#But yeah the prison we passed was really big... really cool looking too
flowery-laser-blasts · 3 months
*Whilst flying through a foreign City on their way to a caper* Drakken: Hmmm... Shego, that giant building we just passed, could you check if that's a prison? Shego: Hn? Ah yes, let's see... Hey, you're right doc, seems like it's a special state prison. Looks pretty cute. Drakken: Good, keep that one in mind in case we get arrested. Check if they have hot showers and decent beds too. Shego: ... You're joking right?
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taizi · 1 year
I'd love to see some of the events in Give Me Something That'll Haunt Me from some other perspectives, especially Leo's brothers. You're a very skilled writer so we already have some idea as to how each of them warmed up to Usagi, but it would be really cool to see their thoughts on the situation! How April thought Usagi hated Leo at first, how everyone was dealing with a mopey Leo after his breakdown with the farmbotto, Usagi winning Donnie over in like two minutes, all of that stuff!
They’re halfway through Legally Blonde when April gets a text that makes her frown. Her attention is fully arrested by her phone for the whole Bend and Snap scene, which attracts her most perceptive brother's attention. Leo is too sore to throw the projector remote at her himself, so he makes eye contact with Mikey. Ever-reliable Mikey snaps a quick salute and lobs the remote at her in Leo’s stead.
“Ow! Angelo!” April snaps without any real heat, returning fire with an empty cup. 
“You’re making Leon feel neglected,” Donnie supplies without looking up from his tablet, like the hypocrite he is. He’s been stubbornly nestled next to Leo for most of the evening, though, so Leo is willing to give him a pass on most things. 
“Aww, Blue, you know you’re my number one man,” she says, to an immediate chorus of “say what now?” from Mikey, Raph and Donnie. “Suna just wanted to know if I’d be able to drop by tomorrow morning,” April adds, which is not quite the truth.
Leo brightens, a sly grin curling across his face. “Is it a date?” 
“No, it’s not a date,” April says. She can’t help feeling helplessly fond when she looks at him. 
All four of her little brothers were equal parts supportive and obnoxious when she and Sunita started officially going out about a year ago, which was pretty par for the course. Splinter demanded to meet the yokai, to make sure that she was good enough for his girl, which was enough to make April tear up even as she joined the boys in giving him shit for being such a typical boring dad. 
But the most remarkable thing to come out of it was Leo approaching her right before she went home, mask tails all twisted up in his fingers in a blatantly anxious display, to say, “You’re a girl, and you like a girl. And it’s okay.”
“So is it—would it be okay to like both?”
And April had hugged him so hard that the pattern on his scutes left faint imprints on her arms, and she kissed him all over his face until he was laughing helplessly, and said, “You can like whoever you want, baby. Whoever treats you right. And if anyone ever gives you shit for it, you come right to me, capisce?”
What April was really saying back then was that she would never let anybody hurt him. And she meant it, of course she meant it, but—god, she failed. 
Leo flung himself into that prison dimension like it was the only thing that made sense, like he wasn’t breaking everyone’s hearts in one fell swoop. The Krang brutalized him and the Leo that Mikey rescued was barely more than a broken shell. He wouldn’t come out, hidden away inside and making these awful-sounding vocalizations that had all three of his brothers in tears. 
Splinter made a hysterical phone-call to Draxum, and the goat-man met them halfway back to the lair at a flat-out run, looking more frantic than April could remember ever seeing him, including that time with the Shredder. 
Leo was put under what essentially amounted to mystic anesthesia, and only then could he be coaxed out of his damaged shell. Raph held him the whole time and made this deep rumbly noise in his chest that April vaguely recognized from the turtles’ much younger years. 
Donnie was so frightened that it looped around into fury, and he snapped at people left and right until he finally just shut down completely. Mikey hadn’t stopped crying once since he started back on Staten Island, since the big brother he so admired wouldn’t come out of his shell, even as he was chirping in distress and bleeding all over his siblings' hands. 
It took Draxum all of ten minutes to decide that the only way to save his life would be to put him into a magical healing sleep, the kind of Disney-movie shit that April didn’t have a ton of faith in. 
“He will just be asleep,” Draxum said, an uncharacteristic softness in his eyes, even if his voice sounded more or less the same as always. “He will hear your voices and know he is home. When he wakes up, all will be well.”
And he was right. The spell put Leo in something like stasis, a glorified coma, and with every day his vitals got stronger, his body inching away from “irreversibly damaged” and closer to “jesus christ what happened to you” towards the ultimate goal of “you’ll never guess where i got this scar. remember that one crazy summer?” 
When he woke up, whole weeks later, he did so with a disgruntled little stretch and a wrinkle of his beak, like he’d succumbed to one of those afternoon naps that dragged on much too long. His eyes were clear and present, if groggy and a little out of it, and when he spotted Mikey drooling on the blanket beside him, he smiled. 
That was the exact moment April could finally convince herself that her family would be okay. 
But it will be a long, long time before she forgives herself for dropping the ball so spectacularly. 
One of her precious little brothers looked death right in the eye and double-dog-dared it to do its worst, because somehow he missed the memo that he was loved and needed and worth so much more than a sacrifice play. 
Her precious little Leon, with a blackened eye and a necklace of grisly bruises and an arm so thoroughly mangled that even the healing coma couldn’t heal it completely, leaving him in a cast for much longer than any of the turtles are used to, with how quickly they usually heal. 
And his shell just broke her heart. It was a source of constant anxiety for his dads, even as they refused to outsource that worry to the kids, who knew that it was bad but not very bad. 
April is the big sister. The biggest sibling, no matter how much taller Raph gets. It’s her job to look after them. Leo almost died. And now that rude bunny waiter from Run of the Mill is bugging Sunita for Leo’s number? That guy who always stares at Leo like he’s trying to work out how it’s possible for someone like him to even exist?
Ohh, April can feel that inherited ninpo in her soul lighting up. Karai’s presence is a faraway and gentle thing most of the time, but she’s happy to lend her strength when April needs it. 
“Woah, April, you good?” Raph asks. His eyes move down to the phone clenched in her hands, and he frowns. “Did someone say something to you? Does Donnie need to doxx another internet troll?”
“Gimme,” Donnie says at once, hands out for the phone.
“Will you stop?” April swats at him. “And Raph, don’t encourage him.”
“I mean, he’s just gonna do it either way—”
“There’s no internet troll! God, I thought we were watching a movie! None of you are paying attention!”
“You started it, texting your giiiirlfriiiiend,” Mikey coos like the little menace he is, then ducks behind Raph with a cackle when April aims another empty cup at him. 
“April’s allowed to text her girlfriend whenever she wants,” Leo says, in his Fearless Leader voice, which he only ever uses to stir shit up. Sure enough, a heartbeat later, he adds smugly, “Don’t be jealous that she’s got game and none of you do.”
Protests break out like clockwork and Leo is soundly booed by everybody in the room. It’s a good thing they’ve all seen this movie roughly a billion times because it’s gonna be awhile before these guys settle down now. 
Leo meets her eyes from the twins’ comfy nest in the armchair and winks. Got your back.
All the chaos gives April a chance to respond to Sunita’s text in peace, asking her to pass this Usagi a message. 
Anyone who wants to get to April’s little brother is gonna have to go through her first. 
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hinatastinygiant · 3 months
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11 | Blizzard
Pairing: Kaminari x Fem!Reader
Null & Void
Inside Ojiro's condo, Jurota sobs over a glass of whiskey. "She's dead, I know it," he cries.
"It's not that simple, Juro," Ojiro sighs, shaking his head. "Just calm down. You're going to make yourself sick. I really think you should stop drinking..."
"I haven't seen her in a week," he continues, ignoring his friend's pleas. "Are we even still dating?!"
Ojiro sighs as he leans over his island counter and carefully pulls the glass out of his friend's hands. He can still hear the sobbing, however, as he empties the contents into the sink and hides the bottle in a high cupboard.
"I'm sure she's just fine," he then sighs. But when he turns back around, he's surprised to see a Polaroid now replacing where the whiskey previously was. "Dude, you're going to ruin that by crying all over it."
It's a nice picture, too. Jurota's girlfriend has beautiful green hair and eyes which makes her immediately recognizable. "Look, we don't even know for sure that she's gone. Why don't you try calling her and see if you can find anything out," Ojiro suggests, trying to keep his friend's spirits up.
"It's so hard," Jurota cries out.
"Taking out your phone?"
"Of course not," he groans. "I meant being in a relationship with a girl from another faction. Everything has to be a secret but I love her, Ojiro, I really do!"
"I know, man," Ojiro pats his friend's back. "Just give her a call, okay?"
"I'll go," he finally agrees, rising to his feet. "I'll do it outside. Be right back."
"Don't go anywhere, Juro!" Ojiro shouts as he watches his friend put on his shoes clumsily. "Stay right outside, call her, and come in, okay?"
"Uh-huh," he waves his hand before reaching for the doorknob. Jurota has no intention of calling Setsuna. Instead, he'll just go out and look for her.
Y/N'S P.O.V.
The next morning you wake up to the man with red sunglasses leaning over you. With a yelp, you sit up and crash your forehead right into his. "Ow," you groan. "What the hell?!"
"Hey, I didn't mean to scare you," he holds his hand up defensively. "I was just trying to wake you up for breakfast."
You rub your head and swing your feet around the side of the bunk, not even responding to him.
"My name is Aoyama, by the way," he offers you a smile.
"Cool," you grumble as you rise to your feet.
"We made breakfast," he nods his head toward the low, stone table in the center of the room.
"We?" you raise your eyebrow.
"Sen, myself, and Uraraka," he explains as he leads you across the room. "Well, Mina and Kaminari tried, too, but Sen said they weren't allowed near the kitchen anymore."
"Where's Kendo?" you look around as he guides you toward the table.
"Uraraka took her to the bathroom," Mina smiles as you sit beside her.
"Oh, okay," you nod before looking down at the food placed before you. A few poached eggs, tomatoes, and rice. You note that it's much better than what you were served in prison.
"Sorry we don't have a lot," Sen sighs as he passes out a small portion for himself.
"Are you kidding?" you quickly shake your head. "This is so much better."
"Oh, yeah," Mina hums, looking up at you. "Prison food is supposed to be pretty bad. I bet it's really depressing, too."
"Mina, don't say that!" Kaminari nearly chokes on his food at her comment.
"No, no, it's cool," you shake your head.
"So, uh, are you really planning on heading into the fourth alone today?" Sen then asks you.
"Oh, uh, yeah. I don't think Kendo wants to go and I don't want to make her either," you explain, noticing the way they all share a look as though there's some big secret they're keeping from you.
Just then, Kaminari excuses himself from the table, cleans up his plate, and heads up to the club.
"What's going on?" you ask the others still nearby.
"We're not as big of a group as the fourth," Sen sighs, "but we figured that now would be a good time to start recruiting more people."
"That way we could be of help to faction four when they start to make their move," Uraraka adds as she and Kendo walk down the stairs. "So we figured it'd be smart to have Kaminari go with you to build a relationship with them."
"What?" you look at her like she's grown three heads. "That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard."
"Why?" she frowns.
"Hopping factions could get him killed, are you really okay with that?"
"I don't know, Y/N, should we really double our numbers when you try to beat up the Prime Minister or whatever it is you're planning on doing?" Kendo huffs before shoving a spoonful of rice into her mouth.
"Please," Mina chimes in. "You'll need us when we make any kind of move. There's power in numbers."
You sigh at their words, thinking they sound just like Chizome. "So do you all want to come with us, too?" you then ask. However, they all fall quiet.
"We can't," Uraraka sighs.
"Why not?" you furrow your eyebrows.
"Because we have jobs," Sen explains. "Jobs that'll report us if we go missing. But if it was Kaminari, we could just cover for him and do our best to spread the news while he's gone."
"And I'm guessing Kaminari isn't exactly on board with this either, is he?"
"Well..." Uraraka trails off.
"We were hoping you could talk to him," Mina finishes for her, chewing the inside of her cheek. "This is important."
"Yeah, I get it," you nod. "I'll talk to him."
"Oh, good," Mina smiles, obviously pleased.
You take your time finishing up your meal, trying to think up what you are going to say. You had no idea you'd be getting mixed into this sort of mess. Convincing a random stranger to travel all the way to faction 4? What a joke.
You sigh and push your plate forward. "Well, I guess it's time to get this over with," you mutter.
"Good luck," Kendo calls after you as you stand to your feet and head toward the stairs. You wave her off as you climb, hoping this goes over well.
However, the moment you enter the club, you find yourself staring at Kaminari's back. His blonde hair is a bit messy and his hands are shoved into his pockets. If this were any other situation, you'd probably find him handsome and charming. But right now, all you can focus on is the fact that this is the same guy who knocked you out just last night. And now you've got to convince him to hang around you even longer.
"Hey," you greet him cautiously. "Think I could get a drink?"
When he turns around, he slings a rag over his shoulder and flashes you a grin. "It's nine a.m., Y/N," he chuckles. "Besides, I'm not going to give alcohol to someone who was knocked unconscious yesterday."
"I wasn't drunk," you defend yourself. "But it was your fault anyway, remember?"
"Ah, don't remind me," he rolls his eyes. "What can I get you, anyway? Water? Soda?"
"Water's fine," you shrug as you watch him pull out a glass and fill it with the water spigot on the wall. When he turns back to you, there's a different expression on his face.
"Look," he starts, "I know I'm probably the last person you want to talk to about this, but I think you're going to have to put up with me for a bit longer than you were hoping for."
"Oh, good, so I don't need to convince you then," you sigh.
"No," he shakes his head. "I know the others want me to go. And I know I'm the only one who really can, anyway. Besides, it isn't right to make you go by yourself."
"Are you sure? I mean, it'll be a long journey, and you probably won't be back for a while," you point out. "I don't want you to regret it."
"My friends will cover for me while I'm gone," he shrugs.
"We sure will!" Mina grins as she approaches the two of you at the bar with Uraraka. Kendo sits down on the opposite side of you, too.
"Hey," you smile at her.
"I'm going to stay, too. I'll help the others here while you and Kaminari are gone," Kendo tells you.
"Really?" you and Kaminari say together.
"Are you sure, Ken?" you whisper softly. "I don't know how long I'll be gone for."
"Don't worry about it, Y/N. It's not like I can go home and this place is pretty cool. Plus, the others here are really nice."
You can't help but feel a bit better about everything at the sight of Kendo's smile. At least she'll be okay here. "Well, I suppose we should get ready to go, then."
"Right," Kaminari nods, turning his attention back to his bar.
"Kaminari?" you then suddenly stop him.
"Bring a bottle of whatever you think is strongest, okay?"
"Alright," he grins, doing as you say.
"Good," you nod as you walk away.
"What was that for?" Uraraka asks curiously.
"In case they have a bad day or something," Sen laughs. "By the way, I'll talk to Setsuna and she'll help with recruitment as quietly as possible."
"I still can't believe this is actually happening," Kendo sighs as she watches her friend walk away. "I hope she knows what she's doing."
"I could say the same for poor Kaminari," Mina shakes her head. "He'll either come back in a coffin or with a girlfriend."
Kendo laughs a little at that, but then her smile fades. "I can't help but worry."
"We'll do our best, Kendo. And when they get back, we'll have a great big celebration," Uraraka grins. "Trust me, she's in good hands."
"Yeah," Sen nods in agreement.
"Okay," Kendo agrees, taking a deep breath. "I trust you guys."
Null & Void
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jaycewrites-192000 · 3 years
You're Grounded Pt. 2
Summery: Smiley and Angry's little sister is still grounded, only this time...things go differently.
Part One Here
Rating: SFW
Pairing(s): Platonic!Nahoya Kawata x Platonic!Little Sister Reader x Platonic!Souya Kawata
(Still no incest my dudes)
Also spoilers for episode 20-21!!
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One week had passed, and ever since you were stuck in your room, only allowed to come out to go to school, to eat, and bathroom breaks. Other than that, no luck getting out from your little prison. And you were warned to not sneak out again, or another week would be added. You didn't bother trying, as much as you hate to admit it, your brothers were smarter than they looked. They knew every move you would make and would do everything in their power to stop you.
However, you were allowed to have your phone back. They were s confident that if you were to try and call for backup, they would stop it from happening. You made the best of it though, at least you had someone to talk to now. Emma wanted an explanation as to where you had disappeared to lately and you told her you were grounded, well, double grounded now. When she asked why, you hesitated to tell her. But you did, after she promised not to tell Smiley and Angry of course. She did say that you should tell them why you started that fight in the first place, but...it was a bit more complicated than that.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
So, here you were, in your room looking blankly at your door. Every now and then Smiley or Angry, or both of them, would come and check to see if you were still there. Speaking of, your door opened, Angry walked in this time. "Right on time, big brother." You mutter, not bothering to look at him. "Smiley had to run out somewhere real quick. So, I'm gonna stay here until he gets back." He leans against the door after he shut it.
"Whatever." You rolled your eyes. The silence between you two was heavy with tension and awkwardness.
"...Sorry about before. But you really shouldn't have tricked us like that." You didn't respond. "Come on. You're acting childish."
"I am a child dummy. And so are you, so stop acting like your our mother." You glared at him. "Oh, and you wanna talk being childish? You two get into fights every fucking day, and you two rarely ever get punished for it! So how come I get double grounded!?"
"You get double grounded for sneaking out. And you shouldn't be getting into fights at all. As for us, it's different." Angry explained as calmly as he could. "That's bullshit and you know it!" You snapped. "You wouldn't be saying any of this if I were in the same gang as you two!"
"You won't be joining any gangs of any kind!" Angry finally snapped back. It was rare that he would ever raise his voice at you, so you were at a loss for words. Once he saw your shocked face he toned it down. "Just...don't do it again. Please Y/n, you shouldn't be fighting."
And then came more silence. You and Angry never liked whenever there would be a fight between all three of you. But tension had build up ever since you got into that stupid fight. And honestly, you knew that it didn't need to happen but after what happened...after what those jackasses said...What choice did you have?
"Why did you do it anyway?" Angry asks, making you look up from your bed. You opened your mouth to answer, but shut it before looking away again. "Does it really matter?" You asked. "It's done. Nothing I can do about it now."
Before Angry could respond, Smiley walked in. "Heeey, she try to get out again?" He asked. "No..." Angry shook his head. "But she's hiding something." You shot him a glare. "Oh, so we're telling lies now?"
"I don't know, are we?" Angry turned to his brother. "When has Y/n ever started a fight? She rarely gets into fights, and normally she isn't the one to start some shit." Smiley nods his head at his brother's words. "That's a good point. So, wanna talk to us like a big girl?"
"No. Get out." You tell them sternly. "Too bad!" Smiley hopped on your bed and sat beside you. "Better start talking sis."
"Or what?" You challenged. Smiley's grin deepened. "Or else your double grounding will turn into a triple grounding." He tells you. "What!? How's that fair!?" Smiley shrugs. "Just is. Now spill." You resisted the urge to slug your annoying peach hair older brother in the jaw before sighing heavily. "You really wanna know? Fine. I started that fight because some asshole was talking shit about you two! Happy?"
Smiley and Angry looked at each other before turning back to you. "You started a fight because of that?" Angry asks. You furrow your brow in frustration. "It's more than that...they called you guys a smiling freak and a whinny crybaby. They also talked shit about Toman. And when I confronted them about it...they said I couldn't do a thing without my brothers there to protect me...that I was just a weak little girl who needed to stay out of other's way...So, I punched their lights out." You didn't notice you were crying until the end of it.
