hungerofhadarr · 1 year
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* Face down In a puddle of my own blood * yeah drawing faces is sooo fun and is my faaaavourite thing to do . Aha . * dies *
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cipheramnesia · 1 month
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Part 4: A Midnight Summer Dream
a story by @rox-and-prose and @cipheramnesia
Luna was a pale sliver of paint in the stars, a slip of the brush in the forever of the sky.
"That's it," Michele Loren said. "This is where we head our separate ways for the moment."
Laika took her hand of the control vines for Genghis Khan as she stared wordlessly. The earth civ moon, original version, a system unto itself. She had devoured all she could find about Luna, the multifacet god, in hopes to understand the call she felt in the days after leaving home. She'd put the hope of seeing Luna with her own eyes at the bottom of a box and buried the idea. Her muzzle hung slightly agape as she searched for something momentous to say, to share with GK how much it meant to be in the here and now.
She noticed Sy was watching her, and the dryad smiled and glanced away when he saw her seeing him. She blushed and her face felt hot, and she forgot her train of thought.
"I never imagined I'd rob the moon," she said.
"You're only robbing a very, very small part of it," Cat Nguyen corrected.
The crew of the Paperclip were sharing the bridge of Genghis Kahn, with varying expressions of perplexity on their faces watching the werewolf executing the peculiar movements and footwork involved in manipulating the various switches and nerves and pedals essential to a Pilot. Even Doc seemed entranced, silent through all the system jumps, or structure solutions, or whatever GK liked to call them. All except Dandridge who returned to the Paperclip immediately in a sullen huff, vowing never to set foot on GK ever again. Laika was going to need to find out what exactly GK had done to piss him off so bad.
Now they were gathering up helmets and and gloves for their envirosuits, looking around for just the right way to excuse themselves from the room which Laika had seen enough of before she was eight to recognize. "Okay," Loren said. "Well, you know. This should go fine, just stick with the plan, keep it simple, you know."
"I can do better than that," Doc (Laika still hadn't figured out if the woman was Blake Sloane, or Sloane Blake, or something else), pushing her bracelets along with the sleeve of her purple, double breasted, knitted suit jacket. "I can stick the plan to me." There was a mess of writing which Laika deeply hoped was meant to look smeared and half erased on Doc's forearm.
"That's, that's a great- Good job Sloane."
"Doctor Blake, why can't you ever get my name right?!"
"I'm sorry. Doctor Blake. Fantastic work as always." Loren turned to Laika. "Look, I don't know how to uh. You know how much work this has been for me. Well, just be careful. Make sure next time I see you, you have the godseye or Doc, or both. Or don't let me see you again?"
"Is that a threat," Sy asked.
"Think of it as friendly advice," Loren said.
"And also as a threat," Nguyen added, despite Loren's sharp look. "What?" she shot back at his frown.
"Do I have do go with these guys?" Sy looked at Laika who said "no" at the same time as Loren and Nguyen said "yes."
"We'll keep our end," Nguyen said, "along with your friend. You keep yourself along with Doc."
"Who you wouldn't be sorry to see killed, I gather."
"We'd prefer she come out of this mostly intact," Loren sounded almost apologetic.
"Okay, okay, fine. Let's not draw this out, I get it."
Loren breathed a small sigh of relief and Nguyen just smiled. "We'll get going then," he said.
"Take care of yourself," Laika gave Sy a shoulder pat as he walked by, then impulsively pulled him into a hug.
"I'll be good," he said into fur. "You have the hard job."
"Pulling off the heist?"
"Being alone with, uh, the Doc."
Loren and Nguyen waited at the entryway to the bridge. Laika set down Sy from the hug and stood her full height. "Oh," she said. "Before you go? GK, please threaten them."
Its voice coming from nowhere as usual, GK said, "Thank you Laika, for this commendable request. Captain Michele Loren of the Paperclip, please prepare for receiving a threatening missive."
"Captain Michele Loren, Pilot Cat Nguyen, and the remaining crew of the ship Paperclip not present aboard myself, I am placing you under the advisement that should even the smallest fraction of an injury occur to Pilot Laika Blackwood, or Sy Drangea, electrical engineer, I will track you to the end of earth civilization space, and to parts unknown. You will never know safety or peace for as long as you remain alive. I will find your dreams, and take them from you. There will be no power up to and including the total heat death of this universe which will stop me from extracting your lives in payment. If you die, I will find yours souls. I will tear apart the essence of your beings. I will disperse the electrons of your bodies into every star of this universe. I will burn your souls to ash. Nothing will remain. Please ensure Sy returns safely to me upon our next meeting."
Loren stared, open mouthed.
"Uh," said Nguyen, "You're... really good at that."
"Thank you," said GK. "Your praise is insignificant to me. Please have a safe trip."
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amorisastrum · 5 days
What if the Knox and Chris sub-plot had meaning?
Okay I'm starting this post off by restating my downright hatred for Knox. I do not like his character, what he did was wrong, it's creepy and fucking disgusting. I will however like to talk about how his relationship with Chris could have potentially added to the story.
We all know (at least I hope) that practically everything in this film has meaning. I had spent ages wondering why they thought it was a good idea to include this frankly ridiculous sub plot to the story. And then I thought about it. Like really thought about it. I don't exactly remember what I was doing when I thought about it, but I do know that I had DPS playing in the background. (I initially thought about this on April 7th. It is May 29th when I am typing this up.)
So, here are all my reasons as to why I think they added the Knox and Chris sub-plot!
My first point is about this scene:
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I believe that this line could be a form of foreshadowing. Yes, it is Knox being a dramatic and insufferable prick but it also feels like it could be more. Obviously it isn't Knox who dies in the end, but the idea of not being able to have something leading to suicide feels very important to the story.
Neil is unable to achieve a career in acting because of his father. As well as this, he is being taken away from his family. His real family. By not being able to have this thing that he so desperately wants, he feels like there is no other solution than death.
Knox says that if he can't have Chris he will kill himself, Neil has practically everything he loves stripped away from him- he cannot have it. So... He kills himself. There is a lot of foreshadowing in this film that hints to Neil's death at the end of the film and I do truly believe that this is a part of that foreshadowing.
My next point is that it is used as a form of contrast.
We see that Knox is extremely open about his attraction to Chris... In a multitude of ways, repeatedly throughout the film. Whether his actions that show his attraction are good or not is a different matter (Knox... God how I hate you.)
Arguably this is used as a juxtaposition. Knox (and Chris?) are relatively open about their attraction to one another- while Neil and Todd are very closed off about it. It is never explicitly stated that Neil and Todd like each other in that way, but through subtext it is heavily implied.
Why might this be? Well, considering the film is set in 1959, it could be because homosexuality simply wasn't legal at this point in time. Neil and Todd weren't allowed to be open about liking each other. Being open about it could put them in danger, they had no choice but to stay quiet.
However, as well as a contrast, it poses similarities between Knox and Chris and Neil and Todd. By setting up this contrast, it only brings to the surface some quite significant similarities.
Because let's be real.
How can THIS be a look of true love...
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And THIS not be?
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Or falling in love or admiring one's beauty or WHATEVER you want to call it. That's not the point. The point is, they're not that different.
You can see similarities between Knox's behaviour towards Chris and Todd's behaviour towards Neil (and vice versa). One of the main similarities is, well, how they look at one another. I personally don't see how the way Knox and Chris look at each other is true love but the way Todd and Neil look at one another is just... Them being roommates.
The juxtaposition between the two sets of people (I didn't know how else to say this) just doesn't seem accidental. The constant mention of Knox's feelings and love towards Chris just makes the way Neil and Todd interact more obviously... Romantic? Loving?
Their love is stated to allow the audience to see how similar they are to Todd and Neil, while still sticking to one of the key concepts of the film - conformity. Neil and Todd having to conform to societal standards, not being able to share their love for one another.
Knox's feelings for Chris are explicitly stated, repeatedly, because Todd's and Neil's can't. It makes it more noticeable. Neil and Todd's feelings can't really be stated due to the law. So they do it with Knox instead. The similarities can be seen throughout the film in how Knox treats Chris and how Neil and Todd treat one another.
Because again, how can Knox look at Chris like that and that show that he is in love, but Neil look at Todd like that and that just be... Them being friends?
The answer is, it can't. Not really.
Although Knox is a lot more explicit with his feelings towards Chris than the other two are with one another, the feelings they have are the same. Whether it is portrayed in the same way or not, it's love.
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666writingcafe · 28 days
Level Six
Content Warning: sub!/needy!Lucifer antics ensue, possibly OOC?
It all ends in Lucifer's room.
Upon reaching his bedroom door, I notice a note taped to it. Reading it reveals that as soon as I enter the room, I must remain in there for thirty minutes. If I succeed, I'll earn my star.
I stick the note in my pocket, take a deep breath, and open the door. The sight that greets me makes me audibly gasp. Lucifer's wrists and ankles are tied to the bed, leaving him quite vulnerable to anything that wants to have their way with him. That, combined with the fact that he's naked and hard, tells me that this is going to be a long half-hour.
"MC." His voice is higher than usual, making him sound a bit whiny.
"Lucifer?" I walk up to the bed, resting my hand on the nearest post.
"Is this how you want me?"
"I mean, sometimes," I answer honestly. "I just want to be able to take care of you from time to time. You have so much on your plate, and you rarely get to relax."
"I suppose that's true." Lucifer sighs. "I'd be lying if I told you that I've never wanted to do something like this."
"Yeah, with Diavolo."
"With you," he corrects. He's never this candid with me. Not unless he's under the influence of something. Yet, when I question him about it, he tells me that he's completely sober.
I don't know who blushes more: me or Lucifer.
"Frankly, I'm surprised," I respond. "I didn't think you were the submissive type. Not willingly, anyway."
"Only with people I trust completely."
"I'd imagine that's a rather short list." He hums affirmatively.
"You're one of maybe five in my entire existence that I've felt comfortable sharing this with." I feel like my heart just leapt up my throat, making it impossible to speak. How in the world did I manage to do something like that? While I'm proving to be rather powerful, I'm still only a human.
"Quit it," he states.
"Quit what?"
"Thinking that you're unworthy. I don't make these kind of judgements lightly, MC. If I didn't think for a second that you'd be able to handle this appropriately, I wouldn't have agreed to indulge you in this particular way." His red eyes stare deep into mine, making me gulp. It reminds me that I'm dealing with the literal Avatar of Pride and not just some handsome guy off the street.
I have to distract myself. I can't give in now, not when I'm so close to completing this whole test.
I walk away from Lucifer, choosing to sit in his desk chair.
"MC, please." Ignoring him, I pick up one of the books off his desk and begin reading.
"MC!" Oh, he definitely sounds needy. And desperate. I take a deep breath, summoning as much self-control as I possibly can.
"Ple-ease!" Is he crying? "I wanna be your good boy so bad!" My hand grips harder on the book's spine. If he's acting, then he's nailing it.
"I can't." I hear him whimpering.
