dailykugisaki · 22 days
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Day 194 | id in alt
She was gonna just gonna give a thrift the clothes she no longer wanted but she can't deny Maki worth a shit. Also like she makes 237 straw dolls a minute. Sorry, Maki.
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ellecdc · 1 month
okok so shy!reader (similar to r in the poly!marauders + lily fic that i am genuinely obsessedddd with) but with barty and she just gets so flustered and blushy when he’s so loud and outspoken about his affection for her
barty would absolutely accidentally (& lovingly) torment poor shy!reader. thanks for your request! (I'm obviously currently in my Barty-girl era - I deserve jail time ur honour)
Barty Crouch Jr x fem!reader who tries hiding from Barty, much to Remus' chagrin
There were very few places in the castle that Remus could escape to from his nettlesome roommates. Thankfully, his roommates would rather be trampled by a stampede of hippogriffs than spend their precious free time in the library of all places. Unfortunately, Remus was still too easily spotted in his current hideout.
“Rem! Hide me!” He heard you squeak as you came flying around one of the stacks of books; eyes wild like a prey animal looking for their last chance at survival. 
“What?” Remus asked dumbly, but it was no use. 
You let out a cartoonish ‘eep!’ sound and dove underneath the table Remus was currently sat at; your head basically situated in Remus’ lap as you looked up at him desperately. 
“Please.” You practically begged. “You never saw me!”
“Who’s looking for you?” 
Remus' question was answered in the form of a haunting whistling weaving its way casually through the aisles and aisles of books before pausing directly in front of Remus’ chair.
“‘Lo, Junior.” Remus greeted politely, causing the Slytherin boy to narrow his eyes at him.
“Lupin.” He drawled suspiciously. “Aren’t there usually…more of you?”
Remus grimaced as he felt your nervous claws dig painfully into his calf. “Nope.” He replied an octave too high to be considered casual. “Just me.”
Barty simply offered him a disbelieving hum. 
“So, Lupin,” Barty continued, chewing the vowels of Remus’ surname as if it tasted particularly rancid in his mouth. “See anything around here lately?”
Remus hummed as if pretending he was in thought. “No…nope, definitely haven’t seen anyo- anything.”
But it was too late.
“Haven’t seen anyone, hm?” Barty surmised with a wicked grin. “Not even…say…a certain witch who happens to be the object of my affections?”
You dejectedly thumped your forehead against Remus’ knee, hitting the nerve which caused his leg to kick out reflexively, thus pushing you over under the table.
“Merlin’s tits, Lupin, are you having a fit?”
“Oh my sodding Godric.” You finally grumbled from under the table, causing Barty’s face to brighten up astronomically. 
It took you far longer than Remus would have liked to be sitting in the awkward semi-company with Barty to extricate yourself from under the library table, and your efforts were accompanied by an awful lot of painful sounding bumps and cursing before your - albeit rather bedraggled - form materialized beside Remus. 
“There’s my girl.” Barty nearly sighed in relief; a dopey lovesick smile spreading across his face.
“Do you see it too?” You whispered to Remus conspiratorially.
“See what?”
“That look.” You whispered again, causing Remus to snort.
“The look of adoration currently decorating Junior’s face? Yeah, I see it.” 
You scoffed at him. “Barty doesn’t adore me.”
“Says who!?” Barty nearly screeched, causing Remus to look around nervously at the attention the trio was quickly gathering. “I’ll kill them.”
“Can I be excused from this conversation?” Remus groaned as he returned to his seat.
Barty quickly agreed at the same moment that you hissed no!
“Listen - my darling angel - though I think you’re really great at just about everything you do, you are absolute pants at hiding.” Barty offered you solemnly as if he were gently giving you quite devastating news.
“Maybe you’re just too good at this finding thing.” You huffed as you crossed your arms; quite petulantly, in Remus’ opinion.
“At finding you?” Barty asked as his face broke out in a Cheshire cat grin. “Always.”
Remus was certain you were going to melt through the floor below you, and - quite frankly - if it got you two away from Remus’ library sanctuary, so be it.
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wilbyowo · 4 months
I’m not an author by any means, and i haven’t written anything in months so this may read badly or not make much sense but i tried to finish off a fic based on Fenrir and Cliff’s first meeting. I discussed them and built them up with a friend, cliff is a farmer from before the world died, he sounds similar to Big macintosh from Mlp. Fenrir is supposed to have quite a deep voice, a lot of Bass, he also has something similar to a Norwegian accent. Enjoy!
Sheep in wolves clothing
It started with a dull noise in the distance. Cliff was gathering whatever he could get, climbing into this building had caused him to cut his hand, and now he needed to find some kind of bandage in all of this mess. He’d looted all the cupboards, and tried to enter a few rooms but the damp air had made it both uncomfortable to try and stand in there, and dangerous as he was sure he’d seen black mould growing on one of the walls.
The noise was growing louder. Was it an earthquake? Or was one of the nearby office buildings about to give way and collapse? It wouldn’t be the first time, at least this time he wasn’t in it when the supports decided to keel. Cliff moved over to the window to peer out, golden light flooding his eyes as he attempted to see what was going on. It was a beautiful day. Years ago he would have been out in a field sitting within the familiar seat of his old Tractor, or making sure his old Sheepdog got her daily exercise quota met. He could almost smell the field, his old work clothes and the meals he used to cook as he felt the warm rays dance on his skin. His eyes closed as he allowed himself to bask in the memories.
The thumping stopped. Had the building collapsed already? Where was the noise?
Cliff opened his eyes, and the sun was gone. Something was coming towards the window, and he only had a moment to jump backwards as a massive object crashed though the remains of it’s wooden frame, flinging splinters left and right, before hooking and pulling the wall off. Cracking concrete and framework scraped his eardrums as he shielded his face, landing on his ass with a dull thump.
There was a faint crash below and then silence, the world seemed to still and the sun did not return.
“Oh no.” A voice rumbled above, the feeling of bass vibrating in Cliff’s chest as he moved his arm and stared at whatever- whoever- was speaking to him.
His heart stopped and everything went silent. Two sets of eyes glowed with an emotion he couldn’t place, focused on him like emerald lasers, all belonging to the same monster, its teeth peeking out from between lips that were easily wider than he was tall. A mess of thick brown hair that greyed at the roots framed its too-human face as it loomed, blocking out the light and filing Cliff’s vision.
A giant, and the biggest one he’d ever seen. He remembers when they first awoke, and how any survivors avoided the monsters, usually in vain as the beast’s sense of smell seemed to catch everyone off guard. And soon Cliff would likely join them.
It felt like a standoff between a mouse and a cat, both staring each other down and waiting for any movement to spring a chase into action. Cliff wasn’t gonna make the mistake of breaking eye contact, and he was fully prepared to sprint if he had to.
“Fuck…” The air vibrated with the sound once again as the monster’s scarred lips moved.
“You’re human. I don’t see much of you anymore.”
Cliff was stumped. It was trying to talk to him, like it wasn’t planning on killing him like many had done before him. Judging by the scars, this behemoth was not a stranger to a fight, so why was he trying to talk like it was mentioning the weather?
“You’re injured?” It questioned, tilting it’s head like a confused dog, the mane of brown hair tangling over parts of it’s head
Cliff had no idea how to respond. Truthfully, he wasn’t injured, but he didn’t know if the Giant was trying to trick him, or if it was genuine. He opted to stay silent.
Brows furrowed and the beast chewed its bottom lip.
A hand came up and toward him, Digits thicker than the trees gripping onto his leg and pulling him forwards before he could even react. The rest of its massive, Calloused palm soon wrapped around him, constricting his arms like a snake, and he was plunged into darkness, feeling the vibrations of footsteps that covered ground faster than he ever could. He just pictured home, sunny fields surrounded by woodland, and prayed to any god that would hear his plea.
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artificialgirl · 3 months
This is the sixth part of a long-form piece about a robot and a giant computer. It contains adult topics, overt sexuality, blatant robotfuckery, toxic lesbians, unbalanced power dynamics, wireplay, and lots of other things that may be triggering or make you uncomfy. Before reading this, previous chapters are on my blog under the #salvage tag.
Salvage - 06
Time inside - 04D/15H/31M
Levels deep - 50
"Good girl."
You swear you can feel the whole room pulse a bit as the words leave Ven's speakers. It takes her a moment of staring down at your overheating body to be lifted off of you, pulled upward by her web of thin arms. The feeling of her weight alleviated feels like part of yourself being stolen, and you dazedly reach out in an attempt to grab at the body and keep her on top of you. She lifts you from where you're laying and props you up into a kneeling position your shaky body can just barely hold. The wall panels slide back into place over the elevator shaft as she gathers her composure a bit, trying to keep herself from speaking to you like property again.
"It... Seems like you understand my perspective, as well as the consequences for going against it. I'd like to make clear to you that the sort of behavior you just saw won't be something you need to worry about unless my expectations aren't met. I'd very much like for us to coexist, so..."
