#230 grains
bizbat · 5 months
When They're In Love HCS - Jason Todd
~ Fem terms used for reader
~ Partially based on these headcanons
🕸️Spiderverse Masterlist🕸️
🐼JJK Masterlist🐼
~ You can find part two here, and part three here.
~ You can find more of my works here
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Jason Todd seems like the type to fall hard and fast. He might not admit it for a while, but he's been developing feelings for you from at least the second or third time you met.
He's the type to call you "Wifey" or "The Missus" even when you aren't married and regardless of whether or not you to plan to.
He absolutely keeps a picture or two of you in his wallet, and no, he doesn't think it's cheesy in the slightest.
He's the type to lay on you. Your chest, your tummy, even your butt if you're laying on your stomach, your size and weight is irrelevant.
You'll be minding your own business, laying down and reading a book or playing on your phone, and he'll come out of nowhere and drop all 230+ lbs of muscle on your smaller body.
If you wheeze and try to crawl out from under him, try to push his giant hulking form off of you, he'll just wrap his arms around you and tell you he's tired, and just needs a few minutes of sleep.
Doesn't actually spend as much time reading as he would like to, but if you enjoy reading he'll always find time to do it with you.
If libraries had gold card memberships, he would be the one to have it. He'd rent any and as many books as you want.
Sometimes, he'll go out of his way to find books he thinks you'd like or that you can read together. Sometimes, he'll even give you old books from his personal library if he thinks you'll enjoy them as much as he did
I don't think he's be huge on giving gifts, I see him as more of a quality-time type (but i see almost all of the bats as quality-time types so take that with a grain of salt), but I do think he'd give you lots of tiny gifts all the time.
He'll pick up a quick breakfast for the both of you at the local bodega, he'll get your pet treats, he'll bring over your favorite candy or snack everytime he comes over to your place, etc.
Loves movie nights. Doesn't matter which movie it is, it could be some dumb, low budget nightmare made to babysit kids, or the best piece of visual media ever made by human hands.
He loves being able to talk to you, he loves hearing your opinions, loves hearing your voice. He'll recommend movies to watch just because he knows you'll have a lot to say about them.
I don't think he'd have a big moment where he introduces you to his entire family, I think he'd introduce you slowly, one person at a time.
I think he'd start with Dick or Cass, or Alfred, then so on and so forth. I think Tim and Damian would either be dead last, or have to find out on their own.
The only reason the others were told by Jason straight up is because they have that bare minimum amount of respect to stay out of his business. 💀
If you're a civilian, I don't think he'd want you to have anything to do with the more dangerous side of his life. It's bad enough you're dating him to begin with, he doesn't want to put you at anymore risk.
It's a somewhat different story if you're another vigilante. I still don't think he'd want you involved in his work specifically, but he would at least know you could take care of yourself if it came down to it.
He almost always wakes up before and goes to bed after you.
He likes seeing you when you're asleep, your hair a mess, or your bonnet askew.He thinks you're so cute when you're sleeping.
I don't think he'd take lots of pictures, but i don't think he'd mind if you did.
He might actually enjoy it if you just have a ton of selfies with him.
You are his lockscreen. Whether that was a decision made by you or him is still up for debate.
Doesn't care if you're more masculine or feminine, i think he'd find something to enjoy about both aspects.
Or if you were more androgynous.
He'd for sure call you "My girl".
A list of names I think he'd call you: My girl/wife, Wifey, Angel, Sweet thing, Princess, Baby
I've said it before and I'll say it again, the man LIVES for domesticity.
Even if you aren't married, you guys will act like an old married couple.
He's not my personal fave, but guess I had a lot of thoughts about him lol
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demeterswheat · 1 year
The demonization of Mother Demeter.
It’s L.O particularly. in early myths, it’s mainly from Demeter’s point of view. Her daughter was wrongfully taken away from her for marriage. So now in L.O it’s romance all of a sudden? It was never to be a love story, it’s about a grieving mother and the emotion of the changing seasons. Now she is a manipulative, grooming mother who didn't want her daughter to be happy.
Now before i start my rant.
Who is Demeter and what role does she play?
Demeter is the Greek goddess of the harvest, grain, and fertility. She is one of the Twelve Olympian gods that live on Mount Olympus. Because she was the goddess of the harvest, she was very important to the farmers and peasant people of Greece. Demeter was Gaia's granddaughter. In modern interpretations of Greek mythology, Demeter is seen as an aspect of Gaia that has been passed down through the generations, because of her connection to growth and harvest.
Like all Olympian gods, Demeter was immortal and very powerful. She had control over the harvest and the growing of grains. She could cause plants to grow (or not grow) and had control over the seasons. She also had some control over the weather and could make people hungry.
Her role in L.O.
In the comic, she is presented as an “obstacle”, making her the “villain” of the story because she doesn't support the idea of a 2000+ god with her 19-year-old daughter (now later 30) Persephone once says “She’s grieving over the life she though she would've wanted” the issue is that Demeter was created into a young woman not having a childhood none at all, and preparing for war. (A war that almost lasted for 11 years)
She had valid reasons to worry for her daughter, she hasn’t seen her daughter for 10 years and now when her mother asks for her to come home and says “no” with no explanation at all, and the everybody now hates her.
What makes it worse is that her daughter was mad that she made Hades black-out drunk to forget her (keep in mind she was presumably 16 when she was naked in front of him nothing with a fizzy glow barely covering her. Calling it a connection?
She has seen time after time goddess, nymph, and human women being rumped and dumped by zeus in her own realm. Let’s not forget her own “mother” was eaten by zeus (what people seem to forget) The very same can happen to Persephone, every fertility goddess has been eaten because of their power.
Then episode 230 happened and that was the final straw, Demeter is so mistreated by rs and the narrative and it’s really pathetic.
Who just wakes up and says “Hey! let’s make others hate Demeter even more”
Demeter was also a victim of her own story.
1. Zeus forced himself on demeter to produce peresephone
2. Hades (her own brother) stole her daughter because he was lonely
3. Posiden also forced himself (onto her) as horse while looking at her daughter, giving birth to other children.
In mostly every retelling she is often told as an obstacle for “true love” between a tween and her sugar daddy.
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damn-stark · 2 months
Chapter 34 Two birds on a wire…
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Chapter 34 of Sugar
A/N- I love how this chapter turned out!
Warning- Swearing, ANGST, fluff, violence and blood, mention of sexual intentions and hints at sexual activities, SPOILERS!! long chapter!
Pairing- Choso x Gojo!fem-reader, Suguru Geto x Gojo!fem-reader
Episode and or chapters- 230-234 (but only half of 234) of the manga
(Let me know if you want to be tagged)
“Do you remember how I can tell your future from reading a palm?” You break the silence of the room and stop messaging Choso’s foot.
“Hm,” he hums to let you know he remembers whilst he continues to gently massage your own foot. “Can you read feet too?”
You snort. “No! I’m curious if that’s a thing though…” you trail off and think for a second about that possibility before you return to what you want to do. “Anyway, come over here and give me your hand.”
Choso drops your foot and obediently crawls over to the other side of the bed to lay beside you and give you his hand, palm facing down, making you flip his hand the first thing you do before raising it slightly, and letting the soft morning sunbeams peeking through the curtains bask his palm, whilst he lays his head on your chest.
“What does it say?” He asks groggily.
You study the intricate lines on his palm and respond softly. “Let me read the lines on your palm first. Now remember I was probably scammed when the lady read my palm so take your future with a grain of salt.”
Choso shares a soft and short chuckle while he awaits to hear his future with his eyes closed considering you haven’t really slept at all because of your passionate activities after your wedding.
“Oh,” you muse and trace his heart line from under his index finger all across his other fingers. “You have a deep and long heart line. That means you’ll have an excellent and fortunate love life with a special someone…” you trail off and pick up your hand to connect your palms.
“Oh and look,” you point out sweetly. “Our heart lines connect.”
Choso shifts his head up to take a peek, letting you feel his lips spread on the side of your boob, which in turn sends jolts of electricity down to your sore core that he abused all night until dawn. “Do you say that to all your past lovers to make them swoon?” He teases.
You snicker and nod. “Yeah actually. I act all cute and innocent and draw my heart line to match theirs so I can play this trick. It has them on their knees by the time I’m done.” You roll your eyes and chuckle before you tilt your head down to press a kiss on Choso’s head. “But seriously, no, ours connect though, I noticed that.”
Choso uses his other hand to bring it up and trace your heartlines that uncoincidentally connect like a puzzle.
“What do you suppose it means then?” He asks.
You smile giddly and shrug. “Well, I like to think that it means that we were meant to be. How romantic is that?”
Choso grins softly. “I had my doubts about you, but I see that you’re right now,” he teases, making you grow smug. He then probes and feeds into your curiosity. “What does this line mean?” He asks as he points at a random line on his palm.
“That,” you roll out and click your tongue. “Is a nothing line, it means nothing. Now leave the palm reading to me.”
“You don’t know do you?” He asks nonchalantly.
You answer bluntly, “no. But!” You go on a bit louder. “Your lifeline—oh!” You exclaim.
“What?” He asks a bit more interested now.
You sit up and sigh. “Your lifeline is faint, there’s no prediction, your life is spontaneous so live your life like any day is your last. You beautiful human.”
Choso smiles shyly as he hums and you point to a little line on the edge of his palm and gasp dramatically, causing him to gasp too. “What?”
“Your money line,” you laugh at him, making him groan. “Your money line is short and broken, you will live a stable life and have an incredibly rich and beautiful spouse.” You say teasingly and tilt your head down as he tilts his head up to meet your gaze that’s fiercely blazing thanks to the sunbeams kissing your eyes.
“Will I?” He asks and pulls his hand off yours to push himself up and crawl up to let his face hover over yours, and his body heat embraces you so tenderly.
“Hm.” You coo and slither your arms around his neck. “I know so.”
“Will I fall in love with her the moment I lay my eyes on her?” He plays along. “Will she have beautiful white hair that’s like the color of snow? Will she be the best thing that has ever happened to me?”
You smile softly and start caressing the back of his neck with your long nails, causing him to let out a small satisfied hum as you answer him. “You will live quiet lives, raising your children, 7 probably because she has two that aren’t hers but she loves them as if they were, and a third one that is hers and also loves with her whole heart. And then you’ll have four more because she wants a big family,” you share quietly and can’t help but grin, whilst he laughs softly.
“You will make her very happy every day you’re alive,” you add in a honey-laced voice. “You’ll make her feel grateful that she gets to be so fortunate enough to be loved by someone who saw right through who she really was and still loved her for it.”
Choso’s smirk fades to a soft smile and his eyes fill with awe as his breath hitches, and a tint of red paints his face.
“Well then…” he pauses and holds your gaze. He then parts his lips to go on with the role-playing, but he smiles widely and leans in to whisper against your lips. “I love you.”
You giggle and slide your hands to his cheeks. “I love you too,” you assure him and lean in at the same time to meet each other for a deep and passionate kiss that leads him to roam his hands up and down your body that he already knew better than the back of his hand. He didn’t even have to see you, he’s marked your body with his lips so many times already that he would be able to recognize you with a single touch.
