#3 n a half hrs total!
motherboardmania · 5 months
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"that must've been some cave!"
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restlessmaknae · 1 month
crush into you // myung jaehyun
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When you literally crush into Jaehyun on your way to an interview, the boy manages to spill iced coffee on your blouse. That's how you end up wearing his own blazer to the interview to cover up the spot, and the rest is history.
➳ Characters: uni student!Jaehyun x uni student!female reader/you
➳ Genre: meet cute, slice of life, uni au, fluff
➳ Words: 3k
➳ Warning: mentions of foods
➳ A/N: This story had the second most votes in my recent poll, so here it is. I'm really enjoying their comeback, so it was very easy to write a story about Jaehyun. I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it! ❤️
➳ Taglist: @s00buwu, @dat-town
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Your days were carefully planned out with written to-do lists, calendar apps filling up your phone, and multiple scenarios made up with every plan that you might have. Just like today when you were about to go to an assessment centre as part of a job interview: a 3-hour selection process with an hour of group work, an hour of one-on-one interview with the hiring manager alongside an HR specialist and an hour for individual tests. You planned out when to leave the flat, when to get on the bus, which bus to take in case you didn’t manage to get on the exact bus you wanted and when you could possibly leave your neighbourhood the latest in order to still get to the company in time.
Myung Jaehyun’s days, on the other hand, were a hot mess. He was frequently running late from classes, group work meet-ups and dance practices, high on adrenaline and energy drinks. No one blamed him because the moment he flashed a smile, it was game over for them. Taesan might have given him a bombastic side eye for such a comment, but it was rare that anyone really reprimanded Jaehyun for being a bit too hyper, a bit too all over the place and a bit of a kid at times.
So when you literally crushed into him as you turned a corner towards the company and he was running around with his iced coffee in hand, trying not to be late from a class, on his part, the collision wasn’t that unexpected.
On your part though, it totally was.
“Oh my gosh, I’m so so sorry,” the boy exclaimed first things first just at the same time as you started apologising to him, but when you felt an odd cold sensation around your abdominal area, you immediately looked down at your white blouse, your lips parting in disbelief.
“Oh nooo,” you pouted, looking at the brownish spot on your white blouse caused by his coffee, multiple scenarios crossing your head as to how to fix this. You didn’t have enough time to go back to your flat to change, you weren’t familiar with the area, so you didn’t know whether they had a clothes shop around, and you didn’t know whether trying to get the stain out would only make it worse and the spot more noticeable or not.
“Oh. My. Gosh. I’m so… very… sorry,” the stranger reacted more dramatically than you would have thought so, all wide eyes and exasperated expression tinting his otherwise boyish features, messy jet-black locks falling into his eyes. As opposed to your business casual style - white blouse with black cotton pants and high-heeled sandals -, he looked more like a sophisticated yet fashionable guy around campus with his burgundy sports shoes, leather pants, a simple white tee, a black blazer and multiple accessories crowning the look from rings on his fingers to necklaces gracing his skin. You couldn’t have looked any different at that moment.
“I’ll make it up, I promise. Are you in a hurry, are you heading somewhere?” He asked nevertheless, his puppy eyes also in contrast to his whole appearance.
“Well, yeah, I’m going for a job interview. I’ll have to be there in 15 minutes, and it’s still like a 5-minute walk from here.”
“Oh no, that’s not good,” he shook his head, and with the hand that didn’t hold the half-empty cup of the rest of his coffee, he scratched the back of his neck. He bit down on his lower lip, clearly in deep contemplation, and you were about to end this whole conversation when his actions made you freeze on the spot. In a whirlwind moment of events, he threw his cup into a nearby trash can, got a tissue out of his pocket to clean his hand that the coffee also spilled onto and slid the blazer off himself to reach it out to you. “Here, take this. It might be a bit big on you, but it will cover up the spot nicely, and I think it will go well with your outfit.”
“Please, take it. I don’t really know what else to do right now, and you have a job interview in 15 minutes, and I’m terribly sorry, and I don’t want you to mess it up because of me. So it might be worth a try? I don’t know, I just…” The boy kept talking on and on, his voice cheery yet also filled with guilt, and seeing his puppy eyes shining with genuine care, you didn’t have the heart to say no. What could possibly go wrong about trying it on either way?
“I was about to say that it’s actually a pretty smart idea,” you pointed out as you reached out for the blazer, and the boy’s face lit up fully when you complimented him. He flashed you a wide, toothy grin, his smile pushing his lips closer to his eyes, so much that his eyes almost disappeared while he was smiling at you.
The boy even offered to hold your bag while you put the blazer on, and since it had two buttons on the bottom, it allowed you to fully cover up the spot as if it had never been there. He was right though, it was big on you, but oversized was in fashion these days, right?
“Oh my gosh, it really does fit you,” he pointed it out in a similarly excited manner as before, and you smiled back at him, forgetting for a moment why you had even been wearing his clothes. Just for a moment though, you were back to your planning self within a second.
“Thanks for your help, but I really need to go now. Would you give me your number, so I can give it back to you later on?”
“Yeah, yeah, sure,” he said as he fished his phone out of his pocket to exchange contacts with you. As you locked your screen after saving his number, you looked up at him, into his shining jet-black orbs, and for a moment, you didn’t know what to say. Gosh, your days were always so planned out, plan Bs and Cs tucked into your mind with every scenario that you could imagine, yet this, this was exactly the kind of thing you could not prepare yourself for. No wonder you were awfully unprepared for what to say.
Luckily, he was the one who woke up from his stupor first as he announced:
“Let me know how the interview goes. Good luck! You’ve got this!” He cheered you on as he threw his balled fists into the air, and off he went, the picture of his wide, toothy smile and his shining eyes difficult to forget even if you had more important things to concentrate on.
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You agreed on meeting at a café a few days later. Those few days were enough for you to wash and dry clean the blazer, and to get a gift bag, so you could give it back to the boy (Jaehyun based on his KKT ID) in a presentable manner. You were supposed to be early for your agreed meet-up as you made your way to the café 10 minutes earlier, but you already found Jaehyun sitting at a corner table, scrolling through his phone and occasionally laughing out loud at whatever he was watching.
Jaehyun was not supposed to be early for your agreed meet-up, but given your well-prepared state the last time you had met, he started wondering where you could be at 15:15 when he had thrown himself into the café, totally panicked that you must have already been sitting there. Only to realise upon checking your messages with you that you had actually agreed on meeting at 15:30, meaning that he was actually 15 minutes early, not 15 minutes late. Not too bad for someone like him though.
So when you walked up to him and your voice dragged him out of his mindless scrolling, he flashed a wide smile at you, the one that had been engraved into your memories since your first encounter.
“Hey! Have you been waiting for a long time?” You inquired curiously as you hopped down on the chair on the opposite side of the table. Jaehyun let out a semi-embarrassed chuckle, one that made you furrow your eyebrows in question, although the smile was still playing on your lips.
“Well, that’s a funny story,” he started with a scratch on his neck before he continued with the story. “I thought… no, I was convinced that we were supposed to meet at 15:00, and so, I was fashionably late as usual. You know how I said that I’m usually late, but I’ll try my best to come on time. When I didn’t see you here at 15:15 when I got here, I checked our conversation on KKT, and it turns out we were supposed to meet at 15:30, so I was 15 minutes early.”
“Oh my gosh,” you couldn’t hold back your laughter as you were listening to his explanation, and the way he told the story made everything ten times funnier. He used wide hand gestures while speaking, and he played with his tone to deliver the parts of the story even more clearly. The boy laughed at himself too, so it didn’t feel weird laughing at his antics, something so unlike yours.
After pulling yourself together, you gave him the bag with the clean blazer, yet, he insisted that you shouldn’t have cleaned it yourself and bought a gift bag for him in which you delivered it. Hearing that, you insisted that crushing into him was partly your fault, and he did save you from having to sit though the 3-hour selection process with a visible coffee-stain on your blouse, so this was the least you could do. Plus, even though you didn’t say it out loud, you found it cute how he had asked about your interview afterwards on KKT (what position it was for, what company it was and how it went), and how delighted he had been when you had told him that you think you had done well. He had sent some encouraging memes in return (like the kid with his balled fists and a determined face), and just the thought that pretty much a stranger like him could be so happy and cheer you on eased your frazzled nerves post-interview.
You ordered your drinks while he was asking about your days and how you had been since you had last met. That’s when your phone buzzed, and seeing the company’s name on the screen that you had interviewed for, you immediately reached for it. Swiftly, you unlocked your screen and opened the message, only to let out a little bit of a squeal when you saw that you had gotten in.
“Oh my god, what is it?” Jaehyun asked, and his confusion was written all over his features when you looked up from your phone.
“I’ve got the internship! I’ve got in!”
Immediately, the boy’s features softened, and his lips pulled into a genuine, wide smile that could outdo the sun, his jet-black orbs twinkling with joy.
“Wow, congrats! That’s so cool!” He beamed, practically as excited as you, and clapped his hands enthusiastically. You could see from the corner of your eyes that you got some stares from the people nearby, but you couldn’t care less in your state. Finally, you landed an internship offer! “It’s totally the blazer’s doing though,” Jaehyun added cheekily, his smile turning into a crooked, almost cocky one.
“Yeah, totally, me and your emotional support blazer against the world,” you replied in a similarly teasing tone, and let out a laugh at the same time as the boy did. Gosh, who would have thought that you would meet him for the first time on the day you interviewed for the company, and you would meet him again when you were notified of your result?
Maybe he was really your lucky charm.
“You gotta celebrate though. Let’s order cake! I think I saw some cakes on the menu, and before you object, it’s on me,” the boy announced matter-of-factly, and grabbed a menu from a nearby empty table. You shook your head, seeing his pumped up state, since you couldn’t believe that he was so supportive of you. After all, you had barely met a week ago, and still, he acted as if you had always known each other, and it warmed your heart.
In the end, you did order some cakes (and you let Jaehyun pay for them), and while you were munching on them, you talked… and talked… and talked some more since it seemed that you could never run out of things to share. First and foremost, Jaehyun always had a story to share - mostly chaotic, yet partly cute ones -, and even if he didn’t, he always asked about your side, and it was just so easy to talk to him. Usually, you needed some time to open up to people, but he made talking to him feel so easy, so light, so comfortable.
Your favourite was when he insisted that he looked like a wolf, and pouted when you agreed with all his friends who said that he looked more like a puppy. When you added that if not a puppy, you saw him as a bunny, he perked up because that was the first time he heard about it. Never have you ever thought that a boy like him could get so specific about the animal he resembled, but you let him talk about it all he wanted to see those eyes shining so bright, to see that smile stretching so wide.
You packed up only when the waitress came by to tell you that you were nearing closing hours, and if that wasn’t a sign that you did lose track of time beside him, you had no idea what could indicate it more that beside him, you wanted to stop time, not wait for it to go by faster.
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You had one crush in your whole life, and that had been when you had been 12, and the new kid had entered your class, and he had sat beside you. Said kid had turned out to be a total nutcase when he had opened his mouth, and you had officially dropped your crush 3 weeks into the new school year, and ever since then, you had never felt butterflies in your stomach, let alone declare your love for someone.
Until him.
Jaehyun had too many crushes in his life to count. His heart was just as erratic as his life, and it’s not that he was playing with others’ feelings, it’s more like he had too much love and joy to give others, but they didn’t always appreciate it. He fell in love easily, only to have his heart broken even more easily because his crushes had never liked him back.
Until you.
At first, you didn’t know if he felt the same way because he seemed so casual, you found it hard to believe that he could see you as more than a friend.
At first, he didn’t know if you felt the same way because you seemed so cool, so put together, he found it hard to believe that you could see him as more than a friend with his very different (and very chaotic) self.
Then, you started picking up on the signs: the way he showed you his dance practice routines to ask for your opinion when it was just the two of you at the dance studio he attended; the way he was ever so oblivious to the barista girl at a café because he only had eyes for you; the way he always asked about your day on KKT and sent memes to match your mood; the way he remembered every little thing - the date of your first 1-on-1 with your manager during your internship or when you would go to the dentist - despite telling you that his memory was terrible, and when he sent you photos of clothes that he thought you would like when he was shopping.
Then, he started picking up on the signs: the way you always gave him a detailed feedback on his choreographies when he asked you to even though you said you didn’t know anything about dance; the way you totally didn’t want to acknowledge that a guy was trying to flirt with you when you went to the cinema together and said that you were with Jaehyun as if to signal that there was no room for anyone else (his heart did a thing there, he couldn’t lie); the way you always knew what to say when he doubted himself or he was under the weather and sent him songs to make him feel better; the way you remembered every little thing - his favourite colour, the brand of his favourite snack and the plushies he wanted to win in the arcade game -, and how you kept bringing up his emotional support blazer because this was your little joke, this was your little thing.
No wonder this was how he confessed: buying you the exact same blazer in your size, and saying that you could think of it as your own emotional support blazer from now on or a couple item, you could choose.
And you would be foolish not to choose the latter.
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A/N: Hope you enjoyed this story of mine! Let me know what you think!
If you want to read more stories of mine, let it be for BOYNEXTDOOR or for other artists, consider signing up for my taglist here.
Hope you have a lovely day/night! Take care! ❤️
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socklessworm · 2 years
your instgram if you were dating spencer reid (mgg)
masterlist! / pt 2
(inspired by @grccnaway nd @radiant-reid <3)
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liked by hotchstuff and others
ynwashere: date night w/ the lover boy <3
view 37 comments / 16 hrs ago
hotchstuff: can i use this for blackmail
↳ ynwashere: absolutely yes, but what did spence even do
↳ pipecleaner: nothing, i’m completely innocent
babygirl: now how did you even put a face mask on him
↳ ynwashere: dunno, just did :p
↳ pipecleaner: send help, sos, pls
↳ ynwashere: shhhhh..
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liked by e.prentiss and others
ynwashere: spooky
view 54 comments / 20 hrs ago
e.prentiss: carving pumpkins seems like a stress reliever
↳ ynwashere: it totally is though
↳ pipecleaner: should i call a therapist
↳ supermom: no, just the wine and carving tools
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liked by d.morgan and others
ynwashere i found the rat!
view 78 comments / 1 day ago
d.morgan: did you just call pretty boy a rat?
↳ ynwashere: yeah i had to lure him back into the trailer with coffee ._.
↳ pipecleaner: i was thirsty :(
babygirl: i don’t like rats that much
↳ pipecleaner: :(
↳ e.prentiss: @/ynwashere i think you broke his heart
↳ ynwashere: not before breaking his back
↳ supermom: *sips tea*
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liked by supermom and others
ynwashere honeymoon things
view 108 comments / 2 days ago
pipecleaner: you locked me out half of the time
↳ ynwashere: tsk tsk, accusing your s/o of scandalous things
e.prentiss: congratulations!
↳ ynwashere: thank you em <3
supermom: it’s not nice to lock people out, especially your husband
↳ ynwashere: he broke my favourite mug
↳ supermom: o h, then, carry on darling
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liked by babygirl and others
ynwashere he was being lame, so i kicked him to the curb
view 65 comments / 4 days ago
babygirl: the doctor dances?!
↳ ynwashere: he’s a horrible dancer
↳ pipecleaner: i’m an amazing dancer though :(
↳ ynwashere: you crashed into the dj booth
↳ d.morgan: oh we need details on that
↳ e.prentiss: yes
↳ babygirl: absolutely yes
↳ supermom: please and thank you
↳ dave: as expected, i knew it would happen
↳ hotchstuff: sure
↳ pipecleaner: no absolutely not
↳ ynwashere: you mean yes, absolutely
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a/n: there’s more coming (eventually)
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0oolookitsme · 1 year
Anything For You... And I
Type- One-Shot
Verse- Dwd!Harry x Dwd-Character!!Y/n
Word Count- 2.9k
Warnings- half of this piece is smut lmao
A/N- I've noticed that when I'm actively reading fics, I'm actively writing fics... y'all better hope that I read ff more frequently now heheh. Hope you enjoy <3
Also, a very happy Christmas Eve to those who celebrate!