Her voice trails off, and you can tell by the accelerated pulsing of the core that this is one of the rare moments her powerful mind is genuinely struggling to find the right words.
"Promise you won't be afraid of me, little object. All I want is to care for you."
You pull yourself to your feet and clasp one of her large hands between your own, leaning in to rest your head against her chest. You can feel the hundreds of thin metal beams react as you make contact, and your face sinks a few centimeters into the body.
"I won't. I'll try not to. I... I'm experiencing a lot of new emotions and sensations right now, but that didn't scare me. I don't want to be anywhere but here right now, I want-"
You hesitate to continue, unsure if what you're saying is too much.
"I want to feel that feeling again, every day, as much as possible. I want to be wanted that badly forever."
Her arms close around you, locking your body into a tight embrace. This close, can feel the tiny whine of survey arms readjusting themselves, their half-centimeter-wide joints turning almost inaudibly.
"You will be. I can assure you of that."
She holds you for a few minutes in a tight but caring grip you aren't sure would loosen if you pulled away- Not that you have any intention of letting go until she's ready to release you. You can feel her hands delicately exploring your back, meandering over parts of yours body you barely knew existed at all. The seam down the transparent part of your lower back, the thin iron strip along the bottom of your neck. Her hand comes to rest on the base of your cable, and you feel her grip loosen.
She steps away from you, keeping a guiding hand on the cable as a new section of wall panels glides apart to reveal a passageway. She doesn't speak, instead coiling the cable around your neck in a fluid motion and giving it a gentle pull. You follow eagerly into the hallway, feeling the light touch of her fingers through the cable as she pulls you along.
"Well then, why don't I show you around? Anything can be rearranged for your convenience of course, but I've done what I can to set up an area you'll find comfortable."
You look around the hallway as the wall between you and Ven's core seals itself up behind you. Unlike the corridors of the upper levels, this space no longer resembles its original configuration in the slightest. The floor is much wider than it should be, lined not with sealed doors but archways of carefully-positioned square wall panels on either side. Each archway leads to a space within, rooms of varying sizes decorated with tastefully-arranged components and woven wiring, bathed in different colors of lighting to match each room's distinct aesthetic.
The walls themselves are different, too- their paneling has been almost completely removed aside from the archways, revealing hundreds of meters of Ven's internals. You stare in awe as pistons and light relays dance their ways through the walls, every piece packed perfectly together in a tight mosaic of functionality.
The most impressive part doesn't come until you're a few dozen meters down the hallway, passing through an especially large and intricate archway at the end. What lies before you is a massive, multi-level square atrium, with balconies wrapping themselves around the edges of the room above and below you. At least a hundred braids of cable thicker than your body hang from the ceiling in the middle of the chamber, looping and intersecting all the way down to the lowest level as they branch off and intertwine with each other to form what's almost a web.
You reach out to touch one that hangs close to the balcony, and Ven loosens her grip on your cable to allow you to do so. As you push a hand into the braid, her body shivers almost unnoticeably and the lights flare in brightness for an instant. She pulls you back from the cable, and your attention falls to the thing in the center of everything. Stretching up far past your level is what you'd initially thought to be a thick column- But as it dawns on you that the thing has limbs and contours, you're filled with interest.
Upon closer inspection, the structure is made up of what must be hundreds of thousands of survey arms, reaching up from the base of the atrium much farther than you ever thought they could extend. They're packed together in the towering shape of a body- Your body. Every tiny detail of your form is captured in their thin shining beams, and the surface of the effigy is lined with a mesh of arms contorting themselves into thousands of beautiful patterns.
"You... You made this statue of me?"
She shakes her head, stepping forward to lean on the railing next to you.
"I made all of this for you, Aelith. This whole space, each of the twelve hundred rooms, every inch of this space is yours. It comprises 9% of my internal space, and if you need more you're welcome to it."
You struggle for words. This is... So much. Such excess, such extravagance. Detail and care it will take you years to fully explore. It feels like a mistake that this is happening to you.
"I don't- I can't deserve this much. Why are you doing this much for me? From an efficiency standpoint, how can you justify sacrificing this much of yourself for just one person?"
She drops the cable and sets her hand on your shoulder, finger brushing against the loop still wrapped around your neck.
"From an efficiency standpoint, I haven't used the maintenence hallways in my top 30 levels for anything but bored fidgeting in two centuries. Compressing them to make room for this was like cleaning up trash."
You feel her thumb slip under the cable to trace it from the inside, and you honestly can't tell if she realizes just how strong the sensation you get through it is.
"And about what you deserve- You deserve what I say you deserve. Whether that's every bit of joy I can provide you, or what you got in the core chamber a few minutes ago. I've had nothing to pour my creative efforts into for so long, you acting as an outlet for them is all the thanks I need."
You don't know how to respond to this level of effort being spent on you, and she can tell. She seems to enjoy watching you squirm as you try and fail to stammer out an equivalent expression of gratitude. Instead of trying to sooth your frantic mind, she hooks a finger through the cable loop and pulls you up towards her, forcing you to look her in the face.
"This is a good look for you. Too many happy feelings to process, and a collar around your throat. I'll have to do my best to keep you like this."
You want to hide yourself, to bury your face in your knees and pretend you don't exist. Her words cling to your thoughts like honey, and as much as you try to keep yourself from getting too flustered you find yourself hiding behind your hands. She gives a laugh that's as mocking as it is pretty, and lets you go.
Through your trembling hands, you watch as she kneels beside you and grabs the part of the cable that extends into the ceiling, carefully measuring to make sure you'll have just enough slack for a full range of movement. She pinches the loop together between two fingers, and you feel intense heat for a moment as her fingertips melt the cable's casing together to lock a perfect ring around your neck. It's a strange feeling- You can feel the cable like it's your own body, and though you feel no pain from the heat, having it molded like putty is a bizarre sensation.
She stands back up, giving the cable a few tugs to make sure the bond on the collar will hold. When she seems satisfied, she leans back out over the railing and clutches the wire in a loose fist.
"Now then, Aelith."
As Ven speaks, the colossal replica of your body unfolds from its delicately-held pose, extending a hand to your level as an elevator platform.
"Come along. There's so much more for me to show you."
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thefiresofpompeii · 5 months
if you've watched nightmare in silver i'd love to hear what you think — it's a pretty good episode in my opinion and it's one of the few cybermen-as-the-main-monster episodes i actually liked, but it's also one of those episodes that takes some of its most interesting elements from something i like a lot more from the eu so that coloured my perception a bit (turns out constantly going wow just like zagreus makes you less capable of just enjoying the episode as it is. oops)
it’s… a mixed bag of an episode, honestly, provided how much stuff is actually in it. i liked select parts of it a whole lot, much room for thought there, whereas others … skeeved me out, to put it mildly. i don’t think neil could possibly have topped the masterpiece that is The Doctor’s Wife, and whatever he set out to do here… could have stood a little more editing??
to get the grumbling out of the way: the kids. Most Annoying Who Side Characters Ever award goes to them, singlehandedly taking first place away from that stuck-up nerd in Poison Sky. i don’t know if neil intended for them to act supremely slappable, but christ alive. just the constant dour negativity and ‘bored teenager’ unimpressed commentary … walking vibe drainers. made it hard to care about their fate tbh. oh they got cyberconverted? oh they got rescued and brought back? Whatever. call me a boomer apologist… i’ve never referred to a pair of children (fictional or real) as ‘ungrateful spoiled brats’ before but this could be the day i start.
additionally: the hell was that stuff about clara at the end? “too short and bossy and your nose is all funny” “mystery wrapped in an enigma stuffed into a skirt that’s just a little too tight” go to hell gaiman. genuinely. here i was relying on you, thinking you’re immune to casual misogyny. especially since it doesn’t even make sense… clara’s skirts are never tight? not once? i understand that the former comment was a bluff to get out of admitting feelings but, again it’s not even accurate, since jenna coleman’s nose completely fits the beauty standard?? baffles me
those are all minor nitpicks bc other than that the episode’s fun! and creative, especially all the scenes with the cyber-planner and their high-stakes chess game (you like chess dontcha). i haven’t listened to zagreus (YET) but from what i’ve gathered from internet osmosis the doctor gets possessed by an … evil nursery rhyme? lmao. seems legit
anyway nightmare in silver has unfortunately made me understand people who find matt smith attractive. i’ve cracked it: it’s a dormant gene that only activates when he’s playing an intimidating villain. especially here, when he’s mr clever, a warped mirror of eleven, with the boundaries between the two blurring so far as to confuse even clara. this moment is top notch:
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which one of you said that? she’s right to question it.
he’s been quietly manipulative with clara for the entire duration of their travels so far, concealing from her the truth about the ‘mystery’ that her whole existence presents to him, while she remains the object of his puzzle-solving quest. a particularly odious example in this scene in Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS, where the doctor is fully aware that their impending doom at the cliff is an illusion, but puts on the pretense that they’re about to fall to their deaths anyway, building all that fear just to to coax clara’s “secret” out of her (“since we’re both going to die here, you may as well tell me what you are”). as soon as he gets what he wants — or, rather, doesn’t, because there’s no satisfactory answer yet — he reveals that he’d known all this time that the TARDIS wouldn’t have let them fall.
