#I’m pretty sure he meant ‘this is gonna be a weird one’ about the poems
theminecraftbee · 1 year
I think joe’s strategy at this point is “create a cat-based singularity”. like, cub catalyst levels of cats. he just did an impressive monologue/rant about how many cats he needs to make. he got called a monster and nodded for like, a full several seconds before going “yeah basically”. I think this is the joe hills villain arc???
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odos-bucket · 3 years
So I was reading @andillwriteyouatragedy​‘s incredible Brand New Day where Bruce and Clark adopt a young Dick Grayson together, and was thinking about a sort of companion story where they take in Jason together too. Using that story as a rough reference, I’m gonna say they’ve been together for a decade or so here. Dick is somewhere in his late teens. I’m figuring Clark probably offers to tag along on Bruce’s annual trip to crime alley every year. Bruce always politely declines. It’s basically become a part of the day’s bleak tradition. Clark is surprised when for once his offer is accepted. Later on, if pressed, neither of them would be able to pinpoint what was different about that night that made Bruce decide that it might be okay to have some company for once. Clark probably feels weird about it at first. Even though he’d asked Bruce if he wanted company, and Bruce had said yes, which he never would have unless he’d absolutely meant it (and Clark knows that). It still feels a little like he’s intruding on something private, even sacred. Then of course they get there, and there’s nothing going on. Superman’s senses don’t pick up the slightest hint of disruption anywhere in the neighborhood. Maybe they start patrolling around it anyways, maybe they just wander for a couple of blocks. Sooner or later they overhear someone talking about how it’s this night every year that Batman comes calling. Local criminals have picked up on the fact that if they just keep their heads down for this one specific night they can pretty much avoid him. Bruce is all grumbly about it, and immediately goes into ~strategy mode~ like, “Okay, I’ll have to start coming here on different days, on an irregular schedule.” He immediately opens up a dozen different tabs in his brain with calendars, and crime statistics, and is thinking a mile a minute, because that’s what he does. He’s kind of agitated about needing to change something that’s been a ritual for so long (because Batman has OCD, fight me) and he’s annoyed at himself for being bothered by it. Absolutely none of this sudden inner turmoil is detectable in his expression or body language. But Clark knows Bruce, knows how he reacts to things, and that there’s no way he’s not annoyed right now. He says, “Sounds like tonight will be a bust if we stay here,” then when Bruce grunts in response, continues, “We could go back to the manor. Watch a movie.” Then after a pause. “Or we could patrol somewhere else.” A moment passes. When Bruce says, “Okay,” Clark isn’t sure which suggestion he’s agreeing to, but they start back towards the car. It’s not a long walk, but they aren’t moving particularly quickly. By the time they get back to the batmobile it only has one wheel.
Clark frowns as he walks closer, before being stopped in his tracks by a surprising sound. It’s a sound that he recognizes immediately, that he hears all too infrequently. Bruce is laughing. Clark’s mouth quirks into a half smile. He takes a few steps forward, thinking about just picking the whole thing up and flying it back home. Then from a few paces ahead he hears Bruce’s low, gravelly Batman voice say, “Hi there.” Once he’s tuned in to the idea of another presence nearby, it becomes obvious to his advanced senses that someone is lurking behind the car. “Shit,” a small voice says. Bruce takes a few steps closer. “Planning on finishing the job?” He gestures to their remaining wheel. Clark shifts until he can get the kid partially in his sight without the aid of x-ray vision. He’s small, and looks to be somewhere in his pre-teens. “I got no idea what you’re talking about,” he says quickly. “Oh really?” Bruce asks. The boy glares at him. “Nice tire iron,” Bruce continues. “Comes in handy.” “I bet it does.” No sooner than the words are out of Bruce’s mouth, the tool is colliding with his shin. The boy shoots out from behind the car, and down a nearby street. Clark starts toward Bruce, who quickly gestures for him to go after the kid instead. He catches up with him in less than a second. When his hand falls onto the kid’s shoulder he freezes, muscles tightening throughout his body, and heart rate speeding up rapidly. The fear response is so sudden and extreme that Clark finds himself pulling away as if he’s been burned. The anxiety around being feared is something he’s mostly left in his past, but there’s a deep rooted insecurity within him that it still prods at. The kid stumbles when he starts to run again, and by then Bruce has caught up. They hang back, but trail after the boy at a distance, until they reach a condemned building a few blocks away. “Should we go in?” Clark asks. “Probably where my tires are,” Bruce says, before climbing through an uncovered doorway. It isn’t hard to find him again. There aren’t too many heartbeats in the area to distinguish between. When Bruce opens the door to the dilapidated room, the boy’s pulse rate jumps through the roof. Nothing changes externally about him though, and Clark wonders whether or not Bruce can tell that he’s afraid of them. There’s the slightest vibration to his words when he speaks. “Okay, take your stupid tires already. I’m sorry, all right? Just leave me alone!” Bruce isn’t looking at his tires. He’s looking around the room, no doubt noticing the same things that Clark has, mold, water damage, a broken window. The place is freezing. Then in the corner there’s a cardboard box with some pasta and canned goods in it, a small stack of books, and a mattress on the floor. “Do you… live here?” Bruce asks. “Yeah. What of it?” Bruce takes a few more steps into the room. “Where are your parents, son?” Clark asks. “Mom’s dead. I dunno where Dad is; don’t really care, if I’m being honest. Now take your stuff and go already!” He’s holding the iron up again, wielding it in a manner that’s clearly meant to be threatening. Bruce plucks it out of his hands with relative ease, inspects it, then turns it around and hands it back. “Move your thumb up like this, and you’ll have a sturdier grip. And don’t stand with your legs so far apart, it’ll put you off balance.” He sighs. “What’s your name?” “… Jason.” He grabs the tire iron back, shuffling to adjust his grip and footing, keeping his stance defensive. Bruce looks around the place again. “You can’t stay here, Jason.” “Oh yeah? Says who? I can take care of myself! Been doing it for long enough.” Bruce glances up at Clark, who can see the wheels turning in his head, before looking back at Jason. “I’d really like the wheels of my car back,” he says carefully, then hurries to continue before Jason can interject. “Can I make you a deal? We’ll buy you dinner if you reattach the batmobile’s tires?”
There’s a fast food place a couple of blocks away that’s open 24 hours. Jason agrees to accompany them, but walks a few yards behind. The employees at the place aren’t at all phased by the appearance of the two vigilantes. Bruce inspects a suspicious stain on one of the walls, while Jason and Clark look at the menu posted above the counter. They order- Bruce gets two of what Jason asks for- then go outside to eat. Bruce is lost in thought as they exit the restaurant, wondering what it would take to bring free food trucks to the area. Jason’s halfway done with his meal by the time they sit down on the sidewalk. “Do you go to school around here?” Bruce asks, wanting to put together a fuller picture of the boy’s situation. Jason gets a distant look in his eyes in response to the question. He finishes chewing slowly, swallows, then shakes his head, clearing his throat before replying. “No. Not for a long time now.” He shrugs. “I got all I needed to out of it.” “You had some pretty advanced reading material back at your place for someone who didn’t finish middle school.” Bruce recalled seeing The Odyssey amongst his few possessions, as well as a couple of Shakespeare plays. Jason shrugs again. “Reading’s not that hard.” “Some people find it very difficult,” Clark says. “Some people are stupid.” Bruce cuts in before Clark can start on the gentle reprimand he can see him preparing. “Ever think that maybe you’re just smart?” Jason gives him a curious look, like that really wasn’t a possibility that he had considered before, then takes another bite, and stares off thoughtfully. “So, Homer,” Bruce prompts. Jason nods. “It’s a fun story. Odi-seuss is a dick though.” Bruce resists both the compulsion to correct his pronunciation of ‘Odysseus’, and Alfred’s voice in the back of his head urging him to tell the kid not to swear. “What makes you say that?” He asks instead. Jason looks at him like he’s an idiot. “Gee, I don’t know, maybe all the pillaging, and murdering he does throughout the entire book.” “Poem,” Bruce corrects. “What?” “The Odyssey is a poem.” “Wait, really?” Bruce hums an affirmative. “Huh… cool. But the point still stands.” “I’m inclined to agree with you. Have you ever read The Scarlet Pimpernel?” Jason shakes his head. “It’s been a personal favorite for a long time,” says Bruce. Clark shoots him an amused grin. “I’ll keep an eye out for anyone throwing out a copy,” Jason says. Bruce frowns. “You have a library around here.” The remark earns him an unamused snort. “It’s a Gotham library; people don’t go there to read books, they go there to buy, sell and/or ingest drugs, and they tend not to be too happy with anybody who’s lingering around while they’re doing it.” Bruce feels a pang, not for the first time that night. “Jason,” he starts, before realizing he isn’t sure what to say. Jason keeps angled to watch him expectantly as he rises to deposit his napkins and bag in a nearby trashcan. “We’d like to help you,” Clark says. “Yeah,” Jason scoffs. “Right. Just how do you plan on doing that? Because I’ve heard that before. I’ve done the whole foster care thing already, and I’m not about to go through it again.” “No,” Bruce is quick to agree. “But there are residential schools in the city. We could help you to get enrolled in one.” Jason seems taken aback by the offer. “…Why?” He asks slowly. “Well for one, because kids should be in school. You’d be provided with room and board for the duration of your time there, which would leave you with less to worry about.” He reaches out to pass Jason the second takeout bag. He’s still lingering at a distance from them. “At least think about it?” “No. I mean, like, why?” Bruce’s eyebrow raises, tugging at the material of his cowl. “What’s in this for you?” Jason continues. “Why do you even care?” “It’s our job,” Clark says. “You’re job is to beat up bad guys.” Clark smiles when Jason mimes punching someone, before saying, “Our job is to help people.” Jason purses his lips. “Don’t boarding schools cost money?” “Most of them offer scholarships,” Bruce says. “I have a few friends who are deans. I could make the necessary introductions to ensure you a place at one of their institutions.“ Jason’s arms are crossed high over his chest, and his expression is set like he’s deep in thought. “I don’t want to end up stuck somewhere where someone else is the boss of me.” “How about you at least come with us to check a couple of these places out,” Bruce suggests. “Just see how you feel about them. No commitment.” Jason’s nose scrunches up. “Where exactly are these places?” He asks. “It varies,” Bruce says. “All within the city.” They watch the boy chew on the inside of his lip for a moment. “Just to see,” he says eventually. Bruce nods. “I’m not getting into a car with you,” Jason adds. “We can take the bus,” Clark offers. Jason raises an eyebrow at that, and his mouth quirks almost into a smile. “Batman and Superman are gonna ride on Gotham’s shitty public transit?” “Why not?” Clark asks. “… Okay,” Jason says, still plainly unconvinced. “Let’s meet back here,” Bruce suggests. “Tomorrow?” Jason takes a minute, but eventually starts to nod. “Sure,” he says. “Why not.” They part ways after Clark disposes of his empty bag. The heroes return to their car.
While they’re driving back Clark says, “I know that look.” Bruce pauses to take stock of his own expression, and makes sure to neutralize anything on his face that might be out of the ordinary. Clark continues, unbothered by the lack of response. “It’s your ‘I’m already deeply emotionally invested in this kid’ look.” Bruce hums noncommittally. “I don’t think I’m going to be able to sleep tonight,” Clark adds. Bruce doesn’t either, but that’s par for the course at this point.
Part Two
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milkbread420 · 4 years
Yooo that hc/drabble you just did for kuroo and Suna was sooooo good!! Do ya think you could maybe do that again but for iwa and kenma?? if it’s not a bother 😂
Pairings: Iwaizumi x f!reader, Kenma x f!reader
Prompt: The boys have a girl best friend who has feelings for them, but the boys like y/n ( “heather”)
Warnings: Swearing, angst??
a.n:  I made the girls nice bc I can’t imagine Iwa or Kenma putting up with a b word (I feel like they would just be like ‘k bye lmao’) & sorry this took so long I had a hard time w Kenma ;-; Next on the list are Oikawa and Sugawara !
I’m so glad you thought so!! I hope this is what you’re lookin for !
Iwa talks about you and doesn’t even realize he’s talking about you most of the time
But she doesn’t really say anything because he never looks as at peace as when he’s talking about you
His insecurities & self doubt go poof when you’re with him
You laugh along when he ‘bullies’ Oikawa, so it must be love
She knows she should hate you, but she can’t because you just make him so happy
Oikawa definitely knows about her crush and teases her relentlessly.
Sometimes he goes too far and she gets really pissed
Because it should be her, not you
Hanging out used to be just her, Oikawa, and Iwa
Now Iwa’s always asking “Can y/n come too?”
“She just can’t get enough of me,” -Oikawa 
He got beat up for that
Iwa leaves little notes in your locker, telling you how pretty you are or writes you little poems.
Mans is too scared to deliver them himself though, so he makes her do it.
He would make Oikawa do it, but the one time he did, the man memorized the entire poem Iwa wrote to you and would not stop reciting it for a week. 
So she’s stuck with the job
She tries not to peek, but sometimes her curiosity gets the better of her.
Then she wishes she’d never looked.
If she were being honest though, if it couldn’t be her, she was glad it was you, though she’d never really admit it.
You actually get along really well with her.
She hates how easy you are to talk to.
Girl talk definitely happens when the boys aren’t around.
Oikawa knows this, and lets Iwa in on it too
Iwa asks her to see if you’re interested in anyone
That’s how they find out about your crush on Iwa
She had secretly hoped you liked Oikawa 
You like Iwa though (of course)
She calls him like right away to tell him because, as much as she wishes it were her, she’s really happy for you both. 
Iwa is so happy aww
Like happier than he is after scoring the last point in a game
The next day he tells you to meet him behind the gym before practice.
He confesses and both her and Oikawa catch you sucking faces 
She looks like she could scream and cry and smile all at once.
“You know, we could always go on double dates,”
“No, Oikawa”
“She wanted to know how to spike, so I had Oikawa set some balls to her, and she picked up on it pretty well,” Iwa said, leaning back into the office chair in his room with his hands resting on the back of his head, “Especially since she’s never done it before, she’s something else, I’ll tell you that,” he sighed. The girl sitting on the edge of his bed nodded, resting her chin in her palm as she listened to him talk about you, “Oikawa tried to buy her lunch today, just to tick me off,” he frowned, “That bastard,”
“Sounds about right,” she giggled, trying not to show just how bothered she was by the subject.
“I beat him to it though,” he said proudly, “She thanked me,” a blush spread across his cheeks as he recalled the memory of you.
“You sure talk a lot about her,” the girl teased, pretending the ache in her heart just wasn’t there. It was hard to listen to him talk about you. He looked so happy and content when he was rambling on about how pretty you were, or how nice you were. 
Iwa jumped out of his chair, “No I don’t!” he said loudly, “Do I?” she nodded, “Man, I just can’t get her off my mind,” he huffed in frustration, and she realized just what that meant, “Everything reminds me of her,” he was in love, “This is stupid,” he frowned. She chuckled, and he sunk back into the chair, “You don’t think she’s using me to get close to Oikawa do you?”
“I don’t think so,” she wanted to say yes, just so he’d get over you and she’d have him to herself, but seeing how happy you made him, she just couldn’t lie. She was willing to bet you liked him too.
A small sigh of relief escaped him, “Good,” he said, “I didn’t think so either, but I wanted a girl’s opinion, honestly,” 
“Well there you have it,” she smiled. 
He smiled too, but somehow she knew it wasn’t for her.
“So,” Oikawa grinned at the girl, “Just how obvious were you trying to make your crush on Iwa-chan?” she sighed and tried to ignore him, walking briskly through the school corridor in an attempt to get him to stop following her, “Hey now, don’t ignore me!” he whined. 
“I don’t want to talk about that, Oikawa,” she said, “It’s none of your business,” 
“Oh but it is!” the brunette persisted, “Iwa-chan’s business is my business,” he said with a signature fake smile, “Plus, one man’s trash is another man’s treasure, you get what I’m saying?” She stopped in the middle of the rather empty hall, “Ooh, too far?” 
“Asshole,” she said, continuing towards her next class.
“Look, my point was that he’s got the hots for y/n, I’m sure you’ve noticed,” The brunette said, “So don’t get in the way and make things all weird,” 
“Wasn’t planning on it,” she said cooly.
“Oikawa? Are you ditching?” Iwaiziumi’s irritated voice made them both snap their heads towards him.
“Iwa-chan! No, we just needed to have a talk is all,” he said, waving his hand dismissively, “I’ll be going now! See you guys after school right?” the girl nodded, still looking like she could punch the snarky brunette in the throat any second.
“Oh yeah,” Iwa said, “Since you’re both here, would it be fine if I asked y/n to come with us? She had plans with some friends, but they all crapped out on her last minute,” his fist balled at his side at the thought of you being ditched, “I thought we could cheer her up,” he finished. His friends looked at each other. Oikawa nodded first, then looked at the girl expectantly; she nodded too, “Cool,” he said, “Thanks,” and he walked into his classroom, not looking back at either of them.  “That’s gonna leave a mark,” Oikawa noted as he watched the girl collect the pieces of her heart, her eyes reflecting the hurt she felt somewhere deep down.
“Fuck off,” 
Her day passed especially slow knowing that as soon as the last bell rang, she’d have to face you. She hadn’t really met you yet, but it sure felt like she had by the way Iwa talked about you. She wondered if you would live up to his hype, then found herself thinking, of course you would. Hajime Iwaizumi was never one to exaggerate, so you must have truly been amazing.
She hoped to god she was wrong, she hoped to find a reason to hate your guts.
The usual trio, plus one, met in front of the gym after school. You were almost hiding behind Iwa, and the tall brunette chuckled, “She’s even shyer than I remembered!”
“Sorry,” you mumbled, bowing your head a bit, “It’s just, you’re all so cool, and it’s really nice that you let me join you today,”  Oh god, you were as amazing as he’d said. Not only were you kind, but you were every bit prettier than she’d even imagined. Iwaizumi looked over at you and grinned and it made her so jealous that you could completely steal his attention with the tiniest gesture if you so desired, because everything about you was so mesmerizing, she caught herself staring. 
“No need to thank us,” Iwaizumi smiled, pushing your shoulder playfully; you blushed and she looked at you as you looked up at her. 
“Hello y/n,” she said with a smile that she wished she was forcing, “It’s nice to meet you!” 
“It’s nice to meet you too!” you smiled back. She swore she could’ve been blinded by the radiance you emitted, it was truly no wonder he had feelings for you, in all honesty she thought it might be crazier if he didn’t. 
“Shall we be on our way ladies and Iwa-chan?” Oikawa grinned, wiggling his brows at you and Iwa, who gave him a well-deserved smack on the back of the head. You giggled, “Hey!” Oikawa complained, “Don’t laugh!”
“Don’t get smacked,” You teased with a sly shrug. 
Dear god you were perfect for him.
“Watcha’ got there, Hajime?” the girl asked as the boy pulled out a folded piece of notebook paper from his locker. His cheeks turned pink for just a second, covered quickly by a click of his tongue.
“It’s a letter for his girlfriend!” Oikawa teased, coming up behind them, “Right, Iwa-chan?” she grimaced at the word, her heart sinking into the pit of her stomach as she looked down at her feet.
“She’s not my girlfriend, Crappykawa!” he shouted, folding his arms over his chest in momentary annoyance. 
“Not yet,” the brunette teased, and if she were to be completely honest, she wasn’t sure which one of them he was trying to provoke, “That’s a love letter right?” Oikawa leaned in to look at the folded paper; Iwaizumi shoved him away, “Or is it another poem?” 
Iwaizumi’s head snapped up, “Shut up!” he grumbled, then turned to the girl, “Do you think you could drop it off in her locker later?” he asked her hesitantly. Oikawa chuckled to himeself, wondering how his best friend could be so casually cruel to the girl. 
“Sure!” she replied, her heart breaking to the gentle smile that spread across his lips.
“Thanks,” he muttered, handing her the paper; it was just a piece of paper wasn’t it? Then why did it feel like a weapon that could tear her apart on the inside with just a single curious glance? That lone piece of paper held the power to leave her heart in shambles. 
She nodded, “No problem!” 
How could she be so cruel to herself?
“So,” she started hesitantly, tilting her head towards you. In the past weeks, you’d actually grown rather close, and as much as it pained her to admit, she’d grown quite fond of you, “I’m glad you came over tonight, I know you’ve been busy with school work and your club stuff,” she said.
