#2.her front hair (not sure wha they’re called) move around a lot more
tophats-tea · 23 days
drawing fanart everyday for Danganronpa: A New Generation until the First Episode comes out
Day 114: TalentSwap!Rosie
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Check out the fangan!
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pa1nkill3r · 3 years
"Now How Come I've Only Found Out About This Now?" [G.W]
[Pairing:] George Weasley x Fem!Artist!Reader
[Summary:] So far, George Weasley knows three things about his new potions partner; So why not make it four? Or five?
[Warnings:] use of mudblood, a bit of angst, a bit of swearing, a pov change at some point in the end, idk-- fluff?? (is that a warning??)
[Word Count:] ≈2.7k
[A/N:] i used @buckystrenchcoat 's fluff plots for george weasley: 2. George finding out you can draw (kind of got carried away but oh well :D--) (ps just imagine that classes in hogwarts includes all of the houses together, thanks <3) Y/H = your house. (dk the timeline or what year george and the reader are in but i'd say between 3rd-5th year)
The Weasley twins were becoming reckless and apparently, Professor Snape has had enough. The constant explosions on the other side of the dungeon and the numerous attempts at drowning his hair with shampoo has eventually led him to the decision of assigning the entire class their partners.
Thus halfway into the semester, the Weasley twins are never to be seen together again... that is until the end of 2nd period where they will go back and cause mischief elsewhere.
Fred was assigned to a Slytherin girl who George couldn't figure out if she's madly in love with his brother or wants to rip out his guts. While he on the other hand was assigned with Y/N. Truthfully, he never gave much thought to her, but after their first double potions lesson as partners, he began to wonder why he never gave much thought to her.
She was smart but never overbearing, made jokes here and there, sniggered when he made even the cheesiest of puns, and is wicked attractive. Their first task was to brew a calming draught and whilst adding in a smidge more of lavender, she proposed that they should make more while the majority of the class was still struggling.
"Why in Merlin's beard are we going to make more? We can just pass this and leave class early?" He asked, bringing a smile to her lips. "Yeah, yeah, that's what you want, don't you Weasley?" She quipped, looking back up to the red-headed boy who's now readying their vials.
"Just thought that we could make some for people, like, your brother. Poor guy, reckon he's going to rip his hair out getting partnered with Tuttle." And with that, George let out a laugh, a laugh that cost Gryffindor 5 points. Though, all was well when they were the first to finish and send their little vial of calming draught into the hands of Severus Snape, garnering 5 points each and an opportunity to leave class 10 minutes early.
And that was it, that was their relationship; potions partners.
George Weasley learned 2 things that day. One, his potions partner was someone he wanted to know more, to be with more, and two, one should never put a liberal amount of peppermint in a calming draught. (Fred learned that the hard way.)
She was the epitome of beauty and brains. So far, that's what he knew about his potions partner. But a little incident in the corridor made two into three.
It wasn't unusual for Fred and George Weasley to skip class, especially if the class was History of Magic. And it also wasn't unusual for them to hide behind a tapestry whilst a stinky dungbomb was set in the first-floor corridor.
What was unusual though, was George not wanting to move from their hiding place, forcing Fred to also not move. "George, mate, wha-?" "SHH!"
Whatever Fred's question was supposed to be, it quickly got answered by the presence of a certain someone whose walking to the Muggle Studies classroom, his brother's potions partner perhaps? Fred grinned mischievously, nudging his brother in the abdomen, and earning a wince.
"Oi mudblood! Was that you?" They heard from a distance, heavy footsteps following the girl he's teasing his brother with. From their point of view, they could tell that the girl stopped in her tracks, sighing heavily as though this was a regular thing.
"Was that me, what?" She asked, clearly annoyed. "Was that you who did it? Or d'you just shat yourself? It smells horrid. Would make sense, as you're a filthy little mudblood."
George's blood was beginning to boil, fingers formed into a fist, knuckles white. Especially when they got to see the silhouette of the two arguing. Perfect, Winnifred Tuttle, his brother's potions partner bullying his Y/N Y/L/N. He had an urge to protect her. To avenge her. To show her how much he cared for someone who's supposed to be his potions partner.
"Was that supposed to be an insult, Tutts?" Y/N spat back, pulling George out of his trance and making Fred shut his mouth. Now he's the one staring intently. "It's honestly just sad. A 'pureblood' like you should know the difference between a dungbomb and a piece of shit. Or perhaps you're probably just that daft?"
The boys were fixated on their conversation now. A hand on their mouths, hopefully covering up their shock even if they're hiding behind a tapestry. George's heart was beating faster now.
"Me? Daft? Well, if I'm daft then why are you taking muggle studies?" Tuttle sneered, an ugly grin splattered across her face.
"Bit hypocritical, isn't it, Winnie? Bye-bye!" She turned her back away from the Slytherin now, walking into the Muggle Studies classroom, holding a few books in one hand and her middle finger in the other.
He knows three things about her now; She's bewitching, she's a whizz, and she's a muggle-born who doesn't take shit.
A few more lessons in and one could say that Y/N and George are starting to become friendlier to each other. Acquaintances, sure, but, friendly nonetheless. But the Gryffindor wanted to live up to its name, to its values. He might've just gotten to know a bit about her but he was completely and utterly entranced.
Nothing's going to stop him now.
His right hand held his wand as he stirred the concoction in the cauldron. She, on the other hand, was cutting up the stewed mandrake. The easy silence between them was broken by none other than the lion himself.
"Hey," he called, lifting his gaze from the potion to the girl right next to him. "Hi." She said back.
"So... Today's a Friday, right?"
She looked at him, confused, recounting a particular time in which she looked at a calendar today. "Yeah, I think so."
"And we can go to Hogsmeade after classes?"
"Pretty sure you can, why?"
"Want to go on a date?"
She looked stunned which kind of hurt George's ego but as soon as the slightly parted mouth of hers became a cheerful grin, he felt a whole lot better.
"As long as you stop staring at me and not over mix our potion, then sure, I'll go out with you." She smiled, making George give a shy little grin back before attempting to put all his concentration on the brew. Mind boggled on the way she said 'our potion.'
Going to Muggle Studies felt utterly useless now that Y/N's been promised to go on a date right after. But having George by her side, walking her to the class just seemed to be the best part of the day.
He recounted the time when he and Fred hid behind a tapestry and told Y/N all about it, giving a hot feeling to her cheeks. They stopped by the door frame of the classroom, Professor Burbage was waiting inside, pacing around her study as George's hand slyly held Y/N's.
"I'll pick you up later?" He asked with the same shy smirk plastered on his face, cheeks pink and ears flushed. "Yeah. Thanks for walking me here. You shouldn't have." She uttered, heels rising and falling as she bounced on her toes.
"Just making sure that Tuttsy's not going to ruin your day, love." Y/N felt heat rising to her cheeks and ears, as well as an uncontrollable grin. Her heel turned to make her face the concrete walls of the castle, hands covering their face and body slightly swaying from side to side. It was ridiculous, really. Dumb. Very.
"You're adorable when you're flustered."
"Shut up, Weasley." And with that, she pressed a quick kiss to his cheek, leaving him slightly startled, stunned, and very red in the face. "You're adorable when you're flustered." She quipped, walking into the Muggle Studies classroom and taking her seat.
Muggle Studies felt oddly slow that day. Usually, it lasted an hour but today it felt like a century. Professor Burbage's talk about electricity and muggle technology went in one ear and out the other.
If you'd ask why Y/N chose a subject she already knew plenty about, her answer would be that she wanted to see things from a different perspective. But truthfully, she just knew that she'd be good at it and it'd be an easy O.
So there she was; A scrap piece of parchment laid on the wooden desk and a pen since Professor Burbage discouraged the use of quills.
Her mind wandered off the moment she sat down on her chair. Feet either bouncing up and down or stuck straight onto the floor, she wouldn't know. What she did remember was her non-dominant hand posing itself as the other one scribbled on the piece parchment.
Her fingers played with the hazy light and the ink added depth. Soon she started sketching other things; The student in front of her, a study of Professor Burbage, a head with a moderately strong jaw and beautiful, short, messy hair. A male side profile with a big nose that has a slight bump on its bridge matching a cheeky grin with dimples. Her hand posed itself once more but this time she wasn't making it look like hers, she was making it look like his. Something she's seen many times before, and guiltily stared at once, twice, more than she could recount.
She was adding in the cluster of freckles when the worst happened; "Miss Y/L/N, still with us?" Professor Burbage stood at the front of the class, standing straight, clearly thinking about her posture. "Miss Y/L/N?"
She felt an elbow nudge her arm, and that was the thing that brought her back into reality. Her head whipped itself to face her seatmate then to her Professor, giving her a funny-looking nervous grin.
"Charm would get you nowhere, Miss Y/L/N. When was the first electricity generator introduced in Britain? And where was it installed?" She has to have something in that brain of hers. It must've been taught sometime when she was in muggle school. "Err-- 1900s something, Surrey--?"
Professor Burbage meekly chuckled, "Nice try. 1881. Godalming, Surrey. A point from Y/H then, I'm sorry."
George was faithful and stuck to his word. Even being 5 minutes early after asking Professor Grubbly-Plank if he could go to the bathroom and have a wee, saying that the unicorns would definitely mind if he pissed on their trees.
He did not go to the bathroom but instead went straight to the Muggle Studies classroom. Leaning the side of his body onto the wall by the door. Trying his best to peer into the room and find his potions partner and soon to be his date and maybe even his. But he was getting ahead of himself.
The bell rang and he heard a loud shuffling sound of chairs being pulled back. The door was opened as students from all of the houses started pouring out and there she was. Looking beautiful as ever with her bag slung on her shoulder.
"Glad to see you're alright there, dove." He cooed, earning once again another shy smile. "Anything happened there?" He asked, pointing to the now open classroom.
"Felt way longer than usual, and I lost a house point." She said matter of factly. George chuckled, his heart filled with pride as he turned his head towards her.
"And what have you done to lose said house point?"
She smiled before reaching her hand into a pocket of her robes, pulling out a folded piece of aged parchment before handing it to the curious redhead.
"What's this? A love letter?" He bantered. "Just open it." And so he did. His nimble fingers unfolding the parchment, then he was stunned. Seeing his face drawn in ink with lines crossing over more lines was the last thing he expected. It looked like him. And it didn't look like Fred. It is him.
"I was just drawing in class but then I sort of blanked out and got a dumb question wrong." She paused, looking back up to see if the redhead was still listening. "Hello? Earth to George?"
"You drew me?" He was on a fine line of disbelief and awe. It truly looked amazing. She drew her hand at least three times before he recognized his was also there. She even got the little freckle he had on the middle of his wrist. The full body of ol' Professor Burbage brought so much of her energy and even the way her scarf wrapped around her neck was perfect.
Her cheeks were heating up again, realizing what she just did. "It's not that good. Just-- drew what I saw and, err-- whatever came to mind, I guess." Bad execution, sloppy excuse. "Okay, you've been looking at that for way too long now--"
"This looks bloody brilliant! Now how come I've only found out about this now?"
"Flattery would get you nowhere, Weasley." She joked, but he was serious.
"S'not 'flattery' if I'm stating what's true! It's amazing, you're amazing." She felt her heartbeat increase by a mile.
"Well then, I'm flattered." She said, adjusting the strap of her bag to hopefully let out some adrenaline. "And to answer your question, it'd be terrifying if I just started drawing in Snape's class. I swear that man has eyes at the back of his head. That's why this is a new discovery for you."
"Fuck, this is amazing!" He uttered.
"It's really not that good--"
"'S'really not that good' Some shit standards you have there. I'd put this in a museum!" He said loudly, extending both his arms and imagining that the piece of parchment was displayed on the Hogwarts walls. "If you don't like it then I'll keep it." George joked, expecting disapproval, which, to his shock, never came.
"Are you actually giving this to me?"
She shrugged, "I mean if you'd like a photo of you drawn by a teenage girl then be my guest." He smiled, genuinely smiled. He looked so pretty at that moment and there shouldn't be any holding back now.
"...But," She started, his gaze looked intently at her, ready to listen to whatever comes next. "There's a price."
"Between Freddie and I, we have 26 galleons and a few sickles." He said, earning a hearty laugh and a shake of her head. "Don't really think he'd like me to give all of it to you, I'm sorry. If you want I'd pay a bit then I--"
"No, George." She said, tugging lightly on his tie to gain his attention. "How about... a kiss? Perhaps?"
He grinned. His hand hovered itself across her face before landing on her cheek, thumb gracing itself on its apples, slightly squishing the skin whilst his eyes looked for any signs of discomfort; there was none.
They slowly leaned in, eyes locked on lips before their lips locked onto each other. His lips were slightly chapped but it felt like the softest thing on Earth. He smelled of cinnamon, firewood, gunpowder, and other indescribable scents, but it was nice. It was short but meaningful, gentle, even. His other hand was wrapped around her waist and once again, his thumbs were running up and down whatever part of her body it's laid on.
He learned two more things about the girl that day; she's artistic, and she felt like home.
He never thought there'd be a time in his life where he'd be thankful for Severus Snape. But life goes in unexpected ways.
"If you'd like to tip me then I'm just going to say that I love cauldron cakes." She grinned up at him as they pulled away before settling her face in his chest. George chuckled to himself before wrapping his arms completely on her waist, placing a sweet kiss on the top of her head.
"Yeah, yeah, come on." He said, pulling away to let her shake herself up as he held onto the piece of folded parchment which graced his face, giving it a small peck before putting it in his pocket, patting it three times.
"Better sign that drawing for me, Y/N. How much does an autograph cost?"
"Double the original price—?"
"And the tip?"
"And the tip."
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4dtk · 3 years
pas de deux — gojo satoru
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pas de deux [pa•de•de] (french, literally “step of two”), a dance duet. 
summary: striving to become a principal dancer, you’re unaware of the curious blue eyes from across the studio, only knowing of his reputation from rumours. when you have to shadow your seniors to learn a principal role and meet the infamous gojo satoru, what happens then?
word count: 11k lmfao
genre: a bit of angst, mostly fluff
a/n: gojo brainrot done. sorry this took so long lol i’m not used to writing long fics but i’m glad i did bc this is acts also as a place for me to dump my passion of ballet aha :”)
playlist here! most of them are classical pieces and a bit of ballet class music, i hope you don’t mind uwu. personally, i’d recommend watching (before or after the fic doesn’t matter hahah) the crazy talented marianela nuñez and vadim muntagirov in the pas de deux that i reference a lot in this fic. they’re my absolute favourite! (´・ᴗ・ ` )
tags: @fiona782​
it was unconventional to see a ballerino don white hair during rehearsals, let alone in a company; the familiar head of white whizzes through the studio like an angel of the night, with graceful moves and powerful jumps to match those of a faerie's seamless manoeuvers through her flowers.
that was only expected out of a principal anyway.
gojo satoru, a principal dancer of the six eyes theatre. they were part of the three prominent companies that carried the ballet world and industry. behind all the glimmer and glitz lay hours of endless rehearsals and worn-out pointe shoes, as well as smiles behind kitri's fans or even the emotional miming from giselle.
he was untouchable, a leading face that carried the ballets he starred in with immense skill and an aura admired by everyone. anyone lucky to score a pas de deux with him would be torn between a world of conflict. those soft eyes that looked down at you with love were solely meant to portray siegfried's ardour for odette and nothing else.
you sigh, eyeing the confident man giving his all in the company class, no doubt hyping himself up for tonight's last show. you couldn't fall behind, either, knowing your performance was monitored way more now that you were considered amongst the directors to be promoted to principal.
"next group, pay attention, loves!" the teacher for the morning caught your attention, letting the chattering group in front head out first before the next group of dancers took their turn. 
dancing was all you could remember, taking up most of your life even when you were a kid. through competitions and gruelling schedules, you managed to land in the six eyes theatre. sure, it wasn't as popular as the zen'in company or the kamo national ballet but, it still held up a wicked reputation, partially thanks to gojo satoru. 
your feet naturally hail your command, placing it behind the other in a curtsey to thank the instructor for the morning class as you stretch your feet in some simple pointe repertoire. 
"nervous about your posting, (y/n)?" nobara asks, rolling the arch of her feet back and forth with a tennis ball.
you shrugged, "in a way, yeah. i'm getting observed on mainly every move that i make."
the smile your best friend gives you calms you down, at least. megumi chipped in, "hey, you'll become one of the best principals around, i know it."
"yeah! and we'll go to your shows, no matter wha... oh, right, we're first soloists," itadori trails off. 
you laugh, settling down to wipe the sweat from your brow. however, there's an uncharacteristic silence when you start to remove your pointe shoes.
"what if i do become principal? i'll miss you guys like hell." you mutter, rubbing off the skin peeling from your toes. removing the tape and toepads, you sigh again even after nobara lands a hand on your arm.
"stop sighing, you idiot, the company's small. sure, you'll have extended rehearsals, and i will now have to deal with yuji's noisy ass, but i doubt we're going to be separated like oil and water." 
you roll your eyes, chuckling a little through glossy eyes, "true. it's just that we've always been together, through the competitions where we met and going up the ranks. hell, i wouldn't even imagine all of us becoming first soloists when we entered six eyes."
megumi raises an eyebrow, "are you underestimating us?" 
putting your fingers together, you offer a sheepish smile, "just a little."
"and now you're going to become a principal, (y/n). we all know you put yourself to crazy standards that you always reach, maybe even higher than that. you're going to kill it as a principal, i'm sure."
thankful to nobara for the little speech, you pat her arm gently, easing into a stretch to prevent any tensing up later in an afternoon class. 
"(y/n), they're coming over, look sharp," itadori notifies you, turning to the barre to do his own stretching as your friends busy themselves with their phones.
you take another curtsey at your instructor, along with the director of six eyes, masamichi yaga.
why... was he here now?
"(y/n), love, we'll need to talk to you about something. would you mind coming to the office later on? just before the company's afternoon class at 2 would be good."
you were at a loss for words.
was i already raised to principal? no... they wouldn't promote someone who's only danced her first soloist role a couple of times. were they going to remove me for consideration? maybe they found a better dancer to monitor?
"it's nothing terrible, (y/n), i promise." with a smile, masamichi walks away, not before patting your shoulder for reassurance.
the next few hours go by in a flash: eating lunch, lazing around in the studio, filming some tiktoks and then getting ready for another class took up most of your time that you didn't get to ponder over the office visit.
so you were definitely surprised to see gojo satoru himself, a shit-eating grin on his face once he hears you enter. he lays back on both arms to welcome the first soloist, you. 
you curtseyed again to ms ieiri and masamichi. before you got to gojo, however, he held a hand up before standing up himself to bow. you let out a small smile as the familiar step led you to curtsey on the other foot.
it left a weird feeling in your bones to greet a principal dancer, but you two weren't all that close, anyway. plus, curtseying was basic courtesy in the company, where actions spoke louder than a "good morning" or a "thank you".
"nice to see you, (y/n). miss nitta, as you know," masamichi gestured to your teacher and then to the white-haired man, whose beauty never fails to amaze you, as cliche as it sounds, "and gojo satoru." 
"nice to finally talk to you, miss (y/n)," he nods his head, wearing an attractive smile that had you sucking in a breath. you could only manage a smile at the moment, brought back to reality when masamichi's firm voice resonates in the office.
"you've done a tremendous job these past few months, love. we've been watching your roles this season, hopping from one position to the other with no problem at all. i'm sure you were informed that you were being considered to be principal..." you leaned forward in anticipation, "...although you'd have to let your skill shine through more before we promote you to principal any time soon."
bummer, but it's nothing you can't handle.
"we do have something to ask of you, however. your potential is clearly set in the right place, and your talent and determination are not lost. we want you to shadow and learn the repertoire of shoko ieiri and gojo satoru while they rehearse for the next season's premiere."
nevermind, it might actually be something you can't handle.
masamichi only lets out a knowing smile. "are you up for the challenge, (y/n)? you'll get to learn and watch how principals rehearse, act and mime out the story in the hands of ballet masters and mistresses like kiyotaka ijichi and mei mei and even tengen hoshi." 
your fingers dug into your thigh at the well-known names, always seeing them in the corridors but never knew how they taught or conducted rehearsals. this was your chance.
"of course, director masamichi. i'd be honoured to observe and shadow the company's principal dancers, let alone miss shoko ieiri and mr gojo satoru here. their chemistry onstage is honestly unmatched!"
okay, shut up, (y/n). you're laying your fangirling thoughts on the actual director of six eyes theatre. a simple yes would've sufficed.
"great! you start tomorrow. skip the afternoon class and come straight to the studio on the ground floor. we'll be expecting you."
you couldn't help the grin that appears on your face this time, passing a bow to everyone in the room before curtseying and almost exclaiming a "thank you!"
once you're out of the professional eye, you have a little celebratory dance outside the office, immediately fishing out your phone to text the trio. 
"a...ah! gojo senpai!" you take a step back in instinct, the tall principal looming over you with nothing but an intimidating air around him.
however, nothing screams intimidating on his face, as he shoots you a polite smile and a hand to get introductions out of the way.
all you can think about is his large hand enveloping yours while he tells you his name. you're stuck in a trance, locked on his eyes cut off by the black of his sunglasses. 
how would those hands feel on my hips when he's lifting me? or maybe we'd engage in a kiss in romeo and juliet...? are we doing r&j for the next season's shows?
"uh- yes, nice to meet you too, senpai! i-"
"call me gojo, (y/n)."
you're at a loss for words, the man knowing he's left you speechless with the way he's smirking off into the other direction. you manage to get the prodigy out of your head, willing yourself to get to the company class as soon as possible. since your distraction was gone and the air cleared of any tension, you were able to hear the voices in the office.
"are you sure about this, nitta? we can't have any more dancers off their game just because they were enamoured with satoru to the point of confessing their love to him. every time we get first soloists and principals to pair with him, something always comes up."
"i'm sure, director. (y/n)'s mettle and focus on her roles are strong, and her skills are off the charts. if anything happens, we'll just pair her with another principal, like kento or something." masamichi sounded unconvinced, grunting as their footsteps increased in volume.
company class! company class!
you slipped into the studio just in time to avoid nitta and masamichi, carrying your things as you looked for the trio.
"(y/n)!" yuji catches your attention, although a little too loudly for your liking. you were left to greet the other dancers on the way to their corner, dumping your bag with much more exasperation than you expected.
"what's wrong?" megumi asks, doing some plies at the bar to warm up his feet and muscles.
"i think i should text y'all instead. let's wait for after the show tonight."
you get three nods from the trio in reply, dropping into some simple stretches as the next instructor takes over. at least gojo wasn't here...
the applause was deafening as you take your bow, thanking the audiences from the balcony and stalls as you gestured to your pas de deux partner, megumi. putting your hand in front of your heart was a big thing to do, giving thanks to one of your best friends and partners for a fun pair such as bluebird and princess florine. 
as you walked back to join the other dancers, the principal roles were taking their bows with no doubt roars and cheers from the audience from yet another electrifying performance from the golden pair as princess aurora and prince florimund: gojo and ieiri. 
as ieiri led the conductor on stage, he was the last to thank the audience, bringing the heart of the ballet to life with the score of tchaikovsky's sleeping beauty. 
with one last bow, the curtain closes, leaving you to let loose from the rigid position you were used to. 
"we're done!" you laugh, hugging megumi as nobara and itadori squeeze their way through the many dancers on stage. the two convey their compliments, prompting you to nudge the two on their puss-in-boots and white cat roles. the two then freeze up, staring at something that was approaching from behind.
"miss (y/n)-" gojo bows, interrupted by ieiri as she crashes into you with a hug.
"oh man, (y/n) you were great out there!" you grin, embracing her as tight as she did. 
"thank you, senpai," you were practically beaming, thankful she still remembered you after being promoted to principal years ago. it was hard to communicate and talk when she had so much going on, a natural dancer who rose up the ranks fast with her hard work. 
ieiri formed herself up into a refined dancer that you wouldn't think she was the young girl at your studio trying on pointe shoes for the first time years ago when you were a kid.
that was if you didn't know her personally, of course. 
"here, first position, just like that!" the curious girl interacted with the kids outside a smaller studio, teaching them the various positions that at least a grade two or three class would use.
she picked up pointe work fast, obviously guided by the mentors at the school with nights of rehearsal and decision making whether she wanted to pursue this professionally.
"oh shush, you, you don't have to call me senpai, see you tomorrow (y/n)!"
ieiri bids you goodbye, no doubt to talk to the choreographers and director. gojo follow suit shortly after your exchange, not before taking your hand to plant a kiss on it.
you retract almost immediately after his lips descend on your skin, the area hot from the lighting, your sweat and your feelings.
nobara tsked, "what's his deal?" you let out a shaky sigh and shrug, hooking an arm around megumi's as you went around to mingle with the dancers.
[nobara is typing...]
you're to shadow gojo-senpai and shoko-senpai?! no way???!?!1/!?!?
[itadori is typing...]
no way, that's so cool! 
what was he like? was he in the office that day?
[(y/n) is typing...]
yeah, he was. not gonna lie, a bit cocky... kinda overheard that partners throw themselves at him sometimes too, which makes it a bit troublesome, lol.
and yes, kugisaki i'll need to observe them starting tomorrow. i cant come for the company class :(
[megumi is typing...]
Then what about Shoko-senpai?
you shake your head even though no one could see you, the forgotten tv series playing in the background while you text your friends instead.
[(y/n) is typing...]
she's too good for him, i think. they're long time friends too, but i'm not sure if any feelings blossomed since then tho
[nobara is typing...]
you don't like him, do you? i know you dont like guys that are full of themselves, altho that man rlly is that attractive .......
[itadori is typing...]
LMAOO whos the smitten one now
nobara sends a vibe check sticker, the one with both hands outstretched with a threatening stare into the screen. 
[nobara is typing...]
i'll kill you tomorrow, yuji itadori.
[itadori is typing...]
you'd have to reach my height first, loser
[nobara is typing...]
i'll kick your shins, thats what!!!!!! 
you roll your eyes as the two of them get into another friendly banter, leaving the group chat to blow up in messages as you switch off the neglected tv. 
there's a silence that feels almost too foreign, contrasting to the fact that you enjoyed silences daily. it felt criminal, almost, to be in such a quiet space with no one to fill in the gaps.
you look to your black and white poster for some clarity, the young boy standing at 16 with a softness in his eyes and a lengthened extension that conveyed his love of ballet to you.
you never knew who was the boy, getting a poster shoved into your hands in a hurry when you and your mom bought tickets to the local ballet competition. you never questioned the poster, nor had you caught the boy in the midst of his variation either, settling for a theory that his performance had already passed the day before.
"how do you think it's going to go down tomorrow?" you mumble to no one in particular, tossing and turning in your sheets that didn't quell your worries no matter how much you thrashed.
the dreamless slumber welcomes you into its arms almost immediately, although the morning after was the opposite.
"shit, shit, shit," was your mantra, jumping from place to place in your small apartment to get the things you needed for class. you manage to catch the bus in time, heading straight to the studio with no cup of tea in your hand as usual. 
"(y/n)!" nobara grins, seeing you stumble through the door just as everyone finishes their individual warmups. the instructor greets everyone, eager to get into the class as soon as possible.
the thought of the rehearsal shook you up more than you thought it would, leaving you to let out nervous breaths that got worse by the time that class ended. 
ieiri didn't miss the way you'd wipe your hands on your tights in worry, going over the steps more than you usually would. you had a killer memory, but it seemed that today that that ability had melted away at the sight of gojo.
"wish me luck, guys," you muttered, hurriedly packing up your things before heading off yourself. the trio only could give you a small smile, knowing you had wanted time to yourself to calm your nerves.
you had always done this for the many shows you starred in: the music and positions mimicking a recording. it was as clear as day when it replayed in your head, the different orchestral parts and the dynamic changes you apply to your steps to give the best performance, for performing your best was all that mattered. the trio understood instantly, always sending you off on your memory replay with an encouraging smile.
well, almost, for you didn't even know what the rehearsal entailed or what piece they would be dancing to.
"hi," your voice appeared meek in the big studio, the only three people there slowly getting warmed up to each other. your feet carried you into a curtsey.
"ah, mei mei-sensei! miss shoko and mr gojo," you acknowledged their presence, placing your things down right where you stood.
"let's begin then, shall we? for this is a gala event, the pas de deux couple will only be performing the entree and the adagio parts. there might be the possibility you two would have to rehearse your individual variations and the coda. still, the organisers haven't gotten back to us on the duration we'll be on stage for. with the switching in and out of the different repertoire, this year should align with don quixote. before we start, i wish that everyone is honest with each other; that way, we can learn from different views."
don quixote?! you hold in your excitement at the revelation, thinking back to the fiery portrayals of kitri and lively spanish music to pair with it. your excitement was on cloud nine while by fifteen minutes, your feet and body were seemingly screaming at you to take a break.
to say it was tiring was an understatement, at the very least. you were to only shadow ieiri's parts, and the absence of a male partner proved challenging when you were the first soloist mirroring a principal and her partner.
"(y/n) should try too, of course! come, come," mei mei beckons you over from where you went over the steps, fingers fidgeting with the waistband of the sheer skirt you'd just bought a few days ago.
"i trust that you are familiar with the wedding PDD, (y/n)?" mei mei asks.
you nod eagerly, not missing the way ieiri beams at your enthusiasm. 
"good. we'll just try this part on your own. remember to keep yourself lifted and trust your partner," mei mei eyes you while gojo was already getting comfortable with a hand on your back, "would you like to try it without the music first?"
you nod cautiously. you take note of the way it burns like fire, the contact of his skin on yours. oh god, you wished you had wiped the sweat from it, although the other didn't seem to mind it due to the many partners he's worked with before.
with a quick glance, you snuck a look at the tall dancer, never much prepared for the striking blue of his eyes. however, this time, the cheeky gojo appeared to be kept under wraps, bringing forth a more solemn and nervous exterior. he did seem different and quiet, even catching the attention of mei mei-sensei and ieiri herself. they opted not to say anything.
nevertheless, the two of you narrate the lifts and steps, mixing in the counts with the french vocabulary that stuck with you throughout the years. you were surprised at how much leeway gojo had provided you, allowing you to move freely while bringing you back effortlessly for the couple work.
a smile formed on your face at the flow of your steps as the music plays seamlessly in your mind with how much you've watched different renditions of the wedding pas de deux.
"with the music now, my dears."
ieiri shoots you a thumbs-up, noticeably more tired than you, as she massages the bottom of her feet with calculated force.
the piano starts as the pas de deux passes by smoothly with minimal mishaps, save for some off balances here and there. as always, your hand tingles when it comes in contact with the principal's, willing the quick heartbeats away by thinking of his cocky smirk the other day. with the easy beginning completed, the lifts were now appearing more often.
"hold your body up during the fish dive (y/n), hold your back and position!" gojo stumbles a bit at your mistake, but for the second time around, you manage to get it, coming up from the tricky step into a beautiful arabesque. 
a hasty nod, and you're off, pulling away from gojo a tad bit quicker than how you wanted to initiate it. he's taken by surprise at your change of personality, wondering where the flustered soloist had gone to previously. with the same corrections directed at you, mei mei gives you a "good job" before bringing ieiri back in.
"we'll cap you two's pas de deux at that point before the turns. ieiri, you ready to get back into it?" she hesitantly nods, albeit more relaxed than the earlier exchange.
the music starts again, and this time, you manage to gape at the couple's artistry, weaving over and under to fit the delicate notes of minkus' score. with the many turns and tour en l'airs, it now came to the difficult part of the pas de deux: where the woman will wind their hand around the man's single finger, engaging in two turns connected only by that single contact point.
they complete it easily, leaving ieiri to then balance en pointe with one leg suspended in the air. the two repeat it again with no problem, except for the fatigue seeping through their faces at a few moments in time.
as the music reaches its climax, so does the movements with increasing pirouettes and lifts. their chests heave with exhaustion, but their smiles showed that they were satisfied with the run.
it was hard to believe that gojo and ieiri only started to rehearsed this a few weeks ago, especially since these were leading roles with a reasonably complex pas de deux to pair with. nothing seemed to faze them as they received the feedback from mei mei, nor did they have trouble correcting the lift that had gone wrong earlier or the balance that ieiri fell out of.
so this was what it meant to be a principal.