"I wouldn't have hit them if they would have just apologized and kept their mouths shut." You say with a sniffle. It was quiet until Smiley started laughing. "Man! You went and defended ours and Toman's honor? You really are the best little sister." He pets your head. "Huh?" You look up at him confused. "That was nice of you Y/n, but you didn't need to get hurt over us." Angry made his way over to you.
"W-well they were hurt way more than me." You told him. "I handled it didn't I?"
"Yes but, still. You're safety matters to us way more than a few insults thrown at us. Next time that happens, tell us."
"Yeah! We'll beat the fuck out of them so you don't get in trouble like you did." Smiley added. "Don't be like your dumbass older brothers Y/n. You're going places you know? Don't waste it on fighting like a gangster."
"But you guys are in a gang..." You mutter. "Don't get any ideas Y/n." Said Smiley, despite his smile, he was serious. "We wouldn't know what to do if you were hurt or worse. Just be our tough little sis outside of a gang ok?" You pout slightly but nod anyway. You did consider joining Toman, somehow. Your brothers inspired you in more than one way, and being in a gang was one of them. Not just any gang, a real gang. "The new age of delinquents" as Mikey put it.
It sounded so cool when you heard about it, and you wanted so desperately to be by your brothers side when it finally happens. But it wasn't always cool and badass, after Darken nearly dying and Baji's death, it dawned on you just how dangerous joining a gang could be. And Smiley and Angry be damned if they let their little sister be murdered and they couldn't prevent it.
You didn't know Draken and Baji on a personal level like everyone else in Touman did, but they were so kind to you whenever you were around. Baji even joked that you were like Toman's little sister. His death left a hole in the hearts of Toman, including yours...
"I won't get into anymore fights, but you guys have to promise me something too." Smiley and Angry waited for your word. "Promise me...that you'll be careful and promise me, you guys won't leave us like Baji did..."
The next thing you knew, your brothers were enveloping you in their embrace. "And leave you all alone? No way in hell." Smiley said softly. "We're not going anywhere." Said Angry. You sniffled but managed to smile. "Good. I might say I don't want you around, but you guys are all I got. So ignore me whenever I might say it again, ok?"
"Sure thing." Smiley chuckled. "Oh by the way, you're ungrounded."
You perk up. "Double ungrounded?"
"Yep. Double ungrounded. But you better not go start shit with anyone again, got it?"
"Got it." You giggle.
"Good. Now let's get out of here. I bet you're bored right?" Smiley asked as the three of you left your room. "Bored as fuck."
"There's a new arcade that just opened up. Should we go there?" Angry asked. " Hell yeah!" You and Smiley say in unison.
You still have no idea how you got so lucky as to get ungrounded like you did, but you had a feeling your brothers were never going to punish you as harshly as they did before.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
(So I was thinking of making like a little kawata sister series? Idk how well that would play out or how it will be done/written but yeah, stay tuned if that interests you)
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Word Count - 2,000
Perspective - 2nd person
When - after the Greene Farm, before the Prison. This is the first in the Slowpoke Series! Find the rest here. (link fixed!)
Relationships - you and all the gang! And a tiny spark of a Daryl crush forms
Genre - fluff
Pronouns - not really mentioned
TWs - none. You might could develop a slight hankering for candy, though
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“No way am I gonna lose to a baby!” you groaned. Why couldn’t you get your legs to move any faster?
“Oh you totally are!”
Glenn came sprinting from the left and panted “Not if I whup you both first!”
You squealed and tried to run faster, neck and neck with Glenn. Carl was somehow still ahead. Beth was trying to jog as fast as she could but was laughing too hard to keep up; T-Dog had been winning in the onset, but had floundered behind – and was now “blocking” Beth from passing him by using his football moves from back in the day.
Hershel sounded entertained as he called out “Winner gets the last of the peach rings!”
“Oh, heck yeah!” Glenn exclaimed.
“We still have some? Those are gonna be mine, buttface!” you shouted to him, focused on winning. 
“Just try, bumpkin!”
Neck barely passed Glenn, you now need to somehow beat Carl. How was that kid getting so quick? You willed you legs to move faster, but...
“Dang it!” you exhaled, rubbing your shoulder. He beat you to the speed limit sign fair and square. Carl and Glenn, it turned out. “You’re getting way too fast, you little punk.”
“What?” Glenn deadpanned. “I’ve always been the fastest.”
T-Dog and Beth reached you three now, and Beth giggled “No Glenn, you’re the buttface, and Carl is the punk, Y/N’s the bumpkin.”
“Glad I've made it this far without gettin' stuck with one of them kiddie nicknames," T-Dog teased, out of breath. "So, which of y’all won?”
“The punk!” Carl announced proudly. He looked at you and kindly admitted “I was so sure you were gonna beat me.”
“No way,” T-Dog smiled. “Glenn, even you lost to the little guy?”
You made a face at T-Dog, then Glenn, then to Carl and Beth, who both giggled again.
Ever since the quarry camp, you had a fun little game going with Glenn, since you two were considered the fastest. Glenn, however, reigned king for the past two weeks. And now baby Carl was competition too, apparently, psht.
T-Dog raised his hand for a high-five and told Carl “Nice work, little man!”
Beth linked her arm in yours and smiled as Carl raised his arms in victory and shouted “Peach rings!”
“Yeah, yeah,” you pretended to whine. “Punk.” You plucked his sheriff’s hat off, scurried away with it with your tongue stuck-out, and messed up his ever-growing hair before putting it back on when he started play-whining back.
Not only was his hair getting longer, but he was growing taller and getting all lanky. You remember when he was just a chubby little baby and you got to babysit him, your first job after getting your certification when you were thirteen. Heck, you were even your big brother Shane’s plus one to Rick and Lori’s wedding. Holy Moses, you love that kid to death.
Glenn sidled up him and tilted his head. “So Carl...you’re gonna share those peach rings, right?”
“Just be sure to give some to your mama, she’s pregnant!” Beth reminded him sweetly, before frowning and whipping her head towards the treeline.
You all stopped talking and turned towards the noises.
Eh, same old same old. It didn’t even phase you anymore. A small cluster of the dead was coming for you. Whoop-dee-doo.
Maggie’s and Carol’s panicked shouts reached your ears: “Hey guys, you see ‘em?” “On the right, from the woods!”
T-Dog took charge, looking at them and giving a thumbs up. “I got the tall one on the left and the one behind him,” he told you and Glenn.
“We’re with you, Teddy,” you nodded, taking out your screwdriver. “I’ll get the one on the right.
“Cool, I’ll do the straggler in back, guys,” Glenn said.
“T-Dog, I got the one with the hat!” came Daryl’s voice, just before the whistling of one of his arrows sounded.
Beth ushered Carl back to the group, repeatedly looking over her shoulder as you four handled the walkers. It took all of several seconds to finish them off, nothing too exciting or dangerous.
“No way to bury them right now, is there?”
“Sorry, man,” Glenn murmurs to you.
You added one more to the running tally you kept in your head to account for the one you'd put down as you cleaned off your screwdriver. It’s a pity you couldn’t bury their bodies. They were people, once.
Naturally, Rick had dashed over while you four were putting them down. Upon seeing how efficiently it had been handled, he gave a nod and clapped his hand on T-Dog’s shoulder in thanks.
Your eyes meet for a moment. Rick might have been about to thank you too, you don’t know. Things between you have been strained, as much as you love each other.
Glenn made his way back to Maggie, kissed her, and wrapped his arm around her waist.
T-Dog and Rick walked back to the group on either side of you along with Daryl, albeit Daryl kept somewhat further away. Daryl always stood somewhat away from everyone, even from you, even though he was a trusted part of the group. He just didn’t understand that yet. Plus, he did tend to like his space. Everyone has something, right?
By then, Beth was contentedly back next to her father, who had rummaged through his bag to unearth the prize. Having found it, Hershel held out the coveted (and not very full) bag of peach rings with a chuckle, saying “I saw that our youngest man won the race, then?”
“Good job, kiddo,” Rick told him, a relaxed grin on his face.
These moments were good for Rick, they kept him centered. Anger and hurt aside, you didn’t want him to forget that he was a level-headed, good person. Not like your brother had in the end. Heck, you really needed those moments, too, to remember that he was a good man. You were still working on so much anger and hurt after what happened.
And it looked like Rick was holding hands with Lori again! Good. When he catches you grinning at them, he returns it. His eyes turned a little wet when he did. Yours might have, too.
Lori, who had been chatting with Carol, now rubbed her other hand on her son’s arm as he happily accepted the mostly empty bag of gummies.
Carl promptly took one out and held it up to his mom, but Lori smiled and shook her head, kissing him on the head.
Carol joked that she’d take it if Lori didn’t want it, to which Glenn of course jumped in along with T-Dog. And from there, the group started chatting and joking about everything and nothing.
It was nice.
You felt happy. Today was a good day. They’d been hard to come by for you a while, now.
Daryl was still standing next to you, but closer. With a glimmer of a smile, he looked at you and murmured “Wanna see what I picked up at the same place we found them peach rings?”
“Gummy sharks?” you bust out with. He blinked, scoffed, then actually smiled. Encouraged, you kept guessing; it’s really fun acting goofy around him. “Jumbo marshmallows? Wait, is it cheese-curls? Ooh! Is it butter puff corn?”
His stare was blank. “Butter what?”
“Oh honey, I’ll find us a bag and you’ll never be the same.”
He gave you another look and sighed. You cocked your head.
“Well? What were you fixin’ to show me?”
Relenting, he reached into his bag and revealed what it was.
“No way.” He’d nabbed a bag of Tootsie-pops? And full-sized! Marshmallows and gummies were your favorite candy at the moment (such as peach rings, obviously), but lollipops were great! And not to be selfish since it was the apocalypse and all, but you couldn’t really break a lollipop up to share it like you could with other candies.
And what’s important to note is that you don’t even have much of a sweet-tooth; you’d choose french fries (or hush-puppies, to be precise) over ice cream any day, all the way. You’re just so damned hungry all the time now that you would probably get excited over an old can of mixed vegetables never mind something delicious and fun like a Tootsie-pop.
“Oh Daryl, I could kiss you!” you heard yourself saying.
Oh, my. That was different. You actually said it.
Well, Carol would certainly be proud. You’d have to tell her later, she’d get a kick out of it. That is if she didn’t overhear you...
“Hey, shh! What, you want the little punk to see?” Daryl mumbled.
You cracked up, ignored your really warm cheeks, and asked “Which one, Carl or Glenn?”
He snorted, and took two of the lollipops out, keeping the brown one and handing you the pink. “C’mon, let’s stay ahead of the group.”
“I’m gonna sneak one to Beth and Carl, though.” They were the youngest of the group, so in your mind, needed the most protecting (and candy!). You knew that Daryl saw it that way, too.
He hummed in agreement, then smirked a little when he added “Then prolly to everyone else, I’ll bet.”
“Well, yeah,” you replied, a sheepish kind of expression on your face. Today really was a good day.
Daryl squinted a bit at you, but said nothing else. That was okay though. The quiet that settled between you two felt comfortable, easy.
You were already eagerly unwrapping your lollipop, being sure to pocket the wrapper. It didn’t matter that the world had fallen apart, you still weren’t gonna litter if you could avoid it. Daryl followed suit, even though he’d initially voiced back at the quarry that it was “stupid” and “kinda damn pointless.”
That felt like years ago. But it was only...how months ago that everything gone down? Definitely more than half a year ago, that much you knew. You glanced down at Dale’s watch that you wore, but you had forgotten about winding it more than a few times by now. Ah, you’ll need to do the kad-ish thing for him, too.
You’d have to ask Hershel what day it was so you could right the watch. Maybe he could mark today in his little datebook as...‘Candy Day?’
“Whoa, hold up y’all,” you said, pulling out your lollipop. “Did we miss Halloween?” You popped it back into your mouth and spun around to face the group, thinking out loud with the stick hanging out the side of your mouth. “Mr. Greene, might could you tell me what today is? All this candy’s got me thinkin’ of Halloween.”
Hershel made as if to reach into his pocket to check his datebook, but Beth stared at you confused.
“That ain’t a cigarette in your mouth, right?”
You hadn’t meant to blow the surprise quite so soon. You looked over at Daryl, who shrugged and grunted. So you curved your mouth at him and pulled out your lollipop to show everyone.
“Daryl might could’ve found some Tootsie-pops?”
Glenn immediately shouted “MVP!” and threw his arms up in a touchdown pose, which T-Dog and Carl copied. Then Glenn, of course, started jogging right over to Daryl and you, while Maggie and Beth shared an amused look and shook their heads at each other. Maggie also caught your eye and gave you a wink.
“Nice find, pookie,” Carol teased, which made Lori and T-Dog crack up and Daryl grumble.
Rick and Hershel just smiled, while Carl modestly nibbled on one single peach ring to make it last as long as possible. His parents and Hershel had been chatting about something quietly together.
And Daryl, obligingly, held out the little bag which held just enough for everyone to enjoy one, except for Carl, who after all had won the peach rings, and Hershel, who joked that at his age he needed to worry more about his teeth. “Since I don’t want to go through the trouble of getting dentures, especially considering that I’m not entirely likely to find a dentist who’s accepting new patients right now.”
When the lollipops were dispersed and the bag rendered empty, you saw from the corner of your eye that Daryl balled it up and raised his arm as if to toss it, but paused. Then, instead of throwing it on the ground, he put it into his pocket just as he had the wrapper.
You turned your head to look at him.
You liked the man that he was becoming. He had always been, you know, helpful and stuff because of his hunting skills, and was always good at protecting everyone. That went without saying.
But he wasn’t always the...most pleasant. Yet now, more and more, he was working on himself. He was becoming respectful, kind, more thoughtful, and gentle. And a hell of a lot less racist, praise the Lord. He and T-Dog and Glenn were friends, even. Especially him and T-Dog.
And the way that he gave his all to find Sophia...Carol had called it, he was a good man.
Maybe one day Daryl would even open up more – whenever it was that he finally accepted that Rick and the rest of the group didn’t want to keep him around solely because he was useful. It was because you all liked him. He's family.
“You gonna say somethin’, or?” his gravelly voice cut in.
Oh, right.
You took your strawberry Tootsie-pop out of your mouth and pointed it at him. “Remember when I shoved that big value sized toothpaste and all the tooth brushes in with the medical and trauma stuff?”
He grumbled, then reminded you “And all the damned floss.”
You raise your eyebrows at him and hold back yet another smile. Then glance at the lollipops. “See? Necessary.”
He just squints back at you.
So in a gentle, sing-songy voice, you tease “Just don’t forget to brush and floss before bedtime, pookie.”
He huffed and adjusted his crossbow on his shoulder, but one corner of his mouth twitched up into a shy grin. “Slowpoke.”
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thechekhov · 3 years
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Alright, alright, I caved.
After a slot opened up in me to be able to take on another show emotionally, I decided to invest in OwlHouse. I thought I would probably like it, but it won me over faster than I thought it would.
I’ve already watched a few episodes, but I realized that it might be more fun to do liveblogs, so here I am - with a liveblog...
I will be doing this episode by episode, and probably releasing them every once in a while. Everything will be under a cut, however, to save you all dash space.
If you’d like to follow, please track the #chekhov watches owlhouse tag!
(I’d also like to dedicate this post to the Tumblr Staff Rob, who did his best to restore this post for me when tumblr queue ate it.)
Without further ado...
Episode 1!!
Fair warning - this is technically not a ‘live’ blog, because I have already watched some of the show before deciding to do this, but I’ll still react to them to round things out.
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Immediately, this reminds me of Little Witch Academia... Anyone? No? Only me? I feel like maybe I’m getting my wires crossed, but there HAD to have been some inspiration taken from there?
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“No-- my only weakness! Dying!!“
Same, big snake monster. Same.
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Oh, backup snakes? This girl is READY.
Please don’t mistreat the snakes.
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Spider breath... This kid is on my wavelength. That griffin seems to be waiting to be put out of its misery though, and I don’t blame it.
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My child... where did you get that pigeon head though.....
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Nurse mother, do you REALLY think signing up your spider-summoning daughter for summer camp will actively make her antics slow down instead of ramp up to 60?
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Awww, baby makes AMVs... But also, NO ONE TOLD YOU TO THROW AWAY THE BOOK??? I know it’s symbolic, but goodness, isn’t that a bit much???
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wait a sec, is that Eda????
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Love the realistic bilingual kid experience of replying in English when your mom talks to you in your native language. Universal.
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Love this introduction of Eda’s character. She’s got that little green scarf on and everything. Like a tiny trash grandma.
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Oooh, okay, let’s extrapolate...
Lots of bones everywhere. I kinda love the aesthetic here - it’s gross and visceral, kind of like what Luz was making with her school projects. Yet in the middle of it all we have a rather clear gothic looking structure. Is this a power imbalance in the supposed kingdom?
The five circles of stained glass seem to perhaps indicate something like Hogwarts houses? Several different types of magic?
But Luz has no reason to freak out as much as she is - she LOVES weird stuff! Haha... No, I kid, I kid. I get it.
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“Am I in the bad place?“
Eyyyyy, gotta love shows referencing other shows. :)
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“Oh dear child... I’m not like you.”
Wow, what a DRAMATIC reveal for some pointy ears. :) I love her.
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We should all aspire to have such cool and stylistically well put together wanted posters. You can tell the commissioned artist really respects her craft.
Steven Universe fans watching this:
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I’m looking too.
Okay, okay, enough shenanigans, let’s have some LORE.
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I love this landscape. Teeth or bones, or whatever they are, this is one of the more unique settings we’ve gotten, though maybe I’m prejudiced because I love body horror and bones. The darker orange and red themes fit really well here.
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Things I’m desperate for: Giraffe Lore 
Things I’m more desperate for: Eda lore. Why do her limbs fall off? Is she a zombie?
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Things I’m not quite as desperate for: Hooty lore. He can keep that to himself.
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well hello there mysterious chekhov’s glyph which will DEFINITELY not be relevant in the second chapter (or end of season? Maybe? Idk it just seems important).
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Ah, yes. That would have been my reaction as well, to be fair. Somehow I didn’t expect to see this guy so early on. I figured he would be a low stress early villain that got assimilated into the Found Family. Kinda psyched that he’s just there from the start.
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....I’m just gonna presume this is all true and accept it at face value.
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Old Escape The Cops Lady and Tiny Little Demon King, I need your backstory. How did you meet.
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I love looking at background details, because like... you can tell the BG artists had fun. I particularly love how the 3 eyed toad doesn’t actually have any reward attached to her. Though the Knife Baby does intrigue me!
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“I write fanfics of food falling in love.”
Why am I being called out...
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“Noo! My weak nerd arms!”
Finally, a realistic portrayal of a protagonist thrust into a fantasy setting!
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Okay but. If only humans could pass through the barrier... wouldn’t that mean a human had to have deposited those things in there? Do they have a human on staff in this weird pseudo-prison??? Suspicious....
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Confession - when I initially saw ads for this show, I expected Eda to be a villain, not a loveable middle aged witch aunt figure. I am shockingly even MORE drawn to her this way. I expected betrayal. I expected her to be a lowkey threat?? But no. She’s just wholesome in the way a solid raccoon is.
