Fred to come home from his mission on saving Harry along with the rest of the order.
Three years earlier, (Y/n), Fred and George made their way out of Hogwarts dramatically when Umbridge terrorized Hogwarts. Deciding that it was for the best, she joined them. (Y/n) didn't regret her decisions, even when she got an earful from her mother. By the end of the year, the twins finally opened their shop and it was a success. She had moved in with Fred and George when they told her how much they want her to help them with the shop.
From outside of the house (Y/n) could hear Molly and Ginny's panic voice. That was when she saw Remus holding a bloodied George. Without wasting any time she rushed to help Molly when she saw George was missing an ear. The sight alone makes her panic as the thought of what will happened if Fred didn't survive. A few moments after that a popping sound could be heard outside of the Burrow alerting her someone has arrived. To her relieved, Fred and Arthur had arrived safely. Fred Immediately engulfing (Y/n) with a hug as she breath out of relieved.
Fred was devastated when he saw what had happened to his brother but not long until George made a feeble attempt to joke about his blown off ear. The air became thick when Bill announced Moody's death.
The day Bill and Fleur wedding finally came and (Y/n) were excited to say the least. despite being a slytherin and having no blood relation with the Weasley, they still treat as a family even more when she started to date Fred. (Y/n) have always thought of Bill as an older brother along with the rest of the Weasley siblings.
The morning of the wedding day (Y/n) woke up with an arm around her waist as Fred burried his face on the crook of her neck. Turning around she studied his face that was littered with freckles and how peaceful he looks.
"You know it's rude to stare." opening an eye he immediately smile at the sight of her face. How he love waking up with her beside him every morning.
" I'm just enjoying the view." (Y/n) said with sigh and snuggled closer to him as he pulls her closer towards him. The two of them enjoying the peaceful morning. Eventually, their peaceful moment come to an end when George barged into the room telling Fred to help putting up the tent. After several moments Fred reluctantly pulled away from her and decided to get ready for the day and help them with the tent leaving her alone in his room. Deciding that she was not going back to sleep (Y/n) started to get ready for the day.
The wedding was beautiful and (Y/n) were overjoyed by the sight of it but it doesn't last long. Something large and silver came falling through the canopy over the dance floor. Graceful and gleaming, the lynx landed lightly in the middle of astonished dancers. Then the patronus mouth opened wide and it spoke in the loud, deep, slow voice of Kingsley Shacklebot, allerting everyone about the fallen of the ministry.
It has been almost a year since Harry, Ron and Hermione went missing and (Y/n) along with the rest of the weasley went into hiding. That was when Fred walks in wrapping his arms around her waist.
"It's time"
those two words are what she feared most but knowing that the future of her world is at stakes, she's willing to sacrifice everything.
To say that the battle was terrifying was an understatement to say the least. (Y/n) had run and fighting for hours and she was beyond exhausted. Earlier she got separated from Fred and she was desperate to find him. That was when she find him fighting while joking with Percy.
"You're joking , Perce!" Fred shouted.
"You actually are joking, Perce... I don't think I've heard you joke since you were-"
(Y/n) could feel the ground shake and without wasting any time she pulled Fred to the side as the air exploded and the wall collapsed beside them, throwing them to the side, debris all over the air.
Fred grunted in pain as he opened his eyes to see (Y/n) on top of him. Unconscious. Panic started to rise in his chest as he pulled himself up and craddled her in his arms, shaking her while hoping for her to wake up.
"(Y/n)... Love please- wake up"
To his relieved she started to cough as she regained her consciousness. Fred quickly wrapped his arms around her tightly feeling grateful that she survived.
Percy made his way towards them, quickly helping them making their way to the great hall when suddenly Voldemort's voice could be heard commanding his armies to retreat and commanding Harry to gives himself up.
Percy and Fred with (Y/n) in his arms walk into the great hall as Molly quickly made their way towards them, engulfing them with hugs feeling relieved that both her son and (Y/n), her daughter as she claimed her to be was safe.
A few hours has passed and the sun has risen telling another day has arrived when Voldermort and his people arrived carrying dead Harry in his arms. He began to claimed and speech about putting faith on him when suddenly Harry leapt out of Hagrid's arms.
Everything happened so fast and the next thing (Y/n) know Voldermort had turned into dust and gone for good. Everyone was cheering and she was over the moon by the situation.
A familiar voice brought her out of her little memory. A voice she had grown to love. A voice that she would never be tired of hearing.
Fred makes his way to her quickly scooping her up into his arms as she let out a tiny squeal while he spin her around. A beautiful smile on his face even with a messy hair and a slight cut on his lips he manages to look handsome.
Setting her down, they share a long, passionate kiss telling how much they love each other.
"I am so going to marry you after this." Fred said between the kiss making (Y/n) laugh.
"I'll be waiting then..." she said with hope lacing in her voice.
"Just you wait, love"
"For as long as I live..."
With that they share yet another kiss before joining the rest of their family and friends.
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wnfcom · 3 years
KarlNotFound Truthing
KarlNotFound is pretty unknown in the mcyt community in general I’d say, so I'm here to help spread the agenda as much as I can.
I have some songs in mind for the pair, mainly Kingston by Faye Webster, Bubblegum by Clario, Dreaming of You by Selena, and Once More to See You by Mitski. Also I know people love to debate about whether the feral boys are catboys or dogboys but I’d personally say George is a catboy/bunnyboy with dogoy tendencies and Karl is a dogboy with catboy tendencies. They’re both just so full with energy and it really shows when there around each other. 
In my opinion the pair has sort of have a “winter” vibe that can be implemented in sort of meet cute or pining aus, maybe with some fantasy in the mix? Both seem to love putting on specific outfits, normally oversized clothes (mainly George) and both are considered small, though Karl is more lanky and George is just plain short. They’re perfect for clothes swaps, they themselves said they’d switch hoodies when they meet up and Karl even mentioned sniffing Georges sweater when they did. I feel like Karl would be the type to share his clothes with George and George would happily comply, loving the way bigger clothes look and feel on him. Honestly because they don't interact much one on one on streams or videos its hard to get a complete read on how thy treat each other and their overall dynamic, BUT Karl sure does feeding knfers when he can. I think their relationship is really based on warmth and comedy and once in a while being genuine. They're a giggly duo most definitely, Karl always being one of the main people who can get a giggle or laugh out of George, just by his voice alone! They both seem to love being comedic, so the fact that they're almost ALWAYS giggling when their with each other is extremely important. There's never a dull moment when they're around each other because they know how to appeal to each other, such as George playfully flirting with Karl once in a while just like Karl will do (though a lot of the times he’s being genuine and just expressing his admiration with George which always seems to put a smile on Georges face) or Karl making a dumb dnf joke to get a rise out of him and their audience. They get each other, is what I'm essentially trying to say. They're very dependent on having fun, or just talking about their own interests and having the other listen adoringly and just genuine expressions of admirations or jokes. Their laughs just.. compliment each other so well. They’re also pretty jokingly mean to people, they're the type to poke fun of you and roast you in a lighthearted away and will act the same towards each other, but you can always tell its not serious when they erupt into giggles and repeat themselves. Their humor can be so stupid but it works. And lets not forget all of their silly inside jokes.
Now I haven't even mentioned both of their love languages, Karl's definitely being physical affection and verbal affection while Georges is quality time and also physical affection (shown by Tommy's vlog). Karl already shows his verbal affection towards George every once in a while, whether its in the guise of an inappropriate joke or its him being genuine and telling him how amazing he is (reference to the cooking stream where Karl had at least 2 instances of hitting on George) and it never fails to make George smile or laugh. Karl knows what George likes and isn't afraid to express himself and make the latter happy. Karl also is extremely affectionate physically and just touchy, whether its leaning on someone, punching or pushing them, hugging and grabbing their arm, its as if he cant get enough. Now compare this to George, someone (as shown in Tommy's vlog) doesn't complain when he’s given affection and actually with reciprocate it and enjoy it or easily comply. Now we got to see Karl make Sapnap warm up to physical affection but what about when Karl jumps on George for a hug and George doesn't complain, just hugs back and smiles, always having fun if Karl’s around. Additionally, George is a person, while he might not always express his love for his friends, he is one to show it. He’s been reported tp spend hours on vc with Sapnap and has been shown to be on the phone with Karl multiple times, as well as talking to Dream daily and being shown on tons of his friends streams and constantly talking to them. So put Karl and George together and you get people constantly spending time with each other, probably cuddling if they met up and showing how they care for each other in their own silly ways. They truly bring out the best in each other. 
I’ll leave you with an AU I thought of a while back: 
KNF are in a stereotypical fantasy world, where Karl is a prince locked away in a tower guarded by a dragon (Dream) and George is a wandering traveler and mercenary looking for work and one day he comes across Karl’s tower and out of curiosity and the need for a place to stay he finds his way in and finds a sleeping dragon. He sneaks past and makes his way up to the top of the tower and finds Karl who calls for Dream and he tries to bargain his way out if the situation, only to discover that Karl is lonely in his tower and he’d actually like George to stay with him because though he’s lonely, he likes it where he is. George agrees as long as he’s able to go out once in a while. From then on they live together and love blossoms. 