"(y/n)! any feedback that you'd like to give to the two?"
"h..huh, me? i'm not sure if it'd be helpful to-"
"nonsense, hit us, (y/n). rehearsals are always a place for feedback," ieiri grins, taking your hand to bring you closer to the three of them.
"well, i think... i'll comment on the repeated melody where you'll go from the turns into the attitude balance is where it's a bit difficult. since gojo-senpai is tall, he might've put his hand a little too high. i mean, of course, lifting up is ideal, but ieiri-senpai might have some trouble balancing because of that."
they wordlessly try it out without the music, noting how gojo places his hand at a lower height for ieiri. it might've felt foreign, but it looked a tad bit better to you, with a better centre of gravity and stability. 
"yeah! like that!" a smile dons your face, "does it feel better, senpai?"
"tons," gojo simply states, almost too eagerly as blue eyes uncharacteristically boring into yours. opposed to the quick glances he always gave you along the corridor or within classes, this one was a strange, longing one. ieiri's voice snaps you out of the spell, almost not wanting to leave his stare.
"way better, thank you (y/n)," she pats your arm before turning to the sound of mei mei's voice.
"alright, beautiful legs and extensions, but we still have a lot to work on, as well as getting (y/n) accustomed to more pas de deux and principal work. would you like to stay on (y/n)?"
you admired your own determination, but sometimes it was better to take a break. having just attempted the coda, you could already feel blisters forming due to your prolonged use of pointe shoes. with a breath, you let gojo complete his pirouettes, restraining the sigh coming from your lips at the perfect revolutions and momentum he had going.
a little more, and you were close to catching a breath, finishing off a quadruple pirouette and tour en l'air with gojo's help. with a slight stumble, you let out a startled laugh before taking your last step with a knee to the floor. with palm outstretched, the piano does a trill before ending off on a chord.
out of the corner of your eye, you spot gojo smiling down at you, a beam that doesn't come often with how much confidence he carries around the company. 
ieiri applauds first, followed by mei mei's impressed smile.
"you execute your fouettes well, (y/n)," you bow your head in thanks, brought up unconsciously with gojo's hand as it stays linked in yours. 
"thank you, mei mei-sensei. i'm just glad to have tried it out; the don Q coda is one of my favourites," you gush, "the costumes, the music is just everything."
"to dance with your partner is one thing, but the connection is another. translate the story of the elation of kitri - her father finally gives his blessing for their wedding, and she's excited to the moon. basilio is marrying the girl of his dreams. know what and who you're dancing for." mei mei speaks over the music easily, giving pointers they go over the steps like always.
"i know it's just an empty stage. there's no set, no scene to show the joy all around the cast, but you still are dancing as kitri and basilio," mei mei says after, "let's try again with (y/n)."
rehearsals carried on like this, day after day. some days longer than the other, and on others, you were paired with another first soloist. however, he wasn't tasked with shadowing the couple every day, so the pas de deux was left to you to master. 
as you wipe your sweat, ieiri waves her towel in front of you, "wanna have lunch with us?"
"i don't want to intrude-" 
"it's gojo's treat," ieiri whispers, "plus he doesn't treat people often."
"is he okay with me coming alo-" she pulls on you, leaving you no choice but to pack your things hurriedly.
"(y/n)'s coming, yea?" ieiri mumbles quickly, hooking her arm around yours in a hassle as you try to keep your things from falling out of your bag.
"i'd like that." gojo says to no one, finally catching up to you two after switching off the studio lights.
"whaaaat, you're leaving so fast?" you pout, eyeing ieiri's neat tray of finished food as gojo lets her pass through in the booth.
"i'm sorry you have to stay here with this dumbass (y/n), but i have a date with the orthopaedic today," ieiri groans.
"like an actual date?" gojo jokes.
"no," she rolls her eyes, "my muscles are acting up a little lately. plus, my arch hurts more often than it usually does. it's best to just check it out, i guess. but yeah, an actual date would be nice, too."
you shrug, "eh, hard to come by when you're a busy ballet dancer in a company. bye, senpai!" you and gojo wave to her as she leaves the diner, now coming to terms with the fact that you were alone with the charming dancer, as much as you hated to admit it.
with his perfect hair and long eyelashes and the enchanting smirk he always seems to wear. not to mention the sheer strength in his leaps in contrast to the delicate grip on your waist-
"thinking about me, love? of course you are."
"what? no!" you stiffen, the blush on your cheeks immediately giving away your thoughts.
"for the record, i've thought of you, too," gojo drops a bomb, leaning over the table to plant a gentle kiss upon your cheek before leaving the booth in a hurry. 
you were thankful that he was gone, at least and thankful for the empty diner, leaving you to melt in a puddle of confusion and warmth. 
just like the first rehearsal, your cheeks feel hot, as does your body. the place where his lips touched seemed to burn a hole through, your gaping mouth failing to close even after a minute of staring into nothing.
fishing out your phone was the first thing your mind sought out from the endless thoughts in your head.
nobara, nobara, nobara... gotta find her contact..!
[nobara is typing...]
he WHAT???!??@
"ieiri-senpai, what's a pas de deux to you?" you mumble after rehearsals one day, picking at the tape stuck in between your toes.
"it would have to be what mei mei said, definitely. she still says the same exact thing till today: dance and connection are two different things. and it can't go to the point where two different stories are being told by the male and female dancer. you'll need to go into pas de deux work with a mindset that you come in a pair. every correction and every emotion needs to be felt by both parties for it to reach the audiences."  
"what about you?" the question catches you by surprise, resorting to humming as you think of the answer.
"it's something along the lines of your answer and mei mei-sensei's definition. you'd have to be on the same wavelength as your partner. every extension that appears or a gentle port de bras is meant to show the character's personality. you'd also have to think of the context of the ballet, i guess," you stop yourself, looking at gojo as he finishes a tour en l'air en passe. three revolutions and you realise that a. you're staring and b. you were talking way too much.
"sorry! i'm rambling again," you splutter, going back to your original task of taking out the tape from your toes.
ieiri giggles, "no, no! ramble all you want. i love listening to my juniors talk about how much they love ballet."
"sleeping beauty, just like the show a week ago, is set in the royal court, so it's hard to show aurora's personality. she's a little playful and young, although it's hard to slip that in when the wedding pas de deux for that is so grand. and then you'll compare it to the black swan in swan lake, where it's also in a royal court, but odile's the one deceiving siegfried, so there's an opportunity to include some side-eyeing in it. i personally love zenaida's version," you trailed off, "i mean, of course, there's also-"
"then what about odette?" gojo shouts across the studio, with his hands on his hips. the white of his hair matched the pureness of odette's tutu, something you always wished to wear and dance and master when you got accepted into six eyes theatre.
"don't mind him-"
your words take precedence without effort, "with the white swan, odette has to show the struggle of her spell with the frantic miming that she has to do. 'i'm the queen of the swans, rothbart the bastard turned me into a swan' and so on and so forth. because she's a swan, she has to imitate the gentle way that swans move, along with the technical challenges of the pas de deux. she's very soft and fragile, and the violin makes it all the better in showing the shyness and fear in odette."
two pairs of eyes stare at you curiously as the male's smirk leaves you to break into a nervous laugh as you fidget with your fingers. 
"sorry, i'm talking a lot. too much. do carry on with your jumps," a small apologetic smile appears on your face, failing to note gojo's hesitation to move from his spot and his interest in the way you can talk endlessly about the art.
gojo's smirk merges into a smile even when he accomplishes the many pirouettes demanded of him. he'd want to hear it from your lips next time when you're wrapped up in each other.
"don't you think he's a little bit too confident for his own good?" nobara whispers to you. with rehearsals off for a few days, you were able to see your best friends again, munching up the calories lost from the afternoon class. 
"yeah... for all we know, he might be stumbling around in rehearsals and picking up girls," megumi muttered.
you rolled your eyes, "he's... not like that, guys. he is confident in class and seems a bit cocky, but that's because he really does live up to his name."
"we might not know much, either. (y/n) has been in rehearsals with the guy. he's probably more focused when there are lesser people in the room," yuji chats through his food, gaining disgusted looks from the three of you when lettuce and chicken litter the table.
"well... don't go falling for the guy, yeah? i've beaten up too many exes in the past," megumi tsked, devouring the salad bowl in front of him.
"yeah, but i didn't ask you to, plus you'd do it anyway. didn't even have to ask," you grin, leaning back in your chair triumphantly.
"if i beat up gojo-senpai, i'll probably get jailed."
you and yuji stifle a laugh at his comment, but nobara doesn't seem impressed with the joke, instead focused more on you and your reactions. 
you weren't actually developing feelings... right?
the memory and kiss linger in your mind like a stubborn stain, not forgetting the intense stare nobara had given you before you said goodbye to the three. a vibration from your phone snaps you out of the daze, opening your chat group to answer your friends. 
[nobara is typing...]
how was rehearsal today?!???! we jsut finished class
also it's been so long since we saw u :(
[(y/n) is typing...]
so good as always is that even a question luv xx
theyre both so talented as individuals as they r in a pdd... it was rlly insightful too!
gojo-senpai kept staring at me today for some reason tho. he felt different today, a little more reserved and whatnot
[megumi is typing...]
Maybe he felt intimidated by your skill lol
"i'll take my leave first, (y/n)! i've got an errand to run. mei mei's accompanying me," ieiri grins, bringing you into a sweat-filled hug. she's used to soaked leotards, even if the grimace on your end doesn't go unnoticed by the principal.
she lets out a chuckle, "you'll get used to mixed sweat and whatnot, (y/n). see ya!"
curtseying comes easy, bidding goodbye to the principal and the ballet mistress.
you were ready to go back to the conversation on your phone, although a call of your name distracted you from the conversation.
"yes...? gojo?" you mumbled, the last name feeling foreign on your lips without the honorific at the back. you put your phone away as the studio immediately diminishes in size, seemingly putting the two of you in a tight space with nowhere to go. it certainly felt like it, with the wordless prompt of his hand.
"try the pas de deux with me," gojo proposes, pulling up a piano rendition of the score on spotify. it wasn't hard to spot the mischievous sparkle in his eye, along with the attractive grin plastered on his face.
the studio appeared calmer now that ieiri and mei mei had left, yet the conflict in your mind was loud and unwelcomed. it felt like a battle between the angel and the devil, and you were sure the devil was nobara herself, screeching at you to remind you of the shit-ton amount of conceitedness he had.
"are we allowed to? don't other people need to use the studio?" you mumble, standing up with the help of gojo nevertheless.
you're playing right into his hand, yet you took it anyway.
he waves a hand, "it's fine; you do know the pas de deux, don't you? we didn't go over it together much, but i'm sure the past rehearsals served you well."
the beginning was refined, having done it earlier with mei mei's help. it was mostly the only thing the two of you went over when mei mei was around, leaving the more complicated parts to ieiri. the fish dive comes naturally this time, imagining the glowing lights and the striking wedding tutu that kitri sports in the third act. 
there are howls of laughter at the many mishaps after that. knowing you hadn't rehearsed any of it with your partner, nor with the music before, it was only fair that accidents were to happen.
"no, no, if you let me go, i will kill you- ah! gojo!" you threaten, but it's lost in your mouth as he spins you way too many times, letting a loud shriek escape your mouth.
from a failed pirouette to a fish dive where he almost dropped you (he didn't), the laughter spilling from yours and his lips weren't common in a company class with everyone trying to dance their best.
"hey, hey, lay off the hair!" gojo quips, catching your off-balanced pirouette with a secure hand on the waist. you went along with the music, anyway, giving your exaggerated interpretation of kitri just as the music builds up. that earns a laugh from him, skillfully guiding you through even with the light banter in the room
"here it comes," he mutters to you, feeling the support of gojo's hands on yours as he pushes you off the complete the double attitude turn before hearing a loud ‘thwap!’.
"fuck, sorry! oh my god," you apologise, retracting your leg almost immediately after the collision.
"ah, shit," gojo exclaims, rubbing the side of his thigh as he brings you down gently. there's a frown on his face as you take a peek at the place you hit, the only thoughts running through your head being the articles or scandals you might be caught in.
(y/n) attempting to harm six eyes theatre's golden principal dancer? (y/n)'s downfall full of jealousy? (y/n) and the infamous gojo caught in a fight?
a giggle gets you out of the trenches, hands revealed like a finished magician's act. 
"i was kidding; that didn't hurt one bit," gojo jokes, hands naturally reaching forward to place them on your hips, "loosen up a bit, (y/n)."
"i am loose!" your mouth falls into a straight line, "shit that sounded bad, didn't it?" bursting into laughter, your head falls onto his shoulder as your hand reaches up to grasp at his forearm before recovering from the unexpected joke.
as the pas de deux fades off into nothing, only your breaths could be heard in the large studio, blending with the cold air of the air-conditioning and the hot breaths coming from your mouths. strings play softly from the phone, but all you can hear is the echo of the familiar melody as if it was being played in an auditorium. 
gojo gives you a gentle smile that you reciprocate, stuck in that annoying hypnotisation of his blue eyes and the same soft look he gives you whenever you aren't looking. 
you were looking now, though, and you'd like it even better if time stood still for you to savour this moment.
"would you like to go on a date with me (y/n)?"
there it was, the million-dollar question. it wasn't like you imagined this every night before you slept or whether he'd perform a flashy proposal to ask you out.
but even then, you thought back to the smirks he directed at every other dancer, you thought back to the conversation in masamichi's office, you thought back to nobara's advice.
"surely you're not thinking of getting wooed by gojo satoru, are you? it's dangerous, (y/n), i'm sure you know that."
"fuck, i know! but then he kisses my cheek that one time and everything feels right again. he jokes with me in rehearsals and nudges me when mei mei-sensei compliments me. he treats me to lunch and looks at me with so much passion i almost want to believe it. these past weeks of rehearsals have taught me well in dance, but i'm sure it's making my love life miserable with how much he looks at me and then goes back to flirting with the other dancers."
"i'm sorry, i can't, gojo."
you make haste with the way you're scurrying out of the studio, breaking into a jog to make sure he doesn't catch after you.
you should've said yes, right? with how much he's been building up the courage these past few weeks, careful not to let ieiri spot his sneaky glances. even the kiss on your cheek left his heart pumping long after he's left the diner. 
all that to leave him in the dust.
gojo lays in bed that day, eyes fully open as he struggles to get some rest, unaware of the similar turmoil you were going through. the dancer managed to sleep after innumerable amounts of overthinking, departing from consciousness with thoughts of you, just like he always has.
there weren't any tears involved on your end, save for some of the glossy looks you've given your black and white poster as you played with your pillowcase in anxiety. 
you dreaded the next rehearsal, knowing you had to face gojo sooner or later, especially with how you reacted to his question.
"mei mei-sensei, gojo," his name was muttered instead, embarrassed with the way you rushed out of the studio the previous day. mei mei looks between the two of you, clapping her hands together to get your attention.
"ieiri pulled a nerve around her arch, which was why we've been going to the orthopaedic more often. it's a minor injury, and she's resting right now, so we'll have to work with the two of you first. we'll stop at where we always do but feel free to continue if you feel comfortable."
great. it had to be on a day where i couldn't possibly face gojo.
he says nothing at that, both you and the pianist unsure of whether you were to continue.
gojo was still in his a game, hitting every leap and lifting you without much struggle. you, not so much, as the words you said to him replayed in your head like a broken record.
you fell off your balances, you couldn't portray kitri well, you felt the weight of your body get heavier with each repeated thought of the day before. hell, even your practice tutu felt heavy. 
he sighs again for the umpteenth time as the music stops, the two of you receiving the same criticism from the previous run. mei mei tries her best to be polite, although you can tell she's losing her patience as well.
"(y/n)? what's gotten into you? i understand every dancer has their bad days, but today appears terrible with the silent treatment you two are giving each other."
you swallow at the question, taking a shaky breath before opening your mouth. you look to gojo for help, but his eyes evade yours by looking at the floor with arms crossed. his head whips toward you with your following words.
"he asked me... on a date. i rejected him, rushed out the studio," you mutter, tracing the fabric of the tutu hanging on your hips.
"you asked her out on a date?" mei mei states in disbelief, looking at the ballerino with a face full of perplexity. 
"yeah, i did, and i would do it again," the last whisper is lost to you, unable to hear because of the distance between you and him.
"wh- why? what's wrong with that?" you ask mei mei-sensei, yet again being pulled in by the sky blue of his eyes before looking to the ballet mistress.
"mei mei-"
"gojo never asks anyone out. ever. i'm sure you're the first one."
you can see gojo deflate at that at the corner of your eye, shoulders sagging forward in defeat while mei mei takes the chance to leave for you to sort things out. 
"what...?" was the only thing you could muster, eyes following your instructor as she exits the space.
"you two are dismissed for now. talk to him about it and resolve your problem," she waves a hand at you, the tension growing by the second as she's entirely out of the studio.
"gojo?" you ask cautiously, stepping up to him to pull him from the position he was in.
"you believe the rumours, the articles, don't you?" he says, completely unrelated to the situation at hand. the look he gives you was something you couldn't figure out, snatching his arm out of your grip as he puts some distance between the two of you. 
"you think i'm some cocky bitch who's just strutting around the company, free to do my own thing?" the other says it in a quiet tone, but it didn't make it less menacing than if he were to shout it. 
"do you think i enjoy the way the female dancers throw themselves at me when i'm trying to focus on my mistakes and corrections? you think i enjoy the annoying ass articles written about me?"
with each question, gojo doesn't fail to intimidate you, taking a step each time until you're cornered against the barre. those questions are left unanswered as gojo's eyes bore into yours, losing its usual spark when he glances at you during the pas de deux or when he's laughing at a joke you made over lunch.
"do you think i enjoy being talked about every. single. time?! when i'm passing in the corridors, in masamichi's office, in the company classes, among the little trio you have going on. when i asked you out, it was because i genuinely felt that i could connect to you: with no wrong assumptions or bad impressions," gojo runs a hand through his sweaty hair, the frustrated emotions he felt seeping through into his speech.
"...everything felt so fake to me while getting to know you were the only real thing i could cherish when i get to hold you during the pas de deux, or when my lips landed on your cheek. it was the only real thing that brought on your blush that i imagine your lips on mine way too much."
you chose to ignore the way your heart flutters at the confession, staring up at him with apparent conflict on your face.
"then why can't you just ignore them? i'd expect someone like you to not give a shit about what people think," you whisper.
"you got to know the wrong gojo, then. just like right now, i can't face what others have to murmur around about me."
"right now...?" you caught onto his words fast, your eyes immediately spotting the curious faces of both your friends and a few other dancers fighting for a spot to watch you two through the studio door's glass.
"c'mon, pack up, let's not talk here," gojo states. within seconds, the two of you were out the door with your hand clasped in his. you were quick on your feet to leave the premises, naturally following gojo's lead to an unknown building. 
letting go of his hand, you explore the space, taking note of every tiny little thing that made the apartment his own.
"sorry for the mess. i live alone and hardly clean the apartment." the nervousness from the studio stayed, the other opting to remain at the doorway in worry. the silence in the apartment grows, your eyes now trained to the floor as gojo suddenly speaks up.
"i couldn't ignore them, (y/n). their expectations disguised as gossip and rumours allowed me to perform properly. i was afraid of disappointment, of getting ridiculed if i were to make mistakes on stage. any slip-up was seen by the company's sponsors, critics, everyone. their eyes were always on me, and i could never let myself get eaten up by the articles." 
"the industry is filled with competition and talent. anyone can replace anyone at any given time; you'd have to have a mind of steel to not get affected by every little thing!"
his eyes meet the back of your head, the fatigue leaking through the lines of his eyes and face. as you turn around, you meet his exhausted ones, and, step by step, you approach the man.
"i can't say i have that mind of steel that i mentioned. i hardly come close to it, (y/n). i'm happy with the company, i'm content with my place, and i'm terribly in love with ballet, but... i'm so tired, really."
your expression of unsaid pity was all you could offer, bringing gojo into a hug as he wrapped his arms around you. the way he relaxed told you of the safe space you provided, while his tight, squeezing arms showed he hasn't embraced in a long time.
a minute or two passes, relishing in the now comfortable silence as the other collects himself. 
"i'm laying everything on you, fuck, i'm sorry."
you shake your head into his chest, "don't apologise, you idiot. i should be the one saying sorry for rushing off like that," pulling away, you were heartbroken to see the shine of his tears waiting to cascade down his cheeks.
"i'm sorry i ran off. i was afraid, for a different reason. my rational side always protects my heart, knowing i've had bad experiences with friends and connections. if i couldn't sustain a friendship, who was i to jump into a relationship?" you hand trails to his nape to mindlessly play with the hair there as a form of habit with your own hair.
"it was brave of you, putting yourself out so vulnerably when i only looked at the surface of what you were. i'm sure it felt like those weeks of getting to know each other meant something to you, and i threw it away in fear that you'd leave me after a few months."
"so please don't apologise, i'm sorry i ever made you feel like shit because i didn't know about the weight on your shoulders."
a smile graces your face, the hand on his nape going back to his cheek.
"and stop crying; it doesn't make your eyes look good," you whisper, wiping the tears before they fall as gojo lets out a chuckle.
"you think my eyes look good?" 
you roll your eyes, "god, who wouldn't? it's like looking at the sky and the ocean all at the same time. and when you stare at me? i always have trouble looking away from you because of how striking they are."
"are they now?" distracted from the emotional vomit earlier, he grins at your description of him. you're lucky to have your hands on his cheeks just so you can feel the effect you have on him every time you offer a compliment.
"are you done complimenting me?"
"i've only commented on your eyes, though. would you like me to continue?"
"i think you should kiss me first."
you're taken aback by gojo's boldness, a surprised expression appearing at the question. the way he looks at you beats the gazes through the mirror as he warms up and the look of interest over his bowl of miso soup. it beats the glances at you during the company classes and the short, fleeting glimpses as you move together during the pas de deux. it beats every single one that your head descends back into his chest, shy at the look of adoration he was giving you.
"can i really?" you whisper in his shirt, refusing to look up even when he pulls away from your embarrassment.
as his arms unwind themselves from your middle, he crouches down to reach your eye and bring you back from a world of uneasy firsts.
"is it your first?"
this was when gojo satoru was at his rawest, with his hands cupped around your cheeks in the slowly darkening apartment as he prepares himself to kiss you.
"it is."
gojo says nothing after that, the moment of silence feeling like forever before his lips meet yours. the sunset coming in from his windows hits at the right time, because then you'd be able to point at it and describe the colours you feel when his mouth moves against yours. you'd be able to sense your heart pumping and blood flowing more clearly than when you've just finished a demanding combination of steps when he encircles his arms around you to bring you closer.
without choreographed steps, nothing feels more fitting than a kiss full of passion that isn't in a pas de deux. ironically, it was the ones you enjoyed more, more than the kisses in romeo & juliet or in manon.
oxygen becomes scarce, then, prompting you to break away from gojo just as your heart fills up with joy, way more than you can fathom.
you crash your lips into his again, now catching him off-guard. he melts into it with no problem, a laugh spilling from his lips at your eagerness.
"i like you a lot, tons, (y/n). i don't say this often, but i like you."
"it's too early to say it's love, right? because i think i like you too, a lot, tons."
you agreed to keep it under wraps for now, with you planning to leave half n' hour later to avoid suspicion. the dancer sacrificed his Z's so you could catch them instead, although you continued to lay awake in his bed watching the white-haired man get ready. 
"are you sure the floor wasn't uncomfortable? you could've just used your own bed, y'know."
he only shakes his head, "'s okay. my back was acting up, anyway. it was basically free therapy."
you laugh at that, now sitting up fully to admire gojo's physique. with how affectionate and sweet he is behind closed doors, you swore that he was a different man. he shoots you a finger gun and a wink, knowing the way he's got you wrapped around his finger.
"see you later," gojo whispers, landing a peck on you before taking off on his own. it wasn't long before you had to get up, taking in the room and its decorative spaces. he has ballet posters and photos of his friends; he even had a diffuser.
a yawn takes over you as your hands land on the shirt on you.
fuck, you didn't have anything clean to wear. gojo had provided you with a shirt and pants from his wardrobe yesterday, rejecting his briefs with a laugh. with no bra, you decided to just use a spare leotard you keep in your bag, settling for the clothes gojo had lent you the day before.
the theatre felt different when you entered, heading straight for the studio to avoid any more prying eyes from the younger dancers. 
"hey," you say, rubbing at your eyes to the trio warming up their feet.
nobara gasps, grasping at your hand immediately to pull you down onto the floor.
"are you good?" she mumbles, staring at your face for any signs of hurt or crying.
"do i need to beat him up?" megumi challenges, flexing his bicep as a joke, "i've been working out more."
"i'll go tell him off for you, (y/n)!" yuji grins, preparing to quite literally stand up to head over to the other corner of the room.
"no! i mean, yes, i'm good. please don't beat him up, and... sit down, yuji." you sigh. 
"nothing... happened, guys. i know what it looked like in the studio yesterday but there wasn't any catfights or physical fights," you pause, looking at megumi, your hands instinctively going to the pouch where you kept your shoes, "we figured out our problem and solved it, that's all."
"so why are you wearing his shirt, then?" nobara shoots without hesitation, causing you to halt your movements for a bit. beside you, you can hear yuji choking on his water. 
"i... we.. uhm," you trail off, trying to find the right words to fill in the gaps of your explanation. your eyes flit around the room before landing on gojo's, finding that his were already fixed on you.
"uh... yeah... we cleared up our differences and talked a bit," you mutter, lips breaking into a smile before you break eye contact with him. the trio stay dumbfounded at your word vomit, witnessing the exchange with the principal dancer with puzzlement. 
"oh my god, did you guys fuck?" nobara whispers.
"what? no!" you laugh, whacking her shoulder as you stood up to loosen up your feet, preparing for the class conducted by masamichi himself today.
"i'll explain everything when i get back home, okay?" you say to the three of them, stuck in a side hug with nobara as her arm stay loosely wrapped around your waist.
they can only offer you their  nods, bidding you goodbye with a slight wave.
as you enter the same rehearsal studio, there's only a single lone dancer in it, stretching over in a middle split as he scrolls on his phone mindlessly.
"hey," you call out to gojo, setting your bag of things down while you run up to him. he stands up instantly, pulling you into an embrace that shocks you with the sheer force of it.
"did you already miss me? that's fast."
he mumbles into your hair, "mhmm... shut up, please."
you laugh at that, recovering from the hug despite the other's protests.
"c'mon, i need to warm up, plus we're supposed to keep this a secret, right?"
gojo whines but lets you go anyway, but not before he plants a kiss on your hand as he lets you do your own thing. the next set of footsteps catch you in surprise, eyes widening at her presence when you run up to her in excitement.
"ieiri-senpai! are you feeling better?" you ask, peeking around at her feet, where she limped on earlier.
"yes, i am, (y/n)," she pats your head and realises your choice of clothing. you noticed her smirk, but before you could counter her question, she beats you to it, "and... i've seen that the dumbass finally made a move."
there's no denying the blush that makes its way onto your cheeks, seemingly oblivious to the stares from everyone when in reality, they were curious to know of what happened the day before.
"yeah, i guess he did," you sigh dreamily, giving off your feelings as ieiri could only smile at your situation.
mei mei enters the room with authority, making you perk up at her words as she walks to the centre of the barre with purpose.
"i trust that you've solved everything, yes? because you two have been quite the talk around the studio," mei mei states, braiding her hair into a side braid as ieiri takes a seat.
"i took her hand to get away from the crowd, sensei. if anything, i should be blamed for engaging in contact that might've given off the assumption that we were dating," gojo steps up.
"but you are dating, aren't you?" mei mei grins, putting on her shoes.
"i..." you tried to speak, but gojo interrupts you before then.
"only if she'll have me, then yes, we are."
you fight back a smile, stepping forward to catch his hand in yours. he's shaking, not at all the confident gojo satoru that you've become so accustomed to.
"yes," your single affirmation holds so much weight, looking up at him with as much joy as he did with you in the morning.
"okay, good! i've gone through enough of gojo staring at you from across the room. let's continue," mei mei casually says, "i'm sure (y/n) has heard the news, yes?"
she's quick to pull you out of your thoughts of gojo looking at you during rehearsals with the question of the news that left you texting the trio at 1am.
[nitta-sensei is typing...]
(y/n)? do you have a minute to spare?
[(y/n) is typing...]
yes sensei?
what seems to be the...
you're cut off by the abrupt phone call as gojo brushes his teeth, speaking to you, though incoherently, through the foam and lather in his mouth.
"yes, nitta-sensei? what is it?"
"i'm sorry for conveying this news over the phone, and i was too excited to wait until the next day. you might or might not like it, but... you're to replace ieiri in the gala event for now." by now, gojo had stopped brushing due to your lack in reply.
he peeks his head out of the bathroom as nitta continues, "she has to heed her orthopaedic's advice and take a break for now, but since you've been shadowing the two for a good amount of time, masamichi thinks its best you take up the role of the female part."
your jaw stays dropped even after nitta says her goodbyes, the phone lit up due to your shock. 
"(y/n)? what happened?"
"i'm going to be dancing with you, gojo," you say quietly, "i'm dancing the pas de deux with you!" 
you bow your head in acknowledgement, "yes, i have." 
ieiri sees the hesitation since now the original dancer was seated in front of you. she shoots you a double thumbs-up as motivation while mei mei briefs you on the gala like she did with the couple at the start.
it's short, and within the next moment, you're already flying through the sky with gojo's help. the steps start to become more apparent and distinct to you, letting the pianist lead the way as the lifts and pair work merge together like a seamless thread.
mei mei is firm in her teaching, knowing your weaknesses and strengths by heart with the past rehearsals that she's done. stopping the two of you before letting ieiri take over was routine, but for now, ieiri contributes with her wisdom from the chair instead. 
the rehearsal progresses slowly, opting instead to complete it bit by bit as the weeks turn into days and the days turn into hours. you had to take extra care of your feet, icing them and making sure your blisters don't distract you as rehearsals extend longer to ensure your best performance.
when you had your own commitments, your best friends had theirs, fulfilling principal or first soloist roles just for the gala. there was hardly any time for you to see the trio, but you made up with late facetime calls and online dinners with them.
even with the distance in the company class, gojo never fails to make it up to you with kisses under the moonlight as you watch video after video on don quixote, although taking a specific liking to the pairing of nuñez and muntagirov. 
"you ready?" gojo lets out a nervous breath, already hearing the chatter of the gala attendees behind the curtains. beside you, other dancers are warming up for their own parts. some were doing a solo while others were doing a pas de deux like you were, but nonetheless, everyone gathered here was to share the love for ballet.
"hell no, i'm shaking," you laugh, playing with the elastic that was to go over your middle finger. a beautiful, white tutu was tailored just for you with minor tweaks from ieiri's tutu while they were in the midst of completing it. to honour and perform the role of kitri gave you immense joy and excitement, even though you were jittery at the responsibility passed on to you.
"how are you doing?" nobara asks, making you jump at the sudden voice. she lets out a giggle, "sorry."
 "i'm... very nervous. is that even a question?" you ask her, holding onto her exposed shoulder a little too tightly. she dons a breathtaking, flowy costume with puffy sleeves and intricate detail. at the same time, yuji was suited up as nobara's partner in a pair of yellow tights, completing the couple look in the comedy-filled la fille mal gardée.
