#And the fact that so many are ok with this does NOT indicate progress--but that we are deserving of SO MUCH MORE!
jamiscrazy4krerdly · 1 year
Awesome swag new pfp = not being terrified of social media for a day yay. Everyday I suffer from the looming fear of not doing the Demigirl Catti with Ghoul Neos community justice when I am the only member of the Demigirl Catti with Ghoul Neos community </3. Can guarantee ghoul will play a humongous ginormous gargantuan part in both of my AUs that I’m working soooooo hard on!!! “I thought this was a Krerdly blog??” Sorry not sorry, get Catti namedrop jumpscared. BOO!! (Dw, the gamers still get to be the main characters or whatevsss.)
(Tysm @solasaich for the amazingest Kris ever!! I experience a little more gender envy towards them every passing day.)
Pogress (pog progress) report: shitting my pants. Favorite written down thought: “is this foreshadowing or foreshitting?” (I had a crisis about something inconsequential the day I’m writing this except I’m writing this at midnight so it was technically yesterday!!!) I will be very lucky if even one of my stuffs gets done before the end of the year. But Gamers… I am totally writing Demiromantic Kris so good it is insane; the Krerdly nation is LOSING for one of my AUs lets fucking gooo. (I’ll make dedicated posts about them EVENTUALLY!! Pinky promise. Cutting off my pinky.)
Alsooo, I learned how I like to write Ralsei so I can’t wait to put him in the spotlight for one of my fics!! Aaand then pretend he doesn’t exist for the other, sorry. My ability to sideline characters is unparalleled!! (RIP Asriel LMAO)
ALSO also I’m making a Deltarune Personality quiz on UQuiz maybe. 7 Results, 10 (?) Really Dumb Questions (so far). I color coded the assigned points for individual answers to individual questions and it made me happy. (Susie is ourple)
Ok ok ok I need to write this somewhere so now is a good time as ever: I am so MAD at myself for not putting my silly little tags in my latest ao3 fic >:( idc if it was improper or whatever the hell I should’ve been able to put #successfully-injected-20-ounces-of-silliness-into-Kris WITHOUT FEELING BAD!! I even decided NOT to mention how I think Kris (and all non-binary people for that matter) should totally one-bajillion-percent be allowed to have boobs without being ridiculed for it. The many shapes of our little flesh vessels are obviously not inherently indicative of our gender identity at all and I had the perfect opportunity to state that fact in the notes section but I DIDNT because Kris wearing a binder is part of their character and story that I’ve crafted for them and I wanted to address it properly in another future fic but it’s such a MINOR THING and won’t be this super dramatic factor that’s the center point of an entire fic like I made it out to be like WHY was I so lame and didn’t take a stance on that when I had the chanceee?? UGH!!!
Speaking of fics!! So far I’ve posted one for Christmas and Valentines, right? Well besides my draft for New Years it recently dawned on me that I still need to make one for Halloween and I’ve never written horror before (besides some stupid spontaneous one-off paragraph comment for a yaoi on wattpad IDK what 12 year old me was thinking) so YEAH idk I guess I’ll try my best, I have a couple good ideas?? If push comes to shove I can always revert to “ice cream cake full of fluff with an acidic slice of plot on the cutting knife” or some bullcrap.
Ok enough thinking, I’ve already had to do soooo much that while trying to think of a new nickname for Kris every single fic. I’ve brainstormed some real bologna, but I AM proud of the one I came up for my Deltadungeon AU! Title pending…
THIS bullet point is is dumb but… does anyone play Roblox? Yes? Ok, follow-up question: do you know what Doodle World is? It’s like the bestest pocket monster game on the site. Basically I’m forming a Deltarune theme team consisting of Kris Berdly Susie Noelle Catti and Jockington and if I record some good battles with my trashy theme team I might post them somewhere somehow idk lol but it’d be funny. I cannot WAIT for nothing to come of this.
I saw someone say they HATE Kriselle (on pintrest of all places) and since I’m a multi-shipper AND a certified hater I’m dedicating this paragraph to be a meanie to that person specifically. They are THE childhood friends to lovers!! Noelle watches in abject horror as Kris puts every shape in the square hole. Kris shows off their blades and Noelle tells them blades are for skatin’ and calls them a dingus. Noelle chases after the knight and Kris screams “GIRLFRIEND, STOP, GET BACK IN THE CARRGRHG” while she goes “youuuu come back here” and tackles the knight to the ground, knocking the helmet off and revealing Berdly underneath. Just thought I’d let you all know!!
Ok but honestly I’ve been sooo obsessed with Catti and Ralsei interactions. I have a vivid image in my head of Kris setting ghoul up on a date with an alleged “Prince of the Dark” and then Catti sees this sweet fidgety guy in bright colors and flowy clothing and ghoul’s like “figures” and it PROBABLY doesn’t work out if we’re being realistic but I’m holding out hope!! Rise up, Catsei (Ralti?) shippers!!
Ok gamers as a treat for putting up with me this far I present to you with a scenario: Kris and Berdly on a cloud-watching picnic date with a basket and flowers laying on a blanket except NEITHER of them are actually cloud-watching get epicly pranked!! Berdly’s on his 3DS playing Mii Plaza while Kris is letting bugs crawl on them and thriving. That’s so cool I almost can’t believe that it’s real. Everybody look forward to my upcoming fic based entirely around this idea titled “Kicking Back (A Green Shell)!” /j
Anyway for Halloween Krerdly is Waluaisy while Suselle is Bowigi you’re all WELCOME!!
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lorentsenmccullough77 · 4 months
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How does it help treat fatigue? I gained about 8lbs in the first three weeks to a stable weight which is Ok however my mind is way clearer. Modalert 200 increases histamine levels and impacts the neurotransmitter system of the brain, improving concentration. It will increase the levels of Dopamine and activates the Orexin peptides that stimulate wakefulness in the body and thoughts. Modafinil’s important action is to increase the amount of dopamine in the neurotransmitters that are instantly associated to the state of the wake-up and sleep cycle. As of as we speak, scientists do not totally understand what the mechanism of action is for Modafinil. Be it for any sort of function, remember failing to plan is planning to fail; so get your motion plan prepared when you decide on which woodworking design you can be working with. It is a sort of air pump which is connected to a mask that slowly blows pressurized air into the nasals at the time of sleeping. “I used Provigil for about 6 months “off label” for ADHD , non hyperactive sort. SunPharma’s modalert is a proprietary version of provigil (modafinil) permitted by the FDA.
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lifejourn89 · 6 months
Journal Entry 1
Not sure what I want to say here... I haven't journaled regularly in an extremely long time so I decided to utilize tumblr as a new space to renew that habit. It's perfect for it and I don't have to be intimidated by pen and paper (which are daunting tools to use for two reasons: Shame and guilt for not screenwriting/journaling more up to this point, and avoiding a pattern of failure with reading. I know journaling isn't reading but the fact that it involves paper has created some weird psychological link between the two activities). Anyway, the last time I posted was a couple of years ago. I had just experienced my first manic episode and lost a wonderful love, and some close friends along the way. I'm fortunate that I still have some people in my life from that period who understand that behavior caused by bipolar mania isn't an indicator of character, but rather a symptom of illness that can be remedied with proper treatment. So what does my life look like now? I was rehired by Tesla as a solar installer, and have been working full-time for them for almost two years at this point. I started dating someone a little over three months ago... that's been interesting due to the fact that its an open relationship, (not my preference). Pretty sure I'm not gonna stay with her forever because of that, but its ok for now, and we're compatible in almost every other way. My main goals in life right now are as follows:
1) Find a healthy, monogamous relationship with potential for marriage.
2) Find a used car that I can afford by March 2024. Mine is on its last leg.
3) Move into my own apartment (I'm 34 and have never been able to afford to live alone until now. I need it so badly, especially being an introvert.)
4) Study for and pass the NABCEP PVDS Exam, thereby earning the NABCEP PVDS Certification
5) Get a job designing residential PV systems
6) Begin freelance videography business in my free time as a side hustle.
I only list these goals as a reminder to myself, and also for context for what I'm about to get into. I've not been pursuing any of them besides the car. Mainly because I don't want to waste my time and energy pursuing other goals because my current living situation isn't conducive to successfully doing that. Believe me, I've tried, and failed, many times, and am sick of the wasted effort. It won't be until I have my own space that I'll feel free enough and focused enough to pursue these things with confidence. I do have a plan and the car is the first priority since I have to be able to reliably and comfortably get to work/around town. Next will be the new apartment. I've got money for the down payment on the car... just have to get my credit up by about 100 points to get a good loan rate. So I am making progress. But it's so slow going. I'm content to be in this less-than-ideal life space right now because it's the best I can realistically do. So there you have it - the State of the Adam, 2023.
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therebelwrites · 5 years
The City, the County and the State each add a tax to the sale of most items. The City will retain its portion of those revenues as usual. New in FY20 will be a 3% tax on the sales of recreational marijuana, and revenues from that tax only will go into the Reparations Fund.  
Projected revenues for 2020 from the tax on sales of recreational marijuana are $250,000. All such tax revenues will go to the Reparations Fund until the City has contributed $10 million to the fund.
Reparations 2019
Several speakers during public comment voiced support for the measure.
Evanston resident and local historian Morris “Dino” Robinson recounted the history of discrimination in Illinois and Evanston, where, he said, “residents had to abide by ‘Black Codes.’” He added that Edwin Jourdain [Evanston’s first black alderman] ran for office for the sole purpose of defeating the Jim Crow laws and attitudes here.
Doug Sharp of Reclaim Evanston said, “We are pleased with and support the City’s intention to begin to address the longstanding theft of wealth and opportunity that has been committed against the African American residents of Evanston.
“We feel that the use of the cannabis tax as a funding source for reparations is a proper and fitting first step in righting the wrongs of past decades, especially when we consider how the arrests for possession of marijuana have been disproportionately used to incarcerate young African Americans.
Fifth Ward Alderman Robin Rue Simmons, along with Eighth Ward Alderman Ann Rainey have been the drivers of this move.
Ald. Simmons reported at the Nov. 25 City Council meeting that she had attended the National League of Cities convention earlier this month and found that many representatives of other municipalities were “in awe” of Evanston’s move toward reparations.
She also said there would be a community town hall meeting – the date as yet unscheduled – co-hosted by the National African American Reparations Commission, at which the “extensive feedback” from reparations meetings held over the summer would be incorporated.
Alderman Peter Braithwaite, 2nd Ward, recalled that his predecessor, Lionel Jean-Baptiste “had wanted to get this thing going. This is a good thing. I want to acknowledge Judge Jean-Baptiste and many other people who attempted to do this. Judge Jean-Baptiste said he’d like to support it now.”
Ald. Braithwaite added, “I think it’s going to be very special for Evanston, and I think it’s going to have one of those ripple effects that create a change in our nation. This is a special moment in the City of Evanston and in the country.”
Ald. Rainey said, “Judge Jean-Baptiste began this in 2002.” She added, “We’ve had offers of counsel as late as Saturday [Nov. 23] from national leaders of the ACLU.”
Ald. Rue Simmons read a statement about the damage done to the black community by institutional racism. “We acknowledge history wrongs in our City are directly responsible for our segregation, wealth divide and overall lesser quality of life. On June 10, we passed a resolution to end structural racism and achieve racial equality.”
She said racist practices have excluded black residents from housing, employment and education, and she noted that the black population of Evanston has “declined to a historical low of 16%.”
Comparing one of the wealthiest census tracts in the City with one of the poorest, she said there is a disparity of about $46,000 in median income and a lowered life expectancy of 13 years between the two.
“It is important that the income from marijuana sales be used toward repairing the community it unfairly policed and damaged,” she said.
Sixth Ward Alderman Thomas Suffredin was the sole “No” vote on creating the Reparations Fund. Although he did not explain his vote at the meeting, he did so in a newsletter to his constituents the next day: “Any revenue that the City of Evanston realizes from recreational cannabis sales will go to the City of Evanston Reparations Fund until funding from that source has reached $10 million. The Reparations Subcommittee is currently working to determine how the Reparations Fund dollars will be utilized in the future.
“I voted no on this, because in a town full of financial needs and obligations, I believe it is bad policy to dedicate tax revenue from a particular source, in unknown annual amounts, to a purpose that has yet to be determined.  
“Individuals and institutions who wish to make contributions to the City of Evanston Reparations Fund may do so. I voted no to funding reparations with recreational cannabis revenue not because I don’t support the City taking responsibility for the role it played in disadvantaging our African American residents, but because it is bad policy.”
Larry Gavin’s article “Developing a Segregated Town, 1900-1960,” which was published in the RoundTable’s November magazine, will soon be posted on this website.
Reparations 2002
The idea of reparations is not a new one to the City Council. The minutes of the May 20, 2002, City Council meeting reflect that during the Call of the Wards, “Alderman Jean-Baptiste reported that on June 3 and June 10, he intended to put before Council a resolution on reparations. He would first go through the Human Services Committee and then come before the Council. He hoped to get information to them in the short term, did not want them to be surprised and that they would approach it with an open mind. He referred to the UN Conference Against Racism, which he had attended in South Africa, where the slave trade and colonialism were declared as crimes against humanity. He noted that the declaration stated as well that it should always have been so. He reported that the declaration further stated that former slave-owning states ought to take up reparations and that it would be on the agenda.”
Ald. Jean-Baptiste brought a resolution, 43-R-02, to the June 10, 2002, City Council meeting, supporting U.S. House of Representatives 40, proposed by Representative John Conyers of Michigan. That resolution called for the establishment of a federal commission to study slavery and its consequences and make recommendations for compensation to black people.
Rep. Conyers first introduced that resolution in the House of Representatives in 1989. On June 19 of this year – Juneteenth – Congress held hearings on reparations for the first time in a decade.
The Evanston City Council unanimously approved Ald. Jean-Baptiste’s resolution, 7-0; the two aldermen who were absent from the meeting had indicated their support for the measure.
RoundTable reporter Mark Berry wrote in the June 19, 2002, edition that Northwestern University Professor Martha Biondi spoke at the Council meeting. She said the failure of civil rights remedies has resulted in greater socio-economic disparities between African Americans and the majority of the population. She said, Mr. Berry wrote, “Eighty percent of African American males will be arrested in their lifetimes, and 13% of African American men have lost the right to vote.
Prof. Biondi attributed the increased push for reconciliation and compensation to the treatment of other groups that sought reparations. “In 1988, Congress apologized and paid $1.2 billion to the relatives of Japanese Americans detained in camps in World War II. The German government and private corporations have paid $65.2 billion to Israel in reparations. In September, 2001, the United Nations World Conference declared slavery a crime against humanity and that reparations be made,” Mr. Berry quoted Prof. Biondi as saying.
Mr. Berry also reported comments from three of the aldermen. He wrote, “Alderman Stephen Engelman, 7th Ward, stated his support of the resolution but hoped that it was not ‘solely about money.’ … I do not believe a social compact can be founded on collective guilt or collective entitlement.’
Alderman Edmund Moran, 6th Ward, reportedly said the “aim of the resolution is to achieve reconciliation and that to some extent it can be accomplished through the means of government, but ultimately it will rest with each of us – individually and collectively – to answer the question, ‘Will we be friends?’”
Fifth Ward Alderman Joseph Kent said, according to Mr. Berry’s article, “The best thing that can happen out of this is education, so we can change some of the old curriculum. Children can’t really achieve if they don’t know who they are.”
During public comment at that June 10, 2002, meeting, several speakers said they supported then- Alderman Jean-Baptiste’s resolution on reparations, which Council approved on the consent agenda that evening.
Below are excerpts of some of the comments from the public, as reflected in the minutes of that meeting.
“Rev. Mark Adams, Hillside Free Methodist Church pastor, spoke on behalf of the Evanston Ecumenical Action Council in support of Resolution 43-R-02; said that support of House Resolution 40 allows the nation to ask questions about reparations. The recommendation is that the U.S. government begin to investigate the issue of reparations by asking the question nationally and getting the facts. He did not know what reparations would look like. ... He suggested they would never know or do the right thing until the nation no longer prohibits them from asking the question. He said if reparations were ever adopted, all would pay. Reparations are not an individual concept, rather national restitution and would be dealt with nationally. He could imagine a nation where brotherhood is a reality. He said it was time to ask the question and engage in the debate that can bring about the American dream for everyone. He hoped Evanston could help encourage the nation to ask questions to start healing.
“Neta Jackson and her husband are authors and recently wrote ‘No Random Act: Behind the Murder of Ricky Byrdsong.’ She stated it was important to stand up and be counted on the issue of reparations. In trying to understand racism, one stumbling block stands out. As a white person she does not have to face the consequences of racism daily, but black people do. She is not always aware of lingering racism because it does not directly affect her choices, but African Americans who are descendants of slaves don’t have that choice. She said the racism that lingers, affects attitudes and practices and, in spite of strides of civil rights laws, is the legacy that affects their lives. She noted that some will say their ancestors were not slave owners so why should they make reparations for something they had nothing to do with. She said the opposite is true and that all living in this country reap the benefit of living in the greatest democracy in the world with benefits provided by people who lived, worked, died and fought for freedom built on the backs of people enslaved for over 246 years.
