#I think it shouldn’t be frowned upon for people to ship two female or male characters together even if they are canonically just friends
kiwisandpearls · 1 month
the statements “platonic relationships should not be undervalued” and “it’s ok to ship wlw ships and mlm ships even if the characters involved have no canonical romantic interest in each other” are not mutual exclusive.
#talk away ⌞🍵🍋 ⌝#I’m aroace let me tell you#I absolutely agree and wish people would put more emphasis on platonic relationships#and I wish people would stop downplaying them#platonic relationships can be just as if not more important than romantic ones#at the same time tho#I think it shouldn’t be frowned upon for people to ship two female or male characters together even if they are canonically just friends#yes the statements “there’s no heterosexual explanation for this” when two characters who have a platonic relationship#are being intimate is very annoying when you look at it through the view of#amatonormativity#trust me again I know how annoying those types of statements are#and while a lot of people rightfully criticize it for that#I’ve noticed a lot of times people more seem to criticize that type of thinking#not because it an amatonormative way to view those relationships#but because (whether consciously or not) they’re putting down certain shippers for shipping wlw or mlm ships#that they see as just being friends therefore everyone should see them as friends#and if you don’t your wrong and are shoving them into a relationship that isn’t canon#I think I kinda lost my roll saying that but that’s the best way I can put…nicely at least lol#mlm ships#wlw ships#fandom discussion#kinda?#shipping#queer ships#queer#lgbtqia#I got inspired to make this post via discussion about farcille (dungeon meshi) that I’ve seen more specifically on YouTube#romantic relationships#platonic relationships
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creepling · 3 years
the shape of you - (smut)
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pairing: din djarin x fem!reader
word count: 5.1K
summary: the mandalorian saves an intergalatic sex worker from a prison ship and brings her on board the razor crest. tensions begin to rise between the two as one night goes in a direction the other did not expect.
rating: EXPLICIT (minors dni) -- mentions of sex work/slavery, sexual dancing, oral (male receiving), masturbation (female receiving), doggystyle, begging, rough sex, breeding kink??, cursing.
a/n: this is my first time not writing in first person for a fanfic so sorry if it’s hard to read at some points!!
alternative link: ao3.
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Ever since you were saved by The Mandalorian from the prison ship, for reasons that are still unknown to you, a sense of relief and freedom coursed through your body. If only The Mandalorian knew about your fate, he may sympathize with you more. All throughout your life, ever since your adolescence have you been bought and sold by many throughout the galaxy, either for entertainment or pleasure. If the authorities had not raided the trading ship you were on board upon you were to be in the hands of Jabba The Hutt; a grotesque-looking crime lord you were certainly relieved to be rid from. But alas, luck then comes with its flaws and instead you were trapped in a cell in the nowhere realms of the galaxy -- beginning to wonder if your body would wither away and die in the cell for years to come.
You had never set eyes on a Mandalorian until that day, not even as a client. You thought them more mythical than their opposing Jedi Knights. The shine of his helmet and his strong arms whisking you to safety brought a sense of optimism into your world view. It made you realise that there are some good people in the galaxy. And once you were on board his ship and encountered The Child, the sight of something so precious gave you a nurturing urge. The Mandolorian’s protectiveness over The Child was so rare to you. It made you yearn for his protectiveness, for a man like him to defend you at every corner. It made you want to be noticed.
Once arriving to a planet, The Mandalorian promised to bring back supplies, one of them included fresh clothes to replace the revealing garments you wore. You asked if the lack of fabric was distracting, showing your natural alluring nature. To which The Mandalorian replied with a bluntly logical answer, saying the clothes will not be suitable for travelling. As much as you agreed, you wished that he loosened up with you a bit more, beginning to wonder if The Mandalorian was even finding your company pleasant.
That night he returned with a sack-full of supplies. He arranged supper for the night, feeding The Child first before it grew too tired to eat, shortly after putting it to bed in its shut-off container within the ship. You had requested The Mandalorian some spotchka if he could find any, to which you looked through the sack to see an untouched bottle full of the glowing blue liquid. A smile came to your face and you immediately poured two glasses of the liquid. When the Mandalorian entered the room, you held his glass with an outreached hand, beckoning him to drink it. Then you said some words:
“I wanted to make a toast, in celebration! To thank you for saving my life yesterday. I would have gone out and gotten the beverage myself, if you hadn’t forbidden me to leave the ship.” You said, a sweet smile creeping onto your face, feeling a little bashful as you stood in front of his towering figure.
“That’s very thoughtful of you.” He said, his helmet tilting down as he glanced at the drink in his hand. “But I shouldn’t drink on the job.”
“I only ask for one drink, Mando. Just for tonight. I’ll look away when you take sips of it.” You promised, hoping he will feel more at ease with that statement.
He gave a low hum in agreement, bringing a smile to your face. You wished you could see his smile, see his face. See how he reacts to your presence. You clinked your glass against his and immediately turned around, taking a sip of your drink. Your inner voice urged you to turn, to take a glance at his complexion. Yet, another voice also commented on how the mystery of his identity fills you with arousal. You shook the feelings burning inside and whisked the rest of the blue liquid down your throat, gasping in quenched thirst. You hesitated before turning, “Can I turn around now?
“Oh um- Yes. Thank you.” He assured. Oh my, he was so polite. Possibly the only gentlemen you have encountered with such manners. You turned around, pouring yourself another glass of spotchka to go with your supper. To save Mando some rest you prepared the food and served him by a small table in the corner of the ship’s small room, taking a seat next to him.
Once you cleared up for supper, The Mandalorian willingly sat with you for a few more minutes. He seemed to be curious about you, asking questions that you were obliged to answer, if you wanted him to trust you. You wanted to reassure him that you were not a threat.
“How did you end up in the prison ship?” The Mandalorian asked, trying not to allude to your clothes giving away that information.
“I have been a slave ever since I was an adolescence. When I came of age, I began to do dancing and sexual service for whoever bought me. I was on a trading ship to Tatooine when the New Republic raided and took prisoners. I lost count of the days, but I was roughly in there for over a month.” Telling your story felt hesitant. You wondered how he would take to you being a sex slave, as a lot of people frown upon it. You wondered if he was disgusted or sympathetic, it was hard to tell his reaction with his helmet on.
“Why did you save me? I am internally grateful, of course. But what made you do it? You seemed to be in a rush to escape.” You asked, your eyebrows furrowing in question.
“I have seen many women like you.” The Mandalorian said, “I have done bounties for crime lords who keep their own sex slaves. As much as I needed the credits, it always pained me to leave with those women trapped with that life forever. I recognised your clothes; it was the ones they wore too. I thought, if I save someone like you once in my life, I would feel less guilty.”
His words moved you. It is very rare to see someone talk to you as a human. Many treated you and other sex slaves like objects, like droids without feeling. They did not care what you liked or adored, they only cared about their gain. The work has taken an emotional toll on you as much as it was hard to admit. Every day you wished you could be free, live in a home on a peaceful planet, fall in love, raise a family. That is not hard to ask for, is it?
“Well, you have made one more slave happy.” You said, reaching your hand to place it on top of his. He stared into your eyes, entranced for a moment, before nodding his helmet and giving your hand a gentle squeeze before retrieving it back onto his lap. After a few seconds of content silence, admiring him for a moment, you spoke up.
“Want to see some of my dancing?” You said, trying to lighten up the mood. “Don’t worry! I won’t touch you or anything!”
“I um- I dunno . . .” Hesitation dominated his voice, the first time you detected emotion from him. He leaned back on his chair and rubbed the back of his clothed neck.
“Honestly, it’s not as raunchy as you think it would be. I know how to be graceful when I need to be.” You said with a hint of light-heartedness. Once your words convinced him, he let out a low sigh and nodded his head.
“Go on then. Show me what you’ve got.”
A smile erupted on your face and you rose to your feet, positioning yourself from a comfortable distance in front of Mando. You raised your delicate arms outward to begin your routine. A routine that you have memorized for years, one that showcases your grace and beauty for audiences. Counting mentally in your head, you begin to move your arms softly either side of you. Your hips began to sway, your head held high to show your face. You moved your feet to slowly turn around, showing all the lines and bends of your body. The fabric of your dress swayed with the motions and complimented your skin. You stepped from side to side, giving graceful twirls, lifting your leg in a cursive shape like a ballerina. Your arms still moved like a dignified snake, going from up other your head to around your waist and along the small of your back. A content smile lay upon your face and your eyes peaked towards The Mandalorian through your winking eyelashes; a habit you took up to intrigue watchers and make them bashful. Even without music, you fell into your element and became lost in your movements. When being a slave is a horrible life to live, the dancing made you have a passion.
The Mandalorian could not take his eyes off you. He sat content at first, until your movements made him shift in his chair as he watched how your body moved with such beauty. Under his helmet, he bit the inside of his cheek. Yet, his eyes stayed traced on you, knowing you would have no idea where his eyes lay from the blockage of his helmet. He could not stop the thoughts that flowed through his mind, thoughts relating to your body. How you were posed so perfectly from the core of your body to the ends of your fingertips. You never slouched or tripped over your feet; every movement was without failure. And your hips, God, he could not take his eyes off your hips. And when you would turn and expose your backside; your rich-colour underwear cloaked under the sheer fabric of your dress revealing your smooth skin. The deeper he got into his thoughts, the more he became out of tune with his surroundings. And when you stopped dancing, his eyes were still fixated on you.
“Sorry if that wasn’t the best, I’ve did better before.” You humbly said, oblivious to the state you have put The Mandalorian under. Your voice knocked him out of his trance and out of shock, he shot up from his seat so quickly it startled you. His armour clanked against the table clumsily and his body grew stiff to keep himself steady. The bewilderment in your eyes lingered as you observed his tall body towering over you. You looked so petite next to his stature.
“Mando- Is everything okay?” You asked, a shiver running down your spine as your eyes trailed down his body. Only now did you realise how tense he was, noticing the fabric of his uniform clenching to his toned body. You could see how strong his arms were, your eyes darting from either side. If only you could just reach out and touch them, fall into his embrace. Your legs grew weak at the thought of being so close to him. Yearning for the proximity between you to come to a close.
The Mandalorian feared to move, until a sensation ran through his body like moments before. His face grew worrisome under his disguise and he slowly looked down. That is when he noticed the tent formed between his groins. A rush of fluster grew on his face and down his neck.
“I-I’m uh- I’m going to bed.” He called, rushing towards the door of his small chambers, leaving you dumbfounded by the dining area. His sudden goodbyes made you frown, and your head turned abruptly towards his door, only capturing the wisp of his cloak and the door closing shut. Suddenly a wave of anxiety flew over you, convinced that you offended him. As you were desperate to state an apology, still naive to his situation, you marched towards his chamber door.
The Mandalorian marched in panic up and down his small chamber. A situation like this has never happened in a long time, at least not in front of another individual. He unbuttoned his trouser bottoms in a panic, peaking the front of his boxers down to make sure the worst never happened. As he did so, he released his hardened cock as it popped out the removed fabric. Witnessing his erection made him sigh in frustration. He prayed that you would go off to your bunk and call it a night so he could deal with the matter. However, as you appeared in his mind once more, his erection pulsed and twitched and Mando let out a low moan from his lips.
“Mando- please open the door. I’m sorry if I offended you, it wasn’t my intention.” You called, loud enough in hopes he could hear your voice. You knocked gently on the door, getting a clank of metal in response. As the silence deafened you and left you impatient, you looked to the control panel and pressed all the buttons in hopes one opened the door. Once the metal door came flying open, you were greeted with The Mandalorian once more but in a position, you thought you would never see him in.
