#I'm really just yes-and-ing over here
thefortysecondolive · 5 months
Warum speziell aroace Leo? Care to elaborate?
Ja, klar, ist eine lange aber vermutlich nicht sonderlich spannende Antwort 😅
TL;DR: Ich projiziere gerne mal und möchte irgendwas schreiben, in dem ich meine eigene Erfahrung als (nonpartnering) aroace reflektiert sehe, weil ich das sonst nur sehr selten sehe.
Ehrlich gesagt, es ist ja hauptsächlich Projection™️, was sich wirklich nach KdE verstärkt hat, weil ich mit Leo in KdE ziemlich stark mitempfand (self-recognition through the other (concerned)), besonders mit dieser Angst, seinen besten Freund zu verlieren (weil ja, wenn dich deiner beste Freund immer anschweigt und/oder anlügt, das fühlt sich wie Verlust an und es ist scheiße). Und als die Couchschleppen-Szene rauskam und alle so "ach der ist so verliebt" waren, saß ich einfach da so "aber ich guck' meinen besten Freund auch so an? Und bin in dem gar nicht verliebt?"
Und dann habe ich erfahren, dass es schon Leute im Fandom gab, die Leo als ace geschrieben haben und ich habe mich gefreut, dass ich mit so einem Headcanon nicht alleine wäre, umso mehr, als mehr Leute dazukam und verschiedene Versionen davon schrieben. Weil es Millionen Arten gibt, um ace zu sein (wie mit dem aro-sein auch) und ich finde es toll, dass das immer ein bisschen anders in Fic aussieht.
An diesem Punkt soll ich vermutlich erwähnen, dass ich meine ace- von meiner aro-Identität nicht trennen kann; für mich ist es dasselbe. Ich weiß, dass das anderen nicht so geht, aber ich weiß auch nicht, welche meiner Erfahrungen an der einen liegt und welche an der anderen, und eigentlich glaub' ich nicht, dass es mir hilfreich oder sonderlich gesund wäre, sie zu trennen zu versuchen. Ich möchte eigentlich auch keine Beziehung führen — keine romantische, keine sexuelle, keine QPR — oder zumindest sehne ich mich nicht danach.
Und das seh' ich nicht so wirklich — nicht in diesem Fandom, aber eigentlich überhaupt. Und ich möchte es (öfter) sehen. Denn manchmal habe ich das Gefühl, das die "aber aces/aros/aspecs können doch noch lieben und Beziehungen haben!"-Rhetorik überwiegt und der Punkt, dass das gar nicht nötig ist (bzw. sein soll) und man eine ganze Person alleine ist, manchmal ein bisschen verloren geht. Wobei Ersteres gar nicht schlecht, sondern richtig wichtig und nötig ist!! Klar können aspecs Beziehungen führen, und ich liebe wirklich wie sanft und liebevoll damit in diesem Fandom (oder zumindest dieser Ecke des Fandoms) umgegangen wird! Manchmal fühle ich mich halt auch ein wenig zurückgelassen.
Aber das ist an sich nichts Schlimmes, da sehe ich wirklich halt eine Chance auf ein "yes-and" — also, ich will etwas haben; ich sehe es noch nicht ∴ ich schreibe es selber. Die Antwort auf verschiedene Repräsentationsbedürfnisse ist mehr Repräsentation und so.
Zum Teil ist es auch einfach Sturheit und Trotz — als ich die Szene, die ich gepostet habe, geschrieben habe, war ich mit Amatonormativität halt etwas frustriert, sowohl in Fandom allgemein (also nicht nur in diesem) als auch im echten Leben. Was ja immer der Fall ist, aber manchmal nervt es eben etwas mehr. Und nachdem jemand mir in den Kommentaren eines QPR-Fics etwas doof gekommen ist (versehentlich, glaube ich! ich nahm es nicht übel, aber es ist mir trotzdem ein bisschen unter die Haut gegangen) und ich ein paarmal in Tags oder auf Discord das "IcH vErStEhe HaLt NiCHt, wIe Man LeO aLs AcE SeHen KaNn"-Ding gesehen (was jedes Mal nervt), habe ich halt irgendwie eins draufgesetzt. Doubled down, sagt man das so? So trotzig "oh ace versteht ihr nicht? QPRs versteht ihr nicht? okay, der will überhaupt keine Beziehung führen, und das ist vollkommen okay und er ist trotzdem ein vollständiger Mensch, how d'you like them apples?"
Und ich will damit überhaupt nicht implizieren, dass aroace oder nonpartnering oder was auch immer irgendwie eine "legitimere" Art ist, um ace zu sein, denn das ist gar nicht so, natürlich ist das nicht so. Aber es ist meine Erfahrung, und das will ich auch mal schreiben, wenn nur, um für mich selbst gegen die Idee zu kämpfen, dass man ohne eine Beziehung von welchen Art auch immer nicht vollständig sein kann.
Und eigentlich gibt es, seien wir mal ehrlich, nichts in den Folgen, was auf Leos Sexualität hinweist. Auch Adams nicht, auch Pias nicht, auch Esthers nicht. Maximal haben wir ein bisschen Queer-coding, aber mehr nicht, also jedes Headcanon, was das angeht, ist ebenso legitim wie jeden anderen, und ich will nicht das Gefühl haben, dass ich mich zurück halten oder anpassen soll (was, wenn es besteht, kommt nur von meinem eigenen Verdenken, und nicht von tatsächlichem Fandom-Druck).
Und dann habe ich neulich ein Fotoset von Daniel Sloss' Komödie-Show "Jigsaw" gesehen, genauer gesagt von diesem Bit (am 47:26 im Netflix-Special übrigens):
My best friend in the whole wide world is a woman called Jean. We've been best friends for about eight or nine years now, we've lived together for five. She's like a sister to me, she really is. A lot of people don't believe it's platonic, but it is. The idea of each other naked makes us both very sad. But we love each other, we do, we've just been together through most things. Two months into my relationship with my ex-girlfriend, she was like, "Sometimes, I feel like you love Jean more than me." And I was like, "Baby, no! All the time! Every hour of every day I love her more than I love you, because she's put the groundwork in! You don't get to suck a dick and go number one."
Und davon habe ich mich ziemlich direkt inspirieren lassen.
Also. Naja. Es ist nicht so, als würde ich ab jetzt nur nonpartnering oder nur aroace Leo schreiben, aber da ich sowieso schon am projizieren bin, warum nicht zumindest einmal damit spielen?
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envy-of-the-apple · 4 months
Omg hi are your requests still open??? No pressure!
Unfortunately I am here as a Mahito simp and your twoshot of him has me in a chokehold. I’ve re-read that an ungodly amount of times now. That said, I can’t get the thought out of my head of Mahito noncon-ing a reader he likes who can’t see him, who is eventually able to see him in the midst of the act. Aaaaaa
sfjklsdkljsdkfjsdklfjsdlksj oh my god bestie you absolute genius hold on- alsosorrythistooksolong
(Dark!Mahito x reader)
Bed Bugs
(Yandere, dark content, implied somno, noncon, dubcon, choking-but veryvery brief)
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You've been waking up sore lately.
Maybe you aren't sleeping, right? Maybe it's your bed. It might not be expensive, but you bought it solely for comfort.
The pain comes from your thighs. Aching. Numb. And if you looked closely, you swore you could see bites-
Bed bugs. That had to be it.
"I hate those fuckers," your friend groans, "I got a couple bites when I was staying in that cheap motel back in California? Lasted for a week."
"I was looking at exterminators. Everything's so expensive these days," you mutter, swirling your latte, "I don't even know how I got them. Ridiculous."
She hums. The cafe was quiet during this time, not too many customers. The two of you were tucked away in a booth, still nursing the expensive coffee. You'd already heard her rant about the inflation.
"Y'know, my friend's older brother has some kinda' homerun pest control gig. I can ask him about it. Maybe he can give you a discount? I'm pretty sure he specializes in termites but I don't think there's a real difference."
You eye her. "Yeah, no. Termites aren't in any way close to bed bugs. Besides, don't they use acid for termites? I'd still like to sleep on a bed that doesn't give me skin problems."
"See? I'm giving you solutions, and you keep rejecting them," your friend sighs, "I give up. I think you just got roommates now."
You laugh, about to respond, when you feel something dangerously close to your inner thigh. You glance down. Nothing.
"Uh, speaking of roommates, what did you say was happening with yours?" You change the subject, shifting in the booth.
"Oh yeah! Her and Dan are getting pretty serious, I think she's gonna move out soon."
"Oh really?" The touch came back. Harder. More insistent. You gasp when something grabs you by the hips, squeezing.
Your friend gives you a look. "You okay?"
You look around again. Nothing. Again.
"Um, yes! I am." You managed to respond, "Sorry, sorry, just....long day."
You clear your throat, plastering on a smile as you listen to her prattle about the drama in her life. Her voice distracts you from your thoughts swirling in your mind. Each getting more ridiculous than the last. 
You swore it felt like a...hand.
Work kicked your ass today. 
You'd never been so tired, practically falling asleep on the train. Crowded as always. You scrunched your nose as yet another person conveniently forgot to wear deodorant that day. Wonderful. 
At least, the day was over. You could resign to being as unproductive as possible for the rest of your night. 
You scroll through the forum. Almost everyone said that bed bugs- Cimex lectularius because now you've researched them so much you know their scientific name- are a losing battle. The final verdict is to get rid of your mattress immediately. Either that, or you'd need to call a specialized exterminator that cost at least twice the price of your current mattress. You didn't know which was the worst deal. 
You ignore the first few touches. Trains. Crowded area. People who don't understand boundaries. It's the swipe on your ass that makes you turn around and glare at the likely culprit. A sleazy-looking man in his late-forties. He barely even reacts, just arching a brow at your look. 
Typical. You inch away from him, squeezing past the other bodies until you're well past the other side. You lean against the window, blocking yourself from any other unwanted touches. Finally. Some peace. 
Until it started back up again. 
Something solid presses against you. Like-like a wall. Insistent, begging to be noticed. You're forced back, squished against the already small space. It wasn't your imagination. You can't delude yourself. It was real. A real hand was pressing against your pants, right above your clothed pussy. 
But there was no one there. 
What the fuck. 
The rhythm is rough, forceful as the hand starts grinding on your clit, sending tingles up your spine. You let out a confused whine, slapping a hand over your mouth as you squirm fruitlessly against whatever the fuck this thing was. You can't stop it. It's too much. Too sudden. You want it to stop but it takes you higher and higher and higher and-
It's gone just when the train rolls to a stop. All at once, the opposing wall disappears. You stumble out of the doors, legs shaking, panting. 
There's a whisper of a laugh right by your ear. You realize you're very wet.
What. The. Fuck. 
You could have deluded yourself into thinking it was a hallucination. That you were so tired from work you had an orgasm untouched. It sounded ridiculous, but it was plausible, right? Stranger things have happened. 
But, it just kept happening. 
The touches range. Sometimes, it's just a brush against your shoulder. A poke on your cheek. Other times it's more insistent. You can still remember the sharp spank on your ass in your very much-alone apartment. 
You were starting to think you might not be so alone, anymore. 
The worst was when you were out in public. It always happened in public. You'd be at work, typing on your computer when you'd feel a sensation on your pussy, grinding on you until you're close to cumming. When you'd break away to hide away in the bathroom, you'd always find your panties soaked.
Sometimes, you find yourself typing something ridiculous on your computer. Are ghosts real? Can apparitions touch the living? 
In one of these rabbit holes, you stumble across the word Spectrophillia. Forums of tons and tons of people sharing their own experiences that are eerily similar to yours. A woman describes her encounter with her own aspiration, saying that the thing had physical teeth, a physical tongue, a physical- 
You stop reading after that. A horny ghost. Is that seriously what you were dealing with? You weren't raised religiously, so the idea wasn't very appealing. 
Luckily, your doctor was a woman of science. 
"The symptoms you're describing are a very common indication of stress." She types away on her computer. 
You eye her, both in relief and incredulous. "Really?" 
"Of course," she says, "Trust me, people have come up with crazier stories. Now." She turns back to you, clicking her pen before writing a couple things down on her clipboard.
"I'll prescribe you diazepam. Take one two hours after you've eaten before night." She instructs. "Come back if you feel anything out of the norm." 
You nod, still a bit dazed by her answer. Stress, that's seriously all that this was? 
But it worked, oddly enough. The first night back from the clinic, you stopped feeling those pseudo touches. Your insomnia started going away. You started getting a proper sleep cycle. For the first time in weeks, things were starting to work in your favor.
And then you wake up to the sounds of your bed moving. 
Creaking. Back and forth and back and forth and back and forth. 
Also, you feel...good. Really really good. Tingles shoot up your spine. A pleased sigh unconsciously escapes from your lips as the pleasure between your thighs grows. You're still incoherent, hips following the feeling. Hands are wrapped around your wrists, pressing them against the mattress. There's a puff of air against your ear. Tongue and teeth that nip against your throat. 
It feels like a wet dream, you think. Blearily, you open your eyes, fully prepared to see some Hollywood actor, your crush from work, a cute stranger. 
You see nothing but the ceiling. But the pressure only increases. 
Immediately, all sleep is gone. You wiggle and squirm under the sudden weight. Weight that shouldn't be possible, considering there's nothing there. Your scream is blocked by a hand clamping itself over your windpipe, squeezing. 
The panic is immediate. You're writhing, doing whatever you can to get air into your lungs. It's not working. You can't move your hands. You can't move your legs. You're dying you're dying you're-
"Can you see me now?" 
You can see him. 
You were expecting something a bit less inhuman. Apart from the stitches that litter his face, he looks familiar, in terms of shape that is. Two human eyes. A human head. Human lips that are curved into a grin. Human skin. 
He looks so normal. And that makes whatever is happening even more scary. 
He releases your throat, and you're sucking in mouthfuls of air, regulating your breathing. He hums in clear delight, leaning away so he straddles you. He tuts when you start crying, sobs wracking your shivering body. 
"Is that all you can do?" He clicks his tongue like he's disappointed in you. 
"Get off," you wheeze, wiggling away, "Get-get off." 
"Why? You were enjoying it a couple of minutes ago." It? You glance down at the mess of bedsheets, where he's still inside you, lazily grinding his cock back into your wet hole. 
