#I thought pining lucy was bad enough
alexiethymia · 1 year
Listen, book!Lockwood who is so repressed that it just translates to beaming smiles has a special place in my heart, but at the same time I cannot stress how much I appreciate the live action series for showing us unbelievably exhausted Lockwood who’s so obviously scared that Lucy and George will eventually leave (willingly or otherwise) but still has the gall to push them away. My boy was barely pulling it together. And ofc he would be so tired that the bags under his eyes are so prominent because we’re outside of Lucy’s POV now. Lucy who’s always had rose-colored glasses when it comes to him.
Speaking of Lucy, I really do love how she calls him out. She’s so aggressive with her love. It’s like she’s demanding that George and her will love and care for him and there’s absolutely nothing Lockwood can do about it so he just better shut up and take it. Peak found family right there.
How that scene where Lockwood comes to apologize to Lucy in the kitchen had so much ‘husband in the doghouse’ vibes, and how ultimately what Lucy is really mad about is just her wanting Lockwood to value his life more. And for Lockwood to outright admit that yeah he was a bit suicidal but it’s a bit like he found a new reason for living because of Lucy and George, again I say PEAK FOUND FAMILY, this is my jam. The ease of which Lucy being Lucy calms him down. (Ugh, again the domesticity of choosing egg cups). He can’t stand when she’s mad at him and he learns about apologizing properly this time around, but when she wordlessly forgives him, you can see on his face how he could fall so quickly and deeply in love with her. That’s one thing I love so much about the live action series. While the book showed us more of Lucy’s feelings for Lockwood, I actually think the series highlights Lockwood’s feelings more in that if I hadn’t read the books beforehand, I could have easily seen it as Lockwood falling first. His abandonment issues are so prominent in the series and while they play it with humor with Fittes and Kipps, you can just see that desperation behind the lighthearted tone, and for Lucy to say that she chooses Lockwood and George anyway….!
This is basically an excuse to ramble about the little things they add in the series that I love so much, which works because we’re not restricted to Lucy’s POV, in no particular order:
How Flo can immediately see how Lockwood feels about Lucy because of the effect she has on him. Prior to that statement, she’d only met Lucy once before, but that brief meeting told her everything she needed to know. She probably knew Lockwood in the aftermath of his family’s death, so for her to see Lockwood just buttering someone’s else toast for them and being all domestic and smiley, treating another person like a family member especially considering how guarded he is, she must have thought (and rightly so) that meeting Lucy made him have an appetite for life again.
We actually get to see Fittes’ and Lockwood’s side of the fight! And it was awesome. “I’m Anthony bloody Lockwood.” I can no longer remember if that line was in the book or not but idc I love it.
George and Lucy’s scene was in the book, but the acting in the series just really sold it for me. How Lucy’s heart just broke hearing George talk about himself, especially everything he said then were feelings I’m sure she’s also had about herself. I seriously loved that last episode. George and Lucy were adorable. Again I say, found family ftw.
The rise of the Flo x George ship! “You, me, and herons!” Again I say, adorable.
There are some elements that work better in book format, but in many ways the tv series really did elevate this beloved book series. It was a wonderful, wonderful adaptation. As a reader, I couldn’t be more satisfied. As a shipper, I couldn’t be more ecstatic.
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bronx-bomber87 · 4 months
Happy Wednesday Fandom :) More of that pining/slow burn in this one. I saw a post that said ‘The greatest things take the longest time.’ That is Chenford in a nutshell. The buildup and reward are so good. This one is fantastic for so many reasons. Also we get rid of the dead weight that is Ashley in this one. The symbolism in this one is very poignant. So let’s get going.
5x05 The Fugitive
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A foot chase starts our ship off in this one. Tim takes down one of the suspects with an impressive takedown. Sexy af until he injures himself. Lucy pulls up and is on it immediately for him. Tim is clearly in pain and Lucy is instantly worried. Asking if he’s ok? Tim being Tim brushes it off. Saying it was just the take down. He tweaked his back is all. Then grimaces some more. Activating worried wifey mode to the max. You no longer have a choice in this now Timothy. She has decided you are going to the hospital and that is that sir. This is not up for debate. At all. Weird place or not you are her person and she will make sure you are taken care of. That’s instinctual.
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This next scene is the epitome of stubborn husband and exasperated wife. Tim comes gimping into the hospital. Lucy is hot on his trail worry pouring out of her. Nolan starts to update Tim on the fugitive loose in the hospital. Lucy cuts John off and says he’s not there as a supervisor. Damn girl you just take the lead for your man.
Idk what’s more telling to those around them. That Lucy is in wifey mode taking over for Tim. Or That Tim starts to fight her then gives in. Either way acting married af right now. Or as I saw in some tags we could call this scene ‘Where wives don’t believe their husbands.’ LOL From the minute he started hurting worried wife was activated.
She is not giving up till you are seen Tim. She is so exasperated with him when he says ‘Ok I’m not fine.’ Like yeah it’s what I’ve been telling you this entire time you stubborn ox of a man haha She's so gentle in helping him sit in that second gif though. Mad he won't listen but soft when he needs her. Mixture of extremely worried and infuriated with him.
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Lucy is doing her search for the fugitive when she runs into Tim’s room. Awkward central. She wasn’t expecting Ashley. haha Tells them she's just looking for bad guys...Tim doesn’t let her leave yet asking how the search is going? Asking If Nolan is leaving a cop on every floor? Lucy’s incredulous look and sass reply are the best. ‘Yes we’ve been cops for more than ten seconds.’ Lucy stays long enough to be present for the doctor. He explains it's an old injury flaring up.
It's from when he was shot few years back. Ashley's reaction to a bullet makes me roll my eyes. He’s a cop those tend to be apart of the deal….The doctor telling him the injury from a few years ago is a problem now. There was a fragment that was too complicated to move at the time. So they left it there. Tim tries to relax Ashley and say he was ‘Just shot’ not a big deal. Trying to downplay it. Lucy bragging she saved his life on day one. It was a big deal heh I mean it really was... His hot shot in action saved his life.
Tim ignores her comment and let's the doctor finish. He says the fragment has traveled and is now closer to his spinal column. It’s pressing on a nerve now. So they need to do surgery to remove it. Tim says 'Ok…when?' Wifey jumps in not Ashley and asks ‘Hold on, what are the risks?’ The doctor must’ve thought Ashley was Tim’s sister and Lucy was the spouse at this point. He has to. The way Lucy is acting is that of a worried wife. Asking questions and not just sitting there as the doctor speaks.
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The doctor answers Lucy’s question by saying ‘They’re talking about the spine so it’s risky..’ The silent communication above oh my word. He doesn’t look to Ashley for comfort when the doc says this. No no. He looks to his person for it. The way he flits his eyes over to her. The writing was on the wall for Ashley in this one in so many ways. Let’s not forget his GF is standing right next to him as he does this.
Literally right there as they have this mini silent convo with his soulmate. How this woman wasn’t consistently threatened by Lucy I’ll never understand. When his panic and worry start to pile up who does he look to? His girl. Such a short moment with so much meaning attached to it. They’ve been each other’s safe place and harbor for a long time.
So naturally he would look to Lucy not his GF in this moment. Ashley is so far past her expiration date at this point she's starting to smell. Gah their chemistry is out of the world good. This moment above a reflection of that. Also Lucy’s reaction to the doctor saying it’s risky. *heart clutch*
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Tim opts to do the surgery even though it’s risky. It’s better than doing nothing. He says it could be laparoscopic and he’ll be home by dinner. Look at Lucy’s panic in that first gif. She was not done with grilling that doctor. Nor was she done talking to Tim about this. But sadly she's not his SO and can't have more input. If she was his wife that doctor would’ve spent little longer in that room. You can tell how antsy and worried she is.
Looking at Tim with that same amount of worry. Lucy touches her tattoo. Her go to when she’s super stressed and overwhelmed. Her heart is hurting she can’t be the one comforting him. Can't be the one grilling the doctor some more and having a say in this. It’s killing her. Since she can’t do anything more she opts to leave. Also Ashley comforting Tim is not something she wants to see anyway. It’s hurting her to watch tbh.
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So Lucy gets awkward and says she’s gonna get back to the search. Being in the room isn't something she can stand at this point. So she takes off back where she came from. Where do Tim’s eyes go? Not to Ashley. To Lucy who just left the room. We all know he’s not with Ashley because he loves her.
It’s just comfortable and safe because he can’t be with Lucy. Breaks my damn heart. All his feelings were showing in this scene. 100% of them towards Lucy in this moment. Look at that man above. His heart just walked out of the room and it shows. He wanted her to stay but there wasn’t a reason for her to. You’re so in love with her Timothy. It's painfully obvious at this point.
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Lucy comes to see Grey after he collapsed in front of her. He got food poisoning from breakfast place they went to. Ashley did him a solid by having him not eat bread I guess...Lucy is so cute when she comes in saying it’s like a sleepover LOL Never change Lucy Chen never change. This makes me laugh so very much. First I wanna say I love Grey trusting her enough to run the station. That’s amazing.
Second it's hilarious because they both need her to get a move on. With Smitty in charge god only knows what’s happening without them. When she arrives he’s already given a friend day off….Lucy asks what he’s doing? Tells her 'When you’re in charge you let your friends go home early.' OMG lol Lucy is panicked and says but we’re short today…Reminding him they’re understaffed due to the units on the hospital. Smh. This is why they sent her back...
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We return to Ashley back in his room. Talking about how Tim could retire if he wanted. Be on disability/pension if this surgery keeps him from working. Move out of LA. It’s insane to me she would even suggest this. But not surprising. The thing I didn’t like about Ashley was her constantly molding Tim into her version. Once again vapid is the perfect description for Ashley.
Not having him strive to be a better person like Lucy does. Because she is blah and doesn’t challenge him. Just wanted her version of him. Where Lucy challenges him and makes him want to be better. Loves him for who he is. Ashley just keeps trying to shove Tim into a box. Her box of who she thinks he should be like. Not loving him for who he is.
Lucy loves every part of this man. Warts and all and vice versa. Trying to take away being a cop to be a beach bum? Outside of LA? She doesn’t know the man lying next to her at all. Why you ask? Oh you know just those glaring communication issues they've had since day one. This goes all the way back to 4x10 with Kojo. It's not gotten any better.
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Because of this lack of communication she’s only gotten surface level Tim. The Tim that doesn’t want to rock the boat. So he is just going with it. Better than making waves. D brought up an excellent point in 4x21 in her comments. About him not fighting her because of his PTSD with Isabel. Her saying he was too rigid. Tim is over correcting now where he’s not even himself at this point. Possibly agreeing to this ‘Life plan’ of hers. Just going through the motions because he has to.
He doesn’t want to be alone and he can’t be with Lucy. It’s insanely heartbreaking when you break it down like this. Tim is losing who he is in this relationship. Just to please a person he doesn’t even love. To quell anxieties his ex-wife thrust upon him. We see him hesitate because it’s a life he doesn’t really want. Makes me mad as I write this. Tim deserves so much better.
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Tim goes to stretch his legs while he still can. He sees the fugitive and tries to stop him. Oh my Timothy why would you do this being so hurt? Because he's a lawman first and foremost that's why. Not that Ashley get’s that....I wanna cry with how much pain he’s in. Gah Eric killing me softly. We see his bravado disappear in an instant. Tim then thinks of the two most important women in his life. His sister and his girl. No no not bloody Ashley. Lucy. Sends Ashley to call his sister.
When Grey makes it over he tells him not to tell Lucy. Knowing she would drop EVERYTHING to be by his side. Tim putting her first even when he's in danger himself. Does he not see what a husband move this is? I’m sure Wade does. Minute Ashley is gone he tells him not to tell Lucy. Fierce protector reporting for duty even when he’s hurting. If Lucy saw him grimacing like he is she would lose her damn mind. He knows this and decides to keep her out of the loop because of it.
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Lucy sees a bunch of cops leaving and is panicking. They say Smitty is letting them leave early. Harper comes up and Lucy asks for her help. Nyla knowing Lucy is a BAMF saying all she has to do is say different. I adore the way Harper builds her up in this moment. Filling in those gaps still when Tim can’t. It’s amazing. Letting her know she has their respect.
With everything she’s been through and done for others. No way these cops wouldn’t have her back if she asked for it. Lucy tells them what’s going on. How spread thin they are and she needs them. Jan nods and says ‘You got it Chen.’ Love this for her. Smitty comes up and ask if she’s in charge? She says yeah I guess. He looks so relieved and hands the reins over HA
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Here comes the scene where I wanna drop kick Ashley into a volcano. I think I’ve been much harsher on Chris than I have her so far. But this is where that changes. Tim is just getting out of surgery. JUST. What does she do? Project her crap onto Tim. Then break up with him for it. Girl, you knew he was a cop from the damn jump. For MONTHS. You knew this. Wasn’t a secret he kept from you. Yet you decide to condemn him for it cause of an injury he had years ago. This has to be one of the most incredibly selfish things I’ve ever seen. That line from 5x08 ‘You deserve someone who’s worth the effort.’ Clearly to Ashley, Tim wasn’t worth the effort.
Breaks my heart for Tim. Leaving him alone post surgery. I hate her for this. I really do. When Lucy would’ve lost her damn mind even knowing about this. The only way she would change her mind is if he retired. Cool so you didn’t get what you wanted so you bail on him? Awesome. Real classy of you. This was just all their crappy communication, incompatibility and just being so wrong for each other coming to a head. At the absolute worst time for Tim. The way he says 'I just got out of surgery...' Breaks my heart. Let me at her Tim. I'm Italian we're scrappy.
I also just wanna hug him so very much. What a shitty thing to do. It’s a rough ride to 5x08. This one just hurts to watch. But good riddance to bad rubbish as they say. Tim was only in that relationship cause it was safe. To fill the hole in his heart Lucy left. And she didn’t even do that good of a job... She did him a favor really. The insane amount of symbolism between Lucy and Ashley in this ep is glaring. When it’s the right person this stuff doesn’t matter. She asks him if she can get him anything? No. Get the hell out. You aren’t fit to breathe the same air as him let alone be in his presence anymore. Don’t let the door hit you on the way out. You won’t be missed.
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We return to Lucy at Grey’s desk looking exhausted as hell. He comes in to relieve her. He asks how did it go? She lies and says it was great…. Wade laughs and says ‘It was great?’ He tells her he spoke with the communication supervisor. That she did a masterful job of managing calls with half the normal staff. Lucy thanks him but says she is more than ready to hand it back to him.
She asks about Tim’s laparoscopic? Grey sighs and tells her the news. It’s the way he softly delivers it. Knowing how sick with worry she’s going to be. The man knew. We see the absolute panic on her face. She goes from tired to extremely alert and worried af. That man is the important person in her life. She doesn’t have to blink before she’s at the hospital for him.
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Let’s talk about this panicked absolutely panicked walk to his room. How she’s desperately searching for him once she arrives. The way she rubs her tattoo when she reaches it. Gah it’s so good. I love Melissa doing that small touch with her tattoo anytime she is worried/stressed. It’s like she can’t breathe until her eyes are on him. That she won't relax until she can see that he’s safe and ok.
The shaky way she approaches his bed. Bracing herself for the worst since she knows NOTHING about his surgery. Asking him so softly if he’s ok? Getting angry asking 'Why no one told her in the first place?' Tim is smiling because he’s just so damn happy she cares about him. That’s she’s here. He tells her everything went ok. He'll make a full recovery. That he told everyone to keep her in the dark. She goes from worried wifey to scolding LOL
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Tim’s answer is so damn revealing. Lucy is picking up on the feelings he’s just laying out for her. Telling her he didn’t want her to worry. Lucy putting the pieces together in her reply. Tim couldn’t be more obvious in his affection for her in this moment. Truly think Lucy was catching onto his feelings right here. It’s the soft way she repeats it back with a very affectionate smile on her face. She loves this man so much. It's written all over her face.
They’re both so sweet and loud in their feelings in this moment. This is such married behavior it’s unreal. He could’ve used Lucy in this whole situation. But once again puts her above his own needs. Because Tim Bradford. Literally screaming his feelings at her in this moment. Tim is realizing this as she parrots back what he did. Goes back on the defensive saying to slow her roll LOL
That he misspoke he was really talking about the station. Uh huh. Sure babe that’s what you’re talking about…Continuing on to say he didn’t want to distract her with worrying about him. So she could properly take over from Smitty. Lucy’s BS detector is out and it’s going off like crazy. He knows she would’ve let the station burn to be with him. To have someone by his side. Instead of calling him out on it further she just does a knowing ‘Mmm-hmm.’
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He then goes into proud hubby mode. Look at this man. Like I said in 5x03 he looks at her like she’s hung the moon and stars. Does that by saying he heard she saved the day. Lucy decides to banter back at him. Instead of just taking his praise. Being sassy af in her reply instead of just thanking him. I love this because it shows the comfortability that is still there.