“Ra Joy, suburban director for U.S. Rep. Jan Schakowsky and lifelong resident, read a letter from Congresswoman Schakowsky on Resolution 43-R-02 to Alderman Jean-Baptiste: ‘I was pleased to learn about the resolution you introduced at the City of Evanston Human Services Committee on Monday June 3. The proposed City Council resolution would call attention to the injustice of slavery and urge our federal government to investigate its negative effects. It has always been difficult for our country to come to grips with the unspeakable cruelty and massive human suffering resulting from slavery. It is estimated that more than four million Africans and their descendants were enslaved in the United States and its colonies from 1619 to 1865. I believe we must acknowledge this terrible chapter in American history and, where possible, make amends. I am proud to co-sponsor H.R. 40, a bill introduced by Representative John Conyers of Michigan. This bill would establish a commission to examine the institution of slavery and subsequent discrimination against African-Americans, study the impact of these forces on living African-Americans and make recommendations on appropriate remedies to Congress. I believe this study will help stimulate public dialogue of significant importance and assist our nation in coming to terms with this unprecedented tragedy. … I wish you much success in moving this resolution forward.”  
“Ayinde Jean-Baptiste, stated that Resolution 43-R-02 represents all movements for social justice in world history. Universally, it will send a message to state and federal governments and communities throughout the nation, including Evanston. Evanston is an inclusive, diverse and welcoming community committed to equity in America and the world. He said in communities such as Evanston, that real people are concerned about justice in America and making amends for the pitfalls of the past.
“Mary Goering said that while reparations may deal with monetary reparations, she thought equally important was the development of a good understanding of the effects of slavery on American society. … Her ancestors are the people who shaped the nation and that means ancestors who were slave traders and slave owners. She suggested that whole history needs to be dealt with. … She suggested this resolution calls national attention to focus on that to come to a fuller understanding.
“Bennett Johnson, president, Evanston branch NAACP, stated national NAACP has a policy supporting reparations. … He stated that Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Harold Washington, Elijah Mohammed and Mohammed Ali among others supported reparations in principle. He did not think it was a matter of guilt. He stated there is a social dysfunction in this nation – a cancer on the body politic. Reparations will help heal that wound, help everybody because this is one people and one country. If there is a problem in one section it needs to be taken care of. “
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kaeyas-beloved · 3 years
yo yo 😳 could i mayhaps request class 1a with a british transfer student that swears a lot? and it’s not posh southern british, it’s a hard northern accent (geordie more specifically) ty ty xx
Class 1-A w/ a Northern British Transfer Student who Swears a Lot
Class 1-A x British!Transfer Student!Reader (You) || BnHA
Genre: General/Crack-ish
Warning(s): Uh, none really... Allusions/Mentions of swearing??
a/n Hey hey, you absolutely can! I just hope you don’t mind that it’s headcanons and not a full scenario/one-shot ^^ Also, I’m really sorry if anything is portrayed wrong - I did some research for this request but I still might slip up once or twice... Anyway I hope you enjoy! Also also, I'm sorry for taking so long and if it's not the best! I really think I butchered this to some degree T~T
Okay so for this headcanon there can be a bit of a variation on the class' reaction and such depending on whether you swear in English or in Japanese
If You Swear In English:
Let's be honest: no one even knew you swore at first. English and Japanese are two different languages after all. President Mic isn't exactly teaching swears in English class either...
Every time you switch to English for a cuss the whole class just kinda tilts their head and goes "huh?"
Or, y'know, some might ignore you altogether if you aren't talking to them
The class' only real indicator that what you're saying is crude is if the situation is a more violent one (like if you're in a fight or angry)
A select few might actually catch what you say though. Namely Bakugou, his squad, Yaoyorozu and maybe Todoroki.
Let’s face it, Momo and Todo probably know a fair amount of English (private lessons or smth) and Baku and his squad know because learning swears is the first thing everybody does when learning another language
Out of the above, let's just say some may cover their mouth in horror while others smirk.
For any progress on this language barrier to be made it'll take poor, innocent Midoriya Izuku - with all the courage he could muster - to ask what those words you say so often mean.
And the shocked look on almost everyone's faces was priceless. You couldn't help but laugh and wish you had a camera to commemorate the moment their ignorance was shattered.
"But... but you say (insert English swear) so often!?"
The class will shutter if anyone is on the receiving end of your swearing. Or if you cuss all of a sudden, seemingly unprompted. There's something about the mix of a hard accent and not knowing exactly what is being said that can be rather intimidating...
"wHAt aRe yOU sAyINg!!??" < the class 81.63% percent of the time
If You Swear in Japanese:
If you calmly say a swear the moment you walk through the door on the first day I want you to count how many people choked on air. Do it - I bet half the class did. You can also bet Iida is on your case in an instant...
"(Y/N) can you please watch your language it is very inappropriate and unbefitting of a hero in training!!"
The nonchalant-ness at which you spout swears is enough to make heads spin. The class probably saw you as a second Bakugou in the beginning before getting to know you.
More likely than you think there have been times where one of the other teens had to vouch for you, saying that despite your crude language you're actually not a bad person and that they should get to know you before leaping to conclusions.
It takes little to no time for everyone to settle into this norm. What did you expect - they all have to listen to Bakugou already - what's one more ill language classmate going to do?
Speaking of the blond: he def has a soft spot for the sole reason that you have such a potty mouth. Like hell he'd say it out loud, nor will he acknowledge it whatsoever. He just likes the fact that there's another person that has a bit of a rougher side to 'em.
Regardless of what language you swear in your accent still shines through, so the class is going to ask where you're from (more on that in a moment)
No one lets something as trivial as vocabulary stop them from befriending the transfer student. At the end of the day they all know you're a kind soul at heart. You are training to be a hero after all.
Everyone grows so used to your swearing they've gotten to the point of just calming asking what happened without looking up pls let make sense...:
"*continues to scroll through their phone* You ok?"
"Yeah, just dropped my pen..."
If anyone (*cough Monama cough*) was to say something unpleasant about how you speak (accent or amount of swearing) the class will defend you in a heartbeat - guaranteed
-- A couple of extra things not related to the swearing aspect of the request:
The class definitely asks about your home town and country. How different is it from Japan? What kinds of foods are there? Are there things you have there that aren't in Japan?
Like I've mentioned there's a chance that the others won't know what you say (whether that's because of your accent or English vocabulary) so they may ask you to repeat yourself a time or two. Don't take anything personally though! They mean no harm! Just be a little patient with them at the start and soon they'll be able to catch what you say just fine :)
Still, they're all really fascinated by the contrast between Geordie and Japanese accents and how you're able to pronounce words in Japanese really well while originally having such a strong accent
The more adventurous students might ask if you could teach them slang or sayings from your homeland should they ever hear you say any yourself and grow curious (I read that there are certain phrases and such that northlanders say)
The class would no doubt surprise you by 'talking Geordie' (?), using both what you teach them, what they pick up and what they learn through personal research.
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realcatalina · 2 years
Catherine of Aragon’s education-Part 1:Languages
I’ll be honest, what I am about to say might be  uncomfortable to hear any fan of my favourite Queen(so read up to the very end, so you see what i mean actually). But there so much misinformation about Catherine’s education, it’s turning facts into circus! It’s ridiculous and grotesque! 
Yes, Queen Catherine was very educated woman for her time(and even today her education would be very impressive.) She was learned in many subject and she indeed spoke many languages. 
Hence indeed she was polyglot-person who speaks multiple languages.
However, even solid research papers often state things incorrectly about her education in languages. Or give wrong impression. Such as that she was was already fluent in certain languages while leaving Spain, when she was not. They cared nothing about skill progression and never dive deep into it. 
They also give either too simple account of how many languages she spoke-Spanish, English, Latin. On other hand enthusiastic fans give ridiculously long list of languages she supposedly spoke. 
I am almost surprised some fans don’t claim Queen Catherine spoke Chinese and Japanese or 22 languages or so, like Mithridates.
It really got out of hand and neither is correct. 1st list obviously ignores that she spoke French, but that is not only thing it has wrong. 
Spanish didn’t yet exist around year 1500. Her native Spanish was not actually a thing! Language situation on Iberian peninsula was way more complicated! In Spain alone-there was no simple ‘Spanish’. 
Tumblr media
At the time it was still Castilian, the old Spanish. Yes, same language in different eras is not such big deal...unless of course nobody ever writes it as Castilian/Spanish and you then look at map of Iberia’s languages and can’t for love of god understand where the heck did the Spanish disappear to!
With Portuguese it’s 90% of time written as Portuguese/Galician in texts and maps. Almost nobody does same with Spanish and Castilian. It’s confusing as hell.  I really wish that biographers of Catherine and those who write proffesional works and papers about her would stop simply saying she spoke Spanish. Because that doesn’t give you clear picture and leads to confusion down the line! 
Back to the picture above.
I don’t for certain know which of these she spoke. I keep finding contradicting reports about this. I don’t know whom to believe. But there are indications:
Isabella spoke Castilian and Portuguese(Galician), and her daughters Isabella and Maria both spoke it as well, when Queens of Portugal. (And Maria certainly didn’t have much time to learnt it). So likely Portuguese/Galician was taught to all siblings, including Catherine. 
Ferdinand’s case is bit more complicated,as people seem to disagree what was his native tongue-some claim he spoke Catalan, while other strongly opose to it and say he spoke Aragonese, while many other say that at Aragonese royal court they spoke Castilian. 
But i think even if he spoke Castilian as his main language, it’d be prudent if he had his children learn at least 1 language of his subjects.)
So very likely Catherine spoke at least 2-3 Iberian languages, she just didn’t have any oportunity to show them off in England.
I think 3 is most likely, because of the reports about Juana’s education(ok some say she spoke all Iberian languages-but that is overexageration). They mostly agree that Juana spoke 3 main iberian languages. Most logically those would be Castilian, Portuguese/Galician, and one other. Which? Idk.
According to some sources, around 1500, Catalan was just small local dialect in providence of Valencia(idk if that is true), and Aragonese was more prominent in Kingdom of Aragon. But we shouldnt ignore Leonese as possible option.
One of those 3. We cannot know for sure, but it is likely Catherine spoke 3 Iberian languages upon leaving Spain.
But what about non-Iberian languages?
That is where trouble starts, mainly at statement Catherine studied ancient literature from early age. (it is true statement but free to interpretation). 
What is ancient literature you ask?
Those are literature of Ancient Greek and Rome-which were usually taught at those days in original language. Of course Roman spoke Latin, so people assume due to this that Catherine spoke Latin and Greek.
But she lived around year 1500. Ancient Rome ended before year 500. There was at least 1000 year gap and languages involve. So to be technically correct, from learning Ancient Greek and Roman literature-Catherine could have been learning Ancient Greek and Ancient Latin. Not modern one(or 15/16th century version). That alone is important distinguishion. Also because main material to learn from was written source, people didn’t necessarly learn to speak ancient language. Just to understand its written form.
And Greek to this day has different writing system, different letters.
To be honest, I do believe Catherine was indeed reading Ancient Literature. Problem is, I could find no evidence for her being interested in Ancient Greek whatsover. Scholars would often discuss those ancient tales they learnt, and Henry VIII joined on Greek literature on many occasions. He clearly knew the subject, though we don’t know if he could speak ancient or ‘modern’ Greek. 
But Catherine either was not interested in Greek literature after finishing her education or her study of Ancient literature never involved Greek.
Which is actually very likely to have happened, because education  for girls in Ancient Literature, especially among zealous catholic families, have been mostly restricted to christian authors only-and those wrote only in cca 4-5th Century and only in Ancient Latin. (As far as I know.)
It is actually very limited list of authors, and excludes all of classical works and authors we associate with Ancient literature. 
Yet we have professional authors giving examples of classical roman and greek works, which she supposedly learnt. But do they back it up? No! It is mere asumption, based upon statement she learnt Ancient Literature. They interpret it as including all of Ancient Literature.
But most likely Catherine’s education did not include all of that.
However, I might be wrong, so I’m going to say that Ancient Greek was possible. I cannot rule it out. But I don’t think it likely. She’d definitely be taught Anticent Latin, though.
What about normal Latin of her times?
Thistle got to me in this. I admit it is beyond suspicious that  upon finding out that they were taught different pronounciations of Latin, Spanish and English side didn’t switch to French instead. Catherine supposedly already knew both languages well, Arthur too.
AND people have been comunicating in Latin on crusades, in universities-and despite their many different accents and backgrounds, they were able to comunicate. Something is fishy about that whole incident. 
Still I thought-maybe English side was in the wrong, maybe they spoke no Latin or bad one. But Arthur himself was praised for his good Latin by foreign ambassador prior to Catherine even arriving! At the time ambassador had no reason to lie(unlike later reports, which I don’t trust). So Arthur’s Latin was probably good, he also spoke French well. It has also came to my attention that Puebla reported that Elizabeth of York has in 1498 made her Latin secretary(responsible for correspondence in Latin) rewrite letters to Spain 3-4 times, because she kept finding defects(mistakes) in them(she dictated the letters so it wasn’t content issue). This suggests she was pretty good in Latin. So if she should have been able to comunicate with Catherine, even if Arthur could not. Still that didn’t happen.
In Thistle’s opinion the different pronounciation was just an excuse to hide that Catherine was speaking poor Latin and probably not very good French either.
And I had to capitulate and admit defeat in this subject. I could not win argument in this topic, because it is just illogical to not switch to other language you know!
I know this is uncomfortable to hear and it is even uncofortable for me to write, but that is the most logical explanation. I know in English alone can be many different accents and they might not be always understandable. It took me while to be able to understand many different accents of UK. However, I do think that Catherine was either not taught standard pronounciation of Latin or struggled with spoken Latin. 
I never learnt Latin, but I hear that spoken part of it is way harder, than written part. And from how Catherine was progressing in English, it is clear that she could way faster understand and comprehend, than actually be able to speak.
Same could have happened with her Latin. Still after being tutored in Latin for so many years, her skill should have been better. Spanish clergy which arrived with Catherine had no problem translating for her the Latin English spoke. But i do believe Catherine at the time had understood Latin of English speakers, she just needed them to reply for her.
Why do I think so? Because in December 1501, Henry VII went to personally apologize to Catherine, he didn’t bring translator nor ambassador, yet Catherine has accepted his apology. So she understood him. And he could only speak to her in either Latin or French, but she was taught French only for few years, so Latin is way more likely.
I am by no mean saying Catherine was stupid or something. Imo she had misfortune of having bad tutor.
Yes, I know, she had supposedly great acomplished italian tutor, but i see no other alternative explanation, that he was lazy on the job and didn’t have her practise spoken Latin enough. Or he didn’t bother to correct her pronounciation.
Hence either her pronounciation was poor or her spoken Latin was.
(In late 1501! It didn’t stay that way all her life!)
 And I HATE comming to such conclusion! I really do! But i explored all the other possibilities i could think of, and through process of elimination i am left only with this one. I hate it, but i don’t see any other. Perhaps i am missing something.
Tbh, that was not Catherine’s fault! She wasn’t bad in languages(more about it when we come to English). That was tutor’s and her parents’.
But Isabella(who would be in charge of her daughters’ education) learnt Latin only as adult, and though reportedly Catherine surpassed her mother, Isabella’s own skill might have not been very good-so surpassing Isabella, might have not been the big achievement it is made out to be!
Isabella’s own poor skill might have also been reason why she didn’t realise her daughter’s tutor needed to be fired! (And because she was Queen, nobody dared to tell her.) When you’re skilled in lanaguage, you can hear bad pronounciation. For example Henry VIII in 1525, upon hearing in person how horrible(reportedly barbaric)was the Latin pronounciation of his son-Henry Fitzroy, King immediately changed his tutor!(Fitzroy was about 5 or 6 at the time.) Isabella might have not been skilled enough to hear it.
Catherine’s Latin was not ridiculed or anything by English in 1501 nor later, they save her face by saying-oh they learnt different pronounciations(which technically speaking is true-one lernt good and one bad pronounciation). But can you imagine how she felt upon realising?
I remember that even later as Queen she liked to listen to sermonts in Latin and to other people reading books in Latin, but I think she could have been bit afraid to speak Latin even later on. 
And matter was made worse because it wasn’t just Latin she failed to speak at(upon arrival to England).
However ambassadors during her time as Queen said she spoke Latin, so presumably learnt the correct pronounication eventually, imo by 1510s she was already speaking good Latin. Just not yet in 1501.
(You’re probably going to disagree with me about ‘modern’ Latin. But i don’t see what other explanation is there to 1501 incident. If you had any other ideas/theories of what might have occured in 1501, please tell me.)
Catherine’s sister Juana reportedly spoke French and one would have expected that Catherine was given French tutor as well. However why then couldn’t she switch to French in 1501, when Latin failed? Fishy also.
But I found Juana wasn’t actually described as fluent in French(though online you’d find just such statements!), but it was said she was fluent in other languages and ‘knew French’-which imo implies way lesser skill. She might have only picked it up while in Netherlands. So her speaking it proves nothing, futher more while it is said Maria spoke several languages-I could no find whetever French was included(and it might have been just Castilian, Aragonese?, Portuguese and Latin!), same with Isabella of Aragon. 
It is so often presented as Catherine being already good at French while arriving to England and her just improving in French in late 1490s.
But more I find about this, more i am convinced Catherine has never been taught French prior to English side suggesting it in 1498.
I’ve seen several times it being stated they asked for it in 1497, no the letter is from 17th July 1498. (meaning it’d would probably arive to Spain cca 2 months later. in 2nd half of year 1498)...
Edit: On other hand it’d make more sense for English to suggest it in 1497, than in 1498. Either way it’d not make that much difference, because it is still only couple of years prior to her arrival to England, so she’d still be beginner. End of Edit.
The Queen(Elizabeth of York) and the mother of the King(Margaret Beaufort) wish that the Princess of Wales(Catherine of Aragon) should always speak French with the Princess Margaret(Margaret of Austria), who is now in Spain, in order to LEARN the language, and to be able to converse in it when she comes to England. This is necessary, because these ladies do not understand Latin, and much less, Spanish. They also wish that the Princess of Wales should accustom herself to drink wine. The water of England is not drinkable, and even if it were, the climate would not allow the drinking of it.