Nothing about this makes sense. What was he doing-How can he be-How is he even real when you couldn't see him before? You can't think; your mind is still drowsy on fatigue and the medication. Fuck the medication? Is that why you can barely even struggle?
"What a-are you?" You manage to slur out, words slipping around your tongue like butter. 
He laughs like you just said the world's funniest joke. It only makes your stomach drop. You've never heard a sound so evil before. 
"That's kinda' rude. Your parents never taught you manners?" He drawls, "Mahito, that's my name! I know yours!" You hate the way he says your name with so much perversion. He's ruining the innocence, just like how he's ruining you. 
You open your mouth, intent on screaming, but at that exact moment, his cock slams back inside you. You give out a stuttered moan instead. 
"See? Told you: you like it." Mahito gloats and your mind swirls in and out of focus again. You're barely coherent, moaning and huffing underneath him. You feel disgusted at yourself. For being so okay with this. But-but you can't move. You can barely breathe. 
And, you note with reluctance, he's been doing this for a while. You're practically mid-way through your build-up, so close to an orgasm that you don't want. Given by a fucking monster. 
"Have you-have you been-" 
"Yeah, it's been me, for a while now," he answers without much cadence, "You were so close with the ghost theory. It was kinda cute watching you get so desperate. Finding whatever you could to check out of reality."
Oh. You get it. This was all a game for him. How long has he been doing this to you? Making you stumble around, drowning in your own paranoia. How long has this thing been watching you? Touching you. Fucking you.
"You, on the other hand, are on a whole other level with your delusion." He grins, showing teeth. "Fuck, seriously, did you think you were hallucinating me fingering you? At that point, I have to admire your creativity." 
You can barely focus on his words, not when his cock was digging you out. You were so close, practically on the precipice. He gives one more snap of his hips, and you're gone, pussy clenching around his dick, back arching.
The orgasm feels like it lasts for hours because he refuses to stop moving. He finally grants you mercy by spilling his cum deep inside you, forcing you to milk his cock as he lazily rolls his hips, forcing your oversensitive body to jolt. 
You catch your breath when the world stops spinning. When it grows quiet, you can only hear your own panting. Another wave of tears threatens to spill. 
"Aw, cheer up," Mahito purrs, "At least it wasn't bed bugs, right?" 
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theminecraftbee · 6 months
Also, shoutout to Impulse for getting stuck in two of those worlds in ONE DAY. Joe revealed that the recording for what we now know as vault hunters was also last monday. Impulse is really going through it.
Impulse sweats. For the past several minutes, Iskall has been staring at him and "hmmm"-ing for some reason. His only solace is that he's also doing it to Etho, but it's still making Impulse feel like he's got something weird on his face. That, or Iskall has suddenly and unexpectedly transformed back into his original villager state. One or the other.
He glances at Etho, who shrugs awkwardly at Impulse. He looks back at Iskall, who is still 'HMMM'-ing, increasingly furiously.
"Do you think he wants us to say something?" Etho asks.
"I mean, I guess?" Impulse says. "He could just ask."
"He's just going to keep humming at us, though," Etho says. "That's scary."
"Scary?" Impulse says, blankly.
"HMMMMM," Iskall says with an irritated expression.
"Scary," Etho confirms. Impulse sighs.
"Okay, I'll handle it. Hey, Iskall," Impulse says.
"Oh, I didn't see you there," Iskall blatantly lies.
"Right. You're, uh, sounding a bit concerned, buddy," Impulse says.
"Right, yes. Very concerned. Did you know you and Etho are already claimed? And, like, super cursed."
"Uh, I got a divorce with Cleo, you know," Etho says, completely straight-faced. "I'm a bachelor now. Not claimed by anyone."
"I'm not sure Bdubs and I ever got a divorce," Impulse says.
"No, no, not claimed like that! Claimed like--I did warn you all, yes? That my patrons would not like it if you came with other gods all over you? They get jealous of each other, let alone whoever you have... doing that to you."
Impulse and Etho glance at each other again. Impulse looks back at Iskall. "Yeah, I think I'd remember if I were claimed by any gods. I don't really... worship any, these days."
"If I worship any gods, Iskall, they're not the kind yours can do anything about," Etho says.
"What?" Impulse says.
"I mean, I'm old! I'm old, Impulse! I've met a lot of gods! Some of them I have opinions on!" Etho says.
"No, I've met yours too, they won't cause problems, yeah?" Iskall says.
"Thank goodness," Etho says.
"Sometimes I forget how old you two are," mutters Impulse. "That doesn't answer the whole... already claimed?"
"Yeah, like, it stinks off of you to me. It's like... you've got... someone's already claimed you to kill players, not mobs. And your health is all wonky. And you're keeping secrets or... kept secret? And don't even get me STARTED on how much time you have. All wrong. Who did you even find to do that to you?"
Impulse freezes.
"...the time was last season," he says, finally.
"Last season? What?" Iskall says.
"Yeah, that was--you know what, tell your gods not to worry about it," Impulse says. "I'm sure it's. Fine? Hey, wait, how can you tell?"
Iskall shakes his head like he's trying to knock something out of his ear. "They're annoying about it. Make whatever curse you're under go away while you're here or they're going to make it my problem. Mine! As though I can do anything about it. Go to the mortal world, they say. Bring your friends back here, they say. We want to meet them, they say. They're so annoying."
Etho, without skipping a beat, says: "Yeah, are those gods or the mother I saw last night?"
There's an ominous roll of thunder.
"Oh, definitely your mom," he says. There is a second, even more ominous roll of thunder happens, somehow entirely focused on Etho's location. Impulse decides to ignore it.
"I'll bother Grian about it," Impulse decides. He somewhat doubts Grian is a god--man, he really, really hopes Grian isn't a god, actually--but maybe he knows that Secret Keeper guy. That feels like the kind of guy who probably did this to them.
"Do that," Iskall says, and he wanders off to bother Stress.
Etho watches him go. "You know, maybe we should worry about the fact we're cursed because of the Life games. That seems, uh, bad," he says.
Impulse thinks about it and shrugs. "Eh, what's the worst that can happen?"
A long silence.
"Don't answer that," he tells the silence, before it can ominously thunder again. He knows the kinds of things that will lead to gods mocking him, after all.
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indecenthoney · 2 months
"The Munchies"
Have you ever had that one friend who acts like a completely different person after consuming alcohol? I sort of do. She's a tad bit on the shy side. Up until you present her with some candy. Her eyes would literally glow up at the sight. Not to mention, she becomes the clingiest, most loveable thing. I may be to blame for encouraging such behaviors, but how could I not? I could never ever get another reaction out of her if I wanted to. Completely deadpan, with a cold demeanor. It's enough to break a man's heart. Which brings me to my current situation. I may have a little crush on her. Or well a relatively big one. I've been meaning to ask her out in a good mood, but as I mentioned I could never really get that reaction. I wanted to find some way to help her relax a bit without needing the candies. I don't know. I wanted her to like me for me, you know?
"Hey... How long are you going to be working on that? It wouldn't kill you to take a break, you know? Uhuh... Dude! Let's hang out... This project isn't due till what... Two weeks from now... We can totally take our time... We're already halfway through... So let's go play something! Me? What does it look like I'm doing? I'm hugging you... I'm not going to stop hugging you until you follow me to play video games... I know you hate it... That's why I'm hugging you, silly... Either way, it's a win-win for me... Aw... and here I thought I'd get to hug you for an hour or two? Good choice... C'mon, I'll show you to my room..."
On my way to my room, I found her eye-ing out my kitchen. It was pretty obvious what her intentions were. I wasn't really sure either what snacks I had lying around in there, but I sent her off to my room to choose a game while I scrounged around for something for her to eat.
"Do you want something sweet? I thought so... I'll see what I can do... Uhuh... Just head down the hall, to the right... Make yourself comfortable!"
It was inevitable. Then again, I guess I'd rather give her what she wanted rather than see her disappointed. You should have seen me. I was a man on a mission trying to find those snacks. Eventually, I realized that there wasn't any lying around and I had to bear seeing her sad. Is it a reaction? Yes. Is it a good one? No. I took my time cleaning up and figuring out what to tell her. On my way down, I found myself stopping at the door after hearing some "noises". At first, I assumed it was something coming from the television. With my curiosity piqued, I barged in without a second thought. Unfortunately, this put me in a compromising situation. Okay, I know it's my house. But I should know better than to walk in without a warning. My friend was there. Of course, she was. Where else would she be? You know, I just didn't expect her to be on my pillow. Rubbing herself against it. I stood in shock as she mindlessly grinded herself not paying any mind to me. it was like she was in a sort of trance.
"Hey! W-woah... Uhm... What the fuck are you doing? Hahaha... uhm... F-fuck..."
I wasn't entirely sure what to do especially since there wasn't anything to play off on. She was grinding away. No response. But upon closer inspection, there were wrappers scattered on the floor and bed. The shy little thing got herself high from consuming the edibles placed on the tableside near my bed. I quickly rushed over to stop her. Placing my hands around her hips to keep her down. Only whimpers and tears were replaced with the sudden stop.
"H-hey... Shhh... Shhhh it's okay... I'm sorry... Ugh fuck... What am I supposed to do with you? Uhm... Let's see... H-hey! C'mon... It's okay... Why are you still crying? You can rub... It's okay... Stop crying, okay? I'm sorry for stopping you... "
After consuming this many brownies, I doubt she'd be able to speak. I'm surprised she was still even functioning at this point. I didn't expect her to have such a drastic personality change after a few brownies. She wouldn't stop crying. I soon realized her trying to move her hips faster. I guess the stimulation wasn't enough to satisfy her. Luckily, I had an idea. Not to fulfill my own selfish desires, but to help a friend out. I mean, what was I supposed to do? Leave her a whimpering sobby mess?
"I-it's okay... Just for a moment... Sit here... I know... I know it hurts... But we'll get it settled in a bit... You just have to be a good girl and listen, okay? That's it... Such a good girl... Does it feel good when I rub you there? Hm? I know it's hard to talk... Just nod your head... Yeah? Ah no... No moving your hips... If you wanna feel good then you'll have to listen, don't you? That's it... Nice and easy... Keep those legs spread for me, hun... Such a pretty lady... So needy... So wet... I'm only rubbing your clit and you're just leaking... Why don't we take these off, huh? We wouldn't want to ruin your panties more than we already have... Shhh... It's okay I'm just taking these off and we'll continue... I'll give a little more than just rubbing... I promise... Oh fuck... A literal bitch in heat... Gonna slide a finger in, okay? Oh? Well, don't you fit perfectly around my fingers... So tight... Mm... What pretty little noises you have... There's no need to be shy... It's okay to feel good..."
Slowly digging away into her deepest parts causing her to spasm. Choking on her moans as the pleasure increases. Her hands clasped around my forearm. A sign informing me that she's close to the edge. Slowing down my pace even more to keep from finishing too quickly. Soft slow strokes. My middle finger moving in and along her slit. A flick at her clit once at the top. Sending a shockwave of spasms throughout her body. I knew it was about time to give her a break. Running my fingers along her body; lifting her shirt. My hands finding their way up her bra. Running circles around her perky breasts. Pinching. Poking. Tugging.
"Hm? You're going to have to use your words... I'm not going to be able to understand you if all you do is moan and whimper... Please? You wanna cum? What's the magic word? Fine... In a bit... I'm still having my fun... Oh? Sensitive there, are we? Be good and I'll give you your reward... Pretty little thing... Does it feel good? Uhuh yeah? Sound so fucking stupid when I touch you here... Are you going to cum just from your nipples being played with? No cuz that would be pathetic, wouldn't it? Almost there, hun... Keep it up... You're doing such a good job for me..."
Hands appreciating every nook and cranny of her body. Tempting her but never really touching the place that needs it the most. Lips pressed. Tongues rolled. A dance of oral pleasure. The taste of brownies lingered on my tongue. How many wrappers were there? I wouldn't be surprised if I got high from tasting her lips. If it were my choice, I would spend an eternity in this bliss. However, she quickly made her needs known. Whimpers and tears once flood the room. Her inability to stay still grew restless as I toyed with her body. One final kiss and I was on my knees. Pulling her hips to the edge of the bed. The softness of her thighs welcomed my cheeks with each kiss. I start to salivate; eager to run my tongue along the drippy mess I've made. In my own trance, I started eating away at her. A different type of hunger had filled me. Something that couldn't be satiated so easily. I wanted her to quake my touch. Moan at the very thought of me. Get wet at every little word I mutter as I adore her perfection.
"Mmph... Fuck... you taste so good, hun... Mmm... I know... I know... I shouldn't talk with my mouth full... I can't help it... You're just too damn pretty right now..."
Her grip tightens; pulling my head into her. Her morality leaking between her legs as I lapped my tongue into her depths. A wave after wave of orgasms causes her to shake. Even with my tongue gently finding its way around her clit, it brings her to the edge over and over. I found pleasure in serving her. With cock in hand, I stroked myself to completion. Even then it was barely enough to fill that hunger. Grabbing her wrists I stood above her; pinning down her arms before placing my cock against the opening of her pussy. Feeling her squirm on the tip. Watching her eyes roll back as the length of cock disappears into her.
"Hey hey... Shush... You're doing such a great job... Mhm... I know you came... I'm sorry, sweetie... Just a little longer, you can take it... All you have to do is stay still and be pretty, okay? Can you do that for me, hun? Mhm... Good girl... Not a single thought behind those pretty eyes, huh? That's it... Cum as you please... I'm not stopping you..."
Hands pinned above her head as I rut into her in the most animalistic, primal way. Enjoying every bit of her reactions as I pump my cum back into her. Even as she drifts off to sleep, I found myself using her and using her. Satiating my hunger. I was unsure of how things would play out tomorrow, so I wanted to enjoy myself while it lasted. Making my mark. Filling her to the brim. I wore myself out. But even then, I wanted to use her. Finger the very holes I came in. Fucking her with my fingers to keep the cum from leaking. Never wanting this happiness to end.
"Oh! You're awake... What happened? Well... You kinda nodded off while I was looking for snacks... You okay? A dream? You were moving a lot during it... but I didn't wanna wake you from your nap... Sore? Hm... You're probably just hungry... Here... I found some brownies... It's really good... You should try some!"
Take a bite,
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Summary: Reader decides it's a great idea to lock themselves in their room for almost a month, figuring out a way to get out of the digital circus. Jax is not having them abomanalize in front of him.
Warning: censorship/censored cussing?