You smiled at her, “I know you’ve been pretty busty too, so thank you for having me!”  giving her a small wave, you opened her front door 
She nodded with a clenched her jaw, bracing herself for the words that were about to come out of her mouth, “Hey,” Iwaizumi had asked her to find out who you liked, he even made a stupid bet with Oikawa about it. He was so sure that you liked him, he swore that there was no way all those stolen glances didn’t mean anything. When he talked about it, it made her wonder why he was so blind to her feelings. 
“Yeah?” you asked, unaware of the flashing bitterness in her eyes.
She swallowed hard, “You have feelings for Hajime, right?”
You blushed and looked down, “Wow, is it that obvious?” she nodded, “Yeah,” you said, “I guess it is,” a soft smile played at your lips, “You think he likes me too?” She froze. Even though she should have seen it coming, she couldn’t help but feel unprepared to answer that question.
For more reasons than one. 
She didn’t want to steal her best friend’s big moment, he really should be the one to tell you, but it would crush you if she told you he didn’t or that she didn’t know; and that was her problem. She wanted to want to crush you, to completely leave you devastated and heartbroken so that you’d break his heart too and he’d go to her and realize that it had always been her, but she couldn’t find it in herself. Even if she could, it would never be her, always you.
You were good for him. He was more confident when you were around. When you showed up to his games, he always played better. He was happier too, smiling a lot more, especially when you laughed at his jokes and antics. 
She settled on, “Well he talks about you a lot,” with a small smile that she almost couldn’t force onto her face. 
You smiled and blushed, trying to hide your obvious excitement as you left her house without another word. 
She called Iwaizumi right away to tell him the good news.
Good news for him, at least. 
The next day at school, Iwaizumi was sweating buckets. Finally, the last bell had rung and he was on his way to meet you behind the gym like he’d asked, the girl following him for moral support.
“I don’t know why I’m so nervous,” he said, “I’m not even this nervous before a game,” she knew why. It was because he was head over heels for you, and even though he knew you had feelings for him, he couldn’t shake the fear of confronting you about it. Your pretty eyes looking into his would certainly be enough to make him weak in the knees, and he imagined himself a stuttering mess the second he opened his mouth in front of you; he groaned in frustration and stopped in his tracks, “I can’t do it,” 
“What?” she asked, silently hoping that maybe he’d realized you weren’t the one, “Why not?” somehow she already knew she was wrong.
Then he sighed, “She’s just so perfect, I want this to go just as perfect, but I don’t think I can do that,”
She felt a pain in her chest, “You have do do it,” she spat her words out like they were poison in her mouth, it felt wrong betraying her heart. 
Iwa nodded firmly, “You’re right,” he took a deep breath and started walking again towards the place he’d told you to meet him. He knew you’d be there, but when he saw you, Iwaizumi stopped and felt like he could drop dead any second. 
“You wanted to talk?” you asked, a glimmer of confidence in your eyes.
“Yeah,” he said, rubbing the back of his neck, “So, listen-”
Before he could get even a word in edgewise, you grabbed his face and pulled him in for a kiss. He tensed at first, but only for a brief moment before he wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you close to him. 
The girl watched with a heavy heart from behind the wall, her head just peeking around the corner, “Finally,” she jumped at the sudden voice, “I was scared he’d chicken out.”
“He was going to,” she grumbled as she turned to the tall brunette.
“He was really nervous, but I told him he had to do it,” she explained, wondering to herself why she’d encouraged the breaking of her own heart. 
“If you love something, let it go, right?” Oikawa sighed and she realized that he’d put it better than she could have thought to at the moment.
She watched as Iwaizumi smiled and held your face in his hands, gently stroking your cheeks with his thumbs; you blushed and wrapped your hands around his wrist, smiling back at him. 
Kenma really likes you, but I’m sorry, he never talks about you
The only reason she knows he likes you is because one day she’s like, “don’t you have a crush on anyone?”
and he’s just like, “y/n is really cool,” 
She knows that means he really likes you 
She’s crushed but doesn’t show it because she’s scared of him finding out she likes him
She starts talking to you a lot more after she finds out about his feelings for you
Asks you to help her study hoping Kenma will join
Kenma didn’t ask her to, she just does because she knows he’s way too shy aww
She doesn’t even try to hate you to be honest, she’s actually almost excited, because Kenma actually smiles when you’re around. 
She wished he were smiling at her though
She’s really good at hiding her feelings for him
He’s lowkey jealous of how much time you spend with her bc of your study sessions 
so he confronts her about it one day
She’s like ??? You know you could just come study out with us ??? 
He says he’s not up for it but Kuroo has his ways 
Y’all have a group study session and you guys are really tense like, it’s hella awkward.
Things get a little better by the end though 
You start hanging out with their group more often after that
One day she invites you both to this arcade but then at the last minute she dips and makes up an excuse for why she couldn’t go
That was Kuroo’s idea
After hanging out one on one Kenma is like in love aww
He gets home that night to her and Kuroo waiting for him BECAUSE THEYVE BEEN FOLLOWING YOU GUYS THE WHOLE NIGHT
He’s like ¿? But tells them about how it was a great time and he REALLY likes you
“we been knew”
I think she knows he’ll never like her, so I don’t think she really gets her hopes up and she doesn’t try to sabotage you or anything
It still hurt like a buttcheek on a stick when she saw you kissing him
“That should be me holding your hand that should be me making you laugh that should be me this is so sad”
“Kenma,” she asked quietly as her and the boy tapped away at a game, both pairs of eyes fixed on the screen. 
“Yeah?” Kenma replied after a couple of seconds, trying not to lose his focus on the game. 
“Why don’t you have a girlfriend yet?” she was trying to maybe drop a couple of hints, and nudge him towards the idea of him having a girlfriend and it being her. She hadn’t expected him to pause the game and look at her though. 
“You sound like Kuroo,” he said flatly, “Why do I need a girlfriend? It’s not like I could get one anyway,” the boy shrugged and fiddled with the controller in his hands.
She frowned, “Don’t say that,” He shrugged again, and she took the chance to dip her toes in the water, “is there anyone catching your eye though?”
“What do you mean?” He asked blankly.
“Like, a crush!” She rolled her eyes and set down the controller, “is there anyone you like?” the girl felt her heart beathing out of her chest when he smiled softly and only for a brief second.
“I think y/n is really nice, you know, the girl in out Japanese Lit class?” He mumbled, a blush spreading across his cheeks, almost covered by his hair.
“Oh!” She pulled her toes out of the metaphorical water as her heart sank into the pit of her stomach, “right, y/n,” she said, “she’s really nice!” Kenma nodded and turned his attention back to the game, clicking the play button.
A small sigh escaped her lips as she continued, spamming the different buttons mindlessly, too heartbroken to care about the game anymore.
“You suck,” Kenma noted.
For the rest of the time they sat and played in silence.
“y/n, do you think you could help me out with this question?” The girl leaned in towards your desk and pointed to one of the many questions on the assignment. Kenma watched silently from a couple desks behind both of you.
“Sure!” You said leaning closer to her; you smelled nice and that was the first thing she noticed. It was like she short circuited the moment she drew in a breath, she wondered if you were some magic creature like one she’d seen while playing video games with Kenma,“Wait, which one was it?” You asked sheepishly, snapping her out of her daze.
“Oh,” she shook herself lightly, “number nineteen,” she said, pointing to the question on the paper.
“Ah! This ones not too bad,” you smiled and went on to explain, which she only half picked up on because she was too busy staring at you, “You got it?”
She nodded absentmindedly, “Yeah, thanks!”
“Anytime,” you smiled and shifted your focus back onto your work.
“See you after school, right?” she asked with a smile.
You nodded, “Of course!” For a couple weeks, you had been helping her study for the Japanese Lit midterm in the library after school. After she found out Kenma liked you, she thought it might be a good way for him to get to know you better. 
Her plan hadn’t gone exactly according to plan though, Kenma never actually stayed for the study sessions which left her alone with you. At first, she’d tried to find it in herself to be disgruntled, but you were just so kind to her, and so helpful, she couldn’t resent you, and you’d actually gotten rather acquainted with each other. 
After class, she was still packing up a few moments after the bell, and Kenma stood by her desk, an irritated expression on his face. She looked at him, confused, “Are you okay?” 
“Fine,” he shrugged as she stood up and they walked out of the classroom together in silence.
“y/n’s really sweet,” she said, trying to get him talking. He only hummed and nodded in agreement. The girl knew something was wrong, but for the life of her she couldn’t figure it out, and he surely wasn’t telling her, so she persisted, “you know, if you wanna get to know her you could join our study session after school today,” it felt like the millionth time she’d suggested that.
“No thanks,” he shrugged.
The girl frowned, “Well fine,” she grumbled, “Why are you so cranky?” 
“It’s nothing,” he said.
She shot him a glare, “It’s obviously not nothing,”
“Let’s drop it okay?” 
The girl looked down, “Kenma, just tell me,” he eyes were sad and she felt like nothing at all, nothing if her best friend didn’t trust her with his feelings, “I’m your friend aren’t I?”
The boy sighed in defeat, “You’ve been talking to y/n a lot, and I guess I’m just a little jealous,” he admitted, “of how easy it is for you, I want to talk to her like that too,” 
Her heart sank into the pit of her stomach. He was jealous of her? To be frank, it made her a little irritated that she was putting in so much effort to get to know you just so he could too, and he had the nerve to say he was jealous. She’d invited him countless times to your mini study sessions at the library after school, and he’d declined all of them; you probably thought he hated you by the way he seemed to avoid you like the plague. And as much as it pained her to know that he was pining for a girl that wasn’t her, she wanted him to be happy, she loved when he smiled, even if the smile wasn’t for her. 
“Well, if you don’t hang out with her, you’re never gonna get to know her,” she huffed, “and if you never get to know her, how do you expect her to like you back?” 
“I don’t really,” he shrugged, “I’m okay admiring from a distance,” 
She rolled her eyes, “You always settle for less than you could have,” he looked at her, “Whatever, Kenma,” annoyed, she sped away to her next class, leaving him alone and a bit confused. 
The girl was angry, and as she did her assignment during the last class of the day, she found it hard to focus. She was bothered by the fact that she’d gone so far for her friend, disregarding her own feelings, just so he had a chance at happiness, and he was completely rejecting her efforts. 
“Uh, you good?” a voice came from behind her, shaking her from her thoughts. She frowned as she turned around, “Jeez, what’d I do?” 
A sigh left her lips, “Sorry, Kuroo,” she said, “I’m just in a bad mood,” 
He hummed, “Did Kenma tick you off?” She nodded, “What is it this time, he doesn’t see your obvious feelings for him?” the boy smirked and the girl blushed, getting even more annoyed by the third year’s teasing. 
“Shut up,” the girl said, “At least I can talk to him without mentioning the periodic table,” she sneered.
 He looked at her with raised brows, “Tough talk for someone who can’t even name the first fifteen elements.”
She frowned, “Says the third year who’s taking a second year English class,”
“Touche,” he nodded slowly, leaning forward, “Look, if you want, I can talk to him,” 
Her expression shifted, “Wait, really?” 
“Yeah, maybe I can talk him into going to the study thing after school,” he shrugged. The girl smiled. Though she wanted to be the one to convince him, she figured this would have to be what she settled for. 
After the last bell rang, the girl dashed to the library, waiting for you at the entrance. You smiled and waved, offering her a greeting as you both walked in and unpacked at a table. 
“Hey ladies, have room for two more?” the girl lifted her head and frowned, looking at the pair. That certainly was not the plan she’d had in mind, playing third wheel was bad enough, but fourth wheel, really?
“Kuroo, don’t bother them, see, they’re busy,” Kenma said quietly, averting his gaze from you. 
“I don’t mind!” you cheered, looking over at the girl, “As long as you don’t mind,”
“Nope,” she glared at Kuroo, and he grinned, “I don’t mind.”
“See! They don’t mind Kenma,” the black-haired boy said, taking a seat next to the girl across from you, which forced Kenma to take the seat next to you. 
“Okay,” he said dully, carefully sitting down beside you, not daring to so much as steal a glance at you. 
Your brows furrowed in confusion and hurt for a moment. You wondered why he was so cold towards you, it wasn’t like you’d been mean to him, in fact, you’d tried especially hard to be nice to him during the few interactions you’d had, so it didn’t make sense. 
“y/n, can you help me with the second one?” the girl asked immediately, pulling you from your thoughts. You looked over at the quiet boy for just a moment before diverting your attention to her.
“Yeah,” you went on to explain the question and it’s answer while Kenma folded his arms and glared at Kuroo. 
“Hey, y/n,” Kuroo said. You looked up, “Kenma needs help on the fifth one,” Kenma’s glare became more intense and he kicked his friend from under the table. 
Your eyes fell on the boy and he just looked down at his paper, “Oh the analogies can be tough,” you said. 
He nodded simply, “Yeah,” 
You internally screamed at his lack of response, feeling a bit embarrassed, “So were you able to rule any out?” you asked, tapping your fingers on the table anxiously. 
“Well, I know it’s not ‘A’,” he said, still refusing to look at you.
“Okay! That’s good, so then take another look at the question, and figure out the context,” you explained, “these types of questions are all about context,”
He nodded and gave the question another look as you waited anxiously for his response, “Is it ‘D’?” he asked.
You nodded fervently, “Yeah! Nice!” A soft smile spread across his lips, and the girl across from you felt like her heart was being ripped out and dissected right in front of her. Though you probably hadn’t even realized it, you were making his day, he would be thinking about that moment for the rest of the night and she knew it; she wished it were her he thought about like that, though.
Noticing the expression on the girl’s face, Kuroo spoke up, “Hey, we’re gonna go get some drinks from the vending machine, you guys want anything?” 
“Oh sure,” you said, rummaging through your bag for some spare change. 
Kenma nodded and handed Kuroo enough for two drinks; his and yours. 
Kuroo raised a brow and smirked, “y/n, that’s alright, Kenma’s gotcha covered,”
“Oh!” you were beyond ecstatic, but you repressed the gigantic smile that wanted to force its way onto your face so you wouldn’t freak him out, “Thank you so much, Kozume!” you offered him a polite smile instead. 
Kenma nodded, “It’s no problem,” he said flatly, “you can call me Kenma, by the way,” 
You blushed lightly, but he didn’t really notice. The girl did though, and it made her lose all hope; he liked you and she was almost certain now that you liked him. 
“Well, we’ll leave you two to make out or whatever,” Kuroo teased and you blushed harder. 
“Kuroo, don’t say things like that,” Kenma said as his friends turned around. 
Kuroo laughed, but the girl could only think about one thing. 
In the six years they’d known each other, Kenma had never once paid for anything for her. 
It had been a few weeks since the group study session, and you’d gotten a lot closer to Kenma, Kuroo and the girl. Although the other two were nice, you had a special fondness for Kenma. Your heart raced whenever he talked to you, and when he said your name you swore you’d die of a heatstroke. You knew before that you found him attractive, but now, you had realized you were completely crushing on the boy and you thought it was obvious, but he hand’t seemed to pick up on it; if he had, he certainly hadn’t made any attempt to acknowledge it. 
A sigh escaped your lips at the thought that maybe he was just ignoring your feelings because he didn’t like you in that way. 
“y/n?” the boy mumbled. You were visibly startled by his voice, “Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you,” 
You shook your head and smiled, “It’s fine, just caught me off guard,” you had been waiting for him and the other two to show up and you had simply gotten lost in thought. 
“Uh, the others said they couldn’t make it today,” Kenma said sheepishly, “So if you don’t wanna go anymore, that’s okay,”
There was no way you were about to pass up a chance at alone time with Kenma, “No! I’d like to go still, if you’re okay with it,” it would be nice to spend time with him without Kuroo’s relentless teasing. 
“Oh,” he said, sounding a little surprised, “Yeah, it’s alright with me,”
“Cool!” You grinned, and started walking alongside Kenma. 
You were really nervous, and unbeknownst to you, so was he. Every time your hand would get too close to his, you’d both jerk away and look anywhere but each other and mumbling quiet apologies. 
“So,” you started, dreading the awkward silence that fell over you and him, “I’ve never been to this place, what’s it like?”
Kenma looked up at you, “It’s an old fashioned arcade,” he told you, a bit of excitement laced in his tone, “They have a lot of old games, I think you’ll like it,”
“I think I will too!” you said with a smile. He blushed and looked down, trying to quickly compose himself.
“Oh,” he pointed, “We’re almost there,” you could see the big sign and flashing lights and you grinned. 
As you walked in, Kenma held the door for you and you thanked him; it was a simple enough gesture, but it made your heart flutter. 
You spent hours and hours at the arcade, playing every game you saw, and competing at each one for the highest score; you lost almost all of them, but you managed to win a couple by pure luck, but with him, even losing made you happy. He also really enjoyed your time together, and you realized it was the first time you’d seen him laughing so much. 
After a long day at school, and a great night at the arcade, Kenma walked you home, and your heart felt warm when he said, “You know, I’m kinda glad it was just us tonight, I had a really great time with you,”
A huge smile spread across your lips, “I had a great time with you too,” your arms flew around him in a hug and as soon as you realized what you were doing, you pulled away and coughed, “Sorry,”
He smiled softly, “It’s okay, I didn’t mind,” your mouth hung open a bit as he took a shaky step towards you, his eyes meeting yours for the first time ever. You exhaled sharply, taken aback by how pretty and expressive his eyes were, “I uh...” he trailed off, breaking eye contact for just a moment, “I really like you, y/n,” he said.
You blinked a couple times and pinched yourself to make sure you weren’t dreaming, “Kenma,” he felt like dying when you said his name, he thought you about to reject him, so he braced himself but it never came, “I really like you too!” He smiled softly and you grabbed one of his hands, then got on your toes to give him a quick peck on the lips. His eyes shot open and fluttered shut all in the same second, “Wow,” you mumbled. He stared at you with wide eyes and an open mouth, “Oh no was that too soon?” You panicked. He just shook his head and you breathed a sigh of relief, “Oh, good,”
He stood there for a moment, collecting his thoughts before he was able to speak, “Goodnight y/n,” Kenma said, “I hope we can do that again,” a blush spread across his face and you nodded, a little giggle escaping your lips as he turned and walked away.
As soon as got home, Kuroo and the girl were waiting at his porch, “Well I think the jury’s reached their verdict, all in favor of Kenma being in love say ‘I’,” The boy furrowed his brows, “I can’t believe you didn’t notice us following you the whole night,”
“It was Kuroo’s idea,” the girl added quietly, and kenma could tell she was upset, but he couldn’t figure out what she was upset about. He chose to brush it off for the time being, too excited about what had just happened to let anyone get him down.
“Guilty as charged,” Kuroo said, putting his hands up on defeat, “So, are you guys dating now or what?” The girl nervously awaited the answer, though no matter the outcome, she knew she would be disappointed.
“Not yet, I don’t think,” Kenma said, “But I really like her a lot.”
Kuroo knew that.
She knew that.
But watching you kiss him from a distance, and hearing him say those words was a new realm of heartbreak.
“I’m really happy for you two, Kenma!”
She was happy for you both.
But she pitied herself too.
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Oh I didn't mean like a romantic relationship, I meant like relationships in general. Basically I have this weird situation going on: I have a pal and they don't want anything serious right now but they like to be friends with benefits with others, like with several people. I know of at least 3 they have a sexual thing going on with. Cue me, I'm trying to flirt with them, cuz I too would like to have sexual relations with this person. Now the thing is I suck at communication just like my father, so instead of saying anything (what the hell would I even say?? "Fuck me like one of your casual sex polycule members"?) I just keep dropping hints and at this point I'm unsure if they get that and simply refuse to either accept or reject my advances, or if they just... aren't getting it. That's what I need to help figure out, like I want your opinion on this.