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damn-stark · 3 years
Feel so Close
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Chapter 5 of Different Light
A/N- I loved how this chapter turned out :) especially the ending!! Let me know what you thought?!
Warning- FLUFF, only slight angst, SLOWBURN. Oh and Draco.
Pairing- Harry Potter x Malfoy!reader, Fred Weasley x Malfoy!reader
(Let me know if you want to be tagged)
This Christmas year unlike the previous ones you’d spent away in Durmstrang was the first year you were actually happy to stay in school, and not counting the days and hours until you could go home. This Christmas year you were actually happy to have friends to buy presents for.
You actually tried this year and hoped Fred and George would like what you got them. So much so that each second that passes and each step that you began to take inside the great hall was wrecking your nerves. When you saw the two redheads sitting around the long tables the ache increased tenfold. You felt like you were going to hurl.
As much as you tried to ease yourself, you couldn’t. It seems to stupid to get all nervous over something as miniscualr as giving your friends presents, but again this year was different. You actually truly cared for your friends. The only moment of clarity however during your aching path towards your friends was when you saw Harry Potter. You smiled sweetly as you briefly stopped across where he sat to add a warm comment. “Merry Christmas, Harry.”
Said boy's eyes widened a bit and the milk he had in his mouth spilled down his chin the moment he opened his mouth to respond clumsily. “Merrycritmas.”
You can’t help yourself from giggling at his clumsy reaction, shooting him a beaming grin before continuing to walk towards Fred and George. Finally making it to where they sat and seating this time across from them.
“Merry Christmas, Malfoy.” Both twins said to you simultaneously with bright grins on their faces.
“Merry Christmas, Fred and George.” You say back with a matching grin, hiding their present under the table, “how’s your morning been?”
“Oh you know,” George answered with a smug grin, “jolly.”
Fred and you meet each other’s gaze at Georges comment and don’t fail to break into genuine and amused laughter. Something that George doesn’t hesitate to join in, making you forget for those short seconds that you had been nervous to see them. But that was a blissful second that was destroyed by your own mind as you remembered what you needed to do. You had the shortest moment of self doubt to not do it, but you you had to.
So you boosted your own courage, clearing your throat to calm the laughter and pull the presents from under the table to place them on the tabletop. Pulling both of the boys curious attention.
“I want to give the both of you a present.” You clearly begin to say, meeting their gazes for a couple seconds before tearing your eyes away to look at the presents you pushed towards them. “I hope you boys like them,” you finish, putting your arms on your lap to begin to nervously rub one arm as they both begin to open their gifts with boyish grins. Pulling out an envelope first that you had to quickly stop them from reading out loud. “Not here, just...read them on your own time.”
Fred smirks and begins to tease you with reading it, but sees your pleading gaze and stops himself, instead pulling out some money that George got too. Something they both questioned.
“What’s this for?” George asked.
You shrug timidly, “you both talk about opening a joke shop, so I’d thought I’d gift you some money towards the cause. It’s not a lot, but it’s something to add to what you already have saved.”
George and Fred grin brightly and they add their thanks, moving on to pulling out a small box each. Causing your nerves to skyrocket as they opened it and stared at the rings contained inside. Staying quiet for a long moment that you couldn’t handle any longer and had to ask. “Do you guys like them?”
George looks up to you and nods, “love them, but you know you didn’t have to get this, right?”
Again you shrug, “I know, but I wanted to.”
Fred takes the silver ring from the box and his grin maintains on his features, putting the ring on his long ring finger and showing it off. Tracing, like George was, the single letter that was engraved on their ring; a letter that was the first initial of their given name.
“I love it,” Fred finally says, “it’s probably the most expensive thing we own now, thank you,” he meets your gaze and smirks, “we’ll be just like you now, all high, mighty and rich. I’ll cherish it forever.” He then tilts his head to look at his brother, giving him a single nod that George understands to pull out a wrapped box that he had hidden at his side. Fred smiles and points to the box with a tilt of his head, “it’s for you.”
You blink and swallow thickly, feeling sincerely baffled by what was currently happening, unable to think of any words to say.
“Go on,” George pressed with a mischievous smirk of his own, “open it.”
“Okay,” you nod, pulling your arms from under the table and pulling the box towards you, beginning to unwrap it but stopping halfway to glare up at them. “If this is a prank box I will stop talking to the both of you.”
Fred and George snicker, but Fred is quick to assure you. “It’s not, trust me. We wouldn’t do that to you.”
“But thanks for the idea,” George adds as he also gently elbows Freds side.
You roll your eyes but continue, hesitantly opening the box and smiling wider as you pull out a knitted sweater with your first initial carefully knitted on the front. When you look at them you raise your eyebrow and turn the sweater around so they’d see. “Did you two make this?”
Fred scoffs, “no, you wish. We asked our mum to do it.”
You express a soft chuckle before you pull out another smaller box, feeling yourself hold your breath the moment you open it to see a silver chain necklace with the emblem of a snake and a lion. Obviously signifying Slytherin and Gryffindor. Or really them and you. It’s a thoughtful present you feel your heart skip a beat too, finally exhaling out deeply to express your genuine love for it.
“I love it, thank you boys so much.”
George scratches the bag of his head as he responds, “it’s from the both of us. And I know it maybe not be as fancy as what you gave us, but—”
“It’s the thought that counts,” you interject with a warm smile, “I love it. Really.”
Fred shrugs nonchalantly, “we knew you would.” He continues to lean in closer to you to proceed with his comment. “Come out with us to the courtyard before you have to get ready for the ball or whatever.”
You lean in too and quirk a brow, “you’ve got the canary creams?”
Fred looks to George and they share an unspoken conversation, both smirking before nodding. Causing the three of you to stand from your seats, taking what you had gotten to leave the hall and distract yourself for some time from getting ready for the ball.
The only thing that has your nerves in a knot now.
The moment the clock hit exactly eight o’clock the doors to the great hall were going to be thrown open. Their was exactly fifteen minutes until that would happen and yet that was the least of your worries. The only thing that has you in a dizzy is the thought of being seen in your dress robes by your partner. It was inevitable that Fred was going to see you, as slow as you walked and pushed through the crowd of searching students inside the entrance hall, Fred seeing you was inevitable.
What would he think of you? Would he like seeing you in dress robes? Or would he regret asking you? Did you even look good?
Narcissa said you did when you first tried them on, but she was well...your mother of course she was going to say that.
Oh, how you wish you had some girlfriends right about now. Maybe they’d ease your racing mind. George would too. Where could he be?
You continue to search, but still are unable to find your partner or your other friend. Instead while on your search you end up finding Harry and his...date. At first you had the thought of just walking off, your nerves couldn’t handle anymore anxiety, especially not with the new pestering thought of being seen by Harry, but then a different bitter feeling took over and before you could stop yourself you were walking Harry’s way; with a little more sass in your walk and a more happier smile on your lips than before.
At first he didn’t spot you, but soon, probably feeling your gaze on him or simply just hearing Ron clearly point out to you, Harry looked your way and you lost all the confidence you had built in those few seconds. Feeling your happy smile turn shy and your walk turn slow until you ultimately stop before Harry and his group.
There was a moment of silence shared between the group of you, one where Harry and you just shared a lingering look and said nothing, just managing a couple of incoherent sounds. The silence wasn’t broken until the girl in the pink and orange sari dress robes spoke up with a compliment towards you. “You look very pretty.”
You blink and look towards her, “oh.” You manage a genuine smile even if something inside you was burning at the sight of her. “Thank you, you look very pretty too, I like your dress robes.”
“Thank you,” she added sweetly.
When you look at the other girl, you fully realize that it’s her twin and you give her a compliment too, something she doesn’t hesitate to also throw back. Finally leaving you to turn back to Harry as he parts his lips to speak, albeit still a stammer of your name and then words you couldn’t quite catch. “Y-y,” he clears his throat and glances at Ron next to him who begins to snicker. “You look,” Harry swallows thickly and finally spits out what he’s been trying to say, “you look pretty.”
A wider and more timid smile tugs on your lips and you move one hand to nervously rub your wrist, “thank you. You look...pretty too.”
Before you could backtrack your compliment you hear your name called out, the action making you turn your head to see Fred walking your way with a grin on his face and sparkling eyes the moment he met your gaze.
When he fell by your side his grin only brightened and he didn’t seem to keep his eyes away, making your face burn and your whole being feel completely flustered.
“You look absolutely gorgeous.” He finally managed to say his compliment.
You grin and continue to rub your wrist, “and you look incredibly handsome.”
Fred laughs and extends his arm, “shall we?”
You offer him a short nod and a short answer, “of course.” You hook your arm around his before getting pulled towards the great hall the moment the doors opened, seeing Fred look over his shoulder to shoot Harry a smile and his brother a teasing snicker.
When you get inside the great hall, the two of you wait for the champions to enter with their partners, watching in the meanwhile, students line up all down the created path, while also stealing glances at each other neither thought you would notice, but you did. You had a happy smile on your lips the whole time however, felt completely happy about today and less nervous now that Fred saw you and didn’t decide to ditch you.
You enjoyed the way the great all was prepared; in a fancy white wonderland type theme that you wished would stay like that forever. You felt incredibly delighted the moment you saw George and his date finally find Fred and you. Your feelings were just at an all time high at this moment, on this day.
