#Big Papa Warrior
peaceandgentletragedy · 11 months
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POV: Both Mikeys chose violence at the @somerandomdudelmao height reveal while the “Responsible Brothers” (-Papa Rapha, RIP, who’s having Tiny Tello Flashbacks) chill at a comfy 7ft something.
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kitkatcadillac · 9 months
one time my partner mentioned not hearing a song for years and yet having some little notion of it stuck in their head and the lyrics had something to do with snow and in like three seconds flat i had a link for the devil wears prada - louder than thunder sent to them and they were like THATS FUCKING IT HOW DID YOU KNOW
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g4zdtechtv · 3 months
THE PILE PRESENTS: X-Play - Even the Undead Need A Jog | 11/7/12
I think I Shat myself.
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reallyromealone · 7 months
May I have an aged up pure fluff of alpha Kirishima and Ashido brother omega reader ? Just him asking & courting Y/N out, and y/n accepts? Bonus points if there's some overprotective big sis alpha Mina. Pls and thank you!
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So many Kirishima fics my goodness
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It was at Ashidos birthday where Kirishima met (name), the bright and happy Omega who he helped from slipping "thanks!" (Name) said, Kirishima grinning and help the other stabilize himself "holy shit you're strong" (name) said in genuine amazement "working out daily tends to do that" he joked and (name) made a face as to say 'fair enough' with a small laugh "I'm (name), by the way" (name) introduced himself awkwardly and Kirishima grinned "kirishima! Nice to meet ya!"
(Name) and Kirishima clicked instantly as they chatted away "so what do you do?" Kirishima asked as they went to a quieter part of the party "oh! I run a bakery that belonged to my parents, they wanted to retire so they passed the mantle to me!" (Name) said proudly, it was uncommon for omegas to be business owners so it was truly an accomplishment "I take it you work with Mina?" He asked curiously and Kirishima grinned "you know it!"
It wasn't till after the party Kirishima learned who (name) was "he's my baby brother!" Mina said excitedly as she pulled him into hug, that's when he actually took notice of the resemblances, well fuck.
He was going to be in laws with Mina.
"You wanna court my baby brother?!" "I'm a grown adu--""I would treat him well, he's wonderful and amazing so (name), would you accept my courting?" He pulled out a velvet box and opened it, an ornate collar as standard to courting rituals.
"Yes!" (Name) looked determined at the Alpha "break his heart and I will make your life a living nightmare" mina promised and Kirishima looked at the other seriously"I would let you break my dick in half if I did that"
"Moving in together?" Six months had passed and here the two were cuddling after one of Kirishimas shifts "I have the space... It would help with your omega not liking me away and heats would be easier" (name) looked at him with an unreadable expression "I would like that, Alpha" Kirishima grinned and kissed (name)s face as (name) giggled.
"Babe, I'm back!" His shift over as the sun set through the windows of the small bakery as four heads turned, (name) and the three pups aging 6, 4 and eight months "papa!" The eldest (daughters name) yelled as she ran to him, little (sons name) following "there's my little warriors!" He grinned lifting them in his arms "you two helping your dad?"
(Name) walked over and the two gently kissed "we helped made dinner!"
"Well let's go dig in yeah?"
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shirefantasies · 3 months
Can I request a How Many Kids They Want for the characters from The Hobbit? I’m curious to hear what you think!
Heck yeah! I already made a placeholder for it in my drafts cuz I had to let’s GOOOO! Last post pre-surgery, crazy that we’re only 3 days out 🥲
How Many Kids Do They Want? The Hobbit Edition
Certainly not a future he ever expected, but it’s not such a bad one, is it? How big his family is is a question Balin wouldn’t mind deferring to his partner, especially as he would never be the one bearing them! But probably not more than three if he was really pressed for an answer.
Girl dad. I said what I said. Secretly wants to settle down and adores the idea of domestic life, especially with a sweetheart of a partner who he can take care of. This transfers to his children, who Dwalin is the fiercest papa bear to! No one will touch a single hair upon his daughters’ heads. I can see him having two or three little girls, very unusual for a dwarf and a bit unexpected to him, who would have said he wanted sons. The moment he has to pull a knife out of his little girl’s hand, though, the very same one that held a doll on the other side, Dwalin realizes what he wants has nothing to do with boys. Raises the toughest girls this side of the mountains!
Does not mind the idea of a small family, more time and love to give each member as king. Thorin is fiercely loyal and dedicated, so he wants to shower his partner and child(ren) with as much as he possibly can. Thus he would prefer only one or two children. While he hopes for a son to continue on the line of Durin, growing up with a sister gave him a soft spot and respect for femininity, too. A boy and a girl sounds perfect to him, Thorin’s little prince and princess. He would have such a hard time not softening his harsh ways and one hundred percent spoiling them, but the last thing he wants is to raise spoiled royalty with no humility!
Oin is so the type of father to have a big family and brag about them all the time! Five or six children. He’s the default carer when they get sick, being so good at treating any ailment or pain that they run to him upon feeling any sort of ill. Not picky about if he has boys or girls, ending up with two girls and three or four boys. All of them are welcome to become his apprentices and several even grew up playing ‘doctor’ for years beforehand! Literally Oin could be handling someone halfway to bleeding out and he’s still standing there staunching it saying how he has the best kids ever.
The proudest father and family man in general! Cannot wait to have a family of his own and absolutely wants a son to be his mini-me. Has a special bond with his son as we all know. Gloin is happy to even have one child, but could be persuaded to go up to two or three. Would raise the toughest, shrewdest daughter as he shows her the ropes of getting out of uncomfortable situations and having the confidence to stand up for whatever she wants!
A family is a future he never grew up expecting being a manual laborer and warrior. Parts of him weren’t even sure how long he’d live unless he got tough, which of course he did! One son sounds good to him, someone to pass on stories of battle and his ancestors to and shape as a fighter, though he also hopes if he has a family they would not be so forced to see war.
Envies his brother’s family a bit, not that he wants quite so many! Bofur would be happy with two or three or four. He loves the idea of having a little girl, especially if she’s a tiny version of his partner, he would just melt at the sight of her. Total, though, he’s down for three or four, multiple but still small enough to feel cozy! Absolutely the type of father who lets his daughter dance with her feet on his and teases the kids whenever he can! Makes little hats for his sons so they can match.
Going by the fanon/actor canon here as always, a lot. He’s so good with wee ones and just adores them, so he is down for as many as he’ll be allowed, even up to thirteen or fourteen! Because of this, he naturally wants several of both boys and girls, especially because girls are rarer among his people. So playful with them and a master of getting down to their level as a naturally lighthearted and whimsical person. He loves when the little ones help him cook or bake even if it gets messy!
The most caring father ever, forever doting on his children and making them feel loved, even if it’s a little much! His perfect number is two, one of each if he’s lucky but he’d be happy with two of the same, too. Dori grew up caring for both of his brothers for enough years, after all, but he also has the sneaking suspicion that with dwarven culture, his love for the finer things would be more likely passed on to daughters! Likes the idea of teaching skills like sewing or jewelry-making to whoever his offspring are.
Kind of suspects if he had a child, it might not be legitimate, but in the end he takes the plunge of settling down, feeling the urge as he ages to keep his bloodline on. One or two is enough for him, though, sons if he can help it, which being a dwarf he practically can! Realizes carrying a wee bairn around has a charm that lets him get away with even more than usual, and as they age teaches his little boys how to play games and even to cheat a little.