Telling him it wasn't that hard. Pretending she wasn't phased at all by this daunting task. Tacking on she doesn't know why he's always complaining LOL He just complimented her and she knows he means it. So instead of shying away from it she engages in flirty banter with her person. Tim catching onto her game joins in saying 'Really? Just smooth sailing?' They easily fall back into their natural banter here.
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Lucy then cracks with a big smile for him. Saying ‘No…it was awful!’ Haha The comfortable solace of their banter coming to life in this moment. It makes my heart so happy after the last few eps. Lucy feels their flow returning. So she decides to rant about her day. Saying to him 'How can so many things go wrong in one day?' ha
Tim returning fire with a sassy reply of his own. Shooting back it wasn’t even a particularly bad day. The flirty body language from Lucy my god. Be more telling my goodness. Does my heart good them bantering and bickering. It's so nice to see after the heaviness they've been carrying around. They both had horrid days. Lucy with the shift from hell. Tim with almost being paralyzed and having emergency surgery.
You wouldn’t know that from watching them banter in this scene. They haven’t had this kind of back and forth in forever. We haven’t seen them this light in weeks. Haven’t see them be themselves at all since 5x01. Look at these two. They’re practically glowing from this sassy banter exchange. Just the pick me up they both needed.
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Lucy asks where’s Ashley? Tim stutters around and says he sent her home. She was ‘exhausted.’ Ugh my heart. He’s too hurt to tell her what happened. She’s worried enough about him as is. He won’t add to it. His default gear putting her first. Lucy says ‘Ok.’ believing his lie. She goes to sit down because if she isn’t going to be here Lucy sure as hell is. We talked about symbolism for this ep at the very beginning. This is that in a nutshell.
Lucy filling the seat next to his bed that Ashley has vacated. Not that she is aware of that at this point but Tim is. Lucy makes the choice to stay with him. It means more to Tim in this moment than she’ll ever know. Her automatic reaction is to stay so he doesn’t have to be alone post surgery. Knowing he would like the company even if he doesn’t ask for to. She just knows him that well. This moment means so much to Tim.
He is very gun shy from Ashley legit just abandoning him. He questions why she’s sitting down. The shock is all over his face when she originally takes that seat. Lucy’s answer is wonderful and obvious to her. 'I’m keeping you company.' Thinking what else would I be doing after rushing to come see you? I also think she just wants to keep an eye on him. Make sure he’s really ok.
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She is putting him first in this moment. Just like she always has. Always will. Tim tells her she doesn’t have to. Then Lucy does a terrible job of hiding her own feelings. Giving him heart eyes galore replying ‘I know.’ Basically saying ‘I know but I love you.’ No where else she’d rather be. It’s why his smile Is so damn soft for her. She doesn’t have to stay. She WANTS to be with him. Keep him company while he recovers from something so awful.
She is choosing him in this moment and he knows it. It’s written all over his handsome face. He is so grateful to her in this moment. Her presence being a salve to his emotional and physical wounds. Gah I love this episode so very much. Just another ep showing how Lucy is very much his person and Ashley was never close to that. Not in million years. Such a good one after low content drought. Sure it was intentional by the writers to starve us a bit then deliver this gem of ep ❤️
Side notes- non chenford
Love learning about Angela’s brother’s. Also that final scene with her mom makes me cry every time. It’s my own issues but I’m jealous. Angela deserves that apology. Yeah she’s a bad ass but even a bad ass still needs their mom. The way her mom owns up to it and apologizes. My heart. It makes me sad cause I’ll never get that so it gets me right in the feels. But so glad she got it.
Whew we're 5 eps down already unreal. Thank you to everyone who likes, comments and reblogs. You are the reason I do this :) see you in 5x06
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mamadoc · 1 month
1, 4 (Snowed In), 10, 26, 36, 37
1. What fic of yours would you recommend to someone who had never read any of your work? (In other words, what do you think is the best introduction to your fics?)
My two long multi-chapters have taken most of my writing time (and I love them), but I actually really love the first series I ever wrote, *Sense* You Know Me So Well. The second chapter of this series and the second chapter of its sequel are the two that I am most proud of. They just feel very authentic and have deep feelings.
4. What detail in Snowed In are you really proud of?
Geeeez. I had to think about this one for a while. I think it's probably the action scene in chapter 9 The Rescue. I've watched a lot of action on The Rookie and other shows, but it's definitely not my comfort zone. It took me a long time to think out what would happen and put words to it, so I'm pretty pleased that when I read it now, it seems like something legitimate and not an awful series of awkward ninja moves. Hahaha.
10. How do you decide what to write?
Excellent question. I started writing because I had dreams or daydreams of 'what if's that turned into stories in my mind. I honestly never thought that I would ever write creatively. It's a brand-new endeavor for me, but it's been so fulfilling for me and has given me an escape from real life.
I still haven't felt confident enough in my writing to tackle the very first story idea that I had. It's all outlined with some parts written out, but there's a lot of heartbreak and angst in the beginning of the story, and I haven't written much of that into my stories to date. Perhaps one day when I finish my long multi-chapters I'll get back to that.
10. How do you decide what to write?
Excellent question. I started writing because I had dreams or daydreams of 'what if's that turned into stories in my mind. I honestly never thought that I would ever write creatively. It's a brand-new endeavor for me, but it's been so fulfilling for me and has given me an escape from real life.
I still haven't felt confident enough in my writing to tackle the very first story idea that I had. It's all outlined with some parts written out, but there's a lot of heartbreak and angst in the beginning of the story, and I haven't written much of that into my stories to date. Perhaps one day when I finish my long multi-chapters I'll get back to that.
26. Would you rather write a fic that had no dialogue or one that was only dialogue?
I feel like I'm more of a dialogue writer. I think that matches my personality. I'm a doer; I don't sit and do nothing or sit and think for long periods of time. Not to say that's bad. I just like to stay busy, and I feel like a dialogue only fic matches that.
36. Do you visualize what you read/write?
100%!! I have to see it all play out in my mind before I can write it. I feel like that helps me keep the characters in my stories in character. I read like that, too, so I've never been a very fast reader. But it's what makes fanfiction so enjoyable. I'm already familiar with all the expressions and mannerisms of the characters, so it can play out in my head very easily.
37. Promote one of your own “deep cut” fics (an underrated one, or one that never got as much traction as you think it deserves!). What do you like about it?
I really love the story in chapter 2 of my *Sense* You Know Me So Well, Too series. Tim and Lucy are in the middle of the pining/not talking stage when Tim's dad dies. He doesn't deal with it well, and Lucy is the only one that can get through to him.
Thanks so much!
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ohmyoverland · 5 months
Fic Writer Questions
Thanks for the tag @anything-thats-rock-and-roll :D
1. How many fics do you have on AO3? 26
2. What’s your total AO3 word count? 25, 570
3. What fandoms do you write for? Except for a few one-offs and my 3 Anne With An E fics, I write Lockwood & Co. 💚⚔
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
After Chameleon, an unbetad Miraculous Ladybug salt fic written before the actual episode had come out. It accidentally blew up asldkfjhjkl
On My Mind, a Detroit: Become Human rk1k ficlet where Connor can read minds.
All the Words I Don't Have, pure grade A Locklyle fluff
are we out of touch, are we out of time? AWAE Season 3 speculative fic that is actually an expanded version of a tumblr post I wrote after the penultimate episode of the series premiered.
wavering, my cot3 pining + character study fic. I'm really proud of it and I promise chapter 3 is coming eventually lmao
5. Do you respond to comments? I don't 😭 I want to but I never know what to say and before I know it, the comment is 2 years old oops. I reread comments all the time ❤
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? That's tough to say for sure but I think every lessons forms a new scar ending with an off-screen character death is probably the most angst I've ended with so far.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? That would have to be All the Words I Don't Have again. Everything is beautiful and nothing hurts. And Lockwood writes some really bad poetry.
8. Do you get hate on fics? Not so far.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? I do sometimes, and it's not published yet.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? Another Change of Plans is the most tumblr WIP I have lol. It dares to start asking the question, "What if the Old Guard adopted Adam Young, the antichrist from Good Omens?"
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not that I know of.
12. Have you ever co-written a fic before? Sort of? There was one collab fic I wrote a scene for but it never got finished. Someday I might post my part, because ngl I'm pretty proud of the Skull/Lucy banter in it.
13. What’s your all time favorite ship? How could I ever choose??? By bookmark stats, it would be Marinette and Adrien from Miraculous Ladybug. But cot3 (Lockwood & Co) and Superbat (DC) are up there too.
14. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? A better question is what isn't a WIP I'll never finish??? I have dozens 😭 Though one that stands out is an old Frozen fic I outlined in I think 2018(?). The premise is a canon divergence where Anna's death is faked when they're children and she's raised in the village instead of in the castle. There are two full acts that are just set up for a The Prince And Me/Princess Diaries-esque rom-com between suddenly-a-princess Anna and just-a-normal-guy Kristoff.
The outline on its own is about 8k words, and frankly I've considered editing and posting the outline itself before because it's detailed enough. This fic is actually a drabble I wrote to take place within my AU, but it reads canon compliant enough of its own so I posted it.
15. What are your writing strengths? Ideas. I am always getting new plot bunnies, always getting excited about the next great idea, always thinking about new aspects of these worlds and characters I want to explore.
16. What are your writing weaknesses? Dialogue and volume. That's why I write so many descriptive, very short fics XD
17. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic? I'd only do it in a language I've studied for a couple years, and even then I would want a native speaker to read over it for me. But it hasn't come up yet?
I do really like Superbat or Star Trek fics where the author sparingly includes Kryptonian / Klingon / Vulcan with a translation at the end.
18. First fandom you wrote for? My Little Pony, or maybe Percy Jackson?? I'm too scared to check my old accounts to see which came first, if I ever even posted the fics I remember writing then at all.
19. Favorite fic you’ve written? building glass castles for sure!!! I love the atmosphere in it, and the monologue from Skull. That monologue came to me in the middle of the night once, so I had to type it up immediately and build the fic around it later.
No pressure tags @sabetha @synestheticwanderings @abumperprize @lenacarstairspotterstewart @woahpip @flythesail @shizuoi
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therealriver1 · 8 days
Part 3/4 continued from the previous post. Due to text block restrictions I am forced to do divide my post like this
⦁ Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters 2013 (A twist on the old tale of Hansel and Gretel) ⦁ Ninja Assassin 2009 (I was watching this before I even knew Jung Ji-Hoon aka Rain was a k-pop idol and I just thought the ninjas were so badass) ⦁ The Orphan 2009 (Isabelle Fuhrman the actress who plays the orphan was phenomenal in this role, very creepy) ⦁ The Island 2005 (An action/sci-fi film from Michael Bay starring actors Ewan McGregor and Scarlett Johansson) ⦁ Beyond Re-animator 2003 (It's so bad it's good! There are two previous films in this series adapted from H.P Lovecraft. I'd suggest you start there. This won't be everyone's cup of tea, you will either love or hate it) ⦁ Aquamarine 2006 (I watched this in the cinema with a group of friends in my school days and it was such a fun time) ⦁ This Means War 2012 (I just loved watching Tom Hardy & Chris Pine together) ⦁ How To Lose a Guy in 10 Days 2003 (The chemistry between Kate Hudson and Matthew McConaughey was so good to watch) ⦁ Rush Hour 1988 1-3 (I cannot believe this movie is already 36 years old! Jackie Chan and Chris Tucker were so funny) ⦁ The Mask 1994 (A looney comedy starring Jim Carrey and Cameron Diaz) ⦁ Shallow Hall 2001 (A movie that teaches us that beauty is more than just looks) ⦁ Two Can Play That Game 2001 (All the ladies need to watch this one, but I'm sure the men will enjoy it too) ⦁ Boat Trip 2002 (A fun comedy starring Cuba Gooding Jr and Roselyn Sánchez. I've got to say this one is definitely not kid friendly) ⦁ King Kong 2005 (The Visuals were stunning! This movie was made by Peter Jackson the same man who gave us TLOTR and The Hobbit Series) ⦁ Simone 2001 (Starring Al Pacino. If you've heard about this then I am impressed) ⦁ Revenant 2015 (Intense and full of suspense. I couldn't stop looking at the screen waiting to see what happens next) ⦁ The Gods Must Be Crazy 1980 (A fun story showing the difference of how the Bushman lives compared to modern man) ⦁ Liar, Liar 1997 (Jim Carrey plays a lawyer who is a pathological liar in this zany comedy) ⦁ Django Unchained 2012 (From director Quentin Tarantino comes a great western that you cannot skip. I saw this one with my parents and all of us enjoyed it) ⦁ Angus, Thongs and Perfect Snogging 2008 (Adolescent film that doesn't feel like it's PG13) ⦁ Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery 1997 (Just for laughs! Mike Myers from Shrek is hilarious in this film) ⦁ Maid in Manhattan 2002 (Who knew Voldemort and Jennifer Lopez had such great chemistry. All jokes aside it is a great rom-com) ⦁ Kings Ransom 2005 (Starring Anthony Anderson and Regina Hall. I've got to say I thought the whole cast was funny) ⦁ Undercover Brother 2002 (You are in for a good time with this one. Another fun comedy to watch to lift your mood) ⦁ Codename: The Cleaner 2007 (Okay looks like I have quite a few comedies on my list. Starring Cedric the Entertainer & Lucy Liu) ⦁ Along Came Polly 2007 (Another fun comedy starring Ben Stiller and Jennifer Aniston) ⦁ Dracula Dead and Loving It 1995 (An underrated vampire parody comedy from Mel Brooks starring Leslie Nielson) ⦁ Banditas 2006 (Salma Hayek and Penélope Cruz rob banks in this western style action-comedy) ⦁ The School of Rock 2003 (I'll always come back to this film. I cannot recommend it enough) ⦁ Alpha 2018 (Wolf alert! I repeat, this movie contains wolves) ⦁ Spanglish 2004 (An amusing comedy film starring Adam Sandler) ⦁ 1408 2007 (Room 1408, a horror mystery starring John Cusack and Samuel L. Jackson adapted from a Stephen King short story) ⦁ End of Days 1999 (A dark horror film filled with suspense) ⦁ Heartbreak Kid 2007 (This movie had me laughing out loud) ⦁ The Sleepover 2004 (A fun teen movie about friendship) ⦁ Maid of Honor 2008 (Who doesn't enjoy a good friends to lovers' trope. This rom-com features a young Patrick Dempsey and Michelle Monaghan) ⦁ Who Am I 1998 (Another Jackie Chan film that I still think is funny and will always watch again)
⦁ Bridget Jones's Diary 2001 (A great cast with a great plot. I thoroughly enjoyed this one)
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besidesitstoowarm · 3 months
"The End of Time part 1" thoughts
me trying to recap this would take longer than the actual episode cause so much shit happened but i'll try to give a highlights reel when commentary as appropriate
the narration about how "in the final days of planet earth....everyone had bad dreams" kinda reminds me of eleven's ending monologue in "day of the doctor" and i like thinking about that connecting link. i don't know what that connection would mean but i'm sitting here letting it wash over me like a warm bath
ten gets a summons from the ood at the end of last episode and fucks around for a while before bothering to show back up at the planet of the ood. he got married! to liz 1! "her nickname is no longer, well" get it playa. the ood show him a teaser trailer for the rest of the episode and some cult breaks lucy saxon out of jail to do some fucking alchemy i guess? "the secret books of saxon" i like when doctor who gets corny but this was pushing it. they resurrect the master but lucy fucked it up just enough
wilf, genius, mobilizes every busybody elderly person he knows on a doctor-spying endeavor. the master shows up at a quarry and goes feral on a burger. when he leaps 10 miles into the air and lands on those two homeless guys to eat them, i said "that's the last thing my 7/11 cheeseburger sees" and my bf laughed
wilf does find ten and takes him to a little cafe and they chat. ten says something must be connecting them for wilf to find him so quickly, and i think this is twofold– i think they have a connection bc wilf is related to donna, who is obviously heavily entwined w him (like, sorry, in twilight how jacob was drawn to bella bc of her yet-unborn daughter), and i think it's also him being led to his death like the saddest little lamb to the slaughter. saving wilf will kill him, and so fate is bringing them together to facilitate that. ten admits he's going to die and wilf is like "okay? same" and ten says "don't you dare" and wilf says "alright i'll try not to" it's a cute bit. rip bernard
i think the part where he's agonizing over regeneration, "some new man goes sauntering away," that's cut and dry from rose, right? i've only seen a handful of classic regenerations (one to two, two to three, seven to eight, and for the 50th eight to war) and while they had some feelings about their deaths, it wasn't. existential? none of them AGONIZED over it. it just was what it was. even nine was okay becoming ten. but ROSE wasn't okay with that. ten's first day on earth was full of rose pining for the man he'd been. of course that imprinted on him!
anyway the master does force lightning when the doctor sees him, much like sheev did on the night rey's dad was conceived i imagine. the master is talking about how they were kids playing in the fields on the mountain and what kind of brokeback... he forces the doctor to telepathically hear his drumbeats by touching foreheads. it's fucking crazy. the master gets kidnapped and ten tells wilf "i can still smell him" what is even happening to you two
wilf says "i thought it'd be cleaner" when he gets in the tardis, lmao. the master is taken to some billionaire's house (played by friar tuck from bbc's robin hood, to me) to fix his immortality gate salvage thing. he's in a literal dog collar and leash and says "i like you. you'd taste great" do i even need to elaborate. he rigs the gate to turn everyone else on earth to "the master race" and we see obama?? like they cut to the us president about to give a speech and say it's barack obama?? why did they use obama why not Generic American. can you imagine if in "love actually" billy bob thornton was playing w bush i would have died
anyway we end on rassilon and the rest of the time lords reveling in the end of time coming to pass. it's probably nothing
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chaosqueery · 3 years
Now that I have my thoughts together a little more, I figured I should write out how I feel about the ships this last season of Love, Victor.