"Master, please." Oh shit. He's going there. "Give me an order. I'll do anything you ask me to." Glancing up from my book reveals a wide-eyed, flushed, and panting Lucifer. He looks so pretty right now.
How much time has passed?
"I would under any other circumstances, but not now."
"Because I'd fail this part of the test." I try to focus my attention back on the book, but I hear Lucifer struggling against his restraints.
"Behaving like a brat isn't going to get you what you want, Lucifer." I'm surprised the thought escapes my mouth.
"I don't care. I need you, Master. I'll be so good for you."
"You're not being good right now." Would Asmo and Solomon consider this cheating? I hope not. I'm just trying to distract Lucifer--and myself--until the thirty minutes is up.
"If you untie me, I'll give you everything you ever dreamed of."
"Tempting, but no." His subsequent whining slowly turns into white noise, and I'm actually able to focus on the book. Not that I'll remember anything that I'm reading, but as long as I'm able to block out Lucifer, then I should be able to pass.
Suddenly, I hear a timer go off, indicating that the thirty minutes are up. I'm hesitant to move, though. Knowing Solomon, he's hoping to lure me into a false sense of security and then ding me for giving into my desires. Just out of curiosity, I start the stopwatch on my D.D.D. and continue reading.
Sure enough, another half hour has passed by the time Solomon enters the room. Waving his hand, he summons a sheet to cover Lucifer's naked form before walking over to me.
"I must say, I'm impressed, MC," he tells me as I close the book and set it back on Lucifer's desk. "I thought for sure you would have fallen for that." I shake my head.
"I figured it was a trap." Solomon smiles.
"Hold out your hand." Once I do, he causes the star of chastity to appear on the magical crest. He then guides me out of the room and gently shuts the door.
"Who's going to untie Lucifer?" I ask.
"The same person that tied him."
Taglist: @lost-in-time-wanderer, @fuzztacular, @dianedancer18, @sweetbrier2908, @flare-love, @completelyshatteredbrokenmschf, @thunderlightning351, @l3v1chan
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ladyveronikawrites · 10 months
Smut Prompt Writing Challenge [Nick Folio x Reader]
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PAIRING: Folio x female reader
SMUT PROMPT #29 “you’re such a needy girl”
CW: teasing, orgasm denial, sex toy, oral (female receiving), p in v sex (unprotected)
*This is a work of fiction, based on real people in fictious situations. Please don't yuck someone else's yum; scroll on.//**
Royal readers 👑 (tag list) @signs-of-ill-portent @throwingmetothelions @the-way-of-words @kingdomof-omens @thebadchic @strawberryruffilo @badhedonist @crimson-calligraphyx
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Leaning over the pool table, you hear Nick Folio chuckle behind you. The mini skirt he asked you to wear without panties, of course, rides up your thigh slightly. Not to be indecent as you are in public but just enough to make Nick’s eyes darken with desire. 
Your shoulders tense as you line up your shot with your cue. You bite your lip to muffle the yelp trying to free itself from your lips as your pussy clenches around the vibrating toy inside you.
“Little Fucker,” you curse under your breath.
When the pulsing stops, you try to focus on your breathing again. You take your shot and sink one of your striped balls into the corner pocket. “Ha!” you exclaim as Nick eyes the rest of balls on the table. You stick your tongue out which earns you a glare as he closes the distance. “It’s just the beginning,” he leans in to whisper in your ear.
He’s right; we are tied so anything could happen. The shot of whiskey you both took before starting the game finally has kicked in losing up your rigid muscles. You point and laugh at Nick when he misses his shot. But instead of a sarcastic remark, Nick opens his phone to the app controlling your toy and sends a quick and tense buzz as punishment. Clenching your thighs and jaw tight all you can do is flip him off. Nick’s tight line lip curls slightly as his finger hovers over the button that could be your demise. 
“Ok, I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” you rush out raising your hands in surrender. “I’ll stop. I promise. Scouts honor.” You mock a salute and he just rolls his eyes. 
“Quit procrastinating and take your shot,” he says playfully.
“It’s only fair,” Nick remarks as he eyes your stance. “You took it upon yourself to tell the guys you could beat me in a game of pool. That ‘you were the best player in the world’.”
You stand up straight glaring at Nick. “Hey, I was drunk, okay? But I’m still right,” You give Nick a wicked grin. The cue slides easily through your hand hitting the targeted ball which lands smoothly in the middle side pocket. 
From the bar stool, you watch Nick take his calculated shot. With a thunk, his ball lands in the corner pocket. Shit. You press your thighs together waiting for the vibrations. Nick grabs his phone and makes his way to you. You open your mouth to say something sarcastic but he silences you with the finger pressed to your lips.
“You are going to get us some water because it’s going to be a long night,” Nick whispers into your ear. ”I need my girl to be hydrated.” Nick smirks as he offers you his hand which you take cautiously. You take a few steps towards the bar when all of a sudden, low and steady vibrations rumble against your aching pussy. 
You swallow a moan as you approach the bar then throw your head over your shoulder to send daggers at Nick. To your dismay, he doesn’t pity you but rather grins and waves back at you. He is going to be the death of me and my pussy. 
Miraculously, you don’t spill a drop of water on your way back to Nick despite the constant throbbing between your thighs. Nick rewards you with praise and a kiss on the cheek. 
When the sensation ceases you flop down on the stool and blow out the breath you’d been holding. You quickly slurp down the water as Nick sets the appetizer down on the high table. You sit and chat while devouring the food, grateful for the rest. With empty plates and satisfied bellies, Nick offers his hand once again. 
When you miss this time, you don’t bite back the soft moan but let the pleasure pulse through you. Your body stiffens when a firm body presses against your back. Warm hands wrap around your waist. Nick’s earthy cologne fills your senses as he pushes away your hair and presses a kiss to the back of your neck. He grinds against you just as the rumbling stops. “Fuck,” your head rolls back against Nick’s chest. 
“Don’t cum yet,” Nick growls. 
“Please,” you whimper, grinding back into him.
“You’re such a needy girl.” He leans down and nips at your earlobe. His breath is hot when he says, “No.” 
You whine when he pulls from you to chalk up his cue. You huff when you take your seat, your thighs sticking together. 
You take your final shot and sink the winning ball. You jump up and down cheering. 
“Good game,” Nick says, taking your cue and hanging it up. “Your reward is in the bathroom. I’ll see you soon.” Nick winks at you as your mouth drops open. Your heartbeat pounds in your ear and your cheeks flush. You mentally shake yourself then give Nick a shy grin. 
You shut the bathroom door and stop yourself from locking the door out of habit. Staring at yourself in the mirror you fuss with your hair as your insecurities flood your mind. Lost in thought you don’t hear the door shut and lock. 
“There’s my little pool shark,” Nick grabs you by the waist turning you into an embrace.  
"How wet are you darling? 
Nick slides his hand down your sides to hitch up your skirt. A small yelp leaves your lips when Nick grabs your waist to plop you onto the sink counter. Spreading your legs wide, he leans down to your exposed core. Nick gently moves the antenna from the U-shaped toy to the side to gain access to your pussy.
“Baby.” Nick’s breath is hot against your soaked folds making your legs jerk. Nick clamps down on your thighs with his arms. “Relax,” he mumbles against your throbbing sex. “The fun is about to begin.” 
Nick smirks up at you from between your thighs. His eyes are dark with desire. Nick kisses your mound before pulling you to the edge of the counter. He instructs you to lean back slightly and brace your hands on the countertop for stability. His commanding tone makes heat flood to your core and your walls clench around the toy.
Nick stands up and gets his phone out of his pocket. “No cumming until I say you can.” His finger hovers over the app on his phone that controls your silicone toy. 
“I understand." The last word ending in a breathy moan.
You squeeze your eyes shut waiting for the vibration to hit you. You shriek in surprise when the toy starts to buzz inside you; a low and teasing rumble. 
Nick chuckles before spreading your folds with his tongue. He licks lazy circles around your clit as the toy continues its slow assault on your g-spot. 
“Oh, God” you shout throwing your head back as Nick slowly sinks a finger into your pulsing entrance pushing the toy deeper into you. He slowly pushes in and out until your legs start to tremble then he pulls the toy out of you.  You whimper at the emptiness. 
"I want to hear you beg for it," Nick says lowly into your ear as he slides two fingers easily Into you.  He teases the spongy spot with his fingertip earning him a back arching mewl. “Fuck,” a curse tumbles from your lips.
"Fuck, baby you are so wet." He looks at the space where his fingers disappear into you, his fingers glistening with your arousal. He curves his fingers in deep. Your pussy walls flutter against his fingers. 
“Hold on, I know you are close.” Nick’s eyes bore into your soul and its almost your undoing but he quickly removes his fingers from you. He flashes you a wicked grin when you whine with need. 
“Please Nick, I need you.” You bite your lip as the vibrations suddenly stop. “Dammit, Nick please-” Fast as lightning, Nick unbuttons his pants and pulls his hard cock from his boxers. He pushes the tip against your entrance plunging the toy in deeper. Pressure builds at your core and you don’t know how much longer you’ll last. “Just a little longer, baby,” Nick leans over and whispers into your ear. He nips at your earlobe just as he pulls the toy tenderly from your center. You let out a shaky breath that turns into a yelp as Nick plunges his cock deep into you. “Shit!” you curse as his grip on your hips tightens. 
“Cum hard for me,” Nick commands as he thrusts quickly in and out of you. You latch onto his shoulders pulling him into you. Rocking your hips to meet his harsh rhythm. "That's it, " Nick praises. "Use me, baby. "
You scream his name as your eyes roll back, your body shaking, and your pussy walls clench around his pulsing cock that bottoms out in you. He fucks you through your mindblowing orgasm quickly finding his release too.
With a shaky breath, Nick slowly pulls his spent cock from you. Still with the toy in his hand, he licks your cum from it and groans.
You have to clench your now sore legs together as the sound he makes. It makes you horny all over again. Nick helps clean you up and then pulls you from the counter. 
“Best 2 out of 3?” Nick asks with a shit-eating grin. You smack him playfully in the chest and say “Game on.” 
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clingyduoapologist · 1 year
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About time I made a proper pinned LMAOOOO
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Hello, yes, it is I, the famous, suave, and dashing tumblr user clingyduoapologist, or clings if you prefer.
He/him dudebro (woahg just like cTommy :0)
Also here is my ao3
Follow if you like cTommy or just really good posts, also if you like randomly being assaulted by atla/percy jackson/Star Wars (maybe assassin’s creed for some reason)
Block if you hate little guys, if you don’t have a soul, if you despise seeing girl bosses winning etc.
Uh don’t really know what to write here but yeah that’s me say hi I don’t bite I prommy prommy prommy stick your hands through the bars of my enclosure please please please ple
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heluvschibi · 1 month
The Apocalypse: master list
⚠️Cussing, mentions of blood, mentions of $u!c!de, panic attacks, (Jumscares?), I'll add more soon
📄The reader (you) is not a wuss, she may cry a little, but she's not going to sit there crying while a zombie is about to attack her, she may be scared (who wouldn't) but she gets over it.
