#I’m aroace let me tell you
kiwisandpearls · 1 month
the statements “platonic relationships should not be undervalued” and “it’s ok to ship wlw ships and mlm ships even if the characters involved have no canonical romantic interest in each other” are not mutual exclusive.
#talk away ⌞🍵🍋 ⌝#I’m aroace let me tell you#I absolutely agree and wish people would put more emphasis on platonic relationships#and I wish people would stop downplaying them#platonic relationships can be just as if not more important than romantic ones#at the same time tho#I think it shouldn’t be frowned upon for people to ship two female or male characters together even if they are canonically just friends#yes the statements “there’s no heterosexual explanation for this” when two characters who have a platonic relationship#are being intimate is very annoying when you look at it through the view of#amatonormativity#trust me again I know how annoying those types of statements are#and while a lot of people rightfully criticize it for that#I’ve noticed a lot of times people more seem to criticize that type of thinking#not because it an amatonormative way to view those relationships#but because (whether consciously or not) they’re putting down certain shippers for shipping wlw or mlm ships#that they see as just being friends therefore everyone should see them as friends#and if you don’t your wrong and are shoving them into a relationship that isn’t canon#I think I kinda lost my roll saying that but that’s the best way I can put…nicely at least lol#mlm ships#wlw ships#fandom discussion#kinda?#shipping#queer ships#queer#lgbtqia#I got inspired to make this post via discussion about farcille (dungeon meshi) that I’ve seen more specifically on YouTube#romantic relationships#platonic relationships
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soulless-bex · 1 year
peridot and lapis are platonic partners and i will take no criticism
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thelyingjoke · 1 day
i know u havent mentioned any before but, do u have any favorite ships
it’s probably noticeable from how i’ve never talked wbout them but Yeah i don’t
i don’t particularly dislike them, but i don’t have any myself nor do i really engage with them regularly
at least if you’re talking in a romantic sense. platonic ships are my Favorite Ever i eat them up give them to Me!!!!! Right Now!!! but my mind cannot comprehend romance most of the time haha (i say most of the time because, funnily enough, my favorite game (aside from v3 ofc) is a dating sim. and it’s maybe some sort of exception. i don’t get romance unless it’s one Specific dating sim)
i don’t mind them though, i do see them when looking in tags and i can often go Aw that’s cute :) or Ooooh neat :). i do really appreciate people’s love for their pairings and the dynamics present or any analysis into it! looking at different interpretations is fun!! but my mind Always defaults to Platonic Stuff so in my head i always think So True Best Friends Forever (and then a lot of other stuff specific to romance just Does Not Get Through. my brain goes ?!?!?! haha). all of these are queerplatonic pairings in my eyes……..
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kavehater · 19 days
Laughing at the fact DB asked me to “come over” like okay first of all we’re on the other side of the world from each other second … literally WHAT would we do if I went to America I know exactly what would happen and there is little to nothing else that could stem from such a trip other than that. That’s a lot of money and effort spent travelling just for that bro get a girl in your own country goddamn 😭
#everyone knows there would be nothing friendly going on if I went LMFAO boys are so obvious you just have to play along to give them the#satisfaction of them *thinking* they’re tricking you or taking advantage but you’re just sitting there cause they help you take up time and#they can be entertaining sometimes#they’re so daft istg like bro you think you’re using me ? you’re not I’m *letting* you use me there’s a difference 😭#dora daily#keep in mind we had been taking for a consecutive couple of days and he says this#like if we were talking for some months or a year I’d get it but bro#you know nothing of me literally what would we do over there together#his reaction to me telling him the Eris story was also telling cause he didn’t react at all because he was doing the exact same to me LMFAOO#I’m so funny guys he’s funny for that too#yk what he asked after? he was like are you into girls ? that was his only concern 😭#like bro I bet you if I was into girls he would try to change me too#it would be a challenge in his eyes#because he knew I was aroace yet he still said things implying I’ll grow out of it#brother …. what if I don’t 😭#anyways funny story time yay#like brother I am not going to that shit ass country only to come back bearing a discord boy junior LMFAO I’m sobbing that’s foul#also I’m not gonna be with a computer science major nuh uh have you not seen the stereotype that’s nasty 😭#I’m only with an architect :3#I’m already in a relationship :333
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howam-i-theparent · 1 year
Uhhh…… Intro Post?
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locklylemybeloved · 8 months
i actually think we need to talk about how sexuality is fluid. people change, and they change constantly. part of that change is ur identity
i was aroace for years of my life. i never felt any attraction to people, i couldnt understand attraction, i didnt ever want to be with anyone. and i was comfortable with that.
but then one day (i cant really explain it or pinpoint it) i realized that oh i could be in a romantic relationship now. in this current moment, im biromantic (something i spent a while debating) and asexual.
but the problem was, i was so paranoid people wouldn’t believe me, or people would assume the period of my life that i was aroace was immaturity or a “mistake” that i didnt come out for a WHILE. i didnt want all of those people who told me “its just a phase” and “i hadnt found the right person yet” to be right
but heres the thing: even though i am no longer aroace, those people werent right. it wasnt “a phase.” that time i was aro wasnt a “phase.” i genuinely was aro, but because all things tend to be fluid, that changed. and another funny thing? i didnt “find the right person.” i didnt have an “awakening.” one day, i just knew. and thats totally okay.
it’s exhausting to constantly justify your sexuality to others. it’s exhausting to feel invalidated in your own identity. and i know for a fact that its not just me that experiences this.
i know someone who was a lesbian their entire life, and then they realized no they were actually a man. now they identify as a straight guy
anyways i guess this point of this is to tell people to accept fluidity and change in identity, and to let people who’ve gone through the same thing as I have know:
you aren’t alone, i’ve been there too. and i’m so sorry if you relate to the tiring state of mind of constant questioning. stay strong and remember that the way you see yourself is entirely for you. your identity is yours, and you get to define it.
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let-me-sleep-or-die · 4 months
One thing I’m Hoping for Jawbone tricking Riz into taking better care of himself.
You need someone to bounce ideas off of? Ok kid yeah let’s do that over a nutritionally balanced meal I made for you.
You want to train more for combat? sure sure sure ok but how about some relaxing yoga so you stay nimble and flexible in combat.