-I am on the fence about the whole Benji/Victor/Rahim thing. I think a big reason is because of how disappointed I was with Benji a lot of the time this season. I loved him last season and his and Victor's chemistry is fire. I just wanted to be happy to ship them. It wasn't like he was terrible the whole time. At least when he screwed up he was good at either talking it through or making it up to him (dance still kills me). But it seemed like that wore off and he didn't have the patience to try anymore. I still have hope that that will change. I want it to be his house because I think there is still enough good there to try and save if they can (which very well might end up that maybe they are better off apart). I want to give it another season before he tries a relationship with someone else. And I do like Victor and Rahim too. While I don't feel the chemistry as much (it's still there! Definitely felt it during their karaoke number) that could still grow. What's important is that they feel safe talking about the stuff that Benji doesn't understand. I might feel differently if Benji made more of an effort to try and understand, but he didn't. Really, if he's at Rahim's door, I am just a little scared Rahim is going to wind up with his heart more broken down the line because I don't believe the writers are done exploring Victor/Benji. At least if Victor chooses Benji now Rahim isn't as invested. Then their relationship has the chance to develop more outside of coupledom and if Victor and Benji don't work out, maybe they could try again. I don't know. I am still wrapping my head around everything that happened.
-I am so glad that Mia has Andrew. You see the way he looks at her and his love is so genuine and unwavering. Gosh, does she ever need that. What her father did? How could he do that to her? Seriously, I was livid. She was finally willing to fight for her happiness and she was completely screwed over. Now that she is going to see her mother, I was glad to see that Andrew is going to be there to support her. They make each other stronger. Mia is starting to prioritize her needs and Andrew is becoming more thoughtful. Out of all the relationships on the show, they've grown together the most. I even had a hard time liking Andrew in the beginning of the series, but he grew up. My favorite part about that is while Mia inspired that in him, she didn't need to hold his hand to get him to do the right thing. He could do it on his own.
-I was so relieved that Felix finally realized the Anglerfish story is not romantic. I remember hearing him talk about it last season, and the fact that he was relating his feelings for Lake was so concerning. Seriously man, is it really your goal to become a dead appendage? I know Lake was trying and she did what she did because she doesn't want to see him hurt, but he can't follow her lead in a situation like this. She took away the little control he had over what happened to him and his mother. While getting her help was the right thing, Lake should have talked to him more, convinced him to take the steps he needed to instead of taking them herself.
-Now that leads me to express how much I love Felix and Pilar. I was so surprised this season. While I expected to get some pining Pilar, I thought it would take Felix longer to realize his own feelings. I can't remember when it happened, but I know I started shipping it before they even had that first coffee hangout. I was fully prepared for it to either never happen, or for it to take years. But then he took that Swedish Fish out of his pocket and walked away from Lake and I was floored. Then he expressed he could see himself spending the rest of his life with her and I was dead. They are just... so lovely. Their connection is effortless. All they need to do is spend time together and all the crap they have to deal with in their life falls away. They can focus on the moment and be happy. Pilar started smiling more and seemed to accept Atlanta as home the moment her feelings for him blossomed. Felix doesn't have to sacrifice his own happiness to make sure she's okay. And they see each other, effortlessly. Felix can see how kind she really is despite her anger at the world and Pilar can see that he is worthy of her feelings without him having to do back flips to prove it.
-I love how Lake and Lucy barely get within a foot of each other all season, but the last episode where they share a couple of fairly short scenes, the chemistry hits you like a ton of bricks. My jaw dropped and I was very happy. While I definitely didn't want Felix to choose Lake, I would have felt bad for her if she were left completely alone. But then they teased her and Lucy, who is awesome btw, and I can't wait to see how that is explored.
- As for Isabel and Armando, I don't have a super strong opinion about them, but I am ultimately cool with how it ended up. I am glad that Armando wouldn't go forward with getting back together with her until she could learn to accept Victor. I was so proud of him for that. While it was hard to watch Isabel to struggle with her acceptance, at least she finally got there. There are plenty of parents who would never even try. Anyway, I am happy to see how things go with them next season and how it affects the family.
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arvinsescape · 3 years
Time to Heal.
A/N: A bit of a different sort of writing for me that deals with emotional abuse, whilst i have never dealt with this personally, i know a couple of people who have and if anyone struggles with this or has my inbox is always open.
Summary: Reader finds herself in an emotionally abusive relationship and Tom shows her what real love looks like.
Warnings: Swearing, mentions of emotional abuse, one mention of blood and i think that’s everything.
W/C: 2.4K.
You’d always thought that this moment should be one of the happiest in your life but here you were stood in a room full of a people with a man on one knee for you and it all felt wrong. You weren’t happy like you thought you would have been. You wished he hadn’t done this in front of all these people. You wished it wasn’t him asking. The man on one knee in front of you was possibly one of the worst men you’d ever been in a relationship with. He didn’t love you and you knew that but he made you feel like that was the best you were going to get, what you deserved.
It never starts out that way, at first Aaron was lovely, he swept you off your feet when you weren’t expecting it. He took you on lovely dates, he made you laugh and then he started making comments, as soon as he learnt your insecurities he used them against you, he never tried to push them away, no, he made sure they were at the forefront of your mind.
It started at first as being something he would say in an argument, your clingy, you want too much, you’re too emotional. Then he’d apologise, told you he didn’t mean it, his anger got the better of him and every time you’d accept with another piece of confidence, until there was none left. Then his comments became regular until you truly believed what he said.
‘You should just leave him.’ One of your friends had said when you’d worked up the courage to confide in her but you couldn’t. It’s not as simple as that. By the time you’d worked up the courage to tell her Aaron had your insecurities exactly where he wanted them. You weren’t worthy of love or being truly happy. He isolated you from your friends, especially your male friends and that made you feel more alone.
He hated your best friends Tom and Harrison and you didn’t see either of them anymore unless it was at a mutual friends birthday. You’d wanted to confide in them but Aaron had been adamant to make sure you deleted their numbers and that shattered the last piece of confidence you had. It wasn’t like they hadn’t noticed, they texted you until Aaron got so angry he’d taken your phone and smashed it. He apologised and bought you a new one and promised it’d never happen again.
He hated Tom more than anyone else, of course you’d told him in the early stages of the relationship how you knew Tom and Harrison. You and Tom had been in a relationship, you’d grown close to Haz as a result but ultimately Tom’s career was taking off and you’d both made the decision to call it quits before any heartbreak and messiness arrived so you could salvage the friendship. Then three days ago Tom came to see you.
“Tom?” You said as you answered the door. You’d not seen him for a while now so you were surprised to see him at your door.
“I tried calling.” He’d said with a sad smile.
“Sorry, my phone’s switched off.” You tried to laugh it off.
“For the last two months?” He asked. He wasn’t angry, you could see it in his eyes, he was concerned.
“I got a new one, did I not text you?” You tried again.
“Can I come in?” You swallowed thickly as you moved to the side to let him in. Thank god Aaron was out for the day. “Harrison tried calling too.” He said as he watched you boil the kettle, your back to him.
“I’ve been busy.”
“Lucy called me. Said she’s not heard from you either.” You almost dropped the teaspoon you were holding. You’d not seen Lucy since you told her about Aaron. You didn’t say anything so he continued.
“She told me some things Y/N. About what he says to you.” He grasped your hand turning you to look at him but you couldn’t meet his eyes.
“He just gets angry sometimes.” You used Aaron’s words.
“He shouldn’t say things like that to you, it’s not right.” You still couldn’t meet his gaze. His hand was still holding yours as he drew soft circles into the back of it with his thumb. You missed his touch.
“He usually apologises.” You tried to defend him.
“Doesn’t make it right love. You deserve so much better than him.” He used his free hand to lift your chin so you were forced to look at him and the look of concern in his eyes was enough to bring tears to your own.
“I don’t though.” You whispered and you watched as something shifted behind his eyes, he looked heartbroken. Your tears fell for the first time in months, you’d became so numb to Aaron’s words that they didn’t make you cry anymore but the softness in Tom’s tone had tears streaming down your face.
He pulled you into his chest as he wrapped his arms around you and let you cry into his shirt. He placed the occasional kiss to the top of your head as his hands rubbed up and down your back in comfort. You stayed like that for at least ten minutes before you composed yourself but you stayed in his arms. It felt as safe as it always had.
“You deserve to be loved properly darling.” He said into your hair.
“But he’s right I’m too clingy, I’m too emotional and I expect to much from people.” You sniffled.
“You’re not clingy, you give all your love to the people you care about. You’re not too emotional, you wear your heart on your sleeve and that’s never a bad thing. You don’t expect too much from people because you should always seek to have people love you the way you love them.” He pulled you to look at him as he said it and the look in his eyes was so genuine you could tell he meant it.
“Who’s gonna want me now? I’m full of emotional baggage.” You whispered as you let a few more tears fall, voicing the fears as he caught your tears with his thumbs.
“You’re not full of baggage. You’re smart, you’re beautiful, you’re funny and you love with everything you have in you, he doesn’t deserve you.” He gave you a small smile as he spoke. “I could go on for hours about all the amazing things about you.”
“Tom.” You sighed. “I don’t love him but I can’t leave him, I’m scared.” You admitted.
“Has he hit you?” Tom asked and it was so full of concern that a fresh wave of tears made their way down your face.
“No. He broke my phone once but no. I’m scared to leave him because I don’t want to end up alone.”
“You won’t. You’ll always have me and Harrison and Lucy, god the list goes on. We all still love you and we miss you.” He said as he wiped at your tears again. He was being so tender with you and you hadn’t felt that for a long time. You hadn’t felt loved. “You’ll always have me.” He said again.
“Tom- “Your voice broke and whatever you were going to say got caught in your throat.
“I’ll always look after you. I’ll make sure you always have everything you need. I’ll make sure you’re always safe.”
“I still love you Tom.” You admitted as you cried into his chest again.
“I still love you.”
He’d tried to convince you to go home with him that day but something stopped you and you can’t explain what it was and now here you were at Lucy’s birthday party which Aaron had reluctantly let you attend and Aaron was down on one knee for you. You looked around the room as you caught those brown eyes that you loved so much and he was staring right back at the scene unfolding before him. Tears in his beautiful eyes.
“I’ll always look after you. I’ll make sure you always have everything you need. I’ll make sure you’re always safe.”
“I still love you.”
You pulled your hand from Aaron’s as you felt a sort of confidence you’d not had for a long time as Aaron stood, following your gaze.
“I fucking knew it.” Aaron grumbled next to you and your eyes darted back to him. He was angrier than you’d ever seen him before and it frightened you. “Him?” He laughed but there was no humour in it.
“Aaron I’m-” You tried to get out.
“Him? Really? I knew it.” He seethed at you. Everyone was staring. Lucy carefully approached and you watched as Harrison and Tom started to make their way over. As soon as Tom moved it caught Aaron’s gaze and his face twisted into one of pure anger. “Fucking Tom Holland.” He suddenly shouted as he practically ran at him, catching Tom off guard.
As soon as he reached Tom he raised his fist and placed a punch straight to his nose. You almost screamed in shock as you watched Harrison and Tuwaine tackle Aaron to the floor. Tom had stumbled and was holding his nose. It was bleeding. You made your way straight over.
“Tom, oh my god, Tom, are you okay?” You asked as you took his face in your hands. He looked down at you for a second and smiled before nodding slightly and tilting his head back. “Is it broken?” You panicked.
“No.” Tom said as someone handed him a load of tissues. Aaron’s laughter pulled you from your concern over Tom. You twisted round to look at him as Tom snaked an arm around your waist and pulled your back to his chest. Aaron was stood now, Harrison and Tuwaine were still ready to jump to the defence again if they had to.
“You,” he started as he pointed at you, “are a pathetic little bitch who pines after a man who’ll throw you away as soon as someone better comes along and that won’t be hard to find.”
“Watch your mouth.” Harrison warned as he stood in front of you. Tom had recovered now, stopping the bleeding. Aaron laughed again as he made his way towards the exit.
“You know what Tom, you’re welcome to her. She’s a frigid little fucker anyway. Doesn’t put out often.” He said as he laughed. You watched as anger flared in Tom’s face. He let go of your waist as he went to follow him. You tried to grasp his arm but he was too quick. Harrison stepped in.
“Tom, she needs you.” He said as he gestured towards you. Everyone was still staring at what had just happened and it made you self-conscious as you wrapped your arms around yourself. Tom’s anger died down instantly, Haz was right, you needed him.
“Come on.” He said as he took your hand and led you into the women’s bathroom. Once he made sure no one was in there, he locked the door and took your face in his hands.
“Are you okay?” He asked softly and you laughed sadly.
“Me? He bust your nose.” You said as you grabbed a few paper towels, wetting them and cleaning the blood that was still on his face.
“Worth it.” He laughed lightly.
“I’m so sorry Tom.” You sighed after a few moments as you felt tears brim your eyes, throwing the paper towels away once you were satisfied he was clean.
“You have nothing to apologise for. He’s a dickhead and I’ll make sure he never comes anywhere near you again.” He said as he ran his fingers through your hair.
“I’m still sorry though.” You sighed.
He didn’t reply, he leant forward and placed a soft kiss to your forehead, then your cheeks before finally connecting your lips. It felt to good to feel his lips against yours again, you’d missed him. Missed all the love he gave and it made you cry again.
“Hey, it’s okay, I’m gonna make it better, I promise.” He pulled you back into his chest and it filled you with a comfort you’d not had since he last held you like this.
“I love you.” You said.
“I love you too. I’m sorry we didn’t try and work through things last time. I know we wanted to salvage a friendship but I never stopped loving you. I want us to try again but when you’re ready.” He said as he kissed your head.
“I am Tom.” You said.
“No love you’re not. What he’s done to you needs time and you need to give yourself some time darling. I’ll still be here every step of the way but you need to heal yourself first, okay? We need to push those insecurities back but we need to do it properly, you need to love yourself again first.”
You thought about what he said for a while. He was right, jumping straight back into a relationship was not the best idea, no matter how much you loved him and he loved you. You needed to take some time for yourself, heal yourself and build back your confidence. You understood what he meant; he was still going to be there but he was going to be there as a best friend would.
You realised in that moment what it meant to truly love someone. He was being selfless so that you could heal, he was giving you time because that’s what you needed and he was doing that because he truly loved and cared for you.
“You’re right.” You nodded.
“I’ll still be here, still be there for you, I promise. It’ll take time but that’s okay, I’ll still be waiting but you have to promise you’ll take all the time you need.” He said as he placed a kiss to your forehead.
“I promise.”
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utterlyinevitable · 3 years
♠: One character adjusting the other’s jewelry/neck tie/ etc.
You can pick which Ethan x MC. I’m down for both 💕
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Poco a Poco
Pairing: Ethan x F!MC (Odette Hall) Rating: Teen+ Summary: She accompanies him to an awards gala. It’s the first time they’re out in public together, and a certain doctor is appreciating the view. Trope: Fluff, Date, Gala; Protective; Pining
A/N: thanks Sara 💖
She walked out like it was just a typical day; leaving the hospital behind like she was heading home, finally, hours after her scheduled shift had ended. 
Odette sauntered like there wasn’t anything different about today at all. Head held high, petite shoulders pushed back to elongate the column of her neck and highlight her impeccable posture. She moved effortlessly over the concrete as if each step were the intended note of tonight’s melody - Not like she was dressed in a form fitting evening gown, long platinum hair pulled back and cascading in a signature stylized-ponytail. Her trusty wool trench coat hiding much of the strapless bodice.
His black sedan sat idly at the curb awaiting her arrival. In the last two years Ethan has known her, he’s come to learn she was never late – always promptly two minutes early. Tonight he made sure he was five – didn’t want her waiting at the curb in the cold, he told himself as he tried to pass the excruciatingly long three minutes.
Odette’s doing him a favor tonight. She’s accompanying him to this incessant function where he’s being honored for his work with the W.H.O. earlier that year. Ethan simply couldn’t brush it off, and he certainly couldn’t bear even the thought of being alone at such an event full of self-righteous asshats. So, he asked her to join him - to “lessen the torture” - with a promise of introducing her to key individuals in their field. Odette accepted, quite happily - the timid look on his face as he asked was convincing enough.