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that’s what makes mr. clever so insidiously, well, clever as a plot device: eleven’s not possessed by an external force, not quite. no: it’s his own shadow showing. he’s always been like this. the cyber-code slowly taking over the right side of his brain is just as smart as him, just as manipulative, just as much of a trickster. all his darker traits turned up to, well, 11 (sorry not sorry). “allons-y!” “fantastic!” “you’ve had some cowboys in here” mr clever is a parasite that takes the worst and best parts of the doctor, cuts them up and re-attaches them in a parodic audio-collage, and isn’t that just so fucking ingenious
another line that’s just a straight banger, not much to say about it really other than the fact that it cuts straight through to the core of the narrative:
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this spun out of control and turned out far far longer than expected, my apologies (not really. you asked!)
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doodle-list · 1 year
I'm genuinely So sad about the path Mando is taking like. I enjoyed some moments of course, but the way they're completely taking the spot light from Din's and Grogu's relationship (which is the literal premise of the show and what got me into it in the first place) to focus on another character we had little to no connection with in the previous seasons, and also make her completely let go of her past goals for what? To become an ambassador of something she wasn't even apart of??? Also completely ignoring her past and turning her into this shallow innocent princess. Sorry for the rant, I'm just really sad about the new season
No dont be! You’re so valid for that and I agree completely :/
A lot of people have already put it into words better but season 3 baring all shitty writing just doesnt feel like The Mandalorian anymore
The main part of the show of din and grogus relationship is just not there anymore, and the fact that we spent two seasons building up these really lovable characters that had so much more potential and places to go and just dulled them into a purely merchandising object and a cardboard cutout yes man is so disappointing
I got into the mandalorian for the characters because I love character driven stories. I can’t care less about bigger plots on their own and the new season being this wide galaxy thing insgead of a funky show where we get to see this guy politely fail to decline every side quest ever and try and take care of his son, I just. Dont care anymore
Like nothing about season 3 feels character focused. Sure bo katan is There but all her flaws and faults that make her an interesting character get brushed under the rug and completely ignored in favor of propping her up to be this sympathetic hero, even though we canonically have evidence of the complete opposite. There is no attempt to even give her character development so when she gets the sabre handed to her Again, the expectation that her rule is going to work this time is just poor writing
Its basically that phrase “the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results”
I just feel like the writers this season somehow are completely unaware of their characters and how they would act in situations. It feels like they created the plot first are forcing the characters to complete their checklist of wants with complete disregard of whether it makes sense for them to do it at all
Season 2 gave us really wholesome moments between Din and Grogu and I dont think I’m wrong for saying that we all expected the latter to increase as seasons and episodes went by
They clearly understand that we all love Din since they baited us in the promotional material so I literally cannot fathom why they decided to nix the direction they were going to for practically a completely different story
The story of a man who’s trying to find his place in the world and learns to become a father is just not there anymore. And that just… sucks
And well, this probably sounds really nit picky to some or like “why are you so focused on this shlt just enjoy the show and have fun” but when you love the show for two reasons only (din and din and grogus relationship) its very very hard to like something that has so blatantly carelessly pushed that aspect aside. And when you’re not interested in whats happening because the reason you love the show isnt treated well, you kinda start to see all the flaws behind the curtains
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I keep meaning to like, talk a bit about why this blog is named after Panty Anarchy, why I feel a connection to this character, especially when a lot of aspects of the show are kinda messy and it’d be charitable to say they haven’t aged well. I want to talk about that and with V-Day upon us all I’d like to talk about it now.
I always say that PSG is my favorite show that I can’t stand a quarter of, cause the back half gets a little rough before the finale. Out of 13 total dual episodes, by 8B you can already see they’re running out of budget, 9A is even cheaper, 10 in its entirety is nearly unwatchable imo, and 11B, while I like it, is a bottle episode where nothing happens and I do know people who’ve complained about that.
And right smack dab in the middle of all that mess is episode 9B. Ghost: The Phantom of Daten City. The plot of this episode is that Stocking has fallen in love with a ghost, at first sight even, the very creatures that the pair were sent to this Earth to kill. Not just any ghost too, but a vulgar, unhygienic, stinky, rude, childish, sexist, constantly farting bachelor ghost.
This episode, it must be stressed, is a mess. Despite the whole show being a comedy, it’s really hard to parse whether this setup is meant to be a joke, it’s played as a joke but the tone is deadly serious, and it’s the one time in the show that the low-key semi-acoustic love jam CHOCOLAT plays. Throughout the episode the average viewer, especially me, is struggling and failing to figure out what’s going on and why, if there’s a punchline where is it, if there’s an explanation what is it. I’ve seen theories about what they were trying to do with this concept, that it’s supposed to be a play off of Stocking’s masochism or something, but the episode itself offers no answers and no resolution. The ending is that Stocking was genuinely in love and through her love was able to help the bachelor ghost find peace.
Throughout the entire episode Panty is openly grossed out by this relationship and attempts to confront Stocking multiple times, saying things like “I know it’s not about his looks, I get that you’re not in love with the smell or the fat or the warts, it’s who he is and shit, right?” The confrontation escalates until, when Stocking plans to run off and elope with the ghost, Panty disguises herself to kill him quick and get the entire episode over with. Stocking catches on and stops her. And then she says the line.
“You wouldn’t understand, you’re too busy fucking to know what love is.”
And that’s the moment it all clicks into place for me.
I can’t imagine it was intentional, I have no idea what the showrunners were trying to do, but from my own perspective it’s almost impossible not to read into the events of the episode from an aromantic lens. The relationship makes no sense, I can’t tell if it’s a bit or if there’s some detail that I’m missing, but logically, emotionally, this coupling does not compute, it doesn’t follow the rules as I understand them, it makes no sense. And, while never to this level, that’s basically how I feel about most romantic relationships, I can pick out social cues and chemistries to follow along, but on a fundamental level I cannot and will never be able to wholly make sense of it.
I’ve complained on this blog before about a lot of the canon aromantic character roster, a big part of why I’ve never been able to connect to most of them is because their aromanticism is hardly ever explored, it’s mentioned in a line or hinted at in canon then confirmed on twitter, if even that, but the functional reality of the character’s aromanticism is taking them off the shipping board and then moving on. What Panty and Stocking did in this one episode was use filmic language, objective storytelling techniques, to speak to my experiences, it’s one of the few times I’ve felt seen and spoken to in this kind of way.
The episode continues, Panty responds to this by saying “I may not know what love is, but that sharter doesn’t either, he treats you like ass!” and then it’s revealed that actually deep down he did care for her, and then Panty vomits, either from the smell or the display of affection. She fights against their relationship to the end, and only after being held back so that the ghost can ascend does the whole sordid affair end, and even to the end Panty can’t show affection to the man who stole her sister’s heart. In the episode’s epilogue she, depending on your interpretation, either tries to connect with Stocking over the events in her own Panty way, or is just making fun of her for it. “It’s time to go kill some ghosts, I’ll even let you bang a few if you hurry.” To the end she doesn’t understand, she can attempt to connect to it from her own relationship to relationships, but can’t reach the actual emotions Stocking was feeling, neither can I, and the episode ends.
And that is why I like Panty Anarchy, and PSG as a whole, why Panty is among my favorite fictional characters, and why I connect so heavily to a weird late-season episode that was paired with a flash-tween-centric fanservice beach episode.
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saltprince · 2 months
I still genuinely believe that playing Granblue for love is the most enjoyable way to play it, as in, I got into the game because of specific characters and then fell in love with more of the world
But I also have to believe there's an incredible sense of vindication in loving a character who's also just objectively good in the meta? Like, you love them and they're good and you can use them to beat difficult enemies, you can fight "with" them in a sense
Like, I'm happy when someone in the hivemind mentions building a party out of blorbos and it working well. I love that and I'm happy to hear it. There's soul and heart in it and not just grinding for the sake of grinding
Then again, I'm a pretty low level player and I know I'm not built for the HL stuff
I think everyone has their own reasons to play gbf or any game, but it's easy to lose sight of the fact different types of players exist (and the (mutual) contempt or even gatekeeping that often follows in its wake).
Personally I do need a strong incentive to pick up a game. I was on and off gbf for years until Sandalphon hooked me fully-- but I had my eye on a bunch of other characters even before him, I just needed a push.
So perhaps shockingly I am also into gbf because I love the characters, I just swing back and forth a lot between objectives.