"oi, hot pants, come here! my partner's here finally after taming his hair," nobara jokes, pulling yuji over. they lean into each other's sides naturally, posing with peace signs and big smiles that they were asked to convey to the audience.
"good luck out there," megumi catches your attention, awkward as can be, as he pulls you in for a hug. his pas de deux partner is smiling at you beside him, taking your hand in hers.
"your rehearsals with gojo-senpai are incredible, (y/n)-senpai! all the best for your performance later," she bows, clearly relieved at saying the things she wanted to say.
"all the best for your le corsaire, too," you grin, waving them off excitedly before joining your basilio at the hip.
"you'll do great out there, trust me," gojo places a peck on your temple, holding you close by the waist as you warm up together. there's shared laughter between the two of you, exchanging jokes to calm your nerves and keep your mind moving. with the rush hour backstage, it was imminent that the show was starting soon, the many dancers continuing their warmup without trouble.
only you seemed to be on edge, performing as the first couple of the night for a role you've always loved and adored while watching from the balcony of auditoriums.
"i will. we will." you nod, hands twined with the other's as the curtains make their way up.
"breathe. we'll nail this like we always do," gojo kisses your linked hands, staring down at you with those same eyes you fell in love with. a smile replaced what you couldn't say out loud, bumping your head into his chest as an affectionate gesture, "let's go."
among the cheers and blinding lights, you could only focus on gojo's hand on the small of your back as he led you out. with practised steps, nothing could faze you except, maybe, his dazzling smile and the gentle eyes he has on you for the whole pas de deux.
living the life of an innkeeper's daughter was what you had to portray. while your 'father' was hesitant at first, he's finally given you the blessing to marry your lover, basilio. the glimmering tutu and effortless partnership was only half the job done, and for the radiant smile you had on at the moment, you hoped at least ieiri and mei mei would be proud of the story you were telling together with gojo.
the feeling from rehearsals is amplified on stage, with the orchestra's power and the costumes, providing you with a feeling like no other. and as gojo approaches with a flawless tour en l'air, you realise that with how much work you put in behind the scenes, the result always pays off. 
as gojo has his hands on your waist, twirling you around like nothing in a quadruple pirouette, you realise that every step was made possible with the help of ieiri and mei mei and your best friends and lastly, gojo satoru.
the golden, treasured prodigy which you somehow managed to develop feelings for. the talented principal who whines when you won't refuse to give him affection and the once-cocky individual who softens just at the sight of you.
and as the music reaches the end, you want nothing more than to stay in this pas de deux with gojo satoru, in a dance of two.
you end off on an incredible note, chest heaving from the demanding technicalities of the pas de deux. nevertheless, your brain shuts out the thunderous applause, with some imparting you with their standing ovations and others who decided to scream 'bravo!' at the stage.
gojo offers a grin, bringing you close with a hand as you thank the audience with endless curtseys. bowing to your partner was next, thanking him for the interminable rehearsals and that hectic day of emotion from the studio right up to his home.
you almost practically run backstage with the adrenaline flowing through your body, the next act already on stage for the gala. 
"oh my god, oh my god!" you whisper-shout in pure glee, hugging gojo close the moment you were out of view of the audience.
"you did it."
"we did it," you reassure, pulling from the embrace to smile up at him. you could feel the dancers' eyes around you, not knowing whether they should look to you or to look away.
his voice snaps you out of your thoughts, "'s okay, let them look. i don't mind it when i'm with you."
"just to confirm, we... shouldn't kiss, right?" you mumble, but you inch closer to his lips anyway.
"no... i don't think we should," gojo grins, indulging you in the very kiss you've waited for, knowing that right now, it wasn't the stage lights, nor was it the general heat after completing a difficult pas de deux.
it's as if the world gave you rose-tinted glasses, because that was all you could recognise now as gojo pulls you from backstage with your hand tightly locked onto his. he wasn't the six eyes theatre's prized principal, he was just gojo as you run past the many costumes being hung with the click-clacking of your pointe shoes.
you could compare it, almost, to running across a field with a billowing dress behind you, but alas, you were satisfied with being his kitri. for when she and basilio have a life of marriage ahead of them, you and gojo satoru have nothing but longing glances and shared laughter over your stumbling slip-ups in the studio as you tackle one act after the next.
the pas de deux was a connection and a story, and the both of you were just starting out yours. 
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peach-pops · 4 years
Roommate HC
Request:  hi i love ur account! do u think u could write a HC with kuroo, oikawa, and bokuto on how they would be as roommates! thank you!
Author’s Note: This request had me dying thank u so much! I made this to be platonic but if u guys want a part 2 to make them like each other/you want to see other roommate hc with other characters, let me know!
Warning: mentions of sex, adult language, reader thirsting over iwaizumi cause same 
Pairing: Kuroo || Oikawa || Bokuto 
Part two
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You can only be roommates if you’re hella close with Kuroo because if you’re living in a closed space together, shit is bound to happen. He’s basically you’re best friend so nothing is off-limits. 
Exhibit A: Shower rants
“ And I told her to mind her own damn business before I kicked her ass!” You said loudly as you sat on the counter of the sink while Kuroo was showering
“ You liar I know you didn’t say all that. Also, can you hand me my toothbrush?”
“ Mm, okay, I didn’t say it but I was thinking it!” You grabbed Kuroo’s toothbrush and opened the curtain to hand it to him,” it’s the thought that counts but then she told me that I was being a bitch! In front of the whole class!” 
Kuroo opened the shower curtain to poke his head out,” She called you a bitch in front of the class? What a fucking bitch.” 
I feel like Kuroo sleeps in a bit and waits until the last second to wake up so you’re basically his alarm clock 
Your favorite way to wake him up is to just bash his head with a pillow until he grabs it from you and hits you back with it ten times harder
“ I think you gave me a concussion.”
“ I- It’s a pillow, you big baby.” 
Getting ready in the morning is always pretty chill since Kuroo practically rolls out of the bed, looks at his hair, and decides yep, this is stylish 
If he has extra time in the morning, he’ll sit on your bed and watch you do your makeup/hair as you tell him your schedule for the day just cause he can 
Can we please remember that Kuroo is a big nerd so that means a lot of all-nighters at the dinner table. If you know he has a big test coming up, you order takeout from his favorite restaurant and you have to physically sit across from him so he actually takes a break to eat dinner
Sometimes he falls asleep at the table while studying so you always grab his phone to set a 15-minute alarm because while he needs to sleep, he also needs the time to study too 
On chill days, Kenma usually comes over and the two play video games until the middle of the night. While they’re always super loud, that’s a lie it’s just Kuroo, but whenever they get too loud you come out of your room and you just glare Kuroo down 
“ What’s wrong with your face?”
“ My face? This face will be the last thing you ever see if you don’t shut the fuck up. Kenma sweetie, ✨you’re doing great✨!”
OH okay this is just a bonus
so your upstairs neighbors are like bunnies if ya know what I mean. Like they go at it 25/8 and you and Kuroo can’t stand it because how are yall supposed to concentrate 
One night while you and Kuroo are watching a movie, you can literally hear your neighbors having crazy-ass sex and Kuroo gets so petty. He grabs a broom from the kitchen and starts hitting it against the ceiling like
 ‘ Shut! The! Hell! Up!” 
“ STOP! What if they get mad?” 
“ Who cares? I haven’t had sex in months. If I can’t get laid than no one can get laid!”
“ I don’t even want to think about you and *gags* sex in the same sentence.” 
So all in all, Kuroo is probably the easiest roommate to have and you two just work so well together
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Oikawa isn’t as bad as a roommate as people might think. He’s surprisingly clean and not only does he clean up after himself but he always cleans up after you. He will sass you on how messy you are though
“ Y/N-Chan, I can’t even see the floor to your bedroom, you’re disgusting! I can’t even look at you the same way!” 
“ If it’s bothering you then get the hell out of my room!” 
“ Your room is a biohazard, how can you live like this?” 
There’s only one bathroom in your apartment so it’s always a battle to get ready in the morning. His side of the sink has way more stuff than you and you even try out some of his products if they happen to find their way to your side
You can’t even hide it from Oikawa because once you leave the restroom, he notices right away 
“ Are you wearing that SPF moisturizer I bought from that new skincare store the other day?”
“ Wha- how did you know?”
“ I can smell it you rat, stop using my skincare products!” 
He says that but the next day when you wake up to use the restroom, you see that he bought you your own moisturizer and there’s a sticky note on it ‘ because you desperately need some’ 
Oikawa also always manages to lose his glasses in the morning so when he’s late, he always wakes you up to help him find his glasses which are somewhere around the apartment 
“ Bitch, how hard is it to keep it next to your nightstand before you go to bed?” 
“ I forget” 🥺👉🏼👈🏼Oikawa pouts as he squints back at you cause he’s a blind bitch 
If Oikawa is your roommate, that definitely means Iwaizumi, Matsukawa, and Hanamaki are always over. One time in the middle of the night, you went to go get a glass of water and you screamed so loud when you saw a dark figure sleeping on your couch 
Your heart literally dropped to the floor but when you squinted your eyes, you could make out that it was Hanamaki just crashing on your couch 
Thank god, you actually thought there was a stranger-
What you didn’t know was that Matsukawa was sleeping on the floor of the living room and you tripped over his huge, built ass body 
“ Y/N? Is that you? Are you okay?”
“ I’m fine-”
“ Ow! Y/N, that’s my hand!”
“ Shit! Sorry- wait, Hajime? Is that you? What the hell-Who else is sleeping here?”
“ Meeeee!”
“Toru?!?! What are you doing out here?” You asked as you turned on the lights to find all four boys camped out in the living room. TF is this? Summercamp???
“ Duh, it’s a sleepover! Wanna join? You can lay next to me Y/N-Chan!”
“ Fuck no you weirdo. Except for you Hajime😚 my room is always open for you!” 🤩🥰🤪🤰🏻 
Oh speaking of frick fracking, you and Oikawa have a solid rule that if you’re planning on having sex, please let the other roommate know so there’s not a repeat of that one incident you’re not allowed to speak of 
Toru: Can you be out of the house from 8:30-9:30? I’m bringing someone over👉🏼👌🏼
Y/N: You bastard I was going to bring someone over!
Toru: Oh yeah? Who u trying to fuck?👀👀👀
Y/N: Hajime 🤤🤤🤤🤤
Besides all of that mess, Oikawa is such a fun roommate. If yall could live together forever, you definitely would because the banter never stops between the two of you, yall are like an old married couple uwu 
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JESUS you two take a while to mesh 
You two are best friends so when he suggested to move in together, you were all for it 
But it just took some getting used to 
Bokuto wakes up sooooo early to go run and this means blasting music in the shower at 5am & him blending the shit out a smoothie in the kitchen 
One time, this dude barged into your room around 5:20 in the morning and had THE AUDACITY to ask if you wanted to go run with him 
“ I feel bad leaving you here in the apartment alone, what if you miss me?”
“ If you ever wake me up this early to go run out of all things, I will shave your head do not test me owl.” 
He never asks you again don’t worry but he does walk in your room to whisper, rather loudly, that he’s leaving to go run just to give you a heads up
On some mornings when he knows you’re going to have a long day at school, he’ll make you breakfast and it’s actually super sweet cause you two will eat together in the kitchen and talk about what the plan for the day is 
If he’s ever too lazy to make breakfast, he’ll grab your favorite pastries during his run and bring it home cause he’s just that type of person 
Bokuto is a bit messy and you find yourself cleaning up after him a lot but he makes up for it by being an absolute sweetheart 
He assembled all the furniture in the apartment because he likes building stuff and he claims it’s manly. Don’t Mind my language but ✨U couldn’t give a shit ✨about building furniture so you were 100% okay with it
Akaashi came over to help put the couch together and that was arguably the most entertaining thing you had ever seen
“ Bokuto-San, I’m pretty sure these pieces don’t fit.”
“ Akaashi! Are you doubting my ability to read and follow instructions?!?!”
“ I think he’s right, those don’t fit at all.”
*cue emo bokuto ughhhhhhh this bitch*
Whenever Bokuto gets emo at home, you drop everything to help him get out of his funk. Not because what you’re doing isn’t important but if you don’t help, this dude will show up next to your bed full on close to crying
“ Ko, it’s two in the morning, why are you awake?”
“ Are you angry at me that I broke that plate earlier?”
“ Wha- no I’m not mad over a cheap plate. Just go to bed PLEASE!” 
No matter how busy yalls schedule gets, you two always make time to have a movie night at least once a week because he claims it’s good for roommate moral 
It’s just an excuse for him to snack through the pantry but whatever
He’s also the worst at grocery shopping. Like he notices all the snacks and desserts you like so he’ll buy so much of those things but will fail to get actual protein and vegetables 
I know it seems like I’m shitting on Bokuto and I’m not, I feel like Bokuto would also be such a fun roommate. There are some nights where you two will dance around together in your pajamas and camp out on the couch together and those are the moments where you’re thankful he’s your roommate
But he snores so loud I’M SORRY I HAD TO SAY IT 
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aubreyprc · 3 years
In My Veins 3
part 1 part 2
All that you can save
Will leave you in the morning
And find you in the day
Walking out of the room knowing he’d have to leave her there, alone for the rest of the night, made him feel sick.
“She shouldn’t be alone.” He said to Dave when the older man had come in after waiting a few moments too long.
“You need to get some rest.” Dave told him, “You can’t stay here. Visiting hours are strict.”
“But she-“
“Aaron.” Dave said, and the man looked at him, tears flooding his eyes. “I know you don’t want to, but you have to. Come on. I’ll drive you back here first thing in the morning and I will sort out about her transferring. You know she wouldn’t want you making yourself ill, let’s go to the hotel, you can have a shower, get some rest and you’ll be back here before you know it.”
Hotch just nodded and followed the older man out of the room, giving Emily one last look before closing the door, the last thing he heard being the sound of the ventilator signaling that air was in her lungs.
Now sat driving away from the hospital, he discovered that leaving there without her was worse than anything he’d ever felt before.
“I’ve spoken to Strauss.” Rossi tells him, “She’s agreed to allow you the next three days off, while Emily is still touch and go. But I’m afraid she can’t allow any longer than that.”
“Okay.” Hotch says, his mind obviously elsewhere.
“You doing okay?”
“I’m fine.”
“You know, no one would blame you if you weren’t..” Rossi tells him, “Emily means a lot to all of us, but especially you. And I don’t think you’ve really processed this yet.”
“I’ve processed it.” Hotch tells him, staring at a spot of blood on his wrist.
“Dave I said I’m fine.” Hotch snaps, so the older man just nods his head and drops it.
Once at the hotel, Rossi hands him his key and watches as he takes it with a sort smile.
“Get some rest.”
“You too.”
As soon as he’s alone, all he has left to listen to is his own thoughts. He turns on the shower and hops in, watching the last of her dried blood fall from his body and down the drain, tears sting in his eyes as he stares at it. The burning water helps, giving him something else to focus on, but every time he closes his eyes he sees her. First, it’s flashes of her smiling, either at him, his son, or in the distance, then it’s her under the car, gasping for breath, bleeding, choking, then she’s on a ventilator and he snaps his eyes open, unable to see it anymore. He starts to wonder if he’ll ever forget.
Laying in the bed was unbearable, his mind running through every single scenario that could happen. He remembers the doctor telling them that in the event that she does wake up, there is a possibility for brain damage. What does that even mean, brain damage? There are so many forms of it, he realises, and the reality of that happening… he rubs a hand over his face, forcing himself to not think about it. He can’t think about it, not when he doesn’t know what to expect. He would love her no matter what, he knows that, he hopes she knows that too.
His only thoughts as he stares at the ceiling are the moments he felt everything change.
They were on the phone with them, when the accident happened. The sound of the car being crashed into and sent rolling over and down a hill over taking the speaker until the line goes dead.
“What just happened?” Garcia asks from her office in Quantico, already preparing herself for the drive to North Carolina.
“Something happened… a crash, maybe?” Rossi questions, before looking at Hotch.
“Were calling them back, can you get the location of the SUV?”
“Absolutely, Sir.” Garcia agrees, quickly getting the SUV’s GPS up. “It looks like..it went off route.” She tells them, “Last known location was on park..” Garcia stops, “It says here that they’ve been discontinued only for a few minutes.”
“They were heading in that direction.” Rossi says. He looks at Hotch, noticing the man’s panic, and places a hand on his arm.
“Come on,” He says softly, “I’m sure everything is fine.”
Hotch just nods and follows the older Agent out of the station while one of the Police Officers calls 9-1-1, letting them know about the accident.
The drive was silent, both too worried about what they were going to find to even think about communication, as they arrived at the SUV’s last known location the sight of a mashed up front lorry, smoking at the front while other pedestrians piled around, pointing at the hill below them, panic had never risen within the men so fast. Rossi parked the car quickly, stopping just as Hotch jumped out. Rossi ran after his friend, but the Agent was quick, just on his heels Dave stopped just as Hotch did and followed his eyes down to where he was looking, and there they were.
The SUV was on its side, smoke coming from the front of it, one side of the vehicle completely gone, as though the force of the crash pressed it into the other side.
The first person they noticed was JJ, who was talking to Derek about something while grabbing the side of her head. Morgan stood in front of the car, desperately trying to lift something up, Reid then came into view, bending down and looking as though they were talking to someone.
The two men ran down the hill, the sound of their footsteps grabbing the trio’s attention.
“What happened?” Rossi asked as they stood in front of them, Hotch looked at JJ, who stared back at him.
“That lorry ran a red light, crashed right into us.” Morgan answered, “Hotch..” He said softly, and then man’s eyes went from JJ’s to Morgan’s. “I can’t lift it.”
“Can’t lift wha-“ He paused, and wondered why the man was blocking him from passing him, “Where’s Prentiss?”
Morgan looked at him, sadness and guilt written all over his face, just as he went to answer, Spencer popped up from the floor and lifted his head over the roof.
“She’s conscious.” Reid told them and Hotch quickly ran to the other side of the SUV, before freezing, staring at the scene in front of him.
Emily, trapped under the car door from the hip down.
He rushed to her and dropped to his knees at her side while Reid looked at Morgan as he hurried to the side to once again, try and lift the trapped door that held their friend.
“Hey,” Hotch said to her softly, smiling at her as he rubbed a hand over her forehead, brushing hair away from it. “How’re you feeling?”
“Like i’m being- weighed down by eight tons of metal.” She whispered, trying to make a joke. Her breaths were harsh and horsed, as if someone was leaning on her throat.
“Probably because you are.” He grinned back, her laugh made him smile before she began to choke, he gently rubbed his hand acorss her head. “Shh, shh, relax.” He told her gently, “Just breathe, okay? Don’t try to speak.”
She nodded slowly, her eyes fluttering closed before opening again when she felt his other hand grab onto hers.
“They’re going to try and get the door off you, okay? Try and stay still.”
“They’re- not going to be able-“ She said crockly, her voice barley recognisable.
“Don’t say that.” He told her, “You’re going to be okay, just stay with me.”
Reid and Morgan tried another three times to lift the door to no avail.
“It’s trapped underneath something and it’s..” Morgan said breathlessly, “It’s too heavy.”
Hotch went to answer them when Emily began coughing. He gently moved her head to the side as blood came from her lungs, spluttering acorss the ground and her lips.
“The paramedics are four minutes out-“ Rossi said, stopping half way through his sentence as he turned away from her, the sight of her coughing up blood enough to send him into a full panic.
“You’re okay.” Hotch whispered to her as her coughs slowly stopped, “You’re okay.”
She shook her head, grasping onto his hand and looking at him.
Before he could say anything, there was a thud as Spencer fell to the ground. Morgan’s shout for him made him look up and he stopped breathing as the genius laid limp on the floor.
“Spencer?” Morgan said, cupping the man’s face. He placed two fingers on the side of his neck with shaky hands, a sigh of relief leaving him as a pulse beat back. He placed a hand on the man’s chest and frowned when he felt a slight bump. He undid he top and gasped at the sight of the purple bruising around his chest.
Morgan’s shouts zoned out of his ear shot when Emily’s hand went limp in his own.
He shook her gently, smiling down when her eyes fluttered open.
“Stay with me.” He begged her, tears rolling down his face. “You’re going to be okay.”
“No..” She said breathlessly to him, “Aaron-“
“Don’t-“ He pleaded, squeezing her hand.
“It’s too late,” She gasped, breathing becoming more of a challenge as her lungs and chest filled up with blood from the weight of the door rested on her body. “Look at me.” She asked, he did. “ I love you.” She whispered, a smile forming on her face as tears slid down her cheek.
Hotch smiled, wiping her tears and nodding, “I love you too.” He whispered back, “Please. Please just hang on for me.”
Emily swallowed her coughs and squeezed his hand, her mouth opened as though she wanted to say something but her breath caught in her lungs before she choked, blood coming up once again, then nothing. Her eyes fluttered closed and his heart hammered in his chest.
“Emily?” He called, stroking her cheek gently, “Come on. Wake up.”
Sirens could be heard in the distance as Rossi stared on.
Both Emily and Reid unresponsive to the calls from their love, a heartbreaking scene he’s only ever saw in movies.
Hotch watched as Emily was lifted from the ground and onto a gurney, before being quickly pushed into the back of an ambulance. He followed and with the nod of an EMT, jumped in, grabbing Emily’s hand.
“Do you want to hold onto this for her?” The EMT asked him, holding out her necklace. He nodded and gently took it, staring at it as he focused on the sounds of her heart coming from the machine.
No one sleeps that night. It’s fairly obvious that it was a restless night for all of them when they meet in the hotel lobby, dark bags under their eyes. JJ stares off out of the glass window of the hotel, her mind running with all the scenario’s that could happen in the next few days, she gently takes a breath and closes her eyes, trying to force herself not to cry. She turns her head slowly as she feels the presence of someone next to her, smiling sadly when Rossi’s soft eyes stare back at her.
“Did you get any sleep?” He asks her gently.
“Not even a little bit.” She chuckles, shaking her head, “Every time I closed my eyes i saw-“ She stops, swallowing and looking to the floor.
“I know.” He nods, looking out of the glass window, “I think Emily might be the only person getting a decent sleep for the next few days.” He gently teases in a way he only really does with Prentiss.
JJ laughs, nodding her head. “She’d love that.”
Rossi smirks, rubbing a hand over his face, before turning at the sound of two muffled voices behind him.
“You ready to go?” Derek asks them as he, Garcia and Hotch arrived in the lobby, all three looking worse for wear.
“Yeah.” JJ nods, sending a sad smile to Hotch, who smiled back as best he could.
“Come on.” Rossi says, leading the younger members out of the hotel and towards the SUV.
Arriving at the hospital, Rossi put himself on coffee duty, Morgan went to see Spencer, wondering if he’s ready for travel if they’re able to go home today, the other three heading to see Emily when they spot her doctor and two nurses leaving her room.
“What’s going on? Aaron asks the doctor, who stopped and looked at the three of them.
“Agents,” He greets. “Don’t worry, Agent Prentiss is fine. There’s been no change, which at this stage is a good thing.” He says to them.
“No change is good?” Garcia questions.
“At this stage,” He tells her with a nod, “Of course there is the hope for her to improve, but at this moment, keeping her stable is the main priority. Especially is you’re thinking of transporting her to your local hospital back in Virginia.”
“Do you still think that’s a good idea?” JJ asks.
“There’s always a risk.” He nods, “But in her condition I do think being at her local hospital is for the best, for her but also for you.” He smiles at them, “I’ll be talking to the rest of her doctors today and we will be speaking to the doctor in Virginia and we’ll know by this afternoon if the transfer is possible.”
The three of them nod, “Thank you.” Hotch says, before the doctor smiles and heads off and the three go to sit with Emily.
Morgan helps Reid into his shirt, before resting his hands on the side of his face.
“I’m so glad you’re okay.” He smiles, Reid laces his fingers through the ones rested on his cheeks and smiles.
There’s a knock at the door and the two men turn.
“Knock Knock.” Garcia smiles. “It’s good to see you up, boy wonder. Are you being released?”
“Not today.” Reid tells her, “But the nurses think I should walk around for a few minutes to try and help my body recover faster.”
“What’s going on with Emily?” Morgan asks as he gently grabs Spencer’s hand and helps the man stand up.
“They’re talking about transport, they think it’s a good idea. For her and us.”
“Do you know if it will be today?”
“Not yet.” Garcia smiles, “Do you know how much longer you’re being kept in?”
“A few more days.” He huffs, Garcia laughs.
“You had major surgery, Reid.”
“I know but-“
“Is there a but?” Garcia asks, raising an eyebrow. The young agent looks to the floor, mumbling something before taking a step forward, Morgan’s hand laced through his own.
“How is Emily?” Derek asks.
“No change. The doctor said that’s a good thing for now.”
“I suppose so.”
Hotch jumps when his phone rings, a sound that also startled JJ. He sends her a quick apology before grabbing his phone and leaving the room.
“Hotchner.” He says, leaning against the wall.
“Hey.” Jessica says, “How’s Emily?”
“No change.”
“Are you still coming home today?”
“That’s the plan but-“
“Hey.. there’s no rush. Jack’s fine. I’ll watch him for as long as you need.”
“Have you told him anything?”
“No, I didn’t know what to say. I thought best you talk to him.”
“Yeah..” Hotch sighs, “Is he around?”
“He sure is.” Jesscia says, before handing the phone to a bouncing six year old.
“Hey Daddy!” Jack shouts happily, “Are you coming home today?”
“That’s the plan, buddy.” He says. “How was school yesterday?”
“It was okay.” He groans, still getting used to waking up before eight. “Did you catch the bad guy?”
“Sure did.” Hotch laughs, he hears Jack giggle and it fills him with that little bit of joy he’d needed.
“Are you with Emmy?” Jack asks, and Hotch feels his breath hitch in his chest, he swallows.
“No buddy, not right now.”
“Oh.” The six year old replies in a sad tone, “I wanted to tell her about the book we was reading before you both left.”
“Did you finish it?”
“Yep!” He says happily, “Me and Aunt Jess read it all.”
“Good. Did you like it?”
“Yeah!” He laughs, “Will you tell Emmy?”
“Of course.” He says, trying to force his voice not to break.
“Daddy I have to go to school now.” Jack sighs, “Will you be here when i get home?”
“I hope so.” He says, “I love you.”
“Love you too daddy.” Jack says, and the six year old ends the call.
“How’s Jack?” Rossi says, coming from nowhere and makin Hotch jump.
“He’s good.” Aaron nods, “He wanted to.. speak to Emily.”
“He’s gotten use to having her around.”
“Yeah..” Hotch says softly, “What do I tell him?”
“I don’t know.” The older man says honestly, “I guess you’ll know when you see him.”
“Have you heard anything about moving her to Virginia?”
“They’re talking with some doctors there now. We should know in a few hours.”
Hotch nods and he and Rossi head back into the room.
JJ smiles up at them from over her book.
“Everything okay?” She asks.
“Yeah.” Hotch says, JJ nods before looking back into her book.
Aaron just stares at the darked haired women connected to so many tubes he can’t even begin to count, and focuses on the sounds of her steady heart beat.
Hotch, JJ and Rossi are talking about something and nothing when the door opens, a smiling Garcia popping in, behind her, Morgan and Reid, the latter hanging onto his boyfriend’s arm to keep him standing.
“Hey guys.” JJ smiles, “Spence, it’s good to see you up and about.”
“Yeah.” He says, hesitant at the door, unable to meet Hotch’s eye.
“Take a seat, you’ve had major surgery. I'm not sure you should be standing.” Rossi says. Reid smiles, before he looks towards the empty seat next to Hotch, but he only takes a seat after the older man pulls it out further for him with a slight smile.
“Thanks.” He says, taking a seat, “How is she?”
“They say she’s doing well.” Hotch tells him.
“Have you heard anything about moving her?”
“Not yet.” Hotch answers, “Soon, hopefully.”
Just at that moment, the doctor walks in and smiles to them.
“It’s good news.” He says, “I’ve spoken to the attendings in Virginia and they have the room in the ICU.”
“When can she be transferred?” Rossi asks.
“In my medical opinion, I’m recommending travelling by Air Ambulance.” He informs them, “Dr Reid, I’ve spoken to Dr Manning and he agrees that in your condition, you should travel with her but I’m afraid the rest of you will have to travel separately. I gather you have your own travel?”
“Yeah.” JJ mutters, looking back at Emily and gently squeezing her hand. “Do you think she’s stable enough?”
“I do.” He nods, “A doctor will be traveling with you just in case of any emergencies but I don’t foresee one. The Helicopter is currently being prepped, i’ll be back when we’re ready to move her.”
“Thank you.” The team says at around the same time, the doctor leaves with a smile.
“I’ll go and call about the jet.” Dave says, already halfway to the door.
Twenty minutes later, they watch as Emily is wheeled away. Hotch gently graces a finger over his lips as he still feels the pressure of her forehead on them, before following behind the rest of the team.
“You look after her up there, okay?” Rossi tells Reid.
“Of course.” He nods, before he’s ushered away by his doctor.
“We should be going.” Garcia says.
The flight back was awful. Neither of them knew what to say, each of them worried about the absent members. Hotch stared out of the window, his mind running wild, remembering all his times with Emily, while also thinking about just what he was going to tell Jack.
JJ sat staring at nothing, her eyes on her coffee cup as she ran through the scene just one night ago. Rossi can’t help but try and prepare himself to lose her, the woman he’d grown to love like a daughter. Garcia sits and thinks about good things, positive things, about how she’ll smile at Emily when she wakes up, and tell her to never scare them like that again, thinks about the next girls night she, JJ and Emily will have. Because he can’t think about losing her. She won’t. And Morgan, Morgan tries to press down the intense guilt he feels about the whole situation, along with his worry for both his best friend and his boyfriend.
The helicopter is no better. Reid sits next to Emily, his hand resting in hers while he stares at the heart monitor, trying to control his breathing.
“What do you think the chances of her waking up are?” He asks the doctor, who looks at him and then the chart.
“I really couldn’t say. Situations vary.”
“I know.” Reid tells them, “But in your opinion? I’d like to hear it.”
“Okay.” They nod, before facing him, “I think that she endured very extreme trauma to her body. She has shown no change in the last twenty four hours. She cannot breathe without a ventilator and while her brain activity is present, it’s.. not what it should be, which tells me there could be some damage from the lack of oxygen when she coded on three separate occasions.” They tell him, “I think preparing yourself for the worst outcome and getting the best, is better than hoping for the best and getting the worst.”
“You don’t think she’ll wake up?”
“I think that the lack of improvement is a concern. If I were you I would prepare for the worst. I don’t see how she comes out of this, even if she does wake up.”
“Thank you.” Reid tells them, “For being honest.”
“I wish it were better information.”
“Yeah,” The young man whispers, rubbing his thumb across Emily’s hand. “Me too.”
Hotch goes home to Jack before going to the hospital, in desperate need to see his little boy.
He opens the door and can’t help but smile at the shout of Jack.
“Daddy!” The six year old jumps into his arms and wraps his little body around Hotch, who holds him right back.
“Hey buddy.” He says, kissing him on the temple. “I’ve missed you.”
“I missed you too, Daddy.” He says, resting his head on his shoulder. “Me and Aunt Jess made pizza.” He tells him.
“You did?”
“Mmhm.” The boy says, “Is Emmy coming over for dinner too?”
Hotch rubs a hand over his sons back and sends a sad smile towards Jessica, who steps out of the kitchen.
“Do you need me to stay?” She asks him, he knows that means she’s really asking “Are you going back to the hospital?”
He sends her a nod and she smiles.
“Of course. I’ll give you two a minute.” She says and heads off to the kitchen.
“What is it?” Jack asks, lifting his head and looking at his dad.
“I need to tell you something.” Hotch says softly, placing his son on the floor and kneeling down to his level. “It’s about Emily.”
“Is she okay?” Jack asks quietly, placing with the bottom of his t-shirt nervously. Hotch gently grabs his son’s hand and the boy looks at him.