👤Just so you guys know I'm some what of a procrastinator, I give up easily (you should've seen me during my 2-d art class...I still hate color pencils...) So I'm gonna surprise myself if I actually finish this whole thing, I don't even know how how many chapters I wanna do. —Chibi
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—Bang Christopher Chan
Leader (NO DUH)
—Lee Min Ho
Second in command
—Seo Chang Bin
—Hwang Hyun Jin
—Han Ji Sung
—Lee Felix
Record holder (literally)
—Kim Seung Min
Weapon expert
—Yang Jeong in
Weapon expert
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When news of people violently assaulting each other in Busan surfaced, most in Seoul dismissed it—until the chaos spread.
“Citizens of Busan—”
“Citizens of Daegu—”
“The violence has reached Seoul. Police have intervened, but the situation escalated. The city mourns its—oh… oh…” The broadcast abruptly switched to President Yoon Suk Yeol.
“My fellow Koreans, we face a crisis. The violent outbreaks are linked to a virus named Z-B232. The creators of this virus are under interrogation, and efforts to develop a cure are underway. For now, remain indoors. Early symptoms mimic a common cold: coughing, shivering, chills, followed by death. If you know anyone exhibiting these signs, immediately call the number on your screen, ple—”
The transmission ended. Two months have passed; it’s now April. Some of the forest has reclaimed the city, and the only light in my room filters through a tiny hole in the newspaper plastered over my window. Below, a horde of zombies roams the grounds of my apartment complex. Two months alone, stuck in my apartment...
I must venture out in search of supplies…
“Why do you always record on that damn thing? You’re going to drain the generator faster, Fe—!”
“Quiet, Changbin Hyung. It’s for my own records.”
“Guys, stop bickering…”
“Yeah Or I’ll stop cooking. Enjoy your dry rice.”
“No, Minho Hyung, please! We need your cooking!”
“Hey, where’s Jeongin?”
“He’s out with Chan, gathering supplies. Did you forget?”
“Right, they left earlier.”
[1]—Living in my small apartment when the apocalypse started is not ideal, now I'm running low on food and water a necessary need for a living human... I have to leave...
[2]—Food ✔ water ✔ survivors... WAIT SURVIVORS?!
[3]—Just stick to the plan he said...we'll be fine he said...
[4]—When Jeongin said they lived in a mansion with 8 boys, I thought he was just over exaggerating...
more to come...
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CAWF Tumblr simulator
🦠 Neutro-2145 Follow
B Cell hasn't worked in a while, the bacteria tastes bland…
(56 Notes)
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❤️ IM1235 Follow
The neutrophils are so cool when they're saving the body! I should get them a gift to show my gratitude!
❤️ IM1235
Ok I just saw them rip out the insides of an infected cell, I don't think I can sleep tonight.
#oh my god #do they do that all the time???
(45 notes)
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🧸 Dendri217 Follow
I don't think sewing lactic acid bacteria nearly everyday is good for my mental health, but it sure is fun! I need to go outside more I think
#lactic acid bacteria #my beloved #maybe I have too many of them #but you can never have too many lactic acid bacteria
(11 notes)
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🎆 RegT59 Follow
As much as I love Helper T as a friend I wish he'd stop buying random things with our budget. He didn't even solve the Rubik's cube he bought last time, now he's buying those metal wire puzzles.
🎆 RegT59
He offered to get me something and I bought a conch shell just because it looked interesting. His bad habits are rubbing off on me.
#sigh #i should just stick to solitaire #our office is getting so cluttered
(64 notes)
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⚪ Neutro-3033 Follow
The amount of people that don't know not all neutrophils enjoy eating bacteria or infected cells is wild. Have you tried to eat some?? It's terrible. Some of us only eat it because it's part of the job.
#i swear #its so annoying #at least the RBCS bring us stuff other than bacteria #i really wouldn't mind something less sweet
(82 notes)
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✖️ Cross-TCell reblogged
🐦‍⬛ King-Killer
How do I tell my subordinates that I don't actually hate them and that I'm just strict and they need to stop being so sloppy? Believe me guys I like having you around please invite me to something I'm begging you
🐦‍⬛ King-Killer
That was a moment of weakness ignore that (please invite me please please please ple
🐦‍⬛ King-Killer
#its okay squad leader #we honestly just thought you'd be too busy to bother with us #so glad you actually do like us #the boys love you too
(19 notes)
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🍸 Microfold108 Follow
What even is the point of living? If not just for the sake of a higher being we don't even know? Are they good? Are they bad? Maybe they're the nicest person in the world, maybe they're a serial killer who has murdered countless of their kind. Do they know we work only for them? Do they know how many of us love them?
🍸 Microfold108
Nevermind Dendritic cell came over with a lot of friends and he said they all enjoyed me so maybe there is more to life than that.
#i need to find an actual interest #maybe then I'll stop being so negative about everything
(4 notes)
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🟩 HelperT31 Follow
Apparently you can just buy a house??? On Sellular?? I'm going to prank Reg T with this. It's going to be so funny, imagine I pull out a whole house right in front of the office, she'd go insane.
#nobody reblog this I can't let reg t see this #itll ruin the surprise
(1,129 notes)
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🗡️ NatKiller095 Follow
Non-immune cells are literally so scary, how do you socialize everyday without getting tired or stressed out??? What do you MEAN you think us murdering cells is scarier?? At least I don't have to go around the ENTIRE body just to hand over a box of gases to someone I barely know!
✨ Eosin-9024 Follow
I agree!! How else would you relieve stress if you can't straight up explode? I would rather die than have to deal with that everyday, I'm so glad parasitic infections are rarer than bacterial and viral infections.
#non immune cells #im sorry for exploding your houses all the time but you guys genuinely terrify me
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🪩 B265 Follow
I love working on the skin! So many beautiful women up here! Way better than working for that insane idiot boss in the alimentary tract
#talking about helper T cell #he sucks so bad #wont let me live my life for just 5 minutes #i do really miss reg t tho #she was way better than helper T
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🪄 Mast92 Follow
The reason why Cellor-sun was so adamant about saving her friends despite risking her life to do so was because if she didn't she risked the Natchlor absorbing her powers and in turn causing the destruction of the whole vessel. Yes she loves her friends but she needed to take the risk, it was a big part of the plot, how do people not see that the first time they watched??
Also I hate how they forcefully gave Cellor-sun a love interest. Soma was an interesting character as Cellor-sun's new companion but they didn't have to force the love interest trope on him. I feel like the trope was so one dimensional, like two different people wrote him. The Cellor-sun I know would never instantly fall in love with someone like that! Their arc was literally 20 minutes long!!! She has high standards and yet just happened to meet someone who has all those exact standards??? Where do you find a cell that happens to be into all your interests, mesh well with your friends, and don't mind that you are a magical girl constantly risking your life for the sake of the vessel?? Soma would've been fine if he was just a friend of Cellor, he could've been her love interest, just stretch it out realistically. He has interesting powers that interact well with the rest of the cast, I really just wish his arc with Cellor would've been written better. Whoever wrote that needs to post a public apology right now.
#cellor-sun against the univessel #cellor-sun #soma-san catu #i could've written it better for real #catu
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harveyb-wabbit92 · 2 years
Funny things overheard on Gear Station PA: Pt. 2
Ingo: Attention Passengers, I can't believe I have to repeat this! But, Please, PLEASE. Don't stick out you arm out and wave at the trains to make them stop! You will break or lose your arm! It has happened! We were almost sued! Keep your appendages behind the yellow line at all times!
Emmet: Emergency, EMERGENCY!! Pregnant woman in labor! Pregnant woman in labor on the south-bound line!!! And she's breaking my throwing hand! -- --OH ARC! I SEE THE HEAD!?
Ingo: I didn't think this was possible, but, No skateboarding up the down escalators!  
Emmet: Attent-...Y'know what? Screw it, who the hell brings a portable grill onto the Subway, uses it to grill fish; stinkin' up the cars! Then ditches the damn thing for us to clean up?! When I find you, you better have a bike, cos you ain't riding my on trains no more! 
Ingo:  *ahem* Attention: would the couple who challenge the Double-battle line, please return platform 4? You forgot your baby! (baby babbles) Oh no, don't chew on my tie. (radio turns off.)
Emmet: A reminder to passengers, our depot agents are not babysitters, They are paid to help run the train station, not watch your kids so you can go shopping! They have every right to report your child as abandoned after four hours... So curb the hissy-fit, and go get your kid at the police station!
Ingo: *singing* Heart arches by the number, troubles by the score, everyday you love me less, Each day I lov- *panic*...IS THIS THING ON?! (radio turns off, passengers groan in disappointment.)
Emmet: *singing* Country roads, take me home to the place I belong!~ West Nimbassss, What?-...*someone tells Emmet his mics on.* Yes I know it's on, why do you thin- {radio turns off) 
Emmet: Attention! the entry stairs are not a carpark! the entry stairs are not a carpark!
Ingo: Please don't cut your hair on the train, it's a safety hazard!
Emmet: Please, use the bathroom before stepping on the train! Don't defecate on the train! It's gross and a biohazard! We don't want to clean your crap! That goes garbage too! toss it in a bin, you animals!
Ingo:  Attention passengers there'll be slight delay in-... Who are you? *a random lady requests a song* No, I won't sing Sinatra's My Way! This is a train not a karaoke bar! Go back to your seat ma'am! (He ends up singing it after the lady sends their child up to ask.)
Emmet: *singing* Spinarak-man, Spinarak-man does whatever a Spinarak can!~
Ingo: Attention passengers! I apologize for the the repulsive odor emanating from the battle car. *gags* Subway boss Emmet suffers from a form lactose intolerance. And he accidentally used the wrong milk for his cereal this morning. Ple *Urg*... Please vacate the train in calm manner, and come back in about two hours... Again, I apologize!
Ingo: To the tough-guy who threw his glass soda bottle at my pregnant wife's head, because and I quote "She's an ugly bitch who wouldn't give me her number." Please come meet me outside...Now. 
{Someone left in a ambulance that day...And it wasn't Ingo.}
Ingo: No lightsaber battles in the aisles. Yes! Emmet and Elesa, I'm talking about you!
Emmet: Don't try to pet or pick up the purple Sneasels! Yes they look cute, but you'll regret it! I know I did.
Ingo: Please don't touch or capture any of the 420 Joltiks you see wandering around the station! Emmet will know he keeps count!
Emmet: Please! stop getting frisky on the subway people! I understand the thrill of it all, but Arc sake! We're the ones who have to clean up after you! Erk! Seriously find a hotel or something, Nimbasa's a verrry big and accommodating city! 
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carrotcakecrumble · 2 months
The Charioteer tag game: thanks for the tag!!! I’m so sorry i can’t find who tagged me originally it’s been so LONG but im very grateful this was very fun
1. "He would not fucking say that" only they did and it's canon. When/who?
im sorry but the way Laurie reacts to Gyp’s death girls like. where’s your drama gone girl. your energy, your passion, your over-thinking and over-the-top displays of emotion?????
2. Did they kiss in the study? Yes/no + why you are 100% correct about this.
Ok yes but no but also yes? but also no. but also YES and also no but maybe yes but definitely no except yes?
