#(trying to help populate these tags. LOL)
tealeafowl · 11 months
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🎇🧤 doodle
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voidbeomgyu · 11 months
ALONE (Teaser)
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In which you meet your bias in the worst circumstances.
PAIRING Idol Jake Sim x Fan Fem Reader
GENRE Zombie Apocalypse, Angst, Slow Burn, Romance/Strangers to Lovers, Suggestive (Maybe smut, not sure yet.), some fluff
WARNINGS 18+ MDNI, Descriptions of violence, death, blood, etc., All members except Jake died so keep that in mind (I'm sorry), Cursing, Crimes, Mental health talk and experiences, Death, Sickness (Throwing up), Making out, Smut(?), It's an apocalypse!au idk how else to warn about that LOL
SUMMARY The group Enhypen get on a plane to the US and when landing are met with the worst. Jake makes it out alive... but alone. Since the dead are attracted to areas where the population is saturated, your best bet is to stay low in the areas usually considered dangerous (alleyways, abandoned buildings, etc). He made his way into the country and found a nice cabin alongside a lake. His further inspection led him to believe it was abandoned for whatever reason, maybe it was a vacation home? Little did he know his inference was correct, and soon he was met face to face with a member of the family who owned it. How would she react to seeing her favorite artist rummaging through the cupboards of her new--hopefully permanent--home? And how would he be able to explain to a loyal fan of his that he was the only member left?
RELEASE DATE To be determined.
TAGLIST Comment on this post or send an ask to be added. (Have your age on your profile or you will not be tagged)
Endless walking while trying to find a suitable place to stay was slowly driving Jake insane. The exhaustion from travelling, fear of death, and anguish from the scene at the airport was weighing down on him heavier and heavier every second. Having watched his best friends, his brothers, his family all being taken away from him without being able to do anything but listen to the oldest’s words, “Run”.
Jake had not yet cried, there was no time for it. It’s been almost thirty six hours since then, he’d stolen a bike around a mile away from the airport. It’s helped him a lot on his journey to safety. He never stole, he wasn’t like that, not that type of person. But in the moment he didn’t have the time nor energy to feel guilty about it. 
Jake didn’t know exactly what he was looking for, but he wanted quiet. Not knowing wether or not it’ll be safer in the city or the country side, he chose the latter. Cities are crowded with people, meaning they must be crowded with the dead by now, right? No matter; either way he knew he’d feel much better being in the middle of nowhere, or at least in the middle of what looked like nowhere. All alone in an abandoned farm house, maybe a lake house, any house on the country side would do. He was being too optimistic, he knew, but he couldn’t help it. Finding a safe home to live in alone with no one around for miles sounded comforting.
The Jake from two days ago would’ve shivered at the thought of being completely alone. Though no extrovert, he needed people. He needed that connection, that interaction. His reasons to smile and laugh were mostly based around the people around him or the entertainment he consumed. Entertainment was out of the question now, and it seemed like people were too. Most dead, and others probably too violent to give Jake a chance due to the circumstances. 
All he held on him was his and Sunghoon’s carry-on bag from the flight. Note to self, don’t try to save your friend by holding onto their bag. Thoughts like this crossed his mind every few minutes, tragedies sentenced as jokes but he wasn’t laughing. What’s wrong with me? How could I think something like that? Maybe it was the dehydration, starvation, overall fatigue? He hadn’t eaten anything since the flight and was savoring the small amount of water he had on him. Either way, thinking of his beloved friends didn’t do much to help his mood. Trying to think of the good times? Those good times will never happen again, they’re gone forever and I’ll never get them back.  
More days passed like this. With a stop at a gas station probably being the reason he’s even alive right now. It was abandoned, for the most part. It was the early morning, and he was literally starving now. The cashier was still there, but his neck was chained so tightly to the wall that it was on the edge of ripping his head clean off. Oh, he was a living corpse too. Jake could tell that much by just looking at him, muffled grunts and groans coming from the pale body every minute. Luckily, he didn’t seem to care much of Jake’s criminal activities there. Stuffing whatever foods and drinks he could into the bags he had on him. They were even heavier now, but he couldn’t feel anything. He was numb to all feeling, mentally and physically. 
At day four he had started keeping track of how many days passed with a calendar he found on the wall of the gas station that morning. He didn’t stay there though, he didn’t have it in him to kill the cashier, and he knew that if he somehow got loose while he was sleeping it would all be over. The past few days he hadn’t slept or rested much at all actually. Napping for at most an hour at a time, waking up to the slightest noises and scurries of nearby wildlife. He knows he’s incredibly lucky to not have encountered any of the dead, besides the one at the gas station, but it’s a little stressful to not have seen any either. Where could they all be? He had made it out of the city, the once bustling streets on day two, he knew many people weren’t out here to begin with. But knowing there are creatures that could kill him in seconds lurking while having no idea where they are was terrifying. 
It’s been six days. His legs started feeling numb just hours after finding his bike due to the frantic pedaling, now he felt like his legs were asleep all the time. The feeling of pins and needles covered his lower body as they worked on auto pilot to keep him going. His back felt horrible, slouched from his broken spirit. Endless cramping and soreness of his hands and fingers from gripping the bikes handles for hours at a time. His knuckles were white, and now so was his once tanned and alive skin. 
His lack of proper meals, sleep, and rest was now obvious. Jake hasn’t seen himself since that day in the airport, but from looking at his now thinner, paler, vein visible arms, he could take a guess at what his face looked like. Hell, he could feel the bags under his eyes whenever he blinked now. 
It’s been quiet and empty for a few miles. Nothing but grass, and a dirt trail he’s been following in sight. How long is this damn trail? he thought. Jake started following the trail at the sunset of day five; he remembers because of his calendar. It was coming to the end of day six, the sun starting to set in the distance behind him. He found a flashlight at the gas station and used it to find himself a place to “rest” for the nights he faced, it neared the time to find a spot to sleep.
Trees were all around him now, the area looked more alive here, not dried out and dead like the miles before. He must be getting close to some sort of building, forest trails usually have a building as a starting point, right? Unless this trail wasn’t made for hikers, in that case he was hoping in vain. 
It was almost completely dark now. Jake had usually found somewhere to stay by this time, but something was telling him to keep going. Using the flashlight to illuminate the shadowed forest, he heard his friends voices cheering him on over and over again. 
“Keep going Jake!”
“Just a little longer!”
“You’ll be okay!”
Tears were unconsciously streaming down his face now, though he still didn’t feel anything. His body just gave up on the effort of keeping them in. 
Jake pedaled faster. He couldn’t hear anything but his heavy panting, it felt like someone had covered his ears with their hands and muted the sound of everything around him. He saw something in the distance, the roof of a building; he padaled faster. A house, the roof made of wood, looked like a cabin; he padaled faster. He could hear the muffled sound of streaming water; he pedaled faster.