“No, buddy.” He says, shaking his head before swallowing the lump in his throat. “No, she’s not okay.”
“Why not?”
“Well..” Hotch says, clearing his throat, “She got into a car accident.” He says, watching as Jack nods in understanding before continuing, “And now she’s resting but she can’t breathe on her own.. and so there’s a machine doing it for her.”
“But she’s going to wake up, right?”
Hotch smiles sadly and places a hand on his son’s cheek.
“I don’t know, bud.” He whispers, “I hope so.”
“Is Emmy going to go away like Mommy did?” Jack asks, his lip quivering as his eyes tear up.
Hotch doesn’t know what to say. How do you explain a coma to a six year old?
“I don’t know.” Hotch says, “The doctors are doing their jobs and trying to wake her up. But she might not wake up.” He tells him, “Right now, Emily is fighting to come back to you, okay? But she’s very very sick.”
“Can i go and see her?” Jack asks, a tear leaving his eyes, his voice sad and small.
“Not tonight, but maybe in a few days, okay? The doctor’s are still trying to help her.”
“But I want to say goodbye..”
“You will.” Hotch tells him with a nod, stroking his cheek. “I promise.”
“But not today?”
“But not today.” Hotch says, and the boys walks into his arms and cries, holding on tight to his father.
“It’s okay.” Hotch soothes, wrapping the boy in his arms.
“I don’t want Emmy to die.” The boy cries.
“I know.” Hotch whispers, “I don’t want her to either.”
“Are you going to stay with her tonight? She can’t be on her own.” Jack says, worry in his eyes when he looks at his dad, “What if-“
“I’ll go back, i’ll stay with her.” Hotch nods, “Don’t worry.”
Jack nods and goes back into his fathers arms.
Hotch picks him up and heads to the couch, sitting down and letting the boy rest on his chest, running a soothing hand down his back as the boy falls into a slumber.
Jessica puts him to bed a few minutes later, and Hotch heads to the hospital, trying to compose himself on the way.
“How did Jack take it?” Rossi asks as Hotch runs a hand over his face and takes a deep breath while they wait for the doctors to allow them in her room.
“As well as a six year old could.” Hotch answers. “Everyone gone home?”
“Morgan is with Reid downstairs, he should be discharged tomorrow, Garcia went to get some tea and I sent JJ home. She should see her son.”
“Good,” He nods, “Good. And what about work..”
“You’ve been given three personal days. The rest of us go back tomorrow, apart from Reid. He’s on medical leave.” Rossi says.
“Okay.” Hotch nods, “God.. how is this happening… how is-“
“I know.” Dave say, patting the man on the back. “It all feels like a sick dream.”
“Yeah..” Aaron whispers, “She's in there?”
Dave nods, “They’re just running their own tests, getting their own information. We’ll be allowed to see her soon.”
The doctor’s left the room not ten minutes later and all three stood up.
“Is she okay?” Garcia asks quickly.
“She’s stable.” They tell her, “But I’m afraid I haven’t see any improvement in the last almost sixty hours, not even in brain function, which after this amount of time is normally seen, even if it’s just by a small amount.”
“What does that mean?” Aaron asks.
“That means that unfortunately, the probability of her coming out of this fall by ten percent. Which in her condition is an extreme amount.”
“So, what?” Rossi questions, “What is the percentage of a good outcome.”
“The chances of her waking up are currently falling at around twenty percent, but the reality of the situation is that even if by some miracle, which, I have seen, she does come out of this...the chance of brain damage rise by around two percent every time the heart stops for over two minutes.. her heart stopped three separate times at an overall time of seventeen minutes.”
“Oh.. my god.” Garcia whispers, stepping back and turning around.
“I think you should all prepare yourself for the possibility that she won’t come back from this.” The doctor tells them, “I am so sorry.”
“Thank you.” Hotch says, “Can we see her?”
Of course.” He nods, “Follow me.”
Sitting next to her, watching the rise and fall of her chest, if he ignores all the wires and the tubes and the beeping, it almost looks as though she’s just resting. He imagines her in his bed, sleeping, ready to wake up at any second and playfully scold him for staring at her. He prays for it, he hasn’t prayed in years, he realises, but as he rubs a thumb over her hand and stares at her, he prays for a fucking miracle, because if anyone deserves one, it’s her. It’s them. After everything they’ve been through over the years, Foyet.. Doyle.. Paris..
They deserve a miracle. She deserves a miracle.
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Back by literally zero request:
Once More, This Time With Feeling: Pt. 2
Rating: PG13 for violence and graphic descriptions, SFW
Ship: Ghost/Spooker
Warnings: Graphic Descriptions of intense panic attacks and dissociation, derealization, depersonalization, implied traumatic events, similarities to alters switching (Jimmy and Gregory, not intentional but is still there due to the nature of the scene), Graphic Descriptions of violence, Major Character Death (temporary) and probably more (please tell me if there is anything else that needs to be tagged!)
Summary: Ghost learns that watching someone die in front of you is a very quick way to find out how much you actually care about them - even if you're not quite ready to admit it just yet. (Contains lots of fluff with a decent amount of angst mixed in! Could be considered hurt/comfort)
Wordcount: 2634
Nothing can be compared to the sound of an axe splitting a head clean open. Ghost can’t move. He can’t think. This can’t be happening. He’s gonna wake up now...Now...Now.
But nothing happens.
He glances down, numbly, at Spooker’s lifeless body on the ground. Blood spills from the crevice in his skull. Ghost’s stomach lurches, so he looks back up at the doorway, wondering if he’s next. It barely registers that there is no enemy. Just an axe swinging gently back and forth on a rope attached to the ceiling. A trap. It was a trap all along, and they fell for it. Distantly, he wonders if brains can be repaired once they’re split open like that. He thinks, Probably not.
Ghost feels like his world is sinking, crashing, burning. Why isn’t he getting up? Billy’s powers should still hold up here - they’re well within range of the Acachalla house, so why?
He realizes he’s been staring vacantly at Spooker for the past who knows how long, and when he looks up Katrina is standing in front of him, staring at him from behind her mane. She gurgles, sounding somehow both sympathetic and smug despite saying no actual words, and Ghost wavers between collapsing to the ground and sobbing, and strangling her on the spot. Something twitches inside of him, vile and immoral, waiting for its moment to strike. He considers indulging it just this once; doesn’t get the chance to decide whether he really will because Katrina pounces, claws digging into his ribcage like she’s searching for something - and in his last moments of consciousness, he watches something pulse in her hand, once, before all goes dark.
Even in death, it seems he’s not allowed to rest.
As soon as his eyes close, they blink open. He can’t see anything, but he feels a doorknob under his hand and feels his mouth finishing the words, “--what about the others?”
Behind him, Spooker’s voice replies, without a hint of caution or worry, “No luck over he-Woah!”
The door hits the wall and Ghost’s eyes widen with fear. He hears himself stutter out, “H-Hey, you good?”
He mouths the words as Spooker says them, glad at least that the room is too dark for Spooker to see it. “Yeah...yeah, I’m alright, just caught me off guard. Let’s go.” He pivots, lunging blindly for where Spooker’s voice came from, tackling him. Something sharp nicks his cheek, and he feels a slight breeze pass overhead. They hit the ground hard, but Ghost decides he prefers that over the alternative.
“Ghost! Wh-What was that for?”
He fumbles for his emergency batteries and reloads his flashlight as fast as he can, knowing Katrina could appear any second. He shines his light towards the doorway, where the axe takes a final swing inwards, before disappearing behind the door for good.
“Holy crap Ghost, how...how did you know that was there?”
“Instincts or something, I guess…” He pants, out of breath.
His mind buzzes and whirs, and he can hardly think through it, but he can’t just lay on top of Spooker forever, so he forces himself to stand, peeking around the corner cautiously.
Katrina is nowhere in sight. His chest aches with how coiled his muscles are - ready to spring at any moment.
Spooker dusts himself off and peeks over Ghost’s shoulder, searching the room and finding the exact same thing Ghost did — nothing. Ghost just barely restrains himself from putting a protective arm between Spooker and the empty room.
Cautiously, he steps inside, Spooker close behind. The only sound is that of their boots clicking against the tile floor. Despite everything, he finds time to thank any gods watching that Spooker has been too distracted by the new surroundings to baby him about the second cut across his cheek. It’s only a matter of time though, he knows.
Glancing around cautiously, Ghost takes in the decrepit machinery dominating the room’s layout. Most of it has decayed beyond recognition. In the far right corner sits a row of industrial shelves containing what at first looks to be scrap metal and wires, but as they approach them, turns out to be an assortment of batteries and other miscellaneous electronics.
“Score!!” Spooker shouts, and by some miracle Ghost quells his roaring panic into a tense, “Spooker, be careful, we don’t know if the entity is nearby.”
Spooker appears duly contrite, so he lets it go this once, if only because he doesn’t fully grasp the peril they are in. Hell, even Ghost’s not sure what the bigger picture is. If that entity is truly Katrina, then what are her motives? And if it isn’t, did the others see someone else?
Spooker is currently loading some new batteries into his flashlight, so Ghost feigns at inspecting some old flip phones on one of the shelves near Spooker and asks hesitantly, “That girl earlier, you saw her too right?”
“The one with the sharp claws and hair all in her eyes? Yeah, why?”
“Hm. Interesting,” is all he can say.
So if it’s something pretending to be her to toy with him, why did everyone see Katrina, instead of their own illusions? Is it just another layer to the deception? Why bother?
What is the point?
“Is that Nokia particularly thought-provoking, or are you gonna tell me what you’re thinking about?” Spooker had apparently appeared over his shoulder sometime while he was lost in thought, and Ghost jerks around, slamming into the shelf of Nokias, now behind him.
A loud CLANG resonates throughout the room, reverberating off the surrounding machinery in ways that seem almost staged -- it’s hauntingly ethereal.
Spooker’s hands fly out to steady him immediately, a look of concern clearly written on his face. For some reason, despite all logic, the first thing he notices is how close they are to each other. The second is the pain in his back. He hisses.
Spooker’s hands flit about nervously, from Ghost’s shoulder to his face before he curls his fists at his sides, nails digging into his palms. “I didn’t mean to scare you like that -- okay maybe a little but-” Ghost’s mouth twitches upwards in amusement involuntarily. “-I didn’t think you’d startle that badly! Really! I’m so so sorry-”
Ghost realizes that Spooker could probably apologize all day if allowed to, so he cuts in, “I’m fine Spooker.” it’s mostly the truth, he’ll probably bruise like hell tomorrow morning, but other than that he’s okay. He’s been through much worse on a mission, so he tries to seem sincere when he smiles slightly and says, “Seriously, it’s nothing to worry about, I’m alright.”
Spooker seems placated for all of two seconds before he suddenly squints at Ghost with heavy suspicion. “Are you saying that because you’re actually fine, or because your pain-rating scale only has the options of ‘not bleeding out or missing limbs, so doing fine,’ and ‘currently bleeding out or missing limbs, might need assistance if the situation is truly dire?’”
Ghost glances away, he’s not exactly wrong - not that he’ll admit that. “It’s actually fine, just a small bruise.”
“Uh huh.” He doesn’t sound convinced. “Turn around, let me see it.”
“Wha-Why? I told you it’s fine!” He is not whining right now, that would be childish. He’s just...objecting loudly. Yes.
“Yeah, and I totally believe you. Turn around.”
Ghost eyes the space under Spooker’s arm, calculating possible escapes. “We have much more important things to do than play doctor Spooker. Like finding a way out of here perhaps? You can swaddle me in bubble wrap when we get out of here for all I care, but right now I’d like to keep moving forward.”
Spooker seems to debate this for a few moments before blinking a few times and replying, “Fine, but if you start struggling to keep up I’m not going to be so nice.” He moves back, letting Ghost slide past him and out from between the shelves. Ghost has to push aside the very strong feeling that he’s had that conversation before.
Ghost ignores the inexplicable heat in his cheeks and starts scanning the room for an exit. For some reason it feels like the temperature has risen quite a bit since they entered, maybe the next room will be cooler. It could be some sort of elaborate trap to slowly boil them to death without them noticing. Who really knows with ghosts.
The walls around the machines are solid grey concrete, smooth and uniform. Ghost searches for some sort of inconsistency, a flaw somewhere, and eventually he finds a small notch in the otherwise perfect walls, and moves to investigate.
As he starts to approach it the sound of something metal hitting the floor ricochets from behind the shelves. “S-Sorry! My...My bad....”
“You alright?”
“Fine! Fine! Everything is fine!” Spookers voice is an octave too high to be deemed truly fine, but Ghost chalks it up to being startled by the loud noise. He looks back at the notch in the wall. Suddenly, he realizes that engraved just above the notch is a long string of symbols he’s never seen before. He wonders how he didn’t notice the intricate carvings until now.
“ᚱᛖᛋᛏ ᛁᚾ ᛏᚺᛖ ᚨᚱᛗᛋ ᛟᚠ ᚹᚺᛖᚱᛖ ᛃᛟᚢᚱ ᛋᛟᚢᛚ ᛁᛋ ᚱᛟᛟᛏᛖᛞ. ᛒᚱᛖᚨᛏᚺᛖ ᛁᚾ ᛏᚺᛖ ᚨᚢᚱᚨ ᛏᚺᚨᛏ ᛃᛟᚢ ᛋᚺᚨᚱᛖ. ᛟᚾᚲᛖ ᛏᚺᛖᛋᛖ ᚲᛟᚾᛞᛁᛏᛁᛟᚾᛋ ᚺᚨᚹᛖ ᛒᛖᛖᚾ ᛗᛖᛏ, ᛏᚺᛖ ᛈᚨᛏᚺ ᚹᛁᛚᛚ ᛟᛈᛖᚾ.”
Squinting at it, he decides to call Spooker over. Spooker scampers up, yet again hovering just over his left shoulder. Ghost is starting to think he just likes being there. For some reason this doesn’t bother him. He doesn’t know why.
Spooker looks at the symbols for a few seconds like they’re familiar, before finally he exclaims, “Oh! I know what those are - Those are Nordic Runes - specifically Elder Futhark!”
“You just...knew that?”
“I’ve always been into occult stuff, y’know? Apparently people still use these for divination today! But it’s also a language - like right here...” He points at one that looks like a fancy M over Ghost’s shoulder, and he’s beaming so brightly that Ghost is pretty sure he’s found the reason it’s so hot in this room - the warmth in his smile as he talks could rival the sun. Spooker keeps talking, explaining what different runes mean and their individual names, and Ghost realizes he’s been staring at Spooker’s face instead of paying attention, so he looks back at the runes and hopes he hadn’t noticed. Spooker doesn’t mention it if he does, just keeps talking about runes and their meanings, and it settles a part of Ghost he hadn’t even realized was jittery until now.
Something in the notched section of wall clicks twice, and not a second later does the wall slide open in one smooth motion. Behind it lies a rather dull looking corridor, with plain, dark walls, and a sharp turn about twenty feet ahead. They both jump slightly at the sudden change, but just as quickly steel themselves and enter, unwilling to test how long it would remain open. “Do you know what opened it?”
Spooker’s eyes flick side to side like he’s debating with himself. “Well, the clue was really vague...So I’m not really sure..” He scratches his chin. He’s pretty sure Spooker is hiding something, but asking what the clue was when he probably said it earlier is practically announcing that he wasn’t actually paying attention, so instead he just replies, “Huh, weird. Well as long as we’re making progress it can’t be a bad thing. Let’s go.”
Spooker, for one reason or another, stays silent.
Oh. It seems he forgot where he was.
As they round the corner they are met with the one and only Katrina - or whatever it is that’s pretending to be her - standing about thirty feet down the hallway. Ghost could swear she’s smiling under her mop of hair. He wants to run, or scream, or just, at the very least, move, preferably somewhere where the blood red eyes piercing through her veil of hair can’t follow him. But he can’t. He’s stuck to the spot, like he’s been sautered to the floor. He feels a presence behind him - and it can’t be her because he’s staring right at her; so it must be Spooker hovering just over his left shoulder, just like always, and if he wasn’t frozen in place he might have cried with relief. He manages to drag a shaking hand backwards until it meets Spooker’s, intertwining their fingers with a bruising grip. Katrina observes this, before nodding her head in what looks like approval. She turns on her heel and shambles back the way she presumably came.
“Wh-” His voice cracks, forcing him to pause and gather himself. “What was that. Why did she-I don’t, I don’t understand. Why-Why would…I don’t understand-” The jittery fragment grows restless, feeding off of his panic. He doesn’t understand what it is, he doesn’t understand what just happened, he doesn’t understand anything at all.
The fragment is growing agitated now. He doesn’t know why or how or what it is. It’s hungry. It’s so hungry. How did he end up on the ground? When did he start laughing? There’s someone talking somewhere. They feel familiar, safe. Who were they again? He’s still holding their hand. A face has come into view, or maybe they lifted his head. He feels like he’s watching through a window. The face - so so familiar, yet completely unrecognizable - wipes tears from his cheeks. Is he crying? They look worried; it looks wrong on their face. Wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong--
It’s all wrong.
This isn’t happening. It can’t be. It’s not real.
Spooker - that’s his name - looks at him with a frantic, desperate, fearful look in his eyes. He’s still laughing, he realizes.
“I saw you die,” falls from his mouth, unbidden. He doesn’t know why. “The axe. It killed you.” He giggles hysterically, but it’s choked off by more tears.
“I know,” Spooker says in a soothing voice, like he’s talking to a caged animal, “I know, I’m sorry.” They’re still holding hands, even after all of this. He looks down to see that his nails have dug deep enough into Spooker’s hand to draw blood. He starts to pull away, but Spooker catches his wrist. “Hey, it’s okay. I’ll be fine. You can hold on for as long as you need, okay?”
“Okay. Okay.” Everything is still so foggy, but the red haze is gone. “What’s wrong with me?”
“Nothing. Nothing is wrong with you okay?”
“But, normal....normal people don’t.” He swallows thickly. “Don’t do this.”
“No, no they don’t,” Spooker agrees.
“So why am I?”
“We’re gonna figure it out, okay? We’ll figure it out together.”
“Okay.” He feels very small. Vulnerable. Scared. He finds himself longing for a mansion he’s never seen before; tall and green and empty, so empty. Home.
He suddenly feels exhausted. “I-I can’t,” he blinks rapidly, trying to stem the drooping of his eyelids.
“It’s okay, you can rest. I’ll still be here when you wake up.”
The next time his eyes close, he drifts off into a dreamless sleep.
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The Arrangement pt 2
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Strider shook his head with laughter as you fell from a tree. “Owww” you whined. “How is it that you can climb trees but coming back down is an issue?” Strider teased. “I blame lack of balance.” you said. He kneeled next to you, pulling you forward before you winced. He shook his head and you sighed. “When are we heading back?” you asked. “We should be back by nightfall.” Strider said. You almost seemed to pout in response. “Come now, it won’t be that bad.” Strider said, helping you up. “It’s enough that I was born into the the title, but now I have to officially accept it through a ceremony. This is ridiculous.” You huffed. “Buuuttt you can’t get out of it.” Strider said. “I mean... You could kidnap me.” you suggested. He rolled his eyes. “Y/n, you know the deal.” he said. “Alright! Alright. But only if you suffer through the coronation too.” you said. “Y/n, I was already going.” He said. You grinned. “Really? Color me impressed for wanting to be there!” You said. “....I never said I wanted to go, I said I was going” He said. 
You two walked, you listening to the trees with a sigh. “What are they saying?” He asked. He wasn’t elven and didn’t have the gift for listening to nature. He had heard from others on how elves could listen to nature. “Others have been through here. Probably on their merry little ways to my official ceremony of suffering.” you said making him shake his head. “Some people would kill for this life.” He said. “When have I been other people?” you asked. “...Fair point.” He nodded. 
A wind brushed your face, almost like a caress. You smiled and let out a breath. "It's like the trees know I'm uneasy." You said. "What makes you nervous?" Strider asked. "I have a tendency to... Embarrass myself in front of the royalty in my family." You muttered. "I'm sure it's not--" "I've accidentally stabbed Galadriel with a fork at dinner. Do not finish that sentence." You halted. Strider blinked. "Y/n. Remember, there's at least two friends in that room with you." He said. "Two?" You asked. "I assume you're close with Arwen?" He asked. You nodded slowly but seemed to have a questioning look on your face. "...Yes. You seem to bring her up a lot more, is there something going on between you two?" You asked. Strider rose a brow. "Are you asking me if I'm involved with your sister?" He asked. "Are you?" You asked. "No." He said.
While Arwen was beautiful, she was different. You were more complex, more unpredictable. Arwen was, to put it simply, who Elrond wanted you to be. You had certain similarities, you were unbelievably kind, intelligent, and definitely beautiful. But your beauty was ethereal. It was unreal to Strider how you seemed so beautiful at times where you didn't mean to. When you were pulling back your hair, when you were listening to the trees, when you reading, when you were talking to your sister and laughing with her. It made him question if Arwen was accurate in her thinking.
Something about seeing you actually enjoy home at times made him happy. It let him know that you weren't completely miserable where you were, just not exactly happy with your situation. It was way to assure him that you were okay once he left. At times Strider didn't really want to leave you. Hell. There were days were he actually missed you. He'd keep it to himself but it would show when he'd see you again and he'd smile.
You walked, looking over at Strider who was awfully quiet. "What's going on in that head of yours?" You asked. He realized he had been lost in thought this whole time, being quiet. It wasn't an unusual thing by any means for him to go silent. It was slightly unusual though for him to be silent while staring at you. Course that would be unusual for anyone.
"You'll make a good ruler one day." He said. You let out a small chuckle but realized he was being sincere. "...What makes you say that?" You asked. "You have the heart of a good queen." He said. You blinked, stopping and looking at him. "What?" He asked. "Nothing. Just a odd thing I've heard from a friend." You said. That's when you seemed to perk up. "I just realized something!" You gasped. He blinked. "What?" Strider asked. "Come on!" You ushered him forward. "Wha-- Y/n, what's going on?!" He asked, laughing slightly at your child-like excitement. "One of my friends is coming to this!" You said. "So you do have friends!" Strider teased. "He's actually a prince. Really interesting. Come onnnn!" You said rushing.
You were moving faster now, finally reaching Rivendell as the sun set. Elrond was greeting Galadriel, when he looked over. You noticed the familiar white horse, the elven sigil on inscribed on it's saddle. You dragged Strider with you as you looked around. "Arwen!" You whisper shouted. She looked over. "You're back early." She noticed. "Is he here?" You asked. She rolled her eyes. "I rarely get to see him!" You huffed. She pointed and you dragged Strider by his hand. Arwen shook her head with a small smile as he seemed to laugh. He was in love and she knew it. The question was: did he know yet?
"Legolas!" You called. A white haired figure turned around, a smile falling over him as you hugged him. "It is good to see you old friend!" You said. He pulled away blinking. "There's a man here." Legolas noticed. "Oh, Strider this is Legolas. Legolas this is Strider, my best friend." You introduced. Legolas shook his hand. "I see I've been overthrown as her best friend." Legolas teased. "You're never here to reclaim that title." You said with an eye roll. Strider looked around him, seeing the royalty. He felt slightly out of place but didn't seem to care. "Have you said hello to Arwen yet?" You asked as she walked over. "Not yet-- hello your grace." He answered.
"Good evening Legolas." She said with a smile. "Glad to see my sister is actually enjoying herself." Arwen said. "Is Haldir here?" You asked. "Yes, he's going to be there." Arwen said. She looked at you and sighed. "You need to change Y/n." She said, knowing damn well there would be a struggle. "As do you." She added to Strider. "I--" "I've left clothes in the room you usually stay in, Y/n if you struggle with me tonight out of all nights there will be hell to pay." She said, gritting her teeth while maintaining that sweet smile. "Oh I will wreak havoc." You muttered as she dragged you off, making Strider smile.
"How long have you known Y/n?" Legolas asked, sitting on the edge of the fountain. "A few months." He said. "I take it you're staying for the coronation?" Legolas asked. "Yes I am." He nodded. "Elrond has referred to you as an ambassador of sorts." He said. Strider bit back a laugh at this but nodded. "Word of advice. Stick to the back on the walls with Haldir and me and you should be fine." He said. "You really should change though. Elves in this setting tend to be..." Legolas leaned forward. "Judgmental. Emphasis on the mental." He said earning a silent snort from Aragorn.
Aragorn changed rather quickly, leaving his belongings in what was now basically his designated room. He looked at the ring that rested in one of the pockets in his pack, closing his eyes and remembering simpler times when his father spoke of preparing him for a day like this. Elrond was aware of his identity, giving the ring to him. How Elrond found out was lost on Aragorn, but he knew nonetheless. For some reason, you didn’t know. He wasn’t going to question why but he was confused on why your father wouldn’t tell you that he was the heir to Isildur. He put the ring back in the bag, walking out and back to Legolas. 
"Why is Y/n taking so long?" Strider asked. "Have you met her? She's probably fighting Arwen out of the dress as we speak." Legolas said. Truth be told he had never seen you out of armor. Not in royal garb anyway. You were always running wild in your armor, bringing stress to your father when Strider made himself present. "They're making it seem like the coronation is tonight." Strider said, noticing the servants run back and forth. "Tonight is the dinner before it with the leaders. Unfortunately we all must sit and suffer through it." Legolas muttered. "You don't seem to enjoy the royal life like the rest do." Strider noticed. "Me and Y/n share opinions on this. We believe the best way to keep a kingdom safe is to assist the people, making a point to not fear straying outside of the gates to actually protect your land. Instead our rulers don't leave their homes unless it's a political reason." Legolas explained. Strider nodded. "You don't get along with your father, do you?" He asked. "No. I don't." Legolas said. "Hm. I'm really beginning to understand the dynamic of your friendship with Y/n." Strider said. Legolas smiled, nodding. "The parallels of our lives are not lost on us." He said.
Finally you walked down the stairs, air getting stuck in Strider's throat. The dress was blue, sleeves hanging off you. You wore a small silver circlet, really showing your role as princess. "Arwen, this is very uncomfortable." You whispered. "Deal. With. It." She whispered. You rolled your eyes, walking over. "I see she attacked you with a corset." Legolas said. "And my own crown. This. Is. Hell." You muttered. Strider's eyes seemed wide as he looked at you. You looked over at Strider, stopping for a moment. "You... Clean up nice." You said, Legolas noticing the strange tension. "...As do you." Aragorn said. Arwen and Legolas exchanged a knowing look.
Elrond came over, making you cut your attention away. "The dinner is commencing soon, are you ready?" He asked. "Yes father." You said. "Strider is your escort tonight and tomorrow. My gift to you." He said with a slight eye roll. "Thank you father." You said with slight relief. "And you both look beautiful. Your mother would've loved to see this." Elrond said, putting a loving hand to your cheek. You and Arwen gave small smiles. Your eyes seemed to gloss over with sadness. "Strider, a moment please." Elrond said. He followed the lord, speaking with him. "Please try to keep Y/n calm. She has a tendency to... Shoot off at the mouth with royalty. Tonight out of all nights I need her to be proper." Elrond said. "I will do what I can, you know Y/n--" "There is no controlling her." Both of the men said in unison. It was odd really. It was like for a second they were... Bonding? "I can't make any promises, but I will do what I can." Strider said. "Thank you. Oh and if anyone asks, you're an ambassador." Elrond said before leaving. "... Ambassador?" He muttered to himself.
Strider walked back over, you looking at him. He smiled slightly and you smiled back, looking down as Arwen and Legolas talked. "It seems our team is back together." Haldir said, walking over. You chuckled, hugging the man. "team?" Strider asked. "Oh this group usually stays glued to the wall, whispering amongst themselves and trying to break the royal guard." Haldir said. "Break the royal guard?" Strider asked. "Guards here are trained to be very stoic and stone faced. They will stand next to them and get these men with years of training to crack a smirk, smile or laugh." Haldir said with a small laugh. "I believe our record was fifteen minutes, after the words 'flarpy blunderfloof' came out of Y/n's mouth." Arwen recalled making you all laugh. Strider smiled at this. You seemed to enjoy this particular group of people and that was nice, to see a smile like that on your face.
"Y/n, we're starting." Elrond called. You winced. "Shit." You muttered. The group all walked, Strider next to you. Galadriel and Thranduil stood near the table conversating with one another. Your heart pounded in your ears as you stood there, grabbing Strider's hand as an instinct out of fear. He looked over, seeing your frozen features. “Y/n. Breathe.” Legolas said, standing on your other side. “My. feet. won’t. move.” you muttered. “Y/n. It’s a pleasure to see you again.” Galadriel said. You let go of Strider’s hand, Galadriel hugging you, She whispered an incantation in your ear, you immediately feeling calmer. “Thank you.” You whispered. “You seemed anxious.” she said softly, pulling away. “Let’s sit.” Legolas suggested. You nodded, Legolas pulling your chair out for Arwen’s chair out before he sat down. Strider pulled your chair out before sitting next to you, you looking at the elves around you. Legolas nudged you, nodding to the stone faced soldiers by the doors and you bit back a smile. 
The evening continued with talks of politics, speaking of the leaders. Then the story of the ring made the air tense “Whatever happened to that ring anyway?” One of the ambassadors asked. “Isildur never disposed of it. It’s been lost ever since.” Elrond said. Strider seemed to tense up, swallowing his drink. You seemed bored by the conversation, Strider taking it as you’ve heard this many times. Arwen looked over at Strider who had a unreadable expression. “I don’t think it has been... Completely lost.” you said, earning looks to you. “Are you implying you know where the ring is?” Thranduil asked. You shifted slightly. “I’ve heard rumblings. From the trees and the earth. Something is happening out there. Something strange.” You said. “I’ve heard similar rumblings myself.” Galadriel agreed. Good. So you weren’t on the brink of insanity. 
“Considering how long the ring has been hidden, I don’t expect it to turn up any time soon.” Thranduil commented. “Neither do I. Though it doesn’t hurt to be cautious.” Elrond nodded. “It won’t turn up for at least another twenty years.” Galadriel said. “Experiencing your visions again dear?” Celeborn asked. “This is one I can see clearly.” She said simply. “It will come to us in a unexpected form.” She said. “Will we be rid of the damn thing?” Thranduil asked. “That is not clear.” She said with slight disappointment. Legolas looked over at you with a small distain. 
“While we’re on the subject of foresight... Is there any way you can examine Y/n or at least Arwen?” Elrond asked. You turned your vision to Galadriel. “Would you mind?” Galadriel asked. You stood up, moving to her. Thranduil moved so you could sit in his seat, you giving her your hands as you sat. “There are many things to see with you my dear.” She said, closing her eyes. “You have a strong will to protect. Very appropriate for a leader to have.” Galadriel said softly. Strider rose a brow as Galadriel opened her eyes, wide with surprise. “Is something wrong?” you asked. “You will sit upon a throne if the future is hopeful.” She said. “with the man.” She added, everyone’s vision going to Strider. “I don’t think--” “There is more to you than you are telling us.” She said. Strider swallowed hard, disturbed by this comment. 
You looked at Galadriel and then Strider. “You are--” “stop.” you halted. Everyone looked to you. “I trust Strider. If he truly has been keeping another identity then he will tell me with time.” You said simply. “You put a lot of trust in someone who’s been lying to you.” Thranduil said, a disapproving look on his face. “It was foolish to assume is birth name was ‘Strider’ to begin with. I think it’s more of a title than an actual name.” You fired back. “She’s not wrong.” Strider said, clearing his throat. “We were well aware of the concealed identity.” Arwen said with a sigh. You looked over surprised. “Foresight runs within my veins as well.” She said. “You know?” Strider asked, now realizing how Elrond must’ve learned this. “I have known for two months.” She said, sipping on her elven wine. She must’ve told Elrond... She had to for him to just abruptly give him the ring. “Strider. A word.” You said, nodding to the doors. 