But then there was a moment where you felt baffled and almost dazed as someone, the moment the champions began to enter caught your eye.
“Is that?” You gawk with a widened gaze, “is that Hermione Granger?” You tilt your head to follow the girl in the pink dress. Feeling your mouth open wider the moment you actually identify that it in fact is Hermione Granger. She just looked so different than what you were used to seeing. Her hair that was usually out and wild was now elegantly picked up, her makeup was light on her face, but it still changed her, she looks, “absolutely stunning,” you continue to gawk with an admired gaze.
“And she’s with Viktor Krum?” Fred mused as the champions began to dance the moment the music started.
George playfully hit your arm and whispered, “that could’ve been you, but instead you got stuck with this bloke.” He snickers and Fred shoots him a glare.
You roll your eyes and shake your head. “Probably, but I wouldn’t have preferred it any other way.”
Fred winks and shoots his brother a proud smirk, staying quiet to pay attention to the dancing couples on the dance floor that by each passing minute kept increasing, letting him finally get the idea to also invite you to join. “Would you care to join me for a dance?” He asked with a goofy grin.
You smile and nod, letting him pull you into the dance floor and wrap one hand around your waist while the other gripped onto your hand. You gently held onto his shoulder the moment he began to move to the music, leading you in the dance as you followed; smiling sweetly as the both of you just focused on each other as you followed the tune of the music, twirling and avoiding those students around you.
The only time you looked away from Fred was when you spotted Harry dancing close by, he didn’t seem to know you were staring as he seemed too busy on not stepping on his partners feet; but that was only a couple seconds before your attention was pulled back to Fred, continuing to dance to the songs that played and played, not getting tired of being with another or dancing at all. Feeling in fact closer to one another as the time and songs passed so mindlessly, like a strong force was keeping you together and didn’t want you to let go—not like you would either way. It felt like it was just him and you on the dance floor and you wouldn’t have wanted it any other way.
Even as the tune of the music transitioned into a more upbeat and faster beat you kept dancing; grinning happily, jumping wildly and headbanging your heads to the song. The only time you stopped was to finally catch your breath outside and drink whatever it was they were serving.
“Who knew I had such a great dance partner,” Fred breathed as he pulled his cup away from his lips. “You truly fascinate me.”
A teasing smile tugs at the corner of your lips as you pull your cup down, shrugging nonchalantly to his comment. “Oh well you know years of dancing lessons with a private instructor has to count for something, right?”
Fred’s eyes narrowed on your face, his brown eyes searching your face to try and get a hint if what you were saying was in fact true. Which it wasn’t, but you liked to tease him since he and George seemed to always like teasing you about the money your family had—“joking,” you reveal as you playfully hit his arm, “no private instructor, but professor Snape was a strict one.”
Fred’s lips break into a half smile and he expresses a soft laugh, taking another sip of his drink to finally finish it and focus on you once again. “Well my opinion doesn’t change and you truly do fascinate me.”
You bite the inside of your cheek gently and tilt your head slightly, not breaking your gaze and feeling your cheeks burn. “Oh well,” you gush, “thank you. You’re an incredible dancer as well. It makes you a great dance partner. Plus the suit doesn’t look bad on you either.”
Fred smirks and scoffs, “this old thing, pshh.” He steps closer and points to you, “you on the other hand, again completely stunning.” Fred takes another step until he’s just inches away, not breaking his lingering and burning gaze, instead lifting his hand to pick up the silver emblem that hung from the necklace he and George had bought you. “You liked it? I know it’s not as fancy as what you might be used to, but it was bought with a lot of thought and care.”
Your eyes drift to his hand before they flicker up, stopping on his lips for a few seconds before you meet his gaze again, lifting your hand to grab his. “Fred I’ve told you already, the value of it does not matter. It could be made of paper clips or plastic and I'd still wear it. I loved it.”
Fred swallows thickly and parts his lips, leaning in closer to your face and staying still for a few seconds. Almost as if he were debating if he should or not. The hesitation of it was such a rare occurrence that it caught you off guard and left you unmoving and waiting. Made you look at his lips again for a few seconds that seemed to be hours, unmoving just like him.
It wasn’t until a couple minutes later did Fred finally build enough courage to finally break the tension by closing the small gap left. Pressing his lip on yours and moving his hand down to gently grab your arm, moving his other free hand to cup your cheek and pull you closer. While you moved one hand to wrap it around his neck and the other to cup his cheek as you kissed him back. In that instant feeling like thousands of butterflies were fluttering inside your stomach and like your heart was going to explode. The kiss was sweet and gentle, he wasn’t in any hurry to stop or to pull away. He, like you, was swept by the moment, unaware of your surroundings.
And it would’ve stayed like that, feeling as if it was just him and you if the both of you hadn’t heard the distant, deep scolding voice of a certain professor in the distance that made you both pull away and rush back inside before you also got in trouble.
The rushed and sudden heart pumping action made the both of you laugh as you got back inside the warmth of the castle. And once Fred stopped laughing he took your cup from your hand and began to walk back, throwing you a quick comment before he turned completely. “I’m going to get us more drinks, I’ll be back.”
“Okay,” you nod, waiting for him to turn his back to you to finally let out a happy giggle and express a happy and flustered grin. Lifting your hand to feel your lips with the tip of your fingers, unable to fully grasp that you had shared your first kiss with Fred. It felt like a dream and only made this day so much better, nothing could destroy that. Nothing.
“I see you’re still hanging around lowlife bloodtraitors.” Draco’s voice broke your stupor, making you turn your head to look beside you. “You know sometimes I don’t even believe you’re my sister anymore.”
You blink and the enchantment from seconds before begins to dwindle. “Watch it, Draco.”
“One thing is being their friend and the other is being seen with one here.” He continues to seeth, trying to hide the smug smile that threatened to show on his pale face. “What would father say? What would mother say?”
“Draco.” You warn sharply, balling your hand at your side and taking a dangerous step towards him. “Don’t.”
This time he lets the evil shit eating smirk appear as he stays frozen to his spot. “You’ll disappoint them and you’ll be a bloodtraitor too. Just like your filthy friends.”
You feel your eyebrows pinch at his comment and your lip curls. “Why you—”
“Oí, Malfoy, why don’t you take it down a notch and leave your sister alone.” You hear Fred’s voice echo as he begins to walk behind you. “I don’t want you ruining this night for her.”
Draco scoffs and shoves his hands in his pockets. “What are you going to do about it, Weasley?”
Fred grips onto the cups in his hand so hard that they began to shake as his hands did. He takes a threatening forward and just as he’s about to retort, you cut him off. “It’s okay, Fred, best not stoop down to his level. He’s just looking for trouble that he isn’t going to get,” you grumble as you begin to turn and grab Fred’s arm, glaring back at Draco over your shoulder. “You better watch your tongue, brother, because the next time I hear you talk bad about my friends, you’ll see that something terrible has happened to it.” A slight smirk tugs on your lips that you flash to Draco, before completely turning your back against him and walking back to the great hall with Fred.
It takes a moment of walking for either Fred or you to break the tense silence that had blanketed over the both of you. A moment you take for the words you had just said to settle in your brain. It fills you with remorse yet excitement all at the same time. You easily could debate about how you feel all night, but Fred interrupts your train of thought and only boosts that excitement.
“Wow, Malfoy, that was truly impressive,” he smiles as he hands your drink, “just as I was going to defend you, you went on and did it all by yourself. Didn’t even need me.”
You chuckle softly and roll your eyes, beginning to feel a heat on your cheeks again. “Well perhaps not, but I appreciated you trying.”
Fred shrugs nonchalantly, “that’s what I’m here for.” He takes a big chug of his drink before he sets the cup down on the random table beside you, taking your hand in his once you do the same to pull you back to the dance floor. Continuing to sweep you off your feet as he continued to dance with you.
This time unlike the last, after the intimate moment you had shared, feeling even closer than before, feeling like no one could take away that feeling. It was just the two of you as the songs boomed and your bodies danced to each and every single one of them.
George and his date would join and form a small dance circle when they wanted, but they would soon depart and come back again. Sometimes bringing some of their friends and other times just bringing themselves. The cycle being a repetitive one with the song that fit. It only broke once the last slow song began to play and artificial fog covered the dance floor.
You rested your head on Fred’s shoulder as you both swayed to the music, hardly paying attention to the few couples left. Enjoying the comfortable silence that the two of you shared, not wanting the night to end, but knowing it had to, because if you had a choice you'd want this day to go on just a few hours longer. And even if there was one sour moment, the day was truly magical and you wouldn’t change it, today, tonight was definitely one you’d remember for the rest of your life.
“I really enjoyed today,” you mused happily while you interlaced your fingers with Fred’s as you both began to walk out of the room. “You were a great partner.”
“I think so too,” Fred teases, “I think was truly amazing.”
You scoff and just as you stop in the middle of the entrance hall to think of your goodbye, the sounds of soft weeping steal your attention to a curled up body on the stairs. You meet Fred’s gaze once he notices the same and you both collectively identify who it was so sadly crying. Hermione Granger.
“We should help her.” You whisper to Fred, “or atleast just ask if she needs anything.”