Harry was in a very good mood right now, on cloud nine even. It's just everything has went so perfectly today, he just wants to go home and have a nice little cozy time with his girlfri- no, fiancé. Yep, he's still digesting the fact that he proposed, she said yes and now they literally live in the same flat, as in together!
He shuts the lid of his laptop with a little too much force and reaches for his bag. Inside it, lies the moustache printed laptop cover that Y/n had thrifted for him- it never fails to lighten his mood when it's dark and make him gushier when it's good.
She told Harry that her father had taught her to never trust a man without a moustache, but because she knew he didn't want to grow one yet, she bought him this. "It won't be on your face but at least it's in one of your belongings!" She had punned and cackled.
Not able to put off the smile on his face, he puts the stack of thick folders in the small cupboard attached to his desk and leans forward to check if his shoelaces are tied properly or not. It's a habit he inherited from Y/n; it might as well be one of the first things he noticed about her.
The chair rolls back on its small four wheels because of the push from behind his knees as he stood up. Brushing down a hand over his suit to press off any creases he swings his bag on his left shoulder, fished out his car keys and picked up his phone from beside the bowl.
Turning on his heels he's caught off guard when he sees her at the gateway to his cabin.
"Hello there," she greets him in her honey soft voice, seemingly ready to strut in towards him.
This is the fifth time this lady is going to come and try to persuade Harry to do something he has already made clear a thousand times he doesn't want to do. He's in too good of a mood right now to deal with her bullshit again, causing him to exhale in annoyance.
"Lumi, I swear to god I will reach the HR before your house," he grits out, his hand going to weave through his hair whose roots feel cold to his touch.
At this statement, she straightens up and raises up her chin accusingly at him. She clears her throat but before her words can pull through her mouth, Harry brushes past her, muttering a stern 'move' and rushes into the lift that will take him to the basement- which is also the car park.
He doesn't even think about her before unlocking his phone and opening the phone app, waiting till the lift doors move apart from each other before pressing on her contact.
It only rings twice before she's picked it up and is greeting him in her same day-brightening voice, sounding to be in an okay-ish mood. "Hello?" She repeats again and that's when Harry realizes that he had totally forgotten he had to reply back to keep a conversation. It's just so easy to get carried away with her dreamy voice.
"Harry? Are you there?" She repeats, seeking some kind of response and sounding a bit concerned this time.
"Yea-yeah, I'm on-line hmm. Just called to let you know that I'm leaving now, can't wait to reach home," he smiled into the phone.
"Ahhh, okay," she sighs. "I'm going to be off this meeting in a few more minutes, then I only need to boil rice." Because she's on a call, it might seem as if she's saying that to him but she's rather telling this to herself- or so Harry thinks.
Frowning when he heard that her work was dragged on later than the official timings again today, he bid her goodbye with a 'see ya soon,' and threw his phone somewhere on the passenger seat beside his'. Set with a goal that he'll try to make her day better by doing whatever that'll be needed, he starts the engine and drives straight out of the exit; his hair flying in different directions as soon as he opens the window to the passenger's seat.
Driving, his eyes are on the road, but mind is listing all the things she likes that is tangible for him right now, at this time of the day. The only thing that sticks out is food, which she's already almost prepared. He was hoping he could find some florist; flowers always seem to put her in a good day. And because she's not so stubborn like him, she forgets about whatever bad thing that must've happened before.
Pressing brake lightly while nearing the traffic lights, he turns on the indicator and makes a swift turn to the lane on the left. Driving at a slightly faster speed at finding the lane empty, Harry enjoys the feeling of cold air against him as he drives in the same direction for ten more minutes before some bright light comes into his sight.
He parks in front of the building and gets out heroically, glad that it's still open. He reads the board, "Favourite-Savourits."
Entering the dimly lit space, he immediately moves for that isle which Y/n beelines to when she's with him. He gathers the main items he remembers in her arms and gets them checked, pays the bill and throws the receipt in the bin just beside the corner.
Satisfied, he exits the shop and comes to a hault when he sees an old lady pushing a cart, sticks of random flowers in it. He immediately makes a run for it, sure that if the lady were to look at her side right now, she'd have a heart attack.
"Excuse me!" He shouts, not able to run at the same speed he had started with anymore. "I want some flowers!"
The lady comes to a halt and turns around with a strange look on her face. She stands there quietly until Harry reaches her. Then, she chuckles at him.
"I'm on my way to throw these, darling," she tells him.
"But they are totally fresh!"
She clears her throat before telling him that the florists of this area have decided to throw these, in the name that they don't need these anymore. "You can take any of these if you want thought, I won't stop you."
Harry, who was nodding at her story to be polite hurriedly picks out some pretty flowers and reaches for his wallet. Though, he stops when the lady starts to walk forward again, dismissing him by saying that she doesn't need money for this. But because she also wished him a good night, he walks back to his car with a slight confusion still painting his face.
Once again, he increases the speed a little, not able to be patient to see his fiancé anymore.
As he is parking his car in the carpark which comes under the right of the flat itself, his phone starts ringing and he's quick to pick up when he sees that it's y/n whose calling and not a lazy colleague who will probably beg him to help them out with some work they procrastinated on.
"Hey, darling." He greets her, taking his keys out of the lock and gets out of his car. He's sure she heard him shutting the door but apparently, she didn't based on her next words.
"Where are you H? You said you were leaving like almost thirty-five minutes ago," she questions and trails off the end.
"Oh darling I'm just 5 minutes away from opening the door to our house," he laughs, "I'm sorry I took so long, put down the phone I'm just coming in."
She hums, muttering 'okay' before hanging up.
With some struggle, Harry manages to get inside the door, grateful that she held the door open for him. Whatever crisis he's in the midst of while managing all the stuff in his arms, he doesn't miss the sight of her eyes lightning up at the sight of her treats. It's like someone just cleaned them and now they are squeaky clean, shiny to be exact.
"Is this seriously why you got late, H?" She asks in a voice that Harry can't identify the emotion in. Although when he meekly nods at her, he's caught off guard when she throws her arms around his neck, pressing a chaste kiss onto his lips. "I'm not on my periods, H... what made you think that?" She questions him out of blue, her tone funny as she's looking him straight in the eyes but softly.
"I didn't do this because I thought you were on your periods, no. I did it because I'm pretty sure you've had an unfair and stressful day, and I left early and had time up my sleeve," he answers her like it's no big thing he did.
And while it is the minimum, y/n can't help but look at him as if he's her Saviour right now. She admires his efforts so much, that sometimes it turns into a battle inside her head- oh he did this?I shall pay him back in a greater way because his sweet soul deserves that. She's been working on that habit for a long time now but it's just hard, and she just wants to let go of the rope she ties herself with sometimes.
"Thank you. Thank you for doing this, I really appreciate it," she mumbled against his lips. "I'm not saying this to pay you back in any sense or anything else- but I was thinking of showering before I called you. Perhaps, you could join me?" She offers but it comes out as a question instead.
Pressing another kiss on her lips, he mutters a 'sure' before bending down to pick her up. Immediately her legs wrap around his waist, and she interlocks her ankles behind his back. They don't kiss, they don't make out- her forehead lies against his' and that's enough intimacy for them before they strip down to nothing but their goose-bumped skins against the chilly atmosphere of their bedroom bathroom.
Pressing her bare back against the wall as she slips her tongue into his mouth, he turns the shower taps, both hot and cold so that they don't burn or freeze in there.
In the meantime, she climbs off him while making sure their tongues stay tied. Her hands crawl up his sides and reach for the back of his neck, tangling her fingers in his locks which have gotten straight due to water falling down directly on his forehead and pushing his fluffy hair down onto his scalp.
Water droplets trickle down their faces, getting in between their kiss and making it sloppier.
Harry's hands snake around her hips before they reach down to grab her ass cheeks, smacking one lightly and making her groan against his mouth. His mouth reaches for her cheek then jawline then her neck, and she keeps tilting her head more and more to the side to give him all the space he wants.
One of his hand crawls up her stomach, causing butterflies to erupt just under wherever his palm goes. He cups her jawline first and then reaches back for her tit, cupping it and pinching its nipple- catching another throaty moan from her.
She has completely let go of herself by now, and Harry can tell. "I need you to stand balanced right now, you hear me?" He says as he cups her cheeks with his hands.
She gets confused as to why but before she can catch the breath to ask him to elaborate, Harry's on his knees with his mouth on her heat and it's snatched right away from her. Her hands go back to take ahold of the walls as he works his way through her arousal, lapping it up vigorously and moving his head so that his nose keeps brushing against her clit.
"Oh fuck-" she moans, her knees buckling when he starts to thrust his tongue in and out of her weepy hole. She can feel wetness dripping out of her and right when she starts feeling the knot in her stomach, his fingers replace his mouth as he latches onto her throbbing clit.
Poking his tongue at its sensitive center, he continues his suction on the bundle of nerves, enjoying the series of curse words and his name falling out of her mouth like a pleading chant. When he starts feeling her legs shaking beside his head, he increases his pace.
"Come for me, cum for your fiancé," he manages to say smugly before latching back onto her heat.
Her moans get louder and louder as she feels him enjoying his time between her legs and the burning sensation moving lower and lower in her tummy. "Oh my god, I'm close- I'm so fucking close, H." She tells him, silently asking him to not stop now in a voice above her usual octave.
He simply hums against her, but that simple thing sends electric shocks up her spine. He continues humming, providing vibrations straight to her clit as his lips continue their suction on her clit, which feels to be getting sensitive as she grows closer and closer to her climax.
From where his hands were resting over her thighs, he wraps his arms like two snakes around her inner thighs and grabs a tight ahold of her ass, most probably imprinting his hand in red on the cheeks. Y/n hadn't understood the reason behind it, too lost in heaven but even there she realizes that he's pressing his mouth harder against her- suffocating himself between her thighs.
"Oh- oh Harry, fuck!" She screams his name, one of her hands going to pull against his hair to make some distance between him and her pussy because of the tight vibrations pulling the knot lower and lower in her belly too fast. Although she's pulling against him, she's also hoping that he won't budge and when he actually doesn't and groans instead, she knows she's done for it.
Her wetness drips down his fingers as he continues fucking them into her, pulling the orgasm towards his mouth because now, he's addicted to her taste for the millionth time and won't move until he has a load of her on his tongue, which can't seem to stop licking up the wetness spreading on her pussy due to finger-fucking her.
When she starts to moan his name louder and louder and he can listen that her throat has gone dry, he knows his tongue is gonna be flooded with her sweetness sooner than ever now.
He hums to encourage her, slapping her ass cheek with his other hand and that's the moment she screams his name like he's the god she's pleading to and dirties his tongue like she isn't one of the sinners in this bathroom as well. He groans when he feels the thick white liquid he had desired for, slip into his mouth through his working lips.
Removing his fingers, he passes it up at her while immediately putting in his tongue inside her wet weepy cunt, wanting every single drop of cum he can pull from her. He can hear her crying out that she's overly sensitive now and pulling on his hair strands to pull him away from her heat, but he knows that she wants him to help her ride out her orgasm as she also swirls her tongue around his two slick fingers.
When he's sure that she's clean of her own arousal now but still dirty with his tongue-traces and saliva, he finally pulls back satisfied with his work.
"Ah fuck, can never get rid of my addiction of your taste," he says, swiping his tongue across his lips and wiping the arousal around his mouth with the back of his hand. His knees crack when he stands up, making him giggle.
"Thank you for that," she grins, pressing a kiss on his stretched-out lips.
"Anything for you... and I, ahah" grins at her, before leaning in to press a small kiss on her cheek. "Think I'm a bad boy, just had my dessert before dinner," he laughs, unwrapping his hands from around her waist as she closes the tap after splashing some water on her vagina. She's walking away with her thighs slightly parted, and he knows exactly why because this has happened before- 'I'm just still sensitive,' she laughs embarrassed every time while saying that; also telling him he did a good job under a laugh.
He laughs at her as she narrows her eyes at him with a grin plastered on her lips.
Already having tied her robe around her, she helps him tie the knot of his' and just when she leaves the two strands, she makes sure to leave a lingering eye contact before turning around and walking outside with him trailing behind her.
"Guess I'll be a good girl to have my dessert after dinner," she finishes with a breathy laugh. It only gets loud when Harry mimics those men who silently hope for a payback after pleasing a woman in some way. "Wait seriously!?" He asks her in a high-pitched voice, picking her up from behind while also laughing just as hard as her. Dropping her on the bed, he bends down to place his hands on his knee to continue his laughter, as she lightly smacks him across his face.
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lycansprites · 2 months
Ohh rip
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Totality bros! my town is expecting about half a million people to show up. The state declared a state of emergency about it lol
My office is only 6 people so boss A closed us down for the day so we wouldn't have to deal with that, but my sister still has work, and it's on campus, rip. She's breaking out her bike cause there's no chance in hell that she'll be able to find parking or get there via roads
We're expecting over a million here 😭 living near a popular tourist location has its perks but this is not one of them..! I work fast food so I dont blame my managers for wanting me on board for it but mannnn im so not looking forward to the driving to and from work. Hopefully itll be less hectic since I work 11-7:30 n the eclipse happens right in the middle there. Gives people 3 hrs to gtfo so I dont have to deal w them on the roads
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gimmeblood · 8 months
I had a week n a half off from work for my vacay n I don't wanna go back to worky.... The stupid VP is also making us go in 2x a week so my total roundtrip commute is 3 hrs a day... Tempted to lie n say I'm sick to get out of going this week
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dietcokedemise · 1 year
confessions of a junkorexic
june 4, 2023 | entry #11
i weighed myself today…and i maintained. i’m not super peeved by the results—and i guess anything’s better than gaining—but i’d be lying if i said i wasn’t a little disappointed. i have no one to blame but myself. my intake this week wasn’t horrible, but it definitely could have been better…
i’m sure my almost 3k cal binge thursday didn’t help. what super sucks is that i took two separate lax dosages this week (one b4 the binge and one after) yet my weight didn’t even move a singular decimal. now that i’m thinking about it…maybe my binge episode made me gain? and if that’s the case it looks laxes saved my ass once again.
i have to start being stricter with myself if i want to start seeing any real results. i think i’m gonna start weighing myself every morning again. i only stopped because i didn’t want to become so fixated on the numbers the scale read, but i’ve realized that that’s a luxury only reserved for people who aren’t walking beluga whales. i need my weight to be a constant reminder. i need that trigger to help me fast a little longer and eat a little less. it’s all a mind game, and i’m tired of not feeling in control of my own impulses.
i did experience a twinkle of hope today though. i fasted for 22 hrs and didn’t even notice it! (thank you appetite suppressant pills 😘) i stood with my fridge wide open for a solid 10 minutes just staring at its contents while trying to convince myself to eat. countless meal ideas filtered through my brain but i just kept swatting them all away. “too high cal”…“too carb heavy”…“too much work to make”…etc etc etc. i eventually just settled on a leftover piece of fish from my dinner last night and half of a baked potato—if i’m being honest? it was the smallest meal i’ve had in months—but it didn’t phase me. not one bit. for once i was content. a feeling i’ve long since forgotten while trapped in my never ending binge/restrict cycle. granted, i did devour an entire pint of low cal ice cream an hour later (don’t judge me it’s shark week 🩸) BUT that still made my daily intake for today the lowest intake i’ve had in weeks. it felt good to feel in control. even if it was just for a moment 🩷
food log
N/A (0 cals)
N/A (0 cals)
flounder (103 cals)
1/2 of a loaded baked potato (228 cals)
water + sugar free drink mix (10 cals)
water + sugar free drink mix (5 cals)
1 pint of n!cks chokladchip dough ice cream (340 cals)
total cal intake
686 cals 👍
daily stats log
201 lbs (91.2 kgs) [-0]
hrs fasted
days binge free
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psychosodomy · 1 year
trying not to feel particularly insane abt the fact that my commute back n forth totals to 3 hrs and my shift is 4 and a half
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elf-in-the-mist · 2 years
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today i ate:
2 slice of frozen dominoes pepperoni and pickle pizza 323 cal
Silk - No Sugar Added Soy Milk, 1 cup 80 cal
Coffee, 4 cup  no cal
1 mini pack of cadburys animal cookies 120 cal
total: ..532 cal
sorry if this foods deppressing af ive not cooked in a few days now n cba, half my fridge has rotted rly dont wanna go near it tho lol im a disgusting goblin lady judge me i need it lmao
im going on a 30hr fast at 8am, im off to go for my last hr walk ready to sleep thru the first few hrs. then after ive finished tht im gonna do another 25hr fast this is pretty much what i did last week and i lost weight dunno how much cos ive gotta replace the battery in my scales but hoping i can lose more. ive been measuring each week and ive lost like 5 on my hips n belly and 4 off my waist. i want a 25 inch waist eventually. im at 30 atm. i wanna see if i can get there by next week
My Rules for this week:
1) ...walk for at least 3 hrs a day, in two halfs or three. burns around 600 cal
2) ...food wise only veg and protein plus soy milk, no more that 80g of carbs
3) ..No more than 800 cal each feeding window
4) ...20 sit ups, 30 push ups 2 min plank and 50 squats daily
5) ...3 cups of water at least a day (ive not been drinking any, all i have is black coffee or soya coffees all day lmao need to stop tht my kidneys are angry)
Ive not been walking so much but im sticking to the workouts n usually keeping it light so i can add more if im not as fatigued. n my bro got me a pizza n had to eat in front of him so i froze the rest n said i was full n he believed me so thts aceee. gotta put more effort in tho. im dumb af n my body hurts when i eat so hoping this massive fasting will help ease pain when i eat, take care of urself as much as is pos n drink lots of water <3 <3 <3
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btsslowburnfic · 3 years
The Arrangement Chapter 11
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Series Summary: Desperately in need of money, you answered the questionable ad. AKA-Arranged marriage AU featuring Y/N and Yoongi.
