#(right i'll go back to my list of things i actually need to get done today)
martsonmars · 1 year
desperately trying not to have a panic attack about university hehehe
#literally the only thing i'm supposed to do is study#am i doing it? nope of course. i have less than a month left to take exams and i should take at least 2 but i haven't opened a book in more#than a month and the thought fills me with dread and i literally physically cannot do it#it's possible that going back to my uni flat would help (it would be a change in scenery for sure) but on wednesday it will be a year since#my father died and there's this fucking church thing and my mother won't force me to stay but i really should. shouldn't i?#after all it's already saturday and i've already wasted 40 days. what's half a week more?#i keep staring at the list of exams and i know that if i spent every waking second studying i could get back on track and graduate when i'm#supposed to graduate but 1. it's not healthy and 2. my brain refuses to study for ONE exam let alone 14 so it's unrealistic#and at this point i should just accept that i'm going to graduate one year late and one year after all my friends because last year i did#absolutely nothing. and last autumn started out great. i moved. i was organised. and then the first week of october my mother was at the#hospital and i had to go home for a week and somehow i let that week screw up my entire semester#and now i'm panicking because i have only 18 days before the exam i'm supposed to take and it doesn't feel enough for everything i have to#study but it's not going to get better if i just let all the days pass without doing anything but i can't i can't i can't#so yeah i should be kind to myself and accept i'll need one additional year for all the exams and take it slowly which is the only way to#actually get things done. but i don't want to. i don't want to tell my mother that i failed at the one thing i'm supposed to be doing#but i really really can't it's hard and i'm failing and my head is screaming that i don't deserve hobbies and yet i keep wasting my days#it's one am and i should either sleep or relax because it's not like i can do anything now and yet i feel like i need to fix my entire life#right this second or i'll explode. i'm so tired of my thoughts.#please ignore all this ^ because i know most of it is irrational or whatever and i DON'T WANT to hear rational things#if you've read until here and really want to say something just tell me that right now i'm allowed to relax#any other comment would make me feel worse#💖💖💖#**one month left to take exams this semester not forever hahaha but then i'd be supposed to take all the remaining exams in the summer#and i can't possibly take 14 exams between now and july which is why i'm panicking (there are other logistically confusing things in what i#said but i wanted to clear this one up at least lmao) (i'm already feeling vaguely better can't you see?)
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You're a racewinner (Lando Norris)
The one where Lando won his first Formula One race
Note: english is not my first language. That race took years out of my life and all of the tears out of me, but I couldn't not do something for this moment ✨️
Thank you so much to everyone who likes and reblogs, your feedback is appreciated 🤍 and I'm taking requests so if you have any ideas or concepts you want to share, feel free to do so as I'll try to get to them the best I can!
my masterlist
Cw: alludes to smut at the end, curse words
Tag list: @myloverjk-blog @hiireadstuff @c-losur3
"Baby, can you come here and help me, please?", Lando called from the hotel bathroom, "I can't place this quite right".
Getting the plaster from your boyfriend's fingers, you fiddled with it a little before holding Lando's jaw so he could face you properly, "stay still,", you whispered, applying the sterile material on his nose cut with a tender touch.
"Thank you, lovie", Lando mumbled once you peeled both hands away from his face, pecking your lips, "couldn't help myself when I have your beautiful face so close to mine", he snickered.
Shaking your head at his capacity of turning you into mush, you pecked his nose gently, "are you going to play padel the whole afternoon?", you wondered.
"I'm not sure, I think so - we have dinner reservations downstairs though, Will, Mark and Oscar said they'd join us as well", he offered.
"Okay", you nodded, grabbing your laptop so you could get on with work at the desk in your room.
"Do you have a lot of work to do today, angel?", he asked, kissing your naked shoulder as he looked at the screen. For his life, he couldn't understand half of what you had written in there, let alone actually do any of the smart tasks you had in there.
"It's not too bad - it's the administrative boring stuff that I actually enjoy doing", you admitted. There wasn't much to it, and while your colleagues found it boring, you found comfort on the sequential and system like steps.
"I'm going then - call me if you need anything, okay?", he kissed the top of your head, "I love you".
"I love you too, Lan - enjoy yourself!", you kissed him back before he grabbed his things and left the room.
It certainly wasn't something you did for every race, but whenever it did, you'd fly in earlier with Lando and work remotely whenever he had his own duties and activities.
After King's Day, you and Lando flew over to Miami, the sunshine greeting you to contrast with the gloomy days you had back home. Warm weather always made you feel happier and you welcomed the golden hues on your skin after spending the first two days basking in eachother's presence by the pool and walks along the beach.
By the time Lando came back, he was met with you putting your laptop back into your backpack, "all done for today, beautiful?".
"Yes - for the week actually! There was a meeting that was cancelled and the other was pushed for next week, so I went ahead with the rest and it's all done!", you smiled, "I was about to shower when you texted saying that you were on your way back".
"You were waiting for me? Such a good girl", Lando whispered on your ear after wrapping his arms around your towell covered body, "let's go then", he pulled you with him.
After a shower filled with soft touches that were a thin line away from teasing, you both got ready for dinner, meeting the rest of the group at the restaurant.
"Are you ready for tomorrow?", Mark asked Lando once you were already enjoying your meal.
"What's tomorrow?", you questioned.
"I'm going the yoga class with Hilton - actually, you can come to that now that you don't have the meeting anymore", your boyfriend suggested, "you're a good... yoga practising person".
"That one on the beach? Am I allowed to go?", you asked. You wouldn't mind having a muscle stretching session.
"I'm sure they can put a mat down for you", Mark offered, "I'll text them about it".
"Lando will just get distracted by you and fall on his face - at least you can add to that plaster", Oscar joked before taking a sip of his water and earning himself a kick in the shin from your boyfriend.
"My girlfriend is actually quite good - I asked her to teach me some of this stuff because i didn't want to be too bad at it", Lando admitted, winking at you while he dusted the sand off of his fingers.
So far, the class was one of the funniest videos you've ever watched Lando record. He was really taking on the job and the part seriously, answering Alli with all of the lines you had told him about yesterday. Since you were sitting further at the back, you could giggle freely at his antics, stealing quick looks from eachother every chance you could.
"Look at this excellent form!", Alli complimented as she watched the rest of the class.
"She's talking about me, not you guys - me!", Lando chirped in as he stretched his arms up.
"Now this one is really good to stretch your hips", Ali added as she moved into a different position.
"Work on this one, lovie!", Lando shouted at you, "but be careful, okay?", he ensured as he looked to see if you were doing it well.
"I'm good, Lan, thank you!", you giggled, shaking your head before changing your feet position on the mat.
"Are you afraid of the sand?", Alli asked.
"I don't like the sand, no", Lando snickered, swatting the grains away from his hands, "Y/N will tell you all about it since she's always making fun of me because of it - she's lucky she's cute otherwise I might get mad", he argued half jokingly.
As the crew tidied the area, Lando crept up behind you, hugging your waist and pulling you to his chest, "did you like it, love?".
"It was nice, yes - my back and hips feel better actually", you smiled, resting your hands on top of his around your tummy.
"That's good", he placed a soft kiss on your neck, "how about we go and take advantage of that then?", he whispered.
"Lan, we're outside and we were doing yoga!", you scolded softly despite the goosebumps erupting on your skin. The warm Miami air didn't have anything to do with that reaction, so Lando knew you were just as bad as he was.
"We'll go to our room, of course - you look so good in these leggings and this top", he turned you around to face his chest, his hands grabbing a handful of your hips and butt, "I can tell you want it too", he smirked.
Playing coy, you fiddled with the string of his hoodie. How he was wearing it under this sun and warmth, you had no idea, but it would be a plus to touch and admire his body underneath it.
"You don't need to do anything else?", you asked. Despite your desire, you would never do anything that go between his work duties.
"No, I'm free for the rest of the day", he smiled.
As soon as you got the okay to leave and call it a day, Lando was a man on a mission to spoil you and let you lose yourselves in eachother.
Media day was usually the quietest day, but given the media and celebrity attention the paddock got for this Grand Prix, it was quite packed and action filled.
"Hello handsome", you greeted Lando once he came to meet you in the lounge for some lunch.
"I'm tired and I haven't done any racing yet", he muttered, "the social media team made me film this video which I think you'll like", he said, getting his phone from his pocket and showing it to you.
"Aren't we full of ourselves, hm? It's a video of your handsome face", you pointed out teasingly, kissing his cheek before watching it again.
"Are you saying you don't like it? If you didn't like it, you wouldn't have watched it again and again", Lando tickled, ending up having to hold your back so you wouldn't fall to the ground.
"You look very handsome, baby", you agreed with him, catching your breath as you sat on his lap.
"We also met Jimmy Butler and the team brought one of the trophies out - it was so cool, look!", he showed you on his phone, flickering through his gallery.
The first sprint qualifying session gave the team a 1-2, followed by Lando's pole position for the second session was applauded by everyone in the garage, "I'm not sure how it's going to be with the compound change though, but everyone else is also changing so we'll see", Mark observed. 
The car seemed to skid away slightly, the grip level from the new tire not allowing Lando a smooth turn as you watched his on-board for the third and last qualifying session. 
"I'm happy with everything, just not one thing", you heard Lando say in the post qualifying interviews.
You didn't get to see him before he went to the media pen, so you couldn't whisper sweet words to him before he went out there. Not that he would listen to them too much anyway. If there was something you learned over the years is that you should let him come to you, no matter how much you wanted to hold him in your arms.
He was always too hard on himself and it was no different after this qualifying. You waited around for him, chatting with some of the team members while you did so to pass the time.
"Lando!", you waved, calling him so he could notice you.
"I need to go to my driver's room", he offered his hand out for you to hold and follow him.
Once you were inside, you wrapped your arms around Lando's neck, kissing his neck multiple times and rubbing his back.
"I can't believe I did that? Not even a rookie would've done that shitshow, it's like I forgot how to drive", Lando muttered, shaking his head.
"Everyone struggled with the grip Lando, they were either eating up their tires or squiding away", you reasoned with him, "I don't think any of the guys thought they had a good lap".
"Mine surely wasn't", Lando scoffed.
"Hey, look at me", you said sternly, cupping his face in your hands to make sure he wasn't looking elsewhere.
You had to let him come to you, but that didn't mean you couldn't give him a piece of your mind first.
"You have been with this team since you were a kid, Lando, and everyone inside this hospitality is rooting for you, bad day or good day, everyone has your back, and as well as you don't win on your own, you don't lose or get a bad result on your own. Everyone out there is supporting you and no one thinks you're a failure or a bad driver", you stated.
You knew what was going on inside his head, Lando reasoned with himself - there was no point in lying to you or saying that he wasn't feeling like that when you could practically read him like a book.
"You're only as good as your last race, Y/N that's how this sport works", Lando offered.
"Then let's make this one count - the weekend has barely begun", you rubbed his cheek.
"I have to go to debrief", Lando mumbled, looking down before he pressed a kiss on your forehead.
"I love you, thank you", he whispered, squeezing your wrists before kissing them too.
"I love you too, all of you and everything that you do", you winked before he left his driver's room.
As soon as all of his duties were taken care of, you went back to the hotel, deciding to stay in for the night after a long shower.
"Come here so I can play with your hair and magically pull away all of those bad thoughts going on inside there", you smiled, finally sitting down on the bed.
Lando didn't want to seem needy or clingy, but every time you reached for the body moisturiser to scoop some of it out and rub it on your skin, he felt himself deflate a little, having to wait a little more to be able to touch you.
Crawling to your hold, your boyfriend rested his head on your chest as his arms circled your waist, feeling your fingers do as you had told him.
"Do you think tomorrow will be better?", he muttered.
"I don't know for sure, but I hope so", you answered honestly, "you deserve a good result tomorrow, you deserve all the good things, love", you added.
"I don't deserve you", he mumbled, looking up at you.
"You do, Lando", you kissed his forehead.
"You're the best thing that has ever happened to me", he stated, "whether I deserve you or not is another ballgame, but I hope you never leave me".
"It's not on my plans, no", you chuckled despite the seriousness of your words, "do you know what is though? Sleep, because tomorrow you have a big day", you kissed his lips, "go to sleep, baby".
"I love you, baby - sweet dreams", Lando whispered.
"They always are when you're here with me", you murmured.
"Fucking hell", you groaned, "is he staying out?", you wondered outloud.
The team radio with the veredict came in quickly, deciding that the risk they would be getting into by continuing the race and potentially worsening whatever damage the car had was not worth the points that would be up for grabs. Like so, they would retire the car, so Lando jumped out of the car and crossed the track.
"He shouldn't have done that", you muttered, noticing the other people around you looking at you curiously. Most of them were paddock guests who you had never seen before, so you excused yourself as politely as you could, waiting for Lando to come back from the pitwall and into the garage.
