#I’m trying to find my own style that works and we’re getting there!
drawingwiffmoochi · 1 year
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Hi hi it’s me again and I made this Wan Ji on my new phone! >:D
In all seriousness I’ve been meaning to draw Wan Ji for the longest time.
I’ve been following @journeytomonkiekid ‘s Eclipse Apprentice comic for over a year now and I love it so much.
she’s also become a big inspiration for me and it makes me want to make a comic too! (Which caused a fixation last year and WHEW BOY) I have other drawings and more on the way for this awesome artist and I HIGHLY SUGGEST checking out their comic!
the character I drew here is Wan Ji and ngl- I relate to her on a spiritual level- both in the gremlin-esc nature and complicated family life.
I loved the food I was given in Chapter 3 with the Macaque and Wan Ji content soooo-
that’s just more for me to draw!
This Wan Ji in her Chapter 3 outfit was my first drawing on my IPhones pocket Procreate and ngl- it’s so weird using a cheap stylus rather than the apple pen.
but be that as it may- Miss WishfulVixen you are a huge inspiration for me and I adore you and your works. And I am more than excited to see what becomes of Macaque and Wan Ji in the upcoming chapters of your comic. also remember to take care of yourself and get well soon since I saw that you weren’t feeling the best!🌸🌸💕
Til next time my little mochis!😘
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satoruzlove · 1 year
something about college bf ! kenma has me giggling n twirling my hair🤭
kenma that has his hair in a claw clip that you got him, now being a pro and twirling it into said clip
kenma that gives you a key to his apartment and isn’t surprised when he feels you behind him, hands on his shoulders as he works on another last minute assignment
kenma who holds your hands all the time, because “they’re really soft, i dunno, i just find them comforting”
kenma who’s known widely around campus as ‘that one box dyed quiet guy’ but to you, is your chaotic, beautiful boyfriend
kenma who stays up til odd hours with you, doing stupid things and screaming at eachother while you game
kenma who only laughs at your jokes because “we have the same humor , obviously. we’re just better than everyone else.”
kenma who refuses to give back anything you lend him. clothes, clips, books, pens, he keeps everything of yours. he also wears your clothes half the time to campus, but no one really knows that it’s yours. they just assume he has a very spontaneous dressing style.
kenma who cannot go a day without you scratching his under cut, running your nails over it and massaging all his worries away.
kenma who looks at you with heart eyes whenever you talk about your course, because “you just light up when you talk sometimes, it’s really cute to look at”
kenma who sends you the sweetest ‘hey, i know you’re asleep but..’ paragraphs at ungodly times, so you wake up happy
kenma who confessed by pulling up to your house with a boom box playing ‘pluto projector’ and waiting for you to let him in. he sat down on the couch and made you listen to him recall every moment that led up to him falling inlove with you.
“and then there was that time when you made me coffee when i was working, even though i told you to fuck off and..” he looks at you with shiny, gleaming eyes,” you sat on the floor next to me, and waited, and when i was done you said you were proud-,” he stops himself from raising his voice, hands finding your own as stray strands of bleach- blond hair fall into his eyes at the aggression of his movement,” i can’t remember the last time someone saw me, my work, my effort. they always thought i wasn’t trying or that i didn’t care to try but you, yn,” your best friend got close, so close that you couldn’t breathe, so close that if he was any closer - you think he’d kiss you,
kenma was breathless trying to explain- trying to get his point across as he continued,“you always saw me. who i am and who i’m not. and i realised that the reason you never got tired of me is because you couldn’t get enough of me and god,” a loud sigh left his lips as a wide smile etched across his face ,” i’ve never felt more wanted in my life. “
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starlight-sev · 4 months
Joy Looks Good on You (Snape x Artist!Reader)
Request: Snape with an artist reader- she makes gorgeous paintings, teaches an art class at Hogwarts (Bob Ross style, for reference). Doesn't have many students, but when he comes into her classroom its such a calming atmosphere. Maybe a short drabble about how he falls in love with her and her skill with paintings?
Requested by: anon
Warnings: none
A/N: this is more platonic than I had initially intended it to be, but I hope you enjoy it nonetheless!
Oh! Gender neutral reader as I always try my best to write 💕
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Hogwarts was home to many secrets, one of them being that the school offered painting classes as an elective for those in third year or higher.
Even you were shocked when you first heard about the job posting. You always figured art would be just a hobby of yours. When it came to jobs in the wizarding world, anything to do with art and painting was quite rare to find.
So when you were finally offered the job for art teacher at Hogwarts, to say you were overjoyed would have been an understatement. You never thought you’d be able to turn your love of painting into your career.
Dumbledore had placed you in the North Tower, just below Professor Trelawney’s Divination classroom. Compared to her room, yours was rather small: you only had to walk ten steps and you’d already be at the other side of the room. A handful of round tables with matching wooden chairs had been crammed into the tiny space. There was a small desk nestled in the corner for you to work, along with a shelf against the wall to store your paints and supplies.
Your favourite feature about the room, and perhaps one of its only redeeming qualities, was the large window in the middle of the wall. It was rounded at the top, with an ornate stained glass inlay that covered almost half the window. It was the source of your inspiration on sunny days.
It certainly wasn’t the nicest classroom, and sometimes a theory crossed your mind that your classroom had once been a generously-sized storage closet, but anything was better than being down in the dungeons of the castle.
You glanced up from your own painting to quickly sweep your eyes over the paintings your students were finishing up. You never had more than ten students a year, painting certainly wasn’t a common interest for wizards (much to your disappointment), but it didn’t matter. It gave you the opportunity to grow closer to your students, to get to know everyone’s individual art style. It made you all the more proud when you were able to see how much they progressed over the course of the year.
You glanced over to see Luna Lovegood, one of your students with the biggest imaginations, waving politely to catch your attention.
“Yes?” You asked softly.
“We won’t have time to finish our paintings this class. I know we’re not supposed to, but since it’s Friday, could we leave our supplies out? We’ll be back first thing on Monday.”
A few other students murmured their agreement. You smiled apologetically, silently cursing that you had given them an assignment far bigger than they had time to complete.
“Of course. That’s fine.” You dismissed everyone with a wave of your hand. “Go on. Enjoy the weekend. And don’t worry about handing in your still life sketches this week, you’ve got enough on your hands with the landscape painting I assigned.”
A handful of cheers erupted among the students, and you smiled as each one nodded and murmured their thanks before leaving.
You stood up from your desk, walking across the room to collect everyone’s paintbrushes one by one.
“Letting your students go without cleaning up after themselves?” A deep voice murmured softly from the doorway. “I’m surprised Y/N, I thought you were more disciplined than that.”
It never failed to startle you, how Severus had this uncanny ability to sneak up silently on you. Usually you’d be able to hear students’ footsteps echoing as they made their way up the stairs to your classroom, but Severus seemed to be able to glide noiselessly around the castle like a ghost.
You set your paintbrushes in the small sink that rested in the corner of your room, smiling in acknowledgement and beckoning the professor to come in.
“It’s Friday,” you answered, grabbing a paintbrush and using your fingers to work the paint out of the bristles. “They’ve got enough going on, I figured I’d give them a bit of a break.”
You heard Severus scoff as he approached you from behind.
“You’re too easy on them.”
“And you’re too hard on your own students, but you don’t see me waltzing into your classroom to nag.”
That earned a soft chuckle from the professor as he stood beside you.
“You can use magic to clean those.” Severus observed, nodding toward your fingers as you worked the leftover paint out of the brush.
“I know I can,” you shrug, watching the water beneath the brush turn a bright turquoise. “But I prefer not to. Helps me clear my mind a bit.”
“Hm.” Was the small response you got in reply. To your surprise, Severus reached into the sink and grabbed a paintbrush, mimicking your movements as he began cleaning it.
“Oh,” you exclaimed softly. “It’s okay, I can do that-”
“Too late,” Severus retorted, casting a quick glance at you out of the corner of his eye. “I’ve already started.”
The two of you scrubbed brushes in silence, and you just barely caught Severus let out a small, tired sigh. As you placed your final brush to the side to dry, you glanced at him.
“Rough day today?”
You had to hold in your giggles as he answered your question with the biggest eye roll you’d ever seen.
“That’s putting it lightly,” he muttered.
“Come,” you beckoned as you sat down in one of the empty seats in the middle of the class. You nodded for Severus to join you as you crossed one leg over the other and leaned back in your seat. “Tell me about it. What happened? Was it Potter again?
You smirked at the eye roll Severus gave you in response before tiredly making his way over to the seat across from you.
“Someone’s been stealing supplies for a Polyjuice potion,” he grumbled, pinching the bridge of his nose. “I have reasons to believe it’s Potter and his dunderhead friends.”
You bit back a smile, and raised an eyebrow. “What makes you think it’s him? Do you have evidence?”
“Trouble follows him wherever he goes, isn’t that evidence enough?”
You had trouble holding in a giggle, and Severus glared at you.
“He’s brewed Polyjuice potion before.” Severus continued. “It’s the only thing he can actually do well. And those specific ingredients keep going missing.”
You frown a little and shook your head.
“Really, Severus. I don’t know what you have against that boy, but you’ve got to give him a break,” you encouraged gently. “He’s got enough on his shoulders right now, with the Triwizard Tournament going on.”
“And what if he is stealing from my supplies?” Severus retorted.
“What if he isn’t?” You challenged calmly. Severus sighed again, shaking his head as he gazed at you.
“Should we place bets on whether it’s Potter who’s stealing from you?” You asked jokingly, leaning forward in your seat with a smirk. Severus pressed his lips together in a thin line.
“Why not?”
“Because every damned time we make a bet, you win.”
You snickered at Severus’ remark, before standing up from your seat and placing your hand reassuringly on the professor’s shoulder. He looked up at you with dark eyes that warmed very slightly at your touch.
“I truly do not know how you always manage to see the good in people.” He murmured, sighing tiredly. You squeezed his shoulder lightly.
“I just… see the good in everything I guess.” You shrugged. “Even things that seem terrible can be beautiful, if they’re in the right lighting.”
Severus let out a little snort at your comment, shaking his head.
“C’mon grumpypants,” you teased lightly, patting your friend on the back. “I know what’ll cheer you up.”
You walked over to your desk and opened the far left drawer. Upon hearing the dull scrape of wood as the drawer pulled open, Severus looked over at you with the tiniest smile.
“Have you added any teas to your collection?” He asked. He kept a somewhat level expression, but you couldn’t help but grin at the hint of a hopeful tone in his voice.
“I went to Hogsmeade last weekend and got a few more. Some just for you. Come over here and pick one, I’ll put the kettle on.”
Severus stood up just as you moved to the corner of the room to fill the kettle. You noticed out of the corner of your eye how shadow-like he was: the way his cloak billowed slightly as he almost seemed to glide over to your desk.
You heard a few papers rustle as you filled the kettle, and that’s when your heart stopped.
Oh no, oh god no.
You forgot to move your sketchbook, bloody hell.
Maybe Severus was looking at something else, you thought to yourself. Maybe you misheard and he was only rifling through your tea stash-
“Is this… me?”
Nope. He found it. Shit.
You set the kettle down slowly, your hands trembling as you felt a rush of heat fly up to your cheeks.
You kept your eyes glued to the teacups on the small wooden countertop, trying your best not to cringe as you continued to hear pages being flipped over gently.
“Y/N…” Severus murmured. “You drew these?”
You chewed your lip, just about ready to sink through the floorboards at this point.
“Y-yes.” Your voice came out as a small squeak, barely even intelligible.
You squeezed your eyes shut as you heard gentle footsteps approach you from behind.
“Turn around,” Severus encouraged softly. Clenching your jaw, you tried to ignore the burning heat in your cheeks as you shuffled around to face Severus.
His dark eyes were swirling with so many emotions, you genuinely couldn’t tell what he was thinking. It terrified you. You looked down, and saw that he was holding one of your sketches in his hand.
“I’m sorry,” you whispered. “I don’t show those to anyone, they’re just for me to practice with…”
“This is how you see me?”
You heard Severus‘ voice catch in his throat, and you looked up to see his features had softened into a gentle and almost sad expression. You lowered your gaze to his hands again, taking a closer look at the sketch he brought over.
It was from the Yule Ball a few months ago. You had sketched Severus during dinner after you saw him throw his head back in a hearty laugh, thanks to a dirty joke Professor Sprout had casually dropped at the staff table that night. You couldn’t remember the joke for the life of you, but you’d never forget the way Severus’ eyes lit up with a rare joy few ever saw. Nor would you forget the way his hair curled that night, perfectly framing his face and making him look almost angelic.
“Joy looks good on you.” You explained in the tiniest whisper, pressing your lips together nervously. “I… that was one of my first times seeing you laugh, and I just…”
You trailed off, silently cursing the fact that your face was still as red as ever. Finally, to your relief, Severus set your sketch down. But when you looked up at him, you noticed his eyes were glassy.
Was he… crying?
“Oh.” You gasp softly. “Oh no, I’m sorry. It’s a terrible drawing, I know-”
Severus shook his head. “Stop bloody apologizing. It’s beautiful. All your sketches are. I had no idea.”
“Well, you weren’t supposed to find out.” You muttered, laughing your nerves out softly. Your heart nearly stopped as Severus reached out, gently cradling your hands in his.
“Thank you.” He murmured quietly. “For… what you said.”
You frowned. “What did I say?”
“About… seeing the joy in me,” he replied. “That’s perhaps the kindest thing anyone has ever said to me.”
Your heart sank as you took in Severus’ words. You looked up, your soft eyes meeting his dark ones.
“It’s true.” You said simply. “It doesn’t take an expert to see you’ve been through some real shit, Sev. You deserve to be happy.”
Severus froze at your words, unsure of what to do or how to react. Then, to your surprise, he took one more step forward and closed the distance between the two of you. He wrapped his arms around you, and you nearly gasped at how tightly he held you to him. You returned his embrace without hesitation, finally calming after the initial scare of Severus finding your sketches. He was warm. You could get used to this feeling.
“Thank you, Y/N.” You heard Severus whisper.
“For what?” You asked back just as softly.
“Showing me how you see the world. How you see… me.”
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melzula · 3 months
North and South
part three
pairing: zuko x princess!reader
notes: we’re finally at the end! i hope you guys like some of the changes i made to the original comic storyline :)
summary: with Gilak in jail and the Northerners gone you assume the worst is over, but the festival incident was just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to how far the man is willing to go
~ part of the fire lilies series ~
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You don’t understand how everything has gotten so out of control.
What was meant to be a wonderful celebration of your friends’ return home had quickly been ruined Gilak’s ambush, and if not for Katara’s ability to heal Hakoda woukd have lost his life tonight. Tensions are high in the South, and you find yourself overwhelmed with worry for the future of the Water Tribe. If your people can’t even get along with each other, how will you ever be able to connect with the other nations?
“I don’t know what to do,” you admit in defeat as Zuko watches you pace back and forth from his place on your bed. “I know Gilak doesn’t speak for everyone, and for the most part everyone has been onboard with the changes we’ve made to the South, but there are still some Southerners who share his sentiment, and I don’t know how to fix it so that everyone is happy.”
“That’s the thing, y/n,” Zuko corrects you gently, being sure to phrase his words carefully so as to not upset you, “you can’t make everyone happy. It’s impossible. As leader you have to do what��s best for the majority, even if it means not everyone will like it. Just look at the New Ozai Society. They’ll never be happy no matter what I do as Fire Lord, but I don’t let their dislike for my decisions influence how I lead the Fire Nation.”
“I suppose you’re right,” you relent with a dejected sigh, flopping down beside him in defeat and sprawling out onto the blankets. “I just can’t help but feel like I should be doing more as Chief. I didn’t know about Gilak and his army, and I certainly didn’t know about Maliq’s ulterior motives regarding the oil refinery. Shouldn’t I have known?”
“You can’t be everywhere at once. You have to remember you’ve been busy rebuilding an entire tribe from the ground up while also trying to restore a part of your culture that was almost lost forever. You’re doing more than enough, and your people are grateful for all you do,” he assures you with a careful smile as he gently pushes back the hair from your face. “Maliq and his crew are leaving by morning and Gilak is in jail. Tomorrow will be better.”
“I’m so glad you’re here,” you express earnestly as you pull yourself up and press a kiss to his cheek. “I don’t know how I’d get through all of this without you.”
“Well it’s a good thing you don’t have to,” he smiles before sweetly brushing his nose against your own. After the chaos of the day, it’s nice to finally have a moment to settle down with your boyfriend, and you’re appreciative of the comfort Zuko always manages to bring you no matter how stressful the situation.
“Did you at least have fun at the festival? You know, before the whole drill incident,” you ask with a sheepish smile as you begin to carefully remove the braids you’d styled into Zuko’s hair for the party.
“I did,” he breathes out in a laugh, immediately melting at the sensation of your careful fingers combing through his hair. “It was a wonderful festival.”
He says nothing more as you continue to brush through his locks; it’s gotten longer since the last time you’ve seen him, and you enjoy the change. You’ve always loved his hair, and you appreciate the fact that he allows you the intimacy of brushing it for him.
“Do you think the conference will go well tomorrow? I’m afraid it might be too soon to start our work with the Earth Kingdom and Fire Nation if we can’t even seem to get along with the North.”
“You can’t wait for progress,” Zuko notes thoughtfully. “Making connections will only improve the South’s rebuilding process.”
You hum thoughtfully in response, but your mind begins to wander. You’re trying to see things from an open perspective, making changes that will benefit your people without forgetting about their past, but you haven’t been completely open to Hakoda’s suggestions. You were quick to shut down the idea of the oil rig despite its benefits, and though you’d been proven right about the problems such a project could cause, you also knew that not using available resources would also stunt the tribe’s growth. Zuko says you can’t wait for progress, but how do you know when the time is right?
“We should rest,” you suggest after finishing your work. “We have a long day ahead of us tomorrow.”
“I guess you’re right,” he relents with a sigh before rising from his seat on your bed. “I’ll see you in the morning?”
“You will,” you assure him before gifting him a kiss goodnight and watching him exit your room. Now alone, you collapse back onto your bed with an exhausted sigh.
“Tomorrow will be better,” you try to remind yourself.
But you’re not sure if you entirely believe that.
The day is calmer now that the construction crew is gone and Gilak is locked away. There are a handful of protestors outside the palace gates who demand that all foreigners leave the South, but they don’t seem to speak for the majority of your people, and for that you are grateful. Sokka and Toph manage crowd control while you prepare for the arrival of King Kue and the conference that is to take place today. Things are normal for the most part and your plans are back on track, so you try to remain positive and focused on the tasks at hand.