Chapter Summary: You and Yoongi each share a little of your fucked up pasts
Previous chapter here
The two of you entered the studio. Yoongi headed for the desk chair. "You can take the couch." 
You gave him a bottle of water and pulled the gimbap out of your purse, handing one to him. 
"Thanks. Now do you see why I don't go to those meetings?" He began to tear the wrapping off the gimbap.
"Yep. That was brutal. They literally just read off of the PowerPoint slides." You took a bite of your food. 
Yoongi scrolled through his phone. "We should go shopping tonight. The stores will be packed tomorrow and Sunday." 
"I don't mind. I can just go tomorrow or something." 
He looked over at you. "I don't do crowds. Let's go tonight."
You sighed, it was clear you weren't winning this argument. "Sounds good. What time will you get done with work today?" You asked, glad some of the negativity was fading from him. 
"I need to do some producing. But I'll try to take a break at 7 and then we can go shopping." 
You almost died a little at how normal and domestic this all sounded. A small part of you wanted your life to be so different from the fucked up life you had experienced as a child. This could be your life. This could be it. It's fake. I don't care. 
"OK sounds good." you finished up your sandwich. "I'm off to continue answering questions that people could easily look up online." 
"Better you than me," he said. 
You stuck your hand out for the sandwich wrapper and sighed.  "Yep. It’s definitely not  work befitting Min Suga genius." You teased as you exited the studio. 
Yoongi smiled and turned around to face his computer. What the fuck was happening? Two days in and he had already bought you towels and was getting ready to go grocery shopping with you. Might as well skip to the wedding at this point, he thought jokingly. At least then someone else would have bought the towels for you. 
Yoongi picked at his cuticles, his alarm was set to go off in a few minutes. He had done some mixing, but for the most part he ended up writing. He had been very inspired lately for lyrics. Usually it was the beats that came more easily to him and he had to seek out experiences for his lyrics. But lately he had so many feelings and experiences just itching to come out. 
He was worried after that night at the bar that you would distract him from his job but so far he had found the opposite to be true. He was thinking about you less because he knew you were in the office or the apartment. He wasn’t wondering what you were doing all the time. Not that he cared.  Not that he had thought about you all the time. And it was nice to have someone answer emails and calls, and deliver coffee. 
He turned his alarm off preemptively and stood up. He exited the studio. There was no one left on the 14th floor. That wasn’t unusual. He stopped by your desk. It was totally empty. He frowned. How could a person the same age as him have only 2 bags of belongings he wondered. He took out his phone.
YG: What’s going on with Ms. [YLN] work laptop? I see it hasn’t arrived yet. She needs it immediately to help coordinate my collaborations. Additionally, she needs appropriate stationary.
JW: Of course Mr. Min. I will follow up with the IT department immediately and let you know. As for the office supplies I can provide her with some basic stationary immediately. If you require personalized stationary the lead time on orders is 2 weeks. I can send a link to have you/her look over it.
YG: Thank you Jiwoo. Please do that.
Satisfied with himself, he put his phone back in his pocket and headed over to the elevator. He got in. A girl he recognized as Alice, Jin’s main stylist was already on. She had a make-up train case with her and seemed irritated. He gave her a nod of acknowledgement and noticed the button for the 18th floor was already pushed. 
They both awkwardly stood in silence for the short ride. 
The elevator arrived at the 18th floor. Yoongi gestured to her to exit first. She did and headed down the other way towards Jin’s apartment. He must have some event tonight Yoongi thought as he went the other direction to his apartment. He walked in, just realizing he hadn’t been home since yesterday morning. He sighed. It wasn’t unusual for him to spend days at a time in the studio. The first thing he noticed was that his apartment smelled like coffee and girl. It wasn’t a bad thing. It was just different.
He continued into the living room and looked around. There was a light on in the kitchen and a half-empty pot of coffee.  He could see a light peeking out from under your bedroom door. He took out his phone.
YG: I’m home. I’m going to grab a shower first and then we can go. You don’t have to stay holed up in the bedroom.
He walked upstairs, put his phone on the charger, and showered.
You woke up from your nap right at 6:58. Yoongi hadn’t struck you as the type to ever get home from work early so you hadn’t worried about being ready right at 7. You checked your messages and saw where he had texted you as well as Jimin. You pulled on some jeans and a sweatshirt and headed out to the living room. 
JM: 2 pm. Meet me in the lobby of the 6th floor. Bring a tank top and leggings so you can try on clothes over them. Also I HATE YOU WE WERE THERE UNTIL 5 OMFG 
YN: Sorry sorry XD I’ll see you tomorrow. Thanks again!
Yoongi emerged a few minutes later wearing sweatpants and a t-shirt and looking like a damn snack. “Hey.” He walked over to the kitchen and opened the cabinets to check the ingredients. He looked back over his shoulder, “Seriously, I meant what I texted, Make yourself at home. I'm never here anyways." 
You moved over to the barstool. "Thanks. I'm just so used to sharing small spaces with lots of people I don't really take up a lot of space. The coffee is fresh by the way. I had a cup before napping just now." 
Yoongi didn't really respond, opening up the refrigerator. The two of you were surprised to suddenly hear yelling and screaming in the hallway. 
"What the hell? "Yoongi asked, shutting the fridge and walking over to the front door. “Not again," he muttered under his breath. It sounded like a woman yelling. The blood in your veins ran ice cold, your tongue slowly turned to lead. You heard the front door open and felt dizzy. Suddenly you were in an apartment with Suho and there was screaming. You took a deep breath. No. No. That was years ago. You were in Seoul. You were safe. There were guards here and Yoongi was here. Yoongi? You shook your head, looking around. You started to panic again. 
The woman had stopped screaming. You heard the voices of two men and slowly staggered out towards the hallway. 
"What the fuck Jin?" you heard Yoongi yell. 
"I know. I know. She's just difficult."
"Your girlfriend is a fucking asshole." You heard a girl yell. You recognized her as Alice. She was pulling her make up case down the hallway and crying hard. 
"Alice I'm sorry. You know Lin is a little crazy. She didn't mean any of the stuff she said." Jin pleaded with her.
Alice was sobbing as she pushed the elevator button. "Tell yourself that, jin." 
You didn't want to stare. You felt wrong watching all of this happen but you were also numb at this point, almost experiencing it as though you were outside your body. 
Yoongi breathed in sharply. "Just go home Jin. But this is the second time this week. She needs some  anger management classes or something." Yoongi looked over and saw you standing there, peeking around the corner. 
"Enjoying the show?" He said irritated. 
You snapped back to reality and shook your head. You weren't nosy. You had been scared and didn't want to be in the apartment alone. Yoongi got on the elevator with Alice, leaving you and Jin in the hallway. 
" Goddammit," you heard Jin say as he walked back to his apartment. 
You stood there for a minute replaying everything that had just happened. You took a few deep breaths. Suho wasn't here. You were fine. Yoongi was fine. Apparently Jin had a crazy girlfriend. Alice was Jin's stylist. And Yoongi thought you were a nosey asshole. Great. 
You didn't feel like you could go back to the apartment right now so you decided to head out for a walk. 
"You don't have to come with me. You don't even know me." Alice sniffed. "I know how to ride an elevator." 
Yoongi shrugged. "Your name is Alice. You've been around for 3 years but became Jin's main stylist a year ago. You are hopelessly in love with him and his new girlfriend suspects. Tell me I'm wrong." 
Alice sniffled, her silence acting as confirmation.  Yoongi observed so much, quietly watching his coworkers over the years. “This is embarrassing.” She sniffled.
" You should file a complaint with the HR department. She can't just scream at staff members." 
"I'm just a stylist."
"Well I'll be filing a complaint. Her loud yelling is fucking annoying." Yoongi put his hands in his pockets and rocked back and forth on his heels. 
Alice laughed a little at that. "Yeah. She's fucking mean. They've actually been dating on and off for years. She yells at Jin too and he always just takes it. That's why she screamed at me tonight. She called him a worthless idiot for like the 500th time and I finally just snapped and told her to shut up."
Yoongi pressed his lips together. He never would have imagined that Jin was being verbally abused. He suddenly felt bad he had been so short with him a few minutes ago. 
The elevator arrived at the 7th floor where several of the girl's dormitories were. "Rest up. She's a bitch." Yoongi said to Alice as she got ready to exit.
"Yeah, thanks. Sorry I've never really talked to you before."
Yoongi shrugged . "It's fine." He pushed the door close button and back to the 18th floor. He had been so surprised to see you standing there. He didn't think you'd be interested in gossip, you had seemed so mature. 
He walked back into the apartment. "Y/N I'm back. Are you ready to go to the store?" 
He sent a message to your phone and heard it ping from the countertop. 
Yoongi walked outside. It was a little cold out. He tried to tell himself he wasn't chasing after you or looking for you. He was just out stretching his legs. If he happened to run into you, fine. But if not, fine. He reasoned that without your phone or wallet, you had to be nearby. He had left a note for you in the apartment just in case you got back before he did.
Hey. Sorry for all the loud drama. Jin's gf sucks. Text me. You still owe me jjigae.
 He walked through one of the little parks that stood between the skyscrapers and the river. He figured he would do a short lap and then head back. He hated the cold, he thought again as he rubbed his hands together. 
"Yoongi?" he heard a voice. He looked over at the swingset and saw you sitting there. 
"Hey," he walked over. "You left."
"Sorry, I needed some fresh air."  You responded as you watched your breath form in the air.
Yoongi took a seat on the swing next to you. "Yeah. Sorry about that. Jin's girlfriend is apparently awful." 
"Yeah. Poor Alice. I met her the other day, she seemed so sweet."
“How do you already know so many people?” Yoongi wondered aloud. He had been there for years and barely knew anybody. 
You shrugged, “I guess bartending made me good at talking to people.” 
“How did you get into it?” 
“Bartending? Well I wanted a job where I could work nights so I could also have a day job. And the money was really good.”
“That's always your main job criteria?” Yoongi said flippantly.
Rude. “That's a little mean but yea. I'm the main adult who has to support my two siblings and I've had to since I was 20 years old. I had to drop out of college so there's not many options. I haven’t had the luxury of choosing jobs that I might actually be interested in.”  
Yoongi felt like such a shithead. “Sorry. That was a dick thing of me to say. You’re right,  it would be nice if you could have the ability to do a job because you like it. Not because of the money.” 
“It's OK. I'm just sensitive about it.” You looked off in the distance at the river.
“You should be proud. When I was 20 I wasn’t able to even support myself, let alone take care of anybody else.” 
You shrugged. “I’m sure you could have if you had to.”
“No. I’m telling you. When I was 20 I was on my own. And I was homeless because I couldn’t support myself. So the fact that you actually made it work while taking care of people is pretty amazing.”
“Thanks. And wow. I had no idea. That sucks. I’m glad you’re not homeless anymore.” You looked over at him. You never would have guessed. You just assumed he had always been well off. 
“Right? That would suck.” Yoongi agreed, glad you weren’t turning his trauma into a big deal. “Yeah, I got discovered by a talent scout and BigHit brought me to Seoul and set me up in one of the dorms here.”
“Wow. I got discovered by some rich asshole with dimples in a bar, who I thought was running a sex-trafficking ring.” You joked. Yoongi laughed, while gently swinging. 
"While we’re sharing our tragic backstories, that's actually one of the reasons I came out there." You began. You figured if Yoongi was willing to share some of his fucked-up ness you could do the same. "In the hallway. I didn't want to be alone. People yelling and screaming puts me on edge. I wasn’t trying to be nosy" you thought about how to best phrase what you wanted to say next. "I was raised in an environment where that happened a lot. Yelling. Screaming. And things got very violent, very quickly, in our house." 
Yoongi sat next to you on the swings listening intently to your confession. He never would have guessed that about you. You seemed so well-adjusted." I'm sorry that you grew up in a place like that." He said, carefully studying your face." And I'm sorry that Jin's girlfriend caused you to be uncomfortable. I had no idea or I wouldn't have said anything to you about being in the hallway" 
"it's OK. Well, I mean, it's not ok  what happened to me, but it's over now. Thanks." you looked over at him. He was blowing on his hands. "Are you cold?"
"Yes, it’s freezing out here" 
You scoffed, “It's a little cold. Here," you stood up and put your hands around his before he could object.
"How are you so hot?” He asked, enjoying the furnace of your hands. 
“You know I look in the mirror every day and ask myself the same question.” You replied with a straight face. Yoongi wrinkled his nose causing you to laugh. “Come on. I don’t want to get fired for letting you freeze to death.” You pulled on his hands to get him off the swing. “Do you still want to go shopping?”
“Yep. I have the list in my phone. Since we’re already out let’s walk to the real grocery store. The BigHit store has an ok amount of things, but not as much as an outside store.”
“Ok, I need to go back and grab my wallet.”
“Don’t worry about it.”
“But I--”
“You’ve seen my apartment. Don’t argue with me.” He started to walk back towards the city center. 
You sighed. Yes. He was super rich and you weren’t. “Fine. But I am doing this under protest.”
“Your protest is noted, come along, assistant. I’ll let you carry the bags.” NEXT CHAPTER
@lidda @anpanman-sonyeondan​  @firefairy1​  @cuteipat​  @sugaslittlekookies​  @janeelizabeth1216​ @deeepvibes​ @gxldenhunny​
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draganasimpsforjeff · 3 years
Hunting Dogs: Chapter Nine (proxies x reader)
ou waited for your mother with your earphones in, playing your F/S and look around occasionally. You didn't know how long you were going to be at her house, but you didn't want to pack too much and at the same time leave enough behind in case those psychos wanted to gain information on you.
You use to not be like this, but ever since the move you have changed, maybe it was because the adult life and the stress that came with it, but before here; you were a bright student, with at least one failing grade but your school let everyone graduate the year even with one failing subject, you were creative and loved to take pictures around the town you use to live in, ambition was a strong suit of yours, though it would also get you into trouble. Like, you desired and kept pushing to leave your mother's to this city...and after only a while this shit happens with being chased.
A bit of a curious cat as well, but it helps with your imaginative side...something you had lose through the transition, sure, you could definitely pick it up again, but recently it was like your head was in a constant fog and everything you use to love was like a smudge? You always use to try to stay positive as that was how your mother raised you.
After the incident with your father and the fall of his death....it was like the sun split in half, cracks falling off while staying still until it fell, casting your whole life into darkness. If it did get lighter- it was just grey.
God, how depressing I've become. You snickered, jumping at the sound of a honk. You look over, seeing your mother wave frantically from the drivers seat and your lips crack into a grin. One you haven't shared in a long time. You run over, opening the door to her car and nearly knocked her out as you swing your bag into the backseat, but she dodged in time and pulls you into a tight hug. "Oh, honey, I've missed you so much!" you smile and pull away from her, settling into the seat, "yeah, I've missed you too, ma."