Softer, more caring than his middle brother, someone who fantasized about having a family if someone would have him. His vision is of four children, two of each. So patient with all the buzzing questions and curiosities of their young minds. All of them, boys or girls, will have the most enriching environments full of art and writing, being raised with culture over getting taught to fight. Since self-expression is encouraged, though, you can bet it’s a loud home!
Even beyond the weight of cultural expectations, Fili wants to experience being a father. Doesn’t have as strong a desire for a son as most kings and princes do, honoring his mother and what a great queen she would make. In fact, he loves the idea of raising a future queen more than king in some ways. She would be strong, resilient, free to be herself and not fall to the shadows beneath anyone if Fili has his way. He definitely wants more than one, though, and in fact ends up with twins, too! Identical twin sons he encourages both to train and explore as well as to mess with everyone by lying about which twin they are.
This dwarf loves his mother and is just dying to show his children the love he got and respect his partner especially if she’s the mother of his children! The idea of a family makes him happy like nothing else, for despite all his flirting and seeming like he wants to have fun he really wants to settle down with the love of his life. He wants at least one of each, loving different things about having a son and daughter. The kind of father who would play dress-up with his daughter and spar with her just as much as his son! All in all, he’s pretty open on numbers, but he wants at least two and the ideal range in his mind is around three to five.
Didn’t think he wanted children for a long time, but Bilbo is definitely the sort to change his mind if he meets the right person. Still would prefer a smaller family of one or two children, though, as more would be overwhelming to him and he wants to keep his home in order! Boy or girl, his kids would learn so many skills ranging from folding handkerchiefs to cartography. No strong preference from Bilbo on what he wants, per se, he more just hopes to have things in common with them and be able to bond.
Torn between his desire for an heir and not exactly paternal ways, Thranduil really only wants one child. All his attention can be focused that way, too, because at his heart he does know that duty makes it hard to be as involved as he could be with family and it would not be fair to have a massive family he can’t spend time with. Likes the idea of a son, again considering an heir, but a little girl would have the woodland king absolutely wrapped around her finger and get every pretty little thing she wants.
Pretty obvious on this one, but he would want three! Not so picky on having sons or daughters, especially when his legacy already has pressure upon it. In truth he’s the sort who wants ‘the full experience’ and says he’d want to try for one of each. Teaches all of his little family valuable skills, wishing them the best chance in life. They’ll learn to heal, defend themselves even if it’s not fighting, simply keeping safe.
Intimidated as he is by the prospect of having children in a world that was so cruel to his people, his papa bear instincts run deep through his veins. I can see him having twins or even triplets, like a little litter all his own. I see triplets, two boys and a girl. Beorn cannot help the way his often harsh expression softens at his little ones, the hopeful smile that creeps onto his face at the thought of continuing the Skin Changers’ legacy through his sons and daughters, his name-bearers and the one who will choose her own.
Taglist: @kilibaggins @lokilover476 @fuckyoumakeart | Message/Reply to join 🥰
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luimagines · 6 months
And a follow-up request: reader is the one being turned into a kid and they latch onto one of the links?
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Sure thing! I hope this one comes out cuter than the others XD
Part one will include Warrior, Hyrule and Time.
Content under the cut!
"Hello Mr. Soldier Man!" You grin at him. You've clearly just lost your two front teeth as you salute him incorrectly.
Warrior's face softens but he returns your salute half heartedly. "Well hello there. You seem like respectable young citizen."
You giggle at his words and brighten. "Can you tell my Papa that? He says that I'm a menance."
You're clearly unbothered by this. There seems to be a little joke hidden in there- one that you wouldn't be aware that others aren't in on. Warrior snorts and ruffles your hair. "Sure thing. I'll let him know."
He's willing to bet your father is right though, if you're older self is any indication of how you were as a child.
"Any luck with undoing that magic attack, Traveler?" Warrior asks over his shoulder. You've taken to admiring his scarf in the meantime, playing with the edges and embroidery near the ends of it.
Hyrule looks distraught and tired. "I can undo most of it, but at best we're going to have to wait it out until they turn to normal."
Warrior frowns. He's never been fond of children on the battlefield- but the last one he took under his wing could defend himself, you're nowhere near fit for battle. "This complicates some things."
"Do you know where my papa is?" You ask, tugging on his scarf to get his attention. "I have to be home before sundown."
Warrior sighs and kneels to your level. "I don't know where your papa is. But maybe we can find him together, yeah?"
You still look unbothered by this. If fact, you smile wider. "I think I'll marry you when I grow up."
Warrior explodes into a blush. Some of the other boys start laughing but you said it so confidently. You nod, as if he's already agreed and take his hand, swinging it between you both. "Mama would like you too. I'll get big and strong and then we can get married."
Warrior tries to bite back his smile. You're very sweet- but how on earth does he handle this? "Maybe sweetheart. You've got a lot of growing to do before that happens."
Time snickers and Warrior has half the mind to glare at the older man. "What?"
Time shrugs, not answering him. There's a knowing glint in his eye. Warrior would pursue it if you weren't holding onto him.
You're humming a little tune to yourself, still swinging his hand gently. "Are we going to look now, Mr. Soldier Man?"
Warrior presses his lips into a thin line and look down at you. He smiles his most charming smile to you and he sees you soften once more. "You can call me Link, sweetheart."
"Link." You echo his name and a burst of pride puffs his chest up. You nod again and look forward. "I like that name."
"I like it too." Warrior sticks his tongue out at the others. It's childish but he thinks he's allowed it just this once.
Good thing he told you first. The others are stuck with their less than stellar nicknames. He can take solace in that until you grow up again.
Then he'll have to ask about that marriage thing. He has questions.
Hyrule laughed as you hung onto his wrist. He was trying to figure out the manner of the magic that affected you but you wouldn't sit still long enough for him to get a hold on it.
It would have been more frustrating as it was, but you were so cute and enthralled by his glowing hands that he couldn't find it in himself to even remotely be mad.
"Do it again! Do it again!" You cried, tugging his hand down to your eye level, watching with a wide smile.
Hyrule lets out a small breath and calls up a smaller version of his Life Spell. He doesn't want to use anything else just in case it might hurt you in the short term, even though he really has a mission to get to at the moment.
"How's it coming along Traveler?" Sky asked, looking over his shoulder.
"What do you think?" Hyrule looks back at him over your giggles. You've put your hand in his palm, feeling the smaller effects of the magic creep along your fingers.
Sky snorts. "At least you got them to calm down. We're lucky you're their favorite."
Hyrule sighs. He knows Sky has a point. When you were fist hit by that spell, you were so confused and lost that you broke down crying. You wouldn't listen to anyone and you wouldn't leave the area even though there were still many monsters around that haven't been dealt with.
Hyrule panicked and shot his thunder spell at the many monsters in front of you. You shut up instantly and clung to him like a life line. You've stuck to his hip since and have asked him everything you could think of about his magic.
He's thankful and admittedly touched by your innocent curiosity even if you won't let him continue his job.
"Were you always able to do this?" You whisper. He's not sure if it's because the magic has calmed you down where you think you need to whisper, or if it's because you think he's keeping it a secret. Either way, he finds his heart melting a little bit more as the seconds pass.
"I've been able to do it for as long as I can remember." He says in an equally soft voice. "I've had a few teachers but I've had to most of it on my own."