He stood there with his head flung back and his gloved hands stroking his member. Once he heard the door open, he flinched and attempted to hide his erection. It was already too late; you had seen what you needed to see. Your mouth lay gaped in shock, your hands grew tense beside you and a wave of embarrassment engulfed you. Mando began shaking his head, backing himself up against the wall, his massive, gloved hands guarding your eyes from his exposure.
“I’m sorry- I’m so sorry-” Mando kept repeating. “Why did you open the door? Why didn’t you knock?”
“I did knock!” You exclaimed, “I wouldn’t have opened the door if I knew you were doing that!”
“Okay, okay. I am really really sorry. Let’s just pretend this never happened!” Mando said, looking anywhere in the room that was not you. As your breath became heavy, the sight of The Mandalorian became your focus. He looked so vulnerable in that moment, seeing him in an act so sexual caused a wave of arousal upon you. You wondered; did I do that? Was your dancing so mesmerising to him that it excited him to this point? Is this why he left the room? My stars, you felt guilty for being so turned on in this moment.
Your feet began to take steps and approach him, your movement making him tense once more. He beckoned you to not get away closer, but you could not hear his words. You were drawn to his arms again, the ones that looked so defined-- even under his clothes. This time, you had the courage to touch them.
The Mandalorian fell short at protesting against you. He observed your small, soft hands gliding against his arms. Your touch bewitched him, making him bite his lip to contain noises of pleasure. Your eyes drew up to his gaze, his helmet blocking the intimacy. He was so mysterious, the thought of whatever facial features being under that helmet creating a sense of sensual excitement within. As your eyes left his gaze and looked downward to his hardened cock, you felt the burning sensation muster in between your legs.
“Won’t you need help with that?” You asked, the glint in your eyes growing promiscuous as you looked back up into his gaze. The Mandalorian was shocked, even if you were probably an expert in all things sexual matter. As much as he tried to protest his thoughts, he could not help making an image within his head of your lips wrapped around his cock. 
“Are you sure that is a good idea?” He asked, a hint of taunting in his voice. A smirk came upon your face and you shrugged your shoulders, your hands trailing up his arms, across his shoulders and slowly down his chest.
“I’m willing to do it if you want me to.” You beckoned. Not only were you willing, but you were also begging. The dirty thoughts running through your mind became fuel for your desire. Imagining his large cock pressed into your mouth, blocking your throat; his fingers entangled in your hair. As the Mandalorian gazed down at you, he gave a sign of approval by nodding his head timidly.
Instinct caved in and you began lowering yourself to your knees, your hands trailing down his abdomen. Slowly, Mando shifted his hands away from his cock, the release of pressure causing his member to spring up once more. Your eyes fixated on his length, gulping back excess saliva as you wondered if you could take his length without feeling any pain. You bit your bottom lip in thought, looking up towards Mando for reassurance. You observed him slipping off his gloves to reveal the skin of his hands. His olive-skinned tone becoming the first exposure to you. His fingers crawled under your chin, cusping your face, admiring the position you were in. Stars, you were so beautiful.
Your fingers curved over his cock, your sudden touch letting a shuddered moan escape The Mandolorian’s mouth. His free hand pressed against the wall to keep himself balanced, the other one continuing to cradle your face as your hand began to move up and down his cock, peeling back the foreskin to reveal the tip of his cock lubbed with precum. You caught the precum that fell underneath with your tongue and entered the head of his cock into your mouth, wanting every ounce of his seed in your mouth. The Mandalorian let out a ragged moan, the feeling of your warm saturated mouth upon his member sending shoots of fulfilment up his body. His strong hand motioned along your jawline and his fingers combed through your hair, resting at the nip of your neck. You began to close your eyes in satisfaction and slowly easing his cock into your mouth, every inch deeper causing him to tighten his grip on your hair. As you opened your eyes The Mandalorian could not help but notice the lust in your eyes, your stare becoming vacant. Your left hand guided itself upwards to his abdomen as the other had a grasp on his thigh, your fingers massaging into the fabric of his clothes. The softness of your touch soothed The Mandalorian into submission, his hips slowly bucking towards your face as he longed for the feeling of your warm tongue running along his shaft. Feeling his desire, you closed your eyes once more to indulge more into his length, cockwarming him as your nose reached near his lower stomach and stayed in place. A gasp left Mando’s mouth, his other hand reaching towards your face as he gained more grip of you, holding your head in place to have his cock bathe more into your warmth. When he heard a light choke conjure up your throat, he quickly released his cock from your mouth to give you access to air. The sudden release made him look down to admire your face, clocking the string of spit connecting the tip of his cock to your bottom lip. My stars, that image was now burned into his mind and sending his instincts into overdrive.
“What name should I moan while you pleasure me, Mandalorian?” You asked, your voice airy and deep with lust. You motion your hand to his cock once more and pleasured him. The Mandalorian hesitated, still drunk with your touch, his mind becoming cloudy and unresponsive.
“Din -- my name is Din.” He managed to conjure up. This new information was so subtle, but you cherished it. Having his name roll off your tongue while feeling extreme waves of pleasure, the thought of it gave nurture to your pulsing heat.
“Nice to meet you -- Din.” You hummed. Vocalizing his name made his breaths much heavier, the sound of your soft tones interwoven into his name giving him even more ideas of what he could do to you. As primitive instincts commenced, you suddenly felt his strong arm wrap around your waist and lift you off your knees. He held you at such a great height that you were able to wrap your legs around him, your arms clasping around his neck for support. Din suddenly pressed you against the wall and held you in place, his hands grasping onto the back of your thighs. He now had the high ground, lifting you as if you were as light as a feather. The tip of his cock was perfectly aligned at your entrance, feeling the friction between you as he grinded his hips towards you. Your skimpy underwear was soaked with arousal. In all your years of sex work have you never been as titillated as you were now. No credits in all the galaxy could satisfy you as this moment did. Your legs wrapped tighter around Din as you beckoned his body closer to yours, your hips grinding against him -- begging for his cock. You noticed Din’s fingers inching closer to your heat, his fingers shifting your underwear to one side and exposing your swollen clit and dripping walls. Then, his fingers nudged at your entrance. His sudden cold touch made you gasp for air and cling tighter to him, your head pressing back onto the wall. Din rested his bulky helmet onto your shoulder as he motioned his fingers towards your clit, drawing light circles around. The stimulated sensation shot up your stomach, your legs lightly quivering. The tip of his cock still poked at your entrance in a teasing manner, and you could not help but grind against Din’s touch.
“Oh my God . . . Din.” The sound of you gasping his name sent tingles down his back, encouraging his fingers to put more pressure onto your sensitive clit, his moves hitting all the right spots. The sensation began building within you, convincing you were near your climax. “Don’t stop, don’t stop.” Your words encouraged, sending Din’s actions into overdrive as he pinned you closer to the wall and his body. His rhythm picked up pace and low grunts escaped his mouth. As he your legs secured around him, he let his free hand grasp onto your breast. His touch stimulated you further, a giggle leaving your lips at the sheer pleasure.
Suddenly your climax began, and an uncontrollable moan escaped from you, your legs turning to mush as you clung onto his body. Din admired your reaction, seeing your eyes turn vacant, his fingers roaming your vulva before taking his hands to hold your delicate thighs, sensing you grow weak from overstimulation. Your eyes trailed across him, leaning your forehead on the cold shine of his Baskar helmet. A subtle smirk drew across Din’s face as he exalted your complexion, noticing an ardour glow come upon your face. 
It did not end there. At this point, Din felt edged on. Basking in your presence, he also bucked his hips closer to you. One hand clasped your warm cheek softly, a sense of gentleness soothing you into submission. You could sense his eyes staring at yours and at the intimacy, you had a sudden urge to kiss him. However, you knew there was no type of charming in the galaxy that would convince him to remove it. Until you got an idea.
“If I promise to close my eyes, will you kiss me?” You asked through heavy breaths, your fingers resting either side of his neck. Din thought of your offer, hesitating for a while. No living being should be able to see his face, not even in the heat of desire. Yet, if you close your eyes like promised, his oath would technically not be broken. Even if he just lifted the helmet up a little bit . . .
“You promise?” Din asked, grasping onto both your hands, interlinking his fingers into yours. You vigorously nodded your head, a smile on your face.
“I swear by all the stars in the galaxy.” You promised, pressing a little kiss on the tips of his fingers. You began to close your eyes shut, giving Din the clear to proceed and guide you to his lips.
Din slowly raised his helmet to expose his lips, guiding your legs to fall to the ground. Your feet landed on the floor, hands grasping his shoulders for stability. You never opened your eyes, keeping your word. Din slowly leaned down, pressing his lips against yours. The surprise to his touch inched you closer into him, deepening the kiss. Hesitantly, your fingers reached up to the nip of his neck and played with his hair. Din stiffed up, but softened just was quickly, tasting the flavour of his cock in your mouth. He grabbed your ass and you moaned into his lips. Your hands then reached back down his cock, stroking his member that was still hard as before. A growl left Din’s mouth, vibrating against your lips and he leaned off the kiss. Quickly dropping his helmet back into place, he lifted you back into his arms. The sudden movement made you flash open your eyes, noticing the helmet back on and Din carrying you to his bed. 
As the bunker bed was too small for the both of you, Din took your hands and placed them on the bar between the two bunk beds. Keeping you in place, he began to expose your backside by rapidly pulling off your dress and underwear. Din’s sudden dominant actions formed a flutter in your mind, putting your thoughts into what was to come. My Stars, you wanted him to fuck you hard. So hard that it knocks all common sense out of your brain. The sudden fleeting shift of how he handled you said so.
That is when he began to enter your cunt, stretching your walls as they tightly pressed back against his cock. The feeling of him filled you up instantly, a light whimper fleeing your mouth as you handled his length. Din had a similar reaction, his grip tightening on your waist as he felt drowned by the feeling of your insides. The tightness of your cunt encouraged him to get into motion, pumping his cock out and back inside.
“Din -- fuck me.” You breathed out, your grip tightening around the bars. You prompted one leg up onto the edge of the bed, so he had more gateway into you, which aided his full length to fill your pussy. Din leaned forward, pressing his stomach into your lower back so the entirety of his cock was inside you. In measurement, you knew that once he started moving, he was big enough to hit your g-spot without a doubt. Excitement engulfed your senses, and you began to beckon him.
“Fuck me, Din -- fuck me hard.” You granted permission. His name mixed into your vulgar language made him flustered from arousal but smirk mischievously.
“You don’t have to tell me twice.” He groaned into your ear. And with that, Din did not hesitate to begin fucking you. Just like you wanted it, hard. His unrefined thrusts in and out of you sent your thoughts into hyperdrive. Your vision unfocused, basking in the pleasure. Just like you anticipated, the tip of Din’s cock knocked your G-spot with every thrust. Din watched as your ass jiggled from the friction, encouraging his hand to fall and smack against your backside. You gasped at the pinch of pleasure, biting your lip hard to contain yourself from screaming. Din detected your muffled sounds and was displeased. He wanted to hear you from for him. Beg for more. Say his name and plead for more pleasure. So, his hand gripped the front of your neck and seized you back, pressing your body against his. His thrust never stopping.
“Fucking beg for it.” Din demanded, “Tell me how much you want this.” He did not know what came over him in this moment, and you did not either. But you would be lying if you said you did not like this side of him.
“I- I want this so bad, Din. I need you to fuck me like this.” You choked up, feeling intoxicated as his grip around your neck lightly tightened.
“You want me to fill you with my cum, huh? Or should I cum all over your pretty little face?” Din taunted, another hand crashing down against your ass cheek which made you whimper again.
