#I don’t know if I’m going to cry or destroy my telescope
disloyalroyal · 1 year
Of course it would be sunny all week then be cloudy on the peak of the comet
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magicxc · 8 months
Call On Me
Pairings: Idris Elba x Black!Reader
Word Count: 1523
Warnings: Exhibitionism, Fellatio, Choking
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BBJ Masterlist
“C’mon angel, put it in all the way.”
“Idris, it wont fit and I’m not about to make it either.”
“Just let me help you push it in, you’re not doing it right.”
“No, cause then it’ll stretch.”
“It’s elastic, so it’ll snap back.”
“We’re still here daddy, I can just get another size as opposed to destroying this one.”
“I mean if you want your jeans to fit like sweatpants, then go for it.”
“You’re so dramatic, it simply doesn’t fit, and you’ll love me either way; sweat pants or not.”
“I mean yeah, of course but it’s drip or drown; and if you're gonna be with me, then you’ve got to be drippin.”
Sometimes it’s best to ignore him. God knows I love my boyfriend, but I can’t with the shit that comes out of his mouth. It’s like somebody teleported him back to 2017 and he’s readjusting to the present life. 
Albeit fashion is a big deal to Idris, I’ll give him that. But I, for one, value comfort over everything. It’s just one of those things we’ve come to meet in the middle about, though he’ll still try and rearrange my wardrobe if given the chance. 
“Idris, can you add this to the ‘maybe’ pile in the corner please?”
Taking the pants from me, he neatly hangs it up in the corner of the room, uttering how even tho my clothes aren’t dripping, he can be.
“Oh my goodness,” I laugh. “Really? Tell me you’re joking.”
“Now why would I do that mhmm? In fact I remember a time when stargazing in public was on both of our bucket lists.”
“Yes, in the car or under a moonlit beach not the damn mall,” I gushed. “Idris nothing about this says private.”
“Is that not the point of PUBLIC stargazing,” he enunciated.
Ahh yes, stargazing - an act in which one can observe the many stars of the galaxy sometimes as a hobby or sometimes for scientific research. Of course our star gazing meant something vastly different. Even though we didn’t need a telescope to see them, there was still that warm and fuzzy feeling when they did appear. 
You see Idris and I have a thing for code words. It’s used mostly when gossiping about people or situations. But recently it's become a fun new way for us to describe sexy times in front of others. 
How real would it be to blurt out amongst your friends that you just want to take your lover home and become one with the sheets? I’m sure they’d understand but I’m not tryna let people know every time I want my back blown out. So instead we came up with a way to state our intentions without having to dance around certain words. 
For example, Sunday dinners with the family goes something along the lines of 'do you want to go stargazing afterward?' Similarly to how it's socially acceptable to tell your loved ones that you and your partner are trying for a baby but not that their pussy turns into a mini day care every night; except our family hasn’t quite caught onto the the fact that neither of us so much as own a telescope; though I fear it’s only a matter of time until they do. 
I’m not as sexually daring as Idris but I refuse to punk out of this. He thinks that I’ll back out of stargazing simply because we’re in a public place where people can hear us? Let's be clear, I absolutely would, but the way my competitive nature is set up, I’ll stargaze with him. Shit, he better be ready to see the milky way too, cause I’ll be damned if I don’t make him cry for me. 
“You know what daddy, drop em,” I demanded, chin pointing toward his pants. “Gone ahead and give me something shiny to see.”
To say that he was shocked would be an understatement, bug eyed and eager as he runs his tongue across those juicy lips. He doesn’t let that falter him for long and makes quick work of the buckle of his pants. And my God if that action isn’t my personal little aphrodisiac. 
Knees hitting the floor, I watch in awe as his dick springs free, pre cum slowly dribbling from the tip. 
“You this wet already for me?” I tease. “Tell me exactly how you want it.”
“Use your mouth.”
“Nuh uh, use your words,” I insist. 
“Start by getting the tip nice and drenched for me angel,” Idris lamented. 
Inching closer to the head, I open my mouth and spit on it, watching intently as it trails down to the floor. 
“Now what?”
Smirking, he asks me to drain his balls entirely and I work on doing just that. 
Gathering the tip of his penis in my mouth,  I use the wetness to help me suction him. Cheeks hallowed and teeth tucked, I make sure to maximize on his sensitivity; tongue twirling around that mini slit lined at the head. 
His thighs quake ever so slightly, which only pushes me to suck in earnest, making sure to keep the tip nestled against my tongue. 
Fingers cradled behind me, I lock them together, opting instead for hands free head so I can really talk my shit once we’re done. 
Deciding it’s time to show some love to the rest of his lengthy member, I slow my ministrations and softly run my tongue along his shaft; tracing each thick and hardened vein - starstruck at Idris’ skin, a rich shade of chestnut. 
This part always gives me some trouble, but I’m willing to sacrifice a little comfort if it means I can hear him sing for me; and quite frankly he’s not doing enough of it. 
Bobbing my head steadily, it takes a minute for me to gain some traction, mouth now sliding along his dick with ease. His hips start a slow thrust and I bounce my head a little quicker, twisting from side to side as I do so. 
Finally, it’s drenched enough for me to take the entirety of him, stopping only when I reach the base of his shaft. His dick is properly lodged down my throat and I do everything I can to breathe through my nose, slight gagging noises making its way past my lips. 
As quiet as he tries to be, the harsh hissing that meets my ear encourages me to make quick work of him, bobbing in short, rapid successions, listening intently as his groans turn into quiet moans. 
Face planted against his coily pubes, they’re trimmed to perfection, the tropical notes of his coconut body wash lingering inside my nose. The deep, onyx color glistens with a mixture of precum and spit, similar to that of stars littered against the never ending black hole of space, as they softly tickle my cheeks.
Dislodging him completely to take a much needed breath, the cool air feels icy against my drool ridden chin. Tears brimmed at my eyes and pussy clenching against fabric, this dressing room is fixing to see way more than just changing of the clothes. 
“You wanna cum?” I taunted. “Make those pretty noises for me and I just might let you.”
Dick jumping in anticipation, I decide to head down south and give a little love to the overlooked - his ball sac. 
Slurping them in my mouth, I swish them around, mapping over the textured skin. His girthy member sits on my forehead, wet and dripping; adding to the soaked mess down under. 
I get a light hum in return and suction him to a the very fine line of pleasure and pain. A breathy moan follows and his hand soon finds itself planted at the root of my scalp. 
Thankfully he cant see the smirk that lines my lips and I give his balls a few more swirls before I set them free with a loud pop. 
“Haaaah”, is the desperate whine that I hear above me, but somehow I need more. 
Dick once again at the bottom of my throat I remove it until I get to the very tip and slam it back down again. 
“Just like that daddy, keep it up and I can make it real good for you.” 
“What’s my name? Huh? Let these bitches know who’s making you quiver like the slut you are.”
“C’mon and cum for me like I know you can, Idris.”
The fingers once tangled in my hair soon find themselves wrapped around my throat, squeezing me with just enough pressure to remind me how little control I actually have here. And while it was fun while it lasted, feminism doesn't exist with his hand around my neck. 
“Open wide for me angel.”
Tongue slithering past my teeth, I lay it flat for a full display, watching intently as he jerks himself to the finish line and in my mouth. 
He shouts his release, a little higher in pitch than I expected, chanting my name like the prayer it is. 
“Now close your mouth and swallow like I know you can,” he grunted. 
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ragingbookdragon · 3 years
And I Will Still Be Here Stargazing
Batsis x Batfamily Story
Word Count: 1.6K Warnings: Explicit Language
Author's Note: I shouldn't be allowed to make new stories when I've already got WIP's to do. Oh well, HERE'S ANOTHER STORY! -Thorne
She glanced through the telescope once more, scanning the expanse of the night sky before her. Giddiness ran through her at the thought of seeing the supposed comet coming back around. Apparently, it was one that hadn’t been seen in two hundred years. It’d taken almost two whole days to convince her dad to let her go out on her own in the field three miles out of town.
Of course, that convincing came with a massive surprise—not—of taking a tracker with her just in case—being the only non-vigilante in her family did make her vulnerable to trouble, but most of their enemies wanted nothing to do with her, so she figured she was alright.
Pulling away from the scope, she felt her phone buzz in her pocket, and she sighed as she answered it, putting it to her ear. “Dad, I already told you, I’m fine.”
You weren’t answering your brothers’ texts. They were worried.
“Oh, for the love of—dad, I’m twenty-one. I shouldn’t have to check in every five freakin’ minutes.”
We worry about you, (Y/N).
“I know,” she griped. “C’mon, one night where I can actually be treated like I have a functioning brain inside my skull. Let me have it.” She glanced up again, seeing something streak across the sky. “Oh, there it is!” (Y/N) grinned. “I gotta go dad! I love you!”
Wait, (Y/N)—
Hanging up, she stowed the phone in her pocket before looking into the glass. “Oh wow,” she breathed. “It’s so beautiful…and big.” (Y/N) hummed and pulled back slightly. “Really, really big. Almost like it’s…coming to earth.”
She took a step back when she realized that was exactly what was happening. The comet, or whatever it was, was barreling towards the field near her and she gasped, taking another step back. Her foot slipped in the mud, and she fell, but the thought of being obliterated made her scramble to her feet and run as fast as she could away from it and while she wasn’t sure she’d outrun the devastation, she was going to try.
That being said, whatever it was, hit the ground with a thundering explosion, sending dirt and gravel flying, along with her and she screamed as she was thrown to the ground. (Y/N) covered her head, crying in pain as debris scraped her arms and legs, but she stayed still until the world calmed around her.
When it did, she peeked through her arms and gaped at the destruction around her. Trees had been blown from their roots and in the middle of where her telescope had once been, was something smoking inside a hollowed dip in the ground, dirt and rocks thrown away.
(Y/N) shakily got to her feet and crept closer, terrified that she was going to find some horror movie come alive. Alien and Predator stuck in the back of her mind and part of her wanted to flee. The other part—and curse her Wayne curiosity—wanted to know what it was.
“Hello?” she whispered as she neared the rim of the crater, peering in. A groan sounded and she gasped, pulling away before she took another glance and she saw a woman. At least it looked like a woman.
Her body was unlike anything familiar to (Y/N), in the form of an average woman, but she had no skin. Instead, her body looked like the night sky, swirling pools of stars and dark matter, and her hair was long and white, shimmering like glitter. Her hips and wrists were plated with some type of metal, gold and inlaid with what looked like diamonds.
(Y/N) slid down the side of the crater against her better judgement, nearing the woman carefully. “Hello?” she called again. “Are you alright?” The woman groaned and rolled onto her back, eyes opening at her. She gasped at the white eyes, like stars.
“Help,” she weakly moaned.
Hurrying over, she knelt beside the woman. “Hey, it’s okay. You’re okay.” She reached out to touch the woman but stilled when she felt the warmth radiating off her body.
“Please…help me,” she begged. “They’re…coming.”
(Y/N) shook her head and took the woman’s hand; it made her skin tingle. “Who’s coming?”
“The Insentients,” the woman said. “They’re coming in a years’ time.”
“I…I don’t understand,” she replied. “What are Insentients?”
“Terrible creatures that destroy life.” The woman grasped her hand. “I am Astra, Queen of the Stars. And you must help me.” (Y/N) couldn’t believe a thing she was hearing, simply gaping at her. “I have battled the Insentients for billions of years, but I am at my end.” She squeezed tightly, reaching up to cup (Y/N)’s cheek, white eyes widening. “You must take my place as queen and protect the life of this galaxy.”
She couldn’t even form words, mouth opening and closing like a fish and all she could muster was, “I’m sorry? What?”
Astra coughed and something splattered on (Y/N)’s clothes before fading from sight. “Please, you must do this or life as you know it will cease in one year. Take my place.”
“But I’m—I’m not some alien queen! I’m a human!” She spluttered. “What do I even do?!”
The queen sighed tiredly. “Child, nothing will stop the Insentients unless you help. They will destroy all in their path.”
(Y/N) shook her head and happened to glance towards the sky. “The stars,” she breathed. “They’re so…dull.”
“My life is fading…so they are too.” Astra whispered. “They will die.”
“What?!” she shouted. “But the sun?! It’ll go out!”
“Yes.” The queen murmured.
Bewildered, she asked, “What can I do?”
Astra gazed at her. “Take my power. Be reborn as the Queen of the Stars.”
“How do I?” She questioned and Astra took (Y/N)’s hands, placing them on her chest.
“Grasp my heart.”
“Grasp your what?” she repeated.
“My heart.” The woman’s chest opened, and she stared in surprise as a small, but brilliant light came into view. “Bring it to your own.”
“I better not die,” (Y/N) deadpanned as she cupped the light carefully. Her fingers tingled like she was being shocked, and she swallowed thickly as she brought it up to her chest, just above her heart. “What now?” she asked, and Astra’s form began to fade, starting at her feet.
“Your body will absorb all that I am…all that I…have been.” She smiled. “Place it within your chest.”
“That’s not possible.” (Y/N) retorted, though she moved her hands against her chest. “My body can’t just absorb—holy shit it’s working,” she blurted, and she went still as her something jolted her spine, all the way up her spinal cord to her brain.
Her jaw went slack as he eyes widened, head tipping back to stare at the sky above her. Memories flashed across her vision, faster than she could keep track of and then her mind felt like it was imploding. She let out a strangled gasp and tipped backwards, fatigue overcoming her. The last thing she remembered was Astra’s eyes and her smile before she disappeared from sight and (Y/N) descended into darkness.
When she came to, all she could think about was the pounding headache in her skull and the lack of memory the night before. (Y/N) sat up and looked around. The sun was high in the sky and her telescope was sitting neatly where it had been. She blinked, feeling as though she’d forgotten something important. When she couldn’t remember, she shrugged and got to her feet, beginning to take the scope apart and put it away.
(Y/N) rolled the sleeping bag up and put it in the tote, carrying both back towards the side of the road. Her butler should’ve been around to pick her up but when she didn’t see him, she frowned. Huh…I thought Alfie was coming to pick me up? Blinking in confusion, she patted her pocket for her phone and pulled it out, though her eyes went wide when she saw the shattered screen and burnt phone.
“What the hell?” she questioned. “What happened to my phone?” It looked like it’d been blown up. Now she was really confused. What the hell happened last night? (Y/N) sighed heavily and shoved the phone in her pocket. “I guess I’m walking then.” She grunted and heaved the telescope and sleeping bag over her shoulders, starting back towards the city in the distance.
GCPD was the first important building she came upon and as tired as she was, she knew they’d let her use one of their phones to call home. (Y/N) lethargically wandered into the department, stopping near the counter.
“Excuse me, can I use your phone?”
The man at the counter looked up and suddenly shot to his feet. “(Y/N) Wayne!” he shouted, and she blinked.
“Uh…yeah, that’s me?”
He rubbed his eyes. “Holy shit, you’re here.” Gesturing to her, he added “Wait right there! Don’t move!”
“Wait, but I—” the man sprinted off and she sighed. “Great. Probably going to get everyone so we can do pictures.”
Next thing she knew, Commissioner Gordon was running into the entry way. “Miss Wayne!”
(Y/N) looked at him. “Yes sir. That’s me.” She pointed to the phone at the desk. “I was wondering if I could use the phone to call home? Mine’s…busted.”
He reached out, grasping her arms. “Are you hurt? We should get you checked out immediately.”
“I’m fine?” she answered confusedly. “What’s going on? Why is everyone panicking?”
Gordon gaped at her. “You don’t know what’s going on?” she shook her head. “(Y/N), you’ve been missing for an entire week.”
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lexosaurus · 3 years
My Truce gift for @thelegendaryloaf! I was so pumped when I was assigned you, and I absolutely LOVED working with your prompts! Happy holidays, and I hope 2021 treats you well!
Characters: Danny and Valerie Genre: Friendship Word Count: 3523 Summary: Up close, Valerie could see him more clearly. The stars and planets that speckled throughout his face, the tiny bits of multicolored light that sparkled in his eyes, the way his aura seemed to ebb and flow as if it were the aurora in the northern sky. It was as if Phantom was someone else entirely.
Read on [ao3] [ffn]
“Ugh, where is that stupid ghost?” Valerie grumbled, gliding through the air on her hoverboard. She had been on her way home from Star’s house when her watch beeped to life, alerting her of an unwanted ghostly visitor. And, if the watch was correct, it was a rather powerful ghost too.
After all, very few ghosts could ping her from so far away.
But like the dutiful hunter she was, she suited up, trying to ignore the way her stomach knotted up with nerves. As much as she enjoyed sending ghosts back to the hell they came from, going up against a ghost of that much ectoplasmic power was sure to empty out her first aid kit.
She glanced down at her watch. She was getting close now. She should be able to hear screaming, see people fleeing in terror, but there was nothing to suggest a powerful ghost had breached the city.
Which meant that Phantom was likely the ghost responsible for cutting into Valerie’s precious sleep.
Valerie was going to kill him. Again. 
Her radar was leading her towards the outskirts of the city, which was odd for Phantom. When he wasn’t baiting ghosts and causing destruction to Amity, Valerie could find him at the park or on top of some tall building. 
But outside of the city? This wasn’t like him.
Maybe it wasn’t Phantom. Maybe it was some tall ghost hellbent on baiting ghost hunters far away from the populace, away from any emergency response, so they could be destroyed in peace. Maybe Valerie was walking straight to her own doom.
Oh well. It wouldn’t be the first time her career as a ghost hunter had gotten her into trouble.
“Ok, he’s definitely in there,” Valerie said, shifting between her radar and the large building in front of her.
She glanced down at her watch, then back up again. Was her watch leading her to...an observatory?
“Why the hell is he in there?” 
Valerie flew low to the ground, making sure to keep out of sight of the open roof. She was almost certain that Phantom was inside the round building, but she just couldn’t figure out why.
It didn’t make sense. He was a ghost. He didn’t care about space. What did he have to gain from traveling this far to the edge of Amity just for a stupid observatory?
She could turn back here. Just go home, leave Phantom to do whatever weird thing he was doing on his night off. And why wouldn’t she—it was Saturday! She could be in bed instead of keeping Phantom out of trouble.
But it was her responsibility. Her duty to Amity. Sure, maybe Phantom wasn’t a purely evil ghost hellbent on Amity’s destruction, maybe he was just a cocky asshole with a hero Obsession, but someone had to keep him in check. 
And that someone was about to send him back to the Ghost Zone.
“Alright, Phantom.” Valerie launched herself through the open roof and hovered above the room. “Very funny. Now, come on, it’s time to—”
“Valerie!” came a cheerful cry from below her. “You made it!”
“Phantom?” She looked down and nearly fell off her glider. Below her was Phantom, but he looked...different. 
His aura had changed, and instead of a bright white glow it swirled with violets, teals, and blues. His freckles had turned into stars and planets which shimmered across his skin, and his eyes positively sparkled.
Valerie regarded him with disgust. “What the hell? Why do you look like the Milky Way threw up on you?”
Then he did something Valerie never expected a ghost to do in a million years: he giggled. 
“I’m so glad you’re here! We have so much to talk about. Saturn and Jupiter are right next to each other, and through this telescope you can even see all of Saturn’s rings. The rings, Valerie! And oh my goddess, if you thought that was cool, wait till you see the Pleiades!” Phantom reached a hand out, and his swirling aura shot forward, wrapping itself around the telescope in front of him.
“Wait, don’t break it!” Valerie shouted, touching down on the floor. But, before she could so much as ready an ecto-gun, she stopped.
Because the telescope wasn’t breaking apart.
It was moving. 
Valerie watched in a mix of horror and fascination as the telescope in front of Phantom adjusted itself, shifting around and settling into place. The aura dimmed, leaving behind a telescope that didn’t look any more ghostly than before Phantom’s interference.
“Okay, what the fuck is going on right now?”
Phantom’s beamed. “Look! Take a look!”
“Oh hell no. I’m not going anywhere near that possessed thing!”
He laughed, and for a moment his aura brightened. “Just trust me, Val!”
“Don’t call me that,” Valerie muttered, but nonetheless stepped towards the telescope. She gave one last suspicious glance Phantom’s way before she leaned forward and looked through the stupid metal thing.
Saturn stared back at her, its rings preening like a peacock against the vast emptiness around it. She had never seen Saturn before, not outside of Google Images anyhow. It looked exactly like all the pictures showed, and yet seeing it in person was...really cool. 
“And wait!” Phantom’s childish voice bubbled from behind her. Cold swept over her and she flinched, her arm instinctively twitching for her gun, before she realized what was happening.
Phantom was wrapping his galaxy aura around the telescope and moving it again.
“Okay, look now!”
Valerie glanced quizzically back towards the ghost, searching for any signs of malevolence, but his innocent smile never wavered.
“Are you high or something?” she finally asked.
He giggled again. “Stop making jokes and look already!”
