#Fox... For very tragic reasons...
8-0mph · 6 months
Will Fox!Betty ever get her memories back? How does her and Simon’s dynamic evolve?
Hmm. The main reason Betty was put in Ooo as a fox was because Prismo wanted her to continue living on, and needed to disguise her so the auditors cannot find her.
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Due to this she has no memories, theyre all locked away in Golb, her “true” body. Because of this she is very conflicted in her new identity, she feels like she is trapped in the wrong body but cant quite figure out what her old body was.
Their first meeting isnt a good impression. Simon just had all of his notes stolen by a band of foxes and sees fox!Betty as a culprit. He is always trying to shoo her away or ignore her, and is pretty harsh towards her. He warms up to her once she manages to steal the notes back from the foxes with Simon’s help.
When fox!Betty tries to remember the past, or sees photos of her human self in Simon’s room, it gives her headaches. Though as she starts to live with Simon more she receives flashes of her past life-only barely. Especially when he rambles on about his past to her.
Update: Fox!Betty only transforms into a human form when sleeping/unconscious. Sometimes she will have fox ears or a tail depending on how deep the sleep is. The first time Simon notices this, he assumes he is hallucinating. He doesnt find out about her human form until later on. He refuses to let her stay in his room, so he avoids seeing her in this form for a while.
I havent decided where fox!Betty and Simon will go, but I like to think that when they do find out her true identity.. things are very awkward. He was under the impression that she was just an annoying stranger crashing at his place and occasionally helping him out, so it makes things complicated. And fox!Betty doesnt have the memories of Simon that she feels shes supposed to have.
At this point Simon has moved on with his life and mostly pushed away his feelings for Betty down to a manageable level, so he feels like all that progress is being torn down now that shes here. In this strange form.
Simon doesnt find out fox!Betty is Betty for a bit, he recognizes some similarities between the two. They become actually pretty good buddies.. after a while.
The two of them need to learn to accept each other. Simon accepting this is the way Betty will be, and Betty accepting her new form. Maybe then things will change, like beauty and the beast.. without the romance. Lol. Just kidding I like angst so it will end tragically somehow.
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yzy-dragon · 10 months
I absolutely ADORED S2E9 "Three Stories" of Link Click and was a bit surprised to see the discontent here on Tumblr, and I totally understand the reasons why people didn't like it, especially in the context of the pacing of the rest of S2 (which I also have some opinions on but I won't talk about that here), but I also felt the need to just get my heart out why I love it so much. A bit of background, I'm Chinese American but have lived in and visited China numerous times.
Music and theater. As a western classical musician and an amateur Chinese opera singer enthusiast (I saw someone else post about the possible inspo this episode got from Chinese opera), I VIBED with the artistic direction of this episode SO much. The three-part structure was almost like a sonata/symphony (and remember that one scene where Qian Jin was air-conducting in a previous episode!!) or scene changes in a Chinese opera. Nothing needs to be said about the animation style that hasn't been said already, but I like how scenes from the three individual "stories" were interwoven and reused like leitmotifs. Especially that crazy, tortured laughter. Idk if any of the parallels were intentional on the part of the director, but it's what I got from it due to my personal experiences. I know that's a highly subjective takeaway though, which brings me to my next point....
Qian Jin's "tragic" backstory. I know a lot of people were upset that the extent of Qian Jin's tragic backstory was "oh his wife cheated on him", but I think the "basicness" of his struggles was the whole point (by the way, this segment displayed various attitudes towards work, family, marriage, individual pride, and life in mainland China so subtly but so well!). I also don't think sympathy was the main thing we were supposed to feel for him, although of course there is some. The whole "tragicomedy" aspect of Qian Jin's story is that it's not some horrible, terrible, rare thing that happened to him, but a common problem faced by so many hardworking but busy married men trying to provide for their families: infidelity. But Qian Jin sees himself as the main character of an elaborate play that rivals the great dramatic classics (which, funnily enough, often depicted very DRAMATIZED versions of a rather basic series of events). And his viewpoint is validated when....
Qian Jin meets the twins. That segment is still largely from Qian Jin's perspective, because we still don't really know how LTC and LTX even feel about him. But for Qian Jin, it's a stroke of fate and fortune that could only possibly happen in theater. He's very far removed from reality at this point. Reality is that a cop whose job it is to investigate violent crime comes across two kids who are the victims of a violent crime. Again, nothing particularly special or even coincidential. It's comical like that.
The fairy tale section.  Unlike the first two, I think this segment is from Xixi’s perspective, which not only justifies the cartoony artstyle but also makes it heartbreaking, due to her childlike innocence.  Like Qian Jin, she also perceives her reality as something it’s not, but unlike him, she doesn’t have delusions of grandeur of being a tragic protagonist.  It’s just a little fox trying to survive in a forest full of predators and hunters.  
All that tortured laughter. I’ve actually noticed in a lot of Chinese media that they like to use laughter as a way of signifying a person’s complete mental breakdown due to the tragedies they’ve suffered.  It’s a very internal thing that has people on the outside going, “WTF?”  In this episode we have a lot of characters crazily laughing together at the same time and it seems like they’re relating to each other, but in reality they’re all trapped in their own nightmarish hells and motivated by selfish purposes. 
Back to the topic of Qian Jin, even though he (innaccurately) may see himself as the hero of his own story, it's not enough for him. He wants to use Cheng Xiaoshi to change the past. He wants to become the director of the play.
I know a lot of people were disappointed this episode didn't advance the plot, especially in regard to Cheng Xioashi and Lu Guang's storylines, but I was actually prepared for a backstory episode and couldn't have been more satisfied. Again, I have other opinions on the rest of S2 but at least standalone, I think this episode was nearly perfect. And I really wasn't expecting this, but it's really elevated Qian Jin to one of my top characters.
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itsscromp · 7 months
Foxy the pirate x reader
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For one reason or another, since watching the fnaf movie, Foxy has slowly become my favourite animatronic, So here I have the most wholesome story possible. Word count:1.3K
1981: You celebrated your mom's friend's daughter's birthday at Freddy Fazbear's pizzeria. As much as you tried to have fun, being the toddler you were, you got bored quickly, so your mom decided to help keep you entertained by bringing you to the stage where the animatronics were. Seeing Freddy, Bonnie and Chica sing and dance as your mom gently bounced you. It was pretty fun, But you noticed another stage that had its curtains closed. The stage person then got on and spoke into the micrphone.
"Hey everyone !!! Freddy and the gang have a new friend, Please give a warm pirate welcome to Foxy !!!!!" They pressed a button and out came a pirate fox animatronic.
"Momma !!! Fox, Fox !!!!" You shrieked happily, Pointing to him.
"I know y/n, Isn't it exciting." She smiled.
"Yarr ahoy they me matey's, you be ready to dance the dead man's jig ??" Foxy said to the children, Responding with loud cheers as Foxy began to move and sing his shanty. "You can be a pirate but first you must lose an arm and leg" The children joining in soon after.
You even joined into the shanty, You loved Foxy and you only met him for 5 minutes, like if someone was to meet their best friend for the first time. This was you and Foxy. Once the shanty was over, he unfortunately had to say goodbye for now. But you were all allowed to give Foxy a hug and a picture with him, You begged your mom to go which she obliged. Bringing you over to Foxy which she then first took the picture and you turned to foxy.
"I liked... your... singing" You smiled at him, Looking up at the tall animatronic. To which he moved his ears and closed his eye, smiling at you. Leaning down and hugging you. You hugged Foxy back, He was so fluffy too.
Ever since then, you begged your mom to go see Foxy again. It was almost like you two would be inseparable. She did bring you again a year later after much begging. You immediately rushed over to Pirates Cove and waited for Foxy to come out. Excited to see him once again. Once Foxy emerged from the stage, he looked down and waved at you, immediately recognizing you as he began to sing his shanty. You were easily the loudest of the bunch singing his shanty. Oh, how you were loving every moment. Once it was over, he turned to you and invited you on the stage. Without hesitation, you climbed up as he gently placed his paw on you. "You be a fine member of me crew, We now be partners in crime" He said as he handed you a pirate hat.
"Thank you" You smiled and placed it on your head, giggling.
"Now give me yer best ARRRRR"
"Arrrrr" You giggled at him.
You hugged Foxy tightly as he leant down and hugged you as well.
"We be the best of mates to the very end of the sands of time."
2000: you were now 21 years old, The moments with Foxy was one you would always treasure. Freddy Fazbear's closed down in 1983 after a tragic accident involving a child being hurt by an animatronic. You missed the place, wishing to see Foxy again. Would he even recognise you as well ??
You still even had the old photo from your mom, you would look at it whenever you felt down and would smile every damn time. You decided to one day look around to see if the pizzeria was still their.
High and low you looked around town and you were beginning to lose hope, Maybe they must've demolished it after the incident. You started to grow sad.