Originally I thought Puebla was saying Elizabeth of York and Margaret Beaufort didn’t speak Latin(but he ment english ladies in general). It has since came to my attention, that Elizabeth of York had her Latin secretary rewrite letters to Queen Isabella and infanta 3-4 times in August 1498. Even though she dictated the content of them to him, she found some defects(mistakes) in them. This suggests she was better in Latin then her own secretary!  (At least in written Latin.)
But from I know aside from French(and possibly Latin) they spoke no other foreign languages. He is not entirely correct about all of waters of England, though in towns definitely true.
Originally I thought the letter also said that Catherine should just improve by conversing with her sister in law-Margaret of Austria, but is not the case. 
Margaret of Austria was once bethrohed of Dauphine and grew up at French court from age 3, she certainly was fluent in French(but that doesn’t insure being good tutor) and Catherine got along with her nicely.  Juan died in 1497, Margaret lost their baby in 1498 and only returned to Netherlands in 1499. 
If Catherine learnt French Prior to Margaret’s stay, why in royal correspondence  in 1501 it is said Catherine BEGINS to speak French? 
At first I thought Ietters says Queen Isabella rejoices at progress her daughter made, but the letter is in fact refering to Queen Elizabeth of York receiving news that Catherine made progress in French. Literally hearing news of it-she rejoices, but she has no way of actually knowing how big of progress Catherine made herself. 
Logically, if you start to only begin to speak the language on decent level at 15, you certainly have not been learning it since childhood. No way! 
Realistically speaking Catherine could after 3-4 years begining to speak some French, simpler stuff. Not be fluent, but it should be enough to comunicate at least a bit.
But still they used translator with Arthur! Which suggest that either Catherine’s tutor after Margaret was no good again or something else have happened to prevent Catherine from either learning(but we know she had some tutor) or speaking(even if she had the skill already.)
Did Isabella picked poorly yet again? After all, she couldn’t speak French. Was animosity against France reason for Catherine’s poor pronounciation or for her family being unwilling for her to learn French? (It was big animosity!)
I don’t think either is correct.  It’s worth noting that Catherine has spent most of year 1501 on road, traveling, which further diminishes the amount of months she could have spent learning French.
I think Catherine was only just finding her good footing in French upon coming to England and she got intimidated. 
Because it is no stretch to say many(not just some) English noble families spoke French as their 2nd native tongue, especially those at court. Women included. From English royals only one with not good French was Mary Rose-supposedly. 
(I am not 100% sure if report of her having bad French while in France are true or just rumour. But since she was against French match in first place, I’d not put it pass her to pretend to be bad in French to avoid speaking to her French husband-but that is just my speculation. I am not that knowledgeable about Mary Rose aside from her depictions, but she had Frenchwoman in her hosehold from early age.) 
Henry VII was extremely fluent in French, after many years at court of Brittany.
So Catherine was around people who were mostly fluent in French, she already found she couldn’t speak Latin well. Would she dare to try French? 
We think of Catherine as this strong-willed woman, who never ever backed down or got intimidated by anything. But she was not yet 16, in foreign country, away from all she knew for first time in her life, survived horrible storm which returned her all the way to Spain, only to have cross seas again.
It would be human for her to be afraid and unsure at least a bit. 
Prior to coming to England, she might have taught she was very acomplished and skilled in languages(and in Iberian ones probably she was), but upon coming to England she found big portion of English nobility could speak French way better than her.
(Heritage of Norman conquest and of owning big chunks of France up to 15th century. It wasn’t just the most highborn nobles who spoke French, but also some women of lesser nobility. French was truly widerspread among upper clases.and even lower rank nobility.)
That would hurt. That’d be like punch in guts. 
Catherine however must have improved in French, or felt no longer intimidated, because at Cloth of Field of Gold in 1520 nobody noted her bad French and ambassadors were reporting about her as Queen, that she spoke French and Latin so they heard her speak both languages. So she must have improved or let go of her fears.
There is however one report from ambassador I don’t trust at all.
In November 1531 Venetian ambassador Lodovico Falier made report which very favourably spoke of Henry VIII despite pointing out some faults of his also(but not strongly against him for certain, yet for some reason is report was not entirely truthful when describing the Queen:
The Queen is of low stature, rather stout (grassetta) with a modest countenance (di faccia onesta); she is virtuous, just, replete with goodness and religion; 
she speaks Spanish, Flemish, French, and English; she is beloved by the islanders more than any Queen that ever reigned; she is about forty-five years old, having lived thirty years in England, from the time of her first marriage. By the present Henry, she had two sons and one daughter. The eldest son died at the age of six months, the younger immediately after his christening; her daughter alone survives.
Nobody else ever mentions that Catherine spoke Flemish-this is literally the only time. And he was wrong about Catherine’s sons. 1st was not even 6 weeks old and Catherine’s other children were all unchristened except Mary(otherwise they’d be given funeral, if only small), plus there was more sons and more daughters! Tiny mistakes? Perhaps. Or ambassador who didn’t care about reporting truth. Given this is during great matter, where people so often madeup stuff, it is even less reliable.
I do not trust his report due to this and I think it is highly unlikely it to be true. You might think-Margaret of Austria, could taught Catherine Flemish or Dutch, right? Well, i seriously doubt Margaret would try to teach Catherine two languages at once and there was no reason for her to teach Catherine Flemish.
Margaret herself also left Netherlands at age 3, she might have not spoken Flemish or Dutch that well herself. So I doubt she’d be teaching either to anybody.Flemish in my opinion is not true.
It’s not only language that fall under scrutiny. Who came with idea that she spoke German and Italian? I searched and searched, and I can’t find single period source supporting it. Ok, she had one tutor who was native Italian, but he was her Latin Tutor(responsible for her bad Latin) and there is no evience he ever taught her Italian. 
What about English? 
Catherine never learned English prior to arriving to England in 1501. She only started to learn English as late teen and young adult. And that takes way more effort than if you’re little child.
By 1505, her English was still not very good. She could understand reasonably well, but not speak it much.
Now before you start to crucify me for starting to sound as if I was trying to prove she was bad in langauges, let me explain what was happening a bit-the circumstances.
Catherine only arrived in England very late in 1501, and from at least March to May 1502 she was still sick, recovering from Sweating sickness. And several other times between 1502-1505 she was sick. She wasn’t always physically well enough to learn.
Up to death of Elizabeth of York, she was reasonably well off in material things, but also had more contact with English people. Afterwards up to late 1505, she was staying in rented property, surounded by her spanish servants, occasionally visiting court.)
It is also unclear if she was able to keep her english tutors. 
In late 1505, part of her spanish household got dismissed and she stayed at court. But even so, by the time she became ambassador in 1507, she still didn’t speak English very well and she was also sometimes sick.
 People say she advocated her marriage greatly, but in fact, she was not. Partly because she was fighting battle already lost.  
Not just because her english was not great yet, but because of circumstances created by her own father, officials in Andalusia(export incident which cost English sailors huge amount of money-20,000!) and rude spanish ambassador. (I’ll get to it in some other post. But it is no great diplomacy to scream at the King.)
Idk, how well she spoke English when she became Queen in 1509, but after 7 years of learning, most people can reasonably hold up in conversation in foreign language. It was never noted she spoke bad English as Queen, which given all she went during her years as widow, all things that hindered her education it is actually surprising, and proves she wasn’t bad in languages.
But she was learning in normal speed. She didn’t suddenly became fluent, as if by magic, as some tv shows would let you believe and she didn’t became fluent English speaker while in Spain.
Not every language comes to person equally easy or equally hard. Speaking from personal experience, you can have relatively good teacher, but sometimes the language itself doesn’t click with you. 
It’s possible Latin and French didn’t click well with Catherine(and because it is from same language group as Iberian languages, she might have instead be switching in pronounciation to Spanish sounds, but still tutors are to blame for not correcting her.
(I’ve met French person had this issue- while speaking english whenever word had french origin, he switched to french pronounciation of that word-you could barely be able to understant what he was talking about-not english with more of french accent, he literally switched into full-blown french for those words.)
Catherine had no choice over her tutors, she couldn’t pick them or dismiss them at free will, up to becoming Queen.
And this is one of things people forget about Henry VIII. He wasn’t strong misoginist and unlike some husbands who felt threatened by educated women or women in general. 
He was freely allowing Catherine to persue education(not every husband did that, some actively were hindering it). She had free access to his book collections, she could freely meet with scholars and such, and overall english court(Henry’s court) was full of very educated people. Not by chance, but because King himself(not just Queen) was promoting such enviroment.
(They could have been such power couple! They had great potential!)
Nowadays we present Henry VIII as almost idiot. In some aspects he was naive at first and paranoid later. But he too was highly educated.
And if you look closely at list of languages he spoke and what supposedly Catherine spoken-you will quickly notice pattern-that it is his list of languages that people take and label it as Catherine’s in order to supposedly ‘bettering her’.
He spoke English, French, Latin, some Italian and some German, Ancient Latin and Ancient Greek(at least in written form) and ‘Spanish’(probably Castilian)- after several years of marriage.
(Except Flemish, that is entire fan-list’s of Catherine’s supposed languages.)
But if you think about it, it is no slight against Queen Catherine to say that with high probability she spoke “merely” Castilian, Portuguse(Galician), English, Latin, Ancient Latin(in written form at least), French, possibly Ancient Greek and probably 1 more iberian language. 
I am not smearing her by stating she most likely spoke 6-8 languguages!
Why the need to give her any of Henry’s tallents? She had her own. She couldn’t always use them all, true. But number of languages person speaks is no indication of character. Henry VIII might have spoken more than her, but did him any good? Not really and it certainly didn’t improve his character. Allowing his wife to persue education on other hand, that speaks of character. Too bad he lost it eventually.
Hope you’ve enjoyed it.
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hazelolive · 3 years
Okay Since this popped into my head.
How the Obey me charecters would react to you telling them you fall into the lgbtq+ comunity
This boy would be confused. He would wonder why? And ask you to explain not because hes being hateful but because hes never heard of some identifying as a different gender then they were born with. But after youve explained it to him he may slip up every once in a while calling you by your indicated pronoun but will quickly correct himself and apologize. He may not entirely get it but he wants you to be happy and repects your wished on the manner.
This man would ask you so many questions with a childlike gleam in his eye because hes never heard of this before. He make sure to ask you your designated pronouns, what your indentify as your sexual orention everything. And if someone called ypu the wrong prounoun hed suddenly *cough* and say the prounoun you actually go by. And dont even get me started on when you told him about pride fests in the human world. Hed go out of his way to organize one. (Only midly annoying luci in the process because my gosh the paperwork and all the vendors needed to bool this event.) With barbatos aiding him im any way he can.
Hes lived a long time made quiet a few trips to the human world and generally knows a lot. So it wouldnt surpise him when you asked him to called you the prounoun you indentify instead. He would then apologize and offer to make you some tea he recently picked up from the human world.
He would be shocked,confused and very flustered for a minute. He would stumble over his words intill you calmed him down and explained about prounouns and ways you can indentify. Then he say something silly/stupid like why didnt you say somethimg sooner? Agree to call you whatever you want to be called and ask you if you can help him with his latest get rich quick scheme
You wouldnt have to explain much because as soon as you said anything about it hed start gushing about how this is just like one of my animes. "My bestfriend/love interest just told me they dont view themselves like everyone else does and was worried they wouldnt be able to tell me but now everything is cool and were closer then ever before."
Needless to say hes ok with it 😂
He'd have a few questions but already be semi knowledgeable about the subject. It helps that he decided to research in secret when he saw you light up about a pride fest that was going to be held in the human world. He ask you your pronouns and see about acompying you to the next fest in the human world.
Honey you wouldnt have to explain anything to this man. He already knows and had some inklings that you identified differently but didnt want to make you uncomfortable so he waited for you to come out and tell him. He always calls you by your prounouns and is already planning your outfit and buying all sorts of rainbow stuff for when the next pride fest rolls around.
Has no idea what any of this stuff beyond gay or straight is. But is more then willing to listen and happily calls you your prounouns. He really likes how happy you look while explaing this and planning on making some pride cookies with you and belphy now.
He doesnt know much beyond the gay straight spectrum but has heard a little about the extended spectrum on some of his visits to the human world when he was still a angel. He listens to you talk about it while cuddling you in his floofy bed and agreed to called you by your prounouns in exchange for more cuddles. (He woulve anyway but any excuse for cuddles or taking naps with you this mam will take.)
Hes lived a long time and seen human civilization grow and progress so you dont need to explain any of this stuff to him. In fact he remembers when the very first pride fest was thrown. So he says hell call you by your chosen prounouns from know on and thats that.
Probably takes the longest. Not because hes homophobic but because this man isnt super caught up with the times and only recently mastered texting. He slips up a lot with your prounouns but apologizes and feels terrible afterwards. He didnt even know they had pride fests but its important to you so hes determined to learn more about it and get the hang of it.
Doesnt really understand why youd feel that way but it doesnt matter. Just because he cant understand it himself doesnt mean that he isnt going to call you whatever you want to be called. He knows its important to you and suports you 100% and laughs when ever you give him rainbow flower crowns when pride month rolls around.
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nevertheless-moving · 3 years
Suicidal Misunderstanding Part Three: SW Time Travel AU #27
Part One
Part Two
Obi Wan woke with a dry mouth and a moderate headache. A fairly typical morning these days. 
He peered around his bedroom in the temple confused. Wasn’t he just with Cody? Shouldn’t he be on the Negotiator? No wait, the war was over, Cody tried to kill him, and the Negotiator was a part of the Imperial Armada, of course he wouldn’t be there. He closed his eyes, snuggling back under the covers. Before he could drift back to sleep, his sluggish mind processed that last thought. 
He BOLTED upright in bed. The temple had been razed, his personal chambers scorched with particular thoroughness. Just being on Coruscant was an automatic death sentence. Faint tendrils of panic began to curl around his throat before he remembered his decision to give Spice a try. He had reasoned that he should probably find at least one pleasure in his new life, instead of focusing incessantly on what was lost. 
So what if he lost a few brain cells? Good riddance. 
Obi-Wan had been a bit nervous, but this had ended up being his best decision in years. His goodbye to Cody had been painful, but deeply cathartic. Spice Hallucination Anakin didn’t scream like Nightmare Anakin, and the color of his eyes was perfect. Far better final memories to cling to than reality- a reminder of the good times. Comforted, he relaxed backwards in bed, pulling his blankets back around him.
He LURCHED out of bed, covers tossed aside, movement a blur.
He was still hallucinating?!? Spice shouldn’t last in the system this long! He might’ve been uncertain about whether he was supposed to smoke or snort the substance but it was a well known fact that its exhaustive but rapid passage through the body was half what made it so addictive. If nothing else, his well-restedness and thirst indicated it had been at least six hours. He looked frantically around the room, searching for some thread of unreality to pull at.
This...was not good. Hadn’t the subconscious manifestations of his friends mentioned drugs that interacted poorly with force users last night? He had dismissed it at the time but...
He clearly was stuck in some sort of drugged fantasy combined with force-enhanced memory recall. Kriff, he had to wake up in the real world before he died of an aneurysm. Or just dehydration.
He sat on the ‘temple floor’ to meditate. This could be tricky as he couldn’t risk lowering his outer shields to reach out to reality. It would be deeply embarrassing as well as horrifying if the Emperor managed to find him and, by extension, Luke because he got stuck in a bad spice trip.
The door to his room clicked open quietly. 
“Oh! You’re awake. Sorry to come in without knocking, Master. I wanted to let you sleep, but I’ve been checking on you every two hours to make sure you were still, you know, breathing. You were...pretty out of it last night and I would be a pretty bad ‘best friend in the whole galaxy’ if I let you choke on your own vomit, right?” His blue-eyed Padawan explained with a grin.
Obi-Wan just stared. Oh this- this hurt. It was easier last night, when the whole fantasy had a kind of drunken blurriness. Sleeping and waking had brought sober clarity to the dream world. He could see the bags under Anakin’s eyes as well as the sheepish slouch of his shoulders as he instinctively ducked at the door frame. It was just so real.
“Obi-Wan? Are you feeling ok? Do you still feel drunk?” Anakin asked concerned.
Obi-Wan shook his head. He hesitated, before deciding to just go along with the interaction. He didn’t want to risk his subconscious throwing a less idylic scene at him by pretending to ignore this one. And besides, last night had been, all totaled, a huge relief- an unburdening of things left unsaid. This was probably the closest thing to therapy available to him these days, he might as well take advantage.
“I’m just...processing. Not to mention dealing with some mild dehydration.” He finally answered.
“Processing, huh? So does that mean you, uh, remember last night?” Anakin asked nervously.
“I do.” Obi-Wan smiled gently. As heart-wrenching as this was, it was also adorably sweet. Maybe it was worth it to push off waking for a little while. He could get some closure, maybe even work through some of the past to see where the two of them had gone wrong. It might even be helpful for Luke! Force willing, he would probably end up training Anakin’s son someday.
(the boy wouldn’t have many masters to choose from)
If this dream world could help him figure out specifically how he had failed as a Master, then he owed it to the galaxy to see it through. Satisfied, he resolved to let the fantasy play out. At least for a few more more hours. And...he had missed what Anakin had said. Wonderful start.
“I’m very sorry, Anakin would you mind repeating that? I was still a little distracted, but I promise, I’m focused on you now.”
Anakin shuffled nervously. “It’s nothing.”