Fred discreetly glances over his shoulder before shaking his head once he meets your concerned gaze. “I think it’s best just to leave her.”
You shake your head, “no, she’s obviously upset about something, it would be pretty rude if we just ignored her.”
Fred hesitates, but he ultimately sighs loudly and nods in agreement to your need to help. Albeit he really had no choice since you had already walked past him before he could try and further protest.
And without you having time to double think of your decision you quietly take a seat next to Hermione, taking Fred’s handkerchief as he carefully hands it to you, looking almost afraid of the crying girl next to you.
“You know any other day I would say it’s okay to cry,” you say softly, “but after what I saw from you today, after the fun I saw you have and how beautiful you truly looked I’d say it’s a crime to do so.”
At the sound of your words Hermione pulls her head from her arms and slowly looks up at you with puffy red eyes, sniffling and looking utterly confused. She takes the handkerchief from you regardless but still stays quiet.
“You know if Viktor Krum did something to spoil your night I’d be down to mess with him.” You continue to say to try and lift her spirits, offering an assuring smile that was mixed with a bit of mischief. “Famous player or not.”
Hermione giggles and shakes her head, “it wasn’t him. He was great...it’s-it’s just,” her eyes fill with tears again as she seems to recall what had ruined her night. “Ronald Weasley.” She confesses, pulling Fred’s full undivided attention. “He just said stupid things that just spoiled everything.”
“Oh,” you form the word with your mouth, glancing to Fred for a moment as he stepped in defensively.
“What did he say so I can go mess him up.”
Hermione’s shoulders slumped again and she wiped her tears that began to roll past her cheeks. “He’s just pestered at the fact that I came with Viktor. I don’t know why. He just seemed so betrayed by the fact that I was asked by Viktor. He called me a traitor.”
“Maybe he was jealous that he wasn’t asked by him.” Fred jokes making you chuckle.
Hermione offers a wobbly smile, but it all too quickly deflates all over again. Letting herself continue with her frustration. “I told Ron that if he wanted to ask me, he should’ve asked before and not as a last resort. He just ruined everything.”
“Don’t let him ruin your night, he’s not worth it….” you nervously glance at Fred and add, “no offense.” Fred simply simply shrugs it off and lets you continue. “He’s a little boy, he doesn’t know anything. He may think he does, but he doesn’t. If you ask me, I’d say he’s just jealous that Krum came with such a beautiful and smart girl. That he knew what you had to offer without having to be told.”
A soft smile grows on Hermione's lips as she wipes her tears.
“My brother tried to ruin my night too, but you know what I did?” You ask without the need of having to wait for her to answer. “I fought back and stomped on the negativity he tried to spread, I ignored him and didn’t let him ruin my night.” You smile sweetly and carefully wrap your arm around her shoulder, “I want you to do that too, ignore the negativity and focus on the fun you had. Because in a couple years all the bad stuff that happened today is going to be irrelevant. What you’re going to remember is the fun you had today. Don’t let something as irrelevant as what one boy had to say affect you, okay? You’re much stronger and smarter to let that happen.”
Hermione finally grins and surprises you with a sudden embrace and sweet words that stick to you like glue. “Thank you y/n.” That would forever stick to you. “You aren’t as bad as I’d thought you’d be.”
Tagged- @peter-laufeyson , @swiftlymoniquesblog , @spideyyypeter , @gsvshsjsbs, @accio-prozac , @cherriesanwine , @kokomaesadie , @april-14-blog , @prettypinkpeachh , @pest-ill-ence
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marmosa · 3 years
hello 💕 i've just gone through your entire fred weasley and i absolutely love your writing and especially your dialogues, they feel v authentic and real xx i read that you have requests open so i'll leave you with an idea from my v detailed v self indulgent daydream cinematic universe starring fred weasley— post war (say a couple of years after) fred is the owner and manager of the hogsmead branch of the joke shop and sneaks into hogwarts to meet his fiancé, newly hired transfiguration (1/2)
thank you so much for the kind words and reading all my writing, i can’t begin to describe how much that means to me! i love the idea of fred sneaking into the castle to see his significant other, it’s so cute, i had to run a lap around my room just thinking about it. also in this house fred weasley never d worded, if you think he did, no he didn’t. also also, it got kinda sad at the end and i’m sorry, i didn’t mean for that to happen i- but anyways, hope you like it and thank you again for the compliment <3
word count: 1.6k
[y/n] looked up from the stack of papers arrayed on her desk and glanced around her study for the source of the noise, absolutely bewildered at who would possibly be bothering her at this hour. She prayed it wasn’t a student messing around with her, for she may have been a relatively new teacher but she wasn’t afraid to stand her ground against misbehaving kids.
The sound came again and this time she saw who it was her face lighting up before falling down as she scurried over to the window, unlatching the glass and pushing it open to find her fiancé sitting all high and mighty on his broom like this was a normal everyday occurrence.
“Fred Weasley! What in God’s name are you doing outside of my window? Why are you throwing stones at glass? Do you have any idea how high up I am?” She hissed, reaching for him, despite knowing full well he could only enter the room on his own accord.
He flew closer to the window and balanced himself on the ledge before grabbing her hand and hopping down onto the floor a giddy smile plastered on his lips, “I’m aware how high up this is, lest you forget I was one of the best Gryffindor beaters this school has ever seen.”
“Yeah, yeah, whatever. You do realize you could just come in through the front doors right? McGonagall isn’t going to smite you down for visiting your fiancée,” she deadpanned, latching the window back shut.
“Whatever? If I recall correctly, me being on the quidditch team all those years back had you absolutely smitten, or am I wrong,” he retorted smugly, completely brushing past her statement about walking through the front doors.
[y/n]’s face fell into one of embarrassment as she pushed past him back to her desk, not wanting to fuel his ego any more than she usually did, “Even so, you still can’t be sneaking onto campus. Especially during school hours, you know how it is, I would rather you be turned away at the door than get escorted out by the collar of your robes.”
“But it’s always school hours! Honestly [y/l/n], your new position has really given you a stick up the arse,” He grumbled, leaning back against one of the desks across from hers.
“[y/l/n]?” She repeated, offense written all over her face. Despite not taking it to heart she decided to mess with him a bit for being so stubborn.
Fred’s face fell and he was quick to rush over and apologize, “You know that’s not what I meant! Technically you’re not a Weasley anyway until the paperwork is done legally, so I’m not wrong.”
“I’m telling Molly you said that and she’s going to ground you just like she did 6th year when you got caught nicking something from Filche’s office,” [y/n] pouted, sinking into her chair and crossing her arms.
“You’re terrible you know that,” Fred deadpanned grabbing her cheeks in his hands, “don’t you say a word to my mother or she’ll make me bake you a cake or something.”
“I would quite like that actually, maybe I will tell her,” she replied, biting back a smile.
“Oh, come on! You know George was the one who got all the baking skills! That’s why he’s in charge of all the candy at our shops!” Fred whined, squeezing her face together slightly to try and return the teasing.
“Even if it turned out burnt and gross, I’d still like it because you made it,” she stated plainly, leaning up to try and snatch a kiss.
“Rubbish,” He replied, indulging her and accepting the kiss, smiling down at her when she beamed up at him.
“Whatever you say Freddie, y’know-,”
“Mrs. Weasley? Are you here? I had a question for you.”
All the color drained out of Fred’s face as he recognized McGonagall’s voice from across the room, [y/n]’s features mirroring the same horror as she pushed him off her and shoved him under her desk so he was as out of sight as she could make him.
“Yes- yes! I’m here Minerva, how can I help you?” [y/n] stuttered out, sliding her chair in as far as she could without injuring her soon to be husband.
“Well, I wanted to ask how the preparations were coming along for the annual Christmas Ball? I know you’ve been kept busy with recent exams, but the plans are top priority if we want to keep the spectacular turn out of our ball the same,” McGonagall explained walking up to her desk.
“Oh! The plans are coming along just fine, I haven’t quite finished drafting them up yet, but as soon as I do I’ll have them brought to you right away for approval,”  [y/n] assured her, trying her best not to let on how nervous she now was, trying not to get Fred caught.
“Spectacular! And I expect to see you down in the Hall later? Professors have to arrive early today for some announcement preparation,” McGonagall continued, thankfully still unaware of the hidden person in the room.
“Of course, thank you for letting me know ahead of time,” [y/n] nodded, pretending to assort some papers on her desk.
“Lovely,” McGonagall smiled, heading out of the room, but stopping before she exited the room, “Oh, and tell Mr. Weasley that I say hello, he’s been rather quiet about his surprise appearances to our school recently.”
“Will do!” [y/n] called after her, releasing a breath she didn’t even know she was holding in as soon as the door shut.
“Okay, how come you get to call her Minerva?” Fred complained, crawling out from under the desk, no visible panic at McGonagall’s leaving statement.
“All professors do. Besides, you’re a trouble-maker in her eyes, a darling, but a trouble-maker, she wouldn’t dream of giving you that kind of power,” [y/n] giggled, reaching up to rearrange his  ruffled hair, as he’d decided to grow it out again once he’d graduated.
“Trouble-maker,” Fred muttered, rolling his eyes, “Well she’ll be seeing a lot more of me whether she likes it or not, so I’ll win that privilege, eventually.”
