#Hope things are doing better for you Stardust shimmer :
dawneternal · 2 months
Starfall Guest
✷ Azriel x OC
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✷ Summary: Something unusual drops from the sky on Starfall. A messenger with a threat and a promise.
I wrote this for @starfallweek for the prompt 'Character A is a fallen star. Character B finds them.'
I'm not sure if I like it or not, but hopefully you do lol I know a tiny bit about Crescent City but I've never read it so none of this is supposed to be related to that/canon compliant:)
Calytrix is pronounced cal-uh-trix (meaning: star-flower)
✷ Listen to City of Starlight by Taylor Ash
✷ Word Count: 4.9k
✷ Warnings: None
✷ Ao3 Link
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This year would be the first Starfall celebration at the River House. The view at the House of Wind was still objectively better, but it would be easier to wrangle Nyx here with all of the childproof wards built in. It would be a house warming of sorts, Rhys said. 
They had spared no expense, setting up the back lawn with tables, chairs, blankets, trays of foods and star-themed decorations, bottles and bottles of champagne. All of it was beautiful. All of it was perfect. Rhys and Feyre leaned into each other, holding little Nyx between them as they gazed up at the night sky and waited for the stars to appear. 
Still, Azriel could not help the ache in his chest. The chasm of loneliness, opened wide by the sight of all the couples curled up together. He sat alone, ignoring the dark clouds gathering in his mind. He’d let it catch up to him later when he was by himself. He'd let it consume him for a while and then pull himself together before morning.
The crowd around him let out a collective gasp as the first star fell, hurtling towards the earth and falling into the sea with a strange sizzling sound. It was different to see it up close and not from the view of the balconies. Closer, you could see a ring of stardust coat the surface of the water where the thing had landed. The churning of the waves spread the shimmering color further over the water, illuminated by the moon. The whole sea was gilded. Luxurious.
Azriel settled into himself, glass of champagne in hand, and watched the streaks of metallic light paint the sky. An odd sensation joined the longing in his chest, something akin to anticipation. 
Like the hiss of a matchstick before the flame sparks to life. The glow of his siphons before a blast of power. 
His shadows began to dart back and forth, as if they felt it too. He looked around for anything amiss, but everything was as usual. Party goers laughing and whispering and gasping, dodging the bits of star that fell on the lawn. 
Azriel turned his gaze to the sky, squinting as he searched for something out of the ordinary. There was something unordinary there. One star, bigger and brighter than the rest, falling far slower than any star ever had. He watched as it dropped, blinking and flailing, surrounded by an aura of changing celestial color. He looked over his shoulder at Rhys and saw the High Lord watching the same object with pursed lips, clutching an awe-filled Nyx in his arms. This was something new. 
When the odd light was in range, his shadows darted out to meet it. Azriel set his glass on a tray in the grass, preparing to stand. 
A woman. A star. The shadows whispered in his ear. He wasn’t entirely sure what that meant. But the whole lot of them rushed away again as if they hoped to catch her. He wondered if a person could survive that kind of fall. Then he broke into a run, weaving through blankets and bodies toward the sea. 
“Azriel!” Rhys’s voice called to him, but he didn’t stop. 
The grass gave way to sand then rock, the waves lapping gently on the shore and leaving glowing stardust behind. As he neared the edge of the water, he could see how limp the being was, falling with no resistance. They were too far over the water for him to reach, but he pulled off his boots anyways and tugged off his shirt in case he needed to go in. His shadows swirled underneath the plummeting body, but she fell through them like they were nothing. Her body hit the water with a sickening splash, a layer of glimmering color left behind just like the other stars. 
Azriel paced over the rocky shore, waiting for a head to appear above the water, the echo of that splash replaying over and over as his heart beat against his ribs. 
Then he heard the familiar snap of winnowing, and that shimmering being was kneeling on the beach a few feet away, hands braced before her as she choked and heaved. She looked like a piece of the night sky itself. 
Her skin was deep blue, covered in swirls of gold and silver. Elaborately woven braids of deep violet draped over her shoulders, dripping ocean water over her naked form.
“Are you alright?” Azriel crouched beside her, pebbles digging into his bare feet. Closer, he realized that the outline of her body was transient, moving in a slow pattern like smoke floating through the air. She was not covered in stardust, but made of it. The ends of her braids flowed into nothingness, dissipating into the night as particles of violet. 
She looked up as he spoke, bright eyes meeting his. They could have housed an entire galaxy in their depth. Indigo, purple, gold, and silver swirled like pools of water, flecked with stars. The shadowsinger found himself a little awestruck. His shadows enveloped her, looking for any more information to give their master, but they would only tell him the same thing as before. A woman, a star.
“I need to speak to the High Lord of the Night Court,” She spoke, her voice deep and raspy. It sent a pleasant shiver down his spine. 
“Why?” His brow furrowed. She had nothing on her, no weapons, no magical items, not even clothes. But if she could winnow, she had other powers.
“Is this the Night Court?” She asked instead of answering, pushing off the ground and attempting to stand. Her legs were wobbly and she stumbled forward onto her knees once more. Azriel grabbed his shirt from the grass and held it out to her. She tried again and managed to stand this time, though her limbs trembled.
“What is that?” She asked him, staring at the cloth in his hand. 
“You’re…naked?” Azriel swallowed, keeping his eyes on her and not the glittering curves of her body. The woman looked down and pursed her lips, as if mildly annoyed by this realization. She took it from him and slipped it over her head. She was much smaller than him, the t-shirt falling to her knees. 
“I need to speak to the High Lord of the Night Court,” She said again, rising to her full height.
Rhys, it’s a woman. Azriel spoke into his mind, remembering his brother existed. 
Enamored was not strong enough a word for what he was feeling. She exuded night in the same way that Rhys did, such cunning grace and soft beauty. All with a threat underneath. Rhys appeared with a snap, expression smoothed over into the mask of the High Lord. He studied the being before him with his hands in his pockets. 
“High Lord,” The woman’s eyes widened and she bowed, braids falling in a curtain around her face. Her voice was like personified darkness.
Azriel and Rhys shared a look, wondering how she possibly recognized him. 
“Please,” Rhysand said, and she straightened. “Are you hurt from the fall?” 
“No,” She shook her head, taking a step toward him. Azriel tensed, hands curling into fists. “Please, High Lord, I have something important to tell you.”
“I’d rather you introduce yourself first,” Rhysand drawled, still studying her, “Forgive me, but I am finding this meeting a bit strange. You don’t seem to be from this…area.” 
The woman nodded her head, and the brothers watched as her form changed. Her skin became solid, a rich shade of brown, free of stardust. Her hair remained violet but now appeared tangible, no longer flowing like a waterfall. In this form her ears were pointed like Rhys’s. She looked like another fae now, save for the galaxy in her eyes. 
“My name is Calytrix. I come from a celestial realm. My father is King Izar and a few weeks ago he made a deal that threatens your court.” 
Rhysand and Azriel shared another look. 
Then Rhysand reached for Calytrix’s arm and they were winnowing. Calytrix squealed, reaching toward the High Lord as they fell through the air. Rhys's wings flared out and he caught her in his arms, slowing his descent toward the balcony. Azriel was close behind, and he could see Cassian and Feyre in this distance flying toward them.
Calytrix shoved away from Rhys when they landed, stumbling once more to her knees and drawing in deep breaths. 
“Apologies,” Rhys said, shoving his hands into his pockets again, striding past her into the House.
Azriel grasped her arm and helped her up, ignoring the sparks under his skin as they connected. He followed the High Lord and led her into the dining room. Rhysand sat at the head of the table and gestured for her to sit. She took a spot beside him, looking a little more wary as she looked around the grand room. 
The glass doors opened again and Feyre nodded as she entered, saying nothing as she sat across from the strange woman. Azriel and Cassian remained standing, the former beside Rhsyand and latter beside the High Lady. 
“Princess Calytrix, this is my wife, Feyre,” Rhys gestured to his stony-faced mate, “Now please, continue your story.” 
Calytrix’s gaze swept over each figure. She had become surrounded before it could even register, and she assumed that they had done this on purpose. The four of them stared at her, unrelenting. 
“As I said,” Calytrix swallowed, “I came here to warn you. My father made a deal with a death god that threatens your court.” 
“What deal?” Rhysand demanded. 
He conjured a pitcher of water and poured a glass for each of them. Calytrix didn’t take it, keeping her eyes on the raven-haired man beside her. He seemed as though he wanted to trust her, but he was holding back. She’d anticipated this, and she hoped her idea would be enough for him to trust her. 
“My father offered soldiers in exchange for territory in this realm whenever Koschei has gained control. Night Court territory.”
A jaw in Rhysand’s muscle twitched, the only reaction he’d allow to show. Azriel felt his stomach drop at the mention of Koschei. His blood ran cold.
“How has Koschei managed to establish contact with other realms?” He asked, voice firm. 
“I do not know that, my Lord,” Calytrix shook her head, “Only that my father speaks to him through an enchanted object that he keeps hidden.” 
“And why do you come here, princess? What do you gain from exposing your father’s secrets?” He countered, sitting back with his arms crossed. 
She looked so small in her chair, draped in Azriel’s shirt. The shadowsinger remembered her body hitting the water and a thread of sympathy wound through his chest. But he kept his expression neutral and said nothing.
“I believe Koschei is using my father,” She said, averting her gaze to the marble table and the crystal glass before her, “A King in our realm tried to occupy land here before, but our types of magic are incompatible and it did not end well. I believe my father has sacrificed a great number of soldiers for no gain. He will destroy our kingdom and your court.” 
She shifted in her seat, skin flushing as she said the next words, “And I have studied the Night Court extensively. I consider myself…a fan. I do not wish to see it destroyed.” 
“How are you here?” Feyre asked, her voice soft, “If the magic is incompatible?” 
“The gates are open on this night,” She said, “As the stars travel through the realms. And I come as a visitor. I won’t try to claim anything as my own.” 
“What are they?” Rhsyand blurted, his eyes gleaming. The conflict was momentarily forgotten as the answer to his centuries old question came within reach. “The stars?”
“I’m afraid I don’t have an answer for you, my Lord,” Calytrix smiled at his eagerness, “They are a mystery to us as well.” 
Then she stood, ignoring the warriors tensing as she took a step toward Rhysand. 
“I understand my words may be hard to believe,” She began, drawing herself up again to her full height, “I have read about the customs of the Night Court and I am prepared to offer a bargain in exchange for your trust. I believe this ordeal with the death god will harm my people just as much as yours. I have much to gain from your trust.” 
“What bargain?” Rhysand asked, tilting his head to the side. His violet eyes locked onto hers, some familiar thread of magic seeming to sing between them. Like calling to like.
“If anything I have told you proves to be untrue, I will owe you my firstborn son.” 
Cassian coughed and Azriel’s eyes widened. He searched Calytrix’s face, but she was utterly serious. 
“Princess,” Rhysand sputtered, “I hardly have use for your firstborn son.” 
“Well I don’t have one yet,” Calytrix said, shifting her weight as she noted the amused half-smiles, “It would be a promise. I understand that these bargains are very serious.” 
“I have a better idea,” Rhysand said, biting back a laugh, “If you allow me to, I can use my power to look into your mind and read your intentions.”
Calytrix went still. Her eyes shifted ever so slightly toward the shadowsinger, wondering if the High Lord would be able to see her admiration for his warrior. For the beautiful figure that had been stuck in her mind since he’d found her on the beach. Far more beautiful than she believed the people in this realm could be. 
No one saw that glimpse, except for Rhysand, of course. 
“I’ll make you a bargain,” Rhysand said, his expression softening. She was young, likely no older than Feyre or her sisters. She was brave to come here. “If you show me the truth, I will not intrude on any private thoughts.” 
Calytrix nodded, lips pursed. She went stiff  as she felt his onyx claws scrape against her mind, eyes shutting tight. Azriel winced, swallowing the impulse to comfort her. No matter his intentions, it never felt good to have Rhys search your mind. 
The High Lord sorted through her thoughts, evidently hitting a sore spot when Calytrix let out a choked whimper. Rhysand pulled away, his face grim. It was not often he enjoyed that task. 
“She tells the truth,” He announced. Calytrix heaved a sigh and slumped in her chair. 
“Your father doesn’t know you’re here,” Rhysand said carefully, brow furrowing. 
“No,” She chewed her lip. 
“How can we keep you safe, then?” 
“I…was hoping to stay for tonight,” Calytrix said sheepishly, staring down at her hands in her lap, “And then I’ll go back and tell him I was kidnapped. He’d never guess I would come here.”
“Don’t you need to go back while the gates are open?” Feyre asked. 
“Not if you have an Astraeus Ruby,” Calytrix shrunk into herself. Rhysand stared at her for a moment.
“Indeed I do,” His lips twitched up into a smile, “You have done your research well.”
“I don’t like it,” Azriel spoke for the first time since the beach. All heads snapped towards him, reminding him that he was still barefoot and shirtless. Feyre's eyes flicked over him with curiosity. He kept his expression firm, unmoving. 
“There’s too many variables. What if the King guesses where you’ve gone? What if he sends someone after you? What if Koschei knows you’re here? I don’t think you should wait.” 
Rhysand thought he saw Calytrix’s shoulders fall, just slightly. As if the shadowsinger’s words disappointed her. 
“I can’t go back tonight,” She swallowed hard, “I snuck out before the party began, but the gate is in the grand room and they would all see my return. The party likely won’t even end until tomorrow midday. I tried to put a spell on myself so Koschei could not track me, but I do not mind if you would like to check it over.” 
“Will they notice you’re not at the party?” Rhys asked. Calytrix pursed her lips again and said nothing. They took that as a yes. 
The room fell into silence, each lost in thought. Azriel was kicking himself for making his attachment known. He should not care so much for this star girl, so shy and yet so brave. But he was drawn to her, like a planet in her orbit. 
“We’ll figure something out in the morning,” Rhysand said softly, “For now, Feyre will show you to a guest room and find you some clothes. You’re welcome to rejoin our party if you wish, or rest if you need it. And tomorrow,” 
Rhys paused and flashed a wry smile at Azriel, a mischievous glimmer in his eyes, “Azriel will give you a tour of Velaris.” 
Azriel opened his mouth to protest, but Feyre was already whisking Calytrix away. The princess looked back at him with eyes alight and eager hope written clearly across her face.
So, he found himself nodding, offering her a small smile. And elbowing Cassian in the ribs as his brother giggled.
Azriel waited on the balcony, bouncing on his toes in an attempt to rid his body of nervous energy. He had been up early to meet with Rhysand, Cassian, and Feyre. The best they had come up with was sending the princess home with a way to contact them. If she needed some sort of evidence to aid her alibi, they would provide it. 
Rhysand had checked over her spell and found it to be solid. No one would be able to track her. And since her father had no inkling of her plan, they should have a long while before he thought of searching other realms. Thus, she would stay for today and leave tonight at nightfall. Her tour of Velaris was the only gift Rhysand could give her for her bravery.
It made Azriel nervous, sending her back all alone with no protection, even if she insisted that she could take care of herself. Her skill with magic had admittedly impressed them all. But he was still worried and that made him wonder why he cared so much. He couldn't explain it.
The glass doors opened and Calytrix appeared, shaking the shadowsinger from his spiraling thoughts. She wore a Night Court outfit, flowy lilac pants and a cropped shirt with sheer sleeves. The colors suited her well, complimenting her hair and bringing out the warm tones of her skin. She had arranged her braids in a bun on top of her head, held in place with a piece of lilac silk. And Feyre must have gifted her earrings, sparkling amethyst tear drops. 
Azriel found himself staring, gaze drifting over the curves of her body, her generous hips and exposed stomach. 
“How do I look?” She flashed him a shy smile and turned in a little circle, ending with a flourish.
“Lovely,” Azriel breathed, his voice cracking, “You're a vision.”
He scolded himself internally one more time and cleared his throat. 
“I thought we'd start with a snack and a coffee, how does that sound?” 
Her eyes lit up, the stars and swirls glowing with excitement. 
Azriel was a fool. He should have known from the first time she had locked eyes with him that he would never quite recover. The hold that she had on him left something behind that he would never be able to get rid of. 
He was falling harder with every moment they spent together. Every tiny thing she revealed about herself knit into a story he was desperate to hear more of. Her eagerness to learn more about the night court, excitement over new things he showed her, her kindness to everyone she encountered. She seemed to trust him completely, blindly following him through the city.
He’d almost laughed when she pulled out a notebook and began taking notes in the cafe, writing down the name of the coffee and pastries he’d ordered. But he’d swallowed it down, not wanting her to think he was making fun of her. 
She was as curious about his shadows as she was the city. Every time they ventured close, she held out a hand. Some of them shied away and some of them wound around her fingers. She told him that the feel of them was similar to running a hand through a nebula.
Next, Azriel took her to the aviary, drinking in her delighted laughter as she chased and studied the colorful birds. 
“You don’t have an aviary in your city?” He asked, when they’d sat down for a break. Side by side under a willow tree filled with singing birds and fluttering wings. It was one of his favorite places in Velaris.
“Maybe,” She said, her gaze following the little creatures, “My father is very strict and protective. I don’t get out much.”
“I suppose that explains your eagerness to see the city,” He said, watching her as she watched the birds. 
“How could I not be eager?” She smiled, “When the secret of the city was revealed a few years ago, the whole world had questions. Now I've seen it, and I might even be able to write up a paper and get it published.” 
“You’re a writer, then?” Azriel asked. It made sense now, the grandiosity with which she described things. How desperately and diligently she wrote down every detail.
“Under an alias,” She met his eyes and he swooned all over again, “I spend a lot of time in our library since it’s one of the few places my father considers safe for me.” 
“Do you know much about the Day Court?” He asked, tilting his head to the side. She looked back down at her notebook, suddenly shy. 
His whole body itched with the desire to fly her to the Day Court right then. He would plant himself by her side as she skimmed every single book in the court and he would be sustained by her joy alone.
“Not much,” She confessed, “I must admit that my fascination with the Night Court has become a bit of an obsession over the past couple years.” 
“They have hundreds of libraries there,” Azriel said, eyes twinkling. Her face lit up, as predicted. “You could spend an eternity there, I’d imagine.”
“With a friend to keep me cnompany, I suppose I could,” She dared to look at him again, letting her gaze linger. Her eyes flicked down to his lips for a split second. 
Before he could register, she was standing, tucking her notebook back into her bag. It did not escape him the way her fingers trembled as she did so. 
“Where next, tour guide?” 
Their tour definitely stretched a bit longer than what Rhysand had in mind, but Azriel could not bring himself to give her up. Calytrix did not seem eager to end their tour, either. At first the shadowsinger was certain it was only due to her research, but then she had worked up the courage to touch him. 
She’d grasped his wrist and let out an excited sound when she’d laid eyes on the collector's section of his favorite book shop. Azriel swore his soul left his body. But then she did it again, brushing arms with him as they walked together. When he took her to the Sidra so she could dip her feet in the water, she grasped his hands for balance and didn’t let go for a long time. 
Azriel felt like he was glowing. Like basking in her presence had woven his entire being with threads of her stardust. He would search the whole of Prythian for every Astraeus Ruby if it meant he had the chance to see her again. The looming goodbye tasted bitter, growing heavier as the sun reached toward the horizon. 
“Have you had a good visit, princess?” He asked softly as they sat back on the balcony at the House of Wind. 
They sat side by side again, legs dangling over the edge, almost close enough for their shoulders to connect. Only the anticipation of that touch between them. 
“Are you kidding me?” She grinned, leaning her temple against the railing as she looked at him, “I’ve toured the entire city, met the High Lord and Lady, and I made a real Night Court bargain.” 
“That wasn’t a real bargain,” Azriel’s lips twitched up into a smile, “He was being nice. If it had been a real one, you’d have a tattoo.” 
Her eyes widened, flashing with something wild and determined.
“Make me a bargain,” She breathed, “I want a tattoo.” 
“Is that a good idea?” Azriel’s eyebrows shot upwards. “Won’t your father see it?” 
“Only when I’m in my fae form,” She said, grin growing with excitement, “Which only happens on special occasions. I’ll be so careful.” 
“Okay,” Azriel chuckled, “What kind of deal can I offer you?” 
Then she was quiet for a moment, staring at him. Deep in thought as the galaxies in her eyes whirled. Her smile faded and her breath quickened, and Azriel felt his own chest flutter in response.
“I want you to kiss me,” She whispered, eyes searching his, “If you kiss me, I’ll promise to come back next Starfall.” 
Azriel’s heart leapt in his throat. This was probably a bad idea. Rhysand would never approve of it. The kiss, the tattoo, his lovesick stupor after only one day of knowing her. But he heard himself answer anyways,
She leaned toward him, grasping handfuls of his shirt as his own hands reached to hold her face. They fit together so neatly, so comfortably. Calytrix leaned ever closer, tucking herself into his hold, and brought her lips to his. Her skin was so soft under his fingers, thumbs brushing over her cheekbones as he kissed her. 
The bitterness grew to an ache, and then to a sharp pain erupting with sparks. A lump rose in Azriel’s throat as she tilted her head to kiss him deeper, lips brushing over his with such sweet reverence. 
He had to give her up, send her back to the skies. This wonderful thing between them would cease. She made a sound against his mouth and he pulled back, frowning at the sadness written in her expression.
“What’s wrong?” He whispered, not letting go yet. She didn’t let go either, running her knuckles along his collarbone. 
“I don’t want to go,” She croaked. “For so many reasons.”
Her eyes dropped from his face, pulling his shirt down farther to reveal the shooting star now inked on his chest. She released one hand and pulled down her own collar to see the matching tattoo. 
