#I'm sleeping now 💫
flutteringfable · 10 days
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hey guys i heard fable was getting a cool new outfit for this year's windblume festival? it costs like 40 usd but like. it's kinda fire so i might get it idk.
people have been pointing out the ring on their hand? it isn't visible underneath buns gloves on their regular model so its kind of a surprise. everyone's speculating on who they're married to, and the general consensus seems to be that it's venti. i can get behind that; the cecilia on their flower crown matches the positioning of his and the gem on their necklace almost looks like the gem pin thing on venti's shirt. i know its not concrete evidence but couples with matching outfits is cute as hell to me okay let me have this
the name is really interesting too: harpastum maid.
the description reads as follows:
"a light, breezy outfit fable chose specifically for the windblume festival. buns friends joke that it makes bun look like a maiden chosen to throw the harpastum in festivals long ago."
if we're going by the theory that they're married to venti, he's probably the first one to make this remark. it's a fun thought, i'm kind of obsessed with this new venti ship hehe :3c
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ladyxskywalker · 1 year
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starlightervarda · 6 months
I can't sleep so Star Trek TOS/SNW dashboard simulator
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🪆 chekovsgunman Follow
to this day I can't understand why they're called the Three Musketeers if there's FOUR of them? Did Dumas just forget his own main character???
🪴 plantdad Follow
You've got to be kidding me
🪆 chekovsgunman Follow
I know right? A mistake like this would never happen in Russian literature!
5,324 notes
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🩺 therealmccoy Follow
After months of taking care of everyone else on this giant tin can I really earned this shore leave. Now I get to drink, relax, flirt with some lovely ladies and sleep until noon 😎 Just what the the doctor ordered!
🩺 therealmccoy Follow
Update: A fucking purple tree ate five crewmen. Again.
955 notes
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🖖 iamspock Follow
Despite being among humans for close to a decade, I still find their tendency to overcomplicate and avoid aspects of social situations to be confusing at best and infuriating at worst. So much time is wasted on tedious matters such as who gets to 'make the first move' or 'not come off too strong'.
For example, everyone aboard my vessel is keenly aware of Lt. Uhura and Engineer Scott's 'budding romance'. But their need to extend their oddly avoidant courtship ritual, rather than outright state their interest in one another, is pointless, as well as frustrating to witness.
Why do they do this? Why not 'get it over with', as they say?
I encourage answers from all cultures, human or otherwise.
💅 janicethemenace Follow
I'm sorry Scotty and Nyota are WHAT
💉 xtinechapel Follow
💖 ofmanytongues Follow
🔧 scott-free Follow
But I do! I thought you knew and were just being nice about it!
💖 ofmanytongues Follow
DMing you rn 😳
🖖 iamspock Follow
You're welcome.
24,103 notes
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🌟 j_tiberius_k Follow
PSA: If you visit Antares VII, stay clear of any yellow plants, their pollen can have some...inconvenient effects on the biology of humanoid peoples.
My XO and I suffered through troubling symptoms until it was almost too late. Thankfully, we figured out a cure in time.
🪴 plantdad Follow
I can only find info on the symptoms. What was the cure? 👀
🌟 j_tiberius_k Follow
Do I really have to say it?
6,322 notes
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💊 mmmbenga Follow
The galaxy if Klingons didn't exist
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⚔️ glorytotheempire Follow
Wow. Humans are openly advocating for our disappearance yet Klingons are the bad guys? I thought your federation stood for peace.
💊 mmmbenga Follow
Cry harder you genocidal wrinkly-faced bitch I hope your planet gets sucked into a black hole
#If you think a joke is on par with what they do then book an MRI because you might have brain damage #fuck Klingons and anyone that sympathizes with them
35,007 notes
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😎 ortegaaaas Follow
So I can either skim through this asteroid belt on Warp 2 for 3 hrs or on Warp 5 for 15 mins
🚀 mitchiemitch Follow
Erica no! That's not how navigation works!
😎 ortegaaaas Follow
🚀 mitchiemitch Follow
😎 ortegaaaas Follow
💖 ofmanytongues Follow
😎 ortegaaaas Follow
🚀 mitchiemitch
112,517 notes
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🐴 sirsilverfox Follow
I know some species are very private, but you'd think they'd share the important stuff, esp when we should trust each other by now.
How are we supposed to enjoy my weekly dinners if you all don't tell me what to watch out for :/ This is the third time this happens to the same person and I had to get the answer why from our CMO
💫 numerouna Follow
Wait what did I miss while I was gone
🐴 sirsilverfox Follow
Spock got wasted on my chocolate fudge cake and hit his head on the counter ://///
2,904 notes
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ellecdc · 27 days
I come with wolfstar comfort thoughts <3
When you're sick remus is wonderful, he hates seeing you ill so he does everything he can to help: makes you tea, maybe some soup, gets you some meds and puts you on the sofa with a blanket and a pillow (sirius's chest)
Sirius on the other hand is less sure of what to do but he still wants to help so he let's remus tell him what to do, he's in charge of physical stuff like carrying you to the sofa (even if you're perfectly capable of walking) and being your human pillow while remus is busy in the kitchen, he's also tasked with moral support which mainly consists of stupid jokes and funny stories (he has many of james being a total drama queen when he got ill in the dorms)
I hope you feel better soon <3
poor Siri - I had a vision for this and now that it's written, I'm not sure I quite hit the mark, but let me know what you think! and thanks for your request <3
poly!wolfstar x sick!reader who they plan to nurse back to health
CW: fem!reader, cold/flu symptoms, brief passing mention of Sirius' childhood (no details), fluff
Sirius closed the door behind him and tossed his keys haphazardly into the dish that Remus insisted they go in, causing a loud clanging which echoed through the hallway. 
He realised only then how quiet the flat was in comparison which was rather unusual for this time of day as you and Remus always managed to beat Sirius home. 
Sirius felt some tension ease from his face (and body and soul) when he saw a familiar head of tawny curls over the back of the couch. 
His plans for a surprise upside-down Spiderman style kiss - to what he had assumed was a sleeping Moony having fallen asleep reading a book - was foiled when Sirius came around the top of the couch to see you - looking particularly pathetic - curled up and resting your head in Remus’ lap fast asleep. 
“Wha-?” Sirius asked dumbly, looking between Remus’ sad smile and your sleeping form - you seemed flushed and were breathing with your mouth open, likely because you couldn’t breathe from your nose.
“Hey Pads.” Remus offered quietly.
“What happened?”
Remus grimaced as he looked down at you and brushed some of your hair away from your face; you didn’t even stir. “I don’t think she ever made it to work today; I got home and found her on the couch.”
And Sirius could see that this was likely true, based on the vast amount of evidence that you’d been living on the sofa. 
You’d tried to contain your used tissues to a paper bag but there were a few stragglers from where you no doubt lacked the strength to put much effort into aiming anymore. A half empty waterbottle and a bowl of soup with a layer of film on the top sat dejectedly on the coffee table along with a packet of Benilyn with a few missing tablets.
“Poor babydoll.” Sirius cooed as he rubbed Remus’ shoulder. 
Remus turned to press a kiss to Sirius’ hand before gently lifting your head in order to stand.
“We’ll nurse her back to health in no time.”
Sirius felt his eyebrows furrowed as he watched Remus gently lower your head onto a throw pillow; still never managing to rouse you from your sleep. 
“How do we do that?” Sirius asked.
Remus hummed as he made for the kitchen and Sirius followed him much like a lost puppy. “Well she needs lots of rest, and we should try to get her to eat before we give her anything to bring down her fever; she hardly ate any of the soup she made earlier. Maybe some Chamomile too. But I want to start by bringing her fever down.” He said with finality as he started puttering in the kitchen. 
“What should I do?” Sirius asked like a child helping their parents in the kitchen; he felt worse than useless, he felt like he was in the way.
This is what happens when you don’t have a loving family; you don’t always know how to love - the verb to love, the action of loving someone. 
Sirius feels love, he knows that much. He just doesn’t always know what to do with all of that love.
Luckily for him, he had two of the loveliest partners in the world to help him on that end. 
Remus turned to smile softly at Sirius before leaning down to peck a kiss to his head. “Go change into some comfies and I’ll put you to work.”
And well, Sirius didn’t need to be told twice. 
Officially donned in his favourite pair of sweats and a long sleeve band tee, Sirius returned to find Remus knelt in front of you on the couch as he whispered. 
“I know, Dovey.” Sirius could hear Remus coo quietly as he approached. “Think you can try for me, though?”
You made a sound halfway between a groan and a sob as you pulled yourself into a seated position and accepted a cup of tea from Remus. 
“Too much honey.” You protested meekly without even taking a sip; Sirius was sure he could smell the honey from where he was standing.
“It’ll help your throat, love.” 
You groaned again but took a dutiful sip which earned you a beaming smile from Remus. 
“I feel horrid.” You croaked, and Remus - god love him - managed to not grimace at the sound; Sirius was thankful he was stationed behind the sofa where you couldn’t see him, because he was not as gracious as your other boyfriend. 
“I bet. When did you last take these?” Remus asked as he motioned towards the medication.
“It was early, I think around eleven.” 
Remus hummed in acknowledgement as he stood from his crouched position. “You should be okay to have more once you’ve got something in your stomach, then. I’ll make soup, okay? Here Pads.” He pointed towards Remus’ now vacated spot on the couch. 
Sirius offered you a sad smile as you turned to look at him. “When did you get home?” You queried.
Remus scoffed in response. “I’m surprised he didn’t wake you, sweet girl, the way he comes in and throws his shit everywhere.”
Sirius scoffed in faux offence. “I am very graceful, thank you very much.”
Whoever said laughter was the best medicine was a sodding liar, because though Sirius got what he had sort of wanted (which was to see you smile), your chuckle quickly turned into a coughing fit. 
“Alright, that’s it.” Remus chided jokingly. “Sirius, lay here please.”
Sirius dutifully followed Remus’ direction and laid back on the sofa with his head resting on the arm and his legs spread, welcoming you into his arms as Remus encouraged you to lay back down with your head resting on Sirius’ stomach. 
“Neither of you are to move until Y/N is better.” Remus ordered with severity no one truly believed. 
“I hope she never gets better then.” Sirius harrumphed as he burrowed further into the sofa beneath him and rubbed loving strokes up and down your back as you wormed your hands around Sirius’ middle. 
“That’s mean.” You pouted.
“I was just saying that to our tyrant, dolly; you get better but pretend you’re not so we can trick him into letting us stay like this forever, deal?” 
“Deal.” You agreed with a sniffling sigh, causing Sirius to tsk in sympathy. 
“My poor sweet girl, so poorly. S’breaking my heart.”
Sirius could feel the heat radiating from your forehead as you hid your face in his stomach.
“I feel a bit better now.” You barely got out without coughing. 
“Forgive me if I don’t believe you, babygirl.” Sirius said with a sad chuckle. 
“It’s true.” You insisted sleepily, turning your head again so that your cheek was pressed against Sirius as you looked up somewhat dopily at him. “It’s always better when you guys are here.” 