He exchanged a few words with the team before he approached you.
"I'm sorry it didn't go the way you wanted - do you want me to fight anyone?", you tried to get a smile out of him.
"Sometimes these things happen, there was nothing I could do", he kissed your forehead, "they're bringing the car back but it seems to have not been that bad - I was worried about the suspension damage but it doesn't look too bad from what they can see on the computer", he offered, "I need to go to the media pen, lovie".
"Go go, I'll be here if you need anything", you smiled, feeling him squeeze your hand in his before he found the team member he was supposed to go with.
A couple of hours later, race qualifying rolled around and despite P5 still being a good position, you could see that Lando was struggling a little bit and he would surely blame himself on his lack of skills.
"Is he coming straight here or the media pen?", Ria asked you.
"I'm not sure", you mumbled, looking around to check for any signs of where your boyfriend would be headed.
When Lando came back to the garage, you were the first person he looked for.
"Hello hello", he said, squeezing your hand once more before greeting the rest of the group.
"That was not bad, P5 means a lot is up for grabs still", you tried, not really sensing the mood he was in which was unusual for you.
"It felt better yesterday, we still have to check about the changes we made and decided what to keep and what to undo", Lando offered without a prominent emotion on his tone.
"I'll be here when you're back", you told him.
"I still have the debrief and I'm staying as long as I can", he stated, "you can go to the hotel if you want to".
"I'll wait here", you kissed his cheek before letting him go.
His mood wasn't the greatest, but it wasn't the worst you had ever seen it, so you had to make do for now. Getting your book from your bag, you went up to find yourself a spot in the lounge since Ria told you they would be going back to the hotel.
"Are you ready to go?", Lando announced his presence a couple of hours later, stepping closer to you with his backpack on his back already.
"Yes", you said, putting the book back and getting up, "What is that?", you wondered as you pointed to the envelope on his hand.
"A fine for crossing the track - twenty-five thousand euros because I got out on my own, and it's that little if I don't do anything else again", he shook his head, "do you want to have dinner out or in the room?".
"Whichever way you prefer, handsome", you replied earnestly.
"Are you doing it because you feel pity for me? Is that why you're that quiet and following my lead to whatever I say?", he mused, letting his insecurities get the best of him, "because I told you, it happens and I'm fine".
"It could never be out of pity when it is, always, out of love, Lando", you smiled, pecking his lips and heading to the car so you could make your way back to the hotel.
Lando woke up earlier than he expected considering how tired he had been, sensing your even breathing pattern next to him. His mind filled with strategies, outcomes and potential situations that could arise, so he definitely wasn't sleeping until nightime.
"Good morning", you surprised him as he didn't think you were awake yet, your eyes greeting him as he turned around to face you.
"Good morning, lovie", he smiled, getting your hand from under the pillow and kissing your knuckles, "you're awake already?".
"Couldn't sleep anymore - you?", you mused.
"Same - means we can have some morning snuggles", Lando offered as he pulled you closer to him.
"Do you want to talk about the race?", you mumbled after you kissed his lips.
"You know me too well, don't you?", he chuckled, kissing you again while he traced patterns on your waist.
"We've been dating for nearly seven years - it would be a little weird if I didn't", you pursed your lips jokingly.
"I don't know, I keep thinking about all the things that can go wrong and what I can do in that situation - P5 isn't bad but I'm not sure I can extract all of it", he sighed.
"You're too hard on yourself", you mused, "there hasn't been a challenge that you didn't want to face, you never backed down from it and it's not something you're going to start doing now, baby", you stated.
"Do you think I have it?", he mused. He wasn't sure what it meant, but right now he didn't know anything.
"Of course you do, it will come to you, my love", you tried to build his confidence up, "you're such an amazing, skilled driver, you climbed up the ladder on your merit, and your team is backing you up. With some work there, that podium can be yours, Lando".
"I don't know", he tsked still.
"Well, I do know, so you'll have to trust me", you moved under the sheets, supporting your torso on your hands so you could hover over Lando, "this one is for when you'll start doubting yourself", you kissed above his left eyebrow, "this one is in case you need a little push", you kissed his right eyebrow, "this here is for good luck", you kissed his forehead, "this one here is because you are the best driver out there", you kissed his nose, "this one is for how much you deserve to be on that podium", you kissed his cheek, letting your eyelashes tickle him, "This is for the amazing person that you are", you kissed his jaw, "And this one is for how much I love you and how proud I am of you", you landed a kiss on his lips, letting yours melt into his to show you just how much you meant all those words.
Lando felt loved unconditionally. There were no better words to describe what he felt. No matter what he delivered on track, you were always there for him. To congratulate him when things went well and to comfort him when he needed. It didn't matter if he was P1 or P20, your love and affection was a constant in his life.
"I never want to know what life is like without you by my side", Lando cupped your cheek, rubbing the skin.
"I'm not going anywhere", you promised.
You stayed in bed until the alarm rang, then getting ready to go to the track. Lando kissed your temple before he went to the debrief meeting, leaving you to grab a cool drink to deal with the Miami heat.
"I love you, be safe out there", you smiled, kissing over his left eyebrow.
"I could do with a little more luck", he admitted, blood rushing to his cheeks as you stood on your tippy toes to kiss his forehead like you had that morning in bed.
Lando continued getting ready while you occupied your spot on the garage, giving him a little wave before he went to the grid.
"He seems hopeful today", Mark nudged your shoulder as he sat next to you, "I don't suppose you have something to do with it", he smirked.
"What do you mean?", you wondered.
"Yesterday he wasn't exactly cheerful, but he walked into the debrief saying that today was a day full of opportunities", he clarified.
"Just helped him see the other side of the coin", you blushed at his assumption.
The race got off to a bumpy start, making you hiss as soon as you watched the cars get through unharmed, "that was a close call", you muttered.
Just as Lando had set the fastest lap, you watched Max go outside of the track slightly and hit the cone and later giving Oscar first place since he needed to pit, "the car pace looks good, doesn't it?", Jon told you.
"Oscar is coming to the pit and Max is right behind Lando", you muttered as you heard your boyfriend's radio and watched the mechanics get ready with the new tires for Oscar.
By lap thirty, still under the safety car, Lando was the one to pit and you couldn't help but do the math, "He's going to come out at the front, isn't he?", you looked at Jon and Mark, wanting to check your calculations right.
"Yes, look at him go", Jon pointed to the screen.
From then on, your heart beat as fast as it ever had, your eyes focusing on the gap between Lando and Max as your leg bounced up and down.
"Y/N, you should take it easy", Jon said, "you're going to work yourself up and it won't be good", he noticed. The way your eyes watched the race combined with the heat, your innate lack of water intake and the way your blood pressure seemed to be going, his worry was genuine.
"Mas just said on his radio that he's struggling with his car", Mark said as he placed a hand on your shoulder.
"Don't jinx it, don't jinx it", you whispered as you looked at everyone else around you.
Everyone shared the nerves you felt, everyone held on to see what was happening while keeping an eye on Oscar's brilliant drive after all that came his way.
"Should have dated an accountant", you mumbled before getting up, pacing around the small area once you made sure you weren't annoying people too much and not blocking anyone's view, "my heart wouldn't be like this", you took a deep breath as the last five laps warning came on the screen.
"Love how Oscar is the one with the fastest lap all the way down there - it's such a shame, he deserved more", you pointed out in an attempt of distracting yourself.
"Three laps!", someone yelled.
As you saw the rush to the checkered flag and your boyfriend's car be the first one to cross it, the garage and pitwall erupted in celebration.
"HE WON! HE WON! LANDO WON!", you yelled, crying into your hands after the initial shock wore off, Mark and Jon hugging you as they celebrated, "this is amazing? Aren't you amazed?", you yelled.
Lando's screams and laughs filled your ears as you listened closely to your boyfriend's first reactions after crossing the finish line on his first win, the pout being replaced with a massive grin even though you were still crying happy tears, "we did it, Will! We did it!", he boasted.
Once you were allowed, you joined the rest of the team and ran to Parc Fermé, stopping by Natalie once she spotted you for a quick hug.
"Will! Will! Will!", you called your boyfriend's race engineer once the team kindly let you go to the front, "Congratulations!", you hugged him, "I'm so happy!!", you squealed as he laughed.
Your phone rang with a FaceTime call coming from Max, "Hiiiii!", you beamed.
"Are you at the front?", he asked, "he did it, Y/N, he fucking did it! I'm going to add Adam here, just let me go here...", he tapped his screen until you noticed a new square forming on your phone.
"Hiii!", Adam and Cisca accepted the call quickly, "Y/N! Where are you now?", Cisca asked.
"I'm at the front here, slightly on the side!", you yelled as you showed them the number four car park in front of the number one plaque, "Look at him!", you squealed.
Lando was quick to get out safely, celebrating his first position and getting weighed in before taking his helmet off, leaving it on the ground and diving into the team who congratulated him enthusiastically.
"He's so happy and he has his big smile that makes his eyes crinkly!", you cheered as you stood next to Mark, making sure you didn't get shoved or pushed around too much.
"She and Lando are so cute, ugh, I can't deal with it", Pietra groaned.
"He's very lucky to have you, Y/N", Adam agreed before you saw Flo and Cisca.
"Lando No wins no more, hey? Y/N, have you seen him? He must be so ecstatic!", Flo offered.
"Stop it - I just passed by Natalie on my way here and she recalled the first time I watched a race from the garage when I was nineteen! Nineteen, might as well have been a baby! And I cried a little more, nearly choked because I had to run here and my breathing was ragged", you muttered, "I think the guys are putting him back down", you mused.
"Dude! Broken Rib time!", Zak yells once Lando was back on the floor, hugging your boyfriend before Andrea did the same.
"Now make room for the missus - she also gets to hug him all in one piece", the italian engineer encouraged while he helped you with the barrier.
Seeing Lando was enough to get your eyes to water again, not caring about hitting your phone on his back once he pulled you into his arms, nuzzling his face on your neck.
"I'm so proud of you, baby, you drove brilliantly out there", you let out, kissing his skin before cupping his face with both hands once Zak took your phone away from you, "you're a race winner, Lan, you're incredible and I love you so so so much", you told him before smashing your lips on his.
"Did the microphone pick that up?", Zak asked everyone on FaceTime after waving at them.
"It did - they're the cutest, I told you! I'm team Lando-Y/N until the end of time", Flo chuckled as she watched you and Lando look at eachother as if there was no one else around.
"I love you, babygirl", your boyfriend gave you a big smile, "this is for the team, for my family, my friends and for you! I love you, Y/N Y/L/N!", he said as he walked back with the FIA staff member that was guiding him to the cool down room.
Getting your phone back, the mechanics let you stand at the front with Will who gave you your phone back, "I'm back, the crybaby is back", you stated, wiping your cheeks.
"Mum is no better, Y/N, don't worry about that", Flo joked as you watched Cisca crying too.
"You and Lando are so cute, ugh, I can't deal with it", Pietra groaned.
"Stop it - I just passed by Natalie on my way here and she recalled the first time I watched a race from the garage when I was nineteen! Nineteen, might as well have been a baby! And I cried a little more, nearly choked because I had to run here and my breathing was ragged", you muttered.
At the podium celebrations, you grabbed a good spot to watch your boyfriend finally go on the highest step, accepting a hug from everyone who came to offer their congratulation on your boyfriend's achievement.
"You do know we are watching on TV, right?", Max wondered as you waited for the call for Lando to step on the podium.
"Of course I know - I'd feel bad for you if you were actually paying attention to what I've pointing the camera at -, I just need your company because I think I've cried all the tears I have in me and if you're not here with me, even if figuratively, I might fall apart again and that won't be good", you reasoned as you switched the camer around to show your face again.
Hearing the anthem and watching Lando raise his face up to the sun added magic to the serene moment until they sprayed the champagne between them, Lando saving some from his bottle to try and get the rest of the team too.
After all the media content was take care of, you and Lando headed back to the hotel ao you could get ready for dinner.
"You have a really big smile on your face, Y/N", Lando pointed out as you showered together.
"Look who's saying it", you blushed, grabbing his jaw so you could kiss him, "I'm so happy and so proud of you Lando, it doesn't fit inside my heart or my body what I'm feeling right now".
"I can't believe it still", he mused as his hands found themselves on your naked waist, "thank you for being here - today and every day you're with me", he joined your foreheads.
Dinner was lovely and you left to the party straight after, meeting up with Max once you were inside and in the reserved area. You danced all night along attached to your boyfriend who didn't seem to want to let you go, teeth nipping at the skin on your neck.
"Do you want another one, baby?", Lando asked and you shook your head no, kissing his lips.