"I'm sorry foxy..." You said to yourself. All you wanted was to see your friend again, Hopefully he is in a better new place, entertaining many more children somewhere in the country.
But as you were driving, you saw a familiar place, the familiar colours and then... the sign, Seeing the Freddy Fazbear logo. It was still here !! After all this time, It was still here. But it lost the TLC it was known for, The paint and signs were grotty and gross. But still standing.
You parked your car at the front, and seeing the place again after all this time, was just nothing but amazing. your childhood was back. But you knew you couldn't get in, *sigh* Ah the hell with it you only live once.
So you went around the place and found a wooden panel. Seemingly open to reveal an open vent. Beginning to crawl in to reveal the vent lid inside. As hard as possible you pushed as hard as possible until it then fell to the ground.
Crawling inside, you got up, dusted yourself off and looked around waiting for your eyes to adjust to the darkness. Seeing all the familiar sights. It was a trip down memory lane. You then looked around and then found the power box. The place springing to life once again.
Walking back to the main area, seeing everything again. Your smile widened even bigger. Everything was still here, The games, the decorations. Hell, even the ball pit was still there, you turned around and then saw the stage. The curtain's closed. So now your mission was to get them open., You then found the showtime button and then pressed it.
"Please work please work."
The curtains were pulled and the music started to play, and there they were. The animatronics, Singing and dancing again. They looked a little dirty and dusty from being stuck there for a long time. You then looked over at the stage next to it, the curtains opened up revealing him... Foxy... You were so overwhelmed with emotions seeing him again.
Although he looked a little more damaged, his body had holes in it and his legs were now fully metal. But you didn't care, he was there !!!.
"Hello again old friend" You said quietly as you walked up to the stage.
But one thing that you noticed once the song was finished, Foxy was still moving around, and then... he started to move, looking over at you... his eye glowed red. Like if he was ready to defend himself. You were growing scared, wondering what to do.
"Fo... Foxy It's me..." You said to him.
But it wasn't working he raised his hook at you, and it looked sharp as all. You needed to do something as quick as possible. Think y/n, think. And then you remembered, his shanty.
"You... You... You can be a pirate... but first you have to lose an arm and leg..." You sang to him, looking at his face... it was as if he was recognizing it. You sang it again, but in it's more familiar tone. "You can be a pirate. but first you have to lose an arm and leg" You sang to him.
Foxy's eye stopped glowing red as he looked at you, his ears moving around a bit as he looked at you. You then took out the photo from your pocket and showed him it. "This is us... You gave me a hat... Made me apart of your crew" You pointed to your baby you.
Foxy looked at the photo and then at you again, his ears moving around and his mouth moving too excitedly, his voice box was unfortunately broken from the many years of neglect. But he recognized you, His loyal matey.
You smiled so wide and gently hugged him. Being mindful of the damage, He gently wrapped his arms around you too. His voice box sounded a bit glitchy but you could make out what he was trying to say. "My...M...y...My...Ma...Matey" He said.
"I'll fix you up pal... don't worry" You smiled at him.
You would be determined to help bring Foxy to what he was back in 1981. You were partners in crime through and through no matter what.
Taglist: @callofdudes @fun-k-board @gooptoshi
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lolokouhm · 8 months
Imagine Megumi being a kitsune and he finds love with a shrine maiden! Reader who previously took care of him when he was in fox form? Feel free to make this fluffy or smut, idk.
thinking about Kitsune!Megumi, whose heart and soul break into a million pieces after the tragic death of his beloved goddess.
thinking about Kitsune!Megumi, who leaves the shrine and wanders for 300 years in his fox form, killing, destroying and toying with human lives, trying to forget about his own, burning pain - without any success. he cannot comprehend it - why would she give her life for these worthless creatures? his rampage goes on, and as his soul gets ripped to shreds with every kill, he's finally left with nothing, but an overwhelming emptiness and complete disregard for every life, including his own.
thinking about Kitsune!Megumi, who gets outsmarted for the first time in his lifetime by no other, than a mere human. it's a stupid trap - a trick he shouldn't have fallen for. maybe he's just tired. maybe he just doesn't care anymore. maybe he wants to die.
thinking about Kitsune!Megumi, who didn't expect that the one who would bring the death to him would have such delicate hands. even though he is barely conscious when your fingers graze over his bristling fur, Megumi is still able to hear your rapid heartbeat and feel your warmth when you scoop his limp body into your arms and press it tightly to your chest - if he had just a little more strength, he'd gladly open his eyes to see what kind of creature is that soft, but his eyelids are simply too heavy.
thinking about Kitsune!Megumi, who is more than surprised when he wakes up in the morning and finds out that, apparently, he's not dead yet. what's even more surprising - he's not alone. and when you open your mouth and say how relieved you are that he woke up, he finally gets it. he almost laughs at how perverse fate can be, looking at your pure smile and traditional outfit. you are a shrine maiden, and, judging by the looks of the room he's in, he's at a shrine. again.
thinking about Kitsune!Megumi who is still recovering, but the wounds don't heal well at all, despite your best efforts. you don't give up though - you feed him (even though he doesn't really eat at first), apply the ointment to his wounds and talk to him, even when he pretends he's asleep. at first, he finds it incredibly irritating, but as you babble and ramble about the life in the shrine for days, even weeks, Megumi starts to grow fond of your stories.
thinking about Kitsune!Megumi, who's gone when you enter the room after a few weeks. right before you start to panic, a ridiculously handsome, dark-haired young man enters the room, dressed in neat, traditional robes and just one look into his eyes is enough to know who he is. you stare at Megumi, standing right in front of you, in his human form, arms crossed, as a soft, quiet "thank you" leaves his lips, and your cheeks burn brighter than ever when his cold, immense gaze falls on your face.
thinking about Kitsune!Megumi, who finally talks to you, and even though your conversations still mostly consist of you saying some shit and him listening to it, they feel... good. there's a warmth to you he felt when you held him for the first time and Megumi still feels it - and finds it incredibly captivating.
thinking about Kitsune!Megumi, who finds himself making a contract with the deity of the shrine, just to be able to stay close to you. it seems like the warmth is contagious, because as the time goes, he starts to feel it not only when you're by his side, but also when he simply thinks of you - and that's a very dangerous territory. a territory that comes with overwhelming guilt for his past actions.
thinking about Kitsune!Megumi, who gets more curious about you in the next months, spends more time with you and wants to get closer to you - to the point it physically hurts. he knows your touch - you've touched him countless times, but for some reason, he longs for it in this form, in the human one. he'd sometimes walk past you in the gardens and play with a strand of your hair, just to get this little, cute giggle out of you - a sound so heavenly, it drives him insane. but that's all he can do. he simply cannot let himself stain you - after all, you're pure. so pure, and he's just filthy. the feeling grows and grows - until he cannot stand it anymore.
thinking about Kitsune!Megumi, who just confesses to you. right in the middle of the night, under the moonlight, sitting on a wooden bench. With shaking hands and trembling voice, Megumi tells you all about the past, his past, and he cannot even look at you - he just doesn't want to see the disgust and the hatred in your eyes. no, he cannot see that - that would be too much to bear, a price he's not prepared to pay, at least not now. before he knows it, he cannot see anything at all, as the guilt and the pain he couldn't get rid of crawls out of him - and he cries. the tears fall down his beautiful face, more and more of them, and even though the feeling is weirdly relieving itself, the true purification comes in form of your warm hands on his cheeks.
thinking about Kitsune!Megumi, who spends the night in your arms, confessing not only his crimes, but also his feelings - and just before the exhaustion worth of 300 years of pain gets the best of him, he can feel your lips on his forehead, as light as a feather and hotter than fire. you don't hate him. you couldn't hate him. and by the time he falls asleep, you make sure he knows that.
thinking about the shrine's deity, who's more than content to see the reincarnation of her best friend find her way back to the one she loved. and even though love is the most twisted curse of all, it still is an incredibly beautiful one, isn't it?
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bestgameostcrownduel · 6 months
Round 1, Side B: Undertale (2015) vs Hollow Knight (2017)
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Undertale | Hollow Knight
Campaigns under the cut!
Campaign for Undertale:
i don't know what i can even say about the undertale soundtrack except that Toby Fox's mastery of mood and leitmotif is just masterful, and as good as it is on its own it feels absolutely mindblowing in-context.
Look there’s a REASON why “megalovania” became a meme and it’s because it genuinely is that good, and it’s not even the best track in the game!!! There have been multiple cases of professional musicians blind reacting to the soundtrack and A: loving it and B: managing to accurately predict the events happening while a given track plays in-game based purely on the leitmotifs and composition techniques used. Sooo many video essayists and such use undertale music in the background of their videos, and not even the big well known tracks but the calmer more incidental music, because it’s just so good. The soundtrack is good enough to justify a whole orchestral concert of just music from this game. My personal favourites are the title track “Undertale”, “Hopes and Dreams”, and “Waterfall” and even narrowing it down to just those three just now took me ages because every track is a banger
it's undertale
TBH Undertale isn't the music that has changed my brain the most but it is the one where all the discourse is so old it is now stupid. Anyway. Sans Undertale website. Psionic warriors vote for the funny bone man and his funny bone music.