You pulled him into another room. “What the hell is going on in there?” you asked. “I...” He sighed. “I will explain after this. It’ll make more sense.” He said. “Promise me that I can still trust you after this.” you said. He paused, looking in your eyes. “Promise me that you are going to be honest with this, and tell me the truth.” You said. He couldn’t lie to those eyes. Those beautiful, telling eyes. “I will try.” he said. You nodded before walking back in. 
The evening continued, an awkward tension over everyone as time passed. Finally though, it was over, you and Strider walking to his room. “Are you going to explain?” you asked. He nodded, walking over to his pack. He pulled out the small silver band, it made to look like two serpents protecting the small emerald in the center. You recognized this and stared at him with wide eyes. “You’re... There’s no way.” You gaped. “I am Aragorn. Son of Arathorn II and Gilraen.” He said. You swallowed. “Now I know why you kept it from me. That’s... Quite a lot of information to process.” You gaped. “Take all the time you need, I understand if this makes things tense between--” “Why haven’t you made a claim for Gondor?” you asked. He put his hand on the back of his head, looking away. “I don’t trust myself to be a leader.” He admitted. “Why?” You asked. “My ancestor, the one from which I receive this ring from, is someone who became mad with power.” He said. You frowned. “What if temptation weakens me like it did him?” Aragorn asked. You stepped forward, lifting both of his hands and pulling back his sleeve and placing both of your thumbs on his veins. “You may share his blood Aragorn. But you will never be like Isildur.” you said softly. “How do you know that?” Aragorn asked. “Because Isildur wouldn’t have been worried about messing things up this badly to a point where he walked away from power.” You said. He looked down and you shook your head. “There’s a heart that beats strong in your chest, one that fights every day to be less like his ancestors. For that I find you honorable.” you said softly. 
Aragorn swallowed hard, looking at you with wide eyes. “I should go to bed. Long day tomorrow.” you breathed. “Oh! What do you wish for me to call you?” you asked. “What?” He asked. “You’re clearly uncomfortable by your heritage so do you want me to call you ‘Strider’ or ‘Aragorn’?” You asked. He pondered. “Aragorn when we’re here or just you and me, Strider when we’re elsewhere and in the presence of others.” He said. “You got it, Aragorn.” you said, small smirk coming to play upon your lips as you left. 
Aragorn looked at the silver band that now rested on his bed. When he first received this ring it almost seemed to mock him with intimidation. Tonight though, he finally had a voice, clear as day give him reason. For the first time, Aragorn didn’t hate his name. For the first time, he could actually breathe.
For the first time, he wore the ring.  
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c4pricornc4ts · 4 years
The Best Prank - SBI One-Shot
This idea is by @bellfort3 ! Thank you for letting me take it. 
Summary:  He’d ask his mom if he could just quickly tweet something funny about him being grounded but really, isn’t a break from Tommy what everyone wants? Even his own fans used to find him annoying. Maybe everyone’s happy he’s gone. 
So he doesn’t ask. 
Tommy is tilting his head back in one of the uncomfortable leather seats outside the principal's office yet again this semester. He’s holding an already very bloody tissue up to his nose and swinging his legs while waiting for his mom to be interrupted in the middle of work yet again to come and take him home. 
He really tried not to get in another fight after how mad his mom was last time, but there were these asshole upperclassmen who just really deserved it for how much of an asshole they are to everyone, but especially him. 
He knew his mom would be livid, and he was completely right. He eyes her warily as she steps in the office and starts switching between apologizing profusely to the principal and lecturing him. The principal just hands her a paper to sign and tells them both very seriously that if he gets in one more fight he’s expelled. 
Tommy’s up getting another tissue when she all but drags him out the office door by his coat. 
“It’s really not that big of a deal!” He whines as she checks him over, before letting him get in the car. 
She leans her forehead against the steering wheel and sighs, gripping it tightly. “Not a big deal? Tom you can’t just get in fights with people! You heard your principal, one more and you’re out.”
“What am I supposed to do? Just let them be assholes?” He snapped at her, though he sounded less angry and more nasally from the tissue blocking his nose. 
“Go tell a goddamn teacher! I’m starting to think you like getting your nose broken.” 
“They don’t do shit!” 
His mom turns to him, he looks away. “Your grades are dropping, you’ve been in a total of three fights just this semester and now you’re snapping at me? What’s gotten into you?” 
“I’m sorry mom.” He mumbles. He does feel kind of bad about it all. But mostly he just wants the  conversation to end. 
“You’ve really left me no choice here you know.” She takes his phone out of his backpack. “No phone for a week, and no streaming either. I’m unplugging the wifi. You need to do some self reflection.” 
“Oh come on now, a whole week? It’s just a bloody nose it’s not like anybody died!” This was completely unfair. Streaming was his job, and how on earth will his friends know where he went? 
“You’ll thank me when you’re not repeating sophomore year.” She starts the car, focusing on the road now. Tommy makes no move to speak to her again not wanting to make anything worse. 
After he’s caught up on his school work it’s almost 8pm. He goes to sit in front of his computer, excited to just hang out with whoever was online and deflates in his seat when all he can do is play that stupid no internet dinosaur game. 
Even though it’s a stupid game he still plays it for at least an hour before giving up and just getting ready for bed. At least he had school tomorrow to keep him distracted. 
School goes by quickly, he complains to his friends about being grounded and over exaggerates the fight he was in and all his teachers give him looks when they see his bruised face but smile when he turns in his late work. 
He opens his front door and starts to head upstairs, preparing to stream before just leaning against the wall and sighing when he remembers his punishment. He has no homework though so really what was he supposed to do? 
Blue eyes look at the cookie mix left on the counter and Tommy makes a plan. He changes out of his school uniform and makes sure to give his mom a pointed look before running back to the kitchen. 
He reads the back of the box, leaning against the counter; 2 eggs, ½ cup of water, and ⅓ cup of olive oil. It sounds easy enough. The only trouble he has is trying to crack the eggs without getting any shells in the bowl. He thinks about when he met up with his friends and how Wilbur and Phil made it a competition to see which of the two could crack an egg with one hand the cleanest. 
Tommy stares at the unmixed bowl, his hands covered in baking ingredients, wondering if any of his online friends missed him. They always seem relieved he’s not around when they stream and Tommy tries to remember they’re talking about his character, but it hurts. There’s only so many times he can hear his pseudo family call him annoying and a problem before it starts to feel more personal. 
It hurt, he always played it off so well on stream but after streams where they were particularly rude to him he always just felt drained. 
He’d ask his mom if he could just quickly tweet something funny about him being grounded but really, isn’t a break from Tommy what everyone wants? Even his own fans used to find him annoying. Maybe everyone’s happy he’s gone. 
So he doesn’t ask. 
Suddenly, he doesn’t want to finish his baking project. He really just wants to lie down and sleep for the week. But he does, though it feels a lot less exciting than it did at first. 
He takes the cookies out of the oven with his bare hands yelling about how that’s his least favorite part before turning around and coming face to face with his very confused mom holding an oven mitt. 
He runs his hands under some cold water and takes a few cookies up to his room, leaving the rest out. He closes the door and plays some minecraft in single player for a while, walking into the house he and Tubbo had built together when his friend had visited. 
Tubbo doesn’t hate him, he liked Tubbo. 
It’s only his fourth day of no internet and Tommy is incredibly bored. He had done just about everything he could think of to do. He feels bad for kids who grew up like this because honestly, how did they do it? 
He supposes it’s different when you don’t rely on the internet for your job, or if you just never knew it was a thing. If he was born before the internet maybe he would write that book he always wanted to write. 
Tommy is staring at a book on knitting and fumbling around the two needles, trying to make his weekend at least somewhat productive. The tv in the living room is turned down and Tommy curls up on the end of the couch with a roll of green yarn.
He begins to get the hang of the whole knitting thing after three very messy rows when his mom messes up his hair, causing him to look up with a glare. 
“We’re going out, don’t you try to get on anything or it’ll be two weeks!” 
“I have ascended past the need for electronics, as you can see.” He laughs and keeps trying to tie off the fourth row. 
The door clicks shut and Tommy tosses the yarn aside and sits up. Sighing hard enough to blow his hair out of his face before flopping back down on the couch dramatically. 
He throws an arm over his eyes and resolves to just lie down for a bit, not bothering to even fix the knitting book which had landed open on the floor next to him. 
He just let’s the colors flickering from the tv wash over him for a while when the doorbell rings. He ignores it, as his parents didn’t tell him anyone would be coming by. Hoping it was just the mail. 
The person at the door starts knocking after a few moments, so Tommy begrudgingly gets up to answer. 
He really wasn’t expecting Wilbur to be standing in his front yard, checking his phone. He looked troubled, as if he was worrying it was the wrong house or something. Tommy takes a deep breath and goes to find out what Wilbur wanted. 
“Tommy! Where’ve you been? Everyone’s been so worried I decided to make a trip here.” Wilbur just let’s himself in, walking right past Tommy and into the kitchen. 
“Oh, just busy with school y’know?” He knows it’s a weak excuse, but it’s worth a shot. 
“Too busy to just send a message to someone?” Of course that didn’t work on Wilbur. Philza or Tubbo would’ve accepted that excuse in a heartbeat. But not Wilbur. 
“I thought no one would care. It’s only a week.” He opens the fridge, trying to act nonchalant about the situation. 
“Only a week? Tommy, you usually text us everyday! Of course we’re gonna notice.” 
“Notice? Yes. Care? No.” He mumbles bitterly. Freezing up right after, hand still on the fridge handle. 
“Of course we care! Wha- Why would you think we didn’t-” Tommy feels a bit bad, Wilbur sounds genuinely hurt by it. But Tommy wasn’t done. 
“You all always talk about how annoying I am, for-fucking-give me for giving you and everyone else a break.” He turns towards the older, and tries to stop his eyes from watering. Trying to tell himself he’s mad, not upset. 
“It’s all jokes Tommy, you know we don’t actually feel that way about you.” Wilbur pushes off the counter and takes a tentative step towards Tommy. Who makes sure Wilbur notices him step back. 
“What’s so funny about it? I go from school where everyone seems to hate me just to talk to more people who act like they hate me. And I’m really, really tired of it.” He falters by the end of the statement, realizing that maybe he is more than just mad. 
He knows he’s crying, his shoulders shake and his face feels hot as he looks anywhere but at Wilbur’s face. Was it so bad of him to just want people in his corner for once? Is he really such an annoyance that someone had to drive all the way to his house because he didn’t just find a way to contact any of them? 
“Oh, Tommy.” Wilbur murmurs, his voice sounds soft. And Tommy leans into his shoulder for support. He should probably just sit down, but he really just wants some comfort right now. Even if the one who made him so upset is the one he gets it from. 
Wilbur pulls him in, enveloping him in an actual hug. And Tommy can’t deny it does make him feel a bit better. 
“I’m being ridiculous, I'm sorry. I-I know you guys don’t mean it. It just- It hurts.” He’s crying again, and he really hopes Wilbur doesn’t make him stop hiding his face. 
“You’re not being ridiculous, we should’ve looked out for you better. I just assumed you were okay with it, but I never even asked you. I’m the one who’s sorry. So you take your sorry back.” 
“Sorry for being sorry.” He whispers back softly, laughing over his own joke. 
Wilbur holds him for a bit longer, and he tries to wipe his face before stepping back. 
“I’ll talk to Techno and Philza if that’s okay. I never want you to feel like I wouldn’t care if you left, I’m sure they wouldn’t want you too either.” 
“That’s- thanks, Wilbur.” 
Wilbur claps his hands together excitedly. “Now, tell me what TommyInnit does when there’s no internet to waste his time on.” 
“Wilbur you won’t believe it but I got to the point of boredom where you learn to knit. To knit, Wilbur!” He’s dragging Wilbur by the arm into the living room to show him the barely finished hat he’d started. And laughing when Wilbur fusses at him for leaving the book sprawled on the floor like it was. The moment earlier was completely forgotten. 
And if Wilbur made a tweet that night, well he’d delete it before Tommy got his phone back so really, no one gets hurt here. 
Wilbur Soot (@WilburSoot)
Tommy’s grounded LMAOO and won’t have his phone for the next few days, quick comment nice paragraphs under his latest tweet to confuse him haha, the best prank I think.
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crimsonskies1124 · 4 years
My Lovely Human Chapter 2: Beloved
A sigh of contentment was breathed out of the Naga's mouth as he held his beloved in his arms. Risotto moves rather quickly to his large spacious den in excitement, the thought of spending his life with his beloved filled him with desire. The inside of his den is much bigger than an average Naga's den. It was nice and wide and had a big bed made of fur that he collected himself when he goes out to hunt. There was bones and skulls laying around inside the den as well but most of them were near the front entrance of his den for mainly decoration. He appreciate the aesthetic of skulls, enjoying the feel of the dark sockets and bony structure.
Risotto gently places (Y/N) on the king's size bed and drinks up in her beauty. No one was as beautiful as she was. So small, so docile, so kind. He loved her hair, big eyes, round face, and plump lips. How he loved to have her lips around him. His blood red eyes trail down her body, she didn't have the biggest breast but not the smallest either. He wasn't too fussy about that. Risotto places his large hand on her flat stomach and thought how beautiful she be with her stomach all round and swollen with his babies. He gripped her wide hips that are perfect for bearing his children. Risotto growled, his tail swishes excitedly and grips harder until she lets out a small whimper and stops.
"Grr...not yet.." He loosens his hold of her and composes himself. Risotto slithers out of his den and picks up the skull holding it in his hands. The skull was so small in his grip, he moves his long fingers against the rough cheek bones and wondered how soft her face would feel if he caress them. As he was deep in thought from this a voice called out to him, a voice he knew to well.
"Risotto! Where the fuck have you been!?" An angry blonde rushes to him, his hair was tied neatly in braids, icy blue eyes and wore a couple accessories around his neck that were out of gold , especially his long necklace. His scales were dark purple with white streaks that gave a web like design.
"Prosciutto. Lower your voice. You'll wake her up." He grunted and glanced at her. "I told you I was taking care of some troublesome hunters." He placed his skull back down.
"Wha!? Her?" He squinted his eyes and looks over his shoulder to see a young small human sleeping on his bed, a bed that was far too big for her. "Is..Don't tell me that's a human in your den."
Risotto nodded at his question. "Are you fucking kidding me! You know as well as I do how dangerous humans are! Why do you have it here?"
He crossed his arms displeased. "Don't call my beloved an it. She's...different from other humans. She's not like the others."
Prosciutto looks at him with disbelief. Don't tell me that thing is suppose to be his mate? He sighed placing two of his fingers on the bridge of his nose sighing. He opens his mouth about to speak once more until he saw the younger Naga Illuso who is a teenager.
"Capo! You're finally back!" He grins holding a spear in his hand and a bag of fish. "You were gone for a really long time." His hair brown long hair were tied in low braids and had eyes as red as Risotto but it looked like there was more life in his eyes than Risotto. His scales were more bland than the other nagas. His didn't glow as brightly as the others and was a simple beige color.
He nodded. "I just got back today. I was about to head into the village . Come Proscuitto we have matters to discuss with others."
The blonde looks back at the den. He grumbled a bit. It will have to a matter he will have to discuss later with keeping a human in his den. He watches Illuso go back home probably to Formaggio about the amount of fish he got.
Both He and Risotto made their way down to the village where the rest of their kind lived. They were a isolated species that has closed themselves off to the rest of the world due to the confliction with humans eons ago. They did not have a very big population either, in fact their species had one of the lowest numbers in population of this forest.
As they both make their way to the headquarters a lot of Nagas bowed and greeted Risotto with respect and a lot of Nagi saw Risotto and followed him and three of them linked arms with him. "Nero! You finally came back." One spoke out and giggled. the second spoke out next. "Nero do you have time for us please? You been gone for so long." The third agreed and rubs her head against his chest.
Risotto pulls away without looking at them. "I don't have time for this. I have important matters to attend to." He could hear them whining and hearing how much they missed him. He knew how desperate those nagi were.
"Popular as ever capo." A naga with with long blonde choppy hair that covered one eye grins at him. " Shame those cute nagi are perfect candidates for an heir." He licked his lips from the thought . His scales were black with purple circle patterns on it.
Risotto sighed . "Maybe you should spend time with them instead Melone."
Melone lets out a small laugh. "Oh they simply won't do my dear capo! I want the mother of my children to be perfect." Not any nagi would do for him, he had high expectations. He follows both Proscuitto and Risotto in and yelling could be heard. " Ahh..looks like he got Ghiaccio all fired up again." Letting out a small hissing sound at the end of his sentence.
The room was in a disarray , there was milk on the walls and eggs were cracked open on the floor and two nagas fighting. "That's enough. You two clean this mess right now." Risotto speaks in a commanding voice.
"But it's Formaggio ! He started it first!" A loud booming voice was spoken by a male with curly blue hair and red glasses.
"I don't care. Both of you clean this up now." He glares at the both .
"R-Right! c'mon let's just clean it before he gets more mad." The male with a buzzcut hairstyle went to grab the the cleaning supplies and Ghiaccio clicked his tongue against his fangs and went to help clean up the place.
Once the two nagas cleaned up the place to how it was suppose to look before. They could start discussing the meeting . "You sure took your time coming back. Gone for 5 days. You're never gone for that long Capo." Melone spoke.
"Yeah that's true." Formaggio agreed. "
Prosciutto nodded. "Mind telling us what took you so long when you should have been hours later on the same day not 5 days."
Risotto sighed and nodded.
5 days ago
Risotto took it upon himself to take out the hunters that are in their territory and he could not risk the humans finding out about their species again. Humans were ugly disgusting greedy creatures that killed nagas out of fear and take their skin to make purses and take their fangs for profit that was what he thought before he met her, the love of his life.
Risotto had spotted one human that was rather close to the village. Something he must not allow to happen. The hunter was a young male who was smoking a cig. Risotto cringed in disgust. He would do not be a good meal at all. He moves from behind without making a sound and bites his shoulder and the hunter lets out a scream as the vemon was injected into his body and within moments the hunter was gasping for air and was coughing and hacking as he felt so much pain and his heart was pumping faster and faster as the vemon spread throughout the body until his heart couldn't keep up and stopped and didn't see his body move anymore. Risotto had a expressionless face as he watched the hunter perished before leaving him there.
"Wait! We shouldn't kill it! Aren't you suppose to preserve wild life?" A young woman spoke to a hunter and it was none other than (Y/N) who was trying to stop a hunter from killing a garden snake.
A hunter who looked like he was in his 30's looked at her and chuckled . "what gives little missy . We are preserving life . Our life and that's all that should matter. Now give him back. His skin would do good for a purse. Wouldn't you like that? All girls your age fancy those." Risotto hissed and glared at the hunter in disgust, oh how he wanted to end him right then are there.
(Y/N) shook her head holding he garden snake her hands as it wrapped itself around his arm. "The hunter's association is suppose to preserve all life. Even this little guy." She smiles and pets the little snake head.
The hunter looks at her in disgust. "Ugh! Whatever I'll be off . Stay away from the others they are dangerous!" He grabs his belongings and head off to the west side of the forest.
(Y/N) sighs. "They're all the same. " She gently puts the garden snake down . "There now run along now little guy before they find you again." She smiled as she watch the snake return to the wild. She hated how they abuse the system and killed any animal that had nothing to do with them or that they were a threat when they weren't. "Hm? Is someone there?"
Risotto quickly hid from her sight. He was always a master at stealth it was one of his abilities as a naga.
"Hmm..I guess I imagined it . I better get going." She turned her back towards him and headed back into town.
Risotto watches her leave the forest. So there were kind humans too. Humans were ugly and odd looking but she looked so beautiful , her beauty could even rival a goddesses. It was at that moment he had to have her and had taken care of the hunters while he slowly learned more about her. Watching her. Stalking her for those 5 days until that storm took him by surprise and by then it was too late for him to get back to his own village until she saved him too like that harmless garden snake.
Present Day
" That's the reason I was gone for so long . If it wasn't for her I wouldn't be alive." He clasped his hands together and the rest of the naga looked at him like he was crazy.
"A human!? A human of all things saved you!?" Ghiacco flailed his arms in disbelief . Risotto nodded
Melone had a playful grin on his face while formaggio still had a hard time processing this on how and why would Risotto would want to bring a human . Maybe as a pet or food he thought.
Prosciutto crosses his arms. "I don't agree with you bringing a human here. You're placing us in danger like this. But you are the alpha so I'll back off for now." He turns away not fully accepting it. "The minute the human opposes a threat it will die whether you like it or not Risotto."
Risotto nodded fully understanding this. Though he would make sure no harm comes to her not even his closet allies. "You're all dismissed."
(Y/N) groans a bit in her sleep and slowly opens her eyes as her vision slowly clears up. "Nnn.." She pressed her head against the pillows of the bed. It was the comfiest bed she ever laid on. Her vision finally clears up and looks up at the ceiling which was just the cave. "W-Where..? Where am I?" Her eyes widened after realizing that she was not home. She sat up and moves her head around and could see bones scattered on the floor.
"You're awake."
(Y/N) eyes widened and saw the giant serpent and her memory finally clears up . "Ahh!! Y-You! You're that Naga!" She backs up as much as possible on the bed.
"My name is Risotto, beloved." He moves closer to her which causes her to move back more until her back hits the wall.
"W-Where am I?" She started to shiver, her mind was still a bit fuzzy after being squeezed the life out of her earlier. She only remembers bits and pieces of it and was hoping that this was just a nightmare.
"You're in my den, away from human civilization." his tail wraps around her small wrist pulling her close to him making her gasp and wraps his arms around her placing her in his lap. He loved how small she was compared to him .
(Y/N) struggled in his grasp . His tail and scales felt cold and it scared her how easily he can pull her in . "What? Why! " She shook a bit, scared how far away she was from everyone else.
Risotto placed his hand under his chin and tilted up so she was looking up at him . "You're too good for them. Too pure hearted to live with those greedy humans. I mustn't let that happen. not to my mate." He leans forward and kisses her gently. Her lips were so soft and warm . It caught her by surprise and pulls away and Risotto just moves again to kiss her once more.
"W-Wai- mmph! Risotto St-" He kissed her once more and holds the back of her head and kisses much more deeper. She places her hands on his shoulders to try and push him off but couldn't he was so much stronger than she was. He brushes her tongue with his long forked tongue trying to get it in her mouth but closes her mouth and he growls and pushes her on the bed earning a gasp and kisses her once more before she had the chance to close her mouth and his tongue enters her mouth and explores her warm cavern it felt so good. he wrapped his tongue around hers . (Y/N) tightly closed her eyes squirming under his body as their tongues battle in dominance. He unwrapped his tongue around her and pushed his tongue down her throat which caused her squirm even more . His tail wrapped around her hips keeping her still and heard a small moan and deep throat her tongue and could feel himself being turned on more, more so than he has during mating season. He slowly pulled away watching her gasp for air.
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jaxsteamblog · 4 years
Click here to read the full fic on AO3
Because they were all mature, rational adults, Katara met with her friends at a coffee shop in Republic City to make one of the biggest decisions of her life. Sokka and Suki sat together on the one couch, establishing their dominance over one whole corner of the shop. Rohan sipped a blended drink with more sugar than caffeine, looking oddly pleased with themself. That was probably due to the fact that sitting opposite of them was Thuy and Toph. Mister Whiskers was under their couch, nosing the white cane Toph used when she was forced to wear shoes.
“Why are you here?” Katara asked Toph.
“Thuy is supposed to be training.” She answered. “Plus, it sounded like it could potentially be fun.”
“Don’t you have other students?” Katara questioned.
“You don’t need to worry about them, Sugar Queen.” Toph said with a chuckle.
“Wha- Sugar Queen?” Katara balked.
“So where’s Zuko?” Sokka asked.
“He’ll be here soon. He had to stop at the embassy.” Katara replied.
“While we’re waiting, I brought a selection of candidates.” Rohan said and laid out a line of magazines with a flourish.
Seeing the headlines, Katara covered her face and groaned.
“No tabloids Rohan.” She said from behind her hands.
“Well hey, I like this one. They’re reporting the existence of a creature known as a pig.” Sokka said.
“You mean a sheep pig?” Suki asked.
“Nope.” Sokka replied.
“What about a cow pig?” Thuy asked.
“Just says pig.” Sokka said.
“No way it’s just a pig.” Toph scoffed.
“It’s a tabloid!” Katara shouted, throwing her hands up. Seeing the people turn to stare, Katara smiled weakly and sank lower into her chair.
“Unicorn cream berry blast?” Rohan asked, offering their drink. Katara pushed it away and sat back up.
“We’re not announcing our relationship in a tabloid.” She hissed.
“Well they’ve already been talking about you.” Suki said, sliding one magazine off another and exposing the picture. It was grainy, but it showed Zuko and Katara dancing at her coronation.
“Lots of people have been talking about you two.” Toph confirmed.
“How do you know that?” Katara asked.
“Uh, I’m a Beifong? A lot of puffed up dirt brains have dinner with my parents in order to suck up and I have to go to a lot of them.” Toph said.
“Hey, sorry I’m late.” Zuko said as he swooped in on their corner. “I’m going to get a coffee, did you want anything?”
“Not tea?” Katara asked with a sly grin. Zuko did not look amused.
“If I drink commercial tea in public, my uncle will disown me.” He said.
“Oh, uhm, would you mind grabbing me a vanilla latte?” Katara asked.
“Sure.” He said and walked to the counter.
“Why don’t you use social media? Just announce it on your channel or something.” Thuy said.
“I don’t know if I want that to be in the same place where I post my pictures of cool rocks.” Katara said.
“You take pictures of rocks?” Toph asked.
“Only the cool ones.” Katara said.
Toph blinked. “What?”
“Anyway, I don’t really have the following for it to be what I need.” Katara said.
“I think it’s bonkers that the Avatar, the crown prince of the Fire Nation, and the Queen of the Water Tribes all have MicroDose accounts.” Toph said.
“You don’t?” Sokka asked.
“I’m gonna give you a chance to walk that question back.” Toph said.
“Yup, I got it now.” Sokka nodded and sat back on the couch. Suki chuckled and rubbed his knee.
“Ya walnut.” Toph muttered.
“Okay so, the good news is, I got our drinks for free.” Zuko said and walked around the couch, heading to where Katara sat. He handed her a cup and took a seat on the arm of her chair.
“What’s the bad news?” Katara asked as she lifted the cup to her mouth.
“The bad news is that I was recognized by the barista and now everyone is staring at us.” Zuko said.
“Was it the scar? Did the scar give it away?” Sokka asked, grinning.
“You know Sokka, I think it might’ve been the scar, yeah.” Zuko said.
“You know, Mister Whiskers has her own MicroDose account too. She has over three million followers!” Thuy said. She leaned over in her seat and peered adoringly down at the catgator. The animal rumbled in reply and it was a sound that shot fear into the prehistoric parts of Katara’s brain.
“Aww, Mister Whiskers wants some more whipped cream.” Thuy cooed.
“Have you decided anything yet?” Zuko questioned, resting his hand on the back of Katara’s chair.
“Only that we are not going the tabloid route.” She replied.
“They might do it for us if we don’t hurry.” He said.
Katara sighed and leaned against the other arm, propping her head on her fist.
“I know.” She said.
“Why don’t you guys just take the plunge and do an interview? I’m sure some talk show would love to have you.” Suki said.
“We thought about that. It’s just,” Katara started and then looked up at Zuko.
Sucking in air through her teeth, she looked back down at her cup. “Should we even be doing this?”
“Don’t you both have PR people for this?” Toph asked.
“Yeah, but we didn’t want them involved.” Zuko answered.
“Why not?” Toph pressed.
“Because the Fire Nation would not be kind to Katara.” Zuko started.
“And Arnook has been getting in my way since he doesn’t approve of the match.” Katara finished.
“Does anyone?” Toph asked.
“The Swamp Tribe does!” Thuy exclaimed cheerfully.
“Thuy has won them over with her exuberance.” Katara admitted. “They’re fine with the relationship.”
“And the South Pole is okay with it as long as our dad is okay with it.” Sokka said.
“What about the Fire Nation?” Suki asked.
Zuko moved his hand to Katara’s shoulder and she put her hand on top.
“That’s the reason why we’re hesitant.” Zuko said.
“But they can’t do anything about it right? There’s nothing in the law that says you can’t date someone from outside of the country.” Sokka said.
“There is actually. Unless it’s a matter of state.” Zuko said.
“Katara.” Thuy said with a gasp. “Did you become Queen just so you could marry Zuko?”
Katara laughed and shook her head. “For one thing, we’re not getting married. And for another, I became Queen so I could take care of my people. Dating Zuko would have happened regardless.”
“Is that so?” Zuko asked, amused.
Leaning back in her chair, Katara smiled at him.
“Of course. How were you ever going to say no to me?” She quipped.
Zuko leaned down but stopped as Sokka cleared his throat.
“Could you not?” He asked.
“What? She’s my girlfriend.” Zuko said.
“She’s my sister.” Sokka shot back.
“I’ve seen you kiss Suki plenty of times!” Katara said.
“We’re getting off topic.” Suki said sternly. They all sat up and Suki sighed.
“The interview is the best option. I even know of some shows that would work the best. But, is this what you want? Going public is going to change things.” She went on.
“We’re sure. We don’t want a tabloid to be what tells people we’re dating. It’ll make them think this is something that needs to be hidden.” Katara said.
“Okay. I’ll go collect some phone numbers.” Suki said and stood up.
“I’ll call you later.” Sokka said as he rose. They said goodbye before Sokka and Suki left. Toph exited shortly after, dragging Thuy along while Mister Whiskers scurried after them.
Rohan lingered, slurping loudly from their drink as Zuko took Toph’s empty chair.
“Nervous?” They asked.
“Extremely so.” Zuko said.
“Have you ever thought about talking to Roku?” Rohan questioned.
“What?” Zuko and Katara said together.
“Thuy is amazing at channeling the previous Avatars. I am not at all ready to see my Pop-Pop again, but I got to meet a super cool Airbender that was Avatar like, nine cycles ago.” Rohan explained.
“Do you think that would help?” Zuko asked.
“Can’t hurt. He is your great-great-grandfather.”
Zuko sat firmly back in the chair, staring up toward the ceiling.
“Huh.” He said, working his jaw as he thought.
“Anyway, I’m gonna head out too. I’m supposed to be leading an Urban Dust meeting in twenty minutes.” Rohan said.
“Bye Rohan.” Katara said and waved as he walked out of the coffee shop.
“Are we doing the right thing?” Zuko asked. He rolled his head to look at her, still splayed out on the chair like a corpse. “Want to run away?”
Katara laughed and stood up.
“I’m done running.” She said, walking to stand in front of him. “I don’t need to be afraid anymore.”
Zuko smiled and pushed himself onto his feet. She took a loose strand of his hair and tucked it behind his ear. Seeing the hearing aid, Katara smiled.
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need-a-new-hobby · 4 years
The Instincts
part i
It was too late to catch the train, so they used Piper’s bike. The whole drive, Piper acted like the night before hadn’t happened. Instead, she complained about how far he lived from the office. They finally pulled into the parking lot of the Quantico complex. There was a missing kid in Vegas and they didn’t have time so they planned to brief on the jet. Spencer noticed how different Piper acted with the rest of the team. Stronger. Braver. Not the woman who bared her soul to him at 3 in the morning. Not the woman who cleaned his apartment so she wouldn’t have to see the nightmares. He hadn’t slept quite right, so when he was the first on the jet, he fell asleep, case file in hand.
Spencer, Piper and Hotch stormed the house, guns up. They’d narrowed down the unsub to this house and searched the house in fluid formation. Spencer led the team down to the basement, then stepped aside as Piper moved ahead, letting out a wail at the little 6 year old boy that lay on the tiled floor. Are you sure it’s him? She just nodded silently, crying. Spencer heard the laughter of a baby and whirled around. A baby? JJ can't let her baby be at a crime scene. 