Gotta stay up late working on a case? Ok I’ll just start switching your coffee out with tea.
you are having nightmares again and are worried it means something??! Yeah ok tell me about them maybe I’ll know something you don’t yeah ok ok ok *pulls out therapist notebook to figure out his trauma*
Oh you haven’t slept so you can work hard and get into college but don’t worry because “pressure is good we like pressure”
*fuckin just like gets gorgug to knock Riz out so he can get some fucking sleep*
*writes Riz a recommendation letter for like 6 separate colleges*
*starts slipping pamphlets for fantasy Trevor Project into his bag so Riz knows other AroAce people exist*
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jolynesmom · 24 days
aging yourself up or down in your dr (+ dating)
I actually refrained from talking on this topic on my tiktok since I knew I was going to get chased off the app and didn’t see a point in talking about it on tumblr since everybody here seems to be more open minded and mind their own business, until I saw multiple posts a few days ago here, where the op were shaming people for changing their age or changing the ages of people in their dr
those people definitely came from tiktok and I honestly hope this post reaches them as I didn’t want to directly interact with them
I think one of the posts was about how adults age ‘minors’ in their dr to date them is problematic, which made me laugh, because how is it problematic if they’re both the same age in their dr?
and the sad thing about that post is that the op said that they’re aware how shifting works and all that, but still finds it problematic and hopes people that do that never shift which is just… girly I hope YOU never shift because you don’t deserve it for shaming people trying to live their lives
I’m not going to go into details about the og posts, but they still have the outdated idea that if you shift for a character that is much younger than you here it’s ‘problematic’. once again: how is it problematic if you’re the same age in your dr?
and then they hit you with another outdated take ‘it’s problematic because you find them attractive here’ which is ridiculous because of so many reasons
1.many characters (especially anime characters) don’t act or look their age. if your perceived a character as an adult initially then found out they’re a minor, I simply don’t care. ages in fiction never matter, if your mind perceived x as a certain age then they’re that age idc; 99.99% people are attracted to a character for who they are, not their age
2.many people had crushes on characters when they were younger or the same age with that character and still like them. let’s boo them that their crush on the character didn’t die and their fav character didn’t age, acting like you’re not going to be in their place in a few years
‘not true I’ll stop liking my favorite character when I’m of age 😡’
okay sweetie keep telling yourself that, because I keep seeing people on tiktok that had this mentality: they liked an underage character when they were minors and wanted to shift for them, now they’re adults, haven’t shifted yet but STILL like that character and regret having said they’re gonna stop liking that character when they’re adults because it didn’t happen lol
3.people don’t always script that an underage person here will be their s/o, it just might happen. I’m actually going to use myself as an example for this: so here I’m an adult and I’m also aroace which I dislike because I always dreamed of a fantasy novel like romantic relationship, so I’m straight or bi in most of my drs so I can date. in my jujutsu kaisen dr, all the people in jujutsu tech are adults because I don’t like teens or kids and don’t wanna hangout with them. in my 30+ drs I only have 3 scripted s/os which are all adults here. I didn’t script an s/o for my jjk dr, because I want to focus more on friendships and training there (but secretly hoped choso would pick me, a girl can dream ok); a few weeks ago I channeled multiple people from my dr (yuuji, megumi, nobara, gojo, nanami and geto) and I received normal messages from all of them. I expected all of their answers, except yuuji’s answers which had romantic aspects to them. that made me realize that he might have a crush on me and maybe we’ll even date in my dr or something? who knows, I didn’t think too much about it so idk
so now if a character that’s underage here likes me in my dr, am I supposed to refuse them or shift out? lmao you’re delusional if you think I’m doing that
4.people that have never experienced adolescence love here. a lot of people dreamed of having that sweet experience of teenage romance that disney and an insane amount of shows and movies love to push, but instead their teen years were filled with abuse and hate. why shouldn’t they shift to experience what was taken from them here?
ALSO let’s switch this around: why is okay for minors to date adults in their dr, but not the other way around?
‘it’s not as bad 🤓☝🏻’
imma be the devil’s advocate and say it’s just as bad
do you genuinely think it’s okay to be a minor here and date an adult in your dr? like do you really think your s/o would feel comfortable being sexualized by a minor and dating a person that’s a minor in another reality? you lowkey forced your partner to become a pedo if you think about it 🙁 /jk
and also if you shift to a reality where you’re a minor and become of age there, you’re officially an adult and shouldn’t date minors anymore, even in your ‘original reality’ where you’re still a minor. please keep the same standards for yourself
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our-aroace-experience · 4 months
Recently, I (aroace) had a talk with a friend (allo) and the topic of flirting came up. And they were really amused at how ignorant I can be towards that kind of stuff. 'Well what if someone comes up to you at a festival or something and starts hitting on you?' Yeah, I'll probably think they're just being friendly. 'But what if you see a friend of yours getting closer with another person, you have to see that, right?' Nope. I'll realize something is up as soon as their tongues are down each other's throats, no sooner. (They were not being mean about it btw, it was an interesting and very funny discussion for both of us).
But it made me realize that my ignorance is actually a choice. I used to read WAY too much into other people's behaviour. Since I could not tell when someone was flirty, I just assumed they always were. It was exhausting. Because I would constantly be on edge talking to people, especially of the opposite sex, and it made casual acquaintances and even friendships really difficult. Until one day, without even really noticing it, I was like... eff it. I will just assume everyone wants to be friendly friends, I'll be upfront about wanting to be friendly friends, and if someone's feelings get hurt because they expect something different, that's not my problem. My life got a lot more chill after that.
Being marked as 'ignorant' or even 'innocent'/'childish' in matters of romance/sex is a real problem for us, but sometimes, consciously ignoring signs you cannot interpret anyway can be a real blessing. Let other people be big boys/girls/persons and figure out their own emotions. It is their responsibility to be honest and open about what they want, not my responsibility to figure it out from some nebulous clues. For me, it actually helped me connect with people a lot easier and I feel much better and more confident!
i’m so glad it’s made you more confident! it seems like a good way to approach a lot of situations!
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wren-kitchens · 5 months
me and @stiffyck were talking about aroace and t4t jizzie realising both of these things from a trans aroace scar, and because i’m normal (lie) I now have trans jizzie realising they’re trans and swapping names
you’re so welcome <3
(heads up, names are gonna be a bit confusing in this; this is lizzie’s pov)
joel does not know why they had to have this conversation outside in december of all times, because right now he is probably about to get frostbite. sure, the snow is pretty and all, but it is absolutely freezing, and the only thing stopping him from freezing to death is lizzie’s blazeborn ability to stay warm no matter what, and so she’s given him her coat to use as a kind of blanket.
since he started growing his hair out, lizzie has taken to playing with it more often, which is lucky in this scenario because her hands are so warm. in fact- joel thinks he’s forgotten to pay attention to their conversation with scar. oops.
“-all i’m saying is that, if you’re gonna compare restaurants, they’d better sell the same food.” lizzie is saying, far too heatedly for what the conversation is actually about. “there’s no point comparing, like- a fancy french restaurant that does snails and stuff with mcdonald’s.”
“ah, but scar’s diner will have it all, ms beans!” scar declares, and joel is suddenly doubting his grasp on this conversation.
“sorry- what are you guys even talking about?” joel says.
scar laughs the kind of laugh he does when he realises what he’s been talking about makes no sense. joel thinks it’s very funny that he knows scar has that distinctive laugh because of how many conversations he’s had with him that make zero sense. “sorry liz, I-“
all of a sudden, it’s like joel is underwater; he can technically hear scar correcting himself, and he knows vaguely that there is an outside world. but all [joel?] can think about is lizzie’s name used for him. and- y’know, now [lizzie?] has started thinking about it.. [he?] finds that [she?] absolutely can’t stop thinking about it.
[they?] remember the first time jimmy asked to be called jimmy, and the way his whole face lit up each time lizzie called him ‘jim’ casually, like it was nothing. but to jimmy- it was definitely something, and something big. [lizzie? joel?] had helped cut his hair short, and helped to dye it blonde, and in all honesty, jimmy has only looked happier on the day [names are so hard all of a sudden] was married.
“scar,” [lizzie?] says abruptly, and scar looks at [her?] with a small amount of concern. “can you..” [she?] can’t quite figure out how to finish that sentence. scar understands, regardless of those tricky things known as words.