“At least you have something to remember me by,” He smiled softly. 
She shifted closer to rest her head on his shoulder, relishing the warmth of his body. They stayed like that until footsteps in the distance drove them apart. The High Lord appeared between the glass doors.
“It’s time to go,” Rhysand said softly, Astraeus Ruby in hand, “Feyre sends her regrets that she can’t see you off, but our son is throwing an especially spirited tantrum at the moment.”
“That’s alright,” Calytrix smiled as she stood, “But please, thank her for her hospitality.” 
“Of course,” Rhysand handed her the gem, a blood red crystal that looked particularly delicate. Flecks of glowing silver danced inside it.
Calytrix pulled the scarf from her hair and shifted forms again, umber skin replaced by swirling cobalt dust. As she had said, the tattoo was never to be seen on her celestial form. 
She said nothing more to Azriel, only held out the slip of purple silk for him to take. He grasped it with gentle fingers, rubbing his scarred thumb over the soft fabric. 
“Please do not hesitate to tell us if you need anything,” Rhysand bowed his head, “We are grateful for your help and we will contact you as soon as we have decided our next move.”
“Thank you, High Lord,” She said, voice trembling. 
She turned back once more to the shadowsinger and held his gaze as she placed the ruby on the ground. She raised her foot and crushed it under her shoe. Instantly, blue light burst from the shards and reached toward the sky in a wide beam. 
In the last second before the light carried her into the night, her eyes widened, lips parting, as she stared at Azriel.  A hand reached out of the beam but it did not reach him before the magic pulled her away.
Then both the light and the shards disappeared and Calytrix was gone. 
Rhysand stared for a moment at the spot where she’d been, reminded of a similar moment so long ago. He glanced at the shadowsinger, cautiously, but Azriel was oblivious. He stared up at the stars, holding the lilac silk in his hands. 
So, Rhysand said nothing, heart aching for this brother.
Azriel woke in the middle of the night to a snap, a flash of light visible from behind his closed eyes. He shot upright in bed, shadows darting out to assess the threat. 
They found nothing, save for the folded note on his nightstand. The paper was deep blue, translucent and cool like the misty touch of his shadows. He opened it and found written in gold ink, 
See you next starfall, my mate.
Your star,
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i-am-beckyu · 2 years
"Where mushrooms glow like stardust" for the fake fic game if you're still doing it, these have been so good and a lot of fun to read!
Ooooo thank you!! I’m glad you’re enjoying them! I’m having a lot of fun coming up with stuff and this title is *chefs kiss* 🥰
Where Mushrooms glow like Stardust
George loved to explore the Forest. Whenever he had the chance, he was out in the forest exploring its wonders and discovering its hidden secrets. He’d found so many wonderful things on his explorations. The odd ruined portal with golden apples or enchanted gear. Sometimes he found caves that led to dungeons filled with mobs and chests filled with jewels or the a rare music disc. His adventures often led to something new and exciting, and made each escapade a thrilling time.
So the very pretty glade filled with wild flowers and delicate mushrooms and tiny flowers had him at a stand still in awe. It was breath taking and shone in the soft glow of the afternoon sun. It was gorgeous and as George sat down leaned up against the old twisted oak tree, it’s no surprise he had fallen asleep in a matter of minutes.
When George awoke, it was to the sound of muffled voices. He blearily opened his eyes to the now moon lite glade, eyes searching for the voices but found no sign of anyone around.
But if he thought the glade look pretty during the day, then at night it was STUNNING! The glade had a soft magic to it and felt alive! But what really caught his eye, were the small mushrooms glowing before him.
Never before had he seen such a specimen of mushroom. The mushrooms shimmered and shined and like billions of tiny stars and were laid out in a small ring before him.
Wanting to get a better look, he moved towards them and was just about to touch the top of the closest one when suddenly a loud yell called out from behind him.
Whipping his head around, he was met face to face with two very small, and very pissed looking sprites. One was bright green and staring with a glare that looked like it could kill him on the spot, and to its right, a bright red and orange sprite that almost appeared to be on fire.
And said sprites were aiming what appeared to be, two very dangerous orbs of light straight at him.
Well that explained the voices.
I hope I did your title justice ❤️❤️❤️
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feltrain · 2 years
Three Cheers for Five Years
For heaven's sake I know you're sorry But you won't stop crying This anniversary may never be the same Inside I hope you know I'm dying With my heart beside me In shattered pieces that may never be replaced And if I died right now you'd never be the same I thought with a month of apart Together would find us an opening And moonlight would provide the spark And that I would stumble across the key Or break down the door to your heart Forever could see us not you and me And you'd help me out of the dark And I'd give my heart as an offering
or the ten years between the last time @heavenvessel‘s Helen and Skipper see each other.
Everyone says the first year is always the hardest to adjust. For some reason, it felt like a monumental task. 
Despite the trust that he had already accumulated with the lady of the building and her family, despite having his name put on the lease. It felt harder than any task that he’d put up for himself. First step? Find a reason to exist. Second? Leave the past behind. It’s something he’s bad at, almost exceptionally, though he never makes any comment about any of that. Especially when he’s in Jaemin’s bed. Distractions appreciated, he’s sure the god of love and sex knows that he’s not trying to be pursuing anything other than a familiar distraction. 
He sells his parent’s house the first year and saves all the money. It’s a decent amount, enough that he figures he can invest it into adding his own touches to the nightclub once Miss Yoobin hands him the reins completely. His twenty-first birthday is spent at the nightclub, where the band buys him a cake and more whiskey than he knows what to do with. 
His hair starts to grow in white on year two. It’s a surprising thing when at first he assumes he’s going grey early. Wracking his brain to remember if his parents had any hair issues, until he notices that Joohyun, Max, and Shane are also starting to go white. The four of them accept their starry mantles that year as well.
It’s his twenty-third birthday that Skipper kisses someone that isn’t Jaemin in the throws of passion or Sejin when he still had his memories. It isn’t Helen, either. Helen’s gone and gone abroad. Her name is Hikari, and they’ve worked together for about the same time. They’re only born a week apart, and their birthdays are more often than not shared at work. 
You should take better care of yourself. Her hair’s started to grow in silver as well, she’s a constellation just like he is. Just like Joohyun and Max and Shane. It’s been awhile since he’s felt safe anywhere, but knee and knee with her, he realizes that maybe he feels safe when Hikari’s next to him and wonders if Hikari’s lips taste like how she smells; like fruit and flowers and lightly of whiskey. He confirms that not even a minute later. They see each other for six months before calling off the relationship, Hikari lightly telling him that she can’t be the girl he still sees behind his eyes. It’s better like this, Skip. He’s back to texting Eros for a distraction after, though the texts become less and less laced with innuendo as time goes on.
His twenty-fifth year, Yoobin hands over the nightclub completely. He hasn’t been in a relationship since he was twenty-three, and his focus is completely on the nightclub itself. Making it better, making it more modern, making it more him. Like an extension of himself. It’s all he has until he adopts a staffordshire bull terrier he rescues, affectionately naming him Aquila. 
He cuts his hair on his twenty-sixth birthday. It’s not worth keeping it. It’s a lot of work and it’s easier when he also decides to get his enlistment done. Handing over the reins for the club to management is fine, and he does his eighteen months, coming back to the bar at twenty-eight. He decides to keep the short look, maybe it’s the way that he has to do things. Maybe it’s comforting as well. But the soft shimmer of stardust in his hair in the barlights makes him remember that he’s a constellation and one of the lords of the sky, and there’s the purpose he found for himself years ago. 
Ares comes back to the bar when he’s twenty-nine. He hasn’t seen Dojin in a moment. The man looks older, despite the deity keeping him in good shape. They’re all older now, it’s almost ten years of this. Almost ten years since he walked back into the lives of several of the gods. And he keeps his promise, a seat always available for those from his past. He attends Hikari’s wedding to her girlfriend, he attends the weddings of all the guys as well. It’s good to see them all get married. He starts to realize that he’s okay being alone, because the gods still haven’t given him an explanation as to why things didn’t work out with Helen. He’s sure that she’s found herself someone else to occupy her mind, but he just decides to live. At least until the gods can give him an answer.
It’s a little past his thirtieth birthday, ten years later, that Ares walks in with a woman who isn’t Minhee. And he knows the man is not one to cheat. It’s all of a minute before he’s calling out her name, as if his soul saw her first. She looks better, happier, healthy. She laughs more. I almost didn’t recognize you without the flowing locks, rapunzel. The nickname she called him once upon a time, when his hair touched his shoulders, and his heart spins back to life. Tell me why, whichever gods are listening. He thinks. Tell me why I should let her go.
0 notes
neo-shitty · 3 years
teaser — no longer human (n.jm)
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description. in which you plunged face first into the horrors of a world left abandoned for three centuries in search of your only friend, na jaemin, wondering how you’d fare in a world where the species perched on top of the food chain were no longer human. 
pairings. na jaemin x gender-neutral reader
genre.  angst, post-apocalyptic!au, dystopian!au, childhood friends!au, best friends!au
warnings. mentions of bullying, mentions of injuries, graphic descriptions of violence, character death(s), swearing, non-sexual nudity, mutual pining, mentions of loss of weight and gradual decline of health. reader’s discretion is heavily advised.
word count. 1.8k (teaser), 30k (whole fic)
to be posted. march 18, 2022, 9pm KST (send an ask to be on the taglist!)
notes. i wanted to finish this fic in time for your birthday but i couldn’t do it :c so here’s a teaser. happy birthday, @hannie-dul-set​ !! i hope you had a good one!
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From the window of the space shuttle, the Earth seemed so minuscule in the emptiness of space. The black void stretched as far as the eye could see, littered with bits of stardust and clumps of gas that shimmered in the distance. In the center of it all was the blue sphere your species once inhabited and it was the only touch of vibrant color for light years.
You found it hard to believe that something so vibrantly blue existed naturally in space, let alone at a distance that wasn’t unreachable. The swirls on its surface made it look like the marbles the other kids rolled on the floors during recess. But again, natural. It made you think about bigger beings; did they ever look down and view the Earth and the moon as nothing but mere marbles?
At times like this, you liked the unknown better than the things you already knew. The unknown wouldn’t tell you that you weren’t cut out for the job no matter how hard you tried. They’d never tell you that you weren’t good enough. 
The hallways of the space shuttle were quiet now, free of the chatter and laughter of the other kids who were in the same training room you were in half an hour ago. You had the hall and the bench with the enormous window all to yourself. But you were just as alone with the view as you were with your thoughts.
You tore your eyes away from the void, looking down at arms you could still surprisingly use. Both were coiled with bandages, one ran up to your wrist while the other coiled even your fingertips. Your limbs felt sore all of the time from overuse, dull pains shooting through your system whenever you stretched too far or too sudden. Sometimes the skin beneath the paper stung, other times they itched uncontrollably. Both were tell tales of the wounds that lay beneath, sometimes fresh and others healing. Either way, you couldn’t win. None of those were considered valid excuses from the training that caused them in the first place. Today, you walked out with a slash on the last spot on your left hand that was left uncovered. 
Masking your disappointment was hard when you saw your name below the red line that separated the excellent kids from the bad ones. You were only above the line for a few weeks then you were sent back down to what they called your rightful place. The other kids celebrated maintaining spots, some others were vocal about their gratefulness that they weren’t you.
Perhaps you weren’t cut out to be a fighter and you did make the worst mistake of your life when you signed up for it a few months ago. Combat training, weapon wielding and gun firing looked more interesting than having to sit in a class for hours on end every single day. But books didn’t break bones, nor did they give you bruises. 
“There you are, I’ve been looking everywhere for you!” 
A brown-haired boy popped out of the end of the hallway. A sparring helmet was clipped between his arms and he was dressed in the same pair of white clothes every trainee wore, a plain t-shirt and track pants. Except his shirt wasn’t stained with crimson spots from bleeding palms. 
Na Jaemin was at the opposite end of the spectrum and he was good at everything you weren’t. He was a naturally gifted fighter; fast reflexes, high stamina, and strength that could knock out people much larger than he was. Rumors had it that his parents might’ve been part of the prior troops that were sent to scout the Earth and he was right where he was destined to be, while you were fighting to fit into a puzzle that you weren’t sure you were even a part of.
Envy was hard to fight off whenever you were with Jaemin. He had everything you wanted to achieve in the months that you’ve spent in training but you could never bring yourself to turn your back on him. And even when you did, he always came back. Jaemin was your only friend aboard the shuttle. Unlike the others, he never scowled whenever you were grouped into his team. Whenever your name was announced and you were sent to his team, he’d be the only one applauding while the others would beg him to swap you with someone better—someone who was an asset to the team rather than a burden. 
Jaemin easily befriended everyone. He could’ve chosen to eat anywhere at the cafeteria and he’d be welcomed with open arms. Being at the top of the ranks, people either flocked to him in admiration or made it seem like until his back was turned. 
“Move a bit, will you?” he said and you scooted, leaving a space on the bench for him to sit on.
He sat on the edge of the bench, placing the first aid kit he had been carrying in the space between you. It popped open with a light press. The aluminum lid split into two and the plates slid apart, revealing the supplies inside, before retreating to either side of the kit. You’ve been injured a hundred times over the past few months, yet the mechanism of the kit has always intrigued you. 
“Hand,” Jaemin demanded. You’ve protested numerous enough to know that it was useless to refuse his aid. He insisted and insisted until you eventually gave in just so he would shut up. Now, you saved him the effort and willingly gave him your hand.
Jaemin turned to one of the shuttle chutes. They were like vending machines but they dispensed items from a central storage room somewhere in the ship. Unlike their ancestors, they offered a wide variety of items. Food, drinks, office supplies, medical kit needs, and the like. Jaemin tapped one of the buttons and in seconds, a bottle of water shot out of the chute and into his hand. 
He caught it before it could land with a loud thud. He poured a bit onto your hand, washing away the blood around the wound. Thankfully, it was no longer bleeding. Pulling a bandage out of the kit, he began to wrap your hand in it. Gentle and done in no time.
Prying eyes often wandered over to your direction whenever they passed. Apparently, the friendship between the top fighter and the weakest link earned a few curious onlookers and eavesdroppers. Rumors spread like wildfire on the shuttle; some said you were dating, others said you were holding him against his will. All the other twelve year olds knew to do was talk nonsense, they never knew how to mind their own business.
The talks often got to you. Most times you purposely avoided Jaemin just so the talks would die down. They never did, the Shuttle thrived in gossip. It would spark more and more rumors until you were ultimately back at Jaemin’s side, letting him convince you that they’re all bark and no bite. For the most part, he was right. When he wasn’t looking, it was a whole different story. 
He had a fair share of admirers, all waiting to sink their teeth into your skin at the next opportunity. Being one of the weaker ones in your batch, you were an easy target and the training system gave them an upperhand all of the time. The higher you were on the list, the more respected you were; the lower you were, just prepare for the worst.
They were ruthless fighters whenever it came to you. They kicked your ankles with boot-clad feet and cut your skin with the sharpest of swiss-army knives, excusing the abuse as a part of training even when they were clearly taking out their anger on you. 
It might’ve escaped the trainer’s notice, but it didn’t escape Jaemin’s. Feeling guilty that you suffered at his expense, he’d spent his post-training hours nursing your injuries and patching up wounds, pressing cool compresses on your bruises and making sure that you slept comfortably afterwards. On days that you weren’t too battered, Jaemin dragged you back into the training rooms. 
The trainers never taught you how to fight, they only coached you during ring fights whenever you were too busy getting beat up to acknowledge what they were saying. Your only take away from the drills they put you through was the stronger body that came with the harsh exercises. 
Jaemin shared the secrets to his success and by the end of the month you thought he might as well be a trainer himself. He gave you extensive drills he’d found on the internet. Not only were they more effective than the ones they forced you to do for hours on end, but they were also more practical. You spent hours training together in the dim training rooms and other times you’d practice stealth for fun in the paintball rooms. Jaemin always won but every time you survived longer without getting caught, he celebrated with you. He taught you the secrets behind the perfect way to land a headshot. 
As the days flew past, you got stronger and you slowly rose from the lower ranks until you no longer had to worry about your name being under the red line during weekly evaluations. As you rose, Jaemin rose higher.
In your fourth year as trainees, he was granted permission to cross space. You were both sixteen then and awaiting your awards as trainees. You were among the top 50 trainees, Jaemin had remained on top consistently for the past four years. Even among the troops, he easily stood out. On the expeditions to expand the domes he often covered the most land, be it with a team or on his own. He rose up the ranks like a mad man, putting longer troops to shame with how quickly he was promoted. It must’ve hurt other people’s pride to call a younger man a captain. 
His visits home were few and far between. Of course, he tried his best to keep in touch and he always looked for you first whenever he came home to visit, which happened once in a blue moon. You understood it anyway, it was where he was destined to be—back on Earth and being on the frontline to reclaim the lands that once belonged to the humans. Jaemin was the best man to lead quests into the Wastelands and a member of the Elites—the top trainees back in the shuttle. He spent more time at the dome setup on the land that was once called South Korea, one of the few oases that have been set up on Earth. 
Jaemin was the youngest captain of the regiment, labelled commander of the Elites, and was probably the best troop of your generation. Of all the people you expected to go missing on an expedition, he was the last person on your list.
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© neo-shitty, 2021
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ikemensweetheart · 2 years
Hello! So glad you opened your requests again! Can I perhaps request 17. Treasure with IkeSen Mitsuhide? Thanks in advance!💕💫
Sorry this took so long, hun. I had several ideas for this that i had to choose from.
Treasure with Mitsuhide coming right up! I'm going for a proper fairy tale setting this time.
Taglist: @stardust-dreamer13 @hamster-damn @canaria-blackwell @nad-zeta @tickotaku @thesirenwashere
Once upon a time, there was a village that sat at the edge of a vast, dark forest. Many strange and magical creatures were said to live in this forest, but there were also tales of a great treasure hidden somewhere deep inside. However, many who went in search of it were said to never return.
Which is why you stood at the edge of the forest, satchel resting over your shoulder and your face set with determination.
Your father was sick and your family couldn't afford to pay for the medicine he needed on your own. If you could find the treasure, you'd be able to save him.
The forest loomed over you dark and foreboding. As if it was daring you to try and uncover its secrets.
Taking a deep breath, you steel your resolve and boldly take your first steps past the huge trees standing guard.
Once you were inside the forest, you were surprised to find that it wasn't nearly as dark and gloomy as its exterior suggested. Sunlight trickled down through the trees casting the ground in mottled shadows. There was a soft breeze stirring the branches above your head and you could hear bird singing.
However, as you walked along the forest path, you couldn't shake the feeling that you were being watched. It made you uneasy. The deeper you traveled, the more the uneasy feeling in the pit of your stomach grew. You kept casting guick glances behind you. Hoping to catch whoever your stalker was, but there was never anything or anyone that you could see.
After a while, you decided to stop and take a break for lunch. The sun was well hidden by the trees, so you weren't sure how long you had been walking, however you were hungry.
You were just about to take a bite of your sandwich when you heard a voice. "So, a little mouse has wandered into my forest."
"Ah!" You screamed, jumped to your feet and looked around frantically. "Who's there? Wh-who are you?" You stuttered.
"A little mouse looking for a treasure, no doubt." The smooth voice added with a mocking lilt. "But what does it have to offer in return for what it desires?"
The voice sounded like it was coming from somewhere above you. You glanced around trying to find the source.
You reach into your satchel and pull out a small porch. You open it to reveal the contents: small pieces of crystallized fruit. "Perhaps, this will be a good start?" You had been told as a child that magical being liked sweet things. You a made as many as you could, hoping it would at least help.
There was a moment of silence. The entire forest grew still, as if holding its collective breath.
You stood there, unsure if the owner of the voice was still around when suddenly it burst out into laughter.
The sound came from behind you.
You spun around. You found yourself standing face to face with a tall man with white hair that shimmered in the sunlight like spider silk. His shining citrine eyes seemed to peer into your very soul. A wicked smile graced the man's lips.
"Did you truly believe a few candied fruits would be enough to trade for my treasure? You're certainly a naive little mouse." The strange man took a step towards you. "I- I thought it was at least better than nothing." You instinctively move back as he continued to come closer. "We don't have many things of value." You explained.
"Oh, but you do have something incredibly valuable." The man said, looming over you. You scrambled backwards, trying to put some distance between you. "Something that, once taken, can never be returned."
You quickly find your back pressed up again a tree. You glanced around, looking for and escape.
In a flash, the man placed his hands on the tree trunk. Resting them at either side of your head. Your eyes snapped up, locking with his.
"What do you say, little mouse?" He whispered, leaning in. Your breath caught in your throat. "Are you willing to pay the price?"
You squeezed your eyes shut. Expecting the worse, but there was nothing more that the lighest brush of lips against your own.
A breathy chuckle rang in your ears as your eye fluttered open. You found yourself back at the edge of the forest near your village. In place of the candied fruits you had in your hands was a much heavier bag.
You quickly peeked inside. You let out an excited gasp. There were more than enough gold and jewels to pay for your father's medicine thrice over.
You push yourself off of the tree and start running back to the village. However, you pause a few yards away. With really thinking about it, you yell back to that forest. "Thank you!" Before continuing down the path toward your home.
Thanks for reading. I hope you all enjoyed!
Stay Safe
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loki--fics · 3 years
Stardust - Part 7
Loki x Reader
content warnings: cancer / illness mentions
author's note: i'm sorry about the hiatus! here's the update you've been waiting for, i hope you like it! ♡
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"Don't worry," The agent said, a malicious smile on his face. His eyes were cold, boring into yours with an intensity that shook you to your core. "This will only hurt a bit."