Spence. Spence! “Spencer!” He jolted awake as the rest of the team stared at him.
“Sorry, sorry. I was uh...”
“Yeah, that.”
“Here,” Piper chuckled, handing him a cup of coffee before taking her usual seat besides him.
“We found a 6-year-old boy who had been abused and stabbed. Your baby was at the crime scene,” he nodded to JJ. “I was trying to get him out of there. Sorry.” 
“It's ok,” Emily’s smile faded. 
“You know, Reid, simple dream analysis... If there's a baby in your dreams, that baby's actually you,” Morgan prompted.
“Jung suggested the role of dreams is to lead a person to self-realisation through what he called a dialogue between ego and the self,” Piper explained. “The self aspires to tell the ego what it does not know, but it should.”
“That means...” JJ asked.
“Umm... the ego is how we perceive the self. So the self is trying to converse with the ego.” She still caught blank stares. “His brain is trying to tell him something.”
“Well, just say that next time,” Emily joked.
“Oh, if I didn’t have a hot cup of coffee in my hand, I would--”
“Whatever, I don’t believe in dream analysis,” Reid interrupted before things got violent.
“I don't know,” Hotch remarked. “It makes sense. The case we're working on and the case in your dream both involve children. Maybe your subconscious is telling you you want to sit this one out.” 
“I don't.” 
“Well, maybe you're just stressed out about going home to Las Vegas. Have you told your mom you’re coming?” Piper caught the question before he could retort.
“Guys, kid missing? We can analyse Spencer’s dreams later.”
Ethan Hayes was 5. 2 weeks ago, he was abducted out of his own front yard. His mom just ran inside to grab her purse. When she came back, he was gone. Police found his body exactly one week later in the desert. He was in a new change of clothes. His nails clipped. His hair was combed.
“There’s no sexual assault, a lot of remorse, and waited exactly a week. Why?” Rossi posed.
“Could be the unsub viewed the death as merciful,” Hotch suggested. “They did smother him.”
“They took care of him,” Piper pointed out. “I mean, apart from the death bit. It looks like he just fell asleep in the desert.”
“Who's the new boy?” 
“Michael bridges. Yesterday, he set out to walk by himself to a friend's house a block away. He never showed up. The unsub called each of the families. But no ransom demand. It was more like taunts. He's telling them it's their fault that their child was taken.”
“So, we have an unsub who shows remorse and then projects his guilt onto the victims' parents,” Morgan summed up.
“And if we're lucky, 6 more days to find a boy before he's killed,” Hotch murmured darkly. “We’ll hit the ground running. Bishop, Reid, go to the ME. JJ, we’ll visit the families. Derek, work on victimology. Prentiss, you and Dave go to the disposal site. We’ll meet back at the precinct in an hour.” The team ebbed away from the middle of the jet. 
Piper nudged Spencer with her foot. “Are you gonna see your mom?”
“Depends. You gonna tell me what your nightmares are about?” Piper glanced back at the team. “That’s what I thought.” Spencer slammed his file shut and moved to sit next to Morgan. Piper rubbed her face with her hands, then lay down on the couch, going through the file. Piper lugged her go-bag into the SUV and she got in besides him.
“They’re about you. But they’re different every time,” Piper stared out the window. “The first ones were after Hankel. I didn’t say anything ‘cause at first they weren’t as frequent, but now it’s every time I close my eyes. It’s...It’s like Groundhog Day.” Piper picked at her nails. “I kept reliving it until I started writing in my journals. If it was poison, I’d look up antidotes. If it was a stab wound, anything. And the more cases we see, the more creative my subconscious gets. It’s like my brain’s trying to convince me that no matter what happens...no matter how much I learn, or read or research or how many degrees I get...” She closed her eyes and breathed out. “I’m never going to be able to save you.” She sighed, leaning her head against the headrest. “I didn’t tell you because I didn’t want you to know that.”
“So, when we were at that ranch--”
“It was like my nightmare realised. So, we cool?” Piper tilted her head at him, pouting.
“How can I say no?”
“So, you aren’t visiting your mom?” Spencer was silent. Piper just bobbed her head. “Ya know, we never did go to that haunted house in Denver?”
“We didn’t see those caves either.”
“Hold up. You were gonna come with me? Huh.”
“Wha-- Why, didn’t you want me there?”
“Let me put it this way. When I asked Luce to come away with me to see them, she laughed and said ‘there are 12 amusement parks in Colorado and you want to see historical ruins?’ So I didn’t expect anyone to really be that...excited. Then again, you aren’t just anyone,” she murmured.
“Really?” Shit. I forgot you have bat hearing. “Who am I then?”
“Doctor Spencer Walter Reid, with 3 PhDs in topics I can’t pronounce, an eidetic memory and an IQ of 187 and yet still, somehow dumb as a bag of bricks.” He pouted and she ruffled his hair, laughing.
At the ME’s office, Piper snapped on the medical gloves, goofily smirking, as the examiner pulled out the body. “There was no bruising around his neck or face. I'm guessing he used a pillow,” the examiner started, ignoring Piper. 
“Was there any sign of a struggle?” Spencer asked him.
“No, but he would have been extremely weak.” 
“Why's that?” 
“This is where it gets weird. He was noticeably thin. And both his stomach and intestines were completely empty.” 
“He was being starved?” 
“It seems that way.” 
“So, what's the weirder part?” Piper asked.
“I wanted to determine if malnutrition played a part in his death. So, I looked for evidence of starvation ketosis by analysing some vitreous humour...” The examiner noticed Piper’s blank stare. “The squishy part of the eyeball... and I couldn't find any ketone bodies there.” 
“He was getting nutrients somehow,” Spencer looked puzzled. 
“Through an IV?” 
“There were no marks to indicate that,” the examiner filled in. 
“Any idea what else could it be?” 
“Honestly, I have no idea.”
On the drive back to the precinct, Piper and Spencer discussed the effect the findings had on the profile. “So we know the unsub’s remorseful but they’re starving them too?”
“Not necessarily.” Piper thought aloud. “He has to be getting nutrients somehow. What if the kid was being force-fed tablets or something? It’s not exactly food, would it show up in an exam?”
“I don’t think so.”
Rossi and Emily stepped out of their SUVs, grumbling at the site of the unkempt disposal sight. “It’s those damned crime scene investigators. They all want to play cop instead of just being scientists and they end up trampling on everything,” Emily groused to Rossi as they slipped down to the dusty disposal site. 
“So, he suffocates the boy at another location, prepares the body, takes him out to the middle of nowhere and dumps him.” 
“Except there were no traces of the unsub's sweat on the boy's clothing.” 
“What are you getting at?” 
“Well, it's like 1,000 degrees out here. If he carried the body, then he would have gotten traces of sweat on the clothes.” 
“So, he wraps him in something.” 
“No fibres.” 
“So, he took the time to change the boy's clothing and groom him once he got here.” Rossi glanced back up the way they came. “If he took that much time, he'd have to do it at night.” 
“But you still run the risk of someone recalling your car once the body's found.” 
“Not if you didn't have to park it by the road.” 
“Well, you'd want to park a distance away from the dump site just in case someone saw the car and came to see what you were up to,” Emily suggested, pointing to the tire tracks leading away. “If you can drive out into the desert to dump a body, why not go in deeper, where you won't be seen from the road?” 
“Because he wanted to be able to drive by and see the body.” 
“That's why he groomed him. It's like he was preparing him for a funeral.” Rossi pulled out his cell, updating Hotch on their find.
| part ii |
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gaamagirl565 · 4 years
Matters of the heart Ep 5
Matters of the heart Episode 5 Love is blind {OPENING CREDITS} {cut to morning in Old Corona; a rooster crow is heard and pans to Varian working in his lab; in the background we see Isaiah poking his head around the corner} Isaiah: heh..gotta do this right..2 minutes and I’ll come back in… {He starts sneaking over to the door making sure not to alert his father} Ruddiger: *spots him and chitters alarmed* Varian: *turns around* Isaiah! Just what do you think you’re doing? Isaiah: I was just...ya know it’s...kinda stuffy in here sooo.. {Varian gives a dad glare} Isaiah: Okay! Okay! Fine! You caught me… I was trying to go outside… Varian: Isaiah we’ve been over this! Isaiah: I know but- Varian: No! You’re still injured! I mean for pete’s sake you’re still wearing bandages! You can’t just go roughhousing outside like you always do! Isaiah: I’m not gonna do that! I swear! Varian: Ya know I wish I could trust you not to but what you did was reckless enough! I’m not taking any chances! Isaiah: ughh!.... {He looks at Ruddiger} Isaiah: hmph! Tattle tail… Varian: No he’s a good boy… {Isaiah walks over to the window and looks out at the other kids playing} Isaiah: please? Just for a little bit? Varian: *sigh* no Isaiah i’m sorry… Isaiah: but- Quirin: I don’t know what’s going on here but i’d listen to your dad Isaiah… Isaiah: Grandpa! {Isaiah runs over to hug him and Quirin lifts him, tossing him in the air} Quirin: haha! There’s my boy! Now, what’s the trouble? Isaiah: I really wanna play outside but Dad says I can’t. Varian: Not yet Isaiah… you just got over a fever… Quirin: sorry Isaiah, but your Dad is right. Isaiah: What? Varian: What? I mean….yeah… Isaiah: Graaanndpaaa you’re supposed to be on my side!
{Both Varian and Quirin chuckle; yelling is heard outside} Quirin: Now what on earth? {They all go to the door and people are rushing to the main road} Varian: What’s going on? Villager: I don’t know! Apparently, there are a lot of horses coming our way! {Quirin and Varian look at each other} Varian: Isaiah take Ruddiger and go to your room! Lock the door and don’t come out until I say so! {With fear in his eye Isaiah nods grabbing ruddiger and rushing up the stairs; Quirin had his sword at the ready and Varian grabs his alchemy bag; cut to Both making their way through the crowd and to the front where a man stands in front of the crowd} Varian: A...Caravan? Quirin: phew… Stoica: Hello...My name is Stoica… Quirin: And how may I help you, travelers? Joseph: by sending them away if you ask me Varian: *rolls eyes* Seriously, is there anything about you that is likable? Joseph: oh shut it… Quirin: ahem...please let him speak. Stoica: My people have been on the road for a long time. We wish to set up in Corona for a time before moving on. We are willing to pay for food and supplies as well. If you’ll have us. Quirin: hmm...I see no issue with this… Joseph: Eh-wha-Quirin!? Are you kidding!? We don’t know these people! Varian: oh for the love of....Joseph shut up! My father has made the call. Leave them be. Quirin: If you desire there is a field we are currently not using. You may set up camp there. Stoica: You are too kind. Thank you for your hospitality. {He gives the caravan the signal to move when Joseph’s eyes widen} Joseph: Wait! {Everyone stops and Joseph walks over to a wagon and pulls a woman from it} Woman: AH! Stoica: LET HER GO! *unsheaths dagger* Joseph: You see!? This one is wearing a cloak! In the middle of a sunny day! Awful suspicious! And Stoica here dares to pull a knife on me! Quirin: you grabbed a woman from her wagon Joseph! Of course, he’s going to do that! Joseph: That still doesn’t explain the cloak! I bet she’s a criminal...hiding her face. We’ll soon see. Woman: No! I beg you! Stoica: Leave my sister be! You’ll harm her! {Joseph grips the hood} Woman: Please no! Varian: ENOUGH! {Varian runs out and stands between Joseph and the woman} Varian: Are you normally this stupid or is today a special occasion? Joseph: What are you saying, traitor? Varian: If you had taken a minute to look at her you’d know by now! She’s albino! Joseph:..A what? {varian rolls his eyes} Varian: Seriously am I the only one that reads? An albino. A rare skin condition that causes a lack of pigment. That’s skin color, eyes, and hair. The sun can physically hurt them! You take off that cloak and you’ll be causing her great pain. {they stare each other down} Quirin:...Stand down, Joseph… Joseph:...*spits* this town is going to the bloody dogs… {he leaves} Varian: Let me help you m’lady… *he helps her back onto the wagon* Woman: thank you...how may I repay you? Varian: I’d settle for your name {Stoica narrows his eyes} Woman:...Zapada...and I’m sure you’ve met my brother Stoica… Varian: I’m Varian… Zapada: well Mr.Varian...hopefully we meet again. {Stoica signals the caravan to move.} Varian: Yeah...so do I… {cut to later in the Village; Isaiah is looking excitedly at everything} Isaiah: Never thought I’d miss the outdoors so much! Oh, look! The stinky fish merchant! Merchant: Hey! Varian: The queen spent 18 years in a tower you only spent 2 weeks inside! Isaiah: Felt like 18 years… {Varian sees Zapada walking and reading} Varian: *gasp*...hey uh Isaiah...here’s some coins go explore a bit I have...errands to run… Isaiah:...free money and time to myself? I’m gone… {he takes the money and leaves; Varian takes a deep breath and goes to talk to her} Varian:...M’lady..no..uhh..hey ther-NO!...ZA-PA-DA hows it going? That’s stupid… ok Relax...ahem..Hello, my little snow an- {He’s hit in the face by the baker’s door; Zapada jumps and turns around with a yelp} Baker: huh? Oh. Watch it, Varian!... Zapada: *gasps and drops her book running over* Mr.Varian! Are you alright!? What on earth was his problem? You have done nothing to him! Varian: well hows that for an entrance? {They stare at one another for a second before Zapada hands him a cloth} Zapada: y-your nose is bleeding...I...I must go!... Varian: Hey wait! {She runs off} Varian: smooth Varian...Smooth… {Cut to Isaiah walking around the Caravan camp} Isaiah: Wow...this place is amazing...so much cool stuff… {As he’s walking he stops and sees an animal trader feeding his animals} Isaiah: Oh cool! Look at all of these! No way! Is that an alligator from the new world!? Trader: Indeed it is! I’ve gotten many offers on her. Isaiah: WWOOOWW! It’s so big and scaly! Just like in my books! {he walks around looking at all the creatures but stops at a wooden box} Isaiah: Hmm? {he goes to open the box} Trader: Ah! Boy, I wouldn’t-... {A golden cobra with red accents slides out hissing with its folds up} Trader: ah! Okay boy...just back away slowly… Isaiah: A Saporian Jeweled Cobra… Trader: Back away child! Isaiah: why are you so freaked out? Just relax...if you respect the snake...he’ll respect you… {he cautiously puts out a hand; the cobra sniffs it then slithers up his arm and around his shoulders} Isaiah: hehe! Hey! That-haha! That tickles!...you’re not evil, you’re a little noodle…
Trader: *practically shaking* Isaiah:...i have 5 gold pieces will that be enough? Trader: child, as far as I am aware he’s yours… Isaiah: Really!? Thanks! Do you hear that bud? Hmm..what to call you...I know..Draki...my serpent. {he pets his cobra; cut to late at night at Varians house; Varian and Quirin sit at the table drinking tea whilst Isaiah plays with Draki} Quirin: ...is it a good idea to have a cobra as a pet? Varian: *head in hands* is it a good idea to have a raccoon as a pet? Quirin: Fair point. Ruddiger: *chitters angrily* Varian: I’m just kidding bud… Quirin: Something wrong son? Varian: well...you know when you see someone and...you...can’t help but get curious about them? Quirin: mmhmm...are we talking about Stoica’s sister? *smirk* Varian:...there’s something about her...she’s so shy and...almost mysterious...I want to get to know her...have a least one conversation! But anytime we make eye contact she flinches or runs away! Quirin: *sips tea* well… the way I see it..she might be afraid...and I’m sure Joseph didn’t help...and anytime you’ve talked its been in a crowded public place. Varian: Then what am I supposed to do? Quirin: it’s dark now...she’s probably taken off her cloak. She’s probably more comfortable now that people are in their houses for the night...go..talk to her in a setting that’s comfortable for her. {Varian smiles at his dad and hugs him} Varian: Thanks dad… Quirin: you got this..and don’t worry i’ll watch uh..serpent boy here… {pan to Varian walking through the Caravan camp} Varian: her wagon had an emblem on it...of a hawk… {he looks around and spots it} Varian: there… {he walks up taking a deep breath and knocks on the door; after a few seconds Zapada answers and gasps; the moonlight shines off her white hair and she is in full view without her cloak} Zapada: M-Mr.Varian what are you…? Varian: I know it’s late and I’m sorry for this afternoon but I was wondering since the sun is down maybe you’d like to go on a stroll? Zapada:...me? Wit...with you? Alone? Varian: y-you’re not afraid are you? Zapada: well I… Varian: you don’t have to be afraid...not of me...I promise… {he takes her hand; she’s hesitant at first but nods and grabs her shawl before leaving; cut to later they’re walking in the orchard laughing} Zapada: so...you made a machine that almost literally blew away the entire expo? Varian: yeah not exactly the best idea in the world...so tell me about you… what’s your story? Zapada: well… Varian: well? Zapada: I was born into the Caravan...after our father Patrin died my brother Stoica took over. You know what people think of us...and with my...condition it doesn’t help...some see me as a curse...sometimes I think they’re right.. Varian: what? Zapada: My brother works so hard to protect me… I feel like a burden sometimes...my Caravan cares so deeply for me but...I don’t feel as if..I deserve it… Varian: But you’re so kind. And generous, and beautiful an- Zapada: what? Varian: You’re beautiful {Begin song “give yourself a chance”} {varian} You say people hate then so be it You say you’re not beautiful well I don’t see it People might judge at first glance But who cares what they think Give yourself a chance. How do I describe you to make you see All the things you do to me Your hair, your eyes, make my heart want to sing and dance It has me wondering… Is this romance? Even when the world looks down on you Look back at them with your eyes of rosey hue Stand up to them and tell them that despite your flaws You are perfect and no one can say anything because You made the choice to give Yourself a chance {end song} {Zapada cups his face with her hand and embraces him; Varian returns the embrace; they walk off into the orchard together; Later it shows them lying by a tree with the sun beginning to rise} Varian: Hey...Zapada? Zapada: hmm? Varian: I know the sunlight hurts your eyes...but have you ever watched the sunrise before? Zapada: I cannot say I’ve had the pleasure… {Varian takes off his goggles} Varian: put these on and look to the east… {Zapada puts them on and looks; she gasps and stares in wonder} Zapada: Varian...it is beautiful… Varian: yeah...the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen… {she looks back at him and smiles} Zapada: thank you, Varian… {Cut to the HQ of the cult; Cassandra is tied up with vines and screaming as magic surges through her} Cult leader: soon...the power will be coursing through her veins and take hold of her conscious. She’ll be strong enough to plan our next move after all these years… Noremoth: several if I’m not mistaken m’lady...but must the process of infusion be so..eck..hostile? {The cult leader glares at him} Noremoth: I’m only saying Zhan tiri’s power can only hold her so long before her true conscious breaks through every now and again. She is only a vessel we cannot completely erase...her true self. Cult leader: that maybe, however...that alchemist has something we need that will complete her transformation. When they destroyed the moonstone a singular shard was left. And it was placed in this alchemist’s care. Noremoth: so? Cult leader: ugh so naive...If we get the stone shard the infusion will be stabilized and Zhan tiri will become anew in a new body.  And with the device that we are building combined with our sweet vessel’s power, all of the seven kingdoms will kneel before us. Noremoth: ooohhh I like that plan m’lady… Cult leader: of course you do Noremoth… Noremoth: so then what is our next move? Cult leader: simple… {she takes out a newspaper page from Corona; it has a picture of Isaiah and reads “Boy destroys marketplace} Cult leader: ..Ransom.. {She crushes the paper} {END CREDITS}
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rational-mastermind · 4 years
It Doesn’t Hurt
Ch 2/5
 I woke up, but very slowly. The world, still dark as I tried to gather my senses. I knew I could hear voices, but they seemed far away and urgent. Yet the urgency didn’t even really seem to matter to me.
 I tried to breathe, but it came out as a forced cough. I realized with some shock that there was a sharp pain in my chest. There was also a dull ache in my head as I tried to think. I tried to recall what had happened, but that didn’t help. So instead I tried to focus on opening my eyes, at least, and that’s when I realized the sharper pain on my face.
 Something ice cold was pressed against one side, against my eye. The other side, there was something wet and soft. A disgusting combination and I tried to move away from it. My arms felt like lead pipes but I managed to force myself up, only for the urgent voices to become more frantic. I started to hazily realize what they were saying.
 “Trilby! Trilby, take it easy!”
 “Are you okay? Where does it hurt?”
 “What happened?” I tried to asked, instead ending up with only managing a terrible slur.
 Finally I managed to lift my eyelids enough to look. The world was blurry at first, but it swam into focus soon. I saw Siobhan and Claire staring back at me worriedly. It was then that I realized the ice cold thing was gone, but my eye refused to open. On the other side of my face, the wetness remained. There was a foul smell around me and it took me a moment of only half-hearing their worried questions before realizing, with some shock, that I was smelling blood. But… from where?
 “Trilby!” Siobhan took hold of my shoulder and I was forced to focus on her. Hazel green eyes stared back into mine. “Trilby, come on, stay with me.”
 Finally, I managed to gain enough sense to properly speak.
 “S...Siobhan..” I felt like I had to work hard to force any air in or out of me. “Wha… Wha’ happened...?”
 “You were attacked by the ghost.” Siobhan explained. “It knocked you unconscious and kept pummeling you. I managed to get you out and into the hallway behind the counter.”
 “You, you did?” I asked, and finally looked around.
 I was sitting on a couch in a very small living room. Claire was standing behind Siobhan, who was sitting on a stepping stool in front of me. I could only assume I was in a small apartment, based on how compact and cluttered everything was.
 “Yeah. After that, I think it stopped?” Siobhan shrugged.
 My head was still spinning, trying to take everything in at once. I tried to rub the dull ache out, only for my hand to be met with something wet and sticky, matting my hair. I flinch and pull back, finding dark red blood, coagulating, on my palm.
 “Careful!” Claire flinched. “You uh.. You’re kind of... Well I mean, he got you real good a few times.”
 “I see…” I grimaced at the sight.
 “Are you okay?”
 “Sore.” I replied flatly, not really finding the strength to mask it with any semblance of composure. “My head’s throbbing… You said the ghost stopped?”
 “Yeah. I managed to pull you away. After that, everything settled and I ran to get Claire. We hauled you upstairs, into my apartment.”
 “How long was I out?”
 “A few hours, at least.” Claire replied.
 I finally got a good look at Claire and I couldn’t tell which of us was worse. She had dark bags under her eyes. Her face was flushed and pale, there was a sheen of sweat, and she seemed exhausted. She tried to smile at me, reassuringly, but it didn’t quite reach her eyes. Looking closely, I could vaguely tell she was shaking, and her eyes were a touch bloodshot.
 “You look awful.” I dumbly stated.
 “There’s… a lot.” she said, sounding as tired as she looked. “A lot of… emotions.. Anguish. Distress. Rage. It was all so muddled together and strong I couldn’t like… tell what was really a ghost or not.”
 “Yikes…” I grimaced.
 “Are you going to be okay?” Siobhan asked. “Yes.. I think so.” I nodded. “That just.. I was really blindsided by that ghost.”
 “I think we should call it a day, pick back up tomorrow.” Claire suggested.
 “I agree. We’ll do more research and find a way to narrow down exactly what we’re dealing with.”
 “Alright. Then I guess we better get going. See you tomorrow, Siobhan..” Claire started to make her way to the door.
 “Wait just a minute.” I snapped, causing her to flinch. “Aren’t we forgetting something?”
 “What?” Siobhan asked.
 I looked back at her, honestly wondering if I would have to be the one to spell it out.
 “...Well you’re not staying here by yourself again.” I explained.
 “What? Trilby, it hasn’t attacked me.” Siobhan started to argue.
 “I think it’s only confined to the shop and basement.” Claire shrugged a little.
 “No, no no. If this is what it does?” I gesture to the work done on myself. “Then who knows what it could do to HER? And worse yet, we don’t need the police blaming her for any future incident.”
 “Mmm..” Siobhan bit her lip and looked away, defeated.
 Claire sighed a little. She already knew this was going to be a problem.
 “Well.. I mean, don’t get me wrong, Siobhan. I like you. But I’m on the other side of town and I have family coming over.” Claire shrugged. “Or did you just want me to know you’re taking her home?”
 “What?! No! I just thought we’d make sure she was safe in a hotel.” I argued.
 “Actually um… I don’t wanna be a bother? But..” Siobhan rubbed her arms and began to blush slightly. “I’d...rather not stay at a hotel? Not since…”
 I sighed. I couldn’t blame her.
 “Since what? OH! Oh the Clanbronwyn- oh yeah, okay never mind..” Claire quickly agreed.
 “Any family you can call?” I offered.
 “They’re all over in Ireland. It’d take me too long to get back and forth and I’d rather stay close to know what’s going on with my shop.” Siobhan explained. “Besides, it wouldn’t really look good to them, me coming here to open shop, only to go back to Mummy and Daddy with no real explanation other than ghosts, right?”
 “Granted.” I nodded and then sighed again, pinching the bridge of my nose. “Friends? Boyfriend?” “Ah… N.. no.. No boyfriend.” Siobhan shrugged a little. “There’s not really anybody here for me to stay with. Certainly no boy.”
 For some reason, a part of me felt relieved to hear that, but I ignored it for now.
 “...Alright.” I finally agreed.
 “I’m sorry Tril-”
 “Siobhan, it’s okay.” I waved it aside. “I’m closest to here, anyway. I’m sorry for the hesitance. I just… Wasn’t expecting company.”
 Siobhan shrugged. Claire was smiling to herself.
 “Well, now that we’ve got sleeping arrangements made...”
 “I’ll go pack something for the night.” Siobhan quickly hurried off, up a small flight of stairs, which I could only assume would lead her to her bedroom.
 “We’ll be outside.” I told her.
 Claire and I headed back towards the shop. Once out of earshot I glared at her.
 “I’m calling your bluff. You don’t have family coming over.”
 “You don’t know that.” Claire smirked a little.
 “You’re not that great a liar.”
 “Trilby, after today, I really need some alone time.” Claire finally explained, her grin becoming more soured. “You’ve no idea what it’s like to be empathetic to so many different voices, all at the same time. I can not have another human being with me tonight.”
 It must be a psychic ability, but suddenly a wave of anger and heat seemed to surround her. I shivered under her influence and stepped back a little. When we got to the door, Claire glanced back at me.
 “And for the record, I do have family visiting.” she explained.
 I genuinely felt bad for her. Siobhan caught up and we headed to the car. Claire was dropped off by the nearest pay phone. It was strictly against code to bring outside civilians near the STP, let alone the parking lot where Claire’s car was. Fortunately, she had a few options for carpooling. After that, I made my way home.
 I live in a modest apartment near the city. There isn’t much I can say about it. Third floor. Middle of the complex. A good deterrent for most thieves. It’s nothing classy. Nothing poor, either. But regardless, Siobhan seemed somewhat excited to be seeing it.
 “Alright, can I ask the stupid questions?”, she started, on the way up the stairs.
 “I’ll permit one.” I smiled a little, amused by her enthusiasm.
 “Alright, so um..” she thought for a moment, choosing carefully. “...Do you stay in one place for..very long? Like.. Is this some kind of..”
 “If you say hideout, you can sleep on the couch.” I teased. “And no, it’s not. Remember, I gave up that life.”
 “Have you ever...?”
 “No. That would be ridiculous.” I rolled my eyes. “But even now, I do prefer to move from time to time. I’m not one for staying still for too long.”
 “So how long have you stayed here?”
 “I said only one question.” I reached my door and fumbled with my keys. “The only rules are, no ice cream after 8, no rifling through my belongings, and no questioning of my tastes.”
 I opened the door and we stepped in.
 I hung my hat on the rack beside the door, along with my tie, and slipped out of my waistcoat, while Siobhan looked around. Unlike most apartments, the kitchen and dining room was more segregated from the living room, and the two rooms and bathroom where behind another door near the back. It was tastefully decorated. A few trophies from past adventures. Mostly a monochromatic scheme. Of course, I had my own collection of books and such though, it was somewhat of a mess. Books and papers were sloppily piled in a few places. Drawers pulled out and rummaged through.
 “Pardon the mess.” I quickly said. “I was in a bit of a rush this morning. But other than that, make yourself at home.”
 “This is...actually a lot nicer than mine.” Siobhan chuckled.
 “One small benefit from paranormal investigations.” I smiled a little.
 “Well I mean, I suppose it would have to come with some.” Siobhan smiled back.
 I shrugged. In all truth, I meant what I said earlier. I shall always be a gentleman thief at heart. Working alongside the government was not my ideal career, regardless of benefits.
 “I’m going to go wash up.” I made my way to the bathroom in the hallway. “Bedroom’s at the far end.”
 “Bedroom?” Siobhan questioned, following after me.
 “Yes, you’ll take the bed, naturally.” I explained. “I’ll be fine taking the couch.”
 “Trilby…” Siobhan started to argue.
 “No.” I insisted, opening the door to the restroom and turning on the sink. “I won’t have you sleeping on the couch. You’re my guest. Ergo, you take the bed.”
 I hazarded a glance in the mirror and internally cringed. My eye had noticeably bruised. Fortunately it hadn’t swelled so badly, and I was reminded of the ice pack I felt when I first woke up. My nose was bleeding, and there was a notable amount blood dripping from under my hair, which I started to scrub off. Shower was definitely in order for the next morning.
 “Thank you Trilby.” Siobhan smiled, standing in the doorway. “Always a gentleman.”
 I smiled back and she went to the bedroom. After washing up, I walked back to the living room and began to clean up. The rest of the evening was calm. We ate and settled into a quiet evening of reading. I was hoping going back over some books on folklore would help me better understand what we're facing. Apparently, I was so engrossed with reading that I didn't notice what Siobhan was doing until she handed me a cup of tea.
 "Oh." I blinked and took the cup. "Thank you."
 She smiled and sat with her own.
 "You said you wanted some."
 "Did I? I didn't even hear the kettle."
 Siobhan chuckled.
 "Are you always so deep into studying?"
 "Sometimes." I smiled a little. "Are you?"
 "Heh. No. I hate studying." She grinned. "I love history, but I'm really more of a hands-on type. I feel I could tell more from physically seeing an object rather than simply reading about it."
 “Sounds like college was really hard, then.”
 “Well.. Abed helped a lot with that.” Siobhan shrugged, staring into her cup.
 “Mm. I see.” I took a sip of my drink. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to bring up bad memories.”
 “Heh. It’s bound to happen.” Siobhan smiled back at me, albeit somewhat sadly. “Really, it’s okay.”
 I nodded and Siobhan looked back at her own book. Only now did I realize that she had brought a book of her own to read. I glanced at the cover.
 “‘69 Days in the Slammer‘?” I ask, curious. “I’ve uh.. Never heard of that one.”
 “Oh! Um..” Siobhan became visibly uncomfortable. “Isn’t it just the silliest title? I saw it in the library and picked it up.”
 I was suspicious of her nervous grin.
 “....What.. Well what’s it about? It’s fictional, I presume.”
 “Uh, Well.. Y-yes. It is.” Siobhan thought for a moment, as if trying to choose her next words carefully. “..Well it’s um.. W-well it’s about a man who uh. W-well, he had a falling out with the missus.. And now another woman tries to win him over. It’s a romance.”
 “Ah. Yes. I.. Don’t often indulge in that..” I commented, more concerned with trying to solve what it was she was hiding, rather than offer a more genuine reply.
 Siobhan’s face flushed a dark red. She refused to meet my gaze. She bit her lip, opening and closing her mouth a few times, before finally laughing and shaking her head. I was utterly confused.
 “Siobhan? What? What is it??”