Because honestly I wouldn't actually care if things were clear, but they aren't. Like sometimes we kiss? Sometimes on the mouth? But it's always just brief like some sort of Victorian repressed woman' kiss and most of the time I initiate it. So it's like,,,maybe they aren't interested, but I can't be sure. But that's what's driving me crazy, like, ok, I don't mind being "just" pals but I gotta know it, I gotta know what to expect here. Here comes the absurd hint dropping and again I personally think that if somebody dropped hints like that on me I'd get what's going on, but I'm not sure about the objective verdict, which is why I'm asking. So this pal knows that a lot of the time I give one of my characters an issue I have, like pretty much any weird internal shit you read in my anything is a part of me for better or worse. They are aware of that and they also read my stories and poetry, and I read theirs. So I wrote a chapter where some stuff irrelevant to this particular ask happens, but mainly one of the characters has like a pretty long dialogue (that's actually plot-relevant, I may insert my stuff into my stories but always in a way that will be for something) about her not really caring about the kind of relationship she'll have with someone, as long as the other person makes it clear what they feel towards her. Like she says that she wouldn't care if the guy she loves didn't love her as long as he was like "Yeah I don't want you like that, you don't turn me on, but we can continue to hang out." and etc. So that was like, the first hint but they only commented on a different character at one point asking someone else what she'd do if she didn't have her current husband (because to them it sounded like foreshadowing of a murder attempt, which wasn't my intention but that character does in fact try to kill said husband later so...). And then I like wrote this really raunchy poem, which is something I like never do, I've never even written romance before, no sex, no actual on-scene romance, I just don't write that. And it's in first person so one could assume that the narrator is me. And it's all like about wanting a casual fling with no strings, and about how I (the narrator) wants to be on the same level as all the other people the other unnamed person in the poem is seeing. And my pal read it,right? And they were like "I really like this one, this one slaps, it's super horny. I really like it.". And like...what the hell does it mean??? What does it all mean? Because I'd expect an acceptance or rejection to be way more clear. Are they just trying to ignore all of that?? Do they genuinely just not get the hints?? Are they being vague on purpose in hopes of me just stopping trying??
honestly, those are actually pretty subtle hints, and if someone was doing that I'd probably be starting to think "is that a hint?" but also "that's so subtle I'm probably reading into it and there is every chance if I ask they'll reject me and I'll feel like a dumbass with a huge ego". what may be a good idea is to just say "hey, do you want to try a friends with benefits thing? I'd like to." because this kind of hint dance can go on and on if nobody takes the first step to put the ego on the line and make it explicit, y'know? or just "are you aware that was a hint?" if going full on head first into the point feels too jarring for you to say. honestly they probably wouldn't be like kissy kissy with you if they were gonna recoil at the idea of doing more kissy kissy with you.
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laterzgators · 4 years
How the gang would be like in modern times.
Kinda basing this off of texts I have with my friends because I get reminding everyday that my old friend group (kinda still my friend group.) are like the gang.
He would have like an iPhone 6 in 2020. And he would be so upset about it. But he wouldn’t complain cause his brother didn’t have money for him to have an iPhone 11 or something.
He uses every platform to text. He probably only texts like Johnny and sometimes Dally.
Johnny and him would FT for hours and during them be like “look what I sent you.” And then proceeded to a meme.
Still a whiny baby boy but 2020 edition
Didn’t pay attention to politics cause he isn’t voting so he has no say. :/
Would probably watch anime- but like mainstream.
Has two instagram accounts one for public people he knew and a secret one to post what he wanted cause Darry probably looked into his phone-
Tries to show Darry how to use a smartphone. Darry won’t understand it. But he tried.
Track team until COVID hit 🙄
Hated virtual learning. HATED IT.
Especially when Darry didn’t have work that day he would peep into Soda and Pony’s room to see him on his desk on a call.
Pony putting his arm down shooing him away. “Darry...I’m in class please shh.” “Don’t worry bout me I’m just listening. Making sure these teachers actually are teaching ya.”
Somehow went brain dumb with this type of learning some days so when a teacher would ask him to answer something he would mute and turn off the camera or leave the call.
He was happy when he did know the answer a certain day.
• Having to text Johnny or Two bit to join a class cause the teacher was doing attendance.
Texts Ponyboy and Dally pretty evenly. Though Pony would start being whiny when he didn’t answer. Johnny also probably had an older phone like an iPhone 6 or se maybe even an LG but he wouldn’t complain. He was just fine with having a phone. At least it worked.
Has a whole Instagram account about memes. Pony probably helps manage it.
Watches anime with Pony cause he finds it interesting. Does he understand what’s going on? No not at all but if Pony likes it then it’s okay.
Does really like Naruto though-
He hates school. It’s bad enough he skipped it most days. But now ITS AT HOME SO HE HAD NO EXCUSE TO NOT DO IT!
He would usually join the zoom calls but he kept his camera off and was on mute. His parents were probably arguing-
Some days he could be with Pony at his house and did his zooms from there.
Pony spamming him to join the class.
Pony: “Johnny Mr Fullb-“
Johnny: “I’m about to join just be patient pony.”
Dally sent him a nude once and he was SCARED. Dally used social media for that purpose but we will get more into that later-
He apologized a lot btw-
FT calls were fun cause he would put his phone in a certain position and do work and Pony being high on adrenaline would run around his room and you could see it on camera. It was funny.
Where do I even start for this man....
Poor Johnny once got sent one on accident.
He is still traumatized
Virtual women and real women double bonus for him. He would text or dm one chick and be asking a girls number physically at the same time.
Mans gotta multitask-
Bully people on the internet.
Mainly pony for some reason. He did it playfully but Pony would get upset so quickly-
Pony.boy_curtis posted a picture. Caption: Read this poem at school and I’ve been vibing with it.
Comments: @Dal_winSton: Haha THATS dumb. (And more spam of him that includes 😀 that emoji.)
People would call him an eboy and he didn’t like that. He was just edgy in his own way.
Stole a iPhone 11 Pro so that’s how he has this phone.
GC with the whole gang existence and he was like “This is dumb we see eachother everyday.”
He was a weird teen-
My manz always texted Ponyboy when he was to lazy to speak.
Texted a lot of people cause he was that guy. But mainly Steve, Sandy (when they were still a thing.), Darry, and Pony.
His IG was filled with nice pics of him and girls just commenting about how handsome he was. He got annoyed of it at a point and turned off the comment section.
Probably had tiktok and made Pony get it.
Had a free subscription of Spotify and my boy loved his music.
Texting pony is like.: “Hey could you tell Darry that I got the eggs he needed earlier.” Pony never told him. Darry got home with a carton of eggs and started yelling that they wasted money on extra eggs. And Pony stood there after hours of finally looking at the text and would just back up.
Random girls dming asking if he was single.
It made him uncomfortable.
But Steve would grab his phone and say random things to the girls and they’d leave him alone.
He didn’t understand Pony’s memes but liked them cause they were on his page.
He or Darry probably asked later on what it meant.
“Uh-huh.” Is the response after Pony took an hour explaining it.
Still didn’t get it.
Followed every single person he knew or liked on Instagram or any platform.
Pony just yelled back sure.
You thought Soda was bad nah Darry is a full on Karen-
Had probably had a flip phone until 2018
Loved Karen memes. Pony would see him liking them on fb and he’d just LAUGH.
Yelling at Pony to help him with his phone.
Pressed the wrong buttons all the time.
Probably had an LG-
DIDNT get texting 🤦‍♀️
Telling Pony not to talk to strangers on the internet.
Would have Rants on Facebook.
He pays for cable even though no one in that house used the Tv except him.
Would be so confused on the GC
In the GC: Two Bit: Calm down Jamal dont pull out the nine.
Darry: Who is Jamal and what do you mean by pull out the nine??
It’s scary seeing him in our times-
Two Bit Matthews.
All the memes all the jokes he understands it.
He is an intellectual.
Was barley passing school. He was usually on his phone in class.
He probably also had tiktok.
Dmed girls all the timeeee-
Hey good looking
You have been blocked by this user
Yeah he didn’t realize girls didn’t like that
Had a whole page dedicated to memes because obviously.
DIDNT join virtual school at allllll
He was busy playing roblox like the cool kid he was.
He is legit a 9 year old-
Hated wearing masks but he did it.
Still hung out with Pony and the gang even with Corona.
He spammed the GC at like 4 a.m when he was super sleepy but still awake and asked all kinds of questions.
“If we call an orange orange can we call orange fruit?” Confusion.
He was something else-
Texted Soda during work.
Also texted Evie during work.
Google was his new best friend.
He used google a lot he just did.
Only had Instagram cause Sodapop begged.
He got used to it after a while.
Would get Ponyboy in trouble whenever he posted something that he knew could get him in trouble
Would post pictures of Darry doing random things and say “Superman” in the caption. LOL
Used LMAO a lottt for some reason
On the GC if someone was spamming he’d just say SHUT UP. Like a lot but he would.
He never wore his mask and if he did it was on his chin.
Pictures of chocolate cake.
That’s probably it lol.
That’s all. I hoped you liked it. Sorry I’m posting so late lol-
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free-pool-trash · 4 years
she - warren worthington iii
More Warren!!! He honestly makes me just 🥺 but also 🥵
Requested by the lovely @kurt-nightcrawler​: so,,,, Warren’s writing poetry for a class and he’s really struggling,, so someone suggests he writes about what makes him happy and it’s the reader and then y/n finds out he wrote this really good poetry about them and the reader is all like 🥺🥺
This is so cute thank you for sending it in ✨💕 hope u like it boo i changed it a little i hope it’s still okay :)))
Okay but the tea is I SUCK with poetry okay so I stole song lyrics from a song that I just think is so super cute and kinda goes with the request and that is She by Dodie 🥺 (but I changed it to be more poem like)
Word count: 1,891 :)))
Warning (s): tooth rotting fluff, swearing (obviously), I'm physically incapable of not including Peter in these, that good kissing shit 
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"Okay, class. Have that assignment for class on Friday." The English teacher spoke loudly to the room full of students and Warren had to fight to contain a groan.
Creative writing - poetry or the way that Warren saw it, torture. Not to get him wrong, he loved poetry. It was deep and it could say things without really saying anything at all, he was one of those people who just got symbolism, no explanations needed. 
However, that didn't mean that he was any good at actually writing poetry. And this assignment was due for Friday, which meant he had four days to figure out how to write a decent poem. 
The thought occurred to him to simply pull some shitty haiku out of his ass and maybe get some marks for effort, but, he dismissed it as English was pretty much the only subject that he had an active interest in, he didn't want his average falling because he handed up one shitty poem.
After the bell rang signalling the end of the class and the end of the day, the winged boy made his way to his dorm to work on his homework and make a start on the dreaded English assignment, where would he even begin?
"Hey man, you coming to hang out?" Warren's roommate, Peter, asked speeding into the dorm room.
Looking up from the blank page of his English copy, Warren cocked an eyebrow at his silver haired friend, "Who's gonna be there?" 
"The whole gang." Peter replied as if it was the most obvious thing in the world to which Warren nodded his head and got up from his bed, tossing his English copy onto the floor, he'd work on it some more tomorrow.
"(Y/n) was wondering where you were." Peter told Warren nonchalantly, as if it didn't even matter, oh if only he knew.
At the statement Warren's eyes widened and he was flooded with worry, "Why is she okay? Did she need me for something?" He questioned frantically, as Peter pursed his lips and made a face at him.
"No. She just wanted to know why you didn't come to hang out after class ended…" Peter replied heading out the door with Warren following behind him, a lot calmer now.
When the two boys entered the room, Warren caught sight of you immediately, the bright smile you gave him once he entered the room very nearly floored him.
It was no secret to anyone, not even you, that Warren Worthington III was absolutely crazy about you. You were soft and bright, you were the human embodiment of sunshine. To Warren you felt so familiar, like the cool release of fall coming in after a hot summer.
See, he absolutely understood symbolism, especially when it came to you: His girl that isn't actually his girl. 
Warren walked over to the seat you'd saved him on the couch, beside you, trying his best to keep up his cool exterior Warren sat down and threw his arm over the back of the couch, his hand brushing against your shoulder as he did.
"Hey, Princess." He reveled in the way the nickname brought a hue of pink to your cheeks, and the smile you tried to hide from him only made him chuckle.
"Hey, War. Where have you been?" You asked, scooting ever so slightly closer to him.
At your question Warren groaned and his head fell into your shoulder in exhaustion. "Ugh, I've got an assignment due for Friday. Have to write a poem- I was trying to work on it after class. It's hell." 
Laughing at him, you brought your hand up to play with his blonde curls that were brushing against your neck as he huffed about English. 
"I thought you loved poetry?" You wondered out loud, frowning as he shook his head against your shoulder.
You were sure he loved poetry, something about the symbolism and depth of words.
"Not if I'm the one writing it." He elaborated for you, noticing your frown and adorable furrowed eyebrows and he didn't even realize he was staring up at you until Peter let out an exaggerated groan from the end of the couch.
"Ugh! Would you two just kiss already? The tension is k-i-l-l-i-n-g me!" He exclaimed, dragging out the word ‘killing’ for as long as he could. 
"Peter! Shut the hell up they were being cute!" Jubilee shouted, throwing a handful of popcorn at the speedster who only shrugged.
Kurt looked at you, Warren, Peter and Jubilee confused as Jean and Scott watched you all in amusement.
"Are you two going out?" Kurt asked innocently, looking between each member of the group.
"Might as well be." Peter remarked causing your cheeks to heat and you only added to the teasing as you hid your reddening face in Warren's blonde curls.
"SEE!" Peter exclaimed, pointing at you and Warren accusingly.
You knew better than anybody that you and Warren acted like a couple, but you and him never had that conversation. But it's not like you needed to, it's not like you ever kissed or anything, you were just close.
"Shut the fuck up, Maximoff. You don't know what you're talking about." Warren said, irritation clear in his voice, he didn't even bother to untangle himself from you, you were both used to your friends acting like this. 
He cared a little less about the teasing than you did, however. Awkwardly, you cleared your throat and eased Warren's head off your shoulder before standing up, "I'm, um, yeah I'm gonna go… do homework or something." You stuttered out before practically running out of the room.
If looks could kill, Peter would've dropped dead from the glare Warren was giving him, "Way to go, asshole."
Come the next day everything went back to normal, Peter's teasing hadn't upset you, not really, it was just that fact that you were in some weird in-between phase with Warren where you both knew you wanted to be more than friends but neither of you had said anything yet and Peter calling you out had just sent you into a whirlpool of thoughts about you and Warren that just left you wanting to be more.
It was always the same, day in day out, you hung out with your friends, you or Warren saved each other the seat beside the other and then your friends teased you about what you already knew. "(Y/n) and Warren act like a couple." This and, "(Y/n) and Warren look so cute together." That. Well you were sick of it. You didn't want to just act like a couple, you wanted to be a couple.
The cycle continued until Thursday. Warren had denied Peter's attempts to get him to go hang out as he still had to write his stupid fucking poem. He hadn't made even a word of progress since the project had been assigned. It was getting frustrating.
He'd been slumped over his English work for about 5 hours, it was late in the evening now and sometime during his struggling to write the sun had gone down.
Warren was pulled out of his trance when you peaked your head through his door, smiling sweetly and glancing to Peter's bed to make sure he wasn't in the room before entering.
"Brought you a snack." You told him, handing him the plate of food and sitting down behind him, propping your chin on his shoulder and looking over it with a sympathetic look, "Still no luck with that poem, huh Birdy?"
Warren only hummed, leaning into your body for comfort, he was stumped.
"Yeah, I've got nothin'."
"Well," You started thoughtfully, "Why don't you try writing about something you like?" You suggested while Warren closed his eyes, "Something I like?"
You nodded against his shoulder, "Yeah, like things that make you happy!" You chirped as he opened his green eyes to look at you, your face so close to his. He could smell your shampoo and see every single detail of your face, like looking at a picture.
A smile broke his face, "I think I'll be able to think of something." He told you smugly.
Looks like he'd found some inspiration.
After you left, Warren didn't waste anymore time and quickly finished his poetry assignment and handed it up on time in his class on Friday.
The stress of the previously unwritten poem had evaporated and Warren enjoyed his weekend with you and the rest of your friends, he had to thank his English teacher for handing out the assignment, though. It made him realize everything he'd really been thinking, the little things he noticed often subconsciously.
When his teacher handed him back the graded poem, he couldn't have been happier, he got an A+ and honestly, it was all thanks to you.
His final product had been about you, after all.
After class he'd walked into the common room, to see that you were the first one there and by yourself.
"Princess." He greeted happily, plopping down next to you and shoving the piece of paper with his poem on it, into your hands.
"Ohhh, A+, can I?" You asked, glancing between Warren and the poem.
Warren nodded confidently, impatient and wanting to see your reaction to his poetry.
"Go on. Read it."
"Okay." You smiled and cleared your throat dramatically before beginning to read.
"Am I allowed to look at her like that?
Could it be wrong
When she's just so nice to look at?" You read out softly, a teasing tone to your voice that soon faded away as you continued.
"And she smells like lemongrass and sleep
She tastes like apple juice and peach
Oh, you would find her in a Polaroid picture
And she...
Means everything to me" Warren was biting his lip as he watched you read with a small smile, the lines making sense to you, he hoped.
"I'd never tell
No, I'd never say a word
And oh, it aches
But it feels oddly good to hurt" As you read aloud you knew exactly what he was saying, smooth bastard.
'And I'll be okay
Admiring from afar
'Cause even when she's next to me
We could not be more far apart
And she tastes like birthday cake and story time and fall
But to her
I taste of nothing at all." You finished, looking directly into his eyes, lip between your own teeth almost mimicking him.
"Not to be seen annoyingly oblivious or anything, but I have to ask… who is this 'she'?" You asked Warren shyly, tucking a piece of hair behind your ear.
"She is you." The winged boy stated clearly and you couldn't stop the relief filled laugh that left your mouth, followed by a muttered "thank God".
Warren barely had time to process what was happening before you had practically pounced on him, legs either side of his lap, both hands on either side of his face and your lips pressing against his.
Instinctively his hands grabbed onto your ass to keep you steady as he returned your passionate kiss, lips moving frantically against yours while he pressed you closer to him.
Little did either of you know that none other than Peter Maximoff was standing in the doorway of the common room, shaking his head disbelievingly, "Fucking finally."
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leggomylino · 4 years
Pushing Up Daisies | Seo Changbin
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Genre: fluff, crack, comedy, college au, secret admirer/stalker au
Pairing: Seo Changbin x fem!reader
Word Count: 4.7k
A/n: Masterlist(s) linked down below and in bio!!! | Requested by @hanniiesuckle17​ <3
— ✔✘✔✘ —
Darkness fell like a cloud over the room, a hazy mist where Changbin found the most comfort. It was a place where he felt calm, collected, cool, and accepted.
It was also the place he resided to watch Y/n L/n. The cute new transfer student from out of town.
Now, he didn’t think what he was doing was creepy. Or weird. Or immature. Not by any means; he was simply keeping an eye on her to make sure she was safe; the library could be a dangerous place, and there were all sorts of sick and twisted weirdos running around at this late hour of six p.m. that purposely targeted nice foreign girls like Y/n. He’d seen it happen all the time. It was more common than he’d like to admit. Which is why it was up to him to keep an eye out for her, since Chan was working late (again) at the studio and the mighty Lord knew Han Jisung wasn’t gonna do jack squat, especially not after Hyunjin had to go mentioning the grand opening of some new restaurant called...Factory Cheesecake? Cake Factory? Something like that.
That only left himself to rely upon. The only one truly trustworthy and qualified to keep Y/n safe. Even if it meant having to—
Clank. “OW!”
Rubbing his now slightly swollen forehead, he turned around the cramped space to peer over his shoulder. “What is it? What are you doing up here?”
Felix bowed his head, an apology hanging in the air. “Sorry. Seungmin sent me to get you. He said he’s clocking out in five minutes and he doesn’t want to get in trouble for your…“deed.”” He blinked. “He used other words I’d rather not repeat, though.”
Changbin scratched his chin. Ah, yes. The perks of having a roommate that worked part-time at the campus library: free access anywhere, so long as they’re on duty. And you don’t get caught. Like that one time he and Han scoured the back storage room for vaults holding the answer key to Mr. Kim’s final, and...well, that wasn’t important now. “Tell him I’ll be down in ten. I think she’s almost done.”
Felix glanced through the slits of the metal air duct, then back at his buddy. “...Are you sure you’ve really thought this through all the way?” His face scrunched up in an awkwardly distasteful matter, and he looked away, as if he couldn’t bear to commit such a crime. Like what he was doing was even criminal. “Why don’t you just talk to her? Instead of...y’know…” He blinked, gesturing to the cramped space around them. “Hiding in the air duct? It’s kinda creepy, is what I’m saying. And unethical...actually, very creepy and very unethi—“
“Okay! I got it already!” Changbin waved his hands. He didn’t need to hear this from someone he cared about. “Shoo, shoo! Go have dinner with Hyunjin and the bottomless cake pit.”
“You mean Han?”
...Sighing, Felix left without another word. 
“...I really think you should just talk to her!” His voice echoed. Changbin sighed.
...Okay, a few words. “Go!!!”
His harsh command bounced around the narrow chamber, spiraling down out of the air duct. Gasp. He covered his mouth, praying to heaven no one heard him; peering down, the study corner Y/n was in— if not the library itself— was nearly vacant, with only one other student reading at a far table and a few stragglers making their final choices.