Face to face with a cabin, going so fast he couldn’t stop himself from crashing into the wet grass below him. Still struck with adrenaline, he pulled himself up quickly and dragged his bike to the front door. His broken and unused voice sounded through his pants as he tried frantically to open the damned door. 
The door handle had a key hole but was locked with a rusty padlock. He could turn the handle and wriggle the door, that padlock was what he needed to remove. He pulled a hammer out of his bag; he grabbed it from the gas station floor, it was covered in dried blood. Obviously used by someone prior to leaving it there. Jake slammed the hammer into the padlock, over and over again. The loud bangs from striking the lock were null to Jake’s ears, his desperation coating over all his sense. 
Smash. The padlocks body is broken away from its handle and the door is free from it’s hold on the wooden frame. 
Jake shoves his way inside, throwing the bike onto the hard floor of the entry way before turning to lock the door. It was locked from the outside but had a perfectly working lock on the inside, though he didn’t care to question it. He made it, he was safe, he felt like he could faint.
He had no time to think, let alone find a good source of light before he threw up. Keeling on the once clean floor, liquid from his stomach poured out from him. His throat burned and ached at the feeling, like his throat was made of sandpaper. Falling back he sat on the floor, staring at the door and the mess he made on the ground. He laid back and let his eyes rest for the first time in nineteen hours. Jake fell asleep there on the hard floor, knee propped up on the backside of a couch.
If he was thinking clearly, he would’ve checked the entire cabin, then scavenged for any foods that may be there. But he was broken, body and mind. Luck had been on his side since the beginning though. The home was completely vacant before he entered, and when he wakes up he’ll have found himself a place to live in safely. Away from the corpses living in the surrounding cities, and away from any still living people, all alone.
(A/N: Hello friends! I'm finally writing LOL I've had this wip since December and I'm finally going to finish it. This post is just to see if people would even be interested lol. The total fic word count I don't know yet because I haven't finished it, but I am close! I won't give y'all any hints but I will apologize in advance for the angst I'm about to put y'all thru<3 sorry love you guys muah. Don't know exactly when I will publish the full fic, maybe right when I finish it, maybe a month after I finish it IDK I haven't written seriously in months so I'm not too confident anymore but I am excited. Hope y'all are as excited as I am :D )
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growling · 11 days
*average self-proclaimed safe space tumblr blog voice* I soooooo support people with schizophrenia that must be so hard to you anyway I just saw some weird looking woman talking to herself right outside my house im fearing for my life should I call the cops. Yeah dude I support all the adhd havers in the chat just try to pay attention when I talk to you it's not that hard it's like the least you could do to show some regard for the other human being in front of you. Like it's fine to have memory problems but why did you forget this one thing in particular that was important to me do you like not care or anything you should try harder. I am one of the only real mental health advocates to still exist in this world I hear your struggles that being said I hope I never get to meet one of those irl sociopaths or people with aspd whatever they call them now they're so freaky and they can blend into society so well you might never know if you're actually face to face with an actual socio i mean person with aspd in the store absolutely one of my biggest fears what if they torture me in their basement. I absolutely empathize with all the people in here suffering from delusions as long as they like, don't actually show it or have one concerning me that'd be highkey uncomfy leave me out of this dude im not talking to you until you get help, anyway my fav character from my anime just presumably died but i still think they actually survived im sooo delulu lol. We should push for more wheelchair accessibility in our cities I agree but like it's so difficult to tell how many people are actually disabled and who are actually faking it, like, ummm why did that "wheelchair" "user" guy stand up just now cover blown lmaoo…. Yeah I support people with facial differences but I still have a right to be disgusted you can't control my emotions anyway can you tag your selfies as #body horror this deeply triggering to me. Speaking of triggering can you also pleaseee hide your scars or at least warn us beforehand jesus do you know how many people genuinely do not want to see it. Here is my extremely fast strobing lights and flashing gifset #epilepsy. Yeah I loveee girls with bpd beautiful princess disorder am i right they're so interesting the stigma sucksssss i'd love to get to be one's favourite person as long as they don't actually have any of those weird or violent symptoms or don't go into any of their "episodes" near me like that's a bit dramatic….. I deeply feel for those who had underwent narcissistic abuse from the hands of an npd I think my shitty ex boyfriend was a narcissist too tbh #surviving narcissism here are 10 signs you are dealing with a narcissist and here's a tutorial on how to trigger a narc crash to epically own them anyway does anyone else think we should start enforcing mandatory castration of all the newly diagnosed narcs like you know what happens when they reproduce right. But I am willing to support them as long as they go to therapy to get that fixed it's just you know. Anyway sometimes hospitalisation is fine if they're genuinely a danger to themselves like what do you want them to go live on the streets or actually get help?? I support all the people dealing with being a professionally diagnosed disordered system and I think it's sooooo terrible how literally 99% of the youth population nowadays is purposefully faking it for attention I did my research (1 minute google search, 2 minute r/fakedisordercringe scrolling session and consulting a single system that agrees with me). It's just not believable to me that there's really that many people with it isn't it supposed to be rare… Also are we really sure all those alleged people in their heads are really real or just their imagination maybe all of them are actually faking it huh food for thought. I am very uncomfortable with nonverbal high support needs ppl actually having sex like consent is supposed to be explicitly verbal only and, are we really sure they can even consent arent they like basically children. You can't call me ableist I'm literally autistic
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mayordoi · 10 months
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songwriting with meiko 🎙️
i have a few things to comment abt this which will be isolated under the cut so the post doesnt get too bloated :] mainly small hcs about meiko/kaito/miku hhhh
an idea that briefly popped in my head when i was brushing my teeth that i did not want to let get away. it was ambitious and i liked the concept of using my hc'd versions of the younger crypton vocaloids (miku's beta design and meiko/kaito's v1 designs) interacting with each other, so i went for it. i designed the general vibe of the background in animal crossing, ol reliable for these kinds of things, since i knew i wanted to cram as much detail in the environment as i could. i made a post about it on my personal account here since i was quite proud of this build.
as i was decorating, i kept spontaneously making headcanons for the younger meiko/kaito/miku unit in order to understand how to populate their living space with accurate clutter. i ended up totally overdecorating the whole thing and only referenced a small portion of the interior (like, why'd i go so hard on thinking about the yard? thats just what happens when i try taking this route) but i did like some of the ideas i came up with to explain my decorative choices. here's just a ramble.