And you were likely a little loopy from your fever, feeling more than vulnerable in your current state, and sufficiently doted upon by both Remus and Sirius; but Sirius couldn’t help but admit you were certainly onto something.
Sirius always felt better when the two of you were around too.
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astrologylunadream · 7 months
Who is in love with you +why?🧸🍑🌸♡ (Pick a card/Tarot love reading)
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Hellooo it's Lunadream💌 I will show you right now who is currently in love with you and what made them so! hope you find your message🌸💫
Notice: Only take what resonates because the most important thing is your own judgement!♡ If anything doesn't resonate, don't worry! It's not your message right now <3 (Entertainment purpose only. All rights reserved)
Now, shall we begin~? ^w^ Think of the your person, and pick whichever pile that fits the energy you're feeling~🍂💗
Pile 1🌸
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Pile 2🍮
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Pile 3🤍
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Pile 4🎃
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Take your time and choose carefully with the heart~♡
On to the readings —> 💕
Pile 1🌸
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Sign energy: School, Heir, Sloth, Sleep, Care-taker, Sun, Venus, 12th house, 6th house, Taurus, 🛩🌹🖤🐭
🧸Your energy: Hellooo my pile 1's are very cute >w< The dreamy type, loves to take cat naps. May have venus in 12th house or taurus in 6th. I'm seeing a youthful appearance for this pile, you take good care of yourself and often engage in skin-care routines, healthy diet, ect. Make yourself very beautiful naturally💗 You have a feminine aura about you, very soft and angelic. You are very quiet at times and may seem half-asleep due to your peaceful nature. You have such calming vibes, very pleasant and beautiful. I feel like this pile have many suitors or perhaps secret admirers you aren't aware of!! I'm getting royalty from another country/land vibes~ may be a descendant of royalty or simply lots of money, the kind rich girl/boy in your social setting.🛍 Some of you are/were very popular in school. Genuine sunshine vibes <3 You just have such a sweet shining appearance, and your personality is like a little flower so graceful and delicate.🌻 Taurus, Libra, Leo, Pisces, Virgo are signs for my pile 1. You could have venus in Pisces or Taurus/Libra. You may be into the color black or feel drawn to people who wear black, like the dark to your light aesthetic kind of thing~☯💗 You love romance and dream of it often, love daydreaming and drifting off to sleep as you imagine the perfect love story. Cinderella vibes♡ Some could be year of the rat or have a pet mouse/rat.
🍑Who is in love with you: Scratch, Accident, Privacy, Rose colored lenses, 8th house, Cancer, Saturn, Taurus, Capricorn, 5th house, 🤗📌🏖⁉️ Alright my pile 1's this is someone you may know already!! Such secret admirer/hidden crush vibes rn💞 This person has a lot of scorpio/plutonian energy, very intense. Cancer, Capricorn, Taurus and Leo placements, they definitely have Scorpio somewhere in their inner planets. Their aura is magnetic and mysterious and almost dangerous in a sense. They are very private and keep to themselves, they avoid huge crowds and parties, they prefer to be alone.👤 They like being in the comfort of their own home, doing their hobbies and things they enjoy all by themselves. This person likes feeling safe, in a quiet environment, and doing whatever they want. I'm getting that they like going to the beach at night lol. They may have injuries or scars, might have glasses due to eye sight issues and this could be contact lenses aswell. They have restricted themselves from romance for a long time, they just spend time alone because they don't trust or believe in having a relationship with someone, they are hesitant to give it a try. So they just stick to themselves and do most activities alone.☹💔 They tell themselves that they don't need anyone, loner mentality. They may have had past experiences believing in love and seeing everything through rose-colored lenses and it ended terribly for them and it stabbed them in the back, leaving them with trust issues and resentment for having any sort of bond with another person. :( I'm seeing a slow warming up to my pile 1 as they finally start to fall into love again when they look at you, it's like their world is being shown in color, reminds me of the wizard of oz...😩😫💌💞 and they're like "tf is this?!?! What am I feeling rn?? Is this love?!!!"⁉️💗
🧁Why they love you: Trust, My love, Mouth, Drama, Name, Water, Capricorn, Cancer, Eros, Earth, 🆕️🟪👎📸 Okaaay I'm sensing a situation right now, you guys definitely stepped into this person's life and they were like 😳🤯🎆 It just hit them, and like this person has a lot of drama around them. So much crap they deal with and you just came in and I feel like you stuck up for this person lmao I feel like pile 1 just finally stood up for this person and just 🤚 to all those who were stirring up drama for this person💀 I feel like you were there for them when they needed it, and when everyone didn't even care about this person and you stepped in and said the truth, you said what needed to he said and your person LOVES you for that just know my pile 1 like omg they find it so attractive and just so empowering.😍😫✊ They felt like they finally found someone genuine, someone they could trust. And it made them so emotional too they felt like they could open up finally, like a new beginning for them.♡ They feel so safe with you by their side, and omg your name is a huge turn on for them btw they love your name and love saying it (and other ways too...😳) They love how compassionate you are to them and everyone who needs it💗 You ground them, and they feel so secure with you. The biggest reason they love you is because of how safe you make them feel and how much they trust you because they trust you a lot my pile 1's and this person does NOT trust easily I'll tell you that.😩 They love how you care so much for others, they know you have a big heart and this attracts them to you even more!!
💌Messages from your person: Tell me your secrets, You don't owe me anything, I wanna marry you, You keep doing this, I know your secret (What is the secret pile 1??? They're so serious about you!!🥺💍💖) Extra cards: Unheard, Mystery, Attraction, Pain, Hobby, North node, Leo, Venus, Gemini, 7th house (Literally they see a future in love/partnership with you the cards speak for themselves you guys!!)
Thank you my pile 1's! If you feel this resonated, you may tap the heart to claim this message!💫🌸
I hope you enjoyed your reading! ʚ(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )ɞ If you did be sure to let me know pile 1 with the blossom emoji~🌸 Thanks for scrolling through, Hugs hugs hugs!! See you in the next reading💗🌸💗🌸🎀
Pile 2🍮
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Sign energy: Chest, Purple, Emotions, Passion, Stage, 3rd house, Eros, Mars, Virgo, Moon, 🔮📵🎤🛸
🧸Your energy: Heyyy we have a pretty person in this pile!! Your energy is radiating I'm getting lots of Virgo, possibly Gemini, also Aries/Scorpio and Cancer for you guys. Okay so let's see I'm getting really spiritual and uplifting vibes from my pile 2's, you are so emotional and that's what makes you so beautiful🥺💖 Singing/performing may be your passion, or you may really have a thing for music. I'm seeing lots of devotion to music like I'm hearing it's your life omg, You have a lot on your mind, and you think and feel a LOT too. You are at a point in your life where you are very self critical and strive for the best, you are willing to do anything for what you love, including love itself. My pile 2 is very protective over their heart and you guys are not letting it get broken, you have an amazing talent for speaking for your feelings. Your playlists say more about you than you ever could😂😭 You love comforting voices/asmr. I feel like you have really soothing voice aswell <3 You have a lot you stress about when it comes to relationships, my pile 2 should just have more trust in themselves, trust the process take it slow and be open to recieving love because you guys deserve it and it anyone can be loved it's pile 2.🥰⭐ You have a passionate mind and spirit and you put a lot of energy into everything you do, if I could give your brain a hug I would lol it sounds so funny🤣🤣 but seriously, take care of yourself and your mind because you tend to overthink and over feel a lot🥺👌💓
🍑Who is in love with you: Yandere, Winter, Chase, Love letter, Height, Capricorn, Vertex, 6th house, Mars, Uranus,🤙😒🐈🍓 Wow... just wow this is quite the person in love with my pile 2's... where do I even start-😫🤯 Okay you guys this person is really into you I mean REALLY into you... the vibe is just almost suffocating with this person's feelings towards you. Yandere is coming through so yeah they've got extreme ride or die feelings for you guys. Virgo, Capricorn, Aries/Scorpio and Aquarius could be in this person's chart. They could be above average height or have a strange height. They are most likely taller than you, they often tower over you or stand next to you in a way that asserts dominance so to speak. This person is someone you see often, they could be a co-worker/classmate or such. They could be born in winter so Capricorn and Aquarius are likely signs for them, also you may have met this person during winter. They are head over heels for my pile 2's and definitely very into them romantically, they are very masculine by nature and act that way toward you. They express their love in a more assertive/forward manner to you. I'm getting kabedons, grabbing your wrists and chasing you down lmao this person is so into you for real. They may send you love letters often or even daily. They are super committed to you and a little clingy too, huge simp vibes🤭💌
🧁Why they love you: Intuition, Toy, Careless, Flirt, Honest, Taurus, Fire, Air, Venus, Pluto, 🐚🤲🏖🌪 They love you because of how genuine, honest and true you are to yourself and others. They are actually obsessed with this aspect of you and the way you are truly yourself. They really went with their gut and just fell into loving you my pile 2's lol this person can actually be pretty quick to fall in love I'm getting. They don't think things through and just let their feelings take over🤭 They love your feminine energy and passionate nature. Honestly this person can't get enough of you😍😭 They are in love with how you show your emotions and how strong and sensible you are with them (even if you don't think so <3). This person may have started to fall for you after being flirted with/flirting with you. For some of you there may have been a very subtle flirting but they took it so so so serious and now they're like, obsessed with you🙃 Lol they love how you speak and your voice made them fall in their seat lmaooo they love how comforting and sweet you are. And that little spark within you that always keeps you going, they really love that about you.❤ They might have realized how cool you are and just brush things off not letting it effect you all that deeply. I'm getting for the most part this person just really enjoys the chase with you and is in love with obsessing over you guys🤣 Watch out cuz just because someone loves you doesn't mean they're "the one" (be careful pile 2 I'm getting some really unhealthy obsession vibes from this person with you and this could even be someone who finds you easy to manipulate/control so always trust your own judgement!!) They got really into your giving energy/soft aura and now they're hooked.