“sure I can, lizzie.” scar says, and oh- okay. that’s- yeah. 
it’s like there’s a physical ball of energy swelling up inside of [her.], lighting her up from the inside, and- yeah. 
she.. she thinks she might be a girl.
“oh.” lizzie is grinning to herself and it’s starting to hurt a little but she really could care so much more right now.
“wait,” a voice says from above her, and lizzie looks up to see her spouse staring at her with a very familiar look in their eyes. “you- okay, hang on. you can- you can do that?”
“yeah, you definitely can.” scar gives a slightly crooked grin. “I don’t suppose you would be joel then, would you?”
“wh- it’s just- it’s that easy?” there’s a kind of worry attached to those words, one lizzie thinks she understands far better than she expected to. maybe she’s been a girl a lot longer than she realised. “I can just.. be a guy?”
“I did it.” scar grins in a way that makes lizzie think he’s holding back. “jimmy did it.”
“I- yeah, but-“ lizzie looks up and sees the corners of their eyes crinkled in the way that has always meant they’re suppressing a smile. she takes their hand and squeezes it. “it- it can’t be that easy, right?”
“you tell me, beans.” scar says, looking as if he already knows the answer to that.
joel relents, and lets himself smile. “yeah. it is.”
lizzie grins, sitting up and throwing her arms around her husband, and she’s laughing, and so is he, and they both might be crying a little too, and jimmy is gonna think they’re both such idiots, and she doesn’t care. she’s a woman, and joel is a man, and they just swapped names, and that honestly might have made this whole situation far funnier than it probably should be because- are they really both that unoriginal?
“I think,” lizzie sniffles, wiping her eyes on joel’s hoodie. “I think I got snot in your hair.”
“that’s fine.” joel giggles a little in that hiccupy way he does. “I might have just ruined your jumper.”
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zillypawz · 2 months
PAIRING : Alastor x qpp!gn!reader
NOTES : spreading the aromantic agenda with my silly little queer-platonic partner reader!! :3 ALSO !! I based the relationship between them with my own aroace experiences. I personally still say “I love you” whenever im in a qpr because I still love them, just in different way yknow?? Just a heads up that any form of love portrayed in this fic isn’t romantic in nature :)
CONTENT : angst, hurt/comfort, happy ending, gender neutral reader, aroace!alastor
[Name] walked up to the door of the infamous “Hazbin Hotel”, a sour expression on their face as they knocked on the large door. A happy face poked through, her face lighting up at the appearance of a person as she swung the door open excitedly. “Hi! I’m Charlie, are you here to-”
“No, sorry, I’m not here for your hotel,” [Name] said, looking at Charlie for a moment before looking over her shoulder. “Is Alastor here?” They asked, looking at Charlie as they spoke in a rushed manor. Their hands clenched into fists and unclenched repeatedly as they waited impatiently for the princess to respond. “Oh! That’s fine, I guess, but-”
“How may I be of service!”
Charlie frowned at being interrupted again but stood out the way while her grip fell from the doorknob. Alastor stood behind Charlie, a wide smile as he looked at the person who called his name.
“Oh, [Name]. Hello again,” the Radio Demon said as his posture visibly straightened upon seeing them. His smile looked strained as his gaze remained on [Name]. The tension grew thick as the pair of partners looked at each other, unspoken words pouring like a fountain into the air between them. [Name]’s jaw clenched as they raised their hands and shoved Alastor. Charlie’s eyes grew wide and was about to intervene before the stranger began pointing a finger and yelling at Alastor, who stumbled backwards and held onto his staff to keep his balance.
“You absolute asshole! You left for seven years! You leave me for seven fucking years, and you reappear at some crappy rehabilitation hotel without telling me?!” [Name] complained harshly, stepping toward Alastor and shoving a finger in his chest as they stared him down. Their gaze was filled with anger, hurt and disbelief. Their eyes held tears that they refused to shed, noting the slight satisfaction in Alastor’s gaze. “I can’t believe you! You absolute douche!” [Name] spat, which Alastor responded with by gripping their wrist and pulling it away slightly. Alastor stared them down, laughing sourly as he glanced over at Charlie. She closed the door, awkwardly glancing between the pair as she debated whether to intervene or not.
“Now, now, my dear! Let’s be civilised, there are people watching,” Alastor spoke calmly, though the threat in his voice was no secret. He looked [Name] up and down, almost drinking in the fact they really were there and that he wasn’t dreaming of their existence. “Don’t give me that bullshit!” [Name] growled, pulling their hand out of Alastor’s grip as they spoke with a dangerous tone.
“Al, what’s going on?” Charlie asked, an awkward smile on her face as she stood next to Alastor. She looked over at [Name] and then at Alastor, concern flooding her eyes. Something was very clearly wrong, and Charlie being the sweetheart she was felt the need to try and fix it. Alastor turned to Charlie sharply, his everlasting smile growing wider than usual. “Nothing you need to concern yourself with, Charlie! If you will?” Alastor tilted his head off to the side, silently asking Charlie to leave the two alone in the entrance of the hotel. Charlie looked between them one last time before nodding slowly, walking away before quickly speeding up as she ran to talk to Vaggie about the strange encounter.
Alastor turned back to [Name] after Charlie left with furrowed eyebrows and a mildly frustrated look despite the smile.
“Where were you?” [Name] questioned, raising a brow while straightening their posture to match Alastor.
“I’m afraid I cannot tell you that, my dear-”
“Right, of course you can’t. You never could, could you?”
“No, Alastor!” [Name] yelled out, their hands clenched into fists tightly until the knuckles of their hands turned pale. Their breath was heavy as they panted, almost out of breath from the travel over and the yelling. “You can’t disappear without a word and just show up like nothing happened! Were you even- were you even going to tell me you were back?” [Name] continued, their harsh voice going softer toward the end of their sentence as they felt their hurt bubbling up. Alastor remained quiet, his gaze on [Name] never changing until they glared at him. He cleared his throat, his grip on his staff tightening.
“I won’t say it was exactly a plan of mine to tell you, no,” Alastor replied, staring at the hurt expression on [Name]’s face. Half of him enjoyed seeing the pain and suffering he seemingly put [Name] through, but the other half felt guilty. He felt guilty for feeling such satisfaction out of their misery, and felt guilty for having put them through that misery in the first place. “You must forgive me, my darling [Name]. I understand that this must all be troubling news for you, but please do note that this has nothing to do with you.”
“Do you really understand, though? How it feels to have your partner disappear from your hands for seven years without the acknowledgment of if they were even alive?” [Name] questioned, their tense shoulders falling as they looked at Alastor. Their gaze scanned every inch of Alastor as if they were searching for a sign of injury. Despite their anger and hurt, they still cared for his well-being. They felt relieved when they noticed no injury, before looking back in his eyes with a cold gaze.
“[Name], I promise if I could tell you where I was or that I was even leaving; I would’ve told you in a heartbeat. My love, I didn’t want you to be roped into another one of my messes,” Alastor spoke sweetly, raising a hand from his staff to hold [Name]’s face. His expression and voice was altered to seem sweet, but [Name] knew him all too well. Alastor simply wished to not cause a scene in front of the hotel staff if any of them waltzed even near them. And though there was a hint of truth to his words, it wasn’t all true. Resisting the urge to melt into Alastor’s touch, they took a step back as their eyes brimmed with tears once more. “Stop that, Alastor.”