You had randomly been thrown into the digital circus about a few months ago. Staring at the space and boards on your wall with a sigh, you slammed back down on your bed. 'It's no use! I'll never get out of here,' you thought angrily, putting your hands over your face softly. Did you even want to leave? I mean, you sort of had pomni. And ragatha. Maybe Jax, you chuckled at that thought, because you knew deep down you definitely had that rabbit. You, pushed the thought down though, because who would want you? Especially a guy like Jax. He'd obviously pick someone on the outside of the digital circus over you when you guys got out anyway.
Would you even get out? 'Oh god, not back to this questionnn!' You mentally groaned. You had been in your room for so long, locked away hunting for the exit, an exit, just.. Something to give you the peace of mind that you weren't trapped and the people you briefly remembered were still out there. Hell, you were probably on the verge of becoming one of those... Things. What was it called again? You couldn't even remember. Youd been in here so long you forgot a lot of things.
You sighed, slowly pushed yourself from on top of your bed to the floor. Your shoes making a little 'squek!' Nose as you did. You smiled. Sure, that was childish but that was one of the only things you liked about this body. It wasnt you, it didn't look like what you remembered, hell, if you even remembered it. You stared down at your feet, looking at your slippers smiling and grabbing your coffee from the desk.
Did people in the digital circus need coffee? No. Did you beg Craine for access to coffee with the same effects? Yes. You smiled, walking over to the door slowly, coffee in hand until the knob turned by itself. That can only mean one thing, you groaned and quickly took a giant sip of your coffee, before running over to the door to prevent Jax from seeing your whole room.
the door flew open and almost hit you in the face. Jax chuckled at this, but noticed the boards before you stepped right back into place to block his vision again. His eyes shifted to worry.
"Well, I'd say someone needs to knock." You said, putting your hand on your hip playfully.
"I did, twice. I'd say someone needs to let go of so much coffee." He retorted in the same voice eyou did, which made you roll your eyes and chuckle.
  "Jaxi, I've told ragatha and I'll tell you,
I'm fine! It's just a little... Theorizing."
You explained, motioning to all of it. Jax sighed, rubbing the space between his nose.
"You've [BLEEP]ing asked for it now, so your going to get the real, emotional Jax here, okay? Oh-[BLEEP]ing-kay." He said, practically shoving you back into your room, closing the door and locking it. he sighed as he stepped in, he really didn't know how to go about this.
"Jax, your kinda scaring me-" you said, before being cut off.
"absolutely NOT, n/n. You don't get to..lock yourself in this room for week's, almost a MONTH and then not come out at all, not even for food, and [BLEEP]it, EVEN I know that's not normal for you! And then tell me your scared of me, snapping at you! I'm so sorry y/n, but I REFUSE to let you sit by and destroy yourself like this, especially when you are so important to most of us. You are NOT abstracting. Not on my watch."
He said, breathing rapidly. And then, realization had just set in on him and you. He never snapped at you, sure he could be a prick but he never yelled, was he serious? However for Jax, it was the realization he had just yelled at you.
"I-" you started, but we're quickly cut off.
"Nuh-uh, hot stuff. Now that you've listened to the.. Overly emotional "Jaxi" in your words, we're going out of this..... Place." He said, practically glaring daggers through you while scrunching his nose at your room.
You nodded quickly, grabbing his hand. He blushed a dark purple, but shook his head to brush it off.
"Nono- shut up!" You yelled at him, he was using those stupid cheesy pickup lines on you again.
"Hey, are you a calculator? Cuz I could never leave you alone in school!" He yelled at you, almost laughing himself. You fell into the floor, holding your stomach with laughter.
Ragatha walked outside the tent, she needed fresh air, untill she heard laughter. She turned her head softly to see what was going on, and there you and Jax were. She smiled.
'they're so silly.' She thought, before walking off back into the tent.
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3lli3l0v3r · 3 months
going to the library with girlfriend ellie.
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☆: another random, self indulgent af blurb. i love libraries, and ellie, and drabbles, and writing fluffy things for y'all. this one's definitely not my best work, but i really wanted to put a little something out anyway. there's something so healing about writing fluff.
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trek, trek, you hear behind you, as you race through the endless sea of tall shelves, the musty scent of old paper filling your nose. like a machine you scan the aisles, picking up book after book excitedly. you open it, read and decide, yes, this one too! the peace of libraries has always brought you comfort, and hallucinating whilst staring at a dead tree reading has always been your favorite activity. but you’ve run out of things to read which warranted yet another trip to the greatest place on earth. unfortunately for her, you've tasked ellie to be the carrier of all the novels.
"baaaaabe, do you really need this many??" she whines and pouts, as she trails behind you and struggles to keep up.
you turn back to look at her, almost stumbling with a huge stack in her arms which is almost taller than her, it's honestly unbelievable how she hasn't toppled over yet. she frowns at you, earning a chuckle on your part. she's so cute.
"just a little more! you agreed to come with me, els, you knew what you were signing up for. and yes i do need that many, books are my life. books and you, of course."
"but my arms are gonna fall off..." she steadies herself and huffs. "fine, but let's sit down in a few minutes, 'kay?"
grinning widely and and nodding, you take a few of the books from the top to ease the weight, then you skip off happily once more to peruse the shelves, searching for something to grasp your attention, and vaguely convinced you heard ellie tsk-ing behind you. after a bit she goes to sit down on the armchairs in a little corner with a cozy lamp, slumps into the cushions with a grunt, and is relieved she can finally set down the stack she was carrying. you're too absorbed in walking around to notice, but ellie is watching you with a smile from her seat, wondering how in the world she got lucky to have such a curious minded, smart, and loving girlfriend. you meant the world to her. as you scampered around, collecting more and more books, you catch her eye and wave, and her heart just about jumps out of her chest then and there.
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when returning to your tired girlfriend, she's keeping herself occupied by checking out the synopses on all the books, with genuine interest.
"i'm back!" you say in a cheery tone, cheeks warming as you add, "may have gone a bit overboard this time, sorry for making you carry it all."
"hey! no, no, i love doing this with you. honest." she smiles warmly back at you, taking half the stack you're carrying in her arms, dividing the entire haul between the two of you. the two of you begin to walk to the desk to check out, until her emerald eyes light up and she remembers, "do they carry comics here?"
"uh, i think so.."
she suddenly dashes off with no warning, leaving you with the sighing librarian as she has to take a look to see what they've got.
this little outing turned out better than you had expected. next stop, a hole in the wall cafe for some lunch.
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☆: not sure how i feel about this one honestly, but wanted to write a little something. hope y'all still like it! oh also, does the tiny text bother y'all? lemme know and i'll use the regular one, this one's aesthetically pleasing to me, but could be annoying. ellie n her comics own my heart.
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nervocat · 2 months
“The stars look down on you as you wander with your cat guide. They want to tell you a story of theirs. Will you listen to them?”
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# — Notes: I'M SO PROUD OF THIS FIC OMGG. This is my first time writing for him tho so. This is also based on Frank Sinatras song "Somethin' Stupid" hehe. (@dumbificat , @aventurintus , @rainswept ⛧ @ ing you three bc yeah :33). I've also GOTTA stop overthinking my fics bc I don't think the ending went well so now I feel the entire fic isn't good.. oops... THIS IS ALSO MY LONGEST FIC EVER BTW # — Word count: 1.1k # — Fandom: Honkai: star rail # — Cw: just a hint of angst but nothing rlly
—Somethin' Stupid
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Aventurine walks around Golden Hour, that same smile of his on his face as he takes in the scenery of Penacony for who knows how many times.
“Aventurine!” he hears you call. He immediately stops and looks behind him, and seeing you running over to him makes his smile slightly more genuine.
“Why hello, [name],” he greets you as you come to a halt in front of him. You seemed out of breath, as if you had sought him out for something.
And he wonders why you, of all people in the universe, would search for him.
“I think I've got some free time, so I was wondering if you'd wanna hang out? We don't do it as much anymore,” you say after you catch your breath, though you still breathe heavily from running.
“It would seem so.. how about we go back to the good old days and gamble with each other?”
“Aventurine!” you say in a teasing, playful tone, elbowing him slightly. The blond laughs a bit.
“What? Does [name] not want to lose to me again?”
“Whatever,” you scoff playfully. “But fine, I suppose we could go do that if you want.”
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You groan as you put your cards down on the table, hand in your hair. Aventurine — unsurprisingly — won again. While you guys didn't bet large amounts of money and you earned good amounts of it with your job, it still hurt to lose the money.
“Aaand I win,” he sets his cards down on the table, sitting casually in his chair as an arm is behind his head and a leg over his knee. “You’re definitely better than before though, might I say,” Aventurine adds with a cunning smile.
You look up at him as you lean back in your chair, huffing. “Really? I still lost though, of course.. don't think I'll ever win against you,” you answer, and Aventurine can't help but let a genuine smile sneak it's way onto his lips.
It has been a while of knowing each other, and while he has come to terms with liking you — liking being more like love — it was still an odd feeling for him.
Aventurine moves his hand to take a sip of his drink, as do you, and finds himself slipping up on his words — “I love you,” — is what he murmurs. He tenses and looks up to you, his pretty, mixed eyes meeting with yours as you hold your glass in your hand, lips touching the rim of the glass.
How could he have slipped up? How could he have spoiled this night with you? How could he have confessed like this in front of you, you whom he is infatuated with?
It's silent for a moment before you laugh, taking a sip of your drink. “Oh, Aventurine, you’re really saying that here?” he could tell from your eyes you didn't believe his accidental proclamation of love, maybe even despised it in the sense he's said it many other times in a not-so-serious way (that being when he still wasn't aware of his feelings for you).
Aventurine sighs, finally taking that drink he wanted and gulped the rest of it down. “Yes, you're right, how silly of me,” he plays it off, putting his glass down on the table. “Would you like to leave for tonight, mx. [name]? We could always do this another time.”
Oh how he hates knowing he had ruined the night with you by slipping up and saying somethin’ stupid.
“Yeah, I should probably get back to work anyways,” you say as you stand up, a smile creeping into your face. “But, I'll help you clean up before I go, Aven.” said man nods, his mood having turned sour because of his own words.
But oh how right those words felt to say to you, like they have to no one else before.
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Aventurine looks at himself in the mirror the night after he hung out with you. His hat was discarded somewhere else and his glasses sat by the sink.
What was he doing? He was practicing words to say to you, to get his feelings across to you and to get you to know that they are, in fact, genuine words.
Aventurine thinks that he's ready to talk with you again, but decides to go off and do his own thing until you say you're ready to go out again.
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He walks the streets of Golden Hour again, and he perks up at your voice. Aventurine turns around with his smile turned genuine. “[name]! If it isn't you, my dear friend,” the smell of his perfume wafts over you, though it's not too overpowering this time around.
His perfume smelt nice.. you wondered why it smelt like your favorite scent, but you let it be. “I have some free time again and was wondering if you just wanted to walk around Golden Hour? It's a nice night to do so” You ask him. Aventurine nods.
“Of course, this is your free time you're spending after all,” he answers. You smile at him and as you start walking, so you don't notice the red tint coating his cheeks, a lovestruck smile on his face.
You two walk for a while, just talking about memories or things going on in the other's life. You both were normally very busy individuals, so getting one-on-one time like this was something you both valued.
You and Aventurine, after walking for a bit, have made it to a more secluded part of Penacony, the start sky view not hindered much now with the lack of buildings around.
Aventurine looks over at you as you talk about how work was for you. He finds himself saying those words again after gaining his composure — “I love you, [name],” — and you can hear the sincerity in his voice and see it in his facial expression, it holding a fondness for you.
Aventurine believes he's said somethin’ stupid again, and he was about to switch off of the topic at your shocked face and no response until you say those words back to him.
“I love you too, Aven,” he looks back at you, his eyes widening. “I realized I might've been a bit.. rude, the last time you said you love me.”
You love him? You love him? Aventurine, who is renowned to be a cunning liar and to not be fully trusted?
Aventurines perfume comes back over your senses again and you wholeheartedly welcome it as you wait for his reply. “You.. love me?” he repeats to himself as he turns his body to you.
“Yes, Aventurine, I do love you,” you cup his cheeks in your hands and he melts at your touch.
Under the stars of the Penacony dreamscape, you two share your first kiss with one another, and when you pull away, Aventurine wraps his arm around you in a gentle, warm hug full of gratitude for giving him a chance with you.
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★ — © nervocat 2024 || I appreciate any reblogs made, and pls don't repost or translate my works anywhere, ty — ✦
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(Hello! Here’s some Catnap x Dogday’s incorrect quotes!)
Catnap: I’ve been dropping them the most insanely obvious hints for like a year now. No response.
Dogday: Wow. They sound stupid.
Catnap: But they’re not. They’re really smart actually. Just dense.
Dogday: Maybe you need to be more obvious? Like, I don’t know… “Hey! I love you!”
Catnap: I guess you’re right. Hey Dogday, I love you.
Dogday: See! Just say that!
Catnap: Holy f---ing s---.
Dogday: If that flies over their head then, sorry Catnap, but they're too dumb for you.
Catnap: Dogday.
Catnap: Look at me straight in the eyes and tell me the truth, Dogday!
Dogday: You can’t expect me to look into your eyes and be straight.
Dogday, sweating: Catnap, there’s something I need to ask you-
Catnap: Finally! You’re proposing!
Dogday: How’d you know?
Catnap: Dogday, you’ve dropped the ring five times during dinner.
Catnap: I even picked it up once.
Catnap: Dogday and I are no longer dating.
Dogday: Catnap, that’s a horrible way of telling people we’re married.
Dogday: So... what would you do if you were in bed with me?
Catnap: Depends. Is your bed comfortable?
Dogday: Yes.
Catnap: I'd sleep.
Dogday: Catnap, you love me, right?
Catnap: Normally I’d say yes without hesitation, but I feel like this is going somewhere I won’t like.
Dogday: I think I'm falling for you.
Catnap: Then get up.
Dogday: Are you ready to commit?
Catnap: Like, a crime or a relationship?
Dogday: I am so cool. I am an absolute Chad. I am the epitome of coolness and awesomeness—
Catnap: Hi.