It’s not like this is the first time they’ve dressed up to go somewhere together. They’ve been having these kinds of evenings more and more it seems. But this is the first time the new friends would be seen together by someone other than the waitstaff at the Boston Opera.
Ethan’s eyes lingered on her in the rearview mirror. His heart began beating just a bit faster as it always does when she’s near. He couldn’t look away if he tried - frankly he didn’t even bother to try.
She doesn’t look much different than when he saw her an hour earlier - isn’t wearing anything out of the ordinary for nights like these as far as he can tell in the dimming street lighting. Yet she still has the power to render him incapacitated, utterly speechless by her grace alone. And from the safety of his car Ethan doesn’t feel quite as bad for appreciating her form.
He came to his full senses when the tune of her heels became louder and his throat drier. 
His deft fingers clicked unlock just as she reached to open the passenger-side door.
“Hey! Didn’t keep you waiting, did I?” Her voice so chipper as she settled into the leather seat.
If Ethan Ramsey could form a coherent thought he would have made a comment about how anyone could share the same verity for life after working since dawn and then being forced to dress in a locker room for this pointless affair.
Instead he took in a cleansing breath tainted by her delirium-inducing perfume. Ignored the alluring state of her by fixing his stare on the shallow crease of her forehead. Exhaled. And said,
“No. I’d say we were perfectly timed.”
His azure eyes traveled down to hers - deep emerald enhanced by the dark fabrics she chose to wear - on their own accord. The faintest of smiles tugged at the corners of his mouth.
She smiled right back, “Great.”
With the slightest stammer even he wasn’t aware of, Ethan started the car.
At the venue Ethan and Odette hadn’t taken more than two steps from handing keys over to the valet when —
“Ethan!” a voice boomed through the crowd.
Ethan groaned deep and afflicted at the sound, his eyes searching the scene crazily before realizing that there wasn’t enough time to grab Ode’s hand and flee. He chanced a glance to the woman close by his side, already smiling warmly, welcoming the stranger like only someone like she could.
“Enrich,” Ethan replied, not bothering to hide even an ounce of distain on his tone.
The slyly confident man clapped Ethan on the shoulder without regard for personal space, “How’s the guest of honor?”  
“I am not the only one,” Ethan all but growled. The muscles in his face working hard to keep impassive - small fibers of his being not wanting to tarnish the evening so early with a sour attitude. He owed it to her to at least be civil.
“There’s an entire team of physicians being recognized this evening.”
“Alright,” Enrich chortled, more for show than as a reaction. He nodded just once, removing his hand from Ethan’s shoulder. “The only one that matters.”
Enrich’s tight smile accompanied the silence hanging between the men. A silence long enough for Enrich to take a gander towards the vision to Ethan’s left.
His hungry grey eyes took a long look at Odette. Two excruciating seconds too long without saying a single thing. His gaze moving from her face to her chest to the hem of her dress. And as they made their way back up her curves to settle on the dip of her necklace, Ethan placed his hand on the small of Odette’s back. As if the small movement could shield her from the man’s predatory intentions.
Enrich caught the movement, darkened eyes darting back to the honorable man before him. The two dignitaries held a wordless conversation. A silent showdown.
Enrich straightened his back, rose an eyebrow and was the last one to speak;
“Have a lovely evening,” Before turning on the heels of his pristine oxfords and into the sway, calling out another’s name.
Ethan was silently fuming, ears reddening and jaw rigid as he watched Enrich walk away with that detestable swagger. Pads of his fingers adding a slight pressure to her back as he fights to keep shreds of his composure.
Ode felt the change in mood. Her natural instinct moving to break his line of sight. Standing closely in front of him, closer than two colleagues ought in a bubble all their own, her dainty fingers went to wrap around the gold silk of his tie. She fiddled with the windsor knot, pretending to adjust it. Her movements tactical and enough for Ethan to begin to become more aware of her presence than the hatred he has for Enrich Valentine.
Immediately his jaw loosened and his shoulders fell into contentment.
“Breathe.” The word was a commanding whisper meant solely for him.
When his darkened eyes met hers all Ethan found is a quizzical expression held in the dip of her dainty brows and in the flecks of gold of her irises that match the autumnal sunset behind him.
He’s looking at her and she’s still so damn radiant. Gorgeous and amazing and not a single emotion pointing to what’s just transpired. Ethan can’t tell if she realized she was just being objectified by the worst kind of man, and if she knows then why is she still smiling. Why is she pretending like what’s just happened was nothing? There’s so much more Ethan Ramsey craves to learn about Odette Hall.
She gently squeezes his bicep bringing him down from whatever cloud he was on.
He let out a breath and nodded once.
She smiled privately and took Ethan’s offered arm. He tucks her ringless fingers into the crook, and they descended into one of the many nights like these they will share.  
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animezing-fandoms · 3 years
No More Waiting (Gruvia Week 2021 series) Chapter 1: Beguile
Relationships: Gruvia, background Nalu.
Warnings: Implied/Referenced smut.
Series Summary: After the 100 Years Quest, Gray’s finally ready to be in a relationship with Juvia. And after pining for each other for so long, things escalate quickly. 
Chapter Summary: Fairy Tail goes to the beach for a weekend for Sorcerer Weekly to take pictures of them. And seeing Juvia in a swimsuit, has Gray feeling some kind of way.
A/N: For gruvia week I decided that instead of writing a bunch of one-shots, I’d string all the prompts together into a mini-series! Each chapter based off of one prompt for each day. So here’s the first one for “beguile”! Enjoy!
You’d think that an ice Wizard would hate going to the beach. But Gray actually enjoyed it quite a bit. The weather was warm but if he got too hot it was easy to cool down with his magic. Not to mention, it was perfectly acceptable for him to wear minimal clothing. 
“Gray you’re naked!” Lucy exclaims.
Perhaps not that minimal. 
Gray turns around to see where he discarded his swimming trunks and hurries back to put them on. 
“Sorcerer Weekly paid for us to come here because they want pictures of Fairy Tail wizards having a day at the beach for their Summer issue. Not idiots in the nude.” Lucy scolds Gray. 
“You’re one to talk.” Gray retorts. “You’re practically nude yourself. That bikini you’ve got on under your cover up barely covers anything.” 
That earned him a smack upside the head. 
“At least I’m not flashing my goods to anyone like you.” Lucy says.
“Fair enough.” Gray says and rubs the back of his head. 
He looks around at all of the people on the beach. There were Fairy Tail guild members and a few civilians. But the one person he wanted to see most, seemed nowhere to be found…
“Looking for Juvia?” Lucy asks teasingly. 
Gray stiffens up and Lucy giggles. When he turns around to see her smirking face, he bristles with annoyance. 
Ever since the 100 Years Quest ended, it was pretty obvious to everyone that he returned the water mage’s feelings for him. It was true, he was in love with Juvia. But he didn’t love all of the teasing from his friends that came with it.
“No. Aren’t you wondering where Natsu is?” Gray asks. 
That got her. Lucy blushes and looks away from him. 
“Well yeah but it’s not like I’m dying to see him or anything.” Lucy says as she sets down her stuff and starts to unpack. 
“Really. Because I think you may have bought that new swimsuit just to impress him.” Gray says.
That earned him a whack in the head from her beach bag that knocked him into the sand. 
“That is completely idiotic!” Lucy exclaims before taking off her cover up, revealing her pale skin, and white bikini to the salty air of the beach. “Besides, it’s Natsu. You know he doesn’t care about stuff like that.” 
“Hey Ice Princess!” 
Speak of the devil, Gray thinks to himself as he turns around and sees Natsu running up to them, carrying a beach ball under his arm. 
“Come play volleyball with me! I know that I’m better at it than you! I’ll totally kick your ass!” He taunts. 
“We’ve only been here for ten minutes and you’re already challenging him to a fight?” Lucy asks. 
Natsu looks over Gray’s shoulder, to see Lucy and his playful demeanor instantly changes to a flustered one when he sees her. Gray was shocked. Natsu has never shown any interest in women or relationships before. He’s never gotten flustered by them either. While all of the guys in the guild would be drooling over sexy women, Natsu couldn’t care less. Until now, apparently. His eyes were glued to Lucy’s form and his cheeks began to heat up. 
Lucy began to get flustered under his gaze. Gray could tell she was just as shocked by Natsu’s reaction as he was. Although Lucy was probably hoping this would happen someday, but she didn’t expect it to actually come to be. 
“W-what do you think Natsu?” Lucy asks shyly, tilting her head to the side and pushing her chest forward a bit to try to look more attractive. 
“You look…great.” Natsu answers.
Lucy blushes and looks away from him. 
“Oh…thanks.” She says. “You like my new bikini?”
“Yeah it looks perfect!” He compliments and Lucy has to cover her mouth to stop herself from squealing in surprise and excitement. “It’s perfect for playing ball with me and Gray! Think fast!” He exclaims and tosses the ball at her, and it hits her in the head.
Gray smiles and laughs. Natsu sure had them both going for a second there. But sure enough, he was still his same old dense self. It was obvious he was into Lucy but he still didn’t know how to show it properly yet. So nothing out of the ordinary or groundbreaking would be happening today. 
“Gray-sama!” A familiar voice calls to him from the ocean.
Or so he thought. When he turns to see Juvia, he suddenly realizes why Natsu was so flustered when he saw Lucy in her swimsuit, because he was feeling the exact same way about seeing Juvia in hers. 
She was wearing a simple light blue bikini, the same color as her hair. The top was held together by a knot in the front under her breasts, tying the two pieces of fabric together. So her cleavage was on full display. And as she made her way out of the water and towards him, he couldn’t help but stare at her legs. He always thought they were her best feature. They were strong, hiding powerful muscles under smooth, soft skin. Soft skin that glistened in the sunlight from the water droplets that remained from the ocean. By the time she was in front of him, he was practically in a trance, lost in her beauty.
“Could you help Juvia put up her beach umbrella by her towel? Gray-sama?” She asks when he doesn’t answer her. 
She was confused. He was staring at her, but he couldn’t seem to hear her. And his eyes didn’t seem to be on hers, they seemed to be looking at something lower…She waves her hand in front of his face and he snaps out of it. 
“Huh? Did you say something Juvia?” Gray asks, embarrassed that he caught her staring.
“Yes. Juvia asked if Gray-sama wanted to help her set up her umbrella?” Juvia asks again.
“Oh yeah! Sure!” Gray answers a little too quickly. 
She brings him to her towel and he immediately gets to work with the umbrella, using the task as an excuse not to look at her so he could get his thoughts in order. But then when he turns around to stand the umbrella up, she bends over to try to pick up a hermit crab she spotted, and his thoughts became even more scrambled. And now the umbrella wasn’t the only thing standing up.
Even before he returned his feelings for her, he’d always found her attractive. I mean who wouldn’t. But seeing her like this now that he knew he liked her, he couldn’t help but let his imagination indulge in thoughts of what her smooth skin would feel like under his hands. And what it would be like to touch the places that were covered underneath the fabric of her swimwear. How it would feel to have those long, gorgeous legs wrapped his waist while she moans his name in the throes of passion-
“Gray Fullbuster and Juvia Lockser sharing a towel together on the beach! So cool!” Jason exclaims, spotting them and coming over. 
Gray lets out a sigh of relief. This would be a good distraction from his smutty thoughts, for sure. 
“Hi Jason!” Juvia greets the photographer cheerfully. “Juvia found a hermit crab in the sand!” 
She shows him the little crab and he inspects it. 
“So cool!” He answers, predictably and Juvia sets the creature back down in the sand.
“Have you gotten any good photos so far?��� Gray asks. 
“You bet!” Jason answers enthusiastically. “You Fairy Tail wizards make the hot beach look so cool! And seeing an ice make wizard, and a water mage, the two coolest magic element wizards standing here together in the sun has inspired an awesome idea for a photo! Can I take a picture of you two together on the towel?” 
“Oh Juvia would love that!” Juvia says and bounces on her feet. 
Gray gulps, as the action causes her breasts to move a bit and he was suddenly beginning to feel flustered again.
“Would Gray-sama pose on the towel with Juvia?” Juvia asks him. 
Even though Gray knew that getting close to her when her body was so exposed like this was a bad idea, he couldn’t say no to her. He’s already disappointed her too many times. 
“Sure, why not.” Gray says simply and the look of joy on her face was enough to make him smile too. 
“So cool!” Jason exclaims. 
Jason directed Gray to sit on the towel, so his side was facing the camera. And then he instructed Juvia to sit on top of him…on his lap…
“Uh…She’s gonna sit where?” Gray asks, with his face starting to turn red.
“She’ll be straddling you on your lap.” Jason explains.
“Is Gray-sama okay with that?” Juvia asks, blushing a bit as well.
Gray looks her over once again and considers his options. She’s just sitting on his lap, surely he could control himself right?
“Yeah, hop right on.” Gray says as confidently as he can.
Gray gulps as Juvia swings her leg over him so she’s straddling him and then sits herself down in his lap. He was eye-level with her ample chest and he could see the droplets of ocean-water roll down the valley between them. And the feeling of her warm, supple thighs on either side of his hips, squeezing him was making his mind head straight for the gutter as he imagined being in-between her legs for something other than a picture. He gently squeezes her sides as it takes all of his will-power to stay calm and collected. But any control he may have had over himself slipped away instantly when she gently held his chin in her fingers and tilted his head up to look at her.
“Gray-sama, is there a problem?” Juvia asks in a soft voice while Jason takes some pictures of them.
She was so beautiful. Like an ocean Goddess. And he couldn’t deny how badly he wanted her, and neither could his body. And soon Juvia could feel that against her and she gasps.
“Yeah. A big problem!” He mutters.
Gray gets up immediately and runs into the changing room, losing his swim trunks in the process, but that didn’t matter. He was alone now. He could take care of himself in here. But what he didn’t realize is that the cause of his arousal had followed after him to return his clothes to him. 
So when Juvia pulled back the curtains to announce herself, she got a full view of what she had done.
“Gray-sama are you alright-Oh!” Juvia exclaims when she sees the cause of his distress. 
Her pale face turns bright red and she covers her hands over mouth to keep from screaming as her eyes stay fixed on his crotch unable to look away, and neither could Gray. His eyes were fixed on her, wondering which one of them would speak first. 
“You...you were right.” Juvia says softly. “That is a...big problem.” She gulps and averts her gaze. 
Gray takes the opportunity to grab his trunks and pull them on. She was staying silent, which was less of a relief and more of a worry to Gray. Normally she couldn’t stop talking  and she’d cling to him. But now she was silent and unsure as she looks away from him.
“Gray-sama...” she says softly. 
“Yes Juvia?” Gray replies. 
She turns to face him again and meets his gaze. 
“Did Juvia...do that?” She asks shyly. 
Normally Gray would’ve lied. He would have denied it, called her crazy and stormed out while she chased after him. But things were different now. Now that he had become a man who could protect her, he didn’t have to reject her advances. Nor did he want to. He wanted her more than anything, and she had a right to know that. 
“Yes.” Gray answers.
Juvia’s eyes widen and she lets out a soft gasp. 
“You’re so beautiful Juvia, and you look so sexy in that swimsuit. I couldn’t help but get turned on. I’m sorry.” Gray explains. 
“Why is are you sorry Gray-sama?” Juvia asks. 
Getting more confident, she steps closer to Gray and he gulps. 
“Juvia has always wanted Gray-sama. So now if he wants Juvia...” She says and stops right in front of him, standing up on her tip-toes to kiss him. “He can take her.” 
So he did. 
He wraps one arm around her waist and holds her cheek in his other hand and brings his lips to hers. 
Juvia was surprised at first, but let herself melt into the kiss. Her hands moving up his chest to rest on his shoulders as they kissed. 
As they make out, she presses her body more firmly against his and Gray’s hands can’t help but wander her body. 
She presses up against the tent in his trunks, causing Gray to groan “Juvia” and Juvia to moan “Gray-sama”, a noise that only turns him on more. 
But before she can take off her top like she was working on doing, Gray places his hands over hers to stop her. 
“Wait.” He says. 
Juvia’s lustful gaze turns to one of worry. Gray felt a twinge of regret, knowing because of their past that she was afraid he would reject her again. But he wasn’t. In fact he was doing the opposite. 
“Come with me.” Gray says simply and takes her hand to lead her out of the changing room. 
Juvia’s heart soars with excitement. 
“Gray-sama, what are you doing?” She asks. 
“Taking you on a date.” Gray says and Juvia stops breathing for a moment. 
“Oh Gray-sama! That makes Juvia so happy! But why do you want to go on a date instead of just making love to Juvia?” Juvia asks. “Does Gray-sama not want Juvia in that way?”
“No. I do. But I figure that if we’re gonna do this, I wanna do it right.” Gray tells her. “And you mean too much to me for me to just screw you before I’ve done something to show you that I care about you.” 