"I'm good, Lan", you smiled, twirling him and kissing his lips.
"You two could stop fawning over eachtoher, you know? Y/N didn't rest until the whole paddock was informed of your win, as if they hadn't watched it happen and now this?", he chuckled playfully, "you two make me sick!".
"Can't help it if I'm proud of Lando!", you stuck your tongue out at him.
When you left the club to go back to the hotel, Lando walked with you on his arms with your back to his chest, allowing you to walk on your legs still but his rush setting the pace you were doing it with.
"Lando!", you squealed as you balanced yourself, holding on to his arms like your life depended on them "we're are we going?".
"I'm taking you to our room, put the no disturb sign outside and have my way with you in any way you allow me to", he smirked
"Our flight leaves in a couple of hours", you reasoned, a big smile on your face mirroring your boyfriend's.
"Then I'm going to take advantage of those hours we have left - I can't wait until we get home and what I want to do with you is not mile high club appropriate", he winked, "I'm a race winner, babygirl, and the celebrations are just getting started", your boyfriend said, tapping your butt once again.
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being-addie · 8 months
The Glow Up Game
Part One: Pretty on the Outside
A comprehensive guide to getting your shit together. You heard me. We are done standing on the sidelines, looking at people living their dream lives being rich and hot and happy. WE'RE DONE.
This is a long guide, filled with pointers covering EVERYTHING regarding physical glow-ups. I'll be editing it and reblogging it whenever I come across new ideas and information. It covers everything from head to toe. I mean this literally.
Note: This is for people who want to do glow up physically. It is totally your choice to do anything you want to/don't want to on this list. We live in a world full of unfair beauty standards, and instead of being angry about it, I'm going to exploit the hell out of it.
Are you ready to change yourself? Here we go.
The absolute basics: These are lifestyle changes you're going to implement. Non-negotiable.
Go exercise: Don't look at me like that. This isn't optional. Find a way to move your body so you like it and you're actually breaking a sweat. Leisurely walking on the treadmill does not count, half-hearted zumba does not count. Whatever you're doing, it has to make you SWEAT. A good figure is earned. Trust me when I say you'll feel better, and like what you see in the mirror.
Change your diet: Enough sugar. Toss the soda out, and chuck out your candy stash. You really don't need it. Craving something sweet? Make a batch of healthy, homemade dessert. Or have a piece of fruit. I'm not kidding when I say the kitchen is where you make the biggest lifestyle change. It will be HARD, but every McChicken you say no to, is good for your HEALTH. You want to live longer? Cut out the takeout and heavily processed foods.
Fix your sleep cycle: Sleep is so important, and I think people overlook it so much. All your hard work is wasted if you don't sleep well. Your skin will break out, and your body will refuse to change even if you exercise. SLEEP WELL. Create a nighttime routine and stick to it. Make sure you have at least 7 hours of sleep as a minimum.
Create a skincare routine: Take off your makeup every day. And have a good skincare routine. Cleanse, moisturize and apply whatever you usually do. Exfoliate twice a week and stop touching your face. I also drink an ABC smoothie (Apple+Beetroot+Carrot+Water). This does wonders.
Use sunscreen: I cannot stress this enough. Skin cancer is real, and it will get you if you don't wear sunscreen. Use something higher than SPF 50 and use it religiously. Make sure to get your earlobes, chest and back of your neck. Cover every inch of your skin that will be exposed to the sun.
Drink your water: 3 litres of water per day. You will be amazed at the results. Your skin will clear, your breath won't stink and you won't be dehydrated. This shit works, and there's a reason everyone recommends it. Drink your water.
Moving on to each itty-bitty detail.
Eyes: SLEEP. You want your eyes to look fresh? No pesky dark circles? Get your sleep cycle right. No more late nights. Hot girls sleep on time.
Nose: Those blackhead-looking things are natural, they're called sebaceous filaments. And, no you can't get rid of them. But you can minimize them. Cleanse, moisturize and exfoliate. Don't pick at your skin.
Lips: Don't bite them anymore, for God's sake. You're going to make sure they're chapped beyond belief. Use lip balm religiously and don't overuse lipstick. Your lips WILL get discoloured when you're older. Use a light lip tint, and lip balm/gloss.
Eyebrows: If you want to shape them, go to the hairdresser and get it done.
Facial hair: As someone with naturally dark, thick hair I have a lot of noticeable facial hair. I'm planning on getting it lasered soon. Find a way that works for you and is affordable.
Body hair: I have zero self-consciousness about my arm and leg hair, so I have no desire to shave or wax it. I do wax my underarms, because of ridiculously thick growth. Understand that this is a personal choice, and you do not have to do this if you're unwilling.
Nails: Keep them short or long, always filed and CLEAN. Do not let grime or dirt build-up underneath. Don't keep your nails painted 24/7, it will 100% lead to yellowing. Give your nails some time to breathe between every manicure. When they aren't painted, keep them filed and presentable.
Hair: I have Type 3a curly hair, so my hair routine is tailored to suit me. But what I can tell you is wash your hair at least 1x a week, use sun protectant, and oil your hair before wash day(it works). And use heat on your hair SPARINGLY. If you want to colour you can, but remember it does lead to long term damage, brittleness and bad texture. Get your hair cut every 3-4 months with a trusted hairdresser. Keep switching up hairstyles and do not stick to a single part (middle part, side part) constantly because it can lead to thinning of hair there.
Acne: STOP TOUCHING YOUR FACE I am begging you. Touching your face with grimy hands is a recipe for acne. Cleanse everyday, moisturize heavily and go to a dermatologist if it gets worse.
Go live your best life. You deserve everything, and you shouldn't let anything stand in your way, not even yourself. Now GO, you've got shit to do.
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sunflowerskies00 · 2 months
too sweet, part 8
you know you don't gotta pretend
series master list
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liked by rutgermcgroarty and others
yourusername: quick trip to MN to support my boys #frozenfour
rutgermcgroarty: the lack of photos of hockey on the trip to watch hockey is crazy
yourusername: i was trying to keep it artsy rutgermcgroarty: i mean you did a good job ig yourusername: i know. i'm all about the aesthetics
markestapa: artsy
yourusername: THANK YOU i love when my efforts are acknowledged
trevorzegras: i swear you travel anywhere but california
yourusername: oh my god, i will come to california if that'll make you happy trevorzegras: it would make me happy alexturcotte_: wait if you're going to anaheim you have to come to LA too yourusername: i will come visit both of you
edwards.73: it's giving pinterest
yourusername: you have no idea how happy this comment makes me edwards.73: please you talk about pinterest at least once a day ur obsession is scary
username25: wait I love that he knows how much she loves pinterest
username45: fr it's adorable yourusername: the bar for the men is on the literal floor
luca.fantilli: went all the way for MN for us 🥺🥺
yourusername: you're acting like it wasn't a quick flight luca.fantilli: if there was a dislike button i'd dislike that reply yourusername: you're so welcome for flying my butt to MN instead of getting my homework done tho luca.fantilli: we'd expect nothing less from you
lhughes_06: do you even go to class with all this not being in Michigan you've been doing?
yourusername: yes I go to class dummy. My straight A's prove it lhughes_06: nerd yourusername: at least i'll have a college diploma lhughes_06: and i'll still make more money than you yourusername: and i'll always be mom and dads favorite _quinnhughes: children please
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liked by taylorrose and others
yourusername: 🖤 🤍 
taylorrose: so you're just flawless okay
yourusername: stoooppp you're making me blush taylorrose: he is a lucky man yourusername: he really is
rutgermcgroarty: did we go back in time to when color photos don't exist or??
yourusername: you're such a smartass rutgermcgroarty: aw you think i'm smart yourusername: you're ridiculous
edwards.73: your photographer deserves a raise
yourusername: idk last one's a little blurry. gonna have to talk to him about that edwards.73: HEY ur words were literally 'a little blurry' yourusername: are you sure? I don't think I said that 🤪 edwards.73: you are impossible yourusername: i'm actually a literal saint edwards.73: now that's hilarious
trevorzegras: baby hughes you ain't slick
yourusername: please for the love of god find a different nickname yourusername: and i have no idea what you mean trevorzegras: mhm whatever you say you little liar
lhughes_06: i think you have an instagram addiction
yourusername: i do not! i could delete the app right now _quinnhughes: that's such a lie jackhughes: yeah and I'm the pope luca.fantilli: you're literally addicted that's such a like you could never delete it alexturcotte_: even i gotta agree with them on this one markestapa: you spend like every spare second on instagram dylanduke25: fr you have a whole note section dedicated to all things instagram taylorrose: plus a whole ass pinterest board for instagram aesthetics edwards.73: and you find joy in making other people's instagrams cohesive yourusername: OK I GET IT no need to expose me so everyone to everyone jeez
Texts with Trevor
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as a MN girl i really should've had more photos of saint paul and i'm so disappointed in myself for having bascially zero
tags: @love4ldr @bunbunbl0gs
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mj-iza-writer · 3 months
"Alright my dear, it's time for bed", Caretaker smiled as they approached the couch where Whumpee was laying.
"But, um", Whumpee looked down at the book they were reading. They made a puzzled face at Caretaker.
"What do you want to say Whumpee? Go ahead", Caretaker encouraged. They were happy to see Whumpee communicate more often now.
"My book, I'm almost done", Whumpee held it up, "can I.... um may I?", asking for things was still a struggle for Whumpee though. It was a new concept for someone to actually care about what Whumpee wanted.
"Do you want a couple extra minutes to finish the book Whumpee?", Caretaker eyed the book curiously, "it does look like you have a few more pages."
"Ye-yes please", Whumpee relaxed. Fully thankful Caretaker had figured it out.
"Okay", Caretaker nodded, "thankyou for asking. I'll go get your bed turned down."
Whumpee made a frightened face, "please no. I'll finish reading tomorrow if you want me to. Please don't do that to my b..... wait, I'm sorry. I have no right asking that much.. please forgive", Whumpee struggled to catch their breath.
Caretaker knelt in front of Whumpee, "Shh, Whumpee what's going on?", they rubbed Whumpee's arm gently, "you can finish your book, I don't mind."
"Y-you said you'd tear down my bed, I was scared that you were mad at me. Then I realized I have no right to even have a bed. Please forgive It."
"Whumpee you misheard me. I'm going to turn down your bed", Caretaker watched Whumpee's face turn to a confused expression.
"Turning down a bed is the opposite of making a bed. You pull back the sheets, fluff up the pillows. Get any stuffies you might want. You get the bed cozy and ready for sleeping", Caretaker smiled, "you absolutely have a right to a bed. Where else would you sleep? The ceiling?"
"Master says a slave's place is on the floor, but they don't need sleep. It was lucky to be allowed to rest it's eyes", Whumpee looked down, "you're not going to tear down the bed?"
"No Whumpee", Caretaker extended their hand, "here, let me show you how to turn down a bed. You can read the rest of your book in the comfort of your bed."
Whumpee nodded as they took Caretaker's hand and followed them to the room.
Caretaker taught them the step by steps.
"Okay climb in, let's see if it is cozy", Caretaker lifted up the last sheet so Whumpee could crawl in.
Caretaker tucked them in and then pulled out a stuffed toy, "can't forget this."
Whumpee excitedly grabbed the stuffie and cuddled it close, "thankyou."
"You are very welcome", Caretaker stood and adjusted the light, "I'll come back and check on you in a few minutes, go ahead and finish the book. Maybe we can go to the library for another one if you'd like."
"Ok", Whumpee smiled, "thankyou so much Caretaker."
"You're welcome dear", Caretaker went to the door and grinned back at Whumpee.
Caretaker finished a few chores before checking on Whumpee again.
Whumpee was still sitting up, but was drooped over to the side.
Caretaker grinned as they slide the book from Whumpee's hands and set it aside. Careful to not lose their place.
They helped Whumpee lay down. Whispering reassuring words so not to startle them too much.
Whumpee squinted their eyes open for a second before nodding off again.
Caretaker continued to whisper while they pulled up the blanket and tucked in Whumpee's stuffed toy.
They turned off the light, then went to turn on Whumpee's nightlight.
Caretaker took in Whumpee's peaceful moans for a few minutes before pulling the door closed halfway.
Caretaker sat for a few minutes documenting the rest of the day before they to got ready for bed.
"Sweet dreams Whumpee", they made one final peak into the bedroom before heading to their room.
Taglist. As always please let me know if you want to be added or taken off of the list. It's not a problem at all. @villainsandheroes @the-beasts-have-arrived @sacredwrath @porschethemermaid @monarchthefirst @generic-whumperz @bloodyandfrightened @freefallingup13 @notpeppermint @cyborg0109 @idontreallyexistyet @thebejeweledwatercat @painfulplots @whumpbump @everythingsscary @skittles-the-whumpee @expressionless-fr @theforeverdyingperson @legendarydelusiongoatee
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rileyglas · 2 months
The List ~Pt. 3 - Chance~
Alastor (Hazbin Hotel) x Reader
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Summary: As you adjust to life in the hotel, you start to form bonds with other guests and offer your help when needed. However, things take a turn when you faint and wake up in the room of the one person you hoped to avoid.
