#Harry Opie Winston imagines
wonderdustwriting · 2 years
“Keep smiling at me like that”
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Summary - Opie looks back through your relationship, wondering what he could have done to deserve you in his life. Prompt - “Keep smiling at me like that.”   Pairing - Harry “Opie” Winston x Female Reader Word Count - 525 Warnings - N/A A/N - Requests are currently open. You can find my request guidelines here Prompt List
Opie couldn't believe how lucky he had gotten sometimes. After Donna's murder, he couldn't think about being anyone else, then one day you showed up at the shop. Your car needed a lot of work, why you were still driving it baffled Opie, however, a job was a job so he did everything he could to make your car as roadworthy as possible.
Repairing your car took several weeks to do over that time the two of you found yourselves having various conversations. At first, it had been strictly about your car, however as time went on the two of you began to get to know each other on a more personal level.
It was not long before Opie fell hard for you. He had not experienced feelings like this in a long time, and understandably he was terrified of getting hurt. Even thinking about entering a relationship with someone new was terrifying. It was not only himself he had to consider, but it was also his children. A conversation with Jax put things into perspective for him, and after much debate, he finally asked you out.
The first date was followed by date nights, then by days out with the children when Opie finally felt like you weren't about to run for the hills. You were something stable for Opie, a person he could rely on when times got tough. You were everything he could have asked for in another.
"Keep smiling at me like that." Opie had been so consumed by his thoughts he had been oblivious to you entering the laundry room with an arm full of laundry.
"Sorry, Sweetheart, I got caught up in my own head for a second." Placing the basket of laundry of the ground, you instinctively wandered over to him and wrapped your arms around him his torso. Opie instinctively returned the embrace wondering what he could have possibly done to deserve a second chance?
"Everything okay? I presumed you were happy due to the way you were smiling at me when I walked in."
"I was just wondering how I managed to get so lucky with you. Honestly, Sweetheart, after Donna died, I was sceptical for a long time. I wonder if you hadn't walked into the shop that day, what my life would be like now."
"Hey, you don't have to worry about that now. I'm not going anywhere. I promise." Opie knew you were right, still, he couldn't stop his thoughts from running away, from him now and again. Leaning down, Opie brushed his lips against yours softly at first before he turned his head so he could deepen the kiss.
"What do you say we stay in today, just you, me and the kids? We can even order pizza."
"That sounds great, you order the pizza, and I'll grab the snacks and the drinks." Leaving the laundry for another day, you pulled away to get the day started.
"Baby, I love you."
"I love you too, I'll save you a seat since I think you need a cuddle." Opie laughed, maybe you were right, maybe he should focus more on the future rather than the past...
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your-space-brain · 10 months
Would You Say I’m Worthy?
Harry “Opie” Winston x Reader - One Shot
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Gif does not belong to me.
Hey guys! It’s Blaire from @spacedbrainnn . Just moving my writing onto a main blog!
You were head over heels for the man and there was no stopping it. He was all brooding, troubled and mysterious and you could do nothing to stop yourself from the head first dive that you’d taken since you met him.
He hardly spoke, but he left you notes here and there. You’d been assisting SAMCRO for the longest time since Chucky arrived, who was a good friend of yours, and you’d caught one another’s eye. After that, it was subtle glances and a smile here or there, or even a wink if you were lucky.
‘Have a good day.’
‘Here’s a shitty daisy like flower.’
‘I hate the color of this sticky note.’
‘How’s our two fingered friend doing?’
‘I’m keeping this pen.’
Those intimate sticky note letters were barely legible and hardly anything to scoff at. What he thought was just a running joke, you enjoyed, and kept each one in a little container beneath the bar top. He didn’t know the effect he had on you, or anyone for that matter, since he lost both Donna and his kids.
“What’s it say today?” Chucky was the first one to ask as he began to wipe down the top of the deep mahogany bartop.
“‘What’s the sky look like from your end?’” You read to Chucky with a little laugh. “He asks me these questions but doesn’t give me a place to reply to them at.”
“Maybe he doesn’t want you to.” Chucky offered as he shrugged, getting back to work on making the bartop shiny and clean.
“How would you put it? ‘I accept that’?” You teased, earning a smile out of the chipper, barely fingered man.
A roar of bikes signaled that some of SAMCRO’s finest had returned, making both Chucky and you raise your heads slightly to peer through the window.
Opie was trailing Jax and Bobby as they pulled up, his long hair flicking beneath his helmet as he pulled into the drive. He stopped a bit after his parking space and backed it in, before hitting the kill switch and discarding his helmet on the handle bars.
He didn’t speak when he came in, all leather and hair being smoothed out below silver ring clad fingers. “Hey darlin’.” Jax greeted as she threw him a wave, ignoring his charm, but Opie didn’t stay long and disappeared down the hallway.
“He doesn’t speak too much, does he?” You asked Jax, and he shook his head.
“Nah, not too much. It’s been a while since he spoke freely.”
Every Friday night was a Crow Eater party. It was a time when you would come for a while, before things got too terribly wound up, and then you would leave. You were sipping a beer, leaned on the bar, looking around but there was a pair of familiar eyes missing.
“Where’s Ope?” You asked Chucky, who shrugged.
When you didn’t get a reply, you handed the amber bottle over to Chucky for safe keeping before you wandered off down the hall to see if he was in his dorm.
Lo and behold, through a crack in his dorm door, he was kicked back in bed, still fully clothed minus his boots, an arm over his eyes with only the lamplight on. He looked peaceful, until you disrupted that by lightly knocking with one knuckle.
“Come in.” It was a slurred mumble as his eyes finally opened again. They were dark and swirling as you stepped into the meticulously neat room, the only thing out of place being a couple of motorcycle parts out on the desk.
“Hey, not joining the party?” You asked as you came to sit in his wooden desk chair.
“Nah. Not my scene.” He replied as he grunted, moving to swing his legs over the edge of the bed and sit up, his back popping while his muscles protested wickedly.