“Are you sure this conference is a good idea, y/n?” Katara asks after pulling you aside to express her concerns with you privately, the uncertainty clear on her features. “After everything that’s happened maybe the South just needs to handle things on its own first before starting to work with other nations.”
“I understand your concern, but with most of the Northerners gone we basically are on our own now. There are just some things the South can’t do by itself, so collaborating with other countries will not only give us connections but possible resources as well. I have to look at the bigger picture here.”
Katara is silent for a moment as she digests your words, but after a few moments of contemplation she finally gives you a nod. “I trust you’ll do what’s best for the tribe. I just don’t want us to end up becoming a cheap imitation of the North or lose our identity by inviting other Nations into our home.”
“Do you remember the conflict that arose during the Harmony Restoration Movement when the Earth King tried to separate the colonies?” You ask her with a faint smile, continuing when she gives you a puzzled yes as an answer. “We realized keeping the Fire and Earth people apart would do more harm than good for the future of the world and decided we needed to work together to build peace. Our entire friend group is composed of different nations, and our relationships too. My future with Zuko is dependent on our homes working together, on our people connecting with one another, and so I ask that you try to view this situation the same way you viewed it then.”
“I guess I never thought of it that way,” the water bender admits guiltily, your words obviously having struck a nerve with her. Who was she to pick and choose who got to work together and who didn’t? You had a point, and it was making her question how she truly felt about the changes occurring in her home.
“Chief y/n,” Hakoda calls from the doorway, promptly ending your discussion with Katara, “King Kue has arrived.”
The Earth King enters the meeting room with a look of awe as he observes the interior of the chamber and admires the Southern architecture of the building, and you promptly bow in respect in his presence before offering him your hand to shake.
“King Kue, it’s my honor to have you here in the South. We greatly appreciate you taking the time to attend this conference.”
“I’ve been wanting to visit the South Pole for years since meeting you all! It’s wonderful albeit freezing,” he admits with a sheepish chuckle while taking your hand.
“We’re happy to have you here, and after the conference I’d be glad to give you a tour,” you sincerely assure him before guiding him to his seat.
With all of your friends and the king present, you’re able to begin your presentation alongside Hakoda. You let him and Malina take the reins for the first half as they detail their plans to create an updated harbor for the South. They explain the logistics and the benefits of the project before allowing you to take over and explain the diplomatic prospects.
“Our hope is that this harbor will give the world a chance to visit our home and partake in our commerce as well as educate themselves on our history. Through outreach we hope to build stronger connections with our neighboring nations and establish an era of harmony and peace,” you explain with a pleased smile, eager to convey your ideas for the other leaders to hear. This is definitely the biggest thing you’ve done as Chief so far, and you briefly wonder if your father would be proud to see how far you’ve come.
“Chief y/n also came up with the idea of establishing embassies in both of your nations as well as allowing you to do the same here to further outreach between our people. However, as advisor I must note we don’t necessarily have the funds to enact this plan,” Hakoda states plainly, exchanging glances with you before looking to Zuko and Kue, “and that is why we’ve invited you here. We would be thrilled to have your partnership to make this vision a reality and strengthen the bond between our homes.”
You hopefully scan the room to gauge their reactions, and for the most part everyone seems to be open to your plan- well, everyone but Katara. It isn’t easy to ignore the subtle disapproval on her features and her obvious hesitance to opening up the South to the world, and it diminishes your optimistic mood. You recall what Zuko had said about not being to make everyone happy, but it’s hard to do when it’s one of your closest friends that seems to disapprove of your choices.
“You can count the Fire Nation in,” Zuko says proudly while directing his gaze from Hakoda to you. “Your people have suffered so much destruction at our hands, and we are grateful for the opportunity to help you rebuild.”
“Thank you, Fire Lord Zuko. Your efforts are greatly appreciated,” you express sincerely, taking extra care to be professional when speaking to your boyfriend in front of your peers.
“I’m sorry that the Earth Kingdom can’t offer our support so readily. We have so many of our own needs at home,” King Kue states sullenly with obvious disappointment clear in his tone. “But if I could show my advisers that the Southern Water Tribe is going to make measurable, concrete progress toward civilization-“
“Excuse me?!” Katara butts in harshly. The offense is clear in her tone, and her outburst takes everyone by surprise.
“Oh dear, please forgive the clumsiness of my words, Katara! I should have phrased it differently,” he quickly interjects in a panic. “We would simply want you to achieve a higher form where the South becomes a cleaner, safer, nicer-“
“King Kue,” you interrupt gently as you do your best to remain calm despite your displeasure at his words, “please be mindful when speaking about our home. You are a guest here, and just as we treat you with respect we expect the same.”
“Of course! What I meant to say was-“
“Chief y/n!” A voice interrupts as one of your guards bursts into the room. His tone and features are full of urgency as he approaches. “We’ve just received an alert from the prison! Gilak and his army-“
You cry out in horror as the man is swiftly knocked unconscious by a boomerang, and all your friends quickly jump up from the table in preparation to defend themselves from the oncoming threat. Zuko is by your side in an instant, guarding your figure with his own so that you’re kept away from the danger. He knows you can handle yourself, but after what happened with Koa he isn’t taking any chances this time.
Gilak and his men flood through the doorway, his malicious gaze focused on Hakoda who stands in the center of the room and protectively shields Malina from the group.
“Look at you, Hakoda. So eager to sell our tribe to foreign masters! And you,” he says in disdain as he points his boomerang in your direction, “so easy to be brainwashed by your advisor and your ash maker boyfriend. So easy to manipulate and fool. Perhaps Koa was right about you, y/n. What does a little girl know about running a tribe?”
“You watch your mouth!” Sokka cries out harshly in defense of you and his father.
“You watch it, boy. We’re taking over this meeting.”
“For the tribe!” Gilak’s soldiers cry out before all chaos breaks loose. Two of his men charge towards you only for Zuko to shoot flames towards them in retaliation.
“Stay back!” He commands fiercely, but your own safety is the least of your worries at the moment.
“Protect the Earth King!” You call out as you send a blast of snow into the gut of an attacker before they can reach Kue. Another soldier tries to strike you from behind, but you’re able to quickly dodge their attack before encasing their feet in ice so they can longer attempt an attack on you or your friends. “You swore an oath to serve the royal family and the people of this tribe! How dare you turn against me?!”
“It’s not us you should be worrying about, Chief,” the woman glowers scornfully. “It’s that no good Hakoda and your Fire Lord boyfriend you should be looking out for. They’ve made you forget who you are.”
“I know who I am,” you utter lowly before raising your hands to lift the ice so it encases her entire body. “Maybe you should think about who you are while you wait for the ice to melt.”
Your attention is pulled away from the guard at the sound of a loud crash, and you barely manage to catch a glimpse of Gilak narrowly missing Zuko as he brings his whale tooth blade down into the table. Gasping, you quickly maneuver the water around your arms to form tentacles that wrap around the man’s torso and lift him into the air before slamming him back down again. The impact is forceful enough to disable him of his weapon, and Zuko quickly kicks it away from his grasp.
“Thank you,” he breathes out in relief, clearly overwhelmed from the sudden chaos. You don’t have time to reply as more of Gilak’s army begin to break through the windows and wreak havoc on the palace. You’re completely surrounded, and despite your best efforts to fight them off you can’t ignore the fact that you’re outnumbered. You briefly remember to thank the spirits for the fact that your mother is out visiting Kanna and Pakku and not here in the midst of the danger.
Gilak gets a hold of Hakoda while the rest of you are distracted fighting his warriors, and your friends are quick to rush out after him. You follow in suit only to hesitate when you realize someone must stay behind to guard Kue. You trust in your group’s ability to handle Gilak on their own, but you don’t exactly trust the King to take care of himself. Without anyone noticing, you slip back into the meeting room in search of the monarch.
“Your highness! Your highness, we have to get you out of here!” You call out while frantically scanning the room for him. The chamber is dead silent and questioningly empty considering it had just been teeming with invaders, and there isn’t a single sign of Kue.
You hear the crunching of glass behind you and quickly pivot your body towards the noise, and the sound is enough of a distraction for you to be ambushed by chi-blockers who quickly disarm you of your bending and let your body fall to the floor with a thud.
“Not so high and mighty now, are you, ‘Chief’?” One of them taunts before moving out of the way so another can scoop your limp figure off the ground.
“Where is King Kue?!” You demand as you your eyes look around the room in a panicked hunt for the man.
“Relax, that oaf is fine,” the girl brushes you off with a dismissive wave of her hands. “He’s hiding in a closet somewhere like the coward he is. Besides, it was never about him. We knew you’d be stupid enough to come back for him, and you took the bait.”
“What do you mean?” You say in disbelief as they begin to sneak you out through one of the hallways before your friends can notice.
“You’re the problem with this place, you’re the one who let the outsiders in. We need someone new in charge, but we can’t do that until we get rid of you and Hakoda first.”
Dread fills your stomach at her explanation, and you’re able to do nothing but hang limply over the man’s shoulder as they take you to their hideout. For the sake of the tribe you hope Hakoda and your friends are okay, and you hope they can find you before it’s too late.
Outside of the palace, Gilak and his men have vanished and Hakoda has been returned safely to his children. It seems the chaos is over until Zuko looks to his side and notices his Princess is nowhere to be seen. Panic immediately fills his gut as he rushes back into the palace and begins his feverish search for her.
“Y/n! My love, where are you?!” He calls out, and after finding no sign of you anywhere his worry begins to morph into anger. “No… No!”
“What’s wrong, Zuko?” Toph demands after hearing his enraged roars. The group looks to Zuko with concern in their gazes as he lets out a vengeful blast of flames from his mouth. The Fire Lord is seething, and there’s only one cause for his fury.
“They took y/n.”
You sit in an empty room tied to a chair with Gilak as your only form of company. For a long while neither of you speak, both of you locked into a staring contest as his eyes of contempt meet your own indignant ones.
“It didn’t have to be this way,” he finally says to break the silence, slowly beginning to circle around your chair like a shark. “I tried to get you to see things from our perspective, but you were just too stubborn. You didn’t want to see the danger in front of you, and even when Maliq disrespected you in front of the entire tribe you still went ahead and invited outsiders into the South.”
“What is so wrong about working with others?” You demand fruitlessly, unable to comprehend how he can be filled with so much hatred. “Not every outsider is bad, but you’re too full of resentment to see that! We’ve been able to accomplish great things because of the help of our sister tribe, and with the help of the Fire Nation-“
“The Fire Nation?!” Gilak bellows angrily, and you can’t help but to flinch in fear at his outburst. “They burned down our outer villages, desecrated our water benders, took our Chief from us! They are the reason we must rebuild in the first place! And yet you invite the Fire Lord onto our land simply because you let your love for him blind you of his true nature.”
“The Fire Nation did horrible things, yes. But Zuko is trying to right the wrongs of the past. There is good in his heart as there is in the hearts of other Fire Nation citizens. I’ve witnessed it firsthand. We cannot remain stuck in the past if we wish to build a future.”
“There is no future for the Southern Water Tribe with you and Hakoda in charge, and that’s why I’m taking matters into my own hands,” he says menacingly before signaling for two of his guards to remove you from the chair and bind your limbs together so you can be transported out of the tunnels.
“What are you going to do?”
“I’ve sent a letter to Hakoda asking him to meet me at the Bridge of No Return. He’s under the impression he’ll be trading his life for yours, but once he sets foot on that bridge and meets you in the center I’ll cut the line before either of you can make it safely across.”
“No…” you utter in disbelief, panic beginning to settle in your gut.
“The South will finally be rid of its problem, and then we can truly begin to strengthen our tribe.”
You’re able to say nothing more as a cloth is tied around your mouth to keep you from speaking. The last thing they want is for you to try and warn the others of their plan once you get to the bridge.
The guards carry you away, and you desperately try to come up with a plan of escape before it’s too late.
Zuko is anxious as he makes his way up the mountains. While fruitlessly searching endless tunnels hadn’t brought you back to him, receiving the letter from Gilak detailing your whereabouts didn’t exactly ease his nerves either. You were in danger, and if for some reason Sokka’s plan failed your life could be lost tonight. The thought almost sends him reeling, but he reminds himself to stay focused on the task at hand. He needs to be at his best if he plans to get you back safely- he promised your distraught mother he’d return you to her alive, and that’s what he planned to do.
“There she is!” Sokka exclaims as he points to your sullen figure across the way. Your arms are completely bound and a cloth is wrapped around your mouth to keep you quiet, and the sight has Zuko fuming. How dare they treat you so disrespectfully? He begins to rush forward only for Sokka to halt his efforts. “Hold on, buddy. I know you want her back safe but we can’t make any rash decisions or this plan won’t work.”
Zuko falters, huffing out a breath of smoke through his nose in protest before backing off. His eyes meet your desperate ones from across the way and his chest aches at the sight. He’d failed to protect you, and now you were a captive being used as bait for Gilak’s plan. He shouldn’t have left you behind, he shouldn’t have taken his eyes off of you, and he shouldn’t have let this happen.
You watch helplessly from across the way as Gilak sends his chi-blockers towards your friends and wince on their behalf as they receive the paralyzing blows. You let out a muffled cry of alarm as one by one they collapse to the ground, but you’re unable to do anything as the man gives you a harsh shove from behind.
“Get moving, Princess. Your time is up.”
You stumble forward onto the rickety bridge and take cautious steps in fear the wood falling out from beneath you. Hakoda meets you halfway before carefully pulling down the cloth from your mouth. Your features are frantic as you immediately utter jumbled pleas for him to leave.
“Hakoda, they’re going to cut the bridge! You have to get off,” you urge him desperately, tears welling in your eyes as you try to shove him back. The man rests his hands upon your shoulders to stop your movements before reaching down to remove your binds.
“I know,” he says softly as he gives you a reassuring smile before looking across the way. “I promise you we’re going to be okay.”
You follow his gaze to see Malina using her bending to stop Gilak from cutting the bridge. On the other side, your friends have risen from the ground and are busy taking out his army of soldiers. His plan has failed, and Hakoda quickly begins to usher you across the unstable structure.
The bridge begin to tremble as more weight is added onto it, and behind you Gilak angrily chases after you and Hakoda with a torch in hand. He doesn’t plan to give up so easily, so consumed by hatred that it’s made him crazed.
“I’m not letting either of you get away with this! You need to be punished for what you’ve done!” He roars angrily before charging at you both. “I’m going to take you down even if it means I have to go with you.”
“Are you mad?!” Hakoda cries before shoving you behind him to keep you out of Gilak’s reach. Another jolt shoots through the structure as Malina attempts to stop your attacker, but her efforts only cause him to involuntarily light the bridge aflame with his torch. As the two struggle for control over one another, Zuko dashes onto the bridge and uses his bending to put the fire before it can spread.
“Zuko!” You cry out in relief at the sight of him, only wanting his comfort after everything you’ve been through in the last twenty four hours. He meets your eyes and smiles in relief at the fact that you’re okay, but his features quickly morph into ones of dread as the burnt rope snaps and the bridge collapses. Your stomach drops as your feet lose contact with the ground beneath you, but the Fire Lord is quick to reach out and capture you by the wrist before you can fall.
“Hold on tight!” He tells you, making sure your hold on his forearm is secure before he propels the two of you upward using the streams of flames he releases from his feet. You land safely on the fresh snow below you, and you’re more than grateful to finally feel the ground beneath you again.
“Oh, Zuko!” You breathe out in relief before throwing yourself into his arms and holding him tight. His warmth soothes the chill in your bones from being so close to death, and he’s quick to return your embrace.
“I’m here,” he assures you as he carefully strokes your back. “I’ve got you.”
“Where’s King Kue?” You ask as you rapidly scan the area in search of the man. “Is he alright?”
“He’s fine, Pakku and your mother are looking after him. Are you okay?” He reiterates before pulling out of the hug to get a look at you. Indents have been left behind on your cheeks from the cloth that had been tightly wrapped around your head, and Zuko carefully looks you over for any other signs of hurt.
“I’m okay,” you promise him with a quick nod. “The chi-blocking wore off, I just feel tingly from being tied up is all.”
“They tied you up?!” Zuko exclaims angrily only to calm down when he sees the abashed look on your face. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to raise my voice. It just makes me so upset to think that someone would want to hurt you. I’m sorry I didn’t protect you.”
“It’s not your fault, Zuko,” you correct him with a slight frown. “If it weren’t for you I would have fallen of that bridge.”
“Speaking of which,” Sokka interrupts urgently as he directs your attention to the collapsing structure, “it’s about to give! How are we gonna get them back up here!”
“I can go back down and get them,” Zuko insists only for Sokka to wave him off.
“Your weight would make it collapse before we could save anyone.”
“I’ll try to keep it stable!” Toph offers as she uses her earth bending to support the structure. “You guys are gonna have to work fast, I’m not sure how long this will hold.”
You watch as Katara and Aang spring into action to gather the others, and the Avatar is able to grab hold of them right as the bridge finally falls apart. He struggles to bring them up, and you watch anxiously as he flies his guider back towards the cliff top. Gilak isn’t making it an easy task he makes a last ditch attempt to lash at Hakoda, but the man only succeeds in losing his grip in the process and falling towards the bottom of the cliff.
“Gilak!” You cry out in horror, turning away so you don’t have to watch the man plummet to his death. Despite all he’s done, you’d never wish for death on anyone, and so you’re torn at the fact that this is how the conflict will end.
“There was nothing Aang could do,” Zuko says in an attempt to comfort you, but you’re not sure if it helps. Hakoda and Malina are brought to safety, and you’re left to deal with the aftermath of all that’s occurred.
“How did you all overcome the chi-blocking?” You ask as your mind begins to process all that’s occurred. You couldn’t compute how your friends hadn’t been susceptible to the blocks like you had.
“Metal armor!” Sokka explains proudly while showcasing you his invention. “It was my idea, but Toph made it a reality.”
“Sokka, you genius!” You laugh, throwing your arms around him in a hug full of gratitude for his help. “I can always count on you to figure out a solution to every problem.”
“Thank you, y/n, I am a genius.”
“Please don’t make his ego any bigger than it needs to be,” Katara teases before taking your hands in her own and giving them a gentle squeeze. “I’m glad you’re okay, and I’ve been thinking about what you said, about changing my perspective. I think you’re right.”
“I’m happy you see it that way,” you tell her with a careful smile before looking to her father and Malina. “And I think it’s time I did the same. If you both can come up with a revised proposal for an ecofriendly oil refinery that will benefit the South, I’d be happy to give it another look.”