💌Messages from your person: Stop thinking about me, Stop ignoring me, I can't hide it from you, Am I perfect for you? You can't hide your feelings for me (They are definitely thinking about you rn) Extra cards: Society, Amusement park, Luck, Words, Favor, 6th house, Pisces, Chiron, Gemini, Sun
Thank you my pile 2's! If you feel this resonated, you may tap the heart to claim this message!💫🌸
I hope you enjoyed your reading! ʚ(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )ɞ If you did be sure to let me know pile 2 with the flan emoji~🍮 Thanks for scrolling through, Hugs hugs hugs!! See you in the next reading💗🌸💗🌸🎀
Pile 3🤍
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Sign energy: December, Feelings, Seduction, Feet, Caution, Taurus, Neptune, Water, Venus, Moon, 🌇🔚📿🧍‍♀️
🧸Your energy: Feminine aura is prominent in this pile, I'm getting alluring siren beauty vibes🔱🖤 Such powerful seductive qualities and you guys are so attractive😫💋 May have Taurus in 12th house so Aries rising is likely. May have venus in water sign (Cancer/Scorpio/Pisces) or Venus conjunct moon placement. Some of you could love winter or winter clothing, could be born in winter specifically december. You are very charming and beautiful, ahh I am loving the vibe of this pile🥰 You are very cautious of love, it both intrigues you and scares you at the same time. You may worry about sharing your emotions so closely with another person, or wearing your heart on your sleeve. You have a heavy heart and a very fragile one, you know this so you keep it safe and guarded at all times. You don't open up from fear of being vulnerable which has led to you seeming cold or apathetic, but you do feel emotions quite strongly actually. You have a soft imagination and you wish to be beautiful (spoiler: you already are😇). You feel as if love purposely trips you making you fall harder than you would have liked. You may live in the city or love watching sunsets, you love when the sun sets and the moon rises. Jewelry looks great on you, pearls and onyx probably looks godly on you🥺🖤 Some of you are a bit of a loner type, waiting for someone to step in and say "hey why are you alone? You look too gorgeous to be all by yourself"😫😩😭💞 Omg I hope that's the person who loves my pile 3 lmaoooo
🍑Who is in love with you: Affection, High standards, Blame, Hug, Socialization, 3rd house, Lilith, 12th house, Sagittarius, Fire, ☀️🤐🤵☄ OMG I'm sensing a hot couple with you two JUST SAYING😭🥵 Omg we haven't even started yet I need to calm down!!! They got that look about them omg... they're really popular and liked by so many people it's like, who doesn't like them?! Wide smile, messy hair, dangerous eyes...💀 Omg pile 3 why am I freaking out so much this is great- Their voice makes you high that's what I'm hearing LMAO you wanna hate them but then you can't omg I'm hearing this persons a catch like others would KILL to date this person...🤯 This person lights up the room I mean set it on fire🔥 They have a way with words, and omg they have a knack for telling dirty jokes at parties and like they're so smooth about it-😳 I'm just gonna say it this person is probably really hot my pile 3 the person in love with you is HOT. But you wanna know what?? The worst part of all is they just wanna give you a hug!! They don't want a wild night or some naughty crap they just want to make you smile😭😭😭 They seem like a bad boy/girl but for you they're so sweet I can't...💓 They just wanna make you laugh and talk about your interests. They find you so amusing and exciting to be around, some of you may have a bad impression of this person. So you could be really on the fence about them, or shutting them out completely because you think they're bad news. I'm hearing "don't blame me" you may blame them for some reason!! They could be someone you like and blame them for your feelings😝💕
🧁Why they love you: Past, Magnetic, Acceptance, Passion, Dare, Chiron, Scorpio, North node, Pisces, 2nd house, 😭⁉️😟🦥 Awww I feel like they saw you and was like 🥺!! Like when you see a little cat on the street and you just melt😫💓 I'm getting fast attraction vibes with this one, this person probably fell quick for my pile 3's. I feel like they were like "wow who's this hottie?" Or something like that omg just like such raw passion🥴🔥🧲 Mars in 1st house overlay vibes~ It could have been a dare from their friends to try and win you over, but they just fell deeper in love with you😍 I feel like it was first physical attraction that led them to seeking more about you, then once they saw the deeper shades of your heart they felt even more inclined to love you!! They love your magnetic aura and how you're healing yourself from damaged emotions. They think you're so strong and your endurance is very attractive to them, they have much passion and respect for my pile 3 and just overall so much love!❤ They want to he that shoulder to cry on when you finally open up to them, and they love the true you, the emotional and vulnerable you. They love your chaotic little mind, they also really fall in love with you when you cry. It makes them feel drawn to protect and be there for you, to experience everything you are feeling. They're the type to put themselves in your shoes, just so they know exactly how you feel. They love watching you grow and heal, and transform into the the strongest most powerful person you can be.🤧🖤
💌Messages from your person: Sing to me, I thought it was all in my head, Focus on me, I wanna kiss your neck, You make me so happy (Ahhh so cute😍❤) Extra cards: Angel, Out, Cafe, Girlfriend, Innocence, South node, 11th house, Scorpio, Leo, Fire (My pile 3 they wanna ask you out on a date <3)
Thank you my pile 3's! If you feel this resonated, you may tap the heart to claim this message!💫🌸
I hope you enjoyed your reading! ʚ(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )ɞ If you did be sure to let me know pile 3 with the white heart emoji~🤍 Thanks for scrolling through, Hugs hugs hugs!! See you in the next reading💗🌸💗🌸🎀
Pile 4🎃
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Sign energy: Accusation, Admiration, Fear, Company, Fit, Gemini, Lilith, 9th house, 5th house, Saturn,🧚‍♀️🌇✌🦋
🧸Your energy: You give ethereal fairy/pixie vibes, you probably dreamed of becoming an air pilot as a kid😆 You enjoy having people over in your home. You felt restricted in your early years by others, so you admire those who can live freely and live in chaos and fun. You desire change in your life and all you want to to have a good time, others have tried to dampen your fun and good vibes. For some you may have had an older sibling that got on to you a lot, or told you to be more responsible😞 Could have been told you don't fit in with your family, because you are different. But my pile 4 you are so special, you are like a fairy!!😉 So magical and joyful~ you are a child at heart no matter the age, and you probably believe in fairytales at least a little🤏😇💫 You have changed a lot over the years and learned so much, you have many role models. Your child-like nature is both a blessing and a curse, many people hated you for being so light and joyful. But so many people love this about you, those who gave you a hard time felt bad that they couldn't face life as bright and care-free as you do. You truly are a gift to this world⭐
🍑Who is in love with you: Ability, Inactivity, Change, Soft spot, Friends, 2nd house, 8th house, Moon, Uranus, Chiron, 💄🤹‍♂️🌻😚 Omggg this is someone you know pile 4, this could be your best friend or a friend of yours. Could be friends of friends also, lgbtq+ vibes with this person, they could totally be a friend that has a secret crush on you!!🙊 This could be a childhood friend, perhaps someone who always cared for you all along. They are deeply in love with you pile 4 and they are so delicate with you, the way they speak is like a flower so calming and still. Could be Cancer, Taurus, Scorpio or Aquarius placements. I just realized the juggling emoji with the rainbow so that's another confirmation for any lgbtq+ in this pile :D This person loves you in such a pure adorable way, they light up when you smile. And they have the means to truly heal you my lovely pile 4, I mean they could really treat you well. They want to take care of you and probably always did/do.💝 I'm getting that if this is a childhood friend situation that they always cared for you like tend to your injuries, gave you bandaids, shared their lunch, honestly so sweet😭🥺💗🩹 You guys may not have a label for your relationship or it could be very confusing for you both, "are we friends? Do they like me? What are we??" What I'm hearing. This is a very emotional and empathetic native, they are so involved in your comfort and care. They want to check up on you a lot and ask if you're okay <3 This person is genuinely out for your best interest.
🧁Why they love you: Think outside the box, Devotion, Practical, Capricorn, Happiness, Earth, Scorpio, 5th house, 9th house, Saturn, 🌅🧤🎓🗻 I think they realized how smart and capable you are and just how you showed everyone that you aren't childish in a bad way and can actually achieve whatever you put your mind to.🤗 This person is in love with your perseverance and dedication for the things you care about, they love your care-free and fun yet able mentality. They especially love how dedicated you are to being happy and creating your own happiness, that really makes them fall in love💘 They find your mind so interesting and unlike any other, your ideas and beliefs are so unique and innovative to them. You are their little box of happiness awww and they wanna take you with them everywhere they go🥺 They think you're really smart and you never stop amazing them. Every little thing you do inspires this person, and makes them fall deeper in love with you. I feel like they try to think rationally about their feelings for you, because they wanna be thoughtful and rational just like you can be. But of course you make them so emotional and just so many feelings are ignited within this person for you. They love your success and all that you have achieved with your will. They are in awe with the things you do and say, your happiness makes them feel safe. They fell in love with your bright eyes and strong personality.🌈
💌Messages from your person: Cheer for me, No one makes me feel this way, It's karma, I have no boundaries with you, I've changed (I feel like you've inspired this person to keep going and stay strong!! You have shown this person how to be strong and believe in themselves and they honestly adore you for that🥺💓) Extra cards: Show, Interpretation, Sight, Conflict, Softie, Pluto, Jupiter, Neptune, Vertex, Sun
Thank you my pile 4's! If you feel this resonated, you may tap the heart to claim this message!💫🌸
I hope you enjoyed your reading! ʚ(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )ɞ If you did be sure to let me know pile 4 with the pumpkin emoji~🎃 Thanks for scrolling through, Hugs hugs hugs!! See you in the next reading💗🌸💗🌸🎀
Wanna see more readings like this? Check out my tumblr for accurate readings for you!💗🌊🌸
Thanks for reading! \(*^w^)/💌 -Lunadream <3
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sugawhaaa · 4 months
Soul x reader
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At p1ece
💋Pairing:: bf! Soul x keehos sister
💫Genre::fluffest fluff to ever fluff. Like I'm actually giggling and kicking my feet rn
💋Summary:: your keehos little sister and recently you started dating shota. It's not that Keeho doesn't approve of your relationship he's just a little protective.
💫A/N:: If you're not Korean just pretend that your keehos adopted sister and that's why he's so protective. If you are Korean he's protective because...he is idk LOL
💋Word count:: 850
💫Warnings:: none(?)
It was late in the night and you were scrolling through your phone. Suddenly you got a message from soul.
Bae: why u still awake (°3°)
You chuckled and opened the message.
You: I could ask you the same thing
You replied and instantly you saw three dots pop up on your screen.
Bae: smh
Bae: thinking bout you //^-^//
You liked his message and looked at your brother on the other side of your room. Fast asleep in his bed.
You: Wyd rn?
You wanted to sneak into his room but you needed to make sure he was okay with it first.
Bae: sitting in bed (,,°•°,,)
You: can I join you :3
You hesitantly sent it to him. Your heart raced as you waited for him to reply.
Bae: doors unlocked :3
You crawled out of your bed and snuck past your brother to the door. You carefully opened it and crept out into the dark dorms. You looked across the hall to see Soul's door open a Crack. You grinned and went over to it, carefully opening it. He looked up at you and smiled, waving for you to come inside. You shut the door and hopped on the bed. He had his switch in his hand.
"I was wondering if you wanted to play animal crossing with me?" He chuckled as he opened the console. You smiled. Playing animal crossing with him was as comforting as being in your nice warm bed after a long day. You brushed back his hair with a smile.
"You know me too well," you said as you put your head on his shoulder as he opened the game. The loading screen illuminates your faces. You strummed your hands through his blonde and blue hair like a harp as the clicking on the buttons echoed throughout the room. His plushies made a nice throne for the two of you as you snuggled against him. You could hear his heart beating softly as you put your head on his chest. Your hand rested on his stomach and you moved your hand up and down slowly. "You're growing a lot of muscle here," you teased and pinched his abs playfully. He giggled with his fang teeth poking out, his cheeks turning pink.
"Break dancing really improves your muscles," he explains as he continues to play his game, your hand under his tank top. "I don't work out hardly ever, it's just dancing tones your body," he smiled softly.
"I see. That makes sense though," you say as you watch him change his character's outfit.