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“Eda, are you okay?!”
“Yeah, this just happens when you get older...”
“........does it..?”
If I had to pinpoint the exact moment this show won me over...... it would probably be this one.
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I know it’s probably the wrong thing to focus on, but what is that insignia? Wings??? Like.... the kind OWLS HAVE?????
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I’m really loving the landscape here. And those fireworks are... hmm... intricate?
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Gotta love the old tried and true Witch Apprentice Actually A Live In Intern trope. :)
Hold up...
Is that
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Is that Hooty? I thought he was just a door....
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Eda: This is my room for human stuff. I will also put my human in there.
. . .
Overall rating: I think this is a cute overall beginning. The prison break went hard! I enjoyed the characters and it kind of surprised me in a lot of ways. It definitely does a great job setting up a world with a lot more to explore while giving us a small taste of cool magic stuff and witchy battles. :)
Now on to Episode 2!!
Read the liveblogs in order by clicking here!
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griffintail · 3 years
Hi! Can I request a fic where reader is a teen, and was part of the sbi family, but was manipulated by dream to work with him. Now that dream’s locked up, reader is really lonely, but Sam and puffy took them in and is raising them, but dream is livid and tells Sam to leave reader alone. Dream escapes and makes it pretty clear he’s after reader. You can choose hoe it ends. I’m a big fan of your work. Thanks! /gen
I-I went further with this than I planned. Lol. I hope you enjoy it!
The Sister’s Happiness
Pairings: SBI x Sibling! F! Reader
Warnings: Mentions of Manipulation, Mentions of blood, Explosion, Mild Angst
Part 2
        (Y/N) wished she could turn back time and never go with Dream.
        He made her think so many horrible things about her…family. He made her do so many things against them. She thought he had been her friend, the only one that truly cared for her and understood her.
        Now, she saw what he had really done to her.
        He had separated her from those that had cared about her. After everything she had done…they’d never even what to see her again, she was sure of it.
        She had helped Schlatt come into power by Dream’s orders, take Wilbur’s nation from him and Tommy.
        She had kept hold of one of Tommy’s discs for Dream in case if Tommy tried to get them back, he’d have the wrong guy. She had also helped Dream and Techno blow up L’Manberg one last time.
        She betrayed Phil and Techno by telling Dream where Techno was, using information she got from Phil.
        She lost everything she ever once had and now she lost everything she had now. Dream had gone to prison and the time alone; she realized the mistakes she made with helping him. All she was now was…alone…
        Time passed seemed to pass so slowly yet so fast around her as she tried to bring herself outside and be happy, but so many people hated her. She just knew it. Everyone would hate her as she had been Dream’s “friend”.
        Maybe that’s why when she first managed to get outside, she decided to go to the prison. She knew Dream was bad and bad for her but she had no one else, so she went to visit him.
        “(Y/N)?” Sam looked at her surprised as she came into the prison. “Where have you been?”
        She rubbed her arm awkwardly. “I’ve been…just hanging around you know. So many friends to talk to!”
        Sam knew she was lying.
        “I came to see Dream.” She changed the subject.
        “I…Don’t think that’s a good idea,” Sam told her, remembering a promise…
        “Come on, what am I going to do?” She rolled her eyes.
        “Dream’s a pretty bad guy (Y/N), and you’re a kid.”
        “I’m not a child!” She protested. “Just let me see the damn guy.”
        “No, I’m going to insist you don’t.” Sam shook his head as he came around his desk. “Why don’t you go do something else?”
        (Y/N) didn’t want to go though, she’d be alone again. Stuck in her own home, afraid of what the others would do. She had snuck her way to the prison already, she didn’t want to sneak across the whole land alone. She just didn’t want to be alone.
        “No! Just let me see him! I don’t go back to the quiet fucking house! I don’t care if he’s the bad guy! Just let me talk to someone!”
        Sam stopped in front of her as she took a step back realizing she had said all that out loud.
        “I—Forget I said that.” (Y/N) turned for the portal, trying not to show her weakness.
        “…Why don’t we go back to my base? I need a break.” Sam stopped her.
        She stopped at the edge of the portal, her hand resting on the obsidian.
        He’s trying to use you.
        That voice was back, the voice of Dream that always controlled her. Her heart pounded as she clenched her hand before taking a deep breath and looking at Sam.
        “Why?” She asked.
        “Well, my place isn’t quiet, you might like the different change.”
        Don’t listen to him. He’s not your friend, I am.
        She clenched her hands in her pockets before giving an eye roll.
        “Yeah, sure, I’ll come to your stupid base.” She muttered. “But if it’s boring, I’m leaving.”
        Sam chuckled lightly. “Sure, you won’t think that for too long probably, Puffy said she’s bringing me some cake and I’m willing to share.”
        (Y/N)’s eyes lit up slightly at the mention of cake and Sam was actually a bit startled by the light in her eyes. He didn’t really remember a time when he had seen her with such a look in her eyes. Dream’s influence must have had a greater effect than anyone thought…
        Sam put up his warden gear and had taken (Y/N) to his base, which rested far from the rest of the SMP land, so she was able not to worry about those that hated her finding her. She tried not to let the cool base affect her but it was especially hard when Fran jumped on her. She lost it after that and managed a real smile after a long time and pet the dog eagerly.
        She played with the dog, running around the base, Sam joining the pair once he had taken a few moments to relax. When Puffy came, she was shocked to see (Y/N) laughing as Fran was licking her face, having knocked the younger girl down. As she had been so new to the land, she hadn’t seen her like this ever.
        It made Puffy smile though as Sam shared the cake she had brought with (Y/N) as well. (Y/N) gladly dug in and it was a very different change from how they were used to seeing her. Is this what people used to see her as?
        The two from there vowed to let her show her happiness. Dream wasn’t there to control her anymore and they wanted to make sure she knew that. That she could back to who she was and the people they knew she loved and they also knew still loved her…
        “Why don’t we go to the SMP tomorrow?” Sam offered one day as (Y/N) was practicing her archery as Sam spotted her.
        She lowered the bow, frowning, before aiming at the target again, getting a bullseye. “You want me to lose a life?”
        “What do you mean?” Sam asked confused.
        “I helped do so many horrible things.” She took out a new arrow. “They’d want my head on a plate.”
        “That’s not…”
        “Sam, I helped bring down my broth—” She stopped looking away from him. “I helped bring down Tommy’s and Wilbur’s nation twice. It’s gone now. Doubt Tommy wants to see my face anywhere near him or the SMP.”
        She aimed her bow at the target again and missed widely as she wasn’t focused, swearing quietly to herself as she went to retrieve the arrow as Sam sat for a moment with his own thoughts. Dream had really broken her faith in her own family…
        “Hey, Sam.” Tommy stopped at the portal to leave the prison.
        “Yeah?” Sam raised an eyebrow at Tommy’s serious tone.
        “Can you promise me something?”
        The next day, he did his day at the prison as (Y/N) and Puffy were having a girl’s day. Today, he had a mission though. He went to the main cell with his only prisoner.
        “Sam. What do I owe the pleasure?” Dream grinned behind his mask.
        “What did you do to (Y/N)?” Sam went straight to the point.
        Dream chuckled as he leaned on the wall. “I made her useful instead of being the annoying brat she was.”
        “She’s just a child.”
        “So? She helped Tommy with his first “Disc War”.” He shook his head. “I couldn’t deal with two of the brats, so, I showed her what was better for her.”
        “You took her away from her family.”
        Dream chuckled, moving his mask to side to smirk at Sam. “And? She’s better off. I’m sure she’ll visit me soon too.”
        Dream had banked on it. (Y/N) couldn’t survive without him. He had shaped her into the way he wanted and he’d use her again to escape.
        “She wasn’t and she won’t, but I assure you now,” Sam smirked this time, making Dream frown. “She’ll bounce back. I’ll make sure of it.”
        “What the hell does that mean?” Dream asked.
        “She’s remembering how to smile. I don’t think I’ve ever seen her laugh.”
        Dream stepped forward to grab the man but Sam moved out of the way. Sam was trying to further break Dream by showing him that he no longer has control outside these four walls and by the rage in the usually masked man’s face, he knew this could work.
        “She’s just a kid and I’ll make sure she remembers that.”
        “Leave them alone Sam. You’re not going to like it if you don’t.”
        “No, I’ll make sure she can remember who she was.”
        Dream tried to grab Sam again, but Sam tripped him down. The creeper hybrid crouched next to the man.
        “You have no power. (Y/N) is safe now and I won’t let you take that from her.”
        Sam left the cell with that and Dream growled as he clenched his hands.
        “Time to speed up plans then…” He grinned wickedly.
        Sam sat at his desk the next day, writing in a book when he jumped hearing an ear-splitting explosion as alarms blared off.
        “FUCK!” He shouted, grabbing his trident as he sprinted for Dream’s cell.
        Smoke was piling out before he opened the entrance to the cell and when he could see, he stood in shock at the gaping hole in front of him as Dream adjusted his mask, a sword gleaming in the sunlight streaming in and the fire piling around him.
        “Sam. The man of the hour.” He grinned wickedly as a group of purple particles blinked out in the smoke. “Now, tell me. Where is she?”
        Sam supposed he had to also speed up his own plans now too.
        “Fran!” (Y/N) called as she held a lead.
        She had worked with Sam on a schedule where she would walk Fran while Sam was at the prison. Fran ran up to her and she smiled tying the leash on the dog, leaving with her. They were about to do their usual route when Fran started to growl and (Y/N) stiffened, hand going to her sword.
        “What is it?” She muttered.
        She heard movement and she stood in front of Fran as she pulled out her sword.
        Sam’s place was so far away. Who was here?
        By the tree line, she saw a shadow come towards the edge and then out into the light…
        “(Y/N)!” Ghostbur smiled.
        “G-Ghostbur?” She sputtered.
        She had met the ghost once or twice during Tommy’s exile but she had never been alone with the ghost of her…of Wilbur.
        “I found you first. Techno said he’d find you because he’s a human GPS and Tommy said he’d find you first because he’s better! But I found you first.” Ghostbur rambled as he came over.
        (Y/N) merely went pale. They were looking for her? Did they want to…?
        “Phil told me he needs you for a sleepover at his place so come on.” Ghostbur smiled, holding out a hand to her.
        “W-What? I—” She backed away, frightened.
        She knew they must hate her but did they really want to hurt her?
        “Oh dear. Do you need some blue?” Ghostbur asked as he went into his bag. “I have a few pieces spare!”
        She was debating to go sprinting into Sam’s house when the tree line broke again and Tommy stumbled into the clearing.
        “HA!” Tommy grinned as (Y/N) was deathly white. “There you are!”
        He took a step to her but that was enough to frighten her to sprint towards the house only for her to scream as she fell on the ground seeing Techno coming walking out beside it.
        “I—I—I!” (Y/N) sputtered, Fran, growling as the dog stood in front of her.
        “Well, that’s not the greeting I expected,” Techno muttered as Ghostbur floated to the girl and held a piece of blue to her.
        “Come on idiot. We need to go.” Tommy huffed to the girl.
        “I-I’m sorry.” She finally let out, tears now falling down her face as she shook.
        “For what?” Techno raised an eyebrow.
        “E-Everything. I-I just—Please don’t hurt me.” She whimpered.
        “What? Why would we hurt you?” Tommy looked at her confused.
        “I-I helped Dream a-and…”
        “You were manipulated by Dream.” Techno crouched down, glaring at the dog as it growled at him. “Yeah, sure, we use to hate you but.” Techno looked at Tommy as Tommy looked away. “We know what Dream’s like now. We know what he does. And now, he’s broken out of the prison.”
        (Y/N)’s body stiffened now at the information as Ghostbur shifted nervously before putting the blue in the girl’s hand, which turned a deep blue instantly.
        “Sam called us,” Tommy told her. “We got to go before he gets here. Techno and I…don’t agree on a lot.” Tommy looked at his brother before looking at her. “But we agree that you need to get to Techno’s and Phil’s so we know you’re safe sis.”
        (Y/N)’s heart cracked as she heard the familiar nickname from her brother. The blue had given her enough clarity to hear Tommy’s words and it made her tear up more. Her…Her brothers didn’t hate her…
        “We got go now. Dream could be here any minute.” Techno said, standing and offering a hand to (Y/N), Fran trying to snap at it but he growled at the dog and the dog backed off.
        (Y/N) hesitated as she took his hand and Techno pulled her up.
        “Let’s go.” He looked around before leading the teenagers, a dog, and a ghost away.
        “You got to promise me that you won’t let (Y/N) see Dream,” Tommy said.
        “…I thought I hated her…I never really did but I always said I did. Now, I don’t hate her at all because now…now I know what Dream can do. You can’t let her in that cell with him. Promise me, Sam.”
        “…Yeah, ok. I promise.”
        “Thanks. If you see her…let her know I’d like to talk ok?” He smiled sadly. “We all miss her.”
        “I will.”
        Sam came to his base, beaten and bloodied but he was alive. His base was in disarray but that meant one thing, Dream hadn’t been able to find (Y/N). He smiled to himself. Puffy had gotten his message and gotten to the brothers.
        He had planned on slowly introducing her back to her family to help her realize no one hated her but he had to speed everything up for her safety. He knew, there was no better place for her now than with her own family as Dream was on a war place to reclaim a piece in his game of chess.
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kira-fluff · 3 years
please please PLEASE may we have a part two to the 'only one bed' piece you posted 🥺🥺 your writing is INCREDIBLE and I loved it so much 🥺🥺🥺 if u decide to do a part two then thank u so much in advance,, hope u have a good day 🥺
a/n: you asked for it (some others did too but this anon was so adorable so I’m replying to this one) so I’m gon’ give it to u <3 also, THANK YOU I am being 1000% honest that your comments seriously brought me to tears I was SO happy you all loved it. when I say pt.2, I kind of assume that it’s with the same characters (since no one specified others) so that’s what I’m gonna do! 
Context provided, don’t worry babes 
WARNINGS: sexual harassment, intoxication, extremely heavily suggestive (it gets pretty spicy)
Also contains spoilers from part 1 but like why would you even read part 2 if you haven’t read part 1? Get outta here and read it!! (Why is this even a warning? I don’t know don’t question my methods) 
“There’s only one bed” [PT.2] PT.1
You awoke to a sleeping Saeyoung, his toned arms enveloping your small body in a hug. Shamelessly, you laid still for a few moments longer.
When you’d noticed him stirring awake, you quickly shut your eyes once more, trying to conceal your growing smile 
Saeyoung blinked a few times before registering at last where he was 
He needed a little more time to register why you are in his arms 
Pretending to be asleep again, you nuzzled further into his chest, letting out a soft groan 
Saeyoung’s mind flew to DANGER MODE 
He felt kinda guilty holding you in his arms because let’s face it there’s no way he isn’t enjoying this 
He was so stunned that, for once, he was at a loss for words (shocking, I know) 
Blinking out of his stupor, he murmured, “Y/N?” 
His morning voice was... nice. 
You pretended to “wake up”, fake yawning before saying, “Yes, Saeyoung?”, subtly batting your eyes a little 
(It wasn’t subtle) 
But since Saeyoung is an actual fucking moron, he can’t tell the difference 
Play it cool, Seven. She can’t know that you know she was doing this all night and you didn’t do anything. 
“Wow”, Saeyoung choked out a laugh, “I didn’t know you liked me this much.” 
You look down, in between the two of you before slowly making eye contact with him again, smirking in disbelief, “I could say the same to you.” 
A slow blush crept up his face at the innuendo 
But he was NOT about to lose 
Saeyoung Choi is NOT a loser 
“Oh, yeah? Well, I wasn’t the one screaming my name last night.” 
You gasped, “Screaming?! I didn’t scream -- I would’ve remembered a dream like tha-- Oh!” You quickly covered your mouth, already feeling regret seeping into every bone of your body.
Saeyoung openly chuckled, looking at you with a sort of darkness in his eyes 
“You’re more dangerous than this whole mission.”
You were still out of sorts, failing to come up with a comeback besides a quiet, “I wasn’t screaming.”
A shit eating grin replaced the cool smirk on Saeyoung’s face 
“I win.” 
“Eat a dick, Seven.” 
“Sorry, I think I’m more attracted to the one who was moaning out, ‘Oooh, Saeyoung~~~’“ 
You threw a pillow straight in his face, muttering a “shut up”, blushing profusely 
Ever the competitive fucker, Saeyoung proclaims an all out pillow fight
It is WAR 
Throwing pillow after pillow at each other in between giggles and taunts and jeers 
“Take no prisoners!” you shouted, feeling unbeatable
Until Saeyoung grabbed your ass, pulling you down with him, earning a yelp from you 
“What the fuck, Sev’?! You cheater!!” 
“I don’t know, my hand’s a lot more comfortable here!” 
You scoffed, “Oh, YOU! YOU are gonna GET IT!” 
Saeyoung threw back his head in laughter but abruptly stopped when you grabbed his face with both your hands, and forcefully kissed him 
He let out a “MMPH!”, eyes wide 
Before, of course, kissing you back with equal force 
Gasping for air at last, you spoke in between breaths, “I......win..”
“Actually, darling, I think I just did.”
Noticing your loss for words, he smirked before asking, “So.... what’s my prize?” 
You didn’t have to be asked twice, “I think I have something in mind...”
His eyes met your own before slowly scanning your body, then snapping back to your eyes once more 
You bit your lip 
“I know you’ll lose at least one thing tonight.” 
“Bold of you to assume--” 
“Just shut up and kiss me again.” 
Wish granted ;) 
Yoosung glanced away, taking a deep breath before saying, “Yeah, yeah I did. I really like you.” You couldn’t hold back the big ol’ smile that took over your face as you proudly declared, “Me too!!” Right when Yoosung was going to go in for a kiss, he saw his auntie suddenly right next to the both of you
“Oh my GOD when did you get here?!”
She smirked, “My question first, dearie, what did you two like?” Neither of you answered, your cheeks growing red
“You know, the first time your uncle did it with me I felt the same way. Like, what a man! Must run in the fam--” 
Your blush didn’t leave you as you smeared strawberry cream cheese on your toasted bagel. This trip was going to be very VERY difficult. Thank God there was alcohol. And Yoosung. And probably dogs. And Yoosung. Yeah. Gotta love relatives.
Following this stunning confession, you felt dumb because, well, you still didn’t know where you really stood with Yoosung 
So when night came, you were ready to go to a party 
Putting on your earrings and making sure your clothes were laid properly in place, you stepped out of the resort room to a waiting Yoosung 
“H-hey, thanks for waiting for me,” You nervously tucked a stray hair behind your ear. 
Yoosung avoided eye contact, opting for a stiff nod 
You gazed deeper into the side of his head, feeling hurt. 
But... you decided not to say anything. 
Walking together to the reserved room the resort had made in preparation for Yoosung’s uncle was awkward, not a single word spoken between the two of you 
When you arrived, Yoosung’s eccentric uncle immediately shouted, “’Sung ‘Sung! Get over ‘ere! We’re gonna have a part-ay!!” 
You suddenly understood why Chaewon was the way he was 
and why Yoosung’s parents forced him to go on this trip instead of themselves 
Since you didn’t know his name, you opted for your nickname -- Uncle Alcohol 
Cuz he had a LOT of it 
In number, and in the amount he shoved down his throat at any given time
Seriously, how is this guy already drunk?!