“Oh God -- come inside me. Please.” You begged, tears collecting in the corners of your eyes as all your feelings conjoined into one overall feeling of complete smut. Your mind felt like a mess, like you could pass out from enjoyment. Never in all your life of service have you felt so much pleasure.
When Din’s primitive instincts deemed you pleads redeemable, his thrusts became faster as he felt his climax coming. The sound of his skins slapping against yours became a dominant sound in the room. He still held your body close to his, his hands roaming over your body, gripping your breasts, smacking your ass, wrapping his fingers around the small of your waist. God, the way he held you was stimulating enough, every touch completely possessive of your body. Din was engrossed in the shape of you, how every inch of your body fit perfectly against him. How tight your walls clenched around his cock, enchanting him to fuck you harder with each thrust.
“I’m gonna come.” Din exclaimed, “I’m gonna cum in your pretty little cunt. Got it?”
His words excited you. “Yes -- please fill me with your cum. Please, please, please.”
Din could not hold it any longer. When he felt his release, he held your hips in place and deepened his cock into you, letting your slit cockwarm him until his climax came to a close. His body collapsed onto yours, causing him to shift your body on top and sit on the edge of the bunk, placing you gently on his lap. You rested your exhausted head on his shoulder, a smile of approval appearing on your face. Din wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you into a gentle embrace.
“Um -- Sorry I was so rough. I dunno what came over me.” Din apologised, his tone a little bashful.
“Don’t apologise. I’m sorry I enjoyed it so much.” You teasingly said, reaching your hand under his helmet to cusp his scruffy jawline. Din leaned into your touch, pressing a small kiss on your thumb.
“Now’s a good time for you to change into those clothes, huh?” Din light-heartedly said, causing you to chuckle and playfully nudge his side.
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Sexist Tropes in “Game of Thrones”
Missing Mom Trope / Death by Childbirth Trope
Missing Moms are considered more unusual than missing fathers, and they are more likely to have their absence explicitly explained (usually with death). Death by Childbirth is very often the cause of a Missing Mom, as not only does it get the mother out of the way whilst keeping her sympathetic but it adds an extra touch of tragedy to the protagonist's life
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Lyanna Stark (Aisling Franciosi): Jon Snow’s mother
Rhaella Targaryen: Viserys and Daenerys’ mother
Joanna Lannister: Cersei, Jaime and Tyrion’s mother
Straw Matriarchy (Powerful Women are Evil) Trope
Women are shown to be fundamentally incapable of governing or utterly evil and castrating in their power-wielding
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Cersei Lannister (Lena Headey): Queen Regent; Queen of the Andals, the Rhoynar and the First Men and Protector of the Seven Kingdoms
Lysa Arryn (Kate Dickie): Lady of the Vale
Ellaria Sand (Indira Varma): Prince Oberyn’s paramour
Olenna Tyrell (Diana Rigg): did whatever was necessary (including murder) for her family to remain in power
Daenerys Targaryen (Emilia Clarke): Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea; Queen of Meereen; Queen of the Andals, the Rhoynar and the First Men and Protector of the Seven Kingdoms and Lady of Dragonstone
Hysterical woman Trope
Women as less rational, disciplined, and emotionally stable than men, and thus more prone to mood swings, irrational overreactions, and mental illness
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Lysa Arryn (Kate Dickie)
Myranda (Charlotte Hope)
Selyse Baratheon (Tara Fitzgerald)
Daenerys Targaryen (Emilia Clarke)
Women Who Enjoy Sex are Evil Trope
Sex is regarded as fraught and dangerous
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Doreah (Roxanne McKee): murdered Irri and helped Xaro Xhoan Daxos stealing Daenerys’ dragons
Cersei Lannister (Lena Headey): murdered every enemy she could get her hands on to remain in power
Shae (Sibel Kekilli): betrayed Tyrion Lannister by blaming him for Joffrey’s murder
Ellaria Sand (Indira Varma): murders Myrcella Baratheon and Doran Martell
Lysa Arryn (Kate Dickie): murdered her husband, Jon Arryn; lied to her sister, Catelyn, blaming the Lannisters for Jon’s death; tried to kill Sansa Stark out of jealousy
Myranda (Charlotte Hope): helped Ramsay Snow in his torture games; tormented and tried to kill Sansa Stark
Tyene Sand (Rosabell Laurenti Sellers): alongside with her sisters, Nymeria and Obara, helped her mother, Ellaria, betraying House Martell
Daenerys Targaryen (Emilia Clarke): burns down King’s Landing
I Was Quite a Looker Trope
You all know them. That kindly old lady who lives down the street. The tiny, wrinkly, owner of the local dojo. The aged, fading seductress. Wrinkled, aged, musty... but they weren't always that way. Once upon a time they were attractive, very attractive.
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Olenna Tyrell (Diana Rigg)
Disposable Woman Trope
This character has a familial or romantic relationship with a protagonist, which allows creators to derive heart-wrenching sorrow from her death.
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Talisa Stark (Oona Chaplin): provided a minute of Man Pain to the protagonist Robb Stark before his murder by Roose Bolton
Ygritte (Rose Leslie): provided Man Pain to the protagonist Jon Snow
Shae (Sibel Kekilli): provided Man Pain to the protagonist Tyrion Lannister
Daenerys Targaryen (Emilia Clarke): provided Man Pain to the protagonist Jon Snow
Disposable Sex Worker Trope
The prostitutes are killed because they know something they shouldn't, or a villain thinks they do.
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Ros (Esmé Bianco): Petyr Baelish gifts her to Joffrey Baratheon to torture and kill because she’s been working for Varys
Woman Scorned Trope
What’s the only type of woman more dangerous than a Mama Bear? A woman who’s been dumped, cheated on, or otherwise done wrong by her significant other. Especially if she’s been hiding some sanity problems,
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Lysa Arryn (Kate Dickie): tried to kill Sansa Stark out of jealousy
Ygritte (Rose Leslie): go on a murdering spree after being betrayed and abandoned by Jon Snow
Shae (Sibel Kekilli): testifies against Tyrion Lannister in his trial for Joffrey’s murder for believing he didn’t care for her and was shipping her off
Myranda (Charlotte Hope): tried to kill Sansa Stark out of jealousy
Daenerys Targaryen (Emilia Clarke): slaughters every men, women and child in King’s Landing after being rejected by Jon Snow
The Glorious War of Sisterly Rivalry Trope / Sibling Rivalry Trope
There are two sisters, close enough in age to have a relatively equal relationship, but light years apart in personality.
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Catelyn Stark (Michelle Fairley) vs. Lysa Arryn (Kate Dickie)
Sansa Stark (Sophie Turner) vs. Arya Stark (Maisie Williams)
Tomboy and Girly Girl Trope
The "Girly Girl" will highly care about her appearance, pursue "girly" interests, and is often (though not always) The Chick. The Tomboy will be into sports, mechanics, or the like. The two ladies will have some sort of relationship with each other, whether they're best friends, sisters, on the same team
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Sansa Stark (Sophie Turner) vs. Arya Stark (Maisie Williams)
Mama Bear Trope /  Motherhood Is Superior Trope
Like many other mammals depicted throughout history as predators, bears are actually passive animals, and won't attack humans unless provoked. Despite this, if you even think about getting between a mother bear and her cub she'll tear straight through you. Threaten her children, and you are in for a world of hurt.
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Catelyn Stark (Michelle Fairley)
Cersei Lannister (Lena Headey)
No Guy Wants an Amazon Trope
All Guys Want Cheerleaders, but no guy wants a girl who can beat him up.
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Brienne of Tarth (Gwendoline Christie) is unceremoniously dumped by Jaime Lannister because he wants to return to his traditional feminine ex-lover, Cersei
Female Misogynist Trope / Not Like Other Girls Trope
Considers other girls to be inferior- not like her. People will remind her that she's a girl herself, but she will deny it - or consider herself an "honorary dude" or claim she's "not like the other girls" (i.e. she's ''better'' than the other girls, in her mind).
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Cersei Lannister (Lena Headey): I should have been born a man. I’d rather face a thousand swords than be shut up inside with this flock of frightened hens
Arya Stark (Maisie Williams): Most girls are idiots.
Fiery Redhead Trope
A Fiery Redhead is a red-haired character who is strong, Hot-Blooded, outgoing, usually outspoken, and (if a love interest) often female. She has a big personality and she's not afraid to use it. Whatever you do, don't get on her bad side, or there will be hell to pay.
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Ros (Esmé Bianco)
Melisandre (Carice van Houten)
Ygritte (Rose Leslie)
Sleeping Their Way to the Top Trope
There are many ways to rise to the top, some more pragmatic than others. Some people decide to use their charms and sex appeal to boost their career. It's usually frowned upon by other characters, and may have certain downsides to it, but for some it proves to be the key to their success.
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Margaery Tyrell (Natalie Dormer)
Real Women Don't Wear Dresses Trope
A woman is shown as weak, incompetent, and ineffectual unless she dresses and behaves in a masculine manner, or is otherwise applauded for being "not like other girls."
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Arya Stark (Maisie Williams)
Brienne of Tarth (Gwendoline Christie)
Ygritte (Rose Leslie)
Yara Greyjoy (Gemma Whelan)
Nymeria Sand (Jessica Henwick), Obara Sand (Keisha Castle-Hughes) and Tyene Sand (Rosabell Laurenti Sellers)
Madonna–Whore Complex Trope
A pattern of thought that divides female-humanity into two mutually exclusive categories: Madonnas and Whores. The virtuous Madonna figure, possessing and protecting social virtue is an object of worship and everything that all females should aspire to be. However, sex is not part of this. The Whore, always with massive sex appeal, catering to the male gaze, is often evil and scheming
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“The Whore” Cersei Lannister (Lena Headey) vs. “Madonna” Sansa Stark (Sophie Turner)
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“The Whore” Margaery Tyrell (Natalie Dormer) vs. “Madonna” Sansa Stark (Sophie Turner)
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“The Whore” Daenerys Targaryen (Emilia Clarke) vs. “Madonna” Sansa Stark (Sophie Turner)
Sour Prudes Trope
Accusing other women (or sometimes men) of being "skanks", "sluts", "cheap" and whatnot.
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Lysa Arryn (Kate Dickie) vs. Sansa Stark (Sophie Turner): Lysa falsely accuses her niece, Sansa, of sleeping with Petyr Baelish
Sansa Stark (Sophie Turner) vs. Daenerys Targaryen (Emilia Clarke): Sansa implies Daenerys is (sexually) manipulating her brother, Jon Snow
God Save Us from the Queen! Trope
While kings and princes can be good or evil, and nice or mean, and princesses are (almost) always good, queens tend to be the royalty version of Always Chaotic Evil. Once a queen is in charge, things get nasty.
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Cersei Lannister (Lena Headey)
Daenerys Targaryen (Emilia Clarke)
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curiousobjecthead · 4 years
Sexism and double standards, and canon expectations
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i know i know, today’s topic was more about shipping, wasn’t it ? and like this it doesn’t really sound like it has anything to do with it, right ?
well !!! we’ll see about that !
for everyone that follows me, y’all know that i am The OC advocate. what is up with nox again ? oh, you know, complaining about how ocs are treated in the community. this time, however, we’re gonna spice things up a lil’ bit.
we spoke about female characters a while ago ! about female ocs, and how they’re perceived. or about shipping with ocs, at all ! and while we can all agree that this situation sucks a whole lot, right ?
HOWEVER !!! We did NOT speak about canon characters !
because that’s right, they’re also here, and they are also facing struggles !  but what kind of struggles, nox, i hear you scream. well that’s simple.
welcome, to this long post, that you can totally reblog if you want to.
don’t tell me you don’t have those. everybody has those ! it goes from shipping, to how a character should be portrayed, it’s out there, everywhere, and more characters than others suffer from it. in fact, a while ago, this post from @champizard​ roamed around ( hey jay B) ), and i am linking it here because it proves one of my points.