Juvia blushes and runs up closer to Gray to hug his arm. 
“Juvia knows that you care about her. But whatever Gray-sama wants to do, Juvia is fine with.” Juvia says. 
“Alright then let’s go on a date.” Gray says. 
And with that they walk into the woods together.
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fellulahh · 3 years
MC takes Lucifer to a Christmas Market - soft Luci x F!MC
I was supposed to be really productive and continue with my commissions this evening but I passed out as soon as I got home from work - here’s some Luci writing I did to forget my problems!
“This is ridiculous.” Lucifer grumbled, “I can’t believe I agreed to this.”
Walking through the crowded streets of MC’s hometown, the human laughed at the demon beside her. Both were wrapped up from head to toe in their warmest attire as the cold December temperatures embraced their skin.
Only mere weeks before, Lord Diavolo had granted MC permission to come home for a weekend after she’d aced her latest exam at RAD on the condition that one of the brothers accompanied her.
Given that it was winter in her realm and all of the Christmas festivities would be in full swing, MC was completely ecstatic to return home. She didn’t have to think about what brother she’d ask to accompany her either; that was an easy job.
However, Lucifer wasn’t exactly thrilled by the idea when MC first approached him. But then the thought of any of his brothers jumping in at the opportunity to have a weekend alone with the human changed his mind. There was absolutely no way he’d allow that.
“Lucifer.” MC breathed with a toothy smile, “we haven’t even got to the market yet.”
“Perhaps not but these hideous lights and ridiculously decorated trees are enough to put me off.” He grumbled, “Plus I am not used to these harsh temperatures.”
“I did tell you to put a hat on!” MC shook her head as her dainty feet stepped along the damp cobbles.
“And don’t forget I am not pleased you’ve brought me here to celebrate Christmas of all things.” He continued with a stern look on his face.
MC pulled an awkward expression; she’d hoped that minor detail wouldn’t come up. Not wanting to spoil the moment, she changed the subject.
“But Lucifer you’re the only one I wanted to come with me.” She spoke in an angelic voice as she glanced in his direction. “The other brothers never even crossed my mind.”
Immediately Lucifer was taken aback by her words and he could feel his cheeks growing red. “Well who can blame you.” He spoke quietly, trying to hide his sudden fluster.
The further the pair walked, the more crowded the town got as they neared the Christmas market. Music could be heard from a distance and there was an array of scents filling the atmosphere; roasted nuts; spices; cheese and more.
As they reached the celebrations, MC’s face lit up. Being the observant demon he is, Lucifer noticed her sudden change of expression and couldn’t help but break a small smile at her. His eyes lingered on her unaware face; noticing how the end of her nose had turned pink from the cold weather. Meanwhile, MC was too busy gawping at her surroundings in awe.
“It’s pretty busy, isn’t it?” She smiled, turning to Lucifer.
Despite her now meeting his gaze, Lucifer didn’t lose his warm expression as he admired her. As much as he loathed to be in the human realm at this time of year, perhaps it wouldn’t be so bad if he’s in MC’s company. Especially given the fact that it’d just be the two of them all weekend with no interruptions.
“It is.” He nodded, returning to his usual serious face. “In fact, it’ll be inevitable that we lose each other in these crowds. Here, take my hand so we can stay together.”
MC bit her lip at his request and arched an eyebrow at the demon; causing him to narrow his eyes at her.
“What?” He questioned defensively, “Do you think I have an ulterior motive?”
There was the smallest hint of a smirk on his face as the pair continued gazing at each other.
“No.” She shook her head subtly, “I think it’s perfectly plausible.”
“Good.” Lucifer stated, removing one of his hands from his pockets. Slowly, he laced his fingers with MC’s before raising his eyebrows, “are you ready for this nonsense?”
“Absolutely.” She beamed, leading him away.
As the pair manoeuvred their way through the crowds, exploring every stall, Lucifer’s mind began to ease. MC’s joy was so strong that he could actually feel her soul radiating onto him and for once in his life he could feel his heart beat in his chest.
Turning a corner, the human’s eyes fell on a stall in the distance. “Oh we must go here.” She stated.
“Oh?” Lucifer queried, intrigued as to what was so special about what she’d laid eyes on.
Still holding hands, they journeyed ahead before eventually joining the queue that had formed. While they waited, MC and Lucifer unconsciously stood close together as the cold chills hit them.
Given they were at a standstill, the demon finally took the time to study his surroundings. Even he couldn’t deny how beautiful everything was with the array of stalls, performances and festivities. Albeit he still cringed at the story behind Christmas Day but he forced himself to put that thought to the back of his mind.
Meanwhile, noticing how quiet Lucifer had gone, MC turned her head to look at him. To her surprise, she could see the lights reflecting in his pupils as his red orbs scanned his surroundings. A small smile crept onto her face after seeing the curiosity in his expression.
“Correct me if I’m wrong but I think you’re beginning to enjoy this.” She grinned.
Immediately Lucifer snapped out of his thoughts, turning his head to MC. A small smirk appeared on his face after seeing how smug the human was. “Perhaps it’s just your company.” He simpered, giving MC’s hand a subtle squeeze.
Before she could reply, a voice called out to them. “Can I help?”
Stepping forward, MC approached the stall. “Hi, can I get two hot chocolates with baileys in please?” She requested.
“Hot chocolate?” Lucifer questioned, “We’re not children, MC.”
“What do you think the baileys is for?” She chuckled as she handed the worker some change. “I’m sure they’ve got some mulled wine somewhere for you Grandad if you don’t fancy this.”
Lucifer’s eyebrows knitted at MC’s joke. He certainly wasn’t impressed by that and knew he had to prove her wrong now; even if he did think hot chocolate was for children only.
While she waited for their drinks, MC struck up a conversation with one of the workers behind the stall; leaving Lucifer by her side to tend to himself. Without even realising, he fell into a daydream and he leant against the counter.
It was like MC had her own gravitational pull because before Lucifer knew it, his body had turned to her and his eyes had fallen upon her face. And unbeknownst to him, his gaze lingered quite obviously. His whole expression softened every time he saw the twinkle in her eyes and her extra wide grin as she enjoyed every second of their evening.
Just the way her nose would scrunch when she laughed left Lucifer feeling a flutter in his heart. Unconsciously, he squeezed her hand again, causing MC to quickly glance his way and flash a smile at him.
And with that one small gesture, Lucifer felt something deep in the pit of his stomach and panic immediately washed across his face.
‘You fool’ he thought to himself, feeling the way his heart pined for the human beside him.
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melanielocke · 3 years
Lost in the Shadows - Chapter 18
Taglist: @nott-the-best @foxglove-airmid @alastair-esfandiyar-carstairs1 @justanormaldemon @styxdrawings @ipromiseiwillwrite @a-dream-dirty-and-bruised
Previous Chapter: Chapter 17
Next Chapter: Chapter 19
Thomas had always enjoyed swimming. He used to be a competitive swimmer in school, and still considered going back to it at university. He was fast and he guessed he’d need to slow down for Alastair, who was not a frequent swimmer at all. While Alastair was fast and nimble on the land, his swimming skills appeared only enough to not drown. Which arguably was the most important when it came to swimming, but Thomas had to be careful, he didn’t want to exhaust Alastair or leave him behind.
‘I don’t usually like swimming all that much,’ Alastair admitted.
‘Really? Then why did you come?’ Thomas asked.
A wicked gleam appeared in Alastair’s dark eyes and he smiled. ‘For the scenery, of course.’
Thomas guessed it was the first time they’d seen each other wearing only swim shorts, although he had seen some of Alastair’s chest after Tessa had bandaged his shoulder. The wound looked closed now, but Thomas knew it was still sensitive.
While Alastair was skinny, he was also lightly toned. Not muscular like Thomas was, but elegant and graceful. He was beautiful. He remembered Alastair telling him he’d gained weight lately because of his new medication, but if this was his body after gaining weight, just how skinny had he been before?
And although Alastair tried to act casual, Thomas caught him staring at him too. Truth to be told, he was a little insecure about his body, and what Alastair would think of it. Thomas knew he was muscular, since he worked out so much, which he knew was considered desirable, but he often felt he was a bit too tall. Not to mention he hated the stretch marks that had appeared on his back, and worried what Alastair would think of those. His mother had freaked out the first time she’d seen them until she’d realized they were stretch marks. They were a faded pink now, although they used to be a bright red like wounds. Hopefully in time they’d fade to white. Of course, after three pregnancies, his mother had them too but everyone seemed to associate stretch marks with pregnancy when it was also completely normal to get them after gaining weight or growing very fast. Thomas sometimes wished he’d known that sooner.
‘My parents would often take me and my sisters swimming when I recovered from one of my fevers,’ Thomas said.
‘In the winter as well?’ Alastair asked. ‘Isn’t that cold?’
‘At the indoor pool,’ Thomas clarified. ‘I always had lots of fun there. There were water slides, a wave simulator bath, tropical plants to create a nice atmosphere. There was this one water slide that was in the dark and Barbara was scared of it so she always claimed I was too small for the water slide and wasn’t allowed to take it either.
Often when I was sick, it was something I looked forward to because I knew I could go to the pool when I got better. When I was older and no longer sick, I started swimming competitively. Didn’t you go swimming as a child?’
‘Not often,’ Alastair said. ‘Cordelia would go with Lucie and her parents sometimes.’
‘I remember getting these invites to classmates’ birthday parties. It’s a surprise what we’re doing, but bring your swimsuit,’ Thomas said. ‘Of course, I could only go when I was well enough, but it was a very common activity at my school.’
‘I was that child who never got invited. Which was fine, I didn’t really like being around other children anyway. My mother couldn’t swim, and my father didn’t really go have fun with us. I did take swimming lessons, passed my exams, but beyond that I didn’t really go swimming. My mother started taking classes not so long ago, though, so she’s learnt the basics. She found a class for adult women and even made some friends there.’
‘Maybe you should give it a chance,’ Thomas said. ‘Unfortunately, the pool I went to as a child closed. They built a mall there, I think. but I’m sure there are other pools I could take you someday.’
‘It’s not so bad,’ Alastair admitted. ‘Maybe if we survive this summer, I’ll take you up on that offer.’
Thomas felt himself become a little warm inside, despite the cold water. Here, spending time together in the lake and in the woods was nice, but Thomas wanted to show Alastair all his favorite places, go to the museum together, go swimming like he used to do. He wanted to introduce Alastair to his sisters, who would undoubtedly like him very much. He hoped they wouldn’t be too protective of him though, Thomas did not think Alastair would react well if Genie started threatening him. He made a mental note to send a warning to his sisters that there would be no threatening Alastair.
‘Do you play any sports?’ Thomas asked.
‘Currently not much beyond generally trying to stay active and taking very long walks,’ Alastair admitted. ‘Cordelia and I used to take dance classes together for several years, Father thought it important we learnt how to dance ballroom. The memory is a bit tainted because it was something he demanded of us, but truth to be told I did like dancing and I was quite good at it. We both were.’
‘Oh, that sounds nice,’ Thomas said. ‘I’ve always thought it would be nice to learn partner dancing, but I never got around to it. Besides, I’m a bit clumsy on my feet so I’d be stepping on my partner’s toes all the time.’
‘That doesn’t happen as often as people think,’ Alastair said. ‘I think there’s a dancing association at the university, so if you want to learn that might be a nice and affordable place to take classes. But you could also join a swimming team there if you’d prefer. Or both, but you’ll need to find time to study too.’
‘Is that something you struggled with?’ Thomas asked.
‘Not really. I had no social life beyond my ex boyfriend and I don’t need much time to study. Magic memory and all. But there were definitely a few students who were partying too much to keep up.’
‘I’m not really one for partying, so that won’t be a problem,’ Thomas admitted. ‘I didn’t realize there were so many options, all I heard about student life was either lots of partying or study until you drop.’
‘Oh no there are definitely options,’ Alastair said. ‘I’m just too antisocial for most of them. I don’t like being around people anyway. One on one is fine, but I’ve never liked groups. And I absolutely despite it when people are loud. What else do you like to do beside swimming?’
Thomas could recognize what Alastair described. He had always been shy as a child, and had never really grown over that. He liked being around people, but mostly in small groups.
‘I like music,’ Thomas said. ‘I play guitar, but I really like writing my own songs.’
He’d never told anyone that. He wasn’t sure why exactly. He’d started playing the guitar after growing over his sickness. He’d tried the saxophone before that when he was younger, but his frequent fevers made it difficult to keep up. To learn an instrument you had to practice daily, and that hadn’t worked out.
He’d started playing guitar at fourteen and he’d written lots of songs, most of which he’d discarded. He never believed they were any good, and he wasn’t very good at singing. He’d practiced, of course, and he knew how to pitch his voice, but he just didn’t sound that good or interesting. He could be a decent back up vocalist, he guessed, but then he’d need to find someone to actually sing his songs.
‘Really?’ Alastair asked. ‘What kind of songs?’
‘Oh, all sorts. Ballads, sad songs mostly, I guess. Love songs too. I’ve never told anyone before. They’re not good or anything.’
He remembered he’d written a very sappy, hopeless pining song not long after meeting Alastair. He was glad there was no remaining evidence of that ever happening, it was exactly the kind of thing Eugenia would use as blackmail. Which he guessed was why he’d never told Eugenia about his songs.
They reached the island in the middle of the lake, and sat down in the shallow water, a comfortable place to rest for a bit and talk. He could tell Alastair was getting tired, swimming was very different from walking or running and Alastair wasn’t used to it. Perhaps it was hard on his shoulder too.
‘You told no one? Really? Why?’ Alastair asked.
‘As I said, they’re not any good,’ Thomas admitted. ‘And I can’t sing well.’
‘Maybe I could sing them for you,’ Alastair said. ‘Although it’s been a while since I’ve really sung.’
‘You sing?’ Thomas asked. He wondered what Alastair’s voice would sound like when he sung.
‘I used to,’ Alastair said. ‘I played the piano too, growing up, but I haven’t played in years.’
‘Why did you stop?’ Thomas asked.
Alastair sighed. ‘I couldn’t find joy in playing music anymore. In anything really. Although I did listen to music a lot, and I do sing along occasionally. But apart from that… I just couldn’t bring myself to play anymore, it hurt too much. I wanted to get back to it, but so far I haven’t found that joy.’
That sounded sad. Would Thomas’ songs be able to cheer him up? Probably not, they were terrible. He would need some good music to play or sing to get back into it, not his hopeless attempts at song writing.
‘I hope you can,’ Thomas said. ‘I can’t imagine what it’s like to not be able to enjoy the things you used to.’
‘Well, sometimes interests change,’ Alastair said. ‘I’ve had a lot of odd interests that changed. But in this case… I want to be able to feel the joy I once felt. I want to play, and sing your songs and feel like myself again.’
Thomas wasn’t sure how comfortable he was with sharing any of his work, but if it would help Alastair then he would let him sing all of his songs.
‘Could you sing something? Now, I mean. If you want to, you don’t have to. I’m just really curious what you sound like.’
Thomas started rambling again, and Alastair silenced him by beginning to sing. The song would definitely sound better with accompanied by a guitar, but even on its own Alastair’s voice was beautiful. It was a bit lower than his speaking voice, but he seemed to have quite a range. Gentle, but firm and when he got farther into the song Thomas realized there was a lot of power behind Alastair’s voice. It was a romantic song he was singing, did this describe how Alastair felt about him? He didn’t catch everything, but some of the lyrics stuck with him.
Never opened myself this way.
Life is ours, we live it our way.
All these words I don’t just say
And nothing else matters
‘Trust I seek, and I find in you,’ Thomas repeated. ‘That sounds beautiful.’
Alastair smiled. ‘I do find trust in you. Even if it is something I still find difficult. I’m trying.’
‘What song is that?’ Thomas asked.
Alastair stared at him in shock. ‘You mean to tell me you don’t know this song? You can’t be serious.’
‘It sounds vaguely familiar, but I can’t name it,’ Thomas said. ‘I’m sorry.’
‘It’s Nothing else Matters by Metallica,’ Alastair said.
‘That does sounds familiar,’ Thomas admitted. ‘I’ve never listened much to Metallica.’
‘You should, their music is very good, and it’s very melodic for a metal band. That’s what I like the most, when music is both heavy and melodic.’
‘What other music do you like?’ Thomas asked.
‘Breaking Benjamin must be one of my favorite bands. You probably haven’t heard of them, they’re not very famous. They’re probably best described as alternative metal. Very angst heavy lyrics, things I can relate to. And I like Metallica, Skillet, Three Days Grace. Within Temptation and Nightwish occasionally. What do you listen to?’
‘I like Green Day,’ Thomas said. ‘And As It Is, which you might not know because they’re not very well known, but they’re a pop punk band.’
‘I don’t know As it Is. I do know Green Day though. I’ve always liked Boulevard of Broken Dreams.’
