#I was SO weirded out by the smartphone
Why are you not supposed to show your face online?
personal safety. i forget exactly what they said in the online safety classes they made you (me) take in elementary school, but its for the same reason you're not supposed to share your full name (or any name at all! make up a name and stick with it, or hey, its the internet, lie about your name and your age and say you're a math major from connecticut named matt, or something! i ain't gonna stop you! have fun with it!) and address and social security number. so people can't track you down and kidnap you or other horrible things.
In general its just like. don't share information someone could use to identify you online, because people are weird and some of them are shitty and if you say something and they don't like it, and if they can find you or identify you then thats not good!
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lovsome · 9 months
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firefox-official · 5 months
that one anon’s ask was weird af, but to be fair 2004 is definitely ipad baby era. as someone born in 97 who also didnt have a smartphone until 2016 when i was 19, MOST people in 2014 (even 10 year olds) already had at least an iphone
youre so wrong😭 in 2014 my parents gave me an LG slide phone with a keypad so i could call home just in case. the ipad came out in 2010 and for some reason in your brain so did i
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bjarkanart · 4 months
So... I did a thing because, man, y'all are wild! The response I keep getting for my silly take on a meme is insane and I appreciate every single like and reblog, you have no idea. So I made it into a wallpaper for my phone and thought "hey, maybe I should share it with my fellow critters?" So here it is!
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Also, I don't know if it's weird to use your own art as background on your phone or whatever but I personally do when I'm actually happy with something I drew so, I edited it a little bit to make the picture extra warm and soft and comforting to look at... but it's only for smartphones at the moment. It's not exactly high quality either since it was edited on my phone using Snapseed but it gets the job done, y'know.
I'll probably try to make it a proper illustration at some point without the funny little texts here and there cause I kinda feel bad for keeping Pâté out of the picture but hey, I need my daily dose of Imodna and I got the little guy tattooed on the side of my calf so I'm good but y'all might wanna see him still, right? 😂
Anyway, let me know if you'd like to see a text-free version of the whole thing? Oh and maybe I'll add Imogen's scars this time around, I had a few fics in mind where Imogen probably doesn't have the purple scars and left them out for this so, just a thought.
I'm gonna stop rambling now, don't mind me, and thanks again for the crazy feedback, it means a lot!
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wannabespiderman · 4 months
Instructions unclear, sent a bowl of chocolate cereal.
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Bucky Barnes x reader
You get your grumpy old man a smartphone. Chaos ensues.
Bucky suspiciously inspected the black rectangle between his fingers. “That’s not the phone I had in mind.” Of course, he had probably been thinking of a damn rotary phone when you suggested he needed something to keep in touch with people. You knew he had this weird relationship with modern technology, he was very wary of everything electronic and if he didn’t get the hang of it immediately he would just get frustrated. On the other hand, if he was able to figure it out himself he was openly proud of it, telling you how easy it was. You always had to walk the fine line between something enhanced enough that it was actually useful these days and simple enough that he wouldn’t become grumpy and pout about it while talking your ear off at how ‘the simpler times’ were called that for a reason.
A Smartphone was very very risky. Sure, you could’ve found an old flip phone or a Nokia brick but those things just hadn’t survived the test of time and according to your very professional opinion as his partner and self-proclaimed emotional support nuisance, this man desperately  needed to stay in contact with the few people he would call his friends.
Despite your worry you put on your most supportive smile and turned the phone in his hand so he held it right side up. “Try it at least, okay? It’s cool.” You tried to assure him. He didn’t have to do a lot, you already set it up for him and downloaded all the apps you deemed necessary, helpful or fun, you even turned on the accessibility option so he could navigate his phone with one hand since the metal one wouldn’t work on a screen and would probably also leave scratches, so all that was left for him was to explore his new toy. You guided his pointer finger to the side of the phone and let him press the little button which made the screen turn on. Bucky gave you an unsure glance before turning his attention back to the phone in his hand and just kinda…stared at it until the screen turned off again. For a moment you didn’t know what was going on until you realized that with Bucky, specificity was key. You shook your head to shoo away the previous confusion his behavior caused and shuffled closer to him. “Do it again.” You encouraged him. Bucky’s brows furrowed slightly.
Oh no.
You held your breath, waiting for him to potentially hand the phone right back to you and suggesting that writing letters would be enough. After what felt like a minute he finally pressed the button again and you quietly released your breath. “Great! Now you just need to drag your thumb gently over the screen and you’re good to go.” Bucky slowly followed your instructions and you could practically feel the pride radiating off him, his eyes lighting up. Still, he tried to play it cool. “Huh. That was easy.”
Not specific enough.
You looked at your phone and tried to make out what exactly Bucky had sent you. It must’ve been a picture of his face, right? You thought you could see the brown of his hair in this blurry mess but on the other hand it could also be…maybe a bowl of chocolate cereal? Some Chili, maybe? No, there was definitely too little red for it to be Chili.
The man recently learned how to text like a normal person, more or less, but you didn’t know he also kind of figured out how to send pictures. His picture moved upwards when another blurry mess appeared in your chat. You squinted your eyes at the new picture, it was mostly white with some grey stripe in the middle. You gave up, no way you could figure out what the hell that one was.
Bucky…what is that? You typed out. The next message he sent you gave you move questions than answers.
I need a new phone. That was impossible, his smartphone was less than three days old. Sure, it could’ve cracked but you were sure he would’ve told you about that.
What’s wrong with your phone? Maybe I can help? You suggested. You didn’t have to wait for an answer too long.
Yes, please. You quietly chuckled to yourself, half amused by his struggles, half compassionate of them. You decided it would be best to talk to him face to face so you raked your fingers through your hair a few times to hide the fact that you’ve been hanging around in your bed for the last few hours and clicked the video call option on your screen. It rang and rang and…rang…until finally your screen lit up, or dulled down because all you could see was darkness with a touch of a chestnut color. You should’ve known that this would happen.
“Bucky, it’s a video call.” You informed him and watched as he pulled the phone away from his ear and instead looked at his screen, his brows furrowed like he always did when he lost a fight against technology. “Oh…” He grumbled.
“So, what’s wrong with your phone?” Bucky pressed his lips together, his eyes looking anywhere but at his phone.
“Bucky?” You asked, raising an eyebrow. Bucky let out a sigh and wiped his face with his right hand but you could see the slight blush forming on the apples of his cheeks.
“Was anyone going to tell me that there are two cameras? Why the hell would anyone need two?” You saw him lean against the headrest and turn his head to the side with an annoyed expression. Your heart melted a little bit, you couldn’t help but find it endearing at how clueless he was when it came to things that were common knowledge to you.
“James, stop pouting.” There was a tone of amusement in your voice even though you tried to feign sternness. Bucky’s head shot back towards where he could see you on the screen in his hand and blinked a few times as if he was trying to comprehend what you just said. You never really called him by his first name and his reaction made you clench your jaw and hold your breath so you wouldn’t burst out laughing.
“Don’t do that.”
“Do what?” You asked innocently and batted your lashes towards your camera. Bucky narrowed his eyes but couldn’t suppress the little smile that was tugging on the corners of his mouth. You grinned triumphantly, happy that you could at least lighten his mood a little bit. “Alright, alright, I’m sorry.” You finally said and playfully scrunched your nose. “So was that it? Did you have a problem taking pictures because you tried to take them with the outer camera?” Buckys smile slightly faltered but he chuckled nonetheless.
“Yeah, I guess. Sorry to be a bother with all the…you know, modern stuff, I-“ You cut him off immediately. “Don’t you dare apologize for that, you’re still learning and I’m happy to help. Hey, I’m very proud of you for making it work with the phone.” Bucky rolled his eyes good-naturedly but you could see his eyes soften. “I try.”
You continued talking to him for a while about nothing in particular until you decided that you both needed some rest and hung up. It was merely twenty minutes later, you just settled down and closed your eyes when your phone vibrated. A message from Bucky. You curiously opened the message to see if he had any more problems but instead your lips curled into a big, bright smile.
He sent you a picture, this time you could fully make out what it was, a photo of a shirtless Bucky laying on his couch, his eyes crinkled as he wore a proud grin with the caption I figured it out!
Tag list: @lunaroserites
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harrysfolklore · 11 months
Heyyy I you need fc I suggest kiana davis!! I love her hairrrr it’s so pretty
okay this ended up being suuuuper long but i hope you like it ! tell me your thoughts <3
ask me anything | masterlist | likes and reblogs are appreciated !
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liked by yoursister, harrystyles and 178 others
yourinstagram romance is not dead, if you keep it just yours 💖
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yoursister gorgeous
yourbestie i guess those dates are going fine 👀
harrystyles ❤️
friend1 omfg why is harry styles in this comment section
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liked by jefezoff, yourinstagram and 2,312,685 others
harrystyles Love On Tour. Tokyo II. March, 2023.
view all 47,791 comments
harryfan1 BABYYYY
annetwist ❤️
harryfan2 harry being single on tour is the best thing that happened to us
yourinstagram bestie best 💕
harris_reed blue denim bunnies 🐰
harryfan3 i want him
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liked by harryfan1, harryfan2 and 8,927 others
harryupdates Harry just followed this account on Instagram ! We’re not sure who she is and the account is private👀
view all 1,002 comments
harryfan1 OH?
harryfan2 who is that omfg she’s so pretty
harryfan3 everyone be normal
harryfan4 weird
harryfan5 oh gemma also follows them
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liked by yourbestie, harrystyles and 297 others
yourinstagram this is a… how do you guys call it again? a hard launch ?
i can’t wait to travel europe with you this summer, lover boy 🥺 @harrystyles
view all 70 comments
yourmom 👏🏻👏🏻💖
gemmastyles Have fun kiiiids and see you in London 🫶
harrystyles This is going to be the best summer ever x
↳ yourinstagram 🥹
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liked by jefeazoff, yourinstagram and 2,255,903 others
harrystyles Love On Tour. Horsens I. May, 2023.
view all 43,920 comments
harryfan1 BABYYYY
harryfan2 baby is backkk
yourinstagram summer of dreams 💕
↳ harryfan3 this is the priv acc harry followed 👀
alessandro_michele 🍒
harryfan3 the beginning of the end
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liked by harryfan1, harryfan2 and 8,962 others
harryupdates Harry out in Paris with a crew member today !
view all 986 comments
harryfan1 BABYYYY
harryfan2 how do u know she’s a crew member ?
harryfan3 i hate to break it out to you but that looks like a date
↳ harryfan4 no don’t say that
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liked by harrystyles, pillowpersonpp and 261 others
yourinstagram i made my pit debut last night in paris, definitely want to do it again
view all 39 comments
madidiaz Gorgeous gorgeous girl
yourbestie i can’t wait for my turn
harrystyles Look at you, a proper fan ❤️
↳ yourinstagram look at you, a proper smartphone user with emojis and all
harry__lambert Outfit on point 👏🏻🎀
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liked by sza, yourinstagram and 2,355,983 others
harrystyles Love On Tour. Paris I. June, 2023.
