#36 shades of messi
dybalassunshine · 11 months
Part I
In honor of Leo turning 36, here are 36 shades of Messi <3
Babygirl Messi
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2. Actual Baby Messi
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3. Meme Messi
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4. Ballon D'Or Messi
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5. The MILF (Messi I'd like to...)
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6. Cool Grandpa Messi
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7. Blonde Messi
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8. Disappointed Messi
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9. Messi on that day
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10. Long-Haired Messi
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The Babysitter (36)
Surprise Trip
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MILF Wanda Maximoff X Reader 18+
Summary: In need of money and a way to escape the problems at home, you get a job babysitting two lovely boys named Billy and Tommy Maximoff. What happens when you start to feel things you shouldn't for their mother? Will it bloom into love or leave you heartbroken?
A/N- I would just like to say that there will be some sensitive issues in this story such as alcoholism, homophobia, anxiety as well as more mature content such as smut so, if you continue to read this, please consider this warning.
The Babysitter Master list | General Master List
Chapter 36- W/c 5.4k
Tag list- @natsluttt @cerberus-spectre @dorabledewdroop @bibliophilicbi @hopelesslyfallenninlove @simpform1lfs @get-the-fuck-outta-here @natashaswife4125 @marvelwomen-simp @supercorpstan97 @aliherreraaa @aru-son @the-ox-fan20
Surprise Trip
Closing the door and locking it quietly, a sigh of relief left you as you rested your head against the front door, overjoyed at being back home. To say work dragged would have been an understatement, the eight hour shift felt like a lifetime and you were so glad you were finished for the weekend, eager to spend as much time as possible wrapped up in either a duvet or Wanda's arms.
At the thought of the older woman, a smile crept onto your lips, your body finding enough energy to push yourself off the door and make a beeline for the living room in search of her and the mini Maximoffs. Your feet took you to the intended room, your body pausing at the door as you admired the scene in front of you, the smile on your lips widening at the domestic scene.
Tommy and Billy were wrapped up in the world of video games, elated after having finished school for summer, and now suddenly interested in Minecraft as you had mentioned it a while ago, the two of them playfully bickering on how they should build their house, ultimately disagreeing. You chuckled quietly under your breath as they quickly decided that they would just build two separate houses, a look of fear taking over Billy's face as it started to switch to night time, the sound of a zombie emitting from the Tv. Tommy's face soon switched to a similar look of terror as he saw a creeper following him, ready to explode, causing him to run away as fast as possible, Billy laughing at his brother's reaction.
Your attention was then drawn away from the two boys to Wanda, warmth bubbling in your chest at the mere sight of her. Her feet were tucked underneath her as one of her arms rested on the arm of the chair, her hand supporting her head as the other held a book, her eyes trained on the words as she absentmindedly played with a strand of her hair. Her auburn hair was tied in that messy bun that you loved so much, two strands falling to perfectly frame her face, the green of her eyes containing curiosity as she flipped over the page, gaze briefly switching from the book to check on the boys when she noticed your tired figure hovering by the door frame.
Her face softened at the sight of you, the various shades of green filling with love and tenderness as she effortlessly slipped the bookmark against the page, swiftly closing the book and placing it down on the coffee table as you slowly made your way over to her, the twins still too immersed in their game to notice you.
"Hey Detka," she whispered ever so softly, her arms wrapping around your body as she adjusted her position to let you lean against her, her touch comforting as you melted against her.
"Hey love," you mumble back, the sound muffled as your head rests against the crook of her neck, the warm skin lulling you into a relaxed state as you move your hand to find hers, fingers naturally interlocking with one another.
"How was work?" she softly asks, having a vague idea of what the answer would be. A muffled sigh of annoyance was all she got back to start with, her other hand moving to soothingly scratch at your scalp as she could tell you craved her touch at the moment, the older woman always able to read you so well.
"I hate old people," is all you mutter after a moment of silence making Wanda laugh angelically, her teeth biting down on her lip to stop herself from laughing anymore at your adorably annoyed state.
"I take it that work wasn't good then?" she teases gently, her fingers guiding you away from the safety of her neck, her index finger resting under your chin and tilting your head up to gaze into her enamoured eyes. The look was enough to have your small pout vanish, an inevitable smile appearing on your lips at her amused expression as she waits for you to elaborate.
"No," you mutter, further entertaining her with your displeased tone. You loved working at the Guardian's café as you loved your co-workers, the whole team just so easy to get along with, the only issue with the job was the customers. People were so rude. "This woman wanted to argue with me because apparently the milk in her coffee was too cold," you grumble, Wanda's hand cupping your jaw as you lean against her palm, eyes fluttering close as you remember the annoying woman's face.
"Oh Detka," Wanda coos, attempting to be comforting but she's too busy trying to not laugh at how stupid the scenario sounds.
"It's a hot drink, how could you tell if the milk was cold?" your voice a displeased groan as Wanda's lips meet your forehead, her lips tugging up into a smile as you continue to grumble about the customer, the threat of throwing hands with her cracking Wanda's composure.
Another string of angelic laughter spills from her lips, her head tilting at you in an endearing manner as you offer her an attempted pointed stare, the expression quickly fading into a smile at her loving look. Her fingers delicately brush a few strands of your hair back before returning to resting against your cheeks, thumbs gently brushing against your skin as she feels you slowly relax even more in her hands.
"If you want me to beat someone up for you Detka, just ask," she teases in a whisper before claiming your lips, unable to stop the small laugh that leaves you as you smile into the kiss, amazed at how someone could so easily fix your mood like she did.
Your eyes slowly flutter open after the kiss, meeting her softened green and losing yourself in them as you always did. It was impossible not to, the tender glint in them mesmerised you, the shades of enamoured green enchanted you, and the look of pure love had various emotions bubbling in your chest as if you were falling in love with her all over again.
"Y/n's back!" Tommy says, interrupting the moment you were having with Wanda, the boys having finally noticed you, causing your head to turn to look at them, Wanda's gaze still firmly locked on you.
"Do you want to see our houses?" Billy excitedly asks, looking between you and the screen as he moves his character to find the wooden structure, your smile widening at their enthusiasm as Tommy makes space on his beanbag for you to join him.
"Of course I do," your tone matching their exhilarated ones, your eyes meeting Wanda's once more with an apologetic look before moving to entertain her boys, her eyes unable to be torn away from you as she admired the sight of you with her children.
Wanda didn't know how to describe the emotions she felt whenever she saw you play with her boys in such a caring and genuine manner, her heart melting at every amazed look the twins would offer you, every smile that practically stretched from ear to ear on their faces. It was indescribable the love she felt for you in those moments as she simply sat back against the sofa and watched the three of you chat amongst yourselves, laughter spilling from all of your lips.
After a while, Wanda had to interrupt your playing as it was time for the boys to start getting ready for bed, needing to have a shower each and brush their teeth before being tucked in shortly after. The twins were reluctant to leave their game but as soon as Wanda's signature head tilt and raised brows were seen, they immediately saved the game and started to turn it off, a chuckle leaving you at how effective her motherly stare was. You followed the three of them upstairs as Wanda made sure at least one of them was going into their shared bathroom first, you deciding to have a shower of your own after your long, tiresome day, Wanda encouraging you to spend as long as you wanted in hers as she knew you loved the pressure and temperature of it.
Listening to her, you allowed yourself to relax in the shower as you felt the warm, soothing water hit your skin, trickling down your body and helping you relieve the tension in your muscles from the stress as you lost yourself to random thoughts. Your fingers grazed over one of the new soaps Wanda had gotten, your eyes scanning over the description of it and orange colouring, sparking a random tangent of thoughts about what came first, the colour orange or the fruit before you decided to stick to the vanilla one that was almost finished, loving the smell of it as it just reminded you of Wanda.
Eventually, you turned off the water and swiftly dried yourself off before wrapping a towel around your body, leaving the bathroom in search of some clothes to sleep in. You saw one of Wanda's old t-shirts hidden under a pile of clothes on the dresser after sliding on some underwear and sleep shorts, your fingers deftly slipping it from out of the pile and smiling fondly at the shirt. As you were putting it on, you remembered where you had seen it from, in one of the photos of Wanda during her 'emo' phase when Natalya showed you all the old photo albums, much to Wanda's disapproval.
"Are you stealing another one of my shirts?" Wanda asks as she walks into the room to see you sat on the edge of the bed, your hands holding a towel as you dry your hair.
"No..." you say with a cheeky tone, looking over your shoulder at the older woman who simply playfully shakes her head at you, climbing onto the bed behind you. She slips the towel out of your grasp and motions for you to face forwards, drying your hair for you as you feel her move your hair to the side, allowing her to place a kiss to your neck.
"Yes you are," she mumbles, smiling against your skin as she continues to dry your hair in the tranquil moment, the two of you just savouring the moment together. Your eyes gradually close at the soothing feeling of her hands working wonders against your head, body melting against hers that was pressed up behind you, the towel soon being discarded and quickly replaced with a brush until your hair was free of any knots. The feeling of her lips on your shoulder causes you to open your eyes again, her words gaining your attention. "I have a surprise for you," she whispers vaguely, your head tilting to look at her.
"Oh?" you say suggestively, eyes flickering down to her lips to which causes Wanda to momentarily forget what she was saying, a new idea entering her mind.
"Not that kind of surprise," she murmurs, kissing your forehead delicately in apology as she goes on to explain, "I'm taking you and the boys on a surprise trip tomorrow."
"Where are we going?" you immediately say, excitement evident in your tone as you move positions on the bed, moving to straddle her waist, arms wrapped around her neck loosely, fingers playing with the baby hairs at the back of her neck.
Your eagerness to know makes her chuckle, Wanda pressing another kiss to your lips as she just couldn't resist, her hands settling on your hips, fingers sliding under her shirt that you were wearing to trace random patterns against your skin.
"Did you not hear me just say surprise trip?" she asked humorously, smiling at your toothy grin that was engraved on your face.
"I'll act surprised," you whisper, leaning in for another kiss, ghosting her lips, "Please tell me."
"If I tell you, I wont get to see the look of shock on your face," she teases, making your brows furrow, pulling back from her face to search her eyes for any hints of mischief. When you can see a little, you squint your eyes at her, wanting her to crack but she keeps her calm expression.
"Am I going to like this surprise?" you ask cautiously, watching as she smirks a little before flipping the two of you over, her face hovering over yours as your body remains trapped under hers.