You make a face and Hyrule isn't sure how to interpret it. Suddenly, you smile. "So you're super strong, right?"
Hyrule snorts. "I'm not the strongest guy here."
"Lies!" Legend calls out from somewhere to the side. Hyrule wasn't even aware there were other listeners to this conversation. "He's just being modest."
"Modest..." You tilt your head. Hyrule sighs again. It's clear you don't know what that means.
"It means-"
"That he could probably rival the princess herself if they weren't such good friends." Legend continues/ Hyrule sends him a look.
"Not helping."
"But I'm right."
"No, you're not."
You laugh quietly, even though you move to hide behind Hyrule as Legend comes closer. The Vet sees this and backs up slightly. "Listen, he's awesome but he doesn't want to admit it."
Hyrule rolls his eyes. "Whatever."
You tug on his sleeve and he looks to you once more. "Can you do anything else?"
Hyrule bites his lip, keeping back his grin as much as he can. "Sure thing."
Time watched at you fluttered around the group, laughing and seemingly unaware of what's happened.
His heart is in his stomach. He thinks he might be sick.
You were fine until you got hit with that spell. Granted, he supposes you're still fine but you've been turned into a child. You don't know what's going on or who any of them are.
The boys were quick to distract you and play a game to ease your tensions and panic.
Time on the other hand, kept spiraling.
He was trying to think about ways to change you back or to avenge you if this was permanent.
Suddenly your laughter stops, but he's too stuck in his own head to think much about it. He looks over sure, but it was no more than a passing glance as he tried to think about what this meant for you and the traveling plans and the battles-
"Excuse me, mister." A small voice tugs on his sleeve.
He looks down to you in shock, having been shaken from his thoughts. And aren't you precious? Wide eyed, still innocent and soft. You look concerned though with a small frown on your lips.
Time kneels by your side, meeting you at your level. "Yes? What is it?"
"What happened to your eye?" You point to your own, mirroring the side with his scar.
Time has to think fast. He's not sure that the truth is appropriate for someone your current age. "I got hurt a long time ago. This is just what happened."
You frown further and lean up, taking his face with your much smaller hand. You look at his eyes with such concentration for a young face. Time is almost amused.
You pout suddenly. "Did your mommy not kiss it better?"
Time has to bite his lip. Cute. "No, honey. My mama wasn't there when it happened."
You hum, not satisfied with that answer. Without warning to lean forward and kiss his eye gently. Time freezes. You pull back and stare at his eyes again, once again not satisfied with the results.
"...It didn't get better." You look upset with the beginnings of tears in your eyes.
Time stammers to try and avoid any tears. "It was already better." He explains gently. "This is the best it can be. But thank you... That was very kind."
You don't happy and kiss it again. "Maybe it needs more kisses."
Time sighs and shakes his head, smiling sadly. "I think it's a little too late for kisses to fix it."
"Really really." Time kisses your hand in thanks. "I appreciate the attempt though."
Part 2
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mintspider · 7 months
Reiko pregnancy HC's
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As always, my writing is by an adult and 1000% meant for the enjoyment of other adults. Minors dni.
Very slight nsfw (if you squint) mostly just fuzzy feel good fictional mush and most likely ooc.
Congratulations! You're the lucky person to be knocked up with Reikos baby.  Let's explore what my (baby fever addled) mind stirred up for this topic, shall we?
The day you spilled the beans about your pregnancy is the most important day of his life. He avenged his family. He's won wars. He's tamed a dragon, hell, even being with you ranks up pretty high up there on the list but a baby? His baby! you've successfully given this man the only thing he's ever wanted since he was orphaned and that is biological family.
He might appear deadpaned but as he brings his hands to your face ever so gently, he gazed profoundly into your eye's with diamond ores, you know deep in your heart he's the happiest man alive. Proven when he lifts you in his big strong arms, spins you around and then crushes you into to his chest and kisses you breathless.
FYI. It's WAY too early but he built a crib the same week you made your announcement. In fact, Reiko will make most of the baby's furniture.
If you thought this man was handsy before be prepared for it to be ramped up to 1000%. You aren't even showing yet but he's finding every excuse to press his palm to your belly (and everywhere, for that matter)
He's going to try an fuck you as often as possible as your growing.
His hand pressed against your lower back when you both are out and about is now, you guessed it! Holding your belly. His need to protect (and show off) his person and child being his number one priority.
Got morning sickness? Reiko is right there with you holding your hair away from your face and rubbing your back and giving you soothing affirmations.
If he sees you struggling in any way, he's right there to help you. 
Back aching? Massage. Feet swollen? Massage.
You're rubbing your lower back and trying to stretch? Here's Reiko, pressed behind you with his calloused hands gently holding your baby bump up for support and ease the strain on your body.
Got cravings in the middle of the night for something that isn't in your shared home? Sit back and relax! Whether near or far, Papa Bear is dressed and on the mission to bring you back whatever his baby wants!
Because Reiko is high ranking you have access to the best healers in Outworld to oversee your birthing journey and He'll be at every single appointment. Asking questions, gaining knowledge and losing his mind with excitement as everything progresses along.
He does not care what you have. To him. You and the baby's health are all that matters.
He's going to try the breast milk. (I will not elaborate)
You've gone into labor! But no worries, Reiko, the ever disciplined soldier has everything under control! Everything you'll need is together (packed months ago tbh) and ready to go! He'll carry everything, even you.
Good luck keeping him out of the delivery room. There's no way you're going through that without him at your side! Offering words of encouragement, getting you what ever you need, even a hand to break if need be but he's with you to the end. And by the gods, was it worth it to see you become the fiercest warrior he's ever laid eyes on in your efforts to bring your infant into the world. He's SO. FUCKING. PROUD of you.
He's definitely going to let you sleep off your exhaustion. You slowly open your eyes in the softly lit room and the first thing you see is your love, Reiko, eyes closed and shirtless holding the tiny baby to his big chest as if it were made of glass, his fingers soothing soft circles against the infants back (they told him skin to skin contact from the father is just as important as the mother) the peace on his face makes your heart swell with pride as you gently place your hand on his thigh, stiring his eyes open to look at you, an honest smile forming on his mouth.
He heard the baby "hungry" fussing in the bassinet beside your shared bed that woke him but not you? He'll gently wake you,  letting you know the baby has to eat while easing you up enough for him to slide behind you to keep you propped up, then lean over, easily lifting the baby up to help you situate it against your breast, keeping it aloft and allowing you to doze against him while nourishing his pride and joy.
He is 1000% the type of dad to transport his baby on his chest/back in one of those infant wrap carriers. He doesn't give a fuck what anyone thinks about it either. Proud equal parenting in this house. 👏👏👏
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tenderleavesbob · 10 days
Warriors's head rested in Time's lap, and the tangle of feelings was almost overwhelming for Time. He ran his fingers through Warriors's soft hair, being careful to avoid the bandage tied around his head. Hyrule warned that he would have a headache when he woke up, but he was pretty confident that Warriors would be all right. Time just needed to keep an eye on him.
The battle had been hard today, the fight riddled with black-blooded monsters. Twilight and Wild were curled together, as were Sky and Wind. Legend was keeping watch, and Time refrained from smiling at how his attention kept flicking to Warriors. He knew the Vet would deny it if someone pointed it out. Four looked half-asleep on the other side of the camp and ignored Hyrule's admonishments to stop trying to repair Warriors's shield and just go to sleep already. It had been rough but all of his people were here. Everyone would be okay. Malon liked to laugh at him when he did his count of the other heroes. "Papa cucco," she joked.