"I see you're growing in certain areas too," he teased as he looked at your revealed chest. Your tank top hung low and was tight-fitted. He kissed your neck softly.
"Perv," you said as you hit him playfully. He laughed before you heard footsteps in the hallway. You covered his lips and he blushed, his heart skipping a beat. Your body was pressed right against his and the feeling was so overwhelming to him. If he was in an anime his nose would be bleeding and hearts would flutter from his head. The footsteps went back into their room before the door shut. The two of you sighed simultaneously before chuckling. You snuggled back down into the bed sheets and wrapped your arms around him.
"I think I'm gonna try to sleep now," you hummed as you closed your eyes.
"Oh do you want me to turn the switch off so it's less bright?" Shota said as he turned down the brightness manually. You shook your head.
"No, it's okay. Watching you play is calming," you explained as you cracked your eyes open to watch him play.
"Okay baby," he said as he patted your head. You blushed and grinned cheekily.
You sigh and melt into his arms "I always feel at peace with you…"
°☆° next morning °☆°
"Why were you in Soul's room last night?" Keeho confronted you as you made coffee.
"Huh?" You said tiredly as you poured your coffee into a Pikachu mug.
"This morning you weren't in your bed and you and Shota came out of his room. Also this," Keeho stated before pulling out his phone. He showed you a photo that Soul took last night. You were asleep on him and he took a selfie and put text over it saying "Got your sis in my lap :p" you blushed and noticed in the photo there was a little mark where Soul had kissed you. You covered your neck and blushed.
"Soul!" You shouted as he crawled out of the bathroom. He made a little hum noise as he came over to you. "First of all, that's a very nice photo you should send that to me," you said as you gestured to the photo Keeho held up on his phone. "Secondly…" you said before your voice went to a whisper in Soul's ear. "You could've told me that the "kiss" you gave me was a hickey!" You whisper yelled and Soul just shrugged poking his tongue out. "You're lucky you're cute,"
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iamthat-iam · 4 months
Outer Space (another ND Story) 🌌🌠💫
Since Taylor was a child, she always wanted to go to outer space. Every time she played, she would always imagine that she was an astronaut who would fly her spaceship into the cosmos and visit other planets.
She always had an inkling that there was life outside of Earth. She used to make all kinds of alien friends, and she made sure to tell her parents about them all.
As she grew up, unfortunately she lost the spark she once had as a child. Life seemed to put her in bad situation after bad situation, and all she wanted was an escape. Her family had a history of addiction, so Taylor tried to find every resource possible so she wouldn't end up down that route.
She was introduced to a "guru," whom she went to for guidance and advice. She told him her entire life story, including the portion of her childhood where she was fascinated with outer space.
"Honestly, going to space would make me happier than anything," she admits. "It used to make me so happy as a child. Now I'm depressed because life is constantly beating me up. I just want to escape."
"Escape from what? What is here now that you need to escape from?" The guru inquired.
"My problems, my depression, just about everything.." Taylor sighed.
"Where do your problems go when you are not thinking about them? Who is depressed?" The guru questioned further.
These two questions perplexed Taylor a bit. Is there a secret answer?
"Umm.. I'm not sure how to answer the first question. The second question is obviously me... Who else would i be referring to?"
"I'll give you a hint," the guru smiled. "When I asked you 'what is here now that you need to escape from', I was pointing to this present, unfolding moment. Right now, in this room we are sitting in, your problems don't exist. Same thing with your depression. You are aware of feelings that you've labeled 'depression', but are YOU actually depressed?"
This actually made Taylor think. He does have a point. When Taylor is focused on other things throughout the day, and not her problems, they don't seem to exist in that moment. Something clicked about her depression as well. This whole time she was assigning a negative meaning to feelings that actually have no meaning at all?
"So what you're saying is, I've just accepted a narrative about myself that's not really true outside of me accepting it as true?" Taylor asked.
The guru clapped and gave Taylor a wide grin. "You are absolutely correct! Now let's go deeper. You said you always dreamed of going to outer space as a child. When you described this experience, you spoke as if it didn't really happen, or it was fictional. Tell me what is more 'realistic' about our conversation versus the 'daydreams' you had as a child."
Another mind-boggling question from this guru. Taylor hesitated a moment before she gave her answer. "Well I'm experiencing this conversation with the 5 senses, doesn't that make it more real?"
The guru shook his head. "Have you ever noticed during your dreams at night, the 5 senses work the exact same way as when you're awake? The 5 senses can't possibly be the culprit that makes one experience "more real" than another. Have you noticed that there is a common denominator between all experiences, whether it's the waking state, sleep, daydreaming, or visualizing? What is always present during all of this?"
This gave Taylor an a-ha moment. "I'm always present during all of these experiences! So does that mean one experience is not more real than the other, because I'm always aware during it all?"
"Absolutely," the guru stated matter-of-factly. "This means that your experiences in outer space where you made alien friends are just as 'real' as this conversation we're having now."
This was enough to bring Taylor to tears. She couldn't believe she created a barrier between herself and her "desires" as if she was seperate from them. The friends she made and all the wonderous experiences in outer space were real events that actually happened. But she took her suffering to be real, and has been torturing herself for years for no reason!
"I... Don't know what to say except thank you.." Taylor uttered through tears. "You've given me life-changing advice today. How can I repay you?"
The guru gently held Taylor's hands. "You don't owe me a thing. I am just you pointing you back to yourself. Now enjoy your dream. I'm sure your alien friends miss you."
And so Taylor visited her alien friends once more, making up for lost time. She is finally enjoying the freedom she longed for her whole life.
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snaililita · 7 months
💫How Much I Adore You💫
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Lyney x Shy!Loving!Reader
Tooth-Rotting Fluff💫
Female!Reader, can make a version with swapped pronouns if requested💫💫💫
Reader is a simp ngl, but this is very indulgent and I'm a simp soooo-
Best read in the voice of a sassy Victorian woman💫💫💫
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Lyney is such a handsome young man you think. His hair styled just so, his posture always so chipper. His eyes such a beautiful lavender and sparkle with a sort of mischievous, but not ill-intented shimmer. His smile always quirked up to one side in a goofy smirk that always made your heart squeeze whenever you saw it.
Of course being the shy person you were, you could never tell him. So instead you simply resort to always silently examining his every move. Every small thing he did made your soul happy, the more mundane the more you felt yourself smile. Maybe he was simply offering you his umbrella or asking if you would like to stop by for tea- even just rambling to you about his sister.
Sure the flashy things he does make you grin, but not as much as the small things. To you, it meant he was comfortable around you. Comfortable being just Lyney. And being able to see all sides of Lyney, including stage Lyney and brother Lyney and just Lyney- it meant the world to you. You love all of Lyney, every version of him there is. Yes, even fatuus Lyney. Not one Lyney can escape your affections.
If only you weren't so shy, if only you could tell him just how much you adore him. Even if he didn't reciprocate your affections, you would be over the moon if he knew that you would stay with him no matter what and that he doesn't have to worry at all around you. That you would do anything for him, no matter how daunting the task in question may be. You wish he would let you into his family, regardless of the manner. To be as open with you as he is his sister and brother, to be able to confide in you his troubles.
So, as you can imagine, you both felt incredibly sad and ecstatic when Lyney came to you after his trial for comfort. He was exhausted and gloomy because of the Traveller's sour (and hypocritical) attitude towards his association with the Fatui. He requested for you to visit for dinner that night, and you agreed of course. Now, you were sitting in his room on his bed with him in your arms.
You dare not ask why he cries now, for you're fairly sure it does not need any explanation. You would cry too if you were in his situation but you could never be bold enough to ask for comfort from someone, no no you would simply cry alone. You admire Lyney's bravery. Of course, he isn't really being brave since you aren't someone who is to judge him and he knows this.
He lays his head in your shoulder as he cries so quietly, you simply rub his back and hug him gently seeing as you are rather awkward with words. Though you did take great care in reminding him that even now that you know of his being a fatui, it changes nothing between you two. That you still trust him the same. This seemed to calm some of his troubles.
He nuzzles himself into your petite embrace, grabbing one of his many blankets and pulling it over the two of you. You find yourself feeling more and more weary, but not negatively, by the moment. Are you to sleep with him? In his bed? Overnight? My goodness you surely were rattled. He seemed to notice this and sighed in exasperation.
He began to stroke your hair gently, or as gently as he could with trembling hands from his previous crying fit. You soon accepted this and found yourself smiling.
(("Thank you, cherie. If only you knew how much I adore you."))
He pecks you on the cheek and runs his fingers through your hair,
(("Perhaps I could enlighten you sometime."))
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cosmic-ghost-hermit · 26 days
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Hiii, I'm back to do regular pick-a-pile readings! However if you interested in booking a private reading please join my discord server! In todays reading I am working with Apollo to send the collective this message. Take what resonates and leave behind anything that doesn't. Thank you all 🩵 -ghost
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Crystal: Yellow Aventurine
Astrology: Leo, Sagittarius, Scorpio, Gemini
Hello, pile one! I see you have been looking for your intuition. You have been searching high and low. Purchasing all manner of metaphysical assistance. You seem to think you aren’t powerful. You believe you are simple and small. My friend you are very mistaken. Your third eye is open and active. There are two thing about intuition that I had to learn that I will now teach you. The first thing is that you must trust yourself. Activating your intuition is only one step in the journey. The second thing is that you must be grounded to be able to use your intuition. This lesson I’m still learning. You must establish yourself to yourself to make any progress. I see you crave progress over everything else. Focus on who you are and focus on trusting the person you are. You have done good work so far. The journey is just a little different than what you expected. You can’t escape yourself in spirituality. Forgetting who you are is much more counter intuitive than you might believe.
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Crystal: Tigers Eye
Astrology: Pisces, Cancer, Taurus, Libra
Hi there, pile two! You have been looking for a battle to wage. You have had to fight a lot in your life. You have probably been fighting since you were a child. You fought so hard back then. You are blinded by the war you fought, my friend. You have aleady won your war. The enemy is defeated and yet you still look for the next flying fist to dodge. You cannot fight anymore. There is no one to battle. There is a new goal you must strive for. You have been such a strong soldier for a long time. Now that it is done you must rest. You must heal. You must clean your wounds and take the medicine required to get better. You have suffered enough. After war, when soldiers come home, it is understandable that they might not know how to come down from shellshock. They might have gotten physical or mental wounds that are in need of proper care and attention. It is time to learn to cope and learn how to fill you cup. I must reiterate, you fight is over. Your war is finished. You are safe. You have been grasping for safety while clinging to your violence. They cannot exist in tandum. Please sleep, my dear soldier. Please. Once you decide the war is over in your mind you will be able to finally relax. You will find things you enjoy. You will share peaceful moments with yourself again.