“Oh, that’s fair.” He nodded as you said it, having been half asleep, but he just yawned quietly. “Can I ask you something?”
He wasn’t prepared for what you were going to ask him next. “Why don’t you ever give me a chance to reply to your notes?” The man, for once, looked absolutely dumbfounded. He ran a hand over his beard as he thought about a reply, before clearing his tatted throat.
“I guess… I didn’t think you’d want to.”
This shocked you. Your brows knit for a moment as he calculatedly watched him, a frown on your lips. “Why wouldn’t I want to?”
Several reasons popped in the burdened man’s head. He was a killer, he lost everything he loved to this club and if he let you in, you were pretty much signing your own death warrant to Mr. Mayhem. You were putting a black listed card in your own hands.
Finally, he gave a heavy sigh and replied, his eyes dropping to his socked feet. “If I let you in, you very well could be ending your life by picking me.”
This caused you to recoil a bit. “So you’re not even giving me a choice?” You asked him.
“No. I’m not worth anyone getting themselves killed or hurt.”
He seemed so cut and dry with this response, as if this was already made up in his head, as if he didn’t want to risk being the sole reason another life dropped for loving him. He already beat himself down to know he wasn’t worthy.
“You don’t get to make that choice. You don’t… get to pick what’s best for me.” You told him with a shake of your head. “Why can’t you let me try?”
The words were stuck in Opie’s throat as you reached out and caressed his beard. He swallowed carefully, before he pressed his lips to your palm.
“I can’t make your decisions for you. I can only advise you that this might not be best.” He murmured, before you made him look you in the eyes.
“I’m picking you.”
— end —
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holylulusworld · 8 months
Rescue you - Flufftober 23
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Summary: When your ex comes to town, Jax sees red.
Pairing: Jax Teller x fem!Reader
Characters: Clay Morrow, Wayne Unser, Harry "Opie" Winston, Juice Ortiz, Tig Trager
Warnings: angst, mentions of a past abusive relationship, protective Jax, angry Jax, light violence against the reader, implied character’s death, fluff, hurt & comfort, blood
A/N: I didn't name her ex. You can imagine any guy. I imagined Brock Rumlow because he's hot and a bad guy. 😳 I'm a visual writer and need to imagine a face.
Trope: Rescue romance
Idea by: @dawn-petrichor-world
Kinktober vs Flufftober 2023
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The day you met Jax Teller changed your opinion about men.
Until then, you believed every man is like your ex. Angry, loud, and thoughtless.
Jax is different. He’s rough around the edges, strong, wild, and yes, dangerous. But with you, he’s gentle and kind. You never felt safer than in his arms.
In those fleeting moments, you can spend alone, he dreams of another life. A life without violence, and maybe, children running around the house.
Your boyfriend is not a man of many words. He shows you his feelings with soft touches and small gestures.
The tea he brews for you every morning before you must go to work. A soft kiss goodnight. Or the way he hugs you. All these small gestures tell you Jax Teller loves you.
You believe in him, and his love. Jax will never hurt you or leave you for some other girl. He promised to love and protect you for the rest of his life.
Today, you must believe in his love, and hang on. If only you can hang on and wait for Jax to find out what happened to you…
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Four hours earlier, …
“Bye, have a great weekend,” you wave at your colleagues from the library. They return the gesture and wish you a great weekend too.
You yawn as you make your way toward your car. Only a few more minutes apart you from meeting up with your boyfriend.
“Look what I finally found.”
You freeze. That voice.
How you wished to never hear his voice again. You lived in a bubble for the better of two years. Your relationship with Jax is going steady, and your past is only a few burned pictures, and torn memories you refuse to talk about.
“No. You can’t be here,” you shake your head as you look at your ex. He smirks darkly at your reaction. Your hands tremble and your eyes sting with tears. “What a pity he didn’t pick you up today, huh? Every Friday night your fine boyfriend has something better today than bringing his girl home.”
“What do you want here? You can’t be here.” You take a step back, and another as your heart hammers in your chest. “Please just leave me alone.”
“I’m here to get my girl back,” he looks over your shoulder, checking if anyone is watching you. “I can’t just let you go, can I?”
“You had fling after fling,” you sneer when he tries to touch your cheek. Slapping his hand away you glare at him. “What do you really want?”
“I can’t have my girl run around with that bastard. Jax Teller, Y/N? Really?” He scoffs when you look around the area for help. “No one is coming for your aid, babe. We can do this the easy way, or the hard way.”
“Fuck you!” Your head snaps to the left when his hand slaps your cheek hard. You gasp, and press your hand to your cheek, fighting the tears wanting to break free. If you cry now, he’ll know how scared you are.
He grabs your arm, tugging harshly. “You will come with me and shut your mouth. After I’m done with the chapter of the sons in this shitshow of a town, you can thank me by being very nice to me…”
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Now, the clubhouse, …
“Where is she? What can you tell me?” Jax nervously runs his fingers through his hair. “Juice, you need to do your thing…trace her phone or shit.”
“Jax, you need to calm the fuck down,” Clay tries to calm Jax. One of them got kidnapped, an old lady. He’s furious and ready to rip anyone apart. “We will find your old lady.”
“She left the library four hours ago, Clay! Four fucking hours!” Jax kicks a chair out of his way. “If anyone touched one hair on her head, I’ll kill them…I’ll kill them all.”
“We talked to her colleagues and the owner of the shop across the street. Her colleagues didn’t see shit. Y/N left the library wished them a nice weekend and walked toward her car,” Tig grunts.
“Yeah, they didn’t even want to talk to us because you scared the shit out of them,” Opie bites back. “Anyways,” he clears his throat as he looks at Jax. Opie can see the fear in his friend’s eyes, and it breaks his heart a little. “The old geezer across the street said, that there was a guy and a girl. The guy hit the girl, and that was when he called the cops.”
“We checked the cameras from the stores nearby,” Unser tries to get Jax’s attention. “One of them captured the car of the bastard. We got a license plate and a name.”