"Potentially," she whispers in response, nose brushing yours softly before she kisses you softly, your brows furrowing even more. "Now come on, it's time for bed as we can't lie in as long," she murmurs as she rolls to lay next to you, her arms pulling your body closer to hers as your face rests on the pillow mere inches from hers, your mind racing with thoughts as you gaze into her eyes, one thought leaving your lips without thinking.
"Wait, we have to get up earlier?" you say, fearful of losing precious time asleep.
"Only a little," she says, fingers still tracing random patterns against your skin, her leg sliding between yours as your limbs tangle together.
"I feel like our definition of 'a little' differs," you mutter, knowing that the older woman loved to wake up earlier than you, her lips pressing against yours to silence you and make you smile.
"Goodnight Detka," she whispers with a smile, your mind still cautious of the surprise as you murmur goodnight as well, nuzzling your face against her chest to help you try and drift off to sleep, eager to know what the surprise entailed.
When Wanda had told you she had a surprise trip planned for all of you, you expected a visit to a theme park, water park, a zoo, somewhere... fun. Not here. Never here.
"Wanda," you say, dragging out her name as you curiously look at the place in front of you, a hint of apprehension glimmering in your eyes as you meet the softening green at your expression. "Why are we at a farm?"
A soft chuckle leaves her at your tone, her eyes flickering over to the boys who are already speeding off, knowing where they are.
"We are here because it's a tradition," she says with an amused tone, her arm wrapping around yours as she leads you towards the entrance, Billy and Tommy impatiently waiting for the both of you. "Every summer I bring the boys here to see the animals and play with them, it's just a small family thing we've always done," she explains and you can see the tender look in her eye, a nostalgic look in them as she remembers her parents taking her and Pietro to their local farm in Sokovia when they were younger, the way they'd bond with the animals something Wanda loved.
You couldn't help but smile a bit at her words, feeling slightly honoured that Wanda would bring you along to a family tradition, your eyes wandering around the small but welcoming area as you shut the fence behind you.
"I also remember the three of you talking about horse riding a few weeks ago and thought you could try it today," her tone soft but cautious as she reads your expression, hoping you would be up for it. Your smile immediately widens at how thoughtful she was, your elated expression calming her nerves as you pull her body closer to you, continuing to follow the twins sprint from area to area to look at the various animals littered within the place.
You chuckle at the sight of the twins laughing at the pigs in the mud, one of them rolling around sporadically on its back, eliciting a long string of laughter from Tommy as it snorts at the same time. Billy can't help but pull a face at the smell of them, a smile soon creeping onto his face as another pig joins the other on its back, seemingly playing together by rolling on the ground, coating themselves in a substantial amount of mud. 
After having enough of the constant smell and oinking, you all move over to where an array of goats were, one of them making a loud bleating noise as you arrive. The noise seems to stun both of the twins as the white goat with a scraggly beard saunters up to the fence, inspecting you all curiously. Tommy attempts to move closer to the fence to get a better look when suddenly the goat screams, an uncontrollable laugh escaping you at his reaction.
Hiding your face at Wanda's shoulder, you try your best to laugh quietly but you can't seem to stop yourself as Tommy's facial expression and high pitch scream is engraved in your mind, the mix of horror, shock and fear merging on his face into one... unique look and sound. You can feel Wanda slapping you playfully to stop as Tommy grumbles in embarrassment, kicking some of the sticks on the floor as he moves to another animal enclosure, Billy doing a much better job at hiding his amusement than you.
"Behave," Wanda murmurs into your ear as you chuckle once more, brushing the tears of laughter out of your eyes as you follow the ashamed boy, Wanda's eyes softening as she wipes another tear off your cheek, her expression also containing that motherly glint as she was about to comfort Tommy. You press a quick kiss to her palm before she leaves, her smile widening that little bit more at the action before she catches up to the brown haired boy, her hands resting on his back as she crouches next to his annoyed face. You stay behind with Billy who's still admiring the goats from afar, his gaze turning softer at the sight of a young goat hiding with its mother.
You observe his reaction to the baby animal, his smile growing at the cute, little noise it makes, your body standing next to him and admiring the scene with him.
"Did you know that baby goats are called kids?" you say with a humorous tone as you remember all the times your father would correct you after saying 'kids' in reference to children, his usual teasing tone always replying with 'I didn't know we were with baby goats right now' to make you roll your eyes and chuckle.
"Kids?" he says in confusion, processing your words as he stares at the baby goat in thought. When you nod your head, you didn't expect the next question, "You have called me a kid before, were you calling me a goat?" You let out a small chuckle at his innocent and curious tone, your hands going to his shoulders, a mischievous smile on your face.
"No Billy, I've been calling you a baby goat, there's a difference," you tease sarcastically, "You need to have a scraggly beard before I can call you a proper goat," your fingers playfully pinch his chin and tickle him, pretending that there was a beard there to make him laugh. At the sound of his infectious laughter, you can't help but smile with him, pulling his body closer to yours and tickling him even more, the volume of his laughter increasing as you 'torture' the poor boy as he put it.
When you can see his face turning a little red at the action, his body squirming in your grip incessantly, you release him, watching as he runs off to his mother, trying to catch his breath with a large toothy grin on his face. He hides behind her body, leaning his head on her back as he looks over at you with joy swirling in his eyes, still trying to catch his breath as he still quietly laughs, unable to stop. Wanda simply raises her brow at you, Tommy mirroring his mothers action at the strange scene that had unfolded, warmth bubbling in your chest at the sight of them. You noticed in that moment how both of the boys looked so similar to Wanda, Tommy's matching expression and confused stare perfectly resembling his mothers while Billy's playful and shy smile reminded you of the small smirk Wanda would occasionally try to hide when you make a comment she would pretend to ignore.
When you walk back over to them, Wanda's head tilts slightly in a sceptical manner at your smile, your hands sliding around her waist as Billy moves, him and Tommy both grinning at the playful wink you send their way as you prepare to torment Wanda. Your fingers unexpectedly try to tickle her, a surprised yelp leaving her at the sudden strange sensation at her sides, her immediately slipping out of your arms as you can't stay composed and laugh with the twins at the noise that escaped her.
She glares at you momentarily as she watches both boys high five you, her expression fading as she knows exactly how to get revenge on you, eyes also softening at the smiles on both of her children's faces before they run off to look at the cows that have decided to 'moo' extremely loud.
"Oh Detka," she chuckles out lowly as her arm wraps around your waist, pulling you in closer, your eyes widening at the pure mischief in her eyes. "You're going to regret that," she whispers, her mouth moving to your ear, "Paybacks a bitch." Her tone is teasing and low, her lips pressing an innocent kiss to your cheek before she pulls back, turning to walk over to where the twins were, leaving you to swallow nervously, scared of what she had planned for you.
After a nervy hour of trying to not fall off a horse, you were finally back on the ground, Wanda watching with an amused smile as you and Billy looked terrified the entire time, Tommy having the time of his life as he pretended to be a cowboy, putting on a southern accent which amused the supervisor who cared for the horses, the man entertaining him by playing along.
Tommy was reluctant to leave the horse when his time was up, a pout on his face as he tried to convince the worker to let him stay on for a couple more minutes, Wanda chuckling at her son's actions as she had to help get him off, the worker offering her an appreciative smile as you and Billy flopped on a bench, thankful to feel something solid and still under you compared to the horse and pony you were on. The two of you watch as Wanda has to practically lift Tommy off the horse with the workers help, the boy high fiving the man who can't help but chuckle at the boy's antics, his small little feet eventually reaching the ground, a slightly annoyed look on his face but his smile still reaching his ears though.
"That was so fun," he exclaims as Wanda directs the three of you to the picnic bench you were going to have lunch on, Wanda having brought lunch with you as there was nowhere close to eat and she knew that the boys, and you, would get hangry soon. Wanda smiles at her son's enthusiasm as you and Billy look at him in disbelief, her hands passing you her phone to show the boys the photos as she quickly retreats to the car to grab the food.
Tommy can't help but laugh wholeheartedly at the photo of both you and Billy looking terrified, his face just about visible in the background, his teeth on show as he smiled constantly, a clear comparison between your reactions. The three of you watch a video of Tommy playing with the worker, both of them pointing finger guns at each other as he gets the horse to stroll around the area, his fake accent audible on the recording. Your smile widens as Billy teases his brother, your attention soon switching to Wanda though who returns with the picnic bag.
You can't help but let your eyes drift across her body, her jeans hugging her hips perfectly as her simple black shirt looks stunning on her, the addition of the sunglasses adding to her look as she brushes her auburn hair back out of her face, her smile radiant. She soon slides onto the bench next to you, swiftly offering the boys their lunch before getting hers out, you taking your own out to let her start with her own food, her lips briefly pressing against your temple making you smile shyly, a blush tainting your cheeks at the love you felt.
Just as you were about to take a bite out of your sandwich, your body freezes at the noise you can hear, your eyes snapping over to Wanda who hides her smile behind her hand, pretending to chew as to not give away her mischievous smirk.
"Wanda," your tone cautious as you turn your head to look at your girlfriend, a soft hum coming from her in response. "Was there an ulterior motive for bringing me to a farm?" you ask sceptically, thinking back to your first date with her when you told her the infamous chicken story, the connections only just clicking in your mind. When you can hear another chorus of clucking, Wanda wraps her arms around you, noticing how you tense up.
"Maybe..." she says, a hint of an apologetic tone hidden somewhere in her voice, her smile and gentle features calming you a little. "I wanted to try and get you over your phobia of chickens," she explains, her fingers interlocking with yours as you cautiously look back at the creatures slowly creeping closer towards the four of you.
"I don't have a phobia of chickens," you grumble, "I just try to avoid them." Wanda softly laughs at your explanation, shaking her head gently before pressing a lingering kiss to your temple, unable to stop the smile present on her lips as you shuffle closer to her.
"Come on Detka, you're meant to be the psychology student here," she teases, acting as a place of safety as you lean against her body for comfort. "That sounds like negative reinforcement to me," she says and you don't know whether you should be impressed at her knowledge or annoyed as she get revenge for earlier.
"You do know that the 'flooding' method of removing phobias is highly unethical without informed consent," you mutter, turning your head to look at her with an annoyed look, the action of her lips instantly pressing to your forehead removing the expression.
"I'll make it up to you," is all she says, knowing you understand what she means as she flickers her gaze to your lips, the thoughts of all the chickens swiftly leaving your mind.