He lied. The serum he injected you with felt like hot lava pouring through your veins, and you pulled hard against your restraints as you screamed. "Stop!" You wailed, tears flowing down your cheeks. "Please, make it stop.."
"We need to understand how you got your powers, don't you see?" He asked. "You're going to be a part of the next great step in mankind's evolution."
You sobbed. "I was born with them, I've always had them please, I'll do anything, just stop torturing me."
He grinned, his cruel features contorting in satisfaction as he spoke. "Anything, you say?"
"Yes, I'll do anything. Whatever you want, just please, I can't take it anymore!" You shouted.
Grabbing your chin, the agent forced you to look into his cold, calculating eyes. "What I want is to continue to search for the source of your power."
He picked up another needle, shoving it into the IV drip and emptying it while you screamed.
"Y/N! Wake up!"
Flailing, you felt someone grab your forearms and you yelped, shying away. "Please, no more," You begged.
"Look at me," The voice said, and you opened your eyes, seeing Loki staring at you in concern. "What happened?"
You took a shuddering breath as you tried to calm down, feeling the wetness of tears on your cheeks. "It was just a bad dream," You mumbled.
Loki eyed you, understanding and sorrow evident on his face. "It wasn't just a dream, was it? It was a memory." As you nodded, Loki released your arms. "Do you wish to talk about it? You have no obligation to-"
"I was taken by HYDRA, upon the discovery of my... Well, supernatural abilities," You said, interrupting him. "I've had them for as long as I can remember, I was born with them."
He realised that, in all the time he's known you, he had yet to ask what your abilities were. "What are they?"
You sighed. "I have a connection to the elements. I don't control them, but they come to me when I summon them, as long as I don't try to abuse them."
"Can you show me?" Loki asked, curiosity piqued.
You blushed, but nodded, holding out your hand. "Air, please come to me." You watched Loki's eyes grow wide as a soft breeze surrounded the two of you, brushing against your skin and lifting your hair in a mini-whirlwind. A ball of air swirled in your palm as Loki stared.
"Fire, please come to me," You continued, and suddenly the air around you was filled with the rich, woody scent of a roaring fire, and your skin grew warm. Fire replaced air in your palm.
"Water, please come to me." The warmth was replaced by a coolness, and the smell shifted to a clean, salty scent, water washing over the fire in your palm. Loki could only stare, eyes wide as the sensations washed over him.
You watched him subtly as you continued. "Earth, please come to me." A rock formed in your palm, and the air was filled with the smell of freshly cut grass and wheat, the feeling of a soft meadow beneath you.
"Last, but certainly not least, spirit. Please come to me."
Feeling his own chest leap, Loki gasped. The ball in your palm turned a shimmering shade of lavender, and it was as though the two of you were surrounded by the elements.
"Incredible," Loki murmured softly. With a flick of your wrist, a breath of warm air caressed his cheek.
"I know what you're doing," You said softly. "Thank you."
Loki nodded. While he wanted to hear your story, he was aware that you should share that when you were of good mind to do so, not when the memories had been so freshly pushed to the forefront of your mind where you believed them to be real again. "You're welcome."
"Air, Fire, Water, Earth, and Spirit, thank you. You may depart," You said softly. As the elements departed, you both felt the loss, like saying goodbye to a friend.
"But more than that, Loki, I really wanted to thank you for being my friend these last few weeks," You continued.
With a start, Loki's eyes snapped to yours. "What did you just say?" He asked. Surely he had misheard-
"Thank you for being my friend," You repeated.
"I am your friend?" He asked.
You chuckled. "Of course you are. Am I yours?"
"You are my only," He replied softly, and your heart broke for him. "Without ill intention or ulterior motive."
"Well, I know things were a bit shaky at the start, but I've felt more like myself around you than I have since I was diagnosed. Considering what's going on with my brain, it's-"
"Your brain?" Loki interrupted. "What do you mean?"
You mentally curse yourself. How could you have been so foolish? "You cannot say a word to anyone, especially not Tony. Promise me, please."
Loki had never made a promise in his life. But for you, he found himself doing so. "I promise I will say nothing."
Sighing, you told Loki the truth. "I have a new tumour, on my brain. My cancer spread."
Even though he did not wholly understand your cancer, he did understand that this was serious. "Why have you not told anyone?" He asked.
"Because then I won't get even a moment's peace," You said. "The team is going to be up my arse day and night."
"I can see how that would be frustrating," Loki teased, and you suddenly remembered how they had been doing the same to him. "Is there nothing that can be done?"
"No," You replied. "Like the tumours on my lungs, it's inoperable. They're hopeful that treatment will help."
Loki's chest felt tight. He didn't like this, he was getting too close. How could he have let this happen? He was a God, he would live for centuries after you passed, even if you weren't ill and besides that, you were kind, gentle, and pure. Too good for the likes of him.
Without a word, Loki got up and left. You watched his back as he walked away, wondering if you had said or done something to upset him. The couch was cold without him, and you wished you had thought before you spoke. What a stupid slip up! You scolded yourself. Why did you have to say that? Now he's upset.
With a sigh, you gathered your blankets and walked to your room, not wanting to deal with anyone right now. You sincerely hoped that Loki would keep his promise, the mere thought of Tony finding out causing anxiety to fill your chest. He won't find out, he can't, You thought.
Pacing his room, Loki ran a frustrated hand through his hair. What were you thinking? He asked himself. Letting the girl close, you should know better than that! You are not Thor, you do not consort with mortals! You know that it only brings pain when they inevitably die.
He couldn't help the way his chest tightened knowing that your cancer had spread, it meant you were dying more quickly. Especially to your brain, Loki knew that you didn't stand a chance. How much longer did you have? Months? Maybe a couple of years?
You knew this, He thought. Mortals are fragile, weak creatures. They grow old, they get sick, they die. He made up his mind to stay away from you, but it was much easier said than done. You had called him your friend, without malicious intent, something he had not heard in quite some time. You had thanked him for it, something he had not even realised he'd done. How could he ignore you now?
As you sat in your room, doodling in your notebook, all you could think about was Loki. It was wrong of you to burden him, You thought. You should have lied. You thought back to that first day you had seen him in the library.
"Did you truly believe you could lie to me, the God of Mischief?" He'd asked. "I basically invented lying."
You smiled at the memory. No, you couldn't have lied to him, nor did you want to. You had always been open with Loki, more so than anyone else at the tower, even Thor. He had been your best friend, yes, but you felt a kind of soul connection with his brother. While you cared for him, you realised that Loki truly understood you in ways that Thor could not begin to.
Not wanting to lose that, you scribbled a note on a spare sheet of paper, folding it and taking it to Loki's bedroom, sliding it under the door.
Loki watched the paper glide across the floor, picking it up with his long, slender fingers.
~ Loki,
I'm sorry if I've upset you in any way. Please, let me know if there is anything I can do to make it up to you.
Yours, Y/N ~
"I truly am an asshole," He muttered.
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westywrites · 2 years
first line/last line tag
@ratracechronicler tagged me to share the first and last lines of one of my wips! Seems fitting to share the current first and last lines of The Corvine book one as I work on its third draft.
First line (prologue)
In the dim light of the nearing dawn, blue-tinged shadows shade the fresh grass in solemn hope between the graves. A raven settles on the thatched roof of the preacher’s house. Behind it, the sky is the colour of a bruise that might never heal.
First line (actual chapter 1)
The night air bit at his skin, his thin shirt doing little to protect him from the chill. You would think that a textile factory would be able to provide better clothing for its employees, Lennox certainly thought so. But he was only a kid, so what would he know.
Final line
The moment comes at last. A man is looking for Stardust. In her palm, a purple pouch shimmers like the starry sky around her. What’s inside can hardly be called Stardust. It is the gunpowder of a supernova. She smiles.
I always end up sharing more than just one line for these things. The way I write makes one sentence not much of anything lol
I'll tag @avoidingcertaindoom @tc-doherty and anyone else who sees this! I'd love to see the first and last lines of any of your wips (even if "last line" just means the most recent one you've written instead of the final line of the book/story haha) No pressure though!
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koutarouthighs · 4 years
『 orange slices 』
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S U M M A R Y ― orange slices are usually eaten during or after sports events to replenish hydration, vitamins, and antioxidants; these characters can be forgetful, so what will you do to help them remember that sometimes it’s important to take care of themselves even though all they want to do is get lost in the game of volleyball?
post type ➺ headcanons fandom  ➺ haikyuu!! characters  ➺ daichi ⧾ bokuto ⧾ kuroo genre ➺ fluff tags ➺ college!au; established relationship;  word count ➺ 2k+ request ➺ [YES/NO]      ↳ request here!
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⤭ people always tease you and daichi, calling you mom and dad, or playing around and saying, “oh, it’s like you two are already married!” and you suppose, most of the time, they’re right. you two just click. ⤭ you try to make it to as many of daichi’s intramural games as possible, given your busy school and work schedule. and every time, without fail, whenever he spots you on the green chatting with another one of the player’s girlfriends, that signature little bento box is seated safely beside you. ⤭ after the game is over, he snags one last refill of water from the team jug before jogging over to you, standing in the way of the sun so you’re not blinded when you look up at him. although, he shines brightly enough all on his own that it’s still tough not to narrow your eyes even just a little. ⤭ he makes small talk with the girls around you, their boyfriends slowly trickling in as they wrap up from their games. daichi sits next to you, hand on your knee, careful never to interrupt or overstep, always aware of you in every capacity. there is laughter as you all share stories about your least favorite professors and that one assignment you just can’t shake. ⤭ daichi waits until his stomach growls to make a move for the bento, knowing that the box is big enough for the both of you. you unravel it carefully, putting the cloth wrapping to the side before allowing him to unlock the lid.
more below the cut ↴
daichi’s eyes practically roll into the back of his head as the steam from the still-warm meat and rice wafts upward to his face. he sighs and leans forward, pressing a chaste kiss to your cheek before taking the set of chopsticks and digging into the food.
everyone else is watching you two, in awe or disgust at the natural ease of your relationship. you two sit closely, read one another’s minds as you get him a napkin when you see sauce drip from his chin, and he passes you the thermos filled with some sort of tea when he notices you trying to stifle a cough.
“thanks, honey,” daichi wipes his face clean before kissing your temple this time, one hand on the back of your head to steady you as he leans forward. he tucks his tissue into the empty box and nuzzles your cheek with his nose, “you always make such good lunch.”
it’s a simple recipe, one even tanaka couldn’t screw up, but the affectionate words are not lost on you. your face still heats, your eyes still avert his saccharine gaze, and your skin still buzzes at the sound of him. you thank him in that small voice you get when you feel self-conscious, and daichi wraps you up in his arms, pulling you tightly against his still-damp chest, mouth against the shell of your ear, “i’m so lucky to have you, y’know? always looking out for me.”
“daichi,” you groan, your skin burning as he kisses your cheek relentlessly, uttering little sweet nothings against your face like stardust. you wrinkle your nose and shove at him, but it has no intent. you curl your fingers around his jersey, “we look after each other, you silly goose. no need to thank me.”
daichi huffs and you look up at him, noting the wrinkle in his brow. just as you go to ask him what’s wrong, if you’ve said something that’s hurt him, his lips part, “i will never stop thanking you for being the wonderful person that you are. if i do, then i’m taking you for granted and that’s not fair.”
you know that he’s being overly dramatic, but you don’t have the heart to refute him. rather, you press your palm to his cheek and tilt your head upward to meet him halfway, a warm kiss passed from you to him. daichi’s hands seize around your waist, an anchor holding you to the grassy lawn you’ve been camped out on since early this morning. he sighs as you pull away, utterly enraptured by your graceful nature, “you deserve the whole world, darling. i just hope that what i can give you comes close enough.”
and you know that it will be. daichi was always more than enough.
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⤭ bokuto always forgets his water bottle, no matter how many little notes you leave around the apartment as a reminder for him to pick it up, or how often you place it in the most easy-to-find and obvious places, he still manages to forget it entirely ⤭ even though he’s too focused on the intramural game to text you and ask you to bring it, you always show up after you’ve done your morning study routine with his huge water canister filled to the brim with ice cold h2o ⤭ after the first set, when he gets a five minute break before they start up again, bokuto spots you with that signature black water bottle hooked by the key chain attached to it’s lid looped around your finger, swaying it back and forth in midair, a little smirk-turned-smile on your pretty lips ⤭ bokuto has no bashfulness when it comes to your relationship. he loves you, is totally smitten, and wants everyone to know it. so he has no qualms with running across the green to pick you up around the waist and hoist you into the air, twirling you as he blabbers a dozen different thank you’s ⤭ he’s always so appreciative of the way you never get upset that he’s forgotten something yet again. rather, you pick up his slack, helping out where he lacks. today this trait shows by you bringing by his water bottle [and a little bento box filled with his favorite food for after the game is over]
"i left it on the front doorstep, bo,” you chastise him just before he manages to plant a kiss on your lips, effectively cutting short your admonishments. he chuckles, the sound reverberating his chest and yours, before settling you down on the ground so you can get your bearings straight before he kisses the breath out of you all over again, “yeah, but then i wouldn’t have had an excuse to come over here and kiss you.”
your whole body goes hot, from ears to toes, and you look down at his sneaker-clad feet so you don’t have to stare up into his shimmering golden irises. but bokuto, ever the steady-hand, notches his knuckle under your chin to tilt your head upward, “thank you, baby. i don’t know what i’d do without you.”
“dehydrate,” you deadpan, trying your hardest to keep from turning to a molten pit of lava right here on the campus green, “starve.”
“you little...” a mirthful smirk tugs on his lips and then he’s devouring you all over again, grabbing you around the waist and invading your space as he leans forward to kiss you square on the mouth.
“bokuto! time to start the next set!”
reluctantly, and with a low growl, he departs from you, raising a pale brow as he nudges your nose with his, planting one last chaste kiss to your mouth, “gonna watch the rest of the game, babe?”
you nod, smiling as he pulls away, “of course, bo. i always watch your games.”
“just checking,” bokuto pinches your hips before finally unraveling from you, “can’t wait to show you my new power serve i’ve been working on! you better watch me!”
pushing him away, you lick your lips and grin uncontrollably, his energy infectious as he bounces on his heels at the sight of you and the thought of playing another set of volleyball. you take a breath before nodding up at him, “i can’t wait to see it, kou. you’re always amazing.”
he can’t help but to kiss your cheek one last time before jogging back towards the volleyball court, his water bottle still hooked around your finger, forgotten once again.
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⤭ kuroo is not forgetful of his things like jerseys, water bottles, etc. but he can lose track of time. usually he’ll have played so many games without eating that you have to interrupt him after a few games too many and only then does he realize how lightheaded he is. ⤭ you press your palms to his heated, sweaty face and force him to focus on you, reminding him that he needs to take a break every now and then. his eyes will flit around for a moment before he finally zeroes in on your features. ⤭ one of his classmates who has been taking a break on the bench tells kuroo that he’s going to sub in for him, he wants to try blocking against the other team for a while. you know it’s just the classmate trying to help you out, so you give him a small nod over kuroo’s shoulder and then turn back to your boyfriend. ⤭ you force kuroo to sit down on the grass underneath a big tree, the shade already cooling him down as he guzzles water from his bottle for a few moments without speaking. you simply sit next to him, keeping your distance because you can tell by his posture and the flush of his skin that he’s overheated, and you don’t want to contribute to his warmth by touching him with your palm to his knee. ⤭ finally, after a few minutes, he looks across at you with a genuine grin on his lips, his eyes practically lighting up at the sight of you now that he can see you in your entirety. he reaches towards you to press a palm to your cheek, tilting his head before kissing you slowly.
"you worry me, tetsu,” you whisper as he pulls away, your fingers clutching at his jersey.
kuroo kisses the tip of your nose and then your forehead, smoothing your hair away from your face before sitting back on his thighs, still towering over you even as you sit close together. his free hand drifts to your knee, drawing little swirling motions along your skin, warmed from the sunshine beating down through the sparse leaves of the tree, “i know, sweetheart. i just get lost in the game sometimes, i forget how long i’ve been playing. i promise i’ll be better.”
the same promises every time, but you know that he misses playing with nekoma. he misses being a captain. he misses the camaraderie. and who are you to tell him that he can’t have that any longer? who are you to rob him of his sidelined dreams that are played out now in the form of recreational volleyball?
instead of arguing, you purse your lips, silently asking him for another bout of affection. kuroo chuckles before obliging, rather enthusiastically, tackling you down into the grass. he loiters over you, lanky and long and bulking as always, broad shoulders down to a trim waist, knees caging you in on either side of your hips.
“thank you,” he murmurs as he pulls away, translucent lids still partially hiding his amber irises from your view, “i don’t know where i’d be without you to bring me back down to earth.”
“you’d manage,” you whisper, tracing his jawline with your thumb, “but i like to think i make your life a little easier.”
a slow blink and the gentle tilt of his head has you completely enraptured in the beauty of his eyes coupled with his smile. every time you see him, you’re completely blindsided by his mere presence, and he never ceases to amaze you, no matter how many days you spend together. your fingers slot into his hair at the nape of his neck, thumbs brushing along his throat, like this is what you were built to do, easy and smooth.
kuroo kisses your lower lip and then your top lip, paying closest attention to every part of you, “i don’t think you know how much you mean to me, baby. guess i’ll just have to remind you.”
if you two get lost in each other against the tree trunk, the sun setting and bringing about a newfound chill in the air, nobody seemed to notice. almost as if you two were in your own world, completely lost, unable to know where one of you ends and the other begin. eventually you have to go home, but for now you’re going to bask in one another’s presence.
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450 notes · View notes
whitherliliesbloom · 3 years
heartbeat concerto
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[ ffxivwrite2021 ] ★ [ masterlist ] ★ [ prompt #03 - scale ]
[ alphinaud/wol ]  ★ [ 2,605 words ]  ★ [ nodame cantabile au ]
scale: an arrangement of the notes in any system of music in ascending or descending order of pitch
Illya prays to the heavens that the man beside her does not hear the fortissimo that was her pounding heart. 
“Rachmaninoff?” Her voice was equal parts confused as it was alarmed, hiking in pitch that sounded like an ear piercing squeak, almost grimace worthy. Trepidation rings loud in her chest, like shrieking white noise that deafens her. “I’ve never played a concerto in front of somebody before.” 
She had hoped that admittance would allow him to grant her some fraction of mercy. After all... for as gracious and supportive a tutor as he was a diligently observant audience for her playing, he surely wouldn’t throw her into the deep end after she’d just barely able to make some progress, right?
The boy merely smiles, navy blue eyes softening in its gaze as he waves the music sheets in his hands before placing them delicately upon the piano stand. He exudes an aura of gentle reassurance, but knows that his resolve to push her past her comfortable limits is implacable. 
“Now would be a good time for a first then, wouldn’t you agree?”
Illya heart sinks, lips pressed into a thin, paling line as she glances at the score that awaited her - notes upon lines that were rapidly blurring into nothing but squiggles and incomprehensible doodles in her vision... as if taunting her, daring her to butcher one of the most iconic piano concertos to have ever been composed - by one of the greatest virtuoso pianists to have ever lived no less? 
Sonatas were one thing - it took Illya a good amount of time to be able to even bring herself to play the first movement of Sonata Facile to completion in front of him without breaking down into a mess of cold sweat and trembling fingers. 
But concertos... by the twelve, even saying the word brings her chills down her spine. 
She was nowhere near good enough for pieces that demanded such high amounts of skill, precision and talent... nowhere even close to being able to perform alone on stage for a crowd to behold... let alone in front of an entire orchestra. 
When she had met the violin prodigy that had been her new neighbor and he’d offered to help her overcome the performance anxiety that had crippled her ability to play the piano in front of others for years, she hadn’t expected for him to have such sky high expectations for her - expectations that she was certain she’d never in a million years be able to meet.
Alphinaud is a confident, assured young man. Performing was only natural to him, came as naturally as music does flow through his very veins - he had even stated so on the very day that they’d met. Music is for ears to hear, for the world to enjoy. What point was there to keeping music hidden behind four walls? To hide away the sound of their instruments is an affront to the very reason those instruments were made in the first place. 
He moved into this apartment complex for a very different reason than she did - and she understood that he too, in his own ways that she could not yet fully understand, had his own troubles which kept him from reaching the heights in which he, and his family had aspired him to be. 
But the notoriety behind the difficulty of the pieces he plays has never once made his bow once falter, nor has it ever put him off the idea of even trying. Certainly, there were aspects of his playing to critique... but his determination and confidence alone makes him more of a capable musician than she is - something she both deeply envied and admired. 
Would that she could even possess half the amount of talent as he- she’d constantly tell herself, and it was a thought that possessed her even as she hung her head in defeat, trudging to the piano that sat in the middle of the living room before sitting herself down on the cushioned bench, the dent in the corner of the wood still visible from their first meeting when she’d knocked it over onto its side from panic. 
Violet eyes glance down at the black and white keys with a gulp - her greatest friend in her darkest times of sorrow... yet also the cause of many of her biggest regrets and worries in life. 
She stalls for a moment to pick her train of hair up from the floor and let it unravel gently behind her on the bench, her cotton slippers kicked aside to place her feet upon the pedals that were propped up by a well used extender - a necessity due to her short stature. 
With stiff, slightly shaky fingers that now laid delicately upon the surface of the piano keys, Illya sharply inhales, and forces herself to quiet the raging thoughts of potential failure and humiliation as she presses down to play the first notes. 