Before his marriage to Malon, Time had never thought about having children of his own. The concept was alien. Even now, it was mind-boggling. What did he know about being a parent? Caring for a child? He had seen parents and children, but as a child, the closest thing he had to a parent was the Great Deku Tree.
That was until he met Captain Link during the war, of course. Time smiled at the man sleeping in his lap. There was a fading bruise on his cheek, but overall, he looked well. He certainly looked healthier than he had during the war. He had done everything he could to take care of Time and Tune but was awful at taking care of himself. Time hadn't realized how bad it was until after he had gone home. From their very first meeting, Captain Link had done everything he could to protect and care for Time and Tune, claiming them as his own, no matter the cost to himself.
Time had put some pieces together after he had gone home, but he doubted he would ever know the full story of what Warriors had gone through to take care of them. Even now when Time was older than Warriors, Warriors refused to share certain details from the war. Time could not bring himself to ask about Cia.
Warriors liked to say that children had no place in the war, but Time was confident that those three years were some of the best years of his life. Even if he fought Warriors in the beginning, Time had never felt as loved and protected as he had during that time.
There was a little bit of blood in Warriors's hair. Warriors would hate that. Time gently brushed it out while keeping a close eye on Warriors's face. The man continued to sleep peacefully. Time hoped it was because he knew he was with Time and that he was safe.
Twilight's existence proved that one day he would have children. He hoped that he had learned well enough from Warriors's example. He hoped he could be a good father, too.
Hair now clean, Time moved his hand from Warriors's hair to his chest and felt Warriors breathe. Time had always known that Warriors had showed him what kind of man he wanted to be. Only later did Time realize that Warriors had taught him what kind of father he wanted to be, too. He doubted the man had any clue the impact he had on Time.
Warriors shifted in his sleep so he was closer to Time. Time better tucked Warriors's scarf and blanket around him. He gently touched the bruise on Warriors's cheek.
Never had Time imagined that he would feel those paternal instincts around his big brother. He certainly hadn't imagined feeling all right about that. Time ran his fingers through Warriors's hair again, brushing against the bandage there. He hoped he could give back some of the love and support that Warriors had always given him. In the meantime, he could at least protect and care for Warriors tonight.
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 7 months
hii! Can I request a Obsessive! vinsmoke family x child! Fem! reader?
Like the child! Reader is Sanji daughter (probably 8) and she ate the angel-angel fruit that turns her into an angel and not only that she has the vinsmoke genes (I forgot what that was called)
Basically while the whole cake arc was going they met her when the 'wedding' was about to start
How would they react? Not only that the reader also has sora looks and personality (bc Sanji looks like his mom)
Moreover how would Sanji react if his darling little daughter got them wrapped around her tiny little finger?
Also can you maybeee base child! Reader off this pic? You can make the hair blond and the eyes blue!
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Have a nice day and don't forget to eat, drink and sleep!~
-You were the angel in your papa’s life, literally, after you ate a Devil Fruit that gave you angel-like wings and the ability to fly.
-You were the result of a drunken night of passion and after you were born, your mother wanted nothing to do with you and dropped you back off with Sanji while he was still with Zeff.
-Sanji took to being a father so naturally, raising you with so much love, showing you how you should be treated, and between him, Zeff, and the rest of the staff aboard Bartie, you were very protected.
-When Sanji joined Luffy’s crew, you of course went with him and became the little angel of the crew, brightening up everyone’s day.
-You loved being a pirate, sort of, as you weren’t allowed to be involved in any fights, safely tucked away, safe and sound away from the violence.
-When your papa was taken from you, by Big Mom, you begged Luffy to take you with him, in tears, worried for him and Luffy immediately agreed, much to Nami’s annoyance as she didn’t want you to get hurt.
-When Sanji saw Luffy and Nami, begging him to come back, he coldly refuted them, putting up a front to protect them, even if it hurt him, however, “Papa!”
-Sanji froze, turning as he gasped, running towards you, “Y/N!” his brothers, sister, and father were all stunned, seeing that Sanji had a daughter, and they had a granddaughter and niece!!
-When Sanji pulled away from you, revealing you to the gaze of his family, they all froze, seeing how much you looked like Sora.
-You looked to see these unknown people looking at you and you spoke, holding onto Sanji’s arm, “Papa who are they?”
-Reiju was instantly kneeling before you, a bright smile on your face, “It’s nice to meet you- I’m Sanji’s big sister! Which makes you my cute little niece!” your eyes went wide and then sparkly, “I have an auntie?”
-Reiju collapsed to the ground, clutching her chest, overwhelmed with cuteness as Ichiji approached with Niji and Yonji, “And we’re your uncles!”
-Your eyes were sparkly, overwhelmed with suddenly having a big family as Judge spoke, “And I’m your grandpa!” you turned to Sanji, a bright smile on your face, “Are they really papa?”
-Sanji, not wanting to dampen your glee, but wanted you to have nothing to do with the Vinsmoke Family, picked you up, holding you up on his hip, “In blood and name only- I don’t consider them my family.”
-You were confused before Sanji beamed brightly at you while his brothers yelled at him, wanting to get to know you and they were furious that he was telling you this, “Why?”
-Sanji turned, looking coldly at Judge, “A family that only cares about raising warriors, not children- not a family, isn’t a family. You are my only family, Y/N.”
-You were still a little confused, but nodded softly, as your papa always told you the truth.
-Sanji instantly dodged at Niji tried to punch him, shielding you as he leapt back, “Oi you bastard! You’re going to hurt Y/N!”
-Judge was looking down at you, seeing you looking so much like Sora, he wanted you for himself, with your Devil Fruit abilities you would certainly become an asset to the Vinsmoke Family after some modifications.
-Sanji paled, seeing this before he tossed you to Nami, “Run Nami-san!” hearing his voice, she instantly did as she was told, taking off while he faced off against his family and was quickly beaten down.
-You sobbed, seeing him get hit as Nami clutched you close, managing to get away, not willing to let any of them take you. You couldn’t understand why they were so cruel to your papa!
-At the wedding, Pudding was shocked to see that Sanji had a child, after you ran over to him when everything started going crazy, after you had managed to slip away from Chiffon, who had been watching you, wanting to see your papa.
-When Sanji freed his siblings and father, they were all stunned, seeing him willing to help them even after everything they had done to him before he told them to leave both him and you alone.
-Reiju was the only one who you let hug you, as you were escaping, after she kicked Smoothie away from you and Sanji, hugging you close before she handed you to Sanji, “Keep my little niece safe, okay?”
-You could tell that Sanji liked Reiju, there was something different about her, compared to the others as he spoke, “Thank you nee-san.” She smiled before rushing back in, letting Sanji, you and the others to escape.
-As you were sailing away, seeing the Vinsmoke Family fighting to keep the Charlotte Family away, you waved, “Bye Auntie Reiju!! Bye grandpa! Bye uncles!!” Judge was stunned, seeing you wave goodbye to them, hearing your words.
-Could he have had more of a loving family with more grandkids, had he not been worried about creating strong warriors? Perhaps Sora was right. Perhaps Sanji was right, this wasn’t a family, and due to it, they lost not only Sanji, who was the only one of them to resemble Sora, they lost you, their only niece. Judge and the other Vinsmokes had nobody to blame but themselves.