Even a whiff of your sweet scent would be enough for him to be able to recognize you; he’s so enticed by your scent that he engraved it in his memory.
If he could, he would always be near you, touching you, and kissing you in every part of your body that makes you smile, but he has to hold himself back. Like now he has to pull back.
And when he does pull back he starts to smirk so you grow curious. “What is it?” You probe.
“I can see the future,” he reveals as uses his thumb to rub small circles on your hip.
You raise a brow and press him. “Oh? I mean you're old enough for that to actually be a possibility. You’re 150 years old honey, I kind of believe you.”
Choso scoffs and shakes his head, but he can’t help but laugh before he goes on and questions you. “Well, then are you ready to know what's about to happen?”
You smirk and nod eagerly. “Please.”
“I am about to go downstairs and make you breakfast,” he says. “I’ll bring it up here since it’s cold outside and we’ll have breakfast in bed.”
“Oh,” you coo in amusement while you move your hands back to twirl a strand of his hair on your finger. “I like the sound of that. And maybe I’ll have some strawberries on the side? And then you after? In the shower. Do you see that in the future?”
Choso smirks and even if he gets flustered he nods. “I see it.”
You beam at him and lean in to pepper his face with kisses, making him grin before he pulls away and climbs off the bed, letting you grow smug as you see how his back is decorated with old and fresh scratch marks of pleasure, and grow hot as you watch how his muscles move so fluidly as he puts on his pants. When he turns to face you your smirk deepens and you can’t help but shoot him a flirty quip.
“You have a sexy back.”
Choso blinks in surprise as if that’s the first time hearing you compliment him like that, making you giggle and wink at him.
“Hurry back,” you purr and turn around to show off your bare ass that’s marked with bruises from his slender fingers. “I hate being lonely.”
Choso lets out a deep amazed breath as he lets his eyes greedily linger on your body for a moment longer before he turns and leaves in a hurry so he can come back quicker to you, his wife.
Okay, yes now that you take a deep breath you realize that Choso didn’t deserve to be snapped at the way you snapped at him mere moments ago. He was only trying to help you and there’s no excuse you can say about it either.
Especially now because Mahoraga is disappearing into the depths of the shadows, leaving only a wheel above Sukuna’s head.
“What's up?” Sukuna directs at your brother casually. “You look like you have something on your mind.”
“Not really,” Satoru retorts. “It just warms my heart seeing you so desperate.”
Only he could joke around so much when he’s so close to death. Then again you try to do the same before you get too upset to keep any kind of amusement going.
“Look who’s talking,” Sukuna snaps back with a chuckle? A chortle?—whatever, he cackles maliciously, so you take this time as they're staring into each other's eyes to back up and sit back down, feeling a one-sided tension fall on your shoulders and grip at your throat.
You almost feel like Choso’s honey-infused eyes are burning into you, you feel the side of your face burning, but when you steal a glance at him he has his eyes ahead. So it’s your mind just playing cruel tricks.
“Unlimited void, an ability that activates once inside your domain…honestly, I figured it was going to be a real pain,” Sukuna yaps on while he reaches his arm across his chest to stretch the muscles on his arm—“That’s why, my first move was to take that card out of the deck.”
Smart or afraid?
“While unable to use my amplification within the domain, I had Megumi Fushiguro adapt to unlimited void using his ten shadows technique,” Sukuna continues. “As a result, I couldn’t use my cursed technique other than what was imbued to my domain, I suppose that paid off in its own way.”
“All he took was the process of adaptation, and not the resulting adaptation right?” Satoru points out and you notice that he’s growing more smug. “Sukuna, you haven't actually adapted Megumi's soul itself to unlimited void. If I open my domain again Mahoraga won’t be able to bail you out.”
Don't do it!
You blink in disbelief and feel your whole body grow bitterly cold as you realize that what he’s about to do is a stupid move.
He already bled from his nose! No matter how strong he is, he’s not immune to strains!
Stupid idiot!
“I’ll destroy it with one attack,” Satoru says and brings his hand sign up, causing you to dig your nails in your palm so hard that they cut through your skin. Not like you actually feel a single sting through the stress winding your stomach when Satoru bleeds more and nothing opens.
“You can no longer open your domain,” Sukuna teases him nonchalantly, and it’s something you already knew.
Satoru is such a stupid idiot!
“What just happened?!” Kusakabe bellows at the screens.
You knew it! Damn it. Now he’s put even more strain on his stupid brain!
What he did…
This is like watching a sports game, except for all of the stress and none of the fun.
“Using reverse cursed technique to heal your exhausted innate technique looks like you’ve strained yourself quite a bit,” Sukuna points out the obvious and goes on yapping about the inner workings of cursed technique and rct on the brain as if Satoru didn’t know!
Maybe that’s why Sukuna and Kenjaku get along, they both like just flapping their lips at the oddest times.
“Even using that is way too risky!” Yuta refers to Sukuna’s explanation about Satoru using RCT to heal his burnt-out technique.
“The brain…” Kusakabe utters sounding muffled thanks to his hand over his mouth. “Especially the part of the brain where cursed techniques are concerned is a black box, it isn’t as simple as thinking about healing it, then doing just that.”
You drop your eyes and exhale deeply, feeling that tight grip loosen and letting your body feel only a bit at ease. Your muscles are still tight with stress, and that tension…is very much still alive.
“Based solely on the amount of times he’s done it already,” you hear Yuji ramble beside you. “He should be at death's door. He did something that reckless four times…”
As he pauses you look over and catch him counting on his fingers, only he has up three fingers instead of four. Thus you lean over and gently pull out a fourth finger to aid his difficult calculations.
“Ah,” Yuji gasps. “Right, thanks.”
You hum and find entertainment in his counting.
“So just seconds ago makes five,” Yuji says with five fingers out. He did it!
If you could count all the stupid things your brother has done you wouldn't have enough fingers or toes to count them on. You’ve only lived half of your life with him instead of the entirety of it like it was meant to be, but even then his recklessness surpasses every limit.
It’s best not to put up any expectations or he’ll break them one way or the other. It’s why you’re so damn stressed, you don’t know what to expect from your dear brother.
“I thought Gojo had been getting used to healing his brain, but it looks like he’s suffering the sequelae now,” Shoko interjects in a hoarse voice that lets you know that she hasn’t stopped smoking. “Sukuna’s done it fewer times, so he has more leeway than Satoru here.”
And the moment his name is spoken, Satoru tumbles on one knee and thanks to the bright daylight, you see his face gleaming with thick beads of sweat, and his face stained with blood running out of his nose. Which only makes that tight grip take ahold of you again to the point you feel like everything in your stomach is going to come up.
“You’ve reached a limit completely separate from healing flesh and bones,” Sukuna begins to proclaim ever so proudly and smugly. “Supposing you could expand your domain again, you’d perish the moment you did so. Not to mention the fact that you wouldn't be nearly precise enough to oppose me.”
This time Satoru doesn't counter with a witty remark, he glowers, but his silence is so deafening that even if you begin to realize something, tears still prick in the corner of your eyes as your worst fear could be seconds from coming to fruition.
“Next, I’ll close the barrier of my domain and you will be left with nowhere to run,” he rejoices maliciously. “And while I carve you to pieces I’ll even adapt to that infinity of yours.”
You gasp as if you had been suckered punch in the gut and feel your bottom lip push out to a shaky pout.
Choso watches what’s unfolding on the screen and slowly and carefully reaches for your fisted hand at your side. His cold touch startles you, but it’s not unwelcoming, the stress is making you sweat, and every second that passes your muscles only feel as if they tighten more, so his touch is refreshing, and works like a relaxer to your tightening muscles. You immediately feel comforted by a touch you had basically, rudely turned away moments ago when you were a bitch.
“This is goodbye,” Sukuna’s voice turns less brash and sounds almost like it’s laced with admiration. “You were born in an era without me and hailed as “the strongest”, and yet you turned out to be so painfully ordinary.”
Your face twists with agony even if you know deep inside the reality that’s about to strike. You grip onto Choso so tightly that he winces under his breath.
“Domain expansion,” Sukuna’s gravelly voice echoes out of every stereo. Skulls and bones from creatures you don’t recognize, and pieces of a structure are then born behind him, yes, but, before his domain can actually grow to completion it all explodes and blood pours out of Sukuna’s eyes, staining the whites of his eyes, while the blood that filters out of his nose stains the tight white robe he wears.
His brain, like Satoru's, is burned out. You realized that but your logic was clouded by your fear, so that’s what took control of your emotions, but now as you watch your brother push himself up unscathed, you draw in a deep breath to ease your nerves and just breathe.
You can never breathe properly when you’re anxious, or scared, but now your chest isn’t as tight—AS TIGHT, you still feel a weight, but now you’re relishing in the fact that your brother is still alive.
“Looks like it’s hitting you pretty damn hard!” Satoru exclaims as he mockingly laughs at his opponent before he points back and grins. “My students are watching, you know. I’m gonna go ahead and keep showing off.”
You laugh under your breath and can’t help but smile faintly and keep that smile as an expression of your relief whilst Satoru attacks a dulled Sukuna with punches.
“Maybe betting you would’ve made me the rich spouse,” Choso attempts to break the tension that was still in between you.
However, as an amused smile breaks out on your face that tension stays up as you’re interrupted.
“Who here has ever been seriously punched by Gojo?” Kusakabe asks the group.
“I’ve seriously punched him before,” Panda shares, making Yuji go on and finish that response.
“I didn’t end up touchin’ him though.”
“He’s punched me,” you share bregudgly and avert your gaze as everyone’s eyes fall on you. “He punched me last year.”
“Oh, oh,” Yuji exclaims. “Was it during the Night Parade?”
You sigh. “Hm. He was trying to…” You trail off as you remember one of the reasons why Satoru was fighting you last year and look at Choso beside you with a smirk. “…stop me from taking something.”
Choso glances over at you and you can’t hold your smug and teasing gesture, you have to show him a wide endearing smile.
Choso realizes you're referring to him and he mirrors your smile while his cheeks react by growing red.
“If by seriously punched you mean taken a blow from limitless technique,” Okkotsu brings focus back on the topic. “Then I have.”
“Same here.” Hakari raises his hand.
“His fist is enhanced with cursed energy,” Kusakabe finally gets to what he was leading up to. “And on the moment of impact, “blue” repeatedly absorbs the surrounding space,” he shares and slams his fist against his palm to give a demonstration.
“It isn’t just stronger,” Hakari shares by experience. “It feels like you’ve been clocked by a counterattack after preparing for a regular blow. It’s the absolute worst.”
You huff in agreement and feel as if you can recall the fucking feeling…
“Did it hurt?” Kirara asks with curiosity, and you can’t help but laugh nervously.
“It…made me puke,” Okkotsu and Hakari both say at the same time.
“Did it hurt you master?” Kirara now directs at you since they didn’t catch your response. And you swallow thickly and nod.
“It hurt,” you admit bluntly.
“Nanamin…” that name spoken by Yuji catches you off guard and for a moment you believe that man is going to walk out.