“Thank you, Chief y/n,” Hakoda says gratefully, sharing an excited glance with Malina, “we appreciate your openness.”
“We need to get you back to the palace,” Zuko tells you while resting a careful hand on your back. “Your mother is probably worried sick waiting for you, and I promised I’d bring you home safely.”
“Spirits, you’re right,” your murmur fretfully before taking hold of his hand and quickly beginning your descent down the mountain.
“They’re good for each other, aren’t they?” Hakoda notes to your friends as he watches your figures disappear over the hill.
“They are,” Katara agrees with a faint smile, her mind beginning to imagine what your future will look like. The embassies will provide a good foundation for the relationship of the Water Tribe and Fire Nation, and the project will be a testament to what you and Zuko had proved long ago.
The fate of the nations are in good hands.
The South has settled back into its normal routine. With the death of Gilak and arrests of his army came the end of the protests, and reconstruction was able to resume without the threat of unrest or discontent among your people.
You stand inside the museum with Zuko by your side, your hands interlocked as you stare at the wall before you. You’re in the hall of royal families, an area full of photos and relics of all the people from the past and present. You’d ventured into the Princess exhibit and were now staring at your wanted poster hanging on the wall of your section. You’d swiped the scroll from a Fire Nation market place while in disguise with the Avatar and his friends, and you felt it was an important piece of history to include in your exhibit.
“That’s the prettiest wanted poster I’ve seen,” Zuko comments with a small smile. “It’s strange to think how much has changed since this poster was made.”
“The past is a strange place,” you agree quietly before looking to your boyfriend. “Now that the war is over, do you ever find yourself thinking about the future?”
“Always,” he says, a familiar spark in his eyes as he stares down at you.
“We’re living proof that a strong connection between nations is possible. We always have been, and yet it scares people like Gilak.”
“People like Gilak fear change,” he murmurs lowly, the mere mention of the main leaving a bad taste in his mouth. “They fear going against tradition, and we are far from being a traditional couple.”
“Yeah, but I like it that way,” you say with a smile before reaching up to press a tender kiss to his lips. Zuko’s hands find their place on your hips as he pulls you in close to savor the feeling.
With peace in the South having been reestablished, you now have a good feeling about what awaits you in the future. It’s going to be complicated, there’s no arguing that, but you’re willing to face whatever challenges arise if it means getting to be with the boy you love.
You and Zuko are the hope for the future of your nations, and if your relationship has been able to withstand all the difficulties and heartaches that have come over the years, then there’s no doubt in your mind that your people will be able to do the same.
Water and fire are opposing elements, and yet you both work so well together. You’re two halves of a whole, and no one will ever be able to break you apart again.
| zuko tags: @ilovespideyyy @yiyibetch @eridanuswave @lammello @a-monsters-love @taeeemin @livelaughlovekuni @lovialy
| fire lilies tags: @emberislandplayers @kikaninchen-2 @music-geek19 @thia-aep @thyunnamed @haylaansmi @nataliahaslosthershit @idkdude776 @aangsupremacy @thirstyforsometea @ihaveaproblem98 @brown-eyed-thang @xapham @misnmatchedsox @chewymoustachio @that-bucket-hat-gal @chilifrylizard2 @kyomihann @kaylove12 @kiwihoee @freggietale @moon-spirit-yue @bubblegum-bee-otch @cipheress-to-k-pop @potato87123
| atla tags: @sirkekselord @niktwazny303
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hauntedhokage · 10 months
laundry day
Eijiro Kirishima/Fem!Reader 
word count: 2k
summary: Laundry day was one of his favorite days of the week for a few reasons. A broken washing machine in your apartment requiring a trip to a laundromat wasn’t going to ruin that for him.
warnings: public sex, fingering, needy!Kiri, references to past (probably painful) quirk mishaps, unprotected sex, Kirishima is a talker 
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“Why don’t you sort your clothes?” you grumble, sifting through the laundry bag he carried in to see if there were any more white shirts hiding in there. You’d already found three, you were certain there’d be more. There was always one more. 
“Why is it now a problem?” he asks from where he sits atop one of the folding tables, watching as he was told while you load the washing machines. “Didn’t care last week.”
“Last week the washer wasn’t broken on laundry day.”
“So at home I can just throw the next shirt I find into the machine. Here the door locks when it starts washing so I can’t do that and I’d like to protect your white clothes while not paying extra to wash them.”
“If these,” he lifts a pair of your red panties and swings them around his finger, “turn one of my shirts pink, then I’m not complaining. It’ll probably remind me of your p-”
“Stop right there.” 
“I was gonna say panties, before you get yours in a bunch.” The teasing only has you slamming the washer door shut, rolling your eyes as he laughs while slingshotting your panties into the other machine that already had some of his clothes in it. “Relax, baby, it’s laundry day!”
“Not as fun when we’re not at home, Eijiro.” 
“You’re working too hard, that’s all.” And he wasn’t helping, so go figure. The busy pro hero had not done the laundry since you’d moved in together - that was happily taken on as your task since he always managed to do the dishes even after long days of work keeping the streets clean and free from villany. The busy pro who always tried to take laundry day, or at least the morning of laundry day, to stay home since the rule was “everything worn gets washed” which meant he got to watch you walk around the apartment naked while he also lounged around in the buff. 
The washing machine breaking the other day, and your darling pro hero boyfriend’s tired attempt at fixing it only making it worse, is why you had to be in the laundromat and washing clothes while fully clothed. 
“Do you work later?”
“Trying not to, but anything can happen.” 
You nod at that, holding your hand out for more coins and looking over when he only put his hand in yours to hold it. The relaxed smile on his face eases all the tension in your body almost immediately; and you squeeze his hand with a smile of your own as he puts the coins in for you, bringing your knuckles to his lips for a kiss as you start the machine. 
“Not very chivalrous of me to let you do all the work here, when it’s kinda my fault we have to be here.”
“I won’t tell if you won’t,” you promise, leading him back towards the folding table you’d made your base camp for the morning. He lifts you onto it with ease, standing between your legs and resting his head on your chest. He hadn’t styled his hair this morning so the bright red locks laid flat against his head, making it easy for you to run your fingers through his hair and scratch at his scalp without getting product under your nails.
“'M sorry I messed up the washer.”
“All good, the thing was going out anyway. The new one gets delivered on Monday, and we’ll be back to normal.” Your reasoning is met with a hum, his fingers ghosting along the skin of your thighs left uncovered by your shorts. It’s an innocent touch, but quickly turns less than when those nimble digits dance their way under the loose material along the inside of your thighs. 
“Eijiro, we’re in public.”
“We’re alone, baby, ‘n I wanna say sorry:”
“You can say sorry at home.”
“Not fun.” He’s pouting at you now, trying to play at your weaknesses while his fingers stay just barely away from your mound. “C’mon, baby, it’ll be okay. Just wanna take care of you for taking such good care of me. Just my fingers, promise.”
There were many ways that this could go wrong. He couldn’t “just” finger you, he was too eager to please and once he got a taste of you he could never stop. Not until you were thoroughly spent and requiring that he stopped so you could breathe. But you couldn’t fight the pout, nor could you argue with the desire that he’d stirred up with his fingers alone. 
“Just your fingers?”
“I promise, and you know a chivalrous hero never breaks a promise.” 
He hadn’t yet, and that has you nodding while leaning in to kiss him. The grin on his face is nothing short of victorious, his fingers finding their place between your folds and finding that your body had chosen long before you did. 
“Already wet, and you didn’t wear panties. I’d say you wanted to get fucked in the laundromat this morning.”
“My body knows that laundry soap means I’m about to get dicked down, that’s all.”
“Mhm. I’m sure my big muscles carrying both of the baskets in one trip had nothing to do with it.”
“You caught me.” Your hand coming up to grip one of those biceps when two fingers push into your wet pussy with ease only has him smirking, pushing his forehead to yours to ensure he didn’t miss a single indication of pleasure in your face. “I do love your big muscles, Eiji.”
“Yeah, I know. What do you want for lunch?” His fingers move inside you as he poses the question, thumb carefully grazing over your clit which has you gasping before you can answer. “ I don’t think ‘ah!’ is food, baby.”
Your witty counter is just a whispered “shut up”, as he’s bringing a third finger to join the other two and the feeling of the stretch has your mind buffering a bit. It’d been about a week since you and Eijiro had time like this, he’d been busy and your own work had picked up a bit - two tired bodies and exhausted minds did not make for real interest in sex. 
“Missed you, baby,” he whispers, nudging your nose with his own as his fingers continue their easy thrusts. “Missed you so much, I hate how much I’m working.”
“Missed you too, Eiji,” you murmur back, teeth catching his top lip as his fingers curl inside you. “But your work is important, I can handle the late nights and early mornings.”
“Not very chivalrous to leave a beautiful girl all alone in that big bed.” His thumb presses against your clit, his free hand holding your thigh open to keep his access unrestricted. “Needed her big strong hero to keep her warm, help her cum, and I was off being chivalrous to other people.”
His thumb lifts, and you try to follow but his hands keep you firmly planted in your spot at the table. This wasn’t the time to tease, but you knew he wouldn’t risk dragging this out while you were in public, it was too dangerous for that. 
“I’d get on my knees for you right now if I could.” His whisper is heavy with his own need, a hiss escaping when your free hand cups the bulge in his shorts. “Baby.”
“It’s not breaking a promise if I ask, right?” your offer has him pulling back so he could properly look at you with pupils blown, lips parted - the picture of needy perfection, swallowing in anticipation when you whisper: “Please fuck me, Eijiro.”
You trusted that he wouldn’t agree if there was even a chance of being caught on camera. He was in the top ten, there was too much to lose in a scandal like this. So you knew it was safe when he nods, but you also knew that the excitement might end up being too much for him. 
His hands are only slightly shaky as he pushes his shorts down just enough to free his length, and you’re thankful that your shorts only needed to be pushed to the side to allow him to line himself up with your dripping core since you didn’t want to have to scramble for them should someone come in. 
Even with the prep; after two weeks without him, the stretch to accommodate feels insane. Maybe it’s the environment and the risk making you tense,which in turn was making your gummy walls akin to a vice around your sweet boyfriend, but you know by the look on his face that he’s not going to last long this time around - but he’d always deliver.
“Need a minute,” he mumbles, his hands gripping your hips as your hands carefully come up to hold his cheeks. “Can’t even begin to explain how fucking great you feel right now.” 
“Just keep that quirk in check, big guy,” you whisper, earning a breathy laugh from your lover at the reminder as his hands give you a gentle squeeze. Those hands were always gentle when they touched you, holding your hips at just the right angle as he started to move inside you. The pressure of his fingertips was just right, his hips meeting yours in borderline frantic thrusts with one goal: get off before getting caught in the act. Your hand finds itself on the back of his head, fingers interwoven in the soft red locks as he kisses along your jawline. Gentle nips are soothed by softer kisses, sweet nothings whispered in between while you relish in the attention you’re getting from your beloved.
And the whole time he’s talking. Whispering to you how much he loves you, how wonderful you are, how good you feel, how badly he can’t wait to get you home and do this all over again all day until he has to stop. It’d been too long, he’d missed you and your body so much, he never wanted to go that long without you again. 
“Baby, baby, fuck,” he groans, pressing his face into the crook of your neck as the grip on your hips grew tighter. The pace of his thrusts becomes uneven, one hand moving from your hip so he could rub at your clit to push you towards his desired end. “You’re so fucking good, gonna cum for me? Gonna cum so I can give you mine?”
You can only nod, your own hand tightening in his hair to keep him close while he fucks into you. You can hear the back of the table you’re perched on banging against the washing machines behind you, but you can’t hear the words tumbling from your lips into his shoulder as the coil in your gut continues to tighten. 
“That’s it, baby, please please cum. Always look so pretty when you do.” His mumbles into your neck only push you closer, your heart pounding and blood rushing through your ears the only thing that you could focus on as your legs tighten around his hips. You’re biting into his shoulder when you finally topple over that edge, the release desperately needed and has your toes curling as his hips still against yours and your senses are flooded with a different warmth. 
“Fuck,” you whisper, releasing his hair and gently massaging at his scalp to try and soothe whatever ache might have been left from your grip. “Needed that, baby. Needed you.”
“Pretty girl needed her big strong hero.” Your confirmation has him grinning into your neck, leaving a gentle kiss on your skin before he’s pulling back to rest his forehead against yours. 
“Let's get cleaned up, baby. Wanna sit or come with me to the bathroom?”
“I’ll sit.” 
He nods as he pulls out, tucking himself back into his shorts before leaving you with a kiss to your nose to go to the bathroom. You only sit for a second before you’re turning back to face where he was still heading to the bathroom. 
“There was a bathroom all along!?"
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mvltisstuff · 10 months
hii!! i hope your summer has been/was wonderful!!
if it’s possible could you do an evan buckley request to “begin again” by taylor swift?
where reader was in a really rough relationship and now with buck he’s treating her like an actual goddess and she’s constantly questioning to herself how she deserves it and mentioning how weird it is that he actually cares about/loves her.
thank you so so much in advance!! 🫶
begin again - e.b
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summary: request
evan buckley x reader
gif from @meep-meep-richie
a/n: guys i’m SO sorry i have been so slow again w the fics, i’ve just been trying to enjoy summer as much as i can, but i certainly have some coming your way ;)) thank you for the request love, and i hope the rest of your august is lovely <3 i did a bit of a different style with this, hope you enjoy
“can you keep your location on this time?” her boyfriend asks, seeing her getting ready in the mirror.
“i’m just going to work, thomas,” y/n chuckles, thinking it was harmless, but she was his eyes roll almost to the back of his head.
“i’m just asking you one thing, y/n,” he groans.
“i just think you could trust me, i have a long shift today,” she brushes her hair back into an elastic, getting her belongings before grabbing her phone. she always tells herself that she’ll stand up for herself, but she falls into his traps anyway. she presses the small button hesitantly, showing him her location.
“hi, buck!” she greeted, as he walks in the door. he jogs right up to her, kissing the side of her cheek as she giggles into his touch. “i’m going out with some friends tonight, but i’ll be back before you know it so we can spend time together!”
“don’t rush, baby,” he laughs. “take your time with your friends, have a fun night.” he goes to love his stuff onto his counter, but she follows up behind him.
“oh, here, i’ll send you the link to find my friends,” she looks down at her phone, so she doesn’t see the confusion written all over his face.
“the link to what?”
“i’m just gonna send you my location, so you don’t have to ask.”
“honey, i don’t need your location,” he smiles lightly, giving her reassurance and it’s her turn to be confused.
“a-are you sure?” her nose crinkles along with her brows.
“of course, i trust you, always,” he tells her, letting the weight on her shoulders drop. she was hoping he wasn’t mad, but he would never, ever get mad at her for something as silly as that.
“oh!” she says, shocked but still appreciating him. “okay, thank you, i’ll be back in a bit.”
“don’t thank me, just be safe,” he pecks her lips again, watching her skip happily out the door.
y/n looked back in the long mirror again, slipping on a pair of heels to compliment the adorable dress she was wearing. they went along perfectly, and now she finally had an occasion to wear them. she was thrilled to show thomas her outfit, feeling pretty in her own skin and twirling the dress out in the mirror. she turned around, expecting a bright smirk on his face, but she was met with a flat expression.
“what’s wrong?” she asked, concern written in her words.
“nothing,” he grumbles, moving over to adjust his sleeves and grab something from the nightstand.
“no, somethings wrong. i can tell in your voice.”
“y/n, leave it,” he sighs, looking over at y/n who’s still waiting for a response. “are you sure you want to wear that?”
“what do you mean?”
“i mean, its a bit too much, don’t you think?” y/n looked back at the dress, not seeing anything wrong with it. maybe it was the design, her body, but clearly something was wrong with it. maybe she just couldn’t see the way he does. “we’re not going to the club, are we?”
“no, but i wanted to look nice.”
“maybe you should keep looking,” he tried to disguise his heartbreaking words with a light grin, but y/n saw right through it. he loves her, he just wants what’s best for her and she knows he knows best. so, she hung the dress back up and put the heels back in their box. she ran into the bathroom to change again, practicing happy smiles and tried to fight back the stinging tears in her eyes. he doesn’t want her to ruin her makeup.
buck and y/n’s schedules had aligned again, letting her finally be able to meet his real work family. she was so happy she could finally enter this part of his life, and only wanted to support all of his team at the 118.
y/n had been in the bathroom for a while, a little too long for buck to not have any concern. she was examining her outfit, the same dress she wore when thomas told her to take it off. she still felt beautiful in it, but not as much as she did. she never realized how easily someone could take away her confidence. she figured she’d at least leave a pair of new heels out, thinking buck would appreciate the simple sandal.
“y/n?” he knocks, lightly. “you doing alright, honey?”
“yeah!” she answers, suddenly getting that nervous feeling in her stomach. she hesitated on opening the door, but she clicked the lock and pulled it open. she felt more vulnerable than ever standing in front of him. she knew his reaction and that he’d want it off, but she was only met with complete admiration.
“woah,” he exhales, looking at her gorgeous dress and wonderful figure underneath.
“i can change if you don’t want me to wear this, i have a few more options in the bathro-“
“are you kidding? you have to wear this, you look so beautiful in this, y/n!”
“i do?” she asks, looking into his genuine eyes.
“of course you do, what makes you say that?”
“it’s just that, you know, it’s nothing,” she tried to walk back over to the shoe rack, looking for her sandals but his hand stops her.
“hey, talk to me,” buck requests, softly but also wanting her to be able to open up.
“my ex didn’t like this dress, he didn’t think i was good enough for a piece of fabric,” she laughs sarcastically, but buck can tell it hurts her still.
“well, he’s a dumbass, a dumbass who lost you,” he replies. “i’ve never seen someone more gorgeous than you, i don’t care what anyone says. i’ll spend every day proving it to you.”
“how do you do that?”
“do what?”
“just make everything so much better without trying?”
“oh, you know,” buck jokes, putting his arm around her shoulder. “im a natural, that’s all.” she slaps his shoulder, laughing at him before going off to see his family.
y/n stood in the corner of the room in an outfit she never wanted to wear today. she watched everyone converse in a friendly way, only few people stopping by to say hello. even if they did, it lasted a few minutes. she quickly became a decoration to thomas, just being there for silent support before he ditched her for more rich businesspeople. she sipped lightly at her small glass of champagne, wishing she had the whole bottle with her.
he didn’t see any potential in her, not even caring to introduce her until someone asked who she was. she never had felt more out of place, but it became a regular thing. he’d venture off to talk to other people, leaving y/n in the dark. she felt like she was just swept under the rug, something to deal with later.
