#I can’t make the post nice -or change the position etc so yeah
happyheidi · 3 months
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This is the best I can do when tumblr is being hella weird. Pics I took on my too and from the store today.
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tmmyhug · 9 months
bestie (nicest way possible) as someone who was new to the fandom last September I wouldn’t recommend making a sideblog and like talking about comics/batfam/etc if you haven’t read the comics? people get really touchy about that, because fanfic interpretation tend to be really far from how characters are in canon (and character relationships get butchered and softened and straight up invented for plot, which once again, creative liberty + that can be fun but often tends to be incredibly ooc & excludes women (cass, helena, steph, etc) or poc (duke (though his case is different considering when he was introduced), cass, damian’s poc but isn’t really ignored) in favor of white boys (jason especially, who shows up far later than said women & isn’t really close to the fam yet fandom tends to give him their relationships with the family) so like...you’ll probably be mostly wrong and people are rather unforgiving about that because they’re tired of people that haven’t read comics talking about the characters (incorrectly) while refusing to interact w/ source material, and it’s a huge problem & very prevalent so I can’t really blame them? idk I just don’t think it’s a good idea unless you want to reblog just art and stuff, which is fine! but like...everything's really confusing w/out proper research if you want to get into the fandom (everything post-reboot/post-2011 is largely ignored unless said otherwise because the reboot was so awful), so i just want to point that out! but I don’t want to be mean, just some advice :) (if you ever change your mind about comics, just give the say so! we’re (and i) am very glad to help you out with what to read and in what order, and take it from someone who was in your position six months ago, they are truly really fun!) /gen /nm
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not to worry my friend this sounds pretty much exactly like the dsmp experience where new people never properly interacted with the canon content and the fanon got more and more bastardized over time as a result and everyone got touchy abt it. including me . you could say im familiar . im just on the other side now (oblivious newbie) which should be interesting. i have no intention of treading on anyone’s toes or making assumptions or even talking abt the characters with any sort of authority. if i do make a sideblog it’ll be just to reblog art n stuff.
plus i am ah. very aware that the fanon im consuming is an extremely warped perspective of the actual comics. and with how many different “canons” there are i’m sure it’s a mess. at least in dsmp we could always point back to just the og streams. here i’m gathering there’s 174958637 comics + 284871 writers + movies + live action AND animated tv shows + multiple video games and they ALL have intersecting characters and possible canons it’s giving me a headache just thinking abt it dear lord
so yeah. i’m perfectly happy sequestering myself in an oblivious fanon corner and not claiming to know anything. normally for a new fandom i would seek out the full source material and examine it thoroughly but theres just. too much. and i also just don’t enjoy reading comics. at least not the superhero ones. (i think the art doesn’t appeal to me? and something about the combination of written word and still visual art like. rankles at my sense of pacing and story <- just guessing though) i did watch the under the red hood movie tjough and it was cool so i may do more of those!
i’m glad you said you like talking abt this cause i just wrote you a whole essay lol. if i may ask do you know of any good fanon/fanfic content i could check out that stays mostly true to the comics canon? i’m curious ! but regardless thank you for the very nice message and warning it’s appreciated mwah
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androgynousblackbox · 2 years
I wish that people could like. Critique things normally without an all or nothing mentality. I was nodding along to your post about Despair, and like *yeah* having the only fat woman of note in a series literally be called Despair *does* have gross implications! But people often have to like... take it as you (general) saying the series is bad (with the implication that they're bad for enjoying) or the thing people do when they assume that because someone is a proshipper, or pro fiction, etc that means that person isn't allowed to have criticism of a piece? Like someone can talk about the flaws, biases, and bigotry in a piece without completely shunning the material.
I saw someone go "Oh what so you want Despair, a character meant to have negative connotations, wear a wedding dress?" And like. Yes! That would be great, actually, especially if the wedding dress was dirty, torn, or covered in blood. A wedding gone wrong, a bride whose best day of her life destroyed. *That's* Despair. Even if the dress was fine, how many people have gotten married because it was forced, because of the pressure and expectations of marriage being a "next step" of life? Signing away your life to a fate you don't want fits as well.
And the thing is, parts of the series were changed to make it better in modern day. Like the gay roommate was supposed to be murdered, but the gay serial killer implication was undesirable so it was changed. They could have very well changed Despair's design, yet they didn't, and that reflects on the biases of those who helped make the adaptation
And like, I said repeteadly that I LIKE the show, I like many of the choices they made and ultimately I do like the look of Despair. Just the way she’s dressed I can see a depressed milenial who doom scrolls until 5 in the morning, lives only on coffee and haven’t come out of their house in the last year. Even the fact she is wearing crocs is such a nice touch, it’s a subtle but very smart way to modernize her concept! The actrees herself is an obvious cutie and a big fucking step up over the orc like mess that was originally. My issue was purely on... why do we have to associate despair with fatness? What is there about fatness that IMMEDIATELY makes us think it can’t be dissociated with Despair? Like I can see someone being “yeah, okay, she looks unwashed and don’t caring about looking good so OBVIOUSLY she wouldn’t care about losing weight or eating healthy either” when like, that is now how or why a lot of people are fat at all! A lot of people who stopped giving a fuck are not fat and people who are fat might give all the fucks anyone can give. That is a false impression and frankly, an actually harmful one that only perpetuates even more fatphobia as being associated with the idea of “oh, if only they worked out/eat right/stopped being a lazy slug they would be fine so if they aren’t doing that it must be because they just want to be lazy slugs.” Like, I am sorry, but if me saying that, despite the many other positive things I have said about the show, the other characters and the changes from comic to show, then I don’t have any choice to believe that you think this is all natural and fine, that of course people associate Despair with fatness because all fat people SHOULD despair over the fact that they are not thin. Me or anyone saying that fat people deserve better and positive representation is not a slight against the show or anything, but a simple matter of fact.
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cyrsed · 1 year
rambling about what i did on friday (went to a meeting with a lot of transphobes) and also my work nemesis
i have this one coworker who i thought Might be trans too before i got a chance to work with her on a project so i was always like... put me on a team with her... but then i did get put on a team with her and it turns out she’s super condescending and passive aggressive so it doesn’t really matter if she’s trans or not hglskdjfkld
coincidentally tho, the team that i joined with her on it on my last project Did have an out trans person on it, so that’s how i met my trans work friend and we how we started a trans work group gjlsdfkj so net positive imo. but i still felt like i was Insane while working with the coworker who’s super passive aggressive, bc everyone else i work with is so nice that i couldn’t tell if i was the only person who was interpreting her as being really condescending ghlskdfj. but no, 1000% she is, i just have trouble trusting myself to accurately interpret people’s intentions.
anyway the point is just that she’s my work nemesis now and on friday i went to the FL meeting for the medical board to draft and vote on their ban on trans youth receiving medical care (didn’t want to say anything before i went bc idk, i was worried about the antis looking through social media to find trans people who were going. but it was absolutely awful, except that i met a bunch of really cool trans people). so i had posted in my work trans group chat about the meeting to be like “ik it’s short notice bc i only found out about it recently but the meeting is happening and here’s where/what’s on the agenda if anyone else can come”. then my trans work friend took that message and on friday they put it in the like, office-wide group chat as well (which i’m glad about, bc i was afraid to do that lol).
the only reason i know (bc i was out on Friday to go to the meeting) is bc i happened to check my notifications and saw my nemesis had responded and was just basically like “i don’t think this kind of activism is effective bc it won’t convince the board to change their mind”, and it’s like. yeah, sure, we won’t change the mind of the board themselves, but it’s also about showing that there are people who oppose the rule, giving our testimony so it’s on record, protesting, and showing support to trans youth/trans people in general, not just trying to debate the medical board into changing their minds (bc most of the board are desantis donors anyway), so even tho i agree that yes, the board most likely won’t change their mind, i can’t imagine what kind of person i’d have to be to see someone asking for help/support on a hugely important issue and my first reaction is to discourage people from participating :T she always has to make a negative comment about everything, and i just don’t get how you could possibly see that as an appropriate response? maybe it doesn’t seem that bad from what i’ve said, but she just Always has a negative comment to make about Everything, and it’s like,, all you had to do was not say something pessimistic/needling, or just not say anything at all if you can’t say something nice.
i’m just especially mad about it bc as much as talking to her always made me feel demoralized on my last project, at least that was just about Code, generally speaking, and not discouraging people from supporting a vulnerable community.
like before the board meeting, i joined this zoom call the night before put on by an lgbt+ organization where they went over what to expect, how to stay safe, what messaging we should focus on at the board meeting etc., and just in that meeting there was a woman who was moved to tears bc of the support of the allies in that One zoom meeting (which probably only had like 20 people in it?). like the meeting hasn’t even happened, and the support of people opposing the rule is already making a difference to real life trans people, and all you can say is “that won’t work”? it feels especially cold given that the person who posted the message in our work chat is also trans. i just can’t fathom what makes someone think that’s an appropriate response to seeing someone bring up a piece of real life discrimination and bigotry without even so much as bringing up an alternative strategy, if you think that the strategy of yknow, showing up to the meeting, won’t work.
imagine if young trans people read about that meeting, and the articles about it all said “it was entirely filled with supporters of the rule”? like what message does that send? as of now, the article i read mentioned specifically that the room was filled /overwhelmingly/ with opposition to the rule, which hopefully communicates to the young trans people who might read about it, or see it or anything, that they’re not alone, and that more people are against this than for it.
sorry for ranting gghsdklfj if you read all of this thank you! i just needed to rant bc it made me so angry and stuff... i’ll probably make a dif post about what hte meeting itself was like
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cozylittleartblog · 2 years
queencember day 23 (past)
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it feels weird to post such lengthy non-art content on here but listen. listen. SOMEONE had to sort out the weird spade family history. and i. have decided. to give my opinions. because - you probably did not known this, it might be a surprise - i love them. and i have been thinking about this for three months. it’s funny I post this for queencember because admittedly queen is only in a solid half of this, it covers four characters and the relationships between them, but i don’t know under what other circumstances i’d post this and it’s definitely way too much to draw at once. i suppose it’s prone to change if i hear any Better Takes or if something interesting comes up in canon, the game isn’t done yet after all, but also this just. feels like stuff that isn’t going to get covered lmao
so here we go. four god damn pages of headcanons under the cut. a couple of them i did not come up with or have modified, and a couple of them i might have mentioned in tags or art before. there are also a couple light canon contradictions but this is what amuses me most in my head so A Few Sacrifices Must Be Made... these are just my own headcanons so if you disagree with anything that’s perfectly fine and valid 💙
The entire post-lightner abandonment section might as well be called “the fanfics went STRAIGHT to my head”
Obligatory set-up notes:
King starts as moderately less of an angry asshole, for the record. Still an angry asshole but not Nearly as bad as post-abandonment and post-knight king. He’s someone you wouldn’t mind working under... that much.
Queen is still queen of the cyber world. She is not originally from the card kingdom. 
Rouxls did tutorials before he did puzzles. The puzzle makers, after being fired, took up making tutorials. Why would that be a feasible option? Because the guy who made them took their jobs and the position is open. Checkmate. 
Pre-Lightner Abandonment
Queen is, in the light world, a library computer. Computers are mobile. Sometimes she’s loaned out to other locations. Relative to the dark world, this means her disappearing for weeks, maybe months at a time, on “Vacations/Business Trips/Jaunts/ETC”. (i don’t know if she has any advisors or anything but i like to think she lets swatch & the swatchlings run things on autopilot for her when this happens)
At some point she is loaned to the old classroom for an unspecified amount of time. (I can’t tell if this is funnier if it all happens over like, three weeks, or if this was a whole semester or even school year. Unspecified it is.) She acquaints herself with her fellow royals and, in-particular, befriends the King of Spades.
Now at first, they actually get along pretty well! Mutual admiration of power and status, the intrigue in the perspectives of royals from another kingdom, they both care about their subjects... Queen is funny and charismatic and endearingly dumb sometimes, also hot, and King is intimidating but out of the public eye he’s notably nice and even sweet in this reserved, affectionately awkward kind of way. A little rough around the edges, sure, but I’m sure he’s not secretly worse or anything! 🙃
They’re friends, eventually there’s some flirting. King likes her more than she likes him (and she does like him! just not as much,,,) but she knows she’s not staying here for long so might as well have some fun before she goes back home! Sure Let’s See Where This Goes
They’re dating, they’re married, making her officially a Queen of Spades, a child is spawned* - you know when a couple moves too fast so then they settle down and try to be serious and realize they don’t actually like the other person?? Yeah. She uh. Didn’t mean for it to get this far.
* I think darkner biology works differently?? I cannot elaborate but I don’t think Lancer exists by traditional means. He also might. I don’t know. LOUD shrug emoji. BUT, by whatever means he does exist, he is related to the both of them. 
They are both far too stubborn for this to work out. Queen is an eccentric nightmare to live with who can’t take things seriously. King is a lazy brute with a short temper. They mutually cannot handle each other for more than a couple hours every day, and now they live together.
Divorce time, babey! They do not like each other at this point but it’s Queen who serves the papers. Happens just in time for her loan to be up, and she’s returned to the library. She is not returning with a baby in tow. Enjoy the free spawn, King!
He needed a heir anyway this is fine
Lancer isn’t any older than a few months when this happens, maybe even younger, which is why he doesn’t remember her. King does not talk about her, ever. Actually I think so much as mentioning her is grounds for imprisonment, or private execution if it were in front of Lancer.
King is much too busy to parent a kid alone, and the servants are ill-equipped for this. You know what’s good at teaching people things and helping them?? Tutorials. They literally have a tutorial guy. That’s his whole thing! 
This is where Rouxls comes in, beyond being someone the King is only vaguely aware of. He dumps responsibility of Lancer onto him and he is less than thrilled about this, but he is a suck up to anyone above him and a huge coward. Telling the King “no” is a good way to end up in a cell on a good day, and the dude’s fresh off a divorce rn. So. Baby-sitting duty it is. It’s not like he’s needed for literally anything else, he is notorious for being next to useless. (“Oh being of use for a change, and to someone as important as the King himself and his own son… maybe this won't be so bad.”)
Whenever this all happens it was the final year the classroom was used, so it almost immediately leads into…
Post-Lightner Abandonment
King Is Fucking Pissed! 
He is trying to convince the other kings to take action, do something, blah blah No Talk Him Angy
Rouxls is raising Lancer. King checks on them when he has time, which is not often. He ends up befriending Rouxls by extension. 
Rouxls is still a pathetic suck up but he is a dumb and sweet pathetic suck up and oh no, that’s cute. His shenanigans are, to the King, a nice and even welcome change of pace from both the stress of running a kingdom, and dealing with the whole “aaa the lightners abandoned us” thing. and the whole “my wife left me” thing. ... ok dude’s got a lot going on. Also he’s… decent? With his son? I won't lie he is not winning any awards but he is Good Enough™ 
(I am sensing a pattern. The King likes dumb funny people.)
Bit of a slow burn here but his visitations increase and they’re boyfriends eventually. 
I saw Chapter 1 three years ago and immediately assumed King & Rouxls were like an actual couple and that just stuck in my head forever sorry 
rouxls needs attention and to be valued, has hopeless amounts of love to give, and is attracted to power. king has power, enjoys praise and affection, and is still capable of being just sweet enough to keep this dumb idiot wrapped around his finger. both of them are lonely. this works out somehow.
Literally all Lancer’s parents are bisexual I’m pretty sure it’s in the requirements when you sign up
It’s obvious who really raised Lancer. He doesn’t have a walk animation, likes making signs and writing, eats bugs, capitalizes Random Words for Emphasis, and just has some general similar flares for the dramatic that I feel he got from his ironically-titled Lesser Dad? He’s really silly too, unlike King but very much like Rouxls! (… and his mother! 🤔) There are some other things I can’t remember but like. It’s clear who at least tried to do the parenting here lmao. 
King does kinda care about his son? Enough to do the Bare Minimum but not as much as Rouxls comes to. He’s the one Lancer goes to when he’s hurt or having a rough time because he’s... so much nicer and more understanding than King. King is really hard on him and generally not that great of a parent. Hardly even hangs out with him and doesn’t really get that kids are… small? And weak? And still learning about the world? He’s got some… rough parenting practices. But I'm sure that’s fine, it's just tough love, right? Right, guys?
Rouxls is so stupidly soft for this child but he is not about to admit it or be public about it because he doesn’t need another thing for people to dangle over his head when he is already viewed as pathetic and useless. 
King Has Fucking Lost It! 
I do not like the king but I think about Toby saying the fountain was affecting him and Making Him Worse, like, too often. He already wasn’t great. Now he’s double not great.
Rouxls promoted officially to Duke Of Puzzles for reasons even I am not sure about. Seriously IDK why anyone thought that was a good idea. 
So I’ve just decided to say it’s because They Are Boyfriends Your Honor and King wanted his funny little man to finally have a nice, high rank worth respecting. This is just about the last nice thing King does for either of his boys tbh.
(The “Rouxls is secretly super-powerful, being the rules card.” headcanon slots nicely in here as well if you look at it from the “I cannot have an easily influenced, borderline-god in easy access of anyone who wants to overthrow me or get in my way” angle.)
The “I Do Not (Publicly) Care About Lancer” shtick is cranked up to 11 as a result. And tbh he’s good at fooling people with it. 
[benry voice] rouxls likes mean people. So King being Extra Crazy And Malevolent? That’s fine. Attractive, even. Until he and Lancer are hardly spared from it. Kinda sucks now, actually. But, he’s not about to give up his nice new high rank, or piss off King and lose his head, or abandon Lancer to his shit father, etc etc. So he just. Deals with it. It’s fun when it’s not happening to either of them, at least.
Lancer and Rouxls have always been a comfort to each other. But especially right now 8′)
King has never viewed his son as more of a tool before. This six year old is just another thing to use to get what he wants. 