“Whatever you say darling,” she hummed, scooting back in to continue grading her papers.
“You’re ignoring me already?” he groaned, letting his chin rest on the top of her head, arms slinging over her shoulders.
“I’ve got work to do Fred, I’m a professor now. I’m surprised you even had time to visit me, you’re a business owner now after all, it always amazes me how you have the time for these spontaneous visits- not that I don’t appreciate them,” she assured him, setting down her pen and squeezing his hands.
“I own the business, so I get to make my hours, unlike you,” he replied, moving his head so he was peeking over her shoulder.
“Is that supposed to be bad?” she quipped, leaning her head against his shoulder so she could kind of see him.
“Bad for me! I miss you! You’re here far too much,” Fred mumbled, intertwining their fingers.
“Well winter vacation is coming up soon, so you’ll be seeing much more of me. Hopefully you don’t get too sick of me,” she giggled, pursing her lips when he passed her a suggestive grin, “Ah, don’t look at me like that, that is not what I meant.”
“But it is and you know it darling,” Fred hummed, pressing a kiss to her cheek.
“Don’t get too cocky or I’ll come up with extra work to keep me here,” she warned, a teasing lilt to her threat.
“You wouldn’t. Besides even if you did, I’d kidnap you against your will. Also you wouldn’t hurt Molly like that, she always expects you for family festivities,” he replied simply, knowing she would never pass up an opportunity to spend time with him.  
“You’ve got me there. You know me so well,” she sighed, reaching back so she could toy with the hair at the nap of his neck.
“I’d hope I know you well, you’re about to be my wife,” he chuckled, shutting his eyes at the sensation of her soft fingers against his skin.
“Touché, love, touché,” she hummed in agreement, her free hand twisting the engagement ring situated on his finger.
“Anyways, I should probably leave you to it, with your boring paperwork and grading and all,” he sighed, standing tall, her hands sliding away from him and into her lap.
“It’s not boring,” she frowned, crossing her arms across her chest defensively, trying not to cave but ultimately failing when he gave her a raised brow, “okay, maybe it’s a little boring.”  
“I knew it. No worries darling, I know you love it here, I’m only teasing. See you soon though?” He mused, brushing a stray hair out of her face.
“See you soon,” she replied, grabbing his face and pulling him down for a sweet kiss, relishing in one another’s company for their limited time together.
“Farewell my love,” he announced, grabbing his broom and pushing himself onto the window sill, “see you around.”
“Fred wait!”
He laxed the position of his broom and turned around, an adoring smile stretching onto his lips as she pulled him for one last sweet kiss, placing a small object in his hand.
“What’s this?” he asked as she peppered a few last kisses around his face, trying not to let her emotions get the best of her.
“It’s the locket you gave me, I finally put a picture in it, thought it was time to return it to you,” she smiled, stroking his cheek lovingly.
“You’re astounding,” he muttered, tucking the charm in his pocket, “I love you.”
“I love you too, bye Freddie,” she waved as he kissed her softly once more and took off into the setting sun, “see you soon.”
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anniebrainrots · 3 years
In which you visit Dream to get the revival book. 
warnings: sadistic! reader, slight mention of torture
wc: 2.5k 
“And what is your relationship with the prisoner?” 
The question hung heavily in the air, and the burning stare the warden gave you would have given you goosebumps hadn’t you known him before. 
You gave him a smirk, sharp canines glinting dangerously in the low light of the prison. “Oh, come on, Sammy. You know who I am, already, why are we even bothering with the formalities, hm? Just let me see him.” 
“Answer the question properly, please.” 
You pouted, even if he was the guard of a maximum security prison and was known as some unyielding and heartless warden, Sam was still as polite as ever.
“Nice to see you haven’t changed much, Sam.” You put a finger to your chin and pretended to think, “hmm, I guess he was a friend? An ally?”
The man squinted at you before scribbling something in a book. “And lastly, why are you visiting the prisoner today?”
You chuckled inwardly at the extensive procedures, but deep down your brain was frustrated and impatient; but still, you just smiled and tried to get everything over with.
“Just wanna visit and talk to him, ‘s all.”
Sam hummed, closing the book. “Very well. Follow me.” He led you down a hallway that opened up to your left, making you whistle in amazement.
“Heard from Sap that you built this prison by Dream’s request, gotta hand it to ‘ya buddy, you did a great job. Kinda ironic that Dream’s gonna spend the rest of his life rotting here, though.” You walked with a confident strut, arms raised and folded behind your head as you continued down the dark hallway of blackstone.
He deliberately ignored your last statement, “thank you for the compliment.”
You reached a room with four doors and he took you to the one farthest on the left. There was an ender chest to the farthest wall and a chest labeled ‘Locker 1”. “Dispense all your items in the chest and wait for the key to come out. Put that key in your ender chest and we can head to the cells.”
You followed all of his instructions mutely, the looming energy of the prison finally settling into your bones. The next few steps involved getting splashed with various potions and walking through various hallways of lava, water, and blackstone. You couldn’t wait to see him, after all you heard from the outside, you wanted to hear straight from the source.
Soon enough, you reached a room in which one wall was fully encased in lava. He tells you that Dream would be standing on the other side of the wall and you felt your fingers twitch in excitement.
“You sure about this?”
You rolled your eyes at that. Of course that would be the first thing he would ask you as himself rather than the warden. “Yes I’m sure, Sammy. Why, you think this is a bad idea?”
“No, I just—alright, just face the lava wall, it should come down soon.”
The man sighed, looking at you with defeat in his eyes before he turned to the wall behind him and pulled a lever.
You hummed but didn’t respond, following his instructions quietly. It took a while for it to fully settle, so you opted to hum a song.
“What are you planning on doing?”
You were barely halfway through the L’manburg anthem before cutting yourself short. You answer without looking back.
“What do you mean? I told you I was just paying an old friend a visit, right?” You turn your head slightly to the side, looking at him from the corner of your eyes behind you.
He crossed his arms, leaning against the wall behind him. Since you entered the prison, this was the most casual he looked. “I mean it, Red. Why did you come back?”
You smirked at the nickname. ‘The Red Queen’, you were known as. Rumors had spread about your ‘violent behaviors’ when you were traveling with Dream, thus earning you the nickname which your old friends couldn’t help but tease you with. You guessed that the name stuck with some people more than others.
You gave him a slight shrug, turning back to the lava. “Maybe I just wanted to see it for myself, the bastard finally rotting in a place worse than hell.”
He didn’t answer, and you didn’t care enough to listen if he did because the lava finally fell to a point where you could see a tuft of dirty blond hair in the distance. When the burning liquid finally settled at the bottom, you could see him standing there from behind the netherite blocks.
Sam told you to stand on the platform and you listened, fists clenching as you slowly approached the prison cell. The man inside the obsidian cell looks at you with cold eyes, similar to what you remember from outside the prison, though a lot more empty as opposed to being filled with power-hungry rage. You took a first step on the obsidian before the platform behind you retracts back and the lava falls back from behind you.
The netherite barrier sunk into the ground, letting you walk around the tiny cell freely. You hummed at the sparse decorations: a chest, a desk, and a clock with a tiny note on it that said ‘Do not burn’.
Your green-eyed friend judged you from his sitting position on the floor, following your movements with squinted eyes. “What are you doing here?”
You stopped your aimless wandering, turning to him with a sigh. “Why does everyone keep asking me that? Is it weird for an old friend to come visit every once in a while? I was here when you founded the SMP.”
He gave you an unimpressed look, “you betrayed me.”
You shrugged at that, though something in you became slightly ticked off at the accusation. “Maybe I did, maybe I didn’t. Let’s agree to disagree.”
“Why are you here?” He repeated.
You sighed in mock sadness. “You’re just like Sammy out there. Not even a ‘hello’? Or a ‘long time no see’? Or a—you know, you used to call me by a nickname. What was it?” You paced up and down the small room. Of course, you were only messing with him, you couldn’t resist antagonizing him, after all.
“Flower. Why are you here?”
“Ah, yes. Flower! You used to call me that all the time,” you smile down at him, aura turning sinister and deadly. You pulled out the chair from his desk before settling it against the wall on the opposite side of the man. His mask was on the table next to a closed book, one of the few things he got to keep in his cell besides his precious clock that, from the looks of it, was not very precious to him at all.
“I’ll cut to the chase, Dream. I heard you have a little trick up your sleeve. A revival book. I’m gonna kindly ask that you hand it over to me. Take it as a gift for your dear ol’ pal.” Despite the playful nature of your words, Dream felt a chill run up his spine.
Still, not one to back down, he smirked back at you with equal heat. “I burned the book, Red. There’s no physical remnants of it in this world.”
You hummed, swinging your legs back and forth. You smiled at him with a tilt to your head, “then teach me how to do it.”
Dream rolled his eyes and scoffed, leaning back against the wall. “No.” There was nothing that he could gain from it.
“Not even if I help you break out of here?”
The way Dream paused made you produce a smile he couldn’t see. The man contemplated your words, mulling them over, weighing the consequences. He wasn’t going to lie, he has thought about calling you and asking for your help to break out of the prison. His plans to escape had to involve people from the outside, and he thought you were a powerful enough ally to do just the job. But, he thought, that the knowledge of the revival book was too powerful, too expensive to give for the exchange for his freedom that wouldn’t even be complete. Even if he did escape, there would be people constantly hunting him down until eventually, he would run out of tricks.