oh yeah i guess i should get something i mentioned in the tags of that art i made w all the crypton gang's "younger" versions out of the way: i hc the character vocal gangs' "younger" designs to be their "IF" or beta designs. and meiko and kaito's younger versions are their V1 designs, mainly inspired by how they appear in the earlier project diva games (every time i look at them i just see them as awkward teens still trying to figure out who they are lmao)
also mentioned there that sakine meiko and meiko are one in the same and the fanloid and vocaloid arent separate entities. sakine meiko was meiko in her early music career as a relatable teen pop idol, with the "sakine" family name being made up to create that image. once meiko grew into an adult, she put the persona behind and just went by meiko, and around that time she met kaito and theyd be musical partners for a while
meiko sort of adopts miku into their unit when she recognizes her potential and serves as a mentor to her after then. kaito is the same but acts more as a supportive guardian in comparison. rin, len, and luka would come along later of course.
yeah i really fuck with the idea of the crypton gang being a little family :] i think it's neat! and this art/animal crossing build was a fun way to explore that hc a little
meiko is a physical media fiend, especially for music. loves collecting cds and vinyls and the like; they're littered all over the house. loves rock music too
kaito on the other hand has a knack for gardening and tends to the very modest garden outside their house. also collects a lot of art he finds in thrift marts and such for novelty's sake
miku always dedicated herself to improving her craft and finding her voice thanks to the help of meiko. she was also kind of a nerd at this era. very serious and dedicated
these folks did not know how to clean shit up, everything left lying on the floor ends up being an intentional decoration (probably not clear in this but i did like scattering stuff around to the best of my ability in the AC build)
ummm that’s it for now i guess i had less than i expected? but i’m glad to get this down somewhere lol feel free to share your own hcs if you wish, i love hearing them
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mossymandibles · 6 months
I have a 2 part question -
So those little baby looking mermaids seemed to be at least partially sentient, does that mean that the mermaids Kraw hunts are either fully or partially sentient?? I mean I understand that the morality of your universe was way different because of the doctor lady and the way those people from the van tried to tag Kraw while he was sleeping, but the implications for the mermaids made me like :0
The whole eat or be eaten thing when almost all creatures can be fully formed people is a very interesting concept and shows how harsh that universe is which is also very interesting to me.
I would also like to know what ISN'T a real thing in that universe. It seems like kind of a free for all in terms of magic/tech/creatures (which is actually my favorite kind of thing because that means there's hardly any limitations in terms of story telling), so I'm really wondering what's a thing that would not exist there. Like are there no aliens or gods, or even something super regular like parrots or something?
(Also sorry I'm very bad at remembering names so I'm sorry that I'm not naming things properly lol)
You’re good!
Well, I had it in my head that some mermaids evolved to be sentient while others are feral and technically aren’t ‘mermaids’ in a sense where they don’t appear very humanoid. Sentient merfolk have their own cultures/societies, which would be completely strange and foreign to those on land. It’s like a whole other world to them. Example is how merfolk all tend to either worship the supposed body that fell into Hellmouth, or they fear that it and the depths will ultimately call to them. Or how they worship the leviathans similar to saints or demigods.
I wanted the ocean to be even more so unknowable than it seems now, just because it’s almost impossible to trek and most islands don’t possess the technology to explore its depths. Most people don’t know about ‘merfolk cultures’ or how they work. There are plenty of weird cults assuming to know though. The Ladder seems to know the most of whats going on, and they’ve cut themselves off from the rest of the world aside from a few information leaks
Like how, even though I show/ talk about the Leviathans on here a lot, most people in Hallowed Carrion have never seen/don’t want to believe they exist, aside from the logs of Ladder Researchers. Seeing one in the modern day is especially rare. They’re usually out in the Hellmouth region which most sailors avoid sailing through. Or they’re curious ones, like the Syrinx.
As for Kraw’s job, he the main guy for taking care of the invasive feral mermaids/ sea creatures in general for Marrowtide, or he preforms ‘catch and release’. Kraw helps control populations, but he’s certainly more ‘sensitive’ to the ethics of hunting mermaids and which ones are just other folks trying to get by. He has his own motto “if it speaks throw it back”. He wasn’t always like that though and he feels guilt over it. He knows his way around them thanks to Mayv and was able to help Marrowtide regain control of their fishing business, as long as they stayed within their means.
Most sentient merms usually know to stay away from the boats if they have traps out, or they stay away from heavily populated islands altogether.
Of course some regions are known to not really give a shit whether merfolk are sentient or not, and usually poach certain rarer merfolk or creatures for organs, oils, scales etc, pretty much how whaling used to be. Kraw can just as easily become a victim of this in some places. Certain Chimereal organs have their uses.
Where I said there were a lot of prejudices against chimereals and where most people don’t know much about them, it would be easy to see someone like Kraw and think he was a dangerous creature if he wasn’t wearing clothes and was dragging a fish up on land on all fours, unfortunately.
As for what can or can’t exist, I don’t really know! Like most of the characters, or people irl today. We could discover anything tomorrow, really.
I’d like to think some regions closer to Hellmouth would be more open to unexplained phenomena happening. Or the regions surrounding the 2nd body would be having certain ‘thinning of the veil’ elements. I don’t really want it to seem like a ‘magical’ place by any means, more like what science can’t or hasn’t explained yet on an earth with new rules of nature so to speak as well as limited means of sharing knowledge. It’s kind of like how in the past the unexplained was accredited to being a miracle from gods or an omen etc. The scary part is when there’s no way to explain it. Examples in Hallowed Carrion is like how some people or places might see Kraw as a ‘demon from the depths’ or a sea monster, unlike Sylvaine who obviously knows he’s just some guy who wants to be a dad.
I’d say there are still regular species of the old world existing, maybe slightly evolved or completely evolved. Some might be rarer than others or completely extinct. Most of the landmasses are islands now so that would effect things obviously.
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kaylinalexanderbooks · 3 months
Hair for the brown ask game?
Thanks for the ask!! (From this world building ask game).
Answering for Alium, the alternate dimension in The Secret Portal.
HAIR - What kinds of discrimination are there? Are they the same as reality?
Ok alright.
The world in terms of culture is all pretty happy to co-exist. There are 10 Sectors but no one really cares where you're from. It's not uncommon for people to be of various cultural descent and you can go anywhere in the world and it won't have a completely monogamous population. So for the most part, racism/xenophobia/any kind of discrimination of culture or origin isn't really a thing.
Same goes for homophobia/transphobia/sexism. Not really a thing. I've kind of in the process of fixing surnames so women don't have to change their names in a M/F relationship and the children can have the names of either parent or both. I did make it a little patriarchal, but I'm working on it.
This isn't to say no one in Alium holds these prejudices. It's just not widespread or institutionalized.
Now ableism - that's the big one. In terms of disabilities that actually exist, there's a lot of technology available for accomodation. Stairs aren't a thing, so people who couldn't use stairs to begin with will be fine. There are gloves/sleeves/etc to help translate gesture-based languages to speech - though they are completely optional to the individual and not enforced. Any real-disability accommodations actually are taught to be entirely up to the individual, who can reject them and not be shamed or mocked for doing so. There's no push - they're just there.