This six year old also doesn’t entirely understand what's happening or he might actually hate King more. He is too busy being Baby and seeking a glint of affection or approval from his dad to really care, though. 
Rouxls broke up with king first chance he got lmfao Time For New Employment (And A New (Boy/Girl)friend/Partner?)
(you know what else i think about too much. it wasn’t enough for rouxls to be queen’s #1 peon. he was trying to get with her. and that feels like one more point for team “rouxls also likes dating his evil overlords” thank u very much) 
The more King slowly comes off his evil-fountain-high the less pleased he is about the above development. Oooof he misses his weird little man. Cry some more you evil little hamster man. Sulk in your stupid little cell. 
Queen is here again and more responsible. Lancer is hers now she’s not messing around this time. 
Re: The game dialogue about Queen arbitrarily deciding she was his mom - I would argue, in the right context, particularly this one, that the king is referencing how she'd left them originally. She arbitrarily picked up the title, that doesn't mean she didn't have a claim to it before. 
This Free Son Came With An Additional Free Dad?? Nice
Help The Free Dad Has A Crush On Me 
Nevermind It’s Fine He’s So Pathetic He Swings Back Around To Being Funny Lol (And He’s Weirdly Endearing And Nice To My Our Son) New Friend!!!!!!!!!
I will not elaborate on their relationship because I like playing (and will be playing) with conflicting takes at the same time (one-sided? requited but not officially acted upon/furthered? dating?), thus I don’t have any one solid headcanon here, but regardless, every take has the same ending - Queen does Not let it go anywhere official, because she’s not going to risk Something Happening and making the co-parenting situation Awkward. Can’t ruin a relationship you don’t have! Sorry rouxls lmao but it’s ok he gets over it
edit - hey. psst. future liz here from the future. ignore that last part i scratched out. she’s totally unironically kissing that idiot eventually, but i am not outright Deleting that part because that would be a legitimate hurtle in their relationship, should one develop. (i Do still stand by that there are multiple ways to read them and they’re all funny but My Favorite One Has Changed) i don’t think she’s ever had a serious relationship before. she is Fully aware of what a dick move it would be to waltz in, claim to be lancer’s mom girldad, just to get distracted and kiss his (other) dad, break his (other) dad’s heart, and then fuck back off. Again. She’s very dedicated to doing right by lancer, so... there might be A Minute There where she’s not really doing right by rouxls, whether or not he realizes that in his blind quest to get Any Scrap Of Attention At All. but it all sorts out eventually dw only happy endings for these fools as that is what they deserve. alright back to the rest of the post the way it was originally written -- 
She will still tease him in the meantime either way. It’s funny. Dude’s got it bad. ((edit again that part is still true haha the teasing quickly becomes. Self Indulgent. on her end. while she’s trying to figure out what to Do and pretending it Is still just teasing))
Lancer kinda misses his dad and hopes he gets better soon but for now he has two Other cool dads so it’s fine and wowie neither of them yell at him or make stupid rules or forget to feed him!!!
Lancer is only allowed to visit his dad with the other two dads present. 
Said other two dads are good at being civil but REALLY like spiting the King and semi-affectionately pissing him off. Mostly Queen. Rouxls is still a coward, even facing a dejected man behind bars, and also still has a small soft spot for him From The Old Times. (Also he doesn't want to burn that bridge completely) … That is not to say he doesn’t willingly participate in Queen’s spite, or that he doesn’t occasionally Go Off on King for his shitty behavior towards his son.
To be fair his motivations for Willingly Participating In Her Spite is like 98% just to be on the receiving end of her affections
He will participate in many flavors of shenanigans if it means any sort of interaction with her but ESPECIALLY romantic ones, even if she’s just doing it as a joke or to annoy someone else. Context doesn’t matter just Let It Happen Please 👉👈
Basically, Lancer has two cool dads now who love him very much and King is in jail. If he gets out he is Not invited to the Cooler Spade Family.
DROPS the MIC. THANK YOU. FOR COMING. TO MY TED TALK. there is actually MORE but this is, somehow, the short version! also there are some things i want to try exploring in art and i don’t want to just. show my whole hand or whatever.
i have. adhd <3 really really bad <3 and i have Latched Onto these idiots <3
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harrysgoldenline · 3 years
can you pls write an angst where y/n went to her and harry's house that they bought or something like that in Italy to try to move on and go on with her life after harry broke up with her but then she never expected that harry will be there as well with his new gf.... you can end it whatever you like!! thank you
Word Count: 1.6K
Warnings: idk, sad I guess? also not proof read oops sorry lol
When In Italy
It has been three months since you’ve last seen or spoken to Harry. A very abrupt change after being together for four years, with constant talk of marriage and starting a family, the break up was something either of you really expected. It started as a break of sorts, eventually turning into a complete break up after only a couple weeks in a somewhat mutual way. With Harry's career taking off in so many different ways, with acting, the new tour and more, his life had changed completely and has left him very little time for anything else.
It went from daily phone and FaceTime calls, constant text messages and flowers being delivered to nothing.
“You really think that’s a good idea?” Your best friend asked you, concern plastered all over her face, “that won’t bring up too much?”
She had been sitting with you as you finished packing up your suitcase, trying her best to give you her support as you were going to be going on a spur of the moment trip to Italy and staying at the home of you and Harry, needing the much needed getaway and disconnecting completely. Seeing different things online about him all the time didn’t make it any easier and no matter how hard you tried to avoid it, he always found his way to pop up.
“I just need a break, everything here is a reminder to.” You sigh, “I just want a change of scenery. I think it’ll be good for me.”
“I hope so…” she frowned, looking up at you with a sad smile, “please don’t just sit there in the house all alone. Go out, meet some local Italian men!”
“I’m definitely not ready for that.” You say, forcing a laugh as you close your suitcase, zipping it up and placing it on the floor by your door, “but I will really try, I promise. I will call you if I need you and you can come out?”
“Hell yeah I can.” She laughs, standing up and giving you a hug, “and you’re really going right now?”
You bite your bottom lip as your eyes fill up with tears, nodding quickly as you look at her and she quickly pulled you in a tight hug.
“You can do this.”
You pulled your suitcase through the front door, waving goodbye to the driver as you turned around to close the door behind you as they left you alone in the house that has so many memories inside. You pause at the door, taking a couple deep breaths as you look around and try and keep your mind at bay before walking to the guest bedroom, deciding the main bedroom was too much and the guest bedroom was already way nicer than your apartment.
After taking the time to unpack, knowing you would stay awhile, you put away your things into the various drawers and closet in the room. You keep out a swimsuit and change into it quickly, sliding a simple dress overtop before walking out onto the balcony attached to the bedroom, taking in the smell of the ocean and beautiful view, memories overwhelming your senses.
“Well don’t you look absolutely stunning.” You can practically hear him say all over again, reliving the memory as if it was actually happening, “ ‘m the luckiest man in the world.”
You remember him coming up behind you, arms tight around your waist as his head rested on your shoulder, soft kisses being pressed along your shoulder as you leaned back into him, a large smile covering both of your faces before you leaned your head back, connecting your lips before he pulled back.
“I can’t decide…” He had whispered, connecting your lips again.
“Decide what?” You had giggled, turning around to face him, arms resting around his shoulders as his came around your waist.
“If I want to get married here or have our honeymoon here.”
You shuddered slightly as the memory came back, letting out a deep breath before packing a beach bag quickly and leaving the house just as fast, taking a walk down to the private beach and settling yourself in a lounge chair. Applying your sunscreen you could almost convince yourself it was him applying it on you like he always would do, large hands massaging it into your skin.
You push the thought away as you grab your phone, playing music softly to try and distract your mind. Your fingers hovered over your different social media apps, wanting desperately to just give it a quick click, wondering if you could get any update on where he could be from his fans, posts always finding their way on your feed. Instead, you hold it down, deleting all of the various apps and throwing your phone down on your bag, grabbing your book and letting the music play, opening to the first page to try and escape into the new world.
After a few hours been spent peacefully on the beach, you decided to head back to the house to take a nice bubblebath and order yourself some dinner, deciding that you would go to town the next morning in order to cook some of your own meals. The walk back to the house was more enjoyable this time and you began to feel a sense of hope as you approached the house, your heart not clenching in as much pain as it originally had done when you first pulled up to the house earlier that day.
Using your keys, you unlocked the back door, locking it behind you again as soon as you got inside, making your way to the bathroom right away and letting the water fill up the bathtub, pouring in some of the fancy bubblebath that you remember buying once from your favorite boutique in town, making a mental note to stop there again tomorrow.
Discarding your clothes, you hung them up, deciding you could use it once more as a cover up after not even going into the water, and you honestly didn’t even have the energy to even think about doing laundry right now, even simply showering was too much most days so you were happy to submerge yourself simply into the warm water, eyes fluttering closed as it embraced you with it’s comfort.
You began preparing yourself a mental list of things you could do tomorrow, forcing yourself to get out of the house and keep yourself occupied after locking yourself away in your apartment the past few months, planning on taking baby steps but knowing that even starting will be more like a push off a cliff.
Pulling yourself out of the bath once finishing cleansing your body, deciding to save washing your hair for the next day, you pulled yourself out of the bath, honestly just wanting to curl up into bed and go to sleep but knowing you needed to force yourself to eat something. So, you dry off, applying some matching lotion to your body, which made you feel a sense of pride of yourself as you made small steps to take care of yourself again, thanking the air of Italy as self motivation and threw on the robe that you swear was the softest one in the world.
A sudden sound coming from the house made you jump, a hand coming over your chest to try and calm your racing heart as your mind tried to think of all of the possibilities of who could be there, or maybe it was coming outside? Or honestly at this point you thought it could be your imagination as the memories that have been flashing into your mind have been so vivid it felt like it was actually happening. Your feet softly padded on the wood flooring, making your way to what you thought was the site of the sound, feeling bile rise in your throat at the sight before you.
It was Harry there, with one of the most beautiful women you had ever seen in your life, laughing together.
You weren’t sure if they saw you, both of their hair wet as towels wrapped around them and it seemed like they had just got back from the beach, making you think that you must have just missed each other as you swapped positions. You slowly walk backwards, thinking of running out the back towards the beach and calling a car, leaving all of your clothes there.
You could see slightly into the master bedroom, seeing their suitcases sprawled and things laid on the couch as they chatted together, knowing they must have arrived when you were down at the beach, your presence unknown as all of your things sat seemingly hidden in the guest room which you were now desperately trying to go and hide in, but after it being too log since you been here, you accidentally ran into the wall, a photo that was hanging there crashing to the floor, glass shattering.
Two heads quickly snapped their way towards you, both pairs of eyes meeting yours as gasps left both of their lips, Harry’s face going pale as he saw you. You opened your mouth to speak, but with this being your first time seeing your partner since the breakup, no words were able to come out.
Spinning on your heel your ran back into the guest bedroom, pulling the suitcase out of the closet and messily shoving all of your clothes into it, tears stinging your eyes and unable to hold them in as they silently spilling on you cheeks, more coming as you heard the familiar steps coming your way, feeling the presence behind you and hearing the door shut softly behind you.
Part 2 anyone???
I was wondering what people would think about me doing personalized little blurbs/imagines for people who donate to my tip jar? you could give me your name, prompt, pronouns, etc and i will write it just for you!! :) i’m trying to write more and it’s hard bc i’m a broke college student who needs to work but if people who WANT a personalized little fic with bucky or harry or something with their own name and such maybe I could do something like that? of course I will still be doing all normal requests and such but this way it’s kinda like a one time patreon for people who want to do something like that? idk please comment/send me a message/ask and let me know what you think!!!! let’s talk!
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lavenderwhore444 · 3 years
urm hi 🙋🏽‍♀️ can i request the reader playing video games in the lob just chilling, then shiggy acts all needy and won’t stop bothering her until he gets some love~ if u catch my drift*ahem*
I hope I interpreted this right and wasn't just oversexualizing it 😐🔫
Send me another request if you wanted fluff and I'm just horny and dumb.
Warnings: smut I DONT SEE ENOUGH OF DOM SHIGGY, SO HERE U GO SLUTS (endearingly),
Maybe it's because I always look up sub! Shigaraki 😳
I've been struggling with some bad depression so that's why this took so long but I'm back! All requested fucs will be done in a week or less and ill post whenever a good idea pops into my head (I have a few prompts I found on tik tok 😏)
If you want to use interactive fics, it's easy and makes reading fics SO much better. First, you download the Google Chrome extension. You'll see it in the top right corner of your screen. Next, you enter your name in the first box. If you want to change something other than y/n, please click on the text that says “want to change something other than y/n?” here, you can change any word you want to a different word. When I talk about your quirk I will use y/q
Master List
Here's a song I like:
Possibly the best thing about dating the leader of the league of villains is the fact that you got your own (shared) room with an actual bed and a couch too. You also had access to all of Shigaraki’s games and consoles, PCs, etc.
You were currently sitting on said couch, playing one of his games. The door slammed open and shut before he practically pounced on you, kissing you sloppily. You heard the music indicating you had died.
You groaned and pushed him off of you.
“Not now, baby, let me finish the game, ” you said.
He didn't listen (does he ever?) and started to grope your tits through your shirt.
“Tomura Shigaraki, ” you warned, “quit it, ”
He scoffed, sitting down next to you. At first, he was quiet, scrolling through his phone until his hand started rubbing your thigh.
“no, not right now,” you uttered, still focusing on the game.
He leaned in so he was right next to your ear
“why don’t you let me beat it for you, and we can play a different game, player two?” he whispered in your ear.
“That defeats the entire purpose of the game, ” you said, dying again.
“Focus less on the game and more on my dick, ” he said, grabbing your hand and pulling it into his lap.
Your eyes widened, and your cheeks got hot as you felt him through his pants.
“Oh, ” you whispered.
“Oh, is right. Get down on your knees for me, will you, babe?” he said.
He leaned back on the couch as you settled between his legs.
“About time,” he scoffed.
“Shut up or I'm going right back to that fucking game, ” you said.
He grabbed your hair, pressing your face into his clothed crotch.
“Dont give me attitude when youre the one who made me like this, ” he laughed as you struggled.
Your protests were silenced as you tried to use Shigaraki’s thighs as leverage to pull away.
“What? Can't breathe? That's the point y/n. When I let you up you'd better behave, ” he said.
He let go of your hair, and your head shot up. You were gasping for air as he stroked your hair.
“Be good for me pet and maybe ill give you a reward after you finish the level, ” he smirked.
You nodded, knowing your position in this situation and undid the button of his jeans. You pulled down the zipper. You'd never admit it, but your mouth started to water as you got rid of his pants.
“Hurry up, princess, don't keep me waiting, ” he whispered.
You nodded pulling down his boxers and letting his dick slap against his stomach.
He groaned, “good girl, earning her experience points. I have a feeling you'll be able to level up after this, ”
You wasted no time, taking the head of his cock into your mouth and swirling your tongue, getting rid of the precum that had oozed from the head. His sharp intake of breathe made you hum in satisfaction causing him to groan again.
“Good girl, ” he praised, petting your head.
That was the only encouragement you needed to start bobbing your head, taking more and more in your mouth. When you began to gag, he pushed your head down, forcing you to take all of it. Your cries were muffled and only sent vibrating sensations up his dick. He moaned as you struggled.
“Breathe through your nose, princess, ” he rasped, “be my good girl, ”
You tried to follow his instructions and managed to start bobbing your head again. He moaned, bucking into your throat.
“Oh god, player two, youre really good at this game, ” he laughed, “probably because you've practiced so much, huh slut?”
You made a sound of agreement, drool starting to escape from your mouth. He pulled you off of him, letting you breathe again.
“You know what to do, ” he said.
You began to suck and lick each of his balls (I hate that word, but I am not using testicles), taking your time to swirl your tongue around each one. You let go of the right one with a pop after giving the same treatment to the one on the left.
“I'm bored of this, ” he sighed, “back to sucking me off slut, ”
You obeyed, taking all of him down your throat without any help. In no time, you felt his cum drip down your throat, some down your chin. He laughed as you pulled away, opening your mouth to show him you'd swallowed.
“C’mere, ” he said, patting his thigh.
You straddled it looking at him.
“You ready to level up player two?” he whispered in your ear.
“Yes please sir, ” you said without thinking.
“Sir? I like that. Keep it up, ” he commanded.
“Yes, sir, ” you smiled, teasing him.
His hands rested on your hips, rubbing up and down. He leaned in and bit your neck, causing you to shiver.
“Wow, y/n, your body is already so reactive. We're gonna have a lot of fun tonight, aren't we doll?” he giggled.
(all my stuff got deleted from this point on and I had to rewrite rip)
He bounced his leg and you gasped and bit your lip.
“Yeah, that feels kinda good, huh, sweetie? I'm gonna get you nice and wet, get you to ruin my jeans. Dumb little doll. Sweet baby, ” he praised.
You started to soak through your panties onto Shigaraki’s jeans as he bounced you up and down.
“Oh good girl, start grinding a little, hm?” he said.
You obliged thankful for the extra friction until he stopped bouncing his leg. You whined softly.
In no time your skirt and panties were a small pile of dust as he pulled you to straddle his cock.
“You're gonna ride me, princess. You get to level up. Aren't you excited, baby?” he cooed.
“Yes sir, ” you said, not bothering to hide your excitement as you sunk down.
You moaned, feeling so fucking full. Stretching you so nicely. You felt him throb inside of you. As much as you wanted to start bouncing at a brutal pace you made yourself wait, letting your juices lube up his cock.
You bounced slowly at first; as soon as you were able to speed up, you did. You moaned, gripping Tomura’s shoulders and letting your head fall against his chest. You whimpered and moaned shamelessly, praying that everyone was either drunk, asleep, or downstairs.
“Fuck that's it! fuck yourself, baby. You deserve it. Youre such a good cock-slut you deserve to feel good dollface, ” he gushed.
You bounced at a ruthless pace until he flipped you under him on the couch.