Dogday: *melts down in a flustered heap of softness*
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v3lv3tsin · 9 days
really, really | sim jaeyun
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pairing: sim jaeyun x reader | genre: friends to lovers | warnings: no warnings <3 | word count: 5.0k | stefy's note: this idea hit me at 2-3am and well i'm going back a bit to my jake roots, so enjoy :)
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You never really spoke with Jake ever, and just knew him as "the hot transfer student from Australia", but that was until he had come up asking if you wanted to help him set up. Obviously you guy's best friends agreed to too, since you knew they already liked each other.
What you didn't think was that it would lead to you and Jake becoming incredibly close, to the point you'd hang out almost every day and grow really close, that others would start to think that you two were dating, which wasn't true, not yet, at least.
"y/n..." Jake hugged you tighter. He'd never thought cupid-ing would've lead to the both of you sitting on the swings in a park at two am after you had called him, crying in desperate need of comfort.
"Can i stay at yours tonight?" You asked embarassed. Ever since you became "friends", you started wearing his hoodies on a daily basis. Knowing that he lives alone and not wanting to hear your parents fight anymore, as they were getting divorced soon. You already explained the situation to him over the phone.
"Of course you can.. it's better than you being here alone with your 'awesome parents'.." He said sarcastically but in a playful matter, as he was clearly not a fan of them and would be more than happy to let you stay at his place for as long as you needed.
"Yeah right." You giggle a bit, hugging him tighter.
Jake wraps both of his arms around you tightly whole chuckling. "Plus it would be nice to have some company, my bed is awfully big for just me." You giggle a bit and add. "So will your couch."
"What? You aren't sleeping in my bed?" He smirks leaning into your neck and kissing your shoulder jokingly. You nuzzle your head in his chest giggling, feeling embarassed. "Maybe."
"Aww come on...you have to sleep with me or else i can't sleep." Jake whined, clearly not used to sleeping alone anymore. "But we have to watch a movie first." You added looking at him.
"Only if you let me pick.." He smirked at you, he knew you were in no position to say no to him, not now at least, not after you two had gone to the extent of basically flirting and acting like a couple at this point which makes him believe you could say yes to anything.
"Fineee, but not the lego movie again." You rolled your eyes giggling. "We watched it five times already."
Jake beamed, he had the biggest smile while giggling along with you and gave you a quick peck on the forehead. "That's my girl.." Jake smirked proudly once again, now he knew why everyone was shipping you guys, being alone with you would put a smile on anyone's face, including him.
You blushed a bit, looking at him and nuzzling your head in his neck embarassed
"Let's just get to my place alright..? I've got snacks.. and a much better bed than this" Jake teased as he got up, he held out a hand for you and was waiting for you to follow him back to his place.
"But do i get to change this hoodie to another one that's new?" You said reffering to the hoodie you were wearing which was his, taking his hand.
"Fine.. but if i find you wearing my clothes again in the morning, I'm not letting you borrow anything ever again" Jake teased, you could tell he wasnt actually annoyed by you wearing his hoodies.. he just acted annoyed but you probably knew better than anyone else at this point that this boy liked it.
"But they're better than mine." You whined following him home.
"Fine, fine keep them, but only because the thought of you wearing my clothes is kinda hot" Jake said with a smirk while walking with you to his place, he stopped infront of the front door and opened it for you.
"Kinda hot?" You teased him, pushing his shoulder playfully.
Jake blushed and looked away before mumbling. "Very hot." Jake looked back and smirked and then pushed you into the wall teasingly. "I dont want you to ruin my hoodies though, so no washing" He teased again.
"No washing?" You asked, fakely offended by what he just said.
Jake chuckles and nods his head "Yes.. no washing.. besides I think they smell better when youre the one wearing them." He said teasingly, as he leaned a little closer to you, closing the gap between you two, looking into your eyes.
"Oh do they?" You said teasing him, tilting your head to look at him better.
Jake smirked and put both of his hands on your waist. "Very much so... they smell almost like a sweet.. perfume.. i cant get it off my mind"He says teasing you, but its almost as if hes being serious, you think you might be starting to have an effect on this boy.
"Lilies." You whispered to his ear, reffering to the perfume he is talking about.
"Yes.. that's it." Jake whispers back as if in a trance, it was clear he was obsessed with that specific scent, you knew right then and there that you'd be wearing that perfume everytime you hang with him if this was the way he loved it on you.. not that it was necessarily a bad thing for you.
"Told you." You said wrapping your hands around his neck, playing with his hair.
"Well if i didnt know better... i'd think you were putting some kind of love potion in every one of my hoodies" Jake said with a light chuckle as he moved his hands to rest on your hips, still being pretty close to you as he looks down at you.
"I know you love the harry potter universe but no, i don't use love potions on you." You said giggling.
Jake rolls his eyes teasingly and chuckles "Damn, well i guess i gotta stick with the idea that your natural scent is like an aphrodisiac to me then" He said while he pulled you in tightly into a hug so that your face was buried in his chest, wrapping his arms around you before planting a quick kiss on your forehead.
"And i'll take that as a compliment." You nuzzled your head in his chest, giving him the biggest and cutest smile.
Jake smirked. "Good, you should take that as a compliment" He said teasingly, he held you closely to him and played with your hair, before he noticed something. "Hold on a second.. are you wearing any perfume??"
"See for yourself." You said leaning your head against the wall, letting him have access to your neck.
Jake's face was now buried in your neck, he sniffed it a few times before he pulled back confused. "Wait.. theres no perfume.. just the smell of your body?" He said sounding almost shocked and confused, he smirked at you as if thinking up something. "So you mean to tell me that the only thing that drives me crazy is just you?"
"Exactly." You smiled looking at him while playing with his hair.
Jake's face was bright red at this point and he couldn't believe what he was hearing. "So all this time..... there was truly no love potion?.. damn it.. i was starting to think that you were slowly and secretly making me fall in love with you" He teased with a smirk as he started to caress your cheek.
"Next time i promise i'll learn how to make spells." You giggled, leaning into his touch.
"Oh so you weren't already using love spells on me??" Jake teased, it was clear now that you two were officially flirting with each other, this conversation pretty much sealed the deal for him.. which meant that he was definitely not going to be sleeping alone that night.
"It's my natural charm." You smiled, looking at him.
"Natural charm? oh please.. dont be so full of yourself now" Jake said teasingly as he smirked at you, you could tell he was still trying to process how the girl he's been pining over for two solid months now is flirting with him, this wasnt something he expected to hear from you, it was like Christmas and his birthday all in one.
"I'm just saying the truth." You smirked still keeping eye contact.
Jake chuckles as he rolls his eyes, this girl was something else. "If you truly believe you're that beautiful then you're crazy"
You looked at him and pretend to be fakely offended by what he said. "Now you hurt my feelings!"
Jake quickly realized that he took it too far, he probably didnt mean to actually insult you, which was why he quickly added. "Okay okay okay.. my bad, you have some sort of 'charm' if that's what you wanna hear, but you still arent going to admit to using love spells on me"
"Fineee, i learned how to do love spells!" You giggled, curious of his reaction.
Jake's face was red again as he let out a small chuckle. "Well damn, that would explain a lot actually, there's no way a girl as pretty and sweet as you liked me.. there had to have been some sorta of love spell used on me" He teased back, but this time he did sound like he was being somewhat genuine.
You pouted, hearing the way he talked about himself. "Someone like you? Jake, you're an amazing guy.
Jake's jaw practically dropped to the floor when he heard those words, he wasnt used to getting compliments, definitely not like this anyway, he smirked back a little trying to play it cool as he tilted his head at you. "Ah you're just saying that though.. im a very boring guy really."
"Sure you are." You teased him back, giggling then decided to state the truth. "That's why you're the basketball captain."
Jake rolled his eyes playfully, you caught him, he really wasn't boring if he was captain of the basketball team. "Okay yeah, you got me, i'm not boring... but I'm not 'amazing' either.. im not even that good looking"
You looked at him shocked. "What? Not good looking? You're known as the "hot transfer student, i think that sums it all up."
Jake snickered. "Do people actually call me that? well now you sound like youre complimenting me only because im cute" He teased, he seemed to be in a much better mood now, he still couldn't believe that someone as amazing as you was complimenting him.
"But you're cute." You ruffled his hair, wanting to help with his confidence.
Jakes face was once again red as he chuckled. "Shut up.. im not that cute, alright? and just because people are constantly staring at me as we walk down the hallway doesn't mean that im "hot""
"Sure it doesn't, sweetheart" You teased him back, giggling and going inside the living room.
Jake rolled his eyes as you called him sweetheart, he tried to pretend he hated it but he really liked it when you called him sweetheart. "So you want any snacks or anything?" He asks as he walks to the kitchen, his tone was still playful, he was slowly getting more comfortable around you which made all this flirting even better.
"Well anything you want, i'm ok with anything." You sat on the counter, making yourself comfortable, still keeping eye contact.
Jake noticed you sitting on the counter and smirked before asking. "So not picky huh?" He said teasingly, this was his kind of girl.. not picky, not annoying and best off.. she actually wanted to be around him, he grabbed himself a soda before he turned to face you once again. "So.. where are you planning on sleeping tonight?"
You looked at him thinking. "You're bed seems pretty comfortable." You smiled a bit.
"Yeah my bed is pretty comfy indeed" Jake smirked, he liked the thought of this much better than you sleeping alone at your place with your parents fighting. "So we sharing orrr?" He teased as he took another sip of his soda.
"So i mean that you probably will be on the floor by the time you even reach the bed." You giggled, thinking about what will his reaction be.
"So you'd push me off the bed to make room for yourself?" He teased pretending to be offended, he was very much enjoying this back and fourth flirting. "How selfish of you.. especially after i offered you the comfort of my bed" Jake said mockingly but in a clear teasing tone.
"What can i say, i'm very selfish when it comes to sleeping." You chuckled, taking a sip from his soda.
Jake couldn't help but laugh a little at that. "So.. what you're basically saying is that not only are you selfish when it comes to sleeping, but you would also take up a ton of room to make sure that your comfort is top priority" He teased teasingly, he really had no clue what was coming next but he was fine with whatever the outcome was going to be considering you still agreed to sleep in the same bed as him.
"That's exactly what i'm saying." You nodded, curious of his reaction.
Jake chuckled once again and sighed. "Fine.. but i get to pick which side you get to be on.. deal?" He said with a smirk, he was just messing with you but he was curious to how you would react, was she going to be fine with that or get mad? the anticipation and curiosity was killing him.
"Fineee" You rolled your eyes, agreeing with him.
"Okay good, so that's settled.. we're both sleeping on my bed" Jake said sounding rather genuine, he looked at you as he waited for an answer, he was hoping that this conversation would eventually lead to something more, but he was afraid to make the first move just in case you declined.. but for now, he was going to enjoy this flirting as much as he could.
"Come on, don't ask so surprised, we slept in the same bed many times." You said thinking about the amount of times the two of you have been into trips and slept together in the same bed.
Jake's face went red when you said that, he completely forgot about the times on the trips where you slept along-side him in the same bed, when he noticed that he suddenly smirked and said with a teasing tone. "So you mean to tell me that you liked sleeping in the same bed with me on those trips? I mean why would you wanna share a bed if you found it uncomfortable?"
"The bed was uncomfortable, not sleeping beside you." You said while wrapping your hands around his neck.
Jakes face went completely red when you wrapped your hands around his neck, he couldnt believe how lucky he was sometimes, here was this beautiful girl, who was willing to share a bed with him and admit to him that sleeping next to him had been her favorite part of those trips. "Is that so?" He teased sounding impressed, he kept his eyes locked onto yours as a smirk spread across his lips.
"Mhm." You nodded into affirmation, still keeping eye contact with him.
"So do you enjoy sleeping next to me then?" Jake teased with a smirk, he couldnt find another way to ask the question without sounding somewhat goofy.. he did however like playing it cute with you.
"Your cuddles are the best." You blushed and looked at him embarassed by just confessing that to him.
Jake's face went more red as you said that, he was glad that you found his cuddles enjoyable.. he really didnt have anything else he was good at otherwise other than basketball, so the thought of being good at cuddling you made him more happy than he could ever let known. "My cuddles? that's all?" He teased with a smirk, he chuckled, he really was enjoying this flirting and banter.
"Too obvious." You giggled while playing with his hair.
Jake smirked and chuckled as you played with his hair, the action was so soothing, yet you had no clue how much it meant to him that you were playing with his hair like this. "It is obvious isnt it? it's the obvious truth though.. im not too bad of a catch right?" He asked while he smirked, he knew the answer to that question just based on how you were so comfortable around him alone, the flirting, even the fact that you slept in the same bed as him during trips said enough.
"Not bad." You said giggling, coming closer to him.
Jake smirked as you came closer, he liked that you were doing that, he was also wondering just how close you were really planning on getting that you'd be basically pressed up against him. "Not bad?" He teased as he looked you up and down. "I think i'm the most catchiest boy you've ever met" Jake joked confidently.
"And so modest." You said teasing him.
Jake rolled his eyes playfully as you teased him. "I have to brag about my many.. many amazing qualities, its how i win over pretty girls like you" He teased you back, he knew damn well he wasnt the most modest guy, in fact he was far from it when it was just him alone but he just couldnt help acting like the cocky and confident guy he always presented himself to others as.
"That's why all of our friends started shipping us." You giggled and continued to tease him.
Jakes face went completely red when you mentioned that you and him were being "shipped", you were the first one who actually brought it up with him and that caught him off guard. "So all of our friends ship us as if they can tell we're in love or something? is that it?" He asks teasingly but he was also curious if you were one of these people who actually liked the idea of you two being together.
"They have been doing for some time." You giggled. "Don't tell me you don't know?"
Jake rolls his eyes playfully as he chuckles. "Oh no i know very well they have, I just haven't really given it much thought.. but now that youre mentioning it, do you like that people ship us together?"
"Maybe we should." You blushed, tilting your head to see his reaction better.
Jakes heart was pounding when you said that, he couldnt really believe that you were actually saying this right now, he couldnt believe it. "Maybe we should?" That was exactly what he wanted hear, he was dying to actually date you, he wanted to have you to him self, make you his own and him being yours.. that was what he yearned for when it came to you.
"Hopefully this answers your questions." You said, kissing him softly.
Jakes heart skipped a beat when your lips touched his, his hand moved instinctively to wrap around your waist as he pulled you towards him, now their was no need for him to suppress his smirk, he was getting exactly what he wanted. He kissed you back as his grip on your waist tightened and he pulled you closer to him, their was no way that this was all a dream, this was real right?. You pulled away after some time to catch your breath.