► when you roleplay a canon character, there are SHIPPING EXPECTATIONS.
leon and sonya, leon and raihan, raihan and piers, nessa and sonya, nessa and milo, and oh, here it is, the examples i hate the most, but guzma and lusamine and maxie and archie.
note that i am not here to bash on any ship. we all got different tastes. this a community ! but we got a point where we gotta draw the line.
the problem here, is that someone, let us say, someone that roleplays a nessa (which is an example i’m gonna use A Lot on this post), who do you think is going to try to ship with them? the answer is: milos, and sonyas, mainly. because that is what the fandom wants. because those ships are the ones the fandom cheriches. because that is what you see the most in the fandom, because those are popular ships, and because THIS is what the fandom EXPECTS.
once again, don’t get me wrong. ship what you ship, and have fun as a duo. what matters is that this is all consensual, talked about, y’know, something both parties feel hella comfortable with.
emphasis on consensual and comfortable.
i’ve had friends leave fandoms because they were forced a ship upon, and not only by roleplayers that played the other side of the ship, but by the community itself. had friends not knowing how to feel exactly, because they had these waves of characters, ALL THE SAMES, comin’ at them like hurricanes, all for one thing, and them not shipping that, or simply not being that much into shipping.
canons are expected to be shipping outlets, and if for ocs, that is seen as a bad thing, for canons, you bet your ass it is positive. and especially if it is a popular character. we’ve had the guzmas, now it’s the leons, i feel, y’know?
so now that we talked about that, let’s tackle the other two subjects, yeah ? starting with good ol’ sexism.
we talked about female ocs. we talked about how they’re treated. about how female ocs are frowned upon, more than male ocs. about how they are seen as objects, shipping outlets, little accessories that nobody really wants. you got a female oc? and she’s nice, and good-looking, and strong? she’s likeable? ah, you must be here for the shipping, you disgusting bag of dicks! and she’s absolutely a mary sue, you absolutely do not know how to write a character !
and this example right there not only happened to me and many others, but also totally killed my muse for a very long while, and i still feel sometimes self-conscious about logging on that blog. y’all see what happens to creativity when you say shit like that ? 
i am talking about female characters that are so oversexualised by the fandom, the character now depicted by a roleplayer is seen as what the fandom sees it: a meat market.
the unwanted ‘step on me queen’, the ‘you’re fine, girl’, the forced shipping, the unwanted sexism, the expectation of NSFW.
and i’m gonna drop here, once again, the nessa case: nessa, a beautiful woman, nessa, a strong character, nessa, beautiful nessa, who’s likeable also, is loved by the fandom, and here’s the double standards.
and here’s everyone wanting to ship with her.
oversexualisation of a character is not something seen with canon characters only -- a friend of mine, @exspiravited​, got the same kind of trouble with Gira, their giratina gijinka oc, and here is the post.
sexism and oversexualisation in the community isn’t something uncommon, and something that, frankly? nobody fucking talks about. yet it is there, it is well alive, and the community eats it without noticing. the community feeds on it, the same community that looks down upon some kind of characters and how they are depicted, does the exact fuckin’ same. yeah i see you. i see you sending weird anons, weird, disgusting anons, or forcing ships on someone else when you’re not even roleplaying a character of that ship.
if someone wants to be thisrty on their blog? they can do it themselves. they don’t need outside, unwanted help. they’re doing just fine, don’t worry.
so yeah, that’s done ! hey, double standards ! let’s talk about that !
this one is gonna be more about ocs, that we all know and i love, because once again, i saw some shit.
y’all know dosh’te. you know, the character on this blog? y’all know it wasn’t easy. people would often tell me that an objecthead shouldn’t be in the pokémon universe, that it’s weird, that it shouldn’t be there.
same people absolutely adore ball guy.
you can understand the euphoria, and sadness, and anger i felt, once i noticed all that.
an oc will never be, can never be, and will never be accepted like a canon character is.
this is the double standard, that we already tackled before. y’know, with female characters and all? and shipping? ocs are always getting the scrapes.
don’t get me wrong - i get it ! sometimes i also frown slightly at an oc bio, but then i realize, why the fuck should i? this canon character does this, right? and then it hit me -- we are still in the mindset that creativity, when it comes to an oc, is ALWAYS A BAD THING.
your oc’s an objecthead? no can do! your gym leader oc is also a model? where they got that time from?! no, shut up! you can do that -- oh hey, ball guy and nessa !
your oc cannot be something too much. why so? they are seen as a mary sue. how do i know that? because my very own character, aria, was accused as such, many times. 
if your character is too strong, you’re powerplaying, they’re a mary sue. if you character is known, you’re powerplaying, they’re a mary sue. if your character is pretty, they’re a mary sue -- come on. we already talked about this yall.
so there you have it ! thanks for making it this far !
what my sick, twisted, impidimp hands forced me to write on a monday evening. in the end, what have we learned ? to be nice and understanding. this is a community yo, we gotta look out for each other, watch each other’s backs. this how shit works. if we’re ganging up on each other, and making this a pretty unsafe place, then, what’s the point ?
don’t forget to read the rules, read the bio, and if you got any more questions ? be nice, and ask away.
peace B)
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mama-m1na · 4 years
The Kiss of Death: Chapter 5
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“Right on time,” the golden-eyed male smirked as the teen around to be met with the sight of an older styled, wooden ship.
Despite this being an incredible sight on its own, what caught the ravenette’s attention was the torn, black flag flying from just above the crow’s nest, marked with a dirty white skull and crossbones.
‘Pirates?’ she thought as a nearby door slammed open from the deck above the pair.
“It’s the Lilium!” exclaimed a male voice from the opened doorway.
“That would be correct,” Assad spoke before sweeping the teen off of her feet, carrying her bridal style.
“Wait!” What are you- Holy shit!” the female exclaimed, gripping onto the male as he vaulted over the railing, bracing herself for the icy sting of the dark waters below.
However, it never came. 
The female opened her eyes to see that the male was running across the water’s surface with a chuckle at her expression as a faint green aura surrounded his form.
“Don’t worry, Prinsesa,” he spoke with a slightly cocky grin as he reached the edge of the pirate ship, “I won’t let anything happen to you.”
If her heart wasn’t already broken, then it shattered right in that moment.
The ravenette let out a small whimper as she was set on a floating bubble of water that began to ascend to the main deck.
“Nessa, take her back to my quarters and watch over her for me!” the male called before running back to the cruise liner along with other pirates.
“God dammit, Assad! I’m not your… babysitter,” a woman with dark skin and short, bleached hair spoke as she walked to where the bubble had dropped the teenager off.
“What the hell would he want with a Ukaidian woman?” she muttered to herself in confusion as her amber eyes swept over the female’s form.
“Whatever,” the woman scoffed, taking the teen by the wrist and leading her to a door on the main deck, “orders are orders.”
Upon opening the door, the eighteen-year-old was shoved into a very lavish room.
Despite the low ceiling, it was much nicer than the small house the ravenette had back in Ukaidia, with treasure displayed almost everywhere and a decent  sized dining table in the center with a large bed towards the back of the room.
“You can explore the room if you want, just don’t fuck the captain’s shit up,” the woman spoke as she popped open a bottle of what smelled like beer.
To her surprise, the teen just took a seat at the dining table without so much as a word, only turning her head to look around the room in slight curiosity.
Some time passed before the pirate spoke again, swishing whatever liquid was left in the tinted, glass bottle.
“You sure are a strange one,” the woman commented, gaining the teen’s attention as she leaned on the wall next to the door, “Usually girls like you would be panicking right now.”
“This is honestly the least concerning thing that has happened to me in the past month,” the ravenette spoke before letting out a heavy sigh.
“Care to elaborate?” her temporary companion asked before the door opened to reveal the young pirate captain.
“Welcome, back Captain,” greeted the woman as he hung his coat up on a hook by the door, “I take it that things went well with the raid?”
“Yes, they didn’t put up much of a fight, but that’s to be expected,” the male replied before his gaze fell upon the teen who was still just sitting at the table with her hands in her lap and ankles crossed with her toes pointed towards the floor.
“Are you just going to keep hiding your face?” he asked, walking over to the table, “No one here is going to do anything to you.”
The female pulled down her mask, earning a gasp from the other female in the room as her glamour fell to reveal the ravenette’s true form.
“There’s my Prinsesa,” the male spoke softly as he reached over to take hands into his, fondly running his thumbs over them.
“Are you really the same pirate boy that would keep visiting my temple all those years ago?” the ravenette asked as she avoided his gaze, “Because I can’t imagine that he would be treating me so kindly after I just left without saying a word.”
“Prinsesa, I saw what happened to the temple, I heard what happened that day,” Assad began, “You didn’t leave just because, you were taken.”
“No,” she retorted, shaking her head as her form stiffened, “I could have kept fighting, but I chose to give up. I was just a coward. The king was on the same ship that I was dragged to. If I had just sunk it back then…”
“Rhamina, let me ask you one thing,” Assad started as the female finally looked up at him, “What were you feeling that day?”
It was silent for a few moments before the female sighed, gripping onto the hand he had offered her.
“I was angry that they had just invaded my homeland and life for no good reason, but I was mostly just tired,” she admitted, finally able to express her feelings after eight long years of trying to forget, “I was tired of all the the hostility, tired of all the violence, and I was tired of being left alone.”
“You know, I still don’t understand why you’re forgiving me,” she continued, biting her lower lip.
“I’m not. There’s nothing to forgive,” the male replied as he sat next to the ravenette, “You were a kid that was thrust into a war she wanted no part of. A war that took your parents from you and forced you to take on a role you weren’t prepared for. You had a right to be tired and what you did was what you needed to in order to survive.”
“If you didn’t,” he continued with a sigh as he relished in his found friend, “Then I would have never been able to see your pretty again.”
His golden irises met with her mostly brown orbs, letting her see the honesty within his words despite the cool tone. 
The ravenette gave a small smile as a chuckle escaped her exhausted from.
“I don’t remember you being this smooth when we were younger, though I guess I changed quite a bit as well,” she spoke before stretching over the back of the chair, releasing small squeaks as her back popped.
“I could tell that much from our little meetings after your quite provocative performances,” the male quipped earning a huff and smack on the shoulder from the ravenette.
“But one thing has stayed the same over all these years,” he continued, resting his elbow on the table to prop up his head as he smirked up at the teen.
“Oh yeah?” the ravenette asked with a raised brow, “and what would that be Assad?”
“The fact that you’re still my cute little Prinsesa,” he replied suavely causing the girl’s jaw to drop.
Rhamina’s eyes widened as she felt her face heat up and she immediately looked away, telling the male to shut up as she sputtered out about how she wasn’t cute in the slightest bit.
“Sorry for interrupting your little reunion, but could one of you explain what the hell is happening here?” the woman, holding a now empty beer bottle, asked.
The ravenette stood up and bowed before saying, “I am Rhamina Miyu, the last remaining guardian of the Gods’ temple in Lemuria. It’s nice to meet you.”
“She’s the girl I talked about before,” Assad added as the ravenette straightened out her posture.
“The chick with the crazy high magic affinity, got it,” the woman nodded before turning back to the teen, “but what were you doing on a cruise ship, disguised as a Ukaidian?”
“Well,” Rhamina started with a frustrated smile as she reached up to scratch at her neck, “you see, I was framed for murdering the queen of Ukaidia and I kind of needed a way out, so I couldn’t exactly do that as myself.”
Her expression immediately dropped as a realization struck her.