“What do you mean, my dear?”
“Stop- stop acting like you didn’t expect this to happen eventually.”
Alastor’s hand hovered over the spot [Name] removed themself from before it slowly returned to his staff. He knew that the minute he returned, they would find out and confront him. He’s known for the last seven years. He gave out a reluctant sigh, clicking his tongue as he smiled. He knew it was time to face the consequences of his actions, he prepared for this. He was ready for them to take their leave. To leave him as he did them, except this time taking away the only connection they had to each other.
“I’ve never been great at telling the full truth, but dear, I do promise that if I could then I would tell you why I left,” Alastor said quietly, having the slightest hope that he could keep them tied to him. He really did love them, and sure their love was odd to most, he cared for them in a way he never cared for anyone before. It hurt him to leave, knowing he would be hurting his partner for something so selfish.
“I’m mad at you, and dear Satan do I hate what you’ve done, but I’m not leaving you.”
For once in his life, Alastor felt speechless from his surprise. They weren’t leaving? He looked at [Name], searching for a sign that they were lying. And though he saw their anger and hurt present, he saw no sign of a lie. They bit the inside of their cheek as they raised the hand and pinched their temple.
“I don’t forgive you, Alastor. But I trust you, and I love you. You are my friend and my partner and I am putting some faith in you that you do truly have a good reason for leaving for so long. And that you will tell me when you can,” [Name] spoke slowly, carefully picking out their words as they looked up at Alastor. They knew Alastor got into deals often and that sometimes they ended horribly, so they assumed that it was connected to that. Alastor’s expression softened as he reached his hand out to hold [Name]’s cheek. He analysed their face, gently stroking his thumb over their cheek as he gazed at them with a sense of gratitude.
“I missed you, mon amour,” Alastor said softly, bringing his forehead to theirs and pressed them together gently. Alastor closed his eyes and breathed softly, enjoying feeling them being near him again. “So, so much. I promise I’ll make up the years I missed with you till the end of this afterlife and the next,” Alastor added on quietly, feeling them lean into his warm touch.
“I missed you, too, lovely,” [Name] sighed, raising their hand to hover over the hand that held their face before raising their other hand and holding Alastor’s face in their hand.
They remained peacefully in each other presence, fearful that if they let each other away from their grasp the other would part from them in the blink of an eye. Charlie watched from around a corner, tearful but also overjoyed for Alastor while Vaggie watched carefully, not fully trusting the whole ordeal in the slightest.
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tw discussion of aphobia and sexuality
One thing I absolutely love about Hazbin Hotel is the diversity of representation in it. However I do note a lack of respect for that same diversity in the Fandom and it infuriates me. Yes, I am primarily talking about Alastor. Alastor is canonically AroAce. There seems to be a complete disregard for that in a large portion (though not all of course) of the Fandom. I've seen him shipped with Lucifer, Vox, Rosie, and Angel. I also want to say I've seen him shipped with Charlie and Vaggie, though, fortunately, not particularly commonly. Now I do understand that desire and attraction are not necessarily synonymous. Dude, I’m aro (specifically demi-ro) and allos3xual ( bi specifically), I'm familiar. I also know QPRs are a thing. However the implications in the vast majority of shipping posts is not that a desire (without attraction) is being filled or that the relationship is a QPR. It is an implication of romantic and/or (usually and) s3xual attraction and chemistry. Also in addition to the attraction situation there's another issue I have with these ships, I would say canonically it is implied that Alastor is not only AroAce, but is also sex repulsed (I'm not going to go into my arguments for that in this post, but maybe in another). Now if you're looking at me going “Didn't the creator say we could ship anybody with anybody” or “it doesn't really matter,” Let me put a question to you. If you saw a character who was canonically confirmed to be lesbian, and a large portion of people in the Fandom started constantly shipping her with every single man in the cannon, would you still have this same level of apathy? I doubt it. If people were excusing it with “it’s just my headcanon ” or “the creator said we can ship anybody” would that change anything? No that would still be lesbian erasure I'm pretty sure I'd be seeing a lot of posts with people up in arms about it, right? Why aren't we bringing the same energy here. It's the same thing. This is AroAce erasure. Now if you're saying, and I've seen people say this kind of thing, “it's just a character it doesn't matter. Pick something that does,” Yes it does matter. There are very, very few confirmed AroAce characters, just in general. We know that representation matters. Also aphobia is a problem not only outside, but also inside of the LGBTQ + community. There are people who tell aro and ace people they aren’t really part of the LGBTQ+ community, even to the extent of not allowing them in LGBTQ+ spaces. Our character representation deserves the same respect as yours. We deserve respect.
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hardtofindneuro · 2 months
to all the queer people that have come out, or haven’t, and have been invalidated in any way shape or form, you are so valid. you have a support system here, and i’m sure other places as well. you just need to find it. don’t let anyone try to tell you who you are.
being in this community has allowed me to better understand my sexuality & come to terms with it. i love being neuro because i can be me, and know i wont be judged for who i am or am not attracted to. i know that when i say im aroace here, ill get support instead of get a half-hearted “you’ll get married someday, you’re just not ready” or “you like men, it’s just your lifestyle.” i know that if something changes with my sexuality, that is welcome here, too. i dont have to make any definitive decision on my sexuality to be welcomed by this community, and that’s just one reason to love it.
i find support and love and an outlet here. and so many amazing friends that welcome me and support my decisions. so thank you all for being here and fuck anyone who thinks it’s ok to invalidate someone’s sexuality.
coming out is not easy. frankly, it feels impossible to even say the words to my mom. imagine being dream and coming out to millions, to get belittled and shit on and invalidated. i’m so proud of dream and any other person that has come out to the world, or to their parents, or their best friend, or maybe just to themselves. it’s a process, a hard one, and any small step is something to be proud of.
a huge thanks to dream for not only creating a space for us, but for setting an example, and sticking around when the internet has done nothing but tear him down. for being kind to a world that is less than kind back. and thanks to all of you that are still here, rebuilding our safe space. thank you.
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aroacesafeplaceforall · 2 months
i genuinely feel like less of an aegosexual and aegoromantic for not liking garlic bread and not being as dramatic about not being interested in romance and s*x. i know its just stereotypes but its seriously making me feel like im not aroace
(I wrote a whole thing and then it fucking crashed and deleted on me)
No I get it anon!! It’s like me with my gender. I’m pretty comfortable in my own skin like 76% of the time and because of that I don’t feel as “valid” as everyone else who’s gender queer.
But remember
It’s your box. And this is my box. Don’t let anyone take your box. Don’t let anyone tell you you can’t but your box there or that your box isn’t a real box because it isn’t brown.
It’s your box and you should be damn proud of it anon. Because I sure as fuck am proud of mine
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honeybewrites · 27 days
Writeblr Intro!!
Figured I should do an introduction for my little crevice of the internet! 
I go by HoneyBe, or just Honey, or just Be, or really any other name you feel like! I mostly use she/her, they/them pronouns, but feel free to use whatever. I’m in my 20s and on the AroAce spectrum. I’ve been writing on and off since middle school and I’m hoping to get better at improving my skills, because 12 year old me didn’t care about that but 20 year old me does. I’m hoping to find (or build) a little community to support and help each other with all the writing things. Mostly though, this is just me gaslighting and guilt tripping myself into thinking that by not writing and posting, I will disappoint a nonexistent audience on the internet and not just myself, because apparently that’s the only way my brain will cooperate with me. 