Alphinaud stands behind her by the window, quiet so as to not disturb the girl... but even with his considerate silence, Illya could not help but be acutely aware of his eyes staring holes into the back of her head. She could only begin to imagine what he was thinking - and while she’s befriended him long enough to know he was a man who was above ridicule, she still hated to disappoint - especially the first person who has heard her play the piano for the first time in years. 
A symphony fills the apartment, bright as the rays of sunlight that shone through the window, making Illya’s starspun hair appear to glow like a halo. Like little bells, the piano sings out a melody that is as light as the air. It sounds easy on the ears, gentle and kind as the timid pianist who was weaving this piece into being with her fingers. 
And that was the problem.
Rachmaninoff composed Piano Concerto No 2 during some of the darkest moments of his life - the piece that would go on to save his career as a floundering, helpless musician had been written from the very pits of his own despair - a song of tragedy and sorrow that tells of a struggling pianist and composer who feared to lose the very thing that gave his life meaning; something many other aspiring musicians would surely understand... something Illya herself knew all too well.
And yet when Alphinaud listened to the piece being played, it conveyed none of that sadness, none of the essence of what made Concerto No 2 become such an iconic classical piece in history. 
Illya played without fault - that much he is certain. She’s taking great care to play the right notes, attentive to her own pace that would be fitting were a choir of violins and cellos playing after her tune. But he can tell, even without looking upon the tense, rigid scowl upon her face that she was focusing too much on the technicalities that she’s lost all of what made him so captivated with her playing before - a mistake that he himself has been criticized for countless times. 
Father has chided him for that before - praised him for being a genius and young violin paragon both while at the same time admonishing his lack of improvement even after three years of performing professionally - three years of the same critique that would come back to haunt him over and over again.
Music was more than playing perfectly - it was about the inflections, the subtleties in the way one moves their finger across the piano keys, or the way one draws a violin bow... The emotions that would stir one’s heart in a way only music would be able to convey and can never be properly emulated with computerized digital sound. 
When Alphinaud closed his eyes, he did not hear the disquiet of a child’s heart as he heard the echoes of church bells ringing on a Sunday morning... but, just as it is - a nervous pianist who was pressing keys because she was told to, because she is doubting herself. 
“Illya.” he calls her name, softly so as to not startle... but more importantly, to convey that he wasn’t mad, disappointed or upset with her - as she is wont to often assume. 
The piano stops abruptly, and the girl turns to look at him, her piercing stardust hued eyes shimmering with a glossy layer of worry - it suits her less than the rare blossoms of joy that sprouted in her eyes whenever she seemed to genuinely be enjoying his company.
The young man pauses for a moment to casually stroll up beside her, before gesturing for the lady to move. Though confused, she scoots over to her right to allow him space on the bench, questioning expression apparent on her face about his intent.
When he sits, the close proximity between them brings him warmth, and he feels the corners of his lips instinctively pull into a gentle smile.
“I’m sorry, you must have been caught off guard with such an unreasonable request from me.” He apologizes before quickly holding up his hand when he sees the young lady’s lips part in an impulsive need to protest.. but it is quickly lowered when she draws back into herself and swallows her retort. “Maybe... a little warm up would be better before we move on to such a challenging piece.”
His slender fingers stretch, the pad of his index finger resting gently upon a D key, but not pressing down. 
Alphinaud has only the basic understanding of how a piano is played... and he has in the past tried to expand his musical repertoire to cover the undisputedly most popular classical instrument of all time, but he regrettably never quite got the time or chance to. But he is aware of a routine piano players would use to practice, not too dissimilar to the way violinists would warm up as well.
“May we perhaps practice scales? Just for a little while?”
The humility in his tone with his request compared to before doesn’t escape Illya’s notice, but she refrains from commenting on it as her eyes widen up at him.
“Um... s-sure.”
The hesitation in her response is only natural - after all he’d just challenged her to play a difficult piece of piano concerto only to reduce their practice down to repetitive scales - something even the most amateur of players could easily do. 
Perhaps he’d felt a tad sorry for his earlier forwardness and the not so subtle way he’d intimidated her into playing something she was clearly not completely comfortable performing for him.. and the only way he knew how to make amends was to correct the damage of his own transgression’s doing. 
Getting Illya to relax was important - not just for her music but for the sake of herself as well. If her Rapunzel length hair, lack of fresh foods in her pantry and well worn and weathered pink camise was any indication, the girl wasn’t the best at taking care of her own wellbeing in her pursuit for musical perfection. 
Illya’s shoulder is still relatively stiff as she begins to play, though not nearly as much as they were before while she was playing the concerto. Her fingers effortlessly glide across the keyboard to play an ascension of notes before moving back down. 
By the third repeat, she’s begun relaxing considerably and picking up speed, and her hands were moving with a practiced, ethereal fluidity that was akin to waves of the ocean... as were the sound of the notes being played - reminding Alphinaud of the push and pull of the tides upon a sandy shoreline. 
She transitions from C major to C minor, weaving in the scales of D-flat major and minor before the scales moves further and further up in pitch, so seamlessly that anyone who isn’t familiar with notes in the slightest would have trouble even realizing the switch in scales until she’s reached F major. 
In the face of something that comes naturally to Illya, she is at ease... and the piano is once more harmonizing in tune with her love for the instrument. 
It’s a not so subtle way of giving her a confidence boost, but Alphinaud claps as she finishes the B minor scale with a flick of her arms - and though her confusion is still apparent, he can tell just from the adorable tilt of her head that she’s relaxed now.
“Wonderful, Illya... It’s clear as crystal with the way you played how seasoned you are. I’d dare say you’re quite a prodigy yourself.”
Having a lofty title thrust onto her so suddenly without warning burns her cheeks a bright shade of red, and the girl is quick to shake her head.
“I-I... I appreciate it, Alphinaud... But I know you’re just saying that to make me feel better.”
“Be that as it may...” He retorts before leaning forward to close the distance between them, his blue eyes swirling with a sincerity that begins to mirror in Illya’s bejeweled ones. “My praises are always truthful and well deserved. You’re a wonderful pianist, Illya.”
Something compels Alphinaud to continue speaking. Perhaps it was the twinkling of Illya’s eyes that held the radiantly clear reflection of himself within... or the dust of pink speckled upon her cheeks and across the width of her little button nose and pointed ears... or maybe it was the soft sound of air being inhaled through her barely parted lips - glossy, pink and befittingly cute for a woman of such beauty. But he deigns to open up his heart and speak his mind freely- he finds himself being able to do so more easily towards her than any other person for some reason.
“Besides... It was because of my own selfish desire to be able to hear you play that I offered to be your tutor. Being able to be by your side here like this and watch you play alone is an honor I would always treasure. So you needn’t be so afraid of playing how you wish to with me.”
When Alphinaud leans back, he finds the delightful cherry pink shade upon Illya’s face to have darkened, and her flustered quivering of her lips as him self-reflecting upon his own statement which causes him to dart his head to the side in an attempt to hide his own blooming blush.
Not that it’d be noticed by Illya in the first place, as she tilts her head down to hide her thoroughly embarrassed expression beneath the shadows of her white bangs. 
“I-I’m sorry. Maybe I said too much.” 
Illya doesn’t respond, and the young man is almost thankful she doesn’t... because he’s determined to force himself to recover and continue on with their practice.
Clearing his throat unabashedly, his head turns slowly back to look at the girl beside him.
“Well. Shall we continue? I could pick out an easier piece for you to try, this time.”
She nods, as halfheartedly as she did earlier when he’d asked her to perform  Rachmaninoff’s piece for him. And though her playing of Mozart was even more shaky, off-pace and lacking in original intent as it did with Piano Concerto No 2 before... Alphinaud could only acknowledge her efforts with an apologetic and bashful smile on his part... for the deep red flush upon Illya’s face never once dissipates during her performance. 
Nor does the trembling of her fingers - which, if nothing else, conveys the pounding of her racing heart more than clearly and loudly for him to hear. 
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httpjeon · 4 years
made of stardust: folia — seokjin (m.)
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seokjin/reader | alien!au | fluff, smut
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wordcount: 9.5k
contents: alien dick!seokjin (he has tentacles), intoxication, kissing under the influence, seokjin rlly cares about consent, squirting, vaginal and anal sex, light size kink, LOTS of kissing, seokjin knows he's good looking
— synopsis: stressed from work, you're sent on vacation to the beautiful, tropical planet of Liana where you meet a beautiful Folian man named Seokjin, who makes your vacation 10x better.
note: the first installment of mosd! ik it's been pretty anticipated; seokjin's version is the least convoluted and messy of the bunch so that's why he's first! taehyung is next!
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blog masterlist — made of stardust masterlist
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© httpjeon 2019. do not repost, modify, or translate.
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With a smile on your face, you inhaled the crisp, sweet scent that carried on the breeze. Adjusting your grip on your suitcase, you gazed out towards where you heard the soothing crashing of waves hitting the shore.
"Miss. ______?" you jumped at the sound of someone saying your name, drawing your attention away from the ocean.
"Um, yes that's me," you smiled, meeting the dazzling smile of a young woman.
"I'm Yura, I'll be your guide," she said, "I'll show you to your hotel."
"That would be lovely," you nodded, following her towards a black vehicle — a craft you had gotten used to seeing already. 
She helped you load your suitcase into the trunk before opening the passenger door to let you in. You relaxed into the plush, red leather seat with a sigh and let your eyes drift towards the window. The sight of beautiful architecture and foliage passed by and you could just feel the built up stress beginning to evaporate.
At first, you hadn't wanted to go on vacation but eventually, you were urged to do so by your supervisors. As part of your job, they figured they could send you to Liana — a beautiful, tropical planet teeming with rain forests and life.
The planet was part of six in a solar system called the Vela System in the Fanet IV galaxy. It was a recently opened galaxy as part of the Interplanetary Relations Commission’s goal of making every galaxy accessible for visitation. Over a millennium ago, the Commission, started on Earth, began to expand from nearby planets to nearby solar systems and eventually nearby galaxies. While there were over 500,000 galaxies currently under the IRC’s treaty, more and more galaxies opened every month. The Fanet IV’s capital planet, Vulia, was the first to allow an IRC Embassy to be built and eventually the Commission’s reach expanded to all the planets. 
Liana was the second, and most eager to open, the race of aliens known as Folia, excited to show their beautiful planet off to anyone. As a result, it quickly became somewhat of a vacation resort.
"You'll be staying in Vano's most prestigious hotel," Yura explained, making you break your gaze from the window to look at her, "You'll have direct access to private springs and you'll be right on the shore of the beach, it's really lovely."
"Wow, I can't wait," you smiled, gazing out the window once again.
It wasn't too long before you were pulling into a parking space outside a gigantic building — taller than anything you'd ever seen on Earth. You gaped at the hotel — the sign written in the native Folian script which you hadn't had the chance to learn yet.
Yura opened the trunk and pulled your suitcase from inside, extending the handle before motioning for you to follow her. You hurried your footsteps, unable to help but gape at the beautiful trees and plants that lined the hotel aesthetically. 
The inside was beautiful, the walls, floor, and ceiling were made of marble-like stone that shimmered underneath the light. There was a young man at the counter, who smiled at the sight of you.
"Welcome! You're Miss. _____, I presume?" he asked, typing something on the hologram computer in front of him, "Your room is 1807 — this card will let you in."
You took the metal card from his hands, a little light blinking green on the end. You thanked him and pocketed it, following Yura towards the elevator.
She pressed several buttons on the wall, foreign words flashing across the touch screen as she tapped away on it with a well manicured finger. In the blink of an eye, the doors were opening to a beautiful hallway decorated with red and black accents. Stepping out, you felt your feet sink into the carpet slightly, making you lose your balance.
"Oh!" Yura gasped and grabbed your arm, giggling softly as you finally caught your balance, "Careful there..."
"Wasn't expecting that," you mumbled, stepping aside to let her roll your suitcase out of the elevator.
"Yeah, most people get surprised," she chuckled, "Typically you'll be barefoot out here, so wearing shoes kind of feels weird on the floor."
"The decorations here are beautiful," you mumbled, passing by a tall obsidian vase with flowers such a vibrant shade of orange that it hurt your eyes to look at.
"Yes, well, this is the most high-end resort on the planet," she said, stopping in front of a door, "You can only expect the best here."
You pulled the key card out and pressed it against the scanner, watching the light flash in a series of yellow blinks before there was a loud click. Yura turned the handle and pushed the door open.
You stepped inside and gasped at what you saw. A beautiful chandelier hung from the ceiling, casting a soft glow through the room. There were velvet, powder blue curtains drawn over the huge windows. Bypassing the canopy bed, you opened the curtains and smiled.
You were very high up on the 18th floor, allowing you to see the ocean disappear in the horizon. It was beautiful, the sun beginning to set, bathing the world in a brilliant shade of orange.
"Well, Miss. ______," you turned away from the window to see Yura leaning over the desk writing something down on a notepad, "This is my contact information. I am at your disposal, feel free to call if you have any questions or concerns. If you wish to go somewhere, please let me know and I'll be more than happy to show you around."
"Thank you so much, Yura," you smiled, walking her to the door to bid her goodbye.
Once you were alone, you let out a sigh and kicked your shoes off before pulling your socks off. Smiling, you felt your bare feet sink into warm, plush carpeting. The fibers were soft and seemed to swallow your feet.
Flopping back onto the bed, you breathed in the soft, sweet scent that wafted from the bedding. Hugging a pillow to your chest, you rolled over and gazed out the window as the sun dipped beneath the horizon. Your eyes began to feel heavy as you relaxed before you finally fell asleep— tuckered out from the trip from Earth.
You groaned as you stretched, slowly waking up. The first thing you noticed was the fact you'd fallen asleep in jeans — extremely uncomfortable. You sighed and sat up, casting a glance out the window to see the moon was sitting high in the sky.
Getting out of bed, you approached the window. The moon was brighter and closer to the planet than the moon on Earth and even the light from the city couldn't dim its reflection off the dark sea. The stars sparkled vibrantly in the sky and you smiled. Looking down, you could see the tide was hitting the shore more violently than it had been during the day. Backing away, you unzipped your suitcase and began to dig around to fetch some pajamas.
Before the trip, you had gone shopping for new clothes to wear to the alien planet. That included a new, expensive silk pajama set. It felt light and cool against your skin, felt even better as you curled up beneath the thick, soft blanket to properly sleep.
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You adjusted the tie of your bathing suit behind your neck, the knot rubbing and irritating your skin. The elevator buzzed before the door opened and you stepped on, shivering as your bare feet hit the cold, tiled floor.
"What the..." you stared at the panel, flashing flights and holographic numbers confusing you. A message in the Folian language scrolled past on the screen and you sighed, deciding to just press the button beneath the "1", hoping it wouldn't take you to a basement.
The door opened immediately and you smiled proudly as you stepped into the lobby. Looking around, you adjusted your bag on your shoulder.
"Are you looking for the entrance to the beach?" you gasped, spinning around to look at the person who startled you. She smiled kindly, wearing a uniform with the name 'Lee' sewn into the fabric, "Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you,” she apologized, bowing her head slightly. 
"Oh it's...fine, yeah um," you cleared your throat, "I'm looking for the beach."
"If you'll go through those double doors, you'll find the access point," she said, motioning to the two glass doors across the lobby, “It's a panel on the wall at the end of the hall.”
"Thank you," you smiled before turning your back to her before making your way over to the doors.
You pushed them open and immediately got a huge whiff of sea salt. Walking down the hallway, your footsteps echoed off the tiled walls as you made your way towards the end. You stopped at the wall, a panel blinking on the wall just like the woman had told you.
It took you a moment to realize that it looked like the panel for your room so your hotel keycard may work. Mentally, you cursed yourself for not learning how to read the language before coming. Pulling the metal card out, you held it up to the panel, watching a pink light flash over it as it was scanned before the card blinked green.
Something let out a loud clunk and you stumbled away as part of the wall moved, indenting inward before beginning to ascend. You squinted as the sunlight blinded you and the sound of waves crashing against the shore and the numerous voices of beach goers met your ears. You stepped through the newly made doorway and jumped when it quickly slammed back down and vanished into a simple wall again.
As soon as your feet hit the sand, you sunk into it. Looking down, you wiggled your toes curiously. 
It was sand unlike anything on Earth. It was purple — a very light shade that it was almost white and instead of being hot like you would expect from being blasted by two suns, it was cool. Crouching down, you grabbed a fistful, watching the tiny grains slip through your fingers back down to the ground.
You stood back up and looked out towards the water, the surface sparkling beneath the sun's rays.
It was a wonder to see two suns in the sky as opposed to the one on Earth. The larger of the two was similar to Earth's but a second, smaller one sat in its shadow a brilliant blood orange color. Your could also see the silhouette of a couple of the other planets as well — Vulia and Argo as the two nearest planets to Liana, you assumed.
The sound of someone scream caught your attention and you turned just in time to watch a man playfully push a woman into the water. You couldn't help but smile as she resurfaced, shouting in a language you didn't recognize.
It was true, what Yura had said; that Liana was an extremely successful vacation hub. You took a seat on the sand, enjoying the cool feel of it beneath you. Closing your eyes, you let the sunlight warm your skin and relax you.
It felt like you were there for hours before finally packing your things up. Your skin was still damp from a quick dip you had taken in the ocean — the water was startlingly warm as you had been expecting the cold shock that always came from the Earth's oceans.
You held the card in your hand as you approached the panel you had used to get out. When you scanned it, you were immediately blasted with the building's AC. It felt nice but a little chilly, causing goosebumps to rise all over your moist skin.
The door shut behind you and you sighed, looking around the tiled hallway. You were pretty tired, energy having been sucked out of you from swimming. 
"Hey..." you noticed there was a glass door hidden away in a corner. There was a sign in the window that you couldn't read and approached it.
Pushing the door open, you stepped onto a warm carpet. There were sweet scents wafting from all around you, aromas that you couldn't help but inhaling more of.
Too busy looking around, you didn't notice a person heading right for you until he ran into you. You stumbled, gasping in surprise at the contact. Before you could fall, a strong hand grabbed your arm and steadied you.
"Whoa," he chuckled, "You good?"
"Ah, yeah sorry..." you bashfully cleared your throat, "Wasn't paying attention—" you stopped when you finally looked up. The man wore a confident smile on his pretty lips. His skin was soft, almost glowing without a single flaw in sight. He had broad shoulders and a sharp jawline, a beautifully proportioned body.
He was absolutely stunning.
"Let me guess...you're a tourist," he raised a perfectly manicured brow at you.
"H-How did you—"
"You all get this dreamy, astounded look on your faces when you see a Folian," he scoffed, folding his arms over his chest, “I'm Seokjin, by the way.”
"______...and um...I've met several Folians...since I've been here..." you mumbled, his voice alone making your eyes flutter.
"Nah," he shook his head, leaning closer, "Vano is actually predominantly IRC territory now, you know where all the embassies and foreign politicians come to stay and whatnot. Folians don't really hang around the resort," he grinned, meeting your gaze, "...you'll know when you see a pure-blooded Folain," he grinned, "Like myself."
"I-If...um..." his smile was so dazzling it left your brain scrambled for a second before you shook your head and continued, "If it's not common then why are you here?"
"Well," he chuckled and shrugged his shoulders, "The springs here are...insane."
"The springs?" you asked.
He nodded, "You haven't heard?"
"I mean...my travel guide told me there are some but..." you shrugged, motioning for him to continue.
"Oh, man," he smiled, "They're amazing — literally the best in the galaxy,” it was clear he was boasting, obviously feeling a strong sense of pride over the claim. 
"Is that so?" you asked, allowing a small smile to come to your own face.
"Yeah," licking his lips, he shoved his hands in his pockets. Inhaling, you caught a whiff of his cologne and it smelled absolutely amazing. His eyes raked over your form and you became acutely aware that you were still wearing your bikini top, "You know, it's better...going with someone."
You crossed your arms over your chest and cocked your head to the side, "Are you asking me to go to the springs with you?"
"Yeah, I," he chuckled, nodding his head, "I guess I am."
"First, tell me what this place is," you said, motioning around the room.
"Oh, it's just a massage parlor," he responded, "People come in for a rubdown after being on the beach so they can go back to their rooms and relax. I got one before you came in."
You hummed, "I'll have to check it out..."
"So...you coming with me?" he asked, already making way for the door.
"Oh, uh yeah," you hurried after him, slipping through the door before it closed behind him.
You followed closely behind him, staring up at the back of his head. It made you realize that he was pretty tall. Too entranced in watching his hair bounce and the confident way he walked, you didn't pay attention to where you were going.
Suddenly, he stopped and you bumped into his back with a grunt.
“Hey…” you mumbled, stepping away to see him looking over his shoulder at you with a smirk on his face.
“Lost in thought?” he teased, raising a brow.
“No,” you lied, making him scoff.
“Sure, anyway, we're here,” he said, pulling a plush green curtain aside to wave you in.
Stepping past, you gasped at what you saw. Walls of shimmering rock closed in the space surrounding the spring. You could see steam rising off the surface of the water and it made your skin grow sticky from the humidity in the air.
“Come on then,” his voice was muffled as he was pulling his shirt over his head.
Your mouth went dry at the sight of his body; he was well built, and his skin was beginning to shine from the humidity. He reached down and unbuttoned his jeans, making you gasp and cover your eyes.
“Hey now,” he chuckled, “I don't know what you expected to see but…” he trailed off and you took your hands off your eyes to see he was already half submerged in the water.
“Y-You can't just do that,” you complained, pulling off the leggings you wore over your bikini bottoms.
“Do what?” he sighed, leaning back against the rocks lining the spring.
“Strip like that, are you even wearing anything?” you asked, finally making your way towards the water.
“Of course I am!” he gasped, “You’re not lucky enough to see me naked.”