“Fuck!” she groaned, almost slamming her face down into the wooden table, “My plans are absolutely screwed now!”
“Not that this wasn’t a good thing!” she continued quickly, “I just needed that ship to get me to Norcht.”
“Why Norcht?” the woman asked with a raised brow, “Shouldn’t you go back to Lemuria to, you know, let your people know you’re alive?”
 “I will, but I needed to get my friends out of Ukaidia and with me first,” explained the ravenette, “the king has finally lost his shit. Many of them would get in the crossfire, so I need to be able to take them with me or at least transport them to somewhere where their chances of getting fucked over aren’t one hundred percent.”
Alright, that’s enough for tonight,” Assad spoke as he stood from his seat and turned to the dark skinned woman, “We can talk more tomorrow, Nessa.”
“Alright, I’ll leave you two to yourselves then,” she sighed as she made her way out the door, “Have a nice night.”
“You can take the bed, I’ll just-” “No, it’s fine, you take the bed,” the ravenette spoke, cutting off her childhood friend, “It’s not like I could use it anyways.”
“I haven’t been able to actually sleep since the night of my shit show of a trial,” she continued with a bitter frown on her face.
Assad’s expression reflected her own before he once again swept the girl into his arms earning a yelp from the teen.
“What are you doing?!” she almost shrieked before she was placed onto the bed, Assad climbing in after her.
“Even if you can’t sleep, you’d stay and keep me company, right?” the male asked as his arms snaked around her waist, keeping her in place.
“It doesn’t seem like I have a choice, now does it?” she replied with a chuckle as she relished in a warmth that she had missed since the war so long ago.
As the male closed his eyes he began singing as a familiar lullaby drifted into the female’s head, one that she had taught to him.
“Let me sing a lullaby, as you close your eyes,” he began, causing the female to tense, “And as you’re drifting off to sleep, how I hope that the dreams that you find are bright.”
“Love, can we meet again soon in the bluest of skies? Where a tomorrow waits for you and I,” he continued as the female let out a yawn, “So hold me tight one more time, but don’t kiss me goodbye ‘cause I know that I’ll see you on the other side.”
“I will think of our song when the nights are too long,” Assad sung as the female relaxed, eyes drifting shut, “Love, can we meet again soon in the bluest of skies? Only in my dreams do we meet again.”
It felt as if she was floating in an eternal black void before the ground formed beneath her feet.
 Looking around at her familiar surroundings, Rhamina noticed that she was in the room of Prince Umi.
She immediately turned to see the said male tossing and turning in his bed, probably having another nightmare.
With a frown, the ravenette moved to sit at the edge of the bed, petting his head, praying that even if she weren’t actually there it would bring him some sort of comfort.
“I’m so sorry, Umi,” she whispered as his squirming slowed, “I promise that I’ll get you out of there soon enough. I just need to settle things out first, but I promise I didn’t forget about you.”
Her ears perked up at the sound of drowsy words coming from the male’s mouth, causing her to lean in to properly hear what he was saying.
“Rhamina… ” she heard him call out in his sleep as her chest tightened in pain, “… Don’t leave…”
“I didn’t leave you, Hun,” the ravenette spoke, pressing her forehead to his, “I’m right here.”
When she woke up, Rhamina noticed that she was alone in the large bed, the blankets pulled up to voer her form as she rested.
She stretched out her limbs before noticing a bundle of clothes on the table with a note explaining that Nessa decided to lend her some clothes so she didn’t have to keep walking around the ship in just her nightgown.
With a smile, the teen changed out of her light blue nightgown and into the black leggings and matching cropped tube top before folding the enchanted fabric she used as a mask to hold her hair back as a headband.
Nessa was also nice enough to leave her a pair of black sandals, so Rhamina slipped them on before walking out to see busy bodies all over the ship.
“Hey, good morning, Ms. Lemurian!” a female voice greeted as a hand was placed on Rhamina’s shoulder, “Good to see that everything fit.”
“Thank you, Nessa,” smiled the ravenette as she bowed her head in thanks, “You really didn’t have to do this for me.”
“Trust me, I really did,” muttered the woman, “you have no idea how long a lot of these guys have been dying to ruin an innocent thing like you.”
“What?” the Lemurian asked with wide eyes and a nervous smile.
“You got nothing to worry about since everyone knows you’re important to the captain,” Nessa chuckled, slinging an arm around her shoulders, “but seriously, you should stick around me for now.”
“Oh, yes, that makes me all the more comfortable,” the ravenette replied as the pair walked towards the bow of the ship.
“It isn’t that bad,” Nessa chuckled, “You get used to it. You just gotta put them in their place if they get too pushy.
“Me watching you is just to make sure Assad doesn’t lose his shit,” she continued, watching as the younger female looked down to the ocean below.
“Where is Assad anyway?” Rhamina asked as she sat on the nearby railing, facing away from the water.
“He’s out training right now so he’ll be back soon,” the female explained as she stood in front of the teen.
The ravenette nodded as she closed her eyes, legs swinging back and forth like a child would.
“If you don’t mind me asking, how exactly did you and the captain meet?” Nessa inquired, seeing the blissful look of the younger female, “he never really explained much about his relationship with you. Just that you were important to him and really good with magic.”
“Well, he was actually caught trying to steal a relic from my temple,” replied the ravenette with a smile, “and this happened when I was… seven, I think?”
“So your parents caught him?” the woman asked, causing the ravenette to shake her head at the assumption.
“No, they were at an important meeting with the leader of our country that week, so I was in charge of the temple,” continued rhamina with a soft, reminiscent smile gracing her features, “he was so frustrated when he saw that I was able to stop him.”
“This went on for a few weeks, even after my parents came home, until one day he just walked up to me and plopped down on the stairs in front of the main entrance of the temple instead of barging in like normal,” she continued, remembering the serious expression of the young boy, “When I asked, he said that he just wanted to talk, so I sat down with him and that’s what we did until he left for the night.”
“You just sat down right next to him?” Nessa asked with a raised brow, earning a nod in return, “Were you stupid? He could have killed you.”
“I wasn’t stupid, just too trusting and naive,” clarified the teen before continuing, “and I’m pretty sure his original plan was to kill me that day because he had a knife hidden in his sleeve, he just never pulled through with it.”
“From that point on, he visited me almost every other day at the stairs of the temple and we became good friends,” Rhamina chirped with a smile, “My parents were weary at first, but after seeing how well we got along and how he would frequently pull me out of stupid situations and vice versa they warmed up to him. I even was able to introduce him to my extended family by the time my birthday rolled around.”
The ravenette was happily explaining her childhood memories with the infamous pirate captain as Nessa watched over her and listened intently, imagining the scenarios being described in full detail.
Suddenly, a pair of hands grabbed her waist from behind, causing her to leap forward, away from the railing, in a small cloud of smoke with a squeal leaving her lips.
When the smoke dissipated, Rhamina was pouting on the ground with a pair of black fox ears pressed flat against her head and the nine matching fox tails thumping on the ground behind her.
“Y’all are mean!” she huffed as the pirate pulled himself over the railing to join his first mate who was laughing her ass off.
“Just when I thought you couldn’t get any more adorable,” chuckled the twenty-year-old male as the teen wrapped herself in her tails.
“Fuck you,” the teen hissed from her ball of fluff, “how did you do that anyways?”
“I would’ve thought you would remember the magic you taught me,” Assad spoke before holding out a hand to the ravenette who took it as he non-human appendages disappeared in another puff of white smoke.
“If I’m being honest, I never thought you’d seriously start using magic,” the ravenette replied as she dusted herself off, “I just taught you because I could sense you had a decent affinity towards magic.”
“Well, I’m glad I actually paid attention then,” replied the male as he leaned against the railing, “It has been a crucial part of many raids.”
“Care to demonstrate?” the ravenette suggested, wanting to see what exactly her old friend was capable of.
The male then turned to the water before he took a calming breath, a green aura shrouding his form as his pupils narrowed into vertical slits.
Like he had done many times before, he let his energy call the water to rise into a large wall at the side of his ship.
“So I was right in assuming you would be a serpent,” spoke the teen as she caught a glimpse of his eyes, glowing gold.
“Yes you were, though I have no how you were so accurate,” Assad replied as his eyes returned to normal and the aura thinned while the water fell back down.
“Lemurians tend to have very good spiritual intuition,” chirped the ravenette with a bright smile, “but I guess that’s just because of our high magical affinity.”
    “That’s a legit thing?” Nessa asked as the female blocked the sun’s blaze with her hand.
“Yes! Because of it, every Lemurian is capable of using magic even if they don’t use it actively,” she explained before gesturing at a Lemurian crew member.
“Like him,” she started, “I’m betting he says that he can see ghosts or predict the future quite shockingly well.”
“Good job, two out of two,” the blonde nodded with a smirk, “I knew that he was like that, but I never knew it could be a whole people.”
“That’s because in ancient times, we were very close to the gods; in fact, there’s a doorway to the spirit world somewhere in Lemuria,” beamed the teen as she spoke of the homeland she hasn’t seen in years, “I just haven’t found it yet.”
“Why don’t you catch us up over lunch?” Assad suggested as he led both females back to the dining table in his quarters.
“So what was it like living in Ukaidia for so long?” Nessa asked as the male walked out to get their food, “if you want to answer, that is.”
“No, it’s fine,” chuckled the ravenette, “It was actually okay. Everyone fucking despised me at first and a lot of people still do, but I made a lot of friends.”
“Oh, did you make any ‘special’ friends?” the woman asked, leaning in closer with a smirk.
“Huh?” the teen asked with a straight face, not exactly getting what the woman was asking of her.
“Kid, did you have any romantic relationships with anyone?” the woman sighed upon seeing the confusion on Rhamina’s face.
“Oh,” replied the ravenette as her face warmed up, “Well, there was one guy who was courting me before I had to go.”
“”Just one?” questioned the blonde with a raised brow before shaking her head, “Continue.”
“Well, he’s a year younger than me and stubborn, very stubborn, but he’s actually very sweet to those he cares about. He always denies it when asked though,” the teen explained with a bright smile on her face.
“So the boy is a tsundere?” Nessa asked as she pulled out a bottle of beer from… somewhere…
“Very much so,” chuckled Rhamina before continuing.
“Despite his initial cold front,” she explained, “He’s actually very thoughtful when it comes to others… that he can tolerate… and he’s very humble when it comes to his own skill when he’s very skilled with a bow and when it comes to swordplay, he is only shown up by his older brother.
Nessa was silent as the teen continued to gush about the boy of hers before things clicked into place.
“Rhamina, is the boy who’s been courting you the second prince, Umi?” she asked with narrowed eyes as Assad walked back in with a basket of food.
“I know it seems weird, but he wouldn’t do anything to me,” Rhamina replied as the male silently set up the plates, “I trust him.”
“You can’t seriously believe that after what that kingdom just did to you,” groaned the woman.
“What happened?” Assad asked with a small frown on his face.
“Apparently, the second prince of Ukaidia was courting her when she was accused of murdering their queen,” Nessa replied.
“Umi isn’t like that though!”the ravenette defended as she shot up from her seat, “he’s very kind, albeit a tad bit frustrating at times, but he isn’t one to stab friends in the back. The one who condemned me to death was that bastard king!”
With her last outburst, her eyes flashed gold as her magic flared, needles of ice to materialize and fly from her, nearly hitting the two pirates if they hadn’t had the reflexes to duck behind the table and other furniture.
With her breath evening out and realization settling in her head, Rhamina closed her eyes and took a deep breath to further calm herself.
With a sigh, the eighteen-year-old slumped back into her chair before laying her forehead on the wooden table, resting her hands on the back of her head as thoughts raced through her mind.