(Basically i like both the idea that Laurie leaned away and also that girlfriend leant IN, i think Ralph’s reaction makes sense for both right? and i like the implication both outcomes would have throughout the book equally 💅)
3. Mandatory question about Ralph's alleged tattoos.
YES and so much yes i wrote a fic about it. I would also like to add that he definitely has a trampstamp. Can’t say of what at this point in time but let me ponder for a little while
4. 53 vs 59 edition: quote a line or paragraph that is better in the edition you like the least.
Ok so five minutes ago i would have said no clue, but I’ve just seen that bitchery (59) vs cattiness (53) thing and sorry but bitchery goes so hard. Alec’s catty, laurie is bitchy. there’s a difference.
5. Which TC character would feel right at home here on tumblr dot com?
Someone said Sandy and yes definitely Sandy one hundred million percent.
6. Tag yourself at Alec's birthday party.
The ‘is it a queer book?’ guy like CMON. Maybe also Alec’s mystery sandwich, not gonna elaborate. oh and you know how Harry turns up late, embarrasseshimself a bit and then leaves? yeah me too.
7. Post a TC meme: im sorry but this is still the best thing I’ve ever made, i know no one else likes it but the thing is. i find myself really entertaining and clever and funny so.
8. Easy to talk about who deserved better. Who deserved worse?
Ok girls you’re gonna hate me for this and i even hate myself for this but ,, we ever gonna talk about how Reg was one laurie-sticking-his-nose-in away from going and killing a man? and maybe Madge?????? Wasn’t that implied??? some anger-therapy is needed atleast
9. You can break the fourth wall (at any point in the novel) and say a single sentence to our protagonist, Laurie Odell. What do you say?
LOOSEN UP GIRL PLEASE. I BEG. JUST A MILIMETRE LESS UPTIGHT PLE ASEEE I PROMISE LIFE WILL BE SO MUCH MORE FUN. and i wouldn’t say it at a specific point but rather just gently prompt it throughout the entire novel very frequently when he starts to become unbearable
10. What's a question you have about TC? One you haven't found an answer for yet.
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lutawolf · 2 years
Love In the Air Ep 4 Review & Running Commentary
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Gif credit goes to @bfjeff  Here we go again! Are we ready to see more Kink? Well I'm here to bring you the break down. If you haven't read my previous reviews that go over the D/s aspect as well as the No kink, please check that out here.
Ahh, I'm nervous. What a fucking wimp I'm being. Have I mentioned on the masochistic side of things, I like physical pain not emotional pain? I like to emotionally dish out the pain, that's my Sadist but I can't take it. Nope. Nope. Okay, fuck me, lets go.
Brotherly love, showing some concern and then talking about the big boss. Okay, so Payu is saying that he won't bring Rain to the race. Then we jump to where Rain suddenly has food and is eating. Payu just sitting doing the Dom Simp thing. "Just so you know, I don't date underage kids." Boy, you've been dating him so you know he isn't underage. What you try to do here. Rain tells him he is already 19, to which Payu says that means he can kiss him. Rain reminds him that they already had and Payu said it doesn't count because he only tasted blood. Bitch shut up! You know you liked it. Do not tell me of all the kinks you've got that blood isn't one of them. Sir, I'm about to remove your Sadist card.
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Gif credit goes to @gunsatthaphan Look at you Rain. You've come a long way from a clueless sub. He wants his kisses. His eyes are closed and he is ready for it. And that mother fucking SADIST tells him he shouldn't come here anymore. Rain isn't okay, I'm not okay, and don't talk to me if you're okay because you can go kick rocks with Payu. Rain tells Payu to not joke like that and goes on to tell him all the things he won't do any more. Nope, Nope, I can't handle this episode. Where is the fast forward button? "Please don't forbid me from coming here." Ugh! I like to see my submissives beg but it's at me, where I have control. This sucks and not in a good way either. "Listen Rain, I'm not annoyed with you. Didn't I tell you that I wanted you to balance your time? You're only on your first year but what's it gonna be like after this? Before you design a house, you have to design your life first. And if you are really serious about pursuing me... You need to understand that I don't want a spur of the moment relationship." I mean at least he is telling him that he wants a serious relationship with him but still. I don't care if I saw this coming. I don't give a shit that as a Dom I would and have done the same thing. That was me in control. Pouts "If you can't be responsible for your own life. How can I expect a more serious relationship?" That comforting touch of the hand. I'm not a sub so fuck you Payu. Hard eye rolls "This is how I am. If you can't accept it then don't come here again." Okay so to be fair at this point he is laying some guidelines. Though he isn't saying, I'm a Dom and I will hold the control. He is saying he is a Dom and he holds the control and you need to make a choice on if you can accept this.
"What if I can prove that I can be responsible! Can I come here again?" "Not until you prove it to me first. For now, finish your dinner and sleep over tonight. I'll send you home tomorrow." Now I've mentioned this in an ASK. Payu tested Rain, did you see that lean in to kiss and Rain going for it. At that point he knows that Rain is all in and that he isn't going anywhere. He has a plan and he is guiding Rain into not only doing what he wants but recognizing what he wants. He needs to agree to this. Now just because I understand it doesn't mean I have to like it. huff
Warm Me With Your Heart
Look at P' Som trying to be helpful. Poor sad sub. Oh lawd, she's one of those. Interested only when you show you aren't. Bestie gonna stick around and do the Bestie thing. See this is how my Besties are, sarcastic assholes but always there when I really need them. Sky never questioned that Rain was interested in a guy, he isn't surprised that Rain doesn't like Ple anymore. He knows his friend, he saw it coming and he's ready to help. Love you Sky! "Do you like P' Payu? Think about it and then tell me. Because no one knows your heart better than you do. Ugh! Goosebumps, I've never said something like this to you before." I can't wait till you have to take your own advice Sky!!! Sky, you so smiley. Damn, look what some good dick did for you. Get a little something something and it's sunshine and rainbows. Tell me that isn't you @victooooorious.
"I just don't want to let you down." That is a sub mentality through and through. In general they don't like to let people down. I mean you saw Rain with his teacher but their Dom.... Oh baby. Look a brat will push limits in the name of fun or wanting attention but they don't want to disappoint or let their Dom down. I mean it's a true mental state of being, they would rather walk over hot coals. I've had people ask my husband "Man what is your problem, will she beat you if you don't do what she told you?" Him "I would be okay if she did that. It's worse."
Sig is a straight up hoot. So it looks like we're doing a couple of days break. That's not surprising. Is it bad that I'm getting enjoyment out of Payu's suffering? Shhh... I know I'm weird. I hang out with a lot of brats vs Doms. Cause fuck the pissing contests. It's made me bias. It doesn't help that Rain totally reminds me of @suga4mycoffee cause you were such a baby sub when we met. Absolutely fucking adorable. Anyways, back to the show. Payu being like, I ain't telling you shit. This my business. Is he a Scorpio? I bet he's a Scorpio.
Aww. Poor sad baby sub. Rain get your ass over here and fix it. Sky got "I told you so" written all over his face. Shut up and do the heart to heart. I need to get to the good part. "I still don't know if I like him." Rain! You is a white crayon, you is! "All I know is, I don't want to give up." You are the most infuriating pain in the ass. 👀👀👀 Why do I still find him adorable?!?! Apparently so does Sky. We're a masochists your honor. He reminds Rain that he never gives up and that this is something that he really likes about him. "I'm gonna prove to him I can do it!" There we go, you just needed a pep talk. "No big deal. Just buy me ice-cream." hahahaha.
Woot! Here we go! Look at you not letting Payu bother you. Go Rain Go! Also, I would like to point out how much effort it takes me to make the sub's name capitalized because typically only the Dom's name is capitalized. This is to indicate the imbalance. Aww, poor Overachieving Engineer has to give the bad news. You shall not enter. Ahh, do it Rain. Yes, you did tell him not to come here but Bitch he isn't listening. Cause you got to accept him to be his Dom. Ha Bitch Ha. Seriously though, rain is still recognizing him as his Dom. He might not be doing what Payu wants but even subs can disagree and give a counter argument. He is still keeping a soft respectful tone though. He is cute! And he sucker punched! I love it! "I just want to see your face." See, he takes up very little space. Bye now. You were expecting this. Just give in. You get to see him..
Oh, good boy. Mr. Lube tells him that the brother okayed him going in the office, but Rain immediately shakes his head. "But P' Payu told me not to." See, he knows who commands he follows. Rain only gives in when he finds out that Payu is using his brother as cover. Ahh the cutesy brat voice "Thank you, P' Payu. You're so handsome and kind." so adorable.
"If I thought he'd run away, I wouldn't have been this invested." And this is how a Dom thinks. We have walls a mile high and you might think your over them but you aren't. Only those that have proven themselves will get that honor but once we are invested. We are just as much ride or die bitches as our counterpart. "A fighter like him really suits you." The brother has it right though. "Whose smitten with who. The love struck one isn't the boy, but you big brother."
Sky asks why Rain is working at his home and Rain explains that he would rather be working than driving. Plus, afterwards he can stop at the garage. Sorry Ple, nope. Aw, look at the smitten Dom helping out. lol, yes, he is seducing you. That stomach is so seductive. Wait a minute and you might get a glimpse of ankle. I'M FUCKING DEAD. SOMEBODY KILL THE BROTHER! We were having a moment and you ruined it. sobs Praise is everything to a brat. They need it to thrive. So, while he is commanding Rains life and discipling him, he is also balancing it. Rain is happy right now, thrilled.
My subs are messing up. What the fuck is going on. Okay, know that we've got that fixed. Back to our regularly scheduled programing. Rain completes his work and rather than sleep he heads to Payu. Payu trying to be the good Dom and make sure that his sub has done what he needs to, to you know graduate to the next level. But baby bro has Dom bro's number and offers to teach Rain how to ride a motorcycle since Payu is busy. He also put a hand on Rain. HAHAHAH go, baby bro, go. Payu says he's got this and takes Rain away. That was hot. I enjoyed it.
Oh, Payu you better reward the good boy for that. He recognized that he didn't ask you in advance and show up unannounced. Recognized that you have work and tells you that he'll head out. He accepted and recognized your guidelines. You better fucking reward that shit! Okay, you're grabbing him and not letting him go. Good Dom. Look at you. Gonna get your work done and take him to dinner. Yup, yup. I'm melting, I'm melting, gaaaaaaaaaaah. Ahahahaha, they kissed, and it was such a fucking sweet kiss and then Payu told him thank you. I sound like a mother fucking dumbass right now.
Ahh, do you see it. That little bit of encouragement was everything to Rain and became something he could lean on. The D/s relationship is an imbalance of power but that doesn't mean it doesn't balance. The Dom needs a sub for different reasons that the sub needs the Dom but they both need what the other gives. Maybe Rain would have gotten his shit together without Payu but it's not likely with his personality. We have the type of personality where a sub really needs that guidance, and the Dom really needs to be able to guide someone. To have that control but by doing so we even out. Think of it as ADHD, which there is a correlation, but I digress. Your mind works differently and therefor you adapt yourself to fit how your mind works. It isn't like other people but me with music on, tv on, and typing up this review all at the same time, works for me.