Couple other little tidbits about me:
Big fan of the found family trope. Literally will make me squeal at a highly obnoxious volume.
LOVE extensive world building. I want to know every detail of a magic system and how a planet operates. I will listen to you rant about lore for hours, just please let me do the same every once in a while. I am begging, please, I want to tell you all the things.
I’m a little funky photographer trying to start her own little funky photography business, mostly to give myself more time to travel and write and also to get out of my full-time retail job (it’s pure hell and I hate it with an unholy, unmatchable heat of a thousand suns).
I love flowers. They’re just so pretty and as a little honeybee myself, it’s part of my job.
If you mention dragons, you will summon me. I have an obsession with the magical creatures and it knows no bounds.
My Main WIP, or I guess world, is what got me into writing in the first place, and I’ve been messing with it for years. You’d think that would mean I have it decently fleshed out, right? Nope. Unfortunately, The Plot keeps escaping my basement and causing a train wreck. If anyone has better restraint suggestions, let me know. My neighbors are starting to get concerned.
Anywho! The whole world is called The Seven Realms, or as my docs are titled, 7R. I know, so original. She wants to grow up and be a series with little series siblings, all connected in one Big Family. Seriously, I have OCs all over this world’s history and very vague vibes, aka, The Plot, to go along with them. Here are my two main ones.
Eclipse of War Chronicles (EoWC)
Colliding Stars (supposedly book 1)
The Realms are in chaos. A war started nearly a hundred years ago, still raging today, has wrecked both sides. The original intent of the war has long left everyone’s mind; it’s now a fight over territory and unification. The Realms border on complete and totally collapse from the strain of this ongoing blood bath and neither side refuses to admit defeat.
Project Viall, created during the hight of the war, was set on creating superior fighters. After many failed attempts, two successful subjects were created from the genetic experiments.Trained side by side to be flawless and merciless loyal weapons of death, they end up on opposite sides of this vicious war. Both intent on destroying the other, while their partner and closest friend hides behind the mask. Bonds are tested. Secrets revealed. Loyalties made and destroyed as two partners threaten to destroy the entirety of the Realms in their hunt for blood.
Legend of the Ancients (LotA)
The Fallen Dragons (supposedly book 1 of another series)
A brutal war has left the dragons all but extinct. To preserve the species, the remaining dragons have gone into hiding, leaving behind a subspecies borne through the war to fend for themselves: the Tanimoriem. Generations later, no one has seen or heard of a dragon, leaving the Tanimoriem as their only remains to once was. Knowing little of their history and being hunted simply for being kin to dragons, the Tanimoriem learned how to fight viciously and keep to themselves, earning a reputation as vile, unfeeling demons.
Accepting a bounty mission, Ryuk, a seasoned Tanimoriem, gets more than he bargained for. He had been told this was another monster that needed killing. A dangerous beast. Instead he’s met with a child who finds his horns and wings fascinating. Ryuk is forced to look after the child until he can figure out what secretive plot is brewing, because it might just involved the Tanimoriem.
Of course, my goblin brain has given me plenty more snippets and random characters in different times in this world that I have yet to do much with. The world of the Seven Realms has consumed me for years and I have been shown no mercy. I’m planning to do a proper intro post to each WIP and their characters at some point… *puts twenty reminders in phone to write intro posts*
Also!! I will take all asks, tags, and DMs you can throw at me. Literally. Ask me about anything. Books, WIPs, OCs, hell, even ask about my least favorite color or my favorite bread. I do not care. I will answer. I want to be friends will all of you!! I don’t sting! I promise!!
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leilani-lily · 2 months
~Oh Deer~ (Chapter 8)
Ohhh, it felt so good to write again. My hands were itching to get back to the keyboard, especially knowing in advance which chapter was next ¬‿¬ As I've mentioned before, this little snippet is a two parter; too big to fit in just one chapter. I hope to work on the next part next week and get it out asap ໒(⊙ᴗ⊙)७✎▤ Thanks guys! I hope you enjoy ꨄ
Synopsis: AroAce! Alastor x Chef!Singer! Reader. You want to get more exotic ingredients for the hotel but it's too dangerous to go along. Alastor offers his assistance and you both go out to the market. Word count: 5.2 k Chapter under the cut! ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
“Something on your mind my dear~?”
You were swirling the whisky in your glass, staring at the bronze liquid sloshing side to side but eyes not exactly focused. Alastor watched you from his seat, quirking an eyebrow as his head tilted. You were both sitting in the radio tower, sharing a glass of liquor and conversing like you always did after a show. Usually you were very attentive to the deer demon’s thoughts, and would give some solid advice for the next segment. But Alastor noticed something was off today; he didn’t seem to have your full attention. And he wanted to know why. You look up to the deer demon in question, blinking back your stupor before giving him a sheepish grin. 
“Ah… Sorry Al. Just thinking. But it’s really not important. What were you saying?” You lean forward in your chair and smile warmly towards your friend. But that didn’t trick the Overlord; he knew something was bothering you. And if it pulled your attention away from him, then he didn’t like it one bit. His ego wouldn’t allow it. 
“Come now dearest,” he prodded, leaning forward so he was eye level with you, “I know something is wrong. Tell me.” He still had his signature grin, but his eyes were sharp and serious. That wasn’t a suggestion. You knew he wasn’t going to let this go until you confessed. You sighed.
“It’s nothing, really,” you disclosed, “I’m just trying to figure out how I can get my hands on certain ingredients is all…” You trailed off, hoping that was enough to satiate the demon in front of you. To your disappointment, it had the opposite effect. His grin widened as he leaned forward, his eyes shining in delight.
“Well goodness me, it’s about time.” he sang, “I was wondering when you’d finally cave and go back to your sinster ways!” He chuckled darkly, looking at you with a sense of pride. He was practically on the edge of his seat; all smiles and sharp teeth. You tilted your head in confusion. 
“If you're looking for special ingredients, I can hook you up with my dear friend Rosie. She can get you the best cuts of meat in Hell.” 
... Oh. You understood the disconnect. Your eyelids fell flat, giving him a jaded look. But he didn’t notice, mind flooding with ideas and different options. 
“Or, if you wish to go hunting yourself, I’d be more than happy to-!” 
“Not that type of ingredient, Alastor.”
The Radio Demon’s crimson eyes popped open as a record sound came to a screeching halt. You couldn’t help the upward curl of your lips after watching his expression slowly sour in realization. Alastor eventually slid back into his seat, crossing his legs and ears falling flat on his skull. A bored expression crossed his features as he looked to the side. 
“Hmm. Pity. I was craving some Enchiladies. Or maybe some Bratwurst…”
You couldn’t help the laugh that escaped you at his disappointment (and terrible puns). Alastor’s pupils slid back to you as his lips eventually curled up mischievously at the sound of your laughter. It was hard to stay upset in your company, he was always happy to get a smile or a laugh from you. His chest puffed out like a proud bird for a moment before turning his head back to you.