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Crystal: Black Tourmaline
Astrology: Aries, Capricorn, Virgo, Aquarius
Hi, pile three! Welcome to your reading. You have been carrying the weight of the world in your arms and I know you hate to admit it but you are tired. You are only one person. I understand you have needed to be independent. I understand you have been searching for help but my dear you have been refusing it at every opportunity. Your friends are here for you and you won’t open up. They are knocking at your door. They are asking to see you and love you. You seem to believe accepting their help makes you weak. Darling, that is not the case. You are human. You are not a machine and honestly even if you were machines need maintenance. Machines can’t always self-maintenance. You need help and you want it. Please accept it the next time it comes around. I see you might have some religious trauma or some kind of self-sacrificing wound. You are not a tool. You are not livestock. You are not alone. Humans are evolutionarily not solitary creatures. They need companionship. Humans are pack animals which means they need other humans. Every instance when a human is left completely alone usually the human goes insane. Talk about your hardships with your friends. Release some of what you are carrying on your shoulders. Let go of the mindset that you must sacrifice your mind or your body to be considered a good or successful human. You are already a good human without over-exerting yourself.
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hunieday · 3 months
Yuki - La'Stiara Rabbit Chat translation
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Please note that I am not a professional translator and I'm only doing this to share the side materials to those who cannot access them, if you notice any mistakes please let me know nicely. Enjoy!
Yuki: Momo
Yuki: 🕺 I saw this emoji and it reminded me of your sleeping posture back when we used to live together 
Momo: !?!? lolololololol
Momo: What the hell this is so embarrassing!! 😂 was I really like this 😂 lololol 
By the way, since you’re sending me such a mischievous rabbichat, you must be free right now!!!!
Yuki: you get it?
Momo: I get it!!! 
The thought of Yuki scrolling through emojis and thinking of me makes my heart race 🥺🥺
Momo: Is it break time over at 'La’Stiara'?
Yuki: Yeah. It's boring without you
Momo: Oh, youuuu~~~ darling ‼ I'm off today, so I’m free as well!
What do you wanna talk about? Let’s take a quiz!
Momo: Is what I would say, but sorry if it sounds childish 😭
Yuki: I’d like to take a quiz
Momo: That's right! That’s the best way to play for someone as handsome as you!!! Alright, here we go!!
Momo: What do I want right now? 😎✨
Yuki: A necklace for everyday wear
Momo: Ding-ding ding-ding 🤩💫
You hit the jackpot! Yuki knows me well, you’re the most handsome...!! (*´艸`)
You shine brighter than any jewel!!
Yuki: That's right ^^
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Yuki: The other day you sent me a bunch of URLS for necklaces and asked which one looks good
Momo: Hey how do you remember that lololol
Momo: I thought you forgot because you said any of them would look good 🥺
Yuki: That’s because I genuinely thought any of them would look good on you. It wasn’t that I was disinterested or anything
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Momo: I am going to buy all of them.
Yuki: Haha
Yuki: Here's a question
Momo: Bring it on lol
Yuki: What’s the first thing I ate in yesterday’s lunch bento box?
Momo: you always come up with tough questions, yuki 😳‼ 
Momo: But you know what? I got this one in the bag! The answer is "the Broccoli with Bonito Flakes" that came as a side dish!
Yuki: Correct. You got it right
Momo: Yesterday's lunch was from your favorite restaurant! I know you always eat the broccoli first :pudding cheer:
Yuki: Boiling it to perfection makes it delicious
Yuki: You can see through everything Momo. I can't lie to you
Yuki: From sleeping habits to even food preferences, we know everything about each other don’t we
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Momo: I never thought I'd be so close to you to the point where I’d know everything about you!
Momo: At first I was content with listening to your music from the audience, and then I was content with helping you out and being as useful as possible
Momo: I've become quite greedy...
Momo: Juuust kidding 🥴 sorry for getting sentimental all of a sudden 🤗‼ good luck with the 'La’Stiara' shoot ‼
Yuki: I'm the greedy one
Yuki: Momo, when you told me you liked my songs, you reminded me of the joy of making music and the purpose of my life
Yuki: I want to continue making music with you forever
Momo: Yuki
Momo: Yukiiiiiiiiiiii,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Yuki: Yes?
Momo: You’re so handsome,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Yuki: I know.
Momo: Is it really my day off today? am I supposed to be normal after being bombarded with your powerful words??? I can't calm down you know???
Yuki: Momo, what are your plans for today?
Momo: Absolutely nothing!!!
Yuki: I think I’m gonna finish work early today as well
Momo: w   which means...!!???? 🎉🎉🎉🎉
Yuki: I'm inviting you to dinner.
Momo: I'm coming!!! I am SO coming!!! Is it okay if I come to your place!?
Yuki: Mhm. I'll buy delicious meat on my way home.Just like that day
Momo: I can’t
Momo: This is not good, Yuki… I might burst into tears if I see your face today
Yuki: If they’re tears of joy then I’m fine with it
Momo: How in the world can I be anything but happy!!! 
Back then, our house was so small but was so full of hope
Momo: Now we live in a big house, but we haven't changed at all
Yuki: That's right. We are sharing the music we make together with the world as idols
Yuki: Always, and forever, nothing will ever change.
Momo: Thank you, Yuki. Those words bring me so much relief, they’re like a good luck charm for me. I feel like I can do anything.
Momo: I’ll be waiting for you to finish your shoot!!
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Yuki says "just like that day" in reference to a re:member scene where he uses money he gets from Chiba Shizuo during their debut days to buy Momo expensive meat. Yuki cries from happiness on his way home, which is why he tells Momo he's fine with tears of joys.
My god they make me so violent /pos
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lvlyghost · 8 months
Half My Soul: II
PAIRINGS: John Price x F!Reader
SUMMARY: The morning after John takes you home.
TW: smut, suggestive themes. john is the man we all deserve! descriptions of injuries. reader gets a tiny bit of background. mentions of abuse. comfort, fluff. think that's it. lmk if i missed any. mind the english!
A/N: i'm so very sorry for how long i made you wait! here's the final part. maybe i wasn't dealing with lack of inspiration it would've been longer, i even had planned another situation for this fic but oh well. i may turn it into a separate drabble. enjoy💕💫
Masterlist✨Part 1
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John looks up from his phone when you walk in, he was about to take a sip from his tea mug. You're wearing one of his shirts that's nearly too big for your body. He likes it when you wear his clothes, not that he'd say it out loud. Not that it was the first time he had seen you wearing his shirts; the black hoodie he had insisted you could keep now ruined because of the blood and the lower part of the fabric that had been torn apart.
He clears his throat. Setting both the mug and mobile down.
"Sleep well?" He asks.
You hum in response.
"Too early to be awake if you ask me." John chuckles when you roll your eyes feigning annoyance.
He was far too good to you. Too good for your own sake. You didn't want to think of how inappropriate it was that you were at his apartment, wearing his clothes. Sleeping on his bed. It also didn't help that he was wearing just a pair of black sweatpants. This thing between the two of you whatever it was... made your stomach flutter and your heart warm when he looked at you the way he was right about now.
"There's coffee for you." He declares. "Know you don't fancy tea. A terrible mistake, may I add." There's a playful grin on his lips when you laugh. "How's your body?" His voice drops a few degrees. You know he's trying to be nonchalant about it but you know him. You know he's worried. Know that he hates the man who hurt you with all his being.
What you don't know is what he did as soon as he woke up. It took one more glance to your face and body. One glance to the bruises and scratches and he was climbing on his pickup truck. John knew the address. He had intended to have a civilized conversation with your father; after all you didn't want him to get hurt, despite him making your life a living hell. One thing led to another. A heated argument. Shouting and swearing. He couldn't let that monster speak about you the way he did. A staring contest. Hands pushing the other. And then there where punches being thrown. He didn't care if he was a former ranger back in the states. There was no real pride in what he did. Fuck him. He was glad he got discharged from the military. He gave soldiers a bad name. He was a blemish in everything they stood for.
"My eye's not swollen anymore. That steak really came in handy." You joke remembering the night before, when you both got to his home. And John wants to laugh, he's aware you're trying to joke about it. To brush it off like it meant nothing. Why were you such a beautiful person? No one deserved you. "Really John? The mug's on the top shelf!" You sigh, standing on your tiptoes stretching as much as you can but only had managed to graze the cabinet door to open it.
John snorts at the sight of you trying to reach it, so he stands from the stool and gently pats your shoulder, giving you a soft squeeze as he reaches out for it without effort and placing it in your hand.
"You made it look like it was hard, love. Was starting to think if I could do it myself."
You hit his arm in a playful manner making him chuckle.
"Thank you John." You murmur. He staring down at you intently. Like there was nothing else in the world to him.
"It's just a..."
"I mean for everything." You interrupt him. At first you hesitate but end up grazing his fingers until you take his hand in yours. It's warm and bigger than yours, it swallows your own entirely. Both of you stop breathing when the silence settles. Outside the sky is cloudy, rain threatening to pour down anytime soon.
"Lovely." He mutters.
"You, love. Just you."
Something shifts in the air after those words. John and you... had been holding back each other's feelings. You more than him. He wasn't fighting them anymore and neither were you. Who were you lying to?
Just yourself. The man cared for you like no one else did. He pours some coffee in your cup with his eyes set on you all the time, even when you take a sip and place it back on the kitchen counter. "Want me to check your wounds?" He asks, but you're not listening anymore. You're lost in the deep sea that his eyes are. In the way he cleaned up your wounds yesterday. Something you had done to him many, many times before. Lost in the moment when he saw your deteriorating state last night, the anger that sparked in his blue eyes. You inhale deeply, the smell of his cologne and cigars.
John shifts his weight from one foot to another. You were staring in silence. He wonders if you're regretting accepting his invitation to his home. God knows that if you decided to leave that would be the end of him.
Why were you so silent all of the sudden? Had he made a mistake?
Bloody hell.
"No need for that John. I just need you."
And you grab him by the back of his neck pulling him down for a gentle kiss. His strong arms wrap around your waist pulling you closer until your bodies are pressed together. His lips are soft and mouth warm, you wish you could do more... maybe you can.
"Y'know how long I've waited for this?" He asks, voice raspy. A small kiss on your nose. His eyes are bright and adoringly watching you. "If I could stay like this forever..."
He kisses you again and lifts you up so your legs immediately wrap around his waist. John handles your body with so much care it makes your heart flutter, he avoids touching where the bruises are more prominent on your abdomen as he walks barefooted to the living room.
John lays both of you slowly onto the couch so that you're straddling his lap and he gives you the most gentle squeeze on your hip while his other hand tuck back a strand of hair behind your ear. It's a silent ask. A silent plea.
Do I have you permission? Can I make you mine?
And you nod. You kiss him again. Hard and hungrily. Biting down his lips. You too have waited for this. All the pent up desire that's been building over months. The longing stares, the casual touches. It's all led to this very moment where your—his— shirt get tossed to the floor, his pants don't make it all the way down and your underwear is merely pushed aside. The embarrassing amount of slick that coats your folds when John slides his fingers up and down your cunt making you gasp. His hands already making wonders that your own could never. Or the sight of his sheer size; he's big, you wonder if he'll even fit all the way, so he prepares you. Fingers slip in and out, limbs trembling as he works you through your climax and orgasm. Makes you forget about everything, about not being cared for before about all the pain that was your life before he showed up with his acts of service and unyielding protection. No one ever truly cared for you the way John did. No man could ever come close to him.