But then come the powers. This is where the root of the discrimination is in TSP.
There are ones specific to a power - such as stereotypes. Telepaths, for example, are stereotyped to be mentally unstable, and most psychological hospitals are populated with telepaths. Telepaths often have to wear dampeners in certain locations. Teleporters can also be warded off. As soon as they're identified, chronokinetics (time manipulants) have their time traveling power suppressed, limited to only smaller changes.
The Class system for power rarity is also sometimes misinterpreted as a hierarchy by those who want to be seen as better for having a more rare power. In general, there are individuals who believe Their Power, or only specific powers, are superior. People with flying and intangibility and other less practical powers can be seen as inferior. Same goes for differing Levels of power - some people don't have the potential for higher abilities.
There are also traditional jobs they are expected to take. Those with superstrength should go into physical work and terrakinetics into construction.
But the most prominent is the Inutilia - the name given to those who never develop powers. If you know your Latin roots, you'd know this means useless. This is a relatively recent mutation where an Alii never develops powers - and in this society this is seen as a disability. This is where the ableism comes in. Society doesn't see a point to them.
The Big Conflict is the prejudice of the Inutilia. After decades of violence toward them, one group had enough and decided to basically attempt to overthrow the oppressive governments of the world and replace it with a new one. Another group was like "hey, how about we try to solve the prejudice without violence!?" And now the two sides are pissed at each other to say the absolute least.
Second group is the focus. As the series goes on, I deconstruct the bias in its leadership and actual more productive ways to counter the prejudice and promote equity. A lot of power corrupts themes. Hehe good luck to me lol.
So that's the basic overview of it? That was a lot. Working on this is super hard but super interesting. Figuring out all the social implications, bias, etc is a LOT. A lot of research too.
Hope that was a sufficient answer lol.
TSP intro
TSP tag list (ask to be +/-): @thepeculiarbird @illarian-rambling @televisionjester @fairy-tales-of-yesterday
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viola-ophelia · 11 months
in defense of thranduil
hello! so you know how i occasionally do “in defense of” meta posts about unpopular characters ( X X X ) ? well, i’ve been thinking for a while about doing one for thranduil, but i wasn’t quite sure how to go about it since tbh, i don’t think anyone could call thranduil unpopular. his ao3 tag is very well-populated, and, ahem, a good portion of it is smut lol. he even has a ton of “x reader” stuff about him on tumblr, which to me is usually the hallmark of a popular character. but i’ve felt the urge to defend him anyway, and i think it’s because... well. i do think a character can be both popular and misunderstood, and for all the thranduil enthusiasm i’ve seen, i’ve seen just as much thranduil hate and criticism, so clearly something about him has people at odds. specifically, a lot of people seem to think he’s a bad dad, and/or that the peter jackson movies totally butchered his character, which is really interesting to me because i actually believe neither. so i’m going to try to illustrate why! i’ll be primarily discussing movie-verse thranduil in this post, with a few references to the books as a secondary source. so without further ado, here is why i think thranduil is A Good Dad Actually, and the movies are not a “butchering” of but a compelling darker/grittier spin on a character who - since he exists in tolkien’s written works only in a book for children and in the margins of a sprawling and very bloody history - only really works if you reconcile those two things. 
under a cut because as always, this is LONG!
let’s first talk about what seems to be people’s main grievance with movie-verse thranduil: the fact that he’s “turned into this greedy character whose only motive is getting back those gems” when that’s not what he’s like in the book. while it’s definitely true that there are a few key differences between book thranduil and movie thranduil, i actually don’t think that the two versions are so incongruous with each other. the areas where they differ, i think, flesh out movie thranduil into a character who compels beyond his simplified, kid-friendly presentation in the hobbit book and who makes sense within the larger historical context of his world. it’s true that the elvenking in the hobbit isn’t explicitly interested in material gain. he mainly seems to get involved in the battle of the five armies to help out bard, since mirkwood is allied with laketown. and there’s also no mention in the book of the elvenking having lost his wife, even though that’s a key part of his backstory in the hobbit movies. in the movies, those gems that he’s so interested in getting back from the dwarves are actually a necklace that belonged to his wife before she died. he’s still motivated by wanting to help laketown - which is why he shows up before the battle with wagons of food and supplies for the starving people - but he’s also motivated by grief - something deeply personal that none of the other characters (except gandalf, because gandalf knows everything lol) are even aware of, and this, i feel, gives depth to his character. 
the thing is, thranduil seems greedy because none of the other characters know of, and thus inherently cannot understand, his real reason for pursuing the gems. and it’s true - at face value, it doesn’t make sense why he’d seemingly put his people at risk for a random necklace. a pretty harsh reading of thranduil’s motives could even align him with thorin’s dragon-sickness. but remember how the battle of the five armies started? thranduil and bard pulled up with their forces thinking it was gonna be all of them against twelve dwarves and a hobbit lol. they probably thought there’d be no casualties and it’d be over in twenty minutes! they had no way of knowing how many other forces were going to get involved. and when thranduil does see the first elves laying dead on the ground, he tries to draw out. he never wanted to spend his people’s lives like that. he realizes he had been blinded by his grief for his wife and had acted selfishly - and personally, i like this a lot better than the book’s sort of handwave-y explanation for why the elvenking is even bothering to involve himself and his kingdom in the (petty, by his standards) affairs of dwarves and men. because... movie thranduil is not just Like That for no reason. he has a whole history, going wayyy beyond his wife’s death even, that makes him the way he is - and that is what is so satisfying about his portrayal in the movies, because it actually attempts to acknowledge that deeper context. 
we have to remember that thranduil, at least in comparison to pretty much every other character in the hobbit, is old as hell. he reminds us of this multiple times in the movies: “a hundred years is a mere blink in the life of an elf. i can wait.” for a character who presumably shouldn’t need to worry or think about death, he’s unusually fixated on his own immortality in the movies, a trait that is missing from the books. and while i do get why some readers are charmed by the idea of an elf who doesn’t seem to perceive himself very differently than the men and dwarves he’s surrounded by, i’m a lot more drawn in by the idea of an elf who just can’t forget about how different he is. because if you actually think about where thranduil fits into the bigger history of middle-earth, it’s sort of hard to turn the page back from this darker, more scarred side to him - because yeah, he might live forever if he avoids conflict, but he also knows death in a way that someone like bilbo baggins would not even be able to conceptualize. thranduil was born in doriath in the first age, making him old enough to likely have been involved in not one but two kinslayings against his people. we know nothing about his mother, making it likelier than not that she was lost in one of them when he was still a child. his father, oropher, the original elvenking of the greenwood, was killed in the battle of dagorlad in the second age - the “last stand” of elves against sauron. thranduil, fighting alongside him and the silvan elves, had to watch his father die and then be crowned as the new king right then and there. (also, oropher died in the very first charge of the battle, which then continued on for months. imagine how hard it’d have been to stave off that creeping hopelessness.) and finally, thranduil’s wife was killed in battle at some point not long after their son was born. thranduil’s dragon fire scar on his face is an invention of the movies, and it’s unclear when exactly it happened - at the same battle where he lost his wife? some time earlier? but anyways. i’ve been going on and on about his life for a reason, and that reason is Thranduil Has Seen A Lot Of Shit. it’s easy to look at him in the movies and critique him - why is he so cold? why is he an isolationist ruler when in the books he’s more welcoming (after initially chucking the dwarves in jail, lol)? but the hobbit isn’t really thranduil’s story, so exposing all of this context in the movies wouldn’t have made much sense, would it. and i actually like that there are some gaps, because that’s what makes him so interesting. no one knows his history, and why should they? when it comes down to it, thranduil is just a side character in someone else’s adventure. 