Only for a few seconds though.
“…had something to say about that too,” Yuji continues. “He said it was easy for Gojo to jab critical hits while other sorcerers like him struggled to perform them in the first place. He made a point to tell me not to compare myself to him.”
You hum and murmur, “he’s right…he was often right.”
How you wish he was here not only to help but so you could seek comfort in your best friend…
“What I’m trying to say,” Kusakabe interjects. “Is that from here on out, I don’t have a clue what Gojo’s doing. So don’t ask.”
Was anyone?
Regardless, you let out a deep sigh and take a glimpse at the screen, seeing your brother having fun literally dragging Sukuna through the ground.
Just like you dragged Kenjaku, it’s like you learned from one of the best. Or at least you learned playing with your victim from him too well.
Regardless Mahoraga isn’t out so you take this chance to break that tension between Choso and you. You can’t go on keeping things awkward and or pushing problems aside. That’s not you in relationships with your partners.
“Choso,” you call out quietly.
“Hm?” He probes with worry instantly expressing his kind eyes which only works to fill you with more guilt and the necessity to apologize.
“Come with me,” you say and make him more concerned as you take his hand and lead him to a hall away from the nosy audience.
“What is it?” He asks with worry obviously laced in his voice.
You meet his worried gaze and don’t hesitate for a second to express your remorse. “I’m sorry for snapping at you earlier. You were only trying to comfort me and I snapped at you. I’m sorry.”
Choso lets out a deep breath and chuckles breathlessly at the floor. “Oh. I thought it was something else,” he says and looks up at you with a soft and enamored look. “It’s fine, Don’t apologize.”
You huff and part your lips to argue, but he cuts you off.
“Listen to me, I understand why you snapped at me, okay? You’re stressed. You’re watching your brother fight, I understand.”
You shake your head and grab his arm to argue. “No, it’s not okay. You wouldn’t snap at me. And me snapping at you because I’m stressed is no excuse. It’s okay to be annoyed at me, or mad.”
Choso steps closer to you and cups your cheek. “I have no reason to be mad at you. I told you I don’t like being mad at you.”
“If you hurt me then I will have a reason to be mad at you, but as of now,” he interrupts you so you don't have to waste your breath sputtering out something foolish. “I understand.”
You scoff in disbelief and hold his gaze to share that same emotion before an affectionate smile breaks on your face, proving once again why it is that you love him so deeply.
He understands you deeply, he understands the inner workings of your soul as if he was a part of you.
So without saying the words ‘I love you’, you actually speechlessly say those meaningful words with a soft and enamored look that can’t be broken, and then lean in to press a quick kiss on his lips before you press your forehead on his and take in the feeling of presence that’s all for you.
You so badly want to break down at the feeling of him embracing you, but you stay strong and instead lay your head on his shoulder and let him hold you.
And it’s then that you break your silence in a quiet voice filtered with hints of sorrow. “Back when I was young…I used to be jealous of the attention my brother got,” you admit, which isn’t really hard to guess about you. It’s kind of obvious to guess if anyone tried it.
“My jealousy only got more profound when we both went to school,” you continue to share. “He would get praised and get looked at like he was some savior, a god amongst mortals. Even my mother would cast me aside in favor of Satoru as if I were some ugly painting no one understood. I would get sad, but after I realized that I would never be treated the same no matter how strong I got because I would never be a son, my sadness turned to anger and resentment.”
Choso’s hold tightens around you, and his fingers dig into your clothes as he clutches onto you.
“Now,” you go on and move your head to press your forehead on his shoulder, and sound muffled. “I hate the attention he gets because it means he has the responsibility on his shoulders to be the savior for our people. He has to fight alone.”
“But he’s not alone, he’s not doing this alone,” Choso says, making you pull back to face him with curiosity. “There's a responsibility he will always hold because he’s strong, but he’s not alone. He knows that because of you and all his students. We will win because of him.”
A wobbly smile slowly tugs on your face to express your speechless appreciation.
“And you,” he emphasizes by speaking louder, but still expresses his love for you. “You are not an ugly painting. You’re beautiful. Complex, but who isn’t? But you,” he whispers and cradles your cheek. “You, My Love, are breathtaking. And it’s a shame your family never saw that, or how strong you are. No one’s strength compares to yours. I know that, I’ve seen It since the moment we met.”
You grin at him and press your forehead on his before you lean in to steal a thankful kiss that you deepen by pushing your tongue in his mouth. When you pull back you gently tug back his bottom lip you caught between your teeth.
When you face him you still grin at him as bright as a shining sun and wipe his lip with your thumb. “This is why you’re the best. No one could ever make me feel the way you do.”
Choso blinks and queries. “Is that good or bad?”
You chuckle. “You tell me, I officially met you two months ago, and now we’re married and expecting twins.”
Choso scoffs shyly at the ground as he understands but you still assure him. “Definitely good. Oh, and you’re funny and hot.”
You smirk and press a last kiss on his lips.
“You know,” you say when you pull back. “You can pull me out to talk to me anytime. Just don’t obsess over the well-being of the twins, I’ll let you know if somethings wrong in that case.”
Choso scoffs and hesitates to respond considering the twins are all he will worry about regarding himself at the moment.
“Well then,” he mutters. “All I can say is that I’m nervous about you, Yuji, and our friends, but we haven’t gotten there yet so I’m okay.”
“Good,” you say with a relieved sigh and stare at him longly for a second. “Now I’m in need of some snacks…we should—”
Before you can finish he pulls out a ziploc bag with chips. “Just don’t finish them, I want some too,” he says. “I was going to bring dark chocolate for the both of us for our benefit, but it’d melt in my pocket so I opted for only chips.”
You look at him in awe before you giggle and take his arm.
“I knew you’d want something to munch on so I brought them,” he mentions proudly.
He knows you so well.
Now to go back, but you hesitate leaving and he waits with no argument. After a few minutes, you let out a deep breath and finally find the will to return.
Even though if you stay where you are maybe, just maybe nothing will happen to your brother…
But you also know you’re being a bit delusional, so you interject quietly. “Let’s go back.”
Choso hums and tows behind you as you return to the main hall where everyone is watching the grand battle. You however don’t look at the screen right away, you avert your gaze as you remember a specific day you returned home after being at the school for a while. You remember Satoru sharing a story of one of his complicated missions and the praise he got because he defeated the curses all by himself. You remember the praise he got, the pats that slapped his back as if he had just the saved world.
Most of all you remember your anger, jealousy, and resentment burning deep inside as you saw how much they loved him. You tried to fight what you felt poisoning your mind, after all he deserved all the praise because he was the strongest even then, and Satoru was never directly the one to make you feel left out (or he tried not to at least), but…you were a special grade sorcerer too, you had a remarkable technique that was rare too.
You were afraid, a bit weak then, but you fought just as hard, maybe even a little harder, and all you wanted was to be at least looked at the same way they looked at him.
If you had been born a boy perhaps your treatment would’ve been different, you would have been praised for what you could do. But you were born a woman, and they never bothered to even look your way when it wasn’t to get you in trouble. It wasn’t until you formed your family with Suguru that you were praised, you got pats on the back, and you were looked at with appreciation and admiration.
Perhaps that’s why you can’t part from Larue, Miguel, Toshihisa, and Manami, so easily. They gave you what you always longed for. As cruel as you all were, your love for each other was always genuine. And perhaps it’s your recalling of deep heartfelt, and hurtful emotions, or perhaps it’s your mind playing a sick game, but you remember a specific day several years ago when you, Suguru, and Larue saved Toshihisa from a town that treated him the same way the twins were treated.
It was unfair and horrible that people could mistreat and hurt a kid because he was born with abilities and techniques he didn’t ask for. He was different and the people that were supposed to protect and nourish him hated him for it, so you paid back their injustice with justice.
Of course, you started the attack that day, you remember now as clear as day; there was no wind, there was a chill, but it was typical since all the tall trees blocked the sun. The people of the town had settled down after the commotion you all made when saving Toshihisa, so it was easy for them to hear their wind chimes starting to play, and the branches starting to dance with a sudden breeze that started randomly.
You wanted to be a bit playful that day so as you played out your part you chose to have some fun. Instead of suddenly bombarding your enemy with a wind storm, you started by slowly raising the wind's speed.
What started as a gentle breeze sped up to rushing gusts that started to raise the pulses of the non-sorcerer townspeople. Your smugness heightened and so did the wind. Then things that were left discarded, leaves, loose dirt, and pebbles started to fly as the wind’s speed picked up, pulling out the non-sorcerers who had been inside their homes, and making those outside stop to look around as if they were looking for the cause amongst themselves.
You had remained hidden for the beginning as to keep them at their toes and have their hearts race as they wondered what cruel joke Mother Nature was playing, but after you made the wind race faster and start to pick up dirt, you stepped out to the top of a green hill and hid within a cloud of dirt to keep your identity a secret. However, your smirk and your malice could be felt as an evil presence, a demon who had chosen to come out and play with mortals.
You didn’t stop there, you remember that you could’ve let Suguru join in to bring a swift end and return home, but you were feeling a bit dramatic and vengeful that day, so you raised the amount of cursed energy you were using and threw your arms out towards the town to blast out wind to the point the howling wind began to roar.
You remember hearing houses shake, tree branches, and old or weak trees breaking. You remember the sound of glass breaking as things were being hurled out. You can still hear the screaming of people before the wind drowned out every cry.
Did you feel remorse then?
Not at that moment, you were so lost in the power, and the deep need to prove something to the sorcerers who would see reports later on what happened. You were proud of being able to blast out windows with the gusts of wind you could control, and the fact that you were so strong you could make the wind pick up to record-breaking speeds that were so violent that they barged through houses made of wood.
There was a moment that evening, a moment they thought was their salvation where the wind settled and a deafening silence fell, but you spoke words they couldn’t hear.
“Elemental cursed technique, fire dragon.”
You smirked and felt fire ignite from the dragon mark on your arm, making it glow a rageful red-orange that matched the color of your eyes.
The fire traveled down, licking your veins and flesh under your skin before hot flames started to seep out of your palms and slithered out to the sky. That wasn’t it, to create a fire dragon large enough to damage a town, you needed more fire, so you remember throwing your head back and letting fire creepily crawl out of your mouth like a snake would do in horror movies.
All that fire combined created a large fire-made dragon that blocked what little sun that shone down, and casted a large shadow on the town before its echoing roar broke the sky and let every non-sorcerer know that the wind wasn’t the end.
Raging fire fell down and the non-sorcerers cried out as they ran from the creature terrorizing them and the blasts of fire that rained down. Some got close to escaping on opposite sides of the town, but Suguru finally joined in and trapped them inside with a curse they could see because their death loomed, while on the opposite side, you use your technique to slither fire in front of them to barricade them before it furiously jumped and created a firewall of cursed energy imbued flames.
You didn’t stop there either, you finally felt the need to come out of hiding and strode through the tall wall of raging flames.
At first, you weren’t visible to their panicked vision, but as you strutted further in the fire they saw your figure take shape in the flames before they caught your eyes and your malicious smirk through the gaps of the dancing flames.