Oh no... He forgot his charger. Bad Dom, Bad. Our treasures are dependent on us and that's something we take on when we agree to this. I never not answer my husband's phone call or any of my submissives. You signed up for this. I wanna reach through the tv and smack him.
Rain's waiting in the rain. Payu gets upset, all what if you get sick. 👀👀👀 by the way, am I missing something? Why does rain make people sick in Thailand? It's been raining since May here and I let my kids play in it. What am I missing? And there I go again, BIRD! Fucking little baby Jezebel. That was a beautiful speech Rain and really, I'm far too old to be admiring both of you wet. Look at that smirk. Who's a happy boy. Oh, well speaking of wet. Is anyone not wet at this point? Fans self "Naughty boy, constantly stirring my heart." See, Dom males know themselves and make decisions fast. Most of the male Doms I know, honestly know very quickly when they've met the right one.
Here we go, you are seeing the No Kink in full swing. He does not want Payu to get out of the bathtub. He wants Payu to persuade him. But Payu isn't really throwing on the charm which is what a brat tamer does. They don't call us charming Doms for nothing. Ahhh, because he recognizes he was a BAD DOM. Baby sub might not recognize you owe him an apology, but you do. More No Kink and there is the charm. Yessssssssssssss. That's doing it right.
Can't tell me home boy isn't turned on. You could cut ice with those nipples. Trust me, I'm not complaining. I'm just pointing out the obvious. Ohhh, the leg over the should is hot. Like eyes rolled back in the head hot.
P'Payu commands Rain. "Rain belongs to P'Payu now, let me hear you say it." To which Rain quickly responds to his Dom. "Rain belongs to P'Payu." Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck, that was beautiful. Excuse me why I go squeee. Seriously. Did you guys make it all the way to the end with me? I feel like you deserve a treat for that, but I don't know what I could give you. As always, thank you so much. I appreciate it more than you know. 💜💜💜
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veayrss · 1 year
The break down.
Carl grimes x GN!reader
Warning: the lineup, cursing, blood, NEGAN.
Summery: you and the people you grow to love go through something life changing. And lose someone more important to you then anything.
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After losing your parents, your friends you've made and gotten close to along the way of surviving a fucking zombie apocalypse wouldn't you want to cry? To be angry?  Wouldn't you want to let go of all your emotions?
Yeah I would to. But I can't. I can't be seen as weak and vulnerable, I need to say strong for everyone.
After losing everyone and everything there has been one person there for me, Glenn Rhee. He was my fathers best friend and my godfather. So after my parents passed he took me and my brothers in.
Glenn was there for me in a way no one ever was, not even my boyfriend Carl Grimes, do t get me wrong he's an amazing boyfriend. But Glenn understands me more than I understand my self.
Now, imagine. Having only one person left that knows you more then your self and has the patience for you? You would love them like no other. That is how it is with Glenn. He's like my dad. And having to sit in a line, watching a guy talk about nonsense, threatening to kill us is nerve-racking.
"You..." he points to someone, I can't even see, everything is blurry from my tears
"Are..." he pointed to Glenn, my tears fell down from my face, scared. But he continued walking.
"..." my hands start shaking. I don't want anyone to die but it looks like we have no choice. One of us will.
"It." I let out a choked sob as he points his stupid fucking bad to Abraham.
"If anybody moves, if anybody says anything. Cut the boys other eye out, and feed it to his father, and then we'll start." He tells us standing there in-front of Abraham.Now not just my hands are shaking my whole body is. "You can breath."
Abraham sticks a peace sign up at Sasha, it was there thing. When she see's it she starts to break down. "You can blink. You can cry." He gets in stance, "hell.." he gets ready to swing.
I want to look away but I can't. As he goes to hit Abraham he says,"You all are bout to be doing that!"
He hits him. Sasha starts crying more then before, rosita is crying, Carl, we all are. I look down at the grown "Oho! Look at that!" I slowly look up, and Abraham is sitting up. "TAKING IT LIKE A CHAMP!" negan laughs. He's ticking me off.
"S...Suck.." i look at Abraham, he's saying something..? "My.. Nuts." 'That's Abraham.' I thought in my head. He had to get the last word. Then Negan hits him again, and again, and again. Everything went silent slowly.
Next thing I know Negans on the grown, then it hit me. Daryl punched him. 'THAT DUMBASS! Now he's going to get killed. Fuck.. fuck. FUCK! FUCK! FUCK!' Everything slowly goes out again, he's standing in-front of me and Glenn, i take a deep breath.
I look up and he winds his arm.. 'what..?' Then it hits me. "WAIT, NO PLEASE NO." I plead and beg then he hits him. He hits glenn.
"NO STOP!" my hands are on my knees, my face is towards the ground, tears pouring out of my eyes. Glenn sits up. One of his eyes are popping out.
I let out a chocked sob. "M-Mngh" i look away wiping my tears with my sleeve.
"Buddy your still there? I just don't know... it seems like your trying to speak! But you just took a hell of a hit! I just popped your skull so hard, your eyeball just popped out!" He chuckles. "AND IT IS GROSS AS SHIT!"
"Girls I'll find you." Maggie starts crying harder, I shake my head trying to have the image leave my head. Negan looks at me  and Maggie, "oh.. oh hell. I can see this is hard on you guys. I am sorry. I truly am." He tells us all.
"Then stop." He looks at me. "Excuse me little one?" He bends down to meet my level, "ple-please.. just s-stop. P-Please." I look up at him, begging, tears flowing like steams of a river down my face.
"I'm sorry kid, but I did say it." He stands up straight, "NO EXCEPTIONS!" Then he swings again.
"NO NO NO! FUCKYOU!" He keeps Hitting him BAM BAM BAM "FUCK. FUCK!" I collapse on the ground crying. I lost him. I lost glenn.
"You bunch of pussies. I'm just getting started." BAM, BAM, BAM "Lucille is thirsty!" He chuckles "she is a vampire bat!"
After they all have left, me and Maggie are sitting there next to Glenn, Rosita and Sasha is with abe. I hold on to Maggie, she's laying in my arms crying. I then get up. We lost Abe, Glenn, and Daryl.
"Shit.." I run my hands through my hair. "SHIT!" Everyone looks at me. At this point I don't care. I'm kicking the dirt the rocks on the floor screaming. "FUCKFUCKFUCK!" I'm pacing back and forth.
"THAT FUCKING PICE OF SHIT!" I started crying, tears are flowing down my face again. I look down on my shirt and hands, covered in his blood. "No...no..nonononono!"
"Get off! Get off! GET OFF PLEASE!" I tried so hard to wipe off his blood, but it won't come off "GET FUCKING OFF ME!"
Everyone is staring like I'm a phyco. I fall down on my knees "GETOFFGETOFFGETOFF!" Carl runs over to me. He hold me in his arms rocking me back and forth. "Shhhh" he hold my head in his chest.
He's crying to, "HES GONE! He's gone! He's gone carl! He's gone. Glenn is fucking gone." Maggie comes over and holds me to. "HE PROMISED ME! He fucking promised he wouldn't go. Now he's gone! Just like everyone else." Carl puts his forehead on my head and gives me a kiss. " I know y/n, I know."
I get up and go over to him, i look at him. Tears falling down my face like water droplets on a window. "You promised.." I put my head on his back "you promised me, you promised my dad, my mom. You fucking promised." I lift up my head.
I look over at everyone, "what am I going to tell the boys!? What am i going to say? How am I- I- I can't. They can't know!" Carl gets up and picks me up away from Glenn. "What about carol? What about the Enid?-" carl hugs me.
I hugs him back, crying into his chest. He lifts up my head "we have to go v." I look at him in the eyes. "What about them?" He looks at them. Abe an glenn, "we have to leave them."
I shake my head. "No. No.. no..." he holds my face, "he have to I don't want to either, but he have to." I continue to shake my head, I try to get out his grip. "No. We have to bury them."
He sighs, "let's bring them to hill top. We will bury them there."
Ⱄⱄ. .ⱄⰔ Ⱄⱄ. .ⱄⰔ Ⱄⱄ. .ⱄⰔ Ⱄⱄ. .ⱄⰔ
Sorry it’s actual ass. I made this a while a go and I haven’t proof read it or anything so bear with me.
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righetousdude · 2 years
A soul of stories comic undertale
Well the past sticks on to you like gum on a shoe annoying,yet is it really there… don’t know- Discharge’s soul
Discharge was laying down in a bed at the omega timeline. He was in critical condition bones broken and him not responding or waking up. Then things got worst his body started releasing code and fixing him and it made noise of static. Now what lux was going to see would change everything about discharge
Lux watching him and color tapping his feet
Color: we have been here for 17 hours he’s not waking up may we please leave I beg the doctor is going to check him soon
Lux hesitating said “ ok let’s go home”
Right when color teleported and lux closing the door she heard something talking and a bit of smoke
Lux rushed in and yelled “ who’s in here”
Discharge soul was out of his chest and drinking a coke and he started starring with his one eye
Discharge soul: shit ummmmm hi 👋
Lux: (afraid) is…. that his soul talking
She was about to faint only for DS to pick her up with his magic
DS: calm down I thought you left. Ok sorry for being rude let me introduce my self I’m discharge’s soul and he’s currently being fixed up he’s damaged physically, codes broke, and last mentally
Lux was confused and interesting that discharge had a emotional side she thought he was a man-jerk
Lux scoffed “he’s mentally hurt how’s that possible he’s a jerk to me and everyone ,yet he shows no remorse to people he hurt and brought pain too
DS: (let a long breath out) “ it’s the guy he fought was infected and he damaged discharge emotionally more than physically and code ,yet here’s a fact this discharge fought people and was injured beyond repair and he got up over and over again. This fight took him over the line hurting him mentally beyond his own limits
Lux: why though…. Did he have a life before anything that’s happened
DS closed his eye and thought to himself should he tell her and break discharge promise,but he wouldn’t know yay he won’t he thought
Lux: Ples tell me maybe I took him for granted
DS: yes he hade a life before anything he would laugh and be funny ,but he lost it all his AU was destroyed he had a mom, love,grandparents, and Tias he truly lost it all he learned the hard way peace wasn’t going to fix anything he fight against sans like killer,fell, and other who just wanted to kill him…. The pain made him lose himself and he grow angrier and angrier until he lost it completely and hurt them permanently
Lux look in sadness as this boy had gone through nothing she thought he was a jerk for no reason and was amused by hurting ,but she knew discharges was just scared and mad along with melancholy
Lux: but why does he hate me so much Ples answer
DS paused for a bit “ you…. Remind him of his … Mother
Lux: oh….(crying)
DS: when he sees you discharge sees his mom laughing and smiling the pain he didn’t want to remember… he’s weakness is feeling love or friends he doesn’t want to go through that lose again so he deleted love from his mind and made sure he never felt that feeling again
Lux cried uncontrollably said” what do you know he once cared to much
DS vanished once he saw color
Color: are you ok… your crying what happened
Lux: nothing just said to see him this weak and in pain
Color:(calmly) let’s go
They left though a portal and DS kept repairing
0 notes
dilf0bsess0r · 3 years
Aged-Up!Peter Parker x Reader Smut
Sub!Peter fic
2.5k words
When you and Peter first started dating, nothing sexual happened, just a few kisses here and there, and occasional make out sessions. As the weeks go by, you were more and more curious as to why the two of you hadn't slept together, but you never brought it up, you didn't want the poor guy to feel pressured.