She rolled her eyes but relented once more. When she looked through the telescope this time, she was met with another tan colored planet. This one had brown stripes running through the sides, warping to show an unmistakable eye-like figure towards the middle of it.
“Is that...is that Jupiter?”
“Yeah!” Phantom clapped. “And if you look, there should be some of its moons in view too! Look around it, Val!”
“Don’t call me that,” she muttered without any real malice. Sure enough, a few tiny tan dots surrounded the planet. “How many moons does it have, anyway?”
“Seventy-nine!” Phantom said.
“Jesus, wonder what its tides are like.”
Phantom playfully nudged her. “Silly Val, it doesn’t have an ocean! I know you know that. But if you think that’s crazy, Saturn actually has more moons than Jupiter does! It has eighty two.”
She stepped away from the telescope, and once again Phantom’s aura took command, adjusting the lens to a new spot. Phantom immediately jumped to the telescope with a ferocity that Valerie had only seen him use in the heat of the moment when fighting other ghosts. Yet, she noticed the way he delicately touched the telescope, allowing his fingers to gently hold the metal shell as he peered into space with a fascination that seemed too ethereal to be real.
Phantom was destructive, he was a fighter, he was driven by his Obsession to fight and be a hero. He wasn’t...this. 
“Seriously, what the hell happened to you?”
“What do you mean?” Phantom asked in a singsong voice.
“I mean this,” Valerie emphasized, allowing her arms to sweep out around her. “All of this! What...Phantom, I know we’re not friends, but—”
“Of course we are!” 
Valerie blinked. “Huh?”
“We’re friends, Val!” Phantom repeated, detaching from the telescope momentarily to hover next to Valerie. 
She could feel his cold aura brushing against her arm, and she suppressed a shudder. “Are you messing with me?”
Phantom peered up at her, his glowing eyes seeming almost offended by her accusation.
Offended? Hurt? Phantom? 
“Val, why would you say that? Of course we’re friends! We’re hanging out right now, right? That’s what friends do!” 
Up close, Valerie could see him more clearly. The stars and planets that speckled throughout his face, the tiny bits of multicolored light that sparkled in his eyes, a shooting star that traveled across his cheek, the way his aura seemed to ebb and flow as if it were the aurora in the northern sky.
It was as if Phantom was someone else entirely. It was like another ghost had taken possession over him. Was controlling him from the inside out.
Valerie’s hand slowly moved down towards her belt, but it didn’t seem to matter. Phantom didn’t notice. In fact, he shot her a beaming smile and turned his attention back to the telescope, rambling about how astronomers believe that diamonds rain on Uranus and Neptune as if Valerie’s hand wasn’t slowly inching towards her gun.
“It’s just a hypothesis really,” Phantom said. “Scientists can’t really study inside the planets yet because they’re so far away. But I hope it’s true! It would be so cool! Imagine, you’re just an alien on these planets, and then suddenly you walk outside and there’s solid diamonds falling from the sky! They wouldn’t be that pretty probably because the diamonds wouldn’t be shaped nicely, also those planets aren’t habitable to any life so there’s no aliens, but it’s still cool to imagine! Oh, oh, but if you thought that was cool, there’s this other planet—not in our galaxy—that’s really really close to its sun so it’s super hot but guess what? Val, you’ll never guess! It’s solid ice! The gravity is so strong that it forced all the water on its planets into ice and—”
Valerie gripped the gun, raising it to eye level and clicking the safety off.
Phantom’s head snapped up. He looked to the gun, then to Valerie, and his aura faltered.
“Val?” Phantom said, the stars on his face dimming. “I...I don’t understand...why…?”
“You’re not Phantom.” Valerie’s voice was steady. “I don’t know who you are, but get out of him.”
“I don’t understand…” The colored flecks of light in Phantom’s eyes faded, leaving them back to their vibrant green. “I...just…I...” His aura fluctuated before turning back to its hauntingly white glow.
“...Valerie?” Phantom 's voice was cautious. He took stock of the gun once more before a hint of realization bled through his expression. He slowly raised his hands. “Wait! I know what this looks like, but I swear I wasn’t doing anything. Don’t—”
“Phantom! There’s a ghost inside you. It was possessing you! I need to take it out. I need to—”
“Wait, Val, stop! You don’t know what you’re doing!” 
“I think it’s trying to lead us to a trap. This will only sting for a moment!”
“No! You don’t know what you’re talking about!” Phantom glanced wildy around the room, his eyes locking onto the telescope once more.
Then, his aura flared, the aurora fought to return, his freckles sparkled like stars once more. A hint of childlike wonder hit his features and for a moment, he seemed lost in the fascination of the observatory.
It was the perfect opportunity to shoot.
But Valerie’s hands were shaking. They were unsteady, just like they were when she first started using the equipment. And in that split second of uncertainty, that moment of hesitation, Phantom gripped his hair and pulled himself out of his stupor.
“No!” he groaned. “Not now!”
“What the hell is going on?” Valerie shouted. 
“Don’t shoot! Just—ugh, gimmie a sec…” He squeezed his eyes shut and groaned. “I just godda...I just need a second.”
To Valerie’s surprise, she waited. Maybe it was the growing respect she’d begun to feel for Phantom over the past year, maybe it was her fading hatred as she learned more about ghosts, maybe it wasn’t anything deep and it was just that Valerie was confused. In any case, she followed his pleas and watched as he pulled himself together, drawing his shimmering aura inward and allowing the familiar homogenous white aura to wash over him.
He gave a final sigh of relief. “Okay. Okay, I’m good now. You can lower the gun.”
“Tell me first.” Her voice allowed for no arguments. “Tell me what the hell just happened, and then maybe I’ll think about it.”
“It’s complicated.”
Valerie noticed how he seemed to be making a visible effort to ignore all the astronomy equipment around them. His eyes were trained to her and her only.
“Then enlighten me.”
“I…” He hesitated.
“I’m giving you five seconds before I blast you unconscious.”
He blinked, and then his expression shifted into the cocky, shit-eating grin Phantom that Valerie had come to know over these months, “As if you could hit me.”
“Don’t change the subject, Phantom. I’m serious.”
He sobered. “Right. Sorry. I...listen, it’s personal, okay? I’m telling you because I trust you, but you can’t tell anyone. If any of my enemies find out…”
“Tell me.”
“Okay.” He sighed, running a hand through his hair. “What do you know of...of Obsessions?”
“Every ghost has one. It’s what controls their core, what gives them power. All ghosts are driven by their Obsession and if they manage to fulfill it or they’re somehow blocked from feeding into their Obsession for too long, they’ll cease to exist. Why? What does this have to do with anything?”
“I…” His face screwed up before he gave out a frustrated huff. “Oh, what the hell! I have two Obsessions.”
Valerie faltered, her gun lowering ever so slightly. 
She didn’t know what she expected, but this? 
“You what?”
Was this even possible? Better yet, how was it possible? Every ghost had an Obsession, but every ghost had one Obsession. It was impossible for a ghost to have two. It would be torment for the ghost, the two Obsessions constantly battling inside their core for dominance.
It would tear him apart from the inside out, wouldn’t it?
But Valerie watched as Phantom’s eyes strayed beside them to a small white telescope sitting off to the side of the room, and Valerie watched as his aura seemed to fluctuate again as the other side of him fought for control.
Once again, Phantom screwed his eyes shut and fought the aura down, allowing his natural white glow to pulsate over his form brighter than before. 
“Can we take this outside?” he asked, his voice tight. “This room is...distracting.”
Valerie allowed her arm to drop, her gun hanging loosely at her side. “Sure.”
“Ok, I need to...I need to slip back into it to close the observatory walls. I can’t access those powers in this form. I’m not dangerous in that state, so please don’t shoot me.”
She nodded, momentarily forgetting that he couldn’t see her with his eyes shut. But he seemed to hear the unspoken words regardless. The blues, greens, and purples of his aura swirled around him, overtaking his aura in a brilliant display of light. The stars and planets returned to his face, and when he finally opened his eyes, it was as if Valerie could see the entire Milky Way within his corneas.
He raised his arms, his face relaxed, and allowed his aura to seep out to the walls. The room glowed, and Valerie watched with an open mouth as the incandescent colors of the northern lights guided the observatory walls closed. They cascaded through the walls before finally dimming, leaving Phantom as the only remaining source of light.
“Okay,” he said, the childlike bubble to his voice echoing around the room. “Let’s go!”
Before she could blink, Phantom grabbed her arm and spread his aura out around her. She let out a yelp of protest before she could feel a familiar chill overtake her skin.
Phantom was...he was turning her intangible. 
“Ready?” He asked. His eyes seemed to glow brighter in the dark.
Valerie looked up at him, breathless.
He grinned and pulled her forward, shooting them both through the walls. They flew up for a moment before shooting back down towards a cluster of trees. 
Valerie had flown on her hoverboard many times, but this was incredible. It was as if gravity didn’t exist. Her body was weightless, flowing across the air with a precision that she’d never felt before.
But as soon as it started, it stopped. The duo landed on the ground, and Phantom broke contact with her. Warmth immediately filled her veins. She glanced back towards the observatory, but the trees blocked her view.
That was probably intentional, if Phantom’s earlier display of cognitive dissonance had anything to do with it.
Valerie waited once more, watching as Phantom’s aura seemed to waver, before settling back into white. When it seemed like he was more or less back to normal, she finally spoke. “Okay, explain. What do you mean you have two Obsessions? How is that possible?” 
“I don’t know.” Phantom’s gaze was downcast. “I mean, my, uh...death was rather, um, complicated. I think.”
She raised an eyebrow. 
Ghosts never talked about their death. According to Maddie Fenton, it was a taboo. Bringing the topic up would only result in angering the ghost.
So for Phantom to bring his own death up like this…
This was uncharted waters for any human.
This was serious.
Phantom pinched the bridge of his nose. “I can’t explain it, but it didn’t go right. I don’t—I can’t…” He huffed, his eyes turning up to her with an almost desperate look. “You must have noticed that I’m just different, right?”
Valerie nodded slowly. “I have, but you’re still just a ghost.”
Phantom’s eyes widened before turning back to the ground. “Right. I...no, you’re right. I’m just a ghost. But I…”
Valerie watched as his eyebrows pinched, his mouth thinning as something inside of him fought to surface. She wanted to speak, wanted to ask what did he mean when he said he was different, but she didn’t.
She couldn’t. 
She didn’t know what to say.
When he finally spoke again, his voice was quiet. “When I died, it went wrong. And my core couldn’t decide on what it wanted to be, so something inside of it fractured. One part of it focused on the people in the room with me, the people that I was worried about. I wanted to make sure they were safe. My friends. I wanted to protect them.”
Valerie held her breath.
According to studies, most ghosts didn’t remember their prior life, or the people in it. Memory loss was just a part of the process of transforming from human to ghost.
And yet…
Phantom clearly did.
“The other part of my core went to the thing I was doing just moments before. I was...I wanted to explore. I always loved space and astronomy. I wanted to work for NASA and see other worlds and...other dimensions. I know it sounds crazy, but it was just who I was. Who I still am.”
He looked up at her, and Valerie saw remnants of stars speckle in his eyes. “So my core settled on two modes. And depending on where I am or what I’m doing, it switches between them. My powers shift too. When I’m normal, I can project ectoblasts and control ice. But when I go into my space mode, I can’t do any of that. But I can control astronomy equipment, as you saw, and I can locate any star or planet in the sky.”
“So that’s how you knew where to move the telescope?” 
“Yeah.” He held out his hand, and a little ice Saturn formed in his palm. “I don’t know how I know where things are, but I just know. But it only happens when I let that part of my core take control of my body.”
“I see.” Valerie breathed out. “I get it. I get why you don’t want anyone to know. That’s kind of terrifying, knowing that you have a half of you that’s so defenseless.”
“Right…” Phantom set the planet down on the grass. “If word got out...if the government found out…”
Realization hit Valerie like a truck. “They could set up a trap, couldn’t they? Lure you into a place like this and take you out. It would be too easy.”
“Exactly,” Phantom said bitterly. “You can’t tell anyone.”
“I won’t. I swear.”
Phantom nodded, relief evident on his features. “Thank you, Valerie.”
Before she could stop herself, she stepped forward. And then again, approaching him slowly as if she were afraid he would disappear. 
But he didn’t move. He didn’t flinch.
He trusted her. Even after everything, he trusted her with one of his most vulnerable secrets.
She closed the gap between them, resting a hand on his shoulder and looking him square in the face. “I mean it, Phantom. I won’t tell anyone. Well, so long as you promise me one thing.”
“What is it?”
“Bring me back here sometime, alright?” She shot him a grin. “This place is pretty cool, and if I have some sort of space wizard with me, I bet we could find a lot of sweet stuff, yeah?”
His aura brightened, and the smile was evident on his face. “Sure thing, Val!”
Thanks for reading!
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botwstoriesandsuch · 3 years
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Heya!! Kip here! The @memorabiliazine preorders have just shipped, which means we can share our pieces now! I wrote this piece back in February, after theorizing about the presence of Robbie's Telescope being present in the Royal Tech Lab in Age of Calamity. So without further a do, here be my little essay/fic on some old ruins, or more specifically, its:
Cause of Destruction
The storm had come too late. Thankfully, it was all devastated.
She continued to run from the screaming.
The Sheikah woman headed for the hills, brittle trees littering the eastern side of the Lindor mountain side. If she hurried, she could meet up with the others who had—
A distant crack of thunder melded with the collapse of stone; she makes the mistake of glancing back.
In the greater horizon, the shadow of Hyrule Castle looms over a conquered dusk. A shrill cry—something between a roar and a whine—escapes from the cloudy malice beast that enshrouds the Hylian monument. But that was just the backdrop, the canvas for contrast. Closer still, in the billowing grass of North Hyrule Plain, the stormy winds cut through fog and smoke like a dagger.
In the opened wound, the faint silhouette of a building glows.
She keeps running.
The color might have at one point been appealing—the symbol of the Royals, the pleasant hue that cloaked a perfect morning. But tonight it just haunted her...chased her...reminded her of the terrible deed that was done.
A horse came over the hills.
“HEY!” a man shouted, mounted on a grey horse. “MA’AM! HALT, PLEASE!”
Crap. She sucked in a breath through her teeth, clutched her limp, burned arm, and kept moving. I just need to reach the trees.
But the chase seemed over before it had even started. When she had first started running from the blue, some wandering captain had stopped her to ask what was wrong. There was a strange kindness in his striking eyes, a forgein concept in this land now stricken with grief, death, and paranoia. In her haste—and possibly shame of what she had done—she had just pushed the captain away and fled. Very inconspicuous…good job me.
Now it seems he had found her again. Any other day she might have commended him for his kindness in checking with some random Sheikah, during the end of the world no less.
But tonight, well...there’s a sliver of her that might have preferred death.
The woman tripped on a divet in the earth, crashing down on one of her badly burned legs, and hissed at the pain. The rain had muddied the path, and was staining her once white clothes a disgusting marron. The pounding of hooves grew closer, until they halted right next to her ears.
A pair of leather boots crashed into the mud.
“Ma’am, don’t get up. You’re injured. Please.”
The clang of metal armour accompanies the voice. Oh he was a captain alright, equipped well for the apocalypse. His metalspear and armour adorned in—
She looks up.
A slight frown.
The man tries to help her to her feet, watching to not clutch on the wounds on her right side. “Whatcha doing all the way out here? The nearest settlement is a ways away.” The captain lifts up one of her arms, and his eyes widen just a bit. “Dammit...those burns look bad. We might getcha some aid...there’s a laboratory place nearby that I’m heading by, just due east and—”
“...Lab?” The woman can’t help but wonder aloud. No...you idiot, you can’t be serious.
The captain smiles again. “See now, that’s why I was so eager to catch your attention. You’re running in the wrong direction.” He points in the direction she was running towards. “Up where you’re going is just mountains. There’s a fancy smancy lab a bit south that could help patch you up better than—”
“If you head to that lab, you’ll die.” She lets the words linger for a moment. “Unless, of course, that was the desired plan for the evening.” The woman laughs to herself, but the sound is empty and dry.
He frowns. “...What?”
She’s silent, gears turning in her head. Goddess...how do I say this without—
She points east, the rain pattering on her outstretched sleeve. “Tell me, Captain. What do you see over there?”
The man pauses, his face contort with confusion. He follows her hand and stares at the blue.
“...North Hyrule Plain. Some building glowing blue over there…I’m assuming that’s the techno-wizz from the L—”
“Lab, yes. That would be the Royal Ancient Lab. Though I’m afraid it’s not glowing from ‘techno-wizz’ or anything of that sort, dear captain.”
She crosses her arms, turning to look away from the blue and hugging her knees. “It’s currently burning to the ground.”
An ugly pause, as the man seems to take a moment to digest this. He flickers his gaze between the Sheikah and the distant blue building.
“I-It’s...It’s raining though—”
“Blue flame, I’m afraid, is a bit more resistant. Plus, it’s been burning long before the storm came through.”
“What...I…” The captain sits next to her, plopping into the mud in disbelief. “I was really thinking that...why would…”
He turns to her, his eyes are stormy grey, with faint specks of blue, like embers. The captain’s tone is gravely serious. “Miss, why was that lab destroyed?”
The question catches her off guard. Her jaw’s clenched, but she breaks their staring contest and hides her surprise with a shrug. “Same reason as every other disaster today. Calamity Ganon destroyed it.”
There’s a crack of thunder, and the ground shudders at her lie.
“...No.” the man mumbles.
“Look, I know it’s a lot to process—”
“No, I mean,” he stands, hand reaching for his back, “that’s not what actually happened, is it ma’am?”
Crap. The Sheikah holds her hands in the air. “If this is about me shoving you earlier, I was just a bit—”
“Aw now don’tcha worry about that, I took no personal offense.” He scratches the blond stubble on his chin.
“Now the thing that I do find some mighty fine offense to, is the fact that there’s a good lick of a chance that I’m currently speaking to an arsonist traitor.”
There’s a BOOM, and in the distance, another large piece of the Royal Lab collapses into the earth. The blue grows brighter.
“Me? What in the name of Hylia are you—”
“Let’s not play dumb, ma’am. Trust me, I’m a sucker for some pleasantries and small talk, though I’m afraid addressing the fact that you burned down the nearest safe haven for miles is gonna take priority here.”
The Sheikah woman just fumes, attempting to get up in the captain’s face. “How DARE you accuse me of—”
She’s cut off by the shing of metal cutting through air. The captain twirls the spear on his back and points the end right at her neck, resting just below her chin. She scowls, but puts her hands in the air.
“You just don’t understan—”
“That’s a mighty fine torch you got there…” He clicks his tongue.
Both hands grip his spear steady, ready to pierce flesh at any moment. The captain gestures with a wink to the torch attached to her waist. It seems to still smolder slightly with faint blue embers.
The captain looks between the torch, and the blue fire in the horizon.
“Yes, a mighty fine torch indeed.” He presses the spear tip a bit further forward.
“And it’s glowing a familiar color.”
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Cause of Destruction
An Analysis of the Destruction of the Royal Ancient Lab
By Dr. J Kippers
(But please, Kippers was my father, call me Kip)
So heroes are a thing, huh? Who’da thunk it! One minute, I’m continuing my travels, studying some cool rocks and bricks in Hyrule Field. Then the next, a giant malice pig appears and fights some teenage boy wielding a glowing stick. I definitely wasn’t cowering behind the ruins of a garrison bathroom while that all happened, and I definitely was doing some cool badass fighting moves with my...pen, to help that knight and save the world and stuff. Makes for a pretty cool story, yeah? HA, Traysi would kill for it…
But enough of my daring, slightly exaggerated, exploits. It’s been a few weeks since the world’s settled down from the Calamity’s defeat, which means I had prime time to settle back into my hometown, and put my years of travel and research to paper!
I spent the majority of my life studying the history of Hyrule as it fell to the Calamity 100 years ago...and with the world now revitalizing, it’s just prime time to get myself out there! Research wise, that is!
At first, I didn’t really know what to write, cause WOW there’s just so many topics to choose from. Plus there’s a lot on the line here, gotta make a good impression for whatever new kingdom that Princess Zelda’s got planned. She seems the scholarly type, yeah? I’m thinking I could snag some Hyrule history teach’ position at a rebuilt university or something… Princess has got an awful lot of focus on the reconstruction of different village ruins. Which is fair, cause who better to know how to rebuild these places than the people who were alive to see them in their prime!
And you see, that’s where my journey of knowledge began! People with first hand knowledge of the events of distant past are alive? OH a historian’s dream…my soul swells in happiness. Plus, I also got my researcher brain a-tingling. My dad’s friend’s cousin’s neighbor’s grandma’s dog’s breeder knew Dr. Robbie back in the day, so Sheikah tech is basically in my blood.
With these passions rejuvenated I had my goal! Publish some revolutionary new theory that combined my awesome knowledge for history, archeology, and tech! And what better place to see that than, (duh) the Royal Ancient Lab Ruins.