“I'll carry you through this level, baby. Don't worry. Let me help you, sweetie, ” he groaned.
His pace matched your previous one (if not faster). Your nails clawed at his back, little shrieks leaving your mouth when he hit that spot inside of you.
“Tomura!” you cried out, “right there!”
He started angling himself, hitting that spot almost every time. Your orgasm overtook you. Shigaraki’s mouth swallowed up all the sounds you were making as you clenched around him. Just as you were nearing the end of your orgasm, hot cum filled you up, prolonging it.
The sounds he made were ear candy. His dignity and self-control were ripped away, leaving his throat raw until he collapsed on top of you. He clung to you, whispering sweet things and kissing your neck softly. Your clothes were forgotten and your eyes got heavy as you fell asleep together.
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buttterknifeee · 3 years
Sisters- Teen Titans x Aquagirl Reader
Summary: You don't get along well with your own siblings, but maybe you'll get along well with Starfire's super-cool, definitely-not-evil sister!
Pairings: Platonic! Starfire x reader
Word Count: 3575
A/N: Hey guys!!! Sorry for posting this so late I just did this one a lot slower lol. Unfortunately, school's starting soon so I won't be able to write as often. I'm still working on 2 fics so keep that in mind if you want to request!
Carnivals were the best invention in the world, you decided. The rides, the food, the games, and you only get to enjoy it a few times a year. So when the carnival does come to visit, you always make sure to enjoy it as much as you can.
“Don’t you just lovvvveee carnivals?” You say, walking next to Raven.
“Well, Beast Boy and Cyborg have been trying to win an animal from a single game for the past hour and Robin and Starfire are probably making out on the ferris wheel, so not as much as you.” she says, staring straight ahead. The others had paired up and set off when you first entered the carnival, so that left you with Raven. And as much as you love Raven, you love her in a “meditating/book club” way, not a “fun adventure” way. You approached the two boys as they finally won their carnival game prize.
“Told you we’d win a prize” Beast Boy grinned at Raven, holding a toy chicken to her face.
“A giant chicken. I must be the luckiest girl in the world.” She said sarcastically.
Suddenly, Robin jumped in front of the four of you.
“Titans! Trouble!” He yelled, standing up from a crouching position.
“Where’s Starfire?” Cyborg asked.
“That's the trouble,” Robin said, then promptly took off. The four of you followed him close behind. He brings the four of you to a dock, where you finally see the “trouble” Robin was talking about. Starfire was being chased by a flying, squid-like space robot with tentacles and everything. She flies past the five of you, the flying machine doing the same.
“Who’s her new best friend?” Beast Boy asks, staring at the scene before you.
“Don’t know, but I can’t wait to meet him,” Robin said.
Starfire hid behind you as the flying machine continued to follow her. Beast Boy turned into an alligator and tried to attack the robotic squid, but missed. You tried to hit it with jets of water, but it bounced off of its exterior. Raven threw a hot dog cart at the machine with her telekinesis, but it simply tore straight through the cart. Cyborg grabbed onto the tentacles and strained as the machine tried to get away.
“Don't know what you did to make this thing mad, Star, but it couldn't hurt to apologize!” Cyborg yelled, trying to keep a grip on the tentacles.
“I am… sorry?” Starfire apologizes confusingly, taking shelter behind a grimacing Robin.
Cyborg loses grip on the mysterious space squid as Robin jumps forward. He hits the machine hard with his staff and it falls into the water. A moment of silence falls onto the six of you.
“So, did we just win?” Beast Boy asked.
His answer came in the form of the machine crashing through the floor and back into the sky. Robin jumps onto it.
“Don’t see an OFF switch,” He yells. “Guess I’ll have to make one!” He punches into the side of the machine. The machine goes haywire, and Robin jumps off of it before it flies crazily into the sky and blows up. Since there were already fireworks, any regular citizens could have easily mistaken it for one of the big finals. You turned your attention to Starfire.
“Starfire, are you alright?” you ask. She nodded with a small smile.
“Whatever that thing was, it can’t hurt you now.” Robin said, now next to her again.
Starfire frowned. “But… why did it wish to hurt me at all?”
You found yourself back in the tower after such an eventful night. Despite being attacked by some alien machine, Starfire seemed to be in a cheery mood.
“I shall thank you for my rescue by reciting the Poem of Gratitude, all six thousand verses.” She said, a giant smile on her face. You and the others stopped dead in your tracks, not excited for how the rest of the night will seem to go.
“I think ‘thank you’ cuts it,” You say.
Suddenly, you hear a voice. “I see you haven’t changed a bit.” The voice belonged to a girl who bore a striking resemblance to Starfire. She had long, black hair, and wore a black outfit similar to Starfire, except hers had more metal components. The mystery girl continued.
“When we were little, I was always rescuing Starfire.”
“Sister!” Starfire squealed, running to hug her. Starfire’s sister smiled, holding up a necklace with a large green gem as the pendant.
“A Centauri Moon Diamond?? Where did you get-”
“On the Centauri Moons of course.” the sister said, fastening the necklace around Starfire’s neck. “Oh look, it matches your eyes.” Starfire smiled brightly. You remember that you’ve been staring at the two of them interacting when she turns to the five of you.
“I wish to introduce my big sister,” Starfire said. Her sister stepped in front of her.
“Blackfire,” she said. “ And since Star told me all about the Titans in her transmissions, let me guess.” She walks over to Cyborg.
“Cyborg,” She guessed correctly.
“Pleased to meet you little lady,” Cyborg says, holding out his hand. She takes it and you hear the sound of metal bending. Cyborg holds up his hand, now bent out of shape.
“Little lady, big handshake. Well alright!” he says with a smile. Blackfire moves on.
“Raven. I like that gemstone on your Ajna chakra,” Blackfire says.
“You know about chakras?” Raven asked, mildly impressed.
“I got way into meditation on Altara Prime.” She says casually. She then turned to you.
“Aquagirl. Oh my god your outfit is soooo cute! And your hair, how do you get it so healthy?” She said, clasping your hands. Her voice was nothing like Starfire’s; it was much smoother, and more confident, not to mention she had the American accent down.
“Mix of coconut oil, avocado, and a cabinet full of hair ointments” you wink.
“You’ll have to give me tips.” she winked back.
She continued her introductions, finally getting to Robin. She was all over him, complimenting his outfit, calling his mask ‘mysterious’, etc. You saw Starfire steaming with anger, even if she didn’t show it. She intercepted them as Blackfire got close to his face.
“So beloved sister, what brings you to Earth?” Starfire asks, an annoyed grin spread across her face.
“I was in the quadrant. Thought I'd see if Earthlings like to party.” She said, hopping onto the couch. “Besides, I needed a rest. Nearly got sucked into a black hole on the way here.” Immediately, the three boys rushed over to her, the three of you girls still behind them. You rolled your eyes at the sight of the three teens crowding around Blackfire.
“Black hole?”
“No way!”
You could feel Blackfire’s smirk as she began her story.
“Okay. I’m cruising through Draconis Nebula and-”
Starfire interrupted. “Sister! That nebula is full of black holes! You know travel there is forbidden.” The four teens on the couch stared at her.
“Most fun things in life are. Now be a sweetie and bring me one of those sodas I've heard so much about.” Blackfire waved at her and turned back to the boys. You heard her continue the story, but all you could focus on was Starfire grumbling towards the fridge. You look at Raven; your way of saying Ill go after her.
You find Starfire taking a soda can out of the fridge, talking to herself.
“Starfire?” you ask. She flinches at your approach, almost dropping the soda in her hand.
“Oh! Aquagirl. You have caught me off guard, my apologies,” she rubs her neck, blushing.
“You alright? You seemed a little worked up back there,” you say as the teen straightened herself up.
“Oh it's nothing, it's just that…” she sighed, closing the refrigerator. “My sister has always acted in such a way that can cause me to feel… annoyed.”
“Oh well, if you ever want to talk about it, I’m always here.” She hugs you, still holding the can of soda.
“Thank you my friend”
The next day, You were sitting in your room. Starfire barged in while you were rubbing the water from your head with your towel.
“Oh hey Starfire! What's up?” you smile, putting the towel onto your bed.
“Aquagirl! Have you seen Blackfire?” she asked. You noticed that she seemed distressed, but decided to answer her question first.
“Oh! We just went surfing! She crushed those waves!” You say, reminiscing. She was surprisingly good at surfing, especially since she told you it was her first time. Starfire frowned.
“Oh. alright.” you frowned back at her answer.
“Well, I think she might be with Robin right now. Is everything alright?” you ask. Her face turns bright red at the mention of Robin’s name.
“N- I mean, yes! Everything is alright. I must go.” She slammed the door before you could say anything. You wanted to go after her, but you figured since she left so quickly, she's probably not in the mood to talk. You went about your day, still a little worried about her.
Nighttime fell, and you sat on the couch with the other Titans, relaxing after an uneventful day. Starfire skipped in holding popcorn, candy, and a bunch of CDs.
“Friends! I invite you to join me in the togetherness of a stay-home movie night. I bring you popcorn and non-cotton candies. Tell me, what sort of movie shall we view?”
“Action,” said Robin.
“Romance!” you cheered.
“Comedy.” spat Beast Boy.
“Sci-fi” Cyborg offered.
“Horror.” Raven said flatly. Starfire drops her goodies.
“Perhaps a double feature?” she asked.
“Forget the flicks, kids.” You looked up to see Blackfire, now dressed in Starfire’s clothes. “We’re going out!”
“We are? Where did you- How did you-” Starfire stuttered, obviously confused by her sister’s new look.
“Heard about a party downtown,” Blackfire continued, ignoring her sister. “Cool crowd, hot music”
“Sound’s nice!” you say.
“Yeah!” Beast Boy agrees.
“I’m in!” Cyborg says.
“Why not?” Robin smiles. Raven kept looking at her book.
“And it's in an abandoned warehouse,” Blackfire adds. Raven looked up from her book, her way of saying that she's in. You all began to leave. You noticed Starfire still standing where she was, looking a bit sadder.
“Starfire? you coming?” you asked, walking by her.
“Oh um, I guess I will go,” she said, hanging her head a bit. You looked at her but she didn’t meet your eyes. Maybe she’s tired, you thought, walking to catch up with the other titans.
You entered the party, taking in the colorful lights and dancing teens. You followed Blackfire onto the dance floor, who seemed to already be dancing.
“Step aside Earthlings, the queen of the galaxy has arrived!” she cheered, swaying her hips with the other teens. She looks at the rest of you, a smirk on her face.
“Now don't tell me you big tough superheroes are afraid of a little dancing.” she says, beckoning you to do so. The boys joined in, and you noticed that Raven left the dance floor with a boy. The only people who weren’t dancing were you and Starfire. Starfire looked scared, she was clutching her new necklace, and you swore that she said something about shovels. You came up to her and took her hand.
“Let’s go Starfire, I think you need some air.” you say, leading her to the stairwell.
You sat next to her on the roof, both awkwardly silent.
“So, what's wrong?” you finally say.
“It’s my sister again,” she sighs. “It feels as though she has stolen you all from me, and I don’t know how to keep that from happening.”
“Hey. we’ll always be your friends, just as you’ll be ours. And she didn’t steal us from you, we just thought she was cool and all-” you were cut off by a yell from the part below.
“YO A.G.!!! YOU GOTTA COME DOWN HERE!!!” Cyborg yelled. You looked at the direction of the sound and then back at Starfire, who was staring at the ground.
“Oh- uh they probably need me, I’ll be right back,” You say, rubbing her arm. “HANG ON I'LL BE THERE IN A SEC!”
You race down to the dance floor and see Cyborg dancing.
“YO THEY’RE TOTALLY PLAYING YOUR SONG!” he yelled. Ugh I should get back to Starfire but they are totally playing my song, you thought. You look at Cyborg again, who was waving at you to join him. You see Robin next to you and pull him aside.
“Hey Aquagirl! Where’s Starfire?” He asked. You cross your arms.
“She’s upstairs on the roof. Listen, she’s super down in the dumps right now, I think you should talk to her.” You say. He nods and leaves, heading towards the stairs. You sigh as you go back to join your other friends. You bump into Blackfire, who was now sporting a neon pink wig.
“Um, nice wig,” you say.
“Thanks hot stuff. Where’s Robin? I saw you with him earlier.” She asked, still dancing. You weren’t sure if it was the best idea to tell her.
“He’s uhhhhhhh….” you try to stall.
“... with Starfire.” she finishes. You turn to see her staring through the glass roof, where you could see Robin and Starfire sitting together. She turns to the rest of you.
“One sec guys!” She winks. Less than a minute goes by and she reappears with Robin. You make eye contact; he seemed annoyed by being back here.
“We HAVE to dance to this song!” she says, starting to dance again next to Robin. He steps away from her.
“Sorry, but I’m going to check on Starfire again.” Robin says, heading to the stairwell again. Blackfire follows him, trying to get him to return, leaving you with Cyborg and Beast Boy. They continue to dance and you roll your eyes.
Suddenly, you notice Starfire fighting something. You squint at her location, then realize that what she's attacking is one of the robots from yesterday. You look at the two boys who’ve quite literally been dancing the whole time.
“Cyborg! Beast Boy! Starfire’s in trouble!” You yell, already running towards the exit. Suddenly, another of those robots appears out of nowhere.
“What the- AHHHHH!!!!” you scream as the robot latches onto you and drags you away. The two boys try to follow you but a third robot attacks them, leaving you to still be stuck in the clutches of the space robot. You see Raven hanging out with the boy from earlier (they’d be a cute couple huh) and she spots you. She flies after you, flinging two robots towards the machine as you finally break free. Starfire crashes into the room through the ceiling and lands in the crates, Cyborg and Beast Boy still taking on the other robot.
All three of the robots start chasing Starfire, and she flies around the room trying to lose them. Cyborg knocks into them and lays some punches, you trying to short circuit them by spraying them with water. One of the robots hits Cyborg, sending him flying into a wall. Another one sends Starfire flying into a different wall, and she lands in a dumpster. You run to the hole in the wall to find the aliens trying to bring the whole dumpster into the air. You were about to try to strike them when you saw a flash- the flash of a birdarang. It cuts into the arms of the robot and drops the container. Robin joins the rest of you.
“Titans Go!” Robin yells, but Blackfire flies out in front of you. In a matter of seconds she demolished all three robots. You all surrounded her as she stood victoriously.
“Aw yeah! Good times!”
“Nice shot, Tex!”
“Very nice.”
“Couldn’t have said it better myself!”
“How did you know where to hit them?” Robin asked.
“Lucky guess,” Blackfire shrugged. Cyborg stepped forward.
“We could use luck like that,” he said. “Maybe you oughta join the team.”
“Me? A teen titan?” Blackfire asked, obviously flattered. You couldn’t help but notice Starfire looking away, a defeated look on her face. I should talk to her again, you decided.
You and Robin found Starfire standing on the roof of the Titans Tower. You found out that you both had the idea of finishing up your conversations, but it seemed that Starfire had different plans. You reach her as she floats into the air.
“Were you going to leave without saying goodbye?” Robin asked, causing her to whip around to face the two of you.
“A little rude if you ask me,” you tried to joke, but she didn’t laugh. Her head hanging, she slowly landed back on the roof, taking off the backpack she was wearing.
“Aquagirl, Robin, I- '' She began, but was cut off by the sound of a spaceship coming towards you. One of the aliens on board unleashes its arm, which is a tentacle much like one of the robot’s, and slashes you and Robin, sending you both to the ground. It then wraps around Starfire, pulling her into the ship.
Robin runs towards the screaming Starfire and jumps from the roof and towards the ship. You watch in horror as he misses, and begins the fall towards the ground. The ship continues its ascent into the air.
“ROBIN!” you scream, running towards the edge of the Tower’s roof. You can do this, you can do this, you can-
You focused hard, and raised your arms above you. A geyser of water shoots up from the shore and catches Robin. You raised the geyser up towards the hull of the spaceship, allowing the Boy Wonder to grab onto the bottom and make his way up. Seeing that he made it safely on board, you dropped the geyser of water.
You fell to your knees, breathing heavily. You haven’t made such a strong geyser in, well, never! Your vision was blurring as Beast Boy, Cyborg, and Raven all rushed onto the roof.
“Aquagirl! What happened?” Cyborg asked, helping you up.
“Starfire… Spaceship… Robin… I helped…” you huffed, pointing towards the spaceship, which was now far away from the tower.
“We gotta catch up to them. But how?” Beast Boy said, staring at the silhouette in the distance.
“Follow my lead.” Raven said, grabbing on to Beast Boy and Cyborg, who was holding into you. You watched as she made a dark portal in front of you. She pulled the three of you through it and you found yourself in the outskirts of the city, next to mountains and a river. You see Starfire and Robin up ahead, in front of a now toppled over spaceship.
“Starfire! Robin!” Beast Boy yelled as you caught up to them.
“Are you alright?” Cyborg asked. Suddenly, you see two aliens emerge from the shipwreck.
“Titans! Get ready!” he said, assuming a fighting stance, which you follow. You wait tensely as the aliens approach you.
“In the name of the Grand Centauri Empire, you are all under arrest.” one of the aliens says, showing off a professional looking police badge. You stare at it. If they're police, why are they arresting us? And why are we fighting them?
“Uh… you can’t be the good guys. We’re the good guys.” Beast Boy says, just as confused as you are.
“And we are the Centauri Police,” the second alien repeats.
“The Tamaranean girl is a liar and a thief.” the first police alien says, pointing at Starfire. “She's committed high crimes throughout the entire Centauri system.”
“I have never even been to the Centauri moons!” Starfire pleaded.
Suddenly everything clicked. The necklace, the events at the carnival, the events at the party. All evidence seemed to have pointed to Starfire, but they actually pointed at another person.
“But I know someone who has.” you and Robin say at the same time. You look at each other, obviously aware of who the other was thinking.