Then one night, the two of you were watching Star Wars movies for the 70th time in his room, and let's just say that R2D2 was seeing some things he shouldn't be seeing. In the midst of a heavy make out session, you let your hand travel down to the slight bulge you had noticed in his pajama pants, and moved the palm of your hand over him, giving him a tiny bit of friction.
His hips instantly bucked up, and he removed his lips from yours. "Y/N?" He said, meekly as you moved to kiss and lick up the column of his throat, while continuing to palm his now, fully hard cock. You pulled back to admire your work, seeing the red marks scattered across his neck, "Yes sweetie?" You finally respond to the poor boy, who's gone completely red in the face. "Umm, I don't- I cant, umm" he stutters out, his eyes not meeting yours. You use your hand to lift his head so that he finally makes eye contact with you, "Use your words baby", and his eyes close as he lets out a strangled half sigh, half moan.
"Umm, we ca- can't do this" Peter says quietly, almost as if he was ashamed. You scoot away from him a little, so he doesn't feel overwhelmed, "And that's completely fine love, may I ask why?" You ask him softly. "I've never..." he starts, gesturing wildly with his hands and you immediately understand.
"Oh!" You say with wide eyes, and that gives Peter the wrong idea.
He jumps off the bed quickly, grabbing a pillow to cover his lower half, words coming out jumbled, "I knew it! You think I'm a weirdo! This is why I can't be with you! You- you need someone with more, experience and, and who knows what they're doing and that's not-" , he finally quiets down when your lips meet his in a slower, softer kiss than the ones you shared earlier.
You feel his tense shoulders relax and his lips melt against yours, and you finally disconnect from him only to say, "Pete, I promise I don't care that you're a virgin". The boy's face lights up, "Really? You don't?"
You shake your head and laugh a little, "I promise love, it's okay." He grins. "In fact, I find it kinda hot", you whisper the last word with a goofy smirk. The smirk grows into a smile when the younger boy blushes and says, "How is that?"
Before answering the question, you push him down into a sitting position on the bed, you let your hand travel across the expanse of his chest, and say "Baby, is it ok if I touch you?" Peter visibly gulps then responds, "Yes ma'am" before slapping his hand over his face.
"I'm sorry oh my god, I- I don't know where that came fr-" you silence him with your pointer finger over his lips. "Peter, it's okay." His eyes widen even more, at the display of dominance. "Baby, do you want to call me ma'am?" You ask him. He slowly shakes his head yes and you grin, "Perfect."
Y/N loved how easily he was falling into the submissive role. You hadn't had many partners before, but you learned very quickly that you didn't like being told what to do, and the dominant role came easy to you. You were going to tear this poor boy into pieces.
You kiss him again and move to straddle him, your legs enclosing his, and he lets out a light whimper at the pressure on his aching cock. "Don't worry baby boy, I'm gonna take care of you, ok?", he nods his head but that isn't good enough for you.
You grab his chin between two of your fingers and look straight into his eyes and say with a stern voice, "Peter, if anything is going to happen tonight, I need verbal confirmation every step of the way. Understand?"
"Yes ma'am" is squeaked out from the brown eyed boy, his eyes glazing over.
You grind your heated core against the tent in his pajama pants, the thin material giving him the friction he so desperately craved. He lets out a soft moan, his head falling back.
"Baby," you say and grab his attention, and he struggles to focus because of the way you're moving against him, "I'm going to ask you a question or two okay? I just want you to focus on not coming until I allow you" you tell him.
"Yes ma'am" he whimpers.
"I know you said you're virgin, but have you ever done anything?" you ask.
"No ma'am. I mean, I- fuck- I jerk off sometimes but that- that's it" he stutters out, trying his best to answer you.
"Oh, naughty boy", you playfully chastise as you stand up, hearing a whine from Peter.
That noise is turned into a moan as you quickly drop to your knees and mouth at his clothed cock.
"Y/N!" Peter exclaims, gripping at the bed covers.
After there's a nice, big wet spot on his pants, you move to pull them down. You're met with a nice surprise when there's no underwear underneath.
You look up at Peter, with a raised eyebrow and he blushes, "Well I figured that I would be watching movies here, then going straight back to my room to sleep", he answers the unspoken question.
Deciding to tease him a little you say, "Nah, I think you did it for easy access. Anyone who wanted a piece of you could just ask and I bet you'd say yes. Wouldn't you? Cause that's what whores do.", putting emphasis on the "dirty" word.
"What- no no no, I'm not a... that" Peter splutters out.
You grab his cock in your hand, the head flushed red, and you use your thumb to rub the precum around that has gathered at the tip, resulting in a high pitched moan from the boy. You slowly start to stroke him before saying, "I'm sorry, were you disagreeing with me?"
You pick up your pace, flicking your wrist when you come back to the head of his cock, watching in delight as his face scrunches up in pleasure. He shakes his head no, and you remind him "Words, Peter." with a harsh tone.
"No ma'am, I'm not disagreeing" he nearly sobs.
"Good. Glad you remembered who's in charge tonight."
Simply because you can't resist anymore, you lean forward and lick right up the underside of his leaking dick, over the prominent vein, and you end it by swirling your tongue over the tip.
Peter moans embarrassingly loud and looks down at you with wide, glassy eyes and says, "Y/N...", in a whiny voice.
You go back to just stroking him and say, "What is it? What do you want baby, talk to me." He huffs in frustration of not being able to formulate his words.
" I want- I want your mouth." He finally says, but you stay quiet, waiting. "Please" he says meekly and you give in. You finally take him fully into your mouth, moaning at the taste. You focus on going as deep as you can, then coming back up and paying attention to the head.
Minutes pass and you're surprised at how long he's lasting, so you pull off of his cock with loud pop, and say "You know for a virgin, you're lasting way longer than I thought."
"Yeah, I edge myself sometimes, work on stamina" he rushes out, in hopes of getting your mouth back on him.
However, his statement intrigues you. "Edging hm? I wonder how long you can go... wanna find out?" You tease as you leisurely stroke him.
"Nonono! Please no" He begs, "Just wanna- wanna cum" he finishes, hiccuping while trying to plead his case.
"Alright baby, maybe next time" you surrender. His face perks up at the mention of a "next time"
"Where do you want to cum? My mouth, my face, my tits?" You ask him and he doesn't even have to verbally answer. You know which one he wants by the way his eyes light up at the mention of possibly coming on your boobs.
You quickly stand up to take off your shirt and bra, and when you meet the eyes of the submissive boy, you're met with a look of awe. He stares at you as though you are a goddess and he is a mere mortal. It boosts your confidence and your ego, as you go to regain your position in front of him.
"Ok so this is how this works," you start and he's like a little puppy, the way his ears seem to perk up at your instructions. "You're going to jerk yourself off, until you cum all over my tits okay?", you finish, using your elbows to slightly push your tits up and together. His eyes flutter shut and he says "Yes ma'am" before he grabs his cock and starts to tug.
It's not long before he's moaning unabashedly and he's begging for release. "Ple- please ma'am, can I cum?"
"Hmm, I dunno, I think you can wait a little longer", you say with a cruel smile. He whimpers at your mean words and continues to stroke himself.
"Not gonna be able to hold on much longer" he whines out, voice strained.
Deciding to take pity on him, you finally tell him, "Fine you can cum. But, you make sure to keep your eyes on me or you won't cum for a week." you state in a harsh tone.
"Ok ok! I will I promise" he rushes out, starting to stroke himself faster and faster, approaching his climax.
You push your tits up even higher, and you even go as far as to sticking your tongue, just for the erotic visual.
"Fuckfuckfuc- Y/N!" Peter practically shouts as he shoots cum all over your chest, some of it going on your chin and tongue. Not even giving him time to recover, you jump up to his lap to give him a messy, wet kiss. He moans into your mouth, tasting himself and you. You finally break apart, running your hands through his messy curls, "How was that baby?".
He clears his throat before speaking but his voice still comes out a bit shaky, "It was amazing".
"I'm glad it was, now let's get you in the bath while I put your pajama pants in the wash, you can sleep over here tonight okay?" You say in a soothing, quiet tone. "Y-yeah, that sounds good.", the younger boy responds.
You stand up and you start to use your tossed away shirt to wipe of his cum, but Peter stops you, "Can- can I?"
Your eyes widen but you nod your head yes. You barely nod once before Peters tongue is on your breasts, licking up his release. And if that isn't the hottest thing you've ever seen, you don't know what is.
He finishes with a groan before dropping to his knees. "Peter, what are you doing?"
"Wanna take care of you too" he states as he starts to mouth and lick at your mound through your shorts. You moan before gently pushing him back by his shoulders, "As tempting as that is, tonight was and is about you, we'll worry about me another day." He opens his mouth to protest but you cut him off, "End of discussion.", you lean down to his ear to whisper, "Trust me baby boy, I have plenty of ways you can make it up to me. Just not tonight".
He whimpers merely at the thought of pleasuring you, and if that doesn't make you want to just eat him alive. Resisting temptation, you extend your hand to him so he can stand up, and you pull him along as you make your way to the master bathroom.
Perks of living in a multi million dollar compound.
You go straight to the large, jacuzzi like tub, turning on the faucet and letting it fill up. You pour some bath salts into it and hand Peter some body wash, "When it's hot enough, go ahead and get in and wash yourself. I'll be putting your pajamas in the wash and I'll be right back to get in with you, okay?"
He looks at you with a soft smile, "Yeah, okay.""Great", you go back into your room to grab his pants, leaving him alone before heading to the wash.
Soon enough, you make your way back in there, seeing Peter relaxed with his head back against the edge of the tub, his eyes closed. They open at the sound of your footsteps and he smiles fondly at you, before you fully undress yourself, and step in. You cuddle up to him and rest your head on his shoulder.
The two of you stay like that until you hear soft snores from Peter. You step out of the bath and grab a towel to wrap around you, and you go over to wake him up. "Pete, baby, gotta wake up so we can get you to bed."
His eyes flutter open, and he reluctantly steps out of the bath. You hand him a towel, then you go to drain the tub. You tell him to dry off, then go ahead to the bed while you grab his pants.
After returning with his pants, you see him sitting on the edge of the bed, fighting sleep, lazily rubbing one of his eyes with the back of his hand. You try not to aww out loud, because he is just so cute. You finally walk in, handing him his pajamas, then going to your dresser to grab an oversized band t-shirt to sleep in. You put your hair in your head wrap, and you walk to the bed that Peter has already gotten comfortable in.