Themes: The usual angst, mystery (Alastor), sassiness, Val is mentioned, Angel gets hurt (sorry), cursing, fluff, eventual smut (the next part is a SPICY one sinners), actual plot, slow burn, and of course 18+, this is the last shorter chapter, I'll start feeding you more!
1.7k Words
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 (You're on it!) Part 4 Part 5  Part 6 Part 7 Part 7.A Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12
**sentences in italics are internal thoughts of the reader
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Over the next few weeks you seem to adjust well to the hotel. You try to help Nifty with at least one meal a day, give advice to Charlie on different ‘redemption exercises’, and have even helped an eggboy or two not get scrambled. Alastor seemed to keep his distance which was much appreciated (especially after hearing the stories and history of the “Radio Demon”). You do what you can to fill the void you feel from not being able to help to your full potential. Of course, there really hasn’t been a need for your expertise. But as they say, ask and you shall receive.
Angel was coming in from yet another brutal shift with Val. He was usually quick to dismiss the bruising around his wrists and face. “Comes with the job babe!” He’d say through a toothy smile. “I didn’t do a good job if I don’t come home with some battle scars!” You’d share a look with Husk, silently agreeing how fucked up this was, but Angel always changed the subject to avoid any pity or awkwardness.
This time was different. It was later than usual. Everyone but you and Husk had long since made their way to bed. Angel walked in staggering and not in the ‘oh he was out with Cherri’ way. He was barely able to make it to the couch before collapsing to his hands and knees. His breathing shallow and raspy – you could hear the blood gurgling in his lungs as he struggled with each breath. This was the worst Val had done yet. That motherfucker is going to kill him one day if he keeps this up – Overlord or not, he’s going to pay. You take a mental note to make a visit to Val, but right now, Angel needed help.
Carefully you try to lift him onto the couch. Angel hisses from the sudden movement. Damnit this is bad. I need a few seconds without any eyes around. “Husk, be a dear and run up to my room please. I have some medical supplies by my bed.”
“No need, I have some stuff behind the ba----” he stops when he sees the glare you’re shooting over your shoulder. “Ah alright fine, I’ll be right back.” he grumbled as he made his way up the stairs. That was the great thing about Husk - he wasn’t one to ask too many questions.
Finally alone you lay Angel back on the couch. “Hey Angel? Babe? I need you to look at me. I know it hurts and it’s hard to breathe but I have a trick that’ll help relieve some of the pressure. Trust me?” He places one of his hands on your shoulder as confirmation, unable to get enough air to speak. Time to work my magic.
Kneeling by the couch, you gently place your hands on his ribs and stomach while leaning your head over his chest, “Alright babe I need you to take a deep breath and close your eyes. This won’t feel great.” You wince as the words leave your mouth. For this to work you’d have to cause him some discomfort otherwise some more complication questions might arise. R̷̢͙̃ǘ̷̮͔͠l̵̰̝̆ḛ̷̀͊ ̵͕̍#̵̜̌2̷̼́̅ Never tell a soul what (or how much) power you have.
“Ok eyes closed and breathe in 3……2…..1….” I’m sorry Angel, you deserve so much better than this.  In one motion you shove into his ribs sending him writhing in pain while you place a soft kiss on his chest. The internal injuries made it easy to hide the pink glow that usually came from the wound, however the pain…yeah that shit still felt like torture. During your time training with Carmilla you learned the graver the injury, the more agonizing it was for you. After a few intense moments of pain, you pull away and sit back on your legs, trying to hide the lingering sting you felt in your lungs.
Angel groaned as he opened his eyes, finally able to take a proper breath. “Uhhhgg—what the fuuuuuuuuuuck was that?”
“Just some tricks I had to learn living in the city. You know how rough it gets out there. Glad you’re already feeling better.” You peck Angel’s cheek, feeling a soft twinge on your lips. The last bit of bruising on his face fades without him even realizing it. “Thanks toots. I don’t know how you did it, but I owe ya one.”
On queue Husk turns down the stairs with your medical kit. His face twists in a mix of relief and shock watching Angel up moving as if he wasn’t just on the verge of death five minutes earlier. He chuckles making his way back behind the bar. “Damn you’ve got quite the touch I see.” You tense at his choice of words. Fuck fuck fuck…calm down, he didn’t see anything. “Remind me to keep you on speed dial. Satan knows this one is bound to need you around again!” Husk points to Angel who by now has taken his usual place at the bar. “Oh shut up pussycat – the only thing I need right now is a few shots to forget this day ever happened! Let’s go! Booze me up Mr. Bartender!”
Deciding you have had enough excitement for the night, you say good evening to the guys and drag yourself through the quiet halls. Cursing the aftershock your body was going to endure after having to heal such extensive damage. It wasn’t horrible, more annoying like a bad hangover or flu, but the joy and warmth you felt from being able to help always made the pain more than worth it. You were just a few doors away from your room when your vision blurred. Why is the hall spinning? I don’t remember drinking. Oh fuck ----
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Soft music fills your ears as you regain some form of consciousness. A familiar smell floods your senses causing your eyes to shoot open. Looking around you realize you’re in Alastor’s room. Not that you’d been here before, but between the bayou to your left and the freshly laundered red suits hanging by the door - it was obvious. Plus, his smell filled the room. You’d only dreamt of that smell and his warmth at least twice a week since first meeting the demon, much to your frustration.
Sharp static and ringing fill your ears as you sit up. Is this going to happen every time with this guy? Alastor appears in his chair by the bayou, chest puffed out and legs crossed. “Finally awake I see. I was just leaving my radio tower for the evening when you were coming down the hall. Quite a spectacle watching you try to walk straight. Drink too much with our good pal Husker?”
There he goes again trying to drill his eyes into your soul. You’ve seen him interact with the others. His eyes never had the same intensity as they did with you. Lie lie lie. “Yeah, you know how hard him and Angel go some nights. Guess I shouldn’t try to keep up next time.” You try to laugh it off hoping the answer was sufficient enough for him to drop the subject.
It wasn’t.
“Hmmm that’s funny. I didn’t smell a bit of alcohol when I picked you up off that floor.” Shit. “I don’t expect you to tell me everything dear however blatantly lying to me will get you on a side you don’t want to be on.” The static in his voice was piercing. You stared at him in silence. Work brain work, please give me anything. Rule #4 Never let your w̸͉̐e̵͓͐a̷̘͆k̴̭̏ñ̶͔e̶̢͒s̵̩̉ś̵͈è̸̮š̶͚ ̴̣̏s̴̖̈́h̷̲͐o̶̳͗w̷̱̾. Your lack of response apparently told him everything he needed in the moment. Standing up now, he begins to mindfully take off his jacket, unbutton his vest, and push up his sleeves.
This is it. This I how I die. And all because ---- oh fucking hell --- how did he get even more attractive? Is he doing this on purpose? Wow I’ve really got to get my priorities straight.
You can feel your heart pounding into your throat in anticipation as he sits in front of you on the bed. He slowly removes his gloves and tosses them to the side table.
“Let’s try this again…“
He reaches for your hands making you jerk slightly but he doesn’t notice or doesn’t care. You feel him pull you and as if under a spell, you follow mindlessly until you’re resting on your knees. He brings your inner wrist to his lips, gently peppering kisses between his words.
“What could possibly... “ kiss
“cause someone to drop as if… “ kiss
“the very life was sucked out of them?” kiss
An unfamiliar heat rips through your body, settling in your stomach and a little lower if you were being honest. You’ve never allowed anyone to be this intimate with you. Rule #3 N̴e̵v̴e̶r̵ ̷b̶r̷i̶n̸g̷ ̷a̸n̵y̷one too close.
“I – I – don’t..I didn’t – just tired.“ you give up on trying to form a coherent answer. What is he trying to get out of this? Alastor rests your hands on his cheeks. A deep sigh leaving his lips when he feels your warmth. You didn’t dare move, realizing you were just as touch starved as the demon in front of you.
Your mind is at full blown war. Torn between the desire to lean into this precarious high and absolute rage that he was trying to get into your head.
“I need to know so I can help you, my dear. I want to protect you.” His voice was clear but low. It lacked any trace of his usual radio effect. It’s as if he was dropping every façade. Speaking to you not as the Radio Demon but as just Alastor. “You and I could do great things [Y/N]. Trust me. Let me show you.”
What is he doing? I have worked relentlessly to be one of the strongest, most elusive demons in Hell. I fear no one. I need NO ONE. Yet here I am completely unravelling…
….to the Radio Demon.
Rule #̴̤͌1̴̢͝ ̶̘̽N̵̹̐e̴̯̋v̷̳̈́e̸̯̎r̵̠̕ ̸͈̊t̵̼͑ŗ̷̃u̴͔̓s̷̢̑t̴̪̓ ̵͎̊a̴̺͛n̶̛̳o̴̺͆t̴̤̿h̶̗̿e̴̞̋ȓ̸͜ Overlord.
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sesshous · 3 months
hi!! how are you feeling? <33 I saw your work and I loved it!! Do you have a list of characters you write for?
Could I ask for some gaming headcanons in the falling in love stage? I would like to see the confession and all that ahshaj please and thank you!! <33
falling in love hcs ᰔ gaming
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genre: fluff (they/them prns)
a/n: hello!! i'm glad you like my work, i'm feeling alright <3 this took so long to do i really could not think of anything for days but then got hit with the urge to write and got this done haha. as for charas. i write i want to say i write for most of them(?), but i'll make a list soon for who i mainly want to write for ^^
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i feel like gaming doesn’t have a lot of experience with romantic feelings, so at first he doesn’t even realise that he likes, likes you, but from an outsider's perspective, people can clearly see the signs that he has a crush on you.
who else does he throw lovesick-like glances at? or gives not so subtle lingering touches too? or gets way more cheery than he usually is when you’re around? even with his whole, ‘oh- no way! we're just friends!” spiel he says when he’s asked about you. it isn’t fooling anyone.
gravitating towards you is another thing he does. the second he sees you he’d come up to you to say hello and ask about your day, or if you’re in his presence he’d want to stand/sit close next to you.
oh, you just have to be there for his wushou dance performances!! he’ll invite you everytime he has one coming up - he’ll even get you in the front row if he has to!!
(also you could not tell me he doesn’t playfully tease you or unintentionally make flirty comments towards you i just know he would!! he loves seeing you flush over his comments haha)
gaming only starts to question the way he sees you when xianyun makes a passing comment to him, ‘my, one can see you’re quite fond of them, aren’t you gaming?’ fond? quite fond? well, he definitely didn’t disagree with xianyun. he does like you! …but the more he thinks about the way he acts towards and how much he actually thinks about you, gaming comes to the realisation that he does in fact have feelings for you that go past platonic.
gaming treats you as he normally does, but he now finds himself stumbling over his words and having a harder time making eye contact with you. 
and when you smile or laugh? his can feel his face instantly heating up. he blames it on his pyro vision. it’s not his pyro vision
the thought of confessing his feelings to you makes gaming… nervous. after all, he isn’t even sure if you like him back or not. but gaming doesn’t like to keep his feelings locked away, so he eventually decides he wants to confess to you (he does stall for a couple of days… have to build up that confidence.)
it’s generic (i know...) , but he’d invite you out for dim sum. however his plan of confessing to you after you’ve both finished your meal falters when you mention you’ve noticed he’s been a bit off lately and ask if he’s been doing okay. well… no time like the present, right?
“i’m fine! really, sorry for making you worry. it’s just that… i’ve been thinking a lot about you, actually. i really like you, y’know? and if you don’t like me back that’s totally okay! i won’t be mad, but… i just need to know what you think of me.”
his confession is more jumbled up than he wanted it to be. but with that now off his chest, he waits for your response, with hopes of you telling him you like him back as well.
(but seriously, how could anyone say no to someone as cute as him?)
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badaleesbish · 3 months
Bada Lee as your SEXY HOT gf
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𝙱𝚎𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚒𝚗 𝚊 𝚛𝚎𝚕𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜𝚑𝚒𝚙 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝙱𝚊𝚍𝚊 𝙻𝚎𝚎.
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➶︎ Bada is the type of girlfriend that showers you with gifts and compliments like every day.
➶︎ Bada is the type of girlfriend that LOVES pet names.
➶︎ "Bae, Babe, Baby."
➶︎ "Sweetie, Sweetheart, Sweet girl."
➶︎ "Princess."
➶︎ "Babygirl."