view all 49,381 others
harryfan1 BUB
harris_reed our little space cowboy
yourinstagram like we were in paris 💕
harrystyles liked this comment
harryfan2 do you have a gf yes or no
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liked by gemmastyles, harrystyles and 246 others
yourinstagram amsterdam was a whole lotta love (on tour) 💛
view all 45 comments
yourmom 💕
jefezoff Can I third wheel next time?
annetwist See you soon lovelies !
harrystyles Not to be corny, but you were the prettiest work of art in the gallery x
↳ yourinstagram HARRYYYY😩
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liked by jenniferaniston, yourinstagram and 1,722,351 others
harrystyles Love On Tour. Amsterdam II. June, 2023.
view all 46,295 comments
harryfan1 GO BABYYYY
harris_reed 🤍🖤🤍🖤🤍
mtv i love arm
harryfan2 slay
yourinstagram 🥺
↳ harryfan3 who are YOU
jefezoff 🔥🔥🔥
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liked by harryfan1, harryfan2 and 8,937 others
theharrytea What do you guys think about this?
view all 987 comments
harryfan1 i don’t know how to feel
harryfan2 lol that’s definitely fake
harryfan4 if it’s true i feel so bad people are leaking his stuff for interactions
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liked by harryfan1, harryfan2 and 9,927 others
harryupdates Harry out in London today !
view all 1,012 comments
harryfan1 ahhh bub
harryfan2 he looks PISSED
harryfan3 i can’t help but feel like he looks upset bc of the leak
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liked by harrystyles, pillowpersonpp and 254 others
yourinstagram when you want to go on a walk with your boyfriend but paparazzi are around so you have to walk a mile behind
wouldn’t change it for the world tho
view all 32 comments
yourbestie rockstar girlfriend diaries
jefezoff 🥺
harrystyles I love you, thanks for being patient
↳ yourinstagram i love you <3
gemmastyles girlfriend of the year
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liked by harryfan1, harryfan2 and 7,937 others
theharrytea Anne and YN, Harry’s rumored girlfriend hugging tonight 😳
view all 968 comments
harryfan1 OH?
harryfan2 isn’t that gemma?
harryfan3 is getting real
harryfan4 MAN
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liked by sza, yourinstagram and 3,139,758 others
harrystyles Love On Tour. London IV. June, 2023.
view all 42,735 comments
paulithepsm 🎥🍿
yourinstagram london boy 💕
↳ harryfan2 accept my follow request please
lloyddddddddddddd 💃
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liked by harryfan1, harryfan2 and 49,982 others
view all 8,027 comments
harryfan1 OH
harryfan2 yeah i don’t like this at all she can go
harryfan3 YIKESSSSSS i hope she goes away soon
harryfan4 omfg this comment section
harryfan5 WH*REEEEE
bradgouldtraining Disappointed to see media outlets invite someone else’s private lives for clicks, but more disappointed to see this vile comments.
↳ harryfan1 wtf brad???
↳ harryfan4 y’all are going to hell
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gifs by @sue <;33
liked by harryfan1, harryfan2 and 9,726 others
some fans say that he was reacting to a sign, while others who were close by yn and brad in the pit claim that he was actually interacting with her, since they saw her mouthing stuff to him.
view all 1,002 comments
harryfan1 harry is unhinged that’s all i’ll say
harryfan2 im crumbling over here
harryfan3 looks like she asked him to make out or something 😭
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liked by jenniferaniston, yourinstagram and 1,661,405 others
harrystyles Love On Tour. Cardiff I. June, 2023.
view all 45,556 comments
harryfan1 LOVIEEE
musicariza 🐉🐉🐉
harryfan2 come online and address the rumors
yourinstagram 🕺 ily
↳ harryfan2 OH
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liked by gemmastyles, harrystyles and 235 others
yourinstagram another day, another country, another love on tour fit 💕
view all 44 comments
yourmom My pretty girl ❤️
bradgouldtraining The queen 🕺
jefezoff Slay bestie.
yourinstagram i love my fans
harrystyles Gorgeous x
↳ yourinstagram like i said, my fans 🥰
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liked by harryfan1, harryfan2 and 10,827 others
harryupdates “NO! No more trying to shoot your shot with me! I’m taken! I’m taken! My girlfriend is here and this is a family show” Harry confirming he’s in a relationship on stage tonight 😳
view all 2,927 comments
harryfan1 WTFFFFF
harryfan3 man he’s insane
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liked by pillowpersonpp, harrystyles and 298 others
yourinstagram my honest reaction to harry hard launching us tonight lol
view all 49 comments
annetwist 😂😂😂❤️
paulithepsm I mean it was about damn time
↳ harry__lambert Word
harrystyles I love you. That’s all x
↳ yourinstagram ily more sappy boy
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liked by jefezoff, yourinstagram and 2,248,754 others
harrystyles Love On Tour. Düsseldorf II. June, 2023.
view all 41,664 others
harryfan1 BABYYYY
paulithepsm 💙
harryfan2 that’s boyfriendrry i can’t
yourinstagram best show 🤍
↳ harryfan3 i’m so jealous of you right now
iheartradio i am in fact harry’s girlfriend
taglist: @lightsoutstyles @waitingroomharry y @willowpains @straightontilmornin @sleutherclaw @gimsaysay @hazzassmirk @platinumbarbie143 @musicforcinemas @celesteblack08 @scntfrhs @eleanordaisy @lomlolivia @iceebabies @iloveshawn @be-with-me-so-happily
tell me if you want to be added <3
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riri0000i · 16 days
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Choso had always been the easy target. Since kindergarten. He was mentally weak, anti-social, and never responded to any provocation. Girls called him creepy, a freak, while boys raised their hands at him as a "joke". He spent mornings at school trying to not be noticed by people like you, without any success, of course. He had no one to hang out with and the only thing he did outside school was taking care of his siblings and pulling all-nighters in front of the computer, talking to the only people who could understand his loneliness.
A real loser.
" Oops, my bad Choso!" You chimed with a fake guilty face. Your friends were all laughing, some even taking pictures with their smartphones. Choso didn't move an inch from his chair, letting you pour the probably expired milk carton on his head.
" Hey! Don't frame me with this creep too." You said, noticing that a friend of yours was also taking pictures of you.
" It's not like the teacher cares anyway. " She responded. She was right: teachers gained nothing from defending students like Choso. Your school was one of those elite schools, mainly attended by people like you: rich and mean, with disgusting pastimes like making other people's lives miserable. And then there were those like Choso, who had earned the scholarship by studying.
" I know, but today I forgot to put my lashes on." Your answer made your friends laugh again and you joined them. Before class began you looked at Choso, drenched in milk. You met his tired eyes, as soon as he noticed your gaze he looked down. His weakness pissed you off.
“ Pathetic dog.”
The chemistry professor was explaining biomolecules, there were maybe five students who were actually listening to him. You were not one of them: you were scrolling on your phone and the few times you looked up you watched how your friends sitting next to Choso tormented him, by kicking at his chair or throwing pieces of paper at him. Nothing new.
" For this topic I would like you to work in pairs by doing a project. I will select the pairs based on your grades." The teacher said before clearing his throat for the umpteenth time.
Shit, this is the worst.
You had seen the scoreboard from the last chemistry test and you were last while Choso... He was first, just like in any other subject. The teacher began to list the pairs and, as you predicted, you ended up with that loser. When Choso heard your name he felt his stomach turn in anxiety, he feared you more than anyone else. To him you were simply cruel. There was no sign, however slight, of kindness in your soul. To make it worse was your pretty face which, at first glance, was impossible to associate with your awful personality. Choso would be lying if he said he didn't find you attractive. Maybe you were the most beautiful girl he had ever laid eyes on.
" Turn in the project by next week." The teacher concluded before the bell rang.
" Can't believe that you have to do this with that creep!" Your friend laughed.
After a sigh: " Fuck it, I hate that teacher. Bet he did it on purpose." You said with a pissed tone. You noticed that Choso was watching you. You got up from your chair with another annoyed sigh and positioned yourself in front of his desk: hands on your hips and a fake smile on your lips, the usual one you used to make before saying a cruel comment.
" I don't want to be seen hanging around with you, much less in my house." You spat.
Choso replied in his insecure, shaky voice: " We can do it at my house... I warn you I have brothers so—
" Okay. See you later."
Number not Saved : 602. Apartment building X. Near Y station.
You : I'm taking the train rn.
Choso was nervous. It was his first time having a girl at home. Fortunately his brothers were staying late at school that day. He quickly took a shower, getting rid of the smell of milk that earned him several stares by strangers. Being the loser he was, he asked for advice on Reddit to avoid being overly weird.
Knock Knock.
Choso jumped at the knocks on the door, interrupting his reading “How to Look More Sociable in 3 Steps”. You arrived a little late, not expecting the train to take so long.
" Come in..." He said, opening the door for you. You didn’t even say hello, you just sighed, as if you were forced to do the hardest work job on earth. As you looked around (It was the first time you had seen such a small apartment) Choso couldn’t look away from your body. You were so cute in that little outfit. It was the first time he had seen you without your uniform outside school. He would never admit it but Choso stalkled your instagram account several times (resulting in messy erections every time you posted bikini photos). The miniskirt you were wearing was surely going to distract him. He felt something twitching in his pants. Face instantly pink in embarrassment.
Oh. Oh no. No. God, no.
“ Are we doing this stupid project or what?” You asked, breaking the silence. Lucky him, he was wearing loose clothes. You didn’t notice anything.
“ Oh. Yeah… Follow me.” He responded quietly, his body tensing up. You noticed how Choso loses some of his loser appearance without the school uniform. He wore black sweatpants, a baggy sweater and his usual glasses. If he was one of your friends you might have complimented his look.
" Uhh.. You can sit on the bed… Or on the chair, you decide." He said in his usual passive tone. You huffed, sitting on his bed. It smelled like him. You were quite disappointed by the normality of his room (yes, you were expecting an otaku room: full of action figures, bodypillows and posters).
That miniskirt…I bet she did it on purpose. The sight of a pretty girl like you on his bed made Choso’s mouth go dry. He hated you but at the same time it was impossible to not admire your beauty.
" Hope you don't expect me to do anything about that project, do you, Choso?" You said with a smile on your lips. Obviously, Choso knew he would do most, if not all, of the work. He nodded, muttering something to himself. Before you could add any mean comment Choso sat down and started typing on his keyboard. Your initial idea was to find something weird, or childish, in his room and bully him but it was all so… Normal. With the excuse of going to the bathroom you explored the house.
Oh. One of his brothers is Itadori Yuuji? You looked at one of the photos hanging in the hallway. Although he didn't attend your school, Itadori Yuuji was quite popular. And he was popular for good reasons: athletic, generous and nice. You returned to Choso's room, who seemed focused on his work. You looked at him. It annoyed you to admit it but—he had a nice face. Cute, if you had to be honest. But he was unable to maintain a good self-image: he stuttered and couldn't keep eye contact, dark circles partly hidden by the nerdy glasses he wore, hair loose and messy and his posture screamed "I'm weak.”