‘Me too,’ Thomas said. ‘But 21 guns is my favorite from Green Day.’
They talked some more about music, and Thomas made a note to listen to some of Alastair’s favorite songs when they got back. He hadn’t had the time or inspiration to write songs lately, with everything happening, but he wanted to write something for Alastair. If he ever found the time in between trying not to die.
Truth to be told, Thomas found it difficult to have people worry about him so much, risk themselves for his sake. He didn’t want to die and was grateful he had people who were willing to help him, but he hated how all this was because of him. He hated being taken care of, being someone’s burden. It was something Thomas had always struggled with. When his mother had quit her job because Thomas was sick so often it wasn’t doable for both his parents to work. Since his mother was a primary school teacher, it had made sense for her to quit working as his father made more money and worked more hours. When his sisters would come straight home after school to keep him company rather than spend time with their own friends. When his father would come home early as often as he could, passing on opportunities at work.
It wasn’t just that the amount of attention could be suffocating, it was because he didn’t want to be difficult, he didn’t want other people to change their life, their habits for him. But as a sick child, he’d had no choice but to let people take care of him. Everyone had had to adapt to his sickness and even in a loving family such as his own, it wasn’t easy to have a child who was ill so often. Sometimes Thomas feared he’d taken up too much attention and had taken that away from Barbara and Eugenia.
‘You’re thinking of something,’ Alastair said. ‘Something that is bothering you.’
‘It’s nothing,’ Thomas said.
It wouldn’t be fair to complain about his childhood to Alastair. Compared to what he had been through, Thomas had wanted for nothing.
‘It’s not nothing,’ Alastair said. ‘I can tell when you tense up, when you’re thinking of something hurtful. Is it something I did?’
‘No. You didn’t do anything wrong.’ Thomas brushed his hand across Alastair’s cheek. ‘You’re perfect.’
‘Then what is it?’ Alastair looked away. ‘Look, I know how difficult it is to talk about how you feel, how vulnerable it makes you feel. But I can tell when things are bothering you, I know when people are upset. If you don’t want to share, at least tell me you’d rather not talk about it. Because people always like to pretend they’re fine but they’re not and…’
Alastair didn’t finish his sentence, he seemed upset too now. Thomas felt horrible. He didn’t want Alastair to worry, he didn’t want to hurt him. It made sense Alastair could read people well. Thomas had always been good at reading people’s body language, but Alastair had had to deal with his father’s changing moods, anticipating them had to be how he’d survived. Of course people’s bad moods were stressful for him, because Alastair had learnt he’d get hurt when other people were stressed.
Perhaps it was better to tell, that might set Alastair’s mind at ease. Even if it was difficult, even if he did not quite understand why he felt this way.
‘I was thinking about how you’re all risking your life for me, and I find that difficult. I’ve never wanted to trouble others, I’ve never wanted to be a burden. But I also know I cannot do this without help. I’d never forgive myself if something happened to you or to Cordelia or Lucie because of me.’
Alastair put his hand on Thomas’ cheek, wet from the lake water.
‘I understand. But none of this is your fault, Tom, and you’re not a burden.’
‘I’ve always felt like a burden,’ Thomas said softly. ‘I always needed to be taken care of because I was sick.’
‘Is it a burden when the people caring for you love you and gladly care for you?’ Alastair asked.
‘I don’t know,’ Thomas said. ‘With James and Matthew, I was so glad to find friends, people my own age. But James’ mother and Matthew’s mother are my mother’s best friends, so we already knew each other from a young age. We were very close when I was still a child and they would come by to keep me company when I was sick. I am grateful, but they learnt I needed to be protected and when I grew over my sickness, Matthew still believed I was meek and dependent and needed to be rescued from you. James wasn’t as bad, he never noticed I liked you because he was always reading. I think the reason we drifted apart a bit is because of that. I never dared tell them how I felt about you, and I don’t think they would have reacted well. And again, I feared my feelings would make me a burden. That was less of an issue with Lucie, so I think that’s why I’m now closer to her. It was never a problem to tell her I liked you, and that’s why she was the first person I told.’
‘I didn’t realize you’d drifted apart from them. At school, it was always the three of you,’ Alastair said.
‘True, and I still care about them, I really do. But I think they’re closer to each other than to me, and that made me feel out of place at times. I still see them and spend time with them, and we text often, but not as much as we used to. But that’s fine, I think it was for the best. I still have plenty of people around me, enough friends, and we probably work better with a little more distance anyway.’
‘I didn’t realize, that’s all,’ Alastair said. ‘Sometimes change is for the best. How are James and Matthew anyway?’
‘I haven’t contacted them a lot with everything happening, and the last few days I haven’t been able to reach them. But I’m not yet sure what to say when I do call them. Do I tell them about us? Or about what’s going on? Do I tell my sisters? I do not want anyone else to come here and put themselves in danger.’
‘I have not yet decided what I will tell my mother either,’ Alastair said. ‘I did tell her I liked you, before I realized you liked me as well. But the past few days I haven’t been able to reach her, or Risa. Wait a moment, you said you couldn’t reach James and Matthew.’
‘Nor my sisters,’ Thomas said. ‘And my father said he was unable to reach uncle Gabriel. I don’t think uncle Will has had any success calling uncle Jem or your father either. Which is odd. You’d think out of all these people, at least someone would pick up a phone.’
‘Or perhaps that is part of what Tatiana is doing,’ Alastair said. ‘Isolating us so we cannot call anyone for help.’
Thomas tried to think that through. If he were in Tatiana’s shoes, he definitely wouldn’t want them to be able to contact uncle Gabriel and aunt Cecily. Nor uncle Jem, he guessed. Matthew and James were no threat to her, nor were his sisters, so he wasn’t sure why they were unable to contact them. Nor did he suspect Alastair’s mother was a threat. Perhaps it was simply easier to cut them off from everyone.
‘That makes sense,’ Thomas said. ‘But if we can’t call them, how far away from the town and the forest would we have to be if we were to reach people again?’ Thomas wasn’t so sure it would be that simple though.
‘I’m not sure,’ Alastair said. ‘Perhaps it’s like the land in between, except bigger. Perhaps something Tatiana did will not only cut off our ability to contact people who aren’t here, but will also prevent us from leaving.’ He paused. ‘I assumed there would be no point in leaving, because whatever is happening to you would simply follow you wherever you go. But perhaps Tatiana does need you here.’
Thomas wasn’t sure how to feel about that. He hadn’t considered running, didn’t think there would be a point to it. How could you run from a powerful being? But perhaps Alastair had a point and he was running from Tatiana. Perhaps that powerful being would simply take Jesse back if Tatiana failed, and that would be it. The thought brought no comfort. He would never want Jesse to suffer. None of this was his fault either.
‘It makes me wonder why that being picked Jesse over me,’ Thomas said. ‘It must have liked Tatiana a lot better than my parents, and I think when Jesse died Tatiana already knew what was happening. I think she assumed I would be the one to die, and when Jesse died and I didn’t, she got mad with my father.
But wouldn’t it have made more sense to take me instead of Jesse? Since Tatiana knew more about the deal, knew about the creature, knew how to barter with it?’
Alastair grimaced. ‘No. I think that is exactly why it chose Jesse. I don’t think the thief of souls intended to keep Jesse forever. If it had taken you, your parents would have been heart broken, they would grieve you, they would have sustained a wound that would never heal. But they would not have tried to get you back, not at the cost of someone else’s life.
Tatiana, on the other hand, would do anything for her son, and seems to hate everyone else. It doesn’t matter to her that lots of people will die, souls forfeit, as long as she can have her son back. She knew what was going on, what would happen to her son. Perhaps she tried to appease it, to make sure you would be chosen and not Jesse. But that’s exactly why it chose Jesse. Because with Jesse dead, Tatiana would do anything to bring him back, and she would exchange your life for Jesse. And the thief of souls could have asked her for anything it wanted, anything else she would realistically be able to give her.’
Thomas stared at Alastair. Everything he said made perfect sense. He had been looking at this from the wrong angle, from his own perspective of someone who made decisions based on emotion, based on his love for the people around him. But the thief of souls wasn’t like that, he didn’t care for Tatiana just because she liked him better than his father did. He saw her as a tool he could use. He played a strategic game and souls were the prize.
‘Why now, though?’ Thomas asked. ‘Jesse has been dead for years. If Tatiana already knew what was happening, wouldn’t she have gotten him back sooner?’
‘I think the thief of souls must have demanded much from her,’ Alastair said. ‘He could ask for anything. Do any of you know what she’s been up to the past years?’
‘She moved away from London, left her house in a state of disrepair,’ Thomas said. ‘My grandfather was incredibly rich and Tatiana inherited lots of money, so she could afford to just move around and leave her father’s house.’
Thomas knew his father and uncle Gabriel had often wondered what to do with the money inherited from their father, money he’d earned through dark deals and exploitation. Money none of them deserved. But for uncle Gabriel and aunt Cecily the money had allowed them to hunt the supernatural, stop people like Benedict, since such line of work wasn’t exactly paid. His father had donated some of the money, but for them it had been convenient too since his illness meant he always needed someone around to take care of him.
‘Meaning, you don’t know where she’s been?’ Alastair asked. ‘I can’t imagine having so much money that you can just leave an entire house for several years without selling it. Honestly that should be illegal, considering how difficult it is for some people to even find a place to live.’
‘It was her father’s manor, had been in the family for a long time,’ Thomas said. ‘I don’t think she could have even considered selling it, it was very important to Benedict. But no, we don’t know where she’s been. My father and uncle Gabriel did try to reach out to her occasionally. At the very least they called her on her birthday, but she never picked up.’
‘So these past years, maybe she had to complete other tasks first, offer him other souls, anything he could have wanted. And at some point she must have captured Grace, which I imagine made completing his requests a lot easier.’
‘How long do you think Grace has been her prisoner?’ Thomas wondered. ‘I assumed it was a recent thing, what if she’s been with Tatiana for years?’
‘No idea,’ Alastair said. ‘Perhaps capturing Grace is what finally allowed her to win enough favor to get back Jesse’s soul. Whatever he wanted from her, it must have been easier with a siren under her control. But I think there’s still more she must do to bring him back to life. Perhaps that child that drowned was part of it too.’
‘And when Jesse lives, I die,’ Thomas concluded.
Thomas had no idea how to fix this. How to survive without sacrificing Jesse. He knew Lucie and Cordelia wanted to kill the thief of souls, but they didn’t even know what it was. Their attention had to be on Grace right now, if anyone knew more of Tatiana’s plans it had to be her.
‘We’ll get Grace’ skin,’ Alastair promised. ‘Tomorrow. And when she is free, she can tell us all she knows of Tatiana. There must be so much Grace knows.’
‘Will you be alright?’ Thomas said. ‘After this morning… will you feel up to it? I can’t imagine how exhausting that must have been. It’s fine if you need more rest.’
‘I hope so, but if not I can function pretty well while tired. At some point you get used to it. I have good days and bad days. Today was not so good, you’re right that I’m still very tired from this morning. Such breakdowns are always exhausting, that is not something I’ve gotten used to. I would go to sleep early, maybe take some melatonin, but I’ll only have nightmares. And we don’t have the kind of time to wait for me to recover from this morning, I’ll have to do with how I function tomorrow morning.’
Thomas considered for a moment, turning a little red before looking Alastair in the eyes. Thomas had always found Alastair’s eyes beautiful, big and so dark it was difficult to tell apart the iris and the pupil. He’d never quite understood the way people obsessed over blue or green eyes, described as sapphires and emeralds in many of Lucie’s books. Green and blue eyes didn’t even look like that. Light eyes might be less common than brown eyes, but Thomas had always found dark brown eyes combined with dark hair like Alastair’s far more striking.
‘Maybe I could sleep over,’ Thomas suggested. ‘I mean, do you think that would help?’
‘I don’t know if it would help with my nightmares, but I would certainly like it if you stayed with me,’ Alastair said. ‘I like to cuddle. It is very nice when you hold me, sensory wise. So, where are we sleeping? I think my bed is bigger, we could easily both fit in there.’
Thomas wondered what Alastair meant with that it was nice, sensory wise. It sounded like something Lucie, who was autistic, might say, but Alastair had not mentioned such a thing, had he?
‘Alright, then I’ll sleep over at your place,’ Thomas said. ‘And I’ll cuddle with you as much as you want. And when you have a nightmare, I’ll be there to remind you that you’re safe.’
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petri808 · 3 years
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I1+Nalu Only one bed @thegalilea3 request
The wedding of Laxus and Mirajane Dreyar was a cozy affair attended by only close family and friends. Neither had really wanted a lavish event, so a simple morning ceremony and luncheon in a beautiful garden was perfect. The bride and groom instead funneled the majority of their budget into food, drinks, and overnight lodging for the guests at a small nearby hotel. Lucy Heartfilia was happy to see her friend finally married and settled because Mira deserved it.
Though there was one odd thing about the luncheon— assigned seating. With only 21 people including the bride and groom, it seemed unnecessary. Plus, everyone except Lucy and one other person were a couple anyways. Maybe it was to ensure everyone was accounted for, only Mira knew. As it was, it also meant Lucy was sat next to the only other single... Natsu Dragneel. It was a bit weird, but not a big deal. Natsu was her close friend after all.
The day was perfect in every regard. Clear skies, light breeze with warm sunshine, great food, and jovial company. It was a nice reprieve from Lucy’s job in the city. She missed spending time with her friends, especially Natsu and this provided a perfect couple of days to relax in the countryside. They were best friends, her unrequited high school crush until adulthood sent them onto different paths. University, then careers. The pair stayed in touch as often as possible, but both were busy in their endeavors.
“How has it been at the magazine,” Natsu questioned Lucy. “I see you’ve made it to junior editor.”
“Oh,” she laughed, “yeah, but it’s still a glorified title. I’m really just my bosses assistant.”
“It’s still a big step,” he smiled back.
“What about you?”
“They’re sending me to EMT training next month. So, I’ll be a specialized firefighter.”
“That sounds exciting.”
“I guess,” Natsu shrugged, “I prefer the action.”
Lucy chuckled, eyes crinkling in a smile, “same ‘ole Natsu.”
“Hey you two,” Mirajane waved as she walked over. “How is everything?”
“Hi Mira! Everything is perfect, you did a fantastic job planning it.”
“Aww, thanks Lucy.”
“I was surprised that Laxus finally caved.”
Lucy slapped Natsu’s chest for the comment, but if only made Mira laugh.
“I threatened to leave if he didn’t just get this over with. Anyway, the reason I came over is I just received a call from the hotel and it seems they made a mistake in my booking. Instead of 11 rooms, they only booked 10. Unfortunately... they’re also full.”
“So, what does that mean?” Natsu questioned the woman.
“Well, as singles I had booked you guys your own rooms, because the couples have theirs, which means one of you now doesn’t have one.”
“Oh. It’s okay Mira, I can try and find a room elsewhere for the night,” Lucy chimed in. “Don’t worry about it, it wasn’t your fault.”
“Why don’t we just share it?” Natsu then suggests to Lucy. “When we check in, we’ll just ask for a room with two beds.”
“Are you sure,” both Lucy and Mira questioned at the same time.
“Why not? I mean, I don’t mind.”
“Lucy would you be okay with that?” Mira questioned her friend. “I don’t want you to be uncomfortable.”
Lucy looked at Natsu, then back to Mira. “I’ll be okay. I mean, he’s not a stranger to me.” She laughed although inside she was a bit nervous about sharing a room with him.
“I won’t bite,” Natsu put his hands up in defense. “I swear.”
“Weirdo!” Lucy laughed.
Mira laughed as well. “Great! I’ll let the hotel know the room will be a double occupancy. You guys enjoy the rest of party. Check in is anytime after 4pm.”
“Thanks Mira. And congratulations again!”
Everything will be fine, Lucy assured herself. It’s just Natsu. She knows Natsu. He’s harmless. Spending one night alone together won’t kill her. Just think of it as more time to catch up. Maybe find out why he’s still single. ‘Stop that!’ Lucy chided her mind. She is not asking him that kind of question! Even though she is curious... more so now after having spent the last 4 hours being reminded of what a great guy he was. All the reason she’d crushed on him, his warmth, oof, his smile...
“Wait what?!” Lucy shrieked at the hotel receptionist. “There’s no rooms with two beds?”
“I’m very sorry ma’am, but we only have a few of those and they’re all taken already.”
“What about a roll-away?”
Again the woman shook her head. “We’re just a small country inn. We don’t have those.”
“Oh... my god...” Lucy breathed out. She’d have to share a bed with Natsu?!
Speaking of the man, at that moment, he gently coaxed Lucy away from the receptionist. “We’ll make it work, don’t worry, she’ll be fine,” he assured the woman. “Just give us the keys and we’ll be on our way.”
Once inside of the hotel room, Lucy surveyed their predicament. It was a king sized bed. Great, at least it provided a decent amount of space between them, and it was a very nice room... a bit too nice compared to a standard hotel room. Strange, but maybe it was the only option left because of the full capacity. Well, guess it wasn’t such a bad thing. She could think of it as a sleepover, like the kind they would have when they were teenagers.