➶︎ The list goes on but...
➶︎ Your (My) favorite of all time...
➶︎ "My Love."
➶︎ Did your heart flutter a little bc mine did.
➶︎ Bada is the type of girlfriend who would be an active listener. No matter how big or small the issue is, she will always drop whatever she is doing to listen.
➶︎ Whenever she is away, she ALWAYS makes sure to call you before you go to sleep.
➶︎ Sometimes, she'd rather FaceTime to see your beautiful face.
➶︎ "Come on, baby, FaceTime me so I can see that beautiful face of yours, pretty girl."
➶︎ Bada is the type of girlfriend who doesn't care about weight or any change to your body. She loves you either way.
➶︎ She LOVES how her oversized shirts drape over your curvy body.
➶︎ It just drives her IN FUCKING SANE.
➶︎ And don't wear her pants. That ass IS NOT safe.
➶︎ Bada def uses her height to her advantage. She will tower over you to make you nervous.
➶︎ " Do I make you nervous, sweetheart? "
➶︎ "Yes..."
➶︎ "Good.
➶︎ She LOVES to make you jealous. She'll do little petty things like get a little bit too touchy with her crew members.
➶︎ "What? Are you jealous?"
➶︎ She does that stupid ass, sexy ass, attractive ass smirk.
➶︎ "Yes, I am."
➶︎ "You're so possessive. I like that shit. Sexy ass but you and I both know my eyes are for you and only you."
➶︎ "Yeah, whatever, Bada Lee."
➶︎ Bada "forces" you to attend her classes with her. Not to dance unless you want to but to just be a supportive girlfriend.
➶︎ During the class, you try not to ABSOLUTELY LOSE YOUR SHIT as she dances to that one choreo, making complete eye contact with you as she grinds against the floor.
➶︎ Let's face it...... Bada whines, whimpers, and begs. There I said it.
➶︎ "Hmm... please let me taste you. I'll do anything. I'll be a good girl."
➶︎ "I want it, please. Oh please."
➶︎ Bada LOVES when you tell her how much of a good job she does (iykyk)
➶︎ Go ahead and praise her.
➶︎ Don't forget to tell her she is a good girl.
➶︎ Hair pulling...
➶︎ You pull her hair...
➶︎ She pulls your hair...
➶︎ Both of you pull each other's hair at the same time...
➶︎ She loves it.
➶︎ Craves it, actually.
➶︎ Edging/Overstimulating you for HOURS with her fingers or the strap.
➶︎ You can barely breathe, moans stuck in your throat, legs shaking, back arching, hand(s) on Bada's wrist or stomach.
➶︎ She moves your hand(s), intertwining with hers or placing them above your head.
➶︎ You try to close your legs, but Bada slaps your thighs to keep them open or just forces them open.
➶︎ "Keep these pretty legs open for me, pretty girl. I don't wanna miss a single second of this pussy, baby."
➶︎ When she FaceTimes when she is away... let's just say things get a little naughty.
➶︎ "What are you wearing right now, sweetheart?"
➶︎ "One of your shirts..."
➶︎ "One of my shirts... is that it?"
➶︎ You nod, biting your lip as you stare at your girlfriend on the phone screen.
➶︎ "Let me see, babygirl. I know you were thinking about me while touching yourself."
➶︎ "I'm here now, go ahead. Don't try to act shy now. Spread those legs, sweet girl."
➶︎ I'm giggling and kicking my feet at my OWN writing rn. 😂
➶︎ Someone take my phone please.
➶︎ I would do SO MANY THINGS to her .
➶︎ I would let her do ANYTHING she WANTS to me.
➶︎ Okay, I think I'm done now.
➶︎ Fuck, I NEED her so BAD.
➶︎ Okay, I'm done.
➶︎ Bye Bye. ✌🏾
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thankskenpenders · 9 months
And now for something new
So, here's something I was never planning on doing, but I just couldn't shake the idea... Thanks Ken Penders is gaining a sister blog featuring an entirely different comic franchise!
Introducing... Thanks Steve Ditko, a blog where I read the Earth-616 Spider-Man comics, starting all the way back in the '60s! It's gonna be much more casual and less thorough than how I run things here on TKP, though, which I'll explain in a sec.
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If seeing me post weird bits from old Spider-Man comics sounds fun and you need no further info, then just head right on over to Thanks Steve Ditko. But for longtime TKP readers, I know you probably have questions...
Number one: Why?
Spider-Man's always been my favorite superhero, and with the Spider-Verse movies kicking ass and my excitement building for the new Insomniac game, I've been in a Spidey mood. Inevitably, a thought occurred to me: Maybe I should actually read the comics that everything else is built off of and see the wildly varying contributions of all the original creators, rather than filtering them through big budget adaptations. If I can power through One Piece and all these other manga with hundreds of chapters, it can't be that hard... right?
And, well, after a few issues I quickly realized that my options were to either clog up my other accounts with random Spider-Man panels for years, or to just make a side blog. And so the side blog was born.
Two: Will this blog replace Thanks Ken Penders?
Okay but prove it
To allow the two to exist side-by-side, Thanks Steve Ditko will have a different format than what Thanks Ken Penders developed. Rather than an in-depth guided tour that critically analyzes every story beat of every issue, TSD will just be a place for amusing panels and brief thoughts as I casually read the comics at my own pace.
If you've seen me make a few tweets about reading Spider-Man recently, I'm basically just moving that to a dedicated Tumblr. It's a place for me to dump these things so that it doesn't fill up my media tab on Twitter for the next decade. (You know, assuming Twitter is still around in a decade.) There will be many issues where I only post two panels that I thought were funny. There will be issues where I don't have anything to say at all. Maybe I'll reach a run that I just cannot get into, and I start skipping around more. Who knows!
This may sound similar to what I thought this blog would be before it blew up. Aside from the simple fact that there's already mountains of Spider-Man commentary out there and therefore less of a void for me to fill, one of the main steps I'll be taking to avoid repeating the past is not enabling an ask box on TSD. I do not need people to ask me to go into ten times more detail on everything. I do not need to write seven essay-length responses to questions about Spider-Man minutiae every day. I do not need a place for people to chide me for not covering certain scenes, issues, or ancillary series.
It also won't have any kind of update schedule. I'm trying to keep it very casual. I'm reading these comics at my own pace, and if I feel like sharing a moment or commenting on something while doing so? It goes there. That's it.
(On the subject of format changes, I'm also listing the issue, writer, and penciller in the body of every post. This is a thing I wish I'd done on TKP so that people didn't misattribute every weird Archie Sonic panel I post to Penders.)
Three: So when will TKP come back from hiatus? You said it'd come back after you finished SLARPG!
I don't know! Sorry. I have a couple things on the backburner right now for TKP, but I'm not sure when I'll get back to proper updates where I read more comics.
I wanted to bring TKP back this year, and that's still possible. The main hurdle is that I want to reread my own archive (again) as a refresher, which is, uh. A lot of posts. I've developed a high standard for myself on here, and I feel like I wouldn't be doing my job right if I forgot half the ongoing subplots and character arcs and didn't bring them up in my analysis. Especially when I'm discussing the work of an author as obsessed with continuity as Ian Flynn. Unfortunately, the nature of this blog means that every time I go on another long hiatus for Life Reasons I have even more comic continuity to catch up on than last time.
(This is a big part of why I'm making Thanks Steve Ditko an extremely casual blog instead of promising to become a Lore Expert on 60+ years of Marvel.)
Mostly I've just been very burnt out this year after having finally finished a video game that took almost eight years to make. I haven't really had the energy for any creative projects, including TKP. But I feel a little bit of a spark here with Spider-Man, so I'm chasing that feeling to try to get back into the swing of blogging about comics - no pun intended.
So, basically, bear with me on this as I start this low-energy side project. But hopefully folks will enjoy Thanks Steve Ditko as its own thing, too.
Look forward to goofy shit like this
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decolonize-the-left · 5 months
Is anyone else just completely disillusioned? Done?
I could not think any less of people still talking about celebrities or how their biggest issues are not having a Starbucks cup that's $50
Like why are we as a collective letting people like that run the lives of everyone on the planet? A planet rife with unnecessary conflict and greed? People who can't be bothered to just Not go to chick-fil-a?
Why are people who clearly value profit over humanity in charge of humanity, ykwim? How the fuck did that become a majority opinion?
I drive thru my nuclear town, I go to our community events, our local small businesses, I try to support my community in ways I can everyday. But I can't help but notice that So Many of the people who do that alongside me, don't show up to protest for the rights of the people they claim to support.
Its all so incredibly shallow and one dimensional and obviously disingenuous and why the fuck are the rest of STILL begging for the ability to make changes within the framework they built?
Why are we still making educational posts for them and trying to make them understand when the first thing we are taught about reaching understand is that you must first be willing to listen and they refuse.
The ruling classes never listened. Never, ever have they granted anyone any oppressed group rights that they asked for without the group needing to fight for it. And it's always after generations of oppression.
I'm fucking tired of being nice and pretending the laws they made up matter and like their socially constructed bureaucracy is the only way to make change to be quite fucking honest.
They're LUCKY we use it EVER and now they don't even fucking listen to our voicemails?
The only things stopping me from taking what's mine are disabilities and I'm Dying to know what everyone else's excuses are.
Or is that?
Are we all physically too incapable? Is every single able bodied person actually a liberal fascist?
Asking for the disabled Turtle Mountain Ojibwe person typing this who's life literally depends on y'all caring enough about other people to make life anything but a list of systematic circumstances I'll suffer from until I eventually die early of an illness I can't afford medical aids for and which are not provided for me either.
And if you're able bodied and you feel the same... Start working outside that framework and stop asking so nicely. Stop giving a shit if you don't have the support of the oppressors and their liberal foot soldiers.
Stop worrying about what CNN is gonna say about you because I promise that the people who matter and Understand you will be inspired to follow in your foot steps and supportive.
Get active in your co-ops, mutual aid groups, and consider training like you're black bloc.
Learn what direct action is and how to do it and start doing it. Just reading theory era is over.
More of this
less whatever the level of cognitive dissonance this is
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Imagine saying 'i voted so I did everything I could' like the suffragettes didn't have an arson and bombing campaign because the people who Could vote were people benefitted from their systemic silence and thus did almost Nothing to help them get voting rights and they Refused to let oppressor laziness be their obstacle.
Yeah, they don't teach you that in Voting Matters School the suffragettes were bombing the UK just a year or two before they got their rights do they?
The only language oppressors will listen to is their own.
And I'm Tired of pretending otherwise because that delusion is what makes the privileged feel like they don't have to do anything but vote and makes them feel they're justified to criticize those of us that fight back through other avenues.
And maybe if we had politicians that gave a shit about any of us then those votes and movements and public sentiment would have a bigger sway in government, but they don't.
They don't fucking care.
Why are we still giving them power over any of us and letting them tell us what to do and demonize us when they use that power allowed to kill us and bury us in unmarked graves in some field in Mississippi? And make everything so expensive that the richest citizens on earth struggle to pay their bills?
Why can a government only "condemn" a state agent's right to shoot an unarmed protester 57 times, but they can bypass Congress to send Israel billions upon billions worth of weapons?
I'm tired of pretending this country is anything but a front for White Supremacists when every liberal I see is trying to gaslight everyone into thinking genocide is acceptable.
Shut the fuck up and get out of my equality tags, fascist.
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bella-rose29 · 5 months
Deck the Halls (and not your partner) - part 7
the mistletoe scene I have to give credit to the lovely @novelizt because of this post
this is basically just 3.5k words of fluff to make up for all the pain I put you through the last two parts
Word count: 3.5k
Warnings: swearing, making out (it's happening people, but also it's mildly in detail so for the one tiny paragraph feel free to skip if you're either not comfortable with it or not old enough), Will asks the important questions (both sensible and not), brief mentions of self-esteem issues? lockwood is a bit silly at the end, actually they both are
series master list
(why does he look like this :3 😭)
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"What?" Y/n breathed. She wasn't entirely sure that she'd heard Lockwood correctly.
"I said that I think I've fallen for you."
He looked so sincere, his eyes more vulnerable than she had ever seen them before, and Y/n felt her heart constrict in her chest.
"I know, I know." He rubbed his hand over his face, turning to lean back against the window. The mistletoe still hung at his side in his other hand.
"But you were horrible to me! From the very start!"
"I know. I was awful to you that first night and my only excuse is that I was exhausted and in desperate need of my bed, which I know isn't good enough. And then when you came in for your interview I just didn't want to be the one responsible if anything happened to you - wait, that came out wrong. You walked into the doorframe, Y/n. I was worried that you'd hurt yourself on a job, and I didn't want to get too attached to you in case that happened and you got injured or hospitalised or worse and I couldn't do anything to stop it. When I saw how easily the others took to you I knew that I was doomed," he let out a laugh, shaking his head. Y/n hoped he realised how ridiculous he sounded. "I know that doesn't excuse my actions, Y/n, but I meant what I said about that job we took in March. I really thought I wouldn't get there in time and I was terrified."