You watched as Uncle Alcohol shoved a sloppy arm around Yoosung, not so quietly shouting something in his ear above the blaring music 
You were too far away to hear, thank goodness, but you took note of the way Yoosung immediately blushed and shook his head fervently, his hands held in front of his chest 
Before you could take in the atmosphere further, you felt a shiver down your back
Immediately turning around you saw the oh-so-famous Chaewon 
“Heeeyyyyyyy babbeeheehe...... Wannnaaa..... sliiidee in my room tonighhht?” Laughing in a way what made you cringe and your ears numb, you replied, “No thanks, bud. You should probably get some water.” 
“Nooo I want youuuu” Grabbing your boob in his hand, he laughed again, saying, “Nice” 
Oh my god.. where the fuck is Yoosung?? 
You quickly slapped away his hand, shouting, “Stay the hell away from me asshole! Try anything else again, and I won’t give a shit that you’re drunk or Yoosung’s family, I will call the cops on you!” 
He acted as if he didn’t hear you, but must’ve gotten the message because he sauntered over to another group of girls 
Aren’t those his cousins? What the fuck is WRONG with that guy?! 
The loud smack and curses answered the question. You didn’t attempt to help when you saw them proceed to beat the absolute shit out of him, blood and all. 
What you needed was a drink. Something really, really strong. 
You walked over to the resort bar tender
Something about your face must’ve given it all away because he began with a “Rough night, huh?” 
“Do not even fucking ask me about it. God, please, I’m sorry that was rude. I just need something strong... just give me three fingers of rye.” You waved your hand nonchalantly, sitting at a bar stool. 
“Are you sure, lady? You don’t look the type to handle that kinda liquor..”
“That’s kind of the point.”
He sighed, “Look... I’m not supposed to condone you getting completely shit-faced.. but you look like you need it tonight. I’ll make something a little easier down the throat, okay?” 
You nodded, exasperated. 
You didn’t know what it was, but it did the trick. It’s fruity taste easily passed down your throat, leaving you feeling lighter and more at peace. 
“’nother one.” 
He obliged, pouring another glass for you. 
Four drinks in and your world was already unbelievably wobbly. 
You were seeing double, looking at the bartender’s second form 
You laughed, it all seemed to funny 
Standing up, you stumbled over to the dance floor, grabbing one of Uncle A’s craft beers. 
Dancing was fun for a few minutes, grateful no one had bothered you. 
But you sat down, tears suddenly welling in your eyes 
You were alone. 
Your mood brightened just by remembering his name
Giggling, you called out, “Yoosuuungg~~~” repeatedly around the room 
One of the cousins heard your call, laughing because everything was funny, before grabbing Yoosung’s arm and shouting what they’d just heard 
Yoosung quickly glanced over at you, brows furrowed. They softened a little upon seeing your drunken state 
He’d had a beer or two, but the good feeling got old quickly and he sobered up by the time he’d noticed his cousins acting like complete fools 
Upon seeing him, your smile grew to a big, childish grin 
“Hiiii Yoosuuunggg...” 
“Jeez, Y/n, how much did you drink?” 
You giggled, playfully sticking out your tongue, “not sure~ a few.. probably..?” you laughed again, winking at him 
“Hey, let’s get you some water, yeah? On second thought.. we gotta get outta here. I’ll carry you to our room.” 
Your eyes shamelessly stared at his lips, not listening to a word he was saying 
“Yoosunngg~~ I want you to fuck meeee” 
Yoosung held the bridge of his nose in between his fingers, “L-let’s just go.” 
Putting your arm over his shoulder, he carried most of your weight. 
“Yoosuuung I want to have your babiess~~” 
Yoosung blushed and looked down, continuing to walk, “You’re way too drunk.” 
“Yoosunggieee I want to know what it feels like to have your d--” 
He quickly shushed you, looking around for other observers
He basically ran to your resort room from there
Taking a long sigh as he finally had got you in the room, he wiped some sweat off his face 
Just when he’d gotten up to get a water bottle for you, he heard retching noises
Before he could stop you, you upchucked all over yourself and some of the cheap resort carpeting 
Groaning in physical and emotional pain, Yoosung muttered a quiet, “why me” 
Before putting his arms under your arm pits and dragging you to the bathroom 
He spent a good 10 minutes just trying to get the stupid shower to turn on because of course at any other place than your own house it’s never easy 
Then, after getting the temperature just right, he forced you to down at least half of the water bottle 
“Are you able to take off your clothes by yourself, Y/n?” 
You giggled back, shaking your head 
“Help me take ‘em off pweaseee” 
You started tearing up again, your lip wobbling 
“You know I can’t do that sweetie, you’re drunk.”
“No ‘m not.” 
“Yeah, you are.” 
You looked up at him before sighing and lifting up your shirt, fully exposing half of your naked body to him 
He screamed like a little girl, running and slamming the door behind him 
You pouted, “That’s no fun.” 
After getting out of your clothes, you devised another poorly thought through plan
“Yoosunngggieee I need help washing myselffff” 
“Um.. okay, lemme go see if I can get a hold of someone...”
“I want it to be you. I want it to be you who sees me like this. I want it to be you. Only you.” 
“S-stop..” He said through the door. 
Sighing, Yoosung knew there was no one who wasn’t drunk or available to help. 
He did what any good guy would do. He proceeded to blind fold himself, opting for reaching his hands out to guess and where things were. 
You laughed, “’Sunggiee you know you’re still gunna be touchin’ me” 
“I’m not going to.”
“You said you’d help me!” 
“Yeah, getting shampoo or something like that!” 
“How ya gunna do that with somethin’ over your eyes?” 
“I didn’t think it through that far.” 
You sighed, conceding and attempting to wash yourself (which ended pretty badly) but, keeping his word, he managed to assist you the best he could without touching you. 
He pitied the hangover you’d have... and the regret. 
 At last carrying you to bed after getting you another drink of water, he began cleaning the putrid stain you’d left on the carpet. 
It was about 5AM when he’d finished, finally crawling into bed. 
He thought about the way it felt last night compared to now
and he blamed himself. 
He was the one that made you get so drunk you essentially passed out 
Looking at you again, he sighed. 
Tugging you close into his arms, he whispered a soft, “I’m sorry.” 
Your subconscious must’ve heard him because you said in your sleep, “’s ok.” 
And suddenly your faces weren’t so far apart. And you couldn’t help but slowly close your eyes. Jumin was confused. He can be a bit of a pea brain, so he of course said, “I’m sure you’re very tired.” He shut off the light, reaching over you. You held back the big frown you’d gotten when you realized he’d rejected you. Unbeknownst to you that it took everything in him, from the moment he’d saw you in the jet cabin, not to scoop you up in his arms and make out with you the whole way there.
You were awoken by birds chirping outside the massive estate window
You made eye contact with an already staring, wide-eyed Jumin 
Upon realizing you’d woken up, he averted his gaze saying, “Breakfast -- soon.” 
You missed the crimson color of his face, instead getting up and stretching (like you didn’t learn your lesson last time)
Then, you made your way over to the fresh coffee that had been delivered to your room minutes before
Adding a shit load of cream and a dash of sugar, you turned to see Jumin staring at you. Again. 
You breathed out a laugh, “What are you looking at?” 
Jumin’s brows knit together for a split second before he again looked away, his soft blush never fading, “It’s hard not to.” 
“Look at wha--” Your eyes grew wide in realization, looking down at the lingerie hardly covering your skin, Jumin’s shirt no where to be seen.  
You screamed, making a poor attempt to cover yourself shouting, “Oh my god I’m so sorry I forgot!!” 
Again, Jumin found his gaze resting on your body, stifling a groan. 
He at last spoke, his deep voice reverberating throughout the room, “You... you’re making this all.. so much more ....difficult.” 
You then grew defensive, “Made what difficult? Ogling at me without staying anything?!” 
His eyes glowered with something you couldn’t quite place. “That’s not what I meant” 
He walked slowly toward you, causing you to take steps backward 
He’d backed you up against the wall, letting out a deep breath through his nose
With glittering eyes, he grabbed your chin with his fingers, forcing you to look up at him instead of the ground 
“You’re doing on purpose, aren’t you?” 
You gulped in anticipation, “D-doing what?” 
Jumin raked his eyes down your body then looked back up at you with a sarcastic expression that said, “really?” 
“N-no! I didn’t have a choice!!” 
“Your clothes would’ve been dry hours ago.. if it really bothered you--”
“Well I was really tired from the jet ride and putting up with you!” 
Jumin looked surprised for a moment before grinning sardonically, “Putting up with me? Do you have any idea how fucking hard it is to control myself when you’re constantly grabbing me, touching me, everything!” 
“I didn’t do all that on purpose!” Okay, maybe that wasn’t entirely true, but you weren’t about to admit that to him when he was being such a dick.
He laughed dryly, “Yeah, okay. All I’m saying is that I don’t find it very funny.” 
“You think that you’re just some big joke to me?!” 
“What other explanation is there?” 
You were practically hysterical in your laughter saying, “You’re unbelievable.” 
“Oh yeah?” he challenged. 
“Yeah,” you glared back at him, your faces inches apart. 
Before Jumin could realize what he was doing, he pulled your hips flush against his own, crashing his lips harshly on yours. 
Letting out moans of both desperation and anger, your eyebrows furrowed as you deepened the kiss, gasping when Jumin slid his tongue so far into your mouth you swore you felt it going down your throat. 
After what felt like hours, you parted for oxygen, both breathing heavily, before going in for another long, simmering kiss
You felt Jumin smirk against your mouth causing you to lightly smack his chest, hating that he knew he’d gotten a rise out of you. 
He grabbed your wrist against his chest, slowly guiding it to his first button of his night shirt. 
You made quick work of removing all the fastenings, nodding and obeying him when he commanded, “Jump”
Your legs tied round his waist, you continued to make out, pulling at the waistband of his pants. 
Jumin moaned into your mouth before parting to say, “You will be the death of me, little spitfire.” 
Let’s just say the whole fiance thing might not be a lie anymore. 
Zen wanted to say something smooth like “I’ve always wanted to do that.” But instead he said “I’ve always wanted to do you.” He mentally smacked his head, blaming the lack of oxygen for his stupidity. But you smirked up at him coyly, replying, “Then why don’t you?” Um, yeah, rip your hotel neighbor he will literally hate both of you so much.
You awoke you Zen rubbing his thumb on your arm, basking in the morning light 
He groggily said, “’mornin’ babe.” 
“I’m ‘babe’ now?”
“What else am I supposed to call my beautiful girlfriend?” 
You leaned up and kissed him softly, smiling. 
“I love you, Zen. So much.” 
“I love you, too, Y/n. If you didn’t already get that from when we...” 
You laughed shyly, “yeah..” 
“I know I skipped a few steps, but I have never been happier and more sure of anything in my life.” 
You looked up at him, peacefully grinning. 
“Hey, let’s get married.” 
Zen choked on his spit, “R-right now?!” 
You giggled, “Not right now, but soon. I dunno, we’ve been friends for, like, forever. Now that we know we like each other it seems like the next step.” 
Zen looked at you, searching your face to determine whether you were serious or not. 
Detecting that you weren’t joking he laughed airily saying, “Sure. Whatever you want princess.” 
He kissed the top of your head, whispering, “You’re so beautiful, ya know that?” 
Sighing comfortably, you nodded, falling back into sleep. 
“H-hey! Wake up!!” Zen shouted, giving up and just cuddling up to you instead, stroking your hair gently. 
The concert wasn’t until late that night -- he had time to spare. 
....Even if he didn’t, he’d make time for you.  - 3 months later
In classic Zen and Y/n style, you’d eloped shortly after the tour ended. 
“Hey, Y/n? Have you seen my grey t-shirt?” 
You looked up from your laptop, “Mhm, it’s in the dryer.” 
He sighed, “Thanks babe”, before making his way down to the mudroom where your laundry was kept 
He sifted through the hot laundry in the dryer, not seeing his shirt anywhere, when he hard a crash. 
He rushed out to the living room, glancing from the smashed coffee mug on the ground, to you. 
“Y/N?! Are you okay?!!!” 
You clutched your stomach in anguish, beads of sweat forming at your brow, “Y-yeah.. my stomach hurts so bad ‘s all.”
Zen was having NONE of that
He rushed you to the Emergency Room, holding your hand the entire time. 
“It’s gonna be okay, Princess, I promise.” You nodded, before losing consciousness - 
you awoke to a depressing hospital room, meeting Zen’s worried eyes. 
“How long was I out..?” 
“For a few minutes.” 
You sighed in relief, feeling a lot better than you were when you were rushed to the ER. 
All of a sudden, a doctor entered the room looking stern. 
“I wanted to discuss the diagnosis with the two of you when you were both physically present.” 
You blanched, looking at Zen with fear etched in your eyes. 
Zen held your hand tighter, before saying, “What’s the problem?” 
The doctor looked in between the two of you before letting out a little laugh, “There’s nothing wrong, actually.” 
You both looked confused, Zen proudly saying, “Then why’d you look all doom and gloom when you came in here?!” 
The doctor roared with laughter saying, “Eh, I get a kick out of the faces you guys make. Ah, now to the diagnosis.” 
“There’s still a diagnosis?!” 
You shushed Zen, nodding at the doctor. 
He took a breath before saying, “Miss Y/N Hyeon, you’re pregnant.” 
Both your eyes grew wide, mouths slacked
“O-oh, oh my gosh!!” 
Zen enveloped you in a big hug, congratulating you (and also hiding his tears) 
This man could not hold back the proud grin he sported for MONTHS
I simp for this prompt so if someone asked, it’s not like I could say no to writing it for more characters.......right? lol Also, I came to a realization that I made that a fanfic rather than a headcanon.. so oh well, right? 
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ray-ray-writings · 3 years
Family Matters-Awesamdude
This is a Sam x gn!reader also with a bit of Son!Tommyinnit x gn!reader as well in the dreamsmp! Thank you to 🍉 for this idea!!! (P.S. Do you all remember that Fundy video where he coded it so that he could take Dream on a movie date? Yeah we’re going to pretend that that code applies to Minecraft and so you can have TVs so you can watch movies and stuff lol… That’s all) (P.P.S. This took longer than I thought it would so this is my only post for the night. I’m sorry)
Masterlist here!
After spending a lot of time with Tommy, Y/N and Sam decide its time to expand their own family
“Honey I’m home!” I heard my husband call from the front door. “In the kitchen!” I called back as I finished up dinner. “I also brought a guest. Hope that’s okay.” Sam announced as he entered the kitchen. I looked away from what I was doing a little confused. “Of course it’s okay, who did you bring?” I questioned as he approached me, leaned down and gave me a quick kiss as a greeting. Sam simply grinned and moved out of the way revealing a blonde teenage boy standing in the doorway with a grin on his face. “Tommy!!” I exclaimed, leaving the stove and running to the young boy. “Hi Y/N!” He shouted in response, allowing me to wrap my arms around him and pulling him into a tight hug. 
“It’s so good to see you! I feel like I haven’t seen you in a while!” I told the young boy, pulling back slightly from the hug. “Yeah, I’ve been a bit busy with Tubbo. But I ran into Sam as he was walking back from the prison and we started talking and he invited me back here for dinner. I hope that’s okay, I can leave if you want, I don’t want to intrude” Tommy rambled off nervously. I couldn’t help but let out a scoff of disbelief at that, “Okay course it’s okay! You’re always welcome in our home Tommy. Come, sit! Dinner is almost reader,” i said before peeling myself off of the boy and ushering him to the open seat at the table. 
I quickly returned to the stove where Sam had taken over making dinner and had actually finished by the time I got there. “Do you want to serve or do you want me to?” Sam questioned softly, giving me a warm smile. I let out a hum before responding, “I’ll serve if you want to get drinks.” Sam gave me a nod, leaning down and pressing a quick kiss to my lips before moving away from my side and getting cups. I quickly grabbed three plates before portioning out the food I had made and carefully carried the plates over to the table and set them down in front of our respective chairs. “Thanks Y/N. Thanks Sam” Tommy thanked us as we set the food and drink down in front of him. “No problem kiddo” I responded, sitting down in my own seat before Sam sat in his. “Let’s eat!”
The three of us ate together and talked about our days as well as catching up with what Tommy had been getting up too. It felt really nice talking to Tommy. Ever since Philza had moved out to the tundra with Techno, we had kind of taken Tommy under our wing. Sam had spent a lot of time with him building and I had spent a lot of time with him mining and gathering materials. It had been a little bit since the three of us hung out, Tommy had been busy with Tubbo running their country. 
“Can you stay for a little bit longer?” I asked the younger boy as we cleared plates from the dinner table. A bright smile formed on his face as he nodded enthusiastically, “Yeah, yeah I can. What did you have in mind?” Tommy responded. I gave him an excited grin before quickly putting the dishes in the sink, grabbing his arm, and pulling him into the living room. Sam also put his plate in the sink and followed behind us. 
Once in the living room, I softly pushed Tommy to the couch before rushing over to the TV and putting in a new movie I had yet to see and I knew that Tommy and Sam would enjoy it too. I turned back around and found Tommy sitting in the middle of the couch and Sam sitting to the right of him. I giddily took the spot open on the left side of Tommy and hit play on the remote. 
Once I had settled on the couch, I moved my arm to wrap around Tommy’s shoulders and pull him close to my side. Tommy gave me a confused look but I shrugged, “I wanted to be close to you and my husband, and this is the only way to do it.” At my words, Sam reached up and wrapped his arm around Tommy’s shoulder too, his arm resting on top of mine. Tommy seemed to accept my answer and settled down, almost curling closer into my side. 
The three of us mostly watched the movie in silence, laughing at the appropriate parts and joking about something the characters were doing. Toward the end, I felt something drop onto my shoulder. I looked over in confusion and felt my heart melt at the sight. Tommy had fallen asleep and in his exhaustion, he head had dropped onto my shoulder. I looked up and met Sam’s eyes, who was staring fondly at the two of us. 
“He really is like our kid sometimes” I whispered to my husband. His eyes didn’t leave Tommy’s form. “Yeah… Do you think that maybe… possibly… we could… ya know?” I knew what he was trying to say. “Really? You want to?” Sam’s eye flicked up from Tommy’s sleeping face. “Yeah, I really really do… Is that okay?” There was a moment’s pause where we both stared at each other, glancing down at Tommy before meeting his gaze again, “Of course that’s okay Sam. I really want to start a family with you. I love you so much” “I love you so much too baby.” Sam, as carefully as he could leaned across Tommy and pressed a sweet kiss to my lips before settling back in his spot with a grin on his lips. We were going to do it. We were going to start our own family. 
*Time skippppp*
Tommy was the first person we told when we had gotten confirmation that we were going to be parents. The two of us made Tommy’s favorite meal and told him that we were going to have a baby. “I’m going to be a big brother?” Tommy gasped in excitement. Tears filled my eyes at his words. Of course Sam and I considered him as a son, but we didn’t know he thought of us in the same way. “Yeah Tommy,” Sam chimed in, tears forming in his eyes as well, “You’re going to be a big brother” Tommy shot up from his seat and ran over to me and threw his arms around me. “Oh this is going to be so cool! I’ve always wanted a younger sibling and now I can finally have one! I’m going to teach them so many curse words!” That made the both of us laugh, “No you absolutely will not” I chided, laughter lacing my voice as tears began falling down my face. “Oh I absolutely will.” 