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normal-internet-user · 11 months
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Summary: Leonardo arrives in the past(present?) with no context, because this is my au, I'm the author and I get to decide what happens. And I decide that Reader and Casey get to keep their Papa.
Warnings: Swearing? Like twice. Crying ig, but happy tears! FLUFF
Requested: No? Yes? Kinda? Inbtween. Either/or
GN Reader!
Today was supposed to be a relaxing day. A day off if you will.
The city had finally returned to normal after the Kraang invasion, and life was finally calming down. You and your new family were healing.
Then Donnie's radar picked up a huge spike of mystic energy across the city. So, you, Donnie, Casey and Raph were on your way to check ot out.
Mikey and April opting to stay back at the Lair to make sure Leo didn't attempt to strain himself, considering the red-eared slider was still very much recovering from his battle with Kraang Prime.
"Alright, keep your eyes peeled. We don't know what we're walking in on. Watch eachothers backs, got it?" Raph said, and you nodded along.
Donnie was tapping away on his tech brace, and Casey was crouched right next to you. The four of you stalked around the area quietly while Donnie attempted to find the exact location of the magic spike.
You were tense, your shoulders locked up as your mind went into warrior mode. Your steps were light, unheard like snowfall.
"It should be... just around this corner." Donnie muttered, and Raph moved to stand infront of you.
You noticed this was something he did alot after the events of the invasion, he'd place himself between the supposed threat and his family.
Cautiously, you peeked around the corner, much to Raph's protest as he was no longer infront.
What you saw made you gasp in shock, your eyes widening and your weapon dropping to the ground with a loud clatter.
The man (turtle?) standing infront of you spun around at the sound of your weapon dropping. The very sight of him sending you through a roller coaster of emotions.
Joy, denial, grief, and an overwhelming sense of safety.
"Papa..?" You muttered, and you watched as his eyes lit up the same way they always had at the sight of you and Casey.
Your eyes brimmed with tears as a hopeful grin split across your face.
"Hey there, birdy." He muttered, and without a second of hesitation you launched yourself into his arms with a choked laugh.
"Are you really here? Am I dreaming?" You asked, clinging to him like a life line. As if you were scared to let go for fear he's vanish.
"I'm here. I'm real." Papa responded, setting you down and wiping away your tears with a smile, "Where's your brother?"
You turned around, and smiled at Casey, who was standing next to Raph and Donnie with tears in his eyes. Papa motioned for Casey to come over, and CJ rushed over throwing his arms around Papa as best he could.
"We missed you." Casey sniffled, and Papa hugged the two of you tightly.
"I missed you guys too." He said, pulling away, then smiled proudly, "And look at you both! You got so big! Look at you, Case', you're all muscle now! And, (Name), you've... got bandages on your knuckles... why've you got bandages on your knuckles?"
You shrugged, rubbing the back of your neck, "I- uh I got into a fight- it's a long story."
Papa chuckled lightly, taking your hand in his own, "Well then, firecracker, tell me all about it on the walk, yeah?"
You nodded, smiling widely as you looked up at the man you never thought you'd see again. Things were going to be complicated for a while, you'd need to help Papa fall into a new routine to keep him busy.
But you'd help him, the same way your family had helped you. You weren't in your timeline, but you were where it mattered.
With your family.
Hehehehehe, I told you I was on it!
I saw that comment on that one post and figured, "what the heck, im the writer, i can do what i want." And voila! It's a small thing really, but i do hope its to your liking!
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greedyhoneyz · 1 year
We’ll Get There Soon
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⋆.ೃ࿔*:・pairing: dad!kylian mbappé x reader
⋆.ೃ࿔*:・synopsis: kylian’s daughter doesn’t care much for football or the cameras.
⋆.ೃ࿔*:・cw: none.
⋆.ೃ࿔*:・authors notes: i really struggled to write this idk why but it’s finally done.
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In front of the cameras, under the blazing glare of frantic fans, Kylian upheld a stature, brimmed with pride and opulence. From the halls leading to the pitch, Kylian held his chin up and stared ahead. On the field he was a warrior, a beast, a hero— but today, he was a father.
Gently cradled in his arms, Kylian held his daughter. She was quiet, except for the few cooes that escaped her mouth as her big eyes scoped her surroundings, her little hand gripping the shoulder of his shirt.
She wasn’t familiar with the surroundings of a football stadium. Sure, she had sat through a couple of games in the security of her mother’s once swollen stomach. But throughout her first fourteen months of living, she had yet to breathe in the air of bitter rivalries and competition— until today.
Today would be the first time the public would catch a glimpse of his little girl. Kylian held a tight lease on his private relationships, and now his blooming family. But after much discussion with (name) and himself internally, it was accepted that this day, father’s day, was the right day to display his pride and joy.
“Look,” Kylian spoke softly to his daughter. A tender hand rubbed the small of her back as he pointed to the field ahead. Light glimmered through the tunnel, a gentle breeze wafting in. “Nous allons la-bas.” (We’re going out there.)
Following her father’s hand, her eyes trailed towards the end of the tunnel. She blinked blandly at the seemingly empty setting meters away and slumped her head against Kylian’s shoulder. She muttered his name and began to fiddle with his ear whilst Kylian smiled in retort.
The march onto the pitch was a march filled with anxiousness and excitement. Though his daughter was much too young to understand the semantics of his career, the moment his foot grazed against the astro field, pride stood on his shoulders.
Each team stood on either side of the other, their chins tilted heavenward. The stadium above, hollering and chorusing at the men below.
Worried her ears were ringing at the echoes bellowing from the stands above, Kylian spared a glance at his daughter. He pressed his hand to her cheek and carefully examined the side of her face.
Like her father, a neutral expression settled on her features. Her eyebrows rested, unnerved by the chants, her tiny lips pressed together in hard line. Her big eyes scanned across the pitch, ogling the ball hooked underneath the referee’s armpit and gaped at the dots of people above her.
(name) was a speck amid dots. She sat amongst the other wives and girlfriends and stared down at the pitch with careful eyes and a warm smile.
She fidgeted in her seat, her teeth grazing her bottom lip and jiggled her foot anxiously. From what she could see from her seat, her daughter appeared calm.
She clung onto Kylian, her arm tightly wrapped around his neck as her free hand wandered across his face.
Jerking his head away from his daughter’s curious fingers, Kylian grabbed her hand. His large fingers wrapped around her wrist and pulled it to his lips. He pressed a kiss to the back of her hand tenderly and proceeded to lean down onto his side.
Kylian shifted his daughter from his hip to his chest, grasping her from underneath her arms. In the air, he dangled her carefully before gently settling onto the pitch floor.
Once her feet were planted onto the floor, she began to whinge. She shook her head desperately and frantically scored her hands around her father’s leg, pressing her cheek against his calf. She tugged at his shorts, her eyes beginning to well up, and mewled at him exasperatedly. “Papa.”
She peered up at Kylian with blue and despair clung to her heart as he stared on. His arms lay pressed against his back, rattling, as his gaze flickered between the stands and his toddler.
Kylian held his breath, his nostrils flared and rocked from side to side. He adjusted his sight to his daughter, unease crawling across his skin and shut his eyes.
His sight waded in complete darkness as the whines and cries that escaped his daughter resounded through his ears and tore at his heart. A few seconds passed before Kylian succumbed to his guilt and opened his eyes.