Jake's breath was heavy as he finally pulled away from the kiss, it took him a few seconds to recover but once he did he smiled at you. "So does that mean that you'd be willing to date me?" He asked coyly with a smirk, he wanted a straight answer, after all his heart is racing right now.
"That's exactky what this means." You smiled and played with his hair.
Jakes smile grew bigger once you said yes, his whole world just got that much better, he couldnt contain himself and leaned forward to kiss you again. You kissed him back, coming closer to him.
Jake's mind went blank when your lips once again touched his, his hold around your waist tightened as he pulled you closer, he didnt want to stop kissing you, ever.. it felt like time had stopped, it was just you and him there, no distractions, just kisses and him feeling your presence and yours alone.
You continued to kiss him and said between the kisses. "So no lego movie tonight?"
"No lego movie tonight.." Jake says through our kisses as he wraps his arms around your body, he then slowly pulls away from the kiss, he lets out just a tiny little giggle as he looks at you. "Are we actually dating now? or is this just a friends with benefits situation?" He said teasingly with a smirk.
You looke at him, rolling your eyes giggling a bit. "Well what do you want it to be?"
"I want it to be an actual official relationship.. just you and me" Jake replies quickly with a smirk, he meant what he said, he wanted the relationship between you and him to be official, not something temporary.. he wanted to be with you and he wanted you to be only his and his alone.
"So do i." You kissed his cheek softly.
Jake chuckles and rubs his cheek where you kissed it. "That makes me happy to hear" He says smiling, he then thinks for a moment as he leans forward to give you a quick peck on your lips. "But we still need to figure out a way to actually tell our friends that we're dating.. they've been shipping us and trying to get us together for weeks.. i know they'll go crazy once they find out"
"Can we not think about it now?" You pouted a bit not wanting to think about how you're gonna tell your friends about your relationship. "We'll figure out a way."
Jake chuckles and his smile grows once again once you pout. "Fineeee, we dont have to think about it right now.. we can figure it out later, right now im not letting you out of my sight" He says wrapping his arms around you once again, he pulls you back into him so that you were pressed against him.
You giggled looking at him. "Sure you won't."
Jake chuckles. "Oh im sure of it.. in fact i wouldnt dare let you out of my sight.. we're dating now so you better get used to it" He says teasingly as he smiles at you, his grip around you doesn't loosen up or anything.. he couldnt bring himself to let go of you after you guys just made it official, he was just too happy to want that in the moment.
"Possesive..." You smiled a bit, looking at him. "I like it."
Jake chuckles as you say this. "Am i coming off as possessive? because id happily be possessive over you" He says with a teasing tone, he really wasnt trying to be possessive, it just came naturally to him when it came to you.
"Come off as possesive? You're very possesive." You smiled as you played with his hair.
"Well you're just too pretty and attractive, im not letting anyone else have a chance to look at you" Jake says smirked as his grip around you tightened a bit, it was all playful but he was being serious when it came to not wanting anyone else to have a chance to look at you.
"Sure you won't." You said smiling and then looking at the clock remembering that the two of you have school tomorrow.
"Oh right.. school.." Jake says with an amused shake of his head, he completely spaced the fact that you guys have school tomorrow, he was getting a little too carried away by flirting and making it official that they're dating that he forgot that he needed to be up in the morning.
You pouted as you looked at him. "Come on, you have practice tomorrow, and besides i need to steal more of your clothes."
"Oh you're in the mood to steal more clothes now huh? i'll let you take as much as you want" Jake says teasingly as he shrugs his shoulders, it wasnt like he minded that you were currently borrowing his hoodies and sometimes his t-shirts, that just meant that he got to see you walk around in them and that was enough to satisfy him.
"I'm always in the mood to steal your clothes, and you know i saw so many girls wearing their boyfriend jerseys." You told him suggesting that you want to wear one of his jerseys and wear it for his game and practice. "And maybe i can see your practice."
Jake chuckles as you suggest that you want to steal his jersey and come see him practice, he wasnt really surprised that you were willing to do that, especially considering how much girls like to do similar things, he was just surprised that you were actually going to do it. "You want to watch me play basketball?" He asks curiously looking at you, if anything now that you guys were official, he was more willing to let you watch and see his practices, it felt good knowing that you'd be watching from the bleachers.
"Maybeeee" You blushed, nuzzling your head in his chest.
Jake chuckles as you nuzzled your head in his chest, he was more than happy to let you do that, he liked when you snuggled into him as he wrapped his arms around you, just the small act meant so much to him. "That sounds like a yes" He replies teasingly as he looks at you with a smile, he just couldnt stop himself from giving you another kiss on your head.
"Still." You added looking at the clock again. "You still need to ace the game on Friday."
Jake sighs as he looks over at the clock again aswell and realizes you were right, he does need to sleep but at the same time, he was having so much fun being with you right now, he didnt want to end the moment so early. "I know, but i dont think im going to be able to sleep with you around" He says teasingly with a smirk, he definitely had to go to sleep and make sure he gets plenty of rest but he was just enjoying having you in his arms way too much.
"I'm hoping the cuddles can help you sleep." You smiled trying to convince him. "Cause at the rate that my parents fight i could just move in."
Jake chuckles as you say this, he never really knew about how your home life was when it came to your parents, even though he felt bad that you had to be around that kindve of environment, he was somewhat glad that he got to spend so much time with you.. "So are you actually willing to move in with me?" He asks teasingly, he hadnt meant for that question to come out at all, it just slipped from his mouth without realizing it.
"Let's not think about it now." You said, thinking that is it too early to even know about any plans of moving in with him.
Jake chuckles as you said that. "Right right.. we can think about that later.." He says with a light giggle and smirk. "Im willing to let you move in anytime you want, but you know what would really help me sleep right now?"
"What? Kisses, cuddles." You added, still thinking about his question.
"Exactly.. kisses and cuddles.. that's what would really help me sleep good tonight" Jake says teasingly before pulling you closer to him and planting a kiss on your forehead.
You smiled as he kissed your forehead and asked curiously. "Soo that means we finally sleep." It would be a lie to say that you weren't tired.
"If thats fine with you that means we finally get to fall asleep together" Jake says with a smile, he was more than ready to actually go to sleep with you in his arms, it felt like the most comfortable thing ever.
"Well now we get to cuddle as a couple that's differnet and besides i need to steal more of your hoodies." You said giggling and kissing his cheek.
Jakes smile grew wider when you said this, you were right, this was different now that you two were official.. and you were right about you stealing more of his hoodies, he didnt mind of course as long as you were the one who's stealing them away from him. "You need to steal more of my hoodies now? how many more do you need to steal?" He joked with a chuckle as he pulled you close to him, wrapping his arms around your waist again, he was more than happy to cuddle with you the night away.
You giggled, leaning into his king sized bed and looking at him, but kissing him before doing so. "But i can steal them tomorrow so don't worry." You smile reassuring him that it's time to sleep since it's almost three am.
"You're really trying to steal my whole wardrobe huh?" Jake says teasingly as he giggles lightly with you when you lean onto his king sized bed, he doesnt mind if you steal away the hoodies or shirts he owns, it just meant that you get to look even more cute in them. "We should go to bed, it is pretty late right now" He agrees as he plants another gentle kiss on your forehead.
And so you did, Jake fell asleep with his hand around your waist and your head leaning onto his muscular chest. That's how it happened. You were accidentaly in love.
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© V3LV3TSIN ⎯ do not repost, translate, plagiarise or claim any of my works as your own.
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bonny-kookoo · 10 months
the 'I like you' couple is soo cute 💖💗💓❤️ but now we need to know! 🥺 does jungkook find a nickname for her? does he really think about it? does he try out a few before deciding which one he likes? or does she does or likes something random or particular and he gets the nickname from teasing her? or he just has a light bulb moment on a random moment? lol, I love them, can't get enough!!
A/N: Masterlist
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"Baaaaaby-kookoo-love-of-my-life-" you whine, and he squints his eyes as he walks into his bedroom where you're laying on your back. "My tummy hurts." You complain, and he sits down on the edge of his bed next to you to take of his socks.
"...okay?" He wonders, and you kick him with your foot a little.
"Make it better." You demand, and he chuckles.
"How?" He wonders, and you scoff.
"The fuck do I know!" You huff. "Like, I don't know, talk to it? Maybe it'll get intimidated if you're all angry with it." You offer as a solution, and to your surprise, he turns around and points an accusing finger at your lower stomach.
"You better stop fucking hurting right now because I want to go sleep and God knows my spoiled princess won't shut up until you're quiet.!" He threatens at your body, before he turns around and closes the opened window before turning off the lights as he crawls into bed next to you.
It's quiet for a moment, until you speak.
"I'm both mildly turned on and offended right now." You say, and he snorts a laugh, hand patting over the blankets to find yours to hold in the dark. "Spoiled princess? Really?" You scoff.
"You are one." He defends himself.
"I mean, a princess? Hell fucking yes, and you better start carrying me around as one from now on, prince charming!" You laugh, and he rolls his eyes in the dark.
"You're spoiled enough." He says, closing his eyes.
"So?" You ask, before a slap is heard.
And its quiet.
For a good moment.
"Did you just slap my ass?!" You yell out, sitting up, and he laughs whole heartedly.
"Was it? I couldn't tell." He laughs.
"Oh so you just blindly aimed to smack me and ACCIDENTALLY hit my ass? Fucking lying piece of shit, you knew exactly what you-"
"Do I need to spank you again, or are you gonna be a good girl and sleep?" He asks. "You've got work at 6 am, and I need to be up at 5:30." He reminds you, and you suddenly fall back into the pillows, scooting closer, closer, until you're full on clinging onto him.
"...jungkookie..?" You ask quietly, awfully shy. He hums a reply. "Can you say it again?" You ask.
"You have work tomorrow-"
"Nooo, that part before that? Like, I did what you said so I'm aaaaaa~?" You draw out the last syllable, wiggling your toes as you wait, and he suddenly chuckles.
"Good Girl." He says, and you squeal to yourself, cuddling up to him.
It's the first time he's ever really comfortable saying things like that- and maybe it's the way you've gotten closer by now, not only emotionally. Yesterday he'd been so lost in kissing you that he didn't even notice you getting so riled up on his lap- and it left him both excited and terrified.
And these days, he's been trying out some petnames for you here and there to see what would stick.
Babe or baby are cute when you say it, but they feel way too boring to him. They're too basic, nothing special, and it just doesn't feel right.
Until you're out at a shopping center, randomly spending a day at the mall together when you spot something in a kid's store window. "Oh- did you know I always wanted to be a princess for Halloween?" You say, spooning up some icecream from your cup. "But my dad never bought me the costume, and we never went trick-or-treat-ing." You pout, making Jungkook smile as he tucks in a strand of hair that had escaped your messy bun on your head.
"Well, you're a princess to me now, no need for a costume." He shrugs. "And I even buy you candy, so you don't have to knock on stranger's doors either." He jokes, and you look up at him at that, pulling him down by the neckline of his shirt to peck his lips. "Huh?" He wonders, and you just smile.
"You're just so dreamy." You sigh dramatically. "Your flirting is getting a bit out of hand though. Makes me feel all fluffy and horny." You boldly admit, making him laugh as he shakes his head, taking your empty cup from you to throw it away in a bin nearby. "Ah, such a prince charming!" You giggle, and he takes your hand In his at that, kissing the back of it for a second.
Successfully making you blush for the first time since he's met you.
And he's starting to really enjoy making you flustered.
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ruggiezz · 7 months
imagine nrc during the world cup era OMG 😟 rook after france loses to argentina, heartslabyul watching england losing
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[synopsis] twst characters and their reactions to their country getting disqualified
[characters] ace, deuce, cater, trey, riddle, ruggie, floyd, jade, azul, rook
[extra] this is just for the funsies, me spreading my octavinelle + ruggie latinos agenda. i'm a firm believer in the cater is american headcanon (AMERICA RAHHH🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🦅🦅💥)
ACE TRAPPOLA and DEUCE SPADE got together with you to watch the World Cup. Oh? You're not interested in football? Too bad, you're watching it with them anyways. Pros: They buy snacks for all of you to eat while watching. Cons: Ace screams at the television and gets extremely frustrated. The silence was loud when the match with France ended. At least the food was good...
CATER DIAMOND was not #LiveLaughLove-ing that month. Imagine being the only american in your friend group full of british people while the US had a match against England. Don't get him wrong; he doesn't really care about football, but it's hard to ignore it when the whole school is talking about it. At the end of the day, Magicam material is still Magicam material. He got lucky though; the match ended in a draw; it could have been worse. Needless to say, he did not care about the US losing, #WorldCup #Disqualified.
TREY CLOVER felt like he was in a nightmare—a 29-day-long nightmare. The Heartslabyul students were either having a blast or screaming when they won, or they were having heated fights about whose country would win. Trey was stressed; maybe other housewardens were enjoying the World Cup (like Kalim, who was throwing parties every opportunity he had), but RIDDLE ROSEHEARTS was certainly not happy. The students were so focused on, in his words, "guys running after a ball", that they weren't studying for their final exams. Yes, he had become less strict after his overblot, but a few students still got collared. Both of them were relieved when the World Cup ended; they could not care less about their country losing.
RUGGIE BUCCHI listened to the brazilian matches while working, like it was a podcast. He was a busy guy, you know? He had to work, but he still wanted to listen to the match. To be honest, Ruggie was pretty confident that they would make it to the semi-finals. We are talking about Brazil here; their team is good. "There's no way the europeans are winning this one" he thought. Imagine his face when they lost by a penalty goal, a penalty goal... Ruggie bought himself a doughnut at Sam's to cope and not have a mental breakdown.
Peru didn't even qualify; they lost against Australia. FLOYD AND JADE LEECH were in a bad mood during the whole World Cup.
Yes, Chile didn't qualify either, but a business opportunity is a business opportunity. Did you hear? You can watch the football matches while eating in the Mostro Lounge, and if you spread the word and bring your friends, you get a special discount. AZUL ASHENGROTTO got showered in money during those 29 days it lasted; the restaurant made three times the amount they usually make. He was very happy, to say the least.