He sighed in defeat at his own thinking, sure that you thought of these scenarios as well, judging from the way you turned to him with a smug look.  
“No,” he finally said. He also had that favor to cash in with Technoblade; and as far as he knew, no matter how strong you were, that Technoblade would be even stronger. “Besides, Quackity’s been asking for the same thing, and he’s torturing me to have it. If I haven’t even given it to him, what makes you think I’ll give it to you?”
You pouted, getting off the chair and walking over to the lava. You put your palm as close to the lava as you could bear, intense heat warming your hands instantly as you ponder over his words.
Dream was sure he finally got you. Even if you were to torture him and hurt him, he has gone through enough to block out the pain. You could never do worse than Quackity.
“I heard Sapnap visited you a while ago.” That perked the man upright from his slouching position, narrowing his eyes at you with a glare that you chose to ignore. “I saw him on my way to the prison. He said he stops by the prison from time to time, just to make sure you haven’t escaped. How does that feel, Dream? When one of your closest friends wants you to stay rotting in this place?”
Dream’s fists clenched in anger, heat simpering through his bones as you continued to talk like nothing was the matter. He would’ve loved to throw you into the lava, but the fight in him dwindled as he was worn down by the prison, and he has long since accepted his fate.
“You know, when I came in, Sam made me sign a visiting book or something. Made me sign my name n’ shit. I saw a few familiar names, some new ones. But, I didn’t see a name I thought for sure I would see.”
Dream felt his heart drop to his stomach, already knowing who you had in mind. A shadow loomed over him, making him feel smaller than he had ever felt. His hard expression crumbled as he looked up at you, crouching in front of him with a grin on your face. He never felt more like prey, like a lamb to the slaughter, more than sitting here in front of you.
You took his silence as your cue to continue, “George hasn’t visited you at all, hasn’t he?” There it was, the final hit to complete the combo. Dream, instead of growing angry and lashing out, slumped farther into the wall as if to hide himself from your snake-like grip on his mind. You stood up, going back to pacing the wall back and forth as you continued to monologue.
“I saw him on my way here, too. He had this cute little mushroom hat that—he told me—came from the kingdom that he started with Sapnap and this guy named Karl. Lots of new faces and names around here, Dream. Anyways, I made some small talk with Georgie, it was a miracle I even saw him, do you remember how he was always asleep? You could never make that guy attend any important events in his life.” You shook your head at the fond memory, glancing at Dream from the corner of your eyes, seeing his head still leaned down and staring at the ground. Still, you knew he was listening to you.
“I saw XD there, you know. What’s that about? He calls himself a benevolent god with an unforgiving nature, but in the end he’s just a guy with powers who has himself wrapped around Georgie’s fingers. Who could blame him, though? George is very charming. Now, pop quiz. How can you hurt a man who is blessed by a god?”
Dream’s head turned to you sharply, glaring at you with eyes full of heat. “Whatever you’re planning, don’t do it or I swear to god I will make you regret it.”
You continued to pace, unbothered by what he said. “Incorrect! You lose a point for that one. The correct answer is—”, you stopped in front of Dream, “you make him reject the god, then when he’s alone, you attack.”
You took a seat on the chair from across Dream, holding yourself up with your arms as you leaned forward as if to taunt the man sitting in front of you. Speaking of, he hasn’t stopped glaring at you, and it made you giggle excitedly to yourself. Good, this is good, you were getting a reaction which meant you were breaking him.
You stretched your arms above your head with a stifled yawn, “I’ll kill him.”
That’s it? You mentioned the revive book earlier so you must know that he can just bring George back to life. To your threat, Dream scoffed, “I can just bring him back.”
You smiled knowingly, “I know. Which is why I’ll just have to drag it out, I’ll kill him so painfully slow, then when he goes you’ll just bring him back. Then we repeat until you give up.”
Dream felt as if his world stopped. His best friend, dying by the hands of someone he used to admire, to cherish? He tried to respond, to deny, to say something. But he couldn’t, and all that would leave his lips were stutters that made you smile.
You crouched in front of him again, and this time his heart skipped a beat. Out of fear? He wasn’t sure, but he felt like something akin to an animal who’s been cornered with nothing to lose.
“I can just see it, Dream. You sitting right where you are, watching me hurt our little Georgie. He’ll start to beg me. Beg me to stop, to just kill him and end it. But, I won’t. And you won’t stop bringing him back, either.”
You took your hand and brought it up to Dream’s hair, the first time you’ve touched him since you entered the prison. You brought his head up so he was looking up at you, giving him the perfect view of your face.
“Then eventually, Dream, he’ll stop begging me.” You gripped his hair a bit tighter, “and he’ll start begging you. To make it stop, for you to stop bringing him back so he doesn’t have to go through all that pain anymore. I wonder, Dream, if you’ll be able to do that.”
For the first time, you could see Dream’s eyes well up with tears, making you giddy with power.
“Please, don’t.” He whispered, the shake in his voice prominent as he tried to hold back sobs.
You leaned in close to his ears, and you noticed he’s shaking. “So, what will it be, Dream?”
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pregnant-piggy · 3 years
Silver lining ~ two
George Weasley x fem!reader
masterlist // playlist
warnings: character death, injuries, mentions of blood, explosions
A/N: i’m so sorry for this, so sorry
word count: 2.9k
Tumblr media
Stellify, a new star in the sky
‘Who of you is the best with defensive spells?’ you asked the group of students you were leading through the deserted corridors. You felt like you were acting like the ‘I’m-so-much-smarter’ adult, but you had to make sure these seventeen-year olds stayed safe.
Two of the students, Jake and Aya, offered to protect the group while the others took their place as the attackers. Your place was the third floor and you stationed you and your group at the windows.
This side of the school was absolutely silent. There were no students here anymore and even the ghosts avoided this particular spot. The silence, however, did make it a little easier to notice any particularities.
‘See anything?’ you asked Mario the student one window over of you.
‘No,’ he answered while he looked into the darkness. You followed his view and watched the dark grounds. Once in a while the sky lit up by the defensive spells Flitwick was casting at the sky, forming a defensive globe around the castle.
There was nothing to see, just darkness and the moonlight. It was a clear night and it would have been beautiful if not for the tension in the air. Though the atmosphere was not one of fright and terror. Everyone was excited; it felt like the final battle. This would be it.
‘What do you think will happen?’ Mario asked you.
‘We have to fight,’ you sighed and looked around at the students. ‘With all our power. It’s now or never.’
Mario stayed silent as he looked back outside. The time ticked by. Minutes of silence as nothing happened. It felt as if the side of the castle you were on was separated from the rest so that there would be no sounds. Jake and Aya were both on one side of the corridor, walking up and down, checking to see if there was any possible threat. But there was not. Not even one person, good or bad, was seen by you.
‘It’s almost midnight,’ Mario mumbled.
‘Guys, come here for a second,’ you said. You looked at the scared yet determined faces of the seventeen year olds and you felt a sting of sadness rushing through your body; you didn’t know how many would make it. You did not even know if you were going to make it. You pushed that thought out of your mind as you continued,
‘You need to fight with all you’ve got. I can’t promise you the end, no one can, but it’s better to lose a hero than to live with the thought of not haven given your everything. Think of your family, friends and all the innocent children in the world. This is your chance to change the world they will grow up in. Take care of yourself and of the others.’
The students nodded at your words and then took their places as the clock stroke midnight.
A deafening bang sounded over the school grounds and everything on it. The glass in the windows vibrated and you took a step back. The globe of protective spells was being attacked with hundreds of spells from the outside. Cracks started to form and the sounds from outside the bubble became louder.
The screaming and incantations of spells disrupted the silence. The battle had begun.
You broke the glass of the window with your wand and started to cast spells from your place up on the third floor at the death eaters down on the ground. The students around you followed your movements. They were good; they hit a lot of death eaters, making them fall promptly on the ground or screaming in pain. And hidden from the view of the people on the ground, you felt a little protected at least.
George stood in silence at the tapestry that gave access to the outside of the castle. He rarely used this secret passage, anyone did. If you went through it you would come outside at the back of the castle in wild shrubbery. The time it would take to get out of there could better be used for one of the other passages, that maybe were a little longer, but those wouldn’t give you scratches all over your legs and arms.
But this was George’s place. Fred was somewhere else in the castle, at the statue of the witch that hid the secret passage to Hogsmeade. It was weird without Fred. Whenever they had discussed the battle they had always assumed that they would battle side by side.
What worried George even more however, was that he had no idea where you were. He knew Fred would be alright. He knew you would be alright too, but he was worried about you. He didn’t want you to get hurt.
George snorted at the thought of what Fred would say at that. Fred had been telling his twin for months now that it was obvious George had feelings for you and that it was obvious you had feelings for George too. But George never listened. You could never like George, you were just his friend.
The castle shook and a light flash lit up the corridor George was in. The battle had begun.
George raised his wand, ready to attack anyone who he might see, but the corridor was empty. If the death eaters were at the front of the school, it would take hours with all the defence for them to reach this side of the castle. But George stayed at his assigned spot. Because there might come someone. And he thought, with a little guilt, this was a reasonably safe spot.