"Lockwood... you can't just... say that! I mean, you have said some genuinely horrible things to me and now you're saying that you - you what? That you-"
"I don't know!" he cried, filled with exasperation. "Alright? I don't know how else to describe it! I don't know if how I feel is love because I've never felt like this before, but I do know that I care about you far more than I should given I'm your boss, and I really don't know what would happen to me if you got seriously hurt, alright?" He was out of breath, cheeks flushed as he looked at her, and Y/n felt her own face heating up at his admission.
"Okay, okay," she said quietly, still processing everything he'd said. They stayed there for a few minutes, both leaning back against the windows as they tried to figure out what the hell they were going to do now. "I don't..." Y/n broke off with a sigh. She needed to phrase this right or they would be in even deeper shit than they were before. "I don't think I can just... forgive you, Lockwood. You have a lot - and I mean a lot - of grovelling to do to make up for how you've treated me these last few years." He nodded frantically, hope starting to shine in his eyes.
"Anything," he said. "Anything at all." She knew that he meant it.
"And I want to go on more cases if I'm staying at the company, because you can't just keep me behind because you think I'll walk into a doorframe."
"Done." He paused for a moment, looking like he wanted to say something else. "But you have-"
"Nope! No protests, thank you!" He stopped talking immediately, looking rather like a lost puppy as he gazed at her. "No more hating each other, either, although I feel like that's a given. And the first date had better be fucking incredible, alright?"
"... First... date?"
"Yeah, keep up, Schmoopie." She couldn't deny how her heart lifted at the sight of Lockwood looking so happy, and when he grinned her responding smile was involuntary.
"Wait... so do you... you know. How do you feel, about..." he waved his hands vaguely in the air, then accidentally hit himself in the face with the mistletoe. "Shit, I think that went in my eye. I forgot I was holding that," he grumbled, and Y/n didn't bother biting back her snort. He sent her a glare, but there was only amusement behind it.
"I don't really know, Lockwood."
"If we're going to start dating I'd much rather you called me Anthony." He blushed and went quiet as he looked out the window. "I like it better when you call me Anthony anyway. Sorry, I uh, I interrupted you."
"Oh, no, that's... that's alright. Uh... yeah. Like you said, I don't know how to describe it. I know that it really hurt me when you said that you wouldn't ever feel the same way, and I guess I just didn't want to admit to myself that I care about you a lot too because you were such a huge arsehole to me-"
"Yes, got it, sorry again."
"-but I do care about you, Anthony. A lot. And honestly that does annoy me because I'm pretty sure I've liked you since we met because I did think you were really gorgeous, except then you were really rude and-"
"Wait wait wait wait wait," he exclaimed, waving his hands in front of him. "You think that I'm gorgeous?"
Now it was Y/n's turn to feel her face heat up, and she swatted at his hands. "I did, yeah. Then you opened your mouth."
"Yeah." She waited a moment, then spoke again. "If you must know, I still think you're gorgeous," she muttered, and Anthony lit up, a smug smile landing on his face. Surprisingly she'd missed them, and while she still felt the burning flames in her body at the sight of that stupid smirk, it was no longer hatred.
He stepped forward a little (only a little, since they were back to being incredibly close to each other) and held the mistletoe in both of his hands. "Your grandma Jean gave it to me," he said. "She told me we might need it because it used to be a symbol of peace, and if people met under it they had to stop fighting." They both had been looking down at the plant, but when Anthony lifted his head so did she, and her breath caught in her throat at the look in his eyes.
"So you want to kiss me again?"
"I mean, I wouldn't be entirely opposed to that, if you're offering."
"Really? Really, Anthony?" Her tone was joking, but she felt him move back almost imperceptibly when she didn't immediately agree to it, and her heart skipped a beat when she realised he was waiting for her permission.
"Well I can't kiss you if we aren't under it, can I? So I don't know what you're so worried about, darling."
"Better try and catch me then if you want a kiss," she teased, and leapt away a second later.
"We're running now? When we've just had a huge meal?" He stepped forward anyway, and Y/n laughed with pure joy when he started chasing her around the room, attempting to catch her but just missing every time. Finally she tripped, catching her foot on the corner of the bed, and Anthony swept her into his arms to stop her from hitting the floor. Instead they hit the mattress, Y/n landing on her back and Anthony on top of her, his arms bracing his body while he still clutched the mistletoe in his left hand. They were both breathing heavily from the last five minutes of running and laughing, and now their faces were so close together that they were essentially kissing already.
Anthony held up the mistletoe over their heads the best he could while simultaneously not collapsing on Y/n, and he raised his eyebrows at her. "May I kiss you, darling?" She couldn't speak, so she nodded instead, and within a second his mouth was on hers, somehow better than it had been the first time. It was tentative and small, and he pulled back to flick his gaze between her eyes and her lips. It had left her breathless despite how short it had been, and before she could think they were crashing into each other with the same passion as they had the night before, her hands lifting to grab his hoodie and his hair in desperation. At some point Anthony dropped the mistletoe to move his hand to her waist and bring her closer to him.
There was nothing but him, nothing but the weight of his body on top of hers and his hands touching her and his tongue in her mouth, and then he was pulling back for air and she was chasing after his lips, and he was smiling down at her like she was the only thing that mattered.
For whatever reason, they started laughing, Anthony dropping his head to nestle in the crook of her neck while Y/n wrapped her arms around his torso to bring him impossibly closer.
"So... does this mean I can call you my girlfriend?" he asked, hope making him light up like the Christmas tree they had in the living room.
"Yes, Anthony, you can call me your girlfriend," she laughed, and it turned into a snort when he got up and did a celebratory dance. "You're ridiculous, you know that?"
"Oh, believe me darling, I am fully aware."
"Hey, Squeak. You alright?"
Y/n had been sitting in the library, staring out the window at the snow that had started falling while she tried to concentrate on the book in her hands. Anthony had been called into the living room by her parents, and they'd parted with a not-so-small kiss just out of view of her family. Will had apparently managed to find her, and was settling into the opposite side of the window seat that she was occupying. "Yeah, why wouldn't I be?"
"I dunno. You seemed a bit... off. At dinner. Is everything alright with you and Lover Boy?"
"Oh," her face burned at the memory of what had happened barely twenty minutes ago. "Yeah, we're all good." She awkwardly sent him a thumbs up, her smile more of a grimace than anything else, and Will looked unconvinced.
"What's really going on, Y/n/n? Because if I need to beat him up-"
"NO! No, don't... don't beat up my boyfriend, please." It felt weird calling Anthony her boyfriend now, despite it being more real than it ever had been before. "Really, we're fine."
"Fine? You're fine? What did you two talk about upstairs? Because I'm pretty sure I heard shouting."
"We were just..." At the look on her brother's face she trailed off, and glanced at the door to make sure it was closed. "What exactly did Mum say when she got off the phone with me a few days ago?"
"What do you mean?"
"When she told people that I had a boyfriend, what did she say? How did you find out?"
"Mum went into the kitchen to take your call because we were all in here playing board games, and then we heard her shout 'You have a boyfriend?!' and Linda went to investigate, and then you turned up with Lover Boy."
"And are you sure that Mum wasn't just... making it up for some reason?"
"Why would she make it up?"
"Because I didn't have a boyfriend, Will."
"But... if you don't have a boyfriend then why the hell are you making out with your boss?"
"We are not making out!"
"Sure. But when you kissed yesterday under that mistletoe," he pointed to where it hung over the library door, "I definitely saw tongue."
"WILL!" She picked up the nearest pillow and chucked it at his head, then hid her face behind her book. "Oh my god, this is not happening."
"Ok, but that still doesn't answer my question," he said after half-heartedly throwing the pillow back at her. "If you didn't have a boyfriend, then why is your boss here saying that you're dating?"
"Because I made him. We actually can't stand each other. Or, we couldn't. We made up. Ugh, this is complicated. We have hated each other for about three years and then when Mum said very loudly that I was bringing my boyfriend to Christmas in front of Linda I didn't have much of a choice but to bring someone or face utter humiliation. Apparently nobody wanted to go to the middle of the countryside for three days with a complete stranger and pretend to be her boyfriend so I had to ask Anthony because George was already busy, and honestly I think we did a pretty good job of hiding the fact that we hated each other."
"And the shouting was you making up? Or were you angrily making out?"
"Will! Fuck's sake! Making up. I did tell him he's got a lot of grovelling to do, but now we're actually together."
"So you did make out."
"What's with the weird obsession about whether or not I'm making out with him?"
"I just like making you uncomfortable. That's my job."
"Well quit your job and get a different one." They sat in silence for a while, just staring out the window at the dark landscape. Although she knew that Will couldn't see them, she still pointed out the few ghostly figures that she saw. Her Sight wasn't nearly as good as Anthony's when she wasn't using her Touch, but she could still make out the glowing shapes in the fields.
"While we're on the topic of jobs... I'm guessing you're not leaving the company anymore," he said after a while.
"What?" she asked, startled by his words. "What do you mean?"
"I heard you at dinner, Squeak. You said you were gonna leave the company. I didn't hear anything else 'cause Nanna Jean was talking to me about her garden again for like, the eighth time today, but when I heard you say that... I dunno. You love your job, and I didn't think there was anything that would make you leave it."
"I wouldn't have stopped being an agent, I would have just moved company. He said a lot of mean things, and in fairness I said some horrible shit too, but he's not got that much power over me."
"Squeak... are you sure you wanna be dating him? If he hurt you so bad that you wanted to leave the company then I don't know if it's the best idea," Will frowned, concern in every inch of his body.
"I know. If he fucks this up then I am leaving. Properly. Because I know that it's not... ugh, I don't know. I was just tired of not being treated in the same way that he treated the others, and he's explained why he was like that, and he was weirdly similar to a puppy when he apologised - not that that convinced me to date him, by the way - and I really hurt him too, over the years."
"Just... out of interest... what exactly did you say to each other that made you start hating each other this much?"
"I was walking back from a solo case, walked into him, apologised, stepped on his shoes, and he told me that he'd just bought them in the most stuck-up voice I had ever heard and it pissed me off." Will stared at her.
"That's... it?"
"To be fair I then went for an interview at his company, didn't realise it was him, and the moment I walked in he went 'we don't want agents like you' or something, so... you know!"
"Okay... that's still not a lot though. You really started what, three years of hatred based on... on that?"
"Well, when you put it that way it sounds stupid, but-"
"No, no 'buts', missy," Will said, waggon his finger at her. "It is just plain stupid. Did you actually hurt each other or were you too busy being idiots?"
"In fairness I really struggle with keeping up to other peoples' standards, alright?! And it did hurt that nothing I did ever seemed to be enough to make him like me!"
"With the way he was talking about you, he definitely likes you. And thinks you're good enough. You have nothing to worry about there, that's for sure." Y/n flushed at Will's words, thinking back to what she'd overheard Anthony say in this same room the day before.
"So explain to me your feelings on this? Because I feel like you went through every emotion known to man just now."
"I initially thought you two were great together because you're a lot more confident in yourself when he's around, then you told me you weren't together and I was incredibly confused, then you told me that you hated each other and I was even more confused, then you told me that you are actually together now and I was happy, and then you told me that he was horrible to you and I wanted to beat him up, and then you told me that you stepped on his shoes and that's why you hate each other and I was confused again. Make sense?"
"Just about. It wasn't just me stepping on his shoes that-"
"Nope!" Will turned his head away, lifting his hand out in front of him to stop her. "I don't want to hear anymore of this silliness, thank you very much!"
"But it-"
"Nope!" Will pushed forward, grabbing the pillow that he had earlier thrown back to Y/n and whacked her around the head with it. "Nope, nope, nope!" Each 'nope' was punctuated with another hit, and Y/n barely had time to pick up the other pillow and fight back before he was swinging again.
"Hey," Y/n whispered to Anthony as she came over. He had been sat in the loveseat again (he was almost completely certain that Y/n's family were leaving it specifically for the two of them to use, since her five siblings were squished up on one of the sofas most of the time), and he put down his mug of tea to help her sit comfortably.
"Hi," he whispered back, immediately wrapping an arm around her waist and pulling her back to curl into him. She brought her legs up to hook over his and was turned sideways in the seat, her head nestling into his shoulder. He picked up his tea again and was about to take a sip when Will burst into the living room, board game in hand and a slightly crazed look in his eyes.
"We're playing Yahtzee! Everybody take a sheet, you don't have a choice in this!"