You send a text to your boss about how there was an 'family emergency' and that you had to leave for a week, along with an apology, which you let out a sigh of relief when he said that Kristine would be able to cover for you and that he hopes everything would be okay.  "So, you never told me. Have you met anyone?" she smiles, nudging your arm and you roll your eyes, "Yeah, definitely, while working full time and barely having a personal life." you said sarcastically.
"Well, the twenty-minutes I've been passing through I've seen a lot of good looking people, tell me that there's no way you have someone on your mind." she signals and turns to the next lane, taking an exit. You thought about the men and how you thought one of them was cute, but too bad they were trying to fucking kill you! "No, mom. I haven't."
She sighs, dropping the conversation, "Okay, so how's work? Not too stressful? Pays enough?" she asks and you scoot up on the seat, looking around at passing cars, the trees, and then finally the clouds. The sun was trying to break the grey that the clouds have cast over the city the last week. You smile weakly, it feels like everything was starting to fit and you are glad that your mom called.
You roll down the windows enough to where you can leave your hand out, the wind pushing against your hand and you smile, feeling free from the shit behind you. "Yeah, it's not too stressful. It's a job so, obviously I can't escape it if there is a problem and I make tips so it makes up for the minimum wage part. Everyone's pretty nice." you giggle, thinking about Mr. Saka. What the hell is he going to do while I'm gone?
But then you broke into a frown, remembering the last call you had from him...about his wife.
Your mom notices and looks over at you before, taking a turn. "What's wrong, hunny?" she asks, making you sigh. "There's this older guy, he's a great customer; a regular, actually and one I've become close to, but his wife died last night, I think or maybe the day before? I don't remember. "
Maybe I should give him a call when I get to the old place. Just to check on him and also let him know I won't be back for a week.
"Oh, that's horrible." Your mom was a pretty soft person and not in a ad why but she could be very sympathetic and understanding, which was a good quality, but sometimes you wonder if it's a bit much...but who were you to judge? Maybe it was the bitterness getting to you that makes you a little uneasy around her.
Man, the city really does change you.
"It is." you said simply, looking down at her phone, seeing maps was open and that you were forty minutes away from your old home. "I think when we get there, I'll make us something to eat and sometime today, you should get some sleep. I can see bags on your eyes." You nod. Sleep sounds wonderful right now. How much have you gotten the last few days? Maybe a total of like 20 hrs? When the recommended hours of sleep was 8, you would get between 3-6 hours of nightmares mixed in with you being unconscious.
Hopefully this will be a quick ride. You slowly close your eyes while your mom was droning about the local market, being upgraded and you chuckle before dozing off.
The sound of tires screeching and something bumping into the car jolts you awake. You look around, focusing your eyes and notice the windshield was broken, smoke was coming out from under the hood and there was a red Nissan that hit the front of the car. How does that happen?! Where are we!?  You look over and see your mom with a bleeding head and her eyes closed. "NO! Mom! no, please!" You struggle to take your seat belt off as you hear sirens and reach over to check her pulse.
There was none. Suddenly the passenger side door opens and arms pull you out, you struggle, kicking and screaming for them to let you go. You couldn't see their face as your back was against their chest. You look over at the Nissan. It looks fine besides the huge dent in the front and there was no one inside. You look back over at your moms car and tears run down your cheek, "NO! MY MOM!" but a hand clamps over your mouth and a vehicle you didn't see earlier was in your sight now as you got directed towards it. You elbow the guy and kick his knee, sending him to let go and hit the ground.
Just as you turn around, your heart leaps out of your chest. It was him. It was fucking him! The guy with the side burns!
"I'll get you! Don't think for a fucking minute that you're safe!" The man with the white mask growled, shaking the bars.
You gasp and turn around, heading straight for the Nissan. You didn't want to leave your mother but the sirens were coming closer and you knew she would be taken care of, surely you would get a call or something from the hospital soon to let you know whether or not she was okay. You turn the key in the ignition and that's when you saw the other two.
"You're fucking dead bitch! Just like your mom!" the boy twitches in excitement and throws the hatchet into the Nissan's tires, the front of the car lowering on your side and you curse. How the hell are you going to make it out alive?
You search around the car, under the seats, glove compartment, back seats but there was nothing there. Like there was no one inside here previously....those fuckers!
You look back at them with immense heat in your glare, which you were sure they were only grinning like blood thirsty animals. They have trapped their prey. They move closer to the car and jump out of it, almost losing your balance but they were too quick and the one with black mask and red eyes grabs a hold of you, slamming you down against the ground so hard that you lose your vision for a moment.
"You have made our lives a living fucking hell, YOU KNOW THAT!?" A punch was sent straight into your face with enough force that a 'crack' was heard, blood gushed from your nose and down your throat, but you swallowed, tasting the metallic. "Your life?" you let out a laugh but it held no humor, shaking your head as you stare up at the man. "You guys have been chasing me since day one!"
"Because you are a witness!" The guy with the sideburns hissed while the twitchy guy pulls his hatchet out of the tire of the car. "You're fucking murderers!"
"And yet, you would think to keep you goddamn mouth shut!" red eyes said before picking up up and right as he did, a syringe with silver almost greyish hint liquid was jammed into your left arm and while you fought as hard as you could, your system shut down and all you could see was their faces gets smaller, the black borders growing bigger until you went limp.
"Let's get to the car. " Masky says while Hoodie carried Y/N's body into the backseat of the car they have stolen. Toby sat in the backseat along with Y/N. The car was started as Hoodie slid into the passengers seat. "Are you sure you're okay to drive?" He asks and Masky nods. "I took meds before I got out to help you with the fucking prick."
Hoodie nods and stares outside the window as Masky rolls out of the shadows that they hid their getaway car in and drives back to one of their locations.
7 notes · View notes
1zashreena1 · 4 years
Quarantine- New Ranch Flavor! -5
18+, m/f, technically OCxDiego Jimenez [Power]
Summary: Princess is stranded in NYC with her Murder Panther for the duration of the quarantine. As a high risk patient she has no choice but to isolate as much as possible. Simulated domesticity ensues. Princess texts a running commentary to her bff Lisa.
WARNINGS: Ridiculous descriptions and ‘the code is more like guidelines’ outlook on grammar. Is it OOC if the character was given essentially zero development in canon???
No actual smut, nasty ass snack foods, plus size insecurity, unprotected sex, feels are icky, plus size woman+fit man, bad boys with too much money and not enough impulse control, secondary OCs, excessive swearing (???), illegal business dealings… I mean, its DIEGO
A/N: Princess took on a life of her own and has essentially become an OC. There are infrequent mentions of her description (specifically as plus size) and her actual name in later pieces (its Bicki). She started as self-insert so she looks like me (plus size, white, short, blue eyes, curly hair). If that is not your thing, I totally understand. And do not feel obligated to read this, I will not be offended!
I’m not a fan of “plot” so be aware that most of this series is just meandering through their relationship, angst-fluff-smut whiplash style. But with dick jokes.
TAGLIST: @chelsfic​ @symbiont13​ @nicke0115​ @bunnykjm​ @rosee-sensuelle​ @girlpornparadise​ @mandoplease​ @heresathreebee​ @xxsteph-enrixx​ @jetiikad​ @joalsglasses​ @mutantcookiesecrets​ @demoncatstone​ @squidlywiddly87​
Please let me know if you would like to be tagged.
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Incoming Text
Thursday 11:22am
From Princess
Day 1 and I literally have an ice pack on my pussy and
Hold on he’s not wearing pants again gtg
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Friday 9:49am
From Princess
Video chatting with sister when Diego walks past in the background… shirtless.
She put her phone down (my entire screen was just ceiling) and I could hear her crying. Hung up after 10 min
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Friday 10:14pm
From Princess
He sucks ass at Jenga and its adorable
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Saturday 11:49am
From Princess
I was provided a to-do list for the day.
It's just his name
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Sunday 1:32pm
From Princess
We have sorted every liquid in the penthouse into 2 categories:
Potential Lube
Definitely Not Lube
Except we’re arguing about ranch dressing
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Sunday 2:17pm
From Princess
Update: Ranch went into the Not Lube category because it “smells nasty when it gets warm” This fact was previously unknown to me and I was afraid to ask for more details
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Monday 8:40am
From Princess
Morning announcements include the fact that 8:37 is the earliest he has ever gotten up
I’m worried about losing my job. Diego advises me to apply to Dyson because I “never lose suction”
Am I offended or proud of myself?  It’s not even 9am
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Tuesday 1:12am
From Princess
This is the most weed I have ever consumed in my life (I know, not a high bar) Why is he hanging upside down off the couch making motorboat noises??
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Tuesday 1:14am
From Princess
Ahh. He was composing a poem about my tits
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Tuesday 2:49am
From Princess
The railing up the stairs to the bedroom does not in fact support my weight. Pole dance competition is OFF
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Tuesday 2:57am
From Princess
You know that thing you do with my bras? Where you put it on like a headband and it makes mickey mouse ears?
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Wednesday 11:17am
From Princess
Julio required to give 10 min warning prior to arrival so Diego can take off his pants
Yes you read that right
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Wednesday 11:19am
From Princess
Yes you do so know who Julio is. Big, round, only wears ivory/eggshell/off white/ThisIsMy 2ndWedding  colored blazers. Jeez Lisa you're not old enough for dementia yet girl
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Wednesday 12:52pm
From Princess
I have played myself. Just ate an entire cheesesteak while being a cockwarmer
Turns out I’m the freak
Julio present and accounted for
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Thursday 9:37am
From Princess
He’s crunching  a bowl of something via spoon. I ask what it is. Crushed cheez-its and mayonnaise. What in the actual fuck this man is a literal monster
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Thursday 12:10pm
From Princess
Edible body paint works on windows. Had to sit on his shoulders but this is the largest ‘FUCK’ I have ever written. Very proud
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Thursday 12:22pm
From Princess
Bottom half of the ‘C’ has transferred onto my ass. But 7 orgasms. Pick your battles
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Thursday 11:47pm
From Princess
Tried a pickled habanero. He’s still face down in the rug crying with laughter. It’s been 10 min dude come on
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Friday 10:12am
From Princess
Me: Why are you so heavy?
Diego: I keep eating you
Me: High five
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Friday 3:17pm
From Princess
He’s trying to “conduct business” via 3 cellphones. Would offer my tablet but I’m too pretty for prison. Gonna take a nap
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Friday 4:41pm
From Princess
Pants are forbidden in the bedroom. We’re just making the rules up as we go I see
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Saturday 9:59am
From Princess
He’s sitting in the corner of the window walls staring dejectedly outside. I hear the tiniest forlorn whisper “THOSE people are outside”
Too cute--must blow---BRB
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Saturday 1:32pm
From Princess
Angry texting. Muttering “No I can’t go outside and no you can’t come in here. Bitch…. No no, delete delete delete”
Me:  Where is your sister anyway? LA?
Him: Very Squinty Eyes
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Saturday 9:22pm
From Princess
My ass is stuck in the kitchen sink. While he was very helpful getting me in here he is of no assistance getting me out.
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Saturday 11:46pm
From Princess
Apparently ‘douchecanoe twatwaffle jerkface’ is the most hilarious insult he has ever heard. My brilliance is unparalleled
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Sunday 5:51am
From Princess
Me: Hey what’s the worst thing you’ve ever put in your mouth?
Him outrageously offended: I’m not answering that!
Him:  ... you first
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Sunday 7:12pm
From Princess
Is it a legit massage if he has to pause in the middle to jack off?
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Monday 11:06am
From Princess
Ordered groceries via Amazon Prime drone delivery. Sitting on the rooftop patio wrapped up together in a ginormous blankie waiting.
Does this count as a date?
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Monday 1:13pm
From Princess
Drone arrived. I lost my shit. Coolest thing ever. He’s frantically ordering more stuff because I haven’t looked this ecstatic since the time he rubbed my feet then went down on me for 2 hrs
Hold up change of plans
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Monday 2:28pm
From Princess
stubble burn on bottom of feet :-/
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Monday 6:44pm
From Princess
We can both fit in the jacuzzi tub. Almost drowned when his phone rang and we both spazzed out
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Tuesday 10:10am
From Princess
Today’s formal edict: He will only be referring to himself in the 3rd person. I am required to do as told. Should not be this turned on
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Tuesday 11:58am
From Princess
Watching him try to answer calls like this is a level of hilarity I could not have predicted
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Tuesday 1:53pm
From Princess
He gave me a crash course in chem. Still don’t know anything but it was hot as hell
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Tuesday 2:57pm
From Princess
Despite all evidence to the contrary I’m a Good Girl. Did as I was told. Got rewarded. 13 times
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Tuesday 5:33pm
From Princess
Unlocked a tiny piece of tragic backstory*™: He’s never been to a zoo   :-(
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Wednesday 11:24am
From Princess
Julio and Bastian brought 4 pizzas. Currently eating them individually sitting in a giant square in the living room SOCIAL DISTANCING
Like he wasn’t inside me 10 min ago wtf
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Wednesday 11:25am
From Princess
Yes cute driver Bastian. Btw you are barking up the wrong tree girl. His favorite animal is bears lol
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Wednesday 12:39pm
From Princess
Garlic butter: lube or no? Round table discussion happening.
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Wednesday 1:19pm
From Princess
I won in favor of No
Me: slams hands down on table
All men present:   :-[
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Wednesday 1:32pm
From Princess
Diego: puts garlic butter cup in the empty box and slides the whole mess off table to the floor without breaking eye contact. My sugar daddy is truly a murder panther
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Wednesday 3:49pm
From Princess
Flipping channels (he only has 5000) when he comes downstairs from the bedroom wearing Ginormous Blankie as cape.
Him: Can we do the thing again?
Me: Gotta be way more specific babe
Him: Flaps blankie like wings and gives me puppy dog eyes
Him: You know. Thing. On the roof. ...please?
Did he just ask me to cuddle???
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Wednesday 5:58pm
From Princess
Can confirm roof cuddles.  He fell asleep with his face mashed into my neck-shoulder after watching sunset. Every time I move he whimpers and squeezes tighter. I don't know what is happening but it kinda hurts in my chest
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Wednesday 9:12pm
From Princess
Me: You know those girls you send away when I come up? There's one that sorta begrudgingly likes me?
Him, stuffing a 2nd Oreo into his mouth(there's already a whole 1 in there)
Him: Frahnthessga?
Me: Yeah! Can I fuck her?
….I should worry about my job again pretty sure Murder Panther Sugar Daddy is dead
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Wednesday 10:48pm
From Princess
We splintered the plexiglass-divider-shower-wall thingy. His solution was to just hold all 215lbs of me up in the air and finish. I have no words
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Thursday 4:12am
From Princess
I can hear him on the phone downstairs listing names. I don't know these people. I'm going in the bathroom to run water so I can't hear anything else
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Thursday 9:02am
From Princess
I slept thru a breakfast meeting. There's a laptop  and a box of 1 doz Boston cream donuts labeled PRINCESS on the bar counter. He's watching news with Julio + Bastian on the couch. Odd but ok I got fave donuts so whatevs
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Thursday 9:17am
From Princess
On 3rd donut when I catch him staring. Can only see from eyes up bc he's peering at me over back of the couch. Have inadvertently activated Horny Murder Panther mode via accidental slutty licking of cream filling. 
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Thursday 11:40am
From Princess
Me: I don't like avocado
Diego: bitch what the fuck 
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Thursday 12:10pm
From Princess
He asked what the deal was with white people and meatloaf. I requested clarification on food or music. He's confused it's fucking adorable
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Thursday 2:14pm
From Princess
I'm making a meatloaf for dinner. Also brownies. TV is still on???