“Oh the burden,” you replied sarcastically, rolling your eyes as he laughed.
You dipped your toes into the water and hissed at the heat. Your skin quickly adjusted and you were able to comfortably slip into the water and make your way over to where he was sitting.
“Does no one come here?” you asked, referring to how empty it was.
“Eh,” he shrugged, “I guess it's just not a busy time.”
You both fell into a comfortable silence, relaxing and closing your eyes as you let the heat of the spring ease all the tension your body retained. You could literally feel the stress melting off.
The peace was interrupted by boisterous laughter coming from the entrance way. You jumped as a couple of guys wandered in joking and goofing off with one another.
Your eyes were fixated on them — their good looks on par with Seokjin’s. You followed them with your gaze, unable to break away as the men shed their shirts and prepared to enter the spring.
“Hey,” you jumped when you felt Seokjin’s breath against your ear. Glancing at him, you found you were inches away from his face, “I know they're good looking, but you're here with me...shouldn't your attention be on me?”
“U-Um...I’m sorry…” you muttered, heart stuttering in your chest when you noticed how thick and pretty his lips were.
He smiled, “Good girl.”
Despite the fact you were submerged in a hot spring, you felt a shiver go down your spine.
Your trip was cut off shortly after when he let you know that he had somewhere he needed to be. You bid him goodbye and returned to your room, the memory of the beautiful Folian man lingering in your mind as you curled up to sleep that night.
You stepped out into the hallway, your flip flops dangling from your hand as you turned around and checked to make sure your door properly locked. Suddenly, a heavy hand landed on your shoulder and you swallowed down a scream as you spun around to see who it was.
“Seokjin,” you greeted with a smile, quickly relaxing, “You look nice.”
“Thanks,” he grinned, looking down at his own outfit. He was dressed nicely, black slacks and a white button down that had the sleeves rolled up with the first few buttons undone to expose his chest and collar bones. His hair was combed back to show his forehead and you could only say he looked like a model.
If he were a man on Earth he'd probably be the top male model in the industry with his good looks.
“What're you doing here?” you asked, adjusting your bag on your shoulder.
“I'm staying on this floor,” he replied, “Just happened to see you when I was heading to the elevator.”
“Oh, well that’s a coincidence,” you smiled, beginning to turn away to go to the elevator.
“Why're you going to the beach so late, it's starting to get dark?” he asked, halting you.
“The beach is really pretty at night,” you explained, “It's pretty common on Earth so I thought it might be fun here as well.”
“I see,” he hummed and shoved his hands into his pockets. He shifted on his feet almost awkwardly and you took that as your cue to let him escape the conversation.
“Well, I’ll see you later,” you offered him a small wave over your shoulder before you once again turned to make your leave.
"Hey, wait!" he called and you stopped again, turning to see him walking closer to you, "You haven't been here long right?"
"Just a couple days, why?" you asked.
"Well," he cleared his throat and shrugged his shoulders, "I was wondering if you had a chance to see...what Liana really has to offer."
"What do you mean?" your question caused a small smirk to appear on his lips and he leaned even closer so that you could see the way the lights reflected off his dark irises.
"I mean, outside of this resort," he said, "There's so much you can see and experience."
"I-Is that so?" you cursed yourself for stuttering but having him so close made you nervous — a fluttering kind of nervous. 
"Yeah," he chuckled and stood up straight once again, "Why don't you get dressed up and come with me?"
He didn't really give you any room to argue, not that you wanted to, so you nodded and pulled your key card out. You could feel his eyes on you as you unlocked your door and slipped inside. Leaning back against it, you let out a sigh and looked around the room.
Scrambling to undress, you ran over to your closet and pulled it open. You mentally thanked your past self for packing a couple of more dressy clothes — just in case, you had told yourself when you hadn't known what to expect from your vacation.
Pulling out the tight black mini-dress you figured would match with Seokjin the best, you hurried to pull it on. Smoothing the fabric down, you ran to the bathroom and flicked the light on. Your makeup bag sat on the counter and you really didn't want to keep him waiting so you opted for simple eye makeup but a bold red lip.
Just as you were spraying some setting spray when there was a soft knock at your door. Sighing, you fluffed your hair a bit before racing to the door to slip your shoes on.
You yanked the door open to see Seokjin leaning against the door jamb, fist raised like he was going to knock again.
"You're so impatient," you complained, turning your back to pull your purse from your abandoned beach bag.
"What can I say?" he stepped back to let you exit the room.
Shutting the door, you let out a sigh, "Let's go then."
"You look..." he let out a low whistle, eyes scanning your entire body, "You look really good...you almost look better than me."
"Oh real flattering," you mumbled sarcastically, smiling when you heard him chuckling behind you.
When you left the hotel building, you followed him to a car garage to a craft that he opened with the press of a button. Climbing in, you looked around at all the buttons as he got on as well. He typed around on a small, holographic screen before the car started.
"Whoa," you whispered as you realized it was completely self driving.
You watched the glitz and glamor of the resort disappear into a dark, desolately populated area. The buildings were run down and there were few lights to be seen until the car pulled down a small side street with several small buildings lit up by neon signs.
The car shut off and he got out, opening the door for you as he waited for you by the sidewalk. Once out of the car, you could hear the deafening bass of music coming from the buildings surrounding you.
"We're going here," he grabbed your wrist, tugging you in the direction of a building lit up with the sign 'The Core' flickering above the blacked out door.
The floor was packed with people dancing and moving to the rhythm of the music. Cigarette smoke burned your eyes and made you cough as you let Seokjin lead you through the crowd. Reaching the end of dancefloor, he pulled you in the direction of another doorway obscured by a black curtain.
As soon as you stepped inside, you were knocked breathless in shock at what you saw. Inside there were dozens of lounge chairs and couches filled with people. Women sat on men's laps on the lounge chairs while men laid above women on the couches — all of them with wandering hands and lips locked in heated kisses.
Your mouth was dry at the shameless displays of intimacy, all of them practically having sex right there in the open. Seokjin didn't even cast a fleeting glance towards the people, instead tugging you in the direction of the empty bar counter.
Once seated, you were able to see another doorway beyond the wall with lights flashing from within. You leaned back a bit to see a woman pressed against the wall, arms wrapped around another woman's neck as they kissed. Blushing, you avert your gaze and glanced down at the shiny bar countertop. 
"You got anything like this on Earth?" he asked, talking a bit louder to be heard over the muffled music coming from the other room.
"Um..." you clear your throat and shake your head, "I mean...we have nightclubs but...no one does..." you motioned towards the people and he chuckled.
"Well," he shrugged and raised his hand to wave the bartender over, "Get me some Red."
"Sure thing," the bartender nodded and turned his back to prepare the drink.
You watched his hands move to dispense some red liquid into a glass cup adorned with gold and jewel accents. He placed it in front of you both and dipped two metal straws into it.
"What's this?" you asked as he motioned for you to take a sip.
"It's a drink," he smiled, resting his cheek on his hand against the bar counter.
"Obviously," you muttered, eyeing the drink with a frown, "You drink first."
"A bit suspicious aren't you?" he chuckled to aimed the straw towards his mouth and took a couple sips, "See? I wouldn't poison you or anything."
"Is it alcoholic?" you asked, pulling the glass closer to you.
"Not in the way it is on Earth," he replied, "Though the effects vary for humans. It gives Folians a buzz and feelings of euphoria...but sometimes it doesn't even do anything for humans..."
You hummed and took the straw into your mouth and sucked. It was cold on your tongue, holding a sweet almost tangy taste you simply couldn't identify. Swallowing it down, you licked your lips to chase the remnants.
"What is it?" you asked when you finally pulled away.
"Blood," he replied, taking his straw to have another taste.
You blinked, brain slow to comprehend what he had said, "Come again?" your jaw fell open as you squinted at him.
"It's Folian blood," he said.
"You...you drink your own blood?" you asked.
He nodded, mixing it a bit with his straw, "It's a delicacy, as you tasted it's really tasty and like I said before...it causes a state of euphoria...why wouldn't we drink it?"
"Well..." you frowned and thought about his words, "I mean human blood tastes terrible so...I guess it's just a weird concept to me..."
"We're not the only ones who drink it," he explained, "It's manufactured and sold to all planets of the Vela System. It's a pretty good source of income for the planets economy."
You hummed and decided to take another sip. Once again the sweet, tangy flavor melted on your tongue and you sighed — it really did taste good. There was nothing on Earth you could even compare it to.
The two of you shared the drink until it was empty and he pushed the glass away. You felt so much more relaxed while he wore an almost dreamy smile on his face.
"So...what's up with all this?" you motioned to the dozens of people who were still latched onto one another without a care in the world.
"Hm? It's just...I dunno, you don't have sex on Earth?" you choked at the question and waved your hands quickly.
"N-No...I mean yes we do but..." you felt your cheeks heat up as you spoke, "It's sort of something more private, on Earth you'd be arrested for this."
"What? Why?" his brows were furrowed in confusion.
"Well...It's not something that's...meant to be seen by all, you know?" he shook his head and you sighed, "It's sort of an intimate act, I guess? I mean people have casual sex but it's not something that people want to share with the world...it's just private for us."
"I see..." he hummed and spun on the stool to face the people, leaning back against the counter with his elbows supporting him, "Here it's sort of hierarchical."
"What do you mean?" you asked, following his lead to turn towards the couches.
"Well, here sex is pretty important for us," he said, "It's sort of a social ranking. Really successful people who are deemed to contribute more to society are permitted to have multiple spouses. Instead of it being illegal to actually have sex in public here, it's illegal to take more partners than your social rank permits — depending on how many more you take the punishment varies."
"Whoa..." you whispered, "It's sort of an egotistical thing to have multiple partners on Earth— like a guy with the most scores has bragging rights."
"That's interesting," he hummed, "We've got egotistical assholes as well but..."
"How many are you permitted?" you asked suddenly, making him look at you in surprise.
Even you were shocked at your own question. It wasn't like you at all. Though, with every moment that passed you began to feel more of the effects of the drink. You felt so light and happy, completely worry free. It seemed like there were no consequences to anything you did or said, giving you a green light to ask him whatever you wanted with confidence.
He chuckled, "You're really feeling it aren't you?"
"Don't ignore my question," you mumbled, narrowing your eyes in what was probably a very non-threatening glare.
"Well," he slid off the stool and held his hand out to you, "I'm permitted a few."
"How many is a few?" you asked, taking his hand to let him help you down.
As soon as you were on your feet, you felt everything move beneath you and suddenly you found yourself crushed against Seokjin's chest.
"Are you okay?" he asked, his voice sounding a little distorted in your hazy mind.
"I...I guess," you giggled, enjoying the feeling of his arms around you as he began to carefully lead you to the exit of the club.
The entire car ride was a blur. You remember holding onto his hand and him allowing you to, keeping his eyes on you the whole ride. His gaze made your heart race more than the drink had and you felt goosebumps rising upon your skin.
No one spared you a glance as he helped you to the elevator to the floor you both shared.
"Where's your keycard?" he asked, chuckling as you leaned against the wall with a grin on your face.
"'N my bag..." you replied, letting him zip it open.
It took him a second to find it, accidentally grabbing your wallet first before finally pulling the card out from where it was buried on the bottom. His hand rested on the small of your back as you leaned into him, hugging his arm to you. The door clicked as it unlocked and he used his free hand to push it open.
Immediately, you kicked your heels off and signed in relief. You heard the door click shut behind you and turned to see him leaning against it with his arms crossed over his broad chest.
Once again, that feeling of confidence washed over you and you sauntered up to him. You felt him stiffen when you pressed yourself against him. His hands hovered in the air for a second before settling on your waist to pull you closer. Moving up on your tiptoes, you pressed your lips to his and he let out a stuttering sigh. His grip on you tightened just a bit as he kissed back, your lips moving flawlessly together.
Before you could lose your confidence, you reached up to undo a couple buttons of his shirt. He hummed against your lips, deepening the kiss before you broke away with a smile.
Biting your lip, you pulled his shirt up to untuck it from his pants, "You really are...so good looking."
"You're not so bad yourself, sweetheart," he muttered, his voice surprisingly deep. When you began to pull at the buckle of his belt, he suddenly grabbed your wrists.
"Wh-What's wrong?" you asked with a pout, biting your lip when you noticed how long and pretty his fingers were.
"I...would love to fuck you right now, seriously, I'm painfully hard right now," he whispered, making you giggle, "But you're not clear right now...and I don't want to take advantage, alright?"
"But..." he stopped you with a swift kiss to your lips.
"Get ready for bed, alright? I'll keep an eye on you for the night," he said, watching you pout as you collected your pajamas from the bed where you had left them earlier that day.
"Why?" you asked, making your way towards the bathroom.
"Because I've never heard of a human getting so messed up by Red before," his voice was muffled when you shut the door to the bathroom.
After taking off your makeup and getting changed, you wandered out of the bathroom to find Jin wearing a t-shirt and sweatpants while laying on your bed. His face was buried in a pillow but he looked up when you came out.
"Where'd you get those?" you mumbled, motioning to his attire.
"Went to my room," he replied with a brow raised, "I'm down the hall, remember?"
"Oh...right," he chuckled at the spacey look on your face before you climbed onto the bed.
It was strangely comfortable, though it was probably the drink, to sleep beside him. His hand rested on your waist as he kept his eyes on you until your breathing evened out and you fell asleep.
You were woken up by the soft sound of cursing and when you opened your eyes you saw Seokjin messing with a cart of food. He was crouched down, trying to pull the tablecloth from where it was stuck under the wheel.
"What're you doing?" you asked, voice rough from sleep.
"Huh? Oh! You're awake!" he smiled, stood up, "I got some room service, I was hungry and I figured you would be too."
"I actually am," you smiled, pushing the blankets off to climb out of bed.
"Help me with this," he mumbled, motioning to the cart, "It's stuck."
"I'll pull the cart while you get the cloth free," you said, waiting for him to kneel down and nod before executing the plan.
He gave a small 'ah-ha' of victory when it pulled free before standing up.
"Cute pajamas by the way," he said, pushing the cart over to the little table across the room.
"I..." you looked down at your matching pink pajama set and blushed, "Don't tease me."
"I'm not!" he laughed, setting the plates down on the table before motioning for you to sit.
"By the way..." you picked at your plate with a fork, "I'm sorry for last night."
"What do you mean?" he asked, taking a bite of food.
"For, you know...kissing you like that," you mumbled.
He chuckled, "I didn't mind one bit."
The tone of his voice had your cheeks heating up. Meeting his gaze, you found the almost cocky smirk on his lips and the dark glaze in his eyes. Squeezing your thighs together under the table, you remembered how it felt for him to hold you against him, how strong his grip was and how soft his lips were.
"Well...st-still..." you cleared your throat and took a bite from your fork.
"So I was thinking," he held the smirk on his lips, giving you a knowing look as he changed the subject, "We could go down to the beach since I sort of stopped you last night."
"Oh...you want to?" you asked. He nodded and you smiled, "Great! We'll get ready after this."
When you both finished eating, you excitedly got changed into your swimsuit while he went to his room to do the same. Slipping on some shorts, you opened the door to find Seokjin making his way down the hall.
He was shirtless, simply opting to wear his swim trunks with a towel thrown over his shoulder.
"Let's go then!" he smiled, taking your hand to tug you in the direction of the elevator.
It was cute, how excited he seemed, "What's got you so excited? You live here."
"Well, I've never been to the beach with a human before," he said, stepping out of the elevator, tugging you with him.
You squinted against the sudden burst of sunlight, the strange sensation of the cool sand on your feet. You noticed he was going in a different direction than the shore and asked him, "Where are we going?"
"There's a cool little cove around here," he said, "It's pretty quiet, not many people hang around it."
"Oh cool," you whispered, having to fasten your steps to keep up with his larger strides.
Finally, it came into view, large boulders and rocks with water harshly sloshing against them. He climbed up first, getting a steady stance on the rock before pulling you up. You laughed when he slipped a bit against the slickness and let out a small shriek of surprise.
You took a seat, dipping your feet in the water with a sigh. He followed your lead, leaning back on his hands with his head tilted back. Looking down, you gasped at all the colorful fish you could see swimming beneath the surface.
"Whoa, they're so bright!" you muttered, gaining Seokjin's attention.
"You don't have fish on Earth?" he asked with a raised brow.
"Of course we go but these are like neon!" you said, watching the way they circled on another, "I always imagine alien planets having terrifying wildlife."
"Ah, no there aren't too many dangerous creatures here," he said, "But Argo on the other hand, place is practically deadly."
"Ah, I've heard of Argo," you muttered in wonder before fixing him with a curious gaze, "Your galaxy is pretty new so I've only heard some stuff...rumors and the like, you know.”
"What do you do for a living on Earth?" he asked.
"I actually work for the Interplanetary Relations Commission," you said.
"But you don't know much about the planets?" he cocked his head to the side.
"No, unfortunately my job is more financial instead of scientific. I don't deal with the other planets or anything like that," you explained, "I just basically make sure the IRC doesn't like...you know...go bankrupt."
"I see," he chuckled, "Well, I think it's pretty cute how excited you got over fish."
"I...c'mon," you muttered, embarrassed by the compliment, "Do you know if it's possible to do like a sea dive or something?"
"Yeah, I think so," he said, "I can help you set something up tomorrow if you'd like?"
"Really? You'll do it with me?" you grinned and he nodded, "I'm so excited!"
You felt his eyes on you and turned to look at him, finding him smiling at you. He reached forward when he realized he had your attention. His hand was warm as he cupped your cheek, leaning forward to brush his lips against yours.
He smirked when he felt your breath stutter a bit in anticipation. Before he fully kissed you, however, he backed off and slid off the rock into the water with a splash.
"Hey!" you pouted, "That's not very nice."
"Who said I'm a nice guy?" he laughed, splashing water at you, making you gasp in surprise. Before you could recover, you felt him wrap his arms around your waist and tug you in. You cried out as your head dipped under the water.
Resurfacing, you went to yell at Seokjin only to find him swimming away in laughter.
You spent the entire day with him at the beach until the moon was rising into the sky. Wrapping a towel around your shoulders, you began to walk with him back to the hotel. You could hear the laughter of people nearby as they ran around on the beach and couldn't help but smile.
"What's up?" he asked, finally reaching the elevator.
"Nothing, it's just..." you leaned back against the wall, meeting his soft gaze, "I was sent here on vacation and I sure as hell didn't expect to be spending it with you."
The door opened and you stepped out, Seokjin following behind you. Fishing your card out, you approached your door.
"Is that a bad thing?" he asked, making you pause to turn around.
You smiled and shook your head, "No, actually you've really made it a lot better."
"Yeah?" he stepped so close that you could smell the sea salt clinging to his skin as he looked at you through damp bangs, "I can make it...even better, you know?"
"Can you?" your voice lowered and he smirked, leaning close so his nose brushed yours.
"Oh yeah," his lips met yours and you immediately wrapped your arms around his neck.
Tangling your fingers in his hair, you sighed into the kiss as you felt him wrap a strong arm around your waist. His lips were soft and warm, with just a hint of chapstick he had applied lingering on them. 
You gasped when he suddenly lifted you up, taking a few quick strides before depositing you on the bed. You smiled as he crawled on top of you, resting his weight on his elbows on either side of your head so he could kiss you once more.
His hands carefully slid up your stomach, making goosebumps rise along you skin. You sighed, lashes fluttering when he cupped your breast in his hand. Pulling away, he met your gaze as he pushed the band up until both of your breasts came into view. 
Thumb circling your nipple, he licked his lips at the soft whimper you let out. You reached up and cupped his jaw, pulling him down for another kiss. 
Giving the bud a soft pinch, he chuckled when you gasped into his mouth. He broke the kiss to leave small pecks down your jaw and chest until he could envelop your nipple in his mouth.
The way your back arched in response had him groaning. Cupping your other breast, he rolled the bud between two fingers until he felt your hands wrapping in his hair. 
He chuckled and began to leave kisses down your stomach until he reached the band of your shorts. Casting a glance up at you, he found you staring down at him with your bottom lip caught between your teeth. 
Before he could do anything, you hooked your thumbs into the hem of your shorts and began to push them down. He helped, pulling them from your legs as you pulled your bikini top off so you were completely bare before him. 
“Fuck,” he whispered, sitting back on his heels to get a good view of your body. Gripping your knees, he carefully spread your legs apart until your wet folds were fully in view. He licked his lips and reached forward, running his fingertips over your slit to collect the wetness there before bringing them to his mouth. His eyes fluttered at your taste on his tongue and when he licked his fingers clean, he knew he needed to taste more.
“Jin—” you gasped when he dove down to find your pussy with his tongue. 
Sliding his tongue between your folds, he groaned at your sweet taste. He laid on his stomach, wrapping his arms around your thighs to hold your open for him. Finding your clit, he took the bud into his mouth and relished in the moan you let out. Gripping at his hair, you ground your hips down to meet his sinful tongue. 
You grew wetter by the second, he could feel the way you were dripping. His ego swelled, knowing he was able to turn you into such a mess. He pulled back for a breath, licking his lips and looking up at your disheveled state. 
Your hair was wild and splayed over the pillows. Your lips were red and swollen from how you were biting them in your pleasure. His eyes followed the movement of your hands as you cupped your own breasts to pinch and tug at your nipples. 
“Please,” you whispered, arching you'd hips upwards. 
He smirked, knowing exactly what you were begging for. Not wanting to leave you yearning, he spread tour folds with his thumbs until he could see your entrance clenching in anticipation. Meeting your clit once more, he flattened his tongue as he gave it a slow, long lick. 