"Is this the one you're terrible at?" Anthony asked, speaking quietly into Y/n's ear, and he chuckled when she slapped his arm.
"You can't be terrible at Yahtzee, Anthony, it's a fucking dice game. It's based on luck, idiot."
"Oh, right, silly me. I meant charades. That one you are truly awful at."
"Just because you get really into it and put on ridiculously large hats doesn't mean I'm awful at it," she responded indignantly. "Also, by the way, the use of props is against the rules of charades, so technically you've lost every single one you've done."
"I have not!" he jokingly started, putting on an accent and pretending to be mad. "I am the best at charades! How dare you accuse me of- mmph!" Y/n shut him up by pressing a kiss to his lips, and while he sat there for a moment with his eyes wide open and his posture incredibly tense, he quickly relaxed into it. He still wasn't used to kissing her, and he didn't think that he ever would be, and when she pulled away a few seconds later he was left to chase after her mouth while she giggled.
"Sure, whatever makes you happy, Ant." That was another thing he'd never get used to. The way she said his name. He didn't think he'd heard anything sweeter, and then she was laughing at something one of her family members had said and he realised that he would spend his whole life documenting which of all the things she did was the most heavenly.
"You're what makes me happy, darling," he mumbled, not expecting her to hear. She looked round at him, surprise on her face. He thought she might say something nice in response, but instead when she opened her mouth something else came out.
"You are so cheesy, Anthony Lockwood."
"I'm just getting started, darling. Like you said, I have a lot of grovelling to do. I hope you're ready for how cheesy I can be." Y/n wrinkled her nose in disgust, but the wide grin on her face gave her away.
"That sounded weird," she said, and he leaned forward to press a gentle kiss to her nose. He shrugged in response.
"You're just going to have to get used to it, I'm afraid."
"Good. Hopefully you'll finish all the grovelling needed by the time you're about thirty, then."
"I'm grovelling every second of every day if it means I get to keep you near me, darling," he replied, and he revelled in the flush that crept up her neck. He accepted his score sheet from Will (who was getting very serious about the game, making sure that nobody would be cheating by using loaded dice), and took a sip of tea.
Then he nearly spat it out when he fully registered what Y/n had said.
part 8
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Tag list (once more hoping that this is everyone): @ahead-fullofdreams, @aislinrayne, @anathemaloren, @anthgoldenhrry, @augustisintheair, @avdiobliss, @aysha4life, @bobbys-not-that-small, @briar-rose23, @curseofhecate, @dangelnleif, @edible-rat-vomit, @el-de-phi, @ell0ra-br3kk3r, @ettadear, @fearlessmoony, @fudosl, @idkbubs, @imaginebeingmentallystable, @informedimagining, @karensirkobabes, @lady-ashfade, @light-23, @locklyebrainrot, @locklyle1kanij, @locknco, @magicandrosewaters, @mentallyillsodapop, @mischivana, @mitskiswift99, @mrsklockwood, @mrsyixingunicorn10, @newbooksmell777, @no-morning-glories, @novelizt, @phlooper, @ran23sblog, @reggiepeterss, @simrah1012, @somethingrandomwatzit, @star-of-velaris, @superpositvecloudshipper, @t2sh0, @taygrls, @tournesol77, @whistle1whistle, @whenselenefallsinlove, @wordsarelife, @y0urm0m12
let me know if you want to be added to/removed from the tag list! <3
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psyphigirl · 6 months
"May I See Her?"
TW: Immobility, Health Play, Hospital Setting, "Asphyxiation"
A person is admitted to the most advanced bariatric health center, where they must be subjected to constant and intense mechanical medical care
(I'm not sure the tw list is entirely exhaustive as I don't know how to define some of the things I wrote about. Please feel free to give any suggestions you feel I need to include!)
The doctor looked at me as though I had two heads, he just didn't understand the question.
"I- I don't know. There ... there isn't a lot left to see. You didn't really ... leave us with a lot ..."
I had weird mixed feelings about how he said that. Shame, guilt, fear ... pride, wonder, lust. What could they possibly have done to her?
"You can come in about 11.00 on Thursday morning, if you really do want to see her", he said flatly
"Thank you, Doctor. I'll be in then."
I hang up and sit back on my bed. I should really be getting to bed soon but I can't bear the thought of going to sleep just yet, so I go in to her old room. Just to remember her.
The room looks so much smaller without her in it. For the first time in years I can actually stand anywhere I want without fear of standing on her flesh or on a cable or tube she needs to function. The room's been stripped almost bare from the kit I used to tend to her. The oxygen pump is gone, the feeding tube has been retired, even the fridges have been wheeled away. I can see an almost perfect outline of her rear on the wall behind her, painted with sweat into the wallpaper. Her mattress is still here, it's been crushed to about a quarter of it's normal height after years of propping up a mass measured in metric tons.
I'm almost glad to see her in a proper care center: All this tech is ancient. Held together with tape and staples. It's a wonder it failed as infrequently as it did...
That's enough remembering for tonight
Beep beep beep
That's the alarm. Seven o'clock. Get up, get dressed, go to the kitchen. What's in the fridge? Not a lot. A dozen eggs and half a loaf of toast should be fine. I can fit two slices per slot in the four slot toaster and have them done in two minutes. I can fit three eggs in a pan per two pans. It takes five minutes to cook them and have them done in ten minutes. Hopefully I can have this done before she wakes up-
I turn the stovetop off and unplug the toaster. For the first time in years I don't have to center my daily schedule around caring for my helpless other half. It takes about an hour to get to the hospital. So I have three hours to kill ... somehow
"Oh, it's you. It- She's right this way"
The doctor lead me down a corridor, with a sign above it reading "ICU". Is it that bad? It must be. I was lead all the way down to the end of the corridor. The very last door in the ICU of the most advanced bariatric care center the fattest country in the world has to offer. I really did a number on her.
"Now. I should warn you. She's very ... fragile. You just need to be careful. Do you understand?"
"Yes, doctor, I think so"
His mouth jerks to the side and he turns away from me. I could have sworn I heard him say "I'm sure"
He opens the door and I see her.
She's nothing more than a mound of flesh, decorated by a spidersweb of wires and tubes, moniters and dials.
"Jeez, doc. Is this all really necessary?"
He looks at me with a subtle and frightening rage, "Yes. If even one of these machines failed, or one of these cables disconnected," he looks almost disappointed, "She wouldn't last long."
I don't respond. All I can do is gawk at her.
"This one here, for example", He gestures to a machine containing a series of combustion pistons, "That's her heart. There's no way her actual heart can pump blood around the rest of her body without assistance."
He points to another one, a pair of pumps under a turbine, "Those are her lungs."
And another, "That's her liver. There's no machine in here that isn't essential to her continued survival. Her body just doesn't work anymore. Technically ... she ... isn't that person in the center of this room anymore. She's ..." He struggles to find his words for a minute, "She's pretty much the room itself"
I take a minute to comprehend what that means. I'm inside her. Staring at her bare soul
"Doctor," I inquire, "Could I be left alone with her for a little while?"
He looks right through me and approaches, "Her diet is automated. Don't think you can do any more damage"
He leaves heavyfooted and disgusted at what I did to her. I almost don't blame him
"Hi dear. Can you hear? It's me."
I wait. I get no response.
"I know you may resent, or even fear me. But you're safe now, love. I can do you no harm. Now that I say it out loud I'm even sure that's entirely true. If that's your lungs, then that tube must be intake. So which tube feeds you the oxygen? This one here? Next to my boot?"
Her heart beats visibly faster.
"That's a yes. What happens if I ..."
I lightly squish the thick clear plastic tube with my heel. The rhythm of the machinery is changed, tarnished even.
Her heart beats visibly faster again.
"I like that response. See it could be fear, couldn't it ..."
I press a little deeper
"Your mouth feels dry. Your temples feel tight. Your lungs, your real ones I mean, are burning. It hurts and you're afraid."
I press a little deeper
"Or maybe. Just maybe ..."
I connect my heel all the way to the floor
"It's lust?"
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enbysiriusblack · 23 days
Good Cop/Bad Cop
Lily slammed her hands on the desk, "It is unacceptable to skive off your duties! The next prefect to not show up, I'll deck! Don't think I won't! I'll also rip that badge right off, because clearly you don't deserve it! Now which one of was supposed to be on patrol last night?!"
James started to pass round a plate of biscuits, "We understand if you've got something more important or you just forgot. Don't worry, it happens to everyone, alright? You won't get in trouble for a simple mistake, yeah? We just need to know to make sure everyone's alright and sorted for next week."
"No!" Lily reached over the desk and grabbed the plate of biscuits, "No snacks until we find out who decided to skive off their duty!"
James leaned over and whispered to Lily, "Can we switch yet?"
She nodded.
James instantly grabbed a biscuit and threw it on the ground, "If you don't own up this second then all of you are getting removed as prefects!"
Lily sighed, "Sorry about my partner, you won't all be getting removed. I trust you all greatly, and I'm sure whoever skived had a good excuse."
"We already know who it was!"
"No, we don't."
James nodded, "We do", he slowly walked forwards to one of the ravenclaw prefects in the year below, "You were listed for duty last night... and yet you never showed up! Admit it!"
The prefect leaned backwards, "I- I was there, I swear."
Lily smiled, "Of course you were, we trust you."
James kept his eyes squinted on the prefect as he mouthed, "No we don't."
A student in the back of the room lifted their arm up, "It was me, I was ill."
"Oh", James straightened up, "Well that's fine."
Lily nodded, "Just please tell one of us or get one of your roommates to tell us next time."
"Meeting over."
As the students filed out, James turned around to Lily and leaned over the desk she was sat at.
"I can't believe you told someone else that you'd deck them, thought that was just an us thing."
Lily laughed, "I'm afraid not, I said it to Wilkes just last week."
James grinned, "You ever actually done it?"
"Last week."
"Punching someone is hot, is it?" Lily raised her eyebrows, "I don't think you should be condoning violence as head boy."
"I trust that he deserved it."
"Oh, he did... y'know we're going to have to clean up those biscuits now."
"I'll do it", James shrugged, grabbing his wand out its holster, "I'm brilliant at the sweeping charm."
"Showing off, are you?"
"You know me."
Lily grabbed his tie and pulled him for a quick kiss, "Hot."
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icallhimjoey · 1 year
What would you think would be Joe's reaction when you guys are having an argument and you, right off the bat, list all of your insecurities and say its the perfect excuse for him to break it off with you (I mean if-- dare to dream-- I was in a relationship with him, I would spend every waking day thinking there's someone way better for him)
ew gross, so yes, absolutely, i had to write this (also ive been getting accusations of my readers being too confident, so, i tried my best to make us a little more insecure for this one) (hope you enjoy!) Wordcount: 2.3K
What's Best For Me
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You noticed immediately that his hands had stopped reaching out. No more touches. That's how you knew it was actually serious.
Joe knew exactly how to hurt you the most, and it wasn't by being quiet, by ignoring your words, by refusing to talk... It wasn't the lack of kisses when he'd walk in, or the fact that he had just gone for a shower and locked the actual door (when was the last time you'd locked any doors in this house? Had you ever?).
It was the hand that didn't reach out. The fingers that didn't play.
His fingertips that didn't caress the sliver of skin that your top would expose when you'd reach for something up high in the kitchen.
His hand that didn't curl around your neck, just to hold onto it whilst you watched TV on the sofa together.
Even the open palm that didn't find your arm or your shoulder when you made a comment that would make him laugh.
Joe skillfully moved around you in the bathroom that morning, without a touch. Not even a bump of a hip or a rub of a shoulder. Nothing.
Joe kept his hands to himself, and he had done since he'd gotten home the day before. It pulled and stretched something inside you that wasn't meant to stretch. You could feel it pull tight when he'd walk in, and snap back harshly when he'd walk out. It almost made you hold your breath in his presence, sighing deeply with frustration when you'd be left alone again.
And logically, you understood.
There was a lot going on.
Professionally and privately, there were many balls up in the air and Joe had only just learnt how to juggle and it was all tense. Scary and new. And then, just to add onto everything, Joe'd been advised to really actually stop smoking for real this time because people were asking what brand of cigarettes he smoked, and fucking hell, if there was one thing Joe didn't want to be, it was a bad influence.
You wondered if him being annoyed and irritated could actually mean something sweet.
Like, maybe it was safe enough to be short and snappy with you because Joe knew you'd still be there for him after.
Or maybe it was the fact that you hadn't really asked Joe much about his feelings. His thoughts. The second he grew a little more distant and buried himself in his mind, you'd... kind of done the same. And you reasoned that Joe would come to you once he was ready. But, what if he wouldn't?
"Does this need washing?"
You held up one of Joe's shirts that had been discarded on the one chair in your bedroom.