 “Oh gosh, nothing, Trilby..” She buried her head in her hand and chuckled a little. “It’s just...really silly. I’m reading something that’s really silly and dumb and no, I wouldn’t ever, ever, expect you to read something as horrible as this.”
 “Well I doubt it could be all that horrible.” I shrugged and held out my hand. “Here. Let me see.”
 She quickly stood up and headed to the bedroom with a hurried “Good night!” and left me sitting there, dumbfounded. I decided to let it drop supposing if it was really anything worthwhile, she’d let me know. After she let me back into my bedroom to fetch appropriate sleepwear, we went to sleep, and none too surprisingly, I fell asleep rather quickly.
 Until I heard Siobhan screaming.
 I jerked awake and immediately got to my feet. Faster than ever, I reached my bedroom only to find Siobhan scrambling in the bedsheets in the fits of a nightmare. I quickly turned on the lights and came over to the bed, pulling away the sheets.
 “Siobhan! Siobhan, wake up!”
 Siobhan’s eyes flew open and when she first saw me, she immediately tried to scramble away.
 “AH! NO!” she shrieked, until she realized she was awake.
 She looked at me for a moment, trying to ground herself in reality.
 “Tr.. Trilby?”
 “Siobhan, it’s me.” I reassured her. “You were just-”
 She flung herself into my arms and held tightly. I could feel the tears stream down on her face. I held her close.
 “It’s okay.. It was just a nightmare.” I tried to reassure her. “It was just a nightmare.”
 “I know.. I know..” she shook her head. “But it… I…. I...”
 She gave a muted sob and shuddered..
 “It’s okay. Don’t have to talk about it. You’re safe.”
 After a few minutes, she started to calm down. She pulled back and wiped away her tears.
 “I'm ... sorry..” She said between hiccups. She offered a shaky smile. “That’s silly of me, isn’t it? Crying over a nightmare like a child.”
 “It’s not silly.” I brushed aside some of her hair from her flushed face. “Everyone does. Not just children…”
 She tried to smile, but it quivered and eventually fell again. Her eyes, becoming distant, likely thinking about the dream again. I was surprised to find myself entranced by their color. They stood out against the bloodshot red and sparkled like emeralds. Deep and rich. With just a tinge of brown, and a few streaks of the same color. Like an endless forest, one could find themselves wandering into and being lost in, for eternity.
 “Oh… Trilby.”
 “Hm?” I pulled myself out of my thoughts, mentally berating myself for behaving like a love-sick school boy.
 Siobhan was looking worriedly at my scar, only barely visible through the undershirt I was wearing. She gently brushed the hem aside and touched the raised red tissue around where the knife had dug in. Dead skin continued to flake and peel around the wound, a good sign of healing actually. There were still marks from the stitches I had to have there as well. I flushed slightly and gently took her hand and pulled it away.
 “Don’t worry about that.” I reassured her. “It’s okay. Almost completely healed up now.”
 “..Then why do I feel so bad about it?”
 “Probably just sympathy.”
 She sat in silence, still fretful and chewing away at whatever thoughts she had.
 “Do you want to try to go back to sleep?” I offered. “Oh. Um…!” She immediately became worried at the thought and jumped out of bed. “Actually! Y’know what? I think I need a walk!”
 Siobhan hurried through the apartment, faster than I could react.
 “Yeah, actually. I um.. Kinda don’t wanna go back to sleep just yet.”
 “Siobhan, it’s freezing out!” I called after her.
 “Perfect!” she called back and by the time I got to the living room she had already closed the door.
 I hurried to find my overcoat and get dressed. Just as I threw on my shirt, the door opened again and Siobhan quickly stepped back inside, rubbing at her bare arms and closing the door behind her.
 “Actually.. It..is pretty cold out there.” she gave a sheepish grin.
 “....Yes. Yes it is.” I chuckled and began to button up. “Wish to explain why you ran out?”
 “S...sorry.. I.. I just.. Can’t go back to sleep… Not yet...” she moved back to the bedroom and came back with a sweater over the original tank top she wore and shoes.
 “Well, may I accompany you this time?” I offered. “After we properly get dressed, of course.”
 Siobhan smiled again, warm and genuine this time.
 “I… would actually really like that.”
 We got dressed and I was waiting by the door. I offered my overcoat.
 “Trilby, really, that’s sweet of you but-”
 “Siobhan, I’m just trying to look out for you.” I insisted. “It’s freezing and you hadn’t packed a proper coat. Now please. Take it.”
 She caved, easily, and slipped it on with a small smile. It was obviously too big, but for a small walkabout, it would do. We headed out. Fortunately for me, my blazer was enough to keep the worst of the chill off as we stepped outside. Our breaths ghosted against the lights that adorned the apartments, swirling and mingling together in the dark air. Siobhan smiled up at the moon.
 “It’s always so...quiet and peaceful at night.”
 “I couldn’t agree more.” I looked up as well and we began walking down the sidewalk. “Under a full moon, even the most abhorrent of things seem more beautiful.”
 “That’s awfully poetic.” Siobhan chuckled.
 “Just my personal opinion.” I shrugged. “I prefer the night. The darkness. It’s calmer and easier to think.”
 “Really? Who would’ve thought.” Siobhan teased.
 I grinned back and shook my head. We walked in silence for the most part. It was nice, for once, hearing a second set of footsteps and not having to worry about it. I also found it amusing, how I never actually paid attention to what kind of neighborhood I was living in. It wasn’t the slums, that much I knew for sure. But it was quaint. The kind of neighborhood with trees lining the streets, outside of the nicer looking apartment complexes. The kind of trees that actually do turn colors in September.
 “That tree looks like it’s blushing.” Sioban pointed out, one across the street.
 The top was yellowing while only the leaves on the sides were turning red. I chuckled.
 “So it is.”
 I looked down the street and pointed out another that was mostly yellow already..
 “And that one is jaundiced.”
 Siobhan giggled.
 “Do you like Autumn, Trilby?” She asked.
 “I never really gave it much thought. It is eye-catching to be certain.” I replied. “I think that of the seasons, I prefer Winter.”
 “In December, everyone’s moved to their holiday homes. Glorious opportunity for burglars. And February is personally special.” I smiled fondly. “Also, I can’t stand Summer.”
 “Cause of the heat?”
 “Among other things.” I frowned slightly as some distant thought echoed in the back of my head, ever so faintly.
 ‘And he knew the name of the king..’
 “I’m sorry for dragging you out here.” Siobhan glanced back at me.
 “I don’t mind.” I smiled back. “Do you always do this for nightmares?”
 “Yeah, ever since I was young.” Siobhan chuckled. “That ‘warm glass of milk’ stuff never really worked on me. So me dad took me out for a drive. It was a long one and I ended up falling asleep before we got home. After that, he always took me out when I had a nightmare. When I got older, I just started taking walks around the neighborhood instead.”
 “I might have to start doing it myself.” I chuckled. “If it helps you so much.”
 “Do you have a lot of nightmares?” “Well.. I didn’t use to.” I frowned a little. “They’ve kind of become more and more frequent as of late.”
 “...Same.”, a depressed look swept over her.
 “Would it be rude of me to ask what happened?” I asked. “...Sometimes it helps me. Keeps me um… grounded in reality a bit more.”
 Siobhan sighed and looked back up at the pitch black sky. We had stopped underneath a street light. Trying to be comforting, I placed an arm around her shoulders.
 “...I was back at the hotel..” She started. “Except it was the wrong one. The...the darker one. I saw that tall man and he was chasing after me...”, she held herself in fear. “And I knew he was going to kill me. I saw that other man stab you, like before, except suddenly it wasn’t you, it was me. I kept seeing so much blood gushing out and it was so vivid, I could actually feel it..”
 “Oh Siobhan…”
 “And then I saw a woman.. She kind of looked like Simone Taylor. But She was sprawled out on the floor, dead. And it was my fault. But I wasn’t scared. I was just... angry.” I frowned slightly. Simone Taylor? Where did this come from? Siobhan shook her head a little. “These kinds of nightmares started not long after Abed and I started collecting pieces from Defoe Manor. Angry, vicious nightmares of killing random people.”
 My brows furrowed further with confusion.
 "Siobhan with the way you're phrasing it, it almost makes it sound like you…"
 "I didn't! I was over in Ireland!" Siobhan sighed, equally confused and somewhat scared. "And she was already dead by the time we had the artifacts. But I.. I dunno.. I kept having these horrible dreams.. I'd hope they'd just go away by now but… I think it's stress…"
 "It’s very likely the culprit." I confessed. "I've had similar nightmares. A part may have been influenced by the artifacts and trauma but.. after some well induced stress, fear, resurgence of certain memories, similar situations, why wouldn't we have nightmares about such things?"
 A part of me felt guilty, actually. For while I was quoting actual psychological facts, I didn't sincerely believe it myself. A part of me would always be paranoid that there was… More. Much more to these nightmares, and the Defoes, and the Blessed Agonies. I just… couldn't put it into words.
 But more importantly, I felt horrible because I didn't want Siobhan to experience the same trauma. The same guilt and fear that gnawed at the back of my mind almost every single day.
 "I'm sorry you have to endure all this, Siobhan.." I apologized. "I wish more than anything that I could help in some way. That I could just take back everything that’s happened to you.”
 Siobhan looked up and gently smiled at me.
 “That’s sweet of you Trilby.” she said. “But you can’t. And it’s not like it was your fault anyway.”
 "But isn't it? Isn't it why you've been having nightmares? Because I'm here, bringing up those memories?"
 "Well… maybe. But… I don't know. I actually kinda feel safer with you around." She smiled more. "It's.. Nice."
 I smiled back and we continued walking. I started to feel better. In all honesty, being with Siobhan, I was a little nervous. I was worried about reliving those memories again. But being here now, really taking in this quiet, peaceful, cold night. Seeing the way the street lights catch our breaths and make her long soft red hair shine with so many hues. Taking solace in knowing that, for once, I don't have to be alone. Knowing that we can talk about what happened and relate to each other. I start to feel… Lighter. Happier. Happier than when I was alone. Left to face whatever darkness by myself. It helps to know there's someone with me. To know I wouldn't have to suffer alone.
 “Hey, Trilby?” Siobhan glanced at me, a little curious. A little nervous.
 “Um… Do I… bring back bad memories? Am.. Am I making things hard on you?”
 “What? No. Of course not.” Siobhan sighed and rolled her eyes.
 “For a thief, you’re not very good at lying.” was the disapproving answer. “That, or I can actually read you better than most.”
 I frowned a little but decided to answer honestly.
 “...Yes. You do bring up memories. Of course you do. I’m surprised I haven’t had panic attacks yet.” Siobhan winced and as she opened her mouth to apologize I, for once, was very rude and spoke over her. “However… I have these problems every day. With or without you around. And yet, I still very much appreciate your company.. Because even though those were bad times, at least there’s someone else who understands. Someone who… can help me feel a little less insane.”
 Siobhan smiles and relaxes. I suddenly felt her pull on my arm and she hugged it.
 “I’m glad I could be that for you.”
 I smiled back and wrap my arm around hers in return.
 “I’m glad I could do the same for you.”
 Oddly enough, right then, I didn’t notice how cold it was. All I could focus on was Siobhan, this small act of affection, and this warmth inside me. A warmth that radiated from my core outward, making me smile. And it carried on until we rounded the neighborhood and made our way back to my apartment.
 We got in and only then realized exactly how cold we were. The heat of the apartment stinging with the cold on my face as we took off our coats.
 “Thanks for coming with me, Trilby.” Siobhan looked back and she did look more tired out. “It’s just what I needed.”
 “Well I’m glad I could help.” I chuckled, feeling worn myself. “But we are going to have to get up soon. It’s after 4.”
 “It’s alright.” I chuckled, coming over and making my bed again on the couch.
 Siobhan stood in the door to the way. I smiled at her and she smiled back.
 “..Good night.” she said.
 “Good night, Siobhan.”
 Then suddenly, without warning, she leaned up and kissed me.
 It was done and over with in the span of a second, before she retreated back into the bedroom, but it felt like time had slowed only long enough for me to register her soft lips brushing against mine. And that was enough to shut everything down within.
 I tried to think, tried to make some sense of what happened. Some sense of what I was feeling. But I couldn’t seem to find words. I couldn’t form thoughts. Just stuck in a delighted but horribly bewildered place.
 Before I could fully comprehend a thought, I ended up falling asleep, confused, and in serious need of self reflection.
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Secret Studies ch.4 - Where the Wildflowers Grow
The Elementalist
Beckett x MC (Oriana)
Words: 2164
A collaboration series between myself and @dancetothestoriesinyoursoul
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Beckett stood by a large bay window overlooking the rural land that surrounded Penderghast.
“Yes, mother,” he said into the phone held against his ear “yes I have been studying.”
Noticing Oriana’s reflection in the glass Beckett turned his head half smirking in her direction. “As a matter of fact, I have a study partner I’ve been working with” he smiled to himself before it quickly faded “What do you mean are they worthy…she’s” he stopped himself “they are a sun attuned mother they are more than qualified to be my study partner.”
  As Oriana walked down the hallway she saw Beckett leaning against one of the large bay windows, one of his arms bracing him against the glass. The other held a phone several inches from his ear. Geez, I can hear whoever that is from here. 
Oriana walked up to him as the phone conversation escalated before Beckett hung up abruptly. With a huff, he shoved the phone into the fitted navy-blue jeans he wore.
 He looks different today. 
He wore a snug Henley style t-shirt in which 2 of the buttons were lazily left open, his hair clearly tousled and slightly messy. When she reached him he looked lost. 
“Hey,” she said to him. 
For a moment Beckett didn’t answer, keeping his eyes trained on the wind blowing in the trees. Not caring if others saw, she cupped his cheek turning his head to meet her eyes. Beckett blushed, quickly pulling himself from her touch as he straightened up, looking around to check if anyone saw her touch him like that. 
“Do you want to get out of here” Beckett said more as a statement than a question.
“Sure I’m…” before Oriana could get the sentence out Beckett was already halfway down the corridor holding the door open.
“Not here, Ori, I don’t want to talk here.”
Following him down the steps, Oriana watched him closely as he walked out into the sunlight. 
“Where are we going?” Oriana asked. 
Stopping for a moment, Beckett turned to look at her “do you trust me” he said plainly. 
“Of course, I do” She replied. 
“Then follow me,” Beckett said turning back around and not waiting for her.
They walked in silence for what felt like forever. Oriana had no idea where he was taking her or why. It was clear something was troubling him, but she was doubtful that she’d get him to open up to her about it. Looking him over she smiled to herself. The sun reflected in his hair revealing blonde and auburn highlights. Beautiful, he’s beautiful. 
At a steep hill, Beckett stopped, offering his hand as a shy blush crossed his cheeks “it’s rather steep here.”
Taking his hand, she stepped carefully down the hillside. Beckett held onto her, gently guiding her down and making sure she didn’t fall. When they reached the bottom, he gripped her waist and lifted her onto the soft meadow floor.
“Beautiful isn’t it,” Beckett said, taking off his shoes as he nodded toward the field of wildflowers. 
Oriana grinned “it’s amazing out here, how did you find this place?”
Beckett motioned for Oriana to take her shoes off “You gotta get the full experience.”
Offering Oriana his hand they waded through the see of colorful flowers. The earth was warm under their bare feet as they searched for a suitable spot. Finally, they came upon a large willow tree. Beckett sat down against the trunk closing his eyes and resting his head back. Breathing deeply, he sighed in content. Oriana sat down beside him, reveling in the warmth soaking through her skin and the tingling surging up through her legs from the earth. 
“So, are you going to tell me what’s got you down?” she asked. 
“Must you meddle into all my affairs?” Beckett asked sharply
“I –uh heard the conversation... well not the whole thing. I mean I don’t know who it was, but I do know you shouldn’t let anyone speak to you that way or be friends with someone who makes you this upset” Oriana said. 
Beckett chuckled, tilting his face up toward the sun, his eyes still closed “easier said than done, I can’t exactly tell my mother off.”
“Still,” Oriana said, surprising him “you’re a grown man, you’re one of the most talented people at this school. You’re completely amazing, you work hard and your damn good at everything you do. She should recognize that.”
Beckett opened his eyes, head turning on the trunk to look at Oriana “Good luck telling that to her.”
“I don’t need luck,” she said straddling his lap.
“Wha...” Beckett cleared his throat “what are you doing.”
“What does it look like I’m doing. I’m going to tell her what I think she should already know about her own son” Oriana said, slipping Beckett’s phone from his pocket. 
Before Beckett could grab her, she danced just out of reach “Ori don’t, you can’t do that” he said lunging for her. 
Oriana held the phone up in the air giggling. Once again, he grabbed for her, but she moved just beyond his reach. Ducking down in the tall flowers Beckett disappeared from sight. In a split second, he was jumping up tackling her down into the flowers. She squealed in delight as they rolled a few times before they stopped. Beckett was on top of her, his face inches from hers. His hazel eyes sparkling as stared down at her. Oriana started leaning her face up towards his, but feeling panicked, he grabbed the phone and rolled off next to her into the grass. 
Oriana turned on her side to face him, frowning at his behavior.
When Beckett finally spoke his voice low and soft. “When I was a child and my family became too much, I used to come out here, I’d take my shoes off and wade through the flowers feeling the earth beneath me. It helped me to feel at peace. Up until today, this has been my very own slice of solitude.”
Oriana searched for Beckett’s eyes, but he was looking up at the bright blue sky. “Thank you for sharing a piece of yourself with me” She said softly and cupping his face in her hand “You won’t have to deal with that stuff alone anymore. I’ll be here for you always.”
Slowly Beckett lifted his head hands snaking behind Oriana’s neck as he kissed her sweet and deep. “Thank you for that” he whispered, resting his forehead against hers. 
“You may not know what this is” she gestured between them “but no matter what, I will be here from now on for you.”
“You’re such a sap,” Beckett said, a smile betraying him.
Oriana smiled as she snuggled into his side, intertwining her legs with his “You know you can’t help but love me.”
Beckett chuckled, his heart beating faster.
You’re right, I do love you. But you can’t know that just yet.
Instead, he pulled her lips into another dizzying kiss, rolling on top of her, bracing himself just over her body. 
“Thank you, Ori, you have no idea how much I needed this.”
 How much I needed you today.
They spent the rest of the day out tangled up in the wildflowers enjoying the feel of each other’s lips, the cool earth and the warmth of the sun. 
As dusk started setting in, they put their shoes back on and headed back to the school. As soon as they were in sight of it, Beckett dropped Oriana’s hand and moved a step away from her.
Her brows furrowed. “What did you do that for?”
“You won’t understand, Oriana. It’s not personal” Beckett muttered.
“Try me”
He sighed and ran his hand through his hair. “My parents.”
“Beckett…” She started but he stopped and shook his head.
“No. You don’t get it. Yes, they’re hard on me, but it’s because they want me to succeed. I come from a very long line of over-achievers and I’m reminded of that constantly. My mother was flipping out when I accidentally let it slip that my study partner is a girl. She didn’t even care that you were sun-attuned, and that should have impressed her. I mean, of any girl I could choose, there’s really none better than a sun-att, not to mention you’re also fire! Two of them, Oriana, and she didn’t even care. Told me you were just distracting me, so you could do better than me.”
Oriana stood in front of him, her mouth had fallen open and she was gaping at him in disbelief.
“Okay…first off, we’re not exactly ‘study partners.’ I mean, yeah, you’ve definitely showed me things, but they weren’t even related to our classes! You didn’t want to work with me on our assignments when I asked, remember?”
“All the same, Ori.” He said, frustrated. Why can’t she understand what I’m saying? “I’m telling you, my parents have friends everywhere, and if it gets back to them that I’m hanging around you, it’s going to be a problem.”
“So, let me get this straight. Your parents would get upset because I’m a girl, with two attunements, so that means I’m automatically using you to make myself look good, because why else would I show interest?”
“OR is it because they’re going to think that you are using me because I have two attunements?”
“You don’t even know magic.” He said, completely exasperated. “Obviously I’m not using you and I know you’re not using me either, that’s not who you are.”
Beckett took several steps before realizing she was no longer following him. “Ori…?”
“You’re embarrassed.” She said sullenly, staring at the ground. “You’re embarrassed because I’m new to magic, which makes me below you.”
“No, that’s…” Beckett trailed off, a feeling of panic washing over him as she would no longer meet his eyes. “Oriana, you have to know that’s not true!”
“So that’s what you were arguing with your mother about earlier, wasn’t it? It’s why you didn’t even know what to say to me about the phone call, why you hung up so abruptly, and why you freaked out when I grabbed your phone. Because God forbid I actually stick up for you to your mother. God forbid someone like me actually likes you just the way you are.” She was getting angry.
“Ori, please, just let me…”
“No! Beckett, we’ve shared a lot together. You saved my life, you’re teaching me all the basics of what I need to know, hell you’ve been inside me. Numerous times. It’s like a physical need. Things happen when we’re together. We have this crazy connection, and I thought you felt it too. I thought that’s why you brought me to the meadow. But it’s not, is it? Because it’s your secret place, you knew no one would see us together there.”
“You’re completely overreacting. That’s not what I meant at all! You’re twisting my words…”
“No, Beckett, your actions are speaking a lot louder than your words.” She told him, sharply. “You’re like two different people. You’re one person when we are around everyone else, and you’re completely different when it’s just the two of us. Why can’t you just get over yourself and admit you like me?”
“I do like you!!” He said, frantically. “Oriana, you are amazing, you’re beautiful, you’re…”
“Then prove it. Hold my hand. Sit with me at dinner. Be with me.”
Beckett sighed and scrubbed a hand over his face. “I really want to, you have to know that I want to but…I…”
“Won’t.” She finished
“I can’t.” He corrected. “I would if I could…”
“It’s your life. You can do what you want. And you’re choosing not to. So, it’s not a matter of ‘can’t.’ It’s a matter of ‘won’t.’”
Oriana stood right in front of him, eyes on fire, challenging him. She’s had enough of his back and forth behavior.
Beckett swallowed. “I…need more time.”
“Right. Time. Sure, take all the time you need, Beckett. I’m going to go eat dinner with my friends now. You know, the people who actually care about me enough to be seen in public with me? Oh, right. You wouldn’t know, would you? Because you’re nothing like them.” She turned and stalked away, ignoring him calling after her.
Realizing she wasn’t turning back around, Beckett sank down on the ground and put his head in his hands. How did that spiral so out of control so fast? Why can’t she see how hard this is for me? I’ve never felt something like this before. I need her. I love her. I want her. You’re my sunshine, Ori. When you're around the sun shines just for me. Why can I not say that out loud? It’s what she needs…why can’t I give that to her? Why can’t I tell her we belong together and then act on it? Oh, Beck, please don’t mess up the best thing in your life.
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105 notes · View notes
lumchan · 6 years
part two of the bakuson series 
    Aizawa awoke with a start to the sound of his alarm blaring from his phone. It was a Saturday and school was on break why the hell did he have an alarm? He pushed his head further into the pillow and moved his arm around to pat his husband’s shoulder. 
“‘Zashi.......................alarm......” His husband just groaned and turned over onto his side bringing the covers closer to his chin. Aizawa groaned and hoped the alarm would shut off by itself willing himself back into sleep. The beeping was persistent and loud but he was an expert at sleeping during the most inconvenient of times. That was until a groggy voice screamed from the other side of the hallway “TURN IT OFF BEFORE I BLOW IT UP.” Aizawa groaned even louder and rose from his pillow looking around for his phone. When he looked on the screen it wasn’t an alarm, but a calendar event. He stared at the screen waiting for his eyes to adjust before they opened wide, reaching over to smack his husband awake. Aizawa was quick to turn off the blaring reminder and shifted to put his cold feet on Mic’s back, softly pushing him closer to the edge of the bed. 
“Wake up, we have that banquet in a few hours.” Hizashi ignored him and shut his eyes harder, clinging to sleep. Aizawa kept pushing and pushing with his feet til Hizashi ended up on the floor tangled in the sheets. He stay lying face down for a moment before he sat up staring at Aizawa through half-lidded eyes. 
“What banquet?” 
“Some annual hero thing or something....Tensei gave us the invite 3 months ago.” Sleep still clung to their voices and Aizawa was already dreading having to go. He was never one for parties, let alone a party held to honor heroes that were already praised everywhere else.  
Hizashi pushed himself off the floor with the help of the bed then stretched. “Do we have to go?”
“It’s a mandatory meet up.” Aizawa finally got off the bed and made his way over to their shared closet. “Besides, isn’t that my line?” Hizashi normally loved these things but it was summer vacation! He didn’t feel like dressing up in a too hot suit to mingle with people he knew too well. Every single one of these meet ups felt too stiff and awkward despite the fact that everyone there had been colleges for years now. This particular meet up would be the most awkward of all since  it’s the first since All Might’s official retirement. It was no secret that pro heros themselves disliked Endeavor and having to watch him be number one for an entire evening was going to be exhausting. 
They hopped in the shower together and packed some clothes for the night. The party venue was only a short plane ride away and had hotel rooms reserved for all the heroes. By the time they were finished looking for said plane tickets they only had 15 minutes to leave the house before the plane left without them. Aizawa didn’t think that was too bad of an idea as he looked at his watch. It was still pretty early, only 9 A.M. but when they entered the living room, Bakugou was already sitting on the floor in front of the T.V. with a bowl of his lucky charms. 
“You’re up early,” Mic said in passing going to the kitchen to get the car keys. 
“Couldn’t sleep cause someone was being loud.” 
“Oh, I know, Hitoshi’s such a snorer.” Mic ran his fingers through Bakugou’s hair as a goodbye, Aizawa right behind him pulling their suitcases with him. “See ya Katsuki!” The apartment door was shut as they headed to their car. 
Everything was quiet for about two minutes before Mic shoved the front door open, eyes wide. “WE LEFT OUR KIDS.” 
Aizawa scratched the back of his neck. “They’re not allowed...” Bakugou stared at his dads with a bored expression. 
Mic straightened up with a smile. “We’ll call Nemuri! She can baby sit, right?” 
“She’s going to the banquet too. Pro, remember?” 
Hizashi searched frantically through his phone contacts before smiling. “MIRIOOO~!” 
“First banquet as a pro. No.” Aizawa pinched the bridge of his nose before exhaling loudly. “Look, Katsuki and Hitoshi are both capable enough to take care of the house on their own for a few hours. They’ll be fine, my parents left me home alone all the time.” 
“Yeah, that’s sayin’ somethin’,” Mic muttered before getting an elbow to his side. “Katsuki, what do you think?” 
Bakugou shrugged from his spot on the floor. “S’just a house, whatever.” 
Mic nervously tugged at Aizawa’s sleeve. “What do we do what do we do....”
Aizawa turned away and exited his apartment. “They’re studying to be pro heros, you really think they can’t take care of themselves and a little sister? You’re freaking out for no reason. Let’s just go and get this over with.” 
Mic walked backwards, following his husband. “Make sure all the windows and doors are locked! Don’t answer the door for anyone, there’s food money on the top of the fridge, and don’t hesitate to call us if you need anything--” 
“Let’s go, ‘Zashi,” 
“Love you be safe bye!!” and with that the door was locked and shut, Bakugou all alone. 
Eri woke up an hour later stumbling into the living room towards the sofa. “Where’s papa?” 
Bakugou flipped through the T.V. channels lazily before looking at his younger sister. “They had a banquet or somethin’. You hungry?” Eri nodded and Bakugou pushed himself off the floor to head to the kitchen.
He scoffed at the money jar and rummaged through the fridge looking for something simple he could make her before he settled on her getting cereal for breakfast too. 
Bakugou placed the bowl in front of Eri, taking back his spot on the floor. She ate quietly. Almost too quietly. It took her a lot of time to semi recover from her time with Overhaul but with a lot of therapy and help from his dads, Bakugou watched Eri become a new person overtime. She was cheerful and outspoken, a little too sarcastic for her age but good natured and kind. This wasn’t like her. 
“What’s up?” 
Eri moved her spoon around her cereal, tilting her head to look at Bakugou. “Papa gives me waffles in the morning.” Oh. Waffles, okay that was easy. It would be a waste of cereal to have her not eat what he already poured her though. 
“Well I already gave you cereal so...” 
Eri inhaled and nodded slowly, pushing the soggy cereal around once more. Bakugou tried to ignore her sulking, he really did. But he had a huge soft spot for her and felt too protective to let her breakfast be ruined. It was the most important meal of the day right? Eri hasn’t smiled nearly enough in her lifetime so Bakugou decided what’s a little cereal in the trash. She was a child of routine, Aizawa insisting it would be better for her to have some sort of set schedule.
“Alright, how about this: you finish this bowl and I’ll go make you some waffles on the side, got it?” 
Eri continued to look down. 
“Half of the bowl and some waffles?” 
No response. 
“Half of the bowl and five hundred yen?” He said through gritted teeth. 
She was still quiet. 
“Five hundred yen and waffles?!” 
Bakugou smirked triumphantly, taking the bowl from her to go make her real breakfast. He stood in front of the toaster watching them before he realized what had happened. The waffles popped out and with wide eyes, Bakugou decided that baby sitting wasn’t the easiest of things. 
Shinsou woke up to find Bakugou on his knees rummaging around underneath their bed. “Looking for your purpose?” he yawned. 
Bakugou shot his head up and ended up banging it against the edge of the bed. “Shut UP. I need five hundred yen.” 
“Wow, look at you already getting yourself into debt.” Shinsou climbed down from the top bunk heading into the living room. “Good luck with that.” Eri was happily sitting on the sofa with a plate of waffles in her lap watching Die Hard. Shinsou reached over her for the remote quickly changing the channel. “Eri don’t watch that crap...everyone knows part two’s better.” She offered him her fork and he took small pieces of it, not wanting to steal her breakfast entirely. 
Bakugou  emerged from their bedroom with five hundred yen in his hand tossing it in Eri’s direction. “500, just like I said I would.” Shinsou scoffed and gave her a thumbs up. The siblings sat there quietly picking off their little sister’s plate until it was all gone. 
“Hey,” Shinsou said with his mouth partially full. “Where’d dad go?” 
“Says the hero trainee with no observational skills...They left, dumbass.”
Eri smiled up at Shinsou. “They had a banquet or something, dumbass.” 
Bakugou snorted. Shinsou hid his laugh behind his hand. “Don’t say that around dads, they’ll get mad.” 
The morning passed with the three of them lazily hanging around the T.V. the hours passingly slowly. It was now almost 2 pm and none of them had moved. Bakugou supposes if he was asked to baby sit he should stick to his dad’s schedule. “Eri go take a bath.”
“Why?” Her favorite word recently, besides the occasional fuck.
“It’s getting late and I’m in charge so--”
“Who put you in charge?” Shinsou backfired. “If you don’t wanna shower, don’t shower. You can always do it later.” 
“Dad put me in charge. Besides, I’m the oldest here so you’ll do what I say.”
“Hey Katuski?” Shinsou smirked. 
“Wha--” Brainwashed. Eri laughed into the pillow always loving her brothers’ banter. Shinsou released his quirk and Bakugou shook his head pushing himself into Shinsou’s face, palms crackling. 
“Oops, my bad,” Shinsou sighed getting off the couch grabbing Eri’s hand. “C’mon, bath time then.” 
Bakugou paced by the bathroom door, occasionally pushing his ear up to the door to listen.
“What’re you doing you creep?” 
“I’m listenin’ in case she drowns or something...” 
Shinsou starred from the couch unmoving before he jolted and rushed over to the bathroom door listening intently. “Eri are you alright?”
“Yes!” She sighed. “Katsuki’s been asking and asking!”
Shinsou sighed in relief. She was 6 years old, no longer a baby. It wasn’t like she didn’t know how to take care of herself, especially since she had been doing it years before her dads took her in. They were worried for no reason but still worried nonetheless. Her two older brothers sat by the closed bathroom door silently waiting for something to happen that never did. 