And you knew there was no need to walk down and come out of hiding, you had the advantage of being able to use your technique from afar, but you wanted to show the powerless that this was no act of god spiting them, this was you, you were no weak link, you were the great evil, you were death. You were in control and that filled you with a sense of glorious pride and made your blood pump with adrenaline
You could say that you remember feeling ashamed at that instant as they tried to desperately escape, or when you saw the once blue sky get littered with thick black clouds of smoke, but that wouldn't be the truth. You didn’t feel glee, you felt closer to your goal and proud that you got justice for their crimes, but you were far from feeling any sort of satisfaction.
When the dragon then landed on the town and you had it bath the town in more flames, instead of looking at the town with mischief, you remember dropping your lips to a scowl and furrowing your eyebrows to express your malice, but your eyes…well, the fire reflected your gleaming gaze and didn't at all express the rageful emotions you tried to maintain.
Suguru saw through you that day, of course…
“Not at all the look I was expecting after a marvelous display of your abilities…” he pauses and his voice softens. “Are you okay?” He asks.
Your eyes flicker down and your heart nervously skips a beat, but you still nod because a part of you does tell the truth. “I am…it’s just…I don’t know. It’s not easy. You know? After all the excitement and rush comes down I feel…” you pause as you’re at a loss for words since your mind comes up blank.
“Regret?” Suguru tries to finish your sentence.
You meet his gaze and shake your head. “No, of course not. Not regret. I can't describe it.”
Suguru hums and studies you to try and read what it is you can’t express, but he comes up empty in his search since you really don’t know. Thus he raises his hand to lick his thumb before he cleans soot off your face, making you smile.
“I would understand you know,” he whispers as if he can read your deep thoughts that you can’t even uncover. “You not wanting to take part in this part of our goal. That wouldn’t change a thing, not your place by my side, ever. You’d just not come out on field missions as much.”
You sigh and hold his gaze as you debate wanting to continue wiping out towns for the better of your dream. Your mind battles hard and bloody to pick a side.
But even if you thought you’d take long choosing between not being a part of this side of history or choosing to go on as you are. Your mind ends up choosing a side rather quickly.
Maybe it’s his dark eyes that look at you softly and bring clarity, or the warmth of his hand on your cheek that comforts every rising spike in your heartbeat, or simply his mere presence that makes you feel so safe and comforted that you know it’s all going to be okay with whatever you choose. Maybe it’s all three. But whatever it is, you know.
How could you live in a world without curses if non-sorcerers still roam the earth?
You can’t so you choose.
“No,” you share with growing confidence. “I don’t want to stay behind. I want to continue doing this, I want to achieve our goal side by side. And the only way I can do that is by helping eliminate non-sorcerers with my technique.”
Suguru hums with pleasure and offers you a soft heart-warming smile. “Great,” he whispers against your lips.
You glance at his lips and pull back. “Suguru, I have soot all over my face.”
He smirks and shakes his head. “So?” He snaps before he leans in to steal a slow kiss fueled with needy desire.
You grab his jaw and lean in closer as if trying to devour him.
Neither of you are in a rush so you linger in that heated kiss before you pull back and share a malicious smirk as you both feel a stronger need to achieve your mutual goal.
“You did amazing by the way,” he doesn’t forget to say. “Great control.”
You smile giddly and shrug cockily. “All in a day's work.”
Suguru chuckles and rolls his eyes. “Yeah, yeah I’ll let you have that.”
“Yeah?” You ask as you turn to leave with your arm hooked around his.
“Totally, only because you left me in awe.”
Out of all the things you knew, what you didn’t know was what happened after that day.
Unbeknownst to you the higher-ups made Satoru go investigate what happened with other workers. Your own father and some other members of your family even went along after they heard about the disaster you and Suguru had left behind.
“Satoru,” his father's voice booms. “You have to kill your sister. She’s gotten out of control! She’s a weak link that could destroy us all.”
Satoru’s father swiftly turns around to face him with an angry glare. However, it’s not anger for what happened, he felt nothing for the injustice committed to the town, he was angry because of you, of the stain you were putting on the Gojo reputation. Your father was angry because you weren’t under their control, and because Suguru and you were gaining more power than he or any higher up could ever wish for.
“Satoru,” his father sighs and walks towards him with an attempt at sounding pitiful. “I know your feelings are conflicted, but that woman who did this is not your sister anymore. Listen, do your job as the clan leader, and as the strongest sorcerer, and get rid of this evil.”
Satoru holds his father's gaze under his dark shades as he does feel conflicted, but not in the way his father assumed.
If he had to kill you…he would…he knew that. Would he do it so easily? No, you were his sister. You would be one of the few people he would ever hesitate killing for the greater or good, so his conflict came from not knowing how to reach out to you.
“Perhaps we pushed her over the edge?” One of Satoru’s uncles tells his father. “We should have never let her leave with the technique she has! She should have married Naoya Zen’in like they wanted instead of letting her run around with that curse manipulator!”
Satoru’s father responds right away with a dry laugh and an untrue comment. “Ha, no. People this evil are born this way. There’s nothing we could have done.”
Satoru turns away and thinks to himself that you had been far from evil. You probably wouldn't have fallen from grace if they had treated you differently; you probably would’ve ended up staying. But they had a hand in pushing you away and turning you into who you are.
Not like they would ever see their wrongdoing.
He could correct them and defend you, but there was no point, they’d never understand or change their minds. He’d just be wasting his breath so he walks away to keep looking around. That’s when he comes to a sudden halt when he comes across a tall wall of fire still consuming a house. He doesn’t even need to read whose cursed energy seeped through every corner of the house and every inch of that fire, it all reeked of your presence. You were here, you…are here?
Satoru’s breath hitches and his pulse jumps as he notices a figure in the flames that looks like you. He can’t see a face or hear a thing. The figure stands there in the flames, so he stands there and watches the flames as if waiting for you to come out.
He wants to call out for you, he pulls his hand out of his pocket and feels a sense of relief and longing to see you. The flames move and he swears he sees a glimpse of your eyes glistening bright because of the firelight.
But as the flames move further away he discovers the figure is only rubble that had fallen. Of course, you were long gone, why did he think you’d still be here and so easy to find too?
Perhaps it was his heart's desire to see you again. And not just in a magazine or short clips of you on runways, he wants to see you face to face and talk and laugh again like you used to. The years that passed without you were too quiet.
Right now if you were here—well from what he remembers about you, you would be making fun of your uncle, pointing out how stiff he’s standing and if he clenched his muscles anymore he’d let out a fart. You would also point out how serious he tries to be in front of your father.
You’d grow bored after a while so you’d kick the rocks, you probably would have accidentally hit your father and ran away laughing so he’d take all the blame. After a while if you were still here you’d be dramatic and say you’d die if you stayed here any longer so you’d suggest leaving without letting anyone know, and he’d of course give in and leave with you even if it meant getting in trouble…
Yuji says that the wheel over Sukuna’s head needs to do two more spins before Mahoraga adapts to Satoru’s infinity technique, which finally places a meaning behind the wheel. You were clueless as to what its purpose was, but now you know.
And knowing how this battle is going, Mahoraga will adapt to his infinity before Satoru has a chance to kill Sukuna. It’s gonna be a pain in the ass, but you will try to be more positive to prevent any more outbursts like the one moments ago with Choso. So! Even if Mahoraga adapts then your brother will adapt too and find a way around it!
Anyway, Yuji is worried about Satoru forgetting about Fushiguro…as much as you’d like him to live, you’re okay with letting him die if it means getting rid of Sukuna once and for all. It’s so cruel to think about, he’s young after all, and he has his whole life ahead of him, but if it means getting rid of one evil you’re okay with it. And you know Satoru thinks the same way, he can’t afford to think otherwise.
Nevertheless, you watch as Satoru holds onto Sukuna’s leg before kicking him away, somehow causing the wheel above Sukuna to spin, leaving one spin left.
“The third spin!” Hakari yells out what everyone is watching. “One more left!”
You clench your jaw and lean forward, propping your elbows on your legs.
“Is it time needed for the adaptation?” Yuji asks with concern. “Or is it experience?”
You wish you could answer, but you know a little bit about Mahoraga, the Zen’in’s were not keen on sharing that much information about it. All you know is from the stories left behind by your ancestors who watched someone fight that beast.
“Oh, I see,” Kusakabe interjects—which of course he does, he’s like a computer, he knows everything. Somehow—“you’re asking does it A, take the attack once and take time to understand it, and then adapt. Or, B, adapt incrementally after taking the attack multiple times. Well,” he sighs. “Considering Gojo hasn’t used any techniques aside from Lapse, which could it be?”
You analyze Sukuna through the screen, but who are you kidding? You won’t get shit.
“Either option is possible,” Kashimo is the one who answers. “That’s all there is to it.”
Regardless, there’s nothing you can do to stop that damn wheel but watch it turn, and hope that somehow Satoru performs some miracle and kills Sukuna now.
That’s not likely, so you just hope with all your might that your brother can beat the mighty beast.
“Cursed technique reversal!” Satoru announces, stealing all your attention to him pointing his fingers at Sukuna after he finds his footing on the ground after being flung—“Red!”
A bright flash blinds the screens, making you be left in wonder as to what the outcome is.
But when the birds recording the fight recuperate their sight, it seems that Satoru’s technique didn’t hit. It seems! You know otherwise, there was no flash of red, and the damage on Sukuna and their surroundings wasn’t much at all, you know it hasn’t hit.
“What did he do?” Choso mutters in frustration.
You lift your head and drop your hands on your thighs whilst a smirk tugs on your lips. “Watch,” you whisper and steal a glance at him glued to the screens as he falls for Satoru’s trick just as Sukuna and everyone else does.
“He misread it!” Higuruma sounds alarmed. “At this rate…”
“It’ll adapt!” Yuji shouts and lets everyone else know.
But you…you still know otherwise.
“It’ll adapt,” you direct at Yuji as you watch Sukuna look smugly at your brother—“but just now what did you notice about the explosion?”
“Huh?” Yuji exclaims.
“Describe it to me,” you press excitedly
“It wasn’t red,” Choso points out for his brother as he finally realizes why you weren’t stressed out too.
You hum pridefully and nod.
“Such sloppiness,” Sukuna sneers. “Lost your cool after your hand was read.”
You let out a deep breath and rub your thighs as you’re filled with eagerness.
“You know that red just now,” Satoru finally reveals his play with his eyes wide with determination. “Still hasn’t exploded.”
Sukuna’s eyes peel open and before he can even think of countering, Satoru’s Red shoots Sukuna in the back, making his spine crack violently, and leaving Satoru a chance to lunge forward and strike him with a mighty black flash!
A black flash!
“A black flash!” You exclaim and jump to your feet.
The screens reflect the wheel hitting the ground as Sukuna blanks and spills blood out of his mouth and the wounds he gathered after the violent explosion.
However, success isn’t guaranteed, no matter what Sukuna’s state is, because somehow even if the wheel is on the ground, a shadow casts on the ground below Satoru’s feet before Mahoraga emerges and snatches your brother with his giant hand.