"All night long," you add, her brows rising at your demand, her head nodding subtly as you seem to calm down, the boys who were in their own world and not hearing most of the conversation suddenly turning to you and their mother with an array of questions to distract you both.
Eventually, you have all finished your lunches and ready to start heading home, a sigh of relief leaving you as no chickens have chased you yet, your eyes on the boys who decided to go closer to the, in your eyes, devil like creatures. Wanda and yourself but can't help but watch the boys gently and carefully try to interact with the animals, a smile on both of your faces as the older woman turns her head to look at you, eyes widening at what was behind you.
"You little mother fu-" you yell at the chicken that pecked your ankle, Wanda unable to warn you in time as you jog away from the 'bloodthirsty' animal to her, her arms enveloping you in a hug as the chicken attempts to chase you, Wanda moving her body in the way to frighten it off. "See, this is why I hate them," you grumble, Wanda unable to stop the soft laughter that escapes her at your state, her hands snaking around your waist and pulling you closer, showing a silent form of comfort as the whole situation to her was rather humorous.
"Oh Detka," she coos when she pulls herself together, the boys chuckling to themselves until they see Wanda's face, signalling for them to quieten down. "I'm sorry," she apologies sincerely, her fingers moving to cup your cheeks as your face signals your annoyance. You simply move your face to hide at the crook of her neck, not wanting to be mad at Wanda as it wasn't her fault. Yes, arguably you could be annoyed with her for bringing you to a farm, knowing you were scared of chickens, but the rest of the day had been perfect so you couldn't stay mad at her, no matter how annoyed you were right now. Plus, she technically wasn't the one to peck you. 
"It's ok," you murmur after a moment, eventually pulling away from the safety of her warm skin, your eyes meeting her mesmerising green as she moved her sunglasses to rest on the top of her head, the various shades of green soothing your nerves. "I'm going to eat so much chicken for dinner in revenge," you mutter, making the older woman angelically laugh, her smile growing as your usual, amusing self returned. "In fact, I think we should have a McDonalds for dinner," your tone is frivolous, curious to see how the older woman would react.
"We have food at home Detka," she says and you can't help but laugh at her typical motherly response, the twins on your side and offering her their best 'puppy eyes' they could muster to help persuade their mother into agreeing with you. Upon seeing all of your pleading faces, she sighs and gives in, "Fine." Shaking her head at all of your antics, the three of you cheer before starting to move towards the car, Wanda's arm interlocked with yours as you pass the last of the chickens, your eyes glaring daggers at them.
"You're such a bad influence," she mutters while you climb into her red vehicle, a smile on your face at her tone, the annoyance of the stupid chicken haven faded completely.
"Maybe I am," you tease, buckling your seatbelt as the twins in the back do the same, "But you still love me." Wanda rolls her eyes at your playful tone, her fingers guiding your face closer to hers, her hand reaching back to cover the boys view, knowing they would groan at the sight of affection. Her lips meet yours softly, the two of them still groaning jokingly despite not being able to see, making the two of you smile into the kiss even more.
"I'll always love you," she whispers before pulling back properly, turning around to look at Tommy who was dramatically covering his eyes, Billy sheepishly looking out of the window at the motherly stare aimed towards them.
"Ewww," Tommy says once more, unaware that you had stopped kissing, a soft chuckle leaving you at his reaction, Billy lightly hitting his brother to shut him up.
"I guess Tommy doesn't want anything from McDonalds then," Wanda teases, the boy's eyes shooting wide open, shock and disbelief on his face.
"Wait, no, I do," he rushes out, making the rest of you laugh, Wanda turning back around to get the car ready to drive, a smile plastered on her face, merely humming in response to her son.
"To McDonalds we go," you say to cheer the boy up, his smile instantly returning at your mood and energetic tone, Wanda's eyes flickering over to you, nothing but love in them as she gets ready for the eventful evening with you all, knowing there was nowhere else she'd rather be than with you.  
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velvethana · 21 days
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Looking down at the fruit sorbet that was once frozen solid, it’s seemed to have become a melted mess in its’ shell. Depending on how you spun the orange, it could have looked like a heart. Unfortunately, that didn’t make it seem anymore appetizing.
In all of our lifetimes: there is always a before and after. You’ll experience the before, the between and the after.
Those days before now look beautiful to you: when every light is on in stark contrast to the blacked out street. While the shades are up, music playing to quiet the summer rain outside— you’ll close your eyes and hope to feel it all over again.
It’ll be those bright days when you can smell the salt of the sea in the air as you walked into that shop, wanting nothing more than you already had.
Even the harsh smell of cleaning products couldn’t distract you from the chirp of the bell and the way your breath was stolen from you for a moment as you made eye contact with him.
Wouldn’t it be ridiculous to fall for someone so quickly?
There was something about life by the sea that was seen as the idyllic life. The feeling of scorching sand between your toes or the whispers of the ocean in a seashell.
Maybe there was something simply beautiful about lounging around in bed all day in your pajamas petting animals, eating out of cereal boxes.
It feels much brighter on the outside of those four walls, though. Because life looks beautiful to you with his head thrown back, easy laughter spilling from his mouth. Your hands linked with a boy solely devoted to your happiness— his eyes on your lips and the messy residue of ice cream shared on your faces.
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⭒ home. ➔ masterlist.
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musical-shit-show · 5 months
Can I request 36 and 39 from prompt list 2 with Beetlejuice? I adore your writing sm🛐 and I’m in desperate need of some angst.
no other shade of blue
Pairing: Beetlejuice x Reader
Inspiration: Prompts #36 (“stop pushing me away.”) and #39 (“don’t blame me, you know what you signed up for.”) from Prompt List 2
Warnings: alcohol consumption, cursing, angst, sexual references, beej and reader are kinda both assholes
Word Count: 1,550
Author’s Note: Sorry this took so long, anon! I know I say this a lot, but it’s been really hard for me to find creative inspiration these days. I’m going to blame the weather. But luckily now that the holidays are over, I might finally take my resolutions seriously and write more. Who knows!
Anyways, I love writing angst so I really need to do that more often. If you’d like to read more, check out my Masterlist and About Me page. And if you’d like to make a request, I have several Prompt lists for plenty of inspiration! As always, thanks everyone for the support. I really want to get better at writing this year, so that requires me to actually, ya know, write. Hopefully I stick to that! Happy 2024 and happy reading!
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“So, you got a boyfriend?”
You couldn’t help but groan as you downed the shot he had so graciously bought you. He was a friend of a friend of a friend, and you were getting drunker by the second.
Your actual friends had decided on a dingy bar in the city that night, but you couldn’t help but look at the time nervously as they happily clamored around the pool table behind you. It was getting late.
“Oh, what an interesting and complicated question, Darren,” you replied, doing your absolute best not to slur your words. You exhaled, your elbows digging into the top of the bar. “Yes and no.”
Darren couldn’t help but raise an eyebrow. He was cute, but definitely did not seem above taking advantage of a drunk girl with an ambiguous relationship status.
“Situationship?” he probed, pulling his beer towards his lips. You didn’t answer. “Been there. Can be fun, but…messy.”
A dry laugh escaped your lips. Messy didn’t even begin to cover it, but you didn’t have enough hours in the day to explain it to this guy. Nor did you want to.
“Yeah,” you said, toying with the shot glass, “He can be sweet but…I wouldn’t want to get on his bad side if I were you.”
“I’m tough.”
“Believe me, it’s not worth the trouble.”
“I’d like to decide that for myself, thanks,” he drawled, his eyelids heavy as he glanced towards the door. “Wanna get outta here?”
Before you knew it you were slammed up against the side of a building that made up a dimly-lit alleyway, the brick digging into your back as Darren kissed you aggressively.
Your eyes fluttered, trying to focus on the task at hand. But your attention turned the flickering streetlamp and menacing fog that seemed to be encroaching upon your impromptu hookup.
He nipped at your neck, and you couldn’t help but let out an involuntary moan. An action that you would certainly be paying for later.
“Shit,” you muttered, hearing a low growl in your ear. He was close, and you could only imagine the shitstorm he would cause if you continued to make out with this random. 
You cursed the day you ever listened to Beetlejuice. He was persuasive in more ways than one, and if you didn’t act fast, things would get ugly.
“Hey,” you said as Darren came up for air, “I have to go, but, uh, I’ll call you?” He looked at you a little disappointed, but after a few moments and an awkward number exchange, you were left alone.
You looked around, making sure no other living person was in earshot. “Alright, show’s over, asshole!” you goaded, growing angrier by the second, “Come on out now.”
“You’ll call him?” an indignant voice bellowed, and you couldn’t help but roll your eyes. Beetlejuice was nothing if not dramatic.
Ever since you summoned him—accidentally, you might add—the ghoul had been nothing but a thorn in your side. Unfortunately for you, you also happened to be drawn to the passionate energy that came with that kind of adversarial relationship.
It was a problem you knew would be better addressed in therapy. Instead, you thought it’d be a better idea to fuck the ghost. 
“No, you idiot,” you shot back as the demon appeared, floating angrily above you, “You’ll make sure of that, won’t you?”
Beetlejuice’s feet hit the ground, his hair glowing bright red in the moonlight. He drew closer to you, a predator stalking its prey.
“I’ve been watching you all night, babe,” he hissed, your back hitting the wall yet again. Your body instantly tensed, the smell of death and decay overwhelming your senses. He shook his head, a mix of arousal and disgust flashing on his pale face.
Your eyes bore into his as they glowered with envy. “So?” you drew your shoulders back, straightening your spine, “We’re not together. Who I fuck or don’t fuck is none of your goddamn business.”
He laughed indignantly, “You think I’m threatened by that guy? Please.” His amber eyes flashed briefly with a twinge of insecurity.
“Then why go through the trouble of scaring him off, hm?” you goaded, “Afraid I’d finally found someone better?”
Beetlejuice couldn’t help but feel wounded. Sure, you both fought. A lot. But you couldn’t stay away from each other for long. You’d fight, you’d banish him, and then like clockwork, you’d call him back and reconcile, which usually involved ripping each other’s clothes off.
Despite never defining the relationship, the two of you couldn’t help feel possessive over one another. And because you had a vindictive streak, you didn’t care about using other guys to make him jealous.
“You and I both know that’s not true,” he growled, pressing a large hand against the wall as he inched closer to you, “And we also know that I’m a better fuck than any of those other breathers combined.” You inhaled, stifling your fear and shoving it back down your throat.