“Well then my dear,” he began, quirking up an eyebrow at you, “If you’re not in the market for that type of ingredient…” he tilted his head, “Then what is it that you seek~?” Curiosity had gotten the better of him, and now he had to know everything. Realizing you really weren’t getting out of this, you shake your head in defeat. 
“Well… I’ve heard of this wild mushroom that only grows in the Gluttony ring. Apparently it can enhance the taste of any dish you cook it in.” you began. Alastor’s gaze never wavered from you, his face furrowing in fascination. 
“It’s a really hard plant to harvest, and I heard a rumor that there’s a shipment coming to the Pride ring on Saturday.” Your eyes were shimmering with excitement just at the thought of it, making the Radio Demon’s pressed smile curl up ever so slightly.
“Certainly sounds intriguing,” he mused, pausing to take a sip of his whisky. He couldn’t help being entertained by your passions, and for something so simple in his eyes. After feeling the liquor burn down his throat, he spoke again.
“So tell me then, what seems to be the problem?” 
Whatever sparkle in your eye seemed to cloud over, your shoulders visibly sagging. “I heard it’s only being sold in the Black Market.”
Not that piqued Alastor’s interest.
Everyone knew of the famed Black Market. The term was quite popular in the human realm, and was quickly brought down to the depths of Hell. It was a large bazaar deep in the city of the Pride Realm, where booths and trade stalls were set up and demons and imps alike could scrounge through to find rare and unique items. And although it was quite popular, it was also in one of the shadiest parts of town. Although Hell was known for all of its illegal activity, the Black Market was acclaimed for it. Looking for weapons to kill an Overlord? Or drugs so strong the effects would last for a week? It would be found there. 
“... I still don’t understand what the problem is, my dear.” Alastor’s eyebrows furrowed in visible confusion. You eventually regarded him with a similar face, not understanding how someone so brilliant didn’t seem to understand the stakes at hand. You took a deep breath, palms pressed together as if praying for patience before giving him a serious look. 
“Al.” You spoke tartly, your pressed hands now pointing to him, “I know something like the Black Market would be, like, a walk in the park for you.” His eyebrows raised in amusement before you continued, “But if I went? A lone female with no means to defend herself?? I would become a blood smear on the wall.” You lifted your arms to the wall beside you before flopping your arms down in defeat. You sighed and gave him a weak smile. “Trust me, as much as I want to get that ingredient, it’s not worth risking my life for it.” 
Alastor stared at you intently for a full minute.
Then burst into laughter.
You had to blink back your surprise at his sudden reaction, albeit a strange one. You honestly didn’t expect him to find joy in your death. Then again, he always found pleasure when it came to killing. Maybe you were just too naive to think he wouldn’t enjoy yours as well? You weren’t really too sure how to respond, but thankfully Alastor spoke up before you had the chance.
“Ohhh my dear,” he sighed happily, “Is that all? Now really, there’s no need to fret over something that has such a simple solution!” Alastor set his glass down on the table, then clasped his hands together in his lap as he sat up straight. 
“If you don’t wish to go alone, then allow me to accompany you.”
You immediately perked up at his words, almost unable to believe it. You had to admit, the thought had crossed your mind. But you knew how busy Alastor’s weekends were, and you didn’t want to waste his time on something so silly. Besides, you knew the dangers of the Market; the horror stories you had heard over the years. You knew Alastor could defend himself, but still… You didn’t want to take any risks. Not when it came to him.
“No, Al,” you started, “I couldn’t ask that of you. I don’t want to put you in any danger-!”
You were immediately cut off by one of the demon’s long fingers pressing up against your lips. The Overlord leaned in close to you, grin snarled and eyes closed tightly. 
“Trust me, mon passereau,” he chuckled darkly, “If anyone were to ever try anything…” his scarlet eyes immediately flashed open, his pupils now black and shaped like dials as the static in his voice distorted, “ł₮ ł₴₦'₮ ₥Ɏ ₴₳₣Ɇ₮ⱠɎ ɎØɄ ₴ⱧØɄⱠĐ ฿Ɇ ₩ØⱤⱤłɆĐ ₳฿ØɄ₮.”
You felt a shiver run down your spine as the lights flickered, radio waves screeched and the controls behind him clicked and flipped. And in a snap, the room flipped back to normal as Radio Demon sat up straight again, eyes once again crimson and smiling as if nothing had happened. 
“Besides~!” he continued, his voice now unsettlingly chipper, “It’s been at least a decade or so since I’ve last been to the famed Black Market. It would be intriguing to see how much has changed!”
You watched him carefully and felt your heart-rate begin to increase. Ever since you had heard of the toadstool, you had been dreaming of using it in your cooking. And now for this dream to be so close; you could almost taste it… But you didn’t want to get your hopes up. Not yet. You felt like such a broken record, but you had to be certain. You looked up at him shyly, feeling your fingers fidget nervously. 
“Alastor… Are you sure about this?” 
Said demon looked down at you, eyes flicking from your face to your hands, then back. Finally, he began to shake his head mirthfully, reaching over and giving your head a gentle pat.
“My dear,” he tutted, “I wouldn't even be offering if it was something I truly did not want to do. I insist.” He then rose from his chair and towered over you before extending a hand.
“I promise I can guarantee your safety. That is, if you’ll have me.”
You looked at his hand in awe before lifting your head up to him. There you were, already crestfallen with defeat and ready to give up. But then Alastor came along, and he wanted to help make your silly little dream a reality. Your heart bloomed in warmth for the man standing before you. Seriously, you were so freaking happy he was in your life. With a tender smile, you extend your hand and place it in his outstretched one.
“Of course Alastor. Always.”
Most of the clothes you wore around the hotel weren’t that flattering.
For starters, you didn’t want anything with excessive frills or cloth that could potentially snag in a cupboard or catch fire over a stove. Also, you didn’t ever want to wear anything nice in case it gets torn or stained in the kitchen. Most of the time, you were in either jeans/stretchy pants, and a t-shirt/tank top. Because if it got ruined at work, it was no biggie.
But now, as you were getting ready for your outing with Alastor, you were quickly realizing just  how much of a biggie it was. 
You tore through your drawers frantically, trying to find something that didn’t have holes in it, or a previous stain, or heaven forbid, a cringe worthy graphic printed on it. Fuck, you really wish you had taken up Angel’s offer earlier that month to go on a shopping spree. You made a quick mental note to ask him about it next weekend. If he saw your wardrobe now he’d disown you as his bestie. 
As you raked through your closet, you felt like a complete dumbass. For God’s sake, you were just going to the market with your friend. It shouldn’t matter what the Hell you wore; it’s not like this was a formal outing. Nevertheless, you decided you still wanted to look nice for once. This was the first time the two of you would be together outside of the hotel. And that felt like a special enough reason to dress up and not look like a fast food worker after a 12 hour shift.**
Eventually, you managed to find a simple, short black dress tucked in the very back of your closet. You could work with this. After scrounging through your bathroom drawers, you manage to find an old metal hair stick and use that to wrap your locks into a cute messy bun. And with some modest jewelry to help accent, you were finally satisfied enough with your appearance. Given what you were working with, this was the most presentable you were going to get. With a final nod in the mirror, you grab your purse and lock the door behind you. 