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Thursday 4:24pm
From Princess
Found a big round can of guava paste in the back of the fridge. He's spoon feeding it to me while watching me make meatloaf
Diego: I did not realize you were so… domesticated
Me, no brain to mouth filter: Yeah well gettin dicked down 3x a day will do that to a girl
Please send hitman asap 
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Thursday 5:10pm
From Princess
He just turned TV off. Local news was listing all major crimes in NYC today. Last story was 6 bodies found inside meat plant freezer, execution style kills with "on-site" equipment. When I whisper Dafuq??  he distractedly mutters 'captive bolt pistol'  
He's texting again
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Thursday 5:39pm
From Princess
I kinda wanna come home now
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Thursday 7:48pm
From Princess
I have converted another person to meatloaf lover (food not music)
On 3rd brownie when he declares: I am never letting you leave again. Mine now
Look up from rolling my eyes to receive Super Intense I Can See Into Your Soul Diego Stare
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Thursday 9:50pm
From Princess
He's looking for a scary movie via voice command on remote. Other hand is on my foot. I can't even see my foot. What is the actual purpose of hands that big?? What is the evolutionary goal to this endgame? ?? Why am I wet just thinking about a    h a n d    ?????
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Friday 12:34am
From Princess
Con: This asshole is delighted to learn that I don't like scary movies
Pro: Hiding my face in his chest means I fucking feel the rumble when he laughs at me. I think I'm developing a heart condition. Hurts again.
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Friday 1:40am
From Princess
He's rubbing his face all over my stomach. I don't like this. Sir why. Please it's literally the least attractive part of me
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Friday 2:11am
From Princess
He likes it…? I don't see. How does. But it's.
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Friday 3:47am
From Princess
He's asleep on my stomach after spending 40 min declaring his love for belly
I'm crying and I can't stop. My whole chest hurts. What is this. Is this the most long game prank ever. There's no way he's for real. I'm afraid. Do you think I should try to escape?? Please you know I'm not easily frightened but I just. Please text back I need my BFF
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Friday 7:18am
From Princess
Woke up in bed alone and naked. Gonna grab a shirt and handle this. I can't just ignore it. This is probably a bad idea but I can't just let it go. If you don't hear back from me by noon call my parents. I love you
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Friday 11:38am
From Princess
Halfway down the stairs 3 dudes I don't know come out of the office, Diego and Julio follow. They take 1 look at me and launch into laughter and some rude fucking spanish. I'm rusty but I know fucking "fat bitch" tyvm. Diego picks this mf up by the throat and throws him into the elevator. Drags the other 2 in and... no one has come back since
Been locked in the bathroom. I'm afraid to hear anything
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Friday 1:48pm
From Princess
Relocated to closet earlier. Reading. I'm 2 chapters in and I don't even remember the title. Gonna take an ativan. Hands are shaking
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Friday 2:27pm
From Princess
You know what? I don't even care. Like as long as it's never directed at me I just don't care.
It's too late I'm in too deep. I don't know if I can even come home after this. I'm not who everyone thinks I am. I don't know who I am. I'm turning the phone off now I'm sorry but I just need everything to stop for a while
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Friday 7:48pm
From Princess
I'm ok, sorry for the dramatics. Woke up still in the closet corner but under Ginormous Blankie and can hear shower running. Decide it's time to put my big girl panties on and march in there. No I did not learn from the last time. Standby
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Friday 9:22pm
From Princess
We're good.
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Friday 11:49pm
From Princess
Ok. Marched into bathroom, launched into speech: I'm sorry but I did not know anyone was here. You have to leave me a note or something. Please tell me I did not ruin anything
Him, still in shower: Get your ass in here.
It was a literal growl
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Friday 11:50pm
From Princess
Apparently that guy had been fucking up small time and Diego was waiting for him to fuck up big time. I will never see all 3 of them again (No do not ask)Yes it was frustrating but not mad at me. Ok a little because his sister hired that guy and now he has to explain the dude's ...disappearance. Without mentioning me. No one can know about me I am a "liability"
Um ouch..? I think?? Chest pain again
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Friday 11:51pm
From Princess
He's been asleep, I'm just staring at the ceiling. Demanded I let him prove that he would never put hands on me that I don't want. I thought he was gonna cry. I did start crying but said yes. Not gentle per se, but definitely ...emotional? Like soft sex. Slow soft sex but with emotions?? I'm lost
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Friday 11:54pm
From Princess
Please tell me no. Talk me out of this. Tell me I'm fucknuts and I need to just come home and be reasonable and sensible. You know when you stand at a ledge and a little voice tells you Just jump. Do it. Go
Do I want all in? Can I do this? I should not do this. I should not care about him. Especially like this. I just. When I'm not here this is all I think about. No one else makes me feel this way
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Friday 11:56pm
From Princess
I'm hysterical right? This will go away if I just sleep. I can't stop looking at him. Touching his face, hair. Ever since the Kitchen Blowup (after the first fight??is it a fight if you're not technically in a relationship?) he's been different. Careful?? Like he really listened to me and heard. I can see him trying. Like reining in his knee jerk reactions and stopping to think before he says stuff to me. What am I supposed to do?
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Friday 11:59pm
From Princess
I want to trust him. I want to be spoiled and fucked senseless and all the giggles and private planes and shopping sprees and sleeping in til noon. But what about the other side? Constantly looking over my shoulder? Worrying that he might not come home from whatever the fuck he's out doing? The other actual supermodel hot women??? I'm not naive.
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Saturday 12:10am
From Princess
I just need to turn this off. Shut it down. Cut off emotions and just fuck. I can't do this and I can't have him for keeps. So it's time to be realistic. After this shitty quarantine ends I'll take whatever cash he wants to give me and go home. I can move if I have to. It's not hard to change your name these days. This whole nightmare will be the hilarious rumors in my future nursing home
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Saturday 4:44am
From Princess
Got up at like 350 for the bathroom. When I crawled back into bed he yanked me backwards to be smashed into/under him. Buried face into my hair and ordered:
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Saturday 9:10am
From Princess
Woke up alone. Gathered shirt. Did surveillance from top of stairs. Music blasting. Bastian and Diego are working out. I had to sit down for a while
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Saturday 9:40am
From Princess
Finally made it down the stairs. Eating donuts while watching live action porn
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Saturday 10:27am
From Princess
Show's over. Diego announces he is going to shower with a wink. I am staying on this barstool with my donuts. I am determined
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Saturday 10:38am
From Princess
Sharing donuts with Bastian. He is staring at me
Me: ...wut?
Bastian: You know I haven't driven Franchesca anywhere in 4 months
I don't know how long I've been sitting here staring at this half eaten donut but Bastian is gone
Shower still running
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Saturday 1:36pm
From Princess
Slut level 7: Shower blowjob
Realized I have to wash my hair now. He demands to do it??
Diego: How much fucking conditioner is this going to take?
Me drooling blissfully: Uhhh... please not that word right now
...I literally heard Horny Murder Panther transition happen.
He did not touch anything but my head. Came via voice command. How the fuck
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Saturday 1:39pm
From Princess
Then it was Round 2 still dripping wet in the bed. No idea how he recovered that fast not looking gift horse in the mouth.  Haha   Horse
Also slow soft again? Does this mean something?? I feel like I'm missing some key piece of info. Never had a dude like kiss all over my face and stroke my hair. What is this gentle?? Don't like the whole looking into my eyes thing
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Saturday 3:02pm
From Princess
Received an assignment. Was trying to budget for next month (on my new laptop! Whole Microsoft office package!! SPREADSHEETS!!!)
Instructed to help fix what I fucked up…?
It's resumes. He wants me to look at resumes.   Um
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Saturday 4:12pm
From Princess
We traded laptops. I picked 3 resumes for 'warehouse labor'  This is fucking surreal
Got my laptop back and… all the internet tabs were closed?? I was paying all my bills dude wtf. His phone rings but before he walks off tells me the title will be mailed to me. ?????
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Saturday 4:47pm
From Princess
He's still in the office on the phone. I'm in the closet in shock. He paid my loans. He paid my Loans. He Paid My Fucking Loans OFF
$$$$$   30,000  $$$$$
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Saturday 4:52pm
From Princess
No you can't have him if I don't want him!! Fuck you
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Saturday 5:32pm
From Princess
Bastian came back, left a big box on the counter, said "This is for you honey" and left again. Diego still in the office.
...should I open it or wait for him to come out??
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Saturday 5:36pm
From Princess
Fuck it. I'm opening this shit
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Saturday 5:42pm
From Princess
It's a very large Brahmin bag.
Holy fuck its gorgeous 
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Saturday 5:47pm
From Princess
You know what? You Know What?
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Sunday 8:42am
From Princess
I think we're ok? I actually uh, accidentally recorded um… everything-ish. And I might send it to you later. But right now things are kinda wobbly and I just wanna enjoy everything while I can. I'll check back in later. We're going to bed now
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Sunday 1:58pm
From Princess
Woke up to 1 gigantic hand stroking down my back. 2nd hand stuffed up my pussy to the knuckle. Villain voice directly into left ear. Memory hazy after that
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Sunday 3:01pm
From Princess
Do Oreos in bed at 3pm count as breakfast? My hips hurt
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Sunday 6:40pm
From Princess
Ok we all know I'm very much A Freak. Trysexual if you will. Only way to know you don't like it is to try it right? So anal. Never really worked. Great in theory really unpleasant in practice.
Turns out others were trying to insert the wrong appendage. Related: I fucking love beards
e v e r y w h e r e
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Sunday 10:40pm
From Princess
Yes I know you wanna know about KITCHEN BLOWUP 2.0, someday I'll tell you about v.1. It's complicated. There are feels. I can't take the vague, wishy washy, up in the air status. So it went kinda like this
Me: You want to "keep" me? Wtf does that even mean?? And how, via purchasing me??? Don't get me wrong, I like being spoiled. I'm not an idiot. But you don't even know me
He looked like I stabbed him. It was horrible
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Sunday 10:42pm
From Princess
So I laid it all out: I lived in my car for a while in my 20s. Escaped an abusive ex after 8 yrs. Survived cancer at 26. Did 2 rounds of trade school just to be scraping by at like $15 an hour. That you just paid off like it was nothing. You try to protect me from you and your life. But you have no idea what I've already survived.
So here's the deal: You wanna keep me?? Then I get to keep you.
But it's everything. If I can't have everything then I don't want anything. And if it can't be ONLY me then I gotta go. I'm not a back up plan or a convenience.
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Sunday 10:50pm
From Princess
At this point I'm scream-crying, gesticulating like I'm hysterical. He's collapsed on the floor at my feet looking like I just killed his dog. Only makes me worse. I'm demanding an answer right fucking now. This is a disaster.
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Sunday 10:54pm
From Princess
He starts yelling about how he can't keep me if I'm dead. This isn't a fucking game and I'm just like Do I look like I'm playing right now?!?
Lisa, he was crying. Just kept repeating "She's right. She's fucking right. That bitch is right."
Head in his hands sobbing.
I couldn't. 
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Sunday 10:59pm
From Princess
So I got down on my knees in front of him and reached for his hands. Just like the first blowup. I was terrified because he's obviously not in control and like I don't know the things he does but I Know. And the PTSD from ex… but I finally got him to look at me and asked him to just Tell Me.
And he did.
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Monday 12:04am
From Princess
If you had told me that night in the club that any of this would happen. That this man was capable of everything these past 10 months have brought. I would've taken you to the hospital myself.
He collapsed on me and was just begging me "Don't go don't go. Please stay. Stay just for now. Please. No one else no one."  I have a lot to consider. Probably gonna be quiet for a few days. I'll text you when things calm down. He's asleep on my chest right now
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Monday 12:10am
From Princess
I mean 10 months...how many weekends have I been up here? 12? 16? And only twice did I reach out first and ask. I have stuff here. You saw the closet section. Every time I arrive there's coke and ketchup in the fridge. My face wash and toothbrush and a huge bottle of gel in the bathroom. Last time here he gave me the safe combo???
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Monday 12:14am
From Princess
I mean, I've never seen ...other… in the fridge. I don't think it needs to be refrigerated???
I Don't Know Okay
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Monday 6:40am
From Princess
Woke up around 5 and he was just staring at me from like 2 inches away. He left once he realized I was awake. I didn't follow. He still hasn't come back to bed yet. Should I go find him?
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Monday 11:38am
From Princess
Found him on the couch. Coffee table covered in vast array of firearms. Did not realize there were so many in this penthouse. Little uncomfortable. But I'm a fast learner with good mechanical skills so now I can do gun stuff. Please don't ask me about it
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Monday 11:41am
From Princess
Ok yesss. We had the stupid movie cliche moment of big tough guy stands behind damsel to teach some physical skill. Gawd.
...yeah doing it feels better than watching. You happy now???
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Monday 2:28pm
From Princess
Mood swing. He declared vengeance on behalf of his closet. I have worn too many shirts. This cannot continue. ????? Stay tuned
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Monday 2:59pm
From Princess
This man runs the largest distribution enterprise in the western hemisphere.
Currently stuck in one of my $6 tank tops from Target. 
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Monday 4:17pm
From Princess
I'm out a tank top. And a thong. Go ahead and just think about that
...But I'm still wearing one of his shirts :-D
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Monday 5:48pm
From Princess
Instead of admitting defeat he decided to forcibly remove the shirt from me. Since I have to be difficult, I ran. If this place wasn't soundproof there would be so many police here.
What level of fucked up is it to enjoy screaming No!, while struggling, not less than 3 sec prior to orgasm??
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Monday 5:52pm
From Princess
The scale only goes to 10. You don't gotta be a bitch. Damn
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Monday 8:17pm
From Princess
14 days will be up this Thursday. But they're talking about extending it, really bad here. I'm scared. Gonna try a drink, maybe ativan because I'm starting to freak out.
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Monday 9:57pm
From Princess
Watching the news and I just sorta came unglued.  Diego not really a soft/gentle guy (obvs) but once I got thru a blubber-cry explanation of immuno-compromised and cancer treatment I got full lap cuddles. I want this every time I'm upset. Warm and solid and big hands and soft nuzzles and scratchy velvet cheek kisses. Feel so tiny and safe
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Monday 11:40pm
From Princess
Think I'm fukced up. Everything feels good. Petting all the things
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Monday 11:44pm
From Princess
I'm fiiiiine. One drink. Once ativan. Thats it
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Monday 11:49pm
From Princess
Omgod ill be fine it's good donot call me
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Monday 11:55pm
From Princess
What are fiddlesticks? Like the worrd not a instrument accessory?why do we say that
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Tuesday 7:42am
From Princess
Holy shit I slept so good. I looked back thru the texts. Wtf was I doing?? I don't remember any of this
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Tuesday 8:32am
From Princess
He's giving me that all teeth smile. I'm very suspicious. And surprisingly not horny?? Am I dying?
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Tuesday 9:46am
From Princess
Have been informed that I was very adorable last night. I'm afraid to learn his definition of adorable
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Tuesday 10:12am
From Princess
Omg he has 3 hours of video
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Tuesday 11:17am
From Princess
I spent 45 min yelling about Pluto planet status being revoked and the kilogram definition being forever altered. He was very invested in the 2nd part. Legit academic discussion
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Tuesday 11:49am
From Princess
Next part: I decided to make a fried egg sandwich. He started recording like a cooking show. I almost lit my hair on fire.
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Tuesday 11:57am
From Princess
Oh I see where everything went wrong. I had 1 drink and 1 ativan. Then I finished his drink. Then I drank his replacement. Why tf did he let me do that??
"You were so cute! How could I say no to this face, bonita?"
...I will remember that
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Tuesday 12:13pm
From Princess
Apparently we exchanged playlists. This is not good
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Tuesday 12:28pm
From Princess
Omg I revealed the Murder Panther Sugar Daddy title. Oh fuck. Shit shit shit
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Tuesday 12:42pm
From Princess
I spent 40 min petting him all over while listing everything I liked and why. He is going to be insufferable for forever after this
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Tuesday 1:22pm
From Princess
Lisa. Lisa. Holy shit. He said we made a porno. I laughed. He fucking narrated an opening to it. I am dying  I am going to die   I am dead
Him, offscreen: Diego and Bicki make a Porno!
Me, onscreen, twerking on the bed in lace bra
Me: eeeeeeeeeeeeeee ASS AND TITTIES!!!
Diego pops into shot, giggling: Pretty Princess Pussy!!
The whole thing just dissolved into shaky blur and us laughing hysterically
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Tuesday 1:24pm
From Princess
No I'm not sharing it. What is wrONG WITH YOU??????