It would appear his voice had gone unnoticed. Phew.
Y/n was still standing at the same shelf. She’d been standing there for over twenty minutes, occasionally pacing back and forth a few steps, side-to-side, trying to make up her mind. Most guys hated that, but Changbin couldn’t help but find it cute and endearing; like a lost little star trying to find her way home, calculating the best route, hesitant, waiting to shine. Most guys took it as a lacking sign to confidence, but to Changbin, it just showed that she was smart. She didn’t want to barrel straight ahead; she gathered data, took notes, and made the best option that would satisfy both her needs and her interests. And to Changbin, there was nothing hotter than that...
Suddenly, her hand moved. The one with the leather watch she wore, rumored to be a gift from her father. It was worn and frayed, the inseam splitting at the ends. Brown; tan. A simple clock face encased in basic sterling silver. She wore it everyday, but it’d been a while since he’d seen the pleated pink skirt that swayed above her ankles, or the matching floral-printed scarf—
Her hand brushed against the spine of a worn old poetry catalogue. Oh no. This is it. She’s really going for it. His letter…
She was so close to finding it. Twice a week, Changbin would rush down seven flights of stairs and across five blocks of campus property to make it to the library an hour before Y/n was set to arrive, as she always visited the library after English 1302 on Mondays and Wednesdays. Something about departing from that class must have left her longing for more, he figured; she was a writing major, after all. He didn’t do well under too much pressure, so after panicking about what he was going to say this time, he’d steal borrow some of Seungmin’s fancy calligraphy paper in order to write her a poem, something soft and...what was that word he’d looked up last week...lilting, which he was pretty sure meant the same thing as uplifting and...happy. Then he’d have Seungmin (one time Han; big mistake) hack into her leasing record in order to find out which books she was currently into, or which ones she had on hold. He’d carefully and strategically place the handwritten poem inside the book’s first few pages.
The book was in her hands now. She’d chosen his book! Again! She was examining the cover...flipping it over…...now, she was…?
...She put it back.
Again. He lowered his head with a sigh. Game over. You lost again. He gripped his hands into fists; when? When would he learn? When would it be his turn to win?! …!
Oh? What was this…?
A figure turned the left corner too fast, crashing into Y/n. She stumbled to the right, dropping said book as well as her belongings and sending them somersaulting to the pale blue carpet.
The letter he’d tucked between pages four and five spiraled out a foot away. Unopened, still sealed securely in a crisp white envelope with a Molang sticker. He’d heard she liked him.
Some Shady Guy was now talking to Y/n. “I’m so sorry! Let me help you— I’ll get—”
Y/n picked the book off the ground, dusting and checking it for damages like her first priority. She was so selfless, caring more for a damaged old tomb rather than her shiny new laptop and fancy water bottle. “Oh, no, that’s okay, don’t worry about it…” 
Her eyes fell upon the letter. Changbin held his breath. Oh no. Not now. Not with some punk watching! The moment would be totally ruined!!!
Shady Guy beat her to it, his undeserving fingers tainting Changbin’s craft. “Here. Is this yours?” He examined it. Smirked. Disgusting. “Cute. Aren’t you a little old for cartoons, though?”
Who here gave you permission to judge her?! ...Wait.
Y/n took the letter, frowning. “I don’t think so...Molang is for girls and boys of all ages. He’s cute. But, this isn’t mine…someone must have left it as a bookmark.” Her eyes swept the room. “I’ll go return it to the front desk.”
The… The front… 
His face hardened. What?! No!!! That’s your letter! URGH!!! Were girls always this frustrating?! ...And why is this guy still standing so close?! … … 
It couldn’t be helped; with defeat, he watched the two of them walk away.
— ✔✘✔✘ —
The next day at lunch, Minho squinted at him in anger.
“I can’t believe you skipped out on dinner with us again to go stalk the new girl.”
Beside him, Hyunjin huffed his agreement over a juice box that was meant for a five year old. Changbin groaned. “It’s not stalking. You make it sound like I’m a pervert or something...I’m not, I’m just…”
...His voice trailed off into a long, steady exhale. Beside him, Seungmin rolled his eyes. “Next time, at least quit using the air vent. I’m tired of growing a collection of ulcers in my gut because I’m afraid you’re going to make one wrong move and come crashing down through the ceiling like doom over Narnia, and then we’re both going to get in trouble for it.” He practically slammed down his bowl of soba. “I need this job, Bin.”
Across the outdoor picnic table, Minho froze halfway through unwrapping his sandwich, Hyunjin nearly choking on his orange juice. The former of the two cast a chilling glare while Hyunjin fought through a coughing fit. “You…”
Crap. And just when he’d thought Seungmin would be the least likely to open his big mouth. Changbin pressed his lips into a hard line before speaking. “...It’s not what you think—”
“Isn’t it, though?!” Hyunjin blurted. His juice box went flying into the nearest trash can as he pointed drastically in the direction of the library a few blocks down. Dance majors. “You’re telling me you’ve been bailing on dinner with us at the best new restaurant in town to go crawl through the dusty library airways and spy on a girl who doesn’t even know you?!”
“Say it a little louder, why don’t you!” Changbin hissed. “And hey,” he added, leaning over his ramen. “We’ve talked before. We’re in the same writing class.”
“Over a project!” The Dance major roared. “That hardly counts!”
He and Changbin both fell back into their seats with a thud, exhausted with each other. Minho sighed. “Well,” he mumbled, “I guess we’re just going to have to show him.”
At this, everyone gave Seoul University’s one and only Bundle Boy a quizzical look. “What do you mean?” Seungmin asked.
Bundle Boy smiled, already stacking his leftovers. “Come on. Finish eating already and we’ll show you.”
Hyunjin blinked, gesturing back and forth between the two of them. “We…?”
Smack. “Just do it already. Let’s go. Quickly.”
Stunned, he had no choice but to inhale his soup on the way over.
— ✔✘✔✘ —
The library was ironically closed for renovations that day; something about a generous donation from some well-to-do politician wanting his name engraved along the school walls. Whatever.
After bribing Seungmin into using his key, in the very same room where Y/n had been pondering her next private adventure surfing amongst old worn pages, Minho placed his hands on his hips, taking the roll of stage director. “Okay, now.” He pointed left. “Hyunjin, you go backstage. Pick a book off the shelf and get yourself ready. You two,” he piped, startling the remaining cast members, “will sit over there. Watch how it’s done.”
“......” Side-eyeing the other, Changbin and Seungmin took their seats at a nearby study table. The former could tell the latter was regretting his decision to let them in already.
Minho smiled. “Great,” he said, taking what was supposed to be Center Stage. “Now—” 
Seungmin raised his hand. The director sighed. 
Seungmin lowered his hand with a soft plop. “Do I really have to be here for this? Don’t we all have better things to be doing right now?”
...It was a fair question. But Minho didn’t really seem to care much for fairness. “Yes, this is a team effort. I’m telling Chan you said that at our next rehearsal.”
The boy groaned.
“Now,” Director Bundle began. “Watch and learn how the pros do this. I’ll be Changbin, and Hyunjin is Y/n.” He turned his head to the side. “Cue!!!”
The lights suddenly dimmed, shocking the audience as they looked around curiously. “I could have sworn no one was on staff today,” Minnie mumbled.
Then the lights rose again, slowly in escalation, as a far-too-tall and far-too-muscular Y/n entered Stage Right. His eyes blinked wildly from atop the horizon of an encyclopedia about frogs. “Look,” he cooed, voice far too high and squeaky. Changbin and Seungmin both cringed. “I’m Y/n! I love books and boys and all the many girlish wonders that girls like me enjoy! Teehee!”
...Dear Lord, strike him now. Changbin rose from his seat. “Stop!!!”
His cry fell on deaf ears as the show went on, Minho turning and giving his best, dreamiest, disgustingly playboy-ish smile. “You’re Y/n?”
Hyunjin giggled (to which Changbin felt sick), the book never leaving the lower half of his face. “That’s me!”
“Changbin” (Minho) cocked his head aside, shifting his bangs to the right. Seungmin gagged. “That’s a cute name. A cute name for an even cuter gi—”
Fzzt! ...The power went out.
From the far corner, the real Changbin glared a storm across the room, holding the power extension cord too tightly. “That’s enough,” he grumbled, tossing the extension aside. “I didn’t come here for you to mock me. Or her. I’m not sure what I’m more angry about: the fact that you dare mock an innocent girl, someone I care about, to my face...or the fact that the two of you are supposed to be my friends.”
Hyunjin tossed his book on the table, doing his best sassy Dance major pose: a hand on his hip, knee slightly bent, head tilted to the side. Dance majors. “You can’t say you care about her, Changbin. You hardly know her.”
“I told you we’ve spoken on more than one occasion!”
“Over a project! That doesn’t count!”
“You said it hardly counts before!!”
“Yeah?! Well now I’m changing my answer!!!”
“Okay, okay…” Seungmin rose from his seat, wading between the two. “That’s enough. Fighting never solves anything.” He peered over his shoulder, focusing his gaze between the shelves. “Also, you need to keep your voices down— I’m not losing my job over something this dumb.”
“......” With a grunt, Changbin marched his way toward the exit; Screw these guys, whatever. He didn’t need their help and never asked for it anyway. He was doing just fine in his relationship with Y/n that...didn’t quite exist… 
He’d almost made it to the door until Hyunjin stopped him. The should-have-been Drama major’s long fingers curved harshly over Changbin’s bulky shoulder. 
“...Just face it, Bin,” he whispered. “Y/n...she’s one of those girls. A bookworm. She’s out there. Way out there.” He sighed. The whole room seemed to. “Girls like her live on another planet. You’ll be pushing up daisies before she agrees to go on a date with you.”
Changbin scoffed, carrying his storm out of the room.
— ✔✘✔✘ —
At 2:46 a.m that night (morning?), Changbin lied awake in his dorm room, pondering many things. Too many things that shouldn’t have had any connection whatsoever, yet did all the same. Because life was messy, and love was fornot.
What is it with girls? He thought. I’ve never put so much thought into one before. They were just...there, and then Y/n showed up, and suddenly it’s like I forgot how to read. I saw her smiling, looking all pretty by the lecture hall window...I know I’ve written a song about her before.
Shift. The gray wall facing him gave no comfort.
...And what about them? Hyunjin, Minho, Seungmin...criticizing and judging me like that… Hyunjin… He had no right to say that to me. “You’ll be pushing up daisies before she agrees to go on a date with you!1!1!” ...Pfft. Please. What does he know?! Who does he think he is giving me advice? About Y/n?? After his horrible misrepresentation of her?!? ...Man, I miss Jeongin. I wonder when he’ll be back from his field trip...
Toss. The ceiling was no help either.
Then again… Is it really that strange? I was just keeping an eye on her. She should be grateful, right? Who doesn’t like having protection throughout the day? … … 
Sigh. ...Maybe… Maybe it is kinda weird what I’ve been doing...how I’ve been acting...my behavior… … … 
Turn. The ticking of the far clock mocked him. All his lost hours of sleep...tormented by his own thoughts...
… … … 
Shift. Toss. Sigh. Turn. Watching the seconds pass him by Changbin rolled about in agony, puzzled and tried over the last few weeks. Perhaps, as Hyunjin had said, even before his most recent insult, Changbin’s behavior as of late really had been “ugh.” …
A pillow fell over his face. He didn’t know what to think anymore. Maybe, as ridiculous as it all was, Minho and Hyunjin had been onto something; maybe all he needed to do was introduce himself. Start fresh, simple, anew. Maybe, this whole time, all he needed was to treat Y/n like a person he was interested in, rather than a science experiment he had to guard from afar. Maybe, just maybe, all he needed to do was say “hello”...
Unfortunately for him, “hello” was currently the word he was most afraid of.
He rolled over, peering down at the lower bunk; what could he say, except, Music and Photography majors didn’t make that much? At least not as undergrads. “Hm?”
Seungmin squinted up at him with sleepy eyes. “Turn off the light. I have two exams tomorrow…”
Shoot. Changbin grimaced, reaching for the switch. “...Sorry.”
Chink. Lights out. 
Chink. Lights on. “Yes?”
“......” Seungmin sat up, trailing his drowsy behind to the guest couch on the other side of the 12 x 10 room, the one Chan or Han sometimes crashed on during late nights producing or editing soundtracks. He pulled a blanket over his head, curling up beneath it like a puppy. “...Do you wanna talk about yesterday?”
Changbin scoffed, shifting his gaze to glare anywhere else. “...Like I’d wanna spend my precious time talking about those two.”
“So it is bothering you.”
Changbin fell silent.
“...The fact that you’re awake right now tells me that you’re letting them get to you. You shouldn’t.”
“I’m not! I never said they were bothering me!”
“It’s what you didn’t say that tells me otherwise.”
Changbin huffed. “Don’t you have an exam tomorrow?”
“I have two, actually,” the boy answered. “One at eight and one at nine.”  
“Then go to bed. Quit worrying about me and mind your own business. Class starts in a few hours.”
Chink. Lights out.
...But though he rolled over, pulling the sheets above his head and facing the gray wall, the annoying brat missing from the lower bunk didn’t move. In fact, Changbin could feel his eyes burning a rash on his skin, spelling out the words, you’re lying; accept your feelings. Talk to me.
Chink! He swung back up into a sitting position. 
“Okay, fine! Sheesh…” he groaned. Below, Seungmin almost bounced in delight, were he not engaged in a battle of fending off certain unconsciousness.
“Great...tell me what’s troubling you.”
Good grief. That was far easier said than done. He’d become so defensive, the automatic response to escape Changbin’s lips were always, “That’s none of your business,” “It’s none of your concern,” “Quit asking me about it.” 
Now, here he was, at confession hours. He adjusted himself, the words swirling in his gut; hissing at the proposal of facing sunlight, wishing to remain buried. “...I just…” He began picking at the fabric around his legs. “...I don’t feel like myself lately. I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I’m so tired… Everything was fine until Y/n came here. Now…” He breathed. “...It’s like I can’t do anything properly anymore, and I’m not myself at all. I lost myself the moment I walked into class, and she was standing there, smiling under the sunshine and fluorescent lighting. ...Argh, listen to me! I never said crap like this before she came! It sounds so stupid!”
Seungmin continued to listen, patiently, as Changbin spilled his thoughts. Every waking thought he’d had since a few Monday’s ago. He nodded his head...starting to sway…
“...And it’s like, I’m saying all these words I’ve never even heard of before, y’know? You’ve noticed it too, right? Like my vocabulary is proliferating. It’s a nightmare! But...what really scares me is…” 
He paused. On the couch, Seungmin fell over, beginning to snore softly.
“...I don’t like the person that I’ve become. I heard it said before that when you fall in love, or some garbage like that, you’re supposed to...become a better person? That learning from that person is supposed to help you mature? … All I’ve learned to do is become...some creepy stalker. I never saw myself becoming like this, not for a minute, but with her it’s like...I totally…”
“...Zzzk!” Seungmin sat up. “...Hm? What? ...Oh, uh…” He rubbed his eyes. “I heard you, I swear I did. Hang on…” He yawned, squinting upward. “...You’re not learning from her.”
Changbin turned toward the couch. “What?”
Seungmin adjusted himself, working at removing a year’s worth of sleep in his eyes. “You haven’t been following her example. You’ve been letting your unchecked emotions run all over you. It’s an act of immaturity and being insecure. Also, what you said before is only true if you and the other person are both mature, and share an intimate relationship. You don’t. And you’re not mature.”
To this, Changbin opened his mouth to give back some witty reply he’d stored in his new-found vocabulary somewhere, but of course, the boy dozed off, getting away with the last word like he usually did.
Pssh. Even his internal clock is in sync with his antics. Spoiled brat. That sure was a lot of words for three a.m...
… … …
He let those words reside with him. “You haven’t been following her example. You’ve been letting your unchecked emotions run all over you. It’s an act of immaturity and being insecure.”
… … …  
“Also, what you said before is only true if you and the other person are both mature, and share an intimate relationship. You don’t. And you’re not mature.”
… … … 
...Bah! He hated it. Hated hearing it, the way it sounded out loud, directed at him. 
But perhaps it was a bitter truth he had to overcome. 
“Tomorrow, you can always start anew.” ...That was a lyric from one of his favorite songs, from a rapper he admired all too well. Perhaps...maybe…
Tomorrow, I too, can start anew. … … 
...Reaching over, he turned out the light.
— ✔✘✔✘ —
The next day was Wednesday. The climax of every week. Shouts of “hUMP DAYYYY!!!” could be heard echoing around campus corridors, with students and faculty scurrying this way and that, some walking with direction and purpose, a few jogging, and others moving to a slow, leisurely pace, just getting out of class or having nowhere in particular to be.
For Changbin, it was a day of change. When the sun rose, after ignoring it for a few extra hours in defiance toward the clock that mocked him, he got dressed, ate a waffle, brushed his teeth, and combed his hair with his fingers as he hustled out the door.
“Hey!” Chan greeted him outside the door. “Ready for—”
“Busy,” he called over his shoulder.
English 1302 wasn’t until 3 p.m., but seeing as it was currently noon and he only had three hours to set himself straight, well...setting yourself straight was a daunting task. He’d need all the time he could get. Ignoring the fact that Chan and Han followed him out of the dorms and down two blocks while muttering precariously puzzling things, he set his focus solely on his current destination.
“I’m here,” he announced, slamming his bag on the front desk. Behind the library counter, Seungmin sighed, tilting his head back. 
“I’m not letting you into the air vents anymore. I told you, I’m done.” He glanced at the clock behind him. “Aren’t you a little early? Your class hasn’t even started yet. I thought you’d still be sleeping.”
“Can’t. No time.” Reaching into his bag, he pulled out his English textbook, the one with a soda stain he’d have to pay for later thanks to Yours Truly (Han Jisung). Seungmin observed it curiously.
“What’s this?”
“My textbook.”
“...We don’t have stain remover. Try the laundry room.”
Changbin rolled his eyes, biting his lip. Don’t let pride get to you right now. “...I uh…” He cleared his throat. “...It’s not that. I want you to help me study. I’d like to have something to fall back on, when talking to Y/n. In case things fall flat.”
When he looked up, the expression on Seungmin’s face was that of a thousand suns. Like the skies had cleared, and the war was over. It looked like something Shakespeare or Dr. Seuss would write about. “At last,” he said, “the drought has ended. Seeds have sprouted. There really is a brain in there.”
Changbin swatted at him. “Just shut up and tell me when your next break is.”
— ✔✘✔✘ —
Her name came rolling out of Changbin’s mouth like a stone. It started light, yet gained velocity and fell into the pool of sweat at his feet with a heavy thud.
The moment she turned around, sitting up a little straighter, a little taller, looking him right in the eyes, his mind went blank. “Yeah! What’s up?”
… … … 
He had no idea what was up. What was up? What was down? Which way was it to the nearest train station so he could use the last of his tuition money to board a train and haul it all the way to the highest bridge so he could— …
Cool, Changbin. Play it cool. The sun has risen, so you’re Mature Bin now. “Uhh…”
“......” She listed her head. “Yeah?”
“...Cake!” he blurted.
She blinked, shifting herself back while the surrounding pews started. “I’m sorry?”
“Ahh…!” Changbin adjusted himself. Took a deep breath. 
Still cool. Roll with it. 
“......” He smiled. “...Cake, uh...there’s a new cake shop that opened downtown.” He pointed...somewhere towards the door. “I was wondering if...maybe you’d...like some?”
The kindness that radiated off her features made his heart soar. “Are you asking me to come with you?”
“......” He nodded, looking away. But from the corner of his eye, he could still see her smile.
“Okay! I’d love to. Say, after class?”
He nodded again, more fervently. “...But aren’t you going to the library after this?”
Her gaze turned a bit sour and peculiar. “You...know about that? You must have seen me before.” 
Having walked in right on cue at 2:59, Hyunjin made an irate sound that wasn’t unusual of a sassy Dance major such as himself. Dance majors. “Oh, he’s seen you, alright. He—”
The nearest pencil went flying towards his head, marking his pretty boy face.
“Ahh! Seriously?!” He rummaged through his bag. “I have practice after this!”
Having turned away before, Y/n examined both men curiously before clearing her desk space for class. “Well, it can’t be helped. I do spend a lot of time there, so you were bound to pick up on it subconsciously, I’m sure.”
“Yes. That’s exactly it.”
He and Hyunjin shared a glare.
She giggled, shaking her head. “Alright then! How about this: we’ll stop by the library, and then we can go to the cake shop from there. Sound good?”