the last thing that i really want to address is thranduil’s relationship with legolas, his son - partly to refute the idea that he’s a bad dad, but also partly to talk about how despite all the griping that i’ve seen about how stupid it was to “randomly” insert legolas into the hobbit movies, it actually made so much sense for both of their characters. obviously, while it’s confirmed elsewhere that thranduil/the elvenking is legolas’s dad, legolas is not actually in the hobbit book. but this, i think, is more so to do with the fact that tolkien wrote the lord of the rings (and invented legolas’s character) after he wrote the hobbit, and less so to do with the idea that legolas is inherently “irrelevant” to the story of the hobbit. because if legolas is irrelevant to the hobbit, then is he irrelevant to thranduil? i really don’t think so, because even though tolkien gave us no clues as to what their relationship might’ve been like, even the fact that they’re father and son is really important. for thranduil, the fact that he has a son adds dimension not just to who he is in the movies - and yes, we see a fraught side of his dynamic with legolas as he has to reconcile with legolas growing up and wanting a freedom that thranduil with his too-deep understanding of the world’s dangers doesn’t want to give - but also to the concept of his character. thranduil has lost so many people he loved in horrible ways that now legolas is all he has left, and consequentially there’s so much talk about him as an oppressive parent, so paranoid of losing him that he keeps him imprisoned inside the always-closed kingdom gates. but at the end of the hobbit movies, thranduil also gives legolas his blessing to go on the quest to destroy the one ring. when it comes down to it, he is willing to let legolas do what's best for him, even knowing that this could be how he loses him. i know thranduil isn’t a perfect parent, that’s pretty obvious lol. but i don’t see how people watch these movies and their takeaway isn’t that he’s at least trying his best and that he does genuinely love his son. also, look at legolas! legolas is clearly proud of his identity as a wood elf. and he’s happy, he’s caring, he’s adventurous, he’s even pretty wise despite being one of the youngest elves. i don’t exactly see a traumatized victim of horrible parenting in him (and believe me, there is no shortage of victims of terrible parenting in the silmarillion/elsewhere in tolkien’s works) - i see a strong and well-adjusted young adult who wouldn’t hesitate to threaten anyone who spoke ill of his father’s kingdom with his bow lol. 
anyway, if you’ve made it this far through my rambling, i hope you can understand at least part of what i’m trying to say lol. it’s hard, because i have so many things i’m kind of trying to say all at once, but: tl;dr i actually think the hobbit movies did thranduil’s character right, not wrong, and that they do the opposite of proving that he’s a bad dad. :3
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abubblingcandle · 7 months
Strike Back?!?!?!?!!! Lez gooooo- mad respect the grind
I am on a personal mission to populate the Will Jensen tag on AO3 with "but what if it all ended up ok" fics lol. I was obsessed enough with that boy in 2018 and then imagine my surprise when I find myself staring into Jamie Tartt's eyes thinking "where the fuck have I seen this manc twat before?" and turns out it's posh little boy Lance Corporal Will Jensen! And so I watched it again and fell back into my old hole.
But because no one else cares I'm not posting in chapters I'm waiting until they are all written. So going to put a couple of synopsis here but under the cut because spoilers (well one pretty big spoiler)
So if you are still reading you will now find out about the TV event that ruined TV in 2018.
The death of Lance Corporal Will Jensen.
So basically in most of my concepts, that don't happen. Because if I wish hard enough it won't happen.
Ghost in the Machine - Section 20 recieves a cache of info about CIA missions and blacksites that had been leaked. The person who leaked the data is locked up in one of these blacksites and mentioned Novin by name and a "hard drive". Gracie gets pulled back in, they decide to rescue this prisoner from the black site and surprise surprise it's Jensen and he's injured and traumatised but he's alive.
Always Keep Your Plans Backed Up in the Cloud - When Jensen is being attacked he manages to send the data to Novin and Donovan notices. With her secret out she instead uses Jensen has a hostage to try and get Section 20 to help her keep this under wraps and finish the mission
Missing: Computer Guy - there's barely anything created for this but the concept is that someone tries to get info from Section 20 and identifies the weak link to kidnap to get the others to give it over, and of course they pick the computer guy
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highladyjane · 6 months
1) Are you named after anyone?
2) When was the last time you cried?
3) Do you have kids?
4) What sports do you play/have you played?
5) Do you use sarcasm?
6) What's the first thing you notice about people?
7) What's your eye colour?
8) Scary movies or happy endings?
9) Any talents?
10) Where were you born?
11) What are your hobbies?
12) Do you have any pets?
13) How tall are you?
14) Favorite subject in school?
15) Dream job?
Tag someone!
Ooohh fun fun!
1) My parents decided to name me after my dad's 8 best mates who ALL had names that started with J & A & N & E lol
2) Yesterday, after finally daring to reread and actually finish The Assassin's Blade (my first book into the Maasverse) because my baby SAM CORTLAND DESERVED BETTER. I was so devastated after reading it the first time, that I couldn't read ANYTHING (not even the rest of TOG) for MORE THAN A YEAR after it (until ACOTAR 🤣). So yeah, I cried when I finished it yesterday. I'm a hopeless romantic who gets invested too quickly, so I learned my lesson there - both in books and in real life 😆
3) Nope. But planning on having ones in the next five years so I can name them Azriel, Cassian and/or Feyre lol
4) Footie ⚽️the longest, but I've also done 🏇🤺🏐🏑🏸🏉🏈 not because I was particularly athletic, but because my parents wanted me to have a hobby besides reading, baking, and sitting in my room daydreaming - so I got to try everything for a couple of years each. 🏇 and 🤺were my faves but they were too expensive.