Eri came out of the bathroom with new clothes smelling like bubble gum. Bakugou and Shinsou stood up, following the wet trail her hair was leaving on the ground to their shared bedroom. She rummaged around for a brush before handing it to Bakugou who was the closest. He sat on her bed with his back against the wall, legs spread for Eri to climb in between sitting in front of him. He brushed her hair back softly starting from the bottom while Shinsou stood there with his hand on his neck watching nervously. 
Bakugou smirked to himself. “Eri, I’m clearly the favorite here--”
Shinsou snorted and turned his face away from the scene hearing the brush snap in half. 
“Fine,” Bakugou pushed himself out from between the wall and Eri pouting. “See who brushes your hair now.” 
Shinsou smiled and kneeled next to her on the bed grabbing the broken brush to start again. Bakugou sat glaring at his brother before reaching over to steal the brush again but Shinsou was too quick, holding it out of his grasp. “I’ve got this...go be useful somewhere else.” 
Bakugou moved from the bed to look for Eri’s rubber bands and clips to finish her hair. Sure Shinsou could brush her hair, which was surprising since it seems like he’s never used one on himself, but it didn’t mean he could do her hair just like dad did. After all the tangles were out Bakugou sat with the rubber bands pushing Shinsou out of the way so he could get to work. Braids weren’t hard, he’s watched Aizawa do it a billion times. It’s just hair. Just....hair. 
“You gonna do something, genius?”
“SHUT UP.” Bakugou shuffled for the brush trying to look like he knew what he was doing. “If you brushed it right I wouldn’t have to be doing this FOR YOU.” He separated the hair into three unequal parts. Whatever. Not like she was gonna leave the house looking like this. He crossed one over then the next. He repeated the motion until his fingers slipped and the next strand fell. He tried again and again while Shinsou smiled to himself watching Eri fidget and start to get bored. Bakugou inhaled and nodded to Eri’s hair. “Hold this.” 
Shinsou walked over cautiously and held one strand. Bakugou crossed the strands and gave a new one for Shinsou to hold, taking the previous one. He continued this, switching out strands with Shinsou and tied it off with a kitty rubber band. It was a crude braid with bumps running all along the top of her head, strands falling out of place, and the rubber band was quite loose. At least her hair was done. 
 Aizawa leaned against the banquet wall, wine glass in hand with Hizashi standing behind him. Some up and coming hot shot new hero was giving a speech about how happy he was to be here with all of the greats, blah blah blah. Truth be told, they could’ve left the reception a while ago. They walked around and talked with old acquaintances for two and a half hours until they finally met up with people they actually liked. Mic joked loudly with Emi while Aizawa spoke with Tensei. Nemuri was raiding the bar while nervous new pro heros stood in the dark corners like kids at a middle school dance. Mirio was among these heros, along with Nejire and Tamaki, and was the main reason Aizawa and Mic hadn’t left yet. Mirio was set to make another speech as a new hero; and not just as a new hero, but the first quirkless hero. Mirio’s done more to help the hero image than anyone else ever since All Might’s downfall and Aizawa definitely respected the kid.  
The way the night was going it seemed that Mirio’s speech was going to be later on in the evening so they’d just have to tough it out. Aizawa checked his phone one too many times during the banquet and kept getting rude looks from surrounding heroes. He was tempted to check on his kids but knowing Bakugou, it would only make it seem like he didn’t trust him. He knows both Bakugou and Shinsou, hell even Eri, were more than capable of protecting one another but he still couldn’t get rid of the nauseating feeling he got at the thought of his children being alone. 
“Right Eraser?” Emi smiled while elbowing him in the side softly. “Eraser. Earth to Eraser~~” 
Aizawa looked up from his phone quickly. “Sorry. Business stuff.”
“What do ya mean business stuff,” Taishiro said stealing finger food from Aizawa’s plate. “All the business is here!” 
Aizawa gave a meaningful look to his husband before pointing to the door. “Phone call.” 
The sun was setting and the night air was already pouring in when Aizawa finally found his way to the exit. He pulled out his phone and decided to call Shinsou, knowing it would probably be an ego boost if he thought that he called him before he called his brother. There was no answer, only a dial tone. He tried two more times with no answer. Aizawa nodded to himself trying to justify why he wouldn’t answer. It’s not like Shinsou really paid attention to his phone that much anyway, right? Next he tried Bakugou. He wouldn’t care if this bruised the boy’s ego he needed to know that his kids were safe. Four calls later, still no response. This is fine. 
Bakugou blasted his way outside the front door chasing Shinsou down the long corridor while Eri watched from the window inside. 
Shinsou was choking on his own laughs as he slid down the stairs failing to attempt to get rid of Bakugou. 
“No way, man!” Shinsou grinned waving Bakugou’s phone in his hand as he ran in circles avoiding Bakugou’s blasts. 
While they were inside, Shinsou decided to play a little trick on his older brother. Bakugou was out in the living room while Shinsou and Eri hid in their bedroom. Shinsou looked through his school bag to bring out his hero support items. “Shhh,” he snickered to Eri as she held her hands to her mouth stifling her own laugh. Shinsou clicked on his mask and messed with the settings a bit before crawling to his door. 
“Katsuki,” Shinsou spoke with Eri’s voice choking on his own laughter. “If you say you love big brother Hitoshi, you’ll be my favorite.” 
Bakugou grit his teeth. Anything to win, he guesses. “I love...Hitoshi.” 
“Say it like you mean it! Say he’s the best brother ever!”
Bakugou sighed and got up from his spot on the sofa making his way over to their room. “Fine. I love Hitoshit. Hitoshit is the best brother ever--” Bakugou ran into Shinsou on the floor of the bedroom as he entered. He looked down to see his brother holding Bakugo’s phone recording, with his hero mask on. It only took Bakugou .5 seconds to realize what had just happened but by that time, Shinsou had already bolted away with Bakugou’s phone in hand. He quickly saved the video and set it as Bakugou’s ring tone while he ran outside. Eri chased after them with a loud giggle fit. 
That’s what got them here, Shinsou running with Bakugou’s phone as it rang loudly four times over “I love Hitoshit. Hitoshit is the best brother ever,” 
“DELETE IT YOU SHITHEAD!” Bakugou was loud enough for the whole building to hear and since he was licensed he couldn’t technically get in trouble for using his quirk in public. But he could get in trouble for property damage. 
Eri watched happily from the window when she heard Shinsou’s phone start to ring again. She picked it up from its spot on the sofa and answered.
“Eri baby?” 
“Hi papa!”
Aizawa audibly exhaled on the other side of the line. Finally someone that answered. “Where’s Hitoshi? Is Katsuki there?” 
Eri took the phone and went back to the window to watch them continuing to chase each other around. “Ummm...they’re outside.”
“Outside doing what?”
“Katsuki’s blowing things up. Toshi’s running.” 
“Don’t move. Stay inside the house. We’re coming home.” 
“Okay papa!” 
“Eri, listen don’t--” Eri hung up before her dad could tell her anything else and continued to watch the two run outside. 
Aizawa rushed back into the party, pushing people aside and throwing apologized over his shoulder. He finally reached his husband and tried pulling him around from the crowd of people he seemed to be currently entertaining. Mic pulled back. 
“Shouta don’t be rude--”
“Our kids are in trouble. We need to go home now,” Aizawa muttered his apologizes to the pros surrounding him and tried pulling his husband away again.
“What’s going on, what happened?”
“Katsuki and Shinsou are outside, explosions and running, lot’s of it apparently and we need to get home.”
Mic excused him and Aizawa away from the crowd and put a calming hand on his cheek. “Shouta, relax. These are our kids. They wouldn’t do anything to put themselves in danger. You were the one who said they’d be okay, right?” 
“Zashi please,” Aizawa was never one to jump to conclusions and panic so quickly but he couldn’t stop thinking about a USJ repeat. Maybe villains were targeting Katsuki again. Overhaul could’ve assembled a new crew and they could be after Eri. He needed to protect his kids, he swore they’d never feel unsafe again. “We need to get home, please--” 
“Shouta,” Mic leaned in to kiss his forehead. “Mirio’s speech is soon...they’re okay, yeah? And...if by chance they aren’t...they have each other, yes? We’re an hour away. Leaving this second isn’t going to make the situation any better. We’ll leave after Mirio’s speech as promised.” Aizawa fidgeted with his phone turning it on and off again waiting for a text or something letting him know of the situation back at home until Hizashi slowly pried it from his hand and gripped his husband’s hand instead. 
Mic knew the kids weren’t in danger, he’s seen them chase each other around outside hundreds of times before, they were probably just playing. Besides, Mirio was about to go on stage. They’ll leave soon. But not soon enough for Aizawa’s standards. 
Bakugou sat sulking in the corner with his phone clutched to his chest glaring at Shinsou who was smugly sitting with Eri. “You’re a traitor, y’know that?” Bakugou said to Eri who only smiled. Once he made sure the recording had been deleted, he saw that he had 10 messages coming from Aizawa. They were just different variations of “are you okay?”s and “please answer”s. Dad was too paranoid, they were fine! Bakugou texted back a quick reply but never got an answer in return. 
It was almost 7 pm now and he realized he hadn’t fed his little sister since this morning. What a terrible baby sitter. Bakugou peered into the fridge looking for something to make. They hadn’t gone grocery shopping yet so it was looking a bit empty. “Alright hero reject, what’s for dinner?” 
“Ouch,” Shinsou rolled his eyes. “I don’t know Mr. Pro why don’t you figure it out? Your civilians are waiting.” He sat with his legs propped onto the coffee table, Eri copying him. Bakugou’s heart clenched at the thought of them being closer than the three of them would ever be. He knew they had been siblings long before he even came into the picture but he also knew that the three of them bonded quickly. “Chop chop, Mr. Hero!” 
“Chop chop, Mr. Hero!” Eri copied with a smile. Bakugou was definitely going to kill him someday. He gave up and tossed his phone to his brother. “Call in for pizza, I’m not doing it.” 
With dinner on the way and with nothing to do, Eri was bored. Like really bored. Normally Mic would take her out to the park, or she’d do some shopping with Aizawa. But today she wasn’t allowed to leave the house and she was not having it. She went into her room and flipped through the closet, leaving her brothers out in the living room. 
Eri came out of the room a few minutes later in one of Shinsou’s shirts, way too big for her, with her hair pushed back and his capture scarf. “Brainwash!” She said lowering her voice, sticking her fingers in Shinsou’s face. Bakugou sputtered and clutched at his stomach, not even trying to hide his amusement. Eri hopped around the room flinging the scarf in different directions screaming “Brainwash!” as she went. Shinsou watched her fondly laughing along with Bakugou until she got bored and went back to the room.
This time she came out in one of Bakugou’s skull shirts, pieces of her hair pulled so that they were sticking up. She stood in front of her brothers silently before she cleared her throat and gave them the meanest face she could. 
Shinsou choked and Bakugou immediately shoved Shinsou. “SHUT UP IT’S NOT FUNNY!” 
Eri continued to run around with a fake scowl. “DEKUUU~” Bakugou chased her around the house, running as slow as he could so that she could beat him. As they ran the door bell rang. Shinsou tip toed to get the cash from atop the fridge to pay for dinner. 
“Thanks man,” Shinsou took the pizza and handed over the money. He set the pizza down on the coffee table and his two other siblings stopped playing so that they could finally eat. He didn’t realize how hungry he actually was until he opened the box.
It was now 10 pm and Mirio had just finished his speech, taking his small award with him off stage. Tamaki and Nejire were waiting by the stairs, Nejire loud as always trying to get a closer look at the small trophy while Tamaki shrunk into his suit whispering his congratulations. 
“Can we go now?” Aizawa tapped his foot impatiently tugging on Hizashi’s suit sleeve. 
“Let’s go say our congrats to Mirio and we can leave, sound good?” They made their way to Mirio pushing through the coward of people who were also currently trying to speak to him. “Mirio~~!”
“Yamada-sensei, Aizawa-sensei! It’s been a while. Thanks for making your way over, it’s insane over there!” 
“Everyone wants to talk to the new hero, of course!” Mic lowered his voice to a playful whisper. “So what’s the plan to take down Endeavor?” Mirio’s laugh was clear and loud, his smile never faltering. 
Nejire pushed her way foward into Aizawa’s face. “Aizawa-sensei you look sick! Are you sick?” She looked over to Mic. “Is he sick? I think he might be sick!” 
Hizashi rubbed the back of Aizawa’s neck softly. “He is feeling a bit out of it right now, we actually just came to say goodbye.” 
“Leaving so soon?” Tamaki said from behind Mirio. 
“Eri’s waiting at home, you know how kids are, can’t sleep without their parents around!” 
Mirio nodded and Nejire cut in. “Say hi to her for me!! I haven’t seen her in forever...How is she? Is she good? What’s she up to??” 
“We’ll see you guys a little later then...take care! Say hi to Eri for me,” Mirio smiled while Tamaki waved his goodbye. Aizawa and Mic pushed their way towards the exit to make their way to the airport. 
They didn’t have tickets back home for tonight’s flight but since they were pros they could play it off as an “emergency” and that they needed to get on a plane ASAP. As far as Aizawa was concerned, it was an emergency. His kids were home alone exploding things. It seemed to take them forever to get on that plane. Aizawa was determined to get home.
Eri’s eyes were getting heavy. She wasn’t used to staying up this late and even though her brother’s tried to get her into bed, she insisted she wasn’t tired. Bakugou layed down on the sofa behind Eri, holding her to his chest as he propped his head up with his hand. Shinsou was sitting on the corner of the sofa lowering the T.V. volume as his sister began to drift off into sleep. Bakugou ran his fingers through her hair softly undoing the bad attempted at a braid. She breathed lightly and curled further into herself as she fell deeper into sleep. 
Bakugou was the first to speak, snapping Shinsou out of his trance of half asleep half away. “Do...you think we did okay?”
“Whadda you mean?” His voice felt heavy the activities of the day finally weighing on him.
“I don’t know. Whatever.”
“She’s alive.”
Things were quiet again and this time Bakugou was the one that started to drift. His head fell from his hand, waking him up to be more alert again. 
“They won’t be mad...I don’t think.” Shinsou looked down at his little sister. They had fun today. She smiled a lot and although she didn’t get to go outside, he’d like to think that he kept her entertained enough to not need to go outside. She was an easy kid to deal with and for that he was grateful. “I haven’t heard from them today.” 
“They didn’t forget to come home, you know.” They were words that were obvious but they were also words that Bakugou knew that needed to be said. A house with three kids who have been left before feels heavier at night and Bakugou knew exactly what he needed to say to ease his brother at least a little bit. “They’ll come home tomorrow, don’t worry about it.” 
Shinsou didn’t answer but continued to watch Eri as Bakugou tightened his arm around her. 
Aizawa opened the car door before Hizashi could properly park, disregarding the fact that the apartment keys were on the same key ring as the car keys. He ditched the suit cases in favor of heading upstairs before his husband. Everything was quiet and calm on his way up, no signs of explosions or danger. Maybe things had been cleaned up by the police already. It’s possible considering how long they were gone. Aizawa squinted into the window trying to see but all he got were the blinds that covered the inside. Mic came up the stairs lugging the suitcases behind him before putting a hand on the small of Aizawa’s back. 
“They’re okay,” He rubbed his hand softly digging into his back pocket with his other hand to grab the keys. He twisted the nob open softly and stared into the house his mouth slightly open. Aizawa pushed past him, worry evident on his face.
“What, what is it, they’re gone aren’t...they.....” his voice lowered to a whisper as he stared into the house. 
On the sofa, Shinsou was sitting up with his head dangling down as he snored softly with Bakugou using his thigh as a pillow and Eri cuddled into Bakugou’s chest. They were huddled together with the lights and T.V. still on. Aizawa exhaled and smiled softly. They were safe. 
“I told you so~~” Hizashi whispered pushing his way back into the apartment and kicking the front door closed softly. Bakugou scrunched up his nose and looked up at them with bleary eyes from the couch. 
“Dad?” He whispered eyes adjusting to them coming in closer to the sofa. 
“You did a good job today, Katsuki. Thank you.” 
Bakugou stared up at Aizawa for a moment before plopping his head back down onto Shinsou’s thigh with his eyes closed, bringing Eri closer to his chest. 
“I’m never having kids. Ever.” 
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parkkjiminssi · 6 years
Someday Chapter 2.
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pairing: idol!jimin x idol!reader
genre: fluff, angst
summary: Y/N just moved to Seoul after being selected and offered a contract to become a trainee at an entertainment company. Her first day was going well until she decided to roam around an unknown city on her own and gets herself into some trouble. Lucky for her an unexpected man came to her rescue.
a/n: hey guys, welcome back to the second chapter! I’m sorry if the story started a bit slow, but i promise that from here on out it will start getting interesting! I’m trying to figure out an update schedule. Don’t know if to do it once or twice per week, what do you all think? Also, I’m sorry about the captions on the Snapchats! I’m not very original when it comes to that. Lunars is Moonstruck’s fandom name. Anywayyyysss, enjoy!
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“Y/N? Y/N are you listening to me?”
“Wha—.” You mumbled as you were brought back from daydreaming. “Sorry, what were you saying?”
“I asked, do you want to go out and get something to eat? This might be the last time we will be able to go out in a good while. What were you even thinking about? Don’t tell me the pressure is already making you delusional!?”
“Easyyyyy, Scarlett. I’m still as sane as I was when I first met you.” You answered your friend’s question as you sat straight up on your bed. “I was just thinking about... Well you know.”
“You’re thinking about that night when you first arrived to the dorms again? Geez Y/N, you should seriously see a counselor. You’re still traumatized.” Scarlett teased. You quickly grabbed your pillow and threw it at her as a frown formed on your face.
“It’s not that! While it is true that it was a very scary situation, I just can’t believe who it was that came to my rescue. Much less the fact that I didn’t recognize him till way after. To top it off, I couldn’t even properly thank him! How embarrassing...” You protested, a sigh escaping your lips.
Scarlett’s reflexes activated immediately and stopped the pillow from hitting her. “I’m just messing with you,” She said as she took a seat next to you on the bed. “but maybe now you can thank him properly, don’t you think? I was seeing on television that they’re about to do a comeback. So maybe we’ll run into them eventually?”
“Maybe... but you know how they’re always busy. He probably doesn’t even remember and that’s okay.”
It had already been two years since that day. Since the day that Jimin saved you. You constantly caught yourself thinking about it, thinking of ways that things could’ve been differently. How you could’ve showed your gratitude properly, better than just a plain ‘thank you’. However, you also constantly reminded yourself that that was all you could do at that time. You didn’t speak Korean well, after all.
“Well, don’t think too much about it and make sure you go to sleep early. Tomorrow we have a big day ahead of us.” Scarlett said as she stood from your bed and headed for the door.
“Wow, the way you’re always babysitting me makes feel like you’re actually older than I am!” You called after her as she started closing the door. “Don’t forget to put the alarm for tomorrow since you’re probably going to be the last one to fall asleep.”
It also has been two years since Scarlett and you became really close friends. She became a trainee a month after you did. You have no idea how but before you knew it, the two of you were inseparable. From late night Korean language study sessions and sneaking out for barbecue, to wiping each other’s tears when missing home became too much. So imagine the happiness the two of you felt when you found out you were going to be debuting in the same girl group! Not to mention the fact that the two of you became roommates once you moved into the new house where the group was going to be living together. After days and hours of practice, fansigns to introduce the eight members and promotions, the recording of your mini album, and the shooting of the music video, tomorrow was finally going to be the debut of your group.
“Y/N, WAKE UP!” Scarlett exclaimed as she turned on the light from your room.
“Five more minutes, mom.” You said as you covered yourself with the blanket.
“No, I’m not your mom and there’s no more five minutes!” She said as she changed from her sleeping shorts to some jeans. “We’re already running late, all the girls are already downstairs waiting for us. I can’t believe I forgot to set the alarm!”
“Don’t worry about me.” You mumbled as you sat on the edge of the bed and rubbed your eyes. “I am prepared, just need to put on some shoes and wash my teeth.”
Scarlett turned to look at you skeptical, not sure what you were talking about. However, she quickly realized that you were already dressed. “H-how, what...? Did you go to sleep dressed for today?”
You nodded and before Scarlett could say anything else, you stood from your bed and headed for the restroom to wash your teeth and face. Once you were done you headed back to your room to brush your hair and put on your shoes. You grabbed your phone and purse and headed for downstairs. After a couple of minutes, Scarlett finally made her way downstairs as well. Seeing that all of you were already ready, your manager motioned for all of you to follow him and to get into the vehicle that would be transporting all of you to the venue. One by one, you started loading the van.
“Did you two go to sleep late last night? You’re not sick, right?” Your leader, JaeHee said as she turned to face you and Scarlett from the front seat with a worried look. Scarlett started mumbling something but you quickly interrupted her.
“Sorry, I forgot to put the alarm. I stayed up late practicing for today, so it must’ve slipped my mind. I promise it won’t happen again, Jae Hee.” You said, quickly bringing your hands together and slightly bowing. “I guess I was just too excited for today, I’m sorry I kept all of you girls waiting!”
Scarlett stared at you wide eyed. “It’s okay, Y/N! It’s not a big deal, we didn’t wait long anyways. A lot of us had just came down too.” JaeHee quickly replied with a warm smile. The rest of the girls also gave you reassuring smiles and thumbs up.
“Why did you take the blame for me?” Scarlett whispered, nudging you on the side.
“Ouch... I wouldn’t be such a good Unnie if I let the Maknae be scolded for something like this, specially today.” You started saying as you patted her back reassuringly. “Let’s just worry about our debut and give it our best!”
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BTS had just arrived at the M Countdown venue and were lining up before the entrance to greet fans, but for some reason Jimin was taking longer than usual to get down their vehicle and Jin was already getting impatient.
“What’s wrong?” Namjoon asked Jin, noticing the expression he was wearing.
Jin turned to point to where Jimin was. “He’s taking forever to get down, I have no idea why!”
Everyone turned to look at where Jimin was and after a few moments, he finally joined the rest of BTS. “Sorry, sorry! My phone had fallen under the seat and I was trying to get it.”
Rap Monster muttered the words ‘it’s okay’ and signaled for the boys to do their introduction. After they were done, they posed for a few pictures and greeted a few of their fans before making their way into the building. They were all so excited for their comeback tonight, and to see ARMY once again.
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Once the van in front of yours moved, it was Moonstruck’s turn to get down and greet their fans. Your heart was beating crazy fast and your nerves were all over the place, but the happiness you felt overpowered all the other ones. One by one, the members got down the vehicle and walked over to the designated area to line up one next to the other. You could hear the fans cheering louder and louder each time a member got down. When it was finally your turn, you were totally taken aback at what your eyes were seeing. Fans screaming and saying encouraging words, holding posters with your group’s name on it. You could totally feel their love and for that you were beyond grateful. None of you would really be here if it weren’t for them. As you walked over to where the rest of the girls were, you started making all types of heart gestures to all the Lunars that were there. Once you reached your group, your leader gave the signal to introduce yourselves. After that, the eight of you posed for pictures and greeted fans before starting to walk inside the building to prepare for the big night.
Inside the venue, one of the girls that was part of the crew led you to your dressing room and informed your manager that in thirty minutes Moonstruck needed to go onstage to block First Love, your first single. He nodded and started ushering all of you outside of the dressing room, having you follow the same girl onto the onstage. When you got there, each of you were given tags with your names and ran the song a couple of times. Once the staff was satisfied with the way things looked, they gave you the okay signal and allowed you to go back to the dressing room. You notice that when you got back this time around, the place was a bit more crowded with people and luggage and racks of clothes.
“Alright girls, let’s use the time we have left to get ready for the performance. Tonight is a big night, let’s make sure we leave a good impression!” Your manager said from the door, before heading out to make sure everything was ready. All of the crew and girls cheered in response. When he was out of the room, the eight of you walked over to where your stylists were and sat on your chairs to start getting ready.
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The hours passed by rather fast. Before you knew it, it was already time to start the show. You gathered in a circle alongside the rest of the members and started stretching. You didn’t wanted for anybody to get hurt on your first performance. Consequently, once properly stretched, you went over the dance a couple of times to make sure there wouldn’t be any errors.
“Moonstruck, you girls will be up in twenty minutes. Please start making your way backstage.” A member of the staff called from the dressing room’s door right before you were about to go over the dance one last time.
“Got it.” JaeHee replied with a nod. “Okay girls, come on.” She said as she motioned for all of you to get closer together. “This is it! The day that we all have trained for so hard is finally here. Let’s go out there and give it our best, but also be careful. I don’t want any of you getting hurt. I’m so proud of you all, and I’m so proud to be your leader.”
The rest of you muttered a few ‘aw’s’ and ‘cute’ as you wrapped JaeHee into a group hug. With that, the eight of you finally started making your way backstage. As you arrived, the staff started wiring you all. Giving you mics and earpieces, helping you all to make sure they were put correctly and were properly attached. The moment they finished prepping you guys was the same moment you guys were going onstage.
“You girls ready?” A man asked. JaeHee looked at each girl for approval and nodded her head. He talked to through some sort of radio, and after a few minutes he gestured for you all to get onstage. JaeHee led the way, setting foot on the stage first. The rest of Moonstruck quickly followed and got in your corresponding positions. You could hear the crowd cheering as the introductory video played, your heart beating faster than ever. Before you knew it, the lights came on and the music started playing. Your body out of instinct started moving to the rhythm. The crowd’s cheering got louder as they finally were able to see Moonstruck and the surprise they had prepared for all Lunars.
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During promotions all of the members, including yourself, had their hair colored either brown or black. However, a day before the debut stage all of you agreed to do something different and surprise your fans. This was the outcome and you could tell that Lunars liked it too.
“I’m no therapist but I promise you this,” You started singing. “I will listen, I will care. Hold my hand and I will go anywhere with you.”
You were giving it your all. Showing your best smile, doing all types of facials that went with the verse being sung, dancing like there was no tomorrow.
When the dance break started, you noticed the fan chants Lunars had come up with. Your eyes started getting full of tears, this moment was the best in your life so far.
“You’ve never left my mind since that day... could this be my First Love?” You sang the last verse and the music stopped, signaling that it was the end of your debut. The crowd’s cheering and clapping seemed to have intensified. A few tears managed to get past, making you cover your face with your hair so they wouldn’t notice. ‘Thank you, Lunars.’ You mouthed before getting off the stage.
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“Bangtan Sonyeondan, you guys will be up in twenty minutes. Please start making your way backstage so we can start getting you guys wired.” A staff member informed Rap Monster. He quickly nodded and motioned for the guys to follow him.
“You guys will be up after Moonstruck.” A crew member told the boys as they were getting ready with all the necessary equipment.
“Hey, I like this song. It has a good tone and the lyrics are nice.” Jimin said to Taehyung as they waited near the stage entrance, ready to perform. Tae nodded and started bobbing his head, but before they could fully get into the song it stopped. It had already finished. As the girls were exiting, BTS slightly bowed and the girls returned the gesture. It was at that moment that one of the girls caught Jimin’s eye. Her face, she seemed so familiar but from where had he seen her before? When? Then it clicked, the girl from two years ago! Jimin quickly walked over to catch up with you.
You were too caught up in what just happened that you didn’t pay attention to anything else other than the way back to the dressing room. Before you could get very far, someone took a hold of your wrist. You quickly turned startled to see who it had been, but never did you expected for that person to be him. To be Jimin.
“You’re her, right?” He asked. “The girl I helped two years ago in that dark alley with the drunk man?”
“Jimin, what are you doing? We have to go onstage now!” Rap Monster called Jimin, tugging onto his arm.
Jimin just ignored him and asked again. “You’re her, am I right?”
Your eyes widened in disbelief, was this really happening? You gulped and slowly nodded your head, afraid that your voice would fail you if you talked.
“I knew it!” Jimin exclaimed with a smile. “Please, what is your name? I didn’t get to ask last time we saw each other.”
“Jimin we have to go on now!”
“I just need her name. I’m not leaving again without at least knowing that.” Jimin said with a firm voice, not taking his eyes off you.
“Y-Y/N, now go!” You quickly replied, finally realizing the whole situation and that if he didn’t leave now then it would cause problems not only for him but for you as well.
“Y/N.” He repeated with a smile.
You had never been a fan of your name. Not that you hated it, you just sometimes wondered why were you even named like that. However, the way it sounded coming from him kind of started making you like your name now. Like some sort of song or poem that was only for you to hear.
Jimin finally let go of your wrist sliding his hand through and entangling his fingers with yours. He gave you a tight squeeze then took off running onto the stage.
As soon as he was out of sight, your legs unbuckled, taking all of your strength to remain standing. ‘What the hell was that?’ You thought, holding on to the nearest wall.
You quickly snapped back to reality when you heard Scarlett’s voice. “Y/N, are you okay? I was looking for you!”
“Yes, yes. I’m okay, sorry I was just looking for my earring. I think I might’ve dropped it.” You quickly said, trying to cover the fact that you were really still backstage because of Jimin. Your hand immediately reaching for the other one, the one that held Jimin’s.
“Oh, really? Let me help you look for it.”
“No, no! It’s okay!” You quickly protested, trying to get out of there as soon as possible. “I’m sure that the stylists have spares or something.”
Scarlett eyed you for a moment suspiciously, sensing that you were hiding something. She could always somehow tell, like a sixth sense or something! However, she decided to just let it slide. For now...
Once her gaze was off you, you quickly reached over to your ear and pulled off the piece of jewelry and threw it in a nearby trashcan. You had to go through with this whole story now!
Back in the dressing rooms the girls and the whole staff were celebrating. You all had successfully completed your first debut stage with flying colors! Your mind went back to that moment onstage singing and dancing, replaying it over and over, forgetting about the Jimin inccindent. Now, all you had to do was wait for the award ceremony.
At the end of the show, all of the artists and groups that participated gathered onstage once more to announce the winner of the night. The walking from the dressing rooms to the stage made you realize how tired you really were. Your legs felt really heavy and your eyes could close at any moment, but regardless of all of that, nothing could beat what you had just experienced.
All of the sudden you felt a slight nudge on your right side and you lazily turned ready to scold Scarlett. Much to your surprise it hadn’t been her, your eyes widening at the sight of Jimin. You felt your face turning hot and turned your head faster than you ever had that it almost gave you whiplash to hide the most likely blush, causing for a small laugh to escape from his lips.
The hosts went ahead and thanked everyone for watching. They then proceeded to introduce the top two groups and consequently the winner, BTS. The crowd went wild and started cheering for the boys on their first win for this comeback. You clapped for them for a small moment before being asked to exit through the right hand side stage entrance. You and the rest of the members started doing as told, occasionally bowing to the other idols that were walking alongside all of you. Before completely exiting, you took one last look at the stage. A huge smile forming on your face, thankful for the experience and happy to finally see that all your hard work was paying off.
‘I need to call home.’ You said to yourself finally stepping off.
After reaching your dressing room, all of you started changing out of your performance clothes and into your regular clothes.
“Okay, now what is really going on?” Scarlett asked as she walked over to you, all ready to go back to the dorms. “Don’t think I believed that story about the missing earring. I saw you throwing it from the corner of my eye as we were walking back!”
“Shh, shh!” You said, quickly putting your hand on her mouth to stop her talking too loud, or from talking at all. “Fine, I’ll tell you. Actually the reason why took long back stage was be—“
“Y/N, can you please come with me for a moment?” Your manager interrupted, signaling for you to follow him outside the room.
“Yes, I’ll be there.” You turned to look at Scarlett and muttered ‘I’ll tell you in the dorms’ before stepping out. Scarlett only sighed and nodded, grabbing your belongings to look after them.
“You needed to talk with me?” You asked as you closed the door behind you.
“Yes, Y/N. You see, M Net wants to know if you want to participate on Hit The Stage?” Your manager asked.
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Someday Masterlist
Main Masterlist
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