You cursed, tossing your head back into the pillow. It had been a while since you got laid, work having taken over your life. With Seokjin’s talented tongue working your cunt like it was his job, however, you realized just how much you'd missed it. 
Your walls were beginning to spasm and tighten. Clutching his hair tighter, your body became tense with the oncoming orgasm. He groaned, taking your clit into his mouth once again. 
Within seconds, you came. Your thighs trembled in his hold and he could feel your bud pulse in time with your high. The moans and whimpers of his name you let loose made him acutely aware of just how hard he had become. 
You finally began to push him away as the stimulation inched into overstimulation. He pulled away, sitting up as his chest moved with his heavy breathing. Licking his lips, he collected whatever juices he had missed on his thumb to lick clean as well. 
“You're...really good…” you mumbled, still catching your breath from the incredible orgasm he had given you. 
He chuckled, “Thanks, I try my best.”
His response had you laughing and you sat up, wrapping your arm around his neck to pull him in for another kiss. Kissing him was phenomenal, he knew just how to move his lips and when to use his tongue. You could taste your own juices and you eagerly caught every lingering taste. 
As you reached for his swim trunks, ready to push them down, he stopped you. You stopped and looked up at him curiously.
“Hang on…” he cleared his throat and took your wrist in his hand, pulling our fingers from the hem of them.
“What is it?” you asked, worried you had done something wrong.
“It's just…” he sighed, “My...anatomy is different from a human man’s.”
“How do you know what a human man looks like?” you asked with a brow raised. 
He chuckled, “I've heard stories and seen things from visitors.” 
“I see...well…” you used your free hand to run down the smooth plane of his chest, “Different how?”
His smile faded a bit as he reached down to tug the hem of his swim trunks down. Your mouth fell open a bit as his member came into view. 
It was an angry red, clearly throbbing with his arousal. There was one main appendage with four smaller ones surrounding it. He wrapped his fist around himself and sighed in relief. 
You reached out and let your fingers graze one of the smaller ones. He hissed and you gasped when it twitched, almost wiggling, away from your touch. 
“Whoa…” you mumbled, knocking his hand away to grip the main one like he had. 
It was warm, pulsing with his heartbeat. It was slick, allowing you to easily stroke him until his head fell back in a moan. 
“P-Pretty different, huh?” he choked out, ears turning red the longer you stared at him. 
“Very…” you whispered, “Almost like...tentacles…”
“I-I guess,” he grunted, eyes fluttering as you felt his cock leak even more, “Shit, d-do you still want to…?”
He trailed off and you paused, staring at your hand wrapped around him. Although it was something you never dreamt of seeing or touching, you felt yourself clench at the thought of having him inside you.
“Yeah…” you whispered, smiling when you saw him sign in relief. 
“Good because if you said no, I would be going back to my room with the worst case of blue balls in my life,” he said and you giggled as you laid back, admiring his pretty smile as he grinned at your laughter.
Releasing your grip on his cock, you glanced at your hand. His precum lingered on your skin and you curiously brought one finger to your lips. You felt his eyes burning into you as you took your digit into your mouth.
Your eyes widened at the taste. It was sweet — indescribably so, almost like sugar. He wore a small smile, as if he understood your thinking. He didn't say anything, however, simply shifted on his knees and spread your legs apart once again. 
You were still dripping and he could see your hole clenching pathetically around nothing — begging to be filled. He was more than willing to do just that. 
“Flip over,” he said, holding onto your hips as you clumsily rolled over, “Hands and knees,” you did as he asked, perching your ass high in the air, “Good girl…”
You kernel under the praise and he could see you clench, making him chuckle. Rising on his knees, your breathing stuttered as you felt the almost silky texture of his cock prodding your entrance. 
Despite the extra tentacles, his cock was pretty similar to a humans. The head of him was the thickest part as he began to push in. Burying your face in the pillow, you let out a groan when you felt your walls beginning to stretch open to fit him. 
He panted, running his hand soothingly along your spine. You were clenching so tight, cunt struggling to accommodate the fat head of his cock. Both of you groaned in unison when it finally popped on, the rest of his length easily sliding in until you were completely filled.
He sat still, feeling you spasm and drip around his cock until you let out a whine, “Please move, Jin.”
“Fuck,” he breathed, “Alright, sweetheart.”
Your breathing stuttered as he pulled out, the shape of his cock allowing him to drag over your sweet spot in a way no human could. Your eyes rolled back and your thighs trembled at the feeling, making Jin’s cock throb against your walls. 
“Oh god…” you whimpered, biting down on the pillow when he sunk back into you. 
He chuckled above you, holding onto your hips for leverage so he could hammer into you. He let out another curse, head falling back when he felt the tip of his cock hit your cervix, making you clamp even harder around him. 
“You feel so good,” he growled, “So tight.”
“Y-You’re gonna m-make me cu...cum,” you sobbed, clutching the pillow until the material groaned in protest, “Already…”
He scoffed, “‘Cause my cock is better than anyone's, huh?” you didn't respond, too lost in the painful heat that came whenever he bottomed out in you, “Tell me,” he snapped.
“Y-Yes, so...so fuckin—” your praise was cut off when you felt something touch your clit. 
Glancing between your legs, you felt tears sting your eyes from the overwhelming pleasure as the tentacle on the underside of his cock met your clit. It moved as if it had a mind of its own, your own juices mixed with his allowed for it to swirl effortlessly around the bud. 
Your high was coming faster than you could have ever expected. You knew it was going to be strong and part of you thought it could almost make you black out. Watching the tentacle move, you let out a low whine when the tip of it slipped beneath the hood of your clit to find the bare, vulnerable bud directly. 
It was the final blow and before you could voice it out, you were cumming. Seokjin groaned as you trembled and moaned beneath him, a gush of juices almost forcing his cock from your cunt. 
The bedding grew wet but he didn't stop fucking into you, even as you sobbed into the pillow. 
“Such a messy girl,” he growled, cupping your ass cheeks to spread them apart, “Never would have guessed you'd be such a slut.”
The name made you groan and twitch around him, making him chuckle. The way he was reducing you to nothing but a spasming, drooling mess was incredible. Never before had anyone reacted so strongly to him — maybe he should fuck humans more often, he mused.
You were lost in space, your mind unable to think of the world beyond the fat cock stuffing you full. You were sure nothing would feel better than this but the feeling of another one of his tentacles had you second guessing. 
“Can I fuck you here too?” Jin asked, voice low and rough as the tentacle prodded at your ass. 
“I-I…” you whimpered and nodded.
“Use your words,” he snapped, slapping your ass harshly, leaving a burning sting in the impacts wake.
“Yes please!” you choked out, the words almost impossible to get out.
“Good girl,” he praised, making you whimper.
Holding your breath, you gasped as you felt the tentacle carefully begin to slide into the right hole. The lubrication on it allowed for an extremely easy entrance — it wasn't too big so there was minimal burning from the stretch. It was still there but it quickly dissipated, making you sigh.
The tentacle moved in time to his pounding hips, reaching deeper inside with every inward thrust. The sound of skin slapping together filled the space mixed with your moans and his groans. 
Already sensitive from two prior orgasms, the added tentacle along with the one still playing with your clit, leaving you a drooling mess. 
Seokjin was nearing his own end, grip on your hips tightening as his thrusts started to become sloppy, “Cum for me...c’mon…” he whispered, encouraging you over that edge.
As soon as you hit your high, the first spasm of your calls around him sent him over as well. His chest met your back as he groaned, his cum filling you. 
There was so much, more than you could have expected. It overflowed, being forced out of your clenching cunt as he continued to rut into you to ride the high. Dripping down your thighs, it added to the mess you had made earlier. 
You could even feel the tentacle stretching ass open throb in time to every pulse of cum. Slowly, you slumped down as your orgasm faded. 
He pulled his cock from your cunt, groaning as he watched the rest of his cum spill from your stretched hole. The tentacles pulled free as well and you collapsed on your side with a sigh. 
Your thighs were sore from being in the same position for so long but otherwise you felt euphoric. Seokjin followed your lead and laid beside you, chest heaving as he caught his breath. 
“Well…” you sighed, making him look at you. His cheeks were flushed and his bangs stuck to his forehead from sweat, “You certainly did make it better…”
He laughed, “Oh yeah? How has it been so far as a vacation?”
“A few more days of this and I'm pretty sure I’ll be stress free for the rest of my life,” rolling over, you met his lips for another kiss as laughed softly. 
You let yourself relax against him, relishing in the soft caresses and pecks he left along your skin. Part of your heart aches as you remembered that after your vacation, you wouldn't be able to see him again. 
Disregarding the feeling, you turned your attention back to the beautiful man in front of you who was more than willing to make sure this vacation would be one that you remember for the rest of your life. 
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talkfastromance4 · 4 years
Hailey! This is an awesome idea! How about number 9 with Luke? I don't see much of Luke being a big bad wolf around this parts and I think it might be an interesting change of pace. I'm leaving it up to you on the amount of smut/gore, I'm really more interested in the direction you're gonna take it 😊 Thanks! Have a good one 💜
I also don’t see Luke as a big bad wolf so this is a challenge I’m up for! I’m on a kick of trying to write him as overly confident as opposed to my usual soft!luke😅 I hope you like it Ana! :)
**and once again I clearly can’t write small blurbs, but when it comes to Luke there’s no stopping me. 
9. “Who’s afraid of the big bad wolf?”
• • • •
You could smell him as soon as you entered the large house. Luke is a known Alpha for hosting gallant parties nearly every night and he made a show of inviting you with the grandest of gestures. The first invite was a hand delivered letter sprayed with his cologne. You respectfully declined.
The second invitation was with a basketful of the finest wines with a single red rose placed in the center. Again, you respectfully declined. You’ve heard of his parties and how he spots one female out of the pack, has his fun with her for a while and then moves onto the next one. He may be an Alpha, but you’re not a plaything. 
When the third invitation arrived on your doorstep with his second in command, the Beta Michael, you were at your wit’s end. Michael followed you around claiming he couldn’t leave until you’ve accepted Luke’s invitation. 
Irritated to have a shadow lurking wherever you went, you grudgingly accepted then came up with the brilliant idea to tell Luke off. 
As you walked through the door, lights shimmering in all arrays of color and the bass shaking the floor, you caught his scent from somewhere upstairs. Michael appears in front of you.
“He requests your presence upstairs,” he says pointing behind him.
“Requests? He’s not a king,” you mutter but follow his instruction.
To your surprise, you’ve travelled up three flights of stairs, following his scent as you go. The music from downstairs becomes a dull thud in your ears. When you approach the cherry wood door you smell wine and roses, the same ones he sent you. Was he thinking this was a date?
Usually you’re more polite and would knock but you push open the door freely, ready to tell him off for treating you like some prize then come up short at the display in front of you. Inside this room is a table filled with flowers, food, and a large wooden box with a white silk ribbon tied in a bow. 
“Thank you for coming,” Luke smiles from the fireplace. The fire flickers in his eyes and the shadows reveal his smile is more of a smirk. As if he knows of some joke that you’re not quite in on. 
“What’s with all the theatrics?” You stalk into the room, hands on your hips as you take a closer look at the display table. 
You are curious at what’s inside the box. It smells of cedar but nothing else. You reach for the ribbon but Luke’s long fingers suddenly pull yours away. A snarl escapes you immediately, defense mode activated. 
“We’ll get to that soon, hm? I heard you haven’t opened the bottles I sent you so I took the liberty of having them for dinner tonight. Here,” he pops off the cork and pours it into a crystal glass. 
“Pink? You like pink wine?” you mock, surely surprised at his selection. 
“I’m a man of many tastes,” he smirks again then holds the glass to you. 
Sighing, you take it from him then sip it delicately. A splash of flavor tickles your taste buds in the best way. Without thinking, you down the whole glass because it’s the best wine you’ve ever had. 
“Aren’t you glad I sent you five of these?” he pours some more into your glass then some into another empty one. He grabs hold of the neck of two bottles then moves to the couch in front of the fire. “Come, sit.”
You follow him cautiously to the couch, your attention is still on the cedar box. You hope it’s not some kind of jewelry or crown or something. You’ve heard he gifts his playthings with many baubles and toys.
“I’m not one of your little toys, I hope you know,” you tell him up front. 
He chuckles lounging comfortably on the couch, his arm resting on the back of it. You sit next to him, grudgingly against his arm. 
“Oh, trust me, I know, lovie,” he gives you a wolfish grin. “I invited you here partially because of what’s in that box but also to get to know you better. I’ve heard great things about you from your pack members, you’re a tough but kind leader and always look out for your own.”
“Oh, um...thanks, I guess,” you shake your head and take a large drink of your wine. “But what’s in the box? I won’t pay attention until I know.”
“It’s the claws of Saber.”
You gasp. Saber has been a rogue member of your pack for years. After thirteen years he comes around and steals away the young ones who are not yet able to defend themselves and kills them. You were anticipating his attack soon but you had a firm handle on where the young ones would be, that they’d be safe and protected. 
To take the claws of a wolf means that they are dead and never to return. To make sure you have to place them in mountain ash so they have no way of reforming.
“What? How do you know about?”
“When my pack and I moved here I made sure to learn of the others in the area so we wouldn’t overstep and maybe form a comradery,” he starts then drinks his whole glass. He pours some more. “When I heard what he was doing I knew I could help but like I said, I’ve heard of you and you’re a tough cookie to crack. I meant to meet with you but when one of my members caught sight of him we reacted and fought against him. It was tough, some of us were injured but I finally cornered him and killed him. His body has been burned but I wanted to show viable proof that he won’t haunt you or your pack ever again.”
You sit in shocked silence, all of your preconceived notions of Luke are blown out the window. As you mull over his information, you down the rest of your glass. The effects of the wine are already getting to you, so you’re a little light headed when you move back to the table. Luke follows quietly, allowing you to untie the ribbon.
Lifting the lid, you see Sabers’ claws set in a circle on midnight blue velvet. A circle of mountain ash is around the outer parts of the claws and also on the inside. Your fingers hover over it, you feel the invisible force field of the ash preventing you from touching it. 
“I don’t know what to say,” you say quietly. 
“You don’t have to say anything,” he shakes his head then places his hand over yours on top of the box and closes it. He moves closer and you can see how blue his eyes are, how sharp his nose is, and how good he smells up close.
You feel something stir within you, some sort of invisible string pulling you closer.
“Thank you,” you whisper linking your fingers with his. His skin is soft and hot. 
“Your heart is racing,” he hums stepping closer, his hips touching yours. You feel a spark course through you. 
“I don’t know why,” you chuckle. 
“I think I know,” his eyes gleam and suddenly you’re lying down on your back on a bed. 
Luke’s arms cage you in, he rubs the tip of his nose against yours then over your lips, down your chin and follows the line of your jaw to your ear. Your body shivers at the light touch. 
“Who’s afraid of the big bad wolf?” he whispers. At the start of a moan his lips crush against yours, the wine tastes sweeter dripping from his lips.
• • • •
Taglist: @calpalirwin  @thecurlsofgod @myloverboyash @rotten-kandy @tea4sykes @jannimoeller3 @loveroflrh @iovehemmings @cxddlyash @princesslrh  @katiaw2 @g-l-pierce @fairyintheglass @gosh-im-short @banditocth @dezzym17 @koalacal @lukeisbaby @spicycal @mysticalhood @notinthesameguey @wastedheartcth @atlcalm @itjustkindahappenedreally @calumance @babylon-corgis @thew0rldneedsmcreycghurt @lanternlover2 @istaywithmyjonas @calteahood @sarcastically-defensive17 @another-lonely-heart @devilatmydoor @frontmanash @philthepegacorn @mantlereid @lukedorkyhemmings @addietagglikesbands @kikixfandoms @sanrioluke @mayve-hems @morguelth @haikucal @thatscooibaby @meghanrose05 @idontneedanyone @dinosaursandsocks @haveufoundwhaturlooking4 @suchalonelysunflower @burstintocolor @zhangyixingxing1 @dead-and-golden @mymindwide @everyscarisahealingplace @stardust-galaxies @blackbutterfliescal @redrattlers @lovelybonesetc @karajaynetoday @quasighost @i-like-5sos @creampiecashton @calpops
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cheesy09 · 4 years
Did I Find You? Kiro x MC Fanfic
This is my own variation on the events that take place in Chapter 19 of Kiro’s route. Or more like... my fantasies T_T.  Although I didn’t intend to, it came out a lot angstier than I expected so be prepared. Also, this is my first time writing fanfiction so I’m sorry if the characters end up being a little OOC. Don’t be shy to send your feedback. It would really help improve my writing.
Spoilers for Chapter 19 of the game and Kiro’s Stardust Date. If you haven’t read these two things yet than you probably won’t understand whats going on here. 
Tagging all my lovely Kiro/Helios lovers out there @kudoriee, @thatfanfictionchick, @truth-be-told-im-lying and @pickle-scribbles whose stories inspired me to start writing fanfiction. Thank you, you guys, for being so amazing! Even if I could never dream about writing smut.  
Anyway, without further ado, Enjoy!
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“Kiro!” I shouted, bursting through the door that opened onto the roof top.
He turned, a trace of shock flashing through his clear, pure eyes, but fading just as fast.
“Miss Chips, what are you doing here--woah!”
I didn’t give him a chance to finish, grabbing his hand and dragging him back inside, my heart racing with urgency. Images from my dream flashed through my mind. The endless white, the mist, and me-- groping around like a blind man seeking desperately for his long-lost light. If I hadn’t had that dream, would I have been able to find him? I shivered involuntarily at the thought. His palm that was usually so warm, was now a stone cold, which only caused my anxiety to rise. I tightened my grip on his long, slender fingers as I continued pulling him along to the elevator.
“O-ouch, Miss Chips! You’re hurting me!” Kiro winced slightly, but that didn’t make me loosen my grip. I was much too afraid to find out what would happen if I did.
Afraid that… if I loosened them, even a bit, he would slip right through my fingers and I’d lose him forever.
“Miss Chips, where are we going?” His irresistible voice sounded in my ear, finally making me turn to look at him. His perfect eyebrows were scrunched together in confusion, forming worried lines on his glistening brow. His gorgeous, deep blue eyes that I’d constantly find myself drowning in, reflected an unusual sense of melancholy for some reason. But I couldn’t bring myself to feel sorry for him this time.
“Home.” My voice sounded a lot harsher than I’d meant it to. In all the time that I had been with him, I’d rarely ever gotten mad at Kiro. He was the warmth and light of my life. The boy whose charming, unreserved laughter could light up a whole room. Whose smile was like a beacon in the dark. Sure, there were times where I’d find myself getting annoyed when he’d take his teasing a little too far, but Kiro never got me riled up enough for me to lash out at him.
Yet this time, the stunt he’d pulled managed to push my buttons to the max. Anger boiled in me like hot magma threatening to burst out. Savin’s anxious tone and the cold, electronic voice that had rung through my ears when I had dialed Kiro’s number this morning had thrown me into a panic like I’d never felt before. It had felt like I was on the verge of losing my mind. “How could you just run off on your own like that? Savin and everyone else have been look for you, you know?!”
The elevator doors opened and I stepped inside, pulling him along, my hand still clutching his own as if my very life depended on it. The elevator doors shut behind us.
I thought I wouldn’t get a reply, but after a few seconds his voice drifted through the air, carrying with it a grim heaviness I’d never heard from him before.
“I’ll explain things to Savin and the others later,” he said. “But before I do… can I ask you something?” Kiro didn’t wait for my answer and instead just tugged on my arm to make me face him. His seraphic face entered my vision, and all of my previous anger was instantly blown out of my system.
“…If I wasn’t Kiro the superstar anymore, would you still like me, Miss Chips? Would you still… think of me?”
My whole body froze as his words sunk in. This had been a question that he’d asked me countless of times… and every time, my answer was the same.
In a burst of annoyance, I brought my middle finger to his forehead and flicked it.
Kiro let out a cry of pain as he took a step back from me and rubbed the spot between his eyebrows. The wide-eyed shock and confusion with which he looked at me actually made me feel a little better about myself. Then, I caught his slightly red cheeks between my palms and brought him down to face me, pressing my forehead against his own like the way he’d do to me, those countless times in the past.
“I told you, it doesn’t matter who you are and what kind of life you have, you will always be ‘Kiro’ to me and I will always think of you,” I said firmly, hoping to brand my words and my feelings into his mind and heart.
I don’t know what came over me. Maybe it was the way his breath caught in his throat, or the way a spark of doubt flashed through his shimmering, azure eyes, but in a bold moment of impulsiveness, I lifted myself onto my tiptoes and pressed my lips against his own.
Kiro’s entire body went rigid as a tiny gasp escaped his lips, as if his mind couldn’t process what was happening at that very moment. But after a few seconds, I felt his body cave, his hands grabbing my hips and pinning me against the wall, pressing his whole body against me. One of my hands found purchase on the back of his neck while the other held on to the scarf wrapped around his neck, tugging him closer and closer, like I was trying to brand his body with my own.
His lips were as soft as I remembered them, but there was no tenderness or gentleness to this kiss. It was ravenous, desperate and stripped me of my ability to think straight. Our mouths moved against each other with an urgent need, like a dance of our own, in sync and in heat, drinking each other in.
When I felt the familiar warmth of his tongue brush against my own, I was taken back to that night of the concert, when he’d kissed me just like this and asked me to come look for him, if he ever got lost. At that time, I never really understood what he meant when he said ‘come look for me,’ but now I think I do.
Did I find you, Kiro? Was I able to bring you back?
As our lips continued to move against each other, Kiro brought up his right hand to brush against my flushed ears and I let out a soft moan into his mouth.
That seemed to bring him back to reality.