The sounds got louder and the flashes of light brighter. George could now hear screaming and yelling from further in the castle. But there was still no one on this side.
After five minutes George got impatient. This task seemed useless. He wanted to fight. He had come here to fight, not to sit on the floor watching a door that would never open.
And as the flashes of light now changed into different colours, George made a decision. Maybe he could help Fred, or you. But he would not stay in a silent part of the castle while the others fought with their lives.
George ran out of the hallway leaving the emptiness for the liveliness of the rest of the castle. As soon as he reached the stairs he saw that people were fighting vigorously. The spells flew around his head while he ran up the steps two at a time. George’s old classmates, family, friends, other students of Hogwarts and the Order. They were all fighting with everything they got.
A curse nearly hit George as he reached the top of the stairs and he had to duck away to not get hit a second time. Within a second he was caught in a one-to-one battle with a death eater. But George was stronger than the man opposite of him. He quickly fired three curses and they all hit the death eater in his chest. The man fell down and green vines started to grow from his chest, covering his limbs and face.
A shiver ran down George’s spine as he watched what his curse had done to the man. He had never known he could be that violent. But the thought was pushed out of his mind when he heard a scream. Without one look at the unconscious death eater George ran further into the hall, following the sound of the scream.
Neville almost bumped into George and nearly dropped the plants he was holding in his arms. The boy had a smug smile on his face and the sweat was on his forehead. George had never seen Neville so courageous.
‘We got this, George!’ he screamed as he ran along, diving away for a spell.
The scream had faded away meanwhile, but George still made his way to the front of the castle. More and more people were lying on the ground here, both death eaters and Hogwarts students. George’s stomach twisted at the sight of a young blonde girl that lay on the stone floor, her eyes open wide and her mouth closed in a thin line. One side of her face had been blast away, revealing her dark red flesh.
Someone was calling his name, but George could not avert his eyes from the girl. It filled him with fear and anger, so much that he did not know what to do. He wanted to save the girl, even though he knew deep down that she could not be saved anymore. Her life had ended while she had tried to protect the world.
His name was called again, but this time someone put their hand under his chin, forcing him to look away from the blonde. He was met with your eyes that were big and stood full with tears. But you had a smile on your face. The smile that you always saved for George.
‘Come on,’ you spoke softly.
Your voice was clearer than the sounds around the both of you. The screaming faded a little as George followed you. You brought him to a corridor that was more quiet. There was only one other person there and while George looked around the space you talked to them.
‘Mario, you alright?’ you asked.
‘I’m fine. That guy down there isn’t,’ the guy, apparently named Mario, said and pointed at the ground, where a mess of black cloaks lied.
‘Good work,’ you complimented Mario and sent him a smile. Then you turned back to George. ‘Georgie, are you alright?’
George nodded but his voice seemed lost in his throat.
‘That girl… we tried to save her. But it happened suddenly. There was a loud explosion and she was just… gone.’
A loud bang pulled George from his haze and he roughly was put back in the castle. Your voice wasn’t clearer than the other sounds anymore and the hallway didn’t seem so empty suddenly.
But that was not just George. A group of death eaters had reached the corridor and was now walking down, aiming curses at you, George and Mario.
You were still facing George and had not noticed the death eaters yet. George pulled you with him behind a pillar and the place where you just had stood was blown up in flames.
‘Get behind the other one,’ George whispered to you before firing a spell at the front man. The curse hit perfectly and the man fell down on the floor, squirming in pain before losing consciousness. You crawled to the pillar behind George and started to cast spells at the group that had gotten smaller, because Mario had also managed to hit them.
The light beams flew from George’s wand as he took down the death eaters one by one. They all fell down in pain, some with purple faces, other with empty eyes and one with a second head.
After the men all lay on the floor, George dared to turn to you. You were sitting behind the pillar on your knees and looked with fear and satisfaction at the men. George got up and walked over to you. He helped you get up and realised there was a cut on your cheek. He wiped away the blood and brushed it off on his pants.
‘I’m fine, George,’ you said and pushed his hand away from your face. ‘Now, as much as I like you holding me, I think there are more important things now.’
George took his hand back but let his fingers linger on your skin. He wished there was some way to protect you. But he also knew that if he would find a way, you would get out of it and face the battle.
‘Be safe, alright?’ you said before turning around.
‘Wait!’ George yelled after you.
You turned back and watched George with suspicion and worry. But before you could open your mouth to say anything, George pressed his lips on yours.
It was short. It was sweet. It was a moment of electricity. Something George would have never done if he had been thinking clear. But this wasn’t the time to think logically. If George lost you tonight, a thought that he wouldn’t let through in his mind, he would never be able to live with himself if he hadn’t at least done this.
George let go of you and spun around, running away from you. The burning desire that had left its mark on his lips was still there when he entered the hall again and started to scream spells with a power he never knew he had.
The curses were flying around your head as you reached the fifth floor of the castle. The touch of George’s lips was imprinted on your skin. The pain in your ankle, which you had gotten from ducking away and falling, felt not like your pain. It was as if someone was just telling you that you were in pain. But you were not, because you were not thinking of it. Your mind was still in the empty corridor with George’s hands around your waist.
At the back of the hallway you saw a redhead similar yet completely different to the man that had just kissed you. Fred was fighting along Percy. They both had a grin on their face.
You noticed three persons crawling from the darkness behind Fred and George. You raised your wand at them, but when they came into the light you saw Harry, Ron and Hermione. You ran to them, your feet manoeuvring between the rocks on the floor.
The scream of a woman made you turn around, nearly tripping over one of the stones on the floor. There, on the other side of the corridor, stood a small figure. Her hands were raised in the air, her wand loosely in her left hand. Even from the distance you could feel the pride radiating off her. She screamed victoriously and the grip on her wand tightened. A bright blue flash came from the stick and flew along you.
It was all happening fast and very slow at the same time. Like someone had put a hold on the time.
The blue flash hit the wall on the other side of the corridor. You saw the cracks in the wall spreading and you saw how little rocks flew from it. There was a bright flash of light. Then you heard the sound. The deafening bang that you felt in your chest. The wall broke apart with so much power everyone fell from their feet. The hall filled with dust and it was like everything was covered with a blanket. The bricks from the wall flew around, almost hitting your head.
There was a second flash and the other wall exploded. You pressed your body against the ground and wrapped your arms over your head. The cackling laughter of the woman filled the hallway as you lay covered in dust, fearing for your life.
The thundering sound stayed in the air and you looked up. All around you was dust and rocks. The wound on your cheek stung from the dirt but you ignored it. You stumbled through the rubble to the others and that was when you heard it.
The scream that would stay in your mind forever. The scream that would haunt your sleep. That would wake you at night with sweat all over your body. The scream that you felt in your bones.
It was the scream of the end. The end of life.
Percy was bent over a body and you did not need to look longer than a fraction of a second to know who. You fell on your knees and a wail escaped your mouth. All your emotions were sucked out of your body. You screamed the pain out of your body until your throat stopped working due to the tears that were running down your face.
You could not bring yourself to look. You could not look at the body, at the empty eyes, the empty smile, the empty body. The place that had once been Fred.
Percy’s scream synchronised with yours. You felt his pain. The aching darkness spreading through your body. The cold feeling in your limbs and the ice in your heart.
No words reached you. People talked to you, but you didn’t hear them. Someone placed a hand on your shoulder and that was when you looked up.
The first thing you saw was his red hair. That messy mob of hair that you recognised from miles away. But what used to be a bright red, was now dark. It held nothing from the liveliness it had always done.
His hands were lying along his body. The fingers that used to play with your hair, that were always so strongly wrapped around his wand when he was playing a prank with magic, that drummed on the table when he was nervous. The fingers that now would never move again. You would never hear his drumming again and you would never feel his nails scratch your skull when he braided your hair.
You stopped looking. It hurt too much. Your cheeks had dried and your tears had disappeared. You were too sad to cry.
There was nothing you could do anymore; Fred was gone.
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taglist: general HP: @harry-pottery-barn @potters-heart @kingalrdy @missswriter @figlia--della--luna​ @aspiringsloth20​ @awritingtree​ @bi-andready-tocry​ @lilulo-12fanfiction​ @ananad1​ @treestarrrrrrrr​ @your-hispanichufflepuff​ @thefandomplace​ @theeicedamericano​ @girllety​ @moonstarrnghtsky​ @swearingsolemnly​ @weasleydream​ @secretsthathauntus​ @amixedwitch​ @izzyyy-1​ @gryffindorgirl​ @kitkatkl​
‘general HP’ will be tagged in every part, but let me know if you want to be added to the series taglist!
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fred-george-fic · 4 years
In the Middle Pt. 1
Cedric x Reader & George x Reader (Eventually)
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AN: Hi Everyone! I recently really got into Harry Potter (I am extremely late to the game, I know) and immediately fell in love with two characters, Cedric Diggory and George Weasley. So for the last few months, I have been working on a fan fiction revolving around those two boys. I have already written the story through Goblet of Fire and hope to improve my writing throughout this journey. I also understand theres already a fic like this in progress, but I didn’t want my fic to go to waste. So, I hope you enjoy! (P.S. I am REALLY working on becoming a more in-depth writer and hope to improve as time goes on.)