"You wanna be big spoon or little spoon?" You ask him. You don't mind being big spoon, you actually kind of preferred it. Which is why you let a small smile creep on your face when he says "Little spoon" in a small, hushed voice. You crawl into the bed and let him cuddle into your chest as you wrap your arms around him.
"Goodnight Y/N." "Goodnight Peter."
Peter falls asleep to the sound of Y/N's heartbeat, and Y/N falls asleep to the sound of Peters shallow breathing.
Hope you liked this! This is my first smut so it’s a little rough, and kinda anticlimactic but I enjoyed writing it.
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groovyzombiellama · 3 years
Shy Baby Girl
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Title: Shy Baby Girl
Requested? Yes.
Plot: Cato noticing you during practice sessions and he starts flirting with you and teasing you, but slowly falls for your timid and kind nature, and then the night before the games he confesses and you spend the night together.
Warnings: I am attempting to write smut after so long of not writing anything, so i will be attempting to write a detailed smut scene :) (so please be nice to me, I’m so worried about posting this for some reason)
Word count: 3013 (I might have went a little overboard, but I haven’t written in a while, so enjoy a longer story :) )
You didn’t expect to get drafted for the Games any time soon, and when you were, your whole family was shocked, and your older sister, who actually thought she was going to be the one going in was ready to volunteer, but your dad stopped her, as he believed that you could get through it. You were actually fine with going into the Games, as you had accepted this as your life, and you knew your time was coming, and in the end you guessed it’s better rather sooner than later. But one thing worried you the most, and that was the fact that you hated confrontations, and would much rather be making friends in life, even though you knew that was kinda impossible considering the way the world was now. You were prepared to fight for your life and to win in the Games, but a big part of you dreamed of a day when you didn’t need to fight to survive. You didn’t expect anything going into the whole process, but you were planning on keeping to yourself and not responding to any provocations.
 At first, everything was fine, you were almost always training, to make sure you were as ready as possible, but whenever someone needed help, you were there to show them a move or hold their punching bag steady so they could practice accuracy. And that was how you actually caught the attention of Cato, a blonde, blue eyed guy, who ended up being intrigued by the quiet, timid girl, who greeted everyone with a smile. He watched you for a while, trying to pinpoint what it was about you that has him so drawn in, and he decided one day that he was gonna approach you, and teach you the best stance for a fight, considering this his moment to throw in some flirting in the mix. The faint blush that spread across your cheeks every time you saw him, well, it has him hooked. Watching you from afar was nothing compared to being up close and personal, and your shy smile that would grace your lips at his compliments was becoming the highlight of his day. “I see you at the gym every day, and you still struggle with the basics. If I didn’t know better I’d say you were scared.“ He said one day when he noticed that you were not using the stance that he had taught you and as he spoke, he let his hand “accidentally“ brush against yours, his eyes searching for that rosy tint that he felt was the shade only present on your cheeks and couldn’t be found anywhere else in the world.
You brushed him off, already used to his teasing, saying how you were not scared and if he needed you to prove it, he is free to challenge you to a sparing match. Cato smiled softly, a feature you had grown to like, and you lowered your gaze to hide your own smile that was curving your lips. But of course, Cato caught that and while he swore his heart was beating faster seeing it, he had to default to teasing you about how you were still not comfortable with him, despite knowing each other for a while now. The reason why he would always tease you and playfully flirt with you (although you were oblivious to that one) was because he was not really yet ready to confess his feelings to you. Pretty odd huh? A guy like him, who was training to fight for his life in the Hunger Games, basically a show for the rich to watch children get killed off one by one, until there is only one winner, afraid of what a girl thought about him.
Although he didn’t know how, he knew that he had to tell you abut how he felt, hoping that in case you felt the same, he could count on your alliance, and at the end he would let you come out on top, or would hopefully be able to convince the government to let you both win and stay together. And he had his mind set on telling you the night before the games. The fact that you were so timid and at the same time so fierce and powerful made Cato’s head spin. There was just someting about you, someting in your eyes that showed that despite the world crumbling around you, your innocence was someting intact that could not be destroyed and he wanted to protect that so much, he wanted to make sure you are not exposed to anything that could damage that, no matter the fact that you would have to fight for your life, he hoped you would let him stick by your side and protect you.
 Just like you were unaware of his flirting and the fact that he felt the same way for you as you did for him, you wanted to tell him how you felt, but you just couldn’t. There were a few times that you were certain that you were going to tell him about your feelings, but the moment you would see him, the way his sky blue eyes bore into yours and how they would light up when he smiles or develop their signature mischievous glint when he was teasing you, and all that courage that you built flied out of the window. Until tonight that is. You were currently sitting in a quiet fort that Cato had built a bit further away from the others and invited you, because he needed to tell you something, your eyes wide, lips slightly parted, and eyebrows raised, trying to process what he had just told you. Cato had just informed you about his feelings and it made you feel giddy and excited, but also gave you this newfound confidence, right after he waved his hand in front of your face, as you had been silent for far too long for his liking after he just spilled his heart out to you.
 Suddenly this new rush of confidence took over your body and before you knew what you were doing, you surged forward and pressed your lips against his, and this time it was Cato’s turn to be taken off guard and surprised. For a moment or two you just stayed like that, neither of you moving your lips, but just feeling them pressed one against the other, getting familiarised with their shape and soft feeling. Soon however, Cato started moving his lips, to which you followed suit, and the salty taste of todays lunch mixed together in your mouths, as Cato decided to lick your bottom lip, and then slightly nibble it after you didn’t get the hint, causing you to slightly gasp, and Cato took the opportunity to slide his tongue in your mouth. You were filled with complete bliss as your tongues fought for dominance, that you just let yourself fall back, with Cato hovering over you, his hand on the middle of your back guiding you into the pillows he had placed for you guys to lay on. Neither one of you expected this turn of events, and you figured you would just talk and fall asleep there, but both of you were slightly worried about tomorrow, so you decided in that moment that you were gonna fall victimes to your feelings and enjoy your time together.
 As the two of you continued kissing, you felt like your hands had a mind of their own as they glided up and down Cato’s toned back muscles and his arms, one of your hands finding their way to the short hairs on the back of his neck, as you let your fingers tangle with them and even lightly tug on them, earing a low groan from Cato, which you happily swallowed. But soon it was your turn to express your pleasure, as you felt his warm hand get in contact with your cold skin, as he slipped his hand under your shirt, soothing your waist, before reaching up and cupping one of your breasts. You moaned just as your lips parted, damn lungs and their need for air. “Even though we are far enough away from the others, we’re gonna need to manage our volume baby, you never know who might be lurking, okay?“ Cato said as he looked deep into your eyes, his hand still on your breast, squeezing it after getting confirmation from you through a nod, causing you to gasp, and Cato to go right back to attacking your lips with his own.
 You felt his manhood harden against your leg as you went on, kissing and removing the top halves of your clothes. As soon as he reached around to your back to unhook your bra, you felt your nipples instantly harden as the cold air hit them, but what got you more worked up was Cato blowing on them slightly, before taking one of them in his mouth, while his fingers pinched the other. Your back arched off the pillows, and you felt your wetness pool in your core, with each flick of his tongue on your nipple. Cato sucked in a sharp beath as your hand found its way to his clothed dick, and you began to palm him, causing him to groan lowly as he attached his lips to your neck, and sucked on that sweet spot that had you seeing stars, making sure to leave a big, purple mark. After he was satisfied with his work, he kissed the spot he had been sucking on and looked at your hooded eyes, with his own getting darker and filled with even more lust.
 He wanted to see your face as his hand reached into your pants, and started rubbing circles around your clit, causing a moan slightly louder than you had intended to escape your lips. Cato quickly muffled it with his own lips, whispering into your ear that you needed to be a bit more quiet, but still continuing his assault on your core with his fingers. You bit your lip, and you could tell he could feel how wet you were and how aroused he was making you, just as you were making him (in his own words, you were driving him crazy). Without warning, his hand slipped into your panties and you threw your head back at the pleasure his fingers were giving you. “C-Cato, ple-ease...“ You wanted to say more, but your words got stuck in your throat when two of his fingers entered your pussy. You grabbed his wrist with both hands, and bucked your hips to meet his thrusting fingers, as Cato watched your face contorting in pleasure, your moans being music to his ears, and thinking in a moment how did he get so lucky to have you feeling the same way about him as he did about you.
 But hearing your cracked voice begging him for something (he knew exactly what) his fingers stopped and he removed his hand from your pants, causing you to whine from the lack of contact. Cato smirked as he licked his fingers, tasing your juices, that melted over his tongue like honey, before placing his fingers into your mouth, allowing you to taste the mix of yourself and his spit. His smirk grew into a grin as you began to fumble with the opening on his pants, desperate to feel him inside you. He allowed you to push him on his back and climb on top of him, and after removing his pants and boxers, letting his erection spring free, you got rid of your own bottoms, throwing them both to the side, and began tracing a line from Cato’s lips, down his chest and stomach, all the way to his manhood, finally getting to have your ears blessed with his breathless moans and groans as you took his manhood in your hands and licked a long stripe from his balls to the leaking tip, keeping eye contact with him, seeing his eyes flitter closed at the sensation.
 You waste no time taking him into your mouth, earning you a gutteral moan from Cato, to which you hummed, satisfied that he was now the one to have to manage his volume, and the vibrations your hum caused around his dick make him place one of his hands on his mouth at to try to supress, even a little bit, announcing to the rest of the people getting ready for the Games tomorrow the pure bliss that you were making him feel, while his other hand found it’s way to get tangled into your hair, not really forcing your head to move, just resting there, only slightly tugging on your hair when a wave of pleasure was higher than the previous ones, which he would only learn to both enjoy and regret, because that earned him you taking him into your mouth completely, so much that he could feel the back of your throat, along with the vibrations of your moan, and he could have sworn he was about to cum in seconds. When he felt truly close, he tugged on your hair a bit harder, and you got the hint, taking him out of your mouth, and the sight of your flushed cheeks, and a string of spit still connecting your plump lips to his dick was a beautiful sight to him.
 He beckoned you to come towards him, and he could taste himself as you kissed him, just like how he had made you taste your juices of his fingers. “How about you ride daddy now, hmm baby, what do you say?“ His low voice had shivers running down your spine, and you actually couldn’t wait to feel him inside you, so you positioned yourself and without any warning, you slammed hard on his dick, and it had both of you practically choking out moans from the back of your throats, getting used to now being connected into one before you started moving your hips up and down, Cato raising his pelvis to match whatever rythm you were leading him in, and despite starting off slow, soon you were placing your hands on his chest, your pace getting quicker and each time you would sink deeper onto him as your thrusts would meet in the middle. You were both no longer that concerned with managing the volume of your voice, as you didn’t really care if someone heard you, pure extasy flowing through you with each thrust.