Obi-Wan tried to project reassurance without actually projecting. “Please Anakin, I’d like to hear what you have to say. I know I wasn’t the most observant or approachable Master, and I’m sorry for that. But I have always cared about your thoughts and feelings.” It was a struggle and the words caught in his throat, but the raw burn of the apology was cleansing in an almost addictive way.
Anakin flushed. “Did you mean everything you said?” he asked nervously.
“I’d...rather not talk about seeing the destruction of the temple, seeing you... Maybe later...but please, I just don’t want to focus on it while I’m sitting here, looking at you,” Obi-Wan said quietly.
“That actually wasn’t what I was talking about,” Anakin responded quickly. “I mean, I do want to help you with that at some point, but I get not wanting to talk about visions, even if you should probably should. Of course if you do want to talk about that stuff, that’s more important, but since you don’t we can talk about the other stuff you mentioned. I was more referring to, you know, us, and what you said about our friendship?” his voice got progressively higher the longer he rambled. 
Obi-Wan thought back. “Well some of it is a little hazy, but overall yes. I...for a very long time I’ve considered you my best friend, and its not so easy for me to let go of my affections. I miss spending time with you; there are times I turn to say something and am still shocked you’re not there. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you, with real words, how much I cared. I’m sorry I didn’t hug you as much as I wanted, looking back that was a nonsensical Jedi custom. It’s not in the code; it’s just an affectation of dignity. All things considered, the fact that you often snuck out to see Padme doesn’t really bother me.” He paused. “Was that everything?”
“Oh. Yeah, that pretty much covered everything.” Anakin looked embarrassed, but happy. “I wasn’t sure if you were just saying that stuff because you were drugged, or really drunk or something.”
“No, I meant what I said. I suppose it just took an altered state for me to relax enough to actually say it instead of just thinking at you and assuming you would know. I must admit, its difficult for me to maintain this emotional honesty without feeling drunk, but it’s good. This is good.”
“Ah, that’s... wow. So you weren’t drugged? Cody was concerned you seemed to off for much you actually drank.”
Obi-Wan frowned. Hadn’t that been a trip? Vision blurring from desert hovel to some nameless Catina he once visited with Cody. The continuity since then was almost unsettling. But, then again, Obi-Wan always did have a remarkable talent for self-delusion, didn’t he. He waved away the concerns.
“My substance consumption was entirely deliberate and exactly what I needed. There might have been some unknown additions with some unforeseen after-affects, but like I said- I’m not drunk. I’m clear minded and in full control right now and I knowingly accept the current fallout from whatever I took. I could meditate and force purge to completely recenter, but I think it would be far wiser to just see where this goes. Do you disagree, Anakin?”
Anakin grinned widely. “Whatever you say, Obi-Wan. Just remember this is your idea. Also, I’m taking you to the healers tonight if you’re not completely back to yourself.”
Obi-Wan signed, “If I’m not back to myself in 12 hours, than I fully agree that’s a problem worthy of the halls of healing.”
“Right,” Anakin nodded decisively, “I’ll go get you some water then comm Cody to tell him you’re still alive.
Obi-Wan smiled weakly in response. This wasn’t just a hashed up memory; the responsiveness was more that. He quickly got dressed, hands lingering over soft fabrics and sand-free linens.
Anakin dropped off a cup of water; Obi-Wan sipped at it hesitantly. Dear force, this was dangerously vivid. It actually felt like a relief in his parched mouth. Clearly his subconscious was pulling out all the stops to trap him in this soft delusion. He would have to deal with the thirst and hunger until he woke up- it was probably the firmest link he had to his real body.
He took one last look around before rushing out of his room, eager to take advantage of the time.
Anakin looked nervously up from the comm when Obi-Wan started pulling his boots on. “You’re not going out in the temple like this, are you?”
“Of course! I want to visit the gardens and the Room of a Thousand Fountains. Not to mention spend some time with a few of the other Jedi. You might still be the dearest being in my heart, but there were other Jedi that I care for, and dammit I’m going to tell them that.” He finally finished lacing up his left leg and moved to the right.
Anakin was dumbstruck, presumably as burnt by the ‘dearest being’ comment as Obi-Wan was. Then he rallied, “Wow, wow, No. You are not running around the temple drugged so you can, I don’t know, give Mace Windu a hug. I thought when you said you were going to ‘deal with the fallout' from whatever the kriff you’re still on, you meant you were going to lounge around the quarters all day!”
His former padawan physically blocked the door when Obi-Wan started to leave, sounding vaguely hysterical, “You can’t run around loopy! You’re a High Council Member!”
“Not anymore,” Obi-Wan replied bitterly. 
“What do you mean not anymore,” Anakin said fiercely, grabbing on to his shoulders . “Did they kick you out? Is that why you’re acting crazy? Did you resign?”
Obi-Wan responded by pulling Anakin into a hug, which was immediately returned, “Of course not, don’t be absurd. Fine, I suppose I’m technically still a high council member, it just seems like a bit of a moot point.”
“What the kark does that mean? You used to dream about being on the council! You’re the wisest Master in any of those stupid chairs!”
‘Master of the High Council’ Kenobi just sighed heavily in response. He maneuvered around the confused errant Knight and into the hall. 
"Obi-Wan wait! At least eat something first! Or let me put my shoes on!”
“Very well, you have one minute to make yourself presentable. I only have a few hours before I’m going to need to get back to reality, and the longer I linger the more I fear extreme measures may be necessary.”
“What does that mean?” Anakin shouted from inside. “Extreme measures sounds really ominous, you know.”
“I’d rather not get into it, alright? Let’s just enjoy the here-and-now, eh, ad’ika?
Anakin crashed out the door with less than a second to spare. “What did you just call me?"
“Ad’ika,” Obi-Wan answered, striding down the hallway in the direction of the hanging gardens. “Surely you must have picked up some Mando’a from the troopers?”
“Yeah, but I wasn’t sure if I heard you right, bu- um- ori'vod,” Anakin fumbled out. “Uh, you’re not going to call me that in front of anyone else, right? You do remember that the council already gives us the side eye for over-attachment right?”
Obi-Wan hummed thought fully in responded. “There are far worse things a Jedi could do than admit to affection they already feel. Maybe if I had been honest about my attachments, they wouldn’t have ended the way that...” he trailed off quietly.
“The way that what,” Anakin asked frustrated. “You’re really giving me some emotional whiplash over here, and I’m starting to think that putting off dragging you to the healers is a stupid idea.
“There are far stupider things a Jedi could do,” he responded cheerily. “Oh look, there’s Plo Koon. MASTER KOON!” He shouted, startling the Kel Doran Jedi.
“Yes, Master Kenobi?” He replied slightly concerned as the two human Jedi came jogging over.
“I just wanted to say that I consider my former padawan my family. I raised him, I care for him deeply, and I don’t want to let go of those feelings.”
Plo Koon nodded seriously in response. “I feel just the same about my former padawans, and the Wolffe pack, of course. Denying my attachments isn’t, personally, a practical way to handle them. I’d rather honestly live as an imperfect Jedi than pretend to be a perfect example of the code. If I must have some imbalance, I’d rather it be an excess of compassion than a dearth,” he replied earnestly.
“I always admired that about you,” Obi-Wan replied ruefully. “This might be a little odd, but could I have a hug? I hold you in the highest regard and I’ve realized that there are so many Jedi that I never directly expressed my affection for and...”
Plo Koon didn’t wait for Obi-Wan to finish before wrapping his arms around him. “Of course, dear boy. You’ve had such heavy burdens placed on your shoulders during your life, especially in the last few years; it saddens me to see how deeply they’ve weighed you down. If there’s anything I can do to help, in any way, you simply have to ask.”
Obi-Wan sniffled slightly into Plo’s Shoulder while Plo rubbed soothing circles over his back.
A few passing Jedi gave the embracing Masters uncomfortable looks before hurrying on their way. Anakin stood slack-jawed.
When they finally pulled back, Plo Koon hesitated before finally asking, “I don’t mean to pry, but what brought all this on? I can sense much grief from you, even through your impressive shields.”
“It’s a long story,” Obi-Wan replied, wiping at the corner of his eyes. “I’d rather not get into it.”
“He’s high,” Anakin offered bluntly. “He took something last night and won’t go to medical wing.”
“Ah,” Plo said. “Is that true?”
Obi-Wan looked a little embarrassed. “I have the situation under control. My connection with reality might be...slightly altered right now, but my emotions, and what I chose to do with them are my own. I’m just, taking advantage of a unique opportunity to express myself.”
Plo Koon seemed to scrutinize him intensely, “If you’re sure this is what you need, than I support you. Just don’t do anything too foolish.” he finally offered.
Obi-Wan beamed. “I appreciate you saying so, I thought you would be supportive. Farewell, Master Koon”
Obi-Wan offered a respectful bow and then turned to walk away briskly. Before Anakin could follow, Plo rested a claw on his arm. 
“Feel free to comm me if his behavior reaches a point where you think he truly needs a healer. I’m happy to help you drag him there if need be. A little cathartic release isn’t in of itself such a bad thing, but if he starts acting too out of control...”
Anakin nodded in acknowledgment, then ran off to see who else Obi-Wan had chosen to throw himself at.
Part Four
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pub-lius · 3 years
A Debunking and, in my Humble Opinion, Superior Version of Weird History’s “Hardcore Facts About Alexander Hamilton”
I haven’t updated my blog in quite some time, and that is due to my schedule being primarily dominated by school. So, I decided my first step into posting semi-regularly once more shall be a more casual, more fun endeavor. 
If you have not heard of the Weird History youtube channel, good for you. It is yet another social media platform that misconstrues history to appeal to the public’s enjoyment of extremes and strangeness. I saw The Historical Fashion Queens make a video responding to their highly misinformed documentary on corsetry on Miss Abby Cox’s youtube channel, which I highly recommend. This intrigued me, and I decided to find a video I could dissect off my expertise, at first only for fun in my own time. This resulted in the production in a very long bullet list in the notes app of my phone. So here is my informal destruction of this godforsaken video.
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Disclaimer: I am not at all excusing any of the awful things Alexander Hamilton did during his lifetime. I am absolutely the last person who would even come near to claiming that many of the things he did were justifiable in the slightest. Although, he might be the only historical figure which I have a very strong interest in the life of, as he was incredibly complex, and the part of me with a love of psychology finds him absolutely fascinating. There is also something to be said about the way we consider moral standards of historical figures. We are quite lucky to believe in the time that we do, and not all of our standards can apply to historical figures. This does not mean they should not be held accountable. I find that a way to criticize people while also praising them where it is due is by judging them based upon their intentions. In my opinion, Hamilton’s intentions were not to harm anyone in most situations, so I don’t think he was a terrible person, nor do I think he was a particularly good one. Then again, I don’t think either of those things about a mass majority of people, so let us proceed without further delay. (Note: I will also be referring to the collective Weird History channel as the Narrator to avoid any mental gymnastics, and all of my knowledge is coming from my memory of Hamilton’s writing and some biographies.)
Automatically, the video starts with mention of the musical, but that just reminds me that many use Ron Chernow’s biography of Hamilton as a basis of their statements about him without utilizing much critical thinking, so I am slightly nervous. 
The Narrator then refers to Hammy Ham man as “...one of America’s most undervalued founding fathers...” Now, it is debatable whether or not Mr. Hamilton is undervalued per se, but when it comes to the founding fathers, they are usually undervalued or overvalued. At this point, Hamilton is both.
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I shall not subscribe, thank you for the offer though, Mr. Narrator.
Now for the first fact: “Historians don’t know when Hamilton was born.” Yes, this is correct, but I don’t believe this should be labeled as “hardcore”, but perhaps that is just me. One early document indicates that Hamilton was born in 1755, while all later ones point to 1757 as his year of birth. We know Hamilton was not always a completely honest man, so it is possible that he lied.
Also, they show an image of a baby, and I do not know if this is actually Hamilton, but they use a lot of strange imagery, which I found humorous.
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“A self-made man born out of wedlock.” Now, this fact could indeed be “hardcore”, if this was not colonial America we are discussing. Hamilton actually wasn’t really special in this regard. Yes, his rise to fame was impressive considering his circumstances, but this wasn’t unheard of.
The Narrator then says that Hamilton’s mother, Rachel Faucette, was “estranged from her husband.” This caused me some confusion as it is a vast understatement. Her ex-husband was absolutely awful to her. 
Additionally, they claim that James Hamilton left his family behind for some reason that I did not write in my notes, but the most likely reason that he actually left was because of his awesome debt. James Hamilton also had a history of ambitious pursuits for money, so it would not be extreme to claim that he moved to another island to attempt to make a fortune in some trading endeavor.
They also cease to mention the Stevens family, who housed young Alexander while he was working for Beekman and Cruger, and had a great influence on him, but I digress.
“A college dropout who joined the Revolution.” Once again, this isn’t special. Many rowdy young Whigs left behind their careers and educations for pursuit of military fame in the Continental Army. They also do not mention anything of Hamilton’s expansive military career, which aside from being indicative of primitive research, but would produce more “hardcore facts.”
Although, they do discuss his application to Princeton college, which is interesting enough I suppose, although everyone who has heard the first two songs of the musical knows this story. His proposal for an “accelerated course of study” was likely inspired by Aaron Burr, as claimed by Chernow and Miranda, or James Madison, as supported by evidence provided by author Noah Feldman in his novel, The Three Lives of James Madison, which is an excellent read. Young Madison, having already completed a course, decided to do so again, but compacting a usually three year course into a shorter period of time. He hardly slept during this period, which was stressful upon his health, making Princeton more disinclined to allow a similar course to be taken.
The Narrator then claims that Hamilton “formed his own militia of 25 men.” Technically, yes? But not exactly. Hamilton joined a paramilitary group called the Hearts of Oak, and they drilled in Trinity Churchyard. This became ironic later. He then became a captain in the New York Artillery Company, and enlisted his own men, which was at one time around thirty or so, if my memory serves me correctly.
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“Founded a bank that existed for over two centuries.” Ah, yes, a very hardcore fact indeed. Yes, Hamilton did establish the Bank of America, but Robert Morris was the one who inspired him to do so. Though, I do think the financial plan is a product of his own genius, but I will get into that much later.
I got an ad. :(
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The Narrator also says that the misfortunes done to the New York shipping industry by the Articles of Confederation were the most prominent, if not sole, motivation for Hamilton to concoct his financial plan. He first recognized the need for a sound financial plan when he was in the army. You know, when he was watching men die of inadequate supplies because the government couldn’t tax the states.
This video, like Chernow’s biography and Miranda’s musical, claims that Alexander Hamilton and Aaron Burr were friends when, in actuality, they weren’t really. Yes, they knew each other, and they didn’t hate each other until the end of Hamilton’s life, but they really didn’t think about each other much before the Election of 1800.
“Hamilton authored over half of the Federalist Papers.” Indeed, he did! I enjoy this fact. It isn’t very “hardcore” but it is very impressive. The Federalist Papers were arguably Hamilton’s greatest accomplishment, as he organized the entire thing and, as previously stated, authored much of them. I very much enjoy the Federalist Papers, as they give some insight as to Hamilton’s political and philosophical theories, as well as how he thought of the world. It makes for an interesting read if you have something you’re looking for.
Now, this may be a hot take, but Madison’s essays are by far more effective, as they were better organized. Hamilton and I share a common flaw, and that is the lack of brevity. 
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“Involved in America’s first sex scandal.” Yes, we all know. I’ll get into the Reynold’s affair later because it’s its own beast to conquer. Basically what you need to understand information I shall provide later in this post is that James Reynolds extorted money from Hamilton, and if Hamilton failed to pay, Reynolds would expose the affair Hamilton was having with his wife, Maria. Hamilton paid, but when Reynolds was arrested for something else, he exposed Hamilton anyway.
“He worked with Aaron Burr to defend a man.” Once again, this isn’t very surprising. They were both capable lawyers in the same area, so it was basically inevitable. Though there was this one instance where Hamilton and Burr were working on a case together and Hamilton, being himself, insisted upon having the last word. Well, Burr was tired of him, and I can’t say I blame him, so he made every possible argument in his finishing speech, leaving Hamilton with virtually nothing. 
The Narrator also mentions Hamilton’s opposition to slavery, but he didn’t really outwardly oppose it as much as you would think listening to the musical or reading Chernow’s biography. Far from being the “fervent abolitionist” Chernow and Miranda glorify, Hamilton didn’t really do much for the enslaved. He helped John Laurens in his Black Plan and joined the Manumission Society, but other than that, he never made any attempt to progress the abolition of slavery. He also “purchased” slaves for his in-laws, and some argue that he “owned” some himself, but there is no contemporary evidence to support this that I have seen. The enslaved and servants that were in his household likely belonged to his wife.
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“Founded a newspaper that still exists.” Ok.
“Died by duel.” I swear, this fact is by far the most unnecessary. They mention the duel so many times that it is already redundant. I completely skipped over this part, and the video ended, so I was thoroughly underwhelmed.
Well, seeing as this post is already longer than my attention span, I shall save you the pains of having to read any more in just one post. I shall make a follow-up to this where I give my own facts, which I believe are far more hardcore than “he founded a newspaper.” I hope you have enjoyed and this isn’t too terribly boring. I hope to get back to posting soon.
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Long Loki rant incoming
Ok first things first I've always liked Loki a lot as a character but I don't consider myself a really really big fan mainly because I haven't read the comics. So all this rant is gonna be only about mcu loki and loki in the mcu has been written differently depending on the movie so yeah. And on that note let's go!!!!
So today I'm gonna talk about what I liked and what I didn't like about the Loki show. This is obviously just my opinion, you can disagree with me! I'd love to hear your opinions!