It's got so many good songs. Fallen Down is my personal favorite but it's got amazing boss music and I have to mention Megalovania. A lot of it is composed with the same notes just in different patterns. Which, I know that's whay music is but I can't explain it better. all the music fits together well.
Campaign for Hollow Knight:
every song is specifically made to fit with the area/boss it plays for. Crystal Peak includes "shimmery" noises to evoke the image of crystals, Soul Sanctum has a haunted sort of feel to it, Nosk feels like skittering and it's very quick- anxiety-inducing if you will. it has an uncanny feel to it, which helps with Nosk's role as a mimic luring you in as prey. Sealed Vessel is very emotional, high-energy but resigned and tragic. as the Hollow Knight weakens, its song does as well and it directly leads into the Radiance's theme. point being that all the songs have a purpose and very well designed for said purpose
Hollow Knight has an incredibly atmospheric soundtrack. It's got great area themes that just feel exactly like what they're trying to represent, and its boss themes, especially, are phenomenal - which is important for a game with so many bosses, as it works well to distinguish them and make them memorable. It's also important for a game where you'll be fighting said bosses over and over again lmao
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owlwithanapple · 23 days
Bird & Fox
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Chapter 10
Daddy Bruce meet Y/N
Bruce POV
Today I am about return to Gotham City, which I have been missing so much. I have been busy traveling and entertaining business these few days. and slept less than five hours. I need to go back get a good sleep, otherwise not be able to bear the night patrol. It is really busy to supervise Batman and Bruce Wayne both at the same time.
There so many tasks this time, I can't spare so much time to deal with them. I am very glad Dick and Jason share the pressure with me. At first, I was quite worried about Jason's temper. After all, he is not good at saying good things in business. But I heard from Dick that it went quite smoothly and nothing happened. I can rest assured to finish my work in advance and go home early.
The plane landed on the runway at the airport, which means I am closer to home. I got off the plane looked at my watch. It was already 12 noon. I went to the baggage claim to get my luggage and prepared to leave the airport. After I took out my phone to confirm the recovery status, I contacted Alfred to prepare lunch. The long-lost happy time is finally coming.
I received a message from Damian, I clicked it to see.
🐮: Father, can you help me pick up Titus on the way home?
🐮: I took him to physical examination this morning.
🦇: Sure. Same place, right?
🐮: Yes, thank you, father.
🐮: I'll go to class first.
🦇: OK.
Damian is arrogant and conceited, can't let go of his heavy self-esteem, and is determined to surpass everyone, but he is very patient and careful in taking care of animals. Thanks to him, the animals at home grow up healthily. At least I can let him handle these things without worrying about it.
I picked up my luggage, dragged it to the parking lot find my car. I put in the trunk and sat in the driver's seat. I leaned back and squinted for a while. Although I was away on business for a few days, I felt I hadn't seen my car for a long time when I saw it. The car as quiet and clean as usual. When I saw the car, I thought of Jason's car. I don't know how it was handled. I'll ask later.
I took out my phone, looked back at the chat history with Damian, confirmed the location of the pet clinic where I was going to pick up Titus. After the screen in the car was set, I took off my coat and threw it on the back seat, like throwing a heavy burden back. I rolled up the sleeves of my shirt and started turning the steering wheel. I stepped on the accelerator drove the car, leaving the airport parking lot and driving on the wide road.
As I drove along, I remembered Dick and Jason's flight was in the afternoon or evening. If I remembered correctly, Alfred took them to the airport. I would ask them later if they needed me to pick them up. Although I find everything about work annoying and tiring, I am happy to do things related to my family because it is the life I want, and this is also one of the reasons why I went home.
Once, I was young and ignorant, and couldn't protect my parents. They lost their lives in front of me. Since then, I have always regretted why I was so cowardly and incompetent. I transformed into Dark Knight Batman to fight criminals protect this city and the world. I love this city and my family deeply, I don't want them to be stained by any stain.
But becoming Batman is not an easy thing, especially the tragic incident of Joker imprisoning Jason. He suffered unimaginable tortures, a lot of pain and humiliation. I can't bear to imagine how he survived, when I saw him again, he was no longer the sunny, cheerful and naughty boy I knew.
From then, his temper changed drastically, became more irritable, and his nerves became so tense. He never came home again, and fought violence everywhere, living a crazy life. I arrested and tried to keep him several times, but no matter what I did, I couldn't win his heart back. I was heartbroken and hated myself for not avenging him at that time, which made things worse.
Being a good father and a hero is not as simple as imagined. I am also a businessman. I have money but I am not the ideal father that everyone wants. I regret and blame myself for not protecting Jason and everyone, which planted a seed of fear in everyone. I can understand everyone gradually alienated me, but no matter what, I always remember and believe that my children are the best.
But I am really grateful I have Dick. I am not good at expressing my emotions, he always helps me out gives me advice, brings me and Jason together. Recently, I can see Jason coming home from time to time. Although I don’t talk much with him, he and Damian always have conflicts, I am satisfied to see him eating and chatting at the table.
Jason’s recent transformation is obviously influenced by Dick’s personality, it may also be related to his new friends. I have always been curious about which girl can change Jason’s irritable personality into a cautious one. He has not introduced her to everyone yet. I have asked Alfred, even he has never seen her. He is really protecting her carefully.
Dick and I thought about abusing our authority to do some investigation out of curiosity, but thinking about it, curiosity is not a good thing. Jason and I finally entered the stage of reconciliation. If I abuse my authority to investigate his friends, it is equivalent to invading his privacy. If he knows, may not even go home and fall out with family. I don't want to let it go to such a point.
Turning a corner, I arrived at the pet clinic Damian mentioned. I parked the car outside the door and got out of the car. I opened the glass door and stepped in. I walked to the front desk to ask about Titus's situation. Before waiting for the front desk reply to me, I noticed a furry Corgi dog spinning in circles as if it was having fun with itself.
I went to check it out. This breed of dog is rare. The owner seems be very careful. The hair is well groomed. The name tag on its collar is called Kirin. What language is it from? What a strange and unique name. It is so well-behaved playing with itself. I stretched out my hands try to touch it, it fell to the ground with belly facing up without any resistance.
I asked the front desk curiously, "Where is the owner?"
The person at the front desk came up to explain to me, "Its owner is buying dog food nearby and will be back later."
At this time, the veterinarian came out and said, "Hello, Mr. Wayne. Titus still has a final check to do. Please wait a moment.
I nodded, "I understand."
What kind of owner is this? The dog play here so well and not bark loudly, does not affect other people at all. The most important thing is not afraid of strangers and allows me to touch it. While waiting, I sat next to and played with it. Dogs are spiritual animals. They will do something to heal people according to their mood. Should I consider raising a corgi? It looks cute and warm.
After playing for a while, the dog suddenly stood up ran to the glass door, barking and jumping a few times outside. A girl stood outside the glass door with an eco-bag in her hand. The dog was so excited to see her and kept rolling on the ground. The girl standing outside made strange movements to make it happy. Then the girl opened the glass door and walked in. She put down the eco-bag in her hand and pointed at the corgi dog with a gun gesture.
"Kirin! Ochiru!" She gave the command, the corgi fell to the ground. This corgi was so powerful and well-trained, it could respond to a movement or unfamiliar words.
After a while, I heard "Kirin! Okiru!", the corgi stood up again ran to the girl, spinning around her feet.
After that, the corgi came to me and circled around me. Seeing this, the girl smiled walked forward to look at the corgi. She covered her face with her hands and then opened them to make faces. The corgi jumped and looked very happy. I squatted down and held it in my hands. The corgi licked my face to show its friendliness.
"Kirin, atarashī tomodachi?"
(Kirin, your new friend?)
She spoke to the corgi in a fluent foreign language, the corgi responded with a bark. She nodded to show that she understood, then looked at me again. At this time, her expression was a little confused. She blinked several times as if to confirm me again and again. She clenched her fist on her palm and her eyes were wide open.
She pointed at me with a smile on her face. "Are you Bruce Wayne?"
I touched the soft fur of the corgi and nodded. "Yes, it's me. Are you the owner of this little cutie?"
She nodded to me and answered my questions enthusiastically, asked cautiously and worriedly, "Yes, did my little cutie cause you any trouble?"
I shook my head and said, "No, very cute and well-behaved." But I didn't understand why the Corgi kept sniffing me, as if it was very familiar with my smell. I put it on the ground carefully, but it still walked around my feet. Does it like to stick me?
I looked back at her expression showed that she admired me very much. Her feet rubbed on the ground as she had something to say. Her hands were hidden behind her back, I didn't know what she was doing. She took a deep breath faced me. She stretched out her trembling hands to shake hands with me. She was nervous about this kind of thing.