“I’m sorry,” she murmured, bringing her head up after a minute or two with a strained smile, “If you couldn’t tell, the past month has been quite an adventure for me.”
“No, I should be the one apologizing,” Nessa sighed as she came up to sit down as well, “I shouldn’t have pushed you on such a sensitive topic.”
“Prinsesa, I know you have the ability to tell whenever a person is lying, so normally I would trust your judgement,” Assad spoke in a calm tone as he placed a hand on the teen’s shoulder, “but I have to agree with Nessa. It’s very suspicious that a Ukaidian prince tries to court you when the king hates you with his entire being.”
‘Don’t you both think that I already thought about that?’ she thought, merely blinking at the two in front of her, ‘It could be true, but maybe I just wanted to believe that it isn’t. It could just be my mind reverting back to unhealthy defense mechanisms like when I was so paranoid whenever that boy at my temple would leave for more than ten minutes… I guess I haven’t changed at all in that aspect. I still cling pathetically onto others in times of distress.’
“In other news,” Assad spoke as he poured a glass of sparkling cider for the ravenette, “We should be reaching Norcht in five days.”
“We’re going to Norcht?” Rhamina asked, processing the words that were just spoken.
“That’s where you said you needed to meet your friends, right?” the male replied with a shrug, “As long as you use this ship for your travels, I honestly don’t care where we end up going.”
“Assad, you do realize another war could easily break out from what I’m trying to do,” Rhamina spoke as her expression darkened.
“And do you think I’m making the same mistake I made last time?” the male shot back with a serious tone, “I don’t want you to have to be alone anymore.”
“Prinsesa, you aren’t getting rid of me that easily,” he continued with determination in his voice, “Not when I just got you back.”
“So, tell us about these friends of yours,” Nessa spoke up, changing the subject, ignoring the stubborness radiating from the two in front of her.
“Where do I even start with these idiots?” she sighed with a chuckle, “Well, if anything happened to any of them, I’d kill everyone in this world and then myself.”
The trio stayed in the room, just retelling what had happened to them in the past couple of years as they ate their lunch.
“So, you were the ones that fucked up Captain Leon’s ship?” Rhamina asked through her fit of giggles, “Fuck yes! It was so funny hearing about how he got his haughty ass whooped!”
“Thing was, it wasn’t even that hard to do,” Nessa explained as the teen kept laughing, “Like, it wasn’t even a challenge.”
“I know! That’s what makes it funny!” chirped the ravenette, “see, Leon only got that position by through his ties through nobility, so when the pompous ass got demoted, it made him a complete and utter laughing stock!”
“Sounds like a cruel thing to laugh at, but he shouldn’t have been a captain in the first place,” she continued, “Now someone actually qualified has that title.”
“Ah, the human race is full of complete and utter scum,” she chuckled, leaning back in her seat as she caught her breath and calmed her heart.
“Prinsesa, you said that you didn’t have much opportunity to practice with your magic right?” Assad asked.
“Yeah,” she replied, “between my rolls with the band and the close watch the Ukaidians had on me, I didn’t really get much time to practice magic all that often, why?”
“How about we spar as a training opportunity?” the male suggested as the ravenette took a sip of her drink.
“Oh, I’ll definitely be training a lot more, but I’d save a battle between the two of us till we get to Lemuria,” Rhamina replied, “Wouldn’t want to cause a scene when I’m still on the run and you’ll be closer to immediate medical aid.” 
“Are you saying I can’t handle it?” the male asked with a raised brow.
“I don’t actually know,” she answered honestly, “lately my magic has been growing rapidly and i haven’t had the chance to test it to its full extent.”
“Also, It’s getting a little harder to control,” the ravenette explained, “Yes, magic is fueled by intentions of the user, but if I had that same outburst two months ago, my magic wouldn’t have spiked that much, if at all.”
You sure are a scary girl, you know?” Nessa chuckled.
“Good,” Rhamina replied, “I should be.”
About two days travel ahead of the Lilium was a Ukaidian ship, full of musicians of various races.
“Did you get any other messages from Mina?” Chloe asked as she joined the remaining two girls (plus one) within Chaos Trio.
“Nope, not since she got on that cruise ship,” Kerstin replied with a sigh.
“Don’t worry though, she’s fine,” Sam spoke, “Probably just ran out of decent stationary to use in order to write to us.”
“Yeah, fucking stationary nerd,” kerstin scoffed as she shook her head, “I just have a bad feeling though.”
“That Jester character,” the darkette spoke, “if we left to go find Mina, why didn’t they just kill us on the spot, unless they already planned for us to do it and this is just a trap for someone?”
“We should have snuck the siblings with us,” she continued with a sigh, “This is all really sketchy.”
“We would have been killed if we tried to sneak them out,” Sam replied, “Plus I’m sure Mina wouldn’t just leave them there. She cares too much about them.
The green-eyed brunette sighed before saying, “We can only hope nothing weird happened before then.”
“Anyways,” she continued, turning to Kerstin and Chloe, “have either of you ever been to Lemuira?”
“Nope, but I’ve heard things about it from my parents and Mina,” Kerstin replied, “a lot of it is literally jungle, so prepare for humidity.”
“Better than being crusty,” Sam retorted before turning to the younger brunette,” What about you, Chloe?”
“Same as Kerstin, but from what I can tell, Mina comes from one of the more traditional islands,” Chloe explained, “so, there’s less people and probably more dangerous things there.”
“Makes sense,” the older two females agreed, imagining the ravenette to come from an island where killing a jungle beast with one’s own hands was normal.
“If you guys want to know what Lemuria is like, then why don’t you just ask Shay?” Tijarah suggested from her spot on her bed, “She’s actually been to Lemuria and is accessable to us.”
“Oh yeah, she has,” Chloe replied with a smile on her face, “I forgot.”
“Obviously,” scoffed the dark skinned girl as she peered outside the window.
“So what do you think she’s doing right now?” she asked out of no where, “Probably snaking her way to Norcht like the little demon she is, right?”
“Yeah, honestly I wouldn’t be surprised if she killed someone by now,” Sam replied.
“Good,” scoffed Tijarah, “Less summy people to fuck shit up in this world.”
“Tijarah, you aren’t still upset with Umi, are you?” Kerstin questioned as she turned to her friend, “This wasn’t his fault.”
“You know, things have started getting shifty with Armadeyus every since that the royal brat started courting her,” Tijarah spoke, keeping her gaze on the window, “Maybe if he just stayed friends with her, none of this would have happened.”
“Maybe if he really cared about Mina, then he would have been there with that stupid bow of his,” she continued, gripping hard onto the edges of the book her held, “maybe we could have broken the barrier on that first night!”
“Tijarah you need to calm the fuck down, none of that was Umi’s fault,” the brunette with green eyes retaliated, “Chloe knows that, Kerstin knows that, I know that, hell, I’m sure even Mina knows that! If you’re going to blame anyone, blame that fucking Jester! The king only had mina apprehended because they suggested it!”
“How are you so sure Umi wasn’t just trying to gain the favor of his father?” Tijarah questioned, venom lacing each and every one of her words, “How are we sure he actually cared about Mina? Maybe he planned this whole thing in order to kiss up to daddy?”
Things were tense in the small, three person cabin that night as the females outburst lingered in their heads and of those who had heard the argument through the thin walls and open doorway that Chloe stood in so that she could ask her original question.
The topic of the Second Prince of Ukaidia was a sensitive one amongst the entire band as they all had differing ideas of his intentions and involvement in the ravenette’s persecution.
“I’ll fix this soon,” spoke a glowing purple flame in a black void, “I promise.”
~~~Fin. Chapter 5~~~
Song used: Issabella’s Lullaby - Amalee
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taciteaneremite · 7 years
LITTLE: -Shes up at the PILOT SEAT right now. The course is pretty clear but she'd rather not leave it all to the autopilot... maybe she's just not completely comfortable with letting it go for too long or without her supervision anymore. The ship is kinda cramped, and she took some of their extra room to fill up with EVEN MORE SUPPLIES so they can get a much bigger delivery done, but that leaves them with a little bit of a squeeze. She's nursing an energy drink as she watches SPACE PARTICLES go by at zooming speeds.-
COLT: -navigates through all this STUFF to get to the cock pit. he pauses in the doorway for a second before clearing his throat.- 
COLT: Hey there. You've been at this for a while...
LITTLE: w3l w3r3 4LMOST h4lfw4y
LITTLE: w3r3 go1n !
LITTLE: 4lso no on3s tr13d to shot us y3t >:p
COLT: ... Is that an immediate concern? -leans over her shoulder-
LITTLE: do YOU l1k3 g3t1ng shot 4t sm4rt guy ? ? ?
COLT: Not particularly... 
COLT: But I think we'd be alright even if you rested for a lil while.
LITTLE: -She pushes the controls forward and climbs up onto the chair, leaning over the back to sniff at him.- s4ys th3 sw1s ch3s3 m4n ONC3 h3 g3ts shot f1fty t1m3s
COLT: ... -holds her face- We ain't gonna get shot.
COLT: -squishes her cheeks- Nah...
COLT: ... The meteors are gonna shoot us.
LITTLE: dont you know how sp4c3 works >:o
COLT: Gosh... Guess I don't know as much as I thought I did... 
COLT: Or maybe you're bein' a lil paranoid?
LITTLE: 1 4m not !
LITTLE: 1m just c4r3ful !
LITTLE: L1K3 4LW4YSLITTLE: 1m b31ng r3spons1bl3 4bout
LITTLE: br1g4nds 4nd stuf
COLT: Mrgg... 
COLT: Reckon there ain't nothin' wrong with that. -kisses her forehead- But if you're gonna be cautious, then maybe we should make a pit stop or two?
LITTLE: 1 could prob4bly pul ov3r 
LITTLE: for 4 L1L wh1l3
COLT: -smiles- Alright. Good.
LITTLE: your3 not g3t1ng 4l cop3d up 4r3 you >:? 
LITTLE: 1 m34n th1s 41nt my f1rst rod3o but youv3 only b3n on th3 B1G sh1ps
COLT: Nah... It doesn't really bother me. 
COLT: -pets her hair a little before drawing away-I just wanna make sure you get some rest.
LITTLE: -She grumbles as she starts to climb off the chair and grab onto him.- w1l you just LITTLE: m4k3 sur3 th3 4utop1lot st4ys on tr4ck th3n 
LITTLE: 1 m34n just 1N c4s3
COLT: -strokes her hair more while she's in his proximity again to comfort her- Of course I will.
LITTLE: ok13 
LITTLE: 1ts my f1rst t1m3 fly1ng s1nc3 LITTLE: you know
COLT: I know... 
COLT: But you got me as your co-pilot this time. I'll look out for you. -leans down to smooch her head again-
LITTLE: -coos a little as she lays against him- 1f w3 d1dnt h4v3 work 1d br1ng you to on3 of the r34ly pr3ty pl4n3ts 
LITTLE: d3w 4nd gl4s 4nd qu4rtz 4nd m3lody
LITTLE: 1ts CR4ZY how th1s stuf 3x1sts
COLT: -hums- Maybe on the way back home we can stop someplace nice for a day...
LITTLE: ok13 
 LITTLE: but 1ts gon4 b3 4 surpr1s3 >:o
COLT: That's the kinda surprise I don't mind. -smiles, then gives her back a pat- Now get some rest, darlin'.