The first thing Lucy did was change out of her formal party attire into something comfortable. When she exited the bathroom, Natsu was lounging on the bed, looking through the pamphlets the hotel left on the nightstand.
“What’re you reading?” She questioned him.
“It’s a pretty small hotel, no services, but they do have a restaurant open for lunch and dinner... oh and a pool.”
Lucy hadn’t brought a swim suit, so the pool was out of the question. “What time is the restaurant open till?”
“Um... 9pm.”
“Good. I’m not hungry yet, but in a couple of hours I will be.”
For the rest of the evening Natsu was weirdly quiet. He talked as needed, but it almost felt to Lucy as if he was trying to avoid something. Or maybe it was all in her head. Maybe Natsu was just as nervous as she was about arraignment and was doing his best not to make it uncomfortable. Their conversations were pleasant enough, catching up on their lives, their families, any new interests they may have developed. They’d become functional members of the community in careers they enjoyed. For all intents and purposes, their lives were normal, happy on the surface.
Around 11pm the pair agreed it was time to get some shut eye. It had been a long and contented day, but tomorrow they’d return to their own lives. They chose their respective sides, turning off the light and settled into bed facing away from each other.
As Lucy lay there, she reflected on how things had turned out and of their day. The thoughts in her mind loud against the silence of the darkened room. It felt weird, knowing Natsu lay less then two feet away. Or maybe it was simply weird sleeping in a bed with another person. It had been a couple years since her last failed relationship, so she wasn’t used to this feeling anymore. She didn’t know how many minutes had passed by when she’d heard Natsu shift in the bed and his voice, soft and hesitant cut through the inky blackness.
“Do you ever think about... us Lucy?”
What does he mean? “Us?” She parroted.
“I do sometimes,” Natsu continued. “I think about, what our lives would be like if I’d grown some balls and asked you out years ago... where would we be today?”
Lucy’s breathing slowed as she processed his words. Had she thought of it? Moisture slowly filled her eyes. Yes— yes she had, many, many times over the years. Every time a relationship failed, she thought about it. But she never blamed him because she was just as guilty for not saying something sooner. Yet here he was posing such a question.
Her eyes closed as she spoke. “What are you trying to say Natsu?” She felt him turn over and shift again, then a hand pulling, coaxing her to face him. Once she’d switched sides, Lucy could see his shadowed face, oozing with regret.
“I’m saying...” Natsu reached out and took her hand. “I wish we were an us. I’m saying I want to lay like this every night next to you, to wake up beside you, come home to you. Im saying... I don’t want this to end.”
Lucy squeezed his hand back. “Idiot!” Tears prickling the corners of her eyes. “Why didn’t you say something sooner!”
“I was afraid! Okay?! I thought you deserved better than me and I’d just hold you back!”
“Better?! It was always better together! All these years I’d been lonely and miserable cause no one could replace you!”
“I’m sorry!!”
A few seconds after the last words are screamed, laughter broke out from the two. Unrefined laughter at their own stupidity. They’d both been pining all these years and it took being stuck in a room together for it all to come crashing out.
“Natsu...” Lucy squeezed his hand again, “I’d really love to be an us too.”
He reached over and caressed her face. “I’ve always loved you Lucy, and I wanna make up for all the years we lost. But I have a confession to make.”
Oh, god what the hell now?! “What are you, actually married? No, divorced? Secret kids?! What?!” Lucy trembled as her euphoria threatened to crash down again.
Natsu scratched the back of his head nervously. “No! Nothing like that. The hotel didn’t make a mistake. Mira and I set this up so I could confess. I’d planned to do it earlier but couldn’t work up the nerve until I realized I was running out of time again...”
“Ohhh! Is that it?!” Lucy’s head lolled as she groaned. “You damn goof! You almost gave me a heart attack!”
“Im sorry!” He chuckled. “I just didn’t want you to find out later. And don’t blame Mira, it was my idea. I’ll make it all up, I promise. I’ll make you forget about those years of loneliness. I’m gonna make you so happy you—”
Lucy sighed. “Natsu?”
“Huh, yeah?”
“Just shut up and kiss me already.”
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fortunesfaevor · 3 years
A Chance (Lucigast/Shadowgast)
Lucien had tried to give them a chance. A chance to join him to understand the pattern. Instead, they chose violence. Chose to try and stop him. He couldn't allow that. He would kill them all until they gave in. Until He gave in. His eyes swept over the battlefield, the eye stalks striking out as the Nein fought back. He landed on Essek who gracefully evaded an attack.
Seething, Lucien reached out, striking the drow over and over and over, forcing him to cry out in pain with each hit. The sound pulled a grin from Lucien's lips.
"Essek," Caleb shouted from his place on the nearby tower.
Essek looked up with tired eyes, giving a nod, as if to let the wizard know he was okay.
Lucien growled. He reached out with his mind to pull Caleb in. If he couldn't get him to join willingly, then he would force him and make the drow watch.
As his essence creeped out and towards Caleb, a flash of something white hot halted him. He pressed again but he couldn't get through.
Lucien hissed.
"I'm accessible to you no longer," Caleb sneered at him. A pride in his posture upon realizing what Lucien had been trying to do.
Ignoring the attacks from the others he waved a hand and the top of the tower cracked and broke away from the rest.
"You want him so bad?" Lucien turned his glare to Essek, "Then have him." He thrust the tower towards Essek, the stone slamming into him and pining Caleb beneath the rubble.
"Caleb," Essek moved forward as quickly as he could. The slow effects he'd received earlier in the fight made it difficult.
Caleb looked at Essek with a softness the drow couldn't place. So many words reached Caleb's lip, regrets and confessions, but they fell away in a heavy sigh. There would be time for that later.
He reached a hand out towards where he saw Jester struggling and willed her to heal, just a little, because they needed their healers. As he did so he called out to Lucien.
"Mollymauk, I am begging you, hunger for control is insatiable. It will never be enough. Let it go."
Lucien had grown tired of hearing these people call him by that name. Was sick of them trying to reach someone long gone.
"I've told you; he's gone. Let him go," Lucien growled.
Caleb heard Fjord shout out Molly's name, attempting to plead with their old friend but his words fell on deaf ears as well. Disappointment washed over him. Perhaps Molly was really gone at this point.
Essek reached Caleb and grabbed his arm, "Caleb, they need you," the drow urged as he groaned out, attempting to pull Caleb free.
Caleb's legs scraped the sharp stone as Essek managed to pull him free.
"Let's finish this," He panted, finally shaking the slowness from his muscles.
Caleb wrapped his hand around the back of Essek's head and pressed their foreheads together. Once again so many words formed on his tongue but instead, he turned to see the state of the rest of his friends.
Lucien was losing his patience. The rest of the Nein were not relenting. He turned his attacks to the irritating blue tiefling. Throwing all his rage into her until she fell back unmoving.
"One down," he said looking towards Caleb.
"Jester," Caleb shouted, reaching out a hand. He closed his eyes.
Lucien growled as she appeared next to Caduceus. Caleb was clever. So much potential.
Caleb's eyes flew open and in Lucien's mind he heard Caleb's desperate pleas. "You're killing her, you're killing her, you love her, you're killing her."
A sudden wash of guilt swept over Lucien. Regret, pain, worry. He twitched and a grin pulled at his face before his own hand reached up and raked across his face. He shook off the thought and licked the blood from his lip, glaring down at the wizard.
"Time to teach you a lesson," Lucien waved a hand and a nearby eye turned to Caleb.
Caleb wrenched in pain as his veins wound with dark ichor.
Essek let out a yell as he threw a spell towards Lucien.
Pain struck through him, but he shook it off with a grunt. His eyes followed Essek as he stepped away from Caleb.
So Essek was clever too. Lucien shouldn't have been surprised. He was drawing his wrath to keep Caleb from getting hurt again.
Lucien's lips curled into a smile, his eyes meeting Caleb's, "Fine, if I can't have you, I'll take him."
Caleb frowned, looking towards Essek. He watched as the drow's concerned eyes turned dark and cold as they landed on him.
"Essek," Caleb whispered, but the drow remained unaffected.
"You were infuriating when you were with us, but at least you had charm. This is beneath you," Caleb's tone was more desperate than he meant for it to be.
"You could join us," Lucien beckoned, once again giving Caleb a chance to join him.
Caleb rushed towards Essek, clasping his hands on his cheeks, "Essek, please come back to me." He released a dispel through his fingertips, praying his magic would take hold.
Essek blinked and his eyes brightened, the charm effect leaving him.
Caleb let out a punched sigh as Essek's hands came up to grab Caleb's wrists.
Lucien let out a growl. These wizards refused to let go of each other. Jealousy boiled in his stomach before turning to red hot anger.
Lucien sighed wistfully towards Caleb, "So much potential."
Caleb backed away from Essek as Lucien loomed over him
He struck out with a claw, catching Caleb in the chest once, twice...
"Molly," Caleb pleaded, blood bubbling in his mouth.
Lucien looked to Essek, "How does it feel knowing the last name on his lips won't be yours?"
Essek was moving towards Caleb, but the third strike connected with Caleb's chest.
Lucien watched as the life left the wizard's eyes. He couldn't help the hurt and disappointment that swept over him. Things could have been so different.
*AN* The next part of the cat and mouse series...I meant to get this up way earlier but I got heavily distracted by EXU...anyway...I have a plan to do something very non Canon compliant for the next part just so you know.
Find the rest here
Consider buying me a coffee, I would really appreciate it!
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mammoney-honey · 4 years
Summoning Circles: What to Offer the Brothers GN!MC
MC doesn’t need to set up anything to summon them since they have their pact but sometimes its just nice to add a bit of drama. It’s also a good way to get the brothers to accept Just Because gifts. So what would would MC lay out as an offering for their favorite demon in their pentagram?
Lucifer is hard to get gifts for because hes a man of few words and fewer guilty pleasures
MC does their best to keep an eye out for things he does like and finally sets things up when they feel that Luci needs a bit of a break
They mostly offer things that would make for a good date night but with one small exception: special gourmet dog treats 
He won’t admit it, he says Cerberus is just a well trained guard dog, but that big boy gets only the best and MC knows that Lucifer will appreciate the gesture
The rest is all about setting the mood so Lucifer couldn’t possibly say no to staying
The first thing to accomplish this is the finest bottle of hellfire aged wine, a special request put through to Diavolo for whatever he thought Lucifer would like most
And to accompany a good drink you need some good food as well. A charcuterie board supplied with recommendations from Barbatos and Luke. The little guy should be called a mouse rather than a dog with how much he loves cheese. It took a long time for him to stop talking about it
One of the things that MC looks most fondly on of their time with Lucifer was quiet nights in listening and dancing to new music. They didn’t always share the same tastes but they were always willing to give it a go
So MC would find a vinyl, the only thing Lucifer would listen to the purest that he is, of their most recent favorite song or band so that they could share it with him
The last thing offered is that which Lucifer would want above all else as his own, MC
They can think of nothing else that would gain Lucifer’s attention more than offering their full and complete self. His pride could never allow him to deny taking MC when they offer themselves so willingly
He appears in full demon form, he can’t think of who would be ballsy enough to try and summon him and he has to pull back on his full power once he sees its MC
“MC, my dearest love, the pageantry is appreciated but overall unneeded. All you ever have to do is call my name, all I wish is to hear my name on your lips. But now that I’m here lets make sure you are screaming it”
He is another one who is hard to gift things to but for the opposite reason as Lucifer. He likes too many things, wants everything and so it makes it impossible to tell what would actually mean something to him
MC tries their best to lay out things that will show how much they love and appreciate their favorite demon
Money of course is the first thing that is set out but not just spare Grimm or human cash
No, MC will put gift cards out for Mammon’s favorite places or for a date that they can have together. It feels more personal that way and they hope it shows that they pay attention to the things he likes
Mammon has a wardrobe to rival Asmo’s but he insists that it all has to do with his job as a model. Gotta keep up appearances and all that yanno. Hes just a label whore though and everyone knows it
He also just melts at the idea that MC might be thinking of what he would look good in so if they put out a new outfit or accessory, even if its just new sunglasses or a belt, he just about explodes
He will scoff and say that hes not sure if human styles are really his thing but of course puts whatever it is on quickly
Next would be a very special edition of the TSL dvds, a directors cut that even Levi couldn’t get his hands on. He has watched it with MC so many times he could practically recite it but they were always borrowing from Levi so it was about time to start wearing out their own copy
The last two things are more personal, something that shows just how much MC thinks of and misses being with him
The first of that is MC’s favorite set of pictures they took with Mammon, a silly photo booth strip that captured their first kiss. MC had surprised him on the first snapshot and it showed a progression of him getting redder and redder before finally kissing them back
Lastly is a page from their diary, as intimate an offering as they can possibly give. Its from a day where the longing for Mammon was at its strongest and filled with sweet words of how much they miss their first man
Mammon is freaked out at first thinking he is being summoned by another witch and is confused to see MC before taking it all in
“H-hey you don’t have to go through all this. I mean of course The Great Mammon won’t say no to the the things he deserves but ... b-but you only ever need to say my name, there is no where I’d rather be than with you”
Levi has a bad habit of just buying whatever he wants but considering that he has so many fandom’s its not hard to find some piece or another he doesn’t have 
MC feels like his brothers don’t give much thought to his gifts though, just typing in a name they know and getting whatever they find. They want to give him something more personal and can’t just be bought and shipped in two days
MC starts to watch a lot of craft, cooking and cosplay YouTubers to try and put everything together themselves. It felt more genuine that way at least to them
MC tries to keep things diverse, hitting a couple of Levi’s favorites but mostly avoiding anything Ruri related since they are afraid of messing it up lmao
Instead they focus on the anime’s and games that they watched and played together. Almost like a collection of inside jokes that they are using to summon him
The first thing MC sets out is a prettily decorated plate of macrons, doing their best to replicate the colors and flavors described in the one bakery time management game they always played
MC also went through Levi’s super secret fanfiction accounts I will fight you he is totally a fic writer because he has so many self inserts and fix it fics  and wrote out comments for every single thing he had written. They printed them out not because they didn’t think he read them but to show that they were the ones that left them
Along with the comments MC also created art for Levi’s most beloved OC, creating cute enamel pins of them in chibi form with the cannon character he paired them with
 The last two things came as a sort of combo, a couples cosplay from the romance anime they had watched together. The protagonist had been a shut in otaku who had found his soulmate when they were reborn into his world and Levi had latched onto him immediately 
It had taken a lot of blood sweat and tears trying to get both of the outfits cannon perfect but damn it MC was not going to settle for anything less
At one point they forgot they were making it for Levi and just got caught up in the the drama that was finding the perfect buttons and trim color
Overall they were so proud of the sewing skills they just wanted to call on him the moment they were done so he could see but they got a hold of themselves so they could set up what they had planned
Levi was summoned into the circle still wearing his headset and fingers tapping at a controller that had been left behind
His demon side comes out at having been cost a serious match from the sounds of it but his anger turns to confusion at seeing MC and then into wide eyed amazement at all of the things in front of him
He started to gush about every single thing he saw before he realized that MC was there beaming at him 
“You went through all this trouble to prove that you aren’t a normie and yet you summon me this way?? J-just say my name like you’re supposed to! I kind of like hearing you say it anyway ...”
Satan surprisingly doesn’t like being the center of attention and thus doesn’t really like surprises or receiving gifts. He also doubts that anyone understands him enough to give him what he wants cocky ass that he is
The idea for the things to set out in his summoning circle came to MC when discussing love potions with Satan and Solomon one day. They were talking about how smell plays such a strong part and Satan let slip some of the things he might smell after MC listed some of theirs
So while MC doesn’t have much, well any, experience in magic or potions they do want to try to stir up those feelings those smells produce in Satan
The first thing he had said came as a surprise to no one, the smell of parchment and ink
MC used each of them as their own separate offering on the pentagram. They used a fancy new calligraphy quill dipped in green ink that matched his eyes to write a long love note for him
The ink was still wet on the parchment that they set down and left the quill and remaining ink as the second gift
The next thing he mentioned was another one MC expected: tea leaves
So MC just walked into their local tea shop and let their nose lead the way. Anything that caught their attention or made them want to keep smelling they bought, creating their own special blend just for Satan
It wasn’t necessarily something that Satan would say for himself but MC had started to burn different candles in their room when he would come to rant when he was angry, trying to find a scent that he could associate with being calm when they helped him work through the anger
Whatever candle seemed to work the best is the candle that MC sets out for him. Probably something woodsy, pine or balsam or even sandalwood. It brings back good memories for MC, kissing all those worries of his away and hopes it does the same
The last item is one that made MC blush when they heard Satan admit it, he had liked the scent of their shampoo
He hadn’t said that specifically but he had closed his eyes and described a scent that he couldnt place but that he adored and when MC was taking their shower that night it clicked 
It might have been a little lame, leaving a bottle of shampoo out for Satan but MC knew that when he realized what that scent he loved so much was that he would get the cutest blush
They weren’t disappointed when they summoned Satan. He hid his shock of being summoned this way well, taking his time to walk around the circle and examine each offering. He immediately knew where they had gotten the inspiration and teased them about being such a sap
He stopped when he got to the shampoo though, not sure how that fit into the equation until he smelled it. It dawned on him and there was that blush that he tried to hide by turning his face away
“You always did like to make things difficult on yourself didn’t you? I’m only ever a call away for you kitten. Now come here and let me really breath you in, you’re simply intoxicating to me and I can’t stay away.”