Beetlejuice’s gaze softened. Even for a dead guy, he could pick up on your mannerisms like no one else. “You’re so fucking stubborn, you know that? I just wish you would stop pushing me away. A demon can only take so much back and forth from one human.”
Your eyes narrowed, your face inching closer to his. You studied his expression for cracks in the façade that he loved to put up. It was just one of the many ways he liked to fuck with you.
“Ah, the ‘woe is me’ bullshit,” you smirked. “Don’t blame me, you know what you signed up for.”
Even in the dim streetlight, you could see Beetlejuice’s mood shift from pure scarlet anger to a melancholic swirl of violet and maroon. It would’ve been almost beautiful if you weren’t so pissed at him.
“And if I remember correctly, you were the one who didn’t want to be tied down,” you scoffed in disgust, reminding him of his many trysts down to the Netherworld, “It’s not my fault you can’t take the same bullshit that you dish out to me.”
You typically had a don’t ask, don’t tell policy; but recently, you could feel the jealousy between the two of you reaching a boiling point. You were looking for a fight, and you knew hooking up with another guy would send Beetlejuice over the edge.
“Drop the tough guy act, sweetheart,” he was almost pleading with you, ignoring the harshness he exhibited only moments ago. “You know I don’t want anyone else.”
‘Not in the ways that matter, anyways,’ he thought, unwilling to tack on that addendum verbally.
You felt hot tears forming in your eyes, but you held them back. You’d be damned if you let Beetlejuice see you cry, after all the vitriol you’d spat at him.
He finally backed away from you, giving you room to breathe. You peeled yourself from the brick wall, unsure how to proceed.
Beetlejuice considered sweeping you off your feet; maybe an attempt at wooing you would make you both forget the meaningless squabbling.
After all, that was how the two of you communicated: passionate fights and even more passionate sex.
Not exactly the healthiest relationship. And by the looks of it, this…thing between you was starting to take its toll.
“I don’t…I can’t believe you,” you muttered, your heart pounding in your chest. “W-We fight constantly, and I’m awful to you, and…I don’t like who I am when I’m with you, Beej.”
All red from the demon’s hair was instantly replaced with deep purples and blues. A sign of complete melancholy.
“I get it, babe,” he said, his voice dripping with despair. “What can I say? I bring out the worst in people.” He sounded disgusted with himself, like he knew this would happen eventually and he did nothing to prevent the inevitable.
It didn’t matter that he loved you more than any other breather. He couldn’t tell you. It was too late.
Beetlejuice knew he was broken, and now he had broken you too. And the thought of that made him want to die again and again.
You tried to speak but no words were able to escape your throat. You wanted to apologize, to tell him that no other guys mattered, that you could start over and figure it out.
But you couldn’t.
Instead, a strange sob came out, and you tried to shield yourself in the shadows of the alley so that he couldn’t see you. Beetlejuice cocked his head, a sad expression on his pale face.
“I should, uh, probably go then,” he said, his gravelly voice low. He usually relished in making breathers cry, but now he couldn’t even bare to look at you as tears streamed down your face.
You nodded, signaling that you wanted him to leave. “I’m…fuck, I’m sorry,” he said. He didn’t really know what else to say, the air thick between you.
You turned around to face him, salt stinging your eyes. But he was gone. Not even a stupid puff of green smoke left behind.
‘It’s for the best,’ you thought as you walked home alone.
Of course, you knew that thought wouldn’t stick; you knew you’d last three days maximum before you summoned that demon again.
Old habits die hard.
Thanks for reading! Please like/comment/reblog if you enjoyed!
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cypriathus · 6 months
Main protagonist of Into Klein’s Bottle
WARNING: I talk about specific mental health issues and how it affects the following character.
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Ephoszumina Uynaszoide Higenbrotamus-Teixojzura is the 36-year-old determined and protective commander of the Ichnaea 5 spacecraft. She’s part of the Galactic Investigation of Anomalous Phenomena Division (GIAPD), one of the few subdivisions of the Bureau of Researching and Securing Extramundane Curiosities (BRSEC). As a hard-working individual, she feels confident about her work and possesses an unwavering commitment to her given tasks. She’s a reliable member of the GIAPD, putting effort into their work and obediently following orders. She’s also viewed as trustworthy by her crew members due to her good listening and emotional intelligence skills. Ephoszumina is quite independent and honourable, being able to not rely on others for aid or support and believe in truth as well as doing what’s morally right. However, she sometimes struggles to break out of her unyielding independence and collaborate with her crew members due to her stubbornness. She respects the opinions and ideas of others, showing consideration and regard to what they have to say. However, she will put her foot down and tell them off if she views it as necessary. Ephoszumina is very organised and is quick to notice things, especially if it involves her plans or any potential problems that might arise amongst her group. She’s decently down-to-earth, ensuring that she focuses on the task beforehand and dealing with people practically and directly.
She's capable of uplifting the management of her team, but she does occasionally overthink and/or disregard the potential negative consequences. She tends to appear menacingly and isn’t afraid to threaten those who try to invade her privacy or harm the safety of her and the members of the Ichnaea 5. She can be quite sarcastic at times, which is usually in the form of mocking and contemptible remarks. Ephoszumina does have a bit of a fiery temper, but that’s usually targeted towards those she finds irritating or it’s a sign of wanting to be left alone. She tries to hide the fact that she experiences depression, insomnia, and borderline personality disorder (BPD). Her depression makes her feel sad, empty, and hopeless, and prone to angry outbursts and frustration, even over small matters. She often desires to be non-existent and can be somewhat fixated on past failures. She has difficulty with concentration, decision-making, and recalling, which makes dealing with her tasks feel like an absolute chore. Her BPD makes her feel uncertain about how she sees herself, experiences mild mood swings, and intensifies her fear of abandonment and instability.
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Ephoszumina is slightly above the average height of an Irishwoman and is almost about 5’ 6” (167.64 cm). Her body shape is more rectangular, but her hips are fairly defined, her shoulders and buttocks are slightly rounded, and she carries some weight in her upper thighs. Her medium-length hair is in a side-parted wavy, messy lob and it’s a lovely shade of golden bronze with red brown streaks. She has striking sienna skin with reddish freckles decorating her face, chest, and shoulders. She has long eyelashes and cerulean eyes, but the left one is slightly lighter than the right due to it being made from glass, which she tries to cover up with a purplish eyepatch. She has a tattoo on her abdomen, which depicts a black and gold Rooster of Barcelos holding a bloomed lavender and a Fuchsia magellanica in its beak. After the spaceship crash, her left arm is replaced with a prosthetic, the wires being the veins and muscles tendons, while the flexible metal are the bones and flesh. Her lower back, buttocks, and behind the left leg have received some scars, primarily second- and third-degree burns and lacerations. After being experimented on and tortured by the Zraphelostund Vermuzokilas, there is a line from between the index and middle fingers to the tip of her elbows. She can split them open to reveal adamantine, jagged blades, and her arms are a smoky black with razor-sharp vermilion nails. She has six dark blue stitches: one running along her back; U-shaped ones on both inner thighs; one that wraps around her lower left leg; and two from her right trapezius to her left deltoid. Her hair now has some light purple highlights and her sienna skin is sickly pale with pearlescent blue warts on her shoulders, chest, outer thighs, and upper back. Ephoszumina has a scar below her lower lip that reaches from ear to ear and she has a segmented, bony tail that's tipped with a fleshy ball covered in glossy bronze spikes.
Like the other main members of Ephoszumina’s group, she wears the traditional GIAPD space uniform. This uniform consists of teal blue space flight suits with two white strips from the neck gaiter to the end of their jacket sleeves and well-placed pockets. GIAPD workers also wear position badges, the flag of their country on the left arm, the logo of their organisation on the right arm, and a monochromatic shirt underneath the flight suit. The logo depicts the simplified black silhouette of a rabbit before a burning star of blue, yellow, orange, red, and white. Below that striking logo design is the organisation’s abbreviated name in bold pomp and power lettering. Each member possesses a badge with their position and the depiction of a planet or moon. However, her badge is the only one in her group that depicts the Sun and the title of commander. The sleeves of her uniform jacket are sometimes rolled up or the jacket is wrapped around her waist. Beneath Ephoszumina’s standard uniform, she wears a white button down shirt and a tangerine undershirt. On her left uniform arm, her country’s flag is that of Ireland. Sometime after the spaceship crash, she wears a drop leg holster attached to a flexible waistband and the uniform’s left arm would be ripped off and has some mostly seamless stitching on the lower back area. The back of her ankle-length olive brown cargo pants would receive some crude stitching on the buttocks area and behind her left leg. She wears a solitaire wedding band with a princess-shaped diamond below her engagement ring on the left ring finger. She also has a spacesuit that has her commander badge and Ireland flag in the same places as her flight suit. She occasionally wears a bronze shawl with floral patterns of saffron, red-violet, ruddy blue, and pale rose with a silver amphisbaena engulfed in flames on the back. When wearing her shawl, she dons a pair of dirty brown jeans, which are both gifted from her lover, Friedoschalk.
Besides her BRSEC ID, she holds onto a very special photograph of her with her deceased husband, Veljahomius. As the commander who survived a spaceship crash and is roaming through alien planets, she has a few weapons on her person. One of the weapons she wields is an energy weapon with a sling that’s partially modelled off of the Russian RGS-50M. Instead of regular bullets or the ammunition that the RGS-50M uses, it shoots out either blasts or large orbs of slow-moving energy, but that greatly depends on the firing settings. Another weapon on her person is a double-barrelled pistol with a built-in flash suppressor. Ephoszumina also has a multi-purpose taser that fires three stun probes and is partially based off of the Raysun X-1. The energy weapon is named the Blazing Whispers 0.3, the double-barrelled pistol is called the Zermillionus LCTI-7390, and the taser is referred to as the Weather’s Eye J-XT81. She wears a highly advanced black, blue, and gold wristwatch given to her by the BRSEC, appearing to be modelled after the DB28 Kind of Blue Tourbillon and Rotonde de Cartier Earth and Moon Watch. It’s capable of faster-than-light communication, notifications in regards to receiving work-related emails, passwords to access confidential documents, and telling the time. This very special model of watch is referred to as the BRSEC-35 Cirrostratus Parhelia.
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As a result of the various strange and unorthodox chemicals and injections that the Zraphelostund Vermuzokilas used on her and her crew, she has gained a few abilities. The tips of her fingers have tiny holes that can produce a black ink that burns through any material present in the multiverse. She has telekinesis, slow organic reconfiguration to heal any inflicted wound, and the ability to read minds. She can intuitively translate and learn ancient human languages and unfamiliar dialects, and her body is resistant to all temperatures. She can vomit up corrosive acid, spew toxic gasses, scale walls and ceilings, and manipulate metal, water, and marine life.