“We’ve got a name?” Jax grabs Unser by his collar. “What are we waiting for then? You had a name for how long?”
“Twenty minutes, Jax,” the sheriff grunts. “I’m not an idiot, and I like the girl.”
“Who is he? Who dared to raise his hand against my girl?” Jax is out of it. He’s ready to rip the sheriff apart, limp by limp if he doesn’t get answers soon. “Tell me his name, UNSER!”
Unser yells your ex’s name, making Jax gasp. You told him about what happened with the man you dated before him. “We need to find them!”
“Jax, calm down! We are on it! Juice is on it,” Clay tries to calm your boyfriend down again.
“I try to hack her service provider to find out about her last location. Give me more time,” Juice tries his best to remain calm. He’s used to working under pressure. But these are exceptional circumstances. “Just one more minute…“
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You try not to think about what will happen if Jax doesn’t find you. Your ex was taunting you over the last hours, telling you how much he will enjoy watching Jax despair when he finds your broken body.
Taking deep breaths, you try to remember all the times Jax told you how much he loves you, or how he asked you to go for a ride with him for the first time.
The silence is deafening, and worse than your ex yelling at you. It takes a toll on you, as it feels like seconds turn into hours.
You hide your face in the palms of your hands, silently crying as you fear that you’ll never see Jax again.
“Where is she?” someone yells loud enough for you to hear. “I’ll kill you!” Gunshots hit the wall, and you scream as one of the bullets breaks through the door and hits the wall next to you.
“Y/N! BABY! Where are you!” It’s Jax. Jax found you!
“HERE!” You scream his name. “I’M HERE!”
The door flings open, revealing a beyond-worried Jax. His face is covered in bruises, and blood covers to his knuckles, but all you can think about is that he's here.
He tugs his gun away as you run toward him to throw yourself into his arms. “I knew you’ll find me…I just knew…” He breathes you in. "I knew it..."
“Did he hurt you? Did he touch you, baby?”
“No…I mean he hit me but…no…I…you’re here,” you cry into his chest. “You’re…here…”
"I told you," he kisses the crown of your hair, "I'll burn the world for you and kill anyone hurting my girl..."
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enretrogue · 4 months
༝༚༝༚ = Black/POC Works ⎢ 24’ Fic Rec M.List
Connor Rhodes
Mine — @halsteadlover
Dream Partners — @sjhhemmings
Comfortable — @kiddbegins
Babysitting 101 — @iamwhoami
Emergency Love — @callsign-dexter
Plan — @lcvesjj
Jay Halstead
Kiss It, Kiss It Better Baby — @halsteadlover
Haunted — ^
Night Struggles — ^
Our Little Family — ^
A New Milestone — ^
Under Fire — ^
Shadows From the Past — ^
“Ladies love a guys who’s good with kids” ⎢ Part 2  — @poppadom0912
Uncle and Niece (Platonic) — ^
Love on Ice — ^
30 Hours — @dandelionfairyyy
Halstead’s Favorite Duo — @ballarkeselection
Exciting — @fangirlfrom-hell
CPD Gala — @hereforhalstead
Home — @deanstead
The Way You Are — @loislane41319
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Alfie Solomons
Interviews for New Beginnings: Part 7 — @muneca-lemon-steppa
Request 24 — @fandom-puff
Living with Alfie Solomons — @heavencanbeaprisontoo
The Silent Treatment — @warnersister
Luca Changretta
Living with Luca HCs — @heavencanbeaprisontoo
Thomas Shelby
Me Time — @garrison-girl-08
Daddy’s Princess — ^
Tommy Convincing His Wife to Stop Being Angry — @wutheringcaterpillar
Of Bending and Breaking — @call-sign-shark
Mr. Forgettable — @mrkdvidal1989
Time After Time Chapter 14 — @all-mirth-no-matter
Wedding Day — @cillianthinker
When She Laughs, The Heavens Hum a Stun Gun Lullaby — @saintmuses
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Filip “Chibs” Telford
The Last to Know — @kdogreads
Imagine Being Chibs’ Old Lady ⎢ Part 2 — ^
Imagine Taking In the Teller Boys With Chibs — ^
Very Soon — ^
My Dove — ^
Ruin — @bullet-prooflove
No Words — ^
Teach Me How to Ride — @violentdelightsandviolentends
Pussyfooting — @indifferent-depravity
Happy Lowman
Violent Little Thing — @fanficimagery
Your Family Disapproving of Happy — @imagineredwood
Angst to Fluff Prompts — @ravennaortiz
Flash Fic Request — @withmyteeth
Cocoa Wars — @darqchilddaydreamz
Miss Me — @marvelous-slut
Just for Today — @obsessedasusual
Jackson “Jax” Teller
Relentless — @violentdelightsandviolentends
Heatwave — ^
Insomnia — @spaghettificationandpretzels
You Aren’t Meant to Be Back Until Christmas Eve — @rebelwrites
Only Mine — @thisreadswhatever
Fluff Prompt — @youvebeenlivingfictional
I’m Sorry — @pumpkin-writes
Rescued — @garbinge
Harry “Opie” Winston
Nowhere to Be — @drabbles-mc
Stolen Sweater — @i'm-just-a-mississippi-girl
Good Honest Work — @spaghettificationandpretzels
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theewritingroomm · 3 years
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“What the hell is going on in here?” Opie hollered as he entered the best room he shared with Y/N. 
It looked like a tornado had ripped through their bedroom. Clothes were spilling out of the closet and out of the dresser. They were thrown around without any real regard, ending up on the floor and across the bed where a duffle bag sat half full of Y/N’s clothes. Pictures of the two of them had been taken off of the wall and the nightstands, leaving only the ones of Opie’s children. And finally, banging and clattering could be heard from the connected bathroom, alerting Opie to where Y/N was. 