Robin took off Starfire’s necklace for her and threw it aside. He faced the police aliens.
“You’ve been chasing the wrong girl. Where’s Blackfire?” Robin says. Before any of the other Titans could answer, you saw a figure flying through the sky.
“That Bitch!” you yelled, watching Blackfire make an escape.
“Don’t worry Star, she won't get away with this,” Robin says to Starfire, but her eyes are already glowing.
“No she will not!” she yells, and shoots off into the sky. You couldn’t see much, but there were flashes of bright green and purple in the sky. The Centauri police calmly rebalanced their ship and restarted it, its engine humming to life.
You then watched as they proceeded to fly up into the sky and capture Blackfire, similar to how they initially captured Starfire, and fly off into the night. You stared dumbfounded.
"What just happened?"
The next morning, you stood in front of the kitchen, making pancakes with Cyborg.
“Crazy what happened last night, huh?” you yawned, watching the pancakes sizzle on the stove.
“No kidding,” he said. “She would’ve made a great addition to the team, except for the intergalactic-criminal part.” You laughed, flipping the rest of the pancakes.
You climbed up to the roof, finding Robin and Starfire sitting together. God they’re probably being cheesy together you thought. You cleared your throat, the two of them jumping at your presence.
“Hey you two,” you winked. “Breakfast is ready!!!”
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You said in another post you don’t believe the Knights of Walpurgis (aka Death Eaters 1.0) were all that plausible. Why is that?
Oof, this is a larger ask than I think you intend that gets into a lot of controversial things. Though, I suppose that’s what this blog has become.
Remember when I just talked about my weird fanfiction? Remember those days? I remember those days.
I guess to start out we need to go at a high level and acknowledge a few things.
For all we know about Tom Riddle’s life we know very little that came from himself. Most of what we know came to us via The Halfblood Prince, in Dumbledore’s lessons to Harry.
Think what you will about Dumbledore, benign or evil, but we can all acknowledge that the man had a clear goal and agenda in Halfblood Prince. Dumbledore was facing his imminent death, suddenly he no longer was looking at years but a few months to accomplish everything he needed to. He knows Harry is a horcrux, knows he himself no longer has time to hunt down Tom’s horcruxes himself, and instead must leave all his work to Severus and, partly, to Harry Potter.
Specifically, he has to groom Harry for suicide.
By the time Severus relays the truth to Harry (never mind that this very nearly didn’t happen in canon and what would Dumbledore do then) Harry must be prepared to sacrifice his own life to stop Voldemort. That, or Severus will have to murder the shit out of him, and that was probably plan B but Dumbledore would prefer it if Harry went along willingly so that the whole thing’s a little less shady. Dumbledore’s not murdering children if the children murder themselves!
This means, in part, convincing Harry that Voldemort is such a monstrous evil that his presence on this earth cannot be tolerated. Voldemort cannot be allowed to survive, even if Harry’s death does not guarantee Voldemort’s destruction, Harry must do it because Voldemort is that bad. There must be no hope, no recourse, and the only action Harry can take is martyrdom. 
And so, that is essentially what Dumbledore does. 
He gives Harry a series of lessons, hand selecting memories of Tom Riddle’s past (often shockingly innocuous), and then narrates them to tell Harry exactly why Tom Riddle is so evil today. The flimsy excuse of Harry wheedling information out of Slughorn is nice, but not necessary, as Dumbledore has no reason to believe this memory contains information he himself doesn’t already know (indeed, that Tom actually did make six horcruxes as he told Slughorn is a very strange coincidence as we rarely end up doing what we thought or being where we thought we would when we were sixteen). 
Per Dumbledore, Tom Riddle was born evil by his very conception, is doomed to be a lowly miserable creature, and that murdering him is effectively putting him out of his misery.
Right, how does this relate to this post?
Well, neverminding what JKR says outside of canon, we learn about the Knights of Walpurgis/Tom’s schoolboy syncophants from Dumbledore. Per Dumbledore, Tom Riddle, while a highly respected and charming student was Evil McEvil who had junior cultists galore. So, you see Harry, the man must die (ergo you must kill yourself).
However, this is frankly ridiculous and not in any way believable.
First, the Hogwarts era when Tom’s in school.
Personally, I believe Tom was regarded 100% as muggleborn. Tom went into Hogwarts with the last name Riddle coming from the muggle world. When he gets sorted into Slytherin he can point to know family members at all (and even if he could would, at best, be considered a low class halfblood). Tom doesn’t know the significance of parseltongue and likely tells no one (I’ll get into this in a few paragraphs). Tom may insist that he could be a halfblood, he knows nothing of his father, but given his origins he himself probably believes he’s muggleborn until he stumbles across the hereditary nature of parseltongue.
Regardless, Tom is impoverished, comes from lower class muggle London, has the last name Riddle, no relatives to vouch for him, and you want me to think that the purebloods sign up to be his cult members?
Even though Tom is terrifyingly talented and brilliant, he will be fighting for respect every inch of the way. At best, I see the Slytherin’s tolerating his presence. Riddle’s tolerable, for a muggleborn, it’s a shame that he has such dirty blood but they’ll admit he’s a talented sort.
However, as soon as he’s out of Hogwarts they’ll drop him like it’s hot.
This is evidenced by a few things. Upon graduation, Tom Riddle struggles to secure employment. He tries for the Defense position but is unvested and a recent graduate, and so is rejected (and when he later tries again Dumbledore laughs in his place and says, “Bitch please, I will never hire you, I just accepted your application so I could spend this interview laughing in your face!”) He does not enter the ministry, which would likely have been far more beneficial to getting him a leg up in society.
No, Tom instead secures employment as a clerk and purchaser at Borgin and Burke’s the wizarding world’s shadiest pawn shop equivalent where he spends his time miserably wooing older women so they’ll sell him their fine goods. Dumbledore tries to convince us this was Tom’s plan, that he somehow knew about the locket beforehand, but this is bullshit. How the hell would Tom know that the heirloom undoubtedly locked away under safe and key had been sold to Borgin and Burkes? And even if he did, why would Tom take up this miserable position doing nothing he wanted to do? 
Whatever minions Tom is supposed to have, whatever friends, they dropped him completely, pretended they never knew him, and did nothing to secure Tom’s future.
Now, back to the parseltongue bit since I made a promise. I believe Tom told no one. Had Tom told the Slytherins he was the Heir of Slytherin, this would have spread like wild fire not only across the house but the school. All the staff would remember Tom as Tom Slytherin, Tom would likely have changed his name, and frankly Tom probably would have been able to get into the ministry with a name like that. Tom Riddle’s life would have looked very different.
More, had the Chamber of Secrets episode happened in a world where Tom proves his heritage, he would have immediately been caught. Someone in Slytherin, even if only a few dormmates knew, would have narked on him. Someone would have been jealous, scared, etc. and would have turned him easily over to the authorities. A secret like that simply cannot be kept, it would spread, and there would be no needing to frame Hagrid and none of Tom getting off. 
More, I always got the feeling very few knew that Voldemort had once been Tom Riddle. First, it would make recruiting very difficult. Voldemort is the mysterious, beautiful, heir of Slytherin who has come back from abroad to save their country. Tom Riddle is a dirt poor mudblood who comes from decades of incest and squalor.
Given the wizarding world at large does not know who Tom Riddle is (proved by The Chamber of Secrets) I would suspect the vast majority of Death Eaters and Order members didn’t either. Dumbledore was the one who pieced it together thanks, in part, to a ten-year-old Tom Riddle confessing his parseltongue abilities.
If Tom Riddle had told most people he was a parseltongue, far more would have made the connection, it would be common knowledge. Which means, of course, Tom Riddle has no ability to prove his heritage and is thus muggleborn swine.
More, I think Tom wouldn’t want Tom Riddle to be associated with Voldemort. When he becomes Voldemort, he will transcend his lackluster origins and become far more than an ordinary, mortal, man. He will leave the name Riddle behind and no one will remember that boy. He will eclipse his past.
Not to mention, that if Tom gave them the excuse of his heritage, it means giving himself the easy way out in Hogwarts. They won’t be forced to acknowledge him, acknowledge that he’s better than them despite his roots, but instead given the easy excuse of “oh, it’s because he’s the heir of Slytherin, duh”. And I think Tom would loathe the idea of that.
Tom wanting to eradicate the memory of Tom Riddle is especially why I think Voldemort came out of nowhere in the 70′s.
Tom doesn’t want to be recognized as Tom, he wants to be mysterious and originless, to give the purebloods everything they want to believe in. If it’s people he went to school with, they’ll recognize him, he’ll be just an ordinary mortal to them. If it’s their young, stupid, children well then he has a real chance. 
Voldemort is a figure of myth, something that appears to come out of legend itself, the savior of his country.
He cannot have origin let alone Tom Riddle’s. 
Not to mention the idea that multiple people waited on Tom Riddle for generations, even for decades where we know he went abroad and travelled the world, is utterly ridiculous. Why would they ever do this? What do they even gain from this? And why would it take so long to take over this ridiculously incompetent country THAT ALL OF TOM’S RECRUITS ARE PRACTICALLY SET TO CONTROL (the beauty of the Death Eaters is that they form a good chunk of the Wizengamot, and in using them, Tom Riddle effectively destroys the country from the inside out, which I believe was his true goal the entire time). 
If Tom Riddle is so terrible, so horrifyingly competent, then it can’t have taken him fifty years of constant work to topple the country. 
So, yeah, there were no Death Eaters 1.0.
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algumaideia · 3 years
SJM treatment of Tamlin and why it is wrong
You know, she treated Tamlin so bad that only because of that I became his stan. That is literally the only reason why I am pro Tamlin. Just that. 
First, Tamlin did abused Feyre and Lucien in the second book. This is a fact. So don’t say that I’m here trying to appologize an abuser because I’m not. Actually the story that I wanted for Tamlin is that Feyre kicks him and go do whatever because I don’t care about her, Tamlin feels sad then goes after her, she says how bad he was and etc, Tamlin feels depressed because he realizes she is right, Lucien brings the Tamlin out of his depressive state through the power of friendship, Tamlin tries to be a better person, Tamlin becomes Tarquin’s friend, they both rebuild their court together. You see, my character arc for him has a part where he acknowledge he was being abusive(something that Rhys never did cof cof).
Anyway let’s start with why SJM treatment of Tamlin was wrong. 
I don’t know if my post needs it, but just in case. TW: abuse, ptsd, trauma, depression, sjm bad writing.
Ptsd, trauma and abuse
You know, at the same time that I know Tamlin’s abuse was wrong and horrible I also want to ignore it because, besides the negligence, it was just bad writing. What do you mean by bad writing? Well, let’s compare Tamlin’s ptsd with Kaz and one of my main characters. Why am I going to compare ptsd when I am talking about abuse? I am going to do so because Tamlin’s abuse is caused by his ptsd. Other point, I know it is imature, but I’m very insecure about my writing and compare SJM writing with mine makes me feel better. I’m sorry about that.
Kaz passed through a horrible experience and because of that he has extreme touch aversion. But the trauma and ptsd didn’t change his personality, they weren’t responsables to make a good kid become a rough boy that is the leader of a gang. The circunstances did it (I haven’t read the second book yet, no spoleirs). Of course that the trauma changed the way he interacted with people but what made him change was the fact that he was a lonely child with a heart full of hatred and desire for vengence living in a place full of thieves and gangs. Now Jafari, my main character, also lived a traumatic experience. He has nightmares, triggers and intrusive thoughts. However, the “basis” of his ptsd is that he ignores and avoids his emotions, his grief and his trauma. He doesn’t like conflicts, he is passive, he doesn’t deal with things, he just let things solve themselves. And that’s why his ptsd is based on him avoiding dealing with what happened and trying to process what happened. 
Tamlin’s abuse and ptsd is based on three things: anger, neglect and being controlling. To be fair the neglect and controlling part makes sense, but I still have problems with them. Now the anger is so weird. I don’t remember Acotar pretty well but during all the time Tamlin was UTM he had control over his actions and feelings. Amarantha wanted to hurt him by hurting his love and his friends, she was also problaby sexually assalting him. Tamlin saw Feyre being tortured, suffering and being sexually abused and he never showed any reaction because he knew if he did that Amarantha would make everything worse for her. Considering that how his ptsd and abuse is he having no control towards his anger? It makes no sense. 
In the first book Lucien insults and makes fun of  Tamlin all the time and Tamlin has no problem with it. Not only that but his court has no ranks, not like Rhys’ court cof cof. But now Lucien can’t give him even a suggestion that he is almost killing his only friend who survived during Aramanthas reign? Sigh That’s my problem with Tamlln being a control freak. And I aslo have the feeling that SJM only put it so then Rhys could say it is your choice all the time. 
About the neglect, Tamlin was trying to rebuilt his court, was dealing with his trauma and there was also the fact that Feyre wasn’t safe since other High Lords would be mad with her for having their powers. Tamlin neglecting Feyre is logical. But people forget that Feyre was also neglecting Tamlin. As I said I don’t remember Acotar pretty well but I think that Tamlin asked how Feyre was at some point, but Feyre never did that. She was all: ohhh Tamlin knows that I am throwing up and having nightmares why he does nothing? Tamlin isn’t sleeping well too, but he never asks me how am I doing. You want to blame Tamlin for his negligence towards Feyre? Good, do it, you are right. But Feyre did the same thing. She NEVER EVER even thought to ask if Tamlin was okay, or acknowlegded that he was also suffering. 
At least Tamlin tried to communicate with her, Feyre never did that. For example he gave her paints so then she could start painting again. And this was good, Feyre was depressed and that is why she didn’t painted. One thing that depressed people do sometimes is to avoid doing things they know will make them happy. Feyre was doing that. And this was also Tamlin trying to communicate with Feyre and she just ignored it and then was angry because he didn’t know that she couldn’t stand the color red, but Rhys knew. This is so wrong.
1. Rhys only knew that because he invaded her mind and discovered something she wasn’t confortable talking with anyone.
2. She never told about her problem with the color red with Tamlin. She never talked with him. How was he supposed to know?
3. This was the perfect opportunity to talk about that with him, but she didn’t.
Tamlin's ptsd was ignored through the whole series, he was treated as the worst person ever when Rhys who did the same things was treated as the best person in Earth and his logical actions were treated as stupid.
Tamlin’s “illogical” actions
You know, there is a lot of memes that say how Tamlin was stupid to think that Feyre would like to come back to him after spending sometime with Rhys. Yeah, how dumb! Why he would think that he love of his life would like to come back to him after being kidnapped by the guy who sexually abused her for months, the guy who joined Amarantha for no reason, the guy who has been known for torturing people and having a court full of miserable fae. Hahaha so dumb!! She even sent him a letter saying she didn’t want anything with him, and he was stupid to go after her anyway. I mean, the guy known for being a psycho that kidnapped her was also able to control minds so why wouldn’t he believe in the letter? Hahahaha. *Sigh*
A lot of people criticize Tamlin for colecting taxes in Acomaf, like how could he? People first, where do you think all Rhys money came from? His work? Second, it was the first time he did it in 50 years and he postponed it a month. He was trying to get everything back to normal. Besides taxes are an important part of a governament, it is from them that the governament can make things, like hospitals, better streets(at least they were supposed to do so). SJM didn’t make it clear what a HIgh Lord job is. She said that Tamlin job is to protect the Spring Court, but in every other moment it is implied that High Lord are likes kings so I don’t know. Anyway this makes perfect sense, congratulations to Tamln.
Then he allies with Hybern and people act like he did that to take Feyre back form Rhysand. How dumb! Hahaha. He did that to save his people. The Spring Court was in a delicated position, he lost a lot of his friends during Amarantha reign and they were problaby responsable to protect the Spring Court. The agreement would protect this people, got Feyre back and made him able to spy Hybern. And this is more than Rhys did. He only tortured people to protect a hidden city, nothing more. 
In the war meeting he had the all the right to be angry, but it wasn’t nice to say that about Feyre. I won’t say anything more because I could write a whole post about how wrong this meeting was. 
And finally he helped to resurrected Rhysand and it was put as an amazing thing. But it was nonsense. Why he helped the guy who kidnapped his love and manipulated her? Why he helped the guy who sent his love to destroy his court? Why he helped the guy who allied with Amarantha for no reason? Why he helped the guy who is known for being a monster for years? Specialy condering that this guy could get his powers. And after that Rhys decieded to visit Tamlin and make him more miserable than he already us. But that’s ok because Rhys is the best male. Not only that but Rhys now is visiting Tamlin oftenly in Acofs apparently. This makes me so ANGRY. 
This was my messy post.
Best regards, 
Ps. Sorry for writing makes sense and its variations too much, but that is because I don’t know English that well so my knowledge is very limited.
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angelicspaceprince · 3 years
NSFW Alphabet Heisenberg Headcanons
For obvious reasons, this contains smut and is for 18+ only readers. Again, I’m posting only my headcanons onto tumblr, both can be found on my AO3
A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
Very grabby, has a tendency to be a little softer. Loves a good cuddle after sex, definitely praises you constantly. He loves to wash you down with a cloth, wiping away all of the cum, the sweat, the blood, the tears, as he murmurs soft words of praise and encouragement, pressing a small kiss here and there as he does so.
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
I’m not entirely sure if Heisenberg would like any part of his body - it's just a vessel to him I believe. I think his favourite part of himself would be his discount magneto powers because that gives him the ability to create so many new tools to play with when it comes to having sex with you, some even on the spot.
For you, he loves your hands. He sees them as soft and gentle and he loves the feel of them in his work-worn, rough hands as he pushes you down into the bed, or them cupping his face as you pepper his face with kisses, telling him what a good boy he’s being for you, or when their wrapped around his dick as you jerk him off in a way that has him melting against your back and rolling his hips up into your palm.