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Unnamed father
Unnamed mother
Unnamed brother
Unnamed grandfather
Veljahomius (ex-husband)
Friedoschalk Raschikopfe (lover)
Aprichotenus (daughter)
Korwudelaszith (daughter)
Musaphordzen (daughter)
Ephoszuma (by a few friends)
Uyneszoda (by a few friends and coworkers)
Commander (by the members of the Ichnaea 5 spacecraft)
Mama (by Aprichotenus, Korwudelaszith, and Musaphordzen)
Liefje (“little dear” in Dutch) (by Veljahomius)
Snoepje (“little candy” in Dutch) (by Veljahomius)
Knapperd (“beautiful” in Dutch) (by Veljahomius)
Lekker ding (“delicious thing” in Dutch) (by Veljahomius)
Fuzzy lumpkins (by Friedoschalk)
Precious heartstring (by Friedoschalk)
My graceful little daffodil (by Friedoschalk)
My strong-hearted lioness (by Friedoschalk)
Schmusebacke (“smooth cheeks” in German) (by Friedoschalk)
Liebster (“most beloved” in German) (by Friedoschalk)
Honigbienchen (“little honey bee” in German) (by Friedoschalk)
Uphoszaide (by Gunaholde)
Ephoszumina Hanimefendi (“lady master” in Turkish) (by Evranfotih)
Unmovable cunt (by Plejzakhominus)
Grumpy albatross (by Mjolahvet)
Lonesome heifer (by Eyschurota)
Mademoiselle of a Rocky Heart (by Kafenodisch)
Uyneszroda (by Gibhazlodus)
Higenbrota (by Gibhazlodus)
Teixoju (by Gibhazlodus)
She’s demisexual
Her birthday is April 12th (Aries)
Her blood type is A-
In regards to her ethnicity, she’s 50% Irish, 37.5% British, and 12.5% Portuguese.
She used to have a Borzoi, but he died from cardiomyopathy.
She has double-jointed fingers
Besides English, she knows five different languages, which are Korean, German, Afrikaans, Portuguese, and Greek. However, she does know some Dutch as a result of her deceased husband.
She likes cappuccino, sea foam, the sounds of the ocean, marine biology, her grandfather’s bike, the spectacular sights of space, her husband and the memories they made together, birds in general, rare dog breeds, and the outdoors.
She likes to listen to the sounds of ocean waves she saved on her phone when she’s having trouble sleeping.
She dislikes the taste of cooked almonds, the uncomfortable vastness of outer space, black holes, social isolation, death, funerals, having an upset stomach after eating spicy foods or drinking booze, dangerous machinery, sexual harassment, and wasting food.
Her hobbies consist of mountain biking, playing badminton, metal detecting, doing word scrambles, reading short stories, trying out magic tricks, collecting bird-themed items and seashells, and going to cozy cafés, pet shops, and non-commercial beaches after a stressful day at work.
Her favourite planets inside the Solar System is Saturn and Neptune
Her favourite animals are the barn owl, mountain hare, Araneus diadematus, horse, and goldcrest.
When she was a kid, she used to like going to an aquarium due to her love of jellyfishes, sea anemones, starfishes, and other small fishes.
Her favourite flowers are the ragged robin, bog rosemary, wood anemone, and cuckoo flower.
Her favourite comfort foods are colcannon, Gur cake, jambon, and garlic cheese chips.
Due to her tritanopia colour blindness, it’s difficult to identify certain hues. From what she can see, her favourite colours are lapis lazuli and rose vale.
Her biggest pet peeves are obnoxiously loud yawning, leaving drawers and cabinets open, not screwing lids on bottles and containers all the way, people who comment on what she’s eating, heating up smelly food in a work kitchen, being condoned to a gender-based stereotype, and microaggression.
Despite her tough exterior, she has a soft spot for her crew members and will go to great lengths to ensure their safety and well-being.
She's a skilled strategist and air pilot with exceptional reflexes and quick thinking, which has saved the Ichnaea 5 from countless dangerous situations.
Ephoszumina has a mysterious past that she keeps closely guarded, but rumors hint at a troubled history that has driven her to become the strong, capable commander she is today.
She originally wanted to be a marine biologist due to her fascination and love for the ocean and its unique aquatic life. However, she became an astronaut for the Galactic Investigation of Anomalous Phenomena Division (GIAPD) due to reasons she doesn’t want to talk about.
She used to get teased a lot the time she first worked at the GIAPD, but it didn't last very long after she beat up a sexist coworker and reported him to his superiors.
Her grandfather's place was near a cozy beach and that's why she's learned to like it as she grows up.
She has discovered over 20 galaxies and outsmarted a few hostile aliens before
During her time at the Galactic Investigation of Anomalous Phenomena Division (GIAPD), she has encountered a few strange things before. She has come face-to-face with a couple of extraterrestrial spacecraft and a few alien beings, most commonly the Lacebozritus Reptuzolvas or lizard-folk as many like to call them. From what she's seen and heard, the lizard-folk often work with the GIAPD as they possess superior knowledge in outer space like how it functions, what are the potential dangers, and more. During a field research study on gravitational forces, she caught a glimpse of a supermassive black hole. She has also witnessed two gamma-ray bursts, four quasars, and a galactic cannibalism event. She can even vividly recall seeing a couple of planets and an exoplanet outside of our solar system mysteriously collapse into themselves.
At one point in Ephoszumina’s life during her high school years, she used to be quite a nerd because she read books a lot and focused on her studies more than her other classmates. She also got those thick glasses as well, which many people made fun of. However, when she grew up, she preferred to put contact lenses on instead because she thought those glasses looked ridiculous on her.
Sometimes when she sits down it hurts her because of the injury around her butt, so she tries to avoid sitting down as much as possible.
Her prosthetic arm occasionally doesn’t function properly, so she gets it checked out every Sunday.
She paces a lot when thinking
She has a tendency to talk to herself
She knows a myriad of useless trivia
Ephoszumina secretly loves watching “bad” movies
Ephoszumina sleeps with her old baby blanket
She’s a contortionist
She can’t drive well
She usually taps her fingernails on hard surfaces
Ephoszumina’s guilty pleasure is following conspiracy theories that are considered to be blatantly false and out-of-this-world.
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nymeriaaa · 1 year
tag game: get to know me!
thank you so much for the tag @svintsandghosts ! ♥
1. Birthday? 22nd oct
2. Favorite color? green or purple, depends on the shade
3. How tall are you? about 5’3
4. How many pairs of shoes do you own? id say about 12 but i only wear like 3 pairs lol
5. Favorite song? currently it's regular by nct 127 buuuut don't ask me my all time fave coz like... i couldn't choose. it would probably be an mcr or green day song lol (or treasure by ateez)
6. Favorite movie? um well i love edward scissorhands and the lotr trilogy. oh and the harry potter movies too! school of rock... horror would probably be the descent part 1 only... ahh don't make me choose seriously i could list so many 😩
7. Who would be your ideal partner? idk... just someone who loves me for me and is kind, loyal... accepts the fact that i have many kpop boyfriends who will always own my heart 🙄
8. Do you want children? not really but i'd definitely compromise if i met the right guy and he wanted one
9. Have you gotten in trouble with the law? nope
10. What color socks are you wearing? none
11. Favorite type of music? pop punk/post hardcore/"emo", and kpop lol
12. How many pillows do you sleep with? ok so 2 for my head, 2 on the other side of the bed, my boomerang pillow and a big square/european one as well... so 6 lol
13. What position do you sleep in? i fall asleep on my side but when im just chilling in bed i can lay on back too for a bit
14. What don’t you like when you’re sleeping not having the fan on, i don't care what temperature it is. my fan stays on. (im keeping this answer cause same 100%)
15. Have you tried archery? nope
16. Favorite fruit? watermelon, blueberries and mango
17. Are you a good liar? no unless it's at work and i have to come up with an excuse to get out of going to another store or to not send one of my staff to another store... then im a brilliant liar. oh im also really good at lying about why i can't hang out or go somewhere if im not feeling up to it (which is most of the time lol)
18. What’s your personality type? istp. im very shy and the biggest introvert unless im comfortable around you, and awkward as fuck lol
19. Innie or outie? innie
20. Left or right handed? left
21. Favorite food? sushi. japanese good in general is just 🤌 delish
22. Favorite foreign food? oh well i just answered that in the question above? japanese. chinese, thai, korean and vetnamese are amazing too!
23. Are you clean or messy? both but trying to fix bad habits and keep my room clean and organised but it's hard when your mental health sucks sometimes
24. Most used phrase?
probably what the fuck and the word cunt in general. oh if you ask sandra my 2ic it would also be i don't care 😅
25. How long does it take you to get ready depends but if its for work about 30/40ish mins
26. Do you talk to yourself? of course
27. Do you sing to yourself? yes lol
28. Are you a good singer? hell no
29. Biggest fear? this is stupid and lame but spiders/insects/bugs/creepy crawlies... just all of that 😬
30. Are you a gossip? not really, maybe a little at work but it's more just complaining and bitching about our shitty area managers lol
31. Long or short hair? for me? long hair. but i like both on other people
32. Favorite school subject? um... none? lol like i didn't have any one subject i was really good at compared to others i was just kinda average in everything but really really bad at maths and science
33. Extrovert or introvert? introvert
34. What makes you nervous? yeah people, public speaking... there's more but ill leave it at that
35. Who was your first crush? his name was matthew it was in year 3. i found out he passed away a few years ago and he had a wife and kid so that was sad
36. How many piercings do you have? just my ears (which have kinda closed up lol) i used to have my lip done too many years ago
37. How many tattoos do you have? one but wanting more!
38. How fast can you run? no ❤️ (lol same)
39. What color is your hair? purple atm but it's faded so i need to redo it
40. What color are your eyes? hazel
41. What makes you angry? so many fucking things. work makes me angry (not my team in store but mostly everyone else) i could rant about my workplace for a whole fucking month i swear. when i see people talking shit about people/artists i love. people who play games and toy with other people's emotions and use them... im gonna stop but i could list a lot
42. Do you like your name? yeah
43. Do you want a boy or girl as a child? none but if i were to have one... i guess a boy... idk
44. What are your strengths? um im friendly and welcoming, kind. i think overall im a good person and that's a good thing... lol
45. What are your weaknesses? shy, ignore red flags and forgive people too easily. scared of confrontation due to being shy so i don't speak up as much as i should especially when it comes to my beliefs and i guess in that sense i can be a bit of a pushover... but only in certain scenarios. i definitely need more confidence
46. What’s the color of your bedspread? black and white atm
47. What’s the color of your room? black, grey and white wall paper on one wall then just a neutral, off white colour the rest
Tagging but no obligation; @alphadisaster @septicrebel @jin-neck-shaft @hyuckilstan @saynofakke
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litlunacy · 1 year
Sending #7, #24, and #36 for Ximena :D but feel free to answer for your other apprentices instead or as well if you prefer! 💖
I'll answer for Ximena, Lilith and Zuri. Also under a cut, because boy this got long.