All of sudden, Kiro broke away from the kiss, his harsh, heated breaths mixing with my own. Our foreheads were still pressed together, noses brushing and chests heaving against each other. “Now do you understand?” I whispered, ghosting my lips over his, making him shiver. “No matter who you are, I will always like you.”
Kiro let out a light chuckle as he buried his face in my shoulders, his fluffy blonde hair tickling my neck. He didn’t say anything and neither did I. We were content on just holding each other, and perceiving each other’s existence through our shared body heat. But after a few minutes, Kiro’s soft voice cut through the silence.
“I’m sorry.”  
It was like a bucket of ice-cold water had been poured on me. Images flashed through my mind as I was overcome with a sense of déjà vu. I seemed to remember silver hair, a pair of gold eyes, these same familiar arms, this same broken voice, the same feelings of anguish and despair and the same sensation of tears running down my face.
Before I even had time to react, Kiro grabbed me by shoulders and pushed me back, staring at me with a determined look on his face.
Only this time, his eyes were a blazing gold.
“I command you—”
   When the elevator had finally reached the bottom, there was only one person who stepped out, while the other remained behind, the doors sliding shut on the vision of his bitter smile.
I walked out of the building in a daze, the commotion of the traffic loud in my ears. Static seemed to blanket the other parts of my memory, only one thing coming through clearly.
I hailed a taxi and told the driver the only thing that was on my mind.
“Driver, I want to go home.”
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Thank you so much for reading. If you’re interested in checking out my other works, you’ll find them in my Masterlist
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achildlikeprincess · 3 years
♡ The Halloween Dollhouse  ♡ 
Above in the Halloween evening air, raindrops gathered and waited to fall upon the trick-or-treaters below. The old trees lining the neighborhood sang darkly of autumn richness. Glazed, golden leaves fluttered down with the chilly wind, lining the damp sidewalk like magic stepping stones. Minnie and her friends, dressed as a gaggle of witches in unearthly frayed and glittering black rags, were dashing between the houses as fast as they could before the first raindrop fell. 
"Hurry! We've got to get all the candy we can!" Penny shouted. She rang the next doorbell seven times, hopping up and down in her pointy black slippers. "Penny! Don't be rude! Oh, I can't believe it's going to rain on Halloween," sighed Daisy. "Oh my! What a scary group of witches! I hope you won't melt when the rain falls," the old man who answered the door chuckled, giving them each a chocolate bar just as the sky above shattered and began to pour. "Better hurry back!" "Thank you sir! We'll be okay!" Minnie called, and the girls took off running. They were headed to Minnie's, looking for her Jack-O-Lantern carved with a glowing bow through the downpour. Thunder boomed in their ears and the darkness seemed ever blacker as the wind made the ribbons of their hats shudder. Five little witches suddenly saw the sky flash with lovely yet dangerous silver lightning. Rain whispered across their faces and smeared the eerie green makeup into dripping tears. But the warmth of Minnie's house was waiting, and soon they were crowded into the bathroom giggling, washing away the green paint and changing into pajamas, popcorn heating in the microwave and a scary movie playing on television. "We didn't even get enough candy!" Penny grumbled, emptying her plastic purple pumpkin and counting only a few chocolate bars and boxes of fruit snacks. "Did...did worms just come out of their masks?!" Lilly squeaked, hiding her face in a pillow. "I'm going to be sick!"  Daisy reached for the remote, but before she could turn the channel the sky erupted with thunder, making the little house tremble. It was the loudest thunder crack they had ever heard, and the lightning strike that followed left them in complete darkness. "Oh, the power's out!" Minnie hugged her dog Fifi, who was glad to have her home early from trick-or-treating, and had been cuddling beside her on the couch. "Don't worry, though, I've got flashlights and plenty of candles!" "But the popcorn didn't finish popping!" Clarabelle wailed. "Silly, I've got a box of cookies!" Minnie found her way into the kitchen, Fifi at her heels. She brought back hot pink flashlights, matches, candles, and a pretty gold box of pumpkin sugar cookies. "What are we going to do all night? Just pig out in the dark?" Daisy scowled. "Let's think of something fun, how about having a séance?" Clarabelle offered. "Nooo!" Lilly whimpered, wanting to hide under the couch if any ghosts showed up. "We're going to my room, and from there we're going to a Halloween party at a glamorous hotel," Minnie smiled, leading the way. Daisy, Penny, Clarabelle, and Lilly curiously followed. The rain fell steadily against the windowpanes as Minnie carefully placed candles around her room and lit them. Soft orange light shone upon where the party was to take place: Minnie's dollhouse. "We all left our dolls here yesterday, remember? So, we'll dress them up and pretend the dollhouse is a big, grand hotel with a ballroom!" The girls were enchanted by the idea. They crowded around Minnie's treasure trunk painted with flowers where she kept all of her doll clothes. There were even things inside like tiny paper roses, faded floral handkerchiefs, plastic tiaras, and scraps of delicate fabric. Clarabelle wound the handkerchiefs around her doll until she was shrouded in mystery. Daisy and Penny fought over the roses but found there were enough to share. Lilly chose the frothiest, glittering pink cloud of a dress she could find, while Minnie picked a beautiful white satin gown. Outside the storm drew on. Moonlight streamed through a curtain of rain into the candlelit room, making it all very cozy. Thunder rumbled quietly now, and Fifi nestled next to Minnie whenever the lightning flashed. "You're coming too, Fifi! Look!" Minnie said sweetly to her baby, and placed a porcelain dog figurine inside the dollhouse. She was painted the same rich brown as Fifi, and the little dog barked happily. The party was ready to begin. With the power out, the music floated from a trusty cassette player. Minnie chose a tape with old romantic songs like 'In the Still of the Night', 'Twilight Time', 'Stardust', and 'Midnight, the Stars and You'. Each girl gave her doll a piece of candy as they sat down at a perfect little pink table. Clarabelle wanted everyone to meet her doll first, Dahlia Dairymaid. "She's hosting the séance!" Clarabelle grinned, placing a jeweled keychain of Minnie's at the center of the table, making a real crystal ball.  The girls joined her around the table, linking hands and closing their eyes. Lilly peeked as Dahlia began to speak quietly into the candlelit shadows, asking the spirits to appear. A crack of thunder made everyone jump out of their chairs. Suddenly they heard the click of high heels on the polished floors. "Instead of summoning a ghost, you've invited a beauty queen to the doll realm," Daisy's doll, Mary Lou Moonstone, placed her bouquet of roses on the table, the satin red petals shining in the dark. "And me! I'm here to tap-dance!" Lilly's doll, the child star Helen Shimmers, danced out of the darkness and whirled around the table. "Please! I need quiet to contact the other side," Dahlia shooed them away. "Flowers! Flowers to buy!" a sweet voice echoed. It was Penny's doll, Wendy Gardenwalk, entering the hotel with a basket of flowers she hoped to sell. "Let's buy some for the ghosts," Minnie giggled. "I have all the flowers I need!" Mary Lou turned up her nose. "Oh dear, I suppose we aren't communicating with any spirits tonight," Dahlia covered her crystal with a shroud of lace. "Minnie, where is your doll?" Lilly wondered. "Oh, she'll be singing later tonight. But first, we need to finish these cookies so she will have a stage!" The girls laughed and shared the pumpkin cookies, the orange sugar sparkling in the glow of the candles. The dolls finished their candy and tried to start the séance again, but Helen took Wendy's basket of flowers and danced into the labyrinth of hallways. "Give those back!" Wendy chased after her, and everyone followed them. Helen's high-pitched giggles echoed down the grand halls of the hotel. Wendy snatched the basket back, and began to laugh too. The dolls twirled down the hallway throwing pink petals into the air. They sprinkled down upon the shining floor like pumpkin seeds. "How lovely, a path of petals for the queen," Mary Lou's glossy shoes followed the plush petals to the ballroom, as Dahlia walked in a dreamlike haze, silently willing any spirits who might be walking with them to communicate with her. The storm was growing quiet, a silence waiting to be filled by a doll's haunting song. As everyone played make-believe about the hotel, Minnie couldn't help but to feel perturbed. They all were still in her room, weren't they? She looked at the furniture she was sure she had made for her dolls, but it seemed too real, and just her size. The glittery orange garland she had hung from the ceiling for her dolls weeks ago was too high for her to touch. A final crash of thunder made the candles tremble, the shivering light dazzled her. Minnie thought how strange it was the candles seemed so far away. Had they left her room? Shadows floated across the painted walls, playing with her mind. But she didn't have too much time to wonder about it. The cookies were finished and now the empty box would become the stage for her doll's singing debut. The golden doors of the ballroom waited to be opened, but would there be ghosts inside? Of course not! Only a party for sweet little girls and their beloved dolls. The ballroom was the brightest place in the hotel, a crystal chandelier pouring warm light that no storm could touch. "And now, the lovely Miss Claire Poupée will sing 'Mouse of My Dreams'," Minnie announced, smiling proudly as her doll took to the stage in her starlit white silk gown. She sang her sweet and wistful melody as the girls and their dolls swayed across the candlelit floor, giggling and cloaked in Halloween magic. "I'm so glad you girls joined us for the night," Claire smiled when her song was finished. "It would be so lovely if this Halloween night went on forever," "We wish it could too," Daisy said dreamily; Penny, Lilly, and Clarabelle nodded along, but Minnie crept to the edge of the dollhouse, knowing they had been inside it for the entire night. She peeked out into the darkened room where the candles burned quietly, and asleep on the floor of her bedroom, she and her friends were laying and holding tightly to their dolls. The hushed rain and autumn leaves fell so softly outside the window, filling a night that would be spent in the golden world of her dollhouse ballroom.  
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dying stars and martyrs- marahope
word count: 1110
happy birthday @yadrieljulian !!! ilyy <333 i hope you like it :D
mara and light hope’s last stand. takes place during hero (the ep.), so spoilers!! angst but with ~ emotion ~  ***
Whispers. Whispers of saints, of soldiers, of angels. The mutters of darlings and demons, murmurs of ghosts and those lost. Mara was swimming in them, these voices of the hundreds of people who needed her, calling her. The echoes resonated, almost as loud as her pounding heart.
Heart. Her heart wasn’t the one that mattered. The real heart, the Heart of Etheria, did. The one that could destroy everyone’s heartbeat, not just her own.
Not only heartbeats. There were other things that had life but no heart, or at least, not a physical one. But their love was still real and true, and these would be destroyed as well. 
Light Hope had always said she looked a bit like a star, eyes twinkling brightly under the grand expanse of the sky. 
Sooner or later, all stars die. 
Someone viewing a nightscape with billions of little lights never misses one if it disappears, but if the entire sky went out? Devastation. Stars were something that Mara clung to, their eternal shine offering her faraway comfort. And the stars that were people? They offered so much more than a luster of shimmering promises.
No. She would protect them, no matter what.
Light Hope once told her that everyone is made of stardust. Mara had laughed, unable to believe that the glittering orbs above them made up the human race, with their plain and non-shimmering skin. Now she could see the stardust in everyone. Every single person shone, if not literally. Even more, stars are distant, people are real. People are brighter than any star.
But not only people. Light Hope was brighter than all of them. Stardust created all things, not just humans. The entire world was stardust, and Hope had gotten an unfair amount. Every room seemed to sparkle that she was in.
When they had been talking about stardust, Mara had joked that she demanded they all should have sparkling skin and glowing eyes if they were truly children of the stars. Hope had reminded her that she actually did have all of these as She-ra.
With an enraged yell, Mara dragged herself out of her thoughts, hauling her sword once more against the spaceship side. 
“Mara? Are you alright?”
Mara spun, and the sight of Light Hope sent new tears spilling over her cheeks.
“Oh Hope…” She took a step forward, reaching out only to bring her hands to her chest. Emotions conflicted, a whirlwind in her that she almost couldn’t bear to face. 
But she needed the truth.
“Did you know?” Mara whispered.
Light Hope’s expression changed almost imperceptibly by regret. Mara had learned how to read her small shifts in expression. After all, she knew Light Hope better than anyone.
Or at least she thought.
“You knew.” Bitterness coated her accusation, hurled with all her pain. Of course Light Hope knew. She was their machine after all.
But…  so was She-ra.
They were both guilty of crimes, crimes they couldn’t entirely control. And yet, Mara wished that Hope tried to make her own choices a little harder.
“Mara…” This time it was Light Hope who reached, and Mara stumbled back. “I… tried.” Her voice glitched, and fear gripped Mara’s chest. Light Hope couldn’t be controlled, not now, when there were so many things unsaid between them. 
“Fight it, Hope.”
“My Mara…” Lighthope flickered, as did Mara’s heart at the “my.” Tears were coming again.
“T-there’s a place.” 
“A place?” She leaned forward, breathing stopped as she realized what Hope was trying to do.
“Come on Hope, I believe in you.” 
“A d-dimension. Despondos.”  Light Hope was fading, glitching almost in half. A choked sound of emotion caught in Mara’s throat. “Th-they can’t g-ge-get you t-there.” 
“Hope…” She held out her hand, palm up. Something familiar and sweet filled Lighthope’s face as she brought her fast fading hand up to meet it. Their palms met, and though it was unable to be felt physically, she certainly felt it in her heart. Mara sobbed, eyes meeting her Hope’s.
“Thank you Mara. For being m-my f-f-” She had almost faded completely. “Friend.” With that word, she had one final twist, and disappeared entirely. 
Mara screamed, reached for where Hope had been, where her last stand as herself had happened.
She would be preprogrammed. Changed entirely. To someone who didn’t love her. 
Someone Mara didn’t love.
Mara allowed herself a moment to curl in on herself, for a fraction of her pain to be felt. Why couldn’t she say anything? There were so many things that had to be said. How much she cared.
After Light Hope’s stand, she would have to be fast. They would be after her any moment.
Picking up her sword, she dragged it along, forcing herself to focus on the word that was more important, not the name of her love ricocheting around her mind. 
“You’re not Light Hope.” Tears were falling, fast and furious, as her love stood behind her, there but not truly there.
“I am the same basic operating system.” The words tore at Mara’s heart, even though she already knew this would happen.
“You’re aren’t her.” She shouted, anger and hurt building up inside of her. What she’d give for the real Light Hope to be beside her right now. It was a wish that would never come true. “And you don’t get to tell me what my destiny is.”
Sliding her fingers across the board, the hologram flickered away… for good. Another shock of grief built up in her, as she stopped to look at where Light Hope had once been. The woman who had given her fields of flowers and galaxies, oceans and deserts, icelands and many more places she would never be able to see. Who had been besides her when no one else had, caring and calming. Who had fought her programing every day to make her happy.
Hope had done so much for Mara, and now Mara had to pay it forward. 
The next few minutes were both a blur and the slowest of her life. She knew she was fading as she tried to explain it all. To Adora, the future. There was no way she could survive this. She was the star after all. The star that would keep the night sky alive.
Light Hope was a star as well. One that had been snuffed, it’s light filled with darkness.
They were both stars, made of the same stardust, destined for  the same fate.
As Mara and the ship met the atmosphere and began to burn, she noticed one thing before she was truly fading to black.
There were no stars in Despondos.  
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kaetastic · 4 years
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pairing: Luca Changretta x Reader
summary: Luca brings the Reader to a fancy family gathering, except, he can’t take his hands off of her when she’s in a fiery red dress, displaying her tattoos  [requested: @supermegapauselouca​]
word count: 3.4k (oop)
warning: slightly ??? nsfw lol couldn’t help it (’m horny for the man), a lot of interruptions
note: i’m so sorry this took long! i had to finish up history unfolds and was writing trouble on the side. bless you and your freaking amazing ideas 🥰 i hope this is alright :) also, i wanted to post this for my 2,000 post but nvm lol
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Chattering and stifling of expensive giggles swirled in with clanking of metal on ceramic. Shufflings of polished shoes paced on the marble floors which had been drowning in shimmers of iridescent glimmer from the dancing flames huffing from the candles. The ball of hovering fire resided on the stick of wax. Beads of sweat poured to puddle on the silver tray.
With a smile, Y/N incessantly nodded her head at the woman who had been persistent on firing up a conversation. The mirror dangling from her neck blared sparkles of cerulean blue and innocent white under the howling moonlight. Although her mind directed to flickers of other thoughts, the hostess couldn’t help but stand and entertain her guest.
The woman had been rambling on and on about the origin of the diamond necklace that was up for display on her neck as if a museum. The gem was colossal, almost inhumanely possible to be sold as a worn necklace. The hostess wasn't uncomfortable with the elderly woman's declaration of the necklace's background which sounded it had a more complex, entertaining past than Y/N. It was slightly embarrassing. Every time her head had pulled her out to the abyss, the woman inquired questions like: What do you think about it? or What gem looked good on me? It felt like Y/N was tugged back to school. The elderly woman would raise her arm into the air, sparkles from the gold rings wrapped around her arm sung a choir of clanking with every jab of muscles. The amount of gold she had worn was enough to halt worldwide human hunger for at least a month.
“Zia Gianna,” The familiar English interjected the conversation. Luca’s voice was mellow honey poured over a freshly plucked out plump peach. The viscous sweetener glistened over the fruit, seeping into the minuscule pores to branch valleys of the sticky liquid. However, the Italian in his voice embedded a piercing gem on the peak of the fruit. Well, that was the popular comments quirked up towards the Italian, all sourced from his Italian family members.
Although most of the males did not bat an eye at the slightly toned-down accent, it did not pass the females without them darting a glance. His aunts were the one quirk up the English poking from his Italian. Even though he hoped the two aunties from his father’s side were the last ones to comment on his accent, hope was not enough as it went on with the night, “I see you’ve met my wife. Are you pestering Y/N about the necklace?”
The woman let out a laugh, causing her head to be thrown back, her neck nearly snapping in half. With her white silk-gloved hands on her chest, the elder woman grinned of glee after she recovered from his words. A charmer even towards his family members. Luca’s arms snaked around his wife's waist to brush his thumb gingerly over her hip as if she was a fragile plucked out flower. With the signature quirk of his lips, his pearly white teeth shot a sparkle towards his aunt, “Oh, Luca, of course. I will never stop talking about it until I die.”
The Italian shook his head, “Zia Gianna, you live under the same roof with Zio Giovanni, you’ll surely live longer than I will.”
Grinning from the mention of her hard-working (maybe over-working) husband who sacrificed his sleeping hours for the late-nights for the organization, the elderly lady clasped her hands to gawk at her nephew as if he was a hero who had saved her life, “Thank you for giving that man a day off. You don’t know how many times I've annoyed him to eat dinner at home.”
“Now I just need to give Gabriele vacation,” Gianna bopped her head, nodding in agreement with her nephew’s words. Although the woman had familiarized herself enough with the infamous mafia, she never had her sweat coated over the organization. However, the woman with prominent wrinkles can approve of the recent bustling days which was a fluctuated period of time since it was just a calm breeze before. Overhearing her working sons and husband during their rare days of consuming breakfast at home, she had picked up enough information from their ranting. Some problems that were rising in some ports had caused a rattle in the foundation of the business. “Well then, I’ll steal my wife back.”
“Of course, congratulations on the wedding once again and remember Luca,” Dragging her silk glove-covered index fingers down her cheeks, she flicked it in his direction, “Don’t lose her.”
A flicker in the aunt’s eyes was shot at the man before she left the room, strutting out of the main room to converse with her other cousins. 
“I like that,” Y/N mumbled, fingers furled around her husband’s arm, clumping up his suit while he guided them out of the crowds. The scent of lingering wood and expensive whiskey swirled into her lungs, the odour that smeared over their bedsheets. She continued. “You calling me your wife.”
“Yeah?” With a clench of his fingers, she jumped back at the abrupt feeling. A satisfied smirk sported on his lips, happy with her reaction. “Get used to it.”
Rolling her eyes, Y/N couldn’t believe this was the man she ended up marrying. Although the pair had been together as couples for a long while, nearly three years, it wasn’t until he had brought up the ring. Which then led to the necklace wrapped around her finger, its diamond sparkling under the chandelier light. The wise man who was in his late thirties believed they should see how well the boats rock over the raging waves. 
After caressing his eyes over the party, he craned his neck down, hot lips puffing warm air into her ears as his eyes darted onto her inked skin that always managed to quiver his knees. A powerful woman with painting over her skin (even though he believed he could make better art on her), “Remember what you told me before?” Slightly confused, the quirked up eyebrows loosened once she understood what he had meant. Y/N couldn’t help the appearance of the satisfied smirk plastered across her face. A coquettish hum echoed into his ears. “It’s true?”
While his close cousins paced past, Luca gave a silent bop of his head as an acknowledgement of their presence. The woman peaked on her toes, whispering over the cross on his neck, “Why don’t you find out?” 
Tongue grazing his bottom lip, Luca's eyes beamed at his wife. The strings of wanton mumbling stood on the tip of his tongue, ready to flick into her ears. All that clogged in his head was pictures of her bare. His fingers trailed down, further from the appropriate position that was on her hip; down, closer towards her bare legs. 
“Luca!” The Italian yanked his hand back in a snap, fingers scratching the nape of his neck while he cleared his throat. Approaching the pair of the night was his uncle whose hair twinkled of stardust, neck drooping with the hefty golden chains that were the size for docking boats. An amused giggle brushed her lips. It was always amusing to see Luca get riled up even though she had to face the consequences which were then followed by days of resting. 
“Zio Federico.” The curled up corner of Luca’s lips etched a barely noticeable twitch, one only his wife could see. The dancing wine lapped against the glass flute as the middle-aged man hopped towards the married couple. Y/N wasn’t sure if it was because of the incessant amount of chains he dragged upon, but the head of Luca’s uncle shot forward, shoulders too slow to meet a middle-ground.