"John..." you moan his name, lips parted. "Please."
He wastes no time and he's finally sliding inside you. Blue eyes never leaving yours. And he's fucked. He has been for a long time, the moment he saw you. The first time you smiled at him.
His body shudders at the sensation of you swallowing him whole, not being able to think of anything else than being consumed by the woman on top of him. He wants you not just for today but for eternity. Another heated kiss when you're both nearing the end. A muttered promise to love you, a lone tear and soft graze of his hands as you come undone.
Falling apart together, deep breaths and mumbles of soft nothings into each other's arms. You trace his lips as he tries to even his ragged breathing. The faintest sheen of sweat that pearls his body.
"This isn't so bad."
John smirks.
"Not at all, love. Not at all."
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k-n0-x · 1 month
༺ ♱✮♱ ¨:·Something Stupid- Chapter 5·:¨ ♱✮♱ ༻
A/N- Hello everyone! Sorry this chapter took sooooo long to get out. I compensated in making it a bit longer than the usual chapters. I hope y’all enjoy :3
Enjoy <3
“Well, did you enjoy that Emily?” You ask Emily as you both pass through the portal, and onto your porch.
“Yes! I finally get what you mean when you say Charlie and I are alike,”
“Sweetie, you are carbon copies of each other, it’s not that hard to come to that conclusion ,”   You smile, and jump when you remember something. 
“By the way, Sinners can be redeemed! I did some digging around a couple of days ago, but I forgot to tell you,” 
For a moment, Emily becomes silent, letting the news sink in. 
Shs squeals. 
“Oh this is amazing! That means that-” 
“That what, Emily?”
The voice of the Elder Seraphim makes you jump out of your skin. 
“Hi, Sera, uhm just, er,” You lose face in front of Sera, but she is more looking at Emily than you. 
“Where exactly have the two of you been? Emily I was looking all around for you today,”
“Oh she was just hanging out with me at my house today-”
“I didn't see you around at all today,” Adam pops up behind you.
Ah yes, him. 
“Were you not out all day today?” You counter. 
“Enough! I already knew that Emily was in Hell with you,”
Your mouth agape, you make an attempt to form a plausible excuse. 
“I uh, just wanted to help out with the aftermath of the extermination and I just invited Emily along, please don't punish her, I really pushed her into it,”  You grimace. Surely there’s going to be a berating headed your way.
Emily gives you a confused look, and you return it with a warning one. 
“Whatever for? It's not like it works anyway,” Sera, despite spewing her bullshit, has her head up high. 
The latter remark makes you stick out your chin, with a defensive attitude. 
“Uh, yes it does, actually,” You smile innocently.
Sera’s face pales. 
“What, what do you mean? Obviously, sinners do not have the capacity to be redeemed,”
“Yeah, the big shot’s right. Those little, dare I say, cunts have already fucked up their one chance, why give them another?”
Your ‘husband’ sides with the Seraphim, but Emily stays beside you. 
“Well why not discuss this in court then?” Your eyes, almost manic glares into the ones of the first man. 
“Wha- What the fuck man? You can't do that-Right Sera, she just can't-”
“No, she can… When do you want to hold the meeting?” She turns to you. 
“Perhaps the day after the next? So that we'll have time to prepare,”
“.... Very well. Emily, let's go,”
Em stays back a bit and mutters, “Whatever happens, I’m on your side. I’ll try to help in anyway I can,”
“You don’t have to,” you mumble back.
“Emily! Let’s go,” Sera hisses. The two Seraphims leave the patio of your home.
“Why the fuck does this matter to you so much bitch?” Adam points an accusing finger at you, which you slap away.
“Oh, I don't know, maybe I want to uphold true Heavenly values? You of all people should know that,” You hiss back. 
“Uh, no. Sinners can't be redeemed, now stop preaching all this dumb bullshit, and get ready, because you're going down, bitch,” 
You bite your tongue, because God forbid you send him into a frenzy. You don’t have the time or energy for his tantrum right now.
“Well, I'm going to bed bitch, God, I am so handsome, and cool and amazing,” Adam sashays to the bedroom, irritating you so. 
You pave a path to the living room.
You look at the couch.
You are not planning on sleeping on the same bed as Adam tonight. 
Or the next, for that matter.
You flop on the couch like a tired dog, and doze off. 
You’re in a desolate landscape. It's familiar. 
Oh yeah, you've been here before. 
Adjacent to you is the pedestal with the glowing ball. 
“Yeah, I’m not doing that again,” You step away from the monument and bump into something.
Or rather, someone.
“Sera? What are you- hey!” The Seraphim suddenly pushes you without warning, cascading you down into a dark pit.
Dark pit… This has happened before.
What the fuck is going on?
Despite your confusion you flap your wings in the darkness, but as soon as you get to the top of the hole again, some force drags you down. 
You look towards the surface, and see exterminators grinning (quite ironically) devilishly at the sight of your downfall
You spiral into the abyss, and the familiar heat appears. 
You hit the ground with a thud, and jump out of your couch, sun rays peeking through the curtains.
What was that dream? That's the second time today that you had a dream such as this. 
What's that glowing ball about?
Why, in the second dream, Sera pushed you into that hole?
Why couldn't you fly? 
Why, did you fall? 
Also, what is up with the ground at the bottom of the pothole?
It was so different from the  empty landscape at the surface, with its red hot coals.
You rub your eyes with your trembling hands. It felt so real, as if your hands are suffering the aftermath of being burnt on the scorching stones.
There's no point crying about it now. 
Time to become your own attorney.
“So, let me get this straight. There's a court meeting tomorrow and you need Charlie  to be there. On short notice?!” Vaggie groans and rubs her temples. 
“This is the perfect recipe for disaster,” 
“Yah, honestly you fumbled this one toots,” Angel adds, absentmindedly scrolling through his phone.
“Vaggie, this isn't so bad. At least now we have solid evidence. Who knows? We actually have a fighting chance,” Charlie gives her girlfriend a comforting hug from behind. 
“I know it's short notice, and I'm sorry I'm asking for a lot, but it could help you guys immensely,” You ramble on. 
“Maybe we can sit down and look all of this over. I’ve brought some documents with me, and after possibly I could snatch Sir Pentious to go to the court meeting as well,” You start naming things like a list so fast, the words that leave your mouth are almost unintelligible. 
“Hey, maybe you should sit down. Seems like you're getting the jitters. Oh Charlie! Maybe you should brew a pot of tea, hmm?” Lucifer puts a hand on your shoulder and guides you to the couch. 
“Sorry for getting worked up about all of this, and all, I just have a lot on my plate,” you rub the head of Kiki, calming down to the vibrations of the cat's purrs.
“Yeah I could tell,” The demon holds your shaky hand gently, as if it was made of glass. 
“See, you're shaking. I'm assuming the hearing isn't the only reason you're so anxious,” 
You sigh. 
“Really, I'm fine. Don't worry about it,” You smile, and squeeze his hand.
The King slightly reddens at the touch.
Charlie enters the room with piping hot cups of tea with Vaggie, who was holding a tin of biscuits. Charlie squints at the sight of you and her dad holding hands. Instinctively, you pull away casually.
“Okay, so,” You begin to take out some papers from your bag and place them on the table. 
“Recently, St. Peter gave me receipts of who has entered Heaven in the recent weeks. Even though we know that Sir Pentious is in Heaven, we should still try to match up the dates of when he entered, and the day of extermination,” 
“It'll be good hard cold evidence, especially if we get a grab of Pentious himself…” you bite your lip. 
“We’d probably have to look around for more information… Would either of you know anything?” You turn to the three. 
Lucifer scratches his head for a moment. 
“Hmm, nothing that I could think of-” 
“I believe I could make an attempt to ask Rosie and the other Overlords, they like to be keeping an eye on everything that goes on in Hell,” The familiar nails-on-a-chalkboard voice makes you jump out of your seat, almost spilling the cups of tea on the table. 
Geez, can Alastor abstain himself from giving you a jumpscare just to make his entrance?
“Yeah, that'd be amazing! We really need all hands on deck for this,” Charlie answers for you.
“Thanks Alastor. You're so kind,” You add, just out of habit. 
“It’s no problem my dear. Anything to help out a friend,” 
Friend? Alastor isn't an enemy to you, but you barely have shared any proper conversation to consider him your friend. 
That title he used for you seemed, off, like he doesn't regard you as a friend. 
But why-? 
“Yeah, thanks for your kind offer Alastor, but I'm quite confident that us three have it covered. So can you please remove yourself from here? We need to concentrate,” Lucifer pipes up from beside you, a thin layer of rage decorating his tone. 
“Uhm, some extra help doesn't hurt anyone Dad, right Y/N?” 
It feels like everyone in the room is looking at you for your input. 
Thankfully, your saving grace, Niffty turns the attention to her.
“Why are all the bad boys becoming good boys?! Ugh! So lame,” She groans as she uses a brush to sweep stray crumbs from the floor.
Using this window of opportunity, you change the subject. 
“Okay, now regarding Sir Pentious, I should probably call him now…” 
“I still have the card you gave me!” Charlie takes out the card from her breast pocket, crusted with dry slime and lint.
“You keep that thing on you?” Vaggie cringes.
“Yes, and?” Charlie dials the number on the card. 
Briing rring
You hold your breath as each silent second drags on. 
“Hello? Who isss thiss?” A voice rings from the other end. 
“Sir Pentious, is that you?!” The Princess replies. 
“Charlie? Iss that you?” The voice counters. 
“Oh hi!! So as much as I want to catch up with you, I have a teeny tiny favour to ask of you…”
“Ahh, I don't know Charlie. Thiss iss a very important matter, I don't know if I could handle it,”
“Pentious, by helping us, we could be achieving big! We need to either go big or go home! I know it's a lot of you, but, pretty please?”
A crackled sigh. 
“Oh alright…”
“Aaaa thank you so much Pentious! I'd give you a hug, but, you know… Ah bye bye!”
Charlie drops the call. 
“Seems like everything's in order now. I'll see you guys tomorrow?” You stand up from the couch. 
“Yes, and Y/N?”
You turn to the Princess. 
“Yes Charlie?”
She hesitates. 
“....Thank you again, for all of this,”
“Charlie, again, it's really no problem, okay? It's literally the least I can do,” You give Charlie a hug. 
It's all you can do. 
“We are gathered here today to re-determine if sinners are able to redeem themselves via Charlie Morningstar’s Hazbin Hotel,” The Seraphim’s voice bellows from above. 
Cherubs and winners are below you, Charlie is by your side, and Emily is beside Sera, on edge.
“The plaintiff is Y/N, and the defendant is Adam, the first man. Y/N, I bring the floor to you,”
You take a deep breath and take out your notes. 
“Well, your Honour, I have receipts which show that a sinner has entered Heaven in recent weeks,” You thrust out the piece of paper, which Sera draws towards her. 
“He goes by the name ‘Sir Pentious’,” Your voice puts on a nonchalant tone, but it feels like your heart is about to stop. 
Sera reads over the piece of paper, her face as though she swallowed a particularly sour lemon. 
“Uhhhh, I call bullshit. I mean come onnnnnn,” Adam groans. 