He grinned from ear to ear; blissfully, simply, politely. But most importantly: in control. “Yeah, sounds good. Oh, and Y/n?”
The clock struck three, the professor walking in right on cue. As his voice took hold of the classroom atmosphere, the two lowered their heads, voices tumbling into whispers. “Yeah?” she asked. “What is it?”
Mature Bin held fast to his smile. “Hello.”
— ✔✘✔✘ —
ღ Stray Kids M.List | M.List ღ
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ambersky0319 · 4 years
Intrulogical wear Remus goes over to Logan's house, turns out he's a GAMER and they play Doki Doki literature club and goofily voice it over but then they kiss. -H anon
Okay, it isn’t the prompt exactly but I still really love this, and I hope y'all enjoy too! (Btw, despite the warnings below this is pretty fluffy! The warnings more so pertain to DDLC itself(Also this is pretty much a human AU))
Warnings: Spoiler warnings for Doki Doki Literature Club, suicide mention/description of a character’s suicide, lmk if I need to add anything else bc I’m unsure
Remus was surprised when Logan had texted him, asking if Remus wanted to join Logan in playing a game he had recently gotten. People didn’t normally ask Remus to join things (aside from Logan himself, as they were dating), so Remus accepted immediately. Logan told him it would be one of those longer games, so Remus brought some stuff so he could stay the night.
Logan greeted him and his eyes seemed to light up. Remus wasn’t used to seeing Logan in anything but his usual polos and jeans and ties. He hadn’t expected for Logan to greet him in his pajamas already.
“Well, are you just going to stand there or are you gonna come inside?” Logan asked, smiling faintly as Remus ducked his head, walking into Logan’s apartment.
“What are we going to be playing?” Remus asked, setting his bag down where Logan had pointed, not far away from the couch. Remus soon joined Logan.
“Have you heard of Doki Doki Literature Club?”
Remus wrinkled his nose. “Sounds like a game Roman would like instead.”
“I think you’d prefer it, actually.” Logan said, getting the game set up. Remus got comfortable. He wasn’t really a gamer himself, and was quite surprised when he discovered that Logan loved video games. “It’s technically a dating sim, but from what I hear it covers quite a few dark themes. I’ve been avoiding a lot of spoilers for it though because I wanted to be able to play it myself first.”
“Why’d you invite me, though?” Remus asked, watching as the loading screen appeared. The warning appeared, and Remus furrowed his brows. “You also read the content warnings, right?”
“Yeah, none of our triggers are on there. Also, I invited you because I thought you might like it! It has a lot of dialogue and I thought you’d have fun making up the weirdest voices for the characters.”
Remus laughed lightly. “Okay, I trust you.” Logan gave him a bright smile, one Remus knew only few people saw. And that alone made his stomach tie into knots and feel like a jumble of saw despite having seen that smile dozens of times before. Logan turned back to the TV and hit I Accept, letting the main screen for the game come up. A bubbly music filled Logan’s apartment, and Remus couldn’t wait to get into it.
“Oh my God, I’ve got a bad feeling-” Remus gripped Logan’s arm as they continued. A few hours had passed already and things were starting to get weird. They had just gotten through an emotional scene with Sayori (Remus’s high-pitched voice for her made it so difficult to get through) and it was the next in-game day.
And Sayori wasn’t in the school.
“Of course something would go wrong right before the festival,” Logan stated, pushing up his glasses. He hadn’t said anything about Remus practically clinging to his arm.
Things had already starting getting a bit weird. But after learning Sayori had depression, and then promising to be there for her and saying they love her and not checking up on her in the morning…
“Hate the main character,” Remus muttered as he loosened his grip just a bit on Logan. “Honestly, like… Depression doesn’t work like that. Wish I could just hit him over the head with a bat. No! My morning star!”
Logan laughed. “You mean the one you stole from the museum.”
“No, the one my grandma gave me.” Remus rolled his eyes.
“I think dropping a few tons of sand on him would be better, honestly.” Logan stated, and before Remus could react they continued.
“At least he feels a little guilty, still doesn’t excuse it though,” Remus says, uncrossing his legs as they begin to feel tingly.
“You kind of left her hanging this morning, you know?” Logan reads in the calm voice they were using for Monika, and Remus and Logan exchange a worried glance.
“Oh… Oh no, no no… Sayori…” Remus buries his face into Logan’s shoulder, half of it at least. He still wanted to see what happened. They finished reading Sayori’s poem and Remus felt worried and he wished he could just grab Sayori and hug her and protect her himself.
Logan wraps an arm around Remus, holding him close as the game pans back to the houses, and they go to Sayori’s house. A sick feeling rests in both of their stomachs.
“Oh no, no no no no….”
The suspense was getting to Remus. He loved gore and horror but he hated the suspense in the few games he had played and the movies that felt with these topics.
“You alright?” Logan asked, looking to Remus worriedly. Remus nodded.
“Anxious about what we’re about to see,” he muttered, and Logan nodded, bringing the arm wrapped around Remus up to brush through Remus’s hair. The music was quiet and although Logan was worried as to what was about to be on screen, he just showed it less. He waited until he felt Remus relax slightly to continue.
They continued on, and after they opened the door-
“I knew it!”
“Oh God!”
They both jumped back, Remus burying his face again into Logan’s arm as Logan faced the door, only glancing back at the screen where Sayori hung. The music that followed just sent dread through them both.
“Jesus fucking Christ,” Remus muttered as they sat back up to continue reading the narrative. “Poor Sayori, oh my God.” Remus rubbed his eyes as the loading screen came back.
“Hey, it’s different.”
“Sayori’s place on the screen, it’s all glitched out. And the new game button.”
“Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa I hate this but I love it,” Remus laughs slightly, trying to get his racing heart to get back to a normal rate.
Logan rubbed his back, his heart also beating quickly. He opened up the files for the game, remembering that it was something you should do. Remus watched as Logan went through the game files, first opening a file called hxppy thxughts.
“Holy shit-” Logan hissed, melting into Remus’s warmth as Remus held him tighter. On the screen was a drawing of Sayori hanging, almost looking as though a child drew it.
Remus leaned forward to close out the file. “Should we check anything else?”
“Sayori was really glitched. The characters, maybe?”
Remus hummed softly, before opening up the character files. “No! Ooooh…..”
Remus fell back into Logan’s arms. “This is freaky!”
Logan laughed slightly at that. “It’s only being freaky now?”
“You know what I meant! It having an effect on the files!” Remus huffed. “I can’t believe she was deleted!”
They left the characters file, and instead scrolled through all the other ones, just to be certain they didn’t miss anything. They discovered a file which someone was talking about deleting Sayori, that it was probably better and that they hoped they didn’t break the game.
Remus buried his face into Logan’s shoulder again, groaning slightly. “There’s still a lot of the game left, huh?” He asked. Logan nodded..
“Want to save it for tomorrow?”
“Let’s see how the game is with Sayori deleted. Then try to sleep, probably being haunted by the image of Sayori hanging there in our nightmares.”
Logan made some form of noise that sounded like agreement, and he shifted so Remus could rest his head on Logan’s chest as they continued. He had one arm wrapped protectively around Remus though, whether for his own comfort or Remus’s, neither knew not cared. Remus just shuffled closer.
They continued, starting a “new” game, and got caught up yet again in the narrative, fascinated and terrified with how the game continued, with the game correcting itself without Sayori. It was more difficult to keep up their silly voices. It did lighten the mood though.
It took awhile to get used to it all, especially only just recovering from Sayori’s death.
“Something about Monika is the most off,” Remus said. Logan nodded as he saved the game, rubbing his eyes and yawning.
“She’s a really interesting character, that’s for sure.”
Logan turned off the TV, the only light now being a dim lamp. He stretched, and Remus didn’t think the nerd’s bones could pop any louder.
“Think we should head to bed, then?” Logan asked. They had snacked throughout the game, and weren’t that hungry. Remus could feel his face warm slightly.
“You sure?”
“I don’t see why either of us should sleep on the couch. Unless you’re uncomfortable with it, then you can have the bed and I can sleep out here!”
Logan smiled warmly, brushing some of Remus’s hair out of his face. Remus swallowed before smiling softly himself. No one besides Logan would ever want to be this close to him.
“I’m down to share a bed.”
Logan kissed his forehead before letting Remus go change into some pajamas.
Logan was already in bed by the time Remus had finished getting ready, and almost hesitantly Remus climbed in beside him.
“You’re certain you’re comfortable with this?” Logan asked. He really wanted to make sure Remus was okay with this, he didn’t want to make him uncomfortable.
Remus slung an arm over Logan’s waist, cuddling close. He nodded. “Yeah. I just don’t want to take things too fast.”
Logan pressed another kiss to the top of Remus’s head. “That’s understandable.” Logan made himself a bit more comfortable. “Just let me know if you ever get uncomfortable, yeah?”
“Will do.” Logan smiled and took off his glasses, leaning over Remus to place the glasses on the nightstand before turning the light off. On the ceiling, dozens of glow-in-the-dark stars. Remus pressed closer to Logan, sighing in content.
Soon enough, both were asleep, dreams wandering back to the game they had been playing.
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jtsfavslut · 4 years
✧ 𝔥𝔢𝔞𝔱𝔥𝔢𝔯 ✧
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Description: Inspired by the song ‘Heather’ by Conan Gray.
Warning: Suicidal Talk
Word Count: 1.2k+
"21 more days till' Christmas eve, I can't wait," Grayson excitedly beamed at you.
"Me too, but I can't wait for winter to be over," you smiled back at him, rubbing your clothed arms trying to create some sort of heat, as your long-sleeved, yet thin shirt managed to provide you with no source of heat.
"Here," Grayson said handing you his sweater that he had on, it was a plain black, crew neck kind of sweater.
"Thank you Gray, but your going to get cold, or worst, sick," you pouted at him as he was left in a black long sleeve shirt.
"It's looks better on you than me anyways, plus I'm used to the cold," he smiled at you making you blush. Luckily for you, your cheeks were already cold from the breeze hitting your face.
"And am I, we've lived here our entire lives duh," she playfully rolled your eyes, and turned around to lean your body on the railing, looking at the green pines ahead of you.
You and the Dolan siblings were known for being extremely close, however, you and Grayson however, were inseparable. If Grayson got invited to anything, you would come along, and vise-versa.
And of course, you caught feeling for your hot best-friend who happens to live across from you, you kept it to yourself, not wanting to jeopardize anything.
"I can't believe we're going to be seniors next year," Grayson sighed as you softly nodded your head.
"Me neither," you whispered. You're head making up scenarios about how would it be if you finally dated him during senior year.
"Y/N, Gray, mom said to come inside because it's getting cold," Ethan said through the door, making you and Grayson walk back inside.
The warm heat making your skin get that weird feeling everything the temperature changes suddenly.
"Go lay in my bed, I'll bring some hot chocolate and we can watch movies, yeah?" Grayson asked making your heart do cartwheels.
You nodded your head and made your way to the bedroom that you've spent many nights in.
You wished you could stop being a pussy and tell him that you love him. But the fear of rejection, humiliation, and loss scared you to death. You we'rent scared of anything. Except one thing.
And that being loosing Grayson, he was the only person you truly loved, the only one you would die for.
Grayson was always there for you. Everything your parents yelled at you for making a little mistake like accidentally spilling a bit of whatever on the table, your first crush-rejection, and especially your parents getting more toxic.
He knew you more than you knew yourself. Yet he was oblivious to the fact that you were madly in love with him.
"Extra whipped cream, just how you always get it," his voice suddenly spoke making you flinch.
"Thank you," you whispered while smiling, reaching up and grabbing the cup from him.
"You're awfully quiet today. What's up?" he asked making your shoulders tense.
"Umm, nothing, I'm OK. Just thinking about something," you shrugged, sipping on the hot drink that he made you, making your insides warm up.
"Thinking about what?" he asked and you thought of something to say.
'How I'm madly in love with you,' you thought to yourself, but managed to lie and say that it's about graduation. Of course he believed you, since you've been worrying about that lately.
"I'm staying after school today," your soft voice spoke as you stood with Grayson and Ethan by your lockers.
"You want me to wait for you?" He asked as you shook your head smiling.
"I'll walk home, you can go with E," you told he as frowned. "It's cold, you could get sick. I'll go with E, then come pick you up." He shrugged as Ethan nodded.
"Yeah you could get sick, and it's gonna snow later." Ethan said agreeing with his brother.
"Fine, I'll text you when it's done," you sighed.
"I'm gonna blast, and get lunch." Ethan said and walked away.
"So I was thinking that for our friendvesarry we could go to the skating rink on Satur-," you began saying but stopped as you noticed he wasn't paying attention to you.
You followed his eyes trying to find what had managed to catch his attention.
His eyes followed her until she was out of sight. Her blonde hair bouncing on her shoulder with every step she took.
"I'm sorry, what?" He asked turning to look at you again.
"Nothing, it wasn't important." You whispered with a ting of hurt in your voice.
"Oh ok," he answered confused but let it be.
"I'm gonna go to library, wanna come?" You asked him.
"I have something to do, but I'll meet you before class starts ok?" He asked and you nodded your head.
And as you walked to library by yourself, Grayson went to go find her.
And as you found a new book to read, Grayson found a new date for Saturday.
Saturday being the 14th of December. The day you two met 13 years ago.
While that day meant everything to you, it seemed like it managed to escape from his mind.
"When are you gonna tell my brother?" a very familiar voice spoke scarring you and making you look up from the book you were reading.
"I'm sorry, what?" you said taking off your fake reading glasses. A habit you picked up while reading.
"That you're in love with him. I know you are Y/N," he said sitting down next to you.
"I am not. I don't know what you're talking about," you denied and put your glasses back on, and going back to your book, before he snatched it.
"Y/N, I  know when you lie. We all know you are." he spoke making you sigh.
"OK, so what if I am. He doesn't love me in that way. He likes her. Her eyes are brighter than a blue sky, her blonde her makes my black one look dead. He's mesmerized by Heather, Ethan. He likes her, not me," you spoke while tears clouded your vision.
"You still have to tell him,  before you, uhh- before you go," he spoke as  his eyes also filled with tears because of what he was referring to.
"He doesn't know Ethan," you groaned.
"You have to tell him, it'll be better. If you don't tell  him, it's going to destroy him." he cried. Thank god no one was around.
"How do you tell the person you're in love with that you’re going away because you tried to kill yourself. How do you even tell them that you're trying to kill yourself?" you calmly asked as he shook his head.
"He kissed me Ethan. He kissed me and apologized and said that he didn't mean for that to happen. He said to act like it never happened." you softly cried while shaking your head.
He stayed quiet so you took it as a cue to continue talking. You took off your glasses placing them on the table.
"I won't tell him, he's happy with her, I'm going away. He'll be find without me, he doesn't need me, and neither does you or anyone else. I'll start a new life, somewhere else but here. He'll date her and they'll be happy. You'll find someone else and be happy. Me? I don't know what happiness is, but I hope I'll find it." you said getting up.
"Think of this as a fresh start or reset. Please give this him. I'm leaving in two hours so I better get home," you whispered as tears raced down your face.
"I love you Ethan, never forget that. I love all the time I spent with you guys. You guys saved me, but I need to save myself now," you handed him the letter and left.
And you ran home, took all your stuff and left to the airport.
You wanted to go to New York, but that was close, too close. Florida was not for you, so LA was the only option.
As cliche as  it sounds, LA does give people opportunities, and being all the way across the country sounded good.
And while you got in the plane, Grayson opened the letter that you gave him. Screaming at Ethan for not telling earlier, giving you a chance to stop you.
Dear Grayson,
By the time you're reading this, if Ethan gave it to you when I asked him to, I should be on a plane, headed somewhere far.
As you may know, my love for poetry, has given me the talent to express my feelings in a more soft cleaner way, the poem below will explain everything that's been going through my mind recently.
I still remember Third of December
Me in your sweater You said it looked better
On me, than it did you Only if you knew
How much I liked you But I watch your eyes, as she
Walks by What a sight for Sore eyes
Brighter than a Blue sky
She's got you Mesmerized
While I dieWhy would you ever kiss me? I'm not even half, as pretty
You gave her your sweater It's just polyester, but you like her better Wish I were Heather
Watch as she stands with Her holding your hand
Put your arm 'round her shoulder Now I'm getting colder
But how could I hate her? She's such an angel
But then again, kinda Wish she were dead, as she
Walks by
If  you know me, you know exactly what this means.
I love you Gray, and not in a friendly way, I love you as in I want to be in a relationship and share everything with you.
But that doesn't matter anymore. I just had to say it, and I'm not scared of anything, only loosing you. But I was going to loose you anyways, so I wrote it on paper.
I want to thank you for everything that you've done for me.
I want you to forget about me, about our friendship. About our friendship. I want you, and Ethan, to start fresh, to go out there and explore the world.
I want you and Heather, or any other girl to be happy. I want you to be happy and for someone to make you happy and to give you everything you deserve and vice-versa.
As for me, I'm going to cherish everything we've done together. Every movie we've watched, every hugged we've shared, and every second.
Make sure to tell mama Lisa that I love her and that was she the mother I needed. And tell her that I moved for some program or something, you're smart and creative so you'll make something up.
I love you Gray <3
- Y/N.
"YOU KNEW  DIDN'T YOU? YOU KNEW SHE WAS LEAVING AND DIDN'T TELL ME?" Grayson angrily shouted at Ethan as hot tears streamed down his face.
"She needs this Gray. We'll find her, I don't know where she went but we'll find her,"Ethan sighed trying to comfort his brother.
"I love her Ethan and now she's gone. How come I didn't notice?" He cried.
"I love you Gray," you whispered to yourself as your plane took off.
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gotmilk5101520 · 4 years
Miraculous Ladybug Rewatch Episode 69 Stormy Weather 2
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It’s recap time.
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“Once a villain, always a villain!” Umm...
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“Well, you will never change, Marinette Dupain-Cheng. You'll always be Adri-dumb...I mean, Adri-bummed abababababa lame!” “It really took you 3 seasons to realize that i’m in love with Adrien?” “Shut up”
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“And you, Alya Cesaire. You still haven't found out who Ladybug is, right? Well, you two are made for each other! You're both just as clueless as the other. And you Nino... Actually i have nothing to say to you”
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“Every day we see each other and I hope that you'll be mine, together our love could be so true, please will you be my valentine?“
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“It's so beautiful. But I'll never know what he thinks of me, or who this poem he wrote was meant for” It was meant for you.
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“You've changed a lot since the beginning of the year and since you first met Adrien!”
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“You're right! I have changed. I got more and more clumsy since I met him!” It’s only cause he’s Chat Noir.
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“What about the time you practiced for the video game competition? Right here in your bedroom!“ Ah yes from my favorite episode in season 1
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“Adrien has become a true friend!”
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“Adrien's become a friend who I can talk to about anything” He’s just a friend.
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“Nathalie, here are the plans for the next episodes”
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“In tomorrow’s episode i will akumatize Kagami’s mom, then in the episode after that we meet an akuma from the future, then the next episode i will go to Tokyo” “Wait really?” “Of course not Nathalie. I will pretend to go to Japan, but i’m really here at home taking care of my butterflies”
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“Now i know what you’re thinking. “Nathalie, how did you ended up in this situation?” Well to be honest it’s a really long story and i don’t want to explain it. So let’s move on”
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“As I've watched Emilie  falling deeper into an endless sleep, my sadness for her has deepened, too” Is Emilie dead or not?
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“I feel a strong negative emotion”
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“I have to tell you how amazing this photoshoot was, Dad” “Oh shhhhiiiitttt!!!!!”
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“Is father finally going to do something about the basement corpse?” “Hopefully yes”
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“This negative emotion I'm feeling… it's familiar”
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“Maybe it's your son’s emotion. You should spend more time with him” “Don’t tell me things i should be doing as a father!”
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“Nooroo, Angry Moth Noises!”
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“What if Nooroo is right? Am I taking too many risks?”
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“And for once, his birthday gift to me was amazing” Yeah... Hahaha...
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“Your father's like one of those wheels of cheese with a very thick rind”
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“Once you manage to sink your teeth into it, you realize it's all soft inside”
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“Or slightly rotten” Pretty sure rotten.
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“It's not me! I swear I didn't use my Cataclysm!” This time?
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“What is that?” That’s California my boy.
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“Probably. But don't worry, kitty. We're not gonna let her rain on Paris' parade”
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“Hey! Was that a pun I heard, my lady?”
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“Yep. A little change is good, don't you think?”