Exhaling deeply, Kylian bent forward and extended his arms. He heaved his daughter from the floor to his chest, her whines beginning to fade and held his hand to the back of her head, pressing a long kiss to her ample cheek.
His daughter smiled, enraptured by her father’s soothing touch and tucked her head into the crook of his neck, her curious fingers settling into the back of his shirt.
Like her father, she looked on from beneath the shadow of his jaw and watched silently as the stadium gawked down at her. She caught a glimpse of a few faces, taking in their shocked expressions, their shaky hands and quizzical stares. It was all new to her, and scary— and yet after a few more seconds of exploring, she grew disinterested, so she turned her head and focused her attention onto the clothing tag caught between her fingers.
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neverchecking · 11 months
Hi I am 🪷 Aron from couldninetonine
And I have a request for you if it ok.
Can I request yandere platonic sage , sky, time, warrior, four x child zoni reader.
Like the reader is rauru and queen Soni little baby half breed daughter. Half elf and half zoni. And they found her in her little bubble pod that a flower a lotus. And how they fell for her big doe eyes and big ears. And teaching her the ways and have her call them papa's and how they keep her safe. Please and thank you
omg hi! I love cloudninetonine! It is totally okay to request!
I haven't done a lot of platonic yandere, but this seems fun!
Imagine them calling the boys their papa bc her real dad is dead lmao-
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・❥・@lovanmari and @wayfayrr I got some DILF Sage for yall
・❥・Sage as a dad. First off-- who in their right mind is trusting him with a kid?
・❥・Nah, I kid, I kid. When he's given a child, one so small and innocent and one that he connects with? It burns something within him.
・❥・He was a child soldier (I think canonically BOTW Link was in the army by age twelve?), and when he sees this small child who's relying on him? He swears they'd have a better life than he ever had.
・❥・He absolutely refuses to let his child anywhere near anything sharp, too hot, too cold, explosive, etc.. If there's any chance at injury, his flower bud isn't going anywhere near it.
・❥・You know that his kid is eating like royalty. Every single day. Breakfast, lunch and dinner. And dessert. And you know that dessert is the best damned thing in the world.
・❥・Sage as a dad is probably just as unhinged, but in more protective way? Lynel look in their direction? Here kid, look at this butterfly, Papa will be right back- He's back within three minutes tops and look! He's got the fur for a new blanket for you!
・❥・Cece tries pinching your cheeks? He's glaring down at her, daring her to try.
・❥・Someone tries offering you a treat because your just so adorable? He knows his kid is cute, nice try. Nothing is getting past him. He's a bit of a helicopter parent.
・❥・Not a bit. It's a lot.
・❥・He loves playing with your big ears, ones that you'll grow into, flopping them about even as you get red-cheeked and angry at him.
・❥・He'll make it up to you eventually :)
・❥・He also spoils you absolutely rotten. He has his rules, yes, and expects you to follow them, but his rewards are things like trips to the Zora Domain or a sand seal ride in Gerudo. Never Eldin. Are you kidding that's an active volcano site?!?!
・❥・The sages are one-thousand percent your personal body guards. You don't go anywhere without your dad and at least one sage.
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・❥・Sky is absolutely smitten from the start.
・❥・You look at this man and tell me he's not dad shaped. You can't.
・❥・He doesn't even care to learn what a Zonai is. All he knows is there are none here and your all alone and your his now. He doesn't make the rules
・❥・He is also another protective dad, but he's a little more willing to let you experience the world around you. You wanna see those flowers over there? He's following! You wanna go for a dip in the river? Great idea, he's helping you! You can go explore, but never alone.
・❥・He absolutely introduces you to Crimson right away. Crimson is the perfect co-parent guardian. Crimson is always pulling you into her side, ruffling her feathers and grooming you.
・❥・Like you become Sky's kid and Crimson's chick. They are two halves of a whole soul so it makes sense.
・❥・HFHFDOFDHN imagine sleeping on Crimson's back while Sky leads the two of you through a forest or sum ;^;
・❥・Or soaring through the sky with you pointing at every cloud you pass and Sky harnessing you to his chest while Crimson flies much slower than normal.
・❥・Sky can cook basic things, but he definitely spends more time with village moms and elders learning more.
・❥・He for sure carves toys for you out of wood. Like trains or maybe a doll of Crimson.
・❥・You get the fluffiest blankets stuffed with Loftwing feathers
・❥・Groose is such a good uncle-sidebar. Even if Sky isn't...jazzed about letting you out of his sight, he will trust Groose. For an hour.
・❥・Which he is within earshot of for fifty seven minutes.
・❥・He's kind of torn between letting you be with Zelda-- who adores you-- and not. she's the reincarnate of Hylia. What if you get dragging into the wretched reincarnation curse as well?
・❥・He wouldn't wish it on his worst enemy let alone his fletchling.
・❥・Fi for sure has a beacon on you at all times.
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・❥・He's more...withdrawn when it comes to first meeting you
・❥・Afterall he's in a war.
・❥・but...so are you. And you are so much younger than he is.
・❥・and what self-respecting parent would let their child wander so far? None that deserve their child.
・❥・So you become his. He doesn't do take backsies.
・❥・When you stutter out that your old, irrelevant, unworthy father was a Zonai, he does take that with some caution.
・❥・But no one even knows what a Zonai is. Ravio has a general idea-- a race blessed by the gods-- but thats as far as he gets.
・❥・That's okay. You were his now and he didn't care what you were. You were perfect just the way you are <3
・❥・Wars as a dad is probably pretty strict. But he lets you out of his sight more than the previous two.
・❥・You get schooled and have friends, but are expected home right away.
・❥・He doesn't like your friends. Not a chance. But because he's such a public figure he needs to give you a semi normal life.
・❥・Which means those dumb friends and parent interventions and schooling and hours away when you could be spending time with him!?
・❥・He probably sneaks you out of school often to go for treats at a bakery or a swim in a river. What are they gonna do, tell the Hero no?!
・❥・Artemis loves you. He trusts her with you while he's dragged away for things he cannot control. She has the power of Sheik on her side and proved her worth to him in battle.
・❥・You definitely have a fairy on you at all times which reports back to him.
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・❥・Fours is so fun for one reason and one reason alone.
・❥・the minish.
・❥・They probably are the ones to alert him about your presence, giving their small knowledge of the Zonai race.
・❥・They chirp and chitter at him until he brings you back to the home he shares with his grandpa (Uncle? It's one of the two). The older male was out at the moment leaving Four to figure out what he's going to do with you.
・❥・Obviously he keeps you. No one else can handle such a task! You're so delicate and so rare and the minish already love you.
・❥・So your his. no ifs ands or buts.
・❥・The forge? Off Limits.
・❥・It's too hot with too many sharp pointy things and open flames and its dirty.
・❥・Not for his kid.
・❥・When it comes to cooking, he can do it, but like sky, he's not overly good.
・❥・but! You guys can learn together. Under his strict supervision. Where you sit at the counter. Away from the fires and knives. It's a bonding experience.
・❥・Back to the minish, they love you. They love playing with you and calling your attention away while your dad deals with someone whose watching you a little too closely.
・❥・They leave small trinkets for you all the time! Which four keeps in a box. Because you could choke.
・❥・He's also another one to make your toys! Little metal horses and wooden doll houses.
・❥・If he needs to run out for a few errands or something, he's not leaving you with anyone. Oh no not his kid. No, he's splitting. Two stay with you, three depending on the errand, while the other runs out.