5) If I know the other person enough to know they will get it... 'cause not a lot of people do 🙄
6) Their energy and their hair
7) The colour of something bittersweet and something smelly
8) HEA! I save all the scary movies for October 🤣
9) Being ME is a talent 🤪 I'd say I used to be talented in singing but after I got hit by depression in my teens, I stopped singing for years and now I just don't have it anymore. But my friends recently said I'm talented in baking and cooking, as well as pretending I'm the most extroverted person in the room when I'm actually the most introverted to the point of being a total recluse or dead for months until somebody checks up on me lol
10) In a hospital in the capital city of a country made up of islands in the most populous continent of planet Earth.
11) Making up fake scenarios in my head... And sometimes acting up someone else's head-made fake scenarios on stage 🎭
12) I have two - cutie Q below, and then one that people like to call my now 'Husband'
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13) Not tall enough to reach the upper-most shelf anywhere without a stepping stool or a ladder or a brother or a husband or a taller stranger to get what I need.
14) English, Arts, Languages, and Social Sciences.
15) Actress! Or anything that would allow me to travel a lot... Or if I'd had the brains for it - a CEO of a business/organisation that helps contribute to something good to the world rather than destroy it.
No pressure tags for my mutuals: @realitycheckeveryday @this-is-madnesss @kita98 @acourtofchaosandmess
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vvitchering · 5 months
Tagged in a "Get to Know Your Tav" questionnaire thing by @lewdisescariot and I secretly always want to talk about my sorc boy even though I've been playing several other Tavs lately so.........
Name: Laurent Aimar (the surname is new, he's been without one since I made him oops lol)
Human wild magic sorcerer
Background: Sage (this was picked before I developed any of his backstory so I ended up with a not terribly well educated person with a sage background. I justify it by the sage background being mostly about the LOVE of learning, not necessarily how you go about learning)
Favorite weapon: Enchanted glaives
Style of combat: He's a spellcaster with low strength so he SHOULD be hanging back from the action and being mostly ranged. However. He is medium armor proficient and wears a ring enchanted with Blur so he's usually right up in the action. This is helpful when his wild magic bursts award buffs to everyone he's near, and not so helpful when they cause explosions.
Most prized possession: a crystal he wears as a necklace under his shirt. It was given to him when he was young and just starting to have extreme problems with his magic as a way to try and focus himself. It didn't work, but the gesture was a kind one amidst a lot of not so kind ones, so it has a lot of sentimental value.
Deepest desire: Acceptance and safety. He's been ostracized since he was young due to how uncontrollable and destructive his magic is so he's caused a lot of people a lot of grief. He tends not to let others get close to him while also craving companionship. At the start of the adventure, he's made up his mind to find a way to get rid of his magic, but that's something he keeps to himself for a long time.
Guilty pleasure: Any sort of down time he considers a guilty pleasure. He's been on his own for a long time and constantly on the move so any sort of casual time where nothing needs to be done is precious. He likes trying new foods and drinks and once he feels safe around his new companions, napping.
Best-kept secret: I'm still working out the details, but he's the cause of some kind of disaster that hurt and killed a lot of people, his family included. It's the reason he travels alone and refuses to settle anywhere and the root of his decision to try and excise his own magic.
Greatest strength: His charisma. He's very good at charming people and talking them in circles to avoid letting anyone close to him. The more anonymous he is the safer everyone else is, in his mind, so he's gotten very good at word play. He projects an air of confidence but its not necessarily always genuine.
Fatal flaw: Guuuuuuuilt. Any time someone gets hurt he finds a way to feel responsible for it, even if it wasn't his fault.
Favorite smell: Petrichor, which is the smell of rain after a dry spell. He also likes the smell of snow.
Favorite spell or cantrip: Magic Missile (he may have a bad relationship with magic but even he is not totally immune to Make Things Go Boom)
Pet peeve: Snoring, being asked personal questions
Bad habit: Staying up too late, which makes him a chronic oversleeper.
Hidden talent: he knows all of the constellations and can point them all out and name most of the stars that make them up
Leisure activity: he enjoys going supply shopping/ingredient gathering with Gale because he gets to try new snacks. Halsin has talked him into trying meditation as a way to try and tame his wild magic (it doesn't work, but he does like the way it relaxes the rest of him)
Favorite drink: Black tea with nothing in it, brewed as strong as possible. If highly concentrated cold brew existed in faerun he'd be drinking that.
Comfort food: he loves a hearty beef and potato stew. He didn't have it often because he avoided sticking around largely populated areas as much as possible in his travels and he never had the time to sit around and cook it for himself. Gale cooks it often on the days when he stays at camp all day.
Favorite person: Gale, its Gale, it was Gale from the moment he pulled him out of the portal. He was instantly drawn to his sweet and trusting nature, which made him panic because he's already breaking his own rules traveling with a group, he can't let himself get close to them too. (failed)
Favorite display of affection: once he bows to the inevitable and lets himself fall in love, he has a thing for an arm around the waist, whether doing it or having it done to him.
Fondest childhood memory: he tries extremely hard not to remember his past in any great detail. Occasionally a taste or a smell will remind him of something that doesn't immediately make him want to shut down, but he doesn't allow himself to dwell anymore.
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I am tagging @d0ctorsorders and @aetherial-sea if they want to share their Tavs! No pressure though~
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johnnyutah · 6 months
"fun asks abt saw" OK UHHM UUHHHMMM.... have any more thoughts on the perez / lynn / amanda apprentices / mastermind au? sorry if this doesnt suffice</3 also i finally looked at your propic closer and i love it
i love this ask so much thank you 🫶🫶🫶😭😭😭
literally i could be on my deathbed and i would roll over and start typing at the very mention of lynn/perez/amanda. they are my faves i have so many thoughts about them.. i’ve started to explore their dynamic a little bit in the longfic i’m working on, and as a result, every time i try to write something shorter for any iteration of the ship, my ot3 headcanons sneak in. i LOVE them SO much… and it’s all ao3 user doztoevsky’s fault for changing my brain chemistry forever
my favourite thing abt amanda becoming the new mastermind and ascending to john’s level (like kind of what she talks about wanting in her dbd lore) is toxic lesbianism taken to a brand new level. my second favourite thing is that i think all the potential new apprentices would have their own reasons for wanting to join her after their tests. for example, lindsey taking down hoffman to avenge strahm; which makes me QUITE sad but it’s also very sexy. refer to @lastnightonthecyclone’s tags here. or another example could be gabriela, who fits the bill perfectly.. i’ve thought about adding a second part to my gabriela/amanda fic because i love the idea of gabi surviving after cecilia and being a litttleeeee bit lost in the world. but with both of these examples, i enjoy that it wouldn’t be an easy sell; they both have plenty to hate amanda(/john) for, especially perez since her test wasn’t fair! the amanda young special ;) and there’s nothing hotter than begrudgingly coming around on someone you hate only to realize they’ve had deep complicated feelings for you since day 1 lol
as for lynn i think any aus where lawrence recruited her would be so fun and also so powerfully nauseating like POOR AMANDA!!! i can’t get behind the found family/jigsquad shit everyone jokes about (because they are so deeply and completely cringe and inaccurate and also i cannot be normal about saw, as evidenced in this ask) but i do absolutely love the idea of lynn and amanda having to work together AGAIN, this time because lawrence brings them onto the same case. johns last wish part 3948395, or whatever.