Walking into the bathroom Opie saw that it was in nearly the same state as the bedroom had been in. Y/N’s soaps and lotions were lined up across the counter and her makeup was being thrown into a bag haphazardly.
“Y/N, baby, what’s going on?” Opie tried again, this time making Y/N turn towards him. 
As Y/N turned towards him Opie saw the pain and the tears that were in her eyes. It pained him to see it but he knew in order to help her he needed to find out why she was doing this. So Opie grabbed her hands and the things that she had in them in an attempt to get her to put them down and talk. To his surprise she ripped her hands away from his and continued to throw things in her bag. Y/N didn’t say anything to him, wanting to get out of the house and away from Opie as fast as possible. 
“Y/N, baby, please stop and talk to me.” Opie pleaded with her as she zipped up her bag. 
“Go talk to Lyla, as her about the things she called and told me.” Y/N finally spoke as she pushed passed a stunned Opie. 

Y/N threw her makeup bag into her duffle and turned back to face Opie as he came out of the bathroom. Her anger grew when she saw the confused look on his face, thinking he was playing dumb with her. 
“I don’t know what you mean.” He said, confirming Y/N’s theory that he was playing dumb. 
Y/N let out an angry sigh, “You’re lying Ope. She called the house told me you hade just left her place. She also told me all about how you two slept together. And you want to know the cherry on top, she told me all about how you two think I’m a terrible role model for Ellie and Kenny.
“And Opie, I could have looked past the fact that you slept with her as long as it was just once and all ties with her were cut. But I love those kids like they are my own and for you to think I’m a terrible role model; that fucking hurts. Especially when I have done nothing but love and care for you and those kids. So I’m done, unless you can tell me that none of that happened and she’ll be gone.” 
Opie stood there silent for a moment before he sighed and spoke, “She lying about what was said, I would never say any of that shit about you. I love you more than anything and seeing you with the kids lights up my whole fucking world.” 
When he stopped Y/N simply looked at him, an unreadable expression across her face. 
“But you still slept with her?” Y/N asked. 
Opie stayed quiet and looked past her, unable to meet her eyes. Y/N took this as all the answer she needed. 
“More than once?” Opie shook his head at her question. 
“No. It was only the one time,” He replied. 
“And that’s it right? You’re done with her and she’s out of our lives now?” Tears were threatening to fell from Y/N’s eyes as she spoke. 
Opie sighed, “I’m sorry sweetheart, she asked the club and me for protection. I can’t just leave her high and dry.” 
Y/N nodded as she wiped the tears from her eyes with one hand and grabbing her duffle bag with the other. “But you apparently can let her tear us apart.” 
Opie didn’t say anything in response, so Y/N took that as her cue to go. As she walked out of their once shared bedroom Y/N sent one final look over her shoulder. 
“Goodbye Ope,” Y/N said softly as a few more tears fell down her cheeks.
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queenquinzel715 · 2 years
Sons of Anarchy
Opie 18+
Word Count 2,619
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Y/n P.O.V.
       Leaving Belfast was the best thing I could have done with my life, so when my Uncle Chibs told me I could live with him I ran to Charming. Seeing ruthless killing left and right wasn't something I wanted to do, granted Charming has killings, but you didn't see them in the streets. When I got to Charming I didn't believe how small the town was, and how blinding it was.  
          Chibs got me a job with him at Teller-Morrow garage, but in the office. That gave me an easy way to meet all the guys. I didn't really talk to anyone, especially at their parties, yes I drank, and had my fun, but I kept to myself. I met Opie my second week here, first day on the job, and since then I've seen him around me. When he's not working he's sitting on the couch in the office, and I find myself looking at him. 
"So you and Opie huh?" My uncle Chibs asks me, nudging my side.
"What are you talking about?" I laugh as I put papers in the file cabinet. 
         Before Chibs could say anything Opie walks in, and sits comfortably on the couch, looking between me and Chibs. Chibs looks at me with his eyebrows raised, but chuckles as he leaves. 
"What's up with him?" Opie asks. 
"He's just old." We laugh as I get back to work.
      We talked as I finished working, and when I'm done he walked me to my car. I finally got my apartment a couple months ago. I love my uncle, but he's still a man. As I'm driving back to the garage two bikes comeuppance behind me, and then one in front of me. I had to swerve my car to stop from hitting them, and they drove past me. When I come to a stop I call Chibs, my hands shaking as I wait for him to answer. I barely hear him answer over my heart pounding in my ears. 
"I'm broken down on Denton street." Is all I can get out. 
       I leaned my head against the headrest, but I couldn't calm down. I hear bikes coming up behind the car. I knew it wasn't to guys, because they'd be in front of me. I look in the mirror to see five bikes, four of them stay by their bikes as one walks toward my door. As we walked closer I tucked my gun in the waistband of my jeans, and when I looked up I was pulled out of my seat. 
"Look at the little reaper whore." The group laughs at his statement. 
"We should take her back to the clubhouse, and keep her." One says.
          While I push the guy that is squeezing my arm I put my gun in his face, making him back up, and have my back to my car. Before anything could happen, headlights come towards us, and when I hear the grumbles of the tow truck I start to calm down. Opie gets out of the truck to immediate gun fire, so they could get onto their bikes. Opie and I shoot back as we use my car as cover. As they drive off Opie shoots after them, I just lean against the hood of the car. 
        The shooting stops, and a moment later I feel Opie's hand running up my back. I quickly spin around, cuddling my face to his chest, and grabbing onto his shirt. 
"It's okay. Let's get back." He talks into my ear. "Go ahead, and get in the truck." He goes to walk away, but I grip him.
        He helped me into the truck, making sure I knew he'd be back, but I still watched him as he got my car hooked up. When he is done I hold onto his arm as he drives back to the garage. Some guys are outside when we pull up, so they run to get my uncle and Clay. I still grip onto Opie's sleeve as we get out the truck. My uncle rushes toward me, but slows down when he sees me. I quickly tell them what happened, and Clay calls church immediately. Opie didn't even pull away, he tucks a piece of hair behind my ear, and turns me to look at him. 