Summary: Y/N is attending the Quidditch World Cup with the Weasleys, Hermione and Harry. 
Pairing(s): Cedric x Reader & George x Reader (eventually)
Word Count: 1.8k
Warnings: Italics/Bold = past event. none.
The Quidditch World Cup
You wake up in Ginny’s room within the Burrow, where both Hermione and Ginny are fast asleep. Quietly, you slide out of bed and begin getting ready waking both girls as you do. As you head down the stairs, you can smell the delicious scent of Molly Weasley’s cooking. As you come around the corner, you notice two identical boys and Arthur Weasley sitting at the table. Both George and Fred have been your best friends since your first ride on the Hogwarts Express.
You remember being so nervous to go off to Hogwarts not knowing any other children your age. As you stepped onto platform 9 ¾ you noticed a large family all with ginger hair. Neither of your parents were able to accompany you to the station, so you were utterly alone. Maybe you looked lost or stared at the family too long, but the woman you presumed to be their mother waved you over. “Come here, dear! Don’t be afraid, its George and Fred’s first day at Hogwarts too.” The woman exclaimed. “My other sons attend too, this is Bill, Charlie and Percy.” She points at each boy as she says their names. “Oh, and I am Molly Weasley, who might you be dear?”
“Oh, uh I’m Y/N L/N” You give a slight wave to the family and they all smile and wave back.
“Y/N, huh?” One of the twins say, who you think is Fred.
“Well, Y/N, you can share a booth with us!” The other one states, who you believe in George.
“Oh, thank you” You smile at the two boys as they lead you with them to a booth and you all chat happily until you get to Hogwarts.
Your friendship with the boys has continued throughout the years and now you are all about to enter your sixth year. You sit at the table next to George who gives you a wide smile and continues shoveling food into his mouth. “Oh, Good Morning dear!” Molly says as she cleans the kitchen up.
“Good morning Molly!” You begin to add various breakfast foods to your plate and hear the sound of footsteps coming down the stairs, watching as Harry, Hermione, Ron and Ginny take their seats and immediately start eating. You could tell that Ron just woke up, from his constant yawning and eye rubbing. After breakfast, you all grab your bags and head outside in order to begin the trek to transport to the stadium. As we approached the bottom of the hill, Arthur began talking to a man.
“My apologies, someone had a hard time waking up this morning” Arthur said looking back at Ron. “Everyone, this is Amos Diggory. We work together at the Ministry” Just then a boy dropped down from the tree, someone you had seen at Hogwarts before. “Ah yes, and you may know his son Cedric.”
Hermione, Ginny and I shared glances with each other, a type of look only given by girls who fancy a boy. When you look back at Cedric, you make eye contact and see a slight smile form on his mouth. He was handsome with bright grey eyes and brown hair, so you couldn’t help but smile and tuck your hair behind your ear. Then Ginny and Hermione shared a knowing look between each other. 
As you begin making your way up the hill, Cedric matches his footsteps with yours so that you are walking side by side. “Hello Cedric” you look up at him.
“Y/N, right? In Gryffindor?” He looks at you for a long moment, a small smile spreading across his face.
“Yes, Hufflepuff yourself, correct?”
Cedric nods his head. “You know; I’ve seen you on the Quidditch pitch. You’re a pretty good chaser, for a Gryffindor.” He teased.
“Ah, coming from a seeker, I guess I’ll take it as a compliment.” you laugh lightly.
Cedric let out a laugh and discussed Quidditch with you as you made your way up the hill to the boot just sitting at the top. While talking to him, you noticed George and Fred periodically looking back at you. Last time we had discussed Cedric, both boys referred to him as “Pretty Boy Diggory” and were angry the Dementors got in the way, knocking Harry off the broom and allowing Hufflepuff to win last year. Everyone gathers around the portkey, grabbing onto it. Just before it launched us into the air, Arthur yells at Harry to grab on. “Harry!” He exclaims loudly.
The moment Harry grabbed the portkey everyone spun into the air in a whirlwind. “Alright, let go!” Arthur yells. One by one we all released our grip from the portkey, crashing onto the ground. In your case, you accidently land right on top of George. You hear him groan as you land with a thud. “George! I am so sorry!” You quickly get up and help him get to his feet.
“That’s quite alright” He laughs. Everyone gets up and dusts themselves off, only to observe the patrons walking around the various tents outside the stadium.
We will see you in the High Box later, Amos” Arthur said “Come on then everyone!” He began walking towards the crowd of people beckoning for everyone to follow him.
Cedric and his dad started walking in the opposite direction. He turned around slowly with a wide grin, stated “See you later, Y/N” and then kept walking. 
As we started following Arthur, Fred and George both put their arms around me “Ah, making friends with the enemy” They said in unison.
“You can’t be mad at someone just because they beat us in a quidditch match!” you exclaimed throwing your hands up.
“Sure we can!” They yelled walking into the tent and immediately putting their feet up on the table. You laughed softly and got ready to watch the game. 
The moment we stepped into the stadium, the excitement was contagious. You were wearing a green and white scarf, like Fred, George and Hermione. You let George paint green and white lines on your cheeks. While you felt the bet they had made wasn’t a wise idea, you knew it was best to stay positive about the whole situation. You climbed your way to the top and noticed that Amos and Cedric were already at the top and began to move over to allow you all in.
“Y/N” Cedric said smiling at you. “I told you I would see you soon”
“Well, you were correct. However, I had a feeling you knew that we’d have the same seats for the game” You smiled back at him, unsure what he was getting at. Fred and George each made their way to either side of you. “Hello, Diggory” They smirked, making it very obvious that you were matching with them.
“Fred. George.” Cedric said sternly. He looked at you, then back at the two boys with an unreadable expression. “I’ll talk with you later, Y/N” And then he walked away.  
“Bloody hell you two!” You playfully punched them each on the arms. “I talk to a boy for two seconds and you two have to come up all smug. 
“Come on Y/N! You know it’s all in good fun!” Fred exclaimed.
“We were only trying to intimidate him!” George followed.
“You are impossible” You yelled as the Irish quidditch players began to zoom overhead. The excitement continued well into the night, resulting in the Irish winning the Quidditch World Cup.
As you made your way back to the tent, you heard someone call your name some distance away. You turn around and notice Cedric running through the crowd towards you. “Cedric?” You stop in your tracks and turn around completely waiting for him to catch up.
“Mr. Weasley!” He yells causing Arthur to turn around and stand with you.
“Oh, Hello Cedric. What can I do for you?”
“Do you mind if I talk with Y/N outside the tent for a bit? We won’t travel too far off. No more than a yell away” Cedric looks at Arthur with a hopeful expression.
“Well, I don’t see why not!” Arthur turns and follows the rest of the group into the tent. You can hear the excitement between Ron, Fred and George as they erupt in laughter.
“I just wanted to apologize for earlier” Cedric rubbed the back of his neck, looking at you.
“For earlier?” You ask, not entirely sure what he means. “Oh, you mean with George and Fred? If anything, I should be the one apologizing. They have an issue with entering other conversations”
“Ah, just being protective them? I’ll admit, they can be a little intimidating” Cedric chuckles lightly looking at you.
You immediately begin laughing “Fred? George? Intimidating?” You continue laughing, making Cedric laugh with you.
“Alright, alright. Maybe that wasn’t the correct phrase” He continues, still laughing with you.
You both stand there silently for a moment, taking in the atmosphere of the cup. Cedric turns to look at you and begins to lean in slowly, eyes locked with yours. “Y/N-” A loud explosion interrupts Cedric causing the ground to become unsteady. You lose your balance and you fall against Cedric who manages to steady you. As you look around, you notice a fire erupting and more continue to appear. Arthur exits the tent first followed by everyone else. People are screaming and running madly, constantly knocking people over, not caring if anyone else is around. Someone knocks into you and you fall again, but this time into George, who catches you with ease. 
“George. Fred. Y/N. You’re in charge of Ginny. Everyone get to the portkey. Cedric and I will go look for his father and meet you there.” Arthur abruptly turns and grabs Cedric’s arm running in the opposite direction. You three take out your wands and begin running towards the portkey, noticing some hooded figures in the distance. You grab Ginny’s hand and George and Fred help you create a barrier protecting her from being knocked over. Eventually, you reach the portkey and begin to wait.
“Where are Harry, Hermione and Ron? I thought they were right behind us!” You look around but cannot seem to find them anywhere. After what feels like an eternity, Hermione and Ron come running up. “Where’s Harry?” You all ask at the same time.
“We lost him in the crowds. We hoped he made his way up here.” Hermione said just as Arthur, Cedric and Amos approached.
When you looked down the hill, you noticed that the crowds and hooded figures had all cleared out. But now up in the sky was the Dark Mark of he-who-shall-not-be-named. “Y/N, stay here with Ginny while we go down and find Harry” Arthur stated as everyone ran down in order to find him. As you watched everyone run down, you noticed a flash of red light and immediately grew with concern. Once you looked up, you saw it, the dark mark is already floating in the sky. Eventually, the group returned with Harry in tow and everyone used the portkey to travel back to the burrow.
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