First I wanna talk about is the writing of Loki's character. So previously it has been established in the mcu that Loki doesn't do bad things just because he's a bad guy or because he wants power above everything else, but because after all the manipulation and lying he went through as a child, the abuse, always been seen as less than those around him and being taught to hate himself for who he was (a Jotun). He wants validation and being treated the same as the others, he doesn't really care about ruling or being king. His actions are a result of his trauma. So the show painting him as "He's a bad guy!! He's evil he can't help it it's in his nature!! He just wants to be king!!!" felt off to me since it completely goes against all the previous canon. Apart from that, I feel the show also erased other aspects of him that had always been essential to his character, such as him being very smart and always having a plan, and his powers (he BARELY used his powers throughout the season and he's supposed to be the best sorcerer in the nine realms. Please). So yeah there's that. I didn't absolutely despise his character in the show or anything like that, he generally seemed more happy and chill and that was good, I just felt some aspects of the character seemed inconsistent.
Apart from Loki, something I loved about the show were all the new characters that we were introduced to. Sylvie was absolutely fantastic, she had a well written tragic backstory, she had a goal and she had layers. She was a really well written character. Also she was just really cool overall, she had a cool personality and seeing her use her powers was very fun. (Sylvie your hand in marriage) (I guess I can talk about the "betrayal" now. So yeah not gonna lie I don't think it was that bad. She had a goal she had been pursuing her whole life and she obviously prioritized that before a guy who she met a few days ago. She did hurt him of course but still it's easy to understand her decision.) Mobius was also really cool, in the first episode I didn't like him much but I started liking him a lot later on. He's just a good guy, he wants to help people. (HE ONLY WANTED A JETSKI MARVEL). And I liked his story a lot, he was forced into working for the tva because his memories were erased and he was told what he was doing the right thing when killing all those people, but once he finds out all of it was false he immediately starts going against it and trying to help as many people as he can. Ravonna was also a good character (I keep saying all of them are good characters lol they're well written ok). Like okay she was a little bit evil but I liked her. I really liked her ambition and her confidence. I would have loved to know more about her life at the tva, because it seemed like because of her position she knew some things that most didn't. Hunter B15 was also really good, loved her character development. Casey only appeared in the first two eps but for some reason I liked him a lot idk why. Casey my beloved. Kang was mind-blowing good, he absolutely carried the episode. He was so fun to watch and a very interesting character. This is how you do villains Marvel. And then all the Loki variants were amazing. Classic Loki was great, he was more mature and wiser than the Loki we're used to watching and I felt really sad about his whole situation (aka trying and failing to find his brother because he missed him, getting pruned and then dying). Kid loki was a BLAST, I really liked the little funky dude and I would love to know more about his life. Boastful Loki didn't appear for long but I liked him a lot, he looked like a really funny guy I wish he had had more screen time. And then there was the Lokigator which was also great. President Loki was also cool (meaning he had the coolest outfit), but we didn't see much of him. I think that's a big problem with the show, because they made it seem like it was gonna be more about the other Loki variants and their timelines (that's what it seemed to me from the trailers) but then we barely got that. Sad shit.
Now let's talk about the writing of the show in general. The writers definitely went off with the philosophical conversations, I enjoyed them greatly (Loki's and Mobius' talk in the second ep and Loki's and Sylvie's talk in the third ep were amazing). Something I didn't like at all about the show (this is probably my biggest complaint) is that the writing of the show throughout the episodes didn't seem consistent, like each episode seemed to be a different genre, and that made the whole story feel weird. What I'm trying to say is: the first episode was about Loki learning more about his life and reflecting on why he does the things he does. There was more to the episode but it was mainly that. It was a very emotional episode. The second episode looked like a cop show, they investigated a crime scene in the beginning, they did some detectiving, they had a great breakthrough and found out were the villain was hiding in the end. The third episode was an action episode. It gave me the vibes of mid season episode that isn't too relevant to the plot in which the characters go on some short mission. The fourth episode I can't exactly categorize it I think it was kinda like episode 1 but with some more action. The fifth episode was also a mix, they had a lot of reflecting on Loki's character like in the first episode and then also some action. And the last episode was mostly just exposition and a tiny bit of action at the end, very philosophical and stuff. It also felt like in the first two episodes they were indicating that the show was gonna be about free will and good and evil but that kind of disappeared for a big part of the show. I'm trying so hard to explain myself well, I hope what I say makes sense. Now my opinion on the episodes, my favourites were definitely ep 1, 3 and 5 (haha odd numbers go brrrr). The pilot was absolutely amazing, and I loved the direction the show seemed to be taking (YES MARVEL explore his trauma mmmm that's some good shit right there). It was really emotional but like in a good way. The third episode was great. I think it balanced really well the action and the dialogue, seeing Loki and Sylvie going on their shenanigans, using their powers and fighting was really fun, and then the train talk scene was absolutely amazing (bi loki yay! Gonna talk about this later). The fifth episode was great mostly because seeing all the other Loki variants and how they contrasted between each other was fantastic and I loved it. I really hope we see more of the variants in the next season. The other eps, the second and fourth were okay, the one I think was the worst one was the last one. Damn that episode. It was a very slow episode. Thank god the guy who plays Kang was really good because otherwise the episode would have been impossible to watch. There was so much exposure but it felt like we already knew most of it? They talked about how multiple timelines existing was bad because chaos and stuff, and they talked about the war in which the different timelines battled each other. Ok we already knew this. I feel like the only important thing to take from that whole talk was that Kang's variants are very powerful and dangerous and they were introducing the villain to the mcu. The whole episode felt like instead of giving closure to the characters or ending some storylines, the main thing it was doing was introducing the concept of the multiverse for the next marvel movies.
Something that surprised me a lot about the show is how important it is for the mcu storyline. Like in the first episode they talked about how the tva (and of course Kang) was much more powerful than the Infinity Stones, when basically all previous marvel movies were about them and about their power. And then Kang was revealed to have created a sacred timeline, he controls absolutely everything that happens. All of this is so important and for some reason I didn't think the show was gonna be like this. Not that I'm complaining, this is great. And I feel like a lot of people are not realising how big it is? Like I don't see much talking about how this is literally the greatest power in the universe.
Damn this is getting long sorry.
I suppose I'll have to talk about it because it has been this big thing. I'm talking about the loki x sylvie pairing. I didn't like it too much, it felt a lot like the writers went "he's a guy she's a girl so they have to fall in love", like I felt they had a very different dynamic and when they said that I was mostly surprised and confused. Because they were variants of each other their romance felt weird to me, and the fact that they made a character genderfluid and then made a woman and a man version fall in love also rubbed me the wrong way (I'll talk about the genderfluidity later). I did like the mobius x loki pairing more, but still I don't think they should have got any romance this season, I feel like there has to be a lot more progress in that relationship before any romance. I generally feel like Loki should first start getting some friends and then later on we can start with romance. But yeah this is just my opinion. And all the drama and discourse there has been over this???? Some of you guys look ridiculous not gonna lie.
Ok now let's talk about representation. I'm not poc myself so I don't feel like I'm in the position to say if something was good or bad, so I'm not gonna talk about poc rep. The show did a good job with female characters, many of the main characters were women and they were very well-written, not sexualized and cast appropriately for their age (I can't believe I'm praising this, this should be the bare minimum. Why is media in general so bad. Like please just.) About the bi rep now. I'm sure that the writers or directors of the show had to fight really hard with marvel so that they could make loki canon bi, so yeah cheers to that guys good job. Obviously it's not enough, and I really hope his bisexuality is explored more later. But yeah we finally have a queer character in the mcu this is big. Now about the genderfluid rep. OOF. I have a lot to say about this. It was bad. Really bad. I don't know if they just don't know what genderfluid means but that's what it looks like after watching the show. Not only were all of the variants cis, but they also went on to say that Loki as a woman was a weird and uncommon thing. Oh my god. And what angers me the most is the fact that Marvel used the so called genderfluid confirmation to their benefit. They exploited so much that little piece of paper that said his sex (not even gender) was fluid. I saw SO MANY articles praising marvel for making him canon genderfluid, and then it was absolutely shit. Absolutely shit. Out of everything in the show this is definitely what I hate the most.
Gotta calm down now. The soundtrack of the show was amazing, the actual songs they used were perfect and then the music they composed for the show was just *chef's kiss* (i have no idea how they're called but the song that plays during the title sequence WHAT A BANGER and the one that plays when loki and mobius are looking at the whole tva from the balcony in the first ep WHAT A BANGER). The aesthetic of the show was also great, the colours were really pretty (Lamentis bi colours my beloved) and I think it had some really cool shots. The acting was great, I'm gonna highlight Kang because I thought he was amazing. The costumes and that stuff were also really cool, I really liked seeing all the different versions of outfits they gave to the Loki variants (if anyone is interested I made another post reviewing all the variants' outfits) and Kang's funky costume was great too. The design of the places and that stuff (I have no idea how to call these lol I'm trying so hard but I don't know any of the technical words) was great: Lamentis was really beautiful, the void was also very cool and the tva was really well designed.
Ok y'all I think this is it. I'm so sorry this is much longer than I expected and if anyone actually reads all of it i love you and PLEASE tell me your thoughts (if anyone wanna chat about the show with me privately send me a message!!! I love talking with y'all). A little final note, English is not my first language, nor my second, so yeah sorry if I can't explain myself well. Bye!!!!
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stonesparrow · 3 years
You seem like the right person to go to for some thoughtful meta analysis
Here's something that has bothered me for ages - the lack of cultural info for Ishigami Village (and the Petrification Kingdom but that's a whole post on its own)
I can accept that they haven't made their own writing system. Ok, fine, cool. But they have art cause the one kid is a really good artist! Where is the art??? And music? Humans love making noise, so even if they hadn't heard someone of Lillian's caliber before they should've at least heard music before (the lithophone would've been such a fun one to incorporate - like "haha they have a stone instrument in the stone world! Aren't we clever?"). It showed them hitting a drum to signify the beginning of the grand bout, but it would've been so cool to hear the music they had developed and to see if any of the influences of the 21st century remained.
Also what's with the ropes they wear? (other than perhaps being a clever indicator to show who is from the 21st century and who is from Ishigami village) And why didn't Senku get a rope when he became their leader? They could've made it so cool and significant!
I just feel like all we know about their culture is that they're all named after rocks, minerals, and metals (which is very cool! But I want More)
What are your thoughts?
Hummm cultural development for Ishigami Village?
I feel like music is definitely important in the village - I believe there’s a quote from one of the novels where Byakuya tells Lillian that he’s prioritizing oral traditions instead of written language so that they can preserve modern Japanese or something (which I personally think is a little sketchier than simply handwaving the whole “language didn’t change for 3,700 years” thing. Language can undergo a huge shift in a few centuries, let alone a few millenia. I wouldn’t be able to speak Elizabethan English very well at least)
The Hundred Stories is as close as you can get to a sort of sacred “text” in the village, and in Soyuz’ flashback on Treasure Island it’s revealed that Soyuz’ mother was selected as the Head’s wife for her incredible memory, so that Soyuz could learn the Hundred Stories. Besides the role of the priestess/prince??? to learn the stories and preserve them for the next Stories holder, Ruri was known to tell the Stories to the villagers as well, since they know the story of Momotarou and Speaker the Bee.
We know a good number of the Stories were about survival, and some are apparently long enough that they take hours to recite in their entirety. A few were hints for Senku, but then what does that leave for the rest? Byakuya wanted to preserve the knowledge of Japan, so would they perhaps be other kinds of fairy tales? Songs, folklore, history...mathematics? There’s apparently a filler tale called “G1 Grand Prix,” and one about comedy. There might even be stories about things that the old world had phrased in really simple ways like... electricity being “captured lightning” or “houses that touched the sky.”
I’d hazard a guess that music could easily be integrated into the telling of the Hundred Stories - some of them might even be told in song or with a rhythmic cadence. Ishigami Village hadn’t progressed to forging metal until Senku showed up, so they’d be slightly limited for instruments. Basic string and percussion instruments would be easy though, and perhaps things like wooden flutes.
Aww now I’m imagining that one of the Hundred Stories was like, advice to children to stay close to home and it was to the tune of a lullaby that Byakuya would hum to a baby Senku to calm him down.
I’m a little at a loss for a logical reason why everyone would be named after rocks and minerals. Setting aside the obvious pun with “Stone God Village,” names in all cultures are often derived from occupations or symbolic of characteristics or natural beauty. Plus the fact that the villagers have no tradition of family names or actually using many of the minerals complicates it somewhat (and the 6 person gene pool which is conveniently handwaved). Perhaps some people long ago were really into the stones and minerals story in the Hundred Stories and started naming their kids after them, since many minerals are described as beautiful or strong and tough.
The ropes...hmm. Many of the villagers wear them around the neck, or if not that then around the waist, plus some in the hair. Plus Kohaku apparently has a hairtie that’s separate from her hair rope, which means they’re accessories rather than anything practical. There’s not a real difference in the way ropes are worn according to gender or age either. Sagara getting a rope collar to symbolize being a part of the village might hint that it does mean something to them though? Perhaps when a new child is old enough that it won’t be a choking hazard they’re given their rope to symbolize being officially recognized as a citizen? As for Senku I guess Boichi just didn’t feel like adding more to his design, but I could see him tying one around his waist if he had one.
As far as clothing goes there’s also the stone shoes and blue/green colors in clothing, though Magma has a black outfit and Ruri’s is purple. It seems like it’d be pretty labor intensive to find plants and create all those richly colored dyes though. (also handwaved, but they gotta come from somewhere and I don’t know what would be available in southern Japan 3700 years in the future). It seems weird to me that Kaseki was sort of an outcast for enjoying craftsmanship as a kid - after all, crafting is one of the most valuable skills in a society and there had to have been craftsmen before him.
Evidently there’s no fabric since Yuzuriha had to explain what a loom was. Still, you could do a lot of artistic things with leatherwork. And agreed, I believe painting is a thing, perhaps there’s illustrations to go with the 100 Stories?
We do know that the villagers have a strong tie with water and fishing, and use single outrigger boats for fishing. It would make sense then that the ocean would have particular significance to them - perhaps they might even personify it or treat it as something to be respected. Fish is the main food, but culinary traditions could also rise from the forageables around the village, nuts and berries and the like.
They have a holiday called Stone Day on Senku’s birthday (aww Byakuya), though we don’t know how that’s celebrated. Though it does mean that the modern Gregorian calendar was preserved, so there has to be some kind of timekeeping being done, perhaps with a sundial structure like Stonehenge? Or some sort of drawn calendar with symbols even. They also have a tradition of watching the sunrise on the first day of a new year.
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btsxmalereaders · 4 years
Hey! Can I request Yoongi x Male Reader where they have been dating for four years and Yoongi finally proposes one night. Romantic and maybe a little bit NSFW. reader is BOTTOM.
Ok, first of all I am sooo soRRY it took me so long to write this hshsj. And sorry too for not making it nsfw, I just wasn't in the mood for writing it. However I hope you still enjoy it!
Pairing: Min Yoongi x Male Reader
Word count: 1,6 k
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"This has to be ready by 5 p.m, okay? I entrust this to you, Sunny."
The girl smiles at you and nods, taking the documents you've left on her desk, and is encouraged to speak. "You don't have to worry, Y/ N. If we have problems with this, leave it to me for today."
You let out a sigh that you didn't know you were holding. "Thank you very much."
Sunny nods before flipping through the papers and going to her computer to start working on her part of the new project. Now you head to your own cubicle to finish all to-do tasks as possible.
You were a little more stressed than before because your boss asked you to carry out a new project for the company where you work, and of course you could not refuse, despite the fact that it was heavy and took a lot of your time in recent weeks. You had to put aside many activities that you had planned, appointments, visits to the recording set that your friends had previously invited you to, and you even missed your 4th anniversary with Yoongi.
Of course he understood, in addition to that he also took advantage of that time to finish composing a couple of songs that had to be ready in that same week, but you hadn't had the opportunity to celebrate, until now.
You really want to finish all the pending tasks to go out on your date with Yoongi and have a nice time together, in addition to the fact that this weekend he is free of activities, which does not happen often, so you wanted to make sure that you won't have to return to work for the next two days, at least. Maybe that's why you feel a little distressed today, but remembering that in a few hours you will have a date makes the spirit come back and impel you to continue with your work today. Fortunately, the work team assigned to you is very fast and efficient in projects, so things are looking a little easier for now.
The rest of the day goes pretty fast; and even though there were some difficulties with some assignments, you were capable of solving all the unforseen problems, something that your boss took note of and encouraged you to keep it up like that.
As the clock striked 6 p.m. you saved your progress and sent it to your boss as a report for today's activities and prepared to go back home. Everyone knew that was the end of your shift, so no one could distract you or ask for more stuff related to work. You made sure everything was in order and as you went back to Sunny's cubicle, she gave you a thumbs up to indicate that you were free to go and enjoy your weekend.
With a smile on your face and a relief making you feel less tense, you say goodbye to your work teammates and rushed out of the building to go to your car. That's when you could finally open your messages and see a few more from Yoongi, where he asked if you could go to his studio once you finished working.
With a frown you reply that there's no problem at all, thinking that maybe he has something to show you or maybe he is late from working on his songs and wanted to take you to the restaurant so you wouldn't wait too much for him.
The way to the Big Hit building is not so far from your workplace, and sometimes Yoongi took advantage of that when he finished his work early than expected. He went to visit you and grab lunch together, or sometimes when you were extremely busy and couldn't take so much free time, he left you food with cheesy and cheering messages on sticky notes.