You make your way down to the lobby where you had both agreed to meet up. As you exited the elevator, you could see Alastor’s proud profile already standing by the front doors, microphone in hand and back straight. He seemed to be looking towards the side, but as you approached him, his scarlet eyes slid over to your form. You come to a stop and look up at him, your hands clasped in front of you and waiting.
His eyes flicked over your body, his face unchanging as he took in your appearance. For a moment you felt your face getting hot, and had to look away from embarrassment; was this too much? Maybe you should’ve just stuck to your regular pants and t-shirt… 
“From chef to charmante, you truly are a sight for sore eyes my dear.”
You looked up to him again and blinked in surprise. His expression was pleasant as he stared at you; his smile soft and genuine. You felt your heart leap into your throat at the compliment, and couldn’t help the warm smile creep up your face. And it was peaceful between you both for a moment…
Before the Asshole decided to ruin the moment.
“And here I was beginning to think you didn’t know how to dress yourself. How relieved I am to be wrong for once…” he teased, his soft smile twisting into a mischievous grin and eyes crinkling with impish delight. 
Your hand moved quicker than light as you lightly backhanded his bicep, your face scrunched and glaring daggers at him. The Radio Demon snickered as his static buzzed happily, not at all flinching at the assault and most likely already prepared for the blow. After having a good chuckle to your dismay, Alastor stood up straight again and dusted off his arms, his smile still wide and wicked. 
“You’re lucky I enjoy your company y/n,” he stated, straightening his jacket, “If any other demon were to strike an Overlord, they would never see the light of day again.” He looked down and quirked an eyebrow at you, and you wanted nothing more than to wipe that grin off his face.
“Honestly, between getting ridiculed daily or being slaughtered, I’m not sure which is the worse fate…” you huff, straightening up and crossing your arms. Alastor chuckled at your quip, and eventually, you felt your shoulders relax and smile betray you. As his sniggers died down, he took a step towards you, his expression once again calm as he looked down at you.
“Well my dear,” he mused, “Now I can understand why you would want my protection for our little outing...” His pupils fell to your body, scanning slowly all the way to your legs. You swallowed a lump in your throat. Eventually, his scarlet eyes flicked back up to your face, and you couldn’t dismiss the hunger behind them. 
“The wolves would be more than happy to ravish such a delicacy.”
You had to remind yourself to breathe. Suddenly breathing was something you had to think about. Your mouth felt so dry, and you knew for a fact your face was probably beet red. What the actual fuck was that. Alastor had given you compliments before, but that… That was at a level you had never experienced before. Did he actually find you attractive?? Jesus Christ, was this friendly outing actually a date??
... Fuck, did you want this to be a date??? 
You could feel your brain short circuiting.
Alastor’s smile curved upward at the sight of your reddened cheeks. He bent down at his waist in a bow and extended a hand, making your eyes focus back to him.
“Shall we be on our way dearest?”
You looked at his clawed hand, then back to him. He had to be teasing you. There was no way he had actually meant what he had said earlier. This is what he always did; this was what your friendship was basically built on. You mentally scolded yourself for actually falling for his goading. 
Please. As if. 
You sighed and shook your head, feeling a smile creep up your lips at the absurdity of it all. You weren’t going to fall for it. Not this time. Finally, you look up at him and extend your hand, gently placing it in Alastors. You give him a calm, yet cocky look. 
“Lead the way.”
Alastor’s eyebrows shot upward amusingly as he raised his other hand. And with a snap of his fingers, you both vanished from the lobby.
You couldn’t contain your gasp of amazement when you laid eyes on the Black Market.
It was everything you could’ve imagined. There were dozens of rows crammed full with booths and vendors stretching as far as the eye could see. Tall skyscrapers framed the entire bazaar, yet were covered from sight by the tarps, blankets and open umbrellas hanging overhead to provide shade. The market was bustling with all creatures of life; demons, imps, and hellhounds alike. Either trying to sell their wares and cheat someone of their life savings, or excited buyers chittering away and browsing all that was offered. 
“How exhilarating~!” the Overlord grinned, looking out at the spectacle with bright eyes, “I had forgotten how appealing this place was. This is going to be quite the escapade.” Alastor happily turned his head to you, extending his elbow to you and giving a cocky grin. You looked between him and his arm, unsure of his intentions. His smile widened. 
“I guaranteed your safety during this outing did I not? We don’t want to risk separation in this maze. Now then,” he leaned in closer, stretching his arm out further, “Shall we~?”
You couldn’t help the smile spread across your face; always ever the gentleman. You looked to him pleasantly, looping your arm in his and giving a determined nod. And with that, Alastor took the lead as you ventured deep into the market. 
The variety of items for sale was incomprehensible. Antiques, produce, jewelry, weapons, and of course, second hand items. And boy, did you desperately want to peruse it all. But of course, you came here for one reason and one reason alone. And as thrilling as this all was, you knew you couldn’t be too charmed by the wonders of the market. This was how the ne'er do wells prayed on their victims. It would be easy for a demon to go missing amongst all the busyness and exhilaration. In this place, dark deals were struck and souls were either sealed or stolen. And you couldn’t be distracted by frivolous things. 
Get in, get the mushrooms, and get out. 
At least. That was your initial plan.
Alastor seemed to have other ideas.
This mother fucker strolled through the booths as if it was a Sunday afternoon, guiding you along and stopping on occasion to peruse. He would converse with the various sellers and happily turn to you, either showing off what he found or telling stories when something reminded him of a memory. He kept a firm grip on your arm, meaning you had no choice but to follow along with his meandering. 
At first your nerves were on edge, eyes darting around anxiously, body tense, and flinching at every obnoxious sound. Alastor seemed to notice, and at some point, gave your hand on his arm a gentle pat. It was a simple gesture, and when he did it, he wasn’t even focused on you, instead speaking with another vendor. But you appreciated him acknowledging your nerves and attempting to calm you without drawing attention. The action and thought behind it was more than enough to comfort and assure you that you had nothing to worry about. 
Eventually, you could feel your muscles relax once you realized no one would lay a finger on you with the Radio Demon by your side. As time trickled on, you became more confident, and even began to enjoy yourself and forget about any potential dangers. This was probably the only chance you’d ever get to come to the Black Market with as much protection as you did, so you might as well milk it for what it was worth. 
At one point, you let go of his arm to toss on a pair of crazy glasses and throw a feather boa over your shoulders, striking a pose and cracking a joke. The Overlord seemed impressed with your new found confidence, and was more than happy to join in on the banter. And immediately tease your new look. 
“If this is what you consider a correction for your fashion sense, perhaps my little songbird is more of a dodo~” 
You tried to place an old fedora on his head and force him in on the fun, but the party pooper wouldn’t allow it. Snarling at the wretched thing and not even wanting to know how many disgusting sinners it had been on. And honestly, you couldn’t blame him for that, but you knew despite the venom in his smile, his eyes were dancing. 
It wasn’t long until you were the one leading the way, zipping from booth to booth like a child on Christmas as Alastor followed closely behind. He had noticed you had dropped your guard, which was honestly what he had wanted all along. You had been working so hard, you deserved a fun day out on the town. He was glad to see that by demonstrating how safe it was, it would allow you to relax and fully enjoy the experience. 
But now it was his turn to keep watch, his back straight and eyes carefully scanning. Of course, the Black Market was nothing but child's play for him. But for a simple sinner like yourself? He could understand why you were hesitant to come. Especially given your radiant personality; one that could attract sinners and imps alike like a moth to a flame. 