There was one thing Y/N had learnt during the ride with Luca’s life, well, more like inspect. It would be the first thing for eyes to graze upon but their lips would be sealed shut. And now that she was officially Luca’s; it will always be the elephant in the room unless there was no article of clothing on him. Every man in the party wore suits. A fortune for those outside of the blood pool to purchase. A walking advertisement for those who wore it. The grey-blue of his waistcoat contrasted with the dying black jacket, his tie of a peculiar dotted pattern that nearly resembled that of a canvas painted by birds shit.
Trekking with a slimy gait, Federico’s arms were wide open for the boy, well, man. Even though they work in the same organization, the elderly man was positioned on a different station, somewhere lower of New York. Not so secretly, Federico had a soft spot in his heart for the youth, his nephews and nieces. It felt like days ago when Luca was no more than a 12-year-old boy. Visioning it wasn’t hard as Luca had been one of his favourites (also not a secret because it had been pointed out by nearly everyone) since the boy never matched up with the rest of his troublesome cousins. The man still remembered when the meddling boys sneaked out of their classes while Luca had remained, completing the whole school day. He was much easier to control. Well, Y/N wouldn't be able to agree.
“Ciao, Luca,” He let out a boisterous cackle, yanking the taller man by his neck to smack his lips, cheek to cheek. “Look at you, married.”
With a quivering smile, Luca became the temporary slapping victim for his uncle. The once grimacing clapping of skin died down when the man had enough of his teasing, “Said it yourself, wasn’t rowdy as Alessandro.”
“That boy will never settle down,” Inhaling in the liquid, Federico shook his head at the issues riled up by his nephew. “At least Alessandro didn’t get her first.”
Y/N wore a tight lip as Luca’s frigid hands rubbed her bare skin. Although slightly debatable, she was sure the creeping smirk on his lips was not because of the amusing rumours spiralled by his cousin but because he noticed the bulging bumps and her shuddering, “At least Alessandro didn’t get her first.”
“We’ll catch up later, I’m sure you two are busy. If you want to see Luca baby photos in his diapers, I can pass ‘em around.” With a wink, the elderly man stomped away from the pair to boisterously yank his cousins in a hug.
A sigh fell of Luca’s lips, fingers pinching the bridge of his nose at his uncle’s antics. Although he was annoyed at the man, Y/N couldn’t stifle her amusement at the thought. Luca Changretta in diapers? She will need to see that.
“Were you in baby nappies?” Y/N whispered as giggles weaved through her words. While pacing down the long side of the table, she shot a sparkly smile towards one of Luca’s many aunts who returned the same gesture. Arms locked tightly, the pair sauntered around the room, gazing over the party with hidden pride flared in them.
Humming at her words, Luca halted once they were in a dim corner before his fingers found its way up her neck. All he needed was to get the idea of his uncle introducing his wife to the embarrassing childhood pictures of him out of her head and out of her creative thinking. A shudder zipped down his body at the thought of her seeing him in the train-patterned pinned diapers. Oh, he could only imagine the days of her taunting. The area of skin his calloused fingers trailed over bulged with bumping hills at the cooling sensation. To be a mafioso, Luca’s hands were often smeared with a frigid kiss of a gun’s metal. Something she had grown to adapt to.
“Luca,” Y/N hissed at her pesky husband. With a hum, his fingers laid on her cheeks, his lips were nudged to the crook of her neck, nose swirling in her intoxicating scent. “Your family’s here.”
Another hum rumbled from him, albeit, it was just to give an indication of acknowledgement. Even though her fingers were clutching onto the lapels of his jacket to nudge him away, her staggering exhale said otherwise, “How ‘bout I check now?”
With no reply but faint moans, Luca’s fingers descended at a languid pace. Caressing his skin with frigid kisses was the silk fabric of her dress, “Fuck. How can I keep my hands off of you when you look ravishing, especially with this?”
Gently nipping his teeth on the smeared trail of a slithering snake tattoo, all he could imagine was ending the party so they could get out. A dark smear hazed over his already dark iris when he couldn’t feel the usual presence of the garter. Before he had the chance to inquire her, she exhaled an explanation, “Took it off before we arrived.”
Luca’s jaw clenched, teeth grinding over one another at the thought of her bare, ready for him, “All I can think about is just having you on the desk,” Luca mumbled. While the words puffed over her neck, the flesh of his warm lips caressed her with ever so feather touch. “Can you imagine? If we were at home right now? I would just tear this dress apart.”
A gulp plunged down her throat, warmed by her deadly acid. Luca was a tease; unfortunately, she had to learn it the hard way, “Are you wet?” 
He was so close. So close to dragging her out of the party to validate it himself, but, of course, what better night than a family gathering. After his name was once again called out, he reluctantly sauntered away.
As the night aged, Luca had been yanked into countless conversations, hurling him from one side of the room to the other as if he was a throw pillow. He could feel the gurgling acid ascending his throat at the dizzying motion. However, there was one thing his mind couldn’t wipe off and that was his wife. People were rambling on about work or meeting again at a café, but his focus was not set on them. Y/N was in the same room as him. He couldn’t help his mind but divert to the silk red dress she wore. Occasionally, his eyes would steal discreet glances across the room where she would be accompanied by an aunt or his. 
He wouldn’t snap his neck towards her direction if he didn’t know what laid under the sheer fabric. The dress she wore was the exact colour of the brassiere and lace garter she wore. Well, had worn. The Italian knew this because she walked in his studies while he was finishing up some papers, in only the two undergarments. If only they hadn’t have to be rushed. And fuck was it difficult for him to maintain his twitching. Despite them being the couple of the night as they were the one to host the party, the two barely spent time together while she was dragged into gossiping about God knows what.
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Cutting off the water supply with a squeak, Y/N paced out of the powder room after she was satisfied with her fixed appearance. Even though her locks of hair had been poking out of its usual, organized manner, the absence of her comb gave her only one option and that was to tolerate the mess throughout the night. As she sauntered into the empty hallway, the sharp clicking of her heels resounded off the brick walls. A buzzing sang from the flickering lights who was starving for electricity. The location of the party might’ve been in an exquisite ball but the powder room had to be underground.
Y/N knew everyone was busy munching on the meals that were being served; however, she felt eyes brushing over her figure. Having ties with the mafia was one thing, married to a mafioso was another. There had been instances where she had let her guard down at situations like this. Thankfully, Matteo or Frederico had been present. It never ended without a smear of blood on her dress. No one could get in, right? The whole mafia was present in the building. As she sauntered down the dim hallway, her shoulders were tensed, eyes set only onto the open arch that led to the ascending stairs.
Steps after steps, she could hear her breathing overlapped by her thrumming heart. A few more and she could glide over the shimmering stairs. Just a few more.
As a chilled hand slammed over her hands, the scream she stressed clogged in her throat. Thrashing in their grip, faint slamming of her unsuccessful attempts to produce at least frantic clicks of her heels whispered. Her clenched arm was ready to plunge her prodding elbow into the figure. That was until a familiar musk trickled into her head; the familiar fabric of a suit made way into her peripheral. With a toothy grin, Luca craned his neck down. Y/N didn’t feel the same way. 
After a smack to his chest and an amused chuckle, his arms wrapped around her waist, pulling her body onto his, “What're you doing?” Y/N hissed, annoyed at the stunt he just pulled.
“You were gone for too long.” He mumbled as his fingers gripped on her waist. His lips pressed chaste kisses on her neck. 
“I was gone for five minutes..” The woman stammered as the frigid bricks kissed her back. Luca’s mouth rested on the spot he knew too much of. The area of her sensitive skin he loved to mark. All she could see was a white haze smeared over her vision at his teasing pecks. Neck angled for better access, the Italian grazed his teeth over the tattoos trailing on her skin. Fuck. If there was one thing that can ruin Luca Changretta, it would be his woman and her tattoos. Too indulged in the ticklish feeling of his kisses, Y/N didn’t notice his hand lowering until it slipped to squeeze her inner thigh.
“Luca...” Y/N moaned, lips pressing one another as she tried her best to suppress the wanton sounds. There was one thing she didn't want. And that was to not be caught by a family member of his in such a public place. Chuckling at her bucking of hips, Luca retracted his fingers. An exasperated sigh brushed her lips, head slamming into the wall at his antics. Eyes blurred with the smeared scribble of his cross tattoo, her breathing puffed over the sole patch ink. At an agonizing pace, he pushed his fingers up. Heat radiated over his skin. Oh, he was close to the mess she had created.
A clearing of a throat trickled into their ears, snapping through the warmth that was shared between the two. Pulling away with flushed faces as if teenagers who had been caught, Luca feverishly sleeked his hair back. Still in shock, Y/N’s cheeks were smeared pink at the sight of her mother-in-law. 
“I know I said I want grandchildren, but I didn’t mean to conceive the poor soul at a family gathering.” Even though her words weaved with disappointment, there was a glint of amusement flickering behind her eyes. After her soft voice seeped through the cracks of the walls and she was no longer in sight, Y/N finally realized what had just happened.
Luca chuckled, head shaking before he burst into strings of laughter. He didn’t know what was funnier, the fact that his mother had nearly caught him fucking his wife or his frozen wife who had still yet to regain from her rigid stance.
Yanking down the hem of her dress, a frustrated groan brushed over her lips. Y/N shot irritated glares at her husband who was in a spell of laughter. Audrey Changretta just saw the hands of her son in her daughter-in-law’s dress, “What?” 
After a faint smack against his chest, Luca noticed her furrowed eyebrows and narrowed eyes, “What?” The woman hissed, mocking him as she clawed through her hair with her fingers in a makeshift comb. “Your mother just saw your fingers in me.”
“Well, technically, it wasn’t in yet,” Another chuckle fell off his lips when she slapped the same, sore spot. Y/N rolled her eyes. “What was I meant to do?”
Having enough of Luca, she let out a huff bnefore stomping away from the scene, “Luca!” The Italian grinned at her squeak once a boisterous smack of his hand against her back echoed through the tranquil hallway. Y/N didn’t even bother to shoot a glance at his words. 
With a matchstick dangling on the corner of his lips, he yelled out as she faded away, “Don’t get too tired, Amore! We’re not done!”
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mizutoyama · 4 years
HPHM OTP Playlist
(Inspired by @drinkyoursoupbitch​ & @carewyncromwell​ )
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Alice Beaumont x Charlie Weasley
It’s a long one... Sorry 😅(Been writing down songs that reminded me of Charlie and Alice’s relationship and its evolution for some time now...)
The order, while not perfect, is important. We start with Charlie realizing his feelings for Alice, followed by Alice’s own (very) slow realization, them dating through highs and lows, them breaking up, after the break up, until they finally find their ways toward each other again.
You came into my life
And I thought hey
You know this could be something
Two Is Better Than One (Boys Like Girls, Taylor Swift)
Oh I feel overjoyed
When you listen to my words
I see them sinking in
Overjoyed (Bastille)
Hey Juliet
I think you're fine.
You really blow my mind
Maybe some day you and me can run away.
I just want you to know.
I wanna be your Romeo.
Juliet (LMNT)
I remember the day we first met
The shy smiles and the spilling sunlight
I knew, just by looking into your eyes
Neverending story (Stray Kids)
She watches the sunset slip out of sight
She points to the lilacs in bloom
Her eyes filled with wonder
And my eyes they do the same
Just looking at her face
Looking at Her Face (Tyrone Wells)
What could a guy like me
Ever really offer?
She's perfect as she can be
Why should I even bother? 
She’s so High (Tal Bachman)
This night is sparkling, don't you let it go
I'm wonderstruck, blushing all the way home
I'll spend forever wondering if you knew
Enchanted (Owl City)
I think you're pretty
Without any makeup on
I think you're funny
When you tell the punchline wrong
Teenage Dream (The Rescues)
New and a bit alarming
Who'd have ever thought that this could be
True, that he's no Prince Charming
But there's something in him that I simply didn't see
Something There (Beauty and the Beast)
How can I love when I'm afraid to fall
But watching you stand alone
All of my doubt, suddenly goes away somehow
A Thousand Years (Christina Perri)
You might need time to think it over
But I'm just fine moving forward
I'll ease your mind if you give me the chance
I will never make you cry, c'mon let's try
Beautiful Soul (Jesse McCartney)
So this is the miracle
That I've been dreaming of
Mmm, mmm
So this is love
So This Is Love (Cinderella)
'Cause lovers dance when they're feelin' in love
Spotlight's shinin' it's all about us
It's all about us
And every heart in the room will melt
This is a feeling I've never felt but
It's all about us
All About Us (He Is We)
Remember those walls I built
Well, baby, they're tumbling down
And they didn't even put up a fight
They didn't even make a sound
Halo (Beyonce)
You've got me seeing stars brighter than ever
Shining just like diamonds do
I know that in time it could be all ours, brighter than ever
Your love is such a dream come true
Seeing Stars (Børns)
You’re already in my radius
My eyes are already a pair of binoculars
Other guys are outside my vision
Only you are growing bigger
Adrenaline (Girls’ Generation -TaeTiSeo)
As I looked up into those eyes, his vision borrows mine
And I know he's no stranger
For I feel I've held him for all of time
Ordinary Day (Vanessa Carlton)
It's a new world it's a new start
It's alive with the beating of young hearts
It's a new day it's a new plan
I've been waiting for you
Here I am
Here I Am (Bryan Adams)
I've got somewhere I belong
I got somebody to love
This is what dreams are made of
What Dreams Are Made Of (Hilary Duff)
You're the fire and the flood
And I'll always feel you in my blood
Everything is fine
When your hand is resting next to mine
Fire and the Flood (Vance Joy)
Do you feel the lightning inside of you
Will you follow through if I fall for you?
Don't look down
Up this high, we'll never hit the ground
Don’t Look Down (Martin Garrix)
And I'm racking my brain for a new improved way
To let you know your more to me than what I know how to say
You're OK with the way this is going to be
Must Have Done Something Right (Reliant K)
I can show you the world
Shining, shimmering, splendid
Tell me, princess, now when did you last let your heart decide?
A Whole New World (Aladdin)
When you're near, I hide my blushing face
And trip on my shoelaces
Grace just isn't my forté
I Do Adore (Mindy Gledhill)
She calls me sweetheart
I love it when she wakes me when it's still dark
And she watches the sun
But she's the only one I have my eyes on
I Must Be Dreaming (The Maine)
And Edison would spin in his grave
To ever see the light that you gave
Don't wanna take it nice and slow here
Don't wanna waste a minute more dear
Warmer Climate (Snow Patrol)
There's something about you I can't describe
If only you could see yourself through my eyes
There is nothing I won't do to show you why
You cannot hide, you're simply one of a kind
Something About You (Lucius)
Never knew I could feel like this
Like I've never seen the sky before
Want to vanish inside your kiss
Everyday I love you more and more
Come What May (Moulin Rouge)
My wildest dreamings
Could not foresee
Lying beside you
With you wanting me
As Long As You’re Mine (Wicked)
Make your fingers soft and light Let your body be the velvet of the night Touch my soul, you know how Andante, andante Go slowly with me now
Andante, Andante (Mamma Mia 2)
You be the Beast and I'll be the Beauty, beauty
Who needs true love as long as you love me truly.
I want it all, but I want you more
Wonderlands (Natalia Kills)
If I lay here
If I just lay here
Would you lie with me and just forget the world?
Chasing Cars (Snow Patrol)
You're the reason that I feel so strong
The reason that I'm hanging on
Mess is Mine (Vance Joy)
There comes a time you need to let me know
We'll fight your demons
When they start to show
Circles (As Tall As Lions)
And when you're needing your space
To do some navigating
I'll be here patiently waiting
To see what you find
I Won't Give Up (Jason Mraz)
So give me hope in the darkness that I will see the light
'Cause oh that gave me such a fright
But I will hold as long as you like
Just promise me we'll be alright
Ghosts That We Knew (Mumford & Sons)
I don't want to talk right now
I just want your arms wrapped around
Me and this moment before it runs out
Eavesdrop (The Civil Wars)
You're a wreck and you know
You've got me wrapped around your finger
Like a boy tangled in vines
But I've figured you out
Daisy (The Maine)
You tell me all the things you do
Tell me that it's up to you
Crying in the peaceful night
Telling all the things you hide
But out there in the future
Maybe you're the rainbow
A Song About Love (Jake Bugg)
All I want is to keep you safe from the cold
To give you all that your heart needs the most
May I (Trading Yesterday)
Tell me that you'll stay
Even when I'm far away
My voice will carry through
Until the end it's me & you
We can make it if we try
Silhouette (Active Child)
Pain or tears, let's change them into stars.
Light a light that will shine on our tomorrow.
Though we may waver now and then, let's do this together;
We'll find that forever, glittering brightly with stardust.
Let it out (Miho Fukuhara)
And when you cry a piece of my heart dies
Knowing that I may have been the cause
If you were to leave and fulfill someone else's dreams
I think I might totally be lost
The Girl (City and Colour)
I don't know where you're going
And I don't know why,
But listen to your heart
Before you tell him goodbye
Listen to Your Heart (DHT)
Can I embrace you one last time?
Can I bid farewell for the last time?
Just please don't forget those loving, happy memories
Driving Me Crazy (Master’s Sun)
But it was not your fault but mine
And it was your heart on the line
I really fucked it up this time
Didn't I, my dear?
Little Lion Man (Mumford & Sons)
If I was a burden to you
If I was a baggage
I should’ve left you earlier, I’m sorry
Happy (2NE1)
It's been seven hours and fifteen days
Since you took your love away
I go out every night and sleep all day
Since you took your love away
Nothing Compares to You (Stereophonics)
Sometimes I find myself sittin' back and reminiscing
Especially when I have to watch other people kissin'
And I remember when you started callin' me your miss's
All the play fightin', all the flirtatious disses
Littlest Things (Lily Allen)
You said this was all for me
Like a lie, you coldly turned around
Why? Why? You’re gone away
Come Back Home (Unplugged Ver.) (2NE1)
The time when anything made us happy
Looking at each other
You were my strength
When you trusted me
LUV (Apink)
I will miss you the more I erase you
I will shed more tears than today
Like fate, I won’t ever have anyone like you
Good bye my love (Ailee)
I'm sorry that I hurt you
It's something I must live with everyday
And all the pain I put you through
I wish that I could take it all away
And be the one who catches all your tears
The Reason (Hoobastank)
Well, you only need the light when it's burning low
Only miss the sun when it starts to snow
Only know you love her when you let her go
Let Her Go (Passenger)
I tossed and turned in the end
With no one to talk to
I searched again and again
But I never found you
Up All Night (Owl City)
You didn’t say anything, and it was over
I didn’t say anything too, that was our end
The past was still clear
MILK (f(x))
But now the sun shines cold
And all the sky is grey
The stars are dimmed by clouds and tears
And all I wish
Is gone away
To Wish Impossible Things (The Cure)
Et au sud de mes peines j'ai volé loin de toi
Pour couvrir mon cœur d'une cire plus noire
Que tous les regards lancés à mon égard
J'ai tenté de voler loin de toi
C'était salement romantique (Coeur de pirate) (Decided not to put the translation ‘cause the one I found was bad.)
Don’t look back and leave
Don’t find me again and just live on
Because I have no regrets from loving you,
so only take the good memories
Haru Haru (Big Bang)
Even if you easily turn away,
easily get farther apart
I know I won’t easily forget you
If you see me, still the same, still like this
You will call me a fool
And One (Taeyeon)
The one person who appears even when I close my eyes
The person who is next to me even in my dreams
Do you even remember me?
Do you even think of me?
I miss you, please
The One Person, You (Jessica)
It's always times like these
When I think of you
And wonder if you ever think of me
Cause everything's so wrong and I don't belong
Living in your precious memory
A Thousand Miles (Vanessa Carlton)
Come up to meet you
Tell you I'm sorry
You don't know how lovely you are
I had to find you
Tell you I need you
The Scientist (Coldplay)
I just wanna love you again
Please come back to me girl
We just broke up but we need each other
Come back to me, you feel the same way
Wanna Love You Again (2PM)
Tired of being tangled in this mess and I
I'm ready to wish you the best tonight
Let me let you go
Let Me Let You Go (Namie Amuro)
Whoever I'll be gazing at, whoever I'll be spending time with,
a day when I can forget you won't come
I'll keep loving you in my heart,
but we can't be together anymore
Cause life's no love story
Love Story (Namie Amuro)
Think of all the things
We've shared and seen
Don't think about the way
Things might have been
Think of Me (Phantom of the Opera)
Now she's here shining in the starlight
Now she's here suddenly I know
If she's here it's crystal clear
I'm where I'm meant to go
I See the Light (Tangled)
Why are you looking down all the wrong roads
When mine is the heart and the soul of the song
There may be lovers who hold out their hands but
He'll never love you like I can
Like I Can (Sam Smith)
And I will swallow my pride
You're the one that I love
And I'm saying goodbye
Say Something (A Great Big World)
If I would have known that you wanted me
The way I wanted you
Then maybe we wouldn't be two worlds apart
But right here in each others arms
Almost Is Never Enough (Ariana Grande)
Why kiss another frog
You're the only one I want
It's obvious, Why can't you see?
Wontcha Take me to the place we used to meet
A Place Called You (Emma Stevens)
Can we start it all over again, this morning?
I lost all my defenses, this morning
Won't you show me the way it used to be?
Morning (Beck)
I will love you unconditionally
There is no fear now
Let go and just be free
I will love you unconditionally
Unconditionally (Katy Perry)
If you’ve gotten this far, congrats! And thank you! While this playlist has many songs, it’s only the tip of the iceberg.
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