Once you get to the building, the receptionist greets you with a smile since everyone from the staff already knows you. Yoongi's studio is on the fifth floor, so you head to the elevator, and see Hoseok and Jimin, who are also going up, to their dance practice.
“Hyung! How have you been? We haven't seen you in awhile.” Jimin greets with a smile and Hoseok goes for a high-five.
You three have a short conversation about your work and how are they gave you news about the comeback they've been preparing the last few weeks until they arrive at their floor and go to the practice room.
“I'll see you around, guys” You say goodbye as they wave their hands and the elevator doors are closed. Just two floors more and you can finally walk down the hall until you see Yoongi's studio door. You decide to knock a few times but get no response from him, so you guess he must be using his earphones. He has told you the password, so you put it on the small keyboard and the door opens; Yoongi is right there when you enter.
“I was about to open the door for you,” He chuckles and closes the door once you totally step inside. A kiss on your lips as a greeting is what you get, making you feel on cloud nine. “How was work?”
You frown a bit noticing that he doesn't move from his spot. “Great. Kind of stressful but I could finish on time, so I'm free all weekend. How does that sound, hmm?”
Yoongi smiles and hugs you tight.
“Is everything alright?”
“Everything is perfect” He answers as he places his hands on your hips and separates to look at you in the eyes. “I want to show you something here.”
You don't ask what is he talking about because he immediately takes your hand and guides you inside. The black walls of the small hall doesn't allow you to see anything rather than some lights, but as soon as you both step into the room you frown, seeing that the recording studio's windows are covered, so you can't see through.
Yoongi sits down in front of his computer and saves the progress of what he was working on today, so that makes you feel more confused.
“Why is the window covered? Did you guys filmed something inside?”
“No, I put it there for something I want to do, but wait a minute, I'll show you and you have to give me your honest opinion.”
“Uh, mysterious, I like how that sounds.”
Yoongi laughs, “You don't even know what is it. How do you know you won't hate it?”
“I know for sure I won't, now show me! You know I am impatient.”
“I have the stubbornest boyfriend on earth.” Yoongi pinches your cheek as he stands up and walks to the door. “You have to close your eyes first.”
“Fine, fine,” You do as indicated and walk behind him, your hands over his shoulders so he can guide you again. You wait for a few seconds until he closes the door.
“Don't open them yet!” He walks past you and you can hear him moving around and grabbing things. The sweet smell of jazmine and lavender get to your nostrils.
“What are you doing? Can I open my eyes now?”
He remains silent for a few seconds more, fixing his hair and clothes and taking a look at what he did one last time. “Okay, you can open them now.”
You swear you could faint right there and right now as you see that Yoongi set what it seemed like a dinner for you two. On the floor there were some petals, pillows and sheets around a basket, and next to it there was a black piano with some candles above it, setting the perfect tone for a romantic dinner.
“Oh my god, Yoongi, wh-”
“I really wanted to celebrate our anniversary on a special place, I thought that restaurants are not fun anymore.” He smiles and offers you your hand, so you walk to him and hug.
“Yoonie, this is so beautiful, you did this on your own?”
“Yeah, well, the boys helped too.”
You can't help but chuckle, “I love it so much. Thank you for this.”
“Anything for my baby.” Yoongi kisses the tip of your nose and separates from you, signaling you to take a seat.
The night goes so good; you both eat the food Yoongi made (and that Seokjin helped preparing, as well). Drank a couple of glasses of wine, shared some memories of when you started dating; also the things you wanted to do in the future, the things you both wanted to achieve together, so that made Yoongi fondly smile.
Yoongi had a whole speech ready when you finished eating, right when you started talking about the future, but when he sees the smile on your face, he simply says: “Marry me.”
You nearly let the glass of wine fall to the floor. “W-what?”
He blushes and takes his time to stand up and take the small black velvet box he had the entire time hidden above the piano and walks to be closer to you, taking a sit right in front of where you are. He opens the box and repeats himself: “Marry me.”
You can't really process what is happening now, but the sincere smile on Yoongi's face, his reddened cheeks and his eyes shining for the love for you makes things clear.
“Of course I'll marry you, Yoon” You say with a smile and your heart beating so fast. Yoongi takes your glass and places it on the floor so he can finally put that ring on your finger. Your hands are slightly shaking so that makes him laugh, but when the ring is finally on its place, the smile on his face seems to never disappear. “I love you.”
“I love you too.”
The rest of the night is full of kisses, hugs and a slow dance. Later there will be time for Yoongi to show you the song he composed for you.
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Cumbersome And Heavy Body
Jon was born hurting.
Well, that was an exaggeration, but he did have chronic pain for as long as he could remember.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TW FOR INTERNALIZED ABLEISM
i think thats all this has been in my folder for ages
yeah the title is from a mother mother song don't @ me
Jon was born hurting.
Well, that was an exaggeration, but he did have chronic pain for as long as he could remember.
He was diagnosed with Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome and fibromyalgia at age 26, after ten years of progressing symptoms and a lot of pushing from Georgie.
He had started using a cane that same year, after one too many falls for his liking.
He was embarrassed, of course, being as young as he was and needing to use it, but after much reassuring from Georgie, and the pure pain he was in, he finally did it.
He wore braces sometimes, but found that the cane was much to.. showy already that he wasn’t well.
No one at the institute seemed to care, second glances, some odd comments on the rare occasion.
On his first day as head archivist, he looked down to the archives, a steep, jagged set of stairs in his path.
He sighed and painstakingly slowly made his way down the stairs, he was early, and no one saw him, thank god for that.
It continues on like that for a while, going into work early, leaving late, not leaving for lunch.
It worries Martin, and Martin makes that clear.
Jon does not like Martin.
The dog in the archives for one, his constantly late work, his penmanship, his lack of basic knowledge, his frequent interruptions-
Jon could go on and on about why he hates Martin Blackwood, and he makes sure Martin knows.
It does not stop Martins’s worry, or his kindness, and that’s what Jon hates the most.
Jon tries to calmly hate Martin, scarcely snapping at him, and very rarely raising his voice, at anyone, really.
Today, however, Jon had woken up in some of the worse pain he had felt in a long time, something more than the normal bad pain.
His joints were burning, and it was expanding into an ache around them, his skin stung at any small touch, and a stinging pain threads its way through his veins.
Despite this, Jon still went into work, having to stop every few steps to catch his breath, and regroup.
He got in early and locked himself in his office, not talking to anyone and hoping it would stay that way.
But of course, Martin couldn’t give him that, could he?
A soft knock on the door, more for courtesy than asking for permission, Jon had learned.
“Goodmorning, Jon! I brought you tea-“
Jon felt anger rise and boil over before he could stop it, he slammed his hand on his desk, which did not help his pain but that was the least of the issues at hand.
“Damnit, Martin! I don’t want your goddamn tea, I don’t want to talk to you, please for the love of God leave me alone and do your goddamn work well for once? If your performance does not improve soon I will have you fired. And stop getting in the way.
He was yelling, he didn’t mean to yell, but he was.
Martin was pale and shaking, he looked like he was about to cry, and Tim and Sasha had gone dead quiet outside of his office.
Martin cleared his throat, and quickly pulled himself back together.
“R-right I’ll jus- I’ll be going.”
Martin closed the door, and Jon sagged into his chair.
He was going to pay for this, he lost his temper and now he was going to pay for it.
Martin closed the door to Jon’s office, and it took all he had not to start crying right then and there.
He inhaled shakily, and glanced into the break room, where Sasha and Tim were currently quiet, and staring at him.
Tim was the first to move, quickly moving to Martin and then ushering him into the breakroom and sat him down at the table, and Sasha gently pried the tea out of his shaking hands, but he hardly noticed, being too focused on not crying.
He heard Tim talking, his voice was loud and sounded angry, and Sasha was stroking his arm but sounded pissed.
He didn’t hear anything that was being said, he just stared forward, feeling the tears prickle at his eyes, he didn’t even realize he had finally started crying until Sasha cooed, and ran her thumb over his cheek, wiping away the tears.
“Oh Martin, I’m so sorry.”
He quickly shook his head, it was his own fault, no one needed to apologize.
“N-No it’s alright, I’m fine just uh- over sensitive is all, I’m sorry.”
Tim huffed and patted his shoulder, and walked away, not giving any indication of where he was going, but Martin and Sasha both knew, Martin tried to stop him, though.
“Tim you don’t- Tim!”
His attempt was futile and the door was already open and being slammed again.
He let out a shaky sigh and put his head on the table before he stood back up.
“Well I should probably get back to work”
He let out a quiet heh, and Sasha looked displeased.
“Martin, love, it’s ok that you’re upset by that, he was an ass.”
Martin forced a laugh, but reassured her he was fine, and went back to work.
Jon hissed out a sigh, Tim was right.
He was just graced with quite the telling off from an extraordinarily angered Tim, which he completely deserved, some of the highlights included his selfishness, him being a jerk to Martin for no fair reason, and many, many, other things.
He didn’t try to fight back, he knew he deserved it, but he also couldn’t bring himself to talk at all.
His blood was boiling with pain, and his joints had become stiff with aching, he felt like he had been struck by lightning.
Jon sighed, and stood up, he knew he needed to apologize to Martin, the sooner the better, but before he could do anything, everything went black.
It had been about half an hour since the incident, Tim having spent the larger part of it chewing out Jon, when they heard a crash from Jon’s office.
Tim scowled but he and Martin rushed into Jons office you see him on the floor, unconscious, Martin quickly knelt by him, and grabbed his wrist.
“He doesn’t have a temperature, but his heart rate is fast”
Tim crouched down next to the small man’s unconscious form, before Martin seemed to get an idea.
“Tim, can you set his legs on your lap? Elevation might help.”
He couldn’t comprehend how Martin was still this caring to Jon who not even an hour earlier yelled such nasty things at him, but he did as he was asked.
After a few minutes, Jon started to stir, and opened his eyes, he looked confused for a second, but then revelation hit him.
“Oh- Martin I- I’m so sorry”
Martin smiled, a sad smile, but Tim could tell he was hurt and wouldn’t say anything.
“It’s quite alright Jon, are you okay?”
Jon shifted a little, before realizing his feet were being held, he smiled sheepishly and wiggled out of Tim’s grasp.
“I’m okay, it happens sometimes.”
Martins brow furrowed and despite himself, Tim felt worry blossom in him too.
“It shouldn’t happen, have you gone to a doctor?”
Jon nodded, and began to pull himself off of the floor, and Martin shot up immediately, eager to help, where Tim slowly stood up.
“Yes, it’s fine, Martin.”
Martin helped Jon sit down at his desk, and looked down, still embarrassed about earlier, Tim supposed.  
“Come on boss, the least you can do is tell Martin why you yelled at him and then fainted.”
Martin made a noise, and stuttered.
“Tim, that is not necessary! If he doesn’t want to tell us he doesn’t need to”
Jon knew he should tell them, should tell them ‘sometimes I pass out, it’s one of the many symptoms of my chronic illnesses!’ but he doesn’t want to, doesn’t want to be seen as fragile, and weak.
“Martin I’m so sorry for yelling earlier, I’m not feeling my best and I took it out on you, but I shouldn’t have”
This time Martin looks up at Jon and looks surprised by a genuine apology.
“It’s alright Jon, really.”
Tim looked like he was about to fight it, but Jon felt a burst of pain from his knee, and let out a whimper despite himself.
“Jon? Are you alright?”
He gritted his teeth and nodded.
“Jon I can tell you’re not, what’s going on?”
Jon sighed, and wrong his hands, anxious for reasons he didn’t understand.
“It’s fine. I just- I have a- a chronic illness, and one of the symptoms of one of them is sometimes when I stand up, or sit up, I get dizzy and sometimes faint, I’m fine really, I just prefer to keep it to myself.”
He twisted his hands again, uncomfortable but Martin put his hand on Jon’s, clearly in a gesture of comfort.
“I- I have Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome and Fibromyalgia, my joints aren’t right, too flimsy and bendy, more things too… and my pain varies, but it’s always there and I use the cane to help balance, and no I don’t need your pity or to be treated like I’m fragile just because I’m disabled, it’s just there.”
He looked up to see Martin smiling softly at him, and Tim looking surprised, and Sasha, who had apparently shown up without his knowledge, was leaning against the doorframe.
“Jon, we‘re not going to treat you differently now that we know what’s wrong with you, it can just make it easier for us to, you know, help you!”
Sasha’s voice was soft and reassuring, and she stepped into the room further, and Tim spoke up.
“Boss, you really gotta stop hiding information from us like, ya know, the fact that sometimes you pass out, or you’re going to give poor Martin an early heart attack”
Martin blushed and stammered at that statement, before moving his hand to Jon’s shoulder.
“Jon, I’m glad you told us, I know it can be hard to be open about those things.”
Jon nodded, and slowly started to push himself off the floor, and Martin immediately started to help him up, Tim grabbed his cane from where it had fallen, offering it to him.
“Let us help you, boss, we are a team after all, aren’t we?”
Jon smiled and nodded, and for a second, felt okay.
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darkpoisonouslove · 3 years
Riven x Musa
Ok, so I keep seeing posts everywhere that basically badmouth S8 and after seeing ten seconds of the trailer (YIKES to the animation, what’s wrong with the industry that they are making everything anime? Powerpuff Gen Z, I’m looking at you – obs: I didn’t watch it fully yet) I can see where some of the criticism is coming from but anyways…
My favorite Winx!couple EVER has always been Musa x Riven since I was kid and first watched the show (Netflix is not helping ‘cause I ship them even there).
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I remember yawning at Bloom/Sky, rolling my eyes at Stella/Brandom and making a completely incredulous expression that I could literally feel forming on my face at Helia/Flora (can anyone say ‘unrealistic’?). Timmy/Tecna are a second favorite.
And why my Winx OTP are Riven x Musa followed after Timmy x Tecna? Because it reflects real life. In real life you’re not gonna stumble into people whose real and deep relationship problems are solved in twenty four minutes (not even that considering that some episodes present the “problem” half-way through said 24 minute-episode).
The breakup between Riven and Musa in S6 (spoilers everywhere after all) was one of the most mature breakups in the history of breakups with the hope for the future (yes, I’m completely ignoring S7, sue me, the whole thing was one huge filler anyways). And, after reading a lot of opinions on both ends (defending Musa/attacking Riven and defending Riven/attacking Musa) and watching the episodes in question (reuniting through reconciling) I think I can give my own analysis.
Since Musa AND Riven (individually and as couple) are my favorite characters in Winx, I think I CAN give a fairly unbiased view (hopefully).
*clears throat*
Ok, keep in mind that I’m defending BOTH of them, because I ship them too hard not to.
Musa Being OC (sometimes being called ‘brat’): C'mon, people! Musa and Tecna are OC since S4 anyways, where are the tomboy and the nerd? With the sneakers, T-shirt and comfortable-looking clothes? Noooo, now they all need neat skirts and hot pink high heels and long, glamorous hair. Do they look good? Of course, but and I would totally be less pissed if there was ANY indication on the reason for the change. Are they just maturing? Expressing themselves differently? Crowd mentality? Tune and Stella finally broke Musa down and Tecna followed soon after? Was it just to please Riven and Timmy? ANYTHING (even the 'pleasing a boy’ would at least be A reason - a ridiculous one that would piss me off, but A reason none the less), was just a sudden impulse that took?
Sure, we can talk about “character growth” until we are blue in the face, but the matter of the fact is that there was none.
The changes we see in Musa and Tecna are basically the creators making them more like the rest of the Winx (I’m including Aisha in this too, where is the sporty girl that matched the boy’s interest in extreme sports? C'mon! Even Bloom and her Girl Next Door looks are replaced with Bratz and Clueless-level of outfits).
Is anyone really going to look me in the eye and say Stella wasn’t a shallow (if friendly and good-natured) Mean Girl? She got better, but as I re-watch the show (currently in S3, meaning almost half-way through the content), Stella still worries more about her hair than anything else even while under literal fire.
More and more, Musa, Tecna and Aisha are losing their identities and what made them, IMO, the more badass Winx.
How did the two on the left went from this…
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… to this:
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Yeah, yeah, Musa still sings, Tecna still technobabble and Aisha is still a Warrior Princess but Aisha was the first one to go Bloom and Stella on us with Musa and then Tecna following soon after. It’s not just their clothing style, it’s the way they carried themselves too.
Right now? The only thing keeping them apart is their BF blues (different kind of blues) and some personal interests (singing, shopping, tech, the whole drama with Domino/Sparks, etc). But that’s IT, their personalities are going down the drain!
Sorry for the long-winded text, but the reason I’m expressing my disappointment at their change is because Musa’s reaction fits it. S6 we have such an AMAZING breakup (didn’t even think that was possible, WTH, right? Amazing breakup?) only for her to be mad as hell at Riven at S8? Bad writing, that has been dragging her (and the rest of the Winx) down to becoming just one unilateral, shallow character (the Specialists are also falling into that pit, what in the world did they do Helia in S8? He sounds like Thor telling about his “brave exploits” there, yikes). And continuity what? What continuity? Do they even remember how the breakup was written?
But ok, let’s put the Audience View aside for a moment and focus only on the In-Universe terms.
S6: You’ll always be my hero.
S8: What on EARTH are you doing here. 
I laughed a bit, the contrast just got to me but instead of getting mad at one or the other like most of the fandom, I laughed.
Musa followed that by saying that Riven has not maintained contact and just in that I would be beyond pissed as well and giving my support to Musa. WTH, Riven? I think that each season is more less six months to a year? Sort of? Still, zero contact for so long even after ending on amicable terms and wanting to stay friends? And he went off on his own! A text now going, “I’m not dead” would be the bare basics for Musa not to worry herself bald!