The next few months were spent preparing for the baby. Tommy was a great help. He spent a lot of days helping Sam extend our house and prepping a nursery for our new addition to the family. Tommy also spent a lot of time helping me. Making sure that I had everything I needed and that I wasn’t over exerting myself, which I found very sweet. Tommy did not leave our house during this time and so we decided to build another room for him to live in. 
Once the baby, a beautiful little girl, finally arrived, Tommy was so stoked. He almost never left her side. Tommy would spend several hours holding our little baby, Stella. There would be many nights where Stella would wake me or Sam up with her crying and by the time either of us got there, Tommy was already holding her, trying to sooth her crying. He was really truly the best big brother to Stella. 
“You guys haven’t had a proper date night in a long time yeah?” Tommy asked randomly one night as the four of us were seated at dinner. Sam and I shared a look before turning back to the boy who had become our son, “Yeah, I guess not huh?” Sam asked with a chuckle. I couldn’t help but chuckle as well as I fed Stella, “It’s been since… I don’t know, before we announced we were going to have Stella. But it’s alright, Stella has taken up a big part of our life and she needs a lot of attention, it’s what being a parent is. We’re alright” I told the boy, looking over and throwing a wink to Sam who threw one back at me with another chuckle. 
Tommy was silent for a moment, contemplating his next words before he spoke, “I mean… Maybe I could watch her for the night while you two go out and have a proper date night” Tommy offered. The offer surprised me. Because yes, Tommy loves his little sister and spends a lot of time with her, but he has only spent time around her when we were around as well. “I would be a really good babysitter too! I would make sure she was fed and she had a clean diaper and went to bed on time. I pinky promise!” Tommy rambles, trying really hard to convince us. 
I looked over to Sam who was already looking at me. I rose my eyebrow at him, and he shrugged in response before raising an eyebrow at me in return. I also gave him a shrug in response before we both turned back to Tommy. “Alright” we both agreed in unison. “After dinner we can pick a date and time, how’s that sound?” Tommy let out a cheer at Sam’s response, startling Stella a little bit. I giggled and quickly soothed her, getting her to go back to eating before looking back at Tommy, “I take that as a yes?” “Yes! Absolutely!” 
So the date was set. Next week the two of us would go out on a small date together, leaving both of our children behind back at the house. Each day that passed, Tommy grew more and more excited about the date. I honestly think that Tommy was more excited about our date than we were. Once the day finally arrived, Tommy practically shoved the two of us out the house, slamming the door closed behind us. 
I couldn’t help but hesitate to leave the front of our house. Sam immediately noticed and wrapped his arm around me and pulled me along the path, “Come on hun, they’ll be fine. You know Tommy loves her and wouldn’t let anything happen to her.” I let out a sigh but nodded and rested my head on his shoulder, “You’re right. You’re right. I’m just nervous about leaving her,” I admitted. Sam let out a hum and leaned down and pressed a kiss to the top of my head, “I know baby. Me too, but Tommy’s got this and if he needs anything, he knows to get a hold of us.” I nodded once more, “Yeah… Yeah okay. Okay… Let’s go have fun baby.” “Let’s do that”
The two of us left the house, only glancing back one time each to make sure the house was still standing until we were out of view of it. Once we could no longer see the house, the two of us began to focus on each other and our date night. We allowed ourselves to get lost in each other and go back to the giggly cutesy couple that the two of us were before we had our baby. Not that we’re still not giggly or cutesy, it’s just that we have definitely been more stressed due to our child. But we were able to have an actual, proper, date night with no screaming kids interrupting our kisses or hugs. It was actually really nice and relaxing. 
When the two of us came home, it felt like we were on cloud nine. For the first time in a long time, we didn’t have to worry about either of our children. We knew where the baby was and that Tommy was taking care of her to the best of his abilities. The house was quiet when we walked in, which was a little weird. Normally, Tommy would be talking to Stella if she was awake, but if she wasn’t he would have put her in her crib and come back downstairs to watch a movie or something… But the TV wasn’t on and he wasn’t talking. 
“Tommy?” I called out softly through the house. No response. “Tommy?” Sam tried, his voice also soft. Also no response. “Maybe he’s asleep?” I murmured, walking forward further into the house, Sam following behind. “Maybe. But that would be weird too, he usually never goes to be without telling us goodnight.” “Maybe he’s trying something new” “Maybe.” 
The two of us walked through the house quietly, looking for any sign of Tommy or Stella. Sam and I parted ways as we walked through, Sam went to the kitchen and I went to the living room. My eyes scanned the room and immediately stopped on the most adorable sight I had ever seen on the couch. I poked my head out of the living room and called to my husband softly, “Sam. I found them,” I whisper shouted causing him to step out of the kitchen. “Yeah? They in there?” “Yeah… Come look.” Sam quickly walked down the hallway and peered into the living room. “Oh my gosh” he whispered as his eyes met the sight, “I know right?”
There on the couch was Tommy and Stella. Tommy’s head was tilted back onto the back of the couch and baby Stella rested on his chest. Tommy’s hands rested protectively on Stella’s back holding her close to him. Small snores were falling from the young blonde’s lips as he peacefully slept on the couch. Over Tommy’s shoulder, a burp rag rested and beside him a half drunk bottle lay on it’s side. It seems that he was trying to get her to eat, but she just wanted to snuggle and sleep. 
“He really is the best big brother that anyone could ask for,” I whispered to my husband who hummed in agreement, “He really is. They’re the best kids that parents could ask for.” Kids. Our kids. They are our children. A small tear made its way down my cheek causing me to let out a sniff, “yeah, they really are.” Sam looks over to me and chuckled, wrapping his arms around me and pulling me into his chest. “You big softie” he teased, leaning down and pressing a kiss to the top of my head. “Oh hush, you’re the same way,” I mumbled, my face pressed into his chest. I felt a chuckle rumble through his body as he laughed at me, “Yeah… You’re right. You’re 100% right.” 
We stood there for a few moments longer before I let out a small yawn. “Tired?” Sam asked, pulling me away from the hug slightly to look at my face. I gave him a small nod and a tired smile, “Yeah, I had a really fun day with this really cool guy and now I’m a bit tired,” I told him. Sam laughed and pressed a small kiss to my forehead. “Wow, that guy sounds pretty cool,” Sam claimed, going on with the joke. “He really is. I love him lots, we have two children together that we should probably put to bed right now.” Another laugh escaped his lips, “I’m sure he loves you lots too. And I’m sure he’d agree with you about getting the kids to bed. I bet he would suggest you get Stella and he get Tommy.” It was my turn to laugh at him, “Yeah. I would definitely agree with that,” I giggled. Sam gave me a soft smile before leaning down and giving me a soft and slow kiss that I instantly returned. “I love you so much” “I love you too” 
After we broke apart, the two of us softly moved to the children that were knocked out on the couch. Ever so carefully, I peeled Tommy’s hands from his sister’s back before picking her up and tucking her to my own chest and stepping away from the couch. Sam quickly took my spot and ever so slowly and carefully picked up our son bridal style. We carefully made our way to our respective child’s room. I carefully laid Stella down in her crib, tucking her in, pressing a soft kiss to her forehead, and leaving the room. 
I made my way to Sam and I’s shared bedroom, quickly getting ready for bed and crawling into bed before Sam entered the room as well. We were silent as he got ready for bed and crawled in next to me. “Have any troubles?” I whispered, curling myself into his chest. Sam’s arms immediately wrapped around my body, cuddling me closer. “No, you?” “Nope. All good on the Stella front.” “Good” 
We were silent for a little while longer, his hands rubbing up and down my back softly, lulling me closer to the edge of sleep. “I don’t think I’ve ever thanked you,” Sam murmured after a while, breaking the silence. “For what?” I responded sleepily, confused at what he was saying. “For this. For letting Tommy in our home. For Stella. For giving me family.” A soft warmth filled my whole body at my husband’s soft confession. I carefully pulled my head from his chest and peered up at him softly, “Oh baby. You don’t have to thank me for that… It was just a part of your decision as it was mine. We’re in this together babe. You and me, it’s our family. Our little family.” 
I tilted my head up and Sam got the message. Our lips met in a soft but passionate kiss. The kiss said everything. “Thank you” “You don’t have to thank me” “You’re my family” “I love you” Another wave of warmth flooded my body, making me feel cozy and warm. It was a feeling that I never ever wanted to leave my body. It was a feeling that could be caused by no one else, only my husband, the love of my life, my everything. “I love you so much” Sam murmured against my lips. “I love you too. So much more.” 
Well that ending sucked… lol but there you have it! I really hope you enjoyed it! If so be sure to leave a like or maybe even a reblog!!
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thebookreader12345 · 3 years
Stop the Violence
Pairing: Jay Halstead x Best Friend! reader
Summary: Y/N has been hiding her abusive past for all her life, and somehow, she’s managed to keep it a secret from Intelligence, and her best friend, Jay Halstead, this long. However, when someone sees something they shouldn’t have, Y/N’s world changes, and the only way she can get through it is with Jay at her side
Requested: Yes, by @virtualreader​
Warnings: abusive relationship, talk and depiction of a beating, alcohol abuse
Word Count: 1,764 Words
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I tugged my sleeves down for the umpteenth time this morning, hoping that they would stay in their current position, but I knew they wouldn’t. I should’ve just worn a hoodie, but alas, all of mine were dirty, and since I didn’t feel like doing laundry last night, I was stuck with this long sleeved shirt whose sleeves never stayed all the way down my arms, and always found a way to ride up.
“You okay over there?” Jay questioned from where he was seated at his desk across the room.
“I’m fine,” I reply. “It’s just that these stupid sleeves won’t stay down.”
“Just role them up,” Jay proposed. “It’s warm in here.”
“It’s cool,” I insist. “I’ll just deal with it.” Jay hesitated, as if he wanted to say something, but ended up not talking and went back to doing his paperwork. That’s when Kevin and Adam entered the bullpen side by side, both with a cup of coffee in their hands. “Hey, guys. Either of you know when Voight’s gonna be in?”
“Uh, no,” Adam responded. “Why?”
“I need to run a quick errand. Cover for me?” I ask Jay.
Jay nodded. “Sure. Where are you going?”
“I’ve got to run an errand for my dad. I’ll be back soon,” I say quickly and stuff my phone into my pocket before heading for the stairs. 
My dad and I have never really been close. I was always closer to my mom, but when I was 16, she passed away from heart failure, leaving my dad to raise me all by himself. That’s when the problems began. My dad started drinking more often, coming home drunk after work. During these times, he would become somewhat aggressive. It was just little things though, like grabbing my arm a bit too rough. I waved it off at first because he was grieving over the love of his life, and I was sure he’d get over it in a few months. Except it never stopped. The drinking continued, not just after work at bars, but at the house too. And the violence didn’t stop either. In fact, it just got worse. Grabbing turned into smacking, and then punching. I thought that when I moved out, things would be different. I wanted to stop going by his house to say hello, but he was the only close family I had left, so I continued stopping by and running errands for him. The abuse didn’t happen as often as before, but when it did, I had to figure out how to hide the bruises, hence me wearing long sleeves and a lot of makeup. It was hard keeping this from the rest of the unit, especially Jay, who was my best friend, but I didn’t want them to think differently of me when they heard about my family life.
The reason for my errand was that my dad wanted a few things from the grocery store, and since he was apparently busy, he asked if I could pick those things up. I didn’t want to because I had work, but because Voight wasn’t in yet, I figured I’d just do it now to stop my dad from bothering me for the rest of the day. So, I left the district and drove to the grocery store, hoping that I could get this done as quick as possible. It didn’t take me long to grab everything my dad needed, including beer. I could’ve just not bought it, but that would make him angry, and I didn’t want to face that at the moment. After loading everything into my car, I made the short drive to my dad’s house.
“Dad! I’m here!” I call out into the house as I stepped inside. To the right was the living room, and behind that was the kitchen. My dad was sitting in the living room on his recliner with the TV on, not doing a single thing, which made me mad because I left work for him, but I pushed those thoughts aside and made my way into the kitchen to set the groceries down.
“What kind of beer did you get?” my dad asked as I headed back into the living room.
“Uh, Budweiser,” I answer.
“I asked for Corona,” my dad spoke.
“Yeah, I know, but I had to be quick cause I have to get back to work, so I just grabbed the first thing I saw,” I explain and fish my keys out of my pocket.
My dad growled and stood up. “So your work is more important than your own father?”
“At the moment, yeah,” I reply. Right after I said that, I immediately regretted it. I could see my father’s face change, and before I could even move, my dad stepped forward and punched me in the face, catching me square in the eye. I cried out in pain and fell to the floor, clutching the side of my face, which was now throbbing. “Dad, please stop,” I beg. But he didn’t stop there and took another step towards me, this time sending a kick straight to my ribs. Pain exploded in my side where the tip of his boot had come in contact with me, but I couldn’t do anything about it. Just before my dad could kick me again, the door to the house was kicked open, and seconds later, Jay and Hailey appeared.
“Hey! Step away from her,” Jay ordered with his gun raised. My father glanced between me and the cops, and decided it was better not to go against their orders, so he took a step back. Hailey didn’t waste any time and handcuffed my father’s hands behind his back, telling him his rights as she led him out to the car.
“J-Jay? What are you doing here?” I croak out and sit up, which sent more pain throughout my body.
“Hailey and I came down to see what was taking you so long, and to tell you that we’ve got no new cases, so Voight gave us the day off. I uh, I saw everything through the window,” Jay mumbled and gestured towards the big glass pane in the wall behind us. “I’m gonna take you to the hospital, okay?”
I shook my head. “N-no. I just want to go home.”
“Well, that’s not going to happen. I’ll bring you back to my place, and then I’ll call Will over to check you over,” Jay said and held out a hand to help me up. I took his hand, allowing him to pull me up, but pain racked my body. “All right. Lets go.” While Hailey used Jay’s truck to get my father back to the district, Jay drove my car back to his apartment. A few minutes after we got there, Will arrived to see if any of my injuries were severe enough to where I would need professional care.
“Your orbital bone isn’t broken, just bruised,” Will informed me as he examined my eye. “Jay also said something about your side.” I nodded and lifted up my shirt so that Will could get a look at my side. A reddish purple bruise had already began to form, and based on it’s size and deep color, I knew it would be there for awhile. Will pressed on the bruise, and I winced in pain, immediately tensing away from his hand. “Sorry. Uh, your ribs don’t look broken either. But you should be careful the next few days so you don’t hurt yourself any more. You should also ice your side and your eye. That’ll help the swelling go down.”
“Thanks, Will,” Jay told his brother, who left seconds later, leaving Jay and I alone in the apartment. I took a seat on the couch, my back resting against the arm rest, and Jay sat down on the opposite side, moving his body so it mirrored mine. For a few moments, we sat in silence, but finally, Jay spoke up. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
I sighed. “What was I going to say, Jay? ‘Oh, hey, just to let you know, I’ve got an abusive father who beats me over the stupidest things?’”
“You could’ve at least talked to Hailey,” Jay put in.
“I know,” I state. “But what kind of friend would I be if I made her relive her own terrible memories?” Again, we were silent for a few seconds, and again, Jay broke that silence.
“How long has this been going on?” Jay questioned.
“Since I was 16,” I reply softly, tears beginning to gather in my eyes. “He wasn’t always like this, but after my mom died, he changed. The beatings, they didn’t start until I was in college, but I think that made them worse.” I took a deep breath and wiped at my eyes, cleaning the tears off of my face. “I-I should’ve said something, should’ve done something. I mean, I’m a cop. I should’ve been able to defend myself, but I just let the beatings happen. I let him hit me.”
“Hey,” Jay murmured and got up from his seat. From there he moved to the seat next to me and placed a comforting hand on my knee. “Don’t blame what he did on you. This isn’t your fault. It was never your fault.”
I sniffled and wiped more tears from my face. “I know, but it’s hard not to think that it is. If anything, I should’ve gone to the unit, or at least talked to you.”
“You’re talking to me now, and that’s all that matters,” Jay confessed and gave me a small smile.
“So, what’s gonna happen to my dad?” I ask.
“He’s uh, he’s going to get jail time. He got charged with assault down at the 21st. It looks like it’ll only be a year or two for him in prison, but I am going to make sure he’s never able to hurt you again. That’s a promise I intend on keeping,” Jay admitted. I smiled and sat up, pushing my legs to the side so that I could lean forward and hug Jay. He squeezed me back tightly, and being in the arms of my best friend gave me the comfort I really needed right now.
“Thank you,” I whisper into his chest. “For everything.”
“You’re my best friend, Y/N. I’d do anything for you. Now, I say we order some takeout and have a movie night. What do you think?” Jay quizzed.
“I think that sounds like a great idea. Lets do it,” I say.
Tag List:
@prettypyschoinpink @securityfriendly-jay @scarletsoldierrr @lorenakaspersen @virtualreader @carnationworld @caitsymichelle13 @dreamingmanip @campingmonkey @winterberryfox @nevertoofarfromivar @anotherfan07 @giagma @mrspeacem1nusone @i-like-sparkly-things
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myhaikyuuacademia · 3 years
Zemo x Reader [pt 2]
Part 1 Summary: hurt comfort, worried reader, bed sharing (no smut) Warnings: none that I can think of, Zemo gets injured by Walker throwing the shield at him lol, swearwords Notes: I just had to continue their story oml, this is so sappy and fluffy
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It had been a few days since you and Zemo confronted your feelings. You’d been sneaking glances and lingering touches since then, but Bucky and Sam rarely left you a chance to do anything more. The three of them were going to Mama Donya’s funeral to try and convince Karli to stop hurting innocent people, but they had been gone for longer than you thought they would. Sam and Bucky didn’t want you with them, convinced they could handle it themselves. Zemo probably didn’t mind you staying at home either, safe from any potential danger. You grew restless. Surely, talking to Karli couldn’t take that long?