Ugh. How can Choso be related to Itadori?
After a while: " I'm getting bored." You said as you approached Choso. His heart missed a beat, the last time you had said those words one of your friends put out a cigarette on Choso's palm just to entertain you.
" Uh, umm.. I doubt there's anything fun here..."
" Don't you have any games on your computer?" Choso was taken aback by your question.
" …Y-Yes?" He answered but Choso was sure you had other intentions, like finding another way to bully him. Standing up, you placed yourself beside him, leaning against his chair. Choso could smell a sugary scent from your clothes and hair, it was intoxicating. You watched how his long fingers trembled.
Oh, his hands are so big.
" Uh, uhmm y-you can sit here… I'll get another chair— Before Choso could add another word you sat on his lap. His body froze in surprise. Your ass on his crotch. You rested your back on his muscular chest, waiting for him to start playing. How was he supposed to respond to this?
" Oh, I like this game." You commented as if nothing was wrong.
“ R-Really..? I’ll p,play it then…”
He’s already hard.
To hold the controller Choso had to practically hug you. The way he would struggle to stay still and whisper an "I'm sorry" every time he accidentally touched you was so funny to you. But it was even more fun to rub your warm pussy against his erected sex, feeling his hot breath against the skin of your neck.
“ D-Don’t … P-Please, don’t move like that..” He nervously gulped. Because of that miniskirt Choso could sense the slightest movement you made against his body and thanks to that miniskirt you could feel how Choso's erection throbbed against your panties.
“ Like what?” You teased, shifting your weight again. Choso's body was trembling. You could feel his heartbeat racing. He was squeezing the controller to maintain his calm, feeling his inside burning at the softness of your body against his crotch. The miniskirt you were wearing was not helping at all, allowing Choso the sight of your lacy pink panties. It made his head dizzy and his erection harder, almost painful. How can a girl like you be so naughty?
" I.. S-Stop teasing me." He finally spoke up, trying to sound angry. His voice shaky and weak. You smiled and finally turned your body, now face-to-face with him. The movement resulted in another rubbing against his cock, now covered with a layer of sticky precum. Choso's face was red with embarrassment, his eyes glossy and he tried his best to hold back little moans by biting his lip. He was a mess.
" Choso~" Having you in front of him was wayy worse. You were so pretty and so close , your soft tits pressed against his sweaty chest. On your face that mischievous, almost cruel, smile. Your cheeks pink and your breath left shivers on his skin. His tip poked your wet cunt. You could feel he was big.
Maybe eight inches? It’s always the quiet ones.
" I, I can't take it anymore, p-please..." He whined like a little puppy. You gently moved a few strands of hair behind his ear and took off his glasses, throwing them on the floor. Shit, he was really handsome like that. You kissed him. Choso’s first kiss. Your lips soft and hot, leaving trails of a cherry gloss on his. He moaned inside your mouth, unable to follow your lewd rhythm. Your scent, your taste and your touch were making him obsessed, resulting in a messy and incoherent kiss.
Fuck, fuck, fuck, this is too much. He reached his limit. The same second you tried to reach the tip of his cock with your fingers he came, sobbing your name and leaving a cum stain on his pants.
“ I,I’m s—sorry…” His voice breathless, dick still twitching in pleasure. He continued to apologize with teary eyes, without knowing how erotic that scene was to you.
I want to fuck him.
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forlorn-crows · 1 month
𝒎𝒖𝒔𝒉𝒚 𝒎𝒂𝒚 𝒅𝒂𝒚 1: 𝒄𝒖𝒕𝒆𝒏𝒆𝒔𝒔 𝒂𝒈𝒈𝒓𝒆𝒔𝒔𝒊𝒐𝒏
pairing(s): aeon/swiss words: 656
He’s barely visible under the fuzzy gray blanket that’s pulled around his body. With his legs tucked up against his chest, fabric cocooned around him, he looks like a kit drowning in a terry cloth towel after a bath. Only Aeon’s round face, screwed up in concentration with the ends of his hoodie strings between his teeth, and knobby hands, plunking away at his new basic smartphone, are visible to Swiss. 
In simple terms, he’s too cute to handle. Swiss’ fingers itch to grab and poke, squish the cuteness right out of him. Aeon grumbles something about the tiny keyboard, big pointed ear twitching as he stabs at the screen, and the multi ghoul cannot stand it for another second. 
“Whatcha doin’, bug?” he calls from his chair opposite the couch. 
Aeon chirps, peeking up from the screen. His hair sticks up on top when he lifts his head. “Hm?”
Swiss is going to scream. “I said ‘whatcha doin’’?”
“Well,” he spits out the hoodie strings, shifting a bit. “I’m trying to figure out this . . . texting thing. But Dew keeps sending me funny little faces after I accidentally send him random letters. The keys are so small, how do you do this?”
“You’ll get it, just takes some time. At least you have smaller thumbs.” Swiss wiggles both of his in Aeon’s direction. “That’ll help.”
Aeon huffs, corners of his mouth turning down, lower lip sticking out; he pouts. He’s pouting. Why must Copia always summon the adorable ones? And why can Swiss just never keep his hands off of them?
The frown remains in place even as Swiss hops out of his seat and sits down beside the newbie quint. Swiss shakes his head and chuckles. “Why’re you so damn cute?”
Aeon side-eyes him. Scoffs a little and rolls his eyes. “Cute?” he accuses. 
“Have you seen yourself?”
��I mean, yeah, I look in the mirror everyday—”
“No,” Swiss laughs, “right now. With your blanket and your little phone and that pouty face.” The multi ghoul pokes him right in the cheek, emphasizing said frown. 
“You make me sound like a child,” Aeon grumbles and flinches away, sticking his tongue out as he locks his phone and shoves it into the couch cushions. He pulls the blanket even tighter around himself. But there’s a smile tugging at his lips, even as he continues to side-eye Swiss. 
Once again, he is going to scream. “You make me crazy,” he admits stupidly, shaking his head. “I just wanna,” he makes a vague grabby-hands motion, indicating his frustration, “ugh, I just wanna scrunch you up and put you in my pocket, baby.”
“Front pockets are preferable, please.” Aeon grins suddenly, showing off his fangs. 
Swiss blinks. Momentarily stunned to silence—an incredibly rare feat for this ghoul.
“You little—” He springs into action, leaning close and poking his thick fingers everywhere: his neck, behind his ears, the dimples in his cheeks. Aeon squawks in protest, but that does nothing to stop the onslaught. He growls playfully and grabs his cheeks, squishing and smushing and squeezing. 
“‘wiss,” the quint attempts to complain—keep it together, really—through pushed-together cheeks. “‘top, bhat’re you—”
“I’m sorry, but you’re too adorable to live,” Swiss explains. “Gotta stop you before you reach mach cuteness or everyone’ll die.” Aeon whines, removing his arms from the blanket to swat at him to no avail. Swiss is quick to release his cheeks, grabbing his wrists instead and pinning his arms to his chest. 
“Gah, what the fu—” Swiss cuts him off with a cross between a snarl, a growl, and a weird noise a disgruntled-slash-scared cat would make, completely dramatic and unserious, diving in to his neck open-mouthed so he can graze his skin with the front of his teeth repeatedly with fake bites. Aeon can only toss his head back and giggle ferociously and against his will. 
“Gonna eat you,” Swiss growls. “C’mere.”
“Why are you like this?!”
𝒑𝒍𝒆𝒂𝒔𝒆 𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒊𝒅𝒆𝒓 𝒓𝒆𝒃𝒍𝒐𝒈𝒈𝒊𝒏𝒈 ✿
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moonit3 · 1 month
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⟡ cw: male yandere, biting, blood, violence towards reader, amab/m! reader but with neutral pronouns, implied future noncon but nothing written about it, choking, toxic behavior.
⟡ word count: 1.5 k
⟡ yandere! male boss x amab! reader
⟡ notes: can this be considered as a rewrite? probably not, since there isn’t much than a few similarities between the original piece with leonard and this one is way better, I promise. unfortunately this won’t include any nsfw content as i still struggling how to write amab! readers, so please don’t mean to me.
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when your boss invited you to attend one of the most popular conferences of the world, you had to accept it. not only you would gain an extra bonus from the next couple of months, but also who doesn’t enjoy staying in a five star hotel with everything paid? you didn’t waste time to pack your stuff and travel across the word along with leonard, the ceo of the company you works at.
your mind already made plans to relax at a grand hotel room that has the size of your childhood house, perhaps a bath full of bubbles? sleeping in a bed so soft that makes your body think is clouds? or even better, eating all the food from the menu! that would be amazing plans if you haven’t learn that you will be sharing the same room with leonard himself…
“you look quite disappointed,” he said. “didn’t you know that as my assistant during the conference, you will have to share the bedroom as a way to prevent you from leaking information about my next project.”
the man arrange his tie when his eyes stare at you laying down at the king size bed, already having given up after learning the horrible news of having to be his unwilling roommate for the rest of the travel. it’s almost comical to see that one of his employees is now looking like a dead corpse, he would laugh if hasn’t worry about your current state.
“bold them to assume that i would remember of those secret projects when i can’t even remember of what i ate yesterday.” a laugh came out of your throat when rolling over the bed to reach for your phone. without thiking much, you began scrolling over social media to find something interest or a silly game to lose time before today’s conference start.
when you do find some game worth to waste time, your phone was quickly stolen from your hands by no other than leonard himself.
“give me that!” you got up from the bed and tried to reach for your precious little phone at his hands, even standing on the tips of your toes to try to grab it from him. “don’t be stupid, sir! you are too old to act like a little kid.”
of course, your words didn’t made any difference on his behavior. what would you expect from a guy who inherited dad’s company instead of climbing the social ladder to archive it? you know that leonard is one of those guys who think they can have anything by using money or threats. and you have a feeling that you will fall into his trap soon.
between one of your attempts to reach out for you smartphone, he throws your precious item away into the ground, smashing it in million pieces all over the wooden floor. the sudden loud noise made you freeze in front of him, too scared to act out of fear of what he is going to do next. is he angry at you for acting this way? you hope not, he is the one to blame for it. and he was the one that started it.
silence took over, you didn’t dare to speak a word with leonard’s sharp eyes looking down at your face. damn it, why he got to be so tall? he already looks so intimidating during work hours back at the company and now having smashed your phone to the ground only twice that feeling growing inside your body.
before you create any courage to say a word or two, he began laughing like a mad man while you can only imagine what is going on inside his head. seconds ago, he looked ready to yell at you for his own mistakes and now he is just laughing? rich people are weird, your grandfather was right.
one of his hand lays on your cheek, caressing it like he has known you for ages. it seems that make him feel better, his lips curves into a small smile with his finger trancing all over you [pale/tanned/dark…] face.
in your perspective, his affection or whatever you call that, it’s making you feel horrible. the expression on your face says all, you aren’t comfortable by having a man touching your face like this and you wish he stopped with it. however, when you try to move away, leonard harshly grabs your face and brings you even closer to him. his touch on your face is cruel, almost like he could rip apart the skin away from your cheeks and just throw you across the room.