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“I love that girl!” *Screams in Ladynoir*
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“Stormy Weather seems way stronger than the first time around”
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“And it's that brat Chloe's fault again. Actually it’s been a while since she caused an akuma. Actually she hasn’t caused a lot of akumas since season 2 started”
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“It's weird to think of it, but if it wasn't for Hawkmoth, you and I might not be here right now”
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“Actually it's thanks to Ladybug we're together” “Oh yeah. She locked us in a cage”
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“Trixx, What Does The Fox Say!”
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“Wayzz, Calabanga!”
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“I suspected you’re Carapace from the very beginning” But not that Marinette is Ladybug or Adrien being Chat Noir?
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“Nobody's nicer than me” Are you sure about that?
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“Yep. That’s us. You’re probably wondering how we got here”
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So apparently this is the only season 3 episode in this recap.
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“We've learned to trust each other”
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“Whoa, whoa, whoa! Don’t show this!”
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“These are memories from my pov!”
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“Don’t go showing Chat Noir’s identity!”
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“After all, we've been through a lot together. We're not gonna let Stormy Weather defeat us, right, kitty?”
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“As usual, I completely agree with you, Bugaboo”
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*Screams in Ladynoir again*
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“The further the Earth moves away from the Sun, the colder the temperatures will get”
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“You're outside right now, Clara. How’s it going?”
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“We're down to minus 40 degrees Celsius, Nadja. It's getting very difficult but Ladybug and Chat Noir have donned their specialized suits, so they can battle Stormy Weather on an equal playing field”
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“Ice-bug just called up her Lucky Charm. She’s got a small object - it looks like a pencil. What’s she going to do with that?”
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“Chat Noir is holding up a copy machine”
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“I can't see much, but it- it looks like Ladybug is making a photocopy”
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“Whoa! That was a huge flash!”
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“Wait, Stormy Weather has been defeated!”
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You know watching all season 3 episodes in the right order really makes me see Stormy Weather 2 in a whole new light. They keep talking about change and they’re right. After this episode there are a lot of changes and revelations. The episodes after this are huge game changer. If season 3 airing wasn’t a mess, then i’m sure some people would agree. Also how come no one in the fandom thought to make a comic or fan fic about the fight? I want to know what the copy machine was for!
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“You tell him it's from Marinette, his friend from school, and that I did it as a friend to help him, okay?” She’s just a friend.
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“Umm... I can still see you, you know?”
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“Your friend from school, Marinette, just brought you these lessons you missed today”
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“She copied them out for you by hand; she wanted me to tell you she did it for you as a friend to help you. Nothing more than a friend. She’s just a friend after all. A friend, nothing more and nothing less” “Okay Nathalie, i get it”
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“See you tomorrow at school. Love, your friend, Marinette”
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“I'd never noticed, Marinette's writing”
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“Of course, it couldn't have been from Ladybug. It had to have been from someone at school, but Marinette?” Actually it was from Ladybug.
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“No, Marinette couldn't possibly be in love with me, she's just a friend who loves fashion” *Rage in French*
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“Besides, there's Luka”
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“What about Luka?” “Well his writing could be-” “You didn’t even met at that point!”
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Hehe. This was also episode 69 Nice.
Let’s make some new friends.
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milkbread420 · 4 years
Hey! I just read your Heather hc with Kuroo and Suna and I LOVE THEM! Can I ask for the same idea but with Akaashi and Iwaizumi? Thank you ❤
 So I actually did one with Iwa from another request, here is the link to his:
Iwaizumi’s “heather” ✨
Pairing: Akaashi x f!reader
Warnings: Swearing, Angst(?)
Prompt: He has a girl best friend who’s got a crush on him, but he has feelings for y/n (“heather”)
He just rambles about you and he doesn’t really realize that he subtly relates everything back to you
He sees a book you like? He starts to tell her about it. She’s wearing your favorite color? He tells her that (YIKES).
He can be a bit of an overthinker so he’s always asking stuff like ‘do you think I’m coming on too strong?’ Cause he doesn’t wanna make you uncomfy.
She always jokes that she’s hurt he never writes poems for her but like,,, she’s not actually joking
He’s like “I thought people only do that for someone they’re in love with,”
“They do,”
That’s why I wanted one
She starts to distance herself from him when you start hanging around more and he’s a little confused and a lot hurt to be honest
He’s definitely wondering why she seems to wanna avoid you and him all the time.
So he confides in his best friend, Bokuto, and asks why he thinks she’s been so distant,
“SOOO you didn’t hear it from me, but she’s crushing on you big time,”
I feel like he doesn’t REALLY think much of it like,,, it’s not really his fault he doesn’t feel the same way, and he thinks she should just get over it
But I feel like he’d try to stop talking so much about you when he’s with her so he doesn’t hurt her. 
That hurts her more though because it makes her feel like he’s pitying her and she hates that. 
She admits defeat though, she doesn’t get all crazy or anything
 She’s the one who actually ends up telling you how Akaashi feels about you, because she’s certain you like him back. 
She knows she should have let him do it himself, but she also knows he was having a hard time working up the courage to actually do it, and part of her just wanted to be able to do one thing that Akaashi would remember. 
honestly just wants to see him happy, even if it’s not with her. 
“She came to our game last week, and we were up against a tough opponent, but we won,” Akaashi explained, a small smile spread across his lips as he looked down at his hands, “She must be my good luck charm,”
The girl frowned for a moment too brief to be noticed, “Oh yeah? Well, she seems nice, I’d like to meet her soon,” Akaashi nodded and looked up at his friend, smiling a bit harder. She smiled back, thinking his was for her, “What?” 
“Your shirt,” he started, “It’s her favorite color,”
Her jaw almost fell to the floor, but she quickly regained composure, “Oh, really? I guess have good taste then,” a nervous laugh escaped her. He was quiet, and she was sure that what she’d just said had gone in one ear and out the other. She sighed and rolled her eyes at the lovestruck boy, “Akaashi?”
He shook himself, “I’m sorry, did you say something?” 
“Nope,” she shrugged. Akaashi hummed and his smile grew wider, “You’re thinking about her, aren’t you?” she asked, dreading the answer.  “I am,” Akaashi said, “She’s wonderful, I really can’t believe someone like her is even interested in talking to me, I don’t think I’m very interesting,” he fiddled with his fingers in his lap as he sat at his desk. 
“Don’t say that about yourself ‘Kaashi,” she said softly, “You’re amazing! You’re smart, talented and you’re a great person!” a smile spread across her lips as she sat up on the edge of his bed, “Anyone would be lucky to have you.”
“Thank you,” he mumbled, “I hope y/n feels the same way.” 
The girl sat in the library with Akaashi and Bokuto across from her as she quietly read a book she’d checked out the day before. Akaashi looked up from his work and smiled, a small huff coming from his nose. Bokuto’s eyes shifted towards his friend and the girl looked up. 
“Akaashi! You’re blushing!” Bokuto noted, “Are you thinking about you know who?” he wiggled his eyebrows and Akaashi looked away. The girl’s eyes scanned the room, thinking for a moment that you were there. You didn’t have to be there to make him feel flustered though, just the thought of you made his heart race, and just that thought was enough to make hers sink. 
“That’s one of y/n’s favorite books,” Akaashi pointed to the book in the girl’s hands, “I’ve been meaning to read it for a while now, she says it’s good.” The smile lingered on his face as he looked down. 
The girl his the frown on her face behind the book. Did he not know better than to compare the girl he liked to the one that liked him, to her face?
“Aw, you gotta ask her out, Akaashi! You’re totally crazy about her, right?” Bokuto encouraged, slapping a hand over Akaashi’s back, “If you wan’t, I can do it for ‘ya!” 
“That’s alright, I’d like to do it myself,” Akaashi said, “I’m just worried she might not have feelings for me in the same way I do for her,” he looked at the girl, “Can I ask your opinion?”
She nodded hesitantly, “Sure,”
“Do you think I’m being overbearing by walking her home every day? Am I being too obvious?” He asked, “Do you think she’s weirded out at all?”  “Akaashi,” she sighed, “You’re fine, please trust me, you’re literally being perfect, so calm down.” She wasn’t just saying that to blow smoke up his ass, she really meant it, he was acting the perfect gentleman for you, and the blush that spread across your cheeks was never unnoticed by her, even if it was by Akaashi. 
Even though she’d just recently met you for the first time, your feelings for Akaashi were so dreadfully obvious; it takes one to know one, she figured. 
The girl heard Akaashi’s breath hitch as his head snapped towards the door. She didn’t need to look up to know that you had just walked in.
Akaashi smiled and waved timidly at you, but he wasn’t sure you saw him until Bokuto called you over, “y/n! Come sit with us!” You smiled and waved back at Akaashi as you made your way over to their table.
“Hey guys!” you said quietly, taking a seat next to the girl and across from Akaashi. 
“Hello, y/n,” Akaashi smiled, “How are you today?” 
You smiled back, “I’m good! How’re you?”
“Great,” he said, “I didn’t expect to see you here so early, you usually come in later.” 
The girl almost puked. He kept track of when you got there every morning. Something about that was so simple, but so intimate in a way she wished he’d be with her. 
You nodded sheepishly, “I had to come make up a test, and I didn’t want to ditch you after school.”
“What’s this I hear about after school?” Bokuto leaned in, “Akaashi, are you ditching practice today?”
Akaashi coughed, “Yes, I feel a cold coming on,” You giggled and he looked over at you with a proud smile, glad he was able to make you laugh. 
“Akaashi! That’s so unlike you! Is your girlfriend a bad influence?” Bokuto teased. You both blushed and looked away from each other. 
You wanted to explain, and tell him that Akaashi was just going to help you study for your English exam next week, but you were a bit too embarrassed, and the words fell dead on your tongue. Your loss for words made you feel even more stupidly flustered than before and the girl quickly took notice
“Bokuto, leave the kids alone,” she sighed, looking at you apologetically. 
“Kids?” Bokuto scoffed, “They’re only a year below us! You make us sound like grandparents,” he shivered, “I’m not old! I’m still cool! Right, Akaashi?” 
“Something like that,” he replied and you snickered. Bokuto’s jaw dropped and he folded his arms, “I’m just messing with you, of course you’re cool,” Akaashi said. 
“Hey, hey, hey! Now, y/n, say I’m cool!” 
You were still a bit flustered from before, but you managed a small smile, “You’re cool, Bokuto!” 
“Cool for a grandpa,” the girl teased.
“Hey! You’re the one who called them kids,” he frowned, “Besides. Akaashi and his girlfriend say I’m cool, so it must be true!”  “Bokuto, please use her name instead of calling her that,” Akaashi sighed, a subtle blush dusting his cheeks. 
“Yeah,” the girl said, “They aren’t dating,” it came out a bit more bitterly than she’d intended, and she almost felt like she should apologize for it. 
Bokuto grinned and leaned in to Akaashi, “Not yet,” 
You looked over at the girl, silently questioning the exchange. 
She shrugged, “Boys are stupid, huh?”
“So? Is it too much?” Akaashi asked nervously as the girl’s eyes scanned the paper he’d handed her. His handwriting was almost as pretty as him, and she found herself mesmerized by his way with words, “Um?” “It’s beautiful, Akaashi,” she said, “You wrote this for y/n?” he nodded shyly, “She’s gonna love it.” “You think so?” He smiled as she handed it back to him.
“I’m like a million percent sure,” she said, “It’s so freaking sweet, and cute, and- hey! How come you never write things like that for me?” she asked, half joking. 
Akaashi furrowed his brows and tilted his head, “Things like this are supposed to be exclusive for someone you’re in love with though,” he explained, “If I wrote things like that for everyone, it wouldn’t be special for y/n anymore,” 
She nodded, hiding the way his words wounded her, “Right.” a subtly bitter laugh escaped her, “My bad I’m sorry,” 
He shook his head, “No need to apologize,” he looked up from the piece of paper in his hands and smiled as he caught a glimpse of you across the schoolyard, waiting patiently for him by the exit. Akaashi smiled and looked back down, feeling butterflies in his stomach before he turned to his friend, “Okay, I’m going to give it to her,” 
“Good luck, ‘Kaashi!” She cheered halfheartedly. 
“Get your girl, Akaashi!” Bokuto’s loud voice startled her from behind and she snapped her head towards him with a frown, “Oh, hey! You’re here too!” He grinned. She watched Akaashi approach you hesitantly. He gently tapped your shoulder and smiled handing you the poem he’d written for you. “Do you wanna get closer so we can eavesdrop?” Bokuto suggested with a raised brow. 
“That’s kinda wrong though, isn’t it?” She folded her arms over her chest.  “Not if they don’t notice!” Bokuto grabbed her wrist and pulled her along towards you and Akaashi.
She rolled her eyes and frowned. It wasn’t that it was ‘wrong’, she’d usually never pass up an opportunity to eavesdrop on someone else’s personal conversations, but to be frank, she didn’t really want to know the details of Akaashi’s love for you. She’d read enough in his heartfelt poem, but there she was, being shoved behind a bush by Bokuto as they listened closely.
“I wanted you to have that, I’ve been working on it for a while,” Akaashi said, a bit nervous, “I wrote it for you, so I hope you like it,” a soft, closed-eyed smile spread across his lips as he looked at you, 
“That’s so sweet of you, Keiji!” You grinned, a faint blush tainting your cheeks as you looked at your feet, “Thank you so much, I feel really special,” you giggled, looking at the piece of paper, but not reading it yet, “I’ll read it when I get home, is that alright?”
“That’s perfect,” he said. 
Bokuto frowned and folded his arms, causing them to rustle against the bush. Akaashi and your heads snapped towards the sound and he pushed you behind him defensively.
“Bokuto!” the girl whisper-shouted, “You scared them!”  “Shhh!” his hushing was louder than she was, and it made Akaashi frown, but breath a small sigh of relief. 
“Bokuto, I see you behind there, you can come out,” he said, relaxing the arm that had went to barricade you behind him. 
You smiled at him, ignoring the other two, “You protected me, Keiji, even if it ended up being just from Bokuto,” you got on your toes and hesitated for a moment before kissing his cheek. His eyes went wide for a moment, then he relaxed.  “Of course, y/n,” he said, coughing into his hand to hide his furious blush.
“Hey! We’re still here y’know!” Bokuto frowned. 
“We?” Akaashi raised a brow. 
The girl popped out from behind the bush as well, “For the record, this wasn’t my idea,” she said, “Sorry y/n, sorry Akaashi,” 
“It’s alright!” you laughed. 
Akaashi shrugged, “Well, we should go before it gets any later, it’s already dark, your parents probably want you home, right?” you nodded, “Right, then let’s go,” he waved his friends goodbye and smiled at you one more time, “Thank you for coming to our practice tonight, I think I did a lot better with you there, maybe you could try coming to more of our games, I do better when you’re there too,” he suggested. You nodded happily.
The girl really wished she hadn’t come to snoop on you guys. Akaashi had never invited her to his games, she always just showed up, or Bokuto would invite her. 
He certainly never smiled at her like that either. 
Laughter filled the air. Something Akaashi said had made you crack up, and his attention was trained solely on you as he watched your reaction with adoration. The girl didn’t even know what he’d said that was so funny, she wasn’t paying attention, but she took notice of how your smile seemed to light him up inside.
Recently when you were around her, all she could think about was how worthless she was in comparison to you. She felt guilty for feeling that way, you’d never given her a reason to feel that way, you’d never been rude to her. She actually liked you a lot and she was sure you could be great friends. 
If Akaashi weren’t in love with you. 
That alone changed everything. She was nothing to him when compared to what you were to him. He looked at you like you were made of diamonds and gold and everything precious, and if you were made of all those things, then she was made of dirt and cobblestone; she was there, but what purpose did she serve if no one admired her, if he didn’t admire her?
“I think I’m gonna head out,” the girl said, feeling like she was talking to herself. 
Bokuto was the first to acknowledge her, “Aw, okay, see you at school on Monday!” He smiled.  She forced a smile onto her face, “Yeah,” 
“Oh! You’re leaving?” You asked, “Do you want us to walk home with you?” 
The girl shook her head, “It’s not dark yet, don’t worry about it,” she wished you’d make it easy for her to hate you. 
“Let us know when you’re home safe then,” you smiled. 
“Yeah,” she wished it were Akaashi saying that. 
“See you later,” was all he said. 
“Yep,” she said back. 
The girl waved goodbye to the three of you and left the small cafe. It was usual for her, Bokuto, and Akaashi to hang out there on Saturdays, but you’d joined them that week. She liked your company, but not when you were Akaashi’s company too. 
“I think I’d better go too, I have some errands to run, I’ll see you guys later!” You told them.
Akaashi stood up as you did, “Alright,” he said, “Would you like to do this again next weekend?” You nodded and he smiled, “Great! I’ll talk to you later, y/n, be safe,” 
“Bye Akaashi!” you smiled and waved, “Bye Bokuto!” they both waved at you and smiled.
“Catch ‘ya later y/n!” Bokuto grinned, and as you stepped out of the building. He turned to his friend. Akaashi’s expression was strange, he looked almost confused, “You good there?” 
“Huh? Oh, I’m sorry,” he said, “It’s just, do you think she’s avoiding us?” 
Bokuto tilted his head, “Who, y/n? No way! She’s crazy about us,” he smirked, “especially you,” 
Akaashi shook his head with a light blush, “No, not her,” 
“Oh,” Bokuto realized, “Well, can I let you in on a little secret?” Akaashi quirked a brow, “So, basically, she and I were talking a few days ago and she told me that she likes you,” Akaashi narrowed his eyes, “Don’t tell her I said anything though,”
He was a bit taken aback, “She knows that I’m not interested though, why would she do that to herself,” a frown formed on his face,  Bokuto chuckled, “The heart wants what it wants, Akaashi,” he said. 
“I suppose it does.” 
The girl sat on one end of Akaashi’s living room sofa, and he sat on the other. They looked at each other, neither of them speaking for a while. She kept her eyes trained on him and his gaze didn’t waver either. It was strange and left an uncomfortable feeling in her chest.
“So,” she started finally, “How are things going with y/n?” 
He nodded and shrugged, “Good,” 
She frowned, “Just ‘good’? You usually never shut up about her,” 
“Well, I don’t wanna bother you,” he said. 
“Why would it bother me?” She laughed nervously. He looked at her with eyes that spoke louder than his words, “Oh,” she bit her bottom lip, “You know?” He nodded. “Well you don’t have to feel bad for me, it’s not your fault I feel the way I do.” 
“I know that, but maybe if we shouldn’t talk about y/n,” he said. She couldn’t tell if he was just looking out for himself or if he was trying to be sensitive. The latter seemed more logical.
That pissed her off. 
“I don’t want your pity,” the girl hissed, “I already told you, Akaashi, you don’t have to feel bad for me,” she said lowly, hee arms folded over her chest. 
“I’m sorry,”  “Stop!”  “Stop what?” Akaashi looked hurt. 
“Stop apologizing like you did something wrong!” She was shouting. She didn’t mean to, but everything was rubbing her the wrong way in that moment, if he so much as breathed wrong, she thought she might explode, “I’m gonna go,” she grumbled, standing up and grabbing her jacket. 
Akaashi sat there for a moment wondering what to say, but by the time he’d figured it out, the door to his house had already swung shut. 
“Hey, y/n!” The girl called out as she jogged to catch up to you. 
“Oh, hey,” you smiled, stopping in your tracks and turning to face her, “What’s up?”
“Do you have a minute? There’s something I’d like to talk to you about,” she said hesitantly. Something about her demeanor made you feel uneasy.
Your face fell, “Oh,” a forced smile crept onto your face, “I’m getting in the way of you and Akaashi, aren’t I?” you asked, “Look, I’m really sorry, but I like him a lot, I don’t think I wanna back down,” 
She laughed at herself for being so obvious about her feelings, “Don’t worry,” she sighed, “I wasn’t going to ask you to back off,” a shaky breath escaped her, “He likes you a lot too, actually,” she said, “that’s what I was gonna tell you,” 
“Oh,” you said, all other words falling short, “Oh,” you said again, “I’m so sorry, I feel like an asshole,” The girl shook her head, “Don’t,” she said, “I wasn’t being very clear,” she smiled, “I know I should have let him tell you and all, but for some stupid reason he’s really worried that you don’t feel the same way...” she trailed of when her eyes met Akaashi’s as he neared the two of you, “I have to go, y/n, I’ll talk to you later,” she quickly excused herself without giving you a chance to say anything back. Your face fell, and Akaashi’s hand on your shoulder startled you briefly. 
You watched as the girl receded into the darkness, she looked sad and the way she walked was lonely, as though she’d never been able to walk side by side with someone, like she was always trailing behind. You felt guilty. If your roles were reversed you might not have given up as easily as she did. She was a good person, she wanted him to be happy so badly that she forfeited the rights to her own happiness. 