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person)
He loves cumming inside or on you, there is no way in hell he’d ever wear a condom. It’s a marking thing, he needs to make sure you know that you’re his. He doesn’t have a preference for where he cums, just as long as it’s somewhere on you. If you spit and not swallow, he thinks it’s a waste of his seed and gets huffy about it - he’d much rather see it across your face than down the sink.
He cums a lot and it’s ungodly thick as well.
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He’s fucked a lycan, been fucked by a lycan, and he fucking loved it. Was tempted to fuck a soldat but that was a little too much for him.
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing? )
I’d say pretty experience, if anything, he fucks the girls at the village mostly to spite and in an attempt piss off Miranda. He’d mellowed out about a decade before you met him, but definitely he’s had the time to gain quite a lot of experience.
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
Lotus, or any position where you’re on top of him. He enjoys grinding up into you and watching you come undone on top of him, but also means it's easier for him to grab at different parts of you - this goes for eating out too, he loves it when you sit on his face and ride him to completion. Loves mating press too, when he’s feeling particularly primal.
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
By ‘goofy’ for H, I more think of sadomasochism or teasing you when you cum so hard you can’t see straight. I think he’d crack a few jokes here and there to make you laugh and you’d definitely have fun but for the most part, I think he’s more all about getting you riled up until you’re a trembling, begging mess.
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
He is a hairy, hairy man who doesn’t give a shit about his grooming - he would have a thick and large amount of pubes that are wiry just like his beard. If you asked, he’d probably tame it down a little, but if you don’t care, it wouldn’t even cross his mind.
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
Only after leaving the village will he 100% let his guard down to be intimate during sex I think. There would be a lot of praise and stuff whilst you’re at the village, but it doesn’t really become too intimate until after everything has washed over. I fully believe the first time he says ‘I love you’ was in German and whilst you two were having possibly the most intimate round of sex you’d ever had in your life the first night after your escape from the village. After sex is usually where he’s the most intimate - where he will murmur softly against your skin about how good you are to him and how he adores you and can’t believe that you’re in his life.
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
I feel like he’d jack off quite frequently before you were around and even then, it probably doesn’t change much once you’re there. If he has no time for sex with you and it’s literally just an urge to deal with so he can concentrate on his work? Then yeah, he’ll pull out his dick and stroke himself off as he continues to work without a care in the world. It’s just to clear his mind so he can focus on the task at hand, to him it's no different than eating or sleeping. Just something he has to do to get by.
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
It’d be a lot easier to list the kinks he doesn’t have - shit, vomit and death. Beyond that, anything else is on the tables. His favourites would definitely include pred/prey, bondage, overstim, bloodplay, watersports, knife play, choking, cumplay/breeding kink, cockwarming, exhibitionism/voyeurism and marking/biting. He does have a preference for an active and willing partner, that being said CNC is also something he would enjoy as long as it was clear that both parties wanted it prior to the scene being played out.
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
Loves fucking at his desk - cockwarming especially. Loves cockwarming during inappropriate times too, like during family meetings. Or fucking you at Lady D’s house, edging you on and reminding you not to make a sound whilst making it impossible for you not to moan or scream his name. Anywhere and everywhere is an option for Heisenberg, but the riskier it is, the more he seems to love it.
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
Literally, anything and everything. A breeze hitting him the right way will get him horny. You could be walking past in sweatpants and a baggy jumper and he will want you bent over the bench with his dick railing into you. It doesn’t take much, the man ain’t fussy.
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Killing someone during sex would be a big turn off. Involving any talk of Miranda or Lady D would also be off limits.
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
Doesn’t really have a preference. Is a master at getting you off with his mouth and will gladly spend hours dedicated to mapping you out and causing you to cum again and again with his just tongue. By the time he’s finished with you, you won’t be able to walk and you definitely will have a number of bruises and bite marks against your thighs as well as a pretty decent beard burn going on. His favourite thing to do once he’s pulled away is to put his cold hands against your thighs specifically where his beard burn is, just to feel you squirm and attempt to kick him away.
Receiving - he loves throat fucking you, or having you kneel under his workbench, tied up nice and tight, with his dick resting heavy on your tongue as he works, occasionally reaching down to stroke your hair, scratch at your scalp or fucking his hips up into you so you don’t get too cozy down there. Your jaw and throat always aches afterwards and he loves hearing how hoarse he’s made your voice - he will always have a drink waiting for you afterwards, but first he needs to hear how well he’s fucked your voice out.
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
It’ll depend on the mood - definitely after leaving the village there is more of an opportunity for Heisenberg to reach a more romantic, slow and sensual pace (although it definitely happened whilst in the village, it was just rare as often Heisenberg used sex as a stress release as well as a way to feel like he’s achieved something or made someone proud), but his more natural pace will always be fast, deep and on the rougher side.
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
Good way to scratch an itch and was, for a good portion at the beginning of your relationship, the only way you’d have sex as the only reason you were having sex was to scratch an itch or for stress relief. As time went on, things changed and although ‘proper’ sex and longer sessions became the norm (especially because he loved to dedicate the time to map out every inch of your body and see exactly what makes you tick), he still loves a good quickie during the day.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
He will try anything once, after all it’s how you figure out if you like something or not! In terms of risks, if it's a risk of getting caught, he is more than happy to take it. If it's a risk to your safety? Not on his life.
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
It doesn’t take long for Heisenberg to recover - unless you’re having a quickie, you best be ready for multiple rounds. Even if he can’t get it up, he will plaster his mouth between your thighs until your voice is hoarse and you’re squirming and weakly tugging at his hair in a vain attempt to pull him away. He loves feeling your strength pull away with each orgasm, seeing how weak and tired you become because of him. He’d never go too fair without prior warning, and if you safe-word out he will pull away instantly and be straight into aftercare mode. As for how long he lasts…..it really does depend on the situation, but if you have enough time and are in an environment where he feels safe, who knows how long he’d last. You have sat in his lap, cock buried deep inside of you for the entirety of many a family meeting, having to hide the fact that he was hard and throbbing inside of you. So, you know for a fact, he can last that long under stressful situations.
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
He’d make his own and have a little collection. He’d definitely think of something whilst working on his metal army, make it and instantly turn to find you to test them out. If it’s something a bit more intense, he’ll test it on himself first before seeking you out.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
He loves to tease you and keep you on edge of your first orgasm, making it out that he’s close to making you scream only to pull back and watch you pout, beg or even scream in frustration. His favourite place to tease you, though, is in a place where you can’t protest or beg, where you need to be silent or keep whatever you’re doing a secret. That’s definitely when the worst of his teasing will come out.
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
It will depend on the situation (see wild card for submissive!H), but usually? He wants to drink in the sounds he has you make - he’s all short grunt and growls and soft murmurs of praise against your skin and dark promises that merge seamlessly with general dirty talk with small groans and moans peppered throughout. If he’s had an awful day, however? He’s much louder, much more aggressive. He needs to fuck his emotions out - and this is definately when his pred/prey kink comes into full swing. He will chase you throughout the village, throughout his factory, wherever he can, and is nothing but growls and snarls, every sound coming from his throat animalistic. He also bites a lot more too, claiming you as his, and it’s the only time that his sounds are muffled slightly.
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
If you get him worked up enough if you get the chance to dom him (he will sub for a selected few), he will always end up babbling out his begs in German. If you ask nice enough, he may order you around in German or Romanian, but the only time it naturally comes out is when he’s so far gone into subspace, so needy and desperate, that it’s just natural for him to speak his first language. In general, if you get him to sub for you, he will not shut the fuck up - all moans and whimpers and broken groans, small promises to be good for you if you would just touch him already . Bratty sub for sure, definitely into pet play. Will only ever be able to handle a gentle dom for obvious reasons, and has a major, major, major praise kink, both giving and receiving but get this boy into subspace and praise him and just watch him whine and squirm and ask for more. If he’s misbehaving at home and you jokingly say ‘behave pup’, he will get flustered so quickly.
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
Body wise, he is quite muscular but has a nice layer of fat to soften things out - it actually surprises you how strong he is from brute strength alone because he definitely doesn’t look it at first glance.
Cock wise - he’s more thick than he is long, average length but with a good amount of girth that has you feeling that stretch for hours afterwards.
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
I’d say pretty high, but he is also good at distracting himself from it? During his tenure at the village, he’s so focused on escaping that it looks like his sex drive is low to normal. But the moment you get out of the village? Have your own place where it’s safe and no one is there to stop you? All bets are off, he cannot keep his hands off of you. Half of it is catching up for lost time, half of it is just the fact that the man is permanently horny.
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
When domming: He doesn’t fall asleep often, but he will doze or rest his eyes for a second and enjoy the afterglow. He won’t leave to go back to work until you’ve fully conked out though, unless something desperately pressing comes up and he has to go. He’d rather spend this small amount of quality time with you and making sure you’re okay before leaving you alone and even when he does leave when you’re asleep, he has his eyes on his monitor with a live feed of you sleeping, just in case something goes wrong and you need him.
After subbing: He usually passes out pretty quickly. Subbing takes a lot more energy out of him than domming does, so once he’s cleaned up and has received his dose of praise and love, he usually falls asleep with his head in your lap, on your tummy or on your chest. He can’t wake up alone after a sub scene, even the very idea of it freaks him out, so you better make sure you have something to do as he naps because once he’s out, he’s asleep for hours.
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glossolali · 3 years
You know what I don't like? This borderline toxic positivity that some part of the Critrole fandom have about the show, like the cast can do no wrong, like having any opinion or feeling that's not in support of literally everything they do is to be shunned and insulted
And I know exactly why some of the Critrole fandom is like this, it's because there are loads of shitty annoying people out there who just like to complain about the decisions that the cast make about their game and their company, down to the little details like why they made certain decisions in game etc. And then they TELL them about it or send death threats? Yeah, trash
So I get the rejection of ANY form of negativity is in reaction to that BUT that doesn't mean I can't say "hey I'm gonna miss the art reel it's too bad they removed it" because yes I know there's a site gallery, and yes I do go and look at it every week. But obviously when people say "I will miss it" it's missing the experience of the art reel, because they have fond memories of it, because it's part of the history of Critrole, because it was entertaining and it was nice to know everyone was looking at the same thing at the same time, because it was nice to see the surprise of having your own artwork or your favourite artist's work come up. It was part of the experience, and it's OKAY to lament that. And any part of the show that changes for that matter.
Does that mean I'm saying "why the fuck are they ruining the show?" or that I'm a shitty anti??? Or that I'm going to send them negative tweets about what I think? No, of course not. And of course I think whatever they come up with is instead of the art reel is gonna be amazing and I can't wait to see it, but we are allowed to have conflicted feelings about something we've literally spent hundreds and hundreds of hours watching.
This black and white thinking in fandom has GOT to go because y'all are lying to yourselves if you say you've never ever had a single objection or conflicted feeling or ever felt disappointed while watching the show, as if it makes you better than the rest of us...
And it's weird for sure because it's not a script and it's an improv show where the characters are deeply personal and connected to those that created them so criticizing them feels wrong, and we don't wanna get lumped in with the Bad Fans, but STILL I can complain on my blog all I want if it's not hurting anyone or not spreading negativity but just bringing up a valid point about how I'm feeling and hoping to feel better about it by connecting with others who feel the same
Like did I lament the fact that Caleb didn't time travel at the end of C2? Sure. Would it have been cool to see? Sure. Did I feel better after expressing this on my blog and talking to others about it? YES. I still loved the ending anyway and I still enjoyed what ended up happening, and it's not my game or my character.
Another example, did I dislike the fact that we didn't get the original Molly back at the end?? Sure, but again.. expressed my feelings about it and connected with others and felt better about it and moved on. And again, I still loved the ending and I enjoyed it, and it's not my game or my character.
So can we PLEASE learn to have nuance and learn to allow people to have opinions and feelings about things without having this moral superiority us vs. them shit?? I'm so sick of this in every single fandom I've been in, and so sick of vague call out posts and holier than thou attitudes like "people who do this are so toxic/lazy/dumb/bad" like shut the hell up lmao
If you see an opinion about the show you don't like, MOVE ON, unfollow, block, whatever you need to do to curate your fandom experience, it's not that hard. I don't understand why we can't learn this already and have to make people feel like shit about doing fandom in whichever way they feel benefits them the most.. if it's not hurting anyone, what's the problem???
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I’m going to be honest: I dislike Nate right now.
And that’s perfectly fine.
I understand that this show loves to redeem people, however, as I said in another post, you can only redeem someone if there are negative feelings and/or you believe that person wronged someone or whatever. If you have positive feelings and excuse what they did, what exactly are they being redeemed for?
Despite loving Rebecca’s character, when I rewatch season one, I don’t like her at times. I dislike a lot of what she did back then. It doesn’t matter that I know she tells the truth eventually, the stuff she did was still fucked up. I’m not going to preemptively excuse her actions because I know the end goal.
Take Jamie for instance, his behavior was not okay. We know why he behaves that way, but it still wasn’t justified. We are still allowed to dislike him and what he did then. We talk about the negative effects of the bullying Nate received from the players, yet some try to excuse Nate’s bullying and his actions?
Wrong is wrong. Jamie being verbally abused by his dad didn’t justify how he treated others just like how Nate’s father (and bullying by others) is emotionally abusive doesn’t justify Nate’s behavior.
Although we understand the context, Nate IS being a fucking backstabbing asshole right now. Some may hate to hear that, but this isn’t an unfair opinion or unflattering light of him. This is exactly how he’s behaving.
There are some who has a ton of sympathy for Nate, but I’m not one of them. Please believe, I do hold some sympathy for him, but I have a limit.
So here’s reasons why Nate is on my shitlist and I’ll wait until he’s actually redeemed to forgive him.
1. Calling Rebecca a shrew. It’s not the fact that he literally called Rebecca this, but that he immediately verbally attacked the woman. We can say, “oh no, she’s the owner so he had reasons to think…”
No, Nate literally attacked Rebecca for no reason at all. She had little to no interaction with him and has never disrespected or harmed him in anyway, yet he has these intense feelings of dislike in the moment based off what exactly?
Nate attacked Rebecca because she is a woman. If you disagree, what other reason it might be? The reason I believe it was due to her gender is because she’s been defanged so to speak. So he doesn’t fear her like he used to. But Nate also practices in casual misogyny ie his shoe remark to Rebecca and Keeley. That may not seem like a big thing, but how is that an involuntary response??? With him believing he got fired, he doesn’t wait for answers, he immediately attacks her. And I had to ask myself, would he have done this with a man? With someone like Rupert? No fucking way. Nate can’t even directly challenge Ted who is a ray of sunshine, but attacks someone who he literally ran away from in fear in the pilot. Although Nate respects power, he respects male power the most. He skipped over Ted and Beard and went straight towards Rebecca. The fact that this even happened has always been disturbing to me. And Nate is fucking lucky that he hasn’t said any of his comments to old Rebecca (not age, but personality. 🥺) because she would have fired him. Only due to her relationship with Ted and him getting to let her guard down and find her old self that she frowned and shrugged Nate’s comments off. Most bosses at the very least would’ve talked to Nate and he didn’t get even that.
2. Projecting his daddy issues onto Ted. I understand that nate is going through some tough shit and has been for literally decades, however, that doesn’t mean make someone your stand in dad because they were nice and kind. Ted treats Nate like he does the other coaches, but Nate wants a special and unique relationship that will never exist. Ted is not his father and he didn’t ask for the job or the responsibilities.
I understand that people go through shit and latch onto those who made the rough times easier. I get that. However, all this animosity, scheming, and resentment because Ted isn’t giving the attention he wants. That fucking unfair to Ted. He didn’t ask or sign up to be Nate’s father figure. Yet he’s being punished for not being something he never wanted to be. Never even thought about it.
And because I’ve seen/partially experienced this shit, people getting mad at you for not being who they projected onto, it makes me upset at Nate. Because people like this really do become resentful and manipulative and that is not okay despite their own hurt that they’re dealing with. Why does the person you projected on have to suffer for something they’re unaware of and have no obligation to fulfill?
Nate isn’t just trying to blow up Ted’s professional career, he’s doing it via one of the cruelest ways: using his mental health against him. Thereby exploiting Ted’s trust in him.
Ted has literally changed Nate’s life for the better and rather than have a man to man talk with him, he cowardly tries to sabotage Ted in one of the worst ways imaginable.
3. His cognitive dissonance about how coaching works!!!
This seriously irritates me because, on some level, Nate knows that the very system he’s criticizing is how it works across ALL team sports and with reason.
He wants to be a damn head coach soooo bad—does he think ideas, plans, plays, etc only comes from head coaches???
What does he think assistants are there for?
For those who aren’t familiar with sports and coaching, literally every team sport has a head coach and then assistants under them. These assistant typically specialize in a given thing.
In American football, I believe there are like defensive coaches, strength and conditioning coaches, etc. there are coaches who watch a lot of tapes to learn the opposition and how to make plays to hold them exploit their weakness and tailor plays around that.
Like on the professional level there are so many types of coaches and, hell, not all of them want to be head coaches. Some of the greatest coaching minds aren’t head coaches.
For example, the American basketball team the Chicago bulls fired their coach Doug Collins in like 1989, I think. He was a good coach, but one of his assistant coaches had a basketball IQ out of this world. Doug refused to listen to him, but management fully supported this assistant coach. Now the other assistant coach they were grooming to take over, Phil Jackson, if you’ve heard of him, DID listen to this basketball genius. So much so that when he became head coach after Doug was fired, he continued to implement The Triangle offense that came from this basketball genius, which Phil was known for until he retired.
Nate’s upset that Ted gets all the credit for if they win, he does realize that Ted also gets all the blame for if they lose. Ted has always highlighted his coaching staff and everyone who helped him. He has always stressed that he wouldn’t be where he is without them. And when he loses, he takes full ownership. He doesn’t pass the blame at all.
Does Nate seem like someone who’d take ownership for losing?
Does Nate seem like someone, at this moment, who’d appropriately give credit to assistant or anyone else who helped him?