Something must have happened. The decision was made: you were going out to check on them. You didn’t think of the fact that you didn’t even know what direction they went, much less where the funeral was held. All you were thinking about was their safety. But before you could even get up, the door opened and Sam and Bucky came through the door, beat up, and carrying an unconscious Zemo. ‘‘What the hell happened?!” You stood up from the couch to give them a place to lay Zemo down. ‘‘Walker happened.’‘ Sam growled. ‘‘Jesus...’‘ you sighed, making your way over to the kitchen to grab some towels, wetting them and then going back to the couch Zemo was passed out on. You were trying your best not to show how worried you were, but still couldn’t stop yourself from caring for him. ‘‘Aw come on, really? He won’t die.‘‘ Sam remarked when he noticed you kneeling down beside Zemo. ‘‘Yeah, you could have at least brought us some too.’‘ Bucky added. You turned around to face the two guys apparently moping at the fact that you didn’t bring them a bandaid for their boo-boos. ‘‘Are you unconscious? No? Then you can take care of yourselves.’‘ Without another comment you turned back around and started taking care of the wound on Zemo’s forehead. You cleaned the already dried blood from his face, carefully, trying not to hurt him. Once you were satisfied with your work you got up to put the dirty towel away and get some bandaids and ice for his head. By now Sam and Bucky were carefully observing you, done with cleaning themselves. ‘‘You seem awfully worried about him.’‘ Sam commented, right as you placed the ice on his head. ‘‘Again, he is unconscious. Plus, don’t we need him for something? That’s the whole reason he is even out of prison. Not to mention I’m a nice person, if any of you were unconscious I’d do the same.’‘ You got up to face Sam and Bucky. ‘‘I don’t think he has any medicine. Or food. Can you go get some? I’ll babysit.’‘ Reluctantly the two men made their way to get the needed stuff. Which left you all alone with Zemo once again. A groan alerted you the fact that Zemo was waking up. You rushed over to him, kneeling down beside him once again. ‘‘Darling, what did  I miss?” His voice was rough, the accent even more prominent right now. A relieved chuckle left your mouth, if you weren’t so worried about accidentally hurting him you would be kissing him. ‘‘Walker knocked you out with his shield apparently.’‘ His hand reached up to the bag of ice, mostly melted by now. ‘‘Oh sorry, is that too cold? I can put it away.’‘ You cursed yourself for sounding so worried. He just smiled, ‘‘It’s okay. You cared for me?’‘ You smiled, ‘‘Of course.’‘ He reached out for your hand, intertwining his fingers with yours, before closing his eyes in pain and exhaustion again. ‘‘Thank you.’‘ With a soft expression you reached down with the hand not holding his, to gently push a strand of hair out of his face, your fingers barely ghosting over his skin, in an effort not to hurt him. You kept sitting like this for a few more minutes, silent, just being in the moment. Grateful he was okay. When Bucky and Sam came home with several crinkly plastic bags full of food and first aid kits, you  were sitting on the same couch as Zemo, who had pulled his legs closer to him to allow you some space, reading a book. Careful to keep a distance that the two avengers wouldn’t question upon their return. ‘‘Food!” You put the book down with a big grin on your face, ecxited at the prospect of something to eat. “Any ideas on what you want to cook? We brought something of pretty much everything.” Bucky directed the question at you. “What are you talking about? I’m not cooking.” You furrowed your brows. ‘‘Well Bucky here can’t cook, and I am way to exhausted, but I am totally good at cooking just saying. ” Something about Sam’s statement made you doubt that he was a good cook. “I’m a terrible cook. Why did you expect me to cook?” Before the two could do any more than make grimaces and shrug, Zemo interjected. “Not to flatter myself, but I am quite good competent when it comes to cooking.” “Yeah right, as if we’re gonna let you cook.” Sam squinted his eyes. “You’ll probably poison us or something.” You snorted. ‘‘I don’t think we have any other choice, at least a death by poison is quicker than a death by starvation.’‘ You shrugged, indifferent. You didn’t even notice at first, it was honestly a little embarassing how long it took you to realise, but you’ve practically been glued to Zemo’s side the whole day. Where he went, you went. Once you realised, you just hoped that Sam and Bucky didn’t pick up on it. Currently he was preparing the food, cutting vegetables, and you were standing on the other side of the isle, head propped up on your hands with your elbows resting on the cool surface. You were watching him intently. He smirked, not oblivious to your eyes on him and your clinginess. Standing a few feet away from you was Sam, who had been watching you critically for a few minutes now. Apparently he noticed too. ‘‘Why are you looking at him like that?” You turned around, blinking, “like what?”. “You’ve been staring at him ever since he started cooking.” He stated. Bucky joined him now, taking the few steps that had seperated them before to stand next to his colleague. You mustered your best mock confusion. “Just trying to make sure he doesn’t poison us.” You half-joked, trying to deflect. Bucky shook his head, ‘‘You’ve been following him around all day, like a lost puppy.’‘ “Not true.” You just said. “You have.” Zemo chimed in. You turned around to him, dumbfounded. ‘‘Ugh shut up.” Sam looked at the two of you quizzically. “Are you two sleeping together?” You choked on your spit. “What?!” You turned around to face him again. Bucky seemed surprised too. “Sam, I don’t think she would.” He tried mediating. “Just look at her, the way she’s been acting since we came back, tending to his wounds, following him around, staring at him - without a break -  for what must have been like 15 minutes.” Sam argued. “You know what? Maybe I’ll just sleep with him tonight, just to fuck you off.” Your words laced with venom, you looked at him defiantly, before walking past him, grabbing your shoes and phone and walking through the front door. “So you haven’t slept together?” He called after you, leaving you to slam the door in annoyance. Bucky was about to follow you when Zemo spoke up. “Just leave her be. I think she wants to be alone right now.” He turned to Sam. “No, we have not had sex.” Then he just went back to preparing the food, leaving Bucky to sigh and fall onto the couch and Sam to run a hand through his face.
You were back in time for dinner, thanks to a quick message from Zemo. Most of the time eating was spent in a tense silence. Zemo tried to lighten the mood once or twice with some jokes or funny observations he made, but to no avail. In the end you all went to bed super early to avoid the weird atmosphere. Soon you found yourself standing in front of the door to Zemo’s bedroom though. You hesitated, before softly knocking on the heavy, wooden door. A faint “come in.” made you open the door slowly, not to make any noise and startle the other inhabitants of the safehouse. You closed it behind you with just as much care. “Are you here to “fuck off Sam”, princess?” He asked, amused and clearly joking. “Yeah, totally, 100%.” you said, the sarcasm obvious. You made your way over to the bed he was currently reading in. “May I?” you gestured to the bed, asking him if you were allowed to join him. He simply nodded, before continuing to read. You climbed into bed, covering yourself with the blanket and scooted as close as possible to the baron lying next to you. Head on his shoulder, reading along with him, just enjoying being able to be this close, to touch him. He soon closed the book and put it on the nightstand next to him. Wrapping his hands around you he placed a gentle kiss on your forehead. You were content, laying in his arms like this. Right now, you didn’t want to think about all the possible outcomes of this, most not having a happy ending for the two of you. Right now you just wanted to enjoy this moment. You held him, not daring to let you go, and he held you, not letting you slip away to an uncertain future. A/N: at this point this might as well just become a series,,, no promises but a part 3 might be planned as well- Taglist: @ajeff855 @heyassbutt05 @lowkey-love-loki​
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dr3amofagame · 3 years
gonna be honest you are literally the only reason i like ever look at twitter other than to look at cc's tweets, so it's really cool to see you here!!! i hope you enjoy your stay lmao- if you don't mind me asking, do you have an opinion on the dream and foolish brother dynamic? i think it's really fun, especially because those two probably have the least/some of the least tainted dynamics out of everyone on the smp :DDD
aww, thank you anon!! i think i’ll be staying for a bit, at least - tumblr has been lots of fun so far (tho im still working out a writing schedule, haha). foolish and dream brothers my beloved ,, the canonicity at this point is debatable but i love the concept both in canon and aus. (pls just give dream a support system ,, pls) 
anyway, take this quick foolish + dream oneshot :D !! 
tw: panic attacks, trauma, emotional distress 
“You- uh, want some help?”
If it were any other time, it would probably be a little comical; all 23 feet of the totem god hunched in a ball as he awkwardly squats in front of the wooden skeleton of his (adopted) little brother’s beginning of a house, trying to squeeze himself down so he can look inside the half-finished door frame. Inside, Dream freezes, shakes, curls into himself more from where he’s pressed himself into the corner, and Foolish’s heart clenches; unfortunately, he’s caught him in the middle of a panic attack, so he doubts that Dream is really up to laughing right now.
He lowers himself down further, kicking his feet back as best as he can to end up on his stomach. He doesn’t exactly know what set off Dream - it could be anything, honestly; Foolish has seen a lot in his millenia of existence, but the horrors of the prison and the scars it left on Dream feel like foreign territory, even to him. Even so, panic attacks are still panic attacks, so he hums low and quiet as he waits for the fear to abate.
“I was thinking about a new project, honestly,” Foolish smiles, keeps his voice soft, normal. “Maybe something jungle themed, this time? I could do something cool with vines, add some of those birds that you like so much. Papa Puffy would like them too, I think; it’d fit in with her whole pirate thing at any rate.” Dream’s shoulders shudder as he breathes in, out, face lifting from where it was pressed into the inside of his arms. “I don’t know what would pair well with the wood, though; maybe I’ll just be lazy and use oak. Bamboo would be nice too - what do you think about a bamboo garden? With waterfalls, maybe, and flowers? We could maybe catch a panda or two too; that could be nice.”
“Sap likes pandas,” Dream looks up, face red and splotchy, but seemingly no longer struggling to breathe. His voice is hoarse, and Foolish digs into his inventory for a bottle of water to hand over.
“Yeah - I think that could be fun. We could invite him over, when you’re ready.” Dream looks away, eyes going distant again, and Foolish stifles the urge to sigh as he shuffles himself forward, water in hand - well, held as carefully as he can between finger and thumb. “I’m thinking we could keep the ceiling open - or maybe throw in a leaf one? That or glass to let the sun in, maybe.”
“Sounds n’ce,” Dream mumbles, and Foolish blinks at him once, twice. Dream huffs, slightly, but a small smile appears on his face. “Your idea, I mean.” His voice grows louder, more confident with every word - still hoarse, but less out-of-it, and Foolish grins brightly.
“Yeah. It does, doesn’t it?”
They fall into silence, relaxed, comfortable. With every minute, Dream uncurls more, muscles untensing, until it almost looks like nothing’s happened at all, like Dream’s a gangly-limbed teenager again and they’re just sitting down for a chat. It’s not a perfect replica - Dream’s eyes are still duller than they had been, skin paler, a new collection of scars peeking out from his clothing - but it’s close. It’s enough.
“I- um,” Dream hesitates, looks up like he’s asking permission to speak, and Foolish waits; Dream clenches and unclenches his hands, steels himself, shoulders lowering in determination and a well of pride grows in Foolish’s chest. “I was- making a house; it’s uh, small, sorry. Big is still- too much, right now. But a creeper snuck up- and. Um. I guess I panicked.”
Now that Foolish looks, there does seem to be a small crater near the back side of the spruce frame, and he hums in understanding.
“Don’t worry about it. You feeling better now?”
Dream’s eyes widen in shock. A moment passes, then another, as Dream looks up at Foolish and then down at his own hands and then up again.
“Yeah,” he says, quiet, breathless, almost to himself, before looking up, something hopeful and brilliant shining in his eyes, so familiar that it physically hurts, even as Foolish’s smile grows wider. For a second, it’s Dream, seventeen, lip stuck out stubbornly as he taunts the universe for daring to limit him with something as simple as impossibility - Foolish watching, proud, then. Watching, proud, now. “Yeah, I am.”
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wildxwired · 3 years
Okay, I’ve never done this before and really not got a clue..
So how about Ian and Mickey travelling to the U.K. ? You know, they bought a house they’ve been re modelling and before they settle down with kids they decide to go for it…. Or something 😬 xXx
Hey! This was a lot of fun to write, so I hope it’s the kind of thing you were after. As I’m from Manchester, and it’s the city I know most about, and I know Cam likes ManU, it seemed a logical choice!
Fit As Fuck
Mickey knew it was really the soccer that had Ian wanting to visit the U.K. for their five year wedding anniversary, but he had to give his husband an A for effort in trying to convince Mickey otherwise.
“The music scene, Mick, it’s amazing! Oasis, The Smiths, Joy Division, it’s the birthplace of so many amazing bands.”
Mickey had eyed him with bemused amusement over breakfast. “Do you even know who any of those bands are?”
“All I know, Mickey, is that, after all this time, you are still my wonder wall.”
Mickey had thrown a bagel at him in response.
“But look at the architecture! It’s so gothic and badass. Would you even think this was a library? Shit, check out this cathedral! Holy shit, they have a Gotham hotel! It’s beautiful.”
“Sure, the ‘architecture’,” Mickey had snorted.
“Look at all this crime history, Mick! Gangsters, prisons, drug crime through the ages. This place has been a thug paradise since 79 AD!”
“You even know what AD means?”
“Well, no. But it’s most famous prison is called Srangeways, is haunted as shit, and held one of the longest prison riots back in the nineties…caused a ton of damage.”
Okay, so maybe that was kind of neat.
“There’s a masked activist who messes with the cops, helps out the homeless, and gives out weed for free in the city centre.”
“Good man.”
“Holy crap, just look at all these street food markets. Hey! This one makes fun of hipsters, you love to make fu—”
“Alright, enough!” Mickey had finally snapped around day nine of back to back city facts. He’d accepted his fate four days ago and just wanted to see how long Ian would last, but he finally had to admit defeat.
“Does that mean…”
Mickey had sighed and grumbled, “Yeah, we can go to fucking Manchester, alright?”
Which is how he ends up, a seven hour plane ride later, sitting next to some anemic looking body of water, drinking a ridiculously large beer and watching his husband from behind his sunglasses excitedly flip through leaflets.
“Who the fuck names a street *Canal* street?”
“We’re next to a canal, Mick,” Ian replies, pointing to the water beside them without looking up from the leaflets. “This is a historic part of Manchester’s famous LGBTQ scene.”
“They know there’s no C on the street sign, right?”
“Yup, it keeps getting stolen,” Ian flickers his gaze up to Mickey to give him a brief pointed glare.
“Well I didn’t fucking steal it!” Mickey protests, and Ian —the asshole— just laughs. Mickey takes another gulp of his beer and leans back in his seat, watching the colourful array of people stroll by for a few moments before turning back to his busy husband. “You know we’re only here a week, right? That looks like at least a month’s worth of shit.” He gestures to the towering stack of *must see* locations and activities and Ian looks back at him with sheepish glee.
“Well, we don’t have to do them all. We could lose a few, like, uhm…the cathedral, the science and industry museum — though that arcade game exhibition did look kind of cool.”
“Nah, don’t get rid of that one. I wanna kick your ass at old school Space Invaders.”
Ian smiles and puts the leaflet back, rummaging through for another. “Okay, so maybe we don’t *have* to go to Pieminister.”
Mickey quickly slams his beer back to the table. “Are you out of your damn mind? This is England, the home of putting random meat in a heavy pastry, drenching it in gravy and somehow making it delicious.”
“Oh, so you did read the website. Okay, we’ll keep that one too.” Ian shuffles through a few more before pulling out a sleek black leaflet with a golden shining crest. “I guess we could…” he trails, looking up at Mickey with those big stupid puppy eyes.
Mickey sighs. “Don’t even think about it, dumbass. I’m not having you drag me halfway across the damn planet to the city of your soccer dreams only to have you mope around the damn place all week.”
“So, you mean, we can go?” Ian looks all dopey and hopeful and it still manages to make something flip in Mickey’s stomach.
He reaches for his backpack and pulls the crumpled envelope out of the side pocket before tossing it to Ian. “Here, Red. No more pouty face.”
Ian slips a finger into the torn envelope and pulls out the two tickets. He gasps. “Mick! This is…are these…oh my god. You got us box seats to the Man U v Arsenal match tomorrow!”
Mickey shrugs like it’s nothing, like he hasn’t been trying to arrange this for weeks, like he didn’t have to become bffs with the hotel manager and promise to call her stalker ex and threaten to disembowel him in his most threatening ‘American bad boy’ tone.
“Yeah, and what?”
Ian scrambles to stand, yanking Mickey out of his seat so he can pull him into a thankful kiss, holding Mickey’s face in both hands as he softly devours Mickey whole.
They don’t stop until a passing couple wolf whistles at them, one of them calling “Get a room!” only for the other to argue “No way, they’re fit as fuck!”
Ian pulls back with a giggle, and as Mickey stares into his husband’s shiny happy eyes, he can’t help but agree (whatever the hell ‘fit as fuck’ means).
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heyitssmiller · 3 years
Clandestine: Chapter Fourteen
We’re here. The final chapter. Y’all. I’m gonna cry.
@lumosinlove thanks for these characters!!
@donttouchmycarrots thanks for being my partner in crime during this whole mess of a story <3
And thank you, lovely readers!! For sticking with me for this crazy rollercoaster of a story, for encouraging me when I felt like quitting, and for always being so, so wonderful. I appreciate y’all more than I can say.
CW: prison, food, anxiety
Clandestine Masterlist
The drive back was silent, punctuated sharply by the two empty seats in the van. It was something they should’ve seen coming, but yet were completely blindsided by. Sirius had been on their side for so long now, it seemed odd to picture him anywhere else. It was like he’d been there for years already, fitting in seamlessly and making friends fast, filling a gap that hadn’t been obvious before but felt like a chasm now. He belonged in Gryffindor with them. And Regulus, while more reserved and distant than his brother, didn’t seem to deserve the fate he’d found. The main motive that kickstarted this whole mission had been him – all for him – and he still couldn’t avoid being dragged down with the Snakes.
Remus was on the phone with a contact from the FBI – he had been since they’d taken Sirius away – trying his hardest to find any loopholes he could. He was… actually strangely calm. Methodically tackling one idea after the next, his analytic brain working overtime. Logan could understand, though. Being productive was helpful. It was when things settled down and got quiet, when all you could do was sit there and wait…
That was when things got tough.
His leg bounced up and down in anticipation the closer they got to the cabin, his one-track mind stuck on one thing and one thing only – getting a blond safe-cracker into his arms again. Not having Leo with them had been like missing a limb, making everything feel out of balance. And even thought he was safe, he was still too far away. Logan couldn’t stand it.
Finn reached over and placed a hand on Logan’s with a knowing smile. He was ready to be home, too.
Gravel crunching under their tires only fueled the eagerness. There were lights still on in the cabin, a warm, inviting pull. The front door was open before the cars had pulled to a complete stop, revealing Leo and Hope and Lyall. Julian was presumably asleep, given the hour. Logan’s seatbelt was thrown off and the door closest to him was yanked open, Finn hot on his heels.
Leo bounded down the steps of the porch and flung himself at the two of them, finding every inch of space between them and filling it, a soft sound escaping from his lips as he held on tight in a one-armed grip. Logan and Finn both stumbled back a few steps at the impact but quickly returned the embrace, Logan’s face buried in the junction between neck and shoulder and Finn’s forehead pressed against the blond’s. They seemed to take their next breaths in tandem, slow and steady, as they leaned into each other. Time slowed, everything in the periphery faded, and the world, previously off-kilter, evened out in equilibrium.
Finn suddenly realized he felt the coarse, scratchy texture of Leo’s sling pressed up against him and pulled back a little. “Careful, baby.”
That made Leo pull back. “Why?” He glanced over them nervously. “Are you hurt?”
Logan sighed long-sufferingly and cupped Leo’s face in his hands, looking him in the eyes with a fond expression that belied his exasperation. “No, but you are,” he moved his hands to smush Leo’s cheeks, causing Finn to laugh, “so take it easy.”
Leo smiled – a real one this time, not one of the fake ones he’d given them before they left – and relaxed. After a quick kiss from Logan he asked, “So it went well? Mission’s done?”
Logan and Finn both froze at that. Finn looked over to Remus, who was still on the phone (like he had been for the past hour at least) and frowned.
“Not quite.”
“We can talk inside,” Leo said, looking worried again. “there’s lots of food for y’all.”
He wasn’t wrong. Food covered pretty much every open surface of the countertops, ranging from pancakes to grilled cheese to the cinnamon swirl muffins Leo brought to their first briefing all those months ago. Finn smiled at the memories and instantly snagged one on their way to the kitchen table. His eyes landed on Talker, who was explaining something to Hope as she took a look at his leg. Nat, Kasey, and Alex were piled onto one couch, looking tired and each with a grilled cheese sandwich in hand. He could see Remus on the porch every once in a while when he passed by a window as he paced, phone pressed to his ear.
It didn’t bode well.