"Go to my room, and try to relax." Opie tells me. "I swear I'll be there soon." He kisses my forehead. 
         As soon as I let go of his arm I rushed to his room, sitting on the edge of his bed, and thought things over. How my uncle could be right, how easily people could still get me, and how Opie acted tonight. 
Opie P.O.V
"Someone explain to me how Mayans got so close to the club, and why (y/n) was their target?" Chibs angrily questions around the table. 
          I fume as I sit quietly next to him as I picture how pale her face was, her body shaking, and how she clinged to me. As the meeting went on Clay told Juice to look into anything different in the Mayans money flow while he, Jax, and Chibs went to talk to Álvarez. 
"She needs to be on lock down until we figure this out. I'll have the prospect …" Clay starts. 
"No. She won't let him near her. She'll stay by me." I cut him off. 
           He locks eyes with me before hitting the gavel on the table, ending church. I'm trying to get around people, but chibs pull me toward the hallway. 
"You better watch her, or I swear." He walked away before I could say anything.
          I stop at the door, taking a deep breath, and just gather myself. I slowly open the door, in case she fell asleep, but she wasn't on the bed at all. When I step in all the way I notice my shirt drawer open, and when I step closer to the bathroom I hear the shower going. I smile knowing she's comfortable in here, and as I close the drawer I think about her in clothes. With a sigh I sit on the bed only to fall back with my arm over my eyes. 
Y/n P.O.V
        I went straight to Opie's room like he told me, and sat on the edge of his bed, waiting for him. The more I sat the more my anxiety started to take over, making me fidget, so I pulled my hair up, walked around just looking at random things, I even found a bathroom. I don't even think when I turn the shower on, and go to Opie's dresser, finding a tshirt. It didn't hit me what I was doing until my foot hit the hot water. I would make it as quick as I could, church usually is long anyways, so I only stay in the shower for twenty minutes. I don't think I ever actually felt this calm before, but the safety of being in Opie's room just helped so much. 
       I pull the shirt down a little as I open the door, trying to cover myself more, I saw Opie's boots before I saw him. I kept looking at the floor as I shuffled to the couch on the side of his room. I didn't know what to do, so I just sat here. He lifts his arm to look over at me, and just looks at me. 
"I hope you don't mind. I just needed to relax." I watch my fingers play with the hem of the shirt. 
"Not at all, but you're not sleeping there." He sits up to take off his kutte. "You'll sleep here until we figure out what's going on." I watch as he walks around the room, taking his boots off. 
"Are you sure? I could just ask my uncle to take me home." 
          He walks toward me without a word, setting his boots down, only to pick me up, and carries me by my thighs, to the bed. He lets go of my thighs, dropping me causing me to fall on my back. He points to the pillow, making me laugh as I get under the blanket. 
"You're going to lay here, right?" I hope he says yes, so I don't have to ask. 
"I was going...do you want me too?" I could only nod to answer. 
"I'm more comfortable with you around." I look down at my fingers. 
          I turn away when he starts to unbutton his jeans to give him some privacy, but the sound of them hitting the floor makes me clench my thighs together. The bed dips as he gets into bed, his left arm sliding under his pillow, and his other rests on his chest. It doesn't take long to fall asleep from the heat coming off of his body. 
Opie's P.O.V.
        I lay there trying so hard not to pull her onto me, but I know I can't. I feel her small cold foot hook over my ankle. All willpower leaves my body as my hand slides over the dip of her side, and my arm slides under her head. My head goes to the back of her neck as her body molds into me as she practically sits on my knee. I don't think I've ever fallen asleep so fast before. 
        When I woke up (y/n)'s on my chest, my hands on her hips, and hers laying at my sides. I run the tip of my nose on the top of her head as I slowly lay her down, and get out of bed. I lay the blanket over her as she grabs my pillow, digging her face into it, and I have to make myself get dressed. I keep looking over at her, hoping this picture stays in my head. I pull my beanie down as I walk into the kitchen to see Halfsack making coffee, so I sit at the table. When Halfsack finally gives me my coffee Chibs walks in, taking a mug from Halfsack, and sits across from me. 
"So, you like my niece?" He says as he sips his coffee, causing me to spit mine a little. 
"Chibs…" I try to make up some excuse. "I do, but I wouldn't do that to a brother." I just flat out say. 
"Boy, I don't care what you two do, as long as you keep her safe." He shakes his head. "You've already made it clear you will, so why drag your feet?" He leaves after he says that, and I just sit there. 
      I take one last sip of my coffee before walking back to my room. When I walk in she's still sleeping, so I take my clothes back off. 
Y/n P.O.V
           My feet dipping woke me up, so I looked down to see Opie crawling up my body. As he slowly slides the blanket down he rests his forehead to mine. I look in his eyes while he lays between my legs, and they rest on his waist. He slowly runs his big hands up my thighs as he kisses me softly. My hands fist into his hair as he kisses down my jaw to my ear, and sits up, on his knees, with me on his lap. I pull back when his hands go up my back, I just lift my arms, so he could take the shirt off. I brought my arms down to run my hands from his shoulders to his chest down to the bottom of his shirt, so I could pull it off. While I throw the shirt to the side he kisses along my chest, his beard slightly burning my skin. His hands grip my sides tighter as I grind against him. 
"Opie.'' I softly moan as my hands rub down his back. 
        He quickly flips us, he's standing kinda hunched over me with me on the edge. I lay back, eyes closing as I enjoy the feel of his hands roaming my body. When his hands get to my underwear my hips lift on their own, so he can pull them off, in the torturous slow pace. I stay there as he leans up, to take his jeans off. 
"Are you sure?" He looks into my eyes as he asks. 
"Of course." I smile. 