ROOK HUNT was delighted to see all the students celebrating. The passionate cheers of the students, the way they all rooted for their country, how they got together to watch, how sad they got over their team losing, how beautiful. Yes, maybe the students were screaming at each other; maybe one even threw a chair across the room, but still. There was something captivating in seeing how a game could bring students that had nothing in common together, all with the same goal: to see their country win and crush the others. He was more sad about the World Cup ending than France losing, even if they were so close to first place.
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ronearoundblindly · 4 months
The Dignity of His Choice (abridged ending)
Speedy version of Reflections Part II & III (see previous or series) Steve Rogers x wife!Reader
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Alright, this may not be conventional, but I'm crippled by guilt over this story. There are so many elements that hit brutally close to home based on a personal experience this past year (arguably this past decade but whatevs), and so I have sifted through 28 A4-sized pages, front-to back, and 17 smaller pages, front-to back (save one sheet), as well as a typed-up 7k, in hopes of grasping this magical redemption arc that exists in my mind and falls flat everywhere else. I'm sick of it. I'm sick of loving this story so much that nothing is good enough, and I'm sick of hoping to offer a conclusion that never f***ing comes. Welp, today you can know the conclusion--or the gist of it at least--because that is my Christmas gift to myself. I'm washing myself of the guilt. -> What follows is an extremely unedited and maybe slightly poetic summary of the finale. God, I hope you enjoy it, but really, I just want to feel like I *can* finish something. Sorry if that's dramatic; that's just...the situation of 2023.
Thank you in advance for your understanding, and I hope this serves up some sort of holiday cheer! (No real warnings because smut is reserved for the full-length version. This tale, as always, is 18+ due to very heavy themes.)
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The thing is Steve doesn't regret his choice. How can he regret anything that ensured you were here, alive and happy, by his side? That's not an achievement he'll ever be ashamed of; there's no guarantee in the multiverse that he could have done better.
You spoke of being lucky. You felt guilt that of all the servicemen and women to lose their lives, yours came home in the end.
Steve doesn't see it that way. Yes, you and he are very, very lucky, but overall, Steve won.
In every war, there are battles. In battles, there are fights. In fights, there are shots taken, punches thrown. You don't need to land every punch to win a war. There are always losses.
Steve Rogers tends to win because he understands this.
He knows the value of strategy. He knows the value of hope. He especially knows the value of planning for the worst.
And so he's surprised--as he often is with you--that he hasn't lost more.
You accept the loss as well as the win. You endure more gracefully than he ever imagined possible during those long months alone and away.
His sacrifice may have played a factor in your safety, but in the end, it just came down to you. You fought for yourself. You battled for your beliefs. You warred for your convictions.
Steve can understand that. He admires it.
He plans to make this dreadful mess up to you, he hopes for the time to do so, but before he can strategize how, your bubble of isolation is burst by a knock at the door.
"Open up, Rogers. Please," Sam Wilson requests anxiously over F.R.I.D.A.Y.'s speaker.
He could simply mean you since you are a Rogers and neither of you have heard the okay that the world knows Steve's alive. Although, Steve still doesn't have a phone again, and you haven't exactly been checking yours during recent...activities... (Not to put too fine a point on it, but Bucky's little gifts aren't going to miraculously last eight days and nights.)
Steve stays in the corner of the kitchen, drying his hands from the dishes you two were washing together, while you answer the door.
It swings open in the direction that still hides Steve.
"Hey--" Steve hears the soft pause in Wilson's voice "--I think...I may be out of line here, but Stark ordered personnel to vacate the compound."
You cross your arms over your chest, nervous. "Do we need to leave? I--As in, you and I? Are we included in that?"
"No," Sam says flatly. "It's just...suspicious--look, can I come in?"
"Sam, wait!" You push to make a wall in the doorway, meaning Steve can no longer see you or what's happening while a silence, an extremely pregnant pause, stretches.
Afterward, there's a whisper.
"Is he here?"
Your reply is only a stutter of unfinished words, but that's enough. Sam's stepped past and halted a few feet inside before his scanning gaze lands on Steve.
Steve's not sure what he expects his friend to do. He's misjudging reactions left and right these days, so he can't presume that--
"Gym?" Sam ticks his arm, thumb pointing back out to the hall. "I'm going for a run."
He has to convince you and Steve that the whole place really has been cleared before Steve changes clothes.
The string-light and garland-lined corridors remind Steve that his apartment remains devoid of any festive touches. You two have been too distracted to realize it's the day before Christmas Eve, so the 'evacuation' will likely draw no attention from the average employee.
Stark is just adamant they have the holiday for family. That's all. The only people who live there are Avengers.
The smell of the rubber floor when they walk onto the track spikes nostalgia in the back of Steve's brain, and in his utter joy to be there again, he starts sprinting like old times.
His blood pumps and his lungs stretch, but it's too hard, too fast. His blood thunders in his ears and makes his head swim. His lungs burn fiercely and seize. He collapses, gasping through his weakest asthma attack yet, but it still happens.
Things are almost, almost the same. Things are still different.
Without taking the opportunity to gloat (too much), Sam uses his powers, skills he's had all along, to divine Steve's real fear:
Steve changed things, and he may have changed things so much that it's all ruined. He can't go back to being Cap because he showed his colors: he chose you over everything else. What if you can't go back to being his wife because of that same choice?
Sam helps Steve off the floor.
"You walked the same circle for a long time, buddy. Instead of getting off the track entirely, try one lane over. Baby steps."
Steve snorts. "Ya know, she said something similar."
"Yeah, well, some of us filled in the stoic charm while you were gone."
"Comes naturally to you, doesn't it?"
Wilson turns to walk backwards, flashing pearly whites. "The outfit is growing on me, and I think the press were just about to stop calling me Black Cap." He playfully punches Steve's shoulder. "We'll see how far this sets me back, huh?"
After realizing he has to take it easy, Steve enjoys a long, mostly quiet run beside his friend, never once passing him. Though Steve asks about returning tomorrow, Sam has to decline. Christmas Eve is for Sarah and her boys, and Sam's sister will raise hell if crossed.
Just before leaving the gym, Sam hugs Steve, the length and intensity of the embrace telling Steve all he needs to know. Sam--like everyone else who knows so far--is happier than he is hurt, and that stifles Steve in a torrent of humility.
He doesn't deserve the strength of this family built around him, but he is grateful.
Steve also doesn't expect to find Natasha and Bucky in his apartment when he returns. He was hoping to put up some decorations with you, bring a touch of joyous spirit to that place you've been emotionally entombed for months, but he outright frowns when seeing the box they brought.
Between you and Nat sits the bin of intel the Keepers gathered on you and left behind at a raided facility. You're pouring over the dirty details of horrible intrusion to your private life, both you and Steve's, and he can't help but watch your face closely.
You do look horrified. You look furious for minutes on end, file after file, until you finally ask, "who's had stuff like this on you guys?"
That's the thing. That's the part eating away at Steve's shame. It's why he can't be beyond a superficial level of sorry for what he's done.
"The Red Room," Nat replies softly.
Buck shrugs. "Hydra...among others."
Steve knows what that intel could have been a precursor to; they could manipulate more than just him. You could have been used, you could have been changed, and it would have been his fault. Extremes are most of his life, so Steve goes to extreme measures to keep his life separate from all of that.
Blurring those lines--bringing you closer to the fray of this scary and violent world feels irresponsible.
You continue to ask candid questions about what Nat and Bucky were doing this whole time. The response is grueling, a complex web of taking out targets without signaling an ulterior motive, every interaction carefully executed to seem natural, all the while knowing that Steve waited to come home and you waited for...well, the truth.
The way Natasha describes it makes Steve sick to his stomach.
He never wanted this, but he has to live with the consequences.
You thumb over a few stalking photographs in your hand and simply say, "that was quite a commitment."
Something triggers in Steve, and suddenly, his next move is crystal clear.
"I'll--I'll be right back," he blurts.
All three of you startle in confusion, sat around the coffee table like it's the most normal thing in the world to share so much. You've had top clearance for twenty-four hours. You're already a pro, and that makes Steve's idea that much more perfect.
He races through the building, glad he doesn't have to hide, and pounds on Tony's door.
As soon as Tony opens up though, Morgan rushes past his legs and lets out a blood-curdling cry that ends in a sobbing, "you're alive."
The little girl flings herself into Steve's arms, refusing to let go the entire time he asks Stark--all the Starks--for a favor.
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You wake up the next morning to find a note from Steve and a dress of yours hung by the tree you put up after a long meal with Nat and Bucky.
Important errand, the note reads. Expect Tony to come by at 11. Wear this, please. I love you.
It's the dress you chose for your first date with Steve, the date that kinda never happened because the compound was invaded and you had to kill a guy. Odd memory to resurrect, but you do adore that dress.
You're not surprised when Tony arrives in one of his signature suits, nor when he makes a show of walking you through the halls on his arm. He has the uncanny ability to chat about nothing using the maximum number of words. He's delightful that way.
Your first real clue is Morgan, standing outside some double doors to one of the flex rooms, like the ones changed for training different abilities, like the ones used for therapy circles. In fact, it's the same room, the exact same double doors as years ago.
The girl looks fit to burst, clearly told to keep her cheers to a minimum as she clutches a wicker Easter basket in her hands, crouching as if ready to spring into action.
Pepper stands close by. Nat and Bucky whisper conspiratorially a ways down the hall.
Then you notice.
Tony has on a black suit with red pin-stripes, Pepper a blue dress with a white belt, Natasha a red dress with a white belt, and Bucky a navy suit with a black-shirt underneath.
"We did our best on short notice," Tony rambles off, guiding you to a stop in front of the party.
"This is for you," Morgan squeaks, ripping a colorful bundle of pipe cleaners out of the basket. There are buttons woven to the tops of each 'stem.'
Pepper quickly adds, "wild flowers were...a bit scarce, as you can imagine."
You brave a single question.
"What's going on?"
Everyone just beams at you, falling into a pattern of pairs behind Morgan before Tony winks and tells you to follow his lead.
The doors open, and there, at the end of the aisle, stands Steve--your Steve--in his old Captain America outfit minus the cowl. His hair is still long and darker, but his beard is properly trimmed.
All you can think is how you'll tease him about that.
You pinch at the leather sleeve in curiosity, and Steve leans over.
"This is the last thing I'll ever do in it," he says before kissing your cheek. "Promise."
"Says the guy who's stolen it twice," Tony mutters from his place on the other side of Bucky.
"He has a point," Nat chimes in.
The poor priest clears his throat and bellows, "dearly beloved..."
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He keeps his promise.
At a press conference just before New Year's, Steve is announced as one of those rescued from "an enemy base" in an undisclosed location.
The crowd of reporters erupts in a chaos of inquisition, but all Steve will give them, standing there in a simple sweater and slacks, is his official resignation of the title Cap.
"What do we call you then?" someone shouts from the back.
"Just Steve. I am Steve Rogers, that's all." He looks to his left for the comfort of your face. "And this--" he grabs your hand "--is Mrs. Rogers, my soulmate."
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@im-a-slut-for-fluff @whiskeytangofoxtrot555 @fangirl-swagg @georgeweaslysgirl @austynparksandpizza @bucky-fricking-barnes-reads @fallinallinmendes @claireelizabeth85 @patzammit @supraveng @1950schick @jamneuromain @yiiiikesmish @ashesofblackroses @spectre-posts
A/N: and yes, the full-version will be written eventually.
[Main Masterlist; Ko-Fi]
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wysteria-clad · 1 year
Dating Will Miller would include:
paring: Will Miller x fem! reader; established relationship
warnings: mentions of sex but nothing explicit, pregnancy, kids.
If marriage, babies & children aren't your thing, keep scrolling.
a/n: I'm highkey soft for the Miller brothers. I'm in love, your honor.
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- Will is 10/10 the guy to give you his shoes if you say your feet hurts after wearing heels all day. He would even carry you in his arms after teasing you a bit playfully.
- He is so good at cuddling. His hugs are the best. He completely wraps you in his arms, shielding you from anything hurting you figuratively and literally, making you feel loved, safe and warm.
- He is a gentleman. He opens doors for you.
- Kisses on the side of your head, lots of it—as a goodbye, a greeting, a reminder of his sweet love. He is soft for you <3
- His terms of endearment for you—sweetheart, honey, sweetie usually. If he is feeling really tender/trying to calm you down, he calls you, 'Baby'
- He is not the jealous type, but he is really protective of you.
- He is attentive, he notices your cues if you are in a bad mood/ pms-ing. He knows exactly what to do to comfort you. And he will give you space to cool down if you prefer that.
- Daddy af
- He is the dom, but would be down to switch for you if you want to try it.
- He is always gentle with you. But he is rough af when you want it that way, but still he checks to make sure you are alright.
- He gives you anything you desire—Hot passionate sex? Yes. Soft vanilla sex? Yes. You just want to be held by him and kissed and cuddled sweetly? Yes.
- He is the big spoon. You tried to spoon him once, but you looked like koala bear clinging to him. You both laughed it off. He doesn't mind as long you are next to him. But you hook your leg over his hip in sleep and he loves it.
- He is not big on pda, but he would never turn down your kisses. He holds your hands when you go out.
- And when you go shopping, he actually pays attention to the outfits you pick out when you try it on for him. He doesn't zone out and scroll his phone mindlessly.
- He is patient af. He would wait for you till you choose without complaining.
"You look beautiful in everything, sweetheart."
To him you can wear nothing but a huge baggy t-shirt, and be the most beautiful women on the entire planet.
"You are not helping," you laugh lightly holding all five outfits you tried.
"I'm just telling the truth."
"Flattery would get you anything, Miller," you add, smiling. You ended up buying all five outfits.
- He would carry your bags. No way he want his baby to carry stuff when he is around. Not in a controlling, macho way, more like, 'Let me treat you like the Queen you are, baby.'
- His primary love languages are quality time and acts of service.
- He is a girl dad™
- You have two daughters with him. (If you wanna see soft! Dad! Will, here ya go)
- They are daddy's girls without a single doubt. You joke about how your girls 'betrayed you'
- He tries to leave for work before your daughters are up, cause he cannot resist their faces when they cling to him. Your youngest refuses to leave his arms, while your oldest clings to his legs and cry for him not to leave. "Daddy, don't leave me alone!'' (You don't count, mommy 😂)
Dating Benny Miller would include
paring: Benny Miller x fem! reader; established relationship
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- Let's say you did something great/achieved something in academics/career. Benny is the type of boyfriend to yell, "That's my girlfriend!", publicly. You are embarrassed, but deadass love it.