7. What's their design? Do they have a reference sheet? What made you choose that specific color scheme/fashion style/etc.?
Everyone has a collection of notes on my phone, as well as a few picrews and such. I'll probably post those at some point.
Ximena - Height: 5'6" / Hair: Black, long, just wavy enough to be unruly / Eyes: She has heterochromia. The left is pale green, the right pale blue. / Her fashion sense is lots of silver jewelry and mostly very loose, flowy fabrics in bright colors. Her main color scheme is blue and white, because I like opposites and Julian's is red and black.
Lilith - Height: 5'10" / Hair: Pale silver-purple, blunt bangs, very long and straight / Eyes: Gold / Her fashion sense is lots of tight, revealing dresses in black and shades of red and her super expensive heeled boots. She also likes gold and jewels. Most of Lilith's design was, again, based on opposites. Lucio is pale as hell, so her skin is dark. His hair is gold, hers silver. He has silver eyes, she has gold. He likes white and she likes black. And then I wanted her to share his expensive taste, just less gaudy.
24. What's their relationship to the main 6?
Zuri - Height: 5'1" / Hair: Dark blue, short and shaggy in the back, two longer braids in front, messy bangs / Eyes: Black / She likes baggy, dark clothes that basically swamp her tiny frame. She also always wears a dark purple cloak that Asra gave her. Her design was mostly influenced by how she wants to hide herself and be as small as possible.
I talked about Ximena's relationship with the M6 here. But she is absolutely head over heels for Julian, even if she has to knock some sense into him every now and then, and basically gets along with everyone but Lucio. Goat boy can suck it.
Lilith loves Lucio, but boy does he try her patience. Which oddly enough makes her seek out Nadia for drinks and friendly whining about him with someone who very much understands. She gave Asra the shop when she and Lucio decided to travel and do the merc thing, and they talk sometimes, but what little friendship they had sort of fizzled. She met Julian like, once, and her impression was mostly 'wtf dude'. She likes Portia, is always polite when they stay at the palace, and appreciates how much she speaks her mind. Lilith doesn't know Muriel at all, and he'd like to keep it that way.
Zuri is almost attached to Asra at the hip. He hung the moon as far as she's concerned. Julian scared the absolute fuck out her that night he broke in, poor girl was in tears, and it takes a lot of apologies and him very carefully avoiding her personal space before she feels comfortable with him. They do become friends, but he still does 99% of the talking and makes her jump if he gets too loud. Nadia intimidates her, but she also really looks up to her and wishes she could be more like her. She thinks Portia is a lot of fun, and she really enjoys the sweets she makes and playing with Pepi. She actually gets along very well with Muriel, if only because neither of them really like people and they can both sit in total silence together for hours and not feel awkward. And Lucio is the only person she can say that she has ever really, truly hated. She hopes he suffers like he caused the people she loves to suffer.
36. What was their relationship with their aunt like? With the rest of their family?
Ximena had a fantastic relationship with her aunt Angelina. She and her parents made the trip from Zadith every summer to stay in Vesuvia at the shop, and it was her dad and Aunt Angie who taught her magic. (Angelina was all about green magic, Nazir was more into the abstract.) It was her mom who taught her how to paint, and she picked up quite a bit of her mom's...unique fashion sense. She does remember and reconnect with her family post-main story.
Lilith does not remember her family, and does not care to. Whoever she was before is dead, and she wants nothing to do with the ghosts.
Zuri was raised by her aunt after the rest of her family died in a fire when she was four. She loved her aunt very much, and she was a very gentle and patient person. She was also one of the first people to die of the red plague, and her death was the thing that made Zuri determined to stay and help find a cure. She doesn't ever remember this herself, but Asra does eventually tell her when she asks. It doesn't give her a terrible headache, and he shows her where their graves are. She starts leaving flowers every month.
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w3iyingg · 2 years
Projet 1: Language of the street
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24'' x 36'' poster
Starting off with the pictures that I have chosen between the countless ones that I had taken on my way to school, I think that some of the places are recognisable if the viewer takes the bus or metro frequently. What I wanted to illustrate using this commercial area is the calm yet busy atmosphere around Cote-Vertu. We can still manage to find an organized order in between the messy brands. I also added poles, creating an illusion that there is a focal point when it’s not really apparent. The main colors in my work were red, yellow, shades of grey, and black. Whenever I wanted to put an element in emphasis, I would use the color red, making it look bright and shiny, as if it was surrounded by neon light. I used repetitions to put emphasis on the “OUVERT” panel which means “OPEN” in French. I like how this technique adds an effect of importance to the element. At first sight, it is difficult to tell what the panels are, and they are just a bunch of red neon light objects. This is the result that I wanted to obtain. The viewers get confused when they see that main aspect of the design, and there is a thought processing instead of the viewers taking one glance then moving on with it. Additionally, I played with the proportions of the different words, icons or logos. For example, the number 907 is bigger than some other elements such as the words THE au lait and depanneurs. I also included only the words “Canada post” and not the shape of a mailbox. Furthermore, I think the main principle that I used is repetition, which can be seen in many places, such as depanneurs written twice, the poles, the “OUVERT” panels.
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You by no means have to answer all of these, there's a lot of em
2. is your room messy or clean?
3. what color are your eyes?
4. do you like your name? why?
13. any siblings?
14. if you can live anywhere in the world where would it be? why?
18. favorite tv show?
20. how tall are you?
27. do you have a job? what do you do? 
33. favorite actor? 
36. favorite movie? 
37. do you read a lot? whats your favorite book? 
39. do you have a nickname? what is it? 
40. how many times have you been to the hospital?
41. top 10 favorite songs
49. what was the last compliment you received?
50. what was the last text you sent?
do you go to college? 
55. what is your dream job? 
59. do you smile for pictures?
67. what are your hobbies?
69. do you play an instrument?
70. what was the last concert you saw? 
77. do you miss anyone right now? 
85. what shirt are you wearing? 
86. what is your phone background?
94. favorite lyrics right now
95. summer or winter? 
96. day or night? 
97. dark, milk, or white chocolate? 
98. favorite month? 
2. very, very messy
3. green
4. I'm not a huge fan, but I think that comes with the whole 'being not cisgender'
13. I have a brother who's 5 years older than me
14. hmmm, I'd go with Ontario. It's got a climate I'm used to (I'm from Michigan), and a higher quality of life than the US
18. It's between GF, Amphibia, TOH, and ATLA
20. 5'10"
27. I work part-time at a local ice cream parlor
33. Robin Williams. He was a gem in every single movie he appeared in
36. Mulan, I still can't figure out if it's because of the trans metaphor or the banger songs
37. I don't read nearly as much as I used to, but I still read quite a bit (mostly AO3), I would have to say my favorite book is The Heroes of Olympus: House of Hades. I just think Percy's arc in that book is really interesting to read
39. Well, my main blog (dabouse) is actually a nickname that some of my friends use for me at school. It comes from my last name, but (obviously) I'm not telling more
40. as a patient? only 2 times, I was born premature, so I spent a while there, then I had 3rd degree burns on my hands when I was 18 months old. As a visitor? more times than I care to count
41. (least to most favorite) Don't Stop Me Now, Piano Man, The Last Midnight, Shostakovich Cello Concerto, Bohemian Rhapsody, Defying Gravity, Bach Cello suite in G, For Good, Dvorak Symphony 9, Elgar Cello Concerto (In case it's not obvious, I am a classical music nerd, and a theatre kid)
49. uhh, idk, probably someone telling me how 'great' I am at cello or something
50. "Did you figure out something for dinner? I'm at Sam's Club" To my father, about an hour ago
54. I am not currently going to college, but I hope to after I graduate HS
55. Music and Math teacher, hence why I chose Google Classroom for the gimmick blog
59. yes
67. Playing my cello, reading, video games, and playing piano
69. Yes, I have played Cello since I was in 2nd grade, so almost 10 years now. I started playing double bass in 8th grade, and I started on piano back this February. Not to brag, but I think I'm pretty good at Cello
70. I saw a performance of the Carmina Burana by Carl Orff about a week ago
77. I miss my grandmother, who passed away August of '22
85. My HS Theatre Department shirt
86. a picture of my doggo
94. from You Didn't Know, "If Hell is forever then Heaven must be a lie/If angels can do whatever, and remain in the sky/The rules are shades of gray when you don't do as you say/When you make the wretched suffer just to kill them again
95. Winter. Sure, driving's a pain, but I don't exactly appreciate 90 degree weather either. It's much easier to put on more layers than it is to take off.