Slowly, you turned towards Akaashi. 
He noticed the troubled expression on your face, “Are you alright?” he asked worriedly, “Did you catch a cold while waiting for me out here? I told you that you don’t have to wait for me,”
“That’s not it,” you said quietly. 
He furrowed his brows, “Did I do something wrong then? Whatever it was, I’m-” “Akaashi, I don’t think I’m the right person for you,” 
His heart stopped beating for a moment. 
He forced a brief smile onto his face, “Right, I understand,” he looked at you sadly, “I’m sorry, I should have realized you weren’t interested,” 
“No, that’s not it Akaashi,”
“You don’t have to sugarcoat it, I can handle the truth, y/n,” he said. 
“Akaashi, I really don’t mean it like that,” your voice was pleading and your eyes flashed with nothing but honesty, “You’re the sweetest guy I’ve ever met, really you are, but-” “But you don’t see me as anything more than a friend, right?” 
“But there’s someone else who deserves you more than I do,’ you corrected. 
He frowned in confusion, and the expression ever so slowly dissipated as he realized who you were talking about, “y/n, I don’t have any feelings for her, and you can’t force me to because my heart is already set on you,” a smile spread across his lips, “That poem I wrote, it wasn’t just for  you, it was about you, if you hadn’t figured that out already,” he said, “and I meant every word, I’ve truly never felt this way for someone.” Akaashi took your hand in his and you drew in a sharp breath as his face inched closer to yours, his lips quickly brushing yours before pulling away. You smiled and giggled, wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him close. Your eyes sparkled and his did too, but it wasn’t the stars or the moon that made them do so, it was love in it’s purest form. Akaashi’s arms slid around your waist and he held you against him, his head fell into the crook of your neck and a huge smile spread across his lips as his eyes fluttered shut. When he opened them again, they were met by another pair in the distance.
The girl offered him a half hearted smile and a thumbs up, mouthing, ‘I told you so,’
She told him it would end up like this, she told him you liked him back; she told him so. 
He was never the one who needed to be told, though. 
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Hey! Its thing >:)!
Its the thing i was teasing at in that post last night, and technically for like... four months? five? huh its been a bit since i second changed my url huh. Im not gonna go check or anything. If I were a bit more patient i wouldve waited for the archive collection become canon but im not. funfacterdroid is just more of my bran! Anyway! This post is my first impressions and opinions on each song on Back to the Egg! The Wings album i temporarily renamed myself after. (told ya i was gonna ramble wasnt i ydbfyufjd). It also happens to be the only wings album i havent listened to yet. And sure theres a bunch of singles and b-sides i havent listened to either, but this is the last one! I figured it should get some of its own treatment! I know that its gonna sound different to London Town and the two before it, cause McCulloch and English arent here. I’ve also heard that this album is bad and people called Paul a sellout because he transitioned to New Wave. New Wave is my favorite genre and I guess Wings werent ever that far from it? But they’re still a rock band at heart so i dont know how that change is going to fare. Enough introduction: Lets just go track by track! -Side One: Sunny Side Up-
Reception: Its just some radio garble, an instrumental meant to introduce the album. dont really have any opinions on it. Getting Closer: JAHBUDHSAUHJDHS WOAH WOAH WOAH!!! I didnt expect such a threatening title to be so upbeat. Like... opposite of Beware My Love. I do think its odd that there is barely any backup singing? Its not horrible just weird that this song, out of all the openers, doesnt. That outro is very much meant to be like a darker part of the song, like the dream sequence from A Day In The Life, but god dammit this song is just so upbeat! so weirdly cheerful and gentle! And... only 3 minutes? Rockshow and Jet were 4... eh those albums had a lot less songs, this one has 13 not counting Reception! Same as London Town, which i also really like! We’re Open Tonight: Oooohhh!! Very soft, I think I know what its about but when taken literally, to me it sounds like a quaint little shop trying to lure you in, sinisterly. I think the bass is making it sound evil to me, but thats a great thing! Clearly its trying to be like another I’m Carrying but that song fucking sucks!!!!!! I also really like how its only 1 minute, something so haunting about it. Not sure if thats positive or negative but the songs cool! Spin It On: hHEHEYEHY!! Getting Closer.... 2! kinda. Its much much faster and i can barely understand the words hes saying... or what hes spinning. The backing vocals are really cool though. the lyrics mention a pinball table? Y.. you know pinball doesn't spin right? it falls.... Questionable lyrics aside, theres really not a lot of SPEEDY Wings songs! Glad that one of the few is also extremely good!
Again and Again and Again: WOW OKAY! this is sung by denny, all of these songs start pretty fast unlike a good chunk of their past work, but i really like that! But it also means i cannot process a single thing denny is saying, i think he said something about a school? and being in a bad situation? ah whatever. Denny used to be in an R&B band and i really think thats going to work here! This isnt an exactly a Rhythm-y or Bluesey song, but He’s clearly having fun! thats why i love wings in general, its easy to tell that the band was having fun recording a song! Old Siam, Sir: A-hmm. Paul’s doing his squeaky voice again... I guess that can work sometimes but its absolutely not complimenting the piano in the background. Also, I feel like a squeaky voice wouldnt work the best for a story song. A story thats pretty incomprehensible too? Who is this lady! What the fuck is this village!! This is the song you wanted to make 4 minutes? and it fades out too... how much did they record... Arrow Through Me: So this is the one that the critics liked? Its the most synth heavy which i understand why people like, I like synths too! I like how the bass (which i think is also from a synth?) lines up perfectly with the horns! Its alright, it might grow on me later, but now its just a passable song. One i wouldnt skip. Plus I really like the reverb effects, the whole album has em but this one really makes use!! Kinda bad overall though.
-Side Two: Over Easy- Rockestra Theme: Just an instrumental. But one thats really important to music history! I don’t actually know the full story to this one, but I do know that i really like it! Plus the vocal effects on Paul’s... Scatting i guess you could call it? Whatever it is, it works! To You: This sounds... eerily like Getting Closer. But bad... Eh I like that organ. Not much to say really... theres only like one verse. After the Ball / Million Miles: Oh cool another medley. Last one we got was two albums ago! I guess since this is technically two songs id have to... review them both? After the Ball is exactly what it sounds like. A gentle rock song about seeing your love after a party :)! Pretty standard for wings. Million Miles! Sounds a lot like After the Ball but with an accordian? Fuck I’m not complaining. But also who the fuck is Deo. Winter Rose / Love Awake: Uh- Something is,,, wrong with Paul’s voice. like he damaged it? I mean its not horrible it just kinda takes me out of the emersion? Oh we’re already on Love Awake! his voice is fine now..! Man this song is mediocre! No wonder the 70s are regarded as lame./lh Weird that Linda isn’t singing backup here? Or if she is that Denny’s voice is just drowning her out. Winter Rose itself is kinda lame but its... sweeter I guess?  The Broadcast: SINISTER!!!!!!! I do not know who is talking but this sounds... dystopian. I don’t even know what the poem is about its just... the whole song is slightly off. But i mean that in a good way! So Glad to See You Here: MAN! They were trying so hard to be punk... Okay as a punk song this sounds horrible! But as a song in general i like it! It’s not mixed the best but i really like the lyrics! And I-HOLY SHIT WE’RE OPEN TONIGHT PART TWO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I really didnt expect that,,, thats.... genuinely cool! Baby’s Request: Oh the finale! H..huh... Jazzy! And its about going to sleep.. i think? Regardless, Paul’s good at writing songs to fall asleep to, this isnt an exception at all!! Although it is weird that at the end the same horn plays as the one in Thrillington’s Monkberry Moon Delight... Its probably just a coincidence, i thought it was funny though. ---- Okay! Overall, I liked Sunny Side-Up more as a whole since i like 4/6 of its songs, but MAN So Glad to See You Here and Baby’s Request are REALLLY GOOD-But then again. I only listened to all of these songs once, and i wont listen to them again until ive finished writing this post, just to keep my first impressions fresh. I don’t really know what else to say that album was fun as hell! So I’d give Back To The Egg a... 7.8/10! I really didnt expect to like it this much. even though New Wave is my favorite music genre, i didnt think paul would be able to do it justice! Especially since the genre was just starting itself up... heh.... hope it gets archived soon.
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omophagias · 3 years
bookposting #22
tender is the night, f. scott fitzgerald: 3.5 stars, i’d say. i really do like his prose style. it…there’s some l-word, i forget which—languid, that’s it. it felt very languid. i was less a fan of the flashback parts, partially because i didn’t like being in dick’s head as much as i liked being in rosemary’s. it also sometimes felt like fitzgerald was kind of wobbling around on the border between “no, obviously dick isn’t meant to be a sympathetic character, he’s a self-destructive asshole” and the, like, not being really sure whether he was extending that “you shouldn’t like him!” to the part where he marries his teenage psychiatric patient. (fortunately the autobiographical resemblance didn’t get that far…?) really what i was mostly thinking by the end was, damn, fscott and zelda, i really wish you’d lived in a time when it was easier to get divorced. but, you know, on the list of books about people just really fucking themselves over, this is one of the better ones. i think i got it because i can’t / couldn’t stop thinking about “patient is the night” from over the garden wall.
the fire next time, james baldwin: 5 stars easy. i really wish i’d read it sooner; i ended up reading it because i bought my roommate a copy for his birthday and wanted to be able to write him a decent further-reading list to go with it. i just was completely awed by the facility with which he was able to touch on so many different things and draw them back together into a whole, and he was such a writer. i don’t know that i can really talk about "down at the cross” right now without just quoting massive passages because it just speaks so completely for itself. read it.
trouble the saints, alaya dawn johnson: three stars? this is kind of hard to talk about because i theoretically like a lot about it. alternate-universe 1930s-1940s where at the age of 10 some people of color gain a power called “the hands” along with occasional semi-prophetic dreams, “the hands” basically give you one superpower like “can see a person’s worst deed by touching them” or “can sense threat to oneself”, protagonist’s power is unfailingly perfect aim, which she uses to kill for the mob. i think maybe it was a marketing issue, because from the blurbs and so forth it seemed to be being sold as much more of a straight up and down fantasy noir, which is absolutely not what you’re getting. it’s extremely character-driven and thematically very concerned with passing, liminality, justice, ancestral trauma. i will say i didn’t care as much for the middle third, i thought dev’s narrative voice was not interesting, especially compared to phyllis or tamara. it’s…i don’t know, i think it’s interesting and it’s definitely something i’d enthusiastically recommend to other people but i just didn’t really click with it. maybe a prose issue, idk, it got kind of dense sometimes in a way that didn’t really work with the plot, imo.
the story of silence, alex myers: rating…i don’t know, i feel like it might be a book that’d improve on rereading, provisional three because i felt a bit disappointed. retelling of the roman de silence, a 13th century french poem about a lord who, due to inheritance law, raises his afab child silence as a boy and which i haven’t yet read (which might be one of the reasons it didn’t click, i couldn’t tell if/where myers was deviating from the story beyond the obvious change to the ending—in the poem, silence ends up married to the king; in the book, silence escapes that fate and the fate of being forcibly externally gendered in general). i think that probably its best strength is as a prose adaptation of the poem, because it definitely has the feel of, like, the better prose adaptations of arthurian poems (which this is, merlin is in it). but on its own i’m less sure; there’s not really a lot of character exploration. i’m gonna donate my copy because it’s a 400-page hardback and i don’t want to pay to send it home, i can get a paperback in the states.
wakenhyrst, michelle paver: two stars. oy. a very boring gothic horror with not enough horror and far too many diary entries from the main character’s terrible father. remarkably unsympathetic treatment of the housemaid who is being, frankly, sexually exploited by said father. also i felt like there were digs being taken at margery kempe, which is less serious but still annoyed me. paver really, really likes doing epistolary/diary-based horror—she did it in dark matter, which i did like—but these ones are just not well-done, the shift back and forth between them and the main character’s perspective doesn’t do much, and the horror—which as far as i can tell is the maybe-real ghost of the father’s sister who he let drown in the fen when they were kids coming back into the house—is just not given enough room to get really settled and also not really successfully integrated with the big spooky 15th century painting that’s also part of the whole thing somehow.
one-way street and other writings, walter benjamin, trans. j.a. underwood: three stars again? i don’t know; i think that a lot of it was very well-written / translated but i was missing the referents to actually engage with it. also i was really, really tired when i read the first two essays. i did like “one-way street,” it felt kind of like invisible cities in a way, and “hashish in marseille” was funny because like dude we’ve all been there, we’ve all been high and unable to stop staring at people’s faces. i think overall the things that i understood i liked but i didn’t understand as much as i wanted to.
the dunwich horror and other stories, h.p. lovecraft: three and a half, four, something in that neighborhood, graded to the lovecraft curve (a curve somehow squamous and rugose!). overall the stories were pretty well-selected—the dunwich horror is definitely one of his best, the thing on the doorstep is very interesting as a story, like, thematically; the dreams in the witch house didn’t work as well for me because it is kind of about a guy double-majoring in math and folklore too hard (and what the fuck is “non-euclidean calculus” anyway, howie), accidentally discovering teleportation, and then getting chased by a witch and and her half gef the mongoose / half vladislav cat familiar in the form of evil shapes, the lurking fear really dropped the ball at the end and is basically a dry run for the rats in the walls; i had no idea what was going on in hypnos, and the outsider is a decent sort of twilight zone-y tomato in the mirror couple of pages. i think really what i found most interesting about this collection is that it made it very clear to me that lovecraft was deeply, deeply obsessive about eugenics. which, i mean, i’d already known he had the ingredients for it (seething, all-consuming racism; classism of the “augh the inbred hillbillies!” type that was very foundational for american eugenics; his personal concern with / fear of hereditary mental illness; interest in what was in the 1920s cutting edge science) but i hadn’t quite put them together until looking at the dunwich horror and the lurking fear and their presentation of rural new englanders, combined with the, you know, his stuff about innsmouth (as always i say: THE FISH PEOPLE DID NOTHING WRONG) and the racist implications therein, which crops up in dunwich and in thing on the doorstep, the way all three are very, very concerned with genealogy / heredity… shouldn’t have taken me that long to figure it out. one thing i did like about the lurking fear was the moment when the narrator, atop the hill where the abandoned house of the ill-fortuned and vanished martense family stands, looks out over the plain and suddenly realizes that the weird earth mounds in the area are all radially emanating from that hill. it’s an actually effective spooky moment! i thought it was gonna be giant mole people! it isn’t, it’s the martense family having somehow managed in 100 years, through some really committed inbreeding, to devolve into weird voiceless subterranean cannibalistic hominids. boo.
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kinetic-elaboration · 4 years
October 20: Mr. Robot 2x12
Watched the finale of Mr. Robot S2 tonight. I... was probably too tired to really appreciate it, but here are a few notes anyway. Mostly about Dom and Darlene lol.
Seeing Elliot as Mr. Robot is so weird. Rami as Mr. Robot, I guess I should say.
So either Tyrell also recited the red wheelbarrow poem to someone else, or, and I assume this is right, Elliot passed it on to Dark Army. I feel like that’s the biggest immediate hint that this takes place in the past--later obviously they’re not at Coney Island but sometimes it’s hard to remember things from one scene to the next imo.
I don’t know if I have the brain for this.
Darlene. :(
What an intro, though. Great resolution to the cliffhanger of who died (not that it would have been really realistic for Darlene to die this early but like...anything is possible).
Santiago trying to be the bad cop. The Patriot Act doesn’t negate the Constitution for citizens like talk like you’re the smartest person in the room all you want Constitution > statutes is still how it works.
All these USA references--imo probably not what will age best from this show. “Characters like you aren’t welcome here.”
“We’re going to be best friends.” Well....she’s not entirely wrong, timeline aside.
I completely forgot about this whole Scott Knowles pretending to be Tyrell thing. Sooooo boring.
Maybe it’s supposed to be another personal thing that has greater implications politically but...idk he’s really only fucking with Joanna, who is boring and unimportant. I guess it could be a double fake out meant to make the ending more suspenseful. A lot of people had been arguing since s1 that Tyrell was another personality, something I always thought was batshit insane and unbelievable. However, just because he’s real in S1 doesn’t mean he’s still real. So, you have Elliot convinced he’s dead and Joanna convinced he’s alive, and then apparently proof he’s alive--you see him--and then a hint he may be dead--all of the evidence he was alive has been thrown out.
Doesn’t make Joanna any less boring though.
Back to the good stuff.
“Just two crazy, wacky Jersey girls.”
Cisco might have been the love of her life :(
I feel like Darlene may finally be, if not Dom’s match, at least someone interesting for her for once. Some kinda challenge at least.
Dom has some physical evidence here and there but mostly she’s building her case by just breaking people. Flipping person after person after person. Fingerprints can be wiped off but everyone you encounter who remembers you...
“This is Olympus! We are Prime!” Ugh Tyrell stfu so boring.
On the one hand, that’s pretty dumb of them, putting all the paper records in one place. On the other hand, yay for print saving the day as I always say it will. (Well, almost saving...)
Santiago is trying so hard not to let Dom get anywhere. Too bad for him he’s up against the only actually smart person in the FBI.
“I know her. I am her.”
This scene is so good: the slow, unhurried pacing; the flickering lights; the music; the dramatic hallway walk; all the people amazed that Dom caught Darlene and is gonna show her everything; Dom’s speech; Darlene’s face; how the audience should have seen all of this coming but (at least in my case!) didn’t at all; the Romero reveal; the board itself. A masterpiece!!
And yet for all that they were so wrong about Tyrell. He really was not ever that important.
Trying to parse this convo between the hacker and Mr. Robot. Kinda...makes it sound like the hacker created the big picture and then created Mr. Robot in order to iron out the details and deal with the unpleasant stuff. Or assigned him that role. Mr. Robot who is perhaps farther from the real Elliot than the hacker is?
The stay in your realm thing...he has a certain role he was created to play, and now he’s trying to overstep those bounds.
I love how Elliot thinking Tyrell isn’t real and then being proven wrong is like this big joke on all the people who thought he was always a personality lol.
“I’m the only one who’s real” is literally a psychopathic thing to say.
I also like the subversion and twisting of S1′s finale. Instead of Elliot possibly shooting someone else, he is himself shot, and instead of the big reveal being that another character is his alternate personality, it’s rather that another character is NOT.
I feel like the hacker is already getting to this place where he’s....becoming too dominant. Overstepping his bounds and purpose.
Mr. Robot blinking out but Tyrell staying the same because he is, louder for those in the back, real.
“You did this to yourself.” But not literally. Iconic.
So the ending originally kind of made me wonder if Angela had been a double (triple?) agent the whole time, and ALL of this was in service of whiterose...but I don’t think so. I might have tried to follow the thread of that theory once but I’m pretty sure it doesn’t track. I think she was turned by hypnosis in part 1 of the finale, and then the Dark Army got her number to Tyrell, but he’s never met her before and doesn’t know who she is, other than another contact he’s supposed to trust.
Extra scene! I really was 100% convinced that they were talking about time travel when I first saw this lol. I feel utterly played but not in a bad way. It’s like..the show is smart and so you have to try to think of things in a complicated way. But sometimes they just aren’t that complicated! There isn’t always a conspiracy. Tyrell wasn’t sending secret gifts to his wife. He also wasn’t a hallucination or extra personality. Romero wasn’t shot by the Dark Army or the FBI. Time travel is not possible--or even on the minds of some of these characters. Angela wasn’t a double-triple-super-secret-agent-spy: she was trying to get justice for her mom, genuinely, sincerely. You’re primed, just as the characters are, to see conspiracies, to see complexity, to believe everything and everything, but some things just are as they appear on the surface. It’s never knowing which is which that fucks you up.
At any rate, I’m taking a break to finish the 3% before watching S3, which  have seen before, but don’t remember very well. Very excited for the 3% though!
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whats-the-story-tc · 4 years
26th-28th of April, 2020
"The Ones with the Series of Unfortunate Events"
After what happened on Saturday, I could barely fall asleep at night. I had a splitting headache from all the crying and genuinely felt like shit. Morning came, and I immediately reached for my phone. Nothing from her. It still being quite early, I tried to go back to sleep, and spent a full hour tossing and turning, a head full of thoughts, until I couldn't take it anymore. I turned my phone on and checked the notification bar, only to see a very familiar name and face.