・❥・You aren't allowed the Four sword. Ever.
・❥・He would never wish that upon you. Even if you love the colors and it helps you differentiate between green and red and blue and Violet.
・❥・Thats probably how you learn some of your colors in fact.
・❥・Even as you grow up, you cannot get away with anything. The minish are snitches and it would do you good to learn that. And fast.
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lost-girl-2021 · 1 year
Adopted Spider AU Idea
Okay so I had this idea for a avatar AU, where Spider is raised/adopted by the Sully’s from a young age and they don’t tell him Quaritch is his father. As far as he knows, his mom was a pilot on the Na’vi’s side and died during the battle. They didn’t really want to lie to him, but when Kiri gets to go see her birth mom, he wants to see his too, assuming she’s in a pod or something like Grace is. He’s already just so sad when they tell him he can’t visit his mom, because she’s not anywhere anymore, that they can’t bring themselves to break his heart and make him feel any more like the alien he is. So, they paint Paz as a brave warrior and keep it vague enough that they won’t get caught in any lies. And that was enough for (maybe five to eight year old) Spider. Besides, he loves his mama (Neytiri) and papa (Jake) and all of his siblings. Even before he was old enough to fit into a mask, they would visit him constantly and teach him about the woods and their home. When he was around seven or eight and old enough to go outside, he was instantly welcomed into his family’s home and never spent a night alone again.
(Also, in this, I’m aging Spider down to twelve, Neteyam is sixteen, Kiri and Lo’ak are fifteen, Tuk is eight. So, Spider’s the youngest Big Kid and his siblings are protective of him not only because he’s human and tiny, but because he’s also younger. I think to do this logically, it’d have to be a situation where Na’vi kids age faster than human kids, like maybe there ages start to even out/slow around puberty or something. Idk, haven’t super thought it out.)
Anyways, the rest of the movie stuff still happens. Except, it’s Kiri, Lo’ak, and Spider (Tuk is at home, silence bought with the promise of bringing her back fruit or something cool). When Lo’ak calls in about the Avatars, Neytiri flips, because she knows her children are all capable and strong and skilled, but those are her babies. And Spider— the boy who never remembers his spare mask and is always finding something death-defying to try? She thinks she’ll have the Na’vi equivalent of a heart attack.
So, they’re trying to head back home, get attacked and when Quaritch approaches Spider, Lo’ak and Kiri go crazy screaming at him to get away from their brother. And Lo’ak also recognizes Quaritch as the somehow reanimated murderer who was also Spider’s birth father. He’d overheard a conversation, years before, between his parents and Neteyam. His parents had explained it to the oldest and Lo’ak had accidentally found out as well. He ended up sneaking into the lab shack and finding a picture of the man (and his file). So, when Quaritch asks for Spider’s name, Lo’ak flips.
“Don’t tell him! Don’t say a word!” Lo’ak screeched from a few feet away.
The Avatar didn’t even glance his brother’s way. “I asked you a question, boy. What’s your name?”
Spider glanced at his siblings, heart racing. “Spider. . . Socorro.”
“His name is Spider Sully, he is my family!” Lo’ak hissed in English this time. “He is not yours!”
“Miles?” The man kneeled in front of him, looking at him strangely.
Miles. Miles. Miles. When was the last time he’d heard that name?
“Nobody calls me that.” It came out a near-whisper and he looked towards his brother. “Why does he know my name?”
“Don’t believe anything he says! He’s a ghost! A demon! He’s a liar!” Lo’ak screamed back, before one of the Avatars covered his mouth.
A little ways away, Kiri looked just as confused, still fighting against her captor as she tried to lean his way. Spider risked turning his gaze back to the man in front of him. He looked . . . weird. Emotional.
“I thought they’d send you back to Earth.”
“You can’t put babies in cryo.” He said as bravely as he could manage. “Why do you care, dipshit?”
The man’s brow furrowed as he settled a heavy hand on his shoulder. “Because, I’m your father.”
Spider reared back, breath catching loudly inside his mask. He looked over the large man’s arm, meeting his older brother’s wide-eyes.
“He lies!” The boy hissed, thrashing harder, two Avatars pinning him down this time.
“I’m telling the truth, Miles.”
“Don’t call me that.” It came out as a whisper. “My— my name is Spider.”
Quaritch gave him a curious look, letting him go and standing up once more. He turned away from the boy as another Avatar grabbed him, pressing two fingers to the communicator around his neck and calling out some code talk Spider didn’t have the capacity to process anymore.
He glanced down at the pack strapped to his loincloth, double-checking that the light hadn’t started blinking. Everything was working correctly, the seal had been done right when he’d left that morning. His parents always insisted on checking his mask when he put it back on after morning meal. His spare was strapped to his brother’s waist, Lo’ak learning long ago that Spider couldn’t be trusted to remember something so important. Spider had visited the shack the day before with the others to visit Grace and Max had replaced his mask and battery before they left. He should be fine.
But, it was kind of hard to breathe. And it was getting harder to focus. He sucked in a breath, looking over at his sister. She looked just as lost as him, yellow eyes locked onto him. She whispered to him, words reaching him from across the semi-circle.
“Be calm, little brother. Be calm.”
He forced himself to breathe in once more.
By the time Spider felt somewhat normal again, it’d been almost a half hour. Just . . . standing. Waiting. Spider wondered where their parents were. Spider and Lo’ak were five feet away from each other, but it felt like twenty. Both had guards on them, but they whispered as softly as they could while still being able to hear each other.
“Why does he know who I am? Is he really my . . . ” Spider asked, glancing towards the large Avatar called Quaritch.
“He’s not.” Lo’ak insisted. “You don’t have a father, like Kiri. We just have Dad. That demon is going to lie and try to trick you— he’s a monster, Spi. Don’t let him get inside your head. If he talks to you, don’t— “
A short whistle made Lo’ak stop speaking. All three of the Sully kids turned their heads South. Another call sounded. Mama.
Instead of Spider getting left behind, Quaritch flat-out yoinks Spider up onto his shoulder and hides him, cuffing him to a branch or him or something. And the chopper is arriving to pick them up, so he’s out of there first with Spider and—
Spider thrashed, mask fogging from tears and heavy breathing. He looked down, eyes meeting with his mom’s.
“Mama! Mama, please!” He screamed, trying to get away, to reach towards her.
He could see that she was crying too, climbing a tree like she could go high enough to grab him. He could see his dad, looking up at him, looking so angry. Angry at Spider? Angry that he was weak enough to get caught? Spider clawed at the monster— Quaritch, they’d called him. The man just tightened his grip. Spider didn’t care if he fell, didn’t care if he ended up tumbling towards the ground. His dad— his real dad would catch him. The year before, when Neteyam first got his Ikran, he’d taken Spider for a ride. Spider had fallen, goofing off in a way that a new rider couldn’t handle. He’d been caught by his dad before he could even have time to scream. Dad always caught Spider. Every time he fell from a tree or tripped over a root— dad was always there. Because, Spider was too weak. Spider was too human.
The whole thing ended up super long, so part two will be up later.
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ginger375 · 5 months
Merry Chrysler!
Who asked for some holiday-themed Wild angst?
Wild hadn’t expected to fall into a memory.
He hadn’t expected it to be a memory of before his time as Zelda’s personal knight. He hadn’t expected when he woke up that day he would actually remember the face of his father…and his sister.