“bobby, come over here!” buck shouted across the room, waving his hand for bobby to come over. when he did, he had a welcoming smile on his face and shook y/n’s hand. “this is my girlfriend, y/n.”
“it’s nice to finally meet you, y/n,” he says. “we’ve heard a lot about you, like a lot.”
“thank you for having me today,” she replies gracefully, looking at buck who’s glancing back at her with pride in his face.
“it’s our pleasure, really, you’re a delight, y/n.” athena walks in, wrapping her arm around bobby’s waist and offering y/n a drink. buck guides her over to chim and hen who sat together on one of the benches in the grants backyard.
“y/n, this is henrietta, or hen, and then chimney,” buck smiles, his hand still connected with hers and letting her say hello to everyone.
“my real names howard, by the way, not sure if that one bothered to mention that,” chimney pokes fun at buck, who pretends to be offended for a moment but just lets it be.
“i’m glad we can put this lovely face to the name,” hen beams, looking at y/n and feeling the positivity radiating from her. “maybe you can rub off on that one.”
“my names not ‘that one’ by the way, and i’m right here!” buck fake complains, but knowing they all have a good heart. “i’m about to leave and take her with me.”
everyone groans in complaint, making y/n laugh and buck leading her to sit next to everyone. she makes her rounds saying hello to athena’s kids and eddie, everyone finding her to be so graceful. the acceptance from everyone was fully unexpected on y/n’s part, barely being able to comprehend how buck could be so in love with her. she had stepped out for a moment after assisting athena and bobby in the kitchen, buck following right after her.
y/n never got this treatment from thomas, always feeling like she had to beg for it but it was so easy for buck. it made her years of insecurity and questioning vanish, only to be replaced with the security from her loving man.
“you alright?” he asks, meeting her by the steps of the home.
“yeah, i’m perfect!” she tells him. “i just didn’t expect this.”
“they all love you, what’s not to love?” he replies softly, looking her up and down. “you’re smart, you’re the sweetest person i’ve ever met, you’re wonderful in every way, y/n.”
“i remember when thomas took me to work events, and i was just in the corner with a drink. no one really noticed i was there, so it just came as a surprise to see you so affectionate.”
“i’ll always show you off, you’re the best woman i’ve ever met. i want the whole world to know that i managed to get you, and also,” he kisses her lips, bringing her thoughts back down to earth to ease her worries. “i love you, a lot.”
in that moment, y/n knew buck was everything that her ex could never be.
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momokarp · 4 months
Heyyyy I saw your Danny Phantom comic about him reading the Great Gatsby during the fight with Vlad (great art btw), and I was wondering if u could give a long-suffering student a rundown of the themes?
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I’m gonna cover the themes I can think of off the top of my head and if you really need me to go into more details, I CAN??? But this is just a quick “it’s 7 in the morning for me and I’m actually gonna hyperfixate real quick” kinda moment.
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Yes, there are two kinds of rich people, and yes, one side really doesn’t like the other. It’s apparent in Tom and all of his opinions of Gatsby are later on in the book when he finally attends one of his fancy parties.
Old money gets their opinions and styles and tastes from their parents who got it from their parents. It’s a boys club, if you’re in? You’re in, and it’s hard to get in unless you’re of a certain pedigree.
New money? Loud. Outrageous. Doesn’t even know what to do with all that money and everyone is welcome to enjoy it. Gatsby owns a BRIGHT ASS YELLOW CAR not because it’s of a certain model but because it screams loud and expensive and “look at me” and it’s not just cause he’s trying to get with your wife. He knows how to ACT like old money, to a certain degree, but at the end of the day, he can’t hide that he wasn’t born into it.
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An unreliable narrator is usually a story told from a first person point of view and their own biases can often warp the reader’s perspective on the events unfolding. Nick even tries to clarify that he doesn’t judge people. Yeah, OUT LOUD, but he’s judging internally. Which is making you, the reader, judge. Tom has an affair with Myrtle Wilson. Nick IS quietly judging them although he tries not to and how could he not? Daisy is his cousin, and he sees the man she’s married make her move away from Chicago and Tom is not hiding his affair very well, she clearly knows about it and hates it.
Oh but here comes Gatsby, with this beautiful story of how he fell in love and went to war and couldn’t be with her and came back and she’s MARRIED and now he’s trying to win her back- and Nick HELPS HIM. THAT’S NOT UNBIASED. HE IS SWAYED. He sides with Gatsby through and through, even when he starts to see the flaws in Gatsby’s vision, he wants to cheer for him.
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We’re going back to the green light here for a minute. Gatsby gets a house DIRECTLY ACROSS the lake from where Daisy’s is. There’s the green light at the end of her dock that flashes, that’s a reminder to Gatsby when he looks out that his dream is just over there. Daisy, the perfect gal, along with acceptance into the fancy rich lifestyle. He wants to meet her parents, he wants to have kids with her, he wants to be a somebody, an established respectable person.
But he’s kind of fooling himself too. He wants too much. It’s not enough to have Daisy, she needs to RENOUNCE her ever loving Tom and then properly marry him. He wants to be a part of the boy’s club, but Tom finds out that he has gained his wealth through the mafia and that’s not very respectable! He wants Daisy to call him in the morning, a call that never comes because she won’t cast aside her lifestyle for him. She was raised to trust and live in the sheltered life she was brought up in, even if she’s unhappy. It’s safer than the unknown. She chooses to stay with Tom, as even she realizes she can’t live up to Gatsby’s ideals.
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It’s ironic cause this is the Oxford English Dictionary definition and Gatsby is an “Oxford Man!” Not only has Gatsby idealized on the American Dream, but it’s a dream that was never real. Yes, he did get rich, but not because he had equal opportunities. He got lucky to help out an old rich man on his boat (WHICH HE DIDNT EVEN GET ANY MONEY FROM) to learn the rich social skills, and he worked with the mafia to get all his wealth. Yes, he got Daisy, but not REALLY. He had an affair with her. They didn’t marry properly, didn’t have kids, didn’t move in together. And Daisy never intended on doing any of these things. She wanted to run away.
And Gatsby was never going to get these things because he wasn’t BORN rich. Tom represents the concept of Old Money so well not only in how he lacks any genuine character that isn’t inherited from his father, but how protective he is of keeping the status quo, so that he remains in power and no one who doesn’t fit the club can come in.
And Gatsby pays the price of his affair while Tom gets away with everything. How is this the American Dream? It isn’t.
Okay, that’s my stuff. I can go into symbolism on the yellow car and big billboard and all that other stuff if this was helpful at all. I hope it is helpful???
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bunchesofoats · 1 year
When The Lights Go Out.
Feat — Ajax Petropolus x Nevermore!Reader
Contains — No Established Relationship, Mutual Pining, Besties to Lovers (Sorta Technically Yes but Not Official), Teen Substance Use, Teen Drinking, Those Stereotypical American Style Parties You See With The Red Solo Cups (Except Classier?), also Drunk Confessions
Length — ~3.5k words
Notes — These fics just keep getting longer haha ALSO! For the sake of my personal plot purposes, Rowan does not d*e at the Harvest Festival. As far as we’re concerned, it didn’t happen. ALSO! You should all know me by now: My work is done at 3 am, therefore it’s not proofread. Amen.
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“You have to come to the Nightshades Harvest Party!”
You rolled your eyes at Kent’s request. Leave it to him to make the secret school society not so secret in the middle of the school quad. Divina gave him a small punch to his side before looking back at you expectantly from across the table bench.
“All I’m saying is, the last person who was a downer got kicked out. Now look at him,” Kent gave an obvious look to Rowan Laslow, who was making his way out of the overgrowing quad population due to lunch hour.
“What he’s trying to say is, you’re practically a part of the Nightshades anyway. You know the code, who’s in it, where we’re located. Everything!” Divina explained. “Plus, we’re down a member anyway.”
“Lovely to know I’m Rowan Laslow’s replacement.” You snorted. You had nothing against the guy, but the twins were really not selling the idea to you at all. In fact, you didn’t even want to go to the Jericho Harvest Festival but attendance was mandatory.
“If it was Ajax asking then you’d say yes.” Kent crossed his arms, fake pouting at you. You flicked a piece of your lunch at him, hitting him directly between his eyes. He winced, holding the bridge of his nose as Divina snickered.
“Because Ajax is my best friend, and I know he wouldn’t tell me dumb stuff to get me to go.”
“Go where?” You heard a familiar voice call behind you. Turning to find Ajax, you moved your bag for him to sit next to you.
“Nowhere. Just a totally secret school society party that you would know nothing about.” You shrugged nonchalant as he sat down with you. He let out a small scoff with a smile. The smile you had been in love with for the past 6 months despite you knowing him for over 2 years.
“Technically you’re not supposed to know about it, but I guess people can’t keep their mouths shut.” Divina immediately pointed a finger at Kent who immediately pointed one back at her.
“Says the guy who can’t keep his mouth shut either, Mr. I Know When I’m High.” You mocked him, remembering the time he admitted he was in the Nightshades to you after a particularly long session of hotboxing Xavier’s shed before he repurposed it as his own.
“As far as we’re concerned, you practically pledged that night. He was not making it back to his dorm in one piece under Principal Weems radar.” Divina raised her hands in defeat.
“If I go, will you guys stop bugging me about being in the ever so definitely-totally-super-secret-definitely-not-notorious-amongst-half-the-student-body Nightshades?” You dramatically brought the back of your hand to your forehead in fake woe. Ajax took the opportunity to steal a bit of your food, which had you quickly swat away his hand away.
“Yeah, yeah. All that and more, just come to the party. It’ll be fun, I promise.” Ajax wrapped an arm around you reassuringly, to which you just rolled your eyes before reluctantly nodding. In that moment, you could’ve sworn you saw Divina slip Kent $10 underneath the table. You couldn’t tell though, because your food was stolen yet again.
Harvest Festival.
It wasn’t a particularly cold evening in Jericho, not with all the people gathered into one area. The sounds of carnival games and buzz from normies and outcasts alike filled the air. Along with the incredibly delicious scent of cotton candy, which you definitely wanted to get a grab of when you could.
“We have to try this out next, please!” Ajax was practically dragging you to each game in attempts to try them all. The “please” was just something his mothers taught him to add to every sentence at this point with how much he was pleading. You’d have to tell them both how annoying he was next Parents Weekend.
“Jax, please, I cannot carry another giant stuffed animal. We’re gonna have to give these to Enid’s collection at this point.” You were muffled underneath the mounds of faux fur in your arms. It was hard to say no with Ajax holding your wrist so carefully despite him pulling you to another booth, especially since you were pretty much blind with all the prizes you had gotten.
He finally stopped at a booth that seemed to his liking, and you managed to find a nice spot on the ground for all your stuffed wonders to watch. The booth was definitely haphazardly thrown together, you could tell it was a scam.
“Hit three balloons in a row and you get a prize!”
You looked at Ajax, brow raised as he excitedly handed the game master his money. Your lips tugging into a downward smile, he was unbelievably dense but he also happened to be the guy you had a crush on. So who was really in their right mind here?
“Easy win, I got this!” He picked up the darts in front of him. They were absolutely sanded down to be duller than a pencil, but who was gonna notice with all the commotion going on. You watched as he threw each one by one into the 3 by 3 board holding balloons that held less than enough air to be popped. Each of them ricocheting off or completely missing the balloons.
“Nice try, young man. How about your partner over here has a go instead?” The game master wiggled his eyebrows. Your eyes widened as he said that, immediately you tried to stammer out a no but words couldn’t escape your mouth.
“Hell yeah!” Ajax handed him another $3 before pulling you close to him. Your head spun at the situation, it wasn’t like you two hadn’t made close contact before. He was constantly clingy with all his friends. Even Xavier wasn’t safe from him and he was Nevermore’s self proclaimed tortured artist. The “partner” thing definitely had you in for a loop, and Ajax didn’t even deny it.
“You know what to do, hit three to get a prize.”
You slowly picked up a dart from the table, trying hard not to think about Ajax’s hands resting on your shoulders as he cheered you on. You knew why most people didn’t win these, and it was because they never thought to throw hard enough thinking it was easy. Either that or they just couldn’t aim correctly, and you were definitely part of the latter. It’s why Xavier couldn’t let you join the Archery club, something about being a hazard to society. As far as you were concerned, most outcasts were.
You took a deep breath, focusing on the balloons and willing your wrist to move. You pinpointed as best as you could and threw haphazardly, somehow making two in a row. You could feel Ajax hold his breath as his grip on your shoulder tightened ever so slightly. You took another deep breath, aiming for the last balloon in the top right. You threw the dart, eyes closing as the dart left your fingers, awaiting the disappointing sound of the metal hitting the cork wall. It never came.
Your ears were filled with a satisfying pop, an exciting cheer of Ajax behind you, and the game master sputtering to himself. You opened your eyes, seeing your throw had made its mark. You turned to Ajax beaming, he wrapped his arms around your waist, picking you up in excitement. You yelped as he did, but a laugh soon replaced it.
“Alright, lovebirds, pick your prize.” The game master grit his teeth, still putting on a fake smile. You looked to Ajax expectantly, seeing what he wanted. He proceeded to turn you back around, letting you look at the prizes yourself.
“You won, fair and square. Your choice.” He whispered into your ear, your thoughts honing into his voice over the loud carnival sounds. It sent a shiver up your spine that you had to shake off. Scanning the prizes carefully, you noticed a giant snake plushie hiding amongst the large bunnies and usual game prizes. You eagerly pointed to it, and the game master begrudgingly handed it over. You thanked the man despite his attempts at scowling at you both.
“Why would you need that? You have a better one right here!” Ajax pout, one of his snakes wriggling it’s way out of his cap. You laughed before giving the small reptile a boop on its head, which had it going back into its spot in the darkness of his beanie.
“Well, this one is less likely to stone me.” You held the stuffed animal close. Ajax picked up the other stuffed prizes he had won with a sigh.
“You know I would never purposefully try to stone you.” Ajax mumbled sadly behind his stuffies, to which you grabbed his hand gently.
“I know you wouldn’t,” You reassured him. “Now do you want to attend the Nightshades party tonight or not? You did a lot of convincing just to get me to go so I’d hate to miss it.” You showed him your phone screen which lit up the time.
“Oh, shit! We’re gonna be late, Bianca’s gonna have my head for this one.” Ajax started pushing his way through the crowds. You quickly followed suit, trying to not draw too much attention. It definitely seemed like Ajax was dragging you to another game though, a lot of your classmates wide eyed at all your prizes. You spotted Enid along the way out, and quickly pulled Ajax’s hoodie to prevent him from running further.
“Enid, hey, these are for you!” Ajax understood, pouring the mass amounts of aliens and bunnie and other toys he had won into her arms. You kept your prize wrapped around your neck, wanting to keep that one for yourself.
“What?” She gasped as she had to hand Wednesday her funnel cake, the ravenette begrudgingly taking it.
“See you!” Your voice was caught in the wind as Ajax had grabbed your hand, intertwining your fingers with his as he pulled you along. It really didn’t matter if you two were late, but Ajax always liked being early to snag some of the snacks Yoko made before everyone else could. You were definitely sure it was for when he needed munchies.
Nightshades Library.
Snap, snap!
The Edgar Allen Poe statue opened itself to you and Ajax, the metal creaking itself into placed with a final thud of the open door. Ajax allowed you in first, before stepping in himself. The doorway closed behind you two with another thud, and your senses began to fill with light music. You squinted in the darkness, seeing the dim lighting of the Nightshades library at the bottom of the steps. Slowly making your way down, you were met with all your friends already talking and eating and dancing. You two were definitely late.
“Well, well. Where were you two lovebirds?” Yoko had noticed you two first as she was closest to the stairs by the makeshift bar already preparing a few drinks.
“Someone lost track of the time because he was too excited by normie games.” You raised your hand to point at Ajax, not realizing you were still holding his hand. Immediately you slipped your hand from his, warmth enveloping your face. He took that as his cue to leave, grabbing a few snacks from Yoko and saying hello before making his way to Xavier.
“He still hasn’t picked up on it, has he?” She took a sip of her Bloody Mary, and you knew that absolutely wasn’t tomato juice filling it.
“Nope,” You grabbed a pretzel from the snack bowls, making yourself comfortable on the barstool in front of her. “But I don’t mind, it’s not like I want him to know anyway.”
“Gods, you both are dense.” You heard Kent’s voice pull up next to you.
“Honestly, Y/N, have you considered he likes you too?” And there was Divina in the other seat. Great, now you were surrounded. You huffed jokingly before greeting the two. Thankful you didn’t need to see an optometrist from how much you rolled your eyes at their idiotic quips.
“Yoko, make me a glass of whatever. I’m gonna need something if these two keep pestering me tonight.” You pinched the bridge of your nose. Kent exaggerated a gasp, mouth agape with eyes wide as if you were accusing him. You attempted to flick the pretzel you were holding at him, but unfortunately he had expected it.
“You don’t see me pestering you about the snake plushie around your neck, but please, keep accusing me.” Divina took a sip of her drink. You looked down at the stuffed prize, removing it from your neck before setting it upon the table with a boop on its nose. You smiled, remembering how Ajax had cheered you on and held you close and picked you up.
“Long Island Iced Tea.” Yoko set down a tall glass in front of you, snapping you out of your thoughts. You looked at the drink before looking at her.
“You really just threw everything in here, didn’t you?” You took a sip, feeling the alcohol down your throat.
“I emphasize amateur when I say I’m a mixologist, don’t I?” She shrugged. “Now tell us about this, did he win it for you?” She poked it with a stirring stick.
“Leave Gerald alone, and no, I won it!” You shooed the stick away. All three of them winced at the name.
“Definitely seems like there’s a lot more to it than that.” Divina giggled. “Also, Gerald is a terrible name. Please pick a new one.”
“Well…” You remembered Ajax’s apathy to the game master calling you his partner, either that or he wasn’t paying attention. He didn’t deny you were, though. Thinking about it, he probably really did seem like your boyfriend to onlookers. Holding your hand 24/7, dragging you to booths, winning you prizes, not correcting the game master, the works. You just wish it were real.
You sighed deeply before taking a big swig of your drink, not caring for the burn it left. Kent and Divina gave each other a look before lifting you from your chair.
“You are going to be going through these way too quickly if we don’t do something about it.” Kent took your now empty cup away from you before handing it to Yoko. The latter stuck her tongue out at the boy before sticking it in a bin filled with other cups.