LITTLE: ok4 4 4y 
LITTLE: 1f you s3 on3 of thos3 sp4c3 d1n3rs pul ov3r
COLT: I'll be sure to. -also because he's into the whole diner aesthetic. honestly he digs this whole space trucking thing...- 
COLT: -tilts her head up to give her one more kiss, this time on the lips-
It's one of those ports that the old ship would never really get the chance to stop at because the old ship is roughly the same size as this port-- built into an asteroid like all good shady truck stops in the middle of the milky way, with a few artificial gravity probes and force fields to keep an atmosphere POSSIBLE. When they land it's probably close to three in the morning by their time, but it's a decent enough place to eat while the ship refills it's solar batteries.-
LITTLE: -YAWNS as she plods down the ship's ramp, sniffing the air and glancing around. Some glowing neon signs advertise a burger joint, but there is a space Dunkin' donuts (meaning they're probably in the Space Northeast) and a watering hole with some vague, shady, vaguely shady types drinking.-
COLT: -he's dozing by that point, jostled awake suddenly by the thunk of wood to metal. gathering himself up, he ambles to meet her outside, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.- 
COLT: -then he glances around- Gosh... Ain't seen many ports like this before. -it's so back water... he loves it-
LITTLE: h3 h3 h3 LITTLE: th3r3s l1k3 4 M1L1ON 
LITTLE: -There's a very small atrium. A kiosk selling communicator cases and sunglasses, a closed candy desk with one of those sliding cages on it... little things like that, mainly.- 
LITTLE: -Grabs his arm and leans all up ons, no less.- w3 should buy som3 cr4p >:o
COLT: Yeah. Ok. -walking past the kiosk, he instinctively reaches for sunglasses...- 
COLT: -picks up a big red pair and places them carefully on her face.-
LITTLE: -She grabs a com case that appears to be decorated with lisa Frank style horses in a sparkly valley.- so YOU got4 g3t th1s on3 now 1f your3 gon4 b3 m4k1ng m3 lok l1k3 4 hundr3d y34r old l4dy
COLT: That's just fine. 
COLT: I like it. It ain't exactly my aesthetic but close enough. :P
LITTLE: -She is gonna dig some more through what they've got. She enjoys stickers and decals in particular, grabbing up a BUNCH of those. As she busily does this, a pair of trolls wander out of the bar nearby-- a couple of scarred-up Seadwellers, one male and one female. One has a very prominent gun holster at his hip. They seem to be muttering something to each other, half drunk, as one points in the vague direction of the kiosk.-
COLT: -while he's content to watch little peruse, he's always been wary of his surroundings... so of course he picks up on the seadwellers staring in their general direction. he isn't one to jump to conclusions but he also can't help his natural inclination to stare back at people judgmentally. after eyeballing the pair for a second, he turns his attention back towards little, putting his arm around her shoulders.-
LITTLE: -She peeks in that direction too... And there is certainly a change in her direction. The second his arm is around her shoulder she is tugging at him.- 
COLT: Alright. -he won't question it... but he might squint once more in their direction before shuffling with her to the burger place.-
[ They DO look suspicious... And little is definitely nervous. ]
LITTLE: -But she drags him PRETTY Hard and Plops into a seat, lifting a menu and practically burying her face in it, as though to hide.-
COLT: -doof. he nestles into his own seat, and now that they at least have some distance from the others, he peers over at her with concern.- Is everythin' ok...?
COLT: ... Please. 
COLT: Quit hollerin' and tell me what you're all worked up about... 
COLT: Do you know those two out there? -frowns, glancing in that direction-
LITTLE: -sweats as they peek in the window...- 1 h1r3d 3m 
LITTLE: th3yr3 k1nd4 dr1ft3rs
LITTLE: 4 wh1l3 4go 1 m34n to h3lp m3 h4ul cr4p 
LITTLE: 1 m4y h4v3 d1tch3d th3m wh3n th3y st4rt3d g3t1ng cr3py
COLT: -so they ARE the creepy trolls she had been traveling with... he squints MORE.- Mmmg... -rumbles- 
COLT: Well they better drift on outta here.
LITTLE: OK w41t 1 h4v3 4n 1d34
LITTLE: ord3r two hot bl4ck cof3s ok
COLT: -now he's eyeing her curiously- Alright... -he does it without any further question, when their waiter comes back around soon after-
LITTLE: -sniffs the coffee as it arrives...-
LITTLE: ok13 so wh4t w3 do 1s w3 t4k3 th1s 4nd th3n w3 throw 1t 4t th31r dumb f4c3s
LITTLE: th4ts th3 pl4n >:o
COLT: -LOOKS INTO THE CAMERA- I mighta known. 
COLT: -and yet... he doesn't seem to be objecting... the look on his face is one of deep consideration-
LITTLE: -WOW HES REALLY CONSIDERING IT- 1 w4s 4lso th1nk1ng th4t w3 dr1nk th3 cof3s 4nd cl1mb out th3 b4throm w1ndow
COLT: ... That's probably smarter. -he almost had a lapse in judgement there... almost-
LITTLE: 4nd TH3N w3 g3t n3w cof3s to throw 1n th31r f4c3s 1f th3yr3 h4ng1ng to clos3 to th3 sh1p >:o >:o >:o
COLT: That sounds reasonable. 
COLT: ... But only under these circumstances. I think I oughta emphasis that...
COLT: That... you shouldn't make a habit of throwing coffee on people. :P
LITTLE: 3SP3C14LY hot 4c1ds
LITTLE: wh1ch cof3 1snt but st1l
LITTLE: ...4r3 th3y st1l w4tch1ng? ? ?-they do not appear to be, but little regardless isn't looking-
COLT:  They don't seem to be. -keeps an eye on them anyway while giving her shoulder a comforting rub- 
COLT: We can probably sneak past 'em... But do you wanna grab some food before we skedaddle?
LITTLE: mph h h  1 gu3s 
LITTLE: but m4k3 1t to go 
LITTLE: w3l 34t 1n th3 sh1p. . .  -The two of them appear to have wandered off, for now.-
COLT: Alrighty. -hrms when he sees they've disappeared. they better stay disappeared... I tell you hwhat.- 
COLT: -once their food is ordered and boxed up for them, colt takes it upon himself to escort them out of the burger place, sticking close and squared up protectively. it's not like he actually wants to fight anybody, but the last thing he wants is for little to feel unsafe.-
LITTLE: -They make their way out a bit-- and the two of them are arguing, as usual, out in front of their ship.-  >:T 
LITTLE: (ok13 just run ov3r 4nd shov3 3m ov3r 4nd w3l t4k3 of l1k3 R1GHT NOW)
COLT: (I don't wanna instigate nothin'... But if they try to come at us, that's a different story...) 
COLT: -he's staring entirely too much even as he starts to guide them back to their ship. looking like this: >:B very threatening.-
LITTLE: >:T -they are approaching- 
LITTLE: -right up to the ramp..- 
LITTLE: -she just.  RUNS AHEAD AND SHOVES.  The two of them stumble over each other as she scampers up the ship.- 
LITTLE: SUCK 4 D1CK DUMB SH1TS ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
COLT: -oh geez... there she goes. she's spooked. he scrambles after, but not without POINTING at the two trolls.- You best keep away if you know what's good for ya. 
LITTLE: -ALREADY IN THE SEAT TAKING OFF... they only charged about HALFWAY but she's not looking back to see their reactions.-
COLT: -wobbles into the cockpit while they take off, leaning over her seat.- Oof-- 
COLT: ... We sure showed them.
LITTLE: . . . 
LITTLE: wh4t k1nd4 burg3 d1d you gr4b
COLT: -produces the burg and hands it to her- Barbecue bacon cheeseburger.
COLT: -right out of his hand I hope-
COLT: -it's a miracle he hasn't already...- 
COLT: -once she's got her meal in her clutches, he settles in to sit and eat as well. he's quiet for a good long moment, trying to vocalize his concerns.- 
COLT: Hey, Lil-- Ah... You don't think... they'd follow us?
LITTLE: pf 1 duno 
LITTLE: th3y d1dnt h4v3 th31r own sh1p 
LITTLE: th3y pr3ty much l1v3 1n pl4c3s l1k3 th4t
COLT: Oh, good... 
COLT: Then... We should probably make another stop soon. -leans over at her- We didn't get much fuel.
LITTLE: ...1 gu3s 
LITTLE: bluh 
LITTLE: of 4L pl4c3s
COLT: ... I know. -tilts his head to bump against hers while he's near- I'm sorry.
LITTLE: -baps his face with a greasy hand- 1ts not l1k3 1ts your f4ult 1 just 
LITTLE: guh 
LITTLE: 1 h4t3 r3m1nd3rs
COLT: -his beard is not a NAPKIN. and no baps can stop him from kissing at her.- Then let's forget about it. 
COLT: We can put this on auto pilot for a lil while longer, can't we? 
COLT: You should come hang out with me in the back...
LITTLE: -Sniffs once and glances at the screen... and nods.- y3 OK
LITTLE: -She puts in some inputs to set their course and climbs up out of the chair, grabbing onto his arm.-
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eastofthemoon · 7 years
Where No One Goes- Chapter 4
Title: Where No One Goes: Chapter 4 - Part 2 of What If The Storm Ends? 
Series: Voltron: Legendary Defender
Characters: Keith, Thace, Shiro, Pidge, Lance, Hunk, Coran, and Allura
Rating: G
Summary: After Keith’s encounter Thace, questions remain and he’s not certain he wants the answers to them. However, after Pidge’s request to locate the rebels, the two of them seek out the resistance with both of them not certain what they will find out.
Archive of our Own
Keith kept close to Pidge as they followed the Galrans down a tunnel.  Thace and Ford had taken the lead, and Maya and Daien were behind them.  Keith found himself kept glancing to Thace in particular, but if the man notice he certainly didn’t let on.  It was almost like he made certain to kept his gaze ahead.
“So, how far deep in the mountain are we exactly?” Pidge asked.
“Far enough that we’re out of sight,” Maya retorted.
“That doesn’t really answer my question,” Pidge said in a huff.
“Does it matter?” Maya asked.
“It’s a fair question,” Daien asked meekly and then whispered.  “I keep asking it and no one will tell me.”
Keith frowned and raised an eyebrow.  “Is it possible no one actually knows?”
“Of course we know!” Maya snapped as she folded her arms.
“Oh, yeah?” Pidge said in a mocking tone as she turned around to walk backwards.  “Then what is it?”
Maya was silent and refused to look at her.
“You really don’t know, do you?” Keith said with a smirk.
“No, I just don’t feel like answering,” Maya said with a growl.  “So, shut up!”
Ford let out a deep tired sigh.  “THIS” he said as he gestured to them with his cybernetic arm, “is why I hate dealing with teenagers.”
Thace said nothing as they paused at a large steel door.  “We’re here,” he declared and pushed a button on the left.  The heavy steel door opened, revealing a huge chamber that was lit up by several lanterns hanging from the ceiling.  
Several Galrans and other alien species Keith didn’t recognize were scattered throughout the chamber as they rushed around madly.  The place echoed with the rebels voices and the clunking sound of metal being worked on.
Keith entered the same time as Pidge and took a moment to gather their bearings.  Judging from the size, the chamber seemed big enough to at least house one of the lions. There were several tunnels Keith assumed lead to other smaller chambers.
Pidge took a step forward only to lurched back to avoid being run over as a pair of giggling Galran children.
“Tral!  Asor!” Ford shouted.  “NO RUNNING IN HERE!”
“Can’t stop!” one of the boys shouted as they duck into a chamber.  “Having a race!”
Ford muttered under his breath “Boy takes far too much after his father.”
Keith blinked in shocked as he grabbed Pidge to steady her.  “There are kids here?” he asked.
“Most of the children here have parents who are part of the resistance,” Thace explained. “The rest are merely orphans who have been abandoned and we rescued.”
“Isn’t it kind of a dangerous to have children with the resistance?” Pidge asked as she watched the two children run into a chamber.