And of course, as you practically beamed through the lanes, it didn’t take long for you to capture the attention of others. Eventually, you became so carefree, you didn’t even notice the times when certain demons would eye you up and down hungrily. Or the one hellhound who even attempted to snatch your purse. 
But they were dealt with swiftly; black tentacles impaling, slashing, and ensuring that no one would ever dare lay a finger on you. 
At one point you turned to him and noticed his smile was sharper than before and his scarlet pupils shining with glee. You had asked what he found so entertaining, but he simply patted your head and assured you it was nothing, quickly changing the subject by distracting you with the wares of the next booth over. 
About an hour or so into your adventure, you were a couple of steps ahead of Alastor when one booth in particular caught your eye. Filled with mugs, kettles, spoons, and coffee machines, you were instantly reminded of your deer friend and your wonderful morning chats. Especially the one you had that very first morning, it was honestly the very beginning of what would become your close relationship. You vaguely remembered him mentioning not being able to brew that perfect cup…
An idea popped in your head.
You whipped your head around to quickly look behind and caught Alastor making his way towards you. You didn’t have enough time to peruse and find something, and you didn’t want to ruin the surprise. You’d have to find an opportunity later to come back in secret. But for now, you had to distract him.
You jog back to the Radio Demon and casually mention wanting to focus on the search for the mushroom stall, using the guise to pull him along further and away from the particular vendor. Alastor cocked an eyebrow at you, but eventually agreed that it was time to start looking for the rumored toadstool. He linked his arm with you once more and continued walking forward, unaware of you taking mental notes and memorizing landmarks. 
Finally, after about twenty minutes of serious searching, you were able to locate the booth with the mushrooms. You recognized them by their iridescent blue shimmer, similar to what you had seen online, and your heart leapt with delight. You were practically bouncing on your feet, pointing excitedly and rambling like a dork while Alastor smiled in amusement. A line had started to form; clearly you weren’t the only ones aware of their magical properties, and you immediately zipped to the back, Alastor casually strolling behind.
“Well my dear,” he mused, leaning to the side to look ahead, “Given the amount of demons ahead of us, I’m afraid we’ll have to wait a little while.” He looked back at you expecting you to be crestfallen or pout, but you happily shook your head.
“Trust me,” you smiled up at him, “I’ve waited years already to get my hands on one of these things. Another fifteen minutes is nothing.” You glanced at the line ahead of you and did some quick calculations. You would likely be waiting for fifteen, twenty minutes? Would that be enough time to perhaps…? 
As much as you were excited to be so close to achieving your goal, your mind was focused on something else. This could be your chance. This might be the only one you get today, and it could be the perfect opportunity… You had to take it.
“Actually…” you drawled, “I saw some really nice clothes in one of the booths we passed… could you wait here for me while I check it out real quick??” Alastors eyes immediately narrowed and brows furrowed.
“I wouldn’t recommend that dearest,” he stated, eyes flicking around his surroundings before focusing back on you, “I know we’ve had a lovely afternoon, but I must remind you of the shadows that lurk in the darkness. It wouldn’t be wise to leave my line of sight.” 
Shit. You were afraid this would happen. And you knew deep down he wasn’t wrong. But you felt so strongly about this, and it would only be for a few minutes. What was the worst that could happen? You hide your inner turmoil with a cheeky grin.
“Al, you straight up said I need new clothes,” you razz, raising a brow at him. To this, the Overlord huffed.
“I would hardly call second-hand filth an improvement…” he muttered, nose wrinkling at the sheer thought. You couldn’t help the snort escape your nose, but you pressed on.
“C’mon Alastor, please??” you were practically begging at this point, “I don’t want to lose our spot in line, and the booth was just around the corner. I promise I’ll be super quick.” You gave him a pleading look in hopes to help convince him. 
Alastor’s face scrunched up in disgust at your soppy expression, but soon softened to contemplation as he looked at you. His eyebrows were tight in thought, clearly thinking hard about his answer and how to proceed. A good minute passed before the deer demon finally sighed and his head fell. You felt your breath catch in anticipation. His head rose to meet your gaze, his eyes sharp and serious. 
“Take this with you.” He stated, lifting his left arm and offering you his microphone. You felt your eyes widen in surprise, eyes flicking between the staff and him. You knew how important his mike was; it was always on his person or a conjuring away. You had never known him to be without it.
“Al… Are you sure?” you breathed, completely thrown off guard by this gesture. But he lifted the staff closer to you, emphasizing his words with this action.
“I would feel better knowing I have direct contact with you should anything happen.” he spoke, “If for whatever reason you need me, simply say my name into it. And I’ll know where to find you.”
You tried to swallow the lump in your throat. Now you felt completely awful about lying to your friend, especially if he was entrusting you with this. But you really wanted to do this. It was for him. And now, with this added protection, you knew you would have nothing to worry about.
You slowly raised your hands and gently grasped the staff, feeling the power practically buzzing through it. You were just about to pull it away when Alastor suddenly yanked it towards him, making you gasp in shock as you were pulled closer to him, now only mere inches from his face. Your heart was beating like a drum as his piercing eyes bore into you.
“Don’t make me regret this decision y/n.”
Whether this was about him entrusting you with his staff, or about letting you venture off on your own, you weren’t sure. But his tone was firm, commanding. Either way, you knew he was dead serious. You would’ve been scared if it weren’t for his grim eyes softening for a fraction of a second. Your heart bled for a moment before giving him a determined nod, acknowledging his statement. With a blink, he rose back up to his full height, his expression now calm, but his smile weak. You pulled the microphone tight to your chest, your smile cheek to cheek with enthusiasm. 
You took a second to dig through your purse and place some money in his clawed hand, in case he reached the front of the booth before you returned. He protested for a moment, claiming he could very well afford to buy produce, thank-you-very-much. But you ignored his grumbling, insisting that they were your mushrooms, therefore you would pay for them. After making sure he had enough, you turned to run back to the previous stalls. But before you could make it far, you turned back and cast one final glance at the Radio Demon. Alastor was still watching you, his brows furrowed and grin tight. You smiled and called out to him, giving a reassuring wave.
“Thank you Alastor! I’ll be back before you know it!!”
The deer demon said nothing in return, simply giving you a single nod. His expression made you worry for a moment, inner fears pricking your mind. Was this really a good idea? But you thought back to everything Alastor had ever done for you. The laughter and thrill he brought into your previously dull afterlife. Your grip on his staff tightened; you knew you would be safe. Just holding the microphone was enough to make you feel more confident. You wouldn’t be alone; a piece of him was here with you.
Everything would be ok. 
Before you could think about it any further, you turned on your heel and ran, disappearing into the crowd and venturing off on your own.
**For all my fast foods working peeps, this is not at all a dig on you. Y'all are the real ones, we stan' the fast foodies out there! ( ◡̀_◡́)ᕤ I used to be one myself, and trust me, anyone who's worked in that kitchen knows how gross it feels to be sweaty, stinky, and feeling all the oil sticking to your clothes and skin. It's not fun nor pretty (* ̄∇ ̄)
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My beautiful does and bucks: @saccharine-nectarine ((Only one for now LMFAO but lemme know if you wanna join the tag list for updates!! ꨄ ))
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