“I mean, do you know how easy it is for her to just print that out. Don't tell me you're actually believing this?” He smirks, and gets a snicker from Lute beside him.
“Uhm actually,”Sir Peter pipes up from the stands. 
“I actually gave her that paper a while ago, if that can vouch for anything-”
“Shut up Pete,” Adam spits. 
“Order!” Sera’s feathers ruffle, and she tucks them back down.
“Unless the defendant shows indubitable evidence, I’m afraid the verdict still stands,”
“Sera no!” Emily cries.
“Emily, this is an official court meeting, one of which you aren’t apart of. If you can’t keep quiet, you would have to leave the courtroom,”
You bite your nail. You really didn’t want to pull out your winning card this early…
“May I call a witness?”
“You may,”
“Well I call Sir Pentious as my witness,” You nod towards where the cacophony of angels were.
“Well your Honour…” He hisses, his tail wagging as though alert. 
“I used to be a sinner, ass you may already know. During the lasst extermination, I wass killed in the battle… Then before I knew it, I wass up here in Heaven. That's all,” Pentious looks up at you, and you give a thumbs up along with a smile. 
“Any quesstions?” 
“No, you may sit down,” Sera starts, but a cherub pipes up from the audience. 
“What does he mean by “as you already know”? I for one didn't know about that,” 
Multiple angels, winners and Heavenborn alike, all murmur in agreement. Emily then bursts out,
“I'll tell you this. It's because Sera and I knew when Sir Pentious entered Heaven. Rather than going through the pearly gates, he appeared amongst the two of us.” 
And all Hell, (or Heaven) breaks loose.
“Silence! This meeting is adjourned,” Sera’s ringing voice brings the noise of the  populated stadium to a halt.
“Adjourned? What, why?” Charlie inadvertently voices your thoughts.
“My reasoning will not be objected,” Sera dodges the question.
“This meeting will be continued within twenty minutes,”
“Charlie, what do we do? Sera clearly doesn’t want to budge, and God knows what lies Adam is feeding her,” you  pace up and down, words leaving your mouth as quick as lightning.
“Uhh don’t panic,” Charlie puts her hands up defensively. 
“She hasn’t made a decision yet, we could- erh” She stumbles over her words,  and fumbles a small yellow item out of her pocket and puts it in your hand.
“My dad said to give it to you if you got worked up- uhm,” Charlie steps backward a bit to give you some space. 
You look at the object in your hand, which took the shape of a duck that was decorated with the signature white hat, and an apple cane in its flank.
You squeeze it and it produces a familiar tune. Your eyes widen as you remember that it was the melody  you complimented just the other day. 
At the time, it was just obligatory praise, but you were absolutely smitten by the fact that Lucifer has taken it seriously.
The dedication, into making something like this, for you is…
Really Charming. 
“Uhhh, Are you alright?” The Princess taps her foot anxiously, waiting for your answer.
“Oh yeah!” You look up, cheeks warming.
“I really love it. Tell him as such,” your stupid face breaks into a smile despite everything.
“I will. He’d be pretty happy hearing that, especially from you,” she gives you a playful nudge.
“You know… He likes you. Like- a lot,” 
Your eyes brighten, and Charlie squeals at the sight.
“Oh, I knew it was reciprocal!” She brings you into a massive bear hug.
“Charlie- I-,”
“Oh, sorry,” She lets go.
“I was squeezing too hard, wasn’t I?”
“No, no it’s not that. It’s that well- you know I’m married,” An gravelly sigh leaves your lips.
“I think we would be better as friends,” Your throat is scratchy. Why is this so hard to say? 
“Oh,” was her reaction, only enhancing your guilt even more. She looked so remorseful, you wanted to hug her so badly and say that you were lying.
And you were.
“Excuse me?” A cherub taps your shoulder.
“The court meeting is about to resume,”
As you enter back on your podium, you see Adam whispering something into Sera’s ear. He looks at you and makes a rude gesture, which you reciprocate.
“Enough! The court is back in session. Now, I bring the defendant to speak,” 
“Ehhh yeah, anyway my point still stands. I don’t think we want some sinners cavorting around , making trouble,”
 His statement just irritates you. How could he just say something like that?
“How do you know that? Pentious has been here for a while, and I doubt he has been making any disturbance,” are you picking the low hanging fruit? Yes. Is it helping your case? Also yes.
“Uhhhh yeah, but what’s the guarantee that others won’t? Geez, you’re so gullible,” He snorts like the pig he is.
“The defendant has a point. I feel like I’ve come to a conclusion, and it still hasn’t changed from the last session. Lute, please see Princess Charlie Morningstar out. Everyone else is  dismissed,”
All the spectators leave. Sir Pentious looks back and gives you a consoling wave before taking his leave.
Lute flies over to your podium and a portal opens behind Charlie.
“What? No!” You and Emily shout in unison. The General roughly grabs the princess by the arm and drags her through the threshold.
 Horns protrude from Charlie’s head, trying to resist the Angel’s force. More exterminators appear, almost magically and with one final push, the Demon princess is hauled through the portal.
“Charlie, NO!” You outstretch your hand, but it’s too late. The gateway closed with a whoosh sound.
“Now, was that really necessary?” You stare daggers at Sera, Lute and Adam.
“It had to be done,” was her response.
“Also, Sera, you said you wanted to talk to Y/n about something,” The first man’s tone is sinister, and is putting you on edge. 
“Oh, yes. Thank you for the reminder. Well, Mrs. Y/N, I ban you from travelling to Hell without a permit,”
“What, why?!” Your heart is in your throat.
“Uhh, coz I don’t want you there. D'you know how bad it'll look on me if I can’t control my wife?!” 
Sera puts her fingers between her eyes.
“Ahem, what Adam is trying to say is that, you clearly aren’t thinking of the consequences all of this may have. Imagine the state of Heaven if we just let any riff-raff in,”
You let out a short breath in shock. That was it. Game over.
“Y/N, WAIT!-” Emily tries to fly to your podium
She was met with a slammed door in her face.
Word count- 3,111
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astrologylunadream · 8 months
Channeled Messages From Your Person💌🔥💟 (Pick a card/Tarot love reading)
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Hey it's Lunadream🤗 I'm here to give you a reading on what your person want's to say to you!💖 hope you find your message🌸💫
Notice: Only take what resonates because the most important thing is your own judgement!♡ If anything doesn't resonate, don't worry! It's not your message right now <3 (Entertainment purpose only. All rights reserved)
Now, shall we begin~? ^w^ Think of your person, and pick whichever pile that fits the energy you're feeling~🌸💞
Pile 1🎀
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Pile 2🍋
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Pile 3🍒
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Pile 4🍾
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Take your time and choose carefully with the heart~♡
On to the readings —> 💌
Pile 1🎀
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Sign energy: Earth, Silence, Wounds, Spirit, Concert, Leo, Cancer, Earth, Uranus, Libra, 👼😟💁‍♀️😴
💞Your person's energy: Okay my lovely pile 1's your person is very kind and compassionate, they are such a sweetheart.☺ Your person has a very pretty energy they are so creative and inspiring! Might have leo, cancer or libra placements as well as earth placements (capricorn, taurus, virgo) or aquarius as well. This could be a singer or performer or go to concerts often, they're into things like fashion and music. I'm getting a no contact situation right now, this is someone you really want to hug right now.🥺💗 A very spiritual person too, they are so unique. They make you happy and they heal you so much, but this silence between you is making you both very sad and lonely. One of you might have ghosted the other omg noo you guys are definitely not communicating the best right now. You two adore eachother and you just want to see the other smile, This person has really cute hair and they have a more feminine energy to them (even if male). They have a sparkle in their eyes that makes you feel so safe and at home, you feel like you can trust them and you're emotionally attached to your person.💓
💌Messages from your person: I'm mature now, I can't believe it, You can tell me anything, Don't show interest in me, You really think I would choose you? Close your eyes, You might get scared, I'm going to steal your heart. (Pile 1's person is romantic omg) Extra cards: Outfit, Open, Slow, 12th house, Believe, Jupiter, Venus, Libra, Cancer, 9th house (Your person wants to tell you they have so much love for you omg like they dream of you so often and you're the one for them💗 They wanna take care of you and they are accepting your love with open arms😍)
Thank you my pile 1's! If you feel this resonated, you may tap the heart to claim this message!💌
I hope you enjoyed your reading! ʚ(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )ɞ If you did be sure to let me know pile 1 with the bow emoji~🎀 Thanks for scrolling through, Hugs hugs hugs!! See you in the next reading💞
Pile 2🍋
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Sign energy: Need, Song, Myth, Sacrifice, Unheard, Juno, Gemini, Earth, South node, Uranus, 🍋💤🤭🤐
💞Your person's energy: Okay so your person is so set on you pile 2, like they are so loyal and you have a wondeful bond. This is most likely a no contact between you two like you guys really want eachother but it's complicated😫 This is someone you became close to, could be a friend situation. This connection is somewhat sporadic and unpredictable for the both of you. Your person would risk it all for you because they see you as their other half, you're like a best friend and partner to them.💓 I'm getting that this person isn't big on labeling relationships, they could have wanted to keep things casual hence the reason for this no contact period. This could be someone you used to talk to a lot but now you guys don't talk anymore, I'm getting such an awkward silence between you two. Like someone's really sleeping on this connection omg. You guys may have a past where one of you turned down the other's confession, but I only see that for some of you. Things could have gone sour between you two, and so you don't know what to say. One or both of you are the type to send playlists to the other and you may share a favorite songs and genres, one of you might have stopped replying to the other for whatever reason. They miss you so much and they need you, they worry they messed things up for you both and they keep thinking of the past.😔 You want to be with this person.