“you are pathetic, [name].” he said. “you know that, right?”
his words hurt you, it made you feel horrible knowing that a man you often look up to is saying something like that right at your face. between the newly sobs coming out of your throat, you manage to beg him to let it go and unfortunately, he doesn’t listen to your pleading. instead, his grip only gets tighter as he brings your closer to him, now you can feel his breath right at your neck. the smells reminds you of those expensive drinks and even more expensive cologne that you could only dream to afford for yourself.
your mind was preparing you for a slap, maybe a punch right onto your nose that would leave you feeling like a piece of trash. but imagine your expression when you only felt his lips brushing against yours in a lustful and rough kiss. by your instincts, you succeeded push him away, just for a fleeting moment you saw his eyes full of fury, making you freeze.
“i-I’m sorry, sir! I didn’t meant to—“
you didn’t get to finish your pleadings, not when leonard’s hands quickly wrapped around your throat and began squeezing it like you were nothing, but one of those squishy toys. his strength is too much for you to fight against it, so you simply give up in trying to put up a struggle for him.
it took less than a minute to your vision to become pure darkness, leaving you completely at the mercy of your boss. even with your mind telling to open your eyes and try to put fight, you body can’t handle simple commands to put a fight against him. indeed, you are stupid to believe that you had a chance to fight leonard…
the liquid that means essences of all living being of this planet flows over your naked skin, hitting the large bruise around your neck left and the freshly ones that leonard gave you as the result of trying to mark you as his only. the crimson coming out of newly formed bite marks around your chest and neck was way too much be clean by a cloth. so he had to bring you inside the bathtub, took off your clothes and didn’t waste the chance to join you in.
there isn’t a place where leonard hasn’t touch your sleeping body, well with the exception of a certain place. the man would wait to tease your cock for when you fully regain your consciousness, just so he can admire your lewd expressions and record it to keep you in place. he knows it’s wrong, but can he blame himself when you are just too addicted? you are a drug that he can’t control it and he wants more and more of the weird sensation that you brings to him.
once the blood stopped coming out of your injuries, leonard decided it was the perfect time just relax inside the bathtub without caring about the world outside this hotel room. he turned the water off, letting the cold air hit his skin as the water disappeared down the drain. even sleeping, you body searched for a heat source and as he expected, your body moved around to find a heat source that is him.
it’s pathetic how your body acts without any shame to get closer to his, trying to bind yourself onto him to keep yourself warm. how leonard wishes to have brought his waterproof camera to catch this intimate moment between you and him, but there is no worry when he knows there will plenty of moments like this to record in a soon future.
he knows your life won’t be the same when you open your eyes to see your boss handing your naked body so personal, and leonard can already imagine how surprised you will be when hearing about your new position as his spouse. will you try to fight with him? probably not, only if you wish to carry more marks over you body. the most applaudable possibility is you agreeing with his statement with fear controlling both your physique and mind, afraid that he will killed you.
“my dear mine,” carrying your sleeping figure towards the bed, leonard can only smirk when taking a final look before putting a robe on you. “you have no idea what you makes me feel.”
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@moonit3 . don’t repost it, don’t modify it, don’t plagiarize, translate it without my permission.
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sophiasharp · 10 months
Man I don’t think we talk enough about the fact that in the wildly accepted fanon, the ghouls were like. Creatures pulled out of a primitive society full of bloodshed and danger. These guys were just chilling in hell, fighting for their lives every day like you do, and now they’re on Earth, expected to figure out Earth manners and technology and how the fuck anything works. I’ve been thinking about it, though. Let me walk you through my thoughts
- Bull in a China shop
- Big man has gotten very good at controlling his strength over the years. That control was NOT there at first.
- Bumped into fucking everything too. Dude’s used to being in the wide open abyss the quintessence ghouls occupy. Suddenly having to learn special awareness was. A hurdle of his.
- He broke a lot of tables. And chairs. And plates. Mugs. One Sibling’s arm. He got there eventually but Omega had to walk him through how fragile everything on Earth is compared to their ghoulish strength.
- Part of his habit of jumping up and down also comes from how different Earth is to his home environment. You mean you can go up and then you’ll come down again? Automatically? What a concept! Gravity is so much fun!
- Still gets some sense of novelty out of electric lighting. Being able to just. Make the dark go away? Whenever? Amazing.
- He keeps a night light on in his room. The last person to make fun of him for it mysteriously ended up with 3rd degree burns.
- Skittish little fucker
- Kinda like that one video of those weird crabs reacting to the diver
- Dew, poking at a toaster: Friend? Friend? Friend? Big noise! Scared! Scared! Scared! Scared! … Friend? Friend?
- Fucking LOVED blankets and coats and jackets and robes and honestly just anything that will keep him warm. He was used to the cold, sure, but if he had a choice between that and being cuddled under 5 different comforters, possibly with another ghoul for extra body heat? It wasn’t even a competition.
- Still had to often be reminded to wear clothes. “We’re in a hellish commune, does anyone really care about one ghoul being naked?” “It’s not so much the nakedness as much as the being out and about without your uniform.”
- Warm food blew his Fucking mind. Coming from the frigid arctic, whatever warmth you’d get from your food’s internal temperature was short lived. Microwaves? Ovens? Tea Kettles? Marvelous. Truly a gift from the Dark One
- Got REALLY into cooking. Dude is a wizard in the kitchen. Watched so many kitchen shows once he figured out how TV’s worked and started replicating the really fancy meals they were creating on screen with whatever he could find around the Abbey and what the kitchen staff were willing to give him. Now, whenever there’s a big occasion, he’s the one asked to oversee the food.
- weirdly calm and placid about everything despite not knowing how literally anything worked.
- Just casually curious about everything. Was always asking questions. Not in an annoying way, but just politely inquisitive.
- There was like a 50/50 chance he was actually listening to you at any given point in time. I mean, there are so many new sights, sounds, smells to experience! Can’t expect him to be 100% there when there’s still so much new splendor all around!
- If ever he was confronted with something new but no one was around to explain what it was, he would instead try to just. Figure it out on his own using his best judgement.
- This is how he once ended up straight up eating someone’s phone. This was very early on, mind you, but it was so smooth and shiny! And the precious metals inside were so tasty! He knows better now, of course. But there are some days where he’s tempted to give his ministry-issued smartphone a nibble…
- Figured out his love of gardening pretty damn fast considering that’s what he was originally summoned for. However, aside from tending to Primo’s garden, he found himself still going out to tend to the plants even in his free time. It’s calming to him, reminds him of home. When things get overwhelming, the plants are there to let him channel his worry into something producing.
- His first personal plant was a small pot of rosemary. He kept it in the window of his room and took *such* good care of it. It’s still there to this day, nestled among the other plants he’s accumulated of the years.
- he is so excited about everything!!!!
- He has to be touching all the new things all the time! What does it do? How is it made?? Can he eat it??? A lot of things that were small enough went straight into his mouth. Copia needed to keep a spray bottle on him at all times to make sure he didn’t hurt himself.
- Of course, when he was around the other ghouls, he played it cool. Have to make a good impression on his new (and hopefully permanent) packmates after all. He reeeaaaally didn’t want get sent back to the pit so getting in good with the rest of the band was TOP priority!
- In fact that need to be liked was bordering on unhealthy and sort of sabotaged himself a bit. Acting all suave and cocksure when the entire rest of the band was on high alert does that.
- Most of the ghouls regarded him with a hefty amount of distrust at first- being the first summon of the new boss came with a LOT of baggage -but Cumulus saw straight through him. He was just a silly little guy! She became his first real friend amongst the pack.
- The two became menaces together, exploring the abbey and messing with shit they probably shouldn’t have. Primo’s garden was a favorite of theirs, much to Mountain’s chagrin.
- Was just SOOOO fascinated by this new body he’s been put in. Unlike most the other ghouls, he didn’t have a physical body he inhabited back in hell, only being given one when he was summoned to the surface. Flesh! If feels funny! What does this thing down here do-
- was honestly kinda scared at first, what with the whole mood of the pack being out of wack.
- Apparently their new boss might have killed someone? That’s the guy that summoned them? Uh oh!
- Stayed glued to Cirrus in the beginning. Being summoned together meant having a strong built-in bond with each other, always having access to what the other is feeling. Being together offered a much-needed sense of comfort to Cumulus. Getting to spend time with a really pretty girl wasn’t bad either.
- Swiss was the one to bring her out of her shell, imbuing her with confidence through his own fake bravado. They came to rely on each other in that sense. When Cumulus was scared to do the things she wanted, Swiss would convince her of her capability. When Swiss was anxious and felt like a fraud, Cumulus would remind him of his sincerity.
- Was very curious about how her magic worked on the surface versus how it did in the pit. Back home, she was used to having to beat against the constant winds of the first layer of hell. Now that she’s on Earth, her powers are much more powerful than she ever expected them to be!
- LOVED textiles. She surrounded herself in all things soft and fluffy. Her bedroom (and most nights Cirrus’s as well) is just so Fucking cozy. Blankets and pillows everywhere. Her stuffed animal collection is unmatched. Will cry if even one of them ends up on the floor.
- Dew was the one to help her start her collection. To this day they are each other’s #1 cuddle buddies.
- Stone cold badass front to hide how nervous she was.
- VERY protective of Cumulus in the beginning. She could feel how scared she was and felt the need to step up and protect the both of them from any threat this new environment may have… even if the perceived threat is a bit stupid.
- She once kicked in the washing machine cause it made a sound once it was done and it startled her. Not her proudest moment.
- Was almost OVERPROTECTIVE of Cumulus at first, even, doing even the simplest of tasks for her to prevent risk of injury. That was until she watched her kick a sibling straight in the nuts for making snide remarks about Cirrus in front of her. Cirrus had never fallen in love faster.
- Took a LONG while to warm up to the others. Constantly felt like she had something to prove, like she needed to show that she wouldn’t buckle under pressure. Everyone (but Cumulus) was a threat.
- Adores weather on Earth and how it isn’t just WIND 24/7. She loves all the different shapes of the clouds, how dark they get with moisture, the gentle snowfall or the needle-like rain. Really puts her at peace to be out on a rainy day
- S C A R E D
- Everything is new and bright and cold and heavy and loud and- and- and-
- Yeah he barely left his room for a week, didn’t talk to anyone for anything. Not shy, necessarily, but just freaked the fuck OUT. They were starting to think he was nonverbal cause man refused to use his voice. In his defense, talking outside the water feels very different when you’re used to your vocal cords wiggling in water all your life.