Now, there doesn’t seem to be much in these ruins…it’s absolutely barren. No weapons or treasures to be seen. Just your run-of-the-mill ruined ruins, destroyed long ago by the Calamity. And that was the end of the story.
At least that’s what I thought until I did a little more digging. See, as I was doing some additional research, I stumbled upon this old history/research book stored in the Kakariko archive. I have no idea where it came from...it’s titled...C-Caa...Creation? Creating? Creating a...Cham...it’s kinda faded and hard to read. But anyhow, this weird little history book was written by some guy named “Nine-tendons.” If someone out there has a copy feel free to hit me up, but for today’s sake title and author don’t really matter. The point is, one of the quotes in that book describes the ruins like this:
Royal Ancient Lab Ruins
It is thought that these ruins represent the ancient relic research facility that was under the direct rule of Hyrule Castle, but only the outer walls remain. There is no trace of the building’s interior, let alone any research materials.
The thoroughness of its destruction feels intentional. [Page 396, Cr_ating a Champ___, Nint__do.]
Now I’m not too familiar with the work of whoever Mr. Nin-Ten-doves is, but I strangely trust their word on the topic wholeheartedly. Call it a feeling from the divine if you must, but they’re right! It seems so much more obvious in hindsight.
My adventures into the other various ruins across Hyrule always gave me something to work with. The world is just crafted for exploration. Old treasure chests, weird rocks with a tiny talking tree fairy underneath. Hell, even a monster or two was always happy to inhabit even the smallest of ruins I’ve entered. Yet, there is absolutely nothing of prominence to be seen at the ruins of the Royal Ancient Lab. And I’ve double, triple, and quintuple-checked!
Why are there no rusted weapons...or treasures...or any records or evidence of anything, other than some crude stone walls and a rock? That kind of destruction is just unnecessarily absolute, even for the Calamity.
According to detailed drawings/notes I have in my records of Historical Works during the Age of Calamity (HW AOC for short), the Royal Ancient Lab was nearly three stories tall, with a royal blue ceiling, complete with a basement level, and an upper telescope! With even the smallest of structures (like simple ranch and village ruins) still standing today with plenty of artifacts, why is as great a structure as the Royal Lab so desolate?
Intentional, intentional, intentional...that word ran through my head for days, weeks, months even. Why would the Royal Ancient Lab be destroyed intentionally? Did the Calamity see it as that major a threat? No, that wouldn’t make sense, the movements of Calamity Ganon that day clearly show his intention to use the Sheikah power against the people of Hyrule. An Ancient Lab would be a major benefit, if anything…
So, surprising as it may be, the current prime suspect for the destruction of this lab would actually be…
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The Sheikah just glares. “Well...what gave it away?
He shrugged his shoulders with a half smile. “Deductive reasoning, with a hint of some good ol’ luck perhaps.”
“Listen, I know this looks bad, but you have to understand—”
“Oh I understand quite well alright.” The captain gives a wink. “I try to be humble, but Mama always did say I was the smartest cookie she knew.”
He rests the end of his spear on her collarbone, the threat clearly still present, but it gives him the freedom to pace and wipe rain for his soaked blonde hair.
“See I know that Calamity Ganon’s corrupted every bit of Sheikah tech from here to Lurelin. I know that he’s been targeting Hylian settlements. ‘Seen it myself when some monsters and Guardians destroyed my regiment and post at Maritta Exchange, just a bit north from here. I know that the only reason the other settlements, like the Rito and Zora, are still standing is because Ganon’s focusing all his forces on finding and killing the Hylian Champion and the princess. And finally I know that because of that, there is not a Guardian or monster around for many a mile. I mean, just lookie over there.”
The woman turns her head, and sure enough, the plains are barren of all life. No movement of machine or beast or person.
“And now my assumption was—and do pardon me if my monologue is redundant to your traitor ears—that the nearest place of safety would be this royal laboratory of technology. It’s Sheikah run, so it wouldn’t be immediately targeted. Plus the last thing the Calamity would want is for his personal army of destruction to be...well, destroyed. Ifs I was them evil cloud demon thing, I woulda wanted the lab with all my corrupted techno babble soldiers to be kept in peak condition. However…”
The captain turns to the right, staring at the blazing blue building in the distance. “...That does not seem to be the case.”
The Sheikah opens her mouth to speak, but he holds up the spear again. “Now I’m thinking, the only reason someone would go about destroying that lab, would perhaps be to kill some people, no?”
“We didn’t—”
“Getting rid of the people who could possibly reverse the Guardian corruption...now I suppose that might be a good evil plan.”
“It was for the be—”
“Ma’am I’m all about looking on the bright side of things, but,” the captain flicks his head in the direction of the blue, “This ain’t exactly the light a’ hope I was wanting.”
“Maybe not, but—”
“So,who are ya? Yiga?”
“No, it’s—”
“Solo treason then. You getting revenge on someone ‘round here? A noble? The King? Or perhaps you’re just the sadistic type with the whole—”
The outburst surprises the both of them, and he hold the spear to ner neck firmly. Another crack of thunder reminds them of the silence that’s endured. The Sheikah finally sighs.
“Perhaps by definition I am an arsonist and a traitor, but for one thing, I wasn’t alone.”
The man’s eyes shine curiously, but she continues.
“I will gladly die alongside them, as my actions have only been for the benefit of Hyrule.”
The rain’s tempo quickens as she gets on her feet, but the captain doesn’t strike. She stares him down, eyes hidden behind strands of white hair.
“My name is Atsuko, a devoted researcher at the Royal Lab, and you may kill me if you think it just.”
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Ok, now I know what you’re all thinking. You’re thinking “Kip! Why are you writing this official research paper like some drunken bar rant? How the hell are you gonna get noticed at this rate?” or “Kip! The hell are you thinking?? Sheikah destroying the Ancient Lab makes absolutely no sense?!”
So to that I say, firstly, uhhh you’re welcome for not being a boring posh, snobby lecturer.(Learned to value a personality over fancy words; lessons my granddad).
As for the latter, you are quite wrong my dear friend, quite wrong indeed. It makes an absolute butt-load of sense, and I’m gonna prove it was them, here and now! I mean that’s...kinda the whole point of an essay, yeah?
My fellow archeology, history, and tech lovers, not only do I know who is responsible for the Royal Lab’s destruction, but I know the true reason why and how! Let us start at the beginning!
What exactly is the lab, and what was its purpose? Well, as the name implies, it was a Sheikah-run laboratory under the hand of the royal family that researched and experimented with Ancient technology. Again, looking at references in HW AOC, I can place not only Guardian models and Ancient weaponry at the lab, but also the existence of blue flame lamps that seemingly powered the facility.
As we all know, it’s tough to mess around with Ancient parts without blue flame, which is the prime energy source for the Ancient Sheikah. Such are the existence of today’s Hateno and Akkala tech labs, located near blue flame furnaces. However! This brings into question exactly why the Royal Lab was constructed where it was…
There are only three places in all of Hyrule with natural blue flame deposits, or otherwise called “Ancient Furnaces.” That would be in Hateno, Akkala, and within Hyrule Castle itself. So why is the Royal Tech Lab so far from these Ancient Furnaces?
To answer this question, might I direct your attention towards explosions. That’s right folks, I’m talking bombs! (Please take this moment to imagine me creating an accompanying explosive sound effect with my mouth)
Some time ago, as I was analyzing the blue flame lamps in Deep Akkala, I ran into that hero of legend face to face! Nice guy, quiet and charming type. Smelled strangely like apples and burnt guts.
Long story short, I traded my entire supply of Hot-Footed Frogs and arrows for a chance to mess with his Sheikah Slate for a bit.
So during that brief period of research, I discovered that while Sheikah tech is usually well controlled—with bomb runes only going off on command by the push of a button—there is an exception! Bomb runes instantly react with blue flame, just one touch and they’ll instantly explode! Try it out yourself! Er, well. Ok, maybe not. Don’t do that, legally I’m not responsible. Plus, it’s not like any of you folk out there have access to bomb runes or a Sheikah Slate that you can play around and test it out for yourself like it’s some virtual game that you can switch around in your hands.
Bomb runes are giant bundles of compact Sheikah tech. When in contact with a pure blue flame, they go boom. The process with the Sheikah Slate must simplify this process with a remote button, but as I’ve discovered, the process can be hastened by chucking a torch around.
I call this phenomenon of blue flame reacting destructively with Sheikah technology a “blue combustion!” I’m creative, I know.
I imagine, any experimentation with weapons that harness, compress, or just generally mess with Sheikah tech and lasers, must be conducted in an environment that prevents blue combustion. You don’t want pure blue flame touching stuff. Otherwise you go kaboom.
Now I couldn’t get a hold of Dr. Robbie or Director Purah myself, something about how they “don’t know who the heck” I am, and “you’re trespassing please get off it’s private property,” or something of the sort, I’m not really sure. But even without their testimonies, you’ll notice that their large tech labs are constructed a distance away from the actual Ancient Furnace. They aren’t right beside it. If they were, you risk losing a limb to a blue combustion. That is also why blue flame lamps exist: to stagger the distance between the flames. And thus is why the Royal Lab isn’t nearby an Ancient Furnace.
Yet even so, the distance the Royal Lab has from an Ancient Furnace might still stump you, because even compared to the Akkala and Hateno labs, it is very very far. But here’s the kicker, my dear curious readers and poor editor, the reason for this extreme distance is because during its prime, the Royal Ancient Lab housed a large portion of the Guardian army and weaponry. It needed more distance because its contents accumulated a much larger space. I can prove this not only by descriptions shown in HW AOC, but also by notes/drawings shown in the archive called the Backgrounds of Technological Wonders, or BOTW for short.
Both these sources show that while Guardians were tested and stationed in Hyrule Castle, the number of Guardians at the castle was probably only in the one hundred mark or less. Now that may seem like a lot, but remember, hundreds of Guardians were dug up, as especially shown in the famous Sheikah tapestry of 10,000 years ago. Arguably even thousands, considering that tapestry is a simplification.
So if we can only account for only a portion of the Guardian population at Hyrule Castle, where are the rest? Scattered across different garrisons perhaps, sure. But they’d mainly be in the facility where each of the Guardians were constructed and given power, the place full of the most talented Sheikah researchers, a location that would still be in decent proximity, but still a safe distance from the castle should an emergency arise: the Royal Ancient Tech Lab. That’s where most of Guardians are.
Now, why is this important? Why did I just spend a few paragraphs talking about blue flames and Guardians and locations when this is about the lab’s destruction and demise?
It’s because this is my sure fire way to prove to you that the Calamity did not destroy the Royal Lab.
The Royal Ancient Lab was constructed specifically to create the best Guardians and technology to beat the Calamity with.
It would have been constructed specifically to avoid any fatal blue combustion accidents.
And it sure as hell wouldn’t have been purposefully destroyed by the Calamity, the one entity who would benefit from its existence.
The lab was decimated by a blue combustion, no question. There isn’t anything as powerful as it that could destroy a place so completely. And now knowing the factors surrounding the lab itself, we know that if it was destroyed by a combustion, it was not because of an accident.
It could only have been done purposefully, by the only people who would know the Royal Lab’s weaknesses.
It could only have been brought down by the Sheikah researchers.
So now, the questions of exactly how and why remain.
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The captain just stands and ponders.
“Ma’am, I must confess that I don’t find the science of the destruction nearly as interesting as exactly what made you decide to do it.”
“It’s like I said,” Atsuko clutches her burned arm, “It wasn’t just me. Really, now, you’re too kind to give me so much credit.”
The spear end moves closer to her neck. “Alright alright alright, sorry, pal. Look I have no idea if you’re even believing all this right now, but you have to trust me that our actions were of the best intentions.”
The captain smirks. “Do tell?”
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According to BOTW, the Ancient Arrow was developed by Dr. Robbie as one of the most powerful means of combating the Calamity itself. In fact, according to research I’ve found in that CAC book by Mint-en-do, I can place the exact time for the development of this weapon, which I can use to glean information about it’s properties.
Ancient Arrow
Perhaps forty or fifty years after the day of the Great Calamity Robbie, the lead Guardian researcher, created the first weapon that was effective against the mechanical monsters: the ancient arrow... Flames come out from the burner like bit [of the Ancient Arrow] and form a blade. [Page 388 and 178, Cr_ating a Champ___, Nint__do.]
The arrow instantly vaporizes whatever it comes into contact with, tearing apart the subject by the molecule, and sending them to non-existence. The description of the weapon implies that it is the pure energy of a blue flame, and built quite differently than other Sheikah weapons.
And the difference definitely shows. I’ve handled a few of these puppies myself, and let me tell you, they get the job done. While an Ancient sword or axe will certainly do some damage, a single Ancient Arrow can take out a Guardian, or even a Lynel in one hit. I heard that they could even do major damage to Dark Beast Ganon itself!
Now, why do I bring this up? Because this Ancient Arrow proves that the Sheikah 100 years ago knew about the dangers of blue combustion.
An Ancient Arrow is clearly the result of intensive research into blue combustion, it is literally a pure blue flame on a stick pumped up with some Ancient Tech. It vaporizes whatever matter it touches and it ceases to exist.
Hmm...would be a fine explanation as to why the nearly three stories worth of stone and ceiling in the Royal Lab no longer can be found.
And why wasn’t the Ancient Arrow developed sooner? It’s because no one thought to purposefully cause an event that would destroy everything until they were forced to on the actual day of the Calamity. It’s because it took even the most brilliant of scientists half a century to even contain a feat of destruction into a single arrowtip? Yes...when you lay out the facts like that, it seems to make sense on the timeline.
Ah, but I’m getting ahead of myself. Back to the question of “why?” Let me rewind to an earlier point. Where are the thousands of Guardians in Hyrule?
Yes, a good hundred or so could be found in Hyrule Castle, and the majority were in the Royal Ancient Lab. But today, where are they? Records in BOTW cite only 157 Guardian remains in all of Hyrule. 157. How? That’s impossible. Witnesses and notes in HW AOC prove that much, much more existed. And what’s more is that we know that the majority of those Guardians were at the Royal Lab, but there are no Guardians, active or otherwise, to be found there. There is nothing.
It’s almost as if all those Guardians were vaporized, they ceased to exist one day.
And you know what.
They did.
(Please take this time to imagine me winking)
There’s some theme or metaphor here about the Royal Ancient Lab, constructed in the blues of the Royal family, ironically being destroyed by the blue combustion—but what do I look like, a writer? Find your own secret to life, here’s the blunt of it.
The Sheikah knew about the dangers a blue combustion could do, but on the day of the Calamity, they used that knowledge for the better. Seeing the corrupted Guardians in the distant castle, it is my belief that the researchers there purposefully brought the blue flames—that they had so carefully separated outside in the lanterns—in contact with Ancient Technology. Things not only went kaboom, but the actual matter ceased to exist. A giant Ancient Arrow.
Thousands of Guardians, hundreds of blades and weapons, and honestly, probably even lives, were gone in an instant. The only remains of the carnage would be the aftermath of blue flames that spread across the remains of the outer walls.
The Sheikah did this because it would save the most lives. That’s hundreds and thousands of Guardians and machines that wouldn’t fall into Ganon’s clutches, hundreds of souls saved. Did you know that today Hyrule Ridge, the home of the Royal Lab, has zero Guardians? Did you know that the lands near it, Hebra and Tabantha, have the lowest Guardian sightings in all of Hyrule? Even less than the Gerudo Desert. And I cite this all based on my hours of research and facts laid out by BOTW, HW AOC, and the divine work by Mr. Nin-ten-do
But even beyond that, how do I know, in absolute 600% certainty that the Sheikah were in complete control of this destruction? How am I so sure that the Sheikah that day had fully planned the intentional obliviation of their lab?
It’s because...I lied earlier.
There is actually one relic that survived. One little monument of the Royal Ancient Lab Ruins. One object giving physical proof of this theory.
One artifact that would have been impossible to preserve if the Sheikah hadn’t planned it all. I mentioned it briefly before, if you paid attention. Yes! This object is present in both the Royal Lab, and a tech lab of today. You could see it for yourself, if you pay a visit to my dad’s friend’s cousin’s neighbor’s grandma’s dog’s breeder’s Sheikah researcher pal...
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“Dr. Robbie’s telescope.” Atsuko pointed to the scattered trees in upper Lindor, “Some other scientists took it up there to preserve it. It’s the only reason we were able to see the initial Guardian corrupting in the distant castle, and how we were able to adapt to the situation and act so quickly.”
The captain glanced at the western mountain. “So you were running up there to meet with them?”
“The wilderness is pretty safe at the moment. And we’re hoping eventually we could take the telescope to another lab where we could possibly continue research. I mean just today from the combustion, Dr. Robbie had this idea for some fancy Sheikah dagger to kill Guardians.”
“OK listen, that’s...that’s all I’ve got. You can head up there and confirm the story, or just kill me now, take your pick. Waiting for judgement here.”
More silence. The rain falls harder.
“You can call me Cian.” The captain does a little bow. “Captain Cian Kippers, at your leisure.”
Atsuko raises an eyebrow. “Like the color—?”
“Sp-Spelled differently! There’s an “i” in there, and perhaps it’s ironic to the situation, but I figured if we’re gonna be traveling up there together you should have the courtesy of knowing my name.”
She just sputters for a moment. “So...you—”
“I trust your heart—I like to think I’m good with character—and I believe you’re a good person doing your best in the world. As unfortunate as circumstances may have been.” He twirls his spear before fitting it on his back. Cian extends a hand to her which she takes. “People like that are getting rarer by the hour, so I don’t think I should be adding to the death count.”
“So…” she gets on her feet, cocking her head, “You...you believe me then?”
He chuckles. “Well, I didn’t kill you did I?”
Atsuko laughs quietly. “Your mistake…”
“...No.” Cian places a reassuring hand on her shoulder and smiles, as if to say that somehow everything was gonna be alright.
“My intention.”
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colossalsummer · 3 years
That Crush Cuffs Scene in Nightfall
✨Why I like it and you should too✨
YA lit and youth culture in general spends so much time celebrating romantic relationships, and sometimes I think it feeds this idea that romance is the highest form of love.
Our obsession with true love in stories for teenagers has created this bizarre pressure to find your soulmate before the age of 18. In middle and high school, the concept of a casual date seemed impossible to me. Expressing interest in somebody carried all the anxiety of a proposal. A lot of the month-long dating relationships my friends were in felt like mini-marriages.
Which is why That Crush Cuffs Scene absolutely destroyed me in the best possible way. 
Because it blows all of those myths about first loves out of the water.
Before you get out your torches and pitchforks to defend your sweet baby boy...
I'm sure there are people who feel like Dex got shortchanged, and I can totally understand where they're coming from. We spent a huge portion of the first KOTLC book learning to like-like Dex, only to spend the next four and a half books slowly peeling Sophie away from him. I'm sure that was hard for people who are really sold on Sodex.
And don't get me wrong, I really liked Dex as a love interest in the first book. That scene with the telescope will never not make my heart explode.
But this scene where Dex confesses his feelings for Sophie is a really special moment, and I love that it exists.
So Dex makes these crush cuffs. And he makes them knowing that Sophie has to wear them, like, for her survival. 
If she likes him, then great. She wears the cuffs, he makes Keefe and Fitz cry, the end.
But if she doesn’t like him, then Dex has forced her to decide between two icky options. A) Flat-out reject him and this gift he spent a lot of time on, or B) take the passive route, wear the cuffs, and feel sick inside. 
I really do think Dex meant well, but this was, at best, an immature move. He put his friend in a really ugly position with high emotional stakes. His idea of a  relationship with Sophie is on such a high pedestal it’s like he’s totally lost touch with reality.
Even when Dex sees Sophie’s reaction to the cuffs (“Ouch,” Dex mumbled, “You don’t have to look that horrified.”) he still tries to talk her into wearing them, which is just wild. This boy is not in his right mind.
So Sophie tries to finagle her way out of this crazy booby trap that Dex has created. “Could you make it look like a nexus instead?” “People will think we’re dating, and we’re not.” “We’re technically cousins.” And finally she backs him into a corner, realizes he ordered the cuffs way ahead of time, and is forced to confront the truth.
We’re back to the two options Dex set up for Sophie. And now that she knows he’s had these crush cuffs for MONTHS, she knows exactly how end-of-the-world important she is to Dex. So she knows that both of these options she’s facing end with somebody crying themselves to sleep that night.
But what I love is that Sophie decides that “Dex [is] worth fighting for.” So she creates a third option. 
The Kiss is such a great solution, because it proves to both her and Dex that she really gave him a fair shot. In the end, it just wasn’t meant to be.
And what I really love about this kiss, besides it being terrible, is that it’s Sophie’s first kiss. It’s something you expect an author to save for the end of the book, when the heroine chooses The One in the love triangle. But Sophie cashes in her first kiss to salvage a friendship.