“Why don’t we get your mind off things?” Divina hummed. “How about a dance?” She spun you onto the dance floor. You couldn’t tell if you were already feeling the buzz of the alcohol or if you genuinely wanted to dance, but you swayed along to the music anyway. Bianca noticing your presence, spun to dance with you as well. It was an easy rhythm to get lost into, and you hate to admit Ajax was right about the party being fun.
The night went on for awhile, you kept switching between drinking and dancing and talking. It wasn’t very long before you were drunk, Yoko had to cut you off because you could not get back to your dorm like this. She was with you this time on the dance floor, vibing to the song that was on. You couldn’t help but feel a pair of eyes on you. Twisting to the beat, you turn to see Ajax eyeing you from his spot on the couch with Xavier. You practically hadn’t seen him all night, which was odd considering he’d usually dance as well. He sat with his legs open comfortably, an arm resting upon his leg as the other was brought up to take a hit of his joint. He then handed it to Xavier before puffing out the smoke in fancy rings. Maybe it was you or maybe it was the alcohol talking but he looked, to say the least, hot.
“Jax!” You called out to him from your spot on the floor. His attention turned from his conversation to you, eyes softening as his gaze met yours. Your heart skipped a beat, and well, fuck it. You were making your way over to him. Not like you could control much of your movements anyway, your brain and body were on two different hemispheres. Both working opposite of each other, but definitely somehow working because you slumped down next to Ajax.
“You seem to be having fun.” He hummed, inviting you with an open arm. He rested it around your shoulder, pulling you close as you leaned into him exhausted from dancing.
“Are you, Jax?” You reached up to hold his face with your hand. The position incredibly intimate as his face was mere centimeters from your own. For a moment, there was an unrecognizable look in his eyes. He pulled away slightly, letting out an awkward cough. Your expression twisted into a pout.
“Are you not enjoying yourself?” You tilted your head. His lips tugged into a downward smile, shaking his head no.
“I am having fun, just worried about you. Seems like you’ve had too much to drink.” Removing his arm from your shoulder, he adjusted himself to face you. You whined at the loss of contact, but he suddenly cupped your face within both his hands. Your heart skipping another beat as you stared into his mesmerizing eyes.
“You’re a bit warm, I’m going to get you some water.” You leaned your head against the back of the couch as he pulled away from you. Closing your eyes, you let your thoughts take over. Drowning out the noise, you indeed did feel warm. Had it really been the alcohol or had it been Ajax’s proximity? It was getting harder and harder to deny that you loved him more than you thought you did.
“Here,” A hand lifted your head carefully as a cold glass was brought to your lips. Your eyes fluttered open, remembering where you were. Ajax held the cup as you took sips, feeling the water begin to cool you off. He set the glass down on the table before turning his attention back to you.
“I’m thinking I should get you back to your dorm, let’s call it a night.” You could only nod your head in approval, not wanting your words to betray you. Every nerve in your body concentrated on his skin on yours, lifting you from your spot on the couch.
“I’m gonna get Y/N to back to the dorms, they’ve had too much I think.” You could only hum goodbye with a wave to your friends as Ajax dragged you up the steps. It wasn’t particularly hard to get to your dorm, but man, were you exhausted. The hard part was getting you into your bed.
“Jax, have I ever told you how much I love you?” You murmured as he was adjusting your head on your pillow. It was dim in your room, but you could see the color in his face shift. You never used such strong words like ‘love’ around him, and especially not about him. It was always “I love this ice cream” or “Jax, you’re my best friend but you’re a dumbass.” never “I love you” which surprised him.
“You’ve had too much to drink, Y/N. You’re not thinking straight.” He pulled the blanket over your figure. You grabbed the bottom of his jacket, stopping him in his tracks.
“No, I really love you.” You hiccuped. “You’re so sweet, and caring, even though you can be so dense. You always do that thing when you wrap your arm around my shoulder and give it a squeeze when you greet me that makes my heart flutter. You also have the prettiest eyes ever, so warm like I can get lost in them. I have to tell your moms how much of a good son they raised. They’re so cool for that.” If you were sober, none of these thoughts would have been vocalized, but clearly you weren’t.
Ajax stopped momentarily before reaching for your hand, removing it from his jacket and returning it to your side. He attempted to pull away, but you kept your grip on his.
“Jax, stay with me please.” You pleaded. He smiled before sitting at the side of your bed, leaning to make sure your temperature wasn’t too high with the back of his other hand.
“Why won’t you say anything back?” You breathed out, head starting to spin. The room was dim and only the moonlight illuminated you two.
“Because you are not in your right mind right now, and as much as I love you back, this should not be how this happens.” He looked at you solemnly. It was undeniable that he loved you back, but he’d rather have heard it when you were ready, not when alcohol had consumed you.
“Now, get some rest.” He gave you a small forehead kiss, you could even feel one of his snakes give you one as well. You nodded, half paying attention as you drifted off. Ajax carefully leaning every now and then to adjust your blanket or make sure you weren’t too hot.
“Jax?” You called out, to which he hummed in response.
“I never got cotton candy at the Harvest Festival.”
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freedomfireflies · 1 year
are you working on anything right now? if so...can we get a snippet?
Yes!! I'm working on an enemies to lovers piece (equipped with a one bed trope) requested by @victoria-styles! It should be done tomorrow and I'm having so much fun, so I'm very grateful for the idea!! 😭💞
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“Oh, for fuck’s sake,” Harry suddenly growls, and you vaguely see the outline of his body as he straightens up from the couch.
Curious, you watch as he stalks over to you, his large hand coming out to snatch onto the blankets and rip them back.
“Shit,” you breathe, recoiling away from the frigid air. “The fuck are you doing—”
“You won’t stop fucking shaking and it’s fucking annoying,” he snaps as he climbs onto the mattress beside you. “Move.”
A tad stunned, you blink at him. “I—seriously, what are you doing—”
“I’m trying to get some goddamn sleep,” he huffs, as if it were obvious. “But I can’t with your fucking teeth making so much goddamn noise. So, I’m gonna fucking hold you until you stop shivering.”
“Like hell you are,” you snort, already wiggling away from him. “The whole fucking point of us finding another room was so that we didn’t have to share a bed. Remember?”
“Yeah, well, that was before your teeth started doing the tango,” he retorts. “Now shut the fuck up and cuddle me.”
“I—Harry. I’m not going to cuddle you, that’s gross—”
“Oh, grow up. God, you are so fucking dramatic. We’re adults—”
“Yeah, but we’re not in fucking Twilight. Okay, Jacob? I don’t need your doggy heat to warm me up—”
“My doggy heat? The fuck does that even mean? I wasn’t gonna hold you doggy style—”
“Yeah, you’re not gonna hold me at all—”
“For fuck’s sake,” he seethes for a second time before his arm is extending across the space between your bodies to latch onto your hip and drag you closer.
You don’t have the time to protest before your face is being squished into his chest as he pulls the blankets back up. 
Your brain is the next thing to freeze as you take a moment to comprehend what the fuck just happened.
And why you aren’t fighting it.
Because much to your dismay…he’s right. Again. Instantly, this is significantly better, and you can already feel the movement return to your toes as you take a deep breath.
And suddenly, you realize that he’s…everywhere. Against you, around you, inside you. Well, his smell is, anyway. The subtle scent of his cologne making a home in your lungs.
And it’s…nice. A masculine vanilla, of sorts. Comforting.
And while your first instinct is to reach up and shove him away…you don’t. Instead, your hands come to rest on his chest as you feel each curve and dip of his strong body. Maybe you’re too cold or too tired, but whatever the case, you don’t fight it.
“You can’t do this,” you choose to mumble, despite the fact that you do nothing to stop it.
He simply snorts under his breath. “Already am.”
You shift but don’t pull yourself out of his arms. “I can’t breathe.”
“You’ll get over it.”
Your eyes narrow, even though he can’t see you. 
For a moment, the dark room falls quiet. The sound of his breathing above you is soft and you feel his body rise and fall with each one. It nearly lulls you to sleep as the heat begins to surround you, much like his arms have.
“Why are you so mean to me?” you hear yourself whisper, momentarily stunned by the words that came from your own throat without permission.
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Here's the full part if you'd like it! ~ Stuck With You*
~ Other Harry Blurbs
~ Full Masterlist
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kittyball23 · 6 months
I'm in the Band! (a Trolls fanfic)
Summary: The day before BroZone’s fateful show, the bros try and decide on an outfit for Baby Branch to debut in
A/N: Taking place before TBT
“This is… not going to work,” Spruce said resolutely.
The purple-haired Trolling scrunched his nose. His baby brother in no doubt looked cute – too cute for his own good – but how was he supposed to bust a move with them onstage with this… this clown’s outfit?
All right, the outfit wasn’t that bad. It was the same outfit that he and his brothers wore every time – a colorful vest, and the long white slacks. Problem was… Baby Branch was not quite the same size as them yet, something that John Dory hadn’t taken into consideration at the time that he put the outfit together for Branch. The blue vest covered Branch’s entire little body, his eyes hardly able to peek out from the top of the garment. The pants hung almost like a gown’s train behind him, far too long and annoying to keep from tripping on.
Next to Spruce, John Dory blew a raspberry. “Ah, it’s fine! He’ll grow into it.” He paused, and then added, “eventually.”
Clay, who also felt as uncertain as Spruce, glanced at his brother. “Right… but we’re not going on stage eventually. We’re going to go onstage with him tomorrow. That’s only 24 hours from now, bro!”
“And I can tell you right now,” Floyd chimed in, “this might be our style, but it is not his.” He picked up one of the loose pant legs and shook it for emphasis. “Not yet anyway,” he added.
“So you’re going to have to find something else for him to wear. Unless you want us to mess up the choreography,” Spruce concluded.
To give even more finality to the point, Baby Branch peered down at the attire and then innocently looked back up at John Dory with his large eyes. “My clothes don’t fit,” he whimpered.
John Dory, at a loss, sighed, seeing that they were correct. “Okay… fine.” He went off, rummaging through their stuff, until he pulled something else out. “How about this?” He held up another outfit that also looked far too large.
“No, JD,” Spruce sighed. “Just look at how small he is!”
“Well, he can’t just perform in his diaper!” John Dory insisted.
“Dude, I’m sure it’ll be alright. He’s just a baby,” Clay pointed out.
John Dory refused to give up. He searched again and then snapped his fingers in triumph. “Ah ha! This’ll be good!” In his hands he held up a small pair of glasses, round framed and bright white. “These were my old shades. Not as cool as the ones I have now, but hey, they fit my face back then.” He went over to Branch and then gently placed them on his face. “Alright, now how do ya like that, bro?”
Branch blinked, thinking, allowing himself to get a feel for it. A part of him wished he could have a cool puffy jacket like his brothers, but the glasses were still fun! So much fun, in fact, that the small baby went and toddled onto his feet and started busting out a few adorable moves of his own. “I love it!”
 The brothers grinned broadly and exchanged high-fives, triumphant in finding their resolution.
“Boo-ya!” John Dory cried, striking a fly pose. “Now you’re just as brodacious as the rest of us!” He scooped Branch up into his arms and began to head off with Spruce, Clay, and Floyd in tow. “Come on, little bro. It’s time to get ready to debut Bitty B!”
The other brothers snickered. “Bitty B?” Spruce questioned.
“Come on, dude, you’re going to tell me that you don’t like it?” JD smirked.
The purple Trolling shrugged. “It’s all right.” He didn’t want to fret too much over a nickname for the little guy. Regardless of what it was – or what any of their nicknames were for that matter - he knew that the crowd would still love them all the same.
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wayfayrr · 11 months
aaaaaaahhh all i can think of is like- most isekai fics I've seen for some reason [i mean understandably] the reader is wearing their pajamas, but after visiting the modern world they can finally show the chain what they actually like wearing, [i can see this going in so many ways, depending on who is reacting, and especially depending on what aesthetic the reader likes to dress in. for the sake of the request ill keep it as dark academia, cause i love it so muchhhh [not so much in the summer, but i make it work lol] with time? [just imagining reader with a tie and just wearing business casual w a trenchcoat frrrrrrrr- might draw this kind of thing and send it to you lol]
Anon I hope you know this ask had me in an absolute chokehold. OUJDFNBJNF ✨I LIVE FOR DARK ACADEMIA AESTHETICS!!!✨ My trenchcoat is one of my favourite things I own. So I get your pain in summer as well 🥹
“Hey Time, have you seen Wild anywhere? He borrowed my laptop and I really need it back.”
“I haven’t sorry [nam]-... Is that what you wear normally? You look incredible.”
“Pretty much, yeah? Why, is there an issue with it?”
Time’s blushing. Is what I’m wearing really that impressive because I know he’s not blushing over what I’m wearing being revealing. A trenchcoat that goes down to my calves with the rest of my clothes? Does he just think I’m attractive or something? 
“No, no issue. You look good in it, it’s just very different to what you arrived in Hyrule wearing.”
“I know, like I said then those were my pyjamas. These are my casual clothes.”
Well, his blush has only gotten worse from that, so he is clearly struggling with how my clothes look on me. Dark academia doesn’t exist in Hyrule I know that, but really he’s struggling far more than anyone else has with my fashion sense. 
“Do you think you could help me choose some clothes like that? I’d like to match wit.. I think that style would suit me.”
“If you’d like, we can go shopping for you later. After I get my laptop back and finish off this report I have due.”
Laughing at how he's stumbling over himself to ask me these questions simply isn't an option, no matter how hard it is to hold myself back. He's asking so genuinely and so sweetly and who knows maybe getting some new clothes could help him adjust to this world more easily, I mean it certainly helped me when I was in Hyrule. How different could it be for time?
It didn't take too long to find wild after talking to time, and even less to finish off the work I had to do, now it’s just down to taking time shopping.
“So you want to look like you belong with a shot of espresso in an artisanal coffee shop while writing a research paper?”
“I only know what half of those words mean [name.], even less with how you’re using them.”
“Right, sorry. I’m still getting used to all of the differences in our cultures. Hopefully, you’ll get more used to the terms we use here sooner rather than later. Ready to go out though?”
“I am, it’ll be nice to get some new clothes. Not that I’m complaining about the excuse to wear yours.”
The nearest place that sells things like these isn’t exactly the closest to where I live, making it the perfect opportunity to adjust Time to my world’s transport. Well, more than he’s already seen anyway. Actually, now that I’m thinking about this, what size clothing even is he? Not that it’s an issue but not knowing a vague size is gonna mean he’s going to have to try on a lot of different fits. Then finding the right colours for him is a whole different challenge… And we’re already here… Time to find out the answers to those questions of mine.
“Where would you like to start?”
“A coat exactly like yours perhaps?”
“I don’t see why not. Any colour in mind or just the same style?”
A shrug was NOT what I wanted as an answer, but he does know what he wants which means that I’ve got somewhere to start. Trench Coats are somewhat pricey but with how some of the others are chipping in towards living costs now there’s no issue with spending out occasionally. He seems to be gravitating more towards things that are similar to mine, isn’t that charming? He sees something he likes on me then decides that’s what he wants for himself hopefully, he just stays away from the expensive ones. 
“You ready to try those on then, old man?”
“Just a moment more love, I can’t find quite the right colour yet.”
He just… How red is my face right now? It has to be crimson, doesn’t it? That’s the first time Time’s ever called me something like that naturally it’s when he’s looking at clothes like my own, is he trying to kill me with his charms?
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jeannereames · 6 months
Your top 5 Alexander the Great moments?
Top Five Alexander Moments
One issue with answering this is to figure out what events actually happened, especially when it comes to anecdotes! Here are four I find either significant to understanding his charisma and/or which explain how he functioned and why he was successful, plus one I like just because I’m a horse girl.
1) To my mind, the event that best illustrates why his men followed him to the edge of their known world occurred in the Gedrosian Desert. While I’m a bit dubious that this trek was as bad as it’s made out to be (reasons exist for exaggerating), it was still baaaad. One story relates that some of his men found some brackish water in a sad little excuse for a spring, gathered it in a helm, and brought it to him. Given his poor physical condition after the Malian siege wound, he no doubt needed it badly. He thanked them (most sincerely), then carried it out where all (or at least a lot) of his men could see, raised it overhead, and announced that until all of them could drink, he wouldn’t. Then he poured it onto the rocky ground.
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That gesture exemplified his charisma. And it absolutely is not something the likes of a Donald tRump could even imagine doing—nor most dictators, tbh. They’d be blaming everybody else and calling for heads while drinking Diet Coke, not suffering alongside their people.
This wasn’t an isolated event of that type. While he almost certainly didn’t have time to engage along with his soldiers in every project, we’re told he would drop in from time-to-time, to inspire them and to offer a little friendly competition.
He also dressed like his men for everyday activities, especially early in the campaign. As time went on, some sources say he inserted more distance—probably necessary as his duties exploded—but he still seems to have found time to “just hang out” with his Macedonians on occasion. The claims that he was too high and mighty to do so appears to have been exaggeration (as such accusations often are) in order to forward a narrative that he was “going Asian.” Troop resentment over court changes was very genuine—I don’t want to underplay it (especially as I’ve written about it in a few chapters in this), but it tended to boil up during certain periods/events, then die back again. Alexander was trying to walk a very fine line of incorporating the conquered while not ticking off his own people.
2) Reportedly, he once threw a man out of line because he hadn’t bothered to secure the chin strap on his helm. I pick this one because it tells me a whole lot about how he saw himself as a commander, and what he expected of his men (and why he tended to consistently win).
On the surface, his reaction seems almost petty. It’s precisely the sort of mistake students whine about when professors ding them for it. It’s just a chin strap! I’d have tightened it before I went into battle! (It’s just a few typos; you knew what I meant! Or, Why does everything in the bibliography have to be exactly matching in style? Who cares? What a stupid thing to obsess about!) These objections are all of a piece. First, they’re lazy, and second, they indicate a disconcern with details. In battle, such disconcern can get a person killed. And on a larger scale, for a general, such disconcern loses battles.
One of the striking aspects of Alexander’s military operations was just how well his logistics worked. Consistently. We hear little about them precisely because they rarely fail. Food and water was there when they needed it, as were arrow replacements, wood to repair the spears, wool and leather for clothes and shoes, canvas for tents, etc., etc. All those little niggling (boring) details. If these are missing, soldiers become upset (and don’t fight well). Starting with Philip, the Macedonian military was a well-oiled machine. That’s WHY Gedrosia was such a shock: the logistics collapsed. Contra some historians, he did not do it to “punish” his men, nor to best Cyrus.* He had a sound reason—to scout a trade route.