"Umm...Mr Wayne, I'm honored to meet you. Thank you very much for taking care of my little cutie. Can I shake your hand..."
A beautiful young girl took the courage to reach out to me. I thought only ladies would know me, but I didn't expect such a young girl would admire me. She must have seen me on TV a lot, so she recognized me. I shook her hand without hesitation to show my friendliness. "Hello, I should thank you for letting me play with your dog. What's your name?"
"Y/N. The little cutie is Kirin." She simply introduced herself and the dog.
Knowing her name, I smiled and thanked her, but I was curious about what language she just spoke, so I tried to ask, "What language did you speak just now?"
"Just now? Oh! Japanese. I'm Japanese." She told me about herself.
I was surprised. She spoke fluent Japanese and standard English. I could hear every word clearly. The girl who could express the language fluently and colloquially was great to have bilingual skills. It was unexpected to meet her in such an occasion.
"Mr Wayne, Titus has been examined. Here is the report." The veterinarian handed him the report. I took it and looked at Titus. He was avoiding me a little. It was indeed Damian who had been taking care of him. He was more attached to Damian than me, which was right. The current worry was how to get him to the car and go home.
I saw Y/N happily walk forward to greet Titus. They looked into each other's eyes. Then I saw a miracle. Titus circled around her as if he was acting cute to her. Y/N held Kirin and introduced her dog Kirin to Titus in a friendly way. It showed her friendly side. Maybe I could ask her to help take care of Titus.
I pressed her shoulder. She looked back at me. I tried to ask, "Can you do me a favor? Titus doesn't like to stick to me. Can you help me take him to the car?"
Her eyes lit up and nodded enthusiastically, "No problem! Leave it to me!"
She walked towards Titus with great interest and petted him. Titus stuck to her like a spoiled child. This was one of her charms. Maybe I could introduce him to Dick and the others. People of similar age could become good friends. It's not bad to have one more friend to play with.
I walked in front of her and opened the door in a gentlemanly and elegant manner, wanting to leave a good impression on her. She thanked with a smile and bowed in response, then took Titus away. I opened the back seat took the coat away, letting Titus get in the car then closed the door. Y/N stood outside the car holding Kirin waved goodbye to Titus.
When Y/N walked away from the car, Titus suddenly barked at the mirror desperately, as if calling Y/N. I realized something was wrong and turned to the back seat to comfort him, but ignored me completely. I had no choice and get out of the car ask her for help.
She turned around, still holding Kirin in her arms. "Mr Wayne! What's wrong?"
I pointed at the car, could see it shaking. "Do me another favor. Titus is restless in the car. Can you come with me? When he behaves himself, I will take you home. I will reward you."
She thought a moment and nodded with my willful request. "No problem."
I opened the passenger door for her and let her get in. It turned out that asking her for help was the right thing to do. She turned to the back chatted with Titus. Titus was completely docile like a child. I was lucky to meet her, otherwise I would not know what time I would have to go home. Before driving, I told Alfred that there would be guests coming to visit, and asked him to prepare lunch for two in advance.
I looked at the sunny energetic scenes in the passenger seat and the back seat, I felt extremely happy. Her cheerful and generous personality must be loved by everyone. She was a bit like Dick, even I was infected. Although there were voices and barking in the car, I didn't mind the noise. I felt this was more like my ideal family life. The family went out play and went back to have a good meal.
After arriving home, I opened the passenger door to let her get out of the car and then opened the door for Titus. I opened the trunk and took the luggage out of the car. I glanced saw Y/N's eyes and mouth opened in surprise when she saw the manor. I was used to it, but it was funny to see this reaction occasionally. I dragged the luggage and held the coat to open the door for her.
"Welcome, please come in." I smiled.
"Thank you, Mr Wayne." She replied politely and stepped into the manor.
"Welcome back, Master Wayne. Welcome, Miss Y/N. I'm Alfred, the housekeeper of this house." Alfred came over with hot tea. Her eyes were still wide open, but she recovered and bowed politely in front of Alfred.
"Alfred, take care of her for me. I'll change my clothes and come back." I dragged my luggage back to the room first. As soon as I stepped into the room, I saw the soft comfortable big bed that I really missed. It was hundreds of times better than the bed in the hotel. I put my luggage away, changed into a set of clean clothes and left the room.
I heard lively laughter. I looked down from upstairs saw Alfred chatting with Y/N. It seemed they got along well. This girl was really lovely. She was always optimistic and positive when facing strangers. Titus and Kirin were playing on the sofa. It felt like there were more members in the family. She noticed me looking and waved enthusiastically. I laughed softly came down to meet them.
From the conversation, I learned she immigrated here alone. As the saying goes, can't judge a person by appearance. Such a young girl has such courage to come to a strange city. I admire her from the bottom of my heart. I found she and Alfred can chat well because she can cook. Alfred is just trying to learn about Japanese cuisine.
I invited her to have lunch with me. She sat obediently on the chair showed her temperament with a dignified and generous image. I said, "Eat it while it's hot." She nodded and start eating. After she put the first bite into her mouth chewed it, she covered her cheek with a happy smile. Alfred's cooking skills really did not disappoint.
"Is it to your liking?" Alfred poured the tea.
"It's delicious! Give me the recipe!" she told Alfred excitedly.
"That's really not possible~" Alfred said with a smile.
"You are so stingy!" She laughed.
After lunch, we went to the living room continue chatting. I just found out she is currently unemployed and looking for a job. I thought about whether to let her come to my company, but I am still not familiar with her way of dealing with things, so I put her on the list for the time being. After all, working in a company will be very stressful. I wonder if she has the ability to withstand pressure to help the company solve problems.
Chatting for a while, it was almost time. Alfred said goodbye to us left temporarily, because school was about to end and he had to pick up Damian, leaving me and Y/N with two dogs. I took a few bags of snacks to the living room, turned on the TV and chatted with her while eating snacks. It was so nice to indulge myself like this after a long time.
About 30 minutes later, I noticed she began yawn and eyes were about to close. Kirin and Titus had fallen asleep. I turned down the TV. I left the sofa went upstairs to tidy up an empty room, took new pillows and put them on the bed, turned on the air conditioner to let the room cool down, thinking of letting her rest in the room for a while before sending her back.
I back downstairs, she had fallen asleep on the sofa. I noticed the scars on her arms and the dark circles under her eyelids. I wondered how many hardships she had gone through. She must have let go of many things to be so optimistic and confident now. I squatted beside the sofa, looking at her sleeping face, which reminded me of Jason.
I laughed out loud and covered my mouth for fear of waking her up. After making sure she was asleep, I picked her up and brought her to the room just now. Her sleeping face in my arms was really nostalgic. In the past, Dick sometimes slept in the study room while doing homework, and occasionally Tim would fall asleep in the Batcave. I always brought them back to the room like this.
I carefully put her on the bed and covered with a blanket. Before I left the room, I looked back at her, if I had a daughter at home, it might be like this. She would be like Jason and Dick. I turned off the lights, closed the door, left the room, let her have a good sleep, and went back to the living room to wait for Damian.
After a while, the door opened and Damian stepped in. He took off his shoes and came to me with his schoolbag on his back. He put the schoolbag on the sofa. I took out Titus's health report and handed it to him. He took it and flipped through it page by page to check Titus' physical condition. At this time, Kirin woke up and barked at Damian twice.
"Father, is it a new dog?" Damian put down the report in his hand, squatted on the ground looked at Kirin. He looked at Kirin in front of him with shining eyes. He couldn't hold back his excitement. He buried his head in Kirin's furry belly.
"There is a guest at home. She raised it." He didn't realize that I was secretly taking pictures of his cute side.
"Guest? Where?" He looked around for someone.
I pointed to the room upstairs. "She is sleeping. I will introduce her to you when she wakes up."
"Understood, I will take a shower first and then come down." Damian took Titus' health report with his schoolbag and left the living room.
Jason POV
I finally had a good night's sleep in my long-missed home. Bruce too busy with work to handle, and he asked Dick to help. Who knew he would even ask me to help with the company's trivial matters? I was exhausted from dealing with those businessmen these days. What bullshit is it to get Bruce invest in the business?
I thought Dickhead was joking with me. He mentioned Bruce couldn't leave for a while, but he needed help urgently for work. I casually replied I was bored, then he took out the plane ticket and luggage forced it on me, telling me get ready and leave.
That guy had been plotting against me from the beginning, asking me to go with him to handle things. Can't underestimate Dickhead. I didn't even have a chance to contact Y/N and suddenly flew abroad to work, but I bought a lot of snacks there. I don't know if she likes it.
Dickhead stood at the gate with his luggage and pulled his tie, "I'm exhausted."
I kicked his ass complained, "I'm more tired than you, okay? The bomber, my car, and Bruce."