Logan sat down with a plate of pancakes drenched in syrup and started telling the story, voice a quiet murmur and only interrupted when he shoveled food into his mouth. Finn wondered how none of them had really seen this coming. In hindsight, it made sense that there would need to be a trial – after all, Sirius and his brother weren’t innocent. Finn wasn’t sure what happened next, though. Criminal trials and sentencing weren’t part of the job for them. He hoped they could get the brothers out of this mess, though. If anyone could find a way to do it, it would be Remus.
At least the Snakes were done for. The information on the flash drives was enough to lock them away for a very, very long time.
He took a bite of his muffin, no longer really hungry, and listened to Logan talk.
Remus sat down on the porch swing, tired and stressed and not at all ready to quit. He listened to Alice, his only contact in the FBI, rattle off some statistics that he couldn’t even begin to understand. And he wasn’t trying to be rude – that really wasn’t his intent – but he needed to act quickly about this. So he grimaced and cut her off. “Can we get them placed in another prison? Or even in solitary until we can figure something out? If the Snakes can get to them…”
Well. Remus didn’t think they’d show much mercy to the two people mainly responsible for putting them in jail.
Alice sighed, the sound of her rummaging around in her desk filtering through the phone. “We can try. Since they did help you guys, we should be able to swing it. If something jeopardizes their lives, it shouldn’t be too difficult.”
Remus’ heart twisted – a deep, chronic ache under his ribcage that refused to let up. “Do it fast. I’m going to start reaching out to lawyers.”
“Lupin, it’s four in the morning.”
“I know.” He ran a hand through his hair with a frustrated huff. “Thanks for all the help, Alice.”
He hung up, then braced his forearms on his knees, hands gripping his hair, and breathed.
If there was one thing Remus Lupin was good at, it was planning. It was his job, and a big part of the reason he’d switched from field work in the first place. He relied on structure to get through his days, needed the stability in order to function.
There was none of that.
This was being adrift at sea, constantly assaulted by the waves and the current without rescue in sight.
And Remus had no idea what to do.
His phone pinged, catching his attention. A text from Alice flashed across the screen.
I’ve got a friend who’s a lawyer, and she’s a damn good one. I know you’ll want to do your research on her yourself, but I can vouch for her too. Here’s her contact if you want to reach out.
The contact number and email were listed under the name Dorcas Meadowes.
Dorcas Meadowes was, to put it simply, awe-inspiring.
Black curls, a dark complexion, and a serious, no-funny-business expression on her face. Her office was neat and organized, a few pictures around the place of her and a blonde girl with a wide grin and freckles. There was a small pride flag on her desk. Without a word, she motioned for Remus to sit, cool and composed and ready to get to work.
That was all it took for Remus to instantly respect her.
“So I’ve heard some of the story from Alice, but I’ll need you to start at the very beginning. Don’t leave out any details, tell me everything.”
Remus did, settling into the chair and getting comfy. It was a long story, after all. When he was done he looked back up at Dorcas, whose face was expressionless except for a single, raised eyebrow.
“That’s…” she trailed off with a low whistle.
“Well, the good news is that, if we’ve got enough evidence to back your story up, we can reduce his sentence by a lot, maybe even get him released.”
Remus sagged back into the chair, relief taking over and wiping out the tension radiating through his muscles. “Great.”
He’d known, logically, that they’d be able to reduce his sentence. With all the work he put into taking the Snakes down, there was no way they’d give him a full sentence. But getting him out of there for good…
Remus had never wanted anything so much in his life.
Dorcas leaned forward, powering her laptop on. “We’ll go visit him in the next few days and tell him what’s going on, but first we need a plan. Here’s what I’m thinking…”
Sirius hated this.
He was bored, he was tired, and – more than anything – he was lonely.
In Gryffindor, he’d become so accustomed to always having at least someone with him at all times. It was usually Remus, but he’d also grown close to most of the team. And it was nice at the time – god, did he miss it. But it was painful now. He’d witnessed what his life could be like, happy and surrounded by friends and possibly in love, and now he was back to the way his life used to be. Alone and on the wrong side of the law.
He hadn’t seen Reg since they’d been escorted into isolation for their own safety. Which don’t get him wrong – he was grateful for it. Knowing Riddle, they wouldn’t have survived the night if they were all being held together. But it was too quiet now.
The door to his cell rattled and Sirius looked up sharply. A guard was standing there, unlocking his door and opening it.
“Come with me,” the guard said, sounding bored as he opened the door further and held out a pair of handcuffs. Sirius looked at him hesitantly, not moving an inch. The guard rolled his eyes. “You have visitors.”
Sirius perked up at that, the only thought running through his head being Remus. He knew him well enough to know that he wasn’t going to take this sitting down. He’d be fighting to get Sirius free, no doubt about it. He wasn’t sure who else would be visiting him, anyways – if someone was here, it was sure to be Remus.
So Sirius got up and held his wrists out to be cuffed, then watched as the officer pointed down the hall.
“This way.”
It took all the self-control Sirius had to not run, to slowly put one foot in front of the other until he finally reached his destination. The guard moved around him to open the door and then Sirius was moving again.
He spotted caramel curls as soon as the door opened to the visitation room and felt his shoulders sag with relief. “Remus.”
Worried brown eyes followed him as he crossed the room quickly to sit in front of him, separated by a thick wall of glass. The movies weren’t lying, apparently. But it was so good to see him that Sirius didn’t care.
Remus looked tired. Unfortunately, that didn’t surprise Sirius at all. He knew the tendency to overwork all too well at this point. More than anything, it made Sirius want to get out of there, to wrap him up in his arms and let him take a nap there, to make sure he was taking care of himself. He settled for giving him a stern look instead.
“You need to get some sleep.”
Sirius expected a sharp, witty retort. Some sass, a comeback of some kind. Instead, Remus did the unthinkable and just smiled. “I missed you.”
Sirius sighed, softening at the gentle admission. He’d missed Remus too, of course. More than he could really put into words, and it had barely been a day. The smell of his shampoo, the quiet, reassuring presence of him by Sirius’ side, those eyes that just seemed to see right through him and know even the things Sirius tried to keep hidden. He found he didn’t mind it too much - not when it was Remus.
“I missed you,” he echoed in agreement, refusing to look away until someone cleared their throat loudly. Sirius looked over to a woman sitting next to Remus, looking unimpressed. Sirius hadn’t even known she was there, as wrapped up in Remus as he was.
Remus, to Sirius’ endless delight, blushed. He wasn’t sure he’d ever seen Remus blush before. It was cuter than it had any right to be. “Um, Sirius this is Dorcas. She’ll be representing you in court.”
He had to go on trial.
Dorcas took over from there. “We think, with the evidence we have, that we can get the charges reduced, maybe dropped if we’re lucky. If you can think of any evidence we don’t know about, we can use that to strengthen your case, too.”
Sirius nodded, relieved. That sounded better than he thought he’d get, to be honest. “What about Reg?” he asked, looking between the two.
Dorcas was very hard to read, Sirius realized. And Remus looked confident… until he looked over at the lawyer. Then his expression flickered.
And Sirius’ heart sank.
“That’s a bit trickier,” Dorcas stated slowly, treading carefully. “The thing is, he never tried to get out. He stayed with the Snakes. And I know it’s not easy to get out of situations like that,” she rushed to continue when she saw the look on Sirius’ face, “but the fact still stands. And he didn’t do as much to help take the Snakes down, not like you did. We can probably reduce his sentence, but he’ll be in prison longer than you. I don’t think we can fix that.”
Sirius felt himself being torn in two different directions. He wanted to be free, to be able to live his life again. Maybe make a home in Gryffindor (or maybe move in permanently with a certain spy), get a job as a consultant. He’d make sure the poor houseplant in Remus’ apartment survived, the poor thing, and he’d keep Remus’ favorite tea stocked in the cupboard. He’d be able to relax for – well, the first time in a very long time.
But his brother.
He was the main reason Sirius got out in the first place. The reason he ended up in Gryffindor, this entire mission was for him. To get him out, to make sure he was safe.
What was the point, if he was stuck in jail while Sirius got to walk free?
He could practically hear his brother telling him how stupid he was being in that dry voice of his, but he pushed the thought away. He’d made up his mind, and it was practically impossible to sway him when that happened.
Sweet, caramel eyes might test him, though.
Sirius looked up at Remus guiltily, dreading the response he was going to get. But yet again, Remus took him by surprise and smiled sadly.
“I understand.”
Those words hit Sirius like a freight train. He sucked in a deep breath, eyes stinging and throat getting tight. “I’m sorry.”
Remus just shook his head. “Don’t be.”
Sirius loved him.
Remus glanced over at a confused Dorcas. “He can’t leave his brother. Whatever sentence Reg gets, Sirius wants to do the same.”
She was silent for a long time, looking back and forth between the two of them. Then she sighed, seeming resolute. “Well then we’d better get those charges as low as we can.”
Four Weeks Later
Leo found Remus in the courthouse hallway during the trial recess before they were supposed to reconvene for the sentencing, looking seconds away from pacing from one side of the building to the other. The past few weeks had been hard on all of them. Between coming to terms with everything that had happened in the recent months, to trying to figure out the evidence they needed to bring forward to try and get the charges dropped against both Sirius and Regulus, to the strange feeling in the Agency brought forth by Sirius’ absence, it had been weird for all of them. Remus had been hit the hardest by all of it, though – and understandably so. That didn’t make it any easier to watch, though.
He’d been running himself to the bone the past four weeks, going above and beyond to make sure everything was in order for the trial. He looked ready to drop, if Leo was being honest.
But he understood. If it were Logan or Finn in Sirius’ place… well. He’d already figured out just how far he’d go for them.
He put a hand on Remus’ arm, trying to be as calming as possible. “You’re going to be ok,” he said carefully, choosing his words meticulously. He didn’t want to be cold, but he didn’t want to get Remus’ hopes up only for them to be dashed.
Carmel eyes met his own, and Leo sighed at the stress he saw there. He looked tired – so tired.
“What do you need?” Leo asked quietly, hoping for some sort of guidance on how to help him, how to get that look off of his face.
Remus just laughed under his breath, a sad sound. “There’s a lot of things I need.” He shuffled on his feet, gathering his sleeves in his hands. “But a hug would be a good start.”
Not hesitating, Leo gathered him into a hug, the stretch pulling at the scar tissue in his shoulder that was finally free of a sling. Remus was tense and still for a while, then relaxed into it. Leo wished he could do more, wished he could make any sort of difference in this situation. But everything was so far out of their control now; the only thing left to do was wait.
“Whatever happens, we’re here for both of you. You’re not alone in this.”
Remus stepped away with a fake attempt at a smile. “Yeah.”
There was a visual cue that neither of them seemed to catch and people started filtering back into the courtroom, making Remus’ face grow paler and more pinched. Leo stuck by his side as they walked back inside, trying to ignore the soft sound Remus made when he saw Sirius again – all the way in the front, in a jumpsuit that looked too big for him, hair longer and eyes a little duller than they remembered, fidgeting with something in his cuffed hands. Regulus was next to him, head down and avoiding everyone’s eyes. Leo just stuck to Remus’ side as they squeezed into the row of chairs with the rest of the Agency, making sure Remus was right in the middle, surrounded by so many of the people who cared about him most. Finn and Logan sat down next to him with grim smiles.
Leo reached over to tangle his fingers with Finn’s, feeling him squeeze back gently. The bruises were completely gone from his face, and he was walking limp-free now. He dropped his head onto Logan’s shoulder, having to angle his shoulders down to rest somewhat comfortably against the shorter man.
Leo would never get over the height difference.
“I’m taking a nap when we get home. This is so stressful, oh my god.” Finn sighed, making Leo smile.
That was still somewhat new for the three of them. After a few days back in their separate apartments in Gryffindor, they’d realized how incredibly codependent they’d become during their mission. Leo would find himself staring up at the ceiling most nights, worrying about the other two, until he’d get a phone call from one of them and they’d end up driving to each other and collapsing in bed together, squished together just like those hotel rooms they’d shared. And it had gotten to the point where there wasn’t any point living in different apartments when they ended up together most nights anyways, so Leo and Logan had packed up their things and moved in with Finn. He had the largest bed, anyways.
So yeah. They lived together now. And Leo was ridiculously pleased about it.
They were taking that vacation in a few weeks, too – the one Finn had first brought up in the back of a getaway car, tears in his eyes and blood on his hands. Somewhere warm, just like he’d promised. He’d get to watch Logan tan and Finn turn red like a lobster, only to go straight back to pale. They’d get some time to relax and not stress about work – just themselves and the vast expanse of beach and water in front of them.
Leo couldn’t wait.
“We’ll take that nap together.” Logan answered Finn quietly, turning his head to meet Leo’s eyes as he pressed an affectionate kiss to Finn’s head. Leo smiled at him, the sense of one chapter ending and the next beginning washing over him.
Whatever came their way, they’d be ok. They’d proven that already.
The crowd hushed as the judge sat back down, face impassive.
“We have reviewed the evidence and testaments brought forward in defense of Sirius and Regulus Black.” He started, looking down at the two in question critically as everyone in the courtroom seemed to hold their breath.
“It still doesn’t change the fact that they committed crimes while with the organization,” the judge stated firmly, then continued, “Regulus and Sirius Black are hereby sentenced to one year in prison.”
The gavel slammed.
Remus sat there in quiet disbelief.
They’d done… everything. They’d worked so hard for the past month in attempts to let Sirius and Regulus’ sentences reduced – and that was technically a reduced sentence – but it was still more than any of them had been expecting.
A year.
They hadn’t done enough.
Remus almost missed all the movement around him, too busy staring at the back of the seat directly in his line of vision, but his gaze snapped up when an achingly familiar voice called his name.
Sirius slowed to a stop as he passed Remus on his way out, eyes wide and frantic. Desperate. It broke Remus’ heart, more than it already was. “Wait for me?” He asked intently, like his sole focus was on Remus and his answer. He shoved his open palms out, revealing what he’d been fidgeting with during the entire trial. Remus looked down to find an origami flower, conveying all of Sirius’ hopes for the future within the delicate folds.
Remus wished more than anything that he could reach for him; to pull him in tight, hold him close, and refuse to let the guards take him away. He also had the half-formed plans of a jail break already in mind, even though he knew Sirius would never agree to it. It was then that his eyes locked with the gray ones he’d come to know better than his own and he knew – he knew that he’d wait, however long it took.
Remus loved him.
It wasn’t a grand revelation, it wasn’t sudden. In all honesty Remus had probably felt that way for a long time now, the truth prodding at the back of his head, nagging at his subconscious. He loved Sirius, plain and simple. Simple except for the fact that one of them was going to jail for a year. And yet, no matter how complicated it got, no matter how much time went by, it was the easiest decision Remus had ever made.
Well. If love made people crazy, Remus was certifiably insane.
He smiled a little tearfully at Sirius and nodded fiercely, picking up the paper flower delicately.
 “You know I will.”
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inkdemonapologist · 3 years
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[BatIM Call of Cthulhu Masterpost]
what episode are we on, THIRTEEN??? is it 13??? I think it’s 13. LUCKY EPISODE 13
anyway a LOT happened this session (sammy got attacked by an Angel! HES FINE) but ONE of the things that happened is that:
Prophet Sammy and Jack and Norman and Pete were sent off to get projector lightbulbs, because we needed a working projector to activate a magical artefact (AS ONE DOES)
we lost norman, so we took..... every lightbulb since we didn’t know which was the right one
we ran into a sleeping snake in the music room, and we were gonna just sneak past, so Prophet told everyone to keep quiet
Jack’s recent sanity loss resulted in a compulsion to defy orders
Jack defied orders
we actually all failed our rolls to be quiet except for Pete, so we determined that Sammy failed his own stealth check by responding with “WHAT ARE YOU DOING” at top volume, we are a very competent team
[Sammy is played by me, Joey is played by Boo (inkyvendingmachine), Henry is played by Maf (inkcryptid), Jack is played by Mochi (whatyouwantedmetosee) and Thren (haunted-hijinxer) is our GM!]
[Jack] I have no feelings. [Jack] Well, I have one feeling, and it is: Party.
[Sammy] Sammy will tell him he's the Prophet of our lord! [Joey] Not the Yellow King. You should probably clarify that, [Sammy] (Sammy looks OFFENDED)
[Sammy] And he will pull out the angel trap for, whatever we're planning to do with that... what ARE we planning to do with that? [Jack] Step one, trap an angel. [Jack] Step two, question mark? [Jack] Step three........ Prophet is already here, we skipped ahead a few steps.
[DM] Preach at it! [Sammy] I don't really expect the angels of the False King to be, um, receptive to my message,
[Henry] If no one suggests helping Norman, I honestly don't think he's going to think of it... [GM] Norman is easy to overlook, in Henry's defense. [Henry] But it would be really handy to have... okay, I'm gonna say just before he does it goes, "wait, Norman, you--" [Sammy] (Is Norman receptive--?) [Jack] (Is Norman still there) [Joey] (Actually, Allison's there now? It's really weird.) [GM] (Tom's there now!) [Joey] *cracking up* (The local Tom species is well known to be found in cultist huts!) [Jack] (He's actually just astral projecting from New York, he just thinks he's having horrible PTSD,) [Sammy] (Actually, this is just another loop of Haiti. It's just a really long loop)
[GM, as Norman] Not sure now's the time for a party trick? [Sammy] Just smear your blood on people's hands! At a party!!!
[GM] Okay! 7 more temporary strength damage! [Henry] I'm at 52... [Joey] Joey could beat you in an arm wrestling match! [Sammy] OH NO, oh that IS bad! [Jack] If we're going by Strength number... Henry, having passed out after magical overexertion, is still stronger than Jack!
[Joey] Joey's gonna put a hand on Sammy's shoulder, and tell him that he did a good job! [Sammy] *muttering* ...Sammy does not require the praise of men... he seeks only to please his lord. [Joey] Well too bad! [Joey] He clearly has no taste.
[GM] The Angel is basically in between you and the huts. [Sammy] Cool, cool, cool. That's exactly where I wanted an Angel to be.
[GM] It's Jack's turn! [Jack] Hm, [GM] Joey's growing spear arms-- [Joey] (Pitchfork.) [GM] --Pitchfork arms... Avedon's freaking out... Henry's collapsed and is bleeding again... *cheerfully* Jack can appreciate all of this! In full detail now!
[Jack] Norman, hurry up and come to your senses so you can save your... whatever the heck Avedon is to you! [Sammy] Seems like friends at least. [Jack] Maybe more! [Jack] Imagine~
[GM] Henry is still down for this round, but is there anything he wants to take this opportunity to communicate or do? [Henry] *mumbling quietly* I'm fine, I'm fine... I just, I'm-- I'm fine,
[Sammy] Out of character, I'm alarmed. Sammy doesn't care!
[GM] Norman doesn't really want to leave someone to die. He's assuming everyone's on the same page, but... I guess we'll see!
[Joey] I think he's going to toon-hand, to reach out, and just like... open, the Angel's mouth? [Jack] That is cartoon logic! [Sammy] Put a stick in there. [Joey] Yeah! [Joey] NO, ACTUALLY, THAT'S GREAT [Joey] I'M STEALING THAT
[Jack] OH YEAH. Gives Jack an insanity, immediately forgets the insanity, [GM] It's good that everyone helps out on these! Because I'll tell you what, I do not remember all of them, [Joey] I feel like normally you shouldn't need to remember this many? I feel like we have maybe, uh, gone, a little far with them,
[Jack] The Lurker is a Bendy, he’s been training for this!