Alexander understood that details matter. It starts with a loose chinstrap. (Or an unplanned-for storm and rebellion in his rear.) Everything else can unravel from that.
3) Alexander sends Hephaistion a little dish of small fish (probably smelts). He also helps an officer secure the lady of his dreams. And writes another on assignment (away from the army) that a mutual friend is recovering from an illness. While technically three “moments,” these are all of a piece. Alexander knows his men, and is concerned not only for their physical well-being, but also their mental state: that they’re happy. Granted, these are all elite officers, but it suggests he’s paying attention to people. I’ve always assumed he sent Hephaistion the fish because they were his friend’s favorite, and/or they were a special treat and he wanted to share. That he didn’t punish an officer for going AWOL to chase the mistress he wanted but offered advice, and even assistance, on how to court and secure her suggests the same care.
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I don’t want to take away from what appears to be his serious anger management problems(!), but little details like those above strike me as the likeable side of Alexander—why his men were so devoted to him.
4) Then we have the encounter with Timokleia after the siege of Thebes. While probably a bit too precious to have occurred exactly as related, I think it may still hold a kernel of truth.
Alexander had a reputation of chivalry towards his (highborn) female captives. If some of that was likely either propaganda from his own time or philhellenic whitewashing later by Second Sophistic authors such as Plutarch (and Arrian), poor treatment of women is not something we hear attributed to him.
Ergo, while the meeting was probably doctored for a moral tail, he may well have freed Timokleia as an act of clemency to put a better face on a shocking destruction he knew wouldn’t sit well with the rest of Greece—who he both wanted to cow yet earn support from. (A difficult balancing act.) Also, if Timokleia hadn’t been high-born, she’d probably have been hauled off to one of the prisoner cages with little fanfare.
Nonetheless, I find his actions surprising given the casual misogyny of his era. If we can take the bare bones of the story as true, and it’s not all invented, Timokleia was raped as a matter of course during the sacking of Thebes, then managed to trick her rapist and kill him by pushing him down a well and dropping rocks on him. I assume this happened when his men weren’t there, but they found out soon enough and hauled her in front of Alexander to be punished for killing an officer. To the surprise of all, Alexander decided the man had earned it and freed Timokleia. One might be inclined to call this overly sentimental, but….
There’s a similar story that occurred much later in the Levant, when two of Parmenion’s men seduced/(raped?) the mistresses/wives of some mercenaries. Alexander instructed Parmenion to kill the Macedonians if they were found to be guilty.
In both cases, we have an affront against (respectable) women. In the latter case, Alexander was (no doubt) working to avoid conflict between hired soldiers and his own men, who—in typical Greek fashion—would have looked down on mercenaries as a matter of course. Some sort of conflict between Macedonians and Greek mercenaries up in Thrace had almost got Alexander’s father killed. Alexander saved him. No doubt that was on Alexander’s mind here.
Yet what both events illuminate is a willingness on Alexander’s part to punish his own men for affronts to honor/timē that involved women. Yes, this is clearly about discipline. But it also shows an unusual sensitivity to sex crimes in warfare: actions that would normally fall under the excuse of “boys will be boys” (especially when their blood is up).
I doubt he’d have felt the same about slaves or prostitutes; he was still a product of his time. Yet without overlooking his violence—sometimes extreme (the genocide of the Branchidai, for instance)—I find his reaction in these cases to be evidence of an atypical sympathy for women that I’d like to think isn’t wholly an invention of later Roman authors. And just might show the influence of his mother and sisters.
5) Last… the Boukephalas story…because who doesn’t love a good “a boy and his horse” tale? Obviously the Plutarchian version is tweaked to reflect that author’s later concern to contrast the Macedonian “barbarian” Philip with the properly Hellenized Alexander. Ignore the editorializing remarks, especially the “find a kingdom big enough for you” nonsense.
But the bare bones of the story seem likely: unmanageable horse, cocky kid, bet with dad, gotcha moment. You can imagine this was an anecdote Alexander retold a time or three, or twenty.
* His attempts to copy Cyrus may be imposition by later writers. In his own day, he may have cared more about the first Darius, for reasons Jenn Finn is going to explain in a forthcoming, very good article on the burning of Thebes and Persepolis.
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lifewithdavefarts · 11 months
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DaveFarts - Episode 24 “Windy Mountain”[Episode List]
Another summer, another camping trip for our heroes… and an even smaller tent than last time. On the mountain, the sounds of nature finally meet their match as Dave’s farts reach new heights in terms of loudness and power.
POV: Tim
Windy Mountain “Rise and shine, bro!”
I was woken up by a sudden thunder, a thunder which was accompanied by a peculiar scent. Considering how I could see a clear blue sky outside (somebody opened the window in my room), as my eyes adjusted to the light I recognised Dave’s ass in a pair of white basketball shorts hovering over me, effortlessly erupting a powerful morning blast directly on my face.
I probably woke up halfway through the rip, which was already around 10 seconds long. A short morning fart, for my friend’s high standards. The stench hit me and triggered my flight or fight response, effectively waking me up more efficiently than any alarm clock could. I pushed my friend’s ass away (as he kept farting), trying to remember what year it was.
“Alright, alright. I’m awake!”
Dave turned around and greeted me with a smile. 
“Come on, we’re right on schedule.” he stated.
“Should I thank you or your ass?”
Dave simply looked up, making a funny facial expression, and ripped a quick loud one.
“Yes.” he simply replied, and left the room.
Those were natural, not even on command, but honestly who could tell the difference? Dave always had a fart ready, like you could ask him out of the blue to rip one and he’d probably be more than happy to go beyond your wildest expectations. One of his many talents: the incredible farts are like the cherry on top of this wonderful friend I’m lucky to have, a cherry that pleases my embarrassing and disgusting kink, a kink that, for some reason, my bud is completely okay with, getting some good immature laughs every time he teases me.
Like last year, the four of us (the other two being Greg and Adam) decided to get in touch with nature and go camping for a couple of days, like the hypocrite city slickers that we are. However, we’re pretty good at planning stuff like this, making sure it won’t interfere with our respective jobs and whatnot. 
As Dave told me earlier, we were indeed right on schedule: it wasn’t even 6:00 AM and he was ready, a role-reversal compared to the last time we went camping, as I’m usually the one who hates being late. A quick shower, some casual clothes and I too was ready, just a shirt and pair of black shorts, whereas Dave was sporing a grey t-shirt and his signature, “summer style” camo cargo shorts which, given the context, immediately triggered my kinky ass as I just remembered how my friend mercilessly blasted me in our tent last year while wearing those.
I hated… that I fuckin’ loved it.
While farting wasn’t by far our main topic of discussion (believe it or not), I like to think that Dave too remembers… because he’s just a nice mixture of “the best bro you could ever ask for” and “your worst bully”. Or, much more realistically, he just doesn’t remember because while he does find the act of teasing me utterly hilarious, it’s not like our lives revolve around his farts.
Unlike last year we were actually much more independent as our other two buds travelled to our destination on their own, a relatively colder place where we could avoid this summer’s high temperatures, somewhere on a mountain not far from here. We’re hiking to some interesting sights, the most important being a big, lesser known waterfall located at higher altitudes and deeper into the forest. 
We packed our stuff and as the Sun was setting we got into the car, Dave being the designated driver. My (much more important) role was choosing the music for the trip and sometimes checking the map. A true duo of rally drivers.
During the trip, me and my bro chatted about some random stuff and about one hour flew by. No traffic, no road works or anything, just a long but peaceful trip.
“Oh by the way.” Dave suddenly said, changing the subject. “When Dana and I went camping last year…” 
He seemed embarrassed but couldn’t help but laugh. Knowing him, that was the kind of laughter he’d do whenever he did something stupid.
“Yes?” I asked, being annoyingly inquisitive on purpose.
“We broke your tent.” he simply said.
“Oh.” I replied, not caring that much.
Yes, after our trip last year, I let Dave and Dana bring my tent on their own trip. I totally forgot about it and it was a very cheap product anyway. Plus, I saw Dave putting a folded up tent into the trunk earlier this morning, so it’s not like we were gonna sleep with the bugs tonight.
“It was an accident, I’m sorry.” he said.
“You’re the worst person I ever met.” I replied, the sarcasm being almost tangible.
“I totally forgot about it.” 
“Me too actually.” I admitted. “How did you break it? I deserve to know.” I asked, acting like I wanted to know how my grandpa died.
“Crazy sex obviously.” my friend said, with a smirk. 
I stared back at him until he told me truth.
“Ok… I accidentally hit it while going in reverse.”
“How did it even happen?!” I yelled, amused. “Why was the car there in the first place?!”
“Girls, you know… she didn’t want to walk back to the car.”
I stared back at him again.
“We had beers in the trunk.” 
“Unbelievable. Truly made for each other.”
We both had a good laugh at their laziness, and I made sure Dave knew it was fine: he bought a new tent after all, so we’re good.
“The new tent is a bit smaller though… not that you mind, right?” he said, and winked at me.
“Oh yeah, show me the infamous crazy sex you’ve been talking about.” I played along.
“Well that, obviously.” he joked. “But I was thinking more of… you know…”
He leaned a bit while driving and, as much as he could, pointed his camo-clad ass towards me; the fart was, well, one of his average ones, long, loud and proud, the sound partially muffled by the seat and car’s own noises, but I could still hear it clearly. A firm, strong, 7 seconds display of cocky manliness from my bro, something I pretend to be used to but for a number of reasons keeps surprising me somehow.
The smell hit me but the cars’ windows being open made it bearable.
Before I could stutter something, he sat back normally and resumed talking.
“Just like last year, you know.” he laughed.
He actually remembers it. The fact that he does gives me a mix of feelings. I remained silent, trying to focus on the road ahead, which he noticed.
“Aw come on, don’t act like you hate it, you hypocrite.” he playfully said, patting my shoulder. “You know you can relax when I’m around, right?” he then asked, a bit more seriously, keeping his right hand on my shoulder.
It took me a bit to answer that simple question, Dave being so open-minded he almost leaves me speechless.
“Yeah I know man. Thanks.” 
“Good.” he said, again patting my shoulder.
This man’s patience is infinite. 
And just like that, we resumed talking about the usual stuff, as if my kink never existed. I feel like Dave accepted my fetish more than I ever did with myself.
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A few hours later we reached our destination, at around 10:00 AM, the mountains towering over us being so high we could see the peaks covered in glaciers. However, the town where we left the car was not at high altitudes, so while the weather wasn’t as hot as back home, you could still tell it was summer, a particularly hot one nonetheless, as some of the locals told us. From the small town we then begun our hiking towards a place called “Windy Mountain”, making sure our phones still got signal so we could keep our other two buds posted on our location.
As we got higher and higher, the temperatures got a bit lower, but still pleasing, despite our heavy backpacks.
“Call me hypocrite.” I said.
“I already did a few hours ago I believe.” Dave quickly replied.
“I’m just saying… I don’t blame you for parking the car next to the tent, when you were with Dana.”
“Ahah what, feeling tired already?” he mockingly said, tired.
“I could do this all day bro.” I boasted, lying.
“Well no worries, Greg and Adam set the camp right next to that river.”
Dave pointed to a location not really far from us, a bit more downhill than where we were, and I could indeed spot two people in the distance, which I assumed were our buds waiting for us. The view as a whole was also really nice, with the mountain overlooking the entire scene.
“You think they can hear us?” I asked.
“Only way to find out.”
My friend shouted our buds’ names, his voice echoing in the entire valley, but the two people didn’t seem to have any reaction. It was my turn to shout, but once again, nothing.
“Yeah it’s them.” Dave said. “I’d recognize Greg’ piss-yellow shirt anywhere.” he pointed out, as I too noticed that small yellow spot by the river.
“It’s weird they couldn’t hear us.” 
“Let’s see if they can hear this then.”
Dave simply stood where it was, which was surprising considering the sheer amount of gas he started ejecting from his ass. The fart almost fake-sounding, but it was loud and powerful, my friend effortlessly showing off his skills, easily surpassing any natural sound around us. The fart truly echoed everywhere, and as the 9 seconds blast finished, I could still hear it propagating all over the valley. An impressive, almost terrifying display of what my friend is capable of.
Funnily enough, the guy in the piss shirt did seem to turn around; he then waved at us.
“Nice.” I said. “You probably scared the shit out of every animal in the valley, but nice.”
“It’s called ‘asserting dominance’, Timothy.” Dave said, acting all serious. “The valley now knows who’s in charge.”
“Wow I feel so safe now.” I said, letting my sarcasm do the talking… while trying to ignore my boner.
The moment we arrived, Greg and Adam fetched us beers and something to eat, just some snacks, as it was too early to set up a barbecue anyway. We started setting up our camp like we did last time: our two tents being on the opposite sides, facing each other, with a fire pit in the middle, not too close, not too far away. 
“Isn’t that tent a bit too small for you two?” Greg noted, while rummaging through the snacks.
“We don’t need a bigger tent to compensate you know.” I replied, very maturely.
“Also, me and Tim like to snuggle in those cold summer nights.” Dave added, hugging me from behind. “Right, honey?”
I shook him off. “Oh yeah…” I played along. “Whisper me something soft and sweet, my stallion!”
What my ear received however was anything but a gentle whisper. Dave was really enjoying the beer and he decided to let me (and everyone) know by belching directly into my skull, the scent of yeast and water hitting my nostrils. My bro wants to make sure he can destroy me from both ends, if you know what I mean.
“Serves you right.” Greg snickered.
Like a Terminator, Dave changed his target and let me go, power-walking towards our snickering friend. Before Greg could beg for mercy, he grabbed his head and burped straight onto his face, earning mature laughters from me and Adam.
“The good news is that you’re probably scaring bears off.” Adam commented. 
“He’s ‘asserting dominance’” I explained, making finger quotes.
“He’s the true alpha.” Adam added, sarcastically.
“He’s making me puke.” Greg managed to say, just as Dave’s belch ended.
Once this very mature display of manliness was over, my bro joined us in setting up the camp, with his classic smirk drawn on his face, pretty proud of making Greg almost lose it.
After setting up the camp we ate something, nothing too complicated, just some sandwiches and fresh water, because in the afternoon we planned to go hiking; the destination was this beautiful waterfall located deeper into the woods and at a higher altitude, a true sight to behold. Due to this however, the climate there was colder, and the temperatures started to lower even in the valley (where our camp was) due to the Sun hiding behind one of the tall mountains looming over us.
In our tent I was setting some things up before the hike, like the GPS on my phone, and pulling some things out of my backpack to avoid bringing something needlessly heavy with me. My back was facing the tent’s entrance but I could feel someone coming inside.
“Everything’s alright?” Dave asked. 
For all the immature, sometimes gross pranks he plays on us (…you know what I mean), Dave was actually the smartest around here, and the one we trusted the most when it came to organizing trips like these. Just because he acts silly, it doesn’t man he’s stupid.
“Yeah man. All set.” I said. “If we die, they’re gonna find our corpses in no time.” I joked.
“That’s the spirit!” my friend cheered.
As the Dave got into the tent, I realized how smaller than the last one was indeed. The fact that my bro was taller and generally “bigger” than me, body-wise, didn’t help. There was room to breathe, lay down and all that stuff, but a bigger tent would have definitely been better. 
My bro got on all fours to look for some of his own stuff and, due to the small size of the tent, accidentally brushed his camo-clad ass all over me more than once. This stuff can happen to everyone, so I just ignored it, though it was hard not to think of what that same ass is capable of, considering the person who belongs to.
“Looking for something?” I asked, turning to him, though my head was basically talking to his ass.
“Yeah, my rain jacket.” he said, while rummaging through his own backpack.
“Oh right, the waterfall.” I remembered. I too had a rain jacket after all.
“Nevermind, found it.” he told me, giving me an OK I sign.
I kept checking my stuff, his camo-clad ass still literally next to me. I noticed Dave’s hand now patting his own butt, like we all do when we can’t find our phones in our back-pockets.
“What are you looking for now?” I asked, without even turning to his ass, even though my boner really wanted me to take a closer look.
Dave didn’t answer, though I felt his hand pat my shoulder, then my hair.
“Your head, actually.” he said, trying not to laugh.
He quickly pulled me and planted my entire face into his ass, holding it still. As my nose touched the warm fabric of his cargo pants, I felt his buttcheeks relax and, surprise to no one, a fart came out, a loud blast that made my teeth shake for how strong and loud it was. The gas went down my nostrils and eyes, making me choke, but Dave’s firm grip on my head was merciless. As my bro kept his position on all four, he raised one of his legs a bit, easing the blast out, actually making him get even louder. He finally let me head go as he did this, but my kinky-self didn’t move at all, enjoying the blast until it was over.
And indeed it was over, at around 11 seconds, a fart fueled by beer and snacks. I heard my friend laugh as he gently pushed me away using his own ass. The turned around, with his usual smirk.
“It’s just too easy with you.” he said. 
I didn’t say anything, turning my attention to my backpack again. Despite Dave’s best (worst?) efforts, I was always embarrassed by this. My bro probably noticed this and stopped the teasing, getting ready himself for the hike.
As I mentioned, the temperatures were getting lower, so Dave changed clothes accordingly: he was now wearing a pair of dark blue jeans, a long-sleeved t-shirt and the aforementioned rain jacket.
“Piss yellow? How the tables have turned.” I mocked him, commenting the color of the jacket.
“It’s ochre, you swine.” he said.
We were hiking in single file, with me being the last, in the woods, the temperatures getting lower; the mood was great however, and we occasionally improvised songs from a certain epic fantasy as we felt like we were marching towards a dark volcano or a dragon-infested mountain. The landscapes certainly helped the illusion of an epic tale: it was just a damn beautiful place; despite the Sun being still obscured by the mountains, we could still it was a picture perfect day, weather-wise: we couldn’t have chosen a better day to go camping and hiking.
My gay and kinky ass kept distracting me from truly appreciating the beauty of nature, as Dave was the one walking in front of me. Regardless of my fetish, Dave was a great-looking guy, so I couldn’t help but to stare at him for a few seconds whenever I could. My eyes would obviously land on his jeans-clad ass more than once, which were a bit loose but also wrapped nicely around his powerful butt as he walked. Disgustingly enough, I wished he could fart on me while wearing those, but I won’t deny I’d love to ask, but I will never do it, I’d feel like I’m crossing some boundaries I’m not supposed to cross, because at the end of the day Dave is straight.
I can at least enjoy the view… and considering that the human body is, well, not artificial, you can technically say I’m still enjoying the scenery nature had to offer.