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Tuesday 3:44pm
From Princess
It… did not go the way I thought it would. And apparently he had not watched it either because we were both surprised.
That. Was not sex. Seeing the soft slow with emotions from the outside was pretty damning.
That was lovemaking
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Tuesday 6:32pm
From Princess
I'm locked in the bathroom. Everything is fucked.
I just… I just hid my face and said "I want to go home." Like a fucking coward hiding behind my hair, I took off upstairs and now I'm here. It's been a long time. I'm still alone
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Tuesday 6:39pm
From Princess
No shit Sherlock, I know I have intimacy issues.
Men don't love me. Sure I'm fun to fuck for a while. But they don't take a poor fat girl home. Come on, you've seen it firsthand. Clearly, since here I still am by myself
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Tuesday 6:42pm
From Princess
I don't know what I was thinking. I don't belong here. Guess I'll just ride out the last 2 days then come home
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Tuesday 6:45pm
From Princess
I think Julio is here. I can hear their voices but can't make out the words
Oh no his sister is here. They're yelling in Spanish, I can't catch any of it
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Tuesday 10:14pm
From Princess
They screamed for a while, then she finally left. Been silent ever since. I don't know if he's still here
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Tuesday 10:40pm
From Princess
He's definitely still here. There's a tantrum going on
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Wednesday 12:32am
From Princess
Fell asleep in the closet corner again. Except when I woke up he was wedged in there with me
Me: … um
Diego: I think I see why you do this
Then he went to sleep on me
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Wednesday 5:48am
From Princess
Have been talking since 3. Still in the closet.
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Wednesday 7:10am
From Princess
I'm coming home when this is over. I need some time and space to think. 
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Wednesday 7:12am
From Princess
Is that even the right term? Do you 'break up' with a sugar daddy???? 
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Wednesday 7:13am
From Princess
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Wednesday 7:16am
From Princess
Gonna shower and go to bed. You mention that last text and I literally will stab you. BFF or not
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Wednesday 4:40pm
From Princess
Just listened to an hour of descriptions of Mexico.
I am… tempted
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Wednesday 6:54pm
From Princess
I'm flying home Friday, they just lifted the travel ban here.
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Wednesday 6:59pm
From Princess
No, no one is happy here. We're both clingy disasters today
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Wednesday 7:17pm
From Princess
Went downstairs. It's a war zone. We came back upstairs 
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Thursday 6:19am
From Princess
Couldn't sleep so I'm packing. Diego is watching me from the bed with the biggest, saddest puppy dog eyes in existence.
Effect kinda ruined because I can see his bare ass
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Thursday 6:22am
From Princess
Why would you ask me that? You know he's an exhibitionist 
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Thursday 6:23am
From Princess
I can't decide if you're the Best or the Worst BFF ever. Gawd
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Thursday 6:25am
From Princess
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Thursday 6:27am
From Princess
Yeah. You see my dilemma now???
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Thursday 6:28am
From Princess
Yes I bite it! What is wrong with you today???
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Thursday 6:43pm
From Princess
He spent entire day attached to me. I..??? What do I do with a clingy cartel boss drug lord?? Its too much
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Friday 8:52am
From Princess
I'm on the plane. He rode here with me. Looked so… broken. Feel like a monster. But I'm scared
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Friday 1:45pm
From Princess
I'm home but but he. Omg
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Friday 2:38pm
From Princess
There's a tiny stuffed panther in my bag with a note:  I just want to be with you
My very own Tiny Murder Panther 
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scaredofchange · 4 years
Carpe Diem - Jinyoung x Reader
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Pairing: Park Jinyoung (GOT7) x Female!Reader                                            
Summary: Moving to Korea for a job is something, but meeting Park Jinyoung in a totally impossible/ridiculous way? Now we’re talking. Y/N is definitely in for a wild ride.
Warnings: being stuck in an elevator; acrophobia; mild panic attack; swearing; but also fluff and cuteness.
 Wordcount: 4.4k
 A/N: Just an idea at the top of my head like that; also, it’s a first-person perspective. I’m not that into using the second person (“you”). Hope you enjoy it!
           I was rushing from desk to desk; juggling between official documents and frivolous memos like my life was depending on it. Having recently joined the Human Resources department of the successful JYP entertainment corporation, I had nothing to lose and everything to prove to my superiors.
Granted, working for HR was not as glamorous as being one of the top hats, but it was gratifying enough for me to move my ass from North America to Korea in an instant. Don’t get me wrong, I wasn’t running from my old life, I was just trying to find my true vocation.
 HR was definitely not it, but dreams don’t come true without money.
Luckily enough, JYP had half the department working in English, which grandly facilitated my tasks: my Korean wasn’t... let’s say it wasn’t bad but neither was it good.
As I had barely bit down my sad homemade sandwich for lunch, I heard a loud screech coming from behind me. I was tempted to hide under my desk but decided against it.
 I turned around to face my evil boss: Ms. Lee.
Before I could even answer, she started babbling about, rummaging through the documents on the surface of my desk and destroying every ounce of my setup whatsoever.
“Can I help with something?” I muttered under my breath, half-wishing she wouldn’t have heard it.
“If you did your job correctly, you wouldn’t have to ask, would you now?” she snapped back like an angry Chihuahua.
I pressed my tongue against my front teeth, holding back any sorts of remarks that I might’ve wanted to yell at her. My new work friend, Mi-ja tried to cover her smile from across the desk facing me but miserably failed.
“Where are the charts from floor twenty?” my boss squeaked, her eyes shooting lasers at me.
“The what?”
She deeply sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose like it wasn’t only my second week in the business. With a voice trembling with anger, she gathered her thoughts.
“I need the GOT7 charts, you hear me? I asked hours ago for you to get them!”
My eyes widened: is that what she was shouting when I entered her office at 8 am with the wrong coffee? My boss kept shaking her head vehemently, deeply disappointed in me. I’d lie if I said it didn’t hurt a small bit, but I learned long ago not to bother with bullies like her.
“I’ll get them right away,” I stated calmly.
“You better!” she shouted again as she turned her back to me and paced down toward her office.
It was my turn to deeply inhale and exhale, letting the pressure of the last few minutes out.
“Ouch,” retorted Mi-ja with a pitiful expression.
I mumbled that word while beginning to make my way toward the elevator. With tensed shoulders, I pressed the 20th-floor button and let the doors close by themselves. It took a few stops to get there since my office was located on the 8th floor, but eventually, I stepped out in a luxurious lobby.
Windows were larger than on the HR floor; the light was plunging into the room, making it look much bigger than it actually was.
A cute secretary with platinum hair was sitting at the front desk; she offered me a sweet smile and greeted me in Korean.
“Hi,” I replied in English, “I’m here to get the documents for human resources,” I tried to explain clearly in case she wasn’t fluent.
She nodded at my word and smiled again. She turned around on her wheeling chair and grabbed a thick black folder.
“Here you go,” she let out in a tiny voice.
“Thank you!”
She bowed and I made my way back to the elevator; if only everyone in this building was as nice as her, life would be much easier.
A millisecond after the doors started closing; I heard a loud yelp from the reception hall. I rapidly placed my hand between the sensors, stopping the elevator in its motion. Unfortunately, while doing so, I struggled with the file which was securely locked in the crook on my elbow: a few sheets of paper fell on the floor, provoking a deep sigh from my throat.
I didn’t even look at the person entering the cabin as I crouched to pick up the fallen sheets.
“Mianhada,” apologized the man in Korean.
“It’s okay,” I retorted in English, my eyes focused on the task.
In a hurry, the man crouched down to help me. His hands went directly for the ground, but I had already recuperated my work. It’s at that moment that I crossed his gaze.
His brown irises shined with guilt and sorry, but that’s not what my thoughts were on about. To resume, my mind went like: holy fucking shit that is Park Jinyoung, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck! What do I do? How do I look? Oh, he must think I’m an idiot! And so on and on like a twelve-year-old girl meeting her favourite idol.
By his facial expression: my jaw must’ve fallen on the floor. I couldn’t control it fast enough to look at least remotely professional. No, instead, I opted for the shocked face and widened eyes.
He offered me a polite smile, but something in his irises was off; like a glint of annoyance. Perhaps he was tired of being looked at this way.
Slowly, we both went back to standing awkwardly, my mouth shut and his arms crossed on his chest. He cleared his throat, hastily apologized again and pressed the first-floor button.
I analyzed his reflection on the metallic doors: he was wearing a dark long-sleeved shirt, some jeans, a pair of glasses and sneakers. In every way, shape, and form, did he look perfect.
But something was definitely wrong in the way he was holding himself. I shyly eyed him, hoping he wouldn’t notice. Although I had previously thought he was annoyed by my behaviour, perhaps something else was bothering him: he stared deadly into the void, his breathing low as his chest was heaving up and down.
I wanted to ask him if he was all right, but I held the thought in, knowing it wasn’t my place.
After picking up a person on the 18th floor and dropping them on the 16th, I wiggled, ill-a-ease, on my feet. I was ashamed of my initial reaction and somehow wanted to fix the image I had given.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to... insult you,” I let out quietly while fidgeting with the hem of my shirt.
Baffled, Jinyoung’s eyes widened and he looked at me, intrigued. He opened his mouth to reply, but before he could even make a sound, a loud thud was heard from the top of the elevator.
With a strident screech, the cabin came to a difficult stop, making the whole world shake around us. I squeaked as I grabbed one of the handles, fear clawing through my whole body.
Jinyoung also held on, but didn’t make a sound; the only thing apparent was the worry on his flawless face. He looked up, then at me, questions marks in his eyes.
“What’s going on?” I inquired even though I knew none of us could even begin to answer that question.
“I don’t know,” he responded with a thick Korean accent.
We waited a few seconds before we both straightened our backs. As I looked around, I pointed out the shining red button with a phone on it. Jinyoung nodded and went directly to press it.
I was trying to control my thoughts and heartbeat, but both of them were getting wild.
A man's voice made itself heard; Jinyoung explained the problem, in Korean, with worry plastered on his face. The man responded, but I couldn’t quite catch what he was saying; still, I took reassurance in Jinyoung’s facial reactions and slight nodding: concern seemed to be washing away from his irises.
When he turned back around to face me, I composed myself and tried to look remotely calm.
“What’s the verdict?” I inquired with an unwanted shaky voice.
“He said at least one hour,” the idol admitted while pointing one finger in the air, “they have to call... huh...” he struggled to find his word, “maintenance?” he finally let out, unsure.
I acquiesced with a nod, but those words did not reassure me; on the contrary, my heart went flying as if it was trying to burst out of my chest. Dizzy, I struggled to stay on my feet.
I remembered a few tricks my therapist had told me, back in my hometown: 1) take deep breaths, 2) ask yourself if it’s really the end of the world, 3) what do you do to relax? Try to do it in that situation.
So, I started breathing in and out, imagining a square filling up with air in front of me, holding my breath for four seconds, and releasing it as the square emptied itself. It was a helpful strategy, but my thoughts were still racing.
Jinyoung stared at me, confused by my sudden behaviour, but I ignored him.
I placed my back against the wall and let my body slide on the floor, my breathing still not regularizing itself. With trembling hands, I put my important folder on the ground and pulled my legs on my chest.
You’re not going to die. The elevator is not going to fall.
I kept repeating these two sentences in my head, over and over again. Perhaps that is why I didn’t notice when Jinyoung kneeled in front of me.
“Are you okay?” he inquired, worried.
I tilted my head to the side, and, without really wanting to, gave him the do-I-look-like-I’m-okay? eyes.
He realized his mistake and softly apologized in a murmur I had barely heard over the pounding in my ears. Jinyoung put his other leg on the ground and, suddenly, placed a hand over my knee; his warmth reaching all the way through my jeans.
My eyes darted toward him, but he didn’t budge. With a comforting half-smile, he locked gaze with me.
“You are gonna be okay,” he simply said, his fingers squeezing me lightly. “Help is on the way.”
I wondered how his English had improved in the last twenty seconds but pushed the strange thought away when he opened his mouth again.
“Repeat,” Jinyoung ordered.
I looked at him with puzzled eyes.
“Repeat,” he said again, determination in his irises.
I gulped; my throat dried from the panic.
“I-I...” I started with difficulty, “I’m gonna be okay... Help... Help is coming.”
Once again, a small simper appeared on his lips.
It was the only word he said before switching his position to sitting. Surprisingly, he didn’t move far away like I thought he would’ve; he stayed very close as if he was scared I would have started panicking if he’d move.
With a sigh, he let his head collide on the wall in a soft thud. Desperate, he ran a hand through his hair, making me wonder how I could even contain myself being this close to a man like him.
After a few minutes of total silence, he eyed me. I was fidgeting with my fingers, my head telling me not to move too quickly or the elevator might fall.
“What’s your name?” Jinyoung questioned out of nowhere.
I jerked my head up to meet his curious gaze.
“Y/N,” I responded in a whisper.
“You’re not from here?” he inquired again, his attention peaked.
He hummed in response as if he finally understood me.
“How long have you worked here?”
Now it was me who was intrigued: why the sudden interest? I stared at him and blinked a few times. When he finally noticed my glare, he returned it.
“Hum...” I let out, intimidated, “a few weeks.”
“You like it?”
“So far, so good”
He kept nodding his head like he was fascinated by the conversation.
“Why are you asking me that?” I finally gathered the courage to ask.
Jinyoung scoffed and lazily put one of his legs under him.
“Just curious,” he finally admitted, his hand reaching for his phone that had just started to ring.
He answered it, said a few words way too quickly and hung up like it was the worst exchange he had ever had.
“Tough day?” I jokingly told him.
“Yeah,” he sighed, letting me surprised that he even answered.
From what I remembered, Park Jinyoung was the kind of person who did not talk a lot; on the contrary, he seemed like a very silent type of guy.
“Me too,” I breathed out, lifting my hands in the air.
He chuckled at my reaction.
“So, what’s up?” I inquired bluntly, “I mean, what’s wrong?”
I blushed when his eyes locked with mine; a glint of disbelief in his brown irises. He slightly squinted his eyelids and looked at me like I was some kind of crazy woman. Although I was sure he was about to flip me off or something, Jinyoung simply sighed and shrugged his shoulders.
“Had an argument with one of the members,” he finally confessed, his expression switching from surprise to anger, but then to sadness.
“I’m sorry; I know it sucks to argue with family,” I offered a genuine reply, knowing that they’re not related, but might as well be.
“And what about you, what’s wrong?” he returned the question after cutely smiling at me.        
“My boss is a bitch,” I blurted out without hesitation.
He raised his eyebrows, surprised by my matter-of-fact response. I awkwardly laughed, realizing it might not have been the best thing to say to a man like Jinyoung. But, instead of looking at me weirdly, he just softly chuckled, his gaze bearing mine.
“Are you always like this?” he scoffed.
��Just when I’m stuck God knows how many feet in the air,” I replied sarcastically, pursing my lips together.
“I thought I was very unlucky today,” the idol stated, his voice deep, “but there are worst places to be right now.”
His eyes searched mine while my lips stretched delicately into a soft smile; had Jinyoung just kind of complimented me?
“You’re not wrong, there are definitely worst people to be stuck in an elevator with,” I added.
A warm and deep laugh emitted from his throat, provoking my smile to grow even more. For a moment, it felt like I wasn’t even battling against my fear of heights, and it released the tension in my shoulders. Looking at Jinyoung laugh had erased all panic from my brain and for the first time in a few minutes, I was able to breathe normally.
“You didn’t ask my name,” he eventually said.
I scoffed.
“It’s because I already know it, Park Jinyoung.”
“I see, you are IGOT7?”
I rolled my eyes at him; there was no way in hell I was about to let him know I used to be their biggest fan.
“I work here, stupid,” I jokingly let out.
He faked being offended and burst out laughing, his hand hiding his mouth.
“So, you don’t like us?”
“Did I say that?” I replied way too hastily.
With an arrogant smile, he tilted his head to the side and stared at me with sparkly eyes.
“What?” I asked.
He smiled to himself and slightly shook his head with a chuckle as if he had just thought about something funny, but the words that came out of his mouth were everything but.
“You’re just really beautiful,” he complimented me, causing my saliva to get stuck in my throat.