BUT then I also read comments about how this was a two-way street, why didn’t Musa call either? That’s unfortunately something that I very much doubt will ever be explained. One of those: did it or didn’t it? Musa could have called and went straight to voicemail with no signs of life from Riven or she might not have called and just expected him to call as if feminism were dead and all initiative must come from the guy (which doesn’t even fit because they parted as friends).
Since we have no info on the above, I put it on both of them. It’s not fair to say, “HE should have called!” or “Why didn’t SHE call?” because we don’t have fricking context. So the only thing we can take is: no contact.
BECAUSE I put the lack of contact on both of them, Musa’s reaction was a little too much, however, Riven shows up all smirks and leaning against a tree with his arms crossed and I would have flashbacks to S1 if it wasn’t for the animation style that made all the guys look like girls. Dude! Not the time for that kind of posture. Not saying that he should be all sheepish and rubbing his arm as if he had done something horrible (again: we don’t have context on the no contact) but a more neutral approach was warranted here. Nobody does themselves any favors with that kind of attitude no matter what how high of a horse they may be (rightly or not) riding on, if anything I would react like Musa solely on that one.
Next episode we have that Riven convinced the guys to follow the girls in some mission and Musa was angry. Again: I would be too. WTH? Yes, yes, they helped and if it wasn’t for them, the Winx would gotten seriously injured but Musa did have a point saying that this demonstrated that they had no trust in them and need their hand held, it was no sanctioned mission like on Earth after all. BUT, Riven does something that I would never expect from in S1-4: he explains, he reasons it, he puts it in all the words that he does trust Musa and co and that he only wanted to show that he’d be there for her (you know? One of the main issues in S6 that made them breakup in the first place? His inability to conciliate Specialist work with supporting his girlfriend and ultimately failing or feeling like failing in both?) and Musa still pouts, crosses her arms, and turns around. Geez. I expected that one from Stella, not Musa. I think the closest Musa has ever come to THIS was back in S2 when Jared explains that Riven was the one to recommend that he interview Musa and yada yada yada and she got mad and stomped off on the poor guy that didn’t even understand what was going on (only to immediately apologize to Jared and recognizing that it wasn’t him that she was mad at… like I said: what character growth?).
Riven then goes to show that he indeed grew when he asked for advice from Sky and Brandon (WTH, right? Can we picture that happening back in S1-3? He very grudgingly would LISTEN to UNSOLICITED advice from Nabu and Helia in S4-6). And does a very, very goofy and embarrassing show of affection. Yeah… again… I can picture Stella loving the light show with her face for IDK how many people to see but not Musa (although can we really blame the guy after the series went out of its way to make Musa all Stella-like? Clothes, attitude, the only thing missing is making Riven carry her shopping bags around and call him “Shnookums” (although the mental image is already enough for me to fall over laughing, just for the face Riven would make). Still, I have to count that one against Riven if only because (as much as the show gives only lip service to it) Musa isn’t Stella.
Riven being mind controlled (again) aside, those two are back together. And on the overall? Riven showed more growth than any other character in the show COMBINED (he is the Zuko of the show), that doesn’t go to say that he didn’t make mistakes since coming back in S8 (but that was more a guy trying to win back a girl than… betraying his friends for a pair of nice legs or… IDEK like in S1 – where, mind control or not the show itself made sure to make it clear that he had free will) or that he is now the one out of Musa’s league. I think that NOW it can actually work… if the show allows him to keep the progress, Musa is the next to see her flaws and work on them (which she showed to be able to do since S2) and put effort in the relationship. The difference between them is that Musa can actually work on herself and the relationship at the same time. That’s not me saying she is better than Riven in any way, everybody has their own pace and their own way to cope, to improve and to self-reflect.
I still root for them.
PS-IDK why, but I read posts about how Riven changed so much and posts about how all his progress disappeared and he is now back to his S1 attitude and I’m just cofused. Yeah, different of opinions and so on, but such opposite opinions on the subject of a guy whose relationship was focused on three episodes? 
34 notes · View notes
3/15/20 corona extra: cracking open cold covid facts
Announcements & Thank Yous
“About This Newsletter” has been moved to the bottom so it’s easier to skip if you’ve seen the other ones.
Some institutions do not update on Sundays. I have included the date of everything that is in question. That is also why this update is early :)
Thank you to @hysterical-random-things for letting me know about the first death in NYC and where to find that news, to @nanook2000 for information and links about KY’s response, and to @akashicsage for all of the good deets on San Diego county. If you have reliable information from a good source that I don’t seem to have, please shoot me a message/ask/pigeon!
Places now included in the newsletter are: Utah, Oregon, Washington, the Netherlands, Minnesota, Kentucky, Georgia, Nebraska, the UK, and possibly some others I missed here but included in the newsletter. Please send an ask or a message if you would like a place included!
A word on mortality rates: they look very high in some places in the US right now because testing is limited to the sickest patients. People who have mild illness and are well enough to go or stay home may not have been tested until very recently when several states started mass testing/drive through testing. Testing is still limited in a lot of states, so this will be a rolling increase situation, I anticipate.
A word on case numbers: due to the aforementioned expansion of testing capacity in the US (thank fuck), case numbers are gonna grow in a really, really scary-looking way this week. This is not actually as scary as it seems, because it means we are catching more of the cases that would have gone unnoticed and have better information to help more people.
Just The Numbers
Case numbers
Total cases: 153,517 (10,982 new)
Total deaths: 5,735 (343 new)
China: 81,048 cases (27 new!!), 3204 deaths (10 new)
This gives us a mortality rate of ~3.95%
Excluding China: 72,469 cases (10,955 new), 2531 deaths (333 new)
143 countries/territories reporting cases, 9 are new today including:
Kazakhstan: 6 cases
Curacao: 2 cases
Namibia: 2 cases
Central African Republic: 1 case
Congo: 1 case
Equatorial Guinea: 1 case
Eswatini: 1 case
Mauritania: 1 case
Mayotte: 1 case
Italy is reporting over 20,000 cases with over 1400 deaths
Iran is reporting over 10,000 cases with over 700 deaths
South Korea, Spain, and Germany are reporting over 5,000 cases
SK reports 75 deaths
Spain reports 289 deaths
Germany reports 11 deaths
International/General News
Many places experiencing a worsening epidemic are following the lead of countries including South Korea and instituting drive-through testing and high-throughput testing. Some tests (like the ones being used in Vietnam) can have a result in as soon as an hour, enabling people to be quickly cleared or quarantined. (This is super cool science! Yay, science!)
Johns Hopkins University is putting on a webinar on Tuesday, 3/17. If you are interested, you can sign up/check it out here: https://www.jhsph.edu/events/2020/covid-19/
South Korea’s epidemic is currently being driven by a fringe religious group, which represents approximately 60% of all cases.
Italy’s health system is overwhelmed, which is likely why their case-fatality rate is so high. Doctors, nurses, respiratory techs, first responders, lab personnel, and everyone else involved in hospitals/health care are working their butts off and doing some frankly heroic shit to help people.
Singapore has instituted strict travel restrictions on visitors/transiting people from European countries, including Italy, France, Spain, and Germany; this is in addition to restrictions on visitors from Iran, China, and South Korea.
Some doctors from Washington state, USA (the ones seeing the most cases) are noticing that myocarditis (viral infection & inflammation of the heart) seems to be what kills patients, not the ARDS (acute respiratory distress syndrome) that requires ventilation. This is obviously in early stages and more research is ongoing.
The World Health Organization is setting up three hospitals with advanced respiratory care capabilities in Erbil, Baghdad, and Basra, Iraq.
Virology Corner
Today’s topic: where did SARS-CoV-2 come from?
SARS-CoV-2 is what’s known as a zoonotic virus. This means that it spread from animals to humans, and then gained the ability (through mutations) to pass from human to human.
We think that SARS-CoV-2 came from bats (Rhinopholus) or pangolins- which doesn’t mean we need to blame bats or pangolins for this, they’re innocent bystanders in the game of cat-and-mouse viruses and animals are constantly playing over evolutionary timescales. Also they’re pretty ding dang cute.
(Not to get much more depressing, but here goes, as humans encroach on more and more land and as climate change progresses, more zoonoses will affect humans. Sorry to be a mega-bummer.)
Question Tuesday
Today’s question comes from @adventurecalls! They ask (paraphrased because the ask got eaten): “If I do get sick, how do I know when it’s ok to go back to doing stuff?”
This is a really good question, and one that’s rapidly being worked out by public health people as we speak (whoa)!
In general, the thought is that once you’re totally recovered you’re not able to spread the virus, but there’s not concrete data on this. The best we have is this recent study in the Lancet (https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(20)30566-3/fulltext) which indicates that people who recover shed virus for 20 days from symptom onset, whereas those who die shed virus continuously until their death, a maximum course of 37 days.
I obviously can’t give individual medical advice, which this is not, but the guidance from the WHO is excellent in general, and I will keep readers posted when there’s more information.
If you have questions, ask them and they’ll appear here in the next issue of corona extra!
Regional News (if you want somewhere added just let me know. Don’t be shy!! I highly recommend you just skip to your area if you don’t wanna be overwhelmed.)
Canada: last updated 9:00 AM EST 3/15/20
Total cases: 249 confirmed (+5), 4 presumed (-1), 1 death (3/9/20, no change)
All current cases had symptoms starting between 1/17/20 and 3/9/20
One of these cases is the PM’s wife (mild case); the couple are in quarantine for 14 days now. This is not expected to affect Canada’s management, but is definitely a reminder that being a political leader does not grant one immunity to COVID-19.
12% of cases have required hospitalization
79% of cases are in travellers, and a further 8% in their close contacts
Affected provinces include (both confirmed and presumptive cases): BC (73, +0), Alberta (39, -2), Saskatchewan (2, +0), Manitoba (4, +0), Ontario (103, +2), Quebec (24, +3), Newfoundland and Labrador (1) New Brunswick (2, +0), and PEI (1).
Newly affected provinces include: Newfoundland and Labrador
4 cases in repatriated travellers
The Netherlands
I do not speak Dutch so please correct me if I’ve fucked something up royally
1135 confirmed cases, 20 deaths
176 new cases, 8 new deaths
Provinces (?) affected include: Drenthe (15), Flevoland (19), Friesland (10), Gelderland (100), Groningen (9), Limburg (129), North Brabant (446), North Holland (90), Overijssel (28), Utrecht (109), South Holland (110), and Zeeland (12).
I think this is all of them based on a quick Wikipedia investigation?
Interestingly they tested a bunch of people who work in a hospital and found a pretty high (4%) rate of asymptomatic infection. This seems like bad news (are these people spreading, etc) but it’s actually pretty good news because it means the mortality rate is lower than we think. I’ll update here as I find out more, which is hampered by my inability to speak Dutch.
New Zealand
8 confirmed cases, 2 probable cases
2 new cases, one of which was diagnosed in Australia
Both patients were on international flights and there is extensive contact tracing underway
2 patients have required hospitalization but both have been discharged
6700 people have completed self-isolation, 3015 people continue to be isolated
These people all deserve a medal, thank you for protecting your communities!
Golden Princess cruise berthed in Akaroa has one confirmed and two potential cases. The ship is quarantined now.
1077 cases, 166 of which are new
I still don’t speak Norwegian so if I screwed up lemme know
Only 1 confirmed death, possibly one more to be confirmed 3/16 but only official numbers go here
Also possible that it’s been confirmed and I don’t know because I don’t speak Norwegian
287 cases are due to community transmission, 710 acquired outside of Norway, the rest are undetermined
Locations where people became infected include Austria (491), Italy (144), Switzerland (14), UK (12), Spain (9), France (8), USA (7), Iran (5), China (1), Hong Kong (1), other countries with more than 3 cases (80), and other countries with less than 3 cases (20).
Breakdown of cases by area: Agder (55, +3), Innlandet (72, +16), Møre og Romsdal (20, +4), Nordland (8, +0), Oslo (281, +59), Rogaland (127, +9), Troms og Finnmark (20, +4), Trøndelag (50, +4), Vestfold og Telemark (48, +9), Vestland (118, +9), and Viken (278, +47)
Good job Nordland! No new cases today! :D
United Kingdom in general: this is pretty rough because apparently the public health strategy coming from Boris is “herd immunity” aka let everyone get sick and then they’ll all be immune, since the only other way to get herd immunity is a vaccine that…..we don’t have yet. Boris does not understand how to medicine. 
Fuck you, Boris.
1372 total cases (+20%), 232 are new today
35 total deaths, 14 new today
1099 total cases
Affected NHS regions are as follows: London (407), South East (175), Midlands (94), North East and Yorkshire (91), North West (76), East of England (71), and South West (61).
Deaths are not being reported by the PHS but I will do my best to split these out in the next few editions using news reports etc
153 cases total and 1 death
Affected health boards are as follows: Ayrshire and Arran (6), Borders (7), Fife (7), Forth Valley (10), Grampian (12), Greater Glasgow and Clyde (39), Highland (2), Lanarkshire (16), Lothian (28), Shetland (11), and Tayside (15).
I don’t know if this is all of the health  boards in Scotland but it sure is the ones that have confirmed covid19.
94 cases, 34 new
Welsh authorities are now recommending that anyone who develops a persistent cough and/or fever self-isolate, and only call 111 if they are unable to cope with their symptoms at home
Affected areas include: Blaenau Gwent County (3, +2), Bridgend County (1, +0), Caerphilly County (11, +4), Carmarthenshire County (7, +3), City & County of Swansea (18, +4), City of Cardiff (8, +3), Conwy County (1, +0), Flintshire County (1, +0), Isle of Anglesey (1, +0), Monmouthshire County (5, +1), Neath Port Talbot (11, +0), Newport City (5, +3), Pembrokeshire (2, +0), Powys County (5, +0), and Wrexham County (1, +0).
Newly affected areas include: Ceredigion County (1), Rhondda Cynon Taf County (2), Torfaen County (2), and Vale of Glamorgan (1).
Northern Ireland
45 cases, 11 new
This is all the data I have, sorry
This may actually be a thing that makes northern/southern Ireland cooperate, which is a small spark of hope in the raging dumpster fire that is this pandemic (I hyperbolize, but only slightly)
US in general: All this info is from the state & county health departments unless I say otherwise. The national response is a trash fire (but maybe hopefully improving this week??) CDC information is updated weekdays; total US cases are from 3/13 at 4 PM
1629 total cases, 41 deaths (2.5% mortality rate), with 46 states and DC reporting cases.
CDC is now recommending all in person gatherings with more than 50 people be canceled for the next 8 weeks. This sucks for me personally and probably a lot of you all too. Hang in there.
California: updated around 10 AM PST, 3/15/20
The state dept of health is not providing a ton of info right now, so all of this is coming from county health departments, which are doing really excellent work btw. Love local public health departments <3
My official take is that the higher level government orgs in the US are muzzled from above and therefore totally shitting the bed and the county-level public health officials are really stepping up to the plate
Total cases not including the ones at Miramar (discussed below): 363, with 4 total deaths
Affected counties include: Alameda (7), Calaveras (2), Contra Costa (29), Fresno (2), Humboldt (1 - recovered), Imperial (2), Los Angeles (53, +11), Madera (1), Marin (5), Orange (14), Placer (8), Riverside (10), Sacramento (29) San Benito (3 - 2 recovered), San Diego (8), San Francisco (28), San Joaquin (8), San Luis Obispo (1), San Mateo (32), Santa Clara (91), Santa Cruz (7), Shasta (1), Solano (6), Sonoma (4), Stanislaus (2), Tulare (2), Ventura (5), Yolo (2)
San Diego: My numbers are not gonna include the federal quarantine situations at Miramar (for repatriated people and the Diamond Princess passengers) because that’s what makes sense right now regarding community transmission. If this changes I will say so.
Unaffected counties include: Alpine, Amador, Butte, Colusa, Del Norte, El Dorado, Glenn, Inyo, Kern, Kings, Lake, Lassen, Mariposa, Mendocino, Merced, Modoc, Mono, Monterey, Napa, Nevada, Plumas, San Bernardino, Santa Barbara, Sierra, Siskiyou, Sutter, Tehama, Trinity, Tuolumne, Yuba
Counties with confirmed community transmission include: Los Angeles, Marin, Orange, Riverside, San Joaquin, Santa Clara, Sonoma
Newly affected counties include San Luis Obispo (3/14)
Colorado - last updated 3/14 at 3 PM
Colorado Springs Bridge Center is under an advisory for possible exposure
Drive-up testing is available now, in Denver and Lowry and possibly other places
1 death, 3/13/20, in El Paso County, a female in her 80s
Community spread has been confirmed
101 confirmed cases, 1 death
Affected counties include: Adams (6), Arapahoe (10), Denver (20), Douglas (4), Eagle (18), El Paso (3), Gunnison (6), Jefferson (9), Larimer (1), Mesa (1), Pitkin (2), Pueblo (1), Summit (2), Weld (3)
Out of state visitors who have tested positive are tallied separately. They are located in the following counties: Pitkin (9), Eagle (2), Routt (1), Denver (1), unknown (2 - wtf??)
Florida - last updated 145 AM EST 3/15/20
115 (+45) cases and 4 deaths (+0)
Florida has not yet confirmed community transmission but it’s almost certainly happening. I’m no longer separating counties with and without confirmed community transmission because of that.
Also, the numbers by county do not add up to the same total because locations are updated less frequently by FLDPH than the total number of cases.