Dickhead scratched his head with a satisfied look on his face, "Sorry, I think there are some things you are better at and can help me with, so I asked you for help. I will patrol longer for you these few days cover your shift, and I will take care of your car. Please forgive me, Babybird!" He put his hands together and said sincerely.
I breathed a sigh of relief and loosened my tie, "You said it, I didn't force you, let's just write it off."
I opened the door was about to step into the house. Dickhead jumped up and hugged my neck, "Babybird! I knew you were the best! You are indeed the brother who loves me the most!"
At this time, Bruce stood behind the door, "I can hear your voices from inside."
I raised my hand to greet him, "Hi, Bruce."
Dickhead said enthusiastically, "We're back!"
I dragged my exhausted body into the house, took off the shoes and socks that I was not used to wearing, took off the tight suit jacket and hung it aside, put the souvenirs and luggage in a place to sort them out later, thought about going back to the room to have a good sleep before eating dinner.
"Woof woof woof!"
It should be demon brat's dog barking. I want to tell demon brat to calm his dog down because I am so fucking tired and irritated now. Then I saw demon brat's grimace and the corgi dog in his hand. I was stunned. When did this guy get such a cute dog? It doesn't match his face at all.
The corgi broke free from demon brat's hand ran to my feet. He kept barking and circling around my feet enthusiastically. I petted him and went back to my room to sleep. He suddenly bit my suit pants and barked again.
"What's going on?" Bruce asked curiously.
"Maybe he is hostile to annoying people." Demon brat mocked.
"So cute~ I want to touch it~" Dickhead interrupted.
I took a step back and the corgi took a step forward. I did it several times and he followed me. But this corgi looked so familiar. I looked at him for a long time wondered where I had seen him. Demon brat wanted to take him away, he ran behind me to hide, then wagged his cute little tail at me.
"Kirin?" I don't know why I blurted out this name.
"Kirin?!" I squatted on the ground and looked in surprise.
"Woof woof woof!" He excitedly circled around me, then fell on the ground let me touch his belly.
"It's really you!" I hugged him, and he licked my cheek happily.
"TT, why so close to annoying people?" Demon brat looked disgusted.
"Aren't you with mommy?" I touched his head.
"Do you know him?" Dickhead took a closer look.
I nodded and stroked his fur "My friend's dog. Wait... Why here? Is he lost?"
At this time, Bruce interrupted, "Um.. The corgi owner sleeping upstairs..."
I hugged Kirin and shouted in surprise, "Huh?!"
Chapter 10 End.
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AO3 Bird & Fox by owlwithanapple
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korrasamibottles · 8 months
Doesn't have to be the character you think is the most evil, just the one you most love to hate/hate to love. They suck severely but whenever they show up you can't look away.
Amon/Noatak - Bloodbender with a genuinely tragic backstory. Reinvents his entire identity and creates a sham political movement that exploits real tensions between benders and non-benders instead of going to therapy. Explodes at sea with his baby brother Tarrlok.
Hiroshi - Straight up tries to murder his daughter and then runs away like a coward. Bit of an elitist snob. Calls Mako a rat which is ironic considering he's the one spending a not-insignificant portion of his time skittering through a series of underground tunnels.
Varrick - Steals Asami's company and also every scene he's in. Invents the movie and immediately uses it for war propaganda. Has only a wisp of a ghost of a moral compass. Helps start at least two sectarian conflicts. Always has some kind of foot situation going on (bunions, calluses, etc.) and makes it everyone else's problem. Treats Zhu Li terribly and for some reason she agrees to marry him anyway.
Unalaq - Nasty little manipulator. Jealous of his hotter older brother so he gets him banished from their tribe. Was part of the Red Lotus plot to kidnap Korra as a baby. Has an arguably erotic encounter with the ancient Spirit of Darkness that makes him huge and also red (honestly it's an upgrade).
Raiko - Total loser who didn't want a tree growing through his office and was a massive bitch to Korra. Failpresident who coped with his re-election loss by starting the in-universe equivalent of Fox News.
Zaheer - Horrifically brutalizes Korra and then haunts her for like 4 years. Kills the Earth Queen and creates a power vacuum later exploited by Kuvira. The kind of guy you meet at a protest who seems cool at first but then he says something completely batshit that makes you want to back away slowly with your hands up.
Queen Hou-Ting - Shitty old despot whose favorite activities are abusing palace staff and bleeding her people dry. Hates animals. Literally her only redeeming quality is that she's related to Wu. Got very creatively murdered by Zaheer. Probably nobody cares about her but I needed more evil women for this poll hashtag feminism.
Aiwei - Funny little guy with some great jewelry who always knows when you're lying. Let Zaheer and Co. into Zaofu via a secret tunnel attached to his room. Currently enjoying a long vacation in the Fog of Lost Souls.
Kuvira - Created what was essentially a nuclear bomb and looked super hot while doing it. An ethnonationalist who put dissenters in camps and probably killed tens of thousands of people and was only mildly apologetic about it.
Guan - A less hot and less competent Kuvira. Brainwashes Asami, Mako, and Bolin into attacking Korra in the comics. Even more unsuccessful at politics than Raiko.
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science-lings · 1 year
For a possible prompt: Twilight showing a cat and her kittens to those of the chain who've never seen a cat before like Wild and Wind?
All that knew him, knew that Wild was impossible to keep stationary. He loved to wander and climb things, even when he wasn't traveling he tended to pace or at the very least fidget restlessly in place. Sleeping was always a battle, no matter how exhausted he was, he simply refused to settle down. Usually it took an equally stubborn wolf to pin him down for him to even attempt a nap.
It was a quiet morning in Lon Lon Ranch when Twilight was finally able to find a temporary solution. The day before, he had become friends with the ranch's incredibly friendly farm cat. Once he had gained her trust, she led him directly to a warm corner of the horse stables, where a litter of her tiny kittens awaited their arrival. They were too small to do more than stumble around on their own while crying for their mother, but just on the edge of being too large for her to carry them around by the scruff of their necks.
Needless to say, Twilight was MIA for a while after that.
However, the momma cat gave him an idea. Wild had awoken before the sun had fully risen, despite the fact that they had paused their travels and there was no conceivable reason for him not to take advantage of one of the rare safe mornings to sleep in. Twilight refused to consider that it was hypocritical that he was also awake this early for no reason.
The champion had settled sitting with his back against a tree, seemingly relishing the gentle quiet of the pre-waking world, breathing in the cool morning breeze, but posed in such a way that would suggest that any moment he was going to stand up and wander around. Twilight had to act before the kid had the chance to do so.
Wild was startled out of his thoughts by a sudden weight leaning against his side, he really didn't expect anyone else to be awake. He was about to utter a greeting when he saw what was in his mentor's grasp.
A tiny but strong squeaking noise that reminded him of a fox escaped the mouth of the palm-sized creature. He couldn't help but let out a gasp at the sheer smallness of the animal. His wide eyes snapped up to Twilight in a silent question that was delightfully answered when the baby... whatever it was, was handed over to him. He grinned when he realized that its fur was just as soft as it looked.
"I remembered that you don't really have cats in your time, which is incredibly tragic, so I decided that this is the perfect opportunity to educate you on something very important. This is a kitten."
"Its face kind of reminds me of a Lynel, but cute." Wild let the kitten curl up on his lap using his hand as a blanket.
"I guess a Lynel might be the closest thing you have to a cat..." Twilight muttered with a bit of horror in his voice. Wild merely laughed.
At this point, the mother cat had found them and her stolen baby, though she didn't seem very bothered. She sniffed Wild's bent elbow and rubbed up against him with a surprising aggressiveness. He patted her head, which she really seemed to enjoy. Despite this, she quickly left, seemingly satisfied with the care her child was left in.
Wild was disappointed in her disappearance but it was only for a minute, as she returned soon after with another kitten, placing it beside the first one on a confused champion's tunic.
"What is it doing?" He asked the Rancher nervously.
"She likes you. So much so that she wants you to babysit." He replied proudly.
"I just learned what a cat was, I don't think I'm qualified for this."
The cat left again, and she came back again with another kitten. At this point, Wild had started to get nervous, he wasn't sure he was ready for such responsibility.
"You're doing fine, just keep them warm." Twi raised an eyebrow at how seriously the kid was taking this.
The cat left, and she returned with a kitten. She did it again, and again, and again, until the kittens had all been transferred to their new babysitter.
Once all the kittens were accounted for, Twilight stood up again with a stretch.
"Wait, where are you going?"
"Back to bed," he responded as if it were obvious, starting to stroll back to the house.
"You can't just leave me here! Twi! I'm not ready to be a mother!" His voice raised in volume as his brother got further and further away.
The mother cat curled up at his side, and he accepted the fact that he was stuck and wouldn't dare move, in fear of bothering the kittens. With a sigh, he patted the larger cat beside him, maybe it wouldn't be so bad to be stuck like this.