Would he even listen?
What makes Ted a great coach is that he gives others opportunities to step up to the plate and if/when they succeed, he allows them to shine.
Ted sees the fuller picture, for the most part, and knows how to address his weaknesses and who’s stronger than him in what area. He realized that the team needed a presence like Roy on the team. He knew he needed someone like beard who could absorb insane amounts of knowledge. He saw that Nate had potential coaching ability.
But Nate doesn’t understand the importance or value of this. He also doesn’t understand how instrumental Ted’s philosophy has been in transforming the culture of the team. That this is also a reason why the team is playing better.
So like, yeah, I’ll forgive Nate when he’s redeemed. But these three things are what really irks me about him. Just because I understand why he is acting this way doesn’t mean I have to excuse it when he’s being a dick to others, complaining about shit only due to his ego, and doing fucked up shit like leaking someone’s mental health struggles so he can gain an advantage over them.
Does he think that if Ted leaves/gets fired that he’s getting the job??? I mean hopefully whatever he has going on with Rupert works out (before it inevitably goes wrong) because this isn’t going to turn out how he thinks it will.
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shadyteacup · 3 years
May I ask a scenario with ADA dazai who falls for an agency member and she's really strong both mentally and physically and is loved by everyone in the agency? She also used to be a soldier in that war so she has seen plenty of things and she's not afraid of dark thing etc... Hope I wasn't so demanding have a nice day (forgive me for my English)
Heyyyy :>
This was such a good ask, I went all out and wrote a bit too much. So I'll be posting it as two parts. :)
And don't worry, love, you're English is immaculate!
Do lemme know if you like this... I'll probably be posting part two tmrw or in some hours... I just need to do one final touch up :D
Partners (part 1)
Dazai x gn! Reader
Tw: Lots of action and fighting, a little blood, implied death.
If u can handle bsd fight scenes, then u can read this... dw, it's not gory or too violent..
"I have your back, go!", you say as you shoot at the enemy hiding behind the car.
"Got it!", Dazai says, as he jogs to the adjacent safe place.
You two were assigned a job, one that you had initially thought was a simple task: Find the missing girl.
You hadn't expected any foul play. Apparently, the girl in pursuit wasn't kidnapped. She had run away from her home. She had a record of disappearing out of the blue, so you had figured she was just taking some time away from her family, like she usually does. The parents approached the ada when the police were unable to find her. So you guys concluded that she was kidnapped. There had been no calls for any ransom, so you chalked up the possibility of her kidnapper being a sex offender, a sadist, or a cult member. You knew you had to act quick before he hurt her. You and Dazai had worked together to collect all the breadcrumbs, and had triangulated the location of a criminal who had just gotten out of prison. He had served 6 years for various sexual assaults and rapes. You had concluded that this must be his doing. It was too much of a coincidence for a girl to get kidnapped just one week after a criminal had been released.
You both had walked right into the enemie's trap.
The man, Ito Sōta, held the girl at gun point at the center of an abandoned warehouse. The warehouse belonged to a small criminal group. He must have joined this group after being released.
The group, a small organization in need of monetary support, wanted to impress the mafia. They had arranged for this ploy to defeat a few members of the ada and hopefully get in the mafia's goodbooks.
They had used Ito's criminal record to lure the ada into the warehouse, and rain fire upon them, hoping to defeat them.
"That's the most logical explanation", Dazai had said, when you two had been ambushed by ten or so men and their many bullets.
Dazai hid behind a cargo container.
"We have to move fast. I manged to neutralize them, but I'm pretty sure there are more on the way, and some more protecting Ito.", you say, leaning against the box.
Dazai hummed.
"So, what's the plan?"
He thought for a second, then said,
"You are good at combat, so why don't you take them on, and clear a path for me.."
" I see.. I distract while you sneak an attack on Ito."
You change the magazine of your glock,inserting a fresh one.
"Sounds good."
At your count, you began running towards the guards ahead. You had a shielding ability, allowing you to shield yourself from bullets, fire explosions, and prevent it from touching you. Ofcourse, you couldn't control heat, so if you were to be near an explosion, while the fire wouldn't burn your skin, the heat radiating from it would definitely hurt you.
Your ability only worked when you activated it. It wasn't always activated, and would take quite a lot of your energy if you kept it on at all times.
A few men had noticed you, and had started shooting you. The bullets bounced off your shield, falling to the ground. You continued charging towards the center, aiming at the men that were in Dazai's path. Taking them down was easy enough; they were just meat and bones that could shoot, and desperately lacked a brain. If bullets don't work, shouldn't they try hand to hand combat? But no. These idiots were so hopelessly dumb, that they kept shooting you, standing tall and proud, and presenting themselves as easy targets for your bullets.
'Well, it works for me... so keep being stupid, guys!' You thought as you shot a majority of them down.
Dazai hid behind the containers, jogging over to the center. He handled a few men that were in his way, as you cleared almost all of them for him.
Soon enough, you approached a man and two women, clad in suits, that charged at you with an assortment of weapons. They dodged your bullets, and tried to attack you.
'These guys are smart'
The first bulky guy swung his dagger at you. You dodged; the knife brushing past your cheek in the process. It was OK, you were a master in martial arts, afterall. Taking them down wouldn't be so difficult.
You grabbed his arm, jumping off the ground and twisting your torso midway to land behind him. His arm was now twisted, and you swiped at his legs, resulting in him falling to the ground. You swiped the dagger from his palm, stabbing him in the knees and his dominant arm. The spots you had targeted were sensitive points, that paralyzed his limbs.
Moving on to the woman charging at you with a club, you threw the dagger at her. She twisted to dodge it. The dagger plunged in her shoulder. She cried out in pain. You had tricked her by throwing your own dagger a split second later, aiming in the direction of her reflex duck.
The other woman had used her partners as a distraction to sneak up behind you. She held a thick metal chain, that she wound around your neck, choking you. You tried prying it off, but she was too powerful. So you slammed back into her, your head hitting her nose, pushing her back and effectively loosening her grip on the chain. Grabbing the front, you slipped your fingers between the chain and your neck, crating some space to breathe. You then yanked it forward, bruising your neck in the process. Slipping out from the chain, you wound it on your palm, halving it. You used it as a whip on the woman, drawing blood from her nose. She dodged your next swing, punching you in the gut. She was really strong, that's for sure. You spit out blood from the impact. You were about to stab her when a bullet hit her head.
"Thanks.", you say to Dazai, who had shot her from his position; very close to Ito.
He nodded, continuing his journey towards the girl.
Fighting your way through, you finally reached Ito. You stood right opposite him.
"Well done! You successfully defeated fifty of my men!"
He said, pressing the gun against the girl's temple. He wanted to play a game with you. He wanted to make you choose whom he should kill; the girl, or you.
"But, alas, you won't be able to save her."
Ito felt a cool sensation on his head, and heard a click of a gun right behind him.
You smirked.
"You sure about that?"
He grit his teeth, raising his arms in defeat.
Dazai pushed him on the ground, handcuffing him.
"It was quite a smart plan. It wasn't elaborate, though. Such a pitiful organization you have. No wonder you're desperate for the Mafia's attention."
Dazai said.
"Did you really believe you could trick the armed detective agency?"
He glared down at the man, his face adorning a menacing look.
"If the mafia hears about this, you will be dead before you can even think of the word 'escape'. Whoever breaks the peace between the Mafia and the A.D.A, will have hell to pay."
You scoffed.
"If you had half a brain, you would know to never mess with the two organizations. Did you really think you could use us?" You laughed.
"How naive!"
You heard a whimper.
You looked at the girl, noticing her fearful expression. You deactivated your ability, now that the job was done. The girl whimpered again, but it sounded abnormal. It sounded artificial. Something didn't feel right.
"Hey, it's alright now. You're safe."
You say to the girl. She looks at you with wide eyes.
"It's all under control. We're here to take you back home. This guy can't hurt you anymore."
You move closer to her, crouching down to her level.
"Tell me. Did he hurt you?"
You place a hand on her shoulder, trying to comfort her.
She stared at you for a second, then grinned. All the fear had vanished from her eyes. They now held a malicious gleam.
"You fell right in!"
She cackled.
"Right in the rabbit hole!"
She giggled, snapping her fingers.
All you heard was a sharp sound. A ringing in your ears. And a scream. Was that Dazai? Or was it you? Who knows.
You look down to your torso, and notice a dark red stain on your shirt.
Suddenly, you felt it. The pain was overwhelming. You had been shot before; you were a part of a war, afterall. But it was always in the shoulder, or limbs. This was your first time getting hit on the torso. You had probably broken a rib or two. You could feel your lungs being filled with something. It felt heavy.
Blood? Yeah probably. You couldn't think straight. You remember feeling tired. You didn't even register your knees giving away, or the pair of strong arms that caught you right before you fell.
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lilsuzn · 3 years
MLQC Victor - NSFW abc headcanons (REMASTERED)
Fandom: Mr. Love: Queen’s Choice
Warnings: Explit sexual content (GN READER)
it's what I posted a while ago, but better - I changed some things, I deleted some thing and wrote new. I think it's much better now
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A = Aftercare (What they are after sex?)
Victor is a man that has his values straight
You are the most important part of his life (even if he sometimes struggles to shop it) and he will do anything for you… and only for you
Other people don’t matter. He only takes what he wants and leaves.
But you - his sweetest, dearest, little love… can ask anything and everything (well, almost - see N).
You crave massages? He will buy the most luxurious oils on the market, might even take a course to perfect his skills to give you more pleasure
Want to take a bath? He will have a bathtub installed if he doesn’t have one already
Pillowtalk, kissing, snuggling, another round? No need to say it twice. He leaves to please you
When it comes to him, he likes to pull you close and tell you all the things he has no courage to say at any other time
Leave no space for misunderstanding in the department of his unconditional, boundless, eternal love and devotion for you
Tell you just how happy he is to have you and how everything is worthless in comparison to you
After he makes sure you’ve been pleasured throughly already, he will want to share a shower
And make no mistake - he will wash you. You can wash him too, if you want, but taking care of that pretty body of yours is his responsibility
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
His favorite body part is his waist
It wasn’t easy to get that V shaped body and he is extremely proud of this accomplishment…
Especially when he sees your hungry gaze roaming his torso up and down
And you… He couldn’t possibly choose one part
Beautiful legs, rounded butt, soft abdomen and that gorgeous, gorgeous smile
That would be your thighs when it comes to the sexual aspect
You have such a delicate skin there. So suckable. Kissable. More plush than any pillow could ever be
He feels so secure and at ease when they squeeze around his head as you ride his face.
The sound of his hips slapping against them - heavenly
Not much can make him calmer than your lovely, plump thighs
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum)
It should come (hihihi) as no surprise that he loves to spill inside
It’s so intimate… Bonding…
Doesn’t really like to cum onto you for reasons he himself doesn’t really understand
It just feels… somewhat degrading? And he doesn’t like it that way?
Then again cuming into your mouth is a strong YES. Maybe it’s because of how enthusiastically you take him in
How you collect all the spill from your chin and lick it off your fingers like it was some kind of delicious delicacy
That sight makes him hard all over again…
D = Dirty secret (Pretty self explanatory - a dirty secret of theirs)
He has a folder of your photos on his computer
Some of them were taken with consent… Some without you realising…
Because you were in his bed sleeping in your naked glory… And he could only stop himself the first, like 20 (?) times
He sorts them by aesthetic and cuteness/sexiness
Jacks off to them when you’re not around
Most of them are very artistic. He tries his best to make them as good as the ones he was using before you… (see J)
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
He slept with a few girls in college, but he saw it only as ‘taking care of his sexual needs’ - no real feelings included
He had one dedicated booty call - a girl who fell in love with him despite him saying that he only only sees her for sex
That period really allowed him to explore his sexuality
So he knows what he likes and what to do, so his partner likes it too
F = Favorite position (This goes without saying)
Everything when he takes you from the back
He’s rather keen on yanking hair, slaping ass…
But when it comes to the person he loves - you, he likes to face each other during sex
He wants to kiss your face, neck and chest. Nuzzle his face into your abdomen while he’s going down from his height
Your legs thrown over his shoulders so he can slap his hips against your soft thighs
Or legs pressed to your sides, hands gripping your thighs
And he can’t even attempt to lie he doesn’t absolutely love when you sit on his lap… or get on top in general
Or when your thighs grip his head when you 69 on the couch while ‘watching’ a movie. Your lips sloppy around him as his tongue pleasures you with most precision and dedication
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc.)
No goofy.
If they start to joke around, they get spanked. HARD.
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
Victor is a passionate swimmer, so most of his body is hairless
But he doesn’t shave his pubes. Finds it weird to be completely bare down there and the first time he had sex with a completly hairless girl, he was a bit taken aback with her baby like smoothness.
Only trims them with a ‘pubes razor’ which is his old razor that he doesn’t use for face anymore, because he got a better one from his aunt for Christmas
Carpet matches the drapes
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment? The romantic aspect)
No goofy.
Only love and eternal devotion.
He will caress and leave kisses all over your body. Keep you close in the warmest and most loving embrace
No dummies or idiots in bed. Only treasures and loves
Almost like he’s trying to make it up to you for his tendency to be so aloof on a daily basis
The sweet talk doesn’t stop there, but I already said everything about it in A
J = Jack off (Masturbation headcanon)
This man didn’t have time to waste on women when he was building his empire, so he naturally spend quite a lot of his life masturbating instead of having sex
He doesn’t really enjoy porn, though. It’s too cartoonish for him. He much prefers to look through lingerie commercials or nude photoshoots - the more artistic the better
After he reunites with you, he starts to feel all that pent up sex tension and starts to jack off almost every day
Thinking about you. Looking at photos of you. Carving you with every small bit of his being
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
First of all - seeing his partner being pleasured. Either by him or by a vibrating toy plugged into them or pressed against their sensitive spots. He doesn’t even pump himself watching. He’s way too consumed with the enticing sights
Double penetration. His huge dick in one whole, dildo in another… Just thinking about it gets him going
He can’t deny himself at least some manhandling (if you consent - obv). Although he doesn’t go full on dom every time (at least with you) he seems to be unable to deny himself some hair pulling and choking... Although he almost does it lovingly? Spanking and whipping will surely also happen from time to time. Can get very rough when jealous
Also a slight daddy kink. When he hears it slip past your lips in the form of a joke - he feels some strange tingling in his groin and it’s not a venereal disease
If you sit on his lap, make a cute, helpless expression and ask daddy to play with you… It just turns him into a primal animal with no self restraint
That he kinda always seems to be
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
Where nobody can hear them
Or see them
Anywhere with a stable surface really, but he needs to know you will have full privacy
Would never agree for public sex
All the sweet sounds and expressions he makes you do are his and only his to experience
M = Motivation (What turns them on/gets them going)
Stress, irritation, anger, hurt… Sex is a great way for him to gat this weight of his chest since he doesn’t really like to think those negative feeligs through
Or any feelings, if we’re at it
A nice butt is also a motivation, especially when it’s attached to a fine pair of legs
But both of these factors aren’t a guarantee of a turn on and even if they have that impact on him, he still will most likely not act on it
What he really struggles to control is a real attraction that reaches what’s beyond physical
A beautiful, hardworking and open-minded person is something Victor finds hard to ignore
N = No (Something they wouldn’t do/turn offs)
No sharing
No blood play
No permanent marking
Nothing too forcefull or aggressive
No sex before assigning boundaries and exchanging preferences
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
As I already said In B, Victor is an oral lover
More into giving than receiving, but would never push his lover away
(you can always 69, right?)
The man is humming in pleasure as his tongue slides along your sex
Is more than willing to go for hours if only you let him
The more you moan the more intense his movements become
His main goal is to please
The secondary one is to be the best at yet another thing
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
He has two base modes
One: I love you, my sweet creature - all about measured, unhurried but hard thrust. True, pure love-making
Two: Little girls don’t get a say in how daddy fucks them - you’re tearing up, sobbing, drooling and he gets even more turned on by it. Fucks harder and faster then you both believed possible. Years of engaging in sports come to show themselves
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
He will participate when the occasion occurs
Might even initiate an occasion
But it’s not really sex for him. It’s a quickie
And when compared to the real love-making with you… it’s just meh
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment? Do they take risks? etc.)
When it comes to taking risks, I believe I already made it clear that he isn’t too into that
If someone walked in you, it would be very upsetting for him
If you got accidentally hurt would break his heart
But experiment he would happily
New toys, new positions, new kinks… He will try anything once
Well, almost anything (see N)
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for? How long do they last?)
We all have our better and worst days, and this man has a whole company to run. It’s only natural for him to be tired
So usually he won’t last for more than one round. Maybe 3 on weekends
But will last a while if he sets a slower pace (see P)
On vacations however, after a few days of rest his stamina will increase dramatically
Have you seen this guy’s torso? Exactly
He has some stamina to spare
T = Toys (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
Not against, although he prefers to experiment with positions that to experiment with toys
Will probably never propose any, except when he knows his partner is into such things
If you do - Victor will do his research and find something exciting for you to enjoy
U = Unfair (How much they like to tease)
He really is not patient enough for that
Doesn’t have time for it either
Why would he even want to? They’re unsatisfied = he’s unsatisfied (as I mentioned in K)
He sees no appeal in it. When he wants to fuck, he wants to fuck. No reason to beat around the bush
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Victor can be a bit more talkative than usual during the foreplay
Throughs some praise (a lot of it)
Tell you about his feelings (but not too much at that point)
About things that made him jealous…
A quiet Fuck may leave his lips when he enters you and when he’s about to come
In the middle of those two - he’s rather silent
Not much of a moaner
He grunts and growls a lot though. Can get a little bit loud from time
W = Wild card (A random headcanon for the character)
It was a sunny, autumn day. You were walking down the street. You’re fingers entwined. The sunlight was gracing your beautiful features so gorgeously… and he had already been yearning for so long
When you’ve finally reached the Souvenir’s door, the man is all worked up
Not that you could tell from his steely expression
But you sure got suspicious when he got all touchy feely out of the sudden
Not that you would ever mind - obviously
Feather light kisses on the nape of your neck and shoulders. Fingertips caressed your waist to then slide down to your hips. Then he reached for the hem of your dress…
“I love you…” he whispered in your ear
Goosebumps momentarily appeared on your skin as all the intense feelings he had been making you experience from the very day you saw him for the first time in his office travel down your spine in a form of a intense shiver
You wanted him. So bad. For so long.