Affected counties  include: Alachua (1, +0), Broward (36, +16), Charlotte (1, +0), Clay (3, +2), Collier (5, +2), Duval (4, +3), Hillsborough (4, +2), Lee (5, +1), Manatee (4, +0), Miami-Dade (13, +5), Nassau (1, +0) Okaloosa (1, +0), Orange (2, +1), Osceola (1), Palm Beach (5, +0), Pasco (2, +1) Pinellas (2, +0), Santa Rosa (1, +0), Sarasota (1, +0) Seminole (1, +0), Volusia (5, +1)
Newly affected counties include: Citrus (1), St. John’s (1)
Port Everglades is under an advisory due to several cases connected to a cruise company based there.
Georgia: last updated 3/15 at 11:43 AM
Y’ALL THEY MADE A HASHTAG. I am NOT making this up. It’s #covid19ga if you want to use that, I guess???
99 cases, 1 death
Affected counties include: Bartow (9), Charlton (1), Cherokee (6), Clayton (2), Clarke (2), Cobb (19), Coweta (2), Dekalb (10), Dougherty (6), Fayette (5), Floyd (4), Fulton (20), Gordon (2), Gwinnett (4), Henry (1), Lowndes (2), Lee (2), Newton (1), and Polk (1).
Illinois: last updated 3/14/20
64 confirmed cases, 16 new, with confirmed community spread
New cases: Chicago (7), Cook not Chicago (4), Kane (1), Lake (1)
195 pending persons under investigation
Affected counties include Cook, Kane, McHenry
Newly affected counties include: Woodford (1), Cumberland (1), St. Clair (2), DuPage (1, first long-term care facility case)
Iowa: last updated 3/14/20
Total cases: 18, 1 new 3/14
Affected counties include: Carroll (1), Dallas (1), Harrison (1), Johnson (14), and Pottawattamie (1)
Community spread confirmed on 3/14/2020
Kansas: last updated 3/14/20
8 confirmed cases
Affected counties include: Johnson (5), Wyandotte (1), Butler (1), Franklin (1)
Kentucky: last updated 3/14 at 6 pm local time
18 confirmed cases
2 new cases, both in Fayette County
One patient in Nelson County tested positive but left the hospital and refused to quarantine himself. Don’t be like this guy. Please. I’m expecting a lot more cases to pop up in Nelson county over the next couple weeks all connected to this one patient.
Apparently there’s now a bunch of cops sitting outside his house to make sure he stays there. Ffs.
Affected counties include: Harrison (6), Fayette (7), Jefferson (3 or 4, possible repeat test), Bourbon (1), Nelson (1), and Montgomery (1)
Governor is recommending hospitals stop elective procedures and childcare centers plan for closure by 3/17/20. Also put in place a bunch of important protections for people who don’t have insurance and stuff. Good job, KY!
First patient has fully recovered! Yay!
Louisiana: last updated 9:30 am 3/15/20
91 cases reported, 14 new
2 deaths, 1 new
Parishes affected:  Jefferson (12, +1), Lafourche (1, +0), Orleans (65, +12), St. Charles (2, +0), St. John the Baptist (1, +0), St. Tammany (4, +2), and Terrebonne (2, +1)
New parishes affected: Bossier (1), Caddo (1), St. Bernard (1)
Massachusetts: last updated 4 pm 3/14/20
138 cases (19 lab confirmed, 119 presumptive positives)
1 new lab confirmed case, 14 new presumptive positives
1083 people in quarantine
Affected counties include: Berkshire (9, 0% change), Essex (5, +150%), Middlesex (65, +8%), Norfolk (28, +16%), Suffolk (27, +3%), and Worcester (2, 0% change)
Newly affected counties include: Barnstable (1) and Bristol (1)
5 cases travel related, 104 (+10%) in one community transmission cluster, others unknown
11 hospitalized, 105 not hospitalized, the rest pending (22)
1 new hospitalization
Michigan: last updated 3/14/20 in the evening
33 cases, 8 new, 0 deaths
Affected counties include: Bay (1), Charlevoix (1), Ingham (1), Kent (3), Macomb (2), Monroe (1), Montcalm (1), Oakland (9), St. Clair (1), Wayne (8), and Washtenaw (4)
Likely community transmission
Minnesota: last updated 3/15
35 cases, community transmission confirmed
Affected counties include: Anoka, Carver, Dakota, Hennepin, Olmstead, Ramsey, Renville, Stearns, Waseca, Washington, and Wright
County numbers are not currently being provided by MN dept of health, just ranges. Hennepin and Ramsey counties have 6-20 cases each.
Hopefully they’ll pull an Ohio and help a girl out soon
Drive through testing available in Olivia
Nebraska: last updated 3/15
Community transmission confirmed: many locations in Douglas County are potential places where transmission has occurred; if you live or have traveled to Douglas County (Omaha), please check the Douglas County COVID-19 monitoring site.
There were also two exposures in Knox County on March 5, at basketball games at Lincoln Southwest HS and North Star HS.
17 cases, no deaths
Affected counties include: Cass (1), Douglas (15) and Knox (1)
New Jersey : last updated 3/14 at 2 pm
69 cases (+38%), 1 death (none new)
Affected counties include: Bergen (25, +47%), Burlington (3, no change), Camden (2, +1), Essex (7, +1), Hudson (5, +2), Middlesex (10, +6), Monmouth (8, +1), Morris (3, no change), Ocean (1, no change), Passaic (2, -1 apparently?), Somerset (1, no change), and Union (1, no change)
Newly affected counties include: Mercer (1)
I dread updating NJ just because the website sucks so bad
Thank you to the commenter who noted that the help line apparently rules and they’ve been advertising it heavily, that’s awesome public health work by NJ!
So that’s a bright spot, eh?
New York: last updated 3/14 at 8 PM
613 cases, 192 new, 1 new death
Affected counties include: Westchester (178, +12%), Nassau (79, +54%), Suffolk (41, +13), Rockland (12, +3), Ulster (5, +0), Dutchess (4, +1), Orange (6, +3), Saratoga (3), Albany (5, +3), Broom (1, +0), Delaware (1, +0), Herkimer (1, +0), Monroe (2, +1), and Schenectady (1, +0).
NYC has 269 cases (+75%) as of 3/15 at noon
Newly affected counties include: Erie (3), Tioga (1), and Tompkins (1)
Drive through testing in New Rochelle and Long Island
All public places are closed in New Rochelle through March 25.
Ohio: last updated 3/15 at 2 pm
36 confirmed cases, 10 new
350 people under investigation
Affected counties include: Belmont (2), Butler (6), Cuyahoga (14), Franklin (3), Lorain (2), Lucas (1), Medina (1), Stark (2), Summit (2), Trumbull (2), Tuscarawas (1)
Oregon: last updated 3/14 at 11:00 AM
36 cases, 13 hospitalized at time of positive test, 1 death (3/14)
The following counties are affected: Clackamas (1), Deschutes (3), Douglas (1), Jackson (2), Klamath (1), Linn (9), Marion (2), Multnomah (1), Polk (1), Umatilla (2), and Washington (13).
Pennsylvania: last updated 3/15 at noon
Gritty is now loose and is singlehandedly responsible for all cases in Philadelphia, if you see the orange monster, RUN
63 total cases, 16 new today
No deaths, Gritty is thankfully failing in his mission to murder
Counties affected include: Allegheny (3, +1) Bucks (4, +1), Chester (2, +0), Cumberland (5, +2), Delaware (7, +1), Monroe (6, +3), Montgomery (24, +4), Northampton (1, +0), Philadelphia (6, +2), Pike (1, +0), Washington (1, +0), Wayne (1, +0)
Newly affected counties include: Lehigh (1) and Luzerne (1)
446 people under investigation pending test results
Rhode Island: last updated 3/13/20
~500 people in quarantine for close contact situations
57 pending people under investigation
20 confirmed cases, no deaths
Next expected update 3/16 in the AM
South Dakota: last updated 3/15
9 confirmed cases, no new cases since 3/14
6 pending cases under investigation
Affected counties include: Beadle (1), Bon Homme (1), Charles Mix (1), Davison (1), McCook (1), Minnehaha (3), and Pennington (1)
No community transmission
Texas: last updated 3/15
56 total cases, 5 new.
Highly likely that there has been community transmission, unconfirmed currently
Affected counties include: Bell (1, +0), Bexar (3, +2), Brazoria (2, +0), Collin (6, +1), Dallas (8, +0), El Paso (1, +0), Fort Bend (9, +0), Galveston (1, +0), Gregg (1, +0), Harris (10, +0), Hays (1, +0), Lavaca (1, +0), Montgomery (3, +0), Smith (4, +1), Tarrant (3, +0), and Travis (1, +0)
Newly affected counties include: Matagorda (1)
The Texas DPH has corrected a tabulation error that affected Gregg and Travis counties.
Utah: last updated 3/15
21 total cases, 14 cases in Utah residents
Affected health districts include: Davis County (3), Salt Lake county (14), Southwest Utah (1), Summit County (2), and Weber-Morgan (1)
The Utah Jazz managed to get more testing than the rest of the country for awhile there, so that’s great for them
Whoever does your graphic design, *greatjob* (the little virus instead of the UDPH logo is CHOICE)
Also, the website is super useful and readable, 10/10 good job Utah
First case of community spread identified on 3/14/20, in Summit County
Schools and universities are closed starting 3/16/20, Mormonism is closed until further notice, and skiing is canceled in Park City and Cottonwood Canyon for a minimum of a week. If you are interested in skiing in Utah, check Ski Utah for a list of closures.
Virginia: last updated 3/15
45 cases total, 4 new
Affected counties/cities include: Arlington (8, +1), Chesterfield (1, +0), Fairfax (10, +0) James City (8, +1), Loudoun (5, +0), Virginia Beach City (4, +1), Prince William (3, +1), Spotsylvania (1, +0), Prince Edward (1, +0), Hanover (1, +0), Harrisonburg City (1, +0), and Alexandria City (1, +0)
No newly affected areas today.
Washington: last updated 3/14 at 2:45 PM
Godspeed, y’all are having a real rough time right now. Yipes. Washington is really hard hit right now, especially King County. Look to Washington State and how they’re coping for a preview of how things are gonna go as the cases develop elsewhere.
642 total cases, 40 deaths (6.2% mortality)
Affected counties include: Clark (3), Columbia (1), Grant (2), Grays Harbor (1), Island (6), Jefferson (1), King (387), Kitsap (3), Kittitas (3), Pierce (26), Skagit (4), Snohomish (154), Spokane (3), Thurston (3), Whatcom (2), and Yakima (4).
39 cases are currently unassigned to a county. These are expected to resolve in the coming days, hopefully.
Deaths have occurred in the following counties: Grant (1), King (35), Snohomish (4),
Wisconsin: last updated 3/15 at 2 PM
33 total cases (6 new), 1 recovered, 0 deaths
Affected counties include: Dane (6, +0), Fond du Lac (11, +5), Milwaukee (7, +1), Pierce (1, +0), Racine (1, +0), Sheboygan (3, +0), Waukesha (3, +0), and Winnebago (1, +0)
Today’s Hot Tips
Make sure you have ibuprofen and tylenol/acetaminophen/APAP/paracetamol at home before you get sick. This isn’t just covid advice, this is life advice in general. (Obvs, ask your doctor about what’s safe to take if you have chronic health conditions etc but this is a general recommendation, not medical advice. As I said, life advice.)
As far as I know, ibuprofen and tylenol are ok, but research may change this. Current research indicates that steroids, which are used in other severe respiratory conditions, may make COVID-19 associated acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) worse. More on this later.
It still can’t hurt to have some tylenol around, though, ya know?
Hand Washing Song of the Day
If you hate singing happy birthday while you wash your hands, I certainly do, try Good as Hell by Lizzo instead!
Sing from “I do my hair toss” to “If he don’t love you anymore” at minimum (if you’re like me and can’t leave a lyric unfinished, go ahead and dry your hands while making your brain happy.) to follow CDC handwashing guidelines! Use soap and water for maximum virus-murdering.
Chill Cat  Otter Corner
Please watch these otters sproing and chase!
About this newsletter
I’m Emily, I’m a 4th year med student w/ a degree in molecular biology. I wrote this because I’m an infectious disease and epidemiology nerd and also all my friends have questions & anxiety. Hi internet!
All this info is sourced from regional & national public health organizations, plus the WHO. It’s as up to date as humanly possible. I’ve been beaming information about this outbreak directly into my brain 24/7 but I still miss stuff. Please let me know if I miss something!
Most public health departments stop updating their information around 4-5 PM local time on weekdays. That means that the earliest this will come out is around 6 PM Pacific time on weekdays going forward. On weekends things update more sporadically and earlier, so who knows what I’ll do then, but I’ll do my best.
Thank you to @marywhal for the excellent title!
For More Information
JHU COVID-19 data center: https://gisanddata.maps.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/bda7594740fd40299423467b48e9ecf6
List of peer-reviewed publications: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/publications.html
WHO daily sitrep: https://www.who.int/docs/default-source/coronaviruse/situation-reports/20200315-sitrep-55-covid-19.pdf?sfvrsn=33daa5cb_6
WHO FAQ: https://www.who.int/news-room/q-a-detail/q-a-coronaviruses
CDC cases in the US (take w/ a grain of salt due to Political Garbage, as detailed above): https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/cases-in-us.html, this also has links to each state’s health dept which may or may not be more up to date than the CDC
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writtencontent · 3 years
SNK Theory: Ymir and Mikasa
After re-reading a few chapters of SNK, I began realizing that Ymir and Mikasa have a lot of similarities: primarily, their belief that they are enslaved when they love. And in both cases, Eren is the one desperately trying to free them.
In Ymir’s case, we got a better glimpse of her back story in chapter 122 and saw through the narration that to survive in a harsh world, one must be good and loved by many. This was understood by helping others. So we see Ymir setting the pigs free perhaps with the understanding that she was helping them. When everyone pointed to her that she was the one who let them free, the King then did her the same favour and set her free, which led in her persecution. 
Side note: I wonder if Ymir believes that enslavement is actually better than freedom, because at least that way, you keep majority of the people happy and cause the least amount of trouble, even though you are experiencing an eternal hell. 
Anyways, she turns into the founding titan and the next panel we see is her at the king’s feet being praised by him as he tells her that she is a good slave for allowing his tribe to progress. He then gives her a reward, which is his seed. I’m conflicted if that’s something she desired, because we see that she so desperately wants love, but at the same time, this could be some kind of power rape. Especially, since Ymir had no say. We don’t even know if she returned on her own will or if she was taken there by force after she returned back to her human form. However, her characteristic of wanting connection and her deep admiration for love would support that she returned there on her own and willingly did whatever the king told her. Was she forced because she was a slave? Perhaps not. Perhaps she freely chose to obey. 
I’m sure the king’s compliments, although a bit backhanded in my opinion, filled her soul, allowing her to believe she got a glimpse, a small taste of what reciprocated love was. She even shows this complete love and dedication for the king as she throws herself in front of him, taking the blow that he was really meant for him. And what did she get in return? Nothing really. He told her to get up and get back to work. There was no missing her, no cries that he had lost someone he cared for, none. of. that. Instead, we see him forcing her daughters to consume her!!! Aiya. She definitely did not taste love or freedom. She was mistreated, abused and nobody saw her for her.
Now, in comparison to Mikasa, we see that Mikasa is Eren’s ride or die. Her unparalleled abilities also enable her to protect and save Eren on multiple occasions. She is seen desiring to always be by his side, always looking out for him, always serving him. Her complete dedication to Eren reminds of Ymir’s dedication to the king. 
From my understanding, Eren tells Mikasa that she is essentially his slave, due to her being an Ackerman. Her actions towards him don’t indicate much, other than the fact that she is bound to him. He makes her believe that her deeds are out of forced duty and nothing else and he tells Mikasa that he hates her. Armin believes that it’s a lie that Eren fabricated. This is groundbreaking to Mikasa and as Armin and her discuss these events, it seems like he avoids giving her the actual answer, wanting to her to ask Eren himself. However, he 100% confident that Eren lied and used her headaches as an alibi to give weight to his lie. 
Why the lie? 
So Ymir and Mikasa relate to each other in their unswerving, loyal care for another man. For Ymir it was the king and for Mikasa it was Eren. However, Eren is not ok with this at all. He does everything in his power to push Mikasa to make her own autonomous decisions, to forget and let go of him. And yet Mikasa pushes forward in loving him to the point where she puts on his gifted scarf before cutting his head and kisses his decapitated head.
Honestly, perhaps this is what Ymir longed for, someone who would love her for her and not her titan abilities. Perhaps Ymir longed for unconditional love, a love that surpassed the one she gave. We see that Ymir was able to die on behalf of the king, but Mikasa was able to kill Eren, which I argue is a greater act of love. She killed Eren, because she loved Eren more than herself. I want to say that she killed Eren, because she understood that he needed to be put out of his misery and guilt in order to hopefully live happily and freely the afterworld. This is hard to do. It gives me vibes of God sending Jesus, His only Son, to die. Super painful to do, but done out of love not only for His Son, but also for the world that they may live for eternity. 
Another thing, is that Mikasa loved Eren no matter what. She never bad mouthed him, whereas Reiner, Levi, and even Armin definitely have. Eren came to a point where he became the villain and the survey corps responded accordingly. However, Mikasa does not. Even until the end, she longs to save him and even kisses his head in the end of SNK 138. Perhaps, how Ymir wanted to be embraced when she passed away. 
And perhaps Eren pushed Mikasa away, lied to her, intentionally became the villain, told her that he hated her, to prove to Ymir that there is one person in this extreme hell of conditions that is not only able to love their family or teammates, but is able to love him, who at this point, became the devil of the world. 
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