“Satoru,” you gasp as if trying to warn a man projecting through a screen.
And from one second to another, when Mahoraga is standing on its feet, he slashes your brother with his enlarged blade, and you feel your heart clench at the sound of the blade cutting your brother's flesh.
It’s not enough to kill him, you have to blink multiple times to realize that, but Mahoraga is still fully out now.
You’re surprised your heart can take the stress of seeing that beast, it’s working so hard in your chest.
“He’s not finished yet,” Yuji says through his panic. “Even if it adapted to infinity they’re still on equal footing. And even if he’s injured, he can quickly—”
“No,” Shoko cuts him off harshly as she lets out a nasty smoker's cough. “His wounds are clearly taking longer to heal. I’m sure he’s still able to use reverse cursed technique beyond firing red, but his output is definitely dropping…sorry. It’s likely the same for Sukuna, with the damage sustained by his brain.”
But…Satoru can still win...he’s smart and skillful…
You can’t start losing hope, as low as his chance of survival gets. You have to believe in your older brother.
So as you watch him strike Mahoraga with a strong punch and manage to shove him back, you let out a deep breath and start manifesting his success.
“Phase. Pāramitā. Pillars of light.”
You blink with surprise and smile faintly. “He’s reciting his incantations,” you point out in awe.
“He’s trying to restore his decreased output!” Shoko informs everyone as she’s caught by surprise.
“Cursed technique reversal,” Satoru announces, but before he can shoot it Sukuna overwhelms your brother with rabbits that emerge from the ten shadows technique, therefore blocking all sight of him and only making your brother grow ten times more cocky.
“Looks like the black flash worked like a charm,” Satoru says as he keeps his aim locked. “How much longer ‘you gonna rest for?”
An amused smile flashes on your lips before you sit back down and take the bag of chips you had abandoned on your seat, whilst you catch Satoru shoot the red technique and blast through the rabbits to reveal Sukuna and Mahoraga's position.
When your brother sees his opponents he rushes towards Sukuna, and so does Mahoraga. However, before Satoru can get close, Sukuna snatches a fire extinguisher and hurls it at Satoru to blind him once again and catch him by surprise.
You see that play out and you’re tempted to yell at the screens as if that would somehow aid your brother, but you just clench your jaw and hold your breath as you watch Mahoraga appear above your brother. Whilst across from him, Sukuna claps his hands together and bends his legs a little.
“Piercing blood?!” Choso gives out Sukuna’s move, making you swallow thickly and look at your husband with slight fear.
“Would…” you trail off to watch Mahoraga strike his blade down as he lands on the ground, whilst Sukuna shoots piercing blood at your unaware brother.
Nevertheless, by damn luck, Satoru blocks the beast's move and notices the bright blood rushing his way so he manages to block the strike with his unoccupied arm, letting you relieve your lungs by breathing.
“Would his blood be poisonous like yours?” You finally ask Choso the question you held captive at the tip of your tongue when you were watching the move unfold.
Choso looks over at you and meets your shaken gaze. “I don’t know,” he says the truth so as to not fill you with delusion. “Mine and my brothers are, but it could all depend on the user. If Satoru was a cursed spirit I would say yes, but he’s not so I’m not sure. Sorry.”
You draw out a deep breath and nod in comprehension.
“Satoru can surpass poison,” you share quietly, mostly to talk yourself down from stressing out too much. “But it could still affect him if it is poisonous…”
“I don’t think it is, my love, he would’ve felt something already. As small as the effect was,” Choso tries to assure you. “It’s all different depending on the user.”
He’s right. Besides you remember when Naoya was struck with his blood, it affected him right away. Satoru hasn’t twitched or expressed a thing on his face.
“Yeah, you’re right,” you whisper.
Choso holds your anxious gaze and offers you a comforting smile before he takes your hand and interlocks his fingers between yours.
You offer him a grateful smile before you scoot closer to him and return your eyes to the screen, noticing your brother stand across Sukuna and Mahoraga now.
“Don’t misunderstand,” Sukuna breaks his silence with a mischievous widespread smirk. “This isn’t a 2-on-1. Nue. Totality. Fusion Beast Agito.”
From the shadow emerges another beast that causes your heart to skip a beat before it begins to pound.
This one is as tall as Mahoraga, with antlers like a deers, a face like an insect, and a snake for a tail.
Both beasts now protect Sukuna, sending your brother to tease the menacing curse. “Dude, you look like a lost little alien boy,” Satoru makes fun of him, making Sukuna’s smirk widen as he huffs.
You scoff in amusement, but that soon dies as both beasts swing. Your brother manages to escape but Sukuna uses the shadows to appear under Satoru and shoot another piercing blood as he thinks Satoru won’t be able to swerve it.
Yet your brother proves to be much faster, he twirls down and swings his fist down to try and strike Sukuna, but the curse flips back and dodges the attack, making you groan in annoyance.
At the other side of the screen Satoru is caught between both beasts, but before they can hit him, he jumps out of the way and quickly blasts a Red that manages to scrape the beasts, but is it enough?
No. No, it’s not. Damn it!
Albeit that doesn’t discourage your older brother, he still smiles as if he already has a plan thought out.
He’s up against strong odds, but seeing him be hopeful and smug eases your racing nerves, and fights against the fear polluting your mind.
“I’m going too,” you suddenly hear Okkotsu sneer before you notice him storming off.
However, Kashimo quickly tries to stop him. “Get back here.”
He’s not looking out for Okkotsu, you know that after befriending the man and knowing his crazy ambitions.
“Don’t get in the way,” Kashimo snaps as lightning cracks all around him.
You and Choso share a knowing look before you sit straight up and watch the interaction in hopes that Okkotsu actually listens. No matter how much you would love for Okkotsu to help your brother, this isn’t the plan. He’d only be a burden.
“Regardless,” Kashimo goes on. “You aren’t even next in line.”
Okkotsu shows his own ambition and surrounds himself in cursed energy as he glares at the man trying to pull him back from helping his beloved teacher and mentor.
“Cool it, Okkotsu,” Hakari tries to calm his friend down. “Kashimo’s right. Unless he’s weakened to the point that you or I could take him, Gojo told us to hold off.”
“There are extenuating circumstances,” Okkotsu argues as he does attempt to hold back. “Right now Sukuna can’t use his domain. Rika and I can handle the two shikigami. It’ll relieve pressure.”
Yuji gets up and you let go of Choso’s hand to get ready to get in the way of this ridiculous plan.
“If anyone’s going out, it’s me,” Maki cuts in now too, which doesn’t help the situation at hand.
“Screw you,” Kashimo hisses with a bit of lightning sparking off him, expressing his frustration physically. “Gojo, come get these damn students.”
You glance over at him and smirk. “Kashimo you’re behaving like a child. Sizzle down.”
He snarls and you smile in amusement. You would say your own daughter doesn’t throw tantrums like him, but she does, so your argument wouldn’t be valid.
“Insurance that won’t be needed if we win against Sukuna here,” Okkotsu responds to something you didn’t catch because Kashimo distracted you. “We should take the gamble.”
“Okkotsu,” Yuji interjects and you think he’ll have better judgment. “Go for it. It’s necessary.”
Alas. More trouble. Damn, kids.
“Hold it, hold it,” Kusakabe groans. “You damn kids really don’t understand a thing. Come on.”
Both boys hesitate, letting Mei-Mei cut in.
“Listen you all. The conditions for Gojo’s victory are different from that of Sukuna’s. Gojo only needs to beat Sukuna. Because if we all band together, we may be able to handle Kenjaku. It’s different for Sukuna. Even if he wins against Gojo, he’ll need to fight the rest of us afterward without a second to rest.”
“He definitely has an ace up his sleeve,” Hakari points out to try and diffuse the situation. “And if we go out there, he may just use it.”
Okkotsu’s glare hardens before he snaps back. “You’re saying we shouldn’t provoke him?”
“Exactly,” Kusakabe inputs. “There’re still monsters like Uraume lying in wait too. Right now, Sukuna still has to hold back while Gojo is able to go all out with no burden. Right now, this situation maximizes our chances of victory.”
Burden is right. Satoru won’t go all out if his precious students go out to fight with him.
“Are all modern sorcerers this dense?” Kashimo remarks, causing Hakari to quip.
“You’re all missing the point,” Kashimo ignores Hakari while he keeps his gaze on the screens as the fight unfolds. “This is Satoru Gojo’s battle. No matter what happens, it won’t be right for us to jump in.”
Okkotsu doesn’t seem to resonate with what he heard, so you finally get up and cut in a lot more harshly. “Sit down.” You sneer. “You too Yuji.”
Said boy's eyes drift to you and then his brother as if looking for backup, but Choso agrees with you on this so he says nothing and offers no help, he actually presses a hardened look that makes Yuji back up.
“You will only burden Satoru,” You agree with Kusakabe. “He will see you out there Okkotsu and he will hold back to prevent harming you. Which in turn will lead to Sukuna having an advantage. Do you want Satoru to die because of you?”
Okkotsu blinks repeatedly in surprise, but even if he seems to realize the truth behind your words he still desperately argues back. “You went to help him in Shibuya. He still used his domain.”
You nod. “He did. But it was different, we had no idea what was going on. We had no plan, and I was able to pursue after someone else to give my brother the chance to use his domain and go all out. He wouldn’t have done that if I had stayed with him,” you explain. “Today is different, we have a plan today, you going out there when it’s not necessary will ruin our plan. You will kill Satoru if you go out there now, do you hear me?” You press sharply and step toward him.
Okkotsu swallows thickly and drops his eyes to stare at the ground for a moment before he glances over at the screens and watches your brother go all out against his enemy. He takes a moment and keeps quiet, but it seems that he makes up his mind at that moment because his grip eases on his katana and he faces the screens.
You wait to see if he’ll suddenly change his mind, and when you see that he won’t act on his plan anymore you settle back down in your seat and interject with one more thing with a hopeful smile.
“Besides, don't you have faith that Satoru will find a way out of this mess?”
You do…
Tagged- @deniseabad1928 @secondary-character-25 @starlightanyaaa @notsaelty @d4rno @moonnime @kodzukein @yozora7154 @heijihattorisgf @elegantweirdorchest @natakina
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rachellaurengray · 9 days
Happy Monday! Kickstart your day with nothing but delicious nutrition. Welcome to your COMPLETE LIST of 30 quick and easy options—all under 250 calories—that'll leave you feeling energized and satisfied. (Make sure your save this post!)
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- Greek Yogurt with Berries and Honey (200 calories): Creamy yogurt, sweet berries, and a drizzle of honey—yum!
- Avocado Toast on Whole Grain Bread (240 calories): Creamy avocado on crunchy toast—simple yet so satisfying!
- Smoothie with Spinach, Banana, and Almond Milk (220 calories): A refreshing green smoothie to start your day on a healthy note.
- Chia Seed Pudding with Almond Milk and Berries (230 calories): Creamy chia pudding topped with juicy berries—a breakfast treat!