- In my brain the first time he did speak was to Copia after he did his lil oopsie with the rest of the pack. It’s like a day later and Copia’s tryna plan how he’s gonna make it up to the ghouls when rain cornered him in a dark hallway, made direct eye contact, and in the softest voice went “I wouldn’t go near the lake if I were you. It’s hard to hear screaming underwater.” He then left a completely stunned and freaked tf out Copia standing alone in the hall like it never happened.
- He kinda regrets letting his first words on Earth be a threat now but the rest of the pack is flattered, although they do still sometimes tease him for it.
- Really started coming out of his shell when Dew made dinner for him. Dew was in the same shoes as him once and, although his relationship with the new water ghoul was complicated, he still felt obligated to help his new packmate adjust to life on Earth.
- Bro went through the trouble of showing Rain what every little thing in the kitchen did so he wouldn’t be scared to make his own food anymore, all while making him some grade A gourmet dining. Dew didn’t know it at the time but that’s when the heart-eyes started.
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daytaker · 4 months
Oh! Oh! Spin the bottle with Mammon for the followers event!~
Thank you for your prompt, and sorry for the delay! Writer's block has been killing me but I'm trying to get back into the swing of things. Enjoy this little Mammon x reader drabble!
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Spin the Smartphone
Mammon x Reader Genre: Fluff Word Count: 1154 CW: Nothing, really.
[Part of my 250 Followers Mini Event!]
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“Hey, how ‘bout a game of spin the bottle?”
Mammon made the suggestion, grinning at everyone. That is to say, grinning at Levi, Satan, Asmo, the twins, and you. You were all sitting in your room, trying to figure out what to do now that the Monopoly board was scorched after Satan’s brief burst of rage earlier. (He landed on Park Place again.)
“Ew,” was Levi’s response.
“Eh?” Mammon blinked.
“You do realize that if we did that, you’d have a 5 out of 6 chance to land on one of your brothers?” Satan asked, tilting his head with a small smirk.
“Seriously, how is our brother this stupid?” sighed Belphie.
“I ain’t stupid!” Mammon whined.
“Why can’t you just ask the human for a kiss instead of coming up with these convoluted excuses?” Satan rolled the Monopoly top hat between his fingers. “Are you really so full of yourself that you can’t admit that’s what you’re actually after?”
“W-What? Whaddaya mean ‘all these convoluted excuses’?! I said one thing!”
“Last week you wanted to try seven minutes in heaven,” sighed Asmo, shaking his head. “That was even worse.”
Levi laughed. “Not to mention all the times you’ve been like, ‘Guys! I have the best idea! Let’s play truth or dare!’ and then ‘Okay, Human, ask me truth or dare! I choose dare! Huh? …Can ya dare me something else? …Can ya dare me something else again?’ Lol!”
“He’s so obvious it makes me a little sad,” Beel added with a sorry frown. 
You sat and listened to the exchange. They weren’t wrong, of course. You and Asmo had made a bit of a game of it; guessing what weird attempt at an excuse to kiss you Mammon might pull out next. Still, you weren’t completely heartless, and watching Mammon get dogpiled by his younger brothers wasn’t making you feel amazing, no matter how used to it he probably was.
So later that night, after you’d all agreed it was only fair that Satan should buy the replacement Monopoly board and the brothers had all cleared out, you pulled out your DDD and opened your texts.
> Hey. Mammon: Hey!!! Mammon: I mean, what’s up? > Could you come back to my room? I wanted to ask you about something.
Less than a minute later, there was a sudden, excited knock at your door. Mammon entered before you even invited him in and plopped down on the floor.
“So! Missin’ the Great Mammon already, eh? Can’t say I blame ya.”
“I have a proposition for you,” you announced, and you pulled a Demonus bottle from under your bed.
“I accept,” Mammon declared, snatching the bottle from your hands before you had a chance to get a word in edgewise. “...Hey, what the…? It’s empty!”
You took the bottle back and slipped onto the floor, facing Mammon. “We’re not drinking it, you doofus. We’re spinning it.”
You watched the gears turn in Mammon’s head in real time. He looked at you, then at the bottle, a complete lack of understanding on his face. Then his lips moved. You thought he mouthed the word “spin”, but you couldn’t be sure. He looked up at you again, decided that was a bit too intense, and returned to staring at the bottle as his cheeks turned red.
“Wait, you mean like…?”
“Spin the bottle. Yeah.”
Mammon looked around the room in an exaggerated fashion before raising a hand dismissively. “Uh, in case ya ain’t noticed, there’s only two of us here.”
“Is that a problem?”
“I’unno. ‘S meant to be a party game.”
“You think I don’t know that?”
Finally, the last few gears seemed to click into place, and a look of recognition crossed Mammon’s face. “...Oh!”
You set the bottle down on the floor between the two of you. You both stared at it. Then you looked up at each other. 
“You go first,” you said, and at the same time, Mammon said, “Uh, did you wanna–?”
Mammon gave it a spin. It was not an elegant spin either. The thing wobbled and rolled on its side and it took a few tries to get it to spin anything like how it always looked on TV.
When it stopped, it pointed unambiguously at the wall.
“Try it again,” you said.
He tried it again. This time it stopped facing your bed.
“You’re doing it wrong,” you sighed.
“The hell does that even mean?”
You ignored him and gave the bottle a spin. It went skating underneath the bed, and Mammon looked vindicated. “See? ‘S not that easy!”
Irritated to see your best made plans laid to waste, you opened up your DDD, typed a 🍾 emoji into the Notes app, and set the device down on the floor between you. You gave your device a little spin. This went far better than your last attempt, so you decided to quit while you were ahead.
Meanwhile, Mammon was attempting to decipher your actions. “The fuck is that?” he asked, squinting at the DDD.
“A bottle,” you answered with a shrug. “It’s pointing at you.”
Then you crawled across your wooden floor and pressed your lips against his, and Mammon just sort of tensed up and didn’t move, and it was awkward and kind of embarrassing and really nice. You hadn’t felt this much like a teenager since you were a teenager.
Once you crawled back to the far side of your DDD, he shook himself out of his fugue state and began protesting what had just occurred.
“H-Hey… Hey… Hey! Hey, hey, wait a second!” He seemed to be grasping at whatever he could to give himself an excuse for just how passive he was for that entire thing. “You said I could go first!”
“Spin better,” you shrugged.
“You spun worse than I did!”
“Creative solutions are rewarded.”
“...I see what’s goin’ on here,” Mammon said after a flustered pause. His confidence was suddenly back at full strength. “...You were just desperate for an excuse to kiss me, weren’t ya?”
You stared at him. Was this guy really trying to flip the scenario on its head?
“So desperate! Invitin’ me up here and pullin’ all this dumb crap with the bottle… Y’know, if ya really wanted a kiss, ya coulda just asked.” He was smirking now, smirking! “As my number one human, you should know ya always get special treatment, even when it comes to things like that. ‘Cause I’m so magnanimous and awesome and stuff.”
“Oh, Great Mammon,” you sighed, unsure if you found his schtick charming or irritating at the moment, “would you bless this poor mortal with a kiss?”
“N-Now you’re just gettin’ greedy!” Mammon scolded, cheeks flushing once again.
“Says the Avatar of Greed.”
“Exactly! I’d know!”
“Never mind then.”
“Ah, wait, wait, hold up.” Mammon grabbed the DDD that still laid on the floor between you. He gave it a spin. “Is that pointin’ at ya? Close enough, right? C’mere.”
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AITA for demanding a kid's mother compensate me for the expensive protective screen he ruined?
I (24F) used to work in a tutoring center with two classes, my class had around 8 kids, the other class had more because the tutor there is more experienced. I was having trouble managing my time and keeping up with all the classes the kids had. There was this one kid Mike (6M) who is a good kid but slightly mischievous, but I had a lot to say about his mother, I don't like her because she doesn't care. For example, the center closes at 6:30 and she's always like 1 hour late to pick him up, sometimes when I'm in a hurry to leave, I end up having to give him a ride myself because I can't just leave him alone and she doesn't pay me for the extra work. She even started to expect me to give her kid rides whenever she has plans, and never offers to pay. I could've been more strict with her but unfortunately I have social anxiety and have trouble asserting myself, but it's common sense to pay people for these sort of things.
Sometimes she even leaves for a trip OUTSIDE OF THE COUNTRY after she drops him off at the center (for her job- but it's her personal business and she could literally choose a different time or at least arrange for a pickup for her kid??)
Also Mike has two smartphones that he brings with him everyday and is very protective of them. I have no idea if both of them belong to him but that's irrelevant, the point is somehow he's allowed to carry two smartphones at the age of 6, I find it weird. And apparently the mother isn't even aware of it?! (As will be explained later)
It's been a minute so I don't remember what else I didn't like about this mother but there WERE other issues.
Anyway, the center was unofficial and there weren't any real guidelines for me to follow and I was new and very inexperienced so I often went to the other tutor (36F) for advice and copied her teaching style. For the poems and songs the children had to memorize, she suggested I use a recorded audio on my phone to help them with it instead of having to reread the entire thing for them over and over.
So I used this method a lot. At first I used to hold the phone for them and stay near them, but as time went to I started to trust them with my phone as I see how they handle it but I stay close to it. This continued for like a month and nothing happened to my phone. Sometimes when they are done and waiting for their rides I even let them play games on my mobile sometimes and yet nothing happened.
But one time there was a lot of homework so for Mike and another kid on the same grade I played the audio on loop and left the phone next to them, I warned them from messing with it and left to help another kid with her homework.
As I'm busy with this other kid go back to Mike and I find out he peeled the my phone's protective screen on purpose and he was laughing? Yes he's 6 but he knew exactly what he was doing. He often didn't let anyone touch his phones and often checks for damages and goes on rants about how handle a phone.
I went to the other tutor for advice and told me that was unacceptable and the mother should compensate me for it, so I decided to finally assert myself and immediately messaged her to tell her what her kid did and told her the screen costed me over 100$ (which is a lot of money in our currency) and my job was part time so my monthly salary was only about 660$ and it was the only job I had so obviously I couldn't afford it on my own.
She responded by telling me her a 6 year old doesn't understand the value of these things and it was my fault for lending him my mobile. I replied that I only allowed him to borrow my phone because I saw how he treated his two phones and listed several examples of how he handles them and takes good care of them and understands what damages them.
Her only response was: "Who said he has two phones?"
I was so done that was her only argument, but before I could reply she called management to complain about me demanding her money, they promised to resolve the issue and hung up to hear my side of the story.
My boss told me I was very bold to assume the mother would pay me, while the other tutor was on my side, and I learned in a private conversation with my boss that she wasn't a fan the other tutor's teaching methods.
Needless to say, I quit, for many reasons but this was a big factor so AITA?
What are these acronyms?
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graychrissy · 6 months
🌊Digital Detox + Egyptians lucid dreaming method 🌊
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Idk what to put on the title of this post so I wrote digital detox and I have copy pasted the main lines.