        He leaves us on the edge of the bed as he leans down, his hands holding my face, to kiss me hard. I can feel my legs tightening onto his hips as his tip rubs against me. When he starts to enter, I grip his arm with one hand, and my other rests on his ribcage. I didn't realize just how big Opie was until the emptiness went away. As he stops, to give me time, he kisses down to my stomach, and has his hands run down my sides. Once his hands are on my hips he is standing in between my legs, and just looks down at my body. 
"Please Opie, I need you to move." I beg, trying to move my hips, but he stops me by moving back. 
         He surprises me with a deep, forceful pound. I couldn't stop the loud moan, but I needed more. He rolls his thumb to open my legs more, and with a kiss to my ankle he starts pounding into me. I couldn't do anything, but grip the blanket at my sides. He lifts me to his chest, holding me tight, as he crawls us back to the pillows. Once he has me on the bed he moves my legs to his shoulders, and slowly grinds into me.
"Opie." I moan, gripping the back of his neck. 
        He sits back on his knees, leaving mine on my chest, but he doesn't stop grinding either. I rest my forehead to my knee to try to gather some part of my head, but I can't. I scratch down his thighs as the ache in my stomach snaps, the hardest I've ever released in my life. As I'm coming down from high he lowers my legs to around his back, and grips my chin as he kisses me deeply. 
"I'm not done with you." He smirks when I bite my lip. 
         I can't even say anything before he just lets loose, and pounds into me. He buries his face into my neck only to growl, and go faster. I scratch down his back to grip his hips, feeling just how his hips move into me. I feel his lips on my neck, but I then feel him bite me. 
"OPIE!" I moan loudly, releasing everything I had into it. 
         Opie slams into me one last time growling as he fills me completely. I feel his hot breath on my neck as he slowly pulls away, earning a gasp from me. I feel so empty now. 
          When Opie lays down he pulls me to his side, and grabs the blanket for us. I lay there, enjoying the calming feel of my body, and the warmth from him. He starts moving his finger tips up and down my arm. 
        From that night I became Opie's old lady, and he moved into my apartment. Granted it's only temporary, because we'll need something with two rooms. When Opie moved in I found out I was pregnant, and Opie immediately turned into dad mode. I couldn't move, lift anything, or go anywhere unless one of the Sons was with me. Gemma had to tell him to calm down, because I was going to kill him. When our daughter, Delia was born he turned into more of a gentle giant. 
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groovyzombiellama · 3 years
Safe Distance Sir
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Title: Safe Distance Sir
Requested? Yes.
Plot: You get sick and Opie takes care of you.
Warnings: A whole bunch of fluff haha
Word count: 1009
You feel your head pulsating in pain for the hundredth time today. You close your eyes tightly, attempting to massage your forehead in a few different ways you saw online, but nothing seemed to be working. As you stood up to reach the sink to pour yourself a glass of water and take a pill for the pain, the entire kitchen began spinning that you had to sit down and wait for a couple of minutes for it to pass. It was a good thing your Old Man was in church since early in the morning, before you started feeling like the weight of the entire world was crashing down on you. When Opie called to check up on you, and inform you that he was gonna be a bit late, you struggled for a bit not to slur your words due to your brain feeling like it was gonna explode, since you didn’t want him to worry about you, but somehow you managed to convince him that you were fine and that you didn’t mind him coming home late. In fact that worked in your favor, because you could try every remedy you could think of before he came home,
You don’t get colds all that often, and you honestly can’t even remember the last time you were sick, so it was unusual to you that you felt like this. And you hated this feeling, your head feels way too large for your body, youre crushed by a heavy weight and your nose is both too stuffed and too runny. But when you did get sick, you didn’t want to seem weak and have to be taken care of. And yeah, you might have to work on that mentality and let yourself accept help from people, but as a SAMCRO member’s Old Lady, you wanted to appear tough and the most important thing was not worrying your husband. Opie has enough on his plate every single day, he didn’t need you being all snotty and gross. But with how everything was going, you knew that you were gonna come down with a fever. So you made yourself some tea and a somewhat messy blanket fort on the living room couch. Almost every single pillow and blanket Opie and you owned was used in the construction of this fort. And you planned on forbidding your husband from even entering your fort and seeing you like this.
The used tissues were pilling up in the bin you brought with you so you don’t make a mess of your house, and your breath hitched in your throat when you hear the front door opening. Even after three years of being married, Opie’s deep chuckle still managed to cause an entire zoo to erupt in your stomach, and you almost jumped out of your fort to hug your husband and tell him you missed him, but then you remembered the fact that you were sick and that your entire body was aching by now, in protest of the fever. Opie’s footsteps echoed as he got closer to your blanket fort, but he stopped in his tracks when you aimed the thermometer gun at him. “Don’t even dare! Stay at a safe distance sir!“ Again that damn zoo fluttering in your stomach as your husband chuckled once again, wondering how you can be both the most calm, collected and serious person and a childish jokster. Both sides of you woke up his will to protect you from the world either way, but seeing you with a thermometer gun in your hands, a pile of tissues in a bin next to you, looking like Mount Everest, and your figure squished between a bunch of pillows made you look so irresistable to Opie.
He has never wanted to hold you more than he has now, and that’s saying a lot, because he always wants to hold you, day in and day out. His protective instincts kicked in higher than before and he playfully threw one of the pillows, that fell too far away from your fort, but you were too lazy to go retrieve it, your way, before heading to the kitchen, smiling as you groaned at him, still hidden in your fort, to make you his famous chicken soup to help you recover. If you had energy to make all of that, and be on alert to make sure he doesn’t come closer, and get sick himself, Opie figured he didn’t need to take you to the doctor, but still held on to his keys, just in case you felt worse and he had to take you to the hospital. “I’m not gonna get sick Y/N, just let me help you get better.“ The alluring smell of the soup had your attention, but it took a fair bit of convincing to get you to exit your safe space and accept to have your husband feed you.