And there was no hiding his feelings for you at that moment as you turned your head to face him
Soon after stomach was pressed against the kitchen counter. Your naked butt was all out on display for Victor to squeeze and spank as you squirmed and moaned under his touch
Victor didn’t take any unnecessary time to move his long, broad fingers down, to stroke your sensitive slit
He praised you for being so wet, so flushed, so eager for him
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
“I love you, too” you whispered to his ear as his arms pressed you as close to his body as possible, while you were still going back from your highs
And after that, from his lips slipped the words of the most sincere adoration… and true love
Words you would never expect to leave his beautiful, soft mouth
Matches the rest of the man
Long and thick
No curvature. Perfectly straight
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
Rather average
Ha has periods when he doesn’t even think about it
And he has ones when he can’t stop thinking about it
However he doesn’t go too much either way
Z = Zzz… (How quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Remember what I said in S? Applies here as well
He’s a hardworking man
Simplu needs to work hard to keep his business growing and to keep his lover pleased
Then he just needs to get some rest. Don’t try to change his mind because he will
If he’s well rested however, he won’t let you sleep
Like, not a chance. You need to come at least five times. He doesn’t make the rules, sorry
211 notes · View notes
revengeisourlullaby · 3 years
Thousand Eyes
Tumblr media
Warnings: Pro Hero Au, 18+, smut, unprotected sex, dom/sub-themes, overstimulation, begging, choking, oral (receiving), jealousy, hair pulling, claiming, slight breeding kink, fluffy ending
Shoto Todoroki x Female! Reader
Word Count: 7.4K
a/n: Happy Holidays everyone! I hope whoever comes across this is having a good end of the year and finding the positives in all the craziness. I have a few more fics in the works and will start pumping them out since I’m on break. Maybe I’ll start incorporating hcs, fluff only stuff, drabbles, etc and not just the long fics. Much love <3
You were sitting on the couch, scrolling through your phone waiting for Todoroki to arrive home from work. You had just finished fixing up dinner and he typically came home around the same time so the two of you could eat together. While switching from Tiktok to Twitter, you heard the front door click signaling to you that Todoroki had come home. Bringing yourself up from the couch you walked over to the door to greet him with a hug. You barely left any room for him to remove himself from his shoes before you wrapped your arms around his neck and nuzzled into him. Todoroki looked down at you, smiling. 
“Hi, baby.”
Dropping his work bag off to the side he returned your hug, squeezing you a little tighter than normal. Pulling away from him, you moved back a bit to finally let him all the way through the door. 
“How was work today?”
Grabbing his duffel bag up from off the floor and bringing it into the bedroom you heard him respond from the other room. 
“Not too bad. Actually, it was pretty calm today, mostly patrol over anything.”
“Well, that’s nice to finally have a break of sorts.”
Walking back into the main room, you saw him towards the bathroom. 
“Yeah, it was a nice change of things. Actually, something else came up. I want to talk to you about it but I’m gonna shower first if that’s alright?”
Nodding lightly in response, you waved him off. Walking back into the kitchen you turn the burner back on the stove to give the dinner that you made some extra heat.
“We can talk about it over dinner.”
Hearing him hum an okay and disappear into the bathroom, you hopped back on your phone and scrolled through Twitter again. Mindlessly scrolling, you saw a post reminding you about your childhood. It was a meme regarding the Grinch and you went deep in thought about your life in the earlier years. Thinking about how much you loved the Christmas season, and how that film somehow brought your family together no matter the occasion. The memories sticking with you dearly. You were so lost in thought that you hadn’t seen your phone shut off or Todoroki slipping out from the bathroom. He was standing in front of you and you still hadn’t noticed him standing there. 
He walked up to you, placing his arm on your arm and his other hand finding his way under your chin lifting it slightly so you could look at him. 
“Hey, my little ember. You there?”
He softly chuckled which brought you back to reality. Staring up into his eyes, you realized once again how beautiful he was. His hair was halfway dried, a few beads of water snaking their way down his strands. His brows were slightly furrowed in an attempt to silently understand what was going on in your head. Even though you guys had been together for a few years now, seeing him in front of you like this after you had zoned out and made the blood rush to your face. Making you heat up instantly.
“Y-yeah I’m fine. I was just thinking about old memories and got lost in them. You uh, you ready to eat?”
“Yeah sure.”
Grabbing two dishes from the cabinets you plated the food for both you and Todoroki. Bringing them to the table you turned back around to grab two glasses you turned around and asked him what he wanted to drink. Bringing the two cups to the table you finally sat down and the two of you began to eat. Swallowing you looked up at Todoroki.
“So what was it you wanted to talk about?”
“Oh! Yeah, I completely forgot.”
Taking another bite of food Todoroki began to speak through his mouth full of food. 
“So when I was leaving work today one of my interns informed me of this gala being thrown for all the heroes. I called Midoriya to see if he knew anything about it and it seems that it’s more festive than formal. Like a Christmas get-together. So, this is a long-winded answer of me asking if you’d want to join me?”
Your mind was racing about what you were gonna wear to this gala because the last thing you wanted was for you to feel underdressed. 
“Yeah! No, I'd love to go. I was just thinking about what I was gonna wear.” 
Chuckling softly, you rubbed the back of your neck, kinda embarrassed at yourself for being so vacant of reply for your boyfriend. 
“You’re always thinking about how you look...and I don’t understand why because you know you’re gonna be the hottest one in the room.”
“Sho! You’re gonna make my head big.”
“What?! It’s true. You’re too hard on yourself”
Shoveling another bite of food in your mouth you brushed him off
“Yeah, yeah I know but still I wanna look good. I can’t be next to you and then not put out. Can you imagine how that’d look?” 
Looking at him incredulously you were waiting for him to respond and when he did you wanted to slam your face in your hands.
“It’d probably look fine because you look fine regardless.”
Exasperating at his response it caused him to let out a small laugh. Following suit with the small laughing fit, you shook your head and regained yourself. 
“So you said it’s kinda festive like we’re supposed to dress up?”
“I suppose. I’m pretty sure either way is fine.” he responded flatly standing up to go help himself to a second serving of food. 
“When is it by the way?” 
“Tomorrow.” he said, turning around to come to sit back at the table.
“Tomorrow?!” choking on your food a bit from the shock of this event being tomorrow. 
“Well, now I really have to worry about what I’m going to wear. Shit.”
Todoroki stayed silent noticing that you were deep in thought trying so fervently to figure out what you were going to wear to this gala. You didn’t want to disappoint but at the same time, you didn’t want to make it seem like a big deal for Todoroki’s sake. 
Suddenly, your eyes widened and you realized that you had the perfect thing to wear. 
“Todoroki! I got it!”
“Huh? Got what?”
“What I’ll wear for tomorrow!” 
Standing up from the table you walked into the bedroom speaking to him while walking away.
“Do you remember when I was making that Santa outfit but never wore it out because I was afraid it was too obnoxious? The one I based off that rich lady in the Grinch.”
Sliding the hangers to the side you were sifting through all your clothes trying to find this dress that you made a couple of years ago. Sliding over to the side of your clothes that you had your winter wear organized in you saw bright red fanned out on the floor of the closet. Bending down to pick up the fabric from the floor, your backside brushed up against something. Standing up with the dress in your hands you turned around to see Todoroki standing behind you. Holding the dress out to your side, Todoroki wrapped his arms around your waist. Your bright smile plastered across your face 
“Look! I found it. I’m gonna have to go get a petticoat tomorrow so it lays right but I think it’ll work well! And I can find you something too while I’m out.”
“I don’t think that’ll be necessary, baby. Wouldn’t wanna steal the show from my girl now would I?”
Dropping your arm that was holding the dress you wrapped your other around Todoroki’s neck. Threading your fingers at the base of his hair, massaging lightly into his scalp. 
“No, I guess not.” 
Smiling up at him, Todoroki lowered his head to meet your lips. Engulfing your lips in a tender kiss that warmed up your entire body. Every time he kissed you it felt like it was the first and you never wanted them to end. His lips were always somehow so soft and inviting. Pulling away and looking back up at him an idea popped in your head.
“Maybe we can just add a lil something to your tux then.”
With a small smile now on his face, he nodded his head in agreement. With a yawn beginning to dawn on him, your body followed suit against your will. A sudden wave of tiredness falling over you both. Stepping away from you, Todoroki began heading toward the bathroom. 
“Why don’t we get ready for bed? I have to get up a little early to finish up the paperwork from today’s shift.”
Nodding slightly you followed him into the bathroom beginning your nightly routine. You finished before Todoroki and walked back into the bedroom. You picked your costume up from the pool it was in on the floor and hung it back up in the closet. The cheeky smile that spread across your face was something that didn’t slide past Todoroki when he came back into the bedroom. 
“What’s got you smiling like that?” a breathy chuckled punctuated his question.
“Nothing really. Just thinking about how we’re gonna look tomorrow. I’m excited.”
Climbing into bed, you snuggled up into Todoroki as well as the sheets. 
“Well don’t stay too excited, you gotta get your rest.”
Placing a kiss atop your head you told each other good night and Todoroki shut off the lights. 
Waking up the next morning, you’d had gotten up a little later than you expected. You usually were able to catch him before he left. Throwing the sheets off yourself you stretched and tried to get yourself out of bed. Rubbing the sleep out of your eyes you opened up your phone and when you saw the time the leftover sleep left your body and you started getting ready in a hurry. It was almost noon and you still had to go out and grab a boutonnière for Todoroki and a petticoat for your dress. You got ready in record time and left your home to get said desired items. You wanted to be back in time to do your makeup and get properly dressed up and not be rushed for the event. 
By the time you got back home, it was around 2:30pm. Who knew finding a mistletoe boutonnière would’ve been such a feat. Finally settling into the couch you let out a sigh a relief and your stomach let you know for the third time within the hour you should eat something. With a groan, you waddled into the kitchen and fixed yourself something quick to eat. Todoroki would be home around five so you had enough time to screw around a bit. After you finished up you looked at the clock and decided to start to get ready for the evening. 
With your speaker blasting Christmas music you were clad only in black lingerie and adding the final touches to your makeup. Stepping back away from the mirror to get a full look at your face you smirked at yourself and went into the bedroom to get your dress and everything on. Pulling up your red fishnets and petticoat you walked over to the closet to grab the dress. 
Slipping it on you fastened the belt and then bent over to grab your red heeled boots from the bottom of the closet. As you got the zipper up on the boots you heard the front door open, signaling that Todoroki just got in. You glanced over at the clock and noticed it was about 5:30pm.
‘Just in time’ you had thought to yourself. Todoroki called out for you and with a quick 
“In here!”, you let him know that you were in the bedroom. You stood up and straightened yourself out while looking into the mirror embedded on the closet door. 
Turning your head to look at him you posed and smiled at him. 
“Ya like?” 
“Yes, my little ember. You look amazing.” 
You walked a little closer to him wrapping your arms around his neck. You felt heat travel up into your face as his gaze seemed to pierce through you. 
“I know what that look means, and you need to get ready, or otherwise we’ll be late.” 
Planting a small kiss on his cheek you walked away and heard a small groan come from him which elicited a chuckle from you. While you were waiting for Todoroki to finish getting ready, you were stuck in front of the mirror in the main room deciding whether or not you wanted to add the Santa hat or not. You decided to keep it on hand and just put it on when you arrived at the gala. You didn’t want an indent in your hair to be too noticeable and if worse came to worse you would just have to fluff out your hair in the bathroom. 
You heard the clearing of Todoroki’s throat and you looked behind you. He always looked so good in anything he was in. His black tuxedo fitted nicely against his body and his hair was slicked back, a few pieces falling loosely in the front. 
“Well, look at you.” A cheeky smile following your words. 
“You like?” Todoroki wore a smug smile referencing back to how you greeted him earlier. Catching on you continued the charade. 
“Yes, very much. But, I have something to make it even better.” 
Walking into the kitchen where you dumped your findings from your outing earlier, you grabbed the mistletoe boutonnière. Going back over to Todoroki you began to pin the boutonnière onto the lapel of his tux.
“I told you I was going to find you something to make it a little festive. So now, whenever I come next to you a part of me will be under you. So I’ll just have to kiss you.”
Finishing pinning it onto his lapel, you looked up at him, his heterochromatic eyes seeming to sparkle with a new endearment to bestow upon you. 
“Very funny, now let’s get going.” He pressed a kiss on top of your head and you stretched back to grab your hat and clutch that you left on the counter and walked out the door. 
The drive to the venue was quiet but that was nothing out of the ordinary. What was though was Todoroki’s hand on your thigh occasionally squeezing at the plushness of them. You were smirking to yourself trying your best to keep your composure, but he gave your leg one particularly hard squeeze and you pressed your legs together out of habit. 
“You alright?” 
You could hear the smirk in his voice but you refused to give into him this early, you hadn’t even pulled up yet. Clearing your throat you fixed yourself in your seat
“Yeah, great actually baby.” Moving your hand onto his thigh closest to you you asked him, 
“You excited for it?”
“Yeah, I think it’ll be fun for the both of-” You had grazed your hand across his lap, running over his clothed sex to reach his other thigh and give it a squeeze causing his breath to hitch. 
“Guess I should’ve known that was coming sooner or later.” An airy chuckled left him but you knew that you had him right where you wanted him. Pulling up to the venue, he parked the car. 
Stepping out you grabbed your clutch and hat, staring into the tinted side window to place your hat where you wanted it. While checking yourself in your makeshift mirror, Todoroki came up behind you wrapping his arms around your waist. Nestling his chin into your neck
“You look so beautiful, baby.” 
“I know, now let’s go in so everyone can see.” You knew where he was attempting to go with his compliments but at least wanted to experience a little bit of the gala before your makeup would be indubitably ruined.  The both of you walked up to the hall this event was being held in and you could hear Christmas music blasting. The doors of the hall were open so you knew exactly where to go. 
Stepping in the hall looked like a winter wonderland. There was soft blue lighting throughout, snowflake and icicle decorations hanging from the ceiling. Centerpieces on the tables were filled with snowbrushed branches and accents of green. And of course in looking at the scenery in front of you, you failed to noticed the mistletoe hanging above you and Todoroki’s heads until Midoriya came up to greet you guys. 
“Hey! Todoroki, Y/N, how are you guys.”
“We’re doing great, it’s really good to see you Izuku!” You moved to go and hug him but he backed away slightly. 
“I can’t step under there with you Y/N, Todoroki is right there.” A nervous laugh left him but the overtone of joy covered it up. 
“What do you mean?” Looking up you noticed the mistletoe and then glanced at Todoroki
“Oh, that’s what he means.” Todoroki verbalizing your thought. With a quick kiss to Todoroki you moved back over to Midoriya giving him a hug. 
“You’re still such a goofball, I love it.” As you two were giggling you looked over at Todoroki who signaled to you that he was being motioned over with some work friends. Giving him a nod you hung around Midoriya for the moment.
“You wanna grab a drink? They have this killer spiked eggnog, you can’t even taste the alcohol.”
Raising your eyebrow you lightly elbowed Midoriya
“Sounds like my kinda thing.”
While walking up to the bar, you noticed Bakugou hunched over scouring the floor of the hall. He hadn’t noticed you yet so you picked up your steps and called out to him.
“Hey! Kaachan!” 
An audible groan left his mouth, cutting through the music that was blasting through the speakers. You knew that nickname pinched a nerve in him and seeing his reaction killed you every time. You came up closer to him and enveloped him in tight hug.
“Oh c’mon don’t be like that. You know I can’t resist screwing with you.”
“Yeah yeah, now get off me.”
“Not until you give me a proper hug you dumbass”
Reciprocating the hug with one arm you stepped back and he finally got a full look at your outfit. Lifting his glass to his face he motioned to you
“Nice outfit.”
“Right! I finally had a place to put it to use to.”
Midoriya had chimed into the conversation now, “That’s the dress from the live action Grinch right?”
“Yeah! God I love that movie.”
Sitting up on the stool next to Bakugou, you asked for some of that eggnog Midoriya was raving about. You spun around so you could face both Midoriya and Bakugou while at the same time trying to spot Todoroki in the crowd of people. You spotted him chatting with Momo and a few other people that you assumed he’d done work with. 
You hadn’t noticed that Midoriya had walked over to Todoroki, you were too busy wrapped up in your thoughts at the moment. You sucked your teeth and a small sudden wave of jealousy was flowing over you. While in your head you turned your head to see your drink waiting on the bar counter and you took a big gulp of it. 
“God damn Y/N, did you even taste it.” Bakugou teased you.
“Yeah I tasted it. Midoriya was right saying you couldn’t even taste the alcohol. Shit is like juice.” You laughed trying your best to cover up your jealousy with alcoholic tendencies and low rate jokes. 
Bakugou noticed the quick change in your behavior and tried to follow to where your eyes were boring holes into. Once he saw Todoroki and Momo sitting a little too close for comfort he understood the current state of upset you were in. 
“Stop staring at it, it’s just gonna make you more upset. It’s probably nothing anyway.”
“Staring at what-”
“Todoroki and Momo. You couldn’t hide your emotions to save your life Y/N”
“Guess you’re right about that.”
Sighing you swiveled the chair back around ordering another glass in a piss poor attempt to keep your nerves at ease and not think about the scene in front of you. You trusted Todoroki and never even thought of him having ill intentions with you. 