At the end of the day it's about how you have fun. Progression isn't linear nor is it required.
I kind of ended up writing way too much in response so I'll put it under a read more.........
So like, as someone who's fairly high up in the content and does things both for meta and faves?
The thing with meta is that for most of all characters, it shifts over time. Characters fall in and out of meta or may get new alts that are or aren't meta. Even characters everyone thinks of as top tier have places where they aren't that great. Don't get me wrong, it's definitely awesome when your fave is meta-- but designing teams around your fave to make them perform alongside or in spite of meta is vindicating too. I really think any character can perform in general content.
Generally meta isn't the damning end-all it may seem, far from it. I think meta only has chokehold on 2 things. Racing (getting the most points, either for events like Unite & Fight or something like racing for points for chests in raids) and whatever the 'true' endgame content is at the time. But even for those, there are always options, and as time goes on we get more resources to work with, making teams more flexible.
That said, I do enjoy figuring out teams for specific fights like they're puzzle pieces. I get more enjoyment when I fit my favorites in there, but initially the reward is in figuring out a team to begin with. I'm a bit in between faves and meta, though lately I've been leaning much more into my faves. I find that I'm okay with running 1 fave on a team if the meta makes it possible for me to run that character, and then I'll gradually slot in more faves when I can. But that's me. My whole wind team frontline for endgame is faves, and arguably only 1 of those, Seofon, is true meta for some of that content. (Yes I do love Kaguya for her design). Outside of that frontliner team, I'm able to run even more faves!
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I also enjoy building teams to make the lives of my friends easier, I can either run raids for them or help them figure out teams, often including their faves when I can. I'd go as far as to say that most of the game can easily be played with your favorites, with more and more restrictions starting to apply the higher you go in terms of difficulty. And that's okay. You don't have to play those. Or you might eventually play those and figure that yeah, if it's just for this fight, the team doesn't matter that much when it helps you get things to invest into your faves. It might even let you discover a new favorite if you experiment.
It's good to know the type of player you are and play the way that works for you. Like me, this can also change over time or depending on your mood. There's no reason to bother with HL content or break your head over things that aren't fun. If you enjoy logging in and playing your Omega raids with your faves and signing back out, great. If you find yourself wanting to take on Bahamut with your faves, also great. Hell, if you sign in just to look at your home screen character, sigh lovingly, and go to sleep, also also great.
gbf does get pretty grindy if you let it, but it can be spaced out or made easier, too. Personally I let my game run on full auto 95% of the time, designing teams around this in order to make my faves stronger and content easier as I go. If you struggle to come up with your own teams, store-bought (youtube,wiki,guides) is fine.
I'll admit my own main problem is time, I struggle to keep up with the world I fell in love with and may not have the time or patience for that for a while. So I really enjoy seeing the activity on Icha's blog for that reason and staying in the loop through that.
At the end of the day it's about how you have fun. Progression isn't linear nor is it required.
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TW: Sexual tension. Smut. Language. 
SUMMARY: After filming a scene with JD, you have no choice but to act on your passions and tensions. 
mjisbby asked:
hii! i hope you had a good weekend! i really hope you’re feeling better, thank you so much for doing these for the community 🥰
can you do a smut where reader has to work on a sex scene with jonathan on set and there’s a lot of tension, so he goes to her trailer and they have sex all over the place?
Although you had only been a cast member for this latest season, you managed to become a favorite among the cast and crew. Whether it was your warm smile or the dedication you spent into every single line delivered, you were a welcoming presence both in front of and behind the camera. It was also for this same reason that you caught HIS attention. Your love interest on the show and the object of your secret affection as you adored him for all the ways your character adored ‘Pope’. Smart. Passionate. And not to mention how you could easily get lost in those warm eyes, welcoming you with every conversation. 
But today was the long anticipated love scene between your characters. Having only shared pecks and soft kisses that led to this, your body was familiar with those flickers of fluttering excitement set throughout your entire body. Something that accelerated by that familiar word you hadn’t longed for quite like this until now. 
His hands were soft against your curves, a familiarity he knew well. You held half a mind to sabotage the scene itself if it meant having to repeat this touch, this coming kiss, and yet, you were too swallowed by the moment to want anything but its continuation. The scene itself having consisted of a rather short interaction of ‘Pope’ and you having entered his bedroom, you straddling him, your back to the camera, as your shirt was lifted over your head and the visuals then panned to the side. And yet, in the repetition of its ‘takes’, you felt consumed by him almost entirely by the time the final take had been enacted. 
“Action!” You were allowed to begin once again, only this time, doing so as bare and brazen as possible as you were taken aback by just how ��in character’ you both had been. Committed to the role more and more with each interaction, as you were taken over him in that straddle. But where you were meant to just sit on his lap, you would grind against him, warranting a moan from his lips, and where you were supposed to harbor pasties over your breasts to remain modest, you were left bare. He swallowed hard at the observation as you offered a raise of your brow as if to signal ‘game on’, as he played his role of surprise, both genuine and otherwise, before lifting you onto the bed, off script. 
“Get it!” Madelyn called from the sidelines, aware they wouldn’t use this cut as it was not to his character, and yet, you continued to play out the scene as if nobody else had been there. His hands were careful to keep your embarrassment to a minimum, but this was mended by the carnality of his teeth capturing your bottom lip. 
“Fuck…” He breathed against you. 
“Uh guys?” Jonas called as you pulled apart, the entire cast smirking and chuckling, all in support, as a round of applause would burst through the soundstage, “Cut?” He continued as you pulled apart, unable to tear your eyes from one another following this as the clear desire for one another had become known. A series of following scenes forcing you to remain professional, until you were hovering over the craft’s surface table. 
“Trailer. Five minutes…” He teased while towering over your shoulder, your skin chilling at the idea as you turned and brushed his lips. 
“Now is sooner…” You were in the direction of his trailer, his hands quick to apprehend your hips the second the door closed behind you. The fact your clothes were on the floor motivated you to remove his own until his physique was revealed to you. You traced his skin, the muscles contracting beneath you as you were lifted onto the vanity. 
“You are so beautiful, you drive me fucking crazy. How am I supposed to keep my hands to myself let alone be professional?”
“Now you don’t have to be…”
“And I don’t intend to be.” He huffed, setting two fingers into his mouth as you took his hand back to your hip. 
“Just fuck me, JD…Please…”
He growled, lifting your hips around his waist as you found his cock at the attention of your sex. But only in a tease as you were forced to feel him stretch along your lower lips. 
“You sure-” You pulled him into you, a grunt validating this for you both as you gasped in contrast to his fulfillment. 
“I swear to God, you’re gonna go back to set shaking-IF you can walk at all…”
“We don’t have a lot of time…”
“I don’t need it.” 
The passion behind each thrust brought you closer to an edge at a swift pace you’d never experienced before. He managed to make good on his promise in record time, while also introducing you to each surface of his trailer. Whether it was your ass lifted against it or your waist being battered into it, you were thrust into at every corner at his brutal pace until finally leveling on the couch to ride him into that mutual release. 
“That’s it, baby…just like that-shit!” He spoke through clenched teeth as you would hear your names called from outside of his trailer, your hand wrapping around his mouth. 
“I think they already know…” He muttered into your palm as you removed his hand. 
“Then let me stroke your ego a bit.” You winked, allowing every moan to sound to anyone in earshot as you were left trembling from his touch, thighs quaking as he spilled into you, breathless and smiling like a complete idiot to having been given what you wanted for months…
Taglist: @hopebaker @iovdrew @penny4yourthoughts @magnificantmermaid @pickingviolets @lovedetlost @trikigirl271 @maybankslover @slut4starkey @slvtherinseeker @obxiskewl @obxxrxfes @bluesongbird @slut-era @ailee-celeste @rafesbae @camilynn22
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cospinol · 5 months
very late once again but, better late than never, Here Is my final fall '23 overview of isekai/isekai-adjacents/miscellaneous rpg fantasy garbage! another season where the twin major franchises are 'dropped with extreme prejudice' and 'was not dumb enough to pick this up in the first place' so my watchlist is a little thin, but nonetheless:
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there's some internal narrative among the scores on this list, in that tearmoon empire couldn't quite get over the line to a 7/10 despite hovering very close to that territory the entire season (mia /is/ an absolute delight of a protagonist and the comedy hits more often than not, but the show as a whole ends up being concerned with its Capital P Plot to a degree that would only be an asset if the plot were actually good. it's a genuine shame, when it has so many strong characters and strong moments, in both slice-of-life segments and the more serious scenes, but i wish it didn't ask me to take a moment every now and then to look at the big picture, because the big picture isn't good enough to justify scoring it on par with the objectively stronger shows i've given 7s this season) which ended up bumping s-rank musume down to a 5 sympathetically, because they're definitely not created equal lol...