Send me prompts?
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exactlycleverpirate · 4 months
Motifs in Love and Deepspace
Spoilers below for both the main story and the character myths (though I haven't made it to the end of the myths yet).
Xavier - The Little Prince
A prince traveling the stars.
Wants to live on a small planet full of flowers with his love.
Stranded by a crashed plane/space ship.
Dealing with something is wrong with the forest on Philos (like how the Little Prince is constantly dealing with the baobab trees on his asteroid).
Leaves the woman he loves, the Queen on Philos. (Like the Little Prince leaving the Rose).
Bonus: Xavier knows Noah. Any connection with Pie the fox? (Like the fox in the story).
Zayne - The Snow Queen
Frozen heart, melted by love.
Childhood friends.
Zayne is very logical and reason driven, which is what the Snow Queen loves. (Kai becomes very focused on logic once the ice is in his heart and eye).
Trapped in a frozen palace.
Rafayel - The Little Mermaid
This one is fairly obvious. He is literally a mermaid.
Tragic human/merfolk love story.
The human forgets the merperson.
The merperson takes legs to live on the surface with the human.
Killing the human with a dagger could save the merperson, but love stays their hand.
Thoughts? See anything I missed? I have so many feeling about these beautiful tragic men.
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physalian · 4 days
On Establishing Authorial Intent vs Character Voice (Specifically, in tragic queer characters)
Coming in hot with another controversial topic.
There is probably a better way to phrase that so what I mean is this: Your book’s message and your characters’ decisions don’t have to match, and if they don’t match, and your protagonist has a very polarizing personality or makes very controversial choices, unless you state otherwise, your readers are going to assume that your character is your mouthpiece.
In other words: If I write, say… a gay man, as a cis, female, queer author, and I write him suffering during the AIDS epidemic, and I write this gay man fitting every single harmful stereotype possible. I write this character that is everything Fox News wants you to believe about gay men and AIDS.
But in the last ¾ of the book, the man has an epiphany with Therapy Speech where I, the author, reveal that I’m not actually a homophobe out to punish my protagonist and perpetuate these stereotypes, and my agenda is not, in fact, to bring the queer community back decades because people are stupid and won’t get to the end of my book to realize that…. Whoo boy, I have f*cked up as an author.
Have I dropped enough heavy-handed hints that I read a book that did exactly this? Not a gay man in the 80s, but a queer character nonetheless. Now this was a book that I had to finish. If I didn’t have to read it, I would have quit about ten different times throughout for a variety of reasons, not the least of which being very stiff writing that wasn’t engaging. The actions and thought processes and arc of this queer character were so insulting, so harmful, so off the mark, it was horrifying.
I stopped reading for a day and I’d already drawn all my conclusions and was not very nice in my feedback, but I had to finish it so I did, and the book addressed all my criticisms within the last 100 pages, out of 367.
Meaning: Anyone else would have actually quit and taken away from the book exactly what I did—that this was homophobic propaganda. “Oh but if you just make it to the end-”
Nope, not good enough. I read for entertainment and the book did not hold my attention. I need no more excuse to drop it for something better than being bored, and yet I held on through some nightmarish representation.
How not to do this:
You are completely free and welcome to write unhealthy representations of any minority (why you would if you’re not that minority and not out to make a mess of things baffles me). Not every character has to be smart and well educated on proper representation. They don’t have to be a perfect Mary Sue that makes no mistakes and has no controversial opinions and does absolutely nothing that could hint at being problematic. That’s not what I’m saying at all.
Rather, that character can go ham, but you, as the author, must establish as quickly as possible that all of that is the character talking, not you. Whether it’s a queer character or POC or heck just a woman.
Have a dissenting voice (I like to call them harbinger characters) that serve as the author mouthpiece and is ignored and dismissed by the Problem Character. Harbinger says what the audience is thinking through the flavor and color of a character (so it doesn’t read as super preachy), trying to warn the character about the path they're taking, and Problem Character very cleary doesn’t give a damn about what they think. Critically, the narrative makes sure you know that the Harbinger is correct, and PC is wrong.
Have the PC acknowledge early on that what they’re doing is wrong, minimize it, argue against it, and attempt to justify their own behavior anyway. They know they’re the villain, essentially, and they just don’t give a damn.
Have an equal and opposite healthy character to counterbalance all of PC’s terrible choices. Different from the Harbinger in that they’re less obvious about their place in the story and just living life as that positive representation.
Give the PC a “descent into madness” where they start out a healthy person and through dramatic, understandable, tragic circumstances, they’re forced into this role that they’d never thought they’d succumb to.
Have the PC horrified at their own state of being but too hopeless to think they can escape from it. Have the PC know exactly how harmful they are, to themselves, to other people, and just convince themselves that it won’t get better, that they’re too weak or too afraid or too selfish, whatever.
Because I just rewatched these movies and they’re fresh on my mind, I’m going to use Caesar from the Andy Serkis Planet of the Apes movies. Caesar is your Jesus/Moses archetype: The Martyr. This is the paragon good guy leading his people out from oppression into the blessed lands of freedom. This is the guy with unshakable morals and a compass that points unfailingly North. He is the inspiration to the rest of the cast on how to act and how to be a good, healthy, moral, respectable person. He alone takes on the punishment meant for the group and is literally crucified, he could not be a more obvious paragon and Jesus figure of goodness and purity.
Until he isn’t.
Caesar’s “descent into madness” comes after humans murder his wife and older son, amidst an ongoing war that’s taking a toll on the ape community and his own psyche as they continue to lose numbers and ground and apes defect to the human side because of the villain Koba—Caesar’s foil.
He becomes everything he sought to destroy and his friend points out that he’s become Koba in all but name and his actions inevitably lead to his death because he is so consumed with revenge that he doesn’t escape the climax of the movie when he has the chance, and suffers a fatal injury. Caesar acknowledges this and basically says, “I know what I’ve become. I have to do it anyway. I can’t escape my own rage.”
All of this is believable and understandable and tragic. He was realistically pushed to these horrible ends by the story and we saw what it did to him.
The book I read had the Problem Character flip a switch because they were horny and thought another character was hot.
But once again I was faced with an author taking on far more than they were qualified to write, having a protagonist who identifies as a minority that already suffers enough prejudice and misunderstanding—a minority that the author themselves is not part of.
So once again because this keeps happening: You can and should write minority characters. You should not write the suffering of these minorities if you did not live it, because their suffering is not yours to profit off of and you will almost inevitably do it wrong.
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jtl-fics · 11 months
Hey, no need to respond to this, truly, but I just had to say something. Feel free to ignore and I won’t bother you about this again, but it makes me uncomfortable how you portray Riko as this traumatized kid who just needs love&attention in your writing when he is canonically an abuser. He nearly beat Jean to death and ordered other Ravens to rape him. He broke Kevin’s hand and tried to emotionally abuse him into returning to him. He helped Drake cross state borders while he was being investigated for child sexual assault and pointed him at Andrew. He paid Proust to assault Andrew. He tied Neil to a bed and tortured him. He killed Seth. Yes, his backstory is tragic but he is an abuser. And it’s uncomfortable reading about how his victims should feel sorry for him bc now they’re older and more mature and Riko “was a kid”. I recognize you have the right to write what you want, I just wanted to tell you how it reads. I’m not trying to be mean or harass you & I won’t send anything else other than this. And do not post this to the public if you don’t want to! Seriously, I’m not trying to be mean or hurt your feelings, you’re a great writer and I don’t believe you meant anything malicious or were trying to communicate what I took from how you wrote Riko, just that that’s how it comes off.
Hey, I am going to respond to this just because I want to be clear that I am writing Riko very very aware of the fact that he has done things in the books that make me really dislike / hate him as a person. Still, as a character there are things I want to explore with him y’know?
Especially from people who he really has no power over at this point. Especially from people who he did use to have power over at one point.
Some of this might be coming across a certain way just due to the fact that I had some ideas earlier on in the writing of these that I've discard. Such is the nature of a WIP. The other part is that a lot of the snippets are missing broader context. Such is the nature of a Snippet.
Either way you're fine to be uncomfortable with that and to not like how I'm writing it but I do just want to cover generally how I'm approaching Riko in the 2 AUs I'm really treating him differently than canon.
In the Math Nerd AU I want to explore a Neil who is a lot older and who still, honestly, hates Riko. He hates him and would love to watch him sink into the pits of hell once again.... but he's also a Neil who has grown a lot since he was 18-19 and dealing with Riko the first time around. He's a Neil who not only benefited from but now truly and absolutely believes in the power of giving someone a chance. Wymack has had that level of influence on his thinking.
He was a Captain and stayed close with the Foxes and Wymack over the years. He has seen all of the kids that Wymack gave 2nd chances to.
Some of them deserved that second chance and they utilize it.
Some of them deserved that second chance and failed to utilize it.
Some of them didn't deserve those second chances and did utilize it.