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The hype paid off: the waterfall, the main reason we came up here in the first place, was absolutely incredible. We were speechless, so stunned we didn’t even think to take a picture of it the moment we got there. We kept walking, following a route that would get us right in front of it, millions of small droplets of water already dampening our faces and clothes. This never-ending wall of water going down the mountain was a beast, and a loud one truth to be told: we had to yell because we couldn’t hear anything unless we stood really close to each other.
“I’m speechless.” I yelled everyone.
“What?!” everyone replied.
“I said that I’m speechless!” 
“Then why are you talking?!” Greg screamed back.
We didn’t have anything else to say as we stood in front of that wonderful display of nature, letting the water do all the talk. Finally we decided to become a boomer’s worst nightmare and pulled our phones out, taking pictures, posting stories and selfies. I saw Dave making a short video-call with Dana, even though the two could barely hear each other (but knowing them, that was the entire joke) while the other three of us settled for posting our pics on social medias.
It was still daytime (around 5:00 PM) but after about 20 minutes admiring the scenery, we decided it was time to hike back to the camp. 
Also, we were starving.
“You two want to make out or what?” Adam yelled, noticing me and Dave staying behind.
I explained (screaming like a demon) that Dave needed to send a couple more pics to Dana, but the phone’s signal was unstable, so I was waiting for him to not leave him alone there.
Adam gestured a “whatever” and he and Greg disappeared in the woods around the waterfall. 
After a couple more minutes, which I spent sitting down admiring that cathedral of nature, Dave put his phone in the backpack and sat next to me, at first in silence.
“I gotta take Dana to this place.” he thought out loud.
We kept sitting there, the loudness of the water rushing down the only thing we could hear despite ourselves. I decided to ruin the moment by reaching for something in my backpack.
“Beer?” I said, handing a can of beer to my bro.
“Always.” he replied.
We had a quick toast and enjoyed the view a bit more.
“Man that’s loud.” I commented, the waterfall’s noise starting to piercing my ear-drums.
Dave slowly turned to me, sporting an exaggerated smirk.
“Challenge accepted.” 
I guess it was his turn to ruin the moment.
He quickly stood up, now towering next to me, and I could once again admire that beautiful denim ass. He wasn’t gonna fart in my face, not there at least, but for some reason he just wanted to do it. It wasn’t because of me, I’m pretty sure: the guy just enjoys showing off.
I didn’t stand up, and just stared at Dave… waiting, until he turned his head down to me with a cheesy smirk.
“You can’t hear it?” he yelled.
I instinctively stared at his ass and focuses. I could barely hear it: it was one of his well-known farts, loud and proud, but he still couldn’t beat the waterfall.
Trying to hide my massive boner, I simply gestured my ear, as to say that I couldn’t hear it. My friend just laughed and I could see his eyes narrowing, as if he was forcing more gas out.
And truth to be told, I could hear the fart getting louder, still not as loud as the waterfall obviously, but damn that must have been incredible to hear in all of its glory.
Dave kept standing still, relaxing his ass muscles and pushing what was probably one of his longest and loudest farts out. I could notice the droplets coming from the waterfall being blown farther away once they got close to his denim ass, a sign of powerful that blast was.
Now I could hear it properly, which my friend noticed, as he once again stared down at me sporting a wide, silly smile, immaturely proud of his fart. Really putting the “ass” in the whole “asserting dominance”-thing he had going one since we got here.
I thought I was ruining the moment with that beer, but Dave is better at everything I guess.
The hardest thing (besides my penis) was fighting the urge to simply plant my face into that ass, so I could properly enjoy that massive display of farting-talent; I couldn’t complain however, since Dave is basically a terribly wonderful enabler for my fart kink.
Now I couldn’t hear the waterfall anymore, only the fart; that fact that I was right next to the source of the blast certainly helped, but that was impressive either way. Dave was visibly exhausted: that was too much even for him (and, probably, me), so he sat down next to me again, sighing in relief, and the fart ended. How long did that last anyway? Not only it was loud, it was extremely lengthy. If I had to guess, that was probably around 60 seconds! 
I tried to focus again on the waterfall, while Dave proposed another toast.
“To us.” he said, sounding as corny as you think.
“Really?” I replied, skeptical.
Dave simply laughed in response.
“You’re a disgusting weirdo, Tim.” he said, smiling, but those words didn’t hurt me at all, because I knew he wouldn’t say things like that to hurt me. “But takes one to know one.”
“Wait.” I was confused. “What does that mean?” 
“Don’t get any ideas now.” he quickly stated. “I just wanted to remind you how weird all of this is.” he took a sip of his beer. “How hilariously weird.” he laughed.
Dave, a straight guy, a good friend. Yes, I was the weirdo of the duo, but he doing what he does for me can be just as weird and the fact that he just doesn’t care only proves even more what a great bro he is, being ridiculously open-minded about all this stuff.
“You didn’t have to, you know?” I told him.
“Teasing you is hilarious.” he admitted. “Thanks for the laughs.” he patted my back.
I simply decided to remain silent, probably the best decision, and let the waterfall once again do all the talk, as the millions of droplets of water made our clothes soaking wet. Dave asserted his dominance, but the waterfall definitely had the last word.
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Back to the camp, we quickly put some sausages with “Adam’s special sauce” on the barbecue (I’ll save you the mandatory jokes) and had a nice dinner all the 4 of us together, planning on what we were gonna do the next day; probably something simpler, not deep in the woods: the town were we left the car had a couple of good restaurants so like the bunch of city slickers we are, we decided to hang out there the next morning.
It was a windy night, but it wasn’t that cold outside, so both me and Dave lay down in our tent, next to each other, without sleeping bags. A small lantern lit the inside of the tent with a warm light. My friend was lying on his stomach, still wearing the long-sleeved shirt and the jeans from before, which I sadly immediately noticed. 
Dave’s face was even more lit because of his phone inches from his nose, which he was using to message Dana, as the continuous tapping and notifications sounds confirmed. Honestly, that was kind of annoying.
“Bro…” I whispered. “Can you… please, you know?” I said, hoping to sound just as annoying.
“Mh?” Dave replied, distracted by all the messaging.
“Please?” I repeated.
Dave smiled and resumed the noisy tapping. “Yeah sure, give me a minute.” 
“Nice.” I thanked him.
I simply laid down, staring at what can we consider the “ceiling” of our tent. That was a good day, we should actually do it more often.
“Alright.” Dave put his phone down, after indeed a minute passed. 
However, he kept moving for some reason. He laid down on his back and turned his entire body so his legs would be next to my head. But then, he cocked his denim legs up and made those go over my head, now fully showing off his denim ass right next to my face, which looked like a wall of jeans given how loose (almost sagging) it was.
“Dude, what the fuck?!” I almost yelled.
“Huh?” Dave said. All I could see was his denim ass, but I could tell he was confused.
“What the Hell?” I kept asking.
“Bro. You literally asked for it.” he explained.
“I didn’t.”
“Yeah you did!” he insisted, this time laughing a bit.
That felt surreal.
Then I realized.
“I was… I was talking about all the tapping, dude! If you could put that damn phone on mute!”
We remained silent for a couple of long seconds, then Dave broke the silence by laughing like an idiot.
“Sorry bro, I totally thought you finally had the guts to just ask for it ahah.”
“I would never!”
We kept talking like that, with my head inches from his ass, Dave just casually lying down like that as if it was the most normal thing in the world.
“Well…” my bro finally said. “Do you want me to fart or not?” he whispered, as we both remembered that Greg and Adam’s tent wasn’t far from us, even though they were already asleep.
The way he just casually asked got me massively aroused already. How in the world I manage to have a friend like him is beyond me, beyond my wildest dreams.
“It’s not like I have anything better to do anyway.” he then said.
Indeed, we were in the middle of nowhere.
“Okay…” I finally found the courage to speak. “But only if you want to.”
Dave laughed.
“I don’t want to fart in your face, bro.” he said, reaching for my head, pulling it even closer to his denim ass. “I want to fuckin’ end it. Ready?”
That was a rhetorical question. The blast that greeted me was massive, my face shaking due to the power of that fart. Whatever sauce Adam put on those sausages really messed with my friend’s stomach, which was already infamously powerful as well all know. The stench was unbearable and the entire tent shook because of the wind Dave was shooting out of his ass.
The natural blast kept going for about 12 more seconds, with my friend letting my head go halfway through the rip, knowing that I wasn’t going anywhere. At around the 16th second mark, the fart finally ended, leaving an invisible gas cloud engulfing the tent. The smell hit my bro as well, but he was basically immune at his own poisonous attacks.
Without moving his ass, he slightly got up, staring down at me from beyond that wall of jeans, with a silly smirk, checking for my reaction, which was awkward and speechless as usual, something that he’d always find amusing.
“Are you ok there, Tim?�� we heard Greg yell from his tent.
Both of us laughed like idiots this time. “It’s all good!” Dave yelled. 
Maintaining eye-contact with me, with his ass still inches from my face, he started to suck air in. The facial expressions he made were just as hot as the sounds he was producing from his ass.
“Asserting dominance?” I casually asked.
Dave laughed again. “Nah, just making a thirsty bitch’s dreams come true.” he joked.
Once again, I wasn’t offended, nor Dave’s words were ill-intentioned. We always made fun of each other after all, and considering what was happening… I honestly deserved that.
My friend reached for my head one more time, pulling it close to his denim ass, now completely sagging, my nose rubbing against the red fabric of his sweaty boxer shorts. This time he was blasting me on command, but honestly there were no different from his natural ones. He was indeed really good at quenching my thirst, I couldn’t deny that.
It was a series of mid rips, loud and about 3 seconds long each. I wish Dave always had nothing better to do than blasting me, to be honest. I again heard our other friends’ yelling something, but the sound from Dave’s farts was so loud it reminded me of the waterfall.
The tip of my cock dampened as the barrage ended with a longer 9 seconds rip, which almost teared a hole through my friend’s red boxer.
He finally let me go and he resumed his previous position, lying down next to me.
“Dave…” I said. “I’ll never understand why you do it, but thanks.”
“I swear I’m gonna kick your ass if you keep saying that.” he replied, pushing me a bit.
I tried to relax, as if nothing happened, another thing that Dave was much better than me at. I closed my eyes and focused on having a good night sleep… but I heard all that tapping again.
“Really?” I said, turning to him.
“If you can handle the noises my ass makes, you can handle my phone, you hypocrite.”
“I… you… you KNEW I was talking about the phone the whole time!”
Dave simply turned to me, sporting the most annoying smirk he could mess me with.
“It’s just too easy with you.” he said one more time, and winked at me.
Truly asserting dominance, he raised one of his legs and a ripped a quick, loud one, effortlessly.
At this point I was just blushing like a fool. I turned my back to him to avoid eye contact because I was a mess. My bro is such a teasing bastard and I both hate and love him for this, but damn it’s getting way too hot in here. 
Luckily, the cold windy night helped cooling me down, even though there was more wind inside the tent than outside, because of Dave.
Maybe that’s why they call it “Windy Mountain” (yes, you knew it was coming).
End of Episode 24
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lottiette · 3 months
can you please make a billy thunderman x reader story? i loved the one headcannon of him kissing the reader while they study! it was so cute omg <3
Billy Thunderman x Reader
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“Kisses First, Study Later”
Authors note: I will! I’m so excited you asked! My first request and my first fanfic so I apologize if it’s bad. I am open to any feedback I hope you enjoy feel free to request other things. I hope you enjoy!
Warnings: none (sorry it’s short)
Genre: Fluff
You were siting at the desk in his room going over equations on the homework. “Okay, so then you find the square root then multiply.” You try to explain while looking at the equations, but Billy isn’t paying attention. Instead he’s twirling around in his chair. “Billy!” You shout, getting his attention. “Are you even listening?” “Huh?” “Billy, you have to pay attention and know how to do this if you want to pass.” “But this is boring” he groans. “Can’t we do something else?” He pleads. You sigh and close the math packet. “Fine. I guess we can work on English.” “English!? I already be spoken perfect English. See!” You look at him with squinted eyes trying not to laugh and you nod your head. “Right…well if you’re not going to work on your homework, then I’m going to work on mine.”
You push his books to the side and open yours. You tie your hair up(sorry if you’re bald I don’t know what to tell ya😬👩‍🦲) and tap your pencil. “No! Don’t do that.” He tries to protest but you ignore him. You mumble to yourself the equations and the process to solve them. Not long into your homework Billy decides that your homework is torture and he needs to save you from it. He scoots his chair closer to you only inches away. He stares at you lovingly then gets an idea.
He kisses your cheek and wraps his arms around you. He slowly moves down to your neck, giving it gently kisses. “What are you doing?” You ask him. “Nothing….just showing how much I love you.” He continues to kiss on your neck. “Billy…” you try to protest but before your next sentence can come out he steals your lips with his. “Bil-“ he captures your lips again “Shh” he pulls you closer, practically in his lap. “You know how you get doing schoolwork.” He peppers your neck in kisses. He lifts your chin up and kisses you deeply. You give up on trying to stop him and kiss him back. He picks you up bridal style. “What are you doing?!” “Carrying you.” “Put me down I’m too hea-AAA!” He throws you on to his bed and you roll to the other side. “Billy!!” He just laughs at you and crawls on top of you. “You’re so cute Jellybean” He starts peppering your whole face in kisses again and you giggle. “That tickles.” “Really?” He raises his eyebrow and smirks. Then he attacks you! Tickling under your armpits and sides. You can’t stop laughing. “Stop! Oh- em gee!!! Stop!” He doesn’t stop he goes for all your week spots. In self defense fight or flight mode you grab his pillow and smack him in the head with it. “Ow! Hey!” He laughs as you gain the higher ground. He grabs a pillow of his own and tackles you down. Ya’ll are rolling around hitting each other with pillows, laughing and screaming, when you both roll off the bed together. He covers your head as ya’ll fall so you don’t hit it.
Once on the ground you hit him with the pillow smothering him. “Okay! Okay! You win cutey.” Ya’ll roll over on the ground and just hold each other for the moment as you laugh trying to calm down. “Wanna watch a movie?” “I guess” you fake groan and giggle. As he picks you back up and on to the bed.
“but after the movie we’re studying.” “Alright…” he smiles at you.
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#SavetheWinchesters pt.2
Summary - This is the long-time-coming sequel to my fic #SavetheWinchesters. After months of campaigning, they finally find out the network’s verdict.
Pairing - Jensen Ackles x reader
Masterlist | Part 1
A/N - We now all know the unfortunate fate that The Winchesters met with. So, thanks to a little reminder from @ozwriterchick (which was now ages ago…I’m so sorry this took so long!) of the original fic I wrote I’ve decided to finally follow it up. Sorry for the lengthy hiatus, life’s been hectic, plus I am working on something big that I’m hoping will be ready to share with you soon. Thank you for your patience and continued support, and welcome to anyone new! I love you all!!
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
You, Jensen and the rest of the cast of The Winchesters have been campaigning hard for weeks and now it’s finally time to find out the verdict. You have a video call scheduled with the executives later today. The anxiety for their decision and your husband’s reaction has had you tossing and turning all night. With the sun finally pouring through the windows you roll over and kiss his cheek as you wrap an arm over his chest and snuggle close. You feel him stir and wrap his arm around you as well. You hear a toilet flush down the hall, signaling that at least one of your kids is already awake. 
“That’s my sign to get up…” you sigh. 
“Or you could stay here a little longer. They won’t starve.”
“No, but I have to get them ready for school, otherwise they’ll be late because they’ll just watch TV or play with their toys instead of getting ready.”
“So responsible…”
“Someone has to keep this house running. You may pay the bills, but this place would be chaos without me.”
He leans over and kisses your lips softly, still half asleep. “And I hope you know how grateful I am for everything you do. There’s no way I could manage all this on my own, yet you make it seem so simple.”
“We do it together. Now come on, help me wrangle this lot and don’t forget you promised them you’d drive them to school. Plus, you’ve got that meeting later.”
You try to sit up but he wraps his arm tighter around you and holds you down to kiss you again. When he pulls away he asks, “About that…Will you do it with me? We are partners on this project after all.”
“Just on this project?” you tease playfully before pecking his lips. “Of course, I’ll do the meeting with you. We’re partners in every sense.” You peck his lips again and then get up. You throw on your robe, go downstairs to check on the kids and start getting them ready. You find them just as you expected, sitting in front of the TV watching the morning cartoons. “Alright, kiddos, who’s had breakfast?” As expected you don’t get a single response, they’re too engrossed in the Great Dane on the TV. You pour out a bowl of cereal for each of them and then let them eat in front of the TV. If nothing else, it provides a good distraction while you brush and style their hair neatly. 
Jensen finally comes downstairs, after showering and getting dressed for the day, and makes you both a coffee and toast while you make sandwiches and pack snacks for the kids’ lunches. You work together in perfect harmony. After years of not having him around often for these mundane mornings, you’re surprised at how well you fall into sync when he is. 
While he drives the kids to school you tidy up, get dressed, set a load of washing, and then set Jensen’s laptop on the kitchen counter for the meeting. Then, while you wait you scroll through your social media, checking on the status of the hashtag and retweeting some of your favourite posts despite knowing that the decision is already made, one way or the other. Still, you can hope. Also, it doesn’t hurt to boost the support for the show in case you have to start searching for a new home for it. 
You smile as you hear the alarm system beep off and on in time with the front door opening and closing. “How was traffic?” you call out as you listen to your husband’s footsteps getting closer.
“Busy…But I do enjoy that time with the kids. I missed it for so long” he says as he rattles the keys in the bowl.
“I know, but you’re home with us now. And even when you go again, we know you’ll always come back.”
Jensen sits on the couch beside you, wrapping one arm over your shoulders and kissing your temple. “I love you.”
“I love you too.”
He looks over at your phone. “I hope they say yes, today. I hope we convinced them…It’s such a good cast and crew and I have so many ideas.”
“I know. I hope so too…But even if they don’t, it was an amazing wild ride. They’ll all go far regardless. You know what the industry is like.”
“I know…Never get your hopes up. Everything is a blessing. Don’t put your fist through the drywall…blah blah blah…I just…”
You can feel him tensing up. You place a hand on his cheek softly, forcing him to look at you. You kiss his cheek, the tip of his nose and then his lips. You whisper against his lips, “I know. I love your passion and love for these people, but you need to calm down.” You feel him relax slightly as he kisses you back deeper.