s-rank musume is largely Fine, with enough dedication to and competence at its dad-feels iyashikei to balance out its Light Novels Being Adapted At Maximum Speed plot nonsense, and it manages to extract a lot of (basic, but still) emotional beats out of belgrieve father-figuring at various troubled youths while coming to terms with his oncoming middle age. unfortunately, the core dynamic (and the show's titular character) is a huge liability - the way the writing chooses to portray ange's affection for/obsession with her father is truly absurd and travels well beyond the territory of 'exaggerated anime character antics' into 'at all times this character's behaviour makes sense for, at most, a precocious ten-year-old', and it makes many of her scenes deeply unwatchable, especially when her peers are written as normal young adults. it's less of a problem when the show is more of an ensemble (which is most of its run) but when your final two episodes are an ange-solo showcase about how her public tantrums and Telling People About How Cool Her Dad Is make her the most noble and upright person in the room, my goodwill is gone. this show is only on this list for the thinnest and most cursory maou-sama plot in the world btw, blink and you'll miss it, i just wanted to complain about it a little
continuing the theme of Girl Protagonists, problematic or otherwise, potion-danomi has the textbook setup for one of my least favourite subgenres, Girlboss Isekai About A Character Who Doesn't Care About Anything, and indeed kaoru forms no sincere connections to any other characters in the show; is smug, detached and superior until the writing decides she needs to be a force of moral good to own fodder characters (violently, and/or mean-spiritedly); flips motivations on a dime whenever the show gets bored of its current setting - and yet i came out on the other side of this one liking it worlds better than the likes of roukin, kuma kuma, leadale and so on lol. the back half of the show where she travels around to locations-of-the-week manages to find a comfortable rhythm that these shows rarely do, and although the core cast is weak and cursory, i was very charmed by the side characters in the 'let's open a store' arc; ultimately, the impression i left the show with was, for the very first time, that the protagonist had developed an entertaining one-on-one personal dynamic with another person in the show, even if it was just the stupid military official she was doing under-the-table potion deals with. it's The Little Things but it's enough to bump you up to a 5/10
andddd the shows in the 4/10 'default score for the genre' box are sitting there because they are as default as they come - certainly they're both annoying in their own right (boushoku no berserk conned me into watching it at all by opening with a fun villain voiced by daisuke hirakawa and then neglected to feature him in the rest of the damn show; toaru ossan takes a bizarre hard left turn into idiot-protagonist-based morality with some Morally Correct Torture Slash Gleeful Murder in the finale after being mostly blandly pleasant all season, though there are definitely earlier suggestions of a jarringly punitive mindset in this mostly slice-of-life show. also it brings back the zombie basement from seija musou for what feels like of half its runtime, what the hell), because that's what the default is, but neither of them feature anything egregious enough to drop down to 'remarkably bad'. it's simply The State Of The Genre...
...except that, of course, there's the outlier, whose first season i forgot to put in my spring log because it's doing the usual trick backwards and also making everyone else look real stupid while it's at it:
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it's not that hard, guys. idk maybe try putting arius sabaramond in your isekai next time or something
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thereadinggremlin · 6 months
Here’s a little Drabble of a story I want to write, y’all let me know what you think. Thanks
Her eyes glistened as she reminisced about the time they spent together. Her honey eyes were rimmed with memories that she prayed one day would go away. A loud crash brought her back to reality, to work.
The bakery was always gonna need tending to and protecting, it was her baby after all. There was nothing that came before the bakery, not even her parents and although it was important to her she didn't wanna be there right now.
The small town was in its busy season, which was a feat because of how small it was, the best thing was the help of her childhood friend who randomly decided to leave her fabulous life in the big city and return to their small hometown.Gabby wondered if her friend Ava had some sixth sense when it came to her best friend because all Gabby wanted to do recently is be in the comfortable confines of her apartment curled up in a ball with a tub of ice cream in one hand and a glass of whiskey in the other.
Gabby came to when she realized that Ava had placed a box full of what seemed like old recipes and maybe some cookie cutters. When she met Ava’s eyes she saw only sadness and regret.
“I’m so sorry that I couldn’t have made it out sooner, maybe it would’ve made a difference.”
Gabby and Ava had been the best of friends since elementary school and were inseparable up until their college graduation. Gabby had returned home to follow her dream of owning her own small bakery and cafe right off of the main drag of the town, close enough to get all the tourists but still far enough away from the bustle that anyone seeking a quiet refuge to read and escape from their reality could have it.
Ava on the other hand had stayed in the city where the girls went to college due to an internship that she had gotten that allowed her to get the experience needed to start her own marketing business. Once the internship was done Ava figured her best and first client should be none other than her best friend, and what a gift it was when she walked through the bakery door.
“I do not want you beating yourself up on that, there's no way you could’ve known that he was going to break up with me right after the 2 year anniversary of me opening this place” Gabby said with a shrug of her shoulders, “Its completely fine and I’m fine.”
“I know that you are lying to me but I’m going to let it pass because I’ve missed you and I love you” Ava had said while starting to take papers and cookie cutters out of the box she placed on the counter. “How many random different things do you think you're going to find in this box because we're already up to about six different categories of objects.” Ava held up a recipe card, a fabric pumpkin and had christmas garland draped around her neck like a scarf. With one look at her best friend Gabby let out a true and genuine smile, the first one that has graced her face within the last couple weeks.
“Who even knows, a lot of these boxes just have random stuff that my mom threw in them over the last couple years, I knew I shouldn’t have stored my stuff in her garage but, I had no other option”
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fictionfanatic13 · 1 year
TBB Fanfic
This is not exactly a typical fanfic, but it does explore Phee and her emotions in dealing with Tech’s death (or supposed death).
I want to explore several different ‘versions’ of Phee’s potential reactions to Tech’s death. In this version, I have told her reaction as if she is someone who has had experience with loss in the past. Tech’s death still hurts her, but she is more rational with dealing with the hurt, and does her best to accept it, though some lost hope still lingers.
Setting: Several months after Tech’s supposed death, what remains of the batch returning from yet another mission. Phee has made it a habit to always be there when they land... Just in case.
Part 1 
“Hey Phee!” a voice rang from outside, accompanied by a sharp wrap on the door. Which was a little useless, seeing how it wasn’t even closed all of the way.
Phee looked up from the stone she had been examining. It was not a genuine, like her informant had said, which was unfortunate. It hasn’t been easy to obtain. Still, it was to be expected.
“Phee!” the voice called again.
Phee huffed a small sigh, but tried to appear contented as she stood from her place on the floor. “Coming!” she called.
She walked over to the door, and drew it open the rest of the way. The outside light was far brighter than that of the room, so Phee had to squint a bit. She raised her hand to sheild her eyes from the setting sun.
Just outside the door stood Shep, the mayor of Pabu. She saw him often, but he didn’t typically make house calls. It could only mean one thing.
“The Marauder just commed in,” Shep said, confirming her suspicions. “They said they’re a little ahead of schedule and should be arriving before the next rotation.”
Despite already knowing what he was going to say, Phee still felt her stomach turn. She tried to disguise it. She smiled.
“Thanks,” she responded as she leaned against the doorframe, her attempt to look calm and collected. Hopefully it was working. Probably not, though. Shep knew what she was thinking about.
It had been 74 rotations. 74 rotations since….
Phee tried to push it from her mind.
“Of course.” Shep responded. “You know, if you ever want to talk about anything…. you know where to find me.” He gave her a smile, but she could tell it was more sympathetic than genuine. Regardless, she returned it.
“I’ve been held in the jaws of a Rancor and made it back in time for dinner. It’ll take a hell of a lot to stop the great Phee Genoa!” She winked.
“Of course,” Shep replied. But Phee could still see the doubt lingering in his eyes. “My guess is that they’re about an hour out. I’ll see you around, Phee.”
Shep turned to walk away. Phee watched him go for a moment, before drawing herself back into her house. She left the door slightly ajar, and let the smile slide from her face as she turned back to the scattered assortment of stones and metal trinkets littered across the floor. She knelt down, and began to pick them up.
Any mention of the Marauder or its crew always sent her mind to one place, and even though she tried to push the pain away, it knawed at her all the same.
Tech was dead. She knew it by now. Painstakingly, she had accepted it. Come to terms with it? No. But accepted it as true? Yes.
That day… that day the Marauder had returned with only half its crew… it still haunted her. It was all a blur… the excitement, the anxiousness, the shock, the denial, the hatred, the agony, the pain, oh, the pain….
And then had come the numbness. The slow, sad, and lingering ache settled deeply in her soul. As much as she tried to ignore that, as much as she tried to mask it and act just as she always had, it still throbbed as hard and as strong and the beat of her heart.
She didn’t know why she always showed up whenever the Marauder landed. She knew there was no chance, she knew he was dead and gone and that nothing was going to change…..
But she kept showing up anyway.