"No, I..." Joe sighed, closed his eyes in sheer frustration. At least, that's how you read it. "That doesn't fit me anymore,"
You looked at the shirt. It didn't look like Joe didn't fit it anymore, but you weren't going to test him on his word.
"Do you want to get rid of it?"
"No, just - just leave it, I'll get to it later,"
"Joe, I'm trying to make the bedroom look less untidy,"
Maybe that had been the problem. You weren't insanely organised and would let mess build until you'd have a moment of clarity and would want to deep clean the entire place within 4 minutes. Maybe that was what had gotten under Joe's skin, and why he hadn't leant over you to press a kiss onto your forehead yesterday, when you'd been napping on the sofa when he'd walked in.
Joe probably thought you'd been lazy and had left the place too messy.
"One shirt won't make a difference, just leave it on the chair. I need to go through my wardrobe later and it'll just get worse then anyway,"
All right. Fine.
You placed the shirt back where you found it and thought to yourself, maybe that's it. I'm a pushover.
Joe really only had to grumpily say one thing for you to comply. So weak, it was kind of disgusting.
And you didn't really communicate much, ever, did you? Because you didn't know how to express clear thoughts and feelings, so you'd let Joe swim in the dark for ages which, God, must be really fucking annoying.
And you looked around and saw that Joe's shirt was really all that Joe contributed to the mess in your bedroom - the rest of it was all you. Old make-up wipes and cotton buds caked with mascara laid on the side, and there was clothing all over.
You were messy, and closed-off, and an easy pushover. Wow. What a deal Joe got, Jesus Christ.
Catching sight of yourself in the mirror only made things worse.
That was the person Joe was with?
Was he sure?
Of course he wasn't. Had you not been paying attention? You didn't blame him. Look at you.
Best to keep busy. Actually tidy the place. Give Joe one less reason to be mad. Or worse, disappointed.
You flung every piece of clothing from the floor onto the bed where you started sloppily folding and categorising - grouping what needed to be washed, and what you knew had gone straight from the wardrobe to the carpet when you hadn't been able to decide on what to wear earlier.
This was one of those moments where the fix was so easy, and so readily available as well. You just needed Joe to place a warm palm onto your shoulder, or his fingers to squeeze the back of your neck. It would ground you enough, give you something to focus on and calm you right back down. Words wouldn't even be needed at all.
But you weren't getting any of those touches, because Joe was keeping those touches to himself, and as a result, you found yourself holding back a monster sob in the back of your throat that was growing more desperate to escape by the second.
"Hey, I'm going to..." Joe walked in, but stopped.
And you froze, because you knew, one wrong move, and that sob would get out. But you also couldn't hold your breath forever, and Joe saw how tensed you were just from a glance at your back.
"Oh, Jesus, if the shirt is such a problem," Joe started, and it could have been half a joke, but you weren't sure, and it definitely didn't help.
You swallowed thickly with your back towards Joe still, and hoped Joe wouldn't mention any of the insecurities that were swirling around in your brain. Those didn't need to be set in stone right now.
"N-no, it's fine," oh man, you hated how that came out all shaky as you quickly reached for a pair of your joggers and a hoodie that you balled up into your arms. "Maybe, I think, I'll go and stay with my sister for a few ni-"
A soft, warm palm curled fingers around one of your biceps from behind and god fucking damn it, it pulled a wrecked noise from you. Embarrassing.
"I don't– that was a joke," Joe tried, and you could hear a breathy laugh escape him as you quickly brushed away the evidence of tears as if Joe couldn't see you make the actual motions right in front of him before you turned around.
"I know," you smiled, tried to save yourself of whatever this situation was becoming, and tried to sound all chipper as you said, "She, my sister, she asked and, wanted the company, so–"
"No she didn't," Joe scanned your whole being and frowned. He knew you were lying. "What is happening right now?"
"Nothing, I'm just..." you were pathetic. Couldn't even make eye-contact with your boyfriend. "I'm sorry, I'll just, I will get all of my shit out of here and get out of your hair for a minute, I think," you stopped and breathed deeply. Joe tried to find your eyes but you kept them trained at your feet like lasers.
"I think that's what's best, f-for now,"
You tried to step around him, but Joe wouldn't let you and reached with two hands that grabbed you by the shoulders.
"Best?" he started. "Best for who?"
That was when you looked up, and were met with two eyes that looked... a little confused, almost patronisingly so, because you saw that little smile dance behind that exaggerated pout. Like Joe hadn't been avoidant and short-tempered with you.
Oh cool. So you were also delusional and would jump to conclusions. How fun for you.
"It's okay if you don't want me here for a little bit, I don't–"
"Who said... because of a shirt?"
"You locked the bathroom door," you pointed and it made Joe turn his head to where the bathroom door was before turning back to you. Worry etched his forehead deeper now.
"Babe, you're speaking to me in riddles,"
And so you decided that you'd just let him know that you knew.
You knew that he hadn't kissed you when he walked in the day before because obviously you'd let the place slowly turn into a pigsty. You were a lazy piece of shit, you were well aware, but you know, Joe could've just said.
And Joe'd been distant because you hadn't really been there for him, had you? Not emotionally, because, you were awkward and weren't good at communicating when it came to feelings, and Joe was very clearly all up in his feelings, all the negative kinds, and you weren't emotionally mature enough to level with him.
You understood he didn't like you for it. Obviously, you wouldn't like you for it either.
But then he showered with the door locked and he'd never done that before, and he hadn't touched you in over 30 hours - not that you'd been counting, but you had. You had totally been counting, you told him.
And it was different now, because of course you'd gone longer than thirty hours without touching before, but not like this. Not when you were around each other and you could see his hands from the corner of your eye as he fiddled with a loose string on his jeans.
And listen. You could easily go without his kisses for a bit. You didn't mind if you didn't have sex for a while. Hugs even, if Joe didn't want to hug you, that was okay. You would manage. But a simple hand that didn't reach to squeeze your thigh, and didn't cup your face...
Joe tried to stop your rambling, but there were tears now and you kept trying to fold the pieces of clothing in your arms further in on themselves, and listen, Joe, if you wanted to break up, you'd get it.
"Wait, wait, wait, stop. Stop! Look at me,"
At last. Eye-contact. Joe placed his two large palms on the sides of your face, moving your hair backwards a bit as he did.
"What are you on about?"
You just looked at him, eyes all wet, nose all drippy, but so very pleased that you could feel the pressure of his fingertips on your skin.
"Best for me? You think you fucking off to spend some time away from me is what's best for me?"
You kind of did, but, Joe clearly disagreed and it carefully made you question your entire train of thought, even if only for just a second before Joe pulled you in and hugged you tightly. He pressed your face into his chest and held it there in the crook of his elbow.
"I'm sorry, you're right, I've been–"
Joe sighed deeply, and you heard it rumble in his chest. Joe squeezed your side in his hug and it made you twist his T-shirt into your fists as you hugged him back.
"Everything's just... it's all happening at once, and, I can't just go for a quick smoke, and it's all I keep thinking about, I know it's awful, but..." Joe exhaled through a laugh. "I've just been in my head too much, and now I don't fit that stupid fucking shirt anymore because I gained weight, and–"
You squeezed tighter, and loved how there was more to squeeze now, so you were quick to say, "Stop, I love it," all muffled into his T-shirt.
"I know you do, but my wardrobe's not fit for it, is it?"
You pulled back a little, and looked up at him.
"So, we'll go shopping," you offered as a solution.
Joe ducked down for a kiss, pecking you lightly a few times before you said, "Or, for a run," and it made Joe chuckle as he tried to get more kisses out of you before he tightened his arms and hugged again. He nudged and rubbed his head by the side of yours like a cat would and squeezed his fingers into wherever he was touching you.
You had to try your absolute best to keep yourself together. To not melt into a puddle and sink into the carpet. That would only create more mess you'd have to then clean.
"I'm sorry," you said first, but then Joe quickly followed, "No I'm sorry,"
For a minute, you just stood in your messy bedroom and hugged, focussed on each other, focussed on Joe's hands and when you sighed deeply without it hitching in your throat, Joe hummed contently.
"This is helping," he then said, and you let your hands slide down his back to squeeze is bum. "Oh, that helps more, do that again," And it had you giggling, before Joe mused, "What's best for me is you, you idiot."
And you thought that Joe was wrong, but, he was allowed to be wrong. Joe could be wrong forever if it meant that his hands would be on you and you'd get to feel his warmth.
What was best for you was him. Not the other way around. But who were you to tell Joe? He could believe whatever he wanted, and hey, maybe one day, you'd believe it too.
The Taglisted: 
@ghostinthebackofyourhead @dirtyeddietini @jasminearondottir @josephquinned @cancankiki @sidthedollface2 @dylanmunson @munsonsgirl71 @alana4610 @emmamooney @thatonefan-girl @paola-carter @figmentofquinn @haylaansmi @thewondernanazombie @munsonmunster @kellysimagines @mybffjoe @chaoticgood-munson @sherrylyn628 @bdpst-massacre @05secondsofsexgods @lovelyblueness @adoreyouusugar @nadixq @prozacandnicotine @munsonswhore86 @alwayslindie @hauntingbastille @eddie-joe-munson @ali-in-w0nderland @pepperstories @phyllosilicate-s @thebellenouvelle @luvrsbian @joesquinns @choke-me-joey @alizztor @thelostmoonofpooosh @did-it-work @capricornrisingsstuff @quinnsbower @frogers @kennedy-brooke @daleyeahson @eddielives1986 @harringtonfan4 @afashionablesufferer @sadbitchfangirl
(taglist currently full, sorry)
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q-starhalo · 10 months
ALRIGHT ALL YOU BBH ENJOYERS! YOU LITTLE GHOSTIES! Here are some lines from when Bad was expressing his anger with Pomme (who was also upset) that I think are very neat because my gosh were those lines so good.
(I tried to get them exact so apologies if some are long or not actually accurate)
"It also highlights the fact that that son of a gun thought that he could take my son? My son Pomme. From me?"
"Does he think he's going to intimidate me by taking my son? This- If anything, this motivates me even more!"
"The ONLY thing I could say is that he is grateful not a hair on Dappers head looks like it was harmed. Because if his hat had been so much as askew, I would have ended his existence right there."
"Quackity was given Pandoras Box, and he made the mistake of opening it."
"There will be blood, Quackity."
"I'm going to find whoever signed off on this, I'm going to find whoever's remotely responsible. Everybody, every single person who was connected with my sons kidnapping, and I will make them all suffer. Every single one, Pomme. Every single person who is remotely connected. I don't care who it is."
"He better hope I don't win the election. Cause if I win, ohhh. Oh my gosh. If I win. Quackity has no idea what he is just put his foot into."
"He stooped to the level of this. Of laying his grimy little mitts on what should not be touched. You do not touch my son. Nobody touches my children. Nobody."
"I'm going to pay him back for it 100 times over. That's always been my philosophy, Pomme. When someone messes with you, you return the favor 100 times over. And you send the message not to mess with you again."
"I'm pretty easy going Pomme. I'm pretty easy going. I don't hold a grudge. I live and let live. I let people do what they want. But the moment you try and touch what's important to me, you've gone too far."
"He hasn't just angered one of us, he's angered all of us."
"Laying his hands on you adorable little eggs is one step too far."
"And now he just stepped on it. He stepped on a landmine and he doesn't even realize it's about to explode under his feet."
"We need to make a list of every. single. person. Every single person we need to do payback against."
"No mercy, no quarter, no pauses, no timeouts, nothing."
"It's just me, and revenge"
"Every single person who was involved. Every single person. I don't care if it's Cucurucho. I don't care if it's ElQuackity, Quackity. I don't care if the code monster is involved. I genuinely don't. I do not care. Because anybody who is willing to do this, who is willing to threaten my boy. The apple of my eye. [...] Anyone willing to do that, willing to take one of my children from me. And use it as, as what? A threat? Leverage? Anyone willing to do that, I don't care who it is. I don't care how long it takes. I don't care if I- I don't care if it takes 100 years, I will hunt you down. And I will end you. I'll make you regret 1,000 times over what you've done. I will make you regret every single thing you did.
"And when you're on your knees, begging for mercy. When you cry out with that last breath and you say please let the tournament end, I will whisper in your ear "no""
""Why is Bad playing the victim?" I'm sorry. I'm sorry that my child was kidnapped and that inconveniences you and makes me quote on quote play the victim."
"He doesn't realize the storm, it's like a storm in a bottle, and he just like threw the bottle on the ground. And now the storm is out."
"But had Dapper been killed, there wouldn't have been forgiveness in that situation. I mean, I would've forgiven Slime eventually after I'd, you know, killed him a bunch. Maybe, had imprisoned him."
"Sale on Hot Topic items, 50% off with the code "BadBoyHalo""
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