I coughed under the surprise and hid my face between my knees which were still glued to my chest. I heard Jinyoung make fun of me, and muffled my very own laugh on my legs. When I finally straightened my head, his eyes were still focused on me.
I profusely blushed before he decided to end my torture and looked away.
Strangely enough, the following moment wasn’t as awkward as I thought it would be; we just stayed there and stupidly smiled for minutes.
A few thoughts crossed my mind as I observed the man in front of me. I admired his dark hair dishevelled after what I assumed might’ve been a dance practice, his nose scrunching from time to time as he was reacting to his own thoughts, the way he kept peculiarly twisting his fingers, but most importantly, how only his presence was soothing me and alleviating my fears.
Out of the blue, I decided to change position. After all, we only have one life to live, don't we? So why spend it hesitating and not grasping the moment? Bluntly, I wiggled my body until I was sitting right next to Jinyoung. I tried to do it as slowly as possible so the cabin wouldn’t move and I supposed that that was the reason he chuckled at me.
He didn’t say a word after that, which I thought was a good sign. His body even loosened up when my arm brushed against his.
What the fuck are you doing, Y/N?
I forcefully pushed my reflections away and stopped moving; my heartbeat kicking up once again but for a very different reason.
Perhaps it was the lack of air in the cabin or the sudden heat washing over me, but my brain stopped working completely. Slowly but surely, I slid my head on Jinyoung’s shoulder. I half-expected him to jerk away or tell me to fuck off, but instead, he smirked. All I could see from where I was looking was his cheeks inflate from his smile.  
“You’re strange,” he murmured.
“I’ll take that as a compliment,” I muttered back with a chortle.
“It is a compliment.”
I slightly shook my head, still on his shoulder, and exhaled slowly.
We stayed like that for what felt like an hour; not talking, just enjoying each other’s silence. At one point, Jinyoung even placed his hand on mine like it was nothing. My mind was racing, but who was I to refuse to hold hands with Park Jinyoung?
Somehow, the day had started horribly and, when the elevator got stuck, I thought it was the worst time of my life, but with Jinyoung by my side it didn’t feel so bad anymore.
It’s a strange situation to bound over, but somehow, it was perfect.
I had no idea if he felt the same way, but to me, that moment would be worth cherishing for a long time.
We both got extremely startled when we heard a voice on the speaker. In a swift movement, and, not going to lie, some reluctance, we got on our feet and listened to the man’s speech. Jinyoung translated it to a few words: they’re here.
“Really?” I let out unimpressed as I rolled my eyes, “he literally spoke for five minutes and that’s your takeaway?”
With a defeated smile, Jinyoung shrugged his shoulders and, I swear to God, if I had had the time, I would’ve kissed him right there and then.
But it was barely a millisecond later that we heard a loud thud and the elevator moved. Instinctively, I grabbed Jinyoung’s arm and held it close to me. He slid a hand over mine and squeezed it lightly.
We both looked up, surprised when a large man appeared over us. He seemed to be a fireman. I guessed maintenance couldn’t quite fix the problem. He greeted us with a smile and Jinyoung replied in Korean. I laughed at our saviour’s apparently very casual and chill demeanour; he sure as hell knew how to relieve the tension out of a very stressful situation.
“The door is right over us,” explained Jinyoung, translating the fireman’s words to me, “he’s going to help up get there, lift us.”
My eyes widened.
“Don’t worry, I got you,” said the idol, his eyes trying to comfort me.
I nodded when the fireman held one of his hands down. I placed the important folder, the one thing that had started all of this, inside my shirt. Then, I grabbed the man’s hand with strength and pulled at the same time as him. Jinyoung came to my rescue a few seconds later, putting his hands under one of my feet and giving me a powerful trust.
In an instant, I was standing on the top of the elevator, about to throw up. Our saviour offered a hand to Jinyoung, but he refused it. Instead, he jumped and grabbed the edge of the small opening and pulled himself over to us.
I couldn’t help but admire him while he was doing so, hoping I wasn’t sporting a look of pure admiration and desire as I thought I was.
I couldn’t let go of Jinyoung’s arm even when we finally reached stable ground; unfortunately, I had to when a team of first aid workers rushed to him like he was about to die. I was pulled away from him rapidly.
It was a strange view, how they were all over him, checking his vitals and bringing him water. I, on the other hand, was left alone, next to the fireman who was also watching the scene, as speechless as I was. Idols are seen as gods, and, don’t get me wrong, I wasn’t one to think differently, but this just hit differently.
I waited a few minutes, thinking I might get some aid too, apart from our saviour who gently brought me a bottle of water, but the aid team was too focused on Jinyoung to even notice me. When my phone rang, I deeply sighed, noticing my boss’s name on the tiny screen.
I answered and, as expected, received a bunch of screams from the other side. I tried to explain the situation, but she wasn’t having it. Anger ran down my spine and, as if the last hour hadn’t happened, the shitty day came back with a fiery blast.
I exhaled and pinched the bridge of my nose, a strong headache hitting me. With one last look toward Jinyoung, who seemed to have been given oxygen to, I redirected myself to the stairs.
I thanked the fireman as well as I could and pushed the door. With trembling legs, I started climbing down, tears forming in my eyes without my consent.
I turned around after hearing someone shout after me. At first, I thought it might’ve been the first aid team, but was surprised by a concerned Jinyoung running down the stairs as fast as he could. He still had a ripped oxygen mask around his neck.
He tried to pull my arm to go back up, but I refused.
“I gotta go back to work,” I stated with a thick American accent.
“No, you have to get help,” he pushed.
“I’m fine,” I half-lied.
I mean, I was fine physically: the panic had passed, I wasn’t feeling as dizzy anymore, and my heartbeat was back to normal. Mentally, it was another thing, but that wasn’t important right now.
He gave me the don’t-lie-to-me look but I ignored it and shrugged my shoulders.
“Okay then,” he started, ready to compromise, “give me your number so I can check up on you later.”
“W-What?” I stuttered.
“You heard,” he frowned while getting his phone out of his pocket.
I raised an eyebrow at him and didn’t grab his device.
“Do it,” he ordered, getting impatient.
I rolled my eyes until they reached the back on my head and grasped the iPhone. I entered my digits lazily like I was getting scolded by my mom. With a smirk, he took his phone back and called me.
“Why are you calling me?” I replied, ignoring it with a swipe of the thumb.
“So you have my number too and you’ll answer when I call you and ask you on a date.”
I jerked my head up, my gaze crossing his, but I couldn’t bear it for long. His smile had widened and his irises were shining like never before. I anxiously bit my lower lip and shook my head, baffled by his flirting. Before I could even add anything, Jinyoung grabbed my chin and forced me to lock eyes with him.
“Y/N, meeting you was the best part of my day,” he started with a raspy voice, “and right now, all I can think about is spending more time with you.”
I had previously wondered if I had left as much of an impression on him as he had left on me, and I was more than happy to get a response to my inquiry.
My lips stretched into a soft smirk and I could feel the heat crawl up to my heart, clawing through my thick anti-feeling wall like never before. I chuckled when he offered me the cutest smile ever.
“I’d like that too,” I replied delicately, my hand reaching his which was still holding my chin.
He grinned and slightly shook his head.
“I’m glad we met,” Jinyoung added.
“Me too.”
With a simpering smile, he slowly pulled his hand away and bore my gaze. I couldn’t quite decipher the look in his irises, but something was telling me I’d have all the time in the world to size that man up.
“I’ll see you later then, Y/N,” he finally stated, my name rolling on his tongue, as he analyzed my face.
He leaned in and I anxiously stopped breathing. In a very soft manner, Jinyoung brushed his lips over my cheek and kissed it for much longer than necessary; it caused my legs to tremble under me as if I had just gotten out a crazy rollercoaster.
“Yes, you will,” I admitted, my voice playful as he leaned back, desire plastered over his face.
And with those words, he turned around and climbed back the stairs, leaving me completely baffled and shocked, but also filled with excitement and joy.
What a day, I thought to myself, and what a man.
I exhaled deeply, but this time, it felt amazing. I climbed down the stairs much more calmly than minutes before, my head stuck in the clouds and my stomach filled with butterflies.
I had to admit, if I ever had to get stuck in an elevator with someone again, I’d choose Park Jinyoung in a heartbeat.
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cozykozume · 3 years
Too Little Too Late
SFW Angst
Sugawara Koushi x f!reader 
Word count: 2578
He/Him refers to the boyfriend. 
Warnings: Just some cussing...and a lot of hurt feelings.
Thank you to all my beta readers...you guys are the best ♥
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You and Suga had been friends since your second year of high school.
All throughout college, people always joked that you two would end up getting married. You guys were attached at the hip, spending nights together studying and falling asleep tangled on a dorm room floor.
Each year you guys would visit each other's homes for the holiday break, your families accepting each of you as their own.
During this time, both of you dated but nothing ever seemed to stick.
You really did think that Suga was going to confess to you sometimes. You would catch him looking at you, a softness in his eyes that he only used with you. The way his hand would linger on your lower back as you guys would walk through crowds, or into restaurants. Sometimes it felt like you guys were already dating.
Suga thought you were going to confess to him sometimes as well. The way you would cuddle into him on cold nights, clinging to him as though you were made to fit into his arms. Or how you would always make his favorite dishes whenever you would cook, no matter who was there or the occasion. You seemed to always have him in mind when you made decisions.
All of that changed when you graduated. Suga, starting his job as a teacher at a local elementary school, and you going on to work in an office within the HR department.
You met someone while working there...
He reminded you of Suga so much, and he even looked like him a bit. On the taller side with a lean muscular body from years of playing sports. The way the corners of his eyes wrinkle up everytime he laughs. The way that he takes control of a situation when no one else will step up to the plate. It all reminded you of Suga in so many ways.
So when he asked you out, you had no reason to say no. Your friends had been nagging you to start dating again, knowing how you felt about Suga. They always rationalized that, “If Suga liked you, don’t you think he would have asked you out by now? He’s had plenty of chances. And since he hasn’t you need to explore and see what else is out there.”
So you went out with him a few times. Dinner dates, movie dates and sometimes just staying in to watch Netflix and cuddle on the couch.
Suga saw this and thought that it was time he moved on from his school-aged crush. He let Daichi set him up with a friend of his. She was pretty, intelligent, and had a good job. But at the end of the day, she wasn’t you.
Over the course of a few months, you watched as Suga and his girlfriend got closer. They looked good together. They looked like they actually belonged together. And most importantly, he looked happy whenever he was around her.
As much as it hurt, you decided that it really was time to move on. You needed to make this relationship work if you ever wanted to move past your feelings for Suga.
Slowly, you stopped spending so much time with Suga. Instead, spending the little free time you had with him.
He didn’t even notice when you would come home after a long day, rushing around to make his favorite meal. He didn’t thank you in the way that you deserved. Even when you had a bad day, you always kept him at the front of your mind. It seemed like you were the only one trying to make things work between the two of you.
He didn’t cuddle you or hold you the right way to comfort you when you were upset, and it pissed Suga off everytime. He didn’t know that when you were upset, he needed to lay down with you and rub your back until you fell asleep. He didn’t know that you loved to have your hair braided when you had a bad day. You wanted to be loved and cared for. But of course, he wouldn’t know that. Even if he did know, did he care? Probably not. Not like Suga did.
“Does he have to come? He isn’t family, right?”
“Well no...he isn’t family by blood but like, he’s been my best friend for years. He has come to every Christmas for as long as I can remember...It would be weird without him this year..” You say quietly.
“Y/n, I just don’t want him there. It doesn’t make sense anymore. You have me now.”
You look over at the couch where he was sitting, lounged out while you were in the kitchen. You had another terrible day at work. You came back to your apartment where he had been all day. And it was a mess.
The first thing he asked when you walked in was, “What’s for dinner? You're cooking right?”
You had no fight left in you today. You went to the kitchen and started cooking, trying to avoid any conflict.
You had no fight left for today and all you wanted was for Suga to hold you until you fell asleep.
“Oh yeah. I won’t be able to come to Christmas this year...my girlfriend wants me to go with her to her family's vacation house so..” Suga said, taking a sip of his tea.
You hope your forced smile doesn’t look as bad as it feels.
“Of course of course..that makes total sense..” You say, trailing off as you pick up your tea, taking a long sip as you stare out the window. If you looked him in the face now you were sure the tears would start coming.
“Well, I guess I should get going.. I need to finish Christmas shopping.” You say, slowly sliding your coat on as you stand.
“Oh okay..well it makes me happy that you still do all your shopping last minute.” He says, chuckling to himself as he also slides his jacket on.
Your heart just aches. You want to tell him to stay...To break up with his girlfriend.. You wanted to tell him how stupid you were to ignore your feelings for him for so long. To let things get to this point where you two were going your separate ways. It was never supposed to be this way…
You smile and shrug, “well you know...some things just never change..”
He looks down at you, stepping closer and pulling you into a hug. “True..some things never do change..” He whispers, holding onto you tight.
You wrap your arms around him, rubbing your face into his sweater. You missed this. You never wanted to let go.
For some reason, this felt different from every other time you two have said goodbye.
This felt...final.
1 year later
You had just walked into the apartment that you and your boyfriend now shared.
“Hey, babe. We got an invite to Suga’s wedding? I didn’t even know he was engaged”
“Huh?” Was all you could say as your mind tried to understand that sentence.
But not to you.
It was as if you had been living the last year and a half in some kind of dream. A shitty dream, but a dream nonetheless.
Because in that moment, you felt like you finally woke up. You looked around your apartment. It was a mess, as always. You had the groceries set on the table, about to put them away. Like always. Your boyfriend was sitting on the couch, playing video games. Like always.
This was not what you wanted your life to be. This was not what it was supposed to be.
You and Suga were supposed to get married. It was like an unspoken fact.
At work the next day, you talked with your boss about being transferred. You needed to be gone. You could no longer stomach the life that you had created over the past year and a half. The only thing you could think to do was run.
It took about 2 days for that transfer to go through, and another 3 days for an apartment to be secured. The day you got the call from the landlord saying everything had cleared, was one of the happiest days of your life.
You were packing your belongings the minute you got home from work that day.
“Why are you packing? Are we going somewhere?” He said, walking into the bedroom and tossing his clothing all over the place.
“Uhh no... Actually, I was transferred to a different location at work...My company will buy us out of our lease if you need to move without me living here..”
He just looked at you, emotionless.
“So like, are you breaking up with me right now…?” He asks, a confused look crossing his face.
“Yes. Yes, that is exactly what I’m doing. I can’t do this anymore.”
You move around him, throwing all your clothes onto the bed and starting your search for your bags. Eventually, he moved from the bedroom to the living room, sliding his headset on. You, on the other hand, were busy grabbing the things that you could. You needed to be out of this place as soon as possible.
He looked over his shoulder as you stood in the kitchen, searching through the cabinets for the coffee mug Suga had gotten you for your 22nd birthday. “Well since you’re in there, can you at least cook dinner?”
You found the mug, ignoring his question entirely as you walk back into your bedroom.
“Helloo? I was talking to you? Can you at least cook something since you’re home?”
“God will you please shut the actual fuck up. Cook your own fucking food dude. You are grown, are you not? How did you survive before me, huh?! Who the fuck cooked for you back then? Is that really the most important thing you have to say right now?! God how could I be so fucking stupid to stay with you for so fucking long?!” You yelled, tears running down your face. You had finally snapped, and it felt so good.
He just sat there, staring at you with wide eyes.
Thinking back to when you two first started dating, these were all red flags that you choose to ignore. Thinking back, you clung to the little things that reminded you of Suga in him rather than looking at the full picture. None of this was new...The face he showed at work was different from who he truly was. The disrespect, aloof personality, and the disinterest in your relationship. That has been there from the beginning...and it took the love of your life getting engaged for you to realize this.
“This is long overdue, and I was so stupid to ignore every red flag I had about you...Fuck you. And I know you won’t bother, but really. Don’t contact me again. One of my friends will pick up anything I left behind.”
Those were the last words you said to him as you start moving your bags into your car, not caring that it was 7pm and it was a 4 hour drive to your new apartment. You didn’t care that you were not able to say goodbye to your family. You knew they would understand when you explained everything to them.