Just with him being here, you felt a lot better, and he even managed to convince you to dismantle your blanket fort and make a comfotable space on the couch so that you could lay back and he could take care of you, placing wet cloths on your forehead, and checking your temperature every now and a while. Opie found it hard not to smirk as you whined watching him take away all of your pillows and blankets, even though you accepted him doing this. He did everything to make sure you get better soon, even helping you take a quick shower which helped a lot to lower your temperature, and he made sure you ate as much as possible to keep your energy levels up, but also nap enough to let your body protect you the way it knows best. You made sure to shower your husband with hugs and kisses when you started feeling better, thanking him for being there for you and helping you. “I didn’t marry you just for the good times silly. I’m yours and you’re mine in the good and bad, forever.“
@small-town-wayward-daughter​ It’s finally here! I’m so sorry it took so long to make, I’m awful at time management :D I hope you like it :D
I missed having SOA on my blog, and I still have to finish a Jax fic (the 4th part) but I’ll do it soon, I’ll write it all night if I have to in breaks between sleep, but it’ll be ready to post soon!
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jeyusos-girl · 4 years
Sit Still
Opie Winston x Bratty!reader
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*i literally can’t stop looking at this gif, creds to the owner*
a/n: umm hi😙this is my first ‘attempt’ at smut😳 honestly i got myself a little hot and bothered but thats okay😭 hope you enjoy ❤️
warnings: smut (cockwarming), cursing
word count: 803
The only sounds heard in the dorm were the faint thumping of music and the whimpers that fell from Y/N’s mouth. 
She knew she deserved it, she’d been acting up all day, ignoring Opie’s warnings and being a pain in the ass. But damn! It’s been so long since she had her man all to herself. The club had been on a run for the last week and a half and she was desperate to feel her man inside of her. So Y/N did what she did best, she made a scene, and Opie was fed up, to say the least.
She loved being filled by Opie, the feeling of him stretching her out felt fantastic. But he had her in this same position for over 15 minutes and she was dying to move. However, every time she tried to gain some type of friction, he’d pinch her thigh and give her a warning. He refused to give in to her bratty behavior, so she had no choice to endure the punishment.
“Opie pleaseeeee,” she groaned, dropping her head onto his shoulder. He was leaning up against the headboard of the bed, their naked chests pressed against each other. He reached over the side table, grabbing his pack of cigarettes and a lighter, the action causing Y/N’s body to jerk as he slid out of her just an inch. He sparked up a cigarette, inhaling deeply before shaking his head. 
“Isn’t this what you wanted? You had an attitude all fucking day all because you wanted my cock,” 
“I’m sorry! Please, baby, I’ll be good,” Y/N promised, moving to look in him the eyes. Opie squinted his eyes at her, before taking a drag of his cigarette and blowing the smoke in Y/N’s face. She pouted knowing that he wasn’t going to give in anytime soon.
“You always say you’ll be good, then the next week you’re back to being a brat,” he spoke gruffly, grabbing the back of her neck with his free hand, “You like being a brat? Huh? You like embarrassing me in front of the club? In front of my brothers!”
Y/N shook her head, her pout deepening with every word.
“I don’t believe you, so since you wanna act like a brat, I’ll treat you like one. You’re gonna sit still till I say so, understand?”
Y/N nodded but that wasn’t enough for Opie, he tugged on the hair at the nape of her neck. She groaned at the feeling,
“Yes, yes I understand,” she whimpered. He let her hair go and set his cigarette down in the ashtray next to the bed. Y/N’s head dropped back onto his shoulder, a deep sigh leaving her mouth. Opie nuzzled his face into her neck and left sloppy kisses. Y/N’s walls tightened at the feeling causing Opie to hiss in her ear.
“You feel so good wrapped around me, baby girl. I can stay like this forever,” he whispered in her ear. He grabbed her neck with both hands, directing her face to his, and pulled her into a searing kiss. Their lips moved in sync and his hands traveled down to her bare ass. Y/N broke the kiss as he began massaging her ass.
“Opie, I need you to move, please baby,”
“Are you gonna be a good girl from now on?” Opie mumbled into her neck.
“Yes daddy,” she moaned.
 He smacked each cheek with his big hands before grasping firmly. He slowly guided her hips back and forth on his length. 
“Opie, oh my god,” she moaned.
“Oh baby girl, is that what you wanted?” he cooed as he began bouncing her on his cock. She nodded, biting her lip, trying to contain her moans in case anyone in the clubhouse heard. Her head fell back in pleasure as a string of curses fell from both of their mouths. Opie looked up at her with pure lust in his eyes.
“Look at you, you look so pretty with my cock inside you. Fuck baby girl, I feel you squeezing me, you gonna cum?” Opie smirked.
“Oh god, Ope, I’m gonna-”
“I know baby, I feel it. Cum for me,”
As soon as Opie said that, the tight coil in her belly snapped and she clung onto him as the feeling washed over her. Opie grunted and she knew he was close. Another slew of curse words fell from his mouth as he came, coating her walls with his seed. Y/N collapsed into him and he wrapped his strong arms around her and rubbed soothing circles on her lower back. They stayed like this, riding out their highs, Opie still buried inside her. 
A few moments later, her soft snores filled the room. He chuckled lowly and kissed the side of her head.
“I love you, you little brat.”
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crimsonheart01 · 4 years
Hi! I’m so glad to see you back posting again. Hope you’re doing well during these crazy times! I was wondering if you could write #3 from the angst prompt list with Opie?
3. “if you cared about me, you wouldn’t do this.”
Thank you sweet sweet nonny. I’m doing great, thankfully. I’ve been in quarantine for 7 weeks LMAO but still working from home full time so that’s helpful. ANYWAYS here’s some angsty Opie <3333
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This takes place just before Opie goes to prison in Season 5 so you can fill in the blanks about how this really ends...
The world around you faded out of focus as you stared at the empty half of the closet. He must have come and gone while you were at work. You licked your lips, thinking what a coward he was. Couldn't even bother to face you. End things officially. 
You sank down onto the floor, curling your legs underneath you. The signs had been there for too long. He continued to push you away. Giving bullshit excuses. None of that mattered to you. You promised him forever. 