In the ancient Egypt the Egyptians use to have lucid dreaming alot and it was extremely easy for for them not just Egyptians but it was also mention ancient Indian scriptures.
You’re probably wondering ‘what’s the secret’? The real problem is often NOT your technique. It’s actually another issue that no amount of techniques, articles, reality checks, supplements or uncomfortable masks is going to fix. It’s your ‘inner game’. Specifically, your subconscious motivation and reward circuits, and ‘dopamine cycle’. Travel in your mind for a second, to ancient Egypt.
There were no smart phones, internet connections, computer animated action movies or virtual reality headsets.
Your brain back then would have produced a healthy amount of dopamine as a reward for pretty basic things like eating, working, exploring, and taking some time to relax or meditate
Now our average attention spans are literally less than 7 SECONDS. It’s probably a lot lower than that, and It’s declining every single year with the rise of new, highly addictive and stimulating social media apps and platforms. When was the last time you meditated for over 90 minutes? Have you ever? I’m not saying you have to do that to lucid dream, but this sort of practice was very common 5000 years ago. In fact, it was weird NOT to do that. And herein lies the main problem.
Your brain is ‘fried’ with an overly stimulated dopamine pathway. Dopamine is the neurotransmitter that stimulates the feeling of WANTING to keep doing something. It’s the reason you keep scrolling through Instagram, or keep refreshing your Facebook feed to see if there are any new comments or notifications. But it’s also the SUBCONSCIOUS reason you aren’t able to lucid dream easily. In the last decade especially, there have been billions of dollars spent by big tech to essentially ‘addict you’ to their platforms. Why? Money. The more time and energy you spend on platforms like that, the more money they make. So the task has been given to artificial intelligence. The AIs often just get trained and told a few basic things: 1: Get people to spend more time on the platform 2: Get people to keep coming BACK to the platform as often as possible The ‘AI’ pays almost NO attention to what that would do to your mental health, attention span, motivation, emotions, or really anything else. Much LESS attention is paid to the effect it has on your ability to focus, or do things like, say, lucid dream. Now, the ‘dopamine cycle’ is one part of the problem, but it’s actually pretty easy to fix. There are several little pieces to what I call the ‘modern brain puzzle’. Things that just weren’t a problem 5000 years ago. You can see some of this playing out in children today. On average, children or people under the age of 15, find it MUCH easier to lucid dream than adults do. It’s because at that age, their dopamine system has not been damaged too much. This is of course changing now, as more and more children are having access to smartphones, but it’s an interesting point. In fact not only does the dopamine problem affect your ability to lucid dream, it also affects your ability to WANT to lucid dream (consciously and subconsciously). Specifically I’m talking about your motivation and focus. And you guessed it, there’s your number one cause of problems when trying to meditate, practice techniques like the WILD, or recall your dreams.
After reading this paragraph or stanza whatever,I noticed something,as a kid I had lucid dreams alot with just putting intentions.
My first lucid dream was at around 7-8 years old,and I was sinking when I realised I was dream and I tried controlling my dream and even succeeded,and I was probably there for about 10 minutes playing with underwater creatures and mermaids.
And till 7 grade I use to have alot of lucid dreams but after that I was allowed to use phone and so I was always invested in phone like all the time. By the way lucid dream was pretty normal for me and I pretty much forgot about it and never really paid attention to lucid dreaming. And then I rarely had any lucid dreams, probably 4 times ever since 8 grade and I've noticed every time I lucid dream it's always whenever I don't use any social media.
In 9 grade my phone was taken again because my mother noticed my social media addiction. And after few months I again start to lucid dream for fun easily and effortlessly but during COVID I was again allowed to have my phone and then a new laptop so now my life was revolving around social media again and for the past few year I only lucid dream whenever I don't get to use my phone more then 2 days.
Idk bout y'all but I wasn't allowed to use phones or laptop till 8th grade so the only thing I knew was TV which I only watched after coming home so like my mind was most of the te bored because I didn't had anything to keep it entertain which made it easy for me to observe around looking for things to do.
So how can you reverse the ‘dopamine problem’ and several of the other issues modern life has created? By the way: This is NOT about destroying your phone and going back to live in a cave. There are actually several powerful habits you can install, that will let you KEEP using your phone, laptop etc, but without these harmful effects. Here’s the simple solution to more lucid dreams: 1. Reverse engineer your life and remove distractions, manipulation, ‘dopamine hijacking’ and harmful blue light exposure from your daily routine (along with some other ‘problem patterns’) 2. Get inside your subconscious brain and rewire yourself to WANT to practice lucid dreaming, and to effortlessly do reality checks at the right time, without even trying 3. Learn powerful ‘all day awareness’ and ‘lucid living’ techniques that give your brain superpowers in the fight 4. On top of THAT foundation, learn the most effective techniques and concepts, use our tools to stay motivated, and experience lucid mastery within 14 days. Let’s dive a little bit deeper: First, you have to ‘reverse engineer’ the problem. This can be complicated if you don’t know what you’re doing, but we’ve laid everything out step by step for you. If dopamine addiction is part of the problem, we have to break that addiction first. Then comes your mindset, and your motivation pathways. You need to actually feel GOOD when you practice these things. I see so many people saying they’re struggling to remember to do reality checks, or they just don’t want to wake up at ‘weird times’ to practice. Don’t worry, you won’t have to. It will feel good, and you’ll ENJOY practicing these things. Next, your subconscious mind. It’s SO important to fix your internal beliefs about lucid dreaming, because the chances are you have ‘internal blocks’ about becoming lucid. They’re easy to pick up, but a bit harder to ‘unlearn’. The system shows you how to ‘unlearn’ them, and install new, powerful and self affirming beliefs into your mind. This gives your brain lots more motivation to keep trying. Now, one of the most common things I hear people say is that they can’t REMEMBER to keep doing reality checks. It’s linked to the dopamine problem we mentioned earlier, but it’s also connected to a few other psychological principles that we’ll get onto. We’ll give you a new framework to ENJOY reality checks, remember them without any annoying reminders, and actually get them to SHOW UP in your dreams, 9 out of 10 times. And then finally, we’ll build the most effective techniques, methods and concepts on top of that new, strong foundation. Of course, I’m simplifying this here, but that’s the outline.
Here are some videos that may help.
If you want to know more about it or get the steps to lucid dream you can buy the book or go through a long step to get it for free but the procedure is very long and probably only for Iphone user.
You find some good articles ways to do the 'reverse dopamine' thingy.(I donot trust my research on this topic cuz I got confuse)
You may use Adambja's tape to reprogram your subconscious and this hacking the matrix tape the comments under the video was so good and I found this tape on someone's success story. You can use this two tapes to reprogram your subconscious and of course psych-k.
This is pretty much all you need digital detox,observing your surroundings and subconscious reprogramming to change your belief or assumptions.
And this will make you even more motivated that you are working on your goals as many of us have the access of devices it's hard for us to keep up with all this method and it's not like we are always busy if we are we wouldn't be scrolling through Tumblr and Pinterest all the time. If you read the the copy pasted part you'll see what I mean.
Edit: I forgot to mention it 🥲 if we follow do this we CAN HAVE lucid dream everyday.
Egyptians lucid dreaming tea
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This will be quick,so I went to my aunt's place with my mother and my aunt's ran out of tea powder/leaves so she used her daughter's blue lotus tea and after getting home I took a nap and I HAD A FOKING LUCID DREAM,so basically I didn't knew that it was the tea until I was doing some research on LD and found out that in ancient Egypt they use Blue Lotus tea and I found some review about it on YouTube and people had very vivid dreams aswell. This tea basically put you in REM which y'all probably know about.
But I don't like tea😐,so if anyone have interest you can try I honestly want to but my hate for tea is on top on the list of top 5 things I hate,you can find them online people even use Blue Lotus in vape😐not encourageling y'all to smoke but if anyone does you can.
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champagnedrink · 4 months
📻 [The photo of the radio demon in a device with the newest technology that Vox released!?] 📻
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Everyone at the hotel knew you were a technology junkie and wondered how Alastor could have even fallen in love with you if he hated the latest stuff.
You had recently purchased a new smartphone and your boyfriend was not entirely happy with you. Annoying to say the least when you came running into the hazbin hotel waving your hand up and breathing the same way an athlete would do after running the same marathon you had done to be the first to get that gadget.
Charlie shared the excitement with you, immediately approaching you to check your cell phone, she left Vaggie in charge that she had better things to do, Niffty and Angel Dust accompanied her with curiosity. Husk was being the same alcoholic as always but he turned to look at you to try to distinguish what you wanted to show so much
"That was the thing you wanted to show so much? You were the first to get it!!? Let me see it, let me see it!"
"That's a new one pussy, got luck if it gets stuck or falls off your hands"
Alastor watched suspiciously from a few steps behind Angel Dust
"Dear, I think you should throw that away"
he replied as curtly as he could.
"Why? Look at this! It can take spectacular selfies!!"
"Haha! No no no, very soon it will break because of how delicate and... Disgusting, those artifacts are, nothing to talk about sweetheart"
He frowned evilly without losing his smile and walked away as fast as he could, he had no intention of approaching you until you threw that out of his sight, you turned to the group behind you and it gave you an idea, maybe you could take a photo of him unawares... You didn't know how the dynamics of glitching worked, any camera in which Alastor could appear, he would have to realize it for him to use his power, right?
All afternoon you spent trying to get his attention so that your plans went unnoticed. The story was getting too long and after Alastor ignored you for most of that day, you decided to talk about the situation with your small group of hotel staff, you ran to the terrace where Alastor was calmly drinking some weird drink on his cup, before approaching with the excuse of have something with him
"Would you mind spending more time with your wife?"
"Of course darling. After all it's about time you let go of that pathetic device that can't give you the same entertainment as me!"
He said proudly, seconds after sitting in front of him a *Click* was heard! And that sound along with the flash that illuminated Alastor's face was enough to make you shake with nerves
"You made a very serious mistake, my little sweet pathetic thing."
The next thing that happened was that you flew towards the paved floor of the main entrance of the hotel, elongated black tentacles holding you in place so that Alastor increased the size of him and showed those horns that scared you so much
"Very good try love, you almost made it, but you forgot that this face was made for radio"
Everyone heard the big scandal and ran out to see (They knew that the idea you had started was the worst you had ever thought of)
He wrapped a thick chain around your neck and pulled you towards him, but not before causing his own strength to break the cell phone you had in your hand. They dragged you into the hotel and you knew what was waiting for you.
What did you have to do to earn Alastor's forgiveness?
Having deleted the photo of his face that you kept in your gallery, it had come out blurry but you could distinguish his features, was it worth it? Ask yourself, now you owed him a debt of trust
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You gave him a little more than your body... And your soul.
