littleflowerfaith · 2 months
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10angeltears10 · 13 days
When I look back and think, why do I do this, isn't it pointless? Why, yes, it may not seem useful to everyone else, I find it useful. I find joy in it, and I grow my roots out. Joy is more important to me in the long run. ~10angeltears10
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crying--angel · 3 months
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divinedomesticity · 13 days
Elevating Everyday Bliss: Embracing the Joy of Daily Habits
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Hello everyone! Imagine this: the sun streaming through the windows, the aroma of freshly brewed tea wafting through the air, and the gentle rhythm of life unfolding before us. In these small, seemingly mundane moments lies the secret to unlocking a life filled with joy, vitality, and abundant blessings. So grab your favorite mug of tea, cozy up, and let's dive into the delightful art of cultivating daily habits that elevate the everyday.
First up, let's talk about making the bed each morning. I know, I know—it might seem like a small thing, but trust me, it sets the tone for the entire day. There's something about smoothing out those sheets and fluffing those pillows that infuses your space with a sense of order and serenity. Plus, a beautifully made bed at the end of a long day, pure bliss.
Next on our journey of daily delights: opening windows. Oh, the simple pleasure of letting in a breath of fresh air! Whether it's to welcome the morning breeze or to bask in the golden glow of sunset, opening windows connects us to the natural rhythms of the world outside. It's like giving your home a big, cozy hug.
Now, let's talk lists—because who doesn't love a good list? Whether it's a to-do list, a grocery list, or a list of dreams and aspirations, there's something undeniably satisfying about putting pen to paper and seeing your thoughts take shape. Plus, crossing things off feels like a mini victory every time!
And speaking of victories, let's not forget about the joy of sipping healthy teas. Whether you're a fan of calming chamomile, invigorating green tea, or spicy chai, there's a tea out there for every mood and occasion. So brew yourself a cup, cozy up with a good book, and let the worries of the day melt away.
Of course, no discussion of daily habits would be complete without mentioning the joy of going for walks. There's something about stepping outside and immersing yourself in nature that rejuvenates the soul like nothing else. So lace up those sneakers, tune in to your favorite podcast, and let's go explore the world together.
Last but certainly not least, let's talk about nourishing foods. Because let's face it—when we eat well, we feel well. So why not treat yourself to a colorful array of fruits and veggies, wholesome grains, and nourishing proteins? Your body will thank you, and you'll feel radiant with every bite.
So there you have it—just a few simple ways to infuse your days with a little extra joy and bliss. Remember, it's the small, everyday habits that add up to a life well lived. So let's raise our tea cups to embracing the beauty of the everyday and savoring each precious moment together. Your joy is worth it!
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journey-to-balance · 28 days
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So happiness,
as most of us are taught, or
as most of us see it, is results oriented.
If then.
If I get this,
then I will be happy.
If I reach this goal,
then I will be happy.
Something akin to a "ta-da" moment. But,
there's no "ta-da" moment.
There's no hill
that you get to the top of, and
you say, "ah, I think I did it."
Because what you do see,
once you get to the top, is
other hills.
I know now,
that joy is more in the verb,
in the process of doing, and
if we can get out of our mind,
that there is a finish line, and
just enjoy the race, if we
can just chase ourselves and say,
"this is the best I can do," if we
can get to the end of this life, sit back and say,
"well, I didn't make it to the top, but
how many steps did I climb,
how wide was my reach,
how deep did my roots grow?"
Would it tally up?
And if once this life is over, and
Creator turns to us and says,
"well done,"
would we be happy then? I would.
I think that's as good as it gets.
April is National Poetry Month, 30 days of celebrating the joy, expressiveness, and pure delight of poetry.
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spiritualsoull1969 · 2 months
Embracing Flow States: A Spiritual Journey Towards Achieving More with Less
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In a world characterized by perpetual busyness and constant distractions, the concept of flow states emerges as a beacon of hope, offering a path towards greater productivity and fulfillment. But beyond its practical benefits, flow transcends into the realm of spirituality, inviting us to explore the deeper dimensions of our existence. This article delves into the profound connection between flow states and spirituality, illuminating how embracing flow can lead us to achieve more with less while fostering a profound sense of spiritual growth and awakening.
Understanding Flow States:
Flow, as defined by psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, is a state of optimal experience where individuals are fully immersed and deeply focused on an activity, experiencing a sense of energized focus, full involvement, and enjoyment in the process. In this state, the sense of self fades away, time becomes distorted, and actions seem to effortlessly unfold. Flow arises when the challenges of a task match one's skills, creating a harmonious balance that propels individuals into a heightened state of consciousness.
The Spiritual Essence of Flow:
At its core, flow is more than just a psychological phenomenon—it embodies a spiritual essence that resonates with the fundamental truths of existence. In the flow state, the boundaries between the self and the external world blur, giving rise to a profound sense of unity and interconnectedness. This dissolution of the ego mirrors spiritual experiences found in various contemplative traditions, where the individual transcends the limited sense of self to merge with the infinite.
In the spiritual context, flow can be seen as a gateway to higher states of consciousness, offering glimpses of transcendence and liberation from the confines of mundane existence. Through flow, individuals tap into a deeper reservoir of creativity, intuition, and wisdom that lies dormant within, aligning with the universal flow of energy and consciousness.