- He is a proud boyfriend and he loves to show you off to his friends.
- Santi, Frankie and Will thought it would tone down after he married you, but no. It only changed to 'That's my wife!', after the marriage.
Frankie casually mentions how his wife is the best, and of course, Benny has to go on and on about how wonderful you are until they cut him off, grumbling.
"Yeah, yeah, we get it. Your girl is the best."
"My wife," he corrects with a not so subtle grin on his face.
- Benny loves your cuddles. He would just lay his head between your breasts or bury his head on the crook of your neck. Mans just loves your touch. He is your personal weighted blanket. He cannot keep his hands off you.
- He melts into you like a puddle when you thread your fingers into his hair, and play with his hair while cuddling.
- His terms of endearment for you—baby, babe, darling, sweetness, babygirl. And he would call you more cheeky names.
- Constant teasing and playful banters.
- Palm kisses are his thing <3
- He is the kind of boyfriend that would rest his chin on your palm/kiss your palm if you do the 'hold out your palm to your lover and see what they do' challenge.
- He is your golden retriever puppy. His mere presence lights up your entire day.
- He gets jealous and is a little insecure at times.
- Always knows what to do and what to say to make you smile and laugh.
- Switch af
- Down to try new things with you, but impact play is not his thing.
- kinky sex, giggling goofy sex, passionate sex.
- He loves and enjoys cuddling you after sex.
- He usually spoons you, but would not hesitate to ask you adorably, "Baby, can I be the little spoon now?". He is your six feet tall baby <3
- He knows how goddamn handsome and hot he is, yet he would blush whenever you compliment him, especially his pretty eyes.
- You want piggyback rides from him? You got it.
- pda. pda. pda
Always has his arm around you shoulder/waist/thigh when you are out. And he can't stop kissing you any chance he gets.
- His primary love languages are words of affirmation and physical touch.
- He is great with kids. He is 'the fun uncle' to his nieces and his friends' kids.
- You have a son and a daughter with him.
- Highkey cries on your kids' first day of pre-school, and won't hide it.
(a/n: I can go on & on about these cuties, let's save that for later)
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moni-logues · 6 months
Kintsugi 12
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Pairing: Yoongi x reader
Genre: strangers-to-friends-to-lovers, non-idol!au, angst, smut, tiny bit of eventual fluff
Summary: In a fit of spiteful, post-break-up self-improvement, you sign up to a baking class. Yoongi, in a bid to appease his demanding girlfriend, signs up, too. Determined to make him your friend, you end up with more than you ever imagined.
Word count: 3.2k
Content: little bit of throwing up (alcohol induced)
A/N: thanks to @quarter-life-crisis2 for beta-ing the first part of this! This is now the second time I'm posting this so i have nothing more to say lmao
Chapter Eleven | Masterlist | Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Twelve – Peaches pt.2 
You stood outside Yoongi’s front door, pie held carefully in your hands, breathing deeply, taking a moment to try to soothe your nerves. It was outrageous, you thought, that you could be this nervous. It was Yoongi. On the other hand, it was Yoongi. It was not every day that you confessed to harbouring romantic feelings for one of your best friends. It was not every day that you ripped yourself open and placed your fluttering heart before them, hoping, praying that they felt the same.  
It was not every day, but it was today.  
You squared your shoulders, shuffled the pie so it rested on the palm of one hand, and used the other to key in the entry code.  
“I’m here!” you called as you strode in and shut the door behind you. 
You could hear and smell cooking from the kitchen, music on low in the background. You kicked off your shoes and took a deep breath. You had run over a hundred different scenarios, a hundred different scenes; sometimes you just kissed him; sometimes you prepared a long, thoughtful speech; sometimes you played it casual; sometimes you told him you loved him; sometimes, even in your thoughts, you chickened out entirely; sometimes he rejected you and sometimes he didn’t. You always cried.  
You were still standing in the hallway, staring up at the invisible obstacle in front of you when Yoongi approached, spatula in hand, frown on his face. You tried hard not to notice how cute he was with his apron on, how domestic. You tried to stop your mind flying forward to a future where he cooked all your dinners, or you cooked them together, in the house you shared. You needed to keep a level head. 
“Oh,” he said when he saw you. “I thought I heard you come in but then you didn’t appear. Why are you just standing there?” 
Good question.  
You chuckled awkwardly and walked into the apartment fully, straight to the kitchen where you set down your pie on the counter. 
“What’s in it?” Yoongi asked. 
“It’s peach and nectarine,” you answered, wondering if he would remember, if he might understand its significance. 
“It’s what?” 
“Peach and nectarine.” 
He looked at you with his eyebrows raised, expectant. 
“It’s what?” 
You groaned and rolled your eyes; your heart sang. You gave him a huge, dramatic sigh. 
“It’s peachtarine pie.” 
“Damn fucking straight.” 
He was in a good mood. You liked that. That had to bode well, right? 
“Do you want a drink?”  
Yes, you were offering him his own alcohol in his own house, but you felt like you needed it. You should have had one before you came out but time hadn’t allowed.  
“Sure, there’s wine in the fridge.” 
Not the sort of drink you had in mind. You checked in his fridge for soju and, finding none, walked around to his drinks cabinet where you deliberated between tequila and vodka, eventually plumping for vodka. Tequila gave party vibes which wasn’t exactly what you were going for. You returned to the kitchen and poured two shots.  
You nudged Yoongi – who had turned back to the stove – and handed him the drink. 
“Wow, really? Are we celebrating or commiserating something?”  
He knocked back the shot anyway and you did the same, cursing Yoongi in your head for not keeping soju – or anything more palatable – in the house.  
“Nope. Just because.” 
“Ok, party girl.” 
He waved the glass out towards you, asking for another, which you gratefully gave, taking one more for yourself, too. That was a little more like it. You felt looser already. A little Dutch courage can go a long way.  
“What are you cooking for me?” 
You moved from the other side of the counter and stood next to him, peering into the two dolsots bubbling away. 
“Haemul sundubu.”  
“Yum, thanks.” 
“It’s almost done; there’s banchan in the fridge. And the wine I said I actually wanted to drink.” 
He grinned down at you and you hip-checked him, moving away to set the table and pour more drinks.  
You hadn’t decided when you were going to tell him. You had told yourself that you would show up and you’d just know when was the right moment; you knew now that that was bullshit and you should have come more prepared. The fear of spoiling everything was rapidly creeping up on you; Yoongi was in a good mood and you were having so much fun. You knew the second you opened your mouth to tell him, everything would change. Even if it was what you wanted, what you were hoping for, even if he said everything you most wanted to hear, it would change things. It was the last night of your friendship, for better or for worse. You felt desperately like you had to make the most of the evening, make the most of everything you had right now: the ease, the comfort, the little sparks of something more when he laughed at your jokes, when he smiled at you, when you got to touch him even a little. There would be no going back. So you delayed your jump into the unknown a little longer and it settled your nerves. It put off the moment and you could relax, at least for an hour or two. 
The addition of a film after dinner had continued; it was supposed to be your night to pick but you couldn’t focus on making a decision so Yoongi picked one for you. You didn’t care. You weren’t even sure what it was, even though it had been on in front of you for the last hour and a half. You couldn’t have explained the plot if you’d been offered a lottery jackpot for it.  
You had your legs thrown over Yoongi, leaning towards him, sitting as you did every time now. He was slouching deep into the corner, his feet on the coffee table, picking idly at the threads of the holes in your jeans as he watched; your heart skipped every time his fingertips brushed the bare skin beneath. 
You could almost hear a clock tick as time went by, you still not having said a thing. It was coming. You knew it was coming. You knew you had to say something; you had steeled yourself for this. You had promised yourself you would do it. You had promised everyone: Taehyung, Nina, San. You had made Taehyung go to your apartment and wait on standby, so he could be there with no delay if it was a ‘no’. You had to do this. You were going to do this. And it had to be now. 
You reached out and put your hands on his, toying with his fingers. His immediately stilled and there was a twitch that told you he was going to pull them back, out of reach, but you held on. You kept his little finger in your hands, mindlessly fidgeting with it, finding yourself unable to look up at him. 
Your face was already hot, your heart already racing. He grunted inquisitively and you felt his eyes move to you. 
“Can I ask you something?” 
You were still looking at his hands, your stomach doing somersaults; you wished you hadn’t indulged in so much stew now that it was threatening to come back up the way it went down.  
“Are you ok?” 
You nodded, your throat feeling choked already.  
“I, um... Do you ever... think about me?” 
You risked a glance up at him; he seemed surprised by your question and then confused. He leant forward, feet on the ground, taking his hand from yours to reach for the control and stop the film. Then he sat back, not slouching this time, and looked down at you again. You focused on your hands. 
“I mean,” you continued, before he could answer, “I mean that-… I- sometimes, just recently, I... I think, I have feelings for you.”  
Your face burnt so hot, it brought tears to your eyes. You didn’t know what to say next; usually your mouth did all the talking for you but it had dried up. And Yoongi wasn’t saying anything. You tried to speak and nothing but a croak came out so you cleared your throat and gave it another shot. This was not how you had imagined it going; it was supposed to be smoother than this, more confident. You hadn’t expected to be this meek; you weren’t meek. But the weight of this exchange was crushing. 
“I just mean that... Recently, I’ve felt... different... and I- I guess I just wondered if maybe you ever felt like... that. About me.” 
It took all you had to look up at him, to try to gauge his reaction, see if you could divine what he was thinking through his face. It was closed, impassive, inscrutable in a way that reminded you of when you first met—his silence in that third class, which you had put down to his ex, but he had never actually explained. You felt the same way as you had back then. You were sticky with nervous sweat, hot and flustered. Embarrassed and self-conscious and burning like you’d been skinned alive. The anxiety was rising in you, a panic that said it was going to go sideways, that this wasn’t how it was supposed to be. That something had already gone wrong. You tried to talk yourself out of it but the longer he stayed quiet, the harder it became.  
“Yoongi?” you whispered, the sound barely making it out of your throat, when the seconds felt stretched to minutes. 
He wasn’t looking at you; he was staring straight ahead until he gave you a millisecond’s glance and shook his head. You waited, again, for him to say something else, to say anything at all. There was nothing giving him away. You knew him better than this; you could read him; you could sense how he felt. But not now. Not now at a moment when you really needed it.  
“No?” you asked when he still said no more. 
He was looking down now, not at you but somewhere on the floor. There was pink at the tips of his ears; his cheeks just barely rosy. He shook his head again and cleared his throat. 
���No,” he confirmed, just as quiet as you were, his voice just as strained. 
Your attempt to mask the gasp you gave when trying to gulp in air was poor but you couldn’t bear the thought of bursting into tears, here and now. They pooled thick in your eyes and blinking them back only sent them scurrying, falling, streaming down your face in a deluge. You opened and closed your mouth, gaping, fish-like, a few times before you found the composure to reply. 
“Ok.” Your voice wavered. “That’s fine. Yeah, ok, friends I guess then.” 
You weren’t looking directly at him—there was no way you could—but you saw him, from the corner of your eye, nod, two almost invisible dips of his head. You removed your legs from over his, curling them under you, trying to keep your breathing in check. You didn’t know what to do now. You didn’t understand. You thought about what Namjoon had said, the way he had seemed so confident. Didn’t Namjoon know Yoongi? Surely he wouldn’t have encouraged you if he had known Yoongi didn’t feel the same.  
There was a tearing in your chest that felt like collapse. It had been quick at least. But it was sharp. You wiped at your wet face, wishing Yoongi would just say something, anything would do. You felt shut out, iced out, pushed out. Rejected. Which was exactly what you were. In an instant, he had moved a thousand miles away as he stayed sitting next to you on the sofa. You had never felt farther from him than you did at that second. It made your stomach sink like a stone in the sea. It made your hands go weak, incapable of holding a hand even if he’d let you. It made your blood burn with shame like the acid rising in your throat.  
Of all your hundreds of scenarios, all the practices you’d run in your head, none of them went like this. You always talked about it, sometimes you even argued, but it was never this. This silence, thick like fog, choking like smog, resting over you. You began to feel smothered, suffocated by it. You couldn’t breathe for fear of falling apart; you had to get out.  
Yoongi stayed still, looking at the floor, his fingers worrying a loose thread on his trousers. Did he want you to leave? Did he want you to stay? You couldn’t know and were not able to wait to find out. 
“I guess,” you said, when you found the ability to speak without sobbing, “I should just go.”  
Yoongi turned to you then, his face for a second wearing a look of panic. He opened his mouth as you stood and you waited for him, gave him a few seconds to tell you to stay, or encourage you to leave. He said nothing. So you walked, with heavy feet and a heavier heart, to the door.  
Yoongi followed you, his hands tucked into his sleeves, his fingers twisting around one another. You stooped to put on your shoes and it was only when you were leaning on the door handle that he said anything. 
“I’m sorry.” 
You looked back at him as you stood in his doorway; you blinked away more tears and you could almost have sworn you saw tears in his eyes, too. You didn’t stop longer to make sure. You turned tail and ran.  
You had managed to hold in your sobs in the taxi ride back to your apartment; you couldn’t stop the constant leak of tears from your eyes, but you just about kept a lid on the worst of it. Then you flung open your door and fell to the floor, gasping and choking and barely able to breathe. 
Taehyung was by your side in a second, scooping you into his arms, stroking your back, pressing kisses into your hair, letting you make his T-shirt wet and snotty, not saying anything, knowing you weren’t listening anyway.  
You couldn’t quite believe it. Not because Yoongi hadn’t wanted you, but because you hadn’t anticipated it going like that. Because you didn’t understand. Because you somehow thought that there would be discussion; you could, now, think of things that you wanted to say, things you wanted to talk about; every thought and idea that had eluded you then flooded back now. You thought of the many ways you had broached the topic in your head and wondered why you did it like that. That wasn’t what you had planned. You hadn’t been clear, had you? Or you hadn’t got your point across? Or maybe you did? You just couldn’t tell. You were, entirely, in disarray. 
You also had to ask yourself, did it matter? If Yoongi didn’t feel that way about you, did it matter how he told you? Did it matter what he said or didn’t? Did it matter how you said it? He had clearly known what you meant because he had given you his answer. You had the answer you were looking for—you had the answer to your question, even if it wasn’t the one you had been looking for. The rest was irrelevant.  