You just felt a little competition with Momo considering they went to school together, she was stunning and he once had a crush on her that you found out not too long ago. It was all too much for you to process in the moment and Bakugou was attempting to figure out what to do to pull you out of your funk. Putting his glass on the counter he put his his arm on your shoulder.
“Look, you’re too pretty and look too nice to be feeling like this.”
Standing up he held his hand out to you and looked up toward the speakers,
“And by the sound of things, seems like it’s the perfect time to share a dance. So, care to dance with me?”
A small smile spreading across your face, you chugged the rest of your glass of eggnog and took his hand.
“I’m never gonna forget that.”
“Oh shut up.” Lightly laughing you trailed behind Bakugou leading you to the floor. Sia’s Snowman was coming through the speakers and you seemed to forget what it was you were upset about while swaying with Bakugou. He seemed to catch onto this and looked down to you only to be met with your eyes looking up at him with that of a doe. 
“Thank you.”
“Oh don’t start with that I just didn’t want to sit with someone mopey.” 
You nudged him while still swaying to the music
“Oh whatever, I’m still thanking you.” He looked down at you again 
“Try not to think about it too much. He’s still somehow ridiculously oblivious to things and doesn’t think about stuff like that too deeply. He doesn’t mean nothing by it. Wanna go get another drink and go over there?”
“Sure why not.”
Getting your drinks you walked over to the group of people you had become acquainted with through Todoroki. Old school friends of his that you seemed to flawlessly get along with. Walking in front of Bakugou you heard him mumbling about something. 
“What’d ya say?”
“Why are you walking in front of me?”
“Seriously?! That’s why you’re making all that noise.” You knew he screwing with you and you just waved your hand and walked over to the group. When you got there you noticed Todoroki wasn’t there anymore. Momo was the first to greet you out the group.
“Hi Y/N! How are you, it’s been so long.” She was also in a Santa dress but less dramatic than yours. She had a cute little santa hat headband to top it all off.
“I’m doing great! And you look gorgeous as always. This is a little off topic but do you know where Shoto went? I needed to ask him something.”
“I think he went to the bathroom. If you go to the back of the hall and turn left that’s where they are.”
“Okay cool, thank you. I’ll be right back!” You announcned to the rest of the group and they all nodded you off, acknowledging your absence. Walking to the bathrooms you went to turn into the hallway but instead turned into boyfriend. 
“Oh there you are, I just coming to look for you.”
His demeanor seemed unreasonably sharp and you couldn’t place whether he was mad at you or something else. 
“Hey, what’s wrong?” 
“Nothing why don’t you go hang up on Bakugou again.” 
Your face contorted in surprise and complete shock about how he was addressing the situation. He tried to walk away but you grabbed his wrist.
“Hold on, you’re not gonna jab at me like that then walk away. If it bothered you that much why didn’t you just come up and switch with him. I didn’t come up to you because it seemed like you were enjoying yourself chatting with Momo and everyone and I didn’t want to interrupt. That’s all.” 
“It’s a little hard to pay attention to a conversation when I’m focused on you dancing with another man, let alone it being someone I’m close to.” 
With that he walked away from you and back to the group from before. You watched him in disbelief, in absolute shock about what just happened. You took a deep breath and huffed walking back to group as well, instead when you arrived you didn’t sit on the couch next to Todoroki but rather leaned on the back of the couch standing over everyone. 
Looking up you saw Bakugou coming back with two drinks in his hands. He looked down at the couch and noticed Midoriya slumped out on the couch, unsure if he was sleeping or trying to focus himself on not making a mess everywhere. 
“Got this for him, but I think this is that last thing he needs so you can have it.” You smiled a thank you and continued chatting with everyone. You looked over at Todoroki who’s face was blank but his eyes held a fury that was unmistakable to you. You grabbed your phone out of your clutch to send him a text but he didn’t respond, let alone look at his phone. You sighed and excused yourself to the bathroom this time actually having to go. When you left you ran into Todoroki waiting in the hallway. 
“Save it, we’ll talk about it later.” 
Mumbling an okay you walked back to the group slightly stumbling, all the eggnogs finally catching up with you. You took a detour to the bar to get a water to try and balance everything out. While sitting up at the bar Bakugou came up beside you. 
“What’s up with him?”
“He’s upset with me for dancing with you. Guess he does think pretty deeply about these things.” You rolled your eyes not having the energy to put more thought into your partners antics, knowing that if you did you’d completely ruin the rest of your mood. You looked up towards the group and saw Todoroki giving what looked like his goodbyes to everyone. You swiveled back to face Bakugou 
“This blows, but at least I looked cute while it happened.” Shaking your head you took another sip of your water. 
“That you did.”
You looked at him through your lashes, unamused knowing that he was part of the reason you were in the predicament that you were in. Chuckling to yourself you spoke one more time
“This will make for a funny memory in retrospect but right now I’m so over it.” 
The two of you were lightly laughing with each other when Todoroki made his way up to you too. 
“I’ll be taking her now.”
Whipping your head to him you couldn’t believe the way he was speaking.
“I’m sorry who the fuck is her?” The alcohol making you a little more loose lipped than normal as well as bringing your bubbling frustrations of the evening to the forefront. Bakugou snorted at the sight in front of him and got up from the bar
“See ya around Y/N. Call me.”
“See ya man.” 
Todoroki was glaring at the two of you and the ending interaction before he turned on his heel with your hand in his. Completely numb to the situation and with the help from alcohol you were almost a blank slate, not really thinking about anything that was going on. 
“Can you stop walking so fast, please, baby?” You were met with silence until you got to his car. Mumbling to yourself you didn’t think he’d hear you but to your surprise he did.
“If you’re gonna say something, say it so I can hear it.”
“Oh will you quit the act already. I was dancing with him I didn’t fuck him Shoto.”
“Sure looked like you wanted to with the way you were looking at him-
“-And I could say the same about you and Momo but you ain’t see me throw a fuckin hissy fit about it Sho! All up on her n shit, give me a break. Let’s just go home.”
You grabbed the door handle and let yourself in the passengers side sitting in silence when Todoroki got in and started the car. The tension in the car couldn’t be sliced with the sharpest blade, it was so thick it was almost suffocating. You took your hat off and fluffed your hair out in an attempt to hide that you were trying to get a look at him. His hands were gripping the steering wheel so tightly that his knuckles were turning white and his veins were jutting out from his hand. 
You couldn’t deny that that sight alone was enough to send your mind spiraling elsewhere, but you couldn’t shake the guilty feeling that was beginning to well up in you. Pulling up into the driveway the two of you continued the silent treatment to each other. Walking inside the house you slipped off your heels, your feet relieved to be let out of their cages. You walked over to the kitchen to grab a glass of water but didn’t get the chance to make it to the fridge because Todoroki had come up behind you caging you to the countertop. 
“Sho, I don’t have the energy for this right now”
Moving his hand to your waist he spun you around to face him
“So you have the energy to pay attention to Bakugou but can’t give me the time of day.”
“Oh fuck you.”
Moving yourself out from under his arms you moved to go to the fridge but once again Todoroki interrupted you plans. This time it was with his hands around your waist pulling you into him. 
“I think you might want to rethink your choice of words baby. It’s not wise to upset me further.”
“What are you gonna do-punish me? Please.” Scoffing you tried to move away from him but his grip on you was tighter than you expected. All of this was too much and you were trying your hardest to keep your arousal at bay. You hated fighting with him but something about the way he was going about this was making your brain spark. 
“Is that what you want? Cause I think it can be arranged.”
“Actually what I want is for you to be an adult about this and to stop acting lik-”
“Shut up.”
Catching you off guard he pressed his lips against yours the sexual tension finally dispersing between you too. The frustration and anger of the situation being displayed through the fiery kiss between you two. Todoroki picked you up and placed you on the counter top, his hand trailing up your back and landing at the base of your neck, lacing his fingers into the bottom of your hair. 
Your hands planted on his chest pulling at the fabric of his jacket trying to bring him as close as possible to you. He pulled away from your lips and moved down to your neck finding you sweet spot immediately. He sucked on it until it seemed like it would hurt if he did for a second longer. He moved down to the plunged neckline of your dress and attacked the top of your breast that was exposed. With an airy moan escaping you you found yourself giving up on fighting him.
“Sho~ baby please.”
“I thought I told you to be quiet.” 
You were almost caught off guard by his response but instead was caught off by him picking you up off the counter and carrying you into the bedroom. When he plopped you on the bed, his boutonnière fell on top of you landing in your lap. 
“Now would you look at that. Guess I have to kiss what under it huh? Scoot back for me baby”
Moving back, Todoroki ran his hands up and down your thighs. His lips began kissing up your thighs while he was squeezing the sides of them. When he came close to your heat he breathed on it, pressing his nose into your clit but instead of finishing the job he moved to your other thigh teasing you. 
“Shoto please, I need you. You can’t keep teasing me like this.”
Lifting his head up from in between your legs he looked up at you.
“For someone who is the reason why we’re here in the first place, what makes you think you can order me around like that.” Cocking his eyebrow he awaited your answer, but your answer never came because he was teasing your clit. Rubbing his finger lightly up and down between your folds you couldn’t focus on your words. 
“That what I thought. Now shut the fuck up and let me do my work.”
With that he ripped at your red fishnets creating a hole right where your panties resided. You went to scold him for ripping your tights but before you could say anything he had used his quirk to singe off your panties leaving you bare in his wake. 
“Now, I know you can’t stay quiet for long, but I want you to try your hardest to keep quiet for me baby. Okay?”
You nodded vigorously looking down at him. He took that as his cue and licked a fat slow strip between your lips. Your breath hitched but you kept your silence. When he began circling your clit that when his request became a little more difficult to complete. Picking up his pace he began lapping at your clit making you lose your composure. A moan slipped past your lips. You began bucking your hips into him signaling that you were close to you release, something you should’ve held out on because Todoroki stopped his movements. Bringing his head up to face you he smirked
“See, you can keep quiet. All night you’ve been running your mouth but apparently you only listen when my mouth is on you. Isn’t that right?”
“Yes, but please Sho, please I wanna cum so bad.”
“Don’t worry my little ember, I’ll let you get to your release. You just have to listen to what I say. This time make as much noise as you want. I want to know how good I’m making you feel”
With the tip of his tongue he licked a quick strip across your clit, making you squirm on your back 
Chuckling to himself he began lapping at your clit again. Creating figure eights you lost all your senses. You completely gave into him and couldn’t hold back. Moaning, you were writhing in tempo with his tongue lost in the pleasure he was giving you. Your drenched hole began to flutter and heat started to flow to the lower end of your stomach. 
Overwhelmed with your orgasm your body convulsed against Todoroki, but he didn’t stop. He kept thrashing his tongue against your overstimmed cunt. Panting and moaning you grabbed a fistful of his hair trying to lift him away from you but he wrapped his arms around your hips locking you to the bed and his face.
“Shoto, fuck! It’s too much, I-I can’t take it.”
Instead of responding, Todoroki hummed against your pussy the vibrations sending you into your second orgasm. You screamed out Todoroki’s name unable to handle the stimulation running through your body. Todoroki finally lifted himself from your legs, staring at you like a predator does its prey.
“Didn’t know you could do that baby.” A smirk stretching across his face while he removed himself of his jacket and dress shirt.
“Do what-” You cut yourself off suddenly feeling a cold wet spot on the inside of your thigh. The realization of you squirting on his face threw you into a moment of embarrassment where you almost forgot he was in the room. 
“Baby, stay with me. Cause I’m not done with you yet. You have a lot to make up for for the stunts you pulled back at the gala. Don’t you think?”
Kissing you, you tasted the tang of yourself fresh on his tongue. You slid your tongue across his lip, asking for permission and he obliged. Your tongues danced a waltz that only you two knew the steps to. The fire from the both of you radiated off each other and fueled the jealousy ridden passion from tonight. Pulling away from you, he trailed his deft fingers down the valley of your exposed breasts and stopped at the belt of your dress.
“I think it’s time for this to go.”
Gently taking your articles of clothing off you sat up from your flattened position of the bed and pulled your arms from the sleeves. You wrapped your arms around Todoroki pulling him back into the bed and flipped yourself onto of him. You heard his shoes hit the ground and you began working on his neck. Sucking a small hickey onto the skin right underneath his collar bone. Grinding yourself into him you felt his bulge begging to be set from the confinements of his pants. 
Sliding yourself off of him you fumbled with the button of his pants and pulled them off along with his underwear. Taking advantage of your current position you were going to try your hardest to stay in control of it. Coming back up to kiss Todoroki you felt in between your legs for his length and positioned it at your entrance. 
His head was enough to make you go feral, making you want nothing but the rest of him. Hearing Todoroki’s breath hitch was just enough encouragement to push you to fully bottom out on him. The both of you groaned in pleasure at the sensation.
“Fuck you feel so good wrapped around me, baby. Feel good on me. Use me and only me. You’re mine and I’m yours remember that.” 
Though you knew what he meant, his last statement almost rubbed you the wrong way and brought back the frustrations from before. He was still bringing it up and you were getting sick of it. Rolling your hips back and forth on him you decided to use him to your full advantage.
Finding your rhythm you bounced up and down on his cock. Focused on your pleasure and also taking out your emotions on him. His moans were so blissful though that you couldn’t help but be intoxicated by him at this moment.
“Y/N, you’re so good, Fuck! Keep doing that ah~”
Feeling a sudden wave of confidence flood through you you decided to see how far you could take this position of control with him. 
“Yeah, you like that? You’re the only one that gets it. Not Bakugou, nobody but you.” With a ballsy move, you wrapped your hand around his neck and choked him. It didn’t last long though. Within a second you were flipped over, Todoroki hovering over you with sheer lust adorning his eyes. His hand wrapped around your neck, fingers pressing into the blood vessels on either side of your neck.
“Don’t say his fuckin name while I’m inside you. You think of me and only me. Understand?” 
Nodding quickly you recognized your reign of power was now over. Todoroki then slid his length almost all the way out before slamming it back into you kissing your cervix with blatant ferocity.
“Fuck! Sho! Fuck fuck fuck” 
Panting you were desperately looking for something to grab hold of. You shoved your hands into the sheets of the bed before slamming your nails into his back. The pace he set was vicious, clearly taking out his frustration on you.
“All night it’s been about him but right now I want all your focus on me. You belong to me Y/N.”
Grabbing your face he squished your cheeks together forcing your lips to pucker. 
“Look at me while I fuck you. Burn this into your memory of who makes you feel this fucking good.”
You looked at him and felt yourself about to reach your peak. Your fluttering alerted Todoroki to your climax and he pulled out.
“Sho, please. Please don’t do this to me again.”
“Hush and get on your hands and knees.”
Flipping yourself over, you pressed your face into the mattress and wiggled your ass in the air, waiting for Todoroki to line himself up with your sopping hole. 
“There you go, give me those hips. Ahh, fuck baby.”
Again his pace was unrelenting. The fat on your ass rippled with each contact of his hips.
“Come on, you know how to fuck me. Show me you deserve it.”
Todoroki tangled his hand into your hair and brought you up so your back lay flush against his chest. 
“I’m gonna dog fuck you, fill you up with so much of me that you don’t even have time to look at someone else without thinking of me. Every time you think of me you’re gonna think about my cum dripping out of you. Now, who do you belong to.”
“Who? Sorry I didn’t hear a name”
“You, Shoto fuck! It’s you, it’s only ever gonna be you. Fucking hell.”
“There it is baby. You’ve been waiting for this, haven’t you? That’s why you’ve been mouthing me off. Well, fuckin take it.”
Letting loose of his grip on your hair and submissiveness taking full control of you, you began whining into the sheets. His cock attacking your walls was sending you into a space of mindlessness. 
“Sho- please, please can I cum. I need to cum so bad.”
“Go ahead baby, squeeze all the cum out of me. I’m gonna make you mine in every sense of the word.”
His thrusts began to falter and became deeper and slower. With one final thrust, you came around him, your pussy dancing around his cock milking him of his seed. 
“Fuck! Holy-”
“Y/N shit~”
Todoroki stilled inside you, hovering over your body while you collapsed into the bed, exhausted mentally and physically. As Todoroki pulled out of you, you felt so empty but didn’t have the energy to move anymore. 
As if he could read your mind Todoroki picked you up and pulled you toward the top of the bed rest you on a few pillows. He stood up to walk to the bathroom and grab a warm towel to clean you up. Coming back into the room he kneeled down to your core, gently cleaning your sensitive areas.
“Am I hurting you?”
“No, I’m okay, just keep doing that. It feels nice actually” Sighing you let your body fully relax into the mattress underneath you. Todoroki stood up and tossed the towel into the hamper and came back to lay on the bed with you. Giving your poor attempt at grabby hands due to your exhaustion he chuckled and slid next to you. Grabbing your hand in his he rubbed his thumb over the side of your hand.
You scooted closer to him moving his arm so you could lay your head on his chest. With all the attitude having left your body you were completely soft with him. 
“Are you still mad at me?”
Instant regret filled him, all of his actions from the night finally catching up with him.
“Y/N, I could never stay mad at you. Sometimes I don’t realize how much I ignore my emotions. I’m sorry for having you be at the receiving end of my frustrations. I just can’t bear the thought of losing you. You mean so much to me.”
“It’s okay, at least the sex was good. I would just hate you ever truly being mad at me and I wanted to make sure.”
“Y/N. I am thoroughly and undoubtedly obsessed with you. You’re my little ember and I can’t imagine my life without you in it. I couldn’t ask for anything more in life because you’ve given me everything I could’ve ever wanted.” 
With a smile across your face and sleep beginning to take over your eyelids, you tried your best to stay up with him while he confessed himself to you.
“You know I’ll love you forever Sho.”
Todoroki looked down at you with a dubious gaze trying to pick apart your affirmation. 
“Forever Shoto.”
“Good, because I could use a bit of forever in my life.” 
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