He was too broken. Unable to love himself. 
You spent so long - too long - trying to convince him he was worth it. Worth someone else’s love. It wasn’t fair. All the work you put in. For him to throw it all away in a few short hours. 
The tears began to spill over and you didn’t bother to swipe them away. You deserved to cry. You deserved to be mad about his decisions. Decisions that affected you whether or not he wanted them too.
Picking up your phone, you dialled his number. You knew he wasn’t going to pick up. He would screen the call. That was fine. You didn’t have much to say anyway. You just needed to remind him of something. 
His voicemail picked up and you sighed. After a few beats you finally spoke, “If you cared about me, really cared about me, you wouldn’t do this.” 
You inhaled as you got the words out and then threw your phone down beside you somewhere. You didn’t bother to hang up. He could deal with the empty noise of nothing in the background. Maybe it would fill the void where his heart should’ve been. 
Losing all fight in your body, you slumped down and laid out on your back on the floor. There was a knock on your side door, as you laid there lost to everything. Staring into nothing. Thinking about nothing. You didn’t answer. Nothing mattered right now. 
You heard as the screen door screeched opened and the familiar voice of Gemma Teller calling through your house. You flopped your head over to stare at the open doorway, spotting Gemma’s feet as she approached your bedroom.
“Oh baby,” She murmured. 
With a blank response you turned your face back up and stared at the ceiling. Gemma came closer and hovered above you. You had the decency to flick your eyes up to hers. She pulled out a paper from inside her purse and held it out to you. 
“Ope was arrested today.” Gemma explained, “He didn’t want you to halt your life by waiting around for him.” 
The water in your eyes welled again but this time instead of silence, you broke completely. You wailed as the news hit you. Gemma cringed at the sound and crouched down. She placed the letter near your feet and pulled you into an embrace. 
“He loves you, baby.” She cooed in your air, “I know he does.” 
Written based on these prompts
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Biker bubble bath - Jax Teller x reader
Jax Teller X Reader (Short fluff)
Prompt : His girl comes home from a rough shift at work and he takes care of her, pampering and babying her? 
You’d been on your feet for 10 hours. You didn't even get a break this time. Your boss was an ass but you needed the job. Yeah Jax got good money running the club but you couldn't always rely on him. It bugged him that you wouldn't stay home and let him provide but you felt like you had to do your part. So that’s why you work in a high end bar, wearing heels all day and night, serving sleazy rich men drinks for petty tips.
You rolled your shoulders as you parked your car outside the house you shared with Jackson. You didn't expect him to be home but his bike was parked on the drive and you sighed.  
You walked to the door and jiggled your key in the lock, dumping your purse on the floor and kicking off your heels. Ouch. You looked down to see blisters forming on your achey feet and groaned when you thought about having to do it all again tomorrow.
You walked through to the kitchen to see Jackson sitting at the table looking over some papers. He looked up and smiled when he saw you, but it instantly dropped into a frown when he could see how tired you were.
“Y/N, I don’t know how many times I have to tell you, you don't need to work this job. Princess, look at yourself, you’re tiring yourself out for no reason.
He walks over to you taking your body in his arms. You sighed and leant your head against his chest feeling warm pressed up against his hoodie. He picks you up bridal style, your head lolling onto his shoulder, no energy to protest. He takes you through to the bath room and turns the tap on the bath, adding bubbles and getting it to the perfect temperature. You sit on the toilet as you watch your man move in a way so effortlessly graceful. Your eyebrow raises as he starts to strip his clothes and you watch as your hot biker fiancé stands before you as nude as the day he was born.
He smirks as he notices you staring at his body. He reaches over to you and slowly, gently, peels your tight fitting clothes away from your skin, leaving you bare to him. Picking you up just as gently as before, he places you into the soothing water and gets in behind you, letting your head fall back onto his chest as the soapy warm water cascades around you both. You feel him start to massage you shoulders and you groan. Oh god this was amazing.
“My sweet angel, you're not going back to that awful job.” And in that moment, you didn't have the strength to argue with him.  
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mychemicalimagines · 4 years
I decided to create a side blog! I want to create a RolePlaying blog where you’d be able to submit asks and ask questions to your favorite character! Who do you think I should create the blog around? Drop comments, submit an ask or message me!
It can be anyone in the tags or even comment your own! I really wanna do this but i don’t know who you guys would want to interact with!
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crazyfreckledginger · 5 years
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[x] § Opie Winston Imagine §
“Ope, I can’t do this anymore, it’s too stressful, I was able to stay because I love you but now the pressure is too unbearable,” (Y/N) sighed.
“(Y/N), please,” he grasped their shoulder, “I need you,” 
“I c-can’t”
“I need you in this club,” he pulled them into his chest desperately.
Requests Are Open
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obscure-imagines · 6 years
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“wait, you’re the Sons right?” you asked, recognizing their vests, “thank god!”
the two men looked at you with narrowed eyes, “you happy about this situation love?” the guy with scars asked.
“hell yeah. my club sucks. being kidnapped opens so many possibilities for me to get out of this shit. honestly, you guys are doing me a huge favour.” 
“really hate your old man huh?” the man-bun guy asked.
“you guys have to know how notorious my club is for brutality, you guys are sunshine and rainbows compared to them.” you answered. 
“we are not sunshines and rainbows.” scar guy growled.
“come on! your club sends you two pretty boys to pick me up? like i said sunshines and rainbows.” you shrugged.
“we are not pretty boys.” man bun said.
Scars grinned, “speak for yourself mate.”
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thefandomimagine · 5 years
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Submitted by anonymous.
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secretlittl3whore · 7 years
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Imagine: After a quickie with (y/n) in the doctors lounge, Opie walks out and sees Gemma. Opie: “I’ll see you later tonight love.” Closes the door, turns and sees Gemma. “Oh shit.” He waves to Gemma. Gemma: sighs
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