- Oatmeal with Sliced Banana and a Drizzle of Honey (210 calories): Warm and comforting oatmeal with a touch of sweetness.
- Cottage Cheese with Pineapple Chunks (190 calories): Creamy cottage cheese paired with tropical pineapple—refreshing and filling!
- Scrambled Eggs with Spinach and Tomatoes (180 calories): Fluffy eggs loaded with veggies—perfect for a hearty breakfast.
- Whole Grain English Muffin with Peanut Butter (230 calories): Nutty peanut butter spread on a toasty English muffin—simple and satisfying.
- Apple Slices with Almond Butter (210 calories): Crunchy apples paired with creamy almond butter—a delicious combo!
- Overnight Oats with Blueberries and Almond Milk (220 calories): Prep ahead for a fuss-free breakfast—creamy oats with sweet blueberries.
- Hard-Boiled Eggs with a Piece of Fruit (200 calories): Protein-packed eggs paired with your favorite fruit—easy and nutritious!
- Smoothie Bowl with Mixed Berries and Granola (240 calories): A colorful and satisfying bowl packed with flavor and texture.
- Whole Grain Toast with Hummus and Cucumber Slices (200 calories): A savory twist on toast—creamy hummus topped with fresh cucumbers.
- Low-Fat Greek Yogurt with Honey and Almonds (210 calories): Creamy yogurt topped with honey and crunchy almonds—a delightful treat!
- Banana Pancakes Made with Oats and Eggs (230 calories): Fluffy pancakes with the goodness of bananas and oats—perfect for a weekend brunch.
- Fresh Fruit Salad with a Dollop of Yogurt (190 calories): A refreshing fruit salad drizzled with creamy yogurt—simple yet satisfying.
- Protein Shake with Almond Milk and Banana (230 calories): A protein-packed shake to fuel your morning—creamy and delicious!
- Rice Cake with Avocado and Tomato Slices (200 calories): Crispy rice cake topped with creamy avocado and juicy tomatoes—yum!
- Low-Fat Cottage Cheese with Sliced Peaches (180 calories): Creamy cottage cheese paired with sweet peaches—a delightful combination.
- Whole Grain Waffles with Fresh Strawberries (240 calories): Fluffy waffles topped with juicy strawberries—a breakfast delight!
- Berry and Spinach Smoothie with Almond Milk (220 calories): A vibrant and nutritious smoothie to start your day on a healthy note.
- Turkey Sausage Links with a Piece of Fruit (230 calories): Flavorful turkey sausage paired with your favorite fruit—easy and satisfying.
- Egg White Omelette with Vegetables (190 calories): Light and fluffy egg whites loaded with colorful veggies—perfect for a healthy start.
- Almond Butter and Banana on Whole Grain Toast (240 calories): Creamy almond butter and sliced bananas on crunchy toast—a delicious combo!
- Quinoa Porridge with Berries and Almonds (210 calories): Creamy quinoa porridge topped with sweet berries and crunchy almonds—a breakfast treat!
- Low-Fat Greek Yogurt Parfait with Granola (240 calories): Creamy yogurt layered with crunchy granola—a parfait made in heaven!
- Sliced Apple with a Handful of Walnuts (200 calories): Crunchy apples paired with creamy walnuts—a simple and satisfying snack.
- Veggie Breakfast Burrito with Salsa (230 calories): A hearty breakfast burrito loaded with veggies and topped with zesty salsa—yum!
- Chia Seed Pudding with Mango and Coconut Milk (230 calories): Creamy chia pudding topped with tropical mango and coconut milk—a taste of paradise!
- Whole Grain Cereal with Almond Milk and Berries (240 calories): Crunchy cereal paired with creamy almond milk and sweet berries—a classic breakfast combo!
Try these breakfast ideas & start your day on a delicious note!
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Most Beloved WWE Wrestler Tournament: Round 1 Statistics Dump
Followers: 230
Total Votes: 22087
Times my modem crashed so I was without wifi for two weeks and had to go to my neighbors' house so I could ensure the tournament could continue undisturbed: 1 (thankfully)
Beloved By Gender
Starting out, we had a tournament of 209 women against 931 men, with percentages shown below.
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After voting, the pie chart looks like this:
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Which means on average, tumblr loves female wrestlers more
Voting Trends
During the first round of voting, we had a low of 309 votes per day up to 593, with our highest voting day being the day of the Great Naomi VS Scott Steiner debate
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The 100%ers
In the first round, a good number of wrestlers did not get a single vote against them
Tony Atlas (26)
Cedric Alexander (33)
Rick Rude (35)
No Way Jose (36)
Dusty Rhodes (46)
Kofi Kingston (53)
Eddie Guerrero (53)
Owen Hart (56)
Damian Priest (69)
Public Opinion
Tumblr has long been known for going against the grain of "wrestling professionals" opinions, so I collected a few opinions of the highly regarded to compare ours to (I left out the names of the wrestlers who were not included in this tournament)
Sports Illustrated's 101 Best Wrestlers Of All Time (2016)
Ric Flair (18, lose)
Shawn Michaels (53, win)
Steve Austin (29, win)
The Rock (23, lose)
The Undertaker (53, win)
Dusty Rhodes (46, win)
John Cena (47, win)
Hulk Hogan (10, lose)
Sting (51, win)
Andre The Giant (56, win)
Randy Savage (37, win)
Roddy Piper (54, win)
Chris Jericho (27, win)
Harley Race (17, win)
Mick Foley (58, win)
Bret Hart (52, win)
Randy Orton (58, win)
Kurt Angle (45, win)
Antonio Inoki (28, win)
Ricky Steamboat (28, win)
Daniel Bryan (61, win)
Triple H (31, win)
Buddy Rogers (21, win)
Edge (41, win)
Bob Backlund (26, win)
Brock Lesnar (23, lose)
Stan Hansen (22, lose)
Bruno Sammartino (30, win)
CM Punk (57, win)
Ted DiBiase (27, win)
Bruiser Brody (33, win)
Hideo Itami (34, win)
Rey Mysterio (48, win)
Vader (32, win)
Dory Funk Jr (17, win)
Mr Perfect (37, win)
Eddie Guerrero (53, win)
Jake ROberts (32, win)
Arn Anderson (25, win)
The Sheik (31, win)
AJ Styles (40, win)
Goldust (70, win)
Samoa Joe (61, win)
Terry Funk (27, win)
Verne Gagne (14, lose)
Mil Mascaras (10, lose)
Rob Van Dam (43, win)
Tatsumi Fujinami (25, lose)
Rick Rude (35, win)
Owen Hart (56, win)
Jeff Hardy (52, win)
Goldberg (23, win)
Ivan Koloff (15, lose)
Chris Benoit (17, lose)
Larry Zbyszko (4, lose)
Ultimo Dragon (9, lose)
Scott Hall (44, win)
Trish Stratus (38, win)
Dean Malenko (37, win)
Ultimate Warrior (28, win)
Fabulous Moolah (18, lose)
William Regal (62, win)
Gene Kiniski (14, lose)
Scott Steiner (44, lose)
Rick Steiner (26, win)
Chyna (68, win)
Seth Rollins (55, win)
Kane (40, win)
Jimmy Snuka (9, lose)
Davey Boy Smith (22, win)
The Iron Sheik (49, win)
Pedro Morales (20, win)
Michael Hayes (10, lose)
Johnny Valentine (14, win)
Shinsuke Nakamura (58, win)
Diesel (39, win)
Batista (53, win)
Lita (46, win)
Christian (56, win)
Ron Simmons (25, win)
Big Show (41, win)
JBL (10, lose)
Christopher Daniels (26, win)
The Miz (34, win)
PWI Wrestler Of The Year
Pedro Morales (20, win)
Jack Brisco (17, win)
Bruno Sammartino (30, win)
Terry Funk (27, win)
Dusty Rhodes (46, win)
Harley Race (17, win)
Bob Backlund (26, win)
Ric Flair (18, lose)
Hulk Hogan (10, lose)
Randy Savage (27, win)
Sting (51, win)
Vader (32, win)
Diesel (39, win)
Big Show (41, win)
Lex Luger (25, win)
Steve Austin (29, win)
The Rock (23, lose)
Brock Lesnar (23, lose)
Kurt Angle (45, win)
Chris Benoit (17, lose)
Batista (52, win)
John Cena (47, win)
Triple H (31, win)
Randy Orton (58, win)
CM Punk (57, win)
Daniel Bryan (61, win)
Seth Rollins (55, win)
AJ Styles (40, win)
Adam Cole (47, win)
Dean Ambrose (58, win)
Roman Reigns (51, win)
PWI Woman Of The Year
Joyce Grable (30, win)
Susan Green (21, win)
Stephanie McMahon (26, win)
Lita (46, win)
Trish Stratus (38, win)
Victoria (27, win)
Candice Michelle (24, win)
Mickie James (47, win)
Michelle McCool (29, win)
AJ Lee (48, win)
Sasha Banks (44, win)
Charlotte Flair (45, win)
Asuka (58, win)
Becky Lynch (58, win)
Bianca Belair (34, win)
Naomi, 173
Billy Gunn, 138
Goldust, 70
Damian Priest, 69
Chyna, 68
Shotzi Blackheart, 65
Finn Balor, 65
William Regal, 62
Samoa Joe/Daniel Bryan, 61
Toni Storm, 60
A big thank you to everyone who voted and I hope next round brings even more vicious infighting to shatter the dreams of old men who have had their egos boosted way too high over the last 40 years (yes, I'm directly roasting Ric Flair)
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umgeorge · 7 months
george russell is interviewed after fp2, las vegas, united states - november 17, 2023 (transcription below the cut)
Interviewer: "Well, George, it's been the most anticipated race for some time. Finally hit the track. What's it been like to actually be racing around-well, not racing yet-but driving around Las Vegas?" George: "It was good to finally get going after [laughs] quite a long day. But it was really great to get out there. Obviously a very fast circuit; highest top speeds of the year, probably, and obviously racing at night is pretty spectacular, but I think it's gonna be an interesting race weekend. A session sort of dominated by getting the tires working and by graining and I think that's gonna go into hinder everybody come Sunday." Interviewer: "Okay, so how long did you take to actually get your eye in before you actually worked on the tire stuff? Was it quite quick to master it?" George: "Well, the thing is the track's evolving every single lap, so the first laps you did you're sort of driving around on ice, it feels. No grip. You can visibly see the dirt and the dust. So every lap you do you're learning, you're going faster, the track's going faster, your braking points are changing. It's tricky, when you're going 230 miles an hour into both braking zones, picking your braking point with very little downforce on the car. But it was good fun out there, but ultimately all down to pace. Difficult to get a true representation because some people did two sets of new softs. We only did one set, but I think it's gonna be dominated by race pace." Interviewer: "And that will be dominated by getting the tires into their happy place." George: "Yeah. As we know, the tires at the best of times are tricky to get into their happy place, but this is a weekend that we've never experienced with the graining. We saw a bit of it last year, due to the nature of the tire, but with these cold temperatures I think if you can keep the tires working it should be an easy ones top, but if you find yourself graining those tires you'll be making two, three, four stops, so we need to make sure we're not one of those." Interviewer: "Okay. Thanks very much. Did you have a nap while we were waiting for FP2?" George: "I actually had a nap before coming to the circuit, so I think I've had four naps today. I don't know what time it is, but definitely looking forward to getting some sleep." Interviewer: "See you tomorrow. Thank you."