So Sophie makes her point. They debrief how they feel. Sophie thanks Dex for caring about her. Dex thanks her for letting him down easy and apologizes for causing extra drama during a scary time in Sophie’s life. They affirm their friendship is more than intact (“Forever.”) and decide to take a break from each other.
Of course Dex is disappointed, because this outcome is different than what he wanted, but he never acts like getting friendzoned is a step down. And the next day, Sophie wears the crush cuffs with humility and protects Dex’s dignity.
I am delighted by how That Crush Cuffs Scene defuses the teen romance value system by shattering Sodex’s dating potential and stripping away the premium on the First Kiss. Because we’re left with this kind, vulnerable conversation where Sophie and Dex discover just how much they treasure each other, and that their friendship is enough. 
I expect the new relationship that emerges from all this awkwardness to be hugely rewarding, at least to me. I hope it delivers the depth that Sodex fans deserve--especially after Dex kind of sidelined the past couple books. 
I realized today that with all of Sophie’s potential partners, there’s that same reassurance. Even if Sophie and [insert favorite boy here] don’t end up together-together, their friendship is strong enough to adapt and survive. 
Sophie and Dex show us the value of a relationship, romantic or not, that minimizes drama. And that the key to minimizing drama is to value our friendships just as much as our romances... and maybe bringing the intensity of our romantic gestures down a notch. At least as an opening move. Maybe ask your girl if she wants to go on a lunch date before you handmake a big honking set of crush shackles and engineer a romantic confrontation.
First kisses, first dates, and first relationships are made for experimentation. Commitment is important, but when you’re getting to know somebody and still learning what you want in a partner, it’s more important to feel free to say, “This isn’t working for me.” Anytime. For any reason. And to feel like if you do walk away--even if you’re single for the rest of your life--you will still be a whole person who is loved deeply. 
That Crush Cuffs Scene taught us how to protect the hearts of the people we love. I hope we see more of that in teen romance.
I’m truly sorry that Dex is out of the game, but I feel strongly that Sodex did not die in vain. I hope some of you that love that ship do, too. 💕
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Do you have any more info on the fiance situation in Las Nevadas au? :-D or just anything in that au in general (only if you want tho sbajjdkfL) since its vv cool <3 /p
i've talked about the fiances before but i'm down to expound on it a little further :DDD this is kinda half assed but still long so MSJDJD
tw: self-destructive behavior, memory loss, breakups (not too horrible i promise)
/dsmp /rp
quackity is definitely immensely hurt by his loved ones leaving him. it ruins him. he feels like his heart is left to bleed out every single day he sees that no one from the south is coming over. he has a telescope atop his hotel, the tallest building, which he uses to look closely at the south (where kinoko kingdom lies). on his free days, or sometimes in the afternoon when he doesn't attend the events, he sits on the roof and looks out at a distance.
i think the longest he's been out on the roof was when karl messaged their chat through the communicator. it was a simple “where am i”, and quackity was quick to respond. he instructs karl to go to las nevadas, assuming he was lost, so he basically cancelled every gig he had to observe his surroundings.
(turns out, he never came. quackity sat on that roof for 15 hours before he was pulled away by fundy.)
but their abandonment was never intentional. quackity knows there has to be something more to it, but it doesn't mean it doesn't hurt.
he at least also got word from sapnap. after much encouragement from schlatt, quackity finally was brave enough to send him a message. first, he sent a simple “sapnap? where have you been”, then a more desperate “what happened to us?”.
sapnap replies almost immediately that it threw quackity off, “been around, adventuring, getting away from things.” then the second one took a bit longer, “not gonna lie, i thought our engagement was off ever since we kinda. stopped talking to one another. you kind of left us, didn't you?”
and quackity is hurt. he's baffled, he's irritated, but he's fucking livid. schlatt has told him multiple times that he needs to control his anger a little bit better, but in times like this, no matter how petty it may be, he wanted to fucking wreck his room. and so he did— first he threw his communicator against the wall. it was still salvageable, so quackity decided to grab his glowstone lamp and toss it against the communicator. he flips his dresser, throwing it against his bed, and it bounces off and destroys his cabinet. when he looks at his right, he sees a window, and he raises his fist to punch—
and someone is grabbing back. “q, quackity, alex, please,” schlatt pleads. when did schlatt get to his room? “come on, self-destruction is my kind of thing,” schlatt adds, and it summons a smile from quackity's lips before a sob tears out. and it doesn't stop. quackity cries— and he doesn't cry often, especially in front of his coworkers or family or whatever they are. he hates it, he hates emotions— he tried to fucking suppress it all in las nevadas because all of this, all of these casinos and hotels and bars are meant to be his coping mechanism, his distraction. the tears always finds a way to seep through, though.
eventually, they do crumble to the ground, and they sit like that for a while. quackity crying against schlatt's blazer as schlatt merely rubs comforting circles on his back. eventually, fundy does come in with some snacks and a deck of cards, and it was enough for quackity to at least feel better for the rest of the day.
on another day, where quackity was supposed to have fun partying around and doing the same old shit he does every other day, a mysterious green, whorled portal appears in the middle of his casino. most of the staff and the customers stand back, but from the portal, a white-clad brunette falls from it. he doesn't look all to phased by his fall, but when he stands, he realizes the predicament he's in and immediately stiffens awkwardly.
quackity knows him. that's karl— the karl who somehow disappeared from the server for so long that quackity forgot he even fucking existed. what happened to him? why is he all white? why have his eyes become spirals? what's going on?
“hi,” karl greets casually, but his eyebrows are furrowed awkwardly, “uhm, where am i?”
“karl?” quackity says immediately. he stands in uncertainty before fundy nudges at him to go closer whispering “talk to karl, i'll be in charge of the event.” fundy claps twice and immediately announces that their slot machines will double in payout for the next hour, and the crowd immediately goes wild. karl seems a bit lost by the noise, but quackity quickly grabs him away from the crowds and out to the streets.
“gee, those people were. eager to waste their money. gosh darn rich people,” karl says, and quackity laughs, but his smile immediately drops when karl adds,” nevermind them, i guess, but uh, who are you, exactly?"
and quackity's heart churns. he's heard of a few memory loss cases in their server—it's quite scary to hear how common it's become to just lose yourself entirely—but he didn't think it'd apply to karl. he doesn't even know where karl has BEEN all this time. what happened? why does karl not remember? does sapnap know about this?
quackity decides to not reveal much immediately, so he puts on his typical charming façade and replies, “i'm quackity, or alex, any will do. i'm the owner of this place— las nevadas. it's a place for gambling, drinking, and well, fun! do you, uh, do you remember me?"
quackity sees karl visibly shift awkwardly, and it does summon a sigh out of quackity. “guess you don't, huh?” he says sardonically.
“time travelling kinda... ruins you, sometimes,” karl replies
time travelling...? is... is that what made karl leave? not make karl remember? when in the ever living hell did karl, the nicest, sweetest man he knows, ever been allowed to time travel?
“oh,” he just says instead, “well, uh, i was a close friend of yours."
"oh?" karl replies, “kinda like uhm, uh, do you know sapnap? or george."
damn. quackity's façade immediately melts— how does he know about them and not HIM? why did karl remember them and not quackity? why was he forgotten? quackity immediately hisses, turns away and responds, “i'm giving you a free hotel room for the night and i'm calling sap to pick you up. just walk seventy blocks to your right and talk to manifold, or something, christ you fucking irritate me.” he knows karl probably won't understand, and he knows he's breaking this already broken relationship even more, but he can't... he can't look at them the same way anymore.
karl does get to a hotel room, and quackity does visit him just to make sure everything is alright. thankfully, fundy did repair his communicator after his last tantrum, and he uses it to tell sapnap to pick karl up from las nevadas. sapnap doesn't ask where it is— he simply tells him “ok” and goes offline.
when sapnap arrives, he doesn't look as miffed as quackity expected him to be. he looks... well, definitely more composed than him and karl, but he still looked a bit tired. he has some new scars, but quackity guesses sapnap probably wasn't lying when he said he was out adventuring. before quackity could greet sap, sapnap enters the room abruptly and karl practically throws himself at sapnap.
and jealousy is a fickle thing, isn't it? quackity's heart is still torn, it's still bleeding, and it continues to do so the longer he stares at the sight of the other two. he withholds a scowl, mostly because he knows he might go on another temper tantrum if he doesn't, and he also knows he can't... he can't get mad at them. he's waited forever for this moment.
“wow,” quackity murmurs, and sap turns to him, “things really have changed."
sapnap sighs, “we built you a house in kinoko, but you never came."
"and i made las nevadas entirely for you as well." quackity responds, “i guess it's just... unfortunate timing, and all." it's silent for a few moments until, “i'm sorry”.
sapnap's look softens, “i'm— i'm sorry too.”
there's so much more words to say, things to clarify, stories to catch up on, but quackity wonders how worth it it is to cling onto his past. karl and sap's visit is quite... underwhelming, to say the least. but maybe it isn't underwhelming at all— maybe he just found a new purpose outside of them, and he's just... moved on. it hurt, obviously, but when he looks out of karl's hotel room window, he sees las nevadas. he sees the casinos he's designed for schlatt and fundy, and the bars he's designed for jack and sam, and the stages he's designed for charlie— it's just... different now. he loves karl and sapnap still, of course, but he's also been hurt by them, and he's grown into a different person from that hurt. he thinks sapnap has grown the same way as well.
but still, “you know you're invited to las nevadas if you ever want to visit again,” quackity offers with a melancholic smile.
sapnap sighs, but he mimics quackity's smile and nods, “i'll consider it.” sapnap pauses for a bit, then, “thank you for everything, quackity— i really do mean it. i hope... i hope you enjoy the life you've made for yourself here, kinda looks cool,” sapnap says, and his words were very soft and genuine— something quackity needed to end this chapter of his life with them.
“thank you too, i hope you guys do well too. take care,” quackity says, and sapnap and karl take their leave with simple goodbyes.
it isn't exactly forgiveness or getting back together but it's... closure. quackity's journey up to this point isn't exactly all smiles and rainbows, but he's happy where he is now. he just hopes sapnap, karl, and george are feeling the same as well.
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sapphicdt · 3 years
Just Like You Used To
hihi i usually hate sad fics because i personally read fics for comfort but i wrote this out of impulse and because i needed  a good cliche Snape x Reader thingy to cry to so i apologize if this comes out as too cringey and wattpad-y. this was quite poorly written but i still hope you like it.
(italics for the flashbacks :) )
warnings: angst, minor typos
word count: 1.8k
The musky earth smell of the dungeons hit your nose like the perfume of an older lady when she went in to hug you.
You had not been here since the end of the war, and neither did anyone else. Minerva had not gone down there either. You had seen how the usually composed professor’s demeanor would shift behind her eyes into a raging sea, whenever she would be indirectly reminded of him. 
It was funny how life worked; one moment, you were helping him clean the cauldrons in his classroom, and the next you were to sweep off the dust from his abandoned office.
“Miss L/N, you are going to freeze your ears off if you do not get back in here” he said to you as you were walking around in the snow without your coat, prancing about in the cold like a child on Christmas morning. “Sorry, professor. It was too beautiful out to miss.” you responded meekly. He rolled his eyes. “Silly girl” he said, and ushered you back in.
As the both of you walked side by side, the silence was broken when he asked “How was your day?’. He said it very quietly, like asking such a question was humiliating, and that it would destroy his usually stoic bearing. You sighed and said “It was alright. But it did snow so it got better. What about you, professor?”. He stayed quiet for a while before responding with a little grunt of an “It was okay”. You giggled in response.
He walked you back to your dorm, not saying anything else.
Time flew and you had started spending more time with the professor. According to you, it was because “He was your new bestie”. He would roll his eyes whenever you would jokingly refer to him as that whenever your friends would ask why you hung around him so much.
It was true; you did see him as a friend, and although you wished to yell out to the world how much you would do for this man, you did not want to get slapped in the face by rejection and humiliation. After all, his doors were closed, and heart belonged to the late mother of The Boy Who Lived. Everyone knew this.
On one of your visits to his office, you were both sitting in silence, doing your own things, before you said “Professor, If I’m going to be honest, I would just like to say that I am going to miss you.”. “What do you mean, Miss L/N?” he responded. “I am graduating soon, and I’m just going to miss going to your office, studying here with you in arms reach, having class with you, having you as my teacher, and just-” somehow, the oxygen in the room has disappeared, and you found it hard to usher out what you were going to say next. “Seeing you everyday” you finally breathed out. You expected a him to throw a fit, to slap you, yell at you about how this was highly inappropriate and that he did not want to see you ever again, for him to spit at you for how stupid you were. But none of that came; everything but all of that. He was quiet for a moment, as he was every time you said something inherently nice. But then he said “I’m afraid I will miss your company too, Y/N”. You had the smile of an idiot plastered on your face for the rest of the afternoon.
Months flew by, and it was April, you had seen him again on his way back from his meetings, and wanted to tell him something for you had not been able to talk to him at all ever since the war started. He seemed so tired and somehow even more irritable and angrier than he had been before, so you left him alone. But today, you decided that it would be worth a shot to try and reconnect, so you walked up to him and said “Hello, professor.”. He looked at you and if you looked with a telescope, you could see his gaze softened, but only behind his eyes. Because that made fucking sense. “Good afternoon, Miss L/N. Is there anything I can help you with?” he responded. “No, professor. I just wanted to see how you were doing. After all, we haven’t talked in a long while.” you replied, a bit more blunt than you had intended, and you feared he was going to do something that would make you regret it after. But he did not. “Would you like to come to my office, just like before? We can talk there.” he said. You smiled sadly, and walked with him to his office.
He sat you down, and gave you a cup of tea, and made sure you were comfortable. Like he used to. “Now, how are you, Y/N?”. You had not known how much this man meant to you until this very moment. You could not hold anything back anymore. You burst into a sobbing mess, hiccuping trying to drink the tea. You could not pinpoint exactly why you were crying so much, but you just were. 
He was taken aback for a moment. He had seen many students cry at Hogwarts, especially after having been scolded by him, but this was different; you were in his office, and he just asked you a simple question. Not knowing what to do, he hesitantly patted your shoulder. He was not used to comforting people when they were sad. But although he had done it to you in many unconscious and indirect ways in the past when you were silently having a bad day, he just was not used to actively doing it. Your sobs ceased a bit and he asked you “Y/N, where is this coming from? What happened?”. You sniffed and hiccuped a bit before blatantly saying “I just miss you, professor, is all.”. He did not know what to say to say to this, and was still quite startled, then you cut his thoughts off when you said “I just wish all of this would end even just before I graduate so I could spend my last few afternoons in Hogwarts here in your office, like I had originally planned.”. “It will end soon, Y/N” he said and fiddled with his tea cup, and hesitantly pulled you into a hug. This somehow made you want to cry even more, and the next words that came out of your mouth were so unexpected, you wanted the ground to swallow you whole. “I think I love you, professor.”. He pulled away and lifted up your chin to look in your eyes. You felt him in your head, but you were too tired and sad to push him out, so you just let him search. After what seemed like an eternity, you felt your mind left alone again and he just moved his hands down your shoulder. With a sigh, he then said “I think you ought to be heading back to your dorm, Miss. I do have somewhere to go to.”. You stood up and wiped the snot off of your face, and headed out the door. Before you closed it, you said to him “I hope to come here again soon, professor.” and you left his office, and walked back to your dorm.
You stood in front of the wooden door of his office, tears now pouring freely down your cheeks. You knocked and you were wishing in the back of your head that you would hear him call you in, or see the shadow of his feet when he went to open the door, or see him  towering over you with his usual stoic demeanor, or with those beautiful onyx eyes you came to love, looking back at you. 
You felt silly, and touched the handle of the door, before pushing it open. You stepped in, and everything was left as it was the last time you came here; his half filled ink jar, half graded exams, half filled bottle of whiskey. But if there was anything about this man that was not halved, would be his passion. Oh Lord did this hurt.
It was like he knew his office would be returned to, just not by him.
You had been standing in the middle of the room for quite longer than you intended, so you snapped out of it and walked to his desk. You felt the wooden frame as you came across an unclosed envelope. “To whom this may concern” was all the back had read, You opened it and read through it. 
It was addressed to you. He was apologizing for not giving you a proper answer for what you said the last time you visited him. He was sorry for all the times he brushed you off before, during all the times you wanted to talk to him. All of that said, you were still able to use whatever was left of your composure. Then came the end of the letter
“......I am sorry it had to end this way. And I am so sorry for leaving you like this. Please don’t weep for me. I do not want to see you crying like that.
But although I am gone, I hope you think about me when you see a sparrow flying across the dusk of winter, when you smell the faint waft of parchment, or even hear the dripping down here in the dungeons. I too wish you could still sit with me here in my office while you read, just like you used to.
Nothing I say can satisfy you now, but what you said that April afternoon was not something I expected. I will admit that. But rest assured my dear, that I will not allow you to live the rest of your life not being reciprocated what you said.
So with the little time I have left of writing this, I hope you know that I love you very, very much.
Professor Snape.”
Your chest was aching and your sobs were now very vocal. Through broken breaths and shaky legs, you stood up from the squatting position you were in and sat down on his chair. 
Time had passed, and before you knew it, you had fallen asleep in his office. You looked at the grandfather clock at the corner of the room and you had fallen asleep for quite a long time because what used to be noon, was now 3 in the afternoon.
You took the letter from his desk and walked out of his office, back to your dorm. 
You would rather anything else than to have lost him like this, or in any way at all. You wished everything was a dream and you could go back to the days where everything was happy. But this was the reality, he was dead and was never coming back.
It was now evening and dinner was over, but you did not go to eat. You stayed in your room and slept, too tired from crying, and from everything else in general. You reached to your nightstand and read the letter again, tracing over the print of the last sentence. And somehow, those words brought you great comfort, just like he used to.
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bonjour-rainycity · 3 years
Double Heart | Chapter Four ~ Cosima
|previous part|
Pairing: Haldir x OFC
Rating: PG
Word count: 4887
Warnings: None
**Read on Ao3 under the user “bonjour_rainycity” if you prefer!**
A/n Thanks for all your interactions with this story! In honor of all the writing I got done for the World Wide Write-a-thon, here’s a bonus chapter :) 
Translations: Mellon = friend
Haldir wasn’t kidding. In order to make up for the time spent with Alex, he pushes us hard. That, combined with the unfamiliar gait of Rumil’s horse, leaves me sore and aching by the time we finally stop well after dark.
Rumil helps me to the ground, giving me an apologetic look. “Sorry.”
I wave off his concerns, starting my stretching routine. “S’alright. I’ll probably get used to the all-day riding the second we get to Imladris.”
At this, he cracks a smile. “If you want to wash in the river, better go now. I’ll take dinner to Alex.”
I shouldn’t leave Alex alone. But my body aches and is covered in dirt, and a part of me just isn’t ready to face him. I need to take a moment for myself, away from everyone else, to process and think about what all this means. So I skirt around the hill that marks camp and head to the riverbank.
I undress and wade into the river, stopping when the cool water comes to my shoulders. Baranor had supplied me with an extra bar of soap and I use that to cleanse my body and hair of the dirt that attached itself to me during the day. At the top of the hill that overlooks the river, I catch sight of Alex, sitting isolated near the pile of bags that indicate our spot of camp. I purse my lips.
What does his presence mean?
I had been quite convinced that this world is in my head, that I’m concocting some elaborate, possibly lucid, dream and that I would wake up any minute. Or, perhaps, that I had hit my head like Baranor suggested and am now in some sort of coma. But now Alex is here. The memories I have of him clearly show that he’s important to me. I can recall a long line of birthday parties, study breaks, summer camping trips spent staring up at the sky. I remember him comforting me after a bad day, us getting into arguments and then making up, me cheering him on at some sort of competition. But when I try to look at the other faces there, to zero in on any one and pull up memories of them, all I get is a vague blur and a splitting headache. I give up the fruitless effort and turn my thoughts back to Alex.
Alex, who I know I know, is just as real to me as Haldir or Baranor. And each man here acts in a way that I wouldn’t expect — if I created them, wouldn’t they act as I would? I am not stoic like Haldir or silly like Rumil. I don’t posses Baranor’s healing knowledge or Orophin’s attention to detail. And just the sheer vastness of this world…there’s no way I could imagine it all. Even now, we follow a path of which I have no knowledge, so how could I have dreamed up that path?
The ache behind my eyes deepens.
This is too much.
This world feels real. The people feel real. My budding friendships with them feel real—just as real as my friendship with Alex.
I groan, flipping on my back to float.
And I lose the ability to breathe. Because these constellations aren’t the ones I remember. They dance in unfamiliar patterns across the inky black sky, distant and watchful as always, but completely unknown to me.