There was one thing you had to do though. You pull out your phone, typing in Suga’s name for the first time in months. You know if you hear his voice now, you’ll never be able to meet up with him, so you decide to send a text instead. -----------
Y/N: “Hey Suga. Do you have a few minutes to meet up?”
Suga: “Hey y/n...Uhh sure. Is everything okay?”
Y/N: “Yeah everything is good...Meet at the park by my parents’ house?”
Suga: “Okay.”
You wait outside of your car, leaning on the hood, hands shoved deep into your pockets.
“Hey, you..”
This was the first time you heard his voice in months.
You look up to see him walking over to you, hands in his pockets. He was wearing the scarf you had gotten him a few years ago for Christmas.
The last Christmas you two had spent together.
Once again, your heart ached. Your stomach turned into knots. Your hands started to shake as you balled them into fists.
“Hey, Suga..” You said quietly, looking down at the ground as he stood in front of you. In your mind, this had been much easier. It made so much sense for you to do this. Thinking about it now, with a more rational mind, this was a terrible idea. But you had to see him one more time...You weren’t sure your heart could take not seeing him once more.
“So I am going to say this quickly and I really don’t want you to respond.” You finally lift your head, your eyes slowly dancing over his face. You try to memorize every inch of it.
He nods his head, a look of concern painting his face as he stares down at you.
“Suga I have been in love with you for I don’t know how many years. And I know it isn’t fair to throw this at you now. I know I should have been more upfront with you from the beginning, even if I thought that there was never more for us than friendship. But I didn’t want to ruin the friendship that we did have. I just thought in my head that this would be good enough as long as you were happy….” You blurt out, speaking quickly and trailing off as you take a deep breath.
“When I got your wedding invitation though.. I realized this would never be enough. I can’t do it. I let my feelings for you grow deeper for years now. And I don’t think I can pull back and I can’t just watch you happily from the sidelines...I want you to be happy and I feel terrible because I also can’t stand that it’s not with me.” As you take another breath, you notice Suga shaking his head.
“You started dating him first...You left me first…” He whispered, his eyes filling with tears as he looks from his feet up to you.
You started at him, trying to digest what he said, but you couldn’t seem to wrap your head around it.
“I never..left you..” You say, stepping closer to him as he takes a step back.
“I was there by your side and I thought it was obvious how I felt about you. I always assumed you didn’t feel the same. So when you started dating him, and you didn’t dump him, I assumed it was time for me to move on…”
You nod your head, wiping away the tears that had been falling from your eyes for a while now.
Without saying anything back to him, you turn and get into your car. You couldn’t even look at him right now.
All of this had been your fault…
As you drove off, you looked in your rearview mirror...Suga still standing exactly where you left him. What you couldn’t see though, were the tears pouring down his face. Or the way his chest was heaving as he cried.
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kpoppy-weeb · 3 years
How do i keep track of how long ive been in the shower n also getting dressed you ask?
I listen to 1 hr loops of songs so today i was showering for 3.3 plays of Puma by Txt, 3 plays while gettin ready, so like 6 and a half plays in total (21 minutes)
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backtobackbakubabe · 4 years
Baby its Cold Outside (PART 9)
Bakugo x Reader 
Have you seen this man
**** Warning**** This chapter has a bit more graphic violence than the others. 
Words : 2810
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You actually got pulled to duty today, so naturally you just had to be feeling under the weather. Any other day of the week you could sit at your desk or hell just lay on one of the many couches in the break room, but nope. Not today. Today you need to go assist in a bank robbery. It was a simple call. They just needed you to pop in and get the hostages out. Piece of cake. From what you understood there was only four hostages and only two villains. Walk in the park.
But because you were already having a bad day it would only make sense if it got worse from there. So you arrive on scene and guess who’s already there? Bakugo. And guess who is yelling like the mad man he is that you don't need to go in there? Again Bakugo. 
“Nope. No. I don’t think so! This feels all too familiar. Nope. Cant do it. Go home. I think I can hear Zuko crying from here. You should probably go check on him. I can take care of this...” He probably didn't even know he was doing a full on Deku rant but you weren’t about to point that out to him right now. 
“Ground Zero... I appreciate your concern but I was called here specifically. I assume because they knew you’d blow up the building. I’ll have them out in five minutes. Now you can either help me or pout. That part is totally up to you.”
He narrowed his eyes at you, probably not appreciating be called Ground Zero. But you were in pubic and trying to be professional. “Okay Adsum..” He threw a little extra sarcasm on your name. “What do you want me to do?” 
You gave him a victorious smile, “I’m glad you asked. I can do this a lot faster if the villains are distracted. So do what you do best. Yell at them, blow things up, get their attention. And once I’ve got them all out you can go Lord Explosion Murder all over the place... Sound good?” 
He ground his teeth, “Yeah whatever just hurry...” 
Before the accident Bakugo wouldn't have bated an eyelash at you doing something like this. Now it was like pulling teeth. 
You ended up pulling everything off flawlessly. Only minor damages but that’s only to be expected when Bakugo’s involved. 
You endured the strobes of flashing cameras as the press yelled praise and questions. But neither you nor Bakugo paid them any attention. In fact you wanted to get as far away as possible. You started to feel light headed and you thought you were going to vomit any second now. Once you were far enough away you bolted towards a trash can and emptied your breakfast. 
Bakugo was at you in an instant holding your hair and rubbing your back, “Oi... you okay? You pushing yourself too hard again? I don’t care how small she is, I’ll fucking fight Dylan.” 
You pulled a tissue out of your pocket and wiped your mouth. “I dont think it’s Dylan. I think I’m just sick. I wasn't feeling too hot before I even came in today. But now that I think of it, We did have a harder day yesterday than we usually do. She had me pushing myself to see how many times I could teleport in under a minute.” You gave him a proud smile, “I got all the way up to 30. Thats once every two seconds.” 
He brushed a few hairs out of your face, “As proud as I am of you, you need to take better care of yourself. I know you say she knows your limits and everything but I still dont think there’s a chance in hell she knows your limits better than you do.” You went to protest but he gave you a pointed look, “Can you please take the rest of the day off? Just go home and get some rest. You clearly need it. ” 
“Ugh, fine... but only if you bring home some ice cream later...”
He laughed, “You and your damn ice cream. Yes I will bring you ice cream. Cookies and cream or chocolate chip cookie dough?” 
You gave him puppy dog eyes, “Both?” 
He smirked, “How could I say no to that. Alright you got yourself a deal. Now get out of here before I throw you over my shoulder and drag you home myself.” 
You wagged your eyebrows, “Oh yeah?” 
He thumped you between the eyes, “Oi! We are at work women! Contain yourself.... you also just threw up...soooo I will give you a professional hand shake goodbye.” 
He held his hand out and you just rolled you eyes. You held your hand out as well but before it met his you popped behind him and smacked his ass. “Report me to HR... I dare you.” And then you popped away in the direction of your apartment before he could scold you. You ended up ditching the costume and packing it away in your backpack. You called a cab because you really were not feeling well. 
You didn't know if the cab driver was staring at you periodically because he recognized you or if he thought you might throw up in his cab. Either way he didn't make any attempts at conversation which you were thankful for. 
You quickly took a half ass shower and brushed your teeth before going straight to bed. You passed out a soon as your head hit the pillow. 
You woke up hours later to the loud ringing of your cell phone. You checked the time before you answered. It’s a little past midnight, Katsuki should have been home by now. 
The caller ID said Kiri and your heart sank. With shaky hands you clicked answer, “He..” You cleared your throat, “Hey Kiri? What’s with the late night phone call? You wouldn't happen to know where Bakugo is would you?”
“That’s actually why I’m calling! I’m on my way to get you. I’ll explain everything when I get there. Just get dressed and get ready to go. Zuko too! Dont answer the door for anyone who isn't me!” 
He hung up before you could ask what was going on. Truly panicking now you jumped out of bed and started digging around for clothes. You were pulling on your shoes while simultaneously trying to locate Zuko’s leash when a loud bang came from the other side of the door. 
“Hey Bitch! Open up the damn door! We know you’re in there! Dont make me break this shit down!” 
Zuko started growling as you looked through the peephole. You gasped, it was the cab driver from earlier. He did recognize you. And he brought a friend. 
“Your little boyfriend aint here to protect you now is he! Not like he was the night he killed my brother! My brothers dead because of you!” 
You had no idea what the mad man was talking about but it was enough to send chills down your spine. You didn't want to risk having to fight them one on one. You still felt too sick for that. You knew Kiri was on the way so you could wait util he got there... *CRACK*
They had started kicking at the door now. “Shit...” 
“We’re going to make you pay for what you did you little bitch!” 
“Then when we’re done, we’ll take out that that little shit stain Ground Zero!” 
“Then we’ll track down every girl you saved that night!”
You ran to the kitchen and took one of Bakugo’s really expensive knives. Surely he’d forgive you for fucking it up. You returned to the door that was only about one hard push from coming off the hinges. You focused really hard as you squeezed the knife in your hand. Then there was a slight pop and the knife was gone. 
“WHAT THE FUCK!” You looked through the peephole again but this time the cab drivers buddy had a knife... Bakugo’s knife, the one you were just holding, lodged in his chest. You did it.... You had teleported the knife through the door.
Before you had a chance to back away from the door, the cab driver threw his shoulder into it, effectively taking it off its hinges and throwing you to the ground. “Fuck!” You tried to scramble to your feet but he caught your ankle. 
You kicked him in the face twice before he let go. You had barley gotten to your feet when Zuko lunged for him. Bakugo spent a lot of time training him... so it didn't surprise you when he went straight for the throat. But watching as your dogs teeth sank into another man’s throat... it was hard to watch. 
The man cried out in alarm but Zuko just dug deeper and growled. You eyes went wide, “Zuko! No! Get back here!” 
Zuko let go and ran back to you. The man’s blood was pooling around him now as his eyes began to droop close. 
You sat down in shock staring at the scene before you. Two dead men. Blood. so much blood. Your breathing was starting to get shallow.
“Holy shit! What happened to don’t open the door for anyone but me?! Y/N! Are you okay?” 
Your eyes slowly met Kirishima's, “Where’s Bakugo?” 
He grabbed your hand and started pulling you out of the apartment and down the hallway. “I’ll tell you in the car... Come on Zuko!” 
You sped off with Kirishima checking his rearview mirror periodically. He didn't ease up until he was almost to the agency you worked at. “Okay so here's the deal. So as you just discovered some quirkless cabdriver found out where you and Bakugo live. He sent a threat along with some pictures of you walking into the building to Bakugo.” 
You gasped but Kirishima wasn't done, “Yeah but what's worse is he also sent it to the league of villains. Told them you were the one who messed up their human trafficking deal and Bakugo was the one who blew up some of their best men. You both have pretty big targets on your back right now. And Bakugo being Bakugo... he....” 
Your hands gripped the leather armrest, “Kiri don’t tell me he went off on his own... KIRISHIMA WHERE IS HE?!” 
He gave you a sad look, “We don’t know. He called me and told me to get you out of the apartment and then hung up... That was an hour ago.” 
Your eyes welled with tears. He’s so stupid. always yelling at you for not waiting for back up and now he thinks he can just show up alone to fight the League of villains of all people! 
“Where are you taking me?”
“Technically I’m supposed to bring you to the agency while we wait this out... but...” 
You leaned forward, “But what?”
“But we’re going to meet up with Deku, Todoroki, and Denki and where going to go get him.” 
“I thought you said you didn't know where he was?”
He gave you a shit eating grin, “I dont. But we happen to know where all the League of Villain hideouts are. All we need now is for you to teleport to each one. Find him and report back. They’re all within a few miles of each other. I know it’s kind of pushing it but Bakugo told me you once teleported 15 miles.” 
You nodded, “By accident sure, but my range has gone up! Its almost to three miles now... He’ll kill you for this you know? He won't want me involved in this at all.”
He rubbed his neck, “Well that's a risk I’m willing to take to get his dumb ass home.” 
Half an hour later you along with the others were huddled around a map with all possible locations circled. Todoroki pointed to a spot almost exactly in the middle if the others, “That’s where we are right now. This spot is about 5 to 10 miles from all possible locations. Y/n. We need you to teleport to each of them until you find them. When you do, do not engage. Teleport back to us. You’ll take me first, then Midoriya, them Kaminari, and lastly Kirishima. Do you understand?”
You nodded, “I’m going to be honest.. I don’t know how efficient Ill be. I’ve only been working on this kind of thing for a month or so. I’ll likely have to teleport two or three times to get to each location. Do you have pictures?” 
He shook his head, “No I apologize we do not. Are you sure you’re up to it?”
You cracked your knuckles, “Which one first?” 
You popped in and out. Running into trees, and ponds, and whatever else was in your way. You had to stop to throw up nice or twice, but you never did it in front of the other heros. They didn't need to see you were sick. You were on to the fourth location when you made a mental note to thank Dylan profusely when this is all over. Without her intense training you don’t know if you could have done any of this.
This stretch only took you two teleports to get there. You were breathing heavy with a sweat soaked shirt when you heard it, the familiar sound of an explosion. “Katsuki?” You were hiding in a couple of trees that surrounded a barn. You teleported to the top of the closest tree and look down. Sure enough there he was. You were itching to go to him. To drag him out by his ear. But you had a job to do. You took one last look at his blonde head. Hoping he would still be here when you got back. 
In one long stretch that made your muscles scream in protest you teleported back to your friends, “I found him now lets go. We need to hurry!” 
Shouto stepped up and you spat a quick, “Hold your breath.” And you were off. You dropped him by the same tree you had just stood under and pointed in Bakugo’s direction, “Hes that way. Just listen for the yelling and the explosions.” 
Without waiting for a response you went back to get Midoriya. When you dropped him off you started to feel dizzy. Not good. You leaned on a tree and gripped your head. Through gritted teach you made it back for Kaminari.
When you came for Kiri you couldn’t help it. You threw up. 
“Shit Y’n are you okay?” 
“Yeah I just have the flue or something. Just give me a minute.” 
A minute turned to twenty and you could still hardly pick your head up. Kiri came and knelt next to you. “Hey they made it out okay. They took him kicking and screaming, but they got out. I just got off the phone with Midoriya. What do you say we get you to a hotel room and get you something to eat huh? My treat. It’s the least I can do after I basically volunteered you for this.” 
You wanted to protest but your stomach gave you away. You hadn't eaten anything since breakfast, and you had thrown that up a long time ago. “Yeah I could really use some food. I’m fucking starving.” 
You called ahead and ordered a room as well as enough food for a small family. Kirishima got the room next to yours and told you to let him know if you needed anything. 
You opened the door and the smell of pizza, chicken nuggets, and mac and cheese hit you. You couldn't decide what you wanted so you had ordered it all. You needed a little comfort food. You deserved this. 
You had devoured the mac and cheese and was about to dig into the pizza when you heard the click of the door.
You grabbed your fork tightly as you stepped over to see who it was. 
“They didn't have cookie dough, so I could only get you cookies and cream.. I hope thats okay..”
You dropped your fork and flung yourself at him, “You’re so fucking stupid you know that! You cant do that to me. I was so scared!” 
He slowly wrapped his arms around you, nuzzling his nose through your hair, “I know. I’m sorry. I just.... I saw red. I couldn't let them get to you. The only thing on my mind was to protect you.  And then Kirishima told me they went to the apartment anyways. SHIT are you okay? I heard you stabbed a guy..?”
You flinched, “Well not exactly. I teleported the knife through the door... Zuko handled the other guy. Speaking of which he needs a bath... He has blood in his fur...”   
He cupped your face in his hands, “Later when were both not emotionally exhausted I’d like to talk about how badass and impressive you are. But nows not the time.” He looked to Zuko who was wagging his tail at his feet, “Thank you for looking out for our girl.” He gave him a quick pat on the head
You pulled away from his embrace and ran to the bathroom and threw up for probably the fifth time today. 
“Damn Y/n I’m sorry. I was the one who asked you to take the day off and then you had to go and work so fucking hard just so you guys could find me. I’m such a dumbass. I’m sorry.” 
You leaned against the tub, “You're not a complete dumbass. You still remembered the ice cream.” 
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