The ensuing panic attack after he came back to himself had Wild stumbling back to the inn as fast as his wobbly legs could take him, ignoring the calls of his brothers that followed.
It started off as a lovely day in Warriors’ Castle Town. Large fluffy snowflakes danced through the air, leading Hyrule and Wind to try and catch them on his tongue. Lanterns were hanging everywhere, the flickering light casting a warm glow on the snow-covered streets and the people walking them.
It was so much. The lights, the snow, the people laughing and calling out to each other, the faint sound of music coming from somewhere; he hadn’t even realized it was happening until he wasn’t…there anymore.
Upon arriving back at the inn, Wild blew past the woman at the check-in counter, bolted up the stairs and slammed the door to the room he was sharing with Twilight before crawling under the bed. There he curled up in a ball and tried to stop the wails of anguish from escaping his throat.
He was somewhat successful in that last part.
Wild’s mind swirled with the images the memory had granted him; a little girl with the same bright blue eyes and blonde hair he himself had, only with a smattering of freckles across her nose and cheeks. She had been twirling around in the falling snow, laughing when the fluffy flakes landed on her nose.
Link! Come play in the snow with me!
He laughed and went to join her outside when a heavy hand landed on his shoulder. He looked up at the kind face, a full beard and his own eyes smiling at him.
Not so fast, Link! Get your coat on and bring Aryll her hat, can’t have either of you catching cold on Solstice.
Okay, Pa!
Link put on his coat and grabbed Aryll’s hat off the hook by the door before running out into the snow. He could see the glow of the lantern lights that lined the Main Street of Hateno.
Papa, can we go see the lights?
Only if you wait for me!
Aryll laughed and clapped in delight before grabbing her big brother’s hand.
We’re going to see the lights, Link!
He laughed with her, swinging their joined hands back and forth before dragging her hat onto her head with the other. Once Papa joined them, they separated so they could each take one of Papa’s hands to walk across the bridge and down the hill to—
Wild bit down on his knuckle to try and distract his reeling mind. He’d celebrated the last Solstice with Zelda in Hateno, why hadn’t this memory shown up then?!
The creaking of the bed above him pulled him out of his thoughts. A pair of familiar boots were visible at the edge of the bed.
“Hey cub,” Twilight said as he leaned down to get a peek under the bed. “You wanna talk about it?”
He didn’t know if he could even form words right now. At the sob that escaped, Twilight laid down on his stomach at the edge of the bed. The concern on his brother’s face made Wild feel worse.
“Hey, it’s okay,” Twilight reached a hand under the bed for Wild to grasp. “Whatever it was—“
“I remembered my f-family,” Wild choked out. “M-my father and my si-sister…”
Twilight’s eyes went wide before they went glassy with compassion. “Oh cub…”
Wild held Twilight’s outstretched hand in both of his. He felt awful for ruining Twilight’s—and everyone else’s—day, he felt sick that he couldn’t keep himself together, and he grieved for his family that was long dead.
“You just let it out, Link, okay? I’ll be right here,” Twilight’s watery voice breaking through Wild’s sorrow. “For as long as you need.”
It would be hours before he could find the strength to crawl out from under the bed. Twilight had shifted into Wolfie and stretched out of the rug, a silent offer for comfort that Wild gladly accepted.
Wolfie licked the dried tears from his cub’s face, keeping watch while his cub fell into exhausted sleep. No matter what happened, they would get Wild through this.
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nell0-0 · 28 days
Hello again! I got a question for you. Just a simple question, no drawing (if you don’t want to). What do you headcanon Warriors’ (and maybe Wind’s) animal form is? For me either lion or dragon but lean towards lion. Especially being a papa lion to his headache inducing cubs. HW!Zelda is a golden tiger who also does this her cub aka Mask (not sure on her relationship with Wind). So what do you hc him as? There are so many options to choose from!
Do you want the serious answer or the funny one? Lmao, I'll go with both.
The serious answer would be a tiger for Warriors and a honey badger for Wind. Tigers are related to the hero archetype bc of symbolism of courage, and they're also labeled as a symbol of strength and military, so I thought that fit. And a honey badger may look cute at first but those animals are fearless, my gosh.
Alternatively, Wind could also be a hawk (bc he has Rito in his Hyrule while Warriors and Mask don't), which is also a symbol of courage and related to hunting and spiritism.
The appearance of a hawk during significant events or in dreams was seen as a sign of blessing and guidance from the spirit realm (-> makes me think about Phantom Hourglass)
HW Zelda would be an owl to me. She gives off those vibes (and it would also tie in with sksw what with who that Zelda's dad is), and it's an animal often related to wisdom symbolism.
Mask would be a tiny lion (until he grows up, that is).
The funny answer is a house cat for Warriors and a koi fish for Wind.
The funny funny answer for Warriors would be an elephant. But not in the way of 'oh, look how calm/big he is' but totally referencing the one from adventure time with two heads and psychic powers + shooting lasers.
Also, Mask as a hedgehog is so funny to me. That boy is prickly. Though a thaumoctopus mimicus would be so funny bc of the masks stuff.
In an attempt to foil would-be predators, the mimic octopus takes on the appearance and behaviours of jellyfish, crabs, sea snakes, shrimps, and lionfish - just to name a few.
It's literally a shape shifting octopus.
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monstrousvoice · 9 months
🌸Companions Favorite Flowers!🌸
Was talking with @by-the-erdtree in the Discord about which flowers would be the favorites of the companions and wanted to share 💖
Loves lilies of all kinds. Something about their delicate, slender appearance looks right to him.
He also has a soft spot for lavender as it's soothing smell is something he would have nearby while studying/meditating on his work. (The fact that they're purple is an added bonus)
It is confirmed by her in-game dialogue that her favorite flowers are night orchids! She likes other orchids as well, but the night variety are her favorite by far.
If pressed to give an answer Asterion would say something stereotypical and "romantic" like roses, to match that sultry seductive vibe he has.
The truth is though, he prefers small delicate flowers like bluebell or violets.
A lover of super vibrant and bright flowers, he absolute favorite would have to be sunflowers! They're so big and bright and always looking to the sky, she feels a kinship with them. She would love to lay in a field of them and just soak up the sun's rays for an afternoon.
Bear papa likes flowers that come from berry bushes, especially blueberries! Such hard working flowers that grow and transform into tasty snacks for traveling through the wilderness, what's not to love?
Our tough warrior will insist that flowers are beneath her notice, that she would never find beauty in something so useless.
But if you watch her carefully on your journeys, you'll see how she pauses to admire daisys and dandelions growing along the path. Such hardy little plants that grow everywhere, even the city!
Not that she actually finds them appealing, what are you talking about? 🙄
Wyll has an appreciation for all different types of wildflowers he's seen during his time on the Frontier.
If he had to pick favorites though, he would admit he has a soft spot for chrysanthemums, which look so plush and vibrant in color, or black eyed susans, especially the ones that have multiple colors going to the center.
The Emperor
In his long lifespan traveling to different worlds, he's seen some pretty incredible things. Off planet, he'd say his favorite flower is one that doesn't have a name in common tongue that grows in various shades of white and blue, with a soft glow about them due to the planet they grow on being one shrouded in darkness often. They are carnivorous flowers.
If he had to chose one from the Forgotten Realms, one that's known to the people of Faerûn, he would pick ones with big fat petals and vibrant colors. His most favorite would be lotus flowers.
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