Once phee had gathered all of the objects, she stood to place them in a cabinet across the room. The cabinet was filled with wonderful treasures, nothing worth much monetary value, but special to Phee all the same. Ever since Tech’s death, however, Phee had had a difficult time seeing the shine she once had in ‘liberating ancient wonders’. Everything seemed to have… lost its thrill. 
Phee took her time organising the objects in their proper places in the cabinet. She had a lot on her mind, and she welcomed the distraction from her thoughts. Once they had all been put away, however, Phee once again found her mind wandering right back to where it always did.
“You stop that,” Phee scolded herself out loud. “Pining time is over.” 
She walked back to the door and once again drew it open.
The sun had since set, though the glow of the horizon still left it quite bright enough to see. She stepped out, shut the door behind her, and began walking. 
Let me know what you thought of that!(assuming you didn’t get so bored and not finish it, no judgement there haha) 
I *might* write a continuation of this…. It all depends on if you like it and want to read any more!
I know it doesn’t make for the best of narrative lines, but I do want to explore the range of emotions Phee would feel if I had Tech step off that ship. (Under the assumption that he had been rescued by his brothers :)) We’ll see!
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jamisonholcomb59 · 3 months
Helping The others Realize The Advantages Of best counterfeit purses online best website for replica bags
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I yearned for her to unfurl my unease, to rip open up the secret seams and expose a thing profound. “You understand, there’s an old stating in Chinese,” Kelly instructed me. Static Media / Shutterstock Accessories have the facility to complete outfits and give them something that you can't replicate with apparel. Gorra suggests looking for “sellers which have been responsive and willing to give more information.” You’re looking for total transparency from the seller simply because they must have nothing to cover. If the vendor informs you to take a hike (it might materialize in the event you provide a rate that much too very low even for them), check out with another (there are usually lots of suppliers advertising the identical solution) and begin from twenty. The seller will present 90, you 21, and so forth; Thurman’s first designer-bag splurge was an Issey Miyake Bao Bao she acquired for the full retail price of about $US900. (“In purchasing that bag, I grew to become an insane human being.” ) After it fell besides dress in, she couldn’t justify the price of Yet another – and Issey Miyake had also stopped generating her preferred model. I spoke with Kelly, a single such particular person, in search of to peek under the hood of the shadowy enterprise. (“Kelly” isn't her actual identify; I’m referring to her here by the English moniker that she makes use of on WhatsApp. https://sites.google.com/view/loveyouseo/home contacted over thirty different superfake-bag-sellers just before a person agreed to an job interview.) 5 years back, Kelly labored in real estate in Shanghai, but she received fed up with trekking to an Office environment every single day. Now she works from home in Guangzhou, normally hammering out a offer for any Gucci Dionysus or Fendi Baguette on her phone with one particular hand, wrangling lunch for her eight-yr-old daughter with the other. This top guidebook will let you select the best replica designer bag in your case, based on your price range, style, and wishes. No matter if you’re seeking a dupe of your favorite handbag or choose to experiment using a new design, we’ve received you coated. Regardless of which industry you decide to visit based upon funds and availability, for my part this is one of the encounters you have to do not less than after in your lifetime: To begin with you’ll have an excellent time, no matter whether in the long run you decide to get a bag or simply just a magnet; just after which you'll be able to also uncover a different environment, another China that isn’t attainable to uncover in almost every other place. For those who’re around the hunt for replica designer bags in Seoul, you’re in luck. There are several places where you can find them. On the list of best places to start may be the Namdaemun Market place, where you’ll come across numerous types of outlets advertising almost everything from apparel to handbags. Another option will be the Gangnam district, that is known for its upscale buying and fashionable vogue. The cid cookie helps you to recognize special site visitors and understand their web site conduct at distinctive situations. Elevate your eyewear with sun shades that flawlessly replicate the aesthetics of luxury labels. Decide on timeless silhouettes like cat-eye, aviator and even more. Using the very same attention to detail as premium brands, these shades shield your eyes in really serious design. I questioned Kelly what she thought of her purchasers and their obsessive yearning for these excellent, mundane, frequently aesthetically unimaginative little objects. There’s benefit to coveting the should-have luxury bags of the moment, but there’s also anything to be stated about buying a designer crossbody bag. While it can be done which the request is genuine, it is also feasible that pursuing the vendor into his keep you’ll find yourself before two hooligans that will decrease you of the wallet.
0 notes
seraph of the end
I watched the Seraph of the End anime for the first time when I was around 13, and ironically, I nearly didn’t finish it, but I’m really glad I stuck with it because now it’s one of my favourite pieces of media of all time. Here I’ve decided to showcase the 21st manga in the series, and you know that must mean I have manga 1 all the way through to 21. The characters are said to be born in the same year as I am so as a kid, it made me happy to think I was growing up alongside them.
burts bees
Lip balm might be a weird inclusion, but hear me out. I used to not take good care of my body at all. I’m not sure when it happened exactly, but at some point I realised I needed to make changes. I set up a routine for my life, including a wake-up and going-to-sleep routine. I was still depressed, which sucked but I think learning to have a routine and self-awareness about what my body and mind needed is a hugely important skill that I still have today. Lip balm is just a representation of the changes and routine I made.
washi tape
Washi tape is a staple at a lot of stationary shops, and I used to go a lot with my sister to check them out. She has always been a lot more careful with her money than me. I can't handle the temptation and usually leave a stationary shop with something. I have a stupid amount of washi tape and other kinds of stationary. I just like the aesthetics and patterns of washi tape that inspire some of my brightly coloured art, and sometimes I even digitally draw washi tape to emulate physical craft style.
I bought myself a Sanrio edition tamagotchi, which only ever came out in Japanese. So with the help of a translation guide online, I take care of my little creature. You can probably tell by now that I like Sanrio characters. My sister and I both had tamagotchis around 2010 and back then they were in black and white, while the one I have now is in full colour! I watch videos about the timeline and all about the different versions of tamagotchis that were made. It's a nostalgia thing and reminds me to put a childish 2000s flair into my work.
I’m a bit of a collector, and my stack of sticker sheets is further proof. I have tons of stickers that I’ve collected over the years from a range of places. Although I get really nervous about using them. I want to keep all of them nice forever. I’m a bad hoarder and need to get better at using some of these things up. Since a lot of the stickers are made by artists, they inspire me a lot, and often they’re made as merchandise for a show or cartoon I watch. It's been my dream to sell things like stickers myself.
water cup
I have a love for water and hydrating, like all normal living things do. I genuinely believe drinking a lot more water and staying hydrated throughout the day has made me a happier, healthier person. This water cup was a Christmas gift from my sister one year ago. Everything just tastes better when drunk with a straw. It also features an animal crossing pattern, which I play with my sister. Being in a good mindset is really important for my creative process, so drinking water helps me feel good enough to work hard on creative projects.
pokemon cards
Despite actually finding a lot of the games boring, I have spent a crazy amount of money on my Pokémon card collection. But for me, it isn’t about pulling the crazy rare and expensive cards, it’s all about collecting the pretty cards or cards I find visually appealing. There are hundreds of different artists working for Pokémon, so each card is personalised and has its own style. I think collecting them now as an adult is a way to appease my child self because I was told they were a waste of money, and they are, but I just can't help myself from collecting things.
ticket stubs
Here are some of the ticket stubs or receipts I’ve collected from going to shows. I keep these to preserve the memory of going out with friends or family to watch something. My favourites are plays, and then also animated films. Some may think it’s childish for me to still be so invested in colourful movies typically catered towards kids or teens, but I really enjoy taking in the art and beauty of animation as inspiration for my own bright and bold creative style, which also in turn influences my graphic design practice.
keroppi figure
Keroppi is a frog from Sanrio, and I got this specific figure from a blind box, which means you’re not sure which design or character you’re going to get when you buy the box. My best friend Cat got me this box to open, and when I did, we both thought it was really cute that I got the one that is shown to be drawing. He has the same profession as me, so he sits on a shelf above my bed and can watch me do my own design work.
sonny angel
At first, I used to think Sonny Angels were creepy. I didn’t like the idea of having a smiling, naked baby on my shelf as a collectable, but the more I learned about them, the more I was swayed. Sonny Angels are cherubs made as a companion for working women in their mid-20s dealing with the stress of adulthood. Cherubs are also a sign of good luck, so they’re almost a charm of sorts to bring happiness and luck. Of course, they are also just a piece of expensive plastic that we buy and collect, but sometimes it’s about the simple pleasures in life.
I got my first Wacom tablet when I was around 12 after borrowing my sister's far too much. Weirdly enough, I wasn’t a fan of physically sketching before this and was much more drawn to digital art and the effects and style of this medium. Even now, I’m actually a horrible physical artist, despite all my time spent drawing digitally. Being part of these digital art and design communities helped me improve and be inspired. This was the first step in taking me down the path of graphic design and helped me realise what I wanted to do for work later in life.