I love the stars. I love them in a way that causes my heart to ache, that sometimes makes me weep. Night after night I sought them out, charting them by telescopes and my naked eye. I know my constellations like I know the back of my hand—I studied and tracked them relentlessly.
I wouldn’t have replaced my stars.
I release a shaky breath.
A cold dread creeps through my bones, turning the water frigid. Everything suddenly seems more predatory, more dangerous, from the tall grass on the bank to the trees far in the distance….Even the men I travel with.
For one, wild moment, I entertain the idea that they are exactly who they say they are — elves from some unknown realm. Elves, not men. Elves who have pointed ears and wear intricate braids and walk with a grace I could never hope to imitate. Elves who can see far into the distance, hear every comment I make under my breath, ride for hours without tiring, and draw their weapons in less than a second, using reflexes that far outmatch mine.
Elves who inhabit a world that has a foreign set of stars.
The water that brushes against my neck feels suffocating. Gasping, I swim to shore, pulling myself onto the riverbank. It takes me multiple tries to redress, and I realize that my hands are shaking—I am shaking. I collapse into the grass, drawing in heaving breaths. This is too much, this is too much, this is too much!
My name comes from over the hill.
It’s Haldir’s voice.
In the beats of silence that follow, all I can hear is my wavering breath.
He calls my name again, closer this time.
I squeeze my eyes tightly shut, concentrating on the sound of his voice. Solid, assured, stable. Everything I do not feel. My breath begins to even out. My shaking subsides. The sound of grass crunching underfoot reaches my ears, and I stand just in time to meet Haldir’s approach.
He settles his weight on his back foot to balance on the slope of the hill, giving me a stern look. “We lost sight of you.”
I stiffen, pulling back from him. “Were you watching me bathe?”
His eyes blow wide. “N-no! Of course not, I-I would not presume to—” I’ve never seen him look so out of sorts. The tips of his—pointed—ears burn red and his eyes dart wildly around looking anywhere but at me.
The sight is so at odds with what I know about him that I can’t help it.
I burst into laughter.
It’s a little hysterical, and maybe I’m crying a bit, but it feels so good to laugh. Haldir lets out a noise that sounds suspiciously like a sigh of relief, and chuckles hesitantly. It rumbles deep in his chest, sounding almost warm. I wipe the tears from my eyes, shaking my head slowly. As the laughter subsides, I study him, taking in everything that marks him as clearly not human.
He feels real.
I pull my gaze from his braids and instead settle on his ice blue eyes. They stare evenly into mine, perhaps studying me too. A wind blows over the river, reminding me just how much I long for my mat and blanket. The fatigue once again makes itself known—much worse after my panic on the riverbank. I shift on my feet, gesturing up the hill. “I think I’m overly tired.”
Haldir inclines his head in acknowledgment, clasping his hands professionally behind his back. “Understandable, given the day you’ve had. I will escort you back.”
I trudge up the hill, concentrating extra hard to not slip in the mud and ruin the bath I just had, Haldir not far behind. We reach the top of the hill and make our way to where the bags are laid out as well as dinner rations distributed.
Alex sits by himself.
He raises his head, his smile of greeting turning to a scowl the moment Haldir crests the hill behind me. He looks past me, addressing Haldir only. “What were you doing with her down there?”
I feel Haldir bristle and once again hurry to de-escalate. “It’s fine, Alex. He only came to get me because I was gone for a while.”
He shrugs, the action seeming jerky and unnatural. “I could have gone to get you.”
I turn and give Haldir a look of apology. I honestly don’t know why Alex doesn’t like him, they haven’t even had a proper conversation. Haldir watches Alex intently, his own mouth set into a hard line. Then, saying nothing, he stalks forward, leaving us alone.
I groan, bringing a hand to my forehead. “They’re not going to hurt me. They’re not going to hurt you, either.”
Alex shakes his head resolutely. “I don’t trust them.”
“You haven’t given them a chance!”
My words—louder than they’d needed to be—ring through the countryside, destroying the peaceful silence.
I sigh, berating myself for once again treating him too harshly. He’s owed the time he needs to adjust. Tentatively, I take a seat across from him. “I’m sorry. I know it’s a lot to take in. It took me a little while to get comfortable with them, too, you’ll—”
“No, Cosima,” he groans, cutting me off. “There is no ‘getting used to them’, there’s no ‘learning to trust them’. They’re delusional. They’re dangerous. We can’t let our guard down and get caught up in that. We have to focus on finding a way home.”
I rest my chin on my hands, feeling overwhelmed and exhausted. Something in his sentence reminds me of the conversation I had with myself in the river. Maybe he’s been thinking along similar lines. “Alex, if you’re talking about getting home, then you believe this place is real.”
He squints, raising an eyebrow. “Of course it’s real. There’s no way we’re both making it up. We’re probably in the plains of Africa or-or maybe somewhere in Europe, I don’t really know. The point is, these guys are lying to us. They’re trying to keep us confused and isolated. We need to stay sharp and look for an opportunity to escape.”
“Escape,” I breathe, definitely not wanting the others to hear our conversation. “Have you seen the land we’re traveling? With no supplies, no horses, no maps—we wouldn’t last two days.” Never mind the fact that just a few days ago, I was considering escape, myself.
“We’ll steal supplies then.” He shrugs, passion alighting his eyes. “It doesn’t matter—we’ll figure it out. In the meantime, learn as much about these guys and the landscape as you can and stop letting them try to convince you that they’re a fictional species. I’ll work on taking supplies. Then, when we have enough, we’ll leave.”
I shake my head slowly. Something about leaving, about separating myself from the group and striking out on our own feels wrong. Every survival instinct I have screams at me to stay put, to not abandon the safety net I found by chance. And a voice in the back of my head reminds me that if I’m seeing different stars…if I am under a different sky…well, then maybe there is no going home. I try to reason with him. “They haven’t tried to hurt us yet. They’ve given us their food, their water, allowed us to ride their horses. They’re helping us!”
He rolls his eyes, clearly about to interrupt.
“Just—go along with it until we reach Imladris,” I beg, holding up my hands to silence him. “Then at least we’ll have seen more of the landscape and will know what we’re dealing with. Maybe there will be supplies in the city that we can take, or even someone with knowledge of how to get back to America.”
He grits his teeth. “You need to stop playing into their lies.”
The two of us stare at each other, equally unwilling to back down.
Rumil appears at the top of the hill, smiling broadly. Either he’s oblivious to our argument or trying to diffuse it. He sets a bedroll at my feet. “For you.”
I look between the mat and Rumil, feeling quite guilty. There are only four bedrolls between the six of us now, and I’ve slept soundly on one for every night of my journey. I don’t deserve that…especially now that I’m thinking of robbing and abandoning them. My stomach churns. “Thanks, but I’m fine on the grass. I don’t want to keep taking your stuff.” I wince. Did that sound too suspicious? Could he know my thoughts?
Rumil only winks and plops onto the ground next to me. “Nonsense. It’s Orophin’s anyway.”
I sputter, the laughter escaping me without any real thought. It just feels so natural to be comfortable with Rumil, the others too. So what if they think they’re elves?
So what if they are elves?
Alex’s foot digs into mine, and my laughter dies. His words return to haunt me. They’re delusional…stop playing into their lies….
Haldir joins us. He sits across from Rumil, completing the small circle, saying nothing. He takes out a knife and what looks like a small rock and begins to sharpen the blade.
It’s clear Rumil doesn’t care for silence and he quickly tries to strike up a conversation. “Obviously you know each other now, but Cosima, you couldn’t remember Alex before today. Has anything changed? Do you remember something more?”
I feel each of their eyes on me and I search through the vague remnants of my memory. “I…didn’t know I knew Alex, true. But the minute I saw him, the memories came rushing back—not everything, of course, but I got more context into who he is and who we are to each other. But no, nothing more than that.”
Rumil raises an eyebrow, intrigued. “And who is he?”
“Her friend since childhood,” Alex cuts in smoothly, responding before I can.
Images of two children running down a paved road, cutting up paper and gluing it to popsicle sticks, trying to hit each other with foam swords, race through my mind.
“We…lived down the street from each other,” I recall, smiling as the memories take firmer hold. “I used to go to your house after school and your sister would watch us until our parents got home.”
“We went to prom together.” He gives a short laugh, fondness softening his guarded eyes. “Only because we couldn’t find anyone to go with either of us.”
“It was better that way,” I declare, the start of a smile twitching at my lips. “Who else would have ditched halfway through with me to get snacks and watch a movie?”
He shakes his head slowly, fondness giving way to nostalgia. “I had fun that night.”
“Me too.”
Look at all these memories you have together. See how long you’ve trusted him? How long he’s stuck by your side? Maybe you owe it to him to trust him now.
“That was good.” I whip around, startled to see Baranor leaning against a tall tree, clutching his healer’s bag. I had assumed he was on watch with Orophin. He makes his way over to us. “Perhaps the more you talk about it, the more you will remember.”
I shrug, heart rate slowing down after the scare. “Hopefully. Right now, it seems like my mind’s gone completely blank. I only have the memories I described. Anything beyond is just that—out of reach.”
“Be kind to yourself. Any progress is admirable.” He smiles, walking to the middle of our circle and crouching in front of Alex. “I’d like to take a look at your head and address any injuries you acquired in your time traveling alone.”
Alex hesitates, then rolls up the end of his right legging to reveal a dirty red and brown gash.
“Alex,” I gasp, recoiling from the wound. “Why didn’t you say anything?”
He shrugs, wincing slightly when Baranor prods at the edge of the cut. “There were more important things to deal with.”
I roll my eyes as a new set of memories—annoying me more than giving me hope—come to mind. “You always tried to be tougher than everyone else.”
He grins, then grimaces slightly when Baranor starts the cleaning process. Despite that, he retains a playfulness in his tone that’s welcome after our arguments. “True. Way tougher than you! That time you fell out of the tree—gosh, we could hear you shouting for miles.”
That memory flashes forward, too. “I was seven and it hurt!” I defend, crossing my arms indignantly.
Alex quirks a teasing eyebrow. “And did you ever climb a tree again?”
I sniff, turning my head to the sky to avoid seeing the blood weeping from the wound. “I can’t remember.”
“Well, you didn’t,” he snarks.
“Must be why you’re afraid of heights,” Rumil muses, reclining on the grass to watch the stars. Stars that I’m not making up. “You’re going to hate Caras Galadon.”
I turn my head in his direction. “Why?”
Mischief shines brightly in Rumil’s eyes. “The city is built into the trees.”
I gulp, wondering how on Earth I’m going to visit a city that’s built so high up, but then Alex catches my eye, and I understand.
We will not be going to Lothlórien.
The morning greets us with a cloudy sunrise and a harsh breeze.
Haldir eyes the sky warily. “Secure your supplies as best as you can We are in for a storm today.”
I grimace. It’s not that thunderstorms scare me, but from what I’ve learned about Haldir in our few short days together, I have a feeling he’ll require that we keep riding, no matter the weather conditions. Today probably isn’t going to be fun. A particularly gusty wind blows my cloak from my shoulders and I huff, yanking it back into place.
“Here.” I look up to see Haldir offering me a green and silver clip in the shape of a leaf. I eye it in confusion. “It will keep your cloak secured,” he explains, pointing to his own that clasps at the base of his neck.
“Oh,” I take it from him, slightly stunned at the kind gesture. “Thank you.”
He nods once then pivots on his heel and marches back to his horse a few yards ahead. I turn the clip in my hands, admiring its craftsmanship.
“That will come in handy today,” Rumil notes, bringing his horse up the hill to meet me.
I smile in greeting, securing the edges of my cloak with the clip. “Hey, I was thinking. Would you show me how to tack up the horse? That way I can help with that while you do some of your other tasks.”
He nods, agreeing to my proposal, and launches into a surprisingly in-depth description of how to properly care for and prepare a horse for a day of hard riding. I take in as much as I can but, knowing me, I’ll need some repetition and practice before it truly sticks. When Haldir gives the order to leave, Rumil gives me a leg up. But, much to my confusion, he settles himself behind me on the horse, rather than in front.
He reaches around me to take the reins and place them in my hands, which have already clenched into fists. “You are not the only one who has good ideas. Today, I teach you how to ride. Do try your best and please don’t steer us into the river.”
I groan at the truth behind his joke but take the reins in my hands, knowing that its a good idea for me to learn. Riding skill will help when Alex and I are on our own.
Haldir doesn’t turn from his watch of the horizon, but he raises his voice loud enough for us to hear. “Do not slow us down, Cosima.” And, though his voice holds the same seriousness it always does, I swear I can hear the smallest hint of amusement.
By late morning, it starts to rain. The droplets are cold and big, taking away any warmth spring has to offer. Not long after, it begins to pour and the path turns to mud. Rumil switches places with me then, wanting a more experienced rider directing the horse through the worsening conditions. The rain soaks through my cloak, my tunic, my leggings. I shiver. Looking over, I see that Alex is equally uncomfortable and sits rigidly on the back of Baranor’s horse, using one arm to grip his cloak tighter around him. The others seem inconvenienced, but otherwise unaffected. They do not shiver, nor obsessively wipe the rain from their eyes. They certainly don’t react to cold rain like humans.
About an hour later, the storm really starts, the rain having apparently only been an introduction. Flashes and booms fill the air, loud enough for me to feel the vibrations in my chest. The wind howls and blows fiercely, causing the horses to bend against it to keep their pace. Water falls from the sky in sheets, completely obscuring my line of vision and soaking us all to the bone. With a note of panic, I realize that the river is steadily creeping up the bank, mingling with the mud that has become our path.
I shout over the rain. “Rumil!” Tugging on his arm, I point to the rising water, and he uses his knees to spur the horse forward. We pull up beside Haldir, who greets us with a questioning gaze.
“The path is in danger of flooding,” Rumil informs him, gesturing his head to the water mere inches from the horses’ hooves. A crease appears in Haldir’s brow and he glances around, working to form a plan.
To my surprise, he addresses me rather than Rumil. “Can you and Alexander continue in this weather? Is your health in danger if we do not seek shelter?”
Oh, I want to stop so badly. I want to find shelter, to let my clothes dry, to have a break from being pelted by icy droplets of rain. I want a snack and a blanket and perhaps a warm fire, if that’s not too much to ask.
But Haldir is appealing to my honesty, trusting me to give him an accurate answer. He is showing me the same respect he gives to his brothers, to Baranor, and I cannot take advantage of that trust. So, with a sigh, I shake my head. “No, we’ll be fine. We can keep going.”
Haldir nods once, a tendency of his, and raises his voice to be heard by all over the rain. “Leave the path and go uphill. We ride over the plains.”
I shudder. The planes are exposed. We will lose what little cover from the rain that the trees provide. But I push aside my dread and steel myself for the rest of  journey. I can do this.
Hopefully, the rain will stop by nightfall.
Mercifully, it does. An hour before we stop for the night, the rain dies down, taking the wind and lighting with it.
Rumil has to practically peel me off the horse. He looks me over, eyes widening in alarm, and wraps me in his arms. “Mellon, you are shaking.” I lean into his warmth, though his clothes are as soaked as mine are.
Haldir dismounts and stomps over, giving me a withering glare. He speaks sharply, a bite to his words. “You said you would be fine.”
“And I meant it,” I snap back, annoyed from discomfort and the venom in his voice. “I just need to dry off and warm up, is all.”
He holds his glare steady, probably assessing the honesty in my statement. Or just trying to intimidate me. Finally, he nods, still angry, but resigned. “Baranor is starting a fire. You and Alexander shed your cloaks and sleep as close to it as you can.”
“Don’t you need me too-”
He cuts me off. “We will take care of the preparations for the night. You rest.”
When I make a noise of agreement to his plan, Haldir walks away, taking Rumil’s horse with him. With a final, worried smile, Rumil pushes me in the direction of the small fire, walking the opposite way to follow his brother.
I practically collapse on my bedroll next to the fire.
Across the flames, Alex sets me with an indecipherable look. “That was a long day.”
I huff in agreement, unable to do much more now that my body realizes how drained it is.
A pause. Then, “Do you think we’ll reach Imladris soon?”
I squeeze my eyes shut, wanting desperately to sink into sleep. Instead, I force myself to do some mental math. “Based on the timeline Orophin gave me, we’re probably about eight days away. Though, I don’t know how much the storm set us back. Why?”
He flops on his mat, pulling a probably damp blanket up to his chin. “Just trying to figure out how much more of this awful traveling we have ahead of us.”
I want to roll my eyes, but, before I can, sleep takes me.
When I open my eyes, it’s still dark out.
The fire has mostly died, though it retains a soft orange glow that gives me enough light to see the faces of my soundly sleeping companions. Alex has not moved from his spot across the fire, but to my right and left are Rumil and Baranor, the four of us forming a circle around the weakening flames. Haldir and Orophin must be standing watch.
I sit up slowly, trying to avoid making noise that could wake my friends. I press my hand against my cloak that is laid next to the fire—still a bit damp. It will need until morning. Twisting slightly to stretch my aching body, I notice the small bundle next to my mat, and curiously pull back the cloth. Inside the makeshift pouch sits a serving of lembas bread and a handful of red berries. I smile, pulling the dinner into my lap.
While I eat, I let my eyes scan the rolling hills of the plains. I’ve noticed that Haldir relaxes camp when we’re surrounded by trees, but in the plains, he sets a double watch. Looking at the landscape, I suppose I understand. The dips and peaks provide good cover—not just for us, but for anyone wishing to do us harm. There are plenty of hills around us of equal height, meaning the advantage of having the high ground is pretty much nonexistant. And, tonight especially, the landscape is encapsulated in a thick fog, obscuring much from my eyesight. But elves have much better vision, I reassure myself. Haldir and Orophin will be able to see just fine.
I hold my breath.
They are not elves. They are men, just like any other.
It seems I have to remind myself of that more lately. It seems too easy, given the differences between us, to accept their story. But as Alex says, they have to be playing some sort of trick on us. But why? Out of malevolence?
Immediately, I recoil from that thought. My companions seem much too kind, much too genuine to be liars. Even Haldir, who defaults to being standoffish and cold, has never made me feel like I’m in danger. In fact, he actively keeps us all from it. Even now, I’m sure he’d much rather be asleep, warming by the fire, but he and his brother brave the elements, keeping themselves awake and uncomfortable to ensure our safety.
How can people like that be liars?
How can they be bad?
Boots squelch against the mud and I look over my shoulder. Haldir walks up the hill, coming back from watch. Upon noticing me staring at him, he raises an eyebrow and comes to crouch between my mat and what’s left of the fire. He holds up his hands, warming them. “Can’t sleep?”
I shrug, fiddling with the edge of the cloth that holds my dinner. “Don’t know why, I’m tired enough. How was watch?”
He smiles softly as he glances around, still seeming to subconsciously take note of his surroundings. “Foggy, but quiet. We probably don’t need two, but I feel better that way, given all the hills.”
I offer him the remainder of my bread and berries, which he accepts with a nod of thanks. “Are we in danger?”
He pauses, chewing a berry. He doesn’t look at me and seems to take the time to choose his words very carefully. “The risks are lessened here.”
“Which means the worst is ahead of us,” I guess.
His eyes leave the horizon and turn to bore into mine. “The four of us are well-skilled in battle and have made this journey a hundred times before.”
I raise an eyebrow. “You didn’t answer my question.”
He only raises his own eyebrow to match mine, popping another berry into his mouth. He stands, brushes his hands off and returns the bundle to me. “I must wake Rumil and Baranor so Orophin can come back. You should try to sleep.”
I nod, my full belly and the warmth from the fire lulling me back into tiredness. I lay down on the mat and tuck my head into the crook of my arm just in time to see Haldir rouse his youngest brother and take his spot on the mat. Rumil gives me a sleepy smile before waking Baranor and the two head off together, presumably to relieve Orophin and take over watch.
Haldir settles on his mat and notices my gaze over the hill. “Goodnight,” he says pointedly, then rolls onto his back.
“Goodnight,” I mumble, falling back into sleep.
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dropssofjupitter · 3 years
Red as the Dawn
Pairing: Dramione
Summary: It has been 3 weeks since Hermione Granger died in a freak accident at Malfoy Manor. Consumed by his own grief, Draco blames himself for his beloved’s death, and gives in to the destruction devouring his mind.
Word Count: 3.7 k
Warnings: Angst, mentions of death, mentions of blood, arson
A/N: This is my entry for the Dramione Death Fest on A03 because I am, first and foremost, an angst writer. This fic has not been beta read. Any mistakes or inconsistencies are my fault and mine alone. - I accidentally deleted this fic when trying to edit it, so this is fun
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Draco was in tatters.
He was erratic; slashing portraits, throwing plates, burning the hedges that bordered the walkway in front of the mansion. The house-elves avoided him, his own mother, for once, didn’t know how to calm him down.
He spent his days wandering through the mansion, destroying whatever the house-elves had fixed the night before. He went from room to room, upending tables, tearing curtains, ripping apart books.