“They get a better life here than they would living in the empire,” Maya said in a dark tone.  “Trust me on this.”
The teen Galran held a pained expression and Keith noted Daien carried an almost matching one as she said this.
Betting the Galarns themselves suffer under Zarkon too, Keith thought.
“Ford, Thace!” a voice called out.  Keith turned as saw what looked like a giant rabbit wearing battle armor approaching them.
“Did you you find out what was triggering the alarm…” he trailed off as he locked eyes with Keith and Pidge and twitched a long ear.  “Never mind, looks like you did.”
“They’re paladins of Voltron,” Ford explained as he gestured to them.  
The rabbit raised an eyebrow as he folded his arms.  “Well, got to admit, that was the last thing I was expecting.”
“Stig, where’s Leah?” Thace asked.  
“In the meeting hall,” Stig explained as he lead the way.  “She and Vector are going over the evacuation plan and what we need for it.”
Keith and Pidge exchanged quizzed look as they followed.  Keith couldn’t resist keeping his guard up as they moved across the chamber.  Several of the rebels paused in what they were doing to watch them.  Keith swore he could feel every suspicious eye on them waiting for either he or Pidge to make a wrong move.
However, his paranoia was interrupted as Pidge poked his arm.
“Have you noticed?” Pidge whispered.  “Maybe it’s just me, but I swear there seems to be more female Galra here than I’ve ever seen in the entire Galra army.”
Keith blinked and looked around again at the rebels again.  “You’re right,” he whispered back.  Whenever they sneaked onto Galra warships, most of the time they had run into robot sentries, and some of the actual flesh and blood officers were usually male.  This was the first time he saw so many females in one spot.
They approached a smaller door to which Thace opened for them.  “Leah,” he called out.  “Pardon the intrusion, but we have visitors?”
Three figures were standing over a table.  One of them was a large alien that reminded Keith a bit of a tiger with it’s orange fur, round ears and claws.  There were also two female Galra standing near.  One had long grey hair pulled into a ponytail and looked a fair bit older.
Keith almost thought she was this ‘Leah’ but then she saw the other Galran.  She was much taller, seemed to be about Thace and Coran’s age.  The way she held herself and immediately straightened her posture upon seeing them reminded Keith of Shiro when they went on diplomatic missions to gain alliances on other planets.  
The lady just screamed ‘I’m the leader’ in her demeanor.  It had to be her.
Thace gently poked Keith and Pidge up to the front and stood between them.  “These are the Red and Green Paladins of Voltron,” he announced.
“Um, hi?” Keith said with an awkward wave.  
“Hello,” Leah said in a curious tone.  “I take it you were the ones in our tunnels?”
“Yeah, guilty as charged,” Pidge said in a nervous laugh.  “Sorry, for the intrusion, but we didn’t see a doorbell.”
The older Galran woman snarled.  “Why are they here?” she asked.  “We have enough to deal with, without-”
“Zelda, not now,” Leah growled and sighed.  “Forgive her, Green Paladin, but we have been on edge lately.”
“You can just call me ‘Pidge’,” she replied, “and him, Keith.”
“Yo,” Keith said with a wave that seemed to make Thace twitch slightly.
“Very well,” Leah said, sounding amused, “I see you already know the Thace and the others.”  She pointed to the others behind her.  “These are some of my other officers, Zelda and Vector.”
“Pleasure to meet you,” Vector said, in a female voice that surprised Keith slightly.  She offered a nod and frowned, “but if the two of you are here, where is the rest of your team?”
“Not here,” Keith explained, “we came by ourselves.”
“How?” Vector asked as she ran her claws through her fur.
“I figured out a way to track you,” Pidge said.
“I..see,” Leah said in a cautious tone.  “And where are your lions?”
“Near the base of the mountain,” Keith explained.  “And they’re hidden by some rocks.”
“Stig, please go take some troops and make certain that’s still the case,” Leah ordered.  “I don’t want to take any chances here and let nothing to happen to those lions.”
“Will do!” Stig replied as he turned to leave.  “Shouldn’t take long.”
Leah nodded and then stepped towards the paladins.  “Now then, why exactly are you here?” She locked eyes with Thace and looked at Keith in particular.  “I was told Thace informed you that we didn’t think it was wise for you to seek us now.”
“We know,” Keith said, “but Pidge and I thought we could change your minds.”
Leah gave a deep tired sigh.  “I appreciate your reasons, but I’m afraid you couldn’t have arrived at a worst time.”
Keith raised an eyebrow.  “What do you mean?”
“We believe that Zarkon and the empire have caught onto our existence,” Thace explained.  “As a result, we’ve been trying to keep a low profile and been preparing to move to another planet for a new base.”
Keith’s eyes widened.  “Was it..because you helped us escape?”
“Naw, Kid, at least it’s not the main reason,” Ford said, but Keith saw he shot Zelda a glare.  “This stuff has been piling up for awhile.  Thace helping you lot escape was just the latest in a series of clues for them.
“With that said,” Leah spoke gently.  “I’m sorry, paladins, but I’m afraid we’ll have to insist you stay here for the time being.”  She folded her arms.  “I promise, I will hear what you have to say, but my people’s safety comes first.”
She shook her head.  “I can’t take a risk of a Galra ship seeing your lions fly from this planet and thus come to investigate what you were doing here, at least not until we’re ready to leave.”  
“That’s fine, we understand,” Keith said earnestly.  “In fact, maybe we can help.”
Zelda scoffed as she folded her arms.  “I don’t see how.”
Vector made a sound that sounded a bit like a soft growl.  “Perhaps you can,” she said as she approached Pidge.  “You said you tracked us?  How exactly?”
“Well, it took quite a bit of deduction.  After looking over the footage, I realized that you had to be using some kind of cloaking device to hide your ships, but knew that the power requirements for those are incredibly high.  After that, it was just a matter of locking on to the transmission frequency, and tracing the energy back to the general vicinity of your generators”  She gave a shrug.  “From there, we just guessed.”
Ford groaned as he rubbed his eyes.  “See!  Haven’t I been saying we need to mask that signal better!  I knew it was going to bite us in the-”
“Yes, Ford, we know,” Thace replied sharply.  “There’s no need to give a lecture.”
“Especially since it’s a mistake we’re going to correct as soon as possible,” Vector said as she locked her gaze onto Pidge.  “If you don’t mind, perhaps you can help us so we can better mask our signals to prevent this in the future.  Our cloaking technology is admittedly a few generations out of date, but perhaps you can provide some fresh insight.  If you're able to hide one of the lions of Voltron...”
Pidge gave a cheeky grin.  “Sure, I can do that.”  She glanced to Leah.  “If that’s okay with your leader that is.”
“It’s fine with me,” Leah replied.  “Just be careful to not alert our presence for anyone else that could track us.”  
She glanced over to Thace.  “In the meantime, why don’t you give young Keith here a tour of the base.”  She held a slight smirk.  “I’m sure there’s much for you two to discuss.”
Keith raised an eyebrow as Thace twitched slightly and Ford chuckled under his breath.
“Um, if it’s easier, I don’t mind,” Daien said as he raised a hand.
“Naw, Junior, this is all Thace’s job,” Ford said as he wrapped an arm around the teen.  “Beside, you two are helping me, remember?  Those ships aren’t going to fix themselves.”
“Right, right,” Maya muttered dryly as she followed out of the chamber.  “Just as long as Daien doesn’t drop a pipe on my foot again.”
“Once!  I did that once!” Daien argued as he was dragged out of the room with Ford.
Keith watched them go until Pidge touched his arm.  “Good luck,” she whispered as she gave it a pat and went to follow Vector.
Thace then sighed and gestured to the door.  “Follow me,” he instructed.
Keith took a deep breath as he trailed after him from the door.
Thace lead him into a chamber that wasn’t as big as the main, but still fairly large.  There were several tables, chairs and pots hanging on the walls from the far back.  He could smell various spices he was certain he smelled Coran and Hunk used in their cooking.
“Where are we?” Keith asked.
“This would be the kitchen,” Thace stated as he scooped some kind of vegetable from one of the pots into a bowl.  “Knowing you, I assumed you haven’t eaten yet.”
Keith opened his mouth to say he wasn’t hungry, but the growl of his stomach betrayed him.  He blushed and coughed as he sat down.  “Yeah...guess I could eat.”
Thace handed him the bowl along with a spork as he sat across from him.  “Does your leader know you’re here?”
Keith chewed his bottom lip as he picked up the spork.  “Um..we left a note.”
Thace grumbled as he pinched the bridge of his nose.  “So, I’ll take it that as a ‘No’.”
Keith straightened his posture as he narrowed his eyes.  “Look, I know you didn’t want us finding you, but it was more than just because we wanted an alliance.”  He leaned over the table.  “Pidge’s dad and brother were taken prisoner along with Shiro a year ago, and she was hoping you guys might have information for her.”
Thace paused at that and frowned slightly.  “I see,” he said, softly.
Keith fiddled with one of the vegetables in the bowl.  “And..got to admit, I have some questions for you too.”
Thace’s face was unreadable, but Keith noticed his body went tense.  
“There’s no point fussing over you finding us, what done has been done,” Thace said slowly.  “As for finding your friend’s family, it’s possible we may have information for her, but with the high number of slaves and prisoners in the empire we can’t promise anything.”
The Galran raised his head.  “With that said, I’m certain Leah will have no issue with her asking.”
Keith relaxed a bit.  That makes it a bit easier for Pidge at least, he thought.
“Now..about me,” Keith started, but was cut off as Thace rose from his seat.
“After you’ve eaten, you can help me with the inventory in the armory,” Thace said.  “Our priority right now is making certain we’re prepared to leave at a moment’s notice.”
Keith pouted slightly, but nodded.  “Alright, fine.”
He and Pidge did sprang upon them suddenly.  If they wanted to earn the resistance’s trust, they both might as well make themselves useful.
“I’ll return shortly with the list,” Thace said as he left the kitchen.
Keith watched him go before taking a bite out of the meal.  It wasn’t fantastic, but it wasn’t terrible.  He imagined Hunk could do something better with it.
He leaned against his hand as he ate.  He was hoping he could just ask what he waited to know, but it would probably have to wait a bit.  A small part of him felt a bit of relief from that.
Thace shook his head as he left the kitchen.  Of all the times for Keith to appear, why did he have to pick now?
“So, that’s Keith, huh?”
Thace halted and turned to see Ford leaning with his back against the wall as he fiddled with his beard.
“Weren’t you working on repairs?” Thace asked with a raised eyebrow.
“I am, I went to get some extra tools,” he said as he held up his toolbox and gestured to the kitchen.  “He seems like a brave boy.”
“Oh, yes, brave,” Thace grumbled.  “He’s also reckless, hot headed and...why are you smiling like that?”
Ford kept his grin.  “Because you just describe exactly how you were at that age and I feel like I’m finally getting some payback.”
Thace blinked and then scowled.  “...I was nothing like that,” he argued.
“You and I both have scars that beg to differ,” Ford argued, but then dropped his smile.  “Are you going to tell him?”
Thace knew what he was implying and shook his head.  “No, this is not the best time for it.”
“When will it be?” Ford said as he pointed a finger at him.  “The kid needs to know.”
“No, he doesn’t,” Thace replied as he gripped his dagger.  “Frankly, it would be a lot easier on him if he didn’t.”
“Easier for him,” Ford said as he leaned in closer, “or easier for you.”
Thace kept his stern frown and felt his fingers twitch around his dagger.  “I’m not having this conversation.  We both have things to do.”
“Fine, fine,” Ford said as he shrugged and went to leave.  “But I’m not wrong, and you know it.”
Thace gripped his dagger, but kept staring ahead as he held the hilt of his dagger.
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