Flow as a Spiritual Practice:
Just as meditation and prayer are pathways to spiritual growth, engaging in flow activities can serve as a form of spiritual practice. Whether it's through art, music, sports, or any other passion-driven endeavour, the act of immersing oneself in flow becomes a sacred ritual—an opportunity to commune with the divine presence that permeates all of creation.
In the pursuit of flow, individuals cultivate mindfulness and presence, anchoring themselves in the eternal now. Each moment becomes infused with significance, offering a glimpse into the timeless realm of the soul. In this state of heightened awareness, ordinary tasks transform into sacred acts, and every action becomes an offering to the divine.
The Paradox of Effortlessness:
One of the paradoxes of flow is the experience of effortlessness within the midst of intense concentration. While conventional wisdom equates achievement with hard work and struggle, flow teaches us that true mastery arises when effort gives way to surrender. In the spiritual journey, this paradox reflects the principle of "wu wei" or "effortless action" found in Taoist philosophy, where one aligns with the natural flow of the universe rather than resisting it.
By letting go of the ego's need to control and allowing ourselves to be guided by the currents of flow, we open ourselves to the infinite possibilities that lie beyond the limitations of our rational minds. In this surrender, we discover that the path of least resistance is also the path of greatest fulfillment.
Flow and the Expansion of Consciousness:
As individuals deepen their relationship with flow, they embark on a journey of self-discovery and inner transformation. Flow becomes a catalyst for expanding consciousness, dissolving the illusions of separateness and revealing the interconnected web of existence. In this expanded state of awareness, individuals experience a profound sense of unity with all of creation, recognizing themselves as co-creators in the unfolding cosmic dance.
Moreover, flow serves as a portal to the transcendent realms of inspiration and insight, where intuition becomes the guiding force in navigating life's journey. In the words of spiritual teacher Eckhart Tolle, "True intelligence operates silently. Stillness is where creativity and solutions to problems are found."
In a world that often equates success with external achievements and material possessions, the path of flow offers a different paradigm—a spiritual journey towards achieving more with less. By surrendering to the flow of life, we tap into the infinite reservoir of creativity, wisdom, and joy that resides within us. In the sacred space of flow, we rediscover our true essence and align with the divine rhythm of the universe. So let us embrace the flow, not just as a means to greater productivity, but as a gateway to spiritual awakening and profound fulfillment.
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existentialjoyquest · 3 months
Smile, It Happened: Embracing Life's Moments 😊🌟 In the tapestry of existence, every smile is a stitch, weaving a beautiful story of joy and gratitude. Cherish the moments that make your heart smile.
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traveltme · 1 year
Life is a precious gift, and each day is an opportunity to experience all the beauty and wonder that the world has to offer. Whether it's a breathtaking sunset, a kind word from a friend, or simply the feeling of warm sunshine on your face, there are countless moments of beauty and joy to be found in every day.
One of the most beautiful things about life is the way that it constantly surprises us. From unexpected moments of kindness to chance encounters with new friends, there is always something new and exciting waiting just around the corner.
And while life can certainly be challenging at times, it's often these moments of adversity that help us to appreciate the beauty of life even more. When we overcome obstacles and face our fears, we emerge stronger and more resilient, with a newfound appreciation for the beauty and wonder of the world around us.
So take a moment to stop and appreciate the beauty of life today. Whether it's the smile of a stranger, the melody of a favorite song, or simply the feeling of your heart beating in your chest, there is so much to be grateful for in this world.
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gsmentalhealthwellnes · 4 months
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The Longing for Joy: When Life Feels Dull and Grey
Life can be a rollercoaster of emotions, from soaring highs to crushing lows. But what happens when the good times seem to fade away, leaving you feeling empty and unfulfilled? If it's been a while since you've experienced genuine joy, you're not alone. Many people grapple with periods of emotional numbness, wondering if they'll ever feel happiness again.
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diaaxtr · 1 year
"Find peace in the tranquility of sage green, where the beauty of nature meets the serenity of the soul."
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fixquotes · 6 months
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"Find a place inside where there's joy, and the joy will burn out the pain"
- Joseph Campbell
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🌼🌟 Hey there, lovely ladies over 50! Welcome to the most fabulous corner of the internet! 🌟🌼
I'm thrilled to have you join our fantastic journey toward a life that's not just good but downright AMAZING! 😄💃
In this space, we're all about celebrating the big 5-0 and beyond! 🥳 We're here to prove that life after 50 is like a fine wine - it just keeps getting better with time. 🍷✨
Let's laugh, learn, and leap into the world of self-care, wellness, and all-around awesomeness together. 🚀💪
But wait, there's more! 🌈
We've got a party going on, and you're invited! 🎉 Grab a seat, a cup of herbal tea, or your favorite smoothie, and let's dive into the fun. 🍵🥤
We're all about positivity, inspiration, and embracing the journey of aging gracefully. So, let's get started on this vibrant adventure together! 🌟
Stay tuned for tips, stories, and lots of laughter as we navigate life after 50. 🌆📚
With a big, warm virtual hug,
Let's make this chapter the BEST one yet! 🎈💖 #HealthyAndHappyAfter50
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fifi-the-pianst · 10 months
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crying--angel · 3 months
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overthinkingfemininity · 10 months
Life looks like a big pale white wall of grief with cracks in between and through those cracks, the sunlight , as moments of joy come across sometimes hardly and gives me the strength to not give up .
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morimatea · 1 year
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It is a place of quiet contemplation, and enjoy a cup of tea.
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