Each day he reigned over his realm of self-destruction, and each day he paused before one door. He would walk up to it, determination draining from him with every step. Some days he would simply stare at it, and then move on, leaving it untouched. But other days he would let his hand rest on the doorknob, his forehead pressing against the cool wood, and let his memories take him away.
“Honestly Draco, I don’t understand why we can’t just put my study with yours. It’d be much simpler.”
“Because, Granger. Your workspace is absolutely filthy, and I don’t want that mess bleeding onto my side.”
Hermione scoffed, indignant. “It is not filthy.”
Draco stared at her, his hand resting on the doorknob to the room that would henceforth be known as Hermione’s study. “Ignorance is not a good look on you Granger,” he stated simply, opening the door and slipping through before Hermione could throw one of the numerous books overflowing in her arms at him.
She shuffled in after him, a retort that was poised and ready on her lips dying as soon as she saw the room. “Merlin’s beard,” she breathed out, turning in a wide circle.
A mahogany desk sat against one of the walls, a large ornate office chair seated behind it. On the desk sat a nameplate, perched towards the edge and accompanied by fabulously extravagant bookends. Parallel to the desk was an entire wall fitted with four wondrously large bookcases, two of which had already been filled with research books, journals, and memoirs that had previously been in the Malfoy library. Illuminating the entire room was a wall filled top to bottom with windows. Enchanted ivy climbed them from the outside, and multiple house plants hung and floated around the windows. Assorted chairs, benches, and even a couch decorated the remainder of the study, all enchanted to immediately conform to the users body.
Draco would never admit it to her, but he had taken weeks out of his schedule to personally design the study. He had haggled with construction workers over the prices of installation, and had even acquired his mothers help in absolving some of the blood curses placed upon the books that now filled the room.
“Do you like it?” he asked cautiously, hands clasped tightly behind his back in order to hide the nervous twisting of his fingers. His eyes bounced between her eyes, to her hands, to the books about to fall from her arms, and then back to the look of awe on her face. He would do anything in his power to make sure that she always looked as wonderfully happy as she did right now.
“Do I like it? Draco, its stunning!” She replied, a soft, incredulous laugh slipping from her lips.
He nodded his head, looking around the room. “It’s alright.”
She looked back at him, a bright smile lighting up her eyes. “Thank you, truly.”
His heart skipped a beat. His hands stopped twisting. A smile snuck its way onto his face despite his better judgement. “You’re welcome.”
“Draco, darling?” Narcissa called, her hand placed delicately on the staircase railing. “Are you alright?”
Draco’s head snapped up, his eyes narrowing and his lips turning into a snarl at the realization that he was interrupted once more. His hand left the door, and he turned sharply on his heel, walking swiftly past his mother in a swirl of black cloaks. “Perfectly adequate,” he replied with a sneer, returning with vigor to his previous path of destruction.
Narcissa sighed, her eyes looking forlornly towards the study. In the background she heard a crash echoing out from the living area. She flinched, hand inches away from the handle, and moved on.
Draco paced the halls of the manor like a caged animal. He walked, up and down, left and right, until he had patrolled the entirety of the manor over 20 times. Then he moved outside.
His feet slowed, ever so slightly. His breathing evened. And the feeling of an unknown pressure against his chest lifted, just a little. Here, he was free from the endless onslaught of memories. Here, he could relax and relent under the night sky.
His feet led him to the maze that decorated a small portion of the yard, his hands outstretched and brushing against the hedges as he passed them. He inhaled, deep and pure, and let his body carry him to the center of the maze.
There was a small stone bench in the middle, weathered from years of sitting stationary upon the ground. A pond bubbled nearby, magical fish of every variety content to swim in its waters.
Draco sat down on the bench, the tension leaving his body as he tilted his head up to look at the stars that littered the heavens. He closed his eyes, a soft smile perched treacherously on his lips. And then his heart twinged with a memory, and his peace was ruined.
“Draco keep up! You’re going to miss it!” Hermione called out, already yards in front of Draco as she ran frantically through the maze.
“Really Granger, is it that important?” Draco called back, feeling a laugh bubbling to the surface as he watched Hermione get swatted by an overgrown hedge.
“Oh just come on you twat!” She replied, a laugh slipping from her lips as well.
Draco turned the final corner, a goofy grin chiseled onto his face as he took in the scene before him.
Hermione had a muggle telescope set up to the side on the bench, already pointed at the sky and calibrated correctly. Astrology books lay strewn haphazardly around the mini safe haven, and a blanket was laid across the grass no more than a few feet away. She stood behind the telescope, bent at the knees as she peered through it.
She glanced up, her smile returning as she saw Draco. She waved him over to the telescope, excitement seeming to exude from her very being. “Well come on!”
Clasping his hands behind his back, Draco sauntered over, walking as slow as humanly possible.
Hermione, seeing this, waved her arms in exasperation and ran behind him, placing her hands on his back in an attempt to push him forwards. “You absolute prat!”
A deep, low chuckle escaped Malfoy’s mouth as he turned his head to look at her. “Why Granger, whatever do you mean? I’m walking as fast as I can!” He placed one of his hands on his chest and looked at her, appalled. “Are you claiming me to be a dishonest man?” he asked, incredulous.
“Well, I’m certainly not calling you an honest one!” she retorted, still hopelessly attempting to push Draco closer to the telescope.
He laughed again, relenting and continuing willingly towards the contraption. He hummed, contemplating his actions before bending down and peering through the eyeglass. “I don’t see what the excitement is about, honestly. It’s just the sky. We’ve seen it hundreds of times in - oh.” Draco’s thought was cut short as the stars began to rain down, trails of wispy ethereal light painting the inky blackness of the sky in their wonder. He moved away from the telescope, his head instead tilting up to look at the sky without the object’s assistance.
“Isn’t it beautiful?” Hermione breathed out, her eyes trained on the sky as well.
Draco looked over at her, his heart beating erratically against his chest as a soft smile creeped onto his face. He watched as the heavens fell in her eyes, as her beauty built cities in his mind and tore down any deities previously known to man. He watched, helplessly, hopelessly, as he fell for her. Mind, body, and soul. “Yeah,” he breathed out, hands itching to intertwine themselves with hers as he watched her face light up. “It is.”
Draco opened his eyes, once again staring up at the stars that littered the heavens. He felt a now familiar ache return to his chest as tears began to blur his vision.
“You always were able to see the beauty in everything,” he whispered to himself, eyes wandering down to the corner of the stone bench. His hands ghosted over the initials carved there only weeks before. H.G. Hermione Granger. “Even in a monster.”
He felt a stray tear begin to slide down his cheek, and he quickly wiped it away, standing abruptly and walking towards the exit of the maze. Before he left, however, he turned. Gazing upon the place that had been so painful for him to exist in. Without a second thought, he lifted his wand, eyes staring at the cursed stone bench as he set the haven on fire.
He saw his mother run out of the mansion moments later, collapsing to her knees as she saw the destruction that her son had wrought, saw his true nature. He walked past her, pausing just behind her, and turned his head. She looked back at him, tears in her eyes along with an emotion that caused Draco to grit his teeth in anger. Pity.
He didn’t want, nor did he need his mother’s pity. He turned sharply, walking back into the darkened mansion and slamming the door behind him. Let her watch the wretched garden burn. Let her inhale the ash with every cry, and scream for the house elves as she desperately tried to put out the flames that he had created. He was done receiving her pity. And he was done avoiding his own.
With his anger rising and his emotions high, Draco stalked up to the study that he had avoided for so long. A concentration of magic that Draco hadn’t even known existed within him burst towards the door in his high emotional state and knocked it off its hinges. Without a second thought, Draco stepped into the room.
His mind went blank. His eyes took in the room, a thin layer of dust covering the objects. He saw photographs of him and Hermione decorating the walls, pictures of her parents, the plants that she had meticulously cultivated for so long in order to test their in a new sleeping drought. His eyes roamed over the bookcases, overflowing with double and sometimes triple stacked books, scraps of parchment sticking up from where she had found something of note in her research. Quills were set about in no particular order in the room, essentially guaranteeing that she would be able to have one handy at all times, just in case.
Draco inhaled, and his face crumpled. It still smelled like her.
The intoxicating scent of honeysuckle and cedar that he had come to know so well was stuck in the room, circulating over and over with nowhere to go. It filled his senses, overwhelming his mind and making everything else . . .muddled. He tried to take a step backwards, but his legs were weak. He stumbled.
His eyes slid over to her desk, and his breath caught in his throat.
A letter was perched on the edge of it, caught in between the two bookends that he had gifted her long ago. His name was written on the front in her messy handwriting. Hesitantly, he reached out towards it, his fingers smoothing back the folds in the envelope as he stared at it. Had this letter been here for him this whole time?
He flipped it over and was face to face with the glaringly red seal on the envelope. He dropped it.
Draco looked down at her body, convulsing on the floor. Red bloomed on her stomach, spiraling and twisting in intricate patterns as it soaked through her clothes. He had said many times that Hermione looked ravishing in red, but not this kind of red. This red was hot, and dark, and sticky. This red drained the color from her face every time it grew more vibrant.
He rushed over to her, falling to his knees and sitting in the puddle of her blood that had harrowed him so. His mind was racing, or was it numb? He couldn’t tell. He pulled out his wand and hoarsely spoke a healing spell. “Vulnera Senentur.” Nothing happened. Frantic, Draco tried it again, his voice stronger now. “Vulnera Senentur!” Nothing.
Hermione weakly opened her eyes, moving her lips in an attempt to speak.
“Shh,” Draco hushed her. “Save your strength Granger. You’ll be at St. Mungo's in no time.” His thumb caressed her cheek as he turned his head towards the door, calling for his house elf. “Winky! Winky I need you!”
Desperation filled his being. He couldn’t apparate her, or he would run the risk of splinching her. None of his healing spells or diagnostic checks were working. He didn’t know what to do.
Hermione raised her hand, wincing as she placed it on one of his arms. Her mouth moved again, and a hoarse whisper of his name escaped.
He looked back over at her, leaning his head down and touching his forehead to hers. “It’s okay Hermione, it’s going to be okay. Can you tell me what hurt you?” He shifted his weight, slowly and cautiously dragging her body into his lap. One of his hands ran over the cut in her stomach, and he grimaced.
“Draco. .” she whispered again, her hand moving steadily up his arm until she was able to cup his face. Her lips curved up in a small smile and she dragged her thumb over his cheek.
He leaned into her touch, looking down at her with hot, angry tears in his eyes. “Don’t you dare say it Granger. Don’t you dare say goodbye.”
“We both. .” she inhaled sharply, and it sounded wet and coarse. The cough that followed caused a small splatter of blood to find purchase on his shirt. “We both know that I’m not getting out of this alive.”
“Don’t be ridiculous,” he replied, his voice wavering as his own hand reached up to wipe the blood off of her chin. He cleared his throat, hands shaking as he gingerly held her face. “You’ve gotten out of worse scrapes than this. Bloody hell, you had Potter and Weasley for friends, the amount of pure chaos that follows those two should have gotten to you long ago.”
She laughed, her face growing paler by the second. “I’ve always been curious,” another deep, shuddering breath, “you know? I mean, this is the one question that I’ve never been able to answer.” She paused, and it almost looked as though she was staring past Draco and up at the ceiling. Her eyes were unfocused, her hand fell slightly on his face.
He brought his other hand up to hers and held it against his cheek, knowing what she wanted, and knowing what she deserved. She deserved an answer that would make her happy, that would make her peaceful. She deserved an answer that held just as many mysteries as the question, and one that was just as fantastical as the world she had been brought into.
“I. .” his voice caught, and he cleared his throat again, tears falling from his eyes. “I always liked to think that we never actually die. That our magic just gets passed on to some new witch or wizard. Someone like us.”
Her eyes focused back on his face, and her smile seemed content now. “I’d like that,” she said. Her voice was weak. Her breathing was shallow. Her hands and face were growing cold to his touch. “Maybe,” another wet cough shook her body. “Maybe our magic can find each other again. Like soulmates.” Her smile was shaky, and her eyes were beginning to shine with tears.
“Draco,” Hermione said, her thumb weakly running over his bottom lip. “Thank you for showing me what it’s like to be loved.”
And then she was gone.
Her body went limp. Her hand fell from his face. Her eyes, once filled with an undeniable brightness and eagerness to learn and solve and question, were dull and void.
“Hermione?” Draco called out, his voice breaking. His hands were shaking. He was frantically running them over her face, her hands, trying to elicit some sort of response from her.
“No... no no no no.” Tears were streaming down his face as he picked up the wand that he had discarded earlier on the floor. He dropped it twice before he was able to properly hold it, and even then, his hands were shaking too much to perform the wand work required for the diagnostic spell.
Frustrated, he threw it across the room and gathered her body in his arms. He leaned down and touched his forehead to hers, willing for her to open her eyes and lecture him over the proper way to stir a wolfsbane potion, or to hit him and call him insufferable. To do anything.
“Please,” he whispered. “Please I . . I can’t . . I don’t know what to do without you.”
Draco hadn’t realized it then, but he knew it now.
When Hermione had died, he’d died with her.
He looked down at the letter on the floor beneath his feet, and stooped down to pick it up. He flipped it over in his hands, looking once more at the bright red seal. The image of Hermione, on the ground, covered in her own blood came back to him, and he closed his eyes, gripping the letter in his hands like a lifeline.
Even if it hurt him. Even if it somehow caused him more pain than he was already feeling, he had to know what she had written to him.
Carefully, he opened the letter and unfolded the parchment, his eyes watering as he scanned the page.
My heart,
I had hoped that you would never receive this letter, and never have to feel the pain that you are going through right now, but alas, it seems inevitable.
I suppose that I should explain what this is, though I would wager that you have already guessed. Upon my death, however likely or unlikely, I had arranged for a letter to be sent to you. I updated the letter weekly, of course, to keep things recent and up to date. However, lately, I have been writing a letter to you every day.
It’s not necessary, in fact it’s far from that. It’s . . well I suppose it’s simply because I don’t entirely know how to fit everything into one letter. If you wish to read them, they should be stashed in the top left drawer of my desk.
On to the main purpose of this letter. To put it simply, I love you.
I’m not exactly sure when it happened if I’m being honest. Whether my affections began when we were forced to work together for a project in the Ministry, or when you had somehow memorized my caffeine schedule so thoroughly that it no longer surprised me when you brought me my morning coffee. But it happened.
I imagine that this is of no shock to you, considering that we are currently engaged, but I also know that you don’t hear the words enough. And I know that you doubt, every day, whether or not I will finally ‘come to my senses’ as you have put it before, and leave you for something or someone else.
If it wasn’t already evident, let me put it more clearly. I am yours, Draco Malfoy. Body and soul. I have been and always will be. I love you more than you will ever know, and more than I would ever care to admit.
And if I know you well enough, which I do, I know that you are blaming yourself for whatever has happened to me. Please, for your mother’s sake, mine, and your own, don’t. Know that I could never, ever, blame you for anything that has happened to me.
You are the one mystery in my life that I will never get bored of, the one puzzle piece that finally completes me, the one constant that I never want to change.
I can guarantee you. In my last few moments, all I will think about is you and the happiness that you have brought me. I will relive our first kiss, and your proposal. I will relive the day that I moved into the Manor, and that tea that I had with your mother where she showed me your baby photos.
And if I am so lucky, you will be there with me. And I will get to see you one last time. I will get to memorize every feature of your face, and your temperamental eyes. I’ll be able to run my hands over that scar on your bottom lip, and tell you how much you mean to me.
But most of all, I want you to learn how to be happy again. I want you to smile when you remember me, and correct my work when you go through my research. I want to be remembered as I am.
All my love, and so much more,
Draco smiled weakly as he finished the letter, his legs finally giving out as he collapsed onto the floor.
He heard footsteps behind him, and moments later his mother’s arms wrapped around his shoulders. “It’s like she never left . .” she murmured, tears falling down her cheeks.
He looked up at the study once more, taking in the piles upon piles of research and notes and musings that covered the room. There, in that moment, in that place, he swore he could hear Hermione laugh at something snarky that he had said, and feel her hand on his shoulder.
“I don’t think she ever will.”
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cantgetoutofmyheda · 4 years
Omg can you write a one shot where Lexa is paid by her college peers to write love letters to their gfs/ppl they want to date. So Finn asks her to write for Clarke and it becomes a constant. Until one day clarke goes up to her and says I know its you
OKAY. So this has been sitting in my asks for like a year. There will be a few (but short-ish) parts to this. And before anyone asks, this is not based off of “The Half of It” ... but here ya go.
It was Polis Record’s fault. Lexa’s atrocious week was definitely Polis Record’s fault. Had Titus not been a complete asshat of a manager and dicked the schedule around, Lexa certainly wouldn’t be having this predicament. Had Lexa’s hours not have been cut back, she wouldn’t be where she was. Had Lexa not known that her next paycheck would be half of what it normally was, she wouldn’t be writing a fake love letter to the devastatingly beautiful girl in her Astronomy class. Had Finn Collins not offered her cash to do so, she wouldn’t be writing this letter on his behalf, even though she was the one that’s had an earth-shattering crush on the recipient ever since their Freshmen orientation, four long years ago.
Let’s rewind.
“Titus, are you kidding me?” Lexa huffed at the bald-headed man who was scurrying around the break room like a headless chicken. “You did what?”
“Lexa, listen,” he tried to calm her down. “The schedule will be back to normal before you know it. I had to hire her. There wasn’t another way around it.”
She was mad. No. More than mad, “There was. But you just didn’t have the balls to tell your mistress’ best friend that you already had a full roster of people on your fucking schedule.”
“Can you keep it down!” He hissed. “This is temporary. I’m sorry. I couldn’t dock my cousin, okay? The schedule will even itself back out. You’ll be back to selling these shitty, scratched up vinyls in no time. Ride it out for two weeks, it won’t kill you.”
What he didn’t realize was that two weeks of half-pay because of shitty scheduling could actually kill her. He just didn’t realize that. There was the pressure of doing well in school, that was one thing. But there was also the pressure of doing well enough to keep her GPA high enough to keep her partial scholarship. And then the pressure of her shitty part-time job at the local record store to help make early payments to her student loans so she wouldn’t have to worry about crippling herself into debt once she figured out what to do with a fucking degree in Geology.
“Two weeks,” she warned him as she started to storm out. “This better be fixed in two weeks, Titus.”
Spoiler alert: Two weeks had come and gone, and Lexa was still screwed off of her work schedule.
“C’mon,” Finn pleaded at Lexa’s side. He had managed to weasel his way into the vestibule of Lexa’s apartment building. “I took that writing class with you last year. I know you’re good. I just need one letter. Typed. That’s it.”
She was already on the verge of a massive outburst after her conversation with Titus. The dickwad that he was, managed to screw her hours up for another week, even though he promised he wouldn’t, “This is not a good time, Finn. Seriously.”
“$200.” He stood tall in front of her. “$200 in cash right now, and all you need to do is type up a page of words that will have her vaguely interested in the person who wrote it, and that’s it. $200 right now. If you do this, then I’ll never bother you for anything again.” He scratched the back of his neck, “Listen, I just need a good way in. I can take the rest from there, okay?”
$200 was enough to cover a good portion of what she would be missing out on for the week. $200 was enough to get by. $200 was enough to get her mind to start churning.
“$300 and it’s a deal,” she tried to match his height. She straightened her back and broadened her shoulders as far as she could.
He laughed at the request, “You’ve gotta be shitting me.”
“You’re the one that needs me,” she reminded me.
He let out a huff and pulled another Benjamin out of his leather wallet and clumped it with the other two. “Fine,” he shook his head as he handed her the wad of cash.
Lexa nodded as she took the money. She buried the pang of guilt she felt into her pocket, alongside the earnings she just made and was ready to make way up the two flights of stairs when she felt Finn grab her arm.
“Hey,” he called out. “Wait a sec. I started a letter already, but didn’t get very far. You can just go off of this,” he handed her a folded piece of paper.
She opened it and read it aloud, “Have you ever felt like you couldn’t breathe? Like the weight of everything you’ve been carrying has amounted to this one moment in your life? Like there’s this burden placed so heavy on your chest that has left your lungs struggling for any ounce of air?”
Finn nodded as the words poured out of Lexa’s mouth. He was more than proud of what he thought was eloquently poetic. Lexa’s look of confusion went missed by him as he crossed his arms over his chest, “Pretty good, right?”
“Finn,” she deadpanned. “It sounds like you just described having the fucking Spanish Flu. I’m not using this. You sound like a serial killer.”
“What?” he yelped. “It’s poetic!”
“It’s a terrifying beginning to what’s supposed to be a love letter,” she deadpanned again. She shook her head as she finally made her way to the flight of stairs, “Give me a few days, I’ll come up with what we need.”
He rolled his eyes, “Fine. But you better make it good.”
She made it good. She made it really fucking good.