The emergency treatment for your heartbreak was booze and a lot of it. So much, in fact, that you ended the night with your head in the toilet, that seafood stew finally making its burning way back up, Taehyung standing behind you rubbing your back and making sure your hair was out of the way.  
He put you to bed, tucked you up nicely and, at your insistence, curled up next to you, where you clung to him like a koala, desperate to not be alone. 
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Yoongi stood, gasping, at his door, unable to catch his breath. He was familiar enough with panic attacks to know that this wasn’t one, but he nevertheless sank to the floor and began walking himself through it. He focused on the inhale and the exhale, the counting that accompanied each usually uncomplicated step of breathing. He needed to focus on that. Anything so that he didn’t have to focus on what had just happened.  
Panic. That was one word for it. Insanity. That might have been another. Stupidity, certainly. He hadn’t expected it, could not have seen it coming even from a mile off. Nothing had seemed different. You were the same as you ever were; things between the two of you were normal. 
And then you asked him that.  
And he’d wanted to say yes. He was trying to. He wanted to open up to you and respond in kind and see if maybe something, anything, could have happened.  
But he couldn’t. The words got stuck in his throat. He couldn’t force them out, couldn’t make himself say it. He could see it all crumbling; as if he had been watching from outside his body, he had seen it. He had seen himself fail, let you down, lie to you.  
And he couldn’t explain it. He didn’t understand the gut-wrenching, visceral fear that had gripped him when you spoke, when you looked up at him—timid and shy like he had never seen you before—and asked if he ever thought about you, said that you had feelings for him. Like a pair of icy hands, one on his heart and one around his throat, it took such strong hold of him that he literally felt strangled: couldn’t speak, couldn’t breathe, couldn’t do a thing that might have led him to happiness. 
And then you left. In tears. Because of Yoongi. He wouldn’t forgive himself for that. He probably wouldn’t forgive himself for any of it, but his own pain, he could handle. He was used to that. Causing you pain? Before tonight he would have said it was unthinkable. He would never.  
But he had. He had lied; he had rejected you; he had let you run out of his apartment with barely a word said.  
He had lost you. That was it. He couldn’t see redemption, couldn’t see a way to walk this back. Not a hurt this big. Not a stupid, pointless, embarrassing lie like this was. It was over.  
He couldn’t forgive himself for that either.  
He stayed on the floor in the hallway until his legs started screaming for him to move, then a little longer. It wasn’t until Cherry came to chase him into bed that he stood up, walking straight through the apartment to his bedroom, not looking anywhere but straight ahead, not daring to glance at the scene of the crime, the scene of his immodest failure, a scene the very thought of which made him feel sick.  
He fell onto his bed and stayed there until Sunday.  
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Chapter Eleven | Masterlist | Chapter Thirteen
Taglist: @chimmisbae, @idkjustlovingbts @miriamxsworld, @tarahardcore, @simp47koreancrackheads, @xyahrinx, @olyd, @diorh0seokie, @thelilbutifulthings, @acquiescence804 
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lavandaea · 5 months
*inhales deeply*
There's spoilers ahead so, yeah, be careful.
This weekend episodes have actually broken my soul.
He didn't even need his feelings to be reciprocate, HE JUST WANTED TO BE WITH HER.
Dear writers, some things to ask, why so much screen time to second male lead? Why create such chemistry? Such backstory? (Spoiler alert: that will make us sympathize with the supposed villain) To just fuck*ing rip his heart out and pulverize it like Grandma with the cow bones, yes, just like that.
Let me get this straight, after having been raised in an environment of violence, pain and God knows what else for God knows how long, he falls in love. He experiences ✨feelings✨ ,he puts all his trust in her like never before, he shares his past and then he gets betrayed.
I swear I never seen someone cry so with so much meaning, feeling, with so much back there.
We made progress for the last (at least) five episodes TO JUST END IT IN A SINGLE ONE.
This could have been handled a lot better in a lot of ways and about a lot of topics that I could actually write an essay.
Let's begin the the main leads.
So, in order to have some sort of feeling about ML and FL loving eachother you need to put screen time ON them. Yeah, they support eachother, they have known far before Si Oh, they are funny and a lot of things more. They even kissed and very passionately, wow. Just one thing, Why didn't I even blink during that scene but found myself hitting the pillow and blushing when Si Oh did such mundane things as taking her home, opening doors for her, fixing her purse, hair, looking at her with those "I love you" eyes,👏feeling👏guilty👏about👏making👏her👏uncomfortable👏 with👏his👏feelings👏for👏her HELLO??, WAVING HER BACK WHILE HE WATCHED HER GO, SMILE EVERY DAMN TIME HE SAW HER?
I´ll tell you why. Because I know, thanks to you, that Si Oh was experiencing for the very first time what it's like to have human interaction that doesn't involve violence or having to be wary of everything and everyone all the time. He wanted to connect, to share his whole self, to be happy, to make her happy, to love and be loved. Moreover, I can't help just to feel happy for him, sad, angry, fucking rageous (not more than him, obviously).
Meanwhile, I barely know Hee Sik aka the male lead.
I remember seeing his mother once and I think that's what I understood about his private life. Sorry, I forgot about his deceased brother, that could have been a good topic to develop if it wasn't just mentioned once somewhere in the sixth chapter and left there to rot. Other than that, I know he is a cop, loves his cops friends and loves Nam Soon, also he is really loyal and good person.
Nice👍, very nice. But what else?? Or does the man just exist for his job and girlfriend? Even Shi Oh had some time to box being a drug dealer and full time whipped for her.
I'm just saying that you want me to suddenly dislike someone you took a considerable amount of time explaining but I have to like this good guy because you just pointed at him 👉🧍, and said, "here's the good guy, love him".
Sorry, I cant do that.
If you haven't noticed, you just made a character I fell obliged to sympathize.
If you wanted to make him evil and hot you should have just made him evil and hot.
It worked just as well with Jang Han Seok from Vincenzo.
Not have him have "REDEMPTION" written all over his face just to go with "Actually, no. He has no chance. 😃". It's, for lack of a better term, frustrating. (Absurd)
Instead, maybe you should have dedicated that screen time for the construction of the main leads relationship.
Oh, yes. Another thing since we are talking about the matter.
ML and FL relationship progress got weaker and weaker since she had started to spy on Si Oh. And then one episode was like "Oh, yeah, forgot to tell you, they are actually dating by now" Bom, a kiss. If I need a kiss to know they are in love, there's something going on back there. Something lacking.
Scenes of them in love: well acted, nice, cute, cool, okay. But it is like picking a random romance book and start reading it ten chapters ahead, they are in love, but how this did happen??? Last time I saw them, they were in a friends-and-some-more zone.
Where's the progress?
I know where is it. In the fake relationship, that it was being used just to turn Si Oh into a complete monster with probably not chance of going back.
"You have suffered a lot, yeah, I see. Anyway here's more pain. Suffer more and go cause some trouble because if not, there's, apparently, no plot"
Nice job.
I have been saying this and I will say it again, kdrama writers/directors are not ready for traumatized villains. They are afraid of them.
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bleedingichorhearts · 2 months
𝕮𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖙𝖔𝖗 XI
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𝕬𝖚𝖙𝖍𝖔𝖗: Heheheh, you thought.
𝕿𝖆𝖌𝖌𝖊𝖉: @kit-williams, @egrets-not-regrets.
𝕬𝖈𝖐𝖓𝖔𝖜𝖑𝖊𝖉𝖌𝖊: Be 𝐑𝐞𝐬𝐩𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐢𝐛𝐥𝐞 for/of yourself. Even it’s just a tiny cut.
TW // Slight SMUT/NSFW?
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"I'm fine. I'm fine." I heaved, pawing at the blue legionnaire besides me. Soft, worried coos coming from him.
"Just ate something I shouldn't have." I reported, reaching up to flush the toilet. Thats what I think what happened anyways. The combination between some foods where not for my tasting, twisting my stomach in all sorts of way's.
"Little serpent, are you all right?" Ascelpius asked, rounding the corner into the bathroom, seeing my body curled around the toilet.
His brother chittered at him in their language, stating that she's been like this the pass couple of weeks. Since the day they have taken her back into their hold. Her body still healing from the rough intercourse she been in.
"...I'm fine." I responded after a little while, laying down on the tiled flooring, enjoying the coldness of the ground. Settling down my grouchy stomach just little bit.
"Little serpent, this is not fine. You're sick." Ascelpius crooned, his form leaning over to get though the archway. Kneeling down to the ground and carefully scooping me up in his arms.
I whined in discomfort, not liking the removal of my body from the nice, cold ground. My head swirling as I exhaled slowly to try and not puke up again. Especially not on Asclepius.
"Do you need something? To ease your sickness?" He asked. Helm coming forward to nuzzle the top of head.
I whined into his armor. The thought of giving him a smooch came up, but I didn't want to ask for one after I threw up. I didn't want him to think I was not atoning the proper hygiene.
So, I just settled with snuggling my head into his armor. Taking whatever coldness of the metal brought me. Frustration building up inside of my mind as I really wanted a kiss, and it confused me at the same time.
Why was I being so needy? Hungry, but throwing it up anyways? Hot, and cold when it was the perfect temperature? Almost blacking out each time I stood to go anywhere? Damn, when was my last period?
When was my last period?
Oh god. When was it?
Shooting up in Asclepius arms, I looked up at him. "The store." I spoke, ignoring how my headache increased tenfold. This could be a very bad situation right now.
The two Astartes stopped and looked at each other. Questioning one another about the request though their vox. Knowing what part of the deal was.
"Right now, little serpent? What do you need from there?" Asclepius questioned, irritating me a bit.
"None of your concern. Now, to the store." I demanded, trying not to yell at the useless questions. Just let me go to the store and all will be good.
"To the store." I ordered, glaring up at him. The Astartes behind him; Hydra rumbled. He had no say in this potential matter. Neither of them did.
"Yes, little serpent." He sighed, continuing on through the hallway with Hydra 'oOoooOOoo-ing' at him through the vox while he tried to defend himself by saying to him 'You didn't say she was moody either brother.'
Asclepius stepped a foot outside. The smell of the fresh air calming me down just slightly until Solor came into view. His silver armor popping out of the foliage like a damn predator. His blue visor never leaving my form in Asclepius arms until he was next to him, staring him down.
The two spoke in their tongue while I became impatient. Whatever their deal is, it can wait. I can figure that out later, and I've got way more pressing matters to attend to.
"Are you going to sit here and talk? Or are we going to the store?" I questioned the Astarte's, silencing them all together. A surprised and confused aura filling the area.
"We are observing you Knight." Asclepius sighed, nuzzling my head once more before giving me over to Solor. "Remember what we have."
"You think too lowly of me." Solor responded, adjusting me in his arms into a more comfortable bridal style carry. Yeah, well, it wasn't like you cut off his arm.
"Maybe I do." Asclepius hummed. Watching the Knight turn away from him, and through the tree line, ending their discussion there.
"Little maiden, we are here." Solor rumbled, slowly waking me up in his arms, and put me down on the ground. "I will be here, waiting for you. Don't do anything stupid, or do."
"Your tone sickens me, Solor." I snapped back. Angered by the awakening of my peaceful slumber that I didn't have the intention of sleeping anyways. The dizziness, and twisting feeling in my stomach coming back full force.
"Your words hurt little maiden, watch it." He replied, carefully watching me as I hunched over a little.
"Do they?" I asked, glaring back at the Knight before huffing and leaving him to himself. Spotting a store in front of me. A faint noise coming from him as he stayed put in the tree line.
Grumbling as I entered the store. I made my way to the pharmacy selection and started my search for what I needed. Passing some older ladies who kept glancing at me from time to time.
Listing off the products in my head. I kept going until I found what I wanted and grabbed it out of its selection. It was only then when the old ladies stopped looking, seemingly okay now with what I came into the store purchase.
Using cash to pay for the little box. The cashier also looked at me weirdly and it made me tense up. Feeling like everyone was looking at me now.
Giving the cashier the cash. I made a beeline for the restroom and put myself into a stall, ripping open the box. In a hurry to take the damn test to figure if I was, or not pregnant. Is that even possible between an Astarte's, and Human?
The minutes felt long, but eventually I looked at the test. Holding my breath as I looked down at the test.
I exhaled, relived it wasn't what I thought I was. Though, it made be question on why I was having these types of symptoms close to a pregnant woman? Was I not getting enough enrichment?
What if it lied though? What if the test couldn't read good enough?
Damn it, I should have bought two. I wasn't going back out there to buy another one. I didn't want to be stared at for any longer from those... people.
"We can go now." I said, returning to Solors side. His helmet tilting at me.
"You've been in there for quite a while, yet you didn't get anything?" He questioned as I passed him. Walking deeper into the woods.
"Really? You don't say." I snapped at him again. Feeling slightly remorseful, because he didn't even do anything at this moment.
A surprised yelp escaped me as Solor lifted me up and pushed me against a tree. His other gauntlet coming off to take off his helmet. White eyes staring me down.
"You've been awfully rude, Maiden. Why is that?" He asked, more like demanded. "I haven't even seen you for day's and this is the greeting I get?"
I hummed but didn't give him an answer. Not entirely sure what was going on with me either. His eyes searching my face as he cupped my chin.
"Little maiden, please. Tell me what is wrong?" His head came close. Putting them together as I could mumbled out an "I don't know." My hands coming up to thumb his jaw line.
"Is it the-"
Moving my head a little back. I put my lips on his, surprising him as I ravished anything he would give me. His eyes widened a little but lulled into the kiss. Tongue's battling for dominance before he pulled away. Saliva connecting between the two of us. A moan escaping my lips.
"My lady." He breathed, his gauntlet coming up to claw at the tree above me. His head nuzzling into my neck. His body coming closer to keep me pinned to the tree.
"Please, Solor." I whined at him, feeling incredibly worked up now. It just wasn't an opportunity I couldn't waste.
He hummed before he purred into my ear. Teeth nipping at my neck. Sending a shiver down my spine. "As you wish, my little maiden."
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ℕ𝕖𝕩𝕥 ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣: 𝕮𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖙𝖔𝖗 XII
ℙ𝕣𝕖𝕧𝕚𝕠𝕦𝕤 ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣: 𝕮𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖙𝖔𝖗 X
ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕃𝕚𝕤𝕥: “𝕮𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖙𝖔𝖗” 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝕷𝖎𝖘𝖙
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