I submitted my essay to her already, way before it was due, so when she actually assigned it in Google Classroom, I just pressed 'Mark as done' and thought I was good to go. V has obviously seen it (two links here). And, even though I didn't submit jackshit this time, she still felt the need to send me a "Thank you :)". I was overjoyed. FINALLY. So, as I explained here already, I had an impulse thought and decided to respond. "And thank YOU for the "task". I had a lot of fun with it. (I mean, the [poet's name] one.) If you're ever curious about anything of this sort, don't keep it to yourself :)" Of course, I regretted it as soon as I sent it. And, of course, I knew I wouldn't get an answer.
I promptly took a full day of rest after that, like I was trying to recover from a bad break-up. I didn't expect to hear from her again the next day.
Monday morning. New notification. Same old love of my life. She assigned us a project we'd already spoken about last week — to reinterpret a monologue from the play I read, the one V really likes, in any shape or form. Painting, video, prose, or, to quote V: "tiktok (not that I know how that works, but it's your choice)". She also said that she wants to keep what we make, maybe even share them with our Geo/Art teacher. I got even mote excited than when she first announced this. I knew I wanted to draw something, to show her a side of me she'd never seen before. I'm starting it on Friday. Doing a bit of painting, too. Wish me luck.
At around 2 PM that same day, Pocketwatch Friend noticed V's reply to her essay and asked me how she should respond to her. Found it quite funny, not gonna lie, knowing my history with replies. And as my friends told me about the responses they got, I realised a fundamental difference. All of them were skimmed over going into detail. They noted them fine, but didn't take the time to explain why they were noteworthy. So basically, they lacked content. Meanwhile the only things she spent paragraphs pointing out about my essay were miniscule stylistic mistakes. This gave me a fair bit of reassurance about what I do. I did enough. I was enough.
Come Tuesday, I was a nervous wreck to say the least. I always am, when it comes to online classes, but especially so when I have class with V. I walked up-and-down in the room, listening to her talk, not daring to say a word. God, I wish I kept to that.
Before I get to the part where y'all laugh at my misery, a teensy bit of prelude. Here I mentioned that the first time I had spoken to V after class, the 11th of October, 2018, we spoke about Hamlet. In short, I was a bit oblivious, and didn't really know how to recognise the Oedipus complex I've seen associated with the play. We were covering the story of Oedipus anyway, so I trotted up to her after class to talk. I remember the afternoon Sun shining really bright that day, and V being very relaxed and fully in her element as she spoke, leaning against my desk (that I wasn't sitting at by then). I went home smiling, unable to get her out of my head after that. It should've been clear from that day.
Now, on to class. There were a lot of good bits, a lot of interesting bits... but I don't want to talk about those now.
Last ten minutes, V asks if there are any questions. "I might just have one." I said, and immediately regretted it, even though I could hear the smile in V's voice as she said "Off you go". Theatre/Literature buffs, I'm sure you'll know the line "Frailty, thy name is woman!" from, you guessed it, Hamlet. Now, in the poem we were talking about, there was a line with the exact same structure, only with different words in the place of frailty and woman. I tried to twist it and see if V made that same association, but luck didn't favour me that day. V had no last clue what I meant when I said the quote was familiar. I tried to explain it to the best of my abilities, though I didn't remember the exact Hamlet quote. Neither did V. "I don't really know Hamlet by heart." "Neither do I!" I tried to counter, but just made it more awkward. Bless her soul, V googled it there and then, but just by me saying it was said to Gertrude, it brought up another play with another Gertrude — coincidentally, the one V stroke up a conversation about with me on the very last day of actual school. Those being the results made V laugh, so at least that's a win from my part. I ended up looking it up myself, trying to remember the quote, and ended up answering my own damn question. "So it was the grammatical structure, then?" V asked, with that very same peace in her voice as last year, and I excitedly replied "Yes!". Conversation over. And even though she genuinely sounded interested, I hated myself for bringing up a totally unnecessary thing. Though I hope that I made V "pull [Hamlet] off the top shelf" after class, as she said she might, were it not for me finding the answer.
I was already feeling horrible. Then, V brought up the assignments mentioned earlier and sounded really excited about it, starting to list what she imagined us doing. "A rewrite of the scene in the play..." and as she was saying my name, I grinned and asked her "Was this an indirect reference?". I needed no further convincing that she, indeed, read what I texted her. But here comes the part I laugh at now, but right then it was horrible. She actually chuckled at my teasing question, and God I wish I remembered what she said. Then I said: "I was actually planning on something else, but..." because I found it an interesting idea, and I have been meaning to do that, too. And that's where it got awkward. V, the usually unfaltering and confident V, was startled. Proper startled that she might have accidentally changed my mind. She started saying "oh, no, I didn't mean it like that, I was just trying to predict things..." and that made me worried, so after the oh no, I immediately started rambling "no, no, of course, I know what you meant, I understand". So there we were, talking over each other, both of us a nervous mess that we may have said something wrong we didn't mean. Right now, I find it absolutely hilarious, because how on Earth did we manage that?? But there and then?
I started crying. Silently, of course, not to worry her even further. (I didn't want to turn my mic off because I was scared it would malfunction again.) But I was so tense, that all my gasoline pool of nerves needed was this little spark of awkward, and it caught flame. I stood there, tears streaming down my cheeks, blaming myself for speaking and thinking I should've just shut up.
Soon after, V told us not to stress about the assignment, because "it's just homework". Everybody's favourite Cynical Twat, who is even worse at social situations than I am, tried to express he was glad to hear that, but did so in a very confusing and sarcastic way that V didn't really understand. "It would be pretty shitty of me" to make us stress, she said. So I dried my tears and jumped in, because she deserved to hear the compliment. "I don't mean to speak for [Cynical Twat], but I think he meant that we're all glad you said that. Not many people do it like that." I told her something along the lines of that. "Oh, okay." she said, disbelief thick in her voice. Hey, V. We bloody love you. It's time you start believing it.
Class ended soon after, and I spent about twenty minutes sobbing and cursing myself. The message from Pocketwatch Friend saying "I can't believe [V] replies to everything" as they were talking about her essay, only made it worse.
That night, I had a conversation with one of my underclassmen I talk to every once in a blue moon. We were discussing school and teachers, and I intentionally didn't bring up V. I waited for her to. Though, okay, I did provoke it a teensy bit, but just slightly. So, we talk about her, and through the things the girl says, I find out that... heh, of course, I'm not the only one she strikes up convos with. Turns out, after a joke, V even winked at her! (Okay, she did that to me once, too, when I stood up for her in class, but that's not the point.) After that, I was carrying the convo on just fine, but inwards, I was spiralling into a great big void of 'You ain't special to her, bitch, the fuck were you thinking'. The girl ended the conversation with "the woman's weird (...) but that's how we love her". Right. Yeah.
Now, two days later at current, I'm back in the room where all the crying went down. Bit surreal, thinking back. I'm sure I won't forget this for quite a while. Will my unlucky strike stop anytime soon? I don't know. We'll see. But I don't think anything could surprise me anymore.
You may take that as a challenge, V.
~ S ♡
[Every story I share here, no matter how specific I get with my wording, depicts actual events from my own life.]
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misscellophane-ao3 · 4 years
Story Title: Meet the parents (Also on ao3)
Teen Mai! She and her partner are around 17 during this and Peter and Harley are around 31-32. To be honest, I have been wanting to write a fic about Mai and Nicky for a while but I've been putting it off for some reason so thank you for actually giving me a reason to finally write one. I had a lot of fun writing this, I hope you like it~ (Nicky is NB and uses They/Them)
Request by: wtfiswiththisplace on Tumblr
Request Summary: I was wondering if you could write one where Mai is all grown up? Like 17 or something? Maybe about her bringing back her SO to meet the parents? (Set in my AOMPK verse)
Pairings: Peter Parker x Harley Keener
Warnings: Light Cursing
Words: 2534
Story -
“When am I gonna meet your parents?” Mai nearly dropped her phone onto her face in her surprise. She quickly sat up from where she was laying on the bed and turned to look at Nicky. The brunette was staring at her with a frown.
“Nick. Baby. Love of my life. You do not want to meet my parents. They are complete dorks.” Mai replied dryly.
Nicky gave Mai a grin “Which is why I want to meet them!” They replied cheerfully.
“You talk about all the dumb shit they’ve done over the years that it makes me curious.” Nicky added as they got up from their desk chair and jumped onto the bed next to Mai.
Mai rolled her eyes “I don’t talk about them that much!” She huffed.
Nicky stares at her deadpan “Uh yeah. You do.”
Mai felt her cheeks heat up “I-well-whatever! Anyway, why do you want to meet them so suddenly?”
“It’s not sudden. We’ve known each other for three years and have been dating for one of them! I’m honestly surprised I haven’t met your parents before.”
Mai hummed, a little frown on her face “That’s- okay that is a little weird.” She then lit up, “No, wait! You have! Remember the science fair? You saw them then.”
“But like, only your mom and as your classmate and we weren’t dating then. That was also over two years ago.” Nicky gave Mai a pointed look.
“Oh.” Mai deflated, “Right.”
“Do they even know you’re dating someone?” Nicky asked with a playful huff.
Mai rolled onto Nicky, her hands cupped their face as she stared seriously into their eyes “Yes. How could I possibly go a day without informing everyone I know that I am dating the most amazing, beautiful, wonderful, amazing person in the entire world? I couldn’t, I would die. And I can’t die yet, I still have to write that stupid essay for Ms.Simmons' class.”
Nicky blinked a couple of times before giggling “The fuck Mai?”
Mai pecked their lips with a bright grin.
“Just stating the truth, love!” She watched with fondness as a tint of red crept up on beautiful olive skin and Nicky's forest-green eyes lit up with amusement. She already had hundreds of sketches and paintings of Nicky but she knew as soon as she got home she was gonna be adding this memory into her sketchbook, the one she started solely for her art of Nicky.
Nicky smiled up at her, their hands settling on Mai’s waist “So, I can meet them then?” They asked, lightly tapping on Mai's waist.
Mai sighed dramatically “Fine.” She said, drawing the word out, “I guess.”
Nicky cheered “Yes! I get to meet Harley Parker-Keener!” They threw a hand up, nearly knocking Mai right off of them.
Mai laughed out a "Hey!" before adding right after, “And the truth comes out! I knew you were just dating me to get to my father.” Mai pouted but the twinkle of amusement in her eyes gave her away.
Nicky sniffed playfully “Of course!” They agreed, “It’s Harley Parker-Keener!”
“You know, most people would be more excited about meeting Spider-Man.” Mai mused lightly, a smile tugging at her lips.
“Eh, he’s cool too, I guess. But it’s Harley Parker-Keener! He created the most amazing thing to ever exist!”
“I’m adopted.”
“I wasn’t talking about you but you are pretty amazing too.” Nicky teased.
Mai gently swatted them “Hey!” She whined.
Nicky pressed a kiss onto Mai’s cheek “Aw, you know I love you!” They knocked their nose into Mai's cheek.
Mai pressed a smile into their shoulder before snorting and saying “Dad is not gonna let Mama live this down.”
"Live what down?" They asked.
"The fact that my partner is more excited to meet my dad then the actual Spider-Man." She snickered, "Not that Mama would actually care. I think he'd actually be a little relieved."
“That’s means I’m meeting them right?”
Mai sighed and pulled her head back to look them in the face “Yeah alright, Mama has been hinting about wanting to officially meet you anyway.”
And by that, she meant he literally asked her a few days ago during breakfast when she’d bring Nicky over. And honestly? Mai was also surprised it's taken so long for her to introduce them to Nicky. 
“Hey, can Nicky come over for dinner tomorrow?” Mai asked nervously over steak later that night, glancing between the two.
Peter nearly choked on his drink and Harley grinned brightly, setting down his fork.
“This the same Nicky that you constantly write literal poems about and have about a hundred sketches of?”
“Shut up.” She huffed, she could feel her face heating up.
Harley winked and Peter swatted his arm “Stop that.” He then turned to Mai, his expression gentle, “Of course they can come over. They’re always welcome.”
Mai didn’t realize how nervous she was about asking until she felt her shoulders slump, a bright grin tugged at her lips only to fall right off as her dad added,
“Yeah, I can’t wait to finally put a real face to all those cheesy poems.”
Mai flicked a pea at him. He dodged, unfortunately.
"I wonder if they also have hearts floating around them all the time like in your sketches." Harley added teasingly.
Mai flicked more peas at him making him laugh and throw some right back at her. Before it could escalate into a full-on food fight her Mama cut in with a,
“No throwing food at the table.”
It was a rule that was implemented by Pepper a few years ago when Harley and Mai had got a little too excited and started a full-on food fight between all the Avengers. It was a pain to clean up but so much fun. They may have also broken a few things on accident, including the coffee maker (again) which is why Pepper won’t let them have another food fight. She even had Tony install a protocol on Friday that pretty much grounded whoever is caught throwing food around. Thankfully Friday was more chill when it was just the three of them, she figured the A.I had a soft spot for them but she would never tell Tony that. She's saving that revelation for when she really wants to annoy him, he'd probably mope around all day at the betrayal of his own creation. She mentally cackled at the image.
Outwardly though, Mai shrugged “You’re just salty that you weren’t there for the one and only Avenger food fight.” Mai replied before taking a bite of her mash potatoes.
“I was gone for one day.” Peter complained, slamming his fork down.
Harley patted him on the shoulder “And you missed so much fun.” He sighed dramatically.
Peter gave him a dry look, to which Harley winked at, and Mai laughed.
“Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god.”
Mai set a hand onto Nicky’s shoulder “Are you okay? We don’t have to go if you changed your mind?” They were on the elevator headed up to Mai’s apartment when Nicky suddenly started to panic, Mai looked them over with concern.
Nicky shook their head “No! I mean,” they cleared their throat, “I’m good. Just a little- do I look okay? What if I embarrass myself? What if he thinks I’m a complete idiot!?”
Mai deadpanned “Is this about my dad again?”
“It’s Harley Parker-Keener! You know how much I look up to him! Even before I knew he was your dad.”
“My last name is literally Parker-Keener. How you didn’t put that together sooner is beyond me.”
Nicky rolled their eyes “Yeah yeah, I’m an idiot.”
Mai huffed a laugh “No, you’re not. But my dad is. Trust me, you have nothing to worry about.”
She paused then added “Except for some teasing. Dad loves to embarrass people.”
Nicky groaned “Not helping.”
Mai giggled “Sorry?” Though she must not have sounded convincing as Nicky just gave her a dry look. “Seriously Nick, It’ll be fine. Did you know he once stuck a bottle of ketchup into the microwave instead of back into the fridge and it exploded everywhere?”
Nicky blinked their eyes at her “Why the hell would he put ketchup in the microwave?”
Mai giggled “He was totally sleep deprived! He hadn’t slept much in over a week because of a project he was doing. Mama made him clean it up after forcing him back into bed. It took him over an hour because the ketchup dried while he was sleeping.”
“Mai, Peter and Harley are wondering if you are going to be leaving the elevator any time soon.”
Nicky’s lip twitched upwards, their body relaxing as Mai talked. They were so focused on Mai that when a voice sounded overhead they jumped “What the fuck?”
Mai threw an arm around their shoulders “That’s just Friday. She’s the A.I I told you about before.”
She glanced up at the ceiling of the elevator “Fri, say hi to Nicky!”
“Hello, Nicky. It is a pleasure to meet you.” Friday replied.
“Uh, Hi.” Nicky greeted shyly.
Mai nudged them “Ready to meet my parents?”
"Wait, do I look okay? I don't want to offend your parents!"
Mai looked Nicky over "Nah, you look fine."
"You sure?"
Mai nodded, a fond smile on her lips, and repeated, "You look fine."
They were wearing pretty much what they usually did, dark jeans and a t-shirt, except a little more dressy, which meant a dark red button-up instead of their usual band T's and the jeans with the least amount of holes. They were going to take out their lip piercing too but Mai loved it too much and pleaded with them to keep it on "My parents really won't care." She had said, "My uncle Loki had his lip pierced for a bit. Nobody cared. My mama actually told him he looked cool."
Nicky swallowed nervously, taking a calming breath before nodding “Right, I guess I'm ready then.”
Mai pecked their cheek and squeezed their shoulders reassuringly.
“Open the doors Fri.”
They stepped out into a massive living room, a hallway opened up just to the left of the elevator and on the opposite wall from them was another shorter hallway that lead the way to the kitchen and dining room. This hallway was where a short brunette walked out from, he was smiling and had on a large MIT hoodie that nearly swallowed his frame.
“Hey!” He greeted cheerfully, “Harls is getting changed, he’ll be back out in a minute.” He then turned to Nicky, “You must be Nicky. It’s nice to finally meet you! I’m Peter.”
Nicky smiled back “Nicky. It’s nice to meet you Mr.Parker-Keener.” They said politely.
Peter waved them off “Just Peter is fine!” He replied.
“I prefer darlin’ myself.” A soft drawl came from the hallway next to them before a tall blonde appeared and walked over with a cheeky grin “Hiya, nice to meet ya. I’m-“
Mai swallowed a laugh when she noticed Nicky tense up, their eyes wide and cheeks pink.
“Har-Harley Parker-Keener!” Nicky stammered out, “I-yeah-I-Hi! I mean,” They cleared their throat, “Hi.” They repeated weakly, a slight blush crept up over their cheeks.
Harley blinked surprise before his smile widened “Oh, you know me?”
“Do I-do I know you?” Nicky repeated with a look of disbelief and awe.
Mai couldn’t hold back her laughter anymore “Nick’s a huge fan of you dad!” She proudly stated.
Harley looked genuinely surprised “Oh? Thank you?" He then turned a cheeky grin onto Peter, "Ya hear that? They are a fan of me!"
Peter rolled his eyes with fond amusement "I'm not surprised, you are pretty amazing."
"Not as amazing as you darlin'." Harley instantly shot back with a wink.
Mai groaned "Seriously? Not even a minute and you're already flirting."
"Give us another minute and we could be kissing too." Harley shot back with a glint of mischief in his eyes.
Mai gasped, horrified "Don't you dare taint my Nicky!"
"Alright, we'll just leave you two out here and be back in an hour."
Mai grimaced "Oh my god, Dad!"
Harley laughed at her, ruffling her hair.
Peter's face pinked a little and he shot a weak smile at Nicky "Sorry."
Nicky shrugged "It's alright."  They replied with a light grin, keeping most of their attention on Peter so they don't accidentally start fanning out over Harley. They did not want to embarrass themself so quickly after just meeting the man.
"Peter, the bread is done." Friday called out to them.
"Oh!" Peter lit up, "Dinner's ready then! I made lasagna-"
"You mean I made it and you watched me." Harley cut in, wrapping an arm around Peter, grin on his face.
Peter continued as if he didn't hear him "-I hope you like it, I asked Mai what you liked and she said pretty much anything with red sauce or meat."
Nicky gently nudged Mai with their elbow.
"What? It's true!" Mai defended.
"That sounds great. Thank you." Nicky smiled at Mai's parents, they glanced down with a smile when Mai's hand slipped into theirs.
The actual dinner portion of the night didn't go too badly either.
Nicky was obviously nervous and Mai could tell they were struggling to keep calm every time her dad opened his mouth. It was hilarious. And Mai laughed loudly and hard enough to bring tears to her eyes when Nicky inevitably did start to fan out over Harley, briefly startling then embarrassing her dad. She noticed he didn't really seem to mind that much though as he happily replied to every question Nicky had for him. Peter and Mai had watched them talk with wide smiles on their faces and fond amusement in their eyes.She knew she was gonna be bringing Nicky over more often now, if only to see them fanning over and embarrassing her dad.
"So, Nicky," Harley had said at one point, "I must say, I'm a little disappointed you don't have literal hearts floating around you."
"uh, sorry?" Nicky apologized confusedly, Mai's cheeks flushed a bright red.
"Oh my god. I hate you." She hissed at her dad.
Peter elbowed him but she could see the twitch to his lips "Mai has a bunch of sketches of you in her art book. Most of them have hearts surrounding you." He explained.
"You're both jerks." She huffed, she was sure her face matched the color of the sauce in the lasagna.
"Oh." Nicky huffed a laugh, "Yeah, I've seen them. It's cute."
"Aw, you know I love you." Nicky teased, Mai started to smile.
"Enough to write a cheesy poem?" Harley just had to ruin the moment.
She shot her dad a glare.
She was relieved that Nicky was getting along with her parents so easily and that this went a lot better then she had worried it might (not that she doubted her parents would love Nicky but she had never brought home anyone before), she just wished Nicky didn't bond with them over embarrassing her. 
“Jerks, All of you.” Mai groaned dramatically, an exaggerated pout on her face.
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