Clarke ran her fingertips over the paper as she scanned the words again. She had no idea who had left it for her—she walked into the lecture hall a few minutes early, as she normally did, and saw an envelope pinned to the corkboard with “Clarke” scribbled on it. She looked around, wanted to see if anyone in particular was looking in her direction. It was the usual suspects that always got to class a little bit early. Monty, the one who was always quiet in class but loudest at the neighborhood bar during happy hour. Echo, the girl who always sat in the back row and snoozed as soon as the professor opened her mouth. Finn, the boy who always found a way to have an uncalled for argument with the professor. Lexa, the one who was always in the front row and tended to herself.
Not a single one of them was paying her a piece of mind, so she let her eyes scan the letter one last time before the room filled up.
I was sitting on the lawn behind the library catching up on reading for a class last week. I was skimming through Voltaire’s words:
“Sensual pleasure passes and vanishes, but the friendship between us, the mutual confidence, the delight of the heart, the enchantment of the soul, these things do not perish and can never be destroyed.”
This particular passage struck a chord with me, and it was mostly because when I looked up after reading it, I immediately saw you consoling who I’d assume to be a friend of yours. I’m not sure what had happened, but she looked like she was crying and you showed up with a blanket to sit on, a bowl of fresh fruit, and sat with her and listened intently while she spoke. It was life imitating art, right before my eyes.
Voltaire’s writing is mostly straight and to the point. It isn’t hard to decipher the messages he often tries to relay, but it was most certainly a breath of fresh air to finish that passage to find a parallel to present day. Your actions on that lawn helped me see things a little clearer.
I suppose I just wanted to thank you for that. SO, thank you for being the catalyst for making something in my brain click.
Before I close this letter off, I do have a question for you. And if you feel so inclined to indulge and answer it, you can drop it back into the envelope where you found this one and pin it back to the board.
Has anything happened to you recently that struck a chord? Something that stood out to you, but you haven’t had a chance to dive deeper into it? I’d like to know.
Enjoy your week, Clarke.
Upon tucking the printed note under her laptop, she took another look around the hall, which was now practically full. She moved her computer to the side and pulled a notepad out of her bag. The professor had started her lecture, but Clarke’s mind wandered from the images pulled up on the projector from the Spritzer space telescope as her pen started to move across the page.
I believe you’re at an unfair advantage here. You know my name. You know what I look like. Yet I have absolutely no idea who you are. So if you write back to this, I’m hoping you’ll share some insight on the person behind the pen (or keyboard, in your instance).
I’m happy that the interaction you saw helped bring better insight into what you were working on. Coincidentally, the friend that I was with when you saw me is also reading a Voltaire piece for an assignment. I wonder if you’re in the same class?
She’s taking “Romance Studies” as an elective. I tried to convince her that there was no point harping on what was considered to be “romantic” through archaic literary pieces that are now long gone, and replaced with mediocre-at-best Netflix series about teenage love.
It always seemed that with the way things were going in our lifetime… that all “romance” really was, was when two people swiped right on Tinder.
With that said… I guess I can honestly say that your letter is what struck a chord with me. Especially after freshly coming out of that conversation with my friend.
I don’t want to be presumptuous. But it seems that this gesture of yours, whether it was meant to be platonic, or if it was meant to imply a sense of something more, is making me realize that maybe—just maybe—the practice of sharing words on a page isn’t so archaic after all.
She was happy with the end result of what was hurriedly committed to the page. Clarke quickly tore it from her notebook and tucked the loose piece of paper back into the envelope. She scanned her fellow students to see if anyone was watching her. She slunk further into her seat and wondered if the recipient was there, sitting in that very room. Unfortunately for her, the lecture that was being given on the Nebular Theory kept the attention of every other person in the hall, so she quickly reached for her computer to start typing notes on the theory’s premise of how every planet in the system was formed.
A tedious hour later, her fellow classmates started packing up and rushed towards the exit door. Clarke took her time shutting her computer down and tucking things away into her bag. She was suddenly aware that the person who wrote to her—the person she now wrote to—could be in the room watching her to see if she had a written response back.
She waited a few more minutes, and finally deemed it safe when the last few people in the room seemed to be chatting with one another or finishing up straightening their notes from the lecture. With a big exhale, she pinned the envelope back onto the board and made a swift exit.
Lexa felt a tap to her shoulder, which caused her to look up, “What do you want?”
“I think it worked. She put the envelope back!” the excitement in Finn’s face didn’t go unnoticed.
“Okay,” Lexa lowered her head to finish writing out her notes from the class. “Job’s done.”
“I’m gonna go get it so we can read it and figure out what to do next,” he giddily let out before darting out of Lexa’s peripheral.
She let out a sigh of distaste when he came back half a minute later and pulled a chair close to where she was sitting. “Finn, you said one letter. I did it. This is on you now. And if you don’t mind, I need to finish up here,” she raised her hand, showing she was still trying to get some of her notes done.
“Fine, suit yourself,” he propped his feet onto the table in front of them while he silently read Clarke’s reply. “Hmm, Voltaire?”
The author’s name caught Lexa’s attention. She suddenly looked up to where he was sitting, “What about him?”
“I don’t know. Clarke said something about him. That’s the bad dude from Harry Potter, right?” Finn brought his attention back to the letter. “What did our letter even say? You never even showed me.”
He handed Lexa the notebook page with loopy and wide writing on it. The edges were jagged, as if Clarke did the whole thing in haste.
“What do you want me to do with that?” Lexa eyed the piece of paper.
“Read it and let me know if you think she likes me,” Finn shrugged. “But also, why didn’t you put my number or something on it?”
“Because it’ll probably take more than one letter for her to even be open to the idea of you,” Lexa chided in her reply. She let her eyes quickly scan the girlish handwriting and folded the paper back up. “She’s definitely intrigued.”
Finn finally set his feet on the floor as he leaned forward and rubbed his hands together, “Okay, great! So what do we do now?”
“We,” Lexa pointed her pen between the two of them. “Do nothing. You can write another letter and see if she wants anything to do with you, Finn.”
“C’mon,” he nudged her shoulder. “I’ll pay ya for another one. Another $300. But we need an exit plan for when we move this from letters to texting or something.”
“Her reply literally just said that we’ve opened the idea to her that letters are romantic,” Lexa shook her head. “Your take on that was to immediately turn this to a texting conversation?”
He grabbed the letter from Lexa, “What? Where’d she said that? It doesn’t say that, Lexa.” He scratched his head.
Lexa let out a defeated sigh, “Finn. She literally said something like, ‘maybe the practice of sharing words on a page isn’t so archaic’ or something. Did we not just read the same piece of paper?”
“See, Lexa,” he smiled as he patted her shoulder. “This is why I need you. Just one or two more. Same price per letter. I just need a little more help and then I’ll be outta your hair. Promise.”
She took her palm to her forehead and rubbed her thumb into her temple. One more wouldn’t hurt. Mostly because the $300 definitely wouldn’t hurt.
“Fine,” she finally let out. “One more. Give me her letter back. I’ll have our reply ready for this same class next week.”
“Excellent,” he grinned as he handed the piece of paper over to her. “You’re a lifesaver, Lexa.”
She felt anything but that. But at least it meant she’d be able to get by for the next week or two, while Titus still screwed around with her hours at the record store.
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universallywriting · 3 years
Amethyst and peridot used to be my comfort ship. But now it only brings sad memories. Now a days I do like to read miraculous lady bug fanfic, but that’s more for fun than comfort. Why don’t you just show us more of your OC’s
ohmygosh I’m gonna cry. Thank you!
Here’s Alex’s platonic-lifepartner-moms having a parenting dispute.
“Claire,” Emma fussed. “I don’t know if this is a good idea. He’s mostly made up of human parts, you know. Bone. Flesh.”
“Skin as well,” Claire said with amusement, looking at the five-year-old she carried on her hip. “You’re a very soft boy.”
“Very soft!” Emma agreed, her hands hovering over Alex. “That’s why I think this may not be the best idea.”
“It’s the magic that keeps us safe in a vacuum, and he has plenty," Claire retorted. "He did just fine underwater.”
A hysterical laugh escaped her. “I didn't like that test either! What if we wait until he’s older? Say a century or two?”
“I will protect him,” Claire said calmly. “And it’s not a test. It’s an outing. Human parents take their children on outings all the time.”
“To the zoo!” Emma shrieked. “The park! They don’t take them to dead planets to look through telescopes! Why don’t you take him to an observatory here?”
“The telescopes here are primitive. And the one where we’re going has a pretty view of a spiral galaxy.” She bounced him once and he giggled at being jostled. “There’s a lad. Do you want to see what a galaxy like yours looks like from the outside? I have the prettiest one to show you.”
“But the planet you want to go to doesn’t have an atmosphere!” Emma shouted. “It’s gone! All the life on it is gone. They destroyed themselves and there’s nothing left there.”
“Mmm,” Claire agreed, chucking Alex under the chin. "I was good at my job.”
“Don’t make light of planetary genocide, please.”
“Humor is the only way to cope with tragedy.”
She cradled Claire’s cheeks. “My dearest friend, my truest companion, I beg of you: Do not take our son to space at five years old. Surely he can spend a decade on this planet before we take him into the unknown?”
“You are overprotective and you are preventing him from flourishing.” She looked at Emma’s pleading face and sighed. “But five years here or there will make a small difference. We can go to the zoo."
“Thank you, Claire!” Emma kissed her cheek with a giddy squeal, and rushed off to grab her purse.
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frostysfrenzy · 3 years
Smallville chronicles part 62 (Chloe's chronicles pun very much intended. But no I've never seen them) warning, there's a lot going on. Fortune. You get me. Carry on
Oh boy its lionel
"Rumours of my death have been greatly exaggerated" LIONEL YOU LITERALLY DIED 3 YEARS AGO YOU WERE SHOVED OFF A ROOF YOU FOOL
"What. No hug for your long lost daddy" I'll give E2 Lionel one thing. He amuses
The way Chloe is just laying on top of, admiring Oliver as he sleeps. I used to not like her all that much (way back in like season 1 and 2) now I want what she's got
Did I really just say that? Oh boy I've officially lost it
Also love that they've set up their bed in the middle of watchtower
Wait so uh, watchtower was bought by Jimmy. Lol this isn't weird at all
I'm going to stop because you know. I'm insane
I could take quotes from this Chloe Ollie bed scene but I'd be quoting the entire damn thing so I'll just leave it
Go mama K!!
Mama K??
Martha really just ripped off her sling
Chloe considers Martha as her mom!!
Oliver's non green arrow undercover outfit
Lois trying to make sure her muffins get noticed
"Lois. Don't worry. I've been impressed with you for years"
"That is so low rent and so rebel"
"Well what father doesnt want to make his son happy" he says after Lex tells him killing him was the greatest moment of his life
Chloe's outfit 😂
"That explains the smell of old spice and young ambition"
"I just need you to hack into a couple national news websites" "how many?" "All of them"
"You're a convicted felon" oh but so are you Lionel
"Well snow dad's been a little frosty lately right? Maybe we should figure out a different way to get that genie back in the bottle"
Mama K defending her son!!
"How can you be so good Clark?"
The way Clark whipped Lionel across the ground after pulling him from the mansion
The Luthor mansion burning to the ground was not something I expected to see ever
Lois and Chloe taking their stand against the vra!!!
"You have no idea how much you mean to people Clark Kent" my heart!!
"I saw me, I mean Clark Kent, disguised with glasses and a bad haircut"
Mama bear Tess!
Ok well.... that's peachy
"Look Clark. I want to plan this wedding as much as I wanna jump off of a building"
"Please tell me you didn't hop across the pond for a gallon of milk" "what makes you think I'd be in England?" Clark you're standing on Big Ben
"That better be some damn good milk Smallville" "Smallville. I must be in trouble"
"I think Oliver Queen would be an absolute fool to let someone like you get away" there is not a single Chlollie scene I don't enjoy
"I feel like I can't believe you did this to my jacket" I mean yeah it's terrible but it's somehow better
"You are going global now, which is awesome quite frankly"
"Why don't I just save you the trouble and superspeed out all on my own, ok. Whoosh"
"A phone call from your wife, Mr Jones"
*trying to keep it together* "hello dear"
"It's an adrenaline thing. See I'm little bit bigger than you"
Ok that whole Clark's telescopic visions with his eyes changing. Why are we just getting this now?
"You know, when I said I wanted to spoon earlier, this isn't really what I had in mind"
"This is definitely the most romantic of my recent kidnappings"
"Yeah he's right, we should probably introduce ourselves" *takes them all out**Chloe knocks dude out with a book*
That kiss after they kicked ass
"The last thing we want is a billionaire superhero ex fugitive kicking down the door of a sex club"
My ninja baby Oliver
"Don't leave goldilocks out in the cold"
"Should we just serve up charcoal too"
"It's my power I can call it whatever I want"
"Now stay put" "like hell" come on Clark you should've known there was no chance Ollie would
"You just have to act like you're re miserable" "that shouldn't be a problem"
"When they see this adorable blond, and you are, on this adorable blond's arm" I love Ollie calling himself an adorable blond. I mean, he's not wrong
NO OLLIE NOOOOO why did he have to get tagged
Ok I've arrived at what I've heard is one of the best eps of the series so I'm excited. But still scared for Ollie
I nearly pissed myself when Clark woke up with a lemur on him
He has a ring on 😂😂 Chloe?? I'm crying laughing already
*throws chip bag in closet for lemur*
What is Chloe's dress?
"Yeah well my memory etch a sketch is blank too"
Chloe just goes in public in this weird ass wedding dress
"Are those Emil's pants?"
"Holy matrimony that's my signature"
Clark runs into the wall
"Well Emil always was an overachiever"
Emil and Tess duet 😂😂
"I'm looking for the girl I came in here with last night. She probably insulted you more than once"
"Clarkie, there's only one person I know that can make an armored car go adios in seconds" drunk Tess 😂
Oliver and Lois are just casually on a rail bed
Ollie's face hugging Lo 😂😂
His face when he comes to is even better
"Morning. Sorry" I'm still crying
Oliver's giggle when he sees his outfit
I may not get through anymore eps tonight because I'm taking 20 minutes per scene here
"Clark you're beeping"
The truck is in the barn 😂😂😂
"I hate to break it to you but the last thing I want to go around with for the rest of my life is a lie propagated by my ex boyfriend" "oh"
"There's something stuck in my bra" "that's not my territory anymore"
"I can't believe in my first drunken night out I lose Lois, commit a felony, and I land my friend in jail. I'm so reckless"
Why is Chloe still in that dress?
"My lucky lemur"
Huge siren flashbacks with Lois and Ollie tied up
"One, two, shuffle"
"I didn't exactly bring my green arrow gear to the bachelor party"
"Lois? Oliver?" The dance scene 😂😂
The casino fight this is beautiful
"The only one getting luckier tonight is yours truly" *knocks him out* who needs green arrow when you have plain old Oliver Queen
I just noticed Ollie lost the bra
"Way to go all in gorgeous" "back at ya hot stuff" I love Chlollie
"I found it in a puddle of champagne in the limo"
THE VIDEO 😂😂😂😂 I'm not going to bother quoting the whole thing
"A monkey?!" Chlo it's a lemur
"I hope you weren't gonna run off without your husband"
Now I have to endure some Ollie free eps and that's sad but here goes
"Tess. You didn't have to come all the way out here. There's caffeine givers in metropolis"
"he's outside in the car"
They made a child with Lex AND Clark's dna? This can only go one way
"I'm saving him from an encore performance of daddy dearest"
"Your son is dead Lionel" have I ever mentioned I love Tess?
"Mutation's a bitch"
"Are you like my dad?" "I prefer brother"
"Are you trying to tell me that Conner is the genetic lovechild of Clark Kent and Lex Luthor?" I hate that I laughed at that sentence
"But how is Lex able to shake up a human krypto cocktail without you realizing it?"
"Hold on chicken little"
Lois is pretty. That is all
Clark just standing there in a burnt shirt
It's like Kara all over again
"I was just stopping by to see how things are going but it looks like I should've brought marshmallows"
Well oops the child found out
Just when I was starting to like this kid
Oh good lord the kid is on red k this'll be fun
"Believe me I'll trade a little motion sickness for a bullet in the bonnet any day"
Lol Connor ok. This kid just grabbed a jacket and a necklace for Lois for
*Lois tosses stolen necklace back to police* "sorry"
"You destroyed Lex with your secrets and lies" Bull. Shit.
That fur coat is a look Lo
"I'll speed you away to Paris"
"It may bring out his inner angst a little but it doesn't turn him into this"
Clark busting the ring
Damnit Lionel
How does everyone but Clark bust kryptonite with their heat vision
Ok I did not miss the classical music in every Lionel scene
"You'll always be a Luthor" oh but she won't
"I hope it's not too presumptuous but I figured you needed a last name"
"I'm sure that when we have kids of our own, you will be an amazing father" damn right he will
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[ This takes place approximately a week or so ago.   Mentioned, kind of briefly:  @eilitheandiel, @revthepunchbear (Shae, Nyllaen), @azuraduskwalker (Aydri, Azu), and @kurel-andiel. ]
“Still haven’t figured out the lock yet?”    A voice caused Vel’s ears to twitch and a slight sigh to escape from her lips.    Her mismatched eyes rolled as she replied.
“Ask yourself, seeing as you are a figment of my imagination you should know just as well as I do.”
“Still calling me a figment?”
“Until you cease being one.”
“Is it really so hard to believe I am a manifestation of one of the souls locked up In that vault you are trying to unlock trying to reach out to you?”
Vel let out a sigh as she stepped across the worn down and forgotten stone beneath her.    She had organized most of Darkwake Olbique to her satisfaction, but this place - she left as she had found it.    
An observatory tower.    It stood out in that, no one seemed to have tended to it in ages.    The stairs she climbed to reach the dome had felt like they were one wrong step from giving way beneath her.    Arcane crystals lined the walls and pulsed a faint, dim glow, the only source of illumination.     
Anathemia Quel’vuran had made the Oblique a monument to indulgence and decadence.     Yet, this one place had been forgotten.    It lacked the ostentatious artwork and statues.    Despite this, it was not free of clutter but the darkness of the tower concealed clutter, dust and the cobwebs.    
No one really bothered to come here.   And so it had become a favored little hiding spot.
It would have been a peaceful retreat if not for that damned voice.  
A voice of a woman who once spent time in this tower, Lis'aela Sunbreaker.   Vel only knew who she was due to running into her journal and her notes on the stars when she’d first discovered this tower.    A woman whose image Vel had seen in a locket that Anathemia had locked away and hidden from herself.    And now whenever she came here, she couldn’t help but find herself hearing this voice, and seeing a phantom image of the woman from the locket.    Vel believed it to be a figment of her imagination, but this figment often claimed to be the manifestation of one of the many souls that was trapped in Quel’vuran’s vault.    A vault Vel had been unable to decipher. 
“If that is true, and you are not a figment, tell me something that I do not have knowledge of.”
“I feel as if we have played this game before, you already know the story, you know who I am, and there is nothing I can say that you couldn’t imagine yourself.”     Lis’aela was right, this conversation had taken place several times, and always went in a similar circle.   Vel would demand to know something that would give her a reason to believe Lis’aela was not merely a figment of her imagination, and Lis’aela would speak of her life, her past, but - nothing that Vel had not learned from the journals, or couldn’t just be imagined up.     
“I must confess, I find your reasoning - quite like my own, which is to be expected….  I suppose…”
After a pause Lis’aela hummed, “Are you even trying anymore?”   Presumably she spoke of the vault that Vel had spent much time trying to unlock.    The vault Lis’aela claimed to reside in.
“Of course, I have been trying …”
“Not really, not like you used to, you have been going through the motions of trying, but you have not really tried in months.   Did you give up, or just, lose interest?”
It was at those words that Vel faltered, unable to respond.   Lis’aela had hit on a nerve.   While it was unclear if she was a figment of Vel’s imagination, or if she was some manifestation of a trapped soul remained unclear.    But either way, the comment was cutting for Vel to hear, as she knew it was true.    She’d still been spending time staring at the same runes on the wall, but she had not really been trying to figure out the lock.    She had not given up though, she just - struggled to build up the energy to try.    
“Very few things interest me right now, figment!”  Vel snapped slightly, her voice echoed in the observatory dome.     “I wish they did.    They should.”   Vel balls her hands into fists and her eyes fell shut.     Her voice was not angry, it was frustrated.   After a pause she began to ramble.   “There are realms of the dead that I could possibly be visiting, Eilithe is worried for Kurel, and she is hiding things from me.   Things about Aydri, and Shae, and Azu and Gardner.   And normally — all of that - would interest me.    But nothing feels interesting, nothing really bothers me either, nothing - does much of anything…   And I do not know why…   I don't even know exactly when it started, and I do not know how long it is going to be this way.   I am tired of it.   I just want to feel like myself again.   I want to be interested in figuring out the lock, I want to be interested in what the realms of the dead may be like…  I just - it just - is so much easier to stay at home...”   By the time her rambling came to an end, Vel didn’t sound frustrated, she sounded defeated.   