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cannorexic · 2 years
Starbucks safe foods (under 300 calories!)
Turkey Bacon, Cheddar & Egg White Sandwich - 230 calories
Spinach, Feta & Egg White Wrap - 290 calories
Bacon & Gruyère Egg Bites - 300 calories
Kale & Mushroom Egg Bites - 230 calories
Egg White & Roasted Red Pepper Egg Bites - 170 calories
All bagels - 270 to 290 calories (without cream cheese, butter, avocado spread)
All cake pops - 140 to 170 calories
Butter Croissant - 250 calories
Chocolate Croissant - 300 calories
Chocolate Pistachio Swirl - 280 calories
Cheese Danish - 290 calories
Petite Vanilla Bean Scone - 120 calories
Berry Trio Parfait - 240 calories
Strawberry Overnight Grains - 300 calories
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satellite-sunday · 10 months
If you ever have to order from Panera
Greek yogurt with mixed berries parfait- 240
Avocado egg white spinach and cheese on sprouted grain bagel flat- 350
Steel cut oatmeal with strawberries and pecans- 370
Scrambled egg and cheese on ciabatta- 380
Scrambled egg and cheese on brioche- 390
Chicken noodle soup cup- 60 (bowl- 100)
Half strawberry poppyseed salad- 120 (whole- 240)
Creamy tomato soup cup- 140 (bowl 350)
Half caesar salad- 170 (whole- 330)
Cream of chicken and rice soup cup- 180 (bowl 260)
Bistro French onion soup cup- 180 (bowl- 290)
Half strawberry poppyseed salad with chicken- 180 (whole- 350)
Sprouted seed bagel flat- 180
Mexican street corn chowder cup- 190 (bowl- 310)
Chicken tiki masala soup cup- 230 (bowl- 360)
Broccoli cheddar soup cup- 230 (bowl- 370)
Kids grilled cheese- 230
Croissant- 270
Plain bagels- 280
Half deli Turkey/Ham sandwich 300 (whole- 590)
Everything, blueberry, or sesame bagel- 300
squeezable yogurts- 50
Summer fruit cup- 60
Apple- 80
Banana- 90
Chips- 150
2 hard boiled eggs- 150
Mini scones- 150-180 each
Chocolate chip muffin- 340
Oatmeal raisin with berries cookie- 350
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dietmtnndeww · 8 months
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1/4 cup of long grain rice - 160 cals
1 large egg - 70 cal
Water - 0 cal
Total: 230 cal
This is my comfort food, but the rice is so not worth all those cals 😭
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edsheeranspo · 11 months
Tw! An anorexic’s “junk drawer”
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No but seriously I love buying low calorie foods<3 it’s an addiction 😘
food inside:
Gerbers baby grain puffs-blueberry and vanilla (25 cals per 60 pieces)
skinny pops butter popcorn(it’s powdered butter so it tastes like the white cheddar popcorn in the black bag)(50 cals per cup)
cinnamon apple sauce (80 cals per cup) (I got the wrong one unsweetened is only 50 cals)
powdered drink mixes (5 cals per packet)
Extra gum (5 cals per stick)
Publix brand and mio brand water flavorers (0 cals) because I am physically not able to drink water 💀💀
honest kids apple juice (40 cals per juice packet) (35 if it’s a juice box)
Dollar tree:
apple juice 0 sugar (5 cals per 8oz, 160 cals for the whole bottle)
white grape and peach juice 10 cals per 8oz serving, 320 for the whole bottle(if I did the math right💀💀))
crush watermelon flavored packets 10 cals per serving.
recommendations :
bai cherry antioxidant juice(10 cals per bottle)
Celsius (0-10 cals per can)(depends on the one you get)
vitamin water 0 cals depending on which one u get.
Gatorade zero (10 cals per bottle
diet Dr Pepper (0 cals)
hibiscus tea (5 cals per bag)
sweet and salty skinny pop popcorn (230 er whole bag)
regular unsalted popcorn
half a banana
peeled halved slices of apples(aka McDonald’s apples (15 cals per bag))
cuties oranges
(I’ll edit this post when I think of more)
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ceerecipes · 3 months
Grilled steak with chimichurri sauce Recipes
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For The Chimichurri sauce
1 packed fresh parsley leaves * 1/4 cup
1 olive oil * 2 tablespoons red wine
1 vinegar * 1 tablespoon lemon juice * 1
1 clove garlic, minced * 1/2 teaspoon
red pepper flakes * Salt, optional
and freshly ground black pepper to taste
For the Steak:
2 thick-cut steaks * Salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste * Olive oil, such as ribeye, New York strip, or skirt steak
Course meal: Breakfast, omnivore Diet
Step by step instructions
1. Prep the Chimichurri Sauce:
1) * Gather your ingredients: fresh parsley, garlic cloves, olive oil, red wine vinegar, lemon, and red pepper flakes (optional) on a cutting board.
* Roughly chop the parsley leaves.
* Mince the garlic cloves for a stronger flavor, or leave them in larger pieces for a milder taste.
2. Blend the Sauce:
* Combine all the chopped ingredients for the chimichurri sauce in a blender.
* Pour in the olive oil and a splash of red wine vinegar or lemon juice.
* Pulse the blender until the mixture is finely chopped but still retains some texture. Season with salt and pepper to taste.
For the steak
3. Prepare the Steak:
* Select your favorite cut of steak for grilling. Thick-cut options like ribeye or New York strip work well.
* Pat the steak dry with paper towels to ensure even browning.
* Generously season the steak with salt and freshly ground black pepper on a plate.
4. Preheat the Grill:
* Get your grill nice and hot! Aim for medium-high heat, around 450°F (230°C) for optimal searing.
5. Sear the Steak:
* Carefully place the seasoned steak on the preheated grill.
* Sear the steak undisturbed for 2-3 minutes per side, depending on the thickness and desired doneness.
* Use tongs to turn the steak to avoid piercing it and losing its juices.
* You'll see beautiful grill marks forming on the surface of the steak.
6. Rest and Slice:
* Once the steak reaches your desired doneness, transfer it to a plate and tent it loosely with foil.
* Letting the steak rest for 5-10 minutes allows the juices to redistribute throughout the meat, resulting in a more tender and flavorful steak.
* Slice the steak against the grain for maximum tenderness.
7. Plate and Enjoy!
* Drizzle the vibrant green chimichurri sauce generously over the sliced steak for a burst of freshness and tangy flavor.
* Serve alongside your favorite grilled vegetables, roasted potatoes, or a simple salad for a complete and delicious meal.
**Accurate Nutrition Information (per serving):**
* Calories: 550-650 (depending on the fat content of the steak)
* Protein: 40-50 grams
* Fat: 30-40 grams
* Carbs: 5-10 grams
**Notes and FAQ:**
* **Choosing your steak:** Select a thick-cut steak like ribeye, New York strip, or skirt steak for optimal grilling results.
* **Doneness preference:** Use a meat thermometer to check the internal temperature of the steak for your desired doneness:
* Rare: 120°F (49°C)
* Medium-rare: 130°F (54°C)
* Medium: 140°F (60°C)
* Medium-well: 150°F (66°C)
* Well-done: 160°F (71°C)
* **Resting the steak:** Letting the steak rest after grilling is crucial for maintaining its juiciness.
Explore recipe variations by:
* **Trying different chimichurri ingredients:** Add a pinch of red pepper flakes for a spicier sauce or swap the parsley with cilantro for a different flavor profile.
* **Experimenting with marinades:** Marinate your steak in your favorite marinade before grilling for extra flavor.
* Chimichurri sauce can also be used on chicken, fish, or egg
**Storage Instructions:**
* Leftover steak can be stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 3 days.
* Chimichurri sauce can be stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 5 days.
**Possible Substitutions:**
* **Steak:** Flank steak, flat iron steak, or hanger steak can be used as substitutes.
* **Red wine vinegar:** Lemon juice or white wine vinegar can be used in place of red wine vinegar.
* **Fresh herbs:** If fresh parsley is unavailable, use ½ cup chopped frozen parsley or a combination of other fresh herbs like cilantro, basil, or oregano.
**Best Before Date:**
Freshly prepared chimichurri sauce is best enjoyed within 5 days. However, the chimichurri can lose some of its vibrancy and freshness over time.
**Allergy and Avoidance Information:**
This recipe contains gluten (from wheat) and soy (from soy sauce in the chimichurri sauce). Opt for gluten-free soy sauce or alternative ingredients like tamari or coconut aminos for a gluten-free version.
**Food and Beverage Pairings:**
* **Wine:** Pair this dish with a bold red wine like Malbec, Cabernet Sauvignon, or Zinfandel.
* **Beer:** Enjoy a cold beer like an IPA or a lager with your steak.
* **Non-alcoholic beverages:** Iced tea, lemonade, or sparkling water are refreshing options.
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dongzhou3kingdoms · 1 year
Dangers of bad history
This is not about Reddit (though it involves it) so even if you hate Reddit drama, please read.
As a western 3k community, we are extremely fortunate in that the three kingdoms era or the Later Han is limited in terms of toxic ways it is used. Though we do see them: The age-old "there be women, this ruins my historical immersion" rubbish in gaming circles which is a wider problem beyond the 3kingdoms (though Koei Tecmo should be ashamed of playing into that with rtk14), Chinese people claiming Taiwan is theirs because in 230 Wu sent ships across the seas and people using the bigoted attitudes towards eunuchs of the era and the novel to warn of the "dangers" of trans rights. But compared to some other periods of history, we get it fairly light though the implications of such ideas spread are dangerous and must be opposed
This week we have seen how easily distorted history to suit a bigoted agenda (Japan bad) can, when done with some skill, be convincing, even as others argue it was bad history. A user, seemingly unaware of the problematic aspect (has since defended it when pointed to it), has been Google translating them and is utterly convinced of their accuracy as articles, putting them into two subreddits: Dynasty Warriors and Three Kingdoms. People who hadn't seen the anti-Japan issue have been enjoying them with 100 upvotes this morning across the two subreddits. Does it not show archaeology and quotes from eyewitnesses? Does it not show the statistics of peasant revolts in Wei? (spoiler alert, no). Something so academic must be correct, some new members have even suggested Wei Economy one should be a paper or worthy of a PhD
Unaware that say slave society was being written by a person who, in another forum post, argues the family inflicting a slave society and a primitive barter economy on the Chinese people was also arguing the Cao's weren't Chinese but Japanese descendants.  
This turns the threads from the very questionable and biased attempt at history into something much darker, one the Reddit poster and upvoters have walked into without being aware. The people of Wei were forced into a slave society of untold suffering by a family who aren't Chinese. Meanwhile, the heroic Shu-Han upheld the best of China including their fantastic administration. Even before 190 CE, Japan and its people were causing harm to China thanks to the Cao tombs. 