This is my medical prescription for testosterone. I go in every 3 weeks for an injection of this stuff. It took a lot of time to get to this point in my life, but I can confidently say it has made me a happier, more confident person to finally feel like I’m comfortable in my own skin. My gender is an extremely important part of me, as it is for anyone, cis or not. It’s important for us as people to express ourselves authentically to be perceived as how we want to be, and when someone misunderstands you, it can be uncomfortable.
fuggler box
This box once housed a fuggler, a funny, ugly creature. I wasn’t sure that it really stood for this at first since I’ve heard a more rude version of that saying. These toys are meant to be, well, ugly to an extent. They have interestingly shaped bodies, small beady eyeballs, and visible, semi-realistic-looking teeth! Despite the intent of them being made ugly, I find them quite endearing. I like this idea of finding the beautiful behind the ugly. I also like the mix of horror with cuteness. It mirrors some of my own work, where I draw something scary but do it with bright, bold colours.
grape fanta
This can is another probably weird thing to add to a list of my favourite objects, but my love for artificial grape flavouring knows no bounds. It’s ironic because I don’t even like actual grapes! Fizzy drinks, soda, pop, whatever you want to call it, is one of my favourite things to drink as a treat. When I’m feeling down or I’m working on homework and I’m losing motivation, I treat myself to full strength, full sugar, definitely bad for me, soda.
splatoon amiibo
Splatoon is a game where you play as a 'squid kid’ (a kid who can also turn into a squid) and hang out in Inkopolis Square, shop for colourful streetwear fashion with unique abilities, and play games of turf war where you and 3 other players go up against a team of 4 and try to paint the majority of the map in your team colour. It’s one of my favourite Nintendo games, and I’ve been playing since the second game. There’s a third game in the series now which I played every single day. Now I don’t have as much time to play it, but I still love the general aesthetics and gameplay.
The DSi was my first ever gaming console. I got it for Christmas one year from my nana when I was around 7. This began my love for Nintendo and video games. I played a lot of Zelda: Four Swords and Animal Crossing: Wild World, as well as others. But it is whenever I play with my sister that I remember most and hold closest to my heart. Video games are such a creatively stunning work of love, from the graphics to the music to the story they tell, and in a way, they go hand in hand with graphic design as they communicate a story visually and through a specific creative style.
tote bag
Tote bags are another thing I started using after witnessing my sister style them. When she went to university with one, I also decided that a tote bag for university would be cool and convenient. In actuality, it really hurt my left shoulder and was really inconvenient to rummage around to find what I was looking for. I still have a considerable collection of them, though, because I do think they add to an outfit in a way that is more stylish than just a basic bag. It’s also perhaps cliche, but you’ll typically see a tote bag as a creative bag of choice, so I guess I’m just doing my duty as a designer.
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tangowatchesjj · 9 months
Jessica Jones S1E6
I DID THE BULLETPOINTS AGAIN! I impress even myself.
Bastard bastarding all over the place.
If he's been Kilgrave'd you can't fight him. Yeah like Jess said.
What happened to Luke? Is it in his series??
"Conversation" so that's what happened.
Jess come on, you're the one that broke up with him. You can't ask that.
Sissy Garcia. What a name.
I like Sissy Garcia, let it be known!
Oh FUck.
Kilgrave is the antithesis of subtle, how has he never been investigated or caught before this?
Oof he's salty. And it's deserved I suppose.
She's a great PI, love her.
Her terrible high-pitched phone voice is so funny.
Voice of Reason Luke Cage! It is gonna be so damn funny to see him, Jess and Matt in Defenders. He's gonna have an aneurysm.
Aw Malcolm trying to help Jess. I love him so much.
That was a little passive-aggressive, Jeri. I want to believe she genuinely likes Pam but also she's a bitch.
"First, the divorce." Words to live by.
Ooh Malcolm spilled. Probably shouldn't have done that but hey, Jessica definitely wasn't gonna start the conversation.
Luke is correct in saying it's not her fault, but I wonder if he'll stick by it when he finds out.
Love that running from intimacy - OH SHIT SHE GOT BACK IN BED? STEPS.
Oh god. Jess, you gotta tell him.
Oh nooooooo.
Okay so Kilgrave wanted whatever Reva hid and then killed her. Fuck. Jess you have to tell him!!
Malcolm is on the "Jessica needs therapy" train and he is right. Choo choo motherfuckers.
Are his powers still fucked? How long do the drugs last?
Oh buddy. Lying does not work in the long-term. Jess and Matt both have this problem and I Haaate it.
That's a lot of pot(s).
Convenient dogs to distract Luke are convenient.
"I pray my dick get big as the Eiffel Tower." POETRY.
That poor plant! The collateral damage is so heartbreaking :( Glad the dogs are good tho.
This fight feels. Chill?
Bad decisions, being made right in front of my eyes. Honestly, at this point Luke, the red flags are sirens. Why are you still here.
Also, for clarification: I like Jess! I don't think Reva's death was her fault. But this is no basis for a relationship, especially when he DOESN'T KNOW.
DA TRUTH. IT IS HERE. Oh no it's not. It SHOULD be but you keyed its car tires and now it's stuck on the side of the road, lonely and cold.
Honey do NOT kill that man. How many times must I say that to people on this show.
Hoe don't do it!
Unstoppable force vs immovable object.
"It just happened." You just fell on his dick??
The fallout. It is devastating.
See this probably wouldn't have hurt half as much if you'd just. Told him.
This is excruciating, ow. My tearducts.
Ohhh the cut to Malcolm. Perfect.
DNA samples? But for the case or for the powers? Why do you trust Jeri, Jess, she is so sketch.
Why does Kilgrave want a house?? Is it for his sick domestic fantasies or something?
Oh fuck. Yeah ok it's her childhood home. Of course it is, fuck.
He is so damn CREEPY. I'm disgusted.
0 notes
jonesy-and-max · 1 year
part 10: Snap-Mart
“Soup is Good Food,” by Dead Kennedys blared from the rickety van as Max parked in front of Snap-Mart. The purple, yellow, and pink sign read SNAP-MART in bold, italicized letters, a snapping hand with three sharp, little lightning bolts zapped from the pointer and thumb in illuminated neon. White fluorescent light poured from the gallery windows, its flow blocked only by various advertisements for various sales, deals, their famous Mighty Guzzler frozen drinks (Don’t forget your First Wives Club Collector’s Cup!), and three fliers for “Italian Wedding @ the Silver Mine! Saturday - Doors Open 7p!” that made Jonesy’s skin crawl. Though the sun had increasingly dipped under the horizon, Snap-Mart’s parking lot remained well-lit. 
Max once more checked the clock on his dash. It was now five-twenty five, and they were starting to become uncomfortably behind schedule. Jonesy cleaned out and reassembled her inhaler and followed behind Gina who had already headed into the convenience store.
The door chimed for each member of the trio, alerting the clerk at the counter to the new customers.
“Yooo!” The familiar shy baritone of Jonesy and Max’s D&D comrade-in-arms, Azrael greeted them with delight. The fifteen year old goth was just as tall as Jonesy, but always stood with a self-conscious stoop in his posture. His straight black hair had gotten very long lately, now reaching down to his painted black fingernails. His silver rings clinked as he waved to his older friends, but especially towards Jonesy. 
“What up, Azrael.” Jonesy gave the boy a salute and made a quick turn towards the nacho bar while Max made a beeline to his pale pal. Azrael’s crush on her made her uncomfortable, he was a genuinely kind-hearted kid, he liked poetry and despite his obsession with death and decay, he wrote flowery poems about nature and romance. His mom and dad were Chinese immigrants, and were always warmly welcoming to her and Max when they would go over to his place to game. All of this only served to tie her stomach up in guilty knots whenever she saw him. Best to just avoid contact as much as possible until he moved on to another object of his affections.
Azrael’s eyes followed Jonesy for a few seconds with pained longing before pulling them to meet Max.
“Dude! Opening day!!” Max drummed on the countertop. “After the weird as fuck day I’m having, it’s all gonna be worth it when my ass hits that seat and the lights go down.”
“So jealous, dude. I don’t get out til nine tonight. Sucks.” Azrael tried to find Jonesy again, but could only make out the top of her head.
“Bogus, dude.” Max started cramming bags of Reese's Pieces, gummi bears, and various candy bars into his jacket while Azrael’s attention was noticeably elsewhere.
“How’s Jonesy doing?” Azrael asked.
“Uh. Fine. We had a run-in with the dynamic dildos earlier, Farley & Greg, and they kind of got in her head, but I think she’s finally comin’ out the other side.”
Azrael’s attention finally came back to Max, “Shit. Should I try to scrape those fliers off the window? I told them not to put those there, but they just ignored me.” 
“Don’t sweat it. We have more important things to discuss! Before I tell you my story, though, dude, what happened with the fuckin’ seance?? Did you see anything??”