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captainzigo · 8 days
so unfortunately very few entries here are going to properly be vintage. also what i consider vintage might not line up with what you do. i am not old.
also i am not wealthy. and my family isn’t wealthy. this is an expensive hobby to have. i get most of my stuff from loving it and refusing to throw it away… and digging through the trash at university. you would be surprised with the stuff people throw away. planned obsolescence has nothing on the fact that people can’t be bothered to fix a sour harddrive.
i actually fix computers as a sort of second job. it’s nice to work on computers i can’t afford and that aren’t from the trash. but i love old tech. i love breathing life in to things long dead. i’m a technonecromancer. i am not including pictures of things i haven’t finished yet for the most part. and i simply am not including most things. this is but a fraction of my power
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ok so these are all my computers that work. i didn’t include ones that im still working on. they all worked but needed repairs variously. mostly they just needed new hard drives.
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my game consoles. again not including ones that don’t work. i actually bought that 3ds, but the rest my parents gave me after they got them used. that gameboy has needed a screen replacement that required soldering. the ds is my little trooper and has needed nothing ever. the wii needed a new disc drive. and the 3ds came in japanese and i hacked it to english.
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there’s a back view of my stickers
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these are some of my various devices. again not including ones that don’t work. that nano needed a new battery which was actual hell and i’m surprised it survived. that ipad is the first ipad and she works beautifully and one time i fastened it to my tummy for a tellytubby costume. i was slutty lala and i played the old spiderman movie trilogy in glorious VHS quality. i couldn’t find my iphone 3gs for this picture :( but it will turn up. i’ll include an old picture instead of cleaning my room to find it lol
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here are some novelties i just like. thats an old radio i swiped from my great grandfather. i got it working but it broke again. i dont know whats wrong with it and its so old that the parts are impossible to find. on the right is the browser for DS which is just so quaint. i love it. it barely works at all but i loaded a wikipedia page one time so xP
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this is my terrible stupid tiny phone i got from aliexpress that barely works BUT IT DOES WORK and is technically loaded with all modern smartphone features. i attached a video of it barely playing roblox
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this is my og imac. with the og keyboard. i didn’t include it with the working computers because it doesn’t. the harddrive died and im trying to fix it but its really hard. i’ve already sought out two different adapters that haven’t worked
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and this is a commodore 64 that i also got out of the trash. it does not work but im hoping to make it work. someone clearly loved it. enough to paint it crazy colors and enough to
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write some weird scifi quote on the inside of the case under the RF shield. but maybe they died, or it just became too much of an undertaking.
not included here is:
• several more apple products that i just don’t think look good. all the iphones between 6 and 11 are just so ugly. and i don’t actually like the way apple watches look
• the phone, tablet, and smart watch i actively use
• various bits and bobs like the official speakers for a imac 4, an electronic pocket dictionary, various wii peripherals and so on
• all of my audio equipment
• my iphone 3gs. i just never found it or any pictures of it. i love it tho. it was my first phone (hand me down. i’m not that old) and i have had to repair it so many times and i love taking bad photos with it
• all of my monitors
• my many videogames
• my old fridge that i love and cherish and use
• anything i have fixed and then given to someone else
• a bunch of other stuff
so if you are a beautiful trans woman, are you in love with me yet? or do i need to make a part two
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Lee!Vox Ler!Alastor fic if you're writing for Hazbin right now?
Of course!
Too Much Tech
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Summary: There’s an abundance of technology everywhere these days and it makes Alastor upset, he decides to go “speak” with Vox about the issue
Not this again…
Wherever Alastor went it always seemed like there was some sort of technology somewhere. Pretty much every demon in hell had a smartphone, there were sales for TV’s outside, holograms of Vox selling stuff, what happened to radio?
Alastor walked down the streets of hell, mostly being avoided due to his status but the demons that were brave enough to approach him and talk to him about “Vox’s new product” well…you know what happened.
Alastor was getting a little fed up with it, “Why is there so much technology these days..” Alastor muttered before turning around back the way he came, he could not deal with this right now.
Back at the hotel the lobby was rather active today, Husk and Angel were sitting around, chatting with Niffty as she cleaned and Vaggie was trying to hold back snickers as Charlie reprimanded Lucifer and as usual, he wasn’t listening.
“Dad you can’t do that!” Charlie told Lucifer, trying to sound upset but she couldn’t keep the grin off her face, apparently the King had filled her room to the brim with rubber ducks so when she opened her door, she was in for a surprise.
Lucifer started snickering along with Vaggie who just couldn’t hold it together anymore. “Cohohome on Chaharlie you have to ahadmit that was fuhuhunny!” Lucifer snickered and she rolled her eyes playfully, “Yeah yeah that was pretty good.” Charlie grinned and at the moment Alastor walked through the door.
“Alastor! How was your trip?” Charlie exclaimed, walking over to greet the other. “It was quite alright my dear thank you.” Alastor replied with his usual grin, walking over to Husk’s bar for a drink, weird. He never drank.
Husk, Angel and Niffty saw Alastor approaching and Husk straightened, Angel meandered over to go visit Charlie and Niffty scurried over and up Alastor’s arm to rest in his shoulder. “Hi Mr.Alastor!” Niffty greeted and he smiled.
“Hello Niffty dear.” Alastor replied and sat down at the bar, “Need something boss?” Husk asked him and he nodded, “Can you get me a shot of whiskey Husker? I could certainly use it right now…” Alastor trailed off and the cat demon nodded, turning around.
“So what happened with you?” Husk asked Alastor as he turned back around and slid the small glass towards the other demon. Alastor picked up the glass and drank it in one go before answering.
“All this technology, it’s quite ridiculous really, what happened to the older ages.” Alastor muttered, waving his hand and the glass became clean once more before standing up.
“Thank you my friend, the drink was remarkable but I really must be going.” Alastor told Husk and he hummed, not at all paying attention as Alastor started for the other side of the parlor.
The demon sat down and noticed Charlie playfully glaring at Lucifer, “What did he do now my dear?” Alastor spoke up, catching Charlie’s attention who turned with a grin. “He filled my room, top to bottom with rubber ducks.” Charlie replied and the King burst out laughing again.
“Ihihit was fuhuhuhunny!” Lucifer exclaimed, trying his best to keep his composure, “It took me three hours to clean all that up!” Charlie shot back with a grin and at that point Vaggie started laughing again making Charlie shake her head in defeat.
“I must say Charlie that does sound quite amusing.” Alastor told her and she facepalmed as Lucifer laughed harder, “S-Sehehehehee? He gehehets ihihit!” Lucifer cackled, calming down a moment later.
After that whole interaction Alastor began thinking, what if all this technology corrupts his friends as well? He knew Charlie and a few others have phones but at least the technology isn’t corrupting their brains like pretty much every other demon, but what if it did happen? No he couldn’t think like that, he wouldn’t let it.
“Alastor?” Charlie asked, suddenly right in front of him, startling the demon with a crack of radio static making Charlie giggle. “Sohorry Al I was just asking what do you think of upgrading the hotel’s security for the next Extermination Day?” Charlie asked him and he hummed.
“I think that’s a great idea my dear.” Alastor replied and Charlie grinned, “See I knew that was a good idea!” Charlie exclaimed, turning towards Lucifer who huffed and handed over a five dollar bill, apparently they bet on his opinion.
“If you’ll excuse me for a moment my dear.” Alastor told her, suddenly noticing something glinting in the camera of Angel’s phone a few feet away. Alastor stood and adjusted his bow tie before walking over to Angel.
“What’s up Freaky Face?” Angel asked Alastor as he approached, “May I borrow your phone for a moment Angel?” Alastor requested and the spider raised a brow, “Uhh what for?” Angel asked him, suddenly sounding very suspicious of Alastor’s intentions.
“I would like to investigate something on the outside of your device, now may I borrow it?” Alastor asked again and Angel flipped the device over before shrugging and handing it over to Alastor who also inspected it.
The deer noticed that there was something shiny glinting in Angel’s camera and he hooked a nail into it and yanked it out. Angel noticed this and his jaw dropped open, as Alastor flipped it over. “Property of Voxtech Interprises, isn’t this your boss’s friend’s work Angel?” Alastor asked him, handing the spider back the phone who took it with a growl.
“Son of a bitch Valentino…” Angel muttered, “Thank you Al.” Angel finished off and Alastor grinned, “But of course my dear.” Alastor replied and walked away, hearing Angel fuming over his shoulder, but little did the spider know, he wasn’t the only one upset about this.
Alastor fought off the changing of his eyes as he found a shady corner and merged with the shadows, time to pay a certain business owner a visit, no one messed with his friends and got away with it.
Moments later Alastor appeared in Vox’s observatory right as the TV demon was returning from a meeting. “Ahh what the fuck?!” Vox jumped back upon seeing Alastor randomly in his observation room.
“Since when did you get here you prick?! And why are you here??” Vox demanded but quickly silenced himself as he saw the pissed look on the other’s face.
“I would like to make this short and simple.” Alastor snapped and Vox folded his arms over his chest before jumping back in shock as Alastor suddenly appeared right in front of him.
“I saw and removed that thing on Angel Dust’s cellphone. If I see another one of your silly little devices on any of my friends or their belongings I will see to it that you will be punished by my hand. Are we clear?” Alastor spoke firmly, getting ready to snap.
“Y-Yeah whatever now leave will you?!” Vox snapped at him and he grinned, his polite demeanor returning, “With pleasure! And remember what I said.” Alastor reminded the TV demon before disappearing among the shadows once more.
Back at the hotel Alastor saw Angel still fuming but also getting ready to go somewhere? “Angel where are you going?” Alastor asked the other demon, a bit puzzled. “I’m going to go give Val a piece of my mind, what’s it to you?” Angel snapped at him and Alastor waved him off.
“Not to worry my dear I already had a little ‘chat’ with Vox about the situation, I assure you it will not be happening again.” Alastor told him and immediately Angel’s face lit up.
“Really? Thanks Al!” Angel exclaimed and Alastor grinned at him, “It’s my job to ensure that everyone here is safe.” Alastor replied and Angel grinned back before making his way over to Husk, likely to tell him about what just happened.
Wandering back over with Charlie, Vaggie and Lucifer, Charlie noticed that Alastor had returned and perked up. “Alastor! You’re back! What happened? Both you and Angel seemed pretty upset earlier.” Charlie identified and Alastor nodded.
“Acute observation my dear that’s right but that’s not anything you need to worry about.” Alastor assured her and Vaggie and Lucifer’s eyes narrowed in suspicion but Charlie only thought for a moment before shrugging. “Okay then if you say so.” Charlie told him and then started talking to Vaggie as Lucifer wandered over to stand by his side.
“What happened?” Lucifer asked Alastor, keeping his voice low so Charlie wouldn’t hear. “It’s nothing to worry about Your Highness, wouldn’t want your royal self to get involved in something so minor now would we?” Alastor taunted Lucifer and he grinned as he saw the King’s hands ball into fists at his side.