“Thank you…”
When the alarm alerts you that it’s 10 minutes to your meeting with the network executives, you both get up and set yourselves up in front of the laptop. Your hand rests reassuringly on Jensen’s knee while his hand rests on yours. You wait in the video call lobby for them to join. Once they finally do, it’s a whirlwind; a rush of words that you can hardly process as you feel your husband tensing up and gripping your hand tightly to ground himself and likely stop his Dean from showing. Once you finally catch up, you try to save the meeting.
“Thank you for taking the time to consider us. We really appreciate this opportunity.”
Jensen gives them a polite nod before slamming the laptop shut and pacing around the kitchen. You give him a few minutes to walk off his frustration and calm down before you stand up and wrap your arms around him.
“I really thought we would’ve changed their mind. Did they not see? All the posts? All the support? How hard the actors worked?”
“I know…” You try to comfort him but he pulls away.
“I’m gonna go workout,” he says before storming down the hall towards your at-home gym. 
Your heartbreaks for him, you know how much he put into creating the story and world and how passionate he is about the up-and-coming actors. You text the main cast: Meg, Drake, Jojo and Nida to invite them to a video call in a couple of hours. You figure it’s best to give Jensen some time to work the frustration out of his system before talking to them. 
To keep yourself busy, you hang out the washing and start preparing dinner. When Jensen finally returns, he’s freshly showered and changed into a fresh outfit. He wraps his arms around you from behind and places his hands on yours to stop you from chopping the vegetables briefly. “I’m sorry…” He kisses the top of your head.
You turn around in his arms and wrap your arms around his neck, careful not to touch him with your dirty hands. “Did you apologise to the punching bag too?” you jest which causes a small smile to pull at the corner of his mouth. “It’s fine, Jens, really. I understand. I’m sorry about the show.”
“Me too. I guess I should call the others…let them know before they find out the hard way…”
“I’ve arranged a call in about…” You glance over at the clock. “Ten minutes now.”
He pulls you in for a soft kiss. “You’re so perfect.”
You do the call together, just like the disappointing one earlier, Jensen holds you tight for support. Once everyone comes online you and Jensen gently give them the bad news. You try to soften the blow by emphasising how well they did and that the cancellation is in no way their fault, but a disappointing result of budget cuts and the difficult times with the threats of industry strikes on the horizon. You both encourage them to keep auditioning and expanding their careers and skills. Then you finally finish by thanking them for their time and passion in helping bring your and Jensen’s vision to life and help with the campaign, even if it didn’t go the way you all hoped. 
After saying your goodbyes and shutting off the camera, Jensen kisses the top of your head and stands up. Then without a word, he slinks off down the hall. You shoot a sad smile at his back. Despite knowing the industry is rough, it’s been a long time since things haven’t gone his way. After 15 years of a guaranteed job and so much say in the character and direction, he’s not used to the pushback and being shut down. You know he’ll accept it and come back to his bubbly self in time, but it will take just that. So, in the meantime, you continue to do what you can; finish the laundry and dinner and pick up the kids from school to allow him some time alone to process everything.
When you get back home, the kids run outside to play. You cut up some fruits, put them on a plate with a few cookies and then wander out to the deck. You go to call the kids over to get some snacks but stop when you hear your husband’s soft voice and the perfect melody from his guitar. You smile and sit in the chair beside him enjoying the unexpected, accidental serenade. 
“She keeps on loving me
Loves me the way I am
She's not just along for the ride
She's my biggest fan
Lord, it's a little old piece of heaven
When we lay down at night
She keeps on loving me
And I keep on wondering why”
As he finishes the song he winks at you and you smile. “I stumbled on this song a while ago…it’s perfect for us…”
“Everything is gonna work out. It’ll be hard for a bit, sure. But there is an upside…” You look over at the kids playing on their swing set and then back at Jensen. “Until your next project, we can just enjoy a little time as a family without the looming thought of you having to leave for weeks or months at a time. I know they’ll be happy about that.”
“Yeah…That actually sounds really nice. Just us as a family, no looming deadlines or projects. We’ve never had that before.”
“New, unchartered territory. But I’m game if you are?”
He smiles at you and nods before calling out, “I’m gonna eat all these cookies!” He picks one up, opens his mouth wide and holds the cookie close to his lips teasingly. The kids sprint over and pout until he places it back on the plate. Once they sit down to eat, Jensen decides to share the news. “So, how would you guys feel about me being around a little more permanently for a while?”
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ladykailitha · 1 year
If I Rescue You, Will You Rescue Me, Too? Part 17
Allison isn’t in this one much, and next chapter we say goodbye to her because she was starting to take up the narrative space that was meant for Eddie. And while I’ll miss her as much as everyone else, it is a Steve/Eddie fic and not Steve+Allison fic. Maybe after this is done, I’ll do a little one-shot with featuring her.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16
Steve was worried. Yes, yes, he was aware that was normal. But this was introducing his kids to his mom. He didn’t know if he should introduce them in batches or all at once.
Dustin took the decision out of his hands when he decided to show up at Eddie’s unannounced when his mom was there.
Eddie, Robin, Wayne, Allison and Steve had their heads over the real estate section of the newspaper.
Allison pointed to one. “This one is in Loch Nora. Four bedroom, three and half bath with an Olympic style pool.”
“What the hell is a half a bath?” Robin asked as she leaned over Allison’s shoulder.
There was a knock on the door and Eddie went to answer it while Allison explained what it was.
Dustin smiled up at him. “You know it’s great having you and Wayne in the neighborhood. It makes it easier to check up on you and Steve.”
Eddie sighed. “We’re busy, what do you want?”
Dustin was about to say when he heard Robin laugh. “Robin’s here, too?” Then he just barreled past Eddie to beeline straight for the kitchen.
He stopped short and cocked his head. “And who the hell are you?”
“Language!” Steve barked. “And you don’t get to talk to guests in someone else’s house like that.”
Eddie came up behind Dustin and knocked off his hat. “Yeah, butthead. She’s a guest in my house, you treat her with respect.”
“Come on, Eddie,” Dustin whined as he gathered his hat back up and put it on his head. “I was just surprised is all.”
Steve grinned. “Mom, this is Dustin Henderson. He’s the one I was telling you about that Eddie and I co-parent.”
Dustin’s eyes nearly bulged out of his head. “Mom?!”
“Dusty this is my mom, Allison Harrington,” Steve continued as if he hadn’t said anything.
Allison smiled. “It’s a pleasure to finally meet you. Steven has told me all about you. Did you really build a radio tower all by yourself?”
Dustin’s face lit up and he started talking a mile a minute. Allison seemed to take it all in stride as she nodded along and asked questions at the appropriate times.
After he was done explaining he turned to Steve. “Are you sure she’s your mother? But she is super smart.”
Eddie knocked his hat off again. “Behave.”
Allison also frowned. “As a wise man once said, if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree it will think itself stupid. My Steven has different strengths. And let’s not forget that the original NASA astronauts weren’t scientists and scholars but test pilots. Meathead jocks with an adrenaline addiction and little regard for their own safety.”
Dustin blinked. “Oh. That does sound like Steve.” He bent to pick his hat up again and adjusted it so it wouldn’t get knocked off as easily.
“What do you want, Genius Child?” Robin asked. “You came over for a reason. What was it?”
Dustin looked down at his feet and mumbled. “I haven’t got to spend much time with Steve since he moved out of his parents’ house...”
Steve’s shoulders sagged. “I’m sorry, bud. Come here.”
Dustin shuffled over to him and let Steve wrap his arms around him. He put his head on Steve’s chest and sighed.
“I’m sorry,” he whispered.
“For what?” Steve asked. “For wanting to hang out with me? Don’t be. I’ve just been super busy with work and volunteering and trying to find a place to live...and you’ve been in school. So it was just a matter of us missing each other, okay?”
Dustin nodded.
Allison cleared her throat. “Why don’t Robin and I scope out the place in Loch Nora and meet back here in a couple of hours? That way Dustin can hang out with Eddie and Steven. And Robin and I will come back let you know if it’s worth looking at? How does that sound?”
Steve pulled away from Dustin to look at him. “That sound good, bud?”
Dustin nodded.
Allison gathered up the newspaper and her keys, Robin following behind as they walked to the door. They said goodbye to everyone.
Wayne looked up at the clock. “Looks like it’s about time for me to get ready for work. You boys take care, all right?”
Eddie, Dustin and Steve all nodded.
“So what did you want to do, butthead?” Eddie asked, his hands on his lower back.
Dustin pulled off his backpack with a smile. “So I was thinking that we could build Steve a D&D character.”
Steve rolled his eyes. “You know I’m not going to play, so why make me a character?”
Dustin rolled his eyes. “Not like that. You as a D&D character. I figured with you and Eddie helping I could show you how badass your are.”
Steve frowned. “You think I’m badass?”
“Of course!” Dustin said. “And don’t think I hadn’t noticed that the clothes you’ve been wearing isn’t your normal style.”
Eddie scoffed. “Only after I told you.”
Dustin rolled his eyes. “Yes, and after you brought up, I began to notice it myself.”
Steve frowned at both of them. “I wear my regular clothes.”
Eddie wagged his finger back and forth and tsked. “Not true, my Stevie. The outfits you’ve worn lately have been longer in the sleeve and always collared. You haven’t worn a sweater or t-shirt since Vecna.”
“And you always wear an undershirt,” Dustin said. “Something you would only do if the shirt you were wearing was loose, like your Scoops Ahoy uniform.”
Steve gulped.
“Even when we went to Indy, you seemed to melt into the background,” Eddie said. “Something that I know isn’t you.”
Steve looked at the ground and shoved his hands in his pockets. “I didn’t think anyone would notice.”
“I noticed, big boy,” Eddie said. “It’s bothering you, isn’t it? The road rash? It hurts?”
Steve nodded. “My mom got mad at the doctor for not giving me something for the itch at the very least. But by that point it was already starting to flake off. It’ll scar because they didn’t do anything about it.” He sighed. “I–I know I shouldn’t care. They’re proof I survived, but...” his voice cracked.
“What are you afraid of?” Dustin sneered. “That your good looks are gone now?”
When Steve didn’t say anything Eddie thumped Dustin on the head.
“Ow!” he protested. “What was that for?”
“That’s exactly what the problem is, you dumbass,” Eddie said. “And that’s what I was trying to indicate with his sudden change of style.”
“I just don’t understand what the big deal is,” Dustin said. “He’s been a badass for years. He doesn’t need his good looks when he’s got a nail bat. That’s why I wanted to make the D&D character to show him is strengths. So he can see on paper how cool he is.”
Steve and Eddie looked at each other in amazement.
“Oh,” Steve said softly.
“I wasn’t trying to be an ass,” Dustin whined. “I just don’t get why it upset him so much.”
“Because I know my reputation, okay,” Steve said through gritted teeth. “Dumb Steve ‘The Hair’ Harrington. A pretty face with the charm to match. King Steve the Jock, who’s toned and hot. Good looks and an empty head. Great to go to for beauty and dating advice, but not much else. I know! Okay?”
Dustin opened his mouth to argue, but stopped. “I didn’t know you felt that way.”
“It’s not like you kids do anything to dispel that image,” Eddie said, crossing his arms over his chest and looking down. “Because when I ask questions no one tells me that I’m an adult and shouldn’t have to be told everything.” He raised an eyebrow at Dustin.
Dustin’s jaw dropped. “Oh shit.”
“I appreciate you wanting to show Steve his strengths in a very tangible way, I do,” Eddie said. “But if you really want Steve to feel better about himself, try starting with dialing back on the insults.”
Eddie pushed his fingers into his eye as tamped down on his rising temper. “That was something I didn’t understand. I was talking to Steve telling him how much everyone talked him up. Lucas, you, and even Mike. All ranted and raved about how awesome Steve was. But he didn’t believe me!” Steve looked up and bit his bottom lip, fighting back the tears.
Eddie straightened up and walked toward Dustin, putting himself between Steve and him. “But the second I saw you kids with Steve, I got it. And none of the older siblings get the absolute shit Steve does. Not even Lucas and he’s got Erica as a younger sister.”
Dustin stared up at Eddie, tearing up. “I didn’t realize it had gotten so bad. I’m sorry, Steve.”
“We can do the character sheet if you want,” Steve said, “but yeah, what he said.” He pointed to Eddie. “You and I give each other shit as brothers but seriously Eddie and I couldn’t figure out why you wanted to hang out with us when all you talked about was how cool the other guy was.”
Dustin shuffled his feet and blushed. “I wanted you guys to be friends at the very least. I thought if I kept saying how awesome you guys were that you’d want to meet. It never occurred to me that you might get jealous of each other.”
Eddie tilted his head forward and the side. “Uh, dude...I know the rest of that was important and very sweet, but what did you mean by ‘at the very least’?”
Dustin just continued to look at his feet, scuffing the kitchen tile with the side of his sneaker.
“Dusty?” Steve asked. “You can tell us, we won’t be mad. I promise.” He looked over at Eddie who nodded.
“No judgment, bud,” Eddie agreed. “But you’ve got to tell us.”
Dustin let out a dramatic sigh. “I kept trying to set Robin and Steve up, but they kept saying that they were incompatible and just strictly Platonic with a capital P.”
Eddie raised an eyebrow at Steve who half shrugged. “It is what it is.”  
“So, anyways,” Dustin continued. “I figured maybe it was because Steve was secretly gay and that’s why he kept striking out with girls. And I knew Eddie was so...”
Eddie doubled over with laughter as Steve placed his hands on his hips and looked up the ceiling, pursing his lips and trying not to laugh, too.
“You were trying to set us up?” Eddie asked between gasps of laughter.
“It only sounds stupid when you say it like that,” Dustin grumbled.
Eddie and Steve shared a glance.
“Should we tell him?” Steve asked.
Eddie cocked his head to the side. “I don’t know, he does already have an over-inflated ego as it is. This might tip it over into epic mode.”
Steve tapped his lips. “That’s certainly true. But he’ll find out eventually and he’ll be upset we didn’t tell him when we had the chance.”
Eddie stopped giggling and sighed. “That’s certainly true. And for all his faults, we do love the little butthead.”
“That we do,” Steve said solemnly.
“Can someone please explain to me what’s going on?” Dustin asked, his head swimming with the possibilities of what they could be talking about.
Eddie grinned and walked over to Steve. Steve blushed as he realized what he was going to do.
Eddie wrapped one arm around Steve, the other hand reaching up to cup his cheek fondly. Then he pressed their lips together in a slow, searing, beautiful kiss.
Dustin began jumping up and down squealing with barely contained joy. “Oh my god! This is awesome!”
Steve broke away from the kiss and Dustin could see that he was completely red.
“How long?” he asked excitedly.
Steve buried his head in Eddie’s shoulder to hide his rising embarrassment.
Eddie licked his lips. “Since Indy.”
“Steve, you smooth motherfucker,” Dustin cooed. “Did you take him to the concert to woo Eddie?”
When Eddie just laughed and Steve buried his head further into Eddie’s neck, Dustin gasped.
He playfully pushed at Steve. “You could have said, asshole! I wouldn’t have pushed so hard to do something nice for Eddie, too. I would have done my own thing, dumbass.”
Steve lifted his head up and blinked at Dustin. “Really?”
Dustin rolled his eyes. “Yes!” He threw his arms in the air. “Of course I would have. Plus, now that I know that you like Eddie back, I wouldn’t have tried to get you to give back the vest because it would be a really shit thing to do as if Eddie gave it to you, it would have been a declaration of his feelings for you.”
Eddie blinked at Dustin whose mouth had been running at a mile a minute. Steve on the other hand blushed deep.
“It’s a good thing I talked to Jeff and got skinny on that before I did something that stupid,” Steve acknowledged. “So I made him one to give back to him.”
Dustin giggled again and started hopping up and down.
“Dude!” Steve said, hands on his hips. “You’re going re-injure your ankle if you keep that up.”
“I don’t care!” Dustin squealed. “This is so freaking awesome. Can I see it? The vest I mean. You don’t have to because it’s personal, but yeah...”
Eddie laughed. “Yeah you can see it.” He went to go grab it.
Dustin immediately threw his arms around Steve. “This is so amazing. I’m so happy that you guys are a couple. And I completely understand you not telling me. Shit must be so scary for you guys.”
Steve nodded and hugged Dustin back.
“So do a lot of people know?” he asked, shyly. But Steve heard the real question of ‘Am I the last to know?’
Steve shook his head. “Wayne was the first to know.”
Dustin took a step back. “Makes sense.”
“Then Robin,” Steve continued.
“Best friend privileges,” Dustin agreed. “Well best friend your age anyway.”
Steve ruffled his hair. “Absolutely. I don’t have a secret handshake with just anyone.”
“You better not!” Dustin said mock seriously.
“Um...” Steve said. “Jeff was the next to know.”
Dustin nodded again. “You mentioned you talked to him about the battle vest, make sense that he understand the meaning behind, too.”
“Nancy...” Steve said with a grimace.
Dustin exploded. “What?!”
“She figured it out on her own,” Steve said. “They don’t call her Nancy Drew for nothing, after all. Plus, I’ll admit to panicking the day we went to Indy.”
Dustin narrowed his eyes. “Which meant Robin was panicking.”
“Yep,” Steve said. “So we called her in to help make sure I didn’t forget anything.”
“So far so good,” Dustin admitted. “Anyone else?”
“Just one,” Steve said, he licked his lips and looked down at the floor.
“Who?” Dustin asked, frowning a little.
“Will,” Eddie said from the doorway.
Dustin turned to see Eddie in the vest, leaning up against the doorframe with his arms crossed.
Dustin’s brain was warring between the information that Will knew before he did and how metal Eddie’s new vest looked. His lizard brain went for the shiny.
“That looks so cool!” he shrieked.
Eddie walked into the kitchen and did a slow turn to show off the whole vest.
“A Corroded Coffin t-shirt?” Dustin cried. “That’s freaking awesome! And Steve did all of it?”
“Yup,” Steve said, grateful that Dustin focused on the vest and not why Will knew before him. He didn’t out Robin and he sure the hell wasn’t going to out Will, either. “Jeff, Gareth, and Brian all showed me the different pins and patches all meant. And then showed me how to sew them on.”
“Brian likes you better now,” Eddie said with a chuckle.
Steve huffed out a laugh. “I’ll bet he does. With all the swag you brought home. I bet he wishes he was nicer to me before we left so I could get Ozzy’s signature for him.”
“Let’s get making up that character sheet,” Eddie said, “shall we?”
Dustin lit up again and his attention was taken off the vest and Will. Both Eddie and Steve breathed a sigh of relief.
Part 18  Part 19  Part 20
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