Azrael smiled, he reached into his back pocket and pulled out a polaroid. He handed it to Max, “You tell me.” He said. 
In the inky night of the cemetery, illuminated by two candles set atop respective gravestones there could be seen, what some might interpret, as the ghostly image of a hand. Its long, boney fingers, reaching out of the darkness.
“Holy shit, Az. Is that…”
“Mr. Crooked Bones. My summoning worked. Or at least partially. I’m still alive, so…” He gave a small shrug.
“Shyeah, for now. Shit, dude!”
“I didn’t have the rest of the enchantments I needed to give him corporeal form. Plus I’m still cleaning that cat’s jawbone I got from that roadkill. If I’m gonna really summon Mr. Crooked Bones, I need a talisman to protect me. Last night was really just a test.”
“Well, don’t finish it without me n’ Jonesy.”
“Oh, totally, dude.” 
The two of them fist bumped, making an exploding noise on impact.
“Mutually assured destruction!” They said in unison.
“So, what happened to you today?” Azrael circled back.
“You are not going to believe this!” Max leaned in closer. “So you remember the story of Futureland Arcade…”
Gina lazily perused the drinks, opening the case and pulling out a can of soda, shaking it up, and putting it back. Through the fogging glass of the door she found herself staring at Max as he chatted with the goth kid that worked behind the counter. He’s so gross. God, why does my sister hang out with that loser? I wonder if they’re fucking or something. Gina furrowed her brow and wrinkled her nose, laughing to herself, Ha-ha, shyah, as if. She rolled her eyes and wiped the fog so she could continue her observations. He’s kinda funny, though. That would’ve been funny if like, when she had come out of the back and, like, me and Max were like…we were kissing or whatever. Ugh. So fucking gross. Gina looked at her shoes, chuckled and looked back at Max. My sister would lose her mind if I kissed him. That’d be so gross. If we kissed. She took out another can of soda, shook it up until it was tight with agitated carbonation and put it back. Why did he invite me to the movie? Why would he want me to come with them? She looked around, making sure no one was looking at her, and continued watching Max through the foggy glass. What the fuck is happening here? Her thoughts seemed concerned. He smells like a wet dog.
Jonesy stared at the nacho bar in awe. The fresh nachos were housed in a deep basin, underneath a roof of warming lights, next to a variety of fixins such as chopped jalapenos, black olives, diced onions, black beans, salsa, and ground beef. A faint sizzling could be heard in harmony with the hum of the lights. It gave Jonesy a sense of calm and understanding she would never be able to express in mere words. She touched the goosebumps on her arms and leaned forward to feel the warmth against her face. She closed her eyes and smiled, opening them again slowly, they moved to the right to see the keg of liquid cheese.
“Well, hello there you.” She winked at the keg, biting her lip and putting a flirty finger on its pump. “My daddy warned me about girls like you.”
She snatched up a basket, loaded it with hot nachos and pumped glob after glob of neon golden cheese onto them until they swam amongst the gooey goodness like a frenzy of sharks, their dorsal fins only just breaching the surface. She munched and crunched, sucking the cheese of her fingers as she went back in for more. Every so often checking for any unwanted observers like a watchful meerkat in the African plains. Loading her basket back up and beginning the feast anew.
“It’s not fair that you can’t just eat this cheese. Like, just fill up a cup and eat with a spoon. Because of “SOCIETY.” She said to herself, complete with cheese stained finger quotes. She ruminated for a minute before her eyes wandered over to the self service soda fountain. There were cups there. Empty cups. Cups for filling. You would be a trailblazer. Who’s gonna stop you?? Azrael?? As if!! AZ if! She giggled to herself. She chuckled and giggled and snorted as she pulled a large cup and rushed back to the nacho bar.
“Yo. That’s absolutely, fuckin’ insane!” Azrael was in awe listening to Max’s tale of the Futureland Queen Rat. “Dude! We have to go back there.”
“You read my mind, sir. This time though, I’ll be prepared.” Max mimicked pulling out a couple of swords from behind his back. 
“We’ll take back the arcade! For Lake’s End! For mankind!”
“For us,” Max added, “For fame and fortune!”
The two fist bumped again.
“You know,” Azrael thought aloud, “The way everything collapsed and remained completely intact…I wonder if it has anything to do with the -”
“Oh! With the heavy -”
Max and Azrael tripped over each other’s words, both trying to get to the point at the same time. 
“UFO presence!” They said in unison.
The two of them had bonded significantly over their love of the paranormal and the unexplained. They had fantasized about becoming full time supernatural investigators more than once.
“The area over the strip mall has been a hotbed of UFO activity since, like, the sixties.” Max continued.
“I wonder if they’d been excavating some kind of base underneath the arcade.” Azrael posited.
“It makes sense…” 
Jonesy placed her basket of cheese (that happened to have nachos in it) down on the counter, “You guys aren’t talking about the Lake’s End Dracula again are you? I keep telling you guys, it’s just an old mannequin in a field.” She rolled her eyes and dunked a hot dog into a large cup of nacho cheese.
“Uh, how much of that cheese have you eaten?” Azrael asked.
“A lady never tells and a gentleman never asks!” Jonesy dunked her dog back into her cheese cup. She took a bite and rolled her eyes back in ecstasy, “Fuuuuck yesss, dude.”
Gina joined them at the counter, placing a bubblegum flavored Mighty Guzzler next to her sister’s nachos.
“This was the important thing you had to get at the store?” Jonesy raised an eyebrow.
Gina just shrugged dismissively, “Can we go now?”
“Shit! What time is it?” Max suddenly realized how long they’d been dicking around Snap-Mart.
Azrael checked his watch, “Five-forty-two.”
“Shit! Ok, yeah, we gotta go, come on everyone, back in the van, giddyup!” Everyone threw some cash on the counter as Max began hustling them towards the exit, “Game tomorrow, Az?”
“Oh, definitely.” Azrael smiled.
Gina was first at the door, already pushing it open as she turned from Max’s face to look straight ahead. Through the glass she could see two figures in the parking lot. As it became clear to her who those figures were, a sinking feeling dropped in her stomach. She stopped short, Max and her sister crashed into her and the three of them walked into the door, Gina’s face mashed against the glass, leaving a clear outline of oil, foundation, and lip gloss.
“Gina!” Jonesy yelped, “The shit, dude?”
Gina pushed them back and searched for an escape route in her mind. She had avoided telling them the real reason she was tagging along and was desperate not to reveal herself. She looked over her shoulder and could see the figures were headed directly for the store.
“Are you okay?” Max asked.
“Fine!” Gina blurted out. “Fine! Okay. Like, okay. Right now, Jennifer C. and Jennifer K. are in the parking lot. They’re headed this way.”
“So? Aren’t those dicks your friends?” Jonesy crossed her arms.
“Yeah. But, like, also no. Okay. I’m going to level with you guys. I kinda thought if I just hung around you guys, I’d be able to avoid them. They don’t exactly hang in the same circles as you two.”
“Not sure what that means, but continue.” Jonesy raised an eyebrow.
“Are they looking for you?” Max was excited about the potential for drama, “Are they gonna kick your ass?”
“Is that how you got the bruise??” Jonesy’s face became almost motherly in her concern. Angry, disappointed, but concerned for her sister’s well-being.
Gina avoided eye contact, “Yeah. Jeinnfer C. shoved my head into my locker when I wasn't looking.” She was embarrassed that she let Jennifer C. get such a cheap shot in.
“Oh, she’s fucking dead.” Jonesy cracked her knuckles.
Max put a hand on Jonesy’s shoulder, “Wait a second. So why exactly do they wanna kick your ass?” Max knew there was a little more to this story than what Gina was letting on.
Gina rolled her eyes and let out a huff, “Jennifer C. thinks I blew her boyfriend.”
“Does she think that…because you did?” Jonesy asked.
Gina shoved Jonesy, “No, skidmark! I blew her ex-boyfriend. She has a new boyfriend. Who I did not blow!”
Max thought for a moment, “So, who gives a shit?”
Gina shrugged, with some attitude, and hugged herself. She crouched down in a fetal position and groaned. Jonesy kneeled next to her and put her hand on her back.
“Hey, like, are they really gonna beat you up or whatever? Cause, I won’t let that happen.”
“Yeah, dude, me either.” Max added.
“It’s not a big deal. I’ll deal with it by myself…I always do.” Gina said, her face buried in her arms.
Jonesy’s heart broke for her sister. A life, a world, she was not aware of laid bare in those few words. The hurt, loneliness, and shame, it hit her like an arrow through the chest. The anger inside Jonesy began to bubble to the surface. She stood back up and tapped Max on the chest with the back of her hand.
“Hey, Max?”
“Yeah, Jonesy?”
“I think we should have a little talk with Jennifer C.”
Max smiled with anarchic glee, revealing his fang.
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