“Fine then, don’t tell me but just know I’ll be watching.” Lucifer reminded him but Alastor waved him off as Lucifer walked over to join Charlie and Vaggie. Now with nothing to Alastor started for the staircase, opting to go away to rest for a bit in his room.
Once he reached the stairs Alastor started scaling them and thought, he knew there was more technology around the hotel he didn’t know about, what was he supposed to do about that?? Reaching the top of the stairs Alastor went down one of the corridors, still thinking to himself.
A few moments later he’d reached his room as he opened the door and stepped inside, shutting the wood behind him, he would figure it out eventually.
Back at the Vees tower Vox was pacing in his observatory. “Fuck fuck fuck!” Vox muttered to himself, wtf was he supposed to do?? He just got threatened by Alastor not to do that again and he didn’t plan to he didn’t want to anger the stag anymore than he already had but he already knew that if he didn’t replace that device on Angel’s phone when he came into work Valentino would be mad! So what was he supposed to do???
He supposed he could just go up to the adult film department and tell Valentino about his situation, yeah that would work! So reluctantly Vox plastered on his regular smile and left his observation room, dodging reporters left and right to get to the elevator on the other side of the room.
Once there he stepped inside and pressed the button for Valentino’s department, the elevator jostling up before smoothing out as it began its climb upwards.
A few minutes later Vox heard the elevator ding as the doors opened and he was immediately hit in the face with a gust of pink-ish smoke leading down one of the hallways, well at least he knew where to go.
Vox followed the smoke down the hallway and a few minutes later was met with the sight of Valentino in the middle of shooting a movie. Not wanting to see ‘that’ Vox quickly spun on his heel, averting his gaze from the actors and waiting until they took a break or something but lucky for him his shoes made a squeaking noise that caught Valentino’s attention.
“Pause. Break time everyone!” Valentino clapped his hands and the actors stood, dispersing from the room. Once Vox didn’t hear the shuffling of feet anymore he turned around and nearly jumped back as the moth was right in front of him, okay what was with everyone doing that today?!
“Hello Voxxy, what brings you here?” Valentino crooned and Vox began walking away, confused the moth started following. “I need to talk to you about something Val, something important.” Vox told him and Valentino hummed, in a moment they were in a more secluded corner, away from listening ears.
“Okay so you know that thing you had me put in Angel’s phone?” Vox told Valentino and he averted his gaze in thought, holding out a cigar for Vox to light which he did, taking a drag before lighting up again.
“Ahh yes I remember, what of it?” Valentino asked and Vox’s expression quickly became annoyed. “Alastor found it. And removed it before coming over to my observation room to warn me not to do it again. So if you want to replace the device be my guest but don’t get me involved or use any of my devices.” Vox snapped at the moth and he grinned.
“Will do Voxxy~” Valentino called over his shoulder before sweeping back into the filming room, the TV demon hearing a loud “Get back in position!” Before he started his trek back to the elevator, at least that was cleared up.
Back at the hotel Alastor stood in his room now contemplating what he should do next. He had already taken care of the Vox situation so what now? He supposed he could go visit Rosie. Yeah he could do that, by now she should be off her shift at work so she should have some time.
So Alastor again found a shady spot in a corner and merged there, this time his destination being Cannibal Town. The deer arrived there a few minutes later, appearing right behind Rosie and luckily she didn’t seem to notice him, perfect.
Very slowly Alastor lowered his hands until they placed down on the woman’s shoulders, “Boo.” Alastor spoke but the overlord did not react?“You’re going to have to do better than that Alastor, you make noise when you arrive via your shadows technique.” Rosie grinned at him, nearly laughing as she turned around and saw the look on his face.
“Worth a shot.” Alastor muttered to himself and Rosie giggled, “Ihindeed it wahas.” Rosie told him, “How’ve you been?” Rosie asked him and he shrugged, “Oh the usual, I have been having to deal with Vox’s technology shenanigans though.” Alastor grumbled and Rosie laughed, “Oh well I’m sure it’s not all bad. I mean it certainly could be worse couldn’t it?” Rosie told him and he grinned.
“I suppose so.” Alastor spoke and she smiled, “See now this is why we listen to Aunty Rosie.” Rosie playfully reprimanded him, waving a finger at him and he laughed, “You are not wrong there my dear.” Alastor replied making them both laugh.
That’s when Alastor noticed that Rosie’s phone that was resting in the table that they were sitting at also had one of those shiny things. Alastor got mad. Really mad. And Rosie noticed and immediately became concerned.
“Alastor dear what happened??” Rosie asked him, beginning to panic as his eyes shifted to radio dials and his antlers grew. Alastor snatched up her phone and popped the shiny thing out like he’d done with Angel and flipped it over and sure enough, it was from Voxtech Interprises.
“Excuse me dear but I really must be going.” Alastor growled and before Rosie got the chance to say goodbye he was gone.
Alastor re-appeared at the hotel moments later, “Alastor!” Charlie exclaimed, “My apologies my dear but I can’t talk right now.” Alastor told her and grabbed his microphone staff and walked out the door.
Once outside Alastor became even more angry to see drones around the hotel, okay this was getting a little out of hand. He then slipped under one of the ledges of the hotel, merging with the shadows on his way to the tower.
“Well at least I got that figured out now AHH!!” Vox yelped and jumped back as he once again saw Alastor in his observation room which he’d just returned to but the deer looked more pissed off than last time, that couldn’t be good.
“U-Uhh why the h-hell are you back?!” Vox tried to sound angry but in reality he was scared, really scared. Anyone would be if they saw Alastor in his current state.
“I’ll give you 5 seconds.” Alastor snapped, grin still present on his face but it was strained and the sound of angry radio static was loud and heavy in the air.
“F-Five seconds for what?!” Vox snapped at him and Alastor sighed. “Five seconds to tell me why I found one of those shiny things in Rosie’s phone.” Alastor snapped at him and Vox crossed his arms, averting his gaze with a huff.
“Oh hell like I’m telling you!” Vox snapped at him and suddenly Alastor was right in front of him. “I’ll ask again. Why were they there? We can do this the easy way or the hard way.” Alastor snapped and Vox still stared at him. “And I’ll say this again. I’m. Not. Telling. You.” Vox clarified and Alastor sighed.
“Fine then. Hard way it is.” Alastor muttered and before Vox could question what that meant he felt the demon’s hands shoot down to his sides and start scribbling, definitely not what he was expecting. Vox jerked, curling in on himself as he fought off laughter that threatened to escape.
“Whahat the h-hell? Why thihis method of a-ahall methods?!” Vox pressed out but mentally cursed himself for the giggles that managed to slip through. “Because I would rather not things get messy wouldn’t you?” Alastor told him and he shook his head, “That’s what I thought.” Alastor grinned, still angry but some of his scary demeanor fading.
“F-Fuhuck you!” Vox snapped at him and Alastor grinned, “Oh dear is someone salty because of something they did to themselves? I’m afraid I don’t know how to help you there.” Alastor commented, moving up to claw at Vox’s underarms making the TV demon jerk away with a strangled noise, curling in on himself even more.
“Oh dear is someone a little sensitive here?” Alastor taunted and that seemed to be the stick that poked the bear because when Vox opened his mouth to snap back his laughter that he’d been holding in came out of him. “Fuhuhuhuhuck!” Vox swore, trying and failing to fight the other demon off.
“There we go much better.” Alastor teased, moving down to rake over Vox’s ribs. “Leheheheave me ahalone!” Vox snapped at Alastor but he shook his head, “No can do my dear, not until you apologize!” Alastor told him and he shook his head.
“Nohohohoho wahahahay! I like keheheheeping tabs ohohon the ohothers!” Vox told him and Alastor tsked, “Well I’m afraid I cannot release you just yet then, what would happen if I did this?” Alastor asked and moved his hands to trace over the glowing wire pattern on the back of his neck.
Quickly Vox shook his head, laughter dying down to frantic giggles as Alastor traced the sensitive space, “Ooohh bad spot?” Alastor taunted and Vox shook his head. “Fuhuhuhuck off you prihihihick!” Vox snapped at him, attempting to dislodge the other’s fingers.
“Are you going to apologize?” Alastor asked him again and Vox shook his head. “I alreheheheady tohohold you Ihi’m nohohohot going tohoho!!” Vox snapped, voice growing nervous as Alastor started trailing his fingers higher. “Are you sure about that my dear?” Alastor asked him, momentarily pausing the playful attack as one of his hands came up to rest on Vox’s hat between his antennae.
“Y-Yes I’m sure what are y-you going to do about it?!” Vox told him and the deer shrugged. “Alright then.” Alastor remarked and Vox braced himself for the sensation at the top of his head but instead Alastor’s hands shot down to drill into Vox’s hips. The unexpected change making the TV demon jerk with a loud squawk, grabbing Alastor’s wrists and laughing loudly.
“AHAhahahahAHAL!!” Vox howled, shaking with laughter as Alastor moved down again to scribble over the backs of Vox’s knees causing the other overlord to kick.
“Give it up Vox~” Alastor taunted but Vox shook his head. “NOHohohohOHO WAHAHAHAY!!” Vox cackled, remaining stubborn and Alastor couldn’t have that.
The deer shrugged again and his grin grew wider before he moved one hand back up to Vox’s hip and the other hand moved back up to the back of Vox’s neck. Vox’s face glitched briefly and the hum of television static entered the air before a megawatt grin spread across the TV demon’s features and he burst out laughing, unable to keep his composure.
“AHAHAHAL!!” Vox screeched, fighting the deer off but of course was unsuccessful. “You know what to do to make this stop Vox~” Alastor taunted him again and he snorted and shook his head, not yet. He wasn’t going to apologize.
At least that’s what he believed before Alastor’s hand moved up to tweak his antenna, okay fun’s over. “OKAHAHAHAY YOU WIHIHIN YOU WIHIHIN I GIHIHIVE!!” Vox cackled and Alastor raised a brow, “I’m sorry I didn’t catch that?” Alastor grinned and Vox growled under his breath.
“YOHOU SOHON OF A- FIHIHINE IM SOHOHORRY ABOUT THE DEHEHEVICES NOHOHOW QUHUHUIT YOU AHAHAHASS!!” Vox told him and finally Alastor backed off, “See now that wasn’t so hard was it?” Alastor told him and Vox only flipped him off.
“F-Fuhuhuhuck…yohohohou.” Vox breathed out, regaining his composure through a few face glitches. “Well I do hope you learned a lesson here today but I really must be going, if I see another one of those devices rest assured you will be hearing from me again.” Alastor told him and with a little hand wave, merged and disappeared.
“Sir are you alright??” Vox’s assistant Papermint came rushing through the door, “I heard a lot of noise up here are you okay??” The shark frantically asked him and Vox stared at him for a moment before waving him off, “Y-Yeah I’m fine now go will you?!” Vox snapped at him and the shark scurried back out the door leaving Vox with one thought.
He had a lot of work to do and not a lot of time to do it.
(So sorry this one is late I’ve been busy but I hope you enjoyed! ^^’)
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