💌Messages from your person: Can't we just see eachother? Get it together, No one has to know what we are, I don't want to pressure you, I can feel your love, I need comfort, I made a mistake, Please don't leave me, (Aww🥺) Extra cards: Valentine, Desert, Adventure, Clothes, Accident, Sagittarius, Water, Scorpio, 9th house, Saturn
Thank you my pile 2's! If you feel this resonated, you may tap the heart to claim this message!💌
I hope you enjoyed your reading! ʚ(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )ɞ If you did be sure to let me know pile 2 with the lemon emoji~🍋 Thanks for scrolling through, Hugs hugs hugs!! See you in the next reading💞
Pile 3🍒
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Sign energy: Pleasure, Adventure, Center, Hurt, Chest, Eros, Virgo, 4th house, 12th house, 2nd house, ❌🤦‍♂️💜🤭
💞Your person's energy: Omg welcome my lovely pile 3 this one is getting interesting already.😆 So your person is really attractive to you like you just can't keep your heart rate down, especially when you're fantasizing of them~ Your person is a thrill seeking yet very comforting individual, they have this charm about them because they seem so hot and then so sweet at the same time.🥰 The color purple could be significant to you or them. This is someone you dream of, some of you get swept away fantasizeing of a happy family and stable life with this person. You think they're so sweet lol lemme tell you pile 3 your person is a riot🎉 They are so fun-loving and passionate with everything they do, and this person is also the life of the party like so many people like them. They may always be the center of attention or mostly your attention, you dream of this person a lot.💕 For signs we have virgo, cancer, pisces and taurus energy, could have virgo 4th house placement so gemini rising which makes sense because they are very charismatic and witty. Just know they turn you on really easily especially their chest area, omg this person may have inner conflict about you like they care so much about you that it scares them. You may have tried to push them and this connection away, but you still care for each other deeply. They put you first and care for your needs, and secretly want to give you pain and pleasure in the best way but they won't force you. They most likely keep this to themselves because they don't want to scare you.🥺 They would hate for things to end, because they're so emotionally attached to you.💓
💌Messages from your person: Are you in love with them? We're more than just friends, What do you think of me? You should smile more, I hate this, This is all your fault, You're my soulmate, I want to hate you, Extra cards: Feelings, Work place, Activity, Performance, Tease, Libra, 3rd house, Water, Earth, Leo
Thank you my pile 3's! If you feel this resonated, you may tap the heart to claim this message!💌
I hope you enjoyed your reading! ʚ(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )ɞ If you did be sure to let me know pile 3 with the cherry emoji~🍒 Thanks for scrolling through, Hugs hugs hugs!! See you in the next reading💞
Pile 4🍾
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Sign energy: Frozen, Future, 6th house, Libra, Neck, Eros, 6th house, Air, 7th house, 2nd house, 😚✍☔🛑
💞Your person's energy: This is a very strict energy, there's definitely a pause on their responses to you right now. This could definitely be a coworker or someone you have to remain professional with, but the awkward tension is making things harder for the both of you.😫 They have a very put together look about them, they may dress fancy or indulge in expensive care. They could come off as cold or nonresponsive at times but you guys they're putting on a poker face😚 and they are prone to overthinking.💭 Your person worries about your future with them, and they may be the type to buy your trust back to rebuild or secure your relationship. That or they might expect some sort of compensation for their time lol. They are very intelligent and mindful, while also maintaining respectful and well mannered. This could very well be a writer or that could be significant to their work. They have a beautiful way with words and how they think, almost like a poet🌷 This person could act mature for their age, could be older and the neck could be prominent. I sense your person wears turtlenecks often, very well groomed and organized. But don't think they don't get turned on by you because they do😂❤ They seem almost uninterested until you see what's in their minds. Pile 4 your person is quietly hella attracted to you and the little things you do make their nervous system overheat like an oven omg they gotta start fanning themselves because they get so nervous🥵
💌Messages from your person: I won't judge you, You owe me, I can't believe it, How could you? Is this just a game to you? You want it? I'm not on your level, The past is in the past (Omfg let it go reference anyone?? I pulled the frozen oracle card and now this??😂😂) Extra cards: Swim, Dragon, Purple, Pet, Drive, Uranus, 1st house, Mercury, Capricorn, Moon, (Omg you're their property now🙈💋🔥)
Thank you so much my pile 4's! If you feel this resonated, you may tap the heart to claim this message!💌
I hope you enjoyed your reading! ʚ(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )ɞ If you did be sure to let me know pile 4 with the champagne emoji~🍾 Thanks for scrolling through, Hugs hugs hugs!! See you in the next reading💞
Wanna see more readings like this? Check out my tumblr for accurate readings for you!💗🌊🌸
Thanks for reading! \(*^w^)/💌 -Lunadream <3
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amourtoken · 20 days
Sleep Token nsfw visuals pt. 2💫
*NSFW visuals below the cut, MDNI*
And just like before pls be careful abt the content some of the accounts have hard kinks but I just grab the links for the visuals themselves not the captions lol
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He likes picking you up 24/7 this is no difference
Size kink he loves just fuckin HANDLING you
Oral fixation to the max
Ik I said it already but SIZE KINK he's a big boy
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The mask stays on lol
Thinks you're too fucking loud
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He's just happy to touch u tbh
BOOBS in my HIS mouth NOW
Munch Jr. (Vessel is munch sr.)
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Hes rlly into leashing you
This was his vibes I'm sorry
Paris looks great this time of year
A Lil softer than ii/iv
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vickblom · 3 months
💫✨️Another personal astro observation (thanks to my students): Sun, Moon, and Asc ft. Mercury Notes 📚📝
**disclaimer - these are all my observations based on 5+ years of teaching
Do you know what an astro-oreo is? Maybe astroreo?
My students and I who have sun and asc opposite moon!
It's a term we use because of a speech competition, as OREO is used for a logical structure in ESL for the country I teach in, along with the cookie (which is very useful for my students to make the O sound).
My students and I who say this term:
Student 1 - Aries sun, Libra moon, Aries asc
Student 2 - Taurus sun, Scorpio moon, Taurus asc
Student 3 - Pisces sun, Virgo moon, Pisces asc
Me (teacher/speech coach) - Cancer sun, Capricorn moon, Cancer asc (relocation asc in Capricorn)
Now for the other notes:
♡ Saturn-dominant folks attract each other as they age.
♡ Most aggressively nurturing students and colleagues all have Aries sun or Cancer sun.
♡ Scorpio moon with Capricorn ascendant students are often the hardest working and most misunderstood.
♡ Prominent Cancer placements give my students much more emotional intelligence than most peers. However, many easily fall behind in academics due to caring for others. I was the same way.
♡ My students with prominent Pisces placements go through hell and back, still with a smile and shy nature. I'm constantly amazed at their resiliency.
♡ My Scorpio moon/Sagittarius moon students keep me on my feet. They have more mood swings than any water placement folks I work with.
♡ My Sagittarius dominant students aren't afraid to debate my colleagues or myself. One student is the exception. However if you give a teacher a bad report on them (i.e. a bad grade for a presentation or skipping class), the evil eye comes out. Then comes sickness on my end.
♡ My Sagittarius asc students act goofy until they get ready to graduate. Some keep it in until university/college. Then, their real colors and desires come out quicker than flowers in spring.
♡ Most of my students are terrified of every Aries sun teacher. The most misunderstood teachers are Virgo sun and Aquarius sun teachers.
♡ Students generally respect Libra sun and asc teachers but in the realm of colleagues—Student-wise, they are often the ones who can sleep through class and still ace an exam.
♡ Libra sun and asc colleagues are infuriating. They have a widespread reputation for saying something is good, which is preceeded by an extremely long roast of an individual's ability, qualifications, and motivation.
♡ The most popular youngest and oldest teachers all have Gemini stelliums.
♡ My students with Aries degree ascendants are the most argumentative. It doesn't matter what their sun or moon is, and I swear an Aries degree brings fire even to the most mellow placements.
♡ Capricorn moon students are the most sleep-deprived students who are the least likely to admit it.
♡ Capricorn and Virgo mercuries confuse me the most as colleagues and make the most sense to me as students.
♡ Aries moon and Virgo moon students have the strongest snack game.
♡ Aquarius sun students are known for being "out there" and Aquarius moon students say or ask the most random stuff in class.
♡ Cancer moons and Taurus moons are the most likely to daydream and obsess over someday leaving their hometown forever. However, they're the most likely to either stay or come back suddenly.
♡ For teachers: be very careful with folks of your preferred gender, primarily 5th, 8th, and 12th house placements. Students (even colleagues) with these placements might give you the "shark stare," aka the very uncomfortable stare.
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leclvrc · 1 year
daddy's girl ♡ lh x reader
summary: in which your daughter is a daddy's girl through and through!
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liked by mercedesamgf1, cullen_angela, lewishamilton and 328.009 others
yn.hamilton babygirl said she wants to match with daddy today so who am I to say no? 💖 (lewis was not allowed to put her on his board :) and you never will honey)
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ha44ilton it's the passive aggressive note to lewis in the caption for me 😭😭
mercedesamgf1 do we have another fashion icon on our hands? 😉
liked by yn.hamilton
mercedes44 she's growing so fast omg
lewishamilton yellow was always more her colour 💫
yn.hamilton matches her sunshine personality, doesn't it? 💞
goatmilton the lil bucket hat and sunglasses... i will never recover
yn.hamilton when i tell you i MELTED
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liked by susie_wolff, nicholas.hamilton, mercedesamgf1 and 593.291 others
lewishamilton eternally grateful for all the time I get to spend with my two girls before the beginning of another exciting season 🙏🏾 here's to many more vacations with my little family
📸 @.yn.hamilton
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yn.hamilton your caption 😭 i love you both so much, lewis
liked by lewishamilton
ha44ilton that caption bro BRO
susie_wolff enjoy it!
mercedesamgf1 and the award of cutest insta post of this year goes to lewis 'the goat' hamilton!
mercmaids admin is gonna die if they go a day without calling lewis the goat and u know what? me too
mercedes44 the vibes are so cozy and ugh when is it my turn @ god!!!!
goatmilton nike needs to get that baby a sponsorship asap, I'm no longer asking
liked by nike
yn.hamilton added to their story
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yn.hamilton added to their story
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liked by mercedesamgf1, lewishamilton, cullen_angela and 182.292 others
yn.hamilton lewis fell asleep next to roscoe on the couch yesterday because ms. sunshine wouldn't go to bed until after he read her two stories 🤕 daddy's girl through and through!
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mercedesamgf1 so that's why he was tired during the debrief 😉
yn.hamilton he'll be better rested next time, promise!
roscoelovescoco I's loves falling asleeps next to daddys
goatmilton the vibes are immaculate fr this family is so dear to me
4463merc roscoe and lewis sleeping like that is so ❣💓💕
susie_wolff toto and lewis can bond over this!
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liked by f1, lewishamilton, nicholas.hamilton and 492.291 others
yn.hamilton wifey duties 💫💞
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ha44ilton absolutely OBSESSED with her repping Lewis from head to toe
mercmaids she's giving all of us if we were married to lewis lbr
goatmilton YOU'RE SO REAL Y/N
f1 amazing support!
mercedesamgf1 always happy to have you decked out in his number 👊🏽🔥
sbinotto imagine all you are is the wife of someone 💀 I'd rather die
yndefender go back to stanning ur clown team lmaooo
lewishamilton my biggest fan ❤
yn.hamilton always babe 👊🏽
4405 naur it's the fist bump for me 🤣
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liked by yn.hamilton, mercedesamgf1, georgerussell63 and 392.292 others
lewishamilton today might have only been enough for a third place, but I'm still grateful for all the hard work the team has put into the car this weekend. a win will be in our future but right now I'm happy to see all the time I get to spend with my princess as the biggest win of them all.
thank you to everyone that cheered for us this weekend! your support means the world 🙏🏾
📸 yn.hamilton
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mercedesamgf1 incredible performance on track today! we'll get them next week 👊🏼
georgerussell63 we'll get that w soon, mate!
liked by lewishamilton
goatmilton you were SO close this weekend
mercmaids bro BRO how do u expect us to be normal after that caption 😭😭😭
cullen_angela onto the next one 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻
susie_wolff cherish all the time you get with her while she's still so young!
yn.hamilton every day I get to experience you with her is a gift and I can't wait for the sun to rise on another one of those days my love 💕
liked by lewishamilton
ha44ilton I'm melting fr fr stop it!!!!
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