i also am a huge sucker for the interconnectedness of the universe, which works great for this stupid telenovela of a franchise where Everyone Is Connected it’s fine don’t worry about it or think too hard. except i love thinking too hard. like it is so interesting to me that all these characters are So connected, even the ones that never met. lindsey’s friend and partner killed lynn’s husband. lynn’s husband killed amanda. amanda killed perez (well. sort of). and amanda tipped off lynn’s daughter about hoffman which (presumably) helped perez realize what was happening, but eventually led him right to her and so once more amanda killed perez. they interact vicariously so much and so often, because it’s a small world populated by important Suspect characters, and i only wish that we had gotten to see them actually interact. sorry that paragraph got away from me completely. wait holy fuck this ask got so long i’m so so so sorry
the moral of the story is i fucking love these stupid lesbians and i’m Unkilling them all
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moving-to-dreamwinged · 6 months
hi sorry i was reading your rules/carrd and was wondering what “proship/comship” is??? i’ve just never seen it before
hiii omg! thank u for asking and also thank u for reading my carrd ur so real for that LOL 🙏🙏
explaining to the best of my knowledge so anyone reading feel free to correct me if i make a mistake!!! (cw mentions of problematic stuff utc)
so 'proshippers' are basically people who support/ship problematic ships in media; this often includes major power imbalances, abusive dynamics, and some other super icky illegal deeply unethical stuff that the general population doesn't want to be exposed to. 'comshipping' afaik is pretty much the same thing; it just stands for complex ships instead. i think theyre trying to be sneaky or smth idk.😭
theres a whole lotta debate surrounding the topic, but overall most Sane and Normal individuals are disturbed by proship content, and don't want any contact whatsoever with users who support it; leading to the "proship/comship/neutral dni" tags that are everywhere. i am heavily against proshipping and its supporters make me extremely uncomfortable, so i put that in my DNI in my carrd!! obviously didnt work bc they keep stealing my goddamn posts but whatever karma will get them
but yeah i hope this was helpful!!! lmk if this doesnt make sense or if its too vague HDFSHDFNSF i tried to write it out best i could but im pretty new to tumblr discourse in the first place so i may have missed some stuff :') thank u sm for the ask!!!
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mxescargot · 4 months
OC masterlist
misc/multiple universes
garv (fishboy)
prima (tropey good guy)
vindicta (tropey bad guy)
ursa (dark magic bounty hunter)
ari (light magic bounty hunter)
urban fantasy/superhero
premise: a timeline that diverges several years before ours where a significant minority of the population across the world contracted strange illnesses that led to various magical powers; focuses on the Eastern United States (aka what im familiar with). themes of disabled justice and solidarity.
micheal (he/they): friendly college kid who always puts others before himself, teleportation powers
jem (any pronouns): an old self-insert, shapeshifting powers
ayaan (he/they): kid with unique powers that mess with the fabric of reality, of particular interest to the villain
emilia (she/her): sociologist studying how superpowered people interact with a society built for non-superpowered people, recently gained fire/energy/plasma powers of her own in an accident
saiorse (any pronouns): software developer and emilia's spouse. he does not have superpowers
alison (he/him): evil CEO (maybe also politician?) looking to take advantage of superpowered people for his own gain. especially young, powerful superpowered people. i do not know how to write villains tbh
high fantasy: the world of An
premise: weird mix of some of the history i'm interested in, with a technological level of around the 1840s to 1860s? focuses on a governmental transition from absolute monarchy to parliamentary democracy and the greater inclusion of ethnic minorities in the political system and society as a whole. the people are sorta kemonomimi-hobbits with mammalian and insectoid features. also has eldritch shit going on in its magic system.
these are some of my oldest characters and have changed a lot, their original concept was a "five elements" thing and that still shows through.
the names are based on my conlang :> i didnt try to make the romanizations look pretty, just functional, so uhh ⟨v⟩ is a schwa and most letters correspond with IPA values but idk if thats accessible. here ill replace j with y and v with whatever letter looks best, you can see the mess of the "official" spellings in the tags. they dont exactly have a gender system like ours so pronouns are what i imagine they'd use if raised in our culture and language yk
baa'oni (they/she): activist reviving the long-suppressed/erased (idk what the right word is) life-related magic practices of their ancestors. name translates to "sundew"
lausa (she/her): noble who uses her position of power to help incite change, eventually becomes prime minister. romantically involved with baa’oni, causing suspicion and controversy. name translates to "shadower"
laanya (they/them): self insert. former water magic student reconnecting to it after trauma, also tries to get involved in activism. name translates to "river delta"
treyii (they/she/he): young and uncertain, pressure is put on him to achieve great things and they don't know where to belong. name translates to "sparks"
unnamed character referred to as "wind guy" (they/he): a vengeful prince with command over the weather.
star wars
premise: focuses on jedi fighting in the clone wars. i mostly made these characters in quarantine lol
aiya (they/xe): twi'lek anakin skywalker on a budget. padawan during the clone wars, becomes an inquisitor.
rakiss (she/they): mirialan; Aiya's fellow padawan and very close to xem. killed in O66
haalas (he/him): togruta; aiya's strict master, very loyal to the light side of the force itself and scared of losing another padawan to the dark side. survives O66, but is eventually killed by aiya, who blames him for rakiss's death.
malice (they/she/it): dathomiran zabrak who was the first padawan of haalas. left the order and turned to the dark side, but isn't with the Sith.
ekiv (she/her): rakiss's master, also a mirialan, and longtime friend of haalas. mom friend, but only because she's a people pleaser with massive gifted kid burnout. survives O66; assumes a new identity and learns how to heal.
hizta (any pronouns): tusken ex-bounty hunter who now runs a droid repair shop on coruscant. acquainted with aiya before and during the Clone Wars, aids the Rebellion.
penelope (she/they): human; old colleague of Hizta's. generally fairly cold and professional until you get to know them; actually very affectionate.
i also have some underdeveloped clone trooper OCs
hollow knight
cornu (they/them): HKsona. void-corrupted snail shaman capable of harnessing both soul and void magic.
unnamed fairyfly OC
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tealeafowl · 11 months
1.5 + elysium speculation
if elysium is a digital world, and -- based on the official website updating magni's profile -- magni 1.0 got effectively written out of existence, replaced by 1.5... what if the friend that got erased from altare's past in the manga was actually an earlier magni clone?