96. Night. The sun is bright
97. Dark chocolate
98. November, it's getting to be cold, which is nice, but there isn't 3 feet of snow yet.
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wqbytop100 · 16 days
TOP 100 for the week ending May 19, 2024
Lighter --Galantis, David Guetta, 5 Seconds of Summer -1
End Of Time --Lucas & Steve, LAWRENT, Jordan Shaw -92
Sleep Tonight (This Is The Life) --Switch Disco, R3HAB, Sam Feldt -2
Love & Pain --Enrique Iglesias -3
Buscando Money --Twenty Six, Tayson Kryss -7
Eyes Closed --Imagine Dragons -11
Beat of your Love --Ownboss, LAWRENT, Ekko -5
One, Two & 3--Galantis -22
Fallin Luv -Gordo, Jeria -8
What If We Met --Ali Gatie -4
Jet Plane --R3HAB, VIZE, JP Cooper -6
Kissing Strangers --USHER -12
Weight of the World --Bonnie X Clyde -9
Heaven Or Not --Diplo, Riva Starr, Kareem Lomax -10
***Lovers in a Past Life --Calvin Harris, Rag'N'Bone Man -(new)
Low Again --BAKERMAT -17
***I Had Some Help --Post Malone, Morgan Wallen -(new)
Make Me Your Mrs. --Mae Stephens -
When I Wake Up --Lucas & Steve, Skinny Days -20
Hell Together --David Archuleta -21
Addicted --Zerb, The Chainsmokers feat/INK -23
Without You --Disco Fries, Lavish Life -19
Underwater --DubVision, Afrojack -34
Glad I Found You --Elderbrook, George Fitzgerald -29
Reckless Child --Milky Chance -16
We Ain't Good At Breaking Up --Brothers Osborne -37
Take A Moment --ATB, David Frank -32
The Moves --NEIKED, Muni-Long, Nile Rodgers -28
Young & Foolish --Loud Luxury, Charlieonafriday -14
Outlaw Love --Brooke Eden (Dave Aude Remix) -18
Monster --A7S, ALOK -27
Enhancer --Northeast Party House -60
Before You Go --Seeb -15
Electricity --Fast Boy, R3HAB -26
Anthem --Diplo, Shram, Pony -24
Feel This Way --Victoria Nadine, R3HAB -25
The Afterhours --Kyle Watson -30
My Body --Illusionize, Y&M -33
Houdini --Dua Lipa -35
Lil Tune --Gus Dapperton, Electric Guest -41
Lonely Dancer --Conan Gray -39
Undone --Forest Blakk -59
One On One --Robin Schulz, Oaks, Topic -36
Nothing Ever Changes --Vintage Culture, MAGNUS -61
Loose Ends --Lucas Estrada, Syn Cole -48
Level Up --Wolfgang Gartner, Scrufizzer -55
Don't You Cry --Sunday Scaries, Discrete -45
Slide Out --Life On Planets -38
Never Be Friends --Jost, Minogue -42
My Favorite Drug --Justin Timberlake -62
She's On My Mind --Romy -43
Waterslides --Tiesto, Rudimental, Absolutely -40
Cutting Loose --Disco Lines, J. Worra, Anabel Englund -44
Love Me --INNA -47
Willing To Let You Go --Diplo, Anella Herim, Abby Anderson -120
Shadow --Trixie Mattel -69
Never Ending Song --Conan Gray -66
Wish I Never Felt --Nate Smith -68
Fantasy --Cosmo's Midnight, frank Moody -65
Yellow --Jxdn -70
***No Shade at Pitti --The Chainsmokers -(new)
Don't Look Down --Lucas Estrada, James TW, SUPER Hi -96
Soultrain --Tripolism, Nandu, Radeckt -79
***Forgive Me (LIVE) --ODESZA, izzy Bizu -(new)
Wake Up --Young Franco, Master Peace -93
Stereo --Two Colors, Roe Byrne -95
***God Don't Leave Me Alone --Gioli & Assia -(new)
Save You A Seat --Alex Warren -31
***Last Night --LOOFY -(new)
Eat The Bass --John Summit -63
***Make You Mine --Madison Beer -(new)
***Weatherman --Zach Hood -(new)
Whatever --KYGO, Ava Max -99
***Wake Up ---Skylar Blatt feat/ Chris Brown -(new)
Animal --R3HAB, Jason Derulo -78
Illusion --Dua Lipa -76
Home --CamelPhatt, RHODE (Vintage Culture Remix -51
***Disconnect --Becky Hill, Chase & Statis (Tiesto Remix) -(new)
***Messy Little Happiness --Jany Losey -(new) >>>
Anyone --Morgan Page -53
Dance Alone --SIA feat/Kylie Minogue -91
Why Should I --Z3LLA -94
Better Me --Michael Schulte, R3HAB -98
Regret The Morning --SILK, Mali-Koa -97
In Your Arms --Jess Bays, Jem Cooke -56
Come With Me --Claptone -49
Murder On the Dancefloor --Sophie Ellis-Bextor -58
Monster --Don Diablo, Felix Jaehn -50
***Without You --Felix Jaehn, Jasmine Thompson -(new)
The Weekend --Anit-Up -73
Good As It Gets --Blanco Brown -77
Kettle's Up --Mahmut Orhan, Axelax, Botin -87
Weak --Vintage Culture, Mavereick Sabre, Tom Breu -82 >>>
Dirty Desire --Vicetone -83 >>>
Karma --JoJo Siwa -71 >>>
Public --Mike. -46 >>>
Mas Que Nada --Oliver Heldens, Ian Asher, Sergio Mendez -52 >>>
***America --Charlie Crockett -(new)
Outside Of Love --Becky Hill -100
***Give It To Me Good --SIDEPIECE, Disco Lines -(new)
14 New***This week >>> 6off next week #15 Lovers In A Past Life #17 I Had Some Help #61 No Shade At Pitti #64 Forgive Me #67 God Don't Leave Me Alone #69 Last Night #71 Make You Mine #72 Weatherman #74 Wake Up #78 Disconnect #79 Messy Little Happiness #89 Without You #98 America #100 Give It To Me Good
0 notes
dybalassunshine · 11 months
Part III
36 shades of Messi <3
25. Happy Messi :)
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25. Messi in his natural habitat
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26. Messi being smol
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27. Angry Messi
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28. The only right way to hug Messi
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29. Messi in beanies
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30. This little shit...
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31. Mans has the best quotes :)
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32. Virgin Messi
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33. Clutchessi
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34. Messi the bird whisperer
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35. Barca Messi </3
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36. "el dios del futbol"
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sharktholomew · 5 months
Hiii! For that ask game you rbed a bit ago :3c. 11, 13, 15, 17, 22, 23, 26, 29, 30, 31, 36. That's a lot hehe enjoy!!! ~ 💜 💋 Nikki
11. what do you consider to be romance?
A lot of things tbh. Like sharing songs you like can be romance. Infodumping too. Idk.
13. what are you doing right now?
Laying in bed 👍
15. what do you think of when you hear the word "home"?
Comfy blankets, warm food, and loved ones.
17. name 3 things that make you happy
My partners, music, sea creatures
22. say 3 things about someone you love
For Andi and Kalison: Nice, funny, talented
23. say 3 things about someone you hate
Uhhhh. Idk. I don't hate much of anyone except my dad. But I don't know what to say about him.
26. fave color and why?
Any shade of green or blue. Good colors 👍
29. what do you do when you're sad?
Listen to music and walk around aimlessly.
30. what's one thing that never fails to make you happy/happier?
My partners.
31. are you messy or organized?
Depends on the day and how I'm feeling. Sometimes I mess up some stuff and don't feel like organizing it for a while.
36. are you an open book or do you have walls up?
This also depends. Though I usually have walls up.
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starryoong · 1 year
|— ୨|୧ [ get to know me tag ] ୨|୧ —|
tagged by @bbyquokka (thank you !!) ‹3
1. Birthday?
October 16th!
2. Favorite color?
green and brown, especially sage/olive shades and a good earthy brown... mmm yes
3. How tall are you?
164cm (again, shut up snowy, I will jump up and bite your ass.)
4. How many pair of shoes to you own?
hmm, three? a pair of trainers, a pair of winter ish boots and my trusty pair of slippers.
5. Favorite song?
I always answer these with my current one, so Treacherous (Taylor's version) by Taylor Swift! One of my two favourites by her.
6. Favorite movie?
I honestly don't know? I haven't watched a movie in so long because my attention span goes feral.
7. Who would be your ideal partner?
someone who would challenge me, but still be a comfort place. I'm gonna be real sappy and say that Binnie would fit the role..
8. Do you want children?
nope, I've never wanted them ever since I was a wee kindergartener. It's just never been something I've wanted?
9. Have you gotten in trouble with the law?
10. What color socks are you wearing?
grey wool socks with little black moose on them hihi
11. Favorite type of music?
My favourites are definitely indie (especially scottish indie, take Vansleep for example, my beloved) and generally I find myself leaning more into anything that has solid rhythm sections, especially bass lines. There's just something about a bangin bass line, man..
12. How many pillows do you sleep with?
Usually one, but since I tend to move a lot, I fold it so it's double if it's not the right™️ height haha.
13. What position do you sleep in?
99% of the time I end up on my stomach with one of my legs up in some angle. Yes, I am aware that I'm very attractive.
14. What don’t you like when you’re sleeping?
I get so fucking stressed if there's movement or blinking lights around me when I'm trying to relax.
15. Have you tried archery?
no, but I wish!
16. Favorite fruit?
peaches <3
17. Are you a good liar?
depends? I don't like lying, but I also don't get the point in being brutally honest all the time if it's a taste thing and it doesn't really matter? Idk
18. What’s your personality type?
INFJ-T (twinning with bestie Aragorn hihi)
19. Innie or outie?
20. Left or right handed?
21. Favorite food?
I like sushi and taco a completely normal amount. I vibe with food as long as it's not too spicy or hot (temperature-wise) and the textures are right™️
22. Favorite foreign food?
Sushi and taco, hehe
23. Are you clean or messy?
Usually? A very clean person. I love cleaning and tidying as it calms my anxiety, but when I hit my depressive episodes? Yeah, you can easily spot it from the state of my apartment.
24. Most used phrase?
25. How long does it take you to get ready?
usually like 5-15 minutes?
26. Do you talk to yourself?
not really? not unless I'm really scared and have to physically remind myself of my checklists etc
27. Do you sing to yourself?
all the time.
28. Are you a good singer?
idk? I used to sing in choirs and weekly one-on-one training from 4/5 to 16, but I'm pretty rusty these days. I have a goal to join a choir again this year 🤞🏻
29. Biggest fear?
two potentially very triggering topics that I'm not gonna air out on the internet. oh and also eels. cannot stand the fuckers.
30. Are you a gossip?
oh god, I hate gossip culture so much. I come from a town where everybody knows everybody and I hate it.
31. Long or short hair?
32. Favorite school subject?
norwegian, english and psychology
33. Extrovert or introvert?
a massive introvert ;-;
34. What make you nervous?
anything involving people. the fact that I am an adult supposedly able to take care of myself when I feel like a traumatised eight-year-old still.
35. Who was your first crush?
I didn't really do crushes, but I remember wanting to be paul waaktaar-savoy so bad
36. How many piercings do you have?
none right now! I've had my nostrill, septum, vertical medusa, medusa, smiley and earlobes pierced before, but I took them all out to heal last year. I wanna start fresh this year, bridge and some ear piercings are on the list.
37. How many tattoos do you have?
I've genuinely lost count.. A lot <3
38. How fast can you run?
very slowly.