Some of them didn't deserve that second chance and proved that they didn't deserve it.
Wymack still offered it to all of them and he didn't always like those kids but Wymack still did his best to help them. Neil thinks Wymack died with his only regret being that he didn't have a chance to drink the pricey bourbon they'd gotten him and that he wouldn't get to call Kevin after his games.
Neil WANTS / NEEDS / CRAVES that peace of mind for reasons I'm not going to touch on here because it doesn't involve Riko.
I have decided on a few things that are different from the initial description, such is the nature of a WIP.
Its not quite clear in the snippets because hey they’re snippets and not the full story and honestly I’ve avoided doing these snippets from Neil’s POV. All Neil is doing right now? He’s offering Riko a chance and that's it.
What Riko does with that chance I haven’t touched on at all. Neil is offering a Riko an opportunity to stop before he sinks his own ship and Neil won't even toss a life preserver because watching him drown was immensely personally satisfying to Neil last time. What he wants is the certainty that there was no redeeming Riko, that there was no excuse, and that he's totally normal for thinking about how Riko looked the night he died with warmth. If Riko proves him wrong? If all Riko really did need was someone he had no power over to treat him like a person and not a commodity?
It'd be the ultimate proof that anyone can benefit from a second chance, that Wymack was always right to offer it. He'd be okay with that too.
I also want to explore what Neil can gain by delaying the satisfaction he got the first time around by outright telling Riko to just fuck off. How playing it a bit nicer / smarter with Riko means that the Foxes are safer and also gives him the opportunity to protect other people he has had a hand in saving. Andrew was the first person that Neil saved when he went back in time, but he wasn't the last. Neil also wasn't always successful in saving some people despite his foreknowledge.
Again, nature of the WIP and nature of the Snippet were not everything is here since I sure as hell am not writing this in order with the snippets but I am going to touch on it in a WIP Wednesday ask pretty soon, probably once I finish this beast / make myself dinner.
For New Kings it's a lot easier since mostly I'm treating Riko as a joke. Someone who wants to be a threat, who remembers being terrifying to these Foxes. Except now he...just kind of isn't. He has no power over any of them. Like Nicky said, he's seen home loans scarier than Riko is at this point.
It really is them just seeing someone they remember being so huge and threatening and scary and…..its just this sad sack 20 something playing at being God because he’s good at a sport. Honestly, in comparison to what some of them got up to later? He's not even that good.
They won’t take him seriously because why the fuck should they? That would just feed into his already insane ego. In my experience there’s nothing that upsets an abuser more than his once victims just won’t give him any power over them. (Again its the nature of the snippet in that its not the full picture and I haven’t even covered Riko’s reaction to the Fox’s dismissal of him as a threat in all its unhinged glory nor Renee's grand theft Moreau.)
STILL, if that isn’t something you want to read then please just add the tags #Math Nerd AU and #New Kings AU or ME (jtl-fics & justthislazy) to a block list. I'm religious about tagging so if you still want to read other stuff then just blacklisting those tags will keep you safe.
I can add Riko Moriyama as a tag on the parts that involve / mention him if you still want to read the snippets that don't include him.
I’m not out here to make someone uncomfortable but I do want to explore these things in my writing. It might change the further I go but it might not so please proceed at your comfort level.
Thank you for writing to me with your concern and I’m more than happy to accommodate with tags if you wanna message me.
Still, like you said, I'm going to write what I want.
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2demon2slayer · 1 year
What does the not-friend group think of Sabito?
giyuu obviously loves sabito a whole lot. they're the best of friends. he's very nervous about being sabito's sort-of-caretaker now that he's a demon and kind of needs to be hidden from people. but giyuu's also kind of dealing with sabito's turn into a demon worse than sabito himself and is banking his entire mental stability on turning sabito back into a human. he's a little bit codependent
kanae was initially cautious about sabito (as you would be upon meeting any demon, no matter how friendly they supposedly were), but basically the moment she realizes that sabito really is a Good Demon, she's all in on becoming best friends with him. something about his existence is just . it gives her so much hope. hope for what demons could be. (arguably, maybe too much hope. she ought to be more careful or i'll write her another tragic death, but on-screen this time)
shinobu doesn't really know how to feel about sabito. she's distrustful of him at the start, but she's rational enough to recognize that he really is harmless towards humans. so she's generally nice to him, but she still finds mr fox boy sort of off-putting
despite his brother's relative faith in sabito, kyoujurou still didn't really trust the demon for a while! after all, it's a demon's nature to want to hurt and kill and eat people! he doesn't say it because he loves his brother, but kyoujurou thinks senjurou's a bit stupid for trusting sabito. but all it takes is one mission together for kyoujurou to realize that sabito's not only a genuinely good dude, but he's also Very strong. kyoujurou ends up dragging him over to train together a handful of times and ultimately decides that sabito's also very fun to be around. they get on like a house on fire. (kyoujurou also maybe goes to his brother afterwards and is like "hey, i'm sorry i thought you were stupid" and senjurou, heartbroken, goes "you thought i was stupid????")
gyoumei was initially distrusting of sabito, but with his teacher's (genya's) approval of the guy, and eventual proof that sabito's not bad, he decides that he's fine with the kid. they don't interact much, but if ever gyoumei encounters a weird fox that feels a bit too much like a demon, he'll give it a little pet before moving on
look. see, here's the thing. sanemi kind of has this thing where he cannot let himself believe that any demon could do any good. because if he follows that train of thought, it'll lead him to the ultimate realization that he murdered his mother for no reason when she could've been saved and reasoned with. and sanemi can't have that particular breakdown, so he hates sabito on principle. because fuck demons, am i right?
obanai has never encountered a demon who wasn't terrible awful. and in his mind, he never will. because sabito is also terrible awful and obanai Does Not like or trust him. nothing more to say than that
tengen thinks the fox boy is kind of scrawny, but pretty flashy! he definitely approves, even if he's not usually a fan of demons. honestly they don't really interact much.
and sabito interacts with kaigaku even less. kaigaku's kind of on the fence about sabito. he's heard good things from both zenitsu and tengen, but also sabito is a whole ass demon. kaigaku sometimes finds himself almost envious of sabito. all the power of a demon without any of the hunger. the guy's not even an actual demon slayer and yet he's allowed to follow around the goddamn sun hashira on missions. if kaigaku was a demon- ah, well. he's not, so it doesn't really matter
mitsuri thinks sabito's kind of really cool! he's a demon, which made him kinda scary at first, but then he turned out to be a good demon which is crazy but also super cool! he's a genuinely kind guy and really strong, too! mitsuri properly met him when he started hanging out with kyoujurou, and so the three of them tend to hang out all together! also, very important tidbit: his fox form is so fucking fluffy!!!!!!!!!
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lullabyes22-blog · 1 year
How would it go if Mel and Silco swapped bodies? I was going to ask the same of Silvika, but I feel like both of them would just be mildly miffed at the inconvenience and since Sevika is so competent, things would remain largely the same until they found a solution. But Melco…I feel they would take every opportunity available to methodically hijack everything in the other’s empire while they had the chance.
What do you think?
gjhfds lmao.
Yeah - if Silco and Sevika swapped bodies, they'd end up in close confidence for the duration of their 'stay', so Silco's empire remains on an even keel. About the only thing different would be that Sevika seems to be a bit more direct in public, while Silco stays diligently silent.
The crew would also notice she's way more eloquent and seems to love metaphors lately.
Poor Sev. She's been spending too much time with the Boss.
In private, Sevika would be horrified by the eye injections. Silco, in his sturdier body, would have to wrestle her down to take them so his infection doesn't reactivate and sicken her. They'd also be stumped about how to handle Jinx. Sevika wants the brat nowhere near her lap, and Silco's attempts to be nice to the girl would end with her dismantling his prosthetic arm.
("Hm. Perhaps Jinx is unnecessarily hostile to Sevika...")
By the end, however, they'd both emerge with a measure more sympathy for their respective roles. Sevika would realize it takes more than brute competence to manage an empire; Silco's ingenuity and charisma are half the winning package. In turn, Silco would realize how much his second-in-command routinely has on her plate, and how she always delivers results without letting anything interfere with his operation.
Once they're back in their own bodies, they'd share a drink and commiserate.
Silco and Mel on the other hand...
Personally, I think Mel would have a full-on freakout, given how much tender lovingcare goes into the upkeep of her very lovely body. To have it snatched away and be thrust into that of a scarred, aging male who needs frequent medical dosages for his mutated eye would take significant adjustment.
To say nothing of the fact that Mel's style of wielding power is far more gentle and diffuse than Silco's. Ruthless and clever as she is, she's also the opposite of bloodthirsty (hence her banishment). This might backfire significantly in an arena like Zaun, where brutality is a blunt language, and a weapon to be wielded. She'd have to channel her inner wolf, as Ambessa warned, or else she'd meet a deeply tragic end.