[GM] Avedon is muttering, intensely! [Sammy] That's-- that’s good! -- he's fine! See! He's back to normal!
[Joey] Joey is right next to Avedon, and holding him in his freakin, large cartoon hand.... and he rolLED A NINETY THREE ON LISTEN, he has, he has chosen not to listen to a word this man is saying. He is doing the opposite, he is REJECTING LISTENING. [Sammy] I rolled an 83, I don't know what Sammy's listening to but it's not Avedon! [GM] Bendy's also cackling delightedly, which isn't helping. [Sammy] Ohhhhhh that's what I'm listening to, the joyful laughter of my lord.
[Jack] What is stopping us from doing Moon Lens-y things? [Sammy] (oUT OF CHARACTER, I THINK THAT'S A REALLY GOOD IDEA!!!!)
[Jack] Maybe we should do, NOT this! and instead do, SOMETHING ELSE!! because it seems as though we have, just a little bit of a time limit!!!
[GM] It's gonna try to claw Moonlight free! In hopes that he can free it later. [Joey] Maybe it'll roll really badly-- [Sammy] Accidentally kill Moonlight, [GM] Let's see if it, like, fumbles... oh no, it does? whAT?? It rolled 98!! [entire party cackling with delight] [GM] Awkward,,,
[Sammy] If you don't shoot it, then Henry's gonna try to use magic again and it's just gonna be a mess. [Jack] He better not! [Sammy] Yeah, but it's Henry, so- [Jack] If he does, Jack'll beat him up himself! [Sammy] Oh, yeah, those sOFT LYRICIST FISTS, YOU WATCH OUT!!! [Jack] Jack punches Henry and Henry gains health
[GM] It stumbles a bit, but it's still coming. [Henry] *calmly* Shoot it again, please.
[Sammy] Sammy just doesn't take a sanity penalty because he's doing great, and is extremely sane. He doesn't have ANY insanities! [GM] I feel like the preaching one might still apply... [Sammy] It's not a compulsion, he just makes bad choices.
[Joey] Norman, did you bring your flashlight? [GM] Hm. Did Norman bring a flashlight to a swanky party...? [Joey] *muttering* he brought a GUN,
[GM] Make sanity checks, those of you who possess sanity!
[Joey] He's immediately going to turn around, and pull out the stone, and try to convert it! [Sammy] *softly, with feeling* ...you asshole...! [Henry] Uh, nonono, hey, uh-- [Sammy] (That's my job--!) [Joey] He's specifically trying to convert it to... not the Messenger, [Sammy] *DISTRESSED SCREECHING*
[GM] People who register as normal humans should be fine? [Jack] Does Sammy count as a normal human, currently? [GM] He does! [Sammy] Alas. He still must exist in this prison.
[Henry] Henry's going to say something along the lines of "Don't make me regret this," and he's going to start warding the door. [Sammy] (gOSH,,, whY ARE YOU, LISTENING TO HIM????) [Jack] (They just enable each other!) [Sammy] *incoherent yelling*
[GM] There's a big ol' snake! In the chair! [Henry] snair (snake chair) [Joey] Oh! You guys have to grab the snake, for Henry! [Sammy] We... don't! [Henry] For his collection!! [GM] Snare the snair!! [Sammy] NO! We're not gonna grab the snake chair! You didn't tell Sammy, 'now if you see a snake chair while you're out, make sure to grab that!' You DIDN'T TELL HIM THAT, YOU SHOULD'VE PUT IT ON THE LIST before you send him out like this, and not TEXT HIM EXTRA THINGS WHEN HE'S HALF-WAY THERE!!!
[GM] *describing weapons that can be found in the music room* There's lots of blunt instruments around... [Jack] NO!!!
[Henry] He's not going to be able to physically restrain Joey for the entire time you guys are gone!! [Jack] Because we all know that's the only way to stop Joey Drew.
[Joey] He's going to fix the story, and he's not going to let the Messenger ever mess with them again! [Henry] WE CAN DO THAT ANOTHER TIME, DREW
[GM] What is Henry trying to convince him, exactly? [Henry] *so, so tired* To just... stop.....
[Henry] ...I don't know... he wants to take as much strain off of Joey as he can-- [Sammy] DON'T TIE YOURSELF TO AN ELDRITCH ARTEFACT! [Henry]..........yeah, I'm going to listen to the ghost of Sammy.
[GM] You get to the closet, and find lightbulbs! [Sammy] So Norman has found what we need. [GM] No. Norman's not there anymore. [Sammy] .................what. [Joey] *cracking up* (ALLISON is there!)
[Sammy] *muttering* Okay, let's move very quietly through the room and not wake up the snake. [Jack] ...is he saying that out loud? [Sammy] ..........yes. [Sammy] Probably something more like, "Stay quiet, my sheep" [Jack] HMMMMMMMMMM [Sammy] I'm sorry, Sammy doesn't know about your insanity [Jack] HMMMMMMMMMMMM! [Joey] *laughs* Oh, we're disasters! [Jack] Theoretically, what would I do to suppress a compulsion...?
[Jack] And Norman isn't in this room? [GM] No, he is not. Although, uh.... yeah, nope. Nope!
[Joey] I honestly did not think Joey was going to get this far. I thought people would be back by now. [GM] There was a snake, [Sammy] We had to take a bit of a circuitous route, and SOMEONE is playing the piano! Even though I told him not to! [Jack] Also, snircuitous. [Sammy] (Why is this happening to me.) [Jack] I'm helping you method act Sammy Lawrence!
[GM] He does hear some of that laughing again, sounding very pleased, and an unpleasantly loud metallic sound. [Sammy] (.......is Norman actually becoming the Projectionist!? Eps is gonna be THRILLED!)
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heyitsphoenixx · 2 years
I Hope You’re Happy Pt. 6
I don’t like Ryan any more than Cassie does, that’s all I’m saying.
TW: brief mentions of rape, manslaughter, assault
All Parts AO3
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gif by: @mickeysjones
“He’s gotta be fucking kidding,” said Gail.
‘Oh no, he’s dead fucking serious,” said Cassie. 
“A fucking plea bargain?”
“We knew this might happen, it was always a possibility,” said Michael.
It had been a week after the initial hearing and the three of them were now watching Al’s sentencing on Gail’s TV in her apartment. Cassie sat back on the couch with her arms crossed, Michael sat on a chair beside her with his elbows on his knees, and Gail stood opposite him, fuming like her favorite football team had lost miserably. 
“We expected this would happen, or at least I did, that’s why I hired you,” Cassie said to Michael. 
“Oh, I had no doubt his lawyers were ready to make a deal with the prosecution since I saw them last week looking already bored as shit, believe me. He just wanted to make a point, and to get his point on television. His attorneys told him he could do that, and get less time in prison if he just switched his plea and paid up. As far as he’s concerned this is a job well done,” he said with a grim laugh. “And that’s why I accepted you as my client, I pretty much figured this would happen. There’s no way any justice was going to come out of that room with all that money and posturing saturating the air. Instead of the possibility of a life sentence staring him in the face he’s dwindled that down to a cool eight years now.”
“Yeah, good for him. It’s not every day you get to pay off your second charge of rape in your life and your first charge of attempted manslaughter. I hope his mommy puts his reduced sentencing on the fridge for him while he’s gone,” Cassie deadpanned. 
“I can’t believe he can just change his mind, and all his problems just go away!” Gail cried, pacing in little circles, hands on her hips, not knowing what to do with herself. 
“This was his plan from the very beginning,” said Michael, “But Cassie, now’s our chance. When Green texted us last week you know he wasn’t talking about preparations for a criminal case, he was talking about starting your civil case. It may not be the life sentence that he deserves, but he’s gonna rot in prison for eight whole years, and on top of that you can get justice for yourself out of him. When you win, yes, you’ll get some money out of him, as you should, but I know it’s not about that for you. We’ll get him for assault and battery so when he’s behind bars he can stew in there knowing that he didn’t get away with it. The world will know that he didn’t get away with it, because those cameras aren't going anywhere if we sue him now. It won’t be easy, but I know we can nail him for this.” He spoke with conviction, and it made Cassie suspicious. 
“You don’t have to sell me on it Michael, I already hired you. Why are you doing this anyway? I know you’re not just doing this because your sister asked you for a favor, this is too big of a risk for you now. Why would a lawyer who specializes in criminal cases lower themselves down for a civil case?” She questioned him with an eyebrow raised, wanting to be sure of his motivations. He licked his lips and she saw his jaw clench.
“I was still a student at Stanford when Gail called me and told me all about the first case with him and Nina, and how torn up you all were from it. It didn’t even get the dignity of a plea hearing last time before it was completely dismissed. It made me want to scream when she told me how the newspaper headlines fawned over him, how they preferred to praise his GPA rather than admit their star student was a monster. And then when she told me Nina had passed... I don’t know. It’s not like people like him don’t get away with this exact thing every day in court, but I think that’s just it. I see it happen every day. I know you’re exhausted seeing it, more than most, but I’m really fucking tired of it too. I just want to bring one of them down myself. I want one of these bastards to know that at the end of the day, it isn’t the entire world conspiring to help him. Most of it, probably, but not all. I want him awake at night knowing that what he did won’t be seamlessly forgotten by throwing money at the problem. He should know in at least some small capacity, that he is wrong, and he is hated.”
Cassie had kept her arms crossed, but as he spoke her face had softened from suspicion into surprise at his passion. His knuckles were white as his hands were locked together, elbows still on knees, and he stared ahead like he was watching something only he could see play out in front of him. Cassie looked over to Gail with a question in her eyes. 
“His girlfriend in college...” Gail trailed off when Michael gave her a sharp look. Cassie understood and reached over to put a hand on his arm.
“Hey,” she said and he turned to look at her.
“I told them we’ll give him a war, right? So that’s what we’re gonna fucking do,” she said with a wry smile. 
He seemed to shake himself out of the scene that had preoccupied him.
“Alright then, let’s start strategizing.”
Every other day for two weeks, Cassie and Michael were coming up with their case against Al. They poured over medical documents from the ER, her fingerprints on the scalpels and the alcohol, his fingerprints on her clothes, the pillow, the sheets, the handcuffs, and anything else they could find. Almost every time they met up they went far into the night and early morning reviewing each piece of evidence, assessing who’s testimonies would cause the most trouble, who they could guarantee would be on their side, and how to best persuade the jury. Because this was a civil case now, there was a lower “civil burden of proof,” so she only had to prove to the jury that there was a greater than 50% chance that he assaulted her, but they knew this still wasn’t going to be that easy. There was no doubt that his attorneys were going to do their best to pack the court with people he knew who liked him or people he didn’t know but were perfectly willing to take a bribe to gain his favor. That’s where Green would come in to help them play as dirty as they needed him to. 
On her off days, she was back to working at the coffee shop with Gail, who insisted she told her everything about what they were planning. Cassie told her as much as she was legally able to, and she was grateful it wasn’t much because she was desperate to keep Gail away from the details. She knew she should tell her about all of her outings in the past that could come up in the case, but she couldn’t bear the thought of Gail’s face if she told her. 
And they might not even come up, Cassie thought, they have nothing to do with what happened that night anyway. There’s no reason they should come up, so there’s no reason to tell her if it’s not even going to be a problem. 
Cassie was wiping down a table in the nearly empty shop when she felt her phone vibrate in her pocket.
Hey, I know we haven’t talked since the courthouse but I saw him switch sides for the plea bargain, wanted to check you're ok
She rolled her eyes at the screen but couldn’t help the smile that crept on her face. 
Wow Ryan, I’m truly overwhelmed with emotion from the urgency with which you texted two weeks after the sentencing to check in on me, I’m falling to the ground, hand on forehead as we speak
She went back to cleaning tables but at a slower pace than before to give him time, bothering to wipe down the chairs for the first time in probably forever. It buzzed again.
I’ll meet you at the er again if you have a concussion. Heard you’re suing him anyway and figured you were busy. I’m happy if anyone is gonna stick up to him in his whole life that it’s you
“I’m sorry, am I paying you to text ex-boyfriends?” Gail accused.
Cassie turned to her, phone in hand, with a poor excuse for a shocked expression on her face.
“And how could you possibly assume that it’s him?”
“In all these years you’ve worked here I’ve never once seen you clean these tables that thoroughly, much less the chairs. And he’s the only person I know who’s been able to put that stupid grin on your face. If I didn’t know better I might say he’s not even an ex,” said Gail, eyebrows raised in judgement. 
“Well you should know better, because he is. Just because someone texts you once every two weeks doesn’t mean you’re dating them Gail, I hate to break it to you,” she chided.
“Yet you still haven’t told me why exactly you broke up with him in the first place.”
“You were right, he was killing children,” Cassie avoided. Gail rolled her eyes but smiled like she knew something Cassie didn’t. 
“Fine then, don’t tell me. But you can’t hide that look on your face from me,” said Gail smugly before she turned to do inventory in the back.
If you’re free later or feel like escaping from paperwork for a couple of hours would you wanna catch a movie?
Cassie blinked, mildly surprised at the question, but another text came through quickly before she could respond.
As friends of course
And then another;
Frenemies even, if that’s better
She bit down the grin threatening to appear again as she considered. He was a distraction, yes, but she was exhausted from all of the planning and preparation with Michael, working every day between that time, and then coming home to her parents who looked at her like she might collapse in their arms any second. Ryan was anything but safe territory for her, but he was outside of it all, and she needed to be around someone who wasn’t fully wrapped up in this. She needed some kind of distraction, and he wasn’t asking to be anything more.
“Hey,” she called to Gail, “is it alright if I head out early? Michael wants to revise my testimony again and he’s being obsessive about it, wants me to meet him.”
“Mhmm, sure Cassie. Send Ryan my love.”
Cassie shook her head and returned to her phone to reply.
Frenemies works for me
Cassie drove into the parking lot of the movie theater to see Ryan already waiting for her, leaning against his car. She parked a few feet away and took a deep breath as he made his way towards her. 
Just a distraction. Nothing more. You don’t even like him.
He opened her door for her and she stepped out, giving him side-eye.
“Do frenemies open doors for each other?” she asked, tilting her head at him like she was really wondering.
“I think so,” he said, “but only half the time, for half of the word, you know.”
She chuckled, keeping her eyes to the ground as he closed the door.
“First dumb joke of the night, check,” he said, pumping his fist in victory.
They made their way through the theater to grab their tickets and to Cassie’s surprise they walked right by the long line to get any food, which she found unusual since they always grabbed something in the past. She was notorious for finishing a whole bag of twizzlers after every movie.
“Are you cheaping out on me Cooper?” she accused, motioning towards the food counter. He stopped in his tracks and turned to look at the line winding around long enough to reach the bathroom, and slowly turned to her again, shaking his head and making noises of disapproval with his tongue.
“I am deeply offended that you would think I wouldn’t come here fully loaded,” he said, opening his jacket up to reveal inside pockets filled to the brim with candies of every variety she could think of. He held open one side and discretely pulled out a pack of twizzlers, handing them to her as they picked up their pace to not be seen.
She was grateful he had chosen a comedy, seeming to understand that that’s what she probably needed most right now, to not think about the case, or Al, or Nina, or any of it, and just laugh. He was careful to keep his long legs close together to prevent accidentally touching hers, even when he was bent over himself laughing. Occasionally he’d whisper some comment about how if she looked closely she could see the green screen falling behind the actors, or how he could swear he heard the same line come out of a petulant patient of his’ mouth last week, or how that CGI monster was definitely just a rip off of a specific Pokémon. She’d come back with how the woman on screen would never wear a miniskirt in the middle of a jungle, or questioned why the desert looked green at night, or pointed out the visible prosthetic on the main muscled character’s chest to give him fake abs. The two of them were shushed multiple times throughout the entire movie by the people around them as they riled each other up, which just sent them into an even bigger giggling fit like misbehaving toddlers. 
“No, you’re right, there’s no way she would end up with him,” Ryan agreed with her as they were leaving the theater, the sun setting behind them. “He’s too much of an idiot for her and she’d never be fawning over him that much. I know the amount of mosquito bites he must have from being shirtless that long in the jungle would be enough to put me off.” 
“Right? And how was her hair and makeup always kept so flawless? There’s no way she wouldn’t resemble Cousin It after all that humidity-”
“Watch out!” Ryan yelled at her. Cassie hadn’t realized she’d been walking into the street as she spoke and she froze as she saw headlights barreling towards her at full speed. 
She felt his hand grab her wrist at the last moment, pulling her into him with his other arm wrapped tightly around her waist. She held her breath as she watched the car pass them by. Her ear pressed against his chest, Cassie heard Ryan’s heart beating a million miles an hour and realized with a sinking feeling that the arm that wasn’t held by him was wrapped around his back, clutching his jacket.
Ryan realized what he’d done and quickly stepped away, releasing her arm and waist like he’d been burned, and she felt her skin freeze over where his embrace had been. 
“Fuck, sorry, I didn't mean to-I just...” 
Cassie wanted nothing more than to run at full speed, away from him, away from herself. She wanted to cut off the skin he had touched that had left her with frostbite, and she wanted to tie his hands around her so he couldn’t make her feel that empty again. She hated him and she hated her body for being so out of control. Eventually she looked up at him and saw his face, his utterly panicked face, and she caved.
“No, it’s... it’s okay. I’m okay. Thank you,” she said, finally letting out a breath, and managed to put on a weak smile for him. His eyes were still searching for any sign that she wanted him to leave and never see her again. She gave no such sign, but twirled around in a little circle. 
“See? I’m fine. I bounce back quickly.” She smiled in earnest now, and so did he.
“Yeah, I know,” he said, his hands shoved into his pockets. “I’m sorry, I really didn’t mean to-”
“Don’t mention it.” She shook her head, dismissing his apology. He bit his lip, considering her.
“I swear, it’s like you miss the ER or something, you didn’t even look,” he teased, and she gave a small laugh.
“It’s my self-destructive tendencies acting up again. I should pencil in some therapy somehow between watching hilariously awful movies and plotting to destroy a man in court,” she said, half-joking, and she saw Ryan’s shoulders finally drop in relief at her light tone.
“Yeah, you really should. I’m normally impressed by you but that was quite the faux pas, I think my opinion of you has lowered at least twenty percent.”
She smiled as they reached her car and the sky was golden behind him. She was breathless again, but for a different reason she couldn’t bear to think about.
“Here, for your troubles,” he said, and pulled out a pack of skittles, her second favorite. “Tell your self-destructive tendencies not to eat them while you’re driving.”
She took the candy from him with a grin that was far beyond her control now.
“I’ll let them know, but I can’t promise they’ll listen,” she warned. His eyes were half-lidded over and she could swear the tips of his ears were pink.
“Just be careful, Cassie.”
She nodded, not trusting herself to speak.
“Goodnight,” he said, quickly walking back to his car before she could answer, thankfully.
She got in her car, slamming the door and throwing the bag of skittles behind her in the backseat. She slammed her hands against the wheel before holding onto it in a death grip and letting out a scream. Why was she doing this to herself? I only feel worse after being around him, she thought, but it was a lie and she knew it. She reached to retrieve the skittles, ripping them open as she made her way out of the parking lot, her wrist still frozen.
TAGS: @mickeysjones @rhapsody-under-pressure @distinguishedfraud @ehweirdo @acedogs
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