39. What color is your hair?
a weird mix of semi-blonde, brown and my natural brown-blonde-grey ish colour.. idk man.
40. What color are your eyes?
41. What makes you angry?
mostly societal injustice. atm, I'm fucking fuming at the national healthcare system in my own country for refusing to offer non-binary folks help because we're not "trans enough".
42. Do you like your name?
I feel disconnected from both my deadname and my new name. Slowly unpacking that with my therapist. Starry feels more like a safe space though.
43. Do you want a boy to girl as a child?
I don't want children, but if I were to have one - it would honestly not matter. I would try to treat them as genderlessly as I could until they could choose for themselves, so it genuinely doesn't matter.
44. What are your strengths?
right now, I don't feel like I have any tbh. but normally, I think I try my best to make people feel seen and heard?
45. What are your weaknesses?
we're not gonna open that door right now
46. What’s the color of your bedspread?
white with brown/red lines
47. What’s the color of your room?
where I am now, white. in my apartment, light grey.
I'm too tired to tag anyone right now, but feel free to say I tagged you if you want to do this! 🫶🏻
0 notes
kitchentrends5 · 2 years
What is the Kitchen Trend for 2023?
The kitchen is a multifunctional space that can be used as a social area, a place for a family dinner, or a storage area for pantry supplies. The layout and inventiveness of the elements in the kitchen can be key to creating a multi-functional space. Incorporating these innovative design ideas can help you refine and remodel your interior.
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Open shelving
With so many design ideas popping up, the question of what will become the most popular Kitchen Design Trends 2023 is a big one. Open shelving is a popular kitchen style, but there are some things you should consider. For starters, open shelving can be cluttered and messy, and after all, who wants a messy kitchen? Open shelves can also be a great way to display your favorite cookware.
Open shelves do not have to be deep to work. Open shelving can also be incorporated into backsplash designs. For example, tin tiles are available in 24 inch panels that are the perfect height for open shelves. When choosing backsplash materials, keep in mind the durability of the material you're going to use. If you're looking for a more consistent look, use clear lines. A pattern like Pattern #36 or 19 will provide a seamless look. In addition to open shelving, consider the use of natural wood.
Although open shelving is a popular kitchen design trend for 2023, you should also be aware that there are many disadvantages to open shelving. First of all, it is difficult to clean the shelves with everything on display. Plus, it puts everything within reach, which can result in broken glass.
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Wallpaper is one of the most popular ways to decorate a kitchen. It adds texture and color to the space while also breaking up hard surfaces. Kitchen wallpaper can be found in a variety of colors and patterns to suit different tastes and kitchen styles. The trend for kitchen wallpaper in 2023 emphasizes originality and simplicity.
White wallpaper is a great choice for the kitchen because it can brighten up the room and make it feel more spacious. It also makes cleaning easier. Just make sure to pick a washable type of wallpaper. There are several shades of white, and the most relevant ones for the kitchen in 2023 are ivory, snow, and vanilla.
Wallpaper with patterns of waves is one of the popular designs for 2023. There are several options for creating wave wallpaper, which is a trend that you can develop yourself. Try drawing waves on paper or tracing them onto the wall. You can also create your own wave pattern by replacing thin lines with wide stripes and developing a gradient color transition.
Tin tile backsplash
If you're looking to add a bit of character and dimension to your kitchen, you should consider a tin tile backsplash. The versatility of tin tiles makes them ideal for incorporating into your kitchen design. Plus, it is one of the easiest ways to update your kitchen design.
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For a natural look, try a tin tile backsplash in shades of green. The color can be vibrant or subdued, depending on your personal taste. Warm neutrals are also a good choice. Tin tile backsplashes are also available in vivid hues, soft pastels, or blue. You can also try a more modern color palette and layer in a metallic accent.
Another kitchen trend for 2023 is a concrete countertop. This material is easy to clean and maintain and will add a modern touch to your kitchen. It is also less likely to show fingerprints and stains. It is a popular choice for people who are looking for an industrial look in their kitchen. In addition, mixing different materials is another trend for kitchen design in 2023.
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stella-ephemeral · 2 years
stay - drunk gojo fluff
here it is @cupidoll! m sorry it took so long :(
friends to lovers type beat with a very affectionate (and honest) drunk gojo
enjoy! <3
you woke from your peaceful slumber abruptly, the repetitive chime of your doorbell unceasing. you groan loudly, flopping over in frustration. you try to ignore it, stuffing your head under a pillow angrily. the ringing doesn’t stop, you toss the pillow harshly against the wall, pinching your eyes shut. “i’m coming!” you yell, forced from the comfort of your blankets.
you clamber out of bed, stomping loudly towards the front door. you throw it open, already glaring at whatever interrupted your beauty rest. you're greeted by a familiarly tall figure, dishevelled white hair falling in front of bright blue eyes, a blushy nose and matching cheeks.
he startles for a moment, but a giddy smile creeps onto his features at the sight of your little pj shorts and messy hair. “sorry," he mumbles, "i knew you might be mad,” your expression softened at his voice, he was being so soft, as if he were trying not to wake you any further. too late, you thought.
you rub at your eyes, blinking blearily at a drunk gojo. “the hell do you want at—” you paused, leaning back to look at the time on the microwave. “—2:36 am?” he grins foolishly at you. “geto suggested we grab a drink, and the bar wasn’t too far from your house, so i thought i’d just crash here and keep you company.”
you simply sigh, too tired to react any other way besides grabbing his sleeve and tugging him inside. after re-closing the door and locking it, you looked up at gojo, not realizing how close he was, his face was mere inches from yours as he smiled sheepishly down at you.
“hi.” he said, his cheeks a light shade of crimson. “go get in bed, idiot.” you grumble; he smiles, leaning down to kiss your forehead affectionately, “’kay.” you sigh again, mentally kicking yourself as you shut the door.
you really wish the action didn’t have as much of an effect on you as it did. it was only a friendly thing, you tried to tell yourself. he had always just been a little more affectionate with you than other people, but that was perfectly normal, he probably was just grateful for all the times you cared for him. you glance behind you to make sure he’d gone to the right room. while this wasn’t a common occurrence, it wasn’t anything to cause concern.
geto liked to drag gojo out to drink with him, and gojo liked to forget how low his tolerance was. he'd been to your apartment an innumerable amount of times before, which is why you simply referred to your bed as “bed”, as if it were a communal space.
when he showed up here unannounced and drunk, you let him sleep in your bed. you felt bad making him sleep on the couch, even if it was your house, and he was the one barging in. he would whine the next day about how he felt guilty for putting you out, and how you should be more stern with him.
but honestly, when you went to check on him in the mornings and found him curled around your pillows, face shoved into them as he breathed deeply, you couldn’t bring yourself to take that away from him. ultimately, of course, he'd thank you for taking such good care of him and seal it with a kiss on the forehead.
you went to the kitchen, gathering some things to hopefully ease tomorrow’s hangover. your heart hurt when you thought about how he really only relied on you as a friend, and probably always would; nothing more.
though, as sad as it may seem, you’d take that, if that was all he was willing to offer. even a friendly type of closeness is better than no closeness at all, you told yourself. when you had finally grabbed everything, you headed back to your bedroom.
you found him in the usual position, legs drawn up and curled around the pillow he clung to. the big man seemed very kitten-like at times like these. he peeked one eye open when he heard you set the water glass down, smiling at you from behind the plush fabric. “c’mere," you encouraged, "take this for me.”
you showed him the pill in your hand, gesturing for him to sit up. he pouted, grip tightening on the pillow. “but your pillows smell nice; like you. don’t wanna get up.” your expression deadpanned, your patience for gojo nonsense shorter than usual, considering the time.
“no arguments, this’ll make you feel better.” you scolded. he huffed, but slowly pushed himself up, scrambling over to you to take the medicine. once he had finished, you took the glass from him, turning to set it back down. you froze when you felt long arms slide around your waist, establishing a firm hold on you.
your breath hitched in your throat as he rested his chin on your shoulder, suddenly very aware of the closeness between the two of you. “thank you.” he said quietly, closing his eyes. “love you.” at this point, you had frozen completely. “okay, toru, time for bed.”
you laughed, hurt threatening to seep through your joking tone. you were certain he wasn’t even aware of what comments such as those did to you. he opened his eyes, brows furrowing in frustration. “you’re not listenin’ to me, sweetheart,”
his voice was surprisingly steady, considering how much he had drunk. “i love you.” he mumbled against your shoulder, pressing a sweet kiss to the spot, making your heart thud wildly in your chest. there was a slight slur, it would seem he had used up all his vocal composure on the last sentence.
his voice sounded vulnerable now, in a way you hadn’t heard it before. you would believe him, but he was wasted, and you knew you couldn’t really take anything he said as fact. you allowed yourself, just this once, to lean back into his touch.
he took this opportunity to nuzzle into the crook of your neck. “you probably won’t remember any of this, so,” you said softly, turning to kiss the side of his head. “i love you too.” he looked up at you, eyes wide. you laughed, gently unlatching his arms from you.
“all right now, lay back down for me.” he obeyed happily, a dazed smile overtaking his features. you brushed some hair away from his eyes, leaning over to kiss his forehead. “night, toru.” you whispered before clicking off the lamp and standing to leave.
his hand grabbed at your wrist before you had the chance. he looked so small, peering up at you like that. “stay.” he pleaded quietly, your heart squeezing at the gesture. you knew that if he woke up in the morning with no memory and discomfited to find himself sleeping near you, you'd be mortified with yourself.
but you also knew that there was no way you could leave him like this, not now that his bottom lip was wobbling and his grip on your wrist tightened. "'nt leave me," he said, his shaky voice barely above a whisper and cracking slightly.
you sighed with a smile, sitting down next to him on the bed. you put a thumb on his bottom lip, rubbing it softly. "what's this for, hm?" he leaned into your touch, laying his head on your thigh. "don't want you to leave, ever." he said, a look of determination on his face that, if he wasn't drunk, would have been rather intimidating. you smiled.
"okay, toru, i won't."
bonus scene :))
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bloom-bloom-pow · 3 years
[08:36] kim sunoo
[08:36] running your fingers through bf! sunoo's hair, he asks you to style his messy hair. smiling as he wraps his hand around your waist and pulls you in closer to him, he breathes your beauty in and gazes into your eyes. whispering that he loves you for the first time into your ear, you're glad he can't see your cheeks turn a pretty shade of pink.
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