If Sevika doesn't end up killing her first.
On the plus side, I do see her developing a strange tenderness for Jinx, who displays so much trust and vulnerability with her father figure. Mel would glean quickly that they are very close, and begin subtly manipulating Jinx into working to undermine Zaun's cause for Piltover's gain. Ironically, she'd also begin feeling shame over how bad conditions are in the Undercity, and start wondering just how merciful she's been as de facto head of the Council.
Long term, unless she learns to savor blood, her days as a kingpin would be numbered. But she'd be good for Jinx's mental health, (shockingly!), because unlike Silco, she'd go out of her way to cultivate the girl's inner delicacy as opposed to unleashing the monster. They might even start painting together.
(Jinx: "Whoa! I didn't know you could paint, Silly!")
(Mel: "There's a lot you don't know about me.")
Meanwhile in Piltover, Silco will be freaking out for completely different reasons. His empire, his cause, his child - are all in the hands of a sly fox with profit on her mind. She might stash away secrets for blackmail - or outright get him killed if she missteps and the chem-barons catch a whiff of vulnerability.
On the plus side, Silco's insinuating style of power works quite nicely in the Council. He'd use Mel's beauty to his own advantage to secure deals and resolve disputes that benefit the Undercity. If we're in the mood for a darker take, he might also abuse Mel's body by sleeping around.
Including with Jayce. Because why not?
By the end, he'd be leaking Hex-tech secrets to his network, and funneling Council funds into the Undercity's pockets. A satisfying game, but he'd miss Jinx horribly and fear for her safety.
In fact, Jinx might be the reason he and Mel end up working together to get back to their respective bodies - and agree to actually cooperate for a better future.
Spoiler: once they return to their own bodies, they'd discover somebody knocked somebody up in each respective city.
Prizes if you can guess who.
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blueslittleorange · 11 months
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Chase is 17
Silver is 14
Chase-Miles the Hedgehog
The eldest pup of Sonic and Shadow. He is a speedster, and often compared with his mother, being given high and stressful expectations. Chase is friendly, but cross him and he will turn on you. He likes to hang out and help his uncle Tails in his workshop, he could make a promising engineer. He is immortal like his father.
Chase is closer with Shadow, finding his way of life easier on him. Chase isn’t too out going, preferring the safety of the shack or Tail’s workshop. Even as a baby, he showed signs of an introverted personality. He can be pessimistic, and knows that one day he will one day see his mom perish while he, his father and brother live on.
Silver the Hedgehog
The youngest pup of Sonic and Shadow. Silver has telekinetic abilities which allow him to manipulate the environment and those around him with the power of his mind. Silver was very young when his parents made this discovery and may have been the reason for Sonic’s lethargic and ill tendencies during pregnancy.
Silver tends to be naive and sweet, considering his age it’s normal, but can become burdensome, mostly for his older brother who has to bail him out of traps. He’s optimistic nonetheless. He is immortal like his father.
Silver has a slightly closer relationship with his mother, seeing him be a hero is something he wants to live up to.
I also have a theory, well more a head cannon.
Sticks is Sonic’s cousin- it’s why he is on the island. Sonic didn’t know where to go after he left his royal duties. But soon found his cousin on his travels and so stayed. He also met a young fox he took under his wing and practically raised him.
Sticks’ tragic backstory and why she’s feral, because I’m rotten.
Sticks’ father was a royal hedgehog, Queen Aleena’s brother- before she was queen- he fell in love with one of his sister’s ladies, a badger named… something… they courted for a long time and one day sort approval of the queen after they had a baby. This is where tragedy strikes. The queen does not approve, and the lady badger is banished with the child. Distraught, the lady badger went insane, forcing her daughter to fend for herself doing what she could to survive. It maybe why Sticks is paranoid, fearing that the royal family and government are following her.
Fifteen years later, she meets her cousin, Sonic when he is on the run. He does everything he can to protect her, even when her paranoia becomes more than anyone can bare.
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hamstyandfriends · 3 months
I know I haven't been really active with the drawings, buuut I actually happen to have some time, so. Yeah.
More Warriors oc stuff I guess
StormCrystal & CinnamonCloud
(trigger warning: implied abuse & grooming, kitnapping, kit deaths)
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CinnamonCloud is LeafClan's deputy under StormCrystal's leadership. The strange thing is, that she earned this position this young, despite never mentoring an apprentice... Of course, everything has a reason.
StormCrystal noticed CinnamonPaw's ambition and qualities, right when she started her training. Young CinnamonPaw was much stronger, and more violent than her sister, ApplePaw. And then StormCrystal saw this potential... After CinnamonPaw's mentor died in a tragic accident with some foxes, he took the apprentice under his wing himself.
StormCrystal's training wasn't nice, or easy. He usually just watched from afar, expecting CinnamonPaw to figure out all the moves herself, sometimes correcting her, a bit harshly. He said that if someone needs help, that is a weakness; And there leader's very own apprentice should never show weakness. So eventually, CinnamonPaw learned how to solve things by herself, because that was the only time when StormCrystal ever praised her.
Towards the end of her training, StormCrystal had a strange request for CinnamonPaw; Stealing a litter from their rival clan, SunClan. LeafClan has been through a harsh Frosty Quarter, and committing such crimes was never too much for them. He promised her that if she does it, he will make her a warrior the next day, and make her deputy as soon as possible. Who would turn down such an offer?
So CinnamonPaw took her best friend with her; That was BluePaw, the leader's nephew, who was also promised a promotion for the mission. They sneaked in SunClan's camp, and took three kits away, right from the side of their mother's belly. The trip back to LeafClan, however, was not so uneventful; They accidentally tripped over another queen while leaving the nursery, and were chased through the camp, the territory, until they finally reached the forest, where LeafClan's territory began...
But in the meantime, there was a storm roaring through the clans' territories, which sparked a huge fire between SunClan and LeafClan. CinnamonPaw, terrified of StormCrystal's disapproval, urged BluePaw to still try and race to their own territory, with the three kits hanging from their muzzles. But after almost falling into the flames themselves, they had no choice but to leave the stolen kits, and save their own tails.
Back in LeafClan, StormCrystal was burning with rage, threatening the two apprentices with exiling them. Still, they could sleep in their own dens for now. And in the morning, LeafClan welcomed BlueTail and CinnamonCloud as brand new warriors.
While in SunClan, only one of the three kits managed to survive the fire, though with permanent injuries... And that was AshKit.
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Heyy bestie uhm I'm gonna need another part of angst especially after the cheating Ex (seriously tho what a jerk) like how would the clones and batch be like in a new relationship would they be more cautious? Skeptical of there new s/o words and assume they are lying until yhey get proof? Like would they be worried to give there heart to a new person/ s\o not sure whether to trust them or not and if there being honest
Oh boy... more angst eh? I made references to their past relationships a little more vague, so it could fit in with those cheating HCs or you could imagine different reasons as to how their hearts got broken before they put themselves out there again...
Kix, Jesse, and Hunter are calm, cool, and collected... on the outside. Inside, they are stressed the heck out when they start going on dates again. Don't get them wrong, they do very much want to try again. They believe in soulmates and can't wait to find theirs. But there is definitely a lot of internal monologuing. They question everything, including their own feelings... Is that a red flag? Am I comparing them too much to my ex? They don't share any of their insecurities until the new relationship is stable.
Dogma, Tech, and Crosshair would be more adverse to starting a new relationship after having their heart broken. It would take a long, long time for them to be interested in someone new. For them, it's not about trust so much as investment. To commit to the time it takes to get to know someone, the energy it takes to build emotional connections, is very daunting, and they now have firsthand experience that it doesn't always work out. It would take someone truly special for them to risk giving love a second chance.
Fox, Hardcase, and Echo hide the scars on their heart very well. For the most part. By the time they meet someone new they're wanting to pursue, they'll have made peace with a lot of their past and will give the new relationship an honest chance, letting things unfold in their own way and not comparing or worrying about repeating history. But every once in a while, something will happen that'll trigger old wounds quite unexpectedly. They'll be moody and even fearful and they won't know why until someone helps them connect the dots.
Cody, Wolffe, and Tup are cautious. They go on a few dates here and there, acting polite and having an okay time. But they never commit, never take things further. They're not sure why. What are they waiting for? What do they even want in a partner now? They sort of go through the motions without feeling much. It would take someone becoming their friend first to break through whatever apathy they had, and then they'll have a real chance at creating a solid, meaningful, romantic relationship that actually makes them feel good.
Rex, Fives, and Wrecker are total messes. Someone please keep an eye on these poor boys if they choose to re-enter the dating pool again, they'll need all the support they can get so they don't a) emotionally fall apart and/or b) end up in another unhealthy arrangement. Either or both scenarios are likely. Any potential new partners need to be patient and understanding. They'll share their tragic romantic history on the first date and be open throughout the relationship in how they feel about everything, for better or worse.
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