“It is okay - you know?”
“It is okay.”   
Vel replied with a soft and shaky voice, just above a whisper.    “But - I do not feel like myself.   Normally I would struggle to keep myself from exploring strange realms, and I normally would try to figure out the things Eilithe is keeping from me….  And yet I find myself…. struggling to leave the house.   I go from Duskwatch, to my office, then here, and then back…   I have been trying to visit the city from time to time.    But I do not know what people must think.   How long can I keep telling people I am just busy ….  Trying to sort things out, trying to figure out locks?   When I am just staring at walls, and hiding in towers.   How long before they start to think I am keeping something from them?”
“Then just tell them the truth, and tell them that you are trying your best.   These people, they care for you, they will understand.   No need to hide it.”
“I do not usually require - …”.  
Lis'aela had rarely ever interrupted.    After all, it was merely a manifestation of Vel’s own thoughts, why would it jump in to interrupt her?   Yet, in this moment she did, and her phantom figure  moved over to the telescope in the center of the room, and peered through it.       She gestured to Vel.   “You know, this should still work.    You come hide in here but you have never even looked.”
“I do not know what it even is.    Or what this place was really for.    I assumed some sort of library or study.”
“It is an observatory, Ana had it built for me.    I always loved to look at the stars.”
“Why did she leave it in disrepair?”
“Once she killed me, I don’t think she had it in her to destroy but also couldn’t bring herself to visit, or think of anyone besides me in here.”     
“You are very good at making up plausible explanations my dear figment.”   
“I am glad you think so.”
“Do you not resent her?”
“I knew she would kill me, probably before she did.    It was hard not to notice her slipping away from me.    I knew, eventually my time would come but I did not mind.    I figured I would rather it be by her hand.   And I knew my soul would always be close.”
“If I was the romantic sort, I might call that romantic.  Vaguely.    More stupid than romantic though.”    
“She said she was sorry, and looked me in the eyes when she did it.     I remember she was trying so hard not to cry.    She yelled at me, and told me to fight back, she told me to run away.    But I couldn’t.   And if I had tried, she’d have used it as an excuse to hunt me down.    It would’ve made it easier.”    
“I paint a very detailed fabrication…”    The specifics that were being offered were new.     Vel knew that Ana had killed this woman.     But she had no way of knowing the specifics.    Still she had no way to verify that these details were not merely dreamed up by her own imagination.   It made sense to her.     Still hearing Lis'aela share these details was new.    The phantom continued to look through the telescope as she spoke.
“Well, what can I say, I am just a figment.    So these thoughts must exist in your head somewhere.   Right?    I told her it was okay, and she made it quick.”
“Did you visit her, like you visit me?”
“I am just a figment.   Besides, she never came here, and I can only be here because of where my gem is placed, and the alignment of the gems on the wall.”
“Hm?”   Another detail that was new.   Vel had assumed the gems on the wall were arcane crystals that had lost their brightness over time.     “The crystals.   I did not place them.    They are from my stone.    She put them on the walls the last time she came here.   I think she wanted to allow me to be in the tower she had built for me, at least partially.   But she did not even stay, she just put the crystals  on the wall said ‘I’m sorry’ and left.”      She paused and looked away from the telescope to peer at Vel and smile, shaking her head, “Gods, you really have an imagination on you don’t you?   There is no reason to invent an explanation for all of this.”  
“I gave up on trying to explain why my mind feels the need to do certain things…”.   
“Quick look…”   
The woman’s ephemeral arm waved at Vel wildly and she moved away from the telescope, jumping and flailing to encourage Vel to look.
“What, why…?   Fine...”
Reluctantly Vel stood up from where she’d been and moved over to the telescope.    Her hand reached out to take hold of the thing and she leaned down to put her eye to the lens.   Vel squinted but could see nothing.   No sky, no stars, just black.
“You need to focus it, the knob there, twist it.   Then that one too.”   Lis'aela instructed and gestured to the knobs in question, as she was unable to physically interact with it herself.    Vel fiddled clumsily with the knob and until she could make out an image of the sky.    Slowly it came into focus, and she could see the stars.  She kept adjusting the knobs, increasing the clarity of the image and as she did she caught sight of a streak of bright light moving across the sky.    Vel blinked.   After a moment passed another streak flashed across the sky.      “Do you see?”   Lis’aela asked excitedly.
“Yea, what is it?”
“A meteor shower.     Some call them shooting stars.   But they are not actually stars.”
Vel leaned away from the telescope and looked at Lis’aela.    Vel was not an astronomer.    She did not know when to look for shooting stars.   Perhaps she had read something about in the various star charts that were around here and some astronomical knowledge seeped into her mind.    But Vel did not seem to know what to make of this development.   
“How did you- I know that was going to be there …. right then?”    
Vel was met with a giggle and a shake of the head from Lis’aela who teased.   “No idea, I have given up on trying to understand my mind, remember?”  
Vel couldn’t help but start to doubt that this figment was the figment she’d thought it had been.    She looked at the little faintly glowing stones along the walls.     She looked at the Quel’dorei ghost who had returned to peering through the lens of the telescope again.   It was hard to make out the features of her face, but she seemed like she was smiling..
“Right….  so….   I am sorry, if I was rude….   or have been rude in the past.   I just, well I come here for peace, and I did not need a voice….  in my head.”
Here words were again met with a chuckle and a reassuring tone.
“I am just you, no need to apologize.”    
“Right…. I know…”
Vel did not know, not really.   If she knew she’d been talking to an actual creature, she would not have been so rude.     Was she speaking to a creature, or was she speaking to a figment?   She was very unsure, despite Lis’aela’s attempts to reassure her.    
“I know it’s hard for you right now.   I know you don’t feel quite like yourself, but I am pretty sure talking to me may not be helpful.    I do not mind you coming here, it’s nice to have the company.   I can’t help but think that it may be better for you to try to avoid hiding here.    I am not saying you should force yourself out into the world or anything, but I think staying locked up so much might make it harder and harder to start feeling like yourself again.”    
“You’re not a figment are you?”   Vel asked, just a flicker of curiosity in her voice.    
“-You- keep telling me I am, and I can’t convince you otherwise.   I have tried.”
“I was being difficult, I believe you now…    I don’t know stars…   Or when to look for them.”   Vel conceded.    Lis’aela shook her head and after a while she replied.
“Thank you, for - adjusting the focus.    It has been out of focus for a long time now, and while I can look through the lens, I can’t touch the knobs, so for a long time I have been staring at a black, blurry, sky.     Now I can see them again.”    The apparition chimed at Vel gratefully.     “I would have asked sooner, but whenever you have come up here, you have always seemed like you wanted to be left alone, so I did not want to pester you too much.”    She paused again, “I think you probably know the feeling though.    Like you can only see a dark, blurry sky, and no stars.    I did not think I would ever get to see them again, it probably feels that way for you too.   And it took a long time for you to come around and adjust the focus for me.   But now I can see them again.    It was worth the wait.   And while I do enjoy the company, I think it might be better for you to spend time with people who are alive, and talk to them.     Even if it is hard sometimes.   Even if you would rather be hiding.     I know it can be hard, but I think - you will eventually start to see your stars again.”    
Lis’aela was focused on her stargazing.   Vel appreciated this as she did not want the creature to see the tears on her cheeks.   Vel brushed at some of the cobwebs that had gotten in her hair and sniffled.     She was not saddened by the woman’s words, she was happy for her.   She was pleased to know she could see the stars again now.     And she hoped that things would - in time - get brighter for herself too.     “You’re right.    I should not hide so much, but, I will visit you - to help keep your thing focused.    Or to move it for you.    But I am going to try to hide less.”
“I appreciate that, and I will be here, when you really need someplace to hide.   But you don’t need me to have someone who will listen to you if you need to talk.   From the sounds of it, there are plenty of people in your life who care for you, and will be there if you want to talk.”
“I know.    Thank you…    For …”    Vel trailed off.   She couldn’t quite think of what to say.     Lis’aela finished Vel’s thought for her in a fitting way.    “Adjusting your focus a little?”
Vel nodded and began to move down the stairs.    “It will get brighter, it just takes - time.”   The ghost chirped.    Her words would echo in Vel’s head.    
She was right, it did not matter, if it was hard, she couldn’t keep hiding.  
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sperenity · 4 years
Inanimate Insanity Episode 14 Analysis
This episode was nuts. I mean, need I say that I was expecting it? I knew the egg was going to reveal itself since it was cracking, but I thought there was something in there, not some being that happened to be the egg itself.
The opening. Oh, the opening. I was seriously impressed. It hooked me to watch more of it. I really liked the black-and-white effects as well as the ominous tone put on it.
I was also surprised to see Fan have a role in the episode, and it was refreshing to hear some of the eliminated contestants’ voices again. For a moment, I thought the eliminated contestants were going to exit the hotel and watch the show or something.
Seeing MePhone4 acting outside of his role as the host was thrilling as well, especially that he nearly discontinued the show. 
Inanimate Insanity could have ended right there.
Oh, and MePad’s resignment was a shocker too.
I thought that Test Tube was going absolutely crazy here, which probably is true anyway. Her usefulness has reached a peak and she is riding the wave. I was also surprised to see how Fan suddenly appeared to take the egg back, and the contestants shared the same reaction as mine, too. Nice attention to detail! It was cute that the egg stopped “crying” once Fan interacted. I thought Fan was recognized as the father here.
When MePhone4 glitch-generated a Living Room set, I thought that somebody was going to be there, but I was also confused when he generated random things later, too. But as of writing this, I realized the sounds were not only the eggs’ way of calling their mothership, but also likely a defense mechanism against Cobs’ creations, and MePhone4 is one of them. Yet MePad was unaffected. Perhaps Cobs upgraded their hardware?
Suitcase’s depiction of her anxiety was also neat. The minimalist flashing as the crack grew. That was neat. I thought her snapping back at Test Tube was a symptom of it, considering her sudden defensive stance.
The fight with the spaceship was absolutely epic. MePhone4′s quick wit, his command to the contestants to save Fan (Though I think it’s to save himself from lawsuits once again), and Test Tube’s Tazer-powered Telescope Bazooka against the ship was absolutely wicked. Also, I just realized that the reason Cobs asked for a spaceship from MePhone4 is so Cobs could go after them.
The update of the dock from Kick The Bucket was absolutely glorious as well. I really liked the detail, it was almost serene.
Imagine my surprise when I saw Taco already ambush and incapacitate MePad in the background while Microphone was talking. And finding out later that Mic’s speech was in-sync with what Taco is doing.
When I saw the Egg’s transformation, I was anticipating the moment that whatever was inside was going to come out. I even thought the eyes were glowing from the darkness inside until I saw hovering. Then, I was confused. Utterly confused about what the ex-egg was. I thought Fan would possibly be imprinted as the father of what turned out to be an actual being as well. When Fan was bound by chains, I certainly thought the leader was going to send him to his death (even if he did anyway, MePhone4 would recover him.)
Then, Test Tube intervened.
The alien species (which are referred to as The Shimmers), then told their backstory of the “oppressor” (which was what I wasn’t expecting, honestly, but flashbacks from Theft and Battery ensued). At first, I didn’t know that the presentation on The leader Shimmer’s face was a depiction of the MePhones 1 through 3GS (I later realized that Steve Cobs may have discarded 3GS with the intent to destroy which was why it was so scared the previous episode).
Fan interacts with the Baby Shimmer, the group shares a laugh, a wholesome moment there...
Then, Test Tube explodes and Taco’s reflection is shown (I later find out she and Mic teleported to the ship). It was like an epic moment where the spy from an action movie shows off their tricks. Then, I thought the ship flew away with the group inside before I remembered Taco using Mepad for teleportation. 
When Microphone came with Fan... It was a sight to see MePhone4 acting all excited for the first time in quite a while. Also, I did NOT expect Microphone to retaliate against Taco by mentioning Taco’s history with Pickle, then ultimately quitting the alliance by shutting her out. What a way to go there, and what an arc. I wonder what’s gonna happen next with Taco. Will she ever be found out?
Then, the elimination. Honestly, at this point, I wasn’t expecting an elimination to happen considering how far off the show’s original format has gone. It was cool to see that it still retains its original flair. Imagine my surprise when I saw Microphone willfully choose herself to be eliminated. Does this even make II the same? Yes. But, actually, no? Honestly, I was somewhat relieved that there ended up being a double elimination. I think it suggests a deeper tension in the show’s coming climax.
Then, Lightbulb’s goodbye. Oh, that scene. That actually made me feel. Over many episodes, Lightbulb was the comic relief that everyone loved. She joked with her friends, especially with Paintbrush. Now, all her friends are eliminated. I wonder if that means her comic relief arc is over. If it isn’t, what else is there? For now, she’s gonna have to cope with her reality of being a finalist.
After the credits scene, in which I thought the music was pretty catchy (especially in contrast to the past episode’s more ominous tone), I was happy to see Toilet appear again. I had been so focused on what was happening that I actually forgot about him. Then, the crashed ship.
Then, MePhoneX.
I felt chills when I saw him. Adam was doing a great job making each design more advanced and intimidating than the previous, but this one is through the roof. I was not expecting another MePhone installment to happen. Should I even call this a running gag, or is this one actually so intimidating that it doesn’t constitute to humor at all? I thought I was going to leave a bit empty, but this one made me think the wait for the next episode is going to be worth it.
The relevation of the egg was certainly a surprise, much less expecting. However, I am a little disappointed that there was nothing inside the egg. I liked the buildup from Fan acquiring up to its hatching, but considering the amount of priority that was put into it and not that the egg was used for comic relief, I really expected the relevation to be overly dramatic and possibly change the course of the show or expand the II universe (which it did in both scenarios, but still.). This doesn’t mean that I dislike the direction the show is taking now. It was just such a dramatic change that it makes me feel such a way that doesn’t make me excited but rather makes me sober? I’m not saying the writers made a mistake, I love Inanimate Insanity’s creativity and I’m looking forward for more. It’s just not exactly my cup of tea.
MePhoneX is a creation you do not want to mess around with. It is obvious by now that this one is created by Steve Cobs. The earlier MePhones, except for the last couple, were bent on destroying MePhone4, and it was heavily implied that Cobs sent them out to destroy MePhone4. This creation should be no different. However, MePhoneX is not only sent out to destroy MePhone4, he is sent to destroy the entire reality show and the contestants with it, along with going after The Shimmers. If MePhoneX doesn’t destroy 4, he might force him to create a spaceship and enslave the contestants, including the former ones from Hotel OJ, to aid in Cobs’ capture of The Shimmers. Also, everyone’s assumed that the MePhones get dumber with each installment, but I believe that this X installment is one above all. It is designed in such a way that exceeds every preceding generation. In other words, this one is not stupid.
Also, I have noticed that this show still has its BFDI inspirations. The shaking, the loopy mannerisms, and the unexpected humor is, to me, a callback to the witty and eccentric humor that is shown consistently throughout the Huang twins’ show.
Overall, this show is taking a turn. I am actually enthralled that it still hasn’t let up. Especially after my departure from the OSC and coming back. I now eagerly wait for the next episode even if it’s going to take months.
UPDATES: I also realized that MePhone4 is beginning to have a personal connection to the contestants. What if his cruel tactics shown in season 1 and 2 are a result of his trauma with Cobs? I don’t know if he ever will, but considering his backstory, I can’t help but imagine that MePhone4 is actually moving forward.
Also, there was almost no frustration evident in Taco’s reaction to her plan failing. It was full of emotional surprise. Did she ever see Microphone as a friend rather than an “ally”?
I can’t get it out of my head that MePhone4 still has 4S’ model after the finale of season 1. I really hope the writers don’t throw him away. It’s confusing to know that MePhone4 has 4S’ model and still have the kind of Gemories that 4 had in his original model. 
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megibluedragon · 4 years
Evil Senku AU - funfic? Ideas
Sooooooo since English isn’t my first language I’m kinda afraid of writting fanfics because it would took me very long time. So I found other way to write fanfic without actually writting fanfic in proper way. It’s more like ideas for certain fanfic in points of course in chronological order if it’s possible. It’s gonna have points looking really close to fanfic so reading it will almost feel like reading a fanfic. Everyone was warned so let’s go to idea I was always interested in.
Evil Senku AU - Because Senku is so charismatic he could go in both ways and either save people or destroy people. His personality would still fit the role. So few more informations about my version of this AU. I won’t separate this into chapters but into life etaps: 1. Childhood, 2. Teenagerhood, 3. Adulthood. In this AU SenGen in romantic way will happen. Is this a warning or good information for most of the people? I just say in advance that I will talk about this ship here. Be ready for fluff and heavy angst. I will take canon stuff but also make changes to lead to certain events. Characters we know from manga will also show up but with not much spoiler. More like mentioning. Below some extra questions.
So tags: evil Senku, villain Senku, most of anime and manga characters (not gonna write them all), SenGen, fluff, heavy angst, abuse, comfort, character deaths, changed canon events.
               ,,Snake Whisperer - Stage 1 - Childhood”
- Senku’s biological parents abused him his whole life and nobody knew about this because they acted like happy family around others.
- His parents died in car accident.
- Senku was grinning entire time during funeral and just thought it’s the best day of his life but wished they could suffer more.
- He ended up in the orphanage and didn’t want to be adopted. He just wanted to wait until 18 and live on his own. He acted horrible in front of every potential adoptive parent.
- Senku is still curious boy. He learns everything he can to be ready for life out of orphanage.
- Other kids are either scared of him or admire him.
- Senku was adopted by Byakuya from orphanage when he was 7.
- Byakuya didn’t buy Senku’s act as problem child and just felt that he probably went through something horrible despite staff saying he came from lovely family.
- Senku had trust issues.
- Byakuya made deal with Senku. If he would let him adopt him he would get his own room, food and everything he needs. Byakuya promised to not act like a father but more like a friend. He would let Senku decide at 18 if he wants to stay with him or just leave and live on his own.
- Senku accepted because he was done with happy looking couples visiting him and wanted some peace from screaming children running around. He called Byakuya by his name.
- Senku was going to school and was way more intelligent than kids in his age. Still loves Science and spended most of the time in library.
- Byakuya still is a teacher, loves space and wants to be an astronaut.
- He didn’t force Senku to bond with him. For a year they talked about the most basic stuff. From time to time Senku was asking Byakuya scientific questions when he didn’t want to run to computer and check on the Internet. Byakuya loved answering these questions.
- When Senku’s 8th birthday was coming Byakuya wanted to give Senku special present to maybe bond with adopted kid a little more. He knew boy loved Science and wanted to buy him scientific equipment but got frustrated when he find out how much money is needed for profesional stuff but he didn’t want to let go of his idea. He sold his car to buy equipment for Senku. He couldn’t help it and also bought a telescope and few space gadgets without knowing if Senku would be interested in space. He thought of it as side experiment.
- Senku wasn’t expecting bithday party with just him and Byakuya. He thought party isn’t needed but got convinced to blow a candle with nr. 8 and ate some cake.
- Byakuya said Senku’s present is in his room. Senku find out his room is full of scientific equipment and couldn’t believe his own eyes. He was looking through all new stuff until he stopped near telescope. Senku asked Byakuya why all of this is happening, where he got money and why telescope. Byakuya was honest and told him about selling car. He explained space as part of Science and the fact that he could answer Senku’s questions from this category. Byakuya also confessed he just wanted to see him happy.
- Senku after minute of silence hugged Byakuya saying ,,Thanks dad” for the first time. Both of them were shocked. Senku jumped away scared of his own behavior. He started crying for the first time since last beating from his biological parents and apologized multiple times expecting hit from Byakuya. Byakuya gently hugged terrified Senku instead. Boy was shaking and crying for few minutes before returning a hug.
- That day Senku opened up to Byakuya and revealed how his life looked before orphanage.
- Byakuya comforted Senku for long time before he fully calmed down. Man already thought it’s big and didn’t want to push Senku more so he changed subject when he thought is right moment and showed Senku how telescope works.
- By the end Senku asked Byakuya if he can call him dad and if he can hug him one more time.
- This time Byakuya bawled his eyes out and hugged Senku again saying ,,Yes, you can call me dad!”.
- Senku found new best day of his life.
Extra notes: And then all hell broke loose muahahaha ok I’m sorry :) So this is just my idea of Senku’s childhood. Kids are not born as bad people. There is always some kind of trigger like one event or multiple events one after another. In the beginning some crazy stuff happened and some fluff mixed with angst. It will go more towards crazy in other parts.
So like I said this isn’t really a fanfic. I don’t know how to even call it. It’s more like detailed notes before writting fanfic. So how you guys like that kind of format? Do you even want to see more of it? I would love to see your comments :)
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