People couldn't notice, even without that important context, it was bad history and so were open to some very nasty propaganda. Just by using a little bit of history to make it seem academic and accurate, a nasty construction was built to push an anti-Japan agenda. It is very cleverly done, it builds itself credibility by referring to historical sources and quotes, by providing pictures of the tomb bricks, and using that kernel of truth and seeming truth to gain authority to then tell its tale. 
The quotes would be accurate, for example, key eye-witness Fu Xuan in the Jinshu was used to show the crushing 80% Wei taxes via a line he said. To use Jordan Paper's translation "From those who use government stock, the government receives eighty percent and the soldiers twenty. From those who use their own stock or are without stock, the government receives seventy percent, the soldiers thirty."
However Fu Xuan was talking in 168, after Wei had fallen and decades after Cao's had control of policy, about recent problems and as part of the 5-point plan to deal with droughts. His advocacy for the low tax was to return from 70-80% (share owed related to if things like grain and oxen had to be loaned to farmers) to 50-60% of the Wei dynasty (also advocated returning to Wei intensity of farming while fixing issues with Wei farming policy like the need for more drought officials). He was also talking specifically of garrison farms, not wider tax policy. 
But one line won't show the nuances or the wider point and that allows the narrative to build. To turn into talking about Wei by removing the date of advice, ignoring the wider reforms suggested, and deliberately muddling general tax policy to garrison farming (or landlord share) policy. Who can doubt it was 80?% It is a direct quote from the texts and you can build the narrative around it of suppression via this "fact". Which by being based on a historical quote, seems convincing.
Or statistics. The Wei economy post has a list of peasant revolts Cao-Wei suffered. Who can argue with statistics? People aren't going to know who the people listed are, and they aren't going to know the circumstances of revolts but this person has names, placed and dates, it is surely authoritative. Thus weighting appeal and weight to the argument. 
A harder argument is the truth of uncertainty: we are missing a lot of revolts, and our records only will have covered certain ones that reached the national level or involved an official whose life got properly recorded rather than the many thousands of officials who didn't. Even a relatively well-recorded revolt like the Yellow Turbans is a muddle in the sources and there are debates about all sorts of things involving them. Including peasant or gentry leadership. But we can tell the exact reasoning and background of all these revolts that are less well recorded? No, no we can't.
I don't know if Chen Ce (for example) was a refugee leader, a local strongman, a bandit, a leader of a self-defence group, non-Chinese, from a rich or poor background, whether he was rebelling or simply always independent in an area that had not unified beyond any one leader yet. So I will not claim any such "facts" and certainty but the more certain "peasant" revolt sounds better and thus can be used as a statistic that people often won't query. 
This seeing bad history and accepting it, as it has been, could lead to even worse things if they can not tell "Hey this sounds one-sided and off" and it is why learning history, how to spot what might be rather off, how to sort out facts from the narrative they are being twisted into and be aware of propaganda matters. It has allowed people to embrace a narrative that, to them, simply suggests Wei was a horrible regime and Shu-Han an impressive one. But one that is set up to claim the Japanese were involved in the suffering of the time, oppressing the people of China and holding China back. All without realizing the dark context to which they upvote and with the mods having no idea of the kind of material being spread in their forums. 
It is why we should keep trying, even if it only reaches bit by bit, to put out there the history, to help people learn how to read history. To help give the tools so they can be aware of potential dangers of things that look and sound smart that, instead, can carry a dangerous undercurrent. That will lead them to support things that, the full implications of, they are not aware of and be unable to have alarm bells ringing, telling them "this needs double checking" when there are dangerous lies around.
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dreamingof117lbs · 2 years
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⋆୨୧ Starbucks low cal menu, baristas’ choice ⋆୨୧
୨୧ ⋆ all items 0-300 cals & items I have at my store, no frappuccino’s or refreshers, no venti’s loves ୨୧⋆
egg white bites 170 cals
kale & mushroom egg bites 230 cals
spinach feta wrap 290 cals
turkey bacon cheddar 230 cals
oatmeal plain 160 cals
oatmeal + blueberries 180 cals
petite vanilla scone 120 cals
berry trio parfait 240 cals
strawberry overnight grains 300 cals
chicken & hummus protein box 300 cals
brewed coffee 5 cals
iced coffee (no classic) 5 cals
brewed chai 0 cals
galvanina sparkling water 0 cals
spindrift grapefruit sparkling water 15 cals
spindrift raspberry lime sparkling water 9 cals
iced green tea 0 cals
iced green tea/ light strawberry base ~60
iced green tea/ light peach juice ~60
jade citrus mint 0 cals
nitro cold brew 5 cals
vanilla nitro cold brew light sweet cream ~35-60 cals
americano 5-15 cals
espresso con pana ~30-45 cals
espresso 5 cals
cold brew 5 cals
my special latte ~120-180 cals
(grande blonde flat white with oat milk, 2 Splenda, one scoop of vanilla bean powder, & cinnamon)
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virmine · 1 year
Day 8:
I lost 4lbs! I’m doing something right at least.
I got a salad to have as my first meal but it was so disgusting I couldn’t eat it all. I think it was the dressing that ruined it? To lemony or something but I’ll add the calories for all of it since I ate the most high calorie part (feta cheese) out of it.
The gyoza were also really disappointing. It’s been a day of meh food. Must find a lower calorie sauce for bao buns because they’re tasty and low calorie.
Not pictured, also, is the 2 litres of water I drank today 😇
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Yakult: 43 calories
Feta, avocado, grains and spinach salad: 230 calories
Total: 273 calories
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2 itsu veggie bao buns: 180 calories
6 chick’n teriyaki gyoza: 219 calories
Hoisin sauce: 155 calories
Total: 554 😫
And then I went to my partners house and slept until 2am so 🤷🏻‍♀️
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lisafication · 1 year
On Section 230 (Or: How to kill the internet in one court case)
This isn't going to be quite as long as the last lengthy post, but I thought I might talk for a moment about Title 47, Section 230 in US law. Now, I myself am not an accredited lawyer nor even American, so take this with a grain of salt, but I have some experience with its implementation and how necessary it is for a site to function.
I see a number of people arguing for its removal, largely, as far as I can tell, to screw over tech companies. Now, I can certainly understand disliking Meta, Twitter, Reddit, or other such companies but I want to just explain the legal framework behind how modern social media and other content hosting sites (such as Sufficient Velocity, Archive of Our Own or tumblr itself) operate.
As a content host, you are the publisher of any content on your platform. That's why Terms of Service inevitably include language such as "you agree to grant us a non-exclusive, permanent, irrevocable, royalty-free license to Your Content as described above".
Without that license, sites simply don't have the right to publish anything you post. How does this tie into Section 230? Well, by default under US law, you are liable for anything you publish. Section 230 carves out an exception for this, as described with the following language in section(c):
"(c)Protection for “Good Samaritan” blocking and screening of offensive material
(1)Treatment of publisher or speaker: No provider or user of an interactive computer service shall be treated as the publisher or speaker of any information provided by another information content provider.
(2)Civil liability: No provider or user of an interactive computer service shall be held liable on account of—
(A) any action voluntarily taken in good faith to restrict access to or availability of material that the provider or user considers to be obscene, lewd, lascivious, filthy, excessively violent, harassing, or otherwise objectionable, whether or not such material is constitutionally protected; or
(B) any action taken to enable or make available to information content providers or others the technical means to restrict access to material described in paragraph (1)." To de-legalese that, subsection(1) means that we, the content host, are not liable for user-generated content, while subsection(2) means that we are not liable for any good faith (though this is a very fuzzy term) attempt to moderate any given content. In short, subsection(1) means we don't all get arrested if someone posts CSAM, while subsection(2) means that people can't, for example, take us to court for violating their First Amendment rights for deleting a 'phobic screed or banning them as a result.
In other words, without these carve outs, we get shut down the second someone official notices illegal content on the platform — even if we ourselves are unaware.
I mention CSAM because it is by far the most common rhetorical bludgeon used to attack Section 230 — the argument is that it means content hosts are allowed to let it proliferate on their platform. And the answer to that is... well, not really. There's already a law for that.
As described in Title 18, Section 2258A, content hosts have a duty to report CSAM — I won't quote the whole thing as more-or-less the entire text is relevant, rather than a specific section, but this is the text describing the duty to report:
"In order to reduce the proliferation of online child sexual exploitation and to prevent the online sexual exploitation of children, a provider—
(i)shall, as soon as reasonably possible after obtaining actual knowledge of any facts or circumstances described in paragraph (2)(A), take the actions described in subparagraph (B); and
(ii)may, after obtaining actual knowledge of any facts or circumstances described in paragraph (2)(B), take the actions described in subparagraph (B)."
I'm not going to break down precisely what those paragraphs are referring to because that would make this post way, way longer, but to summarise: as soon as we find out about it, we have to take specific steps including reporting it to the relevant agencies. We are also granted certain exemptions from the usual restrictions on user data to report identifying information we may have on the offender(s).
To whit, we are already legally compelled to do essentially everything in our power about CSAM (as defined by US law) that we learn about. Blowing up Section 230 isn't going to improve this situation, it's just going to obliterate social media and the internet as we know it. The answer is (must be) technological, rather than legal.
As is something of a theme in my posting, content moderation remains the great unsolved problem of the digital landscape, and any seemingly-easy solution, isn't.
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fruityyamenrunner · 1 year
IN HER MAGNIFICENT BOOK English Bread and Yeast Cookery, Elizabeth David gives her version of rice bread. Eliza Acton and Lady Llanover recommended rice bread in the middle of the nineteenth century, and it is certainly worth reviving. Lady Llanover said it was by far the best bread for sandwiches, in particular for chicken sandwiches, and it is her proportions of rice to flour that Mrs David preferred when she worked out her recipe. The metrication is the one given in Mrs David’s book.
85 g (3 oz) uncooked, long grain rice
15 g (½ oz) fresh yeast
15–20 g (½-¾ oz) salt
500 g (18 oz) strong plain flour
PUT the rice into a pan, and add twice its volume of water. Bring to simmering point and leave to cook. Cream the yeast with a very little warm water. Dissolve the salt in 150 ml (¼ pt) very hot water, then add cold to make 250 ml (8 oz). Mix the hot rice (drain off any surplus water) into the flour, add yeast and salted water and mix to rather a soft dough. Cover bowl with polythene and leave 1–1½ hours until doubled in bulk and bubbly.
Break down the dough, adding a little more flour if it is too soft to handle. Knead slightly – an electric dough hook is ideal for this recipe – and transfer to a warmed well-greased sandwich loaf tin of about 1½–2 litres capacity (3–3½ pts). Cover again with polythene or a cloth, and leave until it has risen to the top of the tin, more or less. Bake at mark 8, 230°C (450°F), for 15 minutes, then reduce to mark 6, 200°C (400°F), for 15 minutes. Take loaf from tin, turn it upside down and return to oven for 5 minutes. If the crust shows signs of baking too hard, or colouring too much, cover the whole thing with a large ovenproof bowl or casserole.
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