 Wanting to tease him, you clenched your inner walls around his dick a few times, even past him telling you that if you continue doing that, he would cum sooner than he wants to. After you did it again, Cato had had enough, quickly rolling both of you over, as you squealed, and ordering you to get on your knees. You did so, even though you prefered watching his muscled torso and arms, shining with sweat, but the mix of pleasure, letting Cato take the lead, and the chance of you getting caught by someone in your heated session, it made it all so much more fun for you. Your eyes almost rolled to the back of your head as Cato accompanied his dick entering your pussy with his hand slapping your ass, and the tingling sensation that followed was only adding to the pleasure, which he knew, and so he added a few more slaps as he fucked you fast and hard, going balls deep inside you with every thrust, and ever plea you made for him to slow down a bit were falling on deaf ears. “I can’t hear you baby. Are you saying to go faster? Sure I can do that.“
He almost had you screaming with the pleasure he was giving you and as you felt the tingles in your lower stomach, you knew it was only a matter of time before you came undone. As soon as Cato received verbal confirmation that you were close to your orgasm, his hand reached around and found your clit, rubbing it fast, and this time your were truly seeing stars as your body began to shake, and convulse, and you came on Cato’s dick, harder than you had ever cum before. It was gonna take you several minutes to recover from that, you were sure of it. And the sound of your moan as you came, accompanied by your pussy walls clenching around him, Cato knew he was close too. He pulled out of your pussy, you already missing the contact, and came on your ass, and then collapsed next to you, after using a napkin to clean both of you. He gathered you in his arms and used a blanked he had brought to cover your naked bodies, and you both waited until your breating settled down.
 You both felt amazing and you knew this was not gonna be the last time you would have sex with Cato, something in your gut convincing you of it, especially after he offered you a round two as you both came down. At first it had you giggling, thinking there was no way to top what you had just experienced, but seeing the tent his dick made in the blanket, you knew he wasn’t joking and that you were not yet done with each other. That blissful night before the Games had you both cumming multiple times, each one stronger than the previous one, and before letting exaustion take over you and your eyes flutter closed, taking you off to the realm of sleep, both of you agreed to stick together no matter what and find a way to survive together, despite all odds, and prove that you were stronger together. You had found each other in this world of madness and you were not gonna take that for granted, Cato was yours, you were his and no matter what, you were sure that he will have your back just as much as you’ll have his.
I hope the two anons that requested this think I did their request justice and I hope you all enjoy reading it. I’ll try my best to write more often, but since it’s exam season and I’m trying to graduate this year, most of my time is focused on studying :) I’m literally half asleep as I finish this fic, so I hope you guys don’t find any issue with it, and if you do, please let me know through messaging me something like “This part of your fic was a bit much” or something like that, for some reason I’m worried you guys are not gonna like it, but here it is, tomorow I’m going back into my inbox to find some new requests, but for now, I need sleep badly :)
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erensangel444 · 3 years
focus, spence
spencer reid x reader
EEK! i’m excited for this one, turn it up!😫this is my first ever spencer reid fic, so i hope this is okay! i love criminal minds, and reid is baby so i thought why not?
this fic is spencer x fem!reader, if you guys would want to see some gender neutral fics just let me know in my asks inbox! i’m open to any suggestions, if you want a fic that’s specifically tailored to you whether that be race-wise, gender-wise, any disabilities, etc,. just let me know!
this fic has been proofread, but if i missed something just let me know!!!
a/n: this is probably the dirtiest fic i’ve written, so proceed with caution LMAO. cue the tik tok sound: i like to be fucked like a sluttt😁....okay i’m gonna stop now.
warnings: explicit language(most of my fics do contain language), sub!spencer, dom!reader, creampie(not explicitly detailed), overstimulation, oral(male receiving), unprotected sex(wrap it up!).
word count: 1.5k
summary: you come home to spencer eagerly describing how you should start a garden, yet you find yourself eager for something more.
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spencer reid was, at times, the most complex person ever, but in this moment, he’d been dumbed down to soft moans and shaky words. “what happened to the book, spence?” you moaned as you continued to grind on his cock, “thought i told you to keep reading,”. spencer threw his head back at your words and at the pleasure he was receiving, lifting the book closer to his eyes, his glasses falling further down the bridge of his nose. you noted the light blush that had occupied his cheeks now that you were above him, and the way his mouth remained slightly agape, soft whimpers flowing out of it. 
you had come home to spencer reading walden by henry david thoreau, and as he noticed your presence he began to ramble on about why you needed to start a mini-garden on your shared apartment terrace. though your heart did flips at his adorable eagerness, you couldn’t stop your mind from wandering further. 
the way his hands moved along with each of his words to fully enunciate them, your mind flicking to images of his fingers plunging in and out of you. his lips moving so quickly, tongue slipping out every once in a while due to the speed of his words, more dirty images flashing across your mind. 
not being able to take it anymore, you pushed spencer down on to the couch, his ramble quickly coming to an end as he peered up at you, brown eyes wide and pupils dilated. “why don’t you tell me your plan for our garden while i ride your cock?” you rasped out, spencer visibly gulping at your sentence. “uh, um..” “spit it out spence,” “yes please! please...want it,” spencer whimpered. 
you unbuckled spencer’s pants, tapping the side of his hip for him to lift up so that you could pull them down his legs. you began to palm spencer through his boxers, spencer letting out a soft moan at the sensation, “fuck, need it please!” spencer pleaded. you smiled up at him, reaching for the hem of his boxers, but before you could tap his hip for him to lift up, spencer’s hips were already raised off of the couch. 
you grinned at that, peeling spencer’s boxers off of his legs, now facing his cock. it looked almost painful, how hard he was. you lightly circled your finger on the tip, spencer whimpering loudly. “grab the book spence,” you ordered. “huh?” spencer spoke, confused, but also slowly becoming lost in the slight pleasure you were giving him, truly trying to hold himself back from thrusting his hips up for more. “did i stutter,” you spoke sternly, looking up at spencer, moving your tongue down to the base of his cock to lick a stripe up his length. 
spencer moaned, hands fumbling for the hard-covered book. “now why’d this book have you so set on starting a garden? you’ve got to provide some evidence, pretty boy,” you spoke, as your hand lightly jerked spencer’s cock. spencer racked his brain more than usual, his thoughts becoming hazy from the pleasure as he tried to recall what pages he had read. he flipped through the book as your mouth suckled on his tip, spencer moaning for a moment as he flipped to the page he had remembered. “th-this is the result of my experience in raising beans,” spencer began reading.
spencer groaned as your began to bob your mouth up and down his cock, pausing his reading for a moment as he moaned at the feeling. “fuck,” the word sounding so foreign coming out of spencer’s mouth, “loo-look so pretty,” he groaned, and instead of voicing out a response calling him the pretty one, you began to suck more eagerly at the compliment. you tapped his thigh to signal for him to keep reading as he moaned, picking the book back up. 
“but abo-above all,” spencer’s words were shakier than before, his breaths becoming more shallow, “harvest as early as-shit!..possible,” spencer couldn’t contain it anymore, moans falling out of his lips with ease, as he attempted to thrust into your mouth. “fuck! fuck! i’m gonna cum please,” spencer moaned. you jerked your hand quicker at his words, focusing your tongue on the tip of his cock, as spencer’s whimpers grew in volume, and finally, with a loud moan, his cum flooded your throat. 
you jerked his cock leisurely until you felt you had fully milked him for all he was worth, pulling away and sticking out your tongue to show him the cum you held in your mouth. spencer groaned at the sight as you swallowed his cum, not enjoying the taste, but not hating it either. “fuck that was so good,” spencer said softly.
“who said we were done?” you grinned at spencer, as his mouth fell agape, “but-but i can’t,” “sure you can spence, look your cock is still hard, that’s an issue we’re gonna have to solve yeah?” “but i-i just came, i don’t know if i can- it’s not,” you cut him off, your hand turning his face so that his eyes met yours. 
“let’s pause for a moment, yeah?” you spoke softly, pausing the scene you had dived into. “if you really don’t think you can, tell me. i won’t be mad. and if at any moment you can’t take anymore, tell me and i’ll stop like this-” you snapped. “but if you think you can be a good boy, and take one more, tell me.” you rubbed your thumb against his hot cheek as he looked at you so innocently. 
“i-i can take it,” he whispered. “are you sure, i’m okay either way, i want this to be good for you,” you smiled at him. “i want it. ple-please i need it,” spencer whimpered. 
you grinned at him, pulling his lips onto yours in a passionate kiss. “god, such a good boy,” you spoke, your words fluttering as you lowered your entrance down onto his cock. spencer’s moans were louder than before, his facial expressions so lewd at the incomprehensible pleasure he was receiving. “oh my! fuck!” he moaned as you began to grind on his cock.
“what happened to the book, spence?” you moaned as you continued to grind on his cock, “thought i told you to keep reading,”. spencer threw his head back at your words and at the pleasure he was receiving, lifting the book closer to his eyes, his glasses falling further down the bridge of his nose. you noted the light blush that had occupied his cheeks now that you were above him, and the way his mouth remained slightly agape, soft whimpers flowing out of it. 
not even a second later, spencer’s hand fell back down onto the couch, the book along with it. “fuck i-i can’t read anymore! just need- just need to cum!”, groans and moans flying from spencer’s mouth. “yeah? gonna be a good boy and cum for me? god i’m so close spence,” you spoke. spencer took your words as initiative, his hands flying to your hips as he rocked you back and forth on his cock. your own moans growing in volume as you locked onto spencer’s lips, tongues slotting against the other’s. 
“fuck i’m gonna cum spence!” “please cum, please!” spencer begged, not sure how much longer he could hold on. your walls convulsed at spencer’s words, the wave of your orgasm washing over you as you creamed all over spencer’s cock. spencer moaned “ah! ah! ah!” in succession, each moan growing louder until he came, the warmth spreading inside of your walls, “fuck!” spencer all but screamed.
you both sat, spencer’s cock still inside of you, your head resting on his shoulder. “so we should definitely start a garden,” you smiled at him. spencer’s smile genuine at your words, his expression soft as he recovered from the two orgasms he had. “let me go get you some water,” you spoke softly as you lifted yourself off of his spencer’s cock, wincing at the slight burn.
you walked into the kitchen, grabbing a glass from the cabinet, pouring water from the tap into the cup, as his cum began to slowly leak down your legs. “here you go,” you spoke softly as you sat down next to spencer who was still trying to steady his breathing. you rubbed his chest softly, comforting him as he drank his water. “let’s get you in the bath yeah?” spencer nodded as you grabbed his hand leading him to the bathroom. 
you turned on the bath water, grabbing a lavender bath bomb from under your sink cabinet. you sat the bath bomb on the side of the tub, walking over the toilet to go through your after-sex routine.
there you sat in the bath, spencer in between your legs as you traced your fingernails across his shoulder blades. “so what do you wanna grow first? i was thinking bell peppers,” spencer turned around, smiling up at you as he nodded enthusiastically. 
i hope you guys enjoyed! this is my first spencer reid x reader fic, so i hope it’s okay! i just planted a few shrubs and vegetables myself so i felt this was fitting. i appreciate all the love on my previous fics, thank you guys so much! drink some water, remind yourself that you are enough and you are worthy.  
thank you for reading, have a good day! 
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