Asmo is never shy about when he doesn’t like gifts that people have given him but he has only ever cherished what MC has gotten him. Every small trinket and gift he has on full display in his room and he will wear something that MC got them when he misses them the most
He also will do it when he wants to bother his brothers and show off that MC simply lavished him in gifts (Mammon and Levi are the only ones who fall for it lmao)
So MC decides to offer Asmo things that will allow him to parade around their love for him, things to keep them close when MC isn’t there
The first thing that MC gets Asmo is new nail polish, a color that they agonized over finding because they wanted it to match his eyes perfectly
Asmo has a very organized planner, its how he keeps track of all the events he is invited to, when he has dates, who hes slept with, who hes going to sleep with and everything in between
MC commissions custom made stickers for him so he can decorate the pages of his planner even more. Specifically a whole sheet of cute stickers of them together he could use for when they planned date nights
The next thing was something for Asmo’s room which he was always changing and refreshing so it looked forever interesting for Devilgram pics
MC gets a large print of Asmo’s favorite picture of them together and puts it in a beautiful frame that perfectly matched his favorite decorating style. Perfect to show to the world that Asmo was their favorite demon and that they looked so good together
And so they can take even more pictures of themselves together MC buys a Polaroid camera for Asmo. His phone will always be his favorite thing to take pics on but this way they could have them printed instantly and it continues to let him be trendy
Lastly MC gets Asmo a necklace. A dainty rose gold chain that he can wear with practically everything and with a diamond accented heart shaped locket that could easily be tucked away if needed. It was an enchanted locket, thanks to the help of Solomon, and it warmed when MC was thinking of him
Its the first thing Asmo grabs and quickly puts on, showing it off for MC
“Oh MC you are simply the cutest thing I have ever seen~ I’m sorry I don’t have something to give you in return. I hope the fact that my heart beats only for you will make up for it, now come here I’ve been without kisses too long.”
Its SO hard not to just grab whatever is in the kitchen at the time and throw it in the summoning circle and call it a day for Beel
But he is more than just his hunger and MC is always striving to show him that they understand that 
It was harder than expected, just because asking anyone what Beel might want always got them food answers. They thought Belphie might be helpful but only got told “he probably just wants a nap ... its what I would want”
MC starts to think of all the most special moments they had with Beel, trying to think what about them made them so memorable and they knew for a fact that it wasn’t the food
The first thing they come up with is a banner that MC made to cheer him on at one of his games. It had gotten a little tattered and torn because it had rained that day but they just couldn’t let it go
Mostly because Beel after winning had ran up into the stands and kissed them for the first time. It wasn’t as if they hadn’t ever kissed but they had always been the one to make the first move but this time Beel had come to them. Of course in the biggest gesture possible
It was cheating a little bit offering a cookbook, it was still food related, but it felt better than putting in actual food 
This particular cookbook was special to MC too, they had spent several months trying to recreate one of the recipes from it down in the Devildom when MC didn’t have it. Even their D.D.D had been no help in finding the human world dish they were trying so hard to recreate
It had finally been Beel who had found someplace that sold the food they had been craving. He had even been able to bring it back completely untouched just so that they could have it all though he didn’t complain when they offered him several bites from their fork
MC pulls the next thing from their own shelves at home, a well read copy of Lord of the Flies. The spine cracked and little notes about their favorite parts scribbled in the margin
It was one of the human novels that Satan had and one of MCs favorites from school. Beel had caught them reading it and thought the title was ironic but the more he watched MC get engrossed in reading the more curious he got
He eventually asked MC to read it to him, he actually liked books even if most didn’t take him for the type it was just that he had a hard time actually reading himself. He always got distracted by food but audio books always worked well for him when he was working out, it turned out to be even better when MC read to him when he was eating
It was the best of both worlds for him and he found the story actually pretty funny, slightly worrying MC but they figured they couldn’t blame a demon for getting enjoyment out of a story like that. He did find their lack of food concerning though so at least there was that
One of the things that Beel often complained about when MC was living in the devildom was that when he went to go eat they weren’t always there. Sure Beel would ask them to tag along whenever possible but it didn’t always happen. He would call them from the kitchen at times and tell them that he missed them
MC was sure the other brothers would have something to say about it but knew that Beel would genuinely enjoy the next thing MC offered. Amagnet with his favorite picture of them. It was MC caught in a candid he took, mid bite in a dessert he had made them and his hand could just be seen wiping some whipped cream off MC’s cheek
It was a way that Beel could have MC with him at his favorite place every time
The last thing that MC laid out was something that was inspired by Beel. He had once given them a coupon for a free meal by him and they had thought it was just about the cutest thing ever
They made him a whole coupon book of favors ranging from cooking any meal he wanted to recording his workouts for him and of course lots of coupons for hugs and kisses
Beel isn’t used to being summoned at all so hes slightly disoriented when he finds himself suddenly in the human world. As soon as he sees MC though its nothing but smiles and he doesn’t even notice the gifts until after
“MC did you know I was thinking about you? Sometimes I just say your name and hope you will appear ... so if you ever think of me just say my name. I want to be here, even if its during dinner” 
Belphie is not one to beat around the bush at all. He is a creature of habit and just wants more of the same things that he already has. Dont fix something if its not broke right?
So its fairly easy to fill his summoning circle with things that he loves, just adding to his ever growing collection of happy nap time things
That isn’t to say that MC just grabs whatever blanket or pillows they have laying around, they still want it to be special for him
So yes the first two things they offer to Belphie is a pillow and blanket, there was never going to be anything else but MC spent a long time putting their love into finding just the right ones for him ... and still couldn’t find what they wanted
MC used this as an excuse to create something themselves for their sleepy boy. They dived deep into youtube and pintrest and spent more money than they care to admit on materials until finally they made what they wanted
The first was a quilt large enough for three cause the twins like to make MC a sandwich in a cow print pattern that matched his pillow and demon form marks, lined with the softest fabric she could find that was the same purple as his eyes 
His pillow was another quilted design, this time of a cloudy night sky with a sleepy cow jumping over the moon. MC stitched his name in pretty gold thread on the back long with a sweet ‘I love you’
There was one last fluffy thing to give to him, this one MC knew he would probably scoff and tease them about but they couldn’t help it. They saw the angry looking cow plushie and just could not walk away 
They have actually been sleeping with it when they miss him most and even if he doesn’t like the plushie the fact they have slept with it so much will make him a bit fonder of it
Even though they were pretty sure that Belphie knew every star in the sky MC couldn’t help but get a book with stories about the constellations. He might already know them all but they thought that he might still enjoy hearing them read to him as he drifted to sleep
The last thing MC has to offer him is also star related. A star map of the day that they made their pact. It was the day that MC had fully forgiven everything that had happened before and their relationship had truly began
When Belphie was summoned he was half asleep but knew who it must be even in his sluggish state. He gave a big yawn and looked around at all the things around him 
“At least things are already set up for the perfect nap, including having you. MC next time just say my name alright? Its much more of a drag this way ... and I want to know when you are dreaming of me”
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czenzo · 2 years
Misdial - Chapter VII
[ao3] chapter links: [ 1 ] [ 2 ] [ 3 ] [ 4 ] [ 5 ] [ 6 ] [ 7 ] [ 8 ] [ Epilogue ]
summary: Lucy, a newly-enrolled fine arts student at a London university, accidentally calls the wrong number and ends up getting to know a business student who also happens to be in the same city. Slowly but surely, they realise their lives are intertwined more than they initially thought, and soon they find their friendship may be evolving into something more. Or: After a chance phone call, Lucy and Lockwood spend the next few months pining after one another.
rating: G words: 1779
note: these lot seem to do nothing but drink tea and eat cake. they're living my dream life
By some miracle, Lockwood had managed to drag himself out of bed and hop on a bus in time to make it to a morning lecture, because if he didn’t go he’d feel pressure to look for alternatives to his current life path, and that is more daunting than putting up with business talk for a few hours.
Just because he’s in the lecture hall doesn’t mean he’s listening, though.
From: Lucy
thank god this new project is a solo one
From: Lucy
I mean I know the group one went better than I thought it would but like
From: Lucy
its nice to get a break from people
He smiles at his phone. It’s been a few weeks since Lucy’s group presented their collection, and although her clay sculpture did face some alterations as she’d expected, it hadn’t been half as bad as Lucy had anticipated, by the sounds of it. In fact, she’d even mentioned that she went to Flo’s with a couple of the group members after their presentation.
Though he wouldn’t admit it out loud, he’s immensely proud of her.
“—and remember,” comes the voice of the lecturer from the front of the hall, “the School of Management’s Christmas ball is coming up. Attendance isn’t compulsory, but, do keep in mind it is the perfect opportunity to mingle and network. Plus ones are permitted, and they don’t necessarily have to be a member of our school, but choose them wisely, please. The school will not tolerate any shenanigans. Also, don’t forget to do the readings for our next lecture. There’s a small exercise for you to complete online, too. Alright, you all may go.”
If Lockwood hadn’t been fully awake already, the sudden sound of bags zipping, stationary clattering, and students chatting would have certainly woken him up. He closes the notebook that he’d barely written in and slides it into his bag, before making his way down the steps and towards the exit.
“Here you are, there you go…” The lecturer is stood at the door, handing out flyers advertising the ball to every student he can reach. Lockwood fully intends on gliding right past him, out of view, but a rude shove from someone nearby sends him right into the line of sight of the man with the stack of flyers, and soon enough one is shoved into his arms.
With an inward sigh and a polite smile for show, he slides the flyer into his bag, next to his almost empty notebook.
He pushes himself to go to a tutorial afterwards, and upon realising just how horribly behind he is on the course material, elects to not go to any more that day and heads home after a quick fencing practice session, but not before nipping to Flo’s. He buys some cakes to-go, knowing his sister and friend will be stressed about their upcoming exams.
Of course, he has them too, but he can’t find it in him to care.
With the help of Flo, he’s managed to find a couple of apprenticeships that pique his interest ever so slightly, but none of them seem right enough for him. It’s better than nothing though, he reasons, but he still wants to keep looking. If only he could stop putting it off.
As Flo’s packaging up his cake, he texts Lucy.
To: Lucy
Flo’s put a new cake on her menu, you should try it.
From: Lucy
oh god I shouldn’t
From: Lucy
I eat way too much cake as it is
There’s a pause, then Lucy starts typing again. Then stops. And starts again. Eventually, she sends another message.
From: Lucy
alright go on then what cake is it
From: Lucy
the suspense is killing me lockwood
To: Lucy
Cinnamon swirl.
From: Lucy
From: Lucy
every muscle in my body wants to drop everything and go get some now
For a short, stupid moment, Lockwood considers saying that he’ll bring some to her. He thinks better of it.
To: Lucy
Best be quick before I buy it all.
From: Lucy
you wouldn’t dare
“Are you gonna take the cake or not?” He looks up to find Flo leaning against the counter, cakes sitting in front of her ready to be taken away. There’s someone behind him waiting to order, and they’re starting to get impatient.
“Got lost in my own thoughts for a second there,” he says, scooping the treats up. They crumple up the flyer as he places them in his bag, but it’s not like it was going to end up anywhere but scrunched up in the bin later, anyway.
“You’d get lost in Lucy’s eyes too, if you had the guts to meet her.”
As he leaves, he responds with a silent and simple gesture that utilises his middle finger.
Later that afternoon, he coaxes George and Jessica out of their rooms and away from their studies for a short while with promises of tea and cake. They gather in the living room, and Lockwood lights up their fireplace for a cosy warmth. He sinks into his favourite armchair and swings his legs over one arm as per usual while ignoring Jessica’s playfully disapproving raised eyebrow.
“How’s the studying going?” he asks the two of them. 
George grunts. “Having the time of my life.”
“Glad to hear it.”
Jessica pauses from enjoying her cake—the cinnamon swirl one, he knew she’d love it—to briefly talk about her work, then goes on a small rant about a particularly difficult student in her class.
“Ned Shaw is an unfortunate name,” George adds at the end, licking crumbs off of his fingers. The Lockwood siblings wince in agreement.
“How is everything going for you, Anthony?” Jessica asks, and Lockwood suddenly feels the weight of his two housemates’ gazes on him.
“Alright,” he says, inspecting his nails. “I’m slowly gathering ideas for other things to do with my life, so, that’s an improvement.”
“Found anything interesting yet?”
He makes an uncertain noise in the back of his throat. “Not really. Flo’s helping me look, though.”
“If I had the time, I would have been more than happy to help,” his sister says, eyebrows tilted in a look of pity. Lockwood doesn’t like it when she looks at him like that, and she knows it but does it anyway. 
“I know you would,” he nods, “it’s alright. I’ll find something eventually.”
“How come you’ve not left yet?” George chimes in.
“I want to have a solid plan before I do anything rash. There’s no way I’m going to sit back and rely on my parents’ money while I flail around looking for something to do. No… I’d rather stick around at UCL until I have something concrete. Besides, the longer I stay, the more chances I have of seeing Kipps make a fool of himself. I caught him muttering to himself earlier about which suit he’s going to wear to the ball.”
Lockwood closes his eyes and inwardly curses. The heavenly cake and perfectly brewed (if he may say so himself) cup of tea chilled him out to the point where he let something slip he shouldn’t have.
“The School of Management is holding a Christmas ball,” he says, still keeping his eyes closed. “The one they held last year was a success, so…”
“What will you wear?” Jessica says, excitement in her voice.
“I’m not going,” he replies, opening one eye to frown at her. She visibly deflates.
“It’s a networking event hidden under a layer of suits and cocktail dresses. I won’t benefit from that.”
“But there’ll be free alcohol, won’t there?” George says.
“Nasty prosecco and champagne, yes,” he sighs and looks at the two of them. “It’s too much hassle for very little reward. Both of you would be too busy to be my plus one, too, so I’d be bored out of my mind for the whole night. I’m not spending a valuable Friday evening talking to Quill Kipps.”
Jessica looks at George. George looks at Jessica. Simultaneously, they turn back to Lockwood, and he’s reminded of the creepy twin cliché in horror films.
“Lockwood,” George says monotonously, “respectfully, you’re an idiot.”
“What?” he says, bewildered.
“Anthony, don’t tell me you haven’t even considered asking Lucy to be your plus one?”
“Oh, my G…” he trails off, flopping his head back onto the arm of his chair. “I’m not going to ask Lucy to a management networking ball.”
“The focus wouldn’t be on the ball, though,” George reaches out and nudges Lockwood’s leg with a socked foot. “It’s just a good reason for the two of you to meet.”
“What if she doesn’t like fancy, formal events?”
“For someone who talks to her so often, you have awful communication skills. What’s the harm in asking her?”
“She could say no?” Lockwood says, though he feels it should be obvious.
“Lucy wouldn’t just turn you down with no explanation, Anthony,” Jessica says, in that sensible older sister voice of hers, “she’d explain that while balls aren’t her cup of tea, she’d love to meet you elsewhere, or—if for some reason she doesn’t want to meet you, she’s not going to be a bitch about it, is she?”
“Well, no—”
“Exactly. Ask her. You’ll only regret it if you don’t.”
“What Jess said,” George adds.
His two studious housemates soon retreat back into their rooms to resume their work, leaving Lockwood alone once more. He retrieves his phone with the intent to send a certain someone a text, but is surprised to see some already waiting for him.
From: Lucy
holly’s trying to convince me to model for her
From: Lucy
shes trying to take my measurements for a dress
From: Lucy
a dress!
To: Lucy
Not a fan of dresses?
From: Lucy
I mean theyre not awful
From: Lucy
but I dont make a habit of wearing them
From: Lucy
I always feel weird getting dressed up
To: Lucy
Any particular reason why?
From: Lucy
its a bit stupid
From: Lucy
but I end up feeling out of place? if that makes sense
From: Lucy
like I stick out like a sore thumb
To: Lucy
I’m sure you don’t. What makes you think that?
From: Lucy
I dont know
From: Lucy
To: Lucy
You must have terrible instincts, then.
From: Lucy
I assure you anthony lockwood I do not
To: Lucy
Oh, really?
From: Lucy
To: Lucy
What if I gave you an opportunity to prove it?
From: Lucy
To: Lucy
I can’t believe I’m actually asking you this, but…
To: Lucy
How would you feel about attending a ball with me?
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