(disclaimer: don't take this too seriously, this is just me connecting the 1.5 lore to almond for funsies)
(i originally shared this onto twitter here but i figured i'd move some stuff over lol. also trying to populate this tag)
though i think altare Knows about the cloning, and may even have a certain level of involvement in the process (thanks to his joke(?) about the new magni being more loyal, and also thanks to the fanart that depict him as helping the new clone "relearn" magni habits...), i don't think altare would have known from the start
like... in alchemist's prologue (AP), it was suggested that altare knew magni (in the academy), compared to the way manga altare was like "not you again -__-" when he sees magni... unless (+ if we take alchemist's prologue as canon, which, to be fair, we don't have to, magni never said it was canon. 1.5 does reference parts of it though) there was some other kind of fall out to have happened between the events of AP and the manga?
having different tofu clones could explain why manga magni feels so different from other magnis we know of, though
in any case, since altare and magni apparently end up traveling together for some unspecified period of time (based on the manga lore), altare would inevitably find out about the cloning, and may even help with it later on. and after all, altare's room does have an ocean view...
the thing with AP is that it sounded like altare was the one who sought out magni, after magni made a name for himself as the "great" alchemist (vs how the manga seemingly has magni be the one who sought out altare, though it does hint at them having had previous dealings too)...
but if any of this was with previous tofu clones that got wiped from existence, that could explain the disparities lol
me making this about almond is just me having shippy brainrot and having fun contemplating if them and their fates are more intertwined than we know (and that they know), if memories can get lost to data rewriting, and/or data not being carried over between clones
i just think it's a fun idea if altare and magni knew each other before, but (as an older clone) one got wiped from existence/altare's memories, but still end up finding each other again...
there's also just. elysium, as a digital world, being built on data, and whether that data can be manipulated (by something like... a philosopher's stone?)
since classically, a philosopher's stone is capable of doing great things, beyond normal means... in the context of elysium, maybe the philosopher's stone can change the code (data) of the world?
the existence of "corruption beasts" and the fact that people can be erased from the world (again, based on the manga and altare's friend) have always been related to the idea of data manipulation for me, and i think the philosopher's stone could also play into that
idk if this is a concept they'll get into at any point but it's something i like to think about LOL
memories as data storage... data manipulation, data erasure, data corruption... it's all very interesting.
i also think that, if they were ever to try and reach a "happy ending" (e.g. no longer needing to have tofu clones, no longer having expiration dates on each clone; to not lose others to corruption, or flat-out erasure...), it might need to be done through data manipulation
or the idea of writing themselves a better ending (of reaching into the code and writing something better for all of them...)
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catchingbigfish · 9 months
author ask tag game
thank you so much for the tag @doublegoblin! i'll soft-tag @words-after-midnight, @ragnarokproofing, @horrormama, @winterandwords, and anyone else who wants to participate!
i'm gonna use these questions to introduce a new wip i'm working on! i don't know the name of it yet lol but i'm tagging it "wip: ttb" because i was calling it i tried to bury you but you wouldn't stay dead. a rough synopsis: novella-length, depressing af, dual-POV (duet-POV?), second-person litfic about a preacher's son and a town outcast who fall in love and tell select stories of their relationship before the preacher's son went missing.
(1) What is the main lesson of your story (e.g. kindness, diversity, anti-war), and why did you choose it?
i don't really write lessons into my work, but as far as themes go: what we replace it with when we lose religion, sex-as-religion, the limitations of identity and our struggles to break out of them, hauntings, ghosts-as-wishes, and the brutality of religion
(2) What did you use as inspiration for your worldbuilding (like real-life cultures, animals, famous media, websites, etc.)?
i'm always a little unsure of how to answer this because it's not fantasy, but the setting is a small town i spent a lot of time in during my childhood in the south! it was a rural, 50k population, churches on every corner sort of place. i'm trying hard to nail that vibe as well as possible, including exploring it on google maps a ton
(3) What is your MC trying to achieve, and what are you, the writer, trying to achieve with them? Do you want to inspire others, teach forgiveness, help readers grow as a person?
i think both main characters are mostly concerned with closure; i'm really just trying to tell the story, tbh!
(4) How many chapters is your story going to have?
i have a very specific vision in mind for this wip -- i have plans for 9 chapters, around 6k words apiece, each centered on a biblical place and a related theme from southern baptist teachings. it'll be somewhat evenly split between the MCs' versions of the same story with an interlude i'm tentatively calling lamentations, which is a very short "dream" the woman has of a way the man dies (hence its tentative title)
(5) Is it fanfiction or original content? Where do you plan to post it?
original content! not sure yet -- i'm contemplating whether i want to try trad publishing or potentially release it here on tumblr.
(6) When and why did you start writing?
i'm not sure if this means generally or this story -- so you get both answers. i don't remember when and why i started writing, but my earliest clear memory of writing is when i was ten. it feels like scratching an itch tbh. for this story, i would say it has roots in a similar story (another dual-POV, second-person, man disappears type story) i wrote for my first ever creative writing course which coalesced into this via various pieces of media i was consuming at the time -- way too much lana del rey, some david lynch (particularly blue velvet), and the book of eve, to name a few. the why, though, is because it just sort of popped into my brain and i'd be itchy if i didn't, to continue the previous metaphor
(7) Do you have any words of engagement for fellow writers of Writeblr? What other writers of Tumblr do you follow?
stop caring about the market, tbh. to borrow a line from community, caring is lethal. just write the story and find the audience later
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carbon-ate · 7 months
Sorry everyone I’m using my tumblr as a journal lel I love and hate working again. My hours are so weird it’s a chunk of time in the middle of the day so I can do much before or after? But I really like the work I’m doing and honestly would love to stay there if I wasn’t seasonal help.
Anyway I feel like years of abusing marijuana has degraded my personality and I no longer function like I used to. Or I no longer have the energy to mask my potential autism? At the grocery store I walk so fast even if I try not to and I’ve had several (usually older people lol) comment that I look like I’m in a hurry. It’s even worse because the Kroger near my work is populated with young adults while the Kroger near my house is filled with old people. Also the work Kroger’s parking lot is a nightmare and always has people panhandling outside so it’s frustrating to have to go and then feel like I need to buy someone a car package every time because f I don’t give them something I literally end up thinking about it for the rest of my drive home and usually before I sleep because all I can think about is how it’s getting colder and I’m ungrateful. What did I do for the least of his children?
Anyway I refined my tag a bit and I need to make more stickers. I’ve become better at my one string banjo lol but I’m neglecting the guitar. Tomorrow I see a friend of mine from college for a party and she just bought an old